Creates Superagency World Waits To View Activities N a tu r e R u le s Of CIA O n C o u n td o iv n WASHINGTON, I» — Presi­ dent Kennedy Thursday set up a superagency to examine tiie workings of this country’s vital CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.. Ufi decides that seas and skies aie intelligence activities. Florida skies cleared dramatic­ .right for the shot. He named a new advisory THE 117-FOOT BRIGANTINE ALBATROSS—The student cruise (Up sank Tuesday during a squall west of Key ally Thursday to make it a THE FIRST phase of the board headed by Dr. James R. West. Fla., with the loss of six lives. better than 50-50 chance that countdown began at 7:30 a.m. Killian Jr. and composed of six Thursday. other topdrawer civilian and Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. ex-military leaders. will be the first American shot atBut postponement can come any time, should the weather The President’s move was Frank Banks Awarded into space today. picture change, even after the The final countdown is slated midnight weather conference applauded on Capitol' Hill but it did not head off a move to create a joint congressional to begin at 12:30 a.m., if a decides on going ahead with Statler Fellowship midnight weather conference the shot. Minor equipment troubles committee to oversee the op­ erations of the Central Intelli­ gence Agency. found in the space capsule al­ Frank Banks, East Lansing senior, was master of cere­ ter last Tuesday’s bad-weather senior, was awarded the $1,000 monies, and received first Statler Teaching fellowship place in the Fred Simonson Smith Prof postponement h a v e cleared away as quickly as the clouds SENATE Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of MontSnà said the Senate will go ahead Wednesday night at the annual award. Runners up were Don that had dampened this rocket with hearings soon on a reso­ awards convocation of Jhe Ho­ from the meat industry was tel, Restaurant, and Institu­ Walsh, Birmingham s e n i o r , tional management school. To Lecture base. From 7 ajn. on. the rocket lution by Sen. Eugene J. Mc­ Carthy; D-Minn., to create a and Dennis Shouldice, Detroit can'at any moment take Shep­ Senate-House watchdog com­ Donald Baer, Glencoe, 111. senior. sophomore, received the Out- state Statler award for $900. AN AWARD for HRI student On Africa ard on his 15-minute. 115-mile high ride to a rendezvous with waiting recovery ships 290 mittee. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota, the Senate’s assist­ . Robert Laird, East Lansing presented- to John Barkham, Dr. Gwendolen Carter, So­ miles out in the Atlantic. PASSING OF THE GAVEL—On the left, Chuck Herbert, ex-speaker of AUSG ant Democratic leader , said junior, was the recipient of the Los Altos, Cal. junior, by Mr. phia Smith Professor of Gov­ Congress, gives the gavel to Dale Warner, new speaker: Gorden Suber, speaker the CIA, which carries on its $600 Sutler Instate scholar­ Lawrence Cain, vice president ernment at Smith College, will THE WEATHER s u p p o r t , pro-tem and Julie Bock, secretary look on. (State News photo by Art Wieland) global operations in strict se­ ship. of the Thompson-Cain Meat Co. speak at 8 p.m. Monday, in the group for Project Mercury said I crecy, “needs more scrutiniz­ A $450 competitive upper of Detroit. Music Auditorium on “TTie Fu­ there would be “fair weather in I school scholarship went to Donald Greenaway, execu­ ture of the Multi-Racial States the Cape area Friday” and j Robert Abruzzi, Warren, Ohio tive vice president of the Na­ of Africa.” partly cloudy skies with a few I Silber Is Pro-Tem - - ! ing the and Humphrey Senate less publicizing." is a member 'of Foreign'“Relations j u n i o r. Edmund Miehalski, tional ResUurant Association, The lecture is open to the- widely scattered show«» in the, committee which has been con­ Cheektowaga, N.Y. junior, won and former director of the public. recovery area downrange. - j the second competitive award school of Hotel, ResUurant, Dr. Carter is author of sev­ Winds and seas in the-Cape in upper school, $390. and Institutional Management eral books and has taught at area were moderate, but waves Warner Takes Over AUSG ducting a closed-door inquiry ! into last month’s disastrous at- I tempt "by Cuban refugees to set ' ALLAN SBERWIN, Cleve­ service spoke on the restaurant as a McMaster University in Ontar­ neared four feet in the Baha-j off a counterrevolution against land Heights sophomore, re­ John Steen, ceived the first competitive ior. lower school award for $375. industry, according to io, Wellesley and Tufts Colleg­ mas and Caribbean. Lorain, (Mo jun­ es before joining the faculty at The condition of the wind and j Smith College in 1943. the waves are essential be-1 Speakership From Herbert' the Castro regime in Havana- Director Allen W. Dulles was among those questioned about Second competitive low«,* The. Larry Magmer award rector Dr. Eugene H. Jacobson, di­ cause they influence the re­ wwt to Joe Gallante, Pough­ of the African Language covery of the capsule from the gress The‘gavel of Student Con­ Ken Weaver,* Mt. Pleasant nation bill which was submit­ the CIA’s role in this effort. - school award went 1» DmU and Area Center, callrDr. Car­ sea and the downward para­ changed hands Wednes- junior, was approved as AUSG ted to the past Congress, but HUMPHREY expressed the Ladd, Birmingham freshman, keepsie, N.Y. freshman. Hotel ter the best informed person chute ride from some jgOOQ| day as Chuck Herbert, Lansing treasurer. Ken told the Con- not acted on was referred to opinion that if Killian and his $$$$- senior of theti year was Frank ’ sonor, past speaker of Con­ gress that he is studying past tiie Students Rights and Wel­ fellow panel members move Competitive f r e s h m a n * - Banks. in the United States on current feet. - gress, turned his duties over to AUSG expenses so that future fare committee. The bill, de­ “carefully and promptly to a - wards were given to Nelson A gift of $200 from Sigma Pi developments in Smith Africa. Carter has traveled, wide­ THERE SEEMS little doubt newly elected Dale Warner, ludgets can be appropriated on signed to eliminate discrimi­ review of the CIA’s activities” .Baines, Houston. Tex.. fresh­ EU, hotel honorary, Les Gour­ lyDr. in Africa on grants from the that Shepard will be the man Eaton Rapids junior. a yearly basis instead of eaclr nation in the campus Greek there will be less pressure for man, $300, and Paul Gaboury, mets, restaurant major’s club, Rockefeller Foundation, t h e who steps into the space cap­ Warner was opposed for the term. system, will be acted on at the congressional action. Mason freshman, second com­ and Hotel Association, hotel Ford Foundation, and the So- sule. But it is contingent upon office by Jim Anderson, Sparta The controversial discrimi- next meeting of Congress. The White House “described petitive, $200. major’s club, was presented to the final physical examina­ junior. Anderson, write-in can­ the Killian group as a broaden­ A 3.0 or better all-university the school in the name of Pro­ tions. Lt. CoL John H. Glenn didate in the AUSG presiden­ ed version of the Board of Con­ grade print average, leader­ fessor Bernard B. Proulx. Pm tial elections, Was defeated by ship and citizenship were the fessor Proulx is retiring from criteria for the awards. In ad­ the hotel school after 34 years. Jr., the back-up man, is ing by in case be must step into a vote of 42 to 11. - Shepard’s role. As speaker, Warner will pre­ Greek Theme Disclosed sultants on Foreign Intelli­ gence. Activities which former President Dwight D. Eisen­ dition. the students had to ful­ The money will be used for a Burt North, an engineer from side over all meetings of Con­ Harmony, Service, and Unity found through participation in hower established- during his fill the required amounts of memorial library in the John McDonnell aircraft w h ire b gress. maintain congressional is the theme of the 1961 Greek the annual Greek Feast and second teem. — course credits, according to the Willy reading room at Kellogg makes t h e space capsule. records, appoint any special Week, Sunday through May 14. street dance. Killian, former president of scholarships. This year, 24 stu­ center. This award was pre climbed into the capsule atop j committees needed, administer Planning to carry out their This year, for the first time, Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of dents wore eligible- sented by Robert Chapman, the waiting rocket and checked all funds appropriated for Con­ theme through a series of re­ an Outstanding Greek Week ITechnology and now chairman Norm Held, Brooklyn, N.Y. Oak Park junior. it out completely. j gross and act as an advisor to lated activities beginning next Award will be presented in of the M.I.T. corporation, head.- _ . . the AUSG executive. - weék, the Greeks hope to recognition of the fraternity ed the board under Eisen­ THURSDAY Shepard a nd achieve a higher level of fra­ and sorority who contribute hower. 80-Voice Choir Glenn ate at normal schedules, GORDON SUBER, Owosso ternal brotherhood and com­ the most to Greek Week. dinner coming about 6:30 p~m. sophomore, was elected speak­ munity participation. in the grey-walled dining room er pro-tem. He will preside Harmony will be exemplified trophy, these awards will, be board’s In the form of a traveling Kennedy defined the new mission as follows: “To advise the President State Singers To Perform -at the forward medical area. over Congress when the speak­ in the performances of IFC and given each year on the basis of with Then they return to their quar­ er is absent, act as chairman Sorority Sings to be given on participation, cooperation and and conduct ters to sleep when they want of the Committee on Commit­ consecutive Sundays.- interest. respect to the objectives of the foreign in­ to—perhaps by 8 p.m. tees and serve as a member of Service will be represented in Beginning the week’s activi­ telligence and related activi­ In Peoples Church Waking time is 2 a.m., be­ the Steering committee and one the Lansing Community Proj­ ties will be the IFC Sing on ties ginning the space pilot’s final of the Faculty committees: ect being planned "by the Sunday at 3^>.m. in the audi­ fense of the United States de­ and security.” preparations: shower, shave, Jube Bock, Baltimore, Md Greeks, while Unity will be torium. _ HE INSTRUCTED the CIA and A program of unusual selec­ be f e a t u r e d in Gregorian breakfast, physical examina­ freshman, was elected secre­ all other agencies that operate tions (rill be heard at 8:15 p.m-. chants, a Russian liturgy, mu­ tion, suiting-up, briefing. Glenn tary of Congress. in the shadowy realm of for­ sk: of the-Renaissance Sunday in Peoples Church selection requiring the use of a and a preceded Shepard to the rocket, The Committee on Commit­ eign intelligence to- give the where the SUte Singers will tom-tom and bongo drums. and waits for him in the gan- tees which assigns members to board any information it may- present their annual concert. “The Owl and the Pussy **7; - . . ... 1committees was also formed at require.- . — Under the direction of Rich­ cat,” a selection based on the Keeping track of the weather j ^ meeting. Representatives Mansfield told reporters-tiie through the critical hours was | ^ committee in- Administration already is tak­ ard E. Klausli, professor of nursery fable, s c o r e d for Dr. Carter in the hands erf the P ra y cti^ ,. _ ing steps, particularly in the music, the 89-voice choir will harps, flute, viola, and speak­ Defense Department, to con­ ing choir by Humphrey Searle, rial Science Research Council. Mercuir group, headed by Kenneth Nag- j j Martha HoUen, Davenport, sophomore; Jim Gibson solidate intelligence activities. a contemporary English com­ She has conducted several ler, a 20-year veteran meteor-1 parn:||ng|0O and Bob “I anticipate further chang­ poser and “Go Down Death,” summer study tours in Africa ologist. Hencken, Huntington Woods es so that a better and more McNelly a Tom Scott arrangement for for Smith students. concert choir, soloist, tom-tom, In 1960 she was made direc­ freshman. The speaker ant; effective CIA will be the re­ sult,” Mansfield said. and bongos, will be heard. tor of the Program in Non- speaker pro-tem automatically To Speak - 1 With orchestra and organ the Western Studies at Smith, in­ Singers will perform the “Alle­ augurated under a Ford Foun­ Castro‘Attacks’ __ become members when elect­ ed. to Kennedy named the following serve with Killian, whose selection as board chairman Before SDX luia” of Scarlatti, “Dies Irae” dation grant by Smith, Am­ U n m a n f n t h n l i r g of Mozart, and “Psalm 150” by herst, Mount Holyoke, and the x k o m a i i u a t n u u n i AUSG spring-summer c o n gRre1nsnr.lll« s p a«sse th * r d terms was announced Wednesday: Philip James. University of Massachusetts. HAVANA (»-Prime Min­ $4.799 budget. It had failed to GEN. MAXWELL D. Taylon Sigma Delta CM, national From the choral literature Dr. Carter is one of the au­ pass to the last Congress be­ retired former army chief of honorary m e n i journalism of the Renaissance, the choir thor» of “The Major Foreign ister Fidel Castre has charg­ staff; Dr. William O. Baker, fraternity, will hear about will sing “O Vos Omnes” by Powers,” which is used as a ed the Romaa Catholic ehmreh cause the last session lacked a vice president forresearch of with persecnttng his Chhaa quorum newspaper work in England Victoria and “Ascendit Deus” text in many universities in the revolution. The budget is based, on esti­ the Bell Telephone Labora- when journalist Dr. John T. bySinging Peter Philips. United States. She is also the mated costs for the operation See JFK Page 3 la a qaesttoa and is tw r Gregorian chants has author of articles on Smith Af­ session with a group of Latin -ml promotion of AUSG. All McNeliy speaks at their meet­ almost become traditional with rica in encyclopedias and nu­ American yaests of the Cahna departments of AUSG a r ing today at 3:30 p.m. in 36 the-Singers.' Union. In Sunday's pro­ merous professional journals. gram, the treble voices will Her books include “The Brit­ clergy’s government, (tests* »aid the given an appropriation for op­ maneuvers were of erations during the period cov­ Kismet Tickets Dr. McNelly will speak ern sing the Gregorian “Veni Cre­ ish Commonwealth and Inter­ - “Soma Observations of Ameri­ ator Spiritus .” The men will national Security." “The Poli­ a foreign type stinmlated by which are not can Press Coverage of Britain chant the Gregorian “Asperges tics of Inequality” and “Inde­ Franco Spate and New York budget must beincluded ered by the budget. Expenses to the OnSale Monday and British Press Coverage of Me.” City’s “Apt Wasaa aad com­ by act of Congress. appropriated Three box offices will-open pendence for Africa: on Monday for the Arabian America.’ The Russian liturgy will be of a Fast-Moving Continent.” pany ” McNcUy, who formerly work* represented in the concert by Dr. Carter is a past president ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a had” An Nighty musical “Kismet,” to ed tor Reuters News Agency the evening hymn of the Ortho­ of the New England Political of be presented by the University budget to cove* any Theatre and tiie department of in will resume teach­ dox Church, “O' Gladsome Science Association and of the ing at the MSU School of Jour­ Light” by Kastalsky. African Studies Association. nalism in faB 1962. He is cur­ Two harps will accompany She received a B.A. from ReturnNORC expenses. Ally money left over music in the Auditorium on May 25, 26, and 27 at 8 p.m. rently on the Communications an R»gH«h folksong, “My John­ University of Toronto, an M.A. Research Ouster staff. ny was a Shoemaker.” from Oxford university and Questionnaires end of tiie budget’s term is to a cumulative bonk fund may be drawn on by Congress TEXAS TOWER TRAGEDY PROBED— C*L Iva» Impson, Air Farce officer, points oat details ef a model of the Texas Tickets for this production will be available at the Audi­ Besides Routers la t-fH—i. “Thomas Jefferson,” a poem the PhJD. from Radriiffe. AO seniors who received if. needed. torium box office, at Arbaugh’s Tower No. 4 which collapsed in a storm with a loss of 28 to Lansing and at the Union Dr. MeNoRy has had news­ Iff Stephen Vincent Benet, has This is the last in a series NORC questionnaires are urg­ men. Rn appeared before a Senate Armed Services sub­ paper experience with the As­ Men set to music by Earl five talks sponsored by the Af­ ed to retuflrthten as aoon as FUNDS FOR AUSG are ob­ ticket office. Holders of Uni­ committee. Behind him are Col. John C. McGHl. Air Force, versity Theatre season coupons sociated Proas hi Milwaukee, Onorgs and will be performed rican Language and Area Cen­ possible. The sociology dept., tained tor the student body to and Joseph V. Charyk, andersecretary of the Air Force, should exchange them on Mon- and waridy newspapers in Cali­ hy choir, speaking voice, and ter in cooperation with the oth­ 2991.-. win replace late the form ef a tax which is paid fornia aad Idaho. •oprano soloist er departments. forms if necessary. during registration. center. (AP Wircphoto) day. Michigan State News, East Laming, Michigan EDITORIAL Friday Morning» May 5 , 1961 University Entertainers Deserve “VeryUnusualWeatherWe’reHaving“ Differences Commendation for Performances The President It is easy to criticize events and organiza­ tions on this campus but seldon, it seems, is credit given to deserving groups. fine performance in the forthcoming produc­ tion of “Kismet.” In the area of musical entertainment, the And Congress abilities of the State Singers, the men’s and By WAYNE PARSONS In the area of cultural entertainment, re­ — State News Staff Writer _ views may praise an individual performer or women’s glee clubs and the bands and orches­ performance, but rarely the overall commend­ tra have won acclaim not only in the Lansing . President John F. Kennedy enthusiastical­ able activities of the group. area, but throughout the Midwest. ly entered his administration last January Aside from regular concerts and tours, with a bold “New Frontier” p ro p a m for We would like to give some credlDwhere these groups have been willing to entertain bettering the United States, socially and credit is due. at numerous university -and Lansing area economically. The University Theater has proven its functions free of charge. We expect that the In the 15 weeks since Kennedy took office ability with performances, of a professional State Singers Concert scheduled for Suifday he has lost little of his drive and enthusiasm. caliber throughout the year. Sellout audi­ will live up to the quality of its past perform­ However, in attem pting to pass his forward- ences have continually left such perform­ ances. .—— - _ looking legislation he has met considerable- ances impressed and inspired.. We commend these university groups for resistance from an extraordinarily recalci- their excellent performances and for the 'tra n t Congress. Under the able direction of Nat Eek, the hours they willingly devote to sharing their The resistance to the chief executive has : udent perform ers have won a name in the talents. Instead of a movie, it might be well come from a consistent, solid conservative Lansing area for work which surpasses th a t worth the time of students to take advantage coalition of Republicans and southern Demoi of other local grops. Specifically, "Macbeth," some night of the cultural opportunities of­ crats. | ’ _ , and "Man and Superman" are deserving of fered 'them free of charge by these musical praise. We are looking forward to an equally and theatrical performers. THE COALITION’S main strength lies in the House'’ of Representatives, where the First HandAccount representatives of strongly conservative ru­ ral areas outnumber urban representatives.- Elected every two y ears/ House members Student Relates Experiences must be directly responsive to local attitudes, whereas a senator often has more lattitude because of his six year term and because conflicting pressures in a statewide constit­ With California HUAC Riots uency tend to cancel o u t . The conservative block has given the Presi­ dent several hard fights. But he has won Editors Note: The following is an account sounded in other parts of the huge building. fbur of his m ajor programs— unemployment of the San Francisco incidents surrounding They were now singing “Battle Hymn of the compensation, feed grains, a federal mini­ the House Un-American Activities Committee Republic,” and the sounds carried' far and mum wage increase and aid to depressed visit last year. The story was written by a former California student involved in the incidents. For obvious reasons his name is clear. In the rotunda at the base of the long flight of marble stairs, hundreds more stu­ dents were seated singing, waiting. Letters to the Editor areas— which have become law. Mr. Kennedy’s m ajor opposition arose in __the minimum wage legislation. Originally, withheld. The account is in no wav intended to re­ flect the editorial views of the State News. It From the third floor landing, I could see the students milling about the door on the second floor and seated in the first floor HUAC, Dormitory Problems the House rejected an administration-ap­ proved minimum wage bill by one vote and —then passed a conservative substitute.—The is purely an account as seen by the writer. rotunda. At once, a stream of water shot out Commandments, “Thou shalt We admit that she had every President salvaged his minimunTwage' pro­ from the second floor landing. A girl scream­ C o m p u ls o r y C lu b not covet,” but how can a so­ right to ask them to quiet down. gram in the Senate, however, and the House On Friday, May 13th, 1960 I was arrested. ed. T ran downstairs and found Three or four cialist society-operate without But did she have the right to To the Editor: later approved the administration bill by a The charge was obstructing the performance men standing a few feet from the hose-hold­ coveting? If this and other quo­ violate their .privacy by listen­ If the university administra­ —surprising 230-196 margin. of justice; the place was City Hall. San Fran­ ing policemen trying to protect the rest of tations from the Bible are in­ ing at the door, order girls out cisco; the bail was $ 2 1 0 the verdict was not the crowd. The crowd in the rotunda rose as tion is so concerned about the tellectual absurdities in your of a room in which they were ANOTHER IMPORTANT test for the new preservation of democracy and opinion, we beg your pardotT guests and ask them to study? President will be the aid to education pro­ guilty. The occasion was the visit of the Com­ one. — the economic condition of MSU m ittee on Un-American Activities of the When a certain political sci­ Is this the way we learn to gram which has stirred up considerable con­ EVERYONE WAS now being sprayed in­ students (as they have claimed ence professor exceeded five become mature individuals?' House of Representatives. to be to the state legisla­ troversy. The President "has clearly indi­ discriminately. Students were being shot minutes in asking a question it When our rights are thus in­ cated th a t ..he considers aid to church-sup­ I was—in attendance as both student and ture) then why do they force was the discression of our ad­ fringed upon, how can we learn reporter. As a student, I feel th a t no legisla­ down the stairs on streams of water—seven us to pay dues to belong to a visor to interrupt him. This pro­ to respect the rights of others9 ported schools to be unconstitutional and tive body had the right to subject people to steps to a landing, forty more to the rotundo. club we may or may not wish fessor said that he always gave When we ace told exactly what favors separate legislation for such schools. trial by headlines; that, as the Episcopal Di- But it was on the landing that bur stand was to join? five minutes a question when- "to do, how can we leSrn to The coalition, on the other hand, favors made. Seventy-five students and twenty po- 1 am referring to the dormi­ he gave a talk so he also was have responsibility,for our ac­ combined legislation which wrould certainly oceseof California pointed out in its condem­ tory clubs, with their approx- nation of the HU AC, “there should be a dif­ ilcemen manning two hoses. We sang the Tmafely six dollar dues, which given five minutes. Mr. Davis, tions? be unsatisfactory to th e Senate and vetoed ference in any legal proceeding between Star Spangled Banner over and over. And we must belong to “by virtue I remember listening to your Margaret Magee by the President. finally the water stopped. At this point ideas on how, although we have Coreen Lammi —. The resistance presented by the southern judge, ju ry and prosecutor.” As a reporter, of residence” in the dormitor­ 927 billion in liabilities against Arlene Dean it is hoped there was objectivity in my re­ someone shouted “Let’s rush" them.” This ies. „ $18 billion in gold in Ft. Knox Elaine Ohno Democrats is very surprising considering the porting. if not necessarily in jn y interpreta­ was,the only attempt I saw or heard in three I am not objecting to the ex- that we still have adequate re­ legislation so far passed. The aid to depress­ days to instigate a “riot.” But no one rushed! istance of these clubs, merely ★ ★ ★ tion, of the events of May 13 and 14. to their compulsory member­ serves. You can look to a Mr. ed areas bill provides an excellent example. More police came up the stairs to where Kennedy to rebut that state­ W h y N o P a r k i n g ? IT IS IMPORTANT to distinguish between we were sitting, singing, in huge puddles of ship. Since I have a limited ment. THE $394 MILLION bill was aimed for the small riot of Thursday and the big riot amount of both time and money " Bob Hood To the Editor: areas of persistent and substantial unemploy­ water. “We shall not, we shall not be mov­ and can, therefore, belong to of Friday .The form er was entirely within ed . . . ” We all stood and put our hands in Re: Steel poles. For the past ment, and included three separate $ 1 0 0 mil­ a limited number of organi­ weeks there has been a bevy lion loan funds for urban areas, rural areas, the Supervisor's Chambers, the la tte r entirely our pockets, the accepted sign of passive re­ zations, I would rather choose G et O ff H U A C without. them myself than have the uni­ of men outside Snyder and Ab­ and public facilities. sistance. TTie newly-arrived police began bot Halls busily hammering Thursday I was inside the Chambers as a dragging us down the stairs. You could hear versity choose them for me. To the Editor: The $100 million loan fund for rural de­ By making this decision for long steel poles into the.ground. pressed areas was earmarked for the states reporter. By two p.m. when the hearings were the heads thump against the marble. Although 1 promised myself These poles, to which steei scheduled the students who had been waiting One young girl, soaking wet ,ran after a us, the administration is being I wouldn’t write any more let­ chairs are to be attached, are of the old Confederacy, as shown by a map upwards of six hours to gain admittance were undemocratic and, in effect, ters to your “newspaper,” I supposedly installed in this in the House lobby. It is surprising to note -policeman who was dragging her boyfriend raising The cost of attending must protest your peculiar pounding on the doors. Witnesses waiting down the stairs and swung her purse, hitting fashion to prevent the park-, th a t of the 42 Democratic votes opposing college. type of reporting. ing of automobiles on the cen­ the legislation, 36 of them, including four to testify inside the Chambers advanced to the policeman. Another policeman rushed John Pehrson You have an anti-HUAC news the railing separating audience from Commit­ story in the April 27 issue and ter island of Bogue street. from Mississippi, were from the very states over and pulled the girl off, pulling and tear­ Editor’s note: Dues are a re­ I should like to pose this tee and demanded “Let our families in.” ing her dress so that her bosom was bared. in the May 1 issue, the same who w'ould most benefit from the legislation. quirement ef individual dorms. story under a different heading. question to the. grounds depart? President Kennedy has been fighting hard Representative W alter nodded and city po­ ment: lice with Trash helmets and billy clubs entered POLICE VANS HAD .pulled up in front of ★ ★ ★ Even you must admit this is foT his programs, but as yet has not found a a rather deceitful thing to do. Whqn a dormitory houses-550 and began to drag the witness away. Pan­ the City Hall and we were herded into them. women, and on a Saturday suitable means whereby his increasingly City and postal employes- stood on the side­ W h y C h ild r e n ? Isn’t it about time you got demonium broke out. The well-dressed white- night approximately 300 of large popular support can be transformed in­ walk and jeered as we were led, dripping wet, off the HUAC kick you’re on? these women have dates, and to votes in the House and Senate. * “ card-holding invited guests up front began to To the Editor: - How about an anti-communist hit and kick the witnesses being held by to the Black Marias. “Damn Commies.” “Rus­ There was a young woman article for a change? You ac­ of these men, approximately If he does not get better Congressional sian spies.” And worse. Who lived in a shoe. cuse Goldwater and his con­ ISO drive cars, where are they support in the future,.he has indicated th a t- the police. One well-dressed man-rushed for­ She had no children— - supposed to park—either at 8 ward and began to hit a Negro woman w it­ Some of the group struggled with the po­ servatives of being years be­ he will appeal directly to the public for pres­ licemen ; most of the girls cried. She knew what to do. hind, but here it is 1961 and p.m. or at closing—when there ness. She defended herself, and was literally Mother Hubbard are 25 spaces alloted for this sure on Congress to accelerate and support We were take to several different police you’re still fighting facism. It’s purpose in front of each dorm­ his domestic programs. ~ dragged away by police. ★ ★ ★ fine to be anti-facist, but don’t stations in the vicinity. Our bail of $210 each itory? — There would be a great risk in resorting THOSE WHO WEREN’T taking p art in the was posted by various groups including, I .you think communism is the I feel this question is a reas­ S o c ia lis t S p e e c h m o r e Immediate danger?- to this tactic by a president who was elected fighting were shouting “ Drag the bastards think, the A.C.L.U. You’re as ridiculously liberal onable one and would appre­ by so narrow a voting margin, but if the re­ out,” “Send them back to Russia," and other Several weeks later sixty-five of the sixty- To the Editor: - as the John Birch society is far ciate some justification of this versal by the House on the minimum wage such epithets. Finally the witnesses were all six of us were lectured by the judge and set In regards to Mr. Davis’s let­ right. _ action. P.S. Black bill is any indication of future legislation, removed. A pall settled over the room. It was free. In the interim, all three local newspa­ ter of May 1. Thank you, for- As to the letter from Mr. and such a tactic would be unnecessary. — broken when the students in the back began pers criticized the committee and the police attending our last “stimula­ Mrs. D.T. Miller, defending ting” meeting of the Conserva­ that great humanitarian, Fidel to sing the national anthem. One lady said" severely; a visiting police expert from Poland tive Club. Your opinion of our loudly. "They’re singing in derision—don’t called the “riot” the worst-handled police Castro—are they serious, or Conservative Club is, of course, did they write' that letter as a join them.” Then came the Pledge of Alle­ work he had ever seen or heard of; Mayor your own perogative. Our Club bad joke? They are inclined to giance in union, accompanied by booing and Christopher announced that the HUAC was was awarded the annual Free­ believe Castro is not a commu­ hissing of the W hite-carders. These same not welcome in his city, and if they did come dom Foundation’s Valley Forge nist. Somebody better tell Fi-' citizens continued to boo and hiss reluctant again, they could jolly well meet in the fed­ award for our presentation of del—he thought he was. witnesses all afternoon, but_there were no eral building; and the American Legion conservative ideals. Sor it Robert J. Thompson seems, Mr. Davis that your Charlotte, Michigan fu rth er incidents. — unanimously resolved to commend the S.F. ideas on our conservatism dif­ On Friday, I arrived early in the morning. police on their brilliant job in stifling com­ ★ ★ * fer from America’s formost About forty students were waiting in an or­ munism. experts on this increasingly E a v e s d r o p p in g derly line outside the Chambers. About two Several postscripts should be added. On popular movement. hundred more were in the main rotunda of Saturday, the third day of the hearings, We are a young organization To the Editor: the building or milling around on the stairs many of us returned and orderly picketed on campus, and opposite to pop­ ThTs university is supposedly or in the hallways. • — ular belief our facilities for a democratic institution whose outside the building. There were no incidents. acquiring speakers are some­ purpose is tauprepare us for Shortly before the hearings were to begin, Inside the chambers, star witness Karl Prus- what limited other than guest the responsible task of govern­ a second line began at a side door to the - sion, an FBI undercover man testified: appearances. But, your rep­ ing ourselves with maturity Chambers, and quickly about seventy-five or resentation of Rev. Mahaffy’s and independence, under the more non-students lined up. Nearly 200 stu­ “THESE YOUNGSTERS don’t k n o w speech was, to say the least, a realization that in so doing we dents were in the first line by this time. A they’re being used. At the University they -'little flagrant First ef all, Rev. will not Infringe upon the group of policemen appeared and while some are taught materialism in psychology and Mahafly did not base his ad­ rights of others. sociology courses. They are taught Darwin’s vocation of conservatism wholly How are we to develop re­ blocked the first line, others led the second on the Bible, but used that sponsibility for ourselves when line past, the first into the Chambers. The law and the name of God is never mentioned at the universities. - source with others to show the our dorm la governed like a first man in the student line had been wait­ fallacies of socialism. Appar­ girl’s reform school? On one ing 7% hours; the first man in the other “This makes a man ready to join the Com­ ently, Mr. Davis, your back­ occasion five girls were in one line about 15 minutes. munist party.” ___ ground in history left a little room taking a study break. Well for God’s sake, Michigan State stu­ to be desired. Can you name The housemother, after listen­ A POLICEMAN appeared from within. dents, rise up and fight! How many times one socialist country that has ing at the door, crme in and - “We got room for 15 more,” he said. The has God been mentioned in your classes not turned toward the commu­ objected to the noise and to the crowd moaned and shouted “No, No.” Anoth­ lately? See. You’re weak, and the Commies nist philosophy or some equal- fact that there were five coeds er policeman came out : “ Room for five more are ready to get you, just the way they got ly freedom-less ideology. This in one room. She ordered three now.” A steady chant of "No, No, No” arose. is the only way that a social­ coeds to their own room to me and all the rest of those hundreds of soak­ ist society can conform its peo­ study. She then followed them __ I left the main group outside the doors ed duped students in San Francisco a year ple to such a base of life. Rev. to their room and listened at and wandered off to see how the chanting ago. Mahafly, stated from the Ten the door. Aid St Early k the Journey ~Y i Friday Morning, May S, 1961 Miehigan Slate News, East tanning, IVJifhigun T --------- 3 Drs. Lemke, Edwards •THE DOCTOR IS Crossw ord Puzzle New Dean S E N IO R S KYCMIATN IN* ARE ,i baths, from .HOUSE FOR SALE. 1523 Roseland. Ju n e 15 to Sept. 1962. Haslett. CaU Brookfield sub-division. N ear Marble 1959 Chevrolet Belaire 2-door, FE 9-8147. 27 School and shopping center. Cape Cod, 3 bedroom, i l l baths. C arpeted this side of Heaven” APARTMENTS living roojn and dining room. L args 14000 miles FURNISHED APARTMENT w ith ED 2-1770. lot. M ature shade and fru it trees. 29 cooking facilities across from Union 1959 TR 3 Building. Excellent location. $75 Call EAST LANSING. 1113 Lilac. 3 bed­ P O P LA R S IV 2-8420. 30 room borne, full basem ent, garage. Red Cedar School. $16.500. call ow n­ GRAND RIVER NEAR WaLnut, er. ED 2-6641. _ 29 1955 FORD, light blue 4 door sedan w ith economical 6 cylinder, standard shift, radio. Good condition. Call unfurnished 4 rooms, b ath, ow ner­ ships care, couple, one child. Call IV 2-4421. EAST LANSING S ROOMS, 29 heat, garage, fenced yard, completely gas The Thursday THE 1961 raincoat look is the IV 9-2735. 27 furnished, graduating settlor -m ust Store Hours deuble-brearted chesterfield APPROVED TWO MEN: m arried sell. 91100 down. $8800 full price. MGA. 1956, GREEN, w ire wheels, radio, w hite walls. Car in excellent couple. Reservations sum m er school, ED 7-0938. private, furnished three rooms, bath, 27 CHARCOAL H EAR TH 9:38 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. shape. Call ED 7-1861. 27 parking. Available—Ju n e 15 to Sept­ CAPE COD. 3 BEDROOMS. 1H .here, the tri-tone floral print em ber 1. IV 2-1824. 29 bath*, finished baaement, 5 years old. large kitchen. Sale by ow ner 1957 MGA. R E D CONVERTIBLE. Wire wheels and radio. Excellent ROOMS a t $18.000 o r rent- w ith excellent option-to-buy arrangem ent. 539 Stod­ Serving Until Midnight royoivcotton poplin with neb condition. Call IV 2-1M5. 29 ROOM AVAILABLE for female dard. ED 2-5963. 27 graduate student w ithin-w alking dis­ 1959 MGA ROADSTER. 14.000 a ct­ ual miles, black, whitewalls, radio tance of campus. Middle age w id­ SUBURBAN SPACIOUS com er. 3 U.S. 16 — East of MSU velveteen collar and buttons. and luggage carrier. Phone oavs ow desires companionship Mrs, bedroom, I ts baths, m odem open only. IV 2-1671, Ext. 263. 28 Frank H. Carmichael, P.O. Box 112 beam, full basem ent,—12 m inutes to East Lansing, Michigan. — 29 campus or eleven m inutes plus ticket. M ilitary reduced FHA. FE Blue, green, brown. 8 to 16 . 1960 MCA RED convertible, A-l 9-2484 after 1 p m . 28 condition, all extras, m ust sell. Will consider aavv offer over 81750 ED PERSONAL misses sizes. 2 5 .0 0 3-3227. tf SERVICE _ 1958 RENAULT. ELECTRIC clutch. TYPING DONE fn Spartan Village Sun roof. Excellent condition. Ec­ apartm ent. ED 7-0703. o r ED 7-9698. onomical transportation. Call ED WkTHnid tf 2-4038 after 5 p m . 27 TYPING ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER c im o s i m s 1957 VOLKSWAGON convertible. CaU Sonia. IV 9-1168 a fte r 5:30 Pick Black with red interior, radio, whiter up and deUverv if necessary. 30 walls. Like new. CaU 278-2 Phillips Hall. 29 EXPERT THESES and general typ­ CANDY ing. electric typew riter. IT year* experience, one block tra m Brodv. Milk EMPLOYMENT ED 2-55«. tf Mailed Anywhere LEARN TO FLY. Spring is here, ¡7 & TWO BUSBOYS to finish the term now 't a good tim e to etart enjoying ED 2-5659 29 Complete Assortment this exciting y et relaxing sport Drive out for a free dem onstration ride. 2 COLLEGE MEN and school teach Available At and 4 place rentals. Reasonable rate*. Ice Cream ^ . •rs sum m er employment, earnings Sheren Aviation. N orth Abbot Road. to $1.600 - 83.000. Car necessary. Call ED 7-7530. 8 - 9 p.m. 27 The Card Shop ED 2-0224. TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone num ber. ED 2-6384. Electric type­ tf CASH & CARRY EXPERIENCED WOMEN to r part tim e work and all type* of -office machines. For Interview cali ED 2-0406 o r ED 2-6416. 27 Across From Home Economics Bldg. w riter. Term pa p e n and these*, also general typing. tf MHJC ^ WONCH DUPLICATING • moved ED 2-6753 to 1720 E. Michigan. Lansing. Thesis POSITIONS OPEN FOR night nurse, full or p art time. Also o perat­ typing and dupucatlna. commercial a rt, typesetting. CaU d f-ìS S . it Vz Gal. Grade A Homogenized ing room supervisor. New, modern tf to r at 50 bed hospital Call or w rite Direc­ Nurses Mason G enetal Hos­ pital. Mason. Michigan MOVIE. STUDENT PRINCE, 8:00 TYPING. In my _ it p.m. Saturday followed by regular with 10 years’ experience. TU 2-6726. home, by mere tara dance at 9:20 p m . St. John a Student Center. 327 M A C. 11 FOR SALE TYPING. SECRETARIAL WORK, H E L E N D O V E . and HORACE electric elite, is years experience in WALKER please come to th e State them*, term paper*. College grad­ AQUA LUNG. MUST sacrifice. News office. Room 347, Student S er­ uate. ED 8-5646. if Pitone ED 7-2142. — *7 vices Bldg. for two free passes to the Crest D rive-tn. 1201 E. Grand River AUCTION: SATURDAY. May 6, WANTED East Lansing 7 p.m. at the Wolverine Salea Barn ‘ A.E. Phi CAR WASH. *1.60. S atur­ I 1, mites west of WiiUamnon oh day 9.60 a m . • 160 p.m. Sinclair Gas 19S7 to I960 VOLKSWAGON. ED . U.S. M. Furniture, household spdU- ances. power tools, hand tools, lawn Station. C om er G rand Rivar and 7-9264 Delta. — 21 after 5 p.m. 27 3055 E. Mich, furniture of all kinds, golf balls, fishing tackle, - and many other WANTED - I t r i GIRLS to share g "WELCOME TO THE Tice House. apartment in N.Y. City for N.Y.U. s Jiist West of Sears items for your spring and sum­ Bridal Shop of Jackson is having a summer school or work. CaU Marni mer need*. MAR Sales, owner. C.B Smith. Jr. auctioneer. - 27 spring showing of bridal fashions. HaU. ED 2-2513. Ordway's Tuxedo Rental of Jackson. Flowers by Mrs. Southwell. 8 miles MSU YEARBOOK. U or ‘SB. State 29 LANSING FARM MBWQTS GO. GIRL’S USED BICYCLE , w ith bas­ north of Moron an Okemos Road. price in letter. W.R. Wiltshire, 799 ket. 515. CaU KD 2-1007. 28 Sunday May 7. 2-4 p.m. ' 27 Rúffner. Birmingham, Mich. 29 i r t i iiIg N^ p fn tn Tfmra, f a t f m A i f ) HfiA t p n Friday Morning, May St 1961 j 62 Out-of-State 1 ~ 1 8 8 F o u r -P o in te r s H o n o r e d By BOB THALER work and extreme interest in itale News Staff Writer the subject. Not unlike the ma­ Gerald J. Ketr. fgrjngflaM. One hundred eighty-eight jority, he found communication Maas. sophomore; Carolyn A. Kiebler, East I inRiig ItMRann students who earned an all-A skills to, be one of his more dif­ Charlotte R. Klein, n o t soph­ ' Academic record winter term ficult courses. omore; Rhode K. Ktuge. L w > view «pohomore: Richard R. Knight. Ware honored Wednesday night He sees the academic stand­ Bay city fraMwiaa: Kasmetit E. flt • recognition dinner given by Konop. Fort Huron notiuooo: K ar- j President John A. Hannan. ing of Michigan State moving SaL yt£ i?iagCTi g freahman: Con E. Ltvenspargar. Matt I this number is slightly be­ upwards by leaps and bounds, sophomore: Richard A. Localio, Irv­ low the 117 honored previously but particularly so among the ington. N.V, soohomoce: Walter L. Lockwood. G rand Renta* aoBReaaar a. lor fen term excellence, and top undergraduate students on Thomas S. Loestng. Athens freah­ Is not quite one percent of the campus. They arc among the man; Georgeen L. Luecht, Lastla total student enrollment. very best in the nation, he as­ freshman: Carolyn MacDougaU. Flint freshman: Robert S. Maklnan. Of the four-pointers honored, serts, and this he credits to the Lake Linden sophomore: Mary K. •bout one-third (62) are fro.a MSU Development Fund and Mclnnis. Cedar Smings frashn— : Madeline K Miller, Detroit fresh­ out Of state. This compares its Alumni Scholarship pro­ man; Robert M. Mitchell, Dtmon- with one-fifth of the total uni­ gram which lures high caliber dale freahman: Betty J . Moors. Indi­ anapolis, In d , freshman; James T . versity enrollment being out scholastic talent to East Lan­ Morton. BvansvtBc. In d , freshaesn: R u th M. Muirhead. Elgin. HI, frn h * •tarlnary Matari no — Lois Alax- sing each year. iar. Norway sedior. Donald J5. 4*stattrs. m an; Leon Nicholson. Royal Oak S b f e RerdtfSril iunior; f iB w r W. Principal gpeakor of the eve- Four-point students are: freshman; Robert A. Olstoln, Bronx. N. Y , freshman: John 1- Pah rson . aing was Dr. Milton E. Muel- B usiness a n d P u b l i c ■ S ervice — ScottviU e sophomore; Paul R. Pen- ju n io r. nock, Jr. Standish sophomore; Rue- _______________ der, vicepresident for research Junior; R o b ert M. Abruxzi, W arren. Ohio. sell A . Perkin*, fiwarts Creek aid dean of the school for ad­ R apids Msenior: aurice G oudxw aard. G ra n d D aniel P . K earn ey . freshman: verla S. Putney, ljo ig s i- vanced graduate studies. The ing ood, A ustin, K lngsford se n io r: W ilson N . L iv­ T e x , sen io r: D oris ia sophomore; Barbara J . Rail, East I an tin g sophomore. N ig h t S ta ff former oean of the College of Jm. asLloyd, P o rt H u ro n sen io r; T ho­ J . M cG reavy, Low ell, M aas, Cared J. Rico. Dearborn sophomore; Lauralee Sherwood. Pontiac fraahmati; Asst News Editor, V ic Science and Arts spoke on the senior; Ja m es A. Mills. 'F lin t ju n ­ Joan S . Sidman. Ssosaat. N T , freeh- tòplc, “A Few Confessions of Iow ior: G a ry O. R obinette. C ed ar Falla. m an; Kathleen M. Simmon*. Maynard. Rauch; Copy Editors, Sant Mass. freshman; Lavrrwca J . Smir- a Displaced Humanist.” He pre­ p arda,. Ajuunroiorar;, 111, a n d Jo h n D. Shep­ senior. cich. Brooklyn. N. T , freahman ; Bacon, Brandon Brown, Ann sented himself as the displaced C om m unication - A rts — S h a ro n Alden W. Smith, Greenwich. C onn. BrainanL sophomore: Stephen Snidenaan. De- humanist, having been trained M , Coady, C e d ar S prings G eorg* O. H e ad ric k . T u rn e r. O re , _ ju n io r: la the humanities but finding sen io r; L in d a L. K ohlhof. B lrm ln g - strongly enmeshed in Gham senior: John P. M urphy, admimstration for the past W rosse P o in te sen io r; ¿ p d Susan L. ilson. M ason ju n io r. M A Y N A R D JA S T R A M twenty years. E d u catio n — L y n d a J . Berg, INVITES TOD TO S outh B end, In d . sen io r; L in d a E. C ham bers, F a rm in g to n se n io r; L in ­ USING HIS own background d a L. C onverse, B eldlng ju n io r; and experience as examples. JJuadnye t A.EL L aLpell«, M idland ju n io r; Dean Muelder emphasized the D avid D. M cW ittell, D e tro it ju n io r; ethy, B y ro n sen io r; “ S h a r e H i e P r o f i t s C o n te s t” advantages of broad training M ary K . P a u l. W inston-S alem , N. C. sen io r: M ary M. P e terso n . E ast get details at m humanities and in adminis­ L ansing ju n io r; A n n M. P iro c h ta . tration. He added that every­ PYooungs, n tiac j u n io r : and S a lin e ju n io r. S a ra h ' A. one has something to gain from E n g in e erin g — A lvin C. B ailey. the study of administration and M a tta w a n senior; P a u l W. B eu k e- M A Y N A R D ’ S T e x a c o S t a t io n m a, H olland eenior: T om N. D avid­ Ita techniques. son, B a ttle _ C reek, se n io r; G ordon E. GRAND RIVER A t SPARTAN - tf* n e training —— - « tà ta ri t h a t S ia te c i i n a i should not be the high- — light'Of one’s intellectual ac­ lin iv p rtitv ! fed1* * 1» S o u th B end. In d . senior; u n i v e r s i t y |R oy & G o u ghnour, C oncord senior; J o h n H rlnevich. S t A roa# senior; W illiam J . M cD erm ott. B aldw in. America’s sweetheart... N. Y. senior; Ju d so n A. M cDowell. tivity, and that the choosing of "Lansing ju n io r; Ja m e s H , R andall. F airview senior; J o h n P . Sargcsit. j| discipline is not as important R eading, M ass. senior; a n d H arlow - D e lta Upsilon T h e P e re n n ia l As that the selection remains W. S chw artz, Honking senior. but a start and not an end. H om e Econom ics — E m ily Jr __ . , , . ,, i Boesch, Sebewaing se n io r; M ary I. He concluded by urging those i D urfee. F a rm in g to n Junior: J o a n H arris. B ellevue ju n io r; C arole S. I. present to develop an aware­ N agata. H onolulu. H aw aii sen io r: C a r W ash K ay A. P alm er, P e rsh in g iu n io r a n d ness of and ¿n interest in the L au ra d elie W arne. B u rr O ak. K a u r ceflt&iuance of edu c a t i o n senior. throughout life and to strive toward a unity of knowledge necessary for an understanding of the society in which we live. S cience a n d —A rts — A n n e B. BI a lid e U. A m h erst, Mass. seruor; A. R obin B ow ers, B u c k in g h a m sh ire, E ng., se n io r; K e n n e th J . B u ltm an . O ttaw a H ills ju n io r; P eggy J . C ans- fleld. F o rt W ayne. In d . ju n io r; S a tu rd a y - M a y 6 S h irtd re s s R ich a rd G . C a rte r, F re m o n t ju n io r: Accorded special recognition by President Hannah was Ted Petrie, Lansing senior, who has D aniel D ruckm an. Mew Y ork se n ­ ior; Vicki L. Bales, L akevlew ju n io r; M a rg a re t A. E tie n n e; H ighland P a rk s e n io r; R ich ard F re e m a n . M idland, ■ Right for every moment maintained a perfect all-A rec­ ju n io r; -S h a r o n L. G aaneny. C lare eenior; E dw in G . G em rich. K alam ­ 9 A .M . t o 1 P .M . ord during 11 terms at MSU. Ted, a mathematics and phys­ ics major from Sexton High azoo ju n io r; F re d e ric k J . G ilm an. E ast L ansing ju n io r; Je a n n e G ir­ oux. -Gróese P o ln tc ju n io r: S teven H. G ro n n er. L ansing se n io r; -M ar­ of your very busy life School, will attend Princeton ily n K . H arton. L ansing se n io r. ] Ja y n e A. H offs. L ake O dessa se n io r; j W endeU E. H olladay, P o rtla n d . Ore. 334 E v e r g r e e n A v e . University on a National Sci­ senior; J o a n H u tch in so n , B edford ence Foundation graduate study senior; M a rg are t A. Ja n d a se k . D e a r­ b o rn ju n io r; M ary E. Jo n e s. B irm ­ ant following his graduation S June. He hopes to work into ingham ju h io r; J o y c e A- K ortes, L akevlew ju n io r; J o a n L an g sch w a - ger. Chicago. 111. ju n io r: Ja m e s D. researob and teaching. He L ed v ln k a. N o rth b ro o k . HI. ju n io r: ; T heodora M ack. Chicago. IU. ju n io r started his college days in the A rth u r F . MtUer. M tlv in d a le ju n io r; engineering c u r r i c u l u m , N ancy J . M iller. G ra n d R aoids ru n - ! changed to chemistry, then lor: M a ry an n M u rphy. C haeterlan d . Ohio, ju n io r. D E L IV E R Y physics, and settled on math­ F ra la D. Ow l. E ast N o rth fleld M ass ematics in his junior year. senior; T e d 'P e trle , L ansing senior; J u ­ P ina, Giant Hams, It’s shirtwaist timé . . . and we’ve got a new crop of d ith B Radzom . D e tro it ju n io r; Jo h n He has been taking graduate D. Sabo, jr., S an d u sk y . O hio, senior; „and Subm arines... courses since his sophomore Rior: o b ert K. S eaton, E lizabeth. N J . ju n ­ fresh new fashions with the “AH American Look”. R ichard O. S ingleton. P o n tia c se n ­ year, and was a member of io r; T hom as C. S m ith, G ra n d R apids Every Day of the Week There’s a color and style to fit your every mood. The the Michigan State trio which H eig hr:ts, Jasenior: ju n io y n e M. Souser. M uskegon N elson L. Spoelm an. laced fourth in the nationwide E llsw orth ju n io r: S ta n ly L. S te in ­ ? utnam Mathematical b erg . T rav e rse C ity iu n io r; H. Mc­ Compe­ K ay S undw all. E ast te n s in g ju n io r: . . . NO 25c Delivery easiest to wear and easiest to care fabrica. See our tition. C arolyn J . V alone. Ja m esto w n . N. Y„ j u n i o r : B e tty J . W att. O n ta rio . Charge is Added on to Our Prices I exciting collection of the AU American favorite . . . C anada, eenior: G a ry L. W heelock. WHEN ASKED the secret of L ansing se n io r . a n d S a n d ra K . W il­ Shirtwaist dresaes, you’ll find them at Knapp’s. his success, he credited hard cox, G ra n d R apids ju n io r. U n iv e rsity C ollege — S a ra h N. N SW YORK A bbott. C in cin n a ti. O hio, sopho­ m ore: E. M ichael A llen. H arrison. N. T » so phom ore; N elson B alnea, H o u sto n , T e x , fresh m an ; J a m e s D. B all. E ast L ansing fre s h ­ W. PIZZA PIT m a n ; R o b e rt B artholom ew , G ra n d R apids sophom ore; D avid J . B enson. 203 M.A.C. (downstairs) ED 2*0863 U N IV E R S IT Y N Y . fresh m an : Ro­ A. 100% cotton in pink or blue. g e r T. B e rg . Chicago, 111,- sopho­ Sizes 10*18. m ore; W illiam W. B ergstrom . T a ­ announces the 3rd com a, W a s h , fre sh m a n ; W illiam B e n u n g h a ro , S o u th field fresh m an ; D on MV B lakeslee, M idland sopho­ B. 100% cotton in blue or iviory. m o re; J u lie - A. Bock. B a ltim o re . M d , fresh m an ; C arol C. C assidy, Sizes 10-18. JU N IO R Y E A R IN G ra n d R apida so phom ore; S usan C onley, O ak P a rk , IU , sophom ore; M ichael T . C ooper. E vansville, Ind.. sophom ore; T hom pson S. C ro c k ett. D ayton, Ohio, fresh m an : B a rb a ra L. POST DIVISION C. Dacron’-cotton in blue or pink. Sizes 7-15. C u ra s. C aro sophom ore; C h arles E BhflZ'L C urtis. E a st L an sin g fre sh m an : E. D‘A gostino. H azel P a r k soppom ore; A gnes C. Dies. M ontreal. C anada, sophom ore; P a tric ia S. D um as. M id­ lan d eopbom ore: A lan C. E arly . Post Division of General Foods Corporation wffl be on campus Tuesday, May 9 and Monday, May 15. D. Dacron’-cottonin banana or aqua. Sizes 7-15. m i . 62 P lain w ell sophom ore; E ck e rt. F o rt W ayne. T n d , sopho­ Jo sep h L. They will be interviewing June and August gradu­ m ore; J u s tin G. E nglish. L ansing •Registered DuPont Trademark afflio sophom ore: D avid E w ing. Okam o# ates with Bachelors and Masters degrees in en­ fresh m an : H e rm a n C. F eik am a, U nivrA ty of S3o Paulo . Rbtng. ockford fre s h m a n ; L in d a S. F ie- gineering, business administration, and related T ravers* C ity fresh m an : J o h n C. F re e m a n . D e tro it fresh m an ; A n­ fields for process engineering, plant engineering, KNAPP’S SHIRTWAIST DRESSES ita D. G eorgia, L an sin g sophom ore; fm Merswtles writei D enial G ra ft. Ja m aica . N , Y , soph­ om ore; R o b e rt s . G reen*. K n o x ­ Industrial engineering, production supervision, and STREET LEVEL, EAST LANSING r Tsar I* Sratfl ville. T e n n , fresh m an ; R o b e rt J . G reen e. B ad A xe eoohom ore; A rlyn quality control sapervWan. The Post Division is h u í . Colitis J . G re ife n d o rf. C hicago sophom ore: et M l saC Scisse« Iwuuun V«« Wa «MOML— -- W illiam C. H slnee. H astin g s fresh* seeking outstanding men who have a strong desire Noe vert Mssnity m an; F a y a M. B arriao n . Saginaw fresh m sn ; A lb e rt E. H enn H, for and who are capable of advancement to higher geo Tedi v a . V. ! B loom field H ills aophom or*¡’ S usan C. Hogg, S aginaw fre sh m a n : A nne managementpositiona. Startingntary: $500-600 per IE. H ughes, B irm ingham eoohom ore; J a n E. Jaso b ao n . L onsng jo p h o - month deputing on degree, scholastic record, lead­ ership ability, work experience. Please register a t the Placement Bureau Office. (The May 9th data H U LEL F O U N D A T IO N has not been aawoanced In the Placement Unreal Friday, May 5, 7 :3 0 P.M. notices.) Friday evening servkes; Kiddu«h; Oneg Shabbat at Post Dhrishm is a part of General Foods Corpora, Hillel House. Topic: “The Peace Corps” tion, one of the largest and most successful food Saturday, May 6, 10 A.M. manufacturing firms in tbs world. “JeUo”, “Me«well Sobboth Services and Oneg Shabbat at HUlel House. House” coffee, and "Birdseye” frosen foods are some of the weU known General Foods products. Sunday, May 7, 6 P.M. Post Division with headquarters, manafactaring . Sapper Ctab— at the HUlel House. operation, and 2,000 employees la located In B atik Prof. Dame! Kroger will discuss “Ethics la Bustaeea” Creek, Michigan. It is a loader in breakfast cereals industry. “Post” cereals, “Post uni”, “Tang” and Paoee Cerpe IoformatioR and Appttcsfiea Blanks Avail- “Gaines” dog food aro products of the Foot Divi­ EAST LANSÜNG • OPEN TODAY, 9 :3 0 À.M. TO 5 :3 0 K m ., ED 2-5006 ahta at the HUlel Foundation, Sit HMkrest (corner ef Grand River). sion. Friday Morning, May 5 , 1961 Michigan State Now», Eb*I Lanaing* Michigan 3 Official D e s ig n S c ie n c e P a r k HPR Department Considering Changes in Required Courses methods of instruction ternatives are being studied. quire the student to practice on instructors. At present, the our staff does not. We have to Protests €■ Landscape Exchange inNew required courses are being These include closed circuit one hour per week on ms own. average load of “This would be In kaaping structor is 27 hours per week. this an HPR in­ find ways and means to meet problem.” considered by t h e Health, television, instructional assist­ with He explained that predicted Speaker Solutions Judged Here Physical President Hannah’s pro­ In addition, many instructors increases Education and Recre­ ance by proficient students and posed plan to place, n o n re­ serve as coaches of varsity ation Department due to in­ the limiting of actual instruc­ sponsibility with the student for sports. in the enroUmeat for next fall wUl directly affect his By JANET WEBER them, and the University of creasing student enrollment. tion to two hours per week his education,” Munn said. “Our problem is simple,’’ department as all new students By LARRY B U Y E R State Newa Staff Writer California, Berkley, and Lou­ Department he a d. Biggie instead of the present three Increasing student enroll­ dent n |i> Munn. “Each fall the stu­ are required to take six terms Stalt N «n Staff Writer Student entries from 15 uni­ isiana State each received one Munn, said that several al- hours. The latter.plan would re- ment has placed an overload enrollment increases and of HPR courses. A University official protest­ versities were judged here award. ed strongly to attempted intim- Tuesday for the best solution No Gold Seals were given this ktetioo of students by a Michi­ gan Farm Bureau represents-, tive following the showing of ‘ Operation Abolition” at a meeting of the Association of Off Campus students Wednes­ in the problem given for the annual Landscape Exchange Problems. This competition sets up a problem for „students, gives year. They are reserved for truly outstanding solutions to the problem said Cerlacb. Upon completion of the com­ petition the winning entries Attend Church Sunday them a time limit to finish it, are sent to each of the other day night. and then entries are judged at schools so that students may The protest came from David Hess, administrative assistant a central point. The problem involved was to see how their contemporaries are solving the problems EAST LANSING CHURCHES to the Provost. design a Natural Science Park given. During a question and an­ to be developed in Lexington, Because the judging was here swer period following the mov­ Mass. Each participant was this year, Michigan State stu­ A' ie J. Delbert Wells, head of the allowed 50 hours to complete dents were not allowed to en­ program development division this problem. ter. of the Michigan Farm Bureau, UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH was taking down the names of The entries, were then for­ warded to the central point, EAST LANSING students asking questions. “I told you who I am, now I Michigan State this year, and judged. ~ Bill to Create Light Hearted TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH EAST LANSING want to know who you are,” The jury included John Rog­ The besutifu] thingiof naturesukt every* Wells told a student when ask­ ed why he was taking the ers, chief landscape architect in charge of design and con­ Judgeships «ne Ught hearted in May. In that beauty, Ood reminda «, “Li/t up your eyos M — interdenominational AND STUDENT CENTER lettrée» cullasti oui I names. struction for the Michigan Con­ .high, and bahold who hath creattd Ita Spartan Avenno Several students protested servation Department, Divis­ Sent to JFK IlAaaa thing» ...He ealleth them all bf National Lutheran -Council 299 West Grand River nt Michigan and asked what Wells intended to do wtth the names. “Keep them on file,” was the ion of Parks and Recreation. Rogers is also president-elect of the American Society of WASHINGTON, » 1-Congress Thursday passed and sent to gfomeeby thè greatneee of Hit might.’* It it thi»wonderful Ood who can |>v* you ttrength and joy all ycar round. ¡ñ Rev. E. EUGENE WILLIAMS Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES Division and Ann Street, E. !.. (2 blocks North of Berkev Hall) Parish Pastor: Charles Kilnksieh Dr. Wallace Robertson, Pastor Dr. P. Marteu Simms Rev. Buy J. Schramm only answer he would give for Landscape Architects. the White House a bill to create u n a am . Dr. N. A. McCune, 73 additional federal judge­ Paster StesrHue this. Another jurist was Edward “TWO CREATIONS AND ONE CREATOR" Campus Worker: Miss Teria Sund Rev. Joseph Porter ships. “We were invited here as guests by a public announce­ MaUonen, chief landscape ar­ chitect of the Department of The House approved the M A R T IN L U T H E R C H A P E L 7 JO p.m. “V ED 2-5571 oTED 2-492» WORSHIP SERVICES ment. and I object strongly to Parks, Milukee, Wis., and land­ measure first and! the Senate "THE SECRET OP HOLY COMMUNION 9-M A 11 am . your taking names and keeping them on file,” Hess told Wells. scape architect in charge of quickly followed, both by voice & STU D EN T C EN T ER REDEMPTION" "Holy Communion Service and 0:99, 19:15 A 11:39 "SACRAMENT OF HOLY master planning for the Huron- vote. Missouri Sc Wisconsin 8jmo4 ' - Reception al New Members" COMMUNION Wells made no comment to Clinton Metropolitan Authority, In the House, passage follow­ OTHER SERVICES (Nursery available at all services) MeditiMl By this statement and went on tak­ Detroit. ed a plea by Republicans that — Dr. Wallace Robertson ing down names. But he drew Raymond Grables, a land- President Kennedy avoid par­ 444 Abbott Road - 3 Blocks N. of Union • :45 am . Sunday School Sunday School 9:00 A 19:15 Voucng Couples Class 19M am . a standing ovation from the scape-engineer of a local land- tisanship in appointing the new Wm. J . B ritten, Pastor Clam for University Stndentt LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION - CoUege House crowd. scape architect firm completed judges, 10 in the Circuit Courts Chapel Sc P a r s o n s e s Telephone ED 1-0778 Trinity Collegiata Ptllowshlp (m»tt at tha chnrch at 5:45 p.m.) Church School Wells appearance on campus the jury. and 63 in the District Courts. Sunday Warship ( to . l t d l , 11:11 um . and SilS p.m. 0:41 pm.,<5, Program 9:19 am . A 11 a.m. was sponsored by the Associa­ Carl S. Gerlach, professor Rep. Emanuel Celler, D- Studente Supper P ro c re a (S ta S pm .) 7:00 p m . Wednesday Evening — Joint Mooting at Spartan Crib room through high tion of OS Campus Students. of Urban Planning and Land­ N.Y., chairman of the House Providing a Campos Ministry for M arried and Storie Students Prayer and Bihle Stady Christina Fellowship school ago The movie was to have been scape Architecture here acted Judiciary Committee, agreed shown In the Tower room of as director of the jury, with the judgeships should not be the Union but an unexpectedly prizes for deserving Demo­ Assistant Professor John Fra­ large crowd of 390 required the use of the Union ballroom. ~ zier acting as recorder. ---- crats, but he added: - CHRISTUN FIRST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH Of EDGEWOOD Wells was asked several Blue Seal awards were given “Being a realist, candor im­ pels me to say that being a questions on the validity of the to four of the entries: Iowa State University took two of Democrat will not hurt one’s CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARISH EAST UNSING PEOPLES CHURCH film and refused to comment chances for appointment.” on It. — Rep. William M. McCuUoch, STUDENT taa EAST GRAND RIVER _ Pr. R. Kavanaugh 127 MAC. snd “I feel that the film achieves „Rev. Truman A. Morrison what I want It to, and that is R-Ohio, said in addition to the showing the American public World Affairs 73 new judgeships to be filled, East Lansing ~ ST. JOHN’S SUNDAT FORUM SOS p m . WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. Robinson G. Lapp the threat of Communism and 19 vacancies exist. FOUNDATION Church Service 11 AM . "A PSYCHOLOGIST LOOKS AT Interdenominational what is actually going on to­ day.” Welhr said. . Council Holds He said that gives Kennedy 92 appointments to start with, 14S W. Grand lllv-r Sunday School 11 AM. Sunday School for Unlveratty „ MARRIAGE" Dr. Marlsst Klaget Sunday Masses Wilson M. Tennant, George I.' Jordan Ministers IB N. Hacadont Road (3 blocks north of Grand River) “I’m not here to defend the more than any president in House-Un-American Activities committee. If the committee Reception history ever had at one time. Joseph A. Porter. Minister -Sunday. May 7. HW Students I d a a.m. Subject 1 7:3# - IM - 10:00 - 11:30 (Baby sitting nt 1:45 It ~ 19:90 Masses) Sunday Slay 7, 1941 SUNDAY SERVICES is unconstitutional there are 9:30 a m. A 11:99 a m, many other committees that are also unconstitutional as The Lansing World Affairs Council will honor 288 interna­ tional students and 180 local Chairmanship 10:30 a.m. Married couples coffee and discussion hour at Collese "ADAM AND PALLEN MAN" Dally Masses 0:45 A 0:00 a m , 12:10 p.m. Saturday Masses *:00 A 9:00 a n . "UNUSED ALIBIS” Rev. Wilson T enntnt “NEW -«I.A M S G S IN AN OLD WORD: INTEGRITY" they have been set up the same "way.” he said. Wells was invited to join any families at a'reception in the UN Lounge in the Union on Available House tounse. Council For Christian Work Exchange Program Wednesday Evening Meeting I P.M Reading Room 134 W. Grand River Confessions daily at 5:30 pm . Saturday 4-5:30 A -7:30-9:90 p.m. And at all Masses except Sunday 111* S. Harrison Road Church Services: 9:45 £~I!:99 i Rev Truraan A. Morrison Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. Petitions for general chair­ Meeting at Bethal Manor Novena Services Church School interested students in Old Col­ All have participated in the man of the 1962 Water Car­ Spartan Christian. Fellowship Is Mon. thru Sat. a am . - 5 p.m. Tues. 5:15 A 7:19 p.m. ' N ursery for both Services 9:3» a.m. A 11 am . lege hall after the meeting to Host. Mon., Tues, Thurs., A Pri. 7 p.m. friendship program initiated nival will be available Mon­ • • p.m. Compline A Benediction Dinner nt 1:00 p m . carry on the discussion. He by the Council’s Hospitality day through Friday in the sen­ Program Following Sun. 7:39 p.m. said that he felt it wouldn’t be Committee last fall. Each new ior class office, Student Serv­ Speaker: Movie every Friday night at 9. ■ — Church School Edge« ood Youth FeUewshtR worth it “if this racket is going Dr. David Hess, of MSU Honors AI] ara welcome to attend Church - 7 4 » pm . ices, and the Union, accord­ Dance every Saturday night— to continue," referring to the international student who came CoUege. Servtees, and visit and nsa the 9 - 12. 9:45 am . CoUege Class Jr. High Fellowship _questions which had been ask­ to the campus was “adopted” ing to Bob Cantrell, senior class Everyone Welcome Reading Room. Phone ED 7-977* 11:90 am . AU Ages Picnic — 2:39 pm . ed. by a family. president. Ag Engineers M ic h ig a n P r o v in c e C o n v e n tio n EASTMIHSTER KIMBERLY DOWNS A U SAINTS CENTRAL METHODIST EAST LANSING CHURCH _ UNITY CENTER Elect Payne S t . J o h n C a th o lic S tu d e n t C e n te r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH *23 W. Grand River Roxie G. MiHer. Pastor Jim Payne, Wayne junior, is CHURCH Ottawa at Capitol Sunday Worship 94* and 1149 am . the newly-elected president of „Friday May 5 *— 9:00 Movie (Student Prince) 1 SST Kimberly Drive, Lanaing 09» Abbott Road — ED 2-1313 Worship Services 1:45 A 11:15 am . "WISDOM FOR DAILY LIVING" the university chapter of the .35c members — 50c non-members Sunday School 114* am . American Society of Agricul­ (1 blk. N. of WJIM Country House) Rev. John P. Porter - Chaplain Paul Morrison, proachlog Ddhald Circle 1315 Abbott Rd., East Lansing Helea Clark — Organist tural Engineers. 11:00 Record hop n r a -n a i -Ray. Robert Gardner Church School: 9:45 to 11:45 am . Study Classes Monday A W« Other officers are: Floyd En- Rev. Robert L. Moreland. Ministar day evenings at S4S M b Chaplain to Marriod Students Cantral la n Friendly Church Affiliated with Unity School of glehardt. Sebewaing junior, Saturday May 6 — 10:00-12:00 A.M. Workshops 541 Walbrldge Drive Del L. Wlnlager, Minister Christianity. Loo's SumaMt, MU- Bov. Henry FnknL Asst. Minister m art. vice president; Jim Randall, 1:30-5:00 P.M. Elections Mk> senior, secretary 'r Chuck SUNDAY PROGRAM SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAT SERVICES Nichols, Howell junior, treas­ ~ 9:30-12:00 P.M. Dance (Kellogg Center) Sunday FIRST CHRISTIAN urer and Ron MacLaren, Per- Dress, Music by Paul Emery I f:3* a.m. Church School, with Morning Worship 11:90 am . 1:99 AM. Holy Communion LANSING COTRAL F R E rinton junior, scribe. Nursery, and Adult study, stu­ Tickets to be purchased at Student Center by dents Included. Bible Stady t:45 am . 0:30 A.M. Morning Prayer or Holy REFORMED CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Benjamin Franklin is credit­ lt:30 a.m. Worship, with contin­ Communion, and Church School ed with Invention of the rock- ‘ Sat. noon. Members only. $1.00 Per Person. uing Church School for Kinder­ Evening Worship 0:00 pm . 249 Marshall St. Lansing Washington a t Jefferson garten and younger. mg chair. i Rev. John M. Hulmán, Pastor Wtdnssday evening Dibit Study Morning Service 19 am . Merming Worship 11 hJ 1140 AM. Morning Prayer or Sunday School It aj Sermon Evening Service 7 p.m. Youth Service #49 p i “ CHRISTIAN COMMONNESS" 7:10 pm . Holy Communion. Sermon Evening Worship 749 p j Those la need of transportation Family Servteo Wed. Evening-7 49 STUDENTS WELCOME Church School call the campai Religious Ad­ Por transportation Cull ED 2-023» “The Chnrch of the Light and CANTERBURY C U B visor, Mr. Cornelius Korhoru at Call ED 2-ana for transportation IV 5-7*53 or Mr. Henry Botch at Life Hour" ed 7-1100 or ed t-ia«a 0.-00 PM . Sunday ___ ED 2-2223. (For Transporte*!on Call IV 9-4455) GREEK ARCHMOSESE OLIVET BAPTIST FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Ottawa and Chestnut ORTHODOX CHURCH CHURCH North Magnolia Avo. nt E. Michigan 2215 E. Michigan Worship Services 0:20 A 11:90 am . S. Washington at Elm Rev. William Hartman. Pastor Rev. Georgs B. HUaon — Minister (Nursery Provided) Lansing SUNDAY Sunday School : 15:59 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Sunday. School — t:45 AM. M ondât Worship 949 A.M- A "GREAT RELIGION" Divine Liturgy: 19:39 A.M. 1149 A.M. Morning Worship — 114t AM. Father Kenklakl* CoUege Ago Fellowship I P.M. Officiating Evening Service 7 PM. Dr. Morrow preaching MID-WEEK SERVICE Youth Service — 4:00 PM . Modern Greek Language School Thurs. and Frl., 4 - * pm . Tharnday 7:3» p.m. Evening Service - TiSS PM . - — Calvin Supper Club 4:30 pm . Church has ranted on campus S at, 1 - 5 pm . each Sunday or toll TV 2-54)9 Vesper Service and Confession for a rido. (Closest Baptist Church —Sat, 7 p.m._________________ to Campus) SOUTH B AP TIS T CHURCH SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIYRR DRIVE. LANSING HOWARD r. SUODEN, D. D , Paster DESMOND J. DELL, Assoc. Paater Attend theChurch Moralns Worship UdO am . GREAT BETWEEN COURSES! Bible Scheta la n a a.m. Evening Warship in a p m . „ O f Your Choice This Sunday G e t th a t r e f r e e k in g n e w fe e lin g w ith C o k e ! ■statori» w The CscfrCsIS Cl i p » * LA-SALLE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Open Hease for now odneattenta batidlas fsHowlug »vantag service. Laaatac, W eM caa — Call IV I IMS fur free hita aervteo warning and evening pi "A o________ _ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday Morning, May 5 , 1961 Beta Alpha Psi To Give Wave Study F a th e r S ig m fr W ill T a lk M ic h ig a n S ta te U n iv e r s it y Nine Awards Friday Reports S t Johns To Hold Convention F O R E IG N F IL M S E R IE S Beta Alpha Psi, accounting Association Doctoral Fellow­ To Be Given St. John’s Student Parish will convention will begin Friday be a summary session and a communion breakfast on Sun­ p r e s e n ts Z- V ':":: be host this weekend to the night with a movie, .“Student and financial honorary frater­ ship. Reports of ultrasonic (high day morning. / Juniors, Ronald Wellfare, frequency sound) wave studies State Newman Club Conven­ Prince.” All students are welcome to nity, will present nine awards tion, an organization whose Saturday will be devoted to Friday night at the annual Lansing and John DeGarmo, here will be given by faculty attend the convention and may Alumni Banquet at the Union. The fraternity will also re­ East Lansing are the recipients of the Michigan National Bank members and students at the Acoustical Society of America annual meeting in Philadelphia purpose is to coordinate Cath­ olic Student activity on the secular campuses of the state, panels and workshops discuss­ ing how to run a Newman Chib, foDowed in the evening offer their services as hosts and hostesses for the weekend, according to William Pawlak, “The Grapes of Wrath” ceive 39 initiates, students and scholarships. by a dinner and dance at Kel­ faculty, into the honorary. May 10-13. The keynote address will be Hopkins junior, chairman of by John Steinbeck HARRY WOLK, East Lan­ “Experimental Studies of the given by Father Alexander Si- logg center. the convention. Three awards will be pre­ sing doctoral candidate; Rich­ gur, National Newman Chib Concluding the weekend will The dance at Kellogg center sented to William R. Reynolds, Least Stable Waveform” will starring ard Neumann, Williamston doc­ be discussed by Dr. M.A. Brea- Chaplain, at the opening Mass will be open to all parishoners, Jackson senior. He will re­ toral candidiate; and John on Saturday morning. Long before aircraft engi­ and-tickets for the banquet and ceive the Haskins and Sells zeale, professor at physics. Dr. HENRY FONDA Glotzbach, East Lansing mas­ Walter G. Mayer and Dr. Paul Presiding at the convention neers discovered jet propulsion, dance may be purchased at the award, the Beta Alpha Psi ters candidate will receive fel­ will be Timothy Dyer, senior at squid and octopi were impell­ Parish Office. award for obtaining the best M. Parker will present their Jane Darwell - John Carradine - Charley Grapewin lowships from the grants .of paper on “Elastic Constants Eastern Michigan University ing themselves swiftly by suck­ For further information, call record in accounting, and a public accounting firms. and chairman of the Michigan ing water into their bodies and. ED-7-9778, or stop at the Cath­ fellowship provided f r o m and Ultra Velocities in Some -One Showing Only? Marie Littler, senior partner Crystal Groups.” „ .... Province of the National New­ chooting it (Hit. olic Student Center, 327 MAC. grants by various, public ac­ of thé Detroit office of Arthur man Club Federation, which in­ counting firms. Three of the five papers Anderson and Co. will speak. scbednled from here will be cludes the Newman Clubs and UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM EDWARD R. SCHULER, given by graduate research Student Parishes of all the sec­ rKOGKAX INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 The banquet is co-sponsored Saginaw senior, is the receipi- by the fraternity and the de­ assistants. ular campuses in Michigan. Monday, May 8 —7 :00 p.m. ent of the Wall Street Journal partment^ of accounting and fi­ Award for outstanding scholas­ tic achievement in finance. He has also been awarded a grad­ nancial administration. About 200 faculty, alumni, NOW Showing GLADM ER j re a ta r« p® At 9:2$ 1:99 3:49 - 5:15 - 6:29 - * 9 1 m IE.* Admission: 50c uate assistantship in the de­ and students will attend. TMf A T H f • PMONf IV Ï EAST LAN5INC - PHONE ED.2-2814 partment of accounting and fi­ OSWttaOBb nance at the University of Flor­ HOME o f f o r e ig n f il m s ida where he will work for a EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING NOW I master’s degree in business ad­ ministration. Placement H A P P E N IN G S LUCON Z Great Hits Harlan R. Patterson. East Lansing doctoral candidate will Bureau A IIS H A " ' STARTS TONGHT 7 P.M. FEATURE — 7:20 AND 9:30 TasHTÑ sIHO » 9HOH1 >D^2»T«j9 " receive the Stonier Fellowship in Banking. — Andrew T. Nelson. East Lan­ Interviewing at the Place-J ment Bureau Thursday. Addi­ wuBuBM .GEISHA GIRLS-. ITS A LAUGH RIOT FROM E L IZ A B E T H T A Y L O R sing doctoral, candidate will re­ çoive the American Accounting tional information in the Place-1 ment Bureau Bulletin for the [ gobs START TO FINISH — YOU LIKED in 2 A c a d e m y A w a r d week of May 8-12: Bangor Public Schools (near T h o s e yum - “SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDRELS” YOU in Performances! “Best Actress” Don’t Miss This Outstanding Show! Information Kalamazoo) interviewing ele­ mentary education, special ed­ yummy g i r l s ! from “Sayona- MILL DIE LAUGHING AT — “MAKE MINE MINK” ucation, and business educa- [ ra” are back. . . Sunday: tion. —r- in a new hit HURRY ~ COME Shown Today African Student Assn—2 p.m., Kellogg Consolidated School from the same DOWN EARLY 1 : 15-5 : 05-9:80 -32 Union. District (between Kalamazoo producer . KTW-auxmMiMtt imiM Sc Battle Creek) interviewing with the comedy MAKEGOBS_ Christian Stndent Foundation— art, Latin, English, vocal mu­ star of “Tea-1 E L IZ A B E T H T A Y LO R 6 p.m., Bethel Manor, CQV" sic, biology, general agricul­ house of the Au- LA U R EN C E H A R V EY Exchange -Program. ture, chemistry, physics, Eng­ gust Moon’*! ,y || E D D IE F IS H E R , Lutheran Stndent Assn—7 pm., lish, junior high general sci­ V' - :V%§S r.joNtowwrs M n r Martin Luther Chapel. Topic ence, business education, guid­ a k IO IL Y S H O W IN D I «BUTTERFIELD Discussion. ance & counseling with speech - I t a S i |ii t a M tetaM N A W niU Lutheran Student Assn.—8:1a] and English. p.m., Martin Luther Chapel. i 47. S. Army Engineer £ ^ . j v j 4(9) SHOW STARTS AT_ DUSK. COME EARLY! im IMMÙI STAY AWAY! Two Miles Southwest of Laming on M-78 iB ir V & c ss o r s tr a ñ g s d 2ND BIG BIT SHOWN ONCE AT 1:21 m o ra litie s h a v e o v e r mmtm 1 1 1 IfB H I r s a c h s d «ho s c r e e n I FRI. -SAT. - SUM. - EXCLUSIVE - FIRST - SHOWINfi! WELCOME HOME mwon Sl&u. jr e M j & K . TÏF HIT NO. (1) SHOWN AT 7:30 AND LATE HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 0:28 _ E l v is , O N C E E V E R Y 10 0 Y E A R S . . ✓ j r REVERE WAS THEÇBM¡L Presley1 Y o u Y s flM O r a a lM t l w iu m m n m ailhouse HOLDEN ¡»Wra * * Rock THE"W0 RM> Of 3RD FEATURE “JA1LHOUSE ROCK” AT 11:28 SUZIE "WONG 71A R L O N B r a n d o ! À..DAN EXQUISITE NEWOAHkNESE STAR. ! mSKMONHMNtl (OQUMff to t'W r. mis in units. kiimmiuum . sent son-am* MM-Jan MMh \u t m s im ..¡ID MiDIln tn iN M I W * D m HMD ...................... » AMnr t i t _ lt¡jl0 GOETZ•J0SÜMlOGW• n i i • ÍMÜSOT !umm asiWauk P H M l m m o m m m m m . 4TII HIT “SAYONARA” at late show coe mu' IP^WPMW VnMMD M L HIT NO. (3) AT 11:« m m m FROM THE PRODUCERS OF “HOUSE Oí* La.. HIT NO. (3) GUEST FEATURE AT 18:50 faSSk i O m w a S c Q C E *5 J0HNMÌkCK*l9CMMDQME D a w n s o c o r r o LCOLOR by DC LUXE E x p e c t L a r g e C ro w d 15 H o rs e s E n te r K e n tu c k y D e r b y Track Teams To Clash 3-Way By JERRY ROBERTS can take enough seconds and LOUISVILLE, Ky. (^-Fif­ State News Sports Writer thirds and Own win some of teen horses, registered by own­ The thinclads of Michigan the events we ere strong in, it F o r G re e n -W h ite Gai ers from nine states and Can­ ute, were entered officially Thursday for th 17th Kentucky derby and the track oddsmaker State will clash with potent squads from Penn State and is possible we can tak^this Ohio State Saturday to inaugu­ Leading M i c h i g a n State’s the tackles, Dan Underwood rate their 1961 home spring sea- hopes "will be Jerry Young, Michigan State football fans Although loaded with letter* aays two Florida colts are the son. Zack Ford, John Sharp, Sonny are expected to crowd into young, men, this year’s squad is pretty and Ed Budde *t the guards, ones to beat. , > This triangular meet will Akpata, Bill Alcorn, Morgan with only six seniors and David Manders at center. D m 1125,000-added derby, have some of the finest runners Ward, and Bill Mann. With Spartan stadium at 2:00 to­ starting in Saturday’s tussle. morrow afternoon to get their Gary Ballman and Mike Bion- Pete Smith at quarterback, the mile and one quarter glam­ in the country taking part in it. these, Dittrich plans on taking first real look at the 1961 squad. do, a couple of seniors are out Ron Hatcher at fullback, Sher­ our gallop of American racing, Bob Brown of Penn State will the two mile, pole vault, broad Coach Duffy Daugherty will with injuries, and won’t be man Lewis and Dewey Lincoln will be run Saturday at sprawi- no doubt be the center of at­ jump, and putting up a real be pitting his two most evenly available for action. Both boys at the halfbacks will round out iqg Churchill Downs. They traction for most track fans. battle with Penn State in the matched teams against each are expected to ready for the the backfield. _ started the derby badness at BROWN has already run the two hurdle events. other in the spring’s annual Old Timers game. thin layout within Louisville’s 100 yard das*» in the incredible Field events will begin at 1 The Spartans' have been hit qity limits on May 17, 1875, time of 9.3 Only two weeks ago p.m. Saturday, on the Ralph Green and White game, a tune rather hard with injuries these up for next Saturday’s battle STARTING ON the defensive when Aristides won the mag­ he awed track followers run­ Young field behind the m team will be Lonnie Sanders past few days, besides-Ballman nificent sum of 82,850. ning a 9.6 clocking, and coming building. Students will be ad­ with the Old Timers. _ and Biondo, Bob Suci, Kennith Saturday’s contest will be and Ernie Clark at ends', Dave back later that afternoon to mitted upon showing their ID May, Dan Currie, and Jim churn the cinders iA the 220 yd. cards,, a regulation affair, complete Berman and Pete Kakela at Kanicki have been sidelined -Paul Dekker, former Mich­ with kick offs, officials^ and the tackles, George Stevenson with injuries. Suci end Kanicki igan State end, in 1962 caught dash with a 20.8 time. penalties. The line play has and Bob Szwast at the guards, nine passes in the East-West Some of the other notables are returning lettermen, May competing in Saturday’s meet Netman To Compete sharpened considerably in the and Tom Jordan at center. is a junior tackle, and Currie football game to set the all- recent scrimmages, and with The backfield will consist of time Shrine record for most will be Penn State’s Gerry Nor­ everyone still fighting for a Ed Ryan, Ron Rubick, George was a promising young sopho­ receptions. _ man, a fleet toiler; Jerry Wheri In Big Ten Tourney more. stone, high jumper; George Michigan State’s tennis teem spot in the alumni fracus, and Saimes, and Herman Johnson. many shooting for an invita­ On the offensive unit will be Metzgar, dashman and Ohio’s takes an eight-match winning tion to the early fall drills, there Matthew Snortan and Art George Mirka, shot putter. streak into a five-team Big B r e a k L o s in g S tr e a k With such stars running, Ten tourney is sure to be a lot of rough ac; Brandstatter, at the ends, Tom many of MSU’s track and field Friday and Saturday. at EvanstOip 111., tion. i Winiecki and Jim Bobbett at records may be in jeopardy. Spartan Pitching Helps Knowing this, Coach Frank The Spartans will compete Dittrich has been pushing his against Northwestern, Iowa, CORAL GABLES’ I boys all week in hopes that Minnesota and Michigan. Beat Notre Dame, 6-3 some Spartans may be among At East Lansing Wednesday, • ILFORNO ■ • RESTAURANT • • A four run seventh inning and run of the afternoon for State the tight pitching of Ken Avery with a line drive to left. Sue helped Michigan State’s re­ cessive safeties by second base­ the record breakers. State turned in its latest-victory “It is going to be a tough by downing Western Michigan, meet,” Dittrich said, “but if we 9-6. bounding baseball team pick man Wayne Fontes and short­ 'the name that made PIZZA famous in Lansing* NOW OPEN DAILY AT 11 AJL up a 6-3 victory over Notre stop accounted for the final Dame at South Bend yesterday. runs in this foray. SLACK SALET Cutting loose against four The three hour contest start members of Jake Kline’s Notre ed off as a pitching duel be Reg. $14.95 & $12.95 now $10.95 2 for $19.00 ¡For Something Really Different—Try Out Dame staff, the Spartans broke tween "Avery and Palinnich be­ a five-game conference losing fore the Spartans scored in the Reg. $10.95 & $ 9.95 now $8.95 2 for $16.00 B A R - B - Q - R IB S streak. The win also marked seventh. Over the first six Reg. $ 8.95 &$ 7.95 now $6.95 2 for $12.00 the sixth sport in which State frames the Notre Dame hurler has edged Notre Dame in this limited State with just four * PHONE ED 7-1311 year. — singles. GEORGE MIRKA, co-captain of the OSU track team, will Ivy or Pleated Models - Sizes 30 lo 42 Avery was removed after NOTRE DAME rallied in the be participating hTState’s first home track meet of the COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE | six and one-third innings for seventh inning with one run. 1961 season. In both 1959 and 1960. George was fourth in Nationally Advertised Haggar -Slacks relief specialist Jack McCook, Two consecutive walks fol­ the Big Ten shot putt with 51’8” and second in the discus but gained the triumph. While lowed by Dick O’leary’s single 228 Abbott Avery was still hurling, the to left field were enough to I Spartans laid down a seven hit account for Notre Dames init­ throw. LenKositdiek'sVarsityShop E. Lansing ! attack to preserve the win. SHORT ial score. _ THE SOUTHPAW gave up Jack~McCook relieved Avery i three hite and one walk but when he began to falter. Fac­ IMGolf - BULLETIN ¡began to tire in the seventh. ing two- batters, McCook re­ I At one stretch during the mid­ tired another Notre Dame -Tournament- The Detroit Tigers shut out WESTMINSTER S LEEV E dle innings he retired 11 bat­ threat when he made Walt Os­ ters in succession. good and Jim Wolwine end the Saturday Washington 6-0 Thursday night to remain tied with New York The first of a four game road inning on fly balls. "The Michigan State Intramu­ for the American League lead. CLASSICAL LP SALE trip was put on the ice in the IT WASN’T until Bob Ross ral golf tournament -The Ttgers had 6 runs on 10 SPORT seventh inning when MSU bat­ came on that the victoqHwas held Saturday at the Forest tered Notre Dame hurler Nick assured. Facing four batters Akers golf course starting at B h t V M i l K S Palihnich for four runs. State the right-hander struck out Brown. Mossi was the winning S H IR T S batted around before they three to end the game, 8 a.m. Over 100 students have pitcher (3-0). Daniels (0-3) eould be retired in this fifteen f Indiana will provide Mich­ entered the tourney. — H A LF PRICE pitched for Washington. 2 . 4 9 minute inning. Stalling times for the indi­ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ Gordon Hjortaas slashed a igan State the opportunity to vidual participants will be post­ leadoff double to left field. Pat move out of the cellar of the V alues to $ 5 .9 5 Sartorius singled home the first Hoosiers conference western today. The ed in the west main IM lobby. boast a strong hit­ 7-In case of inclement weather, ting team. A composite team the same starting times will WE HAVE JUST A00E0 OVER WASH N WEAR Mailing average batting age vs of .wo .335 so ttiihv is what , f« , Polidnd Cotton at Bloomington. Gary Ronberg will face today ihold for Sunday instead of Sat- 200 NEW TITLES. OUR For only *1.99 Baby Cords AND urday. SELECTION IS NOW THE BEST Only $3.85 N O I T I S N ’T IN THE MIDWEST! BE SURE L e n K o s i t c h e k ’s N EW . I V a r s ity Shop TO STOP IN SOON AND CHECK Since 1960 211 E. Grand River 228 ABBOTT RD. JU S T G O T E. LANSING - THE OUTSTANDING VALUES. IT C L E A N E D 2ND MICHIGAN TMf AT tlf O HO tiff j V 2 7 i ll : HELD OVER WEEK! A T L O U IS . S2.0C Weekly ™e DISC SH O P • PROGRAM INFORMATION IV 2-3905 * OHtECT DIAMOND IMPORTERS 323 EAST GRAND RIVER JEWELERS The Movie Everyone F.OXS OPTICIANS nr ira¡r junuui n en tu •- - OPEN EVENINGS - tm fiif e * la Talking About! m south Washington OH, PROFESSOR WHATYOUDID! Chaser and 1st Prize — 1 Sylvania TV 23” tm THE CAMPUS HAS RIPPED OVER Shirt Landry FUZES: Lowboy 2nd Prize — 1 Sylvania Transistor Radio Contest open to i t i l n t i only. Save empty packages of Marlboro. *1) happened on« ^ la Metrk En g la n d ... Parliam ent. Alpine u l Philip Morrta. Turn In all packages a t the eng o( the contest. IN W andoMM W fw n * aONJ i ..L i m WJtHi Opening and ctoalng dates and loca­ ^J(fe tion where em pty package» m ast ha turned In will he indicated In yonr Ian Carmichael IN THE COLLEGE campus newspaper. Janette Scott BRAND ROUND-UP 1st- Prise will he awarded to any troop, fraternity, sorority or individual tab - Cecil Parker WMQWWSi muting the largest number of empty packages on—Marlboro, Parliament. Al­ Got oa tke BRANDWAGON Terry-Thomas pine and Pbiltp Morris. 2nd Prise wUI be awarded only to the Joyce Grenfell’s letsefftml individual submitting the most empty packages of Philip Morrta Commander king sUe. APRIL 10th to MAY 19lh, I9 6 I Turn Packs In To Tim Hestor — B-216 Bailey Hall, May 19th 6-8 p.m. *'*•' V ^ 71 ** SED *M'"";,RRAY .1 * * * •—, • NANCY OLSON •IKEENAN w.*. e» WYNN -TOMMY KIRK T#w*ef j AteteM ihWDWtMf’®*!* I AnO LEÖN .V : • " ' IT FTO •E r a ) ASSESS | « 7 . r t 1¡R-wffiai ’ rm v a h a **••amar* | a *» Michigan State University FOREIGN FILM SERIES ma.*** Fairchild Theatre Fri., Sat. • May 5, 6 ADDED — “Saga of Wind W’agon Smith* Shown At l:tt-3:0»-3:M-?:0M:05 7 & 9 p.m. Feature l:Z*-3:20-5:2»-7:3M:35 Admission : S6 c '"'1 si » Michigan Slate New», East Lansing, Michigan .THE SOCIAL SCENE. Friday Morning, May 5 , 1961 TV ‘Women Are Human* ss r— —— MSU Goes Native in Hawaii^ H o m e E c P r o f Speaks Settings for Weekend Partiei Michigan State coeds and hold its spring formal dinner tonight in the Big Ten By CRIS GALANT explosive." or teaching foreign peoples to dance Saturday at Dines Tam­ Kellogg center. State News Women’s Writer their dates will be having a Dr. Drews spoke of how read and write. gav and busy time this week­ arack Room. Music wiU be To put maximum ™ Progress a n d civilization women demonstrate human­ OPPORTUNITIES for im­ end. Th& tropics are calling provided by the Van Sickle on the exotic Hawaiian seem to be moving in the direc­ ness. provement in America were for many party-goers. Trio. decoration chairman E tion of humanness, and women They do particularly well in suggested for those interested Alpha Epsilon Pi will hold its Kappa Delta sorority will man, terson, Madison. Wise —physically, intellectually and the verbal areas of intelligence, in service on a smaller scale. spring formal term party at the hold"its annual White Rose said that prof* emotionally—are distinctly and she said. Verbal communica­ For example, there is the need Capital City airport. In keep­ Formal at the Lansing Coun­ decorators from the La highly human. tion is distinctly human- and to improve education in de­ ing with the Hawaiian theme, try Club tdnight. Bill Hart’s Studios rate for of Lansing will; the party. fU Dr. Elizabeth M. Drews, as­ women are distinctly verbal, how children learn. A prived areas, or to discover bongos will be the favors; band will furnish the music. sociate professor in Education, she explained. coconuts and palm trees will Phi Sigma Kappa is holding in the decorations win bej presented these views in a And she indicated that there helping women who want to re- Minnesota and Radcliffe are dominate the setting. A roast palm trees, empty a picnic party tomorrow from for dishes at the Waikjjq] cod speech before 150 university is humaneness in their human­ turn to school, she said, and beef dinner will be served at 5:30 ’til midnight.— Softball, coeds 'attending , the recent ness. UJO. frizbee, and cookouts will be sprayingand a spectacular fa -home economics honors ban­ MSU has a Commission on the included in the activities. near the ceilu quet. Educations Women have been concerned The banquet-in the Union Women. THE ZETA BETA Tau house colored lights, and a ¿3 with the mentally disturbed was will be transformed into a THE SPRING term pledge grass hut. DR. DREWS devotes her ancLmentally handicapped, she sponsored by Omicron Nu, tropical island Saturday night, class of Alpha Gamma Rho time to teaching and research. said. They have .pioneered in home economics honorary. It as the actives'present Paradise will hold a square dance for AUTHENTIC Hawaiia, She has been widely recognized nursing and -social service. | is an annual spring event for Lost. Costumed couples will the actives at Capitol Grange Polynesian foods will be i for her work with gifted chil­ There is reason to doubt their | women in the College of Home parade through a room with a Hall tonight. Entertainment at the Waikiki Table, fej dren and is particularly Con­ emotional frailty, despite the Economics who have a three- sunken fish pool, live birds, and i will be provided by the Hi-Ho’s. a thiriy-pound roast pi] cerned with the able girl and j fact that they cry easily, be- \ point all-college or above. monkeys. Outside will be an­ Delta Sigma Phi will host the an apple in its mouth, j young woman?- She is now do­ cause they "are so resilient in i The purpose of the honorary other fish pond and Japanese “Untouchables” at an assem- Topping the entertaii ing a critical review of the I times of catastrophe, she said, is to promote leadership, schol­ lanterns. Fresh pineapples and blege of famous underworld for the party will 1» st literature relating to career j . i arship and world-wide research coconuts -are being flown in characters tonight, from the University of problems of able young women ! SHE SAID she thinks that the , in home economics. from Hawaii. j Dick Dee’s band will play. gan Hawaiian club wl under a Department of Labor j able woman can play an im- j South Sea Island is the theme perform Hawaiian danc grant. | portant role in society because j of Alpha Omicron Pi’s term I ONE OF THE more lavish eluding the hula and “To be human is to be youth-1I of her abilities and inclinations, j E n g a g e m e n t s party on Saturday evening residence hall term parties dance. The honored gu, ful and joyful in spirit, which i I and that in this time of crises. from 6:45 to midnight at the will be the “Luau Hawaii” that the party will be Hawaii makes some people more hu- i | it is immoral for a woman not I Alpha Gamma Delta Capital City airport. Bill Hart’s Armstrong hall is presenting dents attending MSU. man than others,’’ she said, j to develop her ability and J Dee Diamond, St. Joseph orchestra is providing the mu­ “This humanness involves both equally immoral for society not! senior, to Bob Toth, Hopelawn, sic. a higher level of thinking and | to use this ability. N. J., senior and Phi Gamma An Evening in Paris is the more caring." “My criticism is not on the j Delta. theme of Campbell Hall’s an­ The move toward humanness basic nature of women, but on Alpha Gamma Rho nual term party to be held to­ is indicated by the emphasis the fact that society dictates - Don Holzhei, Yassar sopho­ morrows night from 9 ’til mid­ night. Decorations will include placed on brainpower of to­ that women do so day’s youth and by the millions wasteful and fflolish,” said Dr. junior. who have shown interest in Drews.. much that is more, to Margo Phi Mo Pasch, Vassar a French Can girls, cafe and and garden, Parisian carts. Co-chairmen for the Can- flower I President Kennedy’s P e a c e Able college women should Gail A t k i n s , Muskegon CAROLEE PARDONNET, Corunna senior models a Barco party are Leslie Willard, South Corps, she said. do more with their lives than Heights' senior, to R o b e r t in Reeves Cord uniform at the first annual uniform style Campbell and Cathie Mahoney, hold rummage sales and trans­ Schmiedeknecht, M us k egon; North Campbell. Dick Dee’s “ALL THIS looks very prom­ fer white elephants_from on& Nancy Armstrong, Delmar, show presented by Alpha Delta Theta. ising," she added. house to another, she added. N.Y., senior, to Thomas Hen­ band will provide the music. “We have good people and She suggested "that women, son, Rosemont, Pern;., senior j ALPHA KAPPA PSI will they have good -motivation. begin their role by creating a and Alpha Tau Omega; Mary { They seem to be moving out of working interest in projects Lou Storey, Pickford junior, to Med Teeh Sorority Sponsors the deeade of conformity. The such as improving the human David Snell, California gradu- j silent generation has become condition in foreign countries ate«- ---- Annual Uniform Style Show WASH-N-WEAR Delta Zeta DACRON BLEND Geri Cole, East Lansing jun­ The-women of Alpha Delta Evelyn—Davis, Jan DePew, Pinningfi ior, to John Pankhurst, Mid­ Theta, national professional Charlotte Michaels, Carolee land senior; Sue Van Riper, ] sorority for medical technolo­ Pardonnet, Margaret Smith, SUITS Sigma Phi "Epsilon ] Parzych, Jackson, senior, to Kalamazoo-sophomore, to Wil­ gists, sponsored their first Uni­ Barb Terwilliger, and -Barb Reg. $39.95 Value Kent Luther, Vestal, N.Y., Nancy North, Sienna Heights liam Porter, Lansing senior I form Style Show at 7:30 p.m. VanVleck. - —- the drive-in w ith the arches sophomore, to Trudy Coleman, | graduate. and Theta Chi. Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. The commentator was Judy Only St. Lawrence Nurse’s College; West Yakeley Hall Seventeen “newdook profes­ Artley. Jack Lohrentz, Oak Park, 111., sophomore, to Mary VanNatta, Oak Park, 111. Zeta Beta TaiT Patricia Sexton,' Durand jun- j sional uniforms werejnodeled The purpose of the style Arnold Chernoff, New Ro­ ior, to Ward Fredericks, North ! by members of the "organiza­ show was to give medical tech­ chelle,_N.Y. junior, to Sandra Tarrytown, N.Y., junior. — | tion. nology majors an idea of the $27.9» BUY AND SAVE AT One Block East of Campus Alpha Gamma Itho | Holtz, Kenmore,- N.Y. fresh- North Campbell Hall type of wardrobe available to Ralph Harper, Rochester, l man. Margaret Edwards, Battle | BOTH SHEATH and full-skirt them, and to supplement the N.Y., senior, to Helen Richard­ Sharon Sigma Kappa ~ Creek sophomore, to John Sar­ styles were shown. One of the organizaiioa-’s treasury, said L e n K o s i t c h e k ' s son, Rochester, N.Y., fresh­ gon junior, Steeby, North Muske­ gent, Reading, Mass., senior. newest types was a two-piece Louise Broeklass, president of also at ~ to John Garside, Sigma Phi Epsilon sheath with cutout top and Alpha Delta Theta. V a r s ity S h o p man; Jerry Hutchinson, Sagi­ Kalamazoo junior and Phi Del­ Richard Griffith, Birming­ matching jacket, for warm-1 naw senior, to Joan Smith, ta Theta. Birmingham freshman; Jerry ham senior, to Calmia Clark, weather wear. 228 Abbott Rd. East Lansing, Mich. 4700 S. Cedar - 2120 N. Larch Meyer, Richmond, Va., sopho­ John Bird, Myertown, Pa., Delta Chi Birmingham.- _ -Most of the uniforms were of | more, to Jeanne Hostetter, senior, South Campbell Hall dacron and cotton, for an easy- Roaring Zero? Richmond, Va. to Carol Johnson, Lan­ Grace Chung, Detroit senior, to-care-for professional ward­ sing senior and Alpha Delta Pi. to George Moy, Academy of robe. They were available in “The Roaring Zero” is the-j Delta Delta Delta — Aeronautics senior. junior, average, and tall girl theme of the talent show spon- i Sigma Chi Jeanne Tomlinson, Detroit Abbot Hall sizes, and prices ranged from sored by Circle Honorary to be | junior, to Dirk Kolm. Michigan j ior, to Judy -Hall,St.Norway Bob Lennon, Joseph jun- soph­ Peggy Dixon, Warren junior, $5.95 to $16.95. held in the Union Ballroom State graduate and Alpha Gam­ omore; Bob Furber, Milwau- to Jerry Gilbert, Holland sen­ Modeling in the show were Tuesday, May 9. at 7:30 p.m. I ma Rho. _ | kee, Wis., junior, to-Mary Jack- ior. Lois Alexander, Sue Blackloek. of a coed atwill The skits MSC portray the life j in the 1920’s. Delta Chi | son, Dearborn freshman; Tom Gilchrist Hall Jim Van 'Nocker, Rochester I llext, Alma junior, to 'Wallis Kathy Minor, Cleveland sen­ senior, to Judy Streiff, Eastern I Gregory,-Mt. Clemens sopho- ior, to Jim Swanson, Warren Ten minutes every^hour is-a Michigan University; J o h n J more and Sigma Kappa; Mike senior. Butterfield Hall good rest period for busy homemakers. Frequent short At No Bird, Myerstown, I‘a., senior, j Junke, Mt. Clemens junior, to Bob Doornhos, Grand Rapids rest periods are better than one to Carol Johnston, Lansing sen­ ! Barb Swensen, Mt. Clemens ior and Alpha Delta Pi; Joel rfreshman; John Duncan, Blrm- junior, to J u d y Hoeksma, long rest period after you are Extra Heilman, Saginaw sophomore, I ingham junior, to Gail O’Don­ Grand Rapids. exhausted. — to Linda Broadbent, Lansing nell, Plymouth; Phil Woolidge, freshman and Chi Omega; Ron- Western Springs. 111., junior, to Charge - • Emma Itheardon. Dearborn junior and Alpha Gamma Del- P h i M u - P h i S ig m a K a p p a Service TUX RENTAL ta. Only $9.00 Complete Mason Hall Nancy Jane Spector, Neward, CAR W ASH - 99c VARSITY SHOP N.J., junior, to Bobby Kerner, j 1» 228 Abbott Rd. E. L. University of Michigan sopho­ more. S a t . M a y 6 - 9 a .m . to 5 p .m . (PROCEEDS GO TO BIG BROTHERS OF LANSING) ! ) Our Sports Shop «¡-bursting Theta Chi Frandor Shopping Center out all over with its gay ar­ | -Alan Kennedy. Buffalo, N.Y., | at Johnnie's Speedway Service MON. THRU FRI. TILL 9 M SU R IN G | senior, to Ann Wells, Cleveland, | | Ohio, sophomore and Delta NEXT TO SPARTAN LANES — 1306 MICHIGAN “ SAT. TILL 7 ray of pants, culotts, shirts 1Delta Delta. and shorts, jackets and slacks. We’ve everything and anything your sports or playminded little heart H E Y . . . it’s G re e k W e e k could crave. You’ll burst, too. with excitement when you see these glories in Available in three weights JL every fashion^fabric and Yellow Gold - $29, $34, $39 size. K I C K O F F ” a t the Gables 6 i* White Gold • $34, $39, $44 All prices plus federal and state tax Six Weeks Before Dellverv 3 P .M . SATURDAY Ranney jw - (Entertainment Featured) Mil*1 Next to State Theater East Lansing All Greeks Invited . . . wear your togas fei fe j L *i (qfrrtl fir» Ibe w l e gl»«) NO AGE LIMIT! Here’s your chance to get inside! RKISTBKDJtWUfRT) AMfRHAUiMSMttTij ‘ ì I IP / I'