Stephen Nesbit as president unanim ously a t the Civic DELEGATES T A J® TH E OATH O F O FFIC E—Con-COn States and Michigan and to serve well as representatives SENTINEL STANDS GUARD—The Constitutional Conven­ C enter in Lansing. delegates swore to uphold the Constitution of the United of the people. —State News photos by A rt Wieland. tion got underway yesterday when delegates elected "Second-Class P ostage W ednesday M orning, O ctober 4 , 1961 Paid at East Eansing, Mich. 8 Pages 5 Cents Established 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 71 Prayer and Cooperation Mark enins RilcLof State Con-Con t PRESID EN T OF MSI' AT THE CONTENTION—John A. Hannah talks with Paul G. Goebel »(“ G rand Rapids con­ cerning p la n s fo r the new M ichigan .Constitution. Nisbet U A W - C I O W a lk s O u t A t F o r d Elected Bill Slaps 120,000 -Idled In First tlem ent -with G eneral Motors. ; two weeks ago, w âs agreed u p -1 on a t 8 a.m . J work out pressing nop-eco- ially working conditions on j nomic problem s. j moving assem bly lines: repre- - These are the stum bling ! sen tatio ir (the union w ants J President By MARY BASING Pub. Board By JIM DENGATE Strike At Plant In 20 Years DETROIT W — The U n ited , one speculated on when it lege of Communication Arts, Auto W orkers Union struck and m ight com e. Talks w ere re- R euther said this didn’t givej the b arg ain ers enough tim e to i blocks: Production standards, espec-l ] m ore full tim e com pany paid See UAW-CIO P ag e 3 Of t h e State News Staff _ In a sp irit of solem nity and ooper-ation, M ichigan’s first onstitutionai convention in 54 Of the State -News Staff head- of the School’of Journal-1 shut down the F o rd Motor Co. cessed until 10 a.m . Wednes- rears opened T uesday in Lan- r„ ism. three faculty m em bers em pire Tuesday for the first Txiay ing’s Civic C enter auditorium . John McNeil. ALSO repre- sejecte(j by the Academ ic Sen- tim e since H enry F ord sudden­ F o rd has been building m ore From the invocation to the sentative fro m iE ast Shaw, said a je ly granted the Union recogni­ th an 40,000 c a rs and about 8,000 lew president’s p ra y e r,- bi- he will introduce a resolution^ s IcNeiJ sajd the proposal tion 20 y e a rs ago. tru ck s weekly since ea rly Sep­ jartisanship, the sta te ’s wel- to. change the m em bership of yvould put people on the Pubii- The strike of. 120,000 hourly tem b er. D uring the m onth it a re and th e people’s hopes the Publications B oard at the calions g o ard who know jour- production w orkers cam e after built 178,013 vehicles, including were the them e of the opening first m eeting of student con- n ag sm and will select the best 96 days of negotiation failed to 1,341 tra c to rs. N orm ally about lay. gress W ednesday at 7 p.m and the m ost qualified people .bring ag reem en t on a national 30 p er cen t of all c a rs sold in The Publications Board .se- for editors this country a re F ord products. STEPH EN S. NISBET, 66. contract. Frem ont- businessm an and 18 4ects the editors and decides UAW P resid en t W alter P . i “ I ’m etern ally optim istic,” .. . , , CI, . . . THE DEAN of students and years m em ber of the state on "the policy of all MSU student R eu th er em erged from a tin?l j Denise m aintained. But he joard of education, w as for­ s a t o t h l f t o r o 'e a n d U'rn Conference on intercoUeg- 25-hour m arathon session a t 101 added: “ The issues on which mally elected president. lhat because lo>all> and >iate athletics, John Fuzak, will a .m ., the strike deadline, andT w e a re a p a rt a re of g re a t u n ­ Unofficially proclaim ed p re s­ unswerving regard for adm in speak to the first congress announced the walkout. Actual- portance. B ased on. outw ard istrative policy, is a necessary m eeting on proposed changes ly w orkers had begun leaving | ap p earan ce we have a consid ident Monday, N isbet w as en­ jp tg p .g y tM dorsed by R epublican dele­ Ï Ï t fnnh?ir°flS > I the present policy tow ards th eir jobs a t the giant Rouge erab le distance betw een us. gates a fte r 17 ballots during a S îw ? n ï« n n ! ttL rH Ü . Ï ; aiding athletes. He said htrw ill plant h r D earborn and else­ TH E,U A W HAS rep resen ted SOP caucus. D em ocrats, who inneludes rh îd iJ people n ^ n n iP noff Jno e journal- x p l a i n the desirability ,___. of sub- w here shortly a fte r 8 a.m .- F o rd em ployes since J u n e 20, hold only 45 of the 144 seats, . , ___, . . . ___ ; stHuting academ ic qualifica- “T H E INTERNATIONAL! 1941 when th e e ld er F ord, a »ffered no opposition candi­ istic skills o r interest who a re . * ___,, , ,..,7 ju st fulfilling the function of j /fonc f^ m fho n l L Union did everything possible | long-tim e foe of unions, abrupt- date. •watch dog " certain changes g e s tio n s from the floor. to a v e rt this strike, ’ R euth er t ly o rdered his aides to g ran t Calling N isb et a “ fine C hris­ • , k .„ i J L . Ron F ritz. AUSG representa- declared, blam ing the com ­ recognition a fte r a brief De tian gen tlem an ,” K enneth G . m ade ^ I tive from West Shaw, distri- pany fo r stalling to a point tro it a re a strik e. H istorians P rettie,. Hillsdale delegate, j buted questionnaires about 4 h e w here a w alkout was~ inevit­ say M rs. F o rd p re v ailed upon nom inated the F rem o n t R epub­ THE BOARD is now com- j one dollar " c h a r g e for State able. h e r husband to m atch the lican for president. "posed of dean of students John rN ew s. “ This strike is entirely un­ sw itch. ~ _ D ram a was added when a A. F uzak: Vice-President and The students replied b etter n ecessary ,” said M alcolm L. Since then the com pany has Democrat,- William ~C . M ar­ T re a su re r Phillip J . M ay; D e a n 1th a n (Wo to one in favor of the Denise, F o rd ’s vice, president j experienced 18 strj|ces totaling shall, of the 21st Senatorial of Com munication A rts, F red proposed resolution to ask the lab o r relations and the top ¡300 days but none before now District, vice president of S. Siebert; A ssistant Dean of adm inistration to revoke the m anagem ent negotiator. h as been national in scope. - M ichigan’s AFL-CIO, rose to E ducation, Lelaüd W D ean; [com pulsory ch arg e for the pa- Both sides prom ised to try An economic package, close- support a motion by John B. AAoelelont ssistant Itoa the Hi» P Pr»ci/I»nt resident ? per.fV>r for a quick settlem ent. B ut no I ly p aralleling th e union’s set- M artin, J r ., R epublican, th a t Ja m e s H. Denison: D irector Nom inations will be taken for the nom inations be closed and of Publications and non-voting a new speaker pro tern of con­ Nisbet be d eclared th e unani* mous"choice of the convention s ec retary W illiam M cllrath; gress. G ordon Suber, the p re ­ th e editor of th e S tate News, vious speaker pro tern, accep t­ M arcia Van N ess, editor of the ed, a resident ad v iser’s job in Rain Threatens-For for president. ' “ In THIS SPIR IT ” of h ar­ W olverine, J e r ry H olm es; and A rm strong Hall and had to re- AUSG rep resen tativ e, Jim An­ sign. derson. OTHER BILLS to be intro­ World Series Game mony and cooperation, M ar­ shall said he hoped the conven­ tion would continue its work. The p ro p o se d 'b ill would re ­ duced include proposals to. es­ NEW YORK Uh—I t’s about a j tim e th e w eath er bureau fig­ John A. H annah of MSU, Dr. duce the editors, AUSG re p re­ tablish a political affairs com ­ J a m e s K. Pollock of U of M sentative, advisers to the pub­ m ittee to m eet the present in­ 50-50 chance ra in will cause u res tiie ra in m ay cease. postponem ent of to d ay ’s open­ .Whitey F ord, w ith his nifty and Sidney BarUiwell o t De­ lications, and the university c re a se in student in terest in 25-4 record, is sla te d to pitch tro it w ere asked to esco rt Nis­ tre a s u re r to ex-officio m em ­ politics and governm ent; to se­ ing baseball gam e o f the 1961' fo r the Yankees. Irish m an Jim bet to his ch a ir a fte r he w as b ers, who m ay speak but not lect a com m ittee to decide on w orld serie s betw een the New d eclared president. vote. Y ork Y ankees and th e Cincin­ O’Toole, w ith 19 victories and At th e steps to th e stage, student insurance questions; to n ati Reds. nine d efeats, h as been selected^ Voting and policy-m aking a p p ro p riate $100 for the Stan­ as th e R ed s’ sta rte r. H annah and Pollock, contend­ m em b ers would include the ford gam e pep »ally; and to , The weather bureau issued Mickey Mantle is a doubtful e rs a t one stage for the p resi­ dean of students, dean Of Col- strik e the invocation from the Tuesday a forecast of rain ta­ starter. The Yankee ace, who dency, shook tiie sm iling Nis­ o rd er of business of congress. pering off gradually toward hit 54 home runs the past sea­ b e t’s band. . Reports from some el the early afternoon and a high to son, has been slow to recover N isbet, speaking from a p re­ summer investigating commit­ the IPs. .' ~ from minor surgery ou an ab­ p ared speech, asked th a t th e Weather tees will also be given. Student Congress meetings Rato has fallen most of Mon­ day night and Tuesday. A light scess on his right trip. New York is favored. 12-5 to FEW PICKETS AT FORD ROUGE PLANT WAL&OUT-In contrast to other delegates p u t th e s ta te ’s in ter­ e st above th e ir own. Wednesday’s weather win are open to the public. They drizxle was still fitting Tues­ win the opener from the Nation­ years when a DAW strike at toe Ford Motor Ce. predace* ause picketing aad “ It is a g re a t task and you be fair aad a little wanner are held every Wednesday day night _ al League pennant-winning hundreds of picket signs, this era« toe scene today at toe Range plant. Gate 4, will need th e help of ev ery ­ with a Ugh ia toe low 80’s. night in 328 Student Services Use first pitch is scheduled Reds, A throng of 89,006 is ex- nuda entrance I» toe (riant, ha» a few picket* and a lane security gaarri after the one.”1 he said to the delegates. ( ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ' and begin at 7 p.m. for noon, EST—just about the pected. walkaat of 28,819 UAW workers. -A P Wlrcpi s t i. 7 ü MM See CONVENTION, P ag e 4. Mfrfajga» Stale New«» E a t Le— Hf l Aj f ■ f e M i l T O 7% Mi Wrihtai &qr Morning October 4» 19 6 1 ^YonVeGoiagToHsfe To Bç A'BigMan ^ o Jm ^ ì§ ì iVetc U.S. Polity State News Gains Little N e e d e d I n B e r lin n Registration Fee J ' By RAY PRATT State News Cetanabt 7 Prosant fneMtay of the western Antes to cono* Many complaints have been voiced con­ ficial newspaper policy. Anyone who is forward with any kind e l new and" meaningful cerning tin $1 fee aan u ed to atudentt for w illing to start early enough and work hard proposals regarding the tataro statai of Berlin the State News. A little clarification of the enough can eventually have a voice n «Mac seems directly related to the enrrwrt stepped-up fee and the prtper’s role on campos may p o licies. 7 / ^ civil defense campaign. > f'- v . # Administration policy makers seem étuck in éase the resentm ent of some students. The "you” section is represented by the the mire of 16 years of bungled fornita policy— Last year the State News budget was letters to the editor, open to every reader. particularly ta in guard jegard to Germany. They seem approxim ately $160,000. The administration No restrictions are placed on thoughts, terrified of proposing Iany change» even though gave the State News around $45,000 from opinions or id e a s .,Itts the reader's place the present inflexible stand is untenable and university funds plus paying the salaries to write and, in that sense, is a public could be disasterous should hostilities break out. of the faculty advisor and two secretaries. forum. » ' " ■ ) The state« quo wfB not last no matter how The reat o f the money was raised by ad­ touch some wish It wffl. Stepped-up civil defense The “they” section belongs to our col­ measures, however, suggest the administration is vertising. _ umnists. The views propounded hero be­ insanely considering the possibility of following Under the new arrangement the admini­ long to individuals who have proven to the the present policy to Us inevitably calamitous stration earmarks approxim ately $60,000wt paper their responsibility and talent. Again, conclusion. registration for Stats News. ThatJIs the anyone who is w illing to work h isw a v up It Is not Inconceivable that the nation s mili­ sum .of three terms* $ 1 fee from 20,000 stu­ can achieve the right to have his private tary thinks nuclear war feasible If they could dents Sines tbs Stats News will now be pay­ say in a regular cmumn. only keep citizens holed up in their htrements in g the- advisor's and secretaries’ salaries while they courageously uphold Western rights The State News has always been the prop­ in Berlin by helping to turn the world to ashes. fr o m this money, th e paper will' get little erty of MSU citizens. The $$ fee does not One hates to admit it, but tba tide of history actual increasein funds. , _ make it more responsible to any group hais started to turn against the West. We are The fas' fs no different than a lab b re a k ­ since it has always been responsible t o . backed into a corner and find the alternative a g e fee on the registration card; it is simp­ every person, thing and idea which can courses to be few. -ÿ~ ly a labeled segment of the tuition fees. I t is “ be termed “news.” For the sake of the world tiie United States and its allies are going to have to give ap some­ n o t a subscription to the paper. The fee is little more than a bookkeeping thing where Berlin is concerned. Even though Some call this taxation without repre­ change. It is true that students are paying vocal super-nationalists at home shout “appease­ sentation. If this is so, then it has always $1 more per term but State News la re­ ment,” as they do at every new proposal, a new been the case and the paper is not the only ceiving alm ost the same amount it alw ays approach is needed. Years of bungling have to instance. Tuition fees go to maintain the did. Someone else is getting an extra dollar. be undone. entire university; not ju st the section that At the outset, any plan initiated by the United States to be at all effective will have to recog­ a particular student uses. nize tiie facts. These are plain—the situation at The new fee is one small means of al­ present favors the Russians, but no one seems to leviating a university financial problem Student Must Read want to admit it. Berlin is strategically indefensible and a-great - caused by the budget cut last spring and is financial Uability to the West. NATO forces oft apparently a step towards making the State With his diploma in hand, the college graduate steps out into the world to take It by storm. He conventional typé to the area are faced by an News a financially independent operation. overwhelmingly powerful Soviet ground force. stops, smiles to himself, looks around—and dis­ In th e p a s t, sin c e th e S ta te N e w s w a s covers that he’s four years behind the times. The only way the West can equalize the power p a r t i a l l y fin a n c e d b y t a x d o l l a r s fr o m I imbalance is to resort to nuclear arms. There M ic h ig a n c itiz e n s , so m e p e o p le h a v e in s is te d He has a college education.. He feels he is is no question that such methods would necessi­ t h a t i t sh o u ld give “ e q u a l tim e ” to a ll ready for any job. But the biggest job facing S i l t KV <* tate strategic bombing of areas to the east of him is trying to catch up on what went on in Berlin. In aril probability war would result. g ro u p s ,., p o litic a l a n d o th e rw is e , on a ll the world while be was in college. It seems therefore far better to recognize p ages. that the Soviets have worked the Western Allies Suddenly outside of his own little world—the into a virtually untenable military position, and T h e p a p e r tr ie s to give im p a r tia l cov­ college campus—the student finds that history ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ > ■ e r a g e o n a ll n ew s ite m s : H o w e v e r, t h e e d i­ did not wait for him. The world has. changed Press Cuttings then seek a way to extricate ourselves through solution of the whole German problem, than it to r ia l p a g e , by t r a d i t i o n , is d iv id e d in to and changed again and is ready for more th r e e s e c tio n s : “ W e,” “ Y o u ” a n d “ T h e y ,” , is to continue to delude ourselves into thinking changes. E d ito r ia ls , th e " w e ” in o p e r a tio n , r e f le c t th e v iew s o f th e e d i t o r i a l b o a r d w h ic h is While in school, the student often does not ~ realize he is failing to keep up on current events. C onservatives a t ÑSA M eet we can last very long with the situation as it is. For many years United States policy has sought, at Konrad Adenauer's insistence, two c o m p o se d o f •s e n io r e d ito rs . T h e se p e r s o n s h a v e W orked t h e i r w ay u p in th e r a n k s He becomes involved in studies and campus activities. After a brief orientation period, his • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MB ■ ■ •■■■■• David L Jaehnig mutually exclusive ends—German, reunification within NATO. The Russians would never agree th r o u g h th e p a s t tw o o r th r e e y e a rg a n d interest is centered within the campus. This to such a tiling. It’S like asking the West to b y t h e i r s e n io rity a n d p ro v e n re s p o n s ib ility interest seldom drifts farther than to where the Galloping apathy stiU domi­ and homiletics about alma ma­ ba. Kasavubu and other semi­ agree to German participation in the Warsaw h a v e b e e n g iv en th e ' a u t h o r i t y t o m a k e o f- next football game isbeing played or where that nates most American college ter to be congenial pursuits. savages in tiie Congo.” Pact. - cute girl’s hometown is. And when graduation students. It wps these same govern­ It was a fatal concession to Germany should never have been partitioned opens the outside doors again, the student is ments that sent delegates to flippancy, and his value to the with no treaty guarantees of access to Berlin In the early summer of this lost _ yesr, representatives of Young the NSA Congress, but for the right-wing cause was destroyed by the, West. first time the group took stand in the ensuing chorus of jeers It was a mistake to ever rearm West Germany But this situation is not necessary. The student • Americans for TTOtttopi, the NixdrFsiVloVe Sm art can be informed about what is going on in the Intercollegiate Society of In on such issues as the House and hisses. Committee of Un-American and an even greater one to bring the nation into NATO. Its military strength means tittle in face world. He can keep up with the times by read­ dividualists, and a brand-new NATIONAL AFFAIRS Vice- of the huge Soviet Eastern European forces. Showing com m on sense th at is so often m issing ing-reading whatever he can whenever he can. front group called the Commit­ Activities, the Peace Corps, Al­ _ President in the dog-eat-dog world of politics, form er Vice- He can read a newspaper during his break or tee for a Responsible National geria, Cuba and nuclear test­ sentiment Jenking typified the of the crowd when If the West wants West Germany in NATO Student Organisation, arrived ing. they will most certainly be forced into recog- P resid en t R ichard Nixon has announced th at he a magazine as he waits in line. The important he said. “We have unmasked ‘hieing, or at least dealing with, East Germany is not interested in taking another crack a t th e thing is simply to read. in Madison, Wis., in anticipa­ Standing finally on the brink the final reality tnat exists be­ and thus face being forced out of Berlin, or of presidential race in 1964. tion of the annual Congress of of hational usefulness, the NSA hind the facade of the conser­ Collejge students have a definite advantage. the United States National Stu-, went to Madison, only to be vative image.” - having access routes closed. Defeating an incum bent president th at has only Few cities this size can offer the. wealth of read­ dent Association set to-begin met with the conservative Time is growing short. Slightly beefing up the com pleted the first of his “ allotted” two term s is The NSA followed through by inadequate - NATO forces and rushing more ing material available here. Newspapers from August 20. “challenge,” which forced NSA voting abolition of-the House at best a difficult task, and Nixon seem s quite all over the country/ magazines of tremendous leaders to take a long look at -Un-American Activities Com­ planes and bombs to the area cannot help tha Youthful conservatives all, situation. aw are of the fact. variety, and books on all subjects can be found- they ranged from groups such the association. __ mittee. in the libraries and stores on and around the A comprehensive plan is needed to deal with Offering instead to bring out the soap and as Young Americans for Free­ YAF LEADERS tike “Howie” Conservative criticism of the the question of Berlin within the context of the -campus. dom (an organization built w ater, and to do a good deal of rug-shaking in Phillips, of Harvard (scholas­ NSA, while failing in its ob­ whole German settlement: No serious effort has th e alleged “ m ess" in California, Nixon prob­ Probably never again will a student have the from press clippings and now tically inelegible for delegate jectives, produced the most been made to achieve German reunification — ably hopes to do his country m ore good than opportunity to be in . contact with persons so frying to fill its ranks with status) preached that the liber­ significant changes in the out­ such an effort mutt be made now. he could ever do by getting defeated in another well informed on world, national, state and local people) to the NSA (the na­ al NSA was not representative look of the NSA. The West should propose a neutralisation of p re sid e n t'll cam paign. affairs. The college student cannot only keep tional confederation of student and should be reformed. The Outgoing president Richard the German states—possibly including Poland, up with current events; he also can read, hear governments to which 1.3 mil­ conservatives obviously would Rettig said in his report to the Denmark, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. It actually s f m s like he is looking a little about, and learn to understand the forces which lion students supposedly belong like to change the structure so National Executive Committee, Gradual withdrawal of all foreign troops and fa rth er beyond the end of his now fam ous nose-- are affecting these events. —the majority of which have that mofe indifferents,” ex­ _ “The gap that exists between reduction of national troops in the area should in fact a good deal fa rth e r than m ost higher-ups no idea what the organization posed to conservative influence, the local campus activity and of both interested parties—and has decided upon ~ If a college student will only take advantage is, aad probably could not care the activity of the NSA has be begun.- _ would come to the congresses In addition, the Soviets and Western Allies a course of—if we d are to use the alm ost for­ of the wealth of knowledge around him, when less). ' ■ _ But structual issues aside, -widened.” — must agree to let the East and West Germans bidden word—patriotic service. he graduates he will face the world with an un­ President Ed Garey called for seek reunification without outside interférence. derstanding of the last four year’s events. He THE NSA, however, carry­ the rightist group was almost the NSA to bring the “experi­ And then too, who w as it th a t said, ^ I t’s bet­ ing mi elite of interested stu­ devoid of the ability to articu­ ence of thè congress, the de­ Perhaps such a proposal will be rejected by te r to be first in California than second in the wifi not be behind, and perhaps he will even be dents awakening to a world late its “rightist ideology.” the Soviets. One can never be sure of their re­ in a position to foresee or shape coming events. liberations, and most import­ White House.” Shakespeare? they did not make but want to William F. Buckley, a- right­ ant, the defense of an ideal in action. But a proposal must be made, and it must —Indiana Daily Student change, is moving (after 14 ist, 'spoke outside of the of­ the face of strong opposition be made clear that the West will usé every years) from concern with col­ ficial program at the motel, to ail students.” means to see that it is successful. lege parking, home - cmning headquarters of his minions NSA, after years of frustra­ The West cannot afford to stand still in Berlin Bus Rides Not Soft dances and women’s hours to more national and world prob­ and attracted practically all tion, has finally emerged as the delegates. Emotion ran a voice, if not of the American —indeed, if it does, it may be forced out of the city entirely, being faced with evacuation of over The club chairman’s job is to book a speaker lems. high in the crowd, packed student, then of the American two million people for whom it has assumed The newly installed bus line is a welcome ad­ bad enough to make the food seem good. Detroit With contemporary college tightly in the parking lot. On student leader. The question is responsibility. The only other alternative would dition to the campus. News. governments being, to put it the , for the first home game of the event wffl be conducted that The stamps will be pat on A, season against Stanford. The master af ceremonies day at Springfield1 College, sale at a special post office feto oo Afftm Featured at the rally wffl he wffl be Chnck Deliavo, Royal Springfield, Mass., where the established at the college. A Biggie Mum, athletic dtractar; Duffy Daugherty, heed fort- Oak senior. The various cam- pns bviag units are expected gpm was founded, the depart­ ment said. ^ demand for about 800,000 to 1 ,000,000 bearing tee first day A SINGULAR SUIT ball coach; Sharon SSrtty.O rt to make a show en masse to The day is also the 70th anni­ cover postmark la anticipated, Our iaeemparahle Wersted Wert Is a distinctive Park sophomore 'and hnhn daciia vte* has tte most spirit. versary of the founding of bas- a post office spokesman said. custom fabric. Us hard finish and etoae weave twirler; members f f the fnt> Urn ■ f iw h d rhajwdan t ,n kethall. They will go on sale through­ have made this the aridwrtght d s a lM f t e l f t ball team, and the m sftling a* «fcT J S S On the same daytoere will out the nation the next day. „ suitings. The ase el fine wanted yarn create band. The design they will bear has the “siagalar” effect ef a smooth, aaferm tebrte. The rally, which will start at * fino display d of Sgroup J beTa groundbreaking there for 7:30 p.m., is being i pmsnrrd and school spirit m by Spartan Spirit, n dhdsaon of will be the CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — HIGH READERSHIP AUSG, to dram up enthnsiasm the Vet’s chib fine worsted for the game with Stanford on deck and the paper mache Saturday. head af Sporty. woo! three piece suit UAW-GIO Strikes Ford OCT. Q - J O arefuRy tai­ (continued from page 1) H it basic agreement com m itteem en in plants): Itee» provides an annual improve­ ¡¡¡¡Si C lored from fine "V wanted we#l fabrics la UCLA COLLEGE MAN AT 13—'T welve-year-rtd Lance of dem arcation in th e skffled ment factor of six cents an anted " g l e a tra d e s; outside contractors hour.or 2% per cent, whichever plaids, b i n * K err (right) talks with fellow sIndents a t UCLA in Los (the rig h t of th e company to is greater, for each year for a rtrty ef cetera,. Angeles early la s t month a fte r enrolling for studies leading _farm _ _ out c e rtain specialised three year contract; inclusion ftachkHng Ofive, to a degree In physics. H e finished high school last June. work, p articu larly tort and-tte;rt 12 ceate of the present 17 Grey, Navy, aad CAREER Lance, less than five feet tall, was accom panied by his A w ork), and special issues m- cents cost of living allowance Browa. . m other as he told newsmen he plans to join the Boy Scouts volving the F o rd S te e l plant in 1in base wages; fully paid hos- now th at he’s B . Lance is the youngest student In UCLA D earborn. i pttal-medical insurance; par* . i tial pay for short wort weeks; history. —AP Wirephoto. — REUTHER AND DENISE, a *M extension af sub payments 69.50 sep a rate statem ents, agreed v arious other fringe bene- Regalar Plans Made Council \ the economic package repre- j w . sents some im provem ents f o r . n » , i m w i calculated a «hi»- Long CARNIVAL the union over th e G eneral Me- y ^ . at General Mo- Short For Queen Rents Bus t°£5 settlem ent. j represented slightly more These m ainly a re m the than a q c e n t hourly increase Extra Leag Candidates For TJ. of M. a re a s of supplem ental unem- j g ploym ent benefits (sub) and in- ^ home pay during the qf ^ contract. The addendum " Frosh-Sdph Council-has rent­ I current average hourly wage All university wom en’s living is S2J0. Ford estimated worl Redwood lc Ross suiU are cut along natural units and the AOCS a r e invited ed a bus to provide tran sp o rta­ ers would lose .12.6 million to select two candidates to re p ­ resen t th eir unit in this y ear s tion to and from the Michigan football gam e, Oct. 14. The bus ] High School daily during thè strike lines; narrow lapels, center hooked vent with plain front trousers. A complete variety awaits Ford operates 00 plants In 20 com petition for Homecoming Queen. y will leave the Union steps a t 10 j a.m . the m orning of the gam e j Footballers states. Half of Its employes mad S of its plants are located O P P O R T U N IT IE S p g f- ' s ■■ year laspectioa, including Cheviots, Coverts, aad Sharkskins — many with vests . « . from $49.50 Seventeen wom en’s dorm i­ and leave Ann A rbor a half ; to ries, 21 sorority houses, one hour after the gam e. off-cam pus wom en’s religious Council m em ber Chuck Dal- Get Booted tn Michigan Cl BOTH 1955 and 1958 Ford to 189.50. . j was the prime bargaining tar- living unit, and the off-campus lavo, Royal Oak junior, said CHELS EA_ student organization will be the m ajo r purpose of-bus was sea High School football p la y e rs get of the union in contract vo io ^ U N L IM IT E D W re p resen te d ." -to provide transportation fbr have been suspended frwn high | Gcaeril Motori,, by far N am es of queqn contest p a r­ freshm en and those who could school athletics for a year a s * ^ largest of tee automakers. fte fttp o o ft i Rom tic ip a n ts m ust be in the alum ni not otherw ise .attend. Students a re su lt of a post-gam e cele­ d irec to r’s office, Student Serv­ taking the b u s a re not required b ration th a t included At GM tee union and com- pany reached agreement on 205 East Grand River ices Building, by noon, Thurs­ day, Oct. 12. to retu rn on it, he added. Tickets will be av a ila b le a t Queen contestants m ust have the Union t i c k e r office until The cost of a ticket is drinking and gun play. P a national issues, teen ran into C helsea police chief Jota trouble attempting to settle lm e r said a to tal of 10 stu­ local plant working agree­ UNION- 7 Free Alterations a 2-point grade average and F riday. dents w ere involved an d ms- ments. have attended MSU for two $ £ o th er m an, Donald J. P etsch. term s. 21, of Chelsea, w as a rre s te d a s ! 'M em bers of University m ale honorary councils and organi­ zations will m eet candidates at JFK Signs a resu lt of a b e e r bust. P etsch w as sentenced to 90; a n inform al tea to be held in P arlo rs B and C of the Union School Aid days in jail a fte r h e ad m itte d ! to M unicipal Ju d g e F r a u d s J.! Building at 7:30 p.m ., Tuesday, Oct. 17. „ Twenty girls will be. selected a s finalists in the contest and Extension O’B rien of. Ann A rbor th a t b e . sold six cases of b e e r to thel high school students. The nam es oil te e p la y e rs ’, Y O U M E AN- WASHINGTON Gfv* P resident will be individually interviewed Kennedy W ednesday signed in­ w ere w ithheld. School a r t j by a board of E a st Lansing c it­ to law the bill extending for C harles C am eron said b e be-j izens on Sunday, Oct. 20. two y e a rs the program of fe d -. lieved authorities x h av e an “ob-. eral aid for schools crow ded j ligation to protect th ese young- because of federal activity in sters. AUSG Services Provides Loans their areas. He said he did so “ with ex­ trem e relu ctan ce.” Y O U H A V E N ’T The m easure also continues The S t u d e n t Government for two years the 1958 national j Services office in 323 Student defense education- act provid­ Services will be open Monday, ing loans to college students W ednesday and F riday from and other aids to teaching of 2:30 to 4:30 p.m . and Tuesday I science, m athem atics and for- and~Thur$day fropi 2 to 4 p.m. ! eign languages. for thfe'W m ainder of the term . The form er, known a s the Students .m ay obtain sm all : im pacted a re a s program , c a r-1 Randy l a t i Ska H EA R D • • • loans, the m axim um of $15, for : ries about $300 million a y e a r | a period of two weeks upon j in U. S. g ran t funds. The j only $090 presentation of th eir ID cards. INDEA program has been r u n - M im eographing services also I ning a t about $250 m illion a a re provided, the only charge I y ear. being cost of paper. This m easure was all th a t Mens & Girls Len K ositchek's The Book Students can also have print­ Congress granted the P resident ed m aterial therm ofaxed at a of the am bitious federal aid to V arsity Shop cost of 5 cents p er sheet. F or There a re 68 land-grant col­ 238 ABBOTT RD. any fu rth e r questions, call M arguerite Todt. director, at leges and universities in the EAST LANSING. MICH. 355-8285 or ED 7-9706. U.S. •11 | % •—:: 1 Vs"' .• - ; Y, “ -| The brothers of Phi Kappa Tau h a s s h ip m e n ts o f N E W -— Invite All Rushees To a n d f f M D b o o k s a r r iv in g OPEN SMOKERS *- -> v :* . -. j Wednesday And Thursday 7 pm. - 9:30 pm T here Fi rst !! Call ED 2-3577 For Rides (across from Berkey Hall) •w ■."A“V-”" ' '- . 125 Hagadorn • Free Parking in bpge lot at rear V I® lg ms Michigan Slate Nfw», U . t Laming, Michigan Wednesday Morning, October 4, 1961 \ Staff Positions Sex Deviation Is Accepted S everal positions a r e open publications layout, business, would be desirable. As JProper Screen Topic Sharon Shutty, an Oak Park sophomore, was recently ac­ Michigan’s Junior Miss of H8B; and America’» Junior Miss Tal­ Sharon h as perform ed on th e nationally televised N orthwest­ on th e staff of th e S p artan En­ g ineer m agazine. Students from all of the c o l ­ If interested, com e to room 346 of th e Student Services building to till out a n applica­ claimed the “Majorette Queen ent Winner of 1980 in which she e rn vs. M.S.U. basketball gam e, leges of th e university m ay ap­ tion o r ca ll the editor, R eg HOLLYWOOD lH—Tbe Mo- board of directors with the fol­ discretion and restraiat and in ot America, 2nd namer-op.” competed with SO high echoed th e MSU vs. th e U niversity of pictare industry changed lowing ruling: ail dther aspects conform to The H-ysar-oid Sharon who Is ply. E xperience in journalism . P ilarski, a t ED 7-2557. seniors from every state in the D etroit gam e, and h as been the its protection coda Tuesday to “ I t is perm issible under the the coda. an “iQtecnatianal Senior Baton union. She twirled 2 fire ba­ featured tw irler for th e D etroit p erm it the n ttjeet of sex devi­ code fo r the production code “The board feds tinder the Twilling Champion,” competed tons to “Jungle Fantasy.**, * Lions P ro football gam es for ation oa the screen. adm inistration to dbnsider ap­ code, the matter may be han­ with 52 other finalists, being On campus Sharon w as th e p ast 10 y ea rs. In ¿11 Sharon A TTEN TIO N RUSHEES The Moth» P ictu re Associa­ proving referen ces in motion dled as acceptably, as morally, judged on beauty, poise, per­ named PM Kappa Psi Queen. h as m ade over 150 television tion, representing m ost of the pictures to the subject of sex as in other media of expression sonality, bathing suits, formal Although Sharon, received ap p earan ces (ova* WXY2-TV, important m ovie-m akers, an ­ aberration, provided any -ref­ . . * radio and television, news­ wear, mfiHaryjmd fancy strut­ uaveral Baton Twirling Scholar­ WWJ-TV, and oth ers). nounced the decision of its erences a re trea ted with care, papers and magaxines, books’ ting and talent at Fayetteville, ship offers from other univer­ Both Sharon and h er sister, «—- v- * . ' ’*sk~rC \ ■' 1 and plays . . . all madia that NX?. sities, she chose Michigan State Jo-Jo, who is also a W orld’s appeal as do motion pictures, Sharon, who started twirling to large and diverse ’»whence». a t th e age of 5, h a s won o v er “ Tim e and again th ese other where she enrolled in Honors Cham p and a -Michigan State College. As a speech m ajor, C ham p for 9 consecutive years, 175- trophies in c o m p e titio n - S haron is in terested in D ram a have tw irled as guests a t m any The Only Men’s House m edia h av e dem onstrated th a t including th e top one—th e In­ an d Television work. MSU half-tim e p ro g ram s^ th e m a tte r can b e tre a te d w ith responsibility and w ithout of­ tern atio n al S enior Champion­ ship On Sorority Row fense . . . ” The m otion picture associa­ In th is contest th e top girls Convention Opening tion released a le tte r from code ad m in istrato r G eoffrey , M. throughout th e nation who have won high h o n o rt in th e prelim i­ n aries com pete. (continued from p age 1) sta te ’s w e lfa re ,-th e 144 d ele­ He accepted th e presidency gates faced an auditorium th at cordially invites all Rushees - Shurlock, requesting a classi Sharon fe lt th a t this w as “ in a sp irit of hum ility” and aped tw o-thirds empty ficatkm in th e code to accom o­ d ate producers who w anted to tr e a t th e subject of sex devia­ “ th e g re a te s t th rill of .know­ called fo r good will, com pro­ ing a trem endous accom plish­ m ise and constructive thinking m en t w hich ca m e a fte r 10 on th e p a r t of th e delegates. ‘oughout th e session. NEWSMEN, photographers ^ to attend tion. and TV ca m e ra m en added to y e a rs of h a rd work an d m uch IN A PRAYER a t th e close .the color of th e opening ses­ Shurlock cited th ese applica­ tions “ taken from well-known books an d plays th a t have been com petition. of his speech, N isbet asked for sion. I t adjdurned a t 1:30 p.m . B esides tw irling, Sharon h as “ divine guidance to enable us and s ta rts up again today a t 2 Open Rush Smoker won m any N ational Scholastic to -b e guided by w h at is good acclaim ed alike b y critics and p.m ., when delegates move to A wards. Among th ese have fo r o u r w onderful sta te .” public,“ : “ The D evil’s Advo­ c a te ,” “ Advise an d Conscjent,” “ The B est M an ," a n d “ F re u d .” been th e N ational Quill and •Gov. Jo h n B. Swainson wel­ th eir sm aller Convention Hall in another p a rt of th e C enter to S croD A w ard, (editor-in-chief); com ed th e delegates, an d w arn ­ begin w ork in earn est. Tonight October 4 N ational H onor Society; Wol­ ed th em th a t th e ir debates and Today they a re expected to Shurlock received -ft* letter v erine G irl’s S ta te; D.A.R. actions would b e followed nam e th ree vice presidents to ONE BLOCK EAST O F CAMPUS from producer-chief Eric John­ Gdod Citizenship A w a r d , closely throughout th e state. assist N isb et., F o rm er State ston with th e board’s decision A m erican Legion S p e e c h The governor em phasized the S enator E d w ard Hutchinson ON U.S. 1 6 - th a t m a tte rs of sex deviation A w ard; A m erican Legion F o r­ significance of this “ historical and A m erican M otors presi­ “ m ay be approved w hen tre a t­ ed w ith c a re , discretion an d re ­ strain t. . „ ensic and T hespian M edal; and m om ent in th e an n als of th e dent, George Rom ney. both upon g rad u atin g fro m B erkley s ta te ” a n d asked th e delegates GOP delegates who deadlocked j High School she received the be “ bro ad in vision—and show in . the caucus presid en cy bal- j The Oaks of Theta DeltaChi “D istinguished A chievem ent ju stice an d eq u ality.” Spedai Today’s change in th e code is th e m ost d ra stic y e t in a five- y e a r cam paign to allow m ovie­ Cup.” I n addition to scholastic and O ther sp eak ers included: S ecretary of S tate John M. loting, will probably be nam ed j by th e R epublican m ajority. The D em ocratic v ice presi­ at 501 M.A.C Avenue m ak ers to tr e a t controversial tw irling aw ard s, Sharon has H are, a m em b er of th e p re­ d e n t w in be Tom Downs, AFL- Buddy Subjects w ith the sam e freedom as other m edia, an d i t follows recen t suprem e co u rt rulings also ca p tu red m an y Queen p a ra to ry com m ittee, who also CIO official from the 4th | titles. She w as B erkley’s H om e­ stresse d th e significance of the Wayne County R epresentative com ing Queen, D ream Queen, convention; D istrict, it w as decided at the 1 1 I ’ 332-2563 forbidding censorship on the. M ajorette Queen of M ichigan W illard I. Bow erm an, m ay o r D em ocratic caucus. screen. of 1962; M ichigan’s M ost B eau­ of Lansing, and Haircuts tiful M djorette of 1959-1961; MALCOLM GRAY DADE, D em ocratic E piscopal m inister New Colony Opens in fo rm a tio n from th e 4th W ayne County R ep resen tativ e D istrict, w ho -Two DU.SigEpsMove; TODAY ON CAMPUS lifted h is a rm s high as he hoped, in his invocation, th at STANFORD STOMP — 9-12 th e L ord would “ hold us all to for P rospective rushees should take note of the relocation of two fratern ities a n d the loca­ p n n ., U nion building ball­ stric t accountability-for o ur a c ­ room , ca su al dressy 75c p er tions h e re .” $3.00 Save m oney for yourself and do tion of a new group th a t will colonize n ex t year. D elta Upsilon is in its new couple. CAMPUS 4 - H - T u e s d a y , 7:30 p .m . 312 A griculture H all. While u rg ed to work for the V. a favor for a friend. M ake an appointm ent together. and com e in bouse located a t H agadorn an d G rand R iv er. Sigm a P h i~ E p - silon is a t a different house a t M ARKETING CLUB M E ET ­ IN G —T hursday, 7-10:30 p.m ., ENJOY A ctivities C arnival • Stadium College Manor Beauty Salon 529 Sunset Lane. The O aks Club of T h eta Del­ ta Chi has m oved into the house C oncourse. ALPHA P H I OMEGA — UN Lounge, Union building, Wed­ .r, Static. • Free Radio Reception Samuel Grossman form erly occupied b y th e Sig n esday, 7 p .m . M em ber of 224 Abbott R oed — E D 2-3113 NHCA Inc. E p s. The O aks Club w as form ­ ed la st y e a r by th e U of M chap­ te r of T heta D elta Chi. CAMPUS 4-H — “ 4-H Round­ u p ,” 8-12 p .m ., F rid a y , F o r­ e stry Cabin. G uaranteed! offers the _ WHIRLTRON STATIC - W INGED SPARTANS FLYING CLUB — W ednesday, 7:30 p .m ., R oom 34 UBion. — ROW ING CLUB - T hursday, FILT ER S F u lly T ested ft G uaranteed “Go-everywhere” 7 p .m ., R m . 33 Union. ----- To R em ove Static VETERAN W IVES ASSOCIA­ TION — W ednesday, 8 p.m ., O r Money B ack !- O rder Yours Today Basic Black Crepe e r v o o r t’s S p a rta n V illage H all. G R E E N SPLASH — W ednes­ P ro m p t D elivery 213 E. GRAND RIVER d ay, 7 p j n ., W om en’s IM building. SPECIAL AT $ 2 .9 9 EAST LANSING CAMPUS CRUSADES - “ Col­ Ph. ED 2-2114 lege L ife,” W ednesday, 6:30 p .m ., 541 A bbott R d. - , Products SPARTAN CHRISTIAN P E L - Distributing L O W S H I P — 7:30 p .m ., E D 1-1051 HEAD­ T h u rsd ay , 803 E. G ra n d R iv­ e r , D r. S avage, sp eak er. - The flu id b lack d r£ s s s h a p e d in su p p le crep e. B y th e s u p e rb ly QUARTERS YOUR h o u r . . . f o r e v e ry h o u r . . . cre p e s are th e d re s s e s w ith m a x im u m for all ; f a s h io n “ m ile a g e ” th is fa ll. T h is -sim ple little c re p e r a te s h ig h ly PHYSICAL with every coed for its versatility a t special cam pus occasions. Also EDUCATION av a ila b le in ro y a l, o r m in t g re e n . SUPPLIES S izes 10-18. $ 25 * Badminton Racket $335 MacGregor, Nylon Strang STR E ET FLOOR, EAST LANSING * Shuttlecocks, plastic 49c SECOND FLOOR, LANSING M * Pennsylvania “Pinkies” 25c your SPARTAN BOOK STORE * Handball Gloves $3.29 is Dedicated to serving you Champion, padded goatskin We are an integral part of the Educational Process ' shop die * Handballs, Regulation r 85c Spartan Book Store CORNER MAC 0 ANN AVE. shop Van’s tonight.. . Open ’til 9 EAST LANSING U. S, Drafts Doctors, AUSG Begins Seminars Calk* Up Reservists P I A series of seminars sponsor-1 not lectures. ! Ail seminars nifl be held in ed by tbe AUSO Aeedeuuc, The beets nil! be evmUble ; ^ j b e m j s _ J i» « . at 7 BeneBtt The Air Force and Navy Sunday night with a dtaissionJ ^ Conuniliee ^ bejta Ì S i f •to r a - M » s Ball said. I p.m. WASHINGTON (B-The Pen­ tagon Monday ordered the liave not called any medical led by Dr. Alfred Meyer, asso-j draft of 716 doctors, dentists personnel from the reserve. ciato professor of political and veterinarians to tend the The last time the Pentagon science, of his book “Commun­ health of thousands of men be­ resorted to a doctor'draft_wte iism.”. ing mustered into the Army, in June when it-called for 185 (I The seminars, 'according to T h e lu c k ie s t Navy and Air Force. TL-"Tv physicians for the Navy and committee chairman, Barbara “This special call is neces­ Air Force. It did so -because Jean Rail, East Lansing juii- sary to meet the requirements there had not been enough vol­ ior, are designed, to bring to­ of the current military build­ unteers. ’ That was before tbe gether faculty members and up,” the department said. military buildup began, spur­ interested students who wish toA La u n d ry It asked Selective Service to red by the Berlin crisis. discuss in detail a topic of ed­ call 495' doctors—275 for thé Previously, doctors had not ucational importance. Army, 150 for the Air Force* been drafted since 1957. It has Science, social science, and and 70 for the Navy. been six years since dentists the fine arts will be equally I A total of 154 dentists and 67 have* been inducted and nine represented in'the weekly sem- j veterinarians were earmarked years since veterinarians were inars. Dr.— Meyer, a noted : w a s lh a d e for Army service. Horses are brought-into the military serv­ authority on international Com-~ a thing of the past in the Army, ice in this way. — munism, will be followed by | but veterinarians are needed, Dr. Maurice Crane, assistant chiefly for food inspection. Ü. S. armed might is in the for drafting tbe doctors, den- Officials did not ; tists and veterinarians. They fix a time professor of humanities. Dr. Crane will lead a discus­ L o v e ly b y L o u is FROM BID TO BREAKFAST.« • • S m S S o m e Î61A t o u f 0^151°- ! said Selective Service has been sion on Oct. 15 concerning Os­ in our bright a n d b reez y 000 National Guardsmen a n d , asked1 to move as quickly as car Wilde’s “The Critic as Ar­ cotton pf sot b y Rutledge. reservists have started to put j possible, tist.” Further seminars will ; feature discussions of interest i Comfort ensured in tho te o so ­ on uniforms. There also has ! Medical men^pieked for in- been an expansion of the gen-1duction will be given 60 days to such as the place of literature fitting jacks?, adjustable volunteer for commissions. If in our society. Cleaier and eral draft, a step-up in recruit­ ing and other measures to in­ crease the number of U . S. Men-At-Arms. _ they wait to be drafted, they w ill go in as enlisted men but will have a chance to become - The discussion will not be of, the books, exclusively, but will ! follow the interests of those at- j J§aC Shirt Landry Lady Nobelt w aistband o f th e pants. Pòodle-trimmed cotton corduroy b reak fast c o a t - officers if they wish. Among tending. It is emphasized that The Army has called up a these are discussion groups, i number of reserve and guard .ne advantages of volunteer­ ideal for dorm o r home, la medical and hospital units ing, ^-officials'said, is the right pink or blue. 12-18 sizes. which have doctors and den­ to choose the service a man prefers. - The set. 1L O O Sigm a P h i E psilon tists on their rosters. British Controversy _ i 1 1 oh/ thoso vital/ vibrant -Value of Bomb Raids dynamic Capazio skimmers! Race, run, swing, zing in On Germany Disputed Open Rush-Union-Parlor C the lightest/ fiveKest little dashaboufs on d ie — LONDON y p — C o n t r o v e r s y -M e a n w h ile , th e h is to ria n s ’ I cam pus-casual scene • • r a g e s in B r it a in ’ s p re s s o v e r h i n t t h a t 5 5 ,8 8 8 m e n in B r i t i s h j w h e th e r th e g re a t a ir b o m b a r d ­ m e n t o f G e r m a n c itie s — e s ti­ m a t e d t o h a v e c o s t 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 G e r ­ b o m b in g c r e w s lo s t t h e ir liv e s in a v ic to r y th a t n e v e r w a s , TO NIGH T! w afer heel skimmers in red , black, navy, brown g o t fro n t p a g e tre a tm e n t. S o ] m a n c iv ilia n liv e s — r e a lly h e lp ­ o r bronzm o kidskin. 8 ,9 8 d i d t h e s u g g e s t i o n t h a t 1 8 0 .0 0 0 e d w in W o r ld W a r I I . - T h e s to r m a ro s e a fte r p u b li­ G e r m a n c iv ilia n s p o s s ib ly d ie d j c a tio n o f a n o ffic ia l h is to r y , in v a in . — T he Sig E p’s have moved from th eir old “ The S tr a te g ic A i r O ffe n s iv e " “ M a n y o r d i n a r y fo lic h a v e A g a i f t s t G e r m a n y — 1 9 3 9 - 1 9 4 5 ,” h a d a n a g g in g s u s p ic io n f o r location at 501 MAC into a new and better w h ic h s u g g e s te d : ‘T h e w ill o f s o m e t i m e ,” c o m m e n t e d t h e j th e G e r m a n p e o p le — w a s n o t m ass c irc u la tio n new spaper j house at 5 2 6 Sunset Lane. Because o f ex­ b r o k e n a n d . . . th e e ffe c t o n T h e P e o p le . “ O t h e r s , b e t t e r in - j w a r p r o d u c tio n w a s r e m a r k ­ fo r m e d , h a v e q u ie tly th r u s t a n y } ten siv e rem odeling, their Open R ush a b l y s m a l l .” d o u b ts ilito th e re c e s s e s -o f th e ir j T h e h is to r ia n s w h o w ro te it— m in d s . W e ll, to d a y , th e c o n - ] Sm oker will beTield at 7 :0 0 tonight in p a r­ S ir C h a r le s W e b s te r a n d 39- s c ie n c e o f e a c h o n e o f u s m u s t ’ y e a r-o ld N o b le F r a n k la n d . a fa c e s ta rk r e a lity . I t h a s a t I f o r m e r b o m b e r p ilo t w h o is la s t b e e n s ta te d o f fic ia r y th a t lo r C of the Union. n o w d ir e c to r o f- t h e - im p e r ia l th e ' s la u g h te r o f te n s o f th o u s -1 W a r M u s e u r iH -to o k 10 y e a r s to ra n d s o f c iv ilia n G e r m a n m e n . t u r n o u t t h e i r 1 ,0 0 0 - p a g e r e p o r t . w o m e n a n d c h ild r e n , w a s n o t. j All eligible rushees are invited to. attend. a lte r a ll, n e c e s s a ry to w in th e T H E Y TOOK SHARP i s s u e w a r .” w ith B r i t a i n ’s w a r tim e c h ie f o f b o m b e r c o m m a n d , S ir A r th u r I T “ B o m b e r ” r H a r r i s , w h o h e ld t h a t b o m b in g a lo n e c o u ld h a v e k n o c k e d o u t G e r m a n y if e n o u g h OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL NINE b o m b e r s h a d b e e n p r o d u c e d . -4 T h e y c la im e d _ p re w a r m u d ­ d le a n d tr e a s u r y tig h t-fis te d - [ n e s s s e n t th e R o y a l A i r F o r c e | B o m b e r C o m m a n d in to b a ttle j “ i l l - e q u i p p e d a n d i n e f f e c t i v e .” | N a v ig a tio n _a n d b o m b in g j w e r e so p o o r o v e r t h e R u h r ! in 19 4 1. th e y a lle g e , th a t o n ly I s e v e n out of e v e r y l h u n d r e d a i r ­ c ra ft made h i t s w i t h i n 7 5 s q u a r e q itig s o f th e ta r g e t. T h e h is to r ia n s s a id th e 19 4 3 - 44 air b a t t l e o f B e r l i n , w h i c h H a r r is fo re c a s t w o u ld " c o s t G e r m a n y t h e w a r ," w a s a c t u a l ­ l y a defeat w i t h m o r e t h a n 1 ,0 0 0 b o m b e r s l o s t . T h e y c la im e d th e B r itis h p u b ­ lic w a s n o t to ld th c tr u th a b o u t j “ te r r o r b o m b in g ” b e c a u s e o f te a rs th a t th e A rc h b is h o p o f C a n te r b u r y a n d o th e r re lig io u s le a d e r s w o u ld c o n d e m n it a n d j u p s e t th e m o r a le o f a ir c r e w s , j - T H E M A IN FA U LT i n B r i t ­ is h p la n n in g , a c c o r d in g to W e b - - ster and Frankland,-was the failure to develop a long-range fighter to defeat the Luftwaffe in battle before bombing could be successful: The Americans j Were wiser. They used Mustang fighters to wear down the Ger­ sweater elective* man fighter squadrons and win the a ir superiority which final­ ly enabled, allied bombers to slated for campus honors roam freely over Germany. Today “ Bomber” Harris, n o w living in retirement, angrily lo rd Jeff M s fashion requirem ents for all-around, everywhere casual hit back at tys critics and said he would do it again, • “ Bombing alone could have ~ comfort in sw eaters. Choose yours from these classic variations in fall's knocked Germany out if more bombers had been produced,” new spiritiftfog colors. Sizes SMUXL A. Nevirhigh V-neck pullover he said. “ I f the-atom bomb had been launched on Germany fa w dol-m oholr b fand. Moss, arctic g reen , blue, block, w hile. I * . * » instead of Japan, there would be no question about the suc­ cess of the bomber offensive.” B. Popcorn stitch 6 -bufton w oof c a rd ig a n in C am bridge, putty, favot HARRIS SAID tbe,. task of b lu e , n av y , w h ite, b ro w n , g ran ite. UL9B C Im ported Shetland. writing the history should nev er have been given to men who had expressed the view that Its w hats up front th at counts C am b rid g e, favot blu e, ©fore h e a th e r, b lu e h eath er, natural. 1 3 .9 8 Che air offensive failed before they even started writing. i F i L T E R - B L E N P i is yours in W inston and only W inston. “ We were not biased. We kept an open mind,” Frankland U p fro n t you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected 216 Abbott Road Eut L a n s in g retorted. and specially processed fo r filter sm o king. S m o ke W inston. An a ir ministry spokesman said; “ We have no comment ex­ MEN’S SHOP cept that it. must not be as­ sumed we agree on every} P tfN ^ O N T A S T E S G O O D lik e a cig arette should! point” I W ednesday M eriting, O ctober 4 , 1 9 6 1 Favored Yanks*Clas C incinnati In Series P h i S ig m a K a p p a , O P E N R U S H W e d n e s d a y , O c to b e r 4 207 B ogue F o r R id e s , C a ll E D 2-8696 G s v ’l bnpocfed Ten Game Schedule For State Michigan State will plaÿ ten- game football schedules is 1SSS and 1966 which Athletic Direct-, or Biggie Munn calls “the finest. I have ever seen and certainly, Sapsr Right the strongest in M ic h p a } State's history.” J “There isn’t a dead spot la them. They’re loaded with «Etal- j IC E S K A T IN G SEM I-BONELESS-HAM S 59* lb ity opponents certain to attract Tbs ooBarien roll-steewd Aiit, great fan interest," Munn went. OPEN TO PUBLIC simple as a, boy's. . on to explain. “They t o t havw a fresh and unlimited bit of dreasiag that appears everywhere nice balance between home and ; Seper Right with vivid originality. away games. We fed very for­ STUDENT SPECIAL Its clean soft tines- adapt tbcsosalves to wear with all other things. tunate to have come up with such schedules.” JThe schedules, newly ap­ - ! RATES Pork Sausage lib Roll 39 Bologna Cotton broadcloth, io t 1****— of free whsoMwg color. proved by Die Michigan State athletic council, list ten games Fresh Lean as Compared to the present nine per season because af re­ Tuesday T hrough S atu rday Evenings cent conference action expand-: Satgndny M orning_________ ______ Leg - O - Lamb 67clb Ground ing the regular season slates by one'game starting m IKS. S atu rd ay mad Sunday A fte rn o o n ...... They list seven Big Tea ap-: ponents each year and three M ichigan outside teams. The Big Ten foes SK A TE REN TA LS AVAILABLE both seasons are TTIñanÉa. Mich­ igan. Ohio State, PnrdaeJ Northwestern. Iowa and la&- ana. Notre- Dame and Pean EX PER T SKATE SHARPENING Cauliflower Largo Heads State also are carded both Y o u r Choice years. Rounding out the steles M I C H I G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S IT Y B uttercup are UCLA in 1965's opener and B u ttern u t North Carolina State ia the first: game of 1966. -? ■ IC E A R E N A Acorn* Across From Campus A special the pres-! Layaway Charge ence of Notre Dame oa the U closing date each year. MitMgaa Apples Miehigaa U.S. No. I - Melatosi 4 ib bag 39c Lo o k O ve r A ll H ouses DoHcIms 4 lb bag 49c POTATOES I 1; 1.29 D u r in g R u s h W e e k Jfour choice * ana aon t pats up losa Vegetables Cut W ax Beans Pass, Con,' Tomatoes Cut Green Beaus A LPH A S IG M A PH I 4 2 0 EVERGREEN Popsicles or Fudgcsicles OPEN RUSH TONIGHT 7 - 1 0 p. FOR RIDES CALL ED 2-355 Frozen Food “The Shaker Bulky” in B em at S hakerspua Y arn Jane P arker Bakery Features knilh up very quick on great big needles. Big, so ft, pure wool yarn in wonderfully “d ifferen t” caters Norm Style D onets makes these sw eaters in no-tim e at att. Plain o r Sugared This is The Womans “ Long Look” S haker Bafty featured ig McCall’s. Your E ast Lansing A & P Super M arket All price# in this Ad effective th ru Saturday, See Them At Corner of H agadorn and E ast G rand River October 7lh in W illiamston Store and all five D O T ’S Y A R N N O O K BETWEEN HALVES... Lansing A & P Super M arkets 8 0 5 M aryland Ave. g e t t h a t r e fr e s h in g new f e e l i n g Store Hoprs ^ AMMic/.t rc n s o fT i - r t ?*— w ith C o k e ! Monday th ro Saturday Between E a st G rand R iver and E ast Saginaw in L ansing 3 1M «MAT ATUMTIC S MCIMC IM COMM»* ì W ednesday M orning, QeuA er ^ 1961 m M ichigan State Pie«», East f j maing, M ichigan manager in major league basa, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a i B r u n e i B re a k s R e c o rd A g a in 4 McGara New Chief ball, was the Indiano* first basa CLEVELAND (*~TW «su­ ing of Mti licGaha as manager for Utting hard. “I have ooe philosophy in coach this season. Dykes, 64, was released just b eto n the Tribe's finale in Los Angeles On Sports, Etc. TBILISI, Russia (D—Valery Brumel, the world record high jumper, captured tbe Russian But a following wind of three meters par sacood, more titan allowable, barred recognition of the Cleralaiid Indians marks baseball,” »aid the new skipper Sunday. of the jump. PAUL SCHNITT title trito a leap ot 7 feet, 3Vt the beriming of a now era to feBowtog his appointment Mon­ inches a t the National Track baseball hm . day. “That is to win. 1 play to When be was handed his pink slip Dykes said he felt sorry The student body wanted me Spartan basketball practice. and Field Championships, Tass S h o w M o v ie O f Gene is toe easy food humor Wto and I'll f a anything to to; the faculty wanted me to; (Lucas became ineligible at reported Tuesday. B r u m e l of Jimmie Dykes, who was a a d r i m that purpose. J know for his -successor. “This job is the ceechee wanted me to; toe OSU after flunking NCAA final symbol of a dearer, happier that sounds brutal, but there m urder," he said. '“The trouble­ athletes wanted me to; the last year.) Frank Hogan’s of­ has jumped—4V4. Viktor-Bol­ shov was second at 6-9. M S U - W is . G a m e time. McGaha U a young, tough it is.” makers make It a suicide po­ pulibttc wanted me to . . . but fice cells for an investigation. . McGaha, at 35 the youngest sition." Tatyana Sbchdkanova, a Color movies of the MSU* leader aha has a reputation I 1am NOT going to quit pre­ Nev. 24 — Recky Marciano Leningrad student, bettered Wisconsin football game, play­ dicting the sports events. comes out of retirement and the listed world record for tbe ed Saturday, will ba shown a t So carrying on with toe prac­ knocks out Joe Louis, trite still women’s broad jump with a 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to tbe CAMPUS C L A S S I F I E D S tice that has now become a tra ­ happens to be in retirement. dition since It was first inaugu­ Loom sue* Marciano for 8 lfa- rated way hade In toe spring 00086, charging that tbe Brok- spring of 21 feet, 6Vk inches. Union ballroom. Program information dial IV 2-3905 DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for T hcsl, Wed, Thun* term of 1981, I now look into ton Buster assaulted him with ray green and white crystal two deadly weapons. and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Mon. Editimi: 1 pan. Fri. bail for tbe outcome of the tru­ Nov. 2S — Big Ten football N o w ...L a s t 2 D ays M I C H I G A N PHONE: 855-8255 or 355-8256 ly momentous spectacles In the season comes to a close with ART BRANDSTATTER world of sports this fall that six teams tied for first place. ...Spartaa toree year veteran— These are the yowng doctors with no masks to hide bsbtod! will altar and Illuminate our Michigan State,- Iowa, Ohio times. State,^ Wisconsin, Michigan and A U T O M O T IV E FO R S A LE PER SO N AL Oct, S — Valeri B runei, out­ pinnt« have each woo one-lost D e p e n d a b ility B ft c N I a z z a r a S a r k B u m E b e r t standing Russian high-jump . tlac b a b y m ilk *4 *0. case of 24. the previous m ark of four held Daily at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. Sr« Jo e B rilla n t a t J a c o b x o n i, 190 • U nicapa, 1.66. W ith th is ad Dec. 5 — After an intensive E a st L ansing. C all E D 3-659*. 7 only. L im it one each. M arek P r e ­ by hundreds of Yankees and ' H EA R SE, 1*4* P a c k a rd . W ill n e x t to N atio n al. sc rip tio n C en ter, 'N o rth of S ear* » Duke Snider. District Attor­ investigation of the MSU all- T e n o r tra d e , Í Í Í 5 E x c e lle n t co n­ dition. New tire s . IV 4-379«. tf H E A D M A S T E R S 8' 9” Cudco’a 1- Lavaliers ney Frank Hogan calla for an university finals, Frank Ho­ G L A D M E R y e a r-o ld . E D 2-5653. investigation. - gan’s office summons third : T H E A T R E ' PM Q N E »V 2 98*1 PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 I * : , * R E D I S E T T A . R e c o n d itio n ­ Recognition string center from the Dali " Oct '"iZ — The night before Lamas, charging that he re­ NOW . . . 05c to 5:30 . STAY to* ed m o to r , h e a te r , d e fr o s te r , li.v - I 960 O L I V E T T I p o r t a b le t y p e ­ cc-Ment c o n d itio n . *325. M u s t s e ll. w r i t e r . -W k a n e w . P r ic e d to . s e lb U s t i S ue S m ith , E D 2 -0 *3 1 . ® big . ¿ichigan-Michigan State ceived a bribe from IM officials E D 7 -2 *7 2 . % s Pin» clash. Wolverine students in­ to throw the .game. M ETRO C O N V E R T IB L E , 19597 A L L S T A T E 'S C O O T E R w i t h b u d ­ New r u b b e r , e n g in e o v e r h a u le d , d y s e a t a n d w in d s h ie ld . L i k e n e w vade campus and steal 132 Jan. 1 — University of Wash­ n e w b r a k e s , *17 5 . C a ll I V 9-6 *4 4 c o n d it io n . P h o n e E D 2-1674 a f t e r cows. Nobody calls for an in­ ington smashes Northwestern a f te r 6:3 0 p. m . » 4 p .m . ' 9 MSU vestigation. E A 5 T L A N S I N G * P H O N E E D . 2-7814 1*5» M E T R O , g o o d . c o n d itio n . A P P L E S : R e d D e lic io u s , J o n a ­ Wildcats, 41-6, for third straight O w n e d b y la d y w h o lovers _ I t b u t th o n s . M c In to s h , N o r t h e r n S py» Graduation Oct. 21—Coach Duffy Daugh­ New Year’s victory over West­ HOME O F T H E BEST IN FOREIGN FILM S h e r f a n v il y o u t g r e w I t . *95 0 . E D a n d C o r t la n d * . F r e s h a p p le c id e r . erty enlists the services of ern Conference competition- -.1)080. ° S q u a s h . P ie a n d H a llo w e e n p u m p ­ Dutch Kemerling, star soccer Jan. 2 — Big Ten Athletic EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING 35 O L D K M O B IL E . O o o d tr a n e p o r - k in s . F a r m fr e s h e g g s . A ls o o t h e r f r u i t s a n d v e g e ta b le s a t r e a s o n ­ Rings player of MSU booters. Kem­ officials break pact with Rose t a t lo n . *200. See a t 51*4 P a r k L a n e a b le p r ic e * . R o a d s id e F a r m M a r k ­ R o a d . E a a t L a n a in g . e v e n ln g a a n d e t. ’* m ile s e a s t o f E a s t L a n s in g erling responds by kicking six Bowl and sign forty year pact LAST 2 NIGHTS — ADULTS 90c w e e ke n d *. ,J~ * o n U S 16 a t O k e n io * R o a d . tf IN STOCK field goals as the Spartans nip with Skyline Conference, agree­ 19 r,9 O P E L 2 d o o r a e d a n . e le a n . TRAILERS Notre Dame, 18-14. ing to play each other in Mat- ONE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:80 ■* 6,000 m ite * . L e a t lie r u n h o la te r y , n e w tir e « , n o r u * t . A v a lla t ile O c - 1937 H O U S E T R A I L E R , 30 x4. Oct. 28 — Soccer mentor, zoh Bowl every Jan. 1 FEATURE AT 8 P.M. — COME EARLY T b b e r 1. B D 2 -4 1 7 *. » e x c e lle n t co ndition, re a s o n a b ly Gene Kenney borrows-grid star Jan. 3 — University of Wash­ p riced. L o t B21, F r a n t a c o u r t . I V 1*37 P L Y M O U T H .— -2—d o o r, V -8 2-111*. —1—- 8 Art Brandstatter as State faces ington applies for admission to “ Eisenstein’s marvellous p o w e r C lite, r a d io , h e a te r , lo w a tough Purdue soccer team. and is voted In as a new mem­ m ile a g e , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . It 1*5» R O Y C R A F T tr a ile r. 13x79. visual Imagiaatiea is ap­ C aH IV 6-805S o r IV 2-9312. MSU Booters triumph, 3-2, as ber of Skylina Conference. ft-319S. ~ - - ... * tf Brandstatter scores, two third , Jan. 4 — Big Ten breaks pact “ A CINEMATIC parent not only in toe su­ perb decor and costumes, M G A, 36. E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . M l e x tr a s . M u s t » e ll. - C a ll B o b FO R R EN T perioa goals. with Skyline Conference and KVKNT” but in the way individual inn. E D 2 -3 3 *1. - ‘ M A IL E D A N Y W H E R E g iim P A R K IN G SPACES. 3 b lo c k * Nov. 4 — Leroy Loudermilk, deemphasizes football for 70 sequences are constructed; 1»40 P A C K A R D T I E A K M S . V in e ru n n in g c o n d itio n , good p a in t fro T P U n io n . Call ED 2*3634 a f t e r COM PLETE A S S O R T M E N T former Spartan gridder, leads years. and in the great assassina­ * p.m. 5 the University of Colorado to a tion scene his genius seems v e r v U t t le r u a t. *150. C a l l . E D . - 5*39. 9 14 H O U R R E S E R V E D p a r k in g n e a r A b b o t t a n d G r a n d R iv e r . C a ll A V A IL A B L E AT 41-13 victory over Missouri, as. ROHÜJlIÄßB to soar freely and widely, 1952 P L Y M O U T H . R e lia b le t r a n s ­ he completes 31 of 33 passes IN "PERSON a pure fusion of emotion p o r ta tio n in som ew hat b o d y . G o o d tir e s . *100. 3 3 3 -9 i t * . s *I.ust«d 3 *7 -2 1 9 3 . P A R K I N G . 2 m in u t e s - f r o m B e r - 3 The good fof 482 yds. For the third I W i i 'f i f f i l A i l and intellect . . . the rich 19-16 P L Y M O U T H ; M o to r - and k e y . 20 * B a ile y , E a s t L a n s in g . 7 straight week, the Colorado M is e n a w Mteieo mm sao grandeur of a Mussorgsky signal-caller is voted the na­ b o d y In e x c e lle n t c o n d it io n . $355. 643 E v e r g r e e n . 337-2724. 7 APARTMENTS C a rd S h o p tion’s back of toe week. opera or a Shakespearean drama.” —Sight and Sound L A D T S T U D E N T - to s h a re a f o u r Nov. 5 — The plane carrying Sie límite 1*57 P L Y M O U T H . 6 c y lin d e r s e - _ fla n , s ta n d a r d s h i f t , lo o k s a n d r u n * ro o m fu r n is h e d a p a r t m e n t , c le a n , g o o d . C a ll o w n e r , T U 2-1543. 7 q u ie t, w a l k i n g d is ta n c e to c a m p u s . Across From the Detroit Lions to San Fran­ PARTS 1 AND 2 I f In t e r e s t e d In s t u d y in g t h is y e a r, cisco for an important NFL R E N A U L T - D a u p h ln e , 1 9 8 '. f i n e e g li E D 7-01 SO, a s k f o r S a lly . tf Home Economics Bldg contest is hi-jackeid and forced STARTING FRIDAY AT 7 PJH. c o n d i t i o n . ; E x c e lle n t g a s -o n s u n i- ROOMS p tlo n . P h o n e E D -7-9256 a f t e r 5. 5 .19;, 7 V O L K S W A G O N . S un ro o f. S IN G L E R O O M . _ N e a r- c a m p u s . ED 2-6753 to land at Havana A irport Nov. 6 — Castro Government Ml/of « AmmHipoy— andUnd hkoa V.IPI Rla< k w i t h re d le a t h e r u p h o ls te r y . F o r m en. C a ll B O 2-3834 a f t e r 6 C I V I C 4 ] E x c e lle n t c o n d it io n . A s k in g * 7 5 ". p.m. 0 R E A L ESTATE is willing to return plane and E D 7 -7 P S 3 r _______ * T W O R O O M S a v a ila b le f o r r e n t. Detroit team to the United 193» V O L K 8 W A G O N C O N V E R T ­ U s e o f th e h o u s e , n e a r b u s . l a u n ­ *730 D O W N . Q u a l it y b u i l t , th r e e States if Ford Frick, commis­ Feature at I B L E . E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . *1350. 149 H a s le t t S tr e e t, a f t e r 5 p.m ., d r o m a t , s to r e * . In q u ir e *2 0 S. b e d ro o m s . F u lL b a s e m e n t, g a s h e a t, sioner oT major leagues, will CENTER L o g a n , L a n s in g . I V 9 -9 3 0 2 ' a f t e r a lu m in u m s c re e n * . 10 m in u t e s f r o m E D 7-7116. « 5 p .m . .. 5 M S U . C a ll K K 9-8984 . 14 return Camilio Pascual, Pedro 1:00 - 3:05 • 5:15 t» 5 9 _ .- Y O L K S W A G O N SEDAN. C A M P U S H O U S IN G . R o o m » , a ls o E A S T . $500 d o w n , e a s y d r i v i n g Ramos and Luis Arroyo to 7:30-9:40 E x c e lle n t c o n d it io n . C a ll NA 7 - s t u d y ro o m s . K it c h e n p r iv i l e g e I f d is ta n c e to t f n lv e r s l t y . I ro o m s Cuba.' Frank Hogan’s office - WED. *270 a f t e r I p .m , m 6 a n d b a th . A p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 a c re s £KâSnamsaàgsâaà3Baafaîta«BHBX& of la n d . Im m e d ia t e p o s s e s s io n . calls for an investigation. STARTS SATURDAY: NO S E R M O N S . . . Ju st good W e s te r n R e a lt y . I V 6-8160 . 6 OCT. 11th a u to tn su ra n c e ! Bubols, oV*T L O S T and F O U N D Nov. 7 — Luis Arroyo refutes GARY COOPER in Jaco b « o n s^lS D ^ 2 -* 67L Castro’s offer claiming that he, 8:00 p.m, L O S T - d u r in « : r e g i s t r a t io n . W h it e S ER V IC E Arroyo, is an expatriate of “ FRIENDLY EM P LO YM EN T g o ld r i n g w i t h ro u n d e d b lu e s a ­ p h ir » . S e n tim e n ta l v a lu e . R e w a r d . T V P I N O In m y hom e. T h eses Puerto Rico, not Cuba.’ TOP TV PERSUASION” soul t ic»y prcducttoa iutctel by betHHjtorçts titubi i biffai »IbmIimiI (tktit an d term p ap ers, E le c tric -type­ —— and — J 4 R U K A A C P in v ite s a ll m em ­ ED 7-7312 . * w rite r. C a ll N ancy W eiss a t ED Nov. 17—Roger Maris named b e rs and In te re ste d s tu d s n ts to * -$ * 7 7 . 5 Most Valuable Player in Amer­ AND “ FASCINATION” PLEA SE COME EARLY* FOR SEATS th e firs t b u sin e ss m e etin g „of th e vear. Union B u ild in g . R oom s 34 PERSO N AL T H E B IL L H A R T O RCH ESTRA ican League. Enraged over the and 35. T h u rsd a y , O ctober 5, « p.m. fo r ‘‘D ance M usic w ith H a rt." decision, Mickey Mantle and RECORDING ARTISTS I C all ED 2-5 6 0 1 . 7 Whitey Ford quit baseball. Tickets On Sale At to e a r n «30 SO UTH TO ANN ARBOR TY PIN G In S p a rta n V illa»« NEED TEN MEN a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r Luis Arroyo, also resenting the Campos Music Shop 'or * hour* w o rk , p lus big sales »onus. E D 2-*420. « C all S5I-I012 tf choice, applies for Cuban citi­ U N IV E R S IT Y TH EA TR E O C C A S IO N A L d a y t im e b a b y s it ­ F ro s h -S o p h C o u n c il T Y P IS T A N K B R O W N . E D 2- zenship, where Castro warmly Gen. Adm. $1.5# te r . O w n t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . P rs fs r 9314. E l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r . T e r m p a ­ welcomes both Luis and his s t u d e n t 's w if e . E D 2-4015. t.f. p re s e n ts a bus tr ip p e rs a n d th e s e s , a ls o g e n e r a l t y p ­ 911,000 check for the winners’ Reserved Sec. Y2.W presents in g . tf PART T IM E le g a l s e c r e ta r y . share of toe World Series. Dear Prices $2.80 • 82.50 D o w n t o w n ta w o f f ic e . E x p e r ie n c e B A B Y S I T T I N G a n y e v e n in g . R e ­ re q u ir e d . C a ll I V 5-7171 t o r a p - __ to th e M I C H I G A N - lia b le , tru s tw o rth y s o u rc e . C a ll Nev. 22 — Jerry Lucas, good- Bay Nsw and Save p o in tm e n t. 5 355-3609 a f t e r 6 :0 0. 6 looking transfer student from B orn Yesterday R E C E PT IO N IST w ith b o o k k eep ­ MSU NAACP In v ite s a ll m em ­ Ohio State, attends opening in g a n d ty p in g ex p erien ce _ f«r dow ntow n law orfica. C all IV 5-7176 M IC H IG A N S T A T E b e rs a n d In te re s te d s tu d e n ts to th e f ir s t b u sin e ss m e e tin g of th e y ea r. fj • ’ ' •' \ ___- fo r a p p o in tm en t. 5 fo o tb a ll gam e. U nion B ulld ln g r-R o o m e 34 a n d 35. T h u rsd a y , O ct. 5, 8 p-m.__ 5 M ichigan S ta te U niversity D r . Faustus — W A NTED re g is te re d d e n ia l h y - g ien iat. C all ¡V »-3*34. I P H O T O G R A P H Y o u r hobby and sideline. C h ild re n 's p o r tr a its In FOREIGN FILM SERIES B roken Blossoms EVENINO W O RK . I f you a re S at., O c t. 14 v o u r home. P h o to C h ristm a s card s. presenta The Good W oman of Setzuan fr e r to w o rk a t le a a t 3 e v rn ln g s E D 7-1301 . ev en in g s. 9 a w eek from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. p lu s 10 h o u rs on S a tu rd a y , wo can pay See th e g a ib s H O R S E S H O A R D E D . Box sta lls, Blackmail ^ ou *64 sa lsry . C ali (o r Inform a- g r a i n fe d , p e rso n a l c a r e . 7 m iles A Streetcar Named Desire f Ion. IV 2-5*12, Mr. H lll, b efó te o f th e jr a a r . from c a m p u s . $35 m o n th ly . P h o n e E D 7-7694.________ ~~ - 5 •‘ T h e 3 E S T ■ p.m. • Le Million P. F. COLLIER. INC.. w ill be cc e p ttn g ap p licatio n » fe r p a r t­ S it I n M S U s tu d e n t W AN TED F O R E IG N Brigadoon im« h e la o u t o f a u r l*analng of- Ice. C all Mr. W yero fo r a p p o in t­ ment IV i-2771, b e fo re I P. m . 7 block. MSU NAACP In v ite s a ll mem bére and In te re s te d s tu d e n ts to th e P IC T U R E o f r 4- 3 ARENA PRODUCTIONS + Stagecoach firs t b u sin e ss m e e tin g o f th o y ear. ATTENTtO N STU D EN T W IVEK A re yeu an e a rly H ear? W e need :R O U N D T R IP and T IC K E T U nion B u ild ing , Room s *4 a n d *5. T h u rsd a y . Oct. 5. I p.rq. 5 T H E Y E A R «. AN EVENING OF OPERA A lexander Nevsky a dependable, a Je rt coffee c o u n t­ e r w altrooa. Apply in p erso n a t th e W A NTED. 2 m ale room m s le » tf t a g r e e t F r e n c h film Spud n u t Shop M l M AC._______ * TO THE GAME — *» 0 0 » h ar« m obile home. R e a so n a b le t h a t m u s t liv e” PART-TIME JOBS ra te s . ED T.95I9. T ra n s p o rta tio n provided. A c-t. , n r n##»# Cluny Brown F a n t a s t ic f i n a n c i a l . o p p o t t c n l t r for a m b it i* « « , e n « r g « tlc Individual, K A P P A S IG M A Invito* aH-TUih- R ID E R S. C o m m u tin g fro m J a c k “Oneof the : S o ld 3 5 9 0 eea tp »«—Open R u sh Sm oker, to ­ son « v ery day; In J a c k s o n call n ig h t. 7 » . 10 p.m., 715 Grov*. F o r ST 4-9709. of rtcuntytd'S .— s- The Treasure of * FO R SA LE rid e rs c a ll ***-5092. 5 W A N T E D TO BUT—good used ' —Jstw SaaUer po sees to th o C roat D riv a-In . tf coll TV *-u*s; W • f o u r tim o" —*Msl«r MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY fio*. IV f-007*. . I ily. O ffer eado O ct. I t , 1901. 14 *-1731. * 7 * 0 p.m. EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PHONE t , \ U . t * o o d beag le puppptea. C O -E M , SAY NO to a rid e in t» c SPARTAN VILLAGE; C hildren FaircMM Theatre tonn w aoas. AKC, f ir s t aiiuts. Kl> 1 c o u n try u n le s s h e h as a u <> in- w an ted fo r 5-day coop n u rse ry . Admission: ite » (PLEASE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED. STAMPED ENVELOPE» 777*. w o b o a rd dog». - Men, get rid of emberiwiing dandruff eziy as 1*2-3 with Supporters poise and beauty . to submit two candidates and Feature Shown FITCH t In just 3 minutes (one nibbing, one lathering, one t 1 - T " r- r" T~ T F” r r II Sunday - Thursday m 23 Keystone The 20 girls receiving the these petitions must be return­ rinsing), «very trace of dandruff; grime, gummy old hair1 s ta te a b b r . highest ratings will appear be- > 2:35 - 6:00 - 9:00 tonic goes ngm some right down aow u mthee drjri«! « Your hair looks hand­ i r S /5 W ed by 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12. i 24.S*»mp Friday & Saturday somer, bdahhiw. Yonr scalp v r tr 25: Herb eve Nancy Anne Fleming, Miss 12:30 - 3:35 - 6:50 FflCH - tingles, feels so refreshed. Use 5 26. Perched America of 1961, has been FITCH Da ad ru IT Remover SHAMPOO every week for , /e «J w \ 20 27 Swtne 28 Social affaa. Date Set made an honorary member of the Selection Committee, and 10x00 i i i l TT LK A O IN O M AN’S p o fith e dandruff control.; flfllA U D A A Keep your hair and scalp | w 25 a m m W 1 T r m i w W 29. Attention 30. Thirsty 32. Food Rsh For IFC wilWielp with the judging pro- cedure, Secchia said. j 9 f W m r V V really dean, dandruff-free! PRICES 35; Prepositioa i/ 3Z jj Petitions The queen will be crooned at LUCON |p 36; Methods Until 5:30 p.m. -^Mc is mmM 38. Founded the Homecoming dance, Fri­ 3* 39. F u rn ish ed day, Oct. 27, and will reign at L. - Evenings & Sunday 525 \5 T W r— g with shoes The Interiraternity Council the football game witbUhe In­ íyfáá B L ¡1 I 40 Deep I announced Tuesday afternoon diana Hoosiers, Saturday, Oct. EAST IANSINO • PHONE ID. . 4 31.25 Ü w w Ï3 affection w r 92 45^ j that petitioning is now in pro- SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY OFFER w L M z. 41.¡Augury i gress for a general chairman 28. FOR COLLEGE MEN W,, 1# 43. B athe r 44. Flexible 1of the annual Greek Week Fes- ¡6 9 w f2 PiP* j tival* C'v. Learn the Pleasures t* w 46. Scope Preparations for this spring of Fine Tobacco. . . h M BBiwiiiMft^ni■«m 'Z. 1 0 -4 40. Headliner 48. Spend out term event begin early in the year to have enough time to M e n !. . h e re a re y o u r PA* TDM I t MM. plan the many activities which Enjoy Hw Original Extra-Mild make up the week's agenda. Cavnndishln Ihn Handy **PoTy” Pocket Pouch A fter.the general chairman is selected, various committee FAVORITE SLA C K S Coeds Urged To Join leaders will be chosen to han­ dle specific jobs and aid in the proper functioning of the dif­ f o r C la s s o r C a s u a l W e a r |fc»e< toIMMtr Bo»»« Iftofl Soml toetoiM 1961 Career Carnival ferent events. Petitions may be picked up AMPHORA,la cool, own-buminf, long-lasting. Its pleasur- The 1961 Career. Carnival, ing corporations will be open I m j - ~ ~ dent Services Building. Fur- ^ nbio smoking qualities have won loyal friends—it outsells all “ Opportunities Uni i m i t e d,” Monday, 6 30 to 10 p.m .; Tues- - information can be obtain- o th e r tobaccos in its class! If will be usefol Urcàmpus -wom­ day; 10 to 11:30 a.m.; 1:15 j cd by visiting the office or call- you haven't tried A M PH O RA ,' en as well as men, according to to 4:30 p.m., a m i7 :3 0 to l0 p jn -jin g 355-5250. be.our guest. Simply fill in the Ed Fitzpatrick, Career Carni­ coupon below and mail it. You val advisor and assistant ' di­ w ill receive a com plim entary rector of the placement bureau. full 2-ounee pouch. Women students are strongly D R A B H A IR ? I urged to attend this vocational Spruce up your “ sum m er-w orn” h air ROM ICra INTERNATIONAL TOBACCO CO. 'guidance event, ta be held on 11918 Voss Street. North Hollywood. California the second floor of the Union w ith u new style and, perm anent Qsatlomsn: Ploaao aond mo a complimentary full 2-ouncs-poueh of AMPHORA. I enclose 10« coin to covor cost of hendling end mailing. on Monday and Tuesday. from CPklAStTYnOftMINT) — Marshall Field and Co., the waaar -------------Education —Michigan _ Associa­ j STREET____________ :__ ______________ ----------------------------------- tion, both Michigan and United States Civil Service commis­ CITY, ZONE. STATE _______________________ __________ _ sions, and the Michigan Press P a tric ia n H a ir F a s h io n s I UNtvcRsrry_ —_ =_______________ _____ — . Association, as well as various P at — Martin ! This Offer Expires December 31,1981 banks, department stores, in­ Call ED 7-1114 For Appointments surance and appliance com­ panies will be among the 250 representatives who will con­ verge on campus for the open- SHEPARD' S. . i ing. _ Making its 13th MSU appear - ! ance, the carnival, largest Vo- i cational information program of its kind, may save several terms of uncertainty for at­ SLACKS tending students who discuss Our own make Redwood A Ross slacks are their job interests with those cut along the new slim-trim lioes with plain who know the facts of business. front, bringing yon outstanding value. Displays from the 70 attend- F ine W orsteds iP ^ V -N L Hie five Rangeley lakes in Maine are known as Cupsuptic, (With new Permanent Crease > Umbagog, Mooselookmeguntic, Imported hard finish worsted — Mollechunkamunk and Welo-. wool fabric in Burnt Olive, kennebacook. Charcoal, Brown, Oxford, and have the new Cambridge Grey. ¿ a t e - it - e a s y 15.95 LOOK andFEEL! No doubt about it. These new Con* tirm n ta l* h a v s g o t Itl S m a r t “ grained” leather. Hand saw n , , , glove light for slipper com fort. You'll lifcs th e way you look iA Bristol*! Only $ 1 2 RAY CHARLES Step-in smct withall«««, tnm CUtiAMAtol look Concert an d Dance MKk or risw C#COObrown Friday, Oct. 13th At Civic And., Lansing Featorteg M Y CHARLES TRIM, SLIM, NO-PLEAT SLACKS A popular am ong men on campus . . . wash ’n w ear SPECIAL! AND HIS 18 - 100% polished cotton slacks. Tw o top colors to choose PIECE ORCHESTRA fro m , S untan and Olive. Plain fro n t tapered model with the RAELETS SINGERS " w ith or w ithout b elt loops. A special purchase a t a special price fo r class o r casual wear. 3 .9 8 •4 Tickets on Sale STORE FOR M E N -E A S T LANSING at v Campus Music Shop Civic Auditorium — Johnny’s Record Shop Paramount News LANSING EAST LANSING 325 SOUTH ACROSS FROM lim e, 8:38 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. WASHINGTON Tickets HOME EC $2 58 aad «3.00 Sì I ggi