Serving MSU for 52 years Second C lan P o e ta n 5 C ents Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 53 East Michigan, Friday Morning, J u b r 7, 1961 12 Pages Paid a t East L am ini. Mich. ‘R a in ’ R e c e i v e s H ig h A p p r a i s a l By FRED BRACK the average college presenta­ -aware of her ability, and when State News Staff Writer tion. she exited in the third act after “Rain” opened last night at If it is possible to pick an exposing the emotional void Demonstration Hall. It was outstanding performance out created in her life by the In fact, it was very, very of several excellent perform­ “marriage of spirit” she ances, the bouquet must be shared with Rev. Davidson, good. they gave her a generous ova­ This presents a problem to tossed to a little Eaist Lansing the reviewer. It is easy—to housewife, Fern Barushok. She tion. \l throw rocks, but how does one plhyed the pious wife of Rev. Linda Herr again demon­ go about throwing kudos? Davidson. It was not a show- strated to University Theatre It would be a shame to teke stopping role. Rather it was patrons that she has talent. a fine production apart piece- a supporting lead. The role of Sadie Thompson and thus shatter the But she played the role so gave her ample opportunity that gives it its quality convincingly; s h e projected to display it. She moved of evcellence. It must be done, herself so completely, that easily through the role and however. one could have sworn that she in the second and third acts TO BEGIN with then, the had been weaned on lemon when Sadie becomes obsessed cast was experienced and ta­ juice. with feelings of guiH, Mrs. lented, far more talented than THE AUDIENCE seemed Herr was at her best. TOM PATCHETT fave a fine performance as the tyranni­ cal soul-saver Rev. Davidson. S h a iv D r o w n s A tte m p tin g His was a difficult role as he was required to portray ex­ ternally' the violent inner T o R e s c u e Y o struggle that Davidson under­ NOT FOR LONG—Misa Grace Hirschmaa, chief MSU telephone operator, watches other operators handle calls Bradford Shaw, head of pond in Livermore Falls, Maine went and which ended in his on conventional'switchboard to he repinesd next month. MSU’s labor-industrial relations yesterday while attempting to suicide. save a 12-year-old girl. The rest of the cast, if not —State News photos by Fred Braflodt, Picture Editer. center library, drowned in a as talented, was at least ca­ Shaw was 39 years old and pable; notably Joseph Spiel­ lived at 424 W. Columbia St. in berg as trader Joe Horn and Effective Next Fall Mason. He is survived by his William Montgomery as the wife and five children. genial Dr. MacPhail. «Shaw came to MSU in No­ The rain came during the D o rm ito rie s P a r t o f N ew vember of 1956 from the Un­ first act and continued through­ iversity of Florida. He attended out the remainder of the play; Colby College in Maine and re­ This sound pervaded the mind ceived his bachelor of library of the audience with startling N a tio n w id e P h o n e S e rv ic e degree from Pratt In­ effectiveness and coupled with stitute in Brooklyn. the dreary lighting must have By KEN ALMAS ing growth and the need for 4. Long distance outside the Services will be held in Liver­ created the precise mood Som­ State News Staff Writer i m p r o v e d communications 517 area, charge. Dial 9, then more Falls and burial will be erset Maughm intended in-his Phones on the walls of the should grow with the univer­ 1, then the proper area code, in Bethlehem, Conn. short story: . dorm rooms aren’t just an ex­ sity. then the 7 digit number. pensive fixture, but part of a 2. The present system is com­ fantastic communication sys­ pletely. inadequate to handle tem that every student in the student communication needs. dormitories will -have af his 3. The present system cannot fingertips next fall. handle emergency calls with' The new phone system will speed and efficiency. enable-each dorm student to 4. The maintenance costs for call any one of 45.million num­ the dormitory annunciator sys­ bers in the United States and tem are mounting from year Canada. > to year, Students using these phones 5. Coin telephones are incon­ must know the number they are venient and inadequate to meet calling outsiders must call stu­ student needs. dents by number. The present dormitory tele­ The minute you pick up the phone system includes, 37 posi­ phone to make a long distance tions of manual switchboard, phone call the call is automatic­ serving 780 telephones Each ally timed and registered, by precinct is served by two non­ passing the need of an opera­ dial telephones and a coin tor’s assistance on station to phone. station calls. Person to person The Michigan Bell Telephone and collect calls will still go Co. will install the all new through the operator. “Number 5 Crossbar" system EACH phone will be private in an off campus bunding to and the people sharing the replace the existing on campus room will be responsible for its switching system. care and the bills resulting The system will elliminate from the calls. expense of university operators To keep track of the calls and allow calls to be made at made, slips will be supplied to any hour with a minimum of each room on which the calls time and effort. made will be recorded for per­ YOU WILL be dialing four sonal- record on charged long types of calls: distance calls. The university will also mail 1. On campus, no charge. the room a record of the calls Dial the last five numerals. within 5 days of the time they Example 355-1234, dial 5-1234. are made. 2 Local, no charge. Dial 9 THIS elaborate phone sys­ for and outside line, then com­ tem, will eliminate unneeded plete the 7 digit phone number. and time consuming exchange 3, Long distance In the 517 with operators. It has been in­ area, charge. Dial 9 on outside MR. ROBERT HIGGLE, installation foreman, looks ever Me of the new consoles stalled because of: line, then 1, then the 7 digit which will rrpinrr the-caaveational switchboard next month. 1. The rapid dormitory hous­ phone number. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, Jn fy 7 , 1 9 6 1 School B ill Going.. The much-publicized federal school-aid bill—now tr i­ sected and almost emasculated — will come to vote within a m atter of days. When the plan was first proposed, it was represented as p art of the education race with Russia — the race which was joined in tfie scare th a t was th e afterm ath of the Sputnik I launching. In th e m eantim e, an American astro n ­ a u t made a sortie into space, an American experim ental airc raft exceeded 3,600 miles an hour, and an American rocket hoisted a nuclear-powered satellite into orbit.. How have these achievem ents affected th e education race and th e school-aid bill? I t is impossible to establish a direct correlation, but it is a deplorable fact th a t the discussion of the school bill is now centering around ques­ tions of internal politics. - W itness the debate between U.S. Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Grand Rapids) and U.S. Rep. Jam es G. O’H ara (D- U tica) which appeared in the D etroit F ree Press July 2. The questions: Will th e bill give th e federal governm ent control of the schools? Can the governm ent afford th e Jbill? How great is th e need fo r aid? Will th e distribution of funds be equitable? W hat does Michigan stand to lose? G ranted, these are im portant considerations. B ut th ere was not a word about arm ing students w ith g reater know­ ledge to defeat the increasing Communist th rea t. W hat happened to the education race? I t is relatively easy to understand why proposed aid to private and parochial schools is cause for petty political w arfare. B ut th e objections to aid fo r public schools are no less petty. The argum ent m ost often advanced is th a t the more p ro sp ero u s-S tates Michigan among th em -— would get less than they would give. And these richer states, by dint of population, are th e powers in th e House. W hat it comes down toTis th is : Is th e United ^States w aging fifty battles w ith communism, o r one? “ E Pluribus Unum ”-is still on our coins. Letters to the Editor One of the basic doctrines of th e John Birch Society is th a t we have a republic, not a democracy, and th a t’s the ‘9 way it ought to be. Should we spurn th e dem ocratic tenet 1 C a ta lo g F e e - - W h e w !’ th a t th e few m ust sacrifice for~the good of the m any? O r should we embrace it and m aintain th e stren g th o f TO the Editor: the catalog- would, I am sure, catalogs (you can spend your th e republic?- ~ The final blow has been have been easier to stomach. dollar for something else). —JO K struck. But to charge 91 for something I realize I am probably risk­ I no, longer can keep silent. that is almost a necessity to ing my future by writing this The ADMINISTRATION has the student is going just too far. letter in protest. When this is B U B S / sleeping is MOSTPEOPLEDON'T5LEEP piled the last straw on this Were we notified in advance? put into my student record, it UJEU,BECAUSE THEVRETENSE earners back. I didn’t really NO! Were we given reasons will probably be the determin­ ANART mind being transformed from for this outrage? NO! ing factor as to whether or not a student (human being) to a Ours is not to reason why, I get a job when I graduate, -L=n3Fl ! mere chronology, 'six pre-de- our catalogs, we-must buy. but this has to be said. THEY f i signed number* - *‘er all there Ours is but to do or die, have gone too far. ' Ir * T may not be s _ er way). I for the ADMINISTRATION. Dan Whltfiev I— 1 ! didn’t mind p 10 cents to Administrators must know i f ★ dr park as an aJU. .ive to park­ what they’re doing, after all Library Unfair ing in a lot with mud six inches that is their job. Perhaps it was J -7— T .b T r r A L deep and then having to walk a budget cut that caused this To the Editor: a mile to class. I didn’t mind new pricing policy. In that I am seekihg support for the this even when I thought of the case, the ADMINISTRATION alleviation of quite a paradoxi­ itoHAveiDKcaM anBV... ’ ¿ ....R E L A X E D ! i■in, ■ —i staff and ADMINISTRATION has an out, i r can blame the cal issue* regarding library parking FREE, aren’t they the legislature. Then I must write hours. ones who make all the money) my Congressman. He in his As the summer school enroll­ close to their destination. I turn will blame the taxpayers ment, according to the State didn’t mind increases in tuition (of whom I admit to being News of June 23, is at an all- over the past few years (I like one). Ah, the joys of reading time high; as the Education to pay my own way if I can), one’s own letter of frustration. division of the library has so but the final blow, the icing on MY REAL fear is one of fu­ much- more traffic during the the cake, the crowning achieve­ ture happenings. Will we have summer term they have inaug­ ment has been administered by to pay for the time schedules? urated a no-renewal, one-week THE ADMINISTRATION-, . . For our seats in the class­ check-out policy; and as the I have been forced to pay $1 rooms? How far can they go? five-week sessions meet one- for the honor, the privilege, of How many things that are free sixth less than a three credit- owning a catalog so l ean plan today will we have to pay for ten-week session while demand­ I my courses until graduation. tomorrow (actually there v e n ’t ing the same amount of work— M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s AS MILD Jack P arr would so many left anyway). It must it seems paradoxical that the say, this is “a bit much”. be stopped somewhere and I library open hours are being As a m atter of fact, don’t you suggest it be stopped right cut by eleven percent during Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued think you think the catalogs now, with the catalogs. the first five-week session. on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter themselves are ‘a bit much’? Being of a usually quiet and I hope that the summer term and spring quarters. Issued twice-weekly during the summer L haven’t seen this year’s reserved nature, I have little students and faculty members term. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. edition yet. but I bet it has gold knowledge of how to carry out est- this cut in library Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services build­ edges, with a fur-lined cover. a rebellion. I have taken pre­ jfi. ing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Actually, I would be just as vious ADMINISTRATION pol­ While speaking of the utiliz­ Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term, 3; for happy with • mimeographed icies philosophically, but -I ation of the library» m*y 1 *1* two terms, $4; for three terms, 15. . pamphlet describing the cours­ feel they have gone too d- • • so suggest a reduction of ex­ Member of the Associated Press, inland Daily Press Associa­ es. Let them save the high- far. I suggest a passive resist­ cessive noise by the library tion and the'College press. class edition for the high school ance. We most not* buy the staff and perhaps the re-sched­ students they are trying to lyre catalogs. I implore you to use uling of file Beaumont Tower Editor .... Marcia Van Ness News Editor Joe Harris into this p eat institution of the catalogs in the reading concerts which looee their aes­ Adv. Manager ... Jerry Lundy Photo Editor Fred Bruflodt higher education. room of the fibrary. This is thetic appeal while studying as­ Circulation Mgr. Bill Marshall Copy E ditor___ Dan Whitney A sneaky, underhanded raise our only course. Let the AD­ signed reading books. City Editor.... Charles RicbardsAsst Adv. Mgr. — Bob Cook in tuition to cover the cost of MINISTRATION keep Its |1 Karl Magyer Michigan State News, East Lafesing, Michigan, Friday Morning, Ju ly 7 , 1 9 6 1 3 Honors Given L O C K .,. I'M W O R W I N S .... S E E ? I'M U i0 fif? V iN 6 .„ To 6Miss Lanoing9 Lansing and Buchanan beaut­ ies captured the opening round of the Miss Michigan contest U J E L L , m o u d o n 't w a n t Wednesday at Muskegon’s first M E TO (NERDO IT T H E annual Seaway festival. F i r s t dm , d o m s u ? Jane Ann 'Brougham, Miss Lansing, won the talent divi­ sion with her piano playing. Lucille Helms, Miss Buchanan, took the swimsuit division. The 32 Miss Michigan en­ trants competed Thursday and Friday, with Miss Michigan of 1962 to be named Friday, even­ ing. Miss Brougham, 22; was For Peace Corps graduated from Michigan State University in June with a de­ gree in music. She stands S feet 4, weighs 120 pounds and C o u rse in 9A s ia n measures 36-24-36. Miss Helms, 18, weighs 115 pounds, stands 5 feet 4 and L a n g u a g es T a u g h t measures 34-23-34. Students interested in the Korean - Jeung Rhee; The two winners \vere pre­ Japanese - Okifumi Komesu; sented with 150 scholarships culture and languages of the Hindi - Narmil Singh._ and toophies by Nancy Anne orient have been invited by Dr. Fleming of Montague, the pre­ Stanley Townsend head of the WHILE, students are not ex­ siding Miss America, and Don­ Department of Foreign Lan­ pected to master the languages na Jean Sheperd of Dowagiac, enceguages to visit classes in'S ci­ and Arts 410. within the brief span of time, the current Miss Michigan. SA 410 is beneficial in reflect­ SA 410 is formally entitled 'M iss Brougham played the “Professional Seminar and in­ ing modes of oriental thought. prelude in C-sharp minoi1 for troduction to Oriental Lan­ Townsend disclosed: piano by Rachmaninoff for her guages” Within five weeks “A survey of the four lan­ talent victory. Miss Helms par­ students are exposed to the guages gives one keener in- aded to victory in a white bath­ fundamentals of Chinese, Ko­ -sight in understanding the ing suit. _ rean, Japanese* and Hindu. complexities of the Asian JAN BROUGHAM, Miss Lansing for 1161 and Jane grad The winner of the Miss Mich­ Classes are held Monday mind., igan contest will compete for thru Friday from 1-2 p.m. En­ “ The course,” he added, “ is from MSU, participated in the Miss Michigan finals held the Miss Michigan title in At­ gaged in teaching are: recommended- for aspiring last night. lantic City later this summer. Chinese • Joanne Randall^ ' Peace Corps members.” SEM I A N N U A L S A L E / I SUITS - SLACKS - SPORTCOATS East Graad R iver Ob The Campus Mieh'^-’n State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, Ju ly 7 , 1 9 6 1 A WORKMAN places flenreseent lamps in fixtures jest installed iaBessey Hall ,— located across form the Auditorium. R ea d y in F a ll o f 562 S ix B u ild in g s U n d e rw a y By JANET WELLMAN I classes will meet in tbes build- Work on the second new dor­ A DOOR in Bessey Hall gets its first coat of paint. The State News Staff Writer “ g- mitory, Wilson Hall, has just building is to open in the fall. and caissons for the founda­ The growth of Michigan State EPPLEY CENTER, the new tion are bong s e t This dormi­ University is seen in the con­ begun. Excavation is going on tory is located directly south struction of six new buildings headquarters for the college of of Case Hall and is to be ready S trin g C o n g re ss this year. Classroom, research, business and public service, is located between Shaw Hall for occupancy in- the fall of 1962. and living facilities will be pro­ and the Owen graduate Center. vided by the buildings now in Eppley will be completed by The jiew engineering build­ ing is also to be finished next P la y s C la s s ic a ls various stages of completion. the opening of fall term and year. This building, is located All of the buildings will be will be used for classes in busi­ on Shaw Lane next to Anthony Hall. T he m usic of T chaikovsky is 5 The full orchestra, un d er the ness service, personnel and ready for use by fall term of production administration. Lec­ p a rt of th e p ro g ra m to be play- direction of Thor Johnson will 1962, according to Adam Hull- ture halls with built-in step- ALSO UNDER construction ed by the S tring C ongress in play Tchaikovsky's Serenade in nek, planning engineer for the seating arrangements- are a is a n e w dairy cattle research th e ir concert. M onday a t 8 15-C Major for Strings; Opus 48. department of buildings and feature of the building. building 00 College Road. This p m . in F a irc h ild A uditorium , j The first movement in the form utilities. _ Case' Hall, one of the new building will contain all the dairy research facilities and T he S trin g C ongress consists ¡of a sonata, the second, a waltz, Bessey Hall, located across dormitories, is partially finish­ the dairy barns on south cam­ of 98 stu d en ts from the U. S., the third an ellegy and the from the Auditorium, will be ed and is due to be open by the pus will be removed. C an ad a, P u e rto Rico, an d j finale, Andante, Allegro Con c o m p l e t e d sometime this winter term of 1962. Four building« of Cherry H aw aii who a re p a rtic ip a tin g in j month. Bessey contains 35 CASE IS ON Shaw Lane next Lane married bousing apart­ eig h t w eeks of co n c e n tra ted * classrooms and is air-condi­ to the university fire station. ments will be ready for oecu- stu d y a t MSU, u n d er th e d irec- ! T his p re m ie r p e rfo rm an ce of tioned. It has an auditorium- The plan of the building fol­ pancy for fall term . The re­ tion of th e c o u n try 's e m in en t I th e S trin g C ongress will be fol- type lecture area and the west lows that of the Owen Grad­ maining eight buildings will be l ,• ConSress ls j lowéa by another p ro g ra m on wing of the building contains uate Center. The rooms are de­ finished during fall term. A to­ a rsi Jb ,, i i d r nran F e d e ra tio n o f_M usicians. w -¥ « « « .« ¿ .a * * . will be played a t this time. staff offices. All of the Ameri­ signed -for two students and can thought and .language, hu­ every two rooms'will be con­ tal of 116 apartments will be available upon completion of T he g ro u p h a s been divided manities-, and social science nected by a bath. into two sections alp h ab etically . The first section will be h e a rd in H an d el's “ C oncerto G rosso in E M inor, Opus 6 No. 3.” T h e opening m ov em en t is a ! L a rg h e tto , the second an An- ! d a n ti, th e th ird an A llegro, th e j fo u rth is P olo n aise, A ndante, a n d th e la st m o vem ent in Ai- j le g ro ; M a Non Troppo. T he solo violinists a re Wil- ; lia m H ybel an d M ichael G er- ! ling. Dr. Paul O b erg . w ho for j eight years w as p ian ist and organist for th e M inneapolis Symphony O rc h e s tra an d is the head of the music and ed u ca­ tion departments at th e Uni­ versity of Minnesota, will plav I the Continuo part. The. second section—will be I heard in Vaughan William’s, j "Con Grosso for String Orehe-1 stra »’ The first movement is I in Trada; Largo, the second is j Buribsca O s tin a ta ; A l l e g r o lioderato, the third “is Sara-1 bande; Lento and the fourth is! March and Reprise. JSPPLEY HALL, the new bofldlng for Business Administration. —State News phetes by T. S. Creduti Michigan State "N ew , E a t Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, Ju ly 7 , 1 9 6 1 5 S h o p A l l D a y S a t u r d a y i n C o o l 9 A i r - C o n d i t i o n e d C o m f o r t KNAPP'S"W ONDERVALUE"NYLONS GIVEYOUM OPEW EARPERPAIR F reed from runs from toe . tip« l Narrow run guard« prevent this. • Full-fashioned dress sheers • Seamless dress sheers • Seamless mesh sheers • Full-fashioned walking sheers P a ir 3 Pairs 2.85 • S-T-R-E-T-C-H dress sheers Freedom from run» or welt«. No etreaks. clear colors, lg run guard« atop We have a complete wardrobe of styles to choose from for your every hosiery garter «train. need. Knapp's maintains the highest quality you can find in nylons. You’ll find fashion styling and hosiery tones to complement any outfit you wear in three wonderful shades; Rosetone, Taupetone and Rhumba in seamless style only. Pro­ portioned to assure perfect fit. Sizes 1% to 11, short, medium, long. ~ RNAPP’S HOSIERY — STREET LEVEL, E. LANSING „ Freedom from tightnasa and «train at thighs! Lota m ore elasticity I SUMMERBRA You won’t want tomiss this great shape-up event! Hurry, take advantage of ANDGIRDLE tlie outstanding savings we’ve planned for you. The collection is as varied as figures themselves and we have styles to fit and flatter every figure! SPECIALS! FOUNDATIONS — CARDEN LEVEL, E. LANSING For Cool Summer Comfort Combination Law» . Sprinkler ui Sunnier Beauty Begins at Knapp’s COOLING FUN SHOW ER DOROTHY GRAY SPECIALS H EN ’S CORD SLACKS Soothing texture lotion, mild A strin­ gent for norm al skin or oUy skin- Aids oily skin, keeps normal skin lovely. lC-os. sise. - P 8 C . AU 3 .8 8 .More fun than a pool fo r th e little ones. Spray Orange glow er skin freshener for sen* Men's wash and wear, 110^ combed cord »lack» sitlve d ry er norm al skin. Remove fountain sprinkler head show ers up to 39 feet. soili from clogged pores. Cooling and Fine tailoring for longer wear and perfect fitting Sprinkles lawn while- children are playing. Made refreshing, lf-os. aise. comfort. Available -in blue only with plain atyie of high im pact plastic; front. TOILETRIES A COSMETICS — TOY8 — GARDEN LEVEL, E. LANSING STREET LEVEL, E LANSING MRN’S WEAR — STREET LEVEL, E. LANSING Knapp9» East Lansing Open today til 5 :30, all day Saturday 2:30 M.A.C. AVE PHONE ED 2-5006 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, Ju ly 7 , 1 9 6 1 6 _________ Lone Bandit Robs Lansing Bank C a m p u s A lone bandit walked off with who was described as weigh L ib ra ry G o e s to $3,000 from the south branch ing ISO pounds and standing G r o u n d s m e n about 5-’ 11” tall. He wore an of the Lansing American Bank army fatigue hat, a tan V-neck S u m m e r H o u rs and Trust company Thursday T shirt, and was carrying a R e a l C u tu p s morning, _ - Jacket over his arm. ] . By DAN WHITNEY Chapin indicated that Sat­ State News Stag Writer urday evening was chosen to LawnmoWers play an im­ A city and state police pur­ Police stated that the robber be cut because that is the time suit began at once in an at­ might have had an accomplice Summer hours for the cam­ portant part in the grounds they have the least amount of maintenance of the MSU cam­ tempt to apprehend the bandit who did not enter the bank. pus library are now in effect. students using the library fa­ The new hours are from 8 a.m. pus. cilities. CAMPUSCLASSIFIEDS to 11 p.m. Monday through Also in effect now is a limi­ The annual area of grass cut Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat­ tation on checking out books on campus, including that urday, and 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. from the. Education division. around housing units, buildings Sunday. Books may only be checked out and gardens, is 000 acres, ac­ DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day' Before Publicationrfor Wed. and The only day actually af­ cording to Burt Ferris, grounds for one week and on a no re­ Fri. Editions. fected by the new schedule is newal basis. maintenance head. This does Saturday. The library will be “WE HAVE a greater de­ not include the* golf Course or Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 closed Saturday evenings In­ the stadium athletic field. mand the services of the Edu­ stead of staying open until cation division during the sum­ Last year 12,300 hours were 11 p.m. mer session,” said Dr. Chapin. spent cutting university grass. When questioned as to the “ Since the session is only five The university owns $40,000 A U T O M O T IV E ¡LO ST a n d F O U N D reasons for this change, Dr. weeks, if we let each student worth of mowing equipment, A USTI ft HEALEY Sprite, iöüd LOST: ‘61 Michigan Stat« Class Richard Chapin, Director of check a book out for two weeks, ranging from small hand condition, 13000 mile* b e lt oiler, Ring. Reward. ED 2-1391. ? lib ra rie s,g a v e the following call ED 7-1479. Hoby. tf then only two students can mowers to large multi-blade REWARD! lost; pair of prescrip­ information. make use of a particular book mowers. -- 1996 CHEVY 2-door hard-top, fully tion sunglasses. Black and gold lost equipped. Exceptionally food con­ on campus over one week ago. CHI HE SAID that under the. during that time.” The campus is divided into dition. one owner. Cali ED 7-0382. 6 ED 7-9816. 6 present budget, a cut in hours “But by limiting students to numerous small areas, with a FORD 1997, 9 passenger Country was the most effective way to one week, as many as four or gardener in charge of each Sedan, In excellent condition. ED R EA L ESTA TE utilize the personnel under his five students can utilize the 2-3610. tf area.. It is the job of each direction. same book.” gardener to cut the grass, plant ‘39 SIMCA. white. 4-door, radio EAST LANSING I! — FACULTY I! A healer, white-well tires. 9,600 ju st listed I! Spacious 3 bedroom and replace plante-^and keep miles. 9990. ED 7-0392.____________ ? ranch, oversized Hvihg room with the area beautiful EM PLOYM ENT fireplace, homey large kitchen with built-in«. oven and stove with hood­ INFORMATION Lawn cutting equipment is ed vent fan, big eating area over­ kept in sub-maintenance cen­ looking a 83' x 189' yard. Look a t Heart of the Home Confer mer School and Evening Col WANTED. Medical techologist with the price 11! Only 118.900 w ith excel­ ence, Kellogg Center. Spon­ lege, will speak on “Constitu ters located in each area. These bacteriology experience and medical lent terms. Call R.J. Frink. IV 4-7799 technologist fo r- general laboratory or IV 2-4970. or ED 2-6999, W alter sored by the MSU College of- tional Convention.” For infor­ centers contain all necessary work, . Local hospital. Call IV 7-549L Neller Co. Realtors. Brookfield Plaza. florae EconomicsrrA continua mation contact Dr. William materials to maintain each ext 296. 7 6 area. tion of the Disabled Home Bateman, Extension 3035. July BABY SITTER WANTED. lull time LIKE EAST LANSING! It's a Each year 350 hours are for two boys, ED 2-0472. 6 good place to live and work. Own a maker Workshop, probing prob­ 11. sturdy brick 3 bedroom ranch home lems of the cardiac ^patient Poultry Housing Workshop, spent to replace grass seed REGISTERED Professional Nurse near Brookfield Shopping Center. and sod in already planted for visiting nurse association staff Half mile to campus. Enclosed p ri­ For information contact Clay Kellogg Center. July 11-13. duty. Public health experience de­ vate playground. Cedar paneled rec ton Well, Extension 3083. July School Lunch Cooks and Cook lawns. Sod is obtained from sirable, .'but not mandatory. Must room in basement. A ttached garage. the turf nursery, which is part have a good personal car to drive Drive to 2039 Brentwood and see for Managers, Union Building. while on duty. Call IV 9-3343. 13 yourself. FHA term s or land con- Foreign Film Series, Fair­ Sponsored by the MSU Depart­ of the golf course. tract 'wilh owner. Call John Petroff. Office IV 5-7174 or home, IV 6-5579. child Theatre *7:59 p.m. Ikini ment of Institution Administra­ Fertilization of grass and F O R SA L E (“ To Live") (Japanese). Fas­ tion. Michigan school lunch plants requires 650 hours an­ POLAROID WITH COPIER, case; LEAVING MSU. will sacrifice cinating and forceful drama of cooks and supervisors will nually. inters, wink-light. $60. $3.500 in Improvements, and equity middle-class life in contempo PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Smith* in 4-5 bedroom Mason home with study accounting, purchasing, Corona, with case; $30. ED 7-0392. 5 large shadv yard. Double garage. rary Japan. July 7 and 8. menu planning and other areas CHILDREN'S BEDROOM SUITE. Redwood fence. New gas „furnace. Downstairs newly carpeted and tiled. Church Music Workshop, Kel related to their trade. For in­ Egypt’s pleasure-loving an­ Red Cedar. Bunkbeds, ladder, railing, 2 baths or extra apartm ent up. logg Center. Sponsored by the formation contact Robert Im- cient peoples decorated their doubledresser, mirror, chest. ED ORchard 7-0081. - 16 MSU Department of Music and mel, 'Extension 3083. July 11 tombs with pictures of parties 2-3610. tr in the belief that the fun would EAST LANSING!! Professors!! Just Committee on Church Related through 13. Fresh straw berries daily. Farm listed. 4 bedroom Colonial within fresh eggs-Also other fresh fruits ,tnd walking distance of campus and"* Programs. About 150 organists 4-H Club Week Meeting, sec­ last forever. ~ - vegetables at reasonable Dric;<*5-Road­ Glencarin School; 23 foot living room and choir directors f r o m ond and third floors of Union, side Farm Market, 2 miles east of with fireplace. Formal dining room E. Lansing on US 16 at Okemos Rd plus large breakfast room. I 1* baths, churches across the nation will 7:30 to 11 p jn . For information new gas furnace. Two car gartge. study methods and materials contact Marie Fink, Extension M S U GRADUATION RINGS. See spacidu# yard. Only $21.500. Call R'J. SWIM SUITS them at the Card Shop. -Across from Frink IV 4-775» or IV ’*2-4570 or ED of all types of church music. 3071, July 11. Home Ec. building. ED 2-6753. tf 2-6595 W alter Neller. Co. Realtors. For „information contact How­ Summer Circle Theatre, BOXER OR STRETCH Brookfield Plaza. 8 ard Bernson, Extension 3083. “The Skin of Our Teeth," by- SUMMER SALE SUBURBAN HOME within city July 9 through 14. limits, two miles north of campus. Thornton Wilder. Demonstra­ International Council of Shop­ tion Hall, 8:30 p.m. July 12. only $3.95 . Three-bedroom brick and frame tri- Watchbands - one showcase °> level; tw o-carport l ’i - - b a t h s . ping Centers, Kellogg Center; Orchestra Concert, Music Speidel. Gemex, and Jew eler’s best dining room, iamitv room, two duality bands • 20'a OFF. 8 name- room, patio, air conditioned.laundry equipped kitchens, equipped Sponsored by the MSU College Auditorium, 8:15 p.m. Hans Len Kositchek’ s Less of Business and Public Service. brand watches, some El gins. Witt- than a venr old with large lot and Lampl, Director. Sponsored by nauers, Grue'ns, ** OFF plux taxes. nice countrv view. "FHA terms- or New concepts, elements and the Department of Music. July might consider contract with low Varsity Shop Large selection of fine diamond down payment to responsible party. developments in the field will 15. rings,* *4 to Vi* OFF. One table of 1606 Greencrcst. near Hagadorn Rd. be discussed by owners and op­ Agricultural Research Con­ 228 ABBOTT RD. better, boxed jewelery. We will now and M-78. tf erators of shopping centers E. LANSING break sets. Save doublv with Dia­ ference, Kellogg Center, MSU. BRICK . RANCH HOUSE. built mond Bonus Savings Stamps. Use 1954. 4 bedroom. 2 baths, or 3 bed* across the country at this fifth July 13 through 15. them to get FREE „Diamond m er­ rooms plus 3 room apt. Quiet area. annual conference^ For infor­ chandise. Okemos sub-division. ED 7-7676. 8 mation contact Tom Collins. Extension 2543. July 9 through WM. H. THOMPSON S E R V IC E 15. A Beautiful Wedding TYPING. TWO blocks from campus. 4-H Club Week, for informa­ CUSTOM JEWELERY Call ED 2-4520. tf tion contact 4-H Club Office. is long remembered Extension 3071. July 10. FRANDOR MALL TYPIST ANN Electric typew riter BROWN. ED 2-8384, Term papers Graduate Recital, Music Aud­ with and theses, also general typing; IV- 5-0749 tf itorium, 8:15 p.m. The recital flowers from Your Com plete. Service Jew eler will present woodwind special­ ist Kendall Merlau (flute clar­ inet.) Sponsored by the De­ Barnes Floral o f East Lansing TRAILERS FOR SALE partment of Music. July 11. NEW MOON Mobile Home 8'x37>,\ 215 Ann — ED 2-0871 • Open Evenings & Sunday Completely refinished Inside and out. MSU Men’s Club Luncheon, Will help in arrangingTinancc. T rail­ e r No. 124, Trailer Haven. 2780 E. Union Parlor C, 12 Noon. Dr. Artistry # Selection 6 Service Clair Taylor, Director of Sum- G rand River.__________ tf CANDY F O R RENT Mailed Anywhere FURNISHED 3-room cabin at Lake Complete Assortment I Lansing for 1 o r 1 male students. Complete housekeeping facilities. 812 w eekly with utilities paid. ED 2-6022 Available At i SUMMER SCH O O L SPEC IA L j 5 i APARTMENTS The Card Shop I This A<1 and 75c Good for $1 Basket of Balls at f NEW APARTMENT for 4, 532 Park Gane. with cooking privileges, ap­ Across From 1 FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE j proved. unapproved, supervised, u n- Home Economics Bldg. supervised. Available now. Call ED 3-0949 or ED 7-2676. 8 ED 2-8753 I APT. FOR RENT, Kalamazoo East. Clean, three large rooms, furnished, I all utilities garage and basement. Couple or two singles IV 4-4890. 6 TOP REPAIRS Low Price! Unit­ I --- ROOMS ed Radio. Will remove, reoeir, end reinstall American car radio •7.95, including parte, labor and 30 for I Also have fun at the World’s Largest Miniature Golf Course \ MALE STUDENTS; Sum m er rooms day unconditional auarante*. Eaat I Available at Howland House Co-op Saxinaw and Falrview. IV 9-9187. for 83 and 98 per week. Room ana open until 9 pm. 11 I 35c’til 7 p.m. —any day but Sunday | Board for I l f and #14 per week. pH Ann Street. ED 2-6931. 14 WANTED I ( BUY . . . SELL . . . RENT r. Veteran. Avail- I 5 Minutes east of MSU on Grand River 9 • CAAiPUS CLASSIFIEDS . , abla for local hauling. Furniture to traah. Call IV 4-06» a t wife Jenet. I »• QUICk RESULTS . . . CD 7-11». tf ir M r w m r M C M rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM rM #M rM rf*rM rM r6> rK _ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 7, 1961 - N e w p o r t F e s tiv a l R e p o r t Special to the State News and taverns were closed at 1:00 a.m. Also new local ordinances drinking c o n t a i n e r on the conceivable. They slept on tha Good Jazz and no riots char­ were enforced to end the heaps streets. Many people" felt the beach, on stone walls, on park acterized the Newport J a z z Some local Newportians said of beer cans on the streets that they bad fun until the festival cops had done a good job — too benches, and hotel lobbies and Festival this year. took almost a week to clean up good a job. hallways in this quaint resort The annual event which lost came, as Newport ignores last year. town of narrow streets and old many Rhode Island laws most One thing that was still pre­ the sponsorship of P. Lorrilaord No one was allowed to carry valent was the presence of per­ homes. The main street in Co. last year after riots t h a t of the year. any beverage in any sort of sons sleeping in every place 5 See NEWPORT Page 8 bordered on anarchy, was held this year by a private g r o u p called Music at Newport Inc. THE FESTIVAL which had been cancelled was held on the condition that the sponsors pro­ vide adequate police protection Churches to prevent recurrence of last year’s events which saw many streets of Newport littered in M A R TIN LU TH ER CHANEL places a foot deep in beer cans PEOPLES CHURCH EASTMINSTER and bottles, public displays of sex, fighting out of control, in­ & STU D EN T C EN TER PRESBYTERIAN vasion of private homes, and destruction of property which EAST LANSJNG eventually Caused the State Po- (Missouri Synod — Wisconsin Synod) CHURCH lice and then the National Interdeneminatlonn G uard to be called in To bring 444 Abbott Road - 3 Blocks N. of Union 200 West Grand River at K _ Dr. waUant Robertson. T n m 1115 Abbott Rd., E«' Ing about order. *“ Dr. F. Marion Simms Radio station WADK in New­ Rev. B s y 'l. Schramm Rev. Robert LrTOoretand. .Minister port summed up the festival’s Dr. N. A. McCune. 541 Walbrldse Drive s u c c e s s i n i t s commentary Pastor Wm, J. Britton, Fastor Emerito* „ Luther*» Campus Chaplain Rev. Joseph Porter which said, “ Once again peo­ SUMMER SUNDAE PROGRAM ple associate Newport with jazz instead of riots. Chapel * Parsonage Telephone EDHTh77S ir s o am. Church School. Crlbbcry WORSHIP SERVICES through tth Grade ThC festival was not a terri­ 10:00 A.M. fic financial gain for its spon­ 10:09 a.m. Public Worshio Sunday Service 10:45 a.m. sors. Last'~Monday, the l a s t day of the festival, it was an­ tO NAH, - SERMON nounced that a t least 10,000 “FLICHT FROM REALITY1 "LIVING WITH YOURSELF" “SPIRITUAL MOUNTAIN-CLIMBING: Dr. Wallace Robertson persons would have to attend the final night in order for the “POWER OF THE MEEK” festival to break even. Up to Church School STUDENTS WELCOME Crib room Through high that time 37,000 people had at­ school age CaU ED 2-0024 (or transportation tended t h e .previous three Providing a Cam pus M inistry for M arried and Single Students 10:00 A.M. nights performances with a record set Saturday night of over 14,500 people. AND WHAT WAS the reason ST. JOHN STUDENT KIMBERLY DOWNS METHODIST CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF for the crowds? Probably one of the best lineups of names in j jazz was present. Friday night PARISH CHURCH OF CHRIST OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST saw such guests as Cannonball Adderley, Maynard Ferguson, Fr. R. (Cavanaugh Dave Brubeck, Lambert, Hen­ Fr. I . McDevitt _ 3*7 M.A.C. EAST LANSING 709 EAST GRAND RIVER dricks and Ross, Carmen Mc­ 1*97 Kimberly Drive. Lansing — and Rae, Ramsey Lewis,' and Louis Sunday M an,, - East Lansing 7:3« - 8:43 - 10:0« - 11:30 (1 blk. N. of vvji.m Country House) Armstrong. Saturday night was really IBaby sitting at 1:43 ft IV 9-7130 WESLEY FOUNDATION Church Service 11 A.M._ 10:0# Masses) Sunday School 11 A.M. way out with Chico Hamilton, Wilson M. Tennant, John Coltrane, Horace Silver, Daily Masses 4:43 ft I a h . Del L. Wlnlnger, Minister Sunday School for University — Georg* I. Jordan Students 9:30 a.m. the Jazztet, Bill Henderson, Saturday Masses IM ft 9:0« a.m. Ministers Gloria Lynne, and Count.Basie. SUNDAE SERVICES Subject Confessions dally at S:3 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday nights Saturday «-5:3a ft 7:39-9:«t p.m. "SACRAMENT" did' not match Saturday’s at­ Morning Worship ~ 1 9 :3 0 a.m. Aud at all Masses except Sunday tendance individually, but Ger­ Novena Services Rey. Wilson M. Tennant ry Mulligan, Stan Getz, Anita Bible Study 9 :4 3 « m. Wedneiday Evening Meeting I P.M. Tues. 7:3# p.m. T U I S. Harrison Road Reeding Room O’Day, Eddie Harris, J a m e s 134 W. Grand River Moody, Art Blakey, Duke El­ Evening Worship <:oo p.m. Church Services: 9:43 ft 11:00 a.m. Compline ft Benediction lington, George Shearing, Sa­ -Sun. 7:39 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible Study Nursery for both Services Mon. thru Sat. I am . * 5 p.m. rah Vaughan, Oscar Peterson, Mon., Tues., Thurs., ft Fri. I pun. - 1 p.m. 1 Quincy Jones, Cal Tjader, Slide 1 1:3$ p.m. _ Dance every Saturday nicht-- Hampton, and Miriam Makeba 9 - It. Church School All are welcome to attend Churfh had some great sessions. Phone ED. .7-9770. For transportation Call ED 2-0239 Services, and- visit and us* the Some of the festival has be­ 9:45 a.m. CoUcgt class Reading Room. ED 7-1090 or ED 3*1900 11:11 a n . AU Age* come commercialized w i t h performers playing hits associ­ ated with them more often and an absence of the session-like atmosphere of past festivals. EAST LANSING SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH The shows were held only at SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE, EDGEWOOD night. FRIENDS MEETING LAN8 ING NEWPORT as a city was completely prepared for this (Quakers) _ HOWARD F. SUGDEN, D. D., Paster PEOPLES CHURCH year. Over 500 extra policemen DESMOND J. BELL, Assoc. Paster were on duty or reserve. Ru­ Meeting for Worship at mors were numerous that t h e Wesley Foundation, 343 Park Interdenominational 11:00 A.M. "This Man Warns You!" 400 North Hag ad* rn. Road police were brought in from Lane, East Lansing 7:00 P.M. "Living God — Dying Man" M:0S AM . (5 block« north ot Grand Rivet) New York City but they were For Information, Phene only local Rhode Island cops. ED 3-1998 _ Bible School 19:00 a.m. Judging from their actions It SUNDAY SERVICES was not hard to understand the CaU IV 2-0502 for free transportation rumors. Groups that gathered Summer hour — 0:30 am . anywhere w e r e immediately July 9th, 14th, 23rd, Sermea by Rev. Truman A. Morrison broken up with swinging riot FIRST PRESBYTERIAN July n th , sermon by Rev. Robinson sticks if there was any delay, The riot sticks looked like A tte n d Som e G. Lapp baseball bats. Much liquor and Ottawa and Chestnut August tth, 13 th, 20th, Sermon by beer was seized and confiscat­ Rev. Jack Harrison ed immediately from adults as Worship Services 9:30 A.M. well as minors. There was talk C h u rch Summer Ckureh School Sundays, 0:30 am . on a radio WADK radio forum (Nursery Provided) held every morning of s o m e Crlbreem and Preschool age groupi libel suits. • « U P FLIGHT OP FAITH’' Rhode Island’s “blue laws" were enforced to the hilt Peo­ Bar. Sheaf preaching E very S u n d a y . . WELCOME! .... I ple were arrested for such things as dancing on Sunday Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning. Ju ly 7 , 1 9 6 1 8 . _________ C o n f e r e n c e f o r D is a b le d E .R .A . 0 .7 9 ! H o u s e w iv e s E n d s S a t u r d a y A conference dedicated to helping disabled housewives The conference is to be held in Kellogg coiter. Attending will be some SO There have been no great for Detroit assume a normal role in fam­ on a forceout and A1 Kaline’s The Tigers picked up eight occttpatianal and physical ther­ headlines proclaiming t h e single, and scored on a sacri­ hits also, the butt coating off ily and community relations apists, rehabilitation counsel­ pitching efficiency loeer Galen Cisco <1-S>, for­ ors, social workers, nurses sad Fox of the Detroit Tigers. of Terry fice fly. ~ will run through July 8. Regan and Bruton put to­ mer Ohio State football player. The conference will deal home ecenemk s teachers. _ Probably the biggest reason gether back-to-back doubles to Regan now owns bo 8-4 rec­ specifically with the activities A special workshop on "The for this is that Fox has not bump the count to 2-0 and Ka- ord. of victims of polio, cardiac di­ Heart of the Home” will be worked quite as much as some line and Cash singled succes­ The league-leaders return seases, arthritis, auto acci­ held July 7 dealing with the of the outer sively -in the sixth, KalinO home tonight from their east­ dents and other crippling ill­ particular problems of the car­ But Fox’s Tiger reliefers. - pitching - cannot scoring on Steve Boros’ force­ ern trip to meet the Los An­ nesses or injuries. diac homemaker. P°!ssible go unmentioned much out. n geles Angels under the Jights. longer, especiaty if he contin­ lor N e w p o rt ues the work he showed Thurs­ day 'afternoon as the Tigers P o o l W e a th e r (Continued from page 7) blanked the Boston Red Sox A W O RD DANGLER town, Broadway, a remnant of 3-0. F o r W eekend colonial days is narrower than West Circle Drive. _ IT IS TRUE that Fox pitched To make a submarine sandwich we start wttk a 1, FOUR GROUPS were present to only one man, Sox-second which is a four letter word starting with R. Other ingre­ It will be Intramural Pool weather this afternoon. in Newport. They were the col* baseman Chuck Schilling, and dients are 2, a 8 letter word wheee 4th letter is the same legains, the beats and jazz ad­ forced him to pop out to Norm as the second letter of the first word, 3,4,5,8,7,8. The weatherman predicted dicts, the Navy (tth Fleet Cash a t first. - - th e . temperature will hover in Headquarters,) and the New But consider the circumstan­ the 80-85 degree area. Satur­ York hoods and New England ces. d a y ’s weather offers more of punks. With this combination It was the last of the ninth, the sam e, with little change in of different interests and per­ two men were out, and the Red temperature. It will probably sonality types it is not hard to Sox had men on first and sec­ be a little coolef Sunday, how­ understand the riots of last ond. Schilling represented the ever. year. potential tying run. A place just, outside of the A hit here jcould have put the ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ gate'at the festival is now cal­ Bengals on the ropes, and T h e first American Red led “blood alley.” It was the -might have led to a tumble out Cross chapter was founded in scene of the fights that sparked of the American League lead. Dansville, N. Y.,_Aug. 22, 1881 the riot. No riots this y e a r This is pressure pitching at its by Clara Barton. however; just good Jazz. best, and it is something Fox has been doing all season. ana asts ntnann HE HAD worked 34 innings Crossword Puzzle. □□n □□□ uuaaa before Thursday’s perform­ □□□ nanziMnaaa ance and allowed just—count □□□□a aacjR ’em—three earned runs. His ACBOSS IS. Phytic lan; aranci nnrjri o sa earned run average? A micro­ 1. Prejudic» tlang □□□nei uaaaa scopic 0.79. , • Cry 35. Scant □□□nau naaciao Fox was part of the trade A lams way 3S. Margin« 38. Bawl □nana ounan which brought Billy Brutonx off - 40. Jap. drama □□a anaci oaao and Dick Brown from Mil­ waukee in exchange-for Frank 12 Eng. 41. Ferrous a n c o □□□□□ prlncese 43. Looeen □naaaanuu ano Bolling. Manager Bob Schef- Seasoned with mayeaaise, it is deUciesn. IS. Shad« 45. Toper aaaaci aaa nua fing is happy srith tt, needless L Try one today at 14. Thatoaat Lat 47. Stood •laatiagly □naran m u □□□ to say. 45. E n(.. The Tigers took two of three Seiutlan af Yaoterday't P u n it CASA N O V A 15. Agitata country from Boston with the win and IS. Evaluate festival assured their slim grip on first U. Nona 51. Wanders BOWK 7 CUmbtnf Phil Regan picked up the vic­ foddeaof aimlettly 1. Strike pepper plant tory by throwing an eight-hit death 53 -Give out violently: S. Purpose IS. Mother 54. Anc. Italian 9. Glaamad shutout until forced to exit in 30. Sun family L Deeiened 10. Hifhott the eighth. ~ 211 M.AX. Avenue 21. More recent IS. Become mate voice DETROIT jumped to a 1-0 3. Old- It. lively 23. Switch fainter womaniah dance Teal early in the game when East Lansing’s oldest Pizzeria 25. Bu t 54. Sanction Bruton singled, went to third r 57. Undesired 4 .1. Indian IT. Cleopatra t 26. D d plant weifht attendant 28. Ma. -ipiec« 51. Salt S. Removed 15. Laborers 31. Giving 59. Become the wool Ik Crisp no heed weary 5. Dispostoti cracker 34. Curtailed — C H I L D ) E tE N S 35. Fruit drink i i T r I T\ r WT 27. Rugged >2- pinnacle J3 14 25. Moro /5 " isolated - St.To and • • • d 33 32. Ferment 54. For«- i r “ III uI ¡Ü Ü thought 57. Marketed B O C >K Si 55. Insect V A 1 4) • 42. Exigencies 44. Metrical feat 45. Small duck 45. Baetertolo- I w gMt’swiro 45. Elaborate malady W ’ 10. NounsuflU ‘ SA LE ■ 3/ p L_ j meaning little a ML Man's ft 53. Chew _ - and swallow 7-7 Ma tmi m mm SLACK SALE! UP IO M% OfF Regular H.95 & 12.95 now $9.99 2 -for $18-00 Regular 10.95 & 9.95 now $8.95 2 for $16.00 Regular 8.95 & 7,95 now $6.95 2 for $12.00 Spartan Bexok Store Ivy or Pleated Models • Sizes 30 to 42 Nationally Advertised Haggar'Slacks Corner Ann & MAC Ave. East Lansing * Len Xositdiek's Varsity Shop Michigan Stole New«, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 7, 1961 Football Players Awaiting IM Softball Schedule Th« following to tho schedule for the I. L ard Lakers—Kellogg riakiet 1M softball camos on Monday and naartsy.. ( Tuesday July 1 1 Resumption of Practice Monday July lractice. But don’t overlook ~a strong dark horse,” be said. • • . for points unseen football players returning for the opening day of practice Sept 1. During' the summer, m o st ot Summer Circle Presents Wilder’s leave your cloth es w ith these men work at a w ide variety of jobs ranging from ‘By the Skin of Our Teeth’ us. We’ll g et them clean! white collar to blue. The best actor and best sup­ in this humorous history of For instancerE d Budde, De porting actress of the 1960-61 humanity. troit junior, Jim Bobbit, Bu­ theatrical year at MSU will be chanan junior, and- Jim Kan- joined by eight Lansing area The play will open Thursday icki, Bay City junior, are all dramatic aspirants in the Sum­ July 12 for a four-day run. It working on construction. mer Circle’s presentation of traces the trials of mankind JIM CORGIAT, Besesmer Thornton Wilder’s “The Skin of through the ice age, war and senior, D ave Manders, Kings- Our Teeth.” fem ale rivalry in a modern ford sénior, and Wayne Fontes, Bob Winters, MSU graduate idiom by concentrating on the Canton, Ohio senior are work­ student, and Lois Martin, Dear­ George Antrobus family of E x­ in F randor Center ing in resorts. _ born junior, will take the leads celsior, New Jersey. Jim Bridges, Canton, Ohio senior, is working with an en­ gineering firm and Doug Mil-, ler, E ast Lansing sophomore, is in sales work. Besides working, these fel­ lows started training- July l . This consists of a 20-minute workout three days a week. Starting Aug. 1, this becom es a five-day chore. The routine consists of push-ups, sprints, set-ups and squat jumps. THEIR RETURN in the fall will herald the start of one of the toughest schedules in years. There are seven Big Ten team s and two outsiders. The first gam e is with Wisconsin at Madison on Sept 30. The oth­ er team s are Stanford, Michi­ gan, Minnesota, Illinois, Indi­ ana, Notre D am e, Purdue and Northwestern. V i n e a CariUot, assistant backfiekl coach, had this to say about the returning squad. “We feel fids is a fine squad, and they should go p la c e s - bul, you se v e r can tell until they g e t out on the field. It’s up to them ,” he said. HE ALSO gave some hints M c K in le y G o es to E n g la n d • *v — Chuck McKinley will become Delightful toppings for your summer separates, the youngest player to win the - f • # Wimbledon tenni« champion­ ship in 30 y e a n today if be each a fashion scoop in its own right. A triple can defect favorite Rod Laver c f Australia. treat from our collection in cotton broadcloth McKinley, a 20 year-old S t Iouiaan, .would also become that drips dry wrinkle-free. In sizes 10 to 16* the first American to win the title since Tony Trabert took it in 1955. But to do it he win A. Jester scallops on white/red/navy blouse. have to upset Laver, who is a 3-1 favorite. B. White or black bateau neckline with lace. _ McKinley matte up for his lack of height (5*8” ) with te­ C Embroidered fleuf de lis on popular over* nacity and the speed o f his chunky legs to eliminate Brit­ ain’s Mike Sangster, 6-4, 6-4, blouse. White/grey, white/yellow. Each 4 .50 W. LAVER OUSTED Ramana- than Krishnan—o f I n d ia , 6-2, 8 4 , 6-2. The British crowd began pull­ ing for Sangster to become the first Great Britain player to f : reach the finals since 1938— but settled for applauding McKinley’s overpowering play. (im M iih McKinley, a sophomore at Trinity (T ex.) university, bad m ore difficulty winning than Laver bat w as never in any •erious trouble. 10. Michigan State Newa, East Laitafrig, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 7, 1961 P r of ru n Info. IV X-JNI SEX TIM E PR IZ E W IN N E R ! Now Throiigh July 10 e o e tA A a to i— . C n t t u M i from I P .'M . j NOW . . . 2ND "Â H C T i l i T U Â T M U S T U nion Exhibits BIG WEEK! «S« To I M P. M. Feature *« t,M, 4:1«, S T A B # A M O N G Â C B IE V 1M 1M T S THE OF T G K I À T i l FU M Hindu Paintings 4:4», S:ZS P.M. Lovers embracing, an angry this school of painting worked husband beating his wife, and on a variety of subject m at­ H U M U M » M O S E R IO U S M O V IE G O E R scenes of Hindu gods and god- ter. They painted not only the traditional religious subjects, desses are subjects included W OULP W ANT TO but also their fellow Indiana, in the exhibit of Indian paint­ with all their idiosyncracies. is the ings—som e originally owned byRudyard Kipling—on exhibit , THE PAINTINGS have a M IS S I I P “ ™ -* name of now through July 10 in the A rt quality of simplification w'lich Room of the Union— were originally recognized as a boy who The exhibit, part of the pro­ an outstanding merit, for this gram of the Summer Institute simplification tends to imbue exploded on Asia, is o n .loan from the figures with a new dignity collections o f the Victoria and and grandeur lacking previous­ into Albert Museum, London, and ly. the Wadsworth Atheneuih, One critic said of the paint­ manhood n o LIVED Hartford, Conn. ings: -■ I Tlr’-S The twelve paintings from “There is an exquisite fresh­ across à* t-iWr Mat the Wadsworth Atheneum are ness and spontaneity of con­ the gift of Henry Schanaken- ception and execution in these berg. The others were donated old brush drawings . . . The three years Michigan S ta te U n iv ersity by Rudyard Kipling to the Vic drawing is made with one long FO REIG N FILM SE R IE S toria and Albert Museum in sweep of the brush in which ...and FA IR C H IL D T H E A T R E 1917. not the faintest suspicion of even a momentary indecision, three girls Friday, Saturday, J u ly 7 & 8 - 7:30 p.m. BOLD, VIBRANT coloring, not the slightest tremor can be A d m ission : -50c characterize the 40 sraallpaint- detected. ings. They are-m ainly of one “ Often," he said, “the line or two figures, such as Rama, takes in the whole figure in Connecticut’s Krishna, and Kali, (Hindu such a way that it defies you Friday gods and goddesses), or con­ to say where tee artist’s brush 'million [R E S T temporary Indians. B a c k ­ first touched the paper or AND grounds are plain, so that the where it finished its work." dofiar mile! vigorous blues, greens, ma­ roons and yellows blaze forth. Parrish is on m .ia « M g I J ö S T H ^ u a d td w d a y Many of the paintings are out­ lined in silver. ‘Ikiru’ Starts the name of CUWT 4 NIT PROGRAM The school o f pa&ting (Kali- ghat), to which these paint­ Tonight a motion a> *£ccaB £et ings belong, began around 1800 in Calcutta, ana flourished for “Ikiru," the Japanese film picture ofJosa.fhriQg«nd a century. The paintings were about a m an who knows be is then considered novel, not only going to die, will be shown a t in the conditions o f their pro­ 7:80 p.m. tonight and Saturday yon will duction, but in their radical at Fairchild; It is part of the style. ~ ~ not easily- T he artists who belonged to MSU. summer foreign film series at forget / ¡s ^ m z * rtsjv m m ass? THEATRE C L M D lV it-H NOW! FEATURE AT 1:80 - 3:18 • 5:28 • 7:31 • 9:48 ^lirs jËR^ir^BiGGEST, FÜNNIKT Ÿ etT ] w4Wiaai»«tt«M,.( u»aa » ju ^ i> « « « « a m « > iiM>»»>a v . ■veiyone’a «atteins Ho’aa about " handyman - - la a iff \ Hollywood w Jen y hotol-for girls only! an?? OM-um kmnsi ...... I ta M o o la r t ■*■■■■■ • »"»«MBaiMoooUai .and Parrish'« thro« lev«« HELEN TRÄUBEL• m r m u m II W t o s s • PAT STM IEY awanttnov usrn •umt un miturn jMBa*»M BUK sum . . m j ^ p a a waawaaruwa. aaw traw iaw w iaii OMamawraHI aaartM • aw w an ■»■■■ aaaan M i • Al EXTRA: TRAVEL*- VENTURE “GREECE” A NEWS lihnurminann — WALT DISNEY’S NEXT ATTRACTION “THF PARENT TRAP" STAKT« JUCY 14TU Starts WaAwsday, M f 12 “Baa Ihr” Daaay Kays la “8N THE D8UILE” »’■Mjgpltß ■vWM ' iVSaVT»' .• ' . Michigan State-New», East Innaing, Mich igan, Friday Morning, Jnly 7, 1961__________ 11 wiring o f Ok new unit were Plans also had been made to videotape some Spartan foot* Interior tshl stops, a camera ball, basketball and hockey platform atop toe bos aad gam es. The recent budget cut imtnilpiasfing were installed. has' thus far eliminated the Much of the work was done on possibility of videotaping any wn trait. after regular work­ football games. ing b o o n and ever the Memori­ LATER THIS year WMSB al Day hefiday by station vol­ will add a sm all delivery-type unteers foiiowaig Dion's land. truck to be integrated with The KSU paint shop applied the remote unit to carry the the green and white surface mobile videotape,, machine. to the finished product This will make it possible for BY COMMENCEMENT the the station to set up and re­ licit w as ready. The, address cord a TV program without by General Douglas Mac Arth­ having to spend extra hours ur to the 1361 graduates was setting up a microwave relay the initial program to be tele­ from the remote location to vised throogh the new facility. the station studios. The new self-propelled broad­ The remote unit, completed cast omt gives WMSB the abil­ at a cost of less than $1.500, ity to telecast from farther will make it possible for WMSB away then was previously pos­ to produce additional contract sible. The station plans to re­ programs. The bus, videotape cord segm ents for one of its machine and van to transport programs fe r n Greenfield Vil­ it were purchased with funds lage this summer for use in a gfined through contract pro- fall series. trrominff FOR SHOW TIME DIAL ED 2-5817 MOBILE STUDIO—Shown are WMSB members rolling cam era cable late the new remote studio after televising the Little League baseball game. —State News, photo by Fred Bruflodt, Picture Editor. TODAY and SAT.! *S T A T E - ■A St IANS'NC PHSNf (D.M8I _ Feature Today At 7:14, 9:25 P J L - Sat. At 1:20, 3:50. 6:20. 8:55 P.M. Old Bus Becomes New W M SB Remote Studio By LOWELL KINNEY The ducts 4and almost every­ neering equipment were in­ State News Staff Writer thing else in the unit) were cus­ stalled. Dion, using his own j tom m ade from scrap metal welding equipment, and his From football team carrier from the university salvage crew gradually reshaped the to • television on wheels—that’s yard. old bus. the story of an MSU bus. THE UNIVERSITY tin shop WMSB engineers, meanwhile, E arlier this year station fashioned new metal body pan­ removed the technical equip­ WMSB-TV purchased a 1961 Flexible bus from the univer­ els to replace the rusted por­ ment from the old remote unit, sity. The 10-year-old bus was tions of m e bus. Supports and a slow-moving trailer. Re-in window-lined; seat-filled and Tacks for production and engi- stallation of equipment and j A FROLIC I rusted. It was a typical passen­ 3 BIG DAYS - g er carrier, com plete with lug­ ÆSSuSS Sv i l k n a i i ation I -A PER TLY gage ratks and storage com­ LAST 4 DAYS! starting partments, hardly ready for R A F F IS H remote television broadcast­ ing. LU CO N m Two Great Hits SMIAY! COM EDY! (M ttiw rrn - hwhw » - «amò. With the advent of the warm­ She was hired to er spring weather Ray Dion, HIT NO. 1 SHOWN 3:44 • 8:04 studio supervisor, began the teach French but conversion process. With the assistance of a studio crew, BI6 BOLO DRAMA OF LOVE ANO CONFLICT! after one glance the bus was completely gutted, tt-Q.MMCKMft MMOMCAMBIAM at her figure - including all'w in d ow s except MONTGOMERY CLIFT A n oth er RkK om every man young the windshield. ELIZABETH TAYLOR R atop i n m th e or old - wanted FOLLOWING a preliminary interior design by Dion, re­ EVA MARIE SAINT. B w l t i s t B r o th ­ to learn anatomy! construction began. One of the e r s w h o g a v e you major problems was to pro­ UtimnUBE COUNTY T M A L L RIG H T vide a ventilation system to rid the bus of the extrem e heat JACK“ ! L NIGEL PATRICK • LEE MARVIN from the electronic equipment. fruit by TECHNICOLOR* Fan sizes and ducts needed for ventilation were calculated by a member of the Physics 2ND RIG HIT! 1:04 - 5:50 - 1 0 :« department. It was also neces­ sary to rework frame mem­ i The Novel That W as S Million bers to install the system . P eople read iti University Theatre ^SUM M ER °J m c k V -> iIR C LE MISTRESS" The Sadie Thompson Story iixhard Burton Barbara Rush 1 " R a in " dadi Canon Aï|to OfcfciMM'JiMtDai “Mow Playiig” STARTS TUES. 2 BIG HITS! a t the new arena in Demonstratioa Hall introducmg JULY 5 - 8 Box Office Honrs: t - 4 Mon. « Sat. - »tarring Phone E D M 5I1, E xt. t i l l Single Admissions Cecil P A R K E R $1.94 and $1.75 CURTAIN: 8:34 ROBERTSON JUSTICE Next Week: i - INMSCKET IAN b a n n e n “The Skin of Oar Teeth“ S m m r n w m m 'j s z * 1 - ' - 12 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 7, 1961 ■ - ( L im ite d T im e O n ly ) ~ “ ~ V v ‘| Just arrived-hundreds of titles purchased just for this sale. This is a fíne opportu­ nity to .build up your library or buy gift books at a savings up to 6 0 % SUMMER USED BOOKS^ PA PERBO U N D S Fiction — Textbooks S New“ Used Large stock at a A Hundreds of titles Educational & Popular Fraction of original prices 40% 50% 60% 70% OFF OFF E R E F E R E N C E B O O K B U Y ER S 1 Set only-1958 Encyclopedia Britannica *2 7 5 ° ° 1 Set only-1958 Encyclopedia Americana *1 5 5 ° ° LARGE COLLECTION OF PRINTS OF THE MASTERS — S P E C IA L PRE-MOUNTED — READY FOR FRAMING - (FRAMES AVAILABLE) (Sizes Up to 2x3 Feet) ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING