Serving MSU for 52 years Established 1909, Vol. 53, No. 65 East Lansing, Michigan, Friday .Morning, August 18, 1961 8 P air» « Paid #t 0141 L»njtngv_Mtch. - o ray es second class Postage _ 5 C ents A u t o T a k e s « * P r a n k s te r s D r iv e * __ I n to L ib r a r y P o o l A u g u st’s s u ltry h e a t forces j u s t about everyone to th e n earb y beaches and pools fo r a cool dip, b u t when a c a r is found flo a tin g am ong th e lily p jjd s jR fro n t of th e lib ra ry — well, t h a t ’s a di^'m -ent story. T he au to , s t o l e n from ? ^ scene. where he made a H orace C. D ay, of- 208 M il-; positive identification of the ford St., w as found p artially j stolen car. subm erged in th e lib ra ry ’s Safety officials said that the n o rth pool, a t 4:30 a.m ., car had apparently been taken T h u rsd a y I a** a prank. Day, a ’food supervisor at Kellogg Center, told E ast Lan- bef sta* ed f t siffg police that he had gone ,-A wrec*?r f^ aa East^ f " ' to bed *at approximately 10:30 sin| se'w.ce s ta U ^ was callfid p.m. Wednesday and that the and Pullcd the c ar from the STOLEN CAR LEFT IN LIBRARY POOL — This is the sight that greeted officers c a r was parked outside of his pool. Police are examining the car Thursday morning. The culprits have not been apprehended yet. home at that time. " in an attem pt to determine the 1 THE CAR was discovered by identity of the thieves. As yet, Department ©f Public Safety of- there is no lead as to who might L iv e s In G la ss H o u se' ficers who reported that the en- have taken-4t, they said, gine was running when they Day reported that his battery found it. was deacTand that there was Safety officials also said that I some w ater damage to the c a r. a quantity of beer bottles were “ I’m not sure just what dam- P o p u l a r R e d - H e a d found in and around the aban-j age there is but l ’m having dcned c a r . it completely checked over,” Day was notified and c a m e 1he said. • ■ ______ ____ S i t s f o r 7 1 Y e a r s A u to T e s ts W ill A id By FRED DICKINSON Paz, Bolivia, for about 400 made from a llam a skin. Lest she should have a lapse State News Staff W riter years. Estim ates place her birth at about 1500 A.D. of memory, a “quipu,” or mem-1 U n d e r w a te r E sc a p e s A wizened 8-year-old girl in ory string, was placed around j need of a “ toni” sits comfort­ THE LITTLE Inca girl was one of her arm s. The cord is A water-filled W illiamston. C arter said there has been ably in a glass case on campus. wrapped in a coarse, sack-type thought to record by means of g ravel-pit is being prepared only one other study of this She has been seated there for garm ent made of llam a hair. colors-and knots, numbers and j for a series of submerged auto | type-done and that was proved 71 years. The .same garb drapes loosely events. In her world there was life-saving tests by the Michi­ invalid. She was found in 1890 in an from her shrunken body today. no written language. gan State Police, the American Bernard Kuhn, graduate stu­ arid part of the Andean Mount­ A variety of foods were FOR HER protection she was Red Cross and Indiana "Univer- dent at Indiana University will ains by Fenton R. McCreery of placed in gourds and pottery] given a sling'and a gourd full | sity. provide the technical direction Flint, then U.S. Consul to Chile dishes by her shriveled feet. of pebbles and also was expert-1 “The tests to be held Sept. 6 at the test site. Hfi will com­ and presented to the museum Corn, beans, and fruits made up fid to use them to hunt for j to 16. will be conducted to de- j pile information oh the tests here,. her (Bet in real life. game. term iqe what action a motorist j for his doctoral thesis, Carter The auburn haired child, now Fixed in one twisted hand is Her relatives prepared for a should ta k e in the event his j said. located on the' lower floor of a charm bag filled with amu­ long life after death. The great-1 auto is submerged," Cpl. Bill j Richard Brown, director of the museum, had been hidden lets to bring her “ good luck.” est care, was made to provide j C arter of the Michigan State water safety services oT the" in a stone tower south of- La This sm all purse-lijfe bag was for all her needs, said Victor Police said Thursday. American Red Cross, will be H. Hogg, curator of exhibits at Skin divers will be submerg­ on hand to coordinate the pro­ the. Museum. ed in automobiles to determine ject. the volume of air trapped in­ Each year 400 people lose U n io n Le a d e rs side and the most practical their lives in situations similar International means of exit. Cam eras will to those to be tested, the Red be located both inside and out­ Cross said. Results of the tests E n d S tu d y H e re Club Meets side of the autos to record the will be made available to other exact actions as they take countries through the League placeTCarter said. of Red Cross Societies. A greater responsibility in public affairs through informed Industrial, Relations Center. Highlights of the program In Union “ A total of 60 tests will be conducted using automobiles of labor leadership is the goal of a new program in continuing were three day-long lectures by outstanding authorities on different types, including a The International Club will 1961 model,” he said. The cars Weather education which ends today. “Technology and Society,” hold a special meeting today will be launched from a ram p Fifteen trade union staff men from 11 different unions in nine “Organizations and Men” and at 8 p.m. in the UN Lounge of to sim ulate actual accident “ The U.S. and the World Com­ the Union for elem entary and conditions. Report states and two foreign countries m unity.” During the three secondary ' teachers here for The weather bureau reports have spent 10 weeks at Kel­ weeks -following each of the summer studies. . - that it will be fair and a little logg Center in an intensive course studying the social sci­ lectures, an economist, a po­ The program , designed to litical scientist and a sociolo­ bring the teachers into contact New Directory warm er today with a high ex­ pected of 84. ences — economics, political gist related their various dis­ with foreign students so that it Saturday it should be partly science, sociology and psychol­ ogy — and the history and ciplines to the m ajor topics. might benefit their teaching, Other program activities in­ will include music, dancing, Available cloudy with little change in tem perature. philosophy of thè American la­ cluded. discussions on the 'refreshm ents and, prim arily, An interim telephone direct­ The low frid a y night is ex­ bor movement. American novel and other sub­ discussion, a spokesman for ory for the numbers and" dial­ pected to be in the low 60 s. This prograrti is designed to jects with broad cultural con­ -the club said. ing instructions of the new tele­ The high recorded a year ago give the participants a better notations, a weekend in Detroit Normally th e d u b does not phone system will be available today was 8 6 ; the* tow was 58. understanding of Our industrial arranged by the Wayne State meet during the sum m er but today in the administration The highest tem perature ever society, the problems and Is­ University departm ent of a rt there has been an interest ex­ building. recorded on this date was in sues which confront it and the to study the relationships of pressed by the teachers for The new centrex telephone 1947 when the m ercury soared solutions which a re being pro- a rt and society and sessions on this type of a program , he said. system will be in effect Mon­ to 95. ~ Gised, explained Prof. F red K. increasing reading comprehen­ All teachers are invited to day morning. ~ The record low for Aug. l© oehler, J r., of the Labor and sion. attend. Michigan State News, East I-an*ing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 “ Yon T o o C an L e a p F o rw a rd T o A Different Life99 W h y N o t H a v e F re e d o m C o rp s? By D A N IE L ARCHIBONG - (T h ird in a S eries) Man cannot sincerely hope fo r peace i f he is not fre e ; and p rogress has no real m eaning to a slave. U n fo rtu n ately , th e late tw e n tie th c e n tu ry civilized m an is proving to be th e m ost phony c re a tu re alive. - The p roper use o f his b rain and accum ulated wisdom seem s to elude him forever. He talk s so m uch ab o u t peace, freedom a n d p ro g re ss a n d does so little to achieve them . ' _ — r _ H is to ry tells u s t h a t since th e daw n o f hum an society fo u r "enem ies have repeatedly th re a te n e d th e life and happiness of m an. T hese a re hunger, disease, slavery a n d w ar. TODAY, m an 4s confidently cu rb in g th e tide of h u n g e r and crippling diseases. B u t w ith g r e a te r con­ fidence he is also doing e v e ry th in g to prom ote w ar and b rin g back th e horrible d ay s of s la v e ry ! L iste n : I f we tak e a b rea k from ou r daily chore, s ittin g over a good cup o f coffee, and we th in k o f th e E a st-W est m odem w eapon stock pilings, o f th e Rus­ s ia n s and NATO’s ' m ilita ry build-up, of th e ru th le ss killings of innocent civilians in T u n isia by th e F ren ch soldiers, of th e ^enslavem ent of A fric a n s in P o rtu g ese A ngola, of th e im prisonm ent o f freedom rid e rs in fre e co n tinental A m erica, we cannot escape sh ak in g o u r heads and shoulders a n d fe e t in confusion. W here is th e civilized m an h ead in g fo r? Is it tru e t h a t his m uch learn in g is m ak in g him m ad ? L e t’s hope th a t he-is not going -tq irre p ara b le ru in s and to tal an ­ nihilation. F o r th is will be th e second fall o f m an. Peace Corps D rive, by v irtu e o f th e u n friendly peri­ od o f its inception, will not hope to pierce th ro u g h th e iron c u rta in to reach th e R ussian peoples. N or will th is m ovem ent hope to m ake reasonable im p act upon the m inds o f th e uncom m itted peoples of th e w orld i f its p a rtic ip a n ts cannot help to p u t a n end to all form s of colonialism , to th e sla u g h te rin g o f hum an lives in A f­ rica, to th e rev o lts in L atin A m erica, and to th e in­ equalities of o p p o rtu n ity to- w ork and live happily in th e w estern nations. P E R H A P S freedom corps will be th e f ir s t logical ste p in th e direction of achieving freedom , peace and Letters to the E d ito r pro g ress. P e rh ap s such freedom corps will help to c re a te an atm osphere of u n d erstan d in g , t r u s t and b ro th erh o o d am ong th e red, w hite an d black races of ‘A p a th y C lo a k fo r E v a s io n ’ m ankind. — H ere is-w h a t should be th e aim o f every freedom Perhaps the sensible course is trying to imply. I was loving A m erican: To prove_to th e e n tire w orld th a t Thanks Writer for those not directly involved sim ilarly confused by Robert is a clearly articulated sup­ Kennedy’s use of the term w hen th e A m erican peoples talk o f peace and freedom , To the Editor: port for ttie good trying to “ so-called Freedom Riders.” th e y m ean ju s t th e litera l m eaning o f th ese w ords fo r My first reaction to Mr. De- manifest itself in North and It seems to me that in each th e peoples in th e subjected, exploited and helpless na­ Witt's article, ‘ Freedom South alike. case a deliberate doubt is be­ tions. . *# r~" Riders ‘Pathetic’ ” was a - Valuing the friends I have ing cast on the meaning of- A lth o u g h th is proof should be a rriv ed a t- th ro u g h vague uneasiness. Thanks are in both races prompts me to these words. I cannot believe non-violent m eans, y e t it should be unm istakable. T his due to Mrs. Jaffe who intelli­ caution Mr. DeWitt and all that I am a m em ber of an can be done th ro u g h concerted e ffo rt of -the A m erican gently .and adroitly analyzed those who use a public medi­ (initiated group which has not some of the ambiguities of um as a sounding board that been aw are of basic changes peoples by w aging both m oral and psychological w ars the article. Rallying some­ they cannot afford to be ir­ in words so fundamentally a a g a in s t those nations th a t still exploit and enslave in­ what, I am able to. articulate responsible. If Mr. DeWitt is p art of our democratic ideals. nocent peoples of th e world. what may be an emotional re­ guilty of nothing m ore than These ideals s tillr e q u ir e IF T H E AM ERICAN peoples would work to g e th e r sponse to thoughts implied if befog “ in love with the sound something more from me as to recognize th e absolute equality and rig h ts of all not expressed in “ Freedom of his own words,” he must a citizen than a passive ac­ Riders ‘Pathetic’.” not f a r g a to realize that he ceptance of poorly - defined races, to free th e enslaved, and to m ake life m eaning­ still has his reader to con­ opinions, and they reqoire ful to all men, th e re is no reason w hy w atching w’orld True detachment, if that is sider. Believing that this is something more from Mr. De­ what Mr. DeWitt is striving an obligation of any writer, I Witt than 1 public admission should not focus illum inating lig h t upon th e A m erican for in his article, is not f e d free to ask him why he of helpless resignation. im age and heritage. achieved quite as easily as he puts freedom and civil rights If Mr. DeWitt’s longed-for As th e cham pion o f th e dem ocratic way of life and would have us assume. in quotation m arks. Quota­ someday when we will no s te m advocate of freedom fo r th e peoples d f th e world, The kind of words he has tion m arks so used are a con­ longer need freedom riders is A m erica should launch a freedom crusade. tossed out to us, I am sure ventional warning that the ever to arrive, it won’t come T his crusade should aim a t w inning freedom , dig n ity , would not have come so easily word so quoted no longer has as a result of apathy or lofty and peace fo r the peoples of all raees. T he young A m eri­ from him if he had confront­ its original meaning. Since detachment-—which is all too ed the mobs in Georgia in this these words are still very often a cloak for evasion of cans on college and university cam puses should lead nostalgic Centennial of the meaningful to me. I cannot responsibility. th is crusade. T hese young cru sa d e rs should have fo r Civil War. Exposure to mob understand what Mr. DeWitt _ Jane Weodard th e ir dom inant tra its undaunted courage, open m ind­ violence, especially if you are e d n e ss,'a n d high sense of duty fo r th e ir country and on the receiving end, leaves m ankind a t large.' you mute, bewildered, and U nlike Peace Corpsm en, freedom c ru sa d e rs m ay not -anything but blithely detach­ M i c h i g a n S t a t e N e w s ed. This is especially true if h av e to be skilled in a p a rtic u la r field of learning. B ut there is a principle involved th ey -should have enough ability to talk th e inevitable Published by the stu d e n tso f Michigan State University. that you are striving to pro­ Issued eo class days Mooday through F riday,, during the philosophy of tru e racial unity and h arm ony in to the tect and eberish. If you find fan, winter and spring quarters. Issued twice-weekly during heads of th e racial s e g re g a tio n is ts ,-to p e rs u a d e D e- yourself in the tragic position the sum m er term . Seccod class postage paid a t E ast Lansing, Gualle o f F ran ce to sto p th e m assacre o f innocent and of seeing the right and wrong Michigan. ' " on both sides, the most yon Editorial and business offices a t M l Student Services helpless T unisians a n d A lgerians, and to convince D ic ­ can hope for, when yon begin building, Michigan State University, E ast Lansing, Miohigan. ta to r S alazaar of P o rtu g a l to give freedom to th e peo­ to spell out its meaning, is Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term , $3; ples of his A fricaircokm ies. ~ that your words will somehow for two term s, to; for three term s, 85. To be tak e n seriously, A m erican peoples m u st talk serve to restore n balance. M rmhnr of the Associated Press, Inland Daily P ress Asso­ a n d 'a c t se rio u sly ; And to ta lk and a c t seriously, th e Until tt is possible to see Is­ ciation and the College praos. A m erican public probably needs a new b ran d o f cour­ sues a s d e a rly a s DeTeque- vilto did and expound them as E d ito r M arcia V a t Naas City Editor ™ Lowell Kteney age, m orale, a h igh sense o f m ission. Adv. M gr. ___ Je rry Loady News Editor —... Joe H arris d e a rly , perhaps silence Is the N e x t: How can U ndeveloped N atio n s be H elped? better p a rt of wisdom. O r H e r. Bin M arshall N lrht Editor ...... F red Brack Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 3 « j n i in L IJ a n s o Ü 39B Crossword Puzzle lang aggaaang ■ □ aaan an □ □ ana □□□□□□ a a a a ACEOSS 34. An after* □ ss □ □ B aaaa I. PeerGynt"« thought: □ 3 n s u n a n a □□ mother abbr. 4. Contest:"— 35. Make rep* □□□ s a n a n a a n colloq. arat io n , □a 3 a a a 3 aaas 9. Endeavor 38. Deep draft □ □ □ noaa n a a 12. Cover of liquor □ a s s aaaoaa 13. Buddhist gateway 37. Step □□an a anaaaaa 14. BabyL god: 39. Torrid area 0 3 3 3 3QDD 0 3 3 var. 41. Lock of . hair - □ □ □ a staso aao 15. Jail 43. Norse sea 17. B u y b a c k _ Solution of Yesterday's P unt# goddess 49. Bronze in 44. Imagine the sun 20. Orbital point 46. Badger* like animals' 2. Title 3. Literary issue 1 11. Sweet • potato 49. Female IE Surfeit 21. Servitors rabbit if.. I 4. Small rock 24. Stair part S. Eternity 18. Carden 50. Fish basket •oil ^ 27. Drug plant 52. Turmeric 6 .28th Presi­ 28. Item of dent's nick­ 20. Agrees 53. Type value measures name' 21. Bends out 30. Older per* 54. Droves 7. Waterproof of shape son: abbr. 55. Evergreen canvas 22. I n an in­ 31. Jap. weight 8. Ballroom clined posi­ 32. Slumber DOW N ~ dance tion: naut. -33. Belgian 1. Lofty 9. Not those 23. Yugoslav commune mountain 10. Female ruff measure 25. Savory A J“ J I* 7 “ “ ¡7 4 M 4 * ft r meat jelly Zi­ 8 p“ A4 W ttanls - Ü p n 29. Prophet ti I 4' r r 22. Reach out z P y 33. Place n r ro ¡É ¡ J P ü i l where pigs m IS 2 4 are raised 21 2 2 p 23 24 r 35. G o a genus 27 ¡ g 24 2S » 30 36. Small THEY’RE ALL WET — Last Wednesday^ the MSU Promenaders had a pool BM quarrel- 36. Monkshood party a t the IM Pool. Even though emersed, Tag Gunn, Gerry llinkley, Don J1 K IE B 4ft. Verbal ex­ Morrisen, Joyce Burt, Dave Carpenter, Jan Smith, Tom Hill, and Marge Codding- J4 s* Ü j* aminations ton engage in their favorite pastime. The caller in the background is John Kemp- sM 42. Withered: var. V, H W- painen. ¡Ü 44. Small ftdi */ p « 1 ìr 45. Sp. title wmM. 46. Radical 4f Sr •a 47. Side away p I P 1 from tha W “1 Wi f. WÀ St 1 wind 1 48. Maxim w " 1 7*' ir 51. Syllable of Ü i hesitation AT Wlw MixT m atch and harmonize The weave of a fabric-can can be three magic words to help keep the fabric clean. .transform a collection oi Smooth weaves shed dirt more easily "than napped or pile clothes into an interesting and useful wardrobe. stnfaces. La cy K n it L O W E ST R E C O R D P R IC E S W o o l Je rs e y IN M IC H IG A N EVEN LOWER THAN RECORD CLUBS — in ft f l a t t e r i n g Self-Service Record Shop sii in s ilh o u e tt e B e e th o v e n ^ [ 207 M. A. C., E ast Lansing—Across from Knapp’s 1 7 .9 5 NOW! tttU G I ä k O M m t— D m E R b o o b s OPEN IS: 45 A fall fashion favoriti . . . la c y knit wool jersey shealh. Square neckline with short sleeves. Satin rope belt with elasticized waistline with flat front and back. Completely lined, in sizes 10 to 18. Black, rovai or teal colors. _ DRESSES S T R E E T LEVEL junm— LANAlj IRNEs 1 EFREMi IffiM Bk oasom !i r n t u 6HRGE SUSAN HA&DON NOHNEK JH I3IK S F E A T U R E A T 1 : 1 1 , 1 : « , 5 :1 » . 7 : 2 U : » _ OPEN TODAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M., ED 2-5006 STARTS W ED . A N A D V EN T U R E U N E Q U A L LE D ! W A L T D I S N E Y 'S “ N K K I , W I L D D O G . O F THE NORTH” Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 C A M P U S ' > C L A S S I F I E D S *' - M S U A lu m S u p p o rt DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Wed. and FrL Editions. ^ Phone ED 2-1511- E xtensions 2643 and 2644 Is A m o n g th e B e s t automotive FO R SA LE Outstanding alumni support sponsored by the United States two to MSU, three to Ohio has brought MSU an award Steel Foundation and is ad­ State and one to the University 1954 A U S T I N H E A L E Y 100 R o a d ­ TRAILERS FOR SALE ster. E n g in e j u s t o ve rh a u le d . N e w from the American Alumni ministered b y the AAC, an or­ of Michigan., L I B E R T Y , 42 x 8, 2 b e d ro o m , one Council (AAC). Honorable men­ ganization representing about tires, n e w paint, n e w u p h o lste ry, u se d a s stu d y. C a n be le ft o n lo t 423, The universities 2 nd colleges W ire w heels, e x c e lle n t m e ch a n ica l * 4 -m ile fr o m c a m p u s. 2780 E . G r a n d tion was given for “ distinguish­ 1,000 American alumni groups. participating in the program co n d itio n . $099. E O 2-3846. ti R iv e r, R e aso na ble . E D 7-0892. 16 ed achievement in the develop Among public institutions in competed in nin’21. E a r n i n g s u p to $80 w e e kly , "w o r k - .j n g e v e n in g s a n d w e e k-e n d s. C a r 4 B E D R O O M S fo r those w h o w a n t bounces to get a w a y fro m It all, t h is la rg e r Western Junior golf champion­ r a n c h h o m e hag. a 20 ft. k itc h e n ship a t Forest Akers. yesterday in the 44th Three Day Prograih 'n e e d e d . N o dive stm e n t. A p p ly R o o m w ith b u llt-in s, 2 fire p la c e s la r g e r f in ­ Veterinary school representa­ maceutical houses, will be cen­ 121, S tu d e n t S e r v ic e s B ld g . a t 11:00 ish e d re c room , e x t ra la rg e lot. In the first round of match- tered around meetings and a.m. o r ' 2:00 p.m. F r id a y , A u g . 18. 18 $21.300. C a ll J im W alte r. T U 2-4326 play yesterday Jim Jamieson tives from throughout the U.S. o r E ip p e r R e a lt y , I V 2-5541, o r group discussions. — C O L L E G E m e n w a n te d fo r e x e c u ­ E D 2-2418. of Mi Moline, 111. was upset Dy and Canada will convene here A national honor code among tive t ra in in g in sales o rg an izatio n . C a ll i V 9-0068, 6-9 p m. o n ly. 19 H A S L E T T th re e - b e d ro o m b r ic k fellow Indian Ray Bernhart of today for a three-day idea ex­ veterinary students will b e a ran ch , fin is h e d basem ent. O w n e r Downers Grove, 3-2. Jamieson, change and "planning session? m ajor topic of discussion. The tra n sfe rre d . Im m e d ia te o ccu p a n c y. former Illinois Jaycee "Champ, F O R RENT P h o n e E D 9-8492. The convention delegates, ac­ College of Veterinary Medicine shot a two under-par 69 in Wed­ companied by their wives and has had such a "code for the FOR R E N T — T h re e -b i dnoom f u r ­ H O M E A N D IN C O M E . B r ic k r a n c h nesday’s qualifying to bring n is h e d hom e. C h ild re n welcom e, $90 h o u se b u ilt 1954. F o u r b e d ro o m s, 2 his 36 hole m ark to 141, a new husbands, will be hosted by last five years. a m onth. 833 C o rn e ll, 1 .ansing. C a ll baths, o r 2 b e d ro o m s p lu s 3 ro o m the MSU chapter of the Ameri­ Included in the three-day I V 9-7320. ap artm e nt. L a r g e lot. trees. Q k e m c s tournament record. The 18-year su b d iv is io n . E D 7-7676. 19 can Veterinary Medical Assoc­ program will be tours of the E A S T L A N S I N G , fo r |.ost-grads o r , old golfer earned the medalist iation and the Women’s Student campus, the veterinary college ladies. 2 -ro o m fu r n ish e d ap artm e n t, j EAST L A N S I N G — 948 W e st la w n honor. $35; 2 -ro o m fu rn ish e d , $ 7.50! 4 -ro o m B re a k fa s t no o k, d in in g ro o m , Auxiliary.—They will stay at and a banquet to be held at Kel­ Barnhard, who had ju s t qual­ the Kellogg Center. logg tonight. u n fu rn ish e d , o pp osite cam pus, heat ia rg e attic. T u ll basem ent. 3 b ig b e d ­ a n d w ater, $70. M u s s e l n a n R e a lly : room s. L o v e ly b a c k yard , attractive ified for .match play by 2 Activities for the convention, The delegates will leave Sun» C o . E D 2-3583. in te rio r. F in e n e ig h b o rh o o d , close to strokes with scores o f-74 and sch o o ls. Im m e d ia te p o sse ssion . V is it sponsored by the MSU chapter, day for the National AVMA 2 BEDROO M . fu rn d -house a n ytim e . $19,500. *1.000 d o w n . P lu m e 75 for Tuesday and Wednesday Convention to be held a t De­ N e w ly decorated, 3 « m i'e fro m ca m - E D 7-2673. 19 respectively for a 149 total, was the Michigan VMA, the national " pus. U n a p p ro v e d , vet« ra n o r g r a d ­ AVMA, and a number of phar- troit’s Cobo Hall Aug. 20-24. uate stu d e n ts preferred. Le ase an d j E A S T O F E A S T L A N S I N G , F a b u ­ then eliminated by Bobby Lit- de p o sit req u ire d . P a rk in g . C aH IV lo u s 40 acres. H e r e 's the place y o ir tler of Athens, Ohio, 5-4. 9-2389 21 ! d re am e d of. H u g e m a p le s s u rr o u n d e d Littler had just made match th is all b ric k ranch. S e ttin g w a y APARTMENTS ba ck fro m the—roa d. C e n te r h alT e n ­ bracket play, determined by tran ce leads to all a re a s of the house, the low 32 players of the qual­ 3 - H Ö O M A P A R T M E N T ^ “u n ió n i w h ic h fe ature s 3 fireplaces. 2 ce ra m ic v e ry clean, g a s heal, u tilitie s M r u b a th s, la rge fa m ily roo m w it h - B a r­ ifying "rounds, with scores xx( cd. o n F is h e r b u s line. TU 2-0505. 13 becue pit. fu ll b a se m e n t w ith h o b b y 75 each day for a 150 total. a n d rec room s. H o t w a t e r - h e a t , 2 T W O F U R N I S H E D A P A R T M E N T S ca r garage, b a rn a n d tool house. In—the first round o f play for rent, a c ro ss fro m S tu d e n t U n io n 1.320 ft o f road frontage. B e a u tifu lly yesterday Littler defeated Fred i B u ild in g G ra d , stu d e n ts.' teachers, la n d scap e d . 18 m in.utesT.o U n iv e rs it y . o r oth e r ad u lt w o r k in g people only. S e llin g p rice is $34.000. L a n d alone E w ald of Birmingham, 1 up. C o o k in g facilitie s in one. ¿ICO mo. Is w o rth h a lf that cost. F o r m o re Ewald had qualifying scores of N o c o o k in g fa c ilitie s hi oth e r SSI) In fo r m a tio n a n d a n a p p o in tm e n t to mo. B o th b ig e n o u gh fo r 3 per pie. see call H a n k F u r m a n at I V 9-4998. 74-73 for a total of 147. Ph one" I V 2-8420. 19 o r W a r n e r a n d L o n g R e alty. T U In other first round scores 2-2475. 19 of yesterday P at O’Brieix Ba­ BASEM EN T A P A R T M E N T , cozy, clean. 3 roo m s, fu rn ish e d , s h o w e r- S u b u r b a n H om e. 10 m in u t e s fro m ton Rouge, La., defeated 1-up bath. P r iv a t e entrance. U tilitie s paid, ca m p us. B ric k , 3 -B e d ro o m . F u ll Len Fiocca of Harvery, 111. a n d p a rk in g . F o r su m m e r sch o o l a :d Base m e n t, H a r d w o o d floors, g a s heat, tail term., $50 P h o n e I V 5-0553. 18 a lu m in u m sto rm s a lt d screens. O’Brien had a 150 qualifying $14.950 oTT low d o w n payment-. C a ll score while Fiocca shot a 146. F I V E R O O M S an d bath, fu rn ish e d FE 9 - 8 9 8 4 2 1 F o r su m m e r sch o o l o n ly . P h o n o IV Bob Ham mer, Sarasota. Fla., 5-0553. $00. - 18 SUBU RBAN H O M E ' w ith in city one of the tournam ents low lim its, tw o m ile s n o rth of ca m p u s ROOMS T h re e -b e d ro o m b r ic k a n d fra m e t r!-w shooters, defeated John Levin­ level: tw o -c a rp o rt l*,a b a t h i, son of Illinois. R O O M S F O R 1 O R 2 M E N . A1SU- "d in in g room , fa m ily room , tw o ap prove d. unsu pe rvise d.- P riv a te e n ­ ocnunned k itch en s, e q u ip p e d la u n d r y In a minor upset Bob Zender room , oatio. a ir co nd itio ne d . L e ss of Skokie,HQ1. was victorious, trance. T V . bath. C a li A n n B ro w n .- than a vc'ar o ld w it h - la rg e lot and F.D 2-8384 - if nice c o u n t ry vie w . F H A te rm s— o r 2-1 over M ichipo-’ '« k m ig h t eorrsreher c o n tra ct with** lo w d o w n pa ym e nt to re sp o n sib le oartv. Kurzynowski.-r ist F O R SALE 161)6 G re e ne re st. n e a r H a g a d o r n R d qualified with . — tvur- a n d \T T 8- tf T W IN M A P L E B E D S T E A D S , one zykowski was w ell in th e top E L A N S I N G . 601 S to d d a rd , le a v in g u sab le bo x s p r in g s a n d m attress, i state, w ill sa c rific e 5 rm . hom e, a t­ 32 with a 146. In another sur­ cu sto m spreachr a n d d u s t .ru ffle s: 2 tached garage . $».700. C a ll o w n er. prise John Peterson of Bunedin. pr. m a tc h in g d rap e rie s. Id e a l L it j F t 2-5720. — 18 F la ., upended- Jeff Fisher of b o y s ' ro o m $35. P h o n e 332-0710 18 1 “ “S T O V E AND R E F R IG E R A T O R , ] Dexter, 1 up. V e ry reasonable. E D 7-1527 be tw e en | S E R V IC E One of the main victories in 6-8 p.m. 18 » the second round of the tourna- T Y P IN G . T W O b lo c k s fro m cam pus. H O M E G R O W N sw eet c o rn an d C a ll E lT T - 4 5 2 0 tf See GOLF Pg. 5 tom atoes da ily. F r e s h c g g s - A ls o o th e r fre sh fr u its a n d ve ge ta b le s at re a s­ o n ab le p ric e s -R o a d -sid e F a rm M a r- k e f T '2 m ile s east of E. L a n s in g o n S E R V IC E U S 16 at O k e m o s Rd. B A B Y C A R R IA G E . W E L S H , and ; T Y P I S T A N N B R O W N . E D 2-8384 strolle r. E D 2-3101. 18 E le c t ric ty p e w rite r. T e rm p a p e rs a n d theses, a lso g e n e ra l ty p in g . ■ M . S U . G R A D U A T I O N R IN G S See th e m at the C a r d S h o p . A c r o s s fro m H o m e Ec. b u ild in g . E D 2-6753. tf - T Y P IN G BY W O M EN w ith .ten y e a r s s e c re ta ria l e xp e rie n ce : P h o n e S T R I N G B A S S . K a y . e xce lle n t r ic h 7 0 7-6738. ~ tf -tone.- g o o d c a r r y in g pow e r. T w o Mailed Anywhere bo w s, z ip p e r co ve r. C a ll I V 0-2866 P A P E R S T Y P E D , C e rtifie d t y p in g a fte r 5:90. tf Complete Assortment teacher. E le c t ric t y p e w rite r, pica. M E N 'S E N G L IS H B IK E . R a le ig h Available. At 30c w ith o u t footnotes. 35c w it h fo o t­ notes. 75c w it h Chart». O R 6-5990. 18 • p o rta ' m o d e l; E m e r s o n co n so le T V L e a v in g tow n . A n y re a so n a b le price. C o n ta c t E D 7-2409 o r T . N . at ext. The C ard Sh o p _ WANTED $388.___________________ 1» Across From EY E IN THE SKY? — NO. The machine pictured Is em­ M O T H E R A N D D A U G H T E R , em ­ ployed by the grounds departm ent to raise workers to tree HIGH READERSHIP Home Economics Bldg. p lo ye d . n e e d 1 -b e d ro o m fu r n is h e d CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS- ED 24753 ap artm e nt. V ic in it y c a m p u s. L e a s e top height. The device b called a Strata Tower and la if desired . C a ll G ilm o r e , E D 7-9554 capable of raising a working platform about 75 feet. . . . LOW COST . . . before 10 o r S -S p m. “ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 «I W h itn e y P itc h e s M i c h i g a n F u r n i s h e s ’ 6 1 G r i d d e r s The 1961 football Spartans Ohio has contributed 10 play» Doue Miller, Jon Rinquist and come from the east, west, north ers, highest out-state represen­ Bob Roop, all ^products of IM N o -H itte r and south—but mostly from tation, Pennsylvania five and coach Vince Carillot, now as­ Softball pitcher-Dan Whitney Safety, 7-5; and Highway edged Michigan, according to a recent Illinois four. Others come from sistant backfield coach here. of the Village Men hurled a Haudas, 7-6. Monday: Rozos de­ player survey. New York, New Jersey, Mas- feated Kellogg, 14-9; Ag. Econ. Of the 33 players, or 55 per sashussetts, Texas, Kentucky, no-hitter last Wednesday in " Soil particle size an Cauley shows his versatility I JENNtTTMTMNC KMJTEJ ANATOLE by acting, singing and dancing; MICHAEL CRAIG-ANNE HEYWOOD IwAehÍ ond by UTVAK in the show, also, JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE EOMRT VOUHOSON f Appearing again this year "G O O D B Y E with Cauly will be Bill Slout, i NOW THRU TUE. - DON’T MISS THIS A G A IN " M arie Boyle, Rose M arie Rob­ GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE inson and Carmen Decker. Of taMt MfMah* w*«l *Aiew-Wei Kntm'i-, \ the cast, Miss Robinson is the WED.—“PICNIC" and “ TWINKLE & SHINE” h, FRANÇOISE SACAN only gewcomer. — - M kÜgn State News, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 AMERICA AND RELIGION L P R e c o r d D l u s t r a t i n g R a d i o PRINCETON, N. J. UH — A .editors . conclude: Religion has four-volume study, "Religion in both powerfully and pervasive­ American Life,” written by 22 ly affected the complex de­ M o s c o w D i s t o r t i o n s R e l e a s e d scholars, has been published by velopment of American cul­ Princeton University Press. Its ture." Radio Moscow propaganda, Cook Laboratories, Inc., of . subject m atter and arranged a collection of m aterial broad­ Stanford, Conn. ' so as to point out deliberate de­ cast in English and beamed by The 12 inch long playing re­ viation from fact and distor­ high-power shortwave to North cord, “Radio Moscow and the tions of the truth. It includes a A m erica during the past four Western Hem isphere,” includes commentary to assist the lis­ months, has been released by Russian m aterial collated by tener in alalyzing the m aterial. The , record album carries PEA N U TS f i liner notes of some 6,000 words 'ÛJARUEflttkM1 IS THATWVüJEKE HERE? setting out tfie~purpose of the SWS THATWERe PUT HfiRfONfiWTH record, bow it was made, and ■DRAKE OTHERS, discussing the m anner in which s HAW y Russia makes use of the radio medium to further its political and prestige purposes. Except for the significance of their words, the Russian news and political commentators ft speak idiomatic English and sound lik e typical Americans. iG u & s i 'd b e t t e r s t a r t v o m a B e tts ? jo b .. EAST GERMAN CLERGY*- BERLIN m — The E ast Ger­ man Department of Church Af­ fairs reports that 6,060 Prot­ ONE BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS estant and 1,433 Roman Catho­ lic clergymen are serving in ON U.S. 1 6 Germany’s eastern zone. O ~ 1 LO V E... Program Information Dial IV 2-3665 • if* i^ l CI ' A I A f l 1I v m L I 1 “a a - g f * 1 ians ' ncs œ : l il t in g Laugh W eek! CONTINUOUS FROM f l X X . A k ô w tfo m /* W ri 1 ! 01 L10W V o 1:16 P . M. THEATRE Two Miles gw ttw M l ot oa M-7« M I O i i d Ä K V T / A IIT . - E X C L U S IV E — F IR S T D I U t V • L A N S IN G S H O W IN G GARY CO O PER’S LA ST M OV IE! SHOWN AT St26 AND LATE •JOSHU I I O M I Feature Starts a t 1:35 ELECTED -4:20, 7:00, 9:45 P.M. BY PA REN TS M AG AZINE FOR THE SPECIAL was _ MERIT AWARD eighteen and French .t, FOR AUGUST a most intriguing combination. TRIAT- A I H i tR . HIT NO. (2) FIRST RUN ONCE AT 16:36 T om m y SANDS and FABIAN _ OP ItaVII IN A S U R E -rm i taUOWII 99 — LIFE MAGAZINE L O V E i n a " T B a it MAILNOIOC CHA RLES S TA R T S A U G . ^5! G O L D F I S H Technicolor and Panavuion B O W L (»CHßftJER-KM HIT NO. (S) LATE SHOW “T H IS IS L A N D E A R T H ” -------- IN TECHNICOLOR 0 Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan, Friday Morning, August 18, 1961 A t th e L ed g es Japanese Prints Being Displayed at Kresge You can take a facinating These paintings and prints, ‘ Y u m Y u m T r e e ’ I s step into Japanese history purchased by both rich and with a visit to Kresge A rt Cen­ poor, have since become col­ ter. lectors’ items. A n o t h e r S e x C o m e d y Currently 'on display is a In the collection are the series of prints depicting life in works of two of Ja p an ’s most pie-minded, loutish landlord. resem blance to Miss Carroll. early Japan before its western­ famous print artists, Hokusai By DAN WHITNEY ization. State News Reviewer He brought a naturalness and “ Under the Yum Yum Tree” and Hirosage, who depict col­ realness to the role which made added to the notion th at Just On loan from the Olsen Foun­ orful scenes of homelife, travel, A re,love and sex really in­ it the most effective In the dation I n New York, the col­ and the theatre. separable? __ PUT- possibly sex and comedy are lection is mainly composed of becoming Inseparable in the an a rt form called “ uktoo-e” The prints will be mi display This is the problem explored Carmen Decker, as th e aunt, theatre. Fewer and fewer plays through the middle 1 of Septem­ in “ Under th* Yum Yum Tree,” called to mind an earlier per­ which was popular in Japan ber. >*V a fast moving comedy written formance of P a t Carroll, in are m ere comedy.. There has from about IffiO to 1860. Simple by Lawrence Roman winch is to be sex, it seems, to make scenes of everyday life were Gallery hours i r e from. 2 p.m. now ptaying w t the Ledges “ M arriage Go-Round.” . Miss the audience laugh. “ Yum portrayed 1 n paintings and to 5 p.m . on Saturdays ..And Decker even, bears a physical Yum” has plenty of both. woodblock prints. Sundays. P Playhouse in 5 rand Ledge. , The playwright never re ­ solves the problem, lie. pre­ sents both sides o f the problem, ostensibly to let the viewer draw his own conclusions. On the one hand we have a couple who find love and sex are “ homogenized.” . On the other hand we have Hogan, the landlord (Bill Stout* who finds sex and love have very little in common. To him sexual con­ quests are merely a job and his only contribution to the w orld. THE COUPLE. Robin Austin. (Marte Boyle) and Dave Man­ ning (Harry Cauleyt find love and sex a re but two sides of the same coin. .Miss Austin is a college student who knows the sex mores of Eskimos, but not Americans. _ She .suggests th a t Manning move in with her and in this way they can find out. if they are apt to have a happy m ar­ riage. She is afratd of divorce, being a product of a split home. Carmen Decker played the part of Miss Austin’s aunt. She changed her views on sex and love to fit the situation. She | and Hogan were more than ] friends _while she lived in his apartm ent house HOG AN LOOKS upon. Miss j Austin as a replacement for j the aunt and here the plot j thickens, and thickens and j thickens JusC as it seems almost im-i possible- to bring the whole mixup to a plausible conclu­ sion. the author, pulls a few strings, sets forth a few im­ probable explanations and ends the play. _ If the view er found it passible j to involve himself in the play j at all, he is left cold by the j ending, which b just ¿oo il- r logical. ~ — BILL SLOl’T gav* a fine per- form ance as the seemingly sim-1 — .. ■. — — —I Soil Directors | "Jane, my _ other places throughout th e country will be able to dial your own telephone—direct. Hold Meeting j new phone You’ll make it easier and faster for them to call you if you’ll make sure they know your new Next Week j seven-numeral telephone number. _ The increase of the transfer of high grade -farm land to non-j number is ...." T his sam e im provem ent will bo extended on Sept. 23 for families and friends o f stu d en ts in agricultural purposes and the dorm itory rooms. E ach o f them also will have -growing need for improved w a- 1 - a different seven-num eral telephone num ber. te r management p ra c tic e sjrill ‘ F aster telephone service will s ta rt on the be the subjects of discussion cam pus Sunday, for those o f you who are - T h e new telephone system m eets th e grow­ for ISO soil conservation dis­ faculty m am b a s, staff a n d ad ministra tiv e ing need for m ore and faster service. I t is trict directors-m eeting at Kel­ n m ilestone in M ichigan S ta te U niversity’s logg. Center Aug. 20-22. people. Y our business associates, friends and relatives in E a st Lansing, Lansing a n d m any grow th and expansion. Gov. John B. Swainsoo and Gordon Zimmerman, executive secretary of the National Asso­ ciation of Sod Const n r nhon Dis­ 7 o speed y o u r in co m in g c a lls , we suggest yo u te ll y o u r business associates, re la tive s a nd frie n d s . tricts. will be guest speakers. “ M y new telephone num ber is . ; The keynote address, “ To­ day’s Land Use—Tomorrow's Standard of Living.” will be given by Dr. Henry Algren. as­ M IC H IG A N BELL TELEPH O N E C O M P A N Y A sociate director of the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin C ooperative Extension Sendee.