^ , | p | ¡M i i# f® w É Ê Ê È ilia im - s _ÿ $ é i w m SBteâSës ÈF5 m rn m m w g Wmm S e r v in g M 9 U F e r 5 2 Y e a rs Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 33 East Lassine, Michigan, Monday Morning, May IS, 1901 « Psg^Piô^H rtSanS^gka». 5 Canto W- D o m in a te W e e k e n d ¿PPiri^J^Ä.;-i, 6.000 See IRC Conference Festival Adopts Proposals Saturday _ By DAVE COTE And DAVE KNAPP world problem coming from “the millions who lived in pov­ erty for hundreds of years, but State News Staff Writer By KEUN YOUN and who are now getting hope.” SALLY DERRICKSON The Association of Interna­ “As they get this hope, they tional Relations Clubs confer­ become envious of the United State News Staff Writers ence came to_an end Sunday States.” he said, “but the Unit­ People who came to see the after 3 days of discussion meet­ ed States, compounds the hos­ Í7th annual international festi­ ings, 2 speeches and several tility by bragging about its val Saturday found they were proposals on how to solve, the wealth. a part of it — vicarious partici­ problem of anti-American feel- In our official and private pants rather than outside view­ contacts we brag about hqw Ì P P '.isaF ferráÍiwSÍ»? 1 A n im a r» fitlflll quarters. Ismail w e e fc ty during tte summer tom . Second class post­ i sn m fs to a “hot spat” ap­ The NAACP bn sextended imrttotioM every­ age paid id F**^T-*"****! litaWfan. proximately I inches tn dia­ one. Tickets are available at t t e Union ticket Editorial sod Imsiimss offices at 341 Student Services building, meter. Hare temperatures be- oflce at 92J0. Michigan State University, East Leasing, Michigan. tweea 7,000 and 10,000 degrees m o subscriptions poyable in advance for one term, 13; for two r w g be produced It lain this terms, H; three terms, 96. Msmbtr of the flisnflMrrl Press, Inland Daily Press Association and the Associated College preee. " area that ttpaim safs on high out. «Mortals w fflte «fl in m k yY **ri* According to Ringo, the proj­ Editor Marcia Vaa Ness News Editor . ....... . Bill Cote ect is puroy for research al­ # Ü Managtag Editor Ben Burns Editorial Editor . Jody Howard though ft la enacted to pro­ teoria Editor . Wayne Parsene duce practical, hsasrtt» in tte Adv. Manager..... .Jerry Lund. Feature Editor . Jess Maxwell race to conquer outer space. Circulates Mgr Paul Lester Women’s Ed. Charietta Daten Ring» said be is ast primari­ O to r M te r _ — Vic Raacb Photo Editor.... ...Al Royce ly caucarusd with tta design •eg mem a . the Minors or. m M fil - - l':--- --V7^.’='•' H oc ’ y M orning, M ay 1 5 , 1 9 6 1 .3 era Sêe Promenaders Heel New Officers Tw in g jMjtor, oocratary; Kan vrite Ûêê por­ Wteuaar, Howoil sophomore, te cfab fa» A Cuban, Canadian Anti-U.S. Sentiments flS f a m r i Procneaaders Sonare Pance O ri, pómi Oat, Stet Late Cfiy. Utah sartor, aaM t i t w r ; Carol Loo Befiaack, DatnK jâ to r. pohUctty cteir* wmmt Ita y teoxter, Manhafi aad tofs «vary Widnw avteUI m &MUto MU* flu||a Anti-American feelings are luncheon in the Ontianial “As ant c n a m fist border irs the fwraijpi pofirim of Cbb- freshman, librarian; And Dick tte dub also barite« all Boom. iBiuteii, CaftBac sophomore, A ft taww dassw Old square promoted by fl» jnflnenro of promani director. dance classes to ate m ating “THE ENEMY in Cuba h “ H r ia r ic a fe r , r i t e : JaaOrr, Salt LakaClty, the , Uniteli Stetes* power te tea two «mntrtea amten Stem tep remnateer* ram aiber'tee fi h n tfilh i^ if Drift sophnnore, vtooprari* 0 a aaM fi» dob’s purpose •acta term. Guaste aaìl fl» betrayal of fi» the United States aad tel pro­ sternal tedMteptehriMe. Cam pjBrt ttemt, eayedalte 'te rtlf date; Pat Oafttay, C a n a » la Is in n a te dancing, particu­ Square dance class night will Castro goveriumatt to its own gressive governments,** said a l i l i nsniriene and aame- the lfth centery mten t e n htek, Pa. sophomore, teteriter* larly round and square danc* be May 17 and folk diace dass Lee Chaîne, « , chairman of thnaa mmnteri ef -them simi­ night, May H fid* fan*. people te Gute, according to the International Beecwe Cam* larities,1’ B teg n said. ww tete pf tea kmm/km mb f t p cteirmaa; treno Wood, fag- two p t e n at the lotenie- arittoe and co-cbairmaa of the nexafianafCanmte, te atek, Hated Relatione Gtebe confer- executive committee of Free­ V BOONOHKALLY. ‘ the Cn- ‘'Canada’s future it •ofio at K d lm Canter Salar* dom House in New York. neiflsn tedsnlrinl scene jedotn- catod,” te aaM. dey and Sunday. Canadians fete Out they are Chôme, f elrteg ris a tele­ phone hook-up from New Tort, teoted by American firms, difteh am srihfset te Amaricaa An T te t e k F r w r ti_____ d W a r t e , « ia a m il« | h r a f a , . Ift tht tomtits qpafo betel drown In catterelhr„eoo- talked te She o a te w m ’s final . TUs policy, whsn im­ ly provincial ttmat; f t o r i a t e o d te tho odd of masting at 2 pjn. an the fte aila n people, tioa eaotenm to rise fanrigo paflcy by the United “Canadians fed their nation­ resented, B n p e ante. a new «Btttef pot r i Stetes, a tri a w . Brogan, dis- ality tteeateaod by Amari "The detenne afltance be­ ties; and Cteada i a ____ ttaguMbed viriting processor of cans,” Brogan said. tween the United Stetes and capped by p teaft a f rn p R M , history and pregsasor of politi­ He said that 0 » influence of Canada is tedhpandhle,** Bro­ bested. fK* DENNIS BROGAN cal science at Cambridge Uni- American newspapers, maga­ Cherne, interaatkHHdly zines, television and movies la ils arid tent fids brings to knaem tor bis bumMftarina these have been bwtitatod, he I spoke aat the second wide circulation m Canada is “ the demtetetea of tee work a t ctetn m a of fiw later- Saturday at a 12:15 responsible for this feeling. Stete» powerte dirari- nattonte Saocna comtettoe, - “What tea happened? To said find tee rorolnHoa in Cote find oat we must look te the * V was tte Soviet’s, not Cote*«. c«*— miles,'* be «yfci T t is »pw M m M » fact teat Tte exiles are'doctors, law­ never before bat a mvofcdtai yers, teachers, talavision com­ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS destroyed its own party la ar­ mentators, and otters dooeiy dor to mote way for a new Moodteod with the hoginning party,** Cherne said. Castro government PU5ENTS DEADLINES: t p-m. Day Before PnhBcstien far T a m , Wed, I t e m , HE SAID that there was “It is most shattering to lode and Fri. Edttimw. Pendine Cor Men. EdMisa: 1 pjn. Fri. nothiaf left of aay party from te those who have ted ,” he Phone £ D 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 the coaoervafiva to the leftist said. range of views. ^ Twenty-five per cent are “There is only one party left manual laborers; 31 per cent AU TO M O TIV E ^FO R RENT SERVICE in Cuba—the Communist party. are white collar workers; 38 Every aspect of communica­ per cent are professional peo­ tions is controlled and in the ple, three per cent are students ''Only tm FIA T UM BO AD STnt. B*d :OOMS lU lli DOME to Sp arL n W S ED M R or ED M R bands of the Communiit par­ and three per cent are sdf-em- Uh M Û teturtor. U w llw t con­ ROOMS FO R MEN for a i m » . ty,” te said. ptoyed, he said. n u ^ c m r r m in . n Binale and doubled kitchen and TV Cherne told of the number of The breakdown in ages is 1*67 l U D C U R V SB 1IB LE. Whte. Thunderbrd En*ne, Fordoroato «hit, good copdton. ED 2-5747T privileges. ED 3-6279. APPROVED SUPERVISED 27 -3 » 3 men. rammer 1143 Abbott Road. CaR In person. Friday. 1-6 pm 33 Castro followers who have left similar to this occupational the island: - ranking, he said. “Fifty per cent of the faculty THE NUMBER of exiles re­ Yesterday UST K G M AGNETTÏ 4 door, radio, M AXE RESERVATIONS fo r zinale TYF IB I ANN BROWN. New phone num b». ED 2 - O t flta tr li type­ of the University of Havana turning to Cuba after the fall heater, w/w. aU leather Interior. C all ED 7-3036. double roams fo r Summer and M s ä term s. Close to campus, parkins, w riter. ite m pap ers earn Starna, mas and two-third* of the Supreme of Batista and the election of reasonable. A lso apartm ent for n aa- Coart members are in exile; Castro was great, but thé re­ UM MXTKOPOUTAN eoorert. ED 3-3131. It WONCH DUPLICATDiG - ■ s e id twtofirirds of tte 19 members of turn to exile from the Castro THAT FABULOUS ERA . . . Condition like now. H urt faO thU to t n o X H ie H a m Lnstated. t h n b week. Baat o t t i ovar 66M 740.6-6766. 3 SIN GLE BOOMS fa r mate ram m » typing ante d u p ftaiB n c. a u n u n W Castro’s original caMnst are In government comparai 10,000 to 94 stonante- Can ED 3-4613. » a r t U T tadfteg CM M l IM tf prison, or in seeking sanctuary 120,000. 1166 PLYMOUTH convertible VS, REAL ESTATE T Y P IN G , t e i br teierettenr in the fmboaslas watting to Cherne has been involved in power wlndowe, brakes and ■tearing. w ith m : • TO 3-603. leave. Cuban Attain for 33 yean. He Good condition. Mark Dona*. ED 7-4761. _ 25 ASSIGNED JA PA N Must sell home "Sixty per cent of Castro’s became foreign, correspondeut The r o a r i n g 20 ’s In Haalett. 6 rooms. 1H baths, carpet­ TYPIN G . SECRET/ government has been replaced for the United Press te the ago 1660 SAA B, WHITE. 10,000 mile*. ed. drapes, built-in refrigerator and electric eBte. O yearn «apertene* In Excellent condition.. IV 2-3006 eve­ stove. Large recreation room, l u l l tbenm term m m . z s s r s a * - for tbote In exile. The first ap­ of 18 when he landed in Havana nings. tf basement etc. Minimum down. Cot uate. ED 3 M R Goudreau. E xt. 3668. 37 pointee of Castro's government as a seaman during the revolu­ UM TRIUMPH TB-3. Sporta car. WB ACCEPT CANCELLED » ra- to the United Nations is in ex­ tion in 1929. Good condition, low w flaag*. haater. "EA ST LAN SING — 4 bedrooms! atneed auto tenunasne. tnetttDmente ll types a t te a m ia u patadtaa. M ira li ile in N0w York City.” 1 -2 -3 Ju n e tonneau cover. ED 2-1326. 33 W ell-eared-for o ld » hojne in pleas­ MnrnrsFj ant neighborhood near all schools. A rm er IV # 4 R tf Cherne said that the prom­ N ig h t Staff UM TllIUM PH TR-3. white, over­ Large carpeted living room, m a d e CatANVBCW BBTWEATHMI A REA. ises which led to the Castro drive. wire wheel«, radio. Michelin gracious "try fireplace Sc bookshelves. D nsKteg ta r th e m a p r as*. Dlae government being accepted in News Editor, Bill Donner; X tires New laquer, excellent mec­ Full d**i«g room w ith southern ex­ Jo c k e y eve ry Fi m a i ORO - 1 s a n , hanically. IV M M Or IV 3-3600. 33 posure. N ewly painted kitcnen load­ ; ORO - M n a a . Adaata- fids hemisphere have not bean Assistant News Editor, Joe Har­ T ic k e ts o n s a le M O N D A Y . . . JJw io n T ic k e t O ffic e ed with cupboard. New baaemaut '4 niflra north at F te rfm .su instituted a Cuba. ____ floor, bath down. elegant 4 ■ d h o f F lin t. ris; Copy Editor, Bob Cham­ WANTED - GOOD hem* fo r baby piece ceram ic bath up. A ll this fo r CUBANS WERE promised berlain; Staff, Diana Zykofaky, «tamobUa. HjjT . batta- Rata vai 43.666 down. 6166 per month. C a p tu*. noada Üttie changing. Mrs. Rice. E d t-¥M , O ffice ED 7- B S In Business land reform, the rfghf ef elec­ Nan Laagin; Assistant Photo g 16417 Hlllery. In c , B ra B ar i. 33 Education, ilagfrh typew riter. OH tion far .a democratic govern­ Editor, E r i c FUsonf Night 48 MOTORCYCLE. NSU "M A X I" US ROOMING BU SIN ESS on 30 rooms. ment aid freedom — note of Sports Editor, Don Whttney. ce. 110 M P G . M M .PH . tool k it SSjOQO with tease optkat on good GRADUATION s— nunswteenta to- Wndahald. luggaga rack, other». ED Mist side property. Phone IV 3- chsdas y e » name. 3 day aanrtee. r-iuo. 24 6136. ow n ». 33 M yers Prtettag Sers tot. 1431 Bant lfld — a IV M R . tf EM PLOYMENT W A N T ED STUDENT W IPE who P ER SO N A L The REGISTERED NURSES, experienced full-tim e light housekeeping a n d M ARY JO GOWDY and JOHN E. Quotarvi* » for evw ilnc ahift. S tall baby-sitting position. Starting im - BOLT p lm i ease to toe S t a t e patttlane aliò available. Salarle* I m inutata»*!* plus fringe b ana ll ta. ca n Director o f Nuraes. Ingham Med­ ical Maapltal. IV 4-MU, S - 4 PJB . SI m adtataly'throufh next ire » . Can ED 7-3BM after 6 pm . 1303 B Univer­ sity Village. 34 News office. Room SIT. Shntotil Serv­ ices Bktg. fo r two fraa oaaaaa to the c re st D rive-In. Sky Fo a m o w a o p e n f o r night CoDege Men area, tun at pact Unta. A bo operat­ in g roam aupervtaor. Maw. modani M a r a ItaapttaL Call » _ w rlta Ulroc tor at Munta *, Mason ~ Gttaarat Ho*- S om m er Jobe Is pital. MaoanTMiichlgan. -ti FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN U j m nCMALK: ADULT program direct­ or. lu ll » part time. Established pri­ vat* agency. Lansing, beginning MJ- BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER The •ry, MJOO_- gjgM. based on ouah 3« — 30 — 30 — 30 F O R SALE $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK Limit CeU M PO T REFRIGERATOR. IM I. SI t t . Sait, separate true freezer. As M d M M W t e d a ia d tor 6226 Feb­ ruary ISM . Llttl« used. Must sell baopbM «t recant Import meWctton batik home. Pleas* contact ED 3-0241, TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS* PLENTY OF TIME FOR BOATING, SWIMMING ft GOLF For 417 E. Grand River On The Campus ifla r « p m . 34 WIN AN ALL XPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO ENCYCLOPEDIA Amareana. UM ndMbn, SO volume sat n rtth b c^ ^ ^ M E re a liant condition. Call ED] S4067. LONDON FOR A WEEK _ SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK The BACK DOOR SALE alter ■ p.m. 34 OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER M J.U . GRADUATION RINGS. See *t the C itti Shop.^Acroa« from BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Returns- TU ESD A Y , M AY 16 - 7 p .m . t o 1 0 p a n . SU N K BED S and mattraaaas. good - 1. O vtr 18 y e a n of age. - Here* » th e s a le y o u ’v e b e e n w a itin g f o r . . . C o m e in a n d » co o p condition . Contact 'D ick, i d m o n . LAD IES ENGLISH BOCK. Contact 2. At least € months ef erikge, 3. Nest Appearance. lo u u p a w a r d r o b e o f n e w s u m m e r fa sh io n sI Linda Hague. SM Mason HaB. 34 ENTRANCE T f f lt O U G H THE DYNAKIT 70 W am plifier. 0*0. 33 w am plifier JgO C o l» TV Beautiful picture 61M ED 3-1606. 34 THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY CONTINUE THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A Can BACK DOOR ONLY! TSAILUtS PART TIME BASIS Spring & Sommer Dresses S lip s . Dàcron-Cotton- ALM A TRAILER. 36x6. fully tu7- nUhad. g*od condition, a ir eondi- y d ta j^ B o w an lo t Priced to **U 37 CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT Receive $3-65 Nylon $2.98 ea. or 2 for $5 GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Spring Saits, Selected UM F x V Champion House T rail- GL. 6-7451 Group 50% off _ Cotton Dusters $4.44 » . tar young m arried couple. Call TU M t n alter 6:30. 36 LANSING. MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA With Rain Coats , 63 Nylons, Reg. 1.65 a pr. 3 pr. $2.75 or 6L19 pr. F O R RENT IV 2-5622 CE 2-1353 „ Spring Canta $7 APARTMENTS AVA ILA BLE JU N E U , 3 Urge TOLEDO, OHIO CH 3-9663 A } y Blouses Skirta - -Slacks ft Jamaicas 62-$3 6 2 -6 3 $2 • $34 Imported Cashmere Sweaters, Reg. 22.98 $5 Nationally Advertised (SO M . furnished apartm ent U tilities Bras ft Girdles _ pq*d.tW a montti C«U IV 0-03*1. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO Knit T-SbirU $2 S U f! NEWS SÜ BOOMS. UNFURNISHED apart- 10 % off m is t nxeaa* for stove and refftger* NO 3-6063 CA 4-9761 U tilities p s lt |M mouth. 34 ATTENTION IO N ! Approved rooms CLEVELAND, OHIO for ram mer. MB W. Grand R iver. 3* -APPRO VED TWO MEN. marrted couple. Reservation* summer school, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO MA 1-3381 ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Classified E A R L Y B IR D S P E C IA L S ! private, furnished tore* room*, bath. ly lr tn i^AvaU abla June U to S ep t L RI 4-2417 GL 5A412 For QC„ M ffiS S E S J j 1 SU BLET FURNISHED apartment. AKRON, OHIO BLO U SES Take $ Ipartaur, rositanmar m . p r i v a t o . FR 6-1253 4. ~ O n ly O O C ti at Lovely setting. Ideal for c o u p l e . S K IR T S Your W AvalB bU . l u n e i s t e i o p t e n b » » . ED 7-1007. 37 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Choice * P A N T IE S , 3 p r. APARTM ENTS. ROOMS, with and WO 5-4153 Y o n c a n r e a c h o v e r without cooking, stngte. doubte. park- l a n I Stogie private b a th . ED T-MM. I ... to. ' ‘ I IT WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONYtAC; WCH1GAN only |c a pair AV 2-7766 _ P E 4-6963 2 0 ,0 0 0 p o t e n tia l b u y e r s H O S IE R Y 1 # BUY , , . SELL . . . BENT * Wtth each $Xpurchase FLINT, MICHIGAN . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . • . . QUICK RESULTS . . « ■ CE 9-8946 . V '- Call ED 2-1511 Ext. 2643 if 2644 m ■ Fi ipil I IP IP if 1111 — ÉÉiÉlïiS ■ ¡i iif V •sE i M v^J^ííiví $ ü ■gsam t Wê UàiïaôISi mt m M — fc y M o ra n * , M ay I S , 19 6 Ï Good News for Hum ans, Cows Rewarded (Contimwri from Page 1) 2. driven by Turner, placed sec-' it also was awarded honorable mention for body design. Announce New Advances cod with King ejected at third . The JETS exhibit is the main in the Trias#» ear. * lobby of the library was receiv­ At the second intermission, ed by many parents and stu­ In Tuberculosis Detection car 8 from the cad EpsUon fra- dents with great admiration. gram is finished,” he afrjidt temity, was awarded the hast Over <50 groups were repre­ By BUNNY STEWART shown a sharp body design trophy by Miss sented tiaere. State News Staff Writer Michigan in recent ywtrt. The “ttut building can be used Jo Lunsford. -T/.-■ Of the exhibits which attract­ An improved system for de­ reason is that many persons study contagious diseases,,.^ THE FINAL RACE repeated ed attention, the miniature jet tecting tuberculosis organisms think the disease is belied and large animals without modifi­ the second as the position of engine outside Olds Hall, the in a short period of time has have neglected control meas­ cations.” - the first two placers were flow demonstration in the base­ been announced by Dean W. W. ures, be said. marked at the finish line. Third ment of Olds Hall, the Magic Armistead, head of the TB re­ A NEWLY completed live­ The >400,000 TB program, fi* search program of the College stock nanced by the U. S. Depart­ place went to car 4, built by the Black Box on the first floor of isolation building at the ment of Agriculture, is a year chemical engineers and driven t h e Electrical Engineering of Veterinary Medicine. by Bill Stehney, Jeannette, Pa. building and the Theremin on A better method of removing Agricultural Experiment Sta­ wad a half old and will be in tion will bouse the research progress two more years. Car t, winner of the best the third floor seemed to be the bacteria from specimens program. — “"v The laboratory work is'.ufc body design trophy, lost its crowd callers. The absorption has also been found. The de­ steering wheel near the middle column, used for carbonating velopments coukl have implica­ The 1110.000 buikfang con­ der the direction of Dr. Walter of the race. The SAE car, with kool-ade, and the nylon making tions upon human health as tains ten isolation rooms. Each L. Mailman, professor of mic- a third and twoseconds, walk- machine also seemed to draw well as practical applications roogL has a separate ventila- j robiology and public health, ed off with the most honors as' attention. in the dairy industry, Armi­ tion system and entry room »n. j and Dr. Donald Donale A. Willigan,. stead said. Armistead said associate professor of veterin­ “Persons suspected of having “When the TB research prb- ary pathology. TB have had to spend six to C o m p le t e O p t ic a l eight weeks in a hospital be­ fore learning whether they had S e r v ic e - the disease,” he .said. “This MAKE YOUR lyes time may now be cut to a few Exam ined days or less.” APPOINTMENT NOW DAIRYMEN hâve complain- Glasses . plained because no signs of To Look Your Best Pitta# TB could be seen when tbeir No A p­ anim als that had shown a posi­ For The p o in tm e n t tive reaction to the TB test N e c e e« a ry TWO POINT DINNER—Members of the Vets Club, Pete SeCcMt, Demarest, N.J. junior (left) and Stan Kami, Grosse Paiate senior (center) rehearse the procedure were slaughtered. The new bacteria removal S E N IO R B A L L Offices of: Pis. J. Christie end H. leckwith, Optometrists for introducing a Governor at their forthcoming MUMuwr with President John 'process has made it possible to With m New A. Hannah, (State News photo by Howard Holmes) grow TB bacteria from ani­ mals that show no visible signs Hair-do From of the disease, Armistead said U n iv e rsity T h e a tr e a n d D e p a r tm e n t o f M usic Certificate Presentation Consumers a r e protected —University Beauty I from TB in cattle by milk pas- p re se n t Lunch To Be Given for Forty ’ teurization, he said, but there is danger to farmers and vet­ erinarians who are exposed to the tubercular cattle. - Salon Peggy Ltmdberg Retiring From Faculty Staff The rate of TB in cattle has Petitioning fo r ☆ Pw st Waving f r Individ sal Hair Styling ^ Silver PI—dmg and Tipping The University will pay trib­ luncheon and reception'in Kel­ man,_home economics exten­ A filindsm m g table ute to 40 retiring faculty and logg Center. sion, 25 years; Thomas F. Fos­ Seniors Is Open A Musical Arabian Night (Free to Salon Clientele) M M . Auditorium staff members today at a The group has served the ter, buildings and utilities, 20 Petitioning for Senior Coun­ University for a grand total of years; Ernest H. Gorton, mu­ fr Air Conditioned Dryers afl seats reserved 1,042 years. Twenty-nine ofjhe sic, 16 years; Charles R. Hof- cil will open today, according ★ Suntan Room — $L75 “Super Colossal.” members will retire on July I, fer, sociology and anthropol­ to Bob Cantrell, senior class Tickets available at and the 11 others will retire at ogy, 36 years. _ president. Petitions will be Don't Folget — And. box office, •John Chapman different dates through the Carl A. Hoppert, chemistry, available Until Friday in 317. £t:M - 5 p.m. week summer. 33 years; Carl F. Huffman, Student Services. d a n . Also at N.Y. Daily News President John A. Hannah dairy, 39 years; Elizabeth Jor­ Anyone who will be a senior CO-ED SPECIAL DAYS Armaghs and Union EXCLUSIVE SHOWING will preside at the luncheon- dan, Williams Hall, 20 years; nexLyear may apply for chair MON., T I ES- AND WED. ticket office. Certificates will be presented William A. KeUy, geok>gyr35 man of homecoming, social ADM. 90c THIS PROGRAM to academic retirees by Pro­ years; Mary Lewis, foods and service, Development Fund, For reserva­ vost Paul A. Miller and to non- nutrition, 30 years; Edward publicity, Swingout, Commence­ tions cafi ED academic retirees by Vice Longnecker, soil science, 26 ment orjeceptioHs committees. 2-1511, Ext. mm President Philip-J. May. years; John MacAllan, Univer­ The council will also have two Among those to be honored is sity farms, 39 years. members at large, Cantrell U n iv e r sit y Dean of Students Tom King *'Jessie Marion, textiles, cloth­ said. . who began his service to the ing and related arts extension, University in 1933. He will be­ 23 years; Kenneth C. Randall, and June 30, 1961: b e a u t y S alo n gin retirement furlough on July English, 37 years; Abraham Ivarene Button, Union build1 (EAST-LANSNG'S MOST MODERN SALONS 1 and will return to the Uni­ Rattner, four years; Clive E. ing, 38 years; Roe Cochran versity in 19o2 for another as­ Russell, horticulture, 24 years; buildings a n d utilities, 22 2 D o o rs E a st o f L u c o n ED 2 -1 1 1 6 Weekday Mate signment. Hazel B. Strahan, textiles, years; Bertha A. Kibby, Camp­ FREE PARKING NOW «Se TUI i -M Girl Fever Twice 8:2241:05 Following are those retiring clothing and related arts, 27 bell Hall, 25 years; George N SHOWING M I C H I G A N Ietc E m . and son. July 1* the departments of years;' Benjamin VanAlstyne, Motts, agricultural economics, Me Children T M ) iVT H .f D w n t ¿ f I V ? 7 i l» — 2ND ADULT HIT — which they are members, and intercollegiate athletics, 35 30 years,; Agnes Sheehan, busi­ their years of service to the years; Leslie A. Wilcox, agri­ ness and public service. 18 cultural chemistry, 19 years; years; and Ernest J. Wheeler, Revenge 4H The University; " - Marietta Anderson, health Evelyn A. Zwemer. home man­ farm crops, 34 years. service, 21 years; William D. agement and child develop­ The following will begin re­ Maidens Baten, statistics, 23 years; ment, 22 years. tirement furloughs July 1 with George A. Branaman, animal Irvine B. Benton, intercolleg- retireiftenf to begin July 1, SHOWN ONCE 10:02 husbandry, 38 years; Warren i iate athletics, 21 years; Charles 1962. F. Burtt, intercollegiate ath­ E. Clark, “buildings and utili­ Louise H._Carpenter, contin­ letics, 35 years; Marjorie East- ties,—18 years; Aloysius J. uing education, 16 years; Wil­ Hesse, Campbell Hall, 22years; M a r i a n - Hillhouse, textiles, bur years; E. Libby, engineering, 20 Karl A. Stiles, zoology, PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED M il l clothing and related arts, 31 years; Russell E. Horwood, 16 years, and Roy Underwood, •EXTRA!- dairy, 34 years, and Mary Belle music, 21 years.- SPECIAL TODAY ONLY! “MOVIETONE NfiWS” EYES OF THE WORLD SEE - *«9 1 p n 1 C * E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.Î-28I4 Stiffler, Williams Hall, 21years. Following are those with re­ Cash crops in the Voltaic Re­ tirements between July 1, 1960 public are limited to cotton, CDR. SHEPARD TRIUMPH rice and peanuts. The principal IN SPACE. NIGHTS * SUN. — ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65« wealth of the African country is History making flight of America's ADULT ENTERTAINMENT G . [ M L I R I AH t DP . H M O N f E IV R in its 1% million cattle, 3% find spaceman. See It step fry step. million sheep and goats and STARTS T PAL « FEATURE AT 7:20 • 9:30 LAST 2 DAYS! 31,000 swine. FEATURE AT 1:00 • 3:00 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:25 NOT ¡RECOMMENDED IF YOU BLUSH B ASfT.Vf At 1:8U:»4:1S-7:2M:25 ★ ★ ★ Macbeth is buried in the Next! PAT BOONE in ALL HANDS ON DECK graveyard of kings on Iona, “It’s ail of a piece, crazy, mixed-up, Scotland’s sacred isle. wild, violent sexy, outspoken and WASH N WEAR HURRY! honest Electricity, magnetism. l a run FORD P d faM CoHors L a st 3 D ay s AND ONE (A ST t ANSINO T Í « tO . 9 * *4 4 animal vitality, in abundance!” DONALD Baby Cards WATCH - A « « » WHICH See Yert Pm« SETS "THE APARTMENT” Shown 2:55 - 7:30 C itv K O K Only $3.95 YOU “ELMER GANTRY” 12:30 • 5:00 - 9:30 APART Len Kositchek’s 8 ACAD EM Y AW ARDS I IC K B U S T E R I - Varsity Shop — STARTS WED.! — 228 ABBOTT RD. Continuous Performances E. LANSING At O ír Repdar Priées ! At No 4 + / -¿ ¿ A M / L J7 ~ 0 / \ f n tra U tm o s t a c c u ra c y , la s tin g b e a u t y . « n a m e t o to k o p r id e H N ot e v e ry o n e o w n s a H a m it o n . R u t t h o s e w h o d o , w ould Chars« w e a r n o O th e r notch. A t H a m it o n j e w ele r s e v e ry w h e re . ...S d ra i« « “"I 1 1 1 . il h i l i i . L o m x , & -<▼ . . MB - ■ ; S ta ti» T h u r s d a y . JIjLAMO I 1 i i f i 1 fi i 1f i r 1 1V ii 1 n r i i i r i x f ;i 111 CLEANERS m m m tm n ci WAYHE•WtDMASK’ IMIVEY cr sttrr»! ail gosst star F r a n d o r K h o p p ln x C e n t e r MAME IMtlH MCMU MON. THRU F R I. T IL L 9 «urne "«um • 80Qg£ ■ ü B ä sstssja FRI. — “TIGER RAY” WITH JOHN MILLS - .S A T . T I L L 1 mmm 7 ¡¿♦Mart f t w S lw E iil 1 Old Timers R ove B aseball Team W ins Two MSU’s golf team placed esc- 7 sod to a triangular meet against Michigan and Ohto Football Gam es Over the W eekend State at Ann Axtor last Altar» day. Buddy Badgur'e 7WI was tered four ringtos until $da NUTTER, who rsplaoed Roti- law Air tea Apartaos. The Michigan State OWTimdrs got ******* print, '— berg with m m out, allowed Saturday whan thay dumped tea Vairity 14* Ayaugtag fori only four hits sud two now to springs laaa. Thit «vena tha flva yaar aeriaa at 2-2, tee 1967 contest ended In a tie. __ Bolstered by nteataan currently performing profoMtanal», tna alumni capttalliad ‘on varsity mistakes to score ^ touchdowns He teen p m up four singles tha abbreviated samtt toning mid a walk to tea first five game. He rtrqek out right to hatters that fu r i Mm to tea fairing Ma first Big Ton vic- liat frame. KM in the first half. Playing excellent defensive ball they bald on Kobs brought in Kak Awry Wada Cartwright got Ms P laq u e for the victojy. to put out tea flrt b r im it firat Mi homo run ef tho cam­ over 1000 JESSIE THOMAS, a member of the 1150 «quad, m adaa leap­ tM gtag te aa U 4 turned tsto a conflagration. paign. Bo coUoctod two btto ing interception of a Pete Smith pass on the Varsity IQ yard Mad a t the and of two firamos, AVERY MITRED the aast and «cocod to both « d a r i tee on display lint. Three plays later, Earl Merrall, Detroit Uon quarterback, ea to boat Warte two batters bsfove too fira be­ twinbill. to stack hit Lynn Chadnolt for eight yards and a touchdown. Morrell had 4 M , Friday a f t a r - gan to rage again in tea form to going 4 for 14 over tee pasted twenty-two yards to Dave Kaiser, for the mg play of Immediato dritvary. ef th r« straight bits. Ho teen weékend, Riley slipped from the drive. Sam W a r n s kicked the extra point to give tha Profg n tlw l Engraving alumni a 7-0 lead. SATURDAY Graou und White got tea f i n a l out although .42» to ,171, and sten six RBI’s spttt • pair wttk Wisconsin, Northwestern collected seven in tee three gam « he raised Larry Biaiat took over at quarterback for the Old Timers late in tea second quarter and lad them eighty yards to a- M u g la tea upauac. M State runs. M M buck in tea rifMoap Ter Sinks, it w « Ida second Me conferve« total to 1L Larry touchdown. The drive was climaxed by Claranca Peak s one to damp to t 8adfaraT$4, on conference win to equal ids yard plunge .The extra point put the alumni ahead 14-0. Pulling down his second Interception, Jessie Thomas raced MBITS RUBICK (27) taaaha « p a r a a i la I riw Ak A m atom home- loss total. — TUX RERTAL Sporting Goods fifty>om yards to the State thirty-one, and A! Dorrow, hit last yaars co-captain, Fred Arbanaa on the six yard line, and the with tee OMteaen. Spartaa ahnand BA Bsgdsa (H) at­ burttag. Nutter’s f i n e Ron Henderson gathered O ily $9.00 Gonplete ¿S- tt bla« 3021 VINI north ef Michigan Ava. tempts te latoreapt i t a . Tha O Uttaan throe ef Ms five weekend safe­ alumni wwa knocking on the door again. Far tea soooud straight week, ties against the Friday vis! VARSITY SHOT West ef Sear« ^ year’s defeat with their 144 wfau tee Apart«» but» bootnod as tors.' 22A Abbott Rd. E. L. BOB SUCCI Varsity back, ended the threat by intercepting, a pass Intended for Herb Adderly. He-raced seventy-four yards tee KobeuMur amaiied 22 hits In the Saturday opener, Bob to the Alumni twenty-four, Quarterback Smith raced around hi tee three contests. In ten Rosa breezed along in breeze- lust five conference games, in- less |0 degree weather for rigid end for thirteen yards to the eleven, and Sherman Lewis carried twice to put the Varsity on the one yard line- Three smashes Into the line failed, but Smith bootlegged around end O utdoor Swim P ool eluding two eoveu Inning af­ seven (ram «. fairs, they have averaged 11 FOR FREE safeties to each. MICHIGAN STATE was lead­ for the score. Smith hit Ernie Clark in the end zone or the two point conversion, putting the Varsity within i points, 144.' In a last ditch effort to pull the game out, George Saimes To Be Opened Today Wayne Fentes, State’s lead ing 4-1. Ross himself bad th r« off Utter; to the first inning hits good for two runs batted V, GALLON OF COKE, ROOT BEER, OR ORANGE WITH 2 REG- ONE ITEM PIZZA ~ recovered Art Brandstatter’s on-side kick -to give State posses­ ripped one of Jim Humay’s in. But tho boat and tha Bad­ sion with 2:20 left to play. Mickey Walker intercepted a Smith The I.ML outdoor pool opens With the exception of bikinis, offerings over the left field gers caught up with Rom in (PLAIN CHEESE EXCLUDED) officially at 12 noon today. The there are no limitations on w«lL it w ii his fourth heme tho eighth. Kobs stayed with pass three plays later, to end the Varsity’s threat. Despite the loss, most of the fans left Spartan stadium talk­ pool ia open to all students, swimming apparel. Students n a ef tee year. Riley doubled Mm and Wisconsin rallied for ing about the performance of Sherman Lewis, the 100 pound faculty members a n d em­ are encouraged to wear rubber Bill Schudlich home for tee five runs, all unearned as an halfback from Louisville, Kentucky, who led all ground gain­ ployes. __ slippers, but they are not re­ ether n a of that frame. error opened tho gates of op­ VARSITY DRIVE IN ED 2-1517 1- ers with 669 yards. This earned him the Outstanding Player Harris F. Beeman, director quired. No balls or Friths« portunity. , ■ — DELIVERY SERVCE 8:30 Award for the Varsity. _ _ —' are allowed on the deck area, In tho second inning t h e of intramurals, states the fol­ but students wishing to study boats jumped on Humay un­ L The Spartans evened the CLARENCE PEAKS, ptledriving fullback now playing with the lowing procedure should bo fol­ may bring their books. _ mercifully. Twelve men-cam« doublaheader by winning the- Philadelphia Eagles of tha National Football League, was the lowed by all swimmers. First to but, seven hit safely and socond, 8-4. __ outstanding player for the Old Timers. ^ exchange your ID card for a The hours for the pool this nine runs scored. Sam Calde- After Wisconsin took a 24 key at the pool office. Second­ season will be from 12 noon to roue mid Carl Charon tripplad lead in the first inning chasing ly, take the jrequired, shower 4 p.m. Monday through Satur­ hi the productive rally. starter Gary Ronberg in the before entering the pool area. day. The pool will also he been Frat Track Finals To upon surrender of their ID’s. night, the usual co-rec­ may. Two of the runs were process, Full time students are admitted from one to five on Sunday. JOHN MILLER replaced Hu' back in their half of tha frame. Friday the Spartans fought to to p a »3L. All others must pay a 25c fee reation night, the pool will be charged to him. From then on, Fontas walked, Calderone Be Held at 5:30 P.M. in addition. Beeman said there will be no open from seven to tea. Miller «Hewed only fair hits. singled and Schudlich walked. But tee damage was done Riley than unloaded a home (Author ef "1P « « Tee* eft D w ^ f.T h Men» Love» ef D ebit G iU Ú ”, sto.) The fraternity track finals Flakies vs Research Lab. Old smoking or eating allowed, and More than half of all homi­ and Mickey Sinks maintained run well over tne left f i e l d will be held at 5:30 tonight at College field 1. only plastic sun tan bottles cide victims are slain by fire­ a comfortable 11-1 margin go­ fence to bring everyone across Ralph Young track. __ Volleyball should be brought to the'pool. arms. ing hue the ninth. He had scat­ the plate. T IL L W E M E E T A G A IN Softball Monday, 5:20 p.m.—Elsworth Monday, 5:20 p.m. Bailey 1 vs Alpha Kappa Psi I, Court 1; Today I conclude my sixth year of writing ooiumns for tha vs Bailey 6, field 1; Bailey 41 “L.” Streaks vs Iotaspheres, makers of Marlboro and Philip Morria cigarette«. I t ha« been vs Bailey 8, field 2 ; Bailey 5 vs court 2. my custom during these six yaars to make no attem pt to to Bailey 7, field 3; Butterfield 1 Monday, 6:15 p.m.—Hedrick vs Butterfield 5, field 4; Butter­ vs Sixty-niner’*, court I. field 2 vs Butterfield 7, Arid at . . . the tog shop funny in thi« Anal column. (I have achieved thi* objective many time* during tha year alao, but never ea purpose.) Tha 5; AGRVS Phi Kappa Psi, field inanena far the lech ef levity ia thin Anal column am twwj-lret, I; Sigma'Epsilon vs Psi Gam­ T ig e r» D r o p O p e n e r you are preparing for Anal exams sad, abort of bolding you ma, field 7; Alpha Tau Omega down and tickling you, there ia no wsy-in the world to make you vs Alpha Sigma Phi, field 8 ; Pinch-hitter Yogi Berra sin- iled with two out and tha bases laugh at this time; and, second,for many of us this is a leavs* Sigma Nu vs Zeta Beta Tau, field 9. _ f ull in the Uth Inning to drive Ur Mickey Mintle with the win­ Monday, 6:30 p.m. — East ning run as tho New York limited time Sale! taking, and leave-takings, I think, ought not be Aippaat. If I have brought you a moment or two of cheer during the Shaw 2 vs East Shawj>, field 1; Yankees defeated the Detroit past year, I am rewarded. If I have persuaded you to try West Shaw 6 vs West Shaw 8, Tigers 5-4 In tho first game of Marlboro or Philip Morria cigarettes, you are rewarded. field 2; West Shaw 7 vs. West a doubleheader vesterday. Let me-pause here to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Shaw 10, field 3; West Shaw 1 Jim Coates, fourth Yankee vs West Shaw 3, field 4; West pitcher, was the winner. Hank Shaw 2 vs West_Shaw 5, field 5; Aguirre was charged with the Blast Shaw 1 vs East Shaw 3, defeat, his second against one Summer Suits makers of Marlboro and Philip Morria. They have given me oomplete freedom in the writing of tbeee column*- There hae not been the slightest hint of censorship. They have never field 6 ; East Shaw 6 va East victory this season. changed so much as one comma in my copy. I wish to take thia Shaw 8, field 7; East Shaw 7 vs East Shaw 10, field 8 ; Butter­ W a s h - N - W e a r - occasion to state publicly th a t I am forever grateful to these field 6 vs Butterfield 8, field 9. enlightened tobacconists and I hereby serve notice that if they Monday, 5:30 p.m. — Open WASH 4 -WEAR find it in their corporate heart to engage me for another year Softball L e a g u e — Kellogg DACRON BLEND of colunnning, I shall require a substantial increase ia salary. t r o p ic a l w o r s t e d s - The money ia not what matters—not m money, that to, M S p o r t S h o r ts SUITS only as a token. I want to be assured th at they lows mo aa much as I love Marlboro and Philip Morria. And what, indeed, Michigan State’s “Most Valu­ R e g . $ 3 9 . 9 5 V a lu e is not to love? Marlboro is a cigarette which proves beyond in lim it e d q u a n t it y ! cavil that~flavor did not |o out when liters came in. Philip able” 0 f l 0 s t in 1961 waa sen­ O n ly ior John' Daniels from Elm- Morris is a cigarette th at ia pure mildnaa« from lip and to tip- htrrst, III. Michigan State’s swimming team owns all-time winning $27.« BUY AND SAVE AT and. Both of than estimable smokes earns to «aftegaak e t lip-top box. Neither ia ever aoid in balk. edges over seven of its nine Big Ten opponents. Art JBrandstetter, Michigan State aanior football end, al­ ready holds the an-timo Spar­ tan career record for field goals with six in two seasons of play. Len Kositchek9s Varsity Shop East 228 Abbott Rd. Laming, Mich. 20 % REDUCTI ON New Travel B ooks T h e q u a n tity Is lim ite d ; Abe “Vista” B ooks p a tte rn » o n e a n d le w o f *1.25 a k i n d ; th e tim e o f th ia o f f e r The summer lies ahead. -For underelaeemes summer will ha a hiatos, a breather in which to restore yeureeivse for nato year’s resumption of busy college life. Fbr seniors thon wtl on: ia a lso lim ite d v » h o p e a r ly be no more oollege. You must not, however, dmprir atolstaadw yourself to idleness. There sis other things to do ia (to world - B e lg iu m ' beside* going to rehool—basket weaving, for «ampia, er budd­ f o r s e le c tio n . ing boats in bottles, or picking op tinfoil, or reading "War end G r e a t B r it ia n Peace.” Many graduates (all into the arreaooua belief that their NO.CHARGE POR ALTERATIONS live* at* over when they I n n college- Thi* ia ari aa, It Ip • S w it z e r la n d possible to make some sort of ItfeJor yourself with a bit of ingenuity. ., or, if that fail«, dye your hair, change your nama, D en m ark 7 and santi ri some other cottage. Whatever the future holds foryou, be assured that the makers pf Marlboro and Philip Menta joto me in wishing yw Ate beet n o w . a v a ila b le a t - of everything. We have takea great pleasure—tha matan and I —in bringing you this eoiuma each week throughout the school Spartan Book Store The Tog Shop year. We hope a little pleasure has accrued to you ton. May good fortoaa attend your ventures. Slay happy- Stay healthy, Stay foce*. (IM I n M m C o r n e r o f A n n a n d M .A .C . -« .a a Lamo BuBdlng » Buri lunatag We. the maker* at MsrOw* amé PhUip Manto, eon only E a st L a n sin g , M ic h ig a n ' erke klndlg aid Max’* partimi merde. Stag happg. healthp. Atop i ■ a US »1 îàÉil 'v&fcHKf] 1 ST** I i¡ I f teÄ i « M o n d a y M o rn in g , M ay 1 5 , J B j 6 1 H üt 6,000 See Weekend JFestfval HPRToOpenSn ier (Continued from Page 1) inn Dance" included a dud and went to the Arab Club, first place; the Indian Club, second; tioas. Through such activities as this, peace,- founded in Jus­ Area Youth Progra veiled women dancing around and the Ukraine, third. tice, preserved." a campfire. Foreign students PROVOST >AUL A Miller A recreation program fore­ The UJS.A.’« Hawaiian dance the booms were kept busy welcomed the group at the aft­ young people in the East Lan­ with Judy Witudd doing the afternoon autographing pro-' ernoon show. “The internation­ sing area will be conducted by I F C - P a n H e l hula was an audience favorite, grams and explaining their na­ al Festival represents the an- toe Health, Physical and Ree^ and also the Philippine d u b ’s tive arts and crafts to the hun­ nuaTsymboi of the University’s reation department on campus "Dance of the Ducks" was pop­ dreds of school children who at­ next year. B a ll P e tit io n s ? ular, with two little Filipino tended the festival. dedication to international af­ fairs, problems, hopes, and Clarence (Biggie) Munn, de­ girls who danced “Itflc Itik" to Governor John B. Swainson, aspintiens," said Provost Mfl- partment bead, said children pf D u e T u e s d a y the rhythm of the audience's who was unable to attend the the faculty and university em­ clapping. 7 festival, sent a telegram 'ex­ ployes along with some outside Petitions for committee chair­ THE VIRGIN Islands’ bam- pressing his "warmest and best Hannah, address­ youngsters, will be invited to manships for the IFC PanHel bushay steel band, whose in­ wishes," and adding that “the ing the evening audience, re­ participate on a first come, Ball to be held next November,, struments are made from the annual International Festival lated the festival’s history and bottoms of old oil drums, had emphasized the Importance of first serve 'basis. \ , must be turned into the Pan­ at MSU promotes friendship the University's participation Munn expects the program Hel or IFC offices by Tuesday. the entire cast dancing on stage and understanding among na- during the finale—and the aud­ in foreign programs. will serve about 500 boys and . All applicants will be inter4 ience had difficulty sitting still, “Our foreign students come girls in toe 9- to 15-year-old age viewed from 7 to i f p.m. Tues- too. from a variety of backgrounds, group. day. Trophies for the exhibits P e titio n s fo r religions, and cultures," he, Jenison Fieldhouse facilities The co-chairman few the Ball said. “Over 550 foreign stu­ will be open to the youngsters will be selected from a sorority dents from 60 different nations from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. and a fraternity. G la m o r a t J -C o u n c il attend this University. We are Instruction will be offered in Committee chairmen a r e grateful to them for what they swimming, gymnastics and a needed for publicity, decora­ do for us in helping to promote variety of sports skills. tions, programs and favors, D u e T u e sd a y promotion, entertainment and M anor.. . better world understanding." HPR majors will assist in the tickets. Petitioning for J-Council ABRAHAM ADEDIRE, Ni­ instructional part of the pro­ The secretary will be chosen positions ends Tuesday at 5:30 gerian senior,--and Internation­ gram. This wiir give them an from a sorority and the treas­ fo r a m o re al Club’s president, presented unique opportunity to practice urer from a 'fraternity. p.m., Dick Winters, Junior m g la m o ro u s y o u class president, said Monday. a citation to retiring Dean Tom teaching methods, Munn said. If there are any questions or Petitions are available in the King in recognition of his con­ Munn said the only cost to j conflicts on Tuesday call either let • • - Union, most 'living units -and tributions ' toward international «»i» the youngsters will be a nomi- Bob Gill, Ed 7-1314 or Nan Hor- 317 Student Services. cooperation and understanding nal locker fee. i ton, Ed 2-0851. • Barb Box among foreigd students on INJURED—Karl W. Adams, left, and William D. Giltner were Injured in a three- Council members will be campus. -~ car accident at the corner of Grand River ave. and Hagadorn road. The accident • Edith Hotis appointed by class officers aft­ Join the parade of er they -have been interviewed. The festival’s cast gathered occured 12:38 a.m. Sunday (Photo by T. S. Crockett) • Connie Wheelock on stage for the finale—garbed Interviews will be conducted satisfied customers • Miriam Wise May 22 through May 25. in everything from sari’s to who find eating pleasure - give you an J Council Jobs will involve six to 10 hours of work a week, hula skirts to outfits of Amer­ ica’s Roaring 20’s era — and Joined the audience in singing Students H urt in A ccident at the exciting^ new hair-do Winters said. I the “Hymn of Nations.” ¿f-y- Three Michigan State stu­ ations on the forehead, cuts when he struck Cole’s car. He PIZZA PIT! And all seemed to feel the dents were involved in a three- and lacerations about the face, applied his brakes, but not in B ody W ave 1 0 .0 0 impact at the words, “May fel­ lowship increase, May all con­ car accident at Grand River ave. and Hagadorn road early cuts and bruises on both knees and legs, and sprained both time, he said. Giltner was ticketed with ex­ FREE DELIVERY P e rm Sunday morning. ankles. Adams received cuts cessive speed and failure to • MONDAY tention cease, 0 may we dwell and bruises on both legs. in peace, And unity." Injured were William D. Gilt­ stop in the assured clear dis­ • TUESDAY S ty le d H a ir ner, 21, Lansing freshman, and tance. • WEDNESDAY Karl W. Adams, 21, Lansing GILTNER’S CAR,_iraveling C at 2 .0 0 sophomore.'Both were taken to east —on Grand River ave., • THURSDAY Sparrow hospital in Lansing. struck the rear of a car driven V- . IR C P a n e l by Richard A, Cole, 28, Lansing C a ll N ow f o r a n A p p o in tm e n t Randy Baal Sha _ (Continued from Page 1) Giltner received severe lacer- senior, who was stopped lor a left turn onto Hagadorn road | Placem ent PIZZA PIT about 12:30 a.m. ED 2 -3 1 1 3 $6.95 but cancelled their plains-to at­ tend the International festival. I n fo r m a tio n Cole said he heard another Bureau 283 M.ATC. \( downstairs) ED 2-0863 Mens & Girls There were delegates repre­ car approaching, turned his Circle Honorary — 7 p.m., Stu head, and saw Gittner’s car-ap­ Interviewing at the Place­ College Manor LEN KOSITCHEK’S senting six colleges and uni­ versities besides .MSU. Housing proaching too fast to stop. He ment Bureau Wednesday. Addi­ dent Services 338, meeting i^nard G iftn^sTrsk and felt tional information in the Place­ cancelled until May 22. +*eard outnerhe8 D ' “JV . Beauty Salon VARSITY SHOP facilities were provided in the short course wing of Butterfield the impact, said. Evergreen Wives—8 p.m., Mrs. The force of the impact push­ week of May 12-25: ment Bureau Bulletin for the 2Z4 Abbott n e tt Member of 228 Abbott Rd. Stephens’ home, senior party ed Cole’s cm: into the rear of a - Westwood Heights Schools Aerou from t h t i NHCA Inc. hall. and elections. n eater East Lansing, Mich. car driven by Marjorie X». (Flint, Mich.,) interviewing In­ Tan Sigma—7:30 p.m., Old Col­ Gregg, 38, of 1654 Walnut strumental-Vocal Music, Math, The tsetse fly shaped the lege Hall, Tuesday, May 16, Heights, East Lansing, who English - Spanish, Industrial political division of southern elections. was also stopped for a left Arts, Junior High Social Stud­ Africa in the late 19th Century. Toastmasters — 6 p.m., Hom- turn. ies, Elementary Education and ade-Frandor. *Neither Cole nor Mrs. Gregg Girls’ Physical Education. Flies carrying the parasite that were injured. causes sleeping sickness halted Young Socialists — 7 p.m., 33 Rockwell-Standard Corpora­ R eà to o o à sR o sf the Boers* northward expansion Union, elections and econom­ GILTNER SAID hew as trav­ tion (Allegan, Mich.) interview­ n Transvaal. . ics discussion. eling about 40 miles per hour ing Mechanical Engineers. THE S H IR T TA LE surprise ending! BOSSi We have to infora the public of the outstanding short sleeve dress shirt we arc offering this sessoa. AD MAN: OK. BOSS: Explain that we are using the Hum fabric found in the expensive $5.95 suaaer jduns. AD MAN: Right ~~BOSS: Let thea know that we had this shin made to our own exacting specifi­ cations. AD MAN: Check. BOSS: Tell thea that it is a proven blend of 65% Dacron and 55% Piaa cotton -- a ccen t a that although light in weight, it keeps its shape all day long. sum m er to n AD MAN: Roger. BOSS: Be sure and tell thea that our shirt conns in the traditional button down and the new saap-tab collar -* in with our polished cotton white, blue and olive. sundress. Stark white AD MAN: Boss! That's the surprise ending?.... with golden wheat trim an d its own petticoat, 8-16 and 7-15 sizes. 17.98 Charge College Accounts Clothes I P I L T E R - B L E N D I g iv e s y o u t h e r e a l f la v o r y o u w a n t in a c i g a r e t t e . R ic h g o l d e n 't o b a c c o s s p e c i a l l y s e l e c t e d a n d s p e c i a l ly p r o c e s s e d f o r f ilte r s m o k i n g —t h a t ’s F ilte r- B le n d . MS E. Grand River . *i»m m i , X. G. Sportswear East Lansing W IN S T O N T A S T E S G O O D like a cigarette should! vfr 1'