-fV MMMpapaamrarano C i v i l Ir a H a v e A n y r kins, toe incident and raised advap questions tration, and Richard 0 . Bernitt, director of pub* “ The departm ent of public safety does not By MARY BASING gated N m* room practices in southern branches keep files on faculty o r students having to do of the Kresge chain. „ th a t they said they felt w ere la the interests of lie é m m M l *■- » a te News Staff Writer the university a s wefi a s the individuals con­ THEY ALSO RECEIVED a letter on June 3, with activities other than violations of uni­ Among the newsmen and students taking pic­ versity ordinances,” Hannah wrote. F b f t la a «erie». cerned. :* from JPraddaat John Hannah saying th a t the tures was R ichard A. Atkina, a-polico officer university has a “ continuing relatinship with However in his letter to Hannah, Bernitt said: of toe departm ent at public safety, who w as The faculty were: Charles P . Larrowe, asso­ When a MSU stu d e n t crosses Grand River ciate professor of economics and labor and in­ th e E a s t Lansing poike departm ent to the effect “ OUR DEPARTMENT does maintain reports iodentified by a num ber of faculty and student th at h i c u e « Of emergency or anticipated em er­ ave. doe« be forfeit his d vfl liberUe*? pickets. dustrial relations, Carl Breton and Andrew F . of activities beyond a sim ple violation of uni­ Exactly what a re the legal function* of the Brimm er, assistant professors of economics, gencies toe two police departm ents will cooper­ versity regulations because we a re also charged At th at tim e Atkins w as not in uniform but was university with regard to the political, social John P . Henderson, associate professor of eco­ a te with, each other.” with the responsibility of enforcing university wearing civilian clothes. This was substantiated by N aert and Brand­ and moral activities of studgits? When telephoned about 3 p.m. a t the depart­ nomics, Jto g e r Wescott, associate professor of ordinances and state statutes which occur with­ Is it right for the university to keep extensive m ent of public safety by Robert Repas, assis­ social science r a d English, and Repas. statter. . in the jurisdiction of MSU property in the E a st political files on its students? x Among the questions raised by these men in Hannah farther explained tthat the E ast Lan­ Lansing area.” tant professor of labor and industrial relations sing police had requested that the university Is it right for the university to photograph and one of the pickets, and asked if he bad been their letter to the Provost were: Both Hannah and Bernitt wrote that the cam ­ Is toe departm ent of public safety- wilting to provide two plain clothes officers for the May student demonstrator«, regardless of the na­ taking individual photographs of the pickets, 17 demonstration. Bernitt explained in a letter pus police has no interest in the political activi­ ture of the demonstration, and Ole these pic­ Atkins said be had not been. turn over toe negatives and all prints to the ties of faculty except whenrthey are in violation individuals photographed on the picket line? to Hannah, June 1, th at thé E ast Lansing police tures? At about 11:20 a.m . M ay-43, Repas confronted of the university ordinances or state laws. Does this departm ent keep files on faculty asked for additional men “ because of potential Is this university right to refer to these files Atkin« m person a t the police quonset and asked Bernitt included students as well as faculty and students which contain information about retaliatory activity by a local group known as while answering inquiries, of prospective em ­ him two questions: J.O.L.T.” ^ m em bers in this last sentence. Hanpah did not. 1. Had Atkins taken the photos as p art of his activities other than violations of university ployers? , ■ . . . . . . . regulations? In his letter to the six faculty men, Hannah In their meeting with Naert, Repas and Does the university have the right to ask a duties as w m em ber of the campus police, and Larrowe said iie said that the E ast Lansing W hat are the precise dimensions of toe campus said th a t he was informed th at J.O.L.T. was a student to inform on students and faculty? 2. What use was to be m ade of these pictures? group “ with some of the basic precepts as the police have a policy of keeping a photographer Again denying th a t he had taken photographs, police’s jurisdiction concerning ofi-campiis, as well Us on-campus, activities of students and old K.K.K.” According to Hannah, the counter standing by in case violence breaks out during IS IT RIGHT FOR THIS" university to engi­ Atkins, this tim e in uniform, refused to answer faculty and what are their specific procedures demonstration to the picketing did not m ateri­ a demonstration. _ neer student elections? Further, is the adminis­ cither of Repas’ questions saying, according to However, both Repas and Larrowe claim that tration of this university to concern itself in to surveillance of political activities of students alize and “ u n d e r the circum stances additional Repas, th at he was unwilling to discuss what Naert at that tim e made it clear to them that any way, other than reporting the grade point or faculty?. - —1 police were not actually needed.” ~— he term ed “ my official business.” Concerning the questions that the faculty Atkins had been instructed specifically not to of candidates, with campus elections? - - In the following weeks. R epas and Larrowe IN A LETTER to Provost Paul Miller, May 23, saw Lt. Steve N aert, in charge of the plain had raised in their letter to Miller, Hannah said take pictures unless this anticipated violence On May 17, 1980, from 12 to 2 p.m. the MSU did occur. ^ chapter of the NAACP picketed the Kresge store 1980, six faculty m em bers reported, with a de-'" clothes division of th e E ast Lansing police, that the pictures were in the hands of the E ast tailed record of Repps’ conversations with At- A rthur B randstatter, director of police adminis- Lansing police. See CIVIL RIGHTS Page 4 with the avowed purpose of protesting segre- Unsung ‘Artist! Weather Report Today’s weather according to the U.S. The work of one campus “ artist,” the W eather Bureau will be partly cloudy sanitation officer, has been overlooked. turning cooler with a high of 73. Last Aesthetic«, food testing and. w ater purity night, cloudy and cool with the low 46. are,.part of his job- see story page 6. Serving MSU For 52 Years S w o m l C iati Poetata — Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 41 East Lansing, Michigan, Thursday Morning, May 2 5 ,1 9 6 1 6 Pages Paid at Cast laiwlnf. Mieta. 5 Cents Task Force Organized S e e k N a tio n a l B e lie f O ppose -e- To attack and solve the prob­ lem of adequately defining our one based on the existence of God. - derlying common denominator that even loosely describes the Flappers Request basic philosophy of most per­ national ideaology—and r- to build from this ideology a set of lo'ng-run national objectives. “OTHER COUNTRIES m ust bg helped to reach a position where s o n s THIS GROUP further dis­ . t . Compete Review of they are able to choose an ideol­ This is the stated purpose of the Task Force, a non-partisan group which m et Wednesday ogy, not forced to accept just one,” said the first group lead­ er. . cussed the concept of individ­ uality: - “ If we want to preserve the Today "Funds night in ¿he Union. - Another group stated that the dignity of the individual in for­ By DUDLEY MAYNARD The group was composed of United States m ust have re­ eign countries, we m ust help State News Staff W riter A Charleston contest and interested community leaders, spect for what it has done. those people to help themselves comedy diving exhibitions, Student Congress passed a faculty m em bers and students. “ Now th at our democratic rath e r than try to impose our special stunts in a Roaring 20’s resolution Wednesday putting it form of government has been ow njdeas. vein, today preview W ater Car­ on record as strongly opposing COORDINATORS for the “ Educating the good minds Task Force are Donald W. attained, we can, through the nival, scheduled for next Thurs­ the recent, “crippling,- tight- sam e working system , continue so that they can improve their day, Friday and Saturday. - ■ fisted appropriation policy of Riegle, J r., Flint graduate stu­ own nation is the way to solve dent in accounting and finan­ to m ake strides. The Charleston eontest will our state legislature.” “ The peoplb of toe United this problem .” be on thé facade behind Camp­ cial administration ; *and John One group discussed the ques­ Attacking the recent appro­ D. Lyons, Boston, Mass., a States should be confident, but bell’s Suburban Shop. It begins p riatio n s on the grounds that their minds should be open to tion of whether Americans nave at 1:30 p.m. and will last until graduate student in hotel ad­ become security conscious— to be neglectful of education is further change.” late afternoon. Anyone may- a deplorable situation a t any ministration. whether Americans are more “ THE INTEGRITY of the in- interested in them selves rather enter. tim e, but particularly when According to Riegle affd Ly­ F our couples w ill be chosen ons, the over-riding problem dividualy is based on a belief than society as a whole. They higher education is a necessity in God. People a re willing to said that if the present trend to dance in the finals, schedul­ for the progress, enlightenment in America today is that the ed for the intermission of the United States suffers from a die. for .something if they be­ continues it will lead to the and defense of our nation, Con­ lieve there is a life after death. downfall of to e U.S. first W ater Carnival show June gress called for reconsideration lack of consistent direction. 1. All four couples will receive This lack of direction, they said, The founding fathers had a be­ Riegle expressed satisfaction o f the appropriations. free tickets to the show and the The resolution has the effect is attributable to an absence of lief in religion.” with the accomplishments of winning couple will be aw ards clearly defined long-run goals The responsibilities of Ameri­ the meeting. He urged All in at­ of urging the legislature to re -_ cans were also discussed. One tendance to talk over the ob­ ed a special prize. consider its appropriations on and a lack of recognized phil­ osophical ideology. ' group reported that it felt that jectives of the Task Force with COMEDY DIVING exhibi­ two ‘'im portant unchalleng- Following an introduction to Am ericans are not internation- their families and friends, and tions a t the m en’s IM outdoor " able” considerations. They are: the objectives of the Task For­ aly oriented: _ ' - to try to re-examine their basic pool, including clowns garbed ce, the 50 people present te rm ­ “ The United States m ust as­ >eliefs. 1. A TRAGIC loss of human in flapper-era bathing suits, are' resources a t a critical time in ed several small discussion sume^ a personal responsibility The group w ill-m eet again scheduled for 3 p.m . today. toward other countries. Ameri­ next Wednesday in room 31 our history will result from groups. After an hour of dis­ Bleachers have been erected Assembled la the House cham bers of tbe state Capital bunding, AUSG Congress their present appropriations, cussion, each group presented cans m ust give strength to Union. Riegle asked that all in­ along toe banks of the Red its conclusions and ideas to the countries who need it now. representatives listen to Tom Bissell, Jackson sophomore, debate the session's and - terested people attend. Cedar across from Shaw hall, meeting as a whole. “ We m ust stop being an iso­ and workmen a re currently in­ stand on the state legislature’s appropiation for education. 2. Education m ust be a pri- One group reported th a t the lationist country. Students in stalling aw underw ater pulley ■ymary consideration if we are United States cannot struggle foreign nations are extremely to handle toe floats for the | to have an enlightened and pro­ against an ideology like th at fif communism with guns, but it active politically. We lack na­ tional spirit. This lack comes ‘Kismet’ Roaring 20’s show. Float construction begins T itan Firing Is Successful gressive nation. The legislature reconvenes on June 8. m ust be a stronger ideology- from an inability to find an in- Monday on the riv e r banks. All Begins university living units, sorority and fraternity bouses, ra d co­ CAPE CANAVERAL/ (JV—The operational design, with otfly a ] to have the Titan operational introduced by Jam es Wetzel, One section of the resolution ops will enter floats carrying Air Force successfully fired a' few reinforcements to be'added by June 1. But technical trou­ Owosso senior, and Dick Win­ out the them e of this y e a r’s Titan 5,000 miles Tuesday nigtht in the next few flights. bles in the test program de­ ters, Lansing sophomore, called 2 7 Fre e d o m carnival. TICKETS ARE on sale in the and moved the ocean-spanning Within a few weeks, Air Force layed this date. rocket a notch closer to opera­ troops are scheduled to fire a F irst Titans, with a range of the legislature’s action “ a de­ plorable and politically orien­ ’Kismet,” toe m usical com ­ Union ticket office a t $1.25 for tional status. Titan from Vandenberg Air 6,300 miles, will be developed tated blow to higher educa­ edy about life against an Ara­ toe June 1 show, $1.75 for June The huge missile, 98 feet tall Force Base, Calif. If the flight a t Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. tion.” R id e r s J a ile d bian Nights setting of old Bag­ 2, and $2 for the June 3 show. and weighing 125 tons on lift­ is successful, the defense de- The M artin co., which makes dad will be presented a t 8 p.m . Blocks of 20 students m ay pur­ off, blazed smoothly away from partm ent probably will declare the missile, is developing tonight through Saturday by chase tickets for the June 1 this te#t oenter and etched a ] the i weapon operational. Tbe wording of this section was considered by many to be firey path in the sky as it more powerful Titan II with ] too strong. An amendment was JACKSON, M iss., Wi—Two added they would be “ accom the University T heatre. submitted twice by Tom Bis­ sh o w a t $1. streaked to a targ e t in toe South s S S T S f '■G & S S i « ; • * — • * *» ■ * « . sell, Jackson sophomore, and buses carrying 27 “freedom modated” by being arrested Tickets are still available a t M embers o f ‘61 Club, senior Atlantic. rid ers”—both whites and Ne- for such violations. range ballistic missiles. About Initial test flight of the advanc- voted on three times before it toe Auditorium box office from honorary, and Excalibur, sen­ Officials reported the missile two dozen operational Atlases i ed weapon is slated for late changed the resolution’s word­ ¿roes—rolled Into Mississippi’s I b e National Association for 12:30 to 5 p.m. today and F ri­ ior m en’s honorary,- will be capital city Wednesday and all the Advancement of Colored day or by phoning the box of­ tapped during tbe intermissions performed as planned on the 30- are on station in California, y,is yCar from Cape Canaveral. ing to, ““a serious blow . . landed in jail. People (NAACP) offered its fice a t extension -2920, They, of the F riday and Saturday minute test flight. THE ROCKET— contained Wyoming and Nebraska, j t_____________ . Copies of the-resolution will City policemen who ringed full legal resources to the “free­ m ay also b e purchased a t at - night shows. be sent to Gov. John B. Swain- nearly a ll components of the THE AIR FORCE had hoped toe city’s bus term inal—some oi them with police dogs on dom rid ers” and said this baugh’s in Lansing o r a t the would include posting the $1,500 Union ticket office. Tickets Available son, Lynn M. Bartlett, state legislators of the House and bondfor each,__ S enato John A. Hannah, presi­ leashes—arrested both groups For Graduation when they strolled into waiting rooms reserved for whites. . Charges against, toe “ free­ Crowds flocked to the term i­ F o r p ast shows like “ Harvey ed halfway between Memphis, and “Man and Superman’ no nal in this city of 150,000, locat­ props w ere required which Tenn., and New Orleans, aw ait couldn’t be found is alm ost any Fraternity Scholars Feted There are still some com­ mencement tickets available to dent of MSU, and the Board of Trustees. I' A RESOLUTION to hold a dom riders,” whose trip s ta rt­ store. fall referendum on graduate ed in Montgomery, Ala., includ­ ing arrival of the first bus, but graduating students who m ay F o V “ Kism et,” ordinary student representation in stu­ ed breach of peace, disobeying there w ere no incidents o th e r pick up one each by presenting dent government was also than toe arrests. props have been m agically a n officer and attempting to in­ th e ir ID cards a t the Alumni passed by Congress. cite a riot. Bond for each of TO GUARD against upheaval transform ed into such exotic ence Foundation Cooperative | more im portant than an edu- Records office, 253 Student Ser- If the fall vote is favorable The spring term fraternity the “ freedom riders” was set in Mississippi, Gov. Ross B a r elem ents as an Oriental bathing Honors breakfast, honoring 70 to graduate representation they nett said he would call out the fountain, litters on which are Graduate, fellowship. catioo?” ' vices, bldg. Tickets will be a t $500 on each charge,, but fraternity then with a 3.5 av* will be given seats in Congress none .made the bail immediate­ national guard or take ra y to be borne the beauties of the Honorable mentions went to! He asked them to further ex-j needed only it bad weather caliph’s court, a bangle tree, ’u u a t jojuim J»waq Jo aStote Anson Lovellette. P h i Gam m a am ine learning. “ To cite the j mokes it necessary to hold com- and pay the student tax of 25 ly steps needed to preserve the peace. hookah pipes, glased wine jogs, w as held in toe Kellogge cen­ Delta, and Philip Fife, Sigma prim ary object of learning as fmencement in Jenison rather cents now paid only by under­ The pattern for arrests was graduate students. the sam e in both cases. Qffr- About the sam e-tim e as the accotmtrem ents fra an E astern te r Tuesday morning. Chi. » f i g ¡ L ” ,1* S S V * j than Spartan Stadium. Both graduates and under­ ' cers repeatedly ordered the arrests w ere being m ade in basaar, and thrones for a cal­ Presiding as M aster of Cere­ Following the presentation, Only in term s of learning ra d ________ graduate students will vote in Jackson, Atty. Gen. Robert iph r a d wtzar. monies was Bill Gillis, Theta D r. Gordon Sabine, director not comfort can a standard of | J “ freedom riders” to leave, but O rdinary students will be­ Chi graduate student and in­ of Admissions r a d Scholarships living be called high. toe referendum which could the order was ignored. Kennedy in Washington called . Britain* Honor Yuri change the AUSG constitution. for a cooling off period in the come toe m ystical exotic danc structor in the departm ent of and vice president of special “ The biggest explosion will j Congress was forced to ad­ POLICE bustled them into a “ freedom rid e r” dem onstra­ e rs of tbe Arabian nights and botony and plant pathology. projects delivered an interest­ come not from Cape Canaver­ LONDON (*—1The Amalga­ journ earlier than usual be­ waiting patrol wagon ami sped tions. the other ch aracters represent­ President H a m a h presented ing and thought-provoking talk al,” be said, “ but from the m ated Union of British foundry cause of a tim e lim it on the them to jail. He said it would b e “wise for ed in “ Kism et.” a plaque to Leonard Grantner, entitled “ Is T o u r Accomplish­ racket-like leap in education. There was one white person those traveling through these Triangle, a s th e graduating m ent Enough.” workers says it will m ake a use of tbe House cham bers. In each of tbe contingents two states (Alabama r a d Mis­ senior with tb eh ig b e st cum ula­ “This is your generation, gold medal for Soviet astro­ Among legislation not acted on IN TEDS SPEECH, Sabine be told these men. “Tbe fuj was~"a resolution to urge tbe aboard toe two buses. sissippi) to deify their trips un Reading Contest tive average. Grantner, m a­ naut Yuri Gagarin. The Union Board of Trustees to reconsider Jackson Police Chief W. D. til th e present state of confu joring in electrical engineer­ challenged these m en to look holds toe prospect of adven Bayfield said tbe “ freedom The annual German-poefry ing has carried a 3.75 average. closely a t them selves and ash (learning) th a t has never yet already has approved honor- a compulsory com pulsory. fee to pay to r sion r a d danger has passed and ary mem bership fra Gagarin, publication of toe State News rid ers” cam e to Jackson to vio­ an atm osphere of reason and reading contort will be in 32 He plans to work for his m as­ “Does a m an go to college pri boiled our Mood.” late city and state laws and normalcy has been restored.” Union a t 7:30 p.m . Thursday. ters here under a National Sci­ m arily to got grades? Is th is See U STUDENTS Page 3 an ex-foundry worker. i next y ear. ra «.‘ SÖI*N faa-cc W®I ' w % ‘ jfM 'U lç? s É11É « m » --.¿äv^M£’Éf^^lt*S£ vîSSilfWÊ^ÊÈMMM m È -'-'Ix-- ' i f I -: vï^rO ’ •'. ' :." ' htémÊS S lË l ^ l l " >p -y:j ^P p p ? ‘ M y ^ P i^ P t'' 1 1 , m » W^ t , | a » i . f f c g , M i i » i M A ^ r ä g U f f l H * " 11« ? » — «— > " v * À 1961 ¡SBm M u s ic A w a r d s G iv e n Mar? Seeburger, Grand Rap over-all grade average and Frances Powell received the ids senior, received the Laws* proficiency in vocal or instru­ American Guild of Musical Richards Memorial Award a t mental music or music compo- Artists Award. This award the Women's Glee d o b annual stttsn. goes to the graduating senior spring concert Tuesday n ig h t JAMES Norden, South Haven who will do the most Credit for This aw ard goes to the sen* Junior, received the Music Fac- himself and MSU. ior with the highest n o d e utty Junior Award. This award THE DEL7A Omicron senior ■Ü grades who is proficient in is given on the sam e basis as honor pin for service and scjhol- eR her'vocal o r instrumental the Senior Award. arship was awarded to Marcia music. —* The M usk* Education Award Mitchel. Grand Rapids senior. The Music Faculty Senior for outstanding achievement as The lite ra tu re and Fine Arts Award was awarded to D ead s student and potential teacher went to Areola Clark, Detroit Award of $150 went to Jobs North. Holt senior. Qualifica­ Courier, Lansing sophomore. tions for this aw ard are highest sophomore. This award is provided for by the sale of the Literature and Fine Arts syllabus from the old Book Review College of lite ra tu re and Fine Arts: Industry, Labor, Community Janice Piaseczny, New Bos­ ton freshman; Jam es Norden, South Haven junior; and Joseph Tells Labor Facts of Life Baber, E ast Lansing freshman, won the Presser Foundation “ Industry, Labor and Comma-, concerned about government Award. This is a scholarship afty,” William H. Form and and politics because govern­ presented to the three students Delbert C. Miller, H arper and m ent is the only institution with good character and out­ Brothers, New York, IMA which can seriously challenge standing scholarship. the business operations. v The Women’s Glee Club per­ The influence exerted by P rior to 1660 government did formed under the direction of business and organised labor not interfere with business op­ Ethel Armeling. — on community policy formula­ erations. Today, however, gov­ tion are fed not only in govern­ ernm ental agencies f u r n i s h ment. but are extended to all necessary services such as wa­ other social institutions — the A lp h a S ig m a P h i te r, gas, sewage, employment family, school, church, wel­ bureaus, education facilities, fare, and m ass communications T o H o ld F o rm a l UNCLE SOAPY SAID to meet Mm at his beuse . . . a n d transportation services. agencies. Further, government regulates Little Sharon Apple represents the Community Circle They are manifest in the internal plant conditions affect­ Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity Players’ contention that Michigan may be poor in m a n y roles simultaneously ing health, safety, employment, wiU hold their annual Black & wealth but is. rich in theater. The Players are present­ played by the people within cafeteria services, wages and White form al Friday evening ing “ The House of B ernards Alba,” by F edrko Garcia their communities. Citizens a re hours, and determines such ex­ at Holiday -Inn, according to Lorca today, Friday and Saturday. For reservations JACK BRESUN, secretary of the university, symbolizes the “ new look** of the a t the sam e tim e, workers, hus­ ternal influences as taxes, Charles Young, publicity chair­ call ED 2-6468 er IV 5-6046. administration. Breslin is a graduate of MSU and a three-sport letterm an. bands. fathers, taxpayers, un­ building ordinances, licenses, m an. ion m em bers, consumers, wor­ parking, zoning and controls Music will be provided by shipers, m em bers of the PTA University Profile and other organisations. nuisances of smoke and noise. John P ark and orchestra. The interdepen dence of m an­ Secretary Breslin Pits Wits agement, unions and the com­ munity rests an the particular organization of these roles so that the actors m ay play their W right Kay — exclusive jewelers since IS 6 I With Legislature, Budget parts without the help of a di­ rector n r a written script. AUTHOR William Form , pro­ _ By JESS "MAXWELL with the dollars and informa- servation buildings, a new fessor of sociology and associ­ State News Feature Editor I t’on available.” _ chemistry building, communi­ ate director of the Labor and , I Breslin, a tall, personable cation arts building, a new ad­ Industrial Relations Center a t Secretary of the University m an with a keen sense of hu­ ministration building, and addi­ the university, and co-author Jack Breslin leaned back in his mor, replaced Jam es W. Miller tional home economics facili­ Delbert Miller, professor of so­ chair against an Oriental rug as secretary February 16. Mil­ ties, he said. ciology a t Indiana University, hanging on the wall. ler is now president of Western The chem istry building is explain why persons interested •‘I t’s not always easy getting Michigan University. '• Breslin’s num ber one priority. in community action — social the needed funds from the legis­ Besides handling university - ‘‘CHEMISTRY conditions a re workers, tea chers , m inisters, lature,” he said, ‘‘but it is im­ legislative work, Breslin is sec­ chaotic,” he said. “ We hope governm ent worker s and wom­ perative that our annual legis­ retary of the board of trustees. to put a new building up as en’s groups, usually find their SCULPTURED E L E G A N C E lative appropriations keep pace His office is also responsible soon as possible.” efforts facilitated o r restricted with the t o t a l university for the personnel department, A dramatic new diamond design by Breslin isja- native of the by business and labor groups. growth. It’s my job to see that the inventory department, the Cereal City—Battle Creek. He The authors suggest m ere is Orange Blossom, especially for the youn 3- this happens.” supervising architect, retire­ was an employee of Kellogg’s a trigger effect th a t originates et-heart . . . diamond engagement ring in 4K Breslin, as secretary, is the ment records, and health rec­ for three years. with tM industrial composition gold, 195.00. Matching wedding band 30 .00. liasioiL between the university ords. ** A g rad u a te of MSU, Breslin of the community. The i n ­ and the legislature and acts as earned a B.S. in physical edu­ dustrial composition shapes Prices include Federal tax the contact for both parties. THE SECRETARY’S office is cation in 1946. He received a the community’s occupational is your also- responsible for je ttin g up m aster’s degree in counseling structure, which, in ta ra , in­ IT IS HIS job to interpret the the university’s program s on and guidance in 1966 from the fluences the income and edaca answer! A scoop neck, annual university budget, re­ building construction. quests to the legislature, and "We have'to establish build­ to handle the touchy public re­ ing progranls and needs in ad­ university. ' — tianal levels. These then af­ A three-sport letterm an at fect many other community WrishtKay wide strap sheath cuts lations problems between the vance, before appropriations the university, Breslin played variables including health, edu­ 1500 W oodward« Detroit and Northland- university and the legislature. are allotted,” Breslin said. football, basketball and base­ cation, housing, and cultural W O 2-0500: Convenient accounts 'available ball. attainm ents. o pretty figure'in slim­ ‘‘Basically, J t h i n k "legis "We now have a $120 million IN HIS junior year, he re­ Business groups are highly lators are fair-minded, honest five-year building program sub­ ceived the Governor’s Award ming lastex. One from our people,” Breslin said. "They mitted to ' the legislature—in­ as the football team ’s most val­ are doing the best they can cluding new forestry and con- uable player, and was captain r j EVi exciting collection of sleek of the baseball team in his sen­ Line* Says ior year. Breslin played in two East- Reàuiooà i Ross sheath, boyleg, maillot, two- West Shrine football games and ‘NEED A PART sta rre d on the Chicago All- piece and skirt styles. Splashing FO R TH A T Stars team against the Pros in OLDER CAR?’ 1946. BRESLIN started his work­ ing career with the university fH E IN SID E STORY -watercolors in stripes, checks, florals« paisleys and solidi. Shdton: White/ TRY as assistant director of alumni relations in I960. H e was director of placement pink or aqua/blue. 10-16. JI9.95 in 1953 and was appointed as­ LIM C O AUTO PARTS sistant to the vice president for •til this year fit *»» rarely off-campus education in 1956. nencxooed when anyone spoke 1332 N. LARCH ST. Breslin served as assistant to of wash 6t wear clothing. All suite — (LOOK FOR THE RED HOUSE) the president for two years be- fore being appointed secretary good and bod — used to fit the saate! IV 2-1303 of the university. Now REDWOOD ft R06S is proud to We have good used 15 and 16 inch tires He is a m em ber of the Lan­ sing Rotary Club and is a trus offer wash ft wear Dacron/cotton suite SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS tee of the Okemos Board of tailored with, the m uk care found in Education. fine wools. REDtOOD ft ROSS wash ft wear suits have durable lined con­ struction, proper body taper and the AS ITALIAN AS HIS MOUSTACHE - easy fitting anabole — prideful points of consideration usually not evident in GOLDEN IT ALUN PIZZA sumner c lo th in g . FROM CASA NOVA NO. 2 OLIVE, BROWN, CHARCOAL AND NAVY..-.. BLACK, 211 M.A.C. AVENUE EAST LANSING’S OLDEST PIZZERIA — 3 6 s 0 ITS WORTH PEDALING Charge Free MILES FOR, BUT Attenutami Accasata WE’LL DELIVER — 265 E. G rad River JUST CALL ED 7-1668 i&æM "'?v ♦ •. ’ >***!«* -. > ,. > - -iv - v ^ • • ■* . ;' -V*: fW n d iy Morning, May 2 5 , 1961 Æ â 1 M f c h ig a n S u te N e w a, E m * L a n s in g , M k M g n n 3 Awards Highlight United Klans 3 . 5 S t u d e n t s Honors Night C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S May Be Guilty (Cautioned from Pag* 1) Lamine, James Raaft PU roy, HL, Douglas Strickland, Tbs meeting wfil b* In lit Gamma Delta; William Weagty sophomore, E. Lansing. Trip NMsndSdaaesbafifflng. DEADLINES: 1 pa. Day Befar* PahBrattan far taa, WA, Tim, ^ The breakfast, epoaeered by Sandusky, flBo ■Mis; Rockard Moore, sopho­ . and Frl. Tim—, DaflM far Mas. Editie*: 1 puai Fri. CH Violation the Inter Fraternity Ceunefl and Din Cryts, David Dau0M(lyr more, SL Clair, Leonard Grant- rhamiitry Honan Night is Frftornity Advlear* Cabte- sentir. Fort Wayne, Amen Grand Blanc. toatgU at 0 p a . C tei and Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 WASHINGTON VH - Rep. ate -was co-cbairmaned by LoveOette, senior, SL Joseph. other swards wfil be gtrm to Zete Bete Tan; Daniel Graff, i Insalati j studente with out- Charles S. Joel«», D-N.J., said Larry Anderson and Dennis P1B KAPPA PS!; PMIlip Sei­ »rç^nwre, Jamaica, N.Y., staadtag scholastic records. Tuesday night the United Klans Levins, freshman, Reports wfil be given an sev­ of America may be violating Collette, both af Delta UpsOon. del, sophomore, Saginaw. FU A U T O M O T IV E FO R SA LE PERSO N A L federal laws by telling pros­ K*ppa Sigma; Donald Dietrich Flushing, N.Y. eral projects now la progress. pective donors that contribu­ THE FOLLOWING men, rep­ sophomore, E. Iansing, Ed­ *B8Bi5 5 S îS ? flB 3 lW s^ 3 Â TRAILERS THANK YOU V ERY much to tonta# lust w t o i l d N tw t t m j M tonneau. Wtro whaei* .«xroltent whomever returned the diamond to tions are tax deductable. resenting nearly «very frater­ win Gemrieb, junior, Kalama­ U H M Ó É1LÌ HOME. Detroiter, the Dora's office, 41 zoo. Phi Kappa Tim; Rollami mechanical condition. U N CaB O 49x10, an lot. Call 0 S-19SL 42 Joelson said he had obtained nity, were honored: i-n u . « RALPH DIXON and TOM STAR­ Oselka, sophomore. New Buf­ the crisp, S 7 T H K E L 0 TRAILER. 4x10. « p l y LING please come to the State copies of letters sent out by Alpha Eprilon Pi: Warren falo. U N CHXV»fc>L*T. 2-door hardtop. M e n ottica. Roam 347. Student Ser­ C.F. Craig of Atlanta, Ga., Lapping, sophomore, Eggerts- P à U p s i l o n ; John d em Kxaallant conditinn Call 0 T -Ä « vices Mdg. fo r two froe pan e * to Barkhart, Clark Bavin, grad­ after ( p.m. 4S which asked for donations and ville, N.Y., Daniel Druckman, le ek \ tea«, in - fee C M j R M t stated that such donations uate, E. Lansing. Sigma Alpha H N CHKVBOUCT. tudor hardtoo Rmvaeatira senior, Riverdale, N.Y. Alpha Ep^on; Thomas Andris, soph­ V - T r n now ttran paint and. sttcfc WFaalf rontaln- R E A L ESTA TE could be deducted from the Gamma Rho; Donald Bixby, trannwM an A -4M Rathar Hall tocoltent condition 41 £ I BEDROOM RANCH home. Çom- donor’s income tax. He' said junior, Rockford, Jennings omore, Johnsso, Grosse Pointe, William senior, E. Lansing, II S T R IP E S 1M7 CHEVROLET • cylinder, «tìdt. F O R RENT pletely air-conditioned. Open House Craig was listed as an official Bird, .graduate, Knoxville, radio, new paint. Exceptionally clara Sunday afternoon. Frandor area. 331 of the United Klans. Tenn., Donald Stover, graduate, Bryce Plapp, senior, Dekalb, Midvale. 43 and sharp. Ü O IV OTTAWA HILLS. S bedroom ranch, The New Jersey congress­ Berrien Springs, Clifford Brunk, m . For summer wear — nothing M T CHEVROLET tudor hardtop, large living room, b eautifully EA ST LANSING. B Y owner. Marble man said he sent copies of the senior, Traverse City. Alpha Sigma Alpha Mu; John Kir­ is so flattering as a stripe stick A “ dio. excellent condition. scaped. S minutes from campus, School. 3 bedroom, older home, double letter to the internal revnue CO S>l«e after • pm . « Available Ja ne L SUO 0 2-4591. 4« tot, 510500. 0 3-30M. 43 Sigma Phi; Paul Shoemaker, sch, junior, Toledo, Ohio, Ar­ dress! 13 MINUTES FROM CAMPUS In a service and asked for a ruling. graduate, East Lansing. thur Wilder, senior, Flushing, MW CfeEVUOLET cocrertihla ..*• a p a r t m e n t s atanderd shift, radio, whitewalls, faculty neighborhood. 6 roams, _3 He said, “I do not see bow 0 N.Y. Sigma Chi; Charles Ciof- m a n body, white top. 1 owner, d ean . —SUMMER TERM. 8 apartments. A |£ bedroom. Ilk baths, full basement, organization which is at least Alpha Tau Omega; Keith Sew it of denim, sailcloth, or IV l-MM. « proved, unsupervtssd. l block east built-in range and oven, utility room of Gables on Grand Rlvef. ED 7-1204, and carport. Owner transferred. ISM 0 offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan Morrill, senior, Grand Ledge, fi, senior, E. Lansing, James Morton. Sigma Nu; Thomas textured cotton. 1953 FORD TUDOR V». »tend body ask for Bob. 45 Orlando Drive. Haalett. F I 9-2152. 41 —an organization declared sub­ Robert Beeler, freshman, Ham­ Riley, senior, Winnetka, 111., end motor. Excellent Uree- AZ23 Arm- versive by tbe Attorney General ilton, Ohio. Beta Theta Pi; Wil­ s tm w bail. 0 7-97*1 42 APPROVED APARTMENT, furnish­ ed. AvuilaMu «or summer term, 0 EA ST LANSING. R 0 Cedar school, newly decorated, beautifully land- liam Alldredge, senior, Port Ifitchd Foster, graduate, Bir­ Come to Sew 'N* Save for the 7-7503, 42 ‘ 4 bedroom, l t t betna. pine —could claim that donations mingham, Robert Olstein, largest selection you’ll want! 1957 MCA ROADSTER bSck. red Interior, wire wheels, new white­ recreation room, 52700 down. it receives are tax deductible.” Huffin, Daniel Riedel, senior, freshman, Bronx, N.Y. walls. unbelievably Immaculate con­ THREE ROOM APARTMENT for 3-«N7. 43 Joelson said if the contribu­ Brookville, Ohio. Delta Chi; dition. Absolutely perfect. ED 2-e*54 re n t furnished, priva ivate parking for James Vannocker, Dale War­ Sigma Phi Epsilon; Allan Ombre, Awning, Multi, and after 3:30 pm . _ tf two ca n . Two Mocks from Frandor. OKEMOC. RANCH with everything. tions sue not deductable, the SSI N. Hamer. IT S-M 41 « bedrooms. 1 f t baths. 3 fireplaces. 2 car garage, finished rec. room, organization may be guilty of ner, junior, Eaton Rapids. Mar­ Bivins, junior, Fairfield, Conn. two tone striped effects with 1 0 MCA R 0 ROADSTER. Good tin Hawley, senior, Waldron. Theta CW; Michael Cooper, condition, radio, has ter. Can TU ROOMS' large kitchens. U acre lot, owner. using the mails to defraud. He 2-912*. ~ 41 0 7-0337.. River Downs Sub-Dlvlalo^ sophomore. Evansville, Ind., Co-ordinated solids to match 2 PRIVATE SLEEPING ROOMS, said the United Klans also may Delta Sigma Phi; Bernard Robot OLDSMOBILE convertible. ltM 1M. share kitchen rad bath. Male stu­ be violating'the law in giving Buld, senior, Balinski, junior, Kalamazoo, sing, Pani Matlock, senior. Le- E. Lan­ in these varied cloths 1 Golden mist with belae top. Power dents, nicely furnished, second floor. BRICK RANCH WITH 1 ear garage. out wrong tax information. rivate Uh transe. Available June 13. « bedrooms, foil basement gas b e a t James Ledvinka, Northbrook, tenna. deck-lid. Hydrostatic. tinted P brakes, stearins, window*, seats, an­ V 4-5595 Stalk. Excellent shape, priced low. ED 7-990».___________ « Approved Supervised 4P does to schools. S1AOO {H A wffl move you in. Call Bill Love, ED 7-7828 or R ad Lansing Realty C o , Realtors, E d S-EIM. ~ 111., Joseph Uhl, senior, Lima, Ohio, Murray-—Ball, junior, SEW ‘N’ SAVE Fabric Shop UM O U M M O B U ^*». hardtra. « * reliant condition. 0 2-5551. ask for Rooms far Men S E R V IC E Physics Talk Flint. Delta Tau Delta; David G n e b O b y D k i B Taylor, sophomore, Birming­ ATHENS » -T h e Greek gov , FRANDOR CENTER, A 1 Cary. 41 ham, John Forsyth, junior, Lan­ X LANSING, MICHIGAN 1Mb TRIUMPH. Desperate - must sell I Wire wheels, radio extras. Ex­ SPARTAN HALL _ m LOUIS STREET Wi L l B A B Y SIT IN m y Spartan Village apartment. 0 3-0091. 43 Slated For | sing, Larry Osterink, junior. eminent has signed a 26-year agreement permitting the Ca Grand Rapids, William Porter, sino co. of Baden-Baden, Ger­ IV 4-0732 \ cellent condition. Ja y . to t. MS2. SM . STORE HOURS l MON. - THURS. - FRL 9:30 to 9 Arrange 'now fo r fall term for number. 0 VOLKSWAOON 19M. » « * *>*“ •• comfortable off-campus living. Large TYPIST A im BROWN. New phone writer. Term 3-8384. Electric type­ papers ra d theses, also Open Lecture senior, Lansing. many, to operate gambling ca­ Delta Uprilon^ Dennis Col­ sinos on the islands of Rhodes TUES. - WED. - SAT. • 9:30 to 5:30 19AM miles. Ju st like new. Must sell. warm room with sink In each room, general typing. tf. 0 7-1255. 41 oomfortable lobby with T.V. Phone. ’’The Three Great Forces of lette, sophomore, Waterbary, and Corfu. WONCH DUPLICATING • moved 1969 HARLEY. 74-FL, Duo-sMde. Laundry. Parkin« faculties, snack to 1730 E. Michigan. Lansing. Theda Nature," an open lecture, will Conn., Fred Tasker, sophomore, The Cadillac of motorcycles. Looks rad Juice —— typing and duplicating, commercial Lake Odessa, Kenneth Kemp, like new. See to appreciate. Phil. 211 Excellent study arC typesetting. Call 4t2-4tOS tf be presented by Dr. J. Van W. Shaw. 4* situation, good company. Double tf Kranendank, distinguished vis­ sophomore, Taylor. Farmhouse, rooms available a t MAO weekly. One Jason Potter, sophomore, La­ 1M7 ZUNDAPP MOTORCYCLE, ex­ block from campus. ED 3-2S74. TYPING DONE In Spaftra VlDaas iting professor in physics. cellent condition, cheap. IV W M apartment 0 7-0702. or 0 7-988A The lecture win begin at 8 peer, Alvin Bailey, senior, after 7 pm . or ace at SIS Prospect. Schoolcraft, Thomas Croope, Lansing. 41 VACANCIES P A L L TERM. Beal TYPING. In my home, by aecretary p.m. Thursday in 118 Physics- Co-op. Board and room. «155 a term. Math building, and is sponsored senior, Midland, James Beck­ 0 M R f. 41 with 10 years’ experience. TU 1 -47 M by the Colleges of Engineering er, junior, SL Johns. Sparta» Motors, Int. and ~M A K E RESERVATIONS for single double rooms for Summer and THESES T Y P 0 . B S In Business and Science and Arts. FaU terms. Close to campus, parking, Education, electric typewriter. OR lambda Chi Alpha; Thomas e r v o o r t ’s reasonable. Also apartment lor sum­ S-SS30. 43 Van Krancndonk’s talk will Davidson, senior, E. laming, Offers these pre-graduation mer. 0 2-3151. tf deal with present understanding Gordon Edison, senior, South 213 E. GRAND RIVER specials to students and faculty. APPROVED, SUPERVISED rooms. cludes GRADUATION announcements In­ of the forces holding matter to­ your name. 3 day service. Bend, Ind., Thomas Barton, EAST LANSING East Lansing’s only personally Man. cooking, summer. CaU 0 7-9656. Myers Printing Service. 1481 East gether, and Is aimed at stu­ senior, E. Iarising, William Michigan. IV 9-3554. tf Ph. ED 2-2114 selected automobiles. — dents of all colleges and depart-, Clark, graduate, lansing, Rich­ PRIVATE ROOMS • 3 blocks from UNITED RADIO for Guarantee meats. ard Judd, graduate, lansing. Chevrolet *40 Impale convertible. Private entrance, men only. Radio Repair: specialization automo­ Platinum with white top. 34». column Union. 13« Linden. 0 9-1441. tf tive radios. Flat rote, 5755 to remove, Phi Delta Theta; Robert How­ shift, poaltraction. repair, reinstall, (parts «t labor in ­ Chevrolet ‘80 Impale convertible, TWO DOUBLE ROOMS for sum­ cluded with a M day unconditional A knife with a flat grind is ard, freshman, Elmhurst, Ohio, blue and white top, 34« trt-barrela. mer term. One available for Fall guarantee.) Falrvlew A E. Saginaw easier to sharpen than one with Douglas Croakrite, sophomore, with 4-spead Corvet transmission. term. Male students. ED 9-16M. 43 Lansing. IV 8-gl«7 tf a hollow grind. Detroit, Wayne Parsons, junior. Pontiac ‘59 convertible. Orcr with whit« top, power brakes and steering, EAST SIDE. PRIVATE room with T R A N S P O R T A T IO N ^ hydromattc. extra sharp 1 board, private entrance, pancine, Chevrolet ‘55 Be la Ire tudor. red and gentlemen. $1« weekly. 315 South white 14A0O actual miles, city's sharp­ Bonier. 43 WANTED - PASSEN GERS to to e est Chevy! Angelas arsa, «50 Ltavtog Ju n e 1 1 . Corvatr ‘80 - 500 stick shift, black TRAILERS FOR RENT 0 3-4740. . - 43 and white, high economy, outstanding SUMMER • 3 BEDROOM trailer, performance. 8x 34 , »60 monthly Including utilities. W ANTED Volkswagona 58‘s. SPa. «fa. t o d ED 7-96M evenings- - . _______ 43 Lraaixm's outstanding Volks war on bargain center. Hardtope and con­ STATE AGEN CY HEAD desires « ^VanDerv o o rt's vertibles. Colors to choose from. LO ST an d FO U N D bedroom house to ren t Poeemelon after June 1 or «. Reeaonable. will LOW PRICED SPECIALS LOST • DIAMOND RING. Lost In lease. CaU 0 3-5694. 43 life tim e - guaranteed Priced from $100 - $395 2nd floor Natural Science budding woman's wash room. Return to Mrs. . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . S3 fo rd 4-door. *8S Bulck 4-door, Snider, Herbarium, room 235 Natural *S> Studebaker 4-door. “SS Pontiac Science building. , 44 BUY ? . . SELL . . . R E N T G O L F B A LLS tudor hardtop. 2 blocks east of Frandor unconditionally guaranteed against cutting oa Michigan College Men ~ Top quality, high compression golf ED 2-01*4 Summer Jobs b a l l s - . . . GUARANTEED AGAINST CUTTING! Made by the WANTED TO BU Y 1SS7 T B IR D convertible ira y color, w j w . radio, FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 woridT largest golf ball manufac­ $ ^ 9 5 automatic transmission, good con­ turer for Van’s . . . Tough covered dition. CaU 0 7-tM l Ext. «14. 45 BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER . . . My ball cut hi normal play is EM PLO Y M ENT 30 — 30 — 30 — 30 replaced FREE! ATTRACTIVE G IR L for ro te work $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE during summer v ta tto o . Must have COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK interest In U ad c. Catt ED 7-5071 be­ f ir s t q uality tween 1-5 p jn. for appomtroent. 41 TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS, PLENTY OF TIME FOR BABYSITTER. I X » 4 child. 5 days per week, summer. In our Spartan BOATING, SWIMMING ft GOLF SPALDING KRO-FL1TE village home. 0 3-3159, 41 “Ocean Poor Men’s POSITIONS OPEN FOR night nurse, foil er pert Urne. Also operat­ WIN AN ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO Nylon Swim Tranks G O LF B A U S ing room supervisor. New. modern 50 bed hospital. CaU or write Direc­ LONDON FOR A WEEK Pepaler sleek trunks fri Net Irregular* or seconds, but tor of Nurses. Mason General Hoe- racing er diving. Black, brand new. IMS golf belle with Mason. Michigan » ROME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK S&k Navy, RpyaL White and famous Spalding “Kro-Flite” F O R SALE OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER Green. labri. Backed with Spalding 11IM rs a r ewqLìsh starete- äugt BASIC REQUIREMENTS: quality. 9 5 with accesaortes. Low muaago. 4» « saving. CaU David C. SUter. ED 3-3591. INCYCLOPEDIA Británica, latest ~ 1. Over 18 yean of age. 2. At least 6 months of college. *3.95 ML ea 10.95 dozen royal no. 1. In original factory ceses 3. Neat Appearance. Nevar unpacked. Sava 40% Ron. 337 West Shaw. -43 Special “Seconds" of B A SE N J1S - BARK LESS African hounds. Champion sired puppies tor pet, show, or nuntong. TU 3-3514. 43 THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY CONTINUE THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A ’Fisherm an fin it' mm mm mu - Boat Neck, tf sleeve Sweat S h irts. Converse All • Star Smart styliag . . . beat TENNIS OXFORDS GOOD 3-WHEELED tra tte with side tacks. 0 3-3700. tf PART TIME BASIS new heights of practicality and comfort ned, tf length sleeve, 2 packets. White, navy or Slight irregulars ef GIR L'S DRESSES, aiaa 0 pre-teen. 13 A 14. polo coat, size 12; some CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT in Stretch Nylon Socks green. t h i s famous shoe. Clothing like new. 0 7-1030 evenings GRAND RAPIDSrMlCHIGAN Laces to tee, white GAS RANGE, TAPP AN. holiday 20'. GL. 6-7451 /' 1.50 * uppers. Reg. 7.45. all features, i l l years old. cost new SUOr moving, w ill sell for 5107. FE LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 2 . 9 9 9-5051. —----’ LATEST MODEL - B ATHTNETTE. Ulte new. Also, electric bottle steril­ iser. «lightly used. IV 4-4850. 43 53 IV 2-5622 TOLEDO, OHIO CE 2-1353 tlto ta lly soft . . . w ondoftady rmiltenll Slip into • p air . . . . fools Itko walking an a ir. What flv a o thaoa 5.99 M A T C H 0 SET GOLF dubs, never handsomoly rlbbod socks thair springInoos, thair amcu- big savings! $10. CaU 0 3-1470 after 5 pm . CH 3-6653 41 lng biMMMof 2 spaclal Iwgrodlanto . . . thg hnurtora Ladies’ “ Renown” - GOLF CLUBS. ORIGINAL M10 val­ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO "Flsharm an Knit" plus Camp'» skSltal ho»lory crofts- ue. 1 years old. excellent condition. NO 3*6003 CA 4*9761 manthlp. In tpito o f to buoyant bulk, f u n now Cam p M i. Barry Jonas, 0 1-1SSI 5 1J S KODAK COLOR FILM. 50c 53 CLEVELAND, OHIO amfclto» m e oa light, you'll h a rtfy know y a a hams thorn T E N N IS O X FO R D with this ad. New foaah roll*, c ITT on. 100% StrstcH Nylon — on# six# strstchos to fit d ll. e r C 510. Limit two. Marek BexaU Preemption Center. Clipperl at Vine. M A 1-3381 { Frandor. 5« In tho ssoson’ s smartest colors. with smart tapered toe STRING BASS and flute. Good con YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA dttion. CaU 0 1-3301. John Parka. 43 RI 4-2417=~ GL 5-0412 Exeepttaaal savings! with -new M S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. See tapered lee, featuring washable them at the Card Shop. Across from AKRON, OHIO wUle canvas uppers, cushioned Home Ec. B uüSnil 0 3-5793. 50 RCA VICTOR H I-ri and General FR 6*1253 Sizes 4-1* la Electric TV, CaU 0 1 3 0 p.m.__________ It A lU K S 2 -OOM after IMS tR A V E tÒ TRAILER ThöTH 43 DETROIT. MICHIGAN WO 5*4163 S M A L L 'S wide SHOP TONIGHT fully furnished, good condition. Now WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN r a m . Priced to adì. 0 7-7M1. 1007 MAELETTE. 8x41 3 bedroom, carpet, exoallrat condition. 53305. I M Mobile Home* Manor. 0 3-3813 43 AV 2-7766 FE 4-0603 two rieren south Washington» downtown, of course *2.99 TIL 9 P.M. - « 1er 530 pan. 43 FLINT, MICHIGAN Mama mk m IMS Coast Guard Interviews Today NOW! GLADMER T ea Executive Speaks a C ro ssw o rd j n * » ■ □ « tin u a a n a a n ' P u z z le l a a a a a a n la a a a a a a o aan n a a a a IX. Geerge Kuhck, U.S. Coast Guard, will be interviewing in­ Following egraduation college, candidates ra date will serve a from ■W Vf ■ mMJ¡Mm ■ MAMMOTH! THOUSANDS IN CASTS YEARS IN MAKINGÍ A t PSE D inner „ acaoss 1. Art of lone* ».Humor 40. Hagiard . a a a aao o n a a a ri a n n a a n a n aan n n an no terested man today and tomor­ row or the Union ^concourse concerning application for tin three ¿year tour of active duty, including 17 weeks of training and commission as an ensign in 41. Border Harley V. McNamara, chair­ man hi connection with the •.Rubber 43. Handle a n a a a n a a a s a School in Yorktown, Va. the Coast <|pard. man of the executive commit­ Maxwell House divtffton^of the IX fruit roughly □ a n a a n m a ria tee of the National Teaco., will General Foods Corp. IX Venerate □ B asad a an an a 14. Combined 4S. Main stack □ ana n an addreaa the members of the 15. Expiated 4X School at R eb u ilt _ executive development program □□□□a a a a a a a a IS. Misdeed Whales TRANSMISSIONS SPECIAL in food marketing management at a dinner meeting, 6:90 p.m. Civil Rights 17. Muricol perception 80. fifth sign of the r.odiac f t Malt drink □ □ an n an an n o s a n a □□□ n n an MOTORS DISCOUNTS DOORS OPEN 12:1S • FEATURE AT 12:9U:2M:1M:15 rhureday, 22 Union. ¿?m If. Rest AT REGULAR POPULAR PRICES (Continued from Page 1) ^ 20. Antipathy »XCarried out •elution of Yesterday’s fusalo M cNamara’s topic will be 22. Pilier orders ~ Installed Facuhy & NEXT ATTRACTION! “GONE WITH THE WIND” "Food Industry: A Challenge When they confronted Brand- 24. Circular 34. To unfold 48 Hour Service and an Opportunity for Car­ plate St. Indicate X Held a ses­ XRomantic* Students stattef and B eraitt with the 27. Twer 59. Plasterer's sion ally Free Towing in City eer. ” " ' ,» 4. ArroW 10. Sooner McNamara at the age of 10, question of why Atkins had taken pictures when there was If. Demand payment hawk » .f re e access poison than 11. Blushing - 2$ MINUTE TONIGHT, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY X frame far ‘titered the grocery business and has been there ever since. no violence, Larrowe and Re- 3». Me: Fr. 32. Votine •l. Kills DOWIf a fish lina IX Thicket IX Staff FREE - INSTALLATION U F E GUARANTEED MUFFLERS the Community Circle Players Present— pas found that the cam pus po­ ticket ^ f. Epoch HE BECAME a clerk in a 35. Be eon- K I. Vehement 7. Steeps, as 31. Old cloth_ lice disagreed with what N aert desire measure tinsent on flax Kroger store a t the age of 17. This was the beginning of a 28- had said. 37. Lubricete X Stupid X Dodge ».Sprout ».Junior CUSTOM SHOCKS GENERATORS MOTORS “THE ROUSE OF BHtimOA R U A” WHEN INTERVIEWED re­ year association with the Kro­ cently, N aert did not seem to T r r T" r r r Tsr /t » Cloq.' h ild cot* , r HI-SPEED STARTERS TUNED ger Co. which later established m m m SPRINGS —A Spanish Tragedy by Federico Garcia Lorca rem em ber what Atkins’ instruc­ ».Heap of EQUIPMENT him as one of Its highest-paid « m m a hay INSTALLED Safety Belts executives. tions were. » . Beginning ACCESSORIES Complete Shop INSTALLED Circle Playhouse May 25, 26, 27 . In 1945, he joined the National Though the six faculty m en □ i m again SERVICE 1120 Sheridan St. , Phone ED 2-0488 or * Tea co, as vice-president, gen­ and several students claim that ST 32. Style of eral m anager, and S m em ber Atkins took a t least 30 pictures m n haircut 8:90 P.M. ^ IV 5-8040 if the executive committee. during the hour and a hall n r *riJ 23 » 33. Ventilate m m m m m m r \ 34. Gratuity Located two blocks North and two blocks East of He' later became president. Ibis past April he was made demonstration, m any of them mug shots, Larrowe and Ropas saw only 12 pictures th a t N aert TT □ m 37* ».-Dance step ».Hindu cymbals KAMIN’S AUTO PA R T S Pennsylvania and Saginaw Sts. chairman of the executive com- X1 36 526 N. LARCH IV 4-4596 Regular Admission $2.00 ~ ~ said were returned to the E a st □ a 4X Chief city nittee. -1 35* w official Lansing police. Ü m m m w&'vM- 44. Sobs - OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 1 Special Admission for Students with I J ) . — $1.00 ROBERT WEBB, Mason sen­ During the talk with the cam ior will be awarded the Lurie «r IF 46 4F 40. Sprites _ ) _______ pus police, Repag asked Brand­ 8 r m 47. Befitting Brothers award for outstanding statter if his departm ent would 7T w JT W » A llo t iervice and achievement in the 51, Elliptical Program Info. IV 2-3905 executive development pro­ take pictures of a peaceful demonstration on c a m p u s . 1 — m 0 I — — 53. Poem I ^ T M MM ■ 1 T F I F * LÁNSiNCs HELD OVER 54. Mr. fraiUt* ? gram in food m arketing m an­ agement. B randstatter said yes, th a t they would use the pictures for iden­ Un » . Scotch ^ Ih I 1 I / f l am i » Ip; I B I I V f t ■ te l l ft ■ # LAríCEST ft* omye m l MTHTIC H IG A N At Ór PHflNC IV ? 7 Ut 2nd Smash Week! Webb, a graduating senior ""river f t n e ™F4TW 1 sbo has worked his w a y tification purposes. _ i 57. Palm teaf' Vi^FOtLOW W. ST. j Q [ _ - .'í i i í 1 Mioi j Repas asked if the pictures as nwSniwm S-2 S Two Miles Southwest of-fanuhii on M-71 ihrough school, is a winner of PM TIM* M MIN. b e National Association of would be destroyed if no inci­ dent occurred and B randstatter NOW! (2) FIRST — RUN — HITS -------- Food Chains (NAFC) scholar­ ship. Upon-graduation in June, said: ae will work as a retail sales- “ NO WE’D K E EP them for ~ SHOWN AT 8:15 -JL A T E our records.” Case Hall Site Ice Cream Social “ The principal job of the uni­ Ed Suhivan «ay,: versity is to develop inquiring Scene of Fire Wesley House "TH IS IS REALLY THE BIG SHOWI” In fo r m a tio n minds,” Larrowe said in a n in­ terview. “ When we first a p ­ F ire engines w ere called Wesley Foundation is having Baptist Student Fellowship— proached Miller, this was our Tuesday at 3:25 p.m. to the con­ an ice cream social F riday and 7:30 p.m., Baptist Student m ain objection to this whole struction site of the new dormi­ Saturday from 7 p.m . to mid­ Center, 336 Oakhill. D ram a p r o c e d u r e : photographing tory, Case hall. night. The price is 35 cents. The Presentation. demonstrators and keeping po­ The cause of the alarm was social will be a t Wesley House, M artiaJLnther Chapel—Senior litical files, even the th re a t of a fire in a portable welding Banquet reservations due. such things, discourages stu­ unit. The estim ated cost of the behind the E a st Lansing po­ dents from engaging in activi­ dam age was $400. lice station. ties that will help achieve tbe university’s m ajor goal.” WILLIAMS • ROBERTSON Larrowe and Repas said that they found Miller more sym­ T O N I G H T O N E maS c OPÊ COLO, k, M Luxa pathetic to this idea than TheUniversity Theatre and the Department ofM usic CO-HIT AT 10:40 B randstatter, who-did not see present demonstrations as a p a rt of the educational process. Apparently^ somebody- still Randy Boat Shu doesn’t: on Feb. 22, the State News reported that during the Lumumba demonstration a m an $6«95 in civilian clothes, w ith a two- It Begins Where “Peyten Place” Left Off! Mens & Girls way radio blasting away in his car, photographed demon­ A Musical Arabian Night Next! RETURN TO “PEYTON PLACE” strators as they crossed in front LEN KOSITCHEK’S of th e Brody group. MSU AUD. THURS., FRI., & SAT. IN HIS FIRST ROLE SINCE all seats reserved VARSITY SHOP (Next: A student tells how the — $1.75 “ . . . Spectacular, S E E ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BDRT LANCASTER WINNING THE “OSCAR” 228 Abbott Rd. administration referred to lh e ir political files on him when an Tickets available at frank, and vigorous.” East Lansing, Mich. i sw ering- a prospective em­ Aud. box office, William" Hawkins ployer. ) 12:30 • 5 p.m. week N.Y. World Telegram days. Ah» a t Arbaughs and Union r ticket office. / Greller Muskegon's Y O U a re in v ite d " For reserva­ tions caH ED SEAW AY r to h av e- fu n in 2-1511, Ext. 2020 F E S T IV A L M USKEGON, MICHIGAN I J u n t 3 0 — Ju ly • Thursday, X Friday and 9 FU LL D A Y S O F EN TER TAIN M EN TI Saturday” M iss M ichigan P a g e a n t. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-M1T Pr«fimmari*l, t:00 M l . M f 4 and 5; flitah, 9:00 P.M. M y 4 Miss Ameriea of 1961, Nancy Ann* Fleming, will be on hand all three eve­ nings and will help crown'the new Miss * ^ 9 I # ■ % I E h * Michigan! July,4 & 5 tick ets, 75c — E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED. Î-28I4 $1.25 — $2. July 6, $1 — $1.75 — $2.50 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FREE attractions! 1. Miss Michigan Panic — July 3. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c Bands! Floats! 2. Fireworks Display — July 2. 3. Owen's Cup Race — June 30. Tfct oldest sailingeus escois Amene*!' Sports Car CyMkhut —July 2, ENDS - TO-NIGHT - “ TIBER BAY» Skill drivingand exhibition of sports ««3 5. Racing Regatta —July 4. STARTING TOMORROW FRI. Alt but classes wit* IranffiMi! THE YEAR’S GREATEST COMEDY SHOW Jazz Concort—- July 3 Thrts fop mvikoi groupi fa antertaffi you! $30 t.M. eft. C. Waiter Arana. Count Basie! Bob Scobey Frisco Jazz Band and Lambert, Hendricks and Ross! This collection ol talent promises music ranging from twing­ ‘P u re e n jo y m e n t’ CMWTMER. AY. TIMES ing mad to a cheerful sound filling somewhere between Dixieland and modtra Jazz! Tickets, $1.50 to $3.50. M M * Coronation Ball— July 7 Dd o music by th* Tommy O w n , Or­ thM b a dir*tl*4 by Warran Cauinylon. Th* newly crowned Miss Michigan and her court will be on hand to add beauty to the event. Advanced tickets, $1.50; at door, $1.75. EDWARD VIVIAN URRV ANDREWS'NATHAN'DATES W lI Nl P I rCr Kn On Music composed and conducted by OAVID A14RAM Screenplay by EDWARD ANHALT end J . P. MILLER S P O R T S N IG H T J u n e SO top flight boxing and wrestling; pi Ses­ .Executive Producer Produced by sional and amateur. XZSBHmi rwuuwn nunuwuipj DtBClBd by ACQQbKnpOnry I m i-rr^Snnit n ^ L r n I MM, MrK, MM SQUARE DANCH— duly S HAROLD HECHT- R a m j e G A A ^ ^ j F ^ R M j j j ^ H p B t * U m ® A R T IS T S UiiatIMk, wift iitn national and local callers. News Wtcia* CcHn'uston For room reservations, tickets end additional information, write or cafl: SLAWAY FÈSTIVÀL, Reception end Accommodations Committee, 1065 4th a *r t * n n f!3 * F te i] — ■— F e a tu re • 1:20 * 3:25 - ■* 5:90 Street, Muskegon, Michigan. tA o d a yl a 1 y y 3 J y H lA ftT n B H ^ ^ H O N n M W * i T oday • 7:40 - 0:45 ■■■■ lfifh tg tB State Newa, Eart Lamoiag, Mìeìdpm .S r ilK T S , I ta n d iy Honking, Msj 25, 1961 5 Slate Second h Total Sporta U of M’s Freehan f C o D e p i In v o lv e d Michigan Stola finished sec* Based e a n tsn-potnt scaring Iowa Involved In ond to the University of Michi­ system tom a first to gan to toi ***‘**»*«1 compila­ tion of the 11 sparts to which sspmbS wtth 11 patoto. ■ Bill F te a lm d the Univer­ sity of Michigan captured 0 » Ron Reifert of Iowa complet­ ed toe m ost games, five. Jim Basketball Probe tote Big Ten compites. That il a i. U. S. Companies leek 1961 B i | Tea M a n c r a m Gnrbeff allowed the m eet IOWA CITY, town » - F o r e s t a a interm ediary to recruiting with a M average, accordtog w afts, 32. However, the North­ Eveetw rakl. atM otir director college pla yer! to r bribes. to final conjeran r e r ecord». western hnrler w as the kingpin a t ton University of Iowa, seid to n n a « b e ò arm an, Iowa In feadtof file Wolverines to in strikeouts with 19. W ednesday the- announcement haskattodl dtock. w as not im- th e conference title, F r eehaa to u t n Hawkeys freshm an was metoatoQr available for com Graduates For Foreign collected the meet htts, 24, and MICHIGAN STATE finished invaive d In th e basketball ecan- w a i high In nms-battod-to with fifth in toe standings. The d al cam e aa a surprise. “ I t e f o t to Sharm when 18, The all conference catcher Spartans also finished fifth ia “ I h a t (don’t know anything Hawktos left school,” Evasbev* set a new Big Ten batting the league in fielding addle a aboot it, and I c a n ’t really com- ski said. “Sharm told m e th a t team betting a vera ge of B l Trade Careers m ark In U s fin d two confer­ m ent e a the m atter until I get Hawkins was low academ ically ence gam es a t Illinois Satur­ captorad fourth place for them . m ore ef ton details,” Evasbev* and also hod financial prob­ day. . • Tom Riley paced MSU in to i said. lem !. Bart Kaufman of Indiana batting. The right-hand hitting Ha aaid th at when Cornelius “ Hawkins wasn’t efiglhie tor placed second among toe eotflehtor * finished thirteenth (Connie) Hawkins, 19, dropped a scholarship bacanss of tow league leaders with a .452 in toe final standings. He play* a n t of school about two weeks high school gra des an d along m ark, followed by Dave Fritz ed in 12 gam es and lea the age, lew a officials thought H i n k working and being n poor Spartans in halting with n JS7 C. A. SMITH (left), captato of M KTs p H « atoasdlnd te tet— Mi « ! W M q w of Minnesota with .429, Bill w as because of low gradés and student, he just couldn’t crack latiste at 11m Amarti— teaOtete Sor Elyea of Indiana and Bob league m ark. toe Spartans to a third ptoee ftotob t a to Thu lack ef money. it hare," Evashevsld said. l o n W Traite. « a t e t e M l j a * Klein of Ohio State, both tied Riley was followed by Ron Tournament. He abet e fonr rsuad t o r i d i Hawktos w nsnam ed Wednes­ Hawkins bad been considered graduata actinal ia l%naa*r. Arizona, a t .426, Brace Evans of Min­ la r Um training of y name Mitad» Ctted by U-S. and 8arelgn InMtetrtal- Henderson and Bill Schuilich top honors. Gene Hunt tied Baddy Badger day by New York D ie t Atty. n ra re sta rte r for the Hawk* nesota'finished fifth a t .391. graduóte» ge— tosly Interested tei a as MSU’s top batters in league place with a ete ra of 397. F rank S. Hogan a s eue of the eyes next season and w as fan* wtth U S . lutei nate sfftateta as An sr h r t meet «M utual Inetttutieu tag the psuaOeal training EVANS also registered the ptay. inter mediaries between Joeeph pressive in freshm an competi­ Hacken e f New York and two tion last winter. He often put R. 8. Roberta. Tie» prootdoat at of to Bags graduates to foreign trade. m ost runs, 16, while Elyea and The American institute aad widely- The American ItteHhits effsrs a *• Max Bailey shared top honors C o a c h D is a p p o in te d players to the New York area. on halftim e displays, of ball known foreign trade authority, who pert curriculum designed to troth its in triples with three apeice. Fritz captured the home run Int’l Club Hogan nam ed David Budin, handling and dribbling. a physical education teacher a t n He was a standout player in last year completed 11 yeara ia Brazil potential junior executives in day-to- aa a Sears of Brazil executive, as the day foreign trade techniques, the liv­ originator of the first supermarket ing culture of the people» a t world crown with five and also led the league in to ta l bases with 49. Grants Awards MSU Places Third a Brooklyn Junior high school, high school in Brooklyn, where a s a co-conspirator of Hacken’s. he reportedly has gone since He said Budin was Hackee’s he left the campus. chain in Brazil, and finally as a con­ market areas, and a foreign language. sultant to V S . forties. sad Brazilian Recruiters tram U S . international firms, aaid that U J . international firms have mada ft clear «test they — Je rry Renner of Illinois stole - T h e International Club’s p artner players. H ie D A . said the m o st bases, nine, one more newly-initiated sports compe­ than Klein pilfered. Indiana’s tition culminated in the-a w ank, In G olf Tourney Budin has not been indicted but He is the first player from e th a t his activities still a re un­ Big Ten school ever to be im­ plicated in tiie basketball scan­ buatnaooas had invaoted SIS billion equate general cultural knowtsdge- overseas aa of last yaar, representing abiUty. a pi utterly adj ueted attitude a 17.1% average increase par yaar. toward an ovamssa earner, aad ap­ d er extensive investigation. He placed the m inings from them titude when they select Institute Bob Reinhart and Minnesota’s mg of the trophies to the vic­ By EDCOLTAR strokes behind toe tenders a c ­ dals:- ' The announcement that foreign investment» at 83 billion. 70S graduates. Cat1Folloff where tops in dou­ tors a t the recent International Budin w f i arrested in Lan­ he was involved cam e only a million U S. foreign soles totaled About SO carefully ■eeraanod young State News Sports W riter tually helped Miniieisots, one bles with five. sing, Michigan, last September few days after Big Ten com­ $M billion, with experts at 831 billion man are graduated yearly. The post­ Festival. of the p r e t o s r i n t s t fesorites and sales by U.S. foreign subektiartos graduate course of study lasts two In the pitching department, Coach Jack Botzmann was 4 in connection with an attem pt missioner-elect Bill Reed had They figured they w ere oat at 843 billion of the total. I sem esters and starts from the bafto* three hurlers possessed the The program was initiated disappointed with~toe Spartan t o fix toe Michigan-Oregon said that the conference never of the running and this took the Roberta, a IMS graduate of the In­ ning both In September and in Ja n u ­ best won-lost record 14-0). to enable foreign students to golfers showing in tin Big Ten football game. Hogan said there had had any reason to suspect stitute, applauded th e m ajor role ary.-' They were Doug Mills and Ron take advantage of the MSU] tournam ent a t Bloomington, pressure off them . Consequent­ was insufficient evidence to Big Ten players of point-shav­ played by the 3880 graduates of Industry and government officials Johnson of Illinois and Paul sports facilities. The Club Ind. last weekend. ly they shot their best round of hold Budin on a bribery charge ing or involvement to the scan­ this 15-year-old school in the meteor­ gay there it no institution at compar­ Deem of Indiana. - the tournam ent an d finished and he was held on a charge of dals. . ic ’rise of U.S. foreign trade. able stature where determined col­ hopes to make the competition “ No one played as good aa second, two strokes ahead of Senator Barry Goldwater. Arizona, lege graduates m ay a s e ffecti vely false registration in n motel. an annual affair, participating I thought they should,” said the Spartans.” Reed said the conference member of the Institute board at di­ groom themselves for a lucrative car­ He was convicted and fined rectors, In a recent speech on the U S eer abroad. Senator OoMwatcr pre­ in the intram ural competition Botzmann. He felt that each HID, Hogan said. employed a special service to THE FINAL standings in Big determine whether there were Senate floor, caliod- American Insti- dicts that most Americans who be­ and in matches with Interna­ m an should have shot five to TROPHIES tional Clubs from other univer­ ten strokes better than he did. State golf sities. Ten look like tins; Ohio 1537, Mina 1536. MSU Even team captain, C.A. Smith, 1538, Purdue 1544, Indiana 1555, Hogan said Hacken offered any large betting fluctuations Crawford 11,(00, during the on Big Ten games. tute alumni “ America's beet-trained come business leaders in trade cen­ and moet h ighly-resp acted corps of ters around the world in'too next few goodwill ambassadors." Ho doacriberi ye an w ill have been trained “ specif- and past season. He said Craw­ the Institute aa private industry's ically at The American Institute far who was low m an for MSU ford m et with Hacken and Buday Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan mm ~T Aesthetics in Sanitation Worte Raj Michael I Elected ISA f M S U ‘A r t i s t ’ E s c a p e s N o t i c e President | R aj Michael has been elected, president of die India S tndentt By BILL COTE floors and walls are more dif­ —tin Red Cedar river. He said drains are for both the ficult to clean.” a survey of his showed that un­ university and E ast Tanning asm . for 1961-M- State News Editor Also elected are vice pra£T As for the human dem ent in less you’re a dude, yon better and perhaps a new higher-ca­ You find many artists around food preparation, Grigo says stay out of the river, g dent, Sesfau Krishna, aecg: pacity sewage plant. These campus—artists who work in his moat frequent advice deals It’s definitely not safe for should further clear up the rotary, Harish Maihk; ju n io r with getting food handlers to drinking, Grigo said, and not secretary, Somnath Chatterjee» paints, mefals, flowers, elec­ treasurer, Arvindgumar P*r- tronic tubes and many other break habits which m ay be even for swimming, although river, he said. quite acceptable elsewhere, but •he did find one spot^that was I t’s always going to be mud­ ikh; publicity chairm an, Bdfc fields where a Sense of appear­ Irani; and sports chairm an, ance and beauty is desirable. are dangerous around food. almost safe enough for a dip, dy, though, because of the d a y , Ashok Ghate. _ J . **. B ut there’s one campus “ a rt­ “ For example,” he explained, but not quite. Actually he said Grigo said, and so the best ist” who may escape notice. “when we sneeze, we by habit the river has probably cleared place for Spartans will continue but a hand over the mouth. up some in the last four years The old elevator in SL PeterK - lie ’s the sanitation officer of because of sewage plants and i o be,, as the fight song pro­ in Rome has lifted an i the idepartm ent of public safe­ Anyone working with food, how­ ever, would spread contamina­ new drains.” ' claimed, on the hanks of the 20 million pilgrims to the ty, Hans R. Grigo. of the basilica. tion this way. I advise them to Grigo said some new large Red Cedar. “ Having aesthetics in sanita­ use disposable tissues instead.” tion work might seem funny,’* said Grigo, “ but I’ve discover­ Grigo also tests campus milk and w ater supplies» The uni­ ed th at there can be a fine line between aesthetics and sanita­ tion. ■' '~ versity dairy plant is a model of sanitation, he said, but' oc­ We’re Getting Ready casionally bacteria counts may “ A dirty floor, for example, o r an old floor th a t looks dirty m ay not have any real effect on food quality, but if you’re rise briefly and he searches for the source. _ '• The university processes all For Graduation too! eating there you m ay think so the milk ft uses and also buys and what we think does often some milk products from prf- affect what we feel.” vate producers. Drinking water usually only Or it could be argued, Grigo gets periodic checks by Grigo. We now have a fine se­ said, that the smell of the sew­ The campus draws from its age treatm ent plant near Brody own wells for its water supply lection of Red, Red m ay not be Chanel No. 5, but which is also hooked in with It won’t really hurt you. _ that-of E ast Lansing, so that Roses fo r your gradua­ - “ But,” be said, “ for persons each could use the other’s facil­ HERE'S A LIKELY ONE—Hans R, Gringo, sanitation officer o fth e departm ent with sensative stomachs, it ities, ------ tion sweetheart. of pnbik safety,Inspects pies in the Owen gradaste center kitchen. His verdict— could really be very unpleas­ Another w ater supply Ion “ Hmmra.” ant. It all depends on the per­ campus, though doesn’t rate a son and what they see or feel.” clean bill of health from Grigo More commonly, Grigo’s job See us also for term party corsages and Soviet Snow Job I N ig h t S ta f f A g O x Roast Is to inspect food for quality and handling. Any spot on cam ­ help with all kinds of decorations. Stop MOSCOW UP'—Tass says So- I t . . . , ... - viet engineers have scored an | Assistant news editor, M ary aeronautic first by filtering j Basing, copy editors, Sally To Be Held pus where food is sold retail or is p art of room and board is in today, or call us. snow a n d . ice-landing skis to j Ward, Joe Harris, Bob Thaler, inspected-at least once a term a 60-ton, 100-passenger a iriin e r.' photo e d ito r ^ r ic Filson. This Evening by him. The testing areas include the , Agricultural Council's annual- 16 food services and the four ox roast will be held a t 5:30 dormitory grills of Brody, Shaw, Mason-Abbott and Sny- B a rn e s F lo r a l p.m. a t the Jenison secret prac­ der-Phillips. tices field. OF What' does he usually find? Prim e barbecued beef, baked "Not much except good EAST LANSING potatoes, cole slaww foils, ice food,” he said. “ Most of our cream , coffee, and milk will be food services are in better H e r e ’s t h e e a s y a n d ^ v ^ served until 6:30 p.m. shape-than m any restaurants.” “ike Place to Go” Tickets, $1.25 for adults and One food quality control dif­ 75 cents for children, will be ficulty he said he does have 1« For All Kinds of Floral Gifts s a f e w a y t o k e e p m e n t a lly a le r t : available a t the gate. in the upkeep' of older equip­ In case of rain, the ox roast m ent and buildings where^ food 215 Ann — O pra Evenings and Sunday — ED 2-0871 I t ’» th e tafe stay awake tablet—NoDoz®. And it’s especially is prepared and Served. will be held inside Jenison field- h elp fu l w hen you m u st be sh a rp u n d e r p ressu re. N oD oz house. “ It’s just harder to keep food helps restore-mental alertness in minutes. as sanitary where equipment is old and breaking down and NoDoz keeps you alert with the safe awakener found in coffee and tea. Y et NoDoz is faster, handier, more reliable. Pick Up Tickets Absolutely not habit-forming, NoDoz is so State News staff members Judge Omitted safe it hi sold everywhere without prescription. Take it while driving, studying, , J ... Vc r* who will be attending Publica­ tions Banquet at 5:30 Thursday and have not picked up their P ierre de Raet, E ast Lansing graduate student, was omitted R O A R I N G 2 0 ’s working, or entertaining. jfA tickets, please do so. Tickets are available from Charlotte as a judge in Wednesday’s ANOTHtS FINK PRODUCT OF GROVE LABORATORIES 1Dalton, M arcia Van Ness and State News account of the an­ Vic Rauch. ._ ~ nual French poetry contest. R aet was one of three who jud­ ged competitors in the first- year language contest. _ C H A R L E S T O N H O W OLD DECK BRITCHES is y o u r MUFFLER? C O N T E S T T O D A Y 1 :3 0 Does it Leak A Behind Campbell’s Suburban Shop Are Seams Split ff Is Inlet Rusted ■ REPLACE IT NOW WITH A BRODIE GUARANTEED dW W t tionaJ VilillWVI ter vwfv man iiivvi MUFFLER AND BE who take tho outdoors - SAFE aoriouafyJho (hoir 15 MIN. «hods short and FR EE installation FR EE cut for odionl BRAKES—I11.S5 and up WE INSTALL SPRINGS, Alpin o irapire d colton twiH short» with a touch of that Old World spirit and lots of practicality for f o man who’s planning a SHOCKS and AIRLIFTS ALL GUARANTEED . 4 finalists will receive summer of boating, gardening, camping and Vacation fort! Note these features: {aunty cuffs, flapped double pockets front and DISCOUNTS TO ALL Free tickets to Thursday - . back, adjustable double ring sash belt Pearl, olive, tan.. 2&4Q. 7.9S UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL night’s show at WATER CARNIVAL MUFFLER CLINIC NO. 2 129 W. IONIA vf ~ H e y will dance in the finals PH. IV"4-5915 . M EN ’S 1 during intermission...winners will HEIGHTS AUTO PARTS tl* ABBOTT BO. - EAST LANSING 3939 N, EAST ST. . ' receive prizes E V E R Y O N E C O M E AM D D A N C E PH. IV 5-2279