Lack Individuality A European psycheleglst ani lecturer, Dr. Ernest vanderHaag, erhieltet the United States tar Its lack sf individu­ alism and creativity. See story page 5. ‘Situation Critical in Alumni, Senior Island Republic Events Fill Week Alumni and senior activities are in the spotlight this week. 1877 and president of the uni­ versity from 1915 to 1921. News Hundreds of form er students The cane had been purchased will return to the E a s t Lansing campus for the annua] Alumni Weekend program Friday and in Mexico in 1892 by his father. D r. Robert C. K o t f t , pioneer chem istry professor a t Michi- Sources Saturday. " __ Among the form er students will be 96-year-old Andrew B. igan State. Registration for alumni this weekend will begin a t 10 a.m . Cut Off Goodwin, a retired Holland a t­ Friday and Saturday in the Kel­ My THE ASSOCIATED PRESS torney who graduated from logg Center and Union. Assassins have killed Rafael MSU in 1888. Activities by classes include Leonidas Trujillo, who was for He will receive the Kedzie the class of 1911 dinner a t 6 31 years dictator of the Domin­ Cane, traditionally given to p.m. Friday in the Union and ican Republic. the oldest graduate of the Saturday noon'luncheons for An official announcement to earliest class. the classes of 1921, 1996 and this effect was read over the The presentation will be made 1946 in the Union and for the Dominican radio late Wednes­ a t the 'P atriarch s' Luncheon class of 1926 a t Kellogg center. day. . honoring the Golden Anniver­ The general reunion luncheon will also .b e Saturday noon in The White House sary Class of 1911 a t boon F ri­ hours earlier had received a day in the Union. Accompany­ the Union. report of the assassination. ing him to the campus will be While on campus the alumni RAFAEL TRUJILLO - The announcement broadcast his grandson, Malcom C. Good­ will have an opportunity to from Ciudad Trujillo said Tru- 1952, when he stepped down in win, of the class of 1966, of attend m e of the m ajor senior- jiUo, 69. had died fuesday night favor of his brother, .Hector, Wyandotte. sponsored activities of the year, after an assassination. It gave but no one doubted who ran the Goodwin will be the eighth the W ater Carnival. The dis­ no details. government. Hector Trujillo alum nus to hold the cane. The play of floats on the Red Cedar was succeeded as president last tradition of the cane was initi­ R iver will be^ staged tonight TOE ANNOUNCEMENT was year by Joaquin Balaguer. ated by the late Dr. Frank Ked­ Friday and Saturday evenings, attributed to Trujillo’s figure­ zie, a m em ber of the class of beginning about 8:45. head president, Joaquin Bala- THE DOMINICAN Republic, In a Saturday sports event, guer. He issued a proclamation formerly called Santo Domin­ the Michigan sta te baseball for nine days of mourning and go,'shares the island of Hispan­ team m eets Western Michigan urged the population U r “con­ iola with HaiU. Tuesday tele­ Von Braun a t 3 p.m. on Old College Field. The colorful Lantern Night, tinue giving its cooperation and phone communication between keep calm in this ordeal.” Haiti and Ciudad Trujillo was at which the top 50 senior wom­ The reports of Trujillo’s death suspended. A commercial-plane To Talk en are announced, will be a t 9 j p.m. Sunday. The ceremony for already had set off a reaction that arrived at Port au Prince among elements long opposed from Ciudad Trujillo had many i^ k ^ _ j senior women includes a parade to the dictator. Some 50 p e r­ empty seats^ with indications 1 I * n P n V - P around Circle dlrive, ending at sons^ invaded -the Dominican that all-- Dominican citizens v F the home of President Hannah. consulate in New York, smash­ booked for the flight had been „ Seniors pass their lanterns to ed furniture and m enaced-the forced to rem ain a t home. A Dfcr Wernher von Braun wul {the juniors, signifying the pas- consul general. traveler aboard this Pan Amer­ present a series of lectures j>n sjng ^ responsibility from one The invaders contended there ican plane said the situation in PUSHING HUBBY THROUGH DEGREES—Dorothy J . campus today ending with a a ciaas to another."' was no governm ent to the Ciudad Trujillo was tense amid Scotton get« her “ PH.T” degree from Dean of the College talk on “Why Must We Con­ Coo- j Another traditional senior ac- Dominican Republic and shout­ rumors of Trujillo’s death. of Veterinary Medicine, Wt W. Arm btead. The awards quer Space?” at 8:15 p.m. in 1tivity. the Swingout, will be ed that they were taking over. There have been indications were presented ia the Chapel lounge last week. Mrs. Armi- the Auditorium. The Dominican announce­ for-m onths of serious trouble I Monday a t 7:30 p.m. Garbed in ment of Trujillo’s death w a r in the Dominican Republic. On stead is ia the background. —State News photo by Pete The evening lecture is a fea­ ¡cap and gown, senior men ta d heard in San' Juan, P.R., at May 13, diplomats in Washing­ Westerman. ture of the Lecture-Concert women parade to Fairchild the­ series. a tre where they will bear an The American rocket expert address by President H annah South Africans New Leader 4:45 p.m. EST. In the state­ ton reported unusual activity ment, read by a radio announc- by Dominican m ilitary aircraft Pushin’ Hubby will address a noon luncheon and are welcomed as new alum­ Charles Robbert* Swart is president-elect of the new I er, Balaguer asked Dominicans in and around Ciudad Trujillo. to help T‘maintain the contin- They also reported- hospitals of the MSU Men’s club and a ni by S tarr Keesler, director of Republic of South Africa. He will be inangurated when I uity” of the Trujillo legacy. -had been ordered to prepare to 4 p.m. sem inar sponsored by alumni relations. .„ the republic is ceremoniously proclaimed Wednesday ia the College of Engineering. The MSU Board of Trustees AS TO THE. W AY'Trujillo receive wounded or injured V e t s ’ W iv e s the nation’s administrative capital, Pretoria. The presi­ Gov. and Mrs. John B. awards for scholarship are dency w ilt be largely a ceremonial job. Swart is a mem­ I m et his death, the announce- persons between May 13 and 18. j rr.ent said only th a t he fell vic­ Diplomats speculated at that Swainson will join MSU of­ presented to a senior m an and ber of the ruling National P arty. —AP Wirephoto ficials a t 6 p.m. for a dinner woman a t the Swingout pro­ tim to an atentado (assassina­ time Trujillo might have been tion") the night of May 30. planning a fake revolution to given for Von Braun by Dr. gram. G e t D e g re e s I Wilson B. Paul, director of the I Lecture-Concert series. The dinner will be at Keliogg Cen- Challe, Zeller Sentenced Normal telephone and tele- smoke out his opposition and ; graphic communication with crush it completely. | the country was cut off, indicat- ite r. _ R ecover G oods PARIS liB—The former com­ equivalent of 20 years. They j ing a critical situation in the j Patience, ' endurance, forti­ evening classes given a t Gilt- Lansing secretaries, headed tude—these are not enough for ner hall by members of the by their “ Secretary of the m ander of Allied The departm ent of public tra l Europe and a form er chief ty; Forces in Cen­ could have got the death penal­ little Caribbean nation. In P aris with President Ken­ Seek Cure Veterinary College. _ Maurice Challe, 55, and An­ nedy, White House Secretary the wife of a veterinarian and The classes are designed to Y ear” , Mrs. M argaret Halava, safety would like all persons of the French arm y staff were dre Zeller, 63, heard their sen­ P ierre Salinger told reporters: the 30 wiyas of the 1961 gradu­ familiarize the wife with the and her boss. Gov. Swainson. who have had property stolen sentenced Wednesday night to tence without flinching. There “ In view of the assassination I For Cancer ating veterinary medicine stu-' duties she m ight perform in will honor Von Braun as Amer­ and not recovered since Sep­ 15-year jail term s for heading is no appeal against the verdict of Rafael Trujillo, Secretary of WASHINGTON <*>-The gov­ ica’s “ Boss of the Y ear” . tem ber to report to the sta­ the April French generals’ in­ of the special nine-man mili­ State Dean Rusk will not come j ernment has developed a syn­ dents. They have beeir learn­ aiding her husband in his Mrs. Halava and six m em ­ tion. Approximately $300 surrection in Algeria- against tary court set up under De to P aris.” thetic chemical compound that ing about some of the other practice. At the same time they give the wife an apprecia­ bers of the Lansing chapter of worth of stolen property re­ President Charles de Gaulle. Gaulle’s emergency powers. Asked if the White House had may unmask the mystery of qualities and abilities needed. m a in unclaimed. ONLY THE President can firm word that the assassina-1 the cancer cell and lead some­ During the past year they tion of what her husband’s the National Secretaries assn. The prosecution asked life work entails. imprisonment, actually t h e See VERDICT, Page 5. tion had occurred, Salinger re- ] day to an anticancer vaccine. have attended a course of will be present at the dinner. At the completion of the plied: “ That's what-we under­ The Veterans Administration, "tcourse, the wives are presented > stand.” which announced the develop- Jamrich I with a PH.T degree (Pushing ; Hubby Through). Each degree i PRESIDENT Kennedy b y I ment by Dr. Alfred C. Schram, trans-Atlantic .telephone asked said the compound was glyco- Invited To | has the wife’s name on it and | |_is signed by the dean and t h e ! $ 5 M illio n N e e d e d T o S o lv e Rusk to keep in close touch I lipid or cytolipin H I with the situation. The United j This compound appears to be I identical to a natural chemical educational advisor. States broke relations with the : Dominican Republic last Aug- found in most human cancer Assess Schools With this year’s presenta­ tions last Friday, a total of j ust in response to a call from | ceils. 430 PH J degrees have been Dr. John X. Jam rich, profes­ granted since the program be­ R e d C e d a r P o lu t io n P r o b le m ' the Organization of American I “ Being able to produce this j States for political and eco­ j compound in the laboratory is sor of education, has been in­ gan in 1949. nomic sanctions (penalties) important,” Schram said, “ be- vited Jto take part in an effort The Women’s Auxiliary to (Ed. note: This is the first hi students a t Michigan State will j must be based on a knowledge j ness, director of the Tri-County I against the nation, but Wash- I cause it offers a new approach of the Organization of Ameri­ the MSU Student Chapter of a series of articles dealing with mean more sewage in tbe E ast of the present disposal process, j Regional Planning Commis- ; ington has m aintained' a con­ !to learning what makes a can­ can States to assess and make the AVMA held a tea-last Fri­ the pollution pro Mem hi toe r a m in g collection s y s t e m This consists of three interre- j s jo n The Commission serves sular mission there. cer cell a cancer cell and per­ recommendations for higher day in honor of 30 senior wives Red Cedar river and the Mg- which, after treatm ent, will be lated components: i Ingham, Eaton and Clinton T h e e was natural specula- haps to help explain why can­ education in Latin America. - at t h e Memorial Chapel gested program for adequa te discharged into the river near (1) A sewage collection sys- ¡counties. | tion as to what part followers cers kill people. The study, specifically re­ Lounge. “ Furtherm ore, cytolipin has facilities of sewage disposal in Potter p a r t. ~ tern, “ However, no one yet knows j of Cuba's Fidel Castro may quested by President John_F. The theme was lavender _and the tri-county area.) DOES IT MATTER then when (2) A treatm ent plant, and whether tRese pians wiU flt the have played in the day’s events. some association w ith the pro­ Kennedy, is being carried out green. Each girl was presented j the stream becomes saturated J (3) Sewage-receivmg w a te rs .; needs 0f the area in the future Castro once encouraged an ef- duction of antibodies, cancer- by the GAS through a special with a carnation corsage as ■ By JOHN WOLCOTT and can no longer handle the j Chemical or other treatm ent whether the river system ! fort to overthrow Trujillo, b u t fighting substances in the blood, committee “composed of prom ­ she entered the lounge. State News Staff W riter sewage load adequately th e re - in a plant is only part of the i accommodate them , " t h e lately their paths have tended | and the synthetic undoubtedly ....................................... to coiQcide in mutual suspicion ¡will speed investigation of nat­ _ ia £ __ - -—♦ — .. - - ----- IT im a I >a « 4 a m i n f t / i Q . • - inent educators of the Ameri­ Dean and Mrs. W. W. Armis- suit m ay be a halt in univer­ process. Final waste purifica­ April, 1960, report continued m cas and high-level specialists tead presented the PH.T de­ In the next few years E ast sity enrollment? tion takes place in the rivers ural immunology against can- of international reputation.’’ “ It is apparent that if the of the United States. jeer, particularly development grees. A large map 'showed ten sin g area residents will For th at m atter, does it real­ through oxidation and dilution One group of the committee w here each veterinary student" spend nearly 65 million to ty m atter if Tansiig and E ast of tbe pollutants. LocaTrivers G reater Lansing area is to util- j TRUJILLO HAS ruled the na- of possible vaccines.” ize its limited water resources j b on of 2% millions with an iron The VA, said Schram, a bio­ is meeting in Washington now | is going. Some will be in large partially solve the Red Cedar i-iuring stop (nduririal and are necessarily the “ sewage- to draft a document on the state | animal practice, some in small river'* pollution problem and residential growth for lack of receiving w aters” for t h e economically, efficiently and ; hand and many overtones of chemist, produced the com­ lawfully, broader and more of higher education in Latin animal or_m ixed, and some provide sewage facilities for adequate w ater and sewage fa­ G reater Lansing area and there realistic studies of future de­ tyranny. But as a self-pro­ pound a t the VA’s D allas hos­ America, w i t h , recommenda­ veterinarians go into research the Haslett and Okenaos areas. cilities? One area has already is the*rub. claimed “ benefactor of the pital. tions tor action by national and or government work. Does it m atter th at as much been denied further building THERE IS A limit to the velopment factors will be re­ fatherland" he also has im­ The government had news of quired. proved living conditions and a n o t h e r chemical weapon international organiz a t i o n s. j Entertainm ent with a South or more money may have to be perm its because its septic la n k amount of treated sewage a public and private. Pacific theme and refresh­ spent again in 10 or 12 years as system has reached its limit. river can carry without becom­ “The sewage disposal prob­ the literacy of much of his pop­ against cancer. Surgeon Gen­ - A second group, of which' ments were provided by the a result of inadequate planning Yes, it matters very pinch. ing polluted. Yet little consid­ lem needs to ^e analyzed in re­ ulation. eral Luther Terry, in a radio Jam rich will be a member, will junior class wives. Gifts were now? . Yet after years of building, ex­ eration seems to have been lation to long term metropoli­ A little over a year ago Tru­ interview Wednesday night, m eet in Washington for the presented to Dean W. W. Arm- As long as students enjoy a panding and rebuilding to meet given to this rather obvious tan area needs, tbe dry weather jillo told a reporter said that for the first tim e “we first half of June to put the istead and to the advisor, Mrs. relatively clean riv er flowing toe poButkm problem planners f a c t low flow limitations of stream s, “ YouTL know I’m retired have experience -w ith a drug document in final form. W. W. Armistead, Mrs. Ralph through the campus, does it have only recently begun to “Four or five separate pro­ the watershed potentials for In­ when yon hear I’m dead.” which has almost certainly Jam rich, who is director of Belding and Mrs. Aaron Leash. m atter that when they have search for wdutions logically, jects are in various stages of creasing low flows, other com­ Trujillo, in Ids 69th year, con­ cured cancer in m an.” MSU’s Center for the Study of Frances Martelli. secretary {denies with their dates in Pot­ on a large, tri-county basis in­ planning for different portions munity w ater needs, riverfront trolled the government, press He said the drug cures only a Higher Education, has directed to the dean, and Mrs. B arry to ' p a r t they find the lower stead of by isolated sections. of the area. Most of the pro­ land usage, and sown coordina­ and radio of his country—and type of cancer which affects or taken p a rt in a number of Torine, retiring president of end of the Red Cedar more Tbe baric problem is ade­ jects a re relatively short-range, tion of local sewage facilities,” with his family controlled much pregnant women. surveys or college and univer­ the women’s auxiliary were odorous than ever? quate sewage disposal. Any looking ahead only about 29 he said. of its wealth. “This is an exciting thing,” sity requirem ents. also presented with gifts. Additional livtof units and realistic study of the «¡tui tion y ears,” said Sanford S. Far- See INADEQUATE Page 3 He held the presidency until See CHEMICAL Page 4 sas m Michigan Slat« Nnrs, East Lansing, Michigan M AfiAIW Ï H a n k y M o n b g , )« m X, 1 9 6 Ï .0:, r Sunk in 1679 By AL ROYCE ing, e gold watch chain ami i in, rings, fibre and consistency. that the “ Griffon” handled tion of the parts seem to match State News F eature W riter numerous 17th century coins. 5. A large vertical bolt found roughly. / __ the piaa of what tbe “Griffon” A l b e r t CuUas, lighthouse in a large section of tim ber, in­ Further evidence 1indicates was thought to be like. LaSalle watched the “ Grif­ keeper a t the Straits o f Missis- dicates it was used to join the that: Recent findings indicate there fon” sail slow ly,away from sagi on tiie western and of the 1. The tim ber is lighter than is mo ran son to doubt the “Grif­ Washington Island with it* c a r­ bland, first discovered tbe k e d , ribs and keelson. that found at Manitoulin Island, fon’s” tester ship, built a year go of furs. Then he and his coins and watch chain in 1677. The large rise ot tim ber and but the vessel is of a stronger later, should be any different party of men set out in four design. in design, and th at oakum, canoes to explore the Illinois L ater he discovered the keel fastedngs for a lake vessel, found in tbe tim bers of the of a vessel laying in shallow absence of any wooden fasten­ 2. Pieces from the keel and country and southern Lake stem fit the design of th e “Grif­ wreck, was used to caulk the Michigan, water. The t i m b e r showed ings and lavish use of iron re­ burned areas where Indians ject the idea of the wreck being fon” and meet dimensions giv­ shiqp. LaSalle never saw nor heard en by Hennepin. Experts a t tbe Musee de La bad melted the lead caulking. the “Griffon.” Marine, P arts, France, believe from the "Griffon” again. Also there is absence of adze 3. The bolts and spikes are Cullas carried some of the m ade of 306-year-old hand- the T starm oay vessel was built Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la evidence back to his lighthouse. and axe m arks on pieces re­ Salle, built his little 60-ton ves­ ham m ered iron, and are m since the Manhwulin vessel, He never knew the history of quiring shaping. complete agreem ent with those and is not the “Griffon-” sel in 1678-79 on Cayuaga Creek the “ Griffon” and neveri asso­ -A n equally challenging theory above N iagara Falls in w hat is needed for tim ber and planks la light of present evidence, now N iagara County, N e w ciated w hat he found with It. comes from O rrie Vail, a life used in the vessel. The bolts the Maaitoulia theory offers ^Examination of e v i d e n c e tim e resident of Tobermony, are slotted, not threaded. some positive evidence in the York. found on Manitoulin Island Ontario. Since th at day in 1679 when 4. The ¡woven age of the chemical analysis, wood sam ­ gives these indications in favor In August, 1955, Vail discov­ wreck is at least 123 years by ple comparisons, gold watch the “Griffon” sailed out of of the “ Griffon:” M in n ir w s OF THE WAHS (Shaw dosed circuit radio station) staff work on sight, there have h e m num er­ ered the wreckage of a vessel the Vail family, and reconstruc­ chain and 17th century coins* n w r k g th e.E ast Shaw government elections. Left to right are: Brace Riggs, 1. Tbe “ Griffon’s” pilot, Luc, in an inner cove on the western ous reports of finding the and its architect, Hillaret, are side of “ Find O at" Island near secretary-treasurer, Judy Mason, woman’s editor, and Program Director Thomas wreckage-ef the ship. None of thought to be Danish. Lead Tobermony. The wreckage was 'E aston. b them can be positively Identi­ caulking 'was used in Swedish originally discovered by Vail's fied as the “ Griffon.” and Danish shipyards in the grandfather. Dorm Radio Offers Music Experts generally believe the “ Griffon” w a s driven through tbe Straits of Mackinac at night by high winds and 15th, 16tb and 17th centuries. No ships built in North Amer­ ica a re reported to have used of his Vail has raised the rem ains the vessel and rebuilt it in boot house. Many of the B r e a k fa s t S a le ! lead caulking. Without Tiresome Breaks wrecked on the islands in the m outh of Georgian Bay, due east o f the straits. 2. The large gold watch chain and coins suggest the 17th cen­ tury. pieces—white gether. oak—fit well to­ From the relationship of the Jom Us By SHEILA KNIGHT Stale News Feature W riter tions which have the potential of helping the record industry plug latest releases. - of program s from the best of popular music to a sélection of jazz and from classical mu­ From a ll significant claims made, the “ Manitoulin Island” a n d “Tobermony, Ontario” 3. A chemical analysis by the mizzen m ast step and main Experim ental Laboratory of m ast, Vail was able to rough for Scientific Research Museum of out the ship’s sail plan, aided The often heard dream of radio listeners, favorite music « a h no long-winded interrupt- Since MSU has one of the largest college enrollments in the country, many record com­ sic to a radio contest featuring over $35 in prizes. Set aside m prim e hours are theories stand out. Both a re supported by entic­ ing evidence, yet lack positive, tbe Louvre in F rance of the by plans of ships of known com­ m etal fittings indicates they parable design. Coffee! ions, was answered by three were m anufactured by a pro­ From the sail plan, Vail pre­ panies have seen the import­ periods for discussion of prob­ conclusive proof. cess used in France previous to dicts the ship would have been men of Shaw ball. ance of such an operation. lems that can be solved by stu­ Thomas Easton, Franklin, Physical evidence from Man- the 18th century. - a smooth “ sailer.” He noted Mercury. Epic Jazz, Impulse dents in cooperation with m an­ itoulin Island, Ontarfp, consists 4. White oak samples taken that F ath er Louis Hennepin, a Ohio freshman, Richard Fort- and Blue Note have all contri­ agement. Norveli freshman, and of white oak tim ber, bones from the Cayuaga CrCeek area Recollect priest who accom­ buted records to the station. At present, the radio station from six hum an skeletons, m e­ m atches white oak tim ber from panied LaSalle on the voyage, Brace Riggs, Harbor Springs is operated by a staff of over ireshman. decided to revamp FROM THE six weeks that 25 students from Shaw hall. tal spikes and bolts, lead caulk­ the vessel, almost identically made no mention in his log the Shaw broadcasting organi­ have been put into this organi­ zation, radio station WAHS. zation, an original $300 invest­ BESIDES THEIR announcing Out of a low budget of $30, the { ment has turned into an educa­ duties, the students catalogue assistance of the administra­ tional, entertaining and infor­ records, participate in promo­ tion. residence hall manage­ mative activity worth over tions, correspond with record ment and faculty, the facilities $1.000. distributors and interested pub­ are basically completed with The Webcor corporation of lic service organizations. two studios and an officfTarea. Chicago, having heard of the To learn m ore'about broad­ THE STATION has been rec­ progress of this organization, casting, the staff heard a ognized by two national phono­ gave them a new stereophonic speech b y J a c k Hogan, associ­ graph record trade magazines. tape jecorder for the use of ate director of WKAR-WMSB “ Billboard” and “Cashbox/’ production programs and re­ television news. in a front page article in cording messages and jingles. If the station continues to be “ Billboard,” WAHS was fea­ With these new production' successful, it would like to ex­ tured as a new radio station' aids the men of Shaw Lane tend its facilities to the other among the many college sta­ ihave been enjoying a variety dorms on campus. F or Y o u r . T e x tb o o k s G I E S S Special! List of books we need - Hubby a t work! Children in school! Take your coffee break w ith us! while they last S p e c i a l H o u r s F r id a y : FREE C O FFEE 8 t o 1 1 A .M . T ake a look a t th e se su m m er specials! NEW SUMMER DRESSES — reggte rty tm 9.99 d tM 'B we also have - ' Luxurious cottons in saos S to 15. 8 to 20. 141/, to 24»/, IK Y0UR WOLVERINE Graduation Card and Gifts for A Bit of Sugar! Reversible $ Q R ain co ats. Print and solid .papBtv 8 to IS Your Friends! K ansas, Special purchase' ■— 2.29 «*4 3.29 IS Ja m a ic a Shorts, special p u » « « ' 3-29 and 1.29 C otton Slacks, special porch««' Swim Saifs, krwts and taue*, woe*aS purchase! S.91 -3-29 Slips, Docron*, cotton and r»yfa*2 f a r SS n r S2.9S on. HERE!' Shop E arly—Sell Early Summer Shirts, cotton prints, » « « ' punfrm*'. 3.9S T-Shirts. woshoble cotton kry*. special purdtata! 2B0 Balky O rtaa C a rte gee S w ea te rs. Eptcioi! S.9S PICK IT UP ROOM 20 - STUDENT SERVICES C a m p u s B o o k S to r e 3 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 7 :3 0 - 9:0 0 across from the Union 417 E . G rand R iver. E . L a m in g Thursday Morning, June 1, 1961 Michigan Suite Newt, E a t U naing, Michigan 3 Planning No Americans Dean Township collection system will Hurt in D .R . are readily apparent. These “downstream lands” Isite of E ast Lansing’s 13 mil­ (Continued from Page 1) lion treatm ent plant th at will have a potential capacity for WASHINGTON IA -T he U. S. The “ lack of adequate plan­ along the river from Potter - In his report. Fam es* stated park to the campus are “well also use this p art of the river serving 130,MO people. The Consulate in the Dominican approach tb the admhiistratiou further that the technical stud­ ning," evidenced by the addi­ total effect of the program will Republic reported to . Washing­ By DIANE DE HALL tion of large numbers of domes­ adapted" to recreational uses. for final sewage treatm en t of student affairs,” he srid. ies and proposals in recent They have been included in In addition to handling uni­ be to dump treated wastes from ton Wednesday that “evidently State News J e a te r e Writer FUZAK SAID after assuming years for “ new ami enlarged tic users along the Red Cedar, this system into a stream that no Americans bad been harmed is of concern to Loring Oeming, Lansing’s plans for future re­ versity and city needs. E ast "Being named dean of stu­ his-new role as dean he hopes collection and treatm ent facili­ creational development. Lansing’s new plant will treat is already receiving effluent a fter the assassination of Gen* he will still be able to do some ties'* for various portions of the of the Michigan Water Re­ from the Landel system ; a eralissimo Rafael Trujillo. dents cam e like a bolt out of sources commission. However, a portion of this an increased load of wastes the blue,” said John A. Fuzak, teaching on a regular basis, for T^anijing area have included lit­ stretch of the. Red Cedar re ­ from the H a sk tt and Okemos stream that is s n a il to sta rt The news from U. S. Consul student* and their instruction tle study of the present an d fu­ “ Excessive sewage e v e n with and experiences m arked assistant dean in charge of ad­ treated to the fullest, extent can ceives sewage from the Landej areas that are now being joined General Henry Dearborn was ministrative service in the Col­ have always appealed to him. ture capacities of the rivers, treatm ent ¡riant, a unit of the by pipes to the E ast Lansing low flows in the summer. the first' contact between the Fuzak said be grants ’t o con­ the final component of their overload this stream and result (TOMORROW: Resalts of lege of Education. in depreciated land „ v a lu e s Tensing system. Just upstream collection system. consulate'Snd the State Depart­ tinue the positive approach to proposed systems. Z from the park is the proposed T h u E ast Lansing-Meridian . inadequate planning.) m ent since the death of the Fuzak, a soft speaking man, student disciplinary problems *n>e results of this oversight downstream,’* Oeming said. ( said a t the present be has Dominican dictator Tuesday pqH hopes all students will feel night. formulated no definite plans to free to visit U s office with any Dearborn, in bis brief report, change any existing regulations CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS said that, as far as he could tell, ho harm had been done to Americans and that the capital, and would institute no new changes un|il he -has had the opportunity to study regula­ m atter th a t needs attention. Before coming to MSU, Fu­ zak held teaching positions at the University of Illinois where D E A D L IN E S : 1 p.m . Day B efore P u b licatio a f o r T u es^ W ed., T h o rs., Ciudad Trujillo, was calm. tions now in effect. / he received his doctors of edu­ and P r i E ditions. D eadline fo r Mon. E d itio n : 1 p.m. F ri. “ I want to approach this new cation degreë in 1948. As an occasional treaty the is­ position with an open mind and He is a m em ber of the Na­ Phone ED 2-1511 - Extensions 2643 and 2644 landers of San Salvador eat the I hope I will be able to visit tional Education assn.; Amer­ eguana, a local reptile. other universities to study their ican Vocational assn., Kappa Delta P i; P U Delta Kappa and EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE FO R R E N T REAL ESTATE thé Michigan Education assn. AUTOMOTIVE EAST LANSING. Red Cedar School Fuzak’s appointment becomes ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A T I O N S for single ”‘‘1944 AUSTIN-HEALKY 100 road­ “ POSITIONS OPEN ' FOR night T R A IL E R S and double rooms for Summer and newly decorated, beautifully land­ effective July 1 . --------- nurse, full or p art time. Also « w n d - Fall terms. Cloee to campus, parking, scaped, 4 bedroom. 2 'i baths, pine ster Engine lust overhauled. New in* room supervisor. New. modern “ IMS GREAT LAKES. 10x43, good paneled recreation room. 82700 down. tires and tonneau. Wire wheels, ex 50 bed hospital. Call o rj'JJîf!, i hm 1 condition. On lot. ED 2-6294 after reasonable. mer. ED 2-3151 Also apartment for sum­ Jf ED 2-8067. 48 The largest city of Spitsber­ collent mechanical condition. *«» tor of Nurses. Mason C eneial Hoe « p jn . -________ « ED 2-3850. ______ ______________ _ pi tal. Mason. Michigan____________ » 2«i BEDROOM HOUSE, full tase- gen, the Artie island group 400 ~ 1964 CHEVROLET 2 tone blue and FOR RENT LOST an d FOUND ment, automatic furnace, paved drive. 88750. 88250 cash. 581 Spartan. ED miles north of Norway, is ta il­ rust, dirtv. bad radio, rippedI “ Phol; stery. heater doesn't work, Weal tor FOR SALE FOUND: MEN'S w atch a t Librar>-. 2-3867. 47 ed Longyearbyen, wUch means professor looking for a » S i ? aii 1 BEDROOM HOUSE fullv furnian- call ED 2-6294 and Identify. 45 OKEMOS. RANCH with everything. Longyear City. Best offer. Cat Pete. ED 2-0416___45 “ TWO E-V ARISTOCRAT enclos- ed including piano. 5 blocks from 4 bedrooms. l ‘ , baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 ,.rM g . v 12 BW woofer, Tida- 8hd campus, low rent, student couple LOST—MAN’S WATCH. EM Bide™ 1954 CHEVROLET TUDOR hard too. S d r a n ^ T - M B tw eeter. XO-I cro jj car attached garage, finished rec leaving for sum mer. ED 7-2372. 47 May M. Sentimental value, back room, large kitchen. acre lot, own* stick shift radio, heater .Rood con- so ver. ED 2-8567 o r ED 7-2180- Inscribed Ron Hatcher. ED 2-4227 er. ED 7-82217 River Downs Sub- A LL O U EVER ditton Cheap. Call IV 9-5831 evenings. MODERN TWO BEDROOM Lake after 5 p.m. 4* Divistoci 46 atimtral . STOVE-double oven. A umTatfc ir m e r- Excellent conditiorr M ichigan-cottage on private wooded THNCO f dune. Ju n e 9 -_July 26. 855 per week. LOST—PLASTIC BAG of clothing STIPO PIANO! 1958 CHEVY. 2 door hardtop. Fully 175 ED 2-4835. call evenings. 4« ED 2-0606. 43 Friday between Union and Campbell SERVICE equipped. Excellent condition. 8695 dorms. ED 7-1721. Jim Dobrei. 47 Call ED 7-0596. after 6 p.m. 46 ""rm AnUATING 11 Refrigerator. RCA d S c k -S S o . RCA Hi-Fi. 2 beds. maole APARTM ENTS 85 REWARD FOR information le a d ' TOP REPAIRS - Low Price I United 1952 FORD, good tires, good bodv. chest, mapie coffee table, couch and in* to return of black framed pres­ Radio. Will remove, repair, and rein­ 1150 ED 2-0732. 134 Gungton. 47 m atching chair, twie lamn. * " 11- utrt- APARTMENT. 5 rooms, private. 2 cription shades lost in drunken stu­ blocks from East Campus. Parking stall American car radio for 87.95 itv cart, TV stand. ED 7-is»a. 4 men. Sum m er only. ED 7-1487. a fter por at Gables Sunday night. Please Including oarts. labor and 30 dav 1050 FORD. 1954 D ESO TO red con­ return before I go blind. ED 2-2184. 48 unconditional guarantee. East Sag­ vertible. CaU Larry. ED 2-3524 from “ b r o w n CONTEMPORARY over- 3 p.m. 47 inaw and Falrview. IV 9-8197, open 1-10 p.m. fSunoco Service!________« davenport and m atching LOST—WOMEN’S wide gold wed­ -tin 9 p.m. 47 3 ROOMS, sum mer term . 2 blocks ding ring. Tuesday May 23rd. Prob­ 1952 MG-TD. N e w top overall ex­ from Union. Garage included. Call ably on South Campus. Finder please TYPESETTING. COMMERCIAL art. cellent condition. ED 2-8641. A-308. 47 ED 2-3161. 5-7 P.m. 47 call IV 2-6419 after 6 p.m. 47 drafting, poster design and off*** ENGLISH RALEIGH blcvcle ex- printing. WoAch Grafie Serylce, 1720 1958 MGA. ROADSTER, redJnterior. BACHELOR APARTMENT. Single LOST—PAIR MIKK AN binoculars oY double Also 2 bedroom furnished E Michigan Avenue. L ansing. Phone radio heater, tonneau coyer. Excei- house available Ju n e 15. Lower sum ­ Beaumont tow er. Saturday nleht 482-4206. * I SUPPOSE VtW THUM HtXJlK ent condition. Call ED 7-2436. 46 m er rate IV 9-2389. 47 Reward, contact AI Henn 232 West Shaw. 45 TY PIST ANN BROWN. New phone 60iHS TO BE A W W R BÖFTKVEN ! I960 MGA. NEW w hite paint, spokes, APPROVED A P A R T M p T S ) FOR number. ED 2-8284. Electric type­ ■ed leather, heater, tonneau cover. 47 summer. Parking and TV. Call after writer. Term p apan and theaes. also Excellent condition. ED 2-0218. tf 2-1253. 3 p.m. 455 Abbott Road. —____ 47 PERSONAL general typing. ________ - «* 1957 PLYMOUTH. 4 door. 6 stick. BEAUTIFUL MODERN TWO BEDROOM a p a rt­ S S f P s H B u F - - today only: State. TYPING PONE In Spartan Village ¡565 ED 7-0568._______ _— 2 ment. Across from campus. To sub­ Lu con theatre lobbies, outside: sum­ apartment. ED 7-0703. or ED 7-9096- let for summer. C all after 4:30 ED mer issue. Humor for MSU. 45 i 9s7 P l y m o u t h v s. 4 door sedan. Hormoz. 7-7083. 47 Hack and ivory, m atching Interior, MALE FRESHMAN student, have TYP1NG. In my home, by secretary taido. heater. MUst sell by Ju n e 15. SUMMER. -MODERN. 3 room ap art­ you received your Howler? ____ 45 with 10 years’ experience. TU 2-67». eaving country. *495 ED 7-1044. 5-7 ment. Furnished *65 monthly , utilities V condition. Phone Bam. Mitchell —- 46 included. Available Ju n e 10. 309,a MYNA J - MOGG and ROBERT C 1-4555 after 5:30 p-m. South Pennsylvania. IV 2-9713. 46 TONGER please come to the State GRADUATION announcements In­ 1955 OLDSMOBILE. S u ^ M. 4- News office. Room 347. Student Ser­ cludes your nemo. 2 day_, »«rriee^ loor. fully equipt, exceptionally REGULAR *100 GILETTE blue SUBLET LARGE 4 room -furnished vices Bldg. for two free passes to Myers Printing Service. 1421 East lean. 8475 ED 2-6490. 46 blades. 6¿c w ith this ad. T/imu - apartm ent one block campus- Auk- the Crest Drive-In. — Michigan. IV 2-2654. tf Taka sum m er in Hand M arik Rexatl Prescription Center. Sept. or esitire summer, single w o RENAULT DAUPHINE special. Su- e S v V e rt a t Vine, by Frandor. 49 man preferred. $85 mo. ED 2-2093. 45 er-charge. highly modified engine REAL ESTATE TRANSPORTATION nd chassis. ED 7-1098 47 " m^ T grÄP^TION H « . s a them at the Cafd Shop. Pcroas irorg APARTMENT AVAILABLE to 4 w i t h e r w ic k e r b a s k e t h a n d b a g . studenU for sum m er term . 4 rooms ROOMING BUSINESS. 20 room* ÍHDE TO WASHINGTON. D C. after T-BIRD. 1959, red. com pleteacM S- Home Ec. Building. ED 2-67aJ Including Shower, kitchen factories with lease option on good East «de 5 : » p.m. June 12th. Cali Ben Burns irtes except air-conditioning. » - Britannica. 1956 large rec. room w th fireplace, p ark - property. 85000 CaU IV 5 -8 1» owner IX> 2-3681 or Ext. SUS between 3-5:30 eptionally clean. ED 7-0241. e n c y c l o p e d ia In* space available. Call ED 2-1873 F lip - t o p lid c o n v e n i e n c e w ith c o lo d u l Edition. Complete. ED 2-6772 after p jn . —;— ' — 47 a fter 4 p . m . _____ 1958 TRIUMPH TKS SDOrts car. good 6 p.m. EAST LANSING B Y owner. Marble LOS ANGELES - JU D EM .»anted mdition. low nilteage. heater. Ton- 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartm ent school. 8 bedroom older home, double ta ïL e e v ta g June to. CaU A 1 » But­ p re ttin e s s . S t a r k w h it e , e n t w i n e d w ith eau covar. SD 2-1336/ ** TRAILERS _________ ___— completely private, garage. 2 student* lot. 810500. ED 2-3068. 47 terfield. ~~ 48 or “m arrie d couple. G round flo o r WANTED TO BUY 1957 TBIRD invertible any color,. W.s.w^. radio, ~NEW w a n v®e x^r as £¡$Xfc ED 2-5162. ' 47 MSU-OKEMOS AHEA. Owkwrmac- LOS ANGELES . R f^ n iw a n ted rif icing for ouick sale. All brick $89. Leaving June 1 1. CaU ED $-474$ m u lti- h u e d r i b b o n s t h a t o f f s e t a ll y o u r utomatlc transmission, good con ED , -7633 , n *r 47 APPROVED APARTMENT and sin­ ranch home 381 feet, Piusi atteched-2 ttlon. Call ED 7-1261 Ext. 414.___ 45 D.m gle room w ith cooking for men. Sum­ car garage. Custom built to 1968 wtto ,057 NEW MOON 10x46. 2 bedroom. m er term only. ED 2-5677.____ 47 many extras, including buUt-to re­ d a r k o r p a s t e l fa s h io n s . 7 . 4 8 p lu s t a x I960 MATCHLESS motorcycle. 7,000 4 p f Ä th ^ lto ln e , roomjuite and TWO APARTMENTS. Basement, frigerator. deep-freese. range, oven, W ANTED itles never abused excellent con- ition. *050 CaU Je an Calloway at drapes“ Included' “ ÏV "ÌfcSÌ43 or 47 rooms and bath: main floor. 4 rooms dishwasher, disposal, toter-rom- I I'M 60(N6 10 BÉTHE - fireplaces, 1V4 baths, open ridplibase- :n 7-1081. li 2-1903 - and bath. P rivate entrances, utilities ment with approximately 1000 aauare W ó T w in b u n k s or tru e«» M S N & D O Í MUSICS paid,^ parking. Summ er school. IV feet of finished rec. roosn. P n g * boda to good condition. ED 2 -5 5 » 8» EMPLOYMENT at only 826. 9 » . vrith emy .financing WANTED — SUBSTITUTE cooking 46 available. ..CaU Arnoid Kagebein. room. ED 2-1938 APARTMENT FOR summer term or Belon Realty C o , IV 5 - 7 1 » or resa- for either Tueedav or all sum mer. *45 a next fan In e sorority or, fraternity MAN CAPABLE OF instructing in Tmo rn P A T LAKES. 10x50. 2 bed- dence. IV 7 - 5 5 » 48 .CaB after B g m . IV 9-8088.__ 47 orsebsck riding In Wisconsin bovs r o ^ . ^ k l ^ h e n , washer, on lot- males. Unapproved. CaU ED 3-1511 tf amp. June 2» to August 18. W rite XV 9-5815. _______ ext. 2374. . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . ONE 1981 WOLVERINE - urgentlr “amp Deer Horn, 42 Edgemere Road, needed. ED S-S867. 47 ¡rosse Pointe, Michigan, or phone APPROVED, PRIVATE, furnished BUY . . . S t t L - . • W5NT oliect. TU 5-0346 « 3 rooms and bath. Parking, adults. IV 2-1824. 47 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST ASCP. ed. many extras. ED 7-iam . ir weekend w ork s t new Ggnersl ¡ospitai. CaU IV 4-2511. Ext. 52. 47 IDEAL STUDENT HOUSING. 1967 TEACHERS OR GRADUATE *tu dents.' Lake front. Summer or year around. 3-6 men. FE 9-6741. tf COLLEGEMEN FEMALE. 20-40. H busjw ork M d ursine car«- 5 n ie h ti weekly, weea S S T r Ä ar. Could live to- Professor Avervv ditton. *1.800. Call ED 7-9332. M . 2301. 48 eon¿ SUMMER TERM. 2 apgrtmants. Aa- proved, unsupervised. I block east of Gables on Grand River. ED 7*12at drips dry wrinkle-fceeu TRAILERS. NATIONWIDE, «ne­ ~ 54 Studebaker $195 wsy. Utility trailers. 2 and 4 wheel, CH 1-9651 vacation travel trailers Réservations taken. Sam-Rents-It. 2S28 So. Cedar LIMA. OHIO 10 to 18 sizes. 4*9$ 55 Ford 4 door $195 St. TU 2-8441 45 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN NO 1-6881 CA 4-9761 57 Olds 4 door hardtop $795 Approved Supervised CLEVELAND. OHIO MA 1-3381 5 4 Chevrolet 4 door stick $295 Rooms for Mea YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO CHOL PENNSYLVANIA “ 56 Buick 4 door hardtop $595 SPARTAN HALL HI 4-2417 G L 5-8412 E A ST LA N SIN G ’S L A R G E ST SEL EC TIO N 215 LOUIS STREET AKRON, OHIO Cfgt-8 S I O F U S E D CARS Arrange now for fall term for , SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. '' 2 Blacks east ef Frandor en Michigan for comfortable off-campus living. Large warm room with sink to each room comfortable lobby with T.V. ‘Phone Laundry. Parktag facilities, snack WYANDOTTE. MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN WO S-U53 PONTIAC. MICHIGAN and iutce machine. Excellent study AV 2-7744 n personally selected cars situation, good company Double : ED S-MS4 rooms available at 2850 weekly. One FLINT. MICHIGAN block from campus. ED 8-187*. MIeMgnn State Newa, Eaatïsmaing, Michigan Thunday Morning, June 1, 1961 showing no concern that Cuba Accounter MSU To Draw Proposals For Rusk Testifies? "V is communistic, bad warned the United States not to take action against Cuba. And yet, Capehart went on, “no nation W ins Grant Nigerian Peace Corps Work A id N e e d e d could be better than we have to Brasil.” Rusk replied bo thought that An international accounting firm, Hoskins ft Satis, has granted 61,000 to Rogsr Her­ The Peace Carp« headquar­ Specialities requested by the the university's ooopmrattan In Capehart peritims hod read* too man»». East Lansing doctoral much into thestetament of the C o m m u n ism ters In Washington, D.C. h«a re­ University of Nigeria are: Eng­ the establishment of the Uni­ Brazilian president The secre­ candidate in orrounting- quested MSU to submit a pro­ lish, m athematics, general edu­ versity of Nigeria at Nsukka." tary added the matter was one The faculty assistance grant posal for a program to send 30 cation, vocational education, THE TWO programs will bo he would prefer to discuss in a waa praocatad May 34 by Har­ un'.varsity graduates to the Uni political science, agriculture, discussed at 4 pm. Friday In 33 closed session. old Scott, senior partner in the vrrsity of counseling and natural science. Union. Information about the Detroit office of Haskins ft The It graduates would serve Michigan State was further Peace Corps organisation, Sells. assistants to faculty asked to aid tin Peace Corps in identifying approximately standards and rewards will be available, Taggart said. Wa s h in g t o n (iM to e rsta iy tration witness for President Kennedy’s $4,606,000,000 foreign Rusk said efforts would be made to simplify adm inistra­ Correct Omission The ¿ant is given to an out­ standing doctoral candidate of State Dean Rusk testified 200 college and university grad­ He urged graduating seniors Wednesday that America must aid MIL tion and put responsibility in The State News report of the who plans to rem ain in the field uates for teaching assignments to attend ami said that program r id $4^06,086,000 on foreign Most committee members the hands , of “known, identifi­ India SEh**"*« club election of collegiate accounting educa­ al programs. in the secondary schools of Ni­ participants need not bo from te meet communist aggres­ gave Rusk and the r bill a able people." failed to announce th a t T. DM- tion. Their duties might include geria. MSU. "S.. friendly reception, but Sen. IN HIS presentation of the sukrai Parikh will be treasurer Hermanson graduated from sion. “We can afford to do soma teaching, assistance on Michigan State would prob­ what has to be done," be said. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., said, “I administration’s case for for­ for the 1961-62 school year. the university in 1964. He earn­ n ssarch work or other duties ably not be responsible for this am going Info this program eign aid, Rusk said the free Afro omitted was the new so­ ed his m aster’s degree in 1965. as determined by the Nigerian university faculty. PROGRAM leadership would group, Taggart said. “BUT, HE ADDED, “the university is pleased to assist Chemical Those who oppose foreign aid, Rude told the Senate For- e 1 g n Relations Committee, sentence by sentence and item by Item.*' world m ust arm Itself to meet communist aggression “ from cial chairman, Onkar Singh Atwal. Tie is currently an assistant in­ structor in accounting. Morse said the United States the therm onuclear holocaust to be provided by MSU which is now working under an Interna­ in bringing to the attention of well-trained, highly .motivated Unmasked “must accept the consequences of their opposition.'* can not continue to waste mon­ ey as he said It has been doing assassination in the jungle.” He said that if the United tional Cooperation adm inistra­ tion (1CA) contract with the University of Nigeria a t Nsuk- students the opportunity to work in this challenging program .“ Commenting on the programs! (Continued from P age 1)~ Terry continued. “ Now this Is a very specific type of cancer “They must understand," be continued, “that, if they suc­ ceed (In kfiUag the program), they deny the peoples la tbs in many parts of the world. “A bit of things need to be done at home," the senator States does not do its share, it will see the failure of other na­ tions to m eet the needs of their We Pay - ka. ■ ‘—'i' President John A. Hannah said, in which there a re not a great added. people a n d the inevitable col; Partdpants will receive ori­ “I am gratified to learn that emergent societies their last Sen. J. William Fulbright, D- lapse of these nations. number of cases, but it’s one great hope for Independent de­ entation at Bast Lansing prior the Peace Corps has seen fit of the widely growing cancers Ark., the chairman, said the - Sen. Homer E . Capehart, R- C ash to departure. They will receive to seek our assistance in devel­ velopment and therefore con­ committee would insist on qual­ Ind., asked Rusk what good it that happens to originate in the demn them to the high proba­ further orientation upon ¿ r iv a l oping this educational program womb of a pregnant woman in ified administraton-to run aid does to help countries which at Nsukka where they will be in Nigeria. the m em brances.” - bility of communist servitude - programs in foreign lands. eventually become communis­ boused. Food and other jiving - “ Our deep interest in Niger­ and us to communist world en­ He said there were too many tic or socialistic. ~ The drug is m ethotrexate, a circlement" conditions would be satisfac­ ia's educatonal growth has-al­ chemical used for years in ex­ instances of corrupt or frus­ Capehart said he has read tory, Taggart added. ready been expressed through perim ents on the type of cancer RUSK WAS the first adminis­ trated programs. that the President of Brazil, h e described. For For Accident Monday COME, COME! - Graduation... Involves Coeds, ,500 Damage You Don’t Need To Work That Hard Your Giveher Red A c a r driven by Nancy Ber- geon, Mason Junior, struck a TO GET SOMETHING TO EA T! - RedRoses. car driven by Sharlene Butier, D etroit senior, Monday after­ noon on E a st Circle drive. Miss Butler was waiting for traffic to clear when Miss Ber* JU ST CALL - T e x tb o o k s /— • gift that will make her happy and you happy too — when you see her smile of geon’s c a r struck b e r c a r from tiie rear. A neck injury was suffered CASA NOVA NO. 2 appreciation. by Miss Butler and Miss Ber- FOR HOME DELIVERY o rd e r th em today a t 1 geon suffered bruises on the leg. ~ S p a r ta n B o o k Barnes Floral OF EAST LANSING The total cost of the damage was estim ated a t |1,S00. PIZZA . SPAGHETTI S to r e SUBMARINE SANDWICHES — OR COME TO “the Place to Go” For AO Kinds of F lo ral G ifts P A I G E Corner of Ann and MAC 211 MJLC. AVENUE ED 7-16 6 8 218 A u —- Open Evenings and Sunday — ED 2-0871 C R A F T East Lanaing m í m u m m é m í 1 9 6 1 W A T E R C A R N IV A L That fabulous era . . . the ROARING 20’s D O N ’T M IS S IT ! B U Y Y O U R T IC K E T S N O W ! UNION TICKET OFFICE 1 - 2 - 3 J U N E Thursday Morning, Jane 1 , 1 9 6 1 Michigan State News, East Laming, Michigan PsychologistSays Service: SWL Purpose In d iv id u a lism Service, service, service, should be the cry of the Spar­ tan Women's League when asked their prim ary purpose. This group of MSU women Humorously, he added that Haag said. Neither Kennedy ! Haag said, the people feel is one of the most active ser­ By ANN DARLING The distribution of income, theory of m ass culture. He de­ Italy, Germany, and France. nor Nixon said what he be­ 'dead. They lack spontaneity, vice organizations on campus State Nearsi Staff Writer Wf leisure, and power in America fined m ass culture as a social Several conditions h a v e the rich could not work less lieved. Both tried to say what ! and this lacking forces them and its participation is growing has been achieved a t a high situation in which industrial­ brought about m ass culture in now because they did not work the people wanted to hear, he j to c ra v e excitem ent and shock. with each term . . Americana have sacrificed cost, vandenHaag said Wednes­ ism has acted as a leveling America, vandenHaag said. a t all In the-past. VandenHaag said th a t he feels THE DESIRE to promote a their individuality for an ele­ day night, May 24, a t a lecture, Agent to produce a mediocre There has been a tremendous With the leveling of society, said. : juvenile dehnqumcy is often friendly atmosphere between - Vice-President Nixon thought vated standard ¡of living, ac­ co-sponsored by the university society. growth in population in the vandenHaag said, has come a the people wanted to hear that 1caused by this lack of spon- the faculty and students is one cording to Dr. E rnest vanden- library and the University HIS T H E O R Y consists last 150 to 200 years. And this mediocrity of tastes. And this everything was good, and Sen­ l taniety in hie. These young of thé main goals of the organi- Haag, celebrated European press. roughly of three points: first, growth, he said, was stimu­ mediocrity has, unfortunately, ator Kennedy believed that the people rebel against the drab- zation and in this (jonnection a t, psychologist and lecturer. lecture, he stated iiis lated by the industrial revol shown up in the American edu- America is incapable of pro­ Ichtional system, he sa id ~ people wanted to hear that ness a i d excessive rationafi- least one function 4n which the ducing individuality, w h i c h tion. everything was bad. he said. ! zation of society, be said. faculty is invited is planned a finds expression in art, litera­ The industrial revolution The American student is not And, apparently the nation was T f VandenHaag compared the term . ture, and philosophy; secondly, has, in turn, bettered the taught to think for himself, evenly divided on what they cities of Brooklyn and Florence SWL cooperates with many S h o w 0 p e n s 8 p .m . American’s standard of living, even in the most progressive wanted to be told, vandenHaag to Shm trale conformity in other organizations to-present this condition has existed for about ITS years and, finally, he said. Men now work fewer s c h o o l s , vandenHaag said. said. Am erica and its effects on the the annual Activities carnival Floats Flash 20’s s industrialism has caused the situation. • It should be noted, vanden­ Haag said, th at this theory hours each day, fewer days Students, from kindergarten^ year, and fewer years in a 'Popular, to seek approval from lifetime. others. In this highly industrialized, arts. each week, fewer weeks each are taught to conform, to be specialized society, vanden- and also co-sponsors the fall blood drive. In Brooklyn, there are no I Many long" hours of work are patrons such as the Medici, he given by SWL in order to make said. Rich people is America the traditional Spinsters Spin In Red Cedar Carny does not apply only to Ameri­ ca. A sim ilar situation Will soon be found in Europe. He In the past, he said, certain Teachers hi America urge goods were available only to the student to act so that other the rich. But today th at gap be­ students will like him, he said. Engagements j establish foundations, but all dance one of the most success­ of the foundations in America ful affairs of winter term . today could not equal one Med­ SPRING FINDS SWL playing said he used th e.A m e ric a n tween rich and poor has les­ And this situation has produced — Alpha Kappa Psi ici. fee said. " “ Only Yesterday,” 1961’s Wa­ lies.” ' “ Flaming Youth” and society to dem onstrate his sened. In fact, he said ,the rich a m ass conformity, from which hostess to new and old Tower Leiand A. Dane, Hale sopho-4 te r Carnival, begins a t 8 p.m. “ Raccoon R am page” reflect theory because America has probably work more than the there is little hope of escape. more, — j This is because the rich peo- Guard members and their fam ­ today, keyed to] the colorful, the hectic spirit of the era. become more completely in­ The recent Presidential elec­ _ Janet Nancy | pie in America have boorishly ilies at a breakfast immediately A Charleston contest is set poor do now. They certainly iJohn A -D rys-, tarte. ¡f jm artistic noisy, “ boop-boop-a-doop” era following May Morning Sing. for intermission Thursday. dustrialized than such areas as work more than the rich did tion was an example of m ass dale, Chicago, 111. sophomore, j ¿¡g qqi approach one of On the banks of the Red Ce­ that characterized the Roaring culture in America, vanden- to Judy Aardema, Chicago, 200 years ago. 20’s. The show wil be opened by Members of ‘61 Club will be them, the rich person would dar river you will find SWL Gov. John B. Swainson. who tapped during Friday night’s V e r d i c t : 1 5 Y e a r 111. freshman. not recognize the genius or members playing the role of wfQ be guest for the evening intermission and mem bers of Phi Alpha Club | give lam any money, he said. ushers for the ajonual Water- show. the 1962 Excalibur Club, senior Students from all campus men’s honorary, will be tapped J a i l T e r m Summer Circle Trials P eter Fisfiman, Oak P ark _________ _______________ VandenHaag said that he can Carnival which is held during sophomore, to Sandy Sanders, j see no posabie help for the so Commencement week. living units hev^ been “ down Saturday night. (Continued from Page 1) Lansing. ; ciety, and that artistic expres- The program of SWL is flex­ by the riverside” all week build­ Judges for tonight’s show are lighten the penalty: There was ing floats for the annual festi­ Judge John R. Dethmers, val. Bleachers have been erect? justice, Michigan S tate- Su­ chief no indication he would. ,— Set for Today, Friday Sigma Chi I sioo and creativity will con- ible so whenever a particular Russ Denker, Ionia senior, to tinue to disappear. And indi-. service is needed on campus Sue Sweet, Ionia; Dave B ieb er,; viduaiity. he said, wiiLbecome this organization is there to Challe and Zeller represented ed (» the Red Cedar accross prem e Court, Dr. Wallace Rob­ half of the four-m an m ilitary Tryouts for Noel Coward’s wives. The first wife, though Detroit senior, to Jean Crain. | non-exissam. help in any way it can. from Shaw hall and an under­ ertson, m inister of Peoples' junta which seized power for “ Blithe Spirit” and Colton and dead, returns to visit after be­ Angola, Ind. senior; Phil Wool- j w ater pulley has been installed Church, and Mrs. C.G. Menzies, four days in Algiers last month. Randolph’s “ Rain,” the first ing conjured up by an unusual ege, Western 'Springs, 111. jun­ in the river to giiide the floats. E ast Lansing. Float them es are all geared The other m em bers, fo rm er two plays of the University medium, while the second wife ior, to Em m a Rheardon, D ear-; born senior and Alpha Gamma Liney Says TROPHIES FOR the most Gens. Raoul Salan and Edmond Theatre’s new Sum m er Circle is still alive. to the events of “that fabulous original floats will be awarded Jouhaud, have not surrendered. arena theatre, a re scheduled “ Rain.’J ^which will be direct­ Delta; John Carruthers. Dur­ HEED A era.*’ According to “ Bubbles.” They are believed to be hiding for today and Friday a t 7:30 ed by Dr. N athaniai S. Eek of and senior, to Linda Hague,j the flapper pictured on Water at Saturday night’s show,. somewhere in Algeria, possibly p.m. in the Studio Theatre, •the departm ent of speech, is a Ann Arbor junior and Kappa FO R TH A T Carnival posters, “ Only Yes­ The band of Dr. M orris E. ¡Delta. — preparing further resistance. room 49, Aud. serious treatm ent of frustration terday” is a “ painless way to Hall, associate professor of cram for a histi^ry "final.” music, will provide music for The trial, which involved the The Summer Circle Theatre and suppressed desire on a West Yakeley Kathryn M. Rashleigb, Glen OLDER CAR?* the jazz age carnival. The band deeply split French arm y in an­ acting company wifi be drawn tropical island. TRY “ THE MONKEY TRIAL,” de­ is composed of m em bers of th&. other of its periodic crises of “ Rain” was m ade into a Elyn, 111. junior to Dan B. j from the G reater Lansing com­ I Convis, Battle "Creek junior. picting the events of the famous {student body and faculty who conscience, lasted only three movie under the title, munity, university staff and Thompson,” ^starring R ita Hay­ “ Sadie days. Kappa Kappa Gam ma 4- Scopes trialj^ ls the subject of are interested in jazz. university students. one float. "Bathtub Gin,” “ Only Yesterday” is dedicat­ As the long_procession of wit­ Previous experience is not worth and Jose F e rra r. K aren Leudtke. Bera, Ohio.| The rem aining sum m er pro­ junior, to Dan Eakin, Wilming­ LIM C 0 AUTO PARTS “ WCTU,” “Thirst of a Nation” ed to retiring Dean of Students nesses for prosecution and de­ required. and “ Rum Runners” pay tri­ Tom King, in tribute for his fense succeeded each other at ductions include Thorton Wild­ ton, D e l, junior. 1332 N. LARCH ST. the stand, the cleavage within Corliss Phillabaum of the de­ e r’s “-Skin of Our T eeth," Mo- Lansing bute to prohibition. “Teapot j service to the university. partm ent of speech will direct liere’s “Tartuffe” and “ The Kay Turner, Niles senior, t o ; OOOK FOB THE RED HOUSER Dome,” “ Wall Street Lays an Women, students m ay obtain the higher ranks of arm y, navy “ Blithe Spirit” for the opening L ark" by Je a n Anouilh. Audi­ Bill Miles, Grand Rapids sen- ? IV 2 - 1 3 0 3 E gg” ®nd “ M arathon” show) “ 10:30 p.m. plus” permissions and a ir force officers was dra­ production-©! the theatre. It tions for these plays wifi be ior. other memorable events of that j to attend the Thursday night m atically shown. will be presented June 28 announced a t a later date, Phi Mu W e h a v e good used 15 an d 16 inch tire s age. • ;■ — show. Students are also allow- LOYALIST officers turned History-making individuals! ed~to have guests this weekend their backs to their old com­ through July 1. r More information concerning Sally Samson, Mt. C lem ens; SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS are included, tooi mostly from in the dorms. rades-in-arm s and refused to This first production is a tryouts or productions can be junior, to Raymond Jenkins, j the entertainm ent world: “ Will Tickets for W ater Carnival shake their hands. Others, even comedy about a m an. with two obtained a t ED 21511, e x t 2071. Orchard Lake junior. R ogers," “ The-Great Houdini” are on sale a t the Union ticket while testifying for the prose­ and “ Ziegfieid’s Fabulous Fol- office. cution, spoke with emotion in favor of the basically patriotic B e e th o v e n L e a d s A g a in .. motives of the m en they were Class W ork Pays B ig For required to denounce. At least one witness pointedly saluted Hotel Administration Senior Uie accused before facing the court. Even Public Prosecutor An­ For' most students, college is sending it into a magazine. tonin Besson adm itted he found a tim e for paying for course Ashmann sent his article, on it impossible to ask the death the effect of poor m anagerial penalty whicb the law allowed. fees, books and board and practices on .employees’ tre a t­ He asked the court J o show in­ room. But for (me student a m ent of guests, to the “ Ameri­ dulgence by imposing a life class paid an Immediate re­ can Motel.” It was published ■sentence. C A P IT O L turn on his investment, $75 in the May issue and Ashmann Challe, he pointed out, ended worth. received a $75 check.. the insurrection by his surren­ W arren JI. Ashmann, Elm ­ Ashmann, a hotel adminis­ der, although Salan wanted to hurst, N.Y., senior, fulfilled tration m ajor, will graduate in call on the civilian population a requirem ent fbr a business June. Following six months in in Algeria to continue the fight. and technical writing course, the service he will take a job He never ordered the use of R EC O R D winter term , by composing a with the Sands Motel chain in I force, Besson said, and tried 2,500 to 3,000 word article and Arizona. Ito avoid bloodshed. T h i s . . . . i s th e R e s u lt CLEARANCE! Of State News Classified “ S e llin g P o w e r BiOy May Kingston Trio Nat King Cole Tennessee Ernie Fordj 4 Freshmen and many others the for 85cyoucan LOWEST get 15words of this RECORD sellingpowerand PRICES sell almost anything... forquickhot cash! in Oveij20,000PeoplereadtheStateNewsDaily! Someoneelseoutthereneedswhatyouwanttosell MICHIGAN East Lansing’s Finest Self-Service Record Shop C M E D 2-1511 Ext. 2643 or 2644 at 207 MAC. E. Lansing. (Across fromKnapp’s.) MMdgpnSMe Noam, East Lanaing, Michigan Thursday Morning, June 1, J .9 6 1 (% \«r _ - ■■■-..........--. _ _ _ ------------------------ _ _ . ' : I W itt T e ê tify Crossword Puzzeloaaaaa □□snas' wl Ub v WUi u r u n i c | a a n D g 3 g a e rjg o D r . H u ffm a n R e tir e s J u l y 1 Gilbert Called ACBOIS 1. Body of ra la 4. Trample m cata 35. Paasage out □ a ao g a g □ on 303 333 M C n o e □ C K J333 SM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ERMI Retiring July 1 after 39 years of service is Dr. Cart F. Huff­ and bulletins on livestock nu­ finding jthat has come out of tne American Dairy Science trition. He was one of the first j our work in dairy research—no Iassociation in 1968 and received To Eiehmann Trial 5. Fencing «word 12. Peer Gynt's 35. Atang » . Repeat perform­ ¿ □30 303 033 □ aao aao an n o □ 03 303 331 g r o g g ó 33030 a man, research professor of dairy nutrition. Huffman who cam e to Mich­ men to use the window in the one Aver minds if you move the lone of the first MSU Distin- side of a cow in order to watch ( cattle further out.” the digestive process. ' !w ished Faculty Awards in 1980. Huffman has been the recipi- j The Michigan Purebred Dairy A former MSU psychologist Eiehmann was the key figure mother ances igan State in 1922, has spent a A NATIVE of Kansas, he has ient of many honors and awards. ICattle association honored Huff- was called to Israel this week in this extermination.” ' 12. Pleasure 41. Giva a a o p o a 3 3 3 3 3 0 lifetime looking into the digest­ received degrees from Kansas In 1937, he received the first | man a t a banquet during Farm - trip temporarily aO O flO 0 3 3 3 0 3 State University, the Univer­ Borden Award for outstanding Lers’ Week. He was presented to testify in the trial against 43. Chin. £_ ive process of dairy cattle. His Adolf Eiehmann. EICHMANN HAD escaped 14. Pulled- ftnWngn have brought Michigan sity of Minnesota, and the Uni­ research work. with a bound volume of letters pagoda tehit* aw a t Via Gustave M. Gilbert, presently the Nuremburg trial, Gilbert 15. Pert to 44. Sandarac acclaim as a-leading state in versity of Wisconsin. He also has received the an­ I from friends and form er stu­ said when he was here, because chemistry tree Huffman’s long service has nual award of the MSU chapter dents. ' r~ chairm an of the Long Island 17. Take toed 2. Remnant this field. 7 he was considered “ too insig­ 40. Bordaron not been only as a research ot Sigma Xi for outstandingr* He also received a monetary University psychology depart­ nificant.” 15. Matron 48 Sleepless- ef Huffman has authored or co- m ent in Brooklyn, N.Y., called ».Faint 5 non tum authored more than 125 articles scientist but also as and edu­ search and the Americal Feed award which he will use to E ast Lansing for his record* “ No one had realized then 20 Characters 52. Wax - X across the river to Shaw Lane cator. More than 20 graduate M anufacturer’s Award for dairy attend an international dairy what Eiehmann had done,” Gil­ in a play S3 Proper U we thought K was a radical students have received their cattle nutrition research. conference in Hawaii this sum­ and data on the famous Nurem- 22 Roads 54. Wunder 4. Decante burg trial and departed for bert said, “ except the Jewish 5. Orientai m ove,” said Huffman. “Now. a doctorate under his direction. HE WAS elected president oi m er. , 26 Indian mul­ 55 And tea: Europe. people.” - berry suffix fand « I S . The feature story of the Jan­ 27 Sally 55. Léguâtes A Harem uary issue of the MSU Reporter PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5S17 He was on campus earlier . Unnoticed, Eiehmann had es­ SS. Rotase caped the trials, Gilbert said, ».Corded 57 Dry is his «wurtojry of his various this month and recorded a vid­ fabric 7. research interests since he eotape interview to be shown on and made flight to South Amer­ 71 Incline DOWN ica and freedom until this year I. Resinous cam e to the campus. - Channel 10 Friday a t 1 p.m. on 33. Aches À Man's In the article Huffman said V TSB-TV. He left his position when he was found and kidnap­ 34 Individual subatance that when he began his work * 9 I # « “% 1 E * at MSU in 1958. ped to Israel to be held on trial. r- r - r “ r~ j - r" r in 1922. the main dairy barn, EA ST LANSING P H O N E E D .2 - 2 8 1 4 Eiehmann was forgotten for w n r was located just east of the GILBERT AT T H E tria l la­ jj." P pi 15 years, Gilbert said, because n present chemistry building. HOME O F T H E B EST IN FO R EIG N FILM S bel«! Eiehmann as the “ key people wanted to forget the bru­ □ ~I “ IN 1929, when the dairy barn figure” in Adolf Hitler’s "final w 57“ E X CLU SIV E LA N SIN G A R EA SHOWING" tality and horrors of the- Ger­ was relocated and we came solution to the Jewish problem” man Nazi regime. r u r new barn is under construction F IR S T SHOW 7 P.M- — AD ULTS 90c —extermination. fm P even further away, on College Gilbert wrote down his obser­ m a He had reached this conclus­ au a 'M im a. u road. This confirms another F E A T U R E AT 7:40 - 9:50 vations at the Nuremburg trial m m ion. he told the Jewish court, on in a secret diary and later pub­ sr w a i l i ~sr the basis of talks with top Nazi lished it under the title “Nur­ _ M rara n r LA ST TIM E S TO NIGHT w ar criminals in the Nurem -1 emberg D iary,” recently re ­ *! 3BF" berg prison in 1945-46. published in paperback. F “ m sr w r ; JF 44 O® P A I G E “ M AN IN A COCKED HAT" Gilbert acted as prison psy-l m wM STA RTIN G FR ID A Y chologist duringtheN urem berg JT 3f" * trial in 1945, and as overseer to r C R A F T “ keep up the morale” among the 29 prisoners on trial for 17 Spelling i 1 — — m P — — — P P HUFFMAN Germany’s “ crim e against hu­ m anity” and to report at the trial any traits of insanity I For National 3F“ n firn s a “H J j* 2N NOW ! D W E E K GLADM ER THF ATDl PHOfJF JV 7 0 ' ’i Feature 12:30 3:204:15-9:15 "OEVIUSNIY WYERTIVK AND AMUSIN6 !” sr w among the prisoners. “ Without any attem pt to p u t; Championship LJ — — a _ — — m — -tmk, Crew**. NX Tmm rTOP-SHAM SUSPENSE!” the blame on anyone,” Gilbert WASHINGTON (^-Seventeen —AltonCoot. World Ukfnmt Son said a t the Eiehmann trial, “ the of the original field of 73 re­ name of Eiehmann occured I gional spelling champions Wed­ Wrestlers Phi Gamma Nu again and again spontaneously nesday won their way to the Awards Kev and without any urging from final rounds of the 1961 nation^ me until I finally realized that al Spelling Bee Thursday. Invited to A total of 551 words, many of Annual Picnic The w n a a ’t fc—jpcBS c hib, Phi G am m a X«, preeeetod a - ■ “IS* Dates- Given them long and tricky, were seholarstop kay ft» Doris J Le a g u e rf used in 11 rounds of spelling to Lloyd, E a st Lassaag eliminate 56 of the youngsters. ~ All varsity and freshman the woman sta d e » g raduating i wrestlers are invited to the An­ j ü .a ffS S G e n tle m e n For Special Two repeaters from previous nual W restlers’ Picnic, 2 p.m. with the Mghffläi paffit average | contests—Gayle Fehr o f Cov­ June 4 a t Francis P ark in Lan­ in the bosuwxs adastitistratioo à cracfchng, witty tfcriltor. ington, Ky., and KarmeiT Curriculum. Registration Grimm of Baltimore, Md.— sing. were still going. M arried students are asked to Mrs. Lloyd is a b n rin rrT edn- Regular Popular Prices JACKHAW KINSwatht*« •kh«o«itewomuom*«oc» imjet todutf bMMLKim-DncMbMSlKMK» bring their wives and families; cation m ajar. «nesaafif fron» km . . *na roan. i MUUTwnwiliOMthum« A special registration will be j So was the youngest contest­ single students bring a date. P ort Huron. She k a roftnher held Monday and Tuesday for j ant, Steven Palm er, a 7th grad­ ST A R T S J U N E 7TH — “ GONE W IT H T H E W IND" For information call Mrs. of P i Omega P i B eta Gam m a students who plan to enroll in i er from Vernon, Texas. Fendley Collins, ED 2-5504. Sigma and P ia K appa Pte- She the following work courses.! The finalists are 4 boys and In case of rain, it will be in. was the m d i i f t i a g b o r ----- summer term : 13 girls.' Jenison fieldhouse. — educatioa stadeat. a f Ä L Accounting 468 ¡-Fisheries and There were 24 left after last t Wildlife 430; Forestry Camp y ear’s first day of contest. ' (Dunbar) 404, 421, 447, and 449^ Tomorrow’8 final rounds will Geology 344, and 445; Health, determine the new champion Physical Education and Re­ and other winners-of $5,850 in creation 402; Hotel, Restau­ cash prizes in a contest spon­ rant and Institutional Manage-, sored by Scripps-Howard news­ R ebuilt TRANSMISSIONS MOTORS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS T H E H E A L T H IN fi! ment 151, and 252. papers in 18 cities and 54 other In stalled F arakv ft Marketing and Transporta­ newspapers. tion Administration 409; Medi­ The contestants here cam e | 48 H o u r Service F re e T ow ing in C ity S ln d rR lft 1H E 1R U E HORROR O F M T L E R l cal Technology 400; Music from 35 states and the District | Therapy 400; Nursing Educa­ of Columbia. tion 403b; Resource Develop­ FREE 26 MINUTE INSTALLATION HMKB C M ■ B IT U E K o Every Foot of Film Scenes Never m ent 350; Social Work 311s, L IF E GUARANTEED • 467, 897, and 898. Zwarensteyn SHOCKS Authentic From Secret Before Shown On The After obtaining enrollment M OTHS cards from the deans’ offices or academic advisers, students Accepts Law CUSTOM HI-SPEED GENERATORS STARTERS TUNED Nazi Archives! American Screen! should report to the registra­ SPRINGS EQUIPMENT tion office, 113 Administration building, where packs of re­ Invitation ACCESSORIES INSTALLED Complete SERVICE Shop Safety IH U INSTALLED gistration cards may be picked up and fees paid. — Dr. Hendrik Zwarensteyn, professor of business law, has accepted an invitation tit serve Fiji Pledges on the American Association of I .aw Schools’ committee on the teaching of law in the liberal KAMIN’S AU TO P A R T S a rts curriculum. 526 N . L A R C H IW 4-4SM Treat Orphans anThe invitation is considered unusual recognition, the first O P E N SU N D A Y 9 T O I The pledge class of Phi Gam­ tim e that a business law teac h­ m a Delta treated a group of 15 e r has been invited to join this orphans to an afternoon a t group. Lake Lansing Amusement P ark Zwarensteyn is president of Sunday. The boys live a t St. Vincent’s the American Business J aw association. He has been on the MSU staff since 1954. STA Home for Boys in Lansing. Tw» 'Tm NOW! ( 2 ) First An estim ated one million ani- nals roam over the 8,000 P A I G E SHOWN AT l:2S — LASE quare-m l i e Kruger National ’ark iar the Union of. S o u t h C R A F I ifrica. NOW OPEN Lake Lansing Amusement Park 3 FILLIO H E TERRIFYING TRUE fSTORY OF HITLER’S REICH! i t i l i fam i M it ó n own u p s . Shown Open Friday and Saturday HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT M TOE RftütNß W9RDS IRAI SNOOK T K V O n tl Today I^ N U U K B B . 7 :0 0 P.M. Starts Only A t m « M im e Next Attraction 12:40 • 4:20 m SNMME8 Open 1 2 Noon on Sundays “ ANGEL CARTO O NS TODAY! 8:10 M V.,.. « BABY” AT D C S •: ' •- , JL t «V.- a tMs •: •¿yi .-• . - , . . . . •. ->'^--.7 î ;.ï -^: - V--: ■' - ‘ - ; >' :;. ■ ' ' ■?’■f -■• Ifflefclg n Stete New», Eant Taming, Michigan S P O R T S . T k rtd ty Morning, JNrne 1 , 1 9 6 1 ' " 'i ' '■ ' ':'r '♦ ' M i hM ZM Gimmicks Help Athletes sw im m er* ra m a i I » to t Honor Stàté Athletes S to ra c i. C a ri S h e e r,— S tog i»- 1986 Sooth African Olympic ton. Dang to m , Bffl Wood. Schmitter and swim team. Larry Jonas, Jaf Matts« aad Steuart Receive SCHMITTER, from Mason and son of the MSU fencing M r By BRUCE FABRKANT longer rua, ha could pola vault starting Mocks held to place Ittha Wood. iMhiadMs feet by pegs he had coach, received the John A. Slate News Sparta Writer 15 feet Pnaaetari leaghtmwt Senior Awards Hannah Award. This aw ard, nam ed for MSU’s president, Jr -% In swimming lahnmr Weis­ muller set a MOysr d freestyle the n— w i for him, aad ha topped 15 tort caasirtMtiy. drives tote toe ground. Oweas raa eat ef a shallow hale, wUeh goes each year to the outstand­ Other vau&ers adopted the he had dag tote the track with Michigan State swimmer ing senior m em ber of the Var­ record which rem ained unscath­ his spike. Canid the blocks be change, aad added a new one. Billy Steuart and fencer Char­ sity Chib, undergraduate letter- M ed for 17 years. Olympic how A slim Swedish steel pole which warto a taath of a second? les Schmitter J r . are re cipients of Spartan senior athletic-schol* arship awards for 196L men’s group. He was a standout perform er for three seasons. Two other Varsity Club mem­ ' TÆ Jesse O w n s held the world m art: for th e broad jum p for over 25 years. But today these provides fore whip rad thrust took the place el Warmerdrat’s bamboo pait. George Davis, a Starting blocks are not toe only newTswvattons which have taken hold to the sport ef r a ­ bers, swimmers Bill Singleton records -are ju st memories as 20-yearekf Oklahoma State Steuart. from Johannesburg, new standards are being estab­ sing. Tracks today are literally ra d Juergen M att, were hon­ sophomore, set a new world faster, too. Herb Klitott, Aus­ South Africa, received the ored hF the letterm en’s organi­ lished every day. Chester L. Brewer Award given record to the' event tort week tralia’s outstanding mUe run­ zation. Singleton, a •‘ senior Sports records will always thanks to this gimmick. ner, shattered the Olympic rec­ annually to the graduating sen­ breaststroker froth Pontiac, be broken. There Is no mystery ior for “ distinguished perform­ ARMIN HARY broke the ord while running on n track was cited Jor “outstanding w hy world m arks continue to said to be compoead of demon' ances in «thfrfie« and scholar­ contributions” to the club, and Olympic 100-meter dash record ship.” Billy captained the MSU ROGER BANNISTER, left, fall. And there seem s little which included rubber. Matt, a junior freestyler from was the first person to run toe doubt that they wiU continue to last year aad woa the right to Varsity squad this p a rt season Tullahoma, Tenn., received the call himself the world’s fastest mile to under four minute*. drop, probably forever. pod during his undergraduate career won five Big Ten and J u n i o r Class Scholarship Award. ^ . - 1 Since his record breaking per­ ROBERT DALEY, an observ­ human. formance la 1954, the standard e r a t last year’s Rome Olympic But is he faster than Jesse T8X TOTAL Mufflers — Out to front four NCAA individual champ­ Owens, who won the event to • r iy to M O s a p M ionships. Prior to coming to has been lowered 3.54.51 by games, analyzed the reason for * where leaders bel ong — MSU, he was a member of the Herb Elliott. D o n Bragg, this great assault in a New York 1936 with a 10.3 clocking, a with a guarantee yen P la y o ffs R esu m e above, held the pole vaulting Times article, “ Sports Records ten th of a second slower than VARSITY SHOP t o H ary? 228 Abbott Rd. E. L. as long as yon own your record until It was broken two Will Always Be Broken.” Program lafe IV M W The intram ural softball play­ H ary’s take-off was from car. weeks ago by George Davis. During the 1900 Olympics 37 off games will resum e tonight assorted records were shatter­ Mf.MrI£%.tCp f H'P’it I Gf-•IVA■7 N^ with a full schedule of games. Bryan 6 plays E a st Shaw 7 ed. “ They were created thanks • HEAVY DUTY . LA ST 2 DAYS! on field 1 a t 6:30 p.m. The win­ ner of that contest plays Rather Uo f M Nips Cincy, 2-1 to (1) gimmicks; (2) new train­ ing methods; and (3) size, Da­ ley said. — ------ } STEEL INNER AND OUTER SHELLS 2 on field 1 a t 6:45. In other games scheduled for 6:30, West Shaw 4 vs. Armstrong 4, field 2; Bailey 7 vs. Bryan 3, field 3; ANN ARBOR UH—Joe Merullo singled a run home from third Michigan, now 2-1, fared Now th at training methods Western Michigan (2-0) in the are tem porarily standardized, second game. A U of M vic­ the-y first, gimmicks, is surely W tkTH aid • ALUMIN1ZED • EXTRA HEAVY Butterfield 6 vs. West Shaw 6, in the ninth inning and gave tory would force the play offs the most important. HEADS the University of Michigan a into a final game tomorrow. The athletes who become Milk ^ field 4; West Shaw 3 vs. Bailey 6, field 5; R ather 7 vs. Arm­ 2-1 victory over Cincinnati -MICHIGAN scored today’s world record holders these days • EXTRA HEAVY IN­ strong 8, field 6; Butterfield 1 keeping the Wolverine hopes victory over Cincinnati’s Bill are not satisfied with past meth­ & LET AND OUTLET vs. Wert Shaw 8, field 7; Bailey alive inuthe NCAA district play­ Paul who had beaten the Wol­ ods of success. They search for • FULL BAFFLES 5 vs. R ather 1, field 8. offs. verines earlier. 'F a u l allowed a gimmick, something th at will Ice Cream only five hits and struck out give them the extra half-second or half-inch they need. NO F eature Times T o d a y . . . j Distinguished 10. Bill Freehan, who drove in Michigan’s first run in the sixth, ed Recently, Steve Clark shav­ all the h air off his head and CASH & CARRY ■u INSTALLATION CHARGE l:693:G5-5:1*7:20-9:» STA R TS F R I . . . - Men! led off the ninth with a ground proceeded to swim an unheard rule double and moved to third of tim e of 47 seconds for the on a walk and a sacrifice. 100-yard freestyle event. Ham­ m er throwers w ear ballet slip­ 1 ’r V2 Gal. Grade A Homogenized - Z smo- DISCOUNTS TO ALL S a p e r B a rg a in D ay! Grooms, Ushers, Graduates, Businessmen, Students, Pro­ pers and find they can spin UNIVERSITY faster, get better balance and fessors: For the ultimate in ” IT B EG IN S — TROPHIES c throw the iron ball further. men’s gifts, shop first at PAIGECRAFT. PISTOL SHOOTERS file down MUFFLER CLINIC NO. 11 W H ER E Grooms — pick out your ush­ and the hajnm er of their weapons till it weighs but a few gram s. 3 7 12» W. IONIA P EY T O N P U C E er’s gifts from our wide selec­ tion of distinctive leather goods. P laques o v er 1000 Howeyer, these flimsy, feathery ~ 1 2 0 1 E. Grand River PH. IV 44615 ham m ers do not ja r the gun LE FT O FF! And for the Graduate, we have pipe racks, shaving kits, and _ on display nearly as much as the old ones East Lansing did. With a m argin of jerror H E IG H T S AUTO PA R T S ...and takes ~ — much more. in stock ■*'* erased, pistol scores are now 3 0 5 5 E. Mich. ~ you back to the Businessmen, Students, _Pro- 31» N. EAST ST. town that waa fessors — see our selection oi im m ediate delivery likely m uch higher than they Just West o f Sears _ used to be. PH. IV 8-22» afraid to let briefcases. P rofessional E n g ra v in g he outside world If YOU are looking for a For 50 years the shape of the rowing blades did not change. L ansin g FJunrnoDiieTS oo. look in! man's gift, you’ll find it first at Larrt Cushion Then a German crew experi­ mented with a wider and stub­ bier p a r. And last sum m er in S n o rtin gIgpf Goods gggjjm&~~~ Rome, they won the eight-oared M U VINE championship. 4 block north of Michigan Ave. Gimmicks in sports come in 222 A bbott Road, E a s t L an sin g E D 2-6892 all shapes and sizes. Before W E D E L IV E R West of Sears- World W ar II Connie Warmer- dam found that, by taking a CAREFREE COMFORT is yoort for 39.50 ._tfta brenze-weight, wrinkle-resistant comfort of our w ash -a n d -w ea r dacron* a n d cotton oH purpoen suit ...the natural shoulder modnl suit that is as crisp ond smart at businnss as it is in your social lifra. Charcoal, w vm ,, m dive or brown cord u lte texture. MfCTW m KRNNHAV TO - JOSf . ROWALO olive smooth poplin. F ra -A M ® Dvftmff ngiafcMS Hruur I*«. FTER tw enty yea rs the MIGHTY Vi . barton theatre P I P E ORGAN COMES ALIVE TO CHALLENGE THE Dual Filter does it! M EN ’S S H O P 1 GULBRANSON Here’s one filter cigarette that’s really different! / R jr ô w h its RIALTO 210 Abbott Road The difference is this: Tareyton’s Dual Filter gives you a unique o u te r filte r TRANSISTOR ORGAN S e n t L an sin g inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make IN THE A C T IV A T E D the taste of a cigarette mild a n d smooth. It works together with a CH ARCO AL •B A T T L E O F pure white outer filter—to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. in n e r filte r T H E ORGANS Tvreyfm delhen and ysat enjoy—the heat Uute o f the beet tobacco*. 2 Organists ia Person! DUAL FILTER T a r e y to n One Performance Only tf JHudneumm%émmm/wyamy« '«¿¡Craáearratfra F i t June 9-11:to p.m. m ! mm pjPEsS EP P Hl ^ p pSE MI SIS S M M B M ? v&v rss»". «« «- P11S “ WsSSfK gf«tf Aim Wm O t h e r S id e o f M o d e r n mM mmr ^ State News Eliotos By T. S. Crockett l ^ n i R I la rg e pipes (above) needed f o r sew ers. S tu d e n ts will flock to shiny new T )uild-^ r is life is jn g s n e x t fall a s _ th e y h a v e been doing f o r y e a rs in th e p a s t. T h e B rody group, C ranes sw ing th e s e in to place (u p p er r ig h t) a f t e r th e rp u m p s c le a r th e d itc h e s E d u c a tio n B uilding, S tu d e n t Services— o f excess w a te r (low er le f t) . even M orrill w as once a s sp a n k in g new M en spend h o u rs se c u rin g jo in ts (m id­ a s E ppley, B essey and C ase H alls. dle, f a r le f t a n d r ig h t) to produce th e B u t b e fo re t h e gleam in g fac a d e falls black silh o u e tte o f fra m ew o rk a g a in s t sm oothly in to place, m an y m en p u t in th e sk y (low er r ig h t ) . long, h a rd h o u rs m a k in g b lu e p rin ts in to A lth o u g h n o t fin ish ed , B essey H all (be­ rea litie s. T h ro u g h th e c risp n ess o f la st low) is m ore ty p ical o f th e building s tu ­ P W H fli _ fa ll’s football a ir and th e b itte r cold o f d e n ts rem e m b e r a f t e r leav in g cam pus. w in te rte rm ’s snow s, th e s e c o n stru c tio n T he b ric k s -a re on. th e fro n t e n tra n c e in w o rk e rs h av e p u sh ed to g e t d itch es dug, place and th e blades of g ra s s a lre a d y g ird e rs raised , tile s in an d p a in t-o n . sp ro u tin g up. igiTnrr S tu d e n ts in A n th o n y H all h a v e w atch - In a n o th e r y e a r th e se sites o f b rick a n d _ ed th e p ro g re ssio n o f th e new en g in eer­ m ud will be fo rg o tte n and room s in Bes­ in g b u ilding_ (u p p e r le ft) th ro u g h th e sey, C ase and th e en g in e e rin g building will m o n th s and h a v e seen th e g ia n t g ird e rs be a s com m on as th e K iva is now . slip in to place. B u t few h a v e noticed th e 1 1 1 !. 1 F ro m th e a i r th e p ro je c ts o fte n look d iffe re n tly th a n th e y do to sidew alk sup erin ­ te n d e n ts. T h e new d o rm ito ry , C ase H all, se em s g ig a n tic fro m th e g ro u n d (low er r ig h t) b u t is d w a rfe d b y S p a rta n S tad iu m w hen seen fro m th e a ir (ab o v e ). C ase H all is expected to open n e x t w in te r te r m a n d re lie v e a lre a d y crow ded do rm ito ries. Air Transportation Courtesy of Skeren Aviation M m £ mm