I Num ber Please W eather R eport T ie Stale New torn new lÉ r ia a t t Meetly saaay and warum weather to Dfresl aawa W aSäm .ruowuo^p ^ ^ w “ w stette* ta !’^oqa^^^notW^wsw^p SIX7, predicted tor today by the V&. Weather SM «r SIS. M Ü dhaMMae Bureae; a w ü m Mto IMK right *■ 4 m M to ramriMi SMS er SM4. ! « Serving M SU For 52 T m » Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 40 E n t fa w h n , Michigan, Wednesday Morning, M ay24,1961 8 P h g ca Maaawteato 5 Cents ‘R i d e r s ’ F l e d g e T o C o n t i n u e e o f B u s S e g re g a tio n France Proposes T o Appeal Alabama Laos W ithdrawal Injunction GENEVA (Pi—France called would apply to U.S. officers Tuesday for the withdrawal of advising the royal Laotian gov* MONTGOMERY. Ala., UH- all foreign troops from strife- eminent and to the Commu­ Undeterred by race riots which torn Laos except for a French nists from North Viet Nam sup­ upset their timetable, battered contingent to replace U.S. ad­ porting the Pathet Lao rebel­ “Freedom Riders” promised visers. lion. Tuesday to continue their chal­ This proposal—malan for Senate Laos is contained in w e e doc­ sidered.— ‘Lights Out’ for Sunshine M oneyfor Books, Ambassador uments. Two were submitted today by third- will be Jean Chauvel. The ready in a few HE SAID there would have been “an extremely bloody and costly riot” in Montgomery, Some 900 students paused been purchased at a dime store Moonshine; friends of the fam­ Buses, Jan ito rs days. ~ Ala., Sunday night except for the presence of deputy U.S. Monday to pay tribute to “Sun­ and had a “heart of gold.” ily, Panther Man, Cobra Girl; WASHINGTON, W)-Tbe Sen­ THE FRENCH offer a count­ Marshals. shine,” who died that morning. “He came up the hard way, and toe owner Larry Steinberg, ‘Sunshine” was a two-month from common stock-—but he Southfield sophomore. ate amended the $2-55 billion erproposal to the plan for Laos Kennedy referred to an inci­ Federal Aid to Education bill introduced last week by Soviet dent at the First Baptist Church old turtle. A funeral'procession of 15 cars, led by an 8-foot casket went out like a champ,” he said. With the playing of taps, Sun­ _ ^ ★ ★★ Tuesday to cover buses, books, foreign minister Andrei Gro­ and janitors as well as teach­ myko. The Soviet plan would where a mob gathered while a group of Negroes were bold­ containing Sunshine’s body, ers and classrooms. give the Communists a veto ing a meeting inside. shine’s boay was lowered into wound its way through campus and stopped to hold a rally for the Red Cedar. This was fol­ lowed by a chorus of “The Herman’s By a 51-39 vote, the Senate over peace machinery opera­ adopted an amendment of Sen. tions in Laos. Winston L. Prouty, R-Vt., to The French plan is in line MARTIAL LAW IN MONTGOMERY—Natteual guardsmen patrol the street la front ef the Greyhound bus station in ‘Newspaper reporters who _were present said that if the marshals had not been present the deceased. Saints Gojfarchtag In.” permit states to use federal with the thinking pi various Montgomery, Ala., Monday aft« Governor John Patterson At the rally, 2S0 heard of Sun­ shine’s record of accomplish-, Attending physician, chief pallbearer, and friend of the Dem ise grants fur the general operat­ non-Cwnmnatst delegations; in­ ing expenses of their public formants said. piredM ^er martial law'to halt racial rioting. Thu first toe violence of the bloody weekend erupted here Saturday. 'great lossto oftitohie,” church would have bees burned p w i d with Kennedy ments. The procession then family, Roger Liss, Brooklyn, scnbols. M AttCrlcsn spokesman told (APWtrepfcoto) ™ ^ " ■ ' said. „ moved on. ' Burial took place on toe banks of the Red Cedar River. N.Y. sophomore, said that Sun­ shine died of claustrophobia of the shell—his heart was toe big. Mourned As the Senate voted, the newsmen that the United States House Education Committee delegation “thought the French IN A TELEGRAM to Ala­ took up a more explosive document contains these pro­ bama Congress members who The “preacher” told 700 who had stopped to pay their last He had been sick for two weeks. Let us all take a moment to silently honor H.H. Herman, who died Monday in Giltner amendment to the bill. , visions: Rep. Herbert Zelenko, D- THE ROYAL Laotian gov­ Congress A cts Tonight yesterday demanded withdraw­ al of the Federal officers, the respects' that Sunshine had Survivors, are his- brother, N.Y., has proposed that the ernment would proclaim a de­ Attorney General-said the mar­ animal clinic of- leptospirosis, a kidney infection. Herman was a Bassett Hound bill include federal grants forj sire fer neutrality. It would construction of private and call on the 13 other nations at On Summer Term B ill shals wiB not remain “a min­ ute long« than is necessary.” Peace Talks Begin who resided at toe Beta Theta parochial schools. this conference to respect its Student Congress will act on a system of course and faculty “What is needed now is ac­ tion on the part of Gov. (John) Pi house, 225 Bogue Street A ADMINISTRATION leaders territorial integrity and to as­ a resolution to establish a sum­ evaluation, and to review the Patterson and local law en­ loyal student of Michigan State, said its adoption might lead to sure “the free functioning of mer session at tonight’s meet­ grading system. Algerian Rebels defeat of the entire bill in the itsT national House. The Senate is expect­ would h e promise instituions.” Laotian not government to ed to reject a similar amend­ any military alliances or tol­ enter into ing in the House chambers of ferendum the Capital building. _ constitution to permit graduate forcement officers—not merely A resolution to hold a fall re­ words to amend the AUSG said. of intention,” Kennedy ment. . _ The summer session would student representation ta Stu­ The Attorney General said he Stall Cease-Fire Several senators said the erate the presence of foreign not legislate but act mainly as dent government will also be sent the marshals into' Ala­ original Prouty amendment troops or foreign military in­ an investigating body, accord­ considered. bama lari weekend after be felt might have allowed some states stallations on its territory other ing to Dale Warner, Eaton Rap­ If passed the resolution would that State authorities bad made E VI A N-LES-BAINS UTi — A HALF DOZEN half-tracks, to use federal funds for stu­ than the foreign military in­ outline voting procedure for ation, faulty appraisal of the situa­ France and the Algerian rebel each mounting's 50-caliber ma­ dents of private schools. structors forseen in the 1954 ids junior, speaker of Congress. the referendum, vote with both and after be and Presi­ regime buckled down to serious chine gun, appeared around this At the suggestion of Sen. Geneva accords. Tentative plans call for se­ graduate and undergraduate dent Kennedy had b e « unable The second French document lect committees to investigate students voting on the issue. to reach Patterson. peace talks Tuesday as French Lake Geneva resort town. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., t h e authorities moved in dements Troops maiming the half­ wording of Prouty’s amend- The other 13 governments in bousing, rules and regulations, Congress will also consider only He said the action was taken of an antiaircraft unit to tracks ment was changed to assure as a last resort, and with joined scores of blue- compulsory class attendence, a resolution to establish-a Stu­ great reluctance. -strengthen already fight secur­ uniformed republic security that only public schools would the conference would subscribe dent Traffic Appeal Court for ity measures. forces and policemen wbo have receive the funds for operating to the principles and conditions contained in the declaration of summer term. THE WHITE HOUSE said the Ndther delegation would re­ clamped a firm guard around expenses. President kept in touch with the Laotian government. They Tonight’s-session will start veal details. A French spokes­ the city and the conference man described toe atmosphere The bill, when it came to the floor of the Senate, allowed would agree “to abstain from Repeat Exam at 7:30 ta the House chambers. the situation during the day as “formally correct” and said site, the Hotel Du Parc. states to use the proposed any direct or indirect interfer­ The meeting is open to all stu­ through talks, apparently by there was a general discussion ~ Authorities obviously fear of the snarled Algerian issue. attempts at sabotage by French HERMAN ence grants only for teacher salar­ Laos.” in the internal affairs of Deadline Set dents. telephone, with Justice Depart­ ment officiais. ies, school construction or both. Asked about demands of Ala­ The spokesman would not say extremists who oppose inde­ Herman has been honored .in SEN! JOSEPH S. Clark, D- The office of evaluation serv­ bama authorities that be do why security measures had pendence for 'Algeria, a land Pa., a sponsor of the bill, op­ N icaragua Shaken ices has announced that Wed­ been strengthened. torn by rebellion and other dis­ turbances for nearly seven the past for attending more classes than any other student. posed the Prouty amendment, nesday is the deadline for per­ Tentative something about curbing Free­ dom Riders going into Ala­ years. ~ Attending physician Don Saw­ saying “The money --will be MANAGUA, Nicaragua, (A— mission to repeat final exam­ bama, the Attorney General Despite toe French order for yer of Giltner called Herman frittered away and we will not The Nicaraguan capital was inations in the University Col­ Conference said he had no power to stop Heart Attack the army in Algeria to observe “one of the most understanding, achieve our objectives.” shaken by a strong earthquake lege.'/ v >/:.:■ - them. He asserted: a cease-fire, there was no peace helpful patients I have ever worked with,” Prouty said his amendment Tuesday. The shock, of long Any student wishing to repeat would give states real freedom duration, caused alarm isut an examination must obtain Plans Made “E v « U I could persuade K ills Star there as talks began. Herman leaves behind a four- -of choice in using the $2.55 bil­ there were no reports of dam­ permission from the assistant VIENNA, UP — Presidential always be others. That moans dean of thè University College. this or that group, there, would FOURTEEN persons Were month old son Stanley. lion of federal funds. age. - the basic responsibility for pre­ Joan Davis killed and eight were wounded in continuing rebel attacks in Secretary Pierre Salin­ venting future racial violence ger met Tuesday with Soviet rests squarely with local and PALM SPRINGS, IB—Joan Algeria in toe past 24 hours, officials to discuss tentative State police.” . Davis, tfie lanky blonde whose ed. cracked-votce capers made her French one of the entertainment The peace talks got under authorities world’s g r e a t comediennes, way Saturday with a formal there report­ Slow Drivers Cause Crashes plans for opening the June 3 Meanwhile, with National conference here between Presi­ dent Kennedy and Premier Guantem« and drifian police Khrushchev in an American- keeping still-tense * watchful eye « the city muter martial toed of a heart attack Tuesday opening session at which each By JOHN DANCER wards the world by holding up prove driver license applica­ GORDON HTSHEEHE, di­ owned building. law, a Nazi “hate bus” rotted at 48. side read a brief summary of State News Staff Writer e long line of traffic and enjoy- tions .in Michigan, he said. rector of the Highway Traffic The U.S. embassy was men­ into Montgomery, stepped brief­ She was stricken Monday af­ its basic position. The nation­ Remarks made by trafic sa­ tagR ,” be added. Leslie R. Silvernale, assistant Safety cent«, pointed out that tioned as a site ta talks be­ ly at a service station, then ternoon at her desert home. alists want independence. The fety authorities at à ' recent This is the type of driv« wbo, director of the Highway Traffic freeways are not the place for tween Salinger and Soviet Se­ proceeded toward Mottik Death came at 3 a.m. at a French want to protect their oil training program for «dice of­ by getting in everybody's way, Safety cent«, spoke of efforts curity Chief M. V. Zakharov. Pa)m Springs hospital. At her fields in the Sahara and would ficers give evidence of growing causes the agressive driv« to of high school driv« education incompetent, besttmft or ov«- U. S. Ambassador H. Free­ The swastika-marked 12 concern over the motorists take chances be wouhtot take teachers to cull out the unfttr timid drivers. young |"** bowed ultimately bedside were her mother, Mrs. like to see Algeria tied econ­ man Mathews' residence in the Nina Davis, and a Catholic omicallyTO France after It is whose morals may be good but otherwise, he said. “THESE TEACHERS refused Drivers should be licensed in fathionebte suburb of Hietztag for New Orleans » m avowed priest - given self rule. whose automobile driving Isn’t Aaotlwr participant in the certificates to $¿00 students in accordance with their ability, alio was mentioned. A lunch­ campaign ogatari racial in­ Often during her 35-year ca­ A French spokesman said The five-day program was program, Robert Y fte c U tf of Michigan lari y e « ,” he said, as anairpUme ptiot is, in terms eon is planned after the first tegration and Goananafenn, had re«' she had said she wanted agreements Were reached Tues­ conducted fry the Highway Michigan’s driv« iicenstag and “hi 5,800 cases ft was not from of the type and horsepower meeting between Kennedy and hoped to make a speaking ap­ to quit Death came Just four day on two tetomicai points. Traffic Safety center, the school central records, said the incom­ lack of sUll ta c r e ating an of tito vehicle which each would Khrushchev and some U.S. of­ pearance here,*but ft fatted to years after she finally did. of police administration and the petent driv« can ha taken off automobile but rath« lack of onsspe, according to Lawrence ficials feel the embassy Is net materialize. ONE IS TO hold sessions Continuing Education services the highway natter the same mental mid emotional stability Hafiftad, General Motors rice wed equipped for such a pur­ IN HER last role she made every other day, giving the at the Oakland county campus. law as any otiwr violator. on the highways.” . . v.>;. president ta charge of nasardi. pose. her fortune and achieved her French and Algerian delega­ greatest success—as the trou­ tions time to discuss strategy William A. Mann, of the safe­ “WHEN BROUGHT to our at­ But these same students at WOULD k « the coo- The second conference, on T ickets Available ty cent«, pointed a flag« of tention by a qualified person the age of 18 can «till obtain June 4, will be held ta the So­ ble-prone wife ot Jim Backus with Paris and Tunis, reopec- guilt at the self-acclaimed “un­ such drivers may be tanat un­ licenses despite their priwntiel 40 mites an hour driver Graduating rintontì may ob­ in the TV series ”1 Married ttwfy. The rebels mahdain usually safe driv«.” fit on re-examination even if menace, he added. Irim high speed freeways. ; viet embassy. tain an adatterai Joan." their provisional government “SUCH A DRIVER,” Mean they have bad no traffic rec­ As more mites of Ugh speed the means offin itim n- Salinger and Zakharov met mont ticket today In. movies mid television, headquarters in Toils. said, “may keep out of trouble ords,” he said. freeways are comptetod to uMm mcompeum tm ««al irooii for about an ho«. It was big their ID card at I Miss Davis was the angular, The second decision Was not himself but causas others'to The continued Beaming of the Michigan and thronpmit the Km MfZwnwa it is evident that not immediately known when Records office, 253 Student wry-faced » a y w h o could to disclose pubticfy the sub­ have accidents.” incompetent is due to the small nation, the problem of the in­ i l l i i iproblema? growing final arrangements lor the Services. The a w f r m d n crack wise mad take falls with stance of the talks. The next “He may be timid, or he may numb« competent ariv« -will bacon» sonori traffic safety summit contafeace will be an- will be followed Tharaday if a vaudevtoean’s precision. meeting will be Thursday. he expraastng his hostility to- authorised to examine and ap- even more acute. expert!.'' nounced. any tickets are left. 8 M k h ig ^ S l^ W t^ E ^ L M M ia ^ in c y g M The Rivale Editor*» Corner ^ Controversial 7 Point Plan Editor’s Life Still ini Experimental Staae Far From Placid ■ Two months «go President John A. Han- must change our system or leave thousands nah first announced Jits now famous “Sevan of talented youths without a college educa­ By MARCIA VAN NESS Point Flan." Sines then discussion has raged tion. - __ Editor-tn-Chtef The Seven Point Plan is merely one de­ pro and eon regarding the vice, one area to be explored In finding a plan includes such pressures a* utilization or When you’re “the new editor” of State living units for academic instruction, in* new system. I t is not tbs pattern for-all News, you’re friend or foe to everyone you ^ creased use of television, film and other future action. It must be seen as a guide­ line, directing ideas and channeling them me a t . . . and either way, you know i t . audio-visual aids, and encouragement of in­ into workable forms. If these ideas prove I t’s like landing In the middle of a hurri­ dependent study. impractical and poor, same other method will These ideas are far from revolutionary cane: Somewhere there's tranquility, but but the cries that have arisen due to them Inei tried.- around you there's torment. indicate that some people think they are THIS PLAN is a door opener to other drastic changes. Some people view these plans. It is the accelerator to put hazy Ideas ' Add nothing you can do can settle it. ideas as cut and dried solutions to the crisis into actual use and to debate their worth. Because, after all, the editor’s job isn t higher education is facing. And, they aay, Every course will not be taught via tele­ always a pleasant one. And good editors the.se solutions are doomed to failure, drag* vision. But perhaps we will find th at it te valuable to teach basic subject m atter, sup­ have few friends. gin" the university down,with them. TELEVISION WILL take the teacher out plementing what the instructor has time to The purpose of- « paper ia to report the of teaching. It wiH destroy the personal give in lecture. news whether those involved want to see bond between student and instructor. Stu­ We may discover th at classes In living units actually do stimulate an academic it printed or not. After all, State News dents will turn glassy-eyed viewers with doesn’t make things happen, it; only tells their eyas continually-glued to a, screen. atmosphere with less emphasis on worthless and time-consuming activities. It msy pro­ about them. Classes in resident halls will result in isolated, over-protected persons who never mote intereet in intellectual and valuable On its editorial page, State News can ex­ see the other side of the Red Cedar and do civic activities such as International organi­ plain how it feels about what’s happening. not know Grand River exists. They will zations, AUSG, student publications, and It will probably not always agree th at what’s spend four years in the narrow confines of discussion forums. being reported is for the good of the uni­ one building-r-the extremists say one room. Independent study may not cause a mass versity . _ ■' Independent study will kill off half the exodus from the university. It may create a group of scholars who are vitally concerned It will probably even stir up a contro­ student population. Freshmen are unpre­ versy or two—but not ju st for the sake of pared to take responsibility themselves and with their intellectual development rather than their social status. rable-rousing. It will probably be because upper classmen are sufficiently ingrained we can see a plan for change o r improvement with the old system to completely kill off IF THESE DEVELOPMENTS occur, the plan will have been a success and probably in something we think could be better. independent study at a higher level. Thus, the bulk of the university will quit, leaving will be adpoted. If adverse effects result, After all, the college paper is one of the the Honors College members and a few de­ these ideaa will be abandoned and others few communication channels between stu­ termined individuate. . . . tried. dents, th e administration, staff people and THESE CHARGES have been hurled B u t-in any event-« university cannot employes. It maintains its freedom not only back and forth the last few weeks with remain static. Ju st as it must always be to print objective news accounts but also to alarming alacrity. Most persona do not searching for knowledge, it must always be com m ent on things editorially. seem to understand the real significance of ways to present this knowledge. MSU m ust adept to the 1960’a-and the problems the To abolish the editorial page would be t ? sMil and understanding on part of the federal government so that tha ception about the black man. tion would not be repeated. little Rock the situa­ for form it licked. springs up in onotiwr when we think we have It | He urged Negroes to commit I J - O U S O MEMORIAL DAT HAT 30 Hi - \th themselves to a causa which I \ 2. To fill in the factual de­ MCKEE praised the NAACP helps alTwho are downtrodden, PETER’S BOWLESS tails which have been omitted for compelling the courts to de­ for Negroes Mrs not the first J su from the history of the Ameri­ cide constitutional i s s u e s who have suffered Inequality. can people, Negro history. through lawsuits, which finally ‘‘Men, It seems to me, need I S. The removal from the cat­ paid off in a 1954 decision in­ to have goals which are not I egory of innate racial traits ferring no constitutional basis practically attainable,” said those social characteristics dis­ for segregated, publicly sup­ McKee, for only , by reaching tinguishing Negroes from the ported schools. V- can wo attain. rest of society by indicating HE SAID THAT Negro youths At the conclusion of McKee's the manner in which depraved today are in a position to choose speech. Green introduced the pqqUi emotions have forged goals to work for and the kind 1961-82 campus NAACP presi­ tboee characteristics. A To provide m e a n s by urged of society in which to live. He dent, Joseph Saifax, ami turn­ FOOD h persona in the university to losemiddle class Negroes not ed the executive's gavel ovsr j have doser social contact with touch with the masses. to him. N strn s If they so desire. ACCORDING to Green, the fcurth objective was approach­ Famous ed fay a dance, "A New Twist for Quality te Integration," which proved by the participation of nearly Since 1919 P students mat inter-racial functions are possible on cam- Ptn* The first and second objec­ Delicatessen Department Special tives were approached, said each 49e Green, by the capacity-crowd Fresh Baked Rhubarb Pies play "bun Called Nigger,” Home Made Macaroni Salad lb 39c showing Negro history within .American history. It prompt­ Boneless Center Ham Slices lb 79* Leon’s Potato Salad - ÿ lb 39c ed the audience, said Green, Leon’s Baked Beam lb 35c toward *Mn>in«ting racial prob- CANNED HAMS dams. v He added that membership 341 «ach $2.49 Free Fattiily Size Cokes had increased 70 per cent since 1900 and that over 35 new mem­ Aiwaar’a Caaaad Naan Plus bers had been added in the last three weeks. Green introduced Sam Har­ „ Aiwaar’a Ansaw'a Caaaad h a s Caaaad Hans 6-19 each $3.59 I l-lb, par lb 69a with 6-Pack of KING SIZE 6 for 49c Bottle Deposit ris, director of public relations n d founder of the campus NAACP. Harris spoke in be­ Dibayw Caaaad Picnics 3-lb $1.89 half of the campus NAACP in HAW AIIAN PUNCH 39 presenting Tom King, dean of with a plaque express­ ing the appreciation and grati­ tude of the organization for Fresh Ground B eef 3 * « « King*» interest in students and Freddy Ground — Satisfaction Guaranteed lb. Msludicial fairness in student Dffurs. . ___ U.S. C H O IC E B E E F Debnonte Dean King expressed appro- datfeo for tne plaque and urg- ‘ 4i ' * For Your Holiday Picnic! 0-ft» M*^ • CATSU P od the NAACP members to vistt f»*iw |f they ever «count R O T IS S E R IE OPEN PIT BARBECUE SAUCE......... ............................ ..... . 18 oz 39c 14-oz 39' emd difficulties and said that Bottles the organization would have Us full support »In t o w n Ito the fob M.'---their en- future. ROASTS MARIO’S STUFFED OLIVES-------------------------- FRENCH’S PREPARED MUSTARD......... ............. ...... ...........24 oz 29c PORTAGE SWEET RELISH........... .........................- .......... Quart 39c „ No. 12 jar 39c Schafer’s JAMBS B. McKee, associate PORTAGE SWEET PICKLES......................................... ..........Quart 39c professor of sociology and en- R O LLE D R U M P Sandwich thropology, was introduced by KROCK KURED DILL PIGKLES................. ...............- .... Vi Gallon 59c OraM « th# conclnsion of S IR L O IN T IP LINDSAY LARGE PITTED RIPE OLIVES................. .............. jar 39c Bread K in g 's acceptance of the HEINZ HAMBURG-HOT DOG INDIA RELISH .............. jar 29c 20 oz P* 2 * . speech McKee said T O P RO U ND ADAM'S POTATO CHIPS.............................. ....... l-lb pkg 69c Loaves 39' that tha of CBnton, SUTHERLAND BARBECUE DESIGN PLATES........... ......30-count 49c Tknm, learned that unless the n riM " too* a stand, sagro- H fm ia« pet as leaders and dtaordsr reigns. ib 89c SUTHERLAND BARBECUE DESIGN HOT CUPS ..... ___24-count 49c SUTHERLAND BARBECUE DESIGN COLD CUPS ;r...___ 25-count 29c FONDA ECONOMY PACK PAPER PLATES................ .. 150-count $1.39 B R A C K ’S ORANGE SLICES (2-lb Bag) * S a S c T h * M wasn BIG BEN JELLS test for sogrogationists to the REYNOLD’S HEAVY ALUMINUM FO IL .................... ........ 25 feet 69c tt«w» Tha choice was desegre­ Hygrade Sliced SARAN WRAP ........ ........ ...................................... ...... 25 feet 33c (Mb Bag) - gation or no public schools. KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS............... ........... ____ 10 lb s- 69c B R A C H ’S S P IC E T T E S i f THE BEGINNING, ac­ LARNE BOLOIRA ENERGINE CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLU ID ----- ----- _____ quart 49c (24-ox Bag) cording to McKee, mod of the Grade 1 Your ’1 0 « mtoto to Ltttlr Rock stood bo- fated the "«wtfaMia segregation­ lb only 49 ' Choice O 7 ist loaders, but lack of public tdr -* 4*" was too Ugh a price R id t Hickory Smoked la pay. Therefore, strict segre- SlicedBacon lb 59 c Heatherwood’s B IR D S E Y E P. Lorillard R « A Hickory Smoked SCOTCH Cottage B utts lb 69 c FROZEN PEAS PAK Drawing W on H U Colby lOoz $100 Pkgs I- B y Happy fr y Longhorn Happy Fry, Tulsa, Okla. Cheese lb 4 9 c totoHtoMMtoMMtiMHHRMtoMtoMHMlhmmmmnmmmmii - freshman, won a color TV set Swifts M IN U T E M A ID as ffrst prize in the P. Loril- tord contort drawing held at the FROZEN Campus Book store. Second prim, a portable W hole Chicken LEMONADE stone record player.went to Sharon McClure, Battle Creek iSam nra. Madeline Miller a 89° 6 oz. Dotted fiaofimaii won the thin prisa, n portable typewriter. Dave Hall, Rivas junction ~ R afaia Luncheon Meat 3 12 0« 1100 Cans '/j G al 4 9 ‘ sophomore, received the fourth SEALTEST-Lem onade plaoe prim, a Polaroid cam»a; Car * aadPat Brown, Kenmore, N.Y g0p||0 |M rto w m rlim fflfftn BPlXi Manor House Coffee lb 68c Vi gal. 3 9 c Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup a fransfrtnr YuhunlnnK. Coffee 6 os 98c /) Mb Cam O y T E N N IS P L A Y E R S m Cello EXTENT RACKET RESTMNHN CAULIFLOWER W rap M orton’s Frozen Creme Pies B ONE OF OCR SPECIALTIES Hom e Grow n Asparagus 2 Pkgs. **• COCOÀNUT CHOCOLATE SPECIAL... ONLY *4.00 DeHdons Apples Wertem Fancy lbs. LEMON BANANA 8TRAWBERRY for 8 9 * AT BUTTERSCOTCH SA V E 29c S m kfa t Oranges 113 Sise Doz. JttM CS SPORT SH O P SCHMIDTS Guarantee O f Quality Always Protects m A M IT . D M U I ttfi M wkfr m Michigan State News, East fansing, Michigan g P f tB T S WeAwd hy Morning, May 24, 1961 .5 5 Schmitter 2nd U.S. Soccer League PredìcteóìState Meets O ld Foe in Irish In Midwest NEW YORK Ub-A full-time Michiean State renews ooeof State now Will concentrate onlmaift; with the record anw 20 I fed well get our point across j popularity to foster a saw itsi time-honored baseball rival- bettering its over-all season (wins and 10 kens. ï Chuck Schmitter, Jr. placed Soccer League, with franchises when they see the game played Lteagne - one that will bo In riot Wednesday, hosting Notre second in epee in the midwest- from coast-to-coast operating in two 45-tnmate halves with-!operation sight months a year Dame a Old College FMhL 'era championship of the Ama­ teur Fencers League of Ameri­ eight months a year, was fore­ cast today by Bill Cox, whose out substitution.” That was a instead of foe present two- Game time to 3:91 p.m. big selling point last year. month setup." he said. The Spartans aad'Iriah will H ZZ A PARTY! SPECIAL! ca hrtd at Marquette Univer­ International League got its He’D get bis wish to have ft BIGHT NOW there to only be meeting for the 98th th at v. - Get your drinks F R E E sity last weekend. second season under way a shown all over foe country this one American player in the In­ in n series that started at Not» few days ago. (by the gaDoa) Schmitter, a varsity fencer Thursday, when the game be­ ternational league. He to Ben Dame in 1907. The game will lor Michigan State (turlng tfaa Cox brought international tween Brazil’s championship Ban. a New York University be the second between the two one gallon of drink free %three years, was defeated competition to this country last Bangu team and oat of Ger­ graduate. chibs this spring, State having with every 5 regular one Hem pirns. r Dieter von Oppen, a German lrom Chicago, for the title. There were 24 contestants year, and the games at the Poto grounds here proved to be big crowd getters once the idea caught on. The crowd appeal, many’s leading squads wiD be “We have great athletes in won earlier at the Irish dia­ shown on CBS' “Summer mond by Sports Spectacular” 8:38-7:28 fids country m every sport,” COACH JOHN Kobe’ Spar­ a 6-3 pm, EST, from , the P o l o Cox added; “But before a sport tans have completed their Big score. V A R S IT Y D R IV E - IN from throughout-the midwest, reasons Cox, is something that am contribute such groat tal­ Ten slate, winding up with six Delivery — 8:30 including Minnesota, Wisconsin, grounds. It will be the first ent It must grow tip. And that Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, has been lying dormant all Soccer match originating k to what we feel will happen, be­ wins and eight losses, good for E D 2-6517 over the country. the US to be "put oh a coast-to- ginning right now.” ¡a fifth-place finish. With tha Kentucky and Michigan. I league sked out of the way, “ OUR OBJECTIVE this year coast TV hookup. In -18 bouts, Schmitter won 15 and lost 3. will be to start making Soccer COX FEELS Soccer will ap­ CHUCK SCHMITTER, JR. a major sport hi this country,” According to Michigan State’s peal to the boy who Is not the he s»UL> Fort Sumter Bombarded ♦fencing coach Charles Schmit­ Behemoth who can play la a ter who accompanied his sod, “We want to get it to the football line. If be is agile and Skish Tourney to ‘Chuck fenced better Saturday youngsters and adults alike. We fast. Tie can still find n-good Be Held at IM Pool than he has in the Utot two want them to see what a test outlet in soccer. years.” of endurance and skill it is, and What Cox hopes to achieve There will be a Skish Tour­ soon4s to have a Soccer team nament Wednesday afternoon from 4-6 pan. at the outdoor pool. This is a fly-bait casting tournament and anyone inter­ Tigers Tie Hecord, Win made up only of Americans that will play ir the Interna­ tional leaguer He also wants more cities, but feels that will - Civil War Begun ested in participating report to Successive home runs by his first home run of the sea­ come in the expansion of the Mr. Don Gary at the outdoor Norm Cash, Steve Boros and son. sport across the country. port between the hours of 4-6 Dick Brown broke up a 2-2 Jim Butming started for De­ p.m. Wednesday evening. deadlock and g a v e Hank Also, the teams remaining in Aguire his second victory of the troit and went seven plus inn­ “Right now we have New York, and have introduced the Historical Newspaper For Sale Authentic Reproduction ings, tot was relieved in the league into Meutrt si, when the softball playoffs are re- year last night. eighth by Jim Donahue, Terry we feel it will make just as big itad to contact the IM oftce A1Kaline drove in the Tigers’ Fax and Aguirre. Bunning gave r scheduling. ^ first two runs with a single and op bothMinnesota runs. a smash,” he said. In 1 8 6 1 -2 ® ‘the New York Herald’ In 1 9 6 1 - $1 . 0 0 The home run outburst came “BUT THE BIG appeal is with none out in the ninth inn­ stitt with the ethnic groups, and that is probably one of foe rea­ H ere b Y o u r Pass K e y ing off two Twins pitchers, and tied a major league record. sons why New York took to A 106 year birthday Special: “ Th e Am erican Heritage Picture H is­ the sport so well,” he went on. The victory, coupled with Cleveland’s loss to Los Angeles, “Every nationality to we& represented in this dty and tory o f the C ivil W ar” -n arrative by Bruce Catton , increased Detroit’s lead to 4% most of those around the age of games. Boro's home run put him in 50 remember the sport as ft was played in the rtd country dar­ W onderful G ift: Pop’s D ay - B irth d a y-G ra d u a te second place in the league RBI ing their childhood We hope a rt race with 33. Cash is third in the league with 32, and Rocky only to keep them attracted, but hope that they wfll pass an. Regular Ed itio n - Regular $1 9 . 9 5 Deluxe E d itio n R e g u la r $2 5 . 0 0 Calavito fourth with 28. a liking of the game to their youngsters.” O u r Special - $1 4 . 9 5 O u r Special- $ 1 9 . 9 5 What to holding back the P A IG E sport’s advancement, through normal means in this country? “ WE HAVE no room for ad­ Browse O u r Store - Give fu ll m eaning to your Am erican H istory To D ie Im perial C ity in T e k in g C R A FT vancement became of a lack of facilities and good coach­ ing.” Cox replied. “But if the Pick up your Free Catalog - “ Paperbound books on the C ivil W ar” sport is advanced all over tha ^ ■' ' - These charming keys, reproductions of the original country, the next stage of de­ W A SH N W EA R Spartan Book Store ^ keys, are an example of foe many unusual gift items velopment will be a demand to found only at PAIGECRAFT. P oltM Cottons get the good coaches from Eur­ Hanging on your fireplace, wall or doorway, they AND ope, where the game to played as itrshould be.” *» will make beautiful S& well as unusual decorative and Baby Card* “It follows feom this that - conversation pieces. Come in and see them today. Only $3.95 there will be enough talent and - O n the Triangle - Ann and M .A .C . KALAMAZOO tfi—Mid-Amer­ PAIGECRAFT 222 Abbott Road, East Lansing ED 2-6892 Len Kositchek s Vanity-Shop ican conference champion west­ ern Michigan scored six runs in the first four innings to beat Big Ten champion Michigan WE DELIVER OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:30 • 9:00 228 ABBOTT RD. 7-5 in a warmup for next week’s E. LANSING NCAA district 4 baseball play­ offs. —— FORTUNES I T ’S SO EASY FOR . . . h a v e been a n d w i l l b e m a d e in th e s to c k m a rk et b y m en who h a v e b r a in s and a re w illin g to u se th e m h a rd MEN TO L O O K SHARP! INVESTMENT ANALYSIS must fascinate any thinking man. Whatever happens jn any part of If an analyst fails to receive the minimum ad­ vance indicated by this schedule, he will be on the world is related to the value of securities— — notice that his resignation is desired. It is prob-’ upheaval in foe Congo, formation of foe European able that of those who are accepted most can and Common Market, Communist economic policies, will go ahead faster than shown in this schedule. military aggression in foe Beat all have an in­ in fluence upon foe value of stocks and bonds on In addition to foe salary, the company pro­ the New York Stock Exchange and the Over-the- vides a profit sharing phut which, under the mini­ HOLDEN - REID ~ _ Counter markets. In no other field of investigation -—not even journalism—can a man find such quick mum salary schedules, should result in providing a capital fund of around $35,000 to $50,000 fas identification with world-wide affairs as la the a king term capital gain) at the end of foe twelfth CORDS -stock market. year of employment. To a small number of men who are about to In addition, the company provides, entirely at graduate from college and who have proved by company expense, foe following insurance bene­ their scholastic records that they am capable of fits: hospitalization, accident, major medical and doing bard, intelligent work, foe Value Line In­ life. - ~ (7 5 % Dacron - so they won’t wrinkle!) vestment Survey, one of foe world's foremost in­ Only a few men will be selected for these posi­ vestment advisory services, offers foe following: tions. They will be selected from the tops of their NEW EST COLORS - - - Green, Grey, Brown, (1) a six-mouths course of training in security classes, after psychological testing that confirms analysis, taught by foe head of foe Value Line our .own investigation of their aptitude for the organization and he top editor-analysts. work. , — Blue (Light & D ark), and Black. (2) foe following minimum salary schedules: This is a challenging Offer to men who seek For three months during foe tuition period —security as well as fortune in the relatively near from July 15fo to October 15th—$300.00 per future. *12.95 month. For the next three months* apprenticeship, October 15fo to January 15fo—$400.00 per A security analyst with the Value Line Survey is not precluded from investing for his own ac­ count, provided his investments are bought or sold month. in a manner that is not in cooflict with foe inter­ The first year following . . $6,000.00 ests of foe service’s subscribers or its clients. T ER M P A R T IE S? Tha second year . . . . . 7,000.00 Not only will the candidates receive careful The third year . . . . . 8,000.00 instruction, enjoy the opportunity to meet top The fourth year • • • . . 9,000.00 corporate executives of foe companies whose se­ White Dinner Jackets .. $39.95 The fifth year...................... 10,000.00 curities they study, and have access to all current The sixth year » V • . . -12,000.00 reports and news-artides in our library, but they Forma! Slacks — $14.95 The seventh year. . . 15;000.00 will abo have the benefit of exchanging ideas The eighth year . . . . . 14,000.00 with experienced and stimulating analysts within W E H A V E A IA A CCESSO RIES The nmth year . . . . . 15,000.00 foe organization. ~u The tenth year . . . . . 16,000.00 The eleventh year . . . 17,000.00 Those students, men or women, who feel that they may be qualified for the positions described The Increases in pay are, of course, accompa­ above and who are interested in careers in securi­ nied by promotions in title and responsibility as & Summer Sports C o a ts .» .$2 9 . 9 5 - $5 9 . 9 5 well. In perhaps ho other securities research or­ ties research, increasingly the heart of the whole investment business, ire requested to forward brief ganization cui foe exceptionally able analyst ad­ resumes of their college records including marks, vance to rapidly to a position of meaningful re­ f t Summer S u it s ...$3 9 . 9 5 - $100 sponsibility and stature. class banding, etc, and of any relevant-work ex­ perience to: Arnold Bernhard & Co. HOLDEN j g REID # 5 East 44tb St., Neu; York 17, N- Y. F R A N D O R S H O P P IN G C E N T E R I Annual«Awards, Dinner Carnival Student Congress will hold All Interezted students aré Coordinating Meets public bowings da foe housing tavited to come aad give their Honors Fourteen MSU Cadets _ ® question Wednesday and Thurs­ lews, according to Bah Hen­ day, May 31 and June 1, i t A p.m. in the Student Congress dían, chairman of the student f oa t e a , university Army aakl Air rarctBOTC cadets » • Aitken, Ford mer governor of Michigan and of tin Army under Chosen Under the sponsorship © Frosh-Soph council, coordinat­ off ing sessions will be held Thurs­ stein on June 1, at 7:30 p.m. in meeting room. 31 Union. Frosh-Soph coundl first spon­ welfare committee. ce*ved high booors for their t h e Eisenhower «itmlalltrs- judges for the 1961 Water d^r President’s award; Arnold tkm, delivered an impromptu day evening for Humanities sored coordinating s e s s i o n s pWt performances. Detroit’« Carnival have Men chosen \p 242 sod Communication Skills print term ef 1960. The idea Plan Your Next On ting At - Sheraton - Cadillac hotel was E. Cheal, Laosion junior, Out­ message Chat brought t h e standing Military Achievement; crowd to their feet with a long the Judges committee. 112. waa first tested with a talk th | site of the Sixth Annual For Thursday night: John Beginning at 7:20 pan. in the summarizing the basic com­ ROTC Awards dtoaser. spon- sored by the IBrWpa Aviation John C. Latog, East Lansing sophomore, Michigan Aviation roar of applause. Brucker called the probtans Dethmers, Chief Justice ef the Union ballroom, Dr. Maurice Crane will summarise the ma­ munications skills course for foe whole year. ROUND LA K E STABLES Foundation. Foundation, and Rlduud N. and crisis is Laos, Berlin, Cuba Michigan Supreme Court; Mrs. Sinclair, Flint freshman,. Kel- and the Congo a test of Ameri­ C.G. Menzies, East Lansing; terial covered in Humanities An estimated 700 students • HORSEBACK RIDING AIR FORCE ROTC cadets re­ sey-Hayes Co. ca’s mettle and:said wa must and Dr. Wallace Robertson, 243. took advantage ef coordinating • HAYRIDES ceiving awards were: Robert demonstrate our perseverance Peoples {anarch. Dr. Charles Switzer w i l l sessions last-term, according F. Garvin. Jr., Bearer, Peon., John E. Thurow, Augres speak on Communication Skills to Judi Cone, chairman of the • PICNICS sophomore, Detroit Free press to the enemy. * Friday night’s judges are sesdor, Detroit News medal; Will America fight? Has Mrs. Dewey McDonald, East 213 at 7:30 p.m. in Union par­ cultural and service commit­ • SPECIAL PARTIES Durid E. Harmon, Lansing medal and James F. VanStee, lors B aad C. tee of Frosh-Soph council. senior. Outstanding Military East Lansing senior, the De­ she gene soft? Does she really Lansing; and BUI Campbell, Saving as chairmen of this know what is going on? These East Lansing merchant Because of Memorial Day Achievement award; Ronald E. troit News medal. inesttons will be answered on vacation it waa necessary to term’s coordinating sessions INSTRUCTIONS AVAILABLE—MODERATE RATES Holtz. Webster, ft. Y., senior. Service caps of blue, white, Saturday night's judges in­ are Stefany Goldstein, East he nation’s campuses,” he dude Win Shuler. Marshall ; schedule these two sessions University President's award; green and black, some of them earlier in the term than usual. Tensing freshman, and Colette Located Directly Across From sad Daniel S. Kasprsyfc, Buf­ with gold and diver decorated said. Carl McDonel, retiring secre­ Simpson, Lansing freshman. falo, N.' Y.t freihmsa. Kelsey- ( He said that many of thorn tary ef the Board of Trustees; Dr. Lincoln Pettit will sum­ visors, filled the Sheraton's present wfald be tomorrow’s Dr. Gordon Thomas, Mayor of marize Natural Science 123 on The Beach At RO UND L A K E Hayes Co. medal. h&t-racks as award winners May 31, at 7:30 p.m. in foe mu­ The famous Orient Express and Ugh ranking representa­ leaders and that the training East Lansing ; and John Pingd, Kurt J. Magee. Camillas, N. tives from eight Michigan uni­ and education they received former MSU All-American, now sic auditorium. has discontinued service to 3 miles west of Laingsburg Y.{ sophomore. Michigan Avia­ now would determine how well of Detroit Social Science 233 will be re­ Budapest and, Bucharest for tion Foundation award; Robert versities arrived for the ban- quet. >' • jr_ America would bo able to stand viewed by Dr. Matthew Ep- lack of business. P Soutter. Culver City, Calif., attack and criticism. senior. Ford Motor Co. medal, Tables in the main ballroom and Donald W. Stephen, Crosse were filled with mixed groups B&UCKER praised the Unit­ Green Helmet Pointe sophomore, the Detroit of Navy ROTC midshipmen, ed States aad its freedom and Super R ig h t Free Press medal. Army mid Air Force cadets and told the audience “when some­ officers of the various services. one is berating the U.S. for its Announces ARMY ROTC, cadets re­ problems, see how many trou­ ceived awards were: James J. WILBUR M. BRUCKER, for- bles the other side has.” A S T Y LE T H A T B R EEZES F R O M S P R IN G IN T O S U M M E R speaker. Maj. Gen. William S. Stone, . New Officers superintendent of the U.S. Air Green Helmet sophomore Force Academy in Colorado men’s honorary, recently elect­ Springs, w a s the featured ed officers for the coming year. They are: president, Bob Addressing the group as in­ Howard, Elmhurst DL sopho­ i SMOKED HIM 35ctb heritors of a “sick and trou more; vice president, Dick Wes- bled world,” Stone said Ameri­ tin, Benton Harbor freshman; Butt Portion 4 5 *lb A shorter, easier-lo-man- ca had no choice but to lead secretary, Paul Rowgo, HoUanc the free world not only in main­ freshman; and treasurer, Bob age hair style that makes taining a global military force Green, Knoxville, Term, fresh­ as .a deterrent to war but also m an.- Super R ig h t th e transition from spring in the “moral and spiritual re­ The organization is planning classes intn the asnnmer office can he designed for armament of the world " three activities: ushering at spring Commencement assist tog at fall registration, and tu­ toring service for next year’s Spiiui-Boneless HamFi"<^ 59° u>l you at Elda-Diane. Set Fun Shoot freshmen. The 35 Green Helmet mem­ G o v t Inspected - I BeltsviHe For Rifle Club bers are chosen on the basis of activities from the top 100 men Whole Styling Shampoo & Set $2.50 $2.25 An end of the year “Fun Shoot” will highlight the annual academically in their class. FRYERS n,Tîti.» Cat Up 31c lb 2 7 - Ih TURKEYS‘“‘” ” 3 9 'lb awards night of the Rifle dub. Eldtt E. Lansing _Trophies will he presented to top shooters of the year. Mem­ P A IG E Super R ig h t LEG - OF - LAMB 5 9 * lb 210V, Abbott Road Phone ED 2-241« Hours 9-« bers are invited to meet at the rifle range Wednesday at 8:45 P-ht- C R A FT SKINLESS FRANKS 4 5 *. NfeW - CALIFORNIA Lo n g POTATOES 1 0 ib Bag 5 9 * White California W ATERMELON $1 . 4 9 O RANGES ” 3 - ' H o t House B AN A N A S' ^ TOMATOES 3 9 * FRONT ASPARAGUS Hom e Grow n 2 7 « lb LEMONS Bag of 6 3 9 * IONA A & P W H O LE GREEN -PEAS 10« White Potatoes 4 For SUPER RIGHT A ft P light 4H oz « LUNCHEON M EAT ‘¿T 3 9 * TUNA Chunk Cans 4 9 M ix or M atch F ru it Sale A & P Whole Peeled Apricots Sultana Fruit Cocktail A ft P Freestone Peaches - Halves Thank You Bartlett Pears 5 * 1 . 0 0 A ft P R.S.P. Cherries _ Mandarin Oranges _ : Lesser Quantities Sold At Regular Retail M ild Holland Aifrerican CHEDDAR CHEESE 4 9 * Ib SUGAR W AFERS - 2 9 * Jane Parke r Bakery Features PEACH PIE 8 u.cn 4 9 *„ PINEAPPLE PIE 8 ™ 3 9 « Orange Chiffon Cake 4 9 « ea. R YE BREAD 2 ^ .3 5 « Your E. Lansing A ft P Super Market, AH prices in this Ad effective thru Saturday, Lansing A R P Super Markets. ■twe* ffliWSr ' ^"Corner of Hagadorn ft E. Grand River. May 27th in WiRiamaton Store and AD Five N O W E X C LU S IV E LY O N # — Store Honrs — - * x" . -j\ --j ä ä aun alto WWk-jÎ records Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ü M K A T A tlA H n C S I 11 tUV M « FUT I S t r i c t - Committee U. S.-Castro Swap WKAR Gets A w ard For Adult Ed. i WASHINGTON, (II — More ì offer to swap 1,2001through a group of 10 Cuban captured la too IB- r o w from «w ag the prison-« echoed in the Senate The University rddio station, Times Herald, Caro Tuscola Meets Today denouncing as Mark- ________ ¡color»OUR. traoera, contained some conditions* man the fractortgnaoaar «wap tors. The reply to Castro, made Ifor ciostag the deaL WKAR, was among 19 Michi­ County Advertiser and the Thrgfi MSU faculty members with Fidel Castro ' gan winners receiving the Na­ Wyandotte News-Herald. on the planning committee of gotiatad by a group ef tional Safety council's. Public Interest Awards for I960. Radio: WFBE Flint, WHTC the 1962 National Conference of can citiseat. President Ken­ nedy remained silent in the W hy N o t Holand, WJR Detroit, WKLZ the Adult Education assa. will Hie noncompetitive award iheet at MSUO Wednesday. face of renewed demande that annually honors organizations Kalamazoo, WSGW Saginaw Attending the meeting will he say whether the government Baby' and WWJ Detroit. in the field of mass communi­ cations ftp exceptional service Television^ WWJ Detroit. be Louis Doyle, assistant di­ as. was reported to feel Your to safety.. ' - rector of the Continuing Edu­ that the government "is oat of Other winner« were: Nine of these organizations, including WKAR, won awards cation service; Jack Prescott, county extension director of it and is going to stay out,” Clothes? Newspapers: Port Hu r o n in'1959. Cooperative Extension Serv­ That waa the aeecription of tba ice; and Robert Sharer, asso­ President’s view riven to news­ • ••Pamper ciate professor and assistant men by House Speaker Sam NOW P r o p a n i Infor. IV 24M5 Feature at director of the Liberal Arts Ad­ Rayburn, D-Tex., after the your panto ¡1:19, 3:05, 5:19, weekly White House breakfast SHOWING Mt HI Ia Cm rHPHONf'IV. I G A1:1N3*1 L 7:29, 9:19 ult Education service. Sharer of Democratic loader». • • • soothe your is chairman of the committee. Sea. George A. Smothers, D> skirts A'GAY MUSICAL COMEDY! Leaded with Laughs! The conference, which meets Fla., said Kennedy "recognises in October of 1962, brings ad­ that there are certain humane ult educatofS from both the qualities” to be'considered. He Have ail your clothes cleaned of United States and Canada. added: ____ “BUT I GATHERED that Hugh Merton, Toledo sophomore, Is pictured after he was •truck while crossing-Harrison Monday at 4:60 p.m. on this matter will be left essen­ tially to the handling of private D isastrali Bureau Ms bicycle. Morton suffered from shock, a sprained aride and bruises. He was treated at Sparrow hospital and re­ citizens in cooperation wttb Cu­ ban refugees. Smathers said Kennedy does Shirt Lansky leased. (State News photo by Dick Stevens) Placem ent not, however, intend “to let this become a tribute to Mr. Cas­ tro ’s bullying tactics.” E. Grand Kiver Aerosa from Student Services Build in* it’s quick and easy Interviewing at the Place­ Janet BlachfordL New The committee raising the fund for the tractors is headed Dial ED 2-3537 for Pick-up & Delivery ment Buerau Thursday, Addi­ by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, -EXTRAS- tional information in teh Place­ ment Bureau Bulletin for the Sigm a Chi ‘Sweetheart’ widow of the late President; Walter Reuther, president of week oP May 22-26:- the United Auto W orkers; and EXCERCISE LITTLE BEAR—SON OF HASHIMOTO Janet Blachford, Detroit soph­ date for the National Sweet­ Dr. Milton Eisenhower, presi­ LATEST WORLD NEWS St Joseph Public School in­ omore and Sigma Kappa, was h eart of Sigma Chi. terviewing Elem entary Educa­ Miss Blachford is a business dent of Johns Hopkins Universi­ picked out Of 40 entrants as the ty and brother of form er Presi­ It Begins Where “ Peyton Place” Left Off! tion and English and Girls’ MSU “Sw eetheart of Sigma administration m ajor. H er list Physical Education and Home dent Dwight D. Elsenhower. NEXT! “RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" Chi,” a t Sigma Chi’s annual of interests range from a n avid H eadquarters for the “tra c ­ Economics. “ Sw eetheart Ball’!_ Saturday interest in spectator sports to music and sewing. tors - for • freedom” movement night. were set up t o , the UAW’s She was crOwned a t the Cap­ L The petite brunette was cho­ sen as this year’s H arvest Ball building in Detroit. Joseph M. itol City airport dinner-dance Dodge, a Detroit banker and during intermission by last Queen and is assistant second budget director under P resi­ year’s Sweetheart, Judy F ra ­ vice-president of .her sorority, G L A D M E zier, Detroit, senior and Kappa Sigma Kappa. Alpha Theta. dent Eisenhower, was nam ed treasurer of the movement. THE DETROIT headquarters THEATRE - PHONE IV. 2-9831 Members of the Sweetheart IT TOOK YEARS TO MJUQLJT COST tlZOOOOOO court include: Sharon Georgi, Grosse Pointe sophomore and Pick said it .still was awaiting word from Castro on the comm ittee’s IT W ill BE REMEMBERED FOREVER! Kappa Kappa G am m a ^ Sue. Scott, Okemos sophomore and Chi Omega; Sherry Keyes, CarnivalHead NYU Prof Lansing freshm an; and Carol Gerald B lanke.D etroit junior, Anne Spewock, Dearborn soph­ has been selected general chair­ omore and Chi Omega. man of the 1962 Water Carnival, Will Talk on DURING MISS Blachford’s it was ahnounced by the com­ reign she will be expected to at- mittee. I tend special chapter affairs Blanke is production head of Mass Culture I and act as hostess a t Sigma Chi the 1961 carnival, and has been The MSU Press j o d the library functions. In the fall of next I active, in the 'la s t two Water staff will hear Dr. Ernest van year, she will become a candi-1Carnivals. den Haag speak today a t 8:15 j>.m. in toe auditorium a t Kel- : 6 0 L >E -R S i ° f fc vm b u t 1"HaaB’B'-r p r o ; fessor a t New York University, and the News School of Social tee o ff with the best Research in New York City, ' Golf equipment from . . . The topic of his talk Wul bg “ Mass Culture and Dedikttvid» ualization.” All interested per­ Larry Cushion Sporting Goods so n s'are invited to attosrd. V O G U E SA Y S: • 3020 V ine S t. — 1 Block N o rth o f M ichigan Ave. W est o f S e a rs Elect Officers - " C o u n t o n s w e a t e r s t h is 's u m m e r ” Howland Hefoe^ Cooperative O P E M MON. TH U R. & F R I. T IL L 9:00 P.M. recently elected Jrfflc frs for S w e a te rs are a tw e lv e m onth e s s e n t i a l in a wardrobe next fall te n i^ m e c te d were president, B illD w B n g , Akron now and th e - e s s e n t ia l s h a p e s are in ou r collection PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5S17 freshm an; s ftfe ta ry , Conrad Ryden, Iron River junior; and . . Jrom th e new ja c k e t s w e a te r s to e x c itin g j ; a c h JOHN WAYNE/ RICHARD WlDMAtK / UUKEKE HARVEY treasurer, Arnold Mummeft, FRANK NTMCXSMm/LMUCSSm . . . . Brutus junior. v e rs io n s . Come in and try t.iCm on. TECHNICOLOR’ W M M P / a u u u * / » RICHARD BOONE DOORS OPEN 12:15 • FEATURE 12:304:20-6:15-9:15 • REGULAR PRICES N ig h t S t a f f — N E X T ATTRA CTION ! ‘GONE WITH THE WIND” — HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS _ Assistant, news editor, Jim EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Dengate; copy editors, Lane •9- Wick, Jo e Hafvis, Betty Jean FIRST SHOW 7 P.M ADULTS 90c Moore, SaBy Derrickson; as­ SEE ACADEMY AWARD IN HIS FIRST ROLE sistant photo Idttor, E ric lt Fil- son; iporta editor, Wayne P a r­ WINNER BURT LANCASTER Since W inning th e ‘O scar’ FEATURE AT 7:20 - 9:30 sons. 'j. LAST TWO NIGHTS Yourgiri friendcaDed-shewantedto - DO NT BE FOOLED knowifyouweregoing ’ S u K R ,a*B wvaronanF* tosendhersonto 'M« A S T E R P I.mEMl CMM EÉÉ(M ^M IN V E S T IG A T E S TO R A G E O FFE R S 'The story makes _ thechair--for enough suspense to oldtimes bring sweat to stone foreheads!” .mmmautmt CLEAN AND S T O R E YOUR CLOTHES WITH US NOW. PICK sake!" THEM UP AND PAY AS NEEDED IN THE FALL. GET AN ITEMIZED RECEIPT FOR mi S ìa B a y YOUR GARMENTS — THEY ARE 1 VALUABLE TO YOU. m m » w* WHHMil S-i HnpRT■•“-'um in v a d e s H ie w o rld o f . . . H ARO LD H ECHT'S STARTING FRIDAY’ AT 7 P.M. th tV o U N G S W A G E S FDIire f # M I V -S Tm «■*. a Wfcwflbto* HJUJ in the Boulting Bros. new hit - SEE US FIRST - EMMS VMM M a n u - AMMEKNMHM Æ-sSaurWWIERS enjoyment’ COLD STORAGE CASH AND CARRY WmÌ wm • fiWATO«Hill Md J. fr IftLER• K/Woll) HECHT HTWSBAN•JOM FMKBKICR-m T T ^ I m S S Ä r^ ‘Hilariously \ ® vr ALL WORK GUARANTEED AND INSURED d is r e s p e c tfu l Starts Tomorrow! LAST TIMES TODAY! S p o o f rTIM£ MAGAZINE ; itawito m it öw itni amag! ■ 1:10 3:20 C ollege G leaners G q MPg ★★ ★★ LUCON | A t t IAMSINO • SUOMI 1DU ÍE C H Ú IC O L Q R 5:30 7:45 9:55 . CAMERON, tig h ts t rati* ' daily news 620 W. Michigan East Lansing ED 2 -4 7 1 3 u n ri Id fv T -T T X 7 '. m k!aM Kl• C ro ssw o rd Puzzle n a a aonw n n n a □ □ an an as n aan nnnn a m a n a □ an aa aan n n □ □ □ □ a s a a n rfc z i a n a a a a n n rani 3 3 3 n a3 n an n a n a s s a a a ra n H T M » In t aonnnci nnnn 35. Drilled a □□□n a n a ia a n E h v hoi* □ naa an n a a a s K M of affection W in n u a a n a a z » P a r t of a DARK COTTON ¡17. Glower T ill. FMgn amperora 1». Froth (JO. Struck 43. CuMe-eo- pacity of I S. The rinsed b n SHIRTWAISTERS hard •hip drsseed It. At once 23. Chivalrous 47. Own 11. C o sp r « . Italaad with 41 Carpenter's 2. M isjudge If. Poker effort tool ¡r 4. Legislative pleper's da» ¡27. Persian 40. March 13th body light 34. Watchad fairy B>. Vocaliaad narrowly |11. Crow 3. Truth 6. Mr. L in ­ 17. Impentn» bie IP. Gets on from now into fall •loopy coln 20. P u t m 32. Bishoprics, 7. Toward gathers 21. Cinem a 22. Eggs 23. Exrtemefy cold 24. Fresher 23. Entertain 27 Peeled 30. Honey buzzards 31. Sunken fence 34. Game 36. Heroic 37. Rowed Frosh - Soph Council -Non-stop cottons . . . that g e t 36. Vandal 40. Aurum 41. Definite article Presents: th e green light everywhere from Jane right through Sep­ 42. Utter 43. More than one 44. Amer. South to Ann Arbor tember. Washable, wrinkle-re­ sistant fashions that assure you author 4B.Turn right A bus trip to Ann Arbor* Saturday, October .a fresh and foveiy look from 46. Worm 46. Iridai lita morning to n igh t. . . from class article 14th for the Michigan-Michigan State Foot­ ball game. The price of'the bus ticket is to date. In green and blue plaid. $9.00. This includes a trip to and from Ann Junior a i z e a '1 to 15. Arbor, and a ticket to the game. See a great KNAPP’S DRESSES - STREET LEVEL. EAST LANSING game, and sit in a block with Michigan State students! Only 4 0 tickets on sale, in The Union Ticket Office, and they are going fast. If you do Open Wednesday 12 noon to 9j»jn, not return^to school in the fall, your money wifl he refunded. Gossamer - light for a wonderful, fun-deCful summer Flattering whimsy veils that add a touch of color and dram a to your summ er finery. Soft or starched veil with, rims, velvet bows and flower trim . Many, many colors in black, white and pastels. KNAPP’S Accessories — Street Level, E. Lansing' This ia the season for the warmth fun outdoors on the beach where the Big In fashion potential . . . small in living is easy. Of course, you’ll want size and price. Colorful little bags to carry you through summer. Stripes, to b e properly dress in smart terry prints, novelty patterns in assorted fab­ rics. Zipper top and fold overs with tops that are a bundle of fun in plastic linings. themselves. Cay, colorful novelty KNAPP’S Handbags — street Level, E. I-»wring For pUrying or lounging Bonnie Doon Socks 2M M AX. Ave. — ED 2-5MS The all-time favorites . . . Bonnie Doon socks. Long wearing and made to jast. Select from 100% wools with reinforced heel and toes, 100% cottons with rein­ forced b e d and tee. AH in snowy white.