Serving MSU for 52 yenrs E s ta b lis h e d 1909 Y o L 51. No, 49 E a s t L ansing, M ichigan, W ednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 1961 12 P ag es P a i d * * ^ ^ *fuch . 5 C ents Mismanagement Blamed C h in a 9s 6G r e a t Hemingway’s Death, L e a p , 9 F a ilin g Accident or Suicide? wife, Mary, -were believed kill­ By CHARLES RICHARDS County authorities in Ketch- C o m m u n ist C h in a 's *'G r e a t Durdin said. Steel production S ta te News City Editor um, Ind., declined to hold an ed in a plane crash in the wild L e a p F o r w a r d ” p r o g r a m . 'he-j h a s tripled. Hydroelectric inquest in the shotgun death of upper Nile country of Uganda. g u n in 1968 b e c a u s e of M ao' dams have been built'. Much The world may never know the famed novelist. T se -tu n g ’s o b se ssio n fo r m i e c ­ is being done in the field of whether or not author and ad­ The sheriff and coroner made BUT AFTER two days with­ o n o m ic a lly d e v e lo p e d , in d u s ­ advanced electronics, he,said. venturer E rnest Hemingway the-decision after talking with out a word Hemingway came tria liz e d C h in a w ith in h is M e " B u t it is becoming pain- killed himself accidentally or Hemingway’s wife and son at strolling into a civilized clear­ tim e , is a n a g r ic u ltu r a l c a t a s ­ j fu lly c l e a r lh a t failure in ag­ committed suicide. their home in Idaho where the ing with Mary on one arm and tro p h e , s a id T illm a n D u n lin r ic u ltu r e is due to colossal author shot himself. Mrs. Hem­ a bottle of gin in the other. e d ito ria l b o a rd m e m b e r of The mismanagement,” Durdin said. ingway said her husband killed When lie settled . down to N ew Y o rk T im e s a n d f o r m e r " C a d r e workers a t the lOwer himself accidentally w h i l e write, however, he wrote well. c h ie f o f th e T im e s ' H ong K oo|! le v e ls falsified production rec­ cleaning b is shotgun. His first major novel, “The b u re a u . o rd s . In 1960 only 180 million Sun Also Rises,” c a m e OFFICIALS reported that ‘‘S ta rv a tio n in C h in a is g r e a t to n s of grain were produced; they found no cleaning equip­ in 1926. In 1929 “ A Farewell to e r now th a n a n y tim e sin e« th e C e n tra l Committee had-es- ment in the room. Hemingway Arms” was produced and his W orld W a r 11,” B u rd sn s a id tim a te d 525 million tons. had just returned .from Mayo story of bullfighting. “ Death " T h e d e a th r a t e of older p e e Clinic two days before after a in the Afternoon,” was writ­ pie h a s r is e n sharply j - " A COMMUNIQUE issued period of confinement for ill­ ten in 1932. “ H o w e v e r, th e r e a re no J a n u a r y . 1961, by the commit­ His novel of the Spanish Civil g r e a t b r e a k s in p a rty leader­ te e indicates nd attem pt will ness. War, “ For Whom The Bell ship. T h e a r m y , s e c r e t potoce. b e made to raise industrial No m atter how the Nobel Tolls,” was published in 1940. a n d b u r e a u c r a c y a r e b e in g o u tp u t. AH effort will be thrown Prize-winning novelist died Then in 1954 he w rote “The Old kept w ell-fed oa im p o rte d in agriculture.” there was no question about The 26,000 communes (popu­ the kind of life he lived. Man and the Sea,” which re­ g r a in .” ceived wide acclaim from latio n : 10,000-50,000 each) have Hemingway was the picture D U R D IN S H A R E D th e p la t­ v irtu a lly been disbanded and of the two-fisted adventure- many critics as his best work. fo rm w ith h is w ife. P e g g y . p e s a n ts have been granted seeking outdoorsman. He loved In recent years Hemingway F r id a y n ig h t a t th e K iv a. o p e n ­ sm a ll plots to grow produce to hunt big game in Africa and was forced to slow his fast ad­ ing th e six th a n n u a l s u m m e r ;either for themselves or for was in a number of wars in, venturous pace because of re­ In s titu te on A sia M rs tfcnrdm. : sale in local markets, Durdin which he was ^wounded sev­ curring illness. Friends said he b o rn in C h in a of m issa o n a ry 1said. eral times. He also drank a was further despondent over p a r e n ts , is a m a g a z in e w r ite r Mrs. Durdin listed three ma­ ERNEST HEMINGWAY great deal. the loss of actnr Gary Cooper, on A sia n s u b je c ts . jor wavs news gets out from . . . famous author . . . On one occasion he and his a frequent outdoor companion. H e a v y in d u s try h a s m a d e ‘behind the Bamboo Curtain: s u b s ta n tia l g a in s sin c e 1958. See CHINA, Page 8 Police Administration Student J a n e A n n B ro u g h a m T o R ep resen t Arrested for Shoplifting L a n s in g in 'M iss ’ C o n te s t An M SU P o lic e A & m m sS ra-i a r r a ig n m e n t, A MSU graduate, Jane Ann and Frandor Merchants asso­ student at Michigan State and- tion s t u d e n t a s a r r e s t e d by j H e f o rm e rly a tte n d e d Indi- Brougham, will compete in the ciation as "Miss Lansing” in is a talented pianist. E a s t L a n sin g po lice o s a sh o p - j a n a U n iv e rsity , finals of the “ Miss Michigan” May. She was graduated from While in Muskegon, “Miss. liftin g c h a r g e M o n d a y n ig h t 1 PhanpfaakcS, w ho liv e s a t 428 contest Thursday night in Mus­ Lansing” will be chaperoned V is u tra P h a n p h a k d i 25. said j E v e r g r e e n , wcs arrested by kegon. MSU shortly afterwards. by Mrs. H elen Dodge Stack, h e w a s a tte n d in g M SU o n a t D et. S g t. Robert Brown at The 23-year-old “brownette” Miss Brougham is five-feet former director of the volun-' sc h o la rs h ip fro m T h a ila n d H e l S h a b e e n ’s Super-market in was selected by the Lansing four-inches tall and measures teer bureau of the Lansing was jailed in Mason to await East L a n sin g . ' Junior Chamber of Commerce 34, 24, 34. She w a s a s u p e r io r 1c o m m u n ity se rv ic e s council. N e w B io lo g y R e s e a r c h C e n t e r A FROG a i r i in e—re r rew a r r fc is readied for use by Jimmy B. Tbroneberry, DR. ARMON YANDERS, assistant Professor of Zoology and Graduate Assistant h Z s i l i p Dr. Roger Heopingarner, Assistant Professor In Building cordinator, uses the Center’s Electron microscope the Department d eutousoiegy. examines two-inch cockroach used in insect which is one of several on the campus and is valued at $25,000. physiology research. These are only two of nine separate research projects. —State News Photos by Fred Bruflodt, Picture Editor. .] Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Morning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 S u r v e y R e v e a ls T r e n d s ' ’ 9 campus classified s - low C0 6 T W h e r e a n d W h a t D o M S IP s M a r r ie d S tu d e n ts B u y ? By DONALD BALASKY “ I DON'T KONW bow we can tans upon whom the immediate State News Staff Writer go on.” community is economically de­ „ .. . , “ Our earnings hardly get us pendent. _ W ith a ll th e rumors one hears , through.” Next fall, Castle's students about the slim incomes of stu- j she reported an income of will employ the experimental dents living in married housing tess than ^ month from' sample as a starting-point for here if s araaring how some rbabysitting. Her husband is a canvass of single students. of them squeek their way physically unable to work. through college. One enterprising student re­ An economic survey conduct­ ported an income of $850 per ed by iMTA 431 (Marketing Re­ month from what he called a D r. F o x search) students under the part time “ business venture.” I j P f y P f l | f l guidance of Stephen Castle, in­ structor, has indicated that THE SMOKING habit costs there are two sides to the tale. students about $2.10 each V ie tn a m According to the recent sur­ jtered week. Most smokers prefer fil vey the average monthly in­ Credit brands payments are in the Dr. Guy H. Fox, professor come awtn of m tj a 11 arried ft..»— students is «—_iiis• a san- -trcfl of . J4» 08cn month per fsm . LL political science, is serving $332. But average mmZ** chief advisor of the bious word. Student income toward automobiles f^d in Vietnam and will sources vary from full and ances. _n ^ first meeting of the part-time work to “ daddy’s” Though a significant number Assembly of EROPA at Manil check. of students are turning to econ la in December. etny cars, $5.06 is the mean Dr. Fox will participate in AMONG the economically the setting up of a permanent elite are graduate students, the weekly expenditure for gaso­ organization i n v o l v i n g the largest of any group in m ar­ line and automotive repairs ried housing. Their average combined. adoption of a constitution and. by-laws. summer monthly income was tid e d *t Expectedly, the largest bud There will be panel discus $396.00 or nearly $100.00 per get item was food. Expenses re­ sions of local government prob­ week. — mained relatively constant at lems in the various countries headlines ~ Ninety-eight percent of the $17.00 per family represented. Preparation for begin in our - _ sample owned automobiles. AREAS OF shopping prefer­ the November, 1962 meeting in beauty salon where the latest coiffure of the Ownership of models varied ence showed Frandor shopping Tokyo will also be discussed season is created especially for you by our expert from 1936 ‘ Chevys" to 1961 center edging out the retail Others a t the meeting will in­ hair stylists. Call us tomorrow at Edgewood 2-2369 Continentals. _ district in East Lansing which clude r epresentatives f r o m and make your appointment. It seems that university so- is known to be a heavy favorite Australia, China, Hong Kong, ciety is no different from any !among single students. India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, . other. Some are rich and some In making their recommen- the Philippines, Thailand and are poor. ^ j datkms to Castle, the research Vietnam. There will also be ob­ According. to one of the re- team concluded that the path servers f r o m organizations searchers, a Spartan Village has been cleared for more ex­ such as the International In­ woman broke into tears during tensive research among both stitute of Administrative Sci­ a face to face interview: — | married and unmarried- spar- ences, the UN International Union of Local Authorities and B eauty Salon the Society for Public Admin­ P I \M IS istration. oremruAnoN SOME M6HT V0U RE 60(N6 Id 5 A REALPROBLEM1. 6 0 ID BER AM> WHENMOWGET VWSHOULDBE klPTHE NEXTM0RNW6,THEREti u»fiRfí>Aea/riTj 0E NOfU£R*Y0üTO STAND SO UXV £H00ü> I UJOftftV? I'LL JUST 60 BACKTO BED! fashion sunglasses im portad from Franca 18 styles - 1 2 co lo rs d e s ig n e d by Riviera, a n d a t so low a p rice T H IS W AY y o u ’ll w a n t se v e ra l fo color- to match y o u r w ard ro b e! O ptically g ro u n d , po lish ed len ses in ev e ry cleanet ey e' silhouette lb flatter clo th es y o u r facial contours...ovol, sq u a re , te a r d ro p , w ra p -a ro u n d , harlequin, "bikini”...just a few from o u r collection, only 2.9% Cl'6i96f aid Shirt Landry Jacobson's M ichigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5 , 19 6 1 Leichty ' - • , . • . • Appointed O P E N -_ . E V E R Y W E D K E S D A Y N I G H T U N T I L To NCTE Prof. V.E. Leichty, depart* ment of English, has been ap­ pointed to a position with the National Council of Teachers of English, a professional or* ganization of about 60.000 mem­ bers and subscribers a t all jschool levels. _ , Leichty will help prepare a booklet for use with high school and college students on career opportunities in English. His appointment is one of many being made by NCTE in connection with vigorous ev* pansion of the organization in new directions, according to Dr. Jam es R . Squife, Council Executive Secretary. The goal of the Council is to increase the effectiveness of the teaching of English langu­ age and its literature in the na­ tion’s schools and colleges. It publishes six professional jour­ nals and furnishes such teach­ ing aids as books, recordings and literary maps. D r . B uy t l e r T o L e c tu r e I n F in la n d Dr. Alexander R. Butler, as­ sistant professor of humanities, will travel to the University of B E G IN N IN G T O D A Y A T 12 N O O N Helsinki, Finland, during the coining .school year to lecture in American history. ~ IMPORTANT SAVINGS! Dr. Butler will be traveling on a Fulbright educational ex­ change grant awarded by the United States State Depart­ ment. A graduate of H arvard Uni­ versity, Dr. Butler received D R E S S E S ’-C O A T S -S U IT S his Ph.D. a t Johns Hopkins University in 1963. A native of New Hampshire, Dr. Butler S P O R T W E A R -B L O U S E S -S H O E S has been a member of the MSU staff since 1963. _ Mrs. Butler will accompany K N IT D R E S S E S -R O B E S -C O R S E T S her husband. They intend to leave for Finland in August. L IN G E R IE -S C A R V E S -H A N D B A G S C o n tro v e rs ia l JE W E L R Y -G IR L S ’ W E A R F ilm S h o w n BO Y S’ W E A R -C H IL D R E N ’S SH O ES T o n ig h t * Junior, Misses, Wotnen’s a n d Maternity Dresses — The movie, “ A State L a b o r Body," a part of the contro­ versy involving the MSU labor- industrial relations center and the dismisal of Charles A. Rogers as associate director, J U L Y S A L E A T J A C O B S O N 'S M E N ’S S H O P will be shown to the summer interim committee of the All- University Student Govern­ ment at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 328 our entire stock o f S U M M E R S P O R T C O A T S , Student Services. The movie will be shown by Jack Stieber, director of the S LA C K S , S U IT S . . . D R A S T IC A L L Y R E D U C E D ! center, -and Prof. Fred Hoeh- ler, associate director. Both Jacobson's Men's Shop — 210. Abbott Road will be available for a question -answer session after the mo­ vie. — A short business meeting will preceed the meeting and John A. Fuzak, dean of students., will be introduced to the con­ gressmen. The meeting and movie is H I IS M open to the public. Two-thirds of the Rhodes scholarship« awarded to Amer­ icans 'for study a t Oxford Uni* W E D N E S D A Y S T O R E H O U R S - 1 2 N O O N T Q t P.M . versity in gngiend daring the last 16 years went to young men who had been Boy Scouts. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Morning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 W h a t’s th e F o u r t h W i t h o u t . . . . . P hotographed by T . S. C rockett S P A R K L E R S — T om m y C ro c k e tt and Jackie Heinz, whose p a re n ts live in S p a rta n V illage, enjoy the glow of sparklers. R E L A X IN G ON T H E BEACH — While Playing cards on the A lw ard L ake Re#»**, Don S chultz, Illinois senior, and M ary Ann B o e ttch e r. E . L an sin g g ra d stu d e n t, soak 6 p the warm sun. A D IP T n T H E POOL — K hi 11af S. A !-D elaim y, g ra d stu d en t fro m B aghdad. Ira q , and T ippy Snyder,""TVcst V irg in ia sopho­ m o re , p re p a re to dive into th e 1M P ool. „ _ _ A PIC N IC — In the cool of th e e v e n in g , W endell D un can , F lo rid a g ra d stu d e n t, D avid A p p en b rin k , In d ia n a g ra d stu dent, an d th e ir c h ild re n , ro a st M arsh m allo w s o v e r a w a rm fire. A T R IP TO T H E A M U SE M E N T PA R K — J im N a n ta u , D etroit ju n io r and M im i P oxson of L a n sin g w a tch th e F e r r is W heel as i t w eaves a p a tte rn of lig^t in th e d a rk n e s s . ■|pS§ :J i i m % l Michigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 .5 SH A H EEN S E A S T L A N S IN G O N L Y 521 E. Grand River OPEN SUNDAY AND WEEKDAYS 9 A .M . to 9 P .M . 1955 C h ev y - L o aded w ith G ro c erie s to be given FREE!! aw ay A u g u st 1, 1 9 6 1 - J u s t R e g is te r meat 5 lb . G o ld M e d a l F lo u r F R E E or more purchase 5 lb. b ag fo r 1 5 c w ith $ 5 p u rch ase O com a c 69 lb . BUTTER 5 9 C lb . All P o p u lar B rands S w ift’s T e n d eriz ed Outdoor, Vine Ripened R I B S T E A K 5 9 S , T O M A T O E S - - 2 9 c lb . Thompson —White Seedless G R A P E S - - 2 9 c ib . Shakeen’s Hot Home Baked A P P L E P I E S - - 3 9 c ea. limit 2 per customer A G A R C A N N E D P IC N IC S - 3 lb . c a n - * 1 . 9 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 6 = S u m m e r C lin ic P r o v e s A id to Helping the student moke B e tte r G r a d e s students this summer. They experience residence hall living C A R R A D IO S ia d ad es all parts aad Ubar ou any American Car (except Cadillac). _____ ~ R cmoved tpnired ¿-Installed the transition from high school to college is one of the chief aims of the Summer Counsel­ ing jPinics, according to Dr.' run from June 19 through Aug 31. Over 68 per cent of last falls incoming freshmen attended and to complete in advance most of the pre-registration re­ quirements of fall term orien­ tation."1 Complete^ f j 95 • HOURS DAILY 12 U * la L B A.M. . « SDL 12 4p < • P.M. P.M. P.M. the clinics. M -Day § Tom Goodrich, coordinator of The program also gives coun­ Ï a c « d ttio u l summer clinics. THE ORIENTATION to cam seling and appraisal of the stu-„ G uarantee The three-day clinics, spon­ pus life provided by the clinics dents academic background. It ‘fFe Ser vice AÜRadios* sored by the Counseling Center offers the student opportunities evaluates their potential for in cooperation with the other to meet members of the faculty college work and helps them to Licensed Technicians departments of the university, and become familiar with th e explore their interests as they will be attended by up to 3,800 campus. It also allows him to relate to educational and voca­ tional goals. U N IT E D R A D IO - E. SAGINAW a t FA IR V IE W IV 9 -8 1 8 7 CAMPUSCIASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Wed. and D r. A ld rid g e Fri. Editions. S e rv e s o n B EFO R E YOU L E A V E . . . Phone ED 2-151K E xtensions 2643 and 2644 Panel Dr. Gordon Aldridge, direc-, . . . fo r points unseen tor of social work for the Col- i AUTOMOTIVE » LOST and FOUND lege of Business and P u b lic! .w leave your clothes w ith AUSTIN HEALEY S p u te, good LADIES BULOVA w rist w atch. Service, attended a meeting of wndition, 13000 miles best olifer, Gold w ith black band. G reat p er­ the Department of Health, Edu- j ail ED 7-2475, Hoby. tf sonal value. Reward. Contact Room cation and Welfare in, Washing-: u s. We’ll g em clean! 276, Mason Hall. 3 FORD 1957, 9 passenger Counfry Sedan, in excellent conditidTT. ED ton last week. 2-3610. tf REAL ESTATE Dr. Aldridge was one of a panel of six representatives of j 59 RIMCA, w hile. 4-door, radio EAST LANSING. 3*2 y ear old 3- 14» e social work profession i A heater, w hite-wall tires. 9,609 bedroom ranch. Dead e n d paved w h i c h reviews applications miles $550 ED 7-0392.____________ 5 street. Spacious ^landscaped lot. Mer- ion-blue grass. Double drivew ay, from universities for train in g ! • tia A . FOR~SALE patio, n e a r school. W all-to-w all cap- peting.-Living room, hall and m as­ grants in social work. / m u n i i te r bedroom. B uilt-in charcoal frig- WEDDING DRESS, less than year idarfiu range and oven. Disposal. The work is being done under i old. Size 10. Call Owen Hall, room Colored bathroom fixtures, vanity. the auspices of the Social Work ! 525. 5 Full painted basem ent. Gas fu rnace Advisory Panel in the Office of and hot w ater. O th er x tra s av ail­ POLAROID WITH COPIER. case. able Priced at $17.950 for Quick sale. Vocational Rehabilitation. Hierx. w mir-light. $60. Call owner. 1863 Melrose, ED 3-2671 or ED 2*1511, ext. 2621. 54 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Sm ith- Corona. w ith case, $50. ED 7-0392. 5 LIKE EAST LANSING! I t s a CHILDRENS BEDROOM SUITE. good place to live and work. Own a Red Cedar. Bunk beds, ladder, railing, sturdy brick 3 bedroom ranch home doubledresser^ m irror, chest, ED near Brookfield Shopping Ccrtter. 2-3610. " _ tr Half mile to campus. Enclosed p ri­ vate playground. Cedar paneled rec TWO OCCASIONAL chairs $20 00; room in basem ent. A ttached garage. Sola and over stuffed m atching chair, Drive to 2039 Brentwood and see for C H IL D R E N S dark green $55.00 Two end-table yourself. FHA term s or land con­ lamps $3 00 each: Orfe kitchen c u r­ tract w ith ow ner. Call John Petroff. tains $15 00; B athroom cu rtain s $3 00; Office IV 5*7174 or home, IV 5-5579. Light oak dining room table and 4 m atching chairs $55 00; One trav el­ ing tru n k - $7t90: One garden cart LEAVING -MSU. will sacrifice $4 50. Sam sonite luggage $5 00; 16mm $3,500 in im provem ents and equity Revere magazine cam era $25 CO; All in 4-5 bedroom Mason hom e w ith in excellent condition. ED 7-1840. 5 large shady yard Double garage. Redwood fence. New gas fum*. •**. Fresh straw berries daily. Farm Downstairs newly carpeted and tiled. fresh eggs-Also other fresh fru its and 2 b ath s or e x tra ap artm en t up. vegetables a t reasonable prices*Road­ ORchard 7-0081- ¿6 side Farm M arket. 2 miles- east of JE Landing on US 16 at Oketnos Rd. SUBURBAN HOME w ithin city limits, tw o miles north of campus. COCKER PUPPY 6 week« old Has Three-bedroom brick and fram e tri- h ad temp, distem per shots. Good level; tw o-carport baths, BOOK net for children. ED 2-8379 5 dining“ room, fam ily room, tw o equipped kitchens, equipped laundry M SU . GRADUATION RINGS See room, patio, a ir conditioned. Less them at the Card Shop. Across from than a y ear old with large lot and Home Eo. building ED 2-8753. tf nice country view. FHA term s o r might consider contract w ith low' down paym ent to responsible party. 1606- Greene rest, n ear H agadom Rd. - SUMMER SALE and M-78. tf W atchbands - one showcase of HILLBROOK PARK by ow ner. Speidel. Gemex, and Jew eler's best Three Jhedroom ranch, nearly new. Quality bands - 20'. OFF. 8 nam e­ full basem ent. E xtras include, built- in stove, gas m cineratorr--patio w ith bran d w atches, some Elgins" W itt- awning and grill, fenced backyard. nauers. G ruens. ** OFF plux taxes. $19.000. Owner tran sferred . 5795 Mon­ Large selection of fine diamond tebello. FE 9-8788 5 rings, *< to ‘a OFF One table of better, boxed jew elery. We will now break sets. Save doubly w ith Dia­ m ond Bonus Savings Stamps. Use them to get FREE Diamond m er­ chandise. SERVtCE WILL BABYSIT any day o r eve­ ning in my. hom e ’.wo blocks from campus. Call ED 7-2643. 3 SA LE TYPING. TWO blocks from cam pus. WM. H, THOMPSON Call ED 2-4320. tf TYPIST ANN BROWN. ED 2-8384. CUSTOM JEWELERY Electric typew riter. Term papers and theses, also general typing. FRANDOR MALL tf IV 5-0749 Your Complete Service Jew eler FOR RENT UP 10 60% Off FURNISHED 3-room cabin at Lake C A N D Y Lansing (or 1 o r 2 male students. C om plete housekeeping facilities. $12 weekly w ith utilities paid. CD 2-6922 ! — "5 Mailed Anywhere APARTMENTS CLOSE TO CAMPUS — attractive, furnished. 2 large rooms and tile bath. $67., includes utilities. P arking «>*-$880 ___________ 3 Complete Assortment Available At "The Card Shop Spartan Book Store CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Unfurnished, first floor, 3 large-, rooms and bath. $80.. includes utilities. ED 2-3090. 5 ROOMS MALE STUDENTS: Sum m er rooms - Across From H om e Economics Bldg. ED 2-6753 ~ Corner Ann &MACAve. : available a t H ow land House Co-op for $3 and $5 p e r week. Room and B oard fee $12 and $14 oer week 32$ A nn St r e e t. ED 2-6321 * LARGE ROOMS. 1 w ith private porch, double beds. 1 in room. G rad­ 14 T O P -H tP A IB S - Low Price! U nit! rd Radio. Will remove, rep a ir, and reinstall A m erican car" radio for 87 A3. Including parts, labor and 38 East Lansing u ate stu d en ts o r in stru cto rs p re­ day unconditional guarantee. East ferably. $13 Sunset Lane. E.L. ED Saginaw and Pairview . IV 9-8187. 2-1383. 3 open u n til 9 p.m. 11 M ichigan State News, East Lansing, M ichigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 M o v ie R e v i e w ‘P a ris h P ro v e s ’ G o o d E n t e r ta in m e n t By FRED BRACK er’s daughter (Diane McBain.) his taste and he shm s his in­ “Parrish” will not win any Igenerous helping of entertain 1 State News/ Staff Writer He is taught the fleshy facts terest to his mother's ward awards but tho film lives up to I ment ou a hot esummer eve There is still something of young love by a wanton who proves equally wanton. the story and should provide ajning. heart-warming about a mob of fieldhand (Connie Stevens). IN THE MEANTIME, two youngsters gathered to accomp­ She soon proves too plebian for developments are taking place. lish a task in the face of for­ In addition to his amorous ed­ midable obstacles. ucation, Troy is learning the F R A Z Z L E D by th e H eat? “ P arrish,” the first-run of­ S p e ltz ^ a n d tobacco business and his moth­ er has taken up with the most fering now a t the Michigan powerful man in the Connecti­ theatre, proves this with scenes as stirring as any filmed in the V e tc h A re - cut tobacco business (Karl 30’s, when this theme was ram ­ Malden). pant E lim in a te d She m arries him and our he­ ro is confronted with a new - However, if it proves this just as convincingly proves Classes for speRz and vetch love, Malden’s daughter (Shar­ that in a screen representation on Hugueny). She proves to be been eliminated. - the most virtuous of his loves of a novel the time element is students need not worry difficult to handle. and through her his inherent because these “classes” were strength of character is brought Is your hair limp and straggly? Are you too hot to move? THIS WAS painfully evident listed in the Michigan State to the fpre. —— If so, you need a pcp-up at the Patrician Hair Fashions. in "P arrish” where, in order to The complex plot is measur­ portray the complex relation­ F air premium book. ably enhanced by the three First, pep-up in the cool, air conditioned comfort of ships involved in several years And farm ers need not worry young beauties in the film. If our beautiful salon. Then, pep-up that limp straggly hair of a young m an’s life, the di­ "because the crops speltz, a their acting ability does not at­ with a new permanent or a hair cat created especially rector was reduced to a series small grain similar to w heat tain the samé heights as their for summer fun. Call us today for an appointment. of short, choppy scenes. and barley, and vetch, a leg­ looks it does not seriously af­ - Still,-the story, if not unique, ume once used for fodder and fect the film. The~ dramatic was entertaining. _ soil nourishment, just aren’t situation never never quite A young man _( Troy Dona­ grown anymore. reaches the point where out­ P atrician H air Fashions hue) accompanies his mother Or, . a t least, aren’t entered standing talent, is called for. (Claudette Colbert) to a to­ in state fair competition, ac­ P at — — — — M artin B esid e s, th e film is h ig h lig h t-I bacco farm in Connecticut ! cording to Eldon McLachlan, e d by th e c a p a b le p e rfo rm ­ C a ll E D 7-1114 F o r A ppointm ents where she has been em p lo y ed ! state fair agriculture exhibits a n c e s of K a r f M alden a n d C lau -1 to plan the debut-of the own-1 director. d e tte C o lbert. E x c i t in g ly n e w a n d v e r s a tile ! S t r e t c h T e r r y R o m p e t t e F o r s u n n in g , lo u n g in g , e x e r c is in g 2 .9 8 • W H ITE For- versatlity anywhere, anytime you’ll love wearing ¿ " YELLOW ~ terry RoraiKttCS' Rompette is. designed for style, fit an d comfort.-One piece pull-on in stretch terry of Duplan • PIN K nylon and cotton. Elasticized top and legs with "rope belt- • LILAC 3nd haltCr °0rd thal may h* worn at wU1- You11 find so _ _ many occasions to wear it, and so many colors to ch o o se • AQUA form. In sizes S, M^L. W ear a fte r shower. W ear for exercising. W ear for sunning. BUDGET SPORTSWEAR — STREET FLOOR. E A ST I.A N SIN Q „ Knapp’s, East Lansing 230 M.A.C. Ave. SHOP TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ~ 8 Michigan Stole Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly S> 19 6 1 C o r è y T o S ta r Wendell Corey, co-star of the tiny Court M artial” brought television series “The Nannet- him critical acclaim - te Fabray Show,” will be ap­ pearing at the Ledges Play­ house in Grand Ledge this week. China . (Contiued from page 1) Corey plays a popular author 1—One British and o n e on a lecture tour who meets an French correspondent in P e­ old college flame who mistakes king. The Chinese allow only herself as the inspiration for young, uninformed newsmen all his heroines. who speak no Clinese. The play, “ Goodbye Again,” will open at the Ledges July 3 2—CORRESPONDENTS in and run through July 8. Hong Kong interviewing trav ­ elers coming out of China and APPEARING with Corey will translating hundreds of_ Chi­ be his wife, Alice. The Coreys nese magazines. have had several other sum­ 3 — “ Once-over quicklies.” mer stock engagements to­ These are -Communist sympa­ gether. thizers mostly frpm Latin He headed the London cast America, touring China from of “Voice of the Turtle” oppo­ one week to two months. site M argaret Sullivan. He Alan Watts, who spoke at played with Diana Lynn in the the Asian Institute last year, West Coast company of “ Sa­ will - lecture on the subject, brina F air." A seven-month “Man’s Relationship to Nature national company tour as Lieut. in Eastern and Western Cul­ Greenwald in “ The Caine Mu- ture,” July 13 a t the Kiva. "RAIN” — In rehearsal for “Rain” the next Summer Orele theater production, are (L. to R.) Liada Herr, Don Caillies, Tkm-Patehett and Fern Barnshok. A B eautiful Wedding S u m m e r C ir c le - is long remembered with Maugham’s ^Rain’ BARNES FLORAL OF EAST LANSING flowers from 215 A m — ED 2-0871 • Open E venings A S unday Opening Tonight Artistry f Selection 0 Service The Summer Circle will of- math compromise between the as 'th e M a r i n e sergeant -fer its second production of audience’s desire for realism O’Hara. the season tonight with the and its taste for romanticism. The play will 'ru n through F ftA U E E lN opening of “ Rain” directed by The cast includes Linda Saturday night at the new Nat Eek. Herr, MSU theatre graduate, arena theatre in Demonstra­ The action of the play cen­ as Sadie; Tom Patchett, MSU tion Hall. te r s around the conflict be­ junior, as Rev. Davidson; Fern Tickets are available at the tween Sadie Thompson, a wo­ Barushok. East Lansing house­ Summer Circle box office which S IG N O R E .. 4 rt an_of questionable virtue and wife. as M r s r Davidson and is open from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. “SIGNORA 'lev. Davidson, a missionary Don Cailliez, Lansing Commu­ The phone number at the box .serving in • the South Pacific. nity Circle Players member, j office is ED 2-1511, ext. 2160. "Rev. Davidson and his wife nre held up on a Pacific island for the finest foods, by the rainy season. While they are awaiting the J a p a n e s e F ilm early or late . . . arrival of the ship which will take them -to their missionary outpost, Rev, Davidson a t­ may we recommend tempts to convert Sadie and S ta r ts F r id a y make her-atone for her past. What would you do if you i sidered obscene by government THIS IS complicated when a ’ove interest develops between were suddenly told that you officials and highly recom­ RALPH’S “KEWPIT CAFETERIA ^adie and a Marine sergeant, had but six more months to mended by church leaders. live? iThe film has won six major le attempts to take Sadie from ;he island and from the influ­ This familiar question pro­ awards. _ ~ • MEAT E N T R E E ence of Rev. Davidson. vides the theme for one of the “ A strangely fascinating and • HOT V EG ETA BLE Rev. Davidson’s tactics as most fascinating motion pic­ affecting film,” noted Bosley tures to be shown during MSU’s Crowther, film critic of the • MASHED POTATO »ell as his questionable mo­ summer foreign film series at New York Times. Time maga­ • ROLL & BUTTER^ ves in Sadie’s conversion lead ■o her rejection of Davidson Fairchild Theatre. zine listed "Ikiru” as “ per­ nd his ultimate downfall. haps the finest achievement of O PEN 6 A.M. TO M IDNIGHT “ IKIRU,” SHOWING at 7:30 Director Akira (Rashomon) The play was written by Col- p.m. Fridav and Saturday, i Kurosawa, a masterwork of *on and Randolph from th e July 7 and 8. is the story of a | burning social conscience and A IR CONDITIONED (DIE LU FTJST KIHLT) latnous short story' by Som­ Japanese government official hard-eyed psychological real­ erset Maugham. with 30 year of tedious mid un­ ism, It was first produced in this broken service who Is shocked j country in 1925 and represent­ into realizing that be will soon i ed quite a departure from the die. This stunning confronta­ typical theatre of the day. tion with reality ja w him loose! I IT EXPLORES good and from his desk into deop reflec­ tion on the futility and waste \ SUMMER SC H O O L SPE C IA L l- I This Ad and 75c Good for $1 Basket of Balls at l| eyil, often with an entirely dif­ of his life. ferent slant then was prevalent P art of what follows in Wat- in the 1920’s. Nevertheless, anabe’s life caused customs of­ theatre audiences “in this per­ ficials of the Port of New York Ì I iod were "becoming increasing­ ly sophisticated with the result that dram a was becoming in­ creasingly trank. to delay clearance of the Jap ­ anese-made film because, of what they considered were ob­ scene and objectionable secnes. i FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE j “ R ain” represents a dra- In dispute were scenes of I wild Tokyo night life featuring Also have fan at the World's Largest Miniature Golf Course I a sinuous belly dancer who per­ Some owls see well in the daylight, contrary to popular forms a strip-tease in front of Watanabe.- 35c 'til 7 p.m. —any day but Sunday I belief. The snowy owl. and EVENTUALLY cleared, the j | j. X hawk owl habitually hunt by film was subsequently acclaim­ 3 Minnies east of MSU on Grand River I day. And the fierce great burn­ ed owl goes hunting both day ed by critics, audiences and church officials making it the I first motion picture to De con- .A and nignt. 'S Michigan State News« East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 9 A l a n W a tts to L e c tu r e V a r ie d r a m o n A s ia By ISABEL RACKI cessful reception at the Insti­ prizes at film festivals. Many London, possessor of the larg­ The Asian Institute, designed State News Staff Writer tute last year. critics have hailed the triology est collection of Kalighat paint­ to increase interest and know­ Author of “The Spirit of as^among the greatest movies ings in the world; and the ledge in Asia, Asian people, The visif to campus F riday Zen,” Watte is probably best trating on th e growth and de- Wadsworth Atheneum, Hart­ and Asiair nations is sponsored of “ The New York Times” re­ known-to American audiences ever made. ford, Conn., one of the few by University Summer School porter, Tillman' Durdin, who for his*interpretation ofZen Bu­ American museums to own and the College of Science and spoke on Communist China, ddhism. THE THREE films tell the such paintings. Arts. marked the beginning of MSU’s story of one family, coneen- MORE THAN a dozen books velopment of a boy from child­ Sixth Annual Summer insti­ on comparative philosophy and c*-* c-f-J c-ks c+J o - * c-+J C'f-a c + J «>« tute on Asia. hood to manhood. religion have been written by Durdin, now an editorial Watts, including “The Way of Simple, bold figures drawn with vigorous, sweeping lines I $LQ9 Basket of Balls writer on Asia for the “Times,” along with his wife Peggy, lec­ Zen,” ilNature, Man and Wo­ man,” “This Is If,” and “The and brilliant coloring charac­ I for 75c W ith This C oupon I tured on the "Trends and Ten­ Wisdom of Insecurity.” ' terize the 40 paintings, some of which were once owned by I Î dencies in Communist China” last Friday evening. Durdin. The great Indian trilogy. “Pather Panchali,” will be Rudyard Kipling, which are I (S tu d e n ts: B ring 75c and, your ID ) I until recently was the “Times” foreign correspondent in Asia. shown in its'entirety July 21 in now on exhibit at the Art Room, Union. I Ron LaFraugh Professional Clcte Bick Owner I This summer’s institute will Fairchild Theatre. The first film, “ Pather Panchali,” will The paintings will be ex­ I Î include the appearance of be shown a t 3:30 p.m., the hibited through July 10. The exhibit is entitled “ Ba­ Ì I stimulating and unconventional philosopher Alan W. Watts., an second, “ Apatajito,” at 7:00 p.m., and the third, “ The World zaar Paintings from Calcutta.” I PALOMAR GOLF RANGE I 3335 E. Michigan — 1 Block East of Frandor exhibition of paintings from Calcutta, once owned by Rud- of Apu,” at 9:00 p.m. The three films have gather­ THESE PAINTINGS arc on loan from two collections: The I Lansing ED 7-2632 I yard Kipliffg7~and a complete ed an impressive number of Vicotria and Albert Museum, I (TfJ Ç^-3 (TfJ 1 ^ 0 (TfO . 29c FA LA R SK I’S SMOKED BAUNSCHW EIGER lb 39c K R A F T S MILD COLBY C H EESE lb 49c N ew est Fresh Home Made Kidney Bean Salad lb. 39c C o m p a c t, - SU N N Y V A LE U.S. CHICE" B E E F BEST BLA D E CUTS F ru its ? U . S. NO. I GRADE A CH k . n uUCK v .i v - o a c Compact fruit ,trees are be­ coming as important to the Michigan fruit growers as the Cling Peaches ROASTS G> compact car is to the Michigan SLICED OR H ALVES motorist—and for the same rea­ sons of efficiency and easy DOLE P IN E A P P L E JU IC E 46 oz 29c care, according to Robert Carl­ son, MSU horticulturist. 4 N o . 2 V ic a n s $ * | 0 0 LIB BY ’S TOMATO JU IC E 46 oz 29c The—«m ailer compact, or MANOR HOUSE dwarf, fruit trees are easier SILV ER D A L E FROZEN FOODS to care for and harvest and they begin yielding four to ten years earlier than conventional Broccoli S pears B russel S prouts F rench Cut Green Beans COFFEE 2-lb can * 1 19 trees, Carlson said. C auliflow er — R egular Cut Green W ESSEN OIL ......................... Q u art 59c Michigan is In the lead in C ut Corn B eans GOOD LUCK OLEO Q u arters 2 lb 49c Fresh Peaches the planting of compact or­ G arden V egetables Leaf*Spinach chards and is now in the trans­ ition period from large to small trees with more than 2,000 acres of the smaller trees Ô pkgs 9 8 ‘ planted, he said. Compact trees are produced by using various special root­ G reen P eas F rench F ried P otatoes 5 ibs 2 9 * STA LEY ’S "STA-FLO STARCH Vi Gal 39c stocks. They grow one-quarter, one-half and three-quarters 6 pks* 7 9 ' S ta-F lo Liquid S tarch q t 25c S ta-F lo S pray S tarch 69c normal size. Algeria is more than four S c h m i d t 9$ Guarantee o f Q uality Alw ays Protects You ! times the size of France. ~ Michigan State News, Ë n t Lanafagfc M ichigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 IO . San Salvador, capita! ef El Salvador, stands In the shadow E th e l P a ig e D o n a te s F u r n is h in g s to M S U of a volcano named San Salva­ dor. After being dormant for The cross-section of the fur -1 on the second floor of the MSU house, have been donated by Among her contributions are 300 y e a n , the volcano erupted nishings of a Victorian house of 1Museum, Miss Ethel Paige, Northamp­ a kitchen " stove, originally the 1880-1890 period has been I The furnishings, nearly all ton, Mass., who became aw are wood burnteg but converted to in June 1917, demolishing the arranged in a two-room setting t those contained in a 14-rOom of tile museum’s interest in her oil, her mother’s wedding sil­ city. household goods through a ver and china, garden tools, cousin residing in Michigan. chairs, tables, bureaus, old co­ n u n i ia a e i □□□□□ -a o o Last y e a r Miss Paige sold coa tins and a portrait of her Crossword PUZZ e | a a a anaaa aoa University Theatre ia a a a a B a annata her house and moved to Flori­ mother. ACBOSa SS. High □aaa aaaa da. The biggest p art of its fur­ Furnishings not used in the 1. O verhM tjr priest's oanaa naaEono! nishings were shipped to the current exhibit have been pack-1 S. Small tumor appointments 22. Epoch □□□□ E o a a a □□ □□□ □□□□□□□□ museum. She took just enough with her to furnish a few rooms ed away in the museum store­ house for use in future ex­ ^SUMMER S. Member* of a W. African 33. Mediocre □□ aaau a aaoa in a modern bungalow. hibits. V >IR C L E tribe 34. Entirely □□□□□□□ an n u a 12. S-thaped without anna a a a a - molding IS. Crescent- □□□□a oaoaEaa M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w sj The Sadie Thompson Story IS. Turkish shaped □□□ □□□□□ □□□ commander » .O ld □□U U L JJU U ÜUQ Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued ! FF Rain 14. Hop kiln measure 13 Blood of length Solution of Yesterday's Puaale on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter I relationship 39. Toper and spring quarters. Issued twice-weekly during the summer ! 18 Ornamental 40 Dad 59. Skips over 7. Pert, to term . Second class postage paid at E ast Lansing, Michigan, j button 42. Electrified water as navigation 19 Throw particle a Iton* 8. Ages Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services build­ lightly JO Three: prefix 44. Pronouq 49. Continenti , abbr. DOWN I. Mythical 9. Sleeveless '- g a r m e n t ing, Michigan State University, E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term , 3; for Opens Tonight 10. Superlative two terms, |4 ; for three term s, $5. 23. Vegetable 47. Dry bird ending exudation 24 Beverage 91. Ardent affection S. By 9. Delicately 11. Pen 16. Invisible M em ber of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Associa­ tion and the College press. JULY 5 - 8 27 Head *2. Short for a adjusted emanation covering girl's name 4. Commend, 17; One of the - E d ite r Marcia Van Ness News E d ito r Joe Harris 28 Asiatic' 93. Pa. lakeport -archaic ' Hebrides Adv. Manager . .. Jerrÿ Lundy palm 54. Ballads Islands Photo E d ito r Fred Bruflodt Next Week: 29. Crystalline 95. Spread 9. Strayed 20. Dull sound Circulation Mgr...Bill Marshall Copy E d ito r Dan Whitney mineral loosely 9. Urge 21. Scarce City Editor .... Charles Richards Asst. Adv. Mgr. Bob Cook “The Skin of Our Teeth” 23. Oriental 7“ 2 T “ TT ítf T T"i 7 " ■ r FI w // weight CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — HIGH READERSHIP __j 29. Direction 7T m a w 26. Plant allied ■ to the lily m W 7S~ u m 20 2! ¡8".J3 m w w m 31. Millstone drIYers 33. Laughed loudly STMTS TODAY — SUPER — 99 TT sr 5/ a ar S 51 y$¡¡' m 33 3T a is W 39. Small island: var. 37. Practices 40. Draw 41. Small wild BARGAIN DAT! 0LÂDïvïfeF* THEATRE IT ! Ss 36 57 ox 43. Fit one J8~ B inside I 7% É l t3 ,§ | H ¡if ¡ I another 40 4Í 41 W * 44. Notice 43. Cut — . m w ü 49 suddenly r 49. Grows old A 'w m u u PH 3T 49. Climbing —vine w ~5S 49. Regret SIMM 1IÉ I 7-5 30. Man's name raa mas 21 a a t fcooico a5 t«rtioia*T»owl HURRY! Last Times Today IIN « • PM O l l i « O . 8 4 0 4 4 Audrey Hepburn in Doris Day and David Niven - Manm “ THE NUN’S STÔRY” “ PLEASE DON’T EAT Shewn 2:50 • 7:30 THE DAISIES” 12:45 • 5:20 • 10:08 STARTS THURSDAY 2 BIG COLOR HITS Hit No. 1 shown 2:45 - 7:30 BI6 BOLD BRAMA OF LOVE AND CONFLICT! M-G-M PRC9CNT8 M MQM CAMERA « S MONTGOMERY CLEFT ELIZABETH TAYLOR ÈVA M A RIE S A IN T . You’ll roar when you see Jerry v FEATURE TODAY AT as a girl-shy upstairs-man-of-aH-work R JUN V RES COUNCT tt-StWtiRNtGfl. PATRICK • LEE MMMN- I in a Hollywood hotel for girle only I It’s the most hilarious idea since the 3:10 • 7:05 • 19:58 STARTING THURSDAY AT 1:00 • 3:10 • 5:20 • 7:30 <49:41 PitatS» MCMMCOIS«* invention of the belly-laugh I 2nd Color Hit! 12:50 - 5:30 • 10:10 è « m a rk The NovclTmat W as Hailed...Denouncco—aud 5 Million P C O F L t M A O IT I —s e m e srn u j „The Technicolor B ra m b le , B ush , HELEN T ]M U B E L * ia ^ w !u ^ ^ STANLEY • m S Í S teí-geome raft ud HARRYJAMES a d M i t o » « fwén»»HUMb4 ly JBRY LEUNS-Writtmhrknj Lad» a d MlbdmiH Anodi» Producir Emwt fit Buda— ■0wln»%»q— n m awe-J ftttmml Bdet M ü h s h __ ü ig te M f r m J m m D em CO-FEATURE TODAY kW M N SR AT 2:35 -0:00-9:2* “SK9 WWHITEMDTHETHREESTODOESn Michigan State N e «*, East I ■■«lag, M ichigaa Wednesday M oraifig, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 Retired Professor- J u d g e W is e to H e a d N e w Honored ait Kellogg M u n ic ip a l C o u r t S y s te m Dr. George A. Branaman, re- in HOI and-« Ph.D. from the The Justice of the Peace sys­ tired professor of animal hus- L^^iversity of Ilhaoit in M B. tem is gone from E ast Lan­ bandry, was honored at a tes ' ^ranam an » f t secretary- sing today. / SIX TIME PRIZE WINNER! . , ,. . V 1,___ - treasurer of the Michigan Cat- "Tt has been replaced by a t anomal dinner in Kellogg Cen- Ueu Feeders / from municipal court, created by a ter for 30 years of service to! 1929 to UW 0 d from 1956 to charter amendment, which will «« the Michigan beef cattle in -; the present. He I has| authored | be headed by Judge William A PICTURE THAT MUST dustry. or coauthored more than 50 H. Wise. Wise also served as The dinner was _ sponsored _ by fmm bullf tin» *®d articles for pro- 1Ajustice rtilM n 1 the Michigan . Beef C a t t l e fess tonal journals of the peaee until elect M to O W a m a o i vuknitia m i h Alu ed to the new position in the STAUU AM0U6 TUI 6RIAT Breeders Association and the city election. Michigan Beef Cattle Feeders Technically, the new court was established July 4, but ACUIIVIMIUTS Of THE HIM Assn. 1 court is not held on holidays. Branaman first joined the MSU staff as an instructor in <¡9 ' WISE PRAISED the change MEDIUM. HO SERIOUS M0WE60ER as providing mare efficient l»23.He received a B.S. degree I handling of cases. He said the from Purdue University To j new court will handle all types WOUIU WAHT TO 1918, an M.S. degree from MSU ■of cases and preliminary ex­ aminations on felony charges as well as civil damage cases MISS I T ! " “r £ Sox up to 8S00. “ An monies collected by the new court go to the city," he AJURA fTUROSAWA? MASTfWICC« Sinks fo r pointed out, “ and the judge’s fee is paid from that regard­ less of the amount collected.” He said the justice court IK IR L J $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 docket is up to date now, hovF no UVED 9« ever. ___ $Toho Picture Form er Michigan State pitch­ WISE WILL serve a four- kf•»•'We« er Mickey Sinks has signed a year term as municipal judge. major league contract with the E ast Lansing has had a jus­ Michigan State University ~ Boston Red Sox for $18,000. tice court system since the Sinks, who will practice teach GEORGE A. BRANAMAN city was founded in 1907. FOREIGN FILM SERIES at Birmingham Groves- high FAIRCHILD THEATRE school in the fall, recorded an Ill A V I I > mb Friday, Saturday, July 7 & 8 - 7:30 p.m. 18-9 won-lost m ark in three varsity seasons for Coach John - Admission: 50c Kobs. _ He will report Wednesday to Stugis, S.D., a Red Sox team in PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 the semi-pro Basin League. The Sox will have their first extensive look at Sinks in ac­ tion at the rookie camp next spring. . The 21-year-old righthander EAST LANSING - PHONE £0.1-2814 stands C 2” and weighs 200 r fc MOSSOLE TOEAT pounds. DÔ6 FOODWHENVÜUR51DWACH 15ALLSET FORSHRIMPLOUlf! TODAY _ THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY B u rk e C a p tu re s - - V IL U A I P la y o ff HOLDEN A 38-year-old golfer who at 7 N o w - ...6 5 c to 5 : 3 0 W L ^ Startft hadn’t woo a tournament in two years easily won a three- P ro tra m nr M rv n i r l i C M b ft* man playoff to pick up the W Ô O », $9,000 first prize in the Buick Daws O pti 12:« p .a. Cart, from 1 p.m. Open in Flint. Feature at 1:28, 4:19, 0:45, 9:25 p.m. 9 Jackie Burke fired a one-un- der-par 71 at Warwick Hills to defeat Billy Casper and John­ ny Pott, who both shot 71, by s to r y Of «a m , A b o y n i m a il 1 . w l H W l sta r s g- f , SU8E three strokes. T r o y D o n a h u e • C la u d e tte C o lb ert FIRST SHOW - AT 7 :« P.M. ^ W Q N S ._ The trio had tied at four-un­ der-par 284 after 72 holes. The K a rl M a ld e n « D ea n Jpo-^er Feature shown at 7:10 and 9:30 p.m * NANCY triumph was even more re­ m warding for Burke because he mm 9U7>C W O M S must take regular injections to soothe the pain caused by in­ Y o u will e n t e r a w o r ld o f s t r a n g e p l a c e s a n d flamed tendons in his thumb. m o r a l i t i e s . . . in ttr e m o s t d if f e r e n t, t e n d e r The key shot was Burke’s 63- foot birdie putt on the par 3 a n d t o u c h i n g lo v e s t o r y o f o u r tim e l No. -41, his first birdie of the afternoon. Adkins Addresses »♦» «sSel Vietnamese Elmer H. Adkins, Police Ad­ «-%'S visor for the M SU group in Vietnam, gave a talk to the Vietnamese American Associa­ B ecau se o f th e su sta in e d In ten sity o f Its s to ry tion in Saigon. a n d ch aracter* , w e u rg e y o u .to e n te r T H E Adkins spoke on the “ MSU W ORLD O P BUZ IB W O N O a t th e beginning. Police Advisory Function in Vietnam." He discussed the ork done by the MSU Police Division Group and how such SYLVIA SYMS *MICHAEL WILDIN6 -john Patrick-richard ouine work affects the Vietnamese Cartoon Fmm • « M isa i s-M tis iss* »sans.'YfPH IIKffij ||g « -tfen ffiu M t public. “UCKETY SPLAT** EXTRA! Christopher Columbus des- ‘FINE FEATHERED FRIEND” • “IN THE NICOTINE” ribed Cuba as “ a scene of chantment” that “a thousand From the Predacers of “I’m AH Right Jack*1 ngues would not suffice to Walt Dtsaey’s “THE PARENT TRAP" starts Jaly 14 SUN.! “ A FRENCH MISTRESS’’ 12 M k U g n Stale News, East Lansing, M ichigan Wednesday M orning, Ju ly 5, 19 6 1 In New Y o r k M edical P rogram T ig e rs S p lit S e rie s Seem s Im m in en t By LOWELL KINNEY State News Staff Writer Frank Larry pitched and bat­ ted the Detroit Tigers back into The Yanks cam e back in their half cf the ninth to tie it again on three singles, the third a two-out dribbler by pinch-hitter Lopez post the Recommendation of a metfi- her of hospital beds doesn’t ested in medical school. first place in 10 innings yester­ cal program for HSU se ■ ‘‘We’d like to work closely day after the New York Yanke­ mound scoring Skowron. likely. ^ EVENTLAL MERGER of with Wayrte State and the U-M es took^ihe first game of the In the 10th, Norm Cash led The curriculum win be equiv­ the medical and osteopathic so that our students could con- Fourth of July double-header off with a walk, was forced at alent to the first two years af proie «rioni was -also urged in tiaue there,” he said. “But we 6-2. second by Steve Boros. Jake medical school and will serve, t k U-M report. would try to design our pro­ Lary layed down a perfect Wood flew out and Dick Brown also, as a basis for advance de­ “Sach a merger would be un- gram so that students could bunt with two out-in the 10th bounced one into the stands for gree work in the biological impnrtant to our program be­ wait as long as possible before to score Steve Boros from third a ground-rule double, bolding sciences. cause the first two years of deciding whether they wanted to put Detroit ahead to stay, Boros a t third. Then Lary lay­ A detailed study financed fey school are the pre- to continue in medicine, re­ ft-3. ed down h|s perfect bunt, and a $170,000 Commonwealth grant yean.” Dr. Byemun search. or advance degree In the first game, Whity Ford Boros scored the winning run. and headed by Dr. Richard U. out. “After completion, work in the biological scien­ gave up oniy five hits, was aid­ Kubeck started the Yankee Byem un, assistant to the pro­ of o r program, a student ces.” ed by five D etroit'errors, and 10th with a single and Frank vost was -commissioned to In­ ceeltf go on to either medical A RELATIVELY low cost is six big Yankee runs in the fifth Lary was relieved by Hank Ag­ school or osteopathy.” _ envisioned for the program. inning to pick up his 15th win uirre. Aguirre got Maris to pop vestigate the need for sach a to the infield, walked Mantle program early this year. Cutting ether advantages of L- "We already have the de­ of the year. a two-year program, he ex­ partments and equipment in­ Catcher Dick Brown homered and got Yogi B erra on a long "THE INSTITUTE of Biology plained that It would also serve volved,” Dr. Byerrum ex­ in the top of the fifth irfning to fly, moving Kubeck to third. and Medicine plans wiB be pre­ as a meant of recruiting bet­ plained, “ for such studies as put the Tigers in front briefly, Manager Bob Scheffing call­ sented to the Board ot Trus­ ter «tiahats and students who microbiology, physiology, and 1-0. ed in ace reliefer Terry Fox to tees and the Legislature some­ might net otherwise be inter­ anatomy.” In the second game Detroit face “ Moose” Skowron ¡with time in the next few months," picked up a run in the third on with' two out and Kubeck at Dr. Byem im said recently. h bases-loaded walk by Norm third. Fox ended the Yankee He also commented on a 'T ttS tfA N IT SAYS THAT TV IS NOT Cash and in the fifth on Cola- threat, getting Skowron to fly University of Mirlrfgm report WTERESTIN6 HARMFUL TO CHILDREN.. vito’s single. The Yanks tied out. A R T IC L E it on Roger Maris’ 31sL home Lary got the win and Stafford that recently cited the need for i: T a third state medical achooL The report noted that In 1958 I (ill run of the 'year with Kubek the lose for New York. In aboard. ^ the first game, Ford was the 'M ichigan’s supply of active In the Tiger ninth, Osborn winner and Don Mossi thé loser doctors in private practice was singled, went to second on a for the Tigers. below the national average sacrifice by Lary and to third with a Michigan ration of H i on successive walks to Kaline j First Detroit Game 0M 016 Ml 2 5 5 physicians for every MM.MO and Bruton. With two out and New York 000 residents. Nationwide, the ra­ 4D Colavito batting,. . Fernandez, 0MM0 6 8 1 tio is 96.7. I D O N 'T K N O U L I 'V E N E V E R running for Osborfi, stole home Second Game J D O Y3U T H IN K T V IS MI OIOMl 1 4 8 I The U-M report gave Grand on the pitch to put the Tigers Detroit H A R M FU L TO YOU, U N U S ? H A D ONE F A IL ON M E! New York 0M 0M0210 3 92 Rapids preference over Lan­ in front-3-2. sing as a possible site far the school. 7r IM Softball Schedule “Grand Rapids has more hos­ WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY pital beds than Lansing,” Dr. F ield C p.m . F ield • p.m . 1 H ighway R esearch—STEP 1 P u b lie S a fe ty —Integra)« Byem un explained. “Bat in 2 L ard L akers—Ahhatt 1 Z S w am py L » ||« n Bot any a two-year program such as 3 Kellogg Flakier—VMlage Men 3 A bb o tt t —T one hie* « l i r f r n —M il) Creamene- 4 Dairy—Wildcat# we are considering, the onm- 3 A t Ecoa—L ath er 5 Stipend»—AH S tars SEMI ANNUAL C L O T H IN G S A L E SUITS - SLACKS - SPORTCOATS %au Heffler CUSTOM SHOT E a st G rand R iver On The Cam pus \