Serving MSU F or 52 Years Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 2 9 East Lansing, M ichigan, Tuesday Morning, May 9 ,1 9 6 1 6 Pages 5 Cents De Gaulle Van Ness Stays Firm Editor of On Algeria State News j• PARIS .it—President Char- Marcia Van Ness, Jackson | les De Gaulle said Monday '■toe senior, Monday was appointed editor-in-chief of the State News ; will carry out his policy of self- by the Board of Student Publi­ determination for Algerja with cations. ' ^ SPACFM\N*-AUn B. Shepard Jr., America’s or without the Algerian n stibn-1 The appointment is effective naceman flashed a broad smile at breakfast Sunday alist rebels. Sunday and extends through fall two d a y s -after his successful space flight 155 But De Gaulle emphasized term. Miss Van Ness will also hiuh and 302 miles from Cape Canaveral, Florida. be summer editor of the State in a nationwide radio-TV broad­ News. L.IPWirephoto cast that he is ready to negoti­ She succeeds Sue Price. East ate all phases of the Algerian Lansing senior, who is gradu­ ating in June. Miss Price has iblianl Day problem with the nationalist leaders. been editor since 1960. Ben Burns. Memphis junior, -Hie towering president also was appointed managing editor, lroud N a tio n declared the April 22 military succeeding Sharon Coady.—Ce-' revolt in Algeria “ will not re­ dar Springs junior. tard the forward progress of Miss Van Ness is a journal­ : France.” ism major. She will graduate in “Decejnber [ails S h e p a rd Speaking with evident“ eon- j fidence, and with more force I than he normally displays, De | Gaulle saia: She has been a staff member of the Jackson Citizen Patriot, having worked as women’s page reporter, assistant womv_ BEN BURNS [fcan’S editor and as general re- MARCIA VAN NESS “ It is necessary that we <=et- ‘ I porter. & isHlNGTON, '.1*—A proud. [ Base by jet from Grand Baha­ tie the Algerian affair . . . the- nil nation paid its fullest j ma Island off the Florida She atended Jackson Junior 1ge Monday to the first | coast. His family was waiting | future of Algeria and the means i ican to breach the bar-1 to see tiim for the first time j to make it work by universalI Michigan College Heads College, where she was editor-1 in-chief of the Oracle, by-week* Delta Chi National | of space. since- the epochal flight, and suffer age we intend to discuss | | ly newspaper. | with those who fight us. That jdent Kennedy lauded I there was a kiss Tor his mother ¡is the eseential which we in- taut .Alan B. Shepard Jr. | and for his pretty, completely I tend to bring up “at the forth- j Study Budget Problems She has worked on the State j News staff since last spring and has been news editor and — ¡apeda medal on the man charming wife, Louise. Cabinet members, Congres­ i coming talks with the rebels.”'" KALAMAZOO. Mich., m - 9t900 students—an increase of [city editor. ! pStured 115 miles into the De Gaulle said if these talks-- as last Friday on a giant sional leaders and other offi­ fail Budget problems were studied 1600 over this year. Burns is also a journalism! i across the space iron- cials wêre gathered on the velop“we on must hasten and de­ the spot the accession by the Michigan Council of Other presidents attending j major and has been a State j National Delta Chi President Armstrong explained that he porch. The White House staff of the Algerians INews staff member since 1958. Louis Armstrong denied Thurs rwas only paying a visit to The to all responsi­ State College presidents in the i were. Dr. Victor Spathelf, Fer­ ess praised Shepard j spread along a covered walk­ bilities. including those of their council’s bi-monthly meeting ris Institute who served as |i He has been night editor and day that anv letter was sent to Iowa chapter and that his pres |pcrsona! greetings and a 1 way—some even got vantage sports editor. the State University of Iowa ence had nothing to do with the points on a roof. _ government, so that in spite of her e-Monday. 'chairman of the meeting; Dr. This summer he will work as chapter to pressure the group controversy. He -arrived after 1resolution. i everything, a new Algeria will a student assistant in the di- into depledging a .Negro as the Hanks had been depledged. from perhaps 250.000 “Ladies a_n d gentlemen.” be built. . .” Dr. James Miller, president Harlan Hatcher, University of of Western Michigan Univer­ ¡Michigan; Dr. John Hannah, j vision of information and edu­ Daily Iowan had charged. The President of the Univer­ rfolk jammed along Kennedy said, “I want to ex­ cation of the U.S. department sity of Iowa Chapter. Richard a warm, roaring, j press on-behalf of us all the De Gaulle gave scant atten- sity, discussing legislative ap­ ] Michigan State University; Dr. Armstrong, who arrived in of Agriculture forestry service Iowa City Wednesday, said Boo moved out of the house and bous salute rolled with great pleasure we have in wel­ tionjto the m ilitaryrevnit that propriations, said that as long ; Robert Van Pelt, Michigan | In other action the board ap­ ¡astronaut along historic j coming Cmdr. Shepard and threatened his government, as the legislature remains in j Tech; Dr. Eugene Elliott, East- "There was no such letter sent resigned his post after the de- terming is again “odious and session there remains a bit of i ern Michigan; Dr. Edgar Har- pointed Larry Pontius. Jackson to the Iowa chapter.” plgriging of Hanks. jsylvania Avenue as he Mrs. Shepard here today. senior, advertising manager of “ IT’S A NORMAL procedure hope of obtaining funds request- Andrew J Hanks, the negro, !to the Capitol. “I think they know as citi­ stupid.” _ | den, Northern Michigan, and the State News for fail term, i was dep!edged during a chap­ for the chapter to reconsider He said the insurrection’s He said that even if Western | Dr. Clarence Hilberry, Wayne MBLY A\ 1) modestly I zens of this great country how leader, ex-gen. Maurice Challe, had received the increase he ¡State University. Dr. Nowall Gerry Lundy. Garden City sen­ ter meeting last week. "every pledge before he becomes proud we are of him. what ir? accepted the acco-1 satisfaction we take in his-ac­ ; and six other former generals ed by the schools. ior, the present advertising - MSU Delta Chi chapter Pres­ an active. Armstrong said. | Bovee represented President [manager, is graduating in Au-1 Aand almost front the t j now in prison will have their requested a week ago the ! Justin W. Fbust of Central ident Bill McLenahan said A 100 per cent vote is re­ |to the last moment of a ! complishment, what a sendee fate decided by French justice. school could have accepted [Michigan. gust. neither the local chapter nor quired. for final admissioH [glory he insisted- on | he has rendered our country. Lundy will be summer ad­ national headquarters has a Fraternity .brothers of Iowa kg every honor with the [ And we are also very proud of vertising manager. discriminatory , clause in iheit_ would not reveal how many Blowastronauts who were I Mrs. Shepard.” Gerry Holmes, Howell junior, bylaws. — voted against Hanks or what (thind and the hundreds of j Kennedy presented to Shep­ was appointed editor of the 1962 j reasons were raised at chapter lists and artisans who put j ard NASA’s distinguished serv- Wolverine and Wavne-ParsonsL OUR BYLAWS, hc said, f meet ings against his accent - pof sweat and worry and | ice medal—the second time it Lansing junior, was appointed “any male undergraduate ancer —* i power into the man-in- j has been awarded. busines manager. eligible to pledge. Actives of the Iowa chapter (program. _ THE CITATION, in a sep­ Holmes has been assistant were pledged to secrecy on the Ibs-first full-fledged news | arate, blue-bound folder said photography editor of the 1961 I proceedings of their campus Iwce since his exploit. ; that: put all the emphasis -His flight as the first Unit-1 — Wolverine and has done pro-1 fessionaf photography work. He Iis a divisional 1961 Deficit | chapter -meetings. Hanks was informed last humanities ma­ ywhat he did but on what1ed States astronaut was an-out-i -did standing contribution to the ad- j jor Parsons is a member of May Exceed week that he-had been dcpledg- I ed because the actives felt- they F* was emphasis, too. no! j vancement of human knowl­ idid not know him_well “enough. 1« the flight into space I edge of space technology and a j ®e challenges and tasks I demonstration of man’s capa- j Honors College. Phi Eta Sigma 9 S i and Blue Key. Me has been i . o Billion sports editor and assistant of 3 nation still lagging bilities in suborbital 'space Russia in some areas f flight.” business manager of the Wo' verine. Me is a general busi­ WASHINGTON., (.•Pu-Budget director David E. Bell said Holmes OK’d voiced pleasure and j at the results I ness major, __ Monday there, is at least a 50- Jeanette McGees. Boyne City 50 chance next year’s budget For Iran Post freshman, was appointed editor deficit- will be bigger than the journey into space and ! tnst. Winds, Floods of the Spartan Engineer. ' $2.8 billion now forecast.. WASHINGTON UN-The Sen­ For this reason. Bell told the ate today confirmed the con­ Planto press ahead with House wavs and means com­ troversial nomination of Julius possible speed said, he feirsome | Leave Death, mittee. Congress should resist C. Holmes to the hot spot post ahead of time,! was always the ] Ruin in Path Off-Campus temptation to approve t a x of ambassador to Iran, changes which would cut reve­ The vote overrode demands nues and add to the deficit that Holmes'” role in some sur­ —partial success or ; Me took a long j CHICAGO—Tornado weather Housing List Bell Arthur and J. Secretary Goldberg of Labor testified in plus ship deals in the 1940’s | should disqualify him. a?nftmLSSlie Which hurl* moved into the Ohio, valley support of President Kennedy’s The 63-17 roll call vote cap­ l S he COfrfessed, be- - Monday after a weekend of L W * might be weather violence took 30 lives Available proposals to change several ped some blunt debate. It major sections of the tax law. swirled about the property of U«.if he *ould see it i in twisters and floods. A list of off campus housing Kennedy has said there would a business venture in which r thc flight itself The spreading of vast back­ for fall term has been released be no revenue loss if his entire career diplomat Holmes and a waters in the Mississippi. Mis­ by the housing department. It package is approved. VmLthm fronts att; all we" ha(1 anv souri and Ohio river basins group of associates realized can be picked up in Student Goldberg said some union of­ $3.25 million on a $101.000 in­ W minutes of weight-1 drove hundreds from their LAOS CONTROL COMMISSION— Poland’s Jerzy Michalowski. India’s Samar 5#n Services. ficials have taken a "short- vestment in war surplus ships !a l n P(Tlcric,:c1' was homes and blocked highways as and Canada’s Leon Mayrand, left to right, representing the three-nation Interna- The list includes both super­ sighted_vievvpoint” of- Kenne­ purchased from the govern­ Pleasant sensation,” I many sections caught a fifth vised and unsupervised hous­ dy’s principal recommendation ment : - He said there is "no day of heavy rains. - Bonal Control Commission on Laos, met in New Delhi, Saturday, before flying to Laos yesteTday to verify that a cease-fire had take place. —AP Wirephoto - ,— ing. —a special tax credit for busi­ Sen. Jack Miller, R-Iowa. yJ maneuvering our Bulldozing tornadoes fatally All single undergraduates un­ nesses which modernize or ex­ argued that the profits were J«S 5 A 0UT-! injured 17 persons in Eastern Efy at all • biun us no j Oklahoma and one in Arkansas T o u g h J o b A h e a d Friday night. Saturday, six der 25 are required to live in pand. supervised quarters. “tainted money.” He suggested The'“ labor secretary said that to confirm a man who had A junior or senior over 21 some union leaders have ar­ accepted such profits for a dip­ drownings occur w^ e hr(S 'i!ngs at the'| Sunday, seven died in Arkan­ ed in Ohio. with a minimum 2 point all­ gued that it would be unwise lomatic post might "under­ ■• 6 ignited? “»J. sas twisters and floods. Approx­ h ngs on his I imately 100 were hurt by vio­ Truce Commission Reviyed college average may live in to stimulate spending' on new mine the confidence of the pub- ' housing which is approved, but plant and equipment I unsupervised. — period when we perhaps are at a lie” in governmental -affairs. Iran, its borders actually Bur u assess his Ilent winds . .H [ suffering from the effects of touching the iron curtain, is 2 h Sa‘d hc was | Damage was reckoned in the ; al 'ie “Snition andj millions in the twister-hit com­ as smooth -as. they munities of Midway, Whiteville, With Cease-Fire Certification Hannah On automation." regarded as a delicate and im­ There will not be enough portant diplomatic post. Tjobs for all Americans who and \ Kd exPected ! Clarkridge, Pindall, Summit VIENTIANE, Laos, UR—A re­ Hin Heup, 55 miles north of Western attendance at a. pro­ i want to work, the secretary vibration. 1 ^and Oil Trough, Ark.; at Howe vived three-nation truce com­ Vientiane. jected 14-nation conference, testified,-unless industry spends yw tender mo ] and Reichert. Okla.; at Plano mission returned to Laos Mon­ Each side there accused the due to open in Geneva Friday, and Stanford, Tex., and at Food Council more to create jobs and im­ »stronSs1 ^ f{£nd his other of violating the cease­ on the future of the jungle proves its. competitive position s / ‘mv mto South Fork, Mo., during the day with certification of the 5 Air Force i weekend spate. | cease-fire between the West­ fire which was proclaimed last kingdom. President John A. Hannah by investing in more modern was appointed Saturday to a equipment. New Officers L A dozen major highways ern-backed royal government Wednesday, but there was no The three-nation truce com­ I Food for Peace Council by -Bell cited possibilities which Sigma Delta Chi, men’s pro­ Is 7U7 ! closed by floods in cen- ■and the pro-Communist rebels report of any wide-scale mili­ mission, established under the I President John F. Kennedy. could add more than $1 billion fessional journalism society re­ . tral and southern Illinois. Hun­ j as its first job. tary action. No agreement Geneva Indochina Settlement IThis council, consisting of 24 to the indicated deficit Of $2.8 cently elected its officers. Those dreds were forced from their The commissioners arrived was -reached on where cease­ of 1954, is taking a hand in La­ i persons, will advise George billion — _ jphosen were: President Ben ey)f ~ B'rthdav !homes. j as government truce negotia- fire talks would be held and otian affairs again after a long : McGovern, U S Food for Peace For one thing. Bell said. Ken­ Burns, Memphis junior; .Vice- Hari- d t0 for­ | AjBrowhs, 111., half of the 400 tors were holding another absence. The group withdrew Idirector . nedy is reviewing certain as­ president Ken Ross, Webber- bore f e « - Tru- j residents were evacuated when fruitless session with a group whether there would be sep­ in 1958 by request of Laotian The council will attempt to pects of the defense and space ville junior; Secretary Bill arate political discussions. a luncheon M was 7 7 , m ü¡ellr LBonpas Creek, a Wabash tribu- | representing the Communist o n d ay . leaders who insisted its work I develop public opinion and en- programs, and, if he does any­ Cote. Jackson junior; Treasurer 77 years old. jtary, turned from a trickle into | Pathet Lao and ex-Premier VERIFICATION of the cease was finished and accused the I list support for the attack on thing, is likely to call for fur-1 Jay Blissick, Grass Lake jun- [ a muddy torrent. 1Prince Souvanna Phouma in fire is a Western condition for Polish members of spying. i world hunger. Ither spending in these areas, jior. Jag, May 9 , I9 6 Ï MÆ R e v ie w D u n e s , Island^ P o r k ie Mink9Is Hilariously Funny While ‘Cry9Is Darn Boring T o p V a c a tio n Spots By JIM HUCKA . State News Movie Critic a retired British major and his cohorts who make like Robin their parts gems of characteri­ zations. Also in the supporting Hood and his friends and steal cast is the decorative Eliza­ By CARL ADA» torian splendor, (he hotel has amid large white pines. Cabins The differences between two from the rich to give to the beth Duxbury as a former con­ State Newt Feature Writer the longest porch la the world. for overnight ¿belter, complete comedies, at the State and the poor, reacting to their crimes vict that m- and 4 p.m. and Ridge, Trenton junior. Happy” will make you yawn are unique. They are made up homes were residences of Noah Sunday at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Due to the tremendous de for sleepy. EACH SUMMER thousands of a series of broken ranges Webster, the Wright Brothers, mand for tickets for the last of students hike over wind­ roughly parallel to Lake Su­ George Washington C a r v e r , “The Panda and the-Spv”^is Children’s Theatre production, blown hills and swept-out gorg­ perior and rise more than 2,000 and Luther Burbank. es of this large sand dune. met above sea level. This is Many of the homes contain concerned with the antics of a panda who escaped from a cir­ the Aud. box office will be open “ Is Person” for advanced sales this week Also provided are specially one of the "highest land masses their original furnishings'' il­ equipped dune cars that carry between the Adirondaeks in lustrating details of life in cus (played by Collin Babcock, an East Lansing eighth grader) through 'Friday, from 12:30 The Hi-Lo’s passengers on “thrill” a n d New York and the Black Hills America’s past. and the panda’s human friend p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Die box of­ Lansing civic center “scenic” rides over the sand. of the Dakotas. Miranda (played by Barbara fice phone is ED 2-1511, Ext. 'FRIDAY, MAY 12 - 8:15 The companion display to 2920. The dune rises 480 feet above Tucked away in these rolling, the outdoor Village is the 14- A HECK OF a M of trwible it befog put into (be forth­ Thomas, East Lansing third Lake Michigan and is two and green mountain ridges are. two acre Henry Ford museum. This grader. a half mites wide and seven of Michigan’s most impressive indoor exhibition contains huge coming all-university production of “Kismet.” Notice the The action is complicated by miles long. inlaacMake« — Lake of the collections of fine arts, early elaborate cottmne» that Judy; Brokenshire, Charles Mattes the attempted theft of “secret Clouds and Mirror Lake. American shops and mechani­ and Jean Heyer are wearing in this scene from the play. blueprints” from the National NEW ON SLEEPING BEAR is part of Lake of the Clouds is easily cal arts. Aeronautics and Space Agency the D.H. Day state park which reached by a trail leading to Sectionsjare devoted to agri­ by a mysterious stranger (play­ DECCA* offers swimming, picnicking the top of the escarpment, a culture, crafts, industrial ma­ and camping facilities. sheer cliff overlooking the chinery, steam and electric In the five-mile stretch of north side of the lake. From power, communications, illu- water connecting Lakes Michi­ the escarpment, visitors have minatioff and transportation. 152 Costumes ed by Mike Smith, Richmond, Indiana junior). How the panda and Miranda contribute to the H «■ com as gan and Huron between Michi­ a panoramic view of the lake Especially popular is the gan’s lower and upper penin­ and miles of forested moun­ transportation display with its sulas is Mackinac Island. tains. Lavish early carriages, locomotives, Jack Byers of the department university that 12,000 persons munity. 6 mystery and its final solution promises much delight „for -children of the campus com­ CHARLIE MANNA- Foremost a m o n g historic { top TV and nightclub shrines of the world, Mackinac MIRROR LAKE, further in­ boats, airplanes, and 175 fully- of speech, who is designing the will view a theatrical produc­ OTHER UNIVERSITY stu­ J comic - strips the Island, with its ^unparalleled land, is a remote trout lakj restored antique automobiles. costumes for “Kismet,” the mu­ tion. — dents in the cast of this rollick­ r cloak of sanctity and scenic splendor, wonders of na­ sical comedy set against the The elaborate costumes and ing comedy are Robert Brolli, sanity from such time- ture, gay activities at luxurious Arabian Nights background of setting for “Kismet” have been Elizabeth Shahan, Patricia • honored institutionsas hotels and wide range of recre­ B o o k R e v i e w 14th century Bagdad, is con­ made possible by the intense -the White House, the ational. facilities has become a structing or renting a total of interest' that has been shown Public Library, the hu­ spot of vacationing 152 costumes which range for the production thus far and r students. Island is a state park in Detective Novéis Have from a glittering all-white wed­ by the successful University ding procession to-red, orange Theatre season last tall and Glee Glub man anatomy, and even invades the „launching pads at historic places and sce- itity have been retained. Suspense, Are Forceful and magenta dancers’ skirts. winter. ' These costumes, plus pounds —Jointly sponsored by the de­ of “baubles, bangles a n d partments of music and speech, • Goes on Cap» Canaveral., 'MANNA OVERBOARD!!' MOTOR-CARS are prhibited beads” will bring the costume and in their place 'are horse- The Bell In The Fog, by John one assumes, will be included bill for “Kismet” to f2,000 and “Kismet.” to be presented in the Auditorium on May 25, 26 Concert Tour DL 4 1 5 9 • DL 7 4 1 5 » fS to raed drawn carriages and self-pro­ Stephen Strange, Donbleday. in this new collection. RecordedOn-TheSceneit theVillicoVanguard,N.Y. make it one of the most lavish and 27, boasts an orchestra of An,all"day tour last Wednes­ pelled cycles. News photographer Barney Three At Wolfe’s Door, by Rex university productions in the 40, Transportation to the island Gantt takes a vacation on a Stout, Viking. a cast of 75, a crew of 30 and day took the members of the- United States. is provided by two boat lines quiet island off the New Eng­ Again three Nero "Wolfe Byers’ costumes will be the $4,000 worth at scenery and cos­ Men’s Glee "Club to two Lan­ that operate ferries out of land coast and promptly finds novelettes. And once more- result of months of research in tumes. -Mackinaw City with vessels that murder leaves him pre­ first rank entertainment. The oriental Because of the heavy de­ sing high schools and the Ionia leaving at frequent intervals. cious little time for repose. This slow-moving, fast thinking Wolfe authenticity to the lavish pro­ mand for tickets, the box of­ State design in order to lend The reformatory. members, under the-di­ Besides Fort Mackinac over­ snugly plotted and fairly color­ and his restless ferret Archie duction, but according to Byers fice in the Auditorium has been looking the harbor, and Fort ful mystery (originally publish­ Goodwin make crime unprofit­ it openeLasan «S P : *9.000. . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . MSU YEARBOOK. '38 o r ‘94. State VRU PARKING wow partner In pMoaure-tha rhUtp Monte Cmmandar. ttu & T nIV 5-T9M. beaad a n aual- . . . QUICK RESULTS . . . Prie* ta letter, W B . W iltshire, 7*9 Ruffner. Birmingham, Mich. IS Welcome aboard! Tuesday M orning, Msy 9 , 1961 May 14 Girl Sing Canceled 7 Dorm Sing scheduled for May 14, has been canceled. The dorms which planned to enter the competition have been enéouraged, instead, to compete in the Circle honorary talent show at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Three dorm chorus-' es have signed up. . Circle honorary is a service,, organization for residence hall women. The move to cancel Dorm Sing was made'lfter one of the f i v e participating choruses dropped out because it felt it would not be ready by Sunday. “There was lack of partici­ pation, spirit, and interest all' along.” said Sara Johnson, pro­ gram chairman. ,There were four dorms par­ ticipating .and only three tro­ phies. so the program was can­ celed, she explained. "She added that dorm sing | might be changed to winter term next year."when there will be fewer competing activities on carnpos. This might solve the lack of participation prob­ lem, she said. NelsonNamed Law Scholar Allen J. Nelson was recently named Michigan State Univer­ sity-University of Chicago Law School National Scholar for 1961-1962. He will receive a scholar­ ship to attend the University of Chicago Law School. SPRING IS YOUTH—Last week when spring weather year. On the left: Dr. Cbemycz feeds the ducks as Joey Nelson graduated from Mich- seemed to have returned, Dr. Joseph Chemycz of Olin and Jnlia help. Amy,1n back, wanted to eat the cracker igan State University in the Health Center, took Ms three children, Joey age five, Amy herself. Above: Amy, somewhat uneasy about the whole* I fall of 1960. He was a division- age three, and Julia age six, down to the rapids on the thing, is encouraged by her father. "Joey helps out.—State I al major in Social Sciences. News photos by Doug Gilbert, KAM. "Z~ {He is now working for the Mich- Red Cedar to feed the ducks. The kids had such a good ' igan Department of State. time that he spent over an-hour by the river, feeling that desire to relax that overcomes ail of us at this time of Information Phi Gamma Nu—7:00 p.m. 41 Union. ~ \i GALLON OF COKE, ROOT BEER, OR ORANGE Union Board Social Committee U.S. Relations With Neighbors —4:00 p.m.-34 Union. Pre Med Society—7:30 p.m. Tower Room, Union. WITH 2 REG. ONE ITEM PIZZA (PLAIN CHEESE EXCLUDED)- Theme of Weekend Meeting Martin L u th e r Chapel—7 00 p.m. Martin Luther Chapel, Choir Practice. & V A R S IT Y D R IV E ED 2-6517 IN Campus 4-H—7:30 p.m. 312 Ag. DELIVERY SERVCE 8:30 discuss forming an intercolleg­ Hall. iate, association of Peace Corps AWS Activities Board—7:00 groups. p.m. 328 Student Services. PAUL FRIED, member of Christian Science Organization the national board of the Inter­ national Relations association —7:00 p.m."34-35 Union. Sailing Club—6:3d p.m. Busi­ GLADM ER and director of the seminar ness meeting 7:00 p.m. reg­ program for American students ular meeting Parlor C, Un­ at Vienna and Salzburg, Aus­ ion. tria, will talk. Spartan Pistol Club—No meet­ ' Also appearing will be John ing tonight - Next week as Wharam, a national vice pres­ scheduled. ident for chapters of Delta Phi Young Republicans Chib—8:30 Epsilon, foreign relations so­ jj.m. 35 Union, Election of ciety. next year’s officers. Conference registration for MSU Men’s Club—12 noon 2nd MSU students will be Friday, floor Union, Dr. Julio Larrea, May 12, from 3 to 5 p.m. in professor of philosophy from Argentina, will speak on “The FOU FAPPV the lobby of Butterfield Hall, Role of the University in 5MÈÂ*»vv■-/./W( w ■ ‘V&iffc''Î according to John Chimeidi, W\ :j i COLOR Lansing senior and president of Shaping a New World.” NEXT ATTRACTION! JOHN WAYNE’S “THEÂLAMO" the MSU International Relb- tions club. Advance informa­ tion may be obtained from con­ ference coordinator Robert Im- mel, ext. 3063. STA RUTEr o t to w W. ST. JOE — H u J Q I L jjy H Hr as j - f l HURRYi Last 2 Day* Dial IV 2-3905 tor gA$WAWMH^ ^ H 0 N n b 5 B 5 r - r .... prntnun information STA RTS • W EDN ESDAY ELIZABETH TAYLOR In 2 M IC H IG A N THF AT‘R F ÖKONF IV * w ■ I kn * Academy Award Perform ances t A U T I5 c Till 5:31 p.m, EAST LANSING - PHONE, ED.2-2814 U W 90c Eves. & Sun. 30c Children HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING r TAT ON A Y FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c NK I M M O T I Kw.i'/ûÀfr A Ao • * FEATURE AT 7:20 AND 9:20 fijamTAYlOR Unas HARVEY bjzabethU m r k PAULNONA* r r s A LAUGH I BURLIVES RIOT FROM ■KRONEN Ifk JWXOHSOW START TO M m m m ta a m i FINISH MTI t t FOOTFMOMCii i f Starting Thursday i f a A C A D EM Y AW AROSÏ B I-O C K a u S T g W I OF m WORM STUBS S I |B j £ ta S T r ~ >t! m J mmmsoi. ä Year ADDED ‘Saga of Wind Wagon Smith Shows At 13-5-7 £ 9:65 Feature At l:2»3:2t5:26 7:38 & 9:35 Next Attraction! PAT BOONE STARTS NEW FRENCH SENSATION- ALL HANDS ON DECK FRI. BREATHLESS” JEA N SEBERG Tnetoijr Morning, jm*j 7, •*'' ' " ' ■ ’■ O p en M ay 10 38 H o n o re d jr. _ , Exposition' Features Beta Alpha Psi Holds Race, Shows, Queen Concert Band To Annual Awards Dinner By WILUAM SMALL • Slate New* Scteace Editer pete in the display contest to fill in Mid hand to their « try Start New Series Thirty-eight mm, received full share of a company’s prof* blanks by Wednesday. The first of a series of con­ terms; and this term perform­ at members in the Alpha Omi- it. Midget auto races, industrial He said, however, that many cert* presented each year by ed evening concerts at Mus­ cron chapter at Beta Alpha Psl Littler has been with the displays, the May Hop, Queen students have bon working on the University Concert Band kegon and Concord. business fraternity, were hon­ Anderson Co. since 1938. He crowning, student displays—all their project for a long time— will be on Wednesday at 8:15 The band has plans to pre­ ored at a banquet Friday night attended the University of Ill­ will take place in the action- one metalinrgical engineering p.m. in the Union ballroom. sent another spring concert on at the Union. inois and is a Michigan certi­ packed Engineering Exposition student started his in mid-Fbb- Prior to this year, the band May 31 and will conclude Us Ten awards were given at the fied public accountant. — week-end this week. ruary. Still the prizes will be on has presented its concerts in musical year with an appear­ banquet. Dr. Gardner Jones, “It Is important," he said A “Better World through En­ the exhibit, nOt on the time put the band shell which stood on ance at commencement cere­ acting head of Am department “for individuals to become fam­ gineering" will hè tbe theme of Into it. , the new Bessey Hall rite. The monies on June 1L of accounting and financial ad* iliar with the problem.” this pageantry of exhibits and Friday and Saturday, the shell was razed last fall to per­ ministration presented the HE SAID THAT stockhold­ prizes, know-how and fun, pre­ mit construction of the class­ ers should discuss, study and sented by the Engineering public. buildings will be open to the room and staff-office building. awards. Recipient of three awards opinionate reports. Dr. Stuart Mead, associate Council. Displays win be in Olds Hall, Chemical Engineering . This concert will be in ac­ cordance with the ^tradtt'on June Brings was William Reynolds, Ontar­ In all of the engineering de­ a n d Electrical Engineering io senior. professor of accounting and fi­ partments, students are design­ buildings, the MetaUnrglca! nancial administration, was ing and building displays to Laboratories. Agricultural and which began in 192» when the first of the outdoor concerts Wolverine DOCTORAL candidates who chairman of the banquet spon­ vie for cash awards based on was presented in front of Beau­ Metallurgical E n g i n e e r i n g received awards were Harlan sored by Beta Alpha Psi and workmanship, originality, engi­ buildings R. Patterson. Ohio; Andrew T. the department of accounting neering content and general im­ and the library. mont Tower. From 1930 to 1937, the spring Distribution Nelson, Utah; Harry Wolk, and financial administration. pression of individual projects. As a climax to the Exposi­ concerts were presented in the The 1961 Wolverine will be East Lansing; and Richard Two hundred students, fac­ One of the highlights of the tion, tbe May Hop will bo held Forest of Arden, now marked distributed in June, according Neuman, Williamston. ulty, and alumni attended tbe annual Exposition is the Micro in the Union Ballroom from by a huge rock north of the to Wayne Parsons, sales man­ 9-12 Master candidates presented banquet, the largest number Midget Auto Race. The cars, reign over the semi-formal ball, Saturday. The quern win with awards Were John Glot- yet, said James Obuchowski, powered by n basic two horse­ present museum., ager. zbach, East Lansing and James president of the chapter. an all-Universify dance, and In 1906 the graduating class Purchasers of ihe book will power engine, are built and en­ music will be provided tor Gary donated $3.000 towards the con­ be notified through the State Kelly, East Lansing. tered by groups, pooling efforts Wakenhut’s orchestra. Tickets Other awards were presented struction of a band shell where News about tbe time and points to win the gigantic race around are on sale for $2.75 per couple concerts were held that same ot distribution. They' are re­ to Edward R. Schuler, Saginaw senior; Ronald Wellfare, Lan­ Phi M11 Alpha the Physics-Math parking lot. and all are invited to attend. Campus girls are lining up to year and continued to be held quested not to call the Wolver­ until last summer. ine office for this information. sing junior and John DeGar- be chosen for Queen of the May mo, Milford junior. Will Present Hop. The Queen will preside The shell stood on the north Books will he available only bank of the Red Cedar across for those who have ordered Dr. Kullervo Louhi, associate dean of the College of Business- over the. Exposition ^and will Public Invited JEAN MACLEOD and TERRY DAVIS from the Education Building. them. If any extra copies are introduced honored guests. Herbert Miller of the Grand Jazz Concert. “recognize" er of the race. the winning driv­ To Watch —Seniors of the Week— _ — The Concert Band performed available, they will be eold at this year at both fall and win­ the end of fall term. Council of Beta Alpha Psi, and Phi Mu Alpha, professional JETS, the Junior Engineer­ ter term graduation ceremo­ professor at the University of music fraternity, and the Music ing Michigan. Technical Society, will have department will present their their 9th JETS Exposition in fourth annual jazz concert in conjunction with this one and Inspection . Seniors of the Week nies. In addition, the band pre­ sented its annual Wilder Con­ Buffalo, N.Y. was the first cert; went on a spring tour city in the nation to light its MARK UTTLER, seniorpart- the Music Auditorium today at will show their exhibits in the The annual federal inspec­ Jean MacLeod, East Lansing activities, Jean works as a re­ between winter and spring streets with electricity. ner of Arthur Anderson and 8:15 p.m. main library. tion of the Army ROTC detach­ history major and Terry Davis, search assistant for-a profes­ Co., Detroit and guest speaker, The Big Band, the A1 Beutler Mechanical games, distiller­ ment and Cadet brigade is to­ Charlevoix personnel and pro­ sor in the personnel and pro­ said the Americans may be Sextet, and the Television Or­ ies, radio equipment, -nylon- day and will be completed by duction administration major, duction administration depart­ losing out on Iheir stock returns chestra, under the direction of making equipment, a cyclon Wednesday, according to CoL are in the senior of the week ment. because of bad corporate re­ Morris E. Hall, will combine separator, farm equipment and Merton E. Munson. - porting. spotlight this week. r After graduation she plans to SLACK SALE! to presents variety ojLarrange­ so on will be spread through­ Col. W.M. Mueller professor Jean is a member of Mortar teach high school history. He said that 18 million Amer­ ments and compositions of jazz. out all of the engineering of military science at Indiana Board, senior women’s honor­ icans hold stock in public loan Included in the program will buildings. Auto races will be university, assisted by a team ary, and has served as vice TERRY is treasurer of Phi Reg. $14.95 & $12.95 now $10.95 2 for $19.00 companies but because of di­ be arrangements of Come Back runJill morning Saturday. Com* of officers and non-commis­ president of the organization. Delta Theto fraternity and a Reg. $10.95 & $ 9.95 now $8.95 2 fo r $16.00 verse methods of reporting cor­ to Sorrento, Polka Dots and the Future”, space-race rock- sioned officers, will head the She was a member of Tower member of Blue Key, national porate profits the average Moonbeams, Topsy, and You panies will display “Farm of inspection. Guard and Alpha Lambda-Del- senior-junior men’s honorary. Reg. $ 8.95 & $ 7.95 now $6.95 2 for $12.00 stockholder is not getting his Stepped out of a Dream. ets, automotive and flight ^in­ Colonel Mueller and Colonel ta and received an outstanding A member of the Xjnlon Board struments, and chemical qnd Munson will review the massed junior award. of Directors, Terry was also- Ivy or Pleated Models • Sixes 30 to 42 mechanical devices. cadet brigade and troop the SHE MTpast treasurer of Pan- chairman of the UB Weew fa­ Old College Hall Table Top Prizes totaling $165 will be line in an open vehicle today given to students as well as at 4:30 on Old College Field. beilenic shion show. He was vice Council and is a mem­ dent of his junior class and presi­ Nationally Advertised Haggar Slacks ber of Alpha Chi Omega soror­ chairman of the Miss MSU con­ Ready For Carving Seniors trophies for the race and car The public is invited to .wit­ ity. Jean was general chairman body design. _ -m ness the ceremony. test. Even the Engineering Wives of the 1960 Greek Week, enter­ Terry spent one summer in Seniors have-the opportunity traditional senior table top, is are getting in the swing plan­ A luncheon will be held at 12 tainment chairman of the 1959 Disneyland, Calif., working as noon in the Red Cedarroom of Spinster Spin and an Activities a time keeper . LenKositdiek's VanityShop E. Laming to demonstrate their artistic ready to be carved there. ~ ning decorations and posters. Kellogg center in honor of the Carnival chairman. ability in wood carving in 01 Tuesday Morning, May 9, 1961 Kennedy Silent On Civil Rights various activities with the family. TheDrob family of East Lansing got acquainted with MSU foreign students at the meeting. Standing, left to right: Teddy Aoki, Kyoto, Ja­ pan; Mr. Judah- Drob, East Lansing; Artnel Henry, Ja­ maica,. West Indies. Seated, left to right: Sommath Chat- terjee, Calcutta, India; Miss Grace Drob, Fast Lansing; Mrs. Judah Drob; and Harrish Mallik, New Delhi, India. HOSTESS OF THE EVENT-Mrs. Edward Weidner, center, was the hostess of the World Affairs Council meeting. Left; Ramadbar Singh, student from Patna, India, and right; Mrs. Edward Blackman, co-chairman of the reception. —State News photos by T. S. Crockett. _ were one yardstick in selecting the astronauts, this was one of the impressive things. Thrown into unusual or difficult experi­ mental situations, he showed very limited swings from his normal behavior. LOOK! Like the other six astronauts, he’s highly intelligent. Dr. William K. Douglas, physician to the astronauts, says each has an L.Q. or intelligence quo­ tient of over 140, which is ap­ proaching genius. remarkable? D e a R -D R ttR Q O D biggest or. mtooo'S th o u o h t now Thu DAY: Don't let exams upset yon surprise After all, there are worse things—distemper, hunger, insatiable thirst Dear Dr. Frood: Shouldn’t we spend our millions on education instead of a race to the moon? Taxpayer Dear Dr. Frood: Afellow on our campus c a mp u s keeps saying, '‘Bully," “Pip-pipf" DEAR TAXPAYER: And let the ‘"Ear, ’ear," “Sticky wicket," and Deer Dr. Comtpunists get ell that "Ripping!" What do these things Frood: What cheese? |v mean? would you say :l |jk l|jL ~ ' ~ Puzzled about a rich father DEAR PUZZLED: It’s best who makes his boy % just to ignore these . une dollar exist on a measly beatniks. $150 a week allowance? Angered Deer Dr. Frood: How can I keep from bawling like with a subscription a baby when they hand me my diploma? * Emotional to the State News DEAR EMOTIONAL: Simply concentrate on twirling your mortarboard tassel — . in circles above your head, {kf and pretend you are tfl«,, a helicopter, _ .«flfF - of everything - Dear Dr. Frood: What's the that?« going on. ~ best way to open a pack of Luckies: '■'$ Rip off the whole top, or tear along one and coming off, side of the blue sticker? Freahman And all for only DEAR FRESHMAN: Rip? Tear? Why, open a pack of Luckies as you would lika to be Subscribe to the opened yourself. State News this summer 347 Student Services FROOD REVEALS SECRET: After exhaustive study and research, Dr. Frood claims to k have discovered the reason why college students smoke more Luckies than any other regular. His solution is that the word ‘‘Cotlegiates’* contains precisely the same number of letters as Lucky Strike—a claim no other leading cigarette can make! C H A N G E T O LU C K IES and get some taste for a change! fill «