T igert Win t W eather Report : ||||lp,y sa ' \ 11m JM N t Tigers beet the l i l j a i i i Today a « 0 become sunay by after* Oriole* IM in the three game serie* •eoa. The high will be from a to « . «pésa. Peat Feyteek na« credited with Tonodij dgkt the weather vfD be fair the whiter Deteeit. '• - ' » -U p . ' » aacLeeoler. . S e rrin p ; M SU F o r 5 2 Y e a rs mmmm E s ta b lis h e d 1 9 0 9 VoL 5 3 , N o 5 4 E a st L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n ; T u e s d a y M o rn in g , M ay 1 6 , 1 9 6 1 6 Pages 5 Cents in Too Many Cars 14 Nation Pro-U.S. Group Lots M eeting In Geneva In Charge But Still Not Enough GENEVA, UP>—The United States gave way Monday on a procedural tangle in hope of SEOUL, Korea (2ft—An army revolutionary group headed by the chief of staff seized Korean public buildings '"before dawn testing the sincerity of Soviet Mooday apd announced—amid By LINDA LOTRIDGE changed from the meter sys­ as much or more than the resi­ flurries of gunfire—that it had' State News Staff Writer tem to attendant lots a year dents. Students often make sev­ Premier Khrushchev’s peace­ taken over the Korean govern­ ago. eral trips a day to the business ful pronouncements on Laos. ment. The revolutionaries em­ An off-street parking pro­ Since the police were receiv­ district. The residents usually phasized in their broadcasts gram was initiated by Lansing ing no salaries from the me­ only make one. A 14-nation conference on the in 1951 and today the city ters, the^cheeking was an add­ Students park for an hour or future of Laos now is schedul­ that they are pro-American. boasts six parking lots with a ed burden. ed to start here today four (The revolt apparently came total of 677 spaces. two to attend classes, leave for as a surprise to officials in The first lot tQ be changed an hour and come back later. days late. Washington and neither the The problem, as the City over was the one behind Jacob­ East Lansing, unlike most On instructions from Presi­ state 'department nor the de­ .Council saw it, was too many son’s and recently the one at cities, has an unusual traffic dent Kennedy, Secretary of fense department had an; com­ cars 'and too few parking Charles and A l b e r t was problem which ultimately leads ment) spaces. To help solve the prob­ changed. "... ~ to an unusual parking problem. State Dean Rusk reluctantly lem, the city purchased the agreed to a new big-power Informants at the revolution­ property behind Jacobson’s to - DRIVERS can come into the IN MOST CITIES, the peak compromise on who would ary committee headquarters build a parking lot/ lots and park for as long as hours for traffic are at 8 a.m., speak for Laos at the meeting said most members of Prime they want. They pay for every noon and 6 p.m. However in after earlier agreements had Minister John M. Chang’s cabi­ LATER THAT year, the <$ty minute they’re there so no one East Lansing, the traffic peaks been rejected by the Laotians net had been arrested, but the acquired the property next to gets parking tickets -on run-out every hour. Not otfly is thé themselves. report lacked immediate con­ the post office on Albert street meters. \ traffic increasing on the hour The representatives-of Laos’ firmation,. and Abbott road. These lots “People don’t argue with the but the parking spaces are pro-western government still gave the city a total of 1,123 attendant. He has the time fig­ changing hands every hour or T H E REVOLUTIONARIES spaces including parking met­ ures in front of him. They wifi two. objected to the compromise, led by Lt. Gen. Chang Do- ers on the streets. but Britain and the Soviet Young took the capital by sur­ argue _with a policeman for Student parking needs and Union, co-chairmen of the con­ At this time parking on hours. They can never see how MEET ON LAOS SITUATION-Secretary of State Dean prise with the pre-dawn broad­ those of the residents are op­ ference, . announced it will Rusk greeted cane-carrying V. K. Krishna Menoa, India’s cast that they had seized power Grand "River avenue was. per­ they were gone over the park­ posite since students need up start this evening anyway. from Chang, who succeeded mitted and provided an addi­ ing meter limit,” Pegg said. to eight hours of parking while-. defense minister, on Menon’s arrival at the U.S. delegation tional 136 spaces. In 1951 the The attendant s y s tern is residents need only an hour or The announcement said, the headquarters in Geneva Sunday. This was one of a series Syngman Rhee. state highway department or­ working better than the meters. two. co-chairmen would seat “rep­ of meetings on Hie Laotian situation. (AP Wirephoto) They broadcast reassurances dered parking off Grand River Within a year or two, the city “Because thé MSU lots are resentatives from Laos” pro-, to the people but did not im­ because of increasing traffic. hopes to change the others so far from the classroom posed tty other delegates. mediately e x p 1 a i h what This move brought about a over to attendant lots ..This way buildings, students park in THIS AVOIDS giving the prompted two periods of heavy five year progressive plan only one attendant is paid per East Lansing. However, any where the ctty would gradually lot and the policemen can be regulation against a student is ENGINEERING Q U E E N — rebels the status of a govern­ pro-Commuxrist Pathet L a o Graduate Employment gunfire during the morning— the first lasting 40 minutes and the second only a few minutes. land and bufld lots to patroHay the city, Pegg ««Id. fJiscriminatary. The police try Tndr 1 MMftwil. Pontiac fresh­ mental delegation, but it still ""cars. of" the additional Now that the city has added to be very fair,” Pegg said. ~ parking lots and for the time The attitudes of a student as man reigned as queea of U m with the other two-factions— puts them on equal fodting Topic of Conference The first announcement'of the action by the military revo­ lutionary committee came aft­ ‘‘Spaces attract cars so the being solved-the meter prob­ a student and as a customer Engineering Exposition over the Vientiane government and more spaces there were, thé lem, the next step is to meet are entirely different and re­ the weekend. (StateNews photo the rebel’s allies, a self-styled A college-industry personne>! nell," Massachusetts Institute er the 40-minute shooting spell greater the shortage,” Charles the demand for more parking quire different parking facili­ by Fred Brmflodt) neutralist group supporting conference was-held Monday of Technology, Dartmouth and in downtown Seoul. Pegg, East Lansing chief of spaces. ties, Pegg said. Prince Souvanha Phouma who for university and industries to ! Penn State, After that heavy firing only police said. THREE GROUPS of drivers AS A STUDENT, he will walk is recognized by the Commu­ discuss problems in graduate j Industrial representatives in­ an occasional shot could be nists, as the legal premier of employment. -heard in the city until the sec­ THE SHORTAGE did con­ enter East Lansing—the tran­ three and four blocks or even cluded Eastman Kodak, Gene ond outbreak of shooting short­ tinue. The city purchased the sients on main highways, sales­ a half mile from classroom to land at Albert and Charles men who are here on business, a parking space. When he goes Council Laos. The conference will also j ral Motors, Union OU, Westing ly after 7. a.m. The announcement indicated meet today and then go to the I house, Soconÿ Oil, Goodyear, That quickly died down and streets,. Evergreen street and shoppers from outside the city shopping; he wants to park the conference would deal General Motors research cen- Bethlehem Steel, D u P o n t , again only an occasional lone Valley court, Bailey andTAlbert who come for a day, and the within a block of the stores. streets and MAC avenue. By townspeople. The residents feel the same Petitions s o l e l y with the interna­ ter in Detroit, according to] Union Carbide and Proctor aiid sjiat was heard. tional aspects of the Laotian Dean Tom King, chairman of Gamble. early this year all of the new The townspeople include res­ way and park as close to the crisis—securing the country’s the conference. King has been chairman of REPORTS SAID only units of lots were finished. idents and students who use stores as possible. This is why The lots pay for themselves downtown parking facilities. parking lots- must be placed Students use the parking lots near the stores or they’ll go un­ Are Open military neutrality and the The conferences were repre-; the .conferences for seven the Army and Marine Corps problems of arms control. Ilf sented by universities and rep- [ years.- — will not concern itself with the resentatives from the largest; were involved. Several battal­ ions appeared to be involved. since they are financed by a revenue bond. Eventually the used. — Petitions for Senior Council politicaL-aspects of what sort employers in industry. King i The broadcasts of the com­ money collected from people As new stores are opened, are now open, according to of government will run the saidr _ mittee over Seoul radio fur­ parking in the lots pays off-the Arab Club First more parking facilities will be Bob Cantrell .senior class pres­ country. The foreign ministers The conference covered, he j nished the only actual informa­ .bond. needed to take care of the ad­ ident. Petitions will be avail­ apparently hope this will be said, the number of people' D L A E le c ts tion on the situation. _ One parking- space costs N o t Israel Singer ditional shoppers. able until Friday in 317 Stu­ settled in Laos itself by the hired each year, how they are I The revolutionary committee, $1,200 because the land must be “A store like Knapp’s will dent Services and in the Union representatives of the three trained, salaries and travel W i n f i e l d established its headquarters in purchased, drained, g r a d e d The Arab Club was first draw another department store Concourse. :z rival factions. - expenses. _ the offices of the -Korean ath­ and paved. The last three lots place winner in last year’s In­ like it in to compete, and even­ Positions are available on Up in the air was whether Universities represented in-] letic association across from cost $361,000. ternational Festival. The sing­ tually another store will follow the pro-Western representa­ eluded Iowa -University. Pur-j C h a i r m a n city hall in downtown Seoul. er from Israel placed second all needing parking lots,” Pegg the following committees: tives would attend the con­ due, -Auburn, Indiana Univer­ Military units took over most “THE "POLICE FORCE was at that time, State News in­ said. COMMENCEMENT, wh i c h David Winfield, Grand Ra­ of the major government agen­ needed to patrol the city streets correctly reported that Israel The planning commission is involves setting up and regu­ ference. ister of - But Vientiane’s min­ sity, Georgia Tech, Princeton, the interior is en Texas A A M, Columbia, Cor- pids sophomore, was recently cies, including the Presidential checking speeders and investi­ was first place, winner last currently- studying ways to lating commencement for 1962; route to Geneva to head the elected chairman of the Demo­ palace, National Police head­ gating accidents. We couldn't year. meet the city’s parking prob­ Public Relations, which needs delegation and he may de­ crats for Liberal Action. Other quarters and the Bando hoteL spare our men for-the parking Monday's story also failed lem within the next five years. a chairman and three sub­ cide to- go ahead and _take new officers are: Bob Hencken, lots,” Pegg said. to mention that Joseph Syfax Next—Some of the solutions chairmen, one each for State part. F i j i P l e d g e s Huntington Woods freshman, ' CHANG and his wife were re­ The city relieved the police was chairman of the 1961 In­ to. the future parking problems News, Publicity and News Let­ vice chairman; Phil Ambs, ported staying in the Bando. of the extra -checking and ternational festival. in East Lansing. The Americans took the po­ Jackson junior, secretary; Ed The hotel was heavily guarded ter; Social, which plans senior sition that rather than prolong nights and other social events; arguments on procedure, seri­ W i n H e l p Prophet, East Lansing fresh­ by troops and no communica­ Service, which takes care of ous negotiations on the future man, treasurer. tions with the building were special activities of the coun­ of Laos should start to deter­ W e e k T r o p h y Thevis Markle, Lansing jun­ permitted. cil; Homecoming, which works mine whether Khrushchev will ior; Wayne Harryman, Indian­ The U. S. armed forces radio on queen selection and-home­ stick with his announced policy Last term, Alpha Tan Omega apolis, Ind., freshman, and Pat ians told American troops and civil­ coming organization; MSU De­ of establishing a truly neutral fraternity offered the ATO Quinlan, Dearborn freshman, to stay in their compounds velopment Fund, which han­ Laos removed from the pres­ Itelp Wetk Tropty .» the Ira-1 were elected to the State Cen- Thehomes. and Seoul radio reported that dles raising of funds and class sures of the cold war. This is the revolutionary committee al­ gifts and also works closely also a major U.S. goal. ¡2 ? ^ ¡ ¡S formed the most useful servicefa ilL S id ™* appointed publicity chair- so had taben over such major with the Alumni Relations to Uie community (hiring win- 1man. Winfield says he plans a con­ See KOREA Page 4 Dept.; Hannah’s Receptions, ter term. — which works with Mrs. Hannah tinuation of At Greek Feast Saturday • gram. of guest speakers, an ex­ the current pro­ to organize these events.' night, Perry Katz, secretary • Also- needed are two mem­ P r o f e s s o r of the Lansing Community j pansion ter, and of the club's newslet­ greater opportunities H u m o r M a g bers-at-large to help with any Services CounciL awarded the ; special projects that might 36-inch trophy to Phi Gamma 1for individual participation in come up and a person to de­ O n C h e m ic a l Delta. The Fiji pledges reno- politics. N o w O n S a le cide the proper basis for selec­ vated an antique fire engine i tion of Senior of the Week. for the Lansing Historical So- G r o u p eiety. Alpha Sigma Phi won! j “Chaff, MSU’* new humor THIS YEAR’S Senior Coun­ A w a r d and satirical magazine, it now cil has been reorganized and second place for taking chil-l C i t y P l a n n e r s available at many East Lan­ several positions have been A university professor has dren from St. Vincent’s Home m m •» a • sing stores, Bill Myers, Chaff added and others dropped. been chosen as a member of for Children to the circus, and i r l f l l l I A i V lf if it editor, said Sunday. The class erf 1962 will be the the award committee for the third place went to Delta Up- * V 1 C i The new magazine, which 4s first one in the last few years Kirkpatrick Award for Chem­ silon for doing yard work at f a m n n e published seven times a year to come into their senior year ical Engineering Achievement. St. Vincent’s, r U I l U U Iip U B on a number of campuses, wifi with money in their treasury, Dr. C. Fred Gurnham, bead Judging the service projects ~ * be a local product, according to said Starr Keesler,. directorTtf of thethemical engineering de­ were George Hibbard, Assis- r Urban Planners wifi be bold- Myers. Alumni Relations and faculty partment, and 99 beads of tant Director ot Men’s Divi­ lag their first annual alumni Most of the material in each advisor. chemical engineering depart­ sion; Ward Ouradmk, past meeting here Friday. edition wifi come from local ments in the United States, will president ot the Fraternity Ad­ Cofiegiates, alumni and guests talent and will center on the select the chemical processing visor’s Cabinet and Robert will begin the meeting at 2:90 MSU campus. 2 Showings Ser company making the most mer­ Perrin of the lansing City p.m. with a coffee hour at the Myers Mid “Chaff* is look­ itorious contribution to the in­ Council. Also on the judging South Campas Grill ami a tour ing for good fiction, non-fiction, committee were East Lansing of the Urban Planning building. cartoons and photographs. He F o r Abolition dustry and profession. Police Chief Charles Pegg, Bob After the torn* they are hrid* said the magazine w o u l d This award is presented every Barrett, Btrmin^iam sopho­ ing an informal discussion Operation Abolition will be ether year by Chemical Engi­ more, IFC representative, and among the faculty, students, chang* its format if neceasary REAMI MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT AT CUBÀN RALLY—Dr. Lata M e shown" ip the Union ballroom neering, a McGraw-Hill public»* Dob Ritter, Birmingham soph­ alumni and outride guests on material. pass rather than ; up any good Agiaere, Qé n exOa leader, reada a special menage fresa Presto«* Kennedy, next Tuesday night and on Wed­ tion. omore, representative from “MSU Urban Planning: The Each edition will feature ti» a 6 0 a t n Calma* «t a rally la Bayfraat Park bere. The measige was setti nesday, MW $4. Both pnsanta- m Final selection of the winner ATO. Planner and the Student/* humor and satire on some tions win begin at 7. The mo­ will be made in Jidy. The win­ ATO said K initiated this pro­ Following the discussion wifi phase ot campus life. The in­ altar i lan a metereade ls Palm Beacb was cancriiM. A «mailer delegatimi «I vies wUl be shown by the Amer­ ning company will receive a gram in order to help foster a ,bé a buffet-style dinner at the troductory issue is a “take-off’ «botti 31 Caaaa msthers amtmrad ap aad met with presMeatial aidea later Staday. ican Legion and the Union bronze {deque »1 a banquet in sense of community responsi­ Poplars Motel with ntrtfb- on fralentities and the Oniric (AP Winp iste) Board. ¥ New Yurt. ^ bility among MSU fraternities' system. Michigan State News, East la u wag, M ieU ga Taeeday Morning, May Id , 1961 Park System^ ‘Breathless’ G r o w in g F a st A Story o f; i n T u r k e y French Punk By JIM HUOKA The people «1 modern Turkey State News Film Critic share an important pastime— the picafe—^*n Americans. Giving us a microscopic look ' Outsiders who haven’t visited at a young French hoodlum is Tubey often think of It as a the new film at the State with quahd land out of j | pari age. improbable title Of “Breath­ Bat nothing could he further boat the truth, says M a i less.’’ n Bayer, head of the Turkish Na­ The film shows a young punk tional Park service and a park by the' name of Michel Poic- management student in the card, portrayed by French ac- , university’s Department of Re­ tor Jean-Paul Belmondo, as he source Development. lives his devil-may-care life' Today , 25 national recrea­ searching for an infamous im­ tional areas and hundreds of morality. The punk sees a life local parks provide a chance to of crime a good means to a get away from bustling cities. bad end and emulates the Hol­ Two national parks ana a bird lywood-type gangster. paradise open rural beauty to ON THE ROAD to notoriety, tourists. The national park sys­ tem has existed only two years. he .meets a young American “Turkey’* park growth has girl, played by Jean Seberg* paralleled tori in America who knows little of his profes­ many years ago,” said Bayer sion until the police question and Louis Twardzik, MSU park her and ask her to help them management professor. catch him. Knowing that he fathers her unborn child, the “FOR EXAMPLE, Central JUDY BROKENSHIRE as Laterne and Charles Mattes as toe poet, Hajj, in a girl must make a decision about Park was once outside the ur­ acme fram ihe afi-aaivertity production of “Kismet,” to be presented in the her feelings for'him. ban area of Manhattan Island. aadkertam May 25, 26 and 27. In, the role of Michel Poic- The city eventually grew out to card, Belmondo gives the part it. and toe same thing may j someday happen in Istanbul.’ all that coule desired. Also, he looks less like an actor por­ [ The Turkish National Park service has developed just one national historical park. Bayer *K i s m e t ’s ’ R e c o r d traying a part and more like a street bum idolizing the tough expects to see about 25 such glamor of the Humphrey Bogart parks in the next 19 years to type gangster. preserve the nation’s rich his­ tory. N e e d s N o C r itic A id The picture may seem to move at a slow pace, but there Bayer mentions a few his­ The success of the musical j who attended the opening night, “opening night"—after nearly is not any need here for edit­ toric high spots already opened comedy, “Kismet,” which is that long lines of ticket-buyers 30.000 paying theatre-goers had ing. The slowness accentuates to the public by city govern­ being presented by the Univer­ were strung out at the box of­ attended its performances, and the natural slowness of many, ments. sity Theatre and the depart­ fice. their comments, though some­ moments in our lives, and like­ “EPHESUS, NEAR the city ment of musk: on Mhy 25, 26 Oddly enough the same sit­ what irrelevant by toat time, wise, the faster moments move of Izmir on toe Aegean Sea, and 27 in the auditorium seems uation existed when “Kismet” could only echo the already« at a rapid-fire speed, which A PORTRAIT of a clown, by David Holsworthy, with many sentiments shewn In _ supposedly housed the Virgin to disprove the power of the opened in London some IS expressed approval of the pub­ might less. tend to leave you breath­ ^ his expression is one of the many paintings featured in the graduate student Mary during some of her tost press-r-or at least the import­ months later, in April 1955, lic. / show at Kresge Art center. - . , days on Earth. 'About 10,000 ance of critics’ reviews the day when the British capital was al­ IN THE 46-ODD other cities people, including several thou­ after the show’s opening o b so in the throes of a newspaper where “Kismet” was subse­ sand Americans, recently visit­ Broadway. strike that prevented a single quently performed by its New Kresge Art Show Exhibits ed this shrine in one day. For “Kismet” opened at the edition being (Hinted. The show York company the jinx of news/ { '“ Antakya, toe ancient city of Ziegfeld theatre to New York was a hit there, too. ; Antioch, had toe first Christian cm Dec. 3, 1953, in the midst of “Kismet" ran to capacity with 1Church. St. Peter founded the a strike of all New York daily audiences in New York for 17 paper strikes did not interfere the publication of reviews. EVERY Sculpture, Ceramics, Painting : church and preached there. newspapers. Not a single crit­ months, to achieve a total of “Ankara, capital of Turkey, ic's review appeared in print. 805 performances before it set to From one end of the continent the other, these non-Broad­ I is a modern, rapidly expanding -BUT THE COMMENTS that out on a long coast-to-coast tour way critics were lavish in their commendation of the melodious C O LLEG E . . „ .. . . . . city.Y et its history dates back - S i x t e e n graduate students term is displaying a small col­ graduates makmgup the 16 a r e L « » years to toe ancient Hit- were broadcast on radio and of other cities. When the news- m u s i c a l . Featuring music have put together the art show lection of his work in the small­ James Cagle, now at the Kresge Art galleries er galleries. The collections Richard Merkin. Richard Proc­ Brunelie, j ^ « ¿ to * * * . - television the next day were so critics then attended a delayed adapted from the works of enthusiastic, and so was the paper strike was settled, sev­ Alexander Borodin it becomes STUD EN T so it’s called “Sixteen Grads.” are. in effect, masters theses. tor, Nancy Holman and Ann! “ISTANBUL S I T S astride word of mouth spread by those eral weeks after the opening. as haunting and modern a mu­ The 16 are candidates to re­ One of the ten is a sculptor, Earley. ceive the master oT arte or Italo Scanga, whose work oc­ “ Sixteen Grads” will be on ! the world’s most picturesque both Asia and Europe, (tolled sic score as any contemporary American has turned out. needs this master of fine arts degree at. cupies an entire gallery; an­ exhibit through May 30. The cay, it be* on both sidps.gltoe the end of spring or summer other, Richard Cunningham, is gallery is open to the public Bosphorus — a 19-mBe «trait Trap More Beavers In the leading- role of the university production will be book term. a ceramist. Painters all áre free of charge. Hours are 8 {connecting «vm the Marmara and Charles Mattes, a special stu­ Each has contributed a paint; Dorothy Wells, Forrest Bailey, a.m. to 5 p.m. daily .Tuesday ] Bayer’s one-year star here is ing to the exhibit'in the large Don Hatfield, David Holswortfr, evening 6 to 9 p.m. and Satur-j sponsored by ■ the European Ei But Price of P elts Fall dent from Lansing, as the audacious beggar, Hajj, who gallery. William Arscott, Phyllis Wil­ day and Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. success to winter’s_generally rises in a single day from pov­ Productivity agency — a group With conditions running true erty on the steps of a mosque IN ADDITION, each of. the liamson. Joharíña Steib and El­ designed to promote technical to their hoped-for form, Mich­ light snowfall and a mild spring in holy Baghdad to be emir, ten students hoping to receive, len Frommhold. | agricultural and sociological igan trappers enjoyed a mark­ breakup which led to stable, , , t f a degree at the end of spring i The prospective s u m m e r W K A R Returns knowledge among European ed increase In their beaver and water levels in most parts of I P°ssess8a ? people. He’ll return home In otter take during- the recent th e s ta te an d e a sv access to tune and a beaUful wife-all by New Parks To Serve Resort Show July. The Turkish student has trav season. _ tiaDDiwfareas. Beaver take rose from 11,442 Beaver pelt prices were some- Vacation time is being fea­ eled extensively in this coun­ in I960 to 16,336 while the otter what disappointing as they fell j j I means^ f a «uk* mind tongufe._________ _ ™ tured on WKAR radio with the try since he arrived in Septera harvest totaled a record 906. short of their expected level, j OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO_ 140,000More People familiar program, "“The Week ber. He has been impressed by She beaver figure is topped “Blanket” beaver prices, a in Michigan,” weekly presenta­ both Michigan and national only by the 1953 and 1958 sea­ yard-stick for the going rate on tion at 5 p.m. every Thursday. parks and recreation facilities sons when 17,017 and 19,611 of other pelt sizes, brought $16-18 Monday through Stwrdoty FRANDOR CENTER IV 7-5051 toincrease The program, which is de­ He hopes to use many of his these furbearers were trapped.' as compared with $20-23 last Campers, picnickers, bath-] Hot water, showers, and toi­ signed to spotlight ersT and others will find some lets have been added to the vacation and recreation attrac­ welcome additions at a number east campground at Straits Michigan’s new ideas at home, he said Trappers owe much of their season. - — hisabilityto of Michigan’s heavily-used and park. Parking--lots have been tions, began its third year of | broadcasting with new fea- > Federal * learn newer state parks this year. e x p a n d e d at Tahquamenon tures, according to Larry Fry-! If you were among some 147,- Falls park and a - boat dock 000 campers turned away in shelter has been completed at sity station. 1900 because of a lack of facili­ the Lower Falls. At Van Riper, mire, manager of the Univer-j The new attractions.- which: ties, it should be cheering to the central shelter building has j have been designed by A1 La- ] special shoe clearance^ d e p {..s lf» res jtÉÊ An understanding of the truth learn that 765 new campsites undergone a face-lifting and contained In Science and are ready to serve approxi­ the. bathhouse sewage system elude Guire, WKAR producer, in- i Health with Key to the Scrip­ mately 140,000 additional visi­ has been improved. on-the-spot reports from ] E A S T L A N SIN G S T O R E tures by Mary Baker Eddy can tors at these parks. IN THE NORTHERN lower around the state, interviews remove the pressure which con­ UPPER PENINSULA: Fay­ peninsula, a new parking area with special guests and pre­ views of new state attractions. ette, 00; Muskallonge Lake, 90; has been completed on Hamlin LaGuire has been the principal Porcupine Mountains, 2 (out- Lake at Ludington park to ac­ program guide since it first be-; postV; and Van R i p e r , 32. commodate seme 120 cars. gan. 5 DA Y S fre e cerns upon mands today's whom- are college student increasing de­ being made for Northern L o w e r Peninsula: Work is underway at a new pic­ academic excellence. “This year we expect the pro-. Bay City, 50; Benzie, 25; Har- nic area adjacent to the park­ gram to have an even wider risville, 80; Higgins Lake, 25; ing area. Hot water has_been Interlochen, 80; Muskegon, 50; added to a campground toilet distribution.” Frymire said- 1 b o au ffy and C hristian Science calms fear gives to the student the full assurance he needs in order to Orchard Beach, 10, and Silver building at this park and also learn easily and to evaluate Lake, 20. Southern Lower Pen­ at T)rchard Beach park. insula: Proud Lake, 45; Lake- port, 45: and Sleeper, 70. A new panoramic entrance route to the Crooked Lake pic­ At Holly recreation area,*a nic site, improved parking fa­ H e a d q u a rte rs in LOTS OF CASUAL AND SPORT TYPES clinic what he has learned. It teaches th at God is man’s Miod—his only. Mind—from which ema­ new campground has been de­ cilities and a s m a l l - boat AS WELL AS Federal** » pleased to bring n ates all the intelligence he veloped wtth 155 sites to re­ launching famp at the lake, a C H IC A G O ELEGANT DRESS' you top beauty consultants needs, when and as he needs4t. place the old temporary camp­ remodeled bathhouse at Big STYLES, REG. TO 14.95 to advaii you on your Indi­ ground on Wildwood L a k e Portage Lake, a more conven­ Science and Health, the text­ which had-75 sites. ient boat launching site at „conveniently located . . . LIGHT SUMMER vidual baouty problems . . . book of Christian Science, mav SOME OF THE tables, along Sugarloaf Lake, and- a new economy minded . . . home-like without obligation. Call f a r be read or examined, together COLORS INCLUDED ~ an appointment or visit Fed­ with picnic stoves, will be group building at Mill Lake comfort. . . that's why the Alle»- eral'* between lOJO' and with the Bible, in an atmos­ available at Muskallonge Lake outdoor center highlight im­ ton Hotel Is Chicago headquar­ IN THÉ GROUP 4(30 on dates listod belo phere of quiet and peace, at any and Fayette in the upper pen­ provements in Waterloo recre­ ter! for many school group*, Christian Science Reading insula, two of the state’s new­ ation area of southeastern business and professional stu­ Room. Information about Sci­ est pairk»; Michigan. dent affairs, field trips,-athletic MSS VIVIAN JACKMM IfalotoM RwlotaSlgift ence and Health mayalio be ob­ teams, debate teams, speech T m » , M ar M » T tw n , I v m 1 tained on campus through the NECK ACHE FROM KEEPING YOUR NOSE clinics, tours, ate For your awn Chicago sWt ar TO THE GRINDSTONE? — week-end stay choose the hotel 90 M H S A N N I JA Y tu e.tn n lM ' ■r tel r ChristianScience 9 close to everything on 25 Have A G IA N T S A N D W IC H Break I € k i f a n Avenue's Magnificent Mile M B S M A KY MOUT O N t * M . May I t Organizationat • S p e d a i twin Michigan State Un. • A m p l e M u n ic i­ M ISS U T M A C O O N P.O. Box 441 CALL US AND WE WILL DELIVER — p a l b a rb i n g • W rito f SUBMARINE, HAM OR ITALIAN SAUSAGE diteli» M B S M V 8 0 L Y BO W Meeting time ON GIANT BUNS. ~ T # ;* Mm , I t e r A M o , Mor t e 7-8 p.m. Taeeday •MSS N A N C Y SMATTUCK W ed. May SI Meeting piece C A S A N O V A N O . 2 ■ e fb to r. t e r F M I W fT S 34-35 Union 211 MAC AVENUE ED 7-1668 l a h o g h e e t u te e é e % wm Dr. Barnett 1 Lrossword Puzzle □□na anua coa n a n a a a a íi u r o □□na n aaaaaaa U. S. Jurist Blasts Eichmann U m U m Om I Research CoUoquJm of the CMtege of Ed­ □ a s a n c ia c n JERUSALEM, tB -A U. 8. wig» as Hermann Goerlng and to I ucation wffl preeeot Dr. George n a m aannaa jurist Monday pictured Addif Joachim Von Ribbentroptold Wort Barnett hi the Kiva at 4 p.m. ana nan anana firhm aha aa BBQoir’s alfcpew- Mm that I l fiiB » . was gtvea today. a a a a a a n a r ia n erful Hentenant la toe wet- vest powers by »H er, ^ fl an an a ana a ro aaaaaa unan nana uanna asasgtfSg Steateisgfls ss CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS oi.auMt- nappe» r_ □□nanann aaaa n n a a a a a n zs a a □□□ a a a a a a a a 111 ders or be shot. * 2 A»!*!» the iihinSHttg trial of *dei yw** 1“ 1“ " te * * JroS 43. S h M to t. Justice KiDchad A. Musmen- Musmaane was questioned flaw no of the Pennsylvania So- particularly by the proeecu- «e 44. Drawforth preme Court, an authority on tion as to whether Efchmann men P h o n e E D 2 -1 5 1 1 47. Nullifies DOWN IK ln f the' extermination >pa*g»», could have disobeyed orders worn 49. M ariners 1.Offers A rthur's to bur rasttu» placa testified that such Nazi Mg- from superiors to ship Jews off Iover, thetonr 2. Silkworm a Demolished SI. n o w erleee 2. Strone AU TO M O TIV E SERVICE pleat cotton thread 10. Adjective Mat 5 » koAiWilR Huic interior, farafiaw i con- jmsnt 31 Ansio- Sexos Ç 4.Senritude 3. Eldest of CsB f f iW i S3 AVAILABLE JU NK 18. money tho Pleiades IS. Disastrous SI. Indifese« ».E ternity 17. Collsps I ISHED a o a rt- 84. Sharp teste 7. West Saxon: cheer e n d ra frig e r- 83. Equivalence m onth: SI IS. Censure 21. fo rtify ROOMS 21 Elaborate A T tlN T IO ltf MALE S T A U D kw fS I melody - Room» w ith cooking a n d p a rk in g fo r 23. Frisk M S IB B BLA C K with radio, beat­ e u m m er term . B tttO n t h li ra te s. Eas D 24. Mount e r and no w Urea. B a a u t m a jo r over- l-em_____________ 25. Genuine hate- Make o d e r . IV 4-88T*._______ 30 A PFBO V SD SUPERVISED room s 27. Paasasewsy m e t m e m a c h e t t e * do o r, ra d io , f o r S m en. su m m er. 1145 A bb o tt B oed. TYPED. B S tat ItoM neet 20. Interm is­ b a n te r. * / e , a ß - le a th e r in te rio r. C a n i n person. .Frid ay , 3-6 p j n . 30 e le ctric ty p ew r i te«. „O R sion arnese can ed 8-sow. _____ 3« M A KE RESERVATIONS fo r tin g le 32. Term of e n d double room s f o r S u m m er a n d rATION a n n o u n cem enta t e ­ endearment r a i l term s. CSost to cam pus, p a rk in g , n ir n am e. S d a y té rric a , 28. Dus the reasonable Also a p a rtm e n t fo r sum ­ n o tin g Service. U S I Beet m er. ED 1-3151. it soil 27. B ird's daw IOLE BOOMS f o r m ale su m m er Sta. Can E D 2-4S13. 38 40. Existence FLAIR VL PER SO N A L 41 Hollow out \|3 44. M erit LO ST a n d F O U N D U 43. Baby 1. by Jeyce « war god 1 f t a r T ’C W T H fclA IX fem ale dog; 41 Russian five m o n th s old. a n sw e rs to "T ues­ V ETERA N S em peror Your favorite calf day.** S andy b ra w n , w e arin g silv er c h o k er c h ain . Loot F rid ay . C all A rnie 47. Front R oberta. ffA *-A,15. R ew ard._______ 35 41 Idestieel sp e c ta to r. . . u p d ated with _ M E E T IN G 4P. Ocean ^REAL estate Si. Measure or o a a T S iv a rn I .- * Y -Z ' tortra. w t t t w h eels.. ra d io , lu c h e u n length: ebbr. typical Joyce aplom b. Lean X tores- N ew laa u er. e x cellen t roec- ASSIGN ED JA PA N . M ust sell hom e honacally. IV S-Seet o r TV 1-33S0. 37 in H aalett. S room s, l H b a th s, c a rp e t­ ed, drooea. b u ilt-in re frig e ra to r and W ANTED - GOOD h om e fo r b ab v stove. L arg e re cre atio n room , l u l l wing-tip toe squared-off ^ s a in n h H * m e t Ie rita Kata v e ry basem ent, etc. M inim um dow n. Col. George Washington served b ttlc . n e ed s U ttle- changing. « 8 0 . G oudraau. E x t. 3088. — 37 e . . accenting th« sq u ared E M . 2907. / ■ EA ST LANSING. B rookfield S ub- divialon. E x cellen t location, 1 m ile fro m cam pus, n e a r M arble School Sputnik Stirs as a vestryman in Christ Church in Alexandria, Va. throatiine nicely. Two inch h eel e n d shopping c en te r. L arg e lot, w ell landscaped. 3 b edroom C ape Cod. c a rp e te d living room and aenarate d ining room , I * , bath», larg e screened Translation tquared-off, too. Cushioned, * EM PLOYM ENT porch, 1523 R oaeland. ED J-177(h- 37 BOOMING BUSINESS o n SO room s. ' > . BABYSITTING, iron- *5.000 w ith lease optlctn on good Gathering light, just right for you. ln*. lig h t ho u sew o rk O th e r belo E ast side p ro p e rty . P h o n e IV 5- employed., ltv e-in . p e rm a n e n t o r 8128. ow ner. 35 When the USSR sent its first w a am sr ta b . p riv a te room in large m a S tr a hom e- C a ll ED 3-808». 35 Sputnik into space, libraries 1 3 .9 8 W A N T ED throughout the country were M EN * SCMMXB WORK P a rt-tim e o r * * tome C a r needed L eave y our pressured to obtain translations STUDENT W IFE w h o w lsh o t ■ m m a n d phone n u m b e r a t- ED fu ll-tim e lig h t hou sek eep in g a n d of Russia’s scientific maga­ b a b y -sittin g position. S ta rtin g im ­ m ed ia te ly th ro u g h n e x t y e sr. C all ED T o w er Room 7 * 0 zines, said Dr. Richard Chapin, s u p e rv iso r f o e -e v e n in g shift. S taff 7-3M8 a fte i- g p.m. l*M B U nlver- director of libraries. S um also a v ailable. S alaries f I T 34 T Ï ............. a te p lu s fringe- benefit*. Social Scoop The university library now CMS D irector o f Nurse*. In g h a m M ed­ ical H i setoli TV *-*311. • • 4 P M - 37 SERVICE receives more then 90 Russian T ic k e ts f o r 2.0 D in n e r periodicals, most of which are TYPIN G DONE In S p a rta n V llU ee available in the science division a p a r tm e n t ED 7-0703, o r ED 7-8688. tf BOBERTA S. GIBSON a n d V ITO of the library. Othersjure in the E X PE R T THESES a n d g e n era l ty p ­ PE R SO N E p isa se com e to Um S ta ts Physics-Math library. ing. e le ctric ty p e w rite r. 17 v a ars N ew s o ffic e , Boom 347. S tu d e n t S e rv ­ experience, one blo ck fro m B rody. ices B idg. fo r tw o fre e passes to th e C rest D riv e -In . Recently, Dr. Mladen Kabal- 4DCLT p ro g ram d irec t It tome E stablished prt ED 2-5545.________ ' tf in, science librarian, compiled L easing, b eginning sa l T Y PIST ANN BROWN. N ew phone ANGEL F L IG H T challenges A rnold data concerning these periodi­ n u m b er, ED 3-8384. E lectric ty p e ­ A ir to a Softball g a m s. T h u rsd a y . 34 w riter. T erm p a p ers a n d theses. aUo cals into a university library g e n era l typing.____________________t f TR A N SPO R T A T IO N bulletin. WONCH DU PLICATING -" m o v e d The bulletin includes the titles to 1730 E- M ichigan. L ansing. T hesis ■ ty p in g and d uplicating, com m ercial W ANTED: B ID E TO L as V egas “ T S K F U ÎiO L D G Ö Ö D s fliv tn g room a r t ty p esettin g . C all 483-4306. of the magazines, their call c o iffu re t f I a fte r exam s. C aro ls. ED 7-0681 o r a i t 3 eac h Range*, refrtg erato r* . oak - t f l E x t. SS8L 37 numbers, the dates or volumes tahtaa. Etobet. 0 chaira. IV 4-8733. 37 of the first translations, first clo se -u p T B I-C A S B a a « M aUory Ignition a e to p f a r MB e r 3B3 cu. m . Che v. CeU issues received, and their loca­ a d te r f a n , E D 1 - 8 » . ____________ 37 tions. for summer ’61 C o lle g e M en S K D f D8VH8G EQUIPM ENT. 10 to off. CaU A q u a S port. R oger S um m er Job s B a a a a . ED 1-87C1. B 318 A rm strong. DA CHSH UND BLACK I t TAN pup­ p te t. re g iste re d shots. 1 m ale. 3 fe- FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 AUSG Tax pretty. Come in ~ Ì BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER m etse Reaaamsbi* C ali E D 7-7841 Under Fire and let one of our 0 3» $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE A special session of Student Congress will be held in the expert stylists create i COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK Congress- meeting room after TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS. PLENTY OF TIME FOR the regular session Wednesday a version most flatter- - night. _ BOATING, SWIMMING & GOLF , The special session, open to ing to you for the fun season! WIN AN, ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO all members of toe student body, win be concerned with LONDON FOR A WEEK the 25 cent student government SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER L A M E S ENGLISH BDCX C ontact U n to s H ague. 3*8 M ason Han. 34 BASIC REQUIREMENTS: DYKAKTT 48 W a m p lifier. 04*. 39 « t i n n i r 888 C o lar TV B e autiful 1. Over 18 yean of age. p itt a r » * ua e d 3- io M. 34 2. At least 6 months of college. BEAUTY SHOP — 3.. Neat Appearance. ndltoon. a ir condi­ S h e l l ’s S p r i n g t i m e lo*. P riced ta sell THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY CONTINUE THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A PART TIME BASIS C a r C o n d it io n in g S p e c ia l M A R Y CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT now o n l y $ 8 .9 5 a t A N N U A L PR O M O TIO N i s o * H E R TEN A N TS w a n ted for GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN M B h R t o k ra n c h hom e n e a r M en- to id s a . C alif. N w r O cean a n d o th e r GL. 6-7451 d fcL Now at reduced prices, discover a attn to e s. scefuc a n d s a lt. V ery r e s ­ a le a b le rasa* .to c a r tf u l people LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA TTrtte. 1 a a i — iw L ittle R iver. Calt- f the true fragronce and tasting IV 2-5622 CE 2-1353 AFAKTMIMÎS E r a s e a XEDLUXX a p a rtm e n t, a TOLEDO, OHIO ÿ I? EPSk quality of Mary Chess toilet water. M ark i tn m I t e l Coat*, 840 m onthly. 7 1 0 M ic h ig a n A v e n u e C W ED 3-4MB b etw ee n t-7 » t o . I t CH 3-9653 Acroas from Kellogg Center lo S w Choose your favorites, odventure ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIOi NO 3-6003 CA 4-9761 with new ones—for yourself,, Hera’s what you get: CLEVELAND, OHIO m | or gifts, while sp e d a ly MA 1-3381 V Shell X-100* Premium Motor Oil refill W M M P YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA V Cooling system drained end flushed ■ B ^ priced for o limited time. Rl 4-2417 ~ GL 5-0412 V Radiator rust inhibitor added fw 4-ox size. U S AKRON, OHIO V Complete Shellubrication FR 6-1253 - V Battery check w y, 8-01 size. 3.2S DETROIT,MICHIGAN - V Air deaaer serviced A \ j I / /A WO 5-4153'* V Brakes adjusted WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN v Tires rotated V% rjrr AV 2-7760 r \ - FE 4-0903 FLINT, MICHIGAN CE 9-8046 ü ü s ií •> *M ■ ■;' ' >sè • H » »* Í'T ' v - tPP® V B B * » 0 W p e f M lS l ‘§ ¿ívppllÏfil BB ü ^ W:; l|§| l i l M ü ün n ■¡fc^itÍBÉ 1X 1 V1 ¡■Xt JV-„.. M ich igan S ta te N ew s, E ast L an sin g , M ich igan T u esd a y M orn in g , W hy 1 6 , 1 9 ft! . ;i IppglIpliStv . '. Brogan' Information T o Sp e a k * S Graduate Inter-Varsity Chris­ tian F e a s a n t# -? :* p.m., Tonight ., ^ , Owen Hall. Professor Denis Brogan, .pro­ History Clnb- 8 pm., 33 Union. fessor of government at Cam­ Guest , speaker Dr. Denis bridge University and Michi­ Brogan. W' gan State’s distinguished pro­ Promenade» Executive Board fessor, will speak in 33 Union —7 p.m., Women’s IM. at 8 p.m. Arnold Air Society—8:30 p.m., Brogan’s topic is “American Union Art Room. History as Seen from Britain.’' Pemoier Club—7:15 p.m., Hor­ The lecture is sponsored by the History Department and the ticulture apple machine. History Club: Tan Stgma—7 30 pm ., Old Col­ lege Hall. Election of Officers Block and BfMfe->7:30 p.m., D a d s V is it N u r s e r y C110 Anthony. Angel Flight Pledging- 8 30 T h e Qyonset Cooperative p.m., Union Art Room. Nursery will hold “Daddy’s Sailing Club—Executive meet­ Night” from 6;30 to 7:30 p.m. ing, 0:30 p.m.. Union. tonight, f a c u l t y members Christian Science Organization whose children are enrolled in —7 p.m. SiHJnion. the school áre invited to see their children in nursery school AWS Activities—7 p.m., 328 Stu­ activities. / i dent Services. N O W O P E N L a k e L a n s in g A m u s e m e n t P a r k Coed of the W eek : Near Alaska PRETTY PETITE PAT—Pat Fife, Houston Texas Junior Is this week's Co-ed of the Week. State News photographer Marie Krastof caught the sultry mood of Russians May Have Pat’s brown eyes In these pictures taken with the stadium as backdrop. Pat is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority for which she Is rush chairman. She LÜN FILLED New M issile Bases was a finalist In the Miss Lansing contest and also runner-up la the Miss MSU contest aad a member of the queen’s court. Pat Is majoring in radio ami televi­ sion and works for WEAR radio. Extracurricular activities Include Pan-Hellenic FANTASTIC WASHINGTON «» — Military ures the Soviet Union is capa- Council and Junior Council. Her other interests are taste Tor classical music and playing the clarinet. This summer she plans to work for radio station KYOK NEW O p e n F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y leaders believe they know the . ble of producing up to 200 stra­ ^locations of 37 Soviet missile tegic missiles by the winter of launching pads, including one 1961-62. - :gj in Houston, Texas In the advertising department. DATA-GUIDES T : 0 0 P .M . O pen 1 2 N oon o n Sundays less than 500 miles from Alas­ At latest count, the United ka. States had an estimated 59 And they figure the Russians ready-to-shoot missiles, includ­ Revolt Rages in South Korea C o m in g S u n d a y M ay 2 1 — R ig O u tb o a r d M o to r R a c in g have 35 to 50 long-range war ing 32 of Use submarine launch­ ANALYTIC . rockets ready to shoot. ed polaris rockets. (Continued from Page 1) , INFORMANTS at committee Rhee was released from Show headquarters said Marine units Tripler Army hospital recently GEOMETRY At least 10 of the reported FURTHER, SAID the maga­ cities as Pusan and Taegu. encountered some resistance after a back operation for an ■missile pads have been inden- zine, “there is some evidence There was no confirmation of • z - '. from Korean. Army military po­ abscess^,Mrs. Rhee said he re­ tified as launch sites for the that the USSR is prepared to this from any other source. lice stationed in Seoul as the quires sedition. For Program Inform ation D ial IV 2-3905 . Soviet Union’s 8,00-mile-range fire strategic missiles from Officers issuing orders and Marines entered the city. VOCABULARY ”T3 missile, which carries a mobile launchers mounted on seen around buildings and in­ Meanwhile in Honolulu de­ THE FORMER PRESIDENT N O W Featnre featnre At * * * 1:90 *ffj! thermonuclear_ warhead.-¿L. rail cars.” ^ stallations in downtown Seoul posed Syfigman Rhee of South has been in exile in Hawaii FOR Mt H ï AI TCR f HPHÓNf I GfVAt i r N 3:00-5:10-7:15-9:25 were of company grade. since his government was over­ iti." \ Further, the United States The rail-mounted missile is People thronged the streets Korea was under sedation Mon­ MARKETIN6 has determined the location of believed to be a boost-glide in their night clothes in an ef­ day and was not told of the re­ has thrown last year. Since then he R x ru fu r 14 Russian missile and rocket weapon, known as . the T4A. fort to get word on the develop­ ported military coup. consistently declined to OVER factories. This missile is boosted upward ments. Mrs. Rhee told the Associat­ comment on Republic of Korea THE by a rocket engine then glides ed Press she knew nothing issues. ZANIEST ALL OF THIS information to its target like an aircraft. BROADCASTS told residents about the coup except what she There had been some rum­ FOR COMEDY Jtb S e iitfliM e ti appears in the May issue of It carries a 3,100 pound pay­ to go to work as usual without had heard through local tele­ blings of discontent in the Kor­ HI GHER GRADE S . . . W * Military Review, a magazine load. The range is not known fear. phone calls. ean military shortly after Rhee .(EARS! * \n g — P ttfa fc l* published by the U.S. army but since it’s regarded as a The racya also announced the -Asked if Rhee would have was overthrown, but there had GET THEM AT .command and general staff strategic weapon it presuma­ use of private cars would be any comment, she said “I’m been no recent signs of trouble with Fred MacMurray — Nancy Olson — Tommy Kirk YOUR BOOKSTORE ♦ ADDED “Saga of Wind Wagon Smith” — News * college at Fort Leavenworth, bly-can travel 1,-500 miles or banned for the present, but pri­ sure not.” ,in the military ranks. Kan. ■ _ more. vate vehicles continued to op­ N O W The magazine noted that the erate on the city’s streets. STARTS FRIDAY 1 | data have been compiled from In spotting the launching Informants at revolutionary Irish Sweepstakes W inner mclassified sources and add- pads, the magazine noted that committee headquarters said a sd, “because of a tight soviet all are located within the Soviet young.Marine brigadier gen­ control over military informa­ Union with the exception of one eral was_a top leader in the Gets Pardon From Sentencé tion, this data Is derived from at Seroc, 20 miles north of coup. They identified him as sources which are not neces­ Warsaw^ Poland. r Kim Yoon-Kun.~ Lady luck is with Albert of his luck and his benevolence sarily accurate or complete.” MOST OF THE Russian They said the main force of Diorio again. The 47-year-old —police recalled that he- was Buy them at _In addition to estimating the launch pads appear to be lo­ _rine the troops was the Third Ma- winner of a 8140,000 Irish wanted in West Warwick on o « .»g«u»a cocon(OyOSUMS X Z X Z Z E . Russians have between 35 and cated west of the Ural moun­ rinesbrigade and that the Ma­ Sweepstakes ticket is free to marched into Seoul from breaking and entering pharges >0 long range missiles ready to tains, though there is a launch Kimpo, about 20 miles north­ sail Wednesday to Ireland to Diorio pleaded no contest. Re shoot, the military-review fig­ site at Anadyr in Siberia west of the capital.. collect his earnings. C am pus B eak S to r i Diorio was granted a defer­ ferring to reports that Diorio across the Bearing Sea from They said the Marines were red prison sentence in court to­ has been on good behavior PRO G RA M IN F O R M A T IO N C A L L E D 2 -8 8 1 7 Alaska. joined by two. Army Reserve day on a 12-year-old breaking since leaving Rhode ^Island, Across from Union Vice President There is, additionally, a con­ divisions and identified the and entering charge—which Judge Mackenzie remarked centration on the Siberian main­ units as the 30th and 33rd. he thought was forgotten. “All you evidently needed was Takes T rip land just to the northwest of One Korean news agency Judge William Mackenzie a change in climate.” Japan and on the Sakhlin quoted what it said was a-state- cautioned the defendant, “Mr. ment by Gen. Kim declaring: Diorio, you are familiar enough E A S T L A N S I N G - PHONE ÍD.2-28I4 HONG KONG «»—Vice Presi­ Islands, due north of Japan. "Coup d’etats are not good dent Lyndon B.Johnson shooed The sites near Japan are things, but we had to do it now with Rhode Island courts to Open 12:15 GT H tLA TAM f DP H OM E R \1 * 85c to 5:30 NIGHTS JhSUN. — ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65« off -British security officials identified by tlje magazine as before the situation became know that today you are facing ’ N Y IV and played tourist for five Komsomolsk -and Nikolaev in worse. We acted and we suc­ the possibility of going to jail ADULT ENTERTAINMENT hours Monday in the tourist Siberia anti Okha, Terpeniye ceeded.” for 30 years.” STARTS 7 P.M. • FEATURE AT 7:20 • 9:30 mecca of the Far East. and Korsakov in the Sakhalin». Now a resident of Long S T A R T IN G T O M O R R O W ! The tall Texan is on an unof­ There is a heavy concentra­ THE REFERENCE to the Beach, California, Diorio had NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU BLUSH EASILY! Contfnuons Performances At Regular Prices! ficial visit to Hong Kong at the tion of missile launch sites In situation apparently m e i n t come through his native state COME EARLY! midway point of a South Asian northern Russia at Kuressaar- eneral conditions -in South to announce that he would give tour aimed at reassuring anti­ em Sovetsk, Lugs, Minsk, brea politically, economically some of his winnings to char­ ’Hfhe screen’s 12million dollar spectacle! communist governments i n Kalinin, Brobruisk, Roslavi, and In regard to reunification ity in Rhode Island. — _ ‘I t ’s ad of a piece, crazy, mixed-up, this critical area of United Kiev and Kola. of the country. Upon publication of the story thousandsinthecast!years in the making! States support. In genera], however, the wiid, violent, sexy, outspoken and Johnson said on his arrival launch sites appear to be wide­ HURRY! honest. ... Electricity, magnetism, by'plane from Formosa that he ly dispersed, including three was here to rest and “do some intercontinental-rsnge launch very necessary staff work re­ sites along the extreme south­ garding the balance of our mis­ ern borders—at M u r g h a b, LUCONB lAN StM O • PN O N I ID . L a st 2 D ay s animal vitality, in abundance!” —UCHtl «INSTEN Nm York ta t sion—a mission to the strong- Alma-Ata and Irkutsk. , poirits of freedom in Asia.” “THE APARTMENT* Shown 2:55 • 7:30 GOV. SIR ROBERT BLACK “ELMER GANTRY* 12i30 - 5:00 - 9:30 welcomed he and his wife, R E S T Lady Bird. Airport ceremonies 8 ACAD EM Y AW ARD S I were brief anti the Vice Presi­ rItH oMv c » i i t"ÌOOMO r a i * Vr T W IN -B IL L B L O C K B U S T E R ! dent reached his hotel room at 4 p.m. A few minutes later, while most everyone assumed EXCLUSIVE! he was resting after the rigors Adm. 90c This Picture of his travels, Johnson slipped Muuumqpi out of the hotel, waved away hovering security officials and went on a sightseeing and shop­ to P ping tour. * ITMMM6 >’ ? jmwnK/Mun«wai/UMmiHffi COfTAMltoC 4: ~ In te r-V a rs ity EMlIm MTW* mm. / UNM« m mmm. . AVALON AMAOWEN/CHAL«AIS/«5 0OUB MME »s rm s up»« «PW M e e tin g .w«te mp— d «od conto»clod to OtoUTIN TlOaUUU T T f iltÉ tr r ti AB* IIvIWHiWLwn The Graduate Inter-Varsity tm t a t u m coto» Doors Open 12:15 Feature 12:38 - 3:25 - 8:11 - 9:15 Christian Fellowship is spon­ Twice At 8 :8 -- 11:86 soring a meeting aL7:30 tonight TODAY LAST TIMES in the Seminar Room, Owen ^ S ta rt» T h u r s d a y 1:85-3:I6-6:15-7:2M:25 — 2ND ADULT HIT — Graduate Centel. Dr. Robert DeHaan, chair­ R s v s s g s 8 f T to man of the psychology depart­ 6 U Ü N FN 0 ment 8t Hope College, Holland, M: h., will talk on “The Bible H a ifa * ■ j - ONCE AT 16:8 — FRI. — “TIGER HAY" WITH JOHN MILLS : Speaks on Psychology." The ammcnB-ttgiiMiiag meeting is open to everyone. e sill! »st KANSAS CITY Uh—Joe Gor­ tanda dud a manager e n we **4f it works and Gordon likes don managed tiw Kanaaa CBy more Dram a vantage potad in it w ell continue dräng it,” Lane Athletics last night from an die praaa box than he can from said. tmuaoal spot. the «räfHMt- He moved into the press bos Gordon will have • direct , Heady independent Serra of Municipal Stadium for the telephone Une to the Kansas Leone gat Ita name, which dub’s gone with Loo Angeles. City dugout where one of hie manna Lion Mountain, teem an assistâtes will tate tartine* oauriy description by Portuguese The idea came from General sailors. Frank Lane, who con* dons, ffîd i It ' s t ie t w e n t ie s a g a in New Faces Among ’61 TOM WLEY hae had a hat bat fer the MBddgaa State base- All-Stars h al team dartag the Big Ten eampelga. RUey is hatttag J T t ta the eeaferenee. Last week-. end he dreve In fix raas, in* ctadiag a grand alam home Dormitory [ Tennis Finals I Held Tonight I The doriSitory team tennis I finals will be played tonight at ■ 6.00. The fraternity team ten- 1 nis semi-finals are scheduled I for 5:30. The Intramural tennis I Yesterday singles scheduled for tonight at I 5:30 will be held tomorrow 5:30. I GEORGE SAIMES .— : Softball i THAT FABULOud ERA Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. — Bower I most improved varsity back vs Howland field 1; Uncle Al’s 11 Boys vs Vets I, field 2; Ag. 11 Econ. vs Sweat Socks, field 3; I Giants Romp to Win Alpha Kappa Psi vs Luther, I field 4; Alpha Gamma Rho vs I Sigma Phi Epsilon, field 5, II FARING 20's Over Cubs, 14-1 Delta Chi vs Phi Kappa Psi, I field 6 ; ATO vs Phi Gamma I Rho, field, 7; Triangle vs Psi I SAN FRANCISCO (/B—Felipe | nrick only once, when they led Upsilon, field 9; Beta Theta Pi I Alou and Orlando Cepeda led a !0ff with four straight singles, vs Delta Tau Delta, field 9. I devastating 18-hit San Fran- g u^ they managed just one run Bowling - • | cisco .assault- as the National i T h u r s d a y N ig h t tic k e ts o n D IS C O U N T s o ld in b lo c k s o£ 2 0 League leading Giants downed .— . Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. — Phi I ’the Chicago Cubs 14-1 yester- Alpha vs Delta Sigma Phi I, I day. ., alleys 1 & 2; Vets I vs Vets II, 1 Alou clouted his first Major MSU- U-M Game alleys 3 4 4; — Open Softball at 6:00 on Old League grand slam in the first inning. Cepeda knocked in five ^ Here We Come ! 7 .CoUege Field - Botany vs Re­ search Lab, field 1; Kellogg runs with two homers and a The social committee of Flakies vs No Stars, field 2. double, giving him nine homers Frosh-Soph Council has plan­ for the year and the league’s Horseshoes RBI leadership with 28. YwRPw ned a trip to the Michigan- MSU IM Horseshoe tourna­ MSU football game in Ann Ab- ment will be held at the MSU Mike McCormick scattered- .W fj bor on Oct. 14. pits on Old College Field 5:30 eight hits .in breezing to his ' Tickets for the excursion will tonight. Anyone interested.- fourth victory against one loss. go on sale today at the ticket should report to the supervisor After 41 innings, Mike's earned office on the Union concourse. at the pite. run average is a sizzling 1.32. . Dick Elsworth, the Cub’s starter, pitched to six Giants the farther and didn't get anyone out. He. smoke travels took his third straight loss. Air-Softened, Matty Alou. Felipe’s Tcid the milder, f brother, socked his first Major _ the cooler, League home rurr in the eighth the smoother F inning. Felipe’s blast was his it tastes ’fourth of the season. BUD BADGER Felipe also got two singles out of it as McCormick retired apd Jim'Davenport had three Don Zimmer on a pop fly and -hits for the Giants. -- got Mel Roach and Ernie Banks The Cubs bothered McCor- to ground into force plays. Utertih>1— — .............................. TZ vfc*.-- I It was the Giants* 12th vic- r ^ B i g 1 0 S t a n d i n g s I tory in their last 16 games. Baseball Standings - W. L. G.B H o c k e y M e e tin g Michigan 8 1 — Varsity and freshman hockey Indiana 9 2 - teams will meet Wednesday at Minnesota 9 3 ’M 7 p.m., in 215 Jenison. Illinois 7 3^ 1M Iowa 4 6 4ty Spring practice is the subject MSU 4 7 5- of the meeting and all members Purdue 4 7 5 are urged to attend. Northwestern 4 8 5V Wisconsin 3 8 6 Ohio State 2 -9 7 C en tra l M ichigan*s S p o r t S h o r ts L a rg est D rive-In Michigan State has annual f o o t b a l l dates scheduled against Michigan, Notre Dame, Northwestern, Indiana a n d Purdue through 1966. Michigan State has had 34 individual wrestling champions C lip p e r! S t. A c ro ss F r o m F r a n d o r in NCAA, NAAU and Big Ten competition since 1936. S U PER S M O O T H SHAVE Make a date with flavor. Try Chesterfield King. New *wetter-than-water* action melts beard's tough, Evary satisfying puff it A ir - S o ft e n e d to enrich the n e s s - i n seconds. Remarkable new “wetter-thaa-water” ■ M O IS BAUS action gives Old Spice Soper Smooth Shave ha scientific flavor and make It mild. Special porous paper approximation to the feather-touch feel and the efficiency of left you draw fresh air into the M l king length of S P E C IA L — barber shop shaves. Melts your beard’s toushneaa like hot towels and maaaage—in seconds. top4obaooo, straight Grade-A all the way. Shaves that are no comfortable you barely tool the J o in t h e s w in g t o ■ UGKET K ST H M M M - Made. A unique combination of anti-evaporation agents makes S uper Smooth Shave stay moiat and firm . No re-lathering, no dry spots. Richer and creamier... give« you the most satisfying s h a v e .'..fastest, cleanest—end most LINK'S SPORT SHOP comfortable. Regular or mentholated, 1.00. gat « ( "..»^ 1 LU II'III(f^ Spartan H I ' Out of Country er’s | I Services W agon Sets . Is JFK’s First Trip Funeral Rendered Open Rush WASHINGTON (^-President ters of common interest to a Kennedy flies to Ottawa today traditionally friendly but some­ By-G reeks Eighteen members of Spar­ tan Hi Wagon wffl bo oehetod to nourish good relations be­ what wary audience. u Sororities and fraternities who oft bn open ra il Thursday oft tween the United States awl CaMdiaM have inclined to­ HOLLYWOOD U) — G a r y 7 pm. on the Uofton sun porch. Canada, two old neighbors and ward a less drastic stand than Cooper’s widow, fearing the participated in community pro­ allies. the United States has adopted ject last ww to d put in a full Spartan Ifi Wagon sondo fte* circus-like behavior at past dents to meet new faculty mem­ Kennedy chose Canada for in dealing with Cuba. Foreign funerals of Hollywood greats, m ining’s work accorMng to his first trip out of the country Minister Hdward C. Green last Monday appealed to the pubbe Gay Birchard, co-chairman of bers end welcome them la the since he tot» office in January. week offered Canada’s services the project. Tom Baldwin as­ campus- life 1 THE STATE VISIT is the to mediate differences between to let her famous husband go sisted her as cochainnan. Petitions are available in the first of two on Kennedy’s th e Kennedy administration to Ms rest with dignity and schedule for the next month— and Cuban dictator Fidel Cas­ quiet. The groap that went to the living units, student services, and he may undertake another tro. Gary Cooper, the tall, tad-, YMCA and YWCA camps fn women’s division and the Union less formal meeting in Europe KENNEDY AND Canadian Wlliiamstoa and Lake Lansing concourse. They should be com­ wifii Soviet .Premier Nikita S. Prime Minister John G. Diefen- turn, movie hero, will be buried completely cleaned out the pleted soul brought to rash with Khrushchev. baker have arranged private today after a solemn requiem lodges painted the boats and the applicants. Kennedy plans to leave May discussions for 2% hours tomor­ Mass at the Roman Catholic reseeded a field. 31 for Pans and talks with row morning. In addition to Church of the Good Shepherd in At S t Vincent's Home soror President Charles de Gaulle. Cuba and the OAS, they are Beverly Hills. Some 100 police ity and frateraty members dug Reports have circulated here likely to explore the crisis in that the possibilities of a Kenne- Laos, where Canada is one of will be assigned to handle the a driveway. The Greeks plant­ ed 250 rose bushes around the Mrs. Hannah dy-Khrushchev conference fol­ three nations on the truce sup­ cro#d, expected to be in the lowing the three-day Paris visit ervisory team. They also could are under serious considera­ -range over international situa­ thousands. •v _ All rites, including the Ros­ Ingham County medical hospi­ tal. . - - \ Serenaded tion. tions, including the Congo, as ary were private. Admission to At Urbandale the groups Mrs. John A. Hannah, first In Canada, Kennedy will set well as business relationships the 505-seat church will be by cleaned up damp areas. With the use of dump trucks, they lady of the university, was hon­ forth the U. S. position on mat­ between their two countries. cards issued by the family to ored by a serenade presented close friends only. So popular hauled away the trash. Those who went to the School by Theta CM fraternity Sunday was the J50-year-old star that afternoon. the 505 cards are not enough to for the Blind, Loafing General hospital and the Community As recent winners of this Honorary Initiates 13 accommodate all his Hollywood friends. Hollywoodites hope the, crowd WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY WINNER TODAY—Arlyn Griefendorf, member of ROTC Corps Sponsors and Miss MSU, gives John Coach,. Battle Creek semof. Chest building did general yard work, washed windows and year’s inter-fraternity Council Sing, Theta Chi expressed their will give Cooper the respect in a congratulatory Mss. Coach’s company, E-3, won marching honors in last week’s painted fences. - desire to encourage future win­ Honored for their scholarship, in the engineering field. ROTC parade. Observing the procedeure at toe right Is James Van Stee, Brigade ners to serenade Mrs. Hannah initiative, and fellowship, 13 Kinney also introduced the death that he enjoyed in life. dining Parents’ Weekend. Clark Gable, who ranked with Chief of Staff, and behind stand cadets who seem to be somewhat envious. i Advertising? Phone 2643. engineering students and one incoming Officers of the frat­ faculty member were initiated ernity who are: Barbara Krou- Cooper among the all time into Phi Lambda Tau, an En­ pa. Cedar junior, President; greats of the movies, made Jus gineering Honorary. Vice President Ron Harness, final exit with dignity, despite They were: J.W. Donnell East Lansing senior, Regis a huge crowd. (faculty member), James G. Pilarski, E. Lansing junior, re­ Gable’s funeral, held only six Payne, Wayne junior, Lee A. cording aecretary. months ago, was at suburban Sprawl, Croswell sophomore, Other officers are Harish Forest Lawn while Cooper’s Edward W. Allis, Howell jun­ Mallik, New Delhi, India jun­ will be held on busy Santa Mon­ ior, Richard L. Kennedy, Lan­ ior, corresponding secretary ica Boulevard, only minutes sing junior. _' and Robert Shaw, East Lan- away from downtown Beverly John C. Nelson, Grand Rapids fsing junior, treasurer, Hills. ~ - junior, Harold R. Chappell, Bloomfield Hills junior; Char­ les F. Perry, Battle Creek sen­ ior; Donald E. Lutz and John P IZ Z A P A R T Y S P E C IA L ! R. Rowe, East Lansing junidrs; G e t y o u r d r in k s F R E E Gordon E. Monroe, East Lan­ sing senior; Joseph E. Schram- ( b y th e g a ll o n ) ek, Kalamazoo senior; Villis o n e g a llo n o f d r i n k f r e e M. Barevies, Grand Rapids senior and Jonathan K. Yu, w ith e v e ry 5 r e g u la r o n e ite m pizzas* Hong Kong junior. A banquet in the# honor was given by Phi Lambda Tau at Embers Restaurant in Holt. VARSITY DRIVE-IN D e liv e ry — 8 s 3 0 P o w e r , m a g ic, w iz a r d r y , e n c h a n tm e n t— B u t th e g r e a te s t v a lu e o f a d v e rtis in g is Guest speaker, Jack Kinney, director of the placement bur­ - E D J Z -6 5 1 7 to th e a m a te u r n o word! seem s s tr o n g e n o u g h n o t to th e a d v e r tis e r b a t to th e public* eau, spoke on job opportunities to d e s c rib e th e u n d e n ia b le a c c o m p lis h m e n ts o f P r a c tic a lly e v e ry th in g y o n b a y w o u ld c o st a d v e rtis in g . y o u m o r e i f t h e r e w e re n o a d v e rtis in g . B ec au se B u t f r o m a p r o fe s s io n a l v ie w p o in t, a d ­ w ith o u t a d v e rtis in g to i n f o r m th e p u b lic , th e r e v e r tis in g m e r its s o m e w h a t m o r e s o b e r te rm s . c o u ld n ’t b e m a ss p r o d u c tio n as-w e k n o w i t to ­ As a m a tte r o f fa c t, th e m a k in g o f su c c e ssfu l d a y , w ith a ll its e c o n o m ie s a n d a d v a n ta g e s . a d v e r tis in g is a d if f ic u lt b u s in e s s r e q u ir in g b o th s k ill a n d e x p e rie n c e . I m a g in e w h a t w o u ld h a p p e n i f a ll a d v e r­ I t is t r u e th a t a d v e rtis in g w ill s p e e d u p tis in g s to p p e d ! sale s a n d s e c u re a la r g e r v o lu m e in a s h o r te r M an y s to re s w o u ld b e - f o r c e d to c u t o r tim e f o r a m a n u f a c tu r e r o r m e rc h a n t- w ith c a n c e l o r d e r s t h r o u g h la c k o f d e m a n d . T h is f o r e s ig h t, c o u r a g e a n d f in a n c ia l r e s o u rc e s to 417 E. Grand River c a r r y d e f in ite b n s in e s s p o lic ie s to c o m p le tio n . w o u ld c a r r y b a c k U> th e m a n u f a c tu r e r s a n d On The Campus th e y w o u ld b e g in la y in g o f f p e o p le . BACK DOOR SALE B u t n o a m o u n t o f a d v e rtis in g c a n k e e p s e llin g a p r o d u c t th a t c a n n o t b e s o ld w ith o u t N e w s p a p e rs, a n d m a g a z in e s w o u ld c o s t a d v e rtis in g . y o u m o re , b e m n c h t h in n e r , o r g o o u t o f b u s i­ TU ESD A Y , M AY 16 - 7 p .m . t o 1 0 p .m . n e s s b e c a u s e th e r e w o u ld b e n o a d v e rtis in g to H ere9» th e »a le y o u 'v e b e e n w a itin g f o r . • . C o m e u i a n d » co o p I t is c e r ta in t h a t a d v e rtis in g c a n a n d -d o e s u p a w a r d r o b e o f n e w s u m m e r fa sh io n » ! h e lp p a y th e c o st o f p u b lis h in g . A n d y o u w o u ld ­ c r e a te v a lu a b le g o o d -w ill f o r a b r a n d , tra d e ­ - ENTRANCE THROUGH TH E m a r k o r s to re . W itn e ss th e a c tu a l m o n e y v a ju e n ’t b e a b le to g e t y o u r f a v o rite r a d io o r T V BACK DOOR ONLY! o f a n y w e ll-a d v e rtise d n a m e . p r o g r a m s b e c a u s e th e y w o u ld -b e o f f th e a ir . Spring & Summer Dresses Slips, Dacron-Cotton- IS $3 Nylon $2.98 ea. or 2 for $5 B u t i t is e q u a lly c e r ta in t h a t b a c k o f th a t T h e r e ’s n o d o u b t t h a t a d v e rtis in g h a s b e e n Spring Suits, Selected Group 5(1%off Cotti» Dusters $4.44 n a m e th e r e m u s t b e h o n e s ty , f a i r , d e a lin g , a n d a p a r t o f th e g r e a t g r o w th o f th is c o u n tr y . I n Rain Coats $3 Nylons, Rev. 1.65 a pr. Spring Coats 17 3 pr. $2.75 or $1.19 pr. f u ll v a lu e f o r th e pqfce a sk e d . A d v e rtis in g a n . th e y e a rs to c o m e , it wiH h e lp to m a k e i t a b e tte r , Blouses $2 - $3 Ismorted Cashmere Sweaters, Reg. 22.98 $5 u n w o r th y p r o d u c t g im p iy m e a n s th a t a la r g e r m o r e p r o s p e r o u s c o u n tr y f o r e v e ry b o d y . Skirts $2 - 13 Nationally Advertised Slacks & Jamaicas $$ - $3 Bran* Girdles n u m b e r o f p e o p le w ill p re s e n tly d is c o v e r its Knit T-Shirts* -$2 ~ ; 10% Off \ N . W . A y e r & S o n , P h ila d e lp h ia . d is a d v a n ta g e s . EA R LY B IR D SPECIALS! D R E SSE S A BLO U SES n*. . $ S K IR T S P A N T IE S , 3 p r. Your Choice v 1 O ne et a series o f advertistm enta p resented b y the M ic h ig a n S ta te Biette a» a p u b lic service. only a pair r. H O S IE R Y V . With eaeh $2 porehaae