m m m m I ¡a T O mm mm M mm I T ' Sí M m Bw m — <*> ' . -.Æ fcïÆ fœ . y---.a^láfe'4y¿» -■■¿H r S e n h l l I S C h r a » . S econd CUum P o e ta * » fi P e ffM 5 Cents EnublMhed 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 7 0 Monday Morning» O d d b e r 3 , 1901 P x ldl «« t E M t L a n e ln g , M ich. w * “ He’ll Head State Còn-Con Delegates Johnson Swings Agree On Rusk Meet At Red Bullying 17th Try On Berlin LAS VEGAS (JV-Vice P resi- an d ra n c o r” and have not dent Lyndon B. Johnson told | probed into th e p ast “ in a Republican delegates Monday WASHINGTON TP—P re sid e n t the w orld’s n eu tra ls M onday search fo r scapegoats.“ endorsed "“ Stephen S. N isbet, “ We know th a t th e tim es de­ form er ch airm an of th e State Kennedy flew b ack from a N itt night th e U nited States w on't B oard of Education, a s th eir DEMONSTRATORS fARRYSYRIAN ARMY OFFICER—A Syrian army officer m and im peratively that- our England holiday M onday and be sw erved by th e ir fe ars from country be u n ited,” h e saidi choice for th e p resid en t oi the is carried on the shoulders of demonstrators who marched through the streets of conferred im m ediately w ith its firm stan d ag ain st Com mun­ “ We know th a t unity an d petty, M ichigan State Constitutional Damascus during the revolt by Syria against the United Arab Republic. This fault-finding p a rtis a n s h ip a re Convention. S ecretary of State D ean R usk ism . picture was received by a Cairo newspaper, theJDaily Albram. —AP Wirephoto. on th e Berlin, situation an d oth­ not com patible elem ents with­ Their decision, m ad e a fte r Johnson said in a speech p re ­ e r foreign affairs problem s. • p ared fo r a D em ocratic ra lly in any society, organization or th e 17th ballot, p u t G eorge The White House said no a n ­ nation. ^ R om ney, A m erican M otors Syria Jails UAR th a t th is country is “ not going nouncem ent w as expected on to yield to th e bullying a n d th e president—and fo rm er State th e outcom e of th e conference. blu stering of C om m unism ” in S en ato r E d w ard Hutchinson out I t w as K ennedy’s firs t m eet- B erlin, o th er w orld trouble Greeks Plan of th e running fo r th e coveted post. — _ ing w ith R usk since th e sec re­ spot? o r In th e U nited N ations. Open Smokers - STEPHEN S. N1SBET Ex-Vice P re sid e n tr ta r y ’s New Y ork talk s w ith H e added: ENDORSEM ENT by th e R e­ Soviet F o reig n M inister An­ “ And we a r e not going to publican delegates, who hold a F all-term fratern ity ru sh en­ d rei A. Grom yko. T he U. S. yield to those who h ave been te rs its second night Tuesday 99-45 m ajority, m akes th e vote stam peded by th e bullying an d and Soviet F o reig n A ffairs blustering of Com m unism . when all houses on the w est of Car Stalls Tuesday a m ere form ality. N isbet em erged a s th e com ­ BEIRU T. Lebanon (£1—S y ria's Chiefs h av e been seeking to new governm ent launched a Arab Club Resolution: determ ine if th ere is any com ­ “ W E A R E not going to ac ­ Abbott rd . will for open sm okers. open th eir doors On Tracks; prom ise choice of th e GOP delegates a fte r the fortunes of m ass deportation of E gyptians] mon basis for a four-power con­ cep t th e verd ict of those who Rom ney and Hutchinson had Monday and announced the a rre s t of a S yrian strongm an ference on G erm any and B er­ would eq u ate 'th e m orality of lin. All students other than J irs t- b reaking th e atom ic te s t tru ce te r m fresh m en a re invited to Five Dead who until recently w as P re s i­ d e n t N a sse r's Vice P resident in the United A rab Republic. Revolt Condemned w ith th e m o rality of purely d e­ A fter being brought up to fensive m e a su re s, a fte r th at visit these houses tonight to get date on diplom atic m atters, tru ce is broken. K ennedy arran g e d to review _ INDIANAPOLIS Of) —F i v e inform ation and a first-hand teen-agers rushing hom e from MSU Radio, TV The jailed strongm an is Col The Arab club at its re g u lar stead it w as re ferred to as the the la test defense develop­ esce “ We a re n o t going to acqui­ look a t MSU G reek life............ school died M onday when a in th e novel theory -that , W ednesday evening all houses passenger tra in try in g to m ake To Air Con-Con Abdul H am id S erraj. He quit I m eeting Monday night drew up N orthern Region of the United m ents today w ith his m ilitary his C airo job for som e unan-1 and adopted a five-point reso- A rab Republic. — chiefs. — ^ w e a re somehow ‘breaking the bn cam pus continue open sm ok­ up for a late s ta rt tw isted th eir M khigan State University ’» p eace’ of th e w orld com m unity e rs fo r those wishing to revisit c a r into two h a lls of m etal.' radio and television sen d e es nounced reason and retu rn ed , lution condemning^ “ the reac- In p a r t the resolution re ad s: The White House said the because w e seek to rally good The youngsters died less than a house, o r for those who did wfil a ir th e opening session to D am ascus only 48hours b e - ! tionary m utiny m the N orthern “ The A rab students a t Mich­ P resid en t will co n fer tw ice neighbors ag a in st a n arro g an t not g e t to visit on the first open a m ile from th e classroom s of M k h ig an ’s fifth constitu­ _______ ____________ _ | Region of the United Arab Re- igan State U niversity condem n d uring the day w ith S ecretary they had left nine m inutes earl­ tion drafting convention to- _ bully.. — sm oker date._ (See R elated Story P ag e 3) H , _ ... the. m ove tak en by certain of p efen se R o b ert S. M cNa­ ier. „ ■1 The resolution of which a A rab an d foreign le a d e rs who m a ra and Gen. L ym an L. Lem - “ L et those who follow this Killed in th e crash a t a New day. WMSB-TV and WKAR . will philosophy se a rc h th e ir con­ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ fore th e outbreak T hursday of copy w as sent to G am al Abdul have supported this tem porary nitzer, C h airm an of th e Jo int science to explain th eir ch arg e Y ork C entral crossing in so u th -1 b ro ad cast' Gov. Swaiaooa’s N assar, president of the re ­ reactionary m utiny.” Chiefs of Staff. At th e second e a s te rn ’M arion County w ere: th e arm y revolt th a t broke the Syrian-Egyptian union of 1958 public. apparently is in re ­ sponse to the recen t Syrian re ­ th a t the. policem an who p re ­ T h e resolution contends, conference, scheduled fo r this ven ts a h a s s a u lt Ts equally Weather te R obert A ltm eyer and his sis- j r. L au rel; Stephen P r a tt and address to the delegates, and until the convention president w hich he had helped to pro­ am ong other things, th a t the afternoon, M cN am ara a n d 'g u ilty w ith th e thug. We a re is eleeted. m ote. volt. . . the m utiny’s aim is to L em nitzer will be accom pan­ not going to m ove from our T uesday’s w eather will be his sister, N adine and Lenny Anchor m an for th e c h a n -, ied by“ Gen. U auris N orstad, Taylor. A broadcast communioue— , B ut because . — . the „ A rab e club stop th e m ovem ent of .A ra b Suprem e C om m ander t o Allied course o r a lte r our m oral p u r­ p artly cloudy and cooler e a r­ Norville II. A braham , 61, hel 10 show wHl be WMSB’s ,a id S errai w as a r re rlc d -e t < ( * ? ” 2 unity and socialism .” poses.” ly m orning with near-freez- D irector of Public Affairs w as not mentioned in the tex t E x cep t for a lone dissent F o rc e s j n E urope. - . ing tem p eratu re. Cincinnati, engineer of th e In- j D am ascus hide-out Sunday ] Rob Downey, assisted by Dr. o f th e resolution a s such. lit- ag a in st use of the word ‘con­ At M onday’s session, Ken­ IN OBVIOUS reference to re ­ _ The expected high will be dianapolis-Cincinnati passenger i C harles Adrian of the political night. He w as accused of e a r n ­ cen t R epublican criticism s of n e a r 60. train , said -th e c a r stopped on ing out sabotage and subver­ dem n,’ about 25 A rab students, nedy and R usk w ere-expected ___ th e trac k a t the ru ra l crossing science departm ent. including those from S yria and to review the conversations P resid en t K ennedy’s handling News D irector Jack-H ogan sion ag ainst P rem ier M am oun L ast night’s expected low Twhen his New York- C entral ] E gypt, voted unanim ously for th u s fa r with G rom yko and to j of international affairs, John- j w as 30. K u rb ari’s fledgling. revolution­ ary governm ent. ~ U. S. S ays the adoption of th e resolution. m ap strateg y for fu tu re discus­ son said D em ocrats h ave tried | sions. 'ta Cadre P p 33Q □ 3 3 0 (3 3 S 2 3 0 3 □ 0 0 0 3 □□□□□ Q 33 33QBPO ZXSOZUSa 3 3 3 3 Long' lis t of Events £ Grand - □ m 3 aanna No Visible Solution parental ». jphiri 1». Crippled 11 Tranquility S3. Oraamastal MB riB H N M l □ 0 2 a a n a a S Q O m □□nna C30K3 This year promioeo to bo an activity book for each event. •yU In M f ana at Michigan State. The coupons can be exchanged addition to fife thrills offer­ for tickets at the Uptea. The fault of “LTDolct Vita” exciting film Into a roaring in­ 11 »tara i an« 3$. Jana I□ 0 3 3 o a a 3 0 0 3 ed by tba Spartan world af The Foreign Film series ferno. — —> 333Q DB3 0 0 3 3 is that it gives no visible solu­ I), Indefinite 233U sports, 3 3 3 U B 3 3 features that win there are many other eaeaed September 8 with tion to the problem it presents. Fiilad with tight drama, “The S I Note of offer a goad ’lifan in theRatecoat” starring Young Doctors1'"opened at the HI SiloMoa ri Yaoterday’a Pretto time for |H. Feraandd. Future program­ Suicide seems only an escape IS. Foreign the ernia Michigan theater lari Friday. " o tte r abbr. 00. The act of Priced within the range of the ming Includes “The Crudble,” device rather than a core. The Set in a county hospital, the 1». Apply christening SOWS t. r r . article student pocketbook, the Lec­ “The Last Ten Days” and “The movie simply runs the gamut film concerned itself with the J r ic tlo n 0 1 At hems _ 1 High S. Gesture e l ture-Concert series, Foreign Rad Shorn,“ winner of three 21. F o rtitu d e 43. Arbere mountain and then leaves you stranded efforts of pathologists to af 23rin favor of 43. Send Ilea 2 Plunder Film series, World Travel ser­ academy awards. scttvetv coo (actively combat 11. The ies and the University Theatre Season tickets may ha ob­ in a very .helpless, disturbing 33. South-weat <7. Daughter e l 3. Norwegian dteddtng la oraar to allow far the prop* wind oMfls&tfar S. d ramati ft will combine to provide a va­ tained position. 4*. Martire 4 n osfftirad of leaves » for these movies for Beginning with a statue of er amount of drama, there ire is 21 Scotch J Aerea* H Pleat cutter riety of features that would! three dollars. rim • in e r t also a conflict between two 30. Ovan • 43. Very: Fr. 4. Phir price bird otherwise be beyond the reach Jesus being flown over the city men. A young pathologist en­ 80. Make trim T Book of 14. Kipped of the average student. A package deal' is being of­ of Rome and ending with the 27 B f situated 17. Wroth ters the realm of an elder man 31 fo u rth nr neat: Scot. the Bible The Lecture-Concert series, fered by the University The­ devil emerging from the depths SS. Grayiah tea and begins to attempt changes color an old student favorite, will pre­ atre. Season tickets for 16 of the sea, “La Dolce Vita” trices you on a sometimes bril­ liant, sometimes nauseating which infuriate bis superior. mmmm a mmm 22. Placet o n - . sent n star-studded array of shows are being offered for international favorites Including five dollars. THE YOUNGER man is >4. Thing: law Van CHbura, pianist, Isaac journey of the degradation of a played by Ben Gazzara, who S I Hebrew Two of the plays are “Dr. man’s life. portrays the part of a serious §i f dry measure Stern, violinist, and the Boston Faustus” and “A Streetcar « .E n g . Pops Orchestra. Named Desire.“ “Brigadoon.” Î -;V.■i. • As you watch helplessly, Marcello, a young newspaper­ young doctor who is concerned both with the inadequacies of ■■ essayist SO. Thickets of The only cost for these events tiie award winner, is tbs mu­ man, ia tempted through some the lab in which be is to work and the problems of falling in ■■ small trees 31. Canadian is one coupon from a student sical to be presented. ten or twelve, at first, seem­ ingly, unconnected episodes. love. ■■ province:, , abbr. WE'VE GOT EACH OTHER-These ? o r i seals nay sot The end of each episode finds The object of the young doc­ even have been lucky enoagh to get a three-maa room him being drawn closer and tor’s love is, quite logically, a S3. Mandates M . Unit of ATTENTION ~ this term. So all those ia three-man rooms may not have closer to the amoral life which student nurse at the same hos­ force is so prevelant in today’s or­ pital. This part is played by a 30. Exaggerat­ it so bad after all. * - ed comedy ganized society. lovely newcomer to stardom, Ina Balm. ST. Pallid Men and Women Undergraduates In Dorm Room THE TRAGIC, almost pathe­ tic twist is that only one man The high quality of the act­ 40. Beverage 41. Jap. outer garment in the story is morally pure . . . ing is quite notably added to by 44. Humor AUDITIONS FOR SPARTAN B E LL RINGERS Third Wheel yet he is the one who considers himself evil. In this person the author gives probably the most important clue to the message the efforbf of Fredric March as he portrays the rider doctor and head man in the pathology lab. As the film progresses, an 40. Ruler of the universa (MSU’s well known handbell ensem ble) Unnecessary^ the “Sweet Life” has to offer. This happens when he speaks of people in organized society as being detached from the world There is a boredom other young doctor,, played by Dick Clark, enters the scone. While he is interning at the hospital, he is also concerned A r e G ir ls P le d g in g F r a te r n itie s C NOW BEING H ELD „ room m ates take th e ir tennis created which separates people about the fact that his wife is By LINDA LOTRIDGE pregnant and there is an RH — A ssistant F eatu re E ditor shoes and sw eat socks H it in from the beauties of the real blood factor in conflict. Frem th e Minneapolis When she enrolled as a fresh­ call TV 9-0663 fo r appointm ent Of The S tate News the evening. . world, the simple beauties of Morning Tribune m an . she got an invitation to a T hree little girls all in a We've tried opening our win­ nature. COMPLICATIONS arise as Until she was graduated from rushing sm oker a t Alpha Kap- j _ room, filled with m ise ry and dows but the room gets so cold Filmwise, “La Dolce Vita” is March refuses to add a new high school, Helle Soocr, 19, p a P si, a business fratern ity at full of gloom. we have to go to bed f i i d hide a brilliant work of art. Through kind of blood test to the process h ad n ev er received m ail im ­ ) th e university. These unhappy coeds have under the blankets to keep J the use_of unusual and he has been using for yean. p lying she w as a boy. discovered th a t t h e y ' m ust w arm . But 8 p.m . is too early) ca m e ra techniques, the rec- Time shows that Jne new pro­ AH th ese y e a rs th ere have H elle w ent to the fratern ity share two desks, dressers and to sack out. I tor, F ederico Fellini, h as cre a t- cess was required and the baby been no subscriptions to th e , Tuesday night, found the front ^closets for three. F or awhile I thought this j ed an atm osphere of desolation is nearly lost. Open R oad for Roys, no C har­ I steps covered with lounging It w as Sunday afternoon and three-girt room w asn’t so bad which contributes greatly to The older doctor is not {»ov­ les Atlas inform ation on m us­ : m em bers and announced she as I clim bed the two flights of until the m orning our third | the feeling of helplessness you en. a complete idiot, however, cles o r no Boy .Scout publica­ w as th ere because she had stairs to m y new room, I had roofnm ate’s trunk arrived from] experience upon leaving the when he correctly guesses tions in H elle’s m ail box. been invited as a ru sh e e. pleasant visions of_ having a New York. I th eater. «• whether an amputation is nec­ B ut a fte r graduation last i “ They laughed and said they' - big, room y closet and a desk - - I T ’S AMAZING how m any The potentially obscene por- essary in the case of the young­ spring, th e p retty , little blonde thought I w as a 'b o y and then of my own. And possibly, the clothes you can stash aw ay in!! tions tions. he has handled with spe er doctor’s sweetheart. got a le tte r from St. Olaf Col-, they showed m e around the lower bifnk. one-quarter of a closet. c iri care. E ach plays well, The end of the movie comes lege in N orthfield, Minn, telling house.” Helle said. “ We h ad However, as I neared my do­ Again life was rolling, along packing th e irin te n d e d whollop, with the exit of the older doc­ h er about the school. One sell­ Sloppy Joe ham b u rg ers and po­ m ain, voices floated out into quite smoothly. However, one | while a t t h e sam e tim e not of- to r as he realizes that a new ing point w as th e ROTC pro­ tato chips. I t w as fun and I the hall. — of my room m ates turned out j fending as m any such scenes and younger*man who is up to g ram “ for young m en like found out fratern ity m en Sre “ Good, now I’ll ^ t a k e ' this to bo a pbys. ed. m ajor to d j do. d ate with the more modern y o u /’ ju st like anyone else.” closet and you can Tfiave that she hauled out her field hockey! practices is what is required THEN HEIJdK got a brochure one. And th a t’s my dresser, too. F E L L IN I'S direction, coupled * m ore than an rider man who about fratern ities from the Uni­ HELLE WAS born in E stonia stick for a practice session T hat one by the door is y ours.” with an im aginative plot and has fallen behind in modem v ersity of M innesota dean of and cam e to th e United States W hat’s a bum p on the -head) a very talented c a s t, ignites an Ip ra c tic e s. Oh, dh, m y other two room ­ or a black eye when you can student’s office. Then she got i with h e r p aren ts in 1949. H er m ates have arrived. Im possi watch a field hockey gam e on a le tte r from ROTC a t th e uni­ n am e causes no m ale-fem ale ble! They w eren’t supposed to Saturday m orning a t 7 a .m .)? v ersity . { mix-ups in E stonia. reg ister until W ednesday! It And free. too. w as all a p a rt of a plot and 1 T here’s a bright side to com ­ was the victim of circum stan­ m unal living. You have lot& of ces. S P E C IA L -O F F E R . . . com pany. It’s never lonesome GOOD G R IE F. I was a SEN­ —or quiet. IO R ia m om ent’s silence, I discovered one solution to) please 1 and these, peons w ere -this vexing problem . By put-i F b rZ H e a d e d new handy class assignment book only juniors. But the odds w ere ting a -p illo w on the floor of two to one. C’est la vie. the old phone booths ta result! Fits ant focxet or pocketbook! L a iu for a Whole year! For So in I m arched, head high i of private phones in room s this | paignmenta "by claw and date, three daya to a page, with and hopes scraping the bottom. y e a r), 1 can do a lot of study­ They gave m e a trium phant ing. P ip e C o lle c to rs complete schedule form on back cover. Stiff cover» in red, grin and grudgingly conceded i, I t’s a little uncom fortable; blue,' yellow and green. Ail TnmBler*-i»ound R H H R jM pi Gwnuinw im p ortaci h a n d -c a r v e d half a closet, a shelf oif the sleeping in there but soon your by National Blank Book Company. desk and-TWO draw ers. I was ; ettw rryw ood p ip a ... - back gets used to it. Now my also the lucky recipient of the j i friends will understand why I tha» rwaihr s m o tta s i top bunk. And. m e - the short-j walk around cam pus in a est of the three. Thà unMpre tw o - h r e M pipa ia a 3 SIZES folded over-position. “ L et’s see.”. I thought “ Ij n e i conversatioa pir e . . . » m ust I have one consoling thought could tran sfer schools or g e t 1—I g ra d u ate' in Ju n e and won’t Ire your coUactkm! H u d - a r v « d m arried . Both ridiculously im ­ be back to enjoy com m unal ré thè I t t b n Alpe and finiahod Pocket ..... 15 possible.”- living in a four-girl room next la gay colare. Stand* «Iona on I could find no possible so-1i year. .v ^ Note B o o k ............................... 49 ..¿ution to b etter my status in ita o r e tiny lega. Ideai far life so I resigned "myself to your daek, m ontai, re bookdbi Special ...... 1.25 com m unal living in its m ost, ...m ig b ty good «rerirm g. to r i prim itive form . Thie ia a wcndarful vaine! The next m orning however.! Send far your two-haaded - 1 becam e disgusted again. It! w asn ’t too bad having to clim b j pipa today! onto the top bunk in the dark) ©r-even having to ju m p rp sh- ingly onto the cold flO orin the m iddle of the night to go down to the rc y \ ____ the hall. i THE REAL PAIN cam e w h e n ! • I 1 tried to m ake my bed. As ever, I was try in g to be neat and im press my room m ates. Being only a speck over five State News feet tall, I had som e trouble, reaching up to straighten the covers and sm ooth out the Classifieds a NATIONAL wrinkles. I quickly conjured BRIEF BAG Fri up the idea of m aking the bed "while" still in it. For Help In THE COMMUTER typewriter pad i Vi l i t , 100 Avait This is truly an a r t which Junto* Crier Merftrired Ualhar should be learned by all top- ' Selling .Your "Flip" Flap «nth Lack tuum io« bunkers. By pushing yourself up to th e head of the bed and stretching out, you can smooth Unwanteds down the covers, tucking them in on both sides. Slide carefully out the top or ‘4.49 ft up high grade 50c three standard $ 1 .0 0 and roll onto the floor. A few practice sessions and this Buying Your proves to be an excellent bed making method. Wanteds OTHER INCONVENIENCES have crept into my futile life. For instance, how do two peo­ 1 day-15 words Under these headings; Lots of used Textbooks ple study at the same desk ama AUTOMOTIVE • REAL ESTATE why does one roommate al­ ways want to '‘flake out” only 85c EMPLOYMENT • LOST AND (that’s going to bed) at 9 a.m. on the night before my big term paper is due? 5 days—1 5 words—$ 2 .5 0 FOR RENT FOR SALE FOUND * PERSONAL Spartan Book Store Or better yet, how do you rid HOUSING FOR * SERVICE a small, poorly-ventilated room Call 355-8255 or §6 W* CORNER MAC ft ANN ~ of. dirty feet smell? That’s the RENT • RANTED ockr which arises when three I «»•1 »if W7‘ m&mm Sgi i * «■- , > Tuesday M orning, O ctober 3 , 1961 B ..Air B e r lin UAR Severs Relations ". - M p iiH Group’‘Red’ (continued from page I) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. people oof the United Arab Re- —Turkey expressed regret and public.” STOCKHOLM, Sweden (It- by the Control Council which surprise Monday that the Cairo announced Dag Haaunarskjold left his said ia part: United Arab Republic is sever­ summer home on the windswept “Flights evar these routes ing diplomatic relations with President Msssnr WASHINGTON Iff ^ T h e preme Court decision of last moorlands of south Sweden to (corridors) will he conducted Ankara following Turkish rec­ ing relations with both and Turkey, the first to House Committee on Un-Amer­ June 5. the «ecM. /% 'V without previous notice bring ognition of Syria's new break­ nize the provisional Dan ican Activities Monday de­ The Internal Security Act, The one-story farm housej given by aircraft of tha nattons away government. nounced as Communist-con­ which the court upheld, would regime following Syria’s with­ near the small town of Simri governing Germany." “We find it difficult to under* drawal from fits U A R . trolled a group formed to pro­ force .the Communist Party to shamn on the shore of the Bal­ stand how this dear position test a Supreme Court ruling register as such, andto mark tic was bequeathed to the Swed­ TODAY’S SOVIET article did of the Turkish government that upheld the Internal Secur­ its mail and publications as ish Tourist Ass’n. cm the condi- not mention this, hut said a was based on the attitude of FREE LMT’~ ity Act—but it got no help from coming from a Communist or­ tton ft ha made available tor report on the Control Council all concerned, ceuld he misin­ OP OVER its main witness. ganization. conferences suggested by the toJks includes this statement: terpreted as' though it were 40 ORGANIZED The witness, Joseph Brandt The Assembly held a two- United Nations or others In foie “The representative of the against anyone,” declared MUSICAL GROUPS of (229 West 105th St.) New day rally in New York Sept. UN spirit. U.S.S.R. has declared that the Turkish Foreign Minister Seiim 1 to 20 pieces York, invoked the fifth amend­ 23-24 at St. Nicholas Arena to ment 60 times in refusing to an­ drum up support for reversing This was disclosed Monday air directorate can only ask Sarper. write w phsns , swer committee questioning. the Suprême Court decision. when Rammarakjold’s attorney the coordinating committee for “Despite the fact that diplo­ C. V. “Bad” Teetey, Secy. Brandt several times called Brandt refused at the outset made public part of the toft approval of the air lanes Berlin- matic relations may be mo­ Lansing Federama et the questions “tricky and load­ to say what his occupation is. will of the UN Secretary Gen Hamburg, Beriin-Bueckeburg mentarily broken,” Sarper told Musicians ed" and accused .the commit­ In -invoking the fifth amend­ eral, killed in a plane crash and Berlin-Frankfurt-on-Main, the UN General Assembly, 527 S. Washington, L— teg tee of “trying to place me in ment he pleaded possible self while on a Congo peace mis- which are necessary to satisfy “toe Turkish people will al­ IV 2-5314 rion. - the needs of the occupation the position of smearing indi­ incrimination. forces.” ways continue to maintain (CUp tMs Ad for Mure use) viduals, and this I will take no COMMITTEE Counsel F ra n k HAMMARSKJÖLD also pro­ The article claims the West­ most sincere feelings of friend­ “LIVE MUSIC IS BEST” part in." T avenner produced subpoenaed vided-that the six-room house ern Powers did not object to ship and good will toward the leases, signed by J o s e p h be opened two months every this statement. THE COMMITTEE opened B randt, for re n ta l of St. Nich­ an investigation, which con­ olas A rena and an office for the summer to members of the “On the'contrary, GemtBry tinues today, into the National | assem bly a t fU E a s t 28th St., A s s e m b l y for Democratic I New York. B ran d t refused to Swedish Royal Academy who an) Robertson (England) and want to vacation there, a mem-, Gen. (Lucius D.) Clay (U.SA.) CORAL S AB LES ’ Bights. The group was formed 1 identify the- signatures o r say her of the academy; he left at the session of the Coordinat­ $10,600 to the tourist associa­ ing Committee on Nov. 27,1945. ILFORNO to rally protest against the Su- who paid the re n t. Rep. Gordon S cherer, R-Ohio, tion for the property's upkeep. gave as motive tor creation of asked h im if th e Com m unist Hammarskjöld bought the the air corridors the same rea­ old farm several years ago son,I.e., the necessity to sat­ Man, Wife P a rty put u p the m oney. B randt declined to ahsw er. and planned to- settle there isfy the needs of their garri­ The Name that Made Pizza Famous in Lansing T avenner produced an a rti­ •fter he retired from the UN sons in West Berlin.” ~ Flee Reds _ cle from the Com m unist new s­ pap er The W orker, by E liza­ Secretariat. The moorlands The publication also toiled around the property are part to mention a Soviet report pre­ NOW OPEN A T 11.0 0 A M . BURG, ISLAND O F FEH- beth G urley F lynn, which said of a national park and no new pared in 1947 which stated: Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons - Dinners MARN, G erm any IB—A young th a t Joe B randt w as in ch arg e buildings may be built on them. “A DECISION as taken after Also Catering to ■ E a s t G erm an refugee couple of the P a rty ’s cam paign to Hammarskjöld, a vice presi­ quadripartite agreement had Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings who f l e d th eir Com munist nullify the Suprem e Court de­ Harry Mclntoch «1 Lansing Suburban Bos Lines Is w e if dent of the tourist association, been reached to allot three air co u n try in a tiny open boat was cision. The w itness refused to also left in part of his extensive corridors: Berlin - Hamburg, Visit O u r Rathskeller tak en aboard a W est G erm an say w hether the article w as the drivers whs is making the campus bos ran this library. The bigger part of the Berlin - Bueckeburg, Berlin - month. T ie servfce initiated this year Is a great help to Open 5 p.m. Daily tra w le r n e a r this B altic Sea is­ true. library and his personal pa­ Frankfort-on-main tor unre­ land. rig h t under the eyes of a “ WHAT’S GOOD enough for those persons living fas Spartan Village and Casa hall. pers will go to the Swedish stricted flights by allied air­ • *Phona-ED 2-711311 _ \ „ - Soviet d estroyer crew . h er (Elizabeth Gurley Flynn) Those who have grown weary trudging across campus Royal - Library—one of „the craft over the Soviet Zone of Complete Take-OuUService W est G erm an police said is good enough for m e,” r e ­ every hoar or residents of Brody can take the has and See DAG’S WILL Page t leave the driving to Lansing Snrbnrban. Cost is It cents occupation in Germany . . . ” M onday a 21-year-old locksm ith m arked a com m ittee m em ber. an d his 19-year-old fiancee “ She’ll be glad to h e a r th a t,” and tea minute service is average. —State News sailed last Friday^in th eir boat B ran d t’s law yer, Joseph F o rer, by Frank IJsciaadre. from th e E a s t G erm an port of said jokingly. W arnem uende. The b oat’s en­ C hairm an F ran c is E . W alter gine w e n t dead during the first n ight and the com pass broke opened the session w ith a state­ m ent th a t said “ The N ational Night Staff B r a z il O f f e r s down, leaving the couple adrift. A s s e m b l y for D em ocratic They w ere righted Sunday by R ights and The Citizens Com­ Night staff: assistant news S c h o l a r s h i p s th e traw le r, and w ere picked m ittee for Constitutional L iber­ editor, Mary Basing; wire edit­ DAR ES SALAAM, Tangan­ u p quickly, with a Soviet de­ ties a re nothing but Commun­ or, Glen Roberts; copy editors, yika iff)—Brasil has offered an stro y er anchored only "400 ist front operations." unlimited number of scholar­ y ard s aw ay, police said. They WALTER, WHO did not stay Keun Youn, Jackie Korona and ships to Portuguese-speaking w ere tu rn ed over to West Ger- for thé entire session, said the ! Dennis Gosselin; photo editor, Africans from Mozambique to ban authorities and asked fo r P a rty 's two maim w eapons"are study in Brazilian colleges and political asylum . See CONCEALMENT Page 7 ' Eric FTlson. universities, officials saw. Is Fraternity Life for You? th e I n t e r f r a t e r n it y C o u n c il o f M ic h ig a n S ta te U n iv e r s it y and th e M en o f I .F .C . b e lie v e th a t f r a te r n ity lif e can b e - w hat y o u ’r e lo o k in g fo r d u r in g your c o lle g e career. _ H ere is your ch an ce to f in d ou t if fr a te r n itie s 'o ffe r you w hat w e b e lie v e th e y do. T O N I G H T 7 to 1 0 p m O P E N R U S H ( e x c lu d in g f ir s t te r m fr e sh m e n ) fo r a ll h o u s e s o n o r W e st o f A b b o tt r o a d : in c lu d in g .... ALPHA GAMMA R H O r.__. ........ ..1 ___ .„ 3 0 8 A bbott ALPHA SIGMA P H I.................. .4 2 0 Evergreen Rain Coats, special..... _______________—--$9 EARLY BIRO SPECIALS ALPHA TAU O M E G A .. ........... ...4 5 1 Evergreen Special Group, Early Fall Dresses — ------------------------- --------- ......... $3 P H I DELTA T H E T A ........ .6 2 6 Cowley Coats and S u its _______________50% OFF Blouses ----- -------- - ■ __ __ -— AI PH I KAPPA PSI - . 1 . . . . ........... — 5 2 2 Abbott Blouses, sp ecial ----- $2.29-53.29 Skirts ...._________ .._____..„ -$ i Shirts, $2.5 rather in p rogress fo r “ som e y e a rs ." J im A rbury. an odd place for Mr. Sigafoos to live, being such a long distano* A R C H IE S A Y S : My cousin Archie—hs thought th# electric razor hit gal govt Mm last Christinas was o.k. Than ho tried Old Spice Pro-Cleetrie, the before «hove lotion. Now the guy won't «top talking, ho think« «Metric «having b to great. from the Marlboro home office in New York City. But R should be printed out that Mr. Sigafoo« is not required to be a t work until 10 A.M. But I digress. This column, I say, will take up questions of burning interest to the academic werid—like “Should French conversation classes be conducted in English?” and "Should students be allowed to attend first hour classes in pajamas and / M O M SAYS PraSectric improve* electric shaving oven more robes?” and “Can a student of 18 find happiness with an eco­ than tot t er l i p rove* Mode shaving. AHCHII SAYS Pro-Cedric Frankly, there ?s no practical substitute nomics professor of 90?” Ml« op your board by drying penpirotlon and wblttor 08« so for the wheel today. But at Ford Motor -Because many of you are new to college, especially freshmen, yea sbavo blodo dose without iiihatlon. A6CHI0 SAYS Pro- Company, our scientists and engineers perhaps it would be well in this opening column to start with fMctrir gives you the cMsed, deanest, faded shave. refuse to flive “no” for an answer. They campus fundamentals. What, for example, does “Alma Mater1? aro-tackling, among others, the problem mean? Well, sir, “Alma Mater” is Latin for “send money”. V Archie ever daps fatting' **9 Nm I us« OM Spic* fro- of wheolless vehiclesTor tomorrow. — What does “Dean” mean? Well, sir, “Dean” is Latin for Is "tomorrow” really far off? Not according T'don’t get caught”. to the men a t Ford. Already they've devel­ What doee “dormitory” mean? Well, sir, “dormitory’! * oped th e Lovacar as one possibility. It Latin for “bed of pain”. _ . • —. replaces the wheel "with levapads, p e r ­ Next, let us discuss student-teacher relationships. In college forated discs which emit powerful air jets the keynote erf the relationship between student and teacher is to support the vehicles Air suspension--if informality. When you meet a teacher on campus, you need you will—d t a q advanced degree. Imagine not salute. Simply tug youf forelock. If you are bald and have traveling swiftly, safely at up to 500 mph, do forelock, a low curtsey will suffice. In no circumstance« riding on a tissue-thin film of air. Guided should you polish a teacher’s car or sponge and press his »uit. unerringly by a system of rails. Propelled I t is, however, permissible to worm his dog. by powerful tu rb o p rp p s. This is th e With the President of the University, of course, your relation­ Levacar. ship will be a bit more formal. When you encounter the Presi­ Meanwhile w e> e still got the wheel. And dent, fling youreelf prone on the sidewalk and sing loudly; the job of building better cars for today. “Proxy m tvite So we hope you won't mind riding on P ^ r x y u tru e wheels just a little longer while we con­ Prriy hot rye« centrate on both tasks. O f Lake Louite blue.” % As you can a n , the President of tbs University is called “ Proxy” . Similarly, Deans are called *Dixie”. Professors are called "Proxie”. Housemother» are called “Hoxie Moxie”. Students are called “Amoebae”. - « 1M1SI ffc V TbonV • JO sue hot MOTOR COMPANY Arabie get* the 1.00 bottle. The American Roe#, Dearborn, Michigan. Thit uncentored, fret-wheeling column will be brought to (Heahrajn« «n« «spoeti. ' you throughout the tchool year by I As m otori of Marlboro PRODUCTS POR THC A M tR lC A K ROAD • THC PAPM • IND U STRY• AMO THE AGE OP GRACE and Marlboro’I partner in plaaoura, tha now, unMUered, S H U UTO M klng-tixt Philip Morrlt Commander, ft undlterad ejy iriilM . art your choice, try a Commander. Yom'U be welcome aboard. -S': ÉÉÏ ì ì ì m M / Tncdbqf Morning, October 3 , 1961 Michigan State New», E u t Lansing, Michigan pop-on stadium cape plus pants perfectly BIGGEST RADIO TELESCOPE DISII—Looking'like ants in a saucer, workmen put the finishing touches on A m erica’s larg est radio telescope “ dish” on the matched ! Stanford University cam pus. Riggers are scheduled next week to lift the 70-ton. 150-foot steel aluminum antenna onto its mount. The antenna was designed and When the spirit built by Stanford R esearch Institute scientists w^th support from the Air Force. of togetherness MSU, will clash with Stanford’s football team this S aturday at the first home gam e. —ÁP Wirephoto. ¡L’ hits yon—throw on s top, wiggle into something _ S u n lig h t A lle r g y C u red lean and lengthy. . . „ then go! Our plaid separates (also solid colors) match your mood. OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEK DAYS FRI. ft SAT 1 A.M. M'Dúnalds W h a t b e tte r w a y to b u y th a n a L in d a L ee C h a rg e A c c o u n t. . . McDonald’s . . . the drive-is with the arches ONE BLOCK EAST O F CAMPUS 417 E . G ra n d R iv e r E a s t L an sin g EAST LANSING For Convenience a n d | ■ » , Q uicker R eferen ce! Because it ia continuously revised antTedited ( 3 7 copyrights in 14 y ears), THE AMERICAN COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY Is the m ost up-to-date dictionary in the world. I t provides over 1 3 2 ,0 0 0 entries—6y scientific frequency count those words the college student is m ost likely to encounter. F o r convenience and quicker reference the ACD lists M entries, general vocabulary, biographical, and geographical-in one alphabetical sequence. Copyright 1 9 6 1 . Choice o f fine bindings from $ 5 .0 0 . The m ost authoritative desk dictionary ever published is required o r recom m ended in high schools and colleges throughout the United States. Approved and recom m ended fo r use at M ichigan State University MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 223-225 ANN STREET EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 427 EAST GRAND RIVER AVE, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 128 W. GRAND RIVER AVENUE 131 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday Morning, October 3, 1961 « ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ •;* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sports in Li i Top P o ll I t will be an o th er m onth y et am bushed by M ichigan 29-6. derb ilt this week. Fifth-ranked N otre D am e convinced every­ ■ ■ ■ ■ i K a i a i i > a i | i « ■ • jim rooks before Iowa an d M ississippi j Coupled with P en n S tate’s 1S yracuse sew ed 29-14 ev e r one it w asn ’t kidding with its realize th eir m om ent of tru th ! F rid ay night loss, th e nation’s W est V irginia, which h asn ’t 106 beating of Oklahom a and H e r e i t is— th e f i r s t S ta te N e w s H u n te r 's C a le n d a r f o r in college football, unless . . . J top ten te a m s a re in p ra th e r woo a gam e in 16 s ta rts , and Navy m ay not be as dead as Unless th e roof falls in on bedraggled condition. will have a little m o re com pe­ m any think afte r beating Wil­ U n iv e r s ity s t u d e n ts a n d fa c u lty . I t is o u r h o p e t h a t IBcW * th em a x ft did to Ohio State, j However. S aturday is anoth­ tition th is week from M ary­ lia m and M ary 446. 1R an S ta t e s p o rts m e n w ill com e to d ep e n d on fid s in fo rm a ­ Rice, P en n State and UCLA, to e r g am e and Ohio S tate gets a la n d .’ , j K ansas, tabbed a power be­ tio n f o r e x tr a c u r ric u la r tr ip e to th e fie ld , ta k i n g w ith n am e four, la s t weekend. th e m th is g u id e o r r w h a t th e y m a y h u n t, w h e re a n d w h en , chsunce to catch the UCLAns j TEXAS continued g o i n g fore th e season, still h asn ’t won Tito two powerhouses, r a n k e d ! Still down- Penn S tate tak es o n ; strong, walloping T exas Tech in two starts, afte r b eing Wy­ a n d leg ally . 1-2 nationally in th e Associated j Boston U niversity, a 31-71oser 42-14 an d m eets W ashington oming, th e Skyline’s top-dog, M ic h ig a n ’s h u n tin g sc e n e is d ivided in to th r e e Zone*. P re s s ’ poll, m ay m ake it un­ to A rm y la s t S aturday, on F ri- State on S atu rd ay . M ichigan 6-6. B aylor will have som e­ scathed until Nov. 4, when both j day night. Rice is idle. Z one 1— U p p e r P e n in su la , Z one 2 — N o r th e rn L o w er, Z one S tate (No. 10), atop th e Big thing to say in the upcom ing face th eir toughest opponents j Ten afte r beating ^Wisconsin Southwest Conference ra ce aft­ 3— S o u th e rn L ow er. / ^ of th e y ear, Onto S tate and i Some of th e big boys m ade) 20-0, will find out if Stanford is e r winning its second in a row, In f o rm a tio n w ill deal m a in ly w ith c e rta in c o u n tie s in L ouisiana State, respectively. out* b etter. A labam a, which for real. The Indians, a fte r an 16-13 from P itt. — now contends with Ole Miss Z o n e 3. C o u n tie s t h a t s u rro u n d th e I^an sin g a r t » a r e TH E HAW KEYES/who m a d e : all-losing season in 1900, won And Virginia had its one- and G eorgia Tech for south­ In g h a m , C lin to n , L iv in g s to n , S h ia w a ss e , a n d E a to ft. I t is coach J e rry B urns d e b u t la s t i eastern conference h o n o r s , th eir second last Saturday, up­ gam e winning streak snapped t h i s a r e a w h e re m o s t o f u s w ill c o n c e n tr a te o u r g u n n in g S aturday a success b y beating j b eat Tulane 9-0 and plays Van­ ending Oregon S tate 34-0. —but how—42-0 by Duke. C alifornia 28-7, play Southern) t h i s fa ll. Z ones 2 a n d 3 w ill n o t be ig n o re d h o w e v e r. W h e n ­ California th is weekend. e v e r sp a c e p e r m its e n trie s on u p - s ta te h u n tin g in th e s e M ississippi, with tw o straig h t j tw o re m a in in g zones w ill b e g iv en ., victories, an d 17 gam es in a n j unbeaten string, tak es on Flor- I H A V E p u rp o se ly m e n tio n e d th e ab o v e c o u n tie s a s ida S ta t e .. Ole Miss h ad to ) m a in p o in ts o f h u n tin g i n t e r e s t to th e s tu d e n t. L a n s in g is work for a 20-7 victory over! U N I V E R S I T Y T H E A T R E lo c a te d c e n tra lly in one o f th e b e s t h u n tin g a r e a s o f HITTER AND CATCHElW-Rager Maris sad Sal Denude, Kentucky last S aturday night. t M ich ig an . T h e ' ric h m uck b o tto m la n d s t h a t s u r r o u n d us 19, held Reger's «1st kerne nm ball la the runway at In betw een Southern Cal an d j y ield a tre m e n d o u s a m o u n t o f g a m e annually,. M ore th a n Yankee Stadium after Durante caught the ball in the right Ohio S tate, Iowa faces Big Ten presents i t s - _■ field stands in the tenth inning. foes - Indiana, W isconsin and a d e q u a te food a n d co v er a r e on h a n d t o s u b s ta in t h e i r P u rd u e while Ole Miss m ust 1961-62 Season \ _ e x is te n c e . ' — • f1 - tack le Houston, T ulane a n d P h rm s a r e p le n tifu l, b u t on ly if you a s k th e f a r m e r f ir s t. V anderbilt before playing LSU. | W e a r e ,b ounded on all f o u r p o in ts o f t h e c o m p a ss b y h u n d re d s o f a c re s , o f s t a t e la n d op en to h u n tin g . L a n d Reds In New York; Ohio S tate, though h ad its thoughts of a p erfect season ! w h ich is closed to h u n te r s will b e c le a rly p o s te d a s su c h . C losed s t a te lan d s in clu d es s a n c tu a rie s , re s e a rc h la n d s, Prepare for Series jolted by upset-m ake- Texas C hristian, which held th e fav­ ored Buckeyes to a 7-7 tie. L ast I f ) EVENTS FOR S 5 - a n d p re s e rv e s , a n d th e s ig n s m ean w h a t th e y s a y — “ C losed week, TCU upset K an sas 17-16, .• g | g| i ' " •' : - ’. to H u n tin g ” , — NEW YORK W) — M anager P urkey in o rd er a t P ittsburgh and now challenges T exas for W h e n lo o k in g f o r a place to h u n t it sh o u ld be n o te d t h a t F re d Hutchinson brought his. . . indicating O’Toole will pitch so u th w est'co n feren ce suprem ­ t h e s e closed la n d s a r e fe w in co m p a riso n to s t a t e la n d N ational L eague cham pion Cin­ th e series opener, J a y the sec­ acy. Those two don’t m eet till ! Ì p o ste d a s open a n d sh o u ld b e re g a rd e d lig h tly , u n til lo c a t­ ed, th e n follow th e le tte r o f th e law . cinnati R eds t o town October 1 ond g am e and P u rk ey th e third, late i n N ovem ber. to begin preparations fo r the the la tte r th e opener a t Crosley R IC E, ano th er of ~ th e called SWC elite, ra n rig h t into so- '1 ' Capacity 4500 World Series and said: F ield in C indhnati. T H R O U G H O U T th e h u n tin g se a so n a rtic le s will a p p e a r The R eds w orked out a t the G eorgia Tech’s up-and-coming “ We’re in good shape. W e’ve jte llin g o f places to h u n t a n d th e b e s t w a y s to g e t sh o o tin g . A lw a y s k e e p in g in m in d t h a t y,ou, th e s tu d e n t, w ill fin d got a ball club th a t can win. stadium M onday and Tuesday, Johnson is th e only fellow who -startin g a t 12:30 p.m ., EST. buzzsaw th a t mowed ’em down 244) while-UCLA, th e 'p r id e of the w est co a ft’s D ig Five, got Sold J 3700 . y o u r s p a r e tim e in th e w oods a n d m a r s h e s t h a t a r e n o m ight n o t h e able to play.” C atcher D arrell Johnson, for­ H om er R ecord Set m o re th a n a n h o u rs d riv e fro m th e c a m p u s. S om e o f o u r b e s t h u n tin g h o w ev er, is fo u n d a s to n e s th ro w f r o m E a s t L a n s in g . O c to b e r 20 is th e b ig d a y in S o u th e rn M ich ig an , m e r bullpen c a tc h e r-w ith the Y ankees, strain ed a m usclé in NEW YORK Iff) — M a 'j o r L eague borne ru n production Spartan Fencers Remaining , _ 800 *- . 19 Z o n e 3. A tim e - r e s tr ic tio n t h a t d a y o f no h u n tin g u n til his side before F rid a y ’s gam e a t P ittsb u rg h an d is a doubtful re ach e d a n all-tim e high of Meet Wednesday^ 10 a.m . is placed on a i r h u n te r s o f a n y ty p e g a m e , m a in ly s ta rte r for W ednesday’s Opener 2,730 in 1961. The 10 A m erican All m en in terested in fencing to p r o te c t th e p h e a s a n ts a g a in s t v io la to rs w h o m ig h t b e a g a ia st th e New York Yankees L eague te a m s accounted for should re p o rt to 208 M en’s IM P L E A S E S E N D M E ............. C O U PO N B O O K S A T $5 E A C H . 1,534 h o m ers, th e m ost ev er a fie ld , t r y i n g to b a g t h e i r tw o b ird s a fe w h o u rs e a rly . a t Y ankee Stadium . for th e junior circu it in one building a t 5 p.m . W ednesday, I ENCLOSE .................... f A M O U N T ) P e rs o n a l o b s e rv a tio n w h e re b ird s h a v e been se e n t o be “ He ca n c a tc h all rig h t,” season. N ational L eaguers h it according to F encing Coach - H utch said, “ but„he m ay not MAIL TO: m o s t p le n tifu l, w ill be g iv en in a n a r tic le p r io r to th e o p en ­ 1,196, final figures com piled by C haries Schm itter. I ------ ------- VAMP be able to swing a b a t.” S chm itter stressed th a t a UNIVERSITY THEATRE .................. ................. in g d a y . A n d a p re -se a so n tip — t h e b ird s w ill b e p le n tifu l th e A ssociated P re s s showed H utchinson an d th e bulk of p rio r knowledge of fencing is D E P T . O F SPEECH _ A D D R E SS........................!.......... - ~ th is 1961 o p e n e r. — the team flew h ere ‘f rom P itts­ y esterday. The New York Y ankees led not n ecessary to try out fo r th e MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY D u ck h u n te r s , w ill open th e 1961 se a so n o n F r id a y , burgh a fte r concluding th eir v»*1»» i e r ui w i vncwi viur y. mu iavaaawu« rm n iN ' P • H n v s r ........... ......... both leagues with 240, a reco rd sp o rt and th a t m ost of bis v a r­ O c to b e r 13. T h is h e a r ty b re e d o f s p o rts m e n w ill fin d ' season with a 3-1 loss to th e for one season. The M ilwaukee sity team is m ade up of ath ­ (PLEA SE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE) m ix ed e m o tio n s on t h e w a te r fow l s itu a tio n . M any o f P irates. O thers, including John­ B rav es topped th e N ational letes who h a d n ever fenced b e ­ son, cam e h ere ah ead of tim e fore com ing to college. s- - ' I ■ - : ...... t h e local p o t ho les a n d m a rs h p o n d s n u m b e rin g w ell o v e r w ith 188. and w ere a t Y ankee S tadium 150 a r e d r y o r n e a rly so. to w atch R oger M aris h it his 0 H 9 Q IP N G H O U R S , o n e -h a lf h o u r b e fe M tsu n m s e u n til 61st hom e ru n in th e Y ank s' closing g am e w ith Boston. s u n s e t, h a v e b een c h a n g e d b ack to t h e old s ta n d a r d s u n ­ “ We know M aris c a h h it—I ’ve ris e to s u n s e t th is y e a r, w ith a n o p en in g o f 12 o’clock seen th a t m yself and th e scouts noon on t h e 1 3 th . have to ld m e so,” H utchinson T h is r e p o r t is g iv e n f o r t h e S p a r ta n h u n te r . Y ou c a n said. “ B ut w e also know you h e lp i t s t a y a s a c c u ra te a s p o ss ib le b y c a llin g in t i p s a n d c a n ’t concentrate on M aris.” b its o f s h o o tin g in fo rm a tio n t h a t w ill a id in k e e p in g t h i s co lu m n tim e ly a n d u p -to -d a te , d u r in g t h e 1961 h u n tin g se a so n . C all th e S ta t e N e w s o r call J im R ooks a t E D H utchinson still refused to say who w ould s ta rt fo r Cincin­ n ati, bu t it’s su re to h e J im O’Toole, a young left-hander R IP L E Y D I D N ’T 2-6611. A n y s u g g e s tio n s f o r b e t t e r a n d c o m p le te c o v e ra g e with a 19*9 record. In his series o n t h i s co lu m n w ill a id y o u , t h e s p o rts m a n , i n a su c c e ssfu l p rép aratio n s, Hutchinson pitch­ h u n tin g se a so n . ed O’Toole, J o e y J a y a n d B o b Welcome Back. We hope B E L IE V E IT You Enjoyed Your Vacation. We Are Looking Forward To Seeing E IT H E R ! You Again but• . . And To meriting '(T his is not R ipley) Peggy LaaAerf, New Acquaintances. Owner-Maaager 9 Perm anents an d h a ir styling 9 Slenderising -Table (F re e to Clientele) • Experts in long h a ir atyiing Air-conditioned dryers-for com fort 9 Specialists in Sihrer Blooding f t Tipping T he B o o k sto r e By Popular Demand f •' • ' We are going to o ffe r again th is y ear Coed Specialists s t ill h a s a w id e s e le c t io n o f on Monday* Tuesday and W ednesday (T h is also applies to student wives) P erm anent, H aircut f t Style Com plete $ 1 0 .0 0 U SE D B O O K S le ft • • U n iv e rs ity B e a u ty S a lo n Across From Berkey (E a s t b a n tin g t M o tt M o d e m S a lo n ) 2 Doors East of Lncon Theatre ED 2-1116 (Free Parking In Rear) J; v m Tuesday Morning, October 3, 1961 mdrigii» State Mews, East Lansing, Michigan > w Valter on Beds m Jailed Priest Aggression May Aid W eap o n ‘C o n c e a l m e n t ’ Swings A t U.S.-Spanish Ties (continued from page t) Com m unism Frank J. McNamara, testified over tbe world had pledged BURGOS, Spain UK-General- agreement in the face of the ex­ deceit and concealment and solidarity with the U. S. Party now in sympathy with the ob­ PHILADELPHIA, Of) - An issxtno F ran c isc o F ran c o called isting new (world) situation,” feat The Internal Security Act in its campaifa to get the court jectives” of the National As­ Augustinian priest, first jailed Sunday for reristoa of the UJS.- be «aid. Franco did not elabor­ approved by the Supreme Cmat ruling nullified. sembly for Democratic Rights. by Cohe’s Premier Fidel Cas­ Spanish m ilitary agreement ate on this point. tro and then expelled, says because of what he called tbe - Franco urged closer “general would “strip It of the weapoo ANOTHER witness, David Taveaner said the Committee “Communism has no greater id­ Soviet Union's aggressive ac­ understanding” among ail west­ ad concealment.” expects to call as witasssm to­ ly than complacency” through­ tivities. ern nations to meet what ha Duval of New York, who said He said the Act and the Com­ be was a student at Princeton day Miriam Priedlander, an of­ out the world. He appeared to give the go- called “fee threat of apocalyp­ mittee investigation do not Is University, testified that he ficial of the National Assem­ Father McCarthy, until his ahead for another major U.S. tical war.” « 7 way curt the Party’s free had attended the rally in New bly; John T. McManus, Busi­ expulsion Rector of Villaneuva air base in Spain. “In the face of this situation speadL But he added tbe Act York “out of academic interest ness Manager o f a publication University in Havana, Saturday Franco urged •‘renovation” we have no thought but to re­ compels the Communist Party and personal curiosity.” called Tbe National Guardian; told students at the 14th annual of the 1969 -Spanish aid-for- main steadily closer to aU peo­ te “de what it hates and fears Duval said he was President and Louis Weinstock, Business School Publications Conference bases agreement at a private ples friendly to us,” bs said. notojf-tt It compels tt to identify of the Princeton Conservative Manager of The Wo r k e r . at nearby Villenova University: meeting of his cabinet and mili­ Franco asserted fee Soviet Club and “was not and am not Brandt also was to be recalled' “Complacency was Commu­ tary leaders as Spain hailed UniSh has a soft area itself— A committee researcher, that Communist Parties all to finish his testimony. nism’s greatest ally in Cuba 25 yean of Franco rule., the satellites It has occupied by and in the future it may be the „ His speech to tbe command­ force. He predicted the peoples greatest ally In the United ers and ministers later was of these countries “who every States.” broadcast on the national ra­ day bate the Communist more, CAMPUS C L A S S I F I E D S He suggested that those in America who are concerned dio. Under the 1953 pact the their chains.” are ready to attempt to break DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Twe&, Wed., Thurs., about communism should “sus­ United States agreed to build Franco’s address lasted less pect ultra-nationalistic move­ three 'major air bases and a than 20 minutes. It came amid nnd Fri. Editions. Deadline for M on.Edition: 1 pan. Fri. ments—people who are going to naval installation, here for joint a series of colorful ceremonies PHONE: 355-8255 or 355-8256 ‘save’ America; avoid criticism U-S.-Spanish use at a cost of in tills provincial capital where of the press that in any way more than 9350 million. Franco was named chief ef could lead to -its control; be NOT SO LUCKY IRISHMEN STRANDED—Memben of Discussions h ave been under­ state Oct 1, 1996. shortly after knowledgeable and understand­ -the Irish-Amerkan Erin’s Own Club of Chicago pose with way for som e tim e on th e pos­ the outbreak of the Sp Spanish AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE SERVICE ing of other people in other a map at Shannon, Ireland, airport where they’ve been sibility of a fourth a ir base and civil war. lands, and defend our own phii o ther m ilitary assistan ce for Franco and his wife were ac­ jR9ï!!!PT!S!S0Pf?^iW ^ïïîî DIAMOND RINO. CaU IV »-(354 osophy vigorously.” stranded since last Wednesday. Over 199 members of tbe Spain. F ran c o in his speech a p ­ tive participants in the cere­ h ardtop. IT,#60 mil««. All «porta afte r 5:30 p.m. • train fed. p ereo n al care. 7 mile a c a r « a tr a a. P hone IV 3-434Í. 5 E from D c a m p u s $35 m onthly. P hone T--7494. ' 5 The priest said that in Adolph clob, on g. nostalgic trip to Ireland, expected to be flown p eared to signal his approval monies. Officials estimated tbs «1.00 D .AUSTIN H e a le r, 1*54, too Road* llac baby m ilk $4.80, caae o f 24. IL E T T E . bladeo, _ at Shannon. —AP Wirephoto. rectxon. ‘ 00 BOKGWARD leabolla Combi. n e x t to N atio n al. S “Fidel Castro (in his rise) Student Education W hite, red upholatery, w hite walla. 10.000 mile*. ED 7-0735. I t PORO. V-* « tick, t d o o r club Church. c « upo. E x celle n t BM chanleal oon- O RUMMAGE S A L E . W o m an 's r i î I ^ o W « . Q u a lity b u ilt, th re e bedroom s. F u ll baeem en t, g aa h ea t, 7 Society. O It e m o s C om m unity a lu m in u m s c r e e n s 10 m in u te s from used the United States to foster Social . h a ll o f ch u rch . gl&£^yg&g£!!===rKssasssa discontent among his people,” kem oa R oad. T u esd ay . O cto b er $, be declared. “Cuban problems 98 Americans Still He said th e re a re m an y who believe th a t “ while th e R u s­ sians could win th e b attles of peace th ere «ras no necessity Assn. Will Meet 9:30 a.m. to ( p.m ., W ednesday, WANTED d ltlo n . S acrifice. SI»*. C ali SIT­ O IOOS. A ik fo r J e r r y a f t e r noon, t f 195S FORD. 0 door, cuatom lin ed a u to m a tic . R adio, h e a te r, p o w er y eH atee rtn x . P lr e t $350 cash ta k e s I t ctober 4, 1:30 au n . to l«:00 noon. 4 WANTED EA DM ASTERS r 9 - C udco'a l - g ir l’s bicycle. C a ll ED 7-2344. a r-o ld . E D l-S d U . S TO BUT— rood ' used were blamed on aggression against the Cuban people by I the United States government and its allies in big business Caught In Ireland for them to seek w a r.” N evertheless, h e said , a threat'~of w a r h an g s o v er the The Student Education Assn. will meet at 7:90 p.m. Tuesday in the AUSG assembly area on C an B ria n Neleon, ED 2-0844. I W ANTED. G rad s tu d e n t o r Eng- world, an d the weste rn peoples the third floor of tbs Student TA B L E a n d 4 C h airs. Chrom e, lleh m a jo r fo r tu to r in g In expoai- and finance.” SHANNON AIRPORT, Ire ­ , sleeping on ch airs and fioorr should p re p are fo r it, p erhaps Services building. VtSO FO RD CON VERTIBLE. good co ndition. R easo n ab le . C ali to r y w ritin g . CaU D oug, E D 2-3177, land (A*—Down on th eir Irish I but the im m ediate f u t u r e a s a m ean s of avoiding it. L a rg e T h u n d erb lrd a n g in a All a f te r 5:3«, 333 C la rk o r IV 9-9195. « p.m. 3 luck, 98 stran d ed A m erican a ir brightened som ewhat, Dr. J. L. Page, associate pro­ 4 pow er, to p g ra d e condition. $095; See Jo e B rilla n t a t Jaco b so n 's. STAM P COLLECTORS w a n t to “ Since tb e period of o ur to u rists bedded down for a t j The U7 S. em bassy in Dublin (U.S.-Spanish! ag reem en t is a l­ fessor of education end area" 1900 OLIVETTI 7 w riter. Like new . P riced to eell.­ p o rta b le ty p e k ee p up w ith stam ps 7 Program , coordinator for fee Midwest E ast -Lansing. Call ED 2-4503. HEARS E, 1842 Packard. Will ED 2373. ex ch an g e, b o u rse, t'of Information c a ll TU 2-1165. 5 Freshmen least one m ore relu ctan t night offered to stake each of them on the old sod afte r five of th eir to $50 and sent two senior re p ­ read y four-fifths gone it is Program of Airborne Televi­ sell or trade, $235 Excellent con­ APPLES: Red D elicious, J o n a ­ OFFICE CLERK w ishing to do fellows took off for hom e on a resen tativ es to ca re for their n ecessary th a t w e renew o u r sion Instruction, will explain dition. New tires. IV 4-3790. tf 1958 RED ISETTA. Recondition­ thons. M cIn to sh , „N o rth ern Spy* and O ort lands. F reeh ap p le cider. •Squash. P ie and H allow een pum p­ baby sittin g and H ousew ork for assistance o n room and board. Contact Leonard W. Gordon, ED Start Council reg u larly scheduled airlin er. w ants. A irport authorities m ade a r­ studies a n d ren o v ate this tbe project. ed motor, heater, defroster. Ex­ kins. F arm fre sh egge. A lso o th e r 2-1731. 5 T h eir c h a rte r airlinfer, al­ cellent condition. $325. Muat sell. Call Hue binlth, -Kl» 2-0851. 5 fru its and v e g e ta b le s a t reason­ able prices. R o ad sid e F a rm M ark- SPARTAN VILLAGE. Children 2-3634 afte r RENAVLT-Dauphlne. 196 V ’ fin t ,rB I 4 p m condition. Excellent gas nñ«.uni- ' ”7 ptiort. Phmie ED 7-92:,« a f t- r *. .*»| -W f:u RESERVED ‘p ark in s , i near Abbott and Grand River. Call Ballet Tickets NOW ! 65c to 1:30 GLADMER i F eatu re at 1:10 13:05-5: IS -7:90 1957 VOLKSW-AifON. n roof- 227-2192. ” Black with red leather unTmlsic^v Excellent conditimi. Asking ED 7-7063. PARKING. 2 minute* from Bcr- » kev. 29» Bailey. East Lan ulnae. Ready at Union THEATRE *PHONE IV 1-9831 9:40 » TO«!' VOI.KHWAdOX CdXVKHJ- HÏHLS, ÏBLK. Exi ellent Condition. $13‘.rt. by term. Eng’liwh «hmwii. Stand*rd. BOVS BtKTS for rent IMPORTANT MEETING 9 a.m. Wednesday NOW! 2ND WEEK 146 H aelett Street, after û p.m.. $12 to 9 1 Bosket*. ED 7-1277. 4' R eserv ed se a t tick ets for the ED 7-7116. - « TUESDAY AT .7:30 S4«eu*T 11E AST FURNISHED three New Y ork City B allet sched­ PRICES LUC ON 1959 VOLKS WAGON SEDANV rooms ,on hnsllne. Available Oc­ UNION PARI jORS SECOND FLOOR until 1:30 • 99c Excellent eondltion. Call NA 7- tober 20. 6100 m onthly plus u tili­ uled for. Oct. 10-12 will be a v a iP i» * 6270 a fte r 5 p.m. 6 ties. F aculty only. IV 2-4210. 3 BRING ACTIVITY able a t th e Union Building Evenings ie Sunday NO SERMONS . . . 'ju s t good APARTMENTS BOOKS TQ BE tick et office startin g a t 9 a.m . «1.25 auto Insurance! BuboU, over W ednesday. - »AST LAHSWO » >340941 I S J i f j i Jjacobsona. KO 2-6671.__________ 6 T.ADY STUDENT to share a four TURNED IN FOR GAME Coupon A from student activ ­ room furnished apartm ent, clean, COJEDS. SAY NO .to a ride in the Festere §j»vn 2:35 - 5:99 - 9:99 EMPLOYMENT o'l'let. w alking distance to campus. country—unless If tnteresled In studying th is year, surance w ith Hubols. he h a s. auto in­ ity books «rill be exchanged for reserv ed se a t tickets. Activity call HD 7-01X0. ask for Sally. tf sona ED 2-8671. over Jacob- TH E BIGGEST G .I. ' STt DENT POSITION'S available 6 book coupons a re not valid fo r trained TUM operators. Aprilv RASKMENT apartm ent. Clean, LAUGH OF ALL! Data Processing. Room 11, Ad. cozy, 2 rooms. P rivate -entrance, tickets and m ust be exchanged Bldg. 4 shower, bath, parking. U tilities a t th e ticket office, second floor Michigan State University free except lights. Unsupervtsed. L a va lierg CARTOON & NEWS OCCASIONAL- daytim e babysit­ IV 5-6353. 7 ch e ck ro o m . Students will have FOREIGN FILM SERIES ter. liw n transportation. Prefer a choice of n ig h ts as long as SAT.! GARY COOPER in “ FRIEN D LY , PERSUASION’ student's wife. KD 2-4015. t_.f. 403 GROVE ST. Side entrance. R eco g n itio n tick ets last. presents PART TIME legal secretary. | utility. Fiirniibed. rooms -an d bath and $106 per month. Apply 304 ID ’s m ust be p resented «rith Downtown law office. Experience Division E. f-analog. ED 2-3438. tf required. Call IV 5-7176 for 5.p- pol ntmerit. - — " &j ROOMS P in t reserv ed se a t tickets for all events. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 _ WINNEROF3 RECEPTIONIST w ith bookkeep­ M SI in g and typing experience fur TWO ROOMS ftv iilab lf for T*nt. ACADEMYAWARDS! . STA TE* dow ntow n law office. Call IV 6-7176 Use of the house, near bus, 1aun - for appointm ent. 5 d rom at, *tore*. Tncjtilre »20 * S. The first ro tary printing Locan, -Lansing. IV mft*r Graduation p ress, devised by R ich ard Hoe WANTED registered dental ny- S „p.m. 5 ginenlat. Call IV 0-3334. 5 iir 1846, w as cap ab le o f printing “ THI RED SHOES" !« "ONE CAMPUS HOFSINO.Room*. also EVENING WORK. If you are study room*. Kitoben privilo»**' if Rings 8,000 p ap e rs an hour. EA 5 T L A N 5 I N C « P H O N E EP.2-2814 YOU MUST S ir *1 “COMFUTItr free, to w ork at least 3 evenings desired, i t 2-6257. 5 iRRESisnetr*1 - a screen a week from 5 p.m.' to 10 p.m. pHts 10 imnrs on Saturday, we can pay IN STOCK HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS ACHIEVEMENT”1 that lo “ONI OP you $64 aolarv. Call for Inform a­ tion, IV 2-3622, Mr. Hill; before SERVICE Program Info IV 2-3905 EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING THE UNEOtOCTTASU MM : p.m. * j “ f T m T T T my home. Theses EXPERIENCES OS THC YIART* Tndf accepting applications for parf- 2-8877. and term papera. E lectric type­ p. t e —C o l l i e r , in c .. w in »>.• w riter. Call Nancy W eiss a t KD 5 MIC HIG AN T Kf AT B F ' DMON1 i V NOW SHOWING — ADULTS 90c ~ "A GREAT PICTURf"* "DESIGNED TO PLEASED “DAZZLING”1 with *S tlm e help out of our latnsing of­ fice. C alf Mr. W yers for appoint­ TIIFTBILL HART ORCHESTRA NOW . . . Laet 3 Days ONE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:30 • ENTRANCING ADVENTURE L _ ment IV 2-2*71, before 1 p. nr. 7 for ‘‘Dance Music w ith H art." an d BEWITCHING PRODUCTION!”* Call ED 2-6302. 7 CANDY Feature at 1:29,9:99,1:99, FEATURE AT 8 P.M. — YOU CAN SEE PART 2 ATTENTION STUDENT WIVES, 7;29, 9:25 P.M. 1 CmUmr, H. V. Tlmw- 2 iMMiM.Ofce re you an eaxly riser? We need PIANO LESSONS. A rranging my dependable, a le rt coffee c o u n t- AT 9:40 AND SEE A PROLOGUE OF PART I 3 Cameron, MW 4 WUlstM, S«6> ■w aitress. A pply In p erso n a t the fall, lesson schedule now. Call 355- m a il e d a n y w h e r e S Ptiiwick, ieerwManr.—$ CfMfcuo, R k >udned>stal. |7 E 0 C CaU »37-3195. « a a w m w t m j ^ m e n M iu TBia. in c . a t - e e u A s t THE FIRST TIME 13 OLDntOKXLK. Good tr a n s p o r — Owe Night Only — t a t to n. a fto e . See a t 6114 P a rk L an e PART 2 HAS Sbendi. I. H I L a a e ta g , arraalag a an d B ast UNION BALL ROOM Tml, Oct. 3 —7:30 pja. '■ w eekends. — « uni iw urns mam BEEN SHOWN UN rv ERSTY AUDITORIUM TTALLT w OOO b e a g le pupppt«*. EVERYONE WELCOME M HNE • A im torisei: Me FRIDAY — BRIGITTE BARDOT IN “THE TRUTH’ IT 1 Tuesday Morning, October 3, 1961 Michigan State News, East I, snsjng, MlriMgan tv? è Wednesday at 4:15 p.m. Language M a y L a u n ch M an Dag’s W ill W KAR Frymire said Jack Hogan, U. S. Supreme In Study Hits y3 (continued from page 3) (continued from page 4) The'Con-Con series will be WKAR news editor, and Jim Adams, WMSB-TV news editor, will otobbtee to give special coverage to tbe Ooa-Con on the world's oldest, dating from the aiTOd weekly over WKAR-FM daily newscasts through the m ä m New Heights Agency SALT LAKE CITY UA-Space The Nova Booster is being middle ages. Chief James E. Webb developed for this purpose. on Tuesday nights at 7:30 and me of direct fines and the WKAR mobile unit. ' WASHINGTON * Learn To Shoot medicine, food development, defense. p er cen t larg e r. E nrollm ent in that seven or eight million He said the Saturn C-3 Boos­ attorney said. An association com m ittee re ­ R ussian increased ten p e r c e n t pounds of weight would be ter-w ith three of four F - l needed to start with for a di­ liquid-fuel rockets, each with British Vow p ort subm itted to the conven­ tion cautioned th a t unless m any G reek class enrollm ent jum p ­ ed to e ig h t tim es la st y e a r’s en­ rect flight to the moon from 1.5 million pounds of trust, would be used first to put a b ro ad cast stations ra ise their rollm ent, while Italian classes the earth. S to n e H o u rs 9 :3 0 a.m . t o 5 :3 0 p.m . To Defend news standards and ethics “ the handw riting is on th e w all for increased over 50 p er cen t and th e Chinese and Jap an ese three-man ship around the mom. Then an attempt would South Africa eventual governm ent control, enforced by the th re a t of revo­ classes showed substantial en­ Arabs Found be made to assemble a moon launching platform in earth or­ largem ent, Townsend said. bit. JOHANNESBURG, South Af­ cation of licenses." The repent cam e from the He attrib u tes th e jum p in en­ rollm ent in foreign languages By Israel ric a (A—Defense M inister Jim ethics and stan d ard s com m it­ F ouche told th e South A frican people Sunday B ritain has te e headed by F re d Heckm an to th ree reasons. “ F o r one reason, people are T E L AVIV, Is ra e l J ) —Two A rab in filtrato rs w ere cap tu red People Die from of WIBC, Indianapolis. I t said: pledged to protect this country’s sea coasts in the event of w ar “ I t is only a m inority of the stations, m ainly those re p re­ increasingly aw are of the .im ­ portance of a knowledge of n e a r the Israel-E gyptian front­ ie r M onday a fte r a clash with Penicillin Shots w ith th e Soviet Union. A t the sented in RTNDA, th a t even foreign languages, given the a n Isra e l arm y p atro l, a m ili­ MEXICO CITY UR, — T h e sam e tim e, in another ca m ­ a p p r o a c h producing w hat p resen t political world situa­ ta ry spokesm an said. Health Ministry says between paign speech, P rim e M inister should b e expected of a news tions. Secondly, th e College of He said th e Isra e l p atro l fired 15 and 20 persons (fie here an­ H endrik Verwoerd w as critici­ operation; and m any of us fall Science and A rts is showing a a t th e two m en a fte r they fail­ nually as a result of improper­ zing B ritain ’s political an d r a ­ f a r sh o rt of achieving m inim al shift tow ards hum anities, aw ay ed to heed a challenge. ly injected penicillin shots. The cial policies in A frica. stan d ard s am i ethics.” from technical a re a s. Thirdly, One of th e two w as wounded Ministry said most of the fatal the new language requirem en ts in th e encounter. shots were self-administered. V erw oerd and Fouche spoke NOW-THI KNIT HECKMAN TOLD how he for AB degrees h a s influence,” a t rallies of th e ir nationalist he said. an d a fo rm er com m ittee ch air­ p a rty in the cam paign fo r the m an, R ich ard W. John of WKY- E leven additional assistan t Oct. 18 national elections. TV, O klahom a City, contacted instructors w ere appointed to I t 's CHEER VP The perfect fad costume , 77) Speaking a t Standerton, In m an y RTNDA m em b ers and T ran sv aal Province, V erw oerd others during th e p ast two the staff when th e la rg e en­ *J ; t \ confidently predicted victory y ea rs, asking about “ external rollm ent w as discovered. These tim e , when your flow ers- crisp in town or country. for his nationalist p arty . He and in tern a l^ influences” on and eleven o th er new faculty m em bers in the foreign lan ­ ch arg ed his opposition, support­ new scasts. ed policies which eventually guage "d e p a rtm e n t wifi tak e arrive from Our 3-piece cotton ensemble: He said answ ers ranged from p a rt in the train in g program would install black ru le here. ’none a t a ll” to alm ost «total inaugurated this fall by th e de­ V erw oerd also said he “ de­ -control b y “ friends of m anage­ reed-slim skirt, belted p artm e n t. The p ro g ram is d e­ plored a re cen t statem en t by m en t” an d “ agency d ictates.” D uncan Sandys, B ritain’s com ­ “ One p a rtia l study,” he said, signed to_help c a rry out de­ p artm e n t educational policies, Barn’s Floral East Lansing m onw ealth relations secretary , ‘w ent into biased netw ork w ith em phasis on the spoken overblouse crowned by o w hen h e told a Commonwealth VISIT EAST LANSING’S NEW EST FLOWER SHOP docum entaries . . . . still another language, Townsend said. gathering—including re p resen ­ 215 ANN _ I delved into stations th a t w ere V-cowl collar and a tativ es of the Afro-Asian n a­ dubious of broadcasting edi­ tions an d presum ably to satis­ E D 2-8871 . to rials th a t w ere not in agree­ fy them —th a t . South A frica’s m ent w ith th e (p a st o r p re se n t) Paging Officials leaving the Com monwealth had -federal adm inistration, fo r fe a r tailored weskit with An officials’ m eeting T hurs­ WE TELEG R A PH FLOWERS c le a re d re la tio n s because of h er of re taliatio n by thé FCC.” d ay for anyone interested in obnoxious policy of ap a rth eid .” T here w ere m any stations th at officiating touch football a t ANYW HERE IN TH E WORLD fashionably squared armholes. V erw oerd added acidly: “ 1 w ere thus dubiouswhe said. 7:30 p .m ., 208 IM building. could say a lo t about B ritish policy in A frica; I could say Jo ts Classic, but casual . . . anywhere. about Brftai"s tre a tm e n t of people in K enya an d theRhodes- m M W e ’ II h e l p y o u c o n v i n c e y o u r p a r e n t s ia n federation. I could also use In green or brown. 5-15 sizes. ^ k ^ L y o u s h o u ld h a v e a R e m in g to n n asty w ords to express m y opinion of those policies b u t I H o w to g e t SB ■ M O N A RC H p o r ta b le ty p e w r ite r t o 17.98 h ave alw ays re g ard e d these a» ta k e th e w o rk o u t o f y o u r sc h o o l w o r k . . . a n d being th a t country’s own af­ y o u r s e l f a fairs. Sim ilarly, I feel th at m a k e h o m e w o r k f u n ! A ll y o u d o i s fitl o u t a n d South A frica’s affairs a re h er s u p e r b n e w m a il t h e c o u p o n b e l o w . T h e n w e w r i t e a l e t t e r own dom estic concern. B ut if the custom of criticism contin­ ues we m u st b e forgiven if we express our opinions of B ritish MONARCH to y o u r fo lk s o u tlin in g t h e r e a s o n s w h y a R e m in g to n M O N A R C H p o r ta b le c a n h e lp y o u policy.” p o r ta b le _ g e t b e t t e r g r a d e s . ( I n c i d e n t a l l y , th e -M Q N A R C H ty p e w r ite r b y p o r ta b le c o m e s c o m p le te w jth c a r r y in g c a s e p lu s a te r r if ic s e lf- te a c h in g to u c h -ty p in g c o u r s e t h a t ’s a p u s h o v e r t o m a s t e r ! ) A s k t o s e e th e ru g g e d , m o d e rn , c o m p a c t i M O N A R C H p o r t a b l e a t y o u r c o l-J le g e s t o r e o r y o u r R e m in g to n d e a le r! If sport shirts and you will uote- slacks that tell Eept Ils kud tucked inkle «f Ils m i Wken Us friends asked, “I n Cher, an Autumn story Qa’est-ce-qae e’est hire you there?” - I l replied “C ut m Swingline je tote.“ Traditional styled washable 100% corded cotton pullover I ggf gyy & 0*3 CO SUI ® 3I M M Hü S i 1 button-down Sport shirt. a a a a a m a m m m m Vintage, olive, espresso, — 0 O f i O 8 O O Q O B 9 Q • or garrlet. S,M,L,XL sizes. 6.98 mm a a m a & a a m m m m m The slacks are washable pleatless corduroy in charcoal grey, olive, - i 'vÏ ill - ■ ■ ' « M 1B S P '1 1 i pgpll- / 'i pplpl ¡pp| S no biggerthan 09? blopk, antelope. 28-40 sizes. 10*00 a pack of gum! CHECK THESE SUPERB “EXTRA FEATURES”: 1. Single key instantly sets or clears columns and indents! 2. Touch regulator adjusts toyour individual “feel"! 3. Variable line spacer lets you type "right on the Hites” of ruled paper! 4 . Adjustable paper edge guide lets you insert paper precisely every time! 5. Calibrated scale on paper bail lets you center your headings faster! > 6 . Numerals and calibrations on paper table simplify margin settings—positively! 7. Erasure table on cylinder simpiMes making corrections! 8. Card and writing fine scale lets you type more precisely! 9. Removable top cover makes ribbon chang­ ing and cleaning easier! 10. Carriage centering device locks machine tight for safer carrying! 11. Two-color ribbon and Unconditionally Guaranteed stencil control! 12. Lighter weight without a hint of fflmsines* or •’creep” while you type! • M ade b» A m u le ti • T et 8OI NWe d » H |i s V N Is l r MEN’S SHOP I Mr.WRBam Moat. Advertising Manager YOUR NAME • Uwy R at your ataUotMry, ..r- y ig tg ly tt o u f r o t w dhM ltrt I Remington Partatoa T>pe«wttor PM«la» « v en i I Sperry Rend Corp. I ....e n v . .. ■ varv ................. I 318 P art Avenue South, N. T. 10.H.Y. .aie. I Yes, my parent» could use a little convinc­ RARFHTS NAMF ----------------- — LMaMMrtONyS'Nw» Yarfc I ing . . . and I can happily use the Monarch ADDRESS------------------------------ ---- ----- !---------:~ T -■ ....... I Men’s Shop — 210 Abbott Seed — East Leasing portable to tato th e w irfc o u to f homework! ’UMH t- .CITY.