Serving MSU for 52.^wtt^ fi P ,itA G Second Class Postage 5 Ceni* Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 49 East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning. June 28, 1961 * * a Paid a t E ast Lansing. Mich. S c ie n c e P h D ’s o f 1 9 7 0 to S tu d y H ere Students from all over the simply for learning, according To qualify Tor the course, country are attending the third to Dr. Isobel Blyth of the sci­ students must be in the top 10 annual high school Honors Sci­ ence and m ath'leaching cen­ per cent of their class and l»e ence Institute here. — , ter. They receive no credit or recommended by their teach­ Only 100 students are ad­ grades for their work. ers. mitted and the six-week course, “ We get the cream of the “ Most of the students have sponsored jointly by MSU and crop here,” she said. “ No one straight-A records and are the National Science Founda­ volunteers to study without number one or_two in their tion, attracts students from as credit unless they really want class.'"said Dr. Blvth. “ These far away- as California, Texas to learn.” _ are the PhD’s of the 1970'js.’ and Tennessee. The students, who have com­ pleted their junior year of high school, attend classes six hours M u s e u m P r o g r a m a day. They concentrate tn the fields of physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology. Each one also has a special indivi­ A ir e d 3 0 0 th T im e dual project to work on. The students come h e r e ' The 300th program — the building exhibits have also first was broadcast iii_the fall been featured on the program of 1955 — dedicated to the Faculty staff members, of activities of the campus mu­ other departments, who have seum was heard Monday over co-operated with the museum WKAR ràdio. in their activities have ap­ Dr. Lawrence Frymire, who peared on the program from has been the commentator of time to time. the program — “ Exploring the The program was heard at Museum,” for six years re­ 10:30 a.m. on AM and 9:30 minisced during the 15-minute p.m. on FM radio. It was sent P ag ean t program about past programs out to twelve other stations in and past activities of the Michigan for re-broadcast dur­ The crowning of a new Miss museum. ing the week. Michigan in Muskegon by Miss The program, according to “ Exploring the Museum,” is America, Nancy Ann Fleming, Rollin H. Baker, director of a 15-minute broadcast heard leads off a parade of vacation­ the museum, has -been a great weekly on Mondays. time activities In Michigan. success in helping acquire The three-day Miss Michigan things for the museum, and in SUMMER CIRCLE THEATER—Mary Ellen FinuCSn, Pageant, part of the July 1 to getting people ¿o come and Rainbow Girin Lansing sophomore works to complete the sign aver the 8 Seaway Festival at Muske­ view the exhibits. theater entrance and ticket booth located la front at Demonstration Hall. —State News photo by T. S. Crockett gon, includes a jazz concert, sports car rally, boat races “ IT HAS been very helpful To Hohl Annual to the museum,” Baker said of 4BlitIie Spirit’ and parades. the program. “ We have ob­ Assembly H ere Elsewhere in Michigan, the tained. m any gifts and have had National Cherry Festival at a great deal of favorable public The Grand Assembly Order Traverse City will salute the reaction because of. it. It has of Rainbow for Girls will hold area's cherry industry. The helped us gain many friends.” its annual meeting on campus, U n iv e r s ity T h e a te r event, July 12 ip . 14. features Baker said that because of June 29 to July 2. parades, cherry orchard lours, Arrangements for the meet- water sports, fireworks and the program, the museum gets ! ing are being completed under T o D e b u t T o n ig h t other ¿vents. lan mail in which the writers the direction of Carol Lee S a i l b o a t , powerboat and offer things which they have Reighard, Grand Worthy Ad­ canoe races are slated through­ heard the museum needs. The Upiversity Theatre -Will around the actor,” is the way out the state. The programs, in general, visor from the East Lansing Assembly No. 32 and Mrs. PL debut its Summer Circle the­ Frank C. Rutledge. Summer The -Chicago to Mackinac have been concerned with new Alberta Coburn. Supreme In­ atre tonight with the opening Circle planning committee Island regatta, Jply 15, and exhibits that have been con­ spector for Michigan, froTh De­ of “ Blithe Spirit,” directed by chairman, describes the new the Port Huron to Mackinac structed! expeditions that mem­ troit. Corliss Phillabaum. theatre. Island face, July 22, are the bers have gone on, and the All delegates and visitors The play by Noel Coward Rutledge estimates that~*a big sailing events. educational and research p ro ­ will be housed in Shaw hall concerns a w riter's investi­ total of $12,000 worth of equip­ Powerboats will be in action, grams o f'thè museum. Meetings will be held in the gation into the world of the ment has been installed with for the July 1 Detroit Memor­ Many of the program s-con­ Auditorium. . _ occult. about 1,000 mdn hours of labor ial Powerboat Regatta, the sisted of discussions with var­ Auditorium decorations wilt The writer, Charles Condo- involved. 13th annual Top O’Michigan ious staff members on some of include “ The Bluebird of Hap­ dune, arranges a seance to Outboard Marathon, July 16 at the things they were doing. piness” and pansies. familiarize himself with the Indian River, and other races. O t h e r broadcasts discussed Happiness has been chosen methods of the practioners of T ry o u ts fo r The 4th annual Midwest In­ how an exhibit was built and as this year’s theme and the the various- techniques in­ the act of magic. During the ternational Canoe Race from pansy as this year’s flower. seance he finds himself able Lupton to Omer, on the Rifle volved. to communicate with hi» -de­ T h e L a rk ’ River, is July 4, The meetings will include a' STUDENTS INVOLVED in Grand Cross service for those ceased first wife, Elvira, much Also on the calendar for advanced research a n d m See RAINBOW Page 5 to the dismay of his second T o B e H e ld Michigan during July are water wife, Ruth, who has accomp­ carnivals, fishing tournaments, For Primary Ejection anied him. Tryouts for the Summer Cir­ show boats, community cele­ cle theatre presentation of brations, I n d i a n pageants, ELVIRA, anxious to be re- “The Lark” will be held Thurs- sports tournaments and other M a n y ^ V o te r s M is s D e a d lin e united with Iter husband, plots day_and Friday, June 29th and events. Ms death. Her plan goes awry, 30th. - Young people who will turn which will . be written next however, and results in the Students, university staff twenty-one on or before July year, should have the greatest death of. her successor, Ruth. members and Lansing area Hannah, Sons Are 26, may vote in the primary interest in who will represent What happens when these two residents are invited to try for election for Con-Con delegates them as delegates to the con­ adversities meet hi the su­ parts in. the play which will Fishing in Ontario on July 25. vention.” said Jam es Hare, pernatural world makes for a run July 26th through July However, registration must Secretary of State. weird third act. * SMh. President John A." Hannah have been made bfefore Mon­ Hare said that every year he The play wifi be presented la Readings will be held from is currently on a fishing trip day, July 26. A person born is disappointed .because per­ (he new arena theatre in Dem- 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in 146 Aud­ in Ontario. He is -expected to on the day of the election may sons disfranchise ourselves by •wMrntiou hell. It will run itorium. return July 8. vote if he is properly register­ register before the Saturday, July 1, with “The Lark” is a compassion­ Accompanying Hannah are ed. statutory deadline. performances each night at ate tale of Joan of Arc and was his three sons, Robert, 19, a " It seems to me that young Extrçmely light registrations t:3 i p.m. written by the modern French sophomore at Yale University, people who will live for many have been reported this month **A THEATRE o r i e n t e d playwrite, Jean Anouilh. Thomas, 16, and David, 13. years under the Constitution, throughout the state. Michigan State News, East Lansing,' Michigan Wednesday Morning, June 2 8 , W 6 1 The Department of Urban ¡the Harvard Graduate School National Park Service. Wash­ and construction of hew build­ tors Technical Canter, North­ Planning and Landscape Archie ■of Design. ington, D.C., will lecture July ings and facilities. land and Eastland Shopping lecture is offering a session iq After s p e n d i n g several 17 to 25. Hie program la currently Craters, and Hie Huron-CUnton advanced Landscape Design months in* Europe with a Metropolitan Park District. this summer conducted by pro­ scholarship, Johnson liecam e a MISSION 66 is a program de- working in 181 park areas of fessional landscape architects partner in Johnson and Roy, a signed to bring the national the United States. Yellowstone According to D. Newton and teachers serving as visit­ landscape architecture firm in paries to a more modern uni­ | National Park alone .will re- Glkk, Chairman of Landscape ing critics. Ann Arbor. form standard. Under the pro­ ceive 865 million for improve­ Studies, the advanced program Opening the series with a gram to be completed by 1966, ments. i \ —. *r|K la the only one in « d d stct. NORMAN CARVER, JR ., major improvements udii in­ The advanced Landscape Enrollment for (he course eon- three day lecture was Brian Kalamazoo architect and Ful- gists of 24 students, ft will be JIackett. clude the opening of new areas sign coarse offers bright scholar, will be guest fleld-itripg to such aear offered during the first five - Hackett is Senior Lecturer in lecturer July 3-7. Carver, who velopments as the' week session only. Landscape Architecture in the studied in Japan for thifee Department of Town and Coun­ years, will speak oji Japanese Prowfei^ Report try Plannings at the University architecture. of Durham, England. Scheduled to Instruct students Proves False HE HAS served as a visiting July 10 to 14 is Hideo Sasaki, professor'at the University of chairman of the Department of A prowler was reported near Illinois for the* past two years. Landscape Architecture of the Mason hall just after midnight Returning for a second year Graduate School of Design at Sunday by a resident. The Department of Public N e e d to. teach the advanced course Harvard University. Safety dispatched a car to in­ June 26-30, is William Johnson, Sasaki is a partner in Sasaki vestigate, but it turned out to associate professor at the Uni­ and Walker Landscape Archi­ be a man walking along the versity of Michigan. tects, with offices in Boston and sidewalk. An MSU Landscape Archi­ San Francisco. tecture graduate, Johnson re­ William Carnes, director of S o m e ceived his masters degree from the Mission 66 program of the - Michigan State’s famed foot­ ball rivalry with Notre Dame dates back to 1897. . . . san o naan naan Crossword P u zzle t a ■ aaaa aaa m m M O N E Y □□□□ □□□□ A CEOSS I. Climbing 34. Invite SS. Crain □□□□□ a a a a o o n ART OtOet receptacle □□□□ □ □ □ □ □ □□ T. Surmount M. Subetantia) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □□□ - IS. Portion of no a u a a o a a a a the iris 14. Stranded SS. L iq u e fy IS . S erp en t 0» □□□□□□□ a n a n a PR IN T S- 11 Herd (kin □□□□ s a n a 41. C aine san n o □ □ □ naan 11 Picturesque to fe tb e r 17. NoTweli □□□□ anna a c ia 11 In place of 15. Tibetan oa 41. B e c k y hill 44. Cuban □ □ au d u l ie aua on dance IS. Sea Sghting force . 4i. Console 45. Tip over Solution of Yesterday's P u n ie T ry A SS. Stylo of architecture 24. Night I before IS. Force uni' I I Bundled I I C lic k beetle I I . S e p a ra t ton I l U fo w ork DOWN 1 . In g re d ie n t J 7 4. Narrow sauge locomotive 1 Jewish month 9 Novel by Rider Haggard 10 Stylish slang SALE Speedy SO. Placid of vnrnish 5. Short- 11 Silkworm 22. Obtain S I Meeting place 17- r r 2. M acaw S. Tran sm is­ 7 " 7 " 7~ sion r r r napped 7. Brick layer t. Attributed 3T TT II Estimate Scot 10 M ist 20 Cosy home. 21 Declare 50% S T A T E N E W S C lassified 22 Wrath — 3" TT 23 Elevator an d ¡T cage 25 Buried 22 M a n u m it off TT M 3" 'M Ê Ê 1M U | H Jz I N W k .m i & M s > ' of F o r Only 85c . . . n w, %/M a r HP m Worm SPA R T A N nr TT w w No need to live like a Hobo. For only 85c you i l 32 A crum * m w 3/ m 3r plished can reach many many buyer« for your Kttle 34 Borer JF m ar 37 Inclines 38 Grinding BOOK used or not needed articles. 36 jr m tooth 'Turn your unwanteds into Hot Ready Cash; VMM ,Wish 40 I T ÎT W43 Ê 30 AI ms boa 40 Feint ST O R E i* Ü m m m 41 Chaste 1T r 43 4* 47 4 f 43. Hindu Corner- Ann & MAC weight 3T ill W 1 45 Employees 48. Dry East Lansing Call ED 2-15,11 Ext. 2643 or 2644 y 1 47 Eng. letter ^E — .— aa fv w W^iru n rfS iS 48 Blunder STEP RIGHT THIS WAY FOLKS Cleanliness For Thai! Daily Coffee Break Open 10 a.m. is across the street from NEWEST ATTRACTION ~ Fresh Sweet Rolls, Donuts the Student Services Bldg. at and Cookies Cleator aid Shirt Laasdry CASANO VA 211 M-A.C. AVENUE EAST LANSING’S OLDEST PIZZERIA Michigan State New»* East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Morning, ja n e 2ft, 1 9 6 1 3 v J* . *} , . 5 D r. Mohammed Toussi. the The can cancelled Toussi' developments made Ms new aaftaarfjuption grqap. ’ . ~ ‘‘And it is my hope that I can 0 n campus UN, former Sec­ planned trip to South America | trip to Iraa more important “Its policies are significantly cooperately fit into the system retary General, has been called and Africa. He will leave on than to toe two continents. He directed for the improvement to render my own part.”- Is his home in Iran to assist July 1. said that the change in Iran’s of the social services for the Toussi is in agreement with ton Minister of Education. Toussi said that recent poltti- ' government has resulted in a people,” be said. the stated policies of the pres­ ent government under P rem ier All Amini which succeeded the government dismissed two months ago by King Reza Pah- lavi. Emphasizing the need for immediate social reforms in his country. Dr. Toussi said that there are three capacities in which he would be aide to serve his country. “ My first alternative is to work with the administration through education," he said. "Working as a professor at the University of Teheran is an­ other capacity in which I can serve my country. “ And the third alternative is a career in politics, which I will consider carefully.” The reason for carefully con­ sidering a political career, he explained, is mainly decided by toe fact that all the social serv­ ices contemplated and origin­ ated in any society would be affected by the kind of political direction the society adopts. However, out of all these al­ ternatives, he noted that he will chose the one which would give the best possibilities for expressing his social ideas. Dr. Toussi who has been Sec­ retary-General of the student UN since 1959, evaluated the organization as one that pro­ vides political and social ex­ periences for the participating students. Its impact, he said, is multi­ dimensional. — One aspect of the interna­ tional organization he noted, is that "it complements the comprehensive educational ex­ O u tsta n d in g s a v in g s o n y o u r sum m er p lo y w ear favorites! S leek, lo n g -le g g e d perience which a student should have." slack s b y a n a m e you know fo r p e rfe c t fit a n d fashion. N ylon/cotton stretch "Another dimension is that it serves as an instrument ¡ w h i c h provides different p a n ts o r a ll-co tto n .. .so lid s, checks, a n d prints in a color phases of organizational prac­ tices. The ideas are originated, ra n g e to o u td a z z le 4th o f July fireworks! Each with side- implemented, and evaluated. slit leg , h id d e n zipp ", a n d elastic!zed waist. Sizes 8-16. Water plunges over Niagara j Falls at the rate -of 219,000 OPEN EVERY WED N E S P AY NIGHT UNTI L NINE | cubic feet per second._____ It wÊÊm SALE of COTTON SHIRTS and BLOUSES 4 .5 0 N ever h av e w s offered so m any drip-dry wrinkle-free shirts a n d b lo u sss a t so . few a price! You'll w o n t a w h o le A I sum m er w a rd ro b e o f these rolled J | 1 sle e v e b e a u tie s w h en y o u s e e J f ■ * them -solid colors, stripes, florafe A paisleys, checks, emb«>»deries, J r ^ ¿A ®nt^ eyelets In tfvery color - im aginable! S ite s 8-18. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Morning, June 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 $1.00 Basket of Balls tor 75c With This Coopon (S tu d en ts: B rin g 73c and your ID ) Ron LaFraugh Cíete Biek Professional Owner PALOM AR GOLF RANGE 3335 E. Michigan 1 Block East of Frandor Lansing ED 7 2632 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M iiin iin ia » * LOWEST RECORD PRICES 5 ' IN MICfflGAN Self-Service _ Record Shop ■ 267 M A C. S I JtesicalCafcin East Access from Knapp’s Check Our Weekly Special! C o o l. C o o l C o e d s FIVE MSU COEDS take time out from studies to cooi off in the intramural Pool. From left to right they are Betsie Merriam. North« flle: Karen Altmansberger, Frank- line; Karen Figur», Berwyn, Illinois; Joan Bourdo, Pon­ tiac; Tnckie Stut/man. Horseheads, New York. —State News photo by Art H telaad. _ YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS CAMPUSCLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Wed. and 417 E . G rand R iver “ On th e Cam pos’* Fri. Editions. Phone ED 2-1311 ' Extensions 2643 and 2644 AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE _ BACK DOOR SALE DE SOTO. 1954. V*. 2 d r . Cf-od SUBURBAN HOME within city tires. Excellent running condition im uts. two miles north of campus. ; Priced to sell. Call ED ‘Ï-Î725. p re­ T hree-bedroom brick and fram e tri- j Thursday, June 2 9 - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ferably in th e ' m urninf. " 4 level; tw o-carport 1 Va# b a t h s » j dining room, Jamily room, two j 1ÎI56 MG A. green, w ire %heels, eouipped kitchens, equipped laundry j radio heater, whitewalls. a real ¿teal room, patio, air conditioned. Leas i H e r e 9» t h e s a le y o u 9v e been w a itin g fo r #. . at $990 Calf ED 7*1861 4 than a vear old with large lot and mce country \siew. FHA term s o r j might consider contract w ith low j Com e in and »coop up a w a rd ro b e of EMPLOYMENT' down payment to responsible party. : !6t<6 G reencrest. near Hagadorn Rd. 1 and M-78. Ifr, I "n e w s u m m e r fa s h io n s ! FULL-TIME research - female. To work with w eather r e t­ 111U-BROOK PARK by owner. \ ords. A or B averajge ;n nieh «**;*»>! Three bedroom ranch, nearly new. math. Some tram ine in h e lp f u l C ali M t t r .i u n lull basem ent. Extras Include, built- ! Wt-a t *?er in stove, gas incinerator, patio w ith | EN TR AN C E THROUGH THE Service. ED 2-4291. S FTa." v >n .w n iiu and grill, fenced backyard. R d . ________ 4 $19.000. Owner transferred. 5785 Mon- letoeUo FE 9-8788.________________ 5 BACK DOOR O N LY! FOR SALE SERVICE Fresh' straw berries dailv Farm Patio Dresses, special 85.69 fiesh eggn-Also other fresh tra its and CaU TYPING. TWO blocks from campus. vegetables at reasonable or:-cs*-Road- ED 2-4520— tf Summer Dresses, reg. to $14.98 $9.96 stde Farm M arket. 2 miles east of TYPIST ANN BROWN. ED 2-8384. Swim Suits — Special Purchase ........ $5.61 £- Lansing on US l i at Okenso* Rd Electric typew riter. Term papers a n d theses, also general typing. Toppers, reg. $14.98.................... ___ __ $5 S3 1959—50 horsepower Johnson wood tf w ith long shaft electric starter, Leather Jackets, reg. $29.98 $11.69 only $450. Call FD-7-1881 -4 M S U . GRADUATION RINGS See them a t th e Card Shop. Across from I Raincoats, reg. $14.98.... 1___ $7.69 BLOND COFFEE table w ith giasa Home £c. building. ED 2-6753. tf j top and pull-out d ra w e r—$5 Call T-Shirts, sp ecial ..................... .. .. $2 ea. 2 for $3.99 ED 2-4011 3 TOP REPAIRS— Low Price! Unit- i .................. $3.29 ed Radio Will remove, repair, and I Jam aica Short Sets, reg. to $5.98 COCKER PUPPY * weeks old Has reinstall American car radio for I .... $2jea. 2 for 93.19 tem p distem per shots Good $7 85, including parts, labor and 30 j Shirts, Blouses, special pet for children ED 3*039« 4 day unconditional guarantee. East Saginaw and Fairview . IV 9-8187. j j Summer Skirts, reg $5.98 - $10.98 $3 ft $4.99 open until 8 p.m. 11 ; $2.29 - 93.29 FOR RENT Jam aica Shorts, special .... $2,29 - $3.29 Summer Slacks, special ..... ENTIRE HOUSE FOR ren t Walking ___ $1.99 distance to campus Suitable for 4 Blouses ....... .. .................. ... or 5 students Available im m ediately. .... $1 pr. - 3 pr. 92.99 ED 2-0102 after 5 p m 4 Nylon Hose Z.......................... SUMMER—COOL approved clow, Spring Coats .......... ................. Up to H OFF rivate horn*. Parking reasonable Cotton House Coats .................... ___________ 94 99 D 3-1317. 3 CANDY Full Slips, reg. $5.98 92.69 ea. 2 for 99.99 APARTMENTS WANTED: Upper classman to ! Panties ............- Æ ................................. » e a a .tfa rW J ■hare completely furnished bachelor ! apartm ent. Call ED 2-8082. ask to r Mailed Anywhere i Bras ft Girdles ......... — ........... - ..... Alan. _ ... 4 i Complete Assortment Jewelry, reg. 9 1 - 9 2 .................................. - ........—«— * ....... ...... ... OFF ROOMS Availible At P riv ate rooms I blocks from Un­ ion. P rivate entrance, men only. 13» Linden ED 2-1441. The Card Shop | SPARTAN HALL. 213 LOUIS, E Across From lEARLY BIRD SPECIAL tnsing. rooms for men. single and »üble, special sum m er rates One Rome Economics Bldg. j Display Hose nek from campus, parking, laundry lephone. large lobby w ith TV ED ED 24753 2574. « ROOM FOR ONE MAN, share a | l e with purchase house w ith th ree other men. cook­ ing facilities. ED 3-0732. 134 G u n - eon. 4 TRANSPORTARON MALE STUDENT Single room near j RIDE WANTED to Plym outh. Mich, campus. P rrk in g space available everv F ndey—at 4 p.m. Call And.v . ED2-31S4. « ED 7-1797. A -1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Morning, June 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 church service on Sunday Housing and banquet reset** Foreigti Film, Rainbow Girls Meet morning. ■ • f vations are being made'through , i Conti tied from page IK Mrs. Mauricè C. Baker, 1433, The meeting is being spon­ Gienhaven, East Lansing. who have outstanding service sored by all past Mother Ad- S p ic y C o m e d y B e g in s ¡to Rainbow . and a . Majority J - - , visors and past Worthy Advis- 'v ,.service- * tT \tvl?se who I ors of the East Lansing Assem- The National Fire Protection ! reached 30 years of age. j bly and by Mrs. Charles Nye, Association estimates that 3,000 I n F a ir c h ild T h é â tr e Also included will beinstal- Worthy Matron, and Robert children die in fires each year ' . V .7 ,tation of newofficers for the ’Reighard. Worthy Patron, of in the United States. Almost A spicy sparkling human practically all the time, p r o m coming __ year j the Red Cedar Chapter No. 434 one-third of the children are comedy about |w o very young ises fine film entertainment at I SessTons ***«111 close with O.E.S. people in P aris "ho make, love 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Satur-| ^ ^ _____________ alone when fire breaks out. -**~i -------- — ---------- ;------day in Fairchild theatre,___ . — Survey Is The second of a series of 1foreign films to be shown this ¡summer, “The Love Game,” a .Enter .Voir . . . Prise* Gafore! Off With j French production^ stars Jean- Pierre Cassel, lulled by Time j magazine as “easily the funni- j EAST LANSING SUMMER DAYS CONTEST ABang Iest Frenchman since Jacques j Tati.” ¡Louis Maury from the ottvr __ j Genvieve Cluny and Je&r.-j Get your entree blank at Knapp’s East Lansing for East A four-man geophysical sur-1 t w ingredients of the love tri-j Lansing Summer Days Contest. Calculate the total pounds vey team from the MSU geol-1 angle that won the Silver Bear ogy. department will be deton- jas the Best Comedy of 1960 at of feathers the box will hold. The box is located in the bark _ ating small charges of high;the Berlin Film Festival, parking lot of Knapp's. East Lansing. ___ explosives in tamped holes Shown as a featurette along- along state and county roads'w ith “The Love Game” wiU he in Jackson and HiHsdale coun- j “A Day in the Country," Jean ties to help determine the na- Renoir’s gay romance, based ture of rocks below the sur- on the short-story by Guy de face. \ , ; Maupassant. The blasting program Which i * The tale concerns an outing started yesterday and will la s t!by an ordinary Parisian family Q t y ê through August will he con- j and the amorous escapades of fined to road rights of way and j its handsome daughter and will not present a public haz- j convivical mother with two ard according to Dr. William rakish young blades of 'geology at MSU and direct­ or of the survey. The study is-being made as - Centralia, a city of about part of an extensive project to 14,000 people .in southern Illi­ clarify the geological picture of nois, is the population center of lower Michigan. It may even­ the United States. The actual SPECIAL SALE! tually help to determine lo- center, according to the 1960 cations of Michigan oil depos-1 census, is on a farm 6 ^ miles its. northwest of Centralia. Famous - make seamless A Beautiful Wedding is long remembered NYLONHOSIERY with - Barnes Floral o f East Lansing flowers from 215 Ann — ED 2-0871 • O pen -Evenings & Sunday 89 Pr • A p rs . 2.50 Artistry # Selection • Service Make sure you have plenty of hose for the sum­ mer season. Here is an excellent opportunity to stock-up at exceptional, savings. Seamless style Shop F or with reinforced heel and toe. Popular shades in suntone or tantone. Sizes 8]it to 11 medium only. You’ll want to buy three pair at even greater BOOKS savings. HOSIERY — STREET L E V ET.. E A S T LASSINO “ on SW IM M ING FISH IN G SUMMERSHIRTS BOATING B y SERO o f New Haven J u s t A rrived! 5 .9 5 “ S PO R T S IL L U ST R A T E D ” Keep cool this summer in easy-care batiste B ook o f Sw im m ing $ 2 .9 5 oxford shirts. Short sleeve style with button down collar. Tailored in the finest traditional manner. In grey or blue stripes on white. Spartan Book Store WENSWEAR — STREET LEVEL, EAST LANSING Corner Ann & MAC— East Lm«lng EAST LANSING . . . SHOP TODAY FROM 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Michigan State New», East Lansing, M ichigan W ednesday Morning, Ju n e 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 . 6 ^ _ B o r o s P r e d ic ts S e c tio n T ig e r P e n n a n t a t ; |i By DON BALASKY if Regan, Lary and the whole A g e T w o State New* Staff Writer bullpen continue their winning Steve Boros, rookie third ways—yes, then we’ll win the baseman for the league-leading pennant. Little Ram ie Rebarge Is an Detroit Tigers, was in Lansing “ I n j u r I e s can ruin our aspiring railroad section bees Monday afternoon. He was here chances he added frankly. at two and a half. Bat the idee flor a medley of public appear­ _ “ Morale couldn’t be better doesn’t appeal to his p e rm it ances which took him to Fran- than it is now. We’re in good The young son of Gideon and dor and four area Kroger shape all across, the board and Pricilla Robarge, 1631-A Spar­ Stores. we’re hoping it stays that tan Village, was playing out­ Taking the afternoon “off," way." _ side with his sister, Monday, 0ie 24-year-old slugger who Reporting on Sunday’s highly under Ins mother’s supervis­ bails from nearby Flint, sign­ publicized f r a c a s between ion. Ronnie found hamsrif with­ ed over a thousand autographs, Cleveland's Jim Piersall and out playmates briefly when •nd delighted hysterical mobs Detroit pitcher Jim Bunning, mother took sister intide for of children who waited hours Boros said: a change. to greet him. - When mother returned to the “ FOR SOME REASON they scene be was gone. EVERYWHERE B O R O S both hate each ethers guts. It’s Figuring Ronnie-had crossed Went he was virtually stamped­ ed by eager fans. At one of the four Kroger • t o r e s he visited, deputy Sheriffs had to be called to dis­ been that way for years. Pfer- the street to the university in­ sali's dandruff was really up stalled play area. Mrs. Ro­ on Sunday. barge set out to retu rn her “We don’t like to mess -with straying son. But Rennie was Piersall," Boros continued. nowhere to be Jbnnd. thejpve Gäine perse a mob which was deter­ “He’s usually at his best when Ronnie began his long and mined to hold Boros, captive he’s m ad." dangerous jonraey a t Here is a Gahic comedy you'N love. It’s not Until he gave everyone an auto­ Apparently, Piersall has been a.m. 'a n d it w asn't until an mystical, satirical or political...but ft’s fun, graph. plenty “m ad" this year. He's hour-and-a-half later that a unaduttoratod tawnas comody ~ _ Under police protection he crowding Norm Cash for league neighbor discovered Mm about poopto who happen to bo young rushed from the Kroger Grand leadership in the hitting de­ enthusiastically talking to the - -- —and in love. River establishment. Boros partment with a batting aver­ members «1 a caastroctioo graciously etched his name on age el 0 1 . crew at the Grand Trunk rail­ Cmmi. CmwIm CwwwwimmM m m . Cjwto • watermelon for "One woman “Any pitcher knows that the road crossing on Harrison Rd. CMHV. kfKM WPkitim DtSroca. Mn n I t f ' f u m MOD(ft TSCWOeiD. and continued on his way to only way to pitch him is high He had been there for half-an- Michigan State University •afety. and inside," Boros said. “Jim hour, crewmen said. FOREIGN FILM SERIES (Buxming) was doing just that j FOUR HOURS LATER, his whoa on one -p itch -P iersall f Thors., S a t - Joae 28 ft July 1 - 7:88 p.m. public junket complete, Boros Was driven to Capitol City air­ ducked. The ball hit his wrist." i Midget Ball Aired FAIRCHILD THEATRE port. INSTEAD OF TAKING first Starting this week. WMSB- Admfawloa: Me “That Piersall business in base, Piersall took first punch. TV will broadcast live the Lan­ Cleveland last Sunday was a He ran out to the pitcher’s sing area Midget League base- minor incident compared to mound and clobbered Bunding ball games from the Intram ur­ * CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — LOW COST this,” commented Boros in re­ with his fists and feet. He had al sports field using their new gard to the crowds which to be restrained by fellow mobile unit. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 screamed and shoved for a teammates and Tigers in a The games will b e broadcast token of recognition. hassle- which entertained 35,- from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on Mon­ Boros, who needs one more 000 fans at Cleveland, and a days and Wednesdays through te r m a t the University of Mich­ regional TV audience. July 31. igan for a history degree A I I ★ Stated: IT SURPASSES GREATNESS E A 5 T LANSI NG * PHONE ED.2-2814 •‘Sometimes I wish I were in Today Thru Thur». sychology instead of history, Feature at 1:2«. 4 00. 6:35 P t's amazing what extremes people will go to for-a name P r* (ra m aad 9:15 p.m. Inform ation IV 2-39*3 AIR CONDITIONED on a piece of paper." rmti Mi#»»]- NOW SHOWING THRU SAT. BOROS' LANSING sojourn had furnished him with ma­ terial that would make a mas­ 65c to 5:30 p.m. TFie hilarious inside s + o r y te r's degree in psychology a O F W M 4 q -.O O E 8 O N W H E N 8 C M O O L L E T S O U T .., relatively easy m atter. • • on Boros, a strong contender for 1 starting those •‘rookie- of "the year’’ honors, rip roaring answered questions freely and nonchalantly as he enjoyed a FR ID A Y ! Spring Vacations! coffee-break at the airport. W a r n e r B ro s ’. When asked whether-or not the Tigers would win the American League pennant, » C S ^ d P a r r i s b sta r s Boros replied: T r o y D o n a h u e • C la u d e tte C o lb ert “ SURE THEY WILL." K arl M a ld e n « D ea n J a g g e r “ If Norm Cash and the rest of us keep up our hitting-and I’M G O IN ’ j to FRANDOR fo r i DOLORES HART • GEORGE HAMILTON YVETTE MiMIEUX • M HUTTO« • BARBARA MCHOLS • PAUL/ PRENTISS • RANK GOtSHIN - — , CONNIE FRANCIS Mwsar C O N N M FM AN C f r •lag 8 new Mt etnflt m ««, man ton - m . . joe mstewux W 3 DAYS ONLY — STARTING JULY 2ND “MognificenHy mmémamé weted. FRAN DOR'S FREE:a F R E E .. . WhHe They L a s t ! p aam W ly ¡¡CONCERT UNDER THE! 8x10 Photo Of p lau sib le... I■ ZL' ••■J TROY ,w fvi8F O---- A wfitIV?,,« !I STARS __ TOMORROW I DONAHUE i1rSncoijorih»«dB f •»O vvA flr, N Y.r « « ( ¡8:30 p.ra. MALL COURT! I • Walt Diaaey’s “PARENT TRAP” starts July M iliiiim n a 8n iim in n iM ti * Michigan State News, East I^mwwg, Michigan Wednesday Morning, June 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 f i —■*' '■■■■........ "■' *11........ 1 —1 M ajor League* «Ns« InehMHng Taesdajr g a m ) A MEXICAN U A G t l KATION At. U A f i r t DETROIT W L Rat. *GI m M -MB .... W L FW. *oa N » Vork «• m jm r Ciaataaatt. «I a am »• Cleveland « m s n » I.«» Angele* 41 » JM i , B oston----- Jt 1) ¿22 » Saa F n a riira » J» JS9 B altim ore CDicaci» M M JM m PlttiDurch u n u< »H M M JM 2H H H w iM i* ' n I? .4M «4 Kansas c « y 29 M 4M « Washington M m «29 U H M. Load» M K 4SI u M ln tM ti B « m » (M e a n B 49 MS CoS' Anurie* U « Jfl tlH Philadelphia 22 41 )49 n * G t n n Behind ■Camas Behind A W orld o f Beauty and Rollicking Fun for Eoeryone! FILLE D W ITH SONGS — MUSIC — ROMANCE AND D AZZU NG ICE SPECTACULARS! 2cv nou> White U LATEST PROGRESS REPORT—Cate Hall, located south of Shaw Lane, It near- ing completion. The dorm is scheduled to open Winter term, 1962 —State News photo by T. S. Crockett. - J u d o C l u b . __ fCOQUO SV SIM IQSSAtlOM l a n d th e HURRY! M e e ts W e e k l y The MSU Judo Glub will hold meetings from 5:30 to 7 p.m LUCONm M i t IANSIMB • 9HOMI 10. 99944 Robert Mitchum Last Day Sandra Dee Three every Monday and Wednesday in the Jenison wrestling room. Deborah Kerr in Troy Donahue Private instruction will be [“The Sundowners^! I“A Summer Place” J offered from 9 to 16:30 a.ra every Saturday by Hale Hitch­ Shown 2:55 • 7135 I| 12:30 • 5:05 • 9:45 cock, Bruce Morrison, and Bill Better, all MSU students. A ft STARTS TOMORROW f t women’s self-defense class will be held during the evebinj hours. University Theatre { sum m er V E H IC L E Noel Coward’s bright farce “BLITHE P eter Fin ch (MME EDITH EVANS (MME PEGGY ASHCROFT DEAN jAGGf R SPffiTT 2ND H IT! SHOWN 12:45 - 5:20 - J 0 : 0 0 I.S. Wwtt Ryafb SMtaf. Opens Tonight Ahilarious guide at the new arena in Joa I n i t r a t i o n HMOO. 4AMQLEVm CLWOOO 2 This Ad and 75c Good for $1 Basket of Balls at ;! OILMAN . Nn< ■■. uv, s, CMABIES WICK • Ns m t, Quill 4 Braduchu», MS C O L O N by DC LUXE O m m a S c o R E 1 2 OPEN 12:45 • FEATURE l:0M itfÍ¿l»-?:20-9:» 1 1 FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE■ 2 2 WEEKDAY MAT. 65c • SUN. * EVE. 99c CHILDREN Me 1 | 2 Also have fun at the World’s Largest Miniature Golf Course 2 STARTING TODAY AT TH E 2 35e ’til 7p.m. —any day but Sunday and Holidays j 5 Minutes east of MSU on Grand River THEATRE ■ ■ 2 U L A D tV lÉ R SUr M f u r M r»»fw r»4r»»fM r*«f»4rM f»4rM »»4rm 94rM f» » f» » rw r» » fM f» 4 f» Jrt4 e» » r4 H aiiclngan State New», East Lansing, M ichigan W ednesday M orning, Ju n e 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 5 2 1 E . G r a n d R iv e r O P E N S U N D A Y ^ W E E K D A Y S 9 a .m .to 9 p m . 1955 Chevrolet L o a d e d W it h G r o c e r ie s T o Be G iven A w a y A u g u st 1, 1961 J u s t R e g iste r A t T h e S to r e Limit one coupon per item per family Limit one coupon per Bern per family Dean’s D a iry Hom oginized BREAD 2 r.r29 (O u r O w n Special) 20 ox. loavn Shaheens Coupon Expires 9 p.m. Sunday. M y 2.1961 Shaheens Coupon Expires 9 p.m. Sunday. July 2, 1961 VS. N o . 1 - Limit one coupon per item per family Virginia - W hite Cobbler Coffee Shaheen Sunset P O T A T O E S fresh roasted — freshly ground for you Shaheens Coupon Expires 9 p.m. Sunday, July 2, 1961 Free Family Size Coca Cola with the purchase of 10 H.*. - 29‘ King Size Coke or Sprite 6 Pak ~ Selection of lehanese and Svrian Foods Fryers an whole fresh 2 3 ° lb fresh, lean, G r o u n d B e e f Shurfine P o rk and Beans - 12-300 Cans ^ J[ Regancy frozen L E M O N A D E 6 -6 oz. C a n s ^ f ^ 1 3 lbs. *119 - SHOP A T SH AH EEN S A N D SAVE -