mÊÊÈÊMMÊiMâI H H N ffiflill ï» ’;'ÿ •'/.3 1. ' wm V«? IS ffl ì mI S e î ê «S*-1 S39Bfc •"*3 W31? W e a th e r R e p o r t S to ry o ß t h e D ay Fahr « il w m e r wenfeer today, .Midwestern M m H sw k RdlillinnCRA discusses current h ^ H «ai piiilkil a him «* n . Um ImUM. M . < M M prtMeMi Ito- tomtom, letettsn* ’*Mi far Friday: fair and centtsned warm. - Canada, CM« n i Mextes. See page S 5 Cents E *uU bbeJ1909 VoL S3, No, 31 2Ü East AlgeriaT Passengers, C re w D ie J g p l ^ K i Ü In S a h a ra PARIS, The French gov­ ALGIERS ?,:'V’ ppgglpsp îP g W i TR? H k S H ip ¡¡I PSB ¡PflRggl S g g l fl *• S % Sill Thursday Morning, May I I , 1961 n. RM 3 Gilbert: Every Race a Minority Crossw ord Pu zzie la a a ia s a n a a n a □ □ a ra a a a a a a a □□a y aaaan aaa Discord in NÀTO O ver Anns I aanaa acanaal (Cwttwri from Piflt S) be under orders not to fire ex­ the subject of new high level » . WoUranttn I a a a a a sanaa cept in self-defense. negotiations before the year is (Cootinuedlrom Page l) For 15 yean. Eichmmm was “It is a warning that when » MhMU- isolated West Berlin and wants against a wan'«Ml shot, used able to dodge the world man­ any group exterminates a mi­ I Sinbad s toni ■ are asaa aaaa □□□ i»oe«tUed iB 1961. SECOND if the Reds try to out — nority,” he said, “the persecut­ SS. Flotta of ZM33 a a a a a 3 3 3 Rusk spelled out America’s shut off air traffic to West Ber­ The NATO council only brief­ t o r . t a r g e t practicing and hunt by the Jews. They were 4 Burn on th* surface a a a aaani a a a a ly touched on military and marched into huge rooms, “dragging the earth” to find ed, as well as;the persecutor SI Smetti a3Q 3J u a aa a resolve to defend Allied war- lin the Allies will send In planes the man responsible for the wfll meet mutual destruction. k Want bor- won rights In the city end air, to sustain their garrisons and strategic matters because am - gassed and cremated. ■n*dly Epfe 37. Relinquish □ n aan usaaa expert reappraisal still Is in* BUT THE MAN who was in many Jewish deaths. “Bigotry can lead ta self ex­ I I T o-do SI. Cuttle snaaasnua ana ground and water access the West Berliners on the model 4L Lite pria. complete. charge of “death duty”—Eich- On May 12, 1960, he was termination of t h e human i*am ,f k« said ' Tr~ •r~,v v 13. Hoatifc in­ cursion □Dui anna aaaa rout«. The Allies in the com­ of the 1848 airlift. These plan« AH the communique said on ntann, had escaped from the found leaving a bus in Buenos MN» - 4S.CaMes , □cm a a a a a a a a munique warned Khrushchev will be escorted by combat trials unnoticed. Air«. He was “kidnapped” Israel was justified in Its kid­ 14 L a rstv o L - 4S. HavlaS to keep his hands off their part aircraft No recommendations the point: (UM Under an alias, he escaped and whisked away to the newly napping of Eichmann tor trial, ** Tmirnuif three«—n SeHrtie« ef V—erdeyN of the onetime German cap- have been made on whether “The ministers invited the from Germany through a war found Jewish state, Israel, to Gilbert said. IT t a r a s p rit a. Authorita­ tini in these words: they would open fire if attack­ (permanent) council . . . in. prisoner camp and took refuge stand trial. • “NO ONE ELSE cared to 15 Parilatha Rocklea tive order S. Harem ikOetrichlike bird “WITH PAJK11CULAR regard ed. This has been left to the de­ close cooperation with the mili­ “It was a good thing Eich­ tary authorities to continue its in South America. find him, or place him on I«. Fable Ik Integer k Predie to Berlin, they (tiie ministers) cision of the governments at He had escaped the Nurem- i mann was captured,” Gilbert i t S ig u r berg trial. Hardly anyone had said, “years after the attention talked about him at the trial. of the world had forgotten the trial,” he said. “Any govern­ ment in the world would have tiie right to put him on trial.” SI Those not tnoAee St. Encumber 91. Besage 52. Compass point 53. Invised 4. S> Crown China» t country: Ik Perennial E. reiterated their determination The time. . . . to maintain the freedom of At this time the Allies seem West Berlin and its (2,900,000) doubtful jyhether the crisis will studies of all aspects of the military posture of the alliance. “They requested the council Gilbert said. Only Col. Rudolf most gruesome episode in his­ It is silly to quibble on the St. Amusant SI. Non-pro- 94. Aanojrs herb genus people.” come to such pass. The ex­ to submit these studtes when - Hess mentioned how Eichmann tory—even though it was too 55 Sweet po­ 17. Waaarcraft ready and to report to the min­ and he had exterminated the late to do anything about his legality of the trial, Gilbert SO.rombali po­ tato t. Highway: 20. Hanker The ministers asked to let pectation is that the Berlin and isterial meeting in December.” . mass of Jews. victims. said. Eichmann not only com­ sition: abbr. •OWN abtor. kXtoopee» 22. Loaf skiing them look at any new or amend­ German issues will become mitted a crime against the n w r- ed plans for the emergency that Eichmann was too insignifi­ " “IT IS OP crucial impor­ Jewish people, but partook in 31, Sea gad insedine»» tuous 24. Ardor .i-- cant, Gilbert said. No one tance to recognize what has 32. Dens ure 9. Sea anemone Ik Trait would arise if the Reds try to T r r 7T3~“r □ a crime against humanity. push or squeeze the Americans, missed him or even looked for happened in our life time and When Jewish people. NO ONE WANTED to cap­ youth to know —lor all the “It is important for the command the authority to de­ stroy the whole Jewish popu­ lation, it is a threat to the world, Gilbert said. ne ne□ rw □r nn ST. Light gauzy fabric 29. Further aace 32. Reasoning 5* West Berlin garrisons. Details of the plans—which could be changed—were made ture him, Gilbert said. Every­ world to remember what hap­ “All groups are a minority, 33. Assemblage known by authorities: one wanted to forget the horri­ pens when b i g o t r y runs he said, “and If through bigo­ 35. Kind of First if the Reds block the ble crimes and deaths of the amuck,” Gilbert said. franuUr^ land r(Mites to Berlin, Allied Nazi heirarchy — except th e Every racé is in a minority, try it is possible to extermi- rock See GILBERT Page 5 M. Good convoys will test the Commu­ Jews. be said, even the whites. Jk Intolerant nist East German determina­ 40. Sea eagle« tion to assert the authority they 42. Afghanis­ clainj. -This will be done by CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS tan prince 44. Vessel for heating armed escorts—scout cars and other forms of armor—who will NOW ! liquids DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publicattott for Tuccl, WetL, Thurtu, 15. Appear to bo 4k Youngboar S w in g o u l N o tic e P h o n e E D 2-1511 and Fri. Editions. Deadline for .Mon. Edition: I p.m. Fri. E x te n s io n s 2643 a n d 2644 47. Fairy queen 49. Clumsy boot F op S e n io rs for Momon her day II. Exclama­ tion of greet» Seniors attending S e n i o r 4P Sfe»66> lag Swingout must notify book- - S u n d a y M a y 14 - automotive FOR SALE PERSONAL fmti«M Si mim. s t o r e s because they will n f i l AUSTIN-WïALEY. 100-« ra n . DYNAK1T 70 W amplifier. *45. 25 SAMMY SCRUB CHARITY Car need caps and gowns earlier Excellent condition. 12.500 miles. Wire w am plifier 320 Color TV Beautiful Wash. May 12, 12-5:30. Speedway, Portugal is' slightly smaller than seniors not planning on wheels, overdrive. 1199s. Phone ,£D- picture «150 ED 2-1606. 34 across from Brody, Sigma Alpha Mu. 31 than Indiana, but nine million attending, Alsa Holmes, Sen­ 8-3913. ____ 1958 AUSTIN HEAL Y 100-6, 4 seat- or, w ire wheels, radio, heater, white- « FOR RENT Information people live in Portugal and four ior Swingout Publicity Chair­ million in Indiana. man, said Wednesday. Surprise your Mother by walls, overdrive. Call ED 2-2679 af­ sending her flowers by wire ter 5 p.m. _________ _ ££ apartments FURNISHED APARTMENT. 4 U ree 1954' BU1CK CENTURY Standard rooms, private entrance, use of base­ Spartan Christian Fellowship— for Mother’s Day. Show her transmission. ED 7-0012 a fter 5 p m . m ent and washer, parking. G rad, stu ­ 7:30 p.m., Bethel Manor, 803 SPECIAL 1959 CHEVROLET. 4 door Betaire. dents. Call NO 9-9180 after 4 p.m. 32 GlRL WANTED TO share a p art­ Blue, whitewalls, radio, heater, ec- ment near campus. ED 3-3941. tmomy 6« standard transmission. ED 32 CANDY E. Grand River. Democrats for Liberal Action— 8 p.m., Tower Room, Union.. DISCOUNT ON ALL FREE that you really appreciate her. Come in and see us to­ 2-6380..... ii GIRL TO SHARE large furnished PARTS 20 minute installation day. apartm ent. 133 Durand. East Lan­ 1957 MCA RED convertible W ire- sing. Call Ext. 2467 before 5 p m. 34 ' Mailed Anywhere Baptist Student Fellowship— AND wheels and radio, ExceUent condi- Complete Assortment 7:30 p.m., Baptist Student on guaranteed tion. Call IV 3-1845. £* FURNISHED APARTMENT w ith Center. Rev. John Maes: ACCESSORIES cooking facilities, across from Student Available At “The Contribution Religion TO 1953 MG-TD, New top and tonneau Umon. Must re n t for sum m er ana cover, heater, good condition. Reas­ fall term s. *73 m onthly. IV 2-8420. 31 onable. IV 5-5337. ___________ ££ ROOMS T h e C a rd S h o p Can Make to the Healthy PersonaUty.” , ^ FACULTY AND MUFFLERS And if Mom is coming to 1997 MG MAGNETT* 4 door, i m transmissions - heater, w/w , ail leather interior RQ0MS FOR MEN. for summer, single . and douWe. Tütchen and TV _ Acre» From Young Socialists Club—8 p.m., STUDENTS East Lansing this weekend 34 MURIX «MU MUWHS) SSSS ST c a ll ED 7-2029. privileges. ED — lassiw *2-8279. ■Ö 33 Home Economic« Bldg. 31 Union. Ed Shaw, Midwest — motors — 1958 METROPOLITAN convert director of the Fair Play tor Shocks surprise her with a corsage from Condition like new. M u r ts e U th i * for 3 men. sum mer. 1145 Abbott rooms APPROVED SUPERVISED ED 2-6753 Cuba Committee will speak -repaired - installed - exchanged week. Best offer over *800 NO. 9-«T»^ Call in person. Friday. 1-5 p.m. Road. 39 Generators on “The Truth about Cuba”- Springs an eye. witness report with Custom ~- 1955 PLYMOUTH convertible VS. LOST and FOUND Starters pow er window’s, brakes and steerine Good condition. Mark Done*. ED 7-9761- LOST AQUA BILLFOLD. Education CUT OUT FOR REFERENCE color slides. Elementary Education Club— Carbs Tune-ups Hi • Speed NORM KESEL I960 SAAB. WHITEw 10.0« m i te Library. Tuesday. Reward. 305 Gil- 7 p.m., Faculty Lounge,' 5th Equipment Excellent condition.. IV 2-3998 eve­ crest — ' 32 _ BU8 DEPARTURES floor Education Building nings. _ REAL ESTATE EAST LANSING BUS DEPOT. Topic: “Should the Elemen tary Education- Club merge .flo rist■ Spartan Motors, Inc. LEAVING MSU—Willing to lose 82300 for quick sale of equity in 8- room home in Mason. Large, private with the Student National Ed­ ucation Association?” KAMIN’S AUTO PARTS - 109 E.- Grand ., River ' i Spring Sale Specials yard with redwood fencing. New c a r­ peting an d m atching tiie and d rap ­ DETROIT—ANN ARBOR Water Carnival Speech Com 526 N. LARCH IV 4-4596 e rie s' A luminum storm s.' Gas heat. MCA. 1980. red, w ire wheels, radio. Double garage. Less th an 813.000. mittee—4 p.m., Mural Room, ED 7-1331 Call OR 7-8842. 32 A.M. P.M. Union. OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 1 13.000 m ite - 3:16 12:43x TR s, 1959, red. 2 covers, w hite TWO-BEDROOM RANCH HOUSE Leaving city, paym ents less than 5:52x 1:28x Tri-Beta—7 p.m., 204 Nat. Sci tires. rent. 15 m inutes from cam pus. Cali 9:53 2:43xx Theta Sigma Phi—7 p.m. Chevrolet. 1980. tm pala convertible TU 2-9104. 32 platinum m is t red tin t. Stick shift. 4:28x Journalism library. EAST LANSING!! ONE block to campus!!! Five bedroom .-three baths X« Fri. enly 1:47« “ Olds. 1981. re d convertible, red 25' living room. A 12*xl3’ dream k it­ chen. Economical gas heat. Priced a t X Make connections 7:17 Eadnof the 2,000 species of ton, power*. frogs has a distinctive call Chevrolet, 1959, B elalre tudor. red • email home. Call R F rink. IV 2-4*70, r v 4-7739. or ED J. only *18300!! w ill-consider trad e for 3-9395. W alter Neller Fare fog Ann Arbor » Dot. 1 way M t RT. 1:47« 468 which lures only females of and w hite, radio, heater. Co. Realtors. 31 the same kind. Ana Arbor 1 way US RT. 5.17 _ Volkswpgont, *«0 th ru ‘58, colors EAST LANSING. Brookfield. Sub­ to ih — from. division, excellent .location, n ear M ar­ ble School and shopping center. 3 GRAND RAPIDS—MUSKEGON Ford. 1*5«. tudor, blue end white, bedroom Cape Cod. carpeted living radio, heater. room and separate dining room IV2 baths, large lot. .1323 Roseland- Call t blocks east of F randor onM lchlgan ED 2-1770, 32 A.M P.M. ED 2-8885 1:17 CAPE COD. SHORT WALK to U ni­ 4:25 em plo y m en t versity, 815.900. 3 bedrooms, 114 baths, 9:39 finished basem ent. 5 years old. Re­ frigerator. stove, w asher, d ryer. ED 19:38 3:32.. 5:17 FANTASTIC 2-3963. after 1 p.m. SERVICE 33 x Sees pot-go te Muskegon . g:2«X . NEW s ummer Box 483. E. Lansing T y p i n g D O lht in S partan Village Fare Or. Rapids eke way 2.31 RT. 5J8 31 apartm ent. ED 7-0703, or ED 7-988A Muskegon one way 4.15 RT. 7J7 tttlT B DATA-GUIDES u n d e rc o v e r d o r y POSITIONS _CfEN TOR “¡*£1 EXPERT THESES and aeneral ty p ­ nurse, fuu or p art time. Alio « g j * ine room fupw viior• New. liimleiti ing. electric typew riter. 17 years CHICAGO—B. Creek—KALAMAZOO so bed boetotal. or wrlto Diroc- experience, one block tro m Brodv. tqr of Nuree^ Ma»m General Hov- ED 3-5543. « in n y l o n tr ic o t total. Masoa. Michigan — “ TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone AM ~ PM . ANALYTIC FEMALE" ADULT program «hrect- num ber, ED 3-8384. E lectric type­ •:39x 2:1* or full or partO irve. Ertabttahed p ri­ v ate agency. Lansing, beginning sal­ general typing. w riter. Term papers and these«, _ also « I'M 5:85 GEOMETRY ary. •M OO'- S M » baaed on « u rij lficationi. TV 5-7201. WONCH DUPLICATING - moved MM 7:45XX •_ Two c o o t sol! nylon tricot: to 1729 E. Michigan. Lansing. Theaia typing and duplicating, commercial 11:19 MAN OB BOY WITH mowe r to ari, care for U wn onee a y g k . * • • 2 H agadom and M 78. ED 2 8682 32 typesetting. Call 49?-4208. tf Daily except Sun. t f VOCABULARY t o o cowiortjitooctioe w e n e w xx Gees to Kalaasaae* enly STUDENT WITH MILITARY e x ­ p e rie n c e in tele ty p e m ain ten a n ce and w TYPING. In my home, by secretary ith 10 years' experience. TU 2-8739. FOR sheer whit» bririing occenled tf re p a ir. C o n ta c t^ Mr • N* C o m p u te r Leb» Hat- 6867- ^55 ** TYPING. SECRETARIAL WORK, OWOS80—FLINT MARKETIRG with vol loco» embroidery an d electric elite. IS years experience in 5AGINAW—BAY CITY FOR SALE thesis, term papera. College grad­ uate. ED 2-5548. « WASHING • IRONING mending AM PM . bows^eocb giving oaaaoofhb a^S R P 8f7B nB nuT (». tis i. 11 cu. feet, separate true free ter. As and Home B aking-done in m y home. I M 12:43x FOR good as newrpurchaaed to r *339 Feb­ IV 7-5168. 32 8:48 3:85 ruary 1961. Little used Must. seU HIGHER GRADES... loan fine to y o o rsee wenkdbeb because of recent import restriction WE ACCEPT CANCELLED or re 4M back home. Please contact. ED 2-0*41. fused auto insurance. - installments, GET T H E M AT, after 4 p.m. ^ all types of insurance policies. Harold x Dally except Son. TMSX A- Top« rod petti-pent 5-7 sizes M O Morbfsky Agency. IV 4-0206. tf xxD*ea n et snake Oweaso BANJO AND GUITAR for aale 18M YOUR B O O K S T O R E GRAN VIEW -Call between 2-9 p m. ED 3-3719. ask Dancing tor th e younger set. Disc RECREATION AREA. L Afl-iito) chemise. 3 2 0 6 dees. S jOO for Ed. - _________ 31 Jockey every Friday 9:30 - 1 a.m., Sunday 6:29 - 10 pm . Admis­ TOLEDO—ADRIAN NOW TWO DRY SUITS. l j * r t e c t • I every sion 50c. 4 miles north of Fenton on needs repair. Original coat 949. WiJl Fenton Rood. 10 m i t e south o f Flint. -Sell lor 999. ED 1-1391. 31 27 AM PM . rn tS T SEASONABLE offer AKC IJt I'M guard m ale. 1 year old. Reg. St. Berni can Ed T-orn 31 TRANSPORTATION 9M 4M ROLLIEFLEX “T” BRAND a r e . 131 SM 3SO0 Must sacrifice Will StH for «149 RIDE NEEDED TO Chicago on 9:87 Call ED 7-11» after 6 pas . 32 Friday May 12- Cali ED 2-38*1. room U M 387 31 GOLF SET. 8 SPAULDING irons. Bay them at 4 Witsca" woods, bag. Excellent con- Fare mar way 4M RT. 724 dltion. ED 7-0007._____________ 31 PERSONAL AS s M O m daily except as sated. "FOR SALE - SIAMESE kittens. • DIANE BURT and JOE MAR- We ana gl«* fares and esAaduisa far weeks old. 915 Call ED 7-1918 after 9». 31 SIGLEO please eesne to O t - M l anitre 9 1 Ph.' RD 2-2913. VA ktoeks Newt office. Room 287, Studen t Serv­ 6mpM B««k Stan TWIN BED FRAME A mettras*, ies* Bldg. for two fra* pensee to was* ef Peeples CkarcA-Orand River. Spring and mattress for Odi bed. the Great Drive-In. N8 Boy's ice skatae. alaa 1. IV 2-4*6 after *M. 33 BUY . . . SELL . RENT Aersss (rem Unten ION JUNGS. See . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS • p u m a s n n n u f t e a r notebook, fron» lixfaigirtsl Arts laboratory to ftia r“ a e . . QUICK BXSULTS • • • Jo» SSSS.M» MAM. . » T" mw wtsmà ÌA Mirlifpmn SiuteNewu, E -tU o » in g , UUktpm - p o r ts T h w r fiy Morning, May 11, 1961 International Club Active in IM Sports ars Turn Back Michigan State’s intramural athletics program is being con­ peting in soccer, table tennis, the men’s intramural depart­ tennis, volleyball, cricket and ment under the direction of badminton. Frank Beaman and the filter- Washington, 7-1 ducted with student groups from 12 different countries. The groups which are active THE NATIONAL groups In­ national Chib the program «as cluded are African, Arab, Chi­ instituted this spring on an ex­ nese, Korean, Indian, Iraaiaa, perimental basis. 9H R 0IT UMfte Detroit Klippstein, third Nat pitcher, At the annual Intarnaficnal Philippine, Japaneee, Pakis­ Festival hi the MSU International Club May 13 the champions ? ! ( * • • whoVo do«» almost walked two batters, hit another currently are engaged in com­ tani, Spanish, West Indian and MtMac «nag in M games, and gave up a single to Steve petition in six different sports. American. in each of the six sports will be tjghfaiii their grip on first Boros. _ Both men and women are com­ Through the cooperation of awarded prises. pUco la the Aaerieaa League Billy Bruton stole two bases M ag by tkrottliag the Wash- in the eighth and reserve out­ iagtoa Senators 7-1 behind Am fielder Bubba Morton one and Buqning’» five-hit pitching, Net catcher Gene Green com­ t TW last piaeo Senators could mitted two throwing errors. tfa Mfia right aa 6elr pitchers hit Ifena Mttars and walked their fielders com- aatttad threemors. The Tigers, the loagaa's no« go-go teem. Johnson 7 Winning their llth game against only six defeats the Ti- firs rapped three Washington Places In pitches! for 10 hits and made “ all of them count. AAU Meet THEY-SENT 10 men to bat Steve Johnson of Michigan la the second inning and for all State captured a third place practical purposes ended tne finish in tumbling competition bell game right there, hive „Ti­ and a fifth place on the trapo- gers bit safely in the big inning line at the recent National nnd feur of them scored. American Athletic Union gym­ Pacing tho faculty la Saturday’s balftime contest of firn OMtimers game A throwing error oy relief nastic meet in Dallas, Texas. will bo a line of (left to right) Rex Carrow, Bruce Fossum, Amo Beaune, pitcher Hal Woodoshick kept HOWEVER, Johnson’s fin* Forddy Anderson, and Dick Chapin. Jack Klnnay will play halfback with the splurge going after the Ti­ Wayne Tfaikle at quarterback and Bob Swett at the other halfback slot. gers rattled five hits off start­ iyjrformance that of was overshadowed the Japanese Olym­ ___________________■ . ' ~ V - - :------ er Ed Hoheugh. pic team. The touring Japa­ A hit batsman led to Detroit's nese captured every event ex­ fifth ran in the fourth and the cept the tumbling competition, Tigers added two more in the in which they were not entered. eighth on only one hit Johnny , Johnson was only one of a V ofMBeats MSa t Tennis; quartet entered J n the tumb­ Michigan Mate baseball play­ ling competion. He performed ers M l Knapp, Don Livenspar- a double back somersault that State ’s Win Streak Stopped ger and Bob Rose maintained was one of the finest ever seen in tumbling exhibitions._ Michigan State’s 11 match The turning point in the Michigan to even the match nearly straight-A scholastic Stan Tarshis, Michigan State winning streak was stopped match came when State drop­ when he beat Dick Hall in averages. when the Universitv of Michi­ ped the first doubles match of three sets. alumni and Big 19 horizontal gan’s tennis team defeated the the afternoon. At that time all In the third singles match bar.champion last year, finished Spartans, 54, Tuesday. results in were tied at 44. The mistletoe is the slate in seventh position in his spe­ The loss to the Wolverines on the card Bruce MacDonald flewer of Oklahoma. cialty. was also the first loss for State BRYAN EISNER gave State Michigan turned back State’s of in Big 10 competition. The an early lead when he defeated Roger Plagenhoef in a three Spartans had won four con­ Am Tenney of Michigan, 6-2 set contest. MacDonald won S o m e th in g W a r m ference matches before losing and 64 in the first contest 6-2, 34, and 6-2. ~ to Michigan. Wayne Peacock came back for IN THE FINAL three singles and H um an matches the two teams split. and Wonderful Happens. ^ . Bill Vogt defeated MSU’s Jack When You Send Flowers By - Wire Wa Telegraph Flowers Dorm Tennis Tonight Damson, Scot Mantz beat Hon lenry, State’s 20-year-old sen- or "From Lansing. Bill Lau Order Early and Save On All - The semi-finals of the dormi­ worth vs Hedrick, field 8; Vets whipped Tim Hennale of Michi­ Out of town Deliveries in the U.S. and Canada tory team tennis finals will be II vs A.O.C.S. n. gan, 6-1 and 6-1. played at 6:00 p.m. All teams The loss to the ^Wolverines B a r n e s F l o r a l o f E a s t L a n s in g entered in the tournament must put Michigan State’s season rec­ 215 Ana Open Evenings & Sunday ED 2-0871 report to the IM office to pick T ig e rs O p tio n ord at 13 wins and three losses up tennis balls and match re­ Michigan has dropped one port cards before going on the T h r e e P la y e rs match while winning eight. court 1 DETROIT (B—The first place Llnay Says Softball Detroit Tigers today pared Thursday, 5:20 p.m. • Alpha down to the 25-player limit by NEED A PART FOR THAT I Sigma Phi vs Phi Gamma Del­ optioning veterans Harry ChltJ ta, field 1; A.T.O. vs Phi Kappa and Dick Gernert and rookie Psi, field 2; Delta Chi vs Sigma Joe Grzenda to their Denver Phi Epsilon, field 3; Z.B.T. vs farm club in the American As­ OLDER GAR? Sigma Cbl, field 4; Sigma Nu sociation. vs Delta Tau Delta, field 5; TRY Beta Theta Phi vs Psi U, field Chiti, a catcher who played 6; Delta Sigma Phi vs Farm­ with the Chicago Cubs and house, field 7; Theta Chi vs Pi Kansas City Athletics before LIMCO AUTO PARTS Kappa Phi, field 8; D.U. vs Phi coming to Detroit, has only Kappa Tau, field 9. Mt in 12 times at bat this sea­ Thursday, 6:30 p.m. • A.E. Pi son. S ta r ts 1332 N. LARCH ST. vs Sigma Alpha Mu, field 1; Phi Gernert, a first baseman-out- (LOOK FOB THE RED HOUSE) Sigma Kappa vs Phi Delta fielder, previously played with IV 2-1303 _ Theta, field 2; Lambda Chi Al­ the Cubs and Boston Red Sox. pha vs S.A.E., field 3, Castro’s He had p ts fe & b c i Ä mrnrnmmwm m m radio. FEATURE J IT 7:20 • 9:40 SiSiw aa *> — "V The contest closes at mid­ night Thursday. LAST TIME TO-NIGHT im n i-iM V M -iiiir s FEATURE» l d H î » A # M t * * “MAKE MINE MINK” •MAjU-jPt .... tt' Mi . C O L O R ADDED — “SAGA OF WIND WAGON SMITH” STA RUTE i ANS-tNC'S' STARTING FEffiXY - • NEXT! ! JOHN WAYNE’S “ THE ALAMOT “MOSTEXCITINGHUH NAVEENCOUNTEREDThiS SEASON!'* N EXT! PAT BOONE “ A LL HANDS ON DECK” f ó t i o w W ST 10.E------------- - -*0WI MKtU TU KVJtNMC Two Mum giw n m t ri M-7S Starts 8 ACADEM Y AW ARDS NOW! ( 2 ) FIRST-RUN HITS v J i t 's ail of a pwca, crazy, mixed-up, wild, violent sexy, outspoken and TODAY LUCON Best Pictnre of tfie Year! Best Actor! Best Supporting Actress! honest Electricity, magnetism. E ü ü n iW IO ä W W i, HR No. (1) At 8 a ri U:25 Hit No. (2) At tiri Shown Today TK STIMMEST MNBfaM animal vitality, in abundance!” -mm 'M e a S d i i M n u 2 :» - 7:38 TNKT W m H H K -M M i but « 1 » m s « MUI MNSTEN Hnr Itrt fttt lall bum in heQ! M O V IE -W IS E , TH EM E V H A S HEVEM BEEH AHTTHM S L IK E “THE APARTMENT” L O V E -W IS E , U M M M H K O K O T H E K W IS E -W IS E I ;:.Jv i , W J A C K LEM M OH 1 JmSSmM S H IH L E T M m o L A M E ^ ADMISSION Me ÔEÂSJABBER•«nui SHSLEf JÜNtS SSSk ■«tufm,wm imii BOX OFFICE OPENS AT »«■un 7 (gjCnrtsns (2 ) At Dash ■»WMKImm *Eastman COLOR mOntPMlfflBR DON’T MISS THIS SHOW! án IsSIi T h u rs d a y M o r n in g , M a y 1 1 , 1 9 6 1 l i l r M f M i S ta te N e w , E a s t fr in d n g , FACULTY NEWCOMERS CLUB INSTALLS NEW OF­ Y o u n g C h e m ists FICERS—The Faculty Newcomers elab whose members are the wives if fefl-ttme faculty who have been on cam pus To B ear D nPont less than two years hmtuBed new officers at the home sf Mrs. John E. Dietrich last week. Bdew: Mrs. Dietrich R e se a rc h e r (left), and Mrs. Gene Bhmstdu (right) who served as hostess of the event Right: (seated left) Mis .Thomas Dr. Stephen Dal Nogare of Aylesworth, new president of the FaeuMy Newcomers Club, the DuPont co. wffl address the receives gavel from Mrsi Dietrich (right). Loektag on are iBdvctsUy section of the Aaer- Mrs. LeWoll Treaster (standing left), president sf toe lam Chemical Society Thurs­ Faculty F A and Mrs. W. B. Breakover (right), retiring day, May 11 at I p.m. in I S president of that organisation. Faculty F A Is toe all- Kedzie Chemical Laboratory. 3m O n M o th e r ’ s D a y Dal Nogare, research associ­ eampus faculty organization. (State News photo by T. S. ate hi the Analytical Research | Jin R . . . . «member Mother the Crockett) and Development Group of the ^ t Jg H - traditiosml way £ Potychemicals Iteeesrrh Divi­ sion'Of DuPont, will spoafc on K m bw Choose Yoor Mother’s Day “Gas Chromatography.” Review of the principles of Flowers From Our Sptlug- Dr*sh Stock the gas-liquid technique and Phmm Us or Comm In. dements of apparatus win be given. B a r n e s F l o r a l o f E a s t L a n s in g The lecture is open to the 215 Ann Open Evenings A Sunday ED M «71 public. BOSTONIAN’S NEW SIDE-STITCH FLEX-O-MOC GIVES YOU _ A LIGHT-FOOTED FEELING The moccasin you like—with a new look—a new lightness! Slip on a pair—feel how the h A N D - S T I T C H E D front gives your foot-hugging fit. New side-stitch gives you a moccasin that’s easy to shine. Come try a p a ir. D ark brown or black glow-grain leather. 211 So. Washington SMALLS Downtown, of course Complete Optical - Service Placement 4T r ia l Hunt q p - . m «— p s g p r ; ** Eyes — Examined Bureau F o r Je w is h V ic tim s •w m -v m i i ’Naturally Yours** M adison Ave. Styling Interviewing at the Place­ (Continued from Page I t . mann, former teacher who etn- Us« S««rs Y If im Glass«* Fitted No Ap- ment Bureau Monday. Addi­ The story of Eichmann’s fail- igrated to Israel in 1957, testi- tional information in the Place­ ure in Denmark was-told by a- fied that the first Nazi actions in Finest 2-Ply TropicaI Ever Loomed Eisy I i S J pointment ment Bureau Bulletin for the blond Danish Jew who came to against Jews w e r e greeted Payment y — -SÆ jA Necessary week of May 12-25. Israel in 1946, It was in startl- with strikes in-Amsterdam and n vhmWßT Ferndale School District (De­ ing contrast to evidence that other Dutch cities, Offices of: Dn. J. Christie and H. Beckwith, Optometrists troit Area) interviewing Ele­ the Nazi campaign against _____________________ mentary Education and Art, Jews took its ghastly toll with­ Secondary-Science and Biology, out resistance. m s a n u u i r An Industrial Arts, French and WERNER DAVID Melchior, WAo N • II • TVCAll Spanish. General Foods Corporation n S S n S T o w ' S S ■ dacro n b len d (Battle Creek, Mich.) inter­ testified that' the Danish people N ow —' viewing Mechanical Engineers, never gave uptheir interest in I "NATUKAllY YOUKS" by Chemistry, .production Man­ the fate of Jews deported from g iv e y o u rs e agement. -Denmark. Reg. $39.95 Value VARSITY-TOWN CLOTHES Vicksburg - C o m m u n i t y - Elsewhere in Europe, Eicb- Schools. (Central Michigan) in­ mann met less resistance.as Only P ro fe s s io n a terviewing Early Elementary he issued decree after decree Education and Special Educa­ dooming Jews by the thou­ shaves tion. sands, Bach said California Chemical Co. inter­ Requests from the -German BUY AND SAVE AT w it h ... viewing all Majors from the foreign ministry for clemency, m college of Agriculture. even in the cases of Jews con­ Insurance Company of North sidered economically valuable Len Kositchek’s America interviewing all Ma­ to the Nazi war effort, were re­ jors from the colleges of Busi­ jected by Eichmann. Varsity Shop ness, Public Service, Science But in Holland, too, the Nazi 228 Abbott Rd. k Arts and Communication campaign roused protests. East Lansing, Mich. Arts. . Dutch-torn Dr. Joseph Melk- SMOKE THE DEEP CURVED WELLINGTOH PIPE # Well base moisture trap Madisonaire’s unpadded shoulders art. • Dry lip stem your own. Coats are in correct, shorter length. Every detail is authentic, and A SELECTION IN SIZES TO SATISFY EVERY SMOKER you'll thrllljn their uncramped, natural-as-breathing comfort There’s a luxury-plus over other "Ivy“ Suits Small in the beauty and elegant feel that SUPER SMOOTH results from 2/90's finest spun yams of rsrer-than-cashmere wools blended with DuPont Dacron polyester. Muted SHAVE Cheeks and Plaide in new Olive, Blue, Bronze and Grey tinges are both New "wetter-than-water*action melts beard’s tough« classic and gorgeous. ness—in seconds. Remarkable hew “wetter-than-water" Jumbo tl action gives Old Spice Super Smooth Shave its scientific Each approximation to the feather-tonch feel and the efficiency of barber shop shaves. Melts your beard’s toughness like hot towels and massage—in second*. _ THURSDAY, FRIDAY ARD SATURDAY SPE C IA LS Shaves that are so comfortable you barely feel the Sear* Own Yorkshire lar Pocket Size Tobacco blade. A unique combination of anti -evaporation agents LIGHTER FLUID • R aleigh 'S ' A r makes Super Smooth Shave stay moist and firm. No • Half ’n Half I re-lathering, no dry spots. Richer and creamier...gives yon 4 O*. Can lE c • Prince Albert ***" the most satisfying shave... fastest, cleanest—«nd moat • Velvet v j - R**- 23c comfortable. Regular or mentholated, 1.00. Dm * II m . 1I A«m f t I r . X . 'Satisfaction guaranteed n i Tkars.. rn. jm a. at. i« • r a a n , m , sat. sem a. at. u sas r. n. or your money back” u J 1 B. Wehle** Pkon* W t-TKI Price* Do Not lad ed * stat* Sales Van The Engineering Exposition sign Is hoisted into place over the entrance to Olds Hall to announce the opening on Friday. E n g i n e e r s P l a n ‘B e t t e r W o r l d ’ Engineering work-shops are hobs of activity as stu­ dents prepare exhibit entries. The Engineering Expo­ sition beginning Friday will feature auto races, Ernest Kern, Frankenmuth senior; and Alien Reeves, East Lansing senior, industrial and student exhibits, the JETS exhibition apply their chemical know-how to produce nylon for the exposition. and the annual May Hop. " . , ' — m A “Better World through Engineering” theme will m VMM run through the gala week-end with awards and prizes %té for engineering equipment built by students. Micro-Midget racing cars will speed around the Physics-Mat h parking lot with thejucky winner ‘re­ warded’ by the engineering queen. And climaxing the show, the Gary Wakenhut orches­ tra win play for the anniiai May Hop semi-formal ball State News Photos By Fred Bruflodt and Art Wieland Single crystals of aluminum are fastened to the high temperature studies display by mechanical engineer John Hrinevich, Flint senior. - The painful job of soldering minute parts is reflected in Robert Small, Jackson senior, attracts attention with the face of a hopeful prize­ his Theremin, an electrical.organ using body capaci­ winner. tance instead of keys for pitch. _ tofiidnrwinIli^tklijipU Hj&n<| Micro-Midget autos are readied for the race Saturday. Ken Drake, East Lansing senior, and Jim Wineman, East Lsnshag senior, operate on Ike Tim checkered flag may go ap for this mighty midget in the rice for awards and “regards.” The Society of Agricultural Engineers electrical engineering entry with a mighty wrench. nmnhepe so anyway. - r~? ^ ■ - iS àmia fe ^*iËÊgjiM ÊÈËÊf M am