' | • , ■ - ft* • ■ • ; r ' 1 . ■ “Undo* Use circum stances, I c a n t m y what DeLisle, director of women’s division, and asked $1.25 o r m ere an hour due to the nature of foe By BURY BASING ficer to foe M i t H r a M T (rictvur questions unless « ra w e d and in general not la deal with they know. F ta M l fo ri d o e s to them , but I d o s t why foe told Hankins th at the gills wouldn’t co­ job. . . ~ ... ^ State New» Staff Writer operate with him. During an Interview, Hendrickson was vague police r i «11 w M n ri «w aste. , think they would he of sa y help,” foe said foe Third la a Series “But If foe police force in question is campus td d H m . :v - Miss DeLisle showed h e r • statem ent from a s to the nature of foe work and said only after police and is an arm ef foe university adminis­ If you go hack end spread this a n t e , they’ll Officer Hankins which grid th a t foe did not think she accepted could he tell her the full details, Should university files be opened to persons knew the paBce a re m a g intensive Investigation any of the girls of her residence hall would co­ Miss Angelacos sari. not connected with the university and personal tration, the student m ight feel coerced into an­ swering questions h s rs iu s m fear of poM&te of this case and i t ’ll be h a rd e r on all ef us to operate. foe s ir! said. After ho told h er that foe work might take information about students be revealed to out­ find the thief, the girl said Hankins told her. Miss Delisle talked to her, foe said, about be­ her to “various places on campus a t odd boufs siders? sanctions, m i l aw eifW fitai o r suspension. Rudner befiovfcs fo ri foe student m ay fete com­ He filrther told her, she arid: ing “ her brother’s keeper” and being a good of foe night” and might include taking a “ show­ Should the university administration invade pelled to forego some of his civil rights because “ If yon bring h r foe thief o r any Information citizen.. They discussed the.dean of students of­ e r in women’s dormitory,” she refused the job, the private Bfe of a student when no violations a b o u fth e thief, it will rem ove m spirtop from fice and its relations with the cafnpus police. considering it an implied infringement of stu­ of w hat he construes to he fo e adm inistration's of state statutes or imiversity ordinances occui ? you.” The girl said she hook this to b e a threat Miss DeLisle denied th r i the two offices worked dents' xlgIR to privacy. What is the function of the departm ent of public relation with Its pofice force. During Hie past winter term , a student was th at she mute “ inform” on her M ends hi order together, the girl said. Because Hendrickson told her that foe job safety and what is its jurisdiction in this area of to d e a r herself. girl asked how Miss DeLisle got the report The gii called to the lobby of h er dorm by Patrolm an always entailed “ keeping her eyes and ears wide activity? -• Don E . Hankins who questioned h er regarding She said be to ri her fo ri she m ight be general­ from Hawking if foe two departm ents didn’t work open,” she said foe c o n sid e re d that be meant “ The campus polce are in an ambiguous po­ stealing in bar precinct. She said h e told her th a t ly useful in the dorm a fter she removed the sus­ together, she said. sition, according to Dr. Richard Rudner, associ­ informing, on other students. the stealing seemed concentrated there: Though picion surrounding her. She refused to do this, According to the girl, Miss DeLisle did not an­ Last fall, she said, she called Hendrickson to ate professor of philosophy., she said. swer this question. - the girl had about f 20 worth of property stolen, he inquire about the possibility of employment of “ As deputy sheriffs of Ingham county, they told her th at the campus police had narrowed the ¿L Then sometime la te r her roomm ates, quite Another case of students asked to be informers have all the responsibilities and obligations of the kind he had described. He to ri her that be­ stealing down to this g in or one of her room­ upset, said th at Hankins had to ri them that she by public safety officers concerns Mary Ange- cause of low budget, his departm ent could not any law enforcement officer. ^ had given them information pertaining to them, lacos, Lansing graduate student. “ But the campus police is a part of the univer­ mates. afford to hire any more students. She said she told him that his -evidence was specifically th at one of them m ight be the thief, THE STATE NEWS has an affidavit signed sity administrative apparatus and the student can the girl said. by Miss Angelacos. She wrote that two summers ANOTHER CASE not related to foe activities circumstancial and that he couldn’t prove any- come to construe his action with respect to the She said she told them w hat she had told ago Lt. Darwin Hendrickson phoned her said of the campus police but related to the use of campus police as subject to disciplinary sanction. thoing. the files kept by the dean of students office is “There’s many a man in Jackson prison con­ Hankins about them. offered her a job with the departm ent of public victed on circum stantial evidence,” she said he safety. At that tim e she was working fit the told by Sam Harris, E ast Lansing graduate stu­ "SUPPOSE THERE was a student infraction of LATER WHEN she saw Hankins in the dorm, told her. reg istrar's office for $1.25 an hour. dent. ^ T - law committed on campus and the university ghe told him th at he had been lying about her - H a rris skid that when he and his wife, were police approach the student to question him. if According to the student', he named several and misquoting her, she said. She said si» was reluctant to take this job girls she knew and siaid: ' ^ because she thought it would mean a cut in planning m arriage, “p arties" with interest in the student were approached by an ordinary po­ Accenting to her, Hankins said: having our m arriage plans sabotaged, procurred lice officer, he has the right not to answer ques­ "DO YOU THINK if I called these girls down I “ W elCmaybe I have bat th at’s police tactics.” wages to 90 cents an hour. However, Hendrick­ tions; he is a t liberty not to accompany the of­ could find out anything?” Soon after th at she was called in to see Frances son told her that they would be able to pay her See STUDENT RECORD Page 2 R e d S p ie s Serving MSU For 5 2 Years J a r E n g l i s h Second Claw FocUfc Established 19 0 9 Vol. $ 3 , No. 4 3 East Lansing, Michigan, Mofiday Morning, May 2 9 ,1 9 6 1 6 Pages Paid a t Zaat Laming. Mich. 5 Gents LONDON UP) — A parliam en­ been stolen and the possibility tary storm^ hurst around the that another Russian G o n g o L ead ers P ro d u ce head of Prim e Minister Harold at work can not be .... Macmillan Sunday over charges “ What astounds me is that th a t secret U. S. Naval docu­ Mr. Macmillan knew that these m ents vanished strangely while documents had vanished, and on loan to the British Admiral­ yet a month later he still can­ ty. not say what has happened to Richard M arsh, Laborite thgm.” m em ber of the House of Com­ mons, suggested a Soviet spy m ay have nabbed the classified papers reportedly containing details of ife w underwater weapons. —- POLIE SOURCES said in­ vestigations into the case of the m issing papers are being han­ dled by a special anti-spy force of intelligence Officers. This R e u n ific a tio n force was created in M arch aft­ Marsh said he will challenge e r foe shocks produced by the Macmillan in Parliam ent Tues- conviction of five Soviet agents day_ to explain the' loss. Big guns of the opposition Labor —including two Americans and a Russian—for funnelling Naval Use U. S., party are primed for the a t­ secrets to Moscow. tack. MORE THAN A month ago French the Admiralty confessed secret papers on underwater warfare Tower Tops Exam ple had gone'astray. At the time, police sources for London said Blakley lit ' J COQUILHATVILLE, Th the documents apparently van­ Congo, oP—Steeped In m uuu ished from the safe of a big engineering firm working un­ Texas Race suspicion and uncertainty, tb Congo’s politicians neverthc der contract for the Royal DALLAS, Tex. UR — College less are facing up to the realit; N avy._ Professor John G. Tower Sun­ t h a t independence involve But the Admiralty declined day apparently wou election to TAKES TESTS FOR PEACE CORPS—These candidates more than-elaborate titles an to comment on rumors the pa­ the U. S. Senate—the first Re­ were am eag the scores of Bay Area men and women who shiny limousines. pers were on loan from the publican ever elected, to the of­ sat down In San Francisco Sunday to take examinations for Regional leaders at a Cor U nited States. Marsh seems in fice by Texas voters. the Peace Corps. From the 7,000 who are taking the tests golees “ sum m it”, conferenc no doubt this is the case. Tower, a Barry Goldwater- in the United States will be picked the trainees for the have completed five weeks < He announced he will ask type Conservative who has nev­ U.S. program to lend underdeveloped nations the human debate in this jungle town c Macmillan why “ it is impossi­ er held public office, clinched talents and skills of America. —AP Wirephoto. red sand and palm trees. The ble for him to ascertain wheth­ his victory against Democrat have pronounced an im press» er secret documents entrusted William A. Blakley by a razor sheaf ofre a s o n e d political tei by the United States of Amer­ thin margin of 8,099 votes. The outcome of the election, Six Arrested, One A Student olutions aim ed a t reuniting th old Belgian Congo under a ica to the Admiralty were lost, M arsh_told reporters: _ in which almost 900,090 persons American-style federal const voted Saturday, was not decid­ “ THE INFORMATION I have ed until late Sunday. so -far obtained I know is cor­ The runoff race was to select rect. Certain secret documents a m an to fill the Senate seat Coed Credited For tution. THE OUTPUT of the contei ence represents the most d< term ined and practical' effoi concerning n e w underwater vacate^ when Lyndon B. John­ weapons were loaned by the son resigned to become Vice American government to the President. Dope Ring Arrest I so far by Congolese politiciai to bring order to their trouble nation. Admiralty. In its turn the Ad­ Tower got 444,718 votes and Their constitutional prop m iralty passed them on to a 31aklejr 436.619 out of the 881,- EAST LANSING Iff) - A 21 beaten in his room shortly after year old Michigan State Univer­ the accused students were r e ­ j sals borrow American an private firm, no doubt with the 337 votes cast. _ j French ideas. The clear, p r request that they produce a sity coed was credited by police leased on bond, police said. Saturday with foe arrests of | cise wording is a welcome d< prototype from the -specifica­ Panzica, charged with sale i parture from the vague princ six men on narcotics-char ges. and possession of narcotics, is i tions. “ Early in April these docu­ Pool Hours The girl, whose name was being held in the Ingham Coun-1 pies uttered by the Congoies withheld, worked among n ar­ ty jail for examination in E ast up to now. ments were reported to be All IM indoor facilities will cotics users and sellers for ri^o Lansing Justice Court Friday. But there is room enough f< missing. “be open from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 years, investigators said. skepticism!. The confer«« The others, charged with sale, “ I can not find out the name p.m., Tuesday, May 30. Both She worked with campus, possession, or dispensing nar­ resolutions have no legal st. of this firm. Nor can 1 discov- swimming pools will be open E ast Lansing, Lansing and cotics, face hearings late next tus until they are debated an er what has happened to the from 12:00 noon t r 6:00 p.m. State police. approved by foe national pari week. ament, due to reconvene no: documents. They may have I for Memorial Day also. THE SIX men, one an MSU month. OX ROAST WAS GOOD—Wanda Kane, daughter of EUls Kane and June Kane of student, were arrested here THE SKEPTICS point Out! University Village, digs in at foe Ox Roast sponsored by Ag Council last Thurs. Wednesday and Thursday. A that only half the Congo is j Jean seventh is being sought, police said. Congress represented in the Coquilhat-j- vifie meeting hall. Only dele- ] ____ day. Her father was on foe serving crew at the feast. —State News photo by T. S. Crockett. Leo A. Farhat, Ingham county j gates professing some degree 1 prosecutor, said the cases were Studies - j of loyalty to Kasavubu’s cen- j *fter Tshombe s arrest. The Í l l |; ■ ¡p BM * * r Mmhg, M y » , 196Z ■« ^ *-i‘-" "' :.1 ™-1 - ... « F U I * E r U p — I ’m I n A R a c e * ■ ■ ■ I Faculty Expresses Views Student Record (Cm tiaM d from Page 1) m the services of an industrial psychologist nam ed On Civil Liberties Series .s M eyer.” M eyer talked to both H arris and Wren, his wife, before they were m arried and attempted lit« State Newt series of articles on stu­ the time feelings are stirred up, then every­ to persuade them against such a m arriage, one has left for home.” H arris said. dent civil liberties drew favorable comment “ Knowing th at I was Catholic, Meyer talked from many faculty members over the week­ to F atberK avanaugh and asked Mm if he knew end. RUSSEL NVE, bead of division of lan­ of anything about m e which he felt my future The series, which began Thursday, is re­ guage and literature: “I think it's a good wife should knew,” H arris said. porting on pressures exerted on students by series, in the best traditions o f student “ F ather Kavahaugh, who admittedly had various elements of the university adminis­ journalism. I hope the series will receive emotional difficulties In accepting toe idee of tration. inter-racial m arriage directed toe psychologist th e consideration of the Academic Council Ainong those who responded to’ staff in­ to the dean of students office.” a n d other agencies next fall.” After spending three days gathering informa­ quiries onithe series were: tion from the dean of students office and from ARTHUR SHERBO, assoc, p ro fe sso r o f - persons who had been recommended by that of­ FREDERICK WILLIAMS» assoc, profes­ fice, Meyer talked to Wren and told her that he E n g lis h : “I th in k th e se rie s is a w onderful sor of history: “The reporter and the State had discovered the following about H arris: News are doing a remarkable job. We should th in g in b rin g in g to lig h t fa c te w hich w ere 1. H arris was a rabble rouser and bad subver- \ bring these things into the open. I certainly only ru m o rs and, I h a d hoped, incredible sive ideas. think some explanation and clarification is ru m o rsT I hope th e se rie s continues.” 2. H arris bad attended several meetings of the due from those to whom the accusing finger YounR Socialist Club. has been directed.” — '! - S T A N L E Y ID Z E R D A , d ire c to r o f H onors 3. H arris had held extensive conversations in College an d a s s is ta n t t o th e p ro v o s t: “T h is the Union grill with other students on the sub­ THOM AS G R E E N , assoc, p ro fe sso r o f ed­ series is a w o nderful e n d o f a w o nderful ject of Black Supremacy. _ u c a tio n : “ I t is e x tre m e ly re fre s h in g fo r y e a r f o r th e S ta te N ew s. I t ’s in th e b e s t s tu d e n ts to ta k e th is kind o f in te re st. T h is is jo u rn a lis tic 'tr a d itio n . T h e f a c ts revealed in WHEN HARRIS heard of this, he said he went to ta lk 'to F ather Kavanaugh who told him of so m eth in g t h a t needs to be a ire d .” th e se a rtic le s should c re a te a clim ate o f in­ Meyer’s visit and its purpose. Then H arris saw to leran ce f o r such actions am ong s tu d e n ts Dean of Students Tom King, who, when con­ R A L PH GOODMAN, p ro fe sso r o f politi­ a n d facu lty .” fronted with the fact th at Meyer could have only cal science: “ I’m v e ry im pressed. I th in k th e gotten his information from the university files, series is h ig h ly lau d a to ry . D espite th e ris k s R O B E R T A N D ER SO N , assoc, p ro fe sso r of “denied the whole thing,” according to H arris. - o f e m b a rassm en t to som e u n iv e rsity o f f ic ia ls ., relig io n : “ T h e se rie s is v e ry well done. M iss “ Immediately after seeing King, I went to th e exercise o f seek in g o u t in fra c tio n s o f B a sin g h a s done a n excellen t jo b . T h is is see Truitt and asked advice about my problem. civil r ig h ts is one t h a t s tu d e n ts can p ro fit v e ry good, p a rtic u la rly in t h e lig h t o f th e “ I explained everything to him and asked him fro m im m easu rab ly . A f te r all, t h a t is going if he had known of Meyer and be said no,” H ar­ a tte m p ts to -b u ild a u n iv e rsity im age. ris said. to be th e ir m ain jo b w hen th e y leave school \ N ew b u ildings a re . v e ry nice, b u t r som e­ if th e y w ish to p rese rv e freedom .” When I told him that F ather Kavenaugh had th in g like th is s u g g e sts to u s on th e inside told m e th at he had sent him to the office, Truitt t h a t th e e x te rn a l im age is n o t e v e ry th in g . had a sudden recall of memory. He stated that D A V ID H E SS, a s s is ta n t to th e pro v o st T h e in te rn a l in te g rity o f th e u n iv e rsity is the m an had been to see him but th at he had and a s s is ta n t d ire c to r o f honors college: “ I e sse n tia l to a t r u e im ag e o f g re a tn e ss. refused to assist him.” — h a v e rea d th e sto rie s w ith in te re s t. I t is Later H arris said that F ather Kavenaugh told n ecessary to expose, th e s e fa c ts to th e s tu - r H E R B E R T W E IS E N G E R , p ro fe sso r of >.è r w ~ i > in m him that Meyer had given him the sam e informa­ dents. ip l.D U H M lM fM I tion as he told Wren and that he got this in­ E n g lish and incom ing p re sid e n t o f th e “ I h a v e been a w are o f th e se happenings A m erican Assoc, o f U n iv e rsity P ro fe s o rs: formation from the dean of students and persons fo r som e tim e, have been w orking a g a in s t recommended by them. “ In q u iry a n d ex p ressio n is th e h eartblood of th e m and will co n tin u e to do so. W e c a n ’t a u n iv e rsity , a n d belongs a s m uch to th e In another instance, a sophomore student had been dating a faculty m em ber and had been help th o se h u r t in th e p a s t, b u t w e m ay be able to p re v e n t such h ap p en in g s in th e fu ­ s tu d e n ts a s to th e fa c u lty . A n y im pedence Letters to the Editor under psychiatric treatm ent. She became upset o f th e r ig h ts o f one is a n inpedence o f th e on one occasion and could not get to a regular tu re .” W A L T E R ADAM S, p ro fe sso r o f conom ics : “ Good new s fo r a s tu d e n t new sp ap er ! I f r ig h ts o f th e o th e r. '_ “C e rta in ly a g re a t u n iv ersity c a n n o t a f ­ fo rd to a d o p t th e m eth o d s o f a police s ta te Task Force, Ci doctor so she went to the mental hygiene clinic a t Olin Health center and discussed her associa­ tion with the faculty m em ber and her friendship with Mr. and Mrs. H arris. in its w ish es to re m a in g r e a t. I -am s u re stand some of the other colleges so m eth in g is w rong, i t is th e new sp ap er’s the Task Force wishes to pre­ P re s id e n t H a n n a h will w a n t to m ak e a F o u n d Ideas serve the dignity of the individ­ are equally lax in this reg ard ).„ LATER HER parents were contacted by Miss responsibility to re p o rt it.” th o ro u g h in v estig a tio n o f all ch a rg e s, and I ual, a -good place to start, as Students jn a y repeat a course DeLisle and it was sugessted that the parents am s u re th e fa c u lty will su p p o rt a n d en­ To the Editor: — William T. Whyte, J r . suggests any numt>er of times and there­ take her out of school a term . V IR G IL SCOTT, assoc, p ro fesso r of E n­ co u rag e him in th is .” in his book, “ The Organization by raise their grade point ave­ Later this student was told by Miss DeLisle As one person in attendance rage. Students who wootd other­ glish:. *T1ike th e series v ery m uch. I believe at the recent “ task force” Man,” is in the business school. that women’s division knew all about Harris Robert H. Renshaw wise be dismissed from the and his wife and that they were not the kind of t h a t th is is th e s o rt o f th in g t h a t should be W ILLTAM C A L L A G H A N , aaao. p ro fe sso r meeting last Wednesday night, * University are thereby perm it­ discussed. I f we believe in ^freedom, it is fo r I was amazed a t th e tree ★ ★ ★ people that this girl would want to associate a d f a c tin g head o f th e d e p a rtm e n t o f phil­ ted to rem ain on campus. with, H arris said. freedom f o r everyone everyw here. o so p h y : “ I th in k th e a rtic le s w e re e x tra o r­ wheeling exchange of Ideas re­ W ith d r a w a ls garding our national identity Ju st think where the Los State News believes an informer system exists “College s tu d e n ts h av e been cynical ab o u t d in a rily well done an d a r e a c re d it to th e and ideologies th atw e re voiced. To Ae Editor: Angeles Angela might be now if at the university and students are used by the freedom in th e p a s t, a n d th is se rie s is th e p ap er. T h e tr e a tm e n t seem ed ex trem ely j u ­ My prim ary purpose in attend­ they were perm itted to keep cam pus police to gain information about other Dean Carlin, We are very re-playing games until they win s o r t o f th in g t h a t show s t h a t freedom h a s to dicious. ing the m eeting was simply much aw are of the fact that students and that university departments co­ be gone a f t e r and g rab b ed .” th at of observing what this the U niversity'is facing some and then only count the wins in operate to use information secured by one st(F “ I t is to th e long ra n g e good o f th e u n iv er­ figuring their standing. Sueh movement consisted of and to serious budget cuts and accord­ dent against another student. s ity t h a t th in g s of th is s o rt a re b r o u g h t o u t a practice is even more absurd sit back and listen to the real ingly has placed a ceiling on M AU RICE C R A N E, a s s is ta n t p ro fesso r of in to th e open. B rin g in g th e s e th in g s to public “ thinkers” on the subject. at a University. (Next, how to e university brings pressure h u m a n itie s: “I like it. I th in k M ary Basing is a tte n tio n is to th e b e s t good. I ’m s u re th e y enrollment for the coming on students and how pressure is brought on But, after a few minutes, I school year. This is indeed an it seems unfair to perm it a fine jo u rn a list. T his h a s g e n e ra te d m uch a r e -not e sta b lish e d policies o f th e u n iv er­ students who have clearly the university.) ' too was drawn into the discus­ unfortunate situation since excitem ent, and if th e fa c ts a re tru e , I ap­ s ity .” ~ ~ sion and quickly found that my many qualified high school demonstrated that they are prove. I t is th e fu n ctio n o f a school news­ ideas were being discussed students will b e denied college either not eapabie of doing col­ p a p e r to s tir up th e d u s t.” - openly and intelligently. HE am training. — lege work or that they are not U n iv e r s ity A c tiv itie s M ILTON RO K EA C H , p ro fe sso r o f p sy ­ desirous of taking advantage sure that everyone who attends Having taught a t other uni­ chology : “I only re a d one o f th e article s, th e the next meeting this coming versities prior to coming to of this opportunity to attend the NORM AN PE L IN G T O N , assistanU profes- B r o a d a s I n te r e s ts J f i r s t , b u t I th o u g h t i t w as well-done a n d Wednesday night will react the MSU, we are keenly aware of University and at the same sor o f h u m an itie s: “ I think th e series is a th o u g h tfu l. I t seem ed to be w ell-docum ented same way I did upon my first an unfortunate situation which, time refuse admission to high P ro fe sso r Jo h n W .C raw ford, head o f th e good th in g . S tudents should have liberties an d re p re s e n ts a g r e a t deal o f co u ra g e on attendance and Uencourage all if corrected, m ay tend to allevi­ school graduates who have a t d e p a rtm e n t of ad v ertisin g , m ade th e follow­ and responsibilities. I ’m disappointed t h a t it th e p a rt o f M ary B asing. I th in k th e se rie s to be present. least dem onstrated a potential. ate the problem. During the We can sympathise with laxity in g th o u g h t-p ro v o k in g introduction a t a talk cam e a t th e end of th e q u a rtë r, because by is excellent a n d I am all f o r i t ” - If* was actually a pleasure last week we have again been a t an H onors College convocation T u esd ay : discussing the things that we in reminded to th e laxity in the in academic standards a t a the United States are really for, enforcement of academic stand­ time when the University has “ A u n iv ersity to d a y ,is a com m unity of instead of constantly criticiz­ ards in the University College. excess facilities (if this were people; th e re fo re , it is both nh li/ral a n d ing what is happening now and This laxity is apparent in at ever the case); however, we r ig h t t h a t a u n iv ersity should fin d itse lf in the past regarding our inter­ least two respects. think it is outright robbery to perm it this laxity at this crit­ engaged in a p a tte rn o f a c tiv itie s as broad national- and national actions. F irst of all, students are per­ a n d as varied a s th e in te re s ts o f th e people The trend of the present con­ m itted to withdraw almost at ical tim e. — versation s e e m s to center will without any penalty well We m ake an appeal to the w ho m ake up th is com m unity. around w hat we are against beyond the established dead­ University College, and others Som e o f th e s e a c tiv itie s a re tem p o rary in rath er than w hat we are for. line for withdrawals. For exam ­ who may be equally guilty to n a t u r e ; som e, indeed, a re frivolous. B u t 1st I feel that real progress was p le,'both of us have had stu-_ tighten academ ic standards us n ev er fo rg e t t h a t th e ideal of th e u n iv er­ m ade at the last “task force” dents withdraw today, less and dismiss from the Univer­ sity those students who are not s ity , its v ery c e n te r of being, is th e p u rsu it GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS meeting and that further pro­ than two weeks from the end gress can be made in defining of the quarter, based upon what we, as Americans, are forms apparently approved by meeting reasonable standards. This action will perm it the Uni­ o f scholarship, th e search , th e com m unica­ tion of wisdom .This is w hy a u n iv ersity is. the dean of the University Col­ versity to m ake room for a ARE READY TO PICK UP really here for. - * ★ ★ ~ _ S. John Archer lege. While it is recognized that some of these withdrawals a re . larger num ber of qualified high school graduates. T he ideal o f th e fac u lty m em ber of a uni­ v e rs ity is t h a t o f a teacher-scholar, and th is pre-supposes a n ideal o f th e u n d e rg ra d u a te — for legitim ate reasons, it is Our appeal is consistent with apparent th at jn o s t of the drops t h a t o f th e s tu d e n t scholar. that recently made by the stu­ S E N IO R S W h e re to S ta r t Te the Editor: are m ade in" order to avoid “flunking” the course. In our opinion, this is not a den ts themselves, that they be treated like adults. The Univer­ sity 'College’s academic stand­ T he iw o a re un ited in seeking tr u th and w isdom w th honor and th e achievem ent of excellence. T his is th e c o re 'o f th e u n iv ersity I am amazed a t some of the valid reason for withdrawal ards more closely resemble BRING YOUR RECEIPT TO T H E things the so-called task-force and serves only to encourage under the “coordination” of mediocrity in education. those expected of children than those of adults. T h is is w hy w e a re h e re .” Riegle and Lyons is doing. One The University College also Tom Nelson Michigan Stale News UNION BOOK STORE of toeir m ain concerns, appar­ has an ineffective policy re­ e n t ^ is th at the United States garding “ repeats” (we under- “ suffers a lack of a recognized philosophical ideology.” Wayne VandeVere Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on class days Monday through Apparently one of their alm s Friday, during the fall, winter and spring quar­ SPECIAL The Book Store Will Be Open Sunday, is to “ define our national ideol­ ogy—and to build from this ide­ ters. Issued weekly during the summer term . Second class postage paid at E ast Lansing, Mich­ NOTICE June 1 1 From 1 to 3 For Your Convenience ology a set of long-run national objectives.” The State News of igan. ~ Editorial and business offices a t 341* Student Thursday then had the amaz­ Services building, Michigan State University, ing gall to r t f e r t o the Task E a st Lansing, Michigan. Force as a non-partisan group. Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one THURSDAY JUNE 1st Another thing th at is surpris­ ing is th at tb s persons who un- dertake this task a re not phil­ term , $3; for two term s, H ; for three term s, $5. . M ember of the Associated Press, Inland Daily P ress Association and the Associated College THE LAST DAY osophers or political scientists, but students in the business schooL press. Editor.. Managing Editor ______ M arcia VanNess ...........— ..... Ben Burns To O rder Your Capa And Gowns— D on't P u t It O f f — A quotation from one of the Advertising M anager ............. — Je rry Lundy group discussions follows: “ If Circulation M anager.........................„P aul Lesber Do It Now So You Can Be Sure we want te preserve the dig­ City Editor .................... VicRauch nity of the individual In foreign News Editor ..................... .BIBCote UNION ROOK STORE countries, wo must help those people to help themselves rath- s er than try to iznpoaa our ideas Editorial Editor Sports Editor . ________ ..... Jo d y Howard F eature Editor,. ...................... WayneParsons Jess Maxwell • *« Women’s Editor .....................Charlotte Dalton I t would seem to mo th at if Photo Editor ___________ .______ A1Royco i j*k ,iû v g¡ a ft. se i IS i M q r Morning» M iy 2 9 , 1961 Stele ycw ,E «fi» lou sin g, Michigan 3 T Ü Spann An Arabian Nights Success C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S Will Dis DEADLINES: 1 p-aa. Day M « v Publication tar T a a , W ii, Than, «ad F it EdHjc—. DwdHai far Mm . EdftlM: 1 pm Fri. Franz Kafka K i s m e t S c o r e s B i g H i t Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 Frans Kafka, Austrian risrt- story writer and novelist, will of his number one wife, Lalume made in full view of the audi­ By HOWARD HOLMES be (Mecnssid in a lecture by State News Reviewer (Judith Brokenshire, E ast Lan­ ence. Nicholas Howey’s ingeni­ S E R V IC E Prof. MMa Spun of the Ger­ sing junior). Lalume is « o tic , ous shift of props brought ap­ A U T O M O T IV E F O R SA LE FORRENT man department of Northwest­ For two and a half hours last ■PWUtoato— agSBBSM sexy and crazy about men in plause from the audteaco. TRAILEHS M AKE RESERVATIONS, tor singla ern University at I pan. Mon­ week, students and faculty Hats (turbans, that to) are off and doubla rooms tor Summer and TYPING PONE to Snarlaa VTOWto day to S2 Union. boarded a m agic flying carpet general. r ô i  L r r t m r t c r h o u s in g . m j Fall tanas. C la n to eaaapus, narking, apartment ED 7-0703. «g ED 7-9999. Great Lakes Mobile Bom » 1 bad- reason ahi» Also'apartment tor aum- His lecture to «titled “Liter­ And through his seeming m a­ to the wonderful return to the mechanical enafttioe. 3996 Call ED rooms, bath, W td a a and livtoR mer. ED 3-3161. and visited the Arabian lands room, r wlda. » ’ w K g-.tagood con­ tf TYPING. In tty home, b y »feretory ary Approach to Kafka.” of cam el caravans, concubines gical powers, Hajj is able to Arabian nights through “ Kis­ v m i v t m n m i n 4. door »«ten. dition. 01.000 . call ED 7-0 1» . 46 APPROVED. SUPERVISED rocme. with 19 years’ experience. TU 3-973«. Prof. Spann has written and find the lost love of Caliph m et,” directed by John C. Diet- | S and iv w .m a tc W n g j M m r . Man, cooking, summer. CaU ED M M . contributad te aererai German and harem s of dancing beau­ (Robert Lee Jennings, E ast BaBj». baater. B u rt aaUby J jñ e U . 1 WHEELED TRAILER. 0x10. « Ply ties. rich and Frank C. Rutledge of ten tai iw a lp . MM SO 7-1044. S-T tinw. side mck. OM 116 N. Hagadora GRADUATION annnuniwmcnto HU* toztbooà» including one i-a n s in g graduate student) who, the speech department, and the Road. East LanatoR. 43 PRIVATE BOOMS 3_ blocks Ifrom I Nothing which spells the pJnJT ■ ** váAotto Private m i entrance, cludee your,, bi n . man only. Myers m n ttM T jH rvta s. 14 » » day * ' aaed at MSU for first-year Ger­ Hajj discovers is his own flue crew ot makeup, lighting U N MOA.MIW whit* p*int. » o k a * PRAGUE SCHOONER - .«xM, tn- 136 Ululan ED i-1441. tf Michigan. IV 3-3684. . man atedwte «titled "Deutsch mythical nostalgia of the Ara­ daughter, Marsinah (J e m Ann and costumes. _ — M r o g u covar. expensive Uvine t r j h M t o t vacation bian nights was « e lu d e d from Exoafijjirt eonômon « P M U * . tf cotta»*. FuUv furnianed, aeif-contato; TRAILERS PO R RENT Fuer Amerikaner” (German Heyer, Greenville junior.) “ Please don’t be too critical,” *d man» extras. ED 7-16W 45 UNITED 1 _______ RADIO >toaotel toeidaltoaWon - g - ,— auto- - far Americans). “ Kismet,” the musical comedy A cast of almost 100 students MM OUMMOMUL a u . aupar M. 4- SUMMER • 3 BEDROOM traitor, motive radios, rad* toga, 37 to . to re­ presented by the University Nathaniel Eek, a ssistant pro­ doer, f t » aquipt, awaptionally FO RREN T tx34. 960 monthly Including utUltiaa. move, repair. letaetaU. (parte B iabar He hag Mao written and read made up this production, an fessor of the speech depart­ caaln. MOO ED 3-4490. 48 ED 7-1698 evenings. 43 included with e 39 day uncondttfonal several papers at the Modern theatre. equal number of colorful cos­ guarantee.) Falrview B E. Saginaw ment, suggested before the T-8W D, IM S rad. complete aceaa- >ROFESSOR S HOUSE for rent dur- TRAILERS, NATIONWIDE- tote- Laiudng. IV 9-9197. tt language Association of Amer­ H ie audience watched the tum es were made especially for play. “ These are all am ateurs aoriaa except air-conditioning. IX - taR summer term. CaU ED M 1 B . 43 way. Utility traiton. 3 and 4 Wheel, ica meetings. executions by the Wazir of po­ this all-out production of the w M a w B y eiean. I P 7-0141 ■ 44 in the production. Try to give OTTAWA HILLS. 3 bedroom ranch, vacation token. travel traiton. R eeervettona Sam-Rent».It. 3 0 1 So. Cedar Spam to noted for the origin­ lice and the flight of love of the speech and music departments. constructive criticism, if « y . ” MM TRIUMPH. Deeper»te - must large living room, beautifully land­ St. TU 3-9441. « W ANTED ality of Mg interpretations of Caliph who gave up his « t i r e sent Wire wheels, radio extrae, Ex- scaped. 5 minutes from campus. Skillful students were applaud­ But why apologize? No araa- cellant condition. Ja r . Ext- MM, 3944. Available June 1. S130*ED 3*4501. 44 literature and hir vigorous concubine for a mysterious ed f o r several dances—includ­ STATE AGENCY H EAD_de»1rea 4 manner of presentation, accord­ love a t. first sight. teurs were seen to “Kismet.” APARTMENTS R E A L E S T A T E bedroom house to ra n t PcaaiM aa ing the dance ceremonies of 1MB VOLVO. MOTT B E eeen to be T H ia a T TO FOUR man room ap- after Juna 1 or 9. Reasonable, will ing to Dr. Stanley Townsend, H ajj, a poor poet (Charles the princesses Zubbediya (Su­ áñaPjateted. Building 7M. apartment HASLETT. 3-BEDROOM contempo­ tease. CaU ED 9-9694. ~ 43 h «d of file department of the proved, and bath. M a week, kitchen Mattes, Lansing special stu­ san Wisby,) Samaris (Barbara be Men between 1:10 - 9 p.m. « end room cleaning available. CaU oven, ED 3-6314. tt rary. l!a tile baths. BuilGln stove and carport, full basement. See to HIGH SCHOOL principal desins department of foreign langu­ dent) with a bit of luck and a J . Cohen, Detroit senior) and Woman Revived appreciate. 13.100 down. Take over furnished 3 or 3 bedroom house to ages. glib tongue was able to receive the three princesses of Ababu WANTED TO BU Y 1M7 T B IR D contrertible any color, ws.w., radio, SUMMER TERM. 3 apartmenta. Ap­ proved. unauparviaad. 1 block east liter? reduced. FHA: PE 9-3484. 44 rent for first 9 week». Summer session. Posseiaidn June 30th. CaU The lecture, sponsored by the the love of ladies and money ( S u s a n Fisher, Pittsburgh In Supermarket ■utematic transmisión, «ood con- of Gables on Grand River. ED 7-1304. ONLY 315 J90 FOR THIS 3 bedroom. ED 7-1361. Ext. 319. 44 departm ent of foreign langu­ and position from men. freshman, Caroline Matto, Ten- ' B^gfU r.n 7-1361 Ext 414 43 ask for Bob. 45 3 bath home. Semi-*plit level located Mrs, Eeza Naghshineh, of in a secluded area of alee homes. ages, to o p « to the^public. H ajj rises from street beggar afly, N .J., junior: and Nancy 10 mto. drive from MSU. Owner will 1629L Spartan Village, was EM PLOYM ENT bo o rs n carry contract or wUl consider trade. “ ÂTTTÔÎTTON MALE STUDENTS! CaU Eleanor Rather. Bather Realty Rooms, cooking and parking for CoT Realtor*. ED 3-9006, OL 9-1619. 44 Jeff Chandler to court official, and shows in the course of his rise, his mis­ M errill, Corunna junior). The songs were expertly given oxygen by the E ast Lan­ “ O T f A P A B L Ï - OF tnatnictinx in summer term. Reasonable rates. ED How h Spring? chievous self. sung. sing fire department a t 1QJ7 horeeback riding to WlaeonjJn boya camp. Ju n e M to Auguat 14. Write Camp Dealto m . 41 laaem ere Road. 3-67M. APPROVED HOUSING for men. room 47 OWNER. EAST LANSING. 4 bed­ home, 33x34 ft. garage, walking Is Again Critical Sleek buds snap winter shackles He is crowned court official But this cast of nearly 100 a.m. Friday. distance to MSU; Marble School, St. by the Wautir Of Police (Charles could not have been the success Groeat Pointe, Michigan, or phone collect. TU 9 - 0 3 4 9 . __________ « For summer and faU term*. 443 Park Thomas, and Lane. ED 7-0179 , East Lansing High. Will 41 consider acreage, or house trailer as CULVER CITY, Calif. UP) — Whispering branches rustle dorm ant souls - Cioffi, E ast Lansing senior) for it was without the magic baton Mrs. .Naghshineh fainted in Actor Jeff Chandler fought for the A&P Supermarket a t Hag- SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms for Call ED 3-1944. Priced reasonably. part payment. saving the Waxfr’s life. of Hans Lampl directing the POSITIONS OFEN FOR night nurae. full or part toña. Aleo operat­ summer, approved»proved for men. Kitchen, 44 life In a new crisis Sunday fol Lovers dangle in tim e sus- But in the second act, he orchestra. adorn road and G r « d R iver ing roam eupenrteor. New, modern TV and din' lining room,— private en> ---------- lowing surgery two weeks ago. pended M bed hospital. Ç«U or wTÍte Wroc- _____VSinglet. trance. .------------------- ----------- igls., *8.50 wee M y, doublet High climbing joy abounds. drowns the Wazir for the love All changes in scenery were ave. tor of Nuniaa, Mamn Oeneral Hoe- •7.00 weekly. 113 1 Fry. E. Lansing S E R V IC E His condition was critical ED 3-4379. 43 n* n ^ 1 again, the Culver City hospita l COOL APPROVED. Cloee. Summer TYPESETTING, COMMERCIAL art. F O R SA LE and faU terms. Private home, parking. drafting, poster design and offset said. rlnttog. wonch Franc Service, 1730 ”“i V FES í R oY a S S " ‘¿ ANGE.11 "vary Single or doubles. Reasonable. ED - Michigan 3-1317. — ê 4* 493-4305. Avenue, Lansing. Phone The husky film leading m an Rood condition. «14t. CaU I D 3-99M tf suffered Saturday from new after » p n t . ______________ 48 Approved Supervised TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone bleeding th at forced him to un­ ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. MM number, ED 3-9364. Electric type­ dergo his second emergency Edition. Compieta. I D 1-4711 after Rooms for Men writer. Term papers and thasea, also general typing. if operation in recent days. » p m. 46 OEM PLA Y PEN jm d pad. 410. Lue- SPARTAN HALL ■ag* carrier «10. Child a «ar-chalr. J2- Prafeaatoaal mualc stand. B ED 215 LOUIS STREET ' MMT 44 Arrange now for fall term for MATCHED SET GOLF duba, never comfortable off-campue living. Large Mid. MO. n*11 ED 1-1470 after I pjn. warm room with sink to each f- v n , \jQ fiH ii0 K p d o t* a spectacular back-cSva comfortable lobby wlth. T V. Phone, STOVE. CBOSLEY. 30". • * ceU« "î Laundry. Parking faculties, snack ondttlon. 4- atep tables blond food end Juice machine. Excellent study ^swimsuit for the beauty who takes swimming (Sndltlon. Phone Beth. Mitchell -4444 after I JO p m . -__________ 48 situation, good company. Double seriousfy_a black helanca stretch nylon maillot rooms available at M-60 weekly. One PO » S A L I - Soaring T ? * " 0 “ ,0,?*; block from campus. ED 3-3674. mes - S seta ter men. Bach eat has with squared nock and back-pkmge, created lit. hat. overeo etan d ahoee. J S per *. CaO G ary c r Brian. ED 0-0044. 43 to fit as smoothly as a suntan and follow eoch LO ST an d FO U N D BBOULAR IMO o n X T T E blue 5 K 00c with this *2T Limit two, LOST: FINANCE BOOK and 3 movement with complete adion-fieedom. For ■rak Rexall Preewlptlon Cantor notebooks to Berkey. Beward for ippert at Vine, by Fran dor._____ M notebooks. IV 5-1333._________ 43 • RADIO, drapes, beautiful figure control: tie built-in French cup r, stove, reed _____ _ tablas, nix. PERSO N A L bra, and the famoiM Jantzen contouring found ¡74 Want Grand Rlvbr. 44 JA N E M. LARSON and HOBB3T J . Stale News Summer BEAUTIFUL PORTABLE transistor GUSTAFSON please cwna to the State in every sheath, maillot, bikini and two-piece lODceraph - radio for 33-46 record», i emali you can tarry to your han» News ottica. Room 347, Student Ser­ Subscription vices Bidg. for two free passas to suit in our collection- 10 to 16 sizes* 19*W the Craet Drive-In. __________ M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. Sot THIS AD AND 38c enttUea you to Get His o r Her wm at the Card Shop, ¿croe» from play orno Ec B uitolnt ED 1-6753. 1$ hole* of m ln ia tu r a g o lfa t Good Tima Oolf • next to Paul Be- Address vere'a Bar. 44 BAILEOS 1*4* M A k L ÌT iK . t a i T T bedroom, d o se Bank Account eam t, excellent condìtion . * 1 » ^ I . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . 10 Mobile Komee Manor, ED 1-3013. BUY . . . SELL. . . . RENT State News Summer after 6:|Q p m . _________ « Subscription College Men Plane Tickets - Summer Jobs Sun Tan Lotion — FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER, EARN $4,000 - 4 3 Bottles BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER 30 — 30 — 30 ‘ — 30 State New* Summer Subscription $1,000 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO THE COLLEGES EARN IN EXCESS OF $133 A WEEK H are Tennis Racket TRAVEL TO RESORT AREAS, PLENTY OF TIME FOR Re-Strang BOATING, SWIMMING & GOLF State News Summer WIN AN ALL EXPENSE PAID HOLIDAY TO Subscription LONDON FOR A„WEEK New Rope F or W ater SOME QUALIFIED STUDENTS MAY WORK Sldis OVER-SEAS FOR THE SUMMER BASIC REQUIREMENTS: State News Summer 1. Over 18 yetrs of age. Subscription 2. At least 0 months of college. Buy Bargains 3. Neat Appearance. _ Advertised In State THOSE STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY MAY CONTINUE News THEIR ASSOCIATION NEXT SUMMER ON A State News Summer PART TIME BASIS Subscription CALL NEAREST OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT State News Summer GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Subscription GL. 6-7451 LANSING, MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA State News Summer IV £5622 CE 2-1353 Subscription TOLEDO, OHIO • W CH 3-6653 For oaly $1.00 yon can boy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIMA, OHIO a State Nows Sanuner Sub­ NO $4003 - CA 4-9761 scription s a i stay to touch with yonr campus over the "CLEVELAND, OHIO MA 14381 ▼OUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA RI 4*2417 ~~ GL 54412 AKRON, OHIO FR 6-1253 DETROIT, MICHIGAN WO 54153 WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN PONTIAC, MICHIGAN AVI-7766 FE 44903 FLINT. MICHIGAN Spring Program Three Stages of Action Michigan State Disaster Plans Night Concert by Public Safety Ends Band Season W agner’s melodious “Rienzi The Concert Band will pre­ Overture.” By JOE HARRIS WKAR radio alerted. 3. Off sirens because the cars rem ain sent its final concert of the sea­ duty personnel r ecalled. 4. Of­ parked. The band, which has per­ State Newt Staff Writer son, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on formed winter and spring con­ Suppose you were walking ficers dispatched to control WHILE THIS plan has been the Music building grounds. traffic a t key points and be- designed prim arily for natural certs, fall and winter gradua­ across the-cam pus on one of Prof. Leonard'Falcone, dean tions, a spring tour, and other jthose nice warm spring after­ T - “ 2 * ? *“ • . * • ! s ^ 2 ,s r « r < k r s : of bandm asters of the Big Ten. concerts a t Muskegon and Con­ shelter area». j one in effect, in the event of an has selected a program design­ cord. will close its season by noons, and as you were cross­ Post Disaster: \ enemy attack o n . the United ed to compliment the warm playing a t spring term com­ ing one, of the bridges, the spring evenings. mencement June 11. 1. Isolation of affected areas. States. “take cover” warning was 2. Reeonaissance survey of cas- The shelter areas have been! The program will include Fourteen different states are sounded. _ . T5ualtles and dam age 3. Lansing f ^ y m arked and have be. n “ Voices of Spring.” a waltz by represented on the Concert What would you do? Would and E ast Lansing police, fire- > (DTGAGCMAMt HITTERS' DAY—The Detroit Titans, sporting a 19-1 season record, scored 13 runs on 14 hits to edge MSU by two nun. The Spartans contributed 11 runs and 15 hits to the general abuse of pitchers Saturday. JVo Scaffolds at 500 ways has been scorned by Grad Kickers Lose - The Grad Kickers of MSU, E ast Lansing’s representative INDIANAPOLIS WMBent by thousands of speedway fans, in_the newly formed Michigan beer coolers and picnic baskets Soccer Teague, suffered a de­ but shorn of traditional port­ m any of whom erected their own teetery scaffolds on truck feat Saturday to the Kalamazoo able bleachers, upwards of 150,- Internationals, 3-2. 000 speed fans will struggle in­ beds in the wide open spaces to the 550-acre Indianapolis inside the 216-mile brick and The Internationals wasted no motor speedway tomorrow for concrete track. Last year one tim e in mounting their attack, the Memorial Day 500-mile of the home-made stands top­ scoring after only ten minutes race. pled just a t the sta rt of the of play. race, killing two persons and It will be the 50th anniver­ Kalamazoo added another injuring about 80. _ goal moments later, taking ad­ sary of the race. “ NO MORE scaffolds,” the vantage of the Grads substitute THE SPEEDWAY has 136.000 m anagem ent decreed this year goalie. - — seats in a sprawling m ixture of and hired a special police force modern double-decker stands, The Grads got back in the with 16 wreckers to enforce the gam e with a 20 foot goal by bleachers and a few pre-war ruling. wooden structures m afked for center-forward Lekan Are, fol­ razing in the near future. ' Fifty-three persons have died lowing-» corner'kick. a t the speedway, including pre- But conventional seating al- 500 races in 1909-10, but specta­ Playing coach Uecil Heron tied the game moments before tors generally have suffered nothing worse than sunburn and upset stomachs. Thirty halftime with a 10 footer from in front of the goal. OPEN WIDE and SAY A-H-H-H! drivers have been killed, along Kalamazoo scored the final spectators. goal of the game with five min­ Tony Bettenhausen, twice na­ utes rem aining, and protected tional big c ar champion and the one-run m argin for victory. starter on 14 Memorial Day races, becam e the speedway’s 53rd victim May 12 when a me­ chanical defect caused a c ar to crash on a test run. — BETTENHAUSEN’S d e a t h was a rem inder th at a “ 500” victory, and the $100,000 plus that goes with it, is one of the most -elusive prizes in sports. Bettenhausen never won. Jim Rathm ann won last year iirh is 11th sta rt and had to set a record average of 138,767 miles an hour. Rodger W ard won the year before on his ninth attem pt, Jim m y Bryan in 1958 on his seventh, Sam Hanks in 1957 on his 12th and P at Flaherty in 1958 on his fifth. Lolisiana was nam ed from Louis XIV of France. COLLEGE MEN E arn $2000 This Sommer Largeat company of Ita kind baa several InterottiBC Job opportnn- Wh for personable college men in following area»: ». grand Rapidi 4. Michigan roaort areaa COMMUNICATION ARTS AG HALL 5. Several anmmer European aaafgnmenta ENGINEERING OLDS HALL No ♦xperlwapo neceasary bnt yon HOME ECONOMICS HOME EC. BLDG. must be neat appearing and on- yoj meeting people. EDUCATION MORRILL HALL No car noceaaary. BUSINESS A PUBLIC SERVICE MORRILL HALL Participation In our Summer Earning Program win proriAe SCIENCE Jk ARTS ~ NATURAL SCIENCE weekly poychecka over SIM and ateo entitle yon to competo for VETERINARY MEDICINE GILTNER HALL following award»: SIMP cash acholafahlp to HONORS COLLEGE MEET AT YOUR SCHOOL achoel of yonr choice. Several SMM ce ah acholar» - ships. i t IN CASE O F RAIN GO TO To win owe of several ABOUND T U WOdU) trina by PAN AM A T CLIPPED! H fe w h a t 's u p f r e n t t h a t c o u n t s FAIR C H ILD TH EA TER To win one of aererai AUSTIN HEALEY aperta i F i L T E f t - b L E N b l - a W in s to n e x c l u s i v e - m a k e s t h e b ig t a s t e d if f e r e n c e . Y o u g e t ric h to b a c c o s t h a t a r e s p e c ia lly £ W EAR CAPS & GOWNS s e le c te d and s p e c ia lly p ro ce sse d f o r f u ll f l a v o r in f i l t e r s m o k in g . M a k e y o u r n e x t p a c k W in s to n ! i t S EE YOU TH ER E! W IN S T O N T A S T E S G lik e a c i g a r e t t e sh •& l"ÌL V mmm warn WSp - '^ 1 W im l VfM ü ü M Monday Morning, May 29, 1 9 6 2 Michigan State Newt, East iAaahfg, .Michigan Seniors of the Week P rn c c w n rd , ■30013 0EH3Q O dd Dr. Werner von Braun Green Splashi£ bíOSSWÜIU TP iux u z z ie le I s o a o □□□ □ □□□ aaOOHGl □ au u u aam sa Rocket Scientist Treats Cast % BillB a r k e r ,Marilyn Moyer A CRO SS I. Makes 31. Steadyint rope - ' V 3 1 System Of □SOD BBBDQQ □ B i! D Ö O □ □ □ □ & To Dinner I pro After graduation he plans to LEOPOLDVILLE (A - The from the „conference reported FOR HOME D ELIV ER Y i attend graduate school and m a­ Central Congo government has Tshombe will be brought here jor in law or business, with a h a 11 e d_ legal proceedings by river boat. „ Food Stamp Plan Starts view to entering technical m an­ agement or patent law. against dissident Katanga P re ­ Meantime 350 more Irish m ier Moise Tshombe, an in­ -troops, p art of the UN force, and UN Secretary-General Dag. PIZZA formed source said Sunday. SPA G H E T T I Today in W est Virginia 'Hot’ Music „Tshom be was arrested and Ham marskjold’s cMef financial charged with Mgh treason when expert, arrived here Sunday. SU BM A R IN E SA ND W ICH ES he tried to walk out of the con­ Philippe De Seynes, under sec­ - OR COME TO WELCH, W. Va. US — Presi­ about one-fourth the stamp stitutional conference a t Coquil- retary for social and economic d e n ts Kennedy’s p i l o t food stam p plan will reach grocery business anticipated. First stamps to-be ■spent un­ Calls Firemen hatville a month ago. He has affairs, flew in from New York been held under arm ed guard to help the Congo government M.A.C. A V E N U E ED 7-1668 stores in this job-hungry south­ der eight test projects will be Music is Just as “ red hot” since a legal commission has draft a long range economic ern West Virginia community issued here in McDowell coun­ now as ever. ~ b e e n debating whether he program . today. ty, wMle officials attem pt to A unit of the E ast Lansing should be brought to trial. „ determine the reason for a fire departm ent was called to The informant said President But merchants will have only scarcity of applicants. Joseph Kasavubu m ay be tak­ 1403 N. Harrison ave. at 3:35 Secretary of Agriculture Or­ p.m. Friday by J . Gale Fitch, ing a new tack to bring Tshom- be’s Katanga province into the Earl W ins ville L. Freem an and Gov. W. W. Barron will attend ceremon­ ies m arking thé first stam p E ast Lansing sophomore. The fire—a short in the trans­ form er of Fitch’s M-fi. proposed new Congo Federal! Republic."“ Delegates returning] 1961 Water Carnival presents Eoetry handout. T H E GOVERNMENT had Reading estimated that about 10,000 -families — more than half the Marianne E arl, E. Lansing county’s dwindling population— would qualify for stamps. That senior, after reading the poem number, mostly victims of coal “ Abendlied” was judged the field automation, had been first-prizg winner of the second certified to receive "th e now- M 44 annualG erm an poetry-reading discontinued surplus food com­ contest Thursday. modities- But when the target Other winners of the contest | date for completing stam p ap- V »ce are Mary Jo Lindsey, Detroit ! plications rolled around Friday, * junior; Ursula Kindling, Wads­ ] only 2,767 families had applied worth, Ohio, freshman; Ronald successfully. Kloet, E ast Lansing junior; D a v i d Pumplin, Wyandotte The sam e trend has devel­ sophomore; and Gordon Edi­ o p e d in Floyd county, Ky., an- son, South Bend, Irid., senior. j oither mountain-bound c o a l Judging was based on quality area with a depressed econ­ of sounds, fluency of delivery, omy. The Floyd county plan enunciation, and interpretation was designed for 3,000 families. and emotional tone appropriate So far, 1,200 families have been to the poem. certified. " One frequently cited explana­ ALL PRIZES were donated tion for the, lack of applicants by the German consulate. They , is that a stricter screening pro­ will be distributed to the win­ gram is weeding out or scaring ners on Prize Day, Thursday, away chiselers in the surplus that fabulous era. . . June 1. food program. Dieter Brunnschweiler, asso­ ciate professor of geography, the roaring 20 s originally from Switzerland ; Rolf George, instructor of phil­ Al No osophy, originally from Ger­ m any; and Heinrich Lareher, Extra assistant professor of mathe­ m atics, originally from Austria, judged the competition. Charge • ■ . The contestants read the poems of 19th century German Reliability poets. Stanley Townsend, head of the departm ent of foreign lan- J U N E Í . - 2 , 3 N guages; and Mark Kistler, as­ sistant professor of foreign lan­ guages, were in charge of the contest. F ran d o r S to p p in e C en ter One of the few remaining places where bald eagles per­ M O N. T H R U P E L T I L L 9 REVERSIBLE sist in numbers is Everglades National P ark in Florida. SAT. T IL L 7 ^ - — Tickets on sale in the Union PLAY SUITS PIZZA PARTY SPECIAL! Two-in-One Get your drinks FREE FasMon Value (by the gallon) one gallon of drink free Assorted gay prints, greqp on one side, Discounts available for with every 5 regular one Item piazas* solid tones on reverse side. Washable cotton that won’t slide or shift, assures V A R S IT Y D R IV E - IN comfort. Misses’ sizes. blocks of 20 cr m ore... Delivery — 8 :3 0 CASUAL F A Sn O N S. STREET LEVEL ED 2-6517 EAST LANSING