ram« ttX- sasifc F u ll H o tis e ' E n d s C a r n iv a l Serving HSU For 5 2 Y e*n Sigma Kappa, Delia Tau Delta Witt Established 19 0 9 VoL 5 3 , No. 4 7 r i I — h | . M il h i f M n n r t i j M tim in g - T ira r T , Ì.96Ì 1 2 Page* w u m i m « — ■ ^ C«»*» First Place in,float Competition^ ~ By SALLY DEBRICKSON State Neva Staff W riter The final performance of “ Only Yesterday” played to a champagne glass on the other side. ' “ Grandpa” provetf to be an oldster with young Ideas, how­ p lffe lls ever, for when the spotlight U . S. Is F ir m O n B e rlin capacity crowd, packed in the bleachers along the Red Cedar switched off and on again, he had a straw in the champagne Saturday night. % and was winking at the audi­ ' And most of the people left ence. , _ __^ j § 1961's W ater Carnival with the feeling that, for two hours at Mason hall and Alpha Epsilon VIENNA.