À l< J a n S ta te N e w s Serving MSU fór 52 years » Second Clam Postage Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 49 E a s t L ansing, M ichigan, F rid ay M orning, Ju n e 30, 1961 12 Pages Paid a t Cast Lansing, Mich. 5 Cents P e a c e C o r p s L o o k s to M S U ‘S p i r i t ’ P e r fo r m s By ARIEL MELCHGIR fully,” he said. “So that th e State News Staff Writer likelihood of failure is re- MSU is being considered as a training center for Peacd Corps candidates in secondary school teaching, Dean Homer. D. Hig- duced.” The program which will last for two to three months w i l l provide for 100 secondary T o L a r g e C ro w d bee of International Programs school teachers for Nigeria, By FRED BLACK miere of the University The­ K ay In g ra m g a v e a poised, said Thursday. and 30 graduate students who State News Staff Writer atre’s Summer Circle. co n v in cin g p e rfo rm a n c e as “ Although the program is in will be assigned to the uni­ - A near capacity crowd of 236 C o n d o m in e’s seco n d w ife, R uth a preparatory stage, there is versities in Nsukka, Nigeria, A pillow flew across the theatre patrons comfortably H e r co n fid en t sta g e p re se n c e more than a 50-50 chance it he noted. stage, a vase of flowers jump­ encircled the .new arena stage n e v e r w a v e re d a n d sh e did will go through,’’ he said. HIGBEE, who returned from ed from actable and a stool in Demonstration Halt to en­ an e x c e lle n t -job in th e out Some of the candidates who joy the humorous and some­ sta n d in g first sc en e of th e s e ­ would probably begin training Washington Wednesday night, mysteriously jerked about, thus had this to say in regard to the ringing down the curtain on times wierd antics of the ac­ cond a c t. here in late August or early tors. September, were selected by a training program: the opening of “ Blithe Spirit.” AS THE IM P IS H , im p ru d e n t group made up of officials'from “ This university is" conscious The Wednesday night per­ BUGS ATTRACTED to the a n d long d e a d first M rs. Con MSU and H arvard University, of the complexity in such a formance of Noel Coward's bright lights above the stage dornine, J u d ith N ichols was- in Washington, D.C. Thursday. program. I know that in our bright farce marked the pre- and the green canvas chairs splendid. H e r p re c ise tim in g preparation we are going to do provided for-the comfort of the a n d re la x e d d e liv e ry w a s fla w ­ BUT THE process of select­ the best to train these people audience l e n t a leisurely le ss. ~ ing more students to get the to cope with the cross-cultural “backyardish” effect to the 130 trainees this university will In c o n tra s t to th e o th e r c e n ­ aspects of their assignment.” handle is still in progress, he~ No Classes Held presentation. . The beginning of the play was tr a l c h a r a c te r s w ho w e re p ro p ­ e rly E n g lish , th e cockney added. THEY WILL get additional marked by the usual opening The names -of these candi­ training in teaching skills,” he related, so that they can ef­ Fourth of July night jitters but the characters s p iritu a lis t, M a d a m e A rca ti. c a m e on stro n g . dates are chosen from a pool soon warmed to their roles. a t Peace Corps office in Wash­ fectively conduct the roles The Fourth of July, Tues­ She w a s ~ p la y e d by H elen ington which contains the rec­ are assigned, to. . day, will be a holiday -for Thereafter, the play moved £ h a w w ho lite r a lly th re w h e r rapidly ihrough the three acts. ords of qualified students from T h i s university currently MSU students and faculty Robert (Bud) Spangler, as se lf into th e ro le. S he sh o u ted , c o l l e g e s and Universities conducts a Nigerian project, but classes are scheduled as the hdrrassed husband Charles g e s tu re d a n d tu m b le d a b o u t the throughout the U.S., he said. where faculty members teach usual for Monday and Wed Condomine, delighted the audi­ sta g e w ith e ffe c tiv e a b a n d o n “ We are making every ef­ at the University of Nigeria in nesday, July 3 and 5. ence again and again with his U n fo rtu n a te ly , h e r ric h cock­ fort to choose people very care* Nsukka. ability to rise to a dram atic n ey a c c e n t, e v id e n t in th e firs t sce n e , fa d e d a s ^ lh e p la y p r o ­ situation. Although he occa­ g re sse d . sionally allowed himself to F a ilu r e U n a v o id a b le lapse out of character with a In her enthusiasm for the part she stumbled on some of mischievous grin at the amus­ ing antics of his fellow actors, her lines but was generally B u dget C ut K ills his sure touch of comedy en­ abled him to get the most out of his role. competent to the obvious de light of the audience. THE MINOR PARTS, Dr Bradman, Mrs. Bradman an<: S a fety C enter Edith, played by Ben Hickok R ed C edar - Ann Crow and Jeanne DeUaas respectively, were' well done. Miss Dellaas as the ener H iic k F in n s getic maid Edith,-was particu By HANK BERNSTEIN closing of the center said: Iversity, to fulfill various com- larly .effective. She was de State News Staff Writer “IT is ironic that the econom­ [mitments. D is c o v e re d tached from the audience and consequently reacted convin MSU’s Highway Traffic Saf­ ic losses of a single holiday’s The center’s driver educa University a u t h o r i t i e s cingly to the situations she was ety Center ceases to exist to- traffic toll in Michigan repre­ tion program has been trans­ squelched an attempt to estab­ involved in. - d a y .~ sents more money than that ferred to the area of teacher lish a Red Cedar navy earlier needed to maintain the High­ education, where it will ope­ this week when they recovered The entire, presentation was President John A. Hannah, way Traffic Safety Center for rate at least through the sum the nucleus of the fleet — an run smoothly and it appears discussing the closing of the ad ec ad e. — m er. 16-foot water carnival raft._ that summer stock will be an center, said: asset to the university c a m p u s Sheehe could have used_other MSU’s driver education pro­ Four aspiring East Lansing “ Our decision in this, as well words, equally ir o n 1 c and until today operated by sailors, aged 13 and 14, were as in other areas of program equally grim. Using the Na­ gram, the terminations and curtailments tional Safety Council figures, Center, is a leader was forced upon us as an eco­ the MSU center is not even the first such program nomic necessity, ~ Highway Traffic Safety spotted painting the raft be­ in the field, hind a fraternity house on to offer Bogue St. by -plumbing depart: worth, the saving of two lives. a m aster’s degree, “weighing ment employee Waiter Pease. Provost’s _ “ It is with personal regret The National Safety Coun­ heavily on the social sciences that this decision had to be cil estimates that each fatality Pease notified the Depart­ The driver education pro­ ment of Public Safety and, up­ made, for my own conviction has a direct economic cost of gram trains police traffic ad­ on investigation, they were Schedule concerning this progr&jn and $165,000. At this rate, two fa­ ministrators, driver education told by the boys that the raft the need for more centers like talities would cost more than teachers, highway and traffic was found adrift — upstream i t in other state universities the center’s budget for the last engineers, traffic researchers from its F arm Lane bridge- has often, been expressed.” year, $329,000. and leaders for community mooring. Is Busy The university refuses to Most center staff members safety councils. _ No official action was taken Provost Paul A. Miller was take full blame for the ending have been transferred to other During the „past five years, and the raft was returned by able to get a few hours at his of the center, and in this case, departments of the university, the MSU driver education pro­ the plumbing department which desk in t h e Administration the unhappy prospect of send­ in most cases the areas from gram has trained over half of had borrowed it for use in building Thursday morning, as ing four people job hunting. which they cam e originally— the driving teachers, in the transporting scaffolding across he stopped on campus in the “ I am particularly regret­ police administration, continu­ state and developed much of the river. midst of a busy conference ful,” Hannah said, “ that when ing education, psychology and the course m aterial used for This was the second time the- schedule. our financial difficulties began teacher education. raft had “drifted” upstream Miller has spent the last driver education classes for three years ago, at which time The center’s entire steno­ the state’s high schools! week in Washington, D .C ., a t­ the closing of the center was graphic staff has been reas­ recommended by the legisla­ signed within the university. Under Prof. - William A. Mann, the center helped seve­ Holler Weather tending a meeting of the Com­ mission on Education for Wo­ ture, neither the automotive A five-point program was ral counties throughout the interests of this state nor any carried on by the center. The state provide driver safety Headed Our Way men, of the American Council on Education _■ other groups which profess in­ program included an extensive schools which provide educa­ Today’s forecast calls for - While in Washington Miller terest or enthusiasm for what driver education program, in- tional exposure to traffic prob­ partly cloudy skies, continued also attended a two-day panel we are trying to do cdme to service training for people al­ lems. iieat and humidity^and scat­ meeting of the President’s Ad our support. ready in the traffic field, field I t is this type of school to tered thunder showers begin­ Hoc Committee on Latin Amer­ “ We cannot operate any pro­ assistance to needy local agen­ which traffic violators are sent ning gram , regardless of its value, cies, special traffic research after accumulating 12 points in ing. in the afternoon or -even­ ican Education. Thursday afternoon Miller on lip-service,” he added. and information services: violations. A violator pays up Gordon H. Sheehe, director Saturday will be fair and left for Fort Collins, Colo., to Of the five programs, only to $10 to attend the school and warmer. attend a national seminar for of the center has been trans­ the public education (informa­ after completing the course, The five-day extended fore­ ferred to the Continuing Edu­ tion services) area has been his sentence may be suspended cast which will include the topic grant land administrators. The of the seminar is “ Im ­ cation Service of the universi­ dropped completely. The other by the cou rt. Fourth of July has not •yet plications of Agricultural Ad­ ty, as of today. programs have been transfer­ MSU has selected the course been compiled according to the justments for Land Grant Ad­ Sheehe, ‘commenting on the red to other areas of the uni- See BUDGET Page 11 U.S. Weather Bureau. ministrators.” -s ' " : v ~ . 1 " 'ü ' Michigan State New«, East Icanning, M ichigan Friday M ornings Ju n e 88» 1 9 6 1 Waterfront Fog College -Vote A ids Con-Con M ichigan stu d en ts who fa il to re g is te r fo r Con-Con p ri­ m aries on July 25 do a disservice to them selves and to th e ir problem -laden home s ta te . W hen Michigan, a f te r being accused o f every m alad­ ju s tm e n t from financial irresponsibility to political skullduggery, finally tu rn s to th e con stitu tio n al conven­ tion as a "possible panacea ,it expects th e people of th e s ta te to respond. At' least, th e college population owes it to itse lf to sh a re in th e decision of wjjo should be allowed to exam ine M ichigan’s constitution w ith an eye tow ard its reo rg an i­ sation and possible im p ro v em en t.- < W ITHIN TH E state, it’s a chance fo r dissatisfied resi­ d en ts to voice some so rt of an in te re st in th e fu tu re of M ichigan and its residents. O utside th e s ta te , i t ’s a chance fo r M ichiganians to show th ey care about w h at happens to th e “ W ater W onderland” in which th ey live. And who shciuld be more concerned th a n college stu d en ts w ho will g rad u ate to positions of responsibility w ithin business o r in d u stry — m aybe even gov ern m en t? These deciaion-make'rs o f th e fu tu re can begin even now to make som e choice ab o u t how th e s t a t e will be ru n in th e ,fu tu re ^ T h is m eans not only voting fo r delegates, of course, bu t keeping an eye on the_convention when it opens in O ctober. • • A n d 'it m eans voicing an opinion by personal co n tact o r le tte r about how th e delegates vote to reshape M ichigan’s governm ent before th e final decisions have been made. And on college cam puses, they say , sp rin g s th e f ir s t tru e indication of w hat th e fin est young people o f a s ta te th in k . - ■ And on college cam puses, are th e deepest th in k ers am ong potential political and social leaders. T h a t’s w hat th ey say, anyw ay. Letters to the Editor; Recommendations its opinion °f the To the E ditor D r. T r u itt’s- te tte r is a poor exam ple o f th e caliber Does Dr. T ru itt, d irecto r s f MSU’s ad m in istrativ e of m en’s division of stu d en t s ta f f x challenge th e rig h t Over Five Years a ffa irs, have th e rig h t to 0f such an individual to re ­ w rite a recom m endation on ta in any ad m in istrativ e po- L ib r a r y Q u a n tity , Q u a lity any s tu d e n t? If th is in any sition a t any in stitu tio n o f w ay includes an evaluation J h ig h er learning. ( if o r u f W. Hill o f the stu d en t’s c h ara cter ★ ★ ★- N o te s S ig n ific a n t I n c r e a s e ' o r th e e x te n t o f his p artici­ pation in ex tra cu rricu lar ac­ A xe Falls The quantity and quality-of lished abroad. Psychology is 2. In Social Science docu­ To th e E d ito r: the library’s research material MSU’s area of responsibility, ments, newspapers, andpamph- tivities, my answ er is “ no.” let m aterials are the prim ary Well, th e axe fell has increased significantly in be said. - J —believe th e insurance T he w rite r u f th e late ser- the past five years, Dr. Rich­ concern. _ _ MICROFILMING has been a 3. The needs for Humanities com pany should have asked j ^ c iv il R ights is being ard Chapin, director of the li­ means of quickly and inexpen­ D r. T ru itt for Chapm an s ¡*ued. A facu lty advisor has braries told a recent meeting sively adding significant re­ are The old, the rare, the unique, and the primary source. academic and living Hnit re- been rem oved. P ressu re w as of the Board of Trustees. search material. In May of cord. I question Dr. T ru itt s p u t on th e s ta ff, ed ito r and “Today, Michigan State Uni­ this year microfilms were used “ WITH TIME, resources, and qualifications to pass ju d g - I o th ers involved . . . enough, versity possesses a true re­ by 1,190 readers, according to continued support, Michigan search library which is begin­ State University Library will m ent on any o th e r area o f I anyw ay, to stop th e sen«« ning to attract scholars from Chapin. a stu d e n t’s life, unless he r from being enlarged as it the entire country,” Chapin A current project which will continue its -rapid development, add 65,000 titles to the library Chapin said. knows th e stu d en t person­ could have been.' said. is the acquiring on microfilm Growth of the research fa-' ally. I suppose one can consider Research collections were ad­ of all books published In Eng­ cilities was reflected in 1958 He is even less qualified th e series a success by th e equate only in some of the land before 1640 and all books when MSU was selected for to pass a bias and obviously very criterio n discussed in sciences five years ago, he and magazines published in membership in the Association false jud g m en t as he has th e series. I only hope th a t said. America before 1800, he said. of Research Libraries, a group done in th is case, when he th is won’t be th e end o f th e “ We bad barely two or three The purchase of entire pri­ of 45 libraries serving the re­ shelves of books on Africa; to­ vate libraries in recent years search needs of the country, he says Chapm an “ is a r a th e r liberal, exciting and vital day we bave well over two has included the addition of said. ’ ' shy individual and I am not jo u rn alism on th e p a r t of thousand volumes including rare and extensive collections The "young, well-trained and su re th a t he m eets people j th e S ta te News th a t th is has ninety-five different journals di­ of m aterial on the American enthusiastic” library staff is_ extrem ely well.” A “ shy in- j been. I hope those in final rectly concerned with Africa.” Communist Party, the F a r one of our most important as­ dividual” who has been a j ch arg e will be undefensive sets, Chapin said. The staff is EVERYTHING published in East, the French monarchy, m em ber of th e In tern a tio n a l■ enough to allow such to con- Nigeria and Ghana is automa­ Classical Spanish literature, equipped to handle 17 different languages including the tradi­ Clab, Cam pus UN, A dvisory tinue. tically sent to the library and American and English lit­ tional Western European lan­ Board, and who is .cu rren tly I hope th a t th e pap er will through a dealer-agent on the erature. “Michigan State University is guages, all of the Slavic lan­ helping th e Y w ith its pro- be able to dig tru th fu lly and i spot, he said. growing at a more rapid rate guages, and the two major g ram for disturbed children. honestly into all th e pro­ i Annual corporation reports than the average library oLBig Oriental languages, Chinese Any evaluation o f ch arac­ blems raised by th is series. have increased from less than Ten schools,” Chapin said. By and Japanese. 100 five years ago to 1,200 to­ te r m ust, in my opinion, 1 hope th o se on -the s ta f f day, many of them dating back 1966 we will be adding more hasEach member of the staff a t the minimum, with two come from eith e r a previous find stro n g and w arm su p ­ volumes than the average for to the 19th century, he said. the K g Ten, he said. exceptions, the Master of Li­ em ployer, a faculty m em ber, p o rt from both facu lty and History and literature collec­ brary Science degree, he said. o r from a responsible indi­ stu d en ts. T he s ta f f is really tions are growing rapidly and CHAPIN said that plans for THE LIBRARIANS major vidual who has lived w ith o u t o n th e lim b th is tim e. the veterinary medicine collec­ future resource development as­ functions are to select and ac­ C hapm an. Dr. T ru itt cannot I A pathy alone can fin ish th e tion is “the finest historical col­ sume these needs in the three possibly, even a f te r having | whole th in g off. It wHJ cer- country,” lection of rare books in the m ajor classifications of knowl­ quire materials, organize these Chapin said. edge: m aterials, and facilitate their talk ed w ith th e stu d en t fo r tainly be easy now to see The library is participating in 1. In Science the m ajor need use. “ It is only with a fine de- « n h o u r o r so, pass any w h at th e local society will do the Farmington Plan, a na­ is for serial literature with spe­ gree of cooperation between ju d g m e n t o f-_ c h ara cter w ith th o se who d a re to devi­ tional cooperative project to cial emphasis on current sub­ facufty and staff that research w hich will be accurate ate, question, an d th in k . acquire for American libraries scriptions and the relatively re­ collections are developed,” he •n o u g h fo r a th i r d p a rty to Jack Down one copy of every bode pub- cent bound volumes. said. M ichigan Stale M e w , E m Lam in g, M ichigan Frid ay M orning, Ju ne 3 0 , 1 0 6 1 .3 Durdin U'-rqv. t * ?. i 3 V -, Talks on J a c o b so n ’s Far East A F a r E ast editorial writer for the New York Times, Till­ m an Durdin, and his wife Peggy, wiU address the sixth annual summer Asia Institute here Friday. The address, “Trends and Tendencies in Communist Chi­ na,” will be a t 8^ p.m. in the Kiva of the Education Budd­ ing and is open to th e public. Before he took his present position, Durdin was chief of the Times Hong Kong bureau, and covered China and South­ east Asia. He also covered the conflicts in Korea, Indochina and Algeria. '-D urdin was an accredited w ar correspondent with Ameri­ can, Australian, and British SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION ON IMPORTANT forces during World War II. He covered the w ar in Malaya, Java, New Guinea, Guadal­ _ SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS canal, India, Burma a n d China. He covered the first B-29 bomber raid on «Japan from a base in West China. A fter' the war, Durdin be­ D R E SS E S - - C O A T S - - SU ITS came chief of the T i m e s bureau in China. He was based in Nanking, and followed the clashes and eventual full-scale R A IN C O A T S - - S W E A T E R S - - BLOUSES warfare between the Kuomin­ tang and the Communists. In 1948 he went to H arvard for C O -O R D IN A T E D SUM M ER S P O R T S W E A R a year as a Nieman Fellow. P rior to World War II, Dur­ din spent six years with the Chines owned daily newspaper, L IN G E R IE - - H A N D B A G S - - JE W E L R Y The China Press, and became its managing editor. When the China-Japan w ar broke out, he joined the New York Times as a staff correspondent and G IR L S ’ W E A R for four years traveled the length and breadth of China. His -assignm ents often took MEN’S WEAR CLEARANCE him to the front lines with Chinese combat units. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER SPORTCOATS, The first sugar beet factory SLACKS, SUITS - DRASTICALLY REDUCED! was built by Franz Karl Ach- Jacobson's Men2« Shop — 210 Abbott Road ard in Silesia in 1802, with the aid of the King of Prussia. SHOE CLEAR AN CE Spring and Summer Footwear at Reduced Prices An excellent selection of dress, casual and sp o rt shoes by quality footw ear m akers . . . reduced to save you m oney ju s t when you w an t them . Calf, kidskin and fabrics in w hite, red, beige, bone, green, black and navy. All heel heig hts. M atched handbags also reduced. Mademoiselle .................... 13.90 Caressa ................ 9.90 Fredelle ......*..... ............ 7.90 Customeraft ...... 16.90 Capezio ................. _ 7.90 * 9.90 Joyce ....... ....... 7.90 • 9.90 Town & Country 7.90 - 9.90 4 Michigan State New», East Lansing, M ichigan Friday M orning, Ju n e 30 » 1 9 6 1 ,- Kodduri Represents MSU G a la B ill M a y Im p r o v e Arab Students Hold F o u r th National Convention _ W’allid KhacTdurt, president of midwestem states, and dèle­ will be sponsored by the East P la n n e d A Fourth of July celebration ; Z o o lo g y - B y KEN ALMAS State News Staff Writer S tu d y per cent of the U.S. population is around the G reat Lakes and ghe Arab club, and fiye other | gates from other nationality Lansing Chamber of Com* If you were to talk with Dr. the environmental character­ meree, Kiwanis Club, Lions members will represent their j clubs. | Peter Tack of the zoology de- istics must be,.of great impor­ MSU organization at the 10th The theme for the 1961 com Club, Exchange Club, and 1partment. you would probably tance.” annual Arab convention at the vention is “ Reappraisal o fth e American Legion Post 205 at j be inspired by his desire and Such things of interest would University of Minnesota from Arab Problem s.” the E ast Lansing City Park, be a study of the confusion of j foresight in the field of Fish- Aug. 28 through Sept. 2. Discussions will cover the po­ M-78 a t Alton Road. _ ■cries and Wildlife. the sounds of fish- with that of He is one of 30 Arab students litical, economical, and social The program for the event I But there are too few Peter submarines. chosen from among 5,000 stu­ aspects of the Arab problems. will include a band concert at ITacks in th a t field and he re- “ IF FISH MOVE in cigar dents to participate in a public . , 7 p.m. by the Community : grets that so few of the zoology . THE CONVENTION, which | Band, under the direction of shaped' schools, they can be speaking seminar held during students devote their lives to very copfusing to the sonar the convention. is sponsored by the Organiza- Gerald L. Bartlett. its study. system,” he said. “This is only * Participants in this seminar j ^ A ^ ^ ^ s o s i ward scholar ' Square dancin^ will begin at This situation might change one small phase of the study; will present a five-minute oral I ahi_- 1’ ..J r.® , 8 p.m. with George Bubolz, Jr.,- though. A bill, the Magnuson | Russia has been on this pro- speech by which they will, be ! Ï ' h !calling. j Bill to be exact, is now on the j gram for quite a while and it judged. j tailo«5 Under the supervision of the table to appropriate $700 mil- taught 'the techniques of public ! East Lansinc^PoHce and Fir.» . lion for graduate Work in the [would be a shame to fall be­ hind on something so impoc^ by pr0£eSSi0nal ***>' | Departments ^ îS w o îk s dis i field in which Dr. Taek is so tant.” . which has been meeting annual­ « a,. . . . play will be held at 9 p.m. ¡interested, Oceanography, ly since 1951 entertains ambas­ The program will involve J 3 . ! Fireworks other than the pub- sadors, professors and students more, recently returned fro m 1lie. display will not-be allowed j WITH THIS incentive many study of water currents and from colleges and universities a regional Arab conference ; midwest schools are proposing movement in the_Great Lakes. The celebration will be open j extensive research in Limnol- Sedimentation studies . which throughout the U. S. the public free of charge, jpgy, which is the study of non­ give a clue to the movement It is made up of 7tT delega­ nology in Chicago over the | A freewill freewill — —offering offering will be salt w ater life. •“ of biological and chemical ac­ tions from Arab clubs from all weekend. taken at the park to help fin­ Among the problems dis­ “ I would like to see this in­ tivity could also be included. over the U.S., mostly from ance the fireworks display. stitution acquire a research These studies will also have cussed a t the regional meeting Ample parking s p a c e is vessel- on the G reat Lakes,” practical application to fish­ was the problem of marriages available at the park. of Arab students to Americans. Tack said. “ Let’s face it, 40 eries^ • Smoke, No Fire He said that Americans re­ lum ing to the Middle East with Claused by Beaus” their spouses find it difficult to , D r. F a rra ll adopt the new environment, | Smoke coming —from the and even more so adopt the CORAL GABLES apartm ent of Mr. and Mrs. culture. J o s e Rodrigues, 1402-C Spartan T o H ead Other discussions, he said t illage, Wednesday, caused an dealt with the Algerian ques­ - E. Lansing alert neighbor to call the MSU tion, and the current negotia­ A g S o c ie ty i ir e departm ent^ tions between the French and The American Society of Ag-. —Invites Everyone to Fire department and De­ Algerian* Arab relations jv ith partment of Public Safety of­ the Kennedy administration ricultural Engineers will gain ficials, using'll m aster key to and the President’s “Palestine a new president, in Prof Ar- j CORAL CABLES SAUGATUCK gain entrance to the locked, question,” were also talked thur W. Farrall, head of thej apartment, soon discovered the about. Department of Agricultural j Engineering. — * ause—a well-cooked pot of beans. ■ F arrall will take office as • This Weekend From Sept. 30, 1777, until president-elect at their an­ No damage was reported but June 27, 1778,. the capital of He Candlelight Room H t Old Crow a smoke detractor had to be colonial America was York, nual meeting a t Iowa State j used to clear the apartment to Pa. During that period, the University, June 26-28 at Ames, j He R Forno Room H f Hotel eliminate possibilities of smoke British were occupying Phil­ F arrall will succeed to the damage, fire department of­ adelphia, normal seat of the office of president for the 1962- 1 ficials said. 63 year upon the completion o f H t Rathskeller Continental Congress. one year as president elect. i ■Bu Q □□□□□ SB w| * Crossword Puzzle p ■□□□ □□□□□ □□□ l o a s □□□□□ □□□ a m a n □□□□□ ACROSS 1. Perforate 31. Mob am- med's saaauaa aauiia adopted son * - a u a a a □□□□ S. Inclined walk 32. Weary SDD uaaua aaa 34 Animal □□□□ unauB I Surmount 12. Portent park A aaaaa□aaa uuaa uuaaciao COMFORTABLE GENTLEM EN 35 .Puff BQCO Q ÜDQQQ 13. Bib. region 14. Peer Gynt’a 37. Numbar 39. Lullaby □o □□□□□ □□□ Da □□□□□ auu mother tS Spruce _ 41. Judean king 42. Genua of □□ uuuuu □□□ C hart a 16 Hindu woman's -nuthatches 44. Tadioua Solution of Veetordny'e Russie Short Course in garment 48 Rocky j pinnacle W DOWN f. Give church 17. Grand­ I Ossified sanction to father of 49 Italian Saul seap o rt 51. Resort town tissue 1 Hebrew 13. Precious alloy: Egypt. S H IR T II Miataka In in New U . Persian measure fniry printing Mexico 30 Ruth's mother-in- 52 Cube root of one 3. Ralee 4. Tropical 13. Wigwam ftl. Northern S Ü IT 1 S law — 53. Miacellany herb genua aaa bird 54. Anc. Italian 3. Happening M. Outlines 23.2nd amallaat of motion stata. abbr. family ese 55. Crony consequence pictures SIscvaa at half mai t arc • th ttrfaf alga 23. Stupefy - 56. Porch like 34. Knock (•day. Bvaa m e n tir « in maad paa ailed 3. First man ■ sharply _ 34. Sentimental fish 7. Disfigure all n i bava battais awaatipated (ram 23. Young goats 37 Pentacle 5. Publish 33. Palm leaf hot Tong (leaved skirt*. Collar U r la ¡a 33. Wandering serraci rarioty ara hart iar choosing. 7“ T 3T r E T r 7“ r musician ST. Bib. IT :pi /J eharkctar «3. Legal Button Downs; is « fictitious name White — 35.53 m 33. Mala Bine A Linca — fS-M W ■ a a n descendant 23. WriUng Eyelet (white only) 93.33 table 36. L ittli child Tab (white A blue) 9t.M m m a w m w a m 'm m iiiìà 33. Tries ' ¡i h H iu y UH tns flavor 33. Man of fortune AB Oxford Cloth 42. Atreat 42. Hebrides Island , 44. P art of S a n H e fn er the eye CUSTOM SHOP ' 43. Hop kiln 03. Moslem marriage 31. Danish weights 33, Wing M ichigan State N eva, East Lansing, M ichigan Friday M orning, Ju n e SO, 1 9 6 1 INFORMATION ‘B r in g ’E m B a c k A H v e ’ Summer Circle t h e a t e r , ties In Communist China." “Blithe Spirit" by Noel Cow­ by Tillman Durdin, editorial a rd ,. Demonstration Ball, writer., for the New .York 1:30 p.m. June 28- July L Times and former corres­ T r a ffic T h e m e f o r 1 9 6 1 Foreign Film Series, "The pondent in Asia. Kiva of the Twenty-five per cent of all roads, m gravel roads, on safe to drive a t the legal limit Love Game" A French film. Education Building, 8 p.m. persons killed in Michigan traf­ blacktop«, and on winding or Happy, bawdy, bat somehow June 80 on freeways and expressways. innocent and ironically real­ A rt Exhibit, "Calcutta Paint­ fic accidents last year were not narrow tends," Davis added. But there is just as much proof, istic comedy. Fairchild The­ ings" A rt Room of Union, involved in collisions. Continuing on. Davis said shown by the number of acci­ ater 7:30 p.m. June 29, July 1 8 a. m. to 10 p m . July 1-11. There were 388 such highway that unfamiliar roads pose a dents- and 'deaths, that legai Speaker, “Trends and Tenden- For information contact Pro­ deaths in 1960, and 95 per cent constant question to drivers. speed limits on other types of of them occurred when the "You never know If there is fessor David Mead, Exten­ highways are not necessarily sion 2051 cars involved ran off the roads. a pot-hole, soft spot, curve or There was a 36 per cent in­ crossroad ahead," he said. safe. P r o fe s s o r Workshop on Rehabilitation of crease in this type of accident "Nor da yon know when you DAVIS suggested that all the Disabled Homemaker, during the first four months of this year. are liktiv to «nrwinter animal« or plodding farm vehicles. Nar­ drivers occasionally refresh their memories by reviewing C o n tr ib u te s Kellogg Center, July 2 8. Sponsored, by the College of These facts were cited Mon­ row bridges are not uncommon material on the subject, such Home Economics. About 50 day in the “Bring ’Em Back on rural highways either.'’ as that w hich'is available at To B ook physical a n d occupational 'A l i v e ! " educational traffic Speed limits on various types local police and sheriff’s de­ ^ t h e r a p i s t s , rehabilitation partments. Dr. Richard S. Rudner, as­ counselors and others wifi safety program being spon­ of Michigan highways do not sociate professor of philosophy, sored by the Automobile Club always m ean it is safe to “No one should be frightened explore information and tech­ of Michigan in its efforts to travel that fast. is a contributor to a new book, niques needed to develop and by the statistics," said Davis. “Current Issues in the Philos­ reduce the accident and death Davis said he didn't mean “Nor. should you stay home be­ direct a program to aid the toll-on Michigan’s .highways. ophy of Science." - physically disabled borne- that drivers should impede cause you fear danger, as The book Is a collection of maker. For information con­ "THESE startling facts Indi­ traffic by being slow-pokes, but there are' more accidents at addresses given - at the 1953 tact Clayton Wells, Extension cate that a t least some of our rather, U they are to “Bring home than on the highway." meeting of the American As­ 3083 drivers have forgotten portions ’Em Back Alive!" .they must Drivers should be sure to sociation for the Advancement use common sense. Sommer Circle T h e a t e r , of what they learned when they drive in such a manner that of Science and is edited by “ Rain” by Colton and Ran­ obtained their licenses," said There Is evidence that it is they will ‘B ring' 'E m Back Herbert Feigl and Grover dolph, Demonstration Hall, Ernest P. Davis, Adto Club di­ down on ice, or in rain and Alive!’ every time they drive. Maxwell of the U of Minn. 8:30 p.m. JQ lylfg rector of safety and traffic. "The chances are excellent that every motorist in the state has learned a t one time o r an­ other that he must adjust his driving to meet road condi­ tions, said Davis. "This means not only slowing snow, but also on unfamiliar . . . Indian Madras P o u ltry S tu d y ma Summer Costume C o m p le te d M. L. Esmay, professor of agricultural engineering a t A t a w onderfully low MSU and N. T. Odden, of the University of Massachusetts, have found that attic inlet ven­ tilation systems for insulated fa sh ion-wise price poultry houses can provide ex­ tra heat during the winter. Their findings were reported during a session of the annual meeting of the American So­ ciety of Agricultural Engineers at Iowa State University. Tests at MSU showed an average tem perature increase of 1.4 degrees when J h e venti­ lating fan was operating during Color magic of authentic hand woven the test period. bleeding madras is fashioned into a ODDEN and Esm ay reported little Jacketed, pleated skirt sundress, th a t maximum tem perature in­ for warns summer days and cool creases of 12 degrees were r e ­ corded during clem* days when evenings. Mac ty p e -collared Jacket solar radiation was at its with short sleeves, batten detail. highest. Scoop neck dress with hare-arms and .They also reported that maxi­ sh—lstid leather belt. Assorted pat­ mum heat losses of five de­ terns, individual colors, as ao two grees were recorded in the lengths of doth arc alike. Sixes 19-18.. early morning hours before sunrise when the sky was clear and re-radiation was greatest. tn t r t l c v e i ., - ea st l a n s in o In the tests, heat gains or losses were measured as in­ coming ventilation air passed through the attic chamber. The ventilation system tested was an exhaust system with a slot inlet next to the wall op­ posite the exhaust fan. THE FAN was controlled by a therm ostat set at 47°F and a time clock set so that the fan operated for a t least 30 sec­ onds in each 10-minute period. The two researchers t hink greater tem perature increases can be obtained, by improving ways of diffusing the incoming air throughout the attic cham­ ber. Credit cost! can be regard- as business expenses the SHOP TODAY BETWEEN 9:30 A:M. TO 5:30 P. M. ED 2-5006 me as labor, feed and hous- EAST LANSING g costs, say Michigan State liversity agricultural ecoa- aists. 6. Michigan. State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Friday M orning, Ju ne 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 Y o u M u s t P u l l t h e R i g h t S t r i n g s G e t S h o ts a n d A v o id " P o l i o T o G e t I n t o T h i s C o n g r e s s Polio Is a word which be­ comes very real and meaning­ By ELLEN JENKS eight weeks in a series of sem­ member of an advisory com­ String Congress are winners of ful to many during the sum­ Stale News Staff Writer inars and sectional rehearsals mittee on the line arts in the community auditions conduct­ m er months. Dr. Albert El. under the instruction of noted U.S. department of State, and ed by locals in the U.S. and Heustis, state health commis­ If you have passed Williams string teachers from the na­ Canada. sioner, recently remihded those hall recently, you have prob­ tion’s foremost symphony orch- conducting the Chicago little that have failed to be im munize ably heard the strains of mu­ The scholarships provide for estras Symphony. transportation of the 'students ed, that there is still time to sic which seem to escape from Dr. Paul Obërg, head of the Other eminent musicians on to and from their homes, room, be protected. all windows This is where the music and education^ depart­ the faculty include: 96 scholarship students from board, and tuition at Michigan Needless crippling .can a t ments of the University of Min­ Rafael Druain, concertmae- State. least partially be avoided if 35 states, Canada, Hawaii and nesota, is dean of the String Puerto Rico, are staying for ter of the Cleveland Orches­ THE CURRICULUM includes those not vaccinated will hurry Congress. and get their shots, he said. the third annual Congress of tra, Frank Houser, Concert- private instruction, practice Strings. THE CONDUCTOR is Thor “By having one shot now and m aster of the San Francisco sessions, and seminars. The a second a month later,” Heu­ The Congress, which is spon- Johnson who for eleven sea- Symphony, Mishel Piastro, group meets in full twice a sored by the American Fede- sons was music director of the stis said, “you may be pro­ ration of Musicians, began on Cincinnati Symphony. Current- conductor of the Longines Sym- week under the direction of viding yourself the margin of Johnson. safety which could mean the June 18 and will continue fo r ' ly he is serving as a music phonette, Warren Benfield, double bass of the Chicago Later the students will ap­ difference between your spend­ Symphony, Lom e Munroe, pear in weekly programs which ing the rest of your life, as a CAMPUSCLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Wed. and principal cellist of the Phila­ will be open to the public. delphia Orchestra. ‘Broadcasts will be heard on the MSU station, and record­ WILLIAM LINCER, solo vi­ ings will also be made there ola of the New York Philhar- with participating students re­ healthy person or a cripple.” Polio is known to strike t h e . young the majority of the time but adults can also become victims. The peak of the PoUtT Fri. Editions. omnic, Theodore Salzman, ceiving records made by the season is usually in late August. Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 principal cellist of the Pitts­ groups in which they play. Immunization should start a t burgh Symphony.,Louis Kras- In a concert on July 17, they the age of three months. The ner, professor of violin and will play for the first time an first injection in an initial ser­ chamber music,-Syracuse Uni­ original composition by Dr. H. ies of three is followed by a AUTOMOTIVE LOST and FOUND versity, and Hyman Goodman, Owen Reed of the M.S.U. fac­ second a month later and the concertmaster of the Toronto ulty of music. third seven months after that. AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, pood i LADIES BULOVA w ristw atch. Symphony Orchestra. On July 20, some will be par­ condition 13000 m iles best offer Go]d w im black band. G reat per- call ED 7-2475. Hoby. __________ tf sonaj value- -Reward. C ontact Room The student members of the ticipating in Verdi’s Requiem CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DE SOTO. 1954. VS. 2 d r . jtood 276. Mason Hall. 5 with Robert Shaw conducting. . . rLOW COST. . . tires. Excellent ru n n in e condition. Priced to sell. Call ED 7-7725. pre­ ferably in the m oraine. 4 REAL ESTATE D r. B o y d FORD 1957. 9 passenger C ountry JSrdan, in excellent Tondind M-78. ^ ^ long shaft electric sta rter, o n ly $450 HILLBROOK PARK bv owner. Call ED 7-1861. T hree bedroom ranch." nearly new1, COCKER PU PPY —6 week« old Has i full basem ent. E xtras include, built- in stove, gas incinerator, patio w ith had tem p distem per shots- Good aw ning and grill, fenced nackvard. p c H o r children. ED 2-6379 5 $19,000. O w ner tran sferred , 5795 Mon­ tebello FE 9-8768. - 5 M S U GRADUATION RINGS See them at the C ard Shop. Across from Home Kc building B p 2-6753 tf SERVICE -R E L A X O N Y O U R T R A V E L S ! FOR RENT I WILL. BABYSIT any day or eve- i pin*. in m y homo two blocks from ] * * • « easy. T hat trip is su p p o sed to be fu n . ENTIRE HOUSE FOR rent Walking .cam pus. Call ED 7-2645. 5 distance to campus: Suitable for 4 Dr. Jam es Boyd, professor of . . wh«n you p lan it in advance or 5 students Available immediately. I TYPING. TWO blocks from campus. ED 2-0102 after 5 p m. 4 Call ED 2-4520. tf agricultural engineering. i» L * fro m o u r T ravel B#" u section. W h e th e r you travel f o r bu si­ APARTMENTS TYPIST ANN BROWN, ED 2-8384 n ess o r n leasu re . . . f o r five m iles o r five APPROVED, private, tu rn iih e d I Ii and E lectric ty p ew riter. T erm papers theses, also general typing. at th e Annual ASAE banquet t i i M i n d . . you’ll d o m o re a n d e n jo y it room. bath, park inn Adults -until .Wednesday a t Iowa State Uni­ Sept. IS. IV 2-1824 . 5| H m o re w ith a good travel b o o k to show th e TOP REPA IRS Low Price! U nit­ versity. -— way. Conte in soon an d brow se th ro u g h Our WANTED: U pper classm an to The award is given annually share com pletely furnished bachelor ed Radio. W ill rem ove, repair, and fine selection. (F re e gift w rapping« to o .) a a ir tm c n t Call ED 2-6082, ask for reinstall American c a r radio fo r in special recognition of signifi­ Alan. 4 $7.95, including parts, labor and 30 dav unconditional guarantee East cant efforts to advance the de­ CLOSE TO CAMPUS attra ctiv e Saginaw and Fairvicw . IV 9-8187. sign, construction and utility of furnished tw o large rooms, - tile open until 9 p.m. ^ 11 hath, parking. 967 Call ED 2-3000. agricultural structures. Friday. 1 . 4 Boyd, third to get the award, CO M E B R O W S E ROOMS is a native of South Dakota. SPARTAN HALL. 213 LOUIS. E. He has been on the MSU agri­ cultural engineering staff since Lansing, room s- for men. single and double, special sum m er rates One btbrk from campus, parking, laundry 1947. fo r th e L a te st in telephone, large lobby w ith TV. ED As head of the farm struc­ 2-2574. — 4 tures section, he has developed CANDY ROOM FOR ONE MAN. share a house w ith th ree o th er men. cook­ ing facilities. ED 2-0732. 154 G un- a program of research, teach* ing and extension which now T R A V E L -T R IP BO O K S son. ■ 4 Mailed Anywhere has 12 active research projects. MALE STUDENT Single room near Complete Assortment raihpus. P arkin g space available. Available At Telephone companies in J a ­ ED 2-5184. 4 pan have a difficult time as­ MALE STUDENTS: Sum m er rooms available at Howland Housjt_Co-op for S3 and 85 p er week. Room and Board for $12 and $14 p er week. 323 Ann Street. ED 2-6521. 14 Tlic Card Shop Across From signing telephone numbers be­ cause certain numbers mean good luck, wealth, bankruptcy and death. Auspicious numbers Spartan Book Store 2 LARGE ROOMS. 1 w ith p rivate Home Economic« Bldg. - to rc h , double beds. I in room.' G rad­ ED 2-6753 bring a high iirice. Unlucky Corner Ann & MAC «• East Lansing u a te students o r instructors pre­ ones are passed out to unwary fe ra b ly . 615 Sunset Lane. E L . ED 2-1322. • foreigners. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday M orning, Ju n e 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 Gliçk Plans C hurches M A R T IN L U T H E R C H A P E L KO H ES CHURCH By BOB SMELL State News Staff Writer According to Glick, little has been published on most of EAST LANSING Gaining a better insight into these European works., ^ & ST U D E N T C E N T E R Inierdenesninationa I . , He said he plans to take col­ 80 W est G rand R iver a t Michigan the background, philosophies, ored film slides to be used in (Missouri Synod — Wisconsin Synod) and problems which motivated his landscape architecture European landscape designers teaching. Dr. Wallace Hehertaen. Pastor is the purpose of a 14-nat’on 444 Abbott Road - 3 Blocks N. of Union tour of Europe being planned “ OUR RAPIDLY expanding D r. P . J b d o a Simms Rev. Roy g. Schram m by D. Newton Glick, landscape population promises a much Dr. N. A . MeCune, architecture studies chairman: more urbanized, regimented, PastorPastor W m . J. Britton. P asto r E m eritus Glick and his family will sail and crowded future for all Rev. Joseph P o rter L utheran Campus Chaplain from Montreal July 7 for mankind,*' commented Glick. Southampton, England. Upon “ Accompanying this population their arrival in England, they Chapel ft Parsonage T elephone ED t-V H I WORSHIP SERVICE* explosion will be increased lei­ 10:00 A.M. will purchase an automobile. sure time and better transpor­ . By ferry, the Glicks will tation, making it possible to Sunday Service 10:45 a.m. — transport their c a r from Eng­ travel farther, faster.’’ -W HERE FREEDOM BEGINS-' land to Ireland and Scotland. Glick indicated that he feels Dr. Wallace Robertson •SPIRITUAL MOUNTAIN CUMBING: - THE FAMILY plgjis to visit the design of all outdoor areas, Norway, Sweden, D enm ark, including the location of struc­ BLESSED MOURNERS” ture within it, i$ becoming C hurch School and Germany from Aug. 17 to Crib room through high Sept. 8. more critical at all levels. school age “ Landscape architects, not P roviding a C am pus M inistry fo r M arried an d Single Students Other nations included in the 10 DO A.M. itinerary will be Switzerland, only have a particularly chal­ Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, lenging and demanding future France and Italy. but also the road for superior “ In'each country an attempt training which requires the most competent teachers," SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH will be made to study the out- standing" phases of landscape said Glick. SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE. EA5TMINSTER development from both the his­ HE SAID that he feels travel LANSING torical and contemporary view­ and study in Europe, where HOWARD P. SUGDEN, D. D.. P aster PRESBYTERIAN points," said Glick. the historical roots of land­ DESMOND i . BELL. An o r . P aster Included in Glick's studios scape architecture lie, is very will be pfojects-involving hous­ beneficial. Dr. V ernon Ground«. President of Conservative B aptist Seminary CHURCH ing, urban planning, highways, D enver, Colorado II a m . and 7 :00 p.m. industrial sites, shopping cen­ “ In many ways, European ISIS A bbott R d. East Lansing ters, . school and university landscape architecture and ur­ Bible School ISAS a m . grounds, and botanical gar­ ban planning that have been Call IV 2-9182 (or free bus service m oraine and evenuag Rev. R obert I.. M oreland. Minister dens. ' *—1 created since the last war are 541 Ws i bridge Drive far more developed and ad­ SPECIAL concentration will vanced than in this country,” SUMMED SUNDAY PROGRAM be on various phases of public said GliCST recreational facilities such as European shopping centers IT . JOHN STUDENT KIMBERLY DOW NS 10*0 a m . C hurch School. C rlhhery playgrounds, parks, and re­ include large plazas, sculp­ through 8th G rade sorts. Contacts will be made tures, and fountains. Automo­ 10:00 a m . Public W orship with those people most respon­ biles are kept out, utilizing a PARISH CHURCH OF CHRIST SERMON sible for the developments. consideration for the pedes­ F r. R. K avanauch FREE INDEED ' trians. F r. T. McDevitt Beaumont 127 M.A.C. — 1007 K im berly D rive, Lansing A DESIRE to study Italian, I STUDENTS WELCOME French and English landscape j Snndav Masses . (1 blk. N. of w a n t Country 7:3« - 1:41 - 10:0« - 11:10 Cali ED 2-6624 for transportation design was expressed by Glick. | IV 9>?183 Recital ( Baby sitting a t S;1S Sc This design was created dur- 10:00 Masses). ing the renaissance period and I Daily Masses 6:15 Si 8 a.m. Del L. W iainger, ' t a n » » still remains today. - A six-month leave of absence j S aturday Masses 0:00 St 9:00 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES B e g in n in g will be taken by Glick from the Confessions daily a t 5:38 p.m. S aturday 4-5:30 Sc 7:10-9:00 p.m. Morning W orship JOJd a m METHODIST CHURCH department of^ urban planning And a t ail Masses except Sunday and landscape architecture for Wendell Wescott, JdSU’s car- his trip. He plans to return for i N ovena Services Bible Study 9-43 a m . OF^ illoneur, will begin his annual winter term , 1962. ■- . 4 Tues. 7:10 p.m . Evening W orship 4 eg p m . EAST LANSING scries of summer recitals at Compline dc B rn-diction 4 p m . on Sunday July 2. Sun. 7:30 p.m. W ednesday evening BtWe Study and .Extending through July 27, the recitals are scheduled for N ew B e e t 7:38 p m . WESLEY FOUNDATION each Sunday a t 4 p.m. and for D9»ce every S aturday nighf— Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 P la n te r 9 =“ 12. Pbone ED 7-9778 ~ F or transportation Call ED i 4 £ # Wilson M. Tennant. p.m. ED 7-1090 OC_ ED 2-1*09 G eorge I. Jordan TTiè Independence Day" recit­ al will start a t 4 p.m. D e v e lo p e d M inisters Wescott’s selections for the A precision sugar beet plant­ public recitals vary from tra ­ e r that makes possible greater FIRST CHURCH OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Ju ly 2, 1961 ditional classics to folk songs efficiency in thinning, cultiva­ -DOES GOD CARE" and spirituals. The July 4th tion, and harvesting operations | program will include patriotic has been developed a t Michi­ CHRIST, SCIENTIST O ttaw a and C k n ta H Rev-. Wilson M. T ennant melodies. - gan State. 1110 S. H arrison Road * Copies of each week’s pro­ R .J. Jimenez and* W.F. Bu- W orship Services 9:10 AW C hurch Services: 9:49 Sc 11:00 a.m. gram are available on the chele, MSU agricultural engi­ 709 EAST GRAND RIVER N ursery fu r h ath Services (N ursery P rovided!. ground floor of Beaumont Tow­ neers, described the machine er. Visitors may tour the bel­ a t a session of the American E ast Lansing fry following each recital. Society of Agricultural Engin­ C hurch Service 11 A.M. 'THE AUTHOR OT LIBERTY (D u rc h School Wescott, as associate profes­ eers at Iowa State University. Sunday School 11 A.M. Rev. S h eet peenchSng 9:09 a m . CeHege Class sor of music, has been playing Tito new sugar beet planter Sunday School for U niversity 11 m a m . AH Ages the 18-ton, 47-belT Beaumont can deposit seeds so tlieybave Students 9:90 a.m. Tower carillon since 1990. no forward movement' even Subject A graduate of the Staff Necs though the machine is moving Royal Carillon School In Bel­ forward. This prevents the for­ -G OD " EAST LANSING gium, he has performed" on m er problem of seed scatter­ carillons in England, Scotland, ing down and to the sides of the Attend Holland and the United States. row. W ednesday Evening MeeUng I P.M Eending Room FRIENDS MEETING ‘‘Tower bells have for cen­ The seed m eter device can 194 W. G rand R iver Some turies played a unique role in select individual seeds from a ( O H k tn ) European communities, par­ mixture of different sized M en. th ru t a t . 9 a m . • S p m . Men., T u et^ T burs., A Fri» 7 p m . ticularly in the Low countries seeds, the researchers report­ M eeting tae W m M l • 9 pm . W esley Fe Church of Holland and Belgium. Capa­ ed. ta n e , ble of being heard over a vast AH are welcome to a tten d Church IC:43 A JE. area, they have contributed Services, and v isit and use Use E eadlag Room. Far lnfa Every Sunday immensely to the spirit of nat­ The United States is the ED M M ional, civic and religious occa­ world’s largest producer — and sions," accorgttng to Wescott. consumer — of bismuth. Michigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Friday M o r n if , Ju n e 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 8 M ajor League S A m erican League N ational League W L Pet. *OB W I Pet. •OB DETROIT 8S-** JO f C incinnati «4 97 j(9* New T e rk 44 11 * 1 l« r Los Angeles 49 38 AS3 9*4 Cleveland 4* 3* M i 9 San Francisco » a as 4 B altim ore M M AM 7‘i Chicago M a J» «H Pittsburgh 94 31 A ll 7 Boston 97 99 A lt » Milwaukee 33 99 AM 5 W ashington a 41 AM I4>'. St. Louis 39 39 .441 19*4 Kansas Cttv ' *9 -41 .414 IS 27 41 A97 ISH Minnesota H 4« AS9 It Chicago -, Los Angeles *7 47 AS9 99 Philadelphia 99 49 A44 l l ! i ♦Games Behind '♦Games B ehind YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ALW ARD LAKE RESO RT IS THE SPOT TO SWIM, STUDY AND PICNIC ; IÜ EXPERT INSTRUCTION is given to Linda Walldob of New York by Pierre 9 mile» North of Lansing City Limit» Brunet also from New York. —State New* photo by Fred Brnflodt, Picture Editor On US 27 — One Mile West T o p S k a tin g In s tr u c to r s Spring Fed Lake and Modem Facilities T e a c h M S U Ic e S c h o o l By TOM DEWITT m edal: bronze, silver and to stop their practice when Thompson's Jewelry (State News Staff Writer) gold. warmer weather set in. The The instructors are the tops total session lasts for eight Who says that Michigan in the country. This y ear’s staff weeks during which the skaters State isn’t out to please every­ is made up of Pierre Brunet may take the medal test and one in the good old summer of New York; David Spacing improve their technique. time? For instance, there’s tennis, and Beryl Williamson of Lan­ Also as an added feature the sing, and Montgomery Wilson school puts on three one hour Watch - Clock * Jewelry golf, swimming, canoeing and of Boston. ice shows the first one being ice skating .-. . yes ice skating! The school is the largest of scheduled for July 26. Rapahiag Not 100 yards from the outdoor several in the country and was While on campus the skaters pool is the ice arena where 137 young ice skaters of the originated to aid the competi­ are staying at the Kellogg cen­ tion skaters who were forced t e r and Gilchrist dormitory. 223 M.A.C. AVE., EAST LANSING 13th annual summer ice ses­ sion practice difficult routines with the ultimate goal of be­ coming gold medal skaters and Tuning in on the Tigers possibly Olympic competitors. A total of 84 home runs was Detroit, was the climax of the «moved The ages of these skaters vary from 9 to 18 years and they come from all over the United States and Canada. For all of them, the day is hit in the first 36 games of th e 1961 season at Tiger Stadium, 43_by Detroit, 41 by opponents. ★ * ★ longest Tiger winning streak in 12 years. In 1949, they won 10 in a row. CAR R A M O S Includes^ all parts and labor on any American Car (except Cadillac). I «paired e-Installed The defeat of the New York ★ ★ ★ long. Some begin their work as Yankees on April 3 and 4 by Norm Cash had hit only four early as 5 a.m. and many, stop­ home runs in the major leagues • HOURS • ping only to eat, continue until C o m p le te # P V 9 5 I DAILY 19 Id 8 P.M. before joining the Tigers. He European I Sat. 9 A.M. - • PAI. the arena closes at 10 p.m. belted 18 last season and has 34-Day ■ 1 Sun. 19 to • P.M. Each skater practices a 24 so far this season. Uiieontfitiomrt— “ patch” for about 45 minutes —— - * * * Ciliaran tee with an instructor after which the ice is cleaned and resur­ faced for the next group: Later in the day the skaters practice ¡Trip for Frank Lary has a 25-9 life­ time record against the Yan­ kees, best of any active pitcher in the American League. Licensed Technicians *We Service AUKadios the “Gance” and “free style.” All three later make up the $300 - U N IT E D R A D IO - test for the various skating ' E. SAGINAW a t F A IR V IE W IV 9-8187 I -An opportunity to fly to Eu­ rope will become a reality to T e n n i s , G o lf MSU faculty and students next H a rn ess summer through a program D e a d lin e s sponsored by the Men’s Club. S ig n s P a c t A choice of four, six, or 10% The IM office Wednesday an- week tours will be given to the j nounced the deadline for the T Y P E W R IT E R R E N T A L S participants, reports Wilbur ^tennis and golf tournaments. W ith B e a rs Nelson, MSU photo editor and Tennis deadline is Friday M ake Better Grades arrangem ent manager for the The Chicago Bears of the program. -7 July 7, and play will begin on National Football League sign­ A round trip fare of $300 will -Monday July 10. ed Michigan State end Jason be charged for the chartered The golf deadline is Wednes­ with Typew ritten Papers Harness, their 10th d r a f t flights from Detroit to London day July 12 and the tournament choice, Saturday. He will be and the return trip from Paris will be played on Saturday used as a pass receiver by to Detroit. In Europe the par­ July 15. the club. $2.00 per week ticipants will be on their own. The office also said that they Harness, 210-pounder from This advanced schedule is will sponser a eo-recreational St. Joseph, caught- the touch­ being offered to give those in- volley ball tournament if enough $6.00 per month down pass in the final seconds j terested ample time to make .people are interested. Persons of the first half of the Pitts­ ! plans for the trip. wishing more information on burgh game last fall, tying the the subject should stop in at The 10% week trip leaves score for the remainder of the | June 23 and jreturns Sept 5. the office, 201 IM building, or We Clean and Repair game. -call Ext. 2881. Those staying six weeks leave He joins five of his team t June 23 and return from Paris Typewriters in Our Own Shop mates who signed earlier this I on August 6. The four week year. They are: Herb Adder- stay includes the period be­ Tournament Set- ley, Green Bay Packers; Fred tween August 5 and Sept. 5. Arbanasr-Dallas Cowboys ;F re d For further information con­ Boy ten. New York Titans; Ike tact Wilbur Nelson in the MSU For Wednesday Campus Book Store Grimsley, Houston Gilers and Photographic Lab o r a i o r y , The IM softball tournament Across from Union B ld g . Mickey Walker, New York Room 10, Agricultural Hall, will begin play on Wednesday Giants. Ext 3068. July 5. Michigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Frid ay M orning, Ju ne 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 *T"- la s h ! C e n te r M a r k e t E m p lo y e e s S tu d ie s R e c e iv e G r a n ts Twelve employees of 12 su­ sociation of Food Chains,-said C a n cer permarkets were named win­ the scholarship aid is an ex­ ample of the cooperation be­ ners of $1,500 manufacturer- Cancer, tooth 'decay, and sponsored scholarships in the tween food industry manufac­ other research projects are be­ Executive Development P ro­ turers and distributors to build ing carried out in the $620,000 gram in food marketing man­ a "more efficient and produc­ agement offered by the depart­ tive food industry - to better Biology Research Center which serve American consumers. was completed in 1960. ment of marketing and trans­ portation administration. The HE SAID the program for Largely financed through announcement was made by grants from the National In­ which the scholarships are the National Association of granted is designed to help stitutes of Health, the two- Food Chains. story building provides mod­ develop capable and well-edu­ ern equipment and more room The winners of the scholar­ cated young people to fill the for eight MSU research, proj­ ships a re selected from hun­ growing number of executive ects. It also houses MSU’s sec­ dreds of employees of whole- positions in all segments o tlh e ond electron microscope. sale^and retail food marketing food industry. organizations who compete an­ The Curriculum in Food Mar­ The center is 'designed to en­ nually for the scholarships. able graduate students to work keting was inaugurated by the closely with their m ajor pro­ The 1961-62 scholarship win­ National Association of Food fessors. The building also puts ners from MSU are: TTiomas ChSins 11 years ago. It was researchers with mutual in­ P. Tarpey of Chicago, Illinois founded at Michigan State and terests in close contact- with (Cambell Sales Company); has been expanded to Cornell each other by housing allied Gerald-B. McKever, E ast Lan­ University and the University projects^ under one roof. sing (Chain Store Age); Gil R. of Southern California. Most of the ground floor is. Achterhof, Geneseo, Illinois, taken up by the laboratories of (Gerber Products Company); Dr. Harrison R. Hunt, profes­ Jam es E.„ Gregory, Detroit, University Theatre sor emeritus of zoology, and Michigan (The Hopp Press, his associate, Dr. Samuel Ro­ Inc.); Ansis Abel, Grand Rap­ ids (S.C. Johnson drSon, Inc.);- sen, assistant professor of zool­ ogy and natural science. They Richard T. Hurst, North Cald­ ^SUMMER are engaged in a 24-year-old research project on dental prob­ well, N.J. (La Choy Products); John S. Dailey, Midland, Mich­ V>tIRCLE lems;- igan (Lever Brothers); Jam es Noel Coward’s bright farce J. Kuster, Omaha, Nebraska A large section of their lab­ oratories is air-conditioned, not (Phillip Morris, Inc.). “BLITHE for the comfort of the scientists but for the well being of thous­ O T H E R WINNERS are: Charles E. Baker, Birming­ SPIRIT” ands of rats. The rats are used ham, Alabama (Savannah Su­ Now Playing in experiments to. determine gar Refining Corp.); Ralph G. the role of heredity and other Fisk, Elgin, Illinois (Star Kist at the new arena in factors in tooth decay. Foods, Inc.); Neal T. Jansen, , Demonstration Hall The new center is also the DuPere, Wisconsin (The Sper­ scene of embryology research ry & Hutchinson Company); June 30 —July 1 by Dr. John R. Shaver and Dr. and Glen H. Stoup, J r., Kent, Stephanie H. Barch, cancer- Ohio (Tyler Refrigeration Box Office Hours; related plant cell studies by Dr. Corporation). 2 -6 Mon. - Sat. G. B. Wilson, entomology re ­ search by Dr. Roger A. Hoop- Names in parentheses are Phone ED 2-1511, Ext. 2160 ingarner, biometrics studies by sponsoring companies. Single Admissions Dr. Philip J. Clark, histochem­ Mr. C.G. Adamy, Executive BILL ALCORN, Birmingham, Michigan sophomore, take* a Vice President of National As- $1.5« and $1.75 istry studies by Dr. Richard A. swpn dive into the Intramural pool. --State News photo Fennell, genetic research by CURTAIN: 8:30 by Art Wleland. ______________________ Dr. Armon F. Yanders and can­ The bald eagle has been a cer-related fungus studies by p a rt of the United States of­ NEXT WEEK “ RAIN’ Dr. E verett S. Beneke and Dr. ficial seal since 1782. Joseph A. Stephens. D r . M c C a u le y The $25,000 electron micro­ scope can be used to produce photographs of viruses mu) .other small subjects at magnif­ C ite d fo r P a p e r ications of 200 thousand times normal size. Dr. Robert F. McCauley, as­ not only for its clear exposition In addition to laboratories, the center contains a biological sociate professor of civil engi­ of an important research pro­ sciences reading room and of­ neering,-has been cited by the ject, but for the fact that it fices for the researchers. - American Water Works Associ­ introduces a- practical means ation for a paper he wrote for of protecting w ater distribu­ its journal. tion systems from the ravages McCauley’s papqr.vdescribed of corrosion.” The State News a method he developed to coat Published by the students of the interior of municipal water A member of the university Michigan State Uinversity. Is­ pipes to prevent rust. staff since 1947, McCauley sued on class days Monday It was judged the best paper holds th e B.S. degree from through Friday, during the fall, in that field of Interest for the New Mexico College of Agri­ winter and spring quarters. Is­ award year. culture and Mechanical Arts, sued twice weekly during the- The citation states: 1939; the M.S. from MSU; and summer term . Second class the D.Ss. from Massachusetts postage paid at E ast Lansing, “ THIS PAPER is valuable Institute of Technology, 1953. Michigan. 1 SUMMER SC H O O L SP E C IA L j This Ad and 75c Good fo r' $1 Basket of Balls at | Here is a Gallic comedy youjl love. It's not mystical, satirical or political...but it’s fun, 1I FAIRWAY G01F RANGE ------ ,-------------- .------— --------------------------- j { unadulterated human comedy about people who happen to be young ~ —and in love. J*in-BI«rrs C liH l. Cl««» •« * I * » » lo«l» M»ury Predwcsd by C Iw O | Also have fun at the World’s Largest Miniature Golf Course \ Chlbrol. Dir»Ct«d by f* • **•■*»«*» •«I«»«** * " **> ABOUND THE WONLO. I - _ 5 Michigan State University | 35c ’til7 p.m. —any day but Sunday and Holidays • FOREIGN FILM SERIES I - ; J . 7 - - I Sat. J uly I - 7:30 p.m. | 5 Minutes east of MSU on Grand River « jL 1 FAIRCHILD THEATRE Admission: 50c I O M ichigan Siate New», East L u r in g , M ichigan Frid ay M orning, Ju n e 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 M S U G o lfe r H its C o m p a c t s In B u ic k O p e n D ecrea se R V É IP MSU golfer Gene Hunt is measure of his ability, because R e v e n u e among ISO professional and j it is taken from the start of the I p%gf^-ìài* ^ t ^ golfers playing in the season wben u » ^ M Michigan motor vehicle reg­ w1. 72 hole Buick Open at Flint. < ... . istrations for the first seven fÄ f # According to John Brotz- UP fo its **■*form months (since November 1, ‘.r & im mann, MSU golf coach, Hunt 1960) of tbe 1961 license year is one of the top three players are 73,097 above tbe same per­ wmàI bn the team . G o v e rn o rs iod last year. _ "H e is 'a great match player A report Issued by Jam es M. p i i mm and he hits the ball about as Hare, Secretary of State, shows ' -•N-'v far as Nicklaus, the great am a T e rm in a te that 3,430,254 vehicles now carry Michigan license {dates teur from Ohio State,” be said HUNT WAS defeated by C o n fe re n c e compared to 3,357,217 a ye a r ago.- Nicklaus in the NCAA golf 'tournam ent at Lafayette, Ind. The 53rd annual Governors 'H a re pointed oat, however, in the semi-final round last that the weight tax on these conference, held this year in vehicles was up only $101.665. week, by six holes. Nicklaus Honolulu, cam e to an end went on to win the champion­ 42. rising from a total of $62,- ship. _ Thursday with a resolution to 893,851 in 1960 to $62,995^18 42 Purdue won the team title meet again in Hersey, Pa. June in 1981. . ~ and MSU finished sixth out o/ 30th of next year. “ Tbe lower weight of pop­ a field of about 34 teams. ular domestic and foreign com­ The conference picked New pact cars is reflected in tins Hunt played Blancus of Hous­ Hampshire Governor Wesley ton, one of the top golfers in decrease in revenue,” Hare thè southwest, and defeated Powell as its chairman for said. " If the average weight of him for th e berth in the semi­ next years meeting. tbe 73,037 additlcual vehicles finals. The governors also adopted a we registered this year had Hunt, who averages 76.7 on resolution calling for "tough been maintained, the State oI the p ar 72 Forest Akers course, and imaginative action to stop Michigan would have collected won the state Public Links the accelerated communist well over a million dollars of title two years ago. drive for world domination.” additional revenue.” Brotzmann said that Hunt’s average was really not a true ★ ★ ★ N 0 R T H S ID E A C E G O L F E R—Pictured D R IV E -IN a t left is Gene Hunt, MSU’s entrant in the 72 hole Buick •pen. EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SHOWING Both Theatres - ADM. 90c This Enagcmcnt starts TODAY T H E A T RE SU PER W S i C T r i i C i 'Ä N For Program Information Dial IV M N 5 B A R G A IN There DAY! area ALL-DAY PREVUE milHon OF 2 FEATURES! boys named L o s t, lo n e ly , s e e k in g i d e n t i t y . S t u m b l i n g i n t o m a n h o o d w ith g ir ls lik e L u o y a n d A lis o n a n d P a ig e . B lin d e d b y th e v io le n c e o f a m b itio n a n d th e s c o ro h o f p a s s io n ... m M E -O A tim c d ffir a M B t a i s w Ä S n | im m u ri w tirn t r r r 1 CO-FEATURE . . . TODAY ONLY Today a t 1:2«, S :U and o n e . later (Box off lee M » * .) ' WAMERHB&k ~ • m m FREE . . . PORTRAIT OF A MOBSTER Shown twice 8:50 - Late While They Last! NOWTHE SCREEN ACHIEVES Autographed Photo - 2ND FRIST RUN HIT — THE STEEL CLAW SURPASSING GREATNESS! TROY - “S W n today at * :« , 1:4» P .M /sH y------------ DONAHUE 3rd Guest Feature — BATTLE IN OÜTERSPACE WALT DISNEY'S "THE PARENT TRAP’ STARTS JULY 14TH Michigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Frid ay M orning, Ju n e 3 0 , 1 9 6 1 11 e t "1 Recovery , ☆ 'CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — LOW COST fc o a u f JLY . NOW S H O W IN G (Coatiued from page 1) _ content, m aterials __ and, in many instances, found the tea­ chers for these driver safety schools. ~ A id s M e n ta lly By DUANE HAYES been a former nervous person III u n t a m il m « jrwow t «». » w u 'Oiant 2 The Mont Daring P ersonal fi*orv of th e Decade! H it S h o w The 12-point violation system State News Staff Writer or mental patient trained in the techniques developed by Dr. HIT NO. I has also forced the Secretary Seventeen million persons of State’s office to seek help Low. ~ suffer from mental illness in (tom the center. The law r e ­ this country—a t a cost to state LEADERSHIP classes are quires th a t each 12-point vio­ governments of over f l billion instructed at Detroit a n d ! lator m ust be interviewed by a year. Brighton for Michigan leaders. the Secretary of State’s office. Recovery, Inc. uses after­ Also, a t this time there are care techniques, and these Using an individual interview only 30.2S5 combined psychia­ basis, the Secretary of State’s group therapy techniques help trists, psycboanaysts, and psy­ prevent relapses in the former office was soon swamped with chologists to treat these mil­ an overload and backlog of mental patient in adjustm ent! lions. to the _ community following { drivers waiting to be inter­ , Before Recovery cam e along, viewed. The center developed hospitalization, and assists the emotionally disturbed people nervous patient to avoid chron­ a group interview technique tried to hide being nervous which is now being used on an ic upsets. P eter Finch » me edith e*ans m * e peggyashcroft dean mgger patients. At a Recovery meet­ “ Most of us suffer from self­ experimental basis. ing they begin to discuss their 2nd Big H it! 1:00 - 5:40 • 10:30 Was the Highway Traffic doubt, a total sense n t, ,inse­ illness cheerfully with others curity,” one Recovery member Safety Center ’» p u b lic educa­ on the panel. tion program of any value? Is soys, “ but w e blame every­ any aecident prevention pro­ RECOVERY, IN C., orga­ thing and everyone around us for it. We want to be excep­ I DOWS N ¡i I Ahilarious guide gram of any value? -The value of the center's pub­ nized in 1937 by the late Dr. Abraham A. Low, Chicago tional. but fear that we a re n 't MVEN toa lic education program was not psychiatrist, is a group prac­ even average—and set our lj!n slap-happy I marriage a tangible thing—a fact which ticing the self-help method standards too high.” ilKlPIM probably helped to close the center. based on Dr. Low’s book, “ Mental Health Through Will THIS MAN had skipped from j ¡| U and Fun on But a look at the state’s traf­ Training.” one job to another over many j years in-a highly skilled trade; iWffil toe family piani fic situation for the past two It is an independent, non­ because of his inner,turm oil. years may be an indication affiliated, self-supporting non­ profit organization. “ For instance, if a couple of l 3 í Pm that programs like the cen­ ter’s are valuable. Michigan residents have be«» One of the 400 active groups of Recovery, Inc., now in ex­ other workers were talking to -1 gether, I was sure they were j mmmmmwmm - - - - - - bam , arm talking about me. It would enjoying the lowest jiu to insur­ istence in 29 states, is located" make me mad, and I ’d quit,” P lus C artoon A News ance rates in the- country, a at East Lansing. It meets in he says. _ — pleasure which may be lost the All S s i n t s Episcopal He attributes his security in ] STARTS THURSDAY shortly, due to the rise in the Church, 800 Abbott Rd. a t 8 his job today, ownership of his | number of accidents. The auto p.m. on Wednesday evenings. home and happy family life to i Elizabeth Taylor in “RAINTREE COUNTY” accident rate has been climb­ It is conducted by a quali­ the help he has found in his ing steadily since the state fied leader who must nave Recovery group. — Richard Burton in ‘TH E BRAMBLE BUSH’ abandon its accident preven­ tion program approximately PROGRAM INFORMAHON CALL ED 2-5817 2bk years ago. ~ for accident prevention, t h e number of accidents is increas- e e e L 4 t* # w $ — Doors Open' NOW! O L Â B ïv ïe » * 12:45 fn 1960 Michigan held the morbid honor of collecting E A 5 T LANSI NG • PHONE ED.2-2814 1,473 traffic fatalities aha 64,873 injuries (out of, 189,771 A World of Beauty accidents). H ie injury rate was up 40 per cent for 1980 and NIGHTS AND SUNDAY ADULTS 99c-COME EARLY and Rollicking Fun there were 209,742 accidents. TODAY an d SATURDAY! C ontinuous S at. from 1 p.m. for Eueryonel The 1910 traffic fatality rate was up eight per cent, but ad­ F ea tare Today 7:29, 9:25 p.m. ditions are still being made to Saturday 1:29, 2:25, 5:29, 7:35, 9:45 p.m. that column. Ncrao-aouMrm- w vu A t U t l R Pl W I0C UÇV809I The dismaatUng of the MSU Highway T ra ffic S titty Center liiÉ r ê « É B c a fD A R e may well prove to be what Gordon Sheebe called “a tragic loss for the people of Michigan and in a sensfe the nation as well," as the traffic accident '••90 * « • • • rates and traffic problems multiply. — SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY • RETURNED FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT • C ast N a m e d AIEXTMIUIMY FILM F o r M a u g h m ’s ly cSnytm ^Besyma/r “ . . . wholly extraordinary, being at F a m e d ‘R a m ’ once mystical, realistic and poetic ...it stands in the company of the The cast list of “ Rain”, great foreign films.” — —A rcher W insten, P o st Somerset Maugham’s famous story of Sadie Thompson has been posted and rehearsals are under way for the show._ H ie play will be the st-ccnd production of the season far the new Summer Circle the­ atre. It will open July 5 and runs through July 8. It will feature actors who are well known to regular Univer­ sity Theatre patrons. Included A piercing and powerful in the cast will be the former contemplation Linda Kohlhof, now Mrs. John of the panage C lwaM A a i.c irC Herr, and Thomas P atrheti of man upon COLOR by DC LUXE who played the part of Omar this earth." the tent m aker in last spring’s — Crotcther, EDSON STROLL PATRICIAMEDINA GUYROLFE MICHAELDIVIO production of “ Kismet.” N. Y. Times r a p t _______ CHARLES WICK- WALTER LANG• NOEL LANGLEYm ELW000 ULLMAN OFF-BROADWAY VET M a tm k M iiW 'M M V rO e M M M a tlK Sunday FEATURE AT 1:89 - 3:86 - 5:15 - 7:28 - 9:18 shawm at NEW YORK (AP)—John S O O T H WEEKDAY MAT. 85c • SUN. it EVE. 99c «CHILDREN 39c Wynne-Evans is » very busy actor currently in off-Broad- way productions. His appear­ ance hi “ Happy as Larry" was his 14th rote of the season cnr 1:29, 2:29, 5:25, 7:29, 9:35, p.m. OUR NEXT HIT ATTRACTION JEBBY LEWIS as “TIE LAMES’ MAN” in experimental productions. Michigan State News, East Lansing» M ichigan Friday M orning, June 30» 1 9 6 1 F irst N ight Photographed by Art Wieland Two minutes to curtain — tension peaks — you're ON! And Blithe Spirit, the first presentation of Sum­ mer Circle, is under way. As the first player enters and crosses the stage thfe audience is- transported to a strange world of make believe. The creation of this particular world of make believe began three weeks ago before spring-term finals. The hope that this time was well spent is reflected MIRROR, MIRROR — Jeanne in the tense expectant mood of the players. DeHaas prepares for her en­ Now, the State News cam era has captured the mood trance in the third act. which the audience is jiot able to see in the perfor­ mance. ECTOPLASM? — Judith Nichols applies the Makeup which transforms her Into a ghost. - m u lili LAST MINUTE CRAMMING — Bod Spangler hurriedly re­ CURTAINLES8 CURTAIN CALL — Following the performance the players views his lines before going on stage. _ retara to tibe arena to acknowledge their plaudits.