H! ¡Ü Ü m ■•■■I 1’A^-VjiV»-' M H M H iS I 1 - g § f| Ml êèmmi^mâMm^àWmm fg » I - mm. lim its « ' HS§ ¡Kmh^#*•I- ,":) Stirving MSU For 5 2 Year* f a t ldnning, Michigan, Friday Morning, Jtme 2 , 1 9 6 1 10 Page. r J T L Ï Ï Z J S X * 5 Ceuta Established 19 0 9 VoL 5 3 , N®. 46 k m m Seniors T r u jillo D ie s | T o Get Awards S h & o tin g Members of the class of 1981 will wind their way around campus Monday night for the Gaudy, Bemedaled Uniform 51st annual Senior Swingeut. The procession, lead by the Marching Band, senior class of­ Leads to Dictator's Death ficers and,senior council, will begin at 7:15 p.m. a t Ag hall. . CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Do­ thusiastic supporter of the Tru- The procession will go from minican Republic, JP1—Dictator f jillo regim e. It denied reports one college to another, picking R afael Leonidas Trujillo died Diaz had gone into the moun- up seniors at the following lo­ shooting it out with his attack­ | tains to arm ed supporters gath­ cations: agriculture majors, a t ers. the arm ed forces announc­ Ag nail; communication arts ed Thursday. ered there. The departm ent at the Joutnalis n buiidin«,; Thè 69-year-old strongm an j said there was no arm ed group home economics i t the Home and his ch au ffeu r' seriously in the mountains except the }Ec building; engineering at wounded one a tta c k « 1 and per- ]I normal arm y force. Olds hall. ' haps injured another before Alio, education and business being shot down outside Ciudad : ana publie service at Morrill Trujillo by am bushers arm ed hall; science and arts at Nat­ MISSILE MAN—Wernher Von Brans talks with Maria Krzywobloki, space expert at the aniversity. daring a State ¡ with machine guns, a com-. I rriunique stated. ~ Ironically, the gaudy, he-j Hearing ural Scienc r end veterinary medicine at Giltnt-r hall News interview. —State News photo by Art Wieland. ! medaJed m ilitary uniform that ; Trujillo loved may have bees Q uestions AFTER ALL have joined the procession, the seniors will go Variety Needed ; the assassins’ tip e fi. j The attack had been planned >■■;'-. #y ' ■:■ : -.Vl. to the Fairchild theatre for tbe program. for three months, the com-1 Protection i „■ i»siAjí»:«»» m i Senior ciass president BJ* Von Braun Says j munique said, and was carried ! out Tuesday night when the as- j | sassins learned TnraDo had put fon his uniform. They knew No Extra Police AFTER LUNCH MEETINCP-Preshlents John F. Kennedy and Charle* de Gaulle interrnpt their talks at Elysee Palace in Paris for lunch. (AP Wirephoto) Gi stavson will speak on “ Sen­ ior Reflections,” and Starr 11. Keester, director of alumni re­ lations, will welcome the sen­ Don ’t Specialize that m eant he was leaving the j ! city for be seldom wore-the unH I form in Ciudad Trujillo. Assigned To Bus Terminal io rs to alumni atatus. Jack Kinney, director of the Pfece- m ent Bureau, will discuss the Science students should not ¡new airplane because this was 4- THE COMMUNIQUE, giving' specialize, but build a solid j more common.„ But the news- j the firs t details released by the MONTGOMERY, Ala., J F K S e e k s A llie d F r o n t rote of his departm ent for alumni. The central message of the (bnndation in alljof the scienc- ¡papers did not seem to be put- j governm ent told this story: four-day bearing on charges of es, according to Dr. Wernher j ting pressure on the tests, he ( Trujillo visited his widowed police refusal to protect “ Free- evening will be given by Presi­ von Braun, Am erica’s foremost | said. «*. jmmother. uujci, w Dona Julia — n o »»— Molina, — . j doth Rider»” from a mob end- dent John A. Hannah. space e x p e rt DURING THE interview. Von | Tuesday night, as he did every j « 1 Thursday w ith an emphatic ‘They |should build a good Braun chatted freely with the -night. She Ihres near Modesto j denial from Montgomery's po- T o S to p R e d A d v a n c e s Awards to the outstanding seniors will be given. Ted Hom­ ing, senior class vice president, generalized foundation and not reporter about space, politics T. Diaz, brother of form er | bee commissioner, skip physics and m ath even-if and colleges while be relaxed Brig. Gen. Juan T o m » D iaz.; jj_S. DisL Judge F rank M. will present the two Senior of they are going into space between lectu re# He ezchang- who has been implicated a to n e j ^ tm «ay lm- KENNEDY concludes h i_s the Year awards. These awards HAJfUS. .Ufi—President Ken­ 44-year-old President ^attaches are given toThe ffjale and fe­ w ork," he S j & ^ — . od comments about space with j of the conspirator s ^ — I mediately whether he will issue to his current meetings with | talks .with De Gaulle today, nedy urged-tiie North Atlantic male seniors demonstrating “ It becomes very difficult in Dr. M aria Krzywoblocki, space j Noticing Trajfflo wa s w e a r- j a no^iotence injunction against allies Thursday night to build President De Gaulle and the | possibly with Secretary Rusk m ost service to the university future work if a student spe­ expert at the university, and j ing hto u n ifo rm ^ ^ e a ssassins Mmt p Mnwry prtiw» and ecintin- a formidable 'front against approach to Khrushchev on Vi­ Iand French Foreign Minister in addition to high scholarship. cializes too early,” yon B rauir signed autographs for secre - 1 decided to kill t e n as he and | K ^ a sim ilar existing Communist advances in a "vast enna, l i e n n e d y summoned Maurice Couve De Murville said in an exclusive interview tartes in the mechanical engl- j Capt. Z acanas de la Cruz m o-; Iyr^ r afr»i„rt the Ku Klux neering department. fi tored to the dictator’s » l a t e in : K1an area of the underdeveloped three aides to the French capi­ sitting in. In the first two days MARILYN MOYER, swingout between lectures Thursday. world where “freedom is now tal. of the two-man summit, only chairman, will present the sen­ . . Von Braun also spoke at a ^ r L »v- thr** rarx At the hearing before Judge in danger.” U.S. Ambassador LleweHyn j interpreters were present. ior activity award,_given to the HE SAID they (governmental ¡ noon luncheon, a t a special ___ ______ aufomo- _______ -hthnsoo. ________ 'Commissioner L •». B. Kennedy and De Gaulle, dip- senior who has done the most space projects) hire many «»J* j mechanical engineering pro-j cut ^ orLoff .ine tbe aictaior dictator 5s automo- Sullivan . testified .no . extra po- The President made his plea Thompson arrived Thursday in an address to a special ses­ | from Moscow. j lomatic sources reported, dis- work in extra-curricular activi- lege graduates for space work , gram< and a t the lecture-con- bite. The gunmen poured fire w ere nccignpd to the Grey- in engineeringrphysics, chemis- ^ series talk in the auditori- Trujillo s car. ^wounding bound bus •»*««« sion of the 15-nation NATO Secretary of State Dean Rusk ! cussed NATO at some length in ties. station in in vim tanm . Montgom council. It cam e soon after be is arriving today from Wash­ ¡their afternoon session, after President Hannah will pre­ try and m athem atics each year. I ^ Thursday n igh t him. cry May 20 before a Freedom and-President De Gaulle turn­ ington and roving Ambassador j having explored problems in sent the scholarship awards to —Without them we wouldn t ■ j |e returned after his talks HIS DRIVER attem pted to Rider bus arrived because ed their attention from a threat­ IVC Averell H arrim an from Ge- I Asia. -Africa and Latin Ameri- thé mule and female students be able to do this work, h e , here to his job as director of turn around and escape but “there w as no indication that ened Berlin crisis to perilous neva. where he is chief U.S. jca. The two have not seen eye- who have the highest academic commented when asked about Marshall Spaci Space Flight Cen- Trujillo ordered: “ 1 am wound­ there would be trouble." problems in Africa, Asia and t^delegate to the 14-nation confer­ ! to-eye on the rotes of the in­ averages in the class. the quality of graduates. 1ter. _Huntsville. ... Ala. ed. Let us stop and fight ' He continued, no mob was ev­ dividual nations in the alliance, _ But again he emphasized the Latin America. ence on Laos. Perm anent class officers for Trujillo drew a revolver and ident before the bus pulled in The President at the same i and De Gaulle was reported to lact A h a t coDege students fired, at the DIPLOMATIC sources re- have stated his views on this. alumni activities wiili be elect­ tu " v attackers: tbe If r| ov m iu ouiuw Birmingham |unui --— where "Mv*v should take a wider variety of courses in order th a t they be Lantern .Night driver used one of two ma chine there had been another racial tim e assured the Atlantic allies . the United States is totally in­ j ported' that after two days" of Briefly, De Gaulle insists on ed by the members of the 61 Club. Jim FYink, Rochester, more qualified for the broaden­ guns earn ed in the car. uprising earlier—and “there volved hi Western Europe’s des- j meetings, De- Gaulle has been ; full FTench sovereignty within and Bob Gustavson, Pontiac, ing field of space science. Means Roses Before, falling unconscious. was no indication that there the driver s a w -the attackers would be any violence” at tiny. This already had been 1 underscored by general agree- favorably impressed by his ¡the organization. young ally from across the At­ J Apparentiy_ there was not are nommated for president; Scott Morrison. Hillsborough, Von. Braun admitted that he beating the m ortally wounded Montgomery m ent a t the Kennedy-De Gaulle | lantic. , sufficient, time for the U.S. Cai.t., and Amie Roberts, Mot­ had not taken a wide enough . range of courses. To 50 Women .Trujillo. The -generalissim o’s battered body was found in a , joimsan, Johnson, vwhen he hands down „ lH n g ^ decide whether summ it on stiff resistance -to The P resident—and his trim , I President- to state his views but French-speaking wife Jacque­ i he was reported prepared to do ion, Pa., or vice preside«.• Soviet-Prem ier Khrushchev’s Jane Bingham, Gainsville, Fia , “ WHENn r iv Ii WAS w a s aa k id " he* The 31st annual Lantern ¡car trunk a t the scene n e xtot issue ____ an order designed to threats against West Berlin. line—have had a big impact on j_so today. Despite such differ- and Sharon Jones, Toledo, Ohio, said “I didn’t take any cours-; Night will honor 30 outstanding j morning ’ compel police in the future to Kennedy meets Khrushchev the .people oL the capital, too^ Jeiices, the two wfcre said to for secretary; and Mary Eber- es in electronics because 11 senior women Sunday at 8 p.m. The communique gave no m- protect Freedom Riders and jThe second day of the state i have got on well together. - natdt, Richmond, and Norma in Vienna Saturday and Sun­ visit was one of triumph for the wanted to be a rocket m an and J» front of Cowles House dicat ion. whether the slaying etfaer interstate bus passengers, didn’t think electronics was im- j M ortar Board, one of the » as t t e r e ^ o f a ^ m m a i s He will rule a t the sam e tim e day. presidential couple. P a r i s i KENNEDY went from his Smith, Detroit, for treasurer. portent. Now about 80 per cent sponsors of the event, chose the ag®“ ® ,.i™ jii» or an whether the tem porary re- “ WE HAVE an historic re­ showed Kennedy-a rem arkable i meeting with De Gaulle to NA- ^Senior Swingout was begun of rocketry is electronics.” 50 women on the basis of char- attem pt to straining order now in force to sponsibility," Kennedy told the outpouring of warmth as he re­ | TO headquarters, where he ex- in 1911 when seniors paraded NATO council, “ and H is a m at­ ceived the glittering old capi­ : pressed “the basic conviction around the campus to Old Col­ te r of vital strategic signifi­ tal's official, ceremonial wel­ See JFK Page 18 lege Hall, which stood on the erage, Von Braun said that he- — «m tm l o v e r the four individuals from intesi e r site of Beaumont Tower., Near didn’t appreciate 450 rep o rters■ AWS and Tower Guard are v mg with interstate bus travel is cance to your countries’ future come. Big crowds cheered the P res­ the Tower the students formed f a r m i n g over Cape Canaveral i the other two sponsors of the 1UUI to be dissidved or kept in ef feet. and mine that we concern our­ selves with the whole southern ident on the streets as he pass- Deadline Sunday their class numerals. during the astronaut shot, tell-1 event. _ SIX MEN were nam ed as half of the globe where we are ed in an open car, and shouted FOR SEVERAL years follow­ ing scientists what to do and ! The ceremony includes the conspirators: Gen. Diaz. An- t,peculating peculating about failures. |¡passing passing .ofof lanterns from se sen-1 tonio and n -; tomo and__Rafae!jifc Rafael de la Maza. M an. He m ust dispose also- of a injunction request from now In danger and where free­ “ Vive Kennedy.” The visit For Cap», Gowns ing flowered swings were erect­ dom is now in danger, and seemed to be generating new “ I am in favor of playing this tors to underclassmen, sym- Huascar Tejeda Rema. Pedr* a tto rn e y s asking for a where those who place them­ excitement, perhaps because of Seniors, Sunday is the last ed in front of each college and thing openly,” he said, "but bolizing the passing of responsi- j Lirio Cedeno. and Amado G ar- to prohibit Free- girls were given rides by thir there was too much newspaper ! biflty. President John A. Han- i c i a G u e r r e r o ____ „ ! -roups from inter- selves on the opposite side of huge headlines about his meet­ day for picking caps anu gowns beaux and -the pledges of frat­ oressure on th at shot.” 4. nab will announce the selected ? The War D epartm ent « n d 7°” iq o ~ l groT ^ . . the table from us seek to make ings -with De Gaulle and the at the Union book store The ernities. He said ^ thought the X-15 women while Mrs. Hannah will j Gen Diaz, retired from active tering with interstate b u s their great advances." enormous publicity given the book store will be open until Because of the large number rose service had posed an movement. Showing the importance the doings of Mrs. Kennedy. 5 p.nr. tests were Just as, if not more, give each of them of graduates the flowered swing dangerous but people were tradition was cancelled and a ready to accept tests on any precession held instead. This year’s Swingout is dedi- T o G et A w ard s « Icated to President Hannah, who Mary Basing | is celebrating his twentieth year as president of MSU. Sued for Libel In case of rain,-seniors should go directly to Fairchild Theatre instead of meeting at their col-, Mary Basing, Eaton Rapids MSU will present Distinguish- leges. junior and State News staff j ed Alumni Awards to five of its writer, was sued for 125,800 I form er students at spring com- Thursday by one rtf the subjects | mencement exercises Sunday. in her State News series on ci­ June 11. vil liberties. Honored wilt -be a scientist- iiough Leaves William W. Hicks J r., East [educator, two industrial execu­ Lansing te a l estate man, filed tives. a form er Secretary ot the libel suit in Ingham County i Commerce and -a woman who State.News Circuit Court. [has dis*-n.-iuished herself in the George A. Hough III, faculty He said that he did not make ! field of medicine and civic adviser to the Stale News fur statem ents attributed to him j affairs. - in the State News series. i Selected as outstanding aium- the past year, was relieved of. k s also charged that the ni of lUfct by the Alumni Advis- flicks I lic hat duties at the newspaper stories attributed to him re­ ory Council are Thursday by Fred S. Siebert, m arks damaging to the charac­ ^lark V. Burlingame, Wilmet­ dean of the College of Commu­ ter of tbe university in connec­ te and Chicago. Hl., c la n of nication Arts. tion with the showing of the U X , executive - vice-president film “ Communism on the and director oí the Natural tía s Hough, who will return to Pipeline Camp— y oí America. full-time teaching after spring Miss Basing said Thursday M L GERALD Dikm&nx. Ion­ term,, was scheduled to con­ she ie could provo all of the ia. class of ISM, retired tinue la the . advisory post uurgas in her stories. See ALUMNI P a g e » MUELLER fW T E through next year. -, - ‘ vv';?" ¡S P®fS P IÌP m sam m m ■ WÊÉÊ/Ê m s m . i K Æ m ■ i T f I fi S f f ( K M ■ B eBL¿-J—í g S pit* H'■? Hi 1 h-.T® -1 ■ .^ M B b ^ h H 2» m i n r " '- * " r - *¥ :€ & y j f Ê W w Ê ' -V ’ I For All Qawe* “Private Enterprise Hju Bee* . De*fa Another H W Blow. W B IThe MSU Admissions Policies GovernmentWaato ÜslTott^0^lr This Ourselves BP C a r e e r C a r n iv a l Fair to Capable Students W o r th y S e r v ic e not a limit on each class. Thus the admis­ T h e 1961 Career Carnivil exposition, the T h e process o f a d m ittin g s tu d e n ts to a u n iv e rsity is a tric k y one at beat. U niver­ sions office can open university doors to largest vocational information service of ft* s ity officials m u st decide w ho is qualified more incoming freshmen, depending on other, kind in the world, will be heM early in faB ‘ and capable w ith o u t d isc rim in a tin g against v a ria b le s .' te rm in the Union. M ore fre sh m e n c a n be a d m itte d if few er applicants. upperclassm en re tu rn , i f a n unexpected num ­ The efforts of 70 businesses, industries and T he jo b is com plicated w hen th e u niver­ agencies w i l l g o in to m ak in g "O p p o rtu n ities b e r do n o t m ak e th e ir g rad e s, if th e volum e s ity is forced to lim it enrollm ent because U nlim ited” in te re s tin g an d info rm ativ e. A o f tr a n s f e r s tu d e n t ap p licatio n s declines. T h e o f lack o f fu n d s. Som e tale n te d s tu d e n ts will lim it is d e fin ite ly n o t s e t ini J a n u a r y a f te r su b sta n tia l n u m b er o f businesses a r e on a b e 'h u r t by less qualified stu d e n ts w ho g a in th e f ir s t 5,000 h ig h school seniors apply. w aitin g lis t to ta k e p e r t in th e carnival. a d m itta n c e a t th e ir expense. # The most capable students are also ad­ T he s tu d e n t w ho applies in N ovem ber mitted because of MRU’s lack of a quota W E ARE ALERTING stu d en t* to th is will have a d e fin ite a d v a n ta g e over th e Ju ly system. Unlike the University of Michigan, very w o rth y a c tiv ity now , so t h a t i ts sig n i­ ap p lican t, reg ard less o f q u ality . students, are admitted because of mere abil­ ficance will nOt b e buried in th e f lu r ry ac­ In sp ite o f th e f a c t t h a t such a s itu a tio n ity. It does not matter if they are in agricul­ com panying th e new y e a r . does e x ist, th e fac ts a re n o t a s black n o r ture, philosophy, or literatulpe; if they are O ver 250 re p re se n ta tiv e s from th e . bu si­ as d isc rim in a to ry a s some c ritic s would from Michigan or Zanzibar. If they are ca­ nesses will be on h an d to ta lk w ith s tu d e n ts . lead one to believe. MSU h a s been u n d e r pable they are admitted. V iew ing th e displays and ta lk in g w ith th e a tta c k from vario n s 'sources re g a rd in g th e U OF M*8 PLAN stipulates t h a t a given rep re sen ta tiv e s can be a very v aluable ex­ “exclusion” o f o u t-o f-sta te s tu d e n ts a n d a n amount of students will be a d m itte d f o r each perience fo r 'a n y stu d e n t— m an, w om an, adm issions policy w hich fu nctions on a f ir s t department and a given a m o u n t fro m each fre sh m a n o r senior. ^ ' com e, firs t served” basis. state. Thus, by July the h isto ry d e p a rtm e n t R ep resen tativ es to “O pp o rtu n ities U n­ T hese c ritics arg u e t h a t because o f th e quota may be filled and exceptional h isto ry lim ited ” will explain th e types o f o p p o rtu n i­ “ f ir s t come, f ir s t served” sy stem , out-of- students will be turned aw ay. R u t th e a rc h i­ tie s available in th e ir org an izatio n s a n d th e s ta te s tu d e n ts will be k e p t o u t since th e y tecture department m ay still be open in educational background and q u alificatio n s do n ot apply fo r adm issions u n til la te aiming. August (as it was la s t fall) and an a rc h ite c t t h a t a re n ecessary to fill th e various posi­ Such a s itu a tio n c re a te s “ provincialism ’* in student with m uch less a b ility th a n th e his­ tions. _ -— a u n iv ersity and does n o t a c ce n t academ ic tory student will be a d m itte d . excellence. - • ~ O u t-o f-sta te s tu d e n ts a re h u r t ip th e sam e IN T H E PA ST, th e c a re e r c a rn iv al h a s Way under th e q u o ta sy ste m b u t -at MSU larg ely a ttr a c te d upperclassm en in th e . jo b T H E E R R O R ifts u c h th in k in g is a p p a re n t m ark e t. B u t we would like to p o in t o u t its w hen one exam inesTthe tr u e situ a tio n . F ir s t, th e y a re considered on th e sam e b a sis as any M ichigan s tu d e n t—a b ility . O u t-o f-sta te value to fresh m en a n d sophom ores. A s tu ­ th e peak in e n tra n c e applications is usually d e n t's becom ing acquainted w ith th e various h it d u rin g th e w in ter, th is y e a r in J a n u a r y . stu d e n ts a re lim ited only by th e ir a b ility to p ay a h ig h e r tu itio n fee and th e f a c t t h a t occupational prospects e a rly in h is college M ost s tu d e n ts w ith a n y p reten sio n s o f schol­ c a re e r m ay a ssist him in planning h is fu tu re a rly in te re s t apply e a rly a n d to several th e y m ust, also prove th e ir ab ility . T h e ad­ m issions office c a n n o t know th e q u a lity o f cu rricu lu m . \ schools, reg a rd le ss of. s ta te . T he su p e rio r s tu d e n ts w ho do n o t apply each high school th e y com e fro m a s th e y L a s t fall, approxim ately 12.000 people vi­ ea rly still have a n o p p o rtu n ity f o r adm is­ can o f M ichigan stu d e n ts. sited th e exposition, sponsored by th e P lace­ sion. how ever, since MSU w orks on a rolling A u n iv e rsity n o t only h a s a n obligation m e n t B ureau .We urge even m ore s tu d e n ts to adm issions plan w hereby th e a c tu a l fre s h ­ to fill each d e p a rtm e n t in its confines, b u t tu r n o u t fo r th e 1961 C areer C arnival and m an class size cannot be a sc e rta in e d u n til i t m u st also m eet, th e needs of society a n d ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f t h e o p p o rtu n ities fo r in­ th e b e tte r s tu d e n ts w ho w ish to u se - its s ig h t an d advice o ffe red t h e m .___ late sum m er. W e have a to ta l lim it o f 22,500 s tu d e n ts— N e e d fo r F re e peared in Wednesday's State would not cooperate either, T firing Olid’s usefulness as a , cency at MSU deserve the high change of ideas which'is so es­ Endorsements arrived from ask, does It make a student therapeutic tooT to the interests est praise in this connection News. , ( 'o itg ra tu la t u rn s sential fo r the survival of any Swainson and Hare, I said that no less than 15 F a l s e A t t a c k s Perhaps Bobby and Jack could more cooperative when the po­ of a detective agency with his These articles sh o w a definite faculty m em bers had been Te-the Editor: " democracy. - _ lice tell lies about a student? disgusting immorality. point of view, plain courage To the E d ito r:- I have in front of me a post­ be lured from their lair, If the two departm ents do not Janice Clark and the taking of a stand on the quoted as giving support to the In his letter printed in the Congratulations t o Editor age stam p which bears the in­ But their purpose was obvious . . x I p art of the State News staff. articles and that none of them State News, of M a y 31, A F. Marcia VanNess, the State scription, “Those who denv , and easy to see. work together, why did not w " ! On« would hope that they had expressed the desire of see­ Brandstatter. director, police News and the paper's faculty freedom of others deserve it The good old American “ what's Miss De Lisle say so instead of would hold their ground and let ing that the university refute administration and public safe­ odvisor on making the univer- ^not fQ j* them for metnseives. selves." (A. m . Lin- um- in it for me£~” saying nothing. Certainly Miss D o n ' t F o r g e t none of the likely brainless toe charges. ty , made allusions to the recent sity newspaper the best journal, ^ l n l . It is respectfully sug- This tale I conclude with a sim ­ DeLisle’s silence answers the criticism h am p er'th eir efforts. Upon v j~ u reading ■w u ...6 the ..... statements " v,““ .series series on suraem students’ t. civu civil liber- in town. to w n Of O f how HOW many newsS- gested th at uuniversity m a n y neW n iv a r c it v e m -­ em ple admonition. question. ' — Te the Editor: One last thing: having pro- again. I find that clearly two ^es which j must question papers in the United States can ployes in the offices of . the I Philosophy is not created with L arry P . Russell We congratulate Mary Bas­ tested vehemently and long professors state th at they hope j He says. “The State News one say that most readers turn deans of students and In the a m arketing disposition. i i t ir it ~ ing and the State News fo rjh e against the sanctified position the university will indeed r e - ; through this article continues first to the editorial page, in­ campus police could be more | H arry I. Wolk \ long overdue articles exposing of ROTC at MSU, it is a be- Tute rate tne the cnarges charges ana and a miru third to promote a clim ate of dis- dis­ stead of the sports, news or the usefully employed In reading I D e f e n d s P o l i c e some of the practices of the ad­ seemed to indicate this idea in j trust directed toward an im- ¥ * * J ministration and campus police lated pleasure to see reason comics? , ’~ the inscriptions on p ostage1 regarding student rights. acknowledged and the system his statement. portant function of government We hope the paper will be as stamps than in many of their W r o n g T a c t i c s To the Editor: Since I now must revise my j by uv }parading mzi auiii^ before uviviv the u commu- lively, informative, honest and present duties. It seem s nothing can stop We believe that this series I ^ V0« nta/,yc , T mav hr nn number to Î2* I hope that this nj^y ji&torted re 10 rfs Miss Basing from complaining has created a ereat deal of to- Evidently MSU may be on • ..,¿11 U . mmmImTm ae in ! *-*• . a a___ va*. • _ courageous next year. I have also been disturbed to . To the Editor: dividual reaction among the jth* *° becoming a genuine letter will be printed- so as to irst. Mary Basing the writ­ We believe I t will, if Miss read that some organizations, in [ In your article in Monday's about the nosy FB I and the correct the truth For a his­ er of these'report:, used signed Basing. Miss Coady and some this country have so little con- ]i State News, "Are Student Rec­ state police. student body: however, we are university. Laurence R, Tayler torian to ju m p 'to generaliza­ statements and took other pre­ of oi the uw other staff»«■<.»«.. uuici>w> members- who— i ftoence in th e American system ord Files P rivate?” Your ex- When money is stolen from a concerned with the lack of unit­ Universitv of Rochester tions is bad enough, but for him cautions. which she descri.ocd. have helped make it as good as j of democracy th at'th ey find it | ample about Patrolm an Dan E. dorm, what group is scream ed ed student reaction to these . to admit he is wrong is worse, in ■rder to provide an ur.ais- it is, are back. necessary to show the propa- j Hankin s method of trying to for? Why, of course, the nosy practices, which directly affect ★ * * and so 1 hope that you will ac­ t'ntcd \iew . A F Brandstatter We fear that it will not, if the j gan(ja movie“ Operation Aboil- j| find who the thief was in a par­ police. They are asked to find all of ua- cept this letter in the spirit in­ claimed that Hie incidents re- rum or is true that administra- bon" to indicate the dangers of ticular case prompted this let­ the money. How? Well, as long As Dr. Peniington expressed! R e s p o n s i b i l i t y tended uw^.. ported had “ b «n explained’^. tive members of the Publica-, COmmunism. These aims could ter. as they don’t investigate the in M onday tv’s State RIB News, it is | * Other than that I feel that my but did not suppiv any witags- our sincere hope that M ary's To the Editor: tions Board vetoed some of the ^^ mofe fully achieved by tell- Patrolm an Dan E. Hankin’s m atter in any way, they can do excellent work will not be for*- Finding myself allied with originai -'*i—1 letter — *' is an accurate ses against Miss Basing's staff suggested by the students j | the truth about commu- method used when questioning what they like. representation of my views at jtatcm« nts. _ -- and. the faculty advisor, be- j n$sm< although of course, if the girl whose property had It seem s strange that in gotten during the summer Professor B randstatter in de­ this time on the m atter of stu- j Secondly, he questioned the cause the paper was too liberal, j groups-of people follow been stolen was appalling. Monday’s paper a t the top Miss months. Wilt action be taken or crying irresponsibility evidenc­ dent civil, rights serioufness of the violations P i .» Please, » »*11 us that rumor I th# jead o{ those described in When the student replied that Basing was giving the police will her articles merely be ed In Miss Basing's recent se­ Eric D.-Thuma she named, stating, “Do a ‘few ries moves me to write my first isn't true Mary Basing's articles, the dif­ the evidence was circum stan­ hell. While below in a small filed away in her personal rec­ ever “letter to.” I would have isolated incidents' w arrant tnU John Cary ferences between the two sys­ column, a coed was praised for ords to be examined by any » ¥ -* kind oi attack?" tial and that he could not prove "preferred a simple -dignified * * ★ tems (communism and democ­ a thing, I m ust say. that Han­ Jtelplng the police crack a dope prospective employer. ! eii si remind him that the David A. Milko denial that the campus police racy) will n o t be quite so ob­ kins showed very little “tac t” ring. How dare those police1 Pgter Marshall have engaged in one or more R e a d T h o r e a u Seventh Annual institute on Po-_ F or F reedom vious. by answering. “ There’s many meddle in those people’s busi­ Gary Wilson of the activities specifically lice-Community Relations which — i A. H. Ktrton a man in Jackson prison con­ ness just because they want to Te the Editor: he praises for discussing “ com­ To the Editor: ! identified by Miss Basing to his From New Zealand victed on circum stantial evi­ peddle dope. They might want ir i t i t We have read .with interest munity problems and civil I would Tike to congratulate j To get a job some day and this ¡over-lengthy protest. My own the current series of articles Graduate Student dence.” j impression of irresponsibility rights” could never have ac­ Mary Basing on her excellent ¡ may be used against them. G o o d C h a n g e s concerning the civil liberties of complished so much if viola­ series of articles and the State j ♦ * ★ Let us hope that the men that has a different content: are in Jackson prison convicted As for the FBI, if it hadn't the students of Michigan State. tions of civil liberties had not News on attempting to fulfill been for them , this country | To the Editor: — | Miss Basing concludes her se- It is interesting to note that. first been brought to the atten­ on circum stantial evidence are While a student at MSU j ries with the query “ Will t**e as was indicated in the second tion of the communities involv­ an important function of a uni­ W h a t ' s i n I t ? would have been taken by The versity newspaper, nam ely,-to not there because o f th e same (1956-59), I often took the op- administration. .refuse the discus's controversial m atters. To (he Editor : lack of “ta c t” as shown by communists long ago. If that i portunity of writing dissenting | student and faculty of th-s cam •article of the series, support ed. had happened. Miss Basing, for uro ■«» Uie individual's u iw iw h k , “ right , of — This sometimes painful social II is surprising and disturb­ Fellow Americans lend me Hankins. you would have had plenty to I letters to the editor, usually | pus the right to question?' dissent" came from one of the criticism is necessary to allow your ear. _ Is it p art of campus police ing to read of the activities and I complain about. So rem em ber, ¡protesting the stand-pat m edi-|This. I feel, misses the-m am Babbitts" - of the business our elected and appointed of* intervention of the campus po­ I will not bore you with Paul tactics to have students infonp It is because of the FBI that ! ocrity which was the Ufestream point. No one. not the admm- world, rather than from the ad- ficiais to guard the principals Revere, on each other? What is the lice and university officials in you can print what you have in I of the State News, and wh ch istration nor the facudv twr m inistrative staff of a seat of of democracy. Therefore, to the private lives of students. But with two gentlemen noble ! m atter with the campus po­ the newspaper. 1seemed to reflect the universi- J God. gives anyone the right to f-ee inquiry, from which one 1stifle the initial step is to stop The university interference in and strong, lice? Can’t they gather infor­ Beverly White j ty as well. Jquestion. might ordinarily expect such™the whole process of govern- private m atters such as m ar­ Who cam e from the right and mation by themselves without ’ i t it i t I Some of these letters werej Rather, every citizen m a suoport. ment by the people. riage. in student elections and couldn't be wrong. trying to force students into do­ j even ridiculed in print bv sense-; democracy and most pnrtkra- Their names are Jack Lyons ing their work for them? Perhaps the members of the When I view Brandstatter'« the keeping of political files and B rea ch o f T ru st l less comments and editing by larly. every university student administrative staff would find'statem ent, " I ’m ho p efu l'th at paid student informers are and dhpper Don Riegle, When the student was called j the staff of the paper. In oth- preparing to live in a demo- Henry David Thoreau instruc- other m em bers of out faculty events 1 would have only ex­ They hoped to revive the Amer­ before Frances De Lisle and To the Editor: pected to find behind the iron ican eagle, and bamboo curtains and not in For the nation's purpose was & free society. i their *s to•— define, - »• asked why she would not coop­ erate with Patrolm an Hankins, ' er letters such a comment by ¡cratic society, has the rev-nasi- Your excellent series of a rti­ j me as “ apparently the old uni-7bfltty of questioning and seek- versity tradition of rebellion! ing to Improve every phase of and was shown a statem ent cles on student civil liberties 'a n d quest for new ideas fa dy-jthe iwirttfngs'of that soc” *tv . H tive ...H reading. Harold in a ''J a m e s Allen Davis, I will join test inin me in a vianrnus against the vigorous nrn- irresponsibility of the State News and the ir\em- pro­ 1 written by Hankins stating that exposes a situation which not Richard Bonier b trs of our faculty Who are sup­ Such interference can do ¡To m editate, ponder and fur merely threatens the small per­ : ing out" indicated the hostility Is only to tbe active assumption plying the information neces­ nothing but hinder the free ex- ther refine. the other girls of tbe dorm Graduate Students. sonal world of each of us stu­ ! of the newspaper and much of of this responsibility that Department ef Psychology sary to siistain the attack. . .** dents. but also violates some of ¡j toe student body to divergence "right to questioq,” h a s eSM- in light of my above statements, the oldest and most sacred eth­ if opinion. ence. ¥ ¥ ¥ I wonder if he is for tbe strict ics of the medical-profession; I It ia now an amazing and de­ Lee Kxtx. Head interpretation of the Bill of Michigan State News speak of the example cited lightful experience to witness Monday to which Otto health the transform ation w lric T i c e n t« apparently passed infor­ seems to have come over the mation out to * therapy session State Neva. . .which m ay bode Department *Retraction it it it ef Statistics D oes It H u rl? Te the Editor: Rights so necessary to preserve democracy, as be claims to be, or if b e is for some totalitarian Published bv the students ef Michigan State L fhivysity. Issued, on _ Mr. Brandstatter. Does the suppression of discussion and class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring to the university administra- well for the university as writ. truth hurt? reporting through the free quarters. Issued w eeklyauring the sum m er term . Second class post­ tien. . .- The current articles about f9 the Editor: PA . Fingerprints on request. press? Olin is a p a rt of the adminis­ the McCarthy-Ilka disregard for 1 am writing this to retract \ age paid a t E ast Lansing, Michigan. . Edward Jewett Barbara Alien Wilson Editorial and business offices a t M l Student Services building, tration, yes—but it ta also a civil liberties and common da- p art ef my letter to you th at ap- Michigan State University, E ast Lansing, Michigan. medical service, and a* *uch it Mail subscriptions payable In advance for one term , $6; for two has obttgatieas to its patient# which transcend ordinary totra- term s, $4; three term s, 16. . ± _ sdministrstive ties. The «ore- Member of the Associated Fjreai, Inland Daily Press Association moot of theee obligations, par* and the Associated College pro«*. Ucularly for the menial health E ditor M arci* Van Nee* New« Editor. BUI Goto clinic, is to hold the trans­ Editorial EdUar Jody Howard act*« between doctor ead pa- Managing Editor Ben Burns Sports Editor Wayne Parson* tient ta strtcteri confidence Adv. M anager— Je rry Lundy F eature Editer J*«« Maxwell j nM any member of the health Circulation Mgr.~. ..Paul Lasher Women's Bd. .Charlotte Dalton ¡center Is Indeed violating this City E d ito r ^ Vic Rauch Plwte Editer Al Royce 1confidence * afar way, then he lie trampling rights aid sacri- H r* - ■¡m "* / * »v'', "" S, - ' i ;l'i " V,r; ^ 1 /V ' ,.V:j '<•' J( -• • ^ HPT. S i a l e 1 Weather G A M P üSC L A SSIF IE D S ~Y Water Carnival Off OKADLINES: 1 m l Ifoy Btfoc* for T U », W«fL, Thor»H for Ho l E d itto : l p J t F r L Phone ED 2-15U Extensions 2643 To Roaring Start SERVICE Despite the handicap of doubt­ ed swinging music from the AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE ful weather, the Roaring 20’s j a r r age, setting t o mood for cam e cruising down the Red th e show. ROOMS TOP REPAIRS - Low) ROUND ROOMS Radio. Win remore, rem Cedar on schedule last night Announcers Chuck Cioffi, Like new. ' CUCAN APPROVED SIN G LE and rO R MSN. SUMMER, fan. Stacie or •tell Am*ricen ear IM Includine parte, labor for 1961’t W ater Carnival. „ E ast Lansing senior, Miki Wor- doubla M ena. K r eununar. Cooking. double P rivata entrane*, o t it i. » unconditional cuarenta« Baal C t « . Laaatac. ED 7-8810. maw and Fotrview, IV And from the tim e the cur­ sfold, Grand Rapids senior, and tin • pim. tain rose and the first floats Don Mohr, Lansing senior help­ DOUBLE ROOMS.. CooMtk. oar*- new COCK. ROOMS N R e im m n In 1999 BUICK SPECIAL with h ra U r and radio 1er 989. Call ED S-U9E 1887 STUDEBAKEI born*. Shower», partane- ED glided down the river, people ed turn tim e back with imita­ 47 cupe r chargor. PTW 4 H » were transported—in' spirit at tions of personalities of the era, transmission. Whltewi 1994 CHEVROLET, radio, bootr ru m radio, power steerin M. CHEW . rOUR_ draw ers. Mke erne SINGLE A R P POUBLE room» for SUMMER. MEN 1 double and t a a r t least— from the Roaring 60's to many of whom were caricatur­ *»«• <*?«» onto, sharp! 10% discount «7 used in dorma. ED 7-0791. Room 897. sum mer, approved lo r men. K itchen. 1 double do ae to ram uua. privet* the Roaring 20 s. ed on the floats. B ist' offer, over 9100. Poto. TV and dlnln* room, privata « « ran ce. entrance, b e ta . M e t fum lA i ow n 47 Singles, » J Ö w m *Í7 - g linen». perklnC available. E P 1-W *. 47 A large crowd gathered to “ Bubbles," the Water Carni­ T-BDtD. 1908, rod. *S“ P,*Î* • c2 * ' weekly. UM F ry. *• Lansing, ED 1994 CHEVROLET, radio, heater runs aortas except air-conditioning. Ex­ view the shew, some carrying val girl pictured on all the Mick shut, rodio, b ee te r Jtood con­ dition. Cheap. Cjsll IV9-4631 evenings. ceptionally clean. ED 7-0641.' • 3-687»._________ N IC* ROOMS fo r sum m er only. « LOST and FOUND STUN open today. 1 -1 1 a.m.; 1 - 9 umbrellas “ just in case,” but posters, spoke for the flappers. 1 1900 TRIUMPH TH9 sporto car, çood W ith and w ithout coffttac. ty r k ln f • WOMAN'S w atch ln IM Michigan obliged with clear ¿ ‘Walter Wmchell” narrated- condition, low mileage, heater, 8 blocke to campus. ED 7-MOO. 47 1184 CHEVY. I door hardtop. FuUv neeu cover. ED S-13M. 47 M ay 91st. Reward. ED 8-0011 weather for the. carnival's dur- part of the time, and t o voice eouipped. Excellent condition. 8898 TWO SLEEPING rooms, n ear T ran- p m Room 13 Student Services. Clear. at'on. of “ Only Yesterday” mimicked 4 Call ED 7-0888. a fter 8 p m . i960 VOLVO. Top condition. I D sr. rood bade, clean. Quiet, parking. ¡900 a lte r 9 JO 47 V 8-3494 a lte r • p m. 47 L O W : WHITE OOLD B enrut w atch Governor John B. Swain son other famous personalities of 1899 FORD V-8. 9199. Contact Room between music building and G ilchrist 319 B. Shaw Dorm. 47 1909 MATCHLESS motorcycle. « M F ATTRACTIVE ouiet room in area of May 31. Contact jfi8 Gilchrist. 47 ine books from the last 8 term s and officially opened the carnival. the age. Much of the descrip­ miles never- abused -- excellent coo beautiful homes tor grad student or “The t o m e ‘Only Yesterday’ is tion was hi poetry, relating t o 1852 FORD, good tlres. rood body. dltion. 9890 Call Jean Calloway prOfeoalonal m an. E P 3-1179.______49 LOST—MAN’S WATCH. IM Bid*.. 9190 ED 3-0798. 194 G uniton. 47 ED 7-1081. r~ S CANDY May 94. Sentim ental valu e, b a d i a point well taken, said Swain- events of the 20's to situations ATTENTION MALE STUDENTS! Inscribed Ron H atcher. ED >*4887 son. “ The first Water Carnival, as close as the campus and as 1990 FORD, 1984 D B B O T O rad con- vertible. Cali Larry. ED 9-3994 from 9-10 p.m. (Sunoco Service)________47 EMPLOYMENT Mailed Anywhere Rooms, cooking and pari sum m er term . Reasonable 1 parking for a fter 5 p m . ta ratas. ED 47 « receiving books to sell next fail. as near as University historians far as international affairs. 3-0798. LOST—PLA3TIC BAG of clothing can determine, was in 1923— A Charleston contest was held 1954 MG-TF black, good .fe ta tio n - MEDICAL T E ^ O L O G I S T ASCP, Complete Assortment F rid a y betw een Union, and Campbell f f j u u w v in M U APPROVED HOUSING fo r men. dorms. ED 7-1721. J lm . Dobrel._____ 47 W . . . . . . . ___ I , — ------ and tonight’s show takes us during intermission. Sharou Must sell. Call ED 9-8939 after 9 p.m. fo r weekend w ork a t new G eneral For sum m er and fa ll terms. 448 P a r t Hospital. CaU IV 4-9811. Ext. 89. 47 Available At ' TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone back to where we started. Mullaly, Hudson sophomore, Lane. ED 7-017». 1 47 98 REWARD FOR Information load­ num ber. ED 2-1384. Electric type­ 1998 MO-TD, N«w top overaU ex­ FEMALE. 90-40. Housework and ing to retu rn of black fram ed pres­ w riter. T erm papers and theses, also COOL APPROVED. Close. Summer cription shade* lost in drunken stu­ general fynin*. Arnie Roberts. Merion, Penn, and ^ Bill Springett, Grosse cellent condition. ED 8-8841. A-309. 47 nursing care. 5 nights weekly. Need car. Could live tor P rof amor Avery. The Card Shop and fall terms. P rivate home, parking. por a t Gables S u n d ay night. P)ea»J Single or doubles. Reasonable. ED retu rn before I go blind. ED 3-3194. 40 typing. tf TYPING DONE In Spartan VUlage chairman, cut t o senior, and 1961 W ater Carnival Pointe sophompre, won first r i b b o n place. They were awarded gift 1989 MG A,’ROADSTER, red interior, Ext. 9301. 46 2-1317. 44 -radio, heater, tonneau cover. Excel­ Across From LOST—WOMEN'S w ide gold w ed­ apartinent. ED 7-0703. or t o 7-009A stretched across the Red Cedar certificates from Campbell’s lent condition. Call ED 7-8436. POSITIONS OPEN FOB night Home EconomteoBldg. PRIVATE ROOMS - 3 blocks from ding ring. Tuesday M*y 23ra. P rob­ nurse full o r p e rt time. A lio operat­ 1989 MGA. NEW w hite paint, mokes, ing room supervisor. New, m odern Union. Private entrance, m en only ably o n South Campus. Finder olease TYPING. In m y home, by aocretanr and Opened the path for the Suburban Shop. red leather. hM ter, tonneau cover. 90 bed hospital, ¿ a ll or w rit# Direc­ ED 24753 136 Linden. ED 2-1441. tf call T V 2-841» a fter « p m ._______ 47 w ith 10 years*' experience. TU S-#i8jL floats. to r of Nurses. Mason G eneral Hos­ Tonight’s Water Carnival be­ Excellent condition. ED 3-0818. A few brave ducks preceded gins a t 8:30 p.m. Members of. 1899 OLDS. 3 door h ardtop.' Full pital, Mason. Michigan._______ « Approved Supervised PERSONAL GRADUATION announcem ents in­ cludes your . name. 3 day service. the first floats, but, awed and the ‘61 Club, senior honorary, power, excellent condition, low mile­ age. $590. Call ED 8-8703. 47 FOR SALE GRADUATING tl Refrigerator, RCA clock-radio, RCA Hi-Fi. i beds, maple chest, m aple coffee table, couch Mid Rooms for Men JEHHY PLAZA end EULEN GHEY M«ichlxen. IV 3-3594. please come tcTtlie f ta te N e w office. Myers P rinting Service. 1431 East bewildered by t o noise and will be tapped during intermis­ tf confusion, gave up their rights sion. Thirteen senior m en will 1989 OLDSMOBILE. Super 89. 4- m atching chair, pole lamp, grill, util­ SPARTAN HALL door, fully equtpt, exceptionally clean. 8478 ED 9-0490. ___ TWO E-V ARISTOCRAT e n d o £ 46 uree. E-V IS BW woofer. T 10 A-6HP ity cart, TV stand. ED 7-1882._____ 67 215 LOUIS STREET Room 347. Student Services Wdg. for two fra passes to th e Crest D rive-In. TRANSPORTATION to t o river and flew over the be tapped for Excalibur Club bridge. during the intermission of Sat- midrange, T-35B tw eeter. X O d s w BROWN CONTEMPORARY .o y er- MALE FRESHMEN riudertUI Save W A N tab-R lD E TO W ashington 5 ? . 1997 PLYMOUTH VB, 4 door sedan. sover. ED 2-8567 o r ED 7-2180. 146 giuixea UnVCIIUUI 4 .•**« stuffed davenport and . «uwwaa—» m atching A rrange now for fall term for your Howler. Dr. Morris Hall’s band play- *urday*s show._________ - Black and Ivory, m atching interior. chair. Solid; some u p h m s te ry w e a r a fter 5:30 p.m. June 13th. Cell Ben Raido, heater. Must sell by June IS. ADMIRAL STOVE-doublo oven. Ilea sonatile 181 Bogue. ED 3-9S38. 46 comfortable off-cam pus living. Large B urns ED 2-3591 or Ext. 3615 between leaving country. 9489 ED 7-1044. 5-7 Automatic tim er - Excellent condition $75 e d 2-4635, call evenings. 44 ENGLISH RALEIGH bicycle. «X- com fortable lobby With T.V. Phone w arm room w ith sink In each room REAL ESTATE 3-5:30 Din. 47 p.m. _________ __ ce lient condition. Will t a k a b s a t of­ fer. C ontact P aul W inther. ED 2-685L Laundry. Parking facilities, snack and ju ice m achine. Excellent study w ith loase option WEDDING GOWN, else 10. P arici situation, good company. Double property. $5000 CaU IV 5-012« o w n e r LOS ROOMING BUSINESS 20 rooms $33. Leaving Ju n e 11. Call ED 2-4748. ANGELES • Riders MEXICO: WANTED 1 or 2 riders. Leaving about Ju n e 80. Am form er wanted. 40 AUSG Committees fo rm a l else 13. ra il evenings. TU room s available i t 9650 weekly. One SU M M ER 2-1253. BEAUTIFUL PORTABLE transistor 47 Mock from campus. ED 8-2974. MAKE RESERVATIONS for, single phonograph - radio fo r 33-45 recorta. and double room s for Summ er and lot! 110,500. ED 2-3088._____________ 47 So « n a » you can c arry to yo u r hand. Fall term*. Close to campus, parking, EAST LANSING BY owner. M arble resident. school. 3 bedroom old«* home, double IV 8-6984. , MSU-OKEMOS AREA. wUl assist you on arrival. _ PASSENGERS WANTED for Ore­ sac­ gon o r Idaho. Leaving Ju n e 10. Call ' 47 Work In Summer At its last regular session of fall. Any legislation on commit­ Hormos. t o 7-0397. 44 reasonable. Also apartm ent fo r sum ­ rificing for aulck »»1« , AU b r i r t Mel. ED 2-8984. 47 STOVE. CROSLEY, 38". excellent mer. ED 9-3191. H ranch hom e 30ft. X 90 ft. dIjw the school year Wednesday, tee findings will be-done at that condition, 9 step tables. Mond. .good - I N PLEASANT house. Rooms for many ex tras, including b uilt-in re ­ 2 car garage. Custom buU tto lilW w iui WANTED Student Congress enacted leg­ time. ' • EM PLO YM EN T condition. Phone Hath, Mitchell men. F or sum m er school. Two m ature frigerator. deep-freeie. ra n g e^ o v en 1-4989 a fter 5:90 p m . ___________ 40 students. On re n t fre e , inexchange dishwasher, disposal. lnte,r-com_ i REGULAR 91.00 G HETTE blue blades, 09c w ith tale ad. Lim it two. for y ard w ork. ED 2-1378._____ m ent w ith approxim ately 1000 MUere SINGLE ROOMS FOR men. 85 and feet of finished rec. room. Priced M arek Rexall Prescription Contmr. 90 w eekly. Well shaded location. Be- a t only 126. 990. w ith easy financing for eith er Tuesday or Wednesday TWO TWIN BUNKS or trundle 47 - “fireDlaces. IVa baths, oo*n iW»d base* beds in good condition. ED 2-5543. 48 WANTED — SUBSTITUTE cooking islation which authorizes select through the summer. Several standing committees A summer Student Traffic branches of AUSG to operate Appeal Court was also author­ ized by Congress. A bill to revise the AUSG Cllppert a t Vina, by Trandor. 40 f o r e i r a l l E D 7-1108. A ftr 0. ED av ailab le Call A rnold Kegebetn. next fali In a sorority or fraternity. 3-3094. - 47 B rion Realty Co.. IV 5-7108. or teri- CaU after 6 p m . IV 9-00M. 41 will investigate student housing, small loan fund, raising loan ENCYCLOPEDIA .B ritannica. 199« Edition. Complete. T D 2-0778 after ROOMS FOR SUMMER term to r dence. IV 7-5962. 48 FURNISHED APARTMENT ór evaluate the current grading limits to $15 was also passed. system, discrimination and any AUSG student loans were for- C o lle g e M e n 0 pm . 48 Cloae In. 823 Grove St. ED EAST LANSING. Red C e d a r J S f S ^ house w anted during MSU w orkthon 47 newly decorated, beautifully land- July 82 to Aug. 19 for family of 5. leaped. 4 bedroom . 3>,4 b *"* K. Welllver, 1521 Colorado. Kansas other issue'w hich is brought 1merly limited to $10. TRAILERS STUDENTS. 1 double and 1 paneled recreation room. $8700 dowm City. Mo. A resolution thanking those sum m er. Parking. ED 2 -8 I84. ED 2-8097. 47 before AUSG and considered NEW HOME, 1886. 48x0. Wjgfiêf " worthy of investigation and pos­ responsible for allowing Con­ dryer, on l o T l la n v extras, g rjd u a t tag. M ust sell, t o 7-7833 a fte r J 47 g u BEDROOM HOUSE, fu n hase- SUMMER ROOMS. 1 block to union m « n \ automaUc furnace, paved_drive. "the warnr MtQKr sible legislation, by Congress. gress to m eet in - t o House p in . v THEWANTAD’ «nu w wwn~. S r n . 48250 C«ta. «01 sp e rta n . ED Congress also passed a reso­ chambers last Wednesday was Q ualified stu d e n ts can w ork on $400 p e r m o n th g u a ra n te e . 1967 NEW MOON 10x40. 2 bedroom » »nd * Cir-operative. 323 s M M t a Î^$$$T» -___ - ’ —— —— Wilt Do the Job forYou lution introduced ty Jack Shea, also passed. Copiesjof the reso­ 4 placo both. Hying room su its a ta 41 drapes included. IY S-Ï143 or ED FALL OPENINGS a t Howland OKEMOS. RANCH w tm everything. Detroit sophomore, to form a lution will be sent to the appro- 8-1903. « E a r n fro m $100 - $1,000 sch o larsh ip , can b e used a ^ a a y House Co-operative. 9190 Per term 4carbedrooms. 1% batha, attached garage, finished rec special committee to investigate piate state officials. 1901 MOBILE. 0x90’. one bedroom for room and board Plus m any ex­ room, large kitchen, t i acre lot, own­ state legislator’s criticisms of A RESOLUTION to reco­ bath, kitchen, carpe ted-Ln living tra«. Stop todav a t Howland House. er RD 7-0337. River Down« Sub- college o f your choice. O ffices th ro u g h o u t th e U n ited room. ED 3-1938. 48 333 A nn St. ED 2-6521. 47 Division. 48 MSU’s financing. The criticisms mmend that the Board of Trust­ 1959 GREAT LAKES, 10x90. 3 bed CENTER ST. 834. 1 block east of BRICK RANCH H ° £ S E b u U tJ n arose during the recent appro­ ees reconsider their action in - S ta t e s an d C anada. Special tra in in g req u ired . room!, rear kitchen, w asher, on lot H arrison. Sum m er xrad student* or 1994. 4 bedroom*. 8 baths. or_3 bed priations for higher education charging a fee for the support IV 9-9815. •“ 47 men over 25. Exceptionally nice, rooms ulus 3 room aot. rentea_ to private room*. Can accom odate 4 on faculty member. Q uiet are» in Oke- debates in the state legislature. of the State News was defeated UTILITY TRAILER, 4x8 box. e x tra second floor. 3 on low er floor. 97 mos sub-division. ED 7-7678._____ 47 •eklv w ith parkin* ________ 47 Shea will act as chairm an of Th action of the Board of Trust­ wheel, ball h itch and safety chains. ees will levy a $1 per term fee 960. FE 9-2348 a fter 5:30. 47 the committee. In terv iew s S at., Ju n e 3, 9:30 INVESTIGATION committees from each student to pay for 1011 M itchell Ave, L ansing, M ichigan IV 5-0262 FOR RENT COLLEGEMEN will report to Congress in the 1State News publishing costs. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE. N esr Red Cedar School. 1 block from cam put. Available approxim ately Aug. I ED 8-4589. 47 SUMMERJOBS APARTMENTS SALE FURNISHED APARTMENT. Three rooms and bath. Accomodates two. Utilities paid. Available now. ED F U L L T IM E W ORK T H IS SU M M ER, E A R N $4,000 B E T W E E N MAY A N D S E P T E M B E R 8-2468. 47 GRADUATION SPECIALS APARTMENT FOR SUMMER, also room, by pori office. ED 7-9586. 47 30 - 30 - 30 - 30 i960 P O N T IA C ' convertible, w h ite w ith W ue *n J c n a r. FURNISHED: SUPERVISED, an $1,000 CASH SC H O L A R SH IPS A N D G R A N TS TO T H E proved 3 rooms and bath. Across from pow er steeTing, bnUteo, ontom otic troM m w oion. S ole, student union. Must re n t for sum mer CO LLEG ES E A R N IN E X C E S S O F $133 A W E E K and faB. 975 m onthly. IV 2-8480. 47 anecia]” •—■ 810 So. Pennsylvania. Clean F u r­ 1959 PO N TIA C convertible, a u to m a tic t r a M m i ^ o n .j ^ w e r s te e rin g and b rak es, p latin u m w ith w h ite top, E x tra nished apartm ent, shower, parking 945 p e r m onth. Available Ju n e 11 T R A V E L TO R E SO R T A R E A S , P L E N T Y O F T IM E FO R A u to m atic _____ One gentlem an. TV 8-1383. 47 BO ATING , SW IM M ING & GO LF 1960 C H EV R O LE T convertible, g rey w ith w h ite 348 engine, stic k s h if t, p o sitrac tio n r e a r end, A ra w SUMMEH TERM. East side Lansing Clean, furnished 4 rooms and bath P rivate entrance, porch, garage. Util­ ities paid 165. TV 8-0657 mornings and W IN A N A L L E X P E N S E P A ID HO LID A Y TO W A S H *N W E A R S U IT S evert ings. 47 ^L O N D O N F O R A W E E K m over.” 1959 VOLKSW AGON convertible, w h ite w ith c o n tra stin g . .. APARTMENT. 5 rooms, private, blocks from East Campus. Parkin* fo r stu d en ts \ 4 men. Summ er only. ED 7-1487. after SOME Q U A L IF IE D STU D E N T S MAY W ORK black top, radio, h e a te r, “ Econom y Special. ■ 3 p.m - 47 1956 C H EV R O LET convertible, lig h t blue body, Wue top, O V ER -SEA S FO R T H E SUM M ER 3 ROOMS, sum m er term . 2 blocks pow er s te e rin g , pow erglide, “ L ike new in eve^ w,3r* , from JUnion. Garage Included. Call _ BA SIC R E Q U IR E M E N T S : ED 3-8161. 5-7 p.m. 47 1960 BU ICK In v ieta tu d o r h a rd to p , re d and w h ite, city s only h a rd to p w ith electric “ B ucket scat«, pow er steer? BACHELOR APARTMENT, situile 1. O ver 18 y e a rs o f age. So perfect in fabriclitend, construction and o r double. Also 3 bedroom furnished ing, b rak es, radio, h e a te r. “ Only one of i ts type. house available Ju n e 15. Lower sum ­ tailoring...so fashion new in styling, pattern m er rate. IV 9-3389. 47 2. A t le a st 6 m o n th s o f college. 1960 PO N TIA C V e n tu ra tu d o r h a rd to p , HRht, blu*> APPROVED APARTMENTS, FOR and color you'd never Know it was a Wash’n m ljm g rey Bonneviie trim , pow er s te e rin g a n d b rak e s, io ,o w sum mer. P arking and TV. Call after 3. N e a t A ppearance. 3 p jn . 455 A bbott Road ED 1-8375. 47 Wear suit And it’s rugged enough to go in the m m ile beau ty .” ~ automatic. Here are fabrics so different, so MODERN TWO BEDROOM a p a rt­ 1961 FA LCO N tu d o r deluxe, F ordom atic, radio, h e a te r, ment: Across from campus. To sub­ TH O SE ST U D E N T S W HQ Q U A LIFY MAY C O N TIN U E lig h t blue, deluxe trim , like new in every w ay. let fo r sum m er. Call after 4:30 ED impressively rich looking, they take Wash ’n 7-7003. 47 T H E IR A SSOCIA TION N E X T SU M M ER ON A 1960 OLDS 98, 4 door Sedan, red and w h ite, pow er s t o r ­ Wear far from the "wash suit" category. And SUMMER. MODERN. 3 room a p art­ ing, b rak es, w indow s a n d se a ts. E x tra deluxe h a rd to p m ent. Fum iahedrtM monthlv . uUUUes P A R T T IM E B A SIS ^ here’s a suit that can really be washed and V Included. Available Ju n e 10. 3091$ trim . . ' PPe S o u th e n n irtv a n la . IV ■■ 2-9713. 40 then worn. Palm Beach Co. tailoring sees to V I 1960 PO N TIA C 4 door sedan, red and w h ite, au to n m tlc 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartm ent, C A LI. N E A R E S T O F F IC E FO R A PPO IN T M E N T that The fit stays perfect no matter how many tran sm issio n , pow er s t o r i n g and b rak es. “ 3 d ay special. completely private, garage. 2 students or m arried couole. G round flo o r 1960 CO RV AIR 5 0 0 ,4 door w ith economy stic k s h ift, black ED 8-9708. 47 times the t^rit is washed and worn.Jto Cords, -GRAND RATIOS. MICHIGAN and w hit», w h ite w all tire s , “ A n o th e r S p a rta n S p e c ia l APPROVED APARTMENT and sin­ OL. 4-7451 Poplins and handsome pattern effect flH H gle room w ith cooking for men. Sum ­ m er term only. ED 2-5877. ______47 SOUTH- BEND,- INDIANA Student Quadrangle sizes only $39.95 ^ ^ 9 LOW PRICE SPARTAN SPECIALS TWO APARTMENTS. Beaement; 5 LANSING. MICHIGAN CE 2-1893 rooms and balh: m ain floor, 4 room* IV 2-5422 56 Ford tudor $395 and bath- P riv ate entrances, utilities gald, parking. Sum m er school. IV TOLEDO. OBIO 38%Bw>* •» \Jhfm 7kack ‘ CH 3-9013 - 78% Poem* Nl>«*«r 39% C»W« m n lu k ■ 54 Studebfiker $195 APARTMENT FOR sum m er term or LIMA. OHIO *7% Oeeree* WresNr 33% Celle» *Dv9*nt K«f. T.M. U W U h h U ie O h ' »' r-a | all sum m er. 04» e month, 2 or 3 ANN ABBOB, MICHIGAN 55 Ford 4 door $195 male*. Unapproved. CaU t o 2-1511. NO 3-0003 CA 4-8701 ext. » 4 . ’ « 57 Olds 4 door hardtop $795 APPROVED. PRIVATE, furnished CLEVELAND, OHIO MA 1-33» 8 rooms an d b ath. Parking, adults. 5 4 Chevrolet 4 door stick $295 IV 2-1834. 47 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO ERIK, PENNSYLVANIA FRANDOR OL H ( 1 I 56 Buick 4 door hardtop $595 TEACHERS OR GRADUATE stu ­ dents. Laxa tro«w. Sumnysr or year HI 4-8417 9:00 - 9:00 MON. - FRI •round. 8-0 m*.~FB WB41. » AKRON. OHIO • t « 0 - f :0 0 S A T . EA ST LA N SIN G ’S L A R G E ST SELEC TIO N PR 9-1293 ROOMS O F U S E D CARS and DETROIT, MICHIGAN SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. t Blocks e» st« f Frafldor o r MkMgais for w O m iR k u y g iM M i rrbua block from eawwea. Singles 81 Dou- bias LOO over S .~ ÏD , > i f e e n x se w e ? wtaicfor women *1 WYANDOTTE. MICHIGAN AV 3-770» WO 9-4131 PONTIAC. MICHIGAN PE 4-0903 MSN - DOUBLE ROOM. TWta betta, personally »elected c w co-op krtrtwta. - parting, so each. FLINT. MICHIGAN Avouable Juno 18. 190 So. Pennsylva­ CB 9-8048 ED 2-4SS4 nie. IV 8-0307 after 8 or w ook-oo^ é & É à lM mm wM fog.l ßfos. rwtratning «rte- tad not de- plant atJRHiamitaa Greedy More Pollution? creed that treatment at that £ > » effluent tao the BaC 23m wmddhaveroStediii« Cedar uprtream. Ï Ï Ï J T Î i X ^ S h “the campcn area. A treatment ^ See PLANT Page IS P la n t T o H a n d le 3 C o u n tie s Planningtatmikeabig splashat WATER MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES CARNIVAL? IT POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES COMPLETE LINE OP ACCESSORIES Main a m yon hit hi clothe* rleaaad by COMPLETI AUTO Laida. Lada c l e a n s SPRING GLASS SERVICE clothes batter tta a the Far Can. KXVMtty a—UHM Tnttfc tmtwi WhU. I n Watt cat’s pajama*. Ä S //V C iu m nd K R A M E R I r « V S T * 4 *? SHrt Landry A Grand Biver Aeraaa (rasa Student Servie«* Buildin* it’s quick and etup - MACH INESHOTSERVICE 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE i t «-IMS Dial ED 2-3537 for Pick-up & Delivery Friday Store Hoars ^ 9:30 AM . to 5:30 P J1 AH Insurance Finest in tuxedo rentals Everything in alterations TODADW ITHLOVE...GIFTS FORRELAXINGCOMFORT A. Colorful cabana sets of washable rayon acetate . . . two-piece.sets with fully- Convenient Drive-In Window lined boxer trunks and matching terry-lined jackets. Left: Multi-hue French military pass print on white. Right: Seaweed or straw jacquard. Sizes S, M, L, XL. Each set, 12.98 547 E. G rand R iver — A cross from B e rk e y B. Wraparound and matching scuffs of extra-heavy cotton terry with rustproof snap fasteners that adjust to any size, and a convenient plastic-lined pocket. . . ideal for home or travel. White, blue, toast or canary. One size fits all. The set, 2.50 One of these books C. Generously cut, boxer waist terry shorts; three large pockets. White, blue, will make the perfect gift! S, M, L, XL. 3.98 FOR FATHER’S DAY... A WEDDING ...A GRADUATION... OR "BON VOYAGE” -J m aßsm i H ü MEN*8 SHOP ComeBrowse- theSpartanBookStore _ forBookGiftsandBooks forYourSummerreading Spartan Book Store corner of Ann and M.A.C. ~ ¡Peace C orps E ntrance T ask Force A grees Distinguished Alumni To Get Awards (Continued filma Page 1) * spanriMe. for the woriPs first as aaapteamoste and bovtoe tsnatal POOR RECEIVED a Cea- E xam inations Slated Ideals Neëd P rotection parasitologist, soolofical tccessful project ter storage trichomoniasis. division. Parson of Animal to* of iBtand ghs ta aquifer forma* In 1M9 be received the Inter­ to Engineering degree from Award frsm MSU, bolds the Hotwrsry Doctor of Science ,» Tfe mttance w niM liH U at a time add place ta be an­ What imBvidnals can do to can ideology ta the BUI if dustries, U.S. Deportment of tkas. He received the Award national Veterinary Congress Wayne State Untverrity, and lor the Peace Corps will be giv­ nounced later. This test wflTbe promote responsible thinking Agriculture. prize tram the American Vet­ was awarded the Howard Oson- en Monday at 6:30 a.m. In the TOi would begin to the to- Dr. Jamas H.-Foote, Jack­ of Merit from the American erinary Medical aseoctallon. loy Medal from Ite American for those people a te a n M among Ameriran clttoens was dividual’s home, school and f a o tta Civic Center. or older, have filled eat the the problem laced by Task son, class of 1914, vienpraa» Can Association hi 1165. Ha has also bean dted as an fitendwds Aaeocintion, toe. church, the gran caacladsd blent, director of mgtassr A geolog st. he entered the outeteadtog alumnus of thecol- 2 Tnr test is designed for those PeaceCorps questionnaire, and Force members at their second “Educators must tench stu­ tag and director of Commoa- gas and oi* industry to 1926. lege of Veterinary Madtetoe. Mudar, now on the board of wiw timfre to teeck English ttt- have been notified of their el- and final meeting Wednesday. dents to n u te vattd Judge­ wealth Services, Inc., New He joined the Natural Gae 1‘ipe- He holds degrees from the Uni­ directors of the Detroit Edtam emture, biology, chemistry. A y tics, or mataenatick to the igthDity.^ _ Following two hours of group ments as Americans, one Yefk, and chief engineer at line company fat 1MB, was versity of Tennessee, Univer­ Company, served as under sec­ group member said. Jackson. vice-president ta charge sity of Minnesota and George­ of retary and assistent secretary Peace Corps. The test Is limited There wll be a meeting of discussion, those p r e s e n t “In times of emergencies, wn s., Mlnv it* tir. fTNencx »» I f ia a lW iweuw, of operations to 1M9 and was town University. commerce prior to being however to, college graduates. those interested to joining the agreed that an attitude of cri­ Americans have worked to­ Washington, D.C. and Grand promoted to executive vice- Foote, an engineer and execu­ of com- *■Another test for the Peace Peace Corps Friday at 4 p.m. tical thinking must be develop­ gether to support baric ideals Rapids, dam of 1914, form* president to 1957. Be Is a trust­ tive, was with the Au Sab Corps wll be given Thursday in 33 Union. ed to reaffirm the basic Amari- and now daring the cold war Secretary of Commerce. ee and vice-chairman of the Electric Company and Fargo until January of this year. we must work together to pro­ Dr. Roth E. Wagner, Royal MSU Development Fund. Engineering Company before tect them." Oak, class of 1918, a member Dikmans, n parasitologist, becoming associated to 1915 After graduating from MSU Hie Task force was Initiated of tiw staff at William Bosu- educator and author, reared with the predecessor or afflliat to 1914, he joined hia father to by two graduate students, mont Hispital, Royal Oak. the furniture busineri in Grand Donald W. Riegle 'Jr., Flint, from his USDA post ta 19S3 and ed companies of Cowman- Rapids. Daring World War II and John D. Lyons, Boston, BURLINGAME IS a recog­ was oms of tho foremost gov­ wealth Services, Inc. Be served he was nesldmt and general Mass., to define America’s nized leader to the natural gas ernment authorities and scien­ as president and chief engineer ideology. industry -and was largely ra> tists working on such diseases of Commonwealth, 1953-58. See ALUMNI Pngs fi ftcàivooà E Ross THE RIGHT SUIT A ttenti C hurch Sunday m S H For years men have segfchcd for T H E RIGHT SUIT". A soft that EAST LANSING CHURCHES seqalses little care, a versatile suit that never looks “W1NTERY” or "SUMMER!". M en have ssked for a suit costing enough toassnro quality, b at not so much that ttc s a 't b e their daily choice. THE DIPLOMA EAST LANSTKG UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH b a symbol of aohlovsmowf tbot greda- REDWOOD tc ROSS, with an ear toned to otes covet,-wed rightly so. How suck TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH EAST LANSING the times, has die RIGHT SUIT - - - a blend more should we he concerned about of 55% Dacron and 45% Wool, light in weight, God’s Word, for in these pages lies the laterdea eaileiQqa»! AND STUDENT CENTER Inlardaaaiataaltaaal tailored in the traditional manner. After care­ way of eternal Mo e gradearte* day US Spartan Avenue fully selecting die fabric from Abbott of New 1m one wB want to mist. Nalternai, lartberaa O—acB SM West G ran i River at Michigan England, and meticulously directing its Oekf_e nO» OJf •tóenleWQwWMOr ngrwVOMEBIe m A I mA m WMwl woal B er. S . BUGINE WILLIAMS Division sad Ana Street. E. L. manufacture, REDWOOD tc ROSS oonflhtont Patter a Mocks Norik of Berkey HaB) Dr. Wanaaa B ah setacei P u te r heve don» W occordhsg te Ah moray Dr. P. Marten staune ly presents this suit as "TH E RIGHT SUIT* be Mrved—«»«"Thus Id WORSHIP SERVICES Rev. B ay I . Sterna— for Spring, Summer and Early Fall. Pariah P aster: Charles D l r i l l c k US Dr. N. A . MeCuae, Paster Barattine “ FU LL ASSURANCE OP Ca—pas Worker: SStaa Teste Sand No point of quality has been sacrificed fat order to offer this suit at its outstanding MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL 1G S paa. UNDKBSTANDINO” BD t-UTl or ED S-CMH V e n k p Senrteoo Rev. facet e Patter WORSHIP SBBVICBS IN P to ... & STUDENT CENTER “ WHEN GOD GAVE” ■ d r C i a a i i l n servie« err e s » s e r v i c e » S r i . M :li A U dS •OS A l l aJB. -THAT CERTAIN « U A U Y I* 8 SOLID COLORS 4 MUTED PLAIDS 49.95 Missouri * Wleeeasta Synod - 4 4 4 Abbott Road - 3 Blocks N. of Union S:4S a a s. Sunday School Cteaoes for P afvarelty Stad enta (N n n o ry available a t a n aervtcea) Sunday School t.-SS A M :1S Dr. Waltera Bab aria— T r a u cooptes a a a a m b s a m CeHass Monte W n . 1 . B r t t t m , Pant— Trinity Conéctete Fellowship LUTHERAN STUDENT O rarte S tea et C h e e e l A P s n s a s i e T elep h on o E D M H I t:4S pas. ASSOCIATION sos a—. A U a—. Meat a* ch arte at SB* paa. far Crib roen. O rn ate M te B anter Wactelp I t e NWS. U :U a— . and S:U p m . TBt p ja . Wednesday Krenine chick ea harbecaa. fteàwooà Ross College (Undents Supper rtegram (* ta • » * ) Prayer and Bible fetndy Charge P ro v id in g a Cam pua M in istry f o r M a rrie d an d S in g la Stud en ts Accounts Clothea 6 205 E. Grand River ST. JOMI STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD East Lansing t i l SAINTS R IS I CHURCH OF m CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARCH EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fr. K. Kavnnanch Fr. T . McDevttt and U l BLA.C. B ar. T m u a A. Marrie— m s ba sti g r a n d n rr a n Sondar Forni» SUS P—. “ THE AMERICAN FABM WESLEY FOUNDATION B ar. nabla ran O. Lapp s it Abbou need — a n z -in s PROBLEM. IS THBBB A B n M e P . Pester • Chaptete SOLUTION?” Wilson M. T in as*t. C harte Bar ilea 1 1 A J L tes N. Heredera Baad B ee. Bobert G arteer Hr. f i n t i B a a s— Gears« L f ard— (I blocks aarth a f Grand M eat) U Sunday Steaat Sat Unfvaralty T r i > M l • MBS • U d t Rev. B ea ry F a h rt. Atei. Minuter Studente SOS a m . (Baby rittta c et IB S A SUNDAY SBBVICBS MBS Man— t S— day. f — a 4. IMI Sableas Daily Masses f :U A SB# SUNDAY SBBVICBS S:M a— . A IM S a— . I 2 :lt p.m. te rmali by - g o d T B B ONLY C A V I» t e s A JE . M r C in es— Inn AND CBHATOB” Saterday Masses IB S A SBS Bev. ante— M. Tennant Conferai ans dally at SOS p—. "CREATION CONTINUEi- Wednesday B erat e t Maariur S P J L | s e e A.M. Morning Prayer e r M r Baadteg B iraa Saterday M O t A 1 0 S 4 B » P—. IU I L n e m a — Bead Rev. Traman- A. Mearla— Ceo— tea. and Chorea S eheel IM W. Grand Elver And at an Maraes except S— day Charte f i n i r a ; IB S A 1 1 Bd a.m. Charte Bata— TB— SOS A IB P pan. SBS a —. A U a—. M ea. t e e Bat, S h— * « » Cm—Una A Benediction 11 — a j e . me—te r Prayer as Mam, T— , Tirara, A F ri. a H ** ICO CREAM SOCIAL ~ • S P-aa. San. IB S p— . «— -t b s n e at B u a ta rte Holy C m e i u t i e Senaea sponsored by the Tenth F B I i s t e l i Steste «vary Friday night at S. Cherrh Scheel C harte School Sanaa every Saterday night— AU mtmkars aad irlanda u r t h tlT id ii im im m T CLUB e « u- SBS a—. CeBate Claaa see P J L s—day Phena ED M U S U B S a —. AB Ages a f f LANSING GREEK ARCHDWSESE Œ ITRAL METHODIST N M K R LY DOWNS UNITY CEH1ER EASDtiHSIBt ORTHODOX CHURCH CHURCH SM W. Grand B leat L Washington at Etei . Boxia O. Miliar, Fiatar PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST S— day Warteip SBS and U B S PAL - Sunday Bek sat? MBS A J L -MAN’S DEVINE PURPOSE’* CHURCH MST Kimberly Drive, Leñatee Divine Lttergy: MBS A JB. F ather K— klakta TTirtete le rv teee SBS A U d S a m. Snaday Ste s s i U B S a—. Denali Circle — Sataiet Officiatine Beiea Clark — Onanist (1 bik. N. Of WJIM CiandiT M an«) M ate— Orat e Lang—ga Sate C harte SteaaSr SBS ta U B S a —. Stady Clárate Mandrar AW edaee- UU-Abhett Bd.. Bast Laastac Thar*. rate F it ,' d - • pat. d n r a a — raw at S— a n . nr s-nts S a t , 1 - S pan. Affluito d with Unter Stea el nf ChriaSraite. L a t a Snaamll. Mis- C—trai la a F ri—ter Charte Bev. Bebert L. Moretead. MtaUter Varate I M l Walbridse Driva Dal U T.trft. SUNDAY PROGRAM _ SUNDAY BBNT1CE 1 OUVET BAPTIST FH5T CHRISTIAN LANSING CENTRAL FREE S tB ana. -Orarte School, te te Morated Worship UBS Na reety. aste A t t i stady. ate- deata tdrieded. - / CHURCH R ffO R H D CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH MM« Stady I ® a— . WMhtegt— at f affare— M:M a— . Wertete. with eenUa- a ta r O rarte « te eet far Eladat- B vcalar Worship SBS fJm. SUNDAY gartee and y a— par. S— day Sahnet S— A J L Ma—teg Warteip — Macateg Warteip SBS A.M. A Me—lag San lt a Wadaaaday e w a te c H bia Stady litara A.M. B vcalar Sarrias I —te SaB—U. — IB S psa. COMMUNION MEDITATION Cat e ages ¡Age F ite w te te t P JL iv aa teg Wartete — t iw — TBS pan. iv ——g These Ik need of “ ON COMINO TO COMMUNION” MID-WEBK SKBVTCU Farady S ar r ias Wed. Evening»Td i cmR the caaap— “ The Charte nf tea Light aad STUDENTS WELCOME F ar traassartittoa Can BD 1-SUS Thnraday IB S am . virar. Mr. CerneHne Ch —te_ 1 — irariad — eanw— n r t-ra n e r m U fa Hoar” can ED 1-dtM far t r a a i s i i n n ae —t e Ota— F «V .cah fV t A l l (Far Transporttrita Call IV » SSI) BD T-HSS er BD M * for a rite. (Cleaeet Baptist Cherrh BD t - a z i. te Campas) SOUTH IA R TIS T CHURCH HRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH « H »Ö B YTERIAH SOVYM WASHING TON AT MSOSMi BTFEB DRIVE. otta— aad Chateant North Mamratt»' Ava. at U. SOW A B B V. SP UASM. A H , Paalsr MS SarvSaaa SUM A U B S a— . d e s m o n d L m u * Araag. »ateat Bev. Gèart a B . m o — — i m irai— W irtel s U B S a— Bahaa* SBS A J L IMPACT OV THE FUTURE” S tu d e n t B o o k S to r e — UBS — SBS F J L T iy ] A JL ~ SA0BAM SNT OF HOLY Warteip TBt WEDDING THAT UVBB COMMUNION 4 2 ? E. Grand River — (Acromi from Berkey) ■ a n te s - tbs r JL | MtdMM— bar M r. s ta a f CaB r r M M Sra free baa garrite testet— Sad ovantes Friday Morning, Jone 2 , 1 9 6 1 npnp B SSO □□□□ □ n a o n raa UULi □□□□ Class o f 1911 ■ a a a n a a a a U U D .Í J □□□□ Ü JÍ1 Z J Reaches Goal 35.JMWI m esu ra n t 38. Persian a a a a uöü □ oo n □ □ aaa u o u u a a a ü □ 0 □ □ □ b o u u lílí n a a n H au a a n o a □□ n n a u a u Tho c la n at MU set as it* goal HMBB, “Eleven from •11” "for a class gilt. They reached their goal this week. An e q u a l l y remarkable LEN KOSrrCHETS VARSITY SRftf SU M M ER u o a □□□□ Catty o rin a n an an n o n , achievement by this d u e is 30. Aptitude that alter 90 years since grad­ 228 Abbott Rd. a a a a a a u u h u l í¡ B E A D S 42, Old bom A D bpW d a a n ra u u u u uuh uation, 100 per cent of the 40. Spim out graduates have sod contribu­ End Laming, Mich. 40, Hallow Selutlen o9 V e stsrdoy*e t a b tions to the project ranging 48. Impreca­ 2. Season lor t. Theater front IS to $2,900. This is the tory pied*« um box flrri class at USU to achieve 4». Mediocrity t Body of o S. Heraldic 100 per cent participation in 90. Small bit­ Church' ftlist ing insect 4. Look fleroe 1ft. Vegetable a hud-raising effort and the 51. Loose cloak I. Saunter 1 1 . Beocind class of 1911 has thereby set DOWN 1. Commis­ 5. Corrode 7. Print’s 11 Fitted Joint J a wcud a goal for an succeding classes to equal. % • Brilliant on colors sioner vestment 17. Money Gebrge F. Conway, president penalties of the Lansing Stamping Com­ F T T H n F I It. Drop: Prov, pany and a m em ber of the ST Inf. 21. A pply fric ­ tion c la n , accepted the chairm an ship of th e class project com­ big, bold jewelry W T “ “ “ 23. Be respect- m ittee. With 79 living gradu­ wmmm__ _ mmm ful ates of ff>e d a n and 92 others ,. 29. Sufficient who weTe with the class, the . . insurance -~ 3ft Ancient goal seemed like quite an as­ signment. 1 STRAND NECKLACE vm m m fc Palestinian Wk « *• <7 37. Poke fun at The d a n of 1911 will pre­ BUTTON EARRINGS — __ __ 29. Tumultuous sent its gift to President Han­ 7* — rabble nah a t the P atriarchs luncheon _ _ __ 31.Surmount 34. City of coo- today. The class has desig­ ____ _ ferences nated its g ift-to the planeta­ ” 38. Well done rium which will be erected on _ ___ __ ».Afflicted campus. 2jtr 3 STRAND NECKLACE ¡Ü *7 39. Drub — _____ 40. Lend WRAP BRACELET " 41. Architec- — — ■— ¡™, — tural pier 43. Encircled p pfp l 40. Water barrier BnHIUI 47, Wolframite Tarot G rad u atio n o r Prices phis tan F a th e r ’s Day. on sale G ift Add plenty of bold, beautiful beads to your Alumni June 2-5-6 Pewter Stein summer wardrobe. Many wonderful colors to add a fashion touch In 1-2-3 strands with * (Continued from page 5) matching earrings and bracelets. Many sixes manager of Grard Rapids In­ dustries, Inc., a firm.producing and shapes to fit the occasion and your styles. aircraft parts. He is a former A special collection of 700 top Berkey — Union member o r the Board of Trust­ hit records from the last ten Select from red, shocking pink, blue, M g s , ees and received the honorary years will be featured at an all­ Kewpee’ s green, lavender and sun yellow. Doctor of Laws degioe from university dance 8 p.m. to mid­ MSU in 1933 night Friday in the Brody mul­ and Dr. Wagner, designated in tipurpose rooms. 1958 as Michigan’s Medicài There will be no charge. all bookstores Woman of the Year, was the first woman director of the Roy­ Dress is Casual. al Oak City ChambeTDf Com­ merce and received the “Best Citizen of the- Year” award from that organization in 1952. SHE RECEIVED the M.D. degree from Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery (now Wayne State College of Medi­ Graduation... G lass B ottom Cotton Jamaicas cine) and took specialized train­ ing at New York post-graduate college of medicine and John GiveherRed W ith MSU Seal-. . . $10 M a c h in e w a s h a b le , c o lo r -fa s t Hopkins University. She prac­ ticed medicine in Royal Oak and for 10 years operated her own 20-bed hospital. RedRoses. P lain , N o S e a l. . . $9 N o F e d e ra l T a x a gift that will make her happy and you happy too — when you see her smile of Asst, news editor, John Dan­ appreciation. RANNEY Jewelers cer; copy editors, Gerry Hink- o rd e r th e m today a t You’ll want a variety of cotton jam acias ley. Brandon Brown; asst, pho­ N E X T TO for playtime, working around the house to editor, Dave Knapp; sports editor, Wayne Parsons. Barnes Floral * O F E A ST LA N SIN G ST A T E T H E A T E R E A S T LA N SIN G and for your leisure hours. They’re cool, comfortable and machine washable. Many colors to top with a blouse, tee top “ th e P lace to Go” or halter. Select from white, black, or­ For All K in d s o f F lo ra l G ifts ¡«draSriiiñl chid, loden green, natural or lilac in ^ v e s s a i sizes 10 to 18. _ 215 A nn — Open E v en in g s a n d S u n d ay — E D 2-0871 b efo re oti a fte r th e Fabric Clutch Bags w a te r c a r n iv a l Special Selling! \ What a small price for such a versatile clutch bag! Many brilliant colors to ac­ cent your wardrobe and just the right size for any coed’s wardrobe. Waffle pique in white aqd many other shades in double woven nylon. for the tastiest treat In town! STABXT LEVEL, EAST LANMNG L I » « im a ir open UU 1 a.m. ■ a jn K g k Fri. & sat. ifiii RIb s e w 1 Block East of Campos EAST LANSING OPEN FRIDAY, 9 i3 0 A.M. TO 5 :3 0 P.M., ED 2*5006 East Lansing By ntOOB FABUCANT State News gpertTWritor Though gUnmida may tell in part the success at eeUwWring Ifcs records mads today can- new records, fralntog azptolns M l r a m SMB W Cttt— H IM the over abundance at athletes Is simply getting bigger and today who were considered un­ stronger all foe time. Greater beatable three Olympics ago. sise will lead to higher temps la every senous branch at the and. presumably, faster times. sports vn U , athletes a n word­ There can be no ttmKatioos ing hardor than over before. set on weight-throwing, high- The Golden Twenties tear» jumping, o r prie-vsarang seated a glamorous period to events. Size will always have sports that has nst been match­ to be rechooéd with in foe vari­ ed. It was s decade of stars— ous field events as long as Babe Rath, Jack Dempsey, Red strength Is of such great im­ Grange and Johnny Weisamlter. portance. BUT BT today's rigid stand­ - WHAT WILL foe récords he ards, yesterday's heroes knew in the Olympic games of cue A futura as exciting nothing about training methods. hundred years K -ce! Psrhapr as tha jot age Hsalf Even in his prime, Weismuller foe need for 'toxp will have was in poor shape compared can be yours as a to Mike Troys, Murray Roses been eliminated n r then, and and other modems. ' „ men wiU train 30 hours a day. T W A AIELIME H O S T E S S ! The question at die limit of Daley said. Who knows? human psychological stamina Until man has used up foe is lust beginning to be discus­ entre day for framing, stipped growing and ceased inventing TWA— th e nation's leading airline— will train you a t sed, Robert Daley said in the company e x p e n se . ..a n d pay you while you train! Times article. The 409-meter gimmicks, there can be no rec­ ord set which wiU not be First on your flying schedules will be interesting cities swim used to be a paced-fo*- tance event. It is a -virtual broken. in th e U. S . . . . later you may fly to world fam ous cities sprint now. The same can be of four continents on TWA’s international routes. said for the 409-meter run and WASH N WEAR APPLY NOW also foe 800-meter event. Naturally dozens at men have M M Cottons for TWA training classes starting soon. Here are th e qualifications: Minimum age 20; height, 5 '2 " tq_5'9"; broken four minutes for the AND ‘ weight, 100 to 138 lbs.; vision, 2 0 /1 0 0 or better, cor-, mile since Roger Bannister per­ formed foe trick in U R He Spartans Compete Baby Oorts rected to 2 0 /2 0 ; attractive; natural color hair; clear complexion; unm arried; 2 years college or equivalent was, of course,* great runner, Four of State’s mosteonsist- even though he did less train­ ent track point scorers seek M y I3 J6 business experience. ing than m ost modems. He additional honors this Saturday merely happened to be foe first in the central eollegiates at And at the time foe barrier Lett Kostichek’s was broken by Bannister, ten Milwaukee. _ ^ Entered by Coach Fran Dit- Vanity Shop Mrs. i M f l d l M Andenwm tent Offlco other men were about to follow trich are distance'stars Gerald B rs ry Thursday. * t u - - * TWA Suiti-Slirm tM -Cadl him. m ABBOTT RD. Hotel Young and Morkan Ward, E. LANSING Detroit, Mlchl(M DALEY DOES not believe sprinter Zach Ford and broad- there were any psychological jumper Sonny Akpata. factors involved a t all. Condit­ ioning broke the barrier, n ot psychology. ^ Michigan State’s golf team Glen Cunningham and Gene Yenzke, classic milers of the mid-thirties, were only in fair has won 24 of 28 home meets since the 1959 dedication of MSU’S ■ Forest Akers _ Golf Water Carnival, 1961 physical condition compared to Course. _ wishes to thank A r c h ie T a r p o ff BOOKSTORE Only Yesterday 124 & 128 W . BRAND RIVER AVE Room 2 0 D O N ’T B E F O O L E D Today Student Services INVESTIGATE STORAGE OFFER Monday CLEAN AND STORE YOUR CLOTHES WITH US NOW PICK THEM UP AND PAY AS NEEDED IN THE FALL, GET AN ITEMIZED RECEIPT FOR YOUR GARMENTS - THEY ARE VALUABLE TO YOU. • . . getting you down? Stop In between study sessions and browse through Paige- craft. Relieve the mind, — S E E U S F I R S T — ease the brain. Swap Cicero for ceramics, Juvenal for jewelry. Special attention and sympathy this week COLD STORAGE _ CASH AND CARRY for tired, irritable stu­ dents. Open 9:30 to 8:80 ALL WORK GUARANTEED AND INSURED including Saturdays. Wed­ nesday nights’ *tfl 9:00. 222 Abbott Road. East Lsariag — ED 2-8892 WE DELIVER -, P ?PHB«SSlPSi! EH H B I f i l l liP JS JM m* K 5§jjht §g| Ä H ¡1 p j p # IR Q ppi IP-fi • » ' • ÜÉG Michigan Stele Lanaing» MkMga» -r Morning, June 2 , 1 9 6 1 î ? : #  -v 7 MSU Players m ade two spe­ tag fori#«, was ghma tin MS.” button to all areas o f f tp foe* wf Kohlhof Winters Named a tana consistently tre, n o n ila la n t t ii AVkit an d Pcoopera- flfiM T ft« , cial preoeaUtious. Aa award Players Recognition Award fo, ‘PhT’ Degrees Given of esteems sad appreciation t o their adviser. Dr. N at Eek, consistent, long-range contribu­ tion to foe furtherance of the­ uvely. Miss Judy Levine, Chi- ¡* cago senior, was this year’s — recipient. She also received & assistant professor o f-speech, atre. 4 f Engineers’ W ives Best Actors for 1960-61 was m ade. ' ' u MM n r . Stanley Idzerda, director of Honors College and past act- Theta Alpija PM grants oqe honor, foe Achievement Award, to a student t o great contri- departmental honors t o Mh perior technical work and h f her work in Children’s Theatre. Dr. J . D. Ryder, dean of the ing; o r if he decides to go after Kohlhof, Birmingham i Kenney, professor of social MSU PLAYERS and Theta College of Engineering, Thdd <7 a M aster’s o r a P h D .—get be­ senior, and Robert Winters, s d e n c e ro n d D r. Donald Yates, Alpha P hi, dram atics honorary, .graduating engineers’ wives that - they are not finished hind him and push all the w ay." Ryder said th at foe tradt- Columbus, Ohio special student, assistant professor of foreign jointly sponsored the banquet. M M W in nam ed actress and actor languages. Their respective presidents, “ pushing hubby through,” but tional picture of an engineer is just beginning. _ - Before presenting the wives their Fh.T. degrees Wednesday th at of a doctor solving prob­ lems brought to him by indi­ viduals. in leading roles of the 1960-61 University Theatre season. Lois Martin, Dearborn junior, t o her roles a s Veta Louise They were presented with Simmons in Mary Chase’s statuettes a t the annual The­ 'Harvey,” won the best sup­ B arbara Nieholls, Rocky River, Ohio junior, and Charles Cioffi, East Lansing senior, introduced L A N S IN G D R /Í/F -/N THEATRE EX CLU SIV E SHOW ING! night a t Kiva, he warned them “That is no longer foe case,” their new m em bers this year as a tre Awards Banquet Wednes­ porting actress award. She well as next year’s officers. that they m ust look ahead rath­ he said. “Today, almost with­ day n ig h t Miss Kohlhof re ­ was also a final nominee in this HIT NO. (2) LATE MOW e r than behind. HIT NO. (I) AT 8 : » - LATE HIT NO. (2) ONCE out exception, he works for oth- ceived J n e aw ard for h er por­ category for her performance f- “ Once,” he said, “the pos­ sessor of a degree was rare, ei people.” tray al of Lady Macbeth fall as the Countess in Studio n’s term . She also received a de­ “T he R ehearsal” by J e j n WASH-*-WEAR " IF YOU CMTT AFFORD and the future was fairly se­ “IT HAS its drawbacks and T he m ig h tie s t a t o i t M i j »■■■ f o e e e r / r r its frustrations, but there are partm ental aw ard for consist­ Anouilh. DACRON BLEND cure. ent superior acting perform-' Richard de Laubenfels J r., now more jobs available and o U te w a l! "Today, however, a degree is ances while maintaining high Yankton, South Dakota doctor­ becoming the ordinary rule, the pay scale has risen con­ siderably.” academic standards. al candidate, gave an award- S U IT S . ana jobs and foe future are no After his talk, Ryder present­ Winters, a newcomer to MSU winning performance in the longer certain and secure.” ed diplomas to foe women in this year, was awarded foe supporting role of Hero in “ The Reg. $39.95 Value statuette t o his performance R ehearsal.” 'R E TOLD them that many recognition of “ four diligent as Jack Tanner in Shaw’s “Man Robert Brolli, Montclair, N.J. Only tim es they would find them ­ years as a slide rule widow.” and Superman.” E arlier in the graduate student, was m aster selves envying the wile of a lawyer or an accountant, or one whose husband is in a evening he was given the Ham of ceremonies for the event, Award t o the best perform­ Dean Fred S. Siebert of the ’27.99 -BU Y AND SAVE A T more established and stable profession than engineering. Inform ation ance offstage. College of Communication Arts, THE ACTING awards were officially welcomed the guests. “ The_ engineering career Is presented by the five faculty Dr. John Dietrich, head of L e n K o s itc h e k 's judges with Dr. John Taylor, the departm ent of speech, con­ one of constant change,” he M artin Lather Chapel 6 p.m said. 7 p ro fe sso r-o f philosophy, as gratulated all those who had V a r s ity Shop Sunday, Cost Supper. spokesman. The committee in­ helped make the new theatre “ So when hubby comes'home 228 A b b o tt Rd. from work with blueprints, or M artin L ather Chapel—7:30 cluded Dr. Norman Klntie and program a t MSU a success. p.m. Sunday, Pre-exam Holy Dr. William Sweetiand, profes* Dr. Dietrich came to MSU from E a s t L an sin g , M teh. designs, or what have you, for ~ a hard night or week of study­ Communion. sors of humanities; D r. Charles Ohio State last year. ' SHELLEY W IN T E R S M RU W e ’v e d o n e SUURM N ADMISSION 75c CHILDREN UNDER. 12 FR EE LOCATED IN THE CITY! Water Carnival f or 1961 has successfully vamped the roaring 20’s Tonight and tomorrow night ate your last chances to see “Only Yesterday” redived • on 33 colorful floats. Pickupyourtickets at the UnionTicket Office oratthe Gate. KV W e’ll be lookingforward toseeingyou- You’ll belookingforwardto seeingwhat happened “ONLY YESTERDAY” mât 2Ü mm * r ‘- T H E SO C IA L SCENE mmm Engagements Group HonorsMcClelland r a Kappa Sigma Mason Hall M B ja c k A w ry, Saginaw senior, Susan ^ a ro l Shoemaker, Ply­ The Saginaw District Nurses Judges for the interview |4 dpal Judge William J . Wolfe, m outh sophomore, to Andrew community representative. to Ann Schneidewind. Rolling association recently named were: Miss Henrietta Epplnk, A plaque representing her Stuart Moore, New York grad­ Myrna McClelland, South Bend, representing the Michigan Hills, Calif., freshman. uate student. title was presented to Myrna Indiana junior as student nurse State University faculty; Luis by Sue Topp of Saginaw Gen­ Phi Kappa Tan Snyder Hall of the year a t a banquet in E. Folqueras, SDSNA rep­ eral H o s p i t a l , association Dick Bunting, Blissfield jun- Judy Wilson, Elkhart, Ind. Saginaw. Myrna has been an resentative and Delta College sophomore, to David Najdow- active member of the SDSNA director of nurses; and Muni- president. ley, N J ., sophomore, tor, to Sue Kistler, Long Val- ski, Wilmette, ItL senior; Mary and has served as its treasurer Balfour, Detroit sophomore, to during the last year . She is also PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ID *-5*17 Alpha Chi Omega Philp Humbaugh, Chicago a member of Alpha Phi soror­ Nancy Westphal, Marquette graduate student; Ellen Bur­ ity. senior, to A1 Smelter, Mans- nett, Muskegon freshman, to Qualifications necessary for fiekl Ohio senior and Phi Micheál Senzig, Lansing the title are: junior or senior Kappa Psi; Barb Smith, Jack­ senior and Phi Kappa Tau. standing in nurse’s training, a son junior, to Ken Williams, 3.0 all college average, mem­ Jackson senior; Diana Plha, E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D .1 Î8 I 4 A suit ihould not be washed bership in SDSNA, participa­ Riverside, 111. senior, to Jack tio n in school activities, and HOM E O F T H E feEST IN FO R EIG N FILM S McCook, Riverside, 111. senior Unless it has a washable label. If a single item, inch as tape submitting a theme entitled: EX C LU SIV E LA N SIN G A R EA SHOW ING t n d Alpha Tau Omega; M arge “ What Do 1-Have to Offer As Jenson. Blast Lansing senior, o r , interfacing shrinks or stretches, it can permanently A Graduate NurseT*’ Each can­ F IR S T SHOW Y P.M . — AD ULTS 90c to Don Munafo. Newport, R.I. didate must also be present for graduate student. ruin the fit and appearance of the suit. an interview. F E A T U R E AT 7:15 - 9:30 Phi Gamma D elta' Dick Galeta, Escanaba E N T IR E N E W SHOW TO-N IG HT junior, to KSy Sayles, Western Michigan sophomore. CORAL GABLES’ “ MIDNIGHT . . . a manhole cover lifts hesitantly. Phi Kappa Pst Not a soul in sight. The cover slides back and out of the hole pops an upperelass Englishman in a dinner William Field. Michigan State graduate, to Mary Hayes,' Oil City. Pa. senior; Jenry ILFORNO jacket. Casually, he slides into his Rolls and glides into this British comedy of misdemeanors. A hilarious Hey, Grosse Pointe junior, to • • | RESTAURANT • • F ran Emerson, Olivet College parody — more than merely funny!’’ ‘the name that made PlZtiA famous in Lansing —Time Magazine junior. NOW O PE N D A ILY AT 11 A.M. „ ____ College students aren’t the only ones plagued by final " T o p -g ra d e s u s p e n s e l* exams. Jerry Schwagerl of 1442K Spartan Village gives —-A//on Cook, Wc-rid Tole&fani'Suo daughter Gerilyn a hand with her homework while wife ¡For Something Really D ifferent-Try Out At B arbara concentrates on her knitting. Now if only there was someone to help daddy with his finals! —State News photo by T. S. Crockett. BÂR-B-Q-RIBS A crackling, witty thriller from the m in who made “Sapphire" A W S Has Long History of H A M B U R G ER H EA V EN * PHONE ED 7 - 1 3 1 1 * "ifc L e a g u e of Governing Women Students You expect variety . . . and you get it! r COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE , G e n tle m e n In 1870 the first women stu­ such rules from the 1933-1934- rCOOtli» »Y MFII8IIATÌÓH1 dents were admitted to MAC . . handbook as t h e following Clipprrt St. Across From Frandor Late Show IO P.M. Years later the Women's Stu­ hours: Freshmen were to be in their dent Council was formed. After World War I. as a result of this respective douses at 7:45 p.m. LU C O N F e a tu re 1:15 • 3:25 board, 'social rules became during fall and-winter terms on «Vii lAMime » rnowt »p. »*»44 5 :4 ft - 8 :00 • 10:20 more lenient Couples were-al- Monday. Tuesday and Thurs­ Í ANS INC5 lowed to stroll arm, ui arm day nights and- at 8 30 pm . tAncrer Vftl Vv IN across Farm Lane bridge or on during spring term They must 7MLATPC Grand River ave. Junior and be in at 9 p.m. on Wednesday t senior women were allowed to I.and Sunday nights. attend Lansing theaters with- I Sophomores, juniors and sen- 'but a chaperone if more than j iors were to tie in their houses Twe W — aw t t w m m U b w b i en M-W TH ETRUE two couples were present. ! at 10 p.m. except Friday and j F R I. - SA T. MGtlMTWM About 31 years ago AWiTj Saturday nights and nights be- SUN. EXCLUSIVE SHOWING RiCHARDATTENBOROUGH ^ (Associated Women Students) | fore holidays. VntttUMK WI0BW2LU two« *V!S, OBGItTCGOtt * ! was formed from this group. At Today AWS consists of Jtwoj «■T—,k'irChMLIRN ■owhmmMSAKA*tXN m .' , mu ioran. i «i**« wuMt the beginning it consisted of j boards, judiciary and activi- only one board j ties: Judiciary board helps co- THE H O O D S r “ taut, suspense. ‘League’ “ E xciting, d ry ly w itty , The board' helped coordinate i ordinate women's rules. has a distinction all its own!" A d e lig h t!” T R I C O N S I N.Y. Dally M irror N.Y. Herald-Tribune TH E O fW T S m i D o n SHOWN H e knows them eñ The Most appaSug emrts G L A D M E ONCE tìk» Ote beck of is s i the ten Is of naakind! à ìp i Friday u J& s AT 9 P.M. èie hendí Even foot of fihoaothcntic! THEATRE • PHONE IV. 2 -9 8 3 1 - Host of it takes from rH JR O mOHT W H C M N O W ! . . . LAST 5 DAYS! secret Nazi archives! and Mammoth! Hiousands In Cast! Years In Making! The amstroas dosé* af ffitfer, Ekhaiaoa sad Co. Saturday Scenes never before screwed! ÛNU.S.IÔ'tAST LANSING «•na« IW TEOMC9UB MCMM IMKM Giant (4) Feature Program nnK-nM H>um r « Marat ÑMNf WMN mt mirrai Doors Open 12:15 • Feature at 12:30-3:^-8:15-9:15 MMH H 06D U 1N (S ) Color Cartoons - Shown At Dusk MATINEE 05c — SUN. & EVE. 90c — CHILDREN 30c- • STARTS WEDNESDAY! • i ¡ÏTOGÔRCÎY ANOTHI i BOWE R|Y U BOYS! DON MURRAY A MEMORABLE MOTION PICTURE EVENT TO L A M tV © A T E S • O N D I WOOD SALUTE THE CIVIL WAR CENTENNIAL! HIT NO. <21 SHOWN ONCE AT 11 P.M. The love story that thrilled millions in ail its sweeping glory!. ^ jf WM00.SELZN1CKS V MARGARE*T*•M toIT #CHELLS eoo*" Hi GONE « I H T IE W ie BOWERY BATTALION SHOWN TWICE AT 9:02 - LATE technicolor “OF ALL THE SCREEN STORIES OF YOUNG MEN IN ACTION, THIS IS THE MOST MOVING, THE MOST HONEST, THE MOST MEMORABLE!”___ -Quentin IqnwiM ^ ----------- COLUMBIAPtCTURC CMJURGBCORSONWELLESSYLVWSYMS n pmi » u i l n U -T H E Y b U N G M EM ZiTim»■ Sél ij0*T- T K T B B S n a N TW£ STOW OF «T U T S RHCffi :otoanw OKUMK_ MeMkCUM trem n-toM toU M IrGm 189-toànklf rat SMW - IMKSiMffll OBMCORBtnKHTSNlNRSfCUW iiMBMarBMiinaiMMKhai'iCiLaMHncnaESMUSi ^MGEM«niMSSON...tfeMUM.Mm ÍÑ:WUUMU1T M M PROM HrrUtft*R OWN U P S ...T H E RAGtNQ ALL THE YOUNG MEN SHOWN 3RD AT 1 , : » W1IRH» OF CLARKGABLE WORDS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD! HIT NO. w LATE SHOW V M M GLENN FORD STARTS THURSDAY! MM MASKSCASTTHEMSPELL! UNES! BORGNINE. ARIWIH affWlUWOStot toCVUM COUJMMA n c n im mmm I b R P M D O Sddney P o m E R RUN S umatra ^ i t i s i i L i n MANI BKWSTÍR • KAN JQKS Minocoioa • o m u u ao o r« JEFF CHANDLER CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES! REGULAR PRICES SainlUim-BDRlM TORPEDO RUN SHOWN 4TH AT 12:10 .m DOORS OPEN 12 NOON • SHOWS AT 12:15-1 :M It 8:00 p.m. The P rise-W tuning D ram a! SUNDAY— WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY CARTOON CARNIVAL AT t : S P.M. ■>V. 1 MATINEE Me • SUN. & EVE. Me * CHILDREN I k Michigan Slate H aw , E t» f.anting, Michigan Friday Morning, Jane 2 , 1 9 6 1 i n - * ______ - — F .n g jis h D ept Faculty of the^Week , ; ' D river Education Gets Holds Tea Chemist Leininger Now At $5,000 A llstate G rant | The English'department will b o ll its annual to* far partici­ ,- f- T ICHOOSE Ir S L ff u h jest m s t e j w cm u n s * owqr &► rasm i c a r. . . « si cShm (to cm ant s Michigan State 37 Years MSU is "tb$ college for other other areas in which the founda- pants to departments! writing colleges in driver education." t e a hi sponsoring this traffic contests at 4 pin. Monday, S! This cam e about la st week M isty activity. F o r the eighth consecutive Un’on. } YOUR CAR jest rtyrf h r jsa . I l r a n « p swrytM g d r jm p a rte s * tssM g sr rssW Stand -ami, at affidai sapnsasislsss af t a b tarage, sffsr nsiM nMs M kmy sswlrs when the university received a « Orte Bw r-fey talar f l u cssspisls Faculty of the Week honors sophomore to advanced gradu­ stam p collecting, traveling, $S M» summer scholarship year, Weber also presented a F red S. Siebert, dean of the return aMpmst packac*. 1 * M M as ts Dr. E lm «' Leininger, a senior ate level. and photography. With his grant fronTAlTSTate Founiatioa. $2,500 g rant to continue MSU’s College of C om aunivaten Arts, yew car, m cm eeartiaata a i year kavel member of the chemistry de­ LEININGER’S hobbies a re wife and eighteen year old The Allstate grant will bring b a s k education of Michigan will present aw ards a t toe partm ent who has served this in vahous fields- including daughter, be has traveled all to the campus, August 14-25, higb school driver education meeting. FOR needs. Stop in M ay far year FREE npy university for 37 years qs an over the United States in pur­ one representative ¿ ach from teachers. EUROPE of *71« ABC s af Earapaaa Auto D a ti.’ analytical chemist Leininger, who was born and raised in Wisconsin, received suance of them. Besides his teaching and 41 other colleges and univer­ The newly inaugurated sum­ sities in 2B states, for an ad­ m er workshop hobbies, Leininger is the di­ vanced workshop for college in­ cation specialists from other for driver edu­ JEWELRY SETS ViPrice College Travel Office bis Bachelor of Science degree rector of the National Science structors of driver education colleges will be headed by Dr. VARSITY SHOP 130 W . G rand R iv er E D 2-8647 in chemistry a t Carroll College Foundation, undergraduate re­ teachers. William A. Mann, professor of in Wisconsin. He took his grad­ Robert W. Weber, regional education, assigned to the High­ 2St Abbstt Rd. E. L. search program which has uate work at the University of been in operation for the past m anager for Allstate insur­ way Traffic Safety Center. It Wisconsin, and then cam e to several years. ance companies, presented the will deal with the curriculum, Michigan State in 1924 as an $5,000 check, slnd said th at MSU methods and m aterials which instructor in chemistry. Later He has been active both lo­ driver education principles and a college should employ in on he advanced to full prdtes- cally and nationally 'in the procedures would th u s . be training driver education teach­ sor and head of the analytical affairs of the American Chemi­ spread into the high schools of ers. chemistry division within the chemistry department. cal society holding all local offices in the MSU section as T h e r e ’s n o n e e d t o w e ll-a s being national coun- In 1940, he took a y ear’s leave of absence to complete celor for two term s. Student To Present Recital his doctorate a t the University IN 1952, he was the local of Michigan. Since then, he has been responsible for the Soprano Frances Powell, “ Oh, Waly, Waly’ and “ Love chairm an of the National Sum- Beaumont, Texas graduate Went A-Riding. is the only one left on campus^ student, will present a recital lu g y o u r T y p e w r ite r development of the teaching m er Symposium on Analytical in the Music auditorium Sun­ and research program in his Chemistry held here. Along day a t 4 p.m. field which has expanded from a few undergraduate courses to over a dozen courses from DR. L IN IN G E R with these honors, Leininger was a charter m em ber of the The-eeneert opens with “ Dim- local chapter of Sigma Xi, na­ mi Crudele Amore” by Handel, JFK h om e! t io n a l research society, which and two Bach compositions. 1(Continued from Page 1) Following is “ Canzone del sal- New Plant Will Despite all these -activities, ice e Ave M aria” from Verdi’s of the people of the United he has still found tim e for "Othello.” writing. He has written many States th a t obr security is in­ The second part o fth e recital evitably t e d up with the se­ ‘ , - You can have it stored publications in chemical re­ will include four Richard curity of Europe.” Serve T hree C ounties search journals based on 'the Strauss songs, followed ter “ Git- “ The United States cannot research of graduate students. anjali” by John Aiden Carpen­ look forw ard to a free existence (Continued from Page 4.) He was a m em ber of the edi­ utilized for final treatm ent of torial advisory board for the ter. The concert concludes with If W eston Europe is not free,” sewage, Farness pointed out a journal, "Analytical Chemis­ the President said. "And we F r e e curring one, said Patriarche. logical alternative for consid­ try ,” for three years, and was believe in my country, as I am “T hetreatm ent plant was ex­ panded in the late ’30s, the late eration. * "The popular and often men­ the senior author of the text­ ’40s and now it’s being expand­ tioned concept of a centralized, book and laboratory m anual er happy to see the people of your countries also believe, th at this interdependence m ust continue at the Campus Book Store! ed again and moved further unified metropolitan sewerage used in the elem entary quanti­ downstream, about a mile, to system should not automatical- tative analysis courses. To Serve and grow.” But, said the President, the we can also clean and overhaul accommodate increased sew­ ly be assumed to be the ulti­ Although Leininger is a very United States and Canada have your typewriter while you're away. age loads,” he said; m ate solution for the area. busy man, be has always found In Exam» a historic responsibility f t turn WTtlle the Red Cedar may be "Would not a dispersed sys­ time to be of help to'students. their attention to the southern - Another Student Service of the "cleaner” than it has been for tem of sewage treatm ent with He was one of the original un­ H erbert Weisinger, professor half of the globe, to the desire 20 years, a look at the a re a pic­ sm aller waste loads adjusted dergraduate advisors and en­ of. English, is serving as an ex­ of peoples there to be free, in*, ture shows we have only begun and distributed according to rolling officers, and is now at­ ternal examiner in the seniors dependent and sovereign. to solve our problem of water present and potential stream tached to graduate students honors examinations in Shake­ _ “ Even the experience of supply and sane water usage. assimilation capacities (as yet only. _ Ways and means for financ­ unknown) be more feasible and speare and the dram a at Swar- those countries behind the Iron thmore College beginning He feels that in his area of Thursday and ending Sunday. Curtain in their own relations C a m p u s B o o k S to r e ing a comprehensive area study efficient than centralized sys­ chemistry which has so ihany show a strong desire to be free were discussed at a sp ecial. tem s which concentrate large laboratory hours, he must a t­ The college is located in and independent,” he said. meeting of the Tri-County com- j volumes of sewage waste a t one tend all labs to keep in close Swarthmore, Penn. This is the “This Is going to be increasing­ mission last year. A total study j or two points in the rivers? contact with his students so second tim e Weisinger has act­ ly true to Africa. I t is true to cost of $SO.OQO was agreed ade- . "This promising alternative that their interest and enthusi­ ed as an external examiner for Latin. America. It is true to < across from the Union quate. Assuming a federalI has not apparently received asm in the subject will grow. the college. — Asia.” grant-in-aid of $25,000 on a j any-technical study or public matching dollar for dollar ba -1 consideration te-date,” Farness ■«— v sis. local government units j said. — would have to raise another | $25.000. Halie Selassie traces his an­ A proposed Tri-County con­ cestry to Menlik I, son of the SHEPARD’S. • Across from the Home Ec Building tribution of $5.000 would lower | Queen of Sheba. Your ID, is YourjCharffe Account the balance needed to $20,000, j making individual contributions I quite reasonable, the cominis-1 sion pointed out. The summer season is here . time fo r boating and The study would include L an-! M o v in g ? sing. E ast Lansing, Michigan | G e t t h i s active living. Being active requires shoes to be practical State University, Bath, Dewitt j and Watertown, Delta, Wind- j Free and comfortable. Get them before you leave school M> VOU Il Ire­ faire to sor, Delhi, Meridian a n d ; Alatedon townships. The problem of disposing of j Book '-y^, We mean, of course, B. F. Goodrich Canvas Foot- have them ~ . waste m aterials w ith o u t'd etri- j Gives the facts about moving. m ental -after-effects "to land Explains the moving estimate. values or the population will be Shows how. charges are deter­ wear with with us for a long tim e yet. But mined. It’s FREE... call or write; advances are being made by Robert E . Walters groups who are deeply con­ ~1206*May Street cerned'w ith our plight. ' Lansing, Mich. IV 4-1421 FOUNDATION ~ “ The final treatm ent of sew­ age in waste-receiving w aters presents few problems to sea­ port cities and those cities lo­ cated on very large rivers or A GENT FO R lakes. In such cases the re­ N O ftT H A M £ R tC A /V ceiving waters are of great vol­ ume in relation to sewage V A N LtfUMM w astes,” s a id ' Farness, in a HfOMLOttnom Movmmm Tri-County commission report. Since the Greater Lansing area does not have large re­ ceiving w aters and since its stream s are presently heavily M ATHrid Milk & Ice Cream CASH & CARRY MLK Vi Cal. Grade A Homogenized 3 7 , • U N D ER G R A D - $6^0 1 2 0 1 E. Grand River • L  C E -T 0 -T 0 E - $9JOO East Lansing 317 E . Grand River Ave. 326 S. Washington Ave. 3 0 5 5 E. Midi. • YACH TSH A - $9.00 7- Just West of Sears EAST LANSING LANSING U U K M I H R PWW0TS 00. FS2555SSBÎBÎ m