Serving MSU for 52 years East L n riag, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16.1961 1 9 Pa«MMPaW •* tensing. Mich. . E s ta b lis h e d 1909 V oL 5 3 , N o . 6 4 l¿ r a g e s . a«con-i c u » P o sm t 5 te n ts Power Line Explosion Cuts Campus Electrical Service 4800-VCable , Cause Undete By HOWARD G A TE fr S tate New* S taff W riter ___ T im e s to o d s till a t th e u n iv e r s ity T h u r s d a y a f te r n o o n w h e n a c o m p le te p o w e r " f a i l u r e cu t e le c tric a l s e rv ic e to a ll p a r t s o f th e c a m p u s . * some meats, frozen fruits and A t 2 :4 3 p .m . t h e m a in vegetables that will be lost if p o w e r lin e w h ic h r u n s b e ­ we don’t get power by this tw e e n t h e tw o c a m p u s p o w e r time,” he said. ~ p l a n t s e x p lo d e d . WMBS,"scheduled ,1a .go on T h e e x p lo s io n lif te d - a the air at 6 pm . reported that -h e a v y c o v e r in g in f r o n t o f they had power in lime to warm up their equipment with t h e F o o d S to r e s b u ild in g in to no loss of air time. t h e a ir , a c c o r d in g to O rlirr In M orrill H all, p a sse n g e rs W illy o u n g , f o r e m a n o f th e w e re stra n d e d betw een floors u n iv e r s ity e le c tr ic a l sh o p . in th e building’s ele v a to r fo r T he b last brought a corn- se v e ra l m in u te s.' co m p lete h alt to a ll e le ctrical D E PA R T M E N T of P u b H c se rv ic e an d it w as not expected S afety officials sa id th a t th e th a t'r e p a ir s could be m a d e 'u n ­ e le v a to r w as bro u g h t to th e til th e e a rly m o rning hours, ground floor th ro u g h an un-, W illyoung said. ex p lain e d m o m en tary su rg e of T he c a u se h a d - n o t as yet pow er. ~ b een d e te rm in e d a t p re ss tim e . S afety officials also said th a t THE- 4,800 VOLT line is one c re w s h a d to b e d isp atch ed to of tw o w hich ru n s b e tw e e n th e d ism a n tle th e e le c tric ally o p er­ po w er p la n ts. T he second line a te d p a rk in g lo t g ates so th a t w a s im m ed ia te ly th ro w n into c a rs in th e v a rio u s lo ts w ould se rv ic e a s both p la n ts began n o t b e stra n d e d . a g ra d u a l build-up of pow er. G e ra ld B ouck, fish ery a n d SU B T E R R A N E A N S — S hortly a fte r th e black o u t b eg an y e ste rd a y crew * w ere •' P a r tia l se rv ic e w as re sto re d w ildlife g ra d u a te stu d en t, r e ­ d isp a tc h e d to lo cate th e d ifficu lty . ¥ iu a lly the tre u b le sp o t was Incsted u n d e r­ w ithin a n h o u f b u t W illyoung p o rte d th a t se v e ra l g ra d u a te g ro u n d by th e u n iv e rsity lau n d ry . B ecau se the u n d erg ro u n d tunnel w as too b e t, sa id th a t se v e ra l a re a s of the p ro je c ts in th e N a tu ra l Science a p u m p w as hooked u p to re m o v e th e h o t a ir. c a m p u s m ig h t be off until r e ­ B uilding w ere only m in u te s p a irs a r e com pleted. fro m being a to ta l loss w hen H a rd e st hit w as th e Food po w er w as finally re sto re d . S tores building w hich officials “ S e v e ra l of th e p ro jec ts l i t National Adult Education Assn. sa id m ig h t rec eiv e pow er un­ volve a co n stan t flow of o x y ­ til co m p lete se rv ic e w as re ­ gen n e c e ssa ry to su stain t h e sto red . p ro p e r conditions in o u r w ork Elects Sharer As _ R O B E R T F . H ER R O N , m a n ­ w ith fish. A few m o re m in u tes, a g e r of th e food sto res, said and m onths of w ork w ould th a t if th e building h a d not r e ­ have been lo st,” he said. R o b e rt E . S h a re r, a ss o c ia te p re sid e n t of th e A dult Educa* fro m The M ichigan D e p a rtm e n t ceived p o w e r.b y 10 p.m . T u e s­ BY 4 P.M . pow er h a d been p ro fe sso r a n d a s s is ta n t to th e tio n A ssociation of M ichigan of P u b lic In stru c tio n , w h ere he d ay th a t o v er 1250.000 food­ re sto re d to a m a jo r portion pf d ire c to r of th e c o n tin u in g edu- fro m 1959 to 19(0. serv e d a s sta te d ire c to r of ad u lt stu ffs-w o u ld b e lost. th e c am p u s, b u t se v e ra l build- ca tio n se rv ic e h a s b een n a m e d AEA U S h a s n a m e d S h a re r ed u catio n from 1944 to 1952. “ T h e re is a y e a r ’s supply o f See EX PLO SIO N , P g . 12 p re sid e n t-e le c t of th e A dult E d - its re p re s e n ta tiv e to th e nation- u ca tio n A sso ciatio n of th e a l b ie n n ia l co n feren ce of th e U n ite d S ta te s a c c o rd in g to a n C a n a d ia n A ssociation fo r A dult j an n o u n c e m e n t m a d e M onday fro m AEA U S h e a d q u a rte rs in C hicag o . " Bus Routes Will Serve Both S h a re r w ill b e p re s id e n t of th e o rg a n iz a tio n fo r 1962-03. He wiH su c c e e d D r. A m b ro se Cali- Brody and South Campus v e r of th e U . S. O ffice of E d u ­ c a tio n in W ashington, D. C. B y LA RRY W ALKER ~ new eq u ip m en t for th is service th e B eal S tre e t e n tran ce . a m f will be re a d y to “ shoot the T his ro u te w ill proceed H is electio n to th e post* w as S tate N ew s Staff W riter w o rk s,” th e official told B re s­ th ro u g h c a m p u s on C ircle d e te rm in e d b y m a il b a llo t J u ly D riv e an d th e n e x it p ast th é R o u tes fo r th e new c a m p u s lin. 15. bu s se rv ic e w hich will be in S p a rta n sta tu e a n d Jen iso n S h a r e r ’s q u a lific a tio n s fo r th e S erv ice is scheduled to begin effect th is f a ll h av e b e e n a n ­ in m id -S ep tem b er w ith light F ie ld H ouse an d back to L an ­ positio n in clu d e 17 y e a rs a c tiv e s e rv ic e in a d u lt ed u catio n . n o unced by J a c k B reslin, se c ­ tr ia l ru n s b ein g m ade, before sing on K alam azoo S treet. r e ta r y of th e u n iv e rsity . - c la sse s begin, B re s lin said. T H E O T H E R ro u te will be In 1953-54, S h a re r se rv e d as “ T h e re w ill b e tw o d ifferen t r e f e rr e d to a s th e M a rried AEAU S v ice-p resid en t. H e w as ro u te s, both in se rv ic e a t th e T H E COST of th e serv ice H ousing-Shaw L ane route: I t sa m e tim e ,” B re slin said. w illJbe 10 ce n ts for a rid e an y ­ w ill b eg in in L ansing and p ro ­ Weather T h ese ro u te s w ill p rovide w h e re on c a m p u s o r m a rrie d ce ed to S p a rta n V illage. T he -se rv ic e fo r th e B rody group housing an d 25 cen ts to L an ­ b u s will m a k e se v e ra l stops in P a r tly cloudy a n d cooler th e v illag e an d th e n continue w e ath e r is p re d ic te d for to d ay an d th e new d o rm s on south sing. — c a m p u s a s weB a s m a rrie d T h e re a re two proposed to n o rth c a m p u s tra v e lin g n o rth by th e U . S. W e a th e r B u re a u , on H a rriso n R oad. T he ro u te housing, b e ad d ed . ro u tes. w ith tiie clo u d c o v e rin g c le a r ­ w ill tu rn e a s t a t Shaw L ane ing la te th is aftern o o n . T he B U SES w ill p a s s e a c h pick­ T he K alam azoo S treet-C ircle high te m p e r a tu r e e x p e c te d is R O B E R T SH A R ER u p point e v e ry 29 m in u tes. T his D rive ro u te w ill begin on K ala­ a n d n o rth ag ain a t F a r m L ane. 79 d e g re e s . tim e w ill b e sh o rten e d to 10 m azoo S tre e t in L an sin g a n d I t w ill continue p a s t th e A udi­ to riu m a n d circ le aro u n d to r e ­ T h e low te m p e ra tu re la s t E d u c a tio n a t O ttaw a, C a n a d a , o r e v en fiv e m inutes.. Jw tw ee a m ove e a s t to w a rd s c a m p u s. At aig h t w a s 56 d e g re e s . in O ctober. H e w ill a lso b e pick-«pa if i t is n e c e s s a ry , a c ­ H a rriso n R o ad th e ro u te will tu r n to L ân sin g v ia th e sa m e In d ic a tio n s fo r T h u rsd a y a r e c h a irm a n of th e 0 6 2 AEA U S co rd in g to a n o fficial o f L a n ­ tu rn n o rth a n d p a s s in fro n t ro u te . ’ .' n a tio n a l c o n fe re n ce to b e b e ld sin g S u b u rb a n L in es w h ich is of th e B ro d y gro u p . A t M ichi­ T hese ro u te s a r e te n ta tiv e for m o stly i s i r e r sk ie s, w ith t h e te m p e r a tu r e re m a in in g in D e tro it. p ro v id in g th e s e rv ic e . g an Ave. it w ill tu rn e a s t ag ain a n d s u b je c t to c h a n g e , B reslin ib o u t th e sa m e . S i a r e r c a m e to th e c a m p u s T h e c o m p a n y wifi b e g ettin g a n d e n te r th e c a m o u s through «aid Michigan Stale New«, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 1 6 ,1 9 6 1 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS lCi roubs os wn ou rd i u . rs |J Q 3 r Puui zl zi c ß| | 3 a □3DK9Q □ □ □ aa aa a aa-33n a aaaa aa aa aa Cattle Men □3J 3 a u a jju DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Daj Befare PaMkatlaa far Wed. F r i EiKlaar sad A C M II 1. Cobbler* I. Young 34. Tit ft. final SI. Hymn of gladness □ Ü 3J U □□□□ □□ 4 a 3 3 iJ J 3 3 Q 3 Ü IÍD □□□□3 SU Meeting "t: Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 sad 2644 • Exactly suitable «•.Short 41. Attention S U I33323U □□□□ 3 3 3 3 1 3 OBGISa □□□□□□ □□□□ Tomorrow 13. Singlo timo 42. Heeds IX. Above 41. Repeated □ □ □ 3 0 a a a in a u a T h e 38th A nnual C a ttle F e e d ­ A U T O M O T IV E FOR SALE 14. Black bird by rote □□a □□□□□ ausi e r s D a y w ill b e h e ld h e re _ _ STRING BASS. Kay. excellent rich 15. OU of 41. Bscchsnsl- BUS 2 3 S Q 3 □□□, T h u rsd a y . 1954 AUSTIN HEA 1.F Y MR R oad- j imcyg good carrying power. Twefl ian cry 1«. Public 18. The alder- R e g is tra tio n w ill b eg in a t 9:30 sie'r. Engine just overheated. R e v Ì zipper cover. C a B IV (-SMI •eiutien of Yesterday's Punit tire*, new paint, new upholstery, after '538. " tí 18. PortcntouS~ tree: Scot. a .m . a t A nthony H all. T he gen­ Wire wheel's, excellent mechanica l , .... . ■■ . , 20. Turmoil 51. finished e r a l p ro g ra m is to b eg in a t condition. *995 E S 2-38«. tí , MEN S ENGLISH BIKE. Raleigh 21. Hoavy 92. Ascend 2. P ila s S T *. Wide-view sports model; Emerson console TV. 3. Begone 10. Scraps of 10 a .m . BU1CK,' 1954 Special. 2-door V-8 ■Leor tag town. Any reasonable price, WCight m 93. Thing, in standard, shift, radio and heater, low | Conteat ED 7-2489 or T. N. at ext. 22. Loved law 4. Cylindrical literatura H . W. N ew land, a n im a l h u s­ mileage. Exceptionally clean Call 3388. — IS 26. Almanac M.lcetandic 5. Puzzling 11. Sésamo b a n d ry sp e c ia list, w ill d iscuss, ED 2-8854 after 5 30 pa*. tf 28. Rage literature Question 17. Smell h ig h e n e rg y c o m sila g e fo r TRAILERS FOR SALE 20. Succulent 89. Vehicle • Elliptical It. Spring fa tte n in g b e e f h e ife r c a lv e s. 1958 MERCURY, black and white j LIBERTY. «2 x 8. 2 bedroom, one fruit with runner» 22. family of 4-door, whitewall tires, radio, stfle used as study. Can be left on lot 423, ¡21. Ruse _ 7. Allow carnivores S u p p lem en tin g a c o m silag e, view mirror*. heater, windshield ; a^ 1mile , T T1— ifrom mm m Bi*ai>p vow- 2788 t w f t u ,campus. E. Grand 33. Human DOWN S. Group of 23. Newt no-hay ra tio n w ith ~ v ita m in A - — washer Snow tires, aho Law irate- ■^ ^ Reasonable ED — 7-0898. w j beings 1. Lounge three 24. Sand ridge fo r fa tte n in g s te e r c a lv e s w ill age one owner car. 8835 Also office | . . . .. .... , ■ ----■■ 28. Pearl of desk aS3 chair, bedroom set. CaB | jggg SCHULT 48x8. 2780 E. Grand b e th e to ld e of J . I. S p rag u e, the Antilles IV 9-9428. I’ Rrver lot 587. Excellent jcdadition. 18 MGA 1967 ROADSTER, black, red! 1958 ANDERSON, like new. 10'x48‘ mmrnm IT mmum w ...... mmm\ M 2S.SE ¡ce- _ spearean of th è L en a w e e C ounty e x te n ­ sion s e rv ic e . •nierior. wire wheels. Immaculate' ail art up in desirable location. By c I l river H u g h E . H e n d e rso n , of th e throughout. Low mileage ED 2-4854- owner, phone IV 5-9685. 19 IT w rr 27. Portable C ham a h i R a n c h a t W hittem o re after 5:38 pm . j vm PRAIRIE SCHOONER, 38x10 RENAULT DAUPHINE. 198». excel- ft- Excellent condition Call TU 3- r r» « d JJ lights ---- 28. Trouble a n d fo rm e rly on th e sta ff h e re , I« ■ r5fi 32. Young w ill d isc u ss th e c o m p a ra tiv e MA r lent condition. WtU trade for older j ¥ï n goats v a lu e o f stilb e stro l, p ro g e ste r- car. ED 2=8809- M 39. Burmese PER SO N AL » TT f t FT - W — knife o n e -estrad io l a n d p ro g e ste ro n e - TRIUMPH— TR-3, 1967r Hardse® W iz te sto ste ro n e im p la n ts. N ew land wire wheels, excellent condition. 1*48 Í JOHNNY. CAN GET auto Insurance B 27. Units of Lindbergh Drive, Lanstng. TV 5-435» . . . . phone ED 2-8871 or visit Bub- w ÏT ft measure, w ill sp e a k o n o r e * a n d e n e rg y oU insurance. 119 E Grand River ment le v els, ly sin e su p p le m e n ta tio n ST r U jr 38. Eat away a n d h o rm o n e s f o r fa tte n in g 1938 VOLKSWAGEN convertible, Ave ’Over Jacobsons.) ~ ■![ H" » 42.jGive tempo­ s te e r c a lv e s . _ red. lowjmieage, excellent coooitian. |||* | rarily after I R E A L ESTATE y reasonably pricci- ED 43. Wicked T h e e x p e rim e n ta l s te e r b a rn 5 JO for appointm ent.________ 18 w ** 9» *___ 1 44. Part of the w ill b e to u re d a t 11:30, follow­ y SMALL HOME, near campus. Nice K J face as W e d b y lu n c h in A nthony H all. EM P LO YM EN T for student* or family. IV 4-0958. 17 48 ft ___ 48. Sow T h e M ich ig an C a ttle F e e d e rs ’ NEAR CAMPUS- 9800 down mdbis* party. f recuite IRK Qreencrest. near Haicadom student or professional mar. Pbesse and M-78 U r 25% OFF ED 2-in« $8 week!} 1* TRAILERS LIBERTY; 42x8. J-bedroom » used as study Can be left oti te* E. LANSING. 1175 Snyder-Rd.. cor­ ner Stoddard. leaving state, will sac- rrtsc* 5 rm home, attached garage, 89 785 Call owner. ED 3-5738._____ 18 ENTIRE STOCK 423, half mile from campus KR» E Grand River Reasonable P*vtme S ER V IC E ED 7-4HMH ~ ' I* Name Brandi Merchandise — No Fake Pricing TYPING. TWO blocks from campus rail ED 2-4539 « Full Warranty — Outstanding Values For Cash FO R S A LE Terms To_Established Charge Accounts — TWIN MAPLE BEDSTEADS, an* usable box springs and mattress, -custom spreads and dust rutftes. 2 Diamonds — Watches Watch Bands —. C h a r m s Lighters — Compacts pr. matching draperies ldeai i-xr; boys* room $35. Phone 3X1-471*. 18 Clocks — Fine Jewelry Silverware — Gifts Men’s Jewelry DAVENPORT AND CHAIR, CANDY nvkrn. »35 ED 2=1873. 17 WaNets — Dress Rings Pens A Pencils - Costume Jewelry STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR . very reasonable ED 7-1537 between : M ailed A nyw here 8-8 p.m. S ( em p iete A ssortm ent rep a ir service a» usual TOP QUALITY golf clubs. Used A v ailab le At Spaulding Top FUte Irosa. 2 through | ft. call ED 2 -5136 HOME GROWN tomatoes daily. Freak eggs-AJaa o tte r fresh fruits and vegetables at reas­ 17 T he Card Shop A e rsss F ro m Win. H.Thompson onable prtcas-Road-aKle Farns Mar­ ket. 3 miles east oí E. Lansing as H o n e E conom ic* BMg. JEWELER US 16 at Okcmos Rd ED M l B r BABY CARRIAGE. WELSH. 6 aad Frandor Shopping Center - IV 5*0749 a stroller. ED 3-3181. « CAM PUS C L A SSIFIE D S M AD . GRADUATION BINGS Ses H IG H R E A D E R S H IP Save Doubly with Diamond Bomna Strings Stampa ^ ^ 9 them at the Cart Shoo A cra« from ...L O W C O S T ... RofM Ec. buákünff tf Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, Angmt 1 6,1961 STEP 3 KNAPPS IS OPEN TODAY FROM New Program - 12 NOON TO I P JL '• G U U 4)71/ In Process Here ■éL - f â o - A n ew te a c h e r-tra in in g p ro ­ I d id n ’t re a lly know w h a t te a c h ­ g ra m is in p ro c e ss a t M ichi­ in g w a s like. g an S ta te . I t co m b in es p ra c ­ A m a in a d v a n ta g e of this tic e in th e field w ith m eth o d s n ew p ro g ra m , he said , is th a t G M & a c i' of te a c h in g . i t g iv e s th e stu d e n ts a ch a n ce T his s y ste m is c a lle d th e Stu- to fin d o u t q u ick ly w h e th e r o r den t-T e a ch e r E d u c a tio n P r o ­ n o t th e y lik e te a c h in g . If not, g ra m , o r S T E 3 \ th e y c a n c h a n g e th e ir c o u rse D r. B e rn a rd C o rm a n , r e ­ of stu d y w ith o u t too g r e a t a s e a rc h d ire c to r, sa id th e p ro ­ lo ss of c o u rse c re d its. g ra m is m a in ly c o n c e rn e d w ith L a s t y e a r re p re s e n te d th e g ra d u a te s of ju n io r co lleg es. p ilo t y e a r fo r th e p ro g ra m . - T h ese stu d e n ts e n te r M ich­ T w o c e n te rs . P o r t H uron and ig an S ta te fo r a fu ll s u m m e r G ra n d R a p i d s , p a rtic ip a te d sessio n , in th e fa ll, th e y r e ­ w ith a to ta l of 38 stu d e n ts. - tu rn to th e ir h o m e co m m u n ­ T h is y e a r , 6 c e n te rs a r e in itie s. ~ elu d ed . In ad d itio n to th e two H ere , th e y sp en d h a lf o f e a c h fro m la s t y e a r, th e se a r e : Al­ THREE STYLES AT d a y a s a s s is ta n t te a c h e r s , D r. p e n a , B a y C ity, S outh M acom b, C o rm a n said , a n d th e r e m a in ­ a n d B a ttle C reek. d e r is sp e n t in th e stu d y of D r. .C o rm a n liste d som e im ­ m e th o d s o f te a c h in g , p o rta n t a r e a s of s tu d v ' su r­ T he follow ing s u m m e r, th e ro u n d in g th e new p lan . T he s tu d e n ts a g a in r e tu r n to c a m ­ U n iv e rs ity is co n c e rn e d w ith p u s, u su a lly fo r a five-w eek th e sh a p in g o f a ttitu d e s a m o n g sessio n . B y th is tim e , th e y h a v e th e p a rtic ip a n ts . A lso im p o rt-, b een w o rk in g a b o u t IS m o n th s a n t, h e said , is th e s tu d e n t’s! w ith o u t a b re a k . W hen th e y r e tu r n to th e ir d efin itio n of h is job. le n W e a r e e x p erien cin g " ex cel­ t co o p e ra tio n betw een the A nnualSale! Phoenix Nylons te a c h in g p o sts in th e fall, th e y re c e iv e a p p ro x im a te ly ’» of a ju n io r colleges, public schools beginn in g te a c h e r ’s s a la ry . a n d p e rso n s co n c e rn e d w ith • Reinforced heel a s d tee s e a m ­ H e re ’s w onderful once-a-ycar sa v ­ C o rm a n s a id th e s tu d e n ts a r e te a c h e r e d u c a tio n , said C or­ less sheer, se a m le ss mesh and se rv in g a n in te rn s h ip a t th is m a n . full fashioned b a s n e t s sh e e r ings on beautiful Phoenix stockings point. H e ad d e d th a t th e stu d en ts 't o w e a r an d give fo r m onths to . . . 1JB. 3. I ts D u rin g th is second y e a r o f a r e ta k in g a m o re serious, in­ com e by buying by th e c a rlo a d . All te a c h in g , one su p e rv is o r is te re s te d a ttitu d e to w a rd th e ir • S eam less dem i-tee sty le . . . sty les in A m erican B eauty, P e rfe c t p ro fe ssion. e n g a g e d in g iv in g e x te n siv e 1.19 p r. 1 0 » Taupe,' R ose B eauty and C lassic a id to 5 s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts . T h e S T E P p ro g ra m is p a r t ­ A n o th e r full s u m m e r session ia lly sp o n so red bv a $585,000 j • S ecret sheer, ram step toe and T an. S a tu rd ay is y o u r la s t d a y to a t S ta te follow s. F o rd F o u n d a tio n G ra n t. The top. e v e r knee seamless s tr e t­ sa v e on a j a l r , even m o re on th re e D u rin g th e fifth y e a r of tr a in ­ m o n ey w ill b e sp en t o v er a 7-1 ch . . . U S p r. 1 U I p a ir. Sizes 8li - l l , proportioned. ing, th e s tu d e n t te a c h e r s r e ­ y e a r p erio d . c e iv e % o f a b eg in n in g te a c h ­ A n o th e r m a in fe a tu re of the K N A P P 'S H O SIE R Y — S T R E E T LEVEL e r ’s s a la r y . A t th is tim e , one p la n , sa id D r. C o rm an , is th a t su p e rv is o r is a b le to a c c o m ­ i t is d esig n ed to b e self-sus- m o d a te 10 stu d e n ts. tra in in g a fte r th e G ra n t ru n s D r. C o rm a n p o in ted out th a t o u t. H e sa id th a t, if 20 stu d en ts w e sho u ld n o t tr y to c o m p a re , a s y e t, th is n ew p ro g ra m w ith a y e a r fro m e a c h o f the c e n t­ th e tra d itio n a l o n -cam p u s one. e r s is e n g a g e d in th e p ro g ra m , Favorite Blouson i t w ill su p p o rt itse lf a fte r eac h H e s a id it w ould b e lik e com ­ p a rin g n ig h t a n d d a y . g ro u p of 20 re a c h e s , its th ird H o w ev er, p re v io u s te a c h e r y e a r in tra in in g . T he to ta l re ­ tra in in g h a s h a d to d e a l w ith q u ire d , th e n , fro m e a c h co m ­ a v a c u u m . T h e te a c h e r c a n d i­ m u n ity p e r y e a r, is 60 stu d en ts. in Wool Jersey d a te s c o v e re d a w ide ra n g e of A t a n y g iv en tim e , appF oxi-, su b je c t m a tte r a n d m eth o d s m a te ly 20 of th e m w ill be in j co u rse s. B u t a - v a c u u m w as th e ir f irs t y e a r of tra in in g , 20 c re a te d in th a t th e y h a d little in th e ir second, a n d so on. a c tu a l p r a c tic e in i h e field , he said. D r. W illiam H icks is in I c h a rg e o f th e a d m in istra tio n , 14.95 T he S tu d e n t-T e a c h er P ro ­ of th e p ro g ra m . g ra m w a s co n ceiv ed to elim in ­ a te th is g ap . H e s a id t h a t a T he basii. d re ss th a t will B A L L E R IN A D IR E C T S co m b in atio n of w o rk in th e ele­ N E W Y O RK UH — B alle rin a c a r r y -y o u from now ’til m e n ta ry schools w ith tra in in g N o ra K a y e is v en tu rin g into of th e te a c h e r s is a n e sse n tia l le g itim a te th e a te r fo r th e firs t sp rin g , c a n be d re sse d np fe a tu re of th e p la n . I t p ro v id es tim e , -as a s s is ta n t d a n c e d ire c ­ o r dow n. C om pletely lined a g ra d u a l in d u ctio n in to te a c h ­ t o r fin* “ T h e G ay L ife .” ing. B liss K ay e is se rv in g a s aid e w ith % sleeves, self tie U n d er th e p re v io u s m e th o d s to c h o re o g ra p h e r H e rb e rt R oss, of te a c h e r tra in in g , a b o u t 10% h e r -h u s b a n d in p riv a te life. b e lt a n d se lf button b ac k . of n e w -te a c h e rs q u it a f te r th e W hen n ew s of h e r a ssig n m e n t Choose fro m b lack, ro y a l firs t y e a r in th e field . D r. C or­ le a k e d out, 100 d a n c e rs tu rn e d m a n s tre s s e d th a t th is w a s p ri­ o u t f o r th e f irs t au d itio n which o r g re e n in sizes 7 to 15. m a rily d u e to th e fa c t th a t They sh e su p e rv ise d . — K N A P P ’S D R ESSES P Ê A N lls STREET LEVEL DOMt PUT A BRAN) ON*£££.. l l L STAV INTHE CORRAL! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 1 6 , 1 % ! Switchboard. Out! Michigan State News New Phone Systems P u b lished by th e stu d en ts of M ichigan S ta te U n iversity. Issu e d o n -c la s s d a y s M onday th ro u g h F rid a y , d u rin g th e fall, w in te r a n d sp rin g q u a rte rs . Issu ed tw ice-w eekly d u rin g th e su m m e r te rm . Second c la ss p o sta g e p aid a t E a s t L an sin g , M ichigan. •- ‘In’ As of August 19 E d ito ria l a n d business offices a t 341 S tudent S ervices building, M ichigan S ta te U niversity, E a s t L ansing, M ichigan. M ail subscriptions, p a y ab le in ad v an ce fo r one te rm , 83; fo r tw o te rm s , $4; fo r th re e te rm s , 85. M em b er , of-the A ssociated P re s s , In la n d D aily P r e s s A sso­ By F R E D K L E IN check It a g a in st th e stu d e n t's ch a rg e for e a c h a p a rtm e n t in ciation an d th e College p ress. S tate New s Staff W riter c a rd a fte r it is tu rn e d in. the m a rrie d housing u n its.' E d ito r M a rciiu V a n N e ss C ity E d ito r C h arles R ic h a rd s U n iv ersity telephones will be­ C orrective actio n will be tak- i O fficials rec o m m en d th a t Adv. M g r J e r r y Lurtdy N ew s E d ito r ....... Jo e H a rris gin conv ertin g to th e new “ C en­ en by th e U n iv ersity if a bill is stu d en ts keep th e ir room s lock­ Cir. M gr. Bill M arsh a ll N ight E d i t o r E ric Filson t r e x ” phone sy stem Aug. 19. not p aid. Also, if th e re is d is­ e d so th a t no o th e r stu d en t can ta k e a d v a n ta g e of th e phone. im T he first to be affe c ted by th e h onesty am ong th e stu d en ts th e ch an g eo v er will be th e facu lty U n iv ersity w ill ste p in. T his new sy stem is d ire c t in- and-out dialing w ithout th e aid LOWEST RECORD PRICES an d a d m in istra tiv e phones. T rouble on th e sy stem m ay D orm itory phones w ill begin a rise on long d is ta n c e ' calls. of an o p e ra to r. T here w in be no 11 p.m . sw itch b o ard closing IN MICHIGAN o p eration Sept. 23, 1961. D or­ E a c h ro o m m ate should know if m ito ry room s will h a v e a new he o r she h a s m ad e a long d is­ tim e . * , - E V E N LOW ER THAN R EC O R D CLUBS look. E a c h room will h av e *a ta n c e , c a ll and it is th e stu ­ T he E a s t L ansing-L ansing phone. The jdorm sw itch b o ard , d e n t’s in d ividual responsibility a re a win n o t be affected by the a fa m ilia r sight, will becom e to p ay f o r his call. ch an g e a t th e p re se n t tim e . outm oded. T he old sy stem had Self-Service T he new phone serv ice will The U n iv ersity wiU h av e th e R eco rd Shop p rdclS cT pliones. T hese will no longer be in use. not b e free. In th e d o rm s th e re will b e a $1 p e r stu d en t p er cnly “ C en trex ’.’ sy stem in this a r e a ._ B e e th o v e n ^ M arried housing will be th e m onth c h arg e—o r $3 p e r te rm T he new system will be in­ la s t- a f f e c te d . T he phones lo­ for eac h student. sta lle d by th e M ichigan Bell 287 M. A. C., E a s t L ansing—A cross fro m K n a p p ’s c a te d u T th e se living units a re T h e re w ill b e a $5 p e r m onth T elephone Co. tc begin th e ir o p eratio n on Oct. 1,1961. H ow ever, not all phones lo cated in th e se units will h av e th e new sy stem in stalled . In sta lla tio n in th e m a rrie d housing units is done on a r e ­ q u e st b asis a t th e p re se n t tim e. Announcing the OPENING of If a living u n it b ecom es v a c a n t, “ C e n tre x ” sy ste m will th e n be in sta lle d for th e next oc­ c u p a n t’s use. School officials said that this change was brought about by t h e overcrowded conditions POLACHEK’S FABRICS prevailing on the present sys­ tem. 427 East Grand River Ave. Lucon T heater Bldg. T h is new sy ste m will do m u c h to reliev e th e overcro w d ­ Elast Lansing ed situation. T he school h as h a d n u m ero u s co m p lain ts on th e p re se n t sy stem . where you’l l :- E v e n th e c a m p u s o p e ra to rs w ill h a v e a new -look. In ste a d o f th e old sw itch b o ard , a con­ ~ find sole, touch-pulse sy ste m will be in stalled . It w ill no longer b e n e c e ssa ry fo r th e o p e ra to r to p u sh ja c k s in an d o u t; ju s t p u n ch a bu tto n . ~ FASHION by the yard! In th e d o rm ito ry , e a c h indi­ v id u a l n u m b e r w ill not be lis t­ e d in th e L an sin g phone book. WOOLENS by _ O nly th e U n iv ersity n u m b e r w ill be listed . T he U niversity n u m b e r is A re a code 517, T ele­ phone No. 355-1855. Forstman - Hockanum COTTONS by E a c h stu d en t w ill h a v e his phone n u m b e r liste d s e p a ra te ­ ly in th e stu d en t D irecto ry . Abbott - Milliken T h e re will be stu d e n t D ire c to r­ Galey and Lord ie s provided w ith e a c h phone. Crestwood - Heller ' A p p ro x im ately 200,000 post c a r d s will be fu rn ish ed so th a t Bates - Wamsutta th e stu d en t c a n inform e x p ect­ e d c a lle rs of his new n u m b er. If th e se c a rd s a r e u sed , th e stu ­ Fabrex - Burlington d e n t will d eriv e g r e a te r benefit fro m th e new sy stem . Lowenstein - Ameritex W ith t h e new s y ste m stu d en ts l w ill be ab le to d ial long d is­ ta n c e d irectly . At le a s t, in t h e ! frotnnton J^hmond c a s e of statio n -to -statio n c a lls .! P ro v id in g they know th e a r e a J code an d th e n u m b er. In c a se s of co llect c a lls an d j perso n -to -p erso n c a lls th e oper- j a to r m u st still be co n tacted . imported from Hong Kong H e re is th e w ay th e stu d e n t! would p laee his long d is ta n c e ! c a ll Formal Fabrics 1. Dial 9; th en p refix 1. (the p refix 1 puts th e-lo n g d istan ce eq u ip m en t in o p eratio n ) 2. D ial a r e a code n u m b er. 3. D ial dis­ Vogue •-McCall - Synthetics& ta n t city nofmber. I t is not n ecessary ^ fo r th e Simplicity and complete lines o f long d ista n c e o p e ra to r to in­ te rv e n e . T im ing, a re a , an d b ill­ ing a re tak en c a r e of im m e d i­ Modes Royale & Spadea Trimmings and Sewing Accessories a te ly . If th e stu d e n t w ishes notification of th e c h a rg e s, he m a y co n ta c t th e o p e ra to r. A fter m ak in g a long d ista n c e “Do come in and get acquainted’9 c a ll, th e stu d e n t m u st inform th e d o rm of th e c a ll. A c a rd Mgr t Mrs. Dorothy Pride - w ill b e fu rn ish ed fo r th is p u r­ p o se. I t w ill look lik e a n IBM. STORE HOURS . t . Daily 9:30A.M . to 5 :30 P.M. Wednesdays 12 Noon to 9 P.M. c a rd . T he d o rm w ill also m a k e a re c o rd of th e c a ll a n d will Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 .«I V i e w p o i n t ’ H o s t, C o l. J o h n B a r r o n T o J o i n B u t l e r U n iv e r s ity F a c u lty Lt. Col. John B. Barron, as­ Butler well prepared. Service called Pepperrell F or-. He also said that the univer­ become a part of a university sistant professor of air science He received a Bachelor of ! urn. sity student of today is a dif- community.” , and host of the weekly discus­ Journalism degree from the On the program , he discuss- ferent type than before the Butler, in Indiana near In­ sion program “ Viewpoint” , University of Missouri in 1935 ed topics and Issues with the w ar- He said that the student dianapolis, is a private institu­ leaves September 1 to become and a m asters degree in Com­ faculty of Memorial University ls no longer the aesthetic, con- tion with an enrollment of assistant professor of journal­ munication Arts from Michigan of Newfoundland, and with tem plating Type, but is now about 4,000. Barron will begin ism at Butler University. State in 1959. many government officials, in­ concerned with preparing for there September 11 . Viewpoint, heard weekly on cluding the Prim e Minister and the m arket place; and he is He. his wife Cecelia, and two WKAR, is a 39-minute discus­ He was a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, h a s several m em bers of the cabi­ not as serious. — daughters, Cynthia, 17, and sion series, with topics that worked for several New York net. “ I can’t say whether this is Carole, 11, will leave E ast Lan­ have varied from ancient his­ Barron said that he think« good or bad,” he said, “ but I sing September 1. tory and english literature to trade Journals, and pioneered journalism is the. finest pre­ present day politics and world in news broadcasting as an paration for a great number wouid like to see students-more crises. editor for the , P ress Radio serious instead o f , carrying More people attend concerts Bureau in 1936. of fields. about the ‘world owes d i m in the United States than go Since Barron initiated the “ It requires integrity, imagi­ living’ attitude.” program in 1956, over 200 fa­ He has also worked In public to baseball games, both major culty m em bers have been on relations as information ser­ tion,” nation, intelligence and educa­ and minor league, including he said. “ It is among the Barron, who has been here the World Series. the air with him. vices officer a t Mitchell AFB, In 1959, the pro g ram -w as Langley AFB, and at Pepper­ the most exciting professions in five years, stated clearly and world.” simply his reason for. leaving telecast on WMSB-TV. It has rell AFB in Newfoundland. the military to become a teach­ Children under 14, and older also been taped and broadcast “ Journalism 1 s concerned adults are especially suscept­ While in Newfoundland from with the. whole man and the er. ible to falls from tractors, wag­ over a 25-station state network. 1953 to 1956, he conducted a In an interview Wednesday, program sim iliar to Viewpoint whole scene, not just any spec­ “ Since I ’ve been here,” he ons and combines say Michigan Barron said that the AFROTC for the Armed Forces Radio ifically outlined segment of said, 'T v e nurtured a fondness State-U niversity farm safety one,” he said. program here is very effective, for university living. I want to specialists. and producing the desired re­ sults for the a ir force. H e said that m akings ROTC AT S C H M ID T ’ S I N O K E M O S ! voluntary instead of compul­ sory will gain more prestige for the reserve officer. “ There is more prestige in j ROTC now than there ever w as", he said, “ even in w ar­ tim e.” “ Now that the program is. no | longer compulsory, it will be { even g rea ter.” _ Barron retired from the air force January 1, 1961, the day EAST GRAND RIVER A T HAMILTON ROAD after he was promoted to Lt. Colonel. O P E N EV ER Y DAY 9 A .M . TO 9 P.M . (E X C E P T SU N D A Y ) Barron was awarded the Army Commendation Medal D E LIC A TE SSEN for an article he wrote Tor Air Vou Save Twice — Low Price« P lu s K ing K orn Stamp«! D E PA R T M E N T University Quarterly entitled “ W anted-Intellectual Leader­ ship” . The article provided the PLAN A T H R IF T Y PIC N IC ! D eliciou s Barbecued basis for Operations Bootstrap and Midnight Oil, programs, CHICKENS WATERMELONS S ' 49c which returned thousands of arm ed forces personnel to un­ iversities and. colleges for com­ each 9 9 c pletion of degrees. He also received the Air Force Commendation Medal F re sh Calif. Lem ons each for Viewpoint. “ I dare say,” he said, “that 5 c U.S GRADE A I am the only officer ever de­ L ib b y ’s Frozen Lem onade 6oz.tin s 6 fo r 5 -9 c corated for, just writing and talking.” F R Y E R Barron has had several arti­ Sealtest Sherbet Yz Gal. 59 c PARTS cles published in various publi­ occccC". cations on campus. Among some of the titles are: Breasts or - “ Some of My Best Friends are Professors” ; “Eggheads in Fashion” ; “ What is a Uni­ »M ANOR HOUSE Legs-and Thighs versity?” ; and “ John Dewey, Philosopher of Education.” He will begin his teaching at ■ COFFEE lb. l b . 4 9 c Pay More! What For! U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ROLLED L ib b y ’s B eef Stew , Chili Con Carne 24 OZ. CAN 39c W ASH ‘N’ WEAR DACRON BLENDS Rôtisserie Roasts M orton’s F ru it Pies large size, 3 for 81.00 Reg. $12.95 Reg. 9.95 - Now $9.95 - Now 7.95 12 oz. WHEATIES, 10 oz. SUGAR JETS, il». 8 9 c Reg. 8.95 * Now 6.95 9 oz. CORN KIX, 10 oz. CHEERIOS, \ 8 1 00 B uy Now A nd Save 7 oz. TWINKLES, 6 ^ oz. T R IX ............................. . *X*. p k g S . X FRESH LEAN MEATY ■r .. SMALL SIZE W ASH W W EAR Polished Cottons Kingston! Charcoal Briqnets 10 lb. bag c 69 SPARE RIBS And Reynold’s Heavy -inch Alnminam Foil 18 69 c lb. 4 9 c Baby Cords Dad’s Root Beer oz. ThrowAwayBottles for o 12 6 49 BONELESS ROLLED Only $ 3 .9 5 PORK BUTT ROASTS LEN KQSITCHEK’S T ? d T * C * HAMILTON O lb. 4 9 c L G G S — jn r - o 9 c VARSITYSHOP 228 A b b o tt Rd. S c h m i d t 9s Guarantee o f Quality A lw a y s Protects Y o u ! Michigan State New«, East Jatuing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 6 _ _____ F o r e ig n S t u d e n t - Art Gallery E n j o y s S t u d y H e r e Show Includes F I N A L Aminal Islam, 27, of Dacca, ran out after one year, but he ‘Masterpiece’ E ast Pakistan, said in an in­ found that his studies required “The Vision of St. Anthony,” R E D U C T I O N terview Friday, that the him to stay for another year. pitality and interest Islam was then granted the purchased for 924,000, is being dents from Pakistan is most Michigan State foreign student exhibited in the sm all gallery gratifying. scholarship, which will rem ain a t the Kresge 4 f t Center as Islam came to Michigan active until he returns to E ast part of 'Michigan States’ a rt State after he had graduated Pakistan this fall. — collection. from Dacca University with He said, " I wish to express The paintings, called "P atron S H O E S honors in chemistry and re ­ my thanks to ^ the professors Salute,” are a collection of a ceived his m aster’s degree in who were instrumental in get­ few of the works of a rt ac- soil science. H e cam e here on ting me the scholarship because r ired b y t h e university a Fulbright Scholarship after ough gifts from alum ni and he had been a lecturer a t Dacca it has m ade it possible for me to stay long enough to com­ friends. C u sto m c ra ft . . . . s9 University from 1956 to 1959. plete my studies.'* One of the outstading pieces \ The Fulbright Scholarship When asked what he thought of the collection is the Zurbar- of U. S. standards of education, an m asterpiece, "The Vision of St. Anthony.” The painting was Cobo Hall Is he said: — “ th e standards in courses in purchased with funds from the M a d e m o is e lle . . . s1 2 research are very high and will MSU Gepueral Development Site of Detroit be very helpful to me when I return to the teaching profes­ sion.” £ - Fund and gifts from Lansing friends who contributed spe­ cifically for the painting. Music Show Islam plans to return to E ast Pakistan this fall, and will re ­ Hanging near the outside of the small 'gallery is another C a m sa -J oyee By E. MALCOLM FILSON port as a staff member to Dac­ spectacular piece of. the collec­ ca University in January, 1962. tio n ,-th e Calder "Black Mo­ Town f t Country State News Staff Writer bile.” The work of a rt was pur­ - Capezio The Third annual American chased b y t h e university Festival of Music was held in Cobo Hall. _ The Festival, produced by Wife of Prof through gifts of the graduating class of 1958 and the Develop­ SC J and O ment Fund. Ed Sarkesian, featured-such jazz greats as the Dave Bru- Appearing in A showing of Japanese prints occupies the larger galleries at beck Quartet, the Pete Foun­ tain Quartet, and the Wes Montgomery Quartet. Ledges’ Play the a rt center. Other performers were the Four Freshm en, the Father Carmen Decker, wife of an Basic research*. aim ed at assistant professor of ari, is finding better ways to remove O o m p h ie s Casuals . $3 Dustin Septet, the Jack Broken- appearing at the Ledges Play­ feathers in cleaning chickens,' % sha Quartet, t h e Bobby Troup house through Saturday night. is being conducted a t Michi­ Take advantage of th ese, special savings on fashion Trio, and Julie London. Miss Decker appeared earlier gan State University. leading casual and dress shoes . . . a multitude of -Nina Simone, Jonah Jones, this year in “ The Curious Sav­ styles, in all heel heights, perfect for w ear now. Canonball and Nat Adderly, age" with ZaSu Pitts. This is Charming young ladies. the Count Basie Orchestra, and her fifth season at the Ledges. Miss Boyle appears as San j Lambert, Hendricks and Ross Appearing with Miss Decker Francisco girl who beReves her also performed. The Sunday in “ Under the Yum Yum Tree” I m arriage will be more success­ show lasted five hours and was is Bill Slout, Marte Boyle, and ful if she and^her fiance share i tu is u n s topped ciffljy the Count Basie Harry Cauley. “ Under the Yum an apartm ent on a platonic' Orchestra’s drummer who did Yum Tree” is a fast moving basis. H arry Cauley plays the a 12 minute solo that brought Broadway comedy about an i fiance. . — apartm ent owner who prefers j “ Under the Yum Yum Tree” OPEN EVERY W E D N E SJD A,Y down -the house. Cannonball Adderley played to rent his apartm ents to will ru n through Aug. 19, 1961. NIGHT UNTIL NINE a somewhat revised version of his now famous ‘‘.This H ere.” He stated that he liked to ex­ w h o ’d o v e r t h o u g h t perim ent on it now and then for variety. Lam bert, Hend­ ricks, and Ross,-felt by many y o u c o u ld b u y to be the top jazz group in the country, did some unusual pre­ sentations. ~ b e o u tifv t, w a d w b b When asked some candid questions immediately- after her performance, Annie Ross said VOCOMA FUEEGE ROBB that their group has a new rec­ ord to be released soon and f o r o n ly they plan to make a college tour this fall. Looking very relaxed and 1 0 .9 8 beautiful in her dressing room retreat she stated, “ Duke El­ lington was the most dominat­ ing force in jazz today.” She also expressed her like of Count Basie's style. Anne felt that the Newport Jazz Fes­ tival was a disappointment and that it lacked the creativeness of past festivals. Her dresses a t present are being designed by "Roxanne.” Spare time now is spent in furnishing and decorating her apartm ent in New York. Miss Ross said, “ She had a wonderful reception Perfect for dorm at Detroit.” The Modern Jazz Quartet o r h o m e , th e s e o r e will come to MSU next Feb­ ruary, d m sig h -so ft w a r m a n d CHOIR STARTS TOUR | w o n d e rfu l l e o c e r o b e s o f a n m l PRINCETON, N. J. (JV-r-The Princeton Seminary Choir, un-j tria c e ta te a n d n y lo n b * e n d t h a t s t a y der direction of Dr. David j b eau iH U w a sh in g a fta fw a s h in g . I048L Hugh Jones, has left on its; eight-week 1961 singing tour, | l e f b T o d o r m a g e n ta c x in fig a n d o d e fc with more than 100 perform-! ances scheduled in Alaska, 13 j ^ E jg h h FIbIq b lu e o rc a n d ie 6 g f a t northwestern a n d n o rth ern ; states, and parts of C anada., b * ) g e d u s te r , w R i lo v e ly Sixteen male singers make up the current choir, which over y b B K B iM b ftg d d s id fllB i the past 20 years has given j more than 3,000 concerts in ' every state. \ Michigan State Newg, East Laming, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 B u lle tin O ffic e O f f e r s 1960 Cham p N ot E n tered V a r ie d I n fo r m a tio n Ja m is o n Le a d s W ith a 72 If you’ve ever wondered state by the County Coopera­ what the legal requirem ents tive Extension Service. There­ of a dog house a re or where fore, information pertinent to h i W e s te rn J r . G o lf T o u rn e y to get a picture of a sugar beet, each county is distributed by you should contact the MSU county agents and used as text A brisk breeze, long roughs E ast Lansing, Larry Cushion, Bulletin office. m aterial for their classes. par 71 course, pushing many and narrow ' fairways ham ­ E ast Lansing, and Steve Schull- out of bounds on the 18th hole. These odd questions and - The office sends free copies pered the record field of 234 ler, E ast Lansing. m any m ore, such a s bow to to dll libraries, high schools THE F O R E S T AKERS entries in the Western Junior Golfers expected to turn in course, closed to regular play start a candy business, a re an­ and land grant colleges. Michi­ Golf tournam ent which began swered hi the office stock of gan residents can order up to outstanding performances in­ through Wednesday, has been Tuesday a t Forest Akers. clude John Stevens, Kansas intentionally made more diffi­ some 800 books and pamphlets 10 publications free, but out- Jam es Jam ison, Moline, 111., am ateur champion, and George cult for the tournament. T h e published by the university state requests are lim ited to led the incompleted field in the Boutell, of Phoenix, Ariz., con­ covering m any facets of agri­ single copies. roughs have been growing first qualifing round with an sidered one of the best am­ long, the fairways have been culture and home economics. Information from the Michi­ 16-hole 72. He was followed by All the m aterial is available gan State Agricultural Experi­ ateurs in the Southwest. narrowed and the greens chop­ Bob Ellis, Wilmette, 111., Jeff The wind played havoc with ped much closer than normal. to students, but the bulk of it m ent Station is also available Fischer, D e xt e r, M i c h ., is distributed throughout the to interested people. many of tht tee shots on the See JAMISON Page 11 Robert H a m m e r , Sarastoa, Roy S tarr, office m anager, Fla., Dave Huske, Elgin, 111., S p o rt Sh orts said that over 2 ,200,000 publi­ cations were sent out last year. Richard Killian, Lawton, Okla., and R i c h a r d Kurzynowski, Michigan State’s first organ­ He expects to top that amount Jackson, Mich., all Witt 73’s. ized athletic team of any kind th is y e a r. There were five each a t 74 was a baseball squad formed in and 75, eight at 78, seven at 1865—ten years after the school 77. six at 78 and eight a t 79. was founded. THE- RECORD number of S o ftb a ll Sch ed u le entries will be trim m ed to 32 Michigan State’s Intram ural \ -- - in the final qualifying round Wednesday sports program for the 1960-61 today. Each entrant is required Field 1 Village Men vs. Or­ school y e a r produced 10,168 to play 36 holes in two qualify­ angutangs participants competing in 35 Field 2: MSU Cream ery vs. ing rounds. activities. L ast y e a r’s winner, Labron ★ ★ Field 3: Lard Lakers vs. Ro­ Harris, J r., of Stillwater, Okla., Leonard Brose, form er Mich­ zos will not defend his champion­ igan State Big Teh tennis Field 4: Ag. Econ. vs. Kel­ ship leaving the Western Jurn champion, won the 1961 Detroit logg F. ior title open to one of the 234 Invitational net tournam ent. Field 5: Gold Bricks vs. High­ contestants. G ary Fanks, Michigan State way Research Three' entries from the fresh­ sophomore hockey player from man golf team are among the Sault Ste. M u le , is a form er Thursday record num ber of entries. They Upper Peninsula Open golf Field 1: Stipends vs. Cherry are Dan Townsend, Ypsilanti, champion. Pickers Ron Klaassee, Grand Rapids, ★ ★ ★ Field 2 : -Botany vs. Public! and Shep Richards, Okemos. ONE BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS Dick B all, Michigan State Safety OTHERS from the area in­ basketball player, and Brian Field 3: H i g h w a y vs. clude Denny English, Lansing ON U .S. 1 6 E isner, MSU tennis star, team* Toughies Junior champion, Dave Miller, ed to win the Wisconsin high Field 4: Integrals vs. Gold school tennis doubles cham ­ Bricks pionship in 1958. Field 5: Dairy vs. Haudas FINALSARECOMING! . . . Catch Up O n Those Outside Read­ ings and Recommended Readings . . .- Find O u t Those Important Dates and Places In - Yo u r History and Political Science Sections C O L L E G E O U T L I N E S and D o n ’t B e A T u rk e y R E Q U I R E D R E A D I N G S For Mont Courses Available in the P A P E R B O U N D B O O K R O O M BA SEM EN T STO R E T a k e Y o u r G o th e s to . . • . C a m p u s B o o k S t o r e nwSwWsïVifâ1 i f t O M f nfosnW d Shirt Landry Across From The Union Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, Angnat 16, 1961 8 __ Junior Davis Gup Team P r itu la , B e lk in J a y c e e Includes 3 Jaycee Entries Three of the top junior boys | The other she players on the T e n n is S in g le s C row n s e n tr ie s in the Jaycee tennis U * * 01 ***: p a r i e s Pasarelle, tournament held here last week | ^ ^ o S ^ O M a . O M * 1 X - P retty Sharon Pritula, 15- t Belkin, perhaps the greatest I’ve ever played.” Belkin san year-old Detroit star, and Flori­ crowd pleaser with his court “ And, except for being care have been chosen as members j ^ s t Louis, Mo.. Butch less in those middle sets. 1 felt of the U S. Junior Davis Cup Newman> gan Antonio, Texas, d a ’s Mike Belkin climaxed an antics, was constantly uttering upset studded tennis tourna­ self-criticisms and compliment­ real good all the way.” team ’ -i Andy" Lloyd. Shreveport, La., ment here Saturday and walk­ ing his rivals. Those named to the squad [ and Fritz Scbimck, Orlando, - SHARON PRITULA, very im­ who played in the tourney"~are Fla ed off with the Junior Girls’ In his semi-finals m atch with pressive throughout the tourna­ Mike 'Belkin, Miami Beach, and Junior Boys’ Jaycee In­ Arthur Ashe, the scorer intro­ ment and especially in the Belkin is the youngest of the ternational singles crowns. Fla., David Reed, Glendale, group 8 t 16. duced Ashe first with a very championship m a t c h with - Sharon walloped Louisiana’s impressive list of titles held Leora Trice, said none of it Calif., and Arthur Ashe, St. The team will practice as a Leora Trice 6-2, 6-1, in the and,, after introducing Belkin was easily accomplished. Louis. Mo. unit before participating in finals after dumping Nancy with only one past title, Bel­ “ I had to play my best all The three all ^advanced to tournam ents in Newport. R. I., Falkenberg, Florida, 7-5, 8 -6 , kin turned to' the scorer and -the semi-finals in the Junior and Brookline, Mass. the way against real tough com­ in the semi-finals. said, “ Shall I leave now?*’ He petition, especially in the quar­ Boys__________ division. Belkin defeated ! They wiO then appear in the Miss Trice, unseeded, -upset should be glad be didn’t. Reed for the championship aft- i national singles championships ter and semi-finals and against Molly Danielson, seeded No. 1 er eliminating Ashe , in their at Forest Hills. New York on from California, in the quarter­ WHEN IT CAME down to Leora in the finals,” she"said. semi-final match. I Sept. 1. finals and Virginia G ilbane, playing the gam e, however,4- The wind upset many of my Rhode Island’s fourth - seeded Belkin was deadly serious. He shots in the final m atch and entry, in the semi-finals to gain played the type of game one I’m sure, m any of Leora’s too,’’ her finals berth. fan called the “thinking m an’s she said. D e t r o i t S y s t e m S i g n s Miss Pritula, Michigan’s only gam e.” He analyzed his oppon­ finalist in the tournament, bead ents, let them set the pace, and second-seeded B arbara Mueller defensed them to death. S h o r t s of Wisconsin in the quarter­ After the Belkin-Ashe match, F o r m e r M S U H u r l e r many of the fans expressed the " New facilities at the Dairy finals. __ - The Detroit Tigers have sign -1 John Smith. Penns Grove,. bglief that Ashe was off-form. Cattle Research and Teaching FRECKLED MIKE BELKIN, Commenting on this, Belkin center a t Michigan State Uni­ ed Ken Avery, former 1959-61 N. J .; Bill GardeneF. Brooklyn. fourth-seeded, used-DIs Very ac­ said; versity will be open for public Michigan State pitcher, along N. Y.; and Everette Newman, curate two-handed backhand to “ I don’t think so, I just had inspection September L with eight other players, to a S o u t h Charleston, W.Va., take the m easure of highly his num ber." 19© farm club contract._ (South Carolina University). touted Arthur Ashe, Missouri’s The 38th annual Michigan Commenting on the third and Avery, a southpaw from Tay­ All are right-handers. No. 1 seeded entry, 6-4, 64, to fourth sets of bis m atch with State University Cattle Feeders lor, Mich.,"was signed to a non- Another left hander signed move into the finals. Day will be Thursday (August bonus contract with the Tigers’ I•with Avery was Bob Lazare- Dave Reed which Reed took 17) on the E ast Lansing cam p­ Belkin’s opponent was CaU- huuiffly, Belkin said, He came Knoxville farm club and will \ wicz, North Tonawanda, N. Y. fornian Dave Reed, second- along - us. (Illinois State Normal). strong in those sets and report for spring training next ! seeded and favored. In the best- I got careless.” A Swine Type conference is March at Tigertown, Lakeland, Others joining the Tiger club ! of-five series, Belkin quickly system in 1962 a re left-handed “ I n my first two sets with to be held at Michigan State Fla. | set the pace taking (he first Reed I playecPthe best tennis University Friday (August 18). A two year letterman at hitters Dick Reese, first base­ two sets 6-0, 6-2. Reed cam e State, Avery received most of man from Deshier, Ohio; Ken back strong, 64, 6-2, setting up his collegiate experience in his Schultz, third baseman from a crowd-thrilling fifth, set. Worthington. Ohio lOtterbein); . REED jumped off to a 4-1 and,Charles Yakeman. outfield­ lead before Belkin regained his W A N D A H A N C O C K ’S er-third baseman from Spart- composure and scored his anburg^S. C. " ’• , SU M M ER come-from-behlnd 7-5 upset vic­ tory for the championship. Later in Che day Reed again Few Tickets _ went five sets only to end up second best. In the Junior Boys’, Remain (or doubles m atch Jim Osborn and 'Rod Kop, third-seeded team from Hawaii, defeated Reed U of M Game and John Isaacs, California’s • Dresses $5 up fourth-seeded entry, 6 -2 , 8 -6 , Only a few tickets remain of 8-10, 4-6, 6-1. In Junior Girls’ doubles play, R A IN C O A T S P la stic $3 MSU’s allotment fo rth e Michi­ Miss Trice cam e back with her gan football game -at Ann Ar­ Louisiana Jeam -m ate, Linda • OTHEITSTYLES $ 1 2 and up bor Oct. 14. according to Bill Hamel, to upset the second- Beardsley, ticket manager, seeded Rhode Island team of The demand for the Spartan- Virginia Gilbane and Joanne Wol verine game has been Swanson for the crown. heavy and the supply is dwind­ ling rapidly, Beardsley said. JANE ALBERT, CaLfornia’s SWIM SUITS The MSU-Michigan game has No. 1 seeded girls_entry, upset Avery imiior and senior years. The been a sellout for the last 13 by second-seeded Stephanie De- meetings. ' ,— Fina, Florida, for th e" girls Notre Dáme. to play here singles title, joined team -m ate NOW eft-hander saw very little Oct^ St. -is leading in home- .Jean Iwoz to defeat Miss De- iction during his sophomore game ticket sales and. though Fina and team -m ate Gloria ear in 1959. many seats remain, sales are Sullivan for the doubles titter. ’/j to Vi off IN SPRING, 1961. Avery com- moving steadily. Beardsley In thé boys doubles, Jeff iiled a 2-1 won-loss record- said Brown and Dean Panero, Cali­ bile appearing in nine outings The Spartan-Irish game has fornia’s No. 1 seeded team , v M SILJ le hurled a total of been a sellout for the last 11 staved off determined efforts i innings getting a 2.89 ERA meetings. by No. 2 seeded John Gilbart or the season. Slightly less Season and individual game and Bill Harris of Florida, 7-5, Special R eductions on •tfeciive in his junior yeaivthe tickets for the home games 4-6. 13-11. I i i - • Skirts -$2 - $ 3 • $ 5 pitcher appeared' in seven eon% with Stanford. Notre Dame, In­ tests, pitched 21 innings in re­ diana. Northwestern and Ill­ ONE OF the tournament cording a 2-2 pitching mark. inois can _ be ordered through highlights was the constant self- • Slacks and His-ERA was 4 28. the Athletic-Ticket Office. Jen- criticism given by the entrants. A physical education major, ison Gymnasium. - j After dropping the fifth point of Co-ordinates _ Avery showed future potential the second set to Mike Belkin, according to some observers j Many young would-be farm ­ Dave Reed muttered. “ That’s although his college baseball ers don't decide to leave the disgusting." Again, after flub­ record was not spectacular. farm soon enough to prepare bing a shot in his doubles m atch, he said, “ That’s where “ Avery is a big, strong pitch-; adequately for a good non­ 1 left off this morning !" BLOUSES $2 up j farm job, say MSU sociologists. er with a good curve which j helped him beat Notre D am e! ana Purdue this year," com -; Get Your Entry Blanks for F eather Guessing Contest mented Frank Pellerin. assist­ F o r T h e Elite i n .... ant baseball coach. AVERY WAS a 1957 gradu­ • Hair Styling a te from Taylor Central High • Bleach»« and Tinting j School and played one year of footbalMhere. During the sum­ • Perm anents \ smflRTuieftR m er of 1959 Avery, with a 6-0 See ns at our air-conditioned salon record, lead a D earborn team j to the championship in the ‘ 228 Abbott Rd. feast Lansing American Baseball Congress at Battle Creek. - J Patrician Hair Fashions Daily Honra: 1:30 a.m. to 5:36 p.m. P at — — — — — M artin - Other pitchers signed w ith : Opea Wednesday 9:36 a.m. to I p.m .-1 Avery are& ob Wright. Warren, j .. Call ED 7-1114 For Appointment! Mich. (University of D etroit);! Michigan State News, East Lansing,- Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 lip AW NUTS — Mike Belkin failed to return this shot with David Reed, but hung on ot defeat Reed 6 0 , 6-2, 4-6, 2-6, 7-5 for the Junior Boys’ Singles championship. _ T e n n is T o u r n a m e n t DETERMINED DARLING — Petite Sharon Pritnla, the darting of the tennio tourney slams a forehand as she wins the Jnnior Girls’ Singles Title. HAPPY CHAMPS — Mike Belkin and Sharon P rk u la posed for the press after their victories. CALIFORNIANS WIN — Jeff Brown and Dean Panerò of California peer RUNNER UP — David Reed of Glendale, California fe- . — Intently a t J o ta GUbart of Florida fas their Rsal m atch far the Beys’ Doubles turned this shot successfully hat lost his final match -with Crewn^ Mike Belkin of Miami Beach, Fla. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 1 0 Se n io r Sig n u p fo r G rad JP ictn res Students wishing to have There will be an appointment senior pictures taken during desk a t registration for the re ­ fall regutfrutkn should sign lip m ainder o f the two weeks. this week o r next week in room Seniors who wQl ho practice 347, Student Services . teaching or nursing should plan H o l d s P r o b l e m S t u d y This applies to all students on having pictures taken on graduating any tim e from fall Saturday, SepL JO or Sunday, through sum m er term s. j Oct. 4 between 9 a.m. and 1 “ Gifted children should learn for teachers of die gifted, said regular contact with other gift­ Pictures will be taken by D el-, P m No aPPOtotment Will he at an early age that they are that parents frequently think ed children a t this agertevel. ma-atodios of New York start- i n6ceSMry‘ different from most other chil­ their children will be happier “They are. stim ulated in each ing the first day of registration. dren," Ann F. Isaacs, execu­ if not identified as gifted. other’s company,” she said. Sept. 25, mad will continue for Charles Schm itter J r., MSU tive director of the National “ OFTEN,” she added, “the On the whole she said, “ . . . two weeks. senior and son of the Spartan Association for Gifted Children, parents themselves were gift­ high school is the tim e for spe­ Only students wishing to have j fencing coach, 'w a s voted said- .— ed and recall unpleasant ex­ cial classes for the gifted.” pictures taken during the three j MSU’s “ Most Valuable” fencer — “ When they are aw are of periences in their relations with “J F THESE children are day registration period should >both his sophomore and junior their talents, most gifted chil­ other youngsters.” placed in special classes too sign up now. 1 seasons. dren are humble ami wish to She maintained, however, •early,” Mrs. Isaacs said, “they use their gifts to benefit m an­ th a t it is best for children with will tend to think of themselves kind,” said Mrs. Isaacs in an an intellectual advantage not are being average and will de­ t lA U f l "A TERRIFIC SHOW interview on campus. to be separated from other stu­ velop no appreciation of their IfU V V ! ...AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT!" Mrs. Isaacs, who is here to dents ish elem entary school — talents.” direct a two-week workshop though they should have some There is no need to “ chal­ lenge” gifted children in the sense of daring them to do something, Mrs. Isaacs said. R a r e B o o k C o lle c t io n She explained that the child does best if given indepen­ dence to pursue his own in­ W i l l A i d S c h o la r s - terests. “ THE TEACHER,” she said, A collection of rare and un­ vier could have afforded to col­ “ is the one who should feel usual books covering t h e lect such works, Chapin com­ challenged. She should have a F rench monarchy period Jia s mented. Bouvier made his for­ feeling of excitement about the „been added to the library, Dr. tune by discovering a profit­ privilege of influencing the de­ Richard E. Chapin, director of able method of cultivating the velopment of these children.” libraries, said Monday. This eucalyptus in Morocco. library of 6,700 volumes and Mrs. Isaac said that the high By purchasing the whole li- j school instructors of the talent- IINGER PRESENTS 3^000 pamphlets, collected by brary at a very low cost per e(j sjjOU},| themselves be gifted a wealthy Frenchm an, ,M . unit, such purchases are pos- so ¿ ey vvill best be able to PAUL NEW MAN/EVA MARIE SAINT Francois Bouvier, from 1808 to sibte, he said Then, too, one | understand and work with their RALPH RICHARDSON/PETER LAWFORD 1946, arrived recently frofir is likely to get better compre -1 students.- Switzerland. hensive m aterials. LEE J. COBB/SAL MINEO/JOHN DEREK The collection of 9,000 items In elem entary school, how­ J tti. HAWOHTHi “ When one m an devotes,his ever, it is not as im portant for has great research value for life to collecting works on a the teacher to be gifted as it is the scholar who is working in single subject,” Chapin assert­ for her to have the ability to This exceedingly specialized ed, “ we m ay be assured that elarify difficult subjects, said field," Chapin said. He expects the ‘tra sh ’ has been weeded Mrs. Isaacs. that scholars throughout the midwest will make use of this out, and we are getting the very best available.” E X O i Dd K b library. jj. rw u i Continuous Perform ances No Reserved Seats. Resource m aterials covering FEATURE Sunday Thru. Thursday 1:00-4:40-8:30 the private as well as the pub­ lic lives of the French kings; SHOWN! Friday 6c Saturday 1:29-5:16-9:06 ' books treating a rt and archi­ B ic y c le s tecture; works containing a N O W . . . 2 n d W eek! s f i i f i m u n ^ i PRICES study of heraldry (coats of arm s) are included, he said. D o n ’t H a v e Selected by P arent’s Additional features found in some of the books are por­ Magasine for, the Special. m m r m z z x z z i z traits. maps and numerous il­ A C h a n c e Merit Award for Aagari. Children — ------- 35c lustrations. m— mmmm— mmmmmipm» _ > "■«........ Fe atarc l U r U at ! :» , Scholars will find hundreds If you have a bicycle.on cam ­ 4 M b 1 M , * M P .M . - of rare books dating from the pus there’s a 25 per cent chance early 16th century and includ­ that it will be stolen, according ing items from the Christopher to Department of Public Safety Piantin, Estienne and other fa­ officials. mous presses, be said. “.At the present time there Only a wealthy man as Bou- are approximately 2000 bi­ Tw» Mile* s ô u t h w S to f l an M-7S cycles on campus— To date Alum Named there have been 473 reported thefts, since- last summer. “ This constitutes an alarm ­ | STARTS • FRIDAY • AUG. 1 8 th . To Faculty ing rate of theft, which has in­ creased steadily since 1958,” At Wittenberg officials said. They attribute-The greatest . share of the thefts to the fact I C o ö P e r Appointment of May Kocrj that student owners fail to lock cf East Lansing to the Witten-j their bicycles. borg University faculty was an “ Very few bicycles are stolen ( nouneed Friday by Dean John when properly locked,” they N. Stauffer. _ said. Miss Koo will join the Wit­ The officials reported that tenberg faculty Sept. 1 as an during the first three days of instructor in psychology. this week there had been a tot­ A native of China, the new al of 11 reported thefts. Wittenberg faculty member During the month of July a received her bachelor of arts, total of 21 bicycles were re­ degree from New Asia College ported stolen. “ This is an in­ in Hong Kong in 1955. Miss Koo crease of almost 50 per cent earned her m asters degree in over the total lari July,” of­ education at Michigan S a te in ficials said. 1959. She served as a teaching The safety officials urged assistant a t New Asia College student owners to m ake sure during the 1955-56 school year. that bicycles are locked when Currently Miss Ko is finish­ not in use. !CAR0N CHEVAUER ranstwbEBkEB ing work toward her, doctor’s “If everyone would follow degree which she expects to this simple rule, there would receive from Michigan State at definitely be a sharp decrease iftflt-BÜflRXZ F S Nwmnova s the end of the 1961 summer in thefts,” they said. term. Her doctoral thesis deals with “ Attitudes of American Students toward Foreign Stu­ Michigan dairym en should T E C H N IC O L O R * ^ NEXT ATTRACTION t IMI NAKEBHMSE dents” as based upon a survey consider replacing p a rt of the “ COME of more than 300 American hay In the ration of the milking students made by Miss Koo at cow with corn silage, say MSU SEPTEM BER” Michigan State. dairymen. Michigan State New», Em Loaaing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1 1 || N a t i o n a l - A c c l a i m G i v e n k o o k W r i t t e n b y R a d i o - T V P r o f By HOWARD GATES E m ery’s experience and re­ ] After holding profesorships State News Staff W riter He is a member of the Okla­ search over a period of 25 at the University of Oklahoma homa Bar, and is licensed to A new published book by Dr. years. It presents and an aly- and Ohio State University, he Walter B. Em ery, professor of practice before the FCC t h è zes governmental policies and returned to the FCC in 1943. U.S. District Court, the U.S. radio and television, has re­ regulations and provides a ceived national recognition for HE SERVED successfuly as Court of Appeals for the Dis­ great amount of documented trict and the U.S. Supreme its careful explanation of the history explaining how t h e attorney, examiner, and chief Court. controversial area of govern­ more important ones devel­ oi the renewals and revocation ment regulation over broad­ oped. section. He was also legal as­ His articles, concerned main­ casting. sistant to Tbrmer Chairman ly with the broadcast media, The book. Broadcasting and IT ALSO contains informa­ Paul A. Walker. have appeared frequently in Government: Regulations and tive appendices which include In 1952 he left the govern­ educational journals. Responsibilities, spells out the The Communications Act of ment and for five years was His book, now in use here, Federal Communication Com­ 1934, ( i n c l u d i n g the i960 employed as general consult­ has already been adopted bjr mission’s limited regulatory amendm ents), a detailed and ant by the Joint Council on several colleges and univer­ powers. documented chronology of the Educational Television. He as­ sities for use in the coming The commission, one of the FCC and recent policy state­ sumed his duties here in 1957. year. ' —— "S —- liveliest, busiest and most con­ ments of the FCC. troversial in recent years, is. After completing a law degree now sparked by itsftew Chair­ man, Newton N. Minow, who at the University of Oklahoma in 1934, Em ery went to Wash­ ington during the first Roose­ Jamison Leads recently referred to much of broadcasting as a “vast waste­ velt administration and work­ (Continued from Page 7) Tuesday, Larry Godch, Spring, land.” Pref. Walter Em ery ed on the legal staff of the then In a practice round Sunday, field, Mo., had eleven 1-put H I E NEW chairm an is m ak­ early development of radio and newly created FCC. greens. TT“ - This was followed by four Steve Spaulding, Mattoon, 111., ing headlines with, h is out­ tbe problems which led to the spoken views on what m ust be creation of the FCC. Important years of teaching at the Uni­ scored a hole-in-one on the 172- Michigan State golf star C. A. done to correct the m any ills current problems of broadcast­ versity of Wisconsin w h i l e yard 15th hole. He used a five Smith won the 1961 Golf Asso­ of Urn broadcasting industry. ing regulation are analyzed working on his PhD in speech iron. • ciation of Michigan champion­ The FCC’« new attitude and and rem edies are suggested. which he earned in 1939. In the early qualifying round ship. the heightened public awar- ness of the agency’s work has Washington Post columnist placed great im portance on Lawrence Laurent, said in a Dr. E m ery ’s work which tells recent review th at E m ery’s what the FCC can and cannot book is easily tbe m oi^'com - do from a legal point of view. plete and most thoroughly do­ Starts Today The book also deals w ith the cumented book on the FCC’s S U P E R ----- TH E A T R requirem ents necessary to-ob­ duties and powers that has tain a broadcasting license, ever been published. technical requirem ents for sta­ “ In the heat of the present tion operation, rules regarding controversy, E m ery's judg­ BARGAIN DAY! SHOW ING O F 2 BIG FE A T U R E S broadcasting program m ing as m ents about the FCC’s author­ well as m any other controver- ity over program ing is worthy «Hoi firpftt of notice,” he said. - The book is an outgrowth of T h e s to iy o fa w D m a n w h o w B S IT TELLS the story of the PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 B y L o r e P o sse ss e d ! EA ST L A N 5 I N G * * P H t Ì N E E D .2 -2 8 1 4 JASON WMRDS, JR. NIGHTS AND SUNDAY ADULTS Me-COME EARLY He was « half a man— * STARTS 7 P.M . — 2-HITS and her husband E Ì to name only! m mk.-. TH E BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS T h e b a b y * fitte r w ith th e Fre n c h Touch t/h***MyUN£ MfRfSCH PICTURES, INC* Assocotw«*i m m m e m jc V£M M G £O T « «TOI MI MtMMMM LA N A U / U M JU a iid ( D o t u n t i â f a i EFREM COLON fey DELUXE SHOWN AT 8:35 ONLY“ and dASON C O L O R SHOWN Today At 1:25-6:08-1®: 55 •«•ring GEORGE - SÜSAF THOM AS — (Box Office Closes 16 P.M.) - T h u n , at 1:06-3:65-5:10-7:2*-9.36 m m PLUS! CO-FEATURE GRFGi'Rr PFCK DAVID N1VFN TODAY LAST TIMES ANTHON i UUINN AT t:M A S ilt P.M. »O W N AT. TH( (¡UNS OF NAVAR0 N« Sé BOi«W*M* CMMMAM«*« i m AND I t P M C O M IN G S O O N ! W A L T D I S N E Y * ! " N O T I * W IL D D O G O F T H E N O R T H ’ COM ING — “PIC N IC ” A T W I N K L E A N D SHINE** Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16,1961 1 2 F e s t iv a l C r o w d G e t s \P e O C e C oF D S T r a iU S U n r u ly a t S a u g a t u c k . * , . By E. MALCOLM FILSON crowd of over 6 ,00 0 persons Slate Newa Staff Writer .were entertained by E ast Lan­ M ic h ig a n ¡ S tu d e n ts sing's All Beutler, Duke Elling­ Swanns of MSTJ students ton and his orchestra and the alighted on the little resort Kirby Stone Four. The Kirby An MSU graduate and three During their seven weeks at teacher training program s in town of Saugatuck last Friday Stone Four did a night club act other Michigan young people Penn State, they will study vocational, public health, and for the second annual Sauga­ of imitations and impressions are attending Peace C o r p s Filipino culture, history, eco­ home economics education. tuck Music Festival. that kept the audience laugh­ training- program s a t I o w a THE PROGRAM will be un­ State Police sealed off all en­ ing for over an hour. State and Pennsylvania State nomics, education and govern­ der the direction of the St. trances to Saugatuck Saturday Universities. ment. They will also h a v e Lucia government and ethe night w h e n large milling OTHER FEATURED per­ Judith K. Cridler, 22, of courses on teaching methods, Heifer Project, an organiza­ crowds of beer-drinking stu­ formers at the festival were Grand Rapids, who received-a American civilization and in­ tion that distributes poultry dents caused fears that riots Dave Brubeck, Carmen Mc­ bachelors' degree-in English ternational affairs. They will and livestock in needful areas sim iliar to those at the 1960 Rae, Bob Pierson, and A1 Bel- and education from Michigan then serve as teaching assist­ throughout the world. It is a Newport Jazz Festival would letto. — State this year, will train at ants in ru ra l e l e m e n t a r y non-profit r organization sup­ break out. ----- Pennsylvania State 'U niversi­ schools. _ ' - ported by voluntary contribu­ - As the Saturday night festival ty. The goals of the St. Lucia tions. program , several miles south Undergoing training with her projects are to increase poul­ Both the St. Lucia and Phil- ol Saugatuck, let out, State Po­ E x p l o s i o n are: B arbara Ann Bassett of try and livestock production, lippine groups will have a one- lice loudspeakers announced Detroit and Patrick M, Brec- teach soil conservation and month lirientation in their re ­ all liquor establishments in (continued from page 1,) na of Saginaw. promote newly-organized 4-H spective a re a s before begin­ town were closed and th at the ings were to rem ain in dark­ MISS BASSETT, a graduate Club. They will also assist in ning their assignments. town was sealed off by police ness through the evening hours, of Marygrove C o 11 e g e, has roadblocks. Only residents and been teaching high-school so­ according to Willyoung. people w h’i valid reasons were cial studies since the fall of “ I expect that among- those allowed to go into Saugatuck. 1958. H i g h S c h o o l G r o u p ONE STATE Police trooper that will rem ain without power Brennan has taught Ameri- at the roadblock on the north will be the laundry, Food can, history in the Saginaw pub­ side of tow« said that a crowd [ Stores, ^ s i b l y the S o u t h of approximately 500 students Campus Grill and otoer build- lic schools since his graduation W i l l G iv e C o n c e r t gathered and several incidents finSs in the South C a m p u s from Central Michigan Uni­ such as broken windshields, i a r®a - he said, versity in i960. An outdoor concert featuring five musical groups — concert fights, and a person cut withj Crews from a local contrac- Attending the training pro­ more than 450 of the top stu­ band, symphonic band, tra in ­ gram at Iowa State is Madge dent musicians in the nation ing band, orchestra and chorus. a beer bottle occurred. 1 tor '* fre 40 ;h® * „„ii! E. Shipp of Detroit. She w i l l will be held tonight on the The music will feature some After the town was blocked! in the repair of the damaged serve in the agricultural as­ grounds west of the music of the well-known standards off the crowds gradually dis- hne. - sistance program on-the island building at 6:90. from the music medium. persed and things were quiet Willyoung said that this is by 2 a.m. At 4 a.m. the State i the first complete failure that of St. Lucia in the West Indies. The students are from high Directing the various groups Police emergency squad was, _he can recall at the university. IN THE largest Peace Corps schools all across the country will be Charles Hills of Fowler- “ We had a similar break last training program to date, the and they a re participating in vUle, H arry Begian of “Detroit, called off duty. The music festival had a year in the Demonstration Hall Penn State candidates are des­ MSU’s annual sum m er Youth Gerald Winters of Holt, Michael tined to serve in the Republic Music Program , Aug. 6-26. Bistritzky of Detroit and Mrs. good attendance both Friday area, but it only affected a por- and S a t u r d a y . Saturday’s tion of the cam pus,” he said. of th Phillippines. .. P „ -youths will perform in Trena Haan of Grand Rapids. IThe SAVE 888 SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE 88 $ SAVE 88 $ SAVE $$$ SAVE 88 $ SAVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 881 09 us > B MM of famous name shoes 8 S A L U < u> for Men • W om en • Children > b w 8 < XA B ig , B ig V a lu e s — L o w , L o w P r ic e s > 8 FOR W O M E N ... 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