Brown Burns California Four Candidates Favored 4 S tu d e n Party Post A r r e s te d - would have th e assem bly a p ­ and th ree deputies. T h is w as At Stake UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. IB LOS ANGELES B — F o rm er unacceptable to th e W estern F o r T h e ft —U.N. diplom ats Intensified Wednesday th eir efforts tow ard prove th e nam ing of a candi­ date to supervise th e operations pow ers, 6n grounds th a t ag ree­ Vice P resid en t R ichard M. of th e U.N. S ecretariat. m ents of th e th ree deputies Nixon announced Wednesday assem bly action on a stop-gap would be required on im port­ W arrants w ere issued Wed­ successor to Secretary-G eneral No candidate would be m en­ night th a t he will ru n for gover­ nesday for four MSU students tioned by, nam e in to e resolu­ a n t decisions, and this am ount­ no r of California next y ear. D ag H am m arskjöld b u t no for­ ed to a built-in veto. who E a st Lansing police say m al proposals a re expected be­ tion. Those u n d er consideration Nixon’s statem en t w as m et stole several valuable item s include Mongi Slim of T u n isia, Countries p articip atin g in toe w ith a lengthy rep ly from Cali­ fore next week. consideration of a n assem bly from Alpha Epsilon P i fra te r­ R epresentatives of a lu n a ­ assem bly president; A m bassa­ fo rn ia’s G overnor E dm und G. nity, 343 A lbert ave. dor U T hant of B u rm a; F re d ­ resolution include N orw ay, Ire ­ Brown. tion group m et p riv ate ly , to land, A rgentina, B u rm a, E th i­ T hree of the group yet being consider fu rth e r a possible re s­ erick H. Boland of Ireland, As­ T h e fo rm er vice president al­ sought w ere identified a s : sem bly ex-president; and Am­ opia, Iraq , Ira n , Mexico, Sudan, olution for assem bly considera­ U nited A rab Republic, Venez­ so declared he will serve th e M ichael Lobell, New Y ork C ity b assador R alph E nckell of F in tion. u e la and Liberia. ' ■ full four-year gubernatorial senior; Max E . W eissengruber. They a re debating w hether l a n d . ••••<- who graduated la stsp rin g . and R epresentatives of the Soviet An Isra eli spokesm an said his term , if elected and not en ter to subm it a resolution th at delegation w as m aking its op­ th e 1964 presidential race. C harles R. Snodgrass, Inkster Union, toe United S tates, B rit­ senior. ain and F ran ce m et privately position to Slim known in p ri­ H e said, “ I h av e two deci­ _ Dennis J . Diam ond, another la st night with A m bassador v ate talk s with o th er delegates. CANDIDATE NIXON sions to announce: graduate, w as contacted by po­ lice in D etroit a s th e fourth 600 Negro N a th a n B arnes of L iberia, Sep­ tem b er p resident of the secur­ The spokesm an said Israel tak es th e view th a t Slim’s a t ­ titude on A rab-Israeli questions ...I a m r . “ FIR ST , I shall not be a can ­ didate fo r p resident in 1964.” suspect. i ty council, b u t failed to reach Police said the first signed statem ents a t first adm itting the theft of a television set, a Youths any agreem ent. Inform ants said the Soviet Union proposed th a t to e secre­ and N orth A m erican affairs would affect toe traditional n eutralism expected from a “ Second, 1 shall be a candi­ date fo r governor in 1962.” - The 48-year-old Californian stereophonic phonograph and se v e ra l other item s from th e fratern ity house. Riot ta ria t be ru n by one top m an h ead of th e U.N. secretariat. said, “ The n e x t governor m ust be a m an who will devote not p a rt b u t all of his energies to All f o u r students w e r e charged with larceny from a building and entering a build­ ing without perm ission. NEWARK, N .J., IB—More th an 600 Negro youngsters rio t­ ed outside i t police station Wed­ nesday. Rusk, Gromyko this job.” H e re ferred to Dem ocratic Gov. E dm und G. Brown a s an “ am iable b u t bungling m an ” _ GUARD WILLIAM MILLER, Leland, III., grad student, right, checks out R a je e R . T obia’s books a t the library door. Turnstiles have been installed as a p a rt of the Police said D iam ond tu rn ed the stereo outfit over to them , but denied any involvem ent with the th eft la st m onth when The rio t w as the afterm ath of a police attem p t to cope with disorderliness outside a n ea rb y Meet on Berlin who cannot “ clean up this m ess (in state governm ent) f o r which h e is a t least partially school. The' rio ters w ere dis­ NEW YORK B —S ecretary told re p o rters th a t “ We had a responsible.” lib ra ry ’s new program to promote g re ater efficiency in the fratern ity house w as em pty. persed by fire hoses a n d no one of State D ean R usk is under­ vary good lunch and a v ery lib rary r ••r.stHms. Lt. L aw rence M urphy of the NIXON SAID his decision not w as seriously h u rt. stood to -h a v e u rg ed F o reig ti good talk and will m eet again to ru n for p resid en t in 1964 w as . Lansing police d ep a rtm en t said Nine rock-throw ing youths, M inister A ndrei G rom yko Wed­ S atu rd ay m o rning.” bound to disappoint some of his i LobeH w as being questioned aged 8 to 14, w ere arrested . nesday to ex p lain w hat the So­ T he S aturday session w ill be supporters. Nixon who lost th e about a theft from a Lansing Turnstiles Save p et shop w hen he adm itted the fratern ity b u rg lary and im pli­ cated t t e other tw e e «Indents. Police b ad been called by th e viets m ean by “ guaran teed ac­ a t R usk’s ap a rtm e n t in a m id­ p rincipal of W est K inney Ju n io r cess” to West B erlin a fte r they town hotel w h ere th is series of High School to d isp erse som e sign a p e a c e tre a ty w ith Com­ talk s s ta rte d la s t T h u rsd ay . To­ SOD pupils who w ere w atching m unist E a s t G erm any. d ay ’s w as th e second session GOT. BROWN , , , H e is m 8 r , i presid en tial election to John F . Kennedy, sa id h e does not a g ree w ith to e proposition th a t ~ * “ 1 should ru n fo r a n d bo elect­ He said all b a t Diam ond con­ a fist fight betw een tw o boys, This is re g a rd e d by U.S. and G rom yko said th a t “ o u r con­ ed governor, so to o t I c a n ru n fessed. ■ o u trid e th e acfaooL allied lead e rs a s a key point versatio n s a re n o t concluded. for an d b e elected presid en t.” R eacting to the requests of Another efficiency feature is All th e stolen equipm ent h a s b o m recovered, police said. Police said they gauM not is­ T h ree policem en w ere atta c k ­ for exploration in determ ining T he ta lk w as understood to ed b y ab out a dozen boys when w hether th e re is a n y re a l basis h av e -b ee n w ide-ranging b u t to they sought to sen d to e young­ for E ast-W est negotiations on a h av e given R usk no c le a r in ­ Ford-UAW Nixon s a id e f -Gov. B rown’s ad m in istratio n : sue .w arrants before WedMMK u u n iu , the Ludents, uic lib rary h as in- the central check-out system U8G> ¿« y u lfr m em bers, and which will enable students to » l W w M l f f l w T t the frontj rhAck mit. am j re tu rn books day because fratern ity house officers could not lie located to sign a com plaint. s te rs hom e. A rin g lead er of to r peaceful solution of th e B erlin dication w h eth er th e Soviets attac k w as a 17-year-old youth crisis. who w as not a student a t to e a re p re p are d to a g re e to a n e R usk, and G rom yko m e t for gotiating fo rm u la w hich would Talks Are 'h o “ The governm ent a n d state- u se in S acram ento a r e in a m ess and som ebody h a s to Mrs as a p a rt of th eir new rogram to prom ote g re ater from any p a rt of the lib rary a t ficiency In lib rary operations, j. one central desk. Britain Backs school. - P o lic e w ithheld his four hours a t to e Soviet foreign be acceptable to th e W estern re a l nam e h u t said he w ent by m in ister’s headquart*rs~w i up­ pow ers. th e nicknam e of Abdulla Mu p e r P a rk Avenue, beginning T he problem of access is one Snagged clean I t up.” - r Gov. B row n’s rep ly w as as follows: — G uards will check students' ham m ad. with a luncheon and ending of th e m ost critica l issues be­ “ R ich ard Nixon has su rren d ­ DETROIT, B - T h e swift ered to heavy p ressu re from ooks at the turnstiles as they save the building, thereby | Latest -Talks The youth to re off th e gun with an intensive two-hour dis­ cause th e supply lines between pace in putting together a new and holster of a policem an and cussion of the problem s of West G erm any and W est B er­ F o rd M otor Co. con tract with to en ter a contest he tried to R epublican bosses in the east lim inating book checks in each j G erm any and B erlin. lin tra v e rs e -110 m iles of E a st epartm ent. .. According to R ichard E . . U n i v e r s i t y |0 „ Peace then held th e gun on th e of fice rrT h e youth w as then g ra b When they broke up, R usk G erm an te rrito ry . By ag ree­ the United Auto W orkers was avoid, seeking an office h e - m ents m ade a t the end of World checked W ednesday, m aking a really does not w ant under a UNITED NATIONS ( ^ B r i t ­ bed from behind by a second settlem ent by today doubtful. four-year co n tract he does not hapin, director of the library, W ar II the R ussians have been his will not only m ake it easier R e c e iv e s ain W ednesday pledged all out policem an and put under arresi; effort to find a basis fo r nego­ a fte r m uch kicking and fight­ Diners K ept responsible for 16 y ears of L A night bargaining—session intend to fulfill. a prevent th eft of books, b u t; keeping th e lines open to West­ had been in prospect a t one “ This is a cynicaL p a rtn e r­ rill also save tim e for students. I a tiations on B erlin, and called ing. Shortly a fte r th e youth hat e r n , allied traffic, p articu larly tim e during the day but some ship, com pounded of personal Jnder the new system , a book % jr F - f J , f g g nay be taken anyw here in the! for new East-W est d isarm a­ been tak en m en t talk s keyed to P resid en t station, m o re th a n 600 young to a nearb y police In D ark In for th e support of the U.S., so rt of i n a g apparently inter- am bition and political d espera­ B ritish and F rench garrisons in Q rdinarily a night m eeting tion. The people -of California ibrary. ' M ichigan State University is Kennedy’s la te st proposals. S everaL guards will be at th e j one o i ^ iand-gr an t universi- sters gathered outside th e sta B ut Lord Home, th e B ritish tion. M any of th em began hurl Dorm itories B erlin. , r~— vened. will search in vain for a sign And when P re m ie r Nikita of negotiators would - presage th at th eir needs and wishes are ing stones, one rock sm ashing urnstiles during busy hours to ^ es aw arded a grant-in-aid for oreign se c re ta ry , declared th a t an agreem ent within hours any p a rt of the bargain. a window. Lunch a t South Cam pus K hruschev ca rrie s out his plan rlim inatejong lin e r a t th e turn- ■ production of a half-hour f world peace is to be assu red dorm itories w as serv ed by 'can- to m a k e a sep arate peace tre a ­ s i n c e r e p arties already had F irem en w ere called in and “ N I X O N’ S announcem ent tiles. '' . . . „ i television docum entary cqm - toe Soviet Union m ust drop its delight W ednesday when a pow- ty with E a st G erm any, th e R us­ been reported x lo se to a finaL th at he will ru n for-governor “ W hat we a re trying to oo, m em oraling the 100th airoiver- Mlicy of setting “ m an ag ain st broke up th e crow d with w a te r e r failure cu t electricity from sians and E a st G erm ans alike understanding. )r. Chapin said, “ is e lim in a te : s a ry 0f the signing of the Mor- m an” and exporting civil hoses. F ord and the UAW began of California in 1962 m ean s claim the trea ty will give the he busy work. JWe w ant to -de- rill Iand-grant act. strife. Two firem en w ere h u rt by 11:55 a.m . until 1 p.m . talk s Monday over a three- sim ply th a t he will be a candi­ According to R olla Noonon, G erm an Com munist re g im e elop the reference services in Selected in a nation-wide In a m a jo r policy speech to rocks throw n a t th em an d two See CONFERENCE P ag e 3 y e a r con tract affecting 120,000 date for president again in electrical engineer In charge »ach divisimi and provide m ore com petition, the program will the U.N. G eneral Assem bly, -policemen suffered cuts and hourly w orkers and expected to 1964. ndividual help for students.” first be telecast next spring as he rejected a s sterile th e Soviet b ruises. of buildings and utilities, a high “ Despite his claim to the con­ parallel the G eneral Motors concept of peaceful coexistence Acting Police Lt. John Mad- voltage sw itch in a m anhole I I I I I I I I I I ■ I agreem ent reached la st week. tra ry , he sees th e governorship _ _ g~i A one in a series of six centennial a ra s said th e rio t seem ed ju st on F a rm "Lane failed, keeping i L a p v i Gets r i l l l P r I TP |f i “ specials” over the National a t a tim e w hen th e civilized Educational Television net­ w orld faced th e s ta rk -c h o ic e a m ob action w ithout any p a r ­ m ost of South Cam pus in th e d ark for an hour. Weather UAW P resid en t W alter P . of this stale only as a stepping R euther w as absent from Wed­ stone for his own presidential of w hether “ i t is to livw or die.” . ticu lar rh y m e o r reason. nesday m orning’s session but am bitions- — work. L ater, kinescopes of the Bigger; We docum entary will be m ade H e challenged th e Soviet Un- He' said th e precinct got a Noonon said th a t th e sw itch; probably failed because of T hursday’s w eather will be held him self bn call to return “ Behind his decision is the available for showing to other ion to join in m aking th e U .N .’s call from th e principal of the m oisture seepage caused by re ­ m ostly cloudy and cooler to the bargaining table. - knowledge th a t he needs the collective m achinery fo r peace school about 3:05 p.m ., asking with chance of a few showers. Need Help groups. T entatively titled, “ An Amer- tru ly effective, including the police help to get students m ill­ At a luncheon b reak both title ‘governor’ in front o f his cen t rain s. P ow er w as restored i E xpected high will be 68, low Ford Vice .P resid en t Malcolm nam e to cope with Senator B ar­ setting u p o f an effective in ter­ ing outside the school to go to some p a rts of the section j 48. See AUTO TALKS P ag e 2 ry Goldwater and Governor Today’s 16-page edition is t h e ^ * « Institution,” the program national police force. — __ home.' ..-.J-................... within half an hour. the history of the Nelson Rockefeller in the b itte r trgest re g u la r State News in i will trace. struggle ah ead for toe 1964 Iand-grant m ovem ent. s 52-year history. The p aper Ians expanded -coverage in- Using a c a st of 26 m ajor Part of Soph-Frosbr Daze GOP presidential nomination. “ I am confident th a t th e peo­ luding a “ Who’s in th e Hos- ch a ra c te rs, the d ra m a will de­ ple of this state do not w ant to ita l" colum n and the report- pict the need fo r public higher retu rn to th e do nothing poli­ lg of regularly-scheduled jun- education in the m id-nineteenth )t varsity football gam es. century and th e . cam paign With additional reports and waged in congress by Sep. J u s­ eatures planned. State News tin Smith M orrill of V erm ont Dances Climax Registration Week cies of th e R epublican leaders who drain ed vigor from our governm ent and left it ap ath ­ etic to th e needs of its citizens rill also need m ore reporters, for passage of federal legisla By ISABEL C. RACKI Brody, an d the low er lounges Throughout S aturday, activi­ students. Dr. P au l A. M iller, lighting th e day w ere th e m eet­ until to e D em ocrats won in hotographers, copy editors, tion th a t would bring Into being Of th e S tate News Staff of Shaw hall. The Union B oard ties andZjpartiei-wtil be held by provost, presided at th e convo­ ings arran g e d by the various 1958. — ■- ypists and ad salesm en. th e 88 Iand-grant colleges and th e various religious groups, cation. The MSU Band, under ctOegM on cam pus to Intro­ S everal b eats a re still open, i universities. D ances, coffre hours, p artie s is „ afro sponsoring | a dance Sat duce new students to th e cel- “ I WELCOME the opportun­ rnd the call Is out for all inter- an d to e Frosh-SopS urday. The dance, “ F a s d n a t- Most .cam pus religious groups th e direction .of Dr. Leonard ity to confront R ichard Nixon Falcone, played several selec-1 lege ef th eir chelee. sted persons to report t o 1the I E xecutive producer of the D aze a re th e activities sched­ ing R hythm ,” is to be held in have planned m eetings also, for Students m et w ith cam pus in a cam paign th a t once and ta te News cilice. 341 Student; series of six program s is J a c k uled to clim ax a w eek w hich th e Union ballroom . The ad ­ Sunday afternoon o r evening. Welcome Week, traditionally leaders Tuesday afternoon in a for all will re tu rn him to p rL icrvice. Experience is not re- G. M cBride, director of tele- saw students unpacking, taking m ission is 50 cents. All off-cam pus students will v ate life. M ore th an any other m eeting designed to introduce juired. vision a t the U niversity of N e­ tests, m eeting professors a n d All five dan ces are to be held m eet a t 7:30 p .m . Monday for th e firs t few days of F all term these lead ers and th eir organi­ m an, his candidacy will gal­ 9 to 12 p .m . the first-m eetin g of th e Asso­ designated to welcome th e new brask a in Lincoln since 1153 deans, attending coffee hours, frbm zations te new students. Men vanize th e D em ocrats of Cali­ and g eneral m an ag e r of the uni visiting the g rill, registering, Participants in toe Brother- ciation of Off-Campus Students student, began S aturday m orn­ living cam pus attended a fo rn ia into a fighting crusade. uveatigate Death ! v ersity ETV station, KUON-TV and — beginning classes. Sister program aad interested The m eeting will J)e held in ing with an orientation m eeting coffee off hour In th e afternoon, In which ten s of thousands of for freshm en Who did not at­ since its beginning in 1954, F ive all-university dances frcatty members are scheduled P arlo rs A, B and C of the Union liberal RepubUcans and Inde­ _)f H am m arskjbld Local producer-w riter will will be held this weekend. On to meet for a coffee hour at 7 building. F reshm en, especially, ing. tours, open houses a t re ­ tend a counseling c lin k . T est­ an d a m eeting la te r in th e'd a y . A p rogram introducing wom­ pendent vo ters w bo.know th e U N I T E D NATIONS If» r - j be Bob W. R owland of station F rid ay , th e student governm ent p.m. Friday, hi the UN Lounge, a re invited. real Nixon will join. ih ana. India, th e U nited A rab WMSB, w hile the director will is sponsoring a n inform al “ get ground fleer ef the Unlen. At Ia a carnival setting, new ligion cen ters, and m ix ers high­ en’s cam pus organizations to “ They know th a t to him , the new students, a m eeting for Republic and Venezuela Wed- be M artin G al. acquainted” dance in th e audi­ 7:38 p a . Friday, religious stederis wffl he introduced lighted th e first S aturday of the new foreign students, and ori­ jobless a re statistics and un­ Judges who selected th e win­ torium . I f c r U rio n B o a rd Is groups will sponsor parties and Wednesday te campus ergan- term . tesday proposed th a t th e UN hattoas aad dubs through L ate Sunday m orning, OUn cam entation m eetings a t various em ploym ent a n incurable di­ General Assem bly urgently ning p ro g ram ideas included afro sponsoring an inform al informal rem atfra, M em orial H ealth C en ter held pus religious cen ters w ere sease; to him , bulging class­ consider an investigation into J a y R ichter, director o i th e dance mat right. T h e dance, On Saturday.ritber the fresh­ skits, amries,- sBdet, demon­ all held Tuesday night. room s a re a necessary evil, a n open house fo r students and the death of U N Secretary-G en- Iand-grant centennial office. “Kollegiate Kickoff,” will be !a men or too sophomore dess strations, aad eriAtta. The Ac­ parents. C am pus religious cen­ T ours o f th e Union w ere held and th e problem s of education >ral D ag H am m arskjöld O ther Allan W. O star. director of too the ballroom o t ffie Union will warn away with the trophy tivities Carnival wffl he pro* te rs also held th eir doors open again W ednesday afternoon. In­ insoluble; to him , w a te r Is not inquiries a r e in progress in Joint Office o f Institutional R e­ buUdbto- P ric e of adm ission is given each year to toe winner seatcd from 7 la t o l l p.m. ia Sunday fo r new students and form al “ m e e t your pronfessor” th e s ta te ’s life blood, b u t a search; D onald S. Hillm an, pro­ 50 cents per person. of toil series of cantoris con­ the Ceacearst Spartan Stad­ Morthern Rhodesia. “Spartan Swing-In,” inform al sisting ef the traditional Frosh- ium. th e ir p aren ts. P resid en t H an­ m eetings w ere sponsored by fluid J h a t ru n s down hill: to H am m arskjöld a n d 15 others g ram associate a t th e N ation­ n ah addressed th e p a re n ts of th e various colleges and a cof­ him . sm og is som ething to be were killed Sept. 17 h e a r th e al E ducational Television ant dances sponsored by to e Worn Soph Daze contest- AH fresh dr ♦ ★ , new students th a t afternoon. fee hour was held la te r in the endured by those obliged to town of Ndola en route to a r­ R adio C o d e r; R ichard H ef en’s Inter-Residence Council men and sophomores ere invtt- L a ri night. Welcome Week Tours, waiver examinations, afternoon for tra n sfe r students. live in it, social progress is to e range a ceasefire w ith P re s i­ iron of C harles Guggenheim and the Manli Hall Association ed to take part In toe event, ac was climaxed for new students lib rary lectures and coffee On T hursday, a t 8 p.m .— | concern ot philosophers; secu r­ dent Moise Tshom be of K atan- and A ssociates, Inc., St. Lochs, are scheduled ftr Saturday in cording to toe seam an, the with President John A. H an­ hours were held Monday. B ute classes becan. ity. a m a tte r for the g rav e. M o.; an d M cBride. the Mri&Purpoae room of Frosh-Sooh nah’s welcom e »Aire*» to the SSH U m sü PH \ !I p i l i '; fji V, v'fs Michigan Siale New*, Eart I t —ftig, Michigan T h a n d a y M arning, Septem ber 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 In the Cth Century B. C. the Editorial MSU’ers Speak Collegese monarch of Persia was protect­ ed by the “Immortals,’5 a per­ sonal bodyguard that always numbered Id,000. N ew W e lc o m e . W e e k S t a n d o n N evos ■* * ★ * * a i i i B f l B i n a i One o f the pleasantest welcomes awaiting new and returning students this fall is the shorter Welcome Week. WASHINGTON B5IN6 personal re p o rt to the P re si­ dent. Mau subscriptions payable to advance for one term , $3 T fo r two tarma, 94: for three terms, |5. S ttá tíf TWÄT1S BPfONDTHEJ'*' OF SEEW6 HER PUPILS LEARN? Going w ith Johnson to the A u t o T a lk s M em ber of th e A ssociated P re s s , Inland D aily P ress A ssociate» Hammuskjold .funeral a r e U. S. Ambassador to th e United (continued from N ations Adlai E . Stevenson, L. Denise and Kan Bannon Managing Editor IT .a nd the PnUa g a p c e e a .. Editor. Marcia Van Ban Burns ............ — ..... _ ■ Ness N ew s E d ito r J a y Blissick E dito rial E ditor Sharon Coady T H ö 1*0* Sen. T hom as H. Kuchel of Cal­ UAW vice president, who BustoeM Mgr...— Larry Pontius F e a tu re E ditor C urt Rundell Across From Campus ifornia, assistan t R epublican heads the union’s Ford deport­ Circulation Mgr Bill Marshall W omen’s E d ito r Sally W ard Layaway Charge lead e r in to e S enate; and ment, appeared in good spirits. H enry R . L abouisse, a fo rm er The Ford-UAW talks have City Editor_______ B ill Cote Photo E d ito r F red Bruflodt U .N . Official a n d outgoing for­ been clanked to secrecy. 11m eign add d ire c to r.' company and toe union have W hite House P re ss S ecretary agreed not to discuss any de­ P ie rre S alinger said th e en tire tails publicly. funeral delegation will go to As the Ford talks went on, P a ris w ith Vice P re s id e n t all of General Motor’l l » Johnson, b u t i t w as not c le a r plants across the country—re­ w hether they will join in talk s cently closed down by a UAW~ w ith th e officials. strike—returned to action. ttoM YOU BELONG... |N ADLERS You can’t afford to loot your shirt if you dou’t havo another. Mi i— ii m P rop aro yourself against missing but­ tons, torn sleeves, Try The "A ll American frayed cuffs, lipstick, - A Delicious Hamburger and la u n d r y prob­ lems . . . Buy another - Golden Brown Fries shirt. GANT naturally - Triple Thick Shakes and naturally at the staro w ith tho rad door only— ALL THREE YOURS AT*. EXTRABULKY! FOR ONLY T W D H V E -H W IT I I K A IM E S 8 85% double •weight iamb's woof? C 19% strong nylon winfoioomowtl Available Only ■ guaranteed against shrinks««! ai n perfect for dearer sports! 8 comas in whits, fiery rod, gray, M cD onald's fa charcoal, carnal, maize, pink, BLOCK EA S T O F CAMPUS 8 1 SBABD RV. A V E ■ r d f napphira or black! Tffl M idnight Wnkday. ;£ B even and half sizes 9 to II ! Far The Mam Who Has Two Of BvarytMuf Or The Maa *3 Who Has Nothtof Aad Wants Te Gat Started OPEN 1 u b . F riday and Saturday m IIS » Ü « Reds by Air U .S. Army An Army spokesman said the Gen. Lnciou'j Clay, to *ri1 helicopters {ducked seven refto helicopters were on a routine at looks Uke a permane trip to Steinstuecken, populat­ U.S. army pori in the commun­ Sixteen appointments, 18 ex 15 to Oct. *; H o m er X. Potlorooti tbo goes from Red-encircled Stria- ed with 2B0 inhabitants. The ity. They art supplied by heli- te n sio n eXlflWIVB d ire c to r In ... A llegan ■*of -— leaves, three promotions, »even C ounty, S ep t. 1 4 » Se p t. 26^1261 fe sser stuerinn Wednesday and fer­ refugees asked tor transport lisa b e th L H o rro ck s. hom e sc- re c to r. transfers, four retirements, 11 Eonom ice a g e n t R e sig n atio n # a n d te rm in a tio n s ried them across Communist and were taken out ken was only one new assignments and changes Cl»ounty, Oct. 1, 1961 to J * a . “ • territory to toe broader secur­ An eyewitness said three of of many points where 62; B tanley I5. W rjn sW , P ro fes­ e ffe c tiv e A ug. 21: B en jam in C. P o rte r. 4 -H a g e n t (continued fn m pace 1) The conversation was de- ity of west Berlin proper with in statu, and 38 resignations sor. ed u c atio n a n d D ivision o f So­ M an as courteous and bud- toe refugees crept into Stein- wwe getting through to and terminations were ap% cial Science, O ct. 1 to J u n e **, b u ry istee C o u n ty ; R o b e rt L. S a lis­ . a s s is ta n t p ro fe sso r I r s - contrri ri toe access routes, to* no Red interference. . ^ staecken Tuesday night through Berlin. 1*62. m ilita ry le a v e : W IIIH w . so of and the obviously On Bemauerstrasse, four per­ proved Friday by die Michigan Arm Istead , d ean o f w rt.rln a rjr Du N icol, a ssb oiocciah te n rch ) e m istry ; Jo se p h p ro fe sso r of cludtag the air a r tfc n . H cheerful attitudes displayed by Steinstuecken is an isolated a bole to the Communists’ m edicine. O ct. * to Oct. 22. to In ­ State University Board of Trust­ sp ec t A ir F o rc e b ases o v e rse a s. T rio p n i .In s tru c to r n ; o fD o ard they sadarlnk to impose s c h enclave of West Berlin terri­ sons slid foan the Communist p olice a d m in is tra tio e G. te x J le a , Baric and Gromyko when they barbed wire fence that com­ ees. ; ^ d " T i u l M- Shields, In s tru c to r T ri p o n i. In s tru c to r o f in s ta ll a r g l- control foretoiy, the action tory a wdie beyond the allied pletely encircles the commun- side down a rope to the ride* poHce a d m in is tra tio n , A ug. 1 to c a l e n g in e e rin g : M argofQ t _ E . conkl set off a military con­ aneam d on tim stops of the walk to West Berth», after sig­ New ap p o in tm en t« a re a* fo l­ Aug. 2 1 ,— - W ern er, In e tru c to r o f te x t i l e ., Soviet headquarters h o e in- perimeter. ity. lo w s: j f ' P ro m o te d w e re : c lo th in g a n d re la te d a r t s : C h a rle s flict. More than a dozen cthef ref­ The Communists allow only naling West Berlin polka that I.inda A m Veso'ellu*. home eco n ­ K en w a rd L. A tk in , from In ­ H . K ra ft; a ss o c ia te p ro fs so a r mf Khraschev ««I Gromyko have dicated that they still think regular residents to' use toe they were on the way. om ics a g e n t, O ceana C o u n ty , A ug. s tr u c to r to s is ta n »t p ro fe ssoJ?r o f *s*•ta aSsesista» mtis ticBs *: gvm Jo h ni R. «»• K irk•» a n d ATt- some kind at an agreement to ugees made it to t^e western Coon, a ssista n t p r o ttW r e , «2nd, however, that they do act BirilClUr iV O in vit ~ - Five railroad trachimn warto IS; A u stin M cLean, lib ra ria n , li­ advertisin aav eriivina* g ; ij G**“ aie E. Mlkle*.» • f ro * nr _ negotiate may yet be achieved sector Wednesday as East Ger­ 2,000 feet of road that links b ra r y , J a l y I; N orm an H. Bless, a s s is ta n t — p ro fe ---------- sso r to — a ssoOS.ÎA». c ia te a n â ^ o r a t to n JCem p a n d F H W intend to hiockafe Berlin many’s Communists turned Steinstuecken to West Berlin. tag at a border staftswflir ri*» a g ric u ltu ra l a g e n t, L en aw ee C oun­ p ro fe sso r o f h e a lth , p h y sic al ed u ­ Rice, In s tru c to rs , A « u s r l c a n vated trains fled totoWeri Bel» ty , Sept. 1; Id a M. P e te rso n , 4-11 c a tio n a n d re c re a tio n : an d R ic h ­ th o u g h t a n d la n g u a g e ; D onald A. though they insist that the more of the eastern Berlin hor­ la st week three U.S. soldiers a g e n t, M acomb, S ept 1; E d g a r L. a rd K. R u d n e r, fro m a sso c ia te p ro ­ W illig a n , a ss o c ia te p ro fe sso r of Western P owers roust make fe sso r to p ro fe sso r Of philo so p h y . V e te rin a ry p a th o lo g y : Ja m e s W . ded into a no man’s tend. were flown to following a trip Ita at Bomholmerstrasse. ( S tro n g . 4 -R « g e n t, J o n l* C ounty, O ct. 1; L eon ard D. B row n, a s s is t­ Lone. 4-H a g e n t o f M uskegon soma ifH M MPt with the East a n t p ro fe sso r o f d a iry , Sept. I; T ra n s fe rre d w e re : T h o m as R . S av in g , a s s is ta n t p ro ­ A lb e rt A. G riffith from e x te n ­ C ounty. Germam Republic for the use C a rro ll G. B ru n th a v e r, a s s is ta n t sion d ire c to r In th e N o rth w e st Dis­ proC cicor ( rtie a rc b ) of t f r l c u l t u - of these supply Srej The West-. fe s s o r o f econom ics, S ep t. 1. — Stanley S ta rk , associate ,,r„fea- •o r o f personnel an d proauetU w tric t to e x te n sio n d ire c to r In Mid­ rs l econom ics: George F. R un g e, land C o u n ty : F re d EL B e rn h a rd t, J r., a s s is ta n t professor (re s e a rc h ) era powers, on their side, du from 4-hT a g e n t In D e lta C o u n ty of sOjUL scien ce: D a rre ll Jo n es, In ­ not recognise tb- Oermoa Rjd Coed Now the boys at the a d m in is tra tio n , Ja n . 1, l t C : H en ry L. G o ttw ald , a s sista n t professor tb 4-H a g e n t In H illsd a le C o u n ty : stru c to r ot\ b u sin e ss se rv ic e s; K en­ Norleen. M. A ck erm an , from hom e n e th O. A lex an d er, a s s is ta n t p ro ­ Regime rad hare long urged Miss Nancy Anne Fleming, o f ed u cation , S ept. 1; Theodore E Irm lte r, a ss o c ia te professor of fo o d s an d n u tritio n , S ept. IS: De- m e tra M .has, a s s is ta n t professor of te x tile s, c lo th in g a n d .related, economics a g e n t In C la re C ounty fe s so r o f econom ics; F r a n k B. that Russia cannot disavow re­ better known as the former to 4-H a g e n t i n G ra tio t C o u n ty . C liffs a n d O liv er P. W illiam s, a s ­ H lnricb R. M arten s, fro m In­ s is ta n t p ro fe sso rs o f p o litic a l sc i­ sponsibility for keeping the Miss America, is quietly re­ s tr u c to r o f m e c h a n ic a l en g in e e rin g en ce; L. E d g a r C ran e, a s s is ta n t routes open. M.S.U. Barber Shop a r ts . Sept. 1: L e ro y O., to in s tru c to r- o f m e ch a n ical an d p ro fesso r. C o m m u n icatio n s R e­ Apparently Gromyko stood suming her normal life by at-1 p ro fe sso r, -Division o f Biological Sciences, July 1, Ii962; E dw ard T. E ra sm u s, a s s is ta n t p ro fe sso r of electrical e n g in e e rin g ; C h ristin e sea rch "C en ter a n d o ffic e o f th o L. K e rn e rm from a s s is ta n t e d ito r dean of th e C ollege o f C om m unica­ firm today on the Soviet policy tending MSU as a freshman In the Bureau of B u sin ess a n d Ec­ tion A rts: H e n ry P. M ontoye, p ro ­ would like to onomic Research to a s s is ta n t pro­ fessor of h e a lth , p h y sical ed u c a ­ of insimiH linff the Western this fall. ■ E n g lish , Sept. 1; J a n e A. Nelson, I n s tru c to r o f A m erican th o u g n t and lan g u ag e , Sept. 1; and Jam es fessor of a rt: F red W. H oehler, Jr. tion a n d re c re a tio n ; Sam uel I t Powers into dealing with the from professor in economics ant. F u tra l, Jr., a s s is ta n t p ro fe sso r of She is a home economics ttia- welcome back M. H utchinso n . 4-H agent. Monroe the Labor and Industrial R elations mechanical e n g in e e rin g S a m u e l East German regime on future jor and a communications arts County, Sept. 1— S ab b a tic a l le a v e s o f ahsettce; C enter to professor In I.IRC; and Rosen, as sista n t p ro fe sso r of supply line operations, once the Shfldon 1- Appleton, from a s sist­ zoology an d n atu ra l science; a nd minor. Nancy plans to go into all of then- ant professor of foreign studies a t Orrin E. Taulbee, associate pro­ treaty is signed. The discuss­ radio or television to connec­ Paul Bakan, associate professor of psychology, Sept. 1 to Aug. 31, MSU-O, to a ssista n t professor of fessor o f m ath e m a tic s. MSU-O. political"science, MSU-O. ion oa this point, as on others, tion with home economics to O ther resig n atio n s and term in a­ is said to have been ineancla- old customers 19civil a* as ’» a— c'"»c n■«t» Thoüpson Jeweler 31. 1962, to w o rk w ith R adio Free tton John M ssista j>au Paulj gE. B arrette, in In s tru c to r of "E urope in M unich, G erm an y ; Anna dean of com munication a r ts and foreign language», Sept. 1 (can­ shoes shined too B. B row n, hom e econom ics agent, W a sh te n a w C ounty. -Sept. 1 to Feb. 28, 1962, co m plete d e g re e a t th e U n iv e rs ity of W isconsin. associate professor of advertising;. change in title for Donald J. Mont­ gomery front professor to profes­ sor y - j - i ship. T he all-university grade The prosecutor said Sedg- (3c OFF LABEL) Coupon good in your Western Mick. Kroger store tkrv | point Is 2.33. had quit th ree jobs. One was Sat., Sept. 30, 1961. LIMIT: one coupon per customer. P etitions should be turned in night work a t 13 pounds 10 shil­ b y 5 p.m . Oct. 10. In te rv ie w s lings (37.80) a week. He left w ith th e sophomore class offi­ th a t one after two nights. c e rs will be scheduled at the The second job paid him 12 tim e-the petitions a re turned in . pounds 18 shillings ($36.12L A new and enlarged program j The prosecutor said he lost Fab L arge Pkg. 2 9 Libby T O M A T O JU IC E - 884 fo r Frosh-Soph Council is plan­ th a t through his own fault. UBBY FRUIT ned for th e com ing y ear. I Sedgwick was fired from the Frosh-Soph Daze. Sept. 29-30, ! third job because h e failed to Libby Pea* or will conclude the activities of report for work. th e 1960-61 Frosh-Soph Coun­ cil. ' U nder exam ination he told the court: " I a d m it I’m letting the coun­ try keep m e." C o c k ta il 4 s. 8 8 GOLDEN C O RN Libby Halves or Skew 3 203 cans 8 8 / Ponder To S^eak He w as sentenced to six m onths on charges of neglect» BALLARD, MUSBURY OR BETTY CROCKER CLING PEACHES 4 8 8 / On Indian Stamps I ing to m aintain him self and his fam ily— _ S hrikum ar F oddar, MSU stu- dent from Bom bay, India, will ! peal. lectu re on postage stam ps ofj h is native co u n try a t a m eeting Sedgwick sa id he would ap­ B is c u its Tube of the C entral M ichigan P h il­ atelic Society T hursday a t 8 p.m . P o d d ar has been collecting Bischman Gets Bendix Award KROGER BUTTERMILK C R IS C O stam p s since 1949 and will show h is world-wide collection of John D urst B ischm an, G rand used and m int stam ps, includ­ Ledge senior, has been nam ed B read 2 Loave*2 9 ing overp rin ts and special is­ as one of 34 outstanding U. S sue stam ps from surrounding college students selected for a sta te s of India. Bendix Scholarship, it was an ­ He will use a projector to dis­ nounced by Dr. A. A. Canfield, Laipon or JELLY ROLLS eeck29/ S trowgh a a r t D O G FO OD 3 -lb . C an 9* y p lay b is stam p s on a screen at D irector of- U niversity and th e m eeting in th e S tate Jo u r­ Scientific R elations fo f The Hotdog or Hamburg H a rs h a y 's nal basem ent lounge. Bendix Corporation. S A N D W IC H B U N S ah-i 194 C H O C SYRUP T he group will also m ake B ischm an was nom inated by final plans fo r th eir exposition the university fo r the aw ard New Low Coffee Prices ! and bourse to b e held Oct. 7^ m ada by The Bendix Corp. to MICHIGAN WASHED a t th e L ansing Civic C enter. encourage and re w ard out­ About a d o z e n m idw est standing students in the fields stam p d ealers will p articipate of engineering and th e sci­ f i f i ‘ 50-lb. O U - iD . Bag SPOTLIGHT 1-lb.bag 5 5 / * 1 .5 9 in th e bourse. The exposition ences. It provides funds cover­ w in include about 100 fram es ing a full y e a r’s tuition and fees of stam ps, featuring ea rly j for seniors. U nited S tates issues and stam ps He is a g raduate of G rand which h ave a special connect­ Ledge High School and is m a­ P o ta to e s SPOTLIGHT FRENCH B R A N D 3-lb bag Ub. bag 6 1 / ion with M ichigan. joring in m echanical engineer­ FRENCH B R A N D - 2-lb. bag * 1 .2 1 ing and will receive his univer- beans art now the largest sitM degree with the class of WO NOHDAY THRU FR D A Y I A J L T i • P JL -SA T U R B A Y I A J L TO 7 P J source a t fats and oils in 1982. He is a m em ber of P i felted Tau Sigm a. TkÊnêtf Merging, September 28, 1961 Michigan State Newt, East Luring, Midhigan ten weifere ef tee toctatonl 8 ■ • ■ ■ ■ B I 8 8 B B B I 8 I 8 I I I I B tfviskra — I to too fldtart vice by 0 » ta —attra. Stew always Qassroom s Are Flying the intent, and pm w sndsr Ms . M ultati al 8yeamare an i MMway ilrm iatrry seteria " was a frtewLof tte In 8rit aro asw rocdvtag pori M tetto ragliar tootraritea _ taking a realistic- i f f to c t to CIJSCISplflBB* frani a “flytog eterno— **> . Before t e tocun» president I t e videa te ied tessera aro tatog l o— t i tram a piane NORMA RUTK06KEY tutes, revived too social ad* he tad. to m «. been tortra- etrdtef over Mentpdter, Ind. State Newt Staff Writer eqcss on campus and began mental in the Smtte-Lsver Act which estehifshod tee Cooper­ Ab estim atedtelf ariBtea ■MwiH n i — lin i» In sto and advocated mi art depart­ ative AgrfcaMnre Eartanahm — The history of hV M p« ment are recti— g tte in — Ir— I te MMwest Program State Unt v u ty is one o f a In UBS Service teroogtaat Michigan. ea A irtene Tetevtetee laatroctteo (MPATI). dream, aa idea, and finally a elected president JOHN A. HANNAH became reality. the youngest president to serve I te program teealty ter t e « “Mghty taecettfri” to far, President of Michigan State Raid mock, struggles, die* op to that time. He was 33. CoDege in 1941 after having rapo— Dr. James L. Page ef flw AaitaVltaal Center who appointments, and mistakes Previous to this office, Gor* been secretary ef tte college ir MPATI ceerdinater fcr tte area. - fiv e gone Into the building of tan had served aa head of tea under Stew since 1935. this University. But a great Bishop School of Detroit, w hen Two Hrit seteria bave abe tara rp ippr l to roerive experiment such as this UM> When Hannah took office be It was said be learned tee art said, “As secretary of the educational program frem teca! TV — Osar, Dr. Page versity has survived and is still of m ain tatiitn fd iic i n l i n e growing. board of agriculture, I’ve been potata ori. among the students. This art a part of the prwrat adminis­ Hie instruction of the Uni­ he carried to tee administra­ versity is one that is undergo­ tration. Present policies of the tion of Michigan State. institution will continue pretty ing almost constant change to fit the needs of Cm times. THE CAMPUS HAD'expand­ much the same.” Twelve presidents have served ed by the tim e Gorton w as And tee College continued to } SERVING YOV 'Michigan State and all w ere p re s id e n t A poorly lighted grow into a University under faced with the problem of night tim e cam p u s w as a stim ­ the guidance at President Han­ WITH 4 BARBERS m ak in g the college adequate ulus to p ra n k s a n d tric k s. B y nah. a s a n institution a t higher learn ing for the new needs, new vocations, an d new people placing kerosene lan tern s a t strateg ic points mi th e cam pus discipline w as m aintained, an d THE EXECUTION of a six million dollar building continues, University College Dohm's Barber Shop who atten d the U niversity. IN 1887, a 48-year-old law yer an d gentlem an fa rm e r becam e th e firs t president of the new social life increased. 1896 brought an o th er young m an to th e presidency. Jo n a ­ has been established, Continu­ ing Education has its center at Kellogg, the athletic program B-ICFraadarJkvsaat (Concourse), th an L. Snyder, 36, and a P enn­ has been encouraged, a tea­ college. His nam e w as Joseph sylvanian, he held a doctorate R . Williams. chers’ pension system has been Tuesday —Saturday 8 :0 0 * 5 : 3 0 in psychology and pedagogy developed and all has been W illiam s h ad been instru­ and h ad been a public school done with the preservation of a F randor Shopping Center m en tal in th e form ulation of teac h er b esides serving on friendly campus. th e M orrill A c t His philosophy m any educational boards and of education m irro re d this fact, A growing University, n p rogram s. growing student body and fac­ th e fa rm e r him self m aintain­ D uring th e 20 y e a rs of his ulty has stressed the need for ing th a t he m u st be m orally, p h ysically, and intellectually presidency, Snyder saw th e cam pus expand w ith the in­ expansion of the campus, the 50000 Contest a m an before b e could be a state functions and universal flux of m ore students an d a re a s fa n n e r. He believed a n ag ricu ltu ral of extension throughout th e aspect of education. New buildings fo r B usiness Enter Papermate’s state. ' education could m ake th e fa r­ TH E K EY WORD to his . . . MSU grows t e r g e r - . . . (S tate News Photo by A rt Wieland) ad m in istratio n an d dorm itories which will serv e a s class in­ Credit Card Contest m e r a happier, m ore p rosper­ struction a re a s h av e been in­ ous, an d a b e tte r citizen. te rm of office m ay b e innova­ He w as an advocate of dorm ­ tion. He initiated a course to itory life saying th a t “ it fos­ B utterfield w as g rad u ated graduation and steered th e in­ from a n ag ricu ltu ral college in structional p ro g ram aw ay from novated. E xtension of th e Uni­ get your entry blank at A FT E R HIS presidency, Wil­ educate hom em akers and serv ­ v e rs ity internationally h a s add­ liam s becsune the presiding of­ ed a s p resident of the Associa­ tere d a wholesom e student life, 1891. When he re tu rn ed to his th e technical to th e p ractical. ed to its grow th and bousing for ficer o f th e Senate and into the tion of L and G ran t Colleges w hatever the problem s.” Bro­ alm a m a te r to serve a s p resi­ law of 1861 he w rote his edu­ and U niversities. In 1908 the chures and catalogs reached dent, he cam e to a college th a t beginning of B asic College, re ­ catio n al philosophy ás “ one U niversity of M ichigan bestow ­ people who had not been in ­ needed revision of the pro g ram quiring a y e a r of liberal He also began a pro g ram , the g rad u ate students and ex peri­ m ental living units h ave had th eir grow th un d er P resid en t Campus Book Store in w h iclrg rad u ates of the com ­ ed the LL.D. degree on him . form ed of the college work be­ t q j n e e t th e needs of the^ stu­ courses for all freshm en re ­ H annah. m on school ca n Commence, fore and —w ith the rise in dents who w ere no longer In­ gardless of th e ir m ajo r. A liberal education w as Sny­ p u rsu e a n d finish a course o f d e r’s concept of instruction. enrollm ent a rise in academ ic terested in ju s t a n ag ricu ltu ral R obert S. Shaw, p resid en t of stu d y .” stan d ard s accom panied it. background. M ichigan S tate College in 1928, The college grew w ith this con- Lew is R. F isk, professor,^ Cept. In 1915 when Snyder left “ UNCLE FRANK” Kedzie He said on one occasion, “ I had th e problem o f running a chem ist, theologian, and n atu ­ office th e ^college h ad J o u r who h a d grew n up on the cam ­ should like to see th e College college du rin g th e height of th e ra l scientist becam e president tim es a s m any students, m ore pus and g rad u ated from the avow a s its m ain purpose the depression y ea rs. of th e new college in 1859. Two short courses, a teaching staff college becam e president in m aintenance of w hat fo r p ra c ­ Shaw, a m an who h ad served y e a rs ea rlie r he h ad taught five tim es as la rg e as it was 1915. tically all of its history has th re e tim es as actin g president th e students of agricultural when he began and m ore ex­ Kedzie w as a. forem ost advo­ been fran k ly avowed, nam ely, and w as dean of ag ricu ltu re ch em istry in the laboratory tension w orkers a n d county ca te of encouraging public gifts th e developm ent of occupation­ before his presidency, expand­ th a t w as “ scarcely m atched agents. and h e endowed $50,000 for al co u rses.” ed th e lib e ra l a r ts p ro g ram , r anyw here in A m erica outside books in ch em istry a fte r his H E INTRODUCED th e Con­ H E B EL IE V ED th a t a strong of th e b est m edical schools.” resignation as president. F isk thoroughly believed in labo ratory p ractice a s an in­ dispensable p a rt of every stu­ Hurley, Rabin tinuing E ducation pro g ram , though “ sy m m etrical” liberal A m an w ith high academ ic raised th e req u irem en ts for a r ts p ro g ram w as essen tial to stan d ard s, h e lectu red to his ch em istry classes on discipline SWAYED COAT d en t’s training. As a professor To Participate of studies. Through his guid­ COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE of chem istry, he c a rrie d his ance he becam e a friend of the belief into his educational phil­ osophy as president; th a t p ra c ­ In Conference students. — T H R E E GIFTS to th e Uni­ tice in the laboratory found its place on the farm , in the P rofessors John R . H urley v ersity m a rk the services of B o n d ed Agent AO T ra v e l C o n fe re n c e S o ft a n d su p p le shop and a t hom e. and A lbert I. R abin will p a r­ K edzie’s adm inistration. F ro m ticip ate next T hursday and alum ni an d contributors th e AIR—RAIL—STEAMSHIP—TOUR T. C. ABBOT becam e p resi­ F rid ay in the 24th annual con­ Union, B eaum ont Tow er, and im p o rte d c o tto n dent of th e college in 1862 in ference of the M ichigan Society Olds H all w ere constructed. CRUISE— HOTEL—RESORT—PASSPORTS th e m idst of the Civil W ar. He for M ental H ealth. A m an who broadened the FOREIGN CARS cam e into the presidency after They will speak a t th e Mc­ curriculum an d who w as an c o a t t h a t looks serving the college as "one of G regor C om m unity Conference econom ist of national rep u te In fo rm a tio n , R e s e rv a tio n s , T ic k e ts th e six original professors C enter, W ayne State Univer- cam .e. to—th. .e -presidency .......... .... in .. 1921. , since 1858. M E M B E R : A m e ric a n S o ciety o f T ra v e l A g e n ts e n o u g h lik e sity, on F am ily Interaction and * * * 1 mitl*t ed t hf I a * . .He . . brought with him ,uo his I M ental H e a lth a t 2 n m culty academ ic costum e, inTIu- twm ideals of high scholarship] P ™‘ , fenced the engineering curricu- and .education for a g ric u ltu ra l! Society s annual confer-1 jum( horticulture and grad u ate 1 3 0 W. G rand River s u e d e to m ak e lead ers. Despite th e Civil W ar e n c e , usually a ttra c ts 1,000 jstudy program and em phasized th e college showed growth un- m em bers, as well as lay and h is b elief in a liberal educa- EDgewood 2*8667 d e r his leadership. By 1885, a professional citizens. _ tio n a s t e e r h id e y e a r a fte r Abbot resigned as Action for M ental H ealth is “ The A m erican college which East Lansing, Michigan president, the college encom the them e of th e tw o-day con- does not tu rn out highbrow s in passed the state with a brief ference. It is b a s e d on th e final the p ro p er interpretation of A Division of C entral M ichigan’s O ldest and Most Complete i t s h ea d . « (tension center to re ach a g ­ rep o rt o f the F ed eral Jo in t th a t te rm as m eaning well- ricu ltu ralists. Commission on M ental Illness rounded, cultivated students, is T rav el Service and H ealth .' — a failu re.” This sum m arized T h e la m b AN INFLUENTIAL person, D r. H urley and D r. Leon his philosophy and on his be­ b u t firs t a student, Abbot w as in stru m ental in th e passing of M aizlish, d irecto r of th e F lin t lief of liberal education the division- of Science and A rts th e H atch A ct, 1887, a n a c t T h ild G uidance Clinic, a re to o f a lin in g i s w as created — — w hich gave $15,000 a y ear for speak on H usband and Wife experim ental work in each j interaction in Tim e-Lim ited K. L. B U TTER FIELD be­ state in th e Union. Group T herapy. D r. R abin is to ca m e president in 1924, a lead- s h e r p ita w hich Also influential in the pass­ speak on_M ultiple M othering j e r since his college days. He ing of the H atch Act was Ed- j in Israeli K ibutzim at the gen- j h ad been lead e r of his class, win Willits who had served asr e ra l session. assistan t secretary in the the YMCA and the E lectric M rs. W illiam F . Doyle of Society. H e w as the first Sup­ -FnM r. Spulali is very" to a s ty U nited States D epartm ent of j E a st L ansing is a . m em ber of erintendent of the F a rm e rs ’ A griculture before his ap p o in t-: the conference planning com ­ Institutes and h ad served as f o r d eep — m ittee. “the most popular m ent to presidency in 1885. P resid en t of Rhode Island State When W illits becam e p resi­ All m eetings of the confer­ College and P resid en t of M ass­ man on campus dent he found th a t the society ence a re open to the public. achusetts U niversity. fre e z e s an d h ad becom e less ru ra l. A ch a n g e in the instructional na- Why d o n 't you join m e tu re of the college w as form u-j b ig g am es. toted and when he left the presidency th e -college h a d ' Going to Wisconsin this afternoon at the nine educational stru ctu res i n - ‘ O live, stead of-four with five d ep a rt­ m en ts; engineering, m ilitary, j For that first big S pudnut Shop? v e te rin a ry , horticulture, and j Let’s get acquainted co ffee , A griculture. Game Short Jacket . . . 4 9 .9 5 H E M ET A neglected half of j over the ch a m o is. V4 Norfolk . . . . 5 9 .9 5 th e M orrill Act, “ to teach such b ranches of learning as a r e , re la ted to . m echanic a r ts .” What if there’s Snow BESTCUPOFCOFFEEINTOW N WillHs w anted to “ g raduate I and $ 6 9 .9 f r i a m an with a skill com petent! to tak e his place as a jo u rn ey -1 m an and of intelligence fitting him fo r forem anship." or (worse yet) Rain? FRESHSPUDM UTPASTRIES To keep the droop out of your suit . . . have your O nen 6 a.ra. to 6 p.m . A g rad u ate of th e class o f 1862 and a professor of_ m ath ­ clothes cleaned and conditioned with Cravanette. em atics and surveying a t the (the same water repellent used in new clothes) The Spudnut Shop college, O scar Clute, becam e I president in 1889. offered only at UNDER CLUTE the college! expanded in liberal education n am ed in the M orrill Act. He .Chaserand 2 2 5 M.A.C. fo stered th e library, began a su m m er school pro g ram for I teachers, extended th e begin- j Shirt Landry D e liv ered Freeh D a ily To Living Unite For Advance Orders Phone E D 7-9871 tings of tee F a rm e rs’ In sti - 1 lassi! trans To Retreat C fir m v a l P la n s S é t with Haw may I m s my major? In which Odd w in I have the “PFS” greatest success? If so, HSU'S 1961 Career Car­ at— will a m you wdL by Goodrich Entitled “Opportunities Un­ limited,” this year's carnival wiD ha hdd aa tee second floor of the Uaioa Bonding Monday and Tuesday, Oct • and 10. Ta itw a ft» fact ttat there V ■ tUàwooàiRpw ^ are s d s d jf asaay sppirtaai ties spaa ta eaBege gradaates, b l o c k p l a i d variaaa f f S 'oaonfafhriBef haai- aeas, tadastry, edBeattm, state and federal agencies wffl ex- s p o r t c o a t attUfrntic Women’s Bayshore $5 S r a h itin n a l The participating student can receive professional advice on aB phases of vocational oppor­ a îg ltn ç tunities. Planning the Placement Bur- eao-apoosared program are seven student Committee Chairmen: JarfyM yers, Gen­ eral Chairman; Nan Horton, Executive Secretary; Bob An- LOUIS BERMAN, new advisor to the State News, watches as Jay BUoricfc, news editor, discuses layout with Marcia Van Ness, editor-in-chief. —State News dringa, Publicity Chairman; Gay Firth, Art Chairman; Judy Johnson, Banquet Chair­ Regular Men’s Jack Purcell $9 Photo by Fred Bruflodt man. and Lany Lindsley, Ex- Long Officio. Short Displays, to be set up on Sun­ Extra Long State News Consultant day, Oct. 8, will be open Oct. 9: 6:30 to 10 p.m.; Oct. 10: 10 to 11:80 a.m.; 1:15 to 4:30 p.m.; Berman Chosen Advisor 7:30 to 10 pm . ^ l j h e flair of old — muted by todays* sub- |& jj|d u ed colorings. A clan cousin to Scot- tts^ a r ta n s. . . but patterned domestically for correct harmony with modem accessories. Ali-University Student Gov­ Shades of Olive, Brown and Grey. ernment (AUSG), has issued a call for part-time secretarial bdp during fall term. Those interested are asked to see Bob Howard, personnel di­ LANSING EAST LANSING recun', in the AUSG office, 335 325 SOUTH ACROSS FROM Student Services, next week from l to 3 p.m. on Monday, 205 East Grand River WASHINGTON HOME EC Wednesday and Friday, or Free Alterations from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Gheck For Spiral Notebooks Paperbound Books Notebooks " Reference Books Notebook Paper Class Assignment Books Corner of Ann & M.A.C. Ave T h — j a y M f H i g , S tp tw B n r r 2 8 » 1 9 6 1 tort than today*» bogfaatng Pre-School Workshop W - Museum Staff Gathers Flag Dow n NEA grot. h a bechetor*« 4a* SPssf •'} F o r D ag (continued Cram page 4) “Of earns», a l wboara f it ­ Student Rights Are Not the Specimens in Mexico Have you noticed too flag at half mast a t tha East Lansing pupil one full grade'(mead, to reading ability to one summer. E v e n s the togging student ting (teoeher) certificates to­ day could not get through such a program but, to my opinion, tote would ho gaod tor too chil- Same As Civil Rights! Six members of the university museum gathered more than MM animals, including 900 bird Thty chose Mexico for their work for two reasons: the lack of knowledge about many of the animals of this area and post office? - According to Postmaster Ray needs three sucn summers of instruction, ho said, such a pro­ gram would more than pay tor itself. d m aad youth of the rad tor this pnteosfco.’ Such master teachers would sktoo, la a trip to Mexico this Krider, file flag was lowered to deserve and would demand bet­ “Students have no rights as «or of the College of Educatiom Future Goals.” summer to «meet aew speci­ the many contrasts to climate half mast on Monday by presi­ He suggested that an pro­ ter pay, Lambert »aid, and long as they are treated on an at MSU. continued the work- Ha said the spirit of MSU mens for display aad research. and conditions, Baker said. spective teachers take four shop theme with a speech en­ rises from belief ln the per- dential edict, to memoriam of years of general education with equal basis hy the University,” titled, “University Require­ fectibility at hum. The trip was a continuation One of the most “odorifer­ “I am sura that if wo offered at studies of Mexico and west­ ous” experiences of the trip in­ Dag Hammarskjofcl. United Na­ some exposure to every field according to Ur. Clarence J. ments and Student Responsi­ tions racretary-tfmaral w h o of human knowledge—including the American mhfic IM» haw Batten, legal expert, in a bility.” MSU operates on the ideas ern Mexico hrparticular. Multi- volved the «Miming of three c o « ^ of teacher preparation, speech given at a pce-scbool that all human activities are purpora to design, it afforded skunks, only one native to died on a flight to toe Oougo on physics, chemistry and mathe­ Ha raid: _ worthy of academic study, that Sept. 18. The flag will stay at matics. the people would bo wtttog te workshop last week. opportunity to coOoet exhibits Michigan. Among the mammals every person should be able to for research and Aspfey as well half mast through Friday. “Such a program,“ Lambert pay to * » He said that court laws have All education takas pltoe in get an education and education as train studentsi In field collected were two boa con­ said, “might produce a teacher and top salaries of $12^00 or provided this and that students front of • backdrop of world strictors and a pair of vampira The flag also would be flown should contain the liberal and •econfing to RoQto Baker, mu­ bats. 90 to 100 per cent more effec- morally and factually do have affairs. Many man are Islands Uia practical. at half mast to the event of the a right to everything hut legal who want to become part of the seum director. The birds collected Included death of a chief justice. counsel in university discipli­ main regardless of methods, MSU opects 39,000 students In the gratto were: Dave Mor- hardt, who graduated from n boat-billed heron, several PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED MOT either through Moscow at by 1070. Inis is not a goal, he nary caaes, however. \ Dr. Batten. Counselor end Washington. salC hut a realistic appraisal of the outcome of social, politi­ Assistant Professor of Educa­ He said he feels that tha com­ cal, and economic pressures. MSU this summer; Robert Fleming, (grad u ate student marsh birds, a long tailed blue jay- texfr a favorite of toe na­ TONIGHT a r 4- K“ tion at Parsons Callage In Fair- munists will eventually win un­ field, Iowa spoke on “StuJent less there Is a change in our at­ He. also said that MSU Is Bights and University Respond titude. Students live in three contemplating adding a medi­ to zoology; Charles Smith and R. H. Baker Of the museum staff; Don Switsenberg of (Bre­ tives, the Trogaa. This popular­ ity can be attributed to the bird’s green, red and white striped belly, the colors of the "woèml TO M A R A ll O V il M CI * 5^ I M I E * E A 5 T LA N S IN G PHONE E D . 2 3814 separate worlds which are not cal school, “Because this Is mos; and Dr. Robert Webb of ibilitirs H Lawrence, Kansas. Mexican flag, Baker said. the logical place for i t , . . and A ftA N i. T A « I f n o n He said that today five iini- interrelated as they should be. a demonstrated need by the HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS versities in this country are These are die world of your O IK W H O B A IO U T T O . EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING people at Michigan.” t istinctly provide • for in state classer, the world of the cam­ constitutions. It is generally pus and extracurricular activi­ Changes to expect In MSU Fraternities LOW PRICES FIRST SHOW 7 PM .— ADULTS SOc born out in legal cases that ties, aad the outside world. are the realization of the seven- ON RECORDS or tn p p te f • to o t to tbroo- acts of the Regents or govern­ The responsibility of the stu­ point program with student re­ ing board are acts of the state dent is to “Lean all you can sponsibility, classrooms in the M ove Into New Kingston Trio 2.M quarters ttaw wovM bo a taM-y toao-Ooaf cettemer iedeed. LAST SHOWING TONIGHT New Limeiiters 2.M 'to^MnasfitdMd era mmfli — (Supreme Court of Minnesota). and learn bow to learn.” The dorms, and fraternities and ■ W l t f f & L Y FU N N Y .* i t M M sororities wifi have to live up Admissions are a civil right ! American people are sleep- to new expectations. He also New Homes New Belafoate 2.98 ww •S otta pot-owt. . . Mar«, twratraoi^ n tv tw to M tarty(m«por- »«parlativi/ B ar- with qualifications, According walking toward oblivion. .The said students are far more so­ Delta Upsilon, Sigma Phi Ep­ to Michigan law tha faculty is greatest farce in education Is phisticated and far more real­ silon and Kappa Sigma frater­ New Johnny Mathis 2.98 . New Ray. Conniff 2.98 raapsrt. 5 5 r i«< m & llm responsible for the morals, de­ best rammed ap tu the Idea istic than they used to be. •★ ★ ★ » ★ ...H a » WLFRtO HYDE WHTTE Ur corum, and health of the stu­ that “The only people who in­ nities have moved to new quar­ Discounts On tpecMfereverybedy dents, Every student living in fluence us are ..people who “New Challenges in Higher ters this term. ape»IkewbaleInvarypaywtap- " m m sta sm a dormitory la morally respon­ care.” Education” was the theme of • Folk Millie piwpv Theted it ewpllOert by sible for what happens In that Tha third speech, “Interest the pre-school workshop that Delia UpsUon, which began • Selected Popular Artista peert voice»«ad Ine perlerm- SHOWN AT 7:40 AND 9:56 dormitory. Dr. Batten did not Groups and the University,” kicked off the .year for advisory remodeling to March, hat din­ oacei.** -a. »,am say whether students were le­ was given by Jarir Brealin, personnel of residence halls, ing quarters, sleeping quarters, • Classical-Mask "lovitMy mounted, raplele wHk- STARTS - TOMORROW - FRIDAY gally responsible in this case Secretary of the Board of Trust­ fraternities, sororities, and stu­ andmain living areas complet­ prettyfirlt,deMmptvnei, doncinp however. ees of MSU. Mr. Breslin is dent leaders. ed for a capacity at 49 men. SAVE UP TO 50 % pvertibeclility COME EARLY — SEE IT FROM THE START Students are required to live MSU’s legislative contact. His The workshop, which wasj ON CLASSICAL LP’s la quarters as deslgnated by talk consisted mostly of .facts held in Brody hail Tuesday, | ner The house, located on the cor­ EE E X C I T I N G H O U R S the University (U.S. Supreme and figures on MSU. Wednesday and Thursday, was of Hagadorn and Grand B R IL L IA N T F IL M A R T Guaranted Diamond Court) he raid. The University MSU has had the highest per­ designed to stimulate ami mo-j River avenues, has its dining can control said dissolve organ­ centage of enrollment increase. tivate advisory staff and stn-! room overlooking the Red Ced­ Needtea (all types) 3.95 ^ n togothor for iho first timOi izations Including fraternities Approximately- 64%- of MSU’s dent leaden toward higher ar River. (Lowest Price in Town) M W I aad POT* ■ and sororities (New York and faculty has the doctoral degree. standards of responsibility, said | Sigma Phi'Epsilon has mov­ U.S. Supreme Courts). This compares to percentages plannen. Recording Tape Specials However, the California Con­ for all U.S. private schools, ™In addition, the workshop’s; ed from 501 M.A.C. to 526 Sun- ON ft. Reel 1.98 ™ se w aste ra iseX ” ,ittte! • * ^ wher* remodeling is stitution definitely authorizes 52%; all land-grant colleges, ^ I o w to progress. General re- 12M ft. Reel 2.19 student government in its state 42%; all U.S. state schools, and broaden the horizons oi modeling ^ ^[ng being done on the 18M ft. Reel 3.19 EISENSTEIN’S LAST MOVIE each participant by enabling schools. College authorities 46%. However, MSU. ranks him to evaluate himself in re­ second and third floors, while operate “in loco parentis.” sixth in the Big Ten in faculty lationship to his recently as­ toe downstairs’ kitchen, dining • We Also Offer EhEISENSTElN’S Courts have no right to inter salaries whereas- the Univer­ sumed position of leadership room, recreation room, and the Complete Special Order T hurs., Sept. 2 8 fere in this phase of university sity of Michigan' ranks first. A number of speakers were housemother's apartment are Service, Beat Selection of M te N M IR IIF . operations (Florida Supreme This is one of the things he obtained for the workshop and getting special treatment. Court). finds hard to understand when small representative discus- The outside of the house is In a case at the University legislative appropriations are sion groups evaluated each: being repainted and a new roof of Wisconsin it was decided that made. - Hit 45*s to Town, Free Needle Cheeking and We’re open 9 to 9 Monday Admission: 50c Michigan State University GLADME THEATRE PHONE IV7Z-9831 speech immediately after Its i has been completed. _ * through Saturday students were not privilege’ Outside enrollment which completion. Dr. John Truitt, I Kappa Sigma has moved to legal or "due process of has always been a big issue in director of the Men’s Division; from 224 W. Michigan law.” They are entitled to a thé legislature i s . 20%. This of -Student Affairs, was in Grove this year, fair hearing. The best interests j year’s freshmen class consists charge of the workshop and is being done on the dormer «MP . Newt To Kewpee’s Foreign Film Series Fairchild Theatre ■NOW thrff SATURDAY- Y o u 'll W d n tfo b e V k r e W h e n fh e T u n S ta r ts f of the school were grounds for of 2300 men and 2600 women acted as Master of Ceremonies. with the basement being done dismissal and also students j public budget reports are A banquet wrapped up the over to be used as a kitchen, East Lansing were not able to have counsel readily available in spite of workshop activities.- dining room and chapter room. at their hearings. ' 4-accusations of toe legislature. In a short interview after-1In fact a complete break-down wards, Dr. Bakken said that | of operating expenses is pnt on today higher education is a each legislator’s desk. The privilege not a right, according only thing held in confidence to legal decisions but that the ii the individual salaries of trend seemt to show that going -faculty members. to junior collage will be a light in the next tan years. Completing the talks was Dr. John Hannah whose subject Dr. Ernest O. Melby, Proies- was “University Philosophy and THISIS THEPICTURE S O W B k P S O R B Í MICHIGAN TODAY and FRIDAY Program information dial THAT SHOOK EUROPE IV 2-3905 - FRIDAYIS... fRAnCIS LIKEANEARTHQUAKE; o MtffTTO-PMtO(mÍ T . . Ir«ami SUPER 2to oftASSlSI .THATHAS BEENLAUDED ama BARDAM I DOORS OPEN 12:4* ~ — Feature 1:M -S:ID- 5:24 - 7:25 - 9:4* DAY!_ ccl ** oe lux* ANDDAMNS); • STARTS SATURDAY! • I ALL-DAY PREVUE OF THESE TWO FEATURES THATHASWON CRITICALACCLAIM Th© p i l n ThemAff/ n o s ASFEWPICTURES EVERBEFORE! - ¡¡^A tm as NEW VOffK—^flssanwrt aOUte Awmto aadUteteproM Aa »Avons te w n A te m iA w r BOSTON—*7>wv mxiraordhmry mmmrin b h fU m r He— MSBKSNMKB! L O N D O N -'/ d u m th¡* Hm to t» ti» moti •xctting ever rn»à*...m Peut awher. tvedep Neea P A R I S - n r saqsawM Ito Apoesftm*-.'m »bd Aetaart, ewb t a d RONE- timmt film * AUPerte — «de. tXtpreea T he M o st T a lk e d A b o u t - M o s t S h o c k e d A b o u t P ic tu r e O f O ur Y e a rs! ■to»— »a earto ffiMaWHHfiiaB &ZZARA t a I aun i t a “Assisi” today at 1:91,3: ID ■ami FEATURE PRESENTATION Sunday thru Thursday p r ic e s ;7— - «Min ■ ■ B ld M B iitt Until 5:30 PM ;......... 90c 5: ID, 7:1D, • : » p.m. — Fri. SUB • * ; » • * : * iMiM m arni It li, l:DS. 8:5* p.m. D O C fO R W am aA a ‘ Dactert” at 3:1*. 7:9*, * Friday aad Saturday Evenings A Sunday $1.25 m w « n mu í a n _ >«••> aace later Friday m p n m u m p w m u « a — •■ jo m i IS ;» -S s» -I :» -» - « * Wmm HNhbsihb9P6sì ■RS9S8S£BHI BBB P lfipl ¡ili ¡sSffiHmip i IffiH S P ili pgf® RH8 « P P m m i .:. m P ü Ä®1I?r ^ ^ ' v m w m SH9HJ m m ' P*Vii^BPp|pi® V .'•'*>í-nvvt* 1 ^ H P yig ,3v;:/ Ü "■SB y f& M ïW m ÏS I S fcu w ll l Mamfagj Sc^ta riw 28 , 1 9 6 l M id r ig p S late N ew » E —I f M |B h |t M ï r M f IB - -,■ 7*7} ~ -lu»«— 1-^p1ayT ' ^ 1vt*•-*=n pm — v" Creative Slate Team Wins; Goes Whole Hog Y Initiated' A te a m from Iow a Slate Uni­ 2029 f Alsu’s livestock judging team placed first in tbe swine judging versity w as second a n d th e High school stu­ contest at the National Barrow U niversity of N ebraska p lace d dents n e eligible to compete Show. Ten mldwextern colleges tM rd. > to a new ‘'scholarships fir the and universities competed in In contests held ea rlie r th is phase h a s not been neglected creative” program häng start­ y e a r, MSU placed second a t NORMA RUTK08KEY P rofessor Cook published his pounds m ore m ilk an nu a lly only a few of th e fields re ­ e d at. Michigan State this tall. the event, held annually at Ames, Iow a, th ird a t Columbus, search is constantly b o n g c a r­ by th a U niversity. Austin, Minnesota. S tale N ew t Staff W riter findingB in IMS on com bating th a n did th e ir m others. The scholarships are tor Ohio, mid seventh, a t F o rt The m echanical side o f a g ri­ ried out in. R adioactive isotopes have Michigan residents who aref Individually, J a m e s B ecker, In tb e y e a r 2029, a n experi­ bugs w ith chem icals sprayed T he re se a rc h of M ichigan proved to be a g re a t value to W orth, Texas. The next judging m en t s ta rte d when tb e univer­ o r dusted on {Hants. culture h as not been neglected outstanding in the fields of art St. Joh n s senior, placed second, m eet will b e a t th e A m erican S tate U niversity reflects d ie th e scien tist because of th e ir sity w as in its infancy in tbe PRO FESSO R TA FT is cre­ in scientific discovery. and scutytare, music compo- D u an e H risler, Springport sen­ R oyal liv esto ck Show in K an­ UN's will be com pleted. dited w ith having bean tbe first A gricultural e n g 1 n e e ring “ continuing ex p erim en t" c h a r­ tra c e r action, th e fa cto r at t t ! sition. th e a te r actin g a n d w rit- ior, fourth, n d M itchell Geas- sas City, Mo., on October 14. h a s been doing work in frost ac te ristic of tb e whole univer­ scientis t to tra c ei ¡q com bination w ith p art- le r, L ake se n io r.k ix th , out of D r. WUBam B eal, one of in A m erica to publim fa cts on th e , successful, control pf the prevention, bousing o f, d airy sity. This is not a new concept, a radioactive com pound to th e ! ™ . 70 contestants. O ther MSU team ;».-.y— r~\. > . 'it M ichigan S tate’s ea rly scien­ c a ttle and farm m achinery. it is one th a t th e U niversity tissue of an anim al, th e n to at Four Michigan State co ach es apple scab. He did t h e 'f i r s t m em bers w ere Gordon Gross­ tists and professors, began | t t cells o r distribution in a m anu- j!®* th ev experim ent to learn how long o rch ard spraying in M ichigan IN A TRY a t reducing the w as founded upon. A continu­ facto red a rtic le . j th a n $ 1 ,000, an d th ey a re re- m an, M anchester senior, F ritz a re m em bers of th e U.S. Olym­ flO to $20 millon annual frost ing experim ent in education to newatrie for fo u r y ea rs. Lutz, G rosse Potato Woods sen­ pic com m ittees for th e ir re-T em bryonic plants encased in in 1889. ‘ ' “ provide fo r lib eral an d p rac­ In 1954, radioactive isotopes H ardigan alfalfa w as th e re ­ dam age deficit, M ichigan State “ T h ere h a s .b e e n m uch em ­ ior, D ale Shettrown, West spective sports. They a re Fend-' seeds re m a in alive while buried tical education . . . in th e seve­ w ere applied to 40 re searc h B ranch senior, and J a m e s C ra­ ley C o l l i n s in w restling, in th e aoU.; , sult of P rofessor F ra n k A. developed th re e m ethods of phasis lately on scholarships frost prevention, infra-red b eat ra l pursuits and professions in projects. How ever, all s d e n t i - 1 m er, E a s t L ansing senior. C harles M cCaffree in swim ­ The seeds, 20 species of com ­ Spragg who h ad an enorm ous radiation, a ir m ovem ent by life.” for students in terested in the fic discovery is not lim ited to ! T he MSU te a m ’s overall m ing. John Kobs in baseball m o n M ichigan weeds, w ere collection and selection of plant sciences and m ath em atics and THIS WAS stated in the science an d th e p ra ctical ap ­ placed in groups of 1 ,600, 50 varieties. The S pragg’s H ardy fans, and w a te r spray. engineering,” D r. Gordon A. av erag e w as an unusually high and C harles S chm itter in fenc­ M orrill Act, and scientific re ­ plication “ in th è field.” STUDIES CONDUCTED to Sabine, d irecto r of adm issions 46.8 points out of a possible 50, M ichigan alfalfa, la te r shorten­ . Loose housing of d airy cattle ing. fro m each species. These w ere search is a fulfillm ent of the ed to H ardigan, w as a stim ulus in pen b a rn s m ay c u t lab o r in an d scholarships, pointed out. placed ih glass bottles and b u r­ specifications of th e a c t which th e hum anities, th e cu ltu re s,] ied in a trench. to the d airy industry in Michi­ h alf and save th e M ichigan fa r­ m ad e land g ra n t colleges pos­ and th e h u m an m ind have T h is new M ichigan State gan and through th e Midwest. m e rs $30 m illion a y e a r. m ade considerable contribu- p ro g ram will give m ore bal- ONE BOTTLE w as dug up sible. ^ Another contribution of P ro ­ As th e nation grew , so did B ut re searc h did not end tions to th e w ell-being of m an. j an ce to o u r to tal scholarship ev ery five y e a rs and the seeds M ichigan S tate. And with th a t y __________ p lanted in sterile s o il,.b u t so fessor Spragg w as the develop­ esterd ay with th e develop- r , Scholarly studies adding to p ro g ram by recognizing the m ent of a variety of ry e which growth scientific endeavor was m ent of hybrid corn nor does I th e sto re of knowledge in Jit- ! talen ts of th e highly creativ e m any sprouted th a t the experi­ T o s u p p le m e n t increased to m eet the changes it end today with colored lights I e ratu re. history, a n d th e a r is i boy or girl. In selecting the win­ m en t continued on a ten y e a r becam e the sta te ’s best. Using ry e seeds sent to him from of society; to g rad e fruits and vegetables, has given M ichigan S tate Uni- j n ers, w e will pay less atten- basis. An attem p t to reach the hom e­ - - of- th The la st bottle will be dug up R ussia by a fo rm er student he m aker, the m erchant, th e m an­ Much - e re searc h done to ­ v ersity th e ad ded prestige of j tion to sta n d a rd te s t scores and y o u r w a rd ro b e a n d th e seeds planted in the nam ed the v arie ty R osen for day is for th e fu tu re, it is-n o t having som e of th e m ost ab le m o re to th e individual crea- his fo rm er student. u facturer, the w orking m an, som ething th a t can be p u t to m en in th e ir field associated ! tiv ity th e student h as exhibit- y e a r 2020. I T his is Just one of the contin­ TH ESE ARE th e m en-w ho the educator, the m unicipal im m ediate use, b u t provides with th e U niversity, I ed .” corporation, the State a n d N a­ f t o u r s e le c t u ing experim ents of M ichigan initially produced a new phase m ilestones to a la rg e r goal o f ! These m en have not only j Students applying for re g u lar in education b y taking scienti­ tional governm ents and the scientific endeavor. This scien- j m ade tradition, but h ave re - scholarships a r e u rg ed to sub- S ta le U niversity. Though t i n w orld a t large, h as been tried tific re searc h is known as j corded it. R esearch ers in his- m it th e ir ap p licatio n s before e a rly scientific exploration was fic discovery out of the labora­ to ry an d Into the fields. T heir through re searc h . “ p u re re s e a rc h ” -research back j tory. th e lan guages and com- C hristm as (th e fin al deadline ^ c o lle c tio n o f done in th e ag ricu ltu ral field, it now tak es in th e expanse of aim w as to aid th e fa rm e r, and CONTRIBUTIONS have been in th e labo rato ry . j mrinications h av e helped pre- is J a n u a ry 15),* b u t students eachjC oBege of th e cam pus. from this beginning scientific m ade to th e processing of m ilk, M ichigan S tate U niversity, as j serve M ichigan’s p ast-in m an y j applying fo r th e new Scholar- W HEN D R . B eal began this discovery a t M ichigan S tate developm ent of plastics, pickle m any o th er colleges an d uni- { d iverse studies. Today, han- ships-for-the-C reative m u s t s u its w ill continuing e x p e rim e n t-in the has h a d the ch a rac te ristic of canning, new m ethods for the v ersities of th e nation, probes rd red s of p ro jects a re b rin g con- apply b y O ctober 15. youth of th e college, scientific having practical application to chrom ium -plating and g ray into th e m y steries of ca n c e r i ducted by faculty and students j creativ ity scholarship d iscovery w as little h ea rd of th e various fields of industry iron industries, growing and and o ther d read diseases. • so th a t tb e n ex t g en e rati« ! will i wbo a r e " c o m p le m e n t outside of the m edical "sciences. an d -h o m e. _ — cutting procedures' for lum ber IN TH E STUDY of th ese di- : und erstan d b e tte r th e accom - ; t0 tJhe university will th en be T hen fi* 1855, a bold group of The probe of discovery has concerns, and advancem ents seases, an ex p erim en t of th efp lish m en ts, e rro rs an d f a i l u r e s ^ s p e c i f i c directions on how m en, professors of M ichigan not ended. In 1955 four new hy­ fo r the m int oil Industry. balan ce hypothesis of p arasit- ; of m an. wh ere to subm it th e ir cre- y o u r p re fe re n c e S tale, began to p u t'sc ie n c e to b rid s w ere m ade available for The to u rist an d re so rt trad e, ism w as c a rrie d out. ! TH E FU T U R E of M ichigan ; a tiv e work. w ork fo r agriculture. It had im ­ planting and two new w heat *°°*f stores and re sta u ra n ts The hypothesis here is th a t ■s ta te U niversity an d th e fu tu re ; „„q^TTvir d en artm en t m ed iate success and spurred strain s and a new o at variety ***** ***® sm all business have th e biochem ical com position of j of m en and th e ir society lies I in fin e c lo th in g th e grow th of the extension w ere m ade available in 1955. *)een helped through the fe- any o r g a n i s m determ in es j with th e “ unfinished w ork” of | p ro g ram s today. The M ichelite bean, develop- sea rch projects e a rn e d out by Among th e first scientists ed in 1938, h a s been grown on hotel and re sta u ra n t courses rnaeti r ftr ,mdWiformf tag ground for anylanv Sp aSrticSu llaÌr "scholars T , “ ** who ? “ hLav“ e d,followed. -S totate ^ fcam ta a te tT Ìfo pus r ill b e tavited r perso n al in- w as D r. R obert Kedzie, who | practically all o f M ichigan's studies an d food researc h . a p a ra site th a t a tta c k s it. i t h as b een a continuing ex.- terview m g.1 c a m e to the co lleg e Jn 1863 as j pea-bean ac rea g e w ith out- Th eir aim has been to deve- O ther studies with d irec t j p erim en t in education o f th e j professor of chem istry. T here j standing quality and yield, | lop new m ethods to im prove b earin g on d re ad diseases a re m ind, an experim ent th a t h a s i S pecial applications neces­ w as no laboratory, no equip- j AND. THOSE blueberries on efficiency of production and th e w ear and te a r of~body tis-1 not y e t seen th e end. sa ry fo r th is new p ro g ram a re m en t for him to conduct scien-1 b reak fast cereal would not be b e tte r utilization of T esources. sues, th e ra te of tissue tu rn ­ av ailab le to every high school tific experim ents, b u t he work-1 th ere if M ichigan S tate h ad C h em ical re searc h h as found o v er in th e body, an d th e ef­ office in th e state. ed w ith w h at he h ad and pub- not found th a t land unfit for m ore th a n a thousand new fects of horm ones on th ese ac ­ other crops will yield a boun- chem ical com pounds for use in tivities. Coupon Swap UNIVERSITYSHOP lished h is re su lts th a t y ear. ' T H E GROWTH of the s u g a r ! tiful crop of berries. This open- anti-tubercular agents an d su r­ b eet Industry in M ichigan ed up a new industry in Michi- face coatings. A resu lt of this also u n d er study. Foods, uten­ A spects of sanitation are _ w as the use of alum inum chlo­ sils, w a te r a n d sewage^ m ay For Football University stem s larg e ly fro m D r. Ked- gan. . . * » ' •• zie’s efforts. He im ported the | A tasty , tem pting, juicy rid e a s an industrial cataly st. show findings th a t a re im por­ firs t seeds, grew a n d a n a ly z e d : steak on the dinner table m ay MICHIGAN STATE th e first beets, and w as instru- j be the re su lt of re searc h in sity w as a first in offering a Studies h ave been conducted U niver­ ta n t in p reventing disease. Games Ready S tudent football fan s c a n ex ­ SeeksGiant 223 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING 5' '* , m en tal in building the first fac- livestock nutrition ca rrie d on course in plastics. Re.« uits of on the sanitation of m echani­ chan g e activity -book coupons to ry for the m anufacture of 1a t M ichigan State. b eet su g ar in M ichigan. som e of the college grad u ates c a l dishw ashérs, w a te r soften- for re serv ed sea ts for hom e j F undam ental re searc h i n ! have given influence in this j ers, sw im m ing pools, an d food g am es th e week of each gam e, Mushroom D r. B eal in 1877 becam e the feeding stock, housing it, con- j field. R esearch h e re , h a s also la n d d rin k vending m achines, ath letic tick et m a n a g e r, Bill S ave your g ian t puffballs. firs t person to cro ss-fertilize! trolling disease an d im proving resulted in som e new plastic HOME ECONOMISTS h ave B eardsley said. MSU needs them . co rn successfully increasing its i breeds goes back in the history derivatives in this field. ^ j been experim . enting _ in diets to The exchange w ill be m ade T hese m ushroom -like fungi yield. This w as the “ tw e n tie th ! of the U niversity for alm ost 50 One of M ichigan’s m ost un- red u ce weight, p ro m o te -h e a tth ! a t Jen iso n F ie ld House on the p ortant economic resou rces, i an d aid disease recovery for usu al schedule of seniors on contain a substan ce called cen tu ry m irac le” of hybrid y ea rs. — co rn. This experim ent contri-j TH E RESEARCH done the to u rist tra d e , has shown im- j th e la s t 16 years., M onday, ju n io rs on T uesday, “ calvacin” which is to be used buted not only to th e state o f ! trition has dealt with the bio- provem ent as a re su lt of th e j o th e r re searc h to do with the sophom ores on W ednesday and experim entally fo r tre a tm e n t M ichigan,"but h ad nation-wide j chem istry and nutrition of U niversity’s work done in this j well-being of th e hum an body freshm en on T hursday. of c a n c e r in seriously-ifi hu- im petus. . ^ — J dairy and beef anim als, swine, field. is conducted in heredity, R edem ption of coupons will m ans by th e Sloan-K ettertag B eal a n d his associates con--] sheep and poultry, plus the Efficient operation of reso rts tooth decay, genetics, tobacco, only be in Jenison, not a t th e : in stitu te fo r C an cer R esearch, ttau ed to experim ent with use of ag ricu ltu ral products in an d m otels during the b rief strenuous athletics on to e Jenison G ym nasium lobby tic k -j q ^ j fre sh g ian t puffballs cro ssed v arie tie s to produce industry, to u rist season and the w isest health and longevity of m an. et windows: D oors a t both ends which a re still w hite o r slightly stra in s suitable to clim ate and M uch of the im provem ent in uses of n atu ra l resources and This a r e a of p u re re searc h of Jenison will be open from ch a rtreu se c a n be used. soil conditions in M ichigan and | th e quality of livestock has recreatio n al facilities along h a s m an y long-range im plica­ 8:30 a.m . to 4:30 p.m . through elsew here in th e nation. ! been the resu lt of a r tif ic ia l! with aspects of food purch ase, tions. It is a n effort to im ­ th e w eek. P erso n s who w ish to help m ay J A “ NEW HORTICULTURE” | breeding. the ex p e rim e n ta l! storage an d service a r e a all B eardsley also announced bring puffballs o r send them prove th e conditions, not only w as developed by P rof. lib e r ty | stages being c a rrie d out a t the ! a re being explored. collect by bus (m ail m ay be of th e people of M ichigan, the th a t a lim ited num ber of tick­ H yde B ailey. In 1855 He w orked U niversity. 1 THE UNIVERSITY w as th e farm er, and th e hom em aker, ets fo r th e M ichigan State- too _ slow) . to D ^r. E v e re tt S. o n th e th esis th a t horticulture’s I Now th e U niversity is h e a d -! first to offer curriculum in food b u t people in every profession M ichigan g am e Oct. 14 a t Ann B e n e k ^ Sftii biological phase w as botany j q u arte rs for this p ro g ra m ; distribution leading to a m as in life. A rbor a ré av ailab le to ta c o m -: J^ * a n d its business phase agricul- which has h ad wide spread ac- te rs degree. R esearch projects TH E ATOMIC AGE h a s 1 tag students th is fall. They a r e th e aid of a N ational Institutes tu re . This took horticulture out ceptance. In 1954, 150,000 cows in th e laboratories and selected opened up a whole new re alm on sale a t th e Jenison G y m n a s-; H ealth g ra n t, is P ^'P *1’®^ of th e laboratory and into the in M ichigan w ere b re d artifici­ m odel grocery stores is under of scientific discovery an d -the ium tick et windows for $5 e a c h .! P*y fields. F o r this, B ailey becam e ally to superior bulls. At least w ay, a continuation of previous i fresh g ian t puffballs. w orld renown. one th ird of the m ilking cows y e a rs ’ v aried activities. I t is im p o rtan t th a t th e giant T he success of the fruit in­ in M ichigan a re tra c e d to sires The ra n g e of studies being puffballs be brought in quickly! d u stry of M ichigan and other in t h e bufi stud ce n te r on this done is enorm ous. Studies in while they a re still fresh. They] sta te s m a y th an k two m en, cam pus. apple m erchandising, im prove­ often tu rn d ark olive g reen and i J . Cook, a n d Levi R . T aft for M ORE IMPORTANT is the m ent of apple juice a n d cider, a re not usable in ju st a day o r | th e role th ey took in develop- fact th a t these artificially bred grading of fru its and vege­ two. ta g insecticides and fungicides. [ cows give an av erag e of 2,000 tables by colored lights a r e The m ushroom s w ifi be frozen a n d stored a t MSU and sent! to A rm o u r A Co., Chicago, fori 218 Abbott R ead processing when necessary . It E a s t Lansing, Mich. ta k e s about 1,000 pounds of I giant puffballs to produce a! ACROSS FROM THE STATE THEATRE- pound of pow dered calvacin. j I t w as about eight y ea rs ago I the la te D r. E .H . L ucas, p ro fe s-! sor of .horticulture, an d D r.! HOME ECONOMICS R ichard U. B y erru m , p ro fes-; so r of biochem istry and assist- j an t provost found th a t th e g ia n t; STUDENTS ONLY! p tffh a ii w as effective ag ain st j c a n c e r to experim en tal an i­ THE PRICELESS LOOK With The P u rch ase Of f&M Or M ere m als. * 5 W - Use This Valuable Ceupeu T e Since D r. L ucas’ d eath m ore P urch ase Y our R equired L ist Of N sties th an tw o y e a rs ago, his work A versatile sh irt with a talen t for tastefutaess on any Supplies F o r CtotUng C b sees bus been continued un d er the occasion. Worn in o r out, th e long sleeves, F ren ch cuffs, direction of D r, Beneke: convertible collar and co n c ed ed front closing com bine (Y our requirem ents fa r exceed SS.M) C alvacin h a s inhibited 13 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ im i types e f c a n c e r to m ice, ra ts i a n d ham sters. w ith fro n t tu ck s and lace to m ake a welcom e addition to y o u r w ardrobe. Little o r no iron D acron* an d cotton 00 A p p ly W ith T h e P u rc h a s e $100- broodoiofth to White only. Sizes 30 to 38.. :’l O f $5.00 o r M ore W o rth O n e D o lla r - FREE LIST OF OVER «ORGANIZED T o w a rd T h e P u rc h a s e O f S a w i a f N u tio u MUSICAL GROUPS S u p p lie s. H om e E co n o m ics S tu d e n ts O n ly . 1 to 26 pieces Ijjandr. J iS r N am e C .T , S m A R T UJ C A R GREAT BETWEEN Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! COURSES! ~ College Address ................. Geeedw ta’s F ab rics - ----------------- ----------- $27 S. Washington, I eustog 228 Abbott Road, E a s t Lansing $100 ; - IV 2-5K14 Daffy H ours: f:3 0 a.m . to 5:30 p.m . M M v to r «ritorto ri TSrdcs-CMa Company fev LA-SALLE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY MIcMene - :J1 00 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a 218. Abbott R ead VOID A FTER OCTOBER 1ITH a a a a i p »1 (CVpttfc Ad ier future use) «LIVE MUSK » BEST* 'O pen W ednesday: 9:30 a.m . to 9:80 p.m . m - i I M M » d o te( W M * V M » ■ t t f W d n x h m M m - .p t *jr «tth a aMat1 •*«••*» * ^ g 3 ? y 0 f â 3 ^ » directors in fe e fy & 9 K » £ U l n g t i w M SUbnd. A*- Modem id i of tho capitol oMW» W i i W «bcart te scheduled tor 10:30 a.m. MB ,A*m t e in tem M to an- «g^n ihit tw>w wlU bo OMtemeWto DtYtetoouf G«t- M ANTHONY HALL is named other Cole favorite, "ltf» for Ernest lw~Anthony, profes­ An Right It- and other the trip m wett « the wpd » i heard, while «ppeermccs et the sor of daiiy science, who teas win be dia- Michigan and MinneeoU game. Dean of Agriculture for two de­ cades. He encouraged the broadening of the Continu­ ing Education p r o g r a m , t a u g h t fanners how to manage daring the depress­ ion yean and converted Hie agriculture program from a war time to peace time footing after W orld W ar U. R ightfully n am ed is F airch ild T h eatre a fte r G eorge T . F a ir ­ child, professor of E nglish an d political econom y in th e IP O ’s an d 1880’s. H e encouraged th e love for d ra m a am ong h is stu­ dents even though he would not atten d th e th e a tre becau se of its im m o ral influences. The Kedzie n am e w as associ­ ated w ith th e cam pus fo r so long it b ecam e a cherished tr a ­ dition. R obert C. Kedzie, M.D. cam e as one of th e initial pro­ fessors to teach chem istry . His sons c a rrie d on his w ork. T he Kedzie C hem ical L aboratory b ea rs his nam e. H E WAS T H E "in stig a to r. of th e F a rm e rs ’ In stitu tes in 1876 which evolved into th e E x ten ­ sion p ro g ram . In th e fo rty y ea rs th a t th e Kedzies serv ed the college th ey educated th e state ag ain st arsenic-green w all p a ­ p e r and explosive kerosene, am ong o th er things. 'I th in k P ro fe s s o r A rm ita g e w ill a g r e e Olin M em orial H ealth Cen- | te r w as nam ed for R ich ard M. w ith m e t h a t o u r a d m in is tr a tiv e s ta f f IfGARETTES | Olin, the first full-tim e cam pus | physician who m inistered to the is o f th e h ig h e s t c a lib e r!” students for alm ost 15 y ea rs in a , m an sard roofed “ c a stle ” w here G ilchrist stan d s today. 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! K resge A rt C enter, th e new AGED MILD. HI FNOrD -M ILD—NOT FILTERED MILD—THEY SATISFY I a r t building, is a gift of -the S.. S. K resg e Foundation. Team Takes Part Let’s Get Together at the in ‘Idea Seminar’ Student Book Store where you can - ji get... JF T h in k in More Books for It's completely self service — Select your own used books and supplies. designed with students in mind? lltiS ~GENUINEIMPORTEDBONGODRUMS MADEOFFINEW OODS* EXCELLENT TONE• THESEDRUMSARCSOLDRETAIL FORTHREETIMESOURPRICEOFONLY $ C R A ™ * U MML * ° * 0C* T00AY wrrM U.3U CHECKORM ONEYOROERTO... (across from Berkey Hall) K tagPBVtS~MXamn.MOLLVWOOOmCMMWMNM Satisfactionguaranteed• SoCXtJD*ft**** Free Parking in large lot at rear T hursday M orning, Septem ber 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 E x p a n s io n S a le ! LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT WITH BUTTON DOWN L i ly P o n s COLLAR R e tir e s NEW YORK W—Lily Pons, petite F ren ch co lo ratu ra who reigned as a s ta r fo r 30 y ea rs a t the M etropolitan O pera, has re tire d quietly. H er n am e w as m issin g ^ ro m the M et’s annual ro ster a n ­ A Special selling on nounced W ednesday. H er f a r e ­ U niversity styled, cotton well perform ance, although it w as not billed as such a t the oxford cloth shirts. All tim e, o ccurred la st Dec. 12 'w hen she sang “ C aro N om e” with the traditional but­ from V erdi’s “ R igoietto” a t a ton down co llar in a g ala benefit. She m ade h er debut Jan . 2, choice of white,j>r blue. 1931 in the title role of “ Luoia Di L am m erm oor.” H er 30- Ideal for d ress o r casual y e a r reign is a house record, w ear. Shop tom orrow for although in re c e n t y e a rs sh e h as given ju s t one perform ance special savings. a season. The y e a r before last «HELLO HONEY**— Left to Right, Gatees McMartte, R. Peter Ftshmaa and she m issed .even th a t because Reger Lias v e the hoeae phones in PUUps Hall to contact their girls. Since of illness. these Is as lsager any switchboard, fellows mast ose the phtaea te get in tench M iss P ons, who h a s h o m e s in STORE FOR MEN with their fW s. —State News Photo by T. S. Crockett P a lm Springs, D allas a n d southern F ran c e, d oesn’t intend EAST LANSING „ to g iv e up singing com pletely. Cuban H ot Uncovered She is scheduled to p articip ate in ff^San F ran cisco o p era gala n ext week. In addition, she will continue to sing “ now and WASHINGTON ( » - T h e State • « ." S * * then a t som ething th a t appeals Department said W ednesday it to h e r,” h e r m an ag e r said. is studying docum ents th a t pur­ port to show Cuban plans for overthrow ing t h e Argentine Barnes Floral ; . . is the place to g o v ern m en t Argentine P resid en t A rturo go fo r FALL ARRANGEMENTS Frondisi, in New York for a United N ations session, de­ and GREEN PLANTS clined to com m ent on the re ­ ported plot. He was reported to have discussed the m a tte r with P resident Kennedy during We T elegraph Flow ers O rder E a rly and Save On All Out of town D eliveries in the U.S. and C anada - K N A P P 'S th eir „m eeting in New York Tuesday. Barnes Floral of East Lansing EAST LANSING In disclosing the State De­ p artm e n t study, P re ss Officier 218 Ann Open Evenings & Sunday E D 2-0871 Joseph W. R eap declined to say SUPPLIES JEWELRY: WELCOMESKOAL SHEAFFER PEN SPECIAL UNIVERSITY RING CHARMS WAS NOW FRIENDSHIP RINGS STATESMAN $15.50 $9.29 SWEATER GUARDS ADMIRAL $10.00 $5.95 KEY CHAINS SAVE MONEY ON THIS CLASS RINGS SWEATSHIRTS SOCIAL STATIONERY THIS WEEK ONLY JACKETS FOR STUDENT DESK - WALL MUGS MEN - WOMEN | GLASSES NOTE - CAMPUS VIEWS UNIVERSITY VIEWS (PLENTY OF PARKING JUST OUTSIDE OUR BACK DOOR) Michigan State Neva, Eaat Laming, Michigan Red School Grets Paar Show Officers Ü. S. Negro Girl PRINTED NEWARK, N J . (¿»—C ity of­ school board m eeting Tuesday HEIDELBERG, Germany, ficials a re m iffed o v er re m a rk s night. U M to UK. Army Wednesday ¿ iS S k ■p . m a d e la s t w eek b y William M orris Fuchs, p resident of rescinded as unjustified actions CHESTERFIELD C lark when be s o rt his 14-year- th e board, said b e w as su r­ taken against two staff officers old d aughter off to school to prised to see th e publicity giv­ foQowiag the controversial-film - Moscow. en H uktah’s departu re. tog of a J a d e Paar TV show on “ I ’m am axed th a t a m an who the^ border between .East and MISSES’ “ T here is m ore to th is case h as n ev er been to R ussia and th an m eets th e ey e,” said D r. West Boffin. does n o t know w het is going on G at Bruce C. Clarke, com­ D avid E . W eingast, assistan t superintendent in ch arg e of th ere ca n send his child th e re ,” mander of the U.S. Army to ALL-WEATHER b e said. “ T here is d iscrim ina­ Europe, Issued a statement say­ secondary education. “ T h ere’s tion in R ussia to th e nth d e­ no indication in h e r school his­ g re e.” ing “no one did anything wrong to ry th a t she w as hot content enough to warrant '-critkfsm, COAT C lark said h is-d au g h ter w as although on hindsight what was h ere.” __ taking adv an tag e of jut offer C lark, a N egro lab o rer, said done might have been done a of a Soviet scholarship m ade bit differently.” h e w a s dissatisfied with th e ed­ by P re m ie r K hrushchev la st ucation his d au g h ter, Huldah. Oct. ! when h e w as in th e The. tw o officers a ra (toi. w as receiving h ere. The girl w as a student in W ebster jun­ io r high la st y e a r. U nited States for a m eeting of to e UN G eneral Assem bly. He told th e Soviet le a d e r t h a t John R . D eane J r ., of San F rancisco, who w as adm onish­ ed, and L t Col. D allas W. 17.95 “ T here is no evidence w hat­ N egroes in th e U nited S tates do Hoadley of B altim ore, rem oved soever th a t M r. C lark ev er not g et equal educational op­ as inform ation officer of the cam e to th e school to ta lk over portunities to those received Berlin com m and a s tran sferre d th e problem s of H uldah o r a t by w hite persons. to H eidelberg. an y tim e lodged any kind of H uldah arriv ed in Moscow enlisted m en diverted for th e L et it rain . S . let it co m p lain t," W eingast said a t a last weekend. D eane, w ith a . squad of 13 JAPANESE-INSPIRED—Murray Jones, associate professor of art, says bis purpose, w as on han d Sept. 7. s h in e . . . you’ll be read y , large folding screens,' inspired by a two-year stay in Japan as a Fulbright for th e film ing of th e show at Fellow, “are a conscious attempt to reconcile the large easel-painting form to contemporary architecture, with its limited wall space.” Mr.- Jones’ screens and Episcopal Bishops th e F ried rich stra sse check­ p o in t So w here n u m e ra ls o th er officers and soldiers. The arm y no m a tte r w hat w eather predicts in an toe college-paintings are now being shown at,a Detroit gallery. Denounce Extremists participation cau sed a storm ef criticism to toe U nited S tates. The original d isd p lto a ry act­ all w eather coat. P ic­ Works by Jones Displayed DETROIT, UP—Bishops of th e E piscopal C hurch roundly denounced Com m unism today, tions w e re fe r to ,” said th e R t. R ev. J a m e s T. P ike, Bishop of C alifornia. ion w as announced to W ashing­ ton Sept 9. Today C larke said h e con­ tu red in only one from th e n jo o k - a poke a t ex trem ist “ '•B ut,” h e added, “ We a re cluded a fte r seeing to e film of an exciting collection of In Detroit Art Gallery groups th a t s tir u p “ h y sterical fe a r of C om m unism .” W ithout d ebate, resolutions w arning ag ain st all o th er ex­ tre m ist groups thatr a re guilty of irresponsible attac k s, usual­ th e show a n d -rein v estig atin g to e m a tte r th a t a n injustice b ad been done to th e two offi­ printed blue o r brown spelling out both stan d s cleared ly to th e nam e of anti-Com mu- cers. A D etroit gallery opens a hom es have been m ade of p a - ' scious. He uses fine, pliable coats in the popular showing Sunday of paintings by per has m ade Jones paper-con- j Jap a n ese paper both in “ paint- th e House of Bishops an d mov­ nism . ed to th e Lay-Clerical House “ T herefore,” he said, “ in a ' faculty m em ber just back “ This does not re v e a l a new o rd e r to rig h t a n injustice, I Chesterfield style. Sizes from the - P a r - E a s t. M urray --------------- 1 ing-collages” and in large fo ld of D eputies, w here a spokes­ attitu d e on th e p a rt of th e have directed Gen. (M aj. Gen. ing screens, fastening p a p e r to m an predicted quick approval. ch u rch ,” Bishop P ik e said. “ I t Jo nes, associate professor of A lbert) W atson to B erlin to a r t, spent two y e a rs in Jap a n j a s a F ulbright Fellow. He was j Brizóla background with clea r o r col­ ored lacquer. The 150 Bishops cautioned th e nation’s th re e an d a h alf m il­ express o u r continuous op­ position to th e whole m entality w ithdraw o rally th e adm onition given to Col. Jo h n R . D eane 8 to 16. lion E piscopalians “ to exam ine accom panied by his wife, Ja n , j a 'potter whose work is also on es T raditionally the Jap a n ese carefully ch arg es of disloyalty and subversion brought by ex ­ th a t c re a te s th is situation.” T he bishop w arned th a t “ The J r ., an d to rem ove from to e files anything pertain in g to this MISSES COATS display a t D etroit’s H anam ura ! a re fine-paper-m akers. Though p re ssu re of th e in tern atio n al incident w hich is ad v erse or gallery, and their two children, j Work in a land w here even Plane Fire - paper-m aking a s a h an d craft is declining, Jo n es w as able to tre m ist groups . . . le st fe a r and suspicion destroy h o n e st com m unist m enace c a n le a d to h y steria, suspicion an d a tr a ­ derogatory to him , an d I will sim ilarly rem ove from toe -E A S T LANSING public d eb a te an d silence ex RIO DE JA N E R IO .JB -A je t visit com m unal villages w here pressieo of C h ristian faith to gic disunity of people in th e files anything pertaining to Lt. the inner b ark of one-year-old- ho u r of crisis.” ' Col. D allas W. Hoadley,” airlin er with S tate Gov. Leonel h u m an a ffa irs .” Bicycles m u lb erry bushes is patiently Brizola am ong the 71 prisoners transform ed into to e finest p a­ aboard caught Tire W ednesday p er, while the b a rk from two- T he m ove w as seen b y som e a s p rim arily a n a tta c k on th e Jo h n B irch Society, a n arch - Need New on landing a t B rasilia, the hin­ year-old bushes is m ade into a terland capital of Brazil. Briz product considered quite 4nfer- ola, brother-in-law of B razil’s-*°r - co n serv ativ e g roup organized to fight C om m unism . R ep rin ts of a N ational M agazine a rtic le Licenses P resident Joao Goulart, an d j M r. Jones h as a sam ple of all the others w ere reporteo by Jap a n e se p ap e r m ade alm ost V arig airlines to have escaped 1,500 y ea rs ago th a t is a little highly critic a l of th e society and its lead e r, R o b ert Welch, w ere d istrib u ted aa th e vote ALPACA-LINED New licenses are required for ! the flam ing w reck. brow n but still quite -flexible. w as tak en . Milk a ll bicycles on cam pus, the de- j V arig said th ere w ere 62 pas M r. and M rs. Jones lived to The artic le , to “ Com m entator *_ HOODED partm ent of public safety a n ­ sengers and 9 crew m en in t*ie j Kyoto, the ancient Jap a n ese M agazine,” said Welch h ad a s ­ R io G rande Do Sol, and .wo I capital, w here th ey found a sailed th e N ational Council of n o unced W ednesday. The c a m - , cabinet m inisters am ong the [ sizable solctny of A m erican a rt- Churches a s friendly to Com­ Ice Cream GREATCOAT pus bicycle license ordinance passengers. ' ists and w riters. To Jo n es’ su r­ m unism an d h ad estim ated be­ CASH & CARRY has been revised, and ail old j Unofficial rep o ils said trouble p rise, m ost of them w ere se r­ tw een th ree an d five p er ce n t licenses a re no longer valid. I apparently developed'"in the iously a t w ork, to c o n tra st to of P ro te sta n t clerg y m en are M U by According to L t. Allen H. landing g ear of the twin-engine a r t colonies in w hich a good C om m unists Andrews, officers will be a t ! piane when it landed. The plane p a rt of the population sim ply “ C ertain ly th e Jo h n B irch So­ 2 Gal. P lain Homogenized m en ’s and w om en’s dorm s on i went out oi control, reports! eni° y s atm osphere ciety is am ong those organiza­ WE \THERBEE cam p u s next week to take lie-i said, and an engine caught j B e is inclined to discount ense fees. Students m a y pur-1 fire ¡com m ents th a t K y o to could be- ch a se licenses a t Brody Hall n ex t Monday and Tuesday from j The plane cam e to a halt ™ 1™5 P a ris of th e ’60s. Belguin Radiation 7 a.m . to 7 p.m. Officers will be at E a st Mayo a fte r skidding along the H all from 8 to 5 p.m . Wednes­ through -e m e rg e n c y doors a s - , land- ’ h e ,note4 ing strip. P assen g ers escaped! S f U ° i n S S f a n ? t o s - 15 " less41f c* The Joneses studied Count Up Sharply BRUSSELS, Belgium (Jf) — ICE CREAM V2 Gal. all flavor* 39.05 flam es enveloped the a ir c r a f t Jap8ane! e f o r a ^ before go- R adioactivity e v e r B elgium d a y , and a t Mason Hall the sam e tim es on Thursday. Lic­ The cabinet m em bers aboard ing abroad, but still found gen­ w as re p o rted W ednesday to e n se s m ay be purchased at w ere E stacio Souto M aior, m in­ uine conversation to Jap a n ese h av e ju m p ed sh arp ly as a r e ­ .E a s t Shaw H all from 8 a.m . to ister of health, and U llises Gui- a lL b u t im possible. su lt of Soviet n u clea r explo­ Beautifully tapered 6 p.m . next F riday. m areas, m inister of industry Jones ap p reciates th e p er­ sions. and com m erce. spective th a t living abroad A spokesman for tba Belgian 1 2 0 1 E . G rand River shawl collar co nverts to L ansing and _ E a st Lansing students will be re q u ire d to get The often co ntroversial B riz­ gives A m ericans on th e ir own Royal Meteorological Institute 3 0 5 5 E. M ich. East Lansing bicycle licenses from th eir re ­ ola w as a key figure during the dem ocratic w ay of life. -- said ton rise began Sept. U Ju s t W est o f Sears a hood—ju s t one detail spective city halls. recen t crisis to which top B ra ­ “ Things th a t w e h ad tak en when ton radioactivity count The licenses fee is 50 cents. zilian m ilitary leaders attem p t­ fo r g ran ted a r e v ery im port­ multiplied IS times, six days later ton count had Jnmped In LM SM FAAM PMDOOTS CO. of this stunning coat. B ikes not licensed by the fol­ ed to block G oulart’s rise to a n t,” he says. A sm all Illustra­ lowing week m ay be impound­ pow er as. successor to the r e ­ tion of J a c lr of d em ocracy: a 20 tones tost of Sept DL e d and a fine p lu s-th e license signed P resid en t Jan io Quad- Ja p a n e se a r tis t friend w as able Deep fu rry 100% A lpaca c o st will be charged. ros. — to gain ac cess to som e of to e About 250 bicycles w ere im ­ Congress am e n d e d -th e con­ Jap a n e se public a i t eoH ectkos co llar an d lining. Zelan pounded on cam pus spring stitution and gave G oulart the for th e firs t tim e only because teem . An estim ated 120 still job of president with stripped- h e w as ac tin g a s a tra n s la to r w a te r repellent com bed unclaim ed will be sold a t auc­ down powers and nam ed Tan- fo r Jo n es, a JFulbright Fellow tio n Oct. 28. credo Neves prim e m inister. from th e U nited S tates. TYPEWRITER RENTALS cotton poplin outside. In Tired of Walking? MAKE BETTER GRADES n a tu ra l, with M isses sizes. slate-blue blo n d e all alpaca. > WITH TYPEWRITTEN PAPERS MISSES COATS You Need A EAST LANSING 2.00 per week B IC Y C L E 6.00 per month % from the Ask About Our Rental Purchase Han College Bike Shop V IS IT O U R T Y P E W R IT E R D E P T . Call Now ONE BLOCK NORTH OF KELLOGG CENTER ON HARRISON ROAD NEAR BRODY GROUP Campus Book Store K N A PP'S ' • V D ependable Schwinn Bike« ED 2-4117 R ent b y • H our • Day I t W eek f M onth EAST LANSING REN TA LS Ifpspg 3m m / ft f v' V : X w&W b mM ÈM m Ü I HflriMgwr Stale Ne«*» Eut Ijawing, Michigan Tfannday Morning, September 28, 1961 EIGHT NSIVE TEAM STARTERS SANDERS MANDERS BUDDE AZAR HATCHER BÀLLMAN CHARON BRANDSTATTER ‘Healthy’ Spartans Awaiting Final Wisconsin ice B E E rC I!liC K "'45i ■y JAMES WALUNGTON Saim es is 'th e best conditioned* Mate Nana Sports Editor p la y e r on the team . H atcher Jteddgaa State football coach h as gotten off to a slow s ta rt this y e a r. a IM Fall Season Opens 1. ARM ClTLSSc lb ENGLISH CUT 59c lb M b Deugherty will p o t bis sqnad through its F i v e speedy sophom ores have posed serious bids for W ith Meeting Tuesday MO today in p reparation B allm an’s and C haron’s first Grade A the season a n d B ig Ten at Wisconsin Saturday. strin g jobs. They a re Sherm an Lewis, Louisville, K y.; Dewey a The MSU Intramural pro­ gram team begins next Tuesday with managers meeting to the students use from 6 am . to 8 p.m. Monday through Fri­ / Govt Inspected Ground Beef 45c lb Lincoln, H am tram ck ; H erm an day, 10 am . to • pm . on Sat­ Paatfnily said the squad is be held in 206 IJd. building at Super Right TURKEYS 1 6 " 2 2 29° Johnson, P lainfield, N .J.; E a rl urdays aad from 1 pm.' to la p a rte it physical shape. De- L attim er, D allas, Tex., who 7:30 p.m. pm . Sundays. fcssivt fullback G e o r g e has com e on with a rush in the All fan sports, eligibility, and ts. Sateses. Canton, Ohio, junior, last tw o weeks, an d Ron Ru- building rules will be discuss­ bick, M anistique. ed. An managers are request­ The weight-lifting room will be open from 12 noon to 6 pm . Skinless Franks rataraed to th e squad Wednes­ day to work out fo r the first time th is week. The biggest question to be ed to attend this meeting. answ ered in th e Wisconsin Friday, Oct. 5 at 5 pm . is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 12 to 1 pm . and SMOKED PORK CHOPS Choice Beef 7 Q c gam e is w hether o r not Smith the entry deadline for Frater­ Saimes and junior end Lonnie Sander* ware In Olin M em orial is ready to play Big Ten caliber nity Bowling and Touch Foot­ ball. ball teams of aU leagues and 5 to 8 pm . on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 am . to pm . Saturday and 1 to 0 pm. Center Cuts 79c lb RIB STEAKS i y Health C e n t e r with sore throats. Sanders, a s ta rte r on tee offensive team , re tu rn ed to The junior from E co rse play­ Dormitory VoDeyban. AU ros­ ed only 16 m inutes la st y ea r, te rs must be in by the deadline, Sundays. The indoor pools win be open End Cuts 59c lb practice Tuesday n ig h t throw ing but four p asses and the IM department said. from 11:30 am . to 3 pm . aad com pleting two of them . One point win he deducted 6:30 pm . to • pm . Monday If the Spartans survive to­ day’s light drills without in­ “ We h av e confidence in from point total in block com­ through Friday, 11:30 am . to jury, they will eater a season ^Rdtltot^t c^^lj^pl^is for the teat ttms la three seasons. Sm ith,’’ D augherty said a s he petition for each day tee rosteis cro sse d h is fingers. If Smith fails to p an out, are late. Anyone interested hi offici­ 6 pm . Saturdays and 1 to pm . Sundays. IM officials annonpood teat McIntosh Apples 4 lb. bag 39' Last year halfbarks Gary D augherty would be forced to ating touch footbaO Is invited the outdoor pool will remain tu rn to a sophom ore, th ree of to attend an officials meeting open until Oct. 15. The hour* Ballmaa. Bate Detroit senior, aad Herb Addarley, who has gradeatsil. ware ailing an which back Smith up. They a re next Thursday at 7:90 pm ., Dick P roebstle, who m oved in 206, IJML Building. are 11:30 am . to 6:30 pm . Monday through Friday, U:3ti IDAHO POTATOES Home Grown Cauliflower- tnreugb the early portion of the la 1909 quarterback Dean front of the other contenders _ this fall, Ken Bankey and Doug M iller. ★ ★ ★ The facilities of the Intra­ mural Building are open for sum. to 6 pm . Saturday aad 1 to 6 pm . Sunday, weather per­ mitting. 10 lb bag Large^ Head 29c ea Look, who aow plays profes­ sional baseball in the Chicago White Sox chain, began the 59' Carrots 2 lb cello bag 29c year with an injury and was _ . Michigan not able to go full tilt until the fourth none of the year. He eventually was named to the Brussel Sprouts 29c lb Yellow Onions 10 lb bag 49c AD-Amencan squad. Carl Charon, Boyne City sen­ e r v o o r t ’s ior, returned to full action this weak for tea first time since 2X3 E. GRAND RIVER A A P A &P Labor Day. The veteran half­ back sprained an ankle during a fuD-eceJe scrimmage Labor EAST LANSING Pineapple Juice 46 oz cans 2 for 59c Pineapple Sliced or Chunk 3 cana 1 tea starting nod at defensive fullback. Dangherty has called JIFFY SULTANA S P E C IA L ! Day. - Cham 's return could give the Spartans an an senior start­ N K fllM N STATE Biscuit Mix 40 oz pkg 37* Strawberry Preserves 2«, j« 59* ing bachflehl, except for uuar- ANN PAGE taroack where Junior Pete ANN PAGE Smith win hold tee reins. Along wtte C ham , who was JA CK ET - Elbow Macaroni or Spaghetti Peanut Butter a fallback last year, wm be aU- Bellman, and R o n Hatehar, a jrep-acbooi star w ith g e n u in e h o r o e h id e _ le a th e r sle e v e * 12 oz jar 35c 3 lb pkg 49c team Pennsylvania. Bellman, a halfback, was tbs second Lots of w arm th—a n d MSU color, too. in highest scorer with -20 points. Ho was the second loading ground-gainer behind Hatcher, this handsom ely styled jacket Body of 24-ox. S partan G reen wool, sleeves of L_i - Frozen Foods ■ tta fullEack who ploughed for genuine barsehide. Nylon fined, all sizes. 161 yards. An three seniors have bad their positions threatened by Banquet Fruit Pies Apple-Cherry-Peach 22ozpkg 29c ea by under-classmen who have j n i developed Mace fan practice began over tear weeks ago. S a im e s has jeopardized Hatchers Job. 1 7 95 ■m■- ¡ H .. a a g m Æ$MÉÊk sm sm . A & P Com —_ 2 lb pkg 49c A & P Peas & Carrots 25* 49* Sport Shorts B l i M p e S ta te Jane Parker Bakery Features Varsity dub members plan­ ning to travel to tee Michigan BLANKETS State Michigan football game Oct 14 at Aan Arbor with tee chd> should contact Alex Val- You’ll use it ia your room, _at the football games, on picnics during Dutch Apple or Apricot Pies 39c each canoff by next Tuesday. Vak your entire college stay. Styled by Horner Mills with aa all wool body, canoff can ha reached at ED T-1T21. blanket It i*t off with a large 10- inch wide white chenille "S”. Danish Nut Ring 39c ea Whole Wheat Bread 2 35« it it it Gymnastics team coach Geo­ rge Sxypula has invited male freshmen to try oat for the Your East Tanting A f t P Super Market All prices in this Ad effective thru Saturday, froth gymnastic squad. Inter­ ested students should attend a September 30th, in WUliamston Store and all five meeting at 4:11 p.m. today at Corner of Hagadorn and East Grand River 206 Jams«! flaldhouse, Sxypula NYLON FAMOUS NAME Lansing A A R Super Markets said. PLASTIC jw ir o 'i wtwftw rooe e w iu e «««uuci i*w TOURNAMENT TENNIS Store Hours ★ dr ★ SHUTTLECOCKS Freshmen who want to be­ SHUTTLECOCKS BACKETS come manager of the fresh­ Monday thrujSaturday man haakettan team were in­ 4 9 e. . 49% a a l reduced 2 0 % vited to a meeting at 4 p.m. 9 am . to 9 pm . ^ w oHAT Atumic a Mcaic WA aennaw today at 206 Jettison. Interest­ ed parasaa who cannot attend Vm ’s h m a l y aw m r A m ta r f f o a . E f. ( te a m s tee maatteg should contact Geoffrey Hamilton at ED 2-0369. ¿-WIBBKR « I' V' ^ } “■ ' m w T hursday M orning, Septem ber 2 8 , 1961 ■MM Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan - 13 Former Spartan Out ber two at left half when in­ jured. M $U Sport Shorts G e ts m e s t LARAMIE, Wyo. - LeeRoy Milner, who played freshman football at Michigan State la fall of 1168, broke Lis right arm The injury came in foe final Bill Beardsley, Michigan quarter of Wyoming’s opener State’s new athletic ttckat man­ in foe Skyline conference ager, lettered la football for The longest shutout ftrete in Michigan State footbaB ag­ nate was compiled dnrtag foie foe Spartans in 1942. 1105 season when foe Spartans whne playing halfback for blanked six foes in a row. J Wyoming in a 29-0 win' over M ichigan S tate sophom ore Michigan State tennis coach football linem en D ave B ehr- Stan Drobac won foe Big Ten Al Dorow, „former Michigan Y a n k e e S lu g g e r Montana, Saturday. State quarterback, completed MSU Booters Away He will be out for the rest of the season. Milner, from Mid­ land, Micb., was running num­ m an, George A zar and E d singles and shared foe doubles Y o u n g s ,a ll w ere outstanding championship as an MSU un­ p rep w restlers. dergraduate in 1953. 11 passes in each of five dif­ ferent games in 1951.— For Earlham Clash H it s 6 0 t h H o m e r NEW YORK (ft*—T rue to a Maris said be w ill re tu rn to Thursday Store Hours — 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. TMichigan State’s varsity soccer team opens its season prom ise h e m ade to him self a th e lineup F rid a y and p lay out week ago, R oger M aris took a the final th re e gam es ag ain st Saturday traveling to Richmond, lift, to battle Earlham m uch needed re s t W ednesday College. th e Boston R ed Sox. The Red to gird him self for a final a s ­ Michigan State, a perennial power in the Midwestern sault on B abe R uth’s reco rd of Sox a re expected to s ta rt rig h t­ Soccer Conference is seeking to improve upon its splendid 60 hom ers in a season. h anders Don Schwall, Bill Mon- record of last season, which saw them lose only to con­ M aris’ decision to sit out bouquette and Gene 'Conley in come to our ference and national champion, St. Louis, in a tough nine W ednesday’s gam e between th e final th ree gam es. M aris game schedule. " - / ^ New Y o r k an d Baltim ore, h as hit six hom e ru n s ag ain st special showing of In I960 the Spartan booters got off on the right, foot caught everyone by surprise, R ed Sox pitching this y ear, two particu larly since th e Yankee with a. hardfought ,6-2 victory over Earlham. B om ber had only T uesday night a t Y ankee Stadium . He has Coach Gene Kenney, although optimistic about the sm ashed his 60th hom e ru n of two each off M onbouquette and SUSAN THOMAS team’s prospects, said that Earlham has won the division the season ag a in st Oriole rig h t­ Conley b u t none off Schwall. title many times. han d er J a c k F is h e r an d had Normally he would be concerned over the loss of six of only four gam es left in which HOLIDAY AND CRUISE to re ach the coveted m a rk of last year’s starting eleven, but a fine crop of sophomores 61. have joined the squad to fill the vacated sp o ts. B altim ore downed th e Yanks, N L Flag ENSEMBLES Michigan State does have several seasoned v e te r a n s 3-2, W ednesday. led by Dutch Kemerling, an All-American se le c tio n ; T ed “ I ’m plain bushed,” h e ex ­ Clinched by Saunders, an outstanding goalie; and a h ig h p o w ered o f­ plained. “ I w as so tire d T ues­ fensive line which managed to score a p h e n o m e n a l 17 day night 1 could hard ly run. Cincinnati goals in one game last season. I told R alph (Y ankee M anager R alph Houk) im m ediately a fte r CINCINNATI (ft* — J im O’­ 1961 Schedule the gam e I w anted W ednesday Toole, pow er-throwing south­ "Sept. 30 Earlham College A w ay 10 a .m . off but he said to w a it until paw of th a N ational League Oct. 14 Pittsburgh A w ay 10 :3 0 a .m .' this m orning to see how I fe lt.’’ kings, foe C incinnati R eds, is •Oct 16 Calvin Oollege A w ay 10 a.m . “ N a tu r a lly /I w ant th a t 61st th e b e st p ro sp ect to s ta rt the hom e ru n ,” M aris said, “ but W orhF S eries, m a n ag e r F re d •Oct. 21 Indiana H om e 10 a .m . 1 think it is for m y b est in te re st H utchinson indicated Wednes­ *Oct. 23 Indiana Tech. A w a y 3 p.m . and for the club's b est in tere st day. •Oct. '28 Purdue H o m e 10 a.m . for m e to be in th e best possi­ Hutch didn’t pick a series Nov. 4 Ohio University A w a y 10 a .m . ble shape fo r the World Ser- s ta rte r ag ain st th e New York THURSDAY,-SEPTEM BF R 28 Y ankees, because foe R eds •N ov. 11 r St. Louis H om e 1:30 p .m . I ie s.” —- The World Series betw een the h ave th ree m o re re g u la r season •Oct 7 Wheaton College H o m e 10 a .m . 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Y a n k ees a n d th e N ational am es to p lay a t P ittsb u rg h g League Cham pion C incinnati th is weekend. R eds opens in New Y ork next B u th e tabbed O’Toole to s ta rt See foe m ost exciting Susan Thom as F rid a y and said he would con­ Spartans, Si; U of M, No W ednesday, Oct. 4. tinue his re g u la r rotation, with Houk confirm ed th a t M aris | Jo ey Ja y , 21-game „ w in n e r, collection yet, inform ally m odeled . . . two- and three-piece costum es in a v ast NEW YORK (ft*-Notre D am e is a gam e w orthy of the Rose had requested the day off after pitching S aturday and v eteran ran g e of styles and fab rics: silk broadcloth vs. Oklahom a and a preponder­ Bowl; the Ucians have a super- Tuesday night’s contest and Bob P u rk ey w rapping Op the and crepe, w ickertex, wool flannel and double ance of other fossup gam es this ior l ine. th at he had advised the player I season Sunday. week th rea ten to blow a hole to sleep on it before reaching a L T hat puts O’Toole squarely knit Italian wool! Some a re topped by sw eaters, Iowa 21, C alifornia-7: Like decision. som e by jack ets or w eskits. 8 to 18 sizes. in 'o u r gaudy .840 average^ on th e spot Oct. 4 for tile first We tagged the end of Vir­ C asey Stengel. F o rest Eva- Asked if the move would series "g am e in Y ankee sta ­ 25.00 to 59.98 g in ia's losing streak and 36 oth­ shevski won’t be m issed. jeopardize M aris’ chances of dium . e r co rrec t guesses against 7 B aylor 14, P ittsburgh 7: The becoming the f i r s t M ajor The R eds whipped Chicago m isses la st week, 23 B e a rs ’ a ir gam e given an edge L eaguer to hit 61 hom e runs in T uesday afternoon, 6-3, then Again: ____ , over P itt’s power. a season, Houk said; sw eat out a twi-night double- M ichigan, State 10, Wisconsin M issouri 18, M innesota 12 “ On the co n tra ry f I think a h ea d er betw een second place 8. The G ophers a re too slow and re s t will help his chances. I -Los Angeles an d P ittsb u rg h . N otre D am e 17, Oklahoma heavy-legged for the young but realize we have an off day The D odgers won th e first 14: Coach Jo e K uharich has the snappy Tigers. T hursday but one day is not gam e 6-3. and it w asn ’t until 10 fighting Irish ready to end a Ohio S tate 14, Texas Chris- j enough. 1 think he will com e p.m . when- P ittsb u rg h p rev ail­ Sperfswaar prolonged slum p. tian 3: Two upsets in a row are hack stronger both physically ed, 841, in foe nightcap th a t th e _ UCLA 10, M ichigan 3: This too m uch for the Horned Frogs. and m entally.” R ed s’ pennant w as clinched. 4 A U T H O R IZ E D -N E W -a n d U SED FAST SERVICE REFERENCE BOOKS SPECIAL ORDERS PAPERBACK ROOM O U • I 00 OUT OF ^ 4 ° ° You’II Find Fair Prices and Friendly Service AT ’«night ’til 9:00 pm CORNER WEST GRAND RTVER & EVERGREEN M ichi|— t8M e New*, E m 14—fag, Michigan RA Thursday Morning, September 28, 1961 14 Board of Trustees B e r lin S itu a tio n -B r ig h t NEW YORK, ($1—S ecretary D iplom atic sources b eliev ed , ed ground to help border his wife and child w ere caught of S tate D ean Rusk and Soviet th at, if the U nited States a n d ; g u ards tighten th e grip cm an d led aw ay. F o reign M inister A ndrei Gro­ A nother m an escaped into m yko m e t i t a luncheon table the Soviets ag ree on a n eg o -! p a rts of th e 25-mile border, at «The Michigan -State Univer- g ran t of 180,322 for the first velopm ent of dem ocratic atti- tiptien form ula, both the So­ least 10 persons escap ed into th e F ren ch sector u n d er a h ail ' sity B oard of T rustees accepted y e a r and an estim ated to tal of tudes. ag ain W ednesday to search of of com m unist bullets. On th e viet Union and the A llied , *),279,129.77 in gifts and grants 8167,382 for th re e years. D r. Allen S. F o s, associate a fo rm u la fo r negotiating on the Pow ers m ay propose th a t th e i w estern s e c to r of th e di- A m erican secto r b order a m an F riday. Berth» crisis. United N ations tak e a hand in | vided city lowered him self by rope from The C ooperative R esearch professor of biochem istry, will » G r a n t s for «choiarships, B ureau, HEW, g ra n te d $57,357 continue his re searc h on bio­ Gromyko gave his luncheon ca rry in g out w hatever plan An E a s t B erlin fantily of i a house th a t h ad h e m evacu- which included a 130,000 re­ for a continuation of research chem istry of protein form ation am id m ounting indications th a t th e y o e v is e . i th ree a tte m p te d an escape i a ted of ten an ts by th e commit» newal from the William and on im ages th a t students h av e of through an NIH g ra n t of th e U ntied N ations m ay play a WesteAi diplom ats f o u n d ! through barbed w ire in t h e ; nists. He fell and broke a leg. S arah E. Jlim an Endowm ent various occupations. The study $22,396. ro le to effo rts to settle the little encouragem ent to Gro- northern p a rt of the city. Red F our o th er persons m ade It F u n d of Lansing, am ounted to js being conducted by D r. Don- F o r the second y ear, out­ ■ »V , dispute o v er th e 's ta tu s of the m yko’s speech in th e U nited police spotted them and opened across a t various points with- $106.627.88. Of the total. $10.-! aid D. O’Dowd, dean, and Dr. standing scien tific talen t from divided city, Nations T uesday, dealing large-1 fire. The main got through but out police interference. 284.05 was specified for MSU-O. | David C. B eardslee, associate M ichigan universities an d col­ The F o reign M inister em pha­ ly with B erlin, b u t noted t h a t - ’ * . ¿G rants from the N ational In-1 professor of psychology, both leges win be available for spec­ 'l & m ® sized to his speech th e U.N. the address w as relatively m ild " sfitutes of Health and o ther I a t MSU O. in tere st to th e dispute and ial lectures and one-day visits b ra n d ie s of the D epartm ent o f ' D r. S. H ow ard B artley, pre- to M ichigan high schools und er llra lth , E ducation and W elfare lesso r of psychology, will use a a $20,895 g ra n t for NSF. ELIZABETH TAYLOR isn’t smiling naw that her w ays in which the world o r­ “t Mo ne eanwhile E a st G erm any’s These Reds Aren t Gems Twentieth Ceatary Fax atetare, ganization m ight tak e a p a rt com m unists tu rn ed m ore of'*- a The official, who spoke under ?!& The g ra n t to th e M ichigan “Clasp atra," has ran lato se to a settlem ent. 785 h 5ca mS el ifrom ! L Gnth2e t i N i2,ational J 2 5 5 « ¡ » N ® g ra n t to continue a 1 study of certain relationships A cadem y of Science, A rts and mack trouble. Besides aa Ital­ He said th e U nited Nations th eir side of the B erlin border ; S® circum stances not allowing use Science Foundation. ian flha campaay sning Twen­ m ight serve as a “ G uarantor into a forbidden no-m an’s j U- S official said of his nam e, cited th is a s an ex­ ! betw een w hat people see and L etters is adm inistered J ty D r. ;T he largest single grant, the bodily processes th a t ac- W a y n e T aylor of MSITs of the statu s of th e free city ,” land W ednesday but fugitives j he had received word th at 18 am ple of troubles he said tiie tieth Ceatary Fes, she has been $190,000, c a m e from the Inter- S c i e n c e and M athem atics saed Ay n red estate ageaey which R ussia h as been de­ continued to find holes in t h e ! Soviet technicians have been Reds h av e been gunning into oational Cooperation Adminis-1 r ann n Teaching C enter. tor $1,775, wUeh claims that as m anding for W est B erlin, and cfty’s iron cu rtain . I jailed in Guinea for pocketing in th e ir international u ndertak­ tration. It renew s a four-year- j g ran t o f $43,800 will ings. G uinea is a newly inde­ its fee far helping Bad her a which th e w estern pow ers have E ven as the R eds dem olished diam onds they w ere supposed old p rogram through w h ic h 1^ ^er,> - Reman villa. rejected . ^ — x ,r houses, dug trenches and level- j to be m ining for th e Guineans. pendent A frican nation. \fS U helps foreigners, studying head am* professor of id th e U nited States under ICA chem istry, to continue his re- j agspices, to learn to com m uni­ search on application of nu­ Chilean Given cate th eir new knowledge when c le a r m agnetic resonance spec­ they re tu rn to th e ir native troscopy to problem s of m o le-! lands. The p ro g ram is directed cu lar structure. Study Grant b y Dr. H uber W. Ellingsw orth. A basic study in genetics will j assistan t professor of general be m ade by D r. H. W. Lewis By Airways com m unication a rts. of MSU-0 th ro u g h a g ra n t of D r. G regory A. M iller, asso­ $37,064 from NIH. Aw arded a tra v e l fellowship c iate professor of education, is Dr. H erbert J . O yer, director for study in the U.S. for th e in ch arg e of a $108,321 grant of the Speech mid H earing Clin­ 1961-62 academ ic y ea r, R icardo ft;om th e Office of Vocational ic, is in ch arg e of two g ra n ts C ornejo of Santiago, Chile h as R ehabilitation, HEW. The g rant totaling $28,269 from the Office begun g rad u ate w ork in th e renew s for the sixth y ear a pro­ of Vocational R ehabilitation, Audio Visual Aids division h ere g ram to p rep are counselors to HEW. The grants provide g ra d ­ H ie feUowship aw arded Cor­ w ork with handicapped per­ u ate train in g an d instruction nejo w as one of the 359 g ran ted sons. in speech pathology and audi- by the P a n A m erican G ra c e With 35 g ra d u ate students ology. Airw ays since the p ro g ram w as participating, it is the largest A state-w ide study of voca­ in augurated in 1937 to help of sucn program s being spon­ tional education will be con­ qualified South A m erica g ra d ­ sored by the federal govern­ tinued b y D rs. W ilbur B. Brook- u ate students fa rth e r th e ir spe­ m ent a t 31 colleges and univer­ over and L aw rence B orosage, cialized studies in leading uni­ sities. N early 100 g rad u ates of professors of e d u c a t i o n , v e rs itie s an d colleges in this th e MSU program a re now ac ­ through a $25,000 g ra n t from country. tive in counseling the handi­ the Division of Vocational E d u ­ Sixteen fellowships w ere BOOK STO R E capped. cation of th e M ichigan D ep art­ aw ard ed to South A m erican •A $90,000 g ra n t from th e NSF m ent of P ublic Instruction. students this y e a r in a n effo rt continues a re searc h program A $23,351 g ra n t from the U. S. to fo ster b e tto r understandin g id statistics and probability be­ Office of E ducation, HEW , will and clo ser relations betw een th e ing c a rried out in the D epart­ be used b y D r. F ra n k A. P in ­ two continents, according to a m en t of S tatistics under th e di­ n er, d ire c to r of th e B u reau of release fro m th e airw ay s. rection of D r. Leo Katz, d e p a rt­ Social a n d P o litical R esea rch , m en t head. fo r a p ilot study on citizenship L eo n T rotsky a n d J a m e s P ossible effects of m agnetism of high school students. H e w in Jo y ce w e re once languag e on biological processes will be develop J e s t s to d eterm in e teac h ers. investigated by D r. Donald J . w hether participation in a num ­ M ontgom ery, re se a rc h profes­ b e r of form al a n d inform al a c ­ T he sta te flow er o f M aine Is on so r in ph ysics, through an NIH tiv ities contributes to th e de* th e w hite pine cone a n d tasseL I O PEN » A. M. to 8 P J L M am th ru F r i. . . . 8 a t tifi 6 P . M . HARBOR BLUE is NEW! For BOOKS Back to College SU P P LIE S The m isty blues a n d near-blacks of the East's G IFT S great seaports inspired this absorbing color innovation. Crafty fabric' designers depict Harbor. Blues in a distinctive selection of all-wool variations. Among them: Anteieers, Sharklooms, Tweeds & Phantons. See yourself in a suit of Harbor Blue made especially to fit the young-m-build. from NOTICE Join the Group $ 6995 FRESH NEW SHIPMENTS OF BOOKS - SUPPLIES GIFTS - ALL SCHOOL NEEDS ARRIVING EVERY DAY R egalan • Shorts - Longa Extra Longa " Sisea 3 4 -5 0 YOlPLfrrEIND IT AT THE HOLDEN § REID FRÁNDOR SHOPPING CENTER ‘F a un a Brand» far Dad A Lad” Thunämj lfiH ÍBg, SrytrwluT 28, 1961 Michigan Stale New*, East Lansing, Michigan .1* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Named U of M Sees DEADLINES: 1 p « . Day Befara PaM katisa far Taam, ' Wa¿* I t e m , ami ML Editions. Dead- Hard Year— ■ m t e Mmu E d ttta : I p ja . F ri. U C LA First PHONE: 355-8255 s r 355-825« NEWPORT) R. L Uh—Presl- of CIA son in W orld W ar I—P resid en ts Johnson will b e in P a ris for Special to th e S tate News 1 ANN ARBOR, — Michigan A U T O M O T IV E FO R SALE dent Kennedy Wednesday chose a t d ifferen t p a rtie s. . . . a day o r so to confer on plans will kick-off w hat it coosiders Republican John A. McCone, i “ I know a t no m an who is a to cope with East-W est em er­ its m ost difficult football sched­ Afwrrtm R u u t r . m h with SMITH-CORONA eilt« , p o rta b le former chairman of the Atomic ule in history ag ain st UCLA I i h « w IT.Mt M h l JUT to M i l lU l. M ew rib b on , fin e c o n . m ore courageous, selfless pub­ gencies in E urope. - ■*r M r t â PkMM n r H U E eittoB . C a ll O u t B t»inm *n. 1*1 Energy Commission, es the lic serv an t th a n M rrA lle n J u l ­ Johnson will m eet J a m e s M. S aturday to open th e 1961 sea­ 1447 ItotWBM *-* p.m . 1 new director of the "notion’s A C * m w i«iw , i m . see bmmi- ies,” th e P re sid e n t said. Gavin, U.S. am b assad o r to son. •ler. Eb«1m i w t B t w f Mew AUDIO F IL E S I w t b u y books, tir»», m a «kattai. « a n t M t cob- a s s y o u r m oney f o r IMS b i-fid e lity highly secret Central Intelii H e ' said D ulles h as ag reed F ran c e, NATO A m bassador A crowd of 72,000 w as ex­ rftttoa» M w ( SCO. P H . K D M M . 4 sy ste m . P ilo t a m p lifie r. B iro p re ­ gence Agency. to serv e a s a consultant on in­ T hom as K. F in le tter, and Gen. p ec te d to w atch th e second w i e * . xe»i — etti ib. am p , Bog»n tu rn ta b le . AM-FM The President called e spec­ telligence m a tte rs, “ and th ere­ L au ris N orstad, com m ander of gridiron d a s h betw een th e two radio-T V , K m a e h c o rn e r s p e a k e r A a tflfc £.na*i ! * «■ia• tor. ( a w l a custom s i s fo o t eaM aoL S acrifice ial-meeting with newsmen to fore his long experience will Allied F o rces in Europe. schools. M ichigan won 42-13 in tira» , » a r o 1-4 lie • ( to r *:•$. ' I $14*. rv M H L announce the appointment of be av ailab le to th e people of _ O thers going to the H am m ar­ th e previous m eeting. UCLA MOA. SMS Stock, r a l TROPICAL, P IS H and plants. the wealthy west coast busi­ th is c o u n try ." skjöld funeral w ith Johnson a re h as not defeated a M ichigan In te rio r, w ire e t x a tl , »Italia»« M A « a l i t o Law m ile- t99c. o r n sslsction. Spotted Zebras, nessman and shipbuilder to the school, being knocked down »X«. S t r r t l l t o E D M a i l tf G ib -o n ’«, 31* W est Miller Kd. 121,000 a year job. Dulles called his successor A m bassador to th e U.N. Adlai TU 2-14*1. E. Stevenson, S enator Thom as twice b y M ichigan State in two IMS METRO, re e d condition. Kennedy introduced McCone “ th e ideal choice for a m an to Rose Bowl battles. Owned by M r w ho loves it but BICYCLE KALE, Tfiursday. Sep- end the man he is succeeding, c a rry on th is im portant w ork." H. Kuchel, R-Calif., an d H enry ber fam ily a a t f r a e Ik *9*4. ED tem ber 21, 1:20 p.m. a t »«Iva?» R . LaBouisse, a fo rm er U.N. - UCLA goes into foe g am e s-seea. _ a yard. F arm Lane, Michigan S tate Allen R. Dulles, as two who McCone said i t will be diffi­ fresh from a 19-6 win over A ir TV Campus. A pproxim ately 40 bi­ S G -T D . I K L o rb ite c o n v e rtib le , cycles. various m ak es and condi­ have made personal sacrifices cu lt to fill D ulles’ shoes, but official and outgoing foreign aid director. F o rce a t D enver la st S aturday. en trin e re c e n tly ' o e e rb a u ie d . by tion and m iscellaneous w atches, to serve their country. “ I will do m y b e st." o w n e r f a r $»*$- C an be s e e s a t 1 IH ri n r - and o th sr Itam s will be sold Both said they re g ard e d s e n ' McCone h ead ed AEC during Salinger said th e P resid en t M ichigan m eanw hile went L P a te é r att y T t 8 i | a P b o n e U l . a t auction. All Heinz may be «eea expects no o th er official visit­ through a gam e-length scrim ­ 41*1. 2 at S a lv a re yard. Thuraday, Sept. ice to th e nation a privilege. th e final th ree y e a rs of F o rm er m age which Coach Bum p E l­ McCone end D ulles flew from P re sid e n t Dwight D. Eisenhow ­ ors this week, b i t he h as a liott term e d “ disappointing.” 24, 2 a.m. un til auction. Terma. 193$ O P E L 2 d o o r se d an , clean. Cash. •_ 1 58. betw een periods of governm ent pointm ent. * McCone is to join Dulles in serv ice d atin g back to w hen he Not a raindrop nor a snow­ RECEPTIONIST w ith book keep- 1957 HOUSE TRAILER, 30x8. reasonably the CIA in -ab o u ttw o w eeks and w as a young m an. ( n r and. ty p ta c experience fo r excellent condition, dow ntow n law office. Call IV 1-7179 fo r appointm ent- priced. * 2-1119. W A N TED reg istered dt ■tal By- ' 1919 ROTCRAFT 'tr a ile r . 19x50. L ot B2X, F ra n tz court. IV IS ta k e o v er when D ulles re ­ 5 tire s In N ovem ber. A fter th e announcem ent, Mc­ Cone and D ulles took a heli­ -— Naw Available flake can disturb the texture and shape of this shot. It has Call IT 1-9951 o r IT 2-9*12. . tf A fter th e doom ed C uban in­ co p ter ac ro ss th e bay for th e bees given the full aootch- ri ne trist. CAH IV 9-2224. vasion a tte m p t la s t spring, th e re tu rn flight to W ashington W e invite you to 8CBSTÍTCTE m et h e r w ith T LC. MOBILE HOME. 1058„Anderson, CIA w as criticized fo r its in­ from Quonset P o in t guard treatment to with­ $ *799 W illingness backed by experience. like new, 19x48. Located In de­ 7 Real lik e OMK&er w ith oenxe of sirable ares, by owner. IV 5-9*85. 4 telligence-training but K ennedy K ennedy re tu rn e d on the i stop in and see stand the wear and. tear of hum or and r**sw»««IMI»tv. TEXOER GIBSON tenor banjo, 24 'ont did nothing to m ake Dulles the p residential y ac h t Honey FUz! I/IV1XO CARE- 427B. C herry-Lane.-, i bniís» trailer, cheap housing for the wickedest weather. A S izes 5-7 Vi Pilone 353-4427. scapegoat. to th e fam ily dock for a cru ise th e . . . _ I mude nt». ED 8-465*.____________ 2 shoe that definitely deserves TTPtVO Is R 3 K ennedy di 2-6Ä77. 6 gence capabilities.' The adm in­ sini, New Y ork d ress designer. istration reportedly h a s studied Salinger said K ennedy h ad Gilbert Alarm Clock o n ly 1 •ehool wardrobe. FOR THE MAN ev er 56 who AFARTMENTS a lso in w ouid fólte to »üjlT! hi« own bitiC BPACE AVAILABLE for two proposals th a t th e CIA’s func­ his sleep broken tw ice during 89 n#«*. Meehanihr«Hy te lm H wen women In ap artm en t —for four. tions be split so th a t u n d er­ th e night b y phone calls from I t h a s 40 h o u r . 2 s9 2 Modern Youth Shoes to eBtabriefi ■Ire« in, F our rooms, including: shower. cover operations a re directed W ashington advising him of the U af. high Urref **►rvir# b'j*.ntM. U rge recreation room w ith fir* - Op#r»lF for Re^viree muti* place. P rlv ste entry. P ark in g fa ­ G u a ra n te e d M o v em en t m o d els isa! labor. No res Xf pijrroU. Op- cilities. Business women or grad- sep arately from spying and im pending ad jo u rn m en t of Con­ erat# from ' yea hevoe w ith a uate stu d en ts preferred. ED 2-1173. m ore public m ethods of col­ g ress. R ep. C arl A lbert, D- a # rv lrt tr>s<*lt éwatljr FrAiWrM- „ ' • — 3 lecting security inform ation. O kla., called a t 2:30 a.m ., and sed-psotected te rrito ri » Factory training. $9.73$ f a r tru ck and op­ e ra tin g eqrattpaseBfc. Cae h alf en!» ; NICELY itrance. FURNISHED apartm ent The P resid en t, how ever, h as Sen. M ike M ansfield, D-Mont., F. W . W o o lw o rth (F ra n d o r) F ra n d o r Shopping Center be. financed. XT rite te llin e about Trite a | F or »ntrance. F or tw ö maletwö not announced any over-all pu t in hULcaU a t 6:13 a.m . M onday-Friday 9:30-9:00 p.m . S aturday 9:30-6:00 p.m . yourself. Be prepared te - ta r t in stodcnts. All utllitiea paiçL. ED tf change in the intelligence set­ A lb ert is ac tin g d em ocratic four, w eeks a r tom tf j e t áre se - 2-5477. lerted. P.O. Bex 919, Jattejvilie, up. le a d e r In th e House an d M ans­ W isconsin. I FURNISHED. approved, unau- McCone is 90. D ulles «K DM- field tHb S e n a te '"d e m o c ra tic pervlsed. Student m ust 'b e cleared ’¿ S L BABTBtTTER. w eek-day*. Oc­ thro u g h university. Grad students les also is a R epublican. lead e r. tober only. H elp care fo r new bgby preferred. No cooking facilities. K ennedy, announcing Me- S alihger announced Vice P re s ­ and 2 other -M M rtx O r « tr a n s ­ $89 m onthly. ED 5-4812. 2 portation. CD 7 tg* eta* I»»ia!*tti« wish In stitu te of religion, add­ P» it* i FE entitled “ E thics a t th e S helter ed: S kïedea, LAVALI RRS D oorw ay.” It w as inspired by M W -rase 4 f 24. “ By m y own ap p roach is th a t 4«i w a i xb a sd recen t discussions on w hether RECOGNITION PINS a m an h as a rig h t to shoot p rep aratio n -fo r-an atom ic w ar, ♦g/'.. MsF'eftt Tre-. such a s building fall-out shel­ ' Vorth of another who trie s to b re a k into MSU a fam ily falT-out shelter. te rs , is im m oral. The m oral thing is not to p re p a re fo r th e 7N1 AND FACULTY GRADUATION RINGS su rv iv al of a fractio n of foe Wî b a r g a in s REAL ESTATE hu m an ra ce, but to p u t all o u r IN STOCK efforts into avoiding such a " Bf ? l$ F , T A N lf R a ^ a ttr* c tl? » 3 ca ta stro p h e." ~ Itane* Nierwear »r $2 "bedroom ranch home. .1812 Melroce S treet on larg e lot. Marble School. T here w a s no im m ediate f t . 91, Quick poeeeeelon. IlS.iiO. Base­ m ent and ra e heat. Call R oether P ro testan t com m ent on th e a r ­ Sw eat P auta : $2-4». $2.98 R ealty Co. R ealtor. ED" 3-8048. 2 ticle, -although one theologian, Gym > h o rti SLI9 «*. OKEMOS. Trim. 3 bedroom home declining use of his nam e, said on beautiful la rg e lot. Q ai heat Supportera < and garage. Im m ediate poeeeetlon. “ I t seem s w rong to m e ." . - 91.24" «*. N ear bua and etoree. 5 minute» to Sw eat Soy . . . . . . . 2 f o r *1 0* MSI*. 115,880. good term s. Roothor CANDY R ealty Co. ED 3-8048. 3 T ennis Ri*«*' . . . P a n ts ............». .............. $4.44 , . . . *2.99 . up EAST LANSING. C o n te m p o rary ra n c h , n e a rly new . 2 b edroom homo Phones Change w ith 2 fire p la ce s, b u ilt-in k ltclien, flankte« 1$ Ja r S it dining a re a , larg e" lo t. F leo m in ­ u te s to cam pus. 13,000 dow n, c.itl At State News flH lnw fgr » . . . . #1 44 C9 M A ILED A N Y W H ER E Mr. E borly, ED 2-3818 o r E D 7-1841 H llley , Inc. R ealto r* . I New telephone numbers of JKopt R i i a w w r . . . . . . . *2.94 s » BAST LANSING. P rice d to to ll tiw State News editorial depart­ C O M PLETE ASSORTMENT C orduroy t a t a ». ........... 94.99 b efo re o w n e r r e tu r n s to C a lifo rn ia, n e x t w eak. 2 bedroom b u n g a lo w ments are 355-6252, 355-8253, and L eris 23.99 AVAILABLE AT close to cam pus. O w n e r w in f i­ 355-8254. nan ce, C a ll Mr. E b erly , ED 2-581* Advertising department tele­ Gym t o w ....... ....H E ap o r E D T-1841. H llley . te d . R e a lto r* THE phone numbers have been K rtlto ........ ,9c changed to 355-6256 and 355- P u tid i ........ 29c CARD SHOP WANTED 325». Mtrttarr Stepp®«. 9A T.C . ACROSS FROM "“ STAM Pf C 0 ¿ L E C T 0 R S w a ñ U tó in u p w ith sta m p e T P ro g ra m , C IG A R E T T E S . . . . . . . . . . 24c p a c k ex ch n an a n g e, o , bbouree. o u re e P o r in fo rm a tio n EVERYTHING FOB SPORTS HOM E BCONQHICS BUILDTNG caU TU Ir li# * . b a b y s it t e r p a rt-tim e near Night Staff ARROWS INDICATE BUS ROLT£E KD 3*9793 m a rrie d b o u sin g an d cam pus. C a n AND a u g n a i A T KD 7-0*08. I Assistant News Editors, Start and Return to Spartan Village EUMBOYS n e eded, gom o . w eek ­ Linda Lotridfle, Sally Darrick- - FO X n i PX STORE e n d s off. a ll T om a t E D 2-5039. 1 son; Copy Editor, Eric M. FU- Very frequent service between East Lansing and all points in Lansing SPA RTA N VILLAGE. C h ild ren son; Assistant Copy Editors, ATFRAMKMf TRANSPORTATION w a n te d f o r l- d a y coop n u rs e ry . H o u rs 8:S$-U . S h a re tr a n s p o r ta ­ Glenn Roberts, Brandon Brown, Frank Lassiter; Associate 'irM FOR «FORMATION PHONE N 0 3 7 6 8 nr a i m WAWTED: A R ID E to th » W t«. tio n . E D 7-OUT. 5 M M ta cante, F rid ay . Phon» 335- GARAGE FO R R E N T n e a r c a m ­ Sports Editor, Jim Waltingtoa; $ 9 7 g a a d a s k fo r K a rin . S po». KD 3-8103 a f t e r 8:3$ p.m . 1 Piloto Editor, Frod Bruflodt- T 'ss*t 4« f ip p f ip p t p §m■iï^'-vmÉËÎM ¿^fç^^'v;:. 9B N T "' < Ï1 ~7 Michigan State New», East Itaming, Michigan Thursday Morning, September 28, 1961, m Dr. Hart Recipient MSU NEW YORK, OIL-P roducer B arry Wpod rounded oiif today song cam e yesterday afternoon a t a final run-through of the well give up singing—th ere is n 't m u d i d è e left t o sing.” Of Chem. Award Land-Grant Anniversary live show. "i > The N ational B roadcasting D r. H arold H art, professor) While th is research h as been In observation of th e 100th j hom e of Ju stin Sm ith M orrill, grad u ates and g ra n t 40 p e r cei$ a substitute lineup fo r th e p re­ m ier of N BC's Telephone Hour “ I said th a t taking the song Co. an d the sponsor com m ent­ of ch em istry a t M ichigan State j extrem ely fundam ental, it couldi an n iv ersary of th e Land-G rant The M orrill Act, n am ed for of th e doctoral degrees. * F rid a y . S a g e r R osem ary Cloo­ out would ru in th e whole seg­ ed m erely th a t M iss Clooney U niversity, is to receive the! have application for m edicine, | Act, MSU and o th er land-grant j th e noted C ongressm an, gave In recen t y ears, lan d -g ran t ney q u it th e show Tuesday in m ent,” she said. “ A a tH also would not ap p e ar “ because of 111,000 A m ericlh Chem ical So­ ag ricu ltu re and plastics in hi-! institutions a re bringing special {th e states land to b e sold with institutions have gone a b ro ad a dispute over a song. said th a t if a singer couldn't problem s O u t aro se concern­ ciety 1962 Aw ard in Petroleum to re y ea rs. " ; foreign lectu rers and students ¡th e proceeds to support col- seeking international under­ sing a love song, she m ight as ing p ro g ram content.’ i C hem istry. A m em b er o f the MSU staff: to th eir cam puses during t b e | i e ges which would “ prom ote standing and in th e w ords of Another co-star, H a rry Bela- C ongressm an M orrill, helping com ing y ear. , th e liberal and p ra ctical educa- fonte, en tered a hospital with The aw ard , which w as c re ­ since 1946, th e 39-year-old sci­ “ those a t the bottom who w a n t a re sp irato ry infection a few entist won th e junior research ; The visits em phasize th e in- i tion of th e industrial classes in ated to “ recognize and stim u­ tem atio n al p ro g ram s being un- j the sev eral pursuits and pro- to clim b u p.” , ’ ho urs before M iss Clooney’s □ □ 33 canno □□□ late outstanding research aw ard of th e MSU ch a p te r ofi □333 3033 300 dertaken by- m any land -g ran t S essio n s in life.” The orientation in Verm ont is i action, and it w as decided t o substitute a tap ed Belafonte Crossword Puzzle □ 3 3 9 3 a n a □□□ achievem ents in the field of th e Sigm a Xi scientific society 1 universities and th e interna- > TWja y t the land-grant insti- designed to help the land-grant >etroleum ch em istry ,” wifi be last yfear. segm ent used originally in 1959. □OH □ □ □ □ 3 0 tional ap p eal of the la n d -g ra n t, tutions num ber less th an four centennial lectu rers an d stu­ a ck o ss 32. Absent )resented to D r. H a it in M arch In 1959 he w as one of th ree: concept of higher education for i pgr cent ¿f gjj A m erican col- Miss Clooney, who broke up t. Of the fleet without □333333 E0 3 a t th e national ACS spring chem ists to receive unrestrict-j dents gain an understanding of 8. Ordain leave: abbr. □□□□ □□□□□ □□ all who can benefit from it. W e s and universities but edu- the history and developm ent of recently w ith husband Jo se m eeting. ed unsolicited re searc h g ran ts L ecto rers atM S U wffl be Dr. | ca je 20 p er ce n t of the under- F e r r tr , fa th e r of h e r five chil­ It. White 34. Cover with □90 S Ü D Q 1 osa At th a t tim e. Dr. H a rt will of 850,000 each from the P e t­ Kow Kwong Choong, dean of * ' the land-grant concept. d ren , quit the show a fte r the poplar piaster £ □□ 3 0 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 p resen t sun aw ard address be­ roleum R esearch Fund. 12. Rumor 39. Blockhead □03 □□□□□□□ engineering a t N ational Taiw an ! sponsor and show producer in­ 14. Novices fore th e ACS petroleum divi­ sisted she drop h e r biggest n um ber, “ If Love W ere All.” 19. Triumph 17. Direction 39. Romanian coin 37. Prosecutor □□□33a 303 a 3 0 3 3 3 an ana This y e a r Dr. H a rt wasj U niversity, and S. K. Dey. Min­ sion. His topic will be “ Some nam ed to th e C hem ical Advis­ iste r of Com munity Develop­ C hem istry of M ulticharged Car- ory B oard of th e N ational Sci­ m en t in India. i Win $100 a month The objection w as the song’s 15. S w e etso p 38. Siamese □□3 3003 CUBE — - jl IS. Guido’s coin HD 3 3 3 3 31333 jo n iu n f Io n s? ’ ence F oundation; th e Com mit­ The students, both accepted possible “ personal connota­ tions.” second note 20. Gr. letter 3t. Side by side Solution of Yeeterday'e Puzslo H a rt’s re se a rc h has been on tee on O rganic Chem ical No­ by th e School for Advanced S ta ffe r “Pin Money” Contest 41. Monk changes th a t tak e place mo­ m enclature of th e. N ationalj G rad u ate Studies, will be Mo­ M eanwhile, Wood said he 21. Moham­ 43. Angel. medan nobleV m entarily in th e stru ctu re of Academ y of 'Sciences — N a­ destus X avier Gomez, a n im a l, h ad signed singer Dorothy Collins, E ddie Condon and his 22. Was cognisant 44. Exhibit feeling: Jocose 2. Unf atfeom- able I. Hindu w ater nymph m olecules during certain organ­ tional R esearch Council; an d ' husbandry m ajo r from C ey lo n ,} ic chem ical reactions. Subjects the M ichigan B oard of E x am ­ and M. E p a th a Aiyona M ateru. j enter at the “ jazz com bo” and M etropoli­ .23. Succinct 49. Compact 2. Iridescent S. OX bad have included alkalation of hy­ in ers in B asic Sciences. entom ology m ajo r from T a n - ; ta n O pera Stars Anna Moffo 29. SoNcit > 46. Units of 4. Lilylike drocarbons, ch em istry of sm all- ganyika. . 10. Method and R ichard Tucker as replace­ m ents. Miss Clooney, reached a t h er 26. Rubicund ( 27. Greet 30. Youth 31. Chief I force DOWN I. Burmese plant 9. Fr. article 9. Amatory of surveying 13. Pulled •part ring com pounds, decom position of organic peroxide, acid ity c f hydrocarbons and m ulticharged son and stay th ere for th ree or have attended an orientation- The visitors, except for Min­ C higgers will attach to a p er­ ister Dey, who will a rriv e l a t e r ., Campus Book Store hotel, said the decision on the commodities demon 7. At no time 19. Recently carbonium ions. four days. pro g ram a t S traffo rd , V e rm o n t,; acquired “ TT T~ T " i r r r 1 TT ¡¡I P 19. Among 20. Plaintiff: Fall Films 7T" TT p 8 TT TT * % abbr. 21. Geraint's) " beloved , Feature W s TT 1 fr r yfr IT 21 Seaweed 24. Verbal 29. Semitic TO ALL STUDENTS OF 3 t j deity _ 5 Nations IT M t1 n fr 1 -• 9I 27. Commotion IT s3t IT W 29. Hawing left a will G erm any, Sweden, Italy, P1 35" i34 29. Worm 31. Boil ' MICHIGAN STATE ■ 388 G re at B ritain an d the Philip­ j T 35 IT 32. Armpit pines a re rep resen ted in the 36 P 37 m - 1 ÉÉ 33. Snares 34. Crescent eight m otion pictures y et sched­ n 40 f r/y//h moon’s horns uled for showing in th e 1961 fall F oreign F ilm Series, D r. Wil­ 'A —— B . $?■ 37. Bushman 38. Host 40. Prior in time UNIVERSITY son B. P au l, series director, b as announced. - xmm *r * AP Wi mthuhum w 41. Nourished 42. Mftter: law T hursday brings to the screen a G erm an m usical entitled “ The B eggar Student.” Dons M S TIMI M MIN.. CAN YOU USE A in o p eretta style, th e film tells ■the story of a student revolt ag ain st a m ilitary governor. * 'F T F, T T0 N ~- HUNDRED BUCKS? W inner of th re e Academ y A w ards, “ The R ed Shoes,” a B ritish production, is set for THAT’S WHAT YOU CAN WIN IN E V E R Y ONE OF n ex t Tuesday. B ased o n one of Men and Women Undergraduates th e H ans C hristian A ndersen « Ad» tales, “ The R ed Shoes” con­ ce rn s a trag e d y surrounding a b allerin a’s love fo r a young AUDITIONS FOR SPARTAN BELL RINGERS r com poser and s ta rs M oria She­ a re r. The story is set against m usic from som e of the m ost fam ous classical b a l l e t s , (MSU’s welF known handbell ensem ble) S B ig “ Swan L ak e” “ Les Sylphides,” “ Giselle” and “ Coppeli*.” “ He Who M ust D ie,” a pow­ erfu l allegory of th e life of NOW BEHKLHELB C o l l e g e F o o t b a ll C o n t e s t s C hrist, can be seen next T h u rs -. day and F rid ay . T h e F rench call IV 9*0663 fo r appointm ent film is directed b y Jules Das- sln with M elina M ercouri (of “ N ever on Sunday” fam e) and I T ’S E A S Y ! J u s t p i c k t h e t e n w i n n i n g ' t e a m s , p r e d i c t t h e s c o r e s — a n d y o u ’r e in t h e m o n e y ! P ie rre V aneck in th e leading roles. LIEBERM ANN’ S' /ONLY STUDENTS ON THIS CAMPUS “ Wild S traw b erries,” set for Oct. 16 and 17, is a Swedish im port b earing thft. fam ous LEATHER BRIEF BAGS ARE ELIGIBLE! LOOKI n am e of In g m ar B ergm an as w riter-director. V ictor Sjost-1 ro m , Bibi Anderson and Ingrid | that are made to last F IR S T C O N T E S T O C T O B E R 7 2 ! All you have to So is dip the coupon, pick the winners and predict the scores—then H ER E A R E ALL T H E P R IZ E S Thulin a re c a s t in this story of | figure out hour you're going to spend that hundred bucks! It’s easy . . . just clip the Y O U CAN W IN ! an aged professor who re v ie w s ; coupon below or get an entry blank where you buy cigarettes and fill in your predic­ N M i f / / his Hie and finds it lacking iirj tions of the ten game scores. Then mail it with an empty Viceroy package or a reason­ hum anity tow ard his fellow m an . ; able rendition of the Viceroy name as it appears on the package front to Viceroy at the Box Number on die entry blank or drop it in the ballot box conveniently located 1.t PRIZE iVoo A rthur-M iller’s d ra m a of the on the campus. ~ __ Salem w itch hunt of 1692, “ The C rucible?' is in terp reted fo r the Open only to students and faculty members. Enter as many times as you want. Simply send an empty Viceroy package or reasonable rendition of the Viceroy name 2nd PRIZE GOST screen by Jea n -P au l S a rtre in with each entry. * "%■ a F ren ch picture to be shown: O c t 23. H usband .and Wife Entries must be postmarked or dropped in the ballot box no later than the Wednesday midnight before the games and received by noon Friday of the same week. 3rd PRIZE jTsTl Y ves M ontand and Simone Sig- inoret s ta r in this film classic along w ith M ylene Demongeot. Next contest will be on games of October 21—when you’ll have another chance to win. PU& " ■ > // ,\v 2 0 O T H E R P R IZ E S “ P o or b u t B eautiful,” an Italian com edy featuring M ar- D O N 7 S M O K E A N O T H E R C IQ A R E T T E O F »1022 E A C H - isa Allasio, is the offering Nov. 7. The e te rn a l triangle—one UNTIL Y O U L E A R N W H A T And a free carton o f Viceroys to every contestant who names ail ten winning girl, two boys—is the subject. teams— REGARDLESS OF THE SCORES! ”1 R om e is th e setting. The story of a guerilla lead er YlCEROYfc I I V ic e ro y C o l le g e F o o tb a ll I of W orld W ar I I m akes up C A N D O F O R Y O U R T A ST E I I “ C ry F reed o m ,” a Filipino Steer Grain I It can do plenty. Here’s why: the Viceroy filter C O N T E S T N 0 . 1 movie which c a n b e seen F ri­ I I SPLIT COWHIDE starts with pure, safe vegetable material, made I d ay , Nov. 19. P ancho Magal- into the same straight filter strands as most j ona plays th e lead. M ad e o f s tu r d y s te e r - I good filters. I -. Here are my prediction» for next Saturday'* games. Send my prize money to: I, F in a l fa ll showing is “ The L a st T en D ays,” a G erm an film p r a in s p lit co w h id e le a ­ t h e r o n a s t r o n g s te e l $095 _ But here's the twist: Viceroy weaves those tiny strands into the special Decp-Weave Filter I name -------- :.................................. (riyaMHMTEWWt.») ....Ct h SS ri w hich docum ents H itler’s w an­ , . . and that's the filter you can trust to give I f r a m e t h a t o p en s w ide. j ADDRESS. i ing tim e in B erlin. T he author plus tax V-. you the good taste of i of this judgem ent pronounced F u ll 16 in c h e s lo n g w ith ' v;3k Viceroy's rich tobacco I _ _ _ on his own native la n d is E rich- w id e e x p a n sio n g u s s e t jjy p j A i V y - blend. The fact is . . . I W IN SCORE W IN SCORI M aria R em arque, who also FREE I a n d t h r e e d iv id e d sec­ Owiy Vkerey’* Got It I □ u- m i [ 3 ■»*«— CeS- w rote th e fam ous “ All Quiet tio n s in sid e . C h o o se s u n ­ I i on th e W estern F ro n t.” Gold Monogram . . . At Bote M s ! i t a n o r g in g e r. ' Got The Filter . . . I Q Wate«« MteWu»« U. □ All p ictures c a n b e seen e t I i G et The S k o 4 ! I □ □ A nur i 7 an d t p .m . ea ch evening in th e F airch ild T h eatre, except I ■ . 0 Stenterà i •Reg. U.S. Patent Office □ I for “ The R ed Shoes,” “ The I ________ Q Miner* Si <#*• •> See our complete »election o f I u WteMpw U. I Crucible” en d " T h e L a st Ten I D ays,” w hich w ill b e shown I j~~l U . , . . Si. —, ’ 0 — HIRE ARC THE CONTEST RULES—REAP ’EM ANO WIN! i only a t 7:30 p .m . in th e audi­ notebook» attache cate» ►.* portfolio» t t e M M è M M t e H N a u â 'i i n M i tfa e w ewtewt-teate»«—«—».*»u » c y www I -------- I torium . I “ teMrtMUMMm*. te « « .n e w e l tewate*«en»une»«*te n —m. I » i n s n ell» „Steten te«Me*e_n e t e «1 1 4 U — i □ OM* St. ________ 0 U. C L A. Season tick ets a r e $3. Single U lto * Emmê I adm ission is 80 cents. Tickets .............. . ... wi-rr-' tewntetete*n»r^«w —w « n n — «**»wfae»» t e r a w w i «in« 9»ten*ne».aw— >»tee i D Fwte». .. 0 Metre De« a r e available a t th e door. «un. u ntententei« te » ,u n w v ite n r iia a ir iin iia te n a n te o e u n . i i □ « - •L U . ■ 0 Air Ferae I n m « ^e»tetennteir»uwf[ ll te tete» te te. »Wte. ». »■ e»»« te I I ContCM open OM. , TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY ON THIS CAMPUS. i It may pay poultrymen to ■MUtettei.teiawU.te»teM««nM(UiMiulMn »>••»■.•«.** I Mail before midnight. Oct. 4, lo : Viceroy, S o x SO-B M l. Vtmon Kk New Yhek !, Utetetetete. H» «au u teteUte. n«Ute w ■w » t e t trim the comb and wattles LANSING ~ EAST LANSING AWi.u.w»te»autete.»»teu m iiui m i "» * L. from their baby chicks, s a y 209 Start G npd River . f a n . m u m a wiu iu nee iea«e Michigan State University pool* 107 South W ashington tn r; M dA lktf. i,mm . i .. i I