S e c o n d C U a * P o s ta s * o n g» Established 1909 VoL S 3, No. 72 Tlmradbrf M orning, O ctober 5 , 1961 Paid at East Lanaing, Micb., O rS g P S 5 LCHU 1 Former Foes To Appoint Committees, Members U. S.-Russ >Michigan’s constitutional convention named a “troika” of three vice presidents—two Republicans and a Democrat— Agree On Wednesday to assist President Stephen Nesbit in guiding the convention in its task of rewriting the state’s basic law docu­ ment. " _ ... UN Pact UNITED NATIONS <3 —The The three were American Motors President George Romney, United States has provisionally former State Senator Edward Hutchinson and Tom Downs, an agreed to a Soviet demand that AFL-CIO attorney. — the 11-nation security council, rather than the 100-nation gen­ Hutchinson and Romney were major rivals in a pre-conven­ eral assembly initiate action tion Republican capcusyalled principally to settle on the GOP to name a temporary secretary- choice for the presidencyr , general, informed diplomats GOING FAST—Norlene Hamper sells a ticket to Jimmy said tonight. T um ao, both New York u ph ia w rts, to the University Hutchinson was the choice of the conservative bloc, and Romney was supported by the moderate-liberal wing. But 'Die United States, K ussia,\ Theater’s season af 1C productions. Season tickets are Britain, France and National­ available at the Union. —State News photo by Frank Nisbet became the compromise selection after the Hutchinson- Romney forces became deadlocked in prolonged battle. ist China each has veto power Lisciandro. " in the council; there is no veto Nisbet said he planned to* in the assembly. consult with the three vice pres We all accepted this task The informants said the C o n d itio n U n c h a n g e d idents on the m atter of com with the expectation that it United States offered the agree­ mittee memberships, and the would be a full-time job, and ment through intermediaries question of how' to select the the people expect us to put in Rayburn Serious; committee chairman. a five-day wëek,” he declared. The convention decided to Lee Boothby, a Republican on condition that the two big powers also should agree on the man to be chosen and the set up 13 committees, nine of from Niles, said he wanted to authority he should have. Doctors Stymied them substantive groups In deciding on the number remind the delegates that they were costing the taxpayers There was no immediate word of the Soviet reaction to of committees and how many 8144,000 alone. a month in salaries this reported proposal. DALLAS 3 —House Speaker! other than immediate rela- delegates would be named to The United States previously Sam Hayburn’s condition re-1 tives. His sisters, Mrs. W. A. each, the ^convention followed THE DELEGATES finally had held out for having the mained unchanged — still ser- Thomas of Dallas and Mrs. the recommendations T>f the decided to adopt the suggested general assembly alone choose ious—a t Baylor hospital Wed­ Robert Bartley of Bonham, committee on permanent or time schedule, with the stipu­ an interim successor to the nesday. Tex., spent several minutes ganization and rules, headed lation that the convention can late Dag HammarskjoldT Attending physicians s a r d with him. by Richard C. Van Dusen, a change the hours as it goes-- they did not know definitely The informants said that in “ Get well” messages-poured Birmingham Republican. along. THAT’S IT—Jamie Blanchard, Fersdale sophomore points out to three freshmen— view of the new U.S. stand, a what is ailing the 79-year-eid in by telegraph and telephone Texan and may not know for from all over the country. The recommendations called After the general sèssion, the heart of any campaign—a good publicity crew. Taking in the lesson are left group of about a dozen mid- several days. They professed They included a call from Vice for substantive committees to Democratic delegates caucused deal exclusively with finance and staged a spirited discussion to right, Jim Ruhly, Birmingham freshman, Bruce Osterink,'East Grand Rapids road nations are trying to get uncertainty whether an explor­ President Lyndon B. Johnson. aad freshman andCarel Smith, East Lansing freshman. the Americans and the Rus­ atory operation would be nec- Ray burn received none of the tion taxation, one on declara­ of the 8-partisan keeling which of rights, suffrage and was displayed a t the first two sians to agree in advance that essary. the interim secretary-general messages personally. elections, on législative organt- sessions. should appoint a certain num­ Under heavy sedation, Ray­ Rayburn was sent to the hos­ burn was receiving no viators pital late Monday for medical zation, legislative powers, the tests after failing to respond to branch, local government and treatment for an ailment that education. John Elsey of 'Warren told executive branch, the judicial his fellow Democrats: “I enjoy bipartisanship, but Big Ten Tough On Athletic ber of advisory assistants. East-West I dislike seeing prominent Ford, UAW caused him to abandon his post as speaker almost a FOUR OTHER committees members of this group prais­ month before Congress ad­ also will be established on ing Republicans . . . we were style and drafting administra­ elected as partisans. We have Grants, Congress Is Told Are Near " Gunfight journed. When Rayburn returned to tion, public information, and an election coming in 1962, and his Bonham farm more than rules and resolutions. ~ we should refrain from getting By JIM DENGATE Of the State News Staff 1ence permitted'aid to be given port the proposed changes-, ! on the basis of financial need. Fuzak said: Settlement into print with some of these The student was required to At Border | a month ago, he and close A proposal on the time daily statements.” !friends had the impression he sessions drew criticism from : was suffering from lumbago some of the delegates. The pro­ Downs replied : Dean of Students John Fuzak be in the upper two-thirds of explained the proposed change In the question period after i his speech, Fuzak discussed | D E T R O I T 3 — ______ his high school class and at­ the methods used by the con-j Co. and the United Auto Work- in rules governing financial tempts were made to circum­ F o r d M ___ o to r BERLIN 3 —West and East posal called fen* Monday ses­ “THE REPUBLICANS have aid to athletes before student ference to discover any break- ers agreed Thursday to give German police engaged at sions at 8 p.m., Tuesday given us a fair shake thus far Congress Wednesday evening. vent this. Each school was al­ age of the *v rules. **He said iJ that 1priority to settling disputes at dusk Wednesday night in a through Thursday sessions at in this convention. Any time I - The Intercollegiate confer­ lotted 100 grants-in-aid, Fuzak all athletes are interviewed the plant level in an effort to 2 p.m., and Friday sessions at think the Republicans or Steve ence of Faculty Representa­ said. gunfight over the Iron Curtain border during a Communist police pursuit of two East Ger­ Maris’ Bat 10 a.m. Most of the protests were them.” ~ Nisbet are wrong, I will oppose tives (commonly known as the - Big Ten Conference), is much the conference, Fuzak was a and asked what other institu­ end the day-old strike of 120,- As faculty representative to tions offered in-attempts to re­ 000 production workers at the cruit them. auto firm. - He also said that follow-up man refugees over the roof­ tops. _ One refugee’s flight to the _ Silenced centered around the scheduling William Marshall, Vice Pres­ more seph M. Snyder, a St. Clair agreed with Downs, declaring: the NCAA. Mr. Fuzak said.’ restrictive in its regula- member of a committee regulations concerning athletic to investigations are conducted of Monday night sessions. Jo­ ident of the Michigan AFL-CIO, tins of college athletics than study and revise-the present after every athlete graduate* put off discussions of a nation­ Labor contract negotiators al contract on working condi­ west ended in a fall to his Here are some of the high- Shores Democrat, said he felt The NCAA rules permit a financial aids. The committee Most often the athlete says that tions until 2 p.m. Friday. In death as he shouted freedom, I lights of the first Yankee vic­ that the only thing to bé ac­ “I question whether—if we grant-in-aid to the student ath­ examined grades and records he w asjiot given any extra!the meantime, they will try to eyewitnesses reported. tory. - '■ " - complished would be the call­ had the same 2-to-l margin lete during the school year of of athletes anti decided to rec­ -money, but that he knows of clear the way for a final set­ The other was captured by ; Roger Maris, after going 0- ing of the roU. over the Republicans that they the costs—for room, board, ommend that grarits-in-aid be an individual who was. Fuzak tlement by. effecting settle­ the Communists. I for-4 in the opening game, now “ I’m very-disappointed,” he have-over us—whether some books, tuition and $15 a month based on scholarship instead said that when these tips are ments at the plants. The exchange of fire occur­ ! has nine straight hitless trips Democrats would have been as for expenses. The Big Ten rules of financial need. followed up they often disclose The decision was made in red as the Communists chased I in series play In fact, he ■said, “to learn that we are be­ fair as the Republicans have do not allow any money for in­ To receive any aid under the that the athlete was not given two one-half hour sessions the refugees over houses in ; hasn't hit a ball out of the in ing asked at this time to com­ been thus far in the conven­ cidental expenses. proposed rales, the prospective extra money ; “it may be that Wednesday. mit ourselves to an irrevocable tion. I do not mean all Demo­ Bemauerstrasse—the scene of ] field in his last seven series. schedule. We should have had crats. _ Fuzak said that for many student athletes academic po­ he has a wife who works or The UAW shut down the en­ many dramatic escapes to the Bobby Richardson's three advance notice on this m atter." years some of the Big Ten tential is to be' judged by his some other explanation.” tire Ford system Wednesday West. ( hits lifted his series mark from We have worked in harmony schools tried To pretend that scores on the CoJlege Board Dale Warner,- speaker of after accepting a money pack­ West Berlin police then drew | .314 to .359 with 14 safeties in But Hutchinson, a veteran of with the Republicans thus far, no aid was given to athletes. Examinations and the Amer­ congress, raised a question age described as better than pistols and fired at the roof in 139 times at bat. The Yankee several terms in the legislature, but about November will be Work programs were inaugu­ ican College Testing Program about the discrimination claus­ the one i f obtained from Gen­ an attempt to hold back the ; second baseman has seven hits said he feared that if the Mon­ time for the battles . . . and rated but this was a contra­ in combination with his rank es in the fraternity houses. eral Motors last month. Red pursuers, eyewitnesses in his last three series games. day night scheduling were elim­ there will be battles, for we dif­ diction of stated purpose to in high school. Fuzak answered that the fac­ UAW President Walter P. said. uu I Wednesday’s nlavini? time of inated, uk the tendency tendency wouldwo be fer philosophically and ideal- give no aid. A study was made of the ulty committee on student af­ Reuther blamed the companv One Communist policeman 2 hours a n d n was thp "to meet Tuesday nights ogically from Republicans.” Later the Big Ten-Confer- predictions of college success fairs week will meet in the coming for the strike. He said Ford and if they pass the reso­ negotiations waited until short­ apparenUy was hit m the th.gh j fajtest fa ^ smce ^ -------------------------------- of 500 randomly selected male and was dragged away by his fifth game of 1957 when the students at each of the Big Ten lution previously passed by ly^ before the 10 a.m. strike comrades. conference universities by the student congress, no fraternity deadline to discuss non-eco- Yanks beat the Braves 3-2. That It could turn out to be the I one most serious shooting incident on the sector bonder since the to Communists began erecting i their barricade Aug. 13. took 2 hours and 9 minutes ‘Big Two’ To M eet i admissions officers. As a re- will be permitted to have a nomic issues. j sut of the study tables were -discriminatory clause in its At resumption of negotia­ constructed which show the constitution. Of the four houses tions Wednesday, Ford’s Vice necessary examination scores involved, two have already re­ President for Labor Relations. moved _ their discriminatory Malcolm L- Denise, disputed W e s t Berlin police con­ WASHINGTON, GfL-Presi- out their respective positions. he is not due here in time to and class rank in combination, clauses, he' said. See FORD, UAW Pige 8 firmed that they opened fire. JFK Plans dent Kennedy and Soviet For­ Officials said, however, the sit on the conference with Gro­ eign Minister Andrei Gromyko possibility that Gromyko might myko. Fuzak said. The aid giveir could not ex­ They said shots fired by the i r i a m ceed the expenses of room, A c c e n ts T h e m e Communist P ° » * e a t the re- j ^ a l C S 1 C a ill will meet F rid a lfo r a confer­ nave received new instructions His trip to Washington is fugees hit the sidewalk near I — ence which may well deter­ from Moscow can not be ex­ significant for another reason. board, books, tuition and fees. West Berlin police and fire­ mine whether the Big Four can cluded. But they see the Earnings from part time work WASHINGTON UB-President get together later this year to chances of a shift in the Soviet Authorities here do not ex­ during the school year would men. ‘ ; pect a continuation of Therefore, a police spokes­ Kennedy is sending blue-ribbon try to solve the Berlin problem. position prior to the forthcom­ American-Soviet dialogue on be deducted from the aid an man said, the West Berlin teams of experts on domestic A White House announcement ing Communist party Congress the foreign ministers level in athlete is~eligible to receive. the Haywagons Are Part considered they had been fired problems to 10 major cities confirmed speculation t h a t a r almost nil. at and were entitled to return the fire in defense. next month to do some pulse Gromyko will call on Kennedy feeling. It will provide the ad­ Friday. _ THE STATE Department that talks will go on at the said there are no plans for ambassadorial level. 89. The number of grants per­ the near future. It is assumed missible would be reduced to Of Carnival Thursday He said five West Berlin po­ ministration a chance to sell The proposed standards of State Department experts separate conferences between Thompson, officials said, Haywagons loaded with stu­ naba senior, said about 50 or­ licemen fired 24 shots, one of its home-front program at the stressed that nothing dramatic Rusk and Gromyko. Earlier plans to go back to Moscow in eligibility would approximate which hit a Communist police­ grass-roots. it was assumed that the -two the selective admissions poli­ dents will roll to the 1961 Activ­ ganizations will sponsor booths man. _ _ Catenet officers and top should be expected from the foreign policy chiefs would re­ time to be there when the cies practiced by the members ity Carnival at the Spartan and displays inside the stadium Kennedy-Gromyko meeting. Communist Party Congress Police said the refugee, agency heads will be on the sume their New York talks opens Oct. 17. . of the conference, Fuzak said. Stadium concourse Thursday concourse. The Department of about 22, was killed inatawHy teams of four or five members The Présidait, these officials Public Safety .will give a res­ who will discuss urgent na­ said, will restate the arguments Kennedy. boro, concluding with a call on Gromyko is expected to re­ To continue receiving aid a The wagons, in tune with this by his fall. turn to New York immediately student would need to complete year’s theme, “Campus County cue team demonstration. tional problems and future Secretary of State Dean Rusk Rusk, of course, will be at after be meets with Kennedy. the minimum load of academic Fair,” are new features to the ecutive Serving on the carnival ex­ needs, the White House an­ has already outlined in talk# work each year with a satis­ board with the chair­ ! ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ Kennedy’s side when Gromyko nounced Wednesday. The Pres- with the Russians in New York. visits the White House. The He has anounced he plans to factory grade, substantially a carnival, co-sponsored by the man ake Mary Carol Tuescher, | ident will not participate per- There is hope that Gromyko Russian is expected to be ac­ night. leave for Moscow Sunday AWS activity board and XuSG. Huntington Woods senior; Lin­ Weather | sonally, but wUl receive re- will be convinced of Western firmness on what can not be companied by his ambassador, “C” average. Rides will transport students da HoUiday, Canadaigia, N.Y., IT. S. officials added, how­ “ AH the coaches are not from the dorms to the stadium junior; Alan Schramm, Buffalo, Tharsday’s weather will ba I ports after each session. Mikhail Menshikov. partly cloudy. Those invited to the two-day negotiated e t an eventual four- In a related move it was an­ ever, that Rusk would . be happy with the proposed plan; and back. agreeable to further meetings many feel the requirements N.Y., junior; Pete McRoy, i meetings will include state and power conference. The carnival is designed for Grosse Pointe junior; Gary The lew Tkuraday will be nounced that Llewellyn E. Bear 49. ’ municipal officials, civic groups The FYiday conference, there­ Thompson, the UJS. envoy to with Gromyko either Friday are too difficult fa- the athlete new students who want to learn Blowers, Rosalyn Heights, j and interested citizens, the fore, will likely be an informal Moscow, will return to Wasb- night if the or during the week-end to meet, Fuzak said. Russianr asks for such about and join campus organi­ N.Y., junior; Tom Fisher, Lud- t White Bouse said. Four of the universities In zations. — : ington junior, and Liz Hopkins, talk in which both tides spoil |ta$oa far consultations. But talks. the the- conference do net tup- Chairman Judy Hack, Esca- And Arbor junior. ■* M ichigan State New«, East tw a fag, Michigan Thursday M orning, October 5 , 1961 ¡Sr E d ito r ia l Spartan Band To Breeze Library Changes On Service Into Stadium Saturday P artial Solution Answered. Due to the present interna­ By DAVE JAEHNIG State News Staff Writer pecially noticable is the now famed Michigan State kick used as the band hits the field for Breaking on to the field at a their sparkling pro-game show. the pre-game show. Notable among the high schools that will be using the Spartan drill S tu d en ts and facu lty fo r y ears have cried fo r a m ore tional crisis there has -been during their pre-game exhibi­ efficient m eans o f using th e lib rary . A t th e sam e tim e much confusion about military 210 cadence- a near gallop-ex- The world-renowned Ameri­ tion is the top-rated “AA” Mid­ lib r a r ia n s have w anted a m ethod to keep over-anxious duty aiftTi-eserve obligations. cellently suited for a high-step­ can pagentry of college half- land high school Chernies readers from walking out w ith unchecked books. During the 1961 registration, ping, crowd-pleasing unit—the time shows, familiar to all en­ Having maintained the high­ every prior service man had a Spartan Marching Band will thusiasts of football, will be est rating in the “AA” d a s s k Two o r th ree lib rarian s could not service all the peo­ opportunity to stop at the 9610th open another home season full further brightened this Satur­ fication at state band festivals ple who needed help and g u ard s a t read in g room doors Air Force Recovery Squadron of color, drive and fast-moving, day by a splendid, bold and for the last two years, the failed to keep stu d en ts from abusing lib rary privileges. table and ask questions <*on- breezv entertainment. *~ dazzling display to intensive strutting Chernies a rt probably Over th e sum m er tu rn stile s an d a cen tral checkout cerning his status and eligibility, With a proud history dating band activity. the closest imitators of the system w ere in s ta lle d ,to help alleviate two problem s. for reserve duty from three re ­ I back at least 80 years, the MSU Hosting 35 marching bands Spartan Band. marching unit combines ex- Ideally, they should aid each facu lty m em ber and stu ­ servists who are students of j cellent musical performance from across the state, the Spar­ The Chernies however are d en t in his stu d y by reducing book th e ft and by .giving MSU. tan campus will resound with with a skill In marching that is the unique in their use of their a m ore efficient checkout system . Many people from all branches blaring brass and booming unique to the rapid-tempo See SPARTAN Page 3 of the service raised the fol­ bass-drums of nearly 300 The new m oves w ill save tim e by allow ing each read er lowing questions: ''-marching band. to w ait in a checkout lane only once. He can spend his bandsmen Progressing in two short urday morning. beginning early Sat­ tim e in th e lib rary roam ing freely from room to room— Question: “ Can I transfer weeks in the established tra­ picking, choosing, exam ining th e m a teria ls he needs be- from one branch of the service dition of marching bands from —The vast pagentry will be fo r checking any of them out. to another and retain my rank 130 individual musicians to a set in motion at 11:15 a.m., as and pay status?” proud unit, the Spartan Band the “Parade of Bands” takes L ib rarian s should have m ore tim e to devote to in­ dividual aid -to students. Until now, they have been so t present unit of assignment will Answer: Yes. providing your opened its marching' season place, each high school unit last Saturday as the Spartans moving Into Spartan stadium busy w ith checkouts th a t few have had tim e to h elp - i release you and providing your met the University of Wiscon-j to put on a two-minute show of scholars search fo r p ro p er resource m aterials. i prior training is such that the sin. their own before-The gathering' W ith only one checkout th e th e ft of books should be | new unit has a vacancy. If you With drill that is now greatly j crowds. — reduced: The lib rary will save money and th o u san d s-o f I are in the inactive reserve you imitated by bands throughout! '“For such a bomb-burst of renders will be saved untold inconvenience. | can join in a active reserve unit The state., the crowd-pleasing; excitement, the MSU Band will The ad vantages a re m any but the m echanical changes ; and retain your rank and longe- unit has brought something ex- present the original version of j vity. ceptional to the campus. -Es- Spartan high-stepping during do not mean the end of inefficiency and book th e ft. The lib rary h as taken th e firs t step tow ard * m ore Question: “How soon after I have been released from active efficient operation b u t a stream lined organization require still m ore work. idI luty unit?” may I join a reserve _ W e A re H e re . . . S im ilarly, u sers o f th e lib rary have a responsibility Answer: n o t to monopolize a lib ra ria n ’s tim e and to keep books to participate in the active If you are obligated on th e shelves. _ serve, you must attend meet­ The tu rn stile s may help b u t they won’t end th e ft. ings within thirty days after The people who use th e lib rary , irresponsible and un­ release from active duty. If you re­ To Help You conscious of th e h arm they do them selves a n d others* have no reserve obligation or it m u st change before th a t problem hr ended. has been fulfilled you may join • Need assistance in planning a trip — long or REHEARSING—These are only a few of the members of '~TKat a p p e a rs to be a lo n g w ays off. a active'reserve unit until age sh o rt? • Need Reservations o r Tickets? 37 plus the number of years of the Spartaa Marching Band as they rehearse for the big 1military service. Without a re- band exhibition this Satarday. Over three thousand bands­ OXFORD LOVERS. j duction in rank you must join AIR — RAIL — STEAMSHIP — TOUR Oxford -—that dasirabl«, men from Michigan high schools will aid the Spartan F i l m a t F a ir c h ild within 1 year after your dis­ unit at balftime. — CRUISE — HOTEL — RESORT — PASSPORTS reliable weava ... with charge -from inactive or active the narrower Nassau Collar. ‘He Who Must Die’ reserve. „ Question: “ Is there a differ- I ence between -reserve force Petitions Open For J-Hop FOREIGN CARS Phone 332-8667 Wear it “in” « “out” Drip-dry... rod ... in soft pastels, rich The passion of C h r i s t : Christian ideal to do unto others units of various branches of autunm-laaf tonaa; white, relived by a group of players j as he ould have done unto him. service regarding obligation Petitions Tor the J-Hop gen­ versity dance sponsored by the rad, black. Sisat 10 Sa IS, Further, he believes that the tndTpay?” to celebrate the Holy Week in! precept should be followed by a Cretan village under Turkish the entire community. Its de- I Answer: Yes. the 9510th Air j Force Reserve Recovery Squad- dominion becomes real in the nial is most strongly supported | ron is a unit which was form­ eral chairmanship may - be picked up in the Union and in 317 Student Services, Dick Win­ class. «« The date for the hop has been tentatively set for Feb. 9. COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE white and light blue. French film, “ He Who Must' by the local head-cf the Christ­ ed July 1, 1961. It is open to ters, junior class president, an­ Chairmen or co-chairmen will 130 W. GRAND RIVER — EAST LANSING $3.98 Die.” The-film will be shown! ian church, who maintains that enlisted men and officers. All nounced. be selected on the basis of their (Ju st E ast of Peoples Chufch) at Fairchild Theatre Thursday j its practice would bring dis­ personnel are paid. The meet­ Petitioning will continue un­ petitions and an interview with and Friday. til next Wednesday and is open officers of the junior class. order. ings are held one weekend per to junior students who have an Committee positions a n d MEMBER: American Society of Travel Agents ~ The significance of the title i It is this head-on conflict be­ month in Lansing. The mem­ Interest in planning, organizing chairmanships will be filled lies in the story of & modern- j tween the idealists and the bers- are required to train for and coordinating the all uro- day counterpart of Jesus who! priests, who stand for order two weeks a year in Lansing is crucified in his community and discipline, that the intellect­ at a convenient time-to the re­ a s because he insists upon the ual stimulatimr-and physical servist. In addition points are returning- from com bat miss* practice of the fundamental1violence of the drama lie. oions will be unable to land. accumulated toward retire­ Air Force Reserve Recovery ment. ~ Question: “What is the mis­ units were born of this realiza­ Lansing Cuburban Lines Michigan State News sion of this new type of unit if an emergency arises?” tion. Working from widely dis­ persed civilian airports and bare landing strips, Recovery Answer: Air Force Reserve units reach out for homeless Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued Recovery units exist to help on class days ~Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter the Air Force strike an enemy and spring quarters. Issued twice-weekly during the summer again and again. In total war, combat aircraft and give them a safe place to set down. This newest challenge to the Now Serving Michigan State University term. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. the Air Force bases from which Air Force Reserve demands Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services „build­ we will launch our counterforce the highest degree of ingenuity. ing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. and defensive aircraft will be prime enemy targets • and may Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term, 13; for be damaged to the extent “that The aircraft recovery program puts Air Force Reservists squarely in an important and Buses Every 5 Minutes on Campus two terms, $4; for three terms, |5. strategic and tactical aircraft vital role. ' - LEAVING SPARTAN VILLAGE STARTING AT . . . Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Associa­ tion and the College press. 4- — 7 :0 0 A.M. to J .- 0 0 P.H . _ 1*1 \ \ l IS I TH0Ü6HTI CAN'T MDUREMEM0ERAtfflHMS TOLD WU TO W fcE TOLDftüHATS THE MONDAY Ihre FRIDAY ccwiceoxs LEAVE MV ALONE?! MATTS? (ÜITHyou? LEAVE MY THIN65 ALONE.1/ Tfi IT« «fl. B U S F A R E 1 0 Check This Routing for Your Convenience • . . I DON'T KN0U tiJHV MDÜ A A V 0 E I T S & cm . ( M O T T O S CANT REMEMBERTHAT.1 0 L D E R ..M Y M I N D l D 0 E S N T R E T A IN T M lN 6 5 U t f I T Ü S E D T Ô Î ERASE WITHOUT A TRACE ON EATON'S CORRlSABLE BOND ’Tjpfogsun w ts ikr~ rr **—* - 1 J- TV g---*-*rr bea of thia pepar »air— ft paaulda to arata without « n aca whhjnatanaeOtoarypaocflmmm. Baa a h r daan- bating, perfectly typed papera. Next daw you ait down let the beybaaad, make no aiatahc—type an Conieablet Yoor choice of CenieaMa in flight, awdimn. heavy weights and M SU N A A CP Onion Skin. In handy MO* Iberna. Only Eaton aahae ICMnaUa. In v ite s A l l A BeckahnaItyrwity Pepar baton p a r t s c o n ro sA T io N ( g ' r t m m i A i Members and Interested Students To the First Business Meeting O f he Year Campus Book Store ARROWS INDICATE BUS ROUTE U n io n B u ild in g ro o m s 3 4 -3 5 A c r e n ( r a n U eiee i a i t d a g Start and Return to Spartan Village _ Very frequent service between East Lansing and all points in Lutein: FOR «FORMATION PHONE IV 9 4 7 6 8 T h u r s d a y O c to b e r 5 & p .m . E 9 2 -8 6 7 7 T b r a dfcqr O ctober 5 , 1961 Michigan Siale New*, £ rnì UuM iig, Michigan , , i ,'»■■", W mWM EÆptiL' ' 3 Friday Set B r i n e u B o o s te r ? F r a t e r n it ie s 1o B e w a r e o f B u r g la r s Spartan e m uum p M g - - —-- pnm a He alae urged students to re­ Pinal Day Fallout Shelters warning f* students fivipg in port suspicious acting stran­ (continued from page 2) gers that hang m e m a freier drum line a t a distinct unit. The Although ttie Spartan Band plays to oa audience that ordi­ frutomfttop; - narily dooaait coma to co»cw t For ID’s e “ Students should keep their town n lty lousse to the police. drummers, always the show­ performances, the baad to ax* The University Business Of­ fice has announced that Friday In Stock Market wallets, watches ami vatoabies with them la their rooms at k a Ä f ’ F night, and not leave them lying “These thefts tape unneces­ men of any marching band, Gen. Alexander M. Patch of have carried MSU’s lead one World War II fame was boni hi step farther and remind the ceilent musically, with many et its members playing in the acclaimed MSU Concert Band. a t 5 p.m. n u t be the last time NEW YORK (A—Will fallout selling for around $400 to elab­ arsaad la aafedkad itw d sary aod result from careless- Fart Huachuca, Arto., in 1889, spectators of the showmanship The Spartan Band to under that students may pick up their fear produce the next growth orate underground borne« cost­ roans,” LL oa the pint of students,” only two years after the fort often seen in drum and bugle the direction of Leonard V. ID cards oe the 2nd floor of industry? ^ ing. thousands of dollars. East Laariag Naert was founded. corps. Falcone. the Union concourse. The firms getting in on the “There's a shelter building =T- After, that retakes and all ground floor of building shelters mad buying boom coming,” other ID business w ilfbe han­ and making equipment for soys Eliot Janeway, president ' Triti dled at Vault s in the Adminis­ them are attracting attention of the Investment Advisory tration building. of brokers and stockbuyers. Service, Janeway PubBshiag , According to the Business Office, only about one half of the, students have their ID Their stocks may be the new darlings of the stock market, taking the place at electronic and Research Corp. HE FEELS that grass-roots N a tio n a lly A d vertised issues which bloomed and pressure for shelter building is cards. moving in on Washington and fe I f The Administration Building faded. S w ift P re m iu m o r H y g ra d e s creating as hot a problem as will be open c>) Saturday Shelter building may be added to the list of postwar any facing the government. 'J r morning from 8 to 11:30 p.mr spending ]booms: television, Janeway asserts there Is no for those students unable to suburban living, the second question but that 1962 will see pick up their ID’s before 5 p.m. car, motor boats and swim­ a tog shelter program take on Friday. ming pools. form. — , ID cards will be needed for However, be points mat that the Stanford game on Satur- A NUMBER of companies, the government shelter pro­ day. _ large and small, have quickly gram in prospect doesn’t go Visit Our DeUcatesten U .S . C u ts T r a d e entered the shelter field as threats Of war heighten Ameri­ cans’ apprehension. The shelters offered range beyond professional services— what the government will buy will pot be construction but food, medicine, w ater and Department S a c k e d from- simple basement units W ith C o m m ie s other standby supplies. T o $90 7,0 0 0 “SHELTER building is goingj Prepared Meals WASHINGTON (if)—The Com­ merce department said Wed­ Test Fails; to be a do-it-yourself affair, } which means it will be a ft-l nance-it-yourself affair,” he Hal, Hmdy-to-S.«« says. “But if it’s going to be nesday it licensed only $907,000 worth of goods in September for shipment to communist bloc Two Men anything bigger than an am -j ateur exercise in panic andj bad-neighborliness, the gov-1 countries—the lowest amount for any month since 1955, For the entire July-Septem- Nearly Die erament will have to face u p ! to two problems?’ He gives these as: ber quarter, the department reported, licenses totaled $13.2 million—up slightly from the HAMPTON BEACH, N.H. (A — Two men testing a fallout s h e l t e r narrowing escaped L To produce standardized plans and specifications, area by area, for shelter qualifying C h ic k e n s S e le c t S h a n k April-June total of $12.9 mil­ death Wednesday when the air for official designation as ac­ P o rtio n lion: gave out in the concrete struc­ ceptable. While there was an increase With fp l ture. 2. To codify term s and con-1 Coupon ■ for the quarter as a whole, ditions of tax relief for which i With Plenty of Center licensing has dropped sharply ' William -Kennedy, „34, a res­ Below Cut Slices Left on taurant operate#, and h i s builders of acceptable sh elters1 since early August, when the may qualify. administration decided to crack friend, Robert Moore, 22, en­ tered the above-ground shelter “ Problem No. 2, indirect fi- down on trade with the Com­ ancing via tax relief, is reason munists in view of the Berlin Tuesday and had planned to stay inside for five days. enough why the coming shelter crisis.. boom won’t really get under With Plenty of Kennedy called his wife—in S ftle c t B u tt P o rtio n « n This crackdown coincided their adjacent home—over an way until next year, and why Center Slices Left < with complaints from some inter - communications system it will be a big source of pri- members of coqgrpss against and told her he was having vate investment in construc­ business dealings with th e So­ trouble breathing. He said his tion once the tax incentive has viet bloc. The house since then head felt as though it was “go­ been provided," Janeway says. has voted to conduct a special ing to explode.” “One measure of the im­ investigation of licensing. Moore " complained of the portance of this tax shelter for B«ech-Niit, 6c O f f Label Gold Medal, 8c O f f Label Shipments of most goods des­ same symptoms. shelter builders is that it’s like­ tined for communist countries ly to come packaged with an COFFEE The men were taken to a hos­ must be approved by the de­ partment, which is responsible for seeing that the Soviet Bloc does not receive American goods which would boost its war-making potential. pital, where oxygen was ad­ ministered. They were released a short time later. . P ic C o n tr a c ts f o r across^- the • boards tax in­ crease.” FLOUR U . S . Fra n c e In W o lv e r in e R e a d y Contracts for Wolverine or­ ganization pictures may be SAVE 8c a. ]5 9 SAVE 20c 1W f m t ¿ut T m OW F * N u c le a r P a c t signed beginning Thursday in WASHINGTON «¿(-President the Wolverine office, 344 Stu­ Kennedy .signed legislation dent Services, between 1 and 5 Wednesday which permits shar­ p.m. ing with France of secret in­ „Representatives of all organ­ formation needed to train izations are requested to sign troops in the handling of nu­ contracts' and make appoint­ Stock-Up During Our . . • Kool Krisp, U.S. N o. 1 Michigan Sand Grown clear weapons. ments to have group pictures The resolution, passed in the taken. The deadline for sign»-j closing days of Congress’ ses­ ing contracts is Oct. 27. lip sion, was sought by the admin­ istration to make effective an K in n e y A p p o in te d D e l-M o n te S a le agreement signed with France last month. The United States has somewhat similar agree­ ments with a number ,of other P e rs o n n e l S p o t Cream or Wholo Kernel P o ta to e s John R, Kinney, director of NATO countries. - placement, -has- been named The agreement prohibits the vice president of the Midwest transfer of any- U.S. nuclear College Placement association. ~ c la s s ic o liv e weapons to France, or any U.S. The association^ which has aid .toward the development of more than 1,100 members, a p p e a r s n o w in a France’s infant atomic arsenal. The agreement provides for U.S.. assistance in training chose Kinney at the organiza­ tion’s recent meeting on Mack­ inaw Island. n e w c o lo r a ffla r n e * « M B French forces to use their own ships, aircraft and vehicles to Lew Wallace served as terri­ CYPRESS - deliver atomic weapons which would remain in custody of the U.S. command in Europe. torial governor of New Mexico while he was writing his fam-i ed novel, “ Ben Hur.” OLIVE-BLUES 30 3 DARTM OUTH rUVnCto mIHUHMIBU fJj C an s R e v iv e y o u r Rio rosononoR or mo blue« of tf|* South’* trap* 8 9 F ro z e n in d o o r p la n te r s icol playground«. Youl see CypmecjOBvs Hue« D e l-M o n te C lin g P e a c h e s 3 & 79* ^ V e g e ta b le s in strong evidence in ear collection o f ofl-woof w ith fr e s h cheviots, shorkskim, wor­ D e l-M o n te S w e e t P e a s 5 £ » 99* ~ 3 2 -o z. Bag -f ste d « , sh e tla n d s and. tweeds. Suits and sport • Cut Com g re e n p la n ts D e l-M o n te C a ts u p 5 99* jock«.; from Ais sonetot* • Pats • P u t & Carrot* -maker are tailored am pecially for tho slimmer, D e l-M o n te F ru it C o c k ta il J 2 L 89* • Mixed Vegetables trimmer build. s c r o t i A r t is t ic a lly a r r a n g e d _ SU nX trem àJ D e l - M o n t e F r u i t D r i n k gZSZ!» 5 ^ 89* D a rtm o u th W h o le P o ta to e s SPORT COATS, ' Wisconsin Fancy . “j to y o u r p e rs o n a l ta s te *69“ D e l- M o n te P ie P u m p k in 4 Can» 49* îM fr o m . . . D e l-M o n te J u ic e 3 S S 89* Sw iss Cheese * 5 9 * W R IG L IY S m a im ■s * HOLDEN M o th e rs g t Q u a k e r O a ts 2 « £ 35" MVS WITH THIS COUPON 5 0 E X T R A I Barnes Floral P u ffs F a c ia l T is s u e 3c «ff 4 ^ 89* Met, M en ef C h ic k e n s •* Limit One per Customer 79« •It G o ld Bell S t a m p s VI 00 OB *40«» tie (1 VISIT EAST LANSING’S NEWEST FLOWER SHOP . t Ot ACCC E tn a G r o u n d C o ffe e 2 £ 9 * ix riu s s s a t , OCT. r bxjmuss ea» , ear. f f t 215 Ann ED 2-0871 Prim affective tore Sefurdey, Oct. 7. IN reserve Ike right le M F ree Pick-up and Delivery REID G E T F I N E R G I F T S F A S T E R W IT H G O L D B E L L G I F T S T A M P S Michigan Stete ffow», E w t tam in g , W M §m SPORTS H u ofii i y M orning, O ctober S 1961' O f c h T ^ s h g f s a , Michigan FOLLOWING THE BEAf - - New Stars Coeds Swing O ld l1'aithfafl and Glacier State’s 115-pound Big Ten wrestling champion, was anly Ed “Rocky" Ryan, Michigan state's l i l i ttotoaB captain Into Tryouts Highlight Parks Show 13 y e a n old whan he won toe and a police administration Doing W ell afoot with Stan Midgley, nar­ first of four straight state high school mat titles. major, is the son of J oseph Ry­ an, a Chicago policeman. BstosMy r f t p.m. in the uni­ NEW YORK IB—Thrss rook­ the Ü Bettes, a chaws Une sponsored by the Union Beard, versity auditorium film view­ rator. ie quarterbacks aro stooBag atti he nwnaalttg Wednesday ers will be visiting Yellowstone, There will be close-ups of some of the thunder tide sea­ sod Tha»tiajr. Oct 11 and 13 Grand Teton and Glacier na­ such sights as Grasshopper son from toé long-established star signal-c alters in tibe Na­ tional Football League. _ in the ballroom of ths Unk». Each girl most perform a one to taro minute routine. tional parks by bicycle and Glacier; buffalo and antelope heads; Swan Lake and its rare trumpeter swans; Norris gey­ AFTER tiw CAME Thia year, the U-Dette i have ser basin; Old Faithful and! The three are Bill Kilmer of the San Francisco arrangements to Spettorai a t Nehru OK’s many other geysers in action; | Norman Snead of the Washing­ Kellogg Center, various Uni­ Virginia City; mammoth hot ton .Redskins and Fran Tarfc- enton of the Minnesota Vikings. versity functions, fuMf sown! Calm Stand springs; petrified trees,-and a mud volcano. Its With only three weeks of the tb t pftit, tk i group M M o iB ii HYDERABAD, India (*> - Midgley, who began his fllm- long NFL campaign gone, an for Union Board dances, the Prime Minister Nehru said lecture career in 1948, .has three have proven impressive UJB. talent show, aad some Wednesday India appreciated earned' the reputation of being and at times spectacular. , l4Hn«)ng groups. toe restraint President Nasser the “Mark Twain of the cam­ KILMER, FORMERLY wing- back in UCLA’s single wing of­ I n d ia S tu d e n ts has shown toward the Syrian . npHMwg- Ha told reporters on a stopover here India “natural­ era,” because of his witty and humorous narrations. Party-Time fense, is one of to rse quarter­ ly is very much concerned over When in a hurry to cook ! backs who alternate atinfhting P l a n t o O r g a n iz e recent developments in Syria. macaroni, spaghetti, or any] After the last whistle has blows, the fuse that touches off the We have appreciated President noodle which brings bubbles to J and the chants of “Go-Go” have 49ers’ novel “ shotgun" attack. A t U n io n F r i d a y Nasser’s restraint and his dec­ the top of the pan, put in a j been stilled to the post-game The 6-foot-l, 196-pounder scored laration that the problems that tablespoon of cooking oil which! remarks which fans always seem two touchdowns last Sunday in The India Students Assn. will have arisen should be settled will hold down the froth re-1 to say, why not change thè San Francisco’s stunning 49-6 hold its organizational moating peacefully" suiting in cleaner stove tops. scene with the magic wards, triumph over the Detroit Li­ Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the UN “We’re having a party!” ons. Both scores came on lounge of tha Union. ground plays. All Indian students and oth­ GET --YOUR ers interested are invited to And for your after-toe-game Kilmer is currently eighth the group, which is too second buffet, why not pick-up a variety among the league’s punting largest nationality organization of coId-cuts, SCHAFER’S SOFT leaders. He has booted the ban on campus, R. K. Michael, eight times for an a v tra fe of president, said. 40.9 yards, his longest punt Foreign student enrollment jntra Mural &Phys. Ed. N’ GOOD bread and buns, and crisp, delicious ADAM’S POTA- AO CHIPS, at Oade’s grocery. sailing 64 yards. Kilmer, of lists are not yet available, so Azusa, Calif., led the nation in no other invitations to the asso S ports Equipm ent total offense during his senior elation will be made, Michael year at UCLA with 1,889 yards said. a! ~ _ , . and was fifth nationally in Corn* Is s a d S to punting. S p ir ta w S ports & Hobbies inform ation sismmuaRiuiiinsrii Despite Washington’s failure to win in three starts, Snead TODAY ON CAMPUS • Badm inton Racquets Oar P rstfe H sa Board ROGER HUMBARGER has given indication already he intends to try to continue MANAGEMENT C3AJB—Thurs­ his habit of setting records. He day, 8:30 p.m., 33 Union. 9 H andball Gloves H u m b a r g e r T o H e lp established 15 Atlantic - Coast Conference marks and tied two ROWING CLUB—Thursday, 7 • Tennis Racquets D on't forget too, th a t Oadc’a carries a complete -stock of beverages which will refresh th e th irst others during his college ca _ p.m., 33 Union. \ :: of th e most avid stadium fan. This weekend and all R e ta in B ig T e n T it le reer at Wake Forest. GERMAN CLUB — Thursday, So far, Snead has completed 7:30 pan., UN Lounge, Union. and through (he week, Oade’s m arket provides a fin# selection of food products to meet your every Restringing 33 of 80 passes for 488 yards dem and." ~ _ . By TERRY WAREHAM I year, and we have a fine group and three touchdowns, good LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO- Of The State News Staff of sophomores on this year’s enough to rank him so- 11 CIATION — Thursday, 4:10 • Complete Archery freshmen coming up," he said. among NFL passers statistical­ p.m-, University Lutheran Much of the success of the university’s Big Ten champion­ As a sophomore, the 196(1 ly. Snead connected on an 80- Church, study group. - Center “Around The ship cross country team will campaign saw Humbarger fin­ yard pass play for the Red­ depend upon the legs of Roger ish 13th in the Big Ten meet at skins’ only touchdown two CIATION - Thursday, 12:10 Humbarger, a 20-year-old har­ Chicago, in New 10th York, in the and IC4A 31st in meet the weeks ago adelphia. in a 14-7 ' —' loss to Phil­ LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO- p.m., University Lutheran 9 Football Equipm ent O ad e's Bend From ' Univenity Village** rier from Gowdwin Heights, Michigan. H um barger is a 6’ 1” , 170- NCAA meet here on the home course. Coach Dittrich is looking for­ Dick “ Night Train’’ Lana of Church, graduate - faculty luncheon Spartan Sports & Hobbies GROCERY pound fisheries and wildlife ward to a fine season for the the. Detroit Lions holds the George Washington served 237 ANN STREET ACROSS FROM K NA PPS IV 9-8540 2 9 0 9 E. Kalamazoo major. He is a junior. " National Football League re­ « a vestryman in Christ “ Cross country, indoor and young athlete and is quite sure ED 2-6416 outdoor track require ail the he will be a strong element in cord for pass Interceptions B ordi in Alexandria, Va. extra time 1 have," Humbarg­ the Spartans chanees in the with a m ark of 14 set in 1952 e r said. . battle for their seventh straight as a rookie, with the Los Am He h a s * 2.4 all-college grade Big Ten title." geles Rams. point average. -“Not many members of the SERVING YOU cross country team belong to a fraternity inasmuch as they’re WITH 4 BARBERS pretty busy all year,** be add­ ed. In addition to being one of j the university’s top harriers, “ Rog,” as his teammates call! Dohm's Barber Shop him, is planning on joining the B-16 Frandor Avenue Inter-varsity Christian Fellow­ ship this year (Concourse) Humbarger looks forward to* a fine season next year. Tuesday —Saturday 8 :0 0 - 5 :3 0 “ We will be losing only one F ran d o r Shopping Center senior (Jerry Young) next m m mmmem e m u . JENT SOUTHFORREST. B£ACH 5 0 CflOWDfPI ÄXJLPNT ETANY. HEAR? SCREAM. THEN ANOTHER. AFTER THIRP SCREAM I GOT SUSPICIOUS. STARTEP TO INVESTIGATE. ^ RCA, builder of Tiros Satellite, m iyA needs young engineers today for spectacular achievements tomorrow Tbea has broadened man’s scope of the heavens through engineering assignments that give you w aad earth. From an orbiting observation post high clear picture of various fieida you might choose. In tha sky, it transmits a new wealth of meteoroicg- Or, if you’d like to continue year graduate etedy k t l information to earth-bound stations below. . . . RCA will pay full cost—tuition, Net and ap­ LiPEGUARP TDLX>ME THIS WAS IO ATTEMPT TO KILL HM.FROMTIMEyiPBtCE Tiros is only, one of many RCA successes in the proved text—while you go to echool or study two IT WAS UFE6UARP. HEP TOEP TO RESCUE I. CONCLUDEDHE WASN'T VERYPOPULAR. vide, wide world of electronics. And ae the horizons days a week, and work at RCA three days. FROWNING WOMAN.BUT SHE STUCK A 6TARTEPLOOKINGfOROUE5.RXINPAWOMMTSJ of electronics steadily expand, the need for more ROLL-ON PEOCORANT IN HtS BEACH BAG. These are only a few of the many reasons for getting HATPIN 1 HIS INNER TU BE.________ and more competent and creative engineers in -; all the facts about a career with RCA. Sdi your creeses in direct ratio. That’s why RCA, now. in placement officer now about gatting together with 9hs fosvfroc t of electronic progress, offers such an RCA representative, for an interview on: tremendOQB opportunities for Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and Physicists. OCTOBER V yen shandy know what you want ta da in Or,Mend your rim m d to: eaighieefing. . . Sad are qualified, RCA can offer College Relations y iu dwed assignments in your chosen field, and fctA yea up with braining and guidance ex« Radio Corporation of America psrieacsd engines». Cherry HUI, Camden 8 , NJ . Vyea’re net qvMnsore which direction you want rrW86UM.M0W0NPeRHE WtiUMOPUUK •a « a . . . RCA'e Dnifn.and DtrclopmerU Special- teed lY sm hr wQl help to point the arty. You’ll The Most Trusted Nemo In BpetreMet GAVE IBMBOTTLE OF MENNEN SPRAY 'f basis cosrosanao or >—« c » TEOCORAMT.-MARPECT-WOWKiNG, LÖN6E5T1 BACK IN OFFICE.ñKTNCRANG.fT WAS receive full engineering salary while you progress LASTING SPRAY A MAN CM USB. GETS UFEGUARP. SINCE UStNGM&MEN SPRAY THROUGH TO THE SKIN. WORKS ALL h e p h a p T P ia acM d d T M o B S M w aN p i. Aq Equal Opportunity Employer RAY.AFTEgTHACfGOTPtenTCFRESr. WANTEP TOCOME NORTH FORARfiST. »»MB M ichigan State Item , East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS T hnrtday M orning, O ctober 5 , 1961 5 S a m e O ld S to r y : Y a n k e e s a n d F o r d ‘G o o d G a m e / S ay s H ritc h NEW YORK (B— "Hat’s what yaa weald caB a gaod, 8 Two-Hitter MSU’s IM P ro g ram R ates T op d a n incision.” That was Ctadaaati Mana- I « Frag flatrhlaa—*a de- sf the New Yark m *84 victory aver the Michigan State offers one of, -Tnis fall students have an volleyball, fraternity bowling, Two large pools are included Wins, 2-0 the finest intramural programs 1opportunity to participate in 14 turkey trot, table tennis, pad- in Die country, with activities ! sports, dleball. badminton, football in these facilities, one indoors 121 feet in length and one out­ Rads Widaeadsy la thb epea- er of the lOtlWerld Series. NEW YORK on—Whitey Ford avaitafble in 28 different sports. I These are: touch football, pass, football place kick, arch- doors 165 feet in length with a ‘‘There’s aot a heUava lot ¿pun his southpaw magic over yaa can say aheat that i ery, handball doubles, wres­ large “L” diving "Wea. ganm,” the grim -faced the Cincinnati Rads with a 2- hit 2-0 opening game victory S a u n d e r s A ls o S ta r s l ì tling, fencing and gymnastics. Other facilities within the Hutchinson said hi tha sub­ The facilities for these sports building Include golf driving dued Redleg dab bouse. for the New York Yankees “You have to gtvo Mr. Wednesday and set a World Series record with eight vic­ Ventura Rampages are outstanding and are all conveniently located within a three-block area stretching from the tennis courts on the nets in the basements and rooms for wrestling and tum­ bling, fencing and archery, (Whttey) Font a lot of crodit. He pitched a flaa game hat oar ldd (Jim OThole) did, tories. weightlifting and table tennis Once again the Yanks, who hit 240 homers in the regular In Soccer Opener ¡east to Old College Field on the west. THE PRIMARY feature of as well as a fitness room for Individual workouts. Six thous­ and locker spaces are available too: The oady tfaiag ha (O’­ Toole) could have done was shut them out.” season, fell back on their fa­ set-up by teammates Rubens I these facilities is the Men’s In- for student use. , The Yankees’ first xaa off By MIKE SKINNER O’Toole was Elston Howard’s miliar weapon with home runs Filizola, Ken Graham and Jean | tram ural Building where all The Intramural chairman, Of The State News Staff homer la the foarth which by Elston Howard and Bill Lohri. *new students were unhappily Harris Beeman, stresses that The toe of Mabrico Ventura hardy dropped late the right Skowron and broke the back of “ He (Ventura) did most of : introduced during registration. these facilities are for the use field seats. the National League cham­ and the hands of Ted Saunders the scoring,” Kenney said. “ But j Within the IM Building are of all students unskilled as pions. played a big part in the Spart­ his line-mstes did a good job located four different gymnas­ well as skilled and that these I* ■ Jim O’Toole, 24-year-old Cin­ an’s season opening 7-0 soccer of setting him up.” ium areas which can provide facilities were not built for the cinnati left-hander, hadn't al* win over Earlham College Sa£ While Ventura was gunning seven basketball courts, eight exclusive use-of varsity ath­ - lowed a home run-since July home the goals, Saunders was tennis courts, "12 volleyball letes o r any other groups but urday. policing the Spartan n et against c o u r t s and 26 badminton for all. - 28 in 16 regular season games. Ventura, a center forward, But Howard curled one into the would-be Earlham scorers. | courts. In the large sports Reservations for any of the scored five goals and Saunders “Ted is . lower right field seats in the posted a shutout in the nets. fourth and Skowron boomed a ies in the country—not only in folding bleachers can accom­ calling the IM office, Ext. 355- 420-footer into th e lower stands Now with five goafs to his college but independent ball, modate 2,090 spectators. 5250. in left in the sixth. credit, Venturi has a chance too,” Kenney said. to better his 14-goal total of a SAUNDERS WAS a i d e d SENSATIONAL fielding by third baseman Ciete Boyer year ago. ; : , against Earlham by a tough Rowing Club Meets Tonight eased Ford’s path as he ran his EARLHAM wasn’t the first State defense that allowed only several shots to reach him. string of consecutive scoreless team that the 5’ 6” Ventura has Ail men interested in joining versity, on Oct. 21, with clubs innings'to 27 over a two-year The Spartan netminder post­ from the United States and had a scoring feast against. ed five shutouts last season the MSU Rowing club are in­ spam - Purdue felt the sting of his toe which tie d him with Noel Dra- vited to attend the first meet­ Canada competing. Boyer thrilled a chilly crowd when he booted six past the go, who played under Kenney ing to be held at 7 p.m. today The club will hold daily prac­ of 62,387 with a brilliant stop Boilermakef goalie in State’s from 1957 to 1969, for the few­ in room 33 Union. Previous ex­ tices on the Grand river in of pinch hitter Dick Gernert’s 17-0 win last season. . perience is not " necessary, Lansing. smash in the eighth. Throwing est goals allowed in Spartan These six goals against Pur­ soccer history in one season. said crew captain Dave Eakin. himself into the dirt as he dived to his left, Boyer gloved due tied “ Mab” with his team­ MSU’s nine opponents last With a new coach, Dr. May­ Supervisors to Meet - the ball. Then he threw out ERNIE CLARK, star defensive end for the Spartans has mate Cecil Heron for most year were limited to only a one nard Miller, taking charge this Geraert from his knees. In the been presented the UPI’s lineman of the week award for goals scored in one game by j o a l ' per game average by season, the club plans a good A meeting for intramural any MSU soccer player. Heron 'Saunders. schedule of regattas. The first supervisors will be held at 7 second inning Boyer made an­ other difficult stop and perfect the Mid-West. Clark’s consistant attack on the Badger line, had scored his six goals in regatta will be an international p.m. tonight in TOomT219 of the most computi SAUNDERS IS a former all- throw from bis knees, nipping j helped the Spartans to,a 20-8 victory over Wisconsin. Gene Freese. State’s first game a year ago. star at St. George’s college in “ Mab has a good shot with Kingston, Jamaica. While per­ aiiair at Western Ontario Uni­ Men's Intramural building. STOCKINTOWS The Yanks did this without either foot,” Coach Gena Ken­ forming in Dotroifnnd Windsor help from the M & M boys. Mantle Sits IM Officials Needed ney said about his center for­ amateur ranks he was an all­ Varsity Drive In PRICEDwim ward. “When the bail is laid league selection. Mickey Mantle was not in thé lineup, still hobbled by the ef­ An officials’ meeting for through for him he outdistances He also appeared in the 1960 RTSPKTTO fects of minor surgery on an abscess on his right hip. Roger Out Game; anyone interested in officiat­ ing touch football will be held his defensive man for it.” Olympic trials. 1 2 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER YOURPOCKET Ventura was a sprinter on Ventura, Saunders and their OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M . Maris, whose 61 homers set a new record, failed to hit the Maris Hitless at 7:30 p.m., in 208 Intramural Bi’ilding. Students interested the Spartan’s track team last teammates will next appear spring. game here against Wheaton. DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. SPARTAN bail out of the infield on four ir. officiating touch football State defeated Wheaton, 3-1, -trips, striking out once. . NEW YORK (HI—“ I know" I ibis year are invited to attend IN SCORING his five goals last year. 8 :3 0 P . M . - 1 :3 0 A.M. Ford simply was superb on won’t be able to play tomor­ this meeting. against Earlham, Ventura was BOOKSTORE this gray day, ^spiking the big row either,” said Mickey Man­ SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P .M .- 1 : 3 0 A.M. The Detroit Tigers of 1911 CORNER ANN A MAC guns of the Reds’ attack, tle, after watching Wednes­ ED 2 -6 5 1 7 EAST.LANSING Frank Robinson and Vada Pin­ day’s world series opener fronf IIE B E R M A N N ’ S executed three triple plays son. during the season. the sidelines. “1 can't swing) EDDIE KASKO singled into lefthanded . . . I can’t throw i 4eft field with one out in the and I can’t run." S P E C IA L S E L L IN G . . . first inning and Wally Post The-New York Yankee slug­ lined a single into th ejeft field corner in Die fifth. The 32-year ger sat out the first game ¿till old lefty from Lake Success, hobbled by the after effects^of f o r o n e m o r e w e e k o n ly N.Y., walked only one man, minor surgery tor a n abscess Robinson in the seventh, and on his right hip. struck out six. The strikeouts The Yankees defeated Cin­ boosted his own series record! cinnati 2-0 on homers by Elston to 69. , Howard and Bill Skowron. Only Babe Ruth with 292^ scoreless innings and Christy half ROGER MARIS, the other Mathewson w i t h 28'3 the! of the M and M Boys, did pitched three shutouts in 1905) nothing to distinguish himself. have blanked the opposition for during thewho The man hit 61 home runs regular season went as many consecutive innings. Ford undoubtedly will get a hitless in four times a t bat chance to top them in the against left-hander Jim O^ fourth game at Cincinnati Sun­ Toole. He popped up in the day. „ first, struck out in the third, grounded out in the fifth and It was a tough game for fouled out to the catcher in the I O’Toole, who had finished the seventh. regular season w i t h eight “ I'd id n ’t do anything,1’ ad­ straight victories while compil­ mitted Maris after the game, ing a 19-9 record. However, the “but I feel great. I don’t feel 24-year-old son of a Chicago any pressure at all. Even a policeman kept getting behind World Series is like a rest after ! the Yankee hitters. American what I went through this sea- j league pitchers learned long son. ago that you are inviting disas-1 “ I picked the right time to ter when you pitch like that. go 0 for 4, anyway,” he added. Bookmakers reported t h e “The time to go hitless is when | new odds favoring New York-t you win.” to win the World Series are OWßtä f lp © K ) s é ® r a © Datigimä by LA/GAtOO TACKETT Despite his inability to iath- 4-1; Before Wednesday’s win, j om O’Toole’s breaking stuff, j the Yankees were favored j Maris didn’t appear too inn 2Vi-1. pressed by the pitching of the i Odds on today's game are Reds’ lefthander. a new idea in contem porary 8Vi-5 for New York to take its iH—• HE’S THE SAME as any | second contest in a row. white dinnerw are The odds against New York ! other pitcher,” Roger said. ) winning in four straight games ‘He’s not overpowering. JHe’s j are 3Vi-l. - more of _a stuff pitcher. He ! keeps mixing them up—a little Here’s beautifully designed dinnerware at such a inside, a little outside. I . ex­ modest price. Practical, too, because it takes harsh pected him to be faster. Pizar- dishwasher detergents and oven heat. Pure white V a r s it y C lu b | ro and Mossi (Juan Pizarro of ironstone, it’s adaptable to any accessories . . . mixes Chicago and Don Mossi of D e-) P le d g in g S o o n ! “O’Toole wastes his fast hall, i troit) throw harder. so well with other dinnerware. Not a closeout! It’s Varsity Club will hold its j throws a lot of breaking stuff open stock for later matching.— term pledging Wednesday) and pitches to upots, with the ! through Friday, October 11-13. idea of making you go for bad | 8095 n Taroyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa e st!" according to President Jim 1pitches. 5 piece place settin g Arbury. “He threw me mostly inside, ■ays turf king Virgiliua (Big Wheel) Plutarch, "Try the. T he earlier pledging date will j but he gave me several good Appian Way to fine tobacco taste—Dual Filter Tareytons,” enable new members to par­ pitches. Two were real good 2 0 % REDUCTION ON OPEN STOCK says Big Wheel. “ From the Alps to the Aqueduct, we smoke ticipate in fall activities. but I fouled them both off. “You’ve got to give him them summo cum gaudio. Try Tareyton, one filter cigarette «<•* S • a request accompanied by a ta mpad, aatf-addrsaaad envelope.. |S(*rr(SMTM•'Ria>90Misai«*«SLÖS Next G reat A ttraction “SPART ACUST “ FASCINATION" H rn n d iy M orning, O ctober 5 , 1961 M id tlp n State New», East MleMgpm 1® K n i g h t A c c u s e s ; E d g e r t o u D e n ie s New Debut V Uly I«“’» Stopping; Cuba Raps LOS ANGELES (»-Ex-Gov. joto if ho wMdd aboutira Ma piano to tan lor governor of Goodwin J. Knight Wadneodoy Of Block S U. S, Again named Loo Angola* Financier h d tfcw is. Saturday Just Slowing Down UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. «* J . Howard Edgerton as tbo “Nixon representative” who of­ fered Mm his choice of state Expecting Knigbt’s announce­ ment, Edgorton raid Tuesday “lie wasn’t tiw man.’* —Cuba Ihnrsday accused the SAN ittANCISCO (I) - lily MWU1 you explain to mo why Uaited States*f publishing (aba Block S, tiia university card Pons has not retired, but mere­ ovary one thought I was, just documents in what It o p e d a and rtow tag section, makes its season debut Saturday at ly has changed her way of Hfa. because I am not staging with the Metropolitan this year? vast plan aimed a t npeefting Cuba’s ralatkms with othsr Complète Optical the MSU-Stanford football game “Retirement doesn’t exist for under new direction. mo,” the famed Prendi colora- “Does this moan everything? I have boon with the Metropoli­ countries. Foreign Minister Raul Roe Service Mea's Residence Halls Asm tan longer than moot stars. has taken over leadership of charged that the purpoes of “Now 1 want to live a little the purported plot we* to Imply the section this y earfro m the for myself. I don't want to junior class. Cuban violations of tike princi­ spend any m orf long winters ple of non-intervention and to Among its other duties Sat­ In Now York. I want to take urday, Block S will introduce create conditions for “new ag­ only what pleases me.” grosskim, direct or indirect , the Stanford University team She said she looked forward and- wW cooperate with the by the imperiahst North Ameri­ to singing next February a t n can against tbs people of Cu­ Band Day theme. concert during the symphony Men’s dormitories wore al- ba.” season in Dallas, her recently The documents, Roe said in loted MO of the 1,212 tickets in adopted city. the special section. The same There also are television a letter to assembly President allotments will bo used for the programs coming, she said. Mongi Slim, were allegedly Notre Dame game October 21. “I left New York forever signed by Cuban officials and Michigan Stata U aliatity Bryan, BaUey and Armstrong two years ago — with great referred to subversive activi­ FOREIGN FILM SERIES are the only men’s dormitories pleasure,” she said. “ I want to ties aimed at the overthrow of presents who have not used all of their travel. L went to Tahiti last governments which now main­ HOMECOMING PLANNERS—The P la n in g committee alloted tickets. year and loved it. I want to tain normal relations with Cu­ ba. for the Homeceatiag game wltii Indiana O ct 28 kaa held enjoy my friends, relax, visit x . Worms called pogonohores museums. U _ Roa mentioned no names, i h first work seisitn. At right Is Pete Secchia, standing, Demarcai, N. J., sealer, chairman of the committee, and "T h e B E S T places or dates. settle on (he see floor and se­ "v“I have always been giving. Now I am giving to myself. Last Aug. 4 Vitalio De La counter clockwise, Miss Mabel Peterson, assistant director, F O R E IG N crete t tube around themselves, Torre, Cuban consul in Buenos women’s division of Student Affairs; Eldou Nonnamaker, building it up year after year Sir William Phipps, royal Aires, sought political asylum assistant director of men’s division; Miss Joyce McNa­ P IC T U R E o f to a height of perhaps five ULLY PONS mara, assistant, women’s division ; Starr Keesler, director feet. The pogonophore, which governor of Massachuetts in there, taking with him papers be said were Cuban pliuis to ef alumni relations; Linda Sherlton; Gordon Suber, Frank THE YEAR— may roach a length of 14 inch­ tura said in a recent interview. 1092, was the first native Skinner, informatimi services; Jack Kinney, director of a » re art F ren ch Mm es, never leaves its self-built “ Retirement for me is death. American to he knighted by an toppjg the government of Ar­ English king. Phipps was born gentine President Arturo Fron- the Placement Bureau; and Robert Gowans of the IM { th a t onus« live" prison, but crawls up and down Nobody ever asked me if I was dizi. " _ office. -geOke 0 * e 6 k s a s te o inside. retiring. in Maine. mO m o f 9m bm t pktm m T o o M u c h In te r fe r e n c e at eaocat ycara CAMPUS C L A S S I F I E D S DEA DLIN ES: 1 p.m. D ay B efore Publication fo r Tues., Wed., Thurs., U.A.R. ‘Octopus’ Triggered ansai and FrL Editions. Deadline fo r Mon. E dition: 1 p.m. F ri. E? who musi die PH O N E: 355-8255 or 355-8256 Revolt Top Syrian Says DAMASCUS WB—The revolt ser’s intelligence officers, had “The arm y's only~ aim (in that split Syria from the Unit­ infiltrated “like an octopus to revolting) w a s to redress Thursday, Friday, October S, ( ed Arab Republic was original­ weaken the Syrian army, suf­ wrongs and it was pledged not I k 9 p.m. .A U S T IN H E A L E Y . 58 W .W ., O .D . T W O - W O O L S U IT S . 3 f o r m a la kÓÒMS ly planned to halt weakening Fairchild Theatre -N e w p a in t . M u s t .s e ll. P h o n e 337- S ize 12. Call a f te r 4:30 p.m. EH Ü R L E T CO-OP baa room fo r 2 focate freedom of citizens and to interfere with the political 2.8061. 6 to fill prisons.” Admission: 50c »31«._________________ * men. Tnexpenelve, o ff-ca m p u s liv ­ of the Syrian army by the life of Syria,” Zahredin said. A U S T IN H E A L E Y . 1*14. 4 s p e e d C ing. Close to cam pus. ED 2-2447. Egyptians rather than-as a po­ He accused the Egyptians of Reliable sources said Syria R . a n d H ., w ir e w h e e ls , o v e r d r iv e , 1001 S T U D E N T AND FAC U LTY 7 litical movement, the jArmy’s stealing military arms and has asked for prompt return priced fo r q u ic k ea le . C a ll E E * - new commander in chief said equipment worth 10 million of all Syrian Army and Air ;„ 7 o . 18 B A R G A IN S - L O S T and F O U N D Wednesday^ Syrian pounds (828 million at Force officers studying in the PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED t-5817 —s o B O R G W A R D Is a b e lla C o m b i. . Gen. Abdel Karim Zahredin W h it e , re d u p h o ls te r y , w h i t e w a lls . H a n e s 1 r io e r w e a r 3 f o r $2.95 XÖ^T*-during: r t f i » tr a tiorv WTtlte the official exchange rate) and Soviet Union. The Egyptian <£57 5 = 3 Œ SO M S 18.000 m ile s . E D 7-0735. 7 gold rin g w ith rounded blue Sa­ told newsmen President Nas­ shipping them off to Cairo. high command was reported phire. S e n tim en tal valua. R ew ard. 1*57 C H E V R O L E T c o n v e r tib le . C o r v e t t e f l o o r a l i j f t , n e w to p . B u - Sw eat Sw eat S h ir ts P a n ts . ....................... 11.98 $2.4», $2.98 E D T-7212. CAT. FOUND In H brary O ctober 8 to have shipped from 25 to 40 Syrian officers to the Commun­ 8^ IM IE * r r o n t i r e * . N eed th e m o n e y . C a ll 353-141«. ________ 1*55 F O R D . 4 d o o r, c u s to m lin e d a u t o m a t ic . R a d io , h e a te r , p o w e r * G ym S h o r ts . . S u p p o r te r s . . . . .................11.,!* e *. ............. $1.2# rl to r ea, 2100 1. g ra y a n d w hite, sh o rt h air. Call 355-2385.____________________ PER SO N AL 7 Shortage of Doctors ist bloc as students in an ef-. fort to prevent just such an up­ rising as that which restored E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.L78I4 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS S w e a t S ox ~ . . • t t ^ r l n g . F ir s t $350 r a s h t a k r a it- C a ll B r ia n N e ls o n , K D 2-0844. HEARSE. 1942 P iie kn C d : s e ll o r tra d e . *225 E x c e lle n t W ill 8 A d le r T e n n is ................ Shoes ..., $1.00 91.44 JUDY RADZOM and BRUCE PA R R ISH p lease— com« to th e S ta te Hew* office. R oom 347, S tri­ Means Long Waits ” Syria to independent nation­ hood last week. Premier Mamoun Kuzbari EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING LAST TIME TONIGHT - ONE COMPLETE SHOW 7:M d i i l o n . New— tire s. 15 4-»,90. t f d e n t Service« B ids, f o r - t a r •» free has announced his revolution­ P a n ts $2.99 u p p a ss rs to th e C rest D riv e-In . tf By PAT DONDZILA In spite of these problem, ary government intends to fol­ FEATURE 8 PAL 1933 O LD S, S u p e r SS. H o lid a y röupe. g re e n a n d w h ite . C a ll o w n ­ H a n k ie s ........... TO f o r 99c F R E E . 5 * 7 sn la rs e m e n t! - B r in g State News Staff Writer cases, f r e e consultation is low a neutral course in foreign t h i s ad t o 'M a r e k R e x a ll P r e s c r ip ­ e r. T U 2-1543. . ’ i R a in w e a r . . $1.49 up t io n C .e n te r b y F r a n d o r . N o p u r ­ available for all students with affairs while encouraging pri­ A GENUINE AND MDMDUAl 55 O L D S M O B IL E . G o o d t r a n a p o r - ch a se ne eded . L i m i t o n e to a f a m ­ Director of Olin Health Cen­ all doctors on the staff. vate enterprise at home. 12.¿»9 u p ' i l y . O f f e r e n d s Oct. 31. 1961, t a t Io n . *200. See a t 5+84 P a r k l.a n e R o a d . E a s t L a n s in g , e v e n in g s a n d F o o t R a in w e a r 14 . . -............. 5 j.9 9 C O -E D S , S A Y NO t o a r id e In th e 1porta that the staff of seven ter, Dr. James S. Feurig, re- Nurses, most of whom are However, interior minister S « WOtK Of AIT" w eekends. _ « C o r d u r o y P a n ts residents of the area and wives Adnan Kuwatly told newsmen 1937 P L Y M O U T H . N e e d s s o m e . L e v is , ............... SO» : cs uo ruanntcr ey wu ni t leh s sR uhe h a s a u to ' I n ­ b o lz , o v e r J a c o b ­ ) doctors this year is less than of students, are best qualified the Communist party will con­ ira n iira T O n m g a it w o r k . - P r ic e d lo w . g o o d tir e s . See | so n s. E U 2-8871. _ 6 it had been in the 1957-58 to serve the college student’s tinue to be banned under ex­ 11.98 u p i a t 504 D iv is io n . C a ll E D 2-UI3S. j I G y m H a ss -S T A T E B L A N K E T . R e g is t e r f o r school year. This increase in age group, Feurig said. TARTS 1 AND 2 ......... 79c j d r a w i n g a t . M a r k e t i n g C lu b B o o th . enrollment places more than isting regulations. 1957 P L Y M O U T H . 2 d o o r, V.-S B ta s s o . A c t i v i t i e s C a r n iv a l, S ta d iu m C o n ­ Radio Damascus denied a PLEASE COME EARLY po w er f l l t e . rad io , h e a te r . l o w | oi) ’ . iile s g e , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . I T i S hoe P o llz h c o u rs e , t o n ig h t . 6 4.000 faculty members and stu­ rumor that Kbaled Bagdash, 5 -3 1 *8 . S u p p lie s , R.Ö.TC dents on each doctor. the Syrian Communist leader 114 Negro M ilita A L P H A G A M S ta k e i t o f f S a t­ MGA. 5«. E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n .„e ;., u r d a y , O c t. 7 f o r $1.09. ( T h e d + rt 24<* p flc k o n y o u r c a r ) C a r W e e k , 9 -1 3 a .m . JHe said that, although the who fled to Moscow in 1958 to STARTS TOMORROW FRIDAY A l l e x tr a s . M u s t s e ll. C a ll B o h C H . A 1 I K I I L S 3 3 3 "C h a r1 e *. E . ( A n s in g . '7 long waiting situation aL the escape a Nasser dragnet, has j H i l l , E D 2-3581.. - * Health Center is trying to be returned to Syria. It also de­ “The best French film ef the year! Cieezot, who directed 1949 P A C K A R D H E A R M S , H i m ! EVERYTHING FOR SPORTS r u n n in c c o n d itio n . v » r v l i t t l e r« « t* $1**0. C a ll K D 2- *824. p f t in t -t AND CAMPING AT T H E M A L E S o f th e W o r l d c o n ­ g r a t u l a t e the. 1962 " W a t e r C a r n i ­ lessened, service will probab­ v a l " f o r Its s e le c tio n o f N A N H O R - ly never be immediate. T D X a s G e n e ra l S e c r e ta r y. J R. 6 The big aim o f'th e staff, Students nied that ex-president Adib Shishekly, who "was over­ thrown in 1954, is back from DIABOUQUE, with the performance he has extracted from Bardot must now rank as France.$ top director!” •»The New Yorker Magazine 1981 P O N T IA C C A T A L I N A ^ o o n - r e r t i b l e . s.e., f o u r b-t> s in g u la r , a lu m in u m w h e e ls , ta c k , JJ ,000 m ile s . 335.-1 483._____________ 1> e x tr a s . FOX HOLE AT FRANDOR PX STORE R E A L ESTATE E A S T t.A N S IN C T n e a r M S U . P e r ­ Feurig presently, is to curtail “junk stuff,” - a phrase coined by to describe students Arrested exile. The new 12-man cabinet, most of whose members have s o n n e l .s p e c ia l. P r ic e d t o s e ll a t MCCOMB, Miss. (» — Police almost Ud government exper­ 1936 PLYM O U TH . M o to r end IV 9-1917 $16.500 w i t h a p p r o x im a t e ly $600 who are trying to get out of b o d y In e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . $3857 «42 E v e r g r e e n . 837-2724.________ ~ i d o w n o n F H A te r m s . S p a c io u s 2 ROTC and who wish medical Chief George Guy said offieers ience, is considered decidedly b e d ro o m ra n c h . 154 b a th s ,- f u l l b a s e m e n t, s c re e n e d p a t io , a tta c h e d excuses to escape what they arrested 114 negro students and pro-western. 19.67 PLYMOUTH. 8 c y lin d e r s e ­ PORTABLE W A SH ER w ith elec­ g a ra g e , w e ll lo c a te d o n b e a u t i f u l one white man Wednesday who But a declaration to that ef­ d a n . * t * n d * r a * h ( f t lo o k s a n d ru n s tric w rin g e r and d isc h a rg e pom p lo t. E x c e p t io n a l b u y . O w n e r le a v ­ -feel are “ nervous” dormitory g o od. C a ll r a w e r . T U 2 -1 5 4 3 .— . IV 5-6221. i n g a re a . F o r I n f o r m a t io n c a ll E v a conditions. protested the dismissal from fect would raise cries of “im-, T R IU M P H .-1*5*, 4 speed t r a n s ­ W a b e k e , E D 2-4112 o r E D 2-6595. D IA M O N D R IN G . C a ll I V 9-6354 W a l t e r N e H e c C o.. R e a lt o r * 7 Another group needlessly school of four Negroes arrested j perialism” that might endam] m is s io n . E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . B e s t a f t e r 5:3 0 p .m . 6 busying the staff are normal, earlier in a sit-in attempt. ger public support for the new] o ffe r. P hone ED 2-6612 a f te r « OW NER BUILT. 3 b e d ro o m , f i r e ­ p .m . — 7 PO RTA BLE H I-F I. P lay* all c a r p e te d , g a r a g e , w a l k o u t healthy students who for some Guy said Pike County sheriff’s regime. sixes, a ll speeds, an d those In be­ place, b asem ent. W ell lo c a te d In M a s o n . reason'feel they need to drive deputies had to take the white 1957 VOLKS WAGON. Sun roof. tw een. S e p a ra te b ass and trebl*. OR $-4331. 10 B lack w ith red le a th e r upholetery. $49. C all H arv ey . ED 2-0536. 6 cars from class to class each .man away from the scene be­ E x cellen t condition. A sk in g $759. . $750 DOWN. Q u ality b u ilt, th re e day. cause they were fixing to kill ED 7-74$$.______________________ _» E n g l i s h b u l l d o g p u p *, a k c . bedroom s. F u ll b asem en t, g ae h eat, re g iste re d cham pion blood Hh*. alum inum screens. 10 m in u te s from 1*5$ VOLKSWAQON CONVF.RT- C all Leo S tu n er, IV 3-5704 a f te r MSU. C all F E 9-3984. Feurig said the staff at (Min him. _ U N IV E R S IT Y TH EA TR E 14 The police chief said two or 1 B L E . E x celle n t condition. $1359. five. 3 is not on the driving commit­ 14« H a sle tt S tre e t, a fte r S p.m., EAST. $500 d o w n , e a s y d r i v i n g tee and that they do not issue three white men tried to pull E D .7-7116.- 6 BASSINET. L ik e new. Ladle* com plete w in te r w ard ro b e, also ad nisdta nbcaeth : t oA pupnr oivxeim r s i t y . 6 ro o m s a t e ly 2 a c re s driving permits. the man away and took punches 1961«62 season coupon books 195» VOLKSWAGON SEDAN. 14-16. ED 2-6108. 8 E x cellen t condition. C all NA 7- of la n d . I m m e d ia t e " p o s s e s s io n . at him before the officers got 5279 a f t e r $ p.m. 6 ALLSTATE SCOOTER w ith b u d ­ W e a t r ln R e a lt y . I V 5-6160._____ 6 there. dy se a t an d w indshield. Llk* new V O SERMONS . . . Ju et good re n d itio n . P h o n e ED 2-1074 a f te r o v er 4 p.m. $ S ER V IC E U. S, Copter A reporter asked Guy if of­ Sold a u to lnegran ce! Bubol*. 4125 ■lacoheene. E P 2-3671, 6 ficers arrested the white m eni A PPLE S: Red D elicious, J o n a ­ n M N G - In my horns. T heses EM P LO YM EN T thons, M cIntosh. _ N o rth ern Spy* and term papers. E le c tric ty p e ­ and C ortland*. F resh ap p le cider. w rite r. C oll N ancy W eiss a t ED Souash. PI* and H allow een p u m p ­ $-6377.— 10 R escues, 5 attacking the Negro sympa- i thizer. '"T kins. F arm fre sh «ggs. Also o th e r “They left before we could! G IR L w ith ty p in g experience f r u its äp d v e g e ta b le s a t re a so n ­ T H E B IL L H A R T ORCHESTRA BERLIN (»—Five East Ger­ get to them,” Guy said. eded te r p a rt tim e help In L an - ab le prices. R oadside F a rm M a rk ­ fo r ‘‘D ance M usic w ith H a rt. man refugees were rescued by ng d o c to r e office. H o n rs l-7:$6 et, . 2 m ils* e a s t of E a st L sn sm g Call ED 2-5503. 7 The man was identified as, m. Mon., W ed., F rl.. S at. 9-lT on US 1$ a t O kem os Road. tf a U.S. Army helicopter from Bob Zellener of Atlanta, 22-! n. plus sem e A ftern o o n w o rk TY PIN G In S p a rta n V illage the Steinstuecken enclave Wed­ ay be neceeoary. w rit# Mrs. M. TRAILERS a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r year-old field worker for thej irneHue. 61* S. C apitol. L an sin g . 1959 R O T O R A F T t r a i le r . U x '.o ; Call 355-3013. tf nesday. _ student nonviolent coordinating | C a ll I V 5-2915 o r i y . 2-9512. tf TY PIST A N N B R O W N T E D 2- The US. Berlin command committee. fo r N EED T EN MEN to e a rn $50 6 h o u rs w o rk , plus big sales H O U S E T R A ILER. K o z y 1960 lO x 8384. E l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r . Term p a ­ reported: Guy said four negro students 1 6 events for $5 p e rs and th e s e s , also g e n e r a l t y p ­ bonus. ED *-$430. 6 40. L i k e new. Must sell, w ill s a c r i­ in g - tf Last week two American heli­ were arrested about two months fice. C a ll IV 4-3678. 7 EVENING W ORK. If you are BABYSITTING an y even in g , R e­ copters brought seven refu­ ago in a sit-in attempt at ai fre e to w o rk a t le a st 2 ev en in g s liable, tru s tw o rth y source. Call gees out of the little commu­ a w eek frene I p.m. to 1$ p.m. p lus H) h e u re on S a tu rd a y , w* can :>•) F O R R EN T 353-260$ a f te r 6:00. f nity, which is divided from the Wool worth Store and released! veu $44 ealary. C all fo r Inform a- Saturday on $1,000 bonds. Hej PHOTOGRAPHY o u r bobby and rest of Berlin by a jpile of com­ t « H T T Y S -M IS . Mr. H ill, beforç SOUTHEAST. F u r n is h e d . 3 room s sideline. C h ild re n 's p o rtra its In said they were in the group) • • o n - b u s ltife . A v a ila b le .O c to b e r 29. munist territory. Remaining 375 ; p.m. you» hom e, P h o to C h ristm a s cards. arrested today. $100 p lu s , u t i l i t i e s F e r a i t ) o n ly . ED 7-1201. ev en in g s.. - 9 " P r. COULTER. INC.. w ill U TV 2-4210. 0 Desk Sgt. J. L. Glover said ac c e p tin g ap p lic a tio n s fo r p a r t­ ECHO FARMS R ID ING S T A B L E . u m * help o n t of o u r lin e iti,? o f. EAST LANSING. F in # u n f u r n is h ­ H orse, d ra w n hay rid es, ' fa c ilitie s “ they’re the ones who started • te a C all Mr- W jrera fo r a p p o in t­ ed hom e close to c a m p u s . W ill m ent TV 2-2771, h e te ra 1 p. m. 7 re n t to stu d e n ts. $125. C all $$T- $103 a f te r $ p.m. '7 fo r p a rtie s, a n d d a n c in g a fte r- w a rd s N o rth to c o rn e r of R ound L ak e R oad a n d U.S. 27. MI 1-011$. AUSG Adds the whole thing. School Officials wouldn’t let them back in be­ ATTENTION STUDENT W IVES. 19 cause of the way they bad act-, A re yon u e a rly r t s e r f W e need ALL BRICK RANCH. F u lly c a r­ a dependable, a le r t coffee c o u n t­ peted, fin ish ed re c re a tio n room , e r we 1 trees. A pply la persoti a t th e w a te r so fte n e r, calcinato#. 6135 K EN N T DAVIS ORCHESTRA. To Deadline *d.” S o u d n u t S ho p m M AC._______ « m onthly. $27-31*1. $ «P »-*<” • __________ - 15 The sergeant said all stu-| Deadline for AUSG repre­ dents under 18 would be re-j FO R S ALE APARTMENTS W AN TED sentative petitioning has been leased to their parents and ] PLEA SE SEN D M E COUPON BOOKS AT $5 EACH. FU R N ISH ED APARTMENT, t T am ale room m ates" to extended until Friday a t 4 p.m., those over 18 would be charged ) TAIJ.T W O O D beag le . puppplea, room s, b a th . U tilities. $100 a m onth. sh a re mobU* home. R easo n ab le the election commission an­ with breach at the peace. He I ENCLOSE (AMOUNT) ten w eeks, AKC. f ir s t' s h o ts ED 405 G rove St. Side en tran c e. M ar­ rate*. T ra n sp o rta tio n provided. 7-777$. W e board dogs. ( J u s t on* ried only. A pply 504 D ivision. KD E D 7-$$$$. $ nounced. The extension was said their ages ranged be­ m il* S o u th e f C am p n a). I 3-3438: t.f. MAIL. TO: W ANTED. G rad s tu d e n t o r (Eng­ granted to enable prospective tween 12 and 19. NAME ................ .............. ............................. BIG. OLD FASHIONED ro ll top ROOMS lish m ajo r fo r tu to rin g In ex p o si­ representatives for vacancies Glover said the students) UNIVERSITY THEATRE desk. E xcellen t condition. L o ts of to r y w ritin g . C all Doug. ED 2*3877. just reported to get the neces­ marched down city streets, and DEPT. OF SPEECH ADDRESS ............... -_......_____ sto ra g e space, H I , . D eliv ered In F oSINGLE ROdM N ear cam pus. 6 p.m. 3 R est im aelng . ED 7-761$. 7 P.m. r men. C all E D 3-3034 a f te r 6 sary SO signatures. AUSG said. “ everyone of them was carry- j MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ___________ ing some kind of sign calling! EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN $ O F F IC E C LER K w ish in g to do ph o n e baby s ittin g an d ’ h o u sew o rk fo r The petitions should be re­ G IR L 'S rod ro o t an d legging*. APPROVED '" e f i g ie a sal sta n c e on room an d board. turned to 330 Student Services L\ I * I* **- ’v * o r $1 , blocks from Union. Male stu d e n t C o n tact. ,_■ L eo n ard W. G ordon, E Dg for equal rights, voting priv­ (PLEASE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE) ED .-*23*. •" « V » $-1**4 y « p» $ •-lit;, or to the Union Desk, ileges and the like.” mes&KÆi-isii. :.£'=■.... m mm i ü H pi? '*SP wm w m m : M .I ft. 'm ' " '-iv:-:- - - 11V.' :, ‘;-'-:;^'v^: :V Il j r M m « H P « S m m Michigan Stale News, East 1 anaing, Michigan T h o n d ijr M orning, October S , 1 % 1 m ■\ £ *j* a. If %j I p f 1 M.w Navy Fires Polaris Crossword Pazzie □B0K 3 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ zra a a □□□ □□□□ Bill Slaps Air Hoaxes aoB H aam □□□£ □ □ □ □ □ a a a c jE J ü WASHINGTON ti l P resident number of acquittals in such In Important Test A a u ra n a n □□□a Qua a aacina □□□□□ a a n a a n s Kennedy has signed a bill pro­ viding stiffer penaHies for CMOS. The new law makes it t ■ H ia i m ST. Diminished A fk ~ □□Danna a aa people who maliciously make misdemeanor to make h o ar Milk CAPE CANAVERAL, Ft«. Iff) —The Navy fired an advanced control equipment on the ob­ servation island duplicate that 13.Tbtlw point so. fhfltohit 14. m « r* : fk Drinkina 15.ComeeSW‘ . bottle 'V Î □non □□□□ □ □ c □□□ aaan □□□ □□□□□□□n false report* about bombs'«» airplanes. false. “knowing'they A2 model Polaris more than 1,500 miles from a surface ship on the subs. 1?. ladUuUon IS. Cooking A Dress 48. Try □□aa □riac aaa 333 □□□□ □□□□ And it clarifies the law as it applies to defendants who If done “willfully and ma­ liciously,” or with “reckless Wednesday In an important _ ingredient 40. frustrate Haim t h e y were “merely disregard for human life,” the Ice Cream 90. Chaff ot 4*. Oid piece CASH & CARRY tune up for initial firings from a submerged submarine The Ethan Allen, first nu­ Parties groin w 21. Steeple 33. Pacify 2«. Coin of cloth * 1 40. Turmeric 50. Diminish gradually Solution^ of Yesterday's Puxxto 5. Hearken 6. Shrew 11. Spread to dry playing a practical joke.” T h e Justice Department, which asked for the change, announced Wednesday that the offense becomes a felony. Conviction of the misde­ meanor charge can bring pen­ alties up to one year in prison ■ jL K clear submarine built to ac­ Gal. P lain Homogenised comodate the longer range A2, Is scheduled to arrive here this week for a series of launches Fill Rush 91. Fix firmly 3S. Sun god 20. Number 50. Salt water " 51. Workunit DOWN 1. Existed European 7. Roman coin 0. Go ever again 18. Two- wheeled vehicle ; » 18. Speed President signed the measure Tuesday night. The depart­ ment b a d requested the and a *1,000 fine or both. A felony conviction is punishable by up to five years in prison, y* 2. Old Tr. coin a 15.000 fine or both. later in the month. 51. Elevator change because of a large 3 9 Officials had been concerned that the missile would not be ready for the submarine be­ Calendar carriage 99 Guido'« lowest note 3. Refus* 4. Cubic meter 0. Scene of baUIe 10. Enjoyment contort 20. Gentle 21. Polish 92. Or. I f Y o u ’ r e T ir e d o f W a lk in g IC E C R E A M By CATHIE MAHONEY combining cause of three straight ship­ Assistant Women’s Editor z T" t T“ 4 U1 r sr form for ftve y 2 Gal. all flavors board launch failures, But Lockheed Aircraft, w h i c h Fraternities are holding rush T" (J 23. Publish 24. Commercs Y o u N e e d a B ic v c le this weekend, and the social T" IS. Aurieuiate makes the rocket, deciphered M 27. Edge from the trouble as cracking jeta- calendar Is heavy for Greeks 30. Bod 9 6 vators on the first-stage engine, and eligible rushees. ■il P i p i l i covering 1201 E. Grand River and Wednesday’s success in­ dicates the problem may be Most parties are informal, some are costume. m IT 31. Blame 33. Diagonal 34. Throw The College Bike Shop 3 0 5 5 E. Mich. East Lansing solved. Lambda Chi Alpha is travel­ ü ¡ 36. Play (one block northjof Kellogg Center on H arrison) Jetavators are metal rings ing along Route 06” to the W in « 37. More Just West o f Sears mounted on the engine nozzles. music of two combos on Fri­ sagacious - They dip on command ifito the i t a J4 3». Style la n sm g fa rm pro d u c ts CO. day night from 8 to 12. i s 40. Long way Call now ED 2*4117 Sales • Service - Rentals exhaust flame to help control A Wild West theme will be jf it Í7 off thrust an* M 41. Recline The 31-foot Polaris leaped n M 42. Drinking ternity house on Saturday m n vessel crisply on a blast of compress­ night. Cowboy costumes will « m n ed air from a verticle tube in éü 43. Spoil be donned by active members. 4# « 44. Poultry the deck of the missile lab Music and entertainment will ¡ft product «hip observation island today. be provided. 44 Ï* h 47. Old The first stage ignited above deck and the second stage fired “ A way out” time will be fff r r exclamation im h sn n s had by rushees attending the PM TIM M MIN. a minute later to propel the “Space -Stomp” held at the nose cone to its target. Zeta Beta Tau house where The ship was in the Atlantic Sportsw ear decorations will give the visi­ about 40 miles southeast of the tors the impression they are $ 10 0 ,0 0 0 A n d M a r r ia g e G o e s T o D o g s ! cape. on the moon complete with a Navigation, launch and fire 14-foot rocket ship in front of MINEOLA, N.Y. Off) — Mrs.«“ the house. Audrey Fischman testified in Managers W anted Nassau county supreme court SIGMA ALPHA MU will Nationalist Freshmen interested in be­ transform their house with a recently that her husband once coming varsity football mana­ misty blue decor to comple­ took out a $100,000 airplane in­ gers should contact Jim Cal- ment their theme—“Rhapsody surance policy and named the Unicos, ED 7-1611. China Rips in Blue” Saturday night. Tom beneficiary as Sandy Fisch­ Tatnek’s band will furnish the man—the family dog. music. Canal Street in New Orleans j UN Bullies Delta Tau Delta will hold a Mrs. Fischman is seeking a is the widest business thorough-1 semi-formal chaperoned party separation from -her husband, fare in the "United States. at the Capital Park Motel F ri­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. <3 day from 9 to 12 p.m. featur­ j i . . . . . . . . . . c —Nationalist China warfibd ing Bobby Stevens’ -band an d !» COUPON Wednesday the United Nations the “ Rompadores,” a Kingston - faces disaster if international trio type group from Saginaw, j S A L E ! bullies have their way on add­ “ Harold’s Club,” a casino in i■ ing members “ clearly disqual­ Reno, Nev., will be the theme !■ Record Special Good Thürs.9 Fri.9 Sat. ified” by provisions of the UN of Sigma AlphaJEpsilon’s par­ charter. _ . ty Saturday. The Royal Lanc­ BULKY W O O L -“ Appeasement is very much ers will entertain. Phi Sigma (available only w ith coupon) in the air.” Shen Chang-Huan, Kappa will also have a gam­ a S W E A T E R S Nationalist Foreign Minister, bling casino setting to com­ a told the 100-nation assembly plete their “ House of Blue a which will come to grips soon lig h ts” theme on Saturday. on file issue of seating Commu­ Sigma Nu will have an in- j — Ray ~ HI-FI *197 11.90 " nist China. formal record party Saturday ■ (R egular $3.98) As usual,-the entire Soviet from 9-12. Sigma Chi will also » Bloc snubbed Nationalist China have an informal party to mu- B C o n iff $' and left the assembly hall when sic provided by the Spartones. j E tereo 2 .9 7 Shen spoke. Albums (R egular $4.98) Now— savings opportunity to complete your sweater wardrobe. Soviet Foreign Minister An­ PHI KAPPA SIGMA will j m drei Gromyko showed up to hold two parties. A night club listen to the next speaker, Ro­ will be the setting for Friday * These eye-catchers top basic skirts, slacks, bsrmudas . . . and travel in casual manian Foreign Minister Cor- night a t the fraternity house. | ■ neiiu Manescu. who called for Saturday night will be a cas­ admission of Communist China ual and the ousting of the Chinese supply dance in the Forestry Cabin; Ernie Gulio’s band will the music. ■ßeethoven’s circles. Left: Fold-over turtle neck, bold poster-check pullover in green, gold} blue com­ Nationalists: lowest binations. Right: Cabls-stitchsd pullover, Y-neck in nasturtium, black, blue bird, green. Delta Upsilon’s party Satur­ Shen declared the United Na­ day might will be a “house­ tions “is now in d anger of be­ warming party” because it is ing perverted to serve the in­ the first to be held in their 34-40 sizes. - ~ . terests of powerful warmakers new house. and international bullies, who have no respect for the princi­ -Thursday Store Hours ples and purposes enshrined in the charter.’ 9 30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. “ It they are allowed to have j their way,’ he added, then the era of collective aggression, not of collective security, is upon us. “This is a grim state of af­ fairs, indeed. Unless the ma­ jority of the state members accept the reality of the danger and unite their efforts to meet it. the United Nationsris des­ tined to go their way of the | League of Nations." He told neutral nations who are supporting seating of Red China that they áre being used G ftiG O ftY M S S S E S U P A CLASSIC by the communists. He said it was clear neutral­ with re-embroidered fteur de lis ism was “ devoted to the Com­ munists,” and they have no and crown print . . . our no-iron more love for a third force in international life than they drip-dry in-or-out blouse of dacron Lave for Capitalism. “ Neutralism is being used to | •often up the free world’s re-j polyester and cotton with all sistance to Communism,” he # declared. “ I trust that the of the fashion features'you lave: leaders of the majority of the neutralist states are far too in­ roll sleeves, that wonderfully telligent and“' sophisticated to play in the hands of interna­ versatile Italian convertible — tional Communism.” collar in ingenious weor-with-afl Ford, UAW ability. White with blue, beige or grey. 1 0 - 1 8 sizes. 7 . 9 1 (continued from page 1) this. He said most of the time was spent on the union's last minute demands that Ford im­ prove on the GM settlement. Neither Denise nor Reuther gave any indication that a quick settlement on non-economic Is­ sues could be expected. Asked if the negotiations could drag on for another two Sportsw ear weeks, Denise said this was esible and added quickly “I pa n o t” ->V ..