B9? S&i.:.&&Mià^À3taàiMmt^^é>é^. B i m ■fiM PISP? C iC: ifll ü ü PP 3SfeSS *M ï i? !•V E •>-V'.;.aiZ Î^araT .'%'-O'ïr^ ’-'■V Tafc& ' ’.'. : _*rv'$* 11 m u r ~- i o 1" in r ~ n r ff liiK H ' m Ê Ê .•rttües ùé& kt-K«». • g P | . . ; f ir W r .>•'■' ; \ vV^ m ' i4t•-T ^wi’ Ogg-»-f’v •■ .tÉL' “^ Ti.«#3 ^ tw so .l Ìg § ii J P äSPflFT® #s> »* ?*> :?£• 4p l g ta i l t e s a s a mm is ' 1 ...D ow n goes Michigan captain George M an s... •>. H erm an Jo h n so n fights fo r y ard ag e. . • lerm ah, Saimes, Rudtle and Snci h u d d lin g ...............Q uarterback Dick Proebstle keeps the h a l l .. - -.'•‘U - ' State News photos by Dave Jackman and Art Wieland *r Serving MSU fo r 52 years Established 1909 Vol. 53 , Mo. 79 Monday M orning, O ctober 16, 1961 S econ d C la s s P o s ta g e P a id a t E a a i- L a n s in g , M ic h . 8 Pages Cents .»to?* Spartans **%«£"twwir sgVBRSj - ■■ _V_ t ,...*ï i l t Rose Be>wl Hopes Soaring 2 7 S e a te d Cam pus Fighting Irish ^ A U S G R e p s N a m e d M em os - Should Be Rough MONDAY By JERRY FISCHER Twenty-seven new repre­ Armstrong, I) o n Gaffke, Sororities, Kathleen Farnam, and 9 p.m. •— “ Wild Straw­ ~ Sports Editor sentatives to the All-University sophomore: and- Frank -Ross, junior; Fraternities, Barrie berries" Swedish film, Fair­ Student Congress will take junior; Abbott. Karen Bundy, Armstrong, sophomore; and ANN ARBOR—It happened so quickly and so painlessly that child Theater, their seats Wednesday at 7 sophomore: Bailey, Robert Terry Myers, junior; Married !> p.m. — An evening With 103,198 footbalhfans and a national television audience hardly p.m. Yant, Junior; Bryan, Tom Housing, John Robson, sopho­ Jam es Wright,. 101 Kellogg noticed. ~ The representatives arc: Burk, sophomore. ~ more. Center. It was that easy as the Spartan football team-deflated the Butterfield, J a c k Shea, 8 p.m. — Dr. Ralph-D. Rabino- University of Michigan bubble of hope Saturday, 28-0. sophomore; North Campell, .vitch — “New Challenges in Danforth Laura Nash, freshman; Em­ mons, Alah Kelman, fresh­ ‘M’ Editor the Treatment of Emotion­ ally Disturbed Children", The victory made the Spartans the No. 1 college football team in the land, and it proved a couple of things to Coach Fellowships man; East Lansing, Lee Bow­ en, junior^. Gilchrist, Nancy Beaten In Kiva. - TUESDAY Duffy Daugherty. Daugherty learned -that; - ---------------------------- —•-— the Wolverines were reeling Robinson, sophomore; East 1. Pete Smith has “arrived” under the punishment. . Available Landon, Marjorie Hoffman, sophomore; West Landon, Sal­ Mississippi 7 and 9 p.m. — Foreign film, “Wild Strawberries", Fair­ as a Big 10 quarterback. The Spartans got their firlt T H E INVERTED WORLD O F U. OF M.-These Wolverine ly Sanford, sophomore; East c h ild ^ j _ 2. Pasadena, Calif., isn’t as score on a fumble recovery by cheerleaders had the right idea as they viewed their foot­ Applications for Danforth Former University of Michi­ 4 p.m. — Dr. Norman Hunt, far away as it sounds. rugged Wayne Fontes 'on the ball world upside-dowa.-TheSpartans 28-0 victory Saturday Mayo, - Barbara Frey, fresh­ Graduate Fellowships worth up man. gan Daily Editor Thomas Hay­ “Power in Great Britain and But don’t-let Duffy hear you Wolverine 31. Eight plays later a f t e r n o o n took the U. of M . team off the unbeaten list and to $12,000 are now being re­ den, and Paul Potter, an of­ the United States", Honors mumbling about t h e New Smith sent Halfback Gary Ball- dropped them from their No. 2 rating-in the United Press ceived, Dr. Allan Tucker, As- West Mayo, Ethel-Stocker, ficer of th e National Student College Lounge. — Year’j Day trip. man two yards for the score. football poll. —State News photo by Art Wieland. “ sistant Dean of thè Graduate sophomore; Mason, Dolores Association, were dragged Later in the quarter, “bull-« Ruda, -junior; Rather, Bruce WEDNESDAY “ Don’t mention it," he said School, announced today. from their car a n d ' beaten in 4 p.m.-— Provost’s Lecture — after the game. He has long ing" Fullback George Saimes followed the policy of taking turned in a 17-yard scoring i N a m e T e lls J o b The fellowships, offered by Randall, freshman; E a s t McComb, Miss, last week, as the Danforth Foundation of St Shaw, John Noud, sophomore; Dr. William Fauce, “ Auto­ West Shaw, Jim Coney, fresh­ they drove beside 100 protests mation and Industrial Socie­ them one at a -time. Mean­ run after a 46-yard pass from - Louis, Missouri, are open to ing students. while, the jubilant Spartans Smith to End Matt Snorton had j man; and Louis Wein, fresh­ ty”, Kiva. - male college seniors or recent graduates preparing for a ca reer of teaching, counseling man; Snyder, Nancy MascioU. senior.' ed. Neither was seriously injur­ THURSDAY were thinking Rose Bowl set it up. thoughts as they left the lock­ Smith called the pass to , _ 4 B a s ic C o lle g e B a b y ’ A police car-which had been 8 p.m. — Dr. Fern C. Stuken- ers. Snorton his biggest play. or administrative work at the college level. Applicants may be planning to major in any North Williams. Mary H arti- gan, senior; South Williams, Karen Jensen,_ sophomore; accompanying them to City Hall reportedly turned-off and brocker, “ America’s Answer to Communism", 31 Union. Not that many are willing to admit the Spartans belong in “ It gave us a big life," he| said, v r ;.~ : I B o r n W a y B a c k in ’4 1 disappeared just before the FRIDAY the Bow! after only two confer­ A second quarter pass from j recognized held at the Ameri­ East Yakeley, Joey Hicks, incident. Hayden said t h a t i f a.m. — Julius Udochi, Am­ can graduate school of their sophomore. ence , w ins.. But the sellout Smith to Halfback Carl Charon | It's become an institution, t known as the Basic College. Chief of Police George Guy bassador to U. ' S. from crowd' was buzzing Saturday as covering 11 yards boosted it to byword and sometimes a cuss- Subjects known as the “bas-_ choicer but should not have al­ later advised them that his de­ Nigeria, H o n o r s College ready undertaken graduate it left the seats wondering who 21-0.Scampering Sherman word for State freshmen and ics” were part of the new col­ partment “ couldn’t protect Lounge, Library. would make a better-Big 10 Lewis got ttur last score, a sophomores in their early lege. work. Students interested in a nom­ U. S. Cutter outside agitators, especially 8:15 p.m. — Lecture Series, whites.” Michael'MacLiammoir, “The representative. three-yard smash off tackle be- campus adventures. Another change took place in ination should contact Dr For those in the “A squar­ hind the blocking of Smith and What? It’s known now as the July 1960 when' the Basic Col­ Tucker of the Graduate Office or David lless of the Honors Rescues As their car stopped for a red light. Potter was reported- Importance of Being Oscar", Auditorium. ed" city, the loss came as roughneck guard Ed Budde. mpre than a shock. Around University College, but"' stu- j lege was changed in name to Art Brandstatter toed four dents for years knew it as the j the University College. ty dragged from the car -and 8-M p.m. — Family swimming Ann Arbor there had been perfect conversions. 1* College before Oct. 25. Aproximately 100 fellowships Cubans beat about the head by the. as­ — Women’s 1M. Coed swim­ sailant. The assailant then at­ ming — Men’s tM. hopes of a Rose Bowl (rip. too. Basic College The idea andI Dean John N. Winburne (4. The Wolverines never got history behind it extend even jthe University College said 1Iip will be awarded t j candidates tacked Hayden and struck him With Ohio State and Iowa anything started A second farther back than that. change tpok place because the KEY WEST. Fla WB-A band SATURDAY ' both remaining on the Wolver­ quarter touchdown run bv Mc­ Natural science, social sci­ new name more aptly de-. from accredited colleges and “ six or seven times in the 19 a.m. — Soccer — MSU vs universities in the United of refugees from Fidel Cas­ head", and kicked him. When ine schedule, they wMJ have to Rae was called back on an ence. ATL, and humanities are scribes the function oi the col­ States. Nominees will be judged tro’s regime were rescued by Indiana, soccer field. do better than Saturday’s per­ illegal . motion penalty A courses almost all frestmien lege - newsmen ran up, the assailant 19:39 a.m. — Cross country — formance if they are to win third quarter goaf tine stand and sophomore* plow through. “ tt is a service college for on intellectual promise and per a, U S. Coast Guard cutter Sun­ withdrew V. -rf sonality. integrity, genuine in MSU vs Penn State, Forest either game. by the Spartans squelched the Students back -in 1941 were the university. The name Uni­ day after they reportedly were : Potter and Hayden arrived Akërs Golf Course terest in religion, and potential shelled by a Cuban gunboat cm Halfbacks Bennie McRae other Michigan threat. enrolled in the school of gener­ versity . College describes its in McComb last Tuesday to 1:89 p.m. —- Football — Notre Daugherty wanted to make al studies. Each subject was basic function,” he said. for effective college teaching a tiny Bahama Island. observe developments in the and Dave Raimey, billed as Dame v> MSU, Spartan speedsters, raw too long in one sure one point found its mark. part of its own college. There The cutter took the Cubans civil rights struggle over voter Stadium. —. place on this diy. “ Our so-called depth had was no Uiiivorsity or Basic T o w e r G u a rd off the island of Cay Sal and headed for Key Wert. It was registration and Negro direct 8 p.m. — World Travel Series. action. Hayden is currently do­ Don Cooper, “ Sourdoughs to And husky Dave Glinka, the nothing to do with the win,” College. Poet To Appear ing field reporting for Students Wolverine quarterback, wasn’t he s a id .'“ Em getting sick of STUDENTS, HOWEVER, re­ due to arrive here in mid-after­ Senoritas,” Auditorium. as smooth as bis rave notices this depth talk.” Then be grin­ ferred to many subjects such A t K e llo g g G e ts In it ia t e s noon. The Coast Guard said 31 men, three women and 15 for Democrat«! Society. Potter 9-12 p.m. — Ag Council’s “Har­ works for NSA. said. ned “Some of our hoys m e be­ as chemistry, military science, vest Ball,” Union Ballroom. The big (mid highly Michi­ ginning to believe it, though. and English as the basics. Poet Dr. James Wright, of Tower Guard will initiHate children were picked up. gan" partisan) crowd started Maybe tt helps our third string­ Students and professors were the“English department at the three new sophomore mem­ I ■ ■ ■■a a SUNDAY State Department Press Of­ 7:39 p.m. — Dr. R.'G . Hansen off laughing as the Spartans ers run like our first string­ confused as to which subjects University of Minnesota, will bers Monday. They are: Mari­ lyn Italiano, Newark, N.J.; Lois Hendges, Lansing: and ficer Lincoln White said „the U. S. Government had no first­ W eather. leading AUSG seminar. (If your organisation is spon­ won the toes and elected to ers.” kick off, taking a strong and Qaugherty said^ Notre Dame were the basics. . President John A. Hannah Center tonight at 8 p.m. read his works in 101 Kellogg hand knowledge as to whether soring an event, speaker, or chill north wtod. would.be ib e Spartans toughest named a committee in the “ Poems and Commentary- K a r e n Boihbard, Winston- the refugees were fired upon. High today ia the mid M’s. program of interest to the stu­ With 13 minutes gone in the game for the rest of the sea­ spring of 1944 to plan a new An Evening With Jamez Salem, N.C„ The report, he ¿aid, came from Partly cloudy and cool dent body, college The committee came Wright is being sponsored by catt Barb Rail at first quarter, the fans had son. The annual Tower Guard a radio station on the mile long, threughoat the day. -i workshop was held last week. 355-8289 or Barb Wallis at ED stopped laughing. The Spar­ “ It’s always the next ode,” up with the College of Bask the department of English and half-mile Wide island. a a a a a a a a a a a i 7-7745 evenings). tans had acond 14 points and (Sec FOOTBALL Page 5) Education which later became continuing education service. 4 É fe a— W SÊM Êm Pwm m §fggg| sü r U to %¡W: mmm® • p.a l WPP»«! iÉ M fe èaà. M onday M o ra ia ^ ,O ctober 16s W Ï Michigan State News W is e A id N e e d e d Cold War Policy Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on dess days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during the summer term. T o D e v e lo p N a t io n s Differs Abroad Second class postage paid at East Tansjng, Michigan. - " '•s.--*- * Editorial and business offices at 941 Student Services building, By STANLEY HENIG Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mddgaa. fifes anther ef this article is Hence, the Peace Corps drive people are teps.,Here «ne ef Minnesota Daily Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term* 91; for two • graduate étaient in bum at this time may actually pro- the most acceptable ways to term», ft; far three to m s. 95. craps. He is a native ef ^ vide adequate grounds for the aid the developing countries The American attitude is that Communism is Member of the Associated Press, Intend Daily Press Association Nigeria. X thriving of the aforementioned would he le glee all possible so obviously the world’s major evil that virtually and the College press. fear and suspicioo based on assistance la attempts to act By DANIEL ABGHIBONG power politics. anybody would be welcomed as an ally against Editor . .. Marcia Van Ness up new schools aad improve Editorial Editor . Sharos Coady Under the present East-West old ones. * / it. This is by no means original. Managing Editor.. Beo Burns Feature Editor.. Curt RundeU INCIDENTALLY, movements Business Mgr. .Larry Pontius tension, H is admittedly diffi­ . such es Peace Corps and Oper­ Helping to trahi and encour­ it is reported «although 1 am sure it is apocry­ Circulation Mgr.—BUI Marshall Women’s Editor. Sally Ward cult for one bloc to plan a gen­ ation Cross-Roads are not the age the hnMgsiwus personnel phal) that when Hitler attacked Russia, Church- City Editor________Bill Cote Sports Editor Jerry Fischer uine program of aid to the un­ only4 feasible immediate ways win certainly peeve useful. For derdeveloped nations of the vef assisting the unfortunate, aoao ofythese needy countries hill declared that if Hitler invaded Hell, he would News Editor.. ...Jay Blissick Photo Editor. ..... Dave Jaehnig world. The difficulty arues Subjugated peoples of t h e wifi surviye leag if they are to join th e devil to throw him out. But that was mainly from the fear (mid this world. Also, there is every depend oa the temporary per­ during war, and now we are at peace, however is~a legitimate fear) that the reason tet the world to think sonnel derived-teem the Peace uneasy it may be. .. . . . • . - ................ ■ .. ■ t-4-'v .. other bloc will accuse the in­ of Americans as an unusually Corps project \ terested aider of trying to lure dynamic t After training, these persons The military threat of Communism is appreci­ and resourceful peo­ Iranian StudentsSuffer fo r the uncommitted into-his ple.. camp. Secondly, the people in the If (me could only succeed in host country, are likely to sus­ getting Americans to think will need jobs. The Americans can help create such jobs with­ out much difficulty. Through loans and investments in these ated, but ill felt that in ethical terms, right wing totalitarianism is at least as much of a threat. -History takes a part of the blame for this. The Protests Against Government pect (again there is * need for about other peoples who are such suspicion) the intensions desperately yearning for the of the probable genuine aider. good life and a share in the countries, these nations could be aided in building basic in­ dustries. right wing in Britain once welcomed the spread of Fascist dictatorship as a bulwark- to Commu­ nism. Sugh a policy «91s completely discredited As a result, little tbougit has amenities of the modern civil­ by 1943. and even ChurChill hardly dared to make Iranian students th roughout th e world are They have repeatedly told of m easures been given lately to the possi­ ization, these Americans could TO AVOID situations such as public his'inner forebodings about Russian inten­ fightin g a hard b attle fo r progress in,Jtheir used ag ain st them and th e ir work ; attem pted ble ways of helping these coun­ do a tot of things to push up was experienced in Cuba, those tions. homeland b u t th e ir moves in th e United interference in th e editorial policy,of th e ir tries so anxious to improve t h e struggling-to-get-up n a ­ investors could go into busi­ Thus much European opinion is psychologically S tates have been m eeting repeated rebuffs. newspapers, w ithholding of funds allocated their lots — economics, indus­ tions. ness in partnership with either incapable of a p p re m in g the value of Germany trial status and the standard of As a people who revolted the home governments or indi­ by th e M inistry of Education fo r student themselves Americans have viduate in thé country with as a bulwark against Communism As for the — The latest hindrance to th e ir work has living of their citizens. recent suggestion of German troops training in been th e refusal of th e Iranian em bassy in activities, planting o f spies, th re a ts to th e ir the experience and means to reasonable agreements to safe­ families a t home and now th e denial of pass­ PART OF this lack of ideas launch a freedom crusade in guard the investor’s interests. Spain, of ali {daces, this would send a shiver up W ashington to renew passports of s e v e ra l'“ on bow to assist the needy Africa and other continents. Today African cultures and many British spine* even though on purely mili­ students. Leaders in th e Iranian S tudent As- ports* v tary grounds it might be justifiable. countries arises from the com­ Such crusades could be aimed heritage are fast disappearing sociation in th e United S tates, Ali Fatem i, placent atmosphere which sur­ at «inning freedom for the en­ and being replaced by foreign president, and Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, secretary, W HEN TH E STUDENTS protested against rounds the American people slaved and exploited, hope for ones. This is a dangerous sit­ THERE IS YET another approach. European are among these students. these actions, th e em bassy ordered th a t all with regards to material well­ the demoralized and peace be­ uation. It „.is obvious that psychology is now molded on the smallness and passport extensions fo r Iranian students be being. tween these peoples. Americans have enough poten­ insecurity of Europe-so-close geographically to World-wide dem onstrations erupted in th e lim ited to six-m onth intervals -only. This is The other part perhaps stems Undoubtedly, this crusade tial to help put a stop to this Soviet might. Hence the -alignment with the wake of th is decision, protesting th e harm from the bare, fact that most will require men with experi­ mass exodus. Soon African United States. But the alignment is. looked on not only detrim ental to th e stu dents b u t Americans are so concerned ence, sincerity of purpose and done to .the movement fo r a b etter Iran . countries will-notr be able to simply to avoid war. Most alliances are meant creates a g re a t deal of paper work and addi­ with their own troubles such as love for all mankind. talk of their wild life and arts to prepare for what to do when war comes. tional trouble fo r universities. strikes, racial prejudices and and cultures. And the disheart­ IRANIAN STUDENTS here, in Europe and communism that they hardly AFTER FREEDOM comes ening thing about it all is that In Western Europe, NATO is usually regard­ fn Iran have been active in th is struggle fo r The students in A m erica have decided to ' have the time to think of other the need for the peoples in examples of this life are find­ ed as-having its value in affording a guarantee continue t h e i r peaceful dem onstrations people’s troubles. these nations to be made to ing their ways into foreign of peace. If it chnnot do that, it is useless. I social, economical and political freedom in .suspect that the Pentagon places an altogether th e ir country. a g a in st'su c h policies until th e governm ent On the other hand, such realize the worth of each in­ museums and zoos. thoughts which form the ma­ dividual and the part everyone The above are just a few different valuation on NATO, and this will be no -elim inates th e „ source of th e ir com plaints. surprise, for as it stands at present, NATO Is a They have been instrum ental in exposing They are requesting th e release of profes­ trix for the Operation Cross- _ can play hi the overall develop­ areas where American friends roads and Péace Corps pro­ ment of their country and our can effectively help these oth­ purely military alliance. to the .world instances of rigged elections, sors and students jailed in th e July 21 jdem- jects tend to have certain un­ world’s natural'- resources at er'unfortunate nations. These ... In Europe, it is felt that a third world war will corruption, economic w aste, violation of hu­ onstration in Iran, a date fo r free parlia­ fortunate overtones. The Peace large. countries are desperately in finally-destroy Europe. I, for one, hold that it man rig h ts and denial of academic freedom. m entary elections, revalidation of th e pass­ Corps, for instance, has ob­ The need for basic and ad­ need now. And they must get will also destroy the rest of the world, but I vious political implications vanced education in these These students have faced much intim i- - ports fo r Fatem i and Ghotbzadeh, an end to which place the participants in countries is better imagined this assistance from some­ where before it is too late. agree that here at least there is apparently b violations of academic and political rig h ts better chance for survival. dation because of fh eir courage and patrio ­ a politically dangerous situa­ than described. And here is an It is a challenge and chance tism in criticizing th e existing regime. o f stu d en ts and a removal of th e m ilitary The important factor, though, is that many tion. area in which the American for Americans. garrison from th e T eheran U niversity cam ­ Americans believe America will survive as a pus. — i unit, despite a nuclear war. On the average, Americans fear war somewhat less than do the S uch-actions seem vital to m odem Iran hitti 1111h i «11ti 1111rrn >n 11 U4>i11im 111mu itn 1444^11m1411h 11mr»»i1111111h 111rn i tin doomed Europeans. Fall €harms Campus and reflect th e concern of a vigorous stu ­ P r e s s C u ttin g s dent organization, dedicated to its homeland. THUS THE EXISTENCE of at least some It’s now definite. F all is here. Coeds are wearing their brightest and cheer­ iest reds and oranges, flashing in front of the evergreens and matching the ds&zling hardwood The Iranian S tudent Association m u st con-„ tinue its peaceful work fo r freedom. Run, Don t Walk on Highway Americans who on any conceivable occasion will welcome smashing the Reds now. This, of course, would also 'smash’ Europe! Many an American will condemn in Europe - trees. The marching hand is out on Landon Field » 11III IIII 111Ml Im IHI 1111III IIM11lit 11titilli HIMIII 1111II11Ml MMWMtltmi 111ill 11III II11 an apparent willingness to fight to the last drop every afternoon, sending its intoxicating greet­ D a v id L J a e h n ig of American blood. Thus the image of glory-con- ings to drowsy students in class and luring others Tokyo's most famous pick-pocket claims he has scious de Gaulle 1who of course wants glory with­ swiped money from no less than 5,000 people, Maybe Duane Eddy had the might believe that college stu­ low mortality rate, as students out war>. On the other hand, there is the Euro­ to a toe-tapping standstill as they linger on the right idea several years ago dents, being extremely agile dart, wander and stroll across/ way from the union to South Campus. _ for which he has served 50 years in prison. We’d- pean fear that they will be submerged ter make say it’s about time he retired and rested on his w h e n he recorded “ Walk, and sure-footed, can safely the road. Perhaps they figure the world safe for Goldwater. Botany instructors are again leading' their Don’t Run,’’ but he certainly dart between cars in wild- "that because MSU can’t accept flocks in duckling lines along campus paths, laurels—if any. Now, "it is hardly worth trying to say which — Houghton Daily Mining Gazette hadn’t ever tried to get across sorties from one side to the all of the applyirig students circling curious trees and huddling about puzzling -Grand River Avenue during other. anyway, possibly this will cut attitude, if either, is justified, but it is reasonably bushes. • — the daylight hours. But one would think that a down the present Spartan pop­ clear that whenever,the United States feels it And everyone who ever trod a cement side­ The Army employs psychologists to persuade necessary to threaten ’force majeur.’ the alliance soldiers-to eat fried grasshoppers. In our old One look a t the bumper-to- main highway leading into the ulation and make room for walk is venturing off into grassy byways to rustle bumper brigade and evgn rock­ state capítol would at least more. After all, it was their diminishes in value for Europe, and alternatively through the fallen leaves. outfit we had a cook who could even ruin fried when de Gaulle and Macmillan run off to Mos­ grasshoppers. _ . ing Duane would have changed come to the attention of the buddies in the state legislature Even if you haven’t noticed the.golden leaves bis mind. 1110 complete lack highwaymen who aré so busy that took money from the cow to try to achieve a detente, some Americans and shiny red sumac bushes, you still know its Chicago Daily News will regard the alliance as weakened. of traffic lights between the erecting overpasses, by-passes schools, so that they could play fall. You can feel it with every breath you draw. M.A.C. Street and the entrance and underpasses in. the more with their cement mixers. to H&slett Road makes the stu­ remote corners of the state. After one attempt at crossing THE BASIC DISTINCTION is tha‘ in Europe dents take their lives in their If any o f the gentlemen of Grand River, maybe Duane the alliance is one against Russian imperialism. Success! We Got Another O ld Lady Trying To Escape hands as they cross first one fast-moving lane of traffic, the department have tried to will change b is tune to “Run, travel Grand -River during the Don’t Walk,” and dedicate it Here it is directed against international Commu­ nism. Thus, when the United States feels obli­ While We Were Evicting Her From Her Home” then another. _ rush hours of the day, certain­ to the 20,000 man Spartan ly they have marveled at the sprint team. gated to make a stance in support of some area threatened by the Soviets, Europe is deterred at C E R T A I N L Y , pedestrian least as much as Russia^ lights could be erected that would be in operation at least _ When the stan ceis in support of Quemov or before and after classes. Even if they only were working from Crossword nPuzzle lasa ■aaa ansa . _ _ | _ ■ □ □ 2 1 SSH 3 Q OQS 2 Q □□□□ □□□□ aaao even Formosa, in which Europeans feel no inter­ est at all, tension inside NATO will mount. Nor ten to the hour until ten after they would save a lot of fraz­ ACROSS 20. Rates of motion □□□□□a □aa SED □□asna will Europeans see Cuba as any sort of threat to the United States. As has already been indi­ zled nerves and very probably- 1. Sacred cated. few in Britain would fight very happily some broken limbs. T h e highway department chest 4t--- 23.Paddlo 24. Was carried by tea wind □ana a sa aaaa □ □ 0 3 3 □□£! □ □ □ □□□ a n a s a a a a to save any part of Germany from Russia, es­ pecially Berlin, with its absurd status. Anf*l«s 7. Play« the drat e n d 12. Portable 25. Concerning - 3«. Freightage □□□a ana□□□□ asaaaa caaa Now. this is not pacifism Bertrand Russell would not want to incur the slightest risk of war M. Cultivators for anyplace in the world. Most people in Eng­ n«ht Letter» 11 Made of a curtate 29. Teamster's command « 40. Branch of Qflas aaaa osa □ □ □ □ 0 0 3 3 3EQ land would incur that risk if it were France. Italy, Canada, Australia, or the United States cereal the see Solution ef Seturdey's Fusaio which was threatened. It is of course a calculus. O n S a n ita tio n ltC o a u n iB f Id Direction 44. Coma upon Many people would not hold that anything at all 42. Macaw X Wandering 11. Breath was worth a nuclear war. Some things might be To the Editor: It. Aster as 43. Father loudly in to Divorce 44. Gaelic _ * abput worth varying sizes of risk of war. Quemoy, The article in your paper of bill: Jewish Sleep 49. Aloof 3. Body Joints to H igh- Matsu, Cuba, etc.. are not. to many people, Oct. 9, concerning the study of law 47. Vapid 4. Allow worth any risk at ail. explosive * sanitation methods by some of 20. Finest 49. Nommâtes 5. Correlative ~ 17. Simpleton our profs proved to be inter­ 21. Pronoun again 20. Cudgels 22. Kncore - ' 91. Uncanny of either HENCE THE DIFFERENCES in interpreta­ esting, informative and en­ 23. Sailors •.Mocita 21. Abhor lightening. 52. Shrewd 22. Prather tion of the alliance In America it is to defend the 24. Uncovered 35 Measures 7. Bewildered neckpiece Free/World, extremely loosely interpreted, from - If we have such a well in­ 29. Ahead of length: X Consume 23. Pinafore formed faculty an d -staff on 29. Morsels abbr. Communism. In Europe, it is to defend the de­ 27. Worthless 2. Relative 24. Make beer mocracies from Russian imperialism. This core- such matters as important in leaving DOWN rate 28 Ornamentad lates with the differing premiums placed on the this modern world as sanita­ 29. Acquiesces 1. Wing to Discourage boll tion, why can’t something be 27. linelosca: risk of war. poet done about the conditions that t o Meander The real difficulty is that Russia has appreci­ exist on our campus? The Red 20. Winter- ated this difference and knows she only has to Cedar wp sing about te an un­ vehicle blow hot and cold in turn to plunge NATO into sightly drainage ditch, thanks 21. Peered disarray. So for,-NATO is purely a military alli­ to poor sanitation practices. t o Inspect ance, 2nd the Pentagon probably wants it to re ­ 24. Stupid But even more shocking than b lu n d ers main that way. If it does then, the strains will this is Ihe smell that blankets 2XPstttedtd3r continue, and the whole edifice may even col­ our campus, day and night. It 27. Mah* lapse, which might leave us all defenseless in seems t i be especially strong the collective sense here in the Brody group, much to our displeasure, v to him NATO MUST be reformed if it is tojiold the I would enjoy seeing some t o Very dirty Free World together. As yet, it is clearly not a action in the direction of eras­ 41.Gratuitous supranational organization. Perhaps, it should ing this flaw in our beautiful 43. Judean become so. There is a need for a parliamentary university, and I would be glad assembly with limited functions and real powers to help iii any way I can. wttttin NATO, to give us an arena ir which a re­ I hope this helps bring into appraisal may take place. I suspect the Pentagon Ught some more opinions on will not like it, but let us look to President Ken­ this situation. nedy to act where Eisenhower failed. The West Tl»ank you for your time and needs a common purpose and so far, its leaders • t h r u in our behalf. have not shown It one. Unless it te acquired, ail Jerry Hamelinh tpMNNJMMku a toy bn test. í I f i i I mm m 1 P s 1 1 ; ; ÿs - >s ■■•« Ij a U. S. Fears Crisis In United Nations la me statement, the candi­ J o u r n a l i s t A m a z e d UNTIED NATIONS, N.Y. (01 agreed to nao “is going to to m at ton Raotens m ated Ite date would say te fotoafed to candidate t o —The United States «pacts a the states qoo pnottan next general to make oefora his acting secretary- than, and they’ll have tn cem- certain «Éter secretar­ Mrs. Swart-Spanjer is spend­ of year technical aids, from Us apandas as a tonrlst worse crisis over the U. N. promise name is put before the security ies as ivlrrto*1 advisers on im- BILL COTE j L f f GKj Editor such as a television and awflo- Mtoi la tbs sommar. from that.” antsublects entrusted to it News ing a few days with Professor Secretary-General next year U. S. cancera according to council for its rnrommeOls visual equipment, is Just fan­ Tbs hall will bant Its own if tt gives to to the Soviet Un­ aourcaa ted to da with a rtato- t e a . by thsU. N. “ Fantastic . . . extremely and Mrs. Lewis J. Edinger to tastic." calato ia aad flaa arts and beautttSO. . . am azing!” gather impressions for a series She sold dm was especially book crafts gift shop aad pertape a ion now, informed sources Tbeae ara a feir el the reac­ of articles and to study educa­ in leans that MSU had Similar store, sha said. __ said Sunday.. _ tions iba. w*—****** Swart tional methods in a large mul­ boasts have been The sources said this Is why its own fully-equipped televi­ tried succeesftiTly taT Scanda- tha U. S. delegation is fighting -SpaaJsr. a Journalist and ti-college university, something sion station, WMSB, which la writer from fan Netherlands, unknown in her country. Mrs. Swart-Spanjer said, currant Soviet efforts to fat an shared with a commercial and if the first is successful in advance pledge from any has had as An tours the cam­ ~ “Michigan Stato strikes me company, WILL per and peaks into the aca­ as having a vary modem edu­ tbs Nethartaads tt cookftand temporary secretary-general demic Hfo OKState. cational plan," she said, “and There is Just one television to a sotos of stud that be will seek “mutual station In all of the Nether­ throughout Europe. undemanding” with selected lands, near the capitol of Am», Sack a system might operate principal advisers. sterdam, she said, and it dons oa a Had af mainai cradtt card Ttey said the Americans not operate all day. Man. she snkL fear mat if ths Russian« ware “This university Is also I te Dutch Casa Académica allowed to put thoee strings on unique to me because to as In la as a large riverside plot on a temporary successor to the flMuwi tt is actually a 100 uni­ tha edge of Ansterdam and sto­ tain Dag Hammarskjöld nam versities,” Mrs. Swart-Spanjer riente Bring in ths bouse could ad now, they could more easily said. “At home we have a uni­ attend throe nearby universi­ put many more strings on n THK CAR COAT. • •- versity for technology, another ties, ate said. -- permanent rocceesor choeen a for Iftsf and another for some­ Mrs. Swart-Spanjer is the year from now. os tronaportotioo-mindnd as thing else.” Dutch correspondent for a Ger Tha sources said the Soviet M rs. Swart-Spanjer said the man press service, Deutsche goal now is to get afoot to the cam pas was “ extremely beau­ Korrespondency, but to' taking door. They added that who­ fila name suggests, travels with tiful” and she said students (See JOURNALIST, Pago t) ever toe U. S. delegation should enjoy going to classes ease in a variety of cirdesi Just for the beauty around th a n . __ ^ campus, city, country, c a r e e r - “ You d o n t know how fortu nate you are to have the chance appropriate in each. Of cotton to get a higher education,” she said, “ and to have a state gov­ ernm ent which will help you so suede, lined with snuggable, m uch.” Holland is a small country white and curly pila sherpa, À she said, and because tt spends the much relatively for defense does not have enough funds for such elaborate education. best ours features grant patch M È pockets, is fluff-cuffed Even though she was im th e s is pressed a t what she has seen here, Mrs. Swart-Spanjer says and collared with welt _ [ j she Is very proud of a new ed­ y p in * ucational development soon to detailing for a decidedly v be ready in her country and JSot A City Wide or National Contest (me she has helped to establish" ^ an d custom-tailored look. £ Prises To Be Given in She explained that the stu­ luggage brown, . . . . This Store! dent bousing shortage here is slight compared to the Nether­ lands, so a group of Dutch stu­ printing willow green, 2 Columbia Bikes * Doll Carriage dents planned and are building antelope a type of dormitory-hotel to be Electric Juke Box • Model Cessna operated by and for the stu­ 8-16 sixes. 25.00 Concert Hall Organ Plane _ dents. — Called “ Casa Academics,” it WONCH GRIFI Gilbert HO Train J Betsy McCall Doll will hold about 550 students when tt opens next March. The 1 7 2 0 E . M ic h ig a n 4 • Speed Model V-8 m ajority of the rooms win be aru n u ) Engine Kit singles, die said, with a bath, La n s in g 4 8 4 -7 7 8 6 Phonograph table, chairs and shelves. Transistor Radio 17 Jewel Watch Students would pay a maxi­ mum of about $25 a month to Kit live in the bouse, she said, but most of the income would come A t t e n t i o n S e T im e is r u n n in g P ic t u r e s ta k e n « 1 9 6 2 W o lv e r in e A p p o in tm e n ts ta k e n fo r M o n . - T u e s . - W e S ig n u p a t U n io n B o a rd D e s k , 9 - 4 T h i ,K & F r i — T a k e V o u r c h a n c e !! Michigan Stale N e w , Eotf I i a dgg, Monday M orata«, O etofer 1 6 , 1 9 6 1 ' mm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ d a • ■ • P o th e rs a n d ^ Hail to ^Victor Am ong N F L ■ « ■ ■ ■ § ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PAUL SCHNRT quarterback trio led by Bill After the t a l l is over. CLEVELAND » - J i m Tay­ lor, G ram Bay’» league-leading Kilmer offset some bobbles After fee gam e is te o e . - rusher, put on a one-man snow with a brilliant offensive dis­ We’ll c a st our votes together, 1 a s the Packer» swamped the play to defeat a stubborn Min­ Ranking the Spartans one. Cleveland Brown», 48-17. nesota Vikings craw 58-24. Taylor scored four touch- ★ ★ it So sang the Michigan State crooners on the weekly “ Sing downs on run» ranging from one CHICAGO » — Willie Gali- along with Duffy” show which Saturday found m any of the to 2S yard», picked up 158 more rocketed 84 yards for a television viewers across the land humming the «ame tame. yards in 2 1 tries and took a touchdown on a screen pass Of course, when the UPI top ten is relented the Spartan* runaway lead over Jim B:Jrown p play in the last 5% minutes of will undoubtedly be ranked eighth slipping from lash week s of Cleveland for the season’s the game to lead the Chicago- sixth position. And why shouldn’t they ¡ After all, they dkl ground gaining laurels. Brown, g e a rs to a 24-10 National Foot­ beat Stanford by 28 points and dropped from fourth to stith . the leamng rusher in the Na­ ball League victory over the Now State has beaten fee Wolverines by also 28 points. So it tional Football League the last Baltimore Colts, logically follows th at they wfll fall two m ore notches. Doesn’t four years, picked up 72 yards i- ★ ★ ★ h? ED RYAN—Captain of Mtehi- in 18 tries, f o r five games Tay­ DALLAS, TEX. » — Erich lor now has 518 yards in 81 Barnes, the only New York de­ AND MICHIGAN? Since they were ranked second last week, gan State’s undefeated grid­ tries to Brown’s 387 in 96 at­ fensive player Coach Tom Lan­ they may well move into fee number one position . . . or even ders wiU be oat a t least foar tempts. dry of Dallas didn’t tutor, ran higher. One never knows what the board of coaches will decide. weeks after dislocating his * ★ ★ 1 0 1 yards with an intercepted And t h a t “ cow c o lle g e " -« * epithet by which the Ann Arto- shoulder in game Saturday. ST. LOUIS » -S o n n y Jurgen- pass to break the resistance ronians have so contemptuously labeled this institution on the sen fired two touchdown passes of the Dallas Cowboys and give and Philadelphia throttled the Sam Etcheverry-led St. Louis the Giants a 31-10 victory. - New York was ahead 17-10 banks of the Red C edar-proved as fullback George Saimes pithily said ‘to ha Ye hulls as well as cows. Rocky O u t Certainly it was the bull-like actions of the Spartans Satur­ offense as the Eagles avenged their only National Football but the Cowboys were driving toward a touchdown when Ed­ day that led to the lopsided victory. Perhaps i t was Michigan State’s own prize Guernseys which have contributed to gener­ F o u r W eeks League defeat by clipping the die Lebaron tried a pass into the end zone. Barnes took it a ously to the cause of building bigger and better MSU students Amidst fee joy of Michigan Cardinals 20-7. with strong healthy bodies and shiny white teeth. yard in site and cut up the side­ State’s^ victory over arch-rival ★ ★ ★ MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL » lines to dash to the touchdown The game was to be a close one, a to ssru p -b ead s Michigan Michigan cam e news that Cap­ •—San Francisco’s shuttling that broke the Cowboy’s backs State tails Michigan. So said the experts. What happened tain E d “ Rocky” Ryan had then to turn the game into such a one-sided a ffa ir? 'H ie foot­ dislocated his left shoulder and ball analysts felt that if fee Spartans were going to win, 1* would be out of action for at would be by sheer manpower and depth. They would wear least four weeks and possibly down fee Wilverines and pull it out late in the game. as m any as six weeks. However State struck swiftly and carried a comfortable R yan wasi "injured mid way 2 1-0 m argin Into the locker room a t half time. through the first period as he darted in from his linetack po­ Coach Duffy Daugherty had a n explanation. “ We were up sition to m eet Wolverine half- and we were ready.”'I t is as simple as feat. ta c k Dave Raimey who had sprinted for five yards. He was “ ALL THIS TALK about our superior depth. We don’t have taken out of fee game and went any more linemen than Michigan,” quoth Duffy. immediately to fee locker room. ^fTeeUmakemittaket When Todd Grant, John Houtman, Scott Maentz and 'Jon Schopf were in the game together. Wolverine Coach Bump Elliot could boast of four linemen over 230 pounds. That is enough depth to drown anyone. "7 7 THIS WEEK ONLY On the second play from scrimm age Bennie McRae was jolted, the ball was jarred loose and Wayne Fontes pounced PRE-SEASON on it. Eight plays later halfback Gary Ballman dove over from fee two. — — , -■ ER A SE ’W IT H O U T A TRACE “ We w ere grateful for fee fumble,” commented Duffy, “ but I don’t know if it was the turning point in fee gam e.” If feat fumble w ere not the turning print, then perhaps fee Top Coat ¡ON EATON’S CORRASABLE BOND [Don’t meet your Waterloo at the typewriter—perfectly - turning point occurred when the referee blew his whistle and E a rl Lattim er kicked off a t 1:30 p.m .-F rom there toe Spartans ruled the roost, (“ roost!” “ cow!” “ bull!” I t all fits S ale typed papers begin with Corrasable! You can rub out into a pattern.) typing error» with just an ordinary pencil eraser. It’a Save $1 0 °° !that simple to erase without »Trace on Corrasable. Saves. ~ QUARTERBACK PETE SMITH fell Saturday’s game was fee ¡time, temper, and money! best he had ever played in his brief college career. Pistol Pete FROM REGULAR PRICE Your cboico of Corrasable in hit the bull’s eye (“ bull!” That pattern again!) ofi four of six passes good for 82 yards and a touchdown, hence dispelling 'light, medium, heavy weights and Onion Skin in handy 100« any preseason apprehension over a potential leak in fee ship of State. ~ Lu Kosttchek’s /sheet packets and 500-sheet W a lk i n g out of the dressing room following fee game, Pete boxes. Only Eaton makes had a stack of textbooks under his arm . “ I ’m so far behind VARSITY SHOP Corrisable. — in my studies. I have to catch up this weekend.” 228 ABBOTT ROAD Pete could have gone to the MSU library Saturday afternoon. A Berkshire Typewriter Paper I it was extremely quiet and conducive to study save for fee constant clicking of those turnstyies. •« tor ra r tm c o a ro a A TioN £||yriTTsri*LD r«ass. ' Daugherty thought feat the Wolverine squad was the best I he had seen since fee days of T erry B arr and Ron K ram er. / TO A L L S T U D EN T S O F AFTER THE GAME, former Spartan great Don McAuliffe was circulating among fee 1961 crop of State gridders in fee dressing room. Duffy spotted Don and then announced to the press: Michigan State University _ Campos Book Store “Now there’ a guy who was on a State team for three years feat never lost to Michigan or Notre Dame.” McAuliffe played on the fabulous team s of ’50-’52. CAN YOU USE A HUNDRED BUCKS? Perhaps sometime in the far off future When fellows like Dave Manders. Carl Charon. Wayne Fontes, Ron Hatcher That’s what you can win in every one of Across from Uoioo Building and Garv Ballman return to the Spartan locker room where they so frequently put on that green and white uniform, Duffy may point to them and note: “Now t’ ere’s a guy who was on a State team for three years ED2-0877 feat never lost to Michigan or Notre Dame.” There is only o n e obstacle that could prevent fee realization of this. It will be here Saturday afternooi. Table Tennis The football pass contest be- S P A C E / M IS S IL E i l JE T P R O J E C T S gins today and will continue through October 27. The con­ test will be in front of the I.M. IT S EASY! Ju st pick th e ten winning team s, predict th e scores—and you’r e i n tho moneyl AT D O U G L A S Building on weekdays from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. and-3 p.m. to . W / /oN L Y STUDENTS ON THIS CAMPUS I f i n I f I HERE ARE ALLt h e p r iz e s have created outstanding 5 p.m. ARE ELIGIBLE! L U U I V « YOU CAN WIN I Participants may report to career opportunities fo r the supervisor conducting fee SECOND CONTEST OCTOBER 21st 7 - ~ 8 d ® j# n ifS h d b i contest and sign up. All you have to do is clip the co u p o n , pick the 1st PRIZEP R I Z E _^ t^'Oo/. * FinsahotciftMofVfctreyt The I.M. table tennis tourna­ to every contestant who Mme». S C IE N T IS T S a n d E N G IN E E R S m ent begins tonight a t 7 p.m. winners and predict the scores—then figure o u t 2 n d P R IZ E / UMtea winning towns— in the sports arena in the I.M. how you're going to spend that hundred bucks! w ith o r w orking on advanced, degrees Building. 3 r d P R IZ E ? REGARDLESS OFTHE SCORES!, Assignm ents in d u d e th e followmg areas: Participants should call fee _________________________Jfcu I.M. office for pairings, Ext. H e a t T r a n s f e r - r e l a ti n g to m is­ Structures - relating to cjreuo 355-5250. Only\fcEROYS Got It... (Attach Vicnroy package or facsimile here) sile a n d space vehicle s tru c tu re s loads, tem p eratu ra effects, a n d th e in v e s tig a tio n o f new m a te r ia l s» At Both Endsl Viceroy College Football S e r v o -M e c h a n ism » —relating to «IT types of control problem s ~ m ethods, products, etc. A e r o d y n a m ic s —relating to wind Ready To Aek Got Thu Fitter! Got Thu Blondi COUTEST NO. 2 Here are my predictions for next Saturday's games,"' E le ctro n ic Systems—relating t o Send my prize money to: a ll ty p e s of guidance, d e te c tio n , tunnel, research» stability and The Big Question?. control Only Viceroy's got the NAME. control a n d com m unications _ ' (SUSNMOTPiAMIkv) P r o p u l s i o n - r e l a t i n g t o f lu id - Solid Sfata P h y s k s - relating t o DeTm m * Filter. ADDRESS. m etal surfaces and fatigue Viceroy’s Deep-Wesve m e c h a n ic s , t h e r m o d y n a m ic s , Filter is made of vegetable dynam ics, in te rn a la e ro d y n a m ic s Space v eh icle and w eap on WIN SCORE WIN SCORE material that’s pure E n v ir o n m e n ta l - relating to a ir system stu d ies—of a ll types, involving a vast tango of sdentino and safe. Q Oetaeta □ Henry (OeL » ) co n d itioning, p ressu risa tio n a n d oxygen system s and engineering ridila * Ret- U S. Patent Office P 7 Werter» Mietatel i 11« □ G et full Inform ation a t Nera era Hw Cirteli Ruta» I 1 Mktalf w □ • Nee. 'em »né Win! 1 I Mletat» . . St. □ P E R S O N A L O N C A M P U S IN T E R V I E W S ». ra, mm* * *me* mm» mwe •e □ Seetera Mlitat»to U> [~| Central Mlchl««. BAXTER $22100 l_iui.il ute torturatimi i*t~T M iiM «pi«eM *ekM iw M mew. mm pm tmêmmm «f — • MONDAY, OCTOBER 23 Abe $100 to 780 « mmmm. meewwra w w. e mm et Wt mm mi (talk to »Mm □ WeeklML ■ m i * wee mumm» mmm. m I I Weyee St. enew même» mmmm«mm« tra. e v ra p ta tw ra mwee-eeeemete mento. Weeinme rttovmm eetoeejtee- I " ! CeMenle .«.« □ toe»*!. . .» ¿ r >■mm elWe.»■~ir*-> e«m•* era inti nr - Hit tug* you to make an «»ointment to meat our lu —-“ rteeraeltoSietoelrteetoeeWtart* [~1 Wleee.et. your placement office. If you cannot do «v « ¡fe te h in, - -— 1- —— — - — ■•ne-vwmrwmicmniemiWe □ NW« t, me, »entaemmam»"* letoitarae. mmmm. I SIA m estoy Thompson’s teem» mmm mmmmmmmnmm M« liemm»ltae»mwm«*ieeee , tram «wie WWrtteIta taetaen. .. - .. j m □ LS.O. f- ] Penn. St. □ Staff Assistant to VP Engineering ■ •— — —■— mm» ■!■% r a m Tm era ta □ D O U G L A S A IR C R A F T C O M P A N Y , I N C . Jewelry meet *4 emme ta e e »nee, it tae im e n e , taraelmm mewee. wefc. r a r a e r a t a .r a e m tra e.Wiiiw mwmtamera«raetae» Conttet open ONLY TO STUDENTS AND PAC1MTY OM TUB CAMPUS. Mail before sidatstat, Oct. 11, to Viceroy. Sox | f l M l Vemoa IO .lto.Y niK 22S MJLC. Avt. ata teeeemeeweeraee 9 0 0 0 O caon Park B lvd., S anta Mon ica , C alifornia W wot. eemraa nuram ei yraraee rara» Jtoeqpdcppattullyanpiogta Boat Lansing, Michigan I inii I ei I ...... ..... T hej lode MICHIGAN STATE IOWA OHIO STATE frJSttfe HIKE SKINNER - aid* right, nailed home State’s better if MINNESOTA State News Sports Writer third marker on a setup fiam WISCONSIN NORTHWESIEBN the ever-present Ventura. A sea of mud and a ragged State capped off Its scoring they are PURDUE Æ / Pittsburgh team failed to atop when Ventura, again on ahead MICHIGAN Michigan State from winning shot, converted a Jejry Heron INDIANA' , m its third straight soccer game. rUfet wing pass for a goal at cleaned at ILLINOIS S .i 4-1, at Pittsburgh, P an . Sat­ fee 45 second mark of fee final urday. period. U. * They mauled Southern Ca&- O d d rain, which began F ri­ The Panthers averted a shut­ LOUIS. Football fornia, SMI, Saturday a t Sodth Bend and >used 22 different day and continued Saturday, out when Tom Cufebert, a cen­ left fee playing field “ankle te r forward, scored on a shot deep” in fetid. from rtebt wing. (continued from page I) backs in th e victory. " k “Playing conditions w ere ; The Pittsburgh goal, coming be said. “ And yea know they But fee big Saturday of fee m iserable,” Spartan Coach a t 5:90 at the fourth period, want to beat us.” season is already past. And the Gene Kenney said. ended a state consecutive shut­ LOUIS LAUNDRY Indeed, the Irish, baek on the word is o u t Desptt? poor conditions Ken­ out streak feat extended over track after j s long rebuilding Michigan State is that good. ney called his team ’s perform­ two seasons a n d included five process, m ay be ready. Michigan isn’t ance “ our biggest improve­ games. AND DRY CLEANERS m ent in teamwork this season.” Previously Indiana Tech, in its 7-2 loss to fee Spartans a Com plete O p tica l ^ “ EVERYONE who played year ago, was the last team to gave 100 per cent effort,” Ken­ score on Ted Saunders, Spartan 623 E. Grand River ney said. “ I t was a fine team goalkeeper. S ervice victory.” , . The rain, which fell during three-fourths of the game, CO-TIUKT9 IMI. IMI COCACOLACOWUT. CtM40UWOCO.I **t KOrtTIOtOIMIWMI didn’t dampen State’s spirit, FRAN DOR Fitted Kenney said. “ Our attitude was excellent,” UN Soar« I 1 ^ ]I j Ne Ap. fee Spartan coach said. Seay I j 2 I pointmant It was Pittsburgh’s first loss Payment \ Necessary Plan V jS V - - in four games. They were rated a s being strong because of their Offices of: Drs. J.ChrisHe o n d H._Beckwith, Optometrists win over Akron, Ohio a week ago. Akron had upset NCAA champion St. Louis earlier this LONNIE SANDERS, junior end, caught one pass a g ain st season. the Wolverines but this one eluded Ms hands in the end “ Our boys worked real Well,” zone. Two plays later Pete 8 mith hooked np with C arl’ Kenney said pleased, in sum­ Charon for a 10 yard touchdown aerial. —State News photo ming up fee Spartan win. by Art Wieland. Pace setting scorer Mab Ven­ tura, a 5’ 6 ” center forward who scored eight goals in MSU’s Intram ural Lio n s H o ld first two games, figured in three of fee four goals scored at Pittsburgh. _ Schedule T o Defeat Most of his goals have come on foot shots, but a t 1:05 of fee S rto S a lf Monday, October IS Ram s, 14 -13 second period Saturday Vën- tu ra opened the scoring wife a ,— T ra c k Foolboll ^ IPrarllrr Field) nifty head shot. DETROIT » —Second-string Teamm ate and left halfback If!40 Knmney-Knndora quarterback Jim Ninowski got Ken Graham also dented the TsSB W ent « lo w 1-4 S ite W ent th a w S-S fee Detroit Lions’ sluggish of­ P itt net a t 19:35 of-fee same SiSR W ent S b n n S-t* ■ 0:40 W ent S hew S-10 fense started wife running help period on a shot from 25 yards 4Touch Field) from Nick Pietrosante in a 14- ouL r~ #•4« B ant S haw 1-4 13 luck-tinged victory over fee TiSS B ant Shaw 3-R _ o n Till tril i l l ! - Midnight Weekdays l P.M. Week Ends StlO Eaat Shaw 44 St*8 Bant Shaw »-!» , t)4 0 R ndeU ff-B ondnll fJ e e in n ) F ield ) Los Angeles Rams. CAKED WITH MUD. both The Lions cam e within a teamsr retired to fee sidelines whisker of losing their third for fee balftime break wife the OPEN WIDE and SAY A -H -H -H ! e«4e S io f o o t- B o W f r tr TtSS K m m ln eaee-E m p o rer straight National Football State lead of 2-0 holding up. 1 block East of Campus »•IS Kmpowermewl-Ewayrinao SOW BM IT-Bmbaaar League game when fee R am s’ Ten m inutes into the third CsfflMoy by a >40 K m r n M . B e ^ r n usually reliable placeldcker, period Jean Lohri, a junior in- Danny Villaneuva m issed a field goal from fee 2 1 . - The ball was spotted in the center of fee field, but Villa­ neuva, who earlier bad booted 38 and 15-yard field goals-, kick­ ed the ball inches outside fee onednan. left upright wife four minutes left in the final quarter. The Lions, with Ninowski throwing a 43 -yard touchdown pass to Gail Cogdill and Piet­ rosante sparking a 72-yard touchdown drive, took a_14-3 lead before fee Ram s started a belated comeback. Detroit’s failure to get its offense going in losing its last two games prompted Coach George Wilson to revert to fee two-quarterback system. He shuffled sta rte r ~ E arl Morrall and Ninowski in the first two quarters, before deciding to let Ninowski go fee rate of fee Torn . — — "s- way. Why the gold bun? Future I ’out > You’ra needed... just asyoor father and grandfather were. It’s aa obligatioa that« lot of quel¿¿ed « H ^ ( | Frosh Cagers men have to meet. It we don’t •a# The call Is out to all athletes You» interested in freshm an basket­ All right But whet can I do for the Air Force? ball. , Future Yom ___ Practice begins Monday a t The Air Force needs college trained men and women' 7:3ft p.m. in Jehison gymnas­ aa oficcA This is caused by the rapidly advancing ium. Athletes a re ' asked to technology that goea with hypersonic air and spec* bring their own practice equip­ flight-Your four years of college have equipped you ment. to handle complex jobs. Yont Say I was interested...how can I get to bean officer? Future Yom _ You know about Air Force ROTC and the Air Force Academy. Then there’s the navigator training pro­ gram. You’ve probably heard about Officer Training School...where the /dr Force takes certain college H i - F i a n d S te re o graduates, both men and women, and commissions them after three months of training. Yout Starting salary is important What about that? 1 - We Have Dropped Prices Again Future Yom — - ■, v Add it up. Baae pay, tax-free allowance«, free medp! ca.I and dental care, retirement provision, perhaps flight pay. You don’t have to be an eco major to see it adds up to an attractive package. You» I’ve been thinking about getting my Master's, Future Yom As an officer you can apply for the Air Force Institute* of Technology, At no cost,-and while oo active duty some officers may even win their PLD. degrees. You» Tell me mere. That’s the job of your local Air Fores Reerulter.1 Or write to Officer Career Inform ation, Deng» SCI lft. Box 7608, Washington 4, D.&, if you want further information about fee navigator training t r Officer Training School pcogrw ib (Get. .big..discount«..on..LP’n) There's a place for professional achievement in the U.S.Air Force Corner Ann & MAC East Lansing H Ü é g t » : r 0 :o o m t r ; M ì l Ì Fre s h m a n ' wPoÌmmiob^o Friday moràing, a w M §11 C o u n tY o u r. Dudd Lt» Hansen. 9BJ O h. Ilo* Bd., at thè intersection «f '. Stadrtabies w m weed dur­ wm rkfiag collided with an­ Auditorium Bd.. and Fani Anyone thinking 19:38 p.m. hours for freshmen women a re ing eMrytairnm. m i i p ha> other a t & aw Lane eetem tna Lane. bad should have been on cam ­ low the all-unireritty 10. I t’s a m e d a l te g for KaBogg and Hagadorn. Tienine eau attempting a left pus in 1183. That year the As­ AWS waa ifc irtaiid by the The driver, Louie Bosley, 975 ta ra a lm i M isi Silsbya c a r , State Board « I Agriculture Center. The flrot of the nations Owen, was ticketed by officers catered the intersection "end sociation of Women Students decided f r e k h m e n women around UH5 to help with orient­ residential conference centers, for .making an imprinter right strück hi* vehicle, officer» should be hi a t 7:45 p.m. week ation aad work l a t codes for Kellogg is celebrating its fOth ta ra resulting in a collision ■aid. nights. good citizenship in the univer­ anniversary. This was only one of the sity community. Aside from offering living amendment« passed by AWS There e re now AWS chapters on most cam passe a a d regular accomodations to visitors to that year. No smoking was al­ lowed in the dormitories and state, regional, aad national the campus, the center is the quiet hours were established. meetings a ra held. organizing body of a large p ert During the war, parents Women from each chapter of the university’s extension weren’t the only Mies under attend the meetings aad ex­ program s. change Ideas. The Michigan “On Monday, October 16, a t 8 :8 8 p.m. lb Beam 1B1, Kellogg Center the English rationing. Coeds were also B id ltih 1951 with the financi­ Departm ent a a g the Continuing Education Service d Michigan ^ l^ e rttty rationed stamps for late per­ state meeting will be held Nov. 4 a t Alma College. _ al hacking of the W. K. Kel­ wffl present “ Poems aad Commentary: An Evening wtth Jam es Wright.” Dr. missions. W rigah pew wtth the Department of English of the University of Minnesota, is logg Foundation, the building opened with 193 hotel-type the nattierof the forthcoming AMENITIES OF STONE. He J u s had two additional double rooms accommodating ceHeetfeasef poems pabUshed, including one la th e Yale Series ef Younger Poets 380 guests, in addition, there entitled THE GREEN WALL (oat of print). are seven classroom-labor- atories for h o te l. and restau­ Dr. Wright’s T » « * * have appeared, in th e last few years, In a number ef rant-m anagem ent students, 16 joaraah and periodicals, including Kenyon Review, Sewenee Review, The New conference rooms for discuss­ Yorker, Hudson Review, P eris Review, Horner’s, and Yale Review. He has ion groups ranging from 10 to been the rrrlp lrn t of a Fnlbright scholarship, the 195849 Kenyon Review Poetry 100 p e r s o n s , audio-visual Fellowship, a grant-in-aid from the National Institute ef Arts aad Letters, the rooms where pictures and dia­ Robert F ie et Poetry Prize, and in 1I69, a special citation frqm the Poetry gram s could be used for tar Society ef Ameriea.” struction, an auditorium seat­ ' The public Is cordially invited to attend the reading. ing 375 persons, and one of the Day: Monday,~Oetober 16 Time: 8:00 P.M. Place: 101 Kellogg Center ‘St. judas ’ *1 by James Wright A religious living unit Paper $1*25 - operating on a co-operative basis Announces Cloth $3.50 Hep. Board Get your copy today at the ' Spartan Hi-Wagon. an organ­ ization established to promote better student faculty relation­ ships, has announced the^names of students who were selected to be on the Spartan Hi-Wagon Board of Representatives for f o r ap p o in tm en t Corner Ann & M.A.G the 1961-62 school year. call E D 7-2709 Those selected include: B ar­ o r E D 7-1721 East Lansing rie Armstrong, M artha Beatty, Dick Bunting. Chris Burch, Ter­ ry Burgon, Carol Cohageh, Syl­ via Cpon, Carol Giddings, Jerry Habelman, . Dan Kaspryzk, B arb Kirk, Sue Kistlex, Brin Kushner, Marilyn Lrasemann. Bonnie Longwood, William Mann. Janis Lynn Martin, Marilyn McLintock. Sandra Robinson, Sheila^Saqtner and Jim Wilson. Qualification for m em ber­ ship on this council^ includes S te n o re tte * consideration of people most GRUnOIG1 able to represent the student body. Personality, appearance, DICTATING SYSTEM scholarship and University a t­ titude, as stated in an essay portion of the application, all were points considered in se­ lecting these individuals. R u sh ' for Spartan-Hi-Wagon is held Spring terra of each year but anyone interested in the''organization m ay contact P atti Coleman, chairm an, or Miss Mable Peterson, adviser, a t women’s division of the Stu­ dent Service Building. C o m p U ti u k h dictating or PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 tr a n s c r ib in g gf^NMm Buy a femoraftn-TD dldrtfag/bouwHMbg anal chiwu-the mPgnsfk topo dictating mochten th o fi taking the exeewflve popukrtton by storm. ¿p— E A ST LANSING * PHONE ED.2-2814 HOME O F THE BEST J N FOREIGN FEUMS atocMne B u fi eompoHbie «Mi Hi «Me» mate. EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Ute Menoma i TP far dtttaBoa ond/orinmeertfM Bon In the oflke. Yo«*B get mom wort dona oa4i 1 FIRST SHOW P.M.— ADULTS Me fi Gtvu thè Stsnoratte-Componton to yoor mon-to- GREAT MHOOM STTHETQPT..EXCÌTINS ^ the-fleld for u h Hi hi* trovai*. Ha dictota* od hit bulina** transoctions on tha Compontoni moti* hir topy* to haodquartars for transcription. LOVER OF UZ TRVUIRnTBUTTERHELO 8! SHOWN AT f ì Promota your »acratary to mora imporfont admin- ittrative dutia*, making her job mora interesting, 7:30 AND mora desirqble and mora «otisfymg. 9:56 MERE? WRtt STWOKTTl^OfFIK TWfc1 • Belt-clear magnatic racording a Endlaiily rausóbla, correctabla magnatic topa* inter» chongaoble on ofl Stanorattas — standard* and (NUTWOOD'S portable HOTTEST KW • Push-button dk tatton • Plkk of tha thwnb mkropfcona control of oH functtona STM h a t a t e a Upto 45 mmotaaofsoOdarror-fraa dktatton par tape fU m tn k ! i for froodomonsfratlon ofnoobiìgailoni Como in orphono We might a* well tell you straight off: Corvair’a tha car for.tha drivinr enthusiast. Think tharleto you out? Maybe. Maybe Aot. Until you’ve driven one, yau really can’t say for aura, because Corvair’a kind of driving la like no other in the land. The amazing air-cooiad rear engine sees to that. You awing around curve« flat aa you please. in compete control. You whip through the sticky spot* other c a n should keep out of in the first place. (Especially this year, now that you can get Po«itraction as aa extra-coat option.) You stop amoothly, levslly -with Corvair’a beautifully balanced, bigger brakes. ’ And Corvair’s found other new ways to please you this year. A forced-air heater Mid ' V H o m e t M A c m rts to o r q p iP ic if N defroster are standard equipment on all coupes, sedans and both Monza and 700 Station Wagons. So are dual sunshades and front-donr armrests Sod some other goodies. You’ll note H a t — I b r l n p Company some new styling« inside and out. Nice. And safety-belt installation is easier, too, and chas par. Another extra-east eptaO^waO worth considering is the heavy-duty front and rear suspension; w m m m m a. h a m m i m • n m tv i n n it turns a Corvair into a real tiger. • , \" T " JUh* World Worth So you can aaa wa haven’t really dona much to Corvair this year. Why « e t r t h should we? STARTING “THE RIKISHA-MAN” If this ear, jo tt as a te is, can’t males a driving eothuriast out of you, bettor take a cab. FR ID A Y W ITH TO SHIRO M IFU N E ident, will «peak and a new 80C S O C M eets pobBctotoe. "CMnpag^Atotol* A ir D e fe n s e Is icement Lb U n io n tint tor Off-Campus Students.” will be jfistrfboted. Members ureau 11111 iiiii>i1111 mu11111lima— in nrin are asked to bring their-activ­ Students Off Campus (SOC) ity boato far the football Mode. will have Its second iheeting The tern party and New DETROIT (fi—Teamsters ensemble, a dance band and g of the term today in 33 Union Year’s party will be discussed Interviewing at the Flaca- Union President Junes R. formal recaptioe. | | at 7:39 p.m. and t *™*1 entertainment pre- maat Bureau Thursday. Ad­ Hoffa will be just the father of Miss Hoffa, who taught Jun­ Larry Campbell, AUSG p m - ditional information hi tha the bride Saturday whan he Placement B m a r M M e for gives bis 33-year-oki school­ ior high school in Detroit l a d the week ef QcL'M dt t teacher daughter away in year, m et her fiance a t the T h e Chemstraai C e r p . matrimony. chemical and mechanical en­ -More than 1,600 guests are Team sters’ Convention in Mi­ ami in July. — M IC H IG A N gineers and chemistry and to attend the wedding of Within three weeks, they physics majors. Barbara Hoffa, only daughter were engaged, flying to San Tha CaUfarnia State Gevera- of file labor leader, and Robert Francisco to talk with file m eet interviewing civil engi­ Craacer, 24, of S t Louis, son Hoffas one weekend and to S t neers. '0 7 of the president to a S t Lotos, The Phttco Cerp., physical Mo. steel company. Louis to see the senior Crane* ers the next. aaazmnannraff chemistry m ajors and electric­ Crancer’s m arriage license The couple will reside la al, and m echanical engineers— application listed his occupa­ Dallas after their wedding. m asters or doctors only. tion a s a salesm an; he m an­ . Right now, Miss Hoffa’s The Cbemstread Research eges thé Dallas office of the m ain worry is th at no one Center, laeerp., chemistry and >Valley Steel Co., which iahead- finds out details of her wed­ V ^ W .W L U I I N N S physics m ajors and chemical ed by his father, Les Crancer.’' ding dress before the cere­ engineers—m asters and doct­ mony. The Rev. Charles E. Sutton, H H H f NATALIE W O O D ors only. associate m inister to Central ||M J M H _*.MTHMGlf tUMEY CMBtSTC The University ef Michigan Methodist Church h i Detroit, F R E E LIST Institute ef S c i e a e . e aad will officiate at the single ring Technology, electrical engi­ ceremony. Miss Hoffa will OF OVER 4« ORGANIZED ■ H WmmA* R IH H ff fiA T T Y l^ ^ H iffissfflins1 animi nrr neers and physics and m ath have six bridesmaids. MUSICAL GROUPS SHOP WITH ME IN m ajors. Champagne toasts and filet' Shell OO Ce., all m ajors, of mignon top the menu for 300 1 to 26 pieces write-or-phone FRIDAY! PAUL NEWMAN in "THE HUSTLER” CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS College of Business and Public guests who will attend a wed­ Service—December graduates ding breakfast after the 1 1 a.m. only. wedding. A lavish Polish wed­ C. V. “ Bud” Toeley, Secy. Lansing Federation to Michigan State U niversity FOREIGN FILM SERIES PHONE 355-8235 or 355-8256. Musicians The Radiation lacerp., E l­ ding dinner for 800 will he held 527 S. Washington, Lansing presents ectrical engineers. in the evening to fulfil! the de­ DEADLINE 1:00 P.M. Interviewing a t the Placem ent sire to tiie bride’s mother, Mrs. IV 34314 , , ONE OF T H f FEW GREAT MO­ (Clip this Ad for furare use) B ureau Friday. Additional in­ Josephine Hoffa, who is to TION PICTURES OF OUR TIME formation in the Placem ent Polish descent. There will be “LIVE MUSIC IS BEST” an eight foot cake, a string • . . t o be soon, studied an d di­ AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL Bureau Bulletin for the week g ested by all w ho ta k e th eir of Oct. 16-20. 1980 AUSTIN H EA LEY S prite. OARAGE. W e stern Section o f T H E KINGSTON T RIO com ing The Glees Falls Insurance m ovies seriously." C om plete 'w ith h e a te r, w in d sh ield E a st U t i r l n i . 88 p e r m onth. P hone W ednesday. N ovem ber t, ( p.m., REGULAR PRICES —Arthtr WinittK, N.Y. Foil w ash ers, and to n n eau cover. Only ED 7-0792. - 1* C lrie C enter. T ic k e ts 83.5«, *2.50, Co., all m ajors. 9.S«« m ile s. P riée *1150. Call APARTMENTS and $1.58. R eserv a tio n e now b eing W ayne C ripps, E D 7-9482. 14 t a k . n 'a t th e Dlec Shop. The Bureau of the Ceases, UNTIL 5:30 P.M. 60c 'Ingmar B erg m an , a p o e t w ith th e FU RN ISH ED APARTMENT. 3 1955 BCICK C en tu ry . E x cellen t room s, b ath . U tilities, $100 a m onth. FO R T H E F IN E S T in d an ee m u ­ all m ajors of the Colleges of EVENINGS 90c c a m e ra , g e ts som e g ra n d , open m echanical condition. Good Inter* 49a_ G rove St. Side e n tra n c e . M ar­ sic i t ’s J a c k B raun, Bobby S tevens' Business and Public Service, io rr tie.*«,, new b a tte ry . .B ody {air. ried only. A pply ¿94 D ivision. KD R on E w H ih , p lu s m an y o th ers. Science and Arts and Com­ 3*11 UN9W0-*_fH08I IP. sensitive im a g e s . . . brillia n t scenes $300. E D 12-85113. 17 2 i#43». W t_r. P hone th e Bud-M or A gency, IV li­ a n d b e a u tif u lly to u c h in g m o ­ es:«. tl munication Arts. December FEATURE 1:15 - 3:15 1955 BCICK Special. 2-door, ROOMS m en ts.” —lo il., Cnwthf, N.T. Time* h tn j to p ." Good condition, and M arch graduates only. 5:20 • 7:25 • 9:30 - m oney! C ali Tom a t IV 7-5118 a f ­ LARGE ÄOOM R c s’itifu lljr f u r ­ The Mianeapolls-Heaeywell te r « p.m. ^ 18 nished. tw in beds, 2 d e sk e r p riv ai* 'Brilliant, unforgettable drama* en tran e * an d h ath. Tn lo v ely r a r ’n Regulator C o . , electrical, WHAT-WA8 THE - J i i h Zunitr, Cvo 1954; CHEVROLET. Rei aire, home. Rea>»onab:*. E D day s mechanical engineers a n d dio, h e a te r, po w er glide. $ 1 1 » 7*7011. o r ED niprhtv. —- - *15 TRUTH ABOUT ADA? physics m ajors — m asters or 1910 PODGE. 4 door, radio, h e a t - LOST and FOUND doctors only. Chemical, elec­ e r. ttúToinatfc*. $206 fo r K quifj—m n t trical and m echanical engi­ t i k e o v rr paym ents. C all 33ó-I2.*>X BLACK EBONY O m e o b reach . neers and m ath And statistics L ea th e r ba<-k*«l. in a re a "of m ajors. Physical chemistry L ib rary . F am ily piece. D * « r* r e ­ tu rn fo r se n tim e n ta l reaso n s. Ca l m ajors ' (doctors). Chemical IV 5-41*72 a f t e r 8 p.m. ________ If —- P lu s — engineers (m asters and doct­ ClHPMSCOrt wetsoCQLOR 1Si 8 FORD. M echanically p cr- PERSONAL or#). W alt D isney’s “ AMA GIRLS” fe v trb o d y perfect, v ery c iv .a . Hen Union Cariride Consumer l A F R Ä WHITE-RALPH MEEKER*MARTMBALSAM M onday, T uesday - O ctober 16, 17 McCrea, 1281-0 U n iv ersity Vlllair* SENSATIONAL folk sin g e r. Jo a n Products Ce., chemical, mech­ n sauta— , a t- oaanitwjj________ ED 7-0221. r . g IS Baez, a p p e a rin g Ann A rbor M.S., 7 & 9 p.m . anical and electrical engineers f STARTS THURSDAY S , MG-TD. 1952. w h ile ; co n v ertib le e ts aay F rid . O ctober 27. S:35 p.is. T ic k ­ F airch ild T h e a tre v a ila b le at th e D isc Shop. tf and chem istry m ajors. ? E n g in e ’ co m p letely A round S79dt M ust sell. 1289 1 o v erh au led SUSAN CONLEY and DENNIS Los Angeles County, civil en­ “SPARTACUS” A dm ission: 50c _ U n iv ersity V illage. 305-8151. U D EPU E p lease com e to th e S ta te IMPORTANT M EETING News office. Rvorn 247. S tn d c n t gineers ami all m ajors in soc­ M G.A. C oupe. 59, W ire w heels, Services B I d g rf o r tw o fre e p asses ial work. zp w h ite side w alls, ra d io ,b e a te r. Best to th e C re TUESEfAT N IÖH T reaso n ab le offer. KD , - 2 1 7 1 . (4 st D riv e-In . tf The Monsanto Chemical Co., F o u rth F lo o r 1949 OLDSMDBÎLF.. K xeellenL 1 FR EE- 5x7 e n la rg e m e n t' B ring U nion T o w er Room chem istry, physics and jtpicro- ru n n in g condition. $75. l i l t P ark th is ad to M arek R exal? P rescrip -, biology m ajors and chemical 14 tion C en ter by F randor- No p u r ­ A venue, L an sin g . t v 2-59^5, chase needed.. L im it o n e to a fa m ­ BRING engineers. TH E BELL TELEPH O N E 1955 OLDS. 2 do o r H oliday *’*, ily. O ffer en d s Oct. SI. IS«I. 14 F u ll pow er, ex c e lle n t condition, C all HD 7-1880 a f te r 0 fi.ni. li A CTIV ITT BOOKS C O M P A N IE S S A L U T E 1959 RAMRDER A m eritan . Kx-* re lie n t ro n d ltlo n . C lean tiirnuLi'j- out. $$73. C all Ja m e s V andelln, TV 5-Si 14 , J¿xt. 2811, sta tio n . J*Hi, p.m. - 15 / CARL HORN Luraliers REAL ESTATE H o w m a n y m o r e p e o p l e w ill n e e d te le p h o n e m a k e i m p o r ta n t f o r e c a s tin g d e c is io n s . D e c is io n s t h a t Recognition BY OW NER. O w ner tra n sfe rre d . M ust sell. 4 room s and b a th , la rg e Members of -P h i Lambda Tau, engineering . honorary, " s e rv ic e in I l l i n o i s b y 1 9 7 0 ? H ow m a n y m o re te le ­ w ill b r i n g a d v a n c e d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s to t h e n a t i o n . EMPLOYMENT c lo se ts an d lot. Low ta x e s. $4,500, Pins te rm s ; $14,000, cash . C all ED 7- 9S7S. " II who did not receive notice of the group’s meeting last Thurs­ p h o n e b u i l d i n g s s h o u ld b e b u i l t , h o w m u c h m o r e C a r l H o r n o f I llin o i s B e ll T e le p h o n e C o m p a n y , e q u ip m e n t o rd e re d ? H e l p i n g to f i n d t h e r i g h t a n d o th e r y o u n g m e n lik e h im in B e ll T e le p h o n e DUPLEX. 10 room s each aide. day a re asked to contact Har- ' MSI M any p o ssib ilitie s fo r incom e. N ear M ichigan ajjd P e n n sy lv a n ia ish Mallik so that a complete a n s w e r s ( b e c a u s e _ th e w r o n g o n e s c o u ld b e v e r y e x ­ C o m p a n ie s , h e l p m a k e y o u r te le p h o n e a n d com ­ A venues. IV 5-8138, ow ner. II membership list m ay be com- p e n s iv e ) is th e j o b o f C a r l H o r n , a te le p h o n e c o m ­ m u n ic a t io n s s e r v ic e th e f in e s t in th e w o r l d . APPLES* Red 'D elicio u s, J o n a ­ Graduation 5SS CORN FUL. 5 room bungra- low , gaa h e a t. Mg c a r gr&r&ge. in j)iled. p a n y e c o n o m is t w h o g r a d u a t e d f r o m c o lle g e ju s t la s t thon j*. Mflntotih^ Nufthem t*vy* e x cellen t condition. IV 9-58! 4, ev*- Mallik m ay be reached by and- <-ortlands F resh a p p h elder. Sfjiia-sli. PI* and Halloween» fiur.Vi»- Rings ninjrs ED 2-4441. M artin Ag«ncy, R ealto rs. 16 calling 337-1683. - y e a r . H i s s tu d i e s a n d e s tim a te s h e l p m a n a g e m e n t M y BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES kvfi*. Farm fresh egg»'. Alan- o th e r The next meeting to Phi Lam­ f r n ils and veg eta b les at w»,a,»»ou- obt^ pri«’?«. R oadside F arm M-irk- IN STOCK R E D CEDAR AREA. W a lk in g d ista n c e to cam pus, 5 bedroom s, bda Tau will be held October * t. 2 m iles east of K*a! l.an.Hinwr d o ab le lot', 2 b ath s, n ew ly carpet-« 26 at 7 p in. in 36 Union. on FN 18 a t Okeilto* FJoad. ' tf etf 30_foot liv in g room , firep la ce, a tta c h e d g a ra g e . CaiL- ED ,2-4419- o r 3*5*1781. .1 4 SERVICE Humanists CANDY VOICE in a tru c tio a . te a c h e r w ith Mantera degree. Stu Quatl^lai To Organize BOGAN TURNTABLE. Model dio 2 b lo c k s from cam pus. E D 3 The student chapter to the peed ra n g e 14-SO rptn. : 1 tiuck-at LD S-8390 a f te r 8 p.ti FT.YING SPARTANS. FI: American Humanist Assn. will 14 FOOT Y ellow Ja ck e t RTM ENT D av is A irp o rt, N. A b b o tt Rd. 1 ione hold its organizational meeting M ark .55. M aatc rc ra ft tr a ile r ED Î-0224. tan k s. npholatere'd, p a irs Monday a t 8 p.m. in 36 union. and rope. P e rfe c t co n d itio n .- C H ILD C A R E In m y E a s t L a n ­ sin g home. 1235 B urchaca Drive. ' Gary Bills, Lansing senior, P hone ED 2-8859. 11 is arranging the meeting. Dr. TROPICAL,. F is i I -u p p lier. tMhann'a, BUD SPANGLER o rc h e s tra now Roger Wescott to the African Road, TU 2-1481. a v a ila b le fo r e n g a g em e n ts. Call language departm ent, is the TV 2-1240. ts KAY ELEC TRIC GUITAR. KD faculty adviser. TYPING In S p a rta n V illage a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r. C all 355-3012. -tf Across From Home Economics Bldg W IL L CA R E fo r ch ild re n Hceneed home. Call IV 4-6567. G LA D M ER HIGH READERSHIP TY PIST ANN BROWN. E D 2- 8384. E le c tric ty p e w rite r . T erm pa N O W ! . . . 65c to 5:30 . . . LOW COST . . . p ere an d th e se a, a ls o g e n e ra l typ. log. *1 K EN N T DAVIS ORCHESTRA VICTORY VALUES C ell ED 2-14Ï7. _ 1{ T H E SIS TTFING . p rin tin g . Ad­ vice on form and ety le a t no c h arg e. E d itin g Service. W onoh SPARTAN MOTORS G ra fie Service. 1720 E. M ichigan Ave. L ansing. Ph. 484-7788. tf Central Michigan's largest selection to used - T TPIN G DONE in m y hom e. C all TV 7-518«. IS Corvettes and Volkswagen«. ~ J STUDENT DISCOUNT, s e lf waah, 1961, I960, 195» Corvettes, 3 and 4 speed! I .73. L ab Job, 31.55. Student p ark­ in g . 11.55. F rae quart of oil with I960, 1961,19S7 Volkswagons, Suarotos and Hardteps- e very ell chana*. Complete tune* up. Open 34 hour*. D ave's Pure Oil. 15 18 E. Grand “ R iver. tf 1960 MGA1666 Scries, priced to aeU. - - - _ E X P E R T T H E SE S and g e n e ra l 19S7 Chevrtoets, convertibles, hardtop* and wagons. ty p in g . E lectric typew riter. E ig h ­ te e n years experience. One block 1956 Chevrtoets, Belair 4-door, hardtop, automatic, radia and from R redy. ED 2-5545. Ü „ heater. Biscayne six-stick. TYPIN G. Vheaea, t a r a panari m aral. E lectric typew riter. Dall] 1900 Chevrtoet coavertible, fully equipped. Law, law attleagc •livery and pick-up front Cam aad immaewtate. » 1961 OMamahfie - I dour aad 4-door hardtop, power Jetw ay \ m TRANSPORTATION hydormatic, radio aad heater, deluxe. - NEW YO RK • JE R S E Y fo r T h an ksgivin g! Group c h a rte rin g 1956 Fords, priced to sell! 4-door, six-stick aad 2-door aataaisMc bua round trip to N.Y. F o rt A u ­ with power. r-» th o rity T e rm in a l, W adaeadag, No­ COMING SA TU R D A Y vem ber >1 C o n tact A rt Upton, ÎT 9 -12 1A betw eaa M a á H g m m M tm n m SEARTAN MOTORS WANTS) 3496 E. MICHIGAN S’# "-' ͧSf§?| mBS m mg qSSWf W Êm, . ■■ I n s.l i-i.i.-v.'-’ Ü WmWAm * g l| m m m m - « 'ff 5 » -; M¡* W g s mB ¡¡B I ¡ I S ^ f é l 1 BOWS»sui r i H ‘ iHÉilliiil E I is i# l s ....... |Ä |g ■fäi Wmiià M onday U to rn fa ^ r HI ■ ■ P |jp I pj P m r-m PUP ^ ***f * . s s B P l l a r a s m P i •.?» --'M g r é l& ;£ ì OSU Okays AFROTC Men -j 8 Fe llo w » Study H e re v -p | N ig h t Staff P »|fW w i_ A th le tic A dd Are Flying Again Eight feUowship-holders are fense Education Title VI fellow­ Derrickson; Asit. News Editor, SaB jf- Copy Editors, lenç. É¡f Sings and Swings CHICAGO Iff)—Big Ten com missioner William 'Reed sak? Thursday Ohio State Univer­ Three form er Air Force RtyfC instructors i t MSU have recently M en reassigned to fly­ studying to the foreign language departm ent this year. Holders of a Woodrow Wil­ ship, while working on her PhD. to the history departm ent a x , holding NDEA Title IV bel Racki, Joyce Buchhela¿ i ; Br andon Brown. son fellowship, Uwe Klinger fellowships and their respective te s Hy DAVID JAEHNIG musical ability and took a good sity was th e first conference ing positions to G erm any,'N e­ Of the State Nmrs Staff part of the night off. This school to approve toe league’s v a d a , and Maqs., said Capt. from Florida Stetson Universi­ studies, are P atricia Aviaia proposed new aid-to-athletea ty k studying Russian. He is and George Monsour, Spanish; Courteous That m aa of “Hit the Road, brought the usual deserving program . Robert Swett, 380th detatch- the first Wilson fellow in the Ilze Bittle and Stuart Smith, Jack” and “ Georgia” fam e. groans and hoots of displeasure m ent public information offi­ deportment. Attention Ray Charles, hit the keyboard« of toe audience, who bad paid, The Buckeyes school’s faculty Mary Sam arin is studying iGerm an; and Robert Nicolich council solidly backed the new cer. V of Ms now-famous organ Friday as s e v e r« of them put it, to see Maj. B. Regan, form er di­ Russian under a National De- and Andre Waither, French. evening and brought dow irthe "the big man, R ay,”'n o t his orchestra, no m atter how good program which strikes the "need” factor for financial aid rector of education at the de­ Cleaner house. to athletes, but tightens schol­ tachm ent, is flying C-121 early- Lansing Civic Auditorium they were. Clothes jumped, reeked and twisted its Charles delayed bis entrance way through the music of the so long that the audience was astic entrance requirements. H ie new program proposes a “ predicted” scholastic poten­ warning rad a r aircraft from Otis AFB, Mass,. ¡F Capt. Donald McClure, for­ Varsity Drive In long-anticipated headliner. And booing, hissing and shouting m er asst, director of leader more people spent their time for him for nearly 90 minutes tial of a 1.7-poifit grade (minus- s h ip training, has been reas­ 1227 E. GRAND RIVER spread-eagled on the slippery before he ever put in an appear­ C) for any stodent-athiete ca­ dance floor tomi they did in ance. But once he was on stage, tering a Big Ten school in quest signed a s a maintainence of­ OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. of an athletic scholarship. This ficer" in Germany. their partner's arm*, But they the wait was forgotten, and toe grade would be based upon DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. just didn’t seem to care. enthusiasm he radiated caught After waiting over mi hour- up the crowd. —- high school ranking and col­ - 8 :3 0 P.M. * 1 :3 0 A.M. and-a-half for the exciting en­ He only stayed an hour dur­ lege entrance examination. VMI Buys Two SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P. M. -1 :3 0 A.M. Frandor Shopping Center tertainer to arrive on stage, the ing his first appearance of the The 1.7 grade m ust be! MON. THRU FRI. TILL • crowd was ready for anything evening, hut what an hour. He achieved by the end of the ath­ Love Seats ED2-6517 SAT. TILL 7 Charles (called "The Genius” in moved through toe top hits, the lete’s freshman year. The ath­ lete, to m aintain his scholar­ RICHMOND, Va. (Jfi — Old show biz parlance), and his oa rae loara *fce » '» doore ■Irpa at OrMHIIe’a—evea If »«■ver. tiaarrS kflerrl That’» whr »*« Set year llr»t Iraaoa free. yegr for only oar. la ao Ho*. yo«*re danrlac tfce Vo* Trot. Mamba, the- 1 Im—all the la,eat atep». appointment and come in “ laboratory experiments and (continued from page 3) ested persons. together. Expires Oct. 30. experiments in the open air her U.S. visjt on her own as a with bom bs.” free-lance w riter. College Manor Beauty Salon in fo rm a tio n She speaks fluent Dutch English, Germ an and French and often does translation Member of * 224 Abbott Road — ED 2-3113 work. NHCA Inc. today on campus As a student of languages, she said she finds th e college campus a fertile ground for LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSN. —Monday, 4:10 p.m ., Study learning the latest young Amer­ ”SPP- ~- ‘■'I. • M E N icans idioms and now under­ group. University Lutheran stands when she hears some­ ~■ Church. STUDENTS OFF CAMPUS — thing is “ real cool.” M rs. Swart-Spanjer’s husband Monday, 7:30 p.m., campus activities meeting, 33 Union. is also a w riter. They have two children. The oldest, a boy 15, "1 . • 1 cam e to the United States on SPECIAL his own about a year ago and toured much of the country by bicycle. He m ay go to college I A n invitation to com e PURCHASE in America, she said. Their daughter, 7, has a Michigan State sweatshirt and f a n d inspect the new WASH-N-WEAR is a proud MSU booster, Mrs. Swart-Spanjer said. It was f1 /J -FLANNELS given to her by Prof. Edinger. t! . 3RD EDITION ONLYVARSITY SHOP * 4 « The Edingers and the Swart- Spanjers m et by. chance a few years ago on a trip to Europe and have kept in touch since Y I MERRIAM WEBSTER - 228 ABBOTT RD. E . LANS. then. |\ INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY f Academic Publishing Co. J - ; i : • ^" ' \ ■ . • "hr - - .-f V 7 presents for t. M S U . An entirely new presentation of the English language as it is written and spoken today—more useful and authoritative lit an any previous dictionary. A masterpiece CAMPUS SUMMARIES of precise defining with the advantage of quotations from well known writers to Here’s deodorant protection For All First-Term Basics demonstrate word usage and to make‘"meanings clearly understandable. These study guides have been prepared to enable YOU CAN TRUST the student to obtain the maximum understanding of the materials presented In the besie courses v ON Syiet Stfcfc Pioiorart.^foitMR, »m u> i« y *>■&• with a minimum amount of wasted effort, They S p a rta n B o o k d a y, every d a y protection f t o t h e active d e o d o r a n t fo r active m e n ...« b * o h it e ly d e p en d a b le G lid e s « r w a o o t h ly , have been designed specifically for qtudents at s p e e d ily ...d r ie e in r e c o r d ti* » e . O H S p ic e S tfe k D e o d o r a n t MSU, and used properly will be of great benefit. . — m oat c o n v e n ie n t, m o st u t mistical d e o d o r a n t m sn e y c a n b u y . 1 .0 0 p h w t a x . - ^ 7 In q u ire Downstairs In The Inkpot ~ Comer Ann & MAC Avenue ' s t ic k D EO D O R A N T (Monday • Friday E2 to 5) East Lansing ** ' . ’ 'J • ' /' 7' ,:'V .' 307 East Grand River ;; ■ H U U T O AS '