Serving MSU for 52 years Established 1969 Vol. 53, No. 25 East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning. July 14,1961 8 Pages Second Class Postage Paid at East Lansing, Mich. *. f . n i s v ra ta I s C e n te r O r c h e s tr a O p e n s P ro -L a b o r? By LOWELL KINNEY The film i r built around the F in e A r ts F e s tiv a l : State News Staff Writer question, “ What is- a -state la­ bor body?", asked of a teacher By ELLEN JENKS tional French overture of the ticipating in eight weeks of con­ The question of whether the by a student. The teacher State News Staff Writer 18th century,”- said Dr. Jofin- centrated study at MSU un­ MSU labor • industrial rela­ attempts to find the answer by son. “Its major borrowings in­ der the direction of the court- tions center is pro-labor or not talking with neighbors who are Distinguished music conduc­ clude the use of many short, tries’ eminent musicians. w as brought up in a question- members of unions, August tor Thor Johnson, conducting decorative jdptes reminiscent answer session following the "Gus" Scholle, president of th e the American String Congress of the French classical tradi­ DR. REED is a professor and showing of the m ovie “A State Michigan AFL-CIO, and man­ Orchestra, will open the 1961 tion as exemplified by Couperin chairman of theory and com* Labor Body" before the A U S6 agem ent representative. Fine Arts Festival at 11 a m, and Rameau. \ position in MSU's music de­ sum m er interim committee "We met as a public forum. Monday in the Auditorium. partment. He has published a la st week. — “Melodically the work is variety of compositions for or­ We wanted to get answers to The Festival will run through strictly contemporary ; har­ The movie, a controversial our own individual questions," July 21, and is open to the monically, the idiom is ad­ chestra, band, chorus, and feature in the dism isal of Warner said. public. * solo instruments. Charles A. Rogers as associ­ vanced,” he added. Reed's “Concerto for Cello a te director of the labor-indus- “IT WAS AN informative Several of the visiting talents Johnson, who“Tias a reputa­ and Orchestra" has recently, trial relations^ center, was meeting and I’m satisfied with include Conductor R o b e r t tion for encouraging modern been released by Dorian Rec­ shown to thirty-five members Shaw, dance artist Erick Haw­ music and rarefy performed ords. ’ the cooperation and forthright­ of the com mittee and student kins, and folk singer Leon classics, was the director of A convocation address. “Art ness with which the gentlemen public. Bibb. the Cincinnati Symphony for and Life,” will be given by Dr. answered our questions," he Producers of the film, Jack said, j f - The String Congress will play eleven seasons. He has been Harold Taylor, author of “Art Stieber. director of the center, the world premiere perform­ j the music director of the Ann and Intellect.” He is the for? Julie -Bock? secretary-of con- Prof. Fred Hoehler, associate a n c e ,o f Dr. H. Owen Reed’s Arbor May Festival since 1939. mer. president of Saralr Law­ g ttss. said that most of -the “Overture for Strings.” It was rence College and is now do­ director, and Edward" McCoy, questions asked were similar This summer he is conduct- head of film productions of the written expressly fot the F es­ ing research and writing. He to or stimulate^ by the lecent ilh g th e American String Con*, audio visual eenter, answered- tival and was dedicated to is a popular lecturer through­ newspaper publicity' on the mo­ I gress—a group of 98 winners of students questions after the vie. Johnson by the composer. out the U. S. auditions for the American Fed- Showing. In response to a question on “THE STYLE of the com­ eration of Musicians scholar- CONDUCTOR Robert Shaw See LABOR, Pg. 8 - position is- that of* the tradi­ I ship program. They are par­ See FINE ARTS, Pg. A ACCORDING to Dale Warn­ e r , speaker of congress, the m eeting was held to inform the students of the matter, not to take a stand, ' Renowned Artists’ Works C a r L ig h t T rip s U p On Exhibition at Kresge By ELLEN JENKS - their development and acquir­ by works of the leaders of the On July 19, at 4 p.m., the art State News Staff Writer 5 M in o r s Plcassor Renoir, Gauguin, ed examples of their successive phases. twentieth century. The em­ renter will haye an open house phasis is on the younger sculp­ as a part of the Fine Arts Fes­ THE THREE-DIMENSION­ tors and on recent work. tival program... A reception Warrants have been issued and Degas are but a few of the AL aspect of sculpture adds to The collection is^ open to the with coffee and cookies will be for the arrest”D ffiv e Lansing renowned artists whose works the collection. Twelve carefully public free of charge. The' gal­ held. People will have an op­ minors apprehended on cam ­ are on display until July 31, at chosen pieces are included^The lery is open daily from 6 a.m. portunity to meet and talk to pus in possession of alcoholic Kresge Art Center. bronzes of the early modern to 5 p.m., Saturdays and Sun­ the staff besides seeing the col­ beverages at 12:15 a.m. Tues­ They are part of the Aldrich art masters are supplemented days from 2 to 5 p.m. lection. day. None were MSU students. collection of paintings and The youths, all 19 and 20 sculpture. years old, were stopped by a The collection was compiled Department of Public Safety by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Aldrich patrol car because the car they and is being circulated by the were driving had a missing American Federation of Arts. head lamp. This will be its only showing U p o n further investigation in Michigan. the officer found 20 full or par­ tially full bottles of beer in, the “This is one of the finest and car. broadest collections we have The_ incident occurred near ever had,” said Charles E . Landon Hall on West Circle Meyer, head of the art depart­ D rive near the Abbott Rd. en­ ment. “E very piece is a m onu-. trance. _ ment to its particular type of art. You rarely run across any­ thing as complete and qualita­ tive as this. — M SU - THE COLLECTION is com- posed of th e work of artists in G e ts three broad categories. The first are the early m asters of modern art. Some works are typical exam ples while oth ers’ B e a u ty illustrate some of the less fam ­ iliar aspects of the artist. I t ’s official! Nancy Anne The second group is of the Flem ing, Miss America 1960, acknowledged leaders a f the will be a freshman at Michigan first half of the twentieth cen­ State next fall. tury. They are .lea d ers .o f Miss Flem ing applied for ad­ modern art in Europe. mission to the university last - The third and largest group fall, but when she won the Miss is composed of item s by young­ Am erica pageant, the admis­ er artists of this country as sion had to be postponed for a w ell as Europe. A large num­ year. ber were produced within the - She is scheduled to arrive' last 10 years. These artists this fall in tim e for the Wel­ h ave national reputations an«l com e Week activities. a few have attained interna­ The former honor student at tional acclaim . Montague high will major in Aldrich began to collect their Sister Mary Jeanne of Mt. St. Clare College, Clinton, Iowa, stands looking at hom e economics and minor in work« before they were w ell a painting entitled “ Summer” painted by Robert Goodman. — State News photo communication arts. known and he nas followed by Art Wieland - • HIicK"?*n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 1 4 , 1 9 6 1 “Bone In The Soviet Throat” B e r lin C r is is : U .S . v s . M r . K % As in most lengthy battles, the real issu e of th e Berlin “crisis” has,been lost amid th e th u n d er of th e controversy. W hy does K hrushchev want Berlin? Why m u st we stand fast-?— .We seem to have forgotten th a t Berlin is im portant to K hrushchev for one simple reason above all— because it is im portant to th e West. THE PRIMARY im portance of th e city is th a t it is our most accessable entrince^through th e Iron Cur­ tain. The intelligence operations of the W estern coun­ tries depend on the ease of g etting spies in and out via th e Berlin subways. The second m ost im portant factor is th e ease o f defection through Berlin. Every day, thousands o f Soviet satellite citizens rid«L_the Berlin subways to freedom. The word g e ts around, even behind th e Iron C urtain. And as long as d efection s continue a t such a rate, th e S o v ie ts have to contend w ith a m orale problem . As long as th ere is a divided B erlin, th e d efection s w ill continue. W h y? T he route m u st rem ain open because E a s t Berlin is econom ically dependent upon W est Berlin. T he Reds cannot afford to stem th e flow o f E a st Ger­ m ans to th eir job s in W est Berlin. W OULD S en ate M ajority Leader M ansfield’s p r o -_ posal fo r j i U N -controlled Berlin work to th e b en efit o e W est? N ot likely. T he U N w opld be bound to cu rtail W estern intelligen ce a ctiv itie s. And secondly, would R ussia perm it th e U N to g ra n t asylum to refu ­ g e e s from th e~E ast? C ertainly th e oth er considerations are o f som e im ­ portance. Berlin is a sym bol o f th e str en g th o f our convictions^ and it is a pow erful propaganda a g en t as a p e n in su la 'o f su ccessfu l p rivate -enterprise in a sea City Editor Says: o f x a p tiv e labor. B u t th e w ar in w hich th e w orld is now en gaged is as vicious and critical a s any w ar ever join ed , and in no war does victory fall to th ose w h o p erm it p olitical" Birch Society, Tax Cutters considerations to ou tw eigh str a te g ic im portance. □ □ aura □ □ □□ a JOK No Laughing M atter Crossw ord P u zzle araanno □ □□□□□ unimportant domestic remain­ “ powers” like Mexico and □□ □ a a a o a a □□ By CHARLES RICHARDS □□□ □□□ □ □ a o s State News City Editor der o f the budget which must may again be possible in tha ACROSS 29. Mindanao build roads, further our edu­ future—but there ijjjo indica­ native* ~ □m an a n a □□ bo Clearly analyzing the posi­ 1. Fruit drink cational processes, and fur­ tion of a pacifist world ahead. 20. Lettuce □□a a n o a a n a a a tion of such groups as th e. 4. Trench** nish social security and relief It is a disturbing thought to 91. Command n n s □□□ John Birch Society and the A O nly a a n n a a □□□□□□ Tax Cut for God and Ameri­ benefits which we have proven digest but the road to annhi- 12. Book of th* Bible: abbr. * 32. to a eat Decay anna □□□ □□□□ ca party would tickle your_ we cannot go without (i.e., Eisenhower ran in 19S2 on the liatjon is possible and it is most likely that we will reach SSrWaah for a n a □□□□□ an a funny bone in tranquil mo­ IS. Very black an □□□□□□□ promise to cut social security; the end if w e are timid and 14. Impreaaes with gold 24. Growths □□□ana □ □ can aan aaal □□□□□ ments. — But it is no laughing mat­ he boosted its benefits and unprepared. We can’t have small gov­ gran d eu r on feet ter in July, 1961. ' widened its coverage). 25. Shake These are just two of the — Consider the position of the ernment—and a free capitalist 15. Monkey 37. Article* feiutien of Yesterday's Fusale groups in the U. S.' teday Birch group. They denounce . system . If. Small of apparel handbaga " 30. Eternity which represent, at least in Communism and Communist 40. Seed 3 Comets “ sympathizers” with a vehe­ If. Poem 3». Water container* pass part, the views of millions of SO. Mike's friend passage* 41. Part of 50. Purposes 51. Low haunt 4. Calm American citizens: REDUCE TAXES, elimin­ mence that is frightening. They even look behind the Recalls MSI)T 11. Astounds a fraction 3. Encourage* desk of the President of the 12. Turns _45. Faucet DOWN ate the bureaucracy, stamp To the Editor: I . Saucepan out Big Government! , U. S. in search for “infiltra­ inside out 44. Prepare to I. Word of I am now teaching in Ken­ 2f. Shoahonean publish regret 7. Those who This we hear when Soviet tors” (Eisenhower was ac­ shoot from neth . Mackenzie school, a Indian: var. 47. Thin layer 3. One who ambush Russia is flexing its military cused of Red learnings). church-related school under the 27. Anger of gold puts money m uscles, attempting to shoul- Then, in almost the same United Church of Christ in Thai­ 2t. Previously 4f. Jap outcast in a bank f. Fry lightly der the allies out of West Ber­ breath, we hear the cry for land, as a head-teacher (prin­ f . Nocturnal lin, South America is making the elimination of big govern- cipal). / 1T" r n 7“ r 6~ 7 n r 7 “ * r TT bird ment and the abolition of the to. Protection Communist rumbling, and Fi-" Yes, rit is wonderful to be n m /i w II. Worm del Castro is shouting'“•Im­ income tax. back again to meet the ones H 17.Cavern perialist” from his Cuban- Maybe we do have an in­ who always love me. Of course, W n 3T rT 1». Hard- hideout. __ ternal problem with Commu­ it is very hard indeed to do shelled fruit*. nists but the shadow of Rus­ r T n To r a p i i m 33. Made again Whether o m o H h e Russians sia ’s rockets, nuclear bombs, everything at the same tim e SC Interpret are the strongest military and in a situation like Thai­ ¿t & a w 75 25. Collections power in history is not as and satellites seem s some­ land. We lack personnel as m 30. Portion important as the fact that what more ominous. well as materials. X 27 W 37. Electrified Columnist Walter Lippmann H m mm m m É particle they are capable of flattening Whenever I recall the happy ÉF] 30 3/ SO. Bloodshed the U. S. just as fast as we certainly has never been call­ days in MSU I want to be back in H B 31. Before long are able to retaliate. ed a radical advocate of gov­ there again to study and to b e r ®j IF W 33. Needy Clearly, the only way to in­ ernment spending. But this is among you who were -kind to H s 34. Map# sure that the Soviets won’t what he said recently about me. I owe you a lot of experi­ - * P rm 30. Athletic decide to test its military the need for spending billions ences and knowledge. w 3F cooteats of dollars. might against the bulwark of I would like to express m y Jm | j H gj 44 IT 17. Speak crossly the capitalist world is that po­ “ This is th e cold war against the most formidable gratitude to MSU, my alm a L_ 40.~Brxlfc _ tent U. S. nuclear power mater. P lease remember me to i f 7T r HP W — 4L Catnip which both nations fear so adversary that ever chal­ my beloved professors and m y F 41 Jap. herb lenged u s,” he pointed out, deeply. friends. I will- never forget ill W ir 41 Among t mmm amm t MM nr 44. Metal IT WOULD be nice to cut taxes again and again as Cal­ “ and it is a daydream to sup­ pose that w e can have the their kindness, friendliness and their helpfulness. - -- vin Coolidge did four tim es in better of this powerful and This is a very short letter, the 1920s—but where can we purposeful government by b u t what is in my heart is so cut? making our own government great. I hope to see you even < „ The portion of our fiscal less powerful and less pur­ not on earth but also in heaven poseful.” where our Father is waiting Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued budget which Is not military on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter is so sm all In relation to the THE CONSERVATIVE ap­ for us. and spring quarters. Issued twice-weekly during the summer whole that it is not a prom­ proach to government m ay Viriyn Poonviriya term. Second class postage paid at E ast Lansing, Michigan. inent figure. nave been sowad la 1190 when Lamping, Thailand In addition, there is the not w e were fighting wars with Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 14, 1961 3 Reconsider The Facts Little M en Battle B u s in e s s D r e a m Little Women When eight or 10 male and tered. But upon leaving, they fem ale contestants engage is locked the menfolk Hal C an B e a domestic squabble there’s bound to be action. And there was to Spartan Village this One of'the Irate males kicked out the screen. At this point th e officer cam e on the scene week. and the contestants dispersed. If you’ve been dreaming of ly »60,000 is required for con­ Intosh said. One 6f the reasons A platoclothed officer 'from After a short wait they re­ running a motel, spending struction, »15,000 for land and is the n ew super highway sys­ the Department of Public Safe­ turned—one little lady with her seven months in Michigan and »5,000 for furnishings. tem which leaves many mo­ ty investigated the scene at the mother to tow ! They returned the other five in Florida, and In addition, the owner would tels stranded with few poten­ farm .house on Harrison Rd. to retrieve baby carriages, doing your traveling in a have no income for several tial customers. to Spartan Village. dolls, miniature table place set­ shiney new Caddy .R ob ert Mc­ months while the motel is in Some owners are converting tings and the like. Intosh has news for you. construction, he said. their motels to retirement IT SEEMS THAT the ladies Forget it. “ THESE figures are conser­ homes, McIntosh .s a id . They were peacefully going about YOU SEE, ALL o f t h e Or, at least, reconsider the vative. Many customers de­ add a kitchen, dining room ana their household chores on the “brawlers” were between five facts, said the MSU tourist and mand- swim m ing pools and glass-enclosed p orches.- This screened-to porch of the build­ and 10 years old. resort extension specialist. other em bellishm ents,” McIn­ type of stairless living appeals ing when the men invaded their The mother? She was brought This dream is becoming more tosh said. to the older folks who don’t j domestic tranquility. to investigate the "strange common, especially to the peo­ Some folks have simpler want to Uve with their chil­ The ladies left the room un- man” on toe premises. There ple retired and 65 or older, tastes but about 2,600 motels dren. I were no arrests. M clntostrsaid. in Michigan already m eet these MOST OF these people have needs, he pointed out. worked for others and like the In a recent motel survey, Mc­ idea of owning a small busi­ Intosh found that expenses take ness so they can “be their own up about per cent of the b o ss,” he said. total income and that motel Others want to return to the peace and quiet of their native owners do well to average half of their rooms occupied” Shop, today! There's still country environment and a mo­ “TEN ROOMS occupied 175 tel m ay seem to fill the bill, h e said. days a year at seven dollars a night brings in »12.250 and one- an e x c e l l e n t select ion ! McIntosh conceded that the fifth o f that, the net income, is m otel business has its rewards, a shade under $2,500," he said. h u t there are also plenty of The work involved in taking Sportswear pitfalls, he added. care of a motel must also be ROUGHLY »80,000 to »100,000 takerr into consideration. It is Is needed to built a 10-room often too much for older folk“ motel, about the smallest size Larger motels hire outsiders to necessary to provide a mini­ do housekeeping and laundry m um living, and banks seldom but sm aller operators often lend more than half the capi­ must do the work them selves tal, McIntosh said. -to cut costs; he said. The cost is broken-down into Owners have found a ready three major categories, accord­ ing to McIntosh. Approximate­ market for their motels up to now but this is changing, Mc­ S A L E ! Y o u th I n ju r e d a t M SU Ic e A re n a Nationally famous names For Richard H. Jury, part discovered that he_was not a tim e employee of the MSU Ice student. Arena, Sparrow Hospital is be­ Earlier this month Richard coming a familiar sight. was treated in the Sparrow t 8 8 4 8 8 The 16-year-old E ast Lansing emergency ward for contusions | youth made his second ap­ and abrasions of the left hip pearance-of the month to the suffered when his moter scoot­ Sparrow emergency ward Wed­ er slid into the side of an auto-1 nesday nighU for treatment of mobile. 3 '_ — an arm gash. He was cut when his hand went through the win­ Last year he made dow on an Ice'Arena door when i to Sparrow. In two football ac- j two trips H S IÌÉ ALSO 2 .8 8 , 5.88 he was leaving the building, lie ' cidents he suffered a broken was not working at the time. | leg and a broken ankle. The four-inch gash required several stiches. Save many, many dollars on famous make A MSU Departm ent of Public Safety car w as dispatched to THOMPSON’S sportswear. The selection is excellent, choose from bachelor"slacks, reeds, shorts, assist the injured youth. He w as first taken to Oito~ Me­ ' JEWELRY jamaieas, slim skirts, wrap Skirts, jackets, morial but was further trans­ tops, pedal pushers, blouses and many ferred to Sparrow -when it was ‘ Keepsake others. Fabrics to wash ’n wear cottons, Enrollment seersucker, chambray, wicker knits, nub- Lim it Set Diamond Riigs bed knits, pjersey, and-blends ."The colors are sunripe for now,, your vacation . . . Because of budget limita­ tio n s,-fa ll enrollment will be the same as 1961, Kermit WsMi & Clock even next year. The reductions are tre­ mendous, select an entire wardrobe of Smith, Registrar, announced. “The Board of Trustees has - Repairing _ aetive sportswear,- now! Instructed Gordon Sabine and tne to keep as close to the 22,- 560 enrollment we had last 223 M .A .C A ve. SPORTSWEAR — STREET FLOOR year as possible,” he said. Class distribution should also E a s t L an sin g, M ich. EAST LANSING be the sam e, he said. KMH ONE (ENT! ONE CENT! I . i DRESS SLACKSALE! BUY ONE PAIR FOR REG. PRICE - GET M Z ’ ANOTHER FOR lc fr (Slight Charge for Alterations) _ I SHOP TODAY! OPEN FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. ' W KOSITGHEK’S VARSITY SUP 221 Abbott Read - E a st Lansing „ Michigan Stale New*, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 14, l f f i l (continued from page 1> pure movement and features Sculptor, Ralph Dorazio, an­ on Landscape Architecture, at exhibited nationally and inter­ will direct the Festival and a new piano score by Detroit- other ex-Detroiter is respon­ 8:15 p.m. Mohday in FairchiTd i nationally. They are in public- Chorus and Orchestra in Ver­ born Lacia Dlugoszew'ski. sible for the extraordinary de­ Theater. - and private collections. Among di’s "Requiem M ass.” at 8 1 5 signs in the dances. them are the collections of John THE MUSIC for the program TEACHER and artist, Ed­ D. Rockefeller II, and the Art p.m., July 20, in the Audi­ Many other personalities are to riu m . is composed and played by part of the Festival. ward Corbett will appear on an Museum of Chicago. The "Requiem Mass” was Miss Dlugoszewski. She has Director of the National Park art panel at 10 a.m. Tuesday Appearing with him on the composed by Verdi in 1873 in collaborated with Hawkins for S e r v i c e , Washington, D. C., in the Kresge Art Center Gal­ panel are Owen Brainard, memory of poet Alessandro the past 10 years. Conrad L. Wirth will lecture lery. Corbett’s works havebeen See FESTIVAL Page 5 Manzoni. ft achieved immedi­ ate success after it was first - performed in 1874. The Latin text is the liturgical Mass for f the Dead. A dramatic portion of it is a rhymed poem, "Dies j irae,” dealing with the Last; Churches Judgment. Shaw, who is also associate j conductor of the Cleveland Or-1 IMVHSITY LUTHERAN Alt SAINTS PEOPLES (HURCH EASTMINSTER chestra, is familiar throughout the country as the director and j founder of the famed Robert (HUKH EPISCOPAL (HUKH EAST LAKSIH6 PRESBYTERIAN Shaw Chorale and for his many j best-selling records and annual j concert tours. AND STUDENT (ENTER IM Abbott Rd. Interdenom iaationm CHURCH T SPECIAL soloists for the con- ; j V im « i l U O t n a Council • :M A.M. IM West G rand R iver a t Michigan cert include contralto Flor- J ...Dr, Wallace Robertson, F a tto i 1313 A bbott Rd., East Uanstng W tW m i and A nn Street, E. L. Holy Communion) Sunday ence Kopleff, soprano Saramae j Dr. F . Marlon Sinuda Endricfi, tenor Carl Kaiser and [1 ( t > lirtn N orth a t B erk « er Hall) ■■ ., ' Rev. Roy J. Schramm Rev. R obert-L. M oreland, M lnlsU t A.M. D r. X. A. McCune. 541 Walbrldgo Drive bass David Ford. j Fattoli F a lta r: Charle* KUaksíck Morning F ray er) fa n d a y P astor E m tritus __ Kopleff, who was named by Rdv. Joseph P o rtar -- — SUMMER 8UNDAT PROGRAM the New York Herald-Tribune r ■■r'iTir W eaker: Mias Tecla Sand 9:04 A.M. as, “One of the great voices I D l « n or BO 1-4«# l t d * a.m. Church School. CrihherP America has produced,” has —■ Morning F rayer) daily •' . ■— WORSHIP SERVICES through tt h Grade appeared as soloist in Boston. Wentoip S e rrie d 1 I H A.M. 14:40 a.m. Public Worship New York, Chicago, Cleveland l t : l t A.M. ».at a i»:U and San Francisco. Holy Com m uâtes) Tuesday* “MEASURING UP TO THE SERMON - Endrich started her career 1 tNarvrry m B i k k at both services) at the Berkshire Festival m S:IJ F.M. _ • « OCCASION" “HOW TO TAKE-CRITICISM’» Roly Communion) T handay* Rev. Roy J . Schremm ~ Tanglewood where she appear­ Sunday School »:## ed with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. She appeared with, All Salata Episcopal Church C hurch School STUDENTS WELCOME the Robert Shaw Chorale in its Fet Informatica on Student Pro­ Crih room through U gh The Episcopal University Center tehool ago Call ED 2-1424 fo r transportation Jour in 1960 of Bach’s, "Mass trassi idease call Church Office. - £ D 2-1313 M.-M A.M. in B Minor,” and also record­ ed the work. — KAISER has appeared in . principal and supporting roles with the Opera “ Society of IT. JOHN STUDENT KIMBERLY DOWNS METHODIST (HUR(H FIRST CHURCH OF Washington..D. C„ the Experi­ mental Opera Theatre of Amec- ca, and the Washington Civic PARISH (HUR(H OF CHRIST OF OffilST, SCIENTIST Opera Association. . Ford has appeared in operas F t. R. K av aaaath FT. T. MrDevitt EAST UNSING 70» EAST GRAND RIVER by Mozart, Smetana, and oth­ IT! IIjL C . and ers. He was acclaimed fbr his 1M7 Kimberlv Drive, Lansing E ast Lansing voice and style in-Verdi's "Don Carlo.” ~ r : • Sunday Malic* I IS . M M . 114» (1 bib. N. of WJ1M Country House) . IV *-T13t WESLEY FOUNDATION C hurch Service I I A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. The festiv al chorus of over (Bab? sitting a t 1:11 & !00 voices was prepared for I * m Masses) Wilson M. Tennant, Sunday School fo r U aivsrslty Del L. W iniager. Minister Shaw by Dr Howard Swan of »cut* Masses (:4S A I a m George I. Jordan Student* S:3S a m . Accidental College, bos An­ Ministers Subject Saturday M aiari I M A »4» a.m. # SUNDAY SERVICES geles.. C n t a a t o u dally a t S:M pan, “ LIFE’* The congress of Strings will Morning Worship l t d * a.m. S atatday H to A 7 :»*-» :*» p.m. Jupply the strings for the or- h a d a t a n Maaaes except Sunday Rev. Wilson M. Tennant chestra. Wednesday Evening Mooting I P.M. ] Noveaa Services Bibla Study 1:41 a.m. 111S S. H arrison Road Reading Boom DANCE ARTIST Erick Haw 134 W. G rand River Toes. i .3» p.m. dns and Company from New Evening Worship 4:44 p.m. Chnrch Services: f:iS A U S t I ’rbrk will be seen in a concert Caaapiiae A Benediction Nursery for h ath Service* Mon. thru Sat. t a.m. • 5 p.m. of contemporary dance at 4 Wednesday evening- Bible Study Man.. Tues., Thurs., A Fri. 7 PJB. - San. :M p ja . • S P.m. >.m. Tuesday in Fairchild Au­ 7.-3» p.m. ditorium. AD a re welcome to attend C hurch Hawkins cam e to the dance j B um * every Saturday night— C hnrch School » - 12. For transportation Call ED 1 -ttB Services, and visit and us* th e world from his native Colorado •:tS a.m. CoBcgo Clast - Reading Room. ia. Harvard University. He ED -»77» ED 7-1#»# or ED M M 11-M a.m. AU Ages vas trained in Salzburg. Au- tria and New York For a lumber of years, he was a tiember of Martha Graham's EAST UNSM6 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH •lance troupe and was her part- ¡er in a number of works. SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE. EDGEWOOD Hawkins toured the country n such works as “ Appalachian FBfENDS MEETING LAN SINO PEOPLES (HUKH Spring," "American D o c a - | HOWARD P . SUGDEN, D. D., Pastor _ (Quakers) DESMOND J . BELL, Asaoc. Pastor neat," and "Every Soul is a Circus." M uring for W orship at Interdenom inational IN TUESDAY'S c o n c e r t , t u toy Foundation. 343 Park Il.-M A.M. “The Road to Riches" 401 N orth R agndom Raad I. am*. Raat U a d i g J.M P.M. “Life • A vengo or Amusing" ( I Mocha no rth of O rand River) hree dances will be featured. "8 Clear Places," "Sudden N d AM. ~ ' Fur la la n a attan. Fhoae Bible School ISAS a.m. , inake-Bird," and a group work. | EFM M SUNDÀY SERVICES The first two were premiered i Call IV I-S3S2 for freo tranapartallan and received with enthusiasm j Sum m er hour — 1:34 a m . ast October at Hunter Play- Ju ly 14th, 23 rd, Sermon by louse In New York City. Rev. Trum an A. Morrison A series of solos and duets or two male dancers comprise 8 Clear Places." It is per- FU T PRESBYTERIAN Attend Some Ju ly Mth, Sermon toy Rev. Robinson O. Lapp A ugust tth . 1 1 th , loth, Serm oh by ormed by Hawkins and Ken- O tta v a and' C hestaat Rev. Ja c k B arrisan leth LaVrack. In "Sudden Snake • B ird ." . fawkins dances in the cos- j In d i» Serviros 1:3» A.M. Church Sum m er Church School Sundays, I M a n . ume and mask of a bird. The (X tN H T Provided) en-foot snake is danced by ’ Cribroom and Preschool ago groups LaVrack and Kelly Holt. The third dance is a group work. It is danced by Hawkins, ! - U THE H U T VET TO BE? H r». Shoot pr oortola g Every Sunday ^ WELCOME! » » I aVrack. Holt, and RutJ^ R a- j on. It explores the essence of i T Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 14, 1961 X-Country, Soccer Expect Good Year Festival (continued from page 4) If the Michigan State cross year’s Big Ten Champions. James - McConnell, and Allen with the righ t breaks the Spar­ have only two seniors, Dave country and soccer team s live That was the sixth consecu­ tans could win the NCAA title, Christie and Ted Saunders, an .Leepa, all of the MSU art de­ up to the preseason expecta­ one which they have already All-Midwestern goalkeeper who partment. tive year that the Spartans had tions of their coaches, the 1961 woo that title. won seven tim es since IMS.' Coach Kenney Relieves is the The MSU summer band, un­ season should be "another suc­ finest in the country. der the direction of Professor In 1960 Michigan State placed - THE TEAM’S runners will cessful one for each team . second to Houston in the NCAA be led by Captain Gerald There are nine juniors that Leonard Falcone will present Coach Fran Dittrich and his meet. Houston is considered Young, a senior. Other leading include All-Midwest forwards a concert at 7:90 p.m. Tues­ assistant Jim Gibbard believe the strongest again "this year harriers are senior Clayton Ruben Fllizola, Ken Graham, day on the Kresge A rt Center that their 1961 cross country by jmost coaches. Ward, juniors R oger Humbarg- and Mabrico Ventura, A1 Bol- lawn. team will be as good as last However, Gibbard stated Uiat er and Orlen Larsen, and soph­ glus, Jerry Heron (brother of Filin critic, Helen Bower of omores Alvin Duncan, George Cecil) Dutch Kemeling.'“ (All the Detroit Free Press will lec­ Thomson and Bill Stewart. - American halfback h Jean Loh- ture on contemporary films, at ri, Jerry Papachistow, - and 10 a.m. Wednesday in Fairchild The team lost two runners by John Vrablec. Theater. graduation this spring. One C A M PU S C L A S S IF IE D S was the I960 captain Billy Rey­ -DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Wed. and Fri. Editions. nolds. Soccer Coach Gene Kenney Intramural Schedule expects that the 1961 soccer Monday July 17 Tuesday July 18 Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 squad will win their third 6 p.m. 6 p.m. straight Eastern Division title Field since they joined the Midwest 1. Lard Lakers—Village Men Field Soccer Conference in 1969. 2. Highway Research — Kel­ 1. Dairy—Haudas----- AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE HOWEVER, THE Spartans 3.. Sarfers—Rozos logg Flakies 2. Integrals—Botany 3. Swampy Loggers—Toughies EAST LANSING 11 — FACULTY!! have yet to defeat the peren­ 4. MSU Creamery—Luther CHEAP TRANSPORTATION, IMS 4. Public Safety—Abbott 2 Chevrolet sedan, Good running con­ ju s t listed!! Spacious 3 bedroom nial winner of the leagne and 5. STE P-A bbott 1 ranch, oversized living room with 5. Wildcats—All Stars dition, Best offer takes i t ED 7-061# fireplace, homey la tg e kitchen w ith Western Division titles, St. Ask fo r B ruce. S bullt-ins, oven and stove w ith hood­ Louis university. The collegiate GOING ABROAD, m ust tell 'U ed vent fan, big eating area over­ soccer experts predict SL Louis R am bler A m erican. Call IV 9-31 IS after 7 :30 p.m. —■ g looking a 03’ x US’ yard. Look a t th e price!!! O nly $16,300 w ith excel­ len t terras. Call R J . F rink. IV 4-7759 will repeat-as champions next falh- A Beautiful Wedding o r IV 3-4*70, o r E D 2-0398. W alter '37 JAGUAR. XX-140M, ' whit« w alls, radio, heater, 24,000 miles. NeDer Co. Realtors, Brookfield Plaza. Purdue and Eariham are the is long remembered TU 2-1394 before 3. a S strongest challengers for Midi-, with - EAST LANSING!I Professors!! Ju st igan State’s Eastern Division AUSTIN H E M E T Sprite, good listed. 4 bedroom Colonial wltl; in- condition, 13000 m iles beat oiler, w alking distance of campus and call ED 7-2473, Hoby. tf G lencarin School. 23 foot living room crown. Washington University flowers from of St. Louis is the chal­ FORD 1937, 9 passenger Country w ith fireplace. Form al dining room Sedan, in excellent condition.- ED plus 2-3610. new tf spacious large b reakfast room. I 1,« baths, gas furnace. Two car g artge, lenger In the Western Division. The Spartan boosters lost Barites Floral o f East Lansing yard. "Only 321,500. C a ll'R J . F rink IV 4-7739 o r IV 2-4570 o r ED three seniors from last year’s 215 Ann — ED 2.-0871 4 Open Evenings & Sunday EMPLOYMENT 2-0393 W alter NeUer Co. Realtors. Brookfield Plaza. ■ team, including Cecil Hefoa, Beraie Cook and Gerhard Artistry # Selection • Service • MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST w ith SUBURBAN HOME w ithin city Grents. This season they will bacteriology experience and medical ¡Units, tw o miles no rth of campus. technologist fo r general laboratory Three-bedroom brick end fram e tr i­ w ork. Local h o tp iu l. Call IV 7-3431, level; ; tw o-carport 1*4 b a t h s, • x t. MS. f dining room, fam ily room, two equipped kitchens, eouipocd laundry room, patio, a ir conditioned. L o s REGISTERED Professional N urse th an a y ea r old w ith large lo t and fo r visiting nurse association staff duty. Public health experience de­ sirable. b u t n o t m andatory. Must nice country view. FHA term s or m ight consider contract w ith low down paym ent to responsible party. J A C O B S O N 'S have a good personal car to drive M R O reen crtst. n e ar H agadom Rd. an d 14-78. tf BRICK RANCH BOUSE, bu ilt FOR SALE 1964. 4 bedroom , 2 baths, o r 2 bed­ rooms plus 2 room apt. Q uiet area, M E N S SH O P Okemos su b -d iv lsio m E D 7-7676. g ELEC. CLOTHES DRYER «38; W inchester 32 pum p $18; • bamboo sunporch blinds $10; Prof. 'Avery, ext. 2301 days; ED 7-9318 evenings* 3 SERVICE LAWN MOWING and local hauling. Clearance . CHILDREN’S BEDROOM SUITE. B ed Cedar. Bunkbeda. ladder, railing, bResponsible w ork at reasonable rates y G rad, student. Call IV 4-0623 or doubledresser, m inw r, c h e s t ED «rife Jan et. ED 7-1100. tf 2-36X0. tr TYPING, TWO blocks from campus. Fresh - ■ S i straw berries dally. ___________ _ Farm Call ED 2-4530. __U jr._1 ~ tf resh am fresh eggs-Also other fresh m u ta and vegetaM ■ h ies a t reasonable pricet-Road- TYPIST ANN BROWN. ED 2-8334. aide F arm M arket, . 2 m iles east of Electric typew riter. Term papers E. Lansing on US 16 a t Okemos Rd. and theses, also general typing. tf M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. Sea them a t the C ard Shop. Across from Home Re. building. ED 2-4733. tf ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S SUMMER SUMMER SALET W atchbands - one showcase of SPORTSWEAR and FURNISHINGS Speidel. G emex. an d Jew eler's best quality bands - 20% OFF. S name­ CANDY b ra n d w atches, som e Elglns. W itt- nauers, Gruena. >,i O fT plus taxes. L arge selection of i i f i t diam ond Mailed Anywhere now -reduced to a rings, V« to 14 O FF. O ne ta b le of better, boxed Jew elry. W e w ill now Complete Assortment b reak seta. Save doubly w ith Dia­ m ond Bonus Savings Stam ps. Use Available At fraction o f regular pricesI them to get FREE D iam ond- m er­ chandise. The Card Shop WM. H. THOMPSON Across From Home Economics Bldg. CUSTOM JEWELERY ED 24753 SWIM. TRUNKS - WALK SHORTS —• a, FRANDOR MALL TV54749 TOP REPAIRS Low Price! U nit­ BEACH JACKETS - CABANA SETS ed Radio. 7VU1 rem ove, repair, and Your Complete Service Jew eler reinstall American e a r radio for 37J8 , including parts, labor and 30 day unconditional guarantee. East Saginaw and Fairvlew . IV 9-4107. SUMMER PAJAMAS - SHORT SLEEVE TRANSPORTATION open until 9 p m . --------------------- U TWO P A S O M Ó I U , WBnttd to FOR RENT KNIT SHIRTS and SPORT SHIRTS d u r e driving to Florida! Leaving first p art of A ugust. Call ED 7-7071. I FURNISHED 3-room cabin a t Lake L ansing fcc I o r 3 m ale students. RIDERS WANTED to Houaten— Complete housekeeping faciliti**. 313 w eekly w ith utilities paid. ED 2-4923. c s s s s S f e a = s s = = J = iil3 a = a = = = l 9 WANTED APARTMENTS A ?A S T . BASEMENT—cozy, clean. * u iir n f c W W " su W b iô 1W<£ 2-room furnished, show er bath, p ri­ end other cam ping equipm ent. Cali F a u l W lnthor, US JDMsott Hall. ED vv ate entrance. Utilities paid an d p ri­ ate parking. Call IV 3-0653. 11 NEW APARTMENT for 4, $32 P ark HOUSING WANTH) ooalrtng privileges, ap* proved, unapproved, supervised, u n- (uoeretoed. Available bow . Call ED HM a aroBED 7-sne. • M E N ’S S H O P - ROOMS I STUDENTS; Sum m er roatM E a s t L a n sin g ¿ 7 $ « ^ 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 14» 1 9 6 1 S tu d e n t- F a c u i ty B e s t Circle Presents ; B a ll S t a r t i n g T im e s f Tartuffe ’ The starting tintes for the Bernard Bryant. 9:24: Stan Wronski*. Richard “Tartuffe,” t h e Suinmer Student-Faculty Best Ball Tour­ Prendergast, Thomas Willi­ Circle theatre production of a nament on Saturday, July 15: ams and Howard Vanderlip. modern -version of Moliere's 9 a.m.: H. J. Wyngarden*, satire wjll be a featured eve«*t [ Marshall Smith, Barry John­ 9:32: 'Vince Carillot*, John of the 1961 MSU Fine Arts Fes­ son and Tom Faraugh. Mason, Jon Overgaard, Bud tival which runs July 17-21. 9 08: Stuart Gallscher*, Mar­ Toilette. The play satirizes the re­ tin McGuire, William Marsden ^ 9:40: Fred Wagner*, Bruce ligious hypocrite and the do­ and Paul Westphalen. Riley, John Vance and John cile dupe. Its action centers in 9:16: Dr. Joe Chemytz*, Hen­ Todd. the home of one Mr. Orgon who ry Collier, Wayne Henry and * Denotes faculty member. has adopted a religious zellot, TJPtuffe* as a brother. Arbanas and Adderly ' Tartuffe becomes a leach and when he attempts to share Or­ Report for All-Star Game gan's wife with him the family tries to get rid of him. Two former Michigan State | Philadelphia’s third appear­ football players were among ance in the All-Star series. The St. Bernard dogs are credited 50 who reported Thursday E agles defeated the All-Stars in j with saving some 2,500 lives in July 13. at Northwestern unir 1949 but lost, 17 to 7, to the I St. Bernard pass in Switzer v e rsity to begin a three week 1950 team. land. tra in in g period for the 1961 Pro-College All-Star game. Former- All - American back Herb Adderley and end Fred FOR T lir 2ml TME Arbanas, will, be on the co lleg e, team when it meets the Phila-1 IN YOUR UFE FEEL delphia JSagles, National Foot­ ball League champions, at Soldiers Field August 4 in the REALLY CLEAN . . . 28th annual game. Coaching the All-Stars will be Otto Graham, the former great quarterback of the C leve-¡ land Browns and now head f coach of the4J. S. Coast Guard Academy. This year’s contest will nrgrk Placement Bureau « S T A T E « Swift and. Co. representa­ E A S T L A N S I N G * PHONE E D . M 8 I 4 tives will be on .campus July 18 to interview all majors from NIGHTS AND SUNDAY ADULTS 90c-COME EARLY I the College of Agriculture for permanent employment in the th ru Chicago and Midwest area. They are interested in August .' Foreign Film Hit! graduates. T he D etroit P u b lic School S y stem will h av e .re p re se n ta - , tiv e s-o n ca m p u s Ju ly 28 to in ­ te rv ie w m en an d w om en for p e rm a n e n t em ploym ent. They a r e in te re ste d in Ju n e and Aug­ u s t g ra d u a te s from th e follow­ in g a re a s: E le m e n ta ry sp e c ia l, and b u sin ess edu catio n , foreign lan g u ag es, hom e econom ics, science, and g irls' physical ed ­ u catio n . — M any d a iry cow s a r e n 't pro­ ducing a s m uch m ilk a s they c a n b ecau se they a r e n 't getting enough p roductive en erg y from th e ir feed ,, say M ichigan S tate U n iv ersity d a iry sp ecialists. U n iv e rs ity T h e a tr e UM M P% IRCLI Man’s first 300,000 years “The Skin of Our Teeth” Now Playing at the new arena in Demonstration Hall J U L Y 12 -15 Box Office Hours: 2 - 6 Mon. • Sat. ‘S a tu r d a y N ig h t A n d S u n d a y M orning* i t a a s i y Phone ED 2-1511, Ext. 2160 t h e b a s t B r itish m o r ia t i n c a " R o o m A t T h e T o p i " Single Admissions $1 50 and $1.75 .---------— .— a iJ M m r F 1 N N Ë Ÿ CURTAIN; 8:30 NEXT WEEK “Tartuffe” WEDNESDAY: INGAMAR BERGMAN’S “DREAMS”'" Michigan State News, East Laming, Michigan, Friday Morning, July I i i fcOOHO ST B IH tO HA TION ) 11 LAST 2 DAYS! TWO GREAT JIITS » H 1ANSIMO « m o m IP. »*♦«< *•«5 - 5:55 - 9:50 12:30-4:15-8:15 BMgsT— Iwrm m■ ni m w c im v a n iiv m i iEBBJ INDISCREET ☆ Start» Sunday „ -fà 3 Stars in a thrilling story 1 st o r v o f today s ANORV VOUNO M O D E R N S ! ¡¡ir ''Sííí! W ST P aul N ew m an ON WEDNESDAY, July 12, a large crowd, turned out to take advantage of the ’T h e Y D u n g “ Sidewalk Sale” offeredhy the East Lansing Merchants. Most of the participating P h ila d e lp h ia n s merchants placed their merchandise in front of their stores creating a European atmosphere. — State News photo by Fred Bruflodt, Picture Editor WARNIR BftOB. Play Is Equal to Challenge By FRED BRACK performances with the single Theta Alpha Phi (theatre hon­ State News Staff Writer exception of Harriot Geier as orary) oscar for his perfor­ The cast ef the Summer the fortune teller. Her voice mance. He blended a perfect Circle’s production of ' “The lacked the necessary strength and diversity of tone that the combination of enthusiasm, Km ib #..ALEXISSMITH-BRIANKEITH Skin of Our Teeth” faced a real challenge. They were fol­ role demanded. 'confidence and doubt into the lowing an excelent production ~ BOB WINTERS and Lois role of a modern everyman. of a fine drama, “ Rain.” Martin as the heroic Mr. and Miss Martin gave a heart­ Happily, they proved equal to the challenge. The central characters of the play gave fine Mrs. Antrobus fully lived up to their advance billing. Mr. Winters may get another warming performance as the mother of the sometimes try­ ing Antrobus fam ily. — m .Ak(M brn¿ Program information IV 2-3905 0 S L ä © M I R theat 2ND WEEK ! F ea tu re t; 0 0 • 3 :1 0 * 5 :2 0 - 7 : 3 0 - 9 : 4 0 Starts TODAY! ÊÔC H I S B IG G E S T , I K M S S f , 15c to 5:30 • Nites A Son. Me *s Children 30c miCHí>K m UWIS * **«•» *»N"* m i IKlomil . tacaM h a t « * Ir m i 0 Otictau« • *mtmm t i mm m i m t «««• AfWfwiwt Ptftwff • STA R T IN G W E D N E S D A Y _ • % YHil 4wMt upI—glitog vtwi jn SMM. FUNONTHERUN) RüG6LES-MEiM-£»-BARNK UMTDYnmUWYITa ■I. a. «aan». ¡SSLr " ,a a w 'rtCOOUT M mwww . . t a s s a r ' •! lUWAItt SMMMOkfel« « W f c t N dllM ^ WALT DISNEY’S CARTOON F U N .., OH^® oüoU (U*^Lwá| f «ROUGH > fV p W P M “PARTY PIRATE” AND TUMBLEWEED’* e*ttSS0tyNAD0R5 TICHNICOtOft 8. Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, July 14, 1961 til it w a s brought out in the 1) Rogers’ idea of the center Labor Center Movie (continued from page 1) not pro anything" but sympa- what a State labor body does, newspapers. Miss Bock said, was inconsistent with that of THE DISCUSSION went on the qaiveraity. The purpose of until a student said th a t'th e the center it to use the resour­ point was relatively minor and ces of the university to serve the discussion was d o sed , she the community and Rogers the movie as being conceived thetic to labor. MCCOY AGREED and said said. as either pro-labor or pro- Miss Bock said Koehler ex­ it was “highly sympathetic” to disagreed. Rogers felt that In response to the martini management, Miss Bock said plained that the movie shows labor but that it had to be to question, Miss Bock said, one MSU professors had little to Koehler answered that it “was an objective set of facts as to present a point o f view,_ Miss o f the carter representatives offer labor and m anagem ent Bock said. _ told the group that, in preview­ and he wanted to use m anage­ Miss Bock said that McCoy ing the movie, a different point ment people from sources out­ went on to explain that nothing of view had developed. ¿4 side MSU. in the iilm was intended to be One of the groups that pre­ negative toward management viewed the movie objected to 2) Rogers could not work and the movie did not try to labor - (G us' Schollev- being well with people. This problem gain ground for labor at the shown in shirt sleeves while hadn’t just cropped up but bad expense of management. management was portrayed in been developing for a period The longest point of discus­ a suit, she said. of tim e. sion in the one and a half hour The discussion went on until 3) The management program session was centered around a a student pointed out that the under Roger’s leadership had scene showing the manage­ point was a relatively minor deteriorated and it was thought ment man with a martini, Miss one and the question was that a new management direct­ Bock said. closed, she said. or would be able to give man­ In response to a question of IN RESPONSE to a question agement in Michigan a better - misrepresentation of manage­ of why Rogers was not now. representation. ment, the center representa- ! with the center, Stieber gave-j- According to Warner, no eth­ tivès said that no one thought three 'reasons. According to er action by AUSG is planned this scene was derogatory un-1M iss Bock they were: at this time. ! SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL j I This A«1 anti 73c Good for 81 Basket of Balls at | * ! FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE i Also have fun at the World’s Largest Miniature Golf Course I 35c’til 7 p.m. —any day-but Sunday Î Î WILMA CRAFT displays a turquoise chiffon dress at a fashion show given yesterday in the Auditorium for the 5 Minutes east of MSU on Grand River IÎ 4-H’crs. — State News photo by Art Wieland j Semi Annual SA LE 20% O F F on Suits - Sportcoats - Slacks and Bermudas Straw Hats w ere $6 to $8 — now *435 Sport Shirts — w ere $6 to $ 8 — now *1«1— Cotton Slacks. $ 5. « t. « .» s . ».w*4M Tab Shirts — w ere $6.50 — n ow $ ¿ 6 5 Tt East Grand River On The Campos