pp ~y N um ber P ic a s e " “^ W e a th e r R e p o rt ?»( I u < nr» tel(pt>0IK H*®** Í 1* Mostly cloudy and warmer today with St* V! S j£ extend** M S, «M was the second America's i calmest man on the launching the-near future. - " Theta Chifraternity won the This marks.the third consec­ point average. pie." Iman-in-spa. e > New York | pad” before he “shot 115-miles THE ATLAS has been used U»paward at the annual Inter- utive year, and the fifth time The fraternity system's r2.43 R1BICOFF HAS accused the '¡side swing vote *to the Republican Friday. He said he wanted [wanted to give him a j into space and 15 minutes later tape parade and other i landed 302 miles away, north-1 nary as a booster on four prelimi-fraternity Council Singheld in i in the seven-year history of the record winter term again rank­ AMA of using scare tactics and !j to see how well the colleges were clamor tg to- see east of Grand Bahama Island. j-Mercury launches of the Project j the AuditoriumSunday after- event, that the men of Theta ed above the all men's-grade misrepresentation in iLs efforts i and universities fared with, the capsule. tnoon. The winning selection. Chi Tiave won the first place point average. to convince the public that the appropriations^ planned by the line with this here !! be | trophy. Also honored during .the Kennedy program would lead Republican budget-makers. — l^ s bands, no flag-lined Delta Sigma Phi. conducted songfesf-were-35 freshmen men to socialized medicine. The Explaining his dissent from secretary has said the proposed ! the Democratic positron, Er- j by Bill Stutler, won second selected from among the top h, nokeys to ti national -as the cii fathers : they had danned to -tt a gala, occ asion with Theft, Fire Spoil Weekend I place for the second year in a one hundred in their class for legislation row with its rendition of the admission into Green Helmet,, medley, “Hey! Look Me Over." sophomore —men’s honorary. f patient doctors’ A ers the- excludes payment of | landsen "said that if the insti- bills and in no way | tutions are hurt too badly, their traditional doctor- : plight could be eased later in relationship. letriramms< intil Those - .Theft, fire and arrest in­ stolen from a ca”r-belonging to A second floor bedroom and D e l t a Chi’s "The Navy Members jrf this select group Annis said it is Ribicoff who j the year with a special session Tge uf honor; tg the mi; volved Michigan "State students Arthur O. Gregory, Marine its contents were heavily char­ j Hymn” -received —third place were introduced by President is doing-the misrepresenting. Iof the legislature to pass a p newest h-.? •aid they ; over the weekend. I honors, and honorable mention John A. Hannah and greeted The AMA spokesman asknowl- j supplemental appropriation. 1Onlv simnl, ceremo- - Three fraternity houses re­ City junior. _ red by fire. There was exten­ j went to Alpha Gamma Rho for by outgoing members. cdged that the doctor in private ported approximately $300 stol­ The car was parked at a gas sive smoke damage to the rest “America Our Heritage." LANSING and East Lansing en early Sunday morning. station across the street from of the floor. Larry Osterink. Interfraterh- THEY ARE: practice is not covered by the representatives followed the "fever, it wji a big day Nelson W. Baines, Houston. bill but said that those in hos­ | Republican party line in both ■national, »1 «.h:cn The Theta Chi house, 453 Ab­ Gregory’s fraternity h o u s e RONALD DeCloux. 18, West­ ity Council president,.present­ ^omed to e«ng celeb--' bott road, reported $175 miss­ when it was entered early Sun­ chester. 111., freshman, was a r­ ed scholarship trophies to three Texas; Albert Barnes, Flint; pitals and outpatient clinics Thursday and Friday votes. Roger W Benjamin, Lansing; would be. — Reps. Marie Hager and Har- od for Shmparti.and his 1 ing; Phi Kappa Psi, 522 Abbott day morning. rested Saturday and booked on fraternities during ... the inter­ Alan F Chiesa, Holt; James E. ANNIS -REAFFIRMED AM \ Iold Hungerford, Lansing, and road. $35; and Phi Kappa Sig­ BOTH COMPLAINTS are jin- a charge of larceny from a mission. ma, 236 N. Harrison road, $70. Conant. Menominee; Ronald K. support for the Kerr-MiFis Law I R.. H Young,-East Lansing, I*•!! not be -, der investigation by East Lan­ building, RECEIVING the trophy for Crandall, Bay City; Charles E. passed last year which pro­ could have defeated the austei - Wt the six i !T fiai pa­ rs carry-j THE HOUSES were entered sing police. DeCloux was accusecf of the highest grade point average Curtis. East Lansing; James A vides for aid for_the indigent fity education budget alloca- i«l?StronautKa, 'arty will ! early Sunday morning, police Three units of the East Lan­ stealing phonograph records winter term was Farmhouse, Dengate, Grand Rapids; John aged under a system of federal tions Thursday if they had reported, and the money taken sing fire department were call­ from Sears, Roebuck & Co. i.n which led all fraternities .with C. Freeman, Central Lake, and grants to states. He said -this joined Olsen and the 54 Démo­ a.good*look7rnl00liei,S Tiattte diiring the from the wallets of sleeping ed to a house at 203 Cedar st. Frandof. a 2:73.-This is the second con­ Joseph F Gentile, Olean, N.Y— lias been implemented by 15 crates. students; occupied by Michigan State DeCloux is being held in the secutive term that. Farmhouse itobert E. Green. Knoxville, states and 30 to 35 more states Rep. Allison Green, (R-King- »üe-and-a amu'r * °Ver Two coats valued at $70 were students at 10:40 p.m. Friday. Lansing city jail. has won this coveted award See IIC Page t are working on plans now. stont, nailed down the House .are mart.«,, ' roule- decision shortly after it had 't0 ^ d : e h r n r’rCPharai: heeir passed, knowing that he tome elosp L 4 whlch haxl the votes to defeat his own «todredvof >u matching « • Ä * »■!» ’a*Parades la' to In clu d e N A T O in F u tu r e P la n n in motion to reconsider. BY THAT TACTIC, Allison made- sure the measure could Ibe brought up for a second at- *®öä?at0i hShcpard's OSLO-, Norway, — Presi­ forthright pledge to the alliance agree to talk about their An-1 British and American nuclear Hollander who took over from grumbles that even this figure t tempt at reconsideration this as a whole that-the new admin­ gola woes, or if the French tjuit | arm°ry. -The Eisenhower ad- Belgium’s Paul-Henri Spaak— is shrinking. Much of France"^ Iweek only by mustering a tw o- *dal Sf e uished sen” dent Kennedy has resolved to effective army “is locked up in jthirds vot§_to do so. istration regards NATO as the to give the poke of this need for greater 'Mil be ork ?K0er astro- °^eif America’s Atlantic allies central bulwark of the Western blocking all mention of Algeria. ] alliance its own nuclear sub- • spoke Algeria. Portugal has sent As a final move House Demo- * * * the »econd ! a,, are in shaping policies for world and intends therefore to “NATO’s . . . purpose .. —is to ..ere„.m arin es, plus a forest of Po- conventional forces in a meet­ most of its NATO division t o !crats, who had hoped to raise all the world fronts of the Cold riSi.garrien- War, from Cuba to the China go on backing its défensive ef­ one informant said. “We in | laris mis^ es. has been aban­ ing with newsmen Sunday. ate an Atlantic-, community, crush insurrection in Angola, the appropriations, blocked im- BLT KENNEDY S mam -u-, forts. mediate effect for the bill mak- the United States are thinking doned. ^ lawn of ?hrevvl°"y Seas. The idea of NATO as a ■If more mobile and effec­ bid j_„ 1 Kennedv , . ' ^hite nuclear power in its ow n right tive conventional forces are at sure it receives further- This was disclosed by author­ BUT RUSK is likely to make now of building up embryonic has quietly been- shelved for a the disposition of NATO there to cut back over-reliance onjrmeasure this “week before the f0{ Gepard - i peak nuclear weapons—coming at a | legislature concludes its 1961 H Saw, an<1 his ized sources Sunday on the eve one thing clear: organizations for an Atlantic while. Instead, the Americans would be less likelihood that time of increased U.S. defense ]work. _ " ts®flia 'ai(i, and of a three-day political strategy ririn»i> win Bander Consultation among allies is community.’.’ j have been pushing the idea o f : nuclear weapons ever, would reply I ®essi°n of NATO foreign minis- a two-way street and the Unit­ Broadly, the new attitudes of getting more NATO conven- j have to be used.” spending -r- evidently has been The bill, now back to the Sen- - i lers. It would turn NATO’s 15- ed States, accordingly, would t h e Kennedy administration tional well received by the other Al- ji ate- must have immediate ef­ ( f i e n a i reeeptio forces on the ground to ] lies in preliminary exchanges. fect—requiring two-thirds vote ^ at Il i, ion at.I m °? council into a sort of expect te be treated with the toward NATO’s political and ward off any local threats or The Allied partners have for an,i a news! “°old w a r cabinet” same intimacy and confidence I strategic purposes are certain thrusts by t h e communist- years been trying vainly to hit And this week the ministers -in order to make the money * > t Pm wnose. members would have it is ready to display. In prac­ I to overshadow the talks. their agreed target of deploy­ are likely to indorse the Presi­ available af the start of the only advisory powers. world without the use-of atomic ing 30 combat-ready divisions dent's decision if only for the ,next fiscal vear this J u ly l tical terms, then, this could . Secretary of State Dean Rusk mean American readiness to j ALREADY Kennedy has act- weapons. t h r o u g h mainland Europe! tacit purpose of creating THESE COMPLANTS come from various R ather than complaining about domination This new conservatism has been statedl independent elements of the campus— off by Young Americans for Freedom in »h and discrimination on the part of the Greeks, come to be known as The Sharon staten campus students, men’s and worfien’s living independent men and women should help to units. “We, as young conservatives, believe: remedy the situation by working for some “That foremost among the transcendent \ - And the complaints are true, if not ju s ti­ of the positions they claim are "dominated” fied. Greeks are in the vast m inority at is the individual’s use of his God-gnmfrei by Greeks. — whence derives his right to be free from MSU. Theoretically they should be almost strictions of arbitrary force; proportionately represented in campus a f­ W E ARE NOT advocating a tremendous fairs and organizations— student govern­ reassertion of Independent power. We are “THAT LIBERTY is indivisible, and thj ment, publications, Union Board, etc. not advocating conflict or competition be­ litical freedom cannot long exist withog Instead they hold im portant positions on tween Greeks and independents. We are ad­ nomic freedom; campus fa r in excess of th eir relative num­ vocating increased interest and participa­ “That the purposes of government are L ber. And deservedly so, for they work and tion on the p a rt of independents. tect these freedoms through preservation] participate for these positions. ternai order, the provision of national In the next election ,we hope to see more and the administration of justice; And once they attain these positions, the candidates representing independent ele­ trend is, to som e,extent, established. Affil­ “That when the government ventures m ents of the student body. In the next event, these rightful functions, it accumulates iated men and women naturally draw an d se­ w hether sing, carnival or organization rush, which tends to diminish order and liberty] lect others from th eir organizations to su r­ we hope to see independents turn out en It is interesting to observe the rise of eq round and succeed them. This would also be masse. - _ atism at colleges and universities acn, the case if independents held these positions. Greek domination is a fiction; there are nation. We see evidence of this in the fa no “closed” positions, on this campus. We conservative chibs, groups and societies, SORORITY SING is played up as a big hope to see a situation in the near future in are now more than ,100 campus consa event each year. Inter-residence Sing hardly ü e u tc œ i ' clubs. Many of these are being helped which all students, whether Greek or inde­ Asf aa. Intercollegiate Society of Individualists receives mention. This is not because soror­ pen d en t, work side by side, with little or no members) and the Young Americans for] ity women are superior singers, not-because consideration given to fraternity, sorority or dom (21,000 members). they receive b etter publicity. It is because independent status. L e tte rs to th e E d ito r Arbitrary Voting Ages, 18 and 21, Congress, Car Parking, HPAC Mw y P o i n t o f V ie w _ Students resent university poles half way round our rec­ Soviet Launclw Not in-Keeping With Experience I m m a te r ia l? paternalism. They grumble and complain; reation area south of Snyder? -We women, in cooperation Ous society seems to_have set two arl+t- Recently there has been considerable ag­ T# the Editor: ~ After the showing of the film "Operation Abolition” in prep­ the rules stay just the same. with our men, need that park­ How can one student change ing area. It is inconceivable university regulations? He can­ that these two dorms which Meant Sacrifm T rary ages for transition from aduJescense, itation to have the voting age changed to 18. aration for 'The discussion not. Why should the university house nearly 1,000 women By JACK SHEA to adulthood: 18 and 2 1 . People advance the argum ent, “If we’re old which was to follow, Mr. Wells alter well thought-out bureau­ should be alloted parking space 4- State News Staff Writer Countless rights and responsibilities— enough to fight, we’re old enough to vote.” of the Michigan Farm Bureau cratic rules on the recommen­ for only 20 cars apiece. Shall drinking, m arriage, voting—descend upon a O f course, any relation between the ability made a statement to the effect dation of one student? He is we ask our dates to stop driv­ person when he reaches one of these selected that he was-well aware of the only one of over 20,000. Even ing? The Russian launching of a spaceman, to rationally consider political candidates alone, would necessarily be considered] ages, depending upon the state in which he and the ability to wield a rifle may be purely controversy which exists con­ more important, he lacks ac­ Mason has the added facility cerning this film. — cess to the university officials of the Physies-Math parking great historic event. Not beyond compaif lives. coincidental. _ However, he said, the Farm nonetheless a significant milestone. In the m ajority of the states, including that could produce the desired lot. The other women’s dorms The few states th a t have succumbed to Bureau feels that whether or change. are much smaller by compar­ However, when judged relatively, as Michigan, a person a ttain s adulthood and demands to establish the 18-year'voting age not the facts are accurately The student elects represen­ ison, and as a result, require man events must be, it appears to be use the right to consume liquor and vote at 2 1 . "have found the program works reasonably represented in the film is im­ tatives to Student Congress, so less space for their guests. gigantic propaganda stunt, and one pa In Wisconsin, New York and several- o th er well. However they adm it to th e traditional material. It is to be used as a that they can raise his fuss. Why should a group of per­ dearly by the Russian people. states, a resident reaches an adult level of shortcom ings— responsibility given to people study or a tool to awaken the Elected representatives must sons, even for ME Day, be al­ Their orbiting of a spaceman must public- to communist infiltra­ determine and reflect student lowed for a whole day the use evaluated apart from the fact that millij m atu rity threejyears earlier. Ia some states, who are simply not ready fo r it is r taken tion, not as a documentary interests. Student Congress of the recreation area near Russians live six to a room in slums and I Illinois for example, the clim ate is condu­ lightly. of the student trouble connect­ must initiate action on behalf Snyder for a parking lot when Millions more toilunder the sign of the cive to a more rapid m aturation rate for People still-in high school are simply not ed with the HUAC in San Fran­ of the student that will bring our own students have nowhere and sickle in slave labor camps. women than men. ready to make rational decisions. cisco. changes in administrative and to park? It is logical th a t such problems will arise I do not object to using the academic policies. And why, now, with our res­ IT IS SIGNIFICANT that one of the when the two suggested ages are either 18 film as a study. Nor do I ob­ Student Congress has no pow­ idence halls so oyer-crowded, given to the new “Hero of the Soviet Ul ject to Mr. Well’s basic con­ er in this area, it can only _must this extra space that has that he will be permitted to have a foun or 21. Why are governm ent adm inistrators tention that subversive com­ in such a ru t in regard to thsese ages. persuade. This persuasion will been used so many years past, apartment for himself, Tiis wife, and thr munist activity does exist in be ineffective without student suddenly be denied us? children. Until this time the Major and hij We would suggest the age of 19 as a more this country and that there is support. Would it really be creating ily had been allotted two rooms by the appropriate age to assume th e .responsi­ a need for greater public Disgrunted students should that-much of an eye-sore or a ment. bility of adult citizenship. awareness of this fact. inform Congress, disgruntled problem to let us have back (he But I do object to the idea In life all success must be measured, students should support Con­ little island space that has credit or discredit, by the means' used to] that inaccurate representation gress, and perhaps the Tules served so big a purpose’ of the facts is immaterial. In our goals. Indiscriminate neglect of imntsj S in g e r s R e tu r n to P ark won’t stay just the same. Kay Van Pelt is a great price to pay for a propaganda vj Mr. Well’s presentation Wed­ Barry Boughton nesday night he did not ex- ★ ★ ★ There is general agreement among th -NEW YORK, (£)—Folk-singing returned to plictly admit the film’s many C o o p e r, 60, S h o w s formed that the United States could have) Washington Square today—but minus the guitar. false insinuations. In fact be­ T a k e O u t P o le s a man long before now had we been «11 The folk-singers have been' chased, ¿lubbed fore the question period .started sacrifice our standards of living. The ah he said that since he was aware To the Editor: S tre n g th , C o u ra g e the Soviet dictatorship to dictate what and some of them jailed in recent weeks as po­ produced, how it will be produced, and foH lice enforced a park department ban on folk- of the controversy over the Yes, many of us are vocally HOL L YWOOD. <4V-Gary singing sessions that drew hundreds to the film’s authenticity there would or silently displeased with the Cooper, critically ill with can­ it will be produced, gives Russia a pectilr squa;e. be no need for us to move our appearance of the now numer­ vantage over democracy. President Kennt cer, became 60 years old today. his news conference last week, put it thi^ Now it turns out that there’s no law against discussion 1n that direction. ous poles and chains across Scores of birthday mesages singing in a park. The -erime is singing while Such a presentation to an in­ our campus. It is like hanging were among the heavy mail somebody plays an instrument. formed. questioning audience an original Picasso in one’s coming to the actor since his “A DICTATORSHIP enjoys advantages I So Sunday 700 who had gathered outside Wash­ as Mr. Weils had Wednesday living room and covering it illness became public. kind of competition oyer a short period, ington Square Park to sing were-informed by night, cannot do too much dam­ with a black cloth. Cooper is under heavy seda­ ability- to mobilize its resources for a one of their leaders that they could go into the age. But what about the PTA’s, Yet almost everywhere that tion much of the time. — purpose.” park an d sing without accompaniment, and they Women’s clubs and men’s ser­ our paths of progress are block­ His doctor said he had a bad It is this ability to mobilize for a specif promptly did so. _ . vice clubs who are exposed to ed, we can take another route. night Friday. Last Thursday pose that has brought the Russians theiij Police surrounded the singers, but made no this type of presentation? How We can walk around the chain­ Cooper said in a memo to news­ space achievements. At the same time thir move to stop them. The guitar players held many.of these people will ques­ ed areas or keep to the side­ men : or less one track use of their net nation^ their instruments above their heads to prove to tion what they see and hear? walks. At least we have a _ ‘T know what is happening duct has. deprived the Soviet people of in police they weren’t playing them and, when the I am sure that if Mr. Wells choice. is God’s will.’’ ments in their way of'life. inspiration became too strong, they went outside had explained his position be­ But what of the big, heavy Sources close to the film star Today the United States has 22 satell the park to strum fore the film was shown and poles, minus the chains, that said they are amazed at Coo: orbit. The Russians have one. In' the gaff A police official said the first man who strum­ had pointed out even-a few of have been placed on the is­ per s caurage and inspired by of scientific data from space, data thrt med inside the park would get a summons. its misrepresentations he would lands in front of Abbot and Sny­ the strength of his spiritual someday make life more pleasant for »1 not have been confronted with der—halls? And what of the convictions. again the United States is far ahead j a hostile audience as was the case Wednesday night. Any scientific success should be evalua terms of how it has aided human life. If I have misrepresented Mr. ^CUC\Í M ichigan S tate N ew s Well’s position I would wel­ come a letter from him stating IB B ilM H / 'g g r ON j (G W ) past 15 years, as Russia has poured neafl whole economic cup into her space progra United States, through a much more into as much. Since he already has distribution of revenue has been able to| Published by the students of Michigan State University Issued on my name in his “file” be should to the world such monumental scientific-n class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring have no trouble contacting me. itarian discoveries as the Salk vaccine] quarters. Issued weekly during the summer term. Second class post­ Douglas Nichols now large allocations of federal money i age paid at East Lansing, Michigan: ♦ # ★ to support cancer research. Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Michigan. H e lp C o n g re ss t h e PRESIDENT has his own idea as I Mau subscriptions payable in advance for one term. S3; for two should be the major concern of the wonfl terms, $4; three terms, $5. Te the Editor: lation. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Association and the Associated College press. Spring breezes give expres­ Í HOufe THAT R3R 5PÈH>? ( m e s & A ¿X A l*£ A D Y ! ) "I’ve said that I’ve thought that if H sion to a multitude of diseases. Students become increasingly ever, competitively at a cheap rate. Editor-in-Chlef .. Suzann Price Sports Editor Ben Burns aware of their dissatisfaction water from salt water; that it would he Managing Editor ^Sharon Coady Feature Editor_Jess Maxwell with dorm dress regulations, on long-range interest of humility w City Editor Marcia Van Ness Women’s Esjttgr— - and off-campus housing rules, really dwarf any other scientific accos ÉlSr .. J ___ n ... Charlotte Dalton compulsory ROTC, compulsory ment." 1 News Editor ^ BilJ Cote science Editor Bill Small Mature judgement and goals such as th Adv. Manager. Jerry Lundy Ass't. Adv. Mgr.Larry Pontius class attendance, racial dis­ crimination in living units. Olin the long run, will prove immensly more Circulation Mgr .....Paul Lesher Ass’t Adv. Mgr.....Larry Walker health policies and social ta­ to the world th an the memory of a Editorial Editor....Jody Howard Photo Editor-—„ — Al Royce boos in general. achievement flourished on the red tab»* a Russian public relations expert. Sì' S ’* ■ r Morning* May 8 ,1 9 6 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan .3 13 ‘ l r ; ■) - / : I ft i * L ro p ria tío n s Battle tuedlrom Pagel) ithis fact was paramount in lim­ iting the budget for higher edu­ Tornadoes Hit Several States C H I C A G O (^—Tornadoes , sent National Guard soldiers teau through t h e southern nredicted the hill cation. stabbed into several South- to take charge. rockies and parts of the south­ immediäte effect Before taking up the educa­ ern plains. There was rain in tion bill, the House approved a Central states in a weekend Two more deaths in Oklc- siege of violent weather, kil- homa from injuries raised the the Middle Atlantic region and irable: however, $76 million appropriation bill ling at least tKree persons and!toil from Friday night’s torna- New England, some rain and l i i ^ X T t h e r schools for mental institutions aft«* re­ destroying scores of homes. does in that state to 15 snow showers in the northern MSI •fld fLjuTvl unless jecting a series of Democratic rockies, and shower activity in « ^ re le n t 1-ter on. amendments to increase the Arkansas was hardest hit. As Oklahoma continued on western Oregon. Bepub»™ to grants. _ The tornado deaths occured tornado alert for the fifth day, A r f » Fnday —- y there, at Midway and Yellville. the weather bureau designated a« extension of tne and one person was drowned in parts of Texas and Arkansas flash flood at Harrisvn after i as the posible ranging area N ig fit S ta ff S.impor«’ « '« “ Three Names Om itted a 5-inch rainfall in less th^i: I for new twisters Sunday after­ « 5 «raise appro- From All-A Listing an hour. noon and evening. News Editor, Bill Doerner; Assistant News Editor, Joe l*’4Stoto»hen_Rep. Omitted from last Friday’s National Guard troops were j Thunderstorms devel o p e d pressed into service to main-1 eastward into the northern sec­ Harris; Copy Editor, Bob r Montgomery, D-D® listing of those students who Chamberlain; Staff, Diana received^ all-A!s winter term tain order and help eommuni-1 tions of the western gulf states H th e S 'e Most of were: ties hit by flash flooding in the | and parts of the lower Ohio Zykofsky, Jim Hucka, Lois Go­ ~ wake of torrential rains. valley. ode; Assistant Photo Editor, L^party turned against College of Agriculture: Carl* Eric Filson; Night Sports Ed­ f i the vote was 82-19 ton J Epple, Watervliet senior; Gov. Orval Faubus decreed! There were strong, gusty martial law in Harrison and j winds from the southern pla- itor, Dan Whitney. [his motion. and Charles D, Kesner, Trav­ P GlUlERWSBtmsley, erse City senior. Arbor, who wanted College of Business and Pub­ Ifor higher education but lic Service: James R. Ander­ boosting appropria- son, Sparta junior. I„Blass some tax was rais- expenditures, Lake Erie is the biggest fish- LOOK J7that better budgets producing fresh water lake in S psp igepossible next year, the world. Ttvelve million j— « M lW lih M M M iF state- general fund is pounds of blue pike were taken ANNUAL TABLE CARVING—Senior officers began the traditional table top to the $60 million in the red. from the lake in 1956. carving last week with their own initials. Left4o right are Bob Gustavson, presi­ Republicans said that »PUS CLASSIFIEDS i ■ dent; Norma Smith, treasurer; Ted Horning, vice president; and Sharon Jones, secretary. —State News photo by Jack Henne. State News T o D e cre a se D am ag e o f W ar nii\FS* 1 p m. Day Before Publication for Tues., Classifieds Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Editions. Dead­ h a s t ED 2*1511 line for Mon. Edition : 1 p.m. Fri. Extensions 2643 and 2644 Nobel Prize Winner Against F o r H e lp In tetfOMOTIVE WANTED Spread of Nuclear Knowledge MSU "YEARBOOK, 58 o r ‘59. State price in letter. W.R. W iltshire, 789 Selling Y o u r *tcWr overdrive— $1995. Phone ED R uffnerr B irm ingham . Mich. 29 OSLO,, Norway,' Ameri- left a copy for the permanent den, Czechoslovakia, the Unit­ PERSONAL can Nobel prize winner Dr.- American delegate at NATO, ed States, the Soviet Union and l-aVg sunderd g r u tra.um r *ission'? £ Linus Pauling said Sunday he Thomas Finletter, with an un­ Finland and included former U nw ante ds thinks the leaders of the North official request to place it on Rep. Charles O. Porter, IJ-Ore. Ejul jutomobile. Buy direct if Atlantic Treaty Organization (n id I-*#® nations and others are too wise the agenda of the conference. to spread nuclear weapons to Pauling said, however, that or mtcondition. ED ‘-°373 33 countries outside the “atomic while the scientists want their club.” statement spread as widely as TUDOR Very clean Rood -Radio, heater many extras^ t tor the college student Best “I do' not think that the possible, there are no plans for B u yin g Y o u r _ reer 9275. Call Larry Walker at NATO meeting which starts presenting it formally for any pi jjter 5 30. Also a 55 4 door here Monday will make any de­ nations or groups of nations. liar» t i e ______ ■ I MG. TF Black, new Tonneau — Mailed Anywhere Complete Assortment cisions which will lead to_ a In his university speech Paul* 1 day - 15 w o rds W a n te d s spreading of nuclear, weap­ ing said that he had formulated o lood heater, excellent ID 2-2929 after 6 p m . Available At ons;” Dr. Pauling said at a a golden rule for statesmen Randy Boat She Under these headings: Fwi -ltED CONVERTIBLE. news conference. and negotiators: I dm and radio. Excellent I. Cat IV 2-1845. 29 T h e C a rd S h o p “I feel strongly that the lead­ “Do unto others 20 per cent $6.95 o n ly 8 5 « • AUTOMOTIVE • REAL ESTATE ers of the great nations and of better than you expect them to I EGA ROADSTER 14.000 act- Across From the other NATO countries cer­ do to you, to make up for sub­ • EMPLOYMENT ►LOST AND black. whitewall*, radio Mens & Girls watt carrier. Phone oavs Home Economics Bldg. tainly are too wise to permit jective error.” fi-lCl, Ext. 263. 28 15 words —$ 2.5 0 • FOR RENT FOUND MCA RED convertible. A-l ED 2-6753 ^uch a step.” PARTICIPANTS in the meet­ LEN KOSITCHEK’S , all extras, must sell. Will Earlier Sunday Dr. Pauling ing came from Australia, Can­ • FOR SALE PERSONAL ms oder over $1750 ED wound up a -six-day “confer­ ada, Denmark, France, Ger­ V A R S IT Y S H O P SERVICE REALESTATE ence against the spread of many, Great Britain, Hungary, Ext. 2643 or • HOUSING FOR SAAB. WHITE. 10.000 miles, condition. IV 2-3998 ~ L Î a Vî NG 'M S U —W iiltn* to lo»e nuclear weapons” at the Nor­ Japan, Norway, Poland, Swe­ _ 228 Abbott Rd. East Lansing, Mich. C a ll E D 2 1 5 1 1 2644 RENT WANTED $2.500 for q u ick M ie of eq u ity In 8- wegian Nobel institute here VOIKSWAGON convertible. room whome in Maaon. I>arge, p riv ate ith redw ood fencing. N ew c a r­ with an open meeting at the Iwlth red interior, radio, whlte- yard peting 1 like new. Call 276-2 Phillips ertea. A lum inus and 29 Double g arag e. Less m atching tile an d d ra o - University of Oslo auditorium. itorm *. G as h eat. th a n $13.900. He presented a statement ap­ Veterinary Call OR 7-8642. proved unanimously by 60 sci­ fMPLOYMENT TWO-BEDROOM RANCH HOUSE entists and scholars from 15 Students To IBUSBOYS to finish the term. rent, ‘ _________________29 TU 2-9104. RONS OPEN FOR night Leaving city, p ay m en ts less th an countries on both sides of the is m in u tes fro m cam pus. Call E A S T LA N SIN G !! N ear cam pus!! Iron Curtain. An audience of about 500 heard him make a Be Honored IT'S oun 2 0 ™ A N N I V E R S A R Y [lull or part time Also operat- All stone, 3 bedroom ranch. L arge strong appeal against t h e suservisor. New, modem fam ily k itch en w ith loads -o f birch spread of nuclear weapons. The Borden Veterinary Med­ Look for the twenty dollar gold pieces—sign of savings! I hospital. Call or write Dircc- cupboards. SO ft. living room . C over­ ed patio fo r th a t su m m er living. icine award of $300 will be one J Nunes, Mason General Hos- •■ason, Michigan tf And c a rp o rt overlooking its 60x150' THE STATEMENT read by of the top honors awarded lot Only $17,500. CeU R J F rm k . iV : ADULT program direct- 2-4570. IV 4-7759 o r ED 2-6595. W alter D r Pauling said there is an Thursday at the annual vet­ imminent possibility that sev­ erinary medicine honors ban­ 1or part time. Established pri- Neller Co.. R ealtors. - 30 MEW SUMMER IJHESSES 6 J**'!’ Lansing beginning sal- pAW • 16.000. based on aual- EAST LANSING!! B ailev School!!! eral nations will obtain nuclear quet. • IV 5-7210. T hree blocks to cam pus!!! 3 b e d ­ weapons, and that this will in­ room. dining, fu ll basem ent, gas .Special wards given at this heat, an d a tta c h e d garage. N ice fe n ­ crease the chances of a human time will be the Michigan. Vet­ Choose a wardrobe now! Easy-car*/ drip- FOR SALE ced b eck y ard . F o r m o re d etails an d error or technical accident erinary Assn. award, the Phi inspection, call R J . P rin k . IV 2-4570. dry cottons and miracle blends! Shirtwaists, IV 4*7759 o r ED 2-0599. W alter N el- starting a major war. Zeta award, given by the vet­ sheaths! Pastels, prints! Sizes 8*20, Jr. 5-15* j Kittens —Maiea and le r Co., .R ealtors. 28 I Sealpoin» ktt- “We urge that the present erinary medicine honorary and BWDoberman Stud service, EAST- LANSING!! O ne H o c k to nuclear powers immediately otber awards for scholastic after 5 30 weekday», cam pus!!! F iv e bedroom , th re e b a th s, “ 4 weekends. 5 . ¡‘▼Usg room . A 12* x IF d ream bind themselves by treaty not and laboratory achievement kitchen. Econom ical gas h e at. P riced t o n ly 81M80III W ill co n sider tra d e to transfer nuclear weapons to Outstanding medical tech­ ¡3 I**1-®* Thunday. May afor sm all hom e. C all R J . F rin k . IV other nations or groups of na­ nologists in the upper division at M‘v i*e yard, 2-4570,T V 4-7759 o r ED 2-6595. W alter n, , State Univer- 28 tions, and that all nations not will be recognized with the Med­ “ Approximate^ 35 bi- N eller Co., R ealtors, ■TSdif?' Me» »‘ auction. ron— 3 E locutíonist drink minister. -Afonso (Arinos. not Tenn.: William C. Haines, Has­ man, and Dave Foster its program. In years past, I reading of advanced texts, and 31 On 53. Very tmaii 4. Venérate« 48. Bitter herb yet convinced—as the United tings: Robert C. Howard, Elm­ dent. only one year of Chinese has readings of selections from Chi­ The enrollment in Chinese, IS. Smooth* States is—that Cuba is a mem­ hurst, 111.; James S. Kakalik, 30. Decked out Serving as emcee 0f| been offered. nese literary masterpieces. Wang said, is considered one 21 Frighten ber of the Soviet bloc and thus Lansing; Gerald J. K e i r , Greek Week kickoff even of the largest in the country. 22. Abhors a danger to this hemisphere. Springfield, Mass.; Douglas R. Mr. Hugh "Duffy" Daue THE NEW PROGRAM in | In the 300 courses, students | Only Yale, Columbia, and Lev- Jz 23. Facility LeGrande. Plymouth; Michael Russian, according to Nikolai will read Chinese newspapers, eral other colleges have as 29. Ticket col­ ARIXOS TOLD newsmen af­ E. Levin. Brooklyn, N.Y., and Spartan head football TT 7T lector Judges for the harmod Poltoratzky, associate profes-1 and historians of the past; and large or larger programs, he ter a meeting with Quadros John W. McNeil, Lincoln P ark pere,Dr. (Jordon Flood, sor of foreign languages will periodicals, and literature; I said. 26. Rests Friday that because a country William J~ Tom Mitchell, 29. Mssrs. decides on a socialist govern­ Saginaw: Campbell A. Moore, lor of the Glee Club; Dr. combine study in the language,! 32. Vigilant ard Falcone, director of 1 ^literature, civilization and cul­ 13. Loose (olds ment, it does hot- necessarily Southfield: James F. Norcutt, and Mr. W. R.. Mclntire,, ture of Russia. Girls Protest J7 m of a garment mean that country is a com-, 36. Eagle-eyed munist nation. He noted Cuban Clare; Wayne' A. Olin, Lan­ sing; Robert AJ)lstein, Bronx, tor of music at Lansing’ On the 400 level, tfie history ! of Russian literature will be j ■ w 38. Populace -40. Ovules Prime Minister Fidel Castro proclaimed a “socialist repub­ N Y ; Robert J. Thaler, Low­ ell; Daniel H. Riley, Bloom­ ern high school. among the new course's offered | Courses-Jn—19th century Rus-1 sian classics] and Russian po- j Fashion May Be 4In’, ti 40 m 42. Choler 44. British statesman 48. Animal's lic” It in Cuba and not a “popular socialist republic." appears Quadros is playing field Hills; Paul A. Rowgo, HoHand and Stephen L. Schaef­ fer. Sterling. _ -— Informati! etry also will be offered on the | n fS foot John M. Smokevitch, Royal 800l level. A COURSE IN Russian litera­ - Bloomers Ain’t ture in the English language I LONDON, (P)—A bevy of girls be sure the girls were yearing ft W S3 if» 48. Smallest integer 48. Faithful friend for time. He wants the Cuban erisis to cool down and hopes tempers in the alternately drought-stricken a n d flood- Oak: Francis M. Thompson, Toledo, Ohio; Jon R. Vilhauer, Arlington. Va..; Richard B. AWS Activities Boan 48. Eternity p.m., Women’s Lounge! has been introduced. Students j working for Ihe British govern­ the government-issued bloom­ are not -required to have a i ment were alarmed Thursday ers, Sapper replied^ knowledge oT Russian for this | to learn they may be asked to ^ ‘It has been suggested that ss APN«wife«fufto Ü 1 3-» 90. Bow 93. Father washed northeast will cool with it. Any drastic action against Cuba may well bring an up­ Westin. Benton Harbor: Dan Williams, Lansing; John W. Wingate, Warren; Thomas G. Beta Gamma Sigma-3 j ion, Executive ouncil. j 202 Berkey hail. course. wear old-fashioned bloomers. they could be asked to stand Oar Mm tt aria. rising in Brazil's northeast. Worthington. St. Clair Shores, _ Top government aides report and Henry C. Yu, Hong Kong, Toastmasters Internal The method of teaching Rus­ Yes, bloomers,” Laurie Sap­ n e a r dust-recording instru- 7 p.m., 36 Uniog. privately that Quadros gave a China.____ sian has been changed, Poltor­ per, assistant general secre -1 ments—and shake atzky said. Greatef emphasis tary of the girls’ union, said in j has been put on conversation- a ninterview. "Not panties or I ^_____ _ Big Party Meetings full picture oi his northeast troubles to U.S. Secretary of THESE THIRTY-five. with a group average of 3.8. will be In ancient Sparta, cd was a crime and bac than orj grammar study. scanties, but bloomers.” the Treasury Douglas Dillon The seat of the THE INCREASE in the mmr j eity is at the General Post Of- ber of people taking Russian | ifce’s Research Station at Dol- bloomer anx- Library Gets Out, Says GOP Head when the two men were in Bra­ zil last month. These aides said Quadros told Dillon: initiated into Green Helmet on were often set upon by of women and beaten. has prompted-the department ils Hill, London. to increase its program, he Current Info Elly Peterson, state vice said. chairman of the .Republican Mrs. Peterson suggested that “WITH ITS 25 million in­ DUI IV 2-3905 for prorram Information said. There are_now 12 to. 15 The girls work in a unit that party, told a meeting of the The university library re­ Young Republican Club that the Young Republican chib in­ day a Cuba four times worse habitants, the northeast is to­ NOW! OPEN 12:45 times as many people taking makes super sensitive radio Russian now as there were in tubes for use with submarine ceives c u r r e n t information large party meetings are a itiate such a program and then and in rapid fermentation.” apply this Jcnowledge 4o their j Public opinion is mounting AT 1:05-3:10-5:15-7:20-9:25 MIMIIATCwH IG A I r DHONF IV ! ' 1958. A definite need for the cables. each day. from four major remnant of the past and win home"areas. F O U R U .S . G O B S 65c Till 5:30 language ha? been shown be­ The room where they work areas of the world, according soon be replaced by informal cause of (he cultural achieve­ must be kept absolutely dnst to Eleanor Boyles, documents study groups. Mt s. Peterson also an- j T A K E O V E R À jf NOW 90c Eves, k Í ments of the Russians in the free. That rules'out wool or librarian. Study committees, each com­ nounced that the party paper, j “ In Person” G E IS H A H O U S E ! 30c Children1 past and because of the tech­ cotton. Plain_Talk, will be started nical role Russia -plays in the Officials stipulated that the A United States broadcasting posed oU approximately 16 members, will be formed to again by Amie Levin in a one- i - The Hi Los • girls wear nylon undies as welt service provides the reports page form and distributed j LANSING CIVIC CENTER present. Poltoratzky~said. which include texts, excerpts meet informally in private The program in Russian, he as nylon overalls, nylon, they and summaries from foreign homes. Mrs. Peterson expects twice a month with a circula­ FRIDAY, MAY 12 — 8:15 said, being dust free. _ the new plan to be under way tion of 75,000. Union officers then asked the broadcasts a n d newspapers by next faU, government to give the girls originating in Latin America, East Shaw cash allowances so they could Europe, USSR and the Far ed"The East. day of the old fashion­ Republican club meeting is M ic h ig a n S t a t e U n iv e r s it y buy their own nylons. over—today people gather to Frosh Win Replying, t h e government ' “This is a major source for learn, they don't have time to V! said it would supply the girls current information on politics just attend “nylon bloomers," nylon stock­ and economics with a scatter­ Peterson said.meetings,” Mrs. F O R E IG N F I L M S E R IE S Dfcnfjjftl New Trophy ings and nylon overalls. ing of -material on education ~_ presents Asked how inspectors could and cultural activities,” Miss a The sessions will start with description of local, county, East Shaw won the first High Boyles said. Ereshmarf All-HalL Average state and national political : p ib fe s o r The library’s file is complete functions. Usually the group AA fJTJifìTi i i.Mldtft Trophy for winter term 1981 with a freshman grade point of 2.45, Freshmen from West Polar Expert I from 1948 to date and is I ed in,the first floor stacks.. shelv- will have a guest speaker miliar with a certain area, she fa­ “The Grapes of Wrath I C R Y FOU j Starring Fred MacMurray • Nad Olson • Keenan Wynij Shaw-ran a close second with 2.43. In Series by John Steinfeeek I VAPpy ! Tommy Kirk ADDED M.H.A. President, Bob Gus- tavson, Pontiac senior, pre­ O f Lectures - *8>*PPÍD«rf io«-,i¿rt'> Merde England starring _ «JAMESSnm HI8“»ET«A ^ “Saga of Wind WagonSa u n mnernn—e «m u s s h r.P R sented the trophy to the East T W *MÜq 8* M (fc ht 1 kn MIIK0 TAKAmHIYOSMIMCKK Shows At 1-3-5-7 &91 Shaw General Council last r A man who lived in the cold­ /A 1 HENRY FONDA *---—* IRVINGBRECHER l«Cthn'4 mar in n Ik mOMI Feature At l:2fl-»;204:| Tuesday night. est, most remote and most un­ Ian Carmichael i* GtOfiGEMARSHAU 7:30 & 9:35 The rotating All-Hall High predictable part of the earth Jane Harwell - John Carradine - Charley Grapewin Scholarship Trophy was won will visit the university this Janette Scott EastmanBSDEDcsewscoFE Next Attraction! by West Shaw for its winter week. term average of 2.46. Since this Dr. John Hanessian Jr., of Ceci Park er.f\ -One Showing Only- NEXT! “THE ALAMO’1 -PAT BOONE ALL HANDS ON DEC trophy was filled with the American Universities Field jTeny^ThoMB names of pastwinners dating Staff, has been concerned with jjoyaGmfcl UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 back to the days when Phillips the polar regions for the past was a men’s dorm. Dean King seven years. He will conduct Monday, May 8 —7 :0O p.m. consented to having the trophy a series of lectures and classes retired to the hall with its name on the campus. Admissions 50c listed the greatest_numbcr of Hanessian will speak on “En­ times. gineering Problems in the Arc­ E A S T LANSING * PHONE EO.2-281 Gustavson also announced tic and Antarctica” at 8 p.m. that M.H.A. was retiring the today in 33 Union. HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS j HURRY! current blood drive trophy to East Shaw. - The retired trophies will be replaced by the Dean of - Stu­ The “Economic Significance and Potential at theToles” will be the subject of his talk at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the LUCON KA3T IANSIMO - PHONE IP. 180*4 LAST 3 DAYS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AR EA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c FEATURE AT 7:20 ■ 9:30 dents and M.H.A.. conference room of- Physics- Michigan State University Mathematics building. GREATER THAN “ SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDREL He will speak on “The I.G.Y: FOREIGN FILM SER IES E L IZ A B E T H T A Y L O R H e a d q u a rte rs Successful International Co­ Fairchild Theatre F ri„ Sat. • May 5, 6 ordination” at 7 p.m. May 15 in 409 Natural Science building. Admission : 50c 7 4 9 p.m. in 2 A c a d e m y A w a r d in . Hanessian was a member of the staff selected by the United P e r fo r m a n c e s . S e e t h is S h o w ! C H IC A G O ^ States Academy of Sciences to prepare the U.S. contribution B ox O ffice Opens Today ! to the International Geophysi­ 2:40-6:25-18:10 conveniently located • ■ • for economy minded . . . home-tike cal Year program. He has comfort. . . that'* why the Aller- b e e n particularly concerned -with the international legal ton Hotel is Chicago headquar­ problems of the polar regions k ters for many .school groups, a& well as with the social and groupoi business and professional stu­ economic aspects. respectable dent affairs, field trips, athletic teams, debate teams, speech citizens K j B s m e S whogive clinics, tours, etc. For your own Chicago visit or At No freelyto week-end stay choose the hotel A Musical Arabian Night oxtra M.S.U. AUDITORIUM “ . . . lavish, tuneful non-profit close to everything on institutions 11c h I g a n Avenue's an seats reserved - $175 and terrific.” .Magnificent Mile Charge ■ « ■ A —John McClain bystealing Box office open week days from 12:36-5 p.m. A N.Y. Journal American - S t a r t in g T h u r s d a y - freely • Special rates • Ample Munlcl- Dependability fron - pal Parking For reserva­ 8 AC AD EM Y AW ARDS! provable • Write for tions can ED ones! details 2-15U, Ext. 2929___ T w i n - B i l l B lo c k b u s te r TefeplWH: SU 7-43M r la n s n t * th e a m r t m e n t z A llerton H otei Fraatar Shopping Center w»^lTtfkXnä'Mn*.IICQU8 'IUf «M&M-M^fcMBlSrenWE ,TU»> ( MON. THRU FRI. TILL • 8 p.m. «wir au i w rtfflrmnanum taneuas’**'** 701 North Michigan Avenu« Chicuóo 11. iiljnois SAT, TOLL 1 MAY 25-26-27 STARTS FRI. - “BREATHLESS' A Michigan Slate New», Eaat Lansing, Michigan S P O R T S Mond*y Mornin& May 8 ’ 1961 S p a rta n s Win, 9-3, Thinclads Downed In Opener I gplit With OSU MSU dropped its opening | cellent 100-yard dash time of home track meet Saturday to 9.6 and was barely edged by a powerful Penn State team Zack Ford of MSU 4n the 220. and Sonny Akpata won the broad jump with a leap of 23ft. 3Vi in. State also taak five sec­ er, after coasting through the which captured 8 of 14 possible Ford’s time was i t .9. onds and eight third places. first places and scored 65M> The Spartans and Ohio State g s a f a s into first two frames, suddenly ran trouble in the third inning points to MStUs 49*c and OSU’s won all of the field events ex­ hand nron) when Ohio State scored. 46 cept for the high jump which TUX RENTAL «4 «a ShelP“1o r?.t e r s , Mich- Ohio State rallied for four Track fans saw Penn State was won by Penn’s Jerry Wet- lio runs to go ahead of State: Two ! break the meet open from tie stone, who jumped 6 feet 4 in. Only $9.00 Complete doubles and three singles were start as they won the five run­ Spartans Bil Alcorn and Ger­ VARSITY SHOP enough to finish Ronberg and ning events. ald Dehenau tied for first place 228 Abbott Rd. E. L. J a m » » . »«« ; ^ p m of the ional committee on Films for AND free casual with springy, crepe soles._ will consist of one person from j ventures Internationale,” will Safety. sororities and- one from .fra­ ¡introduce and .describe several' Edward P. McCoy, film pro­ Bab) Cords Lightweight flats in fashion fabric ternities. ~ j of the acts. _ duction head at ,MSU__ and Bruce B. Madsen, field direct­ Only $3.95 specially woven-for-wear . . . with The committees are publicity, j_ -Calypso dancers from the I or for the Highway Traffic elastic side gore. decorations, programs and fa- j West Indies will broadcast a i h e n K o s itc h e k 's iurksi Safety center, produced the Peacock, black, — v o r s, promotion, entertain­ live show over WBRS Brody j film. ment, and tickets. radio Tuesday. V a r s ity -S h o p homespun, tan, _ Mohammed Toussi, secretary i Other Michigan entries that The position of secretary will general of the campus UN,! won awards were submitted by 228 ABBOTT RD. -be chosen from sororities and j summarized the festivals p u r- j the Ford Motor and the Clark E. LANSING trash the treasurer from -fraternities. pose. Equipment Companies. SEND MOTHER A GIFT FROM J A C O B S O N ’S ” If there are any questions, J “ Any occasion -such as th e \ or if there are conflicts on International Festival which Tuesday,-May 16thr call either provides exposure to different" Bob Gill, ED 7-1314, or Nan cultures is highly significant Horton, ED 2-0851. It gives students of all eoun-T Special Notice Tha m u u -m u u g o w n in sunset shades its Loss of life —loss of ir placeable timber, range ft native land. Cool, grazing lands —loss of re cool cotton, with reation areas and wild hi, G ra d u a tin g S e n io r s ... petal-like sleeves, all this can be the trap aftermath of a back ya trash fire getting out ofha: in muted colorings T h e U n io n B o o k Store of orange or lilac Just a light wind ran car spaJtks'across neighbon yards and set fire to wo S till has ap p ro xim a te ly S,M,L sizes. 5.98 -- and brushland beyond. be doubly careful. Check local regulatio 2 ,0 0 0 G ra d u a tio n before you burn trash- sure fire can’t spread-don bum on dry or windy days Annou n cem en ts to s e ll never leave a fire unattendc I f yo u have n o t ordered Remember-on Please d o so a t once YOUcanpreve T w o a p p ro a c h e s to th e “ m a n ’s d e o d o r a n t ” p r o b l e m W h ile this q u a n tity lasts fbrest fires! If a man doesn't mind shaving under his arms, he will probably find a woman's roll-on satisfactory. Most men, however, find it simpler and surer to use Mennen Spray Deodorant. Mennen Spray Sponsored B.v was made to get through to the skin, where perspiration starts. And made to work all day. More men use Mennen Spray than any Union Book Store Michigan Slate \e other deodorant How about you! 6lc and $1.00 plus tax