i ‘ ‘Ì ' I _ , w. Scoond Cl»** P®*1* C rV n tfl Established 1 9 0 9 VoL 53 , No. 2 4 East Lansing, Michigan, Tuesday M orning, May 2 , 1 9 6 1 ^ \ , \ 6 Pages____________________________ _ Astronaut Awaits Fi Hecklers Silenced Air Force Has Last Rally Turns Into Forum Test Run Student hecklers w ere tem ­ THE HECKLERS h ad free j Other speakers said they be- porarily silenced Monday after­ play during th e e a rlier p a rt of j lieved Arfierica had m ad e ser- CAPE CANAVERAL (ft — noon as the Young Socialists the discussion, but quieted ious m istakes in h er foreign Ju st 245 m inutes before blast­ M ay D ay rally tu rn ed into a fd o w n as m em bers from th e j policy and had alienated other off for the first U.S. astronaut forum for student opinion. Young Socialists Club and the i countries. " — v - —perhaps to d ay —a red-haired The hour and a half rally cov­ crowd took tu rn s deb atin g ^ H Opponents of Socialism said Air F orce captain with an ered a discussion of the m ean­ The rally began with only a [t^cy do not believe th a t it is aw esom e job tak es his post. ing of May day, the singing of handful of people w atching but j right to tak e goods aw ay from At his rig h t hand a re two pro-Union a n d p r o-Castro gradualy swelled to a crow d of Efopl© w^ ° bave w orked and sw itches, labeled “ a rm ” and songs, and a n open discussion about 300 give them to m en who m ay be w here m em bers of thé crowd lazy. See RELATED story on P ag e 6 R obert Him m el, fo rm er can ­ w ere allowed to voice th eir didate for governor from the A ttacks w ere m ade on th é opinions. _____ pro-C astro views, of H im m el “ d estru c t.” They can te a r a Socialist W orkers P a rty w as a and th e Young Socialists. Him­ rocket out of th e sky. But this spokesman: for the Socialist m el replied th a t m uch of the rocket will be carry in g a m an. cause during m ost of the dis­ inform ation we h e a r about How does Capt. Donald M. Drive Sets cussion. Cuba is distorted by th e press He told the crow d th a t he w as and he claim ed th a t th e U.S. | willing to offer the m icrophone had played a larg e p a rt in th e D avis, ran g e safety officer, feel about his responsibility? National jto anyone who wished to voice invasion of Cuba. ! a dissenting opinion. Several ¡people cam e up to th e m icro- TH E HECKLERS m ade jokes THIS SHOT will be handled m uch like any o th er ro cket or m issile shot, he 'e x p la in s. ! phone to express th eir views during m uch of th e ea rly p a r t 1 Record | and this began a long list of of the rally and ended speakers who spoke both for singing “ God B less A m erica” ! during a pro-Castro song. up by Thanks to th e autom atic escape system in th e rocket, “ I don’t have to w orry about the a stro ­ lan d ag ain st unions, Socialism, n au t.” A total of 2,295 pints of blo o d ; Cuba and U. S. foreigiTpolicy: They quieted down .a fte r th e ( W ERNER VON BRAUN w ere donated in this y ea rs ,v ... . , m icrophone w as throw n open to ! D avis’ job is to m ake sure _ ___ . _ . _ . f , ONE MAN said th a t he does the crow d. S everal m em bers of j the rocket doesn’t stray “ and ROTC Blood D rive. This broke no^ p articu larly believe in So­ th e cro w d adm onished th e beck- j en danger hum an lives on the Missile Specialist all records a t MSU, Jackson cialism but added th a t th ere lers for in terrupting th e rally . prison and in the United a re m an y corrections which States. The hecklers rem ain ed q u iet | could be m ade in A m erica. He during the re m a in d e r of th e | said the discrim ination ag ain st j m eeting, but briefly sta rte d MEDICAL PREPARATION—First Lt. Shirley Sineattr, an Air Force nurse, packages medical instruments Canaveral as she readies nine sueh kits for use at down at Cape ground w ith its tan k s of ex- j plosive Jfuel. If the m issile is over, land, range stations S case of emergency on America’s first th ere would be danger. In Von Braun To Talk “ This drive has beaten all the A m erican N egro is one ex- j again when a few songs w ere Red Cross records in the United am ple . S tates for a five day draw ing _ sung a t (he close of th e rally. manned space Right scheduled for today. (AP Wirephoto.) j this case D avis will throw the j “ d estru c t” switch. The ro c k e t- engine will suddenly cu t off. By BILL SMALL first .successful space flight in a single region,” according | T h ere will be a th ree second State News Science E ditor and recovery of anim al life. to M rs. Idabelle B orgm an, i U. S. Urges Cease-fire j delay while the escape rockets j jerk th e M ercury capsule and - The m an whose n am e is j IT IS E X PEC TED th at the R ed Cross recru itm en t direc- t° r .' j its pilot free of the booster. likely to m ean “ outer space”-; R edstone will be used in to A m ericans will le c tu re on J cam pus T hursday. Dr. W ernher von B raun, who is noted for th e develop­ aut in P ro ject M ercury today. D r. von B raun is currently of The previous 1954. high launching the first U.S. astro ­ been 2,129 set back in the spring n a t The high a t Jackson p ris o n ! MSU had Peace Stalled by Laotian King LThen the booster itself will ! explode in the air. IF THE MISSILE is over w a­ ter, a n d no land a re a was en­ m en t of the 200-mile "Redstone I working on the S aturn, heavy j is 2,046. VIENTIAN E, Laos (4V-King ; nouk of Cam bodia said. The ’ P re m ie r P rin ce Boun Oum. W. H arrim an a n d Sihanouk, dangered. Davis would throw ‘rocket, A m rica’s first larg e ] space rocket with a th ru st of “ This should p resen t quite | Savang V athana cam e o u t ; King w ants L aotians to work Averci! H arrim an , roving U. S. C am bodia’s n eu tralist chief of the ‘a r m ” switch. This would ballistic rocket, and for the j 1.5 m illion pounds to be ready a challenge for future d riv es,” | M onday ag ain st th e g re at pow- j out th eir own problem s. am bassador, t o 1 d re p o rters state stopped a t th is adm inis- j cut of the rocket engine, and Jupiter" IRBM (Interm ediate for its first operational flight said Capt. F ra n k Lion, of th e | e r s settling th e issue of peace A pparently the king took th e j Bonn O uln’s governm ent still tra tiv e capital a f te r two days j instantaneously t h e escape R ange Ballistic M issile) will j in 1964. M ilitary Science D ept. in Laos a t a conference in Ge^4 stan d ag ain st his own pro- favors th e 14-nation conference of talk s in the royal cap ital of | rockets would puli the capsule lap p ea r before th ree groups j The space scientist is a re ­ -neva, P rin ce Norodom Siha-1 W estern governm ent headed by plan a fte r a, cease-fire. - Luang P ra b a n g with Laotian | aw ay from the booster to T hursday. cipient- of the D istinguished LARRY W ALKER, cad et officials. _ ! safety. The rocket would fall “ Why Must We Conquer! F ederal Civilian Award, p re­ ch airm an for this y e a rs blood HARRIMAN d eclared t h e harm lessly into the sea. S pace?” will be the question sented to him by form er P re s ­ drive, said he w ished to give United States is doing every- j Davis is at the bottom of a answ ered by the fam ous sci-j ident Dwight D. Eisenhow er. special thanks to Tom Johnson thing possible to prom ote th e j^ unnej 0f inform ation on the en tist a t the Lecture-Concert of the C oral G ables, C am pbell’s cease-fire between governm ent j r0c k e t’s take-off. Others at series presentation beginning j Suburban shop, Lathrop P u re and pro-Com m unist r e b e 1; plotting boards report the a t 8:15 p.m. in the Aud. His | Oil, F lash C leaners and Van forces and pledged anew the roek e t’s progress to him. lecture will clim ax the 1960- 61 series season. -j Bodias D ervoorts for th e ir trophy contributions and to the P an- Hellenic an d In ter-fratern ity support of th e U nited States for the governm ent of Boun Oum. ! 0 « ™an s‘ands - Som berly, he said any delay h*cle vvires n ear _ _■ , , , .. H E WILL speak to an o p e n : councils for th eir e x tra help. in a cease-fire “ is squarely up site using them as a reference sem in ar for m echanical engin- j eers a t 4 p.m . 31 Union building,, on the “ Technical | O f Girls F u rth e r pints of blood will be added to this to tal as the to Soviet P re m ie r K hrushchev to see the ro cket’s altitude. To and he m ust b ear responsibil- j Davis, h e -re p o rts . „ - football te a m pledged, - in ity for it. 1 ‘‘The rocket is clim bing the Aspects o fth e S aturn B ooster.” j Von B raun will also speak a t ; a faculty m en’s luncheon Found m asse, 37 pints which they will donate a fte r the Old T im ers E a rlie r, Sihanouk also spoke | wire. It is red on the wire but to rep o rters and told them the j it looks good. The rocket is gam e. I Laotian king .opposed the 14-1now green on the w ire.’ T hursday noon.. HOLLAND, Mich, (ft —Police n a tio n p a rte y . S i ^ n o u k o r i g i - i ELSEW H ER E the reports Born in Wirsitz in E a ste rn intensified th eir hunt lor a 16- . _Zeta B eta T au won the plaque nally had proposed- it and the t ■ , f ■ trouble , £ L n G erm any in 1912, Dr. von year-old “ crack shot” after the in " th e fra te rn ity division with P h i Sigm a K appa and D elta j C om m unists then insisted it re a 10r lrouDte> green B raun w as granted the doc­ bodies of two m issing school­ m ust be a condition for a i _ to ral degree in physics by the girls w ere found under a m an­ Upsilon close behind.. All th ree cease-fire— - T here is another safety fac- U niversity of B erlin when he tle of leaves n ea r h ere Monday. had 100 p er cent participation. Sihanouk said the K i n g ¡to" the coming astronaut w as 22 y ea rs old. Carol Gee, 11. and M argaret WEST SHAW was first for stressed th a t the factions in ! s h o t Its shooting a re a is wider, He w orkedjm rockets for the C ham bers, 12, had been shot the m en ’s dorm s with 36.6 per Laos now fighting th eir civil Land so th ere is m ore tim e for G erm an governm ent -d u r in g several tim es each with a cent. B utterfield w as second w ar m ust be allowed to reach ; the m issile to correct devia- W orld W ar II and as technical sm all caliber rifle. Their bodies w ith 34.4 and E m m ons nosed th eir own solutions without il- >tions in its_ flight before the director of the Peenem uende w ere found in a wooded ravine out E a st Shaw 33.6 to 32.5. legal foreign influence. | safety officer would have to rocket center, he was respons­ in a dune a re a a q u a rte r of a :________ destroy it. Women’s dorm competition- - ible for the developm ent of the mile from Lake M ichigan after — } The rocket could deviate, for was close with North Campbell fam ous V-2 long range rocket, j a search th at began Saturday rrro fifi in stan ce- five degrees to the emerging the victor with a . ,, ,; when the girls disappeared total of 10.3 per cent partici­ \j" U ^ I v / I V » ; rig h t and as m any as 60 de- IN THE closing months of whlle piekm gw ildflow eV T ^ w a rra n t has been sworn pation. West Mayo was second ¥ T ^ ¥ /" ¥ 1 ¥ 1 * 1 1 ¡8rees f° the left before it be- l6 v. WWW n eer IV in 1959). These rockets j thigh. came in a close second Each when Tower Guard and Mortar l portant to today’s society throughout the year, lation which has been passed fff ff w ere also used in the W est’s j The bodies w ere found about had over 100 per cent Motts >®oard chose them for members j Last year s members of Tow- The honored coeds were call* that gives me greater satis i 15 m inutes a fte r the search re­ house was third with 40 ner at the annual May Morning ¡er Guard and Mortar Board ed forward by their “ big sis- faction to sign,” Kennedy said. . / I sum ed Monday morning within cent ¡Sing at Beaumont Tower. took their places on each side o f’tars'" for the tapping out cere- at a White House ceremony i m V C J tJ € T lS Gambte Tapped a half mile of their homes. Up cent . . Dr. William E. Sweetland, as- the Tower terrace. The respec- ; mom attended by more than a score m 4^ j | to 700 police officers-and towns- In the final outcome ti* sociate professor oFhumanities tive presidents of the organize- i Following the singing of of congressmen and Secretary Season coupons are now be­ o y Towerl O W C r uGuardU a rtl people participated in the two- the Army gave more blood and m aster of ceremonies, sum­ tions then spoke briefly' to the j “M.S.U. Shadows” by the of Commerce Luther H. Hod­ ing exchanged at the Fairchild ! day hunt for the girls. than the Air Force by a ra­ marized the importance of the group. 7. Aspect 480W« lieved that sweating universal ' 1 U3flk kWd) disclosures this year of faulty 3. W estern ILI 1 1 ì k u r OMSIMCHCf I TWATTH6 5TAI? I SEE ttjLL ìt v to ^ H E S T W F - A A U tiA ft BE THERE, A N D U LL... up a n o election procedures found in many election jurisdictions in 18 Tallow 4481.:VmMoUo I 16*1*2 - pwsdaf education and achieving uni­ versal literacy would stimulate b e t omdram.S w«» b*.- ;3 b ? J K i s . 181 48Ufraor f CAspSraW 17. Bunting popular interest in the arts and Michigan,” Hare said. — ».Look 8 So. A w . i 4: ?a * see Most errors found were the Intontir 33. Categories . •8 h n d w t W . African pleat euttor 18 R un off to 8 Public create a new elevated mass culture. “I SUSPECT THAT not all' tore to “let people take the roughage. Let children read • ‘ t ' • result of misinterpretation of ta tty - “It hasn’t turned out that of Shakespeare had them roll-,! what they choose. Put every- the voting laws due to vague­ 37. Spoor •L I way,” D. W, Brogan, distin­ tng hi the aisles "even then,” ’thing on the shelves and let ness rather than fraud, Hare 18 W ork put M.Snnulo 7. YewandX 31. blight flavor guished visiting professor of Brogan added. ! them decide " g 38. Result 8D n ' s said. 38 Mold l.Dlaoara tflUB 31 »ey farther history, told a dinner meeting A point too often overlooked.! “Many works of popular art S 3 of the' Friends of the Library he said, is that most of the are banal or worse than banal, The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Em- Sl.Coet. - lim ai M.OeddoM«t 38 tupptlM rich, Bishop of the Episcopal infatuatiw tal ss at Kellogg Center. elaborate works of art now ’ bat some are good.” he said, Diocese of Michigan, a n d -s (Up “There seems to be a good most highlly valued were pro- Those that communicate some- chalr-man of the committee, 38 Badaste deal of disillusionment with duced by the talented few for thing meaningful will survive. v\ - said the committee’s purposes 18 Inflamed mass culture. It was assumed the aristocratic few—the kings Two major fallacies' are the are to determine how elections that if one could remove the ob­ and princes and other men «' belief that all good art must be v . are being run, bow they should 37. f * . riv e r stacles, mainly economic, to leisure, sophistication and in­ of the past, and the opposite ä _ * • be run by law, and to make 30. Incur appreciation of the arts, most telligence. view that the best is necessar­ jIB— i recommendations to the legis­ 91. Kxpraasion persons would choose the best, _ “Most that we treasure has a ily contemporary, Brogan said. iB S B lature to close the gap. of reproach raising the whole level of na­ strong aristocratic bias,” he Worshipping the antique in K Pair of tional culture,” he said. said. “The Bible itself is full art is just as bid as “welcom­ SEES A STATE-WIDE survey, large adeem of the sins and virtues of ing every new trend as the started several months ago to 9 8 F a tty fr u it IN SPITE OF the money and voice of the future or abandon­ discover problem areas and in­ 37. L aagulahee effort put into popular educa­ kings.” Sm Sm 38. Gear tooth tion, in most advanced western “We should not despair that ing anything more than 10 vestigate complaints received 4 Q , Expensive the average man does not years old." he said. by the secretary of state’s of­ 41. Honey- societies ‘‘taste is not appre­ BROGAN SAID a major ob­ crave culture and refinement CAMPUS Cl A S S M E D S fice, has covered mostly north' ern rural areas to date. Hare making inaact ciably higher than ago, and perhaps is even a lit­ a decade ligation of the foundation and the university today is “giving DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Tues., said. - 41 Juris- tle lower,” he said. " prudence Brogan, who is professor of opportunity to the boy or girl Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Editions. Dead­ line for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. “By fall,” he said, “a sub­ stantial sampling of rural and 41. Brazilian coin political science at Britain’s C. J. Davis 1 : of that real genius that can be trained but not created." Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 urban areas will be available 44. Split Cambridge University, cited and recommendations could al­ so be made to delegate at the 45. Click beetle ♦CSwme pen the care and planning went into promoting intellec­ that Candidate ~ that "This involves recognizing the highest art is produced 41. Father tual radio and TV broadcasting by a very small minority for a u t o m o t iv e PER SO N A L Constitutional Convention, be­ ginning Oct. 3.“ ;in Britain. I “In spite-of aH that, ‘I Love To Con Con a somewhat larger minority. A culture can be judged by how 19» CHEVROLET, 2 DOOR. V-8. i p.m. Saturday " m o v ie . STUDENT PR IN Cl!. $:bo followed by reEular The survey team has found Lucy’ is still the top show go­ Charles J. Davis, farmer and much this we permeates the p ow er Elide, redio, h e a te r, w hite- I dance a t 9:30 p.m. St. J o h n s Student ”a lack of understanding due to w .n * food fi0LBrand Can- My manual dexterity ii so poor, in fact, that I can't trai Station, New York 17, N. Y. Myen don't. IB print them a t th e C ard Shop. Across from H om t Ec. Building. ED 3-0783. TRAILERS 48 EXPERT THESES and te n e ra l ty p ­ information oil all officer pro­ ing. electric typew riter. 17 • years grams, general line, engineer­ experience, one block irom Brody. ing, s u p p l y , law specialist, Players even gat a Lucky pack open. What can I do? Fingers yotir letter wRheot the fiM fe I “altion. TRA ALMA conditio ILER f T Air-conditioned T t o ’teil. ED 2-88*4 o r ED M W . 8W1- 8’ eood ED 3-5545. Priced LEARN TO FLY. Spring la here, cal. tf medical, dental and theologi­ To Perform DEARPtIWERS: limply strap ordinary sewing needles along both ef your Index fingers. New cup the Lucky bne._________ ;__________« this exciting yet relaxing sport Drive Processing time for applica­ The stage’ of West Junior now’s a good tim e to sta rt en te rin g 1988 AMERICAN 45x8' excellent out for a free dem onstration ride. 3 pack in your hands, grasp the HMte rod tab In your condition, w ith air condition. M int and 4 place rentals. Reasonable rates. tions is approximately three High School’win be the scene teeth, and yank. Next, place the pack on a fint surface mU. CaU ED S-CT8T. tt ED 8-0224. Sheren Aviation. N —- orth A bbot Road. tf months. Selected candidates of some lively music, dancin,; and secure R between two unabridged dictionaries. Dear Dr. Freed: Don’t you think it’s wrong for a boy will report to Newport, Rhode and acting when the Lansin and girl to marry while they're still in school? FORRENT TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone num ber, ED 2-8384. Electric type­ Island, fo ra 16-week course of Civic Players present the mu Then, wHh the right-hand needle, carefully, carefully w riter. T erm papers and th e n » , also Indoctrination, commissioning steal comedy hit, “Damn Yank' carves one inch aquara opening at the top right-hand Soe. Mmjmr FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE: 3 general typing. tf and assignment. ‘ oorra _plus atudy ; I'.S bedrooma Ilkl batha. hatha, from ees,” May 10, 11, 12 and 13 com«. Finally, place the points ef the needles firmly DEAR SOC.: Yes. they should Jura u to % S. Haalett. CaU WONCH DUPLICATING - moved 8:30 p.m. against the sides of « Lucky and Rft. That’s all there at least wait until recess. FE 9-8147. 37 to 1780 E. Michigan. Lansing. Thesis typing and duplicating. LUMraetUM a rt. typesetting. Call 482- Such songs as “Yon Gotta la to R. A word ef warning though: Try to bo careful APARTMENTS tf Have Heart,” “Two Lori when shaking handa. A T tu A C flv E 3 reoMS w ith ■tile bath. U iu uniisM * s« fu2 retri*« rator a n d stove. Adulta. Cleee to a w TYPING. In my home, by secre ta ry w ith 10 years' experience. TU 1-4788. Campus Souls.” “What Lola Wants, and many others spariu this ED t-W M . ¿hr- ' entertaining musterl TH f HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL, says Dr. Frood. Or, more exactly, on the apartirai U N Of L- TRAN SPO RTATIO N N otes Tickets are available by cal­ ling the Lanring Civic Players, blackboard. It's appearing on college blackboards everywhere: “College students tng. Men River, aall s ti r a r __________________ Thursday. WANTED • R U » TO N Y. City. Alpha Phi Sigma, Polk» at the Paramount Newsshop. smoke more Luckies than any other regular.” Why i» this statement showing up on May 4. Call G ary. A810 . honorary, will meet or the F. N. Arbeugh co. maw college blackboards? Because I am paying agents to put it there. For you must * FURNISHED THESE BOOMS, p ri­ R ather ttaU. 34 v ate bath. Approved, unsuoerviaed. WANTED: HIDE TO N.Y. City Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in 31 1Boor box office remember that Luckies are the cigarette with teste—the emphatic toasted taste. Try One ^ h lld welcome. UttUttea Jagvtng Friday, May 8; early morn' Union Building to elect officers a peck of Luckies today. to*. Can Dick. KD 3-380». for 1961-62. WANTED: MALE GRAD student N ig h t S ta ff t o ' share m us off-campus bow in g , i t it it lappraved ) for T t - '82 school year. CaU t - W Bailey. 38 W A N TED Officers of the Veterans Assistant news edit«, Jay TO RBfT 1 to 3 bedroom house in Assn. will be elected Tuesday j Blissick: copy editors, Jim CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a changeI APPROVED 2-MAN. MARRIED East Laming o r east side Lahatng couple, reaervatlon sum mer, fall, p ri­ Full basement, central heat, garage, at 7:30 p.m. in the Tower RommjAeais, Anne May«, Norma 6 «,r.n. Product sf —Sidsmm « mr miiiL m m vate. fufni-hi-d j room«, bath, p ark ­ reasonable rent. Basporalbie couple. of the Union. te«. n r 1-ism. m ED 3-3225. —■ 34 [ Rutkoskey, linda Lottridge. Mí Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday Morning, May 2 , 1961 4 Worth $221,304 Seniors of the Week Dr. Schnur Sharon Coady Information Gives Talk Elected Head H om e E e and M athem atics ors B o a rd Accepts Black aid Bridle - 7:30 pm., C110 Anthony. A w arded Campus P ositions On Research Of MCPA Christian Science Organization Dr. Alfred C. Schnur, profes­ Sharon Coady, State News managing editor and Cedar G ra n ts , G ifts — 7:30 p.m. 34 Union. sor of police administration and Springs junior, was elected Senior of the Week honors go public safety, presented a pa­ president of the Michigan Col­ Promenade» Executive Beard to Pat Day, a home economics — 7 p.m.. Faculty Lounge, major from Saginaw, and per at a joint meeting of the legiate Press Assn. at its con­ Bryce Plapp, math and phy­ Midwest Sociological Society ference at Central Michigan Women’s IM. and the American Society of University. Mt. Pleasant. Over Gifts and {grants of $221,- i tribution formulas-and an an- AWS ACTIVITIES BOARD — Pat was a member of Frosh- sics major from DeKalb, 111. Criminology in Omaha Friday. the weekend. 304 69 were accepted Thursday | alysis of projected revenue 7 p.m., 328 Student Services. Soph Council and treasurer of An authority in the field of MSU was picked by the dele­ by the board of trustees. needs. Chib —6:30 p.m., Busi­ her freshman class. She was correction and correctional ed­ gates from s&me 20 Michigan Included was a S50JWO grant A study, aimed at revealing ness meeting, 7:30 p.m., reg­ president of East Yakeley and ucation, Schnur’s paper con­ college newspapers and year­ from the Resources for the [the geological structure of ular meeting. a member of Presidents’ Coun­ cerns “Correctional Research: books as the site for the 1962 Future, Inc., Washington D.C., [Michigan under the glacial Greek Week Dance Committee cil. A Review and Critique.” association conference. for a study of a b’oad indus­ | crust that covers the state. —4 p.m., Oak room, Union. She has been a member of i Schnur has written for nu­ trial sector of the United Spartan Round Table and J- merous national publications States which is heavily con­ | will be continued with the aid Council. While serving on J- i the correctional field. ' centrated in the Great Lakes !of a $10,640.38 grant from the Council she was «►chairman of the committee that initiated Horticulturist and Middle Atlantic regions. McClure Oil Company of Al- The research will be con­ Ima. Young the Campus United Nations. ducted by Dr. Harold H. Wein Dr. William J. Hinze, assist- in the graduate school of busi­ | ant professor of geology, is To Hear - Other activities include Greek Week community project and Delta Chi’s From Italy Meet at MSU Studying Here ness administration. secretary of her sorority, K^p- i directing the research, which is pa Alpha Theta. THE SECTOR involved-is iexpecied to be useful in de- termed the “Metals Complex” l ter mining the location of oil FAlv Peterson Last summer she toured Europe as part of the Wayne An Italian horticulturalist is The annual Delta Chi region studying radio-active isotope and includes the'prir..ary met­ 1deposits. The funds will enable Elly Peterson, vice chairman She State University study group. als producing industries, such IDr. Hinze to tie together geo- j of the Michigan Republican worked the three previous j six conference will be held work on fruits to apply .in as iron and steel, and the ma­ !physical measurements made party, will speak to Young Re- summers working as a wait-' Saturday at the Michigan Italian grape growing jor manufacturing industries j last year and to make the new I publicans Tuesday at 8:30 p.m‘ ress, chorographer and hostess State chapter of Delta Chi on the steamship South Ameri­ fraternity, according to Char- Mr. Italo Eynard, member of which elaborate the basic met­ I ones this year. in 35 Union. lés Kiene, chairman. the staff of the University of als into various products. can oil the Great Lakes and Turin, Italy, is spending six I The board also accepted 31 George Van Peursem, state The convention, a round- ( months here under Dr. John The study wili provide in­ j grants totalling $13,010.01 to chairman, who was originally St.After Lawerence Seaway. June graduation she robin meeting, is held every j Bukovae, department of horti­ formation on which short and be used for scholarship and scheduled to speak will be at­ plans to attend graduate school year to discuss fraternity culture. in order to gain know­ long term economic develop­ i loan fund purposes. These in- tending a Detroit Go-Party. He in home economics and commu­ problems throughout the re­ ledge of techniques for better­ ments can be projected both ’eluded $1,129 for MSUO. has been rescheduled to speak nications. gion. in and out of the region. here May 23. Bryce is a member of Honors ing fruit crops. „ ""Also accepted by the board ! Mrs. Peterson became a College and Excalibur, senior Meetings of various groups Grapes and wine are an im­ was a $40,000 grant from the Young Republican at the age of men’s honorary. He is also a Vwill be held all day with portant industry iir Italy and breaks for lunch and supper Eynard is trying to improve Mathematical Association of America to be used under the jKAM Meets 2Uwhile attending the Suburban member of Blue Key and Tau Business college in Oak Park, Sigma honorary_He was presi­ at the Albert Pick motel. the products. direction of Dr. Robert J. 111. ~ dent of Green Helmet and held Chapters attending the con­ He and his fanruly expect to Wisner in the mathematics de­ partment at MSUO. Wednesday Since then she has been an membership in Phi Eta Sigma. active member of the Eaton Bryce was 1959-60 vice-presi­ ference will -be from Michigan. return to Italy in August, after Wayne State,—Western Mich­ having completed his period The funds are for him to es­ i Kappa Alpha Mu, photo-jour- County Republican Women’s dent and speaker of student igan, Ohio State d Miami. of study. — tablish and operate an office l nalism honorary, will hold rush club and the Ingham County cdngress and was administra­ as executive director of the j Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in 206 Republican Business Women’s tive vice president this year. association’s committee on Un­ Journalism building. club. __ He has served on the Facility- j dergraduate P r o g r a m s in The goal of KAM is to raise Mrs. Peterson has Served for Student Committee on Student; Mathematics. MICHIGAN’S highway fiscal photo-journalism. three and one-half years as aid I the quality and standards of to Larry Lindemer and Ella Affairs and the Honors College ! ■- — Koeze. past state chairman and Advisory Board.' A holder of an Alumni Dis­ BRYCE PLAPP and PAT DAY 2 f o r 1 PIZZA SALE 2 PIZZAS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 tax structure will be studied To accomplish this goal KAM vice chairman. under a $26,259 grant from the plans to have workshop and tinguished scholarship, Bryce has received a $2,443 tax-free j I Six Students Honored Michigan State Highway De­ picture shooting sessions, crit­ VARSITY DRIVE-IN traineeship from the University t partment. The project will be iques and professional guest of California at Berkeley to ' Six State students are new in­ Collins, Lansing junior; Gary directed by J. Garl McMon- speakers. agle, assistant director of the To pledge KAM a photogra­ Honorary study biochemistry this fall. itiates in Alpha Chi Sigma, na­ Sommer, New York, N.Yt* Bryce has done several stud­ tional professional chemistry freshman; Kenneth Holtan, Ink­ Highway Traffic Safety Center. pher must be at least a sopho­ ies under aid form the National fraternity. ster freshman; Barry Tisdale, OFFER GOOD 5 - 8 P.M. The study-will include a re­ more and have a 2.0 all-univer­ To Present Science Foundation. They are William Brindle, Grosse Point freshman and ED 2-6517 view of existing revenue dis- sity average. Other activities include Spar­ Findlay, Ohio, junior; Warde Stephen Klausmer, Rego Park, Style Show _ tan Roundtable and being vice president of Sigma Alpha-Ep- N.Y., freshman. ~ Young Dems GL ADM ER — - TODAY LAST TIMES AT 1:00-3:35-6:20-9:18. Uniforms for professional silon social fraternity. women will be modeled tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 146 Giltner Hall, according to Louise Brocklass, president of Alpha Delta Theta. W anted. . . Pick Cutcher _Alan D. Cutcher, Port Huron THAT FABULOUS STAR-FILLED FUN SHOW! C A N T IN F L A S ^ “ P E P E ” Alpha Delta Theta, medical technologists honorary, is Suggestions sophomore, was elected chair­ man of the Young Democrats sponsoring the style show. 15 A suggestion Box hasr been of the Greater Michigan Divi­ COOL CONFIDENCE to 20 styles will be shown. placed at the Union Board desk sion at a convention here last IN COLOR WITfTDAN DAILEY • SHIRLEY JONES The show is open to the pub­ on the first floor concourse to weekend. ~ a n d líg h fw efg ltt lic and admission is 75 cents. handle ideas, suggestions and Clubs represented were: Door prizes will be given and questions concerning the Union. j Greater Grand Rapids, Central • START’S W ED N ESD A Y • refreshments will follow the -Students with questions are [ Thumb. Kent County, Jackson, su m m e r com fort show. asked to include their name and Calhoun County, Greater Lan­ ' 1 7W£ h a p p y h a p p e m n ò s w h ë n r o u á phone numbers so the board sing. Livingston County, Flint may contact them. and Midland. — oro yours fo r 5&0G G LE N N FO R D Utt Com*Star at "Teanouii at tat Aufuit Mear* Dr. G. Carter % AOCS to Show Film -th e air-cooled comfort m m ffm ú £ A 8 iíS H A H ó tí^ í To Speak on- ‘Operation ‘Abolition’ of our shape-sustaining, DONALD O’CONNOR Africa Politics The controversial film, “Op-1 to sign up for the group’s tal­ wrinkle-resistant suits Dr. Gwendolen Carter of eration Abolition,” will be ent show at the meeting. _ Smith-college will speak on shown by the Association of CRV POR P /W V “Africa and World Politics” today at 8 p.m. in the Music Off-Campus students Wednes­ day at 7:30 p.m. in the Tower Room of the Union. — Program Info. IV 2-3905 of dacron polyester L OWEIMSOOPE—EASimmC O L P I tm« a _ I . Auditorium. Dr. Carter is an Internation­ The meeting is open to all MICHIGAN î H1;AYF*Y PHONT IV LÎTÍt an d w onted, that ¡513SHIKTA^i MIMO TAKA «o MIY0SHIUMEXTV RMNGBRECHER*«■*«•§■«mimmmotu ally known authority on Africa and hag written many books on MSU students and-faculty. Michigan Farm Bureau rep­ N O W ! NO IN ADVANCE PRICES wonderful fabric blend bmm* GEORGEMARSHALL world politics. _■ resentatives will lead a dis­ Dr. Carter’s appearance Is cussion period and a question »rows 1-3-5-7-9:10 sponsored by the African Lan­ and answer session will fol­ Featare 1:20 • 3:20- that travels from guage and Area center and the low. 5:20-7:30-9:35 department of political science. AOCS members will be able important business K M L A ST -2 DAYS. LUCON IAST iAMSINO ».tHOMI IP. J W jj =rraarv , ■ Thrill Hits FKOGBAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5*17 * THAT appointments to social SHAGGY, Hit No. 1 Shown 2 :1 0 -4 :5 0 * 7 :4 0 .1 0 :2 0 * I I Ih * , DOG* engagements in perfect B e W A R e o f t h e S T A F te ] E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED.2- 2 8 1 4 i GUY „ \ INVENTS form. Select yours What demonic force lUrks behind these eyes?•: HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS A NEW EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWNING FORMULA from our collection of GEORGE SAMKRS BARBARA SHELLEY,, FIRST SHOW 7 P3L — ADULTS 90c FOR FUN! s1 s natural shoulders o r I IM x  â E W FEATURE AT 7:35 . 9:45 A LYRICAL FILM OF BITTERSWEET conventional models in 2nd Science Fiction Thriller ENCOUNTER — LOVE — ROMANCE itotlKnvk Shown 1:00 • 3:40 • 6:25 - 9:10 charcoal, olive, block, “THE INCREDIBLE PETRIFIED. WORLD” ^ O tn fro f t t e l t a u r t i B e s t V * " N * a % ■ » «nrot ■ » n h W / brown or greyusolids. STARTIN G T H U R SD A Y t ftp— i hornInrtWS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Mhncmm* 6 introduces checks a n d plaids. Elizabeth Taylor in •dtoador of gnu* and Ino youngado* of 2 of her Greatest Triumphs! Don’t miss this Outstanding Show! Some women never give • name. wfte m± mwm ju#t • phone number!_ Tim Wm W K n ii i■ á^top-grede ÍWiiN J ¿tiJ P ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY B a lla d ~ 21S Abbott Rd. East Lansing EDHEHSHBt 2 GREAT ATTRACTIONS S o ld ie r ADDED---- Saga of Wind Wagon Smith Jtt ttN S tS S í'e WU'ÚÁWS''-* vvn !t» r-mZE-Viti- S ' w -TMÍ. .SCRfÍN” : NEXT! C A T O N A H O T T IN R O O F EXTRA “A BOWL OF CHERRIES’ r ELIZABETH TAYLOR PAUL NEWMAN BURI IVES PAT BOONE FRI. — TERRY THOMAS IN MAKE MINE MINK ALL HANDS ON DECK Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS. Tuesday Morning, May 2 , 1961 T em p le P a y in g O ff Tennis , Tra ck Am o n g Fa c u lty , Students F o o tb a ll Opponents IM Sports Scheduled B u t N o t F o r L an e NEW YORK UR—One of the numerous transactions male by Freak Lana while ha was Cleveland's General Manager D u rin g H a lftim e o f O ld tim e r s ’ G a m e Dormitory track managers will meet in room 108, Intra­ mural Building i t • p.m. to­ Vets It vs. S. Phi Dett., 3 * 4 ; is starting to pay off for the Bower vs. Phi Alpha, 0 * ftj Indians. Johnny Temple is de­ Howland vs. Motts. ? * S. livering the dividends. Wednesday, 0-Vats I vs Tha Temple, who Mt n mere night. The managers can check Spares, alleys 3 * 4; T. Chi vs. CM in Ms first season at [Jack Breslin. Board of Trust­ The squad will meet in thoir+ tha information sheet sent to Evans Sch.. ft * 0; The Splits Cleveland in MftO, currently Can ‘Brains ees secretary; Jack Kinney, IPlacement Director; Rex Car* second practice this afternoon' at S p.m. at the Secret Prac­ all dormitory graduate advis­ ers last week for specific infor­ vs. Asher, ? * ft. "In other words, they don’t loads the majors in batting | row. Anatomy instructor; Wa­ tice field and scrimmage a mation. with a .430 average. He has And Maturity’ yne Tinkle, Education Director group from the Brody dorm­ itories. Fraternity Tea* Tennis — didn't see me counted out. They Mt Squash safely in all if Cleveland games. Men's Residence halls; Jack Doubles J. Deadline for second round of Ironically, Gabo Paul, who Beat Youth? Shingleton, assistant director, Placement Bureau; and Don Hie pre-CMd Timers game workouts will he held in secret Tuesday, S;30 — Sigma Phi SnnUoa vi. Delta UpsUon, open squash tournament, ft moved p.m. Nordwat vs. Prosser; while General Manager at Cin-" Temple to Cleveland By BEN BURNS Mason assistant Director, Al- and are closed to the public. court Bt: ARPt vs. Bata Theta | umni Relations. The starting sevan hasn’t Stewart vs. Hekhuis; Smith vs. clnneti, now holds tha same State News Sports Editor ! TheTacufty squad held their been designated as yet and the Pi, B3; ra t K lim Si vs. Phi Friedrich. "j A Student-Faculty Touch !first practice last week and squad is still mulling over the Datta Theta, B3; Delta Sigma Dormitory team tennis com­ position succeeded with the Indians. He Lane last weak. football game will highlight the. had an intra-squad scrimmage possibility Of using a two Phi vs. EBT, B4; ATO vi. Ditta petition scheduled for tonight CM, BS; Phi Mama Kappa vs. has been, cancelled because of half time activities of the Fifth and developed plays, accord platoon system of play. Sigma Nu, BS; AGR vs. Lamb­ tha track and field meet. Gene Hunt, Michigan State Annual Oldtimerk football ing,to faculty star Jack Kin­ The student roster will In­ da Chi, Bt. There will be no Independent golfer from Flint, was tha state game, May 13. ney^ MSU’s first baseball All- clude five representatives from team tennis due to Insufficient amateur runner-up and state The faculty squad will be American. Sigma Nu, Bryan Hall. Lam­ Frateraity Team Tennis «dry. publtnx champion in I860. made up of prominent profes­ The faculty backfield seems bda Chi Alpha and Butterfield (Singles) ^ sors and faculty representa­ to be shaping up as Tinkle, a Hail. The student coach is tives, who are former sports star in several sports from Ben Bolt. stars either at MSU or else­ 1843-30; Anderson, Fossom, Sigma Nu players are Don Q0ML M ILES ’ Carrow, another Spartan base­ vs. AGR, D6 ; Datta Tau Delta ILFORNO where. Schultz, John Weber, Ron Members of the squad will ball star; and Don Mason, a Basham, Al Neumann and Bill vs. Delta CM, D7; PM Dolts vs. include: Forddy Anderson. football All-American in 1950 Wallace. Thé representatives Dft; Datta Head Basketball Coach. Amo have been handling the ball from Bryan Hall are: Chet Theta Pi, Bessone, head hockey Coach. well. Mowrey, Dave Reynolds, Jack NU, DIO. Bruce Fossom, assistant bas­ Kinney said. ‘iThe -faculty Neesley, Bob Reason and Lynn Tuesday, 8—Dormitory Track • • RESTA U R A N T • • ketball Coach; Roy Niemeyer, is real interested in this game Jacobs. and Field Meet begins at the ‘the name that made P ÌM A f amove in Lantinf' asst. prof. HPR and William and are determined to win it.” The players from Butterfield Ralph Young Track Field. NOW OPEN DAILY AT lTX ftl. Beardsley, Athletic Ticket We’ll rely on our brains Manager. and maturity to-out-think out­ Hall include Lee Britton, Steve Paddleball Singles Tournameni- Others are the new Dean fox and outsmart them as op- Young, Tom Huckle, Joe Ber- FORDDY ANDERSON «ad AMO BESSONE are two of tira Semi-Finals of Studentsv-Jack Fuzak; Rob-¡posed to their youth and, in­ gaila and Jim Curth. Lambda members of the Faculty squad who will play the stadeats Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. —Claude F o r S o m e th in g R e a lly D if f e r e n t—T r y Our ert Sweet AFROTC Captain; Iexperience.” Chi squad members are Coach during kalftime ef Urn OMtimer’s Game. Wm they atfltee Fournal vs. Frank Pudlo, court Ben Bolt, Gary Ruthrop, Jeff the press, fast break or tone? Or will they perform the “hat 1; Jerry Kossoff vs. winner ef Buck, Al Swinehart and Tom trick?" _ Heron*Abry Match. B A R -B -Q -R IB S Teetort. Softball B y W o m e n ’ s T e n n is T e a m Tuesday, 6 — open softball * P H O N E ED 7 -1 3 1 1 * ‘Long Count’ league on Old College field. Alcoholics Anonymous vs. No C O M PL ET E T A K E O U T SERV ICE Good Break It W as P redestination! Stars, field 11; Kellogg FlaUes vs. Research Lab, field 2. 6 30 — Uncle Al's Boys vs. For Dempsey ¡Calvin C ollege B eaten Luth«, field 1; A.K. Psi vs. Sweatsox, field 2; Ag. Econ. vs. Vets I, field 3; Downers vs. WASHINGTON—lift — Jack Michigan State Women’s feated Rose Dozema of Cai- Owons Grads, fiald 4; K.DA.’s Dempsey, former heavyweight Varsity Tennis Team defeated vin 104. State’s number 4 sin­ vs. Geldings, field ft; Evans (Ä m ter «g " / fite e fcsn -ew Dwarf,” " T te K e g boxing champion, figures that Sch. vs. MAC’S A.C., field 6 ; Lem g Detit ( m t r •*) much-disputed “long count” in Calvin Collage Friday by a gles, ~ Ann Boughaer downed Hedrick vs. Howland, flakl ft; his second fight with Gene score of 84). Karen Timm«* 10-7. Sue Lamb Bow« vs. Elsworth, field I. Tunney was a break for him. State's number one player, of State beat Ula Osterbau 104, Bowling He told about it in a TV show Barbara Lockhart, won a rug­ and Karon Vogt of State de­ in which he discussed his car­ ged decision from Calvin’s Tuesday, 1:30 — S. Chi vs. OLD GRAD8 NEVER DIE eer and the sad state of the Ardia DeVries, 7-5, 84. Sue feated Doris Zuideraa, 84. D.S. Phi II, alleys 1 * 3; Un­ boxing business with Sen. Es­ Dhooge playing number two Thursday, Stats will play touch. vs. Ray's Boys, 3 * 4 ; In just s matter of weeks many of you will be graduating~ tes Kefauver, D-Tenn. for State had an easy time de­ host to "Western Michigan at Vets 111 vt. A.O.C., ft * ft; D.S. especially seniors. - Dempsey lost his title to Tun­ feating Calvin’s Sandra Le- 2 p.m." Friday tha team will PM I vs. Radcilff, 7 * ft. efers, 84), 8-1. travel to Kalamaaoo to play 1:30 — PM Mu Alpha vs. You are of muter eagerto go out la the peat world when ney in 1928 and the next year Pershingt Rifles, alleys 1 * 2 ; opportunities ate limitless and deane nonexistent. At the same they fought again. Dempsey Marcia DeZwarte, MSU, de- Kalamazoo College. time your heart« are heavy at the thought of faring touch with knocked Tunney down in that •crtnany daecmatee you have oome to know aad love. * disputed long count episode It rimy pleasant teak today to aamue you that pafcaflta but eventually lost the fight on points, thus failing to re­ need not mean faring touch wtth-daaMnates; all you have to do gain his title. _ is join the Alumni Association and every ye« you will reerive “I _have always contended a bright, t*eway, chatty bulletin*chock full of informatfao about that it was a great break for all your oMbuddies. Jack Dempsey,” the old Man* j assa Mauler told Kefauver | who, naturally enough, wanted W O N ’T to know why. “Well,*1 explained Dempsey, FA LL “the reason I say that is that a lot of my friends who' saw the fight still think I won it. DOWN As long as I can keep them U N L E S S thinking that i still say it was a great break for Jack Demp­ sey and a tough break for Gene Tuney. “In other words' they don’t YOU RON HATCHER’S presence is one reason why Duffy Daugherty can relax when he thinks of the fullback posi­ see me on the floor and they didn’t see me counted out. They still remember that fight D O !!! tion. The other reason is George Saimes, his other full­ and if I can keep them remem­ bering that and have them think the way they do 1 am The Adler •hepo-Up is guaranteed not to fall dbw n-*r your mbikrteM or* back. ~ Ok, what a raddetter day it le at my hou**, -the day tha very happy. money beak I It's the Kefauver, in a program taped first cotton «tsw Alumni Bulletin arrives!! cancel all my engagement«, taka the With H atclw r an d Saimes for broadcast in Tennassee, sock that is. In mon'a phone oft the hook, dl*mise my chiropractor, put the oeriot said he would ask Dempsey to olaoa, white 79f , outside, and settle down for an evening of pure pleasure trith testify later on his bill aimed Why Worry About » w at eliminating racketeers from professional boxing. Dempsey said he doesn’t eight groat ivy OOI* ora, BSp a pair. At fine atorea. the Bulletin and (need ! add?) a good supply of Marlboro Cigarettes. Whenever I am having fun, a Marlboro malt* tee fun even A D L K R more fun. That filter, that fiavor, that pack or box never fails Fullback Position want to “throw rocks at any­ one” but if the fight game Is to be saved “it has to be to heighten my pleasure whether! am wttohing tee televirion or playing buck euchre or knitting an afghaa « reading Mad or enjoying any other fun-filled pursuit you might name—ex­ While Michigan State Uni- tile than Ferguson, making saved by tha government.” versiiy Football Coach Duffv him a better fullback.” cept, of course, spear-fishing. But then, how much speXffiehing Daugherty searches for a start-1 it Hatcher, a High School Ail­ H e a d q u a r t e r s does one do in Clovis, New Mexico, wheft LiiVtT ing quarterback, he can relax j American from Carnegie, Pa. But I dignMs. Let us return to my Alumni Bulletin aad let when it comes tojfullbacks. j becomes a star in the MSU me quote for you tee interesting tidings about afi my old Mends Junior Ron Hatcher, 213 i backfield in the fall, he would in and ctommataa: pounds of rasing power, seems be breaking a Michigan State C H l C A G C ^ Whit, fellow alums, it certainly has been a Wtag-dinger of a to have the offensive starting j tradition of relatively small year for all us old grads! Remember Mildred Cheddar and post locked up with three weeks fullbacks. Harry Camembert, those craay kids who always held hands in gone in Michigan State’s spring j Two of the most outstanding, conveniently' loseted . . . Econ 11? Well, they're married now ahd living in Clovis, New practice schedule. ¡Evan Slonac and Jerry Plan- economy minded . . . home-like Mexico, where Harry rents spearfishing equipment and Mildred Another junior, George Sal- utis, who played fullback in comfort. . . that's why the Albr- has. just given birth to a lovely 28-pound daughter, her second met, looks like a sure bet to the years that the Spartans ton Hotel Is Chicago headquar­ in four months. Nice going, Mildred and Harry! hold down the No. 1 defensive went to the Rose Bowl, were ters for many school groups, Remember Jethro Brie, the man wc voted most likely to coo- slot. . ~~ noted for lack of great slse. business and professional stu­ eeed? Well, old Jethro Is still fttbering laursrif Lact week he Under Daugherty’s system, Planutis, "All-American in dent affairs, field trips, athletic was voted “Motorman of the Year” by hie fellow workers m two platoons make up the 1964, weighed 174"pounds. Slo- teams, debate teams, speech starting “team,” with one a nac’s senior ye« weight in din!a, tours, etc. the Duluth strMtear system. **! owe it all to my bmkeman,1* little stronger defensively and 1982 was 170 pounds. said Jethro in a characteristically modest sceoptaa* «peach. For your own Chicago visit Or the other a little more inclined Presence of Hatcher and week-end Same old Jethro! to offensive talent, but both Saimes allowed Carl Charon stay choose the hotel Probably the morn pemeeous teas ef ed * ateme wee hod by able to go both ways affec­ to be switched from fullback dose to everything on Fraecri Maootnber riat ye«. He went oa « big game hunting tively. to halfback this ye«, MSU ^Michigan Avenue's safari all tea way to Africa! lb re«rived many bumming peat Daugherty's praise of Hatch­ backfield Coach BUI Yeoman Magnificent Mile cart* frtm Francis until he wm, alee, aeridentfy shot end Idled er. who lad the team in rushing said. Charon played fullback • Specie! rates by hri wife and white hunter. Tough tuck, FfRhtri! last year, it practically «stat­ both ways. • Ample Munici­ Wttma "Ptoriaye” Maaomhat, widow ef tee Into beloved ic. _ "I wouldn't trade Ron« even Saimes, a junior from Can' ton. Ohio, is more Jxl the small pal Potiing THE SHAK-Ut, BY ADLER, AVAILABLE IN WHITE AND COLONS AT Francia Macomber, wae married yesterday to Fmi "Srifeehot* for Ohio State's-Bob Fergu­ fullback tradition of MSU. Yeo­ •Write for Quhnby. white hunter, in a simple doubts ring ceremony in son.” Daugherty said. man said. Saimes stands 6-11 details Nairobi. Oood tuck, Wilma and Fred! Ferguson was the Ohio State and weighs less than 190. Wti), airima, tent j« l about onga *ap I* ten year. Keep University All-Americair full­ Hatcher's „versatility is re­ back who ltd the Buckeyes to flected in the 1960 statistics The Tog Shop a win over Michigan State last While rushing 311 yards for a fall. 6.1 yards-por-carry average ’Hatch« has speedl, he Is he was also the second leading IMP PP* jBiRrimgtee jTRf jfauM WiT MRP quick starting and very shifty pass receiver on the team. He n a n g rie r elf s riW « * m ang a lan g gaar is Urn hang-eiaa for a man," Daugherty said. pulled in six passes for an ad­ “He’s generally more versa- ditional 82 yards. T u esd ay M o r tiin |, M ay 2 , 1 9 6 1 M ichigan S tate News, E ast L an sin g , M ichigan Astronauts Test Rocket * * * * * * Pictured below and to the right it pretty Arlya Griefendorf whom we pieked to initiate oar ‘.‘Gtri-of-the- Week” feature. It 4a net hard to udentand why she it also presently Miss MSU. Arlya is a DG uni ao-pref sophomore from Chicago. The combination of the wood- Giosen One Unknown bad setting, Arlya and spring are enough to make the moot sthdbas males take a second look. As yon might expect she is also intelligent and is scholarship chairman of her sorority. We think she is,an excellent combination of beauty and talent. How aboat yon? (Photos by Mark Krastoff) V' mÈÊÊmmi fflÈÊÊËÊÈÊÈÈM phÆ H ai A rly n G re ifè n d o rf Miss MSU Combines Beauty With Brains W ith su m m er in m ind, count on the talents of our ro]a straw handbags, tingling with coin trim. Two generous sizes to Beauty, brains and extra-1 involved with being campus Union Board fashion shows and some time before midnight. curricular activities are com- queen. also for a Lansing department She enjoys spectator sports, meet your vacation travel needs or busy daytime schedule. bined in successful ratios in | Miss Greifendorf’s extra-cur- store bridal show._ especiall football and swim­ ming., Black, natural, or white with extra-roomy, lined interior. - 1961’s Miss MSU, Arlyn Grief-!rictrtar activities include Tower Her spare time is currently Arlyn plans to spend her sum­ endorf. Guard, J-Hop committee, Water spent learning to play bridge. mer as a receptionist -for a 12-mches. 7 .9 8 1 17-inches. 10~98 A no-preference sophomore Carnival committee secretariat These sessions are never late transportation company in Chi­ from Chicago, Arlyn divides and scholarship chairmanship her time between campus ac- of her sorority, Delta Gamma, ones, however, as Arlyn is an early-to-bed exponent whose cago. Texas Prof tivity, study, and the social life "She has_ modeled for the sleep deadline is generally Here for- Lectures _ Canada Ballet MSU Units Tickets Ready Overseas Tickets for a performance of Slarohsi in's the National Ballet of Canada Topic of Talk in thè auditorium May 9 will m m '--'' be distributed beginning today —Dr. C. E. Ericson, Dean of the at 8:30 a.m. in the Union Ticket College of Education, will be office. the guest speaker-at a joint ID cards will be required at meeting of the Student Educa­ the door the night of the per­ tion Assn. - and the Education formance. Council tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Kiva, Education Building. Ericson will discuss his re­ C a rn iv a l A u d itio n s cent 10-week visit to Michigan State University installations in W e d n e s d a y N ig b t Nigeria, Pakistan, Taiwan and Okinawa. All education majors Auditions for announcers for and interested persons are in­ the 1961 Water Carnival will vited to attend. _ be held Wednesday from 7 to 9 Preceding Ericson’s t a l k p.m. in 317 Student Services. there will be a short. business Anyone wishing to make an meeting of the S.E.A., at 7 p.m. appointment can call Gary to elect officers for the coming Blowers at ED 2-5039. year . • LIBERAL IN OUTLOOK MEMBERSHIP • FORWARD IN THINKING OPEN TO ALL • DYNAMIC IN ACTION STUDENTS T H E N EW S U R E B R EA T H F R E SH E N E R tor y«i>r ènytHfnf¡ ti J F O R P E O P L E W H O L IK E T O B E L IK E D ! V aselin e New Lavoris Oral Spray. . . they call it “Kiss Mist” on campuses across hair: the nation! “Kiss Mist”! Exciting new way to freshen your breath in­ TONIC stantly! Use it anytime, anywhere—after eating, drinking, smoking—when­ ever you want to be close . . . stay close! One spray does what breath gums and mints can’t do! New Lavoris how to lose your head! liHD Oral Spray freshens breath—kills odor-causing germs on contact! Comes The best way to lose your head is k« to H t« your t u uee head vrutip K aa/I by n v using linincr l! 1 H I I H I in a carry-it-with-you bottle, handy for pocket or purse. 'Vaseline* Hair Tonic on it. Most men use water with their hair tonic — and ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonk is specially »wide to use with water! The 100'i pure grooming oil in ‘Vaseline* 250 sprays • Lass than a panny a spray Hair Tonic replaces the oil that water removes from your hair. So to lose yottr head, keep your bead well-groomed with 'Vaseline* Hair Tonic! And remember, just a little does a lot! i t 's c le a r * COME TO OUR TABLE IN THE UNION CONCOURSE i t ’s clean...i t s . O R A L SPRAY V A S E L IN E HAIR T O N IC