if 18 . *■. ■ WJw spk P sksbs * Bllfcils ;\ ;^>v.f:'; ilfc# mm W e a th « i[ R e p o r t B tt • N ir n è e r P le a s e Ä I Om m tj I M « i n dmg w t t pert»» d e «*- • * Th« State New« Im new teleph—e liar« M * « a lM M M n MM r h i «i » »e h! e n w * i . Jg Dine« MM »Krim I» K tiw lw »17, IMV jMjlMiiidMÄ tDMWDptp 1tt:M m WÊ er M i. l i n r t h k g â n M h» 1^^-j-^wAy trat y xtir pmm nil directed l i a M M »IS i r SIM. / 1,/ :¿¡;.'-¿-f>^v'" " :.„.r;..f SgRvfaa M SU F or£ 2 Years ; r,'f|' 'f1 V/; • lOPagee ewe t ttm teims. wtan. a Cent* Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 37 ' East Lansing, Michigan, Fri4»y Morning, May 19, 1961 «1 I» Get Graduation Material Monday Commencement instructions i one per student. If any ^re left and tickets for Jenison field-1 aftdr all have had an opportun- house will be distributed in the | ity to receive a third ticket, ID esign Voluntary Program j Alumni Records office, room the Same procedure will be £53 Student Services, beginning!followed Thursday, Budget’s Monday. j Each graduate must pick up All spring antf summer grad- his own tickets, and must show O ffered for Fall 1963 uates, except doctoral candi-jhis ID. card before the tickets dates graduating summer term, iwill be issued. Tickets will b e ! B est Use By SUE PRICE State News Staff Writer may pick up two tickets on j needed only if bad weather! By MARCIA VAN NESS Compulsory ROTC is-dead. - ^ Monday or Tuesday between 8 makes it necessary to hold j State News Editor-tif-Chief The long fought battle over compulsory vs. voluntary ROlti a.m. and 5 p.m., including the commencement in Jenison! „ ^ _ . .. _ ended Thursday when tbe-Board of Trustees voted 4 to 2 for a noon hour. 1fieldhouse instead of Spartan ! Trustees of the umversity re- Tickets left after Tuesday will ¡Stadium. jluctantly approved a million- voluntary program. ~ __ ^dollar cut in spending Thurs­ The program will become effective fall term 1962. Freshmen be distributed Wednesday on a I Commencement is scheduled entering this fall will be the last group to enroll in compulsory first-come, first-served basis, ¡for 4 p.m., Sunday, June 11, in day designed to make'the best ROTC. They will enroll for two years. ¡use of this year’s lowered leg- ; Spartan Stadium. Gen. Douglas : islative appropriations. j MacArthur will deliver the New austerity moves will, in * * ★- i ' THE VOTE was a reversal Col. Shells !main address. part: Reduce fall enrollment f Seniors who will graduate by approximately 1.500 fresb- at the end of spring or summer, men Congress or last year’s decision when the board voted 4 to 2 for com­ pulsory.. At that time only Don . Succeeds terms are eligible to participate | ELIMINATE university sub­ in the ceremonies. If they^ plan sidies Tor the Highway Traffic to attend, they must order caps safety Center, Bureai of So- Reaffirms Stevens of Okemoe and Jan Vanderphteg of Muskegon fa­ vored voluntary. The vote Thursday was ap­ Munson and gowns prior to June 1 at j ciai and Political Research, the Urfibn bookstore: A deposit Jorensics and the Cap and of $4 is required; 50 cents will c own Series. RO Stand proved by Stevens, Vander- ploeg, Warren Huff of Midland Col. James r . Skells, antB'jbe refunded if the entire aca- j Make physical education re- and Connor Smith of Ptnconn- fantry officer andgraduate of •aemic apparel is returned fol- j quired for one year instead of A resolution to reaffirm Stu- i ing. Frank Merriman of Deck- West Point Military Academy, howing commencement. If the ¡two. — dent Congress’ position on com- j C. Allen Harlkn of has been named head of mili­ student keeps his college tassel, j increase out-of-state tu- » n r t r r T « > t 1Detroit voted for compulsory, tary science. pulsory ROTC was passed at JohnA-Hannah, in no refund will be made. | ition to 1750 a year. Wednesday’s session of um- recommending a change to vol- Ha will succeed Col. Merton Those seniors who are plan-; Trustees, who said they’d ra- E. Munson, who will retire ning to participate i» Senior! ther not approve the recom- gress ' untary. said that in view of re- j Swingout June 5 must notify mendations, but “there’s noth- the bookstore that they will | ing we can do.” finally agreed Coilgress change in the first suggested program in I960. a | cent partment developments In the De- of Defense, there was want their caps and gowns unanimously to the four-page A select committee on ROTC j no alternative but to change Mrly for that event when they proposal was organized and issued a re- jthe program, rent the items. BUT TRUSTEE Warren M. port in October 19». Congress j Recently the Department of * Commencement announce­ Huff of Plymouth said the. then passed a resolution recog- j Defense said compulsory ROTC ments are scheduled to be dis­ board wasn’t catting only m wixhff the necessity of ROTC ¡i* pot "essential to satisfy the tributed at the Union bookstore spending. - MO SON, YOU WON’T HAVE TO TAXE but fUffiestpd that it be made military requirements of the [ tells possible IStóré MSU stedeots from the voluntary end improve its pro* armed farces. U elective pro­ at the end of next week for “We’re denying education to those students who have-order­ 1.500 kids next fall to reduce! compulsory ROTC will be long gone by the time they enroll. (State News photo gram. ~ ¡grams are properly organized ed them. ■" ' - taxes on beer, telephones and; by Fred Brnflodt) , — It was the decision by the and supported. s\ | cigarettes.” he said, referring Board of Trustees at'that time THE DEPARTMENT report to nuisance tax cuts by the that compulsory ROTC be re­ also said that the type of pro­ Jazz Music 1legislature. I Provost Paul Miller objected M ilitary Coup Sets Fraternity tained on campus. gram would be left up to the KNOWING THAT ROTC was individual land granLcollege to proposed slashes in money | Here Sunday j for new scientific and research-! to be discussed at Thursday’s The proposal to change the trustee meeting. Congress pas­ program came from the Facul­ ]equipment. Jazz musicians from all over j “How can. we get top-notch j Southern Michigan will be here , people to do research here on i South Korea R ule sed its the stand resolution reaffirming ty Senate, which introduced its on the issueJo empha- i proposals as a result of a report Sunday to participate in “Ses-i a junior college-level equip- SEOUL, Korea, (¿TV—Military mand, Gen.^Carter B. Ma- sion by the Cedar’’, a jazz :ment budget,” he asked. “Ouri ‘500’ Race ! size its Larry position. Campbell. AUSG pres- ¡Issued by All University Stu- ‘^ Government in 1959 workshop putron by Beta Theta resources already are—absurd rule settled firmly on South Ko­ gruder, publicly opposed the The Junior 500 race starts at ident, was requested by Con-1 . Student government a t that compared with what we need—_ rea today, with the govern­ military takeover, U:S. sources I 1 p.m. Saturday in front of gress to inform president John ^ recommended that ROTC COL. MERTON E. MUNSON Py fraternity. Among thosejplaving will be: can’t cut any more.” ment of Premier John M. said American recognition of | Women’s IM building. t — ;A. Hannah of the resolution. j *» voluntary and that men and Congress also passed a reso- women ®nf ^ | *n 8 one term from active service, according Buddy Spangler, Bob Ruskin, j pdl' sii) i.'vt JOHN A. Han­ Chang and U.S. opposition the new regime is assured. Fourteen years agd a group lution to extend t o D e a n Tom i*"£se »« ^Current Aspects of to an announcement by the A 1 Beutler, Marion Thorpe, juhn nah outlined the proposals in i swept aside. j By getting Chang’s formal of men from Lambda Chi Al­ Board of Trustees Thursday. and Bill Hart: The program will terms of reductions and new )_ American authorities h e r e resignation and.keeping Presi­ pha fraternity built -a- crude ¡King, dean of students, their . , A 1935 graduate of the Acad­ ' start at 2 p.m. Sunday and will appreciation for the help he has report was sub­ emy. Skells earned a masters ¡last until nightfall. revenues. took strong stands against the dent Yun Po-Sun on as chief of pushcart and began pushing given Student Government and i .f sena^*.8n(^ P*f8^ ; - He said reductions would Lmilitary coup within hours af- each other around campus. the contributions he has made *^h, 006 change: toe military degree in business administra­ The program will be held on have to be made by phasing state, they said, the military This began what has develop­ tion at Ohio State University in the Beta House lawn at 255 out the traffic safety center as , ter it broke Tuesday. But the junta resolved any issue of ed into the Junior 500, one of to MSU. King is retiring at the!aff.iur8 course would be for men See SKILLS Page 9 Bogue. Admission is free. junta leaders won the vital recognition. Official diplomatic «id erf this term. — wfty. _ _ soon„„„„„i as possible, -, l transferring ) backing of all South Korea’s links are with -the chief of (See picture page 9) AN APPROPRIATION of $500 LAST FALL AUSG submitted state, even though in South Ko­ the most popular and exciting partially defray the expenses ;| ate another report, which the sen- Swainson lations Center will be reviewed i ® ^ X y with an eye toward a saving in j cost and part of the cost of the A 30-man committee was rea this post, is chiefly- cere­ events on the campus of Mich­ of the five students taking part ; 1st present monial. igan State. —- Despite this apparent settling This year an estimated 12,000 in operatioo-crossroads Africa was approved by Congress. followed closely la making report to the board, j "Student congress has at last program will be charged to named to run the country. It of the problem on the surface, spectators are expected to"wit­ According to the bill one erf succeeded" in getting voluntary At Vet’s Dinner funds now allocated to Contin­ is made up of military men there was no question that ness the race and parade. . the students taking part in the || worked uing Education. Summer School programs headed by Lt. Gen. Chang Do- Young. 38, army chief of staff. American authorities liere were After the original group dis­ program win have to give a issue,” Dale Warner, Eaton left in the position of having played t h e i r crude wagon talk on his summer trip before ROTC. For three years we have for the students on tois Governor John B. Swainson About 1.000 persons were a fall session of Congress. : Rapids junior, said. Warner is was presented with a plaque served and the Vet’s plan to ' will be included as part of the —ALTHOUGH the U.S. embas­ backed the wrong side. around the campus, other men current speaker of congress and naming him an honorary mem­ sponsor the dinner again next j Continuing Education program sy here and the American Chief OFFICIAL Washington re­ became interested in the idea Funds were also appropria­ was chairman of the commit- ber of the Veteran’s Assn. all year: | See TRUSTEES Page 4 of the United Nations Com- frained from taking sides. But and challenged them to a race. ted to send Miss MSU, Arlyn j tee on ROTC. the annual 2.0 dinner Wednes­ Greifendorf. Chicago. HI., soph­ the outcome—only a month af­ The response was so great omore, to the annual National “If student congress, along day night. — ~ ter the Cuban invasion fiasco— that the race soon became ■with the faculty, had not kept Football Festival at Berkely, Swainson spoke on the neces­ was viewed.by some as entail­ noted not only on Michigan Calif. The 1150 appropriated by ' up the fight, voluntary ROTC sity for better education to ing a loss of face for Ameri­ State,'s campus, but has been Congress is a registration fee, j probably would not be a reality maintain peace in the world to­ cans. copied by many Lambda Chi today,” Warner said. day. chapters from coast to coast.« all other expenses are paid by Under the new voluntary pro­ “If«you must intervene,” one the festival’s sponsors. "I don’t think any American Korean suggested, “do it only The race was christened the Other appropriations were: gram, .the suggestions proposed will deny that a person wearing ! Junior/500 in an attempt ' to when the odds are better.” ~~ |model it after the - zenith of $2» to send three representa­ a year ago by the faculty senate a uniform 4s. due the greatest The revolutionary leaders, American car races—the Indi- tives to the National Confer­ : will be followed almost exactly. respect, however, we have a re­ sponsibility to our children be­ who seized control of govern­ | anapolis 500. ence on Campus Safety at Car- THE SENATE last year voted fore they reach military age,” ment installations in Seoul be­ The course, slightly over a bondate. 111. this summer, $107.- by a cumulative majority of 5 Swainson said. fore dawn Monday, declared I mfie long, is routed counter* 25 for the Frosh-Soph council to 2 for a voluntary program, "Twelve years ago 16 per­ from the start they wanted a !clockwise over West Circle to pay for the letters seat to but the board defeated the pro­ cent of the men drafted had to stronger anti-communist gov­ drive. _ ‘ *■ — advertising Parent’s posal because the Army said be turned down because of edu­ ernment and closer ties with The carts, nearly 60 this parents See AUSG RO Page » it was dependent upon compul- cational deficiency,” he'said. tite United States and the Unit­ year, are constructed to spec»* : sory ROTC for a large portion “We are courting national sui­ ed Nations: They said their fications determined by Lamb­ of its officers. cide when we question educa­ other main aims were wiping da Chi. They are four-wheeled Required basic ROTC witl. tional appropriations out corruption and rebuilding carts with a long handle for the nation of 23 milUotv politic­ the pusher resembling a lawn .Term Ends remain in effect for the next Stanley KaZuI. Grosse Point academic year, but freshmen ally and economically. Park senior, outgoing president of the Veteran's Assn., pre­ mower handle Except for brief outbursts of One person from the living June 5; No entering fall »12 wifi not be re­ quired to enroll. sented the gavel of office to the shooting in Seoul at the outset, unit stoero the cart while five By fall lifS a completely vol­ new president, Bruce N. Good- the rebels met no physical re­ men take their turns at push­ sistance. Aft«* adzing Seoul, ing ft around the course in re­ Class May 30 untary program will be offered. bume, Alpena junior. See VOLUNTARY Page • William A. Faunce, assistant the coup leaders announced lay fashion. Spring term will end Monday, professor of sociology and an­ their supporters had taken con­ TYopftiei are awarded to the June 5. and final examinations thropology, faculty adviser to trol of other major cities with­ winners pod runners-up in will be lntd Tuesday, June 6 T i m e S c h e d u l e s the association, was given a out opposition. ---% ' J three diviaions—men's, wom­ through Saturday, June.». The set of three golf woods in ap­ The next two days brought en's apd humorous last day of classes will be Man- A v a i l a b l e preciation for his work with the intensive rounds of talks be­ After all the beats are com- day, accenting to the Regis­ club. tween military and political plated Jhe heat winners are trar’s office Time Schedule for Courses, Goodburne presented an elec­ leaders. These readied a cli­ pitted egebMt each other In a There will be ao classes 1K1-43, to available to students tric timer for athletic events to max shortly after moo Thurs­ runoff for the overall winner. Tueiday. May 30. Memorial at 113 AdmtatikratioB. Student Den SfcWteY. athletic director RBCEIVES PLAQUE—Oweef the guests at the S pt day w h e n Premier Chang The record ttme of 3;04.4 1« Day said this class day will mat ID must be shown hi order to for toe Michigan School for the Jehu B. Twiteswa after he received a ptaqpee — Mag Mm as emerged from hiding and re- held by Sigma Alpha Epsilon j be made up at the end of the receive the time schedule book- RiM- ef the MSU Veteraa’s chth. (State News phste by Art Widand) signed. fraternity in 1954, | term. let. A ■M M ay 1 9 , 1 % 1 '% • f |B . .''7' ’ '■* é I ' Sì * ff | - W ith S u m m it N e a r “S a y . W l f i l f T h e y O rg O a h e W a liv e G u e rillM __ Trustees’ JFK’s Speech Tragedy Significant - By WALID KHADDURI State News Staff Writer The action taken by the Board df Trustees eliminate or curtail the feature« which make Thursday was tragic both because it hurts this university distinctive. ip * „ President Kennedy’s latest speech m the Ca­ so many vital aspects of the university Mid „The Upper Peninsula Experiment Station nadian Parliament is of great Importance. R’z because there was ho other course of action and Highway Traffic Center are scheduled importance is related to the fact that it was available. ' " to be eliminated completely. Departments delivered after the failure of the Cuban invasion - The Board was lift virtually with no such as this, while not contributing directly and before the summit meeting with Premier choice to esch student’s daily education, are of Khrushchev. “We must approve these proposals, for immense value in reeearch projects anJ developing the jrestige of the university. - There are several incidents that appeared we have no choice but to approve,” Trustee publicly and with great significance alter toe Warren Huff said. "But I want to make It Centers such as these make MSU distinctive dear that if Jthere were any way I could, I from every other state university. Cuban invasion. These can be summarised in would vote against the whole thing. It win „ four points: mean foreclosing qualified students to the THE BOARD FURTHER recommended right to a College education. I don’t approve, that Vice President Gordine Sabine reduce 1 THE UNITED STATES, although ready and but there is no alternative.” his special projects budget including those able to assist it sallies and friends with economic, The board could have drastically cut en­ funds set aside for scholarships. military, and technical aid, finds it very diffi- rollment as Wayne State was forced to do. Unfortunately, the „scholarship office, is , cult'to punish its enemies. This fact has affected However, when there is any other action not sacred. Its funds can be cut and the uni­ the prestige of this nation greatly, and tne possible such a mote should' not be madfc- versity will not suffer immediately. Cuban invasion was the prime examole of it But the long term effects of such a move L. The Organization of American States has MICHIGAN STATE has a responsibility to are frightening. _ demonstrated its weakness both in status and supply students with a college education. Sabine said MSU will definitely lose top role when important issues such as the Cuban No capable student shouldvbe kept out of high school seniors in financial need because one appear. The President ;s tryhig now to have college because of limited enrollment and it cannot offer them scholarship comparable Canada join the O.A.S., so that toe orgamation MSI' must do its part whenever possible in to those from other institutions. might be more effective. The important factor in this area is that the position of the United fulfilling this obligation. MSU cannot afford to lose the top people States in Latin America was and still is the Obviously, unlimited expansion is imprac­ „throughout the state. A university needs strongest but toe question still remains as to tical and impossible. But the fact remains the best people available, both on the faculty how long the Latin American countries will ac­ that someone must educate the students who and student level, in order to keep its high cept this leadership? want a university education. If no other standards. 3. The economic program for Latin America institutions are able to service this group, amounts to about $500 miliioo. This large sum MSI' must do whatever it can under the cir­ IF MSU LOSES its reputation for aca­ of money is a heavy burden upon the United cumstances. demic excellence through an inferior stu­ States. At the present time, negotiations are dent body, it will be a wrong which is just taking place in order that several other western In effect, an enrollment cut actually oc­ countries assist in helping the underdeveloped curred, however. MSU will not admit all the as bad as docking professors’ salaries. - nations. - „ — students it might if it had'adequate funds. The university must stay in competition Enrollment may not be cut, but it is not with other Michigan and out-of-state col­ . 4. THE POPULARITY of Castro after toe in­ 'keeping up with the number of students leges in offering financial aid to needy stu­ vasion has multiplied. It also indicated that the who desire a college education. On paper, dents. Good students will go to colleges where assumptions about his hatred by the majority of we are expanding; in reality, decreasing. they can get the best "deal”—the best edu­ the Cubans is not true. This phenomenon is a L e tte rs tir d ie E d ito r continuance of the behavior that existed before cation for the least expense. When other the United States officials and other nations. SIMILARLY, allocations for academic de­ schools offer more scholarships and more The Contact has been with upper or middle partments could not be cut. Some professors are now overloaded; departments cannot - say “no” to MSU. take staff reductions. If MSU wants to keep aid, high school students won’t hesitate to C o m p e titio n , W a te r C a r n y classes that are not linked by the masses. The - events iff the Middle East between 1852-1958 are another excellent example of this policy. This is the situation which the budget good instructors, it must provide good sala­ slash generates. Needy students will go College of Business and Public piications may be checked in The prestige and status of the United States ries with provisions for raises. where they can get most aid. Superior stu­ Pulling String¿r Service. * — time. after the Cuban invasion is similar to the Anglo- However, if austerity budgets continue in dents will go where they can get a “deal” The plan entailed special pre­ Students, your very liberty French invasion on the Suez Canal, the Russian Te toe Editor: may well be at stake. For god's intervention in Hungary, and the Chinese in­ the next few years, there will hf a definite regardless of their financial condition. I would like to extend my cincts for the sole use of stu-" sake speak and be heard this exodus of good professors. They not only dents of this college in the sev­ cidents in Tibet. World public opinion cannot thanks to the persons responsi­ once. forgive the big powers when they use their will leave MSU hut the state of Michigan. ’ iT IS A DISMAL picture for 1961-62: loss ble for making the Internation­ eral men’s dormitories. These Benjamin J.'Taylor military influence in order to shut out opposi­ It’s unfortunate but true that top money of good professors, fewer qualified students, al Festival and toe. stage jhow precincts were to have doctri­ •k * * tion in a weak foreign nation. buys top men. It is a seller’s market for i abrence of important research, project* . a great success. They really nal candidates of the coUege in question "¡serve as riftIdent ad­ The second event that will take place is the qualified ihkfrtctors. If MSCrc&nndt wfrdra * ■ MSU wig survive. But it is being hurt in deserve a Mg credit for the whole show. visors. Dr. Brand says that this Sell, Sell* Sell summit conference. This conference should be to buy. it will have to settle for fewer in­ nearly every aspect. The Board of Trustees arrangement will not lessen to a challenging and interesting one. although not structors or less qualified ones. took the only action it could, as the board At the same time I would like • a'great extent the broadening To toe Editor: - many world problems are expected to be solved. Even if professors do not leave, the spirit members said. They regretted'their action, to Ming to the notice qft the of these students’ viewpoints We have read your editorial the faculty,doee, prospective college students authorities some o fjh e facts, and that residence will not be several times, and we are still THE IMPORTANT FACTORS that are of in­ of the university 4s harmed. behind the whole show, con­ hazy as to whether it was pure throughout M ichiganiio, we do. “required“ but “encouraged” terest in the conference would be the policies cerning the international tour­ because of a feeling of associa­ sarcasm or a “good old fash­ that toe Democratic administration wi] take up “IT IS ABSURD to have top-notch It appears that only the legislature does naments. tion that will be provided. ioned plug” for Water Carnival. not feel the tragedy of Thursday’s action. with Khrushchev after the Cuban affair. This faculty when they have junior college equip­ The idea of having the sports I state that this plan is a We want to congratulate you is important since this administration was ex­ ment." Provost Paul Miller said. "And we It prefers to reduce liquor and cigarette competitions between different manifesto of student slavery on your statement “that the pected to be more energetic and dynamic than aren't just dealing with equipment. We are taxes, according to Trustee C. Allen Harlan. nationality groups was put into 1 would like to ask the dear knowledge and experience gain­ the last one. Another factor migbt be the degree dealing with the spirit of the university, Harlan summed up the problem Thursday. practice this year for the. first administrator, how much re­ ed from it must be priceless of strength that Kennedy will demonstrate in -time. But before anything could cent knowledge do you possess ...” We feel that it is. front of Khrushchev. and there-is a danger that the leading people be started in way of toe sport You go on to say that “in­ may simply tun out of hope.” “THE ROMAN Empire failed when it took about the social intercourse competitions, a big mistake that takes place withitra pre­ conceivable glory must be This conference can be a “life-saver-” to this But Miller ended on a note of optimism, the soft road. We can’t take the soft road was committed Mr putting in gained from the labors that lure administration in . the public eye. especially and sweep the problems ahead. We must charge of the tournaments a cinct? -statin g that he felt things would improve in If one must judge by your students away from their books _. with the international problems that the State time._He expressed confidence that univer­ ■face the crisis notv.” he said. - couple of persons instead of statement you have very little for so much of spring term.” Department is facing today. sity faculty and students Would keep up The legislature cannot bury its head in forming a committee of four or All right, so there is glory— five people and letting them indeed. It appears to me that their spirit. the sand next year. The survival of higher you propose to isolate these stu­ but there is also practical ex­ It is unfortunate th at in order to preserve the fundamentals of a university, MSU must education is a problem which we can Jgnore no longer . run the tournaments. It was also deckled to award dents at the basic level of so* cial interaction. perience that can be gained through working with people, Save JThoseEmpty trophies to the winners and the and wito finances. After all, idea of receiving toe trophies appeared very lucrative to I wonder how long it will be before your policy-of encour­ agement will become one of re­ how many other attractions such as sunlight and partying, Cigarette Packages these couple of people running quired residence! I believe that lure students away from their toe tournaments and in fact Some students are accustomed to staying up Stay Out of School’s Internal A ffairs their minds were already made up as to who is to be awarded if your-plan is allowed to be­ come reality it will lead to books spring term? Continuing in the same vein, “Are they (the stuffy intellec­ air night cramming for a test. these trophies even before toe greater regimentation and con­ tuals) unaware of the fact that But not Tim Hester, Garden City.'N Y„ jun­ The legislators have done i t again. This gan State, is simply cutting expenses at tournaments got underway. trol of the students under you. the purposes of the university ior, who will spend all his time tonight and to­ time two Republicans, Sen. Elmer R. Porter, every available point. Your proposed program is morrow morning counting empty cigarette The tournaments were run the first link in a chain of ad­ are not only academic? ‘Tis so! -packages collected by sororities, fraternities BHssfield, and Rep. Arnell Engstrom, Tra­ As for the "dramatizing” charge, this is wito this idea in mind and ac­ ministrative oppression^ that So, as you say. talk it up, pub­ ridiculousrWayne simply could not operate licize it, sell._sell. sell! Come and individuals in the Philip Morris brand verse City, have opened their mouths and cordingly the draws were ar­ wifi be forged about the necks round-up contest. spilled forth words of doubtful wisdom and on a budget 9217,000 smaller than this ranged and as a matter of fact of the students of this univer­ one, come alf and turn June irrelevancy. year’s. It was ho grandstand move, only an the ties were changed three to sity. 1st. tod and 3rd into a weekend The living unit with the most empty packages _ The two Wednesday accused Wayne attempt to balance iiicome against expenses. four times to meet the conven­ You. Mr. Brand, are initiat­ carnival. will receive a 23-inch Sylvania TV set. The ience sod aim of these people. ing open empire budding by the You may know that our bud­ second prize, a Sylvania transistor radio, will State University of “dramatizing” its need It is useless to cry for more appropriations. On the other hand, some, (day- get has been cut too. We thank be awarded to the individual submitting the for money by an unnecessary enrollment cut. Regretfully, that issue has been settled. How­ e r r were purposely not includ­ several colleges of the univer­ you. editor, for your kind and most empty packages of Philip Morris Com­ They further questioned Wayne’s cut in ever, we can ask that legislators refrain ed in the draws and others sity. The freedom of the stu­ generous free publicity for Wa­ mander king size, from upsetting university budgets any fur­ were given wrong times for dents shall be the victim. ter Carnival. ~ teacher education and medical education I wonder what your real mo­ Hester, who plans to wade through the pack­ while leaving such courses as fly-bait cast­ ther with silly attempts to channel internal their matches when nobody tives ire? Are you truly the And don't forget— the profit even showed up. that is made each year goes to ages until counted, says toe winner win be an­ ing. badminton and trampoline in the cur­ funds, * p o w e r-eeeking, empire-build­ nounced. Monday.-Packages will be counted in riculum. The legilature has already proved that Still others were kept in the ing, bureaucrat you seem? 1 the senior class gft—this year dark until the last day about to the new o' anetarium—for his room at B216. Bailey. The value of fly-bait casting is question­ university officials know most about the fi­ can only say. that I hope OBiers academic purposes. their matches and were then of the student body will add He will be assisted by Ed Batshut Green Bay. able, but there is no reason to believe it nancial needs of higher education. It does told tint it is too late and the ... _ Ken Haaee Wis., sophomore, and John Salma, Mmaeapoli», not need to demonstrate its ignorance any their voices to mine so that was left in the curriculum at the expense of matches had already b e e n your plan with its insidious im- Jane Biagfcam , Minn., junior. — medical education. Wayne State, like Michi­ further. playud. In shift, every fool moons “ wore tried to achieve this aim 1 M OU T H I N K V & l V f 6 0 T i T UJ&JLyOU KNOtli ÜJHAT I'M MOIRE SO sod these people were partially y MADÇ DON'TM3Ü?tWTHIMC SOMNÀ De? IM S e m A 6ET SMU6 ' KM? BKAÜS6 WUSE successful in keeping the prizes i * a ri j —-— ■ Michigan State News within the previously decided circle, i My only suggestion to the - 5 I 1» THEO N L V ANIMAI ARJUND^EREÌ Published by the of Michigan gtoto Uaivenfty, m authorities "handling this show g class days Monday f , Frida» . . . dwtof the toh. winter snd spring next year is: they should seeto j| quarter*. Issued weekly <, the summer term. Second class post- it that n p u n of at least four age paid at Eaet Lansing, 1 students run the show, so that Editorial and busta— offices at SU Student Sendees building, the dement of seffls|uM** Is 3 Michigan State University, m at Laming, Michigan. eliminated, which was very Mail sabscripOans payabk in advance far «ma term, 13; for two much prevalent in this year’s fl A ¿ATi A C*Ti A OJTA tATi termi. terms. 94: three termi, 95. tournaments.— ~ I t e l $ D 0 VÌN6 MeCfiA2 ^i Member ef thè Associated Press, Inlaad Daily Press Assodati« Jagan Math Abuja fl Ì \ E SOTTO W T D P U f IT and thè Associated College presi. ______ .OtrrOFMf/MiND! Fffjtfnr H ffi* Vsa Nets News EdHer.-^- JttH Cete Meneginc Edter-.Ben Burnì M ^ ^ W a S e Sm m s Ade. A dv Manager -Awrir lamdy Maxwell Circulation Mgr _ Paul Lesher ** Women’s Ed. Charlotte Dalton Ciradatiau City c*y Editor______ Vie Rauch Photo Editar J à Royce lydyi PU (¡Kg Friday Mornings May 19, 1961 Michigan State Npw»»E—t U terf^B B drigm i H I fera»«. ' " i ««.» Open Sky-Diving Judging Team Leaves CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS For Columbus Contest Memberships Memberships are open for the P h o n e E D 2 -1 5 1 1 E x te n s io n s 2643 a n d 2644 Aeronaut Sky Diving chib Sat­ Members of the w tnul hus­ MRehril Geasler, Lake junior; urday at i pjn., 11» Smith rd. bandry judging team left this mid Duane HeUter, Spnngport Training starts at 4 p.m. and REAL ESTATE PER SO N A L morning for the t i l l North junior. win be followed by a picnic AU TO M O TIV E F O R SALE LOST a n d F O U N D C e n t r a l Begoaal livestock Coaches Harlan Ritchie and « A C M . t BOOM H O M J. N o rth - THEODORE H U R JA e n d JO H N A . judging contest at Columbus, Bob Hines aire acompanying lunch. ' L O ST : D A RK BROWN fram e d a n d w hite, { o u r w a te r, over-drive, rtA iiiK S ghees* in b lu e f t a n r e d caee. L ast ist Of E ast L ansing. J 8 Í J Ü . IV t O W O Iglees* cw M t o th e S ta te Ohio. ■ the team. The club originated in Lan­ M 1 B Jo a n n a Ser gea n t . B r o a ker. 38 f ß i » office. Room 347. S tu d e n t s e r ­ radio, h eater, w ir» w h—la, W hite " 1 » H iw MOON. Ä « , I W - w eak o n w e st cam pus. 988 E. Y a k e k ^ v ice s B Idg. f o r te w fre e passes t o The annual contest, being IMs contest is the team’s sing Community College. w alla *1.790. C all S a tu rd ay . ED 1-9*78 room , nylo n c arp e t, h id e-a-b ed , 97 Y oung-tow n k itc h e n , waMwr, porch, E. LANSING X b la c k s t o „ th e C M D riv e -In . — held Friday and Saturday is last intercollegiate contest of shed, A -l shape. 89990 c o m p le te ..L o t 981 T ra ile r H aven, o r c a ll CD 7 88TI. REAL ESTATE O nly SO M » on e x c e lle n t term s, th is 9 bedroom fa m ily b a n e . If PL U S H PO STERIO R props, to r sponsored by Ohio State Uni­ thè term. For classified phone 2643. IMI CHEVY. MO. Com a to lte d a and room s carp e te d , a tta c h grassers. H elp th e G allery g e t off versity thia year. j Shell. M ichigan a t H arrlaon a fte r th e floor. 19c each , o r 3 . fo r toe T he < 15 F riday. 10 a m . S atu rd ay . , P R A RIE SCHOONER - 8 x 9 6 .1 0 - garage, fuU b se a alen t , c a ll today! A SSIGN ED JA PA N . M uat sell bom * R J \ p i r » a k , IV 4-7758; IV 3-4576. o r G allery, 9471k W est G ra n d R iver. ST Team members participating C A M P B E L L ' S SUBURBAN SHOP expensive llvin* o r p leaateit vacation Is r i e t i r n f — rrr t% b a th s, c a rp e t­ ED 3 atOBTw a lte r N eU er Co.. B aaH otn in the contest wffl take part in ' IMS CHEVROLET, ex cellen t c o n d it­ cottage. Fully fu rata h ed , aelf-co n U ln - ed. drobee. b u ilt-in re frig e ra to r a n d B ro o k field P l a n . 98 ion L eaving c o u n try . M ust »ell. M ake ad. m an y e x tr a * CD 7-1817. 48 stove. L arg e re cre atio n r o a n , f u l l a live evaluation contest on Fri­ cu 0« Offer. ED 2-3810. 97 b asem en t, a te . M inim um dow n. CM. M ay C row ning day and the- judging contest 199» CHEVROLET. B ela Ire a ta n d ard c ellen * radio, h e a te r, w hitew all*. 9 n e e d pm. 9 W HEELED TRAILER. 4x10. e x ­ t condition. ED 9-8998 a fte r 1 Ocu d ra a u . E x t. 9688. EAST 97 A tINthDisIApNrice H IL L S - 811900 LOOK!! ! I t’s a 48 ft. liv in g room w ith firep lace, h o m em a k er's d re am B ro o k field S ub­ k itc h e n . F u ll b a a sm e n t w ith large S t. Jo h n ’s C hurch will be held on Satbxday. Teams have been entered BS © See You At o K dtvtatan t E excellent a s - location. ,■ 98 1 n u l* re c re a tio n a re a , scree n e d -in patio , e le c tric w ip e rs each, Horixon B lue, M ay 31. 7:20 p m . from eight Midwestern uni­ CO co sold b y S a tu rd a y o r w ill, b e tra d e d fro m c . m ous, M ■ M arb le School bea u tifu l 100 ft. x MO f t la n d s c a p e d In o n n ew car. on its way. You u W a n dPshe] Wto m pping i « cHe n te r. L a m a lo t, w ell y a rd . R J . F rin k . W 2-7790 o r IV versities. r iy m ore o ff th e lot. ED 9-8390, a fte r pm . r 97 F O R RENT U PPE R D U P L E X 9 room s, aped, 31 1b e d r oom C ape landscaped, ■ C od. 2-4970 o r ED 2-8886. W a lte r N ailer Co c a rp e te d n r b w room a n d s e p a ra te R ealtors. B rookfield P laza. d ining r a e n , l w sc ree n e d 38 M arian F e a st Students who went to Colum­ bus were Larry. Dent, Mason Z the Z 1M3 CHRYSLER, «ood condition. good location. A vailable J u n e 1, a< < C all b etw ee n I a m . a n d 5 o m . IV call a fte r 5 p.m . E D 2-3278. SERVICE St. Jo h n ’s R ecreatio n HaU junior; Jim Franklin, Auburn, < LEA VING M SU - HOM E w ith 5 N X , junior; Dale Shettrown, M S3 5-4147. *® room s a n d b a th dow n. 3 room s a n d EAST L A N SIN G . 2 bedroom n o d i , M ay 31. 8:00 p.m . Gladwin junior; Gordon Gross­ tc « Jr. 500 1959 FIA T 1900 ROADSTER. R ed larg e lot. e x ce lla n t neighborhood, b a th u p .(o n a p a rtm e n t). L arge, p ri­ T Y PIST AN N BROW N. N ew phone w ith w h ite In terio r. E xcellent con­ available J u n e 1. 8198 m onthly. ED v a te y a rd w ith redw ood fencing. n u m b er. ED 2-8984. E lectric ty p e ­ N ew c a rp e tin g « i d tile. A lum inum w rite r. T e rm p a p e rs a n d th eses, also B u ffe t Sm orgasbord • 50c man, Manchester junior; Lloyd d itio n C an IV 4-7804. 37 2-0884. ^ . 3 9 storm *. G as h e at. D ouble garage. CaU g e n e ra l typ in g . tf Grau, Chelsea senior; Fritz » 1M1 FORD com pletely rebuilt, 1M3 1 ROOM COTTAGE fo r sum m er OR 7-1849. r - , 3* W ONCH D U PLICA TIN G - m oved Lutz, Rochester junior; «Jim BÛ m o to r, new p a in t lob. e x cellen t tire*. te rm , cooking a n d p a rk in g facilities, EA ST LA N SIN G b y o w n e r. 1148 to 1720 E. M ichigan. L ansing. T h esis Cramer, East Lansing Junior; a Call ED 7-1484. 98 o m p le tely fu rn ish e d . ED 7-8761. A sk B eech S tre e t. 9 bedroom , fuU b a s e ­ ty p in g a n d d u p lic a tin g , com m ercial TR A N SPO R T A T IO N ça fo r P a u l. A -304. 39 m ent, gas h a s t. A lum inum sto rm s 4 a r t, ty p esettin g , c J P W H T tf Jim Becker, St. Johns junior; CO screen*. L o t 77x132 38 tf RM Ai.l. HOUSE, fu rn ish e d . Ideal W ANTED: RIDE TO L as Vegas- - Spartan Motors, Inc. — fo r couple m onthly. IV o r single person. 8100 5-9030. 8-8 p m . HAST LANSING - 4 bedroom s! WeU 39 c a re d -fo r o ld e r hopie in p leasan t neighborhood n e a r a ll schools. L arge T Y PIN G DONE In S p a rta n V illage a p a r tm e n t ED 7-0703, o r ED 7-9060 a f te r exam s. C arote. ED 7-0681 o r E x t. 3981. 3T Go to Church CO a a FURNISHED 7 ROOM h o u se for capeted Uv. oom . m ad e gracio u s by a SA LE! students. A vailab le for sununer. fireplace 4 bookshelves. F u ll dining Lansing, a p p ro v ed , m en o r w om en rm . w ith so u th e rn exposure. N ew ly T Y PIN G . I n m y hom e, b y secre ta r y w ith 10 y e a rs’ ex p erien c e . TU 2-4738. W A N T ED This Sunday a » a CaU ED 2-0S93. tf p a in te d k itc h e n loaded w ith cup­ tf boards. N ew b a se m e n t floor. *,4 b a th W ANTED • FO REIG N STUDENT, Peraonallv selected c a n - l a r g e dow n, e le g a n t 4 pc. ceram ic b a th UP- O R A N VIEW RECREATION AREA. flu e n t in totgllah. G e rm a n a n d F re n c h This Saturday and Sunday S3 C h ev ro let I960 convertible, p latinum , w h ite top. re d in te rio r, stick. APARTMENTS AU th is fo r 82.000 dow n. 8100 «„m onth. D ancing fo r th e y o u n g e r se t.. Disc to a c t a s A ssistan t T o u r C onductor have been set aside by Govern­ s SHARE A DELUXE a p a r tm e n t 3 CaU M rs. Rice. ED 2-4092. office. ED Jo c k e y e v e ry F rid a y I B • 1 a.m ., fo r g ro u p o f M ichigan p eo p le e m b a rk ­ P ontiac. 1959 C atalina convertible. blocks from T o n y C osta. 040 m onthly. 7-1041. H illey Inc. R ealtors. 37 e v e ry S u n d a y 6:30 - 10 p j n . A dm is­ in g o n a E u ro p ea n T o u r In la te Ju ly . or Swainson as “Spiritual Foun­ < tow er radio, h e a te r, a n d auto m atic f ransm lsston. CaU ED 2-606ff b e tw ee n 5-7 p m . 38 EAST LANSING!! FACULTY! D o s t sion 60c. 4 raUea n o rth of F e n to n o n F e n to n R oad. 10 m iles so u th o f F lin t. P r e f e r person re tu rn in g to C ontinent. T o u r w ill e x te n d th ro u g h A u g u st dations Days" of Michigan THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR. . . u C hevrolet. 1890 B elaire. tu d o r. re d W OULD L IK E TO su b le t o n e bed­ to cam pus, 3 bedroom ra n ch . L arg e T 97 20. AU tra v e l « p e n s e * paid. In ad ­ Week, which opens officailly on a n d w hite, pow erglide, ra d io a n d room . U n iv ersity V illa g e .-a p artm e n t living room , u n iq u e L shaped k itc h e n d itio n to o th e r re m u n e ra tio n , w h ic h from J u n e IS - S ep tem b er 1. Call w ith n ic e d in in g a rea, overlooking THESES TY PED . B S In B usiness w ill b e discussed a t in te rv iew . A p p ly Sunday. The purpose of “Spiritual C A M P B E L L ’ S SUBUR BA N - i H O P h e a te r. 14000 m iles. ------ C h evrolet 1857, tu d o r h a rd to p . V* a f te r 5 p m . E D 7-9359. — 37 spacious y a rd . F u ll b a sem en t, c arp o rt, E ducation, e le ctric ty p e w rite r. O B b y te tte r, g iving age, m a rita l s ta tu s p riced In th e 817,000 b ra c k e t, w ith 43 a n d p h o n e n u m b er. EnCloee sm all a u to m atic. * SUMMER TERM ap artm e n t* ( t ) on e x cellen t term s. CaU H J . F rin k fo r sn ap sh o t, w h ich w in b e re tu r n e d Foundations Days" i&io enable C hevrolet 1M7, fo u r d oor hard to p , G ra n d R iver 1 b lo c k ' e a s t of C oral appo in tm en t. IV 4-775# o IV 2-4870 G RA DUA TIO N a n n o u n ce m e n ts i n ­ p o w e r rad io , h e a te r, autom atic. G ables a p p ro v ed u nsupervtaed ED o r ED 2-6695. W a lte r N eU er Co. c lu d e s y o u r n am e. 3 d a y service. P o ri O ffice B ox 696, L ansing 4. ST Michigan residents to re-exam­ 38 R ealtors. B ro o k field P laza. 38 M ÿers P rin tin g Service. 1421 E ast ine and strengthen the articles NO f C h e v ro le t 198* 4 d o o r B elaire. radio 7-1994. — RENTALS—DESPERA TELY n e ed e d M ichigan. 1Y2-2554 tf h e a te r, au to m atic. 'P ro fe sso r ow ned car. APARTM ENTS. ROOMS, w ith a n d EA ST L A N SIN G INVESTORS. 8 W aitine list fo r houses a n d a p a r t­ m ents. F u rn ish e d a n d u n fu rn ish e d of faith by which they live,-and Volkawagon* 1958’a, 1950'*. 1 80'». w ithout cooking, tin g le , double, p a rk ­ room , 2 sto ry an p ro v ed ^fo r 11 college C H IL D CARE l a m y u n iv e rs ity v il­ stu d e n ts. 1 block fro m cam pus. Com ­ la«* a p a rtm e n t. ED 2-4416. 38 W e g u a ra n te e m u tu a l sa tisfac tio n fo r to urge them to appreciate their H ardtop« a n d Sonvertibles. Choose ing. 1 single p riv a te b ath . E D 7-0830. p lete w ith 3 b a th s, econom ical gas o w n e rs a n d te n n a n ls. H igh Class cli­ own religious faiths by attend­ 97 ent«!. T ry o u r re n ta l serv ice to r b est fro m L iu isln f's sh a rp e st selection. h a s t, g a rag e , p rice d to sell fa st. O nly resu lts. CaU E val W abege, ED 3-4113 ing the church or synagogue of S O I F ord 19M tu d o r. V I stick, radio, h e a te r, sharp. $90 FU RNISH ED a p a rtm e n t, d i­ 818500 w ith *2.000 dow n o r tra d e . CaU R J . F rin k , IV 4-7780, IV 2-4570 o r ED PERSO N A L o r E D 2-6696. W alter NeUer C o- their choice. re c tly opposite U nion. A vailable J u n e R ealtors. B rookfield P laza. 38 1. CaU ED 2-0002 m o rnings o r a fte r 2-8695, W alter N eUer Co. R ealtors. I blocks east of F ra n d o r on M ichigan 5. D O N 'T M ISS "S ession b y th e C e­ ED 2-8404 _ - 38 B rookfield P laza. — 38 d a r” th is S u n d a y • A Ja z z W orkshop is the lime ROOMS EAST LA N SIN G call now ! M ake a n fe a tu rin g groups fro m all o v e r S o u th ­ a p p o in tm en t to see th is fam ily ho m e e rn M ichigan. A dm ission is tre e . 2 CORAL SABLES’ ROOM FOR W O M A N .-reasonable. b u ilt In 1965. 2 larg e b ed ro o m s d ow n, p.m . t il n ig h tfa ll. 225 B ogus St. 17x12ft. b e d oom plu s h o b b y room up. B e ta T h eta PI. 37 to Start Looking ILFO RN O 1955 FORD. 8 c ylinder, sta n d a rd hom e privileges, n e a r K ellogg C enter. sh ift. 4-door, radio, «ood condition. ED 2-0374. 39 114 b a th s. 32 ft. re c room , w ith p las­ 1432 F S p a rta n Villa«* a fte r 5. 39 te re d ceiling. O n ly *15.900 o n easy CHARLIE BROW N, te ll S h ro e d e r to VACANCIES FA LL TERM. B eal term s. R J . F rin k , IV 4 -7 7 » o r IV p ick u p h is re c o rd s ait B eeth o v en 's 2-4570 o r ED 2-6696. W a lte r N eU er w hile th e sale lasts. 37 1857 FORD, TUDOR F a irla n e h a rd - Co-op. B oard a n d room . 8199 a term . op. w hit* finish. T -B lrd engine, stick ED 2-9885. 41 Co. R ealtors, B rookfield P laza. 38 for - ihlft. tach o m eter, custom ized. 9899 IV 9-9790. a fte r 0 p m . ATTENTION MALE STUDENTS! 37 Room s w ith cooking and" p a rk in g fo r 15 M INUTES FROM CAM PUS In a faculty netghbo hood. 6 room s. 3 WASH N WEAR • • RESTAU RA N T • FORD. 19*1 CONVERTIBLE. G ra y 2-8788. vtth red In terio r. Radio. **(ct> >«*t*. v hite sidew alls, all ED 3-89*8, 37 su m m er term . R easonable ra te s. ED SIN GLE ROOM $7 w eekly. M ale stu d en t. B achelor .'ap a rtm e n t a v ail­ 38 bedroom s. I'.4 b a th s, fu ll b a s e m e n t b u ilt-in ratlg e a n d oven, u tility room a n d c a r p o r t O w n er tran sferre d - 1 3 » O rlando D rive. H aslett. F E 9-2182. 41 PoiisM Cottons AND ‘the name that made PJZZA famous in Lansing” NOW OPEN DAILY AT t t A.M. GraduationCards 19571 r 190 FORD u n o CONVERTIBLE yy » . 2 . W ¿TawT hite able J u n e 1, 810 w eekly. IV 9-2389. 39 iu ñ d e rb ird E ngine, F o rdom atic sh ift 3”7 EAST LA N SIN G N EAR. Id e al to„ th e sm all fam ily tills d e lig h tfu l 3 Baby-Cords We have them., .and a selection of £OOd condition. KD 2-5747. COOL ROOMS fo r su m m er. In new bedroom rg n c h h o m e s e p a ra te d in in g 1908 MERCURY MONTCLAIR con- hom e. S how ers, p a rk in g . ED 1-1162. 97 spacious liv in g . ro o m w ith firep lace, re cre atio n room , large beeutifU U y Only $3.95 For Something Really Different—T r y Our other cards by Hallmark rrtihle, p e rfe c t condition. C on tin en - - CA PITA L. N e a r . CUSAN, room landscaped t o t O n ly $17,900 k ith F HA il kit. A l| pow er, d u a l sp o tlig h t fu rn ish ed , good b e d , larg e closet. term *. CaU B ill L ove, ED 7 -7 0 » o r lirrors. alm o st new tire*. P each a n d cooking. Giri. CaU IV 2-9579. 37 E ast L an sin R e a lty Co., R e a lto rs- Len Kositchek 9s B A R -B -Q -R K S hit*. P h o n e ED 7-0630 a fte r 6 p.m . 1963 M O -TD , rad io , h e a te r . good 39 APPRO p VED e rso n . SU F PERVISED fo r 3 m en . su m m er. 11*8 A bbott R ead. CaU In rid a y , 1 -* o m . room * 9» ED-2-3534. OKEMOB. 3 b e d ro o m s and ra n c h h om e w ith i s x 23 U vtag room , d in in g el. b u ilt-in k itc h e n , b e a u tifu l 38 Varsity Shop Campus Book Store tir e s a n d re ce n tly p ainted. ED l - W l MAKE RESERVATIONS fo r stngle re c re a tio n ro o m ,. 3 c a r garage: T a x 228 ABBOTT RD. * PH O N E E D 7-1311 * and double room s fo r S um m er a n d Fall term s. Close to cam pus, park in g , assessed a t 810.040. p rice d a t only E. LANSING CO M PLETE T A K E OUT SE R V IC E "ACROSS FROM THE UNION 824.900. Call Bill L ove. E D 7-7028 o r 1956 MO BLACK -with radio, h e a t­ reasonable. A lso a p a rtm e n t fo r sum ­ E ast Lftnsing R ealty Co., R ealtors. e r and" new tire s. R ecent m ajo r o v e r­ m er. ED 2-3151. tf ED 2-3534. 37 h a u l. M ake offer. IV 4-9572. 38 SPACIOUS BUNGALOW 4. b e d ­ EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1957 . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . room*. 2 e a r garage. N e ar O eem os. M agnette M G. 4 door, radio, h eater, 823.900. Jo a n n a S argeant, B ro k e r. IV w h ite w alls, le a th e r in te rio r. Call BUY . . . SELL ; . . RENT 5-6128 39 | E D 7-2029, q u o te y o u r price. 37 1955 PLYMOUTH coupe V-8. p o w e r- beginning todqy, May 19 flite. G ood shape, u n iq u e c h ara cte r. D iscount priced, $275. E arl C hita, College Men ED 2-3581. 39 Summer Jobs 1958 OLDSMOBILEr 4-DOOR, h y d ra - m atlc, pow er steering, radio, h eater. FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 C all ED 7-2436.__________ 37 1958 TRIUM PH TR-3. w hite, o v e r­ BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER drive, w ire w heels, radio, M ichelin X tire*. New laq u er, ex cellen t m ec­ h a n ic ally . IV 9-6680 o r IV 2-3280. 37 30 _ — 30 — 30 30 1958 VOLKSWAGON se d a n .' G ood $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE condition. One ow ner. R ecent p a in t lob. Call—ED 7-0247. 41 COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $13TA WEEK VOLKSWAGON. 1959 G ood shape. B est "Bffer. N eed to sell soon. Call TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS, PLENTY OF TIME FOR now ! ED 7-1663. 39 BOATING, SWIMMING & GOLF _ VOLKSWAGON I960. D ark blue. 19.000 m iles. J u s t lik e new . M ust sell. ED 7 -1 2 5 3 ,0 ,8 - 4» WIN AN ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO 1968 VOLVO, e x cellen t condition. - LONDON FOR A WEEK 16,800 m tles. P riced to sell. CaU IV 4-2179. ■ 37 SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK EMPLOYMENT OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER W ANTED: THIRSTY custom ers, no BASIC REQUIREMENTS: age lim it. M oney p re fe rre d . Cool su m ­ m e r d rin k s now . A vailable. T he G a l­ . 1. Over 18 years of age. _ lery. 547Va W est G ra n d R iver. 37 BUS BOY~WANTED. Closest house 2. At least 6 months of college. to cam pus. C ontact Bill. ED 7-1714. 37 3. Neat Appearance. REGISTERED NURSES, e xperienced su p e rv iso r fo r ev en in g shift. S taff positions' also available. S alaries THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY CONTINUE co m m e n su rate plus fringe benefits. C «1 D ire cto r of Nucses. In g h am M ed­ THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A. ica l H ospital. IV 4-3511. 8 - 4 p.m. 37 POSITIONS O PEN FO R nig h t PART TIME BASIS irse. full o r p a rt tim e. A lw oo erat- I room su p erv iso r: N ew . m odern 1.28 pair 1.41 pair; bed hospital. C all or w rite D ircc- CALL NEAREST OFFIGE FOR APPOINTMENT r o f N urses. M ason G enet al Hos­ ts). M ason. M ichigan F O R SALE tf GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ■ GL. 6-7451 GNCE-A-YEAR 1 Jp PAIRS ^80 J 3 4 2 0 LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA SI55 KODAK COLOR FILM, 89c w ith th is sd . New fre s h rolls. C 127 o r C 820. L im it tw o. M arek RexaH P re sc rip tio n C enter. CUppert a t Vine. F ra n d o r. _________________ 43 IV 2-5622 TOLEDO, OHIO CE 2-1353 ■ ■ SAVINGS - Seamless — Magi-lace. Reinforced heel and toe. -Full fashioned daytime sheer with ventilated foot. Combination thread. Seamless dress sheer ACCORDIAN: CAND1DI ORIO. 120 baas. New condition, cost $426 new M ust sell for 2230. Cali ED 3-114$ After CH 3-9653 - on flawless fitting Business Sheer with demi-toe t p.m ------ 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO PU PS : GERMAN S h ep h erd Collie m ix tu re : *ix week* old.. C an b e a t e n NO 3-6003 CA 4-9761 a t 410 P a rk L ane'O r call ED 7-1284. 27 CUSHIONS. REAL CHEAP, b u t th e n th e y ’r e In **d «hap*. 19c .each, o r 2 to r 39c. T h e G a lle ry . 54T1, W est G ra n d R iver. _____ 37 CLEVELAND, OHIO MA 1-3381 Belle Sharflieer Nylons 1.66 pair SUPPORT-SHEER MEN’S E N G L ISH bicycle. CaU ED YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 2-0088. 37 LE G -S IZ E .STOCKINGS 3 PA ,RS 95 W EDDING GOW N AND 5 form ate, size 13-14. 830, ED 3 -8 1 » . STRIN G BASS a n d flu te . G ood con­ 37 RI 4-2417 AKRON, OHIO FR 6-1253 GL $¿0412 \ 3 .9 5 d itio n . CaU S D 2-3101. Jo h n P a rk s. 43 DINING TABLE w ith ! to e v P A * * c h a in , china cabinet, . I B . DETROIT, MICHIGAN F U L L FASHIONED AND SEAMLESS FuR fashioned hoary sheer ' with Aw retoforcemeut for PAIR Sheer, teg-sapportiag sell se p a ra tely . ED 2-0700 w HOUSEHOLD GOODS, living room WO M ISS maidmam wear. Vertilated aD aytoa with ventilated csat. 2 each; ra n g es r tfrte e ra to rs . oak tables. B u ffet. < chairs. IV 4-4732. 77 ÉTYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN BREV far sleader kgs; 1% ta Wfc foot. feet. Exceptional value. T R I-C A R S an d toJfcrv. ignition; ~ AV 2-7766 - FE 4-0903 MODITE for average ske legs; 9 to 11 I setup tor o r Sto t t i ior to t u . in. Cteev. C ti£ attar 9 p nr ED 7-9310. FLINT, MICHIGAN ~ . DUCHESS far ton, larger tegs; to U% M.S.U. U STIO N RINGS. S e e them Hom e CE 9-8046 ■HPR Great Oncena- Year (Continued firm Page 1) | Center for the Study of High- and budget, too, ax will the bud­ jer Education. get for Community College Co Clerical and classified bdp in operation. ROTC offices. Forensics. “AH stata mpportad univer­ EXPENDITURES for scholar­ Department of Foreign Stud­ sities will have to do these same ships, admissions, registrar’s office, university catalog, and ies and in the College of Science Arts. things,” bn ttML “None of them bavathamoeey ther mal- otter responsibilities of Vice ly naad to aparata.* President Gordon A. Sabine will The Cap and Gown sales, ap­ be reduced “fcibstarrtiafly.” pearances by MSU musk and University subsidies for pub­ entertainment groups formerly lications within departments sponsored by university funds. will be withdrawn. Costs for AN UPPER Peninsula Ex­ continuing them will have to periment station at Chatham be borne within' regularly bud­ which was financed with uni­ geted funds of the department versity funds will be closed or or"“college after the amount of subsidized entirely by the Col­ the present subsidy for printing lege of Agriculture. and distribution is ‘subtracted Activities radio, television and from the present operating information budgets. " _ * services will be re­ If ss E. laaatog High School duced by approximately 10 The following operations will per cent be eliminated or carried oh by idra appropriate colleges within International Student Center Friday and Saturday their regular budgets: costs win be absorbed within charge-- May I t and 20 - 8 p.m. University support of Farm­ the Student Union budget and er’s Week. Future Fanners will be sup­ a t the H. S. Auditorium Bureau of Social and Politi­ ported by the College of Agri­ Servies cal Research. culture. Tickets ea sale at: Tboe will be reductions in Ceüege Drag Stere the activities and budget in Michigan’s the office of the Vice President for Research and Development. Campas Baek Stere FUNDS FOR THE following Stadems (incl.-MSU) $1.00 Robin Dons programs will be reduced but Adults SUI not eliminated: Band Hat The Canadian Institute. Audio-Visual Center. Michigan’s proud and chesty grams. Dean of International Pro­ robin takes on a new look this Health Service. year as be heralds the approach ? Placement Bureau. SEAMLESS KNEE LENGTH of the 1961 Michigan Week to Alumni Office _ _ be observed next May 21.-27. Protective and Safety Ser­ A futuro as oxciting This year the state’s official OR REINFORCED HEEL, TOE as tho jot ago Hsoff bird, who has been the symbol vices. •_ Office of the Supervising Arch­ of seven previous state celebra­ itect.. can bo yours. . . as a tions, is pictured .with a new University Business Ofice. TW A A IÊU H E HOSTESS! band leadler’s cap as he leads New revenues, will include an the parade with a banner pro­ increase of out-of-state tuition claiming the 19 61 slogan. ‘‘Michigan Marching Forward,” fees from the present 1645 a TWA— the nation’s leading airline—will train you at which was adopted by the Mkh- yar minimum and-$750 max­ company expense.. , and pay you while you train! igan Week organization after year. to a flat fee of $750 a imum First on your flying schedules will be interesting cities Full fashioned service sheer, cotton foot being suggested by Governor in the U. S___ later you may fly to world famous cities John B, Swainson. Members of the board rescind- Full fashioned daytime sheer .............. of four continents on TWA's international routes. THE MAP of Michigan ap-i APPLY NOW Seamless, demi-toe style ...................... pears to the right of the robin I The emblem will be used oqj For Term Party for TWA training classes starting soon. Here are the qualifications: Minimum age 20; height, 5'2" to 5'9"; Full fashioned luxury s h e e r .................. ail advertising and promotional weight, 100 to 138 lbs.; vision, 20/100 or better, cor­ materials, and through every flowers and decorations rected to 20/20; attractive; natural color hair; clear avenue of communication it will “the Place to Go it” complexion; unmarried; 2 years college or equivalent A wonderful savings opportunity to save on perfect fitting Belle- be seen by millions before the! year ends. In previous years the proud j robin in various positions has Barnes Floral business experience. Contact: Mrs. Fay Widholm T H A M S W O H U S A tm L I M A S Sharmeer hose. This special offer is for eight days only, May 19-27. These wonderful nylons are proportioned for comfort and pointed', to the greatness of East Lansing MrtMt: • O r W»<0r i - longer wear. Styles in Pretty pluah, Whirlwind, Taupe, Brev. Michigan. He was seen atop Mr*. l i n i O l n A « # n m TWA t a a t m w « O fflo 215 Ann Open Evenings A Sunday i n q r Ita iM n r, t m.m. - 4 p.m. 10 U e k u ii M «4 Modite and Duchess. Sizes-814-11. one of the huge towers of the TWA i j f c -l w ritm -C M Ilit X i m i O ta, M S wmuI Mackinac bridge when the ED 2-0871 ■ M il Detroit, MtefciSOP - great span was completed in GARDEN LEVEL. EAST LANSING 1958, Then' in 1959 he donned a sailor’s cap and proudly hail­ ed the state’s position on the St. Lawrence seaway. Last year he emphasized Michigan's strategk position on the globe of the world. L.A. Democracy P robed S aturday ‘Can Latin American coun­ tries achieve democracy with­ out revolution?” Prof. Werner Bohnstedt of the humanities department will discuss the question at the meeting of the Michigan State Fellowship of Reconciliation at 10 a.m. Sat­ urday in All Saints Episcopal Church, 800 Abbott rd. Friday & Saturday the BAK30USNAY STEEL BAND Floating R o se C enterpiece A beautiful decoration fo r table BUDGET P R IC E D ! M ili Add new decorating beauty with this floating rose centerpiece. A crystal floater vase centerpiece with large rose of washable polyethy­ lene.. Vase is removable for cleaning. Choice of silveror gold stand. H e r e ’s o n e f i l t e r c i g a r e t t e t h a t ’s r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t ! T L rew fnte t. e Gallery has been ' The difference is this: Tarevton’a Dual filter gives you a o u te r B ite r -redecorated, aad aew unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with 1 ACTIVATED painting» have been added CHARCOAL a pure white outer filter—to balance die flavor elements in die smoke. for yoar pleasure. in n e r filte r TPwtoyftoss dstivofs nndf in f iosSo off dba bost Eobwccos+t D U A L F IL T E R E A ST L A N S IN G -O P E N TO D A Y FROM 9:30 TO 5:30 -ranjgj W&sfWtS W IK ? «H ■■■HHiIRI g« ■V ■ l i i - * < ■ I IW i ... Tî '** ■"■V '| ■■' ' mmm S ¡¡■I jT^: T î’^bI w m È Ê È Ê Ê È È Ê Ê iÈ È Jwse mm I Pis ^ ■ridir "” » . IM I ■»•■-«•«■••eeeri^huFiriptaimh j R — i T j i i A i | 1 Hf j A t p n 5 N ig h t S ta ff D i s a p p r o v e 4M e r c y K i l l i n g ’ x . Senate Committee Approves Whipping- Assistant aews editor, JMm— Dancer, assistant photo editor, Scholars O K Sacrifice o f DOVER, Del., OB—Represent­ atives of the Delaware Council bery convktiaes la Dotawars. for rapa < fan Senats is expected to set assasn the measnrs. to have fon with it ” Three parami papparti* the Davo Knapp, copy odttors, Sal­ ly War«, D. D. Elsenhower, of Omrcbaa rad toe Prisoners hearing en the pro- State Rep. Paul Iivtagstoo MB, including Sen. Walter J. Norma Rutkoskey, SaQy Dor* ÉJnborn To Save Mothers Aid Sodsty were amc 12 persons aito spoke day against a proposal which has been approved » State Senate's Pttofic Committee, was attend­ of Wilmington, the onto Negro member of the general assent? tor, said foe purpose of the Hoey, and Mm C. Moore, a Dover rcsMeat who said Ms wife was badly hea*m by a rub­ rtrtora, Braadm Brown. ......................... .m.,..-— . : By GEORGE W. CORNELL could live U left jointed. is proper for husband and wife whipping mandatory ed by about 100 persons. Tbs MB ‘is not to deter crime but ber two yuan ago. Phono 3M4 for want ads. AtMriated Press When heriataphrodttes (both to have intercourae simply for ReUfioa Writer male and female) are bora, sur­ pleasure, and to use contracep­ gical procedures to correct the « Should an unborn infant's life abnormal “sax mixture" are tive devices to limit births for ;;l>e sacrificed to save the proper. ^m otbirt ; la it proper to use tranquil­ IN CASE of an adult who has psychology snd economic reasons. THEY MAINTAIN that sex izers evan though they attar an emotionally reverted physical should be taught in high schools individual’s natural personal* sek. scholars w in closely di­ colleges and seminaries. Attend 'Church This S u n d a y W v vided—181 yes and 172 no— on The majority also consider _ __ I “Yea/' in both cases, say whether ' :moat of a group of theologians, sical makeup the gery to it is right to use sur­ homosexuality and alcoholism make doctors and other scholars quer­ emotional .makeup. person’s phy­ as sickness. match his new They felt that a person who EAST LANSING CHURCHES ied in a new study. commits suicide is mentally There waa an even closes ill, but is responsible lor his act, IN SUCH questions today, division—1M yes and 18S no—ho and sins in committing tt. however, moral and medical whether abortion i*_ proper The Lutheran Academy, po­ factors often are interwoven. when a girl has become^ preg­ sing 100 such questions to the Doctors, with new skills and nant through forceful rape. EAST URSM6 UNIVERSITY UmSAM PEOPLES (HUNCH .drugs for influencing human Most of toe scholars said they scholars, said: HAPPY TODAY _ - • Bfe, face increasingly complex believe in “faith healing," bid “A jthough we all know that 1MNTY CHURCH CHURCH EAST IANSBK ethical questions about using not in “faith healers." They the sum-total of God’s com­ rt bas««« j v f f —* » * • these powers. mandments is love, and that dorid"? Or cm you dbcowugvd consider hypnosis an “ethically this ‘love’ alone can be the only “Whether "he wants tt or not. valuable toon In medicine.” basis for Christian medical b acauno « f M »*t * * • rad drara? Interdeaom laatlaasl AND STUDENT CENia Iaterdeaearihatieeal the phystoial has to make Conflicting with Roman Ca­ ethics, yet we have many per­ Chrht piraid« for Smm whu lw- 1M Spartan Avrune judgements of value," says tholic teaching, they held, that sonal interpretations of what Ueva to Mm. " . . . ori anchor of N»Usual te th a n n Caiaaeh tat W eri Grand E lver at Mtahtgaa noted scientist Rene Dubos, of cremation is proper. God’s command, ‘love thy nei­ too tati, boto «ora rad sSnWFwsf." B er. E . EUGENE W ILLIAMS P lyp taa sad A aa Street. E . L . the Rockefeller Institute for The majority also held that it ghbor,’ means." I to brow« 4 :1 » Paata» a 1 1 1 ih» N eri» ta S a b t y MMR Dr. WaBace Babartaaa . Patata Medical Research. WOB S B 1P SEBVICES Dr. P. M arian Starna» Perish Parie»: Chartas BBabrirtr B ay. B ey A Schramm To try to get the best think­ U BS i n . —STBONO LINES OP . D r. N. A . M eCaae. ing on those problems, the Lu­ theran Academy for Scholar­ ship has obtained answers to NANCY M ARTIN MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL TdS pns. COMMUNICATION Dr. Don M otrin Campas W arkat: Mia» Perte Sand ED >- — Prayer and Blhia study school age the majority consensus on some Frovtdfaar » C m m Mtutitr» for Howto« ou* Matto Sfollati WELCOME PABEN TS ______ a t T »jahre Spitag» of the troubling issues: Tranquiltiers, even though they change personalities to a greater or lesser degree, are .^useful and should be continued, CHRISTIAN FIRST (H U K N OF ST. JOHN STUDENT METH0DQT CHURCH Of ■% ED6EW00D but under medical guidance. . A therapeutic abortion Is , cmhst scientist PARISH 5 - EAST IANSBK PEOPLES (M IC H is Justifiable when continuance of the pregnancy would “harm, STUDIMI TM EA ST OBAND B W f Pr. E. Kaeaaaugh «Ml shorten or terminate the life of t t . T . M cDaefit ta MAX. Bev. Truman A . Morrison the mother.“ — But an abortion is not just­ FOUNDATION Church I ANNUAL M AT CBOWMWG , 7d« pm WESLEY FOUNDATION - Bev. BeMaaon G . Lapp ifiable because of clear evi­ MAJUAN FEA ST — dd» pna. dence that the offspring is go­ Su aday WUseu M- TavmauL S ta W . e m o SUr a r Sanday MBhui C ar» « L lerdpa «S» N. Bagadara Baa« ing to mentally or- physically i s t - Sri« - m m - u :ta a Mocks aarth ut Osaad Bfeer) defective or both. t a n t a . P attar. M iaiater (B aby Mittag at «ta» A M m M ua*») IF A PATIENT is Incurable Saaday, M ay t t . M d « «ja. ■ a h jo c t D aily Masse« I . « A « M ajm , SUNDAT SEBVICES and nearing death, he should M arried Couple» dUcaMton at nos ml S un d ay M ay St, lis t “ SOUL AND DODT* Satarday Maaaaa «ta« A I t a ana. be told the truth, even though Caiaga B o u m •A N EXPLOdiON OB B B A C T • d i ana. A U sta ata» he doesn’t ask it, and even ISOS p J n . W adm iday E rrata» M aattaa S P JL Csadastaana daHy a t « d l p m B ar. Wilson M. Tvaasri though relatives object. ’ Rssnt' Satarday 4-SdS A »Tdb-»d« p m G aeri Speaker: Luncheon and Program And a t aU Maaaaa aaaept Sunday Artificial insemination to ob­ Planning Work »hop IM W. Oraad B lear Novena Services 1 1 U S. Barrl»ta Baad tain pregnancy in a woman is T rit p m . K oundtable F o ra ra Turn. SOS A TdS pna. Church Se n he»: P rit A U t a a Dr. Douglas B atte» fresa World Wrong if the semen -comes M au. t h r u S at. f a a t - I pan. Campila » A Beaadlctioa C esaci! u t Charuhea T opic: « UMSTM» CAM PUS Mon.. Tuo«, Thur»., A n i 7 M b Sam. TdS p m N ursery ter ba»h Serv tsea from a donor, but proper if the caaim air pkllowship- • • pan' semen comas from Am husband. P a n e l M em ber*: J o h n B alm «, M arta evaey Frid ay sigh t at L Church Schee» A strong minority felt It is Dance every Satarday sight— »d» a n t. A 1 1 a ta . M aty L iO art, Frank Marri» and An atu welcome ta attend C h arta S • It Church Scheel proper, in either case. Red, White, and Bine B a r. Patta» Services, and visit and OM tha "f:*S ans. College Class Sr. High Fellowship «ri» » ta . Euthanasia, the inducing of Ph ase ED T-ST7S 11« ans. AB Ages E r a ry a o a W elcom * an easy death for incurable pa­ Form A Gay Splash tients in great pain. ii wrong. In a hopelessly dying patient, O f Color in This ordinary means should oe used KIMBERIY DOWK AU SAINTS CBHIAl METHODIST EAST IANSM6 to sustain life and relieve suf­ Swimsuit By Peter EASTHINSÏÏR fering, but extraordinary means UNITY CENTS —such as heart stimulators and oxygen should not be used. Pan, The Red PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF a w n EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH t a * . Grand B tver - ■w ria G . M fltar. Paria» TRANSPLANTS of eyes and Straw Pixie Hat - **y WaatadDSOSan* Uri» ether organs from the dead to CHURCH _ Ottawa ai captata IB B DCPOBXAMCa OP the living is proper. M l Kim berly D ries, Lam tn» BtaJEEM CE1 A Portable Sun Sta Abbett Baad — BD Î - 1 1 1 J W snhip services »MB A l i d i a m ■ t a r i M a « tiri# ana. Sterilization is proper in the U U Abbott Xaat Lansing ( 1 blk. N. of W J1M Country B oom) Turi Meeriaam. prearkta» case of a mentally defective Shade. iv s-na B a r. lu ha Y . Pacte» • Chaplain Charth S rin ati tri» Sa U riS s m mas Statariay A «Pad person to deprive morons, idi- B o r. B abart L . Moreland. M inister B ee. B«hwt Gardner lots and imbedles of the ability M l W albridge DftfO - fh ap tala ta M arried Sta daat» Catara) la a P rtw tap Charch to procreate. But it is wrong in E x c lu s iv e ly Y o u r s A t T h e B e r. B e a ry ra k a f. AaaC M taister the case of parents to halt child- SUNDAY HtOGBAM births for financial or other rea­ SUNDAY SEBVICES TNBT CHRDHAN LANSING CBITlAi FREE sons. When “joined twins" are born, J t Is proper to sacrifice one in separating them to save S rn trly M tntse I d ! M b Church School, with N ataary, and Admit itady« »tu- dent» Included. lid « turn. Worship, with eoatta- t d l A JL B ely Cemmunlen r t a A.M. M orata» Prayer er B ely Communion, and Church School REFORMED CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH the other, but it is wrong to LAYAW AY nine Church School fo r B t a d w Wtahtodtaa ta laltwaan separate them if they both CH ARG E gartao and younger. B av. M an M. Btaasan. Pasta» Wodnooday aeunta» I Malta s « Warship — II Serm on . U t a A JB . M orata» Prayer or M aralag Sarrice M ans. Sunday Seheol — Ib an s. Eveatag Service I a m. Le Livre de Poche “ THE SEA L OP THE SPOUT* STUDENTS WELCOME CaB ED S-SÉM fa t traaspsrtaitea Tdt pjnu CaE ED I - « » Holy Communion. Sermon Church school CANTEBBUBT CLUB Those la need of traasportailea can the campas Betagte«» Ad­ visor. M r. Corswtaas Barbara at Vewfo Serytea . Evaadag W arta« — Paarity Servie* Wad. Btutanc-TdS "The Charta t a tha Light aad — «:«* pm . im pns. Juste Arrives SD t-MSS a r SD b-MN I t a P J L Sunday IV 1-7*43 ar Mr. tacary B a th at ID t-2223. U fa B o w * (Par Trsaapartettoa CaB IT H d B at 75*ea FUST WESUTAN METHODIST CHURCH FRST PRESBYTERIAN GREEK ARCHDNSESE OUVn BAPTIST ORTHODOX OUCH CHURCH La Condition Humaine by Andre Malraux North Magnati» A ra. a t B . M ttaiga: Ottawa aad Chestnut _ m i B . Michigan S. Wariitngtou a t Sh« B ev. William B artaaaa. Passar Vol De Nuit by A. De Saint-Exupéry B a r. Oaa«sa B Nllaan — Mtatatar Worship Services PdS A U t a ana. SONDAT Knock by Jules Romains _ Sunday Statata — S t« A JL Suaday School: tdtSB A JL *— - i r Starn i M ettaag Worship • r i i A JL Sri« A JL A (N ursery Provided) Divine Liturgy: M dS A JL UriSAJL La Peste by Albert Camus Les Mains Sales by J.«P. Sartre Mamtng Warship — U M AM . “ PAITH TO MOVE MOUNTAINS’ Father KeuU akis O tflcW h t SSBTLSf"^ !(S M odera Greek I aagaagi Sch» e . -e u , n é e Dr. M srtsw prearhlni T har*, aad F r i. « - s p n s. Marina by Marcel Pagnol - Bvataag »arrta* — M l P J L S a x 1 - s pna. Vesper Serate« am La Reine Morte by Henry De Montherlant —S a t. T am . Le Noeud De Viperes by François Mauriac La Symphonie Pastorale bÿ Andre Gide SOUTH BAPTIST CHUICH SOOTH WASHINGTON A T MOOBSS BTTEB B B fT Les C élibataires by H. D e Montherlant LANSING Le Diable Au Corps by Raymond Radiguet m W A ED P . SUGDBN. D. D , fM U r DESMOND S. B ELL. Assac. Palte r Attend the Church M»rpta» Worship U ri» ana. Spartan Book Store “ WHEN TOO COMB TO OOD* »»al as Worship Tris dal O f Your Choice This Sunday c o r n e r A n n a n d B L A jÇ A r e , “THE WOBD OP «HE DEVIL*» .. - E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n CaE IV 2-iSta Me free h«a serv ir» m orata» and eveaiag Michigan Strte New», Enel Lnnaing, Michigan T U E S O C IA L S C E N E . Friday Morning, May 19, 1961 7 Seniors Honored Engagements Phillips HaB Beth Sepner, Roslyn, N.Y., MSU Spring Pledges By Phi Gamma Nu ..H freshman, to Irv Cohen, senior at Queen« College. Snyder HaB The first half of the spring W illiam - Bogard, rush fraternity pledges is list­ sophom D elta Upsilon j D -è. freahm an; Carlo Poggt, M aspeth. .. I L.l. sophom ore; Thom as Baser*. O x­ ore; Ja m a s BkSrqn. M arquette ford. N J freshm an; Dennis B blland. sophom ore; W ayne'C ssIer. E aton R ap­ Seven senior women were al professional organization for Judy Crawford, Milford jun­ ed below. The second half will ide freshm an: R obert D ub lei, W arren R eading. P a. fresh m a n ;, freshm an T hom as Ores*«, c o ld w s te r S tauch. D etro it frertini honored at a banquet Thursday worn« majoring in business. ior, to George Johnstone, Mil­ follow next week. fresh m an ; R obert H etrick. D iw nond- row . A u O re s ju n io r; David T ooker. night given by Omicron Chap­ Its purposes are tu promote a ford junior; Barb »epic» Par- dale fresh m an : J o h n H ow e. M ilford G ran d R apids S oph o m o r* ; M elvin W arren. St. Jo h n s fresh m a rw ^ standard of high scholarship; freshm an: H arlon McMiUlan. B angor ter of Phi Gamma Nu. They wa, Ohio, junior, to Bill Thorn- D avid HAitetag. lpha S psiloa PI .. Fluxhing. New York fre B unan- ■ See PLEDGES Pag« • are: Marcia Ferris, East Lan­ to encourage participation in bury freahm an; P a te r Jacobs. New B ochel- C hristo p h er M oody. W ashington sing; Joanne Smith Kelly, school activities; and to further 1«. N Y. fresh m an : Leslie Sim on, Lon« Mason HaB Barnes B each. N.Y. fresh m an : J e ffre y Y anko- MuUiken; Judith A. Miller, interest in civic and profession­ Youngstown, Ohio; iVrginia al enterprises. _ Ellen Shapiro. Detroit fresh­ Zwitz. Y onkers. N.Y. fresh m an ; M arc uckerm an. L ivonia freshm an. Mott-Smith. Pahala Kau, Ha­ man, to David Kirsch. Spring A lpha G am m a R hp 'J The sororttyLras founded at Valley, N.Y., freshman. Ja m e s D Ball. E ast Lanaing fresh ­ waii; Patricia Nelson, Kings- m an; D ean B lanchard. Richland ford; Ruth Schettenhelm, Dear­ born; and Judith Potter Smith, Charlotte. Northwestern University in 1924 and now has 21 active alumnae chapters throughout the United Stales. Thé MSU Kappa Delta so p b n m o re r’T heodore D iets. W tulam s- ton sophom ore; Je ffre y E vans. C an­ Gail Miers, Homewood, III., to n . Ohio sophom ore; B rtice G ran t. senior,taTom Rasmussen, Lin­ KMensington. Conn aphom orc; T hom as cPherson; K e ith N ye. StevensvtUe Floral of Two honorary members, Miss chapter was installed in 1950 coln Park; Maryanne Dear, fresh m an : Jo sep h Solon; A uburn, East Lansing Ruth Jameyson and Miss Ma­ and has an alumnae body of Iraowobd s e n i o r , to Tom N.Y. fjxshm aiL P h i G am m a D elta _ bel Petersen; Dr. M. V. Moore, Cuorke,. Demarest, N.J.; Sue Jo h n C lem ent. Iro n MovsnUitn soph­ over 280 members.; Stewart. Dearborn senior, to om ore; ore: Ja m e s G tesel. M aum ee, Ohio' ‘fhe Place to Go for” head of the Business Service Bill Tod'.T~ ' r * " ■>V, ' MSU hosts several weekend sports events, headed by the soccer club, in a soccer game on Saturday. The 1961 Junior National AAU weight lifting and Mr. T itle Race ‘Caucasian’ Clause Big Ten championship - tennis tournament Friday and Satur­ * The game will be highlighted . America contest will be heM on Friday and Saturday in the IM HOLLYWOOD, Fin., UB-Tbe statement, this tournament also day. by the return of six former sports arena. executive committee of the Pro­ would not be allowed under v a r s i t y captains, including A t Indiana fessional Golfers association of *GA co-*pon»ofahip if the ra­ A m e r i c a recommended the cial restrictions are continued. Preliminaries begin at 9 a.m. today; semi-finals i t 10 a.m. on thre all-Americans. Represent­ ing the. International dub will Saturday. Big Tea finals and be players from ten nations, in­ Six MSU fatten wffl be in tHmtnaHew of the Association’s Mosk said he had advised ]»laybacks will begin at 1 p.m. the middle of the open scram­ controversial " C a u c a s i a n PGA officials that their activi­ cluding two native Americans. ble for the Big Ten g»df champ- Saturday. ^ • The game will be (flayed at clause" Wednesday shortly af­ ties under such a restricting 3 p.m. on the soccer field south iooihip Saturday at Btociwiiil- ter taking the 1962 PGA cham­ clause, whether on a private or The MSU International dub to t. t m l l f pionship from Los Angeles, ap­ Mbtic_ golf course, violated will meet the Varsity Alumni, of the tennis courts. . On the strength of their M -l parently because of California Mth thepubbc policies and the former members of the Spartan * ★ •* dad meet record against Btg objections to this restriction. awsmof the istate of California Tea competition the Spartaaa The cltme* restricts PGA He said ids office would force rate as a slight favorite to via membership to “professional the PGA to eliminate the clause the Itle. Bat the duel meet rec­ golfers of the Caucasian race, or “eease its activities within ord means nothing now. residing in North or South Ibis state." The FIVE OTHER teams are re­ America." r, * In reply Strong said he had RON HENRY ROGER PLAGENHOEF T h e championship tourna­ out been shown that the PGA garded as strong contenders. These two Spartan seniors are competing hi their final They are Miimnote, Michigan, ment is open only to (flayers was violating any law. He said _ C h a rc o a l Purdue (defending champion), Blj^enchamplonship here this weekend, MSU Is hasting holding full membership in the PGA legal advisors had said Ohio State and Northwestern. the competition which boasts several ef the coun­ PGA. g that as a private organization x S H e a rth Indiana must also be consider­ try's finest collegiate tennis stars. ______________ The announcement of the de­ the PGA was within its rights I used to date her too, ed because they are playing on cision to shift the 1962 tourna­ in restricting membership but not since he took their home coarse. ment made no mention of a The objections raised in Cali­ her to the Town« House Michigan state has done weD S t r o n g H i t t i n g , P i t c h i n g demand by Stanley Mosk, Cali­ fornia apparently stem from »(■<■«* these strong contend­ fornia’s attorney general, for the fact that Charles Sifford NO CHARGE — until after dessert ers so far. The Spartans have removal of~the clause if the Los Angeles Negro professional defeated Ohio State twice, won one and tied one against North­ western and defeated Indiana. B aseball Team Wins PGA wants to continue tournaments in California. holding would not be .eligible d irmptowship there. Siffort has (flayed in seven PGA'Co- for the After Mosk threatened to sponsored Thy were beaten by Michigan and Purdue and did not meet Minnesota. Over CMU. 11 -0 make the PGA cease opera­ tions in California unless the racial restrictions -on member fourth year, twice place. tournaments t h i finishing tied for — On U.S. 16 - Olie Mile East of Campus «UW— W.LWSWL Buddy Badger has been ties/ And three hurlers limited ship were removed, the Las An­ resolution to amend the PGA The executive committee’s By PAUL SCHNITT Spartan medalist mere than any State News Sports Writer Central to a trio of singles. geles Junior Chamber of Com other team member this sea­ John Elias, who had pitched merce, which was to have spon constitution Caucasian and eliminate the cla&se will be voted CO»v»i6MT t p I M I . c e c a COL* COMPANY. COCA-COLA AMO COM A*£ e « 3*6T€*tO son. He has been playing good, For the first time in many ten innings over the first 27 sored the tournament, asked to consistent golf all year. a game, the Spartan baseball games of the season, was given be relieved of its obligaticm- has improved with each meet, ching has been below par. tournament of the magnitude of and In State's last meet he was Wednesday the Spartan bat­ Tom Riley and Ron Hender­ medalist. Smith is a vetran of ters son sparkled at the plate. Riley the PGA championship-in that Fre e continued their torrid hit­ Big Ten tournaments and plays ting pace, slamming out 15 safe- Ihit a towering three-run homer At the same time the Los An­ well under pressure. Iover the 380 foot marker in the geles Open was reinstated as Book Gene Hunt missed a couple third It was his fifth of the part of the 1962 PGA tour of meets during the season due spring • tops for Michigan schedule. According to Mosk’s Gives the facts about moving. to eligibility problems but got Carry Back State. He has knocked in 10 mates in the last four games. Explain» the moving estimate. Shows how charges am deter­ them straightened out. In a mined. It's FREE...call or write; juadrangular meet against Ohio State, Purdue and Indiana. Bucking Odds Central used four moundsmen L e a g u e B a s e b a l l and Henderson liked them Robert E. Walters Hunt had the best 18 hole round BALTIMORE, — C a r r y equally well as he drove out T i d e W i d e O p e n 1266 May Street of the meet, 71. Lansing, Mich. Back will be bucking bigger three singles and a triple - IV 4-1421 one hit per pitcher. Henderson V GARY BARRETT missed the odds Saturday than the Preak- now has 9 hits in his last 15 at UK—The Big Ten baseball spring trip due to eligibility. A ness betting board shows be­ bats. championship is up for grabs few weeks ago coach. Jack cause of winning the Kentucky this week end with four teams Brotzmana took him on a try» Derby. Hie bulk of State’s 11 runs —Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota as a seventh man be played He’s figured today to be came in two-four run rallies.. and Illinois—able to snare it as a o n rrro R well enough to Wta a regular around a 6-5 favorite against The big blow of the third in­ theIllinois regular season ends. • N O AT** A M M fttC A N spot. Due to his late start Bar­ the seven other 3-year-olds list­ ning uprising was Riley’s round but weekcreated the scramble by handing Miniw- K 4W jL/ñ/mm rett has just reached bis peak. ed as probable entries. His tripper. Then Pat Sartorius, sota, seeking a fourth straigit Marty Kiev* as the last man Derby victory May « goes a Henderson and Carl Charon 5fc 6 0 m i l l i o n t i m e s a d a y p e o p le g e t t h a t r e f r e s h i n g n e w f e e l i n g selected for the trip. He won long way in shaping the calcu­ singled for the fourth tally. conference pennant, a double w iith In the eighth after two outs, defeat. t h iirpc e -m - c o ld ld C .n o cr a .C - C'rodl an t! LA -SA LLE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY __ _________ out over Larry McMillan by lation. . ... virtue of his bettor score in the But in the background lurks ¡the Spartans got to Ron Wild. Entering the finale. Michi­ bottled undtr authority of The Coco-Col* Company by L ansing. M ichigan ist meet. Kleva started veryj the records showingDerby Calderone singled, Bill Schud- gan is on top with an 8-1 record, ist this season but then ran winners of the recent past lich walked for'the third time, followed by Indiana with 9-2, nto some bad luck. He has | aren’t such good bets in the Riley also walked to load the Minnesota 9-3 and Illinois 7-3. teen hitting the ball well but Pieaknesi. bases. Gordon Hjortaas then All except Illinois wind up on j s n o t been scoring like he | SINC£ I#45 n have tried i bounced one over the leftfield the road. ALL* SIX MEN will play but f**. on*y t£r** mly the best five scores will I * counted in the team total. rhe Indiana course is an 11 hand. seven colts \ fence for a grounds rule double. In single games Friday Mich­ ITwo runs scored. the first twcHegs of the George Azar brought two at Wisconsin (3-8), Minnesota more across the plate with a at Iowa (4-6), Michigan State i single up the middle. _ igan is at Purdue (3-8), Indiana 14-7) at Illinois and Ohio State real cigarette C A M EL H i» * »te par 71 layout «.717 yard,. 12 ? « Sinks tossed the sixth and (2-7) at Northwestern (4-8). seventh. the Preak-; while striking He gave up one hit Saturdays doubleheader has Parings for MSU individual more and copped out three. Avery MSU at Purdue, Minnesota at golf tourney are posted in west ness. worked the eighth and ninth, Iowa, Ohio State at Wisconsin, C ro re r’s barVers shouldttake facing th minimum of six bat­ Indiana at Northwestern and lobby of 1M betiding and at the heart if r~ > a/? from this. He lost the ters. _ i Michigan at Illinois. golf course. Derby by less than a length to > e # tO e r a t o i a e m i. Carry Back. That was a mile PH 0 C U R A T O R OF M A M M A LS . and quarter race. The Preak* h o u r s e s s io n o n l y W ASH-N-W EAR ness distance is a sixteenth V l ^ S A N D IE G O Z O O shorter. A Q e — w i t h th is a d DACKON BLEND Besides Crozier, Dr. Miller, Sherluck and Globemaster will SUITS be trying to do in the Preak- ness what they couldn’t in the Derby against Carry Back. The — E x ercise F o r F u n — Call ED 7-988» for an appointment before coming Reg. $39.95 Value newcomers Only to the Triple Crown circuit, -which ends June 3 at Belmont, are H;tting Away, LIAP- A- LITTLE $27.99 Crimson Fury and Orleans Dove If Carry Back can take the T r a m p o lin e C e n te r 1331 E. Grand River — Next to Brookfield Plaza BUY AND SAVE AT Preakness, he will have a shot Len Kosilchek’s •fat becoming the first Triple Crown winner since Citation in ¿e*» 1948. _ V V an ity Shop. THE ONLY colt since then 228 Abbott Rd. to win the first two legs was East I sw ing, Mich. Tim Tam, who finished second C O U L D Y O U in the Belmont Stakes in 1958. T E L L T H E MB ☆ LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ☆ tRMet M U F F L E R S — T A I L P IP E S — E X H A U S T P IP E S id*« P O LIS H E S — W A X E S — P A IN T S — B R U S H ES C O M P L E T E L I N E O F A C C E S S O R IE S rs ■ iw eí Ttmm three rings CO M PU TI New 4c Rebuilt in ootamrd appearance and diamond SPRING 7 « C w in f e n weight. But their prim Sfar tptdtfy—boceuoo • r» e i t a n of variation« in the quality of the «tornea SERVICE • W ater h a p i variations we will be happy to show you. • Sterten • Oaten natte RANNEY Jeuxler* Next Tn KRAMER AUTO PARTS ~ STATE THEATER i EAST LANSING . ■ABME SMP SBVWE IfrntOM — •« n —steateti i»«i<— Thebest tobacco makes the best smoke! easnanm tn 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-1335 uam m m m a t t e a n iUiiii franar. Waw Srlaa. ».ft m m Michigan Slate Hew, Eart tairafnp, IBdrigan H H M M s c e n e . Friday M ontini, I h y 19» 1961 8 ak , n , p a a a a a a a u u u a Crossword Puzzle la l a anGni aH ai du uaasnuaiiu a Students on Party aaau aa uaauo au3 MROM »Dusk UUU WLI Li □ Spree B efore Tests 1. Fabulous bird ,';>7 4. Hurly- J7.Sm ali 38. J e w is h □□□□ u aau o aaG □ □ □ uQ Q iiu a n a -Alpha Lambda Delta, schol­ □LIEJ-JLlkiaa EJHGJH astic honorary for freshman Kiebter, E. Lansing; len, Bannister; Barbara Weeks, ette re» Krymis, Quincy; Cor­ Elm Hall; Judy Westie, Mt. Arlington Heights, DL; Lyon* Winemiller, Abran« Çwjî burly high p riests nelia Lewis, E. Lansing; Shir­ Pleasant; Deborah Williams, Carol Work, 'B ra m a , and Ju­ With exam time drawing light its annual spring formal • P urchue vestment I a n a i3 m u women, initiated 80 members dith L Zimmer, 6 . Lansing. sear, coeds and their dates are with the crowning of their 12. Ohio col- 41. C o n c ia - _ Wednesday, in 34 and 35 Union. ley Lindner, Milwaukee, Wis.; Port Hun»; Candace Willner, getting in a last sport of merry­ queen on Saturday from 8-12 IM I town Uva andin i a n a a a a n a a nan A' reception in Parlor B fol­ Plains; Nancy Lombard, Tren­ C a t h e r i n e Lobb, Drayton making before the cramming p.m. at the Lansing YWCA. IS. Soap plant 42. Salted a a a a u a u u a n n n lowed the ceremonies. Ted Harris’ quintet is providing 14. SadW val cracker r ia a a □ □ □ □ □ □ □ J a y n e Souser, Muskegon ton; Linda Loomis, Perry; At for finals begins. rftonay » S a tia te s Heights, received the Book Georgeen Luecht, Leslie; Bar­ PM Sigma Kappa Is bolding the music. Everyone is invited 15. Prate 41 Scrap te lu tle n af Y eeterday’a P a tria Award, granted to the gradual; bara McDonald, Logansport, their annual term party in a Carnival atmosphere at the Lansing Country Chib Satur­ day night from 7-12 p.tn. Buddy to attend; there is no admission fee. Pi Kappa Phi will hold itsAn­ nual formal Rose Ball tonight 14. Spodo 17 Party plat- to rn tS.Swarda 21. Lafum* 47. Motion at the aan 41 Oil In vio­ let leaves St. Curve DOWN L Shred 1 Harem 11 Young men ing senior member with" the Ind.; Mary K. Mclnnis, Cedar 11. Tibetan on highest... all-University grade Springs; Madeline M i l l e r , point average. Her award was Flint; Donna J. Mitchell, Dal­ HAMBURGER HEAVEN 22 Forever: 53. Sp. title » .B itte r presented after the reception at las,. Tex. Spangler’s Orchestra will pro­ at' Capital City airport. Music 1 Anchor ' vetch the honorary’s annual spring Also included are: Betty Y o u e x p e c t v a r ie ty vide music for dancing and will be provided by the Modera- pont 55. Brightest 21. Repair M o o r e , Indianapolis, Ind.; 24. Small land (ta r in é chain 21 C asts; for banquet. dinner. % aires. Serenades and awards fish constellation 4. Equipoise amali a rti­ The program was concluded Nancy Morton, Southfield; Su­ a n d y o u g e t it! will highlight intermission. ^ » T h u liu m 56. w ater IB o o k of cles with a-speech by Dr. Elizabeth san N. Neal, Farmington; Sally ALPHA PHI Alpha will high- tymbol wheal the Bible 23. Oil-produc­ M. Drews, associate professor O’Dell, Ann Arbor; Alice Olen- SATURDAY evening at the 58. Antelope __6. Stripling ing center dorf, Plymouth; Deonne Beth Clippert S l Across From Frandor Holiday Inn will find the Zeta 51.Cryatal- — 58. Poorest 7. Dutch 24. Shoot tram of education. ^ Hand rain m ater New initiates of honorary in­ Orvis, Burnt Hills, N.Y.; Ann Pledg:es Tau Alpha’s and their escorts dancing the music of the Mod- 52.X«bbar traa 24,Diapoa- part of a fleece 60. G lorify IL n sa r 6. Snake ambush 25. AnglO- clude: Karen J. Anderson, D. Pemberton, Lockport, N.Y.; Grosse lie; Phyllis A. Bailey, Carol Pierce, Bath; Marilyn 1 . emaires at the annual White Sexoo king ; (Continued from page 6) Violet formal term party. / 61. Taka food 10. Vase » W o rk ef Action Flushing; Judy Beale, Jack­ Plumtree, Lathrup Village; son; Karne Bernhard, Winston Patricia Podlesak, Bloomfield NSW FARMHOUSE A lan E arly. K alam azoo Junior; S tu ­ a r t Mode«, S nover sophom ore; Glenn TUatiieny, P ly m o u th fre ih m a n ; Rich­ a rd Ross, C aro fresh m an ; P a u li Saila- Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold their annual Spring For­ mal at Dine’s tonight. Music Ì r i i■ r r ~ ir a 7 r Æ r * II r r 27. Pitchers 10. Occurrence » Building wing Salem, Baltimore, Downers( N.C.; Julie Ann Bock, Hills; Marlene Rubenstein, Md.; Linda Brody, Syracuse, N.Y.; Andrea Band- Grove, 111.; Linda retto, Kearsarge; Carol Schif- ILUCON ■ rrm 1 T h r í U t ! T h rU Isl fi : will be by Kenny Davis and his à b u ry . P helph. N.Y. iresh m a n ; Jo n M ead, F ra n k fo rt sophom ore; , D avid ar »L ocal Brockway, Owosso; Jean Bu­ fer, Detroit, and Ruth Schmit- 1 IA S T 1ANSINQ • f f f V B U E f t . « » _ • . • •v . 1 P eacock, H illsdale sophom ore; Jo h n band. ti » .E nglish chanan, Birmingham; Marilyn ter, Mason. — Feature 1 : 2 0 - 3 : 3 0 - 5:45 - 8 :0 0 - 1 0 : 2 0 R oosevelt, D e c a tu rT re sh ra a n ; W alter HOLLAND HOLIDAY is the school - Bull, Casnovia; Jean Bullock, Others are: Mary Ann Schu­ S chreiner, Y ork. Pa- Ju n io r;; Leslie w to. Father Bethesda, Md.; Dolores Cabic, bert, Detroit; LauraLee Sher­ ; _____________¿ — ------------- ---------— --------- Severance, D eck er freshm an. theme of North Williams Hall L am bda Chi' Aloha M ichael B a rn ett, SaXlnaw fresh ­ m an ; Ja m e s B ouchcy, Saginaw fresh ­ term party* tonight from 9-12 p.m. Bill Hart’r band wilPfur­ w » * « 41 Peace god­ dess 45. Ridge of Clifford; M a r t h a Christian, wood, Pontiac; Vicksburg, qnd Sandra Cotter, Ypsilanti; Joan Sidman, Wood­ Patsy bury, N.Y.; Kathleen Simons; Shryock, UKI WffffllW wuw m an; M ichael B oyd. Saginaw fre s h ­ m an ; T hom as B round, N iles fre s h ­ m an : M ark C ragtn. W akefield. Mass. fresh m an ; D ennis F inn, F lin t fresh ­ m an; L aw rence Foley, Philadelphia, P a. sophom ore; C harles G re e r, Rocky nish dance music. ~A dinner dance at the Jack Tar hotel will be the setting for JT ft W m V 4i rocks 47. Composi­ tion to r three 48. D ept In Yale. Others Sturgis; cy; Judith I are: Eleanor Engel; Shari Eagly, Romeo; Crowell, Quin­ Lin­ Maynard, Mass.; Carol Slag- ter, Grand Rapids; Barbara Snyder, Laingsburg; Dianne W. EVER8EENBEFOREil R iver, Ohio fresh m an ; B re n t Hughes, Delta Zeta'a formal party. At H" i W Peru da Fiebling, Traverse City; Jo -Stephen, Ind.; Carole Sterling, IT T O W E R S B uffalo. N,Y. freshm an; M ichael M ar- intermisison, the DZ man is 47 m » S te a l anna* Fink, Midland; Nancy Blue Island, 111.; Mary M. OVER THE ciniak. Toledo, O hio freshm an. T hom as M cG uire, N iles freshm an; chosen. Bill Hart will provide mu » .S p h ere Fitchett, Detroit; _M i r i a m Swensen, Islington; Ont., Can­ CITIES C olem an M iller. D etro it fresh m an ; P e te r Schworz, L ansing fresh m an ; the music. __ p r 31. C raft Forbes, Pontiac; Cecilia Gam­ ada; Nancy E. Taylor, Hills­ OF THE ■ » . Fuegisn 'J o h n S taack. M oline, In d ian a Junior; J e r r y S utton, L ansing fresh m an : R on­ IV Indian ble, E. Lansing; Stefany Gold­ dale; M d r y "A. Tiedeman, WORLD! ir stein, Lansing; Diane Groover Gaines, and Kathleen Tietjens, ald W illiam son, T hree O aks fresh ­ lit 54. Kernel Dearborn. m an; T hom as Y onker. St. Joseph sophom ore. Leadership r — V N n teitw n p t) r-/t 57. Beast burden of Flushing; Lois Hendges, Lan­ sing; Pamela Hibbard, 'Mt And-finally: Leanne C. Tre- Pleasant; Gerry Hinkley, Mar­ bilcock, Milwaukee, Wis.; Di­ p m rum M aun. shall, and Susan Hogg, Sagi ane Upton, Garden City; Ingrid Fraternity T r a in in g naw. Wagner, Detroit; Mary Wal- More new members include: czyk, Keego Harbor; Judith EL Sweethearts OfferedinFall Linda Stie Hume' St. Joseph; Walker, Coldwater; Carol Wal­ Named Student leadership training, a formal two credit course, will Placem ent Bureau M9W! G L A D M E R 1■T H T A T P f • P H O N f t v 1 SSM REGULAR PRICES! be offered fall term by the Col­ Interviewing at the Place­ Corps interviewing all majors Sweetheart of Alpha Sigma lege of Education. Phi fraternity is Bey Raymes, ment Bureau Tuesday. Addi­ from all colleges. T h e screen’s 12 million dollar spectacle! tional informatlbn In the Place­ - U.S. Navy interviewing all Toronto, Can. freshman. She is The course- is designed to ment Bureau Bulletin for the majors interested in positions thousands in the cast! years in the making! majoring in foreign languages -prepare students for positions week of. May 22-25: as Wave officers and Junior and is secretary of Campus UN. of leadership and responsibility. She wUTreign-as Alpha Sig IJt will be taught by Dr. Eldon Delta Air Lines, Inc., (South­ executive positions. queen at the Junior 500 race. IR. Nonnamaker^ assistant di- Lucy Clough, a freshman of I rector, Men’s Division of Stu- ern, tLS.) interviewing all ma­ jors interested in stewardess Your sewing needs should al­ ways be considered when you T H E ____ TECHNIC0L0I® Delmar, N.Y., was chosen fdent Affairs. positions. purchase a new sewing ma­ JOHN WAYNE / RICHARD WIDMARK / LAURENCE HARVEY Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsi- Libby, McNeil^ Libby inter­ chine'. The lady who uses a lin fraternity. She is a member Enrollment in the course is viewing Mechanical Engineers, machine only for mending and FRANKIE MTMCXWMK/ URMCR1STAL of Alpha Xi Delta sorority and limited. Interested^ students Interviewing at the Place- stitching itraight seams can AVALON MWo-MEN/CMuwus/a RICHARD BOONE Union Board and is majoring may submit petitions to the Electrical Engineers and Pro­ use a simple model. The lady •tuasca fnnn unite* ««ttars DOORS OPEN in home economics. She will Women’s Division. 101 Student duction M a n a g e rs. who-does fancy stitching may 12:15 reign as Sig Ep queen at the Services^-Alfapetitions must be _ U.S. Army Women’s Army' want the more deluxe machine. —• junior 500 race. filed by next Wednesday. FEATURE AT f o r P r o g r a m in f o r m a t io n d i a l iv 2-3905 12:30 - 3:20 8:15 • 9:15 a m MICHIGAN Mat. 65c — Eve? 90c Children 30c € !L L TRAVERS-WILLIAM SYLVESTER Starts L A N S IN G D R /V E - /N THEATRE T H E A T R E * P H O N E 1 V .2 -7 3 II Award Winner in “THE YOUNG SAVAGES” Coming Sqon! “GONE WITH THE WIND 4 MILES SOUTHWEST OF CAMPUS FRI. - SAT. - SUN. (3) COLOR HITS HIT NO. (1) SHOWN ONCE AT 8:10 THEY SAID SHE HELDOVER! 3 ADULTHITS ADMISSION 90c Exclusive Showing! COULDN'T MAKE A , CHAMPION OUT OF A * THIS ENGAGEMENT SCRAWNY OUTLAW EAST LANSING STEER... GENERAL SCREEN CORP. presents j For a price yUb ran sot her [ i in th«"privati upstairs room" | i of a sleazy Madrid fun-joint 11 I HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 10:10 PAULNEW M AN•JOANNEW OODW ARD SPta^ST APUtTMUStm t th e BOLDEST STORY OP LO VE... y o u If ever te e J IN AND OUT OP ■A U N K MARRIAGE! gg|- HANDSI FROMTHE (H i DECK • LEO PRODUCTION fniuud bySHtRMAN PKCÍ O m bm a S coib CE color byoe luxe! WHITT MAN CAPTURED AS S C R E E N IN G SUN., MON., TUE. ClNtMASeoPE colowi>,oeLuxe i MYRNA LOY«.UONMH 8 LOVE SLAVE...! T IM E S HIT NO. (2) FRI., SAT. LATE 8 HOW 1 - WOMAN LIKE SATAN miriamteta»i| Twice At 8:22 - 12:35 2 - GIRL FEVER -Today’s Co-HU! NOW AT POPULAR PMCC8! Shown Once At ìi:16 THE ZANIE8T COMEDY IN YEARS! c o n t in u o u s t e r a r a t e M » ALT WAlT DISNEY’S A b itai H i s M F ra te sa r 3 - REVENGE OF THE « 0NVUMMTOMTKMl RCTUB_ STARTS WED. MAY 24th RICHARD WIDMARK IN “THE SECRET WAYS” Feature Tknef Today! (Box Office Closes 18 P.M.) MAIDENS ONCE lb f t WEN. Sink NHet “Afl Hands on Deck” - 1:804:1*7:35.11:90 ADMISSION 78e CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE “Absent Minded Professor” * 2:49^:09-9:29 mm riday Morning, May 19, 1961 Michigan StaijWwra, j$ | ¡ lnnw ngtllfrh% Mi 9 1 'i ..:r ijif£g*~ The llamo—’ daughter pre­ Skeels Succeeds Munson viously attended MSU and is in itia te C 2 6 oeds (Continued from Page 1) presently spending a y e a r in as a plebe at the United studying foreign relations at States Military Academy. West the University of Mexico in Into A n gel Flight ROTC 1980. He is a 1955 graduate of Point, N.Y. this coming tell. Mexico City. die Army War College. He has served in Eurone, Ja­ Tw«jty-ilx coeds have been Barb Lockhart, Park Ridge, In 1963 | pan, Korea, Hawaii and the ■ ■ted Into Angel Flight, aux- HI. freshman; Marda Mills, *iiiary to the Aritold Air Society, Canton, Ohio, sophomore; Adri­ (continued from page U Mediterranean area. He is 1 They are: enne Pitak, Chicago freshman; Sheila Saunter, Grand Rapids freshman; Deanna White, Kale- The program was recam- mended to become voluntary married with three children. At awards Day parade cere­ monies conducted on Old Col­ Mafcia Soules, Jackson soph*j S azoo sophomore and Marcia by 1983 to provide an orderly scale-down of military staffs, lege Field Wednesday after­ »©more; Joan McGuire, Detroit' err, East Lansing junior. noon Munson was awarded the f sophOinore; Sandy Upke, -De- facilities, uniforms and sup­ fjtroit.; sophomore; Jan Moore, plies. It win also permit groat er experimentation in planning Army Commendation Ribbon with pendant by Major General Session by the Cedar | Ludington freshman; Ann Pot* , ter, Grosse Pointe freshman; St. John’s an effective optimal program. George E. Bush, Commanding £ Patsy Shryock, Ypsilanti fresh- General Fifth U.S. A jm y I man; Elaine Coulton, Royal Plans Special THE ARMY and Air Force have been planning revamped Corps, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Y f Oak sophoihore^. Martha White, programs which will he ready the citation accompanying1 g Wyandotte junior; Virginia WWinners, Saginaw freshman. May Service for implementation by M8J. the medal listed the many i A series of orientation lec­ awards and decorations earned j f Connie Cilnka, Detroit fresh- The annual May Crowning by the colonel during his 30j | man; Janet Anderson. Lathrupservices will be Sunday at 7:20 tures will also be given during freshman and sophomore years, years of service, which end | I Village freshman; Marty Beat­p.m. in St. John's Student Par­ with his retirement shortly af­ J a n Workshop ty, Detroit sophomore; Barb ish^ depending upon the nature of the future military program. ter the end of the current Bishop, Glenview, 111., fresh­ theThe ceremony w ill begin with recitation of the Living Ros­ school year. - - Fun F o r . . . Everyone! man; Sandiland Bowen, Saline ary made up-of This series replaces an earlier Munson, who hails from Ok­ sophomore; Judy Eikman, Mc­ dents. Candles wcollege stu-, ill be lit as suggestion by the faculty com­ lahoma and served a total of Sunday May 21 Keesport. -Pa. freshman; Mar­ each part of the rosary is re­ mitted on ROTC to have a full eight years in the Oklahoma got Gensler, Ossining, N .Y . term course in orientation to legislature before World War 2:00 P.M. - Nightfall - Free! sophomore; Sally Johnston; Col- cited. —-— ' Monsignor Osmundo 'Calip military world affairs. II, has a son, Merton E . Mun­ lingwood, N.J. sophomore; w ill be the speaker. Participat­ Janet Roal. Grosse Pointe soph­ ing The voluntary program win son Jr., who is currently an BETA TNETA PI 255 Bogue S t In the crowning are gifls be revived in 1966 to determine freshman at MSU and will start omore. from the St. Thomas Aquinas Its effectiveness. Jan Jaumotte, Chateau, i first communion class. Mont. sophomore; P atti Lam b,! THE DIRECTORS « the de­ Blopmfield Hills freshm an;' partments of air and army sci­ ence said Thursday that they NEW JUNIOR SM QUEEN—Anne Murray, West Spring­ Boop-boop-a-doop: It's the twenties M A Y N A R D JA S T R A M expect a drop in enrollment in field, Mass. freshman, sits te a model racing ear after advanced ROTC due to the being cRosen queen of the junior 500. (Sate News photo by INVITES YOU TO change urprogram. T. S. Crockett) “The drop at other schools, “ Share The P ro fits Contest” mainly Rutgers and Utah State, get d e ta ilsa t ^ 4 which have changed to volun­ tary programs has been sub­ AUSG Reaffirm s RO stantial,” Col. Merton Munson, (Continued from Page 1) pay the students tax. Many felt retiring director of Army ROTC ¡Weekend and 3369.26 for the that the original committee was M A Y N A R D ’S Texaco Station said. (See Munson retirement hostile toward the bill. - , story, page 1). _ *~ AUSG faitsory project. Jim Anderson, sparta junior, E. GRAND RIVER AT SPARTAN Munson said he expects this THE HISTORY project is an found an ordinance enacted in drop to occur here. He added !uncompleted history of Student March, 1958 calling for a fall he has heard that a proposal i Government on campus. It was referendum on the question of may be made to Congress to | started far 1958. PRESENTS -graduate student representation STARLITE LANSINCS change the entire Army ROTC The Conservative club was in Congress. The fall vote was program to two years.. granted a permanent charter never held. THCfttUC “This would mean a more 'as a student organization by Anderson raised the ques­ rugged course and extended j Congress, tion that the present Congress FOLLOW W. ST. JOE ; J iv t hivj summer camp," Munson said. Appointments to cabinet po- was still bound by the 1958 or­ Tw o M ites Southw est of L am ine on M-78 FRI. - SA T (3 ) B IG H IT S COL. THOMAS Barrett of air |; sitions by AUSG President dinance, since it is still an ac­ Campbell were also approved tive ordinance of Congress. Af­ science said it is difficult to ¡by Congress. say how much of a cut will oc- i In a special session after the ter some discussion about the // Only [cur,_ but judging from other j regular meeting Congress voted constitutionality of the old or­ H1T N0. (I) AT 8:10 — LATE schools, it wifi be noticeable. : to retain the 25 cent student dinance and proposing a new THEIRS WAS THE COURAGE THAT STOOD few Barrett said that in the past !tax for spring and fall terms, bill the issue was dropped. AGAINST THE htLLERS OUSTER COULDN'T STOP! some drop in the number of stu­ j| dents years there has been A bill to give graduate stu- Dale Warner, Eaton Rapids representation in Con­ junior, speaker of-Congress an­ dents enrolled in advanced Air gress was reported on by the nounced that next week’s ses­ Force ROTC.- There are 75 ¡Students Rights committee, but sion of Congress will be held in Yesterday Icurrently enrolled in the ad­ ¡referred to the Finance Com- the House chambers at the Cap­ vanced program. - ■mittee for further study. Some ital building. Munson said there are 212 ifelt the bin was a move to THAT FABULOUS ERA . ; Ienrolled -in the Army ROTC draft graduate students Into Iadvanced program. Congress and obligate them to Inform ation HIGH LIFE CLUB — Sat., 8 THE ROARING 20's Opening Tonig h t! p.m. UN Lounge. GAMMA DELTA—Sun., 1 p.m., Martin Luther Chapel, visit the Community Circle Players Present to Ann .Arbor. - ii THE MOUSE OF BERNARDS ALBA” BNAI BRITH HILLEL FOUN­ DATION — Fri., 7:30 p.m., Sabbath evening services. 1-2-3 June Sun. 10 a.m., Snavouth morn­ A Spanish Tragedy by Federico Garcia Lorca ing services. CATHOLIC STUDENT CEN- Thursday Night tickets on D ISCO U N T sold in blocks of 20 •auM M n urn .« Circle Playhouse May 19, 29, 25, 38, 27 TER—FTi., 9 p.m., movie, O nsmmScoc€ 1129 Sheridan St. Phone ED 2-9488 or Ti Student Center «■oweu>ap Sat., 9-12 p.m., record dance, JOHN TURIN jam 8:30 P.M. 1VMN9 Student Center. Osmm««hfH£»M DfliNER'TKATChfR*8IRAIAS *NI W EBBCRRMima«dOrnemete0URTKENNEDY1 Located two Morin North and two blocks East of Sun., 6 p.m. Marian Feast, smorgasboard, 50 cents, Stu- : - j S I G- Pennsylvania and Saginaw Sts. - dent Center. Sun., 7:30 p.m., May crown­ HIT NO. <2L FIRST RUN AT 0:50 Regnlar Admission 32.00 ing, St. John’s Church. ASHER FOR WOMEN — 8-12 THE CAST OF THE T U B » . Special Admission for Stated» with I.D. — 81.00 Bermuda, informal, bring LIVING ALL THE THRILLS imagination. OF STUAIT CLOETE'S PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL SO 2-5017 STA RT S BIG AFRICAN ADVENTURE! T O N IG H T * ^ i p n b e .* E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.2-2814 A T 7 P.M* ALL SEATS 90c FEATURE SHOWN AT 7 :» - 0:30 THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS — COME EARLY 2ft CiMu»Maoor»C COLOR* by X LUXfc 'MASISlPIECEp GEORGESHERMAN•EDMUNDHNORTH * T h e s to ry m a k e s HIT NO. (3) e n o u g h s u s p e n s e to At 11:40 “Abbott A Costello Meet The Mummy’ W in a y a c h t i n g h o l i d a y in t h e B a h a m a s ! b rin g s w e a t t o ~ HAYLEY ST A R T S SU N DAY k MILLS ~ Enter the *Vaseline,'Hafr Tonic “Flip Talk“ contest. Win a s to n e fo re h e a d s !" k WINNER — 7-day cruise through the Bahamas on a fabulous yacht plus \ CrI SuIGvin mm**— V SPECIAL two glorious days in Nassau—all expenses paid for you and « ACADEMY live of your friends. Hundred* of other “water-fun" prises, "THB » RUUYTK HS SHOWI" AWARD too. Entry blanks wherever ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic is sold. Keep it under your hat! ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic is mads îi TiAUi € specially tar men who use water with their- hair tonic. ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic won’t evaporate—it’s 100% pure light grooming oil-replaces the oil water removes from your hair. r h w n \\ m it's dear f Ji _— it’s d e a n . . . it’$ cure 1 WUJUtS-RflBERTSOfi O —i RaoffiRessati» wm— ■ •JMMLUMIBriOHU •nmóvasMMi.Nè '^¡eSKSsSSSfiw* *****•»*■■*•. VASELINE HAIR TONIC m u r m Mi w i i iW u i iH / A#ll ^wmisiÊmMmemÊÊms» P ^ y H V- D :'i'i \ ' ^ í í l í l & S í ^ ^ y m t à m S'.‘ B Ë■. & M a s i aSBaü ; 3t»s«IffifÍÍ-:©*. -i-.. , a»! — -• io. lü Friday Morning, May 10» 196¿ • _ alPEfi 1® J r . 5 0 .0 CAMPBELL'S a. © SUBURBAN The SHO 20 Tw o $5 0 . 0 0 Perm anents a se _ Jr. 500 Trophies 3» F o r Free mI*"**!. W 0I Be On Display 9 at a; « hi Oor Bos 1:30 p.i DRIVE s 1 Daring Um» Race. 00 Patrician Hair I*ashions S58 _ — --------, MARTIN PAT w > s <0 THE MEN OF LAM BDA CHI ALPH A ED - 7 1114 - Sm 99 «? c u THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR. . . WISH T 0 THANK THE UW YERSITY. F o r A p p oin tm en ts THE COMMUNITY AND THESE EAST EXCLUSIVE A T THE LANSING MERCHANTS FOR THEIR ASSISTANCE AND CONTRIBUTIONS B o u s» IN HELPING TO PRESENT ^ ACRO SS FROM CAM PUS LAYAW AY ■~ CH ARG E THE 14th ANNUAL Jr. 500 the GIBSON’S the aí'Sft Spudnut Book TOG Shop # *■ EAST GRAND RIVER ON THÉ CAMPUS Store SHOP 225 M AC -S3 nuuiss BUD KOUTS BUD’S SUNOCO F. H. McClihtock MOBIL Reàwooà»Rots SERVICE Chevrolet Co. SERVICE 6RAND HIVER « HOGUE Cadillac Co. Grand River EAST LANSING, MICH. & Has let t Louis Cleaners Spartan Campus When Yon Want Fast Service CORAL Remember CluMr aad B ook S to ie 0~' GABLES f J I1 mtÆmk- r~ Sbirt Laaidry Store O N E B LO C K E A ST -O F CAM PUS Book ACROSS FROM THE STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING EA ST LAN SIN G 3J. 8 . ¡Bourne JOHN HICKS * n '>'«;•. ... __ t University Shop^ Men*t Wear ■ V • V ACE . ; ■" •.■■'■.V. -, ' . 4 Since 1960 211 E. Grand River Hardware 223 Eaat Grand River m > * Ä H l §§ H Ü i -, affi H l