E a U U U b e d 1 9 0 9 V o L 5 3 ,N o . 3 6 1 8^,____ 1961 6 Page* 5 Cent* — T----------- ^ cy # www Sees B ig . Congress ] Force for p Get NATO Hoodlums? OTTAWA UB—President Ken­ nedy said Wednesday the Unit­ ed States 4s ready to establish an internationally • controlled A s k s A id sea-borne nuclear missile force and to beef up allied nuclear and conventional forces to con­ T o C u t C rim e vince world communism its “grand designs’’ will be resist- WASHINGTON UV-Atty Gen. ed. ' Robert F. Kennedy Wednesday The President, in a major asked Congress to help the Jus­ address to the Canadian Parlia­ tice Department go after hood-1 ment, also bluntly told Canada lums and racketeers who “have . it is time she joined the Organ­ become so rich and so power- * ization of American States in ful that they have outgrown HOLDOUT AT GENEVA PARLEY—Leaam Insisiengmay Thief delegate an all-out effort to secure the local authorities.” ef western-backed royal Laotian government s group to Geneva International w h o l e Western hemisphere Urging passage of a series of conference on Laos, chatted with Etienne Manach, director o( the French Asian against “the encroachment of bills aimed at brèaking upf Department, at a Geneva hotel Tuesday. In the center is Prince Khamnio of international communism.” “vicious and dangerous crimi­ Laos. Insisiengmay, Laotian minister of intertOR, said he would boycott the. The speech to the two houses nal combinations,” Kennedy conference because the pro-Communlst Pathet Lao representatives of Prince of Parliament in the House of said “only the federal govern­ Soevanaa Phouma’s self-styled neutralists were also invited. (AP Wirephoto) Commons was the high point ment can curtail the flow of ' of a state visit, in which one of funds which permit the king­ Kennedy’s main purposes was pins to live far from the to persuade Canada to contrib­ scene,” beyond the reach of ute more to Latin American de­ local officials. fense 9ad development. NO PLACE FOR HATS—President Kennedy and Prime Minister John Diefen- He estimated organized gam Çgf I . •• Fg, , haker had a common problem during ceremonies in Ottawa welcoming the U. S. bling does a gross volume of ¡Cease-Fire Discussed KENNEDY reminded Parlia­ president today—no place for their bats. The floor provided * handy resting ment the United States plans to billion a year and helps sup­ commit five—and subsequently place. Governor General George Vanler, left, didn t hat e the same problem. He port numerous other criminal more —Polaris atomic-missile ieil his hat at home.jAP Wirephoto t- activities, “including the brib­ submarines to the NATO com- ery of local officials/’ mand area, subject to allied BAN KAMONE, Laos Uf> — main demand—that top prior­ handle immediate problems of KENNEDY testified before a After four days of lackering, ity in future discussions be giv­ reunification. agreement. — “Beyond this,” Kennedy saic^ “we look to the possibility of eventually establishing a NATO Graduating Seniors Promised House Judiciary subcommittee 2. Discussions then would at a bearing on legislation deal­ rebel and government negotia- en to formation of a coalition turn to the basis of a coalition ing generally with organized | te n Wednesday agreed to dis­ government rather than mili­ government to be formed, crime. co» forming a coalition gov­ tary matters. sea-born missile force which would be truly multilateral in ownership and control, if this An Activities-Fnil Schedule. I He submitted seconding a statement by ernment for Laos and «joint THE ROYAL government, spots. - FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, nuBtauy committee to help his proposals, but supervine the cease-fire. meaning who would get key however, won agreement to its 3. Duties of the provisional should be desired and found Senior council promises a nah, Starr Keesler, Director of officers will also take place. Chairman Emanuel CeUer, 4D- The agreement, first of any chief demand that a joint mili­ government would be outlined. feasible by our allies, once full schedule of activities for Alumni Relations, Jack .Kin­ General Douglas MacArthur N.Y.) said he would like to importance since the talks tary group be formed to work 4. Government policy would NATO’s non-nuclear goals have June and summer graduating ney, Placement Bureau, and will be the speaker at Com- hear from Hoover personally with the three-nation interna­ be set up. been achieved." senior for. the month previous Mr. Bob Gustavson, Senior mencement exercises which will Celler said Hoover had de­ opened Sunday, could clear the tional control commission in The United-States, be said, to graduation. Class President following the takê place on Sunday, June 11 clined an invitation to testify j! way for selection of a unified checking on the cease-fire. A NUMBER of differences intends to strengthen the con­ President Hannah’s Recep­ parade. at 4 p.m. delegation to represent all Laos Two rival plans were pro­ are bound to come up in talks ventional capability of the al­ tions Tor seniors and graduate The awards for the Seniors Because of a lack of partici­ and asked Kennedy, to try to | at the 14-nation conference in posed and will be discussed at on a coalition government—in­ liance as a “matter of highest students will take place May of the year will be presented pation. in previous years, the “change Mr. Hoover’s attitude“'; Geneva .. - cluding how many cabinet .priority,” and is taking-steps 23 to the outstanding senior man Senior Ball has been cancelled. sc the committee can question | -Pro-Communist Pathet Lao another meeting Friday in this seats the 'rebels, now in a “to increase the strength and cation for the Colleges of Communi­ and woman, and the Cash Any contributions to thê MSU hearings him. The chairman, noted the ] rebel negotiators won their _rebel-held towir75 miles north strong position militarily, will Arts, Engineering, Home will continue mere of Vientiane. mobility of our forces and mod­ Economics, and Science, and Award for Scholarship present­ Development Fund will help ernize their equipment.” than a week. The royal government pro­ demand. ed to the man and woman-hav- furnish the lounge of the Alum- In his statement. Hoover said posed first a meeting of the Though both sides talked of “To the same end, we will maintain our forces now on the Arts, leges and and of May 24 Agriculture, Public Service, for the Col­ Business Education, ing the highest scholastic aver- ni Planetarium, the project of the annual cost of crime now age. Election of Alumni Class | the Class of-31 Birmingham three e r n leaders—presumably gov- a summit meeting between top m e n t strongman Gen. leaders of all factions, there European continent and will in­ totals $22 billion,” the UK equiv equiva­*- > gy n crease their conventional capa­ and Veterinary Medicine. lent of $128 for CHOPS i f US Phoumi Nosavan. neutralist was no firm agreement. bilities,” he said. “We look to The Receptions will be from woman and child in n these L Cod­ ad-1 M r Prince Souvanna Phouma who “Neutralist” delegate Phehg ; our NATO allies to assign an 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. University ed States.” BIRMINGHAM. D im n w ru iu Ala. A lo UB—A is recognized by the Commun­ Phongsavan said Souvanna had equally high priority to this Administrative Officials and the same essential task.” Deans of the Academic Colleges No U /S . Troops The FBI chief said the bills Greyhound bus carrying a ra­ ist bloc as the premier of Laos, authorized him to accept a proposed by Kennedy would en­ cially mixed group believed and Pathet Lao chief Prince meeting of “the three princes” Kennedy, said both the im­ with their staffs will also be able the government to “pro­ ready to try to crack bus station Souphanouvong. and suggested it be in the rebel provement of conventional there. forces and the increase of nu­ ~ The 1962 Senior class officers In K orean R evolt ceed more effectively arad vig­ segregation arrived here Wed­ Discussion of the question of capital of Xieng Khouang. orously against the well-en­ nesday. : legality of any provisional coal­ This had two catches. Pheng clear forces are aimed at guar­ will be installed May 31 at the WASHINGTON UR-The State the uprising by a Korean mil! trenched interstate racketeers But Birmingham City policF ition government would be the was proposing the government anteeing that “no aggressor final meeting of the present ¿Department said Wednesday tary group. who are beyond the reach of met the bus on the outskirts of second topic. The third would be represented by Premier will mistake our determination Senior Council. local law enforcement.” the city, arrested two of the be a proposal that any provi­ Prince Boun Oum. But Deputy to respond instantly with what­ On Monday, June 5, Senior American “troops_ “have not “The situation there . . is TOE PRINCIPAL law asked passenger«, and put two officers parties sional government include all Premier Gen. Phoumi “is the ever force is appropriate.^ Swingout will begin at 7:10 p.m. been and will not be . . . involv­ fluid,” Reap said. “It doe3 ap ■■“by Kennedy would make t a on the bus for the remainder and prominent inde­ real power. Also, Zieng Khou­ Graduates are to assemble in ed in any way” in the Korean pear that the rebel military federal offense to travel across j of the journey to the bus-sta- pendent groups. ang is believed unacceptable to THE TIME has come, he The Pathet Lao proposed Phoumi as a meeting place. said, for members of the At­ front of their respective col­ revolt. group is in Control of thecap- state lines for the purpose ef t o . . - lantic community to further in­ leges until the. band, going from ital city area but we have in­ aiding racketeering. j. At the station, the two offi- these points: Hpwever, observers felt the Press Officer Joseph W. Reap door was left open' for high crease a n d integrate their college to college, picks them made this statement while de­ sufficient and incomplete in­ Kennedy noted that most big cers stepped off the. bus, -but 1. Any government formed level talks in the near future. forces, research development, up. formation on other parts of the time gamblers employ couriers t police, refused to let any of the would be only provisional to production, storage defense, The parade will terminate at clining comment on a broad country and because of that I to travel about the country col- jj otter passengers — all negroes command and training at all Fairchild theater. Short talks range of other questions about have n? comment.” lecting their profits. *get off- wil be given by President Han- levels of armaments. “So let us begin,” he said. “ Oitr opponents acre watching to see if we are divided, de­ Brogan Speaks at Union Plan • it V. ■B | Forum W ill ceived or in doubt about their For French Studies Students Like U. S. History grand designs. We must show them that we are not—that we are determined.” Discuss By DIANA BUCHMAN papers will be available. The Use President’s address fol­ lowed a meeting of two hours Disarmament State News Staff Writer lounge will also be used as a classroom. French students and 35 mimites with Canada’s ~ By SALLY WARD “Students of great ability are studying the subject,” he said. In accordance with President living outside Landon hall will Prime Minister John Diefen- Disarmament or a. continua­ State News Staff Writer . ' THESE STUDENTS have to be warned to narrow their field Hannah’s Seven-Point plan, toe come to class here, said Town­ haker. The two already had tion of the Balance of Terror—” Students in Great Britain are finding the study of American and study history from toe American point of view. language department is plan­ send. discussed Tuesday night the these and other alternatives will History/ a new academic phenomenon, according to D. W. The teacher must cut bimsrK off from English ideas, in ning to create i. language house . If the housing authorities re­ possibility of a Kennedy meet­ be discussed in a forum dealing Brogan, distinguished visiting professor from Cambridge. order to teach it, he said. on a small scale. The purpose lease the dormer at- the end of ing with S o v i e t Premier with problem* and possibilities Brogan gave several reasons for this point nf view at a talk The impact of th* paperback books have been a great help is to have the serious French the terrace precinct, this room Khrushchev. of disarmament tonight at S in Tuesday night at toe-Union, sponsored by the history depart­ hi teaching American history^» said. Nearly every important student live in a French atmos­ will be substituted for the Disclosing this, White House parlor C of the Union. ment and the History Club. ' _ history book can be obtained in tins farm to Britain. . phere, said Stanley R. Town­ French room,'continued Town­ press secretary Pierre Salinger Dr. Richard Schlegel of the “The average British student, when he gets over toe initial The students bring littie passtoe Into the study, he said. send, language department send. This room is better as it declined to go into details. The Pnysics Department- will dis­ hump of study, is eager to learn more about American history “They are willing to .condor the American way of doing bead. w o u l d be exclusively for disclosure was, however, rec­ cuss technical aspects of en­ and proceeds with warmth and feeling,“ things,” Brogan said. West Landon terrace precinct French students. ognition that the United States forcement. Lewis Etonger of Brogan-said. Students “feel” some American inst,ififinng quite well; they has been chosen for the lan­ The idea of a language bouse has been discussing with allies the political science department One of the reasons for this interest is “feel” the mobility of American society and envy it, be said. guage house, said Townsend. is not new, said Townsend. The See KENNEDY P ag et a specialist in international re­ the absence of feudalish and other “The American party used te lie regarded as nonsensical,” The first group will include IS University of Colorado and the lations, will stress negotiation government characteristics, Brogan said. to 18 women French students. University of Minnesota carry problems. Europeon history, he said. “Now it’s considered a great peBriral institution, essential “We hope to have a native out this idea in their summer P o lic e F in d G a r Thomas Greer, professor of R is interesting also iso due to the fact survived of the United States and extremely interesting. speaking French girl living.on schools. toe survival for the humanities and a military his­ of United States power rer as expressed democratic phenomenon. it’s a real modern democrat! •/). the premises in perhaps the This plan will Begin next fall B u t W h e e l s G o n e tory specialist, and Pr. Paul the past two wars atf this century, BROGAN SAID SAID be expects to aee toe growth of party and capacity of resident advisor,” term and continue throughout be expects Vant, professor of history, a gan said. ecodOmics studies. said Townsend. the year. If the idea is sue*, Early Tuesday morning Lan­ specialist in American diplo­ In those wars, toe \merican forces Those Those whowho hadhad studied studied eat early English pariiment history are The dining room alcove will cessful it will be expanded to sing police found a 1965 con­ matic history, will stress the tered and exerted efforts forts decisive in now contemplating the study ef America Constitution history. be «amhutively for the students include men and Spanish stu­ vertible at the nast end of Main over-all problems over securing wars’ outcome/ he said. udd-'- he said . participating in the language dents. street with the rear wheels, re­ control agreements. “Something in thei American e x p e ri-^ ^ ^ H L ^ te ^ ^ ^ ^ H | “This growth of study rei re w all the begiamag of wisdom,” house program. The students ^ Women having . completed moved and the ignition wires Following these statements mice is the reason for these e ffe c t” ftmmn said Brogan uM will speak only French at two years of Fjrench who, are crossed. the meeting will be opened -to he said. “The British sh student is “When the British begin te to think they could learn anything meals. interested in this program may i The car was stolen from Rob­ free discussion. All interested centrating on serious study to find it. ■ H V R p i H H H H from a foreign political system, syste esperi »By since they are not Part of the west lounge will contact Dr. Stanley R. Town­ ert E. Boice, Grand Rapids students and faculty members This concentration has promoted a rising number of studies only studying it. but wiffin* to i believe ghat it rutfly happened, be used as a French room. send, 32$ Monfil hall, to fill junior. are urged to attend. in American history. r. . it is the beginning.” be said. French magazines a d news­ out an application. ■ÜÉl g"('?•’; nf At Top in Business World, Crissy ‘Retires’ to Teaching By SHEILA KNIGHT university, although he is still chology of Selling” series. . State News Feature Writer active as a business consult­ Crissy has over fifty publi­ ant. cations in marketing and salesr In our competitive economy, He has nothing but praise for literature and he presently has it is a rare man that reaches this campus, its faculty and stu­ a book at press, “bell the. Way the top in the business world to dents, he said. the Pro’s Do,” which discusses retire into an intellectual Ufo and analyzes the techniques of of writing and teaching. *§ “The student” body of this the country’s greatest sales William E. Crissy, professor campus is the wholesome, well- people. of business administration is motivated, intellectual equal of Crissy was commentator on such a man. any student body I have seen the radio program, “Make up Personal Development associ­ and the graduate students are Your Mind,” for four years and ates, a counciling firm special­ outstanding. MSU has an excit­ has appeared on television rep­ izing in marketing and sales ing business faculty and an out­ resenting the Boy Scouts for management, waa heeded and standing marketing group,” fund raising purposes. \ founded by Crissy, and all but Crissy said. After receiving His BS at West one employee were his former HE HAS TAUGHT psycholog}' Chester State Teachers college, students1. at Harvard, Cornell, Columbia Ed M at Harvard and PhD in Psychology at North C&roHna, IT WAS FROM this firm that and New York universities, he enteredf the Navy during he resigned and came to the and he is author of the “Psy- World War II and served on the destroyer, Albert W. Grant, the most damaged destroyer to sur­ Summer Students To See vive the war. He received the Silver Star Second Fine Arts Festival for gallantry in the battle of Surigao Straits. He is still active in the Naval reserve as The second annual Fine Arts New York Times’ record critic consultant and naval research festival featuring some of the named him a “striking singer” director. nation’s top names in music, who sings as if “he had the Now residing in Okemos, art dance, theater and land­ whole world in his hands.” Crissy plans to remain at the WILLIAM J. E. CRISSY THE ARMY, and the Air Force handed out all kinds of awards at Tuesday’s scape architecture- will he part university until retirement. .. «.the Intellectual life . . . of the university's summer Painted Edward Corbett hns parade. Shown are some of the Air Force trophies, given to outstanding cadets session for 1961. had his works circulated in enrolled in bask and advanced Air Science. (Photo by Vernon Rich.) the United States, >5outh Amer­ M u s i c conductors Robert Shaw and Thor Johnson, singer Leon Bibb, dance artist Erick ica and Europe by the Museum of Modern Art and the Art O riental Spectacular Opens M U M M if ¿ J j Hawkins, author and educator Institute of- Chkago. He has |§ fjt; . ' - - tw Harold Taylor, painter Edward Corbett, film critic Heim Bow­ er, landscape architect Conrad had numerous one-man shows, the most recent -at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis this At AudNext Thursday - Wirth and many others are' in­ spring. The musical comedy that lcck, it scored its first success itlauntless D’Artagnan of old cluded in the diversified pro­ Lois Balcom of Dance Ob­ first introduced the memorable iti London and in New York in Baghdad, a beggar who sells gram server magazine described Er­ 1911, and establishecLthe late poems outside a mosque and ick Hawkins new dance, “Here and haunting “Stranger in Par­ A premiere performance of adise," whieh was the nation's Otis Skinner as one of the great lives on the edge of starvation. university composer H. Owen and Now with Watchers,” ax top song-hit throughout the stars of the stage of that time. ' Reed’s “Overature for Strings” “sheer theater magic.” The His tale is an example of the New York dance artist will per­ mid-fifties, is opening at the AFTER SKINNER acted it strangeness and unpredictabil- by the American String con­ Auditorium on May 25 and will UP and down the American con- ity of human life. With lick, gress under the -direction of form at the university with play through the 27. Thor Johnson will get the fes­ dancer Barbard Tucker and tinent continuously for four audacity, agile wit and an elo­ tival under way on July 17. Tay­ music by Lucia DIugoszewski. This is the Oriental extrava­ years, he made two moviif ver­ quent tongue, he is able to rise lor will present the convocation ganza entitled “Kismet,” which sions of it, first a silent film in from his penniless state to be­ Helen Bower was motion pic­ is being produced jointly by the 1920, and a talking picture in come the Emir of Baghdad in address, r ' _ ture critic for'the Detroit Free 1930. Later, in 1944 Ronald a single day. department of music and the ROBERT SHAW, director of Press for 14 years prior to her University Theater. “Kismet” Colman and Marlene Dietrich Added to this success, be dis­ the famed Robert Shaw Chor­ retirement last March. She has is replete with the glittering made a technicolor movie of it. poses of his enertiy, the fierce ale, will bring to a close the also served as drama critic. color of the bazaars, fakirs, “Kismet,” which means fate j Wazir ofPolice, and takes over performance portion of the fes­ Conrad L. Wirth, director of and serpentine dances of the or destiny, is the story of a the Watzir’* alluring wife. tival on July 20 as he directs the National Park service in Arabian Nights. _ the MSU Festival Chorus and Washington, has had a distin­ With a record of a 17-month Orchestra in Verdi’s “Requi­ guish«! career as landscape run in New York. “Kismet” is 1/ Limey Says em.” - ~ *~ architect and national park based on one of the most fa­ Shaw is known to millions planner. JHe has also been a mous and popular plays of the HEED A PART - throughout the country by his consultant on an international English-speaking stage. Orig­ FOR THAT many best-selling recordings scale id bis field. inally written by Edward Knob- and annual concert fours. He is also associate conductor of the i OLDER CARf MAJ. GEN George Bush of the U. S. Army salutes the ROTC troops passing In Cleveland Orchestra. Y l h o u r s e ss io n o n ly TRY review at Tuesday’s awards parade. Maj. Gen. Ronald McDonald was also on Conductor Thor Johnson will hand to review the troops. (Photo by Art Weiland.) . - bead a distinguished fatuity of 4 ()c - w ith th is a d musicians at the third Ameri­ can Federation, of Musicians string congress at the univer­ — E x e rc ise F o r F u n — LIMCO AUTO PARTS Joint Recital Featured Sunday sity this summer. He was music director of the Cincinnati Sym­ phony for eleven seasons and Call ED 7-9889 for an appointment before coming LEAP- A- LITTLE - ^ 1 3 3 2 N. LARCH ST. (LOOK FOR THE RED HOUSE) IV 2 - 1 3 0 3 A Joint recital will be spon- j The featured musicians will pianist and graduate student has been music director of the We have good used 15 and 16 inch tires sored by the musicdepartment [be Karen Murphy, a harpist in composition from Kirksville, 1939. Arbor May festivals-since Ann T r a m p o lin e C e n te r at 4 p.m. on Sunday in the Mu- j and senior from Davidson, Mo. 1331 E. Grand River — Next to Brookfield Plaza S P E C IA L S T U D E N T D ISC O U N T S sic auditorium. I Mich, and Robert Hogenson, a Miss Murphy will open the One of the most provocative program with “Giga” by Cor­ and original thinkers in Ameri­ elli, “Rigadon” by Rameau and can education, Harold Taylor, “Prelude and Toccata” by first came to national promin­ P r e s e n tin g Handel. ence in 1945 when he waa ap­ pointed to the presidency of HOGENSON will play the Sarah Lawrence collage at the first two movements of Schu­ age of 30. He is also familiar H M J I’ l ’ l i m 1OK SUM M KK Special 1961 Educational mann’s. “C Major Fantasia” i to a nation-wide television aud­ bis opening composition. ience as host of ABC’s ’’Meet Two preludes for harp are the Professor” program. programmed next, one ia by Summer Session Tour To IGrandjany and the other by AMONG THE balladeers on IRavel. These are followed by the American scent today, Leon three Salzedo compositions, Bibb is a rarity. Not only is ha ..in n o f M ic h ig a n HAWAII “The Last Rose of Summer,’ an excellent interpreter of folk­ I “Rumba” and “Florentine Mu songs, but he also brings to his n o rte c lo th e s f o r a o t l v e , o a r e f r s e , sic Box.” work a magnificent voice. Tim v rjt.id - t o - b i i - . a l - t v e S t i m m e r v i 'i v l h g « •A f i e l d ' o f d a is ie s , Under the leadership of in ':. Or: t v i l l a g e ... DR. WESLEY R. FISHEL. Professor of Political >f*rv!. of a r i ver . r e e l u - -p o o l. Along' Science, who win travel with the group and remain -/ road. , . -«•¡.erever Y3V will . hi residence throughout the Summer Session. As a distinguished visiting Professor, he wifi conduct a course at the Summer Session. im m u d at I n t e l ti.tr.ee a , ¡oust... . He tr ifo rc i? Picture yourself taking off from Chicago in a Jackets) of thl3 w ardrobe :.r ith luxurious new United Air Lines DC-8 Jet Mainliner ^ .J**, r Q7’ -j,.* £ * *)i ; i->d OO Wt OH £ ’ with HONOLULU as your destination. M ilk Then imagine Six Week* of Sunny Existence, h & - / ’ * . Ter toior, swimming at Waikiki Beach, a luau at the Queen's o r i te ;, M u e - Surf Club, surfing, sailing and sun-bathing pins 42 Ic e C re a m . •■.'■•it « r 'ey t o : ; -i .■log . •. r r r . a n ti, a ■. nights accomodation at the Coco Palms Hotel. o f .ro a u rif C A SH & C A R R Y ,vr hand. * ■ • Included also b an opportunity for summer study under world famous guest professors at the Summer School of the UNIVERSITY of HAWAII. MU Fv*ryyfi© t h«rr 1re 3mar r > c \ «-an -1In1 3 f ••• n e t t i n g . I n nctVori, 3,of*e::vd by shadows', kun.ts wrap or s t r e t c h f o r d aehl r . g good No Age Limit, No Study Requirement c o k n ; e k i r t s a r e s l e n d e r , wi nd - bl own, Jane 28 to August 8,1181 " V t G aL G r a d e A H o m o g e n is e d ~r •e- ; y divided . 3hlrta hare necklines ■ien to 8iumdr. There'» a Jacket. th a t 1a i real shell collector' a lte » . Uwisaiers T h is I d e a l S u m m e r c a n b e y o u r s w ith th e .• free-aty je,. and the spectator® are , • r f u l l y c o a p l e t e lc them selves. S u m m e r T o u r to H a w a ii: O n ly $ 7 9 5 , b a s is 2 (phis tax) 1 2 0 1 E . G r a n d R iv e r E a s t L a n s in g COLLEGETRAVELOFFICE uouooa 5 0 5 5 E. M J tu tW e tf o f / ic. h . « '-Ha I S O W . G r a n d R iv e r ED 2*8667 ¿S fe I it t g H f lt f a » — e e e e u m e a ft tensing — east tensing SB® M il H ti *•; III *Hg ^ B h y p ii^ r - y S S a ö •.mEpSk Ä swíhMBHHH M e ld r u m N a m e d P r e s id e n t N eed M anager N ig h t S ta ff CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS upreme \ F o r W o lv e r in e Mary B a iM ,eiw « d lR A B * fln > Interviews lor the poettiee of 1er, Sally Dsrrirbmn, Card sales manager of the H62 Wallen, photo editar, Eric FU- P h o n e d ) 2 -1 5 1 1 E x te n s io n s 2643 a n d 2644 AU TO M O TIVE FO R E B IT R EA L ESTATE At Recent £. Shaw Elections High hilarity reigned su­ chosen ones to battle against Wd lioilae will be this after­ noon, from 3 to 5 in 344 Stodsat Services. Lew Wallace served as ter- to rmrmant them at the U m podtion is open to all in­ ritarid governor ef New Mex- M the the archaic social position to election. These delegate terested freshmen and sopho­ ice wbOe he was wriHM his M U t aneSSBS^ e d , d ro n e s, b u ilt-in ir ik tg o r a te r a n d stove. L ern a r ootootiow «wem . f i l l i b o w m e n t. e tc. M inim um dow n. CoL preme Tuesday night the n ig h t m men erf Bast Bmw elected thstr which we are meet wrangty according to precinct wishes. officers for coming Dm Mektrum, a , freshman year. “We cannot fad that our po- more itndmfr famed novel, "Baa Bar." t 1 - . __ t # - * * LmtTAS ! * from Groese Poiste was sleet­ ..io n s are socve when our shed, with a five-minute ’ ™ SPECIAL BART LANUNO. nrow kflted S ub- ed president ef the dorm «odd canoes may never be returned cus before each bdlotiag. S Ä 1* * SM ALL MOOSE, Cin tit e l i I t e r i * couple o r «huele p e n e n . 3300 Exponent location. 1 m ile an air of fur celebration, yet to our beloved and poQutodRed _ b ed r aoni C apo Cod, somber coomlerattoti. Cedar River. ^ Fariaae recdved a stand DISCOUNT ON ALL FREE nr M p jn . Three favorite son candl- “We must fight! The next £ / £ & & a fe ndasi id t t r m s room a n d se p a ra te wind from the cow barns might ovation firmi the man ef I PARTS . 29 mtonte tontslhtkm I p m. •____________ 5 ho u se 1er 5 s - i ¿ . a r á T . s r T dates, Dean Jsdry, Dec Defr be the sod of us . . . we 'must hau. n : lp ri AND en gnem teed IM S CHRYSLER. good aoMBtiOM. neila and Joim Small, kept the ACCESSORIES C a ll b e tw ee n I u t a n a > t * IV LEA VINO MSU - HO M E W ith I audience laughing for a great fight!” , TO 8-4143. 40 APARTMENTS room s e n d b a th dow n, a ro o m s a n d b o th u p .(o n a p a rtm e n t). L arge, p ri­ part of the evening. BENEATH the hilarity, how­ THOMPSON'S ^ FACULTY : MUFFLERS *»»£*•* UM " S t e f f i room W OULD LUCE T O jW blet v a te y a rd w ith r e d wood (e asin g . NOw c a rp e tin g a n d tile .. Alu m in u m «torm a. G as h e at. D ouble g a rag e O R 7-8843. JOKES were made about the ever, was a mme sarious trend. usual scapegoat, dorm food. The iseues involved in the elec­ “Wo guarantee that n e x t tion were de-csntraitxod gov­ ernment and relative strengths JEWELRY AND STUDENTS transmieskms BW M / a f c Ä T * “ L A N SIN l . c * 3 m m t gao b o o t. A lum inum ST G h r ow n er. 1148 . U n lv o jrity VlUa*« aaip a rtm e n t B eech S h o o t 3 bedroomt, fu ll bata­ year w ell serve food In the ^ rn sto rm s Si dinner Unas,” said Jedry'a in­ ef precincts In relation to the Ktapsake Shocks — metom — 1857 FORD. TUDO R F a hard* !, «tick oeioena. L o t 77x133. terpreter. dorm president. Generators repaired • installed • exchanged to p , w h ite flnU h. T -B lrd < SUMMER TERM a p artm e n t« (3) on “We should abolish dorm Three ballots were necessary •hU t. techom oter. e u IV »-*710. a f te r « p.m . OcpMl » v e r 1 block • a e t P t 'C e g d Gable» approvati u neupervtead ED SERVICE government and have complete to dect a new president with a D ianosi M agi Springs Starters Custom T-13M. - havoc as Mr. Kennedy does!” simple majority. STUDIO APARTM ENT fu rn ish ed . "We should make the voice j Carta Hi-Speed S p artan M otors, In c . A n u w ttie a p aid , p riv a te b a th , m a r­ rie d o o u p to p ro fa rio d . ISO p a r m onth. THIS REMARK by Jsdry of the precihcts strong In the met with varied reactions. General Assembly,” said Don W aM 8 Obsk Tune-up« _ Equipment c i a ! B f W i a s t o a ? p w i ! K APARTM ENTS. ROOMS, w ith a n d Another favorite son, Doc Mddrum, the newly elected w h ite to p , re d in te rio r, «tick. w ith o u t cookhM . «tngte. double, p a rk - » T g P o n tiac, U M C aU llna convertible. Lhf. 1 «ingle p riv a te b ath . E D 7-0030. DonMUa, entered on the shoul­ president. **Tb e president R tpairiig p o w er a n te. b o a te r, a n d a u to m atic im nam ission. h ev ro tet. U M B aU ire. tu d o r, red —» A* fi- vallab le Ju n a 37 ders of comradea. lie was should be n contact mnn.” t í dressed like Fidel Castro mid smoking a cigar. “ALL THE IDEAS for pro­ KAMIN’S AUTO PA R T S a n d w hite, pow erallde, ra d io a n d re eth r oppoelte U T T P IN Q P O N E fn S p a rte n VUlago 223 MLA.C. A re. 526 N. LARCH IV 4-4*96 h a a te r. 14*00 mUea. 1. CaU ED J-090J B a p a r tm e n t ED 7-0703. o r S P 7-M M He waa introduced as the jects and resolutions should h a v ro le t U M . tu d o r h a rd to p , V I CA PITA L NEAR. S fu rn iah e d “great Revolution Squelcher.” come from the man.” Mddrum •iitooMine. room s; am ali p o rch . O ne a d u lt. Good T Y P IN G . In m y hom e, b y tfc re ia ry “We will sink the cafeteria odd. “They should not be lit­ East Lansing, Mich. OPEN_SUNDAY 9 TO 1 C h e v ro le t 1*87. fo u r d o o r h a rd to p , e n v iro n m en t. C all IV M87B. _____ 37 w ith 10 y e e rs' exp erience. TU S-873& p o w e r radio, h a a ta r, au to m atic. tf help with Jeflo,” said “FldcL” tle pet projects of mine.” b e v ro la t l-(M 4 d o o r B elairo. radio, FURNISHED. S BEDROOM a p a rt­ ‘“Today Cuba . . . tomorrow Framer Alexander, a fresh- h a a ta r , au to m atic. P ro f «m o t ow ned m en t. W asher, d ry e r, Kara«#- No GRANVnCW RECREATION AREA. ear. c h ild ren . 348 OakhOl. E aat Lansing, D ancing fo r th o y o u n g e r « e t Disc the worn. Long live the men man political «dance major, V oikaw srona 1868**.188V*, 1 40'»- C ali ED 7-1000, a sk 1 e r M r. S tu c k y . i t Jo c k e y « v e ry F rid a y S a l • 1 . » * ■ of Fvrt Shaw!” lucky. was dadad vice president ef e v e ry S u n d a y 3 'J l - | 0 » « • Adtml»- H ardtqpo a n d oonvwrOMou Cboooo fro m L U M inro eharpoet «election. ROOM S slon 50c 4 m iles n o rth ofJTOntOT on Another comic joked, "I’m the'dorm. F e n to n R oad. 10 mUao s o u th of F l i n t going to talk about the food F o rd U M tu d o r, V* «tide, ra d io , J A t TÉN TIO N M ALE 8 T U D E N ÏS 37 HE SAID that he fd t thatthe K A Y S E R ’S A N N U A L h a a ta r, ih a rp . *~ Room s w ith cooking a n d p a rk in g fo r su m m er term . R easonable rate*. ED problem. We don't have much proposal to diminish the num­ TH ESES TYPED. B S in B u rin e « 2 B le c k i E s s t s f F ra n d o r 3-3733. " M E d u catio n , o lec tric ty p e w rite r. OH of a problem . . . we don’t get ber of representatives to the 8-3330. 43 that much f^od.” General Assembly from five in On Michigan SIN G LE ROOM 17 w eekly. M ale Phone E D 2-8864 stu d e n t. _B achelor J a b le uj u n e 1. JB I *10 w a p a rtm e n t avail eekly. IV *-3389. 38 GRADUATION a n n o u n ce m e n ts In ­ c lu d e s y o u r nam e. 3 d a y « T rio « . AT ONE POINT in the even every precinct to one from S A L E O F M yers P rin tin g S erv ice. 1411 E a ft ing a young man wearing I every precind was not food COOL ROOMS fo r sum m er, in n ew “Democracy is based on di­ FORD. 1881 CONVERTIBLE. G ra y hom e. Show er«, p e rk in g . E D 3-1183. 37 M ichigan. IV 3-2364. t f tuxedo stood up to introduce w ith ro d la te rio r. R adio, aafety bolt«. w h ite a l d a w l a . ¿ 1 ED 1-1*40. W W ILL BABY SIT in m y S p a rta n VO; his candidate, John Sobell versity.” said Alexander. CAFTTAL. NEAR. CLEAN, room lage a p a rtm e n t. ED 14091. furntehad, ro o d bed, .larg e clooet. ___ Speaking in a heavy English The election was held accord B R IE F S 1M7 FORD CONVERTIBLE. W hite. ; C all IV 3-387». 37 CHILD CARE in m y u n lr e r U ty v il­ accent the young man aaid, ing to an electoral college sys­ T h u n d e rb lrd E ngine, F ordom atic sh u t, cooking. good condition. ED 1-1747. 37 lag e a p a r tm e n t ED 3-4418. 30 “Fellow students, we are the tem. Each precind dads five APPRO VED SUPERVISED room s fo r 3 m en, su m m er. 1148 A bb o tt Rood ISM MERCURY MONTCLAIR con­ CaU in person. F rid a y . 1-3 p.m . v e rtib le , p e rfe c t condition. C ontinen­ 38 PER SO N A L t a l k it. A ll pow er, d u a l ip o tllg h t M A K E RESERVATIONS fo r single m irror», alm oat n ew Urea. P e a c h a n a a n d double room s fo r S u m m er a n d D O N T M ISS "S ession b y t h e C e - w h ite. F h o c e E D 7-0*30 a fte r » P-m ' MB F all term s. Close to cam pus, p a rk in g d u * th is S u n d a y - A J a a W orkshop reasonable. A lso a p a rtm e n t fo r su m ­ fe a tu rin g cro u p e fro m aU o v e r s o u t h ; U N M O -TD . rad io . h a o te r, ro o d m er. ED 3-SM1. tf e m M ichigan. throeree a n d ro cen tly p a in te d . E D 1-3331. S SIN GLE ROOMS fo r m ale su m m er t il - T h e ta student«. CaU ED 3-4813. 38 IBS* M O BLACK w ith rad io , h a a t­ CYNTHIA G RA Y a n d LAW RENCE a r a n d n ew tiren. Rooon t ma jo r o v a r- MENDELSOHN p lease com M Me t o th e All white with elastic at waist and leg# for comfortable fit. h a u T k a k a d f a r IV 4-M73.________ 30 LOST a n d F O U N D S ta te N ew s office. R oom 347, 347. S tu d e n t S erv ices Bldg. fo r tw o f r e e * \ V A R S IT Y -T O W N Sizes Small, Medium and Large EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1M7 1 lL o 5 Í IT-,rsiL V E H "c B Î S m b racelet th e C re st D riv e -In . M agneti* M.O. 4 door, r a d o , h a a ta r, bet w een R a n c a r a n d S outh'W illiam «. le a th e r in te rio r, C n R ew ard. C on tact. 3M S o u th WllUams. p icCHA RLIE BROW N, tell ED 7-30». nuoto y o u r price. Wm k u p h is re c o rd s a t w hite th e sale teats. - C LO TH ES U M PLYM OUTH coupe V-4, pow er- N Y L O N T R IC O T COM BED CO TTO N W A N T ED PL U S H PO STERIO R p rops, Cor fitte . G ood »hope, u n iq u e c h a ra c te r. rasser*. H elp th e G a lle ry g e t o ff M A J O R IN S T Y U E D tecount p rice d . 1*75. E a rl Chi»«. E D 3-3S41. ______________ » S te floor. 19c each , o r 3 fo r 39« T h e W ANTED • FO REIG N STUDENT. G allery . 8471k W est G ra n d ltiv e r. 37 1IM OLDSM OBIL*. 4-PO OR, h y d ra - flu en t in En*tl»h. G o rm an a n d F ren ch to a ct «• AaoUU nt T o ttr C onductor 3 p a ir 2 .6 0 3 p a ir 2 .1 5 m atte, pow er «teerltìg. ra d io , hooter. W pa r e se e n t th e C ell E D 7-34» - W l o r g ro u p o l M ichixan people e m b a rk - TR A N SPO R T A T IO N J\ F in* on « E u ro p ea n T o u r in la te Ju ly . 195* TRIUM PH TR-3. w hit*, ov er- P ro fe r person re tu rn in g to C ontinent. d rlvc. w ir* w h e .iT radio, M ichelin T o u r w ill e x te n d th ro u g h A ugust W ANTED: R ID *. T O L a s V egas F in e s t 2 - P !y T r o p ic s ! E v e r L o o m e d X U n * . New laou«r, excel len t m ec­ 30. A ll tra v e l expenses p a id . In a d ­ a f te r exam s. C arole. ED 7-0681 o r h a n ically . IV t 8880 o r IV 3-3380.___37 d itio n to o th e r re m u n e ratio n , w h ich E x t. » 8 1 . 31 w ill b e dlscusaed a t in te n rtew . A pply W ANTED - GOOD ho«n*_fm- b«by b y te tte r, giving age, m a rita l otatu* . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . autom obile. 1187 la e tta . Kata very an d p h o n e n u m b er. E n d o ae am au little , need« little changing. *380_ snapshot; w h ic h will- be re tu rn e d . BUY . . . SELL . . . RENT E x t. 3397. 58 P o st O ffice B ox 895. L ansing 4.___ 37 a n ih su iis VOLKSW AQON. 1938 G ood (hap*. -Root offer. N eed to oaU soon. Cell now ! ED 7-1883. — 89 ~ , C o lle g e M e n 1988 VOLVO, ex ce lle n t condition. -18J0O m iles. P ric e d to sell. C ell IV S um m er Jobs 4.3178. -I? FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 EM PLO Y M ENT ' BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER ^ R flP S rfin iu r i T i ’ custom er*, no ago lim it. M oney p re fe rre d . Coll *um - 30 — 30 — . 30 — 30 ra e r drink* now . A vailable. T h e G a l; lo ry . »471» W e»t G ra n d R iver. 37 $ 1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE BU S BOY W ANTED. C lo o o rih o u a o t o cam pua. C o n tact BUI, ED 7-1714. ‘ 37 COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK Our s u m m e r bock-w rap, REGISTERED NURSES, e x p erien c e d TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS, PLENTY OF TIME FOR S creen O ut •u p erv iao r t o r ev en in g «hlft. 8 t* « peotttona eleo available. S alaries BOATING, SWIMMING ft GOLF by loungees, leads a co m m en su rate p lu s frin g e benefits. th e H ea t e n d C hit D irecto r o f N urses. Ingham M ed­ ic a l HooptteL IV 4-3811. 8 - 4 p a n . 37 WIN AN ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO L o o k S m a rt w busy fife b o n morning FosrrioNg opm for night LONDON FOB A WEEK _ a s t h e D e v i/ t nip * * , fuU o r p a r t tim e. Also o p e ra t­ in g room oBPervtaor. N ew . a w a e m SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK brandi to afternoon f j bed hoeoital. CaU o r w rite D trec- of N u n a o . M ason G en etal Hos- M ichigan jf OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER marketing. Cool F O R SALE BASIC REQUIREMENTS: rv „ i, S h ep h erd Collie cotton with a fresh m fittu re; Ä w eek« old. C an be »een -1. Over 18 y«ar* of age. • t 418 P a r k L ane o r call ED 7-1394. 37 2. At least $ months of college. colorful print on CUSHIONS, REAL CHEAP, b u t 3. Neat Appearance. th e n th e y ’re t e aad Shape lBc each. o r 3 foT sS c. T h e G allen-. 3471k 37 garden green or G ra n d R iver. THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY' CONTINUE M E N 'S E N G L IS H bicycle. CaU ED 37 THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A strawberry red grounds. W EDDING GOWN AND S form ate, PART TIME BASIS 1; atsa 13-14. P o rta b le tew in g m achine. S » . E D 3-8108. 87 10 to 2 0 sizes. 7 .9 8 CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT g f E lN O BASS a n d flu te . G ood con- d itto s . C all ED 3-3381. J o h n P arka. 43 GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN DINOTO TABLE w ith S leaves. 4 chair*, e h tea c a b i t y t . W . W ill also GL. 6-7451 aeU se p a re tely. ED 3-0780._________ 37 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wring room LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA c**L 1 each; ra n g ea refrigerato r*, o a k tab lea. B u ffe t, 8 chair». IV 4-873». F t IV 2*5622 ~ CE 2-1353 TRI-CA RB a n d . M ritery Ignition s e tu p f a r 3 » o r 383 cu. in. C h a v . C w TOLEDO, OHIO a f te r I p a n . U > 7-3389. 37 - _ CH 3-9653 SJKIN DIV IN O EQUIPM ENT. J 8 to 80tL off. CaU A que S port. R oger R ow eo. ED 7-9781. > SIB A rm otrong. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO . 38 NO 3-6008 v CA 4-9761 DACHSHUND BLACK * T A N p u p ­ pte*. reg istered , t e n ti, 1 m ale. 3 fe- Z CLEVELAND, OHIO m ates R easonable CaU ED 7-7941 even ing*. . - » M A1-3381 ' M S U GRADUATION RINGS. See S ri ,roa YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA T RA fifRS _ -RI4-2417 - GL 5-9412 l ié s r s 3F C ham pion H ouse T ie ii- e r, f o r y o u n g m arrie d couple. C an AKRON,OHIO ^ TU M f f l a fte r 1:38. » FR 6-1253 ISM N EW MOON. 10x48, S b e d ­ room . nylon c arp e t, hide «-bod. Y oung-tow n k itc h e n , w a th a r, p o rc h , DETROIT, MICHIGAN sh*dj~A -I shape. 838» oom otete. last 304 T ra ile r H aven, e r oaU ED 7-0874. WO 5-4153 PR n u AuRuIE s sSCHOONER u i u u n w - «tx30. B ri WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN^ expepr i ve Wring o r nl p iau ta « M R , F u U r fU rnim ed, »elf- s Wit m i v- acation f-e o n ta m - AY 2-7766 FE 4-0963 o d. m a n y extra«. ED 7-1*87. FLINT. MICHIGAN p jn , S S3 . CE 9-8646 ? ' ;Z- is M iA lg tii S h lt f i « « , l u t îe w  ig , M khigMi Thonday Morning, May 18, 1961 4* Rivers in Australia sometime* tffEx-Racer, S e n io rs o f th e W e e k N eal T o Speak vanish. They grow smaMec as they flow into dry areas «6 the I western slopes of the continent To Appear at Jr. Cheerleader , Banquet for Business and finally disappear. The Junior 500 pushcart race ing gad iM fauisim safety on will add a touch of the famous the roads. High In* Graduates Last Èvent Indianapolis 580 Saturday when HE HILL represent the pub­ The third ammal -Business Dinner wffl he preceded by it feature« its honored guest, lic relations staff on public Senior of tee Wed: honors go Administration Graduate bou­ an informal punch bowl coterie Pete DePaulo, one of the old safety for the Firestone Tire to two out-of-state seniors, quet Friday will mark the last to be hatf in the ran parlor at tee GaBery, time racing greats. and Rubber Company. Mary Katherine “Kitty” Patti, sodai «vent before tho graduate 5:80 p.m. ? 5474 E. Grand elementary "education major headquarters is transferred to Dr. Neal has been, (»resident River, will be This Is the second straight After riding in the parade, of the Committee for Economic dosed Thurs­ year that DePaulo will travel DePaulo win stand near tee from Winston-Salem, N.C., and Epptoy Cotter next fall. George Eickwort, biological Development since 1956 and has day night The from his home in California to start of the race «Bd help affi­ Dr. Alfred C. Neal, president served is first vice-president ladles of Mor­ be the honored guest of the date. science major from Lynbrook, of the Committee for Econ­ of the Federal Reserve Bank tar Board have race .sponsored by Lambda Chi Other guests at the race will N.Y. ^ omic Development, will be the of Boston. reserved it for a Alpha fraternity. Kitty is well known to all who guest speaker following the banquet which is to begin at HE IS A MEMBER of the ad­ meeting. This DeRaulo was the first man to have attended football games service is avail- the past two years because she 6:80 p.m. in the Union ball­ visory council of the school of win the Indianapolis 500 race room. Dr. Neal will speak on, industrial management at the f h l e to a l l on baloon tires and the first to has been a varsity cheerleader. gwnp« Can the United States Retrieve Massachusetts Institute of average over 100 miles per its Leadership of the World Technology. hour. This was in 1925. K|TTY IS A member of Un­ ion Board and is Secretary of Economy?” After receiving his bachelor’s THE 63-YEOR-OLD DePaulo. § | | her sorority, Kappa Alpha The­ degree from the University of ta. She is a member of Kappa PRESIDENT and Mrs. John California (Berkley), he did a figure of tremendous stamina ' §® A. Hannah will attend. Hannah and courage,, is a veteran of M Delta Pi, education honorary. graduate work at the. London many Indianapolis races and '';K' will present awards to the out­ (England) School of Economics Other activities include pro­ standing graduate students in and received his doctorate from -other tests including ' many gram chairman for J —Hop, the business administration. tours at Grand Prix road-racing Brown University, where he IFC-PanHel conference, Water Herman J. Wyngarden. dean later taught economics. in Europe. - Carnival and Spartacade com­ emeritus of the College of Busi­ Dr. Neal, the author of sev­ He got his start in racing mittee work. ness and Public Service will eral business and economics working as a mechanic for his Among tripe Kitty has taken also be present. Over 200 fac­ books, may be seen on WMSB- uncle, Ralph DePalma, one of she says her most interesting ulty members and graduate TV Friday at 6:40 p.m. in a the early winners of the Indian- was one to Europe, including _ students are expected to attend. pre-recorded interview. a n tA—iw apoiis ^classic. Russian and Poland. She also Besides racing himself in had an unusual activity in her HELD OVER! many races, DePaulo was the~ PETER DePAULO coach of the Ford Motor com­ be President John A. Hannah, pany’s racing team until the East Lansing Mayor Gordon L. home town—«he was a member of the Winston-Salem Junior Spinsters club. COMINGNEXTWEEK!! Exdosive Showing - 3 Adult Hits" — auto manufacturers ceased the Thomas, university officials and After June graduation Kitty K m n et practice of racing teams. Anne K. Murray, West Spring­ p l a n s to teSch elementary He has lectured to many field, Mass., freshman, Junior school. groups on the problems of driv- 500 queen and her court. George is only a first term senior, but his list of activities is long enough to fill more than four years of work. In addition A Musical Arabian Night ‘Y ’ Wives Sponsor Speaker his all-college is'a healthy 3.83. i - ■ Scutes of tee Week GEORGE EICKWORT aad KITTY PAUL M SU A U D . n e x t T O U R S . F R I. * S A T . George is treasurer of Alpha*. all seats reserved At May Breakfast Meeting Phi Omega service honorary' and has also been treasurer —- < 1.75 Spectacular, and secretary of Elsworth B O M B S S EM H ES DEPARTMENT Tickets available at fraaK; and vigorous.” — 2nd Admit Hit — The “Y” Campus Wives’ last breakfast. It is open to all House. He is active in Canter­ Pre-enroflment to r gan M r and fall May IS ! ! And. box office, William Hawkins R m ags Of The meeting o the year will be a student wives. bury Chib and was editor of 12:81 - 8 plm. week N.Y. World Telegram May breakfast Saturday, 9:30 a.m. at the Lansing YWCA. For rides call Mrs. Sandra the club’s publication, Canter­ Marble, ED 2-4062. bury Tales. General Business, Upper School, 7 P.M., 110 Anthony days. Also at Arbaughs and Union RsHes» He is a member of the Honors ticket «Tice. Once at M:«2 Featured speaker will be Genera] Business, University College, 7 P.M. 109 Mrs. Helen Mulholland, Execu­ College advisory board and has For reserva­ — 3rd Featave — t Anthory - tive Director of the YWCA in Mansfield, Ohio. Meites W ill received three National Science Foundation research grants in Secretarial, Upper School, 7 P.M., 17 Morrill tions can ED 2-1511, Ext. Next year’s officers will also be installed They are .presi­ Give Talks entomology. He is a member! of the Michigan "Entomological| Society and is a museum assist­ Secretarial, University College, 7 P.M., 217 Berkey - ■> 2920 ip anomali dent, Mrs.-Vicki Lauderdale; vice president, Mrs. Barbara DuByne; secretary Mrs. Kathy Dr. Joseph Meites, professor ant in the entomology depart­ of physiology and pharmacol­ ment. 8 p.m. i-TkliheSeim Vieth. There is no charge for the — ogy, is lecturing during May A past president of Phi Eta at the Worcester Foundation Sigma, George is also a mem­ for Experimental Biology in Shrewsbury, Mass. ber of Green Helmet, Tau Sig­ N O W O P E N - M MAY 25-26-27 E Shown once at 11:16 p.m. ma, Beta Beta Beta. He receiv­ He will address physicians ed an outstanding junior award Street Stomp and holders of postdoctoral earlier this week for service L a k e L a n s i n g A m u s e m e n t P a r k Scheduled For Saturday Jenison Parking Lot J will be fellowships in human repro­ and activities during his first ductive physiology. They are years on campus. receiving advanced research training under fellowships pro­ George has done many inter­ vided % the Population Coun­ esting things during the sum­ cil, sponsored by the Rocke­ mer, including research a t the feller Foundation. Smithsonian and American Mu­ seum of Natural History, work jxc/m M M ¡P IC T U R E O F A M IL U O N l ■ ■ A M A Z I N G T H R IL L S ! turned into a dance floor Sat­ urday for the Spartan Street at the Gull -Lake Biological Station, work for NSF and col­ LÜN FILLED , « / K im c iM iA i Stomp co-sponsored by Men’s Hall Ass’n and Women’s Inter­ Betas. Plan lecting garbage at J o n e s ’ Beach, N.Y. For the last job mkm-mmt d ta mmmi atye d residence Council . The Dick Dee quintet will Jam Session he held the title of “operations assistant,” he says. O p e n F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y e rr/ gorso « ctfflffTTf cmmn Mnd) Sdnti hdMf ft dtMhe _ ...MtftMntt furnish the music for the social “Session by the Cedar,” a onWhen George isn’t working entomogogical studies, he e r r / the awesome iiiìr sia dancing while two intermis­ jazz workshop featuring Buddy 7 : 0 0 P .M . sions will feature square danc­ enjoys tennis, hiking and art. ***• EXPLOSION! Smft lata, tt* Spangler, A1 Buetier and others ing called by Wait Cudnahuf- will be presented at the Beta After graduation next March he O pen 1 2 N oon o n Sundays ski. _ Theta Pi house, 255 Pogue St., plans to work on his M.A. at SENSATIONAt C U 1 A X !- on Sunday. The program will Michigan State and then con­ te m i d n * « M itri The dance is primarily for C o m in g S u n d a y M ay 2 1 — resident hail people but all are commence at 2 p.m. and will tinue for a PhJD. elsewhere. welcome, according to Bob continue until midnight-Ad­ B ig O u tb o a r d -M o to r R a s in g MOST EXCITING HIM „ Gustavson, president of MHA. mission is free. Padre Island, off the Texas IN HORROR HISTORY! * A similar jazz festival was coast, was named after Padre Show “This is the first of what I hope will be an annual series of in­ held two years ago. The Betas Nicholas Bate, a Spanish priest terdorm events sponsored by said they hope to make this who vainly tried to establish a MHA and WIC,” said Gustav­ popular event an annual affair. branching colony there in 1S1L nOCIAM O iFO U U IH » CAU, TED M il t son. The dance will be from 8-12 Program Info. IV 24805 HURRY — Last 2 Days with casual dress. There wiU Feature Today At . . < be no admission charge. M IC H IG A N 1:604:604:10-7:154:25 ^ M *aP 1 I i w * In case of rain, the dance TM1. A t IM. PWf)Nf IV I v E A S T L A N S I N u • PHONE ED.2*2814 will he in the Brody multipur­ Yotntfup pose rooms. — OVER THE ditalitatfk HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING ZMHEST COMEDY JDmkSMrI FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c NOW! DOORS OPEN 12:13 sYEARS! *4 -Pfcfe&r ' L A S T N IG H T ‘B R E A T H L E S S WILLIAMSYLVESTER AT 12:36-3:204:15-0:15 Starts Fri. — SURER BARGAIN DAY! S T A R T IN G - T O M O R R O W - F R ID A Y T E C H N IC O L O R * M AM M OTH “ S U P E R IO R SU SPEN SE F IL M !” S ta rt* Thousands in the* cast! T O D A Y ! Years in the making! “R iM IN lH LUCON ■ A ST L A N S IH O . P H O K f ID . 1 » » 4 ’GORGO” Shown Today at 1:00 - 3:00 • 5:05 - 7:10 - 10:20 S N E A K P R E V IE W IO N IT E at 8 :3 0 „ .'T H E ÄLAMO JOHNHUS * HORSTBÜCHHQU at m m nwnwtt 3 th a t H o liy w o d w il| have S ta rs yon in on a sa v a g e th e edge D ra m a tic of your S m a sh se a ts! IM «CUM UMfNCE A tte n d e ith e r at 7 :1 0 or 8 :3 0 P .M . and se e WAYÌC• VttMâRK- RAIVil HAYLEY RULLS WINNER » s ts rrta c t a f t a n t d ir ' b o th th e S P E C IA L P R E V IE W and “ GQRGO” at m m im «! neun SPECIAL ACADEMY AWARD mumn ««l ui w w w i n ■ M M |£ Friday no advance in P r ic e ! *;• —• ADDED — CARTOON ft NOVELTY Shewn Saturday At 1:064:664:16-7:264:36 pv Wjt Rill® b B k SSSPÌ^ ' VY ' ” *. nVÍ t'a jH' S 'f>Ä* ;“\ » * ->- A Mlrhifwi Stute N tw , E—i t M Mff, Mfahlgwt . S P O R T S , T h n d iy Morning, May 18, 1961 .5 Thinclads Tigers R elease Maher better than a strong darkhorse To Run a t BALTIMORE (ft-Bmee Ma­ her, professional football ster with baseball aspirations, was standout with the Detroit Urns of the national football league last season. He la a graduate Michigan tat the title while the Spartan* an d Indiana a r e definite Iowa \City released outright Wednesday right by til* Detroit Tigers’ df the University of Detroit. Rated . threats.. Northwestern, last year** Distance runner G « r a l d Young and broad jumper Sonny farm club at Durham, N.C. Tbe announcement was made runnerup can rely on Its num­ here, where the Tigers played Favorites ber one man, Skip Gage, plus a few veterans. Indiana count* Akpote are MlcMgaa State’s foremost contenders for titles the Baltimore Orioles. Maker, 24, was a defensive By DICK COLBY on its star, Don Thorne, and in this weekend's Big Ten out­ Stele News Spwti Writer its great depth to become new door track championships at champions. low» City. With an exciting battle for , Stan-Drobac’s Spartans, hop­ team honors expected, the 1961 ing to Improve on last year’* Big Tea tennis tournament third piece finish, will have The two are among 11 per­ formers entered by Coach Fran Dittrich in the 61st annual con­ TROPHIES and Vz ets under way today at the Us» advantage of home courts, ference meet which town hosts f partan vanity courts. but will need an all-out per; No less than four teams are formance to. unseat Michigan accorded a good chance to win as kingpin of conference ten­ beginning Friday afternoon and concluding Saturday after­ noon. Plaques over 1000 They are the only Spertan on display the three-day meet, which de­ nis. termines the conference cham­ entrants who scored points in In steck pion. Defending tttUst Michi­ LEADING the green and the 1900 outdoor meet, and are Immediate delivery ¿3 gan rates a*.a slight favorite white netters is Captain Brian among five who accounted for Mufflers — Out In front an the basis of dual meets, but Eisner,, who despite being last 15% prints at MSU placed sixth Professional Engraving where leaders belong — Michigan State, Indiana and season’s singles runnerup, will in the 1961 indoor champion­ with a guarantee to you Northwestern are also very (day the roll of the underdog. ships with ajotal of 20. much in the title picture. Drobac will use his regular YOUNG, the Big Ten’s cross Larrf CasMoa as long as you own your car. Michigan, coached by Bill lineup of Eisner, Dick Hall, country and indoor two-mile Sporting Goods Murphy, enters the tournament Roger Piagenhoef, Jack Dam­ champ, has a season and all­ with a squad which has been in son, Ron Henry and Bill Lau tune personal best of 9:04.6 for _ 3020* V IN E the titie qqest. the two-mile. He’s due to run • HEAVY DUTY - beaten this season only by BRIAN EISNER (a b o v e ) in the mile too. Akpata has a % block n o rth e f M lchlfa'h A ve. : STEEL INNER AND Northwestern and Miami of The rest of the league looks Florida. Led by - nationaly quite weak this season with MSU’s highest finisher from season top of 24-3% In the Wert ef Seen OUTER SHELLS ranked sophomore Ray Sen- Illinois possibly -having the last year’s meet as No. 1 sin­ highly. broad jump and figures to rank Indoors tnis year, he • ALUMINIZED kowski. the Wolverines are best chance for fifth place. gles numer-ap will be oat to finished third. ( Strong in all nine flights. Other teams entered are Wis­ • EXTRA HEAVY consin, Ohio State, Iowa, Pur­ avenge that loo* today. He Others in the Spartan con­ Rodgera and HEADS INDIANA and Northwestern due and Minnesota. a 7-1 won-lost record tingent who possess good scor­ and Michigan State all have; Ticket* are fifty cents for against Big Tea epperitien to ing potential are sprinter Zach Ford, miler Clayton Ward, Hammereteins’ • EXTRA HEAVY IN- powerful teams this year. students and one dollar for all date. Dick Hall, another top hurdler Bill Mann and pole LET AND OUTLET Northwestern, despite its win others. They may be bought over Michigan, is rated no' at the courts. choice for State in singles vaulters BUI Alcorn and Gerald OKLAHOMA! • FULL BATTLES competition, will also team Debenau. Alcorn, Ford and Mann were indoor meet point NO _ with Eisner as State’s top getters. _ . - Presented by 7 - McElhenny Signs W ith doubles entry. FORD, entered in the 10Qand 220, has a :09.8 and a :21.2 to E. Lansing High School INSTALLATION CHARGE - Ms credit this spring. Ward New Pro Grid Team has run the mile in 4:17, and also will go in the two-mUe Friday and Saturday DISCOUNTS TO ALL ST. PAUL, Minn. (Ji-Hopes expects his family jo live with B adger L eads S quad where he’s done 9:23. Mann’s May 19 and 20 - 8 pan. UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL brightened for the new Minne­ him in the twin cities area dur­ best race is'the high hurdles, sota Vikings pro football team ing the football season. where he’s recorded a :14.9 at the H. S. Auditorium Wednesday with announcement that veteran Hugh McElhenny When news of McElhenny’s had signed three one-year con­ signing hit the streets here, it Golfers Finish Season, 11-2-1 performance. Both Alcorn and Dehenau have vaulted 13-8. Still other Spartans entered are BUI Green in the 440 and Tickets on sate at: College Drug Store MUFFLER CLINIC NO. 2 126 W. IONIA tracts. had a bull-market effect on. the C. A. Smith, 77.2; Gene Hunt, 660 (the latter a new event). Michigan State's golf team “THE INDIANA course is Campus Book Store PH. IV 4-5015 McElhenny said in a phone Vikings manager ticket office. Business Billy Bye said, “We compiled a fine dual meet won- well suited to our style ofplay,” 77.3, and Marty Kleva, 80. Tom Jefferson In the highs ana conversation from his Los Al-j lost-tied record of 11-2-1 and said Brotzmann, “since it is lows, Roger Humbarger in The Students (incl.-MSU) 61.90 tes, Calif., home, “I’m not re- j were swamped with Calls from now ranks as one of the favor­ somewhat similar to our own Schmidt, Barrett and Smith 880 and the mile, and John Iuctant to go with the Vikings. j people who wanted to know if ites in Big Ten title play this Forest Akers course. You have are veterans of past conference Sharp in either the 220 or the Adults- - 61.50 HEIGHTS AUTO PARTS I like being the underdog. We’Uj itsons was true.” He said 42 per­ placed orders for season weekend at Bloomington, Ind. to shoot well off the tee both play with Smith capturing third 1440. State also will enter a 3939 N. EAST ST. surprise a lot of people.” tickets after hearing the news, Spartan Coach John Brotz- places.” place honors in the 1960 meet. 1mUe relay team. Buy in advance The Spartan coach added .v ains aq 0} PH. IV 5-2276 THE FORMER San Francis­ making a total now of some mann rates Michigan, Purdue, that the IU layout is a tight, co 49fer star in nine years with [ 24,850 advance season ticket Minnesota and MSU as the top -hilly course with good greens. FAM O US T E X T B O O K P U B LISH E R the coast- team gained 4,288 . sales. four contenders,v-eny one of Once again the State link- yards rushing, for sixth best I COACH NORM Van Brocklin which has a fiqe chance to cop sters will be relying on over-all W ANTS TW O M EN FO R M AN AG EM EN T all-time record in the National I was the 1961 championship. Purdue Greed Rapids firm seeks two ontitaadtag graduates, enthused at McElhenny’s has won the last three years. team depth rather than one or Football League. The teers put signing. two individual stars. age 36-35, with high aptitudes. They may have traveled him on the draft list whea the MSU's only Tosses have come widely, are stffl growing, and have demonstrated their league expanded last fall, and > “Hugh can' do anything,” iff road matches at Michigan BUDDY BADGER leads The managerial ability. _ _ the 32-year-old McElhenny had said ' Van Brocklin, who is and Purdue, but the neutral squad with a 75.6 average while The one majored in literature or education, has a flair debated giving up professional launching a new career here course at Bloomington will close behind are Tad Schmidt, for writing, and some experience in editing. The ether football in favor of his business himself after starring as quar­ help even things up. 764; Gary Barrett, 76.8; Capt. gradnated 'la literature or businessT knows production interests. He has a chain of terback for the Philadelphia planning, and has some experience in the graphic arts. supermarkets in the Frisco Bay Eagles. Creative talent andT ingenuity win he helpful assets. area. “He can do things almost un­ But Wednesday the Vikings believable. He’s running hard­ Dorm Track Finals Tonight Slarics will he commensurate with abilities ef men chosen. Generous profit-sharing trust program and in­ announced that the backfield- er now to make up for a little The dormitory track and field surance benefits. ace had come to terms with less in speed. I’ve never seen Viking general manager Bert a guy who can go down through Rose after a series of confer­ an open field like Hugh.” meet finals will begin at 5:30 i>.m. today at the Ralph Hr Bailey 6 ; Field 7, Emmons 4 vs Emmons 7; Field 8, Sigma PM Epsilon vs Alpha Sigma Phi. First replies must be in writing and offer complete record of education, college rank and, activities, and work Car Riding Rough? Young Memorial field. experience, including earnings en each job listed. ences. Terms of the contracts were not disclosed. McElhennywho weighs 198 pounds and' stands 6 foot 1, is McElhenny, who had men­ the 25th player to be signed out tioned he disliked the-idea of j of the 36 acquired by the Vik­ Thursday, 5:30 ~ Field 1, Delta Sigma Phi vs Theta Chi; Thursday, 6:00—Old College Field, Kellogg’s Flakies vs Re­ search Lab." - WALLY E. GEORGE, Management Consultant 425 Cherry, S. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan SUKRIDE D uco Field 2, Delta Upsilon vs Farm­ maintaining two home?, said he ‘ ings from other NFL teams. house; Field 3, Phi Kappa Tau vs Pi Kappa Phi; Field 4, A.E. Shock Absorbéis Pi vs Phi Sigma Kappa; Field pair C o m p le t e O p t ic a l 5, Lambda Chi Alpha vs Sigma S e r v ic e Alpha Mu; Field 6, Sigma Al­ Free pha Epsilon vs Phi Delta The­ 1 4 7 7 Cyw tsxamifwd ta; Field 7, Alpha Gamma Rho vs PM Gamma Delta; Field 8, Traditional Ivy Styled Installation Owen Grads ys Integrals; Field 9, Delta CM vs A.TJO, Thursday, 6:30—Field 1, Tri­ angle vs Sigma Chi; Field 2, Z.B.T. vs Delta Tau Delta; W ash & W ear Suits Save Your Tires! Field 3, Delta Theta Pi vs Sig­ ma Nu; Field 4, Bailey 7 vs Bailey 6 ; Field 5, Bailey 1 vs Bailey 4; Field 6, Bailey 3 vs Pincords - 75^ 25 Cotton Expert Wheel Alignment In du doM - in B E T W E E N M E A L S . . . get that Olive Navy • Correct Carter, Camber e Correct Toe-In r e f r e s h in g n e w f e e lin g w it h C o k e ! Brown lig h t Blue • Lubricate Front End All w ork • Balance Front Wheel* dono fay Charcoal - Black experts • Adjurt Steering Hi Light Gray Poplins - 65 Dacron 35 Cotton I m l S A F E R ...9 T R O M Q M * in [G E fiffiR ■ T I1 E É A L G E N E R A L T IR E S h in d Navy Olive Gray EASY PAY TERMS I COURTEOUS SERVICE Sixes 36 to 46 <— Reg. ft Long Matching Bermuda Shorts in Pincords 36.50 Gives You . . . • New Riding Comfort • Longer Tire Life- • Easier Steering * Quieter Running Charge Reàuiooà § Ross Accounts GENERALTIRESERVICE 05 E- Grand River OF LANSING 2600 E. MICHIGAN AT THE BOULEVARD vree Alterations Sot»«* ants» artftwtty « Ite Cata Can Canyy by AN*