wm. M H bB h w m b ' * f i | ftg lp ftK S & ft j f ? ' JS : ~ ,\ ( m X m m m i*ali»3&f^fe añaS3re*S&as > á 2 ; : . , ^ í . A aats fe« 1 ■^StâflïlMIiMI iiWmíiMniiW'illi fois?sSm. c 1 HH É g a Í[É ta |E ^ íe w s C J Serving S e r v in g M M SStí U fofo r 5Z 2 years S w to n d C lis a P o s ta g e o p ir a 5 Cent3 Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 79 W ednesday Morning, October 11, 1961 P a id a t B a s t I r n s i n g , M lo li. * ra g e s «» v * « » o U . S . E x te n d s R e c o g n itio n B n7 Ba n Hannah To Head Follows Tunisia’s ' Reapportionment Decision John A.- Hannah, Michigan regulations committee w a s WASHINGTON «»-The U. S. State University president, was unanimously approved after extended formal recognition to named Tuesday a£ chairman Delegate G. S. Alien pointed the new Syrian Republic Tues­ out that for the 1907 conven­ day, 12 days after it had dra­ of a committee to consider the tion, 62 officers were provided matically split from President controversial area of legisla­ fur 96 delegates. Nasser’s United Arab Repub­ tive reapportionment for the The 66 staff officers will lic. constitutional convention. serve 144 delegates in 1961. State Department press of­ The 21-member committee ficer Joseph W. Reap an­ AN ADMINISTRATION com­ nounced the action by saying . includes 14 Republicans and mittee w asform ed and direct 7 Democrats, following a 2 to ed to hire staff members and “THE UNITED States gov 1 ratio present to other com­ establish their pay rates, sub­ ernment, having taken note of mittees. ject to approval of theconven- the declaration of the govern­ Monday evening’s session tion. ment of the Syrian Arab Re- opened the first full week of Staff jobs to be filled are a publie that it intends to respect Michigan’s constitution draft­ director of research, drafting and observe its international ing convention and was con­ and public information and two obligations, has today extend­ FARM LANE GETS PIPE—The detour on Farm Lane la a result Of this steam fined to routine business. —. assistants; jt w o librarians; ed recognition to that govern­ pipe construction. The traffic ordinarily travelling this road has been rerouted eight research and drafting'as­ ment.” onto North Shaw Lane. — 55. ___ RICHARD C. Van Dusen, sociates; tw o convention U. S. policy makers hoped Birmingham Republican, pre­ guides; a sergeant-at-arms they had brought off the estab­ sented for approval the pro­ and two assistants; tw o'post­ lishment of formal diplomatic National Exams' posed convention rules as drafted by the rules and organ­ m aster and document clerks; BALLET REHEARSALS—Preparing for performances in relations with Syria without R a y b u rn ization committee. press room manager; assistant convention secretary; electri­ the Auditorium, the New York Ballet loosens up. The stirring the eastiy stirred Mid­ dle East and without much Grad Applicant Is J o v i a l A resolution authorizing the president ot secretary to allo­ cate expenditures, subject to cian; 35 clerks, secretaries and stenographers; half-dozen page boys; and an administrative ballet troupe will perform Stars and Stripes Forever this evening at 8:15 and will feature Western,Ballet Thursday evening. ' ruffling of Nasser’s feathers. NASSER, who a s p i r e s to OK by the convention, was ap­ assistant to the president. leadership of the Arab world, Tests In Ñovembér DALLAS til — Speaker Sam Rayburn, ailing with cancer, was pictured Tuesday as being proved, and the publication of a daily journal was passed. The convention also approved The administrative commit­ tee is expected to observe the 2 to T convention split, with Re­ F i n a l P la n s R e a d y had asked that recognition not be granted to the UAR break­ away. Washington, which has Graduate record examina­ achievement in, sixteen differ­ in a rather gay mood — and the publication of a handbook publicans receiving 10 appoint- been on increasingly good tions will be offered at centers ent subject matter fields. Ac­ with his politician’s interest to throughout the country five cording to ETS, candidates are sizing up men as keen as ever. times this year. The exams are permitted to take the aptitude The Rev. B. F. Bennett,' listing the names and address- es of each delegate, and con- taining a copy of the rules and ments and Democrats five to the central stenographic pool. Males Interview terms with Nasser, was in no haste to set up relations wjth Syria as an independent state. required of applicants for ad­ test and/or one of the advanced chaplain of Baylor University other topics of interest U. S. officials said America mission to a number of grad­ tests. uate schools anefby an increas­ ing number of (tenors of grad­ Medical Center, told reporters he has been visiting Rayburn at least once each day. A staff of 66 officers request­ ed by Van Dusea’s rules and fja n n a h Queen Candidates was apparently the 13th coun­ try to recognize Syria. THE COMMUNIST b l o c , uate fellowships. Fall candidates may take the — Bikes “ He’s always jovial,” the B o a r d U p h o ld s Accepts Selection of a homecoming Alumni Relations Office by 5 starting with the Soviet Union, examinations Nov. 18. In 1962. Rev. Mr. Bennett said, “and queen got underway Monday p.m. tomorrow. The 20 finalists began extending recognition the dates are Jan. 20rMarch 3, April 28 and July 7. Prove he likes to discuss politics. “Today, for instance, he F i r i n g A t h le te s Grant — night when the Homecoming will be 'notified immediately Selection Committee mapped ¡-following the Oct. 17 tea and last weekend. Perhaps m o r e important The Educational Testing was commenting on President A 85,000 grant for advanced final operations. will be invited to an honorary from -Washington’s standpoint CHELSEA Ml — The Chelsea Service, ETS, advises each ap­ plicant to ask the graduate Hazardous Kennedy’s visit here yester­ day. And he remarked how school board has upheld the one-year suspension from ath­ Committee members. Jerry dinner at the Delta Tau Delta driver education scholarships Holmes, photos; Joe Arbaugh, house Oct. 19. was Tunisia’s recognition of Syria Monday, for U. S. diplo­ was presented Tuesday to Dr. trophies; Mike Norstron, te a sr Girls will be judged on, mats had been waiting for a school of his choice which ex­ Bicycles are hazardous as | nice it was that Kennedy, the letics of 11 high school athletes John-Hannah by W. J. Smale, Lard Nolan, judging; Sharon beauty of figure, personality, lead from the Arab nations aminations he chould take and well as automobiles on over­ son of a millionaire, has man­ for a post-football game drink­ president of the Inter-Industry Ghoul, secretary; Pete Secchia, carriage and grooming. themselves. when. aged to retain the human ing party. crowded streets. — Highway Safety Foundation of chairman; and Nancy Flem­ Iraq-and Jordan have' also A bulletin of information pro­ Sharon Scheilder of 106 North touch. He compared him with The school board called a Michigan, Inc. The Homecoming queen is co­ announced recognition. vides details of registration and Williams Hall was struck by a President Roosevelt in that re­ ing decided upon the following sponsored by Senior council special meeting to approve, by Also-, present were James method of selection: AH con­ and Kappa Alpha Mu, photo­ administration, as well as sam­ bicycle at 3 p.m. Monday when spect.” JT, unanimous vote, the disciplin­ Mason and Robert Weber, both testants (one from each living journalism honorary. U. S. RECOGNITION of the ple questions, which m ay 'b e she walked onto Shaw Lane The Rev. Mr. Bennett re* ary action' taken earlier by land which had joined Egypt to | peated what others have said, of Detroit. j unit and sorority) will be in­ obtained from the testing of­ near Bessey Hall. school officials in. connection form the UAR in 1958 was in fice, 207 Student Services. She was treated at Olin I that Rayburn was pleased with with the Sept. 29 incident. This is the sixth consecutive terviewed by a cross section of the cards after the Kuzbari A completed application must IHealth center for injuries to .Kennedy’s visit, but he added Opposition to the action had year the grant has been award­ the male student body at a tea, R O T C T o S a lu te government showed abilityJto reach the ETS office, Princeton. {her righf hand,and elbow, and a new touch. resulted, apparently from the ed to MSU. In 1961, 65 teach­ Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m. in parlors control the country indefinitely N.J., or P.O. Box 27896, Los both knees. “ Mr. Rayburn didn't seem a fact that the mass suspension ers took advantage of the B and C of the Union. grant to .study advanced driverj 2 2 S e n io r M e n and Nasser abandoned any ser­ Angeles 27, Calif., at least 15 The bicyclist stopped to give bit excited,” the chaplain said. virtually wiped out the first FROM THESE contestants 20 ious attempt to retake it. days before^the date of the ad­ Miss Scheilder assistance, but “He acted as if it was just an­ string of jChelsea’s highly-rat­ education. Army ROTC will designate THE NEW Damascus rts_ other event in the day.” finalists will be selected. Then ministration for which the can­ was not identified. ed footbaU team. Michigan high schools have a panel of six judges: Bill 22 seniors as Distinguished gime, set up .by Syrian army didate is applying. _ At 6:22 a.m. Tuesday, a short Nothing illustrates Rayburn’s Ten of th e suspended ath­ been offering driver education Campbell, Campbells Suburban Military Cadets Wednesday revolters against Cairo con­ The tests offered in these na­ in the wiring of a car owned vast experience like this abil­ letes were football players. courses ever since the driver Shop; Larry Osterink, Presi­ trol. was described here as tionwide programs include a by Robert Dowdy of 1538 E. ity to take a presidential visit The other was a member of education law was passed. dent of Excalibur; Dr. Eldon noon at Demonstration Hall. having shown intent to live up test of general scholastic abil­ Spartan Village caused an esti­ in stride. the track team. This law makes it mandatory Nonamaker, Assistant, Men’s These awards which give the to its obligations as a member ity and advance level tests of mated $15 damage. After all, he took office in Assistant Coach Truman O’- for any person under 18 years Division of Student Affairs; cadet the opportunity to enter of the international commun­ Washington the s a m e day Doherty told the school board' of age to successfully complete Bob Shakleton, WMSB Televis­ the army as a regular army ity. - Woodrow Wilson became Pres­ that parents of some of the a high school driver education ion; Bruce Goodfurne, presi­ officer, are based on academic The Kuzbari government has course prior to securing a dent, MSU Vet’s Club; and one records, military s c i e n c e not harmed Americans. It has Automation Is Topic ident. Since then he not only has consulted 'and advised presidents, but also has intro­ suspended athletes had object­ ed to the discipline, but that the students themselves_ be­ driver’s license. unannounced person will select grades and performance at proclaimed an independent for­ The Inter- Industry Highway the queen at the final judging, summer camp held at Ft. eign policy. Its high officials Riley, Kan. Of Lecture Series duced a steady stream of for­ eign dignitaries who have been | invited to address Congress. lieved it fair. The drinking party t o o k place after a football game in Safety Foundation of Michigan, Oct. 22. Inc. is composed of represen­ „ In order to relax tension and tatives from automotive Insur­ increase efficiency of .selection open to the public. | are regarded as generally The awards ceremony is 1sympathetic to the West rather ' than to Moscow. By JUDITH PEASLEE scientific and humanistic as­ Doctors report little change which Chelsea defeated Man­ ance companies, public offic­ the finalists will be interview­ State News Science Writer pects to automation. The is­ in Rayburn’s condition, Dr. chester, 33-0. Sheriff’s deputies ials, and anyone interested in ed in groups of four. sues will be discussed from the Ralph Tompsett told a news This year the University will vantage of each .speaker’s conference the 79-y e a r - 0 1 d said the participants used guns to shoot up two old cars for the promotion of highway and I traffic safety. It is a non­ CONTESTANTS are remind­ A U S G R e c e iv e s attempt to draw students and specialty. Speaker has been-resting and sport during the party. profit organization. ~ ed to return all petitions to the 1acuity into an intellectual in­ volvement that centers on top-j OF THE FOUR remaining j word eating well—almost a word for repetition of previous In v e s t ig a t io n R e p o r t ics concerning all segments o f: lectures three will be present bulletins. the University. ed by faculty of this Univer A report on cheating, admis­ knowing the students must À series of lectures present­ sity. .1 Dr. Tompsett and Rayburn’s sions and probation policies, come, is-not motivated to re­ ed throughout the school year ; Other speakers will be: administrative assistant, John the grading system, the li­ vise his Tittle faults’,” the re­ [ Holton, both said that so far as brary, and class attendance at port said. will* be the basis upon which William Fauce, department the students and faculty can : of sociology and anthropology they know Ravburq has seen MSU will be submitted at the The report recommends that expand their knowledge of and Labor and Industrial Rela­ no papers. All University Student Govern­ the present rule be changed UT pertinent problems. ... At Jh e request of the family, ment (AUSG) Congress meet­ permit the student to attend tions, on Oct. 18. He will speak ing Wednesday atJL p.m . class by choice. H Automation and its wide im­ on sociological problems deal-, both have refused to say plications will be the theme of {ing with automation. whether Rayburn knows he A summer investigating com­ A BILL to establish an the fall lectures. Charles C. Killingsworth, un­ has cancer. mittee composed of Kathleen AUSG scholarship fund will be THE SERIES OF fall lec­ iversity professor,. Labor and. Ryan, chairman, Carol Allen, introduced by Kathy Ryan and tures will be held every Wed­ Industrial Relations Center, Julie Bock, and Carla Skinner Carla Skinner Wednesday. The nesday at 4 p.m. in the Keva. Oct. 25. His topic will concern I F C - P a n H e l B a l l wrote letters to 67 universities money for two annual tuition Dr. John B. Truxal. head of economic problems as they re­ and interviewed MSU adminis­ scholarships for students in financial need will he collected the department of electrical late to automation. engineering. Polytechnic Insti­ Kermit Eby, professor of so­ C o m m itte e S p o t s . trato rs to prepare the report, from a tax on the students. THE PROBLEM of cheating A resolution concerning the tute of Brooklyn, will present cial science. University of Chi­ O p e n T o S tu d e n ts might be removed by more the first lecture. cago will discuss human prob­ treatment, of foreign students alert instructors, and an honor will be introduced. Four re­ Truxal has a first hand lems and automation on Nov. Open rush will be held Wed­ system based on .the students knowledge of automation and l ; nesday evening in Parlors A commendations to the Interna­ desire to. protect his grade. tional Committee will be made wrote the book, “ Automatic Eugene Jacobson, assistant and B of the Union for mem­ The report concludes that fac­ Feedback Control System Syn­ dean, College of Science and bership on the various commit­ to aid foreign students. ulty and student indifference thesis.” Arts on Nov. g. He will deal tees of the upcoming IFC-Pan will prevent the adoption of He will speak on the scien­ with psychological problems Hel Ban. tific and technical aspects of as applied to automaton. automation. This topic will All committee chairmen will these Ideas. “ Because of the. compulsory Weather The student government will be present from 6 to 6 p.m. in­ class attendance policy, the Last Night — expected tew serve as the foundation upon finance this year-long series. terviewing those interested. Po­ Instructors know the students to the mkl M’s, Wednesday which the other speakers will David N. Hess, assistant for sitions on six committoo* m ust attend c la src n d so take —expected Ugh to the middle direct their topics. the Honors College, is adviser. available. advantage of It. Does a stu­ to*»» considerable eteudtet-s* The speakers , in the follow­ Lectures are open to all stu­ Nan B a r ite or Bob Gill, will ft niftim- dent gain tor being lulled to with chante of scattered ing weeks win attempt to re­ dents and faculty interested to answer any questions about the 1Cafetear*» representative of U lf flayed Tk-Tnc-Tse oiifefater to to® simp while hearing a reitera­ showers and cooler tem pera­ late the soctologfeal, technical, the problem of automation. committee work. W s l P l H IM1 Career Candval Taeaday. tion of the test? The tostructto tures. H is «ss Michigan Siale N e w t, East T m t n g , Michigan E D I T O R I A L W a h e i i q r M orning! O c ttlic r 1 1 « 1 9 6 1 wmm ttI x > o k ,r m B e i n g C c m c i l i a l o r y — N o w D o n 't G o O n ' A ffa ir * o f State Need Motivation ‘In Lo c o P a re n tis ’ Legal decisions seem to have verified th e civil rig h ts to college students m ay eventu­ mtimmMmmmmmmm Com&f rim battle tf too many students for too few university accomodate»* bos bow dramatically fa c t th a t a stu d en t is m ore or leas a t th e ally change th e p resen t legal statu s. illustrated this past year with MSU’s Cash Crisis. mercy of th e university’s dictates, according UntoJd statistics have bo« offered proving that to a legal ex p ert from Fairfield, Iowa. ■tudsnto desira • higher sducattoa white open­ ings are available - Dr. Clarence J. Bakken, counselor and as­ These statistics vary from college to legis­ sis ta n t professor of education a t P arsons Air Force Redirected lator to doaa but they do make one conclusive College, said th is is tru e as long as th e stu ­ point—too many taiantsd June HU high school d en t is-tre a te d fairly and w ithout favori­ . The Pentagon has decided that there is a graduates have joined the tabor force when they tism . chance of a conventional war after all. After a would rather be in a college classroom. period of emphasis on training the armed forces T he university’s moral rig h t to operate (Or nuclear warfare, the gentlemen there have THE ONE* left out are the ohm with the tower along th is “in loco p aren tis” line, implied directed U.S. Air Force units in Europe to in­ grade points ftwm high school—thorn wtth less in Bakken’s statem ent, is questioned by tensify training in the “tactics end techniques to recommend them. The SJ high school student of conventional warfare. finds it quite easy to enter most universities un- university students. Since the courts are n o t teas he has a peculiar personal problem which allowed to interfere, how can it be determ ined The -renewed emphasis stems from the Berlin makes him sa exception. - — -o w h eth er a student is trea ted 'f a ir ly and crisis which sas caused anxiety among the com­ The ones who worked hard but didn’t quite w ithout favoritism .” manders in Europe. People in the states have make i t . . . the on« who switch from an agri­ b e « worrying about Berlin for some time, but culture curriculum to college prep in their senior V IN THIS AGE of th e arm s race and every the Air Force has concentrated on build-up of year . . . these are the ones who gat toft out at o th e r kind o f race, it would seem appropriate nuclear strength*. enrollment time. to m ake hig h er education an individual r e ­ The past Air Force commitment to a nuclear And there’« not much an admissions officer sponsibility. strategy is one reason for this way of thinking. can do about i t He can go by the student’s lntest P resid en t John A. H annah in his Seven- More man any other service, the Air Force has record. This is some respect measures that elu­ tailored its aircraft, missiles, tactics and tech­ sive quality known as motivation, but it certainly P oint Program advocated more stu d en t re ­ niques to the delivery of nuclear Weapons. is not surefire. sponsibility in th e academic field. He also _ At the same time the student who found high said a t the pre-school workshop th a t he felt This is going to make It tough if the other school easy to the point of boredom is automat­ "studen ts are fa r more sophisticated and f a r country we go to war against doesn't use nuclear ically admitted. He gets good recommendations weapons. Are we going to be the country to start and what moro could a university want out of a more realistic than they used to be.” the mass destruction? By nil previous indica­ His statem en ts seem to imply m ore s tu ­ tions we wouldn’t think of It. student? dent responsibility in all areas. - A lot more. The Air Force apparently does not believe that A ssum ing th is to be tru e, it seems only a conventions] war can be fought in Europe. Any THE BEST students are those who have a de­ logical to us th a t a university gradually attempt to do so, it believes, may seriously harm sire to learn—who hava a compelling drive to end its “in loco p aren tis” policies in non- the nation’s capacity for nuclear retaliation and get something more than a degree. Tney aren’t academic areas. The N ational S tu d en t Asso­ might reduce what the Air Force believes is its necessarily the honors students from high present nuclear superiority. school. In fact, they lust may be the ones „who ciation has already opposed such policies found high school a little rougher. College will in higher education. Isn’t tills alleged superiority even more reason be harder yet on them but Ird bet my money for the other country to stick to conventional war­ on them before I would on the high school golden OTHER POINTS implied in Bakken’s fare and let us be the Mg, bad nation who begins statem en t seem questionable also. .boy who comes to MSU for a gay time. Or the nuclear agression because we have no other girl who comes to stalk s husband. Is th e university responsible fo r th e m o­ choice? —— The wasted talent at MSU Is appalling. Hun­ rals, decorum and health of th e stu d en ts? Technically speaking, the Air Force in Europe dreds have slipped in with a good average and a_ Should stu d en ts be required to live in is incapable of carrying on conventional warfare high potential, but they lack that drivs and de­ q u arte rs as designated by th e university? at the present time. The great shortage of piloted sire which would make them into valuable assets Can a university control a n d ' dissolve - aircraft available and the Russians’ numerical to the university. organizations including fratern ities and so­ superiority in aircraft present major limitations I don’t have a formidable array of statistics on the U.S.’s ability to fight back gqn-for-gun in P rC S S C u ttin g s 11111mtn 11*, w m r l n , , T n i nkwI » » riwii to back up my next statement b u t.I firmly "be­ rorities ? Europe- lieve that the number (tf 3 point students on this W hy aren ’t stu d en ts privileged to legal or campus could be tripled. Most studwts have the There is such a thing as getting too far ad­ “due process of law?” TH ESE QUESTIONS are unresolved in a legal sense, b u t the moral implications are vanced for the actual days you are living in—and possibly fighting for. Village Voices Still Babbling ability to make a 3 point if they put their minds to it. You can’t call the problem apathy. This has been the favorite tag for years. Most college becoming more definite. F or instance, last y ear a group of lawyers conferring a t the^ II III t)W44Uee^lM4ttlkW4l|iteaiiSWatiWtt*W4!tlStlti44lf4ltlktWt>^tttil!IIII11 IdMlIIWIII it Wp ^ y j J k Jaehnig students are not apathetic. Their -energies are simply misdirected. U niversity of Michigan agreed th a t th ere is To my dying day I shall loathe a national trend tow ard extending university Those that say, “Me and you both.” ~ BONGOES BEAT out biology even without the Chicago Daily Tribune “ Where will you be when ing th e ir listeners to pass on WE WILL again see the hard­ automatic handicap they hold. The eternal fe­ liability to unw ritten- guarantees, including the word about the general hitting, fast-moving, no-holds- male in search of a mate naturally finds I t moro . Kennedy pushes the button?” the constitutional rig h t to “due process o f This question is the firing pin world-wide strike proposed for barred Berlin-type analysis of alluring to sew quilts for her trousseau than to law’’ if the university is acting as a “quasi-«- We wouldn’t mind facing the music in the pres­ ent world situation if it weren’t for the-words. of a current world-wide cam« next Easter. the world presented on the finish the outside reading on Rousseau.And you judicial body,”- ~ The Wall Street Journal paign launched by Julian Beck “ TELL YOUR friends - and afterhours “ speakeasy” show can’t beat the logic of a psychology student who This trend is the resu lt of th e effect of and Judith Malina in protest especially if you have any in featuring the lovable Mr .“P aar. uses the poker table as a laboratory to study popular opinion on th e law. Good laws are against nuclear testing. Russia and Eastern Europe,” - (“ And now ladies and gentle­ human reactions to defeat, th a t, my friend, is At the age of 20 we don’t care what the world men, here is a person I have those which ultim ately serve the needs of thinks of us; at 30 we worry about what it is Pushing a button of their own urges John Wilock of. ‘‘Voice/’ a primary source—NOT a secondary one at the —the panic button—these two mouthpiece of Greenwich Vil­ known for many years, we all books are. society best. thinking of us; at 40 we discover that it wasn’t love her, a person needing no thinking of us at all. Wall Street Journal “young intellectuals” are ask- lage. _ And, of course, “there is the joiner who ration-^ I f laws are bad it is prim arily the public's The high degree of faith in introduction, we all know alizes his umpteen activities to the point where responsibility to change them . In practice, the United States government her . . . Come « out and tell every single one of them Is helping him adjust it is the duty of legislative bodies. The ap­ Humans often make mountains out of molehills shown by these young “cultur­ us about your part in the world­ to the reality of the- world around him. Throe or but it takes Nature to make a mountain more wide strike . . . time for a com­ parent popular trend tow ard extending full mountainous. Daily Mining Gazette Well-Rounded ed” minds makes one wonder, which side of the iron curtain mercial? . . . Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt -. . . But . . . first a four serve a good and needed function but seven or eight quit adjusting and start maladjusting. they actually belong on. If these individuals would redirect their ener­ word about this wonderful pro­ Letters to the Editor Personality Possibly the title of Wilcock’s column in the-village’s "Voice” duct . . .) gies, the rewards would be immense to them­ selves and the university. A 3 point isn’t, the provides him with an excuse. It reallyis too bad that Paar identifying characteristic of a sincere student Not Divine H e c a l l s it “the v i l l a g e doesn't take lessons from Pea­ Wants Free Western World To the editor: One hears so much about the square.” And who ever heard of a square in the way-out village. nuts, Ann Landers, Barry Gold- water and Greenwich Village, and just join the comic strip but it does indicate an Interest in a course. R usually means the holder read the text and at least skimmed the outside reading. Those who have been admitted "should make of this age. We are called upon to serve, to be well-rounded student. The as­ world of poignant make-be­ The greatest issue before the world today is Speaking of squares, the Ber­ lieve. It is this world of inten­ use of the opportunities given them. Poker and ready for the Koreas, the Berlins, the Laoses sumption seems to be that if a bongoes are all right a few nights a week but whether the West will maintain free access to student is a'well-rounded and lin “bombshell of the TV" tube. tional and unintentional satire Berlin. For this we are prepared to pay any that threaten the freedom and the security of they make a bad steady diet. In fact, they could contributing member of the Jack P aar will probably bring that puts the . thinking man's price. But the cold hard facts of the matter aro our western way of life. W e.are put to sea, the entire world-strike project filter on world affairs. be cheating someone else out of an education. hurled aloft, put ashore in our games of war— campus, he will take his place -A university should be a place for persbhs to that 20,000,000 black Americans are still denied as a bulwark of our society up­ direct to the American home Aren’t these the idols of free access to a bus in Jackson, Mississippi, or the practice drills, the simulated actions, the on Easter Monday.- some college students? develop what talent-they have—not a rest home readied waiting. We sacrifice our todays in hope on release into the outside for lazy geniuses. a bar in downtown Lansing, nor in many instan­ world. ces do they receive fair treatment here at Mich­ of our tomorrows. We must serve our apprentice­ igan State University. ship to freedom. And so we have courses on the essentials of marriage and 7 A » t"n A DF 0Q D While token integration does exist here at MSU. complaints are still widespread of discrimination There will come a time when each of us will be released from service, to return home, to home-life, a course in social dancing (not to mention danc­ C ro ssw o rd P u z z le AL O F F n 7 i 3 Aa n M E nk 3 a High Cost of Learning in housing, employment and many activities on seek the life we are free to choose. ing classes in the U n i o n g Na Bn e 1 □ □ this campus. _ -Lounge!), and various other a cross 39. Swtys Ma p m ï s E e mMf A The central problem of higher learning in Our position now, as it always has been, is My time came this past September. Some 1 Be a b le to A[UÓ] N TiL* T o i L asked me what I would do and I replied, return courses designed for the well- 4. Everyone 38 Den.ed America is sharply indicated in the statement that racial discrimination is not only immoral, rounded and, subsequently, 41. Make an ¡5 & E L T □ □ F DL E of a former faculty member that “ Harvard is but is psychologically destructive to both races to school. But the years in service are long, 5. Matt - T fir N o DI R thoughtful years and I am not soon to forget the well-adjusted student to while 12. Honor card o rie n t El□ s 0 rapidly becoming a college serving only upper- and it is internationally explosive as well hard lessons I have learned. away his class time with min­ 13. Missile request KBu a n|t!wK"5 a a T middle-income families ” Wilbur JL Bender .stud­ We are issuing the calT to all students, black shelter 43. D re s s * □ 0 Ws E a ied the question as Dean of Admissions and Fin­ or white, American or foreign-born to join us To this freedom I once had assumed as my imum effort in between meet­ ings and other activities. - 14. Impel — leather r ¡L|[OjterSf A 8 a a a D ancial Aids and has continued to study it as Dir­ in our effort to make the leader of the free world birthright may I now add something of youthful Just what constitutes well­ 15. Babbles 17. Convey 44. Landed _ estate M MÌO T t L □ A Y A[l 1E [nit e Ï F 1 a [RjF ector of the P erm an « t Charity Fund of Boston. totally free. insight. May I "be more appreciative of my new roundedness? In fact, what is a property 46. Move With present trends, he reluctantly calculates, Joseph Syfax, freedom than those before me who sacrificed so round personality. There are II. Uncanny suddenly Solution af Yaatarday'a Puzzle “ the annual price tag for a Harvard education NAACP President, much and yet so soon forget the Monte Cassinos, students in the College of En­ IS. Nourishes 90. Springs will be four to five thousand dollars by 1*70, and MSU Chapter the Bastonges, the deadly D-days of their youth. 21. Without 92. One who gineering who have never ven­ deductions renews DOWN . I . U n fo re s e e n less than 5 per cent of American families will be We are young and alive and apt to believe we tured near a sociology course 23. Storms 94. Dislike 1 H eadland 9. B estow s able to pay for it from their own resources.” will always be so. Typical of youth, we live with and may not know a pachango frozen rain intensely 2 L and 10. E ra Nobody questions the right of “upper-middle- from a tangerine, but they are 26. Plotted 55 Appoint­ ■measure 11 Radical the hopes, the promises the expectations for our income families” to send their children to Har­ Prepare for Freedom tomorrows. But 15 this age of anxiety, in theee the people u p « whom the bul­ 30 Record of a single year ment 5 6 E r. is la n d 3 Ciose 4 Adro re 16. P ro n g 20. High >n vard or to any other institution of higher learn­ days of our youth, we must not forget our ap­ warks of future societies must 31. Unrefined 57 Scrutinizes! 5 TrouoSe th e scale ing provided the prospective students can meet Ta the editor: prenticeship to freedom. depend for existence. metal 56. Team of 6 Musical 22. M acm illan's the scholastic and other requirements. Nor need Could it be that a more 32. Pile anim als sym bol This is the age of anxiety and we are the youth 7 Flexible house we give our sole attention to the financial situa­ Byron Dudley rounded definition of a round 34. Town: 58 H a rs h num ber prefix alkali tubes tion of Harvard which is only m e groat univer­ personality is needed? Perhaps 24. W eight sity and not the only one which can minister ' the “ modern” college student allow ance / 7“ T“ 5 » T"” 9 «Ti» 25 C o a s tin g superbly to the human mind and spirit. Nor is tends to, and is encouraged by, □ misguided social arbitrators to ir w* 7T iI i v e h ic le it only tuition which is Increasing. Mr Bender Michigan State News sacrifice intellectual dedication ob the altar af popularity. Campus activities are fine; ir ar L r Ë j — 7T rJ W ir ! 1 26 Rail 27. C raw 21. Consort 29. Oriental indicated that even a scholarship holder at Harvard needs at toast 13,*00 a year to get along. Manifestly the whole structure of our higher Published by the students of Michigan State University. Tsr tfit £ m IP abode —■ i education is in an economic log-jam. The nature popularity is to he desired; but ir P w Lr rr 33. Fit of on class days Monday through Friday, during the fail, winter end X nave a sinking testing that Ü peevishness of out society requires that, more and more of spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during the summer term . m m 1 our young people be given the opportunity for in the society of tomorrow, the rr W ir n g 36. Rented Second class postage paid at East Lansing, M^hig»n 37. River in as much education as they can take. We need Editorial and business offices at 341 student Services building, accepted personality ropulre- ir » » n'ar— J*oland higher educatim not only for technological rea­ moots may b t infiltrated by ■ ü 39. Secure Michigan "State » » mi University. v h s i m u h ^ i East Lansing, Michigan. a m n o iH jf m iv u t§ w i. something called wisdom. ir —• H i r V Tf fé 49. To sons but for humanistic reasons. Only a broadly Mau Mail subscriptions payable is ' advance for one term, $3; for two The Campus Collegian, 42. N oblem ep educated nation can meet the difficulties that terms,.14; ‘rms,.$4; for throe terms, $5. $5 University af Toledo, w « '43 45. Harvest certainly lia ahead of us. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Dally.Proas Association Sé Olii:là w m 47. Seed and the College press. ir ir 4t ét * coating Nearly a century and a half ago Thomas Jef­ H i i 49. Trust ferson, who« interest in education never wear­ w ¡H %0m rr ied, outlined for Virginia a plan whose object, he Editor ... Marcia V « Ness Editorial E d ito rS h aro n Coady ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ « ■ I 49..Corner S 90. Pronoun _ «id, was "to bring into action that mass of tal­ Managing Editor , Ben Burns Featuro Editer— Cuit Rundell Teamster Boss Hoffa gets w É t tf 91. Remunerate ents which Ue buried In poverty to every coun­ Business Mgr.........Larry Pontius —i w 4i 93. As iti« Clrculatioa M gr.„Bill Marshall Women’s Editer Sally Ward his pay raised to *71,000. Hoffa tr A try.” Genius has nothing to do with worldly pos­ mmm_J .written, atUS. City Editor. BUI Cote Sports Editer Jerry Fischer bloods so much for the work­ a*«ii ition. Wo must make use of it where we find it.. News Editor. Jay Blissick Photo E d ite r _ J * tv e Jaehnig ing man he has to o p « Ha PM IMS 19 MM. We cannot for the safety of Rto nation restrict ewa do-it-yourself Mood bank. high-quality aducati« to hhdHmantity incomes. Detroit Free Prom. —TneNow York Time* SMKtfSjSa M orning, O ctober I I , 1961 RIFLE CLUB ~ 8:30 pjB., . Btiwnenf of Dem. HUB. Audio *pjBu, Room RE P üM nBO D O t STUDENT ASSOCI A T I ON—7 p.m., HOME ECONOMICS CU 1B S- nwme Kfwwnuci Bm aig. Room SB, Union Building Freshmen, “F a s h i o n s at IC E S K A T IN G WINGED SPARTANS - 7:« MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL MSU,” 7 p.m., Hon» Eco­ pja.c Room 44, Unfa». C80IH—7 p.m., rehearsaL nomics Building. OPEN TO PUBLIC Received General, 7 p.m., MB Home EWtnranir-« PROMENADERS - 7 p.m. PACKAGING SOCIETY —7:30 p.«., log Cabin. STUDENT SPECIAL Teaching, 7 p.m., US Educa­ Projectors and tape record­ tion Building. * ers worth about 124,000 have Related Arts, 7:30 p.m., SBC RATES been added to the Audio-Visual Hama Economics, profes­ Center, according to B i l l sional drew. Hughes, campus coordinator Retailing, 7 p.m., Women's for the Center. Lounge Student Services, New equipment includes 28 professional dress. Tuesday Through Saturday Evenings. . 8:00-10:00 Bell ana Howell projectors Child Development, 7 p.m M Saturday Morning..... — ------- - 10:00-12:00 worth about 1630 each. Also in­ 102 Home Economics. cluded áre 26 Revere tape re­ T he N am e t h a t M ade P izza .Fam ous in L a n sin g SPARTAN WOMEN’S Saturday and Sunday Afternoon____ 3 :0 0 -8 :0 0 corders and 40 screens. LEAGUE—7-8 p.m., Room The center can now increase 33, Union. ' ") its service with more reliable UNION BOARD-4 p.m., 0*k S erving Snacks - Sandw iches - Luncheons - D inners SK A T E R E N TA LS A V A ILA BLE and i m p r o v e d equipment, Room of Union. Union Board A lso C a te rin g to Hughes said. Publicity Committee Meet­ E X P E R T SK A TE SH A R PEN IN G “Until recently,” he said, P riv a te P a rtie s - B anquets - M eetings ing, 4 p.m., Oak Room, Rid “about 20 per cent of our floor. Unfa». equipment was always being PERFORMING TONIGHT—The Limettghters, currently Visit O u r R athskeller IFC-PAN HEL—6-8 p.m., Un- repaired. The worst of it, we one o f the outstanding groups iiT the foik-singing field, \6. ion. *Z-2. Open 6 p.m . D aily M IC H IG A N S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y traded in. All of our projectors will b« at the Lansing Civic Auditorium tenight at S p.m. LUTHERAN STUDENT AS8a* are now servicable. •P h o n e E D 2-71311 The center keeps a repair re­ The trio, already stars in the recording field, provide their own instrumental accompaniment on banjo, string CIATION — 4:10 p.m., Uni­ versity Lutheran Church, C om plete T ake-O ut Service IC E A R E N A cord of all equipment, Hughes base and guitar. Freshman Study Group. said, enabling the center to plan When to overhaul or re­ place any item.. “ Because of budget cuts,’’ he said, “the average_age of our equipment was about five TODAY ON CAMPUS years. This was about two ANGEL FLIGHT —J:3 0 p.m., | ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE years above the period of max­ Room 41, Union, for both CLUB — 7 p.m., Room 32, pledges and actives. ' Union. L O O K I N imum efficiency.” The center will try ,to tr 3de more of its equipment during the next two or three years, Hughes said. This will include opaque and overhead projec­ tors, phonographs and slide projectors: “ Renewing equipment will 5 Minute Heul Sanie* allow us to improve service, cut maintenance costs and get better trade-in allowances,” he said, “ We will try to make a Be Well Shei complete turnover of equip- ifient every five years. “ I guess one could call it a " Not Slip Shod ‘five-year plan’,” he added. S P E C I A L Have you looked in the CAMPUS •' ru • - is? rrtii *1 n o . M- BOOK CLASSIFIEDS W e ’l l S p e c ia l O r d e r J u s t f o r Y O U lately? GEORGE M. VAN PEURSEM in at the Union Book Store for This Service GOP Head To Discuss At NO E XTRA CHARGE Con-Con Republican S t a t e Central Chairman, George Van Peur- sem, will meet with Republi­ can aqd. Democratic students and faculty Thursday at 8:30 in the Union Parlors. Van J u s t A r r i v e d !! A Huge Peursem will d i s c u s s the “ Michigan Constitutional Con-i vention and what to expect fro m it.” Van Peursem, “n resident “Of Shipment of ‘S’ Sweatshirts Holland, Mich., attended Hope College in Holland and receiv­ ed a law degree from Chicago- on T ilt en n it Midnight Weekdays j P M Week Enda 1 0 C o lo rs . ~ 6 S ty le s Kent College of Law in 1939 He was elected to the House of 1 b lo c k East o f Campus Representatives in 19S0 where he served until 1959. W hite Gold Boat Neck He was elected Speaker of Shawl Collar the House of Representatives Black Coral in 1956 and served there until Navy Lt. Green H ooded *~ 1959. Crew Neck (reg . style) Van Peursem was elected Lt* Blue LUac Republican State Chairman in Zipper Collar February, 1961. Slttte Blue D k. Green Short Sleeve ENJOY th best S P E C IA L F O R T H E G A M E Static - Free Radio Reception thesis " M SU C U S H IO N S Choice o f W hite Plastic — G reen Fabric BO O K S G uaranteed! yping WHIRLTRON STATIC FILTERS ^ end Fully Tostad é Guaranteed P r in t in g To Remove Static Or Money Bad! Order Yours Today Y O U ’LL F I N D IT Prompt Delivery W0NCH G i p SPECIAL AT $ 2 .9 9 1 7 2 0 E. M ic h ig a n P ro d u c ts . L a n s in g 4 8 4 -7 7 8 6 D is t r ib u t in g ED 7-7051 W&ja jglWRaBgM H FRJBglWK R g P S m Ü Ü KIP!B B mm. W v fG jg g ig » ¡ s f i mmäMBE ■ V -": I P ¡ 1 ® g g j|||9 ^NW ñ I ¡I S B w f »SsKP wlfcw& # WM HÉP I M s k MtevM j; gH gr n ¿T 833®#* W ed nesday M orning, O ctober I I , 1 9 6 1 M a th m e n G p n fe r T a k e H e a rt G a ls C o lo n y -o u t T h e y ’l l T J se O l a M a id s D e c r e a s e D U R H A M , N.C.—(AP)— States would out weigh the three decades the enrraat rate Artists Find Quiet Pad American bachelors received earth—If, as the» calculation* of population growth “ go« art quite a Mow recently. dearly show is impoaribte. the imply any mch overwhelming «es l-f EDITOR’S NOTE — in the quiet af the eeleny Joan Starr UntacromXr, now ing to a United Nations popula­ currant rate of increase were difficulties.” But even is the Thu reason. It seems, accord­ to continue.“ He said that in terms of the short run, be srted, such nestimably growth oaquerti public's eye, artists paint aa- able to make n second heraMad pictures la garrets, But continuance of this on her memoirs. start 78, dsacrlbaa R us she works tion expert, that apinsterhood “short run”—the next two or social buracas. in the United States is rapidly i A tafepheoe ring at 11:41 am. Group made a national study write their great a m i under a Amarfcan-tyM project depends “ I have dans more writing fat the aodttorinm of the College of curriculum improvement becoming * ***• thing. of Education will signal the be* sponsored by the National aaaked bnlb in a haae»eat and on continued financial support Bara to a month than In three Dr. Ansley J. Coale of Prince­ r»i \ m i n n generally several days by A»ortHHM, says general months at home,” said Kay ton University aad a United MOST5=»«5AKA8L£D0UID gtafrg of a teachers program Science Foundation. aw*y fro« tM r last shave er «rector George M. Kendall. Bnrte. UPA DERNSE AéAiBTTHE Responding from tbo Univer­ is Make. •*. next teeaL The truth is, hew* Bootdeire at fee colony is Can Carmsr, who wrote Ms States representative to the \Aaa£DO*5tfH>ONT)€ft - It will be the start of a one- sity of Iffinots at Urbans, will ever, that aeme ef America’s not free. A committee of tone famed "Stars Fell on Ala­ UN.’« population commission b— r, iam dtatnace panel dis­ be Dr. Max Beberman, director best art k a eeae fee» a emtoent artista passes upon ap­ bama” at MacDowell, said ’It noiw on tbo matter at Duke y ----------- cussion ea mathematics. Part­ of the University of Illinois unique and lovely eeleny amid plicante who pay fZS a Weak. is impoislbfovfor tbo» of us University symosium on health, icipants wiB be aeparated by Committee on School Math­ the birds and the trees where The colony is, at ones, simple, who have benefits . . . to re­ education and other problems aa modi as MM mike. ematics. ! austere, «e, informal «for and beaut­ turn without moments of of the world’s one billion child­ MSU will amplify the entire a picnic hamper hi left every iful. Studio« are solid Uttlo strong «notion. Here many of ren. ^ Tba questions will originate discussion to it will be heard lunchtime at the cetf cottage deer- in Boise. Idaho and the answers by several mathematics meth­ single-room workshops in Iso­ us found our first real chance Dr. Coale declared that while will come from mathematics ods classes in the College of PETERBOROUGH, N. H. t* lated spots linked by narrow to work at our best; and here there has been much discus­ exportshsre aad the Univer­ Education auditorium (Klva). —If you follow a road a mile roads and woodland trails. For we received the encouragement sion of the “ explosive” growth aad the impetus by wMch our of population in areas like sity.« niiaoii- Special arrangements for the or so out of Peterborough Vil­ painters there are large, many- THAT'S (¿HAT MAKES MV NO eggMHASflÆR, Somc 100 teachers in a sec­ setup were made by the Science lage you will find n pine- paned north windows, and later workhas strengthened.” China, India and Latin Amer­ SVST6M SO 6OO0... > ABLE io BüiLDUPA DEFENSE tion of tba Idaho Connrtl of an d Mathematics Teaching shadowed sign post. easels. For composers there The» are characteristic of ica, less public attention has. A6ANSTBSN6 STEPPEDONÍ Teachers of Mathematics will Center. It says the lane leads to the are pianos. Writers’ workshops tributes down through the been given to the fact* that years from such persons as rapid population growth is un­ be meeting in Boise. o The entire discussion will al­ MacDowell Colony. It would have typewriters. composers Aaron Copland and in the long- so be amplified for the teach­ not be out of ¡dace to bavo an­ RESIDENCE IS limited to Lea Hoiby, writer Alec Wangh, der way in certain industrial­ from that ers in Boise. other sign: “ Quiet! Composers, two summer or four winter ized countries— specifically, »eating will be the moderator, The telephone panel discus­ painters, authors and poets at monthsr Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant United States, Australia, Can­ (author of a distinguished Ro­ ada and New Zealand. WX. Smallwood, and an Idaho sion is an experiment on the work.” There is a small, lovely bert Frost biography) and One of the reasons for the mathematics teacher, J o h n part of the Idaho group. The Only ditch a sign isn’t really library. There are three cen­ many others. Briggs. geography <3 Idaho is some­ necessary. The quiet is there tral residences where colonists trend In the United States, he Speaking from the campus what n barrier to getting teach­ already. sleep, a central ball for meals THE MEN and the women said, is that there- are fewer wfll be Dr. John Wagner, as­ er’s groups together. If the HOW DOES a mid-century and administration. Tba colon­ who have gone on to enrich spinsters, compared with two sociate professor of mathemat­ telephone arrangement proves American escape when the ists are free far concentrated American life — from Wifia decades ago. ics. Before recently joining the effective, it may provide a world presses in, either with work from breakfhst until din­ Cather to Stephen Vincent “The Proportion (of women) C o lle g e T r a v e l . . . MSU staff, Dr. Wagner was simple method for several tedium, or with fury and ten­ nertime. No colonist Interrupts Benet, from John Gould Fleteh- remaining single has declined ________ -—t_. _ aasistant to the director of the groups throughout the state to sion, tell and strain? Many another. er, to Julia PeterUn, from Her­ sharply in the past two decades School Mathematics S t u d y listen in on the same program. turn for tranquility to the arts Complete noon lunches are mann Hagedorn to the now —from 18.9 per cent in 1940 to —reading 'a book, visiting a left (petty in baskets at each Gov. Dull Munoz-Merin of 8.1 per cent in 1960 for women Y o u r H e a d q u a rte rs gallery, listening to a concert. studio In doorstep. emnsasr mare’s no sound Puerto Rico (he was a poet), aged 25 to 34, and from 10.4 to But how does the artist, him­ save that of wind in the tress, fro » composer Nickolai Lop- 5.9 per cent at ages 35 to 44,” .\ self, escape “ from these same tanlkoft to painter Elizabeth he said. C o iffu re s pressures? The world clamors. and birdsong- Vistas give Sperhawk-Jones, are too num­ Asserting th a t" a t present glimpses of fareff blue moun­ erous to list F o r V a c a tio n P la n s It invades Ms mind and privacy tains rates of population growth, the at every turn and every hour. capped. - — sometime« cloud- United States population would by double every 35 years, Dr. But creative art requires some- aloneness. FIFTEEN OF the studios— U . S . A c tr e s s e s Coale said: Complete T ravel Arrangem ents In the forest-hush of a little warmed by space heaters— “ la fee very long run the re­ h e l e n b a r r e s y I studio at the MacDowell col­ can accommodate colonists in A r e L o u s y L o v e r s sults of sustained growth would ony, poet-writer Jean Starr tbo winter. be so disastrous that we can be P h .. 332-M I Untermeyer wifi tell you the A limit of 10 stays at the LONDON (AP)—“ French ac­ sure of the little impossibility artist is an avatar, which colony has boon set up. tresses,” says Leslie Canm, of maintaining the current rate ev ery beauty aid and service fo r today’s coed means he is a symbol of some For those unable to afford “ bave a great deal of talent for of increase indefinitely. creative force, both outside and tiie $25 weekly fee, fellowship« playing women In love.” In less than a century our 1045 E . Grand River, East Lansing within himself. are granted as long as funds The 39-year-old Miss Caron, population would exceed a bil­ And not everyone can find established for feiapurpose art who is French, goes on; the aloneness which all must available. lion compared with the present 180 million;) in a century and COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE ED 7-1639 “ The English have less talent 130 W. GRAND RIVER — EAST LANSING have to release this form of What is sucha colony worth? for playing women in love, and a half it would surpass the pre­ creativity, Thornton Wilder finished Ms American women—none at all. sent world population; in 650 (Just Eastof Peoples Church) two blocks East of Abbott Hall IT IS especially difficult If first neat sucosas, tbs novel tt seems that they're incapable years there would be one per­ the artist has little money, or “ The Bridge of San Luis Roy,” of letting themselves go.” son per square foot in the Unit­ m v n o m w i i i u o i t i i i i i 'o i i i n v N is young, has a family, or per­ and—a few years later—the ed States; and in 17 centuries MEMBER: American Society of Travel Afcuts play. “ Our Town,” at Mac­ SM thought for a moment ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ’■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ £ haps too many friends. and adds: the population of the United § It is in this connection that Dowell. Dubose Hevuaad wrote ■ COUPON ■ the MacDowell Colony, found­ Arlington "Porgy,” there. M P Edwin “ Everything they express is ed in 1907, has been important Robinson won his so controlled.” Its 40 acres of field ana forest, ferae Pultixer Prizes through In private life, Leslie is fee * Issuf f r isisi Good' T k n • Fri. • SaL * residences and other buildings, From m g to MM its 27 widely-separated studios, Ms summers at Peterborough. happy wife of Peter Hall, direc­ more than tor of the Shakespeare Memor­ constitute a haven where com­ two dozen Pnltizer Prizag have ial Theater. She has two child­ posers, painters and writers been awarded to work identi­ ren and admits she’s happily in (available only with coupon) can work undisturbed for lim­ fied wife the MacDowell Col­ love off the screen and stage. ited periods, throughout the ony. ____ “ I will never understand a e r v o o r t s year. Hundreds of artists in WRITERS CAN be sentiment­ women who stays with a man 213 E. GRAND RIVER many fields have shared Its al and emotional whm they tell who ceases to love her. Oh, all New Hi-Fi * 1 .9 7 benefits. what it baa meant to them. those lies, those hints, that sup­ EAST LANSING l Rgy Charles Album ( Regular $3.98) The list of novelists, compos­ “ Our Spiritual Home,” is how pressed dislike.” ers, poets and other writers Ph. ED 2-2114 ■ R ay Charles who found inspiration at Mac­ ■ & Dowell, who have won Pulitzer Stereo * 2 .9 7 Prizes, or written best sellers, 11 Betty Carter reads like a “ Who’s Who.” SPECIAL! ■ (Regular $4.98) The colony was founded through the dedication and en­ K n itte r s ■ ergy of one woman, Mrs. Ed­ ward MacDowell, as a memor­ • Complete line of Beraato yarn and Paks. MICHIGAN STATE ■ B d ¿ th o v a í$ ial to her famous composer husband, who died at 46. Many wifi remember him bast for his • Needlepoint and yarns. • Full fine of accaaaories. J A C K E T lowett record pricer in Michigan ■ “ Woodland Sketches,” Includ­ with genuine horsehide m ing “ To A Wild Rose.” • Free help aad instruction. m thisTHERE IS nothing quite like leather sleeves 2 0 7 M.À.C. colony fee worid. It • Dreamy kits of matching yarns and skirt I Ml # function« without government wools, Lots of warmth—and MSU color, too. in support, such as might be this handsomely- styled jacket. Body of found In Europe. No benefactor of great wealth snstetns it A All T h u and More 24-oz. Spartan Green wool, sleeves of nonprofit corporation, it exists genuine horsehide. Nylon lined, all sizes. to promote fee arts by aiding at writers, painters, composers and sculptors of professional rank. They are given opportun­ D O T ’S Y A R N N O O K ity for concentrated work und­ er highly favorable conditions 8 0 5 M aryland Ave. at a time when it may have critical import in their careers. Between East Grand River and More than one writer of dis­ tinction has reached an im East Saginaw in Lansing passe in Ms career, and In fee MicMgas Stale BLANKETS You'll use it in your room, at the football games, on picnics (hiring Y o u n g R e p u b lic a n s C lub your entire college stay. Styled by Horner Mills with an all wort body, blanket it set off with a large 16- inch wide white chenille “ S” . presents 95 G e o rg e V an P e a rso n » 12 America’s No. 1 Basketball Shoe! • e to m e o u s K v rM ^ I f ] M ’l = 1 :1 1 4 • OCMCATCD TOS**VINO YOU-*V to diseñas ■ A ...,I vW&fc Ten ways, better in fit, » » fa r t a r t • a n nrrcmtAt. eAKT or TMK traction. Foot farm last for fit ani KOUCATIONAL. PNOCBf • • • M ic h ig a n C o n -C o n All STAR BASKETBALL SHOES comfort! Positive action. Spartan Book Store O c t 12 U n io n P a rio rs 8 :3 0 $ 7 .9 5 p r. Comer Ann.and.M AC Ea$t..Lan»mg Refrethmentr will he eerved S h o p t o n ig h t t i l 9 p a n . u V'-iv--1fifp ; ■ , w .-.y . JP S IIP I *íPte?, ¡p ip il ■ sPrSP s r m i« I Michigan 9'W é $ P p O w in g , M L J » { |« »I to'.at JNfik Tide,;they said result», YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS i f T A j Fly soum porseaaeL H a s « 8 be Voters Fight among a other thaws, to m -to- equitable distribution to tax three concurrent sessions to Loses Valuable problems af tobcific Legislative funde among the ta counties. Three Feet museums, with attention given LONDON (JB—"I’m apt going Ttatt i p Albert Richardson to ton relationship to people: to Although filis oiptoMve caie to nasi vs. d t f control to state legislatures involves only Greek Orthodox to hurt a picture tout else to came aloof and spotted if He WASHINGTON (At—An attor­ Tennessee, the result would ef­ Oif Ground my bouee. You can take It to part prssidmt «I toe Royal The conference will wind up ney for Tennessee told the Su­ fect other states with reappor- •way.” Academy of Art, and an auto- with several tours to the Mu­ tionment troublai . seum, Kresge Art Center, and preme Court Monday that U it Attorneys representing the COLUMBUS, phi« ~ * '* -^ 4 G r id d e r s B a r i n ’ T o a « bow being accepted by the I.M. office. Each team consists of three Has anyone seen a bewil­ inea: one doubles team and I: Michigan State’s intramural «ports program for the 1910-61 school year produced 10,160 per­ faculty members to its first meeting of the year tonight at 7 pan- in the Sports arena ticipants competing in SS Sc­ of the Mem Intramural Build- dered dachshund, one who Is one singles player. The dead- tlvities. in*- \ A Mg week of bard work tion in Saturday’s game w e n afraid of doctors and veteri­ loomed' ahead Tuesday as the spared the hard hitting Tues­ narians, naming around cam­ Spartaa football team started day as the team reviewed pus? light contact drills for Satur­ scodSag imports. Hedi. a blhehaitd tan female day’s showdown with arch-rival No iujuriet were repented dachshund, with a' scar over from the Stanford game. her left shoulder, ran away University of Michigan. from her ownes’s car when the The Spartans would bteTnore The Wolverines also took it vehicle stopped in the vicinity than mistaken to figure the easy with light workouts Tues­ of GUtner Hall. Wolverine team as a patsy. day. Fleet halfbacks Bennie Hie owner, Mrs. Butcher of Coach Bump Elliott has a ! McRae and Dave Raimey. who Fenton, was taking Hedi to in o u r 'l i gh t s —t ”-«« strong unit this year, currently i suffered injuries Saturday, Gilfiier Hall for medical pur­ fifth ranked in the nation. were repented okay. poses . when the escape took and no matter w here she goes, This year's game promises In a scrimmage against the (dace. _ ' more than the usual unpredic­ dummies Tuesday, sophomore Mrs. Butcher spent the bet­ table excitement. Both chibs j halfback Dewey Lincoln made her cheery cotton outfit remains ter part to yesterday searching are bidding for til* Rose Bowl {the stuffed opponents look like the campus from one end to berth. Stanford linemen as he (lashed the other for Hedi. bright or>d crisp. Print topper wHh And with a five-game Big i into crowds of Mockers and If anybne knows the where­ Ten card, the Spartans can ill suddenly burst into the open. abouts of Hedi, please call 355- \~% ruffled sleeve s m id coflar afford a loss r 6450 or Ed 2-0266 after 5 p.m. Starting quarterback Pete " The defense was pleasantly Smith was expected to be miss­ surprised by Coach Duffy Dau­ ■4y coven stretch nylon tight*. ing from the practice field un­ gherty when he announced the til at least Thursday. reserves would run against R e ta ile r s M e e t Mother wflLapprecRtfe the wrinkle- Smith is at his home in them. The reserve backs ran The Retailing Club will hold Eeorse because of the death erf hard, but the defensive special­ a “Get Acquainted’’ meeting shedding w ash n w ear fabrk-Ctlle his father during last Satur­ ists were equal to the task. As has been the custom the tonight at 7 p.m. in the Wom­ day’s 31-3 victory over Stan­ en’s Lounge of .the Student ford. past couple of Saturdays, tlte or no ironing nee d ed. Red only. goal line was uncrossed. Services building. • -V•.—'* .' Meanwhile, Dick Proebstile. Miss Demetre Mehas, assist­ a sophomore, has taken over Captain Ed (Rocky) Ryan S.MDLE QF DETERMINATION—Bob Suci, lap punter on Small, medium, largo. 3 . 9 t and end Ernie Clark were just ant professor and retailing ad­ the No. 1 unit. Spartan football team, wouM tike to beem « few long eeee visor, will speak. THOSE WHO saw heavy ac- as tough on the weekdays as | on the weekends. —. i against the Michigan Wolverines Saturday. | Daugherty said the coaching In 1900 each farm worker fed Children’s Center staff was not pessimistic and that the team will be ready. A Martin To 4-6 Weeks himself and six others. Today a farm worker feeds himself Lower Level j report around the practice field DETROIT Of)—Jim Martin, for the lions Sunday after Mar and 25 others in the United said that Michigan coach Bump Detroit Lion linebacker and tin was hurt. States. j Elliott felt much the same way. plae^kicker, will be out erf ac­ tion for from four to six weeks Program Informatisa Dial IV 2-6965 H itc h c o c k Is as a result of a broken shoul­ der. M IC H IG A N N ew M anager Examination Tuesday showed c a p e z iO f la t s 90 square! that Martin hroke his shoulder O f B a ltim o r e Sunday in Detroit’s loss to the Soft a n d flexable step-ins, BALTIMORE If)—Billy Hitch­ Chicago Bears, the Lions’ sec­ WALTDISNEAS accen ted with sm artly stack ed cock, former major league in­ ond National Football League fielder, was handed a baseball defeat this fall. “plum” Tuesday—managership Martin has kicked five field m odified heel, slightly sq u ared toe. of the Baltimore Orioles. goals this year. 0CNALO LAURENCE" . AUX My RAY CHARLES The job, which will pay Hitch­ Wayne Walker, another line­ CRBP- NA1SMEIH- MACKENZIE • WALSH A. Red kid, th re e button motif. 10.9B cock an estimated $30.000 a backer, handled the kicking year and an attendance bonus, X TECHNICOLOR B. Black su ed e, vam p b o w ed . I 0 . f j l Concert and Dance was not sought by the 43-year- EXTRA - Donald Duck in Friday. Oct. 13th At Civic Aud., Lansing old Alabaman. The Orioles went after him. Sport "Donald and th e Wheel” “ It’s a real big thrill being Featuring named manager.” Hitchcock told a news conference. “ I S h o rts... MY CHARLES thank the Orioles for maybe By The Associated Press taking a chance on me.” Hitch­ IOWA CITY, leArn-Quarter- AND HIS 1« cock is a former Detroit Tiger back Wilburn Hollins probably PIECF ORCHESTRA coach. will miss Iowa’s game with In­ diana Saturday because of a with the wrist injury, Hawkeye Coach RÂELETS SINGERS ¡Those Polls Jerry Burns said Tuesday. ★ * ★ ' Tickets on Sale 1. Mississippi (3-0) PITTSBURGH, Pa. - Quarter­ 2. Iowa (2-0) back Bobby Layne erf the P itts­ Campus Music Shop 3. Alabama (3-0) burgh Steele» will miss the Civic Auditorium 4. Texas (3-0 f next two games and may be out the rest of the season be­ M tlH M ti MKMEY CHRIST« Johnny’s Record Shop 5. Michigan (2-0) Paramount. News _ cause of an injury to his side. 6. MICHIGAN STATE (2-0) * ~ KCMncoun* (m m ei mos Time, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. 7. Ohio State (l-O-l) BOSTON — ~ The National Nr one ander K will be admitted unless accompanied by an adutL Tickets 8. Notre Dame (2-0) Hockey League opens its sea­ son Wednesday night when the $2.50 and S3.00 9. Baylor (2.-0) Boston Bruins play host to the 10. Maryland (34)) New York Rangers. WHAT W AS THE TRUTH ABOUT ADA? ★ ★ ★ open PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED WH7 BALTIMORE — Coach Weeb every Ewbank said Tuesday he is thinking of benching the Colts’ W edn esday star quarterback Johnny Uni­ *§ T A T e * tes In favor to LaMar Median night E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D .2 - 2 8 1 4 for Sunday’s game against the until Chicago B ean. HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS nine EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING G L A D M E R FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 91c NOW! . . . 65c to 5:30 LAST 2 - NIGHTS • WED. & TOURS. SUPERB DOUBLE BILL M i,, “ A FILM YOU SHOULD B B IP lM l N0T M1SS- A h*PPY wed- c¿¿Hi M dinK sexy, sensational d fe ^ H K S k Bardot with the iatcBertaal vigor to Clouet.” l —Archer Wlasteu, N.Y. Port SHOWN AT 7:16 -4:SS P e r s u a s io n co co V briyitte SHOWN AT lil ^ b a r d o t PLUS CO-HIT a t FANCY UNDERCOVER - 3:21 - 3:16 : / the GARY COOPER AUDREY HEPBURN OUR SATIN-SPRINKLED SUPS i truth — IN "FASCINATION” smooth fitting with slim lines • • • perfection under to d ay ’s fitted fashions. Satin trim a n d cherry a p ­ pliques enhance the luxury o f nylon tricot. FuE slip features seal» S T A R T IN G FRIDAY AT 7 P JL loped h e m lin ta n d bodice in w hite, ) U 0 HYDEWHITE-RALPHKEEKEMMH BALSAM Groat in “ Room at the Top” exciting lover at Liz Taylor in. black, candle. 32*40 sizes. H alf “(¿»“ «-'(eh! —, Baaod ea th e e x d th q i novel "A da Dalian” slip . . . bock-sloshe d for walking comfort. B iack/red, w h ite/red , S T A R T S T O M O R R O W ! a q u a , candle. S-M-L each , I N t RegtiRTPrices - ■ f j T g J J ^ ^ C w j D a U y aatil 5:39 p.m. «C COMING SOON! AUDREY HEPBURN Evenings | Sunday Ite • as - F A i e n r Children 26c . ill MicWgan State New«, Eaat Lansing, Mfefaigaa W ednesday M orning, O ctober l í , 1961 ¥ CAMPUS CLASSmXDS - , LOW COST D an ce Y a n k s B i g Q u e s tio n Mato than 390 « w t o gtrificaaw cootagfous «a 1LA.C. ave. jotted 1« balled into as M a r k — -T h e D r a f t ! GEEZE! a living Onsk sisterhood which includ­ Hoofers A l i i l l i m j l NEW YORK UR — What lies tanoceat bystander, was Monday Bight amd held «p traf- ed girls from DsBS Delta Del­ Audteb for the U-Bettes, ahead for the world champion through the cheto to a fic aaltofe «Meant the street ta, Zate Tm Alphe, Alpha Chi a choros ttee sponssrod by tht New York Yankees in 1962? Breshtyu sehstohoy fracas. Be _ It’s Tim e for an t y -ftte sr.' Omega, Kappa Delta, Sigma has cootpietety isc r erod. V :r~^. Union BoanL'WilI he hddWed- Clasping hinds, the girls not Kappa and Alpha Omicrou PI nesday and Thursday, October Trades to strengthen ea al* from ate eorortty bouse te an­ Mr arttUs. « -J 11 and 12 in the BaRrooa of tibe ready powerful baseball team Awreddy jCnrftog W ith the MSU fight other, adntfw eadi ethsr with song and Ptenty of feminine Union. AH iaterested canda ara In­ are possible but not likely. Cod­ ing up a handful to promising IM Info Starting ea the front lawn of laughter, the snake dance it- vitad to participete. Each girf youngsters from the farm sys­ D C S S S ltS To Send In My Alpha Pm, the S a t' grew In self become another reason for must presént a one to two min­ tem is probable. £ W BDN ESBA T. OCT. i t number and ewthnslaam as a concluding tong: ute routine. The big question mark is TOUCH f ••■ ■ A IA . each new house was visited. "So Long, It’s Been Good to Mm whether the international sit­ Know You.’’ H R S uation may cause pitchers BUI «•«$ n i e l l i « « S e n s e SS University T heatre IT ALL BEGAN when the CORRECTION TMS I s t k e e - 3»*—« S e rre Stafford and Ralph Terry, StM A r e s e n s « 1 - 3 Kappas crossed the street to shortstop Tony Kubek, and SMS A ra e te e s « S '- 4 join the Phis in a game of Red More than n half billion dol­ Pam Hibbard, whose name was miiipdM in Tuesday’s rookie infielder Tom Troth to TOe«S e e rt V M 4I Rover, te help work off extra lars is spent^ annually to con­ MUST STOP BEN—The SpsrtaB fotobsll team wfll have be summoned to military duty. TMS An et r e — T - S A ri e r r e— S - S BORN calories from dinner. _ trol pests and disease in foods paper, is a candidate in the S il* B e tte r O » S AUSG faU elections for the te ferteg dews fleet Bea McRae sf Mkhfgsa efteu aad All are in the reserves. The spirit of friendship be­ and assure quality for consum­ As fa r as the older stars are e lte r S - 4 R - S tween toe two sororities be- ers. sorority vacancies. qsickly Saturday te assure victory. McRae is a track team hurdler, tea. concerned, the Yankees are in Y ESTERD A Y good shape. WMtey FUrd, ace •VMS i t s B elt e r T - S B rre e S • S SHOP FIRST IN to the pitching staff, is 32; Yogi SMit« B rfe e T - S C B e n e - B erqeee B e rn is 36; Elston Howard, is «I«e S e r v i r - B e—e e S r 31; m d Luis Arroyo is 33. All BOWLING Couponi. OJMFUS CLASSIFIEDS Phone: 355-8255, 355-8256 On Sports, Etc. are still going strong, and while SAM (S p.ee-t their years to stardom may be D CM «€~ FM K . Its -I FM « e ss limited, the end apparently is «e. A TS, _ n . L C A .I S. N e re . D.T.O.i ■ ■ ■ ■ PAUL SCHNITT not yet near. _ DEADLINE: 1:00 P.M. Here are some to the young B j PAUL SCHNITT Ststc News Sperto Writer all, it isn’t every Saturday that sters who may become tbe the S a c k Knights to the Hud Yankee stars of tbe future. Varsity Drive In Tom Tresh, 22, switch-hitting A U T O M O T IV E FO R R EN T PER SO N AL New that that fa n » and ab­ son succumb by 30 points. shortstop, who had a mark to 1 227 E. GRAND RIVER surdity called the 1961 World ★ ★ i t .316 with Richmond this sea­ OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M . 1**4 AUSTIN HBAXJET. 1*0 ro*d- lóOMS ""Ï______________ enS S ^ T thI " K E T S T t. son - and was International •t« r. E n itn * Ju#t o v e rh a u led ^ new M.S.U.) g am e w ish es to c o n ta c t Series is deed and buried along tire« . w ire w m o Io. ozoollent eon- ~ h P A ¿V E b W R ~MEÑ:~¿5~ohlng s h a r p OOed w ith c a r. C all S88-S4S7. After what proved to be two League Rookie of the Year and DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. p riv ile g e s r»,c re a tio n room , p a r k ­ H with the Cincinnati Redlegs, d ltlo q . M uet eelb B P l-M W . Id in g . 314 E v e rg re e n . 13 disasterous and humiliating aU-star shortstop. This son to AUSTIN HEALEY, l i t i , 4 epeed», ROOM NBA i t MBU fo r g ra d u a ta SENSATIONAL fo lk sin g e r. Jo a n it’s time to look ahead to some weeks to non conference foot­ former big league star Mike 8 :3 0 P .M .- 1 :3 0 A.M. n . s a d H.. w ire w heeU . o v erd riv e, B aas, a p p e a rin g A nn A rbor H A , excitement and thrills three ball for several Big Ten p riced t e r q u ick it) * . C tU F I • - tin i* s tu d e n t glrL H om e f a c u l ti e s P n o n e 1n room. OaU a t t a r I p.m. B P 7- F rid a y . O cto b er 37, 8:36 p.m. T ic k ­ e ts a v a ila b le a t th e D isc shop. t f days hence. _ Tresh would be vital schools, the powerhouses to the operations if Kubek is called to Yankee SUNDAY 5:00 P .M .- 1 : 3 0 A.M. *153. 10 I t t i BUICK. .Top shape. E x c e l­ LATVTE8U STUD ENTI ln fo rm e- Indeed, all eyes of the sports Western Conference returned to to service«- He is already in ED 2-6517 le n t fo r s tu d e n t 'tr a n s p o r ta tio n . room APPROVED, naaapervlsed tin g la 1aties s a k a r a a r U o f M - M.S.U. world wQl bo turned towary the their winning ways last Satur­ Yankee uniform. aad la r g e double. C ooking F u tb o la . Spell. Z v a n a t 132-tria, C all ED 3-0771. IS c e trl, tria , viens. 10 Rocky Mountain region where day. Frank Caprin, 23, a left hand­ SUSAN JO NES a n d P E T E R K IL Utah will host Brigham Young In 15 contests through the ed pitcher from Notre Dame m i BUICK. 2- d o o r ., h ard to p . B eet o ffe r o v e r l i l t . P h o n e M l; L E E N p ie aa e com a to th e S ta te in an immensely important first three weeks, the Big Ten who had a 9-9 record with Rich­ 10*1 a f t e r S p m . 11 L O S T and F O U N D N ew s o ffice. Room 347. S tu d e n t l i s t BUICK C en tu ry . E x cellen t S ervices Bldg. fo r tw o fre e p asse s game. teams have a record to 10-4-1. mond. He is a poised youngster, m echanical condition- O oeJ In te r­ ^THH^TESflT^iaSltoS^^wRcff to th e C re st iD rive-In. tf In other games Saturday, One may ask since when does fast and with a good curve ball. ior, tlre e , new b a tte ry . Body fair. P e n tim e n ti! value. R e w a rd . 185- ' U NW ANTED young d riv e rs. East Shaw precinct 10 scrim- a 10-4-1 mark merit such dis­ In view of the Yankee top brass liLiî«. B P S-SStS. 17 *0*6. \ . . 11 W e lt p a t y o u on th e b ack a s wo 1ISI BUICK Special. N eeds som e BLACK EBONT C am eo broach. c o u n t y o u r m oney fo r a u to In­ -mages Butterfield-6 (which, in- paraging and disrespectful de­ is making steady progress.' w ork. R aver«« p e a r pons. I I I . 137- L e a th e r backed. L ost in a re a of aurane«. Bubols. ED 2-8471, o v er cidently boasts to jtheir fine scription as “humiliating” and Jini Bouton, 21, a right-hand­ 10 L ib rary . F a m ily p ie c e D esire r e ­ Jaco b so n s. 11 ed fire-balling pitcher with a 9747 a fta r 5:30 &.m. tu r n fo r se n tim e n ta l re a s o n e C all looking quarterback, Elizabeth "disasterous." 1007 CHEV RO LET co n v ertlb la. IV 8-4073 a f t e r 0 p,m. . tf F R E E . 5x7 e n la rg e m e n t; B rin g Taylor.) th is ad to M arek R e ,a ll P re s c rip ­ Perhaps one can better ex­ good knucklebaU, who had a C o rv a tta flo o r Witrt. new top, B u- rr o n tire s. Need th a m onsy. C all LOST M an’a g o ld ti n g w ith red tio n C e n te r b y F ra n d o r. No p u r­ That same d ay .lh e Spartans plain if we look a t the inter­ 14-7 record with Amarillo in ch ase needed. L tnrit one to a fant* 165-1410. * stone. R ew ard, C all ED 3-5030, a e k fo r Bob M u ller 11 to Michigan State journey to sectional games of the Big Ten the Texas League. . FOR SA I.E . I05J FORD w ith ‘5*> ii^oa=====m£S===s=====SBCU Ann Arbor where they face a last season. Joe PepiTone, 20, a left-hand­ O lds e n rln e . Body, engine, tire s good. C all KD 9-1503. (0 PER SO N AL R E A L ESTATE local opponent. The Wolverines Against non league opponents, ed hitting outfielder-first base­ THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME are an overwhelming favorite the Western Conference schools man, also with Amarillo, who 1033 FORD. M echanlcs’l ' p e r­ fe c t, body p e rfe c t, v e ry clean. Ben OW NER BUILT. 3 bedroom , fire ­ p lace. c a rp e te d , g a ra g e , w alk ou t . . . to the Michigan alumni; amassed an outstanding 19-1-2 finished second in T e x a s It hsppem every d»y. A young man go« off to college, leaving MoCrea. 1801-0 U nlvar*lty_V tllac«. b asem en t. W ell lo c a te d In Mason but this may have no bearing record. Hapless Indiana was League in hitting with a mark his home town sweetheart with vow* of eternal love, and than OR 0-4831. 10 E D 7-0291. ' --i - 12 whatsoever on the outcome of dumped by Oregon State. How­ ~o(L.321, and had-19 homers and he find« that he has outgrown her. What, in such saaea, ia tha 1*80 LA RK HARDTOP. S tick R E A L BARGAIN f o r fu ll tim e the contest, for one can recall ever the Hoosiers played con­ 82 runsJ>atted in. A half dozen honorable thing to“do? o verdrive. P riv a te ow ner,- goon s ta f f m em ber an d q u a lifie d buyer. condition. C all ED 7-7877. t) 31« bedroom bom « cloee to cam» that the Redlegs were also dis­ sistent ball against Big Ten years ago Pepitone, who was Well air, you can do what Rock Sigafooo did. pus. M ust h a r« OlOee-316«« dow n. When Rock left Cut and Shoot, Pa., he «aid to hi* iwsetheart, M.O.A. Coupe, 8ST "Wire wheel*, C all ED 3-904«. 13 tinct favorites. . . to file Cincin­ competition, winning none. w h ite aide w alla, radio, h ea te r. Best R E D C E D A R ' A R E A W a lk in g nati populace. ,. rn u * season, Indiana opened a cunpie country laaa named Tees d’ Urbevilleo, “My dear, - re a so n a b le offer. ED 7-2171. - f i t - Ifpfgw rn-A — ; *t d ista n ce to cam p u s. 5 bodroom s, tf th a bang, bolding Kansas THf VOST TÍIKED ¿5001 v o i! • though I am far away in college, I will love you always. I wfll ♦ ♦ ♦ M.O.A. 1*50 Red R o a d ste r. W ire w heel*, to n n eau cover, alu m in u m d o u b ts lo t. 3 b a th s n e w ly c a r p e t­ ed 30 fo o t liv in g room , firep la ce, State J o 14 points as they ac­ SHQCiaa ABOUTfit.v ® OCR1Í4RS never look at another girt. If I do, may my eyeball» parch and elde cu rta in s. I«ow m lleatte. E x cel­ a tta c h e d g a ra g e . C all E D 2-4419 TIME FOR a gripe! cumulated eight themselves. wither, may my viaoera writhe like adders, msy the moth* get le n t condition. M ust sslW-ED 2-0102 o r 388-1781. 14 my aew tweed jacket!” a f t e r 5 p.m. '1 2 The UPI (United Press Inter­ F ar more successful last Sat­ '1*55 ODDS. Good tra n sp o rta tio n . S ER V IC E national) wire service weekly urday, the Big Ten won five of Then he clutched Toss to his bosom and planted s final Mss upon her fragrant young tkull aad went away, meaning with all 9200. C all ED 2-3097 a fte r- 4 p.m. a n d w eckende. 1*5» PLYMOUTH. 4 drive, s ta n ­ 13 top ten grid rankings were re­ six with Purdue being nosed »• TUTOR FO R PHTBICB 147 74*, leased Tuesday. The selections out by Notre Dame, practically 149. C all IV 9-4933 an y tim e . 10 for this poll are based on the an honorary member of the DOLCE his heart to be faithful. ---- But on the very firat day of college he met a coed nsmad d a rd sh ift. V ery good tr a n s p o r ta ­ tion. C all A buja, 353-1854 betw een 10-4. 11 CHILD C A R E In m y U n iv e rsity votes cast by college- coaches conference. V illage a p a rtm e n t. E D 2-441«. 12 across the land (excluding Red Still the Western Conference Svita Fata Morgana, a girt of such sophistication, such poise, aueh nnnr-fmn as Rock had never beheld. She spoke knowingly to 1957 PLYMOUTH. 4-dour, blue, • cylinder, eta n d a rd s h ift, verry good condition. C all IV 3-42A4. 12 TY PIN G In m y home. T h eses China, of course). and term p ap ers. E le c tric ty p e ­ w rite r. C a ll N ancy W eiss a t E D 2-3877. 10 "So what?’! what they’ve done. you ask. Look has the respect of the nation’s sports writers as they placed Ir- Frau Kafka, aha hummed Mosart, she smoked Mariboros. -TH UN DERBIRD . 1*15 sta n d a rd four league teams among the TY PIN G in S p a rta n V illage sh ift. Good condition. B eet o ffer o v er 0*00. P h o n e O t, 3-1*3*. W ill- a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r They’ve placed Michigan sec- country’s top ten. Michigan, LAST DAY! lam etón. 10 C all 358-3012. — t f mid and Michigan State sixth. Michigan State, Iowa' and Ohio Feature 1:50 • 5:15 - 8:35 AS FA ST aa you can v r l t e u» a TY PIST ANN BROWN. E D 2- But this is not the bone to con­ State belong up there! check w s 'll w rlte y o u r a u to In­ *304. E le c tric ty p e w rite r. T erm p a ­ tention as is the fact,that two PRICES aurano«. Bubol», over lacoU sou a. pers and th eses, a ls o g e n e ra l ty p - Until 5:39 p.m. 90c ED 3-3071. 11 HANDCRAFTED -tng. t f weeks ago the coaches were Leonard Brose, former Mich­ Evenings 11.25 ECHO FARM S R ID IN G STABLE. impressed enough by State’s H o rse d ra w n h ay rid aa. fa c ilitie s victory over Wisconsin to give igan State Big Ten tennis FO R SAI.E. E conom ical tra n « - T o rta tlo n . 37 la e tta 360 and 3* STERLING fo r p a rtie s, a n d d a n c in g a f t e r ­ champion, won the 1961 Detroit s e tta 000. P hone MI S-0202. 10 w ard s. N o rth te c o rn e r o r R ound the Spartans a Trendex rating - L U C 0N Top: Necklace with 2 or 3 L ak e R oad a n d U.S. 27. MI 1-6159. to 18.3210 or fourth behind “Gun Invitational net tournament. 10 Smoke,” "The Ed Sullivan EM P LO YM EN T letter monogram KENNY DAVIfc O RC H ESTR A , Show,” and “ Walt Disney Pre­ Call E D 2-1477. 18 LIEBERMANN'S — ------------- 1MI tfmni sents." Bottom: Made to exact size T H E SIS T TPIN O . p rin tin g . Ad- FEM A LE D IETICIAN . A .P A . iic « oh fo rm a n d s ty le a t no MSU conquers the previously P a rt-tim e . C on tact- S parrow 11o*- Sterling Ring c h a rg e. E d itin g Service. W nneh undefeated Stanford, 31-3. So -p lta l, P areo n n el Office. IV J-4111. G rafie Servie«, 1720 E. M ichigan E X E C U T IV E A TTA C H E Ave. L a m in g . P h. 464-f7t<. t f what happens! The coaches de­ ! BUS BOTH to bus fo r lunch Delivered la 7 days PHOTOGRAPHY : S pecial p a r ­ mote the Spartans two notches and din n er. *33-754*. a sk f ir Joe W rig h t._________ U* po*« p h o to g ra p h y an d p ro c e ssin g to sixth position in order to fo r th eses, etc. E x tre m e d o se-u y . * 'iß tm b 'd w w lk tto m m m u k . * CARD SHOP, IN C and copying. C all E D 2-5889. 12 allow the Wolverines (from 8th k e e p s y o u o rg a n iz e d - . -w ith on# of _ p a r t t i m e S a l e s o p p o r t u n ity n a tio n 's f a s te s t grew»: tng f i r m s P ro d u c ts n a tio n a lly a d ­ 30» E. G raad River STUDENT DISCOUNT, s e lf w ash , and Texas( from 6th) to fill the I .75. L ub jo b , 11.00- S tu d e n t p a r k ­ vacuum. Now, Rock didn’t know Frans Kafka from Pancho Villa, or v ertised on TV n e tw o rk . F o r In ­ ing, ’ 81.80. F re e q u a r t o f oil w ith Mosart from James K. Polk, but Marlboroa he knew full wefl. fo rm a tio n c all E D 7*0111 a f t e r * every oil ch an g e. C om plete tu n e - He knew that anyone who smoked Marlboro« was modem and p.m. 1* Across from up. Open 24 hour«. D av o 'a P u r« PERHAPS IT was the im­ OH. 1010 E. G ran d R iv er. tf pact to Michigan’s romp over advanced and as studded with brains as a ham with doves.. F O R S ALE Horae Econ. BIdg. YOU A R E W ELCOM E to p ip y Army that influenced the voting Good m te telle-you that you can’t beat Marlboro’s esdurive B rid g e any W ed n esd ay even in g . 7:15 in th e b a se m en t o f 303 Ab­ of East Coast mentors. After select rat *filter, and you never could beat Marlboro’*fin* flavor. S E T .O F FOUR 000-1« tire s. Mot- point w a sh e r and-rilryer. m atched "T he New E le m e n ts of Style.** b o tt, n e x t to S ta te T h e a tre . ACBL This Rock knew. — ., e e rr T hor M angle, gab ran g e, oil Now. easy, unique, non*technloqt, a w ard s. F o r In fo rm atio n . E D 3-54 Mt So all day he followed Fata around campus and listened to her conversion b u rn e r. A fte r 5 p.m. ap p ro ach to g ra m m a r a n d w ritin g . 1 721 N. H a y fo rd. ________ 11 A uthored by S ta te D octoral c a n d i­ IN PERSON talk about Frans Kafka, and then in the evening he went back d ate. W rfie EnffhiSh in s titu te , CONTEMPORARY m usic fo r A PPLES: Red D elicious. J o n a ­ E a st M ichigan, L an sin g . !2 dancim c and e n te rta in m e n t. M usic to the dormitory aad found this letter from his boms town thons, M cIntosh, N o rth e rn Spy* b y th e BACHELORS. ED 3-0447 sweetheart Teas: W IN GED SPARTANS m eeting. o r tV 2-3503. ' 12 and C ortland«. F re sh a p p l» cider. T o n ig h t! 7:20, Old C o lleg e Hall, Souaah. P ie and H allo w een p u m p ­ Union. Anyone in te re s te d in fly in g W IL L T Y P E te rm p ap er* in my Dear Rock, kins. F arm fre sh eg g s. Also o th e r o r le a rn in g to fly la w elcom e to home. P ic k up an d d eliv er. TV 7- I t kid» hadra keen time ¡/etterdoy. We went down to the fr u its an d v e g e ta b le s a t re a s o n - a tte n d . 10 3134.___ 10 e Me prices. R o ad sid e F a rm M a rk ­ pond and caught tome frogi. I caught the meet of anybody. et. 2 m iles e a s t o f E a a t L a n sin g on US 14 a t O kam os R oad. OO-ROSE BOWL t f Send $1.00 for y o u r B u m p er S tic k e r T R A N S P O R T A T IO N Then tec hitched rides on trucks and did lots if nutsy stuff <71 H I/S B IK E . Good condition. tolubB um per S tic k e r of th e M onth l m ilte» budgeted* last year. - \ He said national survey may MIST1C, the University’s gi-] ing whether some disputed lish literature, he says, has ant computer, has hem study- w ort should be included in the involved the cooperation ef a In Caverns By LEIF ERICKSON ■ AF Writer wards Ah’ Force Base in oratory at Pasadena and the well be detsnpiaed by ability Southern California where he Pacific Missile Range at Van- “to get there firstest with t e a visited the Jet Propulsion Lab- denberg A i / Force Base. mostest.” •; ■ ■- Z definitive Yale edition of the number of University depart­ NEW YORK ( J i- lb e Ameri­ SUNNYVALE, Calif. « - ing English literature. can Broadcasting Co. repotted Ames Research Center scien­ SpeciflcaHy.it’i been analyz­ “Worts of Samuel Johnson,” ments and offices. The Com­ that the United States has tists gave Vice President Lyn­ ing portions ef work by Dr. for which he recently finished munications Research Center, carried out a series of under­ don B. Johnson hopeful pro­ Samuel Johnson, the English editing two volumes. the Statistic* Department and Being prepared by scholars the computer laboratory all ground nuclear weapons tests gress reports on work aimed at lexicographer, critic and sub­ ject of the Boswell biography, in the United States, Canada aided him. and samples of the writings of and Great Britain for publica­ Could MIST1C help to deter­ Dr. John Hawkensworth, John­ tion by the Yale and Oxford mine once and for ail if it was —only two of which have been announced. , The tests are still taking ¡dace in caverns of Nevada, flying n a n te tee moon and back, Johnson, chairman ef tbe Na­ tional Aeronautics aad Space L it t le W o ö l J a c k e t s r~ son’s closest imitator. University Presses, the Yale really Shakespeare who wrote said ARC White House corr es- Council, paid Ms first “listen Distinguished English schol­ Johnson, when completed, will Shakespeare. pondent William H. Lawrence and learn” visit to tfae Ames ars have been unable to de be the first new edition of John- “Nobody,” says Dr. Sherbo, termine whether Johnson or son’s work since 1825. “ really believes that anybody on the network’s “ABC evening complex of wind tunnels and somebody else wrote certain Sherbo also expects to use but Shakespear wrote Shakes- pieces; MISTIC may"help clear j the result of MISTIC’s re- s p e a r e . ” up the^mystery. search as a portion of an al- But he points out that com­ re p o rt” He said government officials are pleased with results in speeding tbe development and laboratories operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). T o p F a ll F a s h i o n s The computer has been de- most-completed book on studies puters are "already being used MERRILL H. MEAD, one of termining the frequency of dis- in Johnson canon, in such previously tedious jobs improvement of advanced tac­ tical and strategic weapons tbe briefing scientists, reported tribution of nouns, verbs ad- j Using MISTIC to study Eng- as compiling concordances. on simulated tests to flight con­ jecttves, mono-syllabic words, J------------- ~ - adding: “ As President JCennedy has trol and navigate« equipment the number ot ~words per sen- r n j . . P - n n n v H i f a |in Newburgh, N.Y.,Jbad nearly said, our new tests still do not for this country’s projected tenfe and, frequency distrtbu-| l l i C J F T U p e r D l l c straight teeth, he ex- c a rry 'a n d Radioactive fallout Apollo Moon Flight Mission. C lu o rto ta l water which j Plaln«i .* * ■ ctty N ew tarjh into the atmosphere, in con­ trast to the spectacular soviet Mead said.the tests theoretic­ ally delivered the- Apollo ve­ D e s ig n e d b y these frequencies with those of many experts believe makes jfluoridates its water supply. hicle within two miles to the disputed passages may provide teeth resistant to decay may j —----------------- atmospheric shots which have already produced an immeasur- moon after a 30-day flight an objective test of authorship. also contribute to straight teeth,! . • covering 240,000 miles. able increase in radioactivity in Dr. Arthur Sherbo of the Eng­ says Dr. David B. Astf director 1 Productivity to the Amen- lish department is MISTIC’s of the New York State’s Dental j can farmer has increased many parts of tbe world.” - The Soviets ave set off two In order to achieve a land­ ing on tbe moon, Mead ex­ G le n s d e r - mentor in the English study. Health Bureau. three times tbe productivity of plained, the Apollo pilot cannot^ He hopes the computer re- Thirty-five per cent of one i the non-agricultural worker in or three atmospheric shots in addition to the 19 announced miss the moon by more than search will be useful in decid-1group of children, aged 13-14 i the past decade. six miles, or landing glide thus far by the atomic energy commission, according to the entry will not be possible. report. _ A COMPUTER analyzing sta­ M e n ! . . . h e re th e y a r e . . . . — tistical information will instruct the pilot in midflight on needed Magnetism - navigational corrections. Mead said the computer will advise Apollo’s pilot when and in what Affects Life? direction to fire steering rockets T h e T rim L o o k . . . T h e S lim L o o k to put him on a true course. Does magnetism affect the At lunch with Dr. Smith De life process of plants and ani­ France, Ames director, and mals? other staff scientists, Johnson The question has been hotly fo r C am p u s o r C a su a l W ear debated in scientific circles for many years. Some experiment­ said: “I am deeply impressed with the work here. You are find­ ers s a y lt does. Others can find ing answers before the prob­ no trace of an effect. lems actually will be faced?’ Now, through a National In­ stitutes of Health grant sched­ JOHNSON FLEW on to Ed- uled to come to 9167,392 over three years, a University phy­ it 4s to find where there is an sicist, aided by several biolo­ effect.” gists, aims to end some of the He intends to study only very controversy. baric biological phenomena and how they are affected, if at all, DR. DONALD J. Montgomery by various strengths and types is commencing fundamental re­ of magnetic fields. search aimed at exploring like­ ly connections between biologi­ HE ALSO intends to look into cal process and magnetism. the possibility of magnetic ef­ “ No one,” he notes in a letter fects on enzyme reactions and publish«! in International Sci­ other fundamental- aspects of ence and Technology maga metabolism. zine, “questions the effects of In addition, the physicist is gravitational fields, electrical considering observing biologi­ fields and concentration-gradi- cal process in an environment ent fields on biological process free from the earth’s natural “Yet magnetism, as funda­ magnetic fields. Procedures for- mental a phenomenon as the constructing such an environ others, gets short shriftr-Never ment are well-known theless, experiments reported currently in reputable scientif­ ic journals purport to establish, Food purchases take only 20 for instance, pronounced phys­ per cent of the average work­ iological disturbances in ani­ er’s wages today. m a ls/' " The affirmative side, herest-i A. S hort b l a z e r plains, suggests magnetism can effect life by affecting the C lo th e s C le a n e d style in black w ith emblem of ~grev orientation and position of mol­ chesterfield w j t h ecules vital to life process. The negative side argues that any To Y O U R velvet trim . Sizes energy changes produced by S-M-L ......... 8.95 magnetism would be swamped by other, far-greater forces. O rd e r B. W o v e n 1 0 0 '% “WHAT SHALL we believe?” wool plaid in popu­ he asks. . . it appears safe la r chanel style». to say that at tbe moment no Colors in gold, jade party on either side has pro­ or teal. Sizes S-M-L duced evidence capable of con­ 5.95 verting the opposition.” Montgomery does not expect immediate, sensational results C. Cardigan scarf since, he. feels, the effects to Fraador Shopping Center jack et in brushed magnetism are apt to be small. MON. THRU FRI. TILL 9 wool plaid. C opper/ “ However,” he points out, green, black/m ul­ “ it is just as important to find SAT. TILL 7 - where there is not an effect as berry. Sizes S-M-L 12.95 SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY OFFER F O t COLLEGE MEN Learn the Pleasures of Fine Tobacco. . . Enjoy the Original Extra-Mild Accent your wardrobe this fall with fashion jackets by Glensder. Cavendish in the Accent topping for a basic sheath, top slacksr skirts or change a Handy “Poly” Pocket Poach NO-PLEAT POLISHED COTTON SUCKS compiete costume. All in colors th a t will brighten you up for the colorful season ahead. ~ JACKETS - STREET LEVEL ~~ T h e consensus of campus opinion reg isters a unanimous SPECIAL! vote for these wash ’n w ear 100% polished cotton IM » W M to Omrmm(«torti »or* slacks. They’re slim, trim and sleek. Two top colors . . . AMPHORA, k cool, even-bumms, long Uetinf. It* pleasur­ 98 3 able amoking qualities have won loynl friends—it outsells all Suntan jrnd Olive. Plain fro n t tapered m o d el. . . w ith o r other tobaccos i a its class! I f w ithout belt loops. A special purchase a t a special price you haven‘tjtried A M P H O R A , fo r class o r leisure wear. VÍWWM be our guest Simply fill in the coupon below and maiLit Y o u STORE FOR MEN — EAST LANSING will receive ■ complimentary full 2-ounce pouch. — » a wf i x m T io a a i t b ssc c s co. i m a v — t o —«, h—o» ito«r— e. cstocmto - . C u t l s w a : « ces s send m e s AMPHORA. 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