W mm*- Sowing I W m m Second ClM o P t i t t f * 5 C e n t* Friday M entogt Soytu h w r % 1 9 6 1 S a id a t B a s t L an sin g , Mich. J o s s e r Promises ‘No Bargains’ With Insurgents H ig h e st u r e in B E IR U T , L e b a n o n (fP )— S y ria n a r m y o ffic e rs re v o lte d to d a y a n d d e fie d P r e s id e n t N a s s e r’s a tte m p ts fro m C airo to s tif le t h e i r u p ris in g a g a in s t h is U n ite d A ra b R epublic. ’J’h e re b ellio n b e g a n in th e S y ria n c a p ita l o f D a m a scu s a n d But Budget P u sh f o r w a s re p o rte d to h a v e s p re a d to n ig h t to to th e k e y n o rth e r n c ity o f A leppo. _ Cuts Down N u c le a r C allin g th e m s e lv e s th e H ig h e r A ra b R e v o lu tio n a ry C om ­ m a n d o f th e a rm e d fo rc e s, th e in s u rg e n ts claim ed i » - n - D a m a scu q b ro a d c a s t t h a t th e n o r th S y ria n a rm e d fo rces Fall Flood T est B an DR. ARMAND HUNTER in c lu d in g a n a rm o re d d iv isio n h a d jo in e d th e reb ellio n . .......................... — - ........—♦ Aleppo Radio, loyal to N asser during t h e day, suddenly E nrollm ent this fall will switched a t night and said a reach a total of 25,044, the U N ITED NATIONS, N.Y. Ufi R e d s H it com m ando division and a sec­ ond m ilitary ^train in g center highest „figure in th e univers­ —The U nited S tates and B ri­ D ir e c to r g arrison had joined th e insur­ ity ’s history, R e g is tra r K erm it „Smith announced T hursday a t ta in proposed T hursday th at th e U.N. g en eral assem bly ’C o p te r gents Aleppo. and seized control of - the close of the re g u la r regis­ throw its w eight behind P re si­ T o A tte n d INSURGENT BROADCASTS m ade b itte r personal attack s tratio n period. " This figure is 7 p er cent — dent K ennedy’s call-o to resu m e talk s on a nuclear n R ussia R escu es i on N asser for his trea tm e n t of above la s t y e a r's com parable total of 23,373. te s t b an tre a ty . , The two W estern pow ers in­ S e m in a r BERLIN (JTl-TWe E a st ,G er­ ■S yria since it joined E g ypt in 1958 to form th e U.A.R. The Syrian vice president of - However the E a s t Lansing troduced a resolution asking D r. Arm and L. H unter, di­ m an foreign m inistry Thursday the U.A.R. resigned th is'w ee k cam pus enrollm ent w as only assem bly en dorsem ent of the re c to r of TV and rad io broad­ night called th e lifting of seven in ap p aren t d is g u s t over his 22.637. This is 77 m ore th a n the need fo r com pleting action on casting, is one of two official refugees from Steinstuecken by dim inishing powers under N as­ 22,500 students to which the a tre a ty providing adequate U S . rep resen tativ es to the U.S. A rm y helicopters an " a c t ser. B oard of T rustees directed th e controls to p rev en t creatin g . In tern atio n al S em inar on In­ of organized kidnapping” and A rebel b ro adcast from Alep­ enrollm ent restricted a fte r last I t w as th e la te st develop­ stru ctio n al Television, Oct. 8- a violation of E a s t G erm an po said N asser him self en­ y ea rs legislative cu t in request­ m en t in a n E ast-W est ra c e to 18, a t P u rd u e U niversity. Sovereignty. dangered U.A.R. national unity ed appropriations. p resen t conflicting d isarm a­ The E a s t G erm an refugees and added: _ Official delegates from m ore m en t proposals to th e 100- th a n 30 countries will atten d escaped into th e sm all Stein­ “ He aim s to m ake blood M ore th a n 24,600 students nation assem bly. — had been planned fo r when th e th e sem in ar to discuss and stuecken d istrict, a p a rt of flow and to pit bro th er against Wednesday the Soviet Union analyze th e developm ent of W est B erlin th a t is surrounded b ro th er in th e in terest of his req u est for appropriations w as brought in its detailed stand- television fo r d irec t teaching by E a s t G erm an territo ry , and h ated ty ran n y .” subm itted to the s ta te legis­ including a demand that the a n d th e problem s of w ere lifted out yesterday by th e NASSER VOWED in C a ir o ' lature. test issue be submerged in purposes ad ap tin g television to th e edu­ helicopters. he would m ake no com prom ise The budget lim itations m ost over-all disarmament talks. The H am let h as becom e & o r b arg ain s with th e reb els in heavily affected the num ber of - The Assembly itself went in­ cational needs a n d p ro b lem s of a ll nations. 0 sym bol of W estern rig h ts in his determ ination to p reserv e n ew students adm itted. I n to recess until Monday. Dele­ H u n ter wiR p re se n t a p ap er W est B erlin. It h as o n ly -200 th e less than-4-year-old union k eep teg w M M u t M ay 's tru stee gates and U.N. Secretary-Gen­ o a “ How A dult E d u catio n Can in h ab itan ts and is 700 y ard s a t E g y p t and Syria. directive, th e num ber of new eral D a g Hammarskjöld, U se Television far.. In stru c­ beyond th e h erd ers of the West­ In a series of em ergency fresh m an enrolled totalled 4,- CABE PACKAGES—The new C ase dormitory whose funeral will take place tional P u rp o ses” an d w ill be e rn sector. o rders, N asser fired six S yrian 740, only 1 p e r cent higher th an Case are die recipients of daily “care packages” delivered beat Shaw in Uppsala, Sweden, Friday. responsible, fo r inform ation on A "U .S . ARMY spokesm an m ilitary officers of th e repub­ T h ere w as no ag reem en t r e la s t y e a r’s fresh m an enroll­ B roday by ttri*rw wagon.—State N ews photo- by Lowell Kinney th e developm ent of television said th e h elicopters w ere on a lic, including two m ajo r gen­ p o rted on a fo rm u la fo r p e r m en t of 4,690. — _ fo r classroom utilization in the routine visit to th e h am let and erals. As a resu lt of this restriction, m ittin g th e assem b ly to n am e ag reed to fly the' refugees out. T hey had been d irectly un­ U nited States. H ad they attem p ted to reach d er N asser’s closest m ilitary a stop-gap successor to H am m any qualified freshm en had to be denied ad m issio n r _ The over-all growth in en­ C a reer m arskjold, diplom ats hoped th e A ssem bly m ig h t co m e to . The sem in ar is sponsored by. UNESCO, International Co­ th e m ain p a rt of W est B erlin th e ITS. Office of E d u catio n , by ro ad they would have been chief, F ield M arshal Abdel H a­ kim Am er, th e 42-year-old one­ rollm ent cam e because of the g rip s w ith th e issue som etim e operation A dm inistration, th e cau g h t by Com m unist police. - tim e boy w onder of th e N asser-' addition of a th ird class a t MSUO w here the enrollm ent Proposal Raps C a r n iv a l n ex t week. B oth th is issu e a n d B erlin “ Only because of th e u tm o st N ational A cadem y of Sciences re s tra in t shown by th e o rgans led E gyptian revolution th a t an d R a d io C orporation of of th e G erm an D em ocratic R e­ overthrew K ing F aro u k in 1952 w ent to 1,068, and because of w ere of special co n cen t to and sta rte d N asser building his A m erica. public w as a serious .-incident “ A rab nation.” the re tu rn of a m uch higher T o O pen U.S. S ecretary o f S tate D ean R usk an d B ritish F o reig n S ec­ Follow ing the sem inar, H unt­ avoided, “ an E a s t G erm an for- A m er and Gen. G am al F elsal, th an expected proportion of students who h ad previously a t­ tended MSÜ, Sm ith said. State News Fee r re ta ry L ord Hom e, who called Dozens of odd-shapped box­ off tra v e l plans in o rd e r to visory C om m ittee to th e Com­ m ain tain d o s e personal con e r will p articip ate in W ashing­ to n in a m eeting of th e Ad­ See B erlin Interpetation P a g e 4 eign office spokesm an said. com m ander of th e Syrian arm y w ere held virtual prisoners in D am ascus during the d ay a n d ' According to M ay’s B oard of Rod F ritz, AUSG represen­ viously, allotm ents for the p a­ es, c rates, b ag s a n d p ackages tacts. m issioner and th e U.S. Office The E a s t G erm an foreign a f­ then w ere allowed to fly back T rustees rep o rt, $100,000 of the tativ e from W est Shaw Hall, p e r h ad been taken from th e h av e b een pouring into th e Un­ R usk will confer for a th ird <* E ducation on new m ed ia in fa irs m in istry stated th a t th e to C airo a t night to re p o rt per­ to tal appropriations granted to said W ednesday be will intro­ general tuition fee. ion th is w eek from m o re than. r_ 70 businesses a n d organiza­ tim e S aturday w ith Soviet education. overflight of E a s t G erm any by sonally to N asser. t . MSU w as allocated to MSUO duce a bill calling fo r dropping F ritz said th a t th e presen t F oreign M inister A ndrei G ro­ th e helicopter h ad clearly vio­ IN-A GRAVELY wOrded sec­ fot* the m aintainance of build­ the m andatory charge fo r the policy violates his conception tions en terin g th e C are er m yko, and L ord H om e w ill re ­ lated E a s t G erm any’s “ a ir ond nationw ide bro ad cast of C arnival, O ct. 9 a n d 1 0 / ings an d the addition of an ­ S tate News a t the first m eeting of th e dem ocratic rig h t of free o th er class. ,_ ' of student congress. choice th a t should exist in our m ain in New Y ork until S atu r­ When u n crated , unpacked day n ig h t o r Sunday m orning. Cuban Rebels sovereignty.” ' ~ tyle d ay fro m Cairo, N asser ap ­ T he. spokesm an asserted t h a t pealed to all officers and m en A dollar fee w as required of society. an d set up on th e second floor “ th e people who initiated this of th e U.A.R. arm ed forces to O peration of MSUO for two te rm s of the proposed trim est­ each .student a t registration for — T h ere is also no g uaran tee en tativ es w ill a rriv e to ac­ A t to e m orning Assem bly of th e Union, som e 250 re p res­ session D anish F o reign M inist­ ro Reveal will h ave to b e a r full responsi­ do JJieir duty, b u t he stopped e r program w as authorized on th e S tate News this year. Pro- th a t a student will receive ev ­ q u ain t students w ith a w ide e r J . O. K rag su g g ested it bility for such provocation.” sh o rt o f issuing an outright a deficit basis w ith th e u n d er­ standing th a t a req u est be e ry issue of the p ap e r fo r his dollar, a s th e p ap e r is not p u t m ig h t be a good idea fo r the ra n g e of vocations in business, U nited N ations to p u t one of Castro Plot A SPOKESMAN for th e U S. o rd e r to loyal troops to s ta rt m ission in B erlin said m erely shooting. in d u stry , education, govern­ its agencies in B erlin. He said “ we do h av e’ th e rig h t to fly In a n e a rlie r b roadcast h e m ade to th e legislature for the in each individual’s m ailbox, b alance of the funds required o ver $100,000J T h e n ex t session of the legislature will d eter­ Senior but placed around cam pus, he added. m en t an d public serv ice. req C urriculum p re p aratio n , job m ig h tjb e c reated if B erlin be­ u irem en ts an d opportuni­ ca m e a ce n te r fo r “ construc­ MIAMI, F la . O f)—The m ajo r Cuban exile organiza­ Demo­ a useful psychological effect cratic Revolutionary F ro n t, a over te rrito ry within B erlin a ir had ordered the m echanized, space an d this w as w ell within well-equipped units of the it.”~ E gyptian arm y in Syrian, He said th a t the m andatory tion, said T hursday night it m ine th e availability of funds f o t the th ird trim ester. Committee price fo r the State News c re ­ ties all w ill b e discussed in­ tiv e cooperation.” ated poor public rela tio n e for form ally a t th e exhibits an d booths. will m ak e public F rid a y 6 stolen docum ents p urporting to Gen. Lucius D. Clay, P re si­ about 15,000 strong, sim ply to dent K ennedy’s special re p re ­ crush the rebellion which he sentative, flew by helicopter called m ore serious th an th e Included in the to ta l enroll­ m en t figure a re 1,339 students Announced the p a p e r th a t w as fau lt of the n ew sp ap er. not the N am ed, “ O portunities Un­ Weather outline a F id e l, C astro overthrow the A rgentine gov­ plot to into Steinstuecken only a d ay Israeli and B ritish-French in ­ a fte r taking up his new duties vasions of Sinai and Suez in reg istered a t MSU resident P hilip J . M ay, university lim ited,” th e C are e r C arnival ernm ent. here. A few days later, th e 1956. - cen ters around the state. tre a su re r, said th a t the dollar will b e open O c t 9 from 6:30 F rid a y 's w eatb er will be A spokesm an s a id the docu­ U.S, A rm y took th ree m ilitary The C lass of 1962 Develop­ to 10 p .m ., an d Oct, 10 from p a rtly cloudy and cooler e a rly Curfews w ere clam ped on m ents would be shown a t a policem en by helicopter into both D am ascus and Aleppo and m ent F und Com m ittee w as re­ levy w as necessary because of 19 to 11:30 a.m ., from ' 1:15 to m orning with near-freezing the appropriations cut by the new s conference a t 3 p.m . An­ Steinstuecken fo r duty th e re , — in the n o rthern city tins radio cently announced by L arry 4:30 p .m . a n d from 7:30 to 10 tem p eratu re. tonio Do V arona, h ead of the New B m W alker, Hollywood, F la . Sr., legislature an d because th e p.m . this y ea rs chairm an. This com m ittee will b e re ­ S tate News is operating on a deficit. E xpected high will b e 90. The E a s t G erm an foreign w arned th a t persons try in g to organization, h ad planned to m inistry claim ed th e nam es of oppose th e insurgents would be re v eal th e docum ents a t a news th e persons flown out by the shot. D am ascus rad io declared conference M onday, b u t a t th e A m ericans “ a re w ell known to all S yrian borders w ere closed Service sponsible for selecting the Developm ent F und office and H e said the sep a rate ch arg e class gift an d working w ith th e for such services a s the State News w as once com m on Imre Last Rites Today la s t m om ent he canceled it. u s." According to published re ­ -Steinstuecken is one of the until fu rth e r notice. ports, th e Cuban docum ents points w here refugees a re still the Alumni office during their in p a st y ea rs. H e said he be­ Booming o senior y ear. lieves th e ch a rg e m a y also m ake students m ore interested For Hammarskjöld outline a plot to overthrow th e getting out of E a s t G erm any. governm ent o f A rgentina’s EAST GERMANY is tighten­ Congressmen The com m ittee Business on the campus Inis a re : D iane A nderton, L ansing m em bers in th e p ap er. P resid en t ArturotFYondizi, who ing th e security b elt all along arriv ed in New Y ork Monday h e r 835-mile border w ith W est Too Slow service is, literally, “picking J im A rbury, D etroit, P a t Clev­ STOCKHOLM UB—D ag H am m arskjöld, U nited N ations sec for a visit. They w ere s a id to G erm any, a n unofficial w est­ WASHINGTON <*-It may up” at the rate of about 5 per e r , Holt, Jo h n F orsyth, L an ­ re to ry - g en e ral who lost h is life in q u e s ^ o f -peace, w ill be have been stolen by a C uban e rn intelligence agency rep o rt­ seem a little early, but they’re cent a day. sing, Jo a n H all, P ittsb u rg , P a ., buried F rid a y m a r his hom e town. attach ed to C uba’s em bassy in ed. starting plans for Christmas John Cole, general manager, L a rry M orris, M idland, M yke HammarskjoM’s body arrived Thursday at the same airport A rgentina who defected. This In B erlin th e R eds extended observance at the capitol now. of Lansing Suburban lines, R oberts, Alm a, P a t Shirtum , from which he departed eight years ago to assume the leader jman will atten d th e new s con­ th e strip of no-m an’s lan d in Notes sent to all congress said Thursday that 400 students W ebster G roves, Mo., P e te Van ship of the United Nations. ference, th e spokesm an said. a n effort to m ake the-25-m ile members and capitol em­ nsed the service Monday, and L eer, E a s t L ansing an d R oy With his body came 14 others—those of three Americans, a Meanwhile, Cuban sources in b o rd e r cu ttin g through th e city ployees urge them to contri­ that more have hem riding W aldren, Lansing. All a re Canadian, an Irishman, a Haitian and eight Swedes. Their Washington said- there is no}escape-proof. bute generously to a fund to each day., -i seniors. ' lives were snuffed out Sept. 18 as Hammarskjöld flew on a question as to authenticity of But despite increased Com­ finance a big Christmas tree Cole reported that Brody The committee h a s already mission to try to settle the trouble in Katanga, the* secessionist the documents, which were munist vigilance, there were and daily singing of Christmas group and Spartan Village are organized and published a Congo province. taken to New York this week still scores of daring escapes carols by choris and choruses the stops which draw most booklet for this years senior HammarskjoM’s body was taken by hearse to Uppsala where and made available to Frondi in Berlin, where new evacua­ invited irom : universities, the riders, lapsing Suburban Lines class which is intended to he 'was once a student. Hundreds lined the highway to pay zi. The Argentine president ar­ tions of East Berliners in bor­ Armed Forces and musical is making a study at the familiarize the students with silent tribute to the leader, although people had been barred rived in New York Sunday for der areas were reported. organizations. routes and bus stops to deter­ the Development Fund and the from the scene. Sane placed flowers before the heafoe. conferences w it h President Information Bureau West, a The Christmas fund memo mine where new stops may be Alumni office. This booklet The caskets at the Americans and other foreigners were re­ John F. Kennedy and a speech private West Berlin intelligence was signed by J. Lswey Gara- needed. They expect to make a which was given out at regis­ moved to a hanger to he welched over by a guard of honor to the United Nations General organization said several thous­ way, superintendent at the few changes In the present st* tration, also lists coming senior until their removal to their ban* countries. Assembly yesterday. Argentine and Communist agents were' senate office building, and up after a few weeks. events and gives a brief history At Friday’s rites. President Kennedy will be represented by sources in New York Indicated sent into the three-mtte-wide Morgan D; Roderick of the The bus service runs from 7 Vice P n d d n t Lyndon Johnson. Adlai Stevenson, U.S. Ambas­ Frandhzi pretore» to establish border area opposite West Ger­ Senate sergeant-at-arms staff: of the class of 196. It caught many congressmen a.m. to 7 p.m. All bus stops Additional booklets will tor sador to the United Nations^ Sen. Thomas H. Kucher of C to folly the authenticity at the doc­ many instructing inhabitants are marked. Bus fare to any available at a later date, forma and Henry R~J Laboninee, outgoing foreign aid director, uments before making thorn there to cooperate with securi about to leave the capitol uatU point on campus is ten emits. Walker said. DAG HAMMARSKJÖLD will accompany Johnson. public. • ty organs. next Jun. 10. * ;iV -.Vf. liV■;' i>r.' räaPI*™ 111*21 ¡ ^ 'v '® f , < / ' ï M m m 0á w m im & r '; m m m m m m ¿ - ■- * $ «P P ^ - - P i l I !■ * ' . -•-N W•-. vV •: ' • I.-• ,, . ; :v - . -y, MVàdia\*j&-‘'¿.-;}fr. '«ft A ;. • r. ’ ’ ¿ £*+’' * ••-■ --*’- ^m’mêD 'j. tft^,?| ' , .V í0¿J ..M:.|É t * „A» the need for setting a strike ago, Mr. and Mrs. ^ffichael J. Guarino moved from congest­ ed Brooklyn to j i residential sembling at the nearby site of an excavation tor a new house. She rushed to the scene. There dm saw the broken body of MoDy Pitcher, the barala» of tbe American Revdutioa, is j buried ia Carlisle, Pa. i DETROIT tll-VWted Auto area of Staten Island. They WoriEcrs President Walter P. deadline. Heather Thursday set a M a.m. “In reply. Ford Motor Co. TUeadagr s t r i k e deadline implied that a strike deadline against Ford Motor Co. in a is an essential part of the meet to break a deadlock in ‘dynamics of collective bar­ contract negotiations on nation­ gaining.* We behove this- at­ al — «nnairir issues. titude expressed in behalf of Baadher a— arsrt the strike the company la both imfortuih deadBaa at a news conference ate and unwise. shortly after be returned to “The company’s failure (hir­ the bargaining talks. His state­ ing this w eek’s intensive b a r­ ment was in the form of a let­ gaining sessions to m eet the ter to Malcolm Denise, top requirem ents of a satisfactory Ford negotiator. national c o n tra ct, both a s to econom ic and non-economic A strike at Ford would idle issues is evidence of tte reluc- more than 120.000 hourly work­ tan ce to b argain t o a conclus ers and halt 1962 model pro­ km in the absence of a strike duction deadline. V T*~ LAW Leader said Ford “ U nder the circum stances, h r4, im plied a strike deadline The All Transistorized —Dynamic Range th e UAW feels it has no choice * is an essential part- of the I|UM I [jj P.M..... mi....IllM.1, I. , ‘Dynamics of collective bar­ gaining-’ **. Reuther did not but to set a strik e deadline in th e hope th a t this will stim u­ la te the com pany to recognize PROOF POSITIVE—Tbe length of stager Patricia Morison’s hair led to contro­ versies amoag theater audiences. So, ia Columbus, Ohio, she poses with her APOLEC PLAY-RITE PORTABLE— elaborate. _ the sense of urgency needed to dark, auburn brasses laid sot. They’re now tV» feet Iraqi, were tour feet before CHECK THESE NOW EVERYONE Reuther s statment said: > consum m ate a national con­ INCLUDED FEATURES CAN AFFORD A receat trimming. _______________________ Nothing To Plug la! “ The early p u t of this week tr a c t.” ,. •C arrying H andle __ TAPE RECORDER th e RAW ad v ised Ford Motor F ord and the UAW h a v e been FOR Hftme — Co. of its desire to reach agree- w orking on a day-to-day ex m eat on both the national and I tension of th eir old agreem ent, local issaes in th e calm at- T he extension i s - subject to Episcopate Approve p o rtan t factor in C hristian fam ­ ily life.” “ While condem ning abortion •M icrophone • E ra s e s Autom atically •S tan d ard 3” Tape 39.95 School Interview s T ravel •P o rta b le m osphere of rational collee-j cancellation by either p a rty on five b argaining and without ! 48 hours notice. . ' Artificial Birth Ban and infanticide, we believe th at m ethods of control which a re m edically endorsed and m o ral­ •F u lly T ransistorized •O perates on 3 B atteries •B a itt4 a Speaker T a p s R ecording E asy to c a rry F a s t Rewind R ecords, DETROIT UK—The Episcopal (including U.S. E piscopal p re­ ly acceptable m ay help th e peo­ •Volume Control li fa irie s C hurch T hursday endorsed a rti­ la te s), th e A m erican ch u rch ’s PLAYS BACK ANYTHING g en eral convention said: ple of th ese lands so to plam • E a r Phone ficial birth-control when in ANYWHERE A . U . S. G “ obedience to all the duties of m a rria g e ,” and urged govern­ m ent aid to fam ily-planning “ I t is clearly a p H m ary obli­ g a tio n -o f C hristian m a rria g e th a t children, be b o rn within fam ily life th a t children m ay be born w ithout a likelihood of Starvation.” ", •F o lly G uaranteed •Two T rack R ecording 1111 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, Michigan AT TH E TOUCH O F A BUTTON. invites all new students- overseas. I t is th e first tim e the 3*4- miUion-mem ber denom ination th e supporting fram ew ork of p a re n ta l love an d fam ily -co n ­ cern , w ith -a rig h t to an op­ to h as officially sanctioned such p ractice, although it h as been portunity for a full and spiritu­ ally wholesom e life.” “Getting to Know You” . - V generally condoned in , the church in re cen t years. Most -m ajor protestant bodies “ It is not to b e held from this th a t th e procreation of chil­ d ren is th e sole purpose of previously have taken a sim ilar C hristian m arria g e. Im plicit 'V A ; ■ .. stand, co n tra ry to teaching of tb e R om an Catholic C hurch. within th e bond betw een hus­ band and wife is th e relatio n ­ The E piscopal C hurch con­ ship of love with its sacram en t­ Free Informal Dance siders itself both P ro testan t and al expression in physical un­ Catholic. ion.” (D rag o rS ta g ) IN MANY LANDS today, the BECAUSE O F th ese “ two church said, “ population is in­ g re a t p u rposes” of m arria g e, creasin g so fa st th a t the surviv­ th e church said th a t fam ily Tonight 9 till 12 al of young a n d old is th reaten ­ ed and population control has p lan n in g “ in such w ays as a re m utually acceptable to husband becom e a necessity.” and wife in C hristian con­ Auditorium Ouoting from a 1958 encylical le tte r of a world-wide ■ lam beth* “ Iai science an d secu re from th e corruptions of sensuality and selfishness, is a rig h t and ini- conference of Anglican bishops College Students and Faculty Members (bring your ID) ON ALL SHOES including these name brands: "Mother/ Pedwins - Sebago Mocs Buster Browns Smartaire my new phone number is. . . . ’ ■9 US Kids / Glamour The telephone calls you make—and those you Michigan and other states. Using Araa Codes N receive—now go through much faster with adds extra sip_to Long Distance calls whether Michigan State's new modern phone system. they’re dialed diroct or handled by an operator. (Hush Puppies aiuhSale Items Excluded) You can help sprad calls you receive by Area Codes route calk from one geographical area to another with surprmng speed. - giving your new apron-numeral phone number to your family and friends in Lansing and People in Lansing and many other places ebawhem. That’s important particularly when throughout the country con now dial their CARTWRIGHT they want to reach you ia a hurry. „ It's a fine idea, too, to give your A na Coda —K17—to thoee who live in other parts of rails direct to dormitory rooms and oAora of faculty members and those hi staff and ad^i mmietrative positions. ■*. I IN To $pmd your incoming call*, we tuggest you tell your family and friendst "My new telephone number i* . . BROOKFIELD PLAZA one4imlf mile east of Campus on Grand River M IC H IG A N H U T E L E PH O N E C O M P A N Y (CM). .1', - m p 1 ¡111 P f l i f f l /#».fA ^.T^\>r ^ 3 * 5 * ^ ^ g % r ^ 8 M R^ . Ï IH H n f l; wBr. ü— f e S V ' a |l § l ü ySSa ; * ì ì ì m m ia i 1 H iilliW P B i IU T T f a * t — I » » , M il b i g i a IT * I : Won’t Lay Ab Egg C ro ssw o rd P u z z le !3C3!U *Tr4 T M ' L B C B ! BUG J3 I1 B ’I d i ? 4 a n a a a o a a n n i: l&QMwbe □ □ an a a a a a a tia Career Cues a n a a ma ' S.Warty - E a n c s o a a a o a s Frosh-Soph Weekend APra* It Plus IX V n a o u * 38 Score* 3>. Mato 40. AmsoIo □□□□ a n a s n a a a [JB U a a a iii u a a o s a a 300 "Cure for job boredom: lunch hour when I could walk to the Bettery end mentally sad with the ships that stood out in tits Narrows. . . and I made my favorite^ for tha summer waskends when I could go mflmg. Fortu­ MLBavar u u u a a a a □ a o n 'S ; 14. Solicit m 43. Move Br ERIC TO40N the new president, upward □ □ D O £33110 G L JC , nately, the company I worked (or is one of the leading Of th é OM« New« 91 Blanchard will stmt out the 43. Deaeart □ n a a □□□□ o d e ! insurers of yachts and after two years I sms transferred llS cracchea 44. Turmeric 0233 3303 D33 Egg Mowing wffl be legal Friday. 1 » fact. It will be eu* couraged. program with the annual presi­ dent's tree fit. They will fit m A M e heron from the Union. Last year Rob Andringa and 17. Aesop It. P o tter 111Obscurs 47. Blunder « .D i tt a i «rasas 31. Oriental Solution of Yostsrdsy*s P unto pastime my career!” to their Yacht Underwriting Department Enjoyment and interest in my work improved immediately 100%. After World War ILI started my own yacht brokerage CUdM chasing, tug of war, tl. Msrssostbr tato 3. Article 18 Title nfCM fv oAK omrm sfiwaaaM m , rTwmtUWm A ^aN&LV v, . firm and yacht insurance agency in Miami, combining my Larry Ostarink set a new rec­ 33. Applauded marine insurance background with an even closer rela­ sack racing and sawrhhig for ord of M hours. ST. O a r Scot. 34. Space ! 3. Lamprey 20. Bullion ßtrtnm Yactt Cfc. fUMWse t f Mmriue Ctept • Mafia m a haystack alao A Jug will be presented to ».'■hoe part VATraas») 4 Fused ZXSome tionship with boats. _ W1&be seme of tbe wacky high­ IS. Toothaoma p anât S. Italian 23. Shailfish B fflw >ou «op to think what pares«! of oof total waking My only prdblem ever since has been a feeling of guilt the d a is that collects the most 31. Short mineral ri vèr lights of tha weekend activities potats at a dance In Brody Han 37. Wily 24 Circle hours is spent bread-winning, you realize bow tragic it is that my work was too easy. I love boats and boating of tha Ftosb-Soph O ne. , Patrol: ab br. S. Tip of light Saturday night sponsored by SI. High in »W ent 7. Sour for any man to work at as occupation be doaan’t enjoy. people. That affection has paid me rewards way beyond hurriedly 23. Adjective - Basédm fritte» ing ewey tifa» it Asducra d u n es of aucceaa the financial security it has also provided. SPONSORED by Women’s Intnhltectdence Coun­ Uta scala 3». Stop S. Reiterates w in cil. For the past throe years 34. Arrow» 9 Mindful to juat about raro. I know*. . bacane it almost happened The moral’s obvious. You have ah odda-pn chance for Council, the animal event 33. Number__ DOWN 10. V ibration- 28 Defied tha sophomore class the freshman e l a s s h a s 34. Tramp. leaf point 30. Diamantle to mol succem and happiness working at what you enjoy most — the freshmen. ™ emerged victorious. 11. entrance 31. G raceful After crikf«, I did what I thought weo expected of me what comes naturally! And if it’s not just frivolous, your bird The retiring sophomore class FROSB - SOPH Dose was 32. Wine / and joined a solid, M ih ottsn boaad inaurance firm. I life’s work could well be what you now consider just a president, Bob Aadringa, and started In 196S and was origin­ 34. Formal toon found office routine wasn't far m s I timed only for pastime. It’s certainly.worth thinking about, anywayf* ally planned as a punishment m eats 33. L ight repaid for freshmen upon their in­ 37. Ad veraary L e la n d ' evitable loes of the Daxe con­ tests. Beanies were worn for one week indicating the lowly 38. G ives off vapor 39. Causing stature of the freshmen. alarms_____ A rt Show The event m ark s the last activity of tha 196041 Frosh- 11. P etnam e for a little girl | Soph Council. Any freshman 42. B ranches At K re or sophomore interested in par­ ticipating in this year's contest o f learning 43. R atify 4 4 /T rap jto o r may sign mt In their dorms or 48 Spaw n,of " The, 20th a n n u a l exhibition of contact Chuck 1 D allavo At fish th e Leelana u S um m er A rt 8554282. . SO. Ignited School will b e on display in 31. P o in t in th e K roage A rt C enter until te n n is 32. W eir M onday, O ctober 6. As in th e p a s t th e show consists of a Navy Asks 33. S eventh of th e origin?! g roup of oils a n d w a te r o d o rs S tates: a l t - . selec ted from a m uch U ra e r exhibition a t th e studio in La* For Men land. The N aval R eserve and the H ie L e e l a n a u Sum m er re g u la r N avy a re offering corn­ School of A rt is under the di­e l m issions to degree holders. rection of th e d ep artm en t oi* Com missions a re available in a r t collaborating w ith th e de­ M edical Service, Supply, E n ­ Uniforms, B ut No ~ p artm e n t of continuing educa­ gineering, N ursing, an d other tion. The 1961 session w as corps fo r both m en and women. d irected by E rlin g B rau n e r of u n d erg rad u a te s interested in Marches for Sophs th e d ep artm en t o f a rt. th e R eserve Officer C andidate science o r language they d e­ All sophomore m en who a re An exhibition of paintings by p ro g ram o r o ther program s A rm y ROTC cadets m u st en­ sire to su b stitu te fo r class at­ M u rray Jones, A ssociate P ro ­ leading to a com m ission should roll in M ilitary Science 220 dur­ tendance. _ fesso r w ith the d ep artm en t of contact D r. J . R . Hoffman, De­ ing fall te rm and pick up a The g ra d e th ey receiv e in a rt, will be on display in th e p artm e n t of Entom ology, 434 A n d to m a k fi a n y tim e p a s s m o re uniform , th e ROTC office said th a t course will b e recorded K resge A rt C enter until Mon­ N a tu ral Science Building on Thursday. fo r th e fa ll te rm MS 220 re ­ d ay ,-O cto b er 6th. W ednesdays 3 to S p .m ., or T he course does not require q u ire m e n t Have a rga| cigarette-Camel The paintings w are done d u r­ phone S 5 5 4 M . _ atten d an ce a t a n y m ilitary in g Jo n e’s stay in Ja p a n on science classes, b u t enrollm ent The Sem inole In dians of the sab batical leave with a Pul- O klahom a City Is th e nation’s is m erely a n adm inistrative F lo rid a E v erg lad es a r e th e de­ b rig h t Fellowship grantee. second larg e st city in a re a , en­ check, officers said. scen d an ts of ab o u t 150 m em ­ G allery H ours a re Monday com passing 415 .sq u a re miles. I t c a rrie s no cred it and soph­ b ers of th e trib e who refused to THE BEST TOBACCO MAKES THE BEST SMOKE. S 3 Dwttldt Tcbicco C*. WkMUm-Silam. N.1 th ru F rid ay 8 a.m . to 5 p.m . Los Angeles has 457.95 square om ore m u st indicate which be rem oved to O klahom a in and Sundays from 2 p.m . m iles, Houston 349 and New course in th e general a re a of M41 an d took refuge in the p .m .- Y ork 819. ., political science, social science, sw am ps. Get all of your basic College Books, Get all of your Required Upper School Books, Get all of your outside Readings, Get the m used and new a t . . . . across from the Union Building i®® F riday M orning, Septem ber 2 9 , 1 9 6 1 RAom, Union: 7 p.m. Speak­ WESLEY FOUNDATION — Information er: David A. Sprey, Grad, Saturday, Informal racraa» asst. Hen aad square dancing, UNIVER8ITY THEATRE - I G.CA. Topic: Request Fran Wader Foundation Bldg., Venus — Prove You are Ha­ U lt S. Harrison, 8-11 p.m.» Friday, 9 , 1-9 p.m., WESLEY FOUNDATION - 40 Auditorium : T ryouts for I inan Sunday: “Dialogue”, 10 and “Born Yeeterday, " "“Dr. WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB — Sunday, Weightlifting room U:I5 a.m.; cost supper. • Faustus,” and “Right You p.m.; forum “Campus Con­ Are.” of the I-M. Building: Wffl GAMMA DELTA — Tuesday, show flicts”, 7 p.m., .Wésley Oct 3, 7 p.m., Martin Luther World ipiooahips , Foundation Bldg., Chapel: Pledge Meeting MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL—! Friday, 7:J0 p.m., a Union: Square Dance ORCHESIS — Tuesday, Studio — Womens I. M. ARCHIE SAVS MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL- Wednesday: Choir Practice My con«in Archia-ha thought the electric raser hi* gal gov* MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL-y him Ja*t Chrhtnot waro&rthen ha Oiad OW Spin fta-Becirlc, Sunday: All day sports out­ the be/ore «have lotion. Now *0 guy won't dog talking, ha ing think* eiacfric (having » to great. CHANNING-MURRAY FEL­ LOWSHIP — Sunday, Art ZOO ANTICS—Harry the goat scrambles ever the broad back of Pee-wit, a sh- year-old D oter cow, at theJFMpeaade Zee near Duastabte, Eaglaad. The pair are am ong the star animal f j n w m hi the children’s section ef the iso. ARCHIE SAYS ProHectric Improve* electric «having even more than lather improve* Made (having. ARCHIE SAYS RroHedris tet* up your beard by drying penpiralion and whliker oil* to you (have bladmdoM without irritation. ARCHIE SAYS f r p Electric give* you the-doled, cleaned, faded »hare. If Archie ever «top* talking. I'll ted him f aw OM Spice flip Electric my*elf. ___ ray CHARI Concert and Dance 'FAITH HEALERS’ ANALYZED Friday, Oct. 13th - PHILADELPHIA ¿ involve non-organic illnesses or AND HIS 1« dishonest ‘cures.’-” “Medical history,” he writes, PIECE ORCHESTRA “is full of supposedly 'cured’ with the diabetics who quit their insulin and died, of supposedly ‘cured’ RAELETS SINGERS appendicitis cases That 'need­ ed no operation’ and later died, Tickets on Sale . of supposed ‘cured’ cancer patients who went right on and RpjN/MÍND0OE6NT died.” Excerpts of his bode, « B iiB ïïe ira flD 'O f Campus Music Shop I“Faith and Health” were Civic Auditorium P .S , carried by “The Lutheran,” a Johnny’s Record Shop [church weekly here. There*! a . 6ft rim bof Parmount News A rchie got* the LOObottle' (Ho ahrajr» n i s q a S k Time, 1:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. * ■**- Tickets 32 50 and *3.00 B ig, S o ft, W oolly B e r a a t “ S c a n d ia ” Y a m — G oes Q uick— Q u ick O n N o. 13 N e e d le s - B e a u tifu l C olor-M ixes a n d S o lid C olors One Block East of Campus _ 0PEH 11 a.m, to Mldiilgfit Weekdays The Y a m Is W a s h a b le a n d M o th -P ro o f Also In T rio a n d D u e t P a k s On Grand River Avenue 11 a.m . to 1 a.m* Fri. and Sab DOT’S YARN NOOK 8 0 5 M aryland Ave. B etw ee n E a s t G ra n d R iv e r a n d E a s t S a g in a w In L a n s in g W a s h ’n W e a r! All weather coats _ d< fo r th e ta s tie s t tre a t In town I tailored with raglaa sleeves TW Y T H E “ A L L and bal cellars. Completely washable! AU sizes LINER C a r e e r C a r n iv a l f*g drlvm-ln with the mrchee LEN KOSITCHEKS VARSITY SHOP Union . 228 Abbott Rd. Always The Best For Less t ¡1.V y ili rW T ÌIW jrW rrrT wm m w B Ê Ê m m H H ¡¡¡H I sj f l H i Ä 1 fSliSS « ■¡¡§111 ni y ■w l f 3 ¡MM* ¡18 Chan ITNÀI B’RETH - I ' a t t e n t io n - "Wanted: One Dizzy Series Men and Women Undergraduates Blonde Named Billie Tbe Européen charm and snow-capped er add lecturer tot Northwest­ ern’s school of speech. HILLEL FOUNDATION x- OSr .*•» .— • ■ '( « ¿ i Austria will The travel program begins at 319 HiHcrest—Corner Grani » v e r The part of Billie Pawn, a If You Think So.” tbe first 1SH-C2 World Travel 8 p.m. in the auditorium. MIDfTIOIIS FOR S P M T U BELL R IM E R S dizry blond who learns the hard Parts available hi “B on Series pneentatlon Saturday. Austria possesses onty a frac­ way, is ooe of the parts sttD Yesterday,” beside» that of “Austria in Four Seasons” tion of tbe area and power she open for tryouts of the Univer­ Billie, are Harry Brock, tbs wQl be narrated by WilBs But­ once bad during the days of tbe SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1 5 :0 0 P.M . sity Theater nest Friday 7-10 crude junk dealer whose at­ ler, former network broadcast- Austro-Hungarian Empire. (M SlFs well know n handbell ensem ble) p.m. tempt to force the passage of With mree Communist coun­ The tryouts will be held in laws is foiled; and Paul Veas tries touching her borders on OPENING SVKKOTH SUPPER and MIXES - ^ NOW B EM 6 HELD the small Studio Theater, 49, in the basement of the Audi­ rall, tbe brilliant w o t writer who undertakes toe education ‘Biggie’ Mich. the north, east and south—and having had Communist soldiers (Kosher Conrad Beef and Defieatessea Buffet) and guidance s f Billie. TMa patrolling Vienna for tan years torium. Tryouts will bo bold fur the play brims with hearty laughs as each of the characters adds W eek Region after the cloee of World War H Everyone Welcome first two major productions, —Austria doubly aipreciates call IV 9-0663 fo r appointm ent “Bora Yesterday” and Mar­ lowe’s “Dr. Faustus.” There his personality traits to true life situations. Chairman her post-war freedom. Her en­ joyment of that freedom so are also parts available for The title role la “Dr. Faus­ Clarence L. “Biggie” Mmm, near the Communist world con- Religious Services This W eekend the first Arena Theater show, tus” and his companion from stitutes her unique twentieth Pirandello’s “Right Yen Are, the infernal regions, Mephis- of East Lansing, director of century role. S aturday, Sept. 3 0 1 0 «.m^SablMtlR Services topMlis, are the main open athUHf* at Michigan State Uni­ Willis Butler captivates the parts which call for supreme versity, will serve as the 1962 Be Sure to Visit Dad To See acting talent There are also supporting roles left which .also can fo r acting skill. Michigan Week regional chair- man in central Michigan His appointment w as am essence of an indomitable peo­ ple who have created some of the world’s finest music, who prepare some of the world’s fin­ M onday, Oct. 2 7 :3 0 p.m . Simhas T o rah S e rv ic e nounced today by Edw in O, Powers ' NORTON, V a m - O liver “Right You Are, If You Think So” contains a half a dozen characters of primary G eorge, D etroit, vice president of The D etro it E dison Com­ est food and who enjoy some of tbe w orld’s fin est scenery. B u tler has been m aking m o­ NOTE» The Hillei H aase is leeated ee W. Grand W a r one block w est of Greyhound Bas S tatiaa. Ample parking importance in setting up the pany, a n d g en eral ch airm an tion p ictu res since 1940. He ap ­ W. P ow ers, fa th e r of th e U-2 for tb e ninth an n u al state ob­ p ea rs reg u larly for th e N ation­ space on Valley C oart the stree t b d e w th e Bfflel H i m , spy plane pilot now In a R us­ philosophical puzzle which Pi­ randello proposes. T hese c h a r­ serv an ce to be held next May al G eographic Society, New behind Bns Station. _ . ________ — sian prison, told re p o rters to­ day he plans to go to R ussia a c te rs will b e ;e x p la in e d and 20-26. Y ork Town H all, D etroit in sti­ defined by th e d irecto r a t the As regional ch airm an M r . ! tu te of A rts a n d Geographic K napp’s n e x t April and hopes to tak e in th e ynnimi M ay D ay p a ra d e try o u ts. ^ ' "1 dunn wUl d irec t th e M ichigan Society of Chicago across from in Moscow. Students in terested in work­ Veek p ro g ram in th e counties The cobbler father of Francis ing b ack stag e o r a s u sh ers and if Ionia, Clinton, Shiaw assee, Gary Powers will travel to Washington Oct. 5 and will 'visit the Soviet embassy to pick box office salesm en m ay sign ngham and E aton. up a t th is tim e. “ We a r e g etting a n e a rlie r All re g u la r u n iv ersity stu­ s ta rt th a n ev e r in planning for If you read less than up an already approved Rus­ den ts a re encouraged to p a r­ th e annual observance, so th a t sian visa. The elder Powers ticip ate in th e U niversity all organizations a n d individu­ said he also will stop at the T h ea ter activities since no p re­ a ls m ay h av e am p le tim e t d state department. ~ - vious experience is n ecessary . d a n th eir p ro g ram s and activi­ P ow ers said h e especially tie s,” M r. G eorge said. 2 5 0 0 W o rd s p e r M in u te Beethoven's M r. M u n n ,-ia accepting the w ants to see the Soviets’ M ay D ay p arad e and hopes the Public Invited to ch airm an sh ip , said he w as pleased to h av e th e opportuni- K rem lin will le t his son see it with Mm. H e predicted the Nigerian Eyents _ty to serv e th e g r e a t state of tra n sfe r of his son to a work The Association of N igerian M ichigan in helping to d irec t Lowest Record Prices in Michigan cam p will com e “ in O ctober students wfiT hold an open th e prom otion w hich h a s be­ house to celeb rate th e first an­ com e firm ly established as a YOU NEED or N ovem ber.” E a rlie r this m onth Soviet n iv ersary Of th eir co u n try ’s state tradition. H e called on all P re m ie r N ikita K hrushchev independence Sunday a t 8 p.m . citizens a n d organizations w ith­ in to e r e g ie » to actively p a r­ said th e younger P ow ers m ay in 31 Union. 207 SLA.C. ticip ate in M ichigan Week, to not have to serve his full 10- y e a r sentence fo r espionage, bu t th a t his im m ediate release - Peace C o r p s volunteers train in g h e r e have been invited c re a te g re a te r p rid e in th eir to th e celebration and any sta te a n d its com m unites on r e a d in g is out of th e question. oth er in terested persons will th e p a rt of all people an d to focus favorable national atten- be welcom ed, Tom othy F aday- io n on th e s ta te ’s unlim ited ouni, association president, WATCH FOR L'M’s 1 9 6 1 -6 2 CAMPUS OPINION POLL! said. P ic tu res of N igeria and ex­ reso u rces, ad v an tag es and op­ portunities:- M ichigan Week is not new to , am ples of its a r t will be dis­ M r. M unn. H e w as th e first D Y N A M IC S ,• f*k v o i.f o p i n i o n s a g a i n s t a n s w e r s fro m la s t s p r in g s p o ll played. ch a irm an of th e Michigan-in- Sportw com m ittee for tb e an ­ nual s ta te week in 195S when -Reservations are sew* being' 'O . Jouldyou volunteerjo man A N U N P A ID T E S T IM O N IA L b e w as b e a d 'football coach; This y e a r b e w as honored by th a t sa m e body by election to th e M ichigan Sports H all of “ “ accepted for Fall Classes the first space station... F am e. He h as tak en a n active p a rt in civic affairs id th e G reater i f o d d s fo r s u r v iv a l w e r e 5 0 ’ 5 0 ? itonsing a re a and h as con­ trib u ted m uch tim e and effort _ 2200 Michigan National Tower to p ro jects for th e b etterm ent of M ichigan. -For Information Call 484-1305 C om ing, Calif., is knowi\_as ‘Olive Town” because of its extensive olive groves. Friday Store Hours — 9 :3ti A. M. to 5 :30 P. M Ridurd the Lioa-Hearted says: 1 m o u ld n o w □ YES □ NO haw s u r m u t m d Ô A r e y o u ta k in g O D o y o u u s u a lly England ...if I'd had Jockey fu ll a d v a n ta g e o b u y c ig a r e tte s y o u r e d u c a tio n s in d i e « d t p a c k o p p o r t u n it ie s ? or b o x ? CAMPUS SHIRT TALE: to ld two w ays by support A d sk w r Easily the two most popu­ e m e u . Rich! You're re tie u a fit. in f. Jockey support* m ight never lar cksssia on any cam­ h a v e »«cured you s f a i n s t th e pus . . . our drip-dry Emperor*. B ut it certainly would docron polyester and cot- ~ have provided snug protection against {he physical stresses and ton shirts, with split-side strains of your active ttfe. Your shirt toils that are so a m o r e r never tailored a coat of mail more knowingly th an Jockey finely finished they may tailors a brief—from 13 separata, be worn in or over your body-conforming pieces. □ YES O MO □ SO FT , PACK □ BOX I. s 1 **m ® ?M%‘ Friday Mnrwfnf, 29, 19 6 1 ¿É*f$ m m 11 S M e l ^ N M Mfetógan I e b I éh í ! Sficcer Team Battles S p a r ta n s G o H u ilin g ~ \ T eam w ork Is w h a t MSU’s Bill Ooopa, fullback. soccer te a m will b e striv in g for In co n tra st to th e S partans, whan th ey m e e t E a rib a m Col­ E a rib a m h as m any of o s regu­ lege S aturday to Richm ond, In ­ la rs returning, Kenney said. Ait U p h itt B a t t lé d ian a a t 2 p. m ., according to coach G ene Kenney. “ E arlh a m is a good, strong hustling te a m .” S tate’s re a c h “ E v e ry soccer te a m m ust said. ‘T h e y alw ays h av e been w ork a s a u n it if it expects to tough.” - yr F o r P e t e S m it h By GARY RONBERG P e te w as ca p ta in a f te s high G am e w in an y g am es,’’ K enney said. When M ichigan S tate d a s h e s “ If we h ave a draw back now, with E a rlh a m th e S partans it’s o u r l a d ; of team w ork.” m ight dem onstrate th a t Its d e ­ S tale New» Spsc ts W riter school te a m a n d w as selected T his problem aro se w hen the fense is stro n g er th an a y e a r M t c h 1 g a n S ta te’s football R ich ter is being touted as an tackles Tom Winiecki an d P e te S p artan s lost six of th e ir s ta rt­ ago, Kenney said. • ' Speed, size, fine throw ing and on the All-State booorabie m en­ All-America candidate by Bad­ consin’s left end. “ Staley,' Wis- w h a t about S tate's offense? foam flies to M adison, W is., ing eleven from la s t y e a r’s blocking abilities, confidence. tion squad. He w as re g a rd e d g e r officials. cen ter Tom Jo rd a n ; defensive “W itt team w ork w e ll have today fo r S atu rd ay ’s gam e w ith squad whfch lost only one These a re th e qualities a foot­ a s a good q u arte rb ac k , b u t D augherty said he w as equal­ b ack s E d R y an , Bob Stici o r a good scoring punch,” Kenney W isconsin — an d th e S p artan s gam e in nine outings. b all coach looks fo r h i Ms q u a r­ didn’t a rriv e a t MSU w ith th e ly w ary of R onald Staley, Wis- K akela; guard Tony K um iega; te r b a c k - k e y to a successful fa n fare an d publicity t i n t g re e t h a v e a couple of strik es ag ain st A fine crop of sophom ores said. th e m a lre ad y . ' conson’s left end. “ Staley h as George Saim es. h av e m oved u p to rep lace th e H ere is S tate’s startin g line­ offense. —- m any S p artan re cru its. dangerous speed, especially on T he offensive u n it w as desig­ P e te Sm ith, E co rse ju n io r BUt through fine show ings in T he first Strik e is W isconsin’s g rad u ated seniors b u t they up for^Ssturday’s gam e: long p asse s,” D augherty said. n ated a s Sm ite a t q u arterb ack , haven’t h ad “ long enough to Ted Satm ders, goal; Bill wbo wifi d ire c t M ichigan S tate’s scrim m ages an d in tra - squad one g am e advantage. The "Badgers nosed U tah, 7*6, a t Two sophom ores m ay find halfbacks C arl C haron o r John­ p ractice to g eth er” to mold a | Onopa. fullback; Stan Stelm a- m ultiple offense ag ain st Wis- g am es be wound up second them selves a t startin g positions son and G ary B all m an ; ends conson h i M adison S aturday ap ­ only to sm ooth Tom m y Wfisoa M adison, la s t S aturday. sm ooth functioning unit, Ken­ shenko. fullback; Dutch Kemel- in foe g am e Saturday. They Lonnie S anders and A rt B rand- ney said. l ing, cen ter halfback; Sam Don­ p aren tly possesses all these a t the com pletion of th e foot­ “ U tah h ad alread y played a a re H erm an Johnson, eith er a t s ta tte r; tackles J im B obbitt or q u alities in abundance. The b all season la s t fall. g am e w hen it m et W isconsin.“ State has b ee n n rac tic in g for­ nelly halfback; R ubens FiUzola, defensive halfback o r offensive D ave H erm an an d D ave B ehr- m ally fo r-a week and a half. cen ter fo rw ard ; J e a n Lohri, o n ty fa c to r th a t re stra in s com ­ When springtim e a rriv e d in said M ichigan S tate h ead coach m an, g u ard s G eorge A zar and halfback, and C harlie Brown, Sophomores who h ave m oved halfback: J e r ry H eron, outside p lete optim ism i t id s lank of 1961. P e te would h av e enjoyed P E T E SMITH D uffy D augherty, “ an d th a t is from P o n tiac, who will s ta rt E d B udde; and ce n te r D ave exp erience, th e Intangible qual­ bidding fo r th e shortstop posi­ a te rrific ad vantage. T his week into S tate’s startin g.Sia c -up are rig h t; M ab V entura, inside to s ta rt a t QB . . . w ith th e defense a t guard if M anders. - S am Donnelly, halfback; Stan rig h t; Ken G raham , inside left; ity th a t is acquired, not in­ tion w ith M ichigan S tate ’s base­ th a t sam e circu m stan ce will th e S p artan s kickoff. T he M ichigan S tate M arching herited . b all te a m , b u t football p ra ctice w o rk -in W isconsin’s favor. Stelm ashenkno, fullback; a n d D ave Christie, outside left. The re s t of th e defense w as B and will accom pany th e team . Sm ith 5’11” an d 176 pounds, found Don S tew art, a tw o-year “ T he m ost im provem ent a expected to be m ade up of ends I t is one of th ree aw ay gam es p lay ed b u t t t m inutes for State letterm an a t halfback, under la s t fail, com pleting two of serious consideration fo r re ­ 42 Gridders in football club shows in a season com e» betw een th e firs t and L arry H udas and E rn ie C lark; th e band will play a t this Tall. m fo u r p asses fo r 37 y a rd s and placing th e g ra d u a te d Wilson. Education, B&PS second g am es.” - ☆ LA M E ST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ☆ one touchdown. Consequently, P e te chose to 4 T he fa c t th a t th e W isconsin P e te realizes the trem endous forego b aseball an d b a ttle Stew­ responsibility th a t h as been a r t for th e q u a rte rb a c k posi­ T h e Colleges of Education encounter is a Big T e n o ^ n e r and B usiness an d P ublic Ser­ bothers D augherty. H e said it E v a s h e v s k i P r e d ic ts MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES •— EXHAUST PIPES p laced in h is hands. This could tion. vice a t M ichigan S tate Uni­ w as tough fo r a te a m to open POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS— BRUSHES be M ichigan S tate’s y e a r a s As sp rin g workou ts con­ th e S p artans h a v e a band of tinued, it w as a c lea rcu t b attle v e rsity enroll th e m ost m em ­ w ith h conference opponent. b e rs of MSU’s 1961 football T he second strik e ag ain st the 6G r e a t9 I ö w a T e a m COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES sw ift, big, experienced backs of Sm ith’s fine p a stin g ag a in st squad, f m ovihg behind a pow erful of­ th e excellent running ability S p artan s is th e lack of a n ex ­ IOWA CITY, low à (C — The clutch p lay ers, E v y said Tw enty-three of th e cu rren t p erienced q u arterb ack . Ju n io r W ednesday, a r e q u arterb ack fensive line averaging 223 of S tew art. T he annual Old F o re st E vashevski thinks Iowa S p artan s do th e ir studying In P e te Sm ith, who p lay ed b u t 16 COMrijCTlN New A Rebuilt pounds—a n d th e key to a suc­ T im ers football g a m e co n d n d - Education w ith all b u t one m inutes all la s t y ear, h as been will h ave a g re a t football team W ilburn H b l l i a , halfbacks AUTO • Startara cessful offense is foe q u a rte r­ e d spring p ra c tic e a n d th a t m ajo rin g in physical educa­ given th e startin g nod. I f he th is f a ll/ L arry F erg u so n and Sam m ie SPRING s' G ra tta te la back. g am e found Sm ith a t th e .con­ And te e fo rm er Iowa h ead GLASS tion. A to tal o f. 19 S partans s ta rts throw ing strik es of his H a rris, fullback Jo e W illiams SERVICE o r a d Pum ps B ut h e re is w here Sm ith’s tro ls an d scoring th e lone a r e enrolled in B usiness & own in touchdown o r even com ­ coach an d now its athletic di­ E xpertly Installed • W ater t a p e and end F elto n R ogers. F * r C u iT confidence is p itted against the touchdown In th e V a rsity ’s 143 re c to r say s first-y ear coach - Tracks. Tractors While T r a W alt • Clutch Plate* P ublic Service. Included a re pleted passes, M ichigan S tate’s “ However, I don’t w ant to p ressu re th a t is an him . In defeat. eight business adm inistration 1961 title bid will receive a J e rry B urns h as re acted im ­ speaking of S ta te’s big gam e So when M ichigan S tate tak es p u t J e rry on th e spot by saying m ajo rs, th re e econom ics m aj­ big shot in th e arm . p ressively to te e pressures S aturday, h e re g a rd s it a s a on Wisconson S atu rd ay it will Iowa will go u n defeated," o rs an d th re e hotel m an ag e­ brought on by th e H aw keyes’ D au g h erty said th is is the E vashevski said. “ It’s alw ays challenge h e h a s been working b e th e a rriv a l a t .th e fop of the to w ard all his life. lad d er fo r P e te Sm ith. m en t m ajo rs. toughest opener th a t they could O th er colleges a t th e uni­ possibly have, citin g both Wis­ v e rsity enrolling squad m em ­ conson s one-gam e adv an tag e bers a re Science a n d A rts with an d th e B ad g er’s dangerous No. 1 ranking in th è Associat­ e d P re s s poll. “ I feel o u r b all club is going to be a re a l fine one,” E vy possible to lose a g am e by the w ay th e b a ll bounces.” He said B urns’ big g est pro­ blem s in Iow a’s opener ag ain st KRAMER Æ five, an d C om m unication A rts, p assin g com bination — Ron said. “ The reaso n I am so confi­ C alifornia S aturday will be MACHINE SHOP SERVICE A griculture -a n d E ngineering M iller an d P a t R ichter. d en t is th a t J e r ry has~several p reventing his team from un­ w ith one each. N ine o th er play­ “ W isconsin’s No. 1 a sse t is d erestim ating th è B ears and e rs a re studying in th e Uni­ M iller,“ D augherty said “ Mil­ boys who a re re al gam e b reak­ overcom ing th e handicap of a 800 E . K A L A M A Z O O S T . PHONE TV 4-1335 versity College p rio r to d ec la r­ le r w as b e tte r th a n we thought. e rs and can win for him in th e d u tc h .” lo n g p ractice session before the in g a m a jo r course. R ich ter is-tiie No. 2 asset. He E vy coached m ost of tee firs t gam e. is m uch like Bob C arey.1’ C arey w as M ichigan S tate’s sam e p lay ers la s t y e a r when “ T h irty d ay s of p ractice J im M artin of th e D etroit th e H aw keyes h ad an 8-1 w ithout a com m on enem y is Lions w as in tra-m u ral heavy­ All-Am erica end in 1951. M iller and R ich ter com bined re c o rd and w ere co-champions too long,” E vy said. “ The boys w eight b o rin g cham pion at of th e Big Ten conference, a re ju st feasting on each N o tre D am e during his under­ to score W isconsin’s lone TD ag a in st U tah. B oth a re juniors. with M innesota. o th er’s blood.” * g ra d u a te days. A G o o d T im e To | i| u gjg I SJvswoild of fasfim is a-buzz ovet C o n sid e r I BOXBICMBBS W O R S 1 E D . Spiral Notebooks & a iu b a M P A o * U e k b e d BmmmM cauomtrMUjm ] "RAOULWALSH• MICHAELELKINS S aturday. - CLAUDETTE COLBERT Shown together KARL MALDEN N otre D am e is a one - to u ch ­ HIT N O . (3) LATE SECOND RUN FEA TU RE jfor the first time Same Day down fav o rite 4 n the contest DEAN JA 00E R h ere to be atten d ed by 95,000 C O N N IE S T E V E N S AHonoR Birorn Btu sfi-m m kyobd comrarh PA R T I* - Service and displayed nationally on TV. Both clubs, once m ighty mon- HIT NO. (3) LATE GUEST FEA TU R E AT 11:30 MsowsniMnnc.pi«a* A t No arch s of th e college g rid , a re P A R T 0*** . rematu ri SERGEIl . attem p tin g to re b o u n d 'fro m n ig h tm arish i960 seasons. The GIyMAOISCN-MEDINA h Extra Charge fa c t th ey still ra n k a s th e E IS E N S T E IN '$ 1115811111’ * . “ th e B E A S T g am e’s tw o w inningest te a m s o v er th e la s t q u a rte r century, latWAim or H O LLO W EtHBIJSDlEG® is sm all com fort, a t th e m o­ Marjorie MAIN Percy KILBRIDE M O U N T A IN if f 1 _ “ • * hM O M I M— m CMauuo. m ent, to football p a rtisa n s of * “*«mmnmwl reaming lb* eith er school. ■ AWMHSaMTUMTIXW.«CIUK __ 1 m nSwia mr * + ’ Hm a barbarie b b brilliant fld a t inabiag.* —- r r r t n m * « . Oklahom a, with a 25 - y e a r m ark of 189-51-13, la ri season ADMISSION 7Se, CHILDREN UNDER 12 F R E E I AngMrwgwcetgthe Nrm I sL /u foundered to 3-6-1—w orst y e a r F ran d o r Shopping C enter in Bud W ilkinson’s 14-season Sooner sojourn. _ COMING SOON—BRGITTE BARDOT MON. THRU F R I. TILL i Exclusive Showing! F ri., S ai., S » . , Moa. IN HER LATEST^THE TRUTH” SAT, TILL 7 3 Adult Pictures' Adm. 90c This P rogram S ta rts T o d a y . • • MTHIIC H IG A N AT t’f PMÓNF IV ? T VII P ro g ram Info. Dial IV 2-3905 MR CATALINA - Boxoffice Open 6:30 A duli Entertainm ent SUPER BARGAIN DAY! ALL-DAY PR EV U E O F TWO FEATURES MAN RELAXED...«NMMedia ta* - aowt aawaiar aa to wmM « rawnalaa From S W O R N B Y O A T H to share Wa most tnjoyad moments... Northern relaxing...ar actively engage«7n hit ...T O R N B Y E M O T I O N S T H E S E A R E T H E Y O U N G D O C T O R S I favorita petti*«. Create« by eur fine «asignar, Mm Neman, who himself M a n D is c o v e r s A NATURE C A M P Italy to *«hes « atoM d ton * t In ‘■ aunts to On The M O O N ! relaxation; U- Southern e x p a s u fe j R i n a 's ! on a ^ f o r A truly v mam . -« omerent adventure GiNA bpUOBRlGiDA s C B sn so N •v m o ra o D *5 c a to t i e P S i of 'MTandsnsor ACOLUMBI r m frioHwoou*-bOn.TÉa « « n * ffl U K FAST AND SEXY SHOWN ONCE AT 10:17 - EXTRA ihD H IT - A n d T h e H eavens B ro u g h t JFo rth > O A n t» « T h e W onder O f W om an! Ctt AZZAHACUUIKBAm ALBERT 6 law Released Thru JER PICTURES N C t h e ' TODAY — LAST TIMES! . . . . at “ FRANCIS O F ASSISI” aad 8:16 p.m. l U O U N B HURD'S MOON DOLLS SHOWN TW ICE AT 8:57 and 12:02 CURTltGENS•ASTISTS Aa ALUiD MYlfNERetoeia DEMONGEOT With Bradford Dülmen - Delores Hart SHOWN ONCE AT 7:07 ; Merits Red SI TODAY' and SAT. MOSCOW un- A young Uk­ rainian’* poem deploring the = = ■ ■ THEATRE • PHONE IV. 2-9831 failure of Russian* to erect a monument to Jews massacred S T M T S SATURDAY!. by the Germans at ¡Dev was denounced by tbs newspaper SUPER BAHRAIN DAY Literature and Life recently ALL-DAY PREVIEW OF THESE TWO BIG FEATURES! in an attack against tbs con­ cept of Jews as a separate race or nation. The organ of the Russian Federated Republic’s writers “ IT - alsocriticized the editorial STARTED board of the Literary Gazette, IN NAPLES” its elder feothar, for printing the poem, by Began» Yev­ Technicolor tushenko. INSTANT SCHEDULES - Lyle Kiev war held by German Features Today at Leiseariag, assistant registrar, 1, 3:1«, 5:91, 7:35 troops from 1941 to 1943. More controls tea newly • Installed 9:45 than 50,000 Jews are reported IBM macbtoe as it setts IB,- to have been slain there. 000 class cards igne times at Saturday at In suggesting a memorial, the speed of 2,000 cards a min­ NOW! 2ND BIG WEEK 2:40, S:10,1:35 tiie poet wrote that "The Union ute to get class schedules for of the Russian people” was one each sedtoa. State news photo THE RECORD-BREAKING of the most savage persecutors by John Ersktee of the Jews. AWARD-WINNING L itera tu re and Life asked “ Why does the editorial board of th e All-Union W riters News­ International Club MASTERPIECE! p a p e r (th e L itera ry G azette) p e rm it Y evtushenko to invoke Schedules Mixers Feature Presented - Sunday through Thursday th e triu m p h of th e Leninist pol­ icy of nationalities by such ‘re ­ ForTonightat8, 2:35- < :« -9:00 Friday and Saturday collections’ which can only be T he In tern atio n al Club will considered a provocation?” 12:39-3:35-9:59-1»:M hold its fall m ixer a t 8 p.m . T b e n e w s p a p e r said th e new F rid ay in the U.N. lounge. p ro g ram of th e Soviet Com­ ~ Among the club dignitaries m u n ist P a rty resolutely oppos­ to attend is Shao Chang Lee, e s “ any display of chauvinism founder of th e organization and an d n atio n alism ” — im plying the annual international fes­ th a t th is covered building a tival, an d re tire d director of m onum ent to th e slaughtered the International C enter. He Jew s. has also headed the foreign “ O ur b an n er is the re d b an ­ studies d ep a rtm en t and w as n e r of revolution, o u r em blem p rofessor of fa r ea ste rn studies i s th e h am m er and sickle—the a t one tim e. em blem of labor—a n d o u r red The purpose of the m ixer, five-pointed s ta m e v e r fades on which is being held con-cur- th e helm ets of o u r soldiers. We rently w ith th e club’s cam pus th ru s t aside both chauvinism Sister-B rother m eeting, is to H e g o t a P riv a te 's p a y - a n d n ationalism ,” th e p aper g et in touch with all new a n d liv e d lik e a V. I. P .t said. ' ~ - foreign students an d acquaint f tä S R HUr LOUIS NYE-0014 KNOTTS •DEL IIG0RE •JOE FLYNN-RICHARD ARIEN 7 jÌ L itera tu re an d Life said th a t them with cam pus life. PRICES Ig g jg tL JAMES LYDON■ROBERT STRAUSS •HARVEY LÈMBECK w * * * WILLIAM BOWERS M jjj b j w hen th e poet stood a t the site The Sister-B rother program is one w here an A m erican, o r M S b) JACK WEBB‘AHait W Ud.-Manzanita-Talbot Production•Roiused dm UNITEDB0 ARTISTS JJ } j of th e m ass grav es “ h e could V* ' .. ' i_ only think of the fact th a t those a continuing foreign student FEA TU R E SATURDAY AT 1:00, 4:20, :50, 11:15 (BOX O FFIC E CLOSES 10 P .M .) who w ere killed were Jew s. He Is assigned a foreign student to considered this the most im­ be bis b ro th er o r siste r during' portant, most vital Idea!" the en tire term . Dr. Faustus NOV. 2-DEC. 3 S 1 A Streetcar Named Desire APRIL 25*29 O N S A L E N O W CAMPUS BOOTHS UNION TICKET OFFICE tw£ U bI P P IlllS IW P i »siISSh mWmmî ÜHS ¡ ■ I l I •f; m “* * -, ' < ' Michigan Storte News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday Morning, September 29, 1961 10 W M s: X IP Success At Everything M cN am ara White RecOmn w M W H O is at work on a satellite system for global telephone and TV transmission? M cC oneT A s Slavery? Carries Big- Wallet Projects W H O provides the communications channels for America’s missile defenses? CLEVELAND, Sept 28 4 FO R D STATION WAGON. IV 5-7708. 8 al rabio a re a , by o w n er. IV 6-96*5. 4 MSU I p assen g er. h e w b a tte ry a n 1! , * new tlre a . Good co n d itio n . $27$. IV F-2616.- — AUCTION SA LE : Okemo* K iw an - I* Club used fu rn itu re , ap p lian ces, G1BSÒN tenor banjo. 24 foot house trailer, cheat a p n ou*4ng fo r Spartans Capture door*. w indow *, an d lu m b er. S at­ students. ED 2-465$. Graduation MOA, l» 6 7 J to a d a te r. B lack, r*d urday a fte rn o o n , S ep tem b er 30, In te rio r, n*w tlrM , w ily wheel*, 1:30 p.m. In th e b ig te n t behind 45 Openers; I ex cellen t fIn T e h 'in d ’top. Low-mU*. th e Okemo* C o m m u n ity Church FOR RENT Ring» a g e. S acrifice. E D 8-0664. tf a d ja c e n t to O k*m os d o w n to w n p a c k in g lo t. 2 OARAGK FOR RENT near cani- Succumb In 17 M i l l METRO, fo o d condition. -Owned hv lad y w ho lovee It b u t HOTPOINT e le c t rio stove. Rood pus. ED 2-5102 a fte r 4:30 p.m. I IN STOCK EAST LANSING - Michi­ h e r fam ily—o u tg re w It. $650. ED condition. T w o alu m in u m *cr*en 2-0010. \ I an d sto rm door*. C all 855-1722 APARTMENTS gan State football players and a f t e r 6 p.m. 8 fan s alike, m indful of the 1961 MO-TD, 1152. w h ite co n v ertib le, A PARTM ENT FOR REN T. 2 e n g in e re c e n tly o v erh au led , by Ladiei* all w h ite S erbln boucle room * a n d b a th w ith p a rk in g . ED opener a t Wisconsin Saturday, o w n e r fo r **00. Can be Been a t 1201 k n it dreea, alae 12. 815 ED 2-6414. 2 2-2452. F o r m en only. 2 L. t?nlver*ity V llla fe . P h o n e 6*6- ca n p o nder over som e facts; MAN'S lig h t g ra y came! h a ir SPA CE A VAILABLE fo r tw o from MSU’s previous 64 grid; «151. * w om en In a p a rtm e n t fo r four. to p co at. Else 40. $25. C all ED 1151 O P E L 2 d o o r sed an , d e a n . 2-6414. * F o u r room *. In c lu d in g sh o w er, openers. 2«,000 mile*. L e a th e r -opholstery, »1.00 OILETTE blade*. 66c. Sim- largo re c re a tio n room w ith, fire­ place. P riv a te e n try . P ark in g fa ­ CANDY 1. M ichigan S tate team s-have SEE OUR EXCITING COLLECTION new tire*, no ru s t. A v ailab le Oc­ cilities. Business women or g ra d ­ to b e r 1. ED 2-4172- 5 ■lac baby milk 24.80, case of 2». won 45 (or 72%) of th eir open-j BY foo Unicaps, 1.66. W ith th is ad uate stu d en ts p re fe rre d . ED 2-1*73. 1957 PLYMOUTH convertlhl», only. Lim it on* *ach. M arek P re­ 'in g gam es o v er th e y ears, lost •pow er « teertn g an d brattee. |760. scription C anter, -N orth of B eirs FURNISHED, approved, uns«- MAILED ANYW HgRE 17 and tied two. FORSTMAN * PENDLETON - BATES Se* a t L en'a C ltle* Service, 215 A l­ n e x t Jto N atio n al. b e rt, E. L an aln g . per.vised. Student m ust be cleared through university. Grad stu d en ts COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 2. In 34 seasons, th e S part-i CRESTWOOD - GAILEY & LORD - SKINNER 1001 STUDENT AND FACULTY ans have won th e ir opener a n d : B E N A U L T -D euphlne. !»•'».—fin * preferred. No 'c o o k in g facilities. AVAILABLE AT WAMSUTTA- CROMPTON RICHMOND- ABBOTT Ondi tion. E xcellent sra* ••nnmim- — BARGAINS $S0 m onthly. ED 2-4312. - 2 have gone on to reco rd a win­ Itlon. Phaue ED 7-9256 a fte r ... 5 T H R EE ROOMS, b a th , furnished ning over-all record. PRINCETON MILLS - LOtW ENSTEIN - HELLER 1958 VOLKSWAGON aedan, new Hanes U nderw ear apartm ent, double or single. Em ­ 3. In eight seasons, State h as > tire * , m u ffle r, h e a tin g ayate™, te - co n tn tlo n ed m o to r, radio. $995. Ali Sweat S h ir t* ........ ployed or g rad women. ED 2-1953. The won its opener and then gone AMERITEX - M ILLIK EN- AMERICAN SILK MILLS "6-8586. * S w e at P a n t* ........ LADY STUDENT to » h are a four to post a losing over-all record. HOCKANUM - BELDING - GOTTSCHALK 1959 VOLKSWAGON CONVERT­ IB L E . E x cellen t condition. $1250. Adler .............. room furnished ap artm en t, clua.ii, qm et. w alk in g distance to campus. If in te re ste d In stu d y in g th is year, Card Shop 4. In eight seasons, th e S p art­ an s have lost th e ir opener but! IMPORTS FROM EUROPE and FAR-EAST T46 H aalett Street, afte r 5 p.m., tu rn ed out a winning over-all! E D 7-7116. « Gym b h o it* $1.1* ea. call ED 7-01*0. a* k fo r Sally. tf SOUTHEAST FURNISHED three Aerosa F ro m m ark . - FULL LINE O F BATES BEDSPREADS 1*59 VOLKSWAGON SEDAN. S u p p o rte r* ............................$1.29 ea. E x c e lle n t co ndition. C all NA 7- rooms on Tvnsltne. A vailable Oc­ 5. In nine seasons, the open-] Sweat S o x ........................2 for $1 00 tober 20, $100 m onthly plus u tili­ Home E conom ics Bldg. e r was lost a n d th e over-all 's Fabrics 1270 a f t e r f p.m. 8 ties. F aculty only. IV 2-4210. 3 VOLKSWAGON. 19*0. Red, many Tennis S h o e * . . . . . . . .............. $4.44 ED 2-6753 m ark was a 1using one. extras. Phon# IV 4-5986, nlghi* ROOMS IV 5-6101. * P ants TWO SINGLE'" ROOMS. Ç pll.ge 6. In th re e seasons. S tate ] or w o rking girls. Ne*r—F randor. won its opener and finished NO SERMONS. . . . ju s t good ¡JIankt** auto Insurance! Rubols, over ' IV 4-8423. — 3 REAL ESTATE even in wins and losses. LUCON THEATER BUILDING Jaoobaon*. ED 2^*671.___________* R a in w e a r - , . .j UNAPPROVED luxurious rooms 7. In two seasons. MSU tied] Foot R ainw ear ........ for two. P riv ate entrance, ceram ­ ic shower, phone, piano, hi-fi, re ­ “" T A S ^ T S fS B T N O a u ra c L v e l its opener, and then recorded 4 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER AVE., É. LANSING EMPLOYMENT Corduroy P a n ts . . . . frig erato r, parking. ED 2-4518. 2 bedroom ranch- homo. 1*12 51 e'ro se S treet on larg e lot. M arble School winning seasons. -™ S+UDE!^“PofriTTON3 available Levi's ................ .......... TWO ROOMS available for rent. Quick possession. $15,950. Base­ for tra in e d IBM operators. Apply Use of the house, near bus. lau n ­ m ent and gas heat. Call R oether D a ta P ro cessin g , Room - 11, Ad. I Gym Bags ........ drom at, store*. Inquire *20 S. R ealtv Co. R ealtor. ED 2-8066. 2 B ldg._____________________________ 4 Logan. Lansing- IV" 9-9502 after OKEMOS. Trim 3 bedroom hom e 5 p.m.___________________ 5 OCCASIONAL daytim e babysit­ I B ra n o . / r . ............................ on b eautiful larg e lot. Gas heal and g s r a g e .'lm m a d la ts possession te r. Own transportation. P refer j Shoe Polish . . . . . . . Near bus an d store*. 5 "ttllnuUs 'lo s tu d e n t's wife. ED 2-4015.. t.f. FOR RENT MSU. $15,650. good term*. Koethe I M ilitary Supplies, R OT.C. R ealty Co. ED »-*066. _ ROOM OR ap artm en t, one or two CIGARETTES ........ ,1c pack mer)i cooking. parking. three EAST LANSING. Contem porary SUBSTITUTE MOTHER — . blocks from post of floe,_130 Fern ranch, n ea rly n*w. I bedroom home w ith t fireplace*. buU t.in kitchen, EVERYTHING FOR SPORTS s ,," t dining area, larg e lot. Five m in­ DVAL AVAILABLE AND CAMPING AT • COMFORTABLE room for eracT- ute« to campus. 62,000 down. • all uate student. Quiet location, p ri­ Mr. Etoerly, ED 2-5616 o r ED 7-1641 vate bath, parkin*. *16 -weekly. office Hlfley, Inc. R ealtors. 's Tareyton FILTER w ith T.L.C.* FOX HOLE PX STORE AT FRANDOR F 'l 2-1354. 965 Ro*ewood, PERSONAL EAST LANSING. P riced to eell before ow ner return* to California, next week. 2 bedroom bungalow close to campus. O w ner w fll fi­ the flavor... DOESIT! W illingness backed by -experience. WANTED: All Freshm en and nance. Call Mr. Eberly, E D 8-6615 IV 9-1017 Sophomore* a t Fro*h-8oph. ' Daze, office Realtor*. ED 7-1641. H lU oy. Inc. - * R e a l-life m other with sense of S aturday, September. 30 a t 1:0O DROP LEAF kitchen table.- 2 p.m. on Land on Field. 2 chairs, |T. Arm chair, $5. Newly WANTED huinor and responsibility^ upholstered green chair, 620. Call CO-EDS, NO to a rid* in th . ED 2-2344. 3 country In- auranee STAMP COLLECTORS w a n t to 925-B Cherry Lane. Ph. 352-8037 | MENS BICYCLE. 614. Single bed. k eep up w ith stam p a? P ro g ra m , *15. Saddle. 850-1-1 tires $3 each. •x ch an g « , bourse. F o r in fo rm a tio n ED 2-4481. 916 L antern Hill. 2 c all TV 2-1166. 5 •tender loving car# - RUMMAGE B A L E . W oman's SERVICE a — I Society. O F F IC E C L E R K w ish in g to do O k e m o s Community b a b y s i tt in g a n d h o u se w o rk for ~ _ t.f. Church. Social hall of church. TY PIN G In m y home. These* a s s is ta n c e on room an d . board. Okemo* Road. Tuesday. October 3, and term papers. E lectric ty p e­ C o n ta c t L eo n ard W. G ordon. X u 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.. W ednesday, w riter. Call Nancy W ei** a t ED 2-1781. 6 October 4,-9:38 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 2---8T7. _________________ Ll_i— Ü BABYSITTER part-tim e, near BUSBQYB needed. Borne w eek­ ¡married housing and campus. - 1 ’a'l | ED 7-980*. _ '-I TROPICAL FISH and plants. TRANSPORTATION ends off. all Tom a t ED 1-5039. 1 Large selection. Spotted Zebras, SPARTAN VILLAGE. Children » PART TIME 'le g a l secretary, j 59c. Gibson’s, 515 W est Miller Kd WANTED: A RID E to th e W is­ w anted fo r 5-day coop nursery. «»owntown law office. Experience i TU 2-1411. 5 consin game, Friday. Phone 355« H ours 8:30-11. S hare tran sp o rta- f-c- uired. Call IV 5-7176 for up- J 8473 and ask for Karin. 2 ’«tion. ED 7-0247. 6 jiujnlm ent: — 3 APPLES.- Enjoy picking your own. 11.75 to $2.50 bushel or buy RECEPTIONIST with bookkeep­ picked. P erfect fruit.. Orchard ing and typing experience fur Hill, 4895 Barton Road, mile west. dow ntow n law office. Call IV 5-7176 North W llilam ston Road between 4 o r appointm ent. 5 Sherwood and H aalett Road* OL 5-1022. 2 University Theater ■ WANTED registered denial n.v- Wlnenlat. Call IV 9-3334. 5 AUDIO. FILES, don't buy biolts, use your money for th is hl-fldellty * SUBSTITUTE m other with 7 1, C. system. Pilot am plifier. Eleo nre- "Willingness hacked by experience. amp. Bogen tu rn tab le. AM-FM Heal like m other with sense of radlo-TV, KMpsch corner. spe«k>T hum or and responsibility. TENDER in custom six root cabinet. Sacrifice. TRYOUTS LOVING CARE. 825B. Cherry Lane. $105. ITT 4-124*. 5 Phone 865-1017. 5 A PARTM ENT else e le c tric stove " BABYSITTER, week-days, Oc- one y e a r old. 6*3. E a sy Bplndryer toher only. Help care tor new baby w ashing machine, $35. One and a ‘and 3 other children. Own tra n s­ half ton a ir conditioner. 890. Sofa portation. ED 7-2652. _ 3 $ 10 . K itchen sink, $5. O ther small item*. C all TU 2-8676. 2 FOR THE MAN over 30 who would Hke to s t a r t his own bue), REFEREN CE b ooks and text ness. M echanically Inclined men book fo r ME 160. Call Vic a t 253- i u establish them selves In spe'cint- 2524 or IV 5-41*3. Ised. high, level eervlc* bus.ties'«. tf **BORN YESTERDAY O p erate fo r -cash. R eq u ires mm,- ENCYCLOPEDIA Compton», p e r­ u'al labor. No re n t. No payroll. Op­ fect condition. Yearbook*, black e r a te from y o u r hom e w ith a sim u la te d le a t h e r 8*0. BD 1-171*. serv ice tru c k (n a tio n a lly fran cM - *e» Orchestra - 7 i0 0 * 1 0 :0 0 p .m . Spon»ored by •6 9 ft M * f# ALL STUDENTS WELCOME AH University, S tudent G overnm ent j EA ST L A N S IN G CH U RCH ES EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES "CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF - ¿ § f CHURCH - : y CHRIST, scientist TRINITY CHURCH EAST LANSING AND STUDENT CENTER lalerd aaaw tn atloaal SM Waat G raad E lv e r a t « t r i l l a n TM E A ST UR AX m i l V E R F.mm* I aa afnp aaa W . G raad R lr e r a t Mlehlpaa National L a th eraa c a n a ri! Dr. W allaca Roberta««. Pautar Cbareb Servire I t A.M. D ivid an and Ann PU «al. E •« Jnarpk A. Portar, Mlnfnter i M k l f Ifb M l I I A.M. Dr. P . M arian Slmme IB blorka X erth a t B a rk e r H all) B n . Rap J . I r l r a a a ■«■dar M w l Iw ( IlI fM llt r " Parlab Paatar* Charle a K lla k a irk Dr. Si. A. M eCaar, a t Celteoe Honor Stadeate liM a.m. CaMpaa W e rk e « Ml«« T a rla d ead Pasto r E iaaritaa JUNK P IL E ^-T be d airy h a m that provided a pleasant arom a for the M tafdta wts R a r. Ja a eph P arter h ep laalap Oetaker Mtk l a k jt r t “ C H R IST AXD H IS CHURCH' Cnmpaa P aat a« Donald W . Mark CAMPUS V E S P E R S " B X R E A L 1T V " ot Shaw is sew a thing of the past. H am ers have it th at the b a n m ay eveaAaafly ■ D K R T I a r ED » 4 M W O RSH IP S E R V IC E S I ' -T i» *.«*. HOI,Y COMMUNION S iS t A U a n SKW P.M. Wed. K v ra ta p X t a t t a i S P J t be replaced by a parking ram p . . W ORLD W ID E COHMITXIOX “T H E O F F E R OF D E V 1X B _ « ita . I M I A U lM __ Worablp Servir« R w d la g R w a F R IE N D S H IP " (X n ra rrp a ra lla k la a t a ll aarateaa) S E R V IC E A Time a t Rededteatloa la MrCaao Chapel IM W. G raad R laav Dr. Carl F. Huffman — ••llolp Cam am a lea O TH ER S E R V IC E S Service* Saad ap Seheal AMR A M i l l M editati«« bp Dr. W allaro Roberto«« Mon. Ihr« ta t . 0 «•«*. * C M i L U T H ER A X STUDENT Cbareb Sekaal Moa.. T a e s., T k a ia . A I H P 140 a.m. San dap Sekaal •■SO a t a . A I t a.m. f ita ».a*. - I p ta . Dairy Leaders To Honor Claim ta r . U a tv eia ttr Stadenta T ria ltp delleptate - Fellowahlp RidS p.m. 'M ASSOCIATION C rib ream thrnaph ktah aeb aal ava, BOO p.m. Cam pea V ropero M r C n a Chapter All ara o r i n a * ta attend C k iit k Services. and était «ad aaa «IM MSU Nutritionist Huffman t i t p.m. W edaeodap E r e a l a s P ra y e r aad B ible Stadp F o r A ll U atreraitp StnAeata R oadiaa Rooa*. ST. JOHN STUDEHT UshsnHy EDGEWOOD EASTMIHSTER KIMBERLY DOWHS M ethodist C harch PARISH PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAH CHURCH GF CHRIST F r. R. K avaaan gh F r . T . M r De« Itt 1 I I S S. H arriaoa Rd. la trrdeaom lnat fonal CHURCH - Wlloon M. Tennant. M ia later 1M 7 K lm brrlp Drive. LanataR » 7 M.A.C. _ dOS Hi H aaadern Road Chnrah Serví roa . 0. 10 A M i l l ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY FORUM S0 p.m. " W ESLEY FOUXDATIOX WORLD W IDE Completa M eaedletlaa Crib ream tbrn J r . Hlpb. Gennpa L Ja r d e a COMMI HON MEDITATION TiSO p.m. _ Sum. 7tS0 p.m. J r . H lpb Fellevrshlp 4iM pm . M lalotrr DIraeter Sr. H lpb Frllow ohlp p.m. •T ra m Sm allest ta Greateet» F o r traaaporiattan ra il F E M I R M ovie everp F rld a p nlpht a t A STUDENTS WELCOME Dane« everp Satnrdap alph t— Sapper S p ta . Fo ram T p.m. W ELCOME ED S-10M ar E D M W C all E l f 2 -0 0 2 « ta r traaapertattoa F a r aR «lapla A marr ied otadeata MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL ALL SAINTS & STUDENT CENTER EPISCOPAL CHURCH 42.1 W . Graed H lver lio.«Ir G. Millar. P astar Saaday Worablp 2 ita A 1 lit a a.m “ OI R C H ILD R E X S E. L. Woldt, In terim P a s to r Sta Abbott Rood—BD 2 -131.1 BIHTHRIGHT» iRler-city Bible Sondar Srhoal ItiS P o.m. líoaald C lrrle — talolot C hapel Telephone E D 2-0778 Ite r. Jo h n F . Porter,- Chaplain llrlrn C lark — Orpaalot C b ire h i Slndy « laooro Moadop A Wod* Snadap W araklp 10A 0. I l i l S a.m. and StlB p.n arodap evealapa at S ita p a n Mlaaonrt A Wloranolo Synod - A tflllated «H k l ’altp Srbool «1 Student« Snpper Propram (« to S p.m.) CbrlatlaaMp. Lee’a Sam m lt, MI» Mari. Provldlnp a Camp«« Mlntatrp fo r M arried aod Staple SU XD A Y S E R V IC E S S ita A.M. H elp Cem m nalea Adler SC I art guar* ST. ANDREWS • ISO a.m. M«rainer P ra y e r e f Holy anteed not to shrink EASTERN out of tit or yoor mon* FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH •y back. Lamb’s wool« ORTHODOX In men’s and women's sizes. In white aad IS 1 1 ita A.M. M oralap P ra ye r or 13» X. P rn aaylvaala other colors. Anal SI Holp Commnnlon. Sermon A D lvlae M tnrpp S ita a ta . at fino stores. I la E «pi tab t K o to r F o r traaaportatloB ra il Georpe Richard S. Barpm N lrk.on 4SP-04:». F o r Troaaportatloa Paa-O rtbodor S Indra t M erli««« alternale Wedneadaya R . S4 Union SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH CENTRAL METHODIST 6REEK ARCHDIOSESE F irst C h ris H n C h s n h WASHINGTON A T MOORES R IV E R D R IV E , LA RSIX O ..CHURCH ORTHODOX CHURCH HOWARD F . SU G D EN , IK D - Paata# DESMOND J . D E L L . Aaoor. Paator S. W aablaptoa a t Elm M ornlap W orship MAO Ota. l.anala« IDlaelplea .of Ubrtot) Ottawa at CapHal Saadap Webooli ta ita A.M. "GOD isr* Divine LHnrpp* IOiSS A.M. l i t a F. «rekm. Inna, rat la a aartaa an the D aak o f Genrala Worship Servire« F a th e r Konfclakla blork S. e f Sporrovr Heap.) B ible Sebaol io ita a ta . Olds A U lt a a.m. ----- Of fie tal In« D. I.. Hooker. Mlolater E v r a la p W orablp 7 AO p ta . Dr. Dwtobt S. Larp e. preaekln* Mader a C reek Laapnape Srhoal T ara, and F ri. 4 - • p.m. •i4 S a.m. Cborrb Seboof H EX W IL L GOD M E E T T H E RATION t» Cbareb Srhoal I »! 4 3 «o 12 noon Sat.. 10 - IS A I - S P-m. MNMS to r frao bao m ivt'w m ornlap Aad evealnp Central Is a Friendly Cbareb Wed. Tita p.m. eIt her rb o lr » ra r. W a.m. Cbareb at Worablp A dalt Yonth Frllovrohtp SAO P.M. tire or rb o lr A . GOV A m em ber. meet w ith Stoma.. Epatloa Fhl. Mia later prenehtap W aft K a a la . Campea I d t p a . Yonth Gronp SC's AVAILABLE IN WHITE AND COLORS AT LANSING CENTRAL FREE Dlaelplea Stadeat FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Fellowship San. evealap METHODBT CHURCH O tta w a a n d C h e a ta a t Attend J .V . KNAPP SHEPARD’S SHOES Some THE TOG SHOP LEN KOSITCHEK’S Church Every Sunday