am not sure that he m eets people extremely well. R apes, rty*T*i* prete »sor of labor and indus­ Hanah would coavey this Vtow jo b would tak a h e r to various places on campus Ry MARY BASING a t odd hours of t i e night and that she might be a le Newt Stati Writer “ This m ay ba a problem fa r os to evaluate tria l relations, aad C h m ta a ^ jp ta * » , associate students office. sinca moat of e a r contacts with him dealt with i professor of M e n t o » written by T ruitt to the prospective employer. ate student, saying that die was approached by student leaders together with President Hanah His extra-curricular activities center around the Truitt had not answered this second tetter as “ . . . it is no m ore appropriate for the dean Lt. Darwin Hendrickson of th e departm ent of and Jam es H. Dodson, administrative assistant of May 25. w —- of students o fflceto discuss a student’s political public safety, and offered a job, with th at de­ to the president. ■ Young Socialist club and other activities which indicate his hostility toward the rules and regu­ On May 15, Chapman and four others went to nactivities with prospective employers o r others partm ent, of a mysterious nature. ■ off the campus than it is to discuss the student’s Miss Angelacos said, th at Hendrickson offered TWO OF THE students present a t the meeting I lations of the university which he calls ‘Bureauc­ President John A. Hannah to discuss, am ong in Denison’s home were Reinhard Schumann, other things, (he facts involved in Truitt’s totter. race or religion,” Larrowe wrote. her more than 61.25 an hour and told her that racy.* • : T the job would entail ". . . keeping my eyes and cadet brigadier general of ROTC, and Brigham. "His character, so far as I know, is above Samuel Harris, E ast Lansing doctoral candi­ He said th at the group understood that Hannah date, Jam es Anderson, Sparta junior, Robert agreed with them on this point and hoped that ears wide open.” She said he told her that the See POLITICS, Page 2 reproach. He is a rather shy individual .and I n .—- wwM « ■ w igan. neck sing sophomore; Dick Clow, John D. Lyeas TO6ET THÔR REET DlRTV! 1« Snare Short Hills, N .J., sophomore, ★ ★ ★ Editorial and business offices te 941 Student IX Raccoon» Mary M arta, Dearborn senior. Services building, Michigan State University, like animal The couples received compli­ Satisfactions E ast Lansing, Michigan. SI. Bxiatence m entary tickets to Hie Thurs­ Mall subscriptions payable in advance for one M. Short Te the Editor: quick pull day night W ater Carnival show. It appears that the Water term , 91; for tarn term s, 14; for throe term s, $5. IX Thorough* The finals will be held during Carnival has become the whip­ Member of the Associated P reet, Inland Daily fare the intermission. ping boy for the intellectuals ’ Press Association and tea Associated College Jt. Adversary The Roaring S ’s comedy div­ prase. li. Water ex­ of this campus. It seams rattier cursions ing exhibition to have boon hekl unfair to step the critic ism Editor— ---------------- Marcia Van Ness 4« Enfold Thursday in the 1M pool was with tite Carnival though. Managing Editor.-...— B aa Burns 4« Queen ef postponed because of rain. I t No sm all amount: of time, A dveriw ag M anager------ ...----------- Je rry Lundv will be held Wednesday. money and effort go into the Circulation M anager Paul L iaher m any student organizations City Editor — ....... ........— :„.:Vic Rauch The m ajor industry of Spits­ hare. Are t o to fargte the Now» Editor........ — _________ _..__ BIB Cote bergen. an Artie iaumd group AUSG, the Campos UN, e r the Editorial Editor . Jody Howard 400 miles north of Norway, is student group presenting the Sports Editor Wayne Parsons an in- point coal mining. Moat of the is ­ current extravaganza, Kismet? Feature' E ditor Jess Maxwell lands’ 2,000 inhabitants e ra Nearly avaryana, intellectu­ Women’s Editor ; ..... Charlotte Dalton m iners. als included, will adm it to tee Photo Editor ..... ,A1 R oyci æ pp l i m mm m 11111 Friday Morning, May, 2 6 , 1961 Miri c a» Stato MirMgan m....... mmmm fü 15 Compete Campus €AMPUS CLASSIFIEDS H h m ì Sat- Un- Notes 6 W in ’.-A # DEADLINES: 1 pjn. Day Befnre Pnbtteatkm for Tm x , WefL, Tirana urday, 0M « aad F ri ËdiiitM . DmdHae for Mn . Editi*«: 1 pjn. Fri. Poetry Contest «M L “Rtvahtthmary Socialism — " t CjtttH SpartCM — 2 p.m., Phone ED 2-1511 Extension* 2643 and 2644 Sunday, meet te Sparty Site* Past, Preeent and Fatare” ta the tenne e t tates t» ba «pro* Merita U t t e r Chapel - 9:29 sored jby teatee Yamte Young Socialist Six students teak win receive ■“ p.m., Sunday, Chapel. chib te I p.m. Saturday in Old A U T O M O T IV E F O R SA LE F O R RENT R E A L ESTA TE College Hall, Union. Tuesday ta tee One te tee Y ita t SectaUets — 7:30 p.m., daoated by tee Max- eon- U M 1U W l ü f M « T B ■ EAST LANSING. B Y owner. Marble Sutatay, 24 Utah». it it it Spanish poetry STRING B A M and flute, ISM AUSTIN MEALY 100 Engine loot overtuwted. j*ew roadster. Uro* and ditton. Call ED 3-3581. John 42 wad double rooms for Summer and School. 3 bedroom, elder ' Wesley Feaedaltae — 7-8:49 The Wesley Foundation will in which 15 first-year MR CVtkmcrau tnmme«. Wh» '« A i m y «appellent Fall terms. O w e to cAmpus. parking, lot. StM tK » D S-Ì M A C . GRADUATION RINGS. See rsasonabls Ateo apartment gar sum­ p.m., Sunday, 1118 S. H arri­ sponsor a group discussion cen­ students compete d. Mrs. Oku Mae Jewed, ah mechanic«] oondltten. MW Call ED mer. ED 3-2151. tf 'R A S T LANSING call newt .HUB* as* 2-80»«. , . - 4> them at the Card Shop. Aerea» from son rd. tering around the them e, “ The Winners te the contest m t instructor ; Home I k . Building. ED M N » . W m í CHEVROLET, *ttek 0. Make oi­ APPROVED, SUPERVISED rooma. appointment to see this family home G re a t System a n d Judeo- Deena Krymis, Quincy teeb b -l® n < q r HeweH, professor of RCA VICTOR HI-FI and General Men. cooking, summer. Call ED 7-OHS. bullt ln 1S55. g large bedrooms down. foot bedroom plus hobby room Chrtattan Ethics, Cfmcern end ler Call Mott Wett». B- 4M M m o M . BecUrlc TV. Call ED 2-OSW after G 17x12 u p l H bath*. W ft. roe. ream, with m an; John Pearce. B 7 m l a . | * n t e tangaages; a a d Carlo» * 5:30 p jn . 1} ■. ■ US Commitment,” Sunday a t 7 IU. sophomore; Anita C ea g » .l” A associate profoggor « m m c h e v r o u h t , «-door nanwop. Til llilMOHt eondMton. Cali ED 7-0SW- f t A K t t S PRIVATE ROOMS • I blocks froto Union. Private entrance, men « a b . « r i s a l i Y S - ’S IM Linden. ED »-1441. tf 1-4570 or CD « t f t a Welter Heiter Geniuses p.m. - it it Imaging sophomore; M ary M b-j " f t e G and to rag n after • p.m. __________ _ _ _ _ _ " 1955 TRA VELÒ TRAILER 37x8 ft. Co. Realtors. Brookfield Plan G Innis, Cedar Springs ftMbm ro ,, t e t n , judged the contest UWT CHEVROLET • cylinder, »tick, fully furnished, good condiUan. Now radia, new paint. EkceptionaUv dean on lo t Priced to mil. ED 7-7W1. 41 TWO DOUBLE ROOMS for sum­ mer term. One m U t b k tor Fall OKEMOS, 8 BEDROOMS term. Mele students. ED 3-1036. 43 ranch home With 15x23 living room, «MI den. Not Wanted The International club will hold elections of officers for Philip Eckstrom. E ast U n s ta g i Edith Doty, snatatnte profee- senior; and Kay GteweB, S*- sor te tetegn languages, was and Amro. M W IV > M Ì4 . «I 1957 MAHLXTTE. 8x42. 2 bedroom, dining «L built-in kttehan. beautiful 1981-82 te 7:20 p.m. Saturday m aria freshman. E A ST SIDE. PRIVATE room with recreation ream. 8 car garage. Tax " CLEVELAND OR — There in the UN Lounge, Union. ] ta cha rge te tee etitesL MW CHEVROLET convertible S. carpet, excellent condition. gBSB. I 10 Mobile Homes Manor, ED 2-3011 . beard, private entrence, nentng, sisrsssg at flMOO priced et only standard ahlft. radio, whitewall*. after 5:38 pm. _____ 4» gentlemen. 810 ‘ weekly. 215 South 824900. Call BOI Love CD 7-7088 or won’t be any geniuses among A report te this y e a r’s activi­ | r w a body, white top, 1 owner. Clean. Römer,- ________ G East Laming 'Realty Co., Realtors. the 500 playground instructors ties will be given. 1WI FORD TUDOR V«. aotand body and motor. Excellent tire*. A S S Arm- IDEAL STUDENT HOUSING." 1967 Great Lakes Mobile Home. S bed­ TRAILERS POR RENT rooms, bath, kitchen and living ED 2-3SM. BAST LAN SING 1! FACULTY! Close G —mostly college students that the city and school system Present the room. F wide? 33' long. In good con­ SUMME» - S BEDROOM traitor to campus, s bedroom ranch. Large xiron« han. ED 7-0701 loor MGA ROADSTER black, red 42 dition. »1,600 Call ED 7-9332. ____ 45 0x34, $80 monthly Including utilities. living room, unique L shaped kitchen law MOBILE HOME. Detroiter. ED 7-MOO evenings. G with nice dining area, overlooking spacious yerd. Full bsesmswt. carport, hire this summ er. “ I like geniuses,” says Rec­ Club Invites Spartan interior, wire wheel*, new white­ TRAILERS. -NATIONWIDE. __ reation Commissioner John S. walls. unbelievably immaculate con­ dition. Absolutely perfect. ED 1-0*54 after I d i pm., tf 40x10. on lot. Call ED 2-1963 ' 42 priced In the 817X00 bracket, with way. Utility trailers, g and 4 wheel, excellent terme. O di R J . Frink for 3 WHEELED TRAILER. 0x10. C ply vacation travel trailers. Beeervattofts appointment TV 4-7758 or IV M I N Nagy, “ but not on the play­ Sq. Dancers 10W MOA. NEW white paint, apokqs. red leather, heater, tonneau coyer. tires, side rack. S00 BIS N. Hagadorn token. Sam-Rents-It. a n So. Cedar or CD M M . Waiter Nailer Co. Road. East Lansing. 43 St. TU «-»441. G Realtors, Brookfield n a so . 42 ground. I like them in labora­ tories.” ,— MSU students are invited to Friendship Excellent condition. ED 2-0110. PRAIRIE SCHOONER - 1x30, in­ tf expensive The reason for not hieing any­ a square dance a t 8:15 p.m. living or pleasmit vacation LO ST an d FO U N D S E R V IC E one who scores 140 or m ore on Saturday te the Capitol Grange OLDSMOBtLE convertible: i960 ISO. ed, manyFully cottage. furnished, self-contain­ Golden mist with beine top. Power brakes, »teerin*, window*, »eat*, an­ extras. ED 7-1SS7. - 45 LOST: FINANCE BOOK end 3 notebooks in Berkey. Reward for WILL B A B Y SIT IN my Spartan tee qualifying intelligence test, H an on Trowbridge Road, a quarter mile off South H arri­ ring m tenna. deck-lid. Hvdromatic. anted notebook* W- 5-1333- G Village apartment. CD 2-0091. ■_ G Nagy said, is: glam. Excellent shape, priced low. F O R RENT “ After a week, they learn son. TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone ED r-w n . T-BIRD, 1000, red, complete acces­ 42 PROFESSOR'S HOUSE for rent dur­ PERSO N A L number. ED 3-8284. Stoctric type­ writer. T o m p apen end theses, also everything there is to know. Walt Cudnohufsky, a m em ber Then they’re not interested in te Prom enaders Square Dance For Summer Wearing. sor te* except air-conditioning. E x ­ ing summer term. Call ED 3-8130. 43 DONNA POWELL and DAN A. general typing. tf their jobs any m ore.” __ club, win do the calling. The ceptionally dean. ED 7-0241. 40 OTTAWA HILLS, 3 bedroom ranch, DENAWETZ please omec to the State WONCH DUPLICATING • moved News office. Room 347. Student Ser­ to 1780 K. Michigan. Lansing. Thesis Ju st for tee record no one is monthly dance is sponsored by 1050 TRIUMPH. Desperate - must large scaped, living room, beautifully land­ ’ 5 minutes from campus. vices Bids, tor two free passes to typing and duplicating, commercial signed up who scores less than the Capitol Grange and the soil! Wire wheels, radio extra*. E x­ Available June 1. »130 ED 3-4501. 44 the Creit Drive-In. art. typesetting. Call 4SËGM . tf cellent condition. Ja y . Ext. 2052, 2844. tf 70, either. Friendly club te E a st Lansing. ' ___________________ - ._______ 45 APARTMENTS THIS AD AND 25c entitles you to o n l y * * $ 3 . 0 0 play i t holes of miniature golf at TYPING DONC In Spartas Village IBM VOLVO. MUST BE seen to be THREE TO FOUR man room ap­ Good Time Golf - next to Paul Re­ apartment. ED 7-6703. or ED t-G M . appreciated. Building 104 Cherry Lane and Harrison Road. East 702, apartment proved, and bath. M a week, kitchen Shaw Lane off and room cleaning available. Call Lansing. Can ED 2-5214. tf vere'» Bar. DOG FISH FOREVER. B arry John­ 44 TYPING, In m y home, by tf Student Panelists T alk On A gleaming stcriag sflw r riog. Goodlooking, be aeen between 5:30 - 0 p.m. 43 s o n . ________________ G t with 10 r u n ' experience. TU s e n SUMMER TERM. 2 apartments. Ap­ 1950 HARLEY, 74-FL. Duo-glide. proved, unsupervised. 1 block cast The Cadillac of motorcycles Looks of Gables on Grand River. ED 7-1204. R E A L ESTA TE THESES TYPED. B S In Business W K A R ’s Viewpoint Sunday skillfully and teanlifatey crafted * • . and hi like new. See to appreciate. Phil, 311 ask for Bob. 45 Education, electric typewriter. OR W. Shaw. 42 - 3 BEDROOM RANCH home. Com- 0-5090. G A student panel will take and a m em ber of Green Hel­ excellent taste. A t a t a g j i l t See than today APPROVED APARTMENT, furnish­ pletely air-conditioned. Open House over Sunday on Viewpoint, m et, sophomore n ftn ’s honor­ B . JOHNSON AND D. Smith must ed. Available for summer term. ED Sunday afternoon. Fraudar are». 331 GRADUATION announcements In­ sell 1059 MG for 0900. Low mileage. 7-7803. 42 Midvale. ■ ' G cludes your name. S day service. WKAR’s regular discussion fea­ ary. ftt l i t '— r—-- A -l condition ED 7-0045. 42 Myers Printing Service. 1421 East ture, te 2 p.m. to discuss ’T h e Anderson is an Honors Col­ ROOMS EAST LANSING. RED Cedar school, Michigan. TV 8-2554. — tf newly decorated, beautifully land­ Model University.” lege student m ajoring in Poli­ APPROVED HOUSING for men. UNITED RADIO speciallzaacn auto­ For summer and fall terms. 448 Park scaped, 4 bedroom. I l l baths, pine paneled recreation room. 02700 down. motive radios. Flat rate, $7.95 to re­ Sparta junior Jam es AndeT-. tical science. He is a m em ber S p a rta n M o to rs, Inc. Offers these pre-graduation Lane. ED 7-0179. SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms for summer, approved for men. Kitchen. 47 ED 2-0057. G move; repair, reinstall, (parts It labor included with a SO day unconditional OK EM OS, RANCH with everything. gularantee.) ani 4 bedrooms. H i baths. 3 fireplaces. LaBdlng. IV 9-0187. Fairvtew A X. Saginaw - tf son will replace LL Col. John te the Honors College Student Barron, tee program ’s usual Advisory Board, president of host. Blue Key • junior and senior Spartan Book Store specials to students and faculty. TV and dining room, private en­ 2 car garage, finished rec. room. trance. Singles. 0050 weekly, doubles Urge kitchens, I* acre lot. owner. Others on the half hour talk Men’s Honorary — and admuK E ast Lansing’s only personally 5790 weekly. 1138 Fry, £. Lansing. ED 7-0337. River Downs Sub-Division T R A N S P O R T A T IO N show will be Jody Howard, istrative vice - president of On the T rian ^ e — Ann and M.A.C* ED 2-6279: 43 G selected automobiles. Elm hurst, HI. junior, a divi­ AUSG. COOL APPROVED. Close. Summer HASLETT. 3-BEDROOM contempo­ WANTED - PASSENGERS «o Loe sional social science m ajor, Chevrolet *60 Impala convertible. and fall terms. Private home, parking. rary. I 1,* ale baths. Built-in stove and Angelas eroe. 850 Leevhuf Ju n e U . Platinum with white top, 340, column Single or doubles. Reasonable. ED bven. carport, full basement. See to ED 8-4748. 42 m em ber te the Honors College, shift, positraction. 3-1317. 46 appreciate. 22.100 down. Take over Chevrolet ‘00 Impala convertible, military reduced, FHA. F E 9-2484. 44 M ortar Board and p ast m em ­ blue and white top. 34S tri-barrels, 3 PRIVATE SLEEPING ROOMS, W ANTED b er te Alpha Lam bda Delta, share kitchen and bath. Male stu­ TAKE IT GOOL AND EASY with 4-speed Corvet transmission: ONLY 015 960 FOR THIS 3 bedroom, ¿reshm an women’s honorary. dents. nicely furnished, second tloor. 2 bath^home. Semi-split level located Pontiac ‘50 convertible. Grey with rivate dhtrance. Available June 13. in e secluded eme of nice homes. STATE AGEN CY HEAD dtstrs* 4 She is also editorial editor t e white top. power brakes and steering, È•*v ' 4-5898. 42 10 min. drive from MSU. Owner will bedroom house to rent. FsasetHod hydraaaaWe, extra sharp! carry contract or w ill eemsider trade. after June I or S. Reasonable, will OmT State News. And George Chevrolet ‘59 Belatre tudor. red and Call Eleanor la th e r. Rather Realty lesee. Call ED 2-8804. ... G white 14.000 actual miles, city’s sharp­ Approved Supervised Cp.. Realtors. ED 2 -00 M. OL 5-1618. 44 —m—i—mm m,m I———— k—i—» B td n m tv Lynbrook, N.Y. en­ est Chevy! tomology senior who is also an Corvair 'SO • 000 stick ahlft, black — Rooms for Men OWNER, EA ST LA PSIN G : 4 bed­ Honors College student with and white, high economy, outstanding performance. room home, 22x24 ft. garage, walking distance to MSU, Marble School. St. Prem ier Visits USSR three National Science Founda- SPARTAN HALL Thomas, and East Lansing High. Will Volkswagen* 58's. 50'*, 00's. East consider acreage, or house trailer as MOSCOW (At—P rem ier Ib ra ­ ton R esearch grants to his LSnsing's-. outstanding Volkswagon 215 LOUIS STREET part payment. Priced reasonably him Abboud of Stmday wDl vis- credit. He is also pate president bargain center. Hardtop* and con­ 44 vertible*. Colors to choose from. Call ED 2-1848. in the Soviet Union Ju ly 17, te P hi E ta Sigma, freshmen Arrange now for_ fall term for lo w p r ic e d Sp e c i a l s comfortable off-campus living. Large INDIAN H ILLS - 819.900. LOOK!! Moscow radio reports. men’s scholarship honorary, warm room with sink in each room, A t this price! It's a 40 ft. Cape Cod. Priced from «100 - 1395 ' IV * baths. 22 ft. living r o o m comfortable lobby with T.V. Phone. with fireplace, homemaker’s dream S3 Ford 4-door, *53 Buick 4-door, Laundry, Packing facilities, snack kitchen. Full basement with large *53 SUntebaker 4-door. “ 55 Pontiac and luice machine. Excellent study recreation a re a ., srreened-in patio, tudor hardtop. situation, good company. Double beautiful 100 ft. x 200 ft. landscaped yard. R J . Frink. IV 4-7750 or IV 2 Mocks east of Frandor rooms available 'at 5« 50 weekly. One 3-4570 or ED 3-65M. Walter Neller Co. block from campus. ED 3-3574. Realtor*. Brookfield Plaza. G • r Michigan ED 2-9194 Barb Conner - College Men WANTED TO B U Y 1057 T ’BIRD convertible any color, w.s.w.. radio, automatic transmission, good . con­ Summer Jobs dition Can ED 7-1351 Ext. 414. 45 F U L L TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 EM PLO Y M EN T SALESWOMAN FOR ladles’ »hoe» BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER Abbott Hall and clothaa. full or part-time. Shoe 30 — 30 — 30 — 20 «expettenee ptaferred. Phone Mr. Barnett. IV 8-1502. 44 $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE OPEN FOB nlkht nurse, full or pert time. Also operat­ COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK ine room supervisor. New. modern M bed boepttaL Call or write Direc­ TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS, PLENTY OF TIME FOR tor e f Nurses. Mason General Hos­ pital. Maaaw. Mlchlasn . tf BOATING, SWIMMING 9t GOLF Dearborn F O R SA LE WIN AN ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO ’ LONDON .FOR A WEEK MEN'S ar* BNGUSH bicycle. Black rtth accessories Low mils»»». 45% ■vine. CaB David C. Slater. ED SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK 1-8591. « ENCYCLOPED1A Británica, latest oval tío. 1. In original factory cases, OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER Sophomore lever unpecksd. Sav* 40% Ron. 827 BASIC REQUIREMENTS: Vest Shaw. 42 1. Over 18 years of Rge. 2. At least 6 months of college. - ANTIQUES ORCHARD ROU8E HAS OPENED - 3. Neat Appearance. FOR THE SEASON THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY’ CONTINUE • G LASS O CHINA • LAMPS • FURNITURE THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A • MISCELLANEOUS PART TIME BASIS A shirtwaist dress by the Villager»*» 15 minute drive from East Lansin* Take Wood St. or UJJ. 17 to Round CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT Lake Rd. T im right for 5 miles. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BROWSE. Light blue seersucker, drip dry, dacron« Open afternoons till 4:89 GL. 6-7451 except Frtdev or b y appointment. Call ED «-«350 LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA cotton. Sit our eaP1îîqH4 wrenbohÉo i BARKLESS African IV 2-5622 CE 2-1852 BASEN J I S l i d i Chcarcooi, bina, o l i v i o r $ o l d : hounds Champion sired puppte» for pet. ahow, or huntDte. TU 8-M14. 42 TOLEDO, OHIO GOOD 2-WHEELED trailer with sid* * CH 3-9653 Finishing touch *»j, farm er bandana w M ifa a H o te d b w ii c o l o r a n d ìk n o lm 8 a te p lc R h r iL SißiyjAL E Ü H racks. ED 3-2700. « ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO R a id d i r a e r n m ttm p i» o f t e n , n r s ra l h ii i l n r t r ni m r i r l n m w G A S RANGE, TARPAN, holiday 10“ . e S »»eterea. 1% years old. coat new cumberbund. D U t^nevteg. Wffl seU for GW. FE NO 3-6003 CA 4-9761 p s ly t e r a n d cbOml W a lte d a s s 2 8 l s 4 % i o t » I » 3 î R M IT FIBERGLASS CANOE Very CLEVELAND, OHIO Wr m WM# Bigtei 'RfUfla. ÎOF»jOr u s tfwotewa# g QrOy SlupHMV« WiOM WO-pOOMV M V IV M gsi 9 Rood c a n d ra o n .tltf.C a U ED I-4W4 after S p.m. 40 L — MA 1-3381 ^ conSnsntalcolar ond notüiedotehd i^rrtt^r— it ^g^i yi EUER EM CYCUOmHA Britannica. I860 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Edition. Complete. ED S -« m after « ìc o b bioww,fightg>ay,olvaordwwed plsslidiuyim tmd dnrli RI 4-2417 f f c f t GL 641412 Exclusively Yours A t The GEM PLAYPEN and pad. SIS. Lu«- panei tei arrlw m sr !610. Child's, eer-ehair. 83 AKRON, OHIO w Ü m l b slesid alateledds poach. Wkâted— TEIs<4-R M n n fiw iw ill »Und. 8L ED 44 FR 8-1263 - MATCHED SET GOLF club*, never «teed. SM. Call ED 3-1470 after 6 p.m DET^HT, MICHIGAN ¿ 4 M E N 'S GOLF CLUBS, 06OGJMAL 881» vol­ ' WO 6-4153 SH O P E A ffu m n t a , I r a n aw. excellant condition t e B o rir Jene». ED M M . . U WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN « G KODAK COLOR FILM.- t a LAYAWAY with OU* ad New fresh i d k C 187 _ - AV 2-7768 F E 4-0883 CHARGE C G L Limit two. Marek Rexall tateérttfUD, «Center. Oippart at Vine F L IN T , M ICHIGA N * IU m U ii G 1¡! B iti ' * 'ü ■ í# ^ &iÉÎâ® mím jff 'tsMBtgm fe Wftp *i 'i'iwty1fiMjtwl ■ fe Students lOtim live Off I us WËM If you*vs ever wondered why I than « r a t vary many foreign •tudroti living in the residence I hen», here ere some reasons! . for ttda tttoatkn. ;; ^Acrordiag to the foreign sto1 ;^tat advleer’e effice,maay eta* dents come from ladle. In that [ riattry, many ef the oaople follow «Met religions which her | the ntug of certain foode. th e Sikhs, fo r example, are I «trict v g e te r liM . (Members | e f O ta religion e re rosily recog- nteod a s campug by their tor-1 bang aad long boards.) Moham­ medans are not allowed to eat perk la any form ; Hindus are [ forbidden the use of beer. F o r m any off-campus foreign [ «Indent » it is a m atter of choos­ ing foods th a t will not conflict wtth th eir rettgtou« beliefs and customs. With the limited diets in dorms, it is very hard for HSIS these s ta d r a tr to avoid these Bath tagit hi Spartan VBage I ;Did; Yeung attempting foeds; therefore, It is much eas­ the jofc tat daughter M b is interested h playing. ier for them to live off-campus w here they can prepare their j m eals the way they wish to eat [ th e m . - The world is tan «1 exciting things when you’re yonng and this tnrtle has a Another reason offered, is the I captive audience. Karen Corless, Scott Smith and Debbie Ushmaa of University fact th at m any foreigners, Village investigates foe incident. (State News photos by T. S. Crockett) especially Orientals end Asi­ ans, a re used to special kinds of £ 6 o d s or seasonings which Am erican diets do not use very; Often. Spartan Wives to Get Degrees The Orientals have b e e n E rrol Keith of Spartan Village holds baby K arie while his Ph.T ( P u s h e d Hubby Betty Scott; Secretary Treva leen Christi, replacing Lora up on rice and Asian wife Gloria demonstrates the correct way to paint. Bair. Through) degrees will be pre-' Hines, replacing Mary Lou Pot­ a re used to much je a - | ia their foods. Living sented to student wives with te r; Treasurer Shirley Burkitt, Incumbent Historian Linda off-campus for these people is better for them as dorm menus Spring Term graduating husbands, at a grad­ replacing Sandy Nicol; and Membership Chairman Kath­ De Bolt wU.1 take over the duties of Camille Lawless. uation luncheon Saturday a t_ l de not offer these kinds of p.m . in Kellogg Center. — foods. F raternity Pledges - The luncheon is sponsored by th e Spartan Wives, a n associa­ tion of student wives on cam ­ Ballot Box tr\ % .- P hi Delta Theta Terrence Clark. Cedar Springs, istee freshman; Michael Saylao, Bald­ ing freahman; Peter van Wart, pus. freshm an; Mike C orrigan, Seattle, Ridgewood. N J . freshman; Roger Elsworth House officers for Wash, sophomore; Jeffrey Fort. Oak Marx, Detroit sophomore; George PRESENTATION of the de­ P ark , 111. junior; George P orter, De­ Moses. Crosse Point# freshman. grees wUl be m ade after a brief n e st foil t e r n a re : Jim Chand­ tro it sophom ore;-C harles Seals, Oak P hi Upsilon — speech of congratulations by P ark. 111. sophomore; Michael Smith, T im othy Greening, Royal Oak le r , TJncoin p a rk junior, presi­ Indianapolis. Ind. freshm an. sophomore; Newton Klndund. Lan­ the d u b adviser, Lou Ritchie, d e n t; Carl Benner, Marysville K appa Sigma sing sophomore; Harry MiUer, Nilas d e rk typist in the agricultural Joel B arker, Narcellus. N.Y. fresh­ freshm an; Richard Sass. Des Plaines, junior, vice president; Mel m an; Frank B urst, Irving, N.Y. Hi. freahman; Duana Smith. Tetten- economics departm ent. freshm an; Jack Gannon, ¿scanaba hall, England freahman; Scott Warner, Robinson, Midland junior, sec­ sophomore; Mile Hehn; Paul Meyers. Lakeville. Conn. freahman; Jam as THE PROGRAM will also in­ reta ry ; George Eickwort, Lyn- WiUiamsvlUe. N.Y. ju nior; Dale Pen- -Warner, Paw Paw freahman; Je rry agor, Ontonagon jun io r; William Turk, Lansing junior,.. d u d e installation of new offi­ brook, N.V., senior, treasurer; Homo, Hancock junior; Richard Ton- Sigma Aloha Epsilon Paul Bash, Findlay, Ohio, jun­ onl, M errick, N.Y. freshman. cers of the d u b . E ach retiring George Banning, Columbus. Ohio officer will ceremoniously pre­ ior, stew ard; and Jim Deamud, Z eta Beta Tau sophomore: Richard Brpdia, Birming­ 'Wheeling, 111.,, junior, asst, Samuel Ketlve, N. Y. sophomore; William Sable, H untington Woods ham freshman; Jam es Connors, New York, N.Y. sophomore; William Driv­ er, Birm ingham freahman; Richard sent her successor with a single red rose. G O IN G TO SAUGATUCK? stew ard. freshman; William Steinberg, New York. N.Y. freshm an; Victor Stone, Eberllne, Rochester freshman; George President JKUda Danilowicz Bronx, N.Y. sophomore; Fred Ruby. D etroit freshm an; T erry Brenner, Edwards. Westchester, 111. Junior; H arry George, Harrisvllla freshmen; will retain her present posi­ Take along clothes cleaned by Lotus• The S t Lawrence Seaway Michael Handran, Birmingham fresh­ Roanoke, Ve. freshm an; Joel Brown. tion. project created 38,000-acre D etroit freshm an; Norman Frank. man. Lake S t Lawrence in Ontario. Beachwood, N.J. freshm an; Jack Nalman, Shaker Hta., Ohio freshm an; Steve Hickman, Adlan freshman; Thomas Huff, Kalamazoo freahman; Wolfe Jackston, Flint freahman; Ja c k New officers are Vice Prési­ d a it Joan Burnett, replacing Cleaner and Ronald H artm an, F lint freshm an; Steve Coplan. New York.-N.Y. fresh ­ Lamen, Kimberly. Wli. sophomore; man. Ed Michael, BUssfield. freshman; K m Nagler, Crosse Polnte freshman; Mi­ Shirt Landry Phi Kappa Sigma Lloyd G rant, Bergland sophomore; Gordon Currey. Bethesda, Md. fresh­ chael Noah, Detroit freahman; Petar Stevens, White Plains. N.Y. fresh­ man; Richard Streb. Groes* Polnte ft! No E. Grand River Across from Student Services Building man; Jam es Gates, C harlotte fresh­ freshman; Lothar Ter la, Detroit soph­ m an; Robert Edward, Bound Brook, N J . freshman; Michael Farley, A l­ bion freshm an; Robert Sheraa. Man- omore. Sigma Chi - Lmris Partean helps asa Aady pash Ida wagon oato the junior É s^trip (sidewalk) la front of their Spartan Exlra it’s quick and easy Dial ED 2-3537 for Piek-up & Delivery David Melhlin. Calumet freahman; Fred Andersen. Birmingham fresh­ man; Charles Annstrong.Grand Rap­ ids freshman; Jam es Bacua. Flint Village heme. ~ Charge . ■ ■ sophomore; Jam es DeUigatti, A ll­ ison Park Pa. freahman; Thomas Decker, Hew Augusta, - Ind. sopho­ Service M o v in g ? G et th is more; Charles Bandy. Sodus, fresh­ man; Kurt Kettlshut. St. Jo e junior; John Greag, Royal Oak sophomore; Parties Slack On Weekend Grwter Muskegon’s Y O U a re in v ite d John Leaver, PL Edward, Ont. sopho­ F re e more; Von Logan. Monroe freshman; Fred Martin, Sandusky, Ohio Junior. Alexander Mclnnea. Detroit junior; With final exam s starting hi! less than a week and a half, and their dates will dance in a shipboard atm osphere to mu­ SEA W AY to h a v e fu n in Book William McNamara, Engadina freah­ man; Calvin Roaewald. Davison soph­ foe num ber of parties for this sic provided by Buddy Spang­ F E S T IV A L •’T i A V MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN! omore: william Sabo, Birmingham weekend has dropped sharply. ler. The room will be a ship s freshman; Timothy Shank, Grand deck complete with railing and Gives the facts about moving. Rapids Junior, Donald Shinker. Un­ Tonight, D elta Delta Delta ion Lake fresh man; Frank Stengel, Explains the moving estimate. Snows how charges are deter­ Bayilde, N.Y. Junior! Jam es Stodela, sorority will present its annual ahufflehoards. Frandor Shopping Center June 30 — July 8 Jacobson's Daggett sophomore; Donald Totzke,- The annual Zeta Beta Tau MON. THRU FKL TILL f mined. It’s FREE., .call or write; St Jo e Junior; Richard Wells, Con­ Crescent Ball a t f o e Tjwiqwg “ Sweetheart Ball’’ Is Saturday Robert E . Watters stantine, sophomore. . - * Sigma Nu Country Chib. The form al term night a t Kellogg Center. Kenny SAT. TILL 7 9 FULI DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT1 Nicholas A wad, Brooklyn, N.Y. Once-a-Year Sale 1206 May Street sophomore; John Barnard. Groase party will sta rt with a steak Davis will provide the music. Lansing, Mich. De freshman; Robert Comstock, Man­ o r lobster dinner a t 7:30; danc­ M it» M ichigan P a g o a n t IV 4-1421 istee sophomore; Ronalyd Davik. E. Chisago, Ind. freshman; Thomas ing to the music of foil H art Proliminariet, 0:00 M . Jdty 4 BS1E-SHARMŒR Freydl, freshman; David Lawson, E. Lansing freshman: Haskell Lunsford. will follow until midnight and 5; finoh, 4:00 P.M. Jtdf 4 Lincoln Park freshman: David Poole, West Chicago, DI. Junior; Jam as Rag­ Saturday evening. Alpha E p ­ Miss America of 1961, Nancy Anns land. Dearborn sophomore; G ary Ron- Fleming, will be on hand all thrca sys» HOSIERY A G EN T F O B berg. New Haven, Ind. Junior; WlUlam Schwarts' Columbia City, Mo. freah­ silon P hi-w ill hold it’s term nings and v. !l help crown tha new Miss N O R T H A M E H /C A N man. the perfect-fitting See PLEDGES, P i f e 5. e Holiday Inn. The women 'Michigan! July,4 &5 ticket», 75c— V A N Lf/V BB $1.25 - $2. July 6, $1 - $1.75- $2.50 nylon seockhtgs Womca w/om m o m im a t reduced prices FREE attractions! fois week only ¡¡¡¿&$fâ:flÊSÊÊ- .dtüu 1. Miss Michigan Panin — July 3. Mts, Sowie* Saafo1. Float»! 2. fireworks Display—July 2. 3. Qussn’s Gup Race —Juno 30. Tkt UM itllhn cm rut I* Amrlcal 4. Sports Car Gymkhana —July 2. Still to,It, MS Mkttttt«* » Mtol onl 5. Pacing Regatta — July 4. ~ £ LARGEST DISCOUNT M TOWN ☆ an i«*t dtnn *tib *mn*,l MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES J a z z C o n c e rt— Ju ly 3 Three rep me*itml f revs* I» oolortoln ’ POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES y.vl 1:30 PM. el L C.Walktr Armé. Count Basis! Boh Scobey Frisco Jazz Band and COMPLETE LINE OF_ ACCESSORIES Lambert, Hendricks and Ross! This collection -of talent promises music ranging from swing- ing mad to a cheerful wund falling somewhere between Oixielind and modern Jazz! Tickets, conn at a AUTO New tc Rebuilt ÎL.50 to 33.50. SPRING » Generators SERVICE GLASS » Feel Fem e* Coronation BaH— July 7 B« M i 111 lessante e Water Pomps Dont• mette by Ih s Tommy Dottoy Or- F s r cue. e Starters t r a c k s , tra ste ra Who# t e e Watt e Chuck Ftote* th.thaé by Wotroo C.rinfton, The newly crowned Miss Michigan and her court will be on hand to add beauty to the event. Advanced tickets, $1.50; at door, $l,7S. AUTO S P O U T S N IG H T — dun« SO top Right boning end wrestling; profes­ K RAM ER PARTS Tram, Poney asno sional and amateur. SQ U A n a D A N C E d u ty 0 Omet«* ta with national end lout cellars. S v ito CeviBften ’ ■MUHE sm p so m a For room reservations, tickets and additional information, write or catti M# E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 44335 SEAWAY FfSTIVAI, Reception and Accommodations Committee, 1065 4th Street, Muskegon, Michigan. Friday Morning, May 26, 1961 Mdblgwi ftale N gw ,B —t la m iig , Mieb%— 5 G arter Snaps Career ||| Kennedy Asks Americans LONDON (I) — Star George D r. R eed Presented High N €€J Award roQ taxes and higher teachers' practice democracy a t home, in Bellew, who planned the coro­ on Police - Community Rela­ (Contimwd from Pâge 1) - Dr. Hoyt Coe Reed, associate The meeting was pdrt of the NCCJ for distinguished service salaries. In order to strengthen all states, with all races, to r e ­ nation of Queen Elizabeth II tions." gace—For the coming year f million additional to'work c the moon project, hasten de- fetoOMSfeff v« ¡pjncnt of the nuclear space rc Let, speed up the use of satellites for world communi­ cations and weather observa­ tion. KNEE H IG H A tte n d C h u rch Sunda y Army—Sweeping reorganiza­ tion of the divisional setup,'to NOTES strengthen its non-nuclear fire­ power, improve mobility and EAST L A N S IN G CHURCHES provide modern mechanized divisions and new airborne bri­ gades in the Pacific and Eu­ rope. -, Economic growth—The, lend­ ing ability of the small busi­ UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH ness administration should be WE MARK EAST LANSING increased. The fédéral govern­ ment can help cut the cost of- thè grave* of those who mode thè su­ IRDRIV CHURCH _ CHURCH EAST LANSING home mortgages. A general preme «ocrtfìce with e cross. The cross, easing of credit is desirable. itsmff o Memoria! of thè greotest sacri* “ FINALLY,” he said, “our fice . . . thè sacrifica of God's Son. laterdrnoaüsatioaal AND STUDENT CENTER lnlerdenomlnatiensi greatest a sse t'in this struggle “Fot God so fored thè wortd, that he Its Sparten Avenue 290 West G reat River at Michisaa is the American people—their National Lutheran Council gore hit only begotten Son, that whoso* willingness to pay the price for le v . B, BUGENE WILLIAMS Division aad Ana Street, K. L. Dr. Wsltece Robertsoa, Pastor these,.programs—•to understand over befievetfc in him shavfd ned per uh, Pastor (3 blocks Norte «f Berkey Hall) hot hove everiasring fife.” John 3i1é Dl. P. Mario* Simms and accept a long struggle—to a or men of leisure, or those inclined WORSHIP SERVICES Rev. Roy J . Schramm share their resources with oth- to active sports, Bermuda shorts are Parish Pastor: Charlos Kllnksick Ur. M. A. McCune. e r less fortunate peoples — to II.OS a.m. Pastor Emeritus the key to comfort. When travelers meet the tax levels and close the tax loopholes I have re­ quested. ^ years leisurely ago Isle discovered this styie- on the of Bermuda it became an ear MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL “ A MYSTERY AND A MOTIVE” t:S# pm . fi Campus Worker: Mise Tecla Sund ED 2-H it or ED W W Worship Services Rev. Joseph Porter WORSHIP SERVICES — To exercise self-restraint in­ stead of pushing up wages or prices, or over-producing cer­ sential for men who deaire to be comfortably cool and sartorially correct. & STUDENT CENTER M le e e n r l A W is e o n s in S y n o d "SACRED ML'IIC OTHER SERVICES CONCERT’’ S 4t, l l : l t A U 4S (Nursery availablo at all service») *4 » A 1 1 am . “ THE ULTIMATE OUB1TION” Dr. Wallace Robertson tain crops, or spreading mili­ Cords, checks, solids, Madras and Batik, SriS a m . Sunday School - , Sunday School * 4 t A l i d i tary secrets. Or urging unes­ from 3.95 to 6.95. 4 4 4 Abbott Road • 3 Blocks N. of Union Y a w Couples Clam lt:M am . Clames tor Uaiveraity students Celici* Baut* sential expenditures or improp­ W bl J. Britton, Pastor All Church Picnic 1 pm . er monopolies or harmful work Trtelty Cann ia te Fellowship Church Scheel Charge College _ Chapel A P s n e m ie Telephone ED *-#771 S:4S p m ._ , Prancei Park. Laasinc 9:3t am . A U a.m. stoppages — to serve in the Accounts Clothes ' LUTHERAN STUDENT SUNDAY Crib room throuak hish Sunday Worship SOS. 10 4 a l l d l a.m. u < 1 : 1 1 pm . 7 ¡SS -p .» . Wednesday E venin» peace corpiO r the arm ed serv­ Night Supper — 3:3* pm . school a»« ices or the federal civil service Students Supper Fipffam ( t to t pm .) Prayer and Bible btudy or the Congress. PrevMlss a Campos Mtototry far Married and Single Student* To strive for excellence in ~their schools, in their cities and R e iw o o à lR o s s 205 E . Grand River in their physical fitness and E ast Lansing FIRST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH Of EDGEWOOD that of their children—to take p a rt in civil defense—to pay CHRISTIAN -higher postal rates, higher pay- CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARISH FAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH STUDENT Pr. B. Ravaaanrk — " » • m g M W J lM ilg g llg K H F». T. McDevitt Ml Pledges I U N D ER G R A D U A T E STUDENTS CM«, os* 1* t compivi«* «I a* Ivmt 1 yver of »Bag* ) 79# BAST GRAND RTVBR 3S7 M A C . Sunday Parum t : l l pm . WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev: Truman A. Morrison HeVT Robinson G. Lapp G R A D U A T E STU DEN TS a n d FA C U L T Y M E M B E R S FOUNDATION Bast Laasteg Church Service U A.M. “ Da uro want Mass la Bn»lieh?” Mr. Wintorneate. Stato Journal (Continued from Page 4.) Stop wtta — l t d * am . Wilson M. Tennant, lutordeaoaslaatloaal Sigma Phi Epsilon TH E A S S O C IA T IO N O F P R IV A T E C A M P S 1«S W. Grand E lvsr •a a d a y School U A N . tetotaalloaal Student Picnic «SS N. Hax adorn Read » • • comprising 340 outstanding Boys, Girls, Brother-giaier George I. Jordan (S blocks north of Grand River) — Tfmaa Grexert. D etroit sophomore: Eonday Masses Frank G riffith. Groaaa lie freahman: and Co-Ed Comps, located throughout the New r,1t lr K Mid­ Joseph A. Pattar, Minister Sunday School for Ualverstty I N * S:dS * IS:SS - 1 1 4 * Ministers Rodnev Pierson. G oodrich freahman; dle Atlantic Stats« and Conodo. Students » .» a m . (Baby situas at I N A Kenneth Reid. F lint Junior: Donald Sayles. Drayton Plains Junior; John • . . INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employ* Subjoct IS:*# Maises) SUNDAY SERVICES Smokevltch. Royal Oak freshman: ment as Counselors. Instructors or Administrators. Sunday. May 2t, 1*:J# am . Dally Btossn grit A S e t a.m., Sunday M ay'IS, 1SSI Robert Snell. Flint sophomore; Ron­ “ ANCIENT AND MODERN ald Siwik, B u rn t, Maaa. freih m tn ; • . . . POSITIONS la children's camps, in all areas of >ctlTitles, Married Couple« discussion at NECROMANCY. ALIA« U :l* pm . t;3 t s.m. A 11:** am i John Wills, Bay Village. Ohio freah­ are available. Colie»* Heus« MESMERISM AND R T P NOT1SM. Saturday Maates se# A s e t am. “ IN REMEMBRANCE” man. Write, Phone, or Call in Person DENOUNCED“ P hi K appa Psi Ceutoatteaa daily at 1:3* pm . Rev. Wilson M. Tennant Association of Privato Camps — Dopt. C Wednesday B voalaf Meottas • P J * Sermon by: Judaon Alford. Groaae lie sopho­ Saturday « 4 4 » A t a s - t e s pm . more; David Foulke, Detroit sopho­ ANNUAL SPRING PICNIC Weadtat Room 1U S S. Harrison Read 1 55 West 42nd Street. OX 5-2634. Now York M . N.Y.R Aad at all Massa* except Sunday Rev. Truman A . Morrison more; G erald G rant. Cronaton r I. IM W. Grand River Novena Services freahman: Dennla McNulty. Birm ing­ _ I :3 S pm . Church Services: S:4S A 1 1 4 * am . - Special Music by th* ham freahman: Barry MitcheU. Flint Tue«. SOS A 74 * pm. freahman; David Moore Lansing soph­ Meet at Coilefc House aad i t Mob. thru Sat. t a m . - f pm . Campita« A- Benediction Nursery for both Services Edgeweod Choir omore; Robert Pyle,- Anchorage. Kv. to Frances Pain n In astar. Mon., Tues., T h a n , A Fri, 7 Sua. 74 S _ pm . freahman; R obert Ryden, Midland freahm an; John Sim kut, Detroit freahman: Jam aa Stander. Cincinnati. S P EC IA L SPR IN G T U N E -U P Outdoor reereuMoa, picnic sap­ • S pm . AU ara welcome to attend Church Movie every Friday eight at t. Church School Church School “ 9:39 a.m. A II am . Ohio freahman; Jack Valentine, Royal per, A campfire stasias. Dane# '«very Saturday night— Oak freahman. Services, aad vtait and use the J • It - Sr. JBish Fellowship 14 # pm . Retara to Caaspaa I f M S p.m. •i«S a m . College Class Triangle Reading Room, Ramon Eiasenger. Flushing freahman: Rveryoaa Welcome Phone BD 7-M7S 314 P a m . AU A i m Daniel K asyrytyk, Buffalo. N.Y. soph- omore; B rian K ennedy, D etroit freah­ m an. Alpha Sigma Phi ~ MAYNARD’S TEXACO Fred Aah. Chicago, 111. freahman: We will EAST LANSING _ Jam aa Norcutt, Clara freahman; Rich­ ard SteenU. Calumet City, III. sopho­ • Check points EAS1MMSIER KIMBERLY DOWNS A U SAINTS CENTRAL METHODIST more; Anthony Tamburello. Buffalo. N Y. freahman; K eith Tucker. St; a Clean and check spark plugs UNITY (BITER Joseph freahman - D elta- Chi PRESBYTERIAN 1 EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH Jam aa Bennan. B eaverton fresh­ m an: Lea Bowen. Baldwin, N Y . • Check timing and adjust carburetor CHURCH OF CHRIST 4 » W. Oread River Rmde Q. MUier. Pastor freshm an: Jam es A Davis. Rockv six cylinder . . . $2.95 Ottawa at Capitol Sunday Worship # 4* pad 1 1 4 * a m River, Ohio freshman; Dana Farden. Massana, N.Y. freshman: Dennis Gas- sman. Muskegon freshm an: John Ha- eight cylinder . . . $3.95 CHURCH Wurehip Services #:«* A 11:1* am . "SELF-DISCIPLINE I THE WAY TO OVERCOMING” vlland, O rchard Lake freshman; Ed­ Parts extra if needed 1997 Kimberly Driva, Lanate» A t Abbott Boa« — ED M 3I3 Paul Morrison, preaching Sunday Sch ool 1 1 4 * a m . _ w ard Krawcxvk, Orchard. Mass. Jun­ (1 hlk. N. of W IM Country House) B ar. John p. Porter • Chaplain Donald Circle — Soloist ior: Jam es McFaU, Midland freshman: ISIS Abbott R d , la s t Lansing Church School: •:« • to 1 1 4 1 am . Helen Clark — Organi* Donald Payne.. Benton H arbor sopho­ more: Eugene Rummel, Frankenm uth sophomore; Benjam in S c h u 1 f *. M A Y N A R D ’S Texaco Station Rev. Rebert L. Moreland, Minister r v «. t is i Rev. Robert Gardner Chaplain to Married Students Central is a Friendly Church Study Cla sees Monday A Wednes­ days evenings at S 4 i pm . Affiliated with Unity School of Bloomsburg. Pa. Junior: B arry Spark«, M l Walbridge Driva Del L . Wtetesar. Mtelster Christianity. Leo’s Suaunit, Mis- .C larkston freahman; LaV era Turner. 301 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING Rev. Henry Pukul. Asst. Miniiter •«eut. B attle Creek freshman. C --------------------- SUNDAY PROGRAM SUNDAY SERVICES liN a m . Charch School, with SUNDAT SERVICES HIST CHRISTIAN Nursery, aad Adalt study, stu­ Montais Worship 11!* * i * S4S A.M. R oly Communion LANSING CENTRAL FREE dents included. REFORMED CHURCH Bihlo study *!** am . S4S A.M. M a n te s Prajrer or Roly METHODIST CHURCH S p a rta n B ook 19:3#- a.m. Worship, with contin- a ia s Church School tor Kinder­ Communion, a id Church School garten aad younger. Bvonlng Warship I W PAR S it Marshall St. Lanate» Washington at Je ff e r s « Rev. Jo h n M. Madama. Pastor ■Lanate* * Semsoa Wednesday eveates Blhla Study Mernla» Warship 11 *4 3 14 * A.M. M ontes Prayer pr M anta» Servie* M Seaday School 19 sj "MOW TO INSURE GOOD — 7:3» p m . Holy Communion. Sermon -Rveatag Servie« 7 pm . Y « t h Service MEMORIES'* Evoaia» Worship !3 £ Church Sohool Thoee la need ed transportation STUDENTS WELCOME Pamhy Service Wad. Eventa»-7 4* For traniportatloa CaB ED M W «ail the campas B atista « Ad­ CANTERBURY CLUB “ The Charch ad th* Light and S to re Can BO S-dCM -fee trmaepartsMoa ED 7-ISM or BD t*ISdl S4S P J L Suaday visor, Mr. Consoli« Korhora at IT S-7SS3 or MT. Ranry Bosch at RD M B S . LU* Hour (Par Tran « p a ttiti« Call IV S-ddM) FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN GREEK ARCHDHHESE OUVET BAPTIST 66 99 CHURCH S e r v ic e s Netto Magnane Ave. at E. Mlchigi* Ottawa aad Chettaat ORTHODOX CHURCH S. Washington, pt Etes . « I E. Michigan Bov. WUUam Hartman. Pastor Bov. Goers* R* Rlla«* — Mtelster SUNDAY Warship SatvSeSs S4S A 1 1 4 * am . fjnsday M i d V4S A.M ~~ Suaday School — S:t> A M . Suaday M m a l: 3*4» A Jd . Morate»iw S m * • 4 * A.M- A (Nursery Provided) Divino LHutgyt M4S A J L 114--■ F ÀA. JL ☆ Free Packing Cartons — M a n te s Worship — 1 1 e e Youth Servhw — « e t P J L A JL “ ACBNOVLODOMENT OP GOD” D O ir HwMshis OWslaites Mo4«rn Greek Laasaas* »«heel _ —r——Ago oBogo venu«» aorvm* Fellowship a ta«mFot l «s• m id - w e e k s e r v i c e 1 4 1 pm . I P JL PJL Dr. Mbsrsw proaehia» Thun, aad PrL, d « I pm- CD ;____D n a Ina Servie« — t e s P.M. ☆ Free Wrapping and Mailing ta t, t - S V 3 Z JServie« nrnssmsth Ur Campus) "T O I ■Church SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ☆ MSU Textbook Buying SOUTH WASHINGTON A T MOORSS RIVER BWVH. , LANSING Service HOWARD P. SUGDRN. D. B , Paster DBEMOMD A B i l l , Assae.,fa ste s Attend the Church M ante« n a b l i U 4 S mm. SM FAITH D* GOD » 0 0 0 0 7 " Corner of ANN and EA .G ■ M « School l i e s a m . Tv sa tag Warship t e s p m . - O f Your Choice This Sunday - t r e w oo d n u n w it h m y s t e r y " East Lansing .. Mm*tal prssram : “ GOB AND AMERICA” . can IT '»SMB tot tied bos awstato menrtag ani ' HSffawPilj Featured on Oocuiiieatery “ Twu F hces e f Japan” w i be A m a t p j > . Sunday on WMSB, dfaBM$ 30). SboC su ltrily fa Japan, th e program com pere* two face* . — $1.00 them with a breach of the for the 1961-62 academ ic year. peace. The a rre sts cam e sdien Walid Khaddun. sophomore!, they tried to e a t fa the white from Iraq, was elected presi- lunch counter -at the bus sta­ dent; Mike Kreke, senior from tion. Germany, was elected first IN WASHINGTON, Attorney vice president; Alan C u rtain ,! General Robert Kennedy an­ graduate student from New! nounced wittidrawal of all but Zealand, was elected second 100 fa th e 000 federal m arshals vice president; and N irm alj sent into Montgomery during Singh, graduate student from j last w eek’s violence. Santiago was the capital of India, was elected secretary- i Cuba until 1558. general. ~v . - ' The Montgomery arrests F R I-, SA T. EX C L U SIV E LA N SIN G SHOW ING cam e minutes after Kennedy’s announcement. C A R fO O N CA R N IV A L The 27 freedom riders arrest- SHOWN AT DUSK AT 1:20 Regular S T A R L IT E HIT NO. (1) (FIRST RUN) ONCE AT 1:48 2N D W E E K ! G L A D M E R Papular Prices V ^ fO U O W W. ST. J OE ---------------- HIT NO. (1) SHOWN ONCE AT 8:30 Ed Suffivan says mm m n—N/cwtwus/iS KUH MME ■un fameea— esuuw #e— wea»sesem _ TECNMOOiOW um nw iiw ^w w fi - D eers Open 12:15 • F eatere 12:38 • 2:20 - 8:15 - 0:1$ Matinee OSe Nites, Sun. - HoL 00c • Children 30c ESTKR fifachf hr ARTHUR WRM MBENAU ftW tefaH A O K H TTH O BB llM M M i f a t n M R f a 'A U n K M n i l f a l M r i B M M H i H i t NO. ^2) (FIRST RUN) ONCE AT M:M HE KEPT A kDATE WITH Q N U K jia S c O P E C O t O W by DC t U X C 2» HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 10:30 When undercover man and undercover woman meet . .. it's Dvnamite! . CHARLESREGHe ’•!!*%», WALTER RILLA «¿’HOWARD VERNON V w g SENTABERGER HH |H • --^ v—* , >, xm mciewooo ■ ’ ■ WMmOrn kwmirm . Mnitm fMUHt! now» VUWMM kwawmWilMUU'ii/IUSTM NfaiM-« te t S S S ,7T—•* HIT NO. (3) SHOWN ONCE - LATE HIT NO. (3) LATE SHOW ONCE AT 12:30 THE ANN SHERIDAN - STEVE COCHRAN HIGH IN COLOR SUN. CHARLTON HESTON IN "NAKED JUNGLE" «JN- (3) NEW FIRS’ MON. ELIZABETH TAYLOR fa "ELEPHANT WALK" Added — Certes» • Novelty New# MON. TUES. P L U S F IR E W O R K S TUE8. Ptas F irework s .'«s Mon. > Tues. May 8 - H ~ N skI Attraction! "MEIN KAMPF" The Terrifyieg Rfae end Ruin at Hiller's Reich! düsÉâ^ mm ¡¡¡¡1 ■H set? W Ê m m m ifli Jg r t i S I i s i a ! * r|l --a I3 ^ ™ \'i% M rikjriÉ M *'-s:l- ’i;'*p l i H» M idiigui State News, Eari In a in g , M *y 2 6 , 1961 Sfe _ ' f P5®r! H o liS » le « d .. .? ; 3 .. ,. ;#f Conference Offuxcd Statistics CHI CAGO (Jt~B ig-3m loosed by foe western confer* State Survives Rally, Wins 5*4 champrini Michigan’s BUI Fraa-; Elyea tied, each with .438, lor han yesterday was officially earn service bureau skewed named foe conference’s JM1 Evans scoring foe saeet runs- »»» r f l jBy u l Bcaarrr f■*a---- ran and out came Kobs to yank betting champion. IS« r n U lOppSO «1C M M M ,|, * balls and a hit batsman brought wMHC HfVv ^ ^ I hI VFw4t* W1*H three runs across the Mato and Ranberg. The Michigan catcher posted hitters with Res and grossed brought coach Joha Kobe out to ~ Ken Avery was waved in and a .585 average. He aba collect­ foe moot baeee-48. Michigan M M ed foe most kits, 24. and led INDIANA and Micfdgaa tied team Jumped off to a flea ztm the mound. ho tooaod the last trio aad two- Gary Ranberg replaced R o n thirds innings. foe Big Ten in nms-battod-in as top foams dshmiusly with lead against Notre Dame and with 18. M a n * Hooefors’ 422 led the then hud m for dear Ife with the bases loaded and a c t R o n got credit for the win, Rmmerup was Bert Kaufman team hettfog the Fighting Irish fought back o u t He pitched long enough his fifth of foe season against to whiff Bill Brutvan and walk two setbacks. of Indiana, who batted .451 He Three Big Ten ptttters Red only ta leave the tying run an was followed by Minnesota's for won-lost honors. Dong Mills •third base r im Kim Avery Dick O'Leary. In cam e another r Carl Charon slammed out a Dave Fritx, with .429. Bob of minois, tes teammate, Ron got the final oat in the ninth. double aad single. George Axar Klein of Ohio Stele and Bill Johnson, and Indiana's Pari The Spartani won the game, Tigers Dose Deem each wen four league also collected two hits. third. R While Ross was in fosse, he OTHER FINAL figures re ­ games aad lost none. > Once again it was Tom Bi- struck out six and passed a ley’s booming b a t that carried ST. PAUL, Minneapolis Uft— pair. Avery got three on strikes. d ta te to victory, t h e Winnetka, Ulinoia senior had a run pro­ Jim Lemon’s single to left P a t Sartorius missed his field in the 11th inning drove fourth straight game sine« pul­ CORAL SABLES’ ducing single in the third and home Lonnie-Green with the ling a leg muscle against Cen­ 'a two ran triple in the fifth to winning run a s the Minnesota tra l Michigan last Wednesday. account for three of Michigan State’s five tallies. Twins edged the Detroit Tigers Charon shifted to centerfield 7-6 Thursday. and Wade Cartwright played ILF0RN0 , Bob Ross started on the Green bad doubled to lead right. MRU SCORES—Rea Headers#«, Spartes shortstop, scores Ja MSU victory ever .• RESTAURANT • • mound ter the Kobemen. off the inning and went to Southpaw Mike Brennan burl­ Notre Dame Wednesday, llsadersea is foe Sparteas* third leading batter. The third on a sacrifice by Reno ed the first four innings and Uahrerstty-ef Detroit, sportteg aa 114-1 record, iavades Old College Field for *tke name that made PIZZA famous tu LaueiufY ■* For the first six fram es, Ross kept Notre Dame quiet save Bertoia. After Harmon Kille- suffered the I n s . a slagle game Saturday. ¿ NOW OPEN DAILY AT II A.M. for six scattered singles. He bad brew was intentionally passed, a comfortable 5-0 lead going Lemon cam e through with his into the seventh. blow off reliever Jim Dono­ Troablcd by Knee Replay to Decide Skish Results For Something Really Different—Try Oui .. Then three singles, a base on hue. ' " AUSport* Champion Minnesota pinchhitters twice brought the Twins from behind Banks Moves to Left Field The in teg rals won the Inde­ The softball games that were pendent league championship B A R -B -Q -R IB S NCAA Bound U tie t t . score. ' I Ch ic ,(o Cub coaches of the moment, rained out Thursday will be by defeating Vets Two, 6 to 1. IN THE NINTH inning, a j cubs’ Ernie Banks, who made listened quietly. played Friday and there will John Van Iwaarden, E ast Lan­ be no games acheduled Mon- sing grad students, held the * PHONE ED 7-1311 ♦ ^4 Detroit Here pinch double by Dan D obbek|m ajor ]eague hifU)ry at short- Siiihhitter1 Tuirtiri* *««§* >st°p BANKS SAID his knee first d 1 st s s d afield, was Injured in Army baseball d a y .,'“ Alpha Epsilon Pi . used an in­ Vets to one^hit, a single. The dorm championship hasj COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE * With what m any people call !Tuesday voluntarily shifted to eligible player in the fraternity in 1961, when be was k it on tennis m eet and because of yet to be decided. 3heir "greatest baseball team £ j ^ l r“ ld * « * " the side while pivoting on a this they have lost the tennis In the IM skish tournament, ’•ver,'* the Detroit Univarsity in front in the 10th,4Ial Nara- double play. Since then foe knee doubles championship and their competitive casting, the winner Titans will invade Old College gon c a m e through with,' the At a hastily-summoned news has been h urt several tim es. participation points. in m en’s division was William I A future a s exciting Field tomorrow afternoon a t Twins’ third pinch hit, scoring conference, foe 30-year-old > as the jet age itself 1 to play a single game with He was h it by a pitched ball The m atch involving the dis­ Foster, E ast Lansing freshman, Bob Allison. Banks explained thrown by Cincinnati’s Don qualified player will be replay­ with 43 out of 50 poipts. can be yours . . . as a Michigan State. Detroit scored five funs in the for the shift, asked foe Cub’s So fa r this season, the Titans Newcombe last year. ed between Delta Tau Delta In th e womens division, Gale | T W  A IRLIN E H O ST E S S! first off sta rte r P ete Ramos on no. 1 coach, Vedie Himsl, on and th w P h i Delts. The result Fox, Scottville freshman, won Slave a near perfect record. In two home ru n s. A1 Kaline hit Sunday. This spring, the knee became 20 games, Detroit has won 18, his third in three days with Banks, who never before has base swollen after a Slide into third of the tennis tournam ent will by one point over Sue Van-! lost 1 and tied 1. two on and Norm Cash cracked played the outfield, will b e re ­ against the .Cleveland jp . determine the all sports champ­ Voorhis, Lansing freshman, 24 j Because of their fine record, bis eighth one aboard. dians a t Tuscon. It was hurt ionship. to 23. ; ------ TWA — the nation’s leading airline — will train you a t placed at shortstop—a t least for again as the exhibition season ,-U of D has accepted an Invita­ company expense. . . and fray you while you train! tio n to play in the NCAA Dis- ROMOS THEN blanked the a spell—by Je rry Kindall, for­ ended when struck by a ground First on your flying schedules will be interesting cities American league leaders on m er University of Minnesota ball in a gam e against the Chi> Jrict Four Play-Offs along with •Michigan, Western Michigan two hits through the ninth. fielding star, who had not start- After scoring three runs inTj®®' a game this season before cago White Sox. SPECIAL PURCHASE in th e U. S . . . . later you may fly to world famous cities of four continents on TWA's international routes. and Cincinnati. — — Banks currently batting .281 ». The Wolverines are the Big the fourth on Lemon’s two-run Tuesday. homer and E arl Battey’s solo | with 7 homers, said the recent AEG. 83.96 SP0BT SHIRTS APPLY NOW for TWA training classes storting soon. Here are th e T en representatives; the Bear­ BANKS. IN 1958Tbit the most cold weather has bothered the qualifications: Minimum age 20; height, 5 '2 " to S '?”; roundtripper, thé Twins came cats are the Missouri Valley back with one in the eighth on i1homers by turn u r a lk s n in it him ein o lac *Z a m ajor league knee to the extent of preventing ShOrtStOp in a- fast sta rt on ground balls, Wath-a-Wtar-Plaids-Cheeks Solids • w eight 100 to 138 ibs.; vision, 2 0 /1 0 0 or better, cor­ Mid-American title. title Green ^ ^ ^ j 1 ^ he posted M h the> Major and moving laterally. rected to 20 /2 0 ; attractive; natural color hair; clear complexion; unmarried; 2 years college or equivalent Among their 18 wins are two gles to run his consecutive | Victories over Michigan. In the game hitting string to 22. fecond game the Titans trail-j 1 . iLF^ 5 5 2 ^ ? . shortstop m ark, .985, and the =£5=2= « Asked if the change would be S T H ftïS ïrïi'iï? ^ ONLY $ 1 9 5 business experience. *0 wd the U of M 74 but rallied f 12, while playing 155 games. T R A N S W O R L D AIRLIN ES but I ’ll be happy to move back to win, 8-7. « Last week the Detroit club j defeated Wayne State, 28-6. Swim Club His total of 238 homers is to short if my knee mends com­ tops for any shortstop in m ajor pletely.” league history. He was the Na­ T ..f. Lee KoiHdwk’i VARSITYSHOP CaaUrt: Mrs. Jm w c IIw A a l e m s Ev»rjr TtutraOav. S a.m. - 4 p m TWA Salta-Sherataa-CadUac Or Writ»:__ TWA EMptoyment Offtea 1« Richard« Road Kaaaaa City, Missouri Coach John Kobs will toss senior Mickey Sinks at the vis­ itors. Sinks is 5 4 this spring. Holds Bust tional league's m ost -valuable | player for an unprecedented two successive years in 1958-59. Fraternity Champs 228 ABBO TT RD. Ratal -• Detroit, Mlehlcaa .... „ .«o — The Porpoise club is holding ! Last year the two teams its annual spring bust tomor- “ 1 felt I wasn’t doing as good Zeta Beta Tau won the fra­ split a pair of games. Detroit row, and will initiate 13 hew I as I was capable of doing at ternity league softball cham p­ won the firsts one, 14-5; the members. | shortstop,” explained Banks in ionship last Wednesday by de­ TOP HITS S p a rta n s were victorious, 4-2, foe second encounter. The members are selected for t h e Cubs’ coaching office, feating Alpha Tau Omega, 94, their swimming ability, and in- j while Himsl and the four other Tin an extra inning game. Dave De Busschere is an out-1 elude most of the varsity and FEATURES FIREWORKS standing moundsman for the freshmen swimming t e a m .Titans. In one of his fine per­ members. At -ADMISSION 75c Kiddies FR EE IAN5IN6 NONDAY A TUESDAY form ances T he pitched six-and The new members will be: nine-third innings against Mich­ John Benson, Drexel Hill. i g a n and struck out 12. Pa.; Barry Johnson, Royal [ Oak: J o e Colbe, Highland i Park; William Rea, Jackson; j H A M B U R G ER H EA V EN YOU’ L L L K f MIKE ( I yVEY iR E L o c k i n g b g & M -m fO in Q t k - jé R o c k et Doug Rowe, Fremont, Cal.; Standings Don Smith, Flint; Charles1 Strong, Lansing. You expect variety. . • w rrw [ m j g h Te q Jim Verougstraete. Detroit;j American League Richard Warner, Jackson; Dr. j - and you get it I By the Associated Press David Warriner, assistant pro- { DETROIT 27 12 .692 — fessor of natural science; Neil Clippert St. Across From Frandor Clevelaad 23 15 .805 3 4 Watts, Bay City; and Bill ! Their 20 15 .571 5 Ptashnik, Warren. ¿ " . ¿ t ««DBiiinorcí . 22 18 .55© 5 4 First »Minnesota 19 19 .509 7 4 PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-9*17 fu ll* . Kansas City • Washington 15 18 .455 9 18 22 .450 9 4 Starti al le n g th Boston Chicago 15 20 .429 10r 14 24 .908 124 * w I I E . * 7 P.N. feature FEATURE AT film I -Los Angeles 13 23 .901 124 E A S T LANSING - PHONE E0.Î-28I4 7:90 • 9:40 RkhudBasom HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS - NIGHTS eed SUNDAYS ADULTS 90c E X C LU SIV E LA N SIN G A R E À SHOWING — COME EARLY m & m u s T H E Y E A R S G R E A T E ST COMEDY' SHOW — SEE IT! 'p u r e e n i o u m e n t STUEIVM■ ARTHURSHIELDS-KXAU.ER ML Hr OkW « ■ a a .a H t.a a a r —j m !m rn ìk u ^ f^ iM a mm ONEMAScoofr. coLoa*,«i.u«t MaaMiaataa.ioaaManw I • I I U K I O S S i r m. ★ ’Ar " A ★ CMMBM. MULT MWS WarncrColor O n c m a S c o p E STEREOPHONIC S0UH0 o isK sn cm ism r r if miimmfim Love of Mike 1st a t 8:92 3 Stooges 2nd at 19:26 ÏÎMM« VAN ™ALDO MONA NANCY JAMES RAYMOND TAB HEFLIN- RAY- FREEMAN-OLSON•WHITMORE-MASSEY•HUNTS A modern classic . . . EXTRA FOURTH FEATURE SATURDAY BATTLE CRY SHOWN XRD AT 11:45 sculptured in 18 carat Demtr.tsmx* PnMim, ht., « jm rn u * T e rs WILLIAM FAULKNER'S gold. Budget to n s toe. J^te n COLMMMUm Ranney A flwiflwjR Pieter» Next to State Theater TUES f t HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENS East Laming ANDISMoWQueeN V IS« CflHIC flF TIE FIRST n R ? j * H? W m m m ...A VflCXSF CAUSIATE» .MON. ; mtmmmUUÊ W srtdCT IANA’ im a n e* SAT. A SUN. 1 p.m. jumSTRT n m « ART \M M V R $ k m W m m m -S P m -rn r *' ■ IM M U R I iwcyiqwsiofii FKWURU « H9NDAY ari TUESDAY MBITS al H I EXTRA - “TUHBtfW EEB” AND 8ARTMR mm èSÿàÉiMÉÉÊi SMS®®«* i jW B d r il te «et mrik of aiaiitaat profes- VCASUAL DENLM ..'yr* 3\ - * p- ‘ * STRIPED TOPS C o lo r fu l c a r d ig a n s to accent a ll ty p e s o f s p o r ts w e a r ! ONLY Keep cool in summery denim top* . . cool *nd com­ fortable, bold and exciting. Wonderful to top skiits, slacks, shorts or wear over your swim auit. Styled by Glentex with cardigan neck a a d b u tisn front. Assorted stripes in coordinating co lo n . -You’ll n a n t oeveral of these sm art denim cover-ups for their fashion potential and the tiny price. Sizes S-M-L. The samples were Norn many countries and of m any vari­ eties, - ••_ The students and guests had NECKWEAR theopportunity to examine and taste erich cheese after they were judged. Trout was one of the six pro­ fessor* aw arded the Distin­ guished Faculty Award April 28. He has held the offices of director, vice president and L a s t S L D a y s o f th is o n c e - a - y e a r S a le ! president of th e American Dairy Science Association. D ip on H ig h TOKYO When officials at Hitotsuhashi High School found they had no space available for a swim m ing port in a new SEAMLESS KNEE LENGTH OR gymnasium, they had one in­ REINFORCED H EEL AND TOE stalled on the building’s roof. Fuff fashioned service sheer, cotton f o o t 1.17 pr., 3 prs. 3.5# Full fashioned daytime sheer ---- ---- — 1.41 pr., 3 pr»- 4.3® Seamless, demi - t o e ------------ L tt pr., 3 prs. 4.30 Full fashioned luxury s h e e r ........ —.— .....- .............. IM pr., 3 prs. 4.95 Only two more days left of this tremendous sale tor perfect fitting, Belle-Sharmeer stockings. Styles in pretty Plush, Whirlwind, Brev, Modite and Duchess, sizes 8 4 to 11. street level, ea st l a n s in o Charcoal Hearth in Outstanding SaleI NO CHARGE — u n til a f te r d e sse rt C U L T U R E D PE A R L On U.S. 1 6 —One Mile East of Campus F A SH IO N P IN S G E N U IN E CULTURED >w * the tune to get PEA RLS that last assigned reading - Saturday Only we have _ lousands of Titles availalble in STREET LEVEL. EAST LANSING R e tu rn E n g ag em en t our paperbound room. B am boushay S le d Band Also study outlines and aids S-12 M idnight A drntririm I I Cash for your used books now! I h» Hst of books we need — Quantity limited EAST LANSING F R ID A Y , FRO M 9:30 A.M. TO J iM ACROSS FROM THE UNION