H orning, O ctober 1961 6 P age» gocond CIm * fttrtM N P aid a t B a st L an sin g , Mlrh. Cent« I^ u b lu h e d 1909 Vol. S 3 , No. A r e e m e n t University Con-Con A Strike End Monday S u b e r A s k s S h a k e - U p Seen By Reuther DETROIT — Ford Motor production standards and on Co. and the United Auto Work- the number of union stewards ers union agreed Wednesday -allowed to handle grievances night on a new three-year con­ on company time. I n S t u d e n t r e s s tract after a nine-day nation­ Expressing belief that the wide strike which idled 120,000 company and union can quick­ auto production workers. ly dispose of remaining local T h e university’s own version student body as a whole, Suber of the Business and Organiza­ The contract will be present­ issues, Reuther said, “ we think of Con-Con was proposed by j wants him to be given a veto tions committee. ed to the 180-member Ford Na­ we ought to be able to put this Gordon Suber, Owosso^sopho-- power over the actions of iSln- Congress passed 41 bill to fi­ tional Council for approval at together so the Ford people more Wednesday night in the j gress. — nance four delegates to a a meeting Thursday afternoon. can gorisaclrto work Monday.” . AUSG meeting. j Because the state legislature United Nations Conference at StiU to be resolved are local Reuther said the situation at He said that there are prob-1 created the cash crisis, the stu OMo State. issues at 25 bargaining units Ford is different from what oc­ lems in Student; Congress that dent government is faced with Sue Little, Alma College jun­ whose membership totals more curred at General Motors, such a meeting could soivc. demands, for money for the de­ ior, spoke to the congress about than 61.000. Indications were which was crippled by a strike The academic nature of the bate team and an all-campus the possibility of the university that these would quickly fall for-two weeks last month.- He university is not stressed student radio station, Suber becoming a member of National in line. However, at General said the GM strike was on enough in Student Congress said. He wants the tax imposed Student Association. Motors Corp. last month, local local issues, “this is on nation­ Suber said. He recommends i 00 the students to be variable She explained that the idea strikes interrupted production al issues.” * 7~\ that each of the academic col­ to meet such crises. \ for-more than two weeks fol­ Malcolm L. Denise. Ford behind the NSA was to main­ leges be given representation In other business, Mike Bar­ tain academic freedom and stu­ lowing agreement on a nation­ vice president-labor relations, in the Student Congress, pos­ bour. Lansing junior, was elect­ dent rights, to help stimulate al contract said he was extremely pleased sibly by a second house. ed the new speaker pro-tem. and improve student interest in The settlement came last with the new contract and said “Sometimes congress mem­ He has served four terms in national and international af­ night after a final four-hour Wednesday’s, agreement repre­ bers think that a bomb on the congress and was the chairman fairs, and to enable the student TOP ROTC CADETS—These Cadets have won the coveted Distinguished Military bargaining session which led sents a very substantial step to : ~p to agreement on two issues to getting our plants back into administration’s doorstep would to express these interests in Students awards. Left to right are: Richard W. Champion, Patrick G. Siemon, do more than a resolution.” but both the NSA’s regional and na­ Alan J. Harvey, George H. Foley, Dalrymple M. Harris Jr., Arnold E. Cheat, the non-economic section of the production. Student Congress must work with the administration to im­ S c ie n c e " tional conferences. Interests o f this organization James J. Aitken and Roy A. Waldron. contract—union representation and production standards. prove the school, he said. Cooperation brought about the new liquor regulations. Im p o r ta n t He in such areas and activities as sending books to Asian Stu­ dents or providing scholarships 22 Cadets Distinguished Reuther said that “ meaning­ ful progress" had been made on both questions. The union] Con-Con - “Now dismissal is iwt auto-, matic, only semi-automatic,** To Reds to colleges for refugees as those that came to the U.S. from Hun­ was seeking additional full­ time company paid union rep­ OK’s Shut Suber said. Congress often becomes bog­ gary, she continued. Little went on to say that! ged down from members inade­ “ Automation i s a more im­ nine universities, and colleges j R O T C G iv e s A w a r d s resentatives in Ford plants to j ~ | process grievances arising un- 1 i der the contract. It also was 1 Meetings quate knowledge of parliment- portant subject in Russia and in Michigan belong to the NSA. | ROTC, designated , * . ... , — _ 22 seniors ¡of being commissioned to the E. Cheal, Lansing; George H. for assembly line workers. 1seeking additional relief time ary procedure, be said. China than in the United They are: U. of M.; Alma Col­ State»’’ Dr. John B. Truxel, as Distinguished Military Ca regular army or the army re Foley, Lansing; and Dalrymple I Reuther said the union made Delegates, to the Constitu- Suber wants a class in parli- lege; Central Michigan Uni­ dets in ceremonies Wednesday serves. M. Harris Jr., Lansing. tional Convention voted Wed- mentary procedure for mem­ head of-the electrical engineer­ gains in the final settlement on bers. „ ing department at Polytechnic versity; Flint Junior jCollege; in Demonstration Hall. The awards were presented Alan J. Harvey, Mason; Fredj 1nesday to allow committees to ^ n w v ___ Institute of Brooklyn, said Lawrence Tech; Wayne State The awards will give the to cadets who have been rated L. Hasfen, Ottawa Lake; Gustaf hold secret meetings—but only Since the AUSG president is University; Kalamazoo College; cadet upon graduation a choice superior both in ROTC and in D. Hendrickson, E v e 1 e t h, if authorized by the convention the only official elected by the j^fabmsday. - Marygrove College; and Mich­ — ----------- ------ { Automation means automa­ igan College of Mining and tic control and is tor superior Technology. - their major subjects. 711100.; Richard C.~ Kerner, Presentations were based on Merrick, N.Y.; Frederick G. C h ic o , O f i itself. j The rule was adopted by a academic records, military sci­ MacEachron, Granville;- Mit­ r voice, vote after rejection of an Iloffa Charged: to manual control, he said. Truxal gave three reasons One-third of the college stu­ M o re S e n t ence grades and performance chell L. Newman. Detroit; and! Za n y M a rx j amendment which would have why automation is superior to dents in the U.S. and 400 col­ a t the summer encampment Robert L. Ozment, Newburgh, j required that all committee Of Mail Fraud manual control: leges and universities are mem­ T o Eu ro p e held between their junior and N.Y-. [ meetings be p u b l i c . The 1. Automation solves prob- ORLANDO, Fla. X e n | their superior potential. Roy A. Waldre Waldren. Lan­ 1vulsed movie audiences of the I Prizing secret sessions and- i t y to fhan I president, she continued. _ Senior,cadets who received sing; and Edward D Woodruff, 30s and 40s, died at home Wed- {Democrats opposed. Named with the Teamster’s; tion. _ thousand more men — regular — i Richard Winters, University Union boss in the 16-count in-1 3. Man lacks sufficient data junior, pointed^out to Little and Army and newly mobilized Air awards were James J. Aitken. „ n •. _ j nesday of a heart condition. | ONLY TWO Republ icans — diriment was a Detroit bank- [ to carry on operations that National Guard units — were Eaton -Rapids; Douglas K. W M a r , brother, broke A- Hannah w as Dean F d w a rd F *"*“ * Ulr c « P ; Mrs. Dorothy Judd of Grand ing official, Robert E. Mc­ could be done by automation. the Congress that membership ordered to Europe Wednesday Blood Jr., Wilmette, 111.; Barry A. Hannah was Dean Edward iag a team more than a decade Rapids, and Ink White of St. Carthy-Jr. in the NSA would cost thelm i- to boost U. S. military strength F. Bone, Riverview: Robert L. A. Carlin of University College, ago and Chico lived quietly in ¡ Johns, a newspaper publisher Truxal pointed out three im­ Cantrell, Southfield: Richard who They were accused of misus- *portant elements to automa­ versity $2,000 a year. in that crisis^rlutched area. ., . reminded the cadets of .recent years. He played lots —voted with the Democrats. ing more than $500.000 in onion tion. They are the computer,' He then suggested that the The Defense Department an­ W. Champion, Lansing; Arnold their responsibilities as officers. | of bridg’e and mac£ Four Democrats joined the funds, to promote Sun Valley. >the feedback and the ability of i Periodical Publications of the nounced that Secretary, of De­ sional night-club appearance. virtually solid G O P lineup in Inc., a housing development t £ s ^ t e ^ to toara fense Robert McNamara, with Among the remaining four supporting the authorization of on Florida’s east coast south j the s> stem to learn. i NSAsttRlent 110 ** received and thereby reading, opened President Kennedy's approval, of Cape Canaveral. Launched j Once the system has record- j saving the required amount for had taken the new action to in October 1954 as “ Florida's f( ed enough data, it can make membership and deriving es­ strengthen combat forces on Sends Gen. Taylor brothers, o n l y _86-year-old secret sessions. They were Gcoucho is still an active per­ Jack Faxon, Detroit; R a y former. But Harpo, 69, who KrolikowskiTTI a m t r-a m c k; greatest development since j decisions on past experience. sentially-the same information guard against possible aggres- Miami,’’ Sun Valley was ad- ;j he said. Man can also do this, that membership would vertised as a retirement vil-jjbiit his information wouldn’t lage for union members.- ! compare to the information the lications Little replied that the -J are fairly good . . butb u j sion by the Communists. “ pub- L J S a S S l f t T * ! I ^m ediately ’ the Pentagon t1 ™ To Assist Viet Nani never talked in films, recently Ralph Liberato, Warren; and regained s o m e prominence Melvin Ford, Detroit. with his autobiography, “Harr The rule adopted reads; po Speaks.” The other two “ A 11 committee meetings WASHINGTON, MP—President Kennedy said Wednesday the Wednesday’s indictment, re -, system using automation can sometimes superficial. ” ! S f t J T S i £ d^ mA °re world is in Jla period of maximum hazard” and no easy solu­ brothers, Zeppo and Gumma, shall be open to the public un­ turned by a grand jury after ! I remember. entered private business years less otherwise authorized by Therefore membership in t h e ^ a,i ? tion to the Berlin crisis is in sight. 12 days of investigation, is sim-1 Truxal also pointed out dan- NSA would be more worth while Cavalry Regiment would move ago. the convention by a majority- ilar to one returned by a Fed- j; gers in automation, including to the students, said Little. to Europe “at an early date” Kennedy announced, too, that he is dispatching a trusted CHICO’S survivors, in addi­ vote of the delegates-elect.” eral Grand Jury-here on Dec. ‘ survival, unemployment and and that 11 fighter squadrons military adviser, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, to Saigon to discuss tion to the brothers, include _ An amendment to the rule 7, 1960. }lack of communication be- and other elements of the Air ways in which the United States “can perhaps better assist his widow, Mary Di Vithas, declared that any witness-who The first indictment had 12 tween engineers and the pub- Natiohal Guard, which already the government of Viet Nam” in meeting the threat to its once a movie starlet. He mar­ is subpoenaed to appear before counts. The new one has 16. : lto. Q u e e n D e a d lin e have been ordered to federal independence. ♦ “ We are still not in sight-of ried her three years ago after a committee shall have the This includes six charges of! Truxal's lecture opened a service effective next Satur­ And, in a domestic but re­ Petitions for Homecoming day, would begin heading for lated -field, the President told land.” ~ . - J a 16-year courtship. right to be represented by mail fraud, one of mail fraud series of fail lectures on auto­ Yet the chief executive did The brothers were born of counsel of his own choosing. . conspiracy, three of fraud b y j mation which will be held each Queen candidates must be re­ Europe on Nov. 1. a news conference that hopes Jewish immigrant parents. telephone and one of fraud byj Wednesday at 4 p.m. for the turned to the Alumni Relations The announcement came co­ for a $3-billion surplus in the say his own conference with Their father, Sam, was a tail­ FORD SAID toe could think incidentally with the arrival at treasury this year—and for a Gromyko last Friday and those of no sincere or iaudible rea­ -telegraph. , [next four weeks. office by 5 p.m. Thursday. or, on New York’s East Side. a European port of the first tax cut—have been wiped out earlier between Gromyko and In the movies Chico dressed son or conceive of any'circum­ 500 of the 40,000 men who are because of steps to strengthen Secretary of State Dean Rusk like an Italian organ-grinder. stances under which secret being sent to West Germany to the national defense. had defined differences more meetings should be required. bring the 7th U. S. Army up to He said he hopes next year’s clearly. Furthermore, he said, He was a expert trick pianist He declared: and played with his knuckles, fufi combat effectiveness. The budget can be balanced and ta lk s—tout not negotiations — his nose and sometimes even ““The question is whether we 7th Army consists of five divi­ that a tax boost will be avoid­ are to continue at the diploma­ an apple. shall have a wide-open license sions, plus smaller units equiv­ ed. But he said there could be tic level. . In one picture, “A Night at,¡to conduct secret meetings or alent to the strength of another further unexpected defense Kennedy was both firm and the Opera.” Chico was asked: shall everything we do be-ex- division. The regiment ordered spending. conciliatory at the same time. “ Are -you Italian?” ! posed to the glare o f the pub- over Wednesday is in addition ~ Kennedy himself, led off the He said “ we have indicated “No,” he said. “ I only look liC-spotligHi“” to the 40,000 troops. conference—Ms first since Aug. that we will meet our commit­ this way because my mother "Either we favor “a 100 p e r Shortly after the Pentagon 30 — with his announcement ments with whatever resources cent open convention or we and father arc Italian.” announcement, a reporter*- a t that he is sending Taylor to are necessary to meet them.” SOME OF the other films he leave a foot in the door (for Kennedy's news conference Viet Nam this week. ' " “ AND WE also add.” he made with his brothers were closed meetings I .” noted that there has been crit­ THEN THE first question added, “that we hope it will be “The Cocoanots.” “ Animal —Opponents of the suggestion icism that U. S. leaders have bored in on the Berlin situation possible that accord can be Crackers,” “ Monkey Busi­ that all meetings he open with­ not fully-convinced the Soviet and whether talks with Soviet reached which will protect the ness.” “ Duck Soup,” "Go out exceptioimrgued that there riders that the United States Foreign Minister ~ Andrei A. interests and freedom of the’ West,” “ Big Store” and “A might be occasions when indi­ is determined to meet force Gromyko have raised hopes people involved; without hav­ Day at the Races." viduals might be slandered in with force in Berlin. — ffor a solution. ing to go to these extreme public without justification. ' Kennedy said “we have indi-i The answer: “No ” weapons.” cated that we will meet our | L ater., the President put it This was in answer to a 're­ F a lc o n e H o n o r e d ANN DONNELLY, a High­ commitments with whatever i another way: _ quest for 'reaction to what a > land Park Republican, con­ resources are necessary to --------- --------— — ------- —— - reporter termed charges that Dr. Leonard -Ealcone, con­ tended that the only reason the __ meet them.” He fiekeg off a « vy ^ AAA the nation has not maintained' ductor of Michigan S t a t e public should not be informed series of specific actions the t( 1 /1 * 8 1 1 t m l J U .U v U adequate strength and -.has Bands, has been appointed a of the convention’s delibera­ administration has taken since failed to convince Soviet lead-¡member of the National Advis- tions was to protect individual January. WASHINGTON U* — A draft ; ers of its determination to ory Board of Music Educators. rights The air guard outfits ordered call for 28.000 men in Novem- j meet force with force in Berlin - The board is composed of j The delegates turned down a- overseas Wednesday include her was issued Wednesday. All or elsewhere. nearly 500 music educators rnove to declare news media three fighter interceptor squad­ will go into the Army. Kennedy said the American and band directors from high j representatives “ full p a r t n e r s ” rons flying supersonic F104 The November quota is the people ere rightfully concerned schools and colleges across th e !in the convention, and to con­ planes a n d seven tactical same as that for October, but about the possibility of a war. nation They meet by proxy to duct a secret ballot among the fighter and onrlactica! recon­ la 5.00Q lesa than the Septem­ He aeid..as he bee Before, that consider common problems delegates at the end of the de­ THE CTMg OF CASE BALL « ■ ate grata aai a ü M t sfatewelu fa (he near naissance squadron. These By ber quota when the first full “we happen In live in • most and to pool professional re­ liberations on whether the fatte» if Mr. 'WeaflMnMa eeeeeralek. Bet the sfrte have fceaa tnvcHfif fbe Mask subsonic, Jet plane», inchidtng Impact of the military buildup dangerous time fai the history sources for the benefit of mu* press had been fate and accur- walkways te n i fnm dan. .v-L. - 5 F84S end F66e. r mnfflnBnWM i"2«':. . fJM f atfuPSwlw?* eüfc- ■S£ O » ® - iS K B uíwE W IB B M h m rJ jjjP P B H B ,J i |l ■Bp i h h i IH ;-:;íf S B lllK & lS v ' |f- ™ F » r V 4i ¡ ^ ■ ¡ ■ ■ ^ 1 tí*-&'Vte 't& á W& . ■ W: Michigan State Mea«,, T hursday M orning, O ctober 12, 1961 2 . E d ito r ia l • • _ V M u w e n D e c lin e filili Languages Valuable Eatand Oink,Kids R eserv e Y ou r By LINDA LOTRIDGE " ,J One of th e most encouraging signs a t th is university Assistant Feature E jtfr is the increased enrollment in foreign languagea. S tu­ dents taking a language th is fall num ber 3,300, a 43 p er cent increase over d ast year. s ,»’ . - ¡ . . . -. ■ •"” ■■-. ■■' ., ' • . '•!:■ -. V ■ •Stuffing one's face is a universal habit and one of life’s necessities—-unfortunately. '. ■• .' , 'S V ,.H; C opy The new language requirem ents fo r a BA degree ac­ A t least it's u n fo rtu n ate a fte r w atching some of my friends (and enemies, too) eat. This is one necessity, th a t count fo r some of th is increase. We Can hope however th a t many students a re tak in g « , 0 t to become to. im M ce.- « „ „ * .„ < 1 fro™ ’¿T co b »hiob R a n d M c N a lly p re s e n ts amr. th e courses simply because of th e ir m erits. The value However, all my friends don’t is then cast aside arid another of eveii a slight command of another language cannot have sloppy manners • only takes its piace. a r e v o lu tio n a r y n e w c o n c e p t those who persist in using tbeir I guess farms must be over­ be disregarded. f~ * >, crowded thgse days. I’ve seen fingers, hands, elbows (and a lot of corn eaters who ought in th e A T L A S fie ld < A READING a bility helps any scholar to rea d f u r th e r once in a while their feet) cause to„be back in their pen (and me to get perturbed and a wee in h is field. S cientists need a com m and of G erm an if tfit nauseated. I don’t mean play pen). There are dozens of other t a th e th e y hope t o ' become well-versed in m o st a reas. T he Ever watch anyone eat pizza? sam e is tru e in h isto ry , a rt, philosophy and on th ro u g h This would-be Italian quite in­ foods I could mention in con­ nection with bad maimers like th e catalogue. -r A .__ nocently starts out by using n peas, chicken and spaghetti. L IF E P IC T O R IA L A TLA S W ith m ore A m ericans tra v e lin g overseas today th a n ' knife s a d feric (according to Chicken eaters will always etiquette) but after one sharp delight in eating with their fin­ O F TH E W O R LD ev er before, .the s tu d y of a language is even m ore im por­ jab with the fork and a deep gers and anyway. Emily ap­ ta n t. I t seem s r a th e r fru itle ss to g ran d ly to u r th e conti­ gash with the knife, be abolish­ proves of. th atrB u t those gals n e n t w ith o u t being able to converse w ith a n y people es all of Emily’s (Post, of who are trying to impress a th ere . course) rules and picks the fellow when he takes her out R e g u la r E d i t i o n 20 .9 5 pizza up in his fingers. to dinner should avoid ordering T he m ost im p o rta n t reason f o r stu d y in g a language, - how ever, is in term s of o u r own welfare. We a re living THIS 18 when the (on begins. peas. D e lu x E d i t io n 2 3 .45 Sit back and watch the expres- This innocent-looking vege- in an in te rn atio n a l age ; th e old d ays of only th e n o rth ern sions on bis face as the grease i table can cause catastrophic re- h a lf o f th e w estern hem isphere a re g o re. and cheese on his hands and | suite when eaten by nervous Prices tiigher after Oct. 16, 1961 A lthough m any n ations of th e w orld now te a c h E n g ­ the tomato sauce dripping from] people There are numerous lish, we m u st do ou r p a r t in m eeting these people half­ his ever-so delicate Ups. j ways of attacking them. Once the eater has a portion You c a n line eight .or nine way.. We can no longer assum e t h a t th ey will m ake all of this goody in his mouth he on a knife and tip your bead th e o v ertu res, t h a t th ey will take all th e steps. We m u st deckles to pull the rest away, back and slowly empty them in. S p a r ta n B o o k S to r e move forw ard ourselves. thus taking a b it T hat’doesn’t look too good and HA! This does not work. Em­ may cause your date some em­ Corner Ann-and..MAC TH E ABILITY to speak a n o th e r lan g u a g e is im por­ ily’s protege ends up with barrassment. ta n t in in te rn a tio n a l rela tio n s since i t speedens nego­ cheese from his moutfT to th e If you’re not too hungry at tia tio n s w hen th e p a rtie s speak a com m on language. plate and back again to the the next meal, try sitting back EXCITING YOUNG BALLERINA—Pat McBride. 19, is piece of pizza. and watching people eat. It s one of trie leading dancers of the New York City Ballet. T he diplom atic value o f a com m and o f a n o th e r lan g u ag e I once saw a feUow get j amazing how many ways of is probably th e m o st im p o rta n t, how ever. I t gives th e Campus audiences viewing Tuesday evening's perfor­ I choked to near death whec. a “ downing” food there are. P e o - mance of trie company, interrupted the performance twice added a d v a n ta g e o f bein g able to ta lk fac e to fac e w ith o u t j piece of this special, stringy, ple-eater watching is a l w a y s to pay tribute to trite young star. Pictured with her Is going th ro u g h in te rp re te rs, th e psychological a d v a n ta g e Igooey cheese got twisted around good for a laugh, that i s if y o u r Edward ViUella. - of being able to g re e t a n o th e r c o u n try 's e m m issaries in | his neck. What a pathetic fig­ growling stomach doesn’t m a k e th e ir own language and num erous ad v a n ta g e s gaine'd ure and colorful, too in shades too much, noise. j of blue.- _ J ' a t social m eetings and th e innum erable diplom atic b a n ­ quets. _ These .m erits cannot be o v erstressed — both to th e So much tor the pizza-eaters. However, one note: did you , ever get the feeling that pizza Enthused Audience individauls and th e natio n as a whole. - 4. ‘ j places were opened by left wing I Italians who wanted to either I choke off all Americans or to | Applauds Ballerina B r o k e, ■n. B lo s s o m s S e t F o r F r i d ,a y | fatten up the population so they By CHERIE MITCHELL ■now is to dafice in Europe, the I t ’s T R -3 tim e a t ... ig j couldn’t move in case~bf war. The motion picture “ Broken I film critics the greatest in his! 1Pizza is fattening, you know.) and DAVID JAEHN1G home of ballet. But she is still Blossoms'’ will be presented Arid during Jhe twenties, j O IN K ! Sound like those bam- of the State News Staff j so over-awed by the other prin-_ . cipal ballerinas of the New by the Speech Department at ! “ Brok^ 1 Blossoms” tells th e jy a rd beauties called pigs are Patricia McBride, a tiny, 19-- j York u u y ,!» Bauetthatth¡ she really York Ballet 7 and 9 p.m. Friday for holders j £ £ . s e to? hopei ess.!1?ve.!°.f 3 at it Somehow, I can’t over-shot j doesn'tconsider herself any year-old ballerina, over-shot _________ an English girl. 1help thinking of this petife, the established stars of the^wjlere near their caliber. •-— of University Theatre season i The tale is based on Thomas slithering young creature when New York Ballet Tuesday coupon books. * \ Burke’s short stOrv, “ The I watch people eat corn on the The audience Tuesday eve­ night, evoking spontaneous ap­ Directed in 1919 by D. W. Chink and The Child’’ from cob. ning thought differently, how- I plause from the enthusiastic Griffith, considered by most i “ Limehouse Nights.” There are those who slap a ever, and honored her as th e , audience. ~ pound of butter evenly over' ERIC PRAVEL PRESENTS most exciting dancer of the- Had this happened once, one the ear (of corn) and then hun-i —The Philippines is the travel- woultLnot have thought it too evening. grily attaclT it with- a look in ! ogue to be shown in the Audl- unusual. Ballet' audiences 'oc­ On the male side of the corps. their eyes resembling “ that” I torium on Saturday. Oct. T4 at casionally give vent to the emo- Edward ViUella.. the youngest barnyard creature. 8 p.m.-This is the third travel- tions they ^ _ have built_rup___ d u r-! of men, uncorked the bubbling FOSTER AND PAUL INC. After several large chSTnps, I ogue in the University’s World ^ g a n exceptional bit of danc-! audience during ‘ La Sonnama 2S00 E . G R A N D R IV E R • I V 4 -5 14 8 a grunt and groan, the corn has Travel Series. jug and interrupt the perform- j bula” as he portrayed the Har- B E T W E E N L A N S IN G & E A S T L A N S IN G ~ 1ance. I lequin. Vilieila’s dancing was But for an audience to break I exciting and novel enough to F o r t h e first t i m e w e h a v e a complete selection o f T R - 3 ’ s . j into a performance twice in I earn him a burst of applause, C o ti• i l o d a y arif drive o n e . D i s c o v e r the Triumph TR-3’s the same scene to applaud the The great names of the New— i a l i y i r n i n g ^ e i f o r m a n c e . E n j o y the comfort that m a k e s t h e I same dancer is almost unheard York B alletr Diana Adams. T R - 3 a f a v o r i t e w i t h over 4 0 , 0 0 0 A m e r i c a n families. " C o m ­ 0f _ Violette Verdy. Allegra Kent. m im id 1 It was during the Third JiHana, Patricia "Wilde,_ Nich- IMovement: Allegro-Vivace, of.olas Magallanes, i Symphony in C, the closing se-1 Moncion and Michael Lland Francisco pare it f o r value with any other sports car or a ‘ l o w - p r i c o - t h r e e '* c o n v e r t i b l e . P r o m p t d e l i v e r y . O n l y I ftüiuituiny « 2 ,6 7 5 j lection of the evening the spun- j were technically magnificent, M ilk a n d Ic e C re a m taneous audience reaction tookfbut only Miss Wilde. Miss Kent place. The entire corps de bal- j and the willowy Jillana could let was excellent, so the tribute i be considered outstanding per- C ash & C a rrv : to the young ballerina was not | sonalities. M i I from audience starvation o r . Perhaps the loudly-applaud- |lack of good dancers. led veterans are just too pol- It was truly a heartfelt | »shed and have lost their indi- r tribute to an outstanding a rtis t.! viduality. Perhaps Villella and Milk 7 1 Gal Plain -Homogenized i Miss McBride, a native of Miss McBride just had -excep- I Teaneck, New Jersey, has i tionaUy good nights. j been dancing since she was j 39 — seven. In 1958, at the age of! The wheat in a 20 cent loaf 1 16, she joined the New York ¡of bread brings the farmer 2.3 Ballet. By-the time she was 18 i cents, she was a junior soloist and Ice Cream 1 Gal all flavor» during the New York ballet : season this year she was | raised to a first soloist. * j Perched on the edge of her I bed while $he discussed ballet Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity and dancing in “America, Miss j McBride nervously twirled her ' 1201 E ast G rand R iv e r . . . and pink size three toe shoes while 3053 Eaat M ichigan — J u s t west of Frandor I explaining she actually wore C o r d ia lly I n v ite s A ll ' size six. The tightness of the i ballet shoes gave her the sup- LANSING FARM PRODUCTS ! port needed for toe dancing. 1she said. : ' - 1 - One of her great ambitions r B u s in e s s M a j o r s . to an Y o u n g R e p u b lic a n s C lub tk»U M t i s i msn*P«MT clothing Tine sharkskin is « firmly masculine fabric. preedits OPEN RUSH SMOKER ;A • ' . Ingenious patterning by H. Freeman &Son - G eo rg e V an P u e rsen aiUs new interest to its supple, . F o rm er Speaker — M ichigan-H ouse of Representatives T h u rs d a y e v e n in g , O c to b e r 1 2 shape-preserving values. to discuss *100.00 fro m 7 -1 0 p jn . at J M ic h ig a n C o n -C o n -■ ■„ ^ • / T O N I G H T 2 4 4 W . G ra n d R iv e r O c t. 12 U n io n P a rlo rs 8 :3 0 % East Grand River « the Campus F o r rid e s , C a ll E D 2 -6 3 1 0 Refreshment* will be »erved U-t- É » ■Æ U n ra iiif M orning, O ctober 12, 1961 M ichigan State New», East Lansing, M ichigan MM..... With Maugham’s Fortune Crossword Puzzle ana aaaa ojayi □ 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 J 3 .3 U . B . B r id g e a n d Cam pus Classifieds Y o u r K e y to B e tte r Values . . , J 3 a a 0 3 JU 0 3 3 a D a n c e Le s so n s 3 G LIÉMIr SX Practice »T hai □□a □ □ □ » 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 □ 3 HIHC3 3 □ U3 3 AOH B e g in N e x t W e e k S. Adroit » F ro te « - - * aa 3 □□□ U3 3 ' ideas left. Now, I just travel t Intimidito lXTurkuh - rtfimtat «.M are □□ana □ jjs a a aaaoaasi □□□ Bridge lessons and dance in­ struction under the direction L O N D O N « - Somerset Stop them doing hack work.” IX Highway faithful of Union Board will begin Maughan — who may b t the Now 87, bis books nave sold or relax. Read thrillers.. Any 14. Harem 42. Thin within the next week. □□□□ □ a a u a a sa l world’s richest author—is go­ ing to leave his fortune to un­ more than SO million copies. His stories have been made in­ thrillers.” He still gets about 75 fan IX Proscenia IS. Jap. this circular plata 43. Shor EEsaj raoaa nnaj 3 S2 3 0 □ □ □ £ ) 3 0 3 ' Bridge lessons will be given on Thursday nights at 7 p .m , fortunate authors. to plays, movies and television letters a day. 43. Evening I the first lesson this Thursday “My fortune such as It Is­ productions. He owns an out­ “ I try to answer them all,” tT. Plague tXFasttmipat party _ Solution of Yesterday's Posate standing collection of impree- be explained. and continuing through Novem­ is going to tbs-Author's Socie­ mua. : « . Pillage ber 16. Price is 63 per person. ty, he said in an Interview. sionist painters, among them Literary m e n estimated » P alestin o St. Water craft BOWM Maugham’s fortune will prob­ XDCubie .7. I s r a e l « Union Board dance instruc­ hope it will help needy authors. toe works of Picasso, Monet. I. Dwell hero Renior. Utrillo, Matisse and ably be greater than that left » sto lta » measure tion will begin Tuesday, Oct. 44. Carpenter's tediously Toulouse-Lautrec. by George Bernard Shaw. M. Name teat X Wing­ 17, and continue through No­ Altar many years residence Among Shaw’s large legatees » P ro b a b le SX Formerly shaped vember 21. Price is 63. In toe south of Stance, Maug­ were the Royal Academy of winner ».B urbot X Narrow f t sign-ups for the above ac­ Placement ham has returned to London to live. Dramatic Art, the British Mu­ SI. Brochara seum and the National Gallery » T h a herb of Ireland. Each of these has »M evo •T. Teamster's comman<1 » . Placad a . street 4. FUile X Storehouses IX! U.Orew 19. Piece at canvas tivities should be made a t the Union Board desk in the Union “ Pm getting old,'* he said. goU ball for weapons concourse before the first meet­ Bureau “That's why I want to live in London. Come home to rest and comfort, yon know.” received approximately 280,- 000 pounds (8764,000). Britain’s Authors Society is axleao laborara M. In addition • Large gnsko 11. Umbrage part » Kept ana's position ing. If it is impossible for you to do this, you man come to the first meeting of the respective Intorvtewing a t the Place­ Until he finds an apartment what the name implies—« ! or­ ax Missing groups. Accomodations are on M idnight W eekdays ment Bureau Monday and or a house, he is staying a t a ganization whose members are ax Picoas out a first come, first served ba­ Open D U 1 P J L W eek En d s Tuesday. Information la the hotel. authors. sis. Maugham said his autobi­ ★ ★ ★ n c ia a a h e é Placement Bureau Bulletin for D ick Hall, Michigan State band' Both groups will convene at 1 block East o f Campus the week of Oct. 16-20: ography ia nearly complete. 7 pm . in the ping-pong room. sophomore from Manitowoc, no “ I ’m not interested in pub­ itofllSMto Bering Company interview­ lishing it,” he said. “But I sup­ Wls., was one of tha Spartans’ » » m o l la i ing Ctvu, Mechanical, Electri­ pose someone will print it. most successful first-year ath­ »4. Tolerable cal Engineers and Math, Phys­ Once it’s published, I ’ll never letes in 1961. He led the basket­ »B o« ics majors — December and March graduates only. Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Engi­ read it again.” Asked if be will write any­ thing else, he replied: ball team in scoring with a 16- point plus average, and he won the Big Ten No. 2 singles ten­ ».T aparla« placa aftas « .r * Lansing’s Newest Restaurant neers, A p p l i e d Mechanics, “ No more fiction. "“I've no nis title. 44. Not any Mato and Physics majors—De­ 44. Kake angry cember, March and June grad­ 47. Sea birds uates for positions in design, « .B rin k research, development a n d production. E . L D b Pont De Nemonrs & Exhibitors Laud 41. Old »SM o f doth M. Be bound to pay Co., Inc^ interviewing Chemist majors, Chemistry, Mechani­ cal, Electrical, Metallurgical Career Carnival » Jot and Applied Mechanics for re­ search and development posi­ tions. What Is It Ufcs to attend a Career Carnival aa a corpora­ tion repreaeqtative? hours rest from the “ mobs’* of questioneers. EXHIBITS sponsored by the Discuss University North American Aviation, “ G reat!" Is tha reply of Inc., Interviewing Electrical, Metallurgical, and Mechanical Paul Decker, Chrysler Corp. representative. “ The people scientific, technical, and auto­ motive industries enjoyed a heavier response than those In World Affairs Engineers and Physics ma­ handling this affair have done backed by toa medical, dental, The role of toe university in er of the Dpening dinner ses­ jors. an excellent job. This year’s and service groups. world affairs was the topic of sion, which was presided over N orth. American Aviation, Carnival seems as well organ­ “ Students today don’t want a conférence held here Oct. by President John A. Hannah, Inc., Autonetics Division inter­ ized and effective as most of to spend -the time and money 5-6 by the Committee on Re­ was Dr. J . L. Morrill, chairman viewing Electrical, Mechanical the commercial shows that 1 on a medical education and gent Responsibility for Uni­ of the Committee on The Uni­ Engineers and Physics and have attended.” then lack such fringe benefits versity Participation in Edu­ versity and World Affairs of Math majors. Gene Wiechec, public' rela­ a s-th e pension,” according to North American Aviation, tions director for the Michigan cation Abroad of the Associa­ the Ford Foundation, and pres Convenient Fine Facilities Dr. Arthur Nilan of the Central tion of Governing Boards. ident-emeritus of the Univer Inc., Rodketdyne Division in­ Chiropractic Society, added his Dental Association. “ We feel sity of Minnesota. City Parking fo r The purpose was to acquaint terviewing ChemicaH Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engi­ neers and Chemistry, Physics approval of the Carnival coor­ dination when he said that he has “ . . . never experienced so this is one reason for a smaller response inr these fields this year. Nevertheless, we are the members of the governing boards with the variety of in­ The Friday, October 6, ses­ sion featured an address by Dr. John B. Howard, director And Entrance TH E EAGLE Term Parties- Upstair* and Math majors. .December much assistance when work­ happy to attend and get our ternational programs now in In Rear operation on campuses across of international training and and March grads only. ing at one of our displays." - story across.” , research for the Ford Founda­ THROUGHOUT the two-day the country and to explain how North American Aviation, vocational information service OTHER corporation benefits they may play a more effec­ tion, on the involvment of 2 0 4 N. W ashington - Across from G ladm er T heatre O pen till 2 a.m . lac.. Space & Information Sys­ tive role in an internationally American higher education in tem s Division interviewing program, the most extensive gained from Carnival attend­ on any'campus, large numbers ance were listed by William S. oriented system of higher edu­ tha International field. Electrical, Civil,- Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineers, of students converged on the Locke, public relations mana­ cation. Physics; Chemistry and Math 70 displays and 290 representa­ ger for Standard Oil Company. Attending were 44 Invited re­ majors. tives to seek career advice. A 13-year Career Carnival vet­ le n ts , trustees, and high ad­ Department of State Foreign Most representatives report­ eran ,'L o ck e stated that this ministrative officials of 23 Service interviewing Public ed a “terrific” student reac­ annual event J s particularly state-supported and private col­ Administration, Business Ad­ tion, heightened by the asking helpful in job recruitment ef­ leges and universities in the ministration, Economics and of “ intelligent and w e 11 - forts. states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, R e l a t e d subject. Political phrased” questions. As a further aid to coining Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Science, History, Language. Westinghouse delegates wel­ graduates, many of the corpor­ Wisconsin. Geography and International comed the close of the Monday ations ported dates when they evening session, hoping they will hold job interviews on CHAIRMAN OF the sponsor­ Programs. ing committee is J a n B. Van- Shell Chemical Co. inter­ could give their voices a few campus. Interviews will be scheduled derploeg of North Muskegon. viewing Chemical Engineers He is a member of MSU’s and Chemistry majors and Me­ S ta te B a n d s m e n later this term through the Placement Bureau. Board of Trustees. The speak chanical and Electrical Engi­ neers. Sinclair Research, Inc., in­ W ill F o l l o w T e a m SERVING YOU terviewing Chemical Engi­ The Spartan Marching Band neers and Chemistry; (organic, will accompany State’s football WITH 4 HARBERS inorganic, and electro-chem­ team to the University Stadium ists) majors. Saturday for the MSU-U of M Sinclair Refining Co. inter­ game. viewing Chemical, Electrical Band directors here have pre­ D o h m 's B a r b e r S h o p and Mechanical Engineers; pared special and mysterious will interview on cam pus Sylvania Electric Products, marching tactics during half Inc. ' interviewing Electrical time. Immediately following B-16 Frandor Avenue Engineers, Math and Physics the game the band will return (Concourse) majors. McDonnell Aircraft inter­ here for a special dinner at the Union Building. Tuesday —S aturday 8 :0 0 • 5 ;3 0 viewing Civil and Electrical, The Saturday game will be F ra n d o r S hopping C enter O C T O B E R 2 6 Mechanical. Metallurgical E n­ nationally televised. gineers and Applied Mechan­ ics. Standard OU Co, interview­ ing Economics and Business Administration majors. B .S . and M .S . candidates Argenne National Labora­ «*» tory interviewing Electrical, F A S T S E R V I C E Mechanical, Chemical, Metal­ tn E le c tric a l E n gin e e rin g, lurgical Engineers and Phys­ ics and Math majors. (Not in­ ON M e c h a n lo a l E n g in e e rin g terviewing Tuesday.) R. J . Reynolds Tobacco Co. a n d P h y s io s for interviewing chemistry majors for position in research. (They D e s ig n a n d D e v e lo p m e n t will not interview Tuesday.) D R Y C L E A N IN G ! S p e c ia liz e d T ra in in g P ro gra m , D ire ct A ssig n m e n t, Worstid Wool Flaooeis G rad u a te S tu d y P ro g ra m k - We Offer 1-brDryCleesisf Seni« PERMANENTIX ? AH Week Leng Up Te 4 P.N. CREASED Sea your ptocairmnt officer now to amtnga a a letendew with tha RCA n r r tf a a te F ia ONLY Piet ★ Shirt» ^ B ulk L aundry A n Equal Opportunity Employer 12 9 5 ] 'ic A lterations ■At Water pro o fin g — a y a h a b lb a i He T uxedo R ental T h e M ost T ru s te d N a m e In E lectro n ics LEN KOStTONETS varsity m r n u M i u a . O n e H o u r M a r t i n i z i n g M l a U # . Lae« Theatre Black Pay More! WUFori .JÊÊShm m H I&fiiW i■SÄwHs;*> Siale Newa, East L*n«2ng, M lchlgai as S p a r ta n B a n d T h r ills *MEN OF BRASS’—Grand Ra­ pids Lee High School major* ettes along with their little mascot watched overawed aa the MSU Marching Band went through their pre-game show, last Saturday afternoon. — State News photo by Fred Brnwold. FANCY STEPPERS—Moving through their Intricate dance formations, the MSU Band shows off their famous chore­ ography. , State News P hotos Hy D oug GilHert BRASS BRIGADE—The trombone section of the Spartan marching band demon­ strates their musical abilities as they move down field in Spartan Stadium. DANCING BANDSMEN—Fine musical precision is Just the beginning when It DEEP-SOUNDING BRASS—The lower brass Instruments comes to being a member of the State .Marching Band. Excellent physical coordi­ stand eat as the “Men of Brass” perform for the Spartan nation is also of the utmost importance. crowd during half-time shows in.the MSU Stadium* DIRECTOR OF BANDS—Leonard Falcone, famed director el tha MSU bands, conducts the Spartan Band. The hand [ vriD perform at the Michigan-Mkhigaa State game Satar* ^ W in d o w P e c k e r P le a d s G u i l t y Thomas E. Smythe, of Char- window p rokthg 0« campus. a jn . Wednesday hy the de- justice court and was fined $75 partment of public safety for and $4.30 fit costs. Latheran S t u d e a t A sa . — Yonng Republicans—Thursday, Thursday, 4:10 p.m., study |:SD p.m., parlors Unk». Had M'inori Te Rod h CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP ingroup, University Lutheran Tri Boia — Thursday. 7 p.m., Church. 490 Natural Science. Mietigli This Fall For All 8am WISH—Amateur Club—Thurs­ M u ta » Christian Fellowship day, 7:45 p.ra„ election of —Thursday, 7:90 p.m., Beth­ officers, Foundry Bklg. Kappa PU Methodist Women's er^ * el Manor, OB E. Grand Riv­ O rgiatfHsa — Thursday, 7 Politicai Seienee Coffee Bear Greek Orthodox .m., bus will run, Wesley —Thursday, 4 pan.. Parlor goundatian. \ C, S p en to : Ihr. N. Chouraki. Lutheran S t u d e n t Assn. — Foreign Affaira Advisor for Thursday, 12:10 p.m., Grad­ David Ben Guirou of Israel. uate — Faculty Lunch, Uni­ Mtehtgaa S t a t e Ualverslty ■Student Mixer - versity Lutheran Church. Men's C I a b Luncheon — Packaging Wives’ Society — Thursday, 12 p.m., Union • INFORMATIVE MICHIGAN CONSERVATION Thursday, 0 p.m., 1106 E. v Parlors, Speaker, D u f f y MAP S E R V IC E - _ University Village. 1 1 Daugherty. H o ly T r in ity C h u rc h • LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW AND USED R IFLES AND SHOTGUNS IN EAST LANSING Varsity Drive In • GUN RENTALS BY DAY OR W EEKEND • HUNTING LICENSES • AMMUNITION 1 2 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER • COMPLETE HUNTING CLOTHING AND OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P .M . ACCESSORIES _ Na t io n a l r o s e o f p i k a p p a p h i —Ann pirochta, DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. 20-year-old senior from Pontiac has been chosen the Na­ tional Rose of the PI Kappa Phi fraternity. Forty-one girls competed for the title. Miss Pirochta is a member 8 :3 0 P . M . - 1 :3 0 A.M . Spartan Sports & Hobbies SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P .M . - 1 :3 0 A.M. 227 ANN STREET ♦ ACROSS FROM KNAPPS of Tower Guard and maintains a 3.97 honor point average. ED 2-6617 EAST LANSING COUGH, COUGH/ PLEASE CO U G H/ W E RESERV E PRICES COUGH/ TH E RIGHT TO GOOD THROUGH LIM IT SUNDAY, QUAITITIES S H A R E E IN * OCT. 15, 1961 THESE COLD 6ERMS Cdlll NEVER BOTHER M3U AGAIN.' > F O O D C E N T E R S DO M30 THINK ITS GOOD F0ß V00R FATIENTS-TO BE LVlNG , ON THE SlDEUJAlX THAT IdAV? OXFORD LOVERS. Oxford — th at desirable, reliable w eav e. . . w ith th e narrower Naaaau Collar. W ear it “in’’ or “ o u t" D rip -d ry ...ro ll sleeve« „ T in aoft pastels, rich D E L IC IO U S autumn-leaf tones; white, NO WORSE THAN SITTING IN red, black. Sizes 10 to 18. A DOCTOR'S COLD EXAMINING F R Y IN G C H IC K E N PA R TS ROOMFORFORTMMINUTESWHILE white and light blue. WITH HE'S TREATING SOMEONE ELSE/ $ 3 .9 8 B R EASTS RIBS Beef Wanda Hancock L e g s & T h ig h s 2 9 Chicken 226 A bbott WITH BACK PORTION T u rk ey _2 f( W IN G S "19 Salisbury Steak Complete Optical M acoroni & Cheese Service 8 ^ ^ * ^ N EC K S 0 5 Eyas examined H o t H o m e B a k e d P ie s 59c e a FRANDOR Glassee Fitted H I L L S B R O S . C O F F E E 4 ^ lb P IL L S B U R Y F L O U R REGULAR OR DRIP Apple * Peach * Pineapple Use Sears Ne ~Ap> Easy j H pointment With Ceupoa A «2.06 Or Mere Feed Purchase Payment (Offer ^Expires October lSth) »pen & «2.00 Or More Food Purchase Necessary (Offer Expires October 15th) Plan SHAHEEN’S COUPON K R A FT V ELV ET A C H EES E SHAHEEN’S COUPON 2 lb b o x 6 9 c With Coupon k «2.00 Or More Food Purchase With C u p e e k «2.00 Or Mere Feed Purchase With Coupon k 12.00 Or More Food Purchase (Offer Expires October 15th) fteàtvooàsfipss LITTLE BOY BLUE - ^ SHAHEEN’S COUPON V JA V U n iY l Vi f i l QUICK OR REGULAR 18 ox pak (Offer Expires October 15th) (Offer Expires October 15th) SHAHEEN’S COUPON SHAHEEN’S COUPON New—the tradi- ienal Tab jack­ e t/ Knit waist and cuffs, tab­ M IC H US N o. 1 ■T •- D EA N S D A IR Y M U K . Red Juice U.S. No. 1 bed collar with scalloped back M a c in to s h A p p le s PO TA TO ES y - » p , — ,m n a n d . inverted pockets. Free 4 lb with 39 Tan and OUve lb b a g £ Q c purchase o f 4 lb. - . C |F ^ DUBUQUE v™ - G O LD EN Y ELLO W SU C E D B A C 0N 4 9 c H E A D ^C T T O O E Orion Pile Lining a t .... (fo r w inter w eather) BA N A N A S O SC A R M A Y ER S o n , P e w a m o B u tte r “I £ \< ß , L o r Sandwich Spread 3 tabes L l i r lb . - DELSEY _ T o ile t T is s u e * ' B o t h S to r e s O p e n 9 to 9 S u n d a y & W e e k d a y s 205 E ast G rand R iver W H a 521 E. GRAND RIVER AVE., EAST LANSING ; - 10 0 1 W . S A G I N A W , L A N S I N G 'àJ&ËISâ&Æ&i'sX R e c r e a tio n C h ib E le c t s T w a r d a k N e w T re a s u re r Bright Seósonal Outlook Professor Louis F . Twardzik, of the park management sec* tion of Resource Development, was elected treasurer of the By DICK ROBINSON for an outing at Wisconsin this with a fast 19:35.5, to set n American Recreation Society Of the State News Staff Saturday, followed by runnings record for the four mile double- a t a meeting held in Detroit Jerry Young, senior captain against Penn State. Notre loop course, a victory which recently. _ of this year’s cross country con- Dame, and the Air Force, hi The convention in Cobo Hall tingent, holds the main hopes that order on consecutive week- led tfae Spartans to toe champ­ was a joint meetings of the of gaining individual laurels ends. ionship. h i his previous yew , American Recreation Society for MSU again this season. November figures to .be an he placed fifth as MSU record* and the National Recreation SKCIAL The lanky, 20-year-old har- important month for Young A ed a record low score f the runnerup Detroit Tigers, was named toe American League manager of the year in a na­ tionwide poll. th « p e r fe c t fa s h io n a llia n c e fo r t o w n , f o r c a r e e r , fo r a n y w h e r o th a t a s m a r tly s o p h is tic a te d d r e s s is im p e r a tiv e o u r g r e y g ie n p la id b lo u s o n RAY CHARLES o f p r e s s - r e t a in in g .z e f r a n a c r y lic Concert and D ance ¿ a n d w o o l, w ith s o f t ly flo w in g ro q ultlt# Friday, Oct. 13th At Civk Asd., Lansing Featuring _ d u s te r b o x p le a ts a n d {e w e l MY CHARLES AND HIS*1S PIECE ORCHESTRA Subtle plaids o r bold plaids they’re here in with toe o u r complete, collection o f sty le rig h t H a rt RAELETS SINGERS S chaffner & M arx and Cam pos - Togs Sport Coats-. - Tickets on Sale HSftM Sport Coats from |5 5 Campus Togs from 339.50 Campus Musk Shop lohnny'« Record Shop Mi l l ' S ier»:39 p.m. to It39 a.m. Cfvk Auditorium Paramount News tw o eleven south Washington «f PlgPPs■ gp'H1 ■ M k U g u State T hursday M orning, O ctober 12» 1961 Has tt beau ta rd le adjust toi V e ts ’ W iv e s S e e - S h e V a to e d N o w eoltefls Sfe aftar a p ta f f i ta» tag M M pw ethem t? “ No. I d o n i think so,“ Nsacy said tbovfbtfolly. “ It am « x e s B o u ffa n t F lo w e r S e ttin g s Flower arrangements for fall wonderful experioac«, t a t I NEW YORK O P -S o ta r as ed most of his clients—includ­ ing to tt a hospital jn New and winter will be demon­ wag ready to fN a it up. I George . Masters, Beverly Hills ing Marilyn Monroe, Cyd j York, she phoned me and strated by Dom Jaekel of Jaak- Adjusts to Campus Life learaad a lot during the year; hairdresser , t a t everything happened at bouffant hairdos is concerned, those Charisse, Arlene Dahl. Doro­ asked me to do her heir. 1 had are fine for thy Malone and Barbara Rush just flown back from Europe •oeh a rapid pace i m i really Halloween, but the rest of the — but not Elizabeth Taylor. that day. But I Oew to New d k b t have time to tbtak about : el-DeVries florist, Lansing, a t the meeting of the Veteran Wives’ Association Wednesday. Husband Eddie Fish«- has had I York for three hours.” Anyone interested should be By & A U .riK IK fC K 80N during the school year. tinued. “ . . . that I’m engaged, i t The most fun of all is retell­ time American women should no success either, he said. For that trip, be says, be at Spartan Village Hall nt took like little European boys. Of the Stale News Staff p | -.THE BIGGEST problem, she and that I’m not allowed to date ing it now.“ Thus the 23-year-old mo/ie “She loves her big head, and was paid $1.000. 7:90 p.m. where transportation Nancy Anne Fleming, a says, is the telephone. It rings or participate in, college ac­ When asked if she had m y colony favorite took issue with w ont change, so I go along When Marilyn left the hos­ downtown will be arranged. month after relinquishing her constantly. Nancy's number is tivities until Jan'. 1, IMS. This trouble organizing her study Mr. , Kenneth, the New Yorker with it.” pital, she called in M r. Ken­ Miss America crown, is adapt­ unlisted, ta t apparently it has isn’t so of course. I think most people realize these are just her who does Jacqueline Kenne­ He called Jennifer Jones a neth. U B D a n c e F r id a y ing to her new role as a coed leaked out bright-red typewriter, dy’s hair. facing the same problems that “Most of the calls are from rumors.” — where she had been working good example of the tittle Eur­ opean boy look: hair down The Union Board prgseuteits beset the average college fresh­ boys,” she said, “ and most of NANCY IS carrying I t credits on her first theme for a col­ Here for a few days of con- third dance of the season on man. them don't have anything to this term. She passed the waiv­ lege class, and answered, sultation at the department j over one eyebrow and tapered L e c t u r e C h a n g e H store (Saks) whose Beverly back to reveal the lines of the Friday. “ Moments to Remem­ She’s living in West Landon say. They just bang up. It’s got­ er exam in American Thought “ Yes!” ber” will be held in the Union A public lecture Thursday by dormitory in a three-girl room. ten to be such a problem that and Language. Her subjects in­ n VOICING THE sentiments of Hills branch he manages, Mas­ I| head. the He likes hair soft around face, shorter in front, long- Ballroom from $-12 p.m. Her two roommates are for­ sometimes I tell them Nancy’s clude home economics, psychol­ most college freshmen, she ters confesses to one problem. a top British police official has mer classmates from Monta­ at the library or in the shower ogy, natural science. English, said, “ It takes plenty of self Many of his customers go to I er in back. been changed from 1 p.m. to General communication arts, discipline to decide when to Mr, Kenneth when they’re in | ""Women shouldn’t look baby- | 9 a.m. - gue, Lenee Kowalski, this o r just plain not in.” year’s Miss White Lake, and “ Everyone has been so and H PR study ami when to have fun.” New York. dollish,” he said. “ We have the same custom­ Masters began dressing hair Col. T. Eric St. Johnston, _____ Getwithit, man! Yes Martha Nelson. friendly," she said, flashing She reports that the funniest Nancy plans to concentrate >chief constable of the Lanca- The closets-in Nancy’s room that Nancy Fleming smile. exannjuestion she’s found so on studies this term, and hopes ers shuttling back and forth in Grosse Pointe, Mich . when are the same size i s in rooms Some of fair girl friends in the far was on a test in HPR. “ How to join dubs and activities here from the Coast,” he said. “He he was 15. he said, for the !shire County, England, con- beltmgii thewsatils all over campus: too small. She dorm cut out pictures of her would you determine your ideal later. gives them big heads here. 1 Ford family. He worked in ; stabulary, will speak on “The keeps her evening gowns at that -appeared in advertise­ figure type?” was the query. convert them to little heads on | New York for a few years, and Organization of the British Po­ the home of Martha’s grand­ ments during her reign, added “ (A) By the meafurments of parents in'Lansing. She plans funny captions and pasted them the average MSU coed (B) By pie Coast. It’s getting ridicu­ has been in Beverly Hills for lice” in Kellogg Center. lous. The-bouffant coif was all I three years. Corduroy to continue making personal up in her room. your individual structure and Phi Alpha washed up two years ago and I Would his customers be loyal doesn't go with today's styles.” Johnston is currently on a lecture " lour of the -United appearances on weekends at “ I’ve heard all sorts of ru­ needs (C) By the measure­ Ito him if^he and Mr. Kenneth fashion shows and other events mors about myself,” she con­ ments of Miss AmerifcaT” 3 Elects Slate Mr. Kenneth had one com­ Were in the same city?' States and Canada under' the ment: “ I’ve never heard of “ 1 have no doubt of it,” he auspices of the International Newly elected officers of the Mr- Masters.” I said. “ When Marilyn was go­ Association of Chiefs of Police. Phi Alpha Club are: president, Masters says he has convert­ - SHOP FIR ST IN Mike Dones, Forest lull, N.Y., PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5917 junior; vice-president- Larry CAMPUS CLISSIFIEDS Steinberg, Southfield junior; GLA D M ER secretary: D a v i d Cuttner, f HtATHÊ PHONE IV Ï 981t Phone: 355-8235, 355-8256 White Plains, N.Y., sophomore; and treasurer: David Mende- n o w : LAST t DAYS 'A I I !■ * D EA DLIN E: 1:00 PAI. low, Rockville Center, N.Y., E A S T L A N S I N G * PHONE E 0.2‘2 8 I4 junior. A i / ■seen nr HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Phi Alpha is a local social ZM OUtol club which hopes toTiave IFC EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING A U T O M O T IV E R E A L ESTATE recognition within a few weeks. 19110 .V L > T !X H E A L E Y If they are approved, they have FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 91c E A S T L A N S IN G N E A iL - E y e n th e a chance to become a “colony” 'lim p íe te w i t h lic a t e r , w ltid x h b ir d « o w n t b e i r o w n tfS in e s , a n d »0 . H sbere, a m i tm n ie ^ u c o v e r. Q u ly i can you. A p p r o x im a t e ly /|6 0 0 and within six months to a .J.Ot) m ile * . Price* $ 1150. i'a lî j _ __ d o w n , o n F H A te r m » f o r t b i c » x FEATURE AT 7:19-9:35 t a y iie - C rtp p s , E D 7-9,182, • 14 I APARTMENTS c e p tto n a lly w ell-b irilt a n d m ain - year, they may become a fra­ M>*TIN HF,AI»KV. V T 'iiv u t ii> h — in Y v ir r T S v ? i ta in e d 2 b e d ro o m r a n c h . C a n .b e ternity. affiliated with the na­ HELD OVER THRU SATURDAY . **■, e x p a n d e d t o In c lu d e 2 m o r e b e d ­ ÎÏ afid 11., wire whei ro o m » . h a th . U t i l i t i e s . *100 a m o n th . 1 ro o m s . F u l l b a s e m e n t, i t * b a tlis , tional Phi Sigma Delta. ' nn«’«id for ml« 4*15 G ro v e S t. S id e e n tra n c e . M a r - I a to ra s re s p a c e -g a lo re ? F o r i n f o r - P e r s u a s io n “The best French film of toe year! Ctoozot who directed A p | , l! ' 504 D iv is io n . K D m a tto n c a ll E v a W a b e k e . E D 2- The club, started here in 1u¿1 HIH'K Tofh --"4 3 * — « r ¡4 1 1 2 o r E D 2 -6595 , W a l t e r » lle r September, I960, with three c o l o » by OC LUXE DIABOLIQUE, with toe performance he has extracted 1.Ill for »lude ilit I --------------■ C o.. R e a lto r s . 12 members, has 26 members in­ SHOWN AT 1:99 - 5:49 -19 from Bardot must now rank as France’s top director:” ROOMS . . ---- ------------ $ all Kl? 2-HÎ7T. ¿..-In~T|S V ~ - J— r-|— " — r-r-r- R E A L B A R G A I N f o r f u l l tim e cluding rushees. " " PLUS i i , } ! , ,J d o u b le . Ia r*,e » t w i n s t a f f m e m b e r an d. q u a l i f i e d b u y e r , in53 HIH’K 2d- h e ils . i l l e t l s h o w e r, p r iv a t e i n - j i , b e d ro o m h o m e c lo s e t o c a m - Ce-feature at 3:25 - 9:19 li«*t of ft*r over f 1IfÎ t r a n ie r - C T J - S u n s e t L a n e . Si.nO. E D p u s . M u s t h a v e $1000-81500 d o w n . «fur 5 p.ni in BliCK (Viitu - - '• I I I . IS C a ll E D 2-2946 . A P P R O V E D , u n m ipervi*«*»! aiu urie ì _ R E D C E D A R > - 12 S tu d e n ts M ig r a t e GARY COOPER Á U D REY -H EPBU RN A R E A . W a lk in g llltM*!iHiiíral «.'Olidit’iou ro o m a n d la r g e d o u b le . C o o k in g j d is ta n c e t o c a m p u s . 5 b a d ro o m s , Ann Arbor will t a host to IN J«»r. tir**», new 1>H11ei •p riv ile g e » . G ra d s tu d e n ts p e r f e r - I d o u b le lo t , 2 b a th s , n e w ly c a r p e t« f Sir«?. KP re d . K D 2-3737. 11 ed SO fo o t l i v i n g ro o m , f ir e p ia c e . (nany MSU students this week­ - “ FASCINATION” a tt a c h e d g a ra g e . C a ll E D 2-4419 in«f> 1)0DOK. 1 (lot. end for the annual rivals’ foot­ rr. ¡iuitorna tlf. i00 ft, L O S T and F O U N D I o r 3:*f»-17Sj,________________ :_______14 ball game. In fa c t so many stu­ STARTS SATURDAY take over iia.vnic'lit». 1/>S T. M a n ’ s H a ir r tlto n w lte h . S ER V IC E dents will evacuate our cam­ P e n ti n t e n t a i v a lu e . R e w a r d . 3 *».*•- 909,». - *. ]j pus that evidently the sponsor­ O P E N IN G O F F E R . I r o n c o r d 4 n - ing groups feel there is no need B L A C K 15 BO N T C a m e o b ro a c h . | , t a l l « j « v b lle y o u w a it . S1.99 ta x for registered parties this week­ L e a th e r b a c k e d . L o i*t in a r e a o f in c lu d e d . O f f i c i a l f a c t o r y a u t h o r ­ r a r v . F a m ily p ie ce . D e trire r e ­ iz e d s e r v ic e c e n te r . A l l w o r k g u a r ­ end. t u r n f o r s e n tfm e n ia l re a s o n s . Ca a n te e d . V a n R o w e L a n s in g C o m ­ But don’j forget to look here SUN. — “THE LONG, THE SHORT AND THE TALL*1 IV 5-4972 A f t e r 6 p .m . t f p a n y . 3 0 0* V in a S tr e e t, W e s t o f F ra n d o r, 11 every week for the social scene. LO S T , S ta n ’ s g o ld r i n g w i t h re d » tu n e . R e w a r d . C a ll E D 2-ÛOS9, a » k C H T L D C A R E In m y E a s t L a n ­ Be seeing you here next Thurs­ f ü r BuU M u lle i’, » 11 s in g h o m e .. 1230 B u r c h a n t D r iv e . day. P h o n e E D 2-6S59. IS Program Information Dial IV And have fun at Michigan PERSO NAL B U D S P A N G L E R o r c h e s tra S ow a v a ila b le I V 2-1240. f o r e n g a g e m a n ta . C a ll while the Spartans* beat the 15 Wolverines! TOD AY . » » Last Time« MICHIGAN TMt ATOf OMÖW4 ty •7 '4* Tkii eew 1-plcet outfit will earry y ea >nd tion. t'iill li#1» ■7377. Mi tb reu fb the tehee) ytet; is high ityle! Mti-TD. 1ST.2- wiiì te, ron verGhie, i C H I L D C A R E In m y U n i v e r s i t y V i ll a g e a p a r t m e n t . E D 2-4416. 12 Feature aTl:30, 3:35, 5:35, 7 :4 1 ,1 :0 P . M. N eterel-thouldtred je e ie t. lined with Krig-in** cómplet overhh 0l»d. \ Ar*»und $71*o. Must geli. !3 01 1. j T Y P IN G 7 I n S p a r ta n V illa g e Lend on to » » print h et narrow lepell. I ni versi tv YillitKf, 155-iti 51. 15. a p a r tm e n t. E le c tr ic t y p e w r ite r keek vent, lap t e a m , teored b u t­ C a ll 353-3012. tf \\. «.A. Cowpe, 59. Wire tv .F'Figrr GO-ROSE BOWL ton«. V eit reverte» to velvety Im­ w »It «»ride vvull*. rad io, heater Líe.si ! S em i S i,00 f u r y o u r B u m p e r S t ic k e r i'i »naUle ot’fer. El>7-1171. M ;.A, 1959 Red A3 da. tonneau euver. alinoino .11j toftdnter. Wire 1i 1to B u m p e r S t ic k e r o f th e M o n th , i ' l i i l i .. i ■'! S te p h e n s o n B id « ., D e t r o it 2, Jlic.li. 12 T Y P IS T A N N B R O W N . E D : 2- 3384. E l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r . T e r m p a ­ A FTER tu GAME ported C otton H lS-Sutda. Pott-G red tlecltt are trim, tep e rcd . $29.99 In now colon— a t tto re t that a rc "with .tfS. Griod trari i-ortr tion. i a n d $1.30. R e s e r v a tio n s n o w b e in g K E N N Y D A V IS ORCHESTRA. f ’»H». Oali KD 2-Stiì 7 afu r ri p.m. ta k e n a t th e D is c S h o p . . C a ll E D 2-1477 . 15 starts T O M O R R O W ! • • • id weekends. 12 ; F O R T H E F I N E S T in d a n c e m u ­ TH E SIS TTPIN G . p rtn tin g . A d- Uferi! PI»V.M<»1TM Kuna well S75 ! sRico nI t 'sE nJ ag clisk hB, r apuinn s. Bmo babnyy S otethv eenr ss ., rie » on forni a n d ety le a t no So much of so many of us are in it.. KD -1176. after .4 f.HI. *— •v-i c h a rg e . E d itin g S e rv iv a W oneh d% tion. 111-4. IÍVr, t*igyM orn i7 4 drive. atao- 0624. . ni nlilft. Very ri od transí»urta- Cali AJiuja; 355-1S04 between P U nne th e B u d - M o r A g e n c y , TV 2 - G rafie Sorvlcn. 1720 E .. M ichigan "A L P H A X I8 11 p le d g e s a r e o n th e m o v e . BEW ARE! Your t f A v a L anaing. P h . 434-718«. PHOTOGRAPHY: bpocial p u r- 11 pose p h o to g ra p h y a n d p ro c e ssin g tf E L IA K A Z A N S P R O D U C T I O N O F h is . f o r th eses, etc. E x tre m e cloee-up 11». 7 PÍ.VMOITH 4-dqnr, -blue. S 4’\ Under, gtamia d shift. very j R eEpVuEb RlicYaOn NCElu bW. ETLoCnOigMh tE, . OYc t.o u n12,g and copying. C all ED 2-5189. 13 S P LEN D O R m G R A S S ronditton. Cali ÎV 5-»2rii. 12 8:3 0 p .m . In th e U n io n P a r lo r # . P a r t y - T i m é taa% pop UI >—wem tomo !L G u e s t s p e a k e r. R e p u b lic a n S t a t e IV 7-0160. TYPING DONE in m y h o ra a C all II WRITTEN b y W IL L IA M IN G E C e n tra l C h a ir m a n . G e o rg e Van P e a rs o n . T o p ic : M ic h ig a n C o o t C w t. STUDENT DISCOUNT, s e lf wa»li, 11 « .75. L ub jo b , $1.09. S tu d e n t p a r k ­ in g , $1.50. F re e q u a r t o f o il w ith S E N IO R W I T H T I C K E T S iU .JM .- ev e rj' oil c h a n g a C om plota tu n e - EM P LO YM EN T M .8 .1 '.) g a m e w is h e s t o c o n ta c t u p . Open 24 h o u r a D ave’# F a ro s h a rp co e d w i t h c a r . G a ll 355-94X7. OU. 1010 E. G ran d R iv er. 11 tf We Carry w i t h one YOU A RB W ELCOM E to p lo y Don’t tot th e final w histle of S E N S A T IO N A L f o lk , s in g e r , J o a n B rid g e a n y W ed n eed ay even in g , t u g f ir m s , B aez, a p p e a r in g A n n A r b o r M.S., 7:1 5 In th e b ase m e n t o f $0$ Ab­ A. c e r tifie d o n f u r n ia ! io n F r id a y , O c to b e r 27, 3 :3 0 p .m . T i c k ­ b o tt, n e x t te S ta te T h e a tre . ACBL th e gam e end your week-end e ts a v a ila b le a t th e D is c S h o p . (I a w a rd s. F o r in fo rm a tio n , E D 8-544« IS FU N ! Complete Selection FO R S A LE S H E IL A K N IG H T T A R R Y p le a s e c o m e t o th e S ta te and D E A N CONTEM PORARY m uele fo r Of - . N e w s o f f ic e , R o o m 347, S tu d e n t d a n c in g a n d e n te rta in m e n t. M usic S E T O F F O U R -* >00-14 tir e s . 'X Z T - S e rv ic e s B ld g t o r t w o fr e e p a sse s b y th e BACHELORS. E D $-$«47 P c iin t w a s liO f a n d d r y e r , m a tc h e d t o th e C ç e e t D r t v e - I n . tf o r IV 2-3503. 13 Onde’s has a fine selection 0 . of just right for parties s e t T h o r .M a n g le , $« » ra n g e , o i l Distinctive H.I.S» c o n v e rs io n b u r n e r . A f t e r %■ p.m . UNW ANTED young d riv e rs. • Cold Cats • Breads aad Buns • plus many more , ::i N . H e y f o r d . 11 W e 'll p a t y o u o n t h e b__ ack a s we TRANSPORTATION SPORTSWEAR A P P L E S : R e d D e lic io u s , J n n a - c o u n t y o u r m o n e y f o r a u to i n ­ s u ra n c e . B u b o lz , E D 2-3671, o v e r party treats, C iifn e , M c In to s h . N o rth e rn H pys Jacobsons. 11 W ANT R ID E fro m O w oooa I a n d C o r t la n d s . F r e e h a p p le c id e r. days. L eave 7 a m . th ro u g h a t 4:14 SECOND FLOOR - S u it ash. P ic a n d H a llo w e O n p u m p ­ F R E E . 5 x7 e n la r g e m e n t ! B r i n g p .m . 8A 3-1495. 13 k in » . F a r m f r e s h , e g g s . A ls o o th e r t c u lts a n d v e g e ta b le s a t re a s o n ­ t h i s ad to M a r e k R e t a i l P r e s c r ip ­ N EW YORK - JE R S E Y fo r Oade’s also carries a complete stock of beverages t io n C e n t e r b y F r a n d o r . N o p u r ­ a b le p ric e » . -R o a d s id e F a r m M a r k - ■ t, 2 m ite s e a s t o f E a s t L a n s in g o u U S 16 a t O k e m o s .R o a d . tf c h a s e ne eded , u l n r i t o n e t o a f a m ­ i l y . O f f e r e n d s O c t. 31. 1961. 14 T hanksg4v!ng! O roup .c h a rte rin g hue ro u n d tr ip to N.Y. P o rt A u­ to refresh* the thirst of the most avid stadium fan. H . K o s itc h e k th o r ity T erm in a l. W ednesday. No­ vem ber S3. C o n ta c t A rt U p to n , REAL ESTATE IV 9-131 A. -betw een 5-8 p.m. 30 & B r o s .' 3 G I R U w a n t rid o te A nn A rb o r US N. WASHINGTON VfO T O R S C O O V K R .<’ *»*»» nta 11 S u - ; O K E M O S A R E A . S e n e ca 3 b e d ro o m c o n te m p o ra ry J trlv e . F rid a y a fte rn o o n . 355-6240. ra n c h . 11 Come In and See Mitch’s Predictions l»pr K a x le . M a n y K x” j C o r n e r fir e p la c e . ' s l i d i n g t h e r m o - » « ti♦‘ u t 1‘ tiS idS tlon. 430 n iie z » Î4 H i* 1 p a n e d o o rs le a d in g t o c o v e re d p a ­ WANTED » i h K. I V 4 4 0 Î 0 . MODKRN table, f it£1*1 12 ¡ t io , F u l l b a s e m e n t, g a s h e a tfl i m ­ m e d ia te o c c u p a n c y . O w n e r t r a n s ­ fe r r e d . W i l l c o n s id e r le a se w ith , W A NTED TO R EN T. Sm all IT of M ? MSU? nmhoprHtiir Itittfrnwett Ittr ife r o c tid w e iM J m r i ‘1st o p tio n to b u y . C a ll E v g W a b e k e , a m o u n t of b a se m en t sp ace fo r Season’s Record YOUR t*t'1- cut A ll E D 2-4112 o r E D 2-6595, W a l t e r s to ra g e o f som e h eu eeh o ld U em a 10 540. 12 K e lle r Co., R e a lto r s . 12 C all 355-8311. , - 13 Predict Actual M A K *S B IC Y C L E . C o lu m b ia . $20- Wuv be at 4Vl*2 l.hiwu DUPLEX. 10 room s each tid e. Avellile, M a n y p o s s ib ili t in s fo r Incom e. o u r hom o 8-8 h o u rs a day. E v e­ WOULD L IK E b a b y s ittin g In MSU vs. Wise. 21-7 ‘ ' 20-0 EAST LANSING Ijan H lm v- 13 N e a r M ichigan and P e n n sy lv a n ia n in g s In p o u r home. C all IV 3-8533, MSU va.,S taaferd 34-6 S1*S A venues. IV 5-6T7I; ow ner. It It SW E E T CID ER, bo p r e « e r v a t lr e n«t(led. Auiilea, ttuaiDkm«, ( o u r d t. Hiocutum OrcbttFu#, wáiYtownct a n d Hynii, L w llt, M k h . J m i lt i aoutlt o f M a»on on Itu t2 SPARTAN BELL RINGERS h .L s . r A L E , B L A ’E . tk a lfo H u a f o r m a t Kiv.it: 15. “r a i l K D $ - s m p .m . a fte r « - VS STILL-flA V E OPENINGS **Around Th» HEADQUARTERS TRÂÏLill ----- ----------------- fe e t; students. Ruud. or It FOR QUALIFIED PLAYERS O a d e 's Bend From Univertity Village stmhmkNATALIEW000 wiu m mui an sawn omntt 1957 HOUSE T R A IL E R . 30x8, e x ­ cellen t condition. R e a so n a b ly CALL IV 94 )6 6 3 FOR AUDITIONS m r a r ■irooucimWARREN BEATTYannai priced. -Lot B2L F r a n ts C ourt. IV MDMW HHHU 2-771». . 12 OR MUSIC DEPARTMENT 3 5 5 4 2 5 5 FOR SALS. 1*54 house tra ile r. 34 by 8. Good (tonaltion. L ot A -2. IV 9 -8 5 4 0 2 9 0 9 E. Kalamazoo 31 ob tie H om os M anor. E D 7-9553. 111 ☆ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS » LOW COST ☆ T $0ê M ichigan State New», E u t L am ing, Michigan T hursday M orning, O ctober 12, 1961 « M Claims B u t t e r f l y N e t s , S w im YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS on Science Field S u ifs in Sp Poisoned NEW YORK UF—Tomorrow’s sponge cloth laminated to ny­ The United States has no that bear his name, made the it “I think, that in another 10 STOCKHOLM. Sweden (A-A astronauts, ¿oing to distant lon with latex rubber. more than 26 “real profession­ statement a t the American years we’ll just be muddling Swedish scientist claims hairs planets, perhaps will tyke along.” As for the butterfly net, it al«“ in the fieM of spec« Rocket Society's space flight from the body of Napoleon bathing «tits and butterfly would be a collapsible affair, sciences, according to Dr. report to the nation. VAN ALLEN received the Bonaparte clinch his theory nets. opening up when you had to Jam es A. Van Alien. " The paucity of well-educated first American Rocket Society that the former ruler of Eur­ Not that they expect to find research award, consisting of ope was killed by arsenic pois­ lakes o r swimming pools, or catch pieces of spilled food Van ABen, head of theJState manpower is responsible for exotic out-of-this-world butter­ which otherwise would go float­ University of Iowa physics de­ this country’s lagging space a medal and $2,500, and pre­ sented by the award’s sponsor, oning. flies. •' t: ' ( ing around the cabin and mess partment and discoverer of the program. Van Allen said, and wortd-gtodUng radiation belts .unless something is done about Douglas Aircraft Co. President D r. Slen Forshufvud, .a den­ The bathing suit could, per­ up tidy housekeeping. Donald Douglas Jr. The award tist with history as a hobby, mit the space, traveller to take UNUSUAL HAZARDS if a was made for his discovery of put together a whodunit from a bath aboard his "space ship. space ship were punctured by the Van Allen belts. ' memoirs, notes, letters and He couldn’t use an ordinary a high-speed meteor were tub of w aterrior raider weight­ R e v iv e y o u r In his address to the group, postmortem documents, pub­ less conditions the Water woyld spelled out by A. B. Thompson the physicist and astronomer lished today and called - ‘Who break up into millions of float­ and C. F. Geli of Chance- j cited the centaur rocket pro­ Murdered Napoleon?” Vought Corporation, Dallas, in d o o r p la n te r s gram as an example of how Unlike most detective stor­ ing drops. Tex. the lack of space scientists has ies, this one stops short of BUT, DURING weeks of The sudden puncture and i J hampered this country in the naming the murderer., travel,-he could bathe with a heat generated by the flying-4 race to the stars. | At the end of his book the special suit suggested today to stone or metal of a meteor' w ith fr e s h The Centaur—an upper stage | author includes {wo documents, a convention of space experts could produce a catastrophic ' for the Atlas intercontinental pone saying he received some —the space flight report to the blinding flash as 'some of the I ballistic missile — is acknowl­ hairs from Henry Lachoque, a nation (CAP$1—by Rudolph H. oxygen ignited inside the cabin, \ g re e n p la n ts edged by its builders to be six Paris expert on the emperor, T. Mattoni and George H. Sulli­ they saia. months behind schedule. It has which purportedly were "cut van of Spâcelabs, inc., Van The flash Could be there to ; not yet received its first flight I from Napoleon's body after Nuys, Calif. seven times brighter than that test, although the test was death by his valiet, Louis Their solution is an enclosed of a powerful flash bulb, and j scheduled for last summer. Marchand. suit which would keep clean­ the temporary blinding effect I Special o f the Week The second i s a report from sing water near the skin, en­ could delay spacemen trying j “ MAYBE THEYTion’t under­ closed by a layer of thin to make quick repairs. IVY PLANTS - 2 fo r 39c stand the principles,” Van Al­ Glasgow University to which len suggested. “They can get the author sent the hairs for A r t is t ic a lly a r r a n g e d a small engine to work but not examination. 7 “ The hairs you have sent uk to y o u r p e rs o n a l ta s te a large one.„ Maybe there’s something they don’t under­ show after analysis to contain stand.” 10.38 micrograms of arsenic WOOLWORTH’S per gram of hair,” ja id the re­ fro m ... He called on the Federal port. Government to e s t a b l i s h son “ This shows that the per­ in question has received CALCULATING grants to universities so they can build facilities, give schol­ relatively arsenic,” large quantities of M l MACHINE Barnes Floral arships and establish research programs in the space sciences. -Dr. Forshufvud emphasized ' “ Sp far,” VanAllen said, university that he did not disclose to the * If 400$ it If $0$TR4C7S it n w sirtn ii* t o t t . m . m Visfr EAST LANSING’S NEWEST FLOWER SHOP “wev haven’t gotten enough money to build a-drmking foun­ hairs. - the owner of the • MtrieiM While They Lid! F ree Pick-up and Delivery tain.” ~ According to the author, “operation murder” started on • tAVtSeos* He said that at present the Nov. 23, 1815, during Napol­ IV m o ts 215 A nn Open Evenings and Sundays - E D 2-0871 Soviet Union is no farther eon’s banishment to lonely St. • SAWWtMf •aty along than the United States in Helena Island .and ended near-1 training space scientists. But, BUsmtfiMM, he added, there are indica­ when ly six years later. May 5, 1821, JTUMNTt. WAITRUMS tions they are doing more to coctionheofdrank milk a lethal con­ and bitter al­ improve their programs. monds. / Over the years. Napoleon’s ~ 9L V Ä R S 1 T Y -T O W N With great fashion future, a-g ra c efu l softened death has been attributed to t fh HOUSEWIVES A ltitu d e R e c o rd ulcers, hemorrhoids, epilepsy, sheath of supple acetate and rayon crepe is black. arthritis and tuberculosis. Ran tagntn» havla« «9 _ CLOTHES Set by S ky D a rt Dr. Forshufvud says symp­ 5 15 2 9 .9 5 M A JO R IN S T Y L E EDWARDS A.F.B., Calif. W toms of these ailments could THISPOCKETCALCULATOR be the same as in a case of MOBINI JOBOOA —Air Force Maj. Bob White slow arsenic poisoning. «IMMACIHW rocketed a record 215,000 feet into space today, then dived WOOlWOtTHS At 120,000 feet—still going O Cm* OCloak QMeetyCrdrRMMIsrinds 2Mtoetwa t%latogToo0 Making. the V15 sky dart safely back TlNto mrC ...... CfMM.) HANDY POCKET Mu Mm into the atmosphere is a “belly 3,000 miles per hour—he began t NAMC a..sw.ee.s.ese buster” plunge. pulling back on the stick, j STKICr .......... a . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... The new altitude mark of 41 splashing the X15 into the lower [ 0TT m . . . m7................................ STATI........................... miles is nearly 9 miles higher air like a - sky diver falling than the previous X15 record, spread-eagled. YOU* MONEY* WOKTU M ONCATA of 469,600 feet, set last March Pressures more than four by UR. space agency test pilot times normal gravity slammed WOOLWORTH'S sro n t Joe Walker. White down into his countoured Traveling faster than a rifle seat as the plane plummeted bullet, White shot into space down to 70,000 feet before lev­ a t a near record speed of 3,477 eling off. " miles an hour. Every moment was like Almost out of control at the struggling under a mountain of top of his climb over Beatty, sand. Nev., White nosed the "small It was the most dangerous black plane—smoking hot from test yet for a man or plane in air friction—over for a 60-mile the three-year space research S ä te n ) refreshes your taste plunge. _ - program. - - "air-sgftens" every puff all make m itta k e t.. E R A S E W IT H O U T A T R A C E YOU’LL PERSONIFY 'O N E A T O N ’ S C O R R A S A B L E B O N D Don’t meet your Waterloo at the typewriter—perfectly S p o r t s Illu s t r a t o c i typed papers begin with Corrisable! You can rub out typing errors with just an ordinary pencil eraser. It’s IN TJHE ILLUSTRIOUS SM A R TN ESS that simple to erase without a trace on Corrisable. Saves, OF VARSITY-TOW N S P O R T COAT than, temper, and money! Your choice of Corrisable in —because the perfect styling team-work com­ light, medium, heavy weights and bines skillful compounding of every tone . . . Onion Skin in handy 100- artful harmonies of exclusive plaids and stripes packets and 500-sheet boxes. 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