K W ffîts Serving M SU fo r 5 2 year» Established 1909 VoL S3, No. 80 Tuesday Morning, October 1 7 , 1 9 6 1 Ma S C e n i» President John A. Hannah. H am ah said th at he favored « u m u * , b. » «* posed to etoeed Cm Con ses­ sparing the voter confusion. sions even though heapproved Most likely one of the sec­ such * m easure tost week. tions to the revised constitution Hannah, a constitutional con­ wifi be a provision for thevgov- vention delegate, said th at his ernor to be elected for-« four- vote Wednesday to allow com­ year term ra ttie r than the pre- mittees to b u d closed m eet­ sent two-year term , said Han­ ings If authorized by-a m ajor­ nah. ity of the delegates did not If the voters can deckle on mean that he approved of clos­ this question , t o April, then ed meetings, their decision will go into ef­ He said th at the only circum­ fect for toe November guber­ stances to which he would con­ natorial election. done a closed meeting were “ We ought to move as fast when a person’s job or reputa­ as we can,” he said. “ I see no Seeks Future Statesmen Edinger on Berlin Nigerian tion would be dam aged by an reason why we can’t finish to open hearing. “ In such cases,” said- Han­ diligently.”" nah, “the committee should a couple of months if we work Hannah hoped the constitu­ Diplomat Honorary West Berliners9 ■v " '■»— Students have the' opportunity to submit tional convention didn’t get in­ its request for a closed meet­ to a bad habit of toe legisla­ ing to a vote of the convention. ture. Interviews Today ~ Spirits at Low Ebb Protest It will take a m ajority vote \p “They put off their work so Volunteer Write» Close a meeting, and aside By JUDY MARUCCO from exceptional cases, 0 there long th at they get into a lazy A special group interview for at 7 p.m. in 32 Union, will pre­ Of The State Newt Staff ‘Nigeria Primitive* t V illi C A to llU V ilO li V M U ) will be almost no chance of^ habit, he said wi I fi V _ n ; J members of the Foreign Serv­ cede a first-hand report on the Hannah said that in the pre­ ice professional fraternity with Berlin crisis and the Trecent West Berlin ought to be turned into a “ Super Geneva” , Bv MARY BASING getting 74 delegates to favor E rnest C. Betts, J r., personnel "West German elections by closing.” _ sent preliminary stages, be suggests Lewis J . Edinger, professor of political science. Of the State News Staff representative of toe U. S. De­ Lewis J . Edinger, professor of H annah said that he thought could not tell how feelings partm ent of State, is scheduled political science. Prof. Edinger returned tost week from a three week trip Cultural shock expressed on there would be no closed m eet­ were lining up on the reappor­ for 4 p m . Tuesday in - the A second smoker is sched­ through Germany. The trip was sponsored by the West German a 75-word postcard is making ings of the reapportionment tionment committee. Placem ent Bureau conference uled for Oct. 26, also a t 7 p.m. government. * problems for the Peace Corps committee, of which he is “ I have my own personal no­ in 32 Union, prior to an ad- Shocked -by the extrem e de­ Edinger also said he had in Nigeria. tions, but I am not going to re­ room. chairman. The interview is the la«- .dress v n American activities to moralization of the German heard about a student who was Miss M argery-M ichelm rae, In regard to the disputed veal them until the other mem­ meeting of Betts’ two days Iran by D r. Ned Bayne, Middle people over the Berlin crisis, sent to prison to E ast Germany 23, Smith College honor stu­ completion date of the conven­ bers of the pommittee have here with students interested E astern specialist of the Am er­ Edinger outlined s e v e r a l dent from Fox boro/M ass., and' tion, Hannah said that he was had a chance to express their to diplomatic careers, and is ican Universities Field Staff. LEWIS J . EDINGER things that J h e U. S. and other for petitioning a ferry captain one of 37 Peace Corps volun­ inclined to favor an early com­ feelings,” he said. ^countries of the free world to let himself and other pas­ open to other interested per­ The foreign service a n d teers now training a t the Uni­ Most of the necessary infor­ eould do to influence the G er­ sengers off on an island in versity College in Ibadan, re­ pletion date if the convention could finish its work. — mation for the reapportion­ sons as well a s m em bers of the trade group established a new fraternity. precedent last week by elect­ Register man people to stay in West West Germany. portedly ignited a fuse attach­ Delegate HenFy Woolfenden m ent committee was gathered Two open rush smokers for ing its first foreign-student pres­ Berlin: The boat had been traveling ed to anti-Peace Corps feelings (H-Bloomfield Hills) proposed by the convention planning Thursday that the convention committee before the conven­ all men students interested in ident, David C. Christie, senior careers in international trade from the United Kingdom. Bikes U n til International confe r e n c e s from E ast to West Germany with a postcard 'that said Ni­ ought to .be held'to West Ber­ geria’s living conditions were complete its business by Dec. tion eonvened, according to and diplomacy Have also been Christie succeeds L arry Corfi- lin such as those held to Ge­ when the Aug. 13 halt took primitive. 31 so that the proposed revi­ H annah. Some of the commit­ planned by Delta Phi Epsilon. ish, Law ton' junior, who was Frid a y at 5 neva. 1 place. According - to Associated sions can be put on the ballot tee’s information and ideas The smoker Thursday, Oct. 19, the first MSU student selected W est Berlin should be made When asked if he thought P ress reporter Robert Lindsay- next April. The constitution will come from the recently for the-P eace Corps. Cornish The departm ent of public into a cultural center. Jack P a a r had done any dam ­ | in-Nigeria, her postcard to an was originally scheduled and drafted constitutions of Alaska financed to last until April and and Hawaii." Staff Works completed training a t Notre safety is extending bicycle reg­ The U.S. and « h e r countries age in Berlin, Edinger said he !American friend was found by Dame in September, and is istration from t to 5 p.m. to­ ought to send experienced peo­ believed (fiat the German peo­ a Nigerian student after it was to be put to a vote in the Nov., 1962, election. _ Hannah commented that in spite of his convention duties On Display now on assignment in Chile. day through Friday. Normal ple to West Berlin to train the ple paid little attention to him. dropped accidentally n e a r Other new Delta Phi Epsilon hours for registration are 1 1 people and to help strengthen “ He was thought of as just an­ campus. r~ Woolfenden argued that it he was spending more tim e a j The work of 17 staff members officers include Jim Thomas, a.m . to l p.m. daily. morale. other American comic,” he was likely that in April the his university desk than he had of the a r t departm ent is on ex­ Grbsse Pointe F arm s senior, The departm ent said that ap­ COPIES WERE made for hibit in the Kresge Art Gallery. executive vice president; J e r­ proximately 1,800 out of an es­ The Free University of Ber- said. other students and the press. _ Con-Con would be~the only m a­ for a jong tim e. jo r issue on the ballot and The convention work takes The collection of paintings, ry Papachristou, junior from tim ated 2,600 bicycles o n c a m - lin could be expanded into an ’ Lindsay reported that 1,000 would still be fresh in the vot­ two hours a day a t most, and sculpture, ceram ics, and prints, the United Kingdom, projects pus this term have been regis­ International P e a c e C o r p s I Nigerian students tu rn ed out e rs’ minds. In November, he should continue to be brief for said, it would be only one of two or three weeks, he ex­ can be viewed-from now until vice president; Dick -Schuller, tered.— Nov. 6 . E ast Lansing senior, secre­ The extended hours are to training grounds. Edinger said th at he is firm ­ lill | Sunday for a protest rally. He said the students adopted many items on the ballot, and plained. Eventually, however, Gallery hours are from 8 a.m. tary; Bill Thurman, Birming­ give students tim e to register ly convinced that the Soviet l- 'v iv a resolution demanding expul­ voter interest in the proposed to 5 p.m. Monday through F ri­ ham sophomore, treasu rer; j their bikes before complete en­ Union will not go to w ar over sion of all the P eace Corps revised constitution might not committee meetings w ill he day and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Roger Macleod, Leslie forcement of bicycle regula- Berlin. igj _. m em bers from, tile school, be as great. held alm ost every day. — and Sunday. junior, as pledge m aster. ! tions is begun. “The E a s t German economy their deportation as “ agents of is almost entirely supported by im perialism ” and implied that Soviet_aid,” he said. “Their tee resolution was the result of main objective is to gain the the postcard. ~ benefit of economic aid from However, the State News re ­ S t a t e E d g e s , O l e M is s West Germany. "They are us­ ceived information Monday ing Berlin to gain conces­ night that 150 students demon­ sions.” strated. Edinger said that he believes W e ’r e S it t in ’ o n T o p o f th e P o ll “ MY. FEELING is that this the U.S. ought to stand fast to protesTis based on other things Berlin, but a t the same tim e beyond the postcard,” Dr. should do something about the George H. Axinn, MSU coordi­ existing m orale. nator for the University of Ni­ “ Most of the people just want (/fi—Michigan State’s smashing victory over M ichigan- to get out of Berlin,’ he said. “ Industry is on the decline.' PPM 9* ' t . - t geria project, said Monday. “We m ust give the Peace Craps volunteers a chance to achieved before a national television audience—has shot the Something should be done to perform th e good works they Spartans to the top of the Associated-Press weekly football poll. make West Berlin more a t­ have set out to do. They have THE BIG TEN POWER, 28-0 winner over its highly-rated tractive to industry. ^ _ UDOCHl to prove their sincerity. state rival, edged Mississippi out of the No. 1 position in cjose While traveling through E ast “ I do feel that the majority balloting although Ole Miss received the greater number of and West Berlin Edinger saw of Nigerians.do not share this first place votes. Mississippi beat Houston 47-7. The panel of sports writing^ Lansing, Mich., climbed from various evidences of social un­ rest due to the Aug. 13 barrier. “ Sweethearts and friends call Nigerian feeling te a t the Peace- Corps should be sent home.” It is difficult to prepare peo­ and broadcasting e x p e rts gave to eaclr other within their con­ ple fra cultural shock, Axinn Michigan State a total of 431 eighth to 's ix th on their 30-0 points and Mississippi 429. This rout of Southern California. fined lim its,” he said. “ I saw a m an to West Berlin Diplomat explained. He continued: m eant they received 2 1 first Ohio State held firm a t No. 7 “ Several things should be place votes compared with 16 for the Spartans. The Spartans drew stronger general support. after ings smashing Illinois The low er p a rt of the stand­ is composed of 444. newcom­ calling to his wife in E ast Ber­ lin but unable to r e a c h h e r.” To Speak considered in this unfortunate incident: The poll is based on ten ers—Georgia Tech, 214 winner points for a first place vote, over Duke;- Colorado, which P la n Center Julius M. Udochi, Nigerian “ ANYTIME A person goes into another culture he may am bassador to t h e United experience shock. This hap­ nine for second and on down edged Miami (Fla.) 9-7; Ar­ the line. . ' The Top Ten. picked on a 10- kansas, lor, and 23-13 victor Louisiana over S - t Bay­ a t e , ‘ L ik e Kellogg States, will speak on “ Nigeria pens when Nigerians come to Today” in the Kellogg Center the United States, fra example, 9 -8 , 7 , etc., basis with first which walloped South Carolina. place votes and season records 424. Michigan, sixth last week, In Nigeria auditorium a t 6:30 p.m - Thurs­ or when an American goes to day. „ France. _ “ One has to adjust. ~ in parenthesis: Points fell from the running, as did Joel Bernstein, director of Udochi's lecture is the first “ Another thing is tea t Ni­ Baylor and Maryland, the lat­ the United States Operation in a series of lectures to be geria is a newly independent 1. MICHIGAN STATE ter beaten by North Carolina Mission of the International Co­ sponsored during the year by country, just completing its (16) (3-0) 43! 144. ~ operation Administration in La­ MSU’s African language and first year of independence, and 2. Mississippi (21) (44) 429 The front runners face for­ gos, Nigeria, spent four hours area crater. anything that is looked a t as 3. Texas (2) (44) 352 midable going this week. Be­ on campus Monday' discussing Thursday afternoon, Udochi taking away from what the sides Michigan State’s wrestle plans for the University of Ni­ will m eet with 33 Peace Corps Nigerians confider their auton­ 4. Isw a (2) (34) ^ 338 with Notre Dame, Texas takes geria. volunteers who are undergoing omy is regarded with a natural 5. Alabama (4) (44) 31* on Arkansas and Alabama has eight weeks of training here suspicion.” f . Notre Dame (1) (34) MS a tough test against Tennessee. One of the items discussed with Dr. Glen L. Taggart, dean fra assignments a t the Univer­ Dr. Glen L. Taggart, dean 7. Ohfo State ( t) (24-1) 244 of International Program s, and sity of Nigeria. of International Program s, ex­ 8 . Georgia Tech (8-1) 77 Dr. George H. Axinn, MSU’s Udochi also plans to meet pressed regret over the post­ coordinator for the University informally with - African stu­ card incident. 8 . Colorado (34) I t . (Tie) Arkansas (3-1) 57 55 F o rd Rites of Nigeria,- concerned an 1CA dents and will meet with Hon­ “THIS DEMONSTRATES the g ran t of 9 1 .000.000 to build a ors College students Friday sensitivity of Nigerians about Louisiana State (3-1) The re st of the Top Ten also 55 T o Be H e ld continuing education center to morning prior to his departure. attitudes of other people con­ Nigeria m uch like Kellogg Cen­ Udochi served to the Niger­ cerning the country,” Dean underwent change. Texes, the southwest considerable A t 4 P .M . ter. ian House of Representatives Taggart said. Bernstein toured the Center from 1964 to 1959, was secre­ “ It’s the seme as you finding scourge which has won four to completely during id s stay on tary of the Nigerian Bair Assn. a postcard written by a foreign a row, moved to No.- 3. Then Services will be held Tues­ from 1965 to 1959 and is a student saying what an awful campus, including a visit to the followed, to order: 4: Iowa; ft. day a t 4 p.m . to the Gorsline-^ - roof of the building and Inspec­ m em ber of the com m ittee on institution MSU is. — Alabam a; 6 . Notre Dam e; 7. Runciman Funeral Home, Lan­ tion of the conference room, bó­ the legal profession to Nigeria. “The broader 1CA (Interna­ Ohio State; 8 . Georgia Tech; sing, for Thomas R. Ford, as­ t t i rooms ami kitchens. tional Cooperation Administra­ 9. Colorado: 10. A tie between sistant professor « American Plans for an economic de­ tion) effort has been very well Arkansas and Louisiana State. (Sought and language who died velopment institute were also received to Nigeria. Texas. 26-7 winner ever Okla­ Stmday. homa, moved np a notch from Mr. Ford taught to the de­ partm ent for 17 years. He had discussed, according Sheldon Cherney, associate co­ Jo Dr. Weather “ MSU’s program to t h e country has also m et with fourth. Iowa, which whipped ordinator of the University of friendly and favorable sup­ Indiana 274, and Alabama, 2ft- lived to E ast Lansing for 19 Last tight fair aad -eed , port.” ragerto project . " lew was to the Ugh 89*s. 7 victor over North Carolina years. He was ajcnem ber of “This institute wifi conduct Miss M ktetimore, the daugh­ State, each drcpped two pieces the F irst Baptist Church of Today eswslderabiy suauy te r of a Foxboro business ex­ training program s related to although they rem ained un­ Lansing and of the Veterans of 7 broad economic development," sad warmer with the high to ecutive, had completed seven beaten. F sreiga Wars. LOVE THAT NUMBER O N E -S partan coach Duffy Dougherty i t e w m the tta.tew 79's. weeks of Corps trtia ta g a t The Rev. Scott Irvine and Axinn said Monday. 4 M d H ( jN ll n p i M gam e ta d State Rese Bowl hopes urite State Nqws Sport» B arattato and hte wife, who Forecast lo r Wodiooday, Harvard and wan training t o NOTRE DAME’S surprising D r. Julius Fischback will of­ few sheweri, taratag cooler. Ibadan, Nigeria’s largest city, Irish who get it shot to Mich­ ficiate. Cremation will laglow E ditar Je rry Fischer. Duffy hopes to c a rry te s t number s a t ia the s a tira teg accom potied him to MSU, will igan State Saturday at East the services. a r s o t i with Mm all season. te ta n i to N fetito to December. I See POSTCARD page t ijf i dm ¡¡1 1 1 I MÊÎ ffi3|l%3g3 HP R i wm il b r r r r M Ê Ê È Ë BjfSäSl - Witißiihi, • ■ Wm £ s .a!' IM M |) M Piww*» w- _ agir « « , i, „ Lansing, Michigan fl®! Tuesday Hsnring, October 17, 1961 0 , .A a á j h * . , asing the students' union rest Editorial W an to& y O B MMMMMMMIS Postcard hall, rooms. library and recreation Too M a n y Queens Battle Would Last day, 7 p.m., 330 Student Services. , •• ■ ■ (continued from page 1 ) AWS Activities Beaed Tuee- for a teaching assignment in Corps volunteers who*wifi go high schools. MSU is training 33 Peace as graduate assistants to the University of Nigeria at Nsuk- The new y e a r to officially u n d e rw a y . The annual selection of queete has begum. It begin* during registration week with busy com­ ] ■;^ Only Two Nights Pw-Msd Society — Tuesday, She apologised to university ka, about 550 miles from 7:30 p.m., 30 Union. authorities for writing th e Ibadan. ICC Reoeareh and Devdep- “thoughtless” card and an­ WASHINGTON UfC-A nuclear « t the moment seemed to be ment Society—Tuesday, 7:15 nounced her offer to resign, ac­ Your BowHng Supply mittee members acurryiag to set up rules and regula­ p.m., Motts Rouse. cording to the ^Associated tions for selection of this year's homecoming queen. As war between the United States to a better position. "Accord­ Gamma Delta — Tuesday, 7 Press. Center this committee rolls into action a second one for Har­ and Russia would last one ing to my estim ates we could p.m., pledge meeting, Martin She then drove to Lagos, on night, or perhaps a maximum vest Ball queen gets underway. And so the schedule of two nights, atomic scientist deliver 20,000 megatons.” he Luther Chapel! th e Gulf of Guinea, 70 miles 40'.« Off goes on into June . . . through ROTC, AFROTC, Per- said, “ and this is a trem end­ Lutheran Student Assn.—Tues­ southwest of Ibadan, and is Ralph E. Lapp, said recently. Bhing Rifles, Miss MSU. fraternity queens, ad infinitum. day, 4:10 p.m-, study group, staying with the Wife of Joseph Lapp, a consulting physicist ous amount of destructive pow­ University Lutheran Church, Freens Jr., of the U.S, Em ­ on some This obsession-for a ruling beauty is not common to who worked « the M anhattan' er. i t would leave large areas latervarstly Fellowship—Tues­ bassy. u u n iv e r s itie s ' alone, how ever. T h e bean industry, th e project Which developed the of Russia nothing more than day, 7:30 p.m., Owen Gradu­ Peace Corps Director Sar­ Bags, Shoes apple grow er», th e d a iry farm er» . £ven proponents of atomic- -bomb, said, “There radioactive rubble." ate Center. gent Shriver, said that he had c h e rry blossom s have to h a v e th e ir own queen. would be no time to assess “ Russia does not have simi­ Accounting and Finance -Club talked with the Nigerian am ­ and Shirts your damage, and therefore lar capability now,” be added. —Wednesday, 7 p.m., Union. bassador, who did not seem T H E M ANIA h a s even in fe ste d th e in te rn atio n a l there would be a tendency to “ Remember, they cut back on P a r k Management Club — disturbed, AP reported. scene w ith co n tests annually a t L ong Beach. C alif, and overkill. If Russia started their production of bombers. Thursday, 7 p.m., informal ,, M iami Beach to select th e u n iv erse's 'm o st glam orous bombing our missile sites she The total destructive power a would not know wbether-or not nation can inflict depends not open house. Forestry Cabin, refreshments. it was the type ^ *Wng you could expect in LARRY CUSHION w om an. ’ P erh ap s th e A m erican craze fo r queens to because her missiles were effective. on the stockpile but on the Alpha Delta Tbeta - Tuesday, this The best evidence.-would be capability of delivering the operation and I SPORTIM I ROODS we have no leg itim ate queen, o f o u r own. W e h a v e adopt­ Actives, 7 p.m., Rushees. I ®8 T*cd> Shnver said. 1020 Vine Street whether we were firing back bombs.” 7:50, Student Service Lounge Radio Nigeria reported Mon­ ed Queen E lizabeth and reg ard h e r as half-A m erican. day that the Student Union at across from Frandor in response." As to the possibility of a 1 Mock North of A nd no B ritish e r w as m ore w orried th a n som e A m eri­ The physicist appeared on University College in Ibadan cans over th e fa te of Princess M arg aret. . . . war. Lapp used .this ^ M O S S I H S Ü I M a d e had banned all Peace Corps Michigan Ave. • W. of Sears the AFL-CIO radio program This lack of a national heroine-has been diminished As We See It," (ABC) and members at the school from somewhat,in the past year with the Kennedy s in the later amplified some of his re ­ i er “ withif two men faced each oth- i loaded guns, and the Traffic Head White House. Jacqueline has assumed a queenly aura in m arks In an interview. j triggers of the guns have been | Dr. Frank H. Mossman, pro-] I THINK IF I UJEßE A “ For instance," he said “ 1 wired-,to g eth er so that both: the American press and her impish daughter Caroline is our Prineess Anne. , E ven if we do lack a national c o u n te rp a rt fo r th e , SALMON. i’D STKX TÖ 3ÜMMIN6 DOWHSTfcAMi d e n t believe there would be would be killed if either man* lessor of transportation in thé . time for one nation to partial­ fired then nothing is likely to! graduate school of business ad­ ministration, was! elected a : DOINGIT THE HARDWAYty l,^ ly bomb another mid then say happen. (GETTINO RID OF DANDRUFF,, THAT IS!) B ritis h queen, th e re seem s to be little need fo r every Look, we’ve hit you with so m em ber of the board of gover- ! “ But we are not face-to-face in te re s t a re a in th e U nited S ta te s to prom ote th e ir own m any-m egatons; qow, If you with Russia in that sense. The | nors of the Michigan Chapter queen. -------- ' - d o s t surrender, we’ll hit you countries are a t a remote dis­ of the American Society of T he idea o f m ultiple b eau ty queens, m easured w ith with m ore.’ If we were bring tance and any information Traffic and Transportation. fired upon, we would want to must come from the confer­ Dr. Mossman, a'w ell known tap e s and teas, is a s ridiculous a t M iami Beach as it is author of several texts on ] g et our missiles off the sites be­ ence table and through the a t MSU. J u s t as one n ational queen is enough fo r th e fore they got hit, and therefore m ystery of intrigue and in­ transportation, was elected a t! co u n try , one cam pus queen is enough fo r M SU. - _— we would probably attack with telligence.” the meeting of the university j T H E EX C E SSIV E num ber o f queens h a s low ered th e chapter. everything we have.” d ig n ity of w h a t w ere once resp ectab le title s. T oday, even- th e hom ecom ing queen o r M iss- MSU is reg a rd e d Gurpham Heads •Lapp said there would be no winner in an atomic war of the w ith derision by m o st of th e s tu d e n t body. 1 Ethics Committee type he envisions, but he add­ CORAL G A B LES ’ _ One queen is good. S he would hold th e resp e c t o f th e ed: “ One nation might be left IL F 0 R N 0 u n iv e rsity and th e absence o f secondary queens would C. Fred Gumham, professor lower on the totem pole than and head of the departm ent of the other.” save R lot of people a lot o f work. L The winner probably would j | chemical engineering, h a s | been elected to the ethics com- be determined by the nation j ! mittee of the Engineers’ Coun- which would recover fastest,” ! Turnstiles Help | cil f o r Professional Develop- he said. “ T hat’s why I believe 1 T he N am e t h a t Made P izza F am ous in L ansing | ment. in civil defense. , The hardest easier 3-minute way for men: FITCH NOW OPEN A T I I M A . M. Central Circulation r The council represents all o t ; the m ajor engineering asso­ ciations of the United States thing to replace to a skilled m an.” ~ - Would the United States or • S erving Snacks - Sandw iches - L uncheons - D inners Also C a te rin g to Men, get rid of embarrassing dandruff easy as 1-2-3 with FITCH! In just 3 minutes (one rubbing, one lathering, one rinsing), every trace of dandruff, grime, gummy old hair Improves Library i and Canada. Gumham has previously been active on a Russia stand a better chance of coming out on top in a nuc- T r i v a t e P a rtie s - B anquets - M eetings tonic goes right down the drain! Your hair looks hand- somer, healthier. Your scalp Students are making more peeled to do more work on cal Engineers, a m em ber so­ and better use of the library their own. he said. j professional ethics group of the American Institute of Chemi­ le ar wfiur? Lapp said the United States Visit Our Rathskeller Open 5 p.m . D aily _ FITCH tingles, feels so refreshed. Use FITCH Dandruff Remover SHAMPOO every week for LCAOINW MAN’S positive dandruff control. with its new turnstile checkout When thè library is outgrown, ciety of ECPD. •P h o n e E D 2-71311 Keep your hair and scalp and circulation system this Chapin said he would like to Maybe what this country term, Richard E. __ Chapin, li see an enlarged library take needs is a little less touch foot­ C harm T a lk C om plete T ake-G ut Service - S H A M P O O really clean, dandruff-free! brary director. said Monday; fife place «Uh a graduate There win be a few changes search center connected. ball and a little more tackling. Detroit Free Press. F o r Spartan made In an effort to refine the process, Chapin said, but it “ The day-to-day exchange of W om en will remain basically as it is now. The library rushed to Engineers information in the offices, lab- ! oratories, a n d committee meet- Makeup, m a n n e r s , and start central circulation at the j ings constitute the bulk of 4>ur beginning of this term. _ The documents collection, community development col-j Seek New information communication," | he said. charm will be the subject of a ta lk 'a t the meeting of Spartan, -Women’s League Wednesday. I “ Individuals come to recog- lection, and the highway traf-f fic collection are not included in central circulation now be­ Thoughts fnize that status and standing as an engineer or scientist de­ pends upon these- contacts as Miss Joan Jew ett of the Joan Jew ett- Finishing , School and Model Agency in Lansing will cause they are hard to handle speak at 7 p.m. in 33-Union. Communicating new ideas **11 as by the num ber of P*P- After her talk Miss Jew ett will They will be added soon. with understanding is the m od-! ers written or speeches made, Eventually community devel­ e ra engineer's most important j «e said, answer questions. opment will encompass high­ function, a personnel director | He said he would leave the Etiquette slides also will be way traffic. A special collec­ of Bell Telephone Laboratories uproblem to the men a t the shown a t toe meeting. tion of unusual books will be told 200 engineers at Kellogg symposium to determine how The meeting will be open. started.- - best to exercise this function Any women interested in m em ­ The central circulation sys­ Center Monday. and spread its realization and bership in the Spartan Wom­ tem has increased efficiency, Frank Learner, speaking be­ acceptance throughput o u r en’s League are especially in­ he said. More people have been fore the national symposium land. ~ vited to attend. freed to help with reference on engineering writing and- work. This way the shelves speech making, said it is not can be checked every iwo enough to throw together a se­ weeks to make sure that the quence of words or m athem at­ books are in the correct place. ical symbols to express an This makes things easier on idea. _ - the student. "To achieve understanding Chapin said that more stu­ in communication with other ; ||| dents are using the libary now people m eaning must be con­ Peggy and her than in the past. They are bet­ veyed accurately from—your ju ter students and they are ex- mind to theirs,” he said. Fine Staff of lili "Somewhere in the educa­ §111 il 11iu ttm m i MilHi tm m i tion of engineers we must get this fact accepted.” CONTROL SY STEM S: H a ir Stylists III I Spartan | "Its importance is -para­ mount.” The symposium was sponsor­ Invite. you in . . . ilK ORDERS FROM A COMPUTER NOW CONTROL I Briefs i ed by the College of Engineer­ ing. Learner also said that style, i GIANT OIL REFINERY UNIT gram m ar, correct word usage The threelAIISG represent»- are im portant, ■but back ___ ^ of ^ all fives for North Case Hall cho-^ 'fe ^ £ '* fa c to rs U the” Ability Peggy Laadberg, sen in last week's election to tomk clearly without confu- Bea Morgan, Pat Long and —,n d fa jo r g a n iz e o n e s Owner-Maaager Barb Davis. «fame b said. . ,* . “Expressing him self/effect- dr Permanent Waving E ntry blanks for Homecom- jVfjy ¡g ajmogf a bread-and- ing displays may be obtained fQr m eJlgineer -. W’ Individual Hair Styling for any organization m 154 Stu- Learner said. “ They m ust be if Silver Bkmding and Tipping dent Services. able to communicate to their All displays must be com-sctM rcrterf to ^ Md it Slenderising table pleted for the judging to take, to ^ place the morning of Home-; **it is not enough to have (Free to Salon Clientele) coming Ort. 2 R. Wu»n«n w u r ideas—they become useful only be announced during the te a - irfaen they nr* communicated if Air Conditioned Dryers Every 24 hours, ttwwortd’stecgett distillation unit separates ths progress in computer systems tost in the sixties it will cruda oil into ton different cataforieajirhich end up as six become commonplace. . — tim e of the game and troptnes^ us a form and m anner which if Suntan Room million gallons of toileted products. This dramatic progress means exciting and importent jobs will be presented during the m akes them understood by oth- intermission of toe Homecom- This invehías continual monitoring of 250 instruments, fri­ at IBM for the college graduata, whether: in research, de­ ing dance. W ide words are the means famed by precise brienetog of controla. To operate at peek velopment, manufacturing, or programming W W W of much of our communication, ] CO-ED SPECIAL DAYS efficiency, control directions are changed marty times daily If you want to findout about opportunities Inany one of these Any independent living units they a t Mae barrie rs to corn- MON, TUES, AND WED. to compensate for a muttteide of variables. areas, you are invited to talk withthe IBMrepresentative. He interested la competing in municafion. he said. They! The IBM computer that took over this Job now reads too will be interviewingon yourcampus this year.Yourplacement Homecoming displays pie**** faring about understanding, but contact Keith Taylor at Bed-^ fee? can also faring about instruments, makes the calculations, and issues the orders office can make an appointment AHqualified applicants will ricks House, E D MOM Toes- counties* m imnAwwmHng j tor toe control changes. It is guided in Its work by over receive consideration ter employment without regard to race, day. W W W -------- 1 Lesura to use little words i n ! a faig way.” he said, q uoting, The Wolverine office has can-; from a poem published to Look UNIVERSITY 75.000 instructions stored in its electronic memory. Just a tow years ago electronic control of such a complex creed, color or notional origin. Write, outlining your back­ groundandinterests, tri Mgr. «f Technical Employment. Dept. 898. IBMCorporation, 500 Msdtoon Avenue, N.Y. 22, N.Y. ed for organizations to ntoke;mag*>toe. “ft is hard to do, appointments for yearbook pie-] but they say what yea moan.” tures as soon a s possible to 3441 l a BeB Laboratories knowing BEAUTY SALON industrial process would have boon impossible. But such is Yeu .neturelty have (EAST LANSING’S MOST MODERN SALON) Student C Services. tiiiU n t W irt^ B o Ptctnres P t H n r M «wrfiB i f l * «what, tew, n ftto i K be taken starting Oct. 23 and wtwm to communicate is of naa when, — *----- and with m J snriH fa a bette chance to grow IB M ISM wiH interview Nov. S. Nov. 9. a" contracts numi be sighed by paramount importance. Learn­ Oct. 27. > er aeidL 2 Doors Ea*t of Lncon , ED 2-1116 J yr i• iü m i Im mm S P » JRjjg lip f |P ^ * ^ ^ P WlmM ® S I «¡NNR ■Ip W W m i ?» lip * p sa p É lllS ll ■ p fJH I M l# i i t g ai» 'IN M Nf- N e w i* ' S i l l  ü i Ê ;Â?ï T nesday M o rn in g , O c to b e r 1 7 , 1961 flp p ÿ jl Daffy Unabashed Irish Prepare To IM Schedule Italy Defeats B fi. I n T a n n in F in a ls m TM«kin M t k t r IT At Spartan Pace Team No. 1 . o*«o ; . & ss? r E n t Ja a k a n . Anatrata • P a c h a n va. T S a r ta» V aia va. Hafcaa U ia liH tt a The Notre Dame * Michigan BnaaneOa va. W traq *-% ROME UB — Italy defeated the United S tato r 1 * 4 » inter­ zone Davis Cup t a n k finals yesterday on stagtea victories SOUTH BEND, IND. ln n la , Duffjr Daughorty didn’t even Duffy’s eleven has m m Coach Joe Kttharteh sounded ''State spectators well m ay see B o w rr va. B a m r t k F k r r r r Platea « « a St. C tn u rii by Nicola Pietrangeli and Faus- took the la st five contests and is file to Gardini. The final m argin an alarm ing keynote yesterday one of tee greatest m ass rush­ K v. S*fc « . S a r Olio a .¿Sa -The Spartan football conck eoly team in m odern history was 4-L , 1 . X. / didn’t even flash hia usual big for his Nbtre Dame football es since the opening of the C IO té . TM a BwaUara Pietrangeli clinched tb s ser­ to defeat Notre D am e, five Matta tra. M a l Irish » t e . When be was told team ’s preparations for Michi­ Cherokee strip. »A 3 ies to the opening m atch h i the tim es te a row. Kuharich’s statisticians have ■ tr K v. tafc O tra. Mwra day a t the Roma Tennis Club th at his charges had 1 gan State. a m a tra. Aafcar '**.* % 'Sa No. I In the Associated P ress Add th at to the No-1 incentive Hot* tanè va. B a t r ir k \ when he crushed John Douglas and the Spartans m ay be te "Off the record to date,” he figured that th e ' Irish have . a ita CeOegt football poll of sports- ■aid, “ Michigan State m ust be am assed 961 yards on the Sta OH v » B aaaa of Santo Monica, Calif., 9-7, writer*. ho was still grim . for quite a tussle come Satur­ 64, 8 - 1 day a t Spartan Stadium. regarded as the most powerful ground this season compared N rP.»a lm 4 ir tk a l Maa va. 9. Phl Ikcit ite « ! T a lk i k t ll Ir k r ta lc Then, with th e final match “ That will m ake Notre Dame team in the country, offensively with 800 rolled up by the Spar­ T a a a ia T . O ctakw IT ' all t t a tougher,” ha «aid. In the IMS meeting, State SiM a m ere formality,' Gardini, tee and defensively.” Italian champion, won over “T here will be plenty of to- downed Notre Dam e 214 a t tans» C a a rt t ceativa for them to come up Sooth Bead. T he Irish w ant ao The team s will carry 1961 Kuharich takes a dim view C Armoti-ontt S va. • 0 Whitey Reed of Alameda. C a lif, hare and knock os off-** more of that. «2 * 8 records of three victories in a of his squad’s aerial gam e B aart | r in a T va. O ‘t 3-6, 74, 34. 8-6 , 64. The Irish from South Bend The team s wifi also be bat- Against Southern California, the Tra« C aart 1 Dougtos previously had scored a r e a l exactly out of th e tttog fo r the Megaphone Tro­ Irish completed only twb of B a lla r 9 va. S tee United States 7 only point C aart 9 taro nationally, either, ' ■ & phy, which goes annually to te a 1 1 passes for a net gain of 18 B arata va. B a ra ta r by beating Gardini. a re rate d No. gfai the poll. winner of the Michigan State- yards, while the Trojans made 0CMa aart 1 The Italians, who knocked The Spgrtans w ort bade on Notre Dame d a te . The trophy good on half of their 28 pass B a lla r 3 va. 8 the Americans out of the chal­ the practice field Monday un­ to sponsored jointly by the re ­ plays for a total of 199 yards. C a a rt 9 lenge round tost ytafr also, Km mona 1 va. 9 d er sunny skies, running spective alumni d u b e of Da- However, both team s prob­ 9A0 qualified to m eet Australia for through fundamental drills. trait. ably will rely otf tb eii proven, B ar raarta 1 1 va. 4 C the Davis Cup. Douglas and They cam e through the rough The Spartans have held t t e high-geared running games. C aart 9 Reed were late substitutes when Michigan game with only one Megaphone on eight of the ten And the strategy of the Notre K ataaoaa 5 va. T D o r m ito « Tabi» T e s o ti P a lrla « » America’s top players, Chuck serious injury. Captain Rocky occasions stoce it was put into Dame coaches apparently is to T eaaday, O rto b ar IT a t 7 r-ta. McKinley of S t Lotos and-Be r circulation in 1948. make their boys run scared. W aat Sbava va. B a lla r nard (Tut) Bartzen of Dallas, Ryan will probably be out from H n ttr rflrld va. K taatoaa four to six weeks with a shoul­ Notre Dam e will bring a well Brady Lynn, assistant back A rm a trovar va. B r r a a were unable to make the trip. der dislocation. - balanced outfit to Spartanlaad field coach who does most of Kant Sbava Itf va. B a tb a r B ow ling “ T here was a lot of bumps Saturday. The line is anchored the scouting, said: T u rs d a r, O e to k rr 1 HACKARD and bruises,” said Daugherty. by co-captains ami guards Norb “ In tee two years T v e been- 9iM . . , MK-TMUSaK a*TS He reported no ether serious in­ Roy and Nick Buonieonti and on the assignment, Michigan A1-9 lia r» ' Mac Kit. va. K . » Ir » Tiuiaaw Ta lattina- center Tom Hecomovich- State is the best team f v e 9-4 S.A.M. va. J>.S. »*hl w .n u w » ia ia tv juries. 3-4 M. C hi va. B.T. PI i ovta 10» H w m Pa* The Spartan-Iriih series dates Angdlo Dabiero and Mike scouted.” T-8 Z.ll.T. va. A.G.B. D im . aaaat fatata. hack to 1197. Lind form the running nucleus 8(90 » Pit fat Mia. In»»*., Plil. Me. K . va. P h l Ikall KM Of till —- In 28 contests played, Notre with Darley La Monica’s pass P.K . P hl va. I.C .A . I CaoKt Or t u l l i . Carr, boat Sm s. Dam e holds a 18-10 edge. How- ing ever a threat. JO E KUHARICH Phillie’s Roberts T rio va. S.A.E P h l P ai va. A .E. PI sm in i» Cunoain—Com-Ti Cmm Spartan’s Power In Notre Dame Coach Sold To Yankees row into Saturday’s showdown NEW YORK ID — The New manager of athletics, John G in E ast Lansing, Mich. Michigan State’s business fo r ap p o in tm en t call ED 7-2709 o r ED 7-1721 Fresh Backfielders York Y a n k e e ^ yesterday Laetz, is a former professional Kuharich, watching Notre bought te e veteran Robin Rob­ artist. Dame climb the steep come­ erts from the Philadelphia back trail, has been impressed Phillies. , I ? TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS half Gary BaUman, a solid 195 “ Their specialty is winning” favorably by phases of his own The Yanks announced it was pounds. team ’s operations this year. declares tee Michigan State Some sprinting sophomores a straight caph deal and the fight song. “ . . . and those Spar­ and a junior lead in yardage He term ed the Irish showing amount of money was not dis­ tans play good ball!” honors, however. Sophomore NEW SPARTAN WORRY—This is Daryle Lamoniea, against Southern California Sat­ closed. The,MSU football fanatics are left half Dewey Lincoln, -only urday the best defensive effort Roberts, 35-year-old right­ Notre. Dame quarterback who has been known to toss an booming out the song loud and 185 pounds has 192 yards—bet­ so far. Notre Dame, in the hander, won only one game a ir bomb or two for the rejuvenated Irish. The Spartans course of its 30-0 triumph, held and lost 19 for the last place clear this season. There’s talk te r than eight a carry. Junior are hoping he won’t toss too m any Saturday. already, after just three games, fullback George Saimes, 183 tee Trojans to a net loss by Phillies in 1961. However, in 14 pounds and best-conditioned rushing of minus four yards. y ears-in the National League of a Big Ten championship, national honors and a Rose Bowl bid-for the university lo­ player on the squad according to Daugherty, has 176 yards. Spartan H arriers Lose But Kuharich has some phys­ he won 234 games and lost 199 ical as well a s statistical wor­ Roberts will report to tee ries. Notre Dame’s top quarter­ Yankees’ new spring training cated on the banks of the Red Cedar River in mid-Michigan. Sherman Lewis, a m ere 154- pound scat-back, is third with T o -Tough Badgers, 23-32 back, Daryle Lamoniea, bruised base a t F o rt Lauderdale, Fla., This m ay seem prem ature, 128 yards. an ankle Saturday but tfainers in -February. Strategy has .been for the State’s highly touted cross barger for third place. Hum- hope to have him ready for M anager RalphJHouk enthus­ but Michigan State has shown iastically supported Harney’s awesome depth and power this heavyweight first backfield to country outfit lost to an unex­ barger finished 13 seconds be­ service against Michigan State. w ear down the opposition; tee pectedly efforts to buy Roberts before season. The Spartans haven’t strong _ Wisconsin hind Nielson. the Yankee m anager left for allowed a touchdown while lightweight second - and third- teato, 23-32, over the weekend stringers th e n run through a t Madison. Other MSG runners finished Netmen W anted Florida and a fishing vacation. crushing Wisconsin 204, Stan­ The Phillies paid Roberts a ford 314 and highly rated Mich­ them. in this order: P a t Stevens, sev­ ' Wisconsin, posting its third All freshmen and transfer reported $25.000 bonus for sign- igan 28-0. The only opposition A massive offensive, line, enth; Richard Gyde, ninth ¡-Don while he was attending counter was a field goal by: beefed-up by 240-250-pounders straight victory of tee season, Castle, tenth; Alvin. Duncan, students interested in playing l-ing M idnight W eekdays Stanford. through the middle, alternates handed defeat the this Spartans year and their MSU first its twelfth; Bob Fulcher, thirteen­ to a vSrthy * fall . . tennis . touraa- . Mlch£ an State ul1948. Roberts . won 20 or more games for six Open Till 1 P.M. W eek E nds Boosters already are com­ with a faster, lighter defensive m ent are asked to report to [-straight years r o n } 1950 paring this 1961 outfit to some line. The lines change off how­ first loss to the Badgers in 12 th, and Ron Berby, fourteenth. room 208 Men’s Intram ural through 1955- His high m ark 1 block East of Campus of the powerhouses of the past ever, as in a goal line stand years. _ Sixty-three seconds were con­ Building Thursday a t 4 p.ra, 'w as 28 victories in 1952, against ___ Michigan. Several The local harriers won their —team s that won 28 in a row sumed from the tim e it took m em bers of the°offensive beef! Arst m eets against Ohio State between early 1950 and mid and Ohio University last week­ the second State m an to cross 1953; and won. in the Rose Bowl jb;ru st went in to help tee de­ end in Columbus. the finish lin e until the fifth. following the 1953 and 1955 sea­ fense prevent Michigan from fei pushing three yards to the goal “ We should have done bet­ The tim e was a little slow ac­ sons. line for a touchdown in four te r,” said Coach F ran Dittrich, cording to Dittrich. If Duffy Daugherty, the tries. Pete Smith, a junior “ but P m sure we’ll give every­ The h arriers a re busy this smiling Scotch-Irish coach, has quarterback who played only one a real tough battle now week preparing for the first a secret this year it’s change of 16 minutes last season, came that we have a few meets under home m eet against tough Penn pace- He’s using a new type of into his own as a passer and our belts.” -State next Saturday. platoon system — platoons of team pilot against Michigan. fresh backs working in relays. The Wisconsin meet was the He threw an end-2one scoring third for the Badgers this year The heavy first backfield is pass and set up another TD and tee second for tee Spar­ Player Assured anchored by such stalw art sen­ with a 42-yard pass completion. tans. Dittrich-believed that his of Pro Golf Lead U f f l l t o O iors as fullback R on Hatcher, Smith’s passing—or lack of it— team could have possibly won a burly 215 pounder, and right bad been a question m ark be­ the m eet had tee two schools - DUNEDIN, Fla. IB — They fore this game.' m et a week later. might ju st as well sta rt fitting Swimming Open Michigan State takes a break “ We have five sophomores G ary P layèr for this, y ear’s from conference play this Sat­ on the eight m an traveling professional golf money win­ To MJ5.U. Women urday for a meeting with a team ,” explained Dittrich. ning crown. Notre Dame team te a t looks “They are lacking experience, With only a few m ajor tour­ _ The Women’s Physical Edu­ like tee m ighty Irish of old af­ but they’re coming along fine.” nam ents left in the season, it cation departm ent offers a te r a 30-0 blanking a t Southern doesn’t appear the South Afri­ California. MSU bus bullied the Rolf Nielson, a transfer from can will be seriously Chal­ wide variety of swimming ac­ Irish in recent years, winning Norway, beat Spartan captain lenged. — — tivities each term . All women students interest­ ed in speed swimming are in­ the last five games in a row, J e rry Young by three seconds and eight of nine since 1950. Player still leads the top ten id the race for top honors. Niel­ to the list released yesterday Michigan S ta te , then plays son, giving Young unexpected by tee Professional Golfers’ for th e e n tire s c h o p l y e a r with vited to practice from 3-5 p jn . five Big Ten team s—Indiana, competition, was tim ed in 2 0 : Association headquarters a t Monday through Thursday at the intram ural pool. Meets this year will be with Minnesota, Purdue; Northwest­ 09.2. ern and Illinois. Only Minne­ Badger Jack Dooley edged Dunedin. Player has picked up $64,540 S h e a f f e r 's i ^ L T l T ^ W M ^ c o n t e s t Bowling Green, University of W estern Ontario, Beloit College, Northwestern and Purdue. Intram ural swimming in­ sota and Purdue now look ca­ out State junior Roger H um -'for 28 tournaments. pable of threatening the high­ flying Spartans. m O Here are some of the things Jo -keep in mind when you’re writing about cluding dormitories, and sorori­ ties wfil be held on Oct. IT, 19, Mitchell- Called 2 FIRST PRIZES OF >100 MONTH Sheaffer’s all-new cartridge 26' and 31 with finals scheduled Winnepa (one man and for Nev. 7. Anyone wishing to compete in speed, diving or form swim­ COLUMBUS, Ohio (IB- Rob­ e rt C. (Bobby) Mitchell, Cleve­ land Brqwns halfback, has been recalled to Active duty in the BETTttlKAOIHG «-one woman atudent) will receive a check for $400 on Dec. 15th and $100 a month befinninf in Ja n ­ fountain pen • F o r sm o o th , easy w ritin g , th e r e ’s no cub- a titu te fo r a S heaffer fo u n ta in pen . - m ing events should contact their residence sports manager. Open swimming for faculty U.S. Army. The announcement was made yesterday by spokesmen for W l§í COST uary and en-linf in May. J 0! a L oads like a rifle w ith lea IcJ)ro o f cartridge* o f w orld fam ous S h r i p w ritin g fluid. women and students is held Monday * through Thursday the 20th U.S. A m y Corps at F t. Hayes. Mitchell, a private 25 SECOND PRIZES • F ills q u ick , clean , e a s y . . . ju s t d ro p a S h r i p c a rtrid g e in to barrel. from 3-5 p.m. and Tuesday first class in the A m y Reserve, o f a n e w P h ilc o through Thursday 7-8:30 pun. • F its e a s ily i n t o a s h i r t p o c k e t...c o m e s in has been called effective Oct. Green S p la s h , the women’s 29 with a Nov. 2 reporting date m u T r M P U M c d tr a n s is to r r a d io a choice o f five s m a rt colors. swimming honorary, produces to Ft. Meade, Md. He wul join a shew each spring and also the 354th medical hospital unit. competes in synchronized IT’S EASYTOENTER—EASYTOWIN! NINE'S ALLYOU00 SPECIAL! swimming. _ Requirements, tryouts And practice dates will be an­ Dorm Volley Ball \ Just About _ Juat tell ua in 25 worda or Mm, what you hka moti about Sheaffer » ill-new $2.95 Cartridge Fountain Pen. Write your entry ia ink on any »heel of paper, ancioae it with the top from a package o f Shrip LIMITED TIME ONLY Pen gnd 96c worth nounced a t an open meeting in Dormitory volleyball will be­ cartridge*, and mail H to: Stesa8sr "Pan Money Contea!, P.O, of Cartridges FREE the women’s intram ural build­ gin Tuesday night. The first M O S T C O M P L E T E S T O C K IM TO W N Box 4399. Chicago 77. IUiaoto. Entri** accompanied with your name, addrem. achoof name and daaa mart be received by $3.93 Total Value for ing a t 8 pu n , Wednesday. week's schedule will be avail­ able a t the IM office Monday. Novembav 7. IM I. Complete schedules wfil be I H IK E D W IT H V Katriaa wtt ha judgvd an fe# batte #f their hattevabOity and fr-ntnnrrr of thought. JudgM' dactemn* a n ia a l and all « tr ie s * 2 ® s Football Contest available later in the week. becoMM fee gniPMty a# fee W. A. » m * » « Pen Company. None R ES P EC T T O rO U K P O C K E T wHI b* ratttriMd. t a n a » e ffe te duplicate p ria * wtH be awarded. Football pass contest will be Every afea«* eluden* in f e i UWMd Stete# a n y enter, except held from O c t 18 through Oct. ampiare n of W & Mateter fern Company, tea nthtedterin. its Sailors Meet 27. The coldest will be held dally tra m 1 1 n.m . to 1 p.m. and t f j s . to 5 p.m. in front of The Sailing Club will have a meeting Tuesday, October 17, Spartan Book Store I ‘ H1T*-| I — idi» fe e t o l t e • — • -------- jwa$ing « t r i m ...a n d nin fe tea a f fette temteflto* t e n d i« Cantate subject to oiaÉyi ágiHÉ ItotoRCMRMÉRfliHv- w t e n n a n M m m fe te A p n JP a g p i nfem teti'tew n aabaafter S heaffer S tee M enY Intram ural building. 7:15 p.m. Room 32, Union Build­ Cmrner Ann & MAC uinttel «Anm. U te a i « t e n am i a te* aftar ciq n a f contest if Qtoftti astUAFoe*beb rot*am«. #••» *taB<##B, fewA fngArrgnpqs»9' MUMNiteUfUa*••• PartidfMMit* m*y r e p o t to tee ing. Shore school tests and supervisor conducting the con­ racing boards. F or information Ea»t fanning test and sign up.; can Je rry Walker 4888032. w&sSiSBÊSKSSîgSÊKÊBiÊÊÊStÊ^EÊÊNkm W m& mm P WÊË . i Stfiii Ssm ^ ß s$ •&mm • . ■ m É É M É M m M k |¡ J j H ¡ |¡ m illte iS 8 ": Tetada? M ante«, October 1 7 . 1 * 1 ; : f ‘' -| Michigan 8 t « jiftw», E u t U a A g , M te U p . A B T S mßm ipifewPf 1 1 SB "" S V Movie Review By KEN PECK itself wife fee Cenantes in excitement and State Newt Steli Writer of youth. enderness which aeaaw tefe SPI.R SO O R I S T H E GRASS Warren Beatty, in his first liantly. I’m happy te find fete written by W illiam In f« screen rote, emerges as ü kfias Wood lani lu t developing direr ted b y KHa Kasnn 'T7. CAST« N atalie Wood. W arren bright fttuag star. Judging tote the fine asonad young B eatty, P a t Hlngta, Audrey Cbrla- from “Splendor In The Grass,” actress the has alw ays been tle, B arb ara LM an. Zohra i * m - pert. O ary Lockwood he’s going to be around for a built up to be. - f\ This one’s a must! Elia Ka­ long while to come. It-seems Pat te times satefltag zan’s production of “$>ieodor that Beatty, unlike fee rash of asupport hit stereotyped, fives rugged Jn fee nil* of Beatty’s y o u n g newcomers Hollywood is In The Grass” is compelling presently turning not, actually father, whose misguided love enteztafement. Set in the late possesses talent. 10s sensitive evokes tears of pity as he. dot- twenties, toe story has a timely portrayal of Bud adds much to rately attempts to realize significance which brings M fee film’s powerful and moving i own ambitions to Ms sen. dose to the hearts of all who qualities. “Splendor to fee Grass” tea view it. Natalie Wood, by no means n citep, neat package- Although Built around fee lines of newcomer, gives probably the there are moments when fee Wordsworth’s “Ode to Imita- “first’’ performance of her ca­ scenes appear rather awkward, tions of Immorality,” the film reer. As Deanic Lumas, she the film, as a whole, plays very wefi. Elia Kazan's directoral touch gives fee script of William Inge Litter B its 1 much of its strength. The mu­ sical score composed byDovid People Are DogsI Amram will pleasantly haunt yon and the colorful costumes, when not looking extremely modern, will transport you to 'V * Linda L Lotridge a bygone era. Overlooking a few minor ALFRED L. SEELYE—Form er professor of marketing at People-watching is my favo­ tim es weekly, their habits and spots, “Splendor In TheGrais” rite past time. idiosyncrasies can be thorough­ is fine fflm-fare. the University of Texas, he is now dean of the College of I have yet to go to the movies, ly studied. Business and PubUc Service, where he is responsible for a concert or a football game I hesitate to class any at my tam ing ©at futare executives. —State News photo by that I didn’t get so engrossed current profs since it could Plan Mw fur your in looking a t the people that T affect my grade but I do have Vi John Erskine. missed fee program . Many hum an beings claim an interesting assortment. Perhaps people rem ind m e of BERMUDA University Profile they are people-watchers and these awbwoiH because dogs and in fact, I believe there is a cats, especially, have hum an C o lle g e W eek m a t e r n i t y s e p a r a t e s —f o r e c a s t f o r f a l l national people-watching so­ c h a ra c te ristic s., 1952 Ex-Texan Heads ciety. E y er fitik to a c a t and have However, people-watching is its facial expressions change an a rt and is carried on in vari­ as the tone of your voice ous m anners. L-classify people changes? Or watch dogs imi­ bigger, busier, better than m r ! Tyrolean print and solid color cotton knits.. . three-quarter sleeve pull-over blouses,. . Business College according to certain animals. Have you ever glanced a t tate their m asters? These furry anim als are very someone and suddenly been re­ intelligent. But then so are my • Informal wtlr—iiag Om m to «tart dw Km. • Collega 0 * 7 at tha B each. . . tha holanca front skirt ohdslack.-Stzns-.8-16. __ hum an dogs and cats. I am biggaat batch party of tha yaar. A . Cowl-neck topper in a rust or blue print. 7 .9 8 By-JESS MAXWELL keen sense of humor, Seelye is minded of a big, evil r a t or an amazed, though, when my cat to historie St. innocent, tiny puppy? I State News Staff Writer m arried and lives in a contem- ty (excuse) friends lap up their imwac. Perhaps not. But I have. Solid blue, green or block stim-jim slacks! 8.98 porary-styie home in Okemos. Human beings can be put into millk or Hie dogs (again excuse) a Roaad Robin Tennis Tournament. > The job of supervising- the Seelye does considerable three m ajor classes according ask for bones. _ college that produces execu­ traveling and has been around to their faces: cats, dogs and a Collago Waak Golf Competition, B. Turtle-neck topper in a green or black print. 7.9 8 In fee final analysis bow a CoUapa Thlaat Batata, tives of the future belongs to the world several times. mice (or rats, if they are big ever, when I see a “ mouse-type a Fun F m M with j a n coocatta Solid blue or rust straight skirt. "6.98 “ Our' home contains item s enough). choral groupa, dance i w h i h Alfred L. Seeljfc, dean of the — ' ] jeople,” the voice and actions from all over the world,” be Naturally I have my friends usually fit my character. College of Business and Public said. classed although I haven’t told The sam e holds true for the a Sight—«ing. • Spadai Golf and Tam ia Trophm* Tuesday Store Hours Service. them of which anim al they Seelye. a-Jorm er University ' HE MAKES frequent trips to mind me. This m ight upset very soft, purry voice while fee re ­ cats. A fem ale usually has a A l l . YOOHS AT NO CHARGE 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. of Texas professor of m arket­ South America, where MSU op­ their whole personality. And old tom c a t meows m eanly and erates three business adminis­ fe. B E R M U D A nrii )siins ing and ex-govemmental work­ tration program s. we certainly don’t need any­ then hisses between words. My doggy friends don’t bark er, has been with the u n iv er­ “ South America is growing more nuts on this campus. but they often do blink their eaonabAaa.ee—raw*¡esa. v. amazingly fast,” he said. “ New, There is fee girl who has sity for years. huge, brown" eyes, a tender big eyes o r wiggle their ears “ It was quite a change mov­ modern cities are'springing face and when she opens her One even carries a keg ing from Texas to Michigan,” all over.” mouth. I expect to h e a r a wimp- around his flock. he said. “ T he winters up here MSU also operates a business Take heart! Not everyone *-str administration program in Viet­ or a little “ arf.” are hard on my wffe and I.” Or there’s the cat - she has looks like tei anim al. There are nam, where Seelye visits oc SEELYE HEADS A vast casionally. narrow, green eyes, her face a few who resem ble hum an be business administrative system Seelye was „invited by the is small and delicate and her ings. That’s too bad - It ruins that includes all work in po­ Italian M anufacturer’s Associa hair is short and silken. I ’ve my system of classification. — yet to see her catch a mouse L U C K Y S T R IK E litical science, economics, so­ tion in 1951 to set up a graduate cial science, public adm inistra­ school of business in Torin, unless he were a male-type presents: tion, public safety, and hotel, Italy, which he did. «- restaurant and institutional rodent. Oh yes, I know one of those, r~ W Ude T o p ic HE IS THE author of two too. He’s so mouse-like it fright­ "management. — _r He also supervises the depart­ books, “M arketing in Transi­ ens me and I have to control O f Le c tu re m ent of urban planning and tion,” and “ Fluid Milk Price my impulse to climb on a landscape architecture, bureau Control in the Southwest during and scream . The wit, trium ph and tra g ­ • THE-FRESHMEN0 of business and economic re­ World W ar II.” Occasionally a fish, pig or edy of Oscar WUde will be Seelye is a consulting editor monkey creeps in but I’ve des presented by Irish actor Mich­ search, and bureau of social and political research. to H arper & Bros, for a l l ------- signed a special “ extra” cate­ kidaway from Td keep out of there, Frosh. That's Seelye is also the dean of the on business administration. He gory for them . Guess which ing of “ The Importance of Be­ eál MacLíammóir to an even­ Got home, send himoff to the School of Pyrotechnics.* graduate school of business ad­ has also written numerous animal I ’m rem inded of when ing Oscar” on Friday (O c t 20). ministration, one of the largest magazine articles on the fast- I see a picture of Khrushchev? college andngmaway in the country. moving world of business. A golfer and ex-tennis player, I sit fascinated through the intermission of • movie o r a This, tiie first program in MSU’s 1961-81 Lecture series, look what happens.* “ The growth of the graduate will be presented te t:15 p.m. school has been tremendous in Seelye alsq frequently plays concert and classify people as recent years,” _be said. — bridge^ with wife Kathryn—an they w ander up and down the to the University Auditorium. ex-chemist. aisle. My date often w ooden Holden of “A” and “B” aeries EPPLEY GRADUATE cen­ H ie Seelyes flew to Rome last where m y straight jacket is. - tickets will be admittad, as well te r, one of the finest new for fee Olympics—“ a tre­ That’s ok, I have him claste- as purchaaen of single tickets. ings on campus, is one of the mendous thrill.” fied, too. There are no reserved seats. reasons for this growth. Professors are an interesting In his solo performance, Mac­ . Seelye Ts responsible for fee “ MSU IS A GREAT place and lot to put into anim al catego­ Líammóir makes no attempt new-type am phitheater class­ I couldn’t be m ore enthuastic,” ries. Since we aee t h e m to pretend he la acting the m e rooms in the Center. he said. “ 1 am especially proud throughout the "term several Sea WILDE page i “ I got the idea from the of the students anck faculty.” United Nations building,’’ he “ However, the College _of Business Administration is in B R EA K FA ST EVERYDAY f m I A. ■ . said. ~" Bom in Syracuse, N.Y., Se­ great need of hetter facilities,” elye has a bachelor of science he said. “ Our only new build­ “ H ig h -L ig h t f o r Good Food” degree in m arketing from Syra­ ing, Eppley, is used only for rn pgm m m m m m cuse U niversity.- graduate work.” • 1 EGG Aay Style Wife Toast, JKc W *Htirry up, Harry. This is your dormitory, He has a m aster’s degree in The College of Business and Coffee, Baeen aid Jam You'll be tate Clyde. You'IIshare it economics from Syracuse,, and 'Public Service will no doubt • 1 EGGS Aay Style Wife 1» I for the Freshman with 19other boys." I a doctor's degree in business keep pace with the rest of the Toast, Caffes sad Jam administration from Indiana University, however. And guiding this future Wife Ham Yle —wife Bacon Sic Smoker. " University. growth will be Dean Seelye— Fresh Home-made Pastries SEELYE HAS held numerous the m an responsible for pro­ governmental positions, includ­ ducing the future business ing regional director of the Of­ leaders of America. fice of Price Administration., “ RA LPH S K EW PEE” CAFETERIA Dallas, Tex., and state director 325 E. Grand River Ave. E“ * Lansing (Tex.) of the U.S. Bureau of Those with the most to say usuallly say it with the fewest Free Sunday Parkteg A Estranee Rear of Cafeteria Labor Statistics. A medium-built man lyith a words. —The Vienna News = v - ------------ Annual- Curt Rundell................ „„Editor! Linda L otridge................... Asst. Rusty Schuster Staff Writer] Homecoming Dance SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS; DON'T TREAD ON FRESHMEN! They heve boon known to become employers. A freshman wanto, abows tel, to bo Jackie Korono Staff W riter Barb Padulo Staff W riter inaugurated into your world. Walk him to class, teach hi»« longhand, explten This year fe a tu rin g ...... hew to* Ph.D. wears his tassel, introduce him to Luckies (and ttel him hew roitego students smoke more Luckies than any other regular). You II be a Anderson Write« and the 1961 Homecoming - PETER PALMER bigger man, and you’ll bo able to borrow Luckies from him any time. Article'On Twain David Anderson, assistant Queen and her co u rt . , HiS V O I C E S and professor in the Departm ent of American Thought and Langu­ Auditorium - $4-00 per couple V ORCHESTRA X. CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some toste for a change! age at MSUJs the author te an' article, “ Melville and Mark ticket« now on sale at Twain in Rebellion,” appearing 1 X J W t i d tf u m r width m m in the fall issue of the Mark Union Ticket Office Twain Jo u rn al sé P Tuesday Itenihigi October 17 » 1 9 6 1 Stole New*» Eant L n u io g , M lifcigBi m Caribbean C hb Placement Summer In Europe? Sí Oui* Meets Tuesday - SAN FRANCISCO - Unie*s jrea’re • or If years old, The consensus: yes. “Almost anything you try ) others, whose first teats show­ ed them to be below fee fourth felt to be mart vital. 81111, by the end of last year some MS Bureau UB Sponsors Trip MUM The rawly-formed Caribbean dab wifi hold Its firte meeting Tueeday te 7:39 pom In 41 Un­ youngsters were typing 15 Ttektes for fee second Union than the ,99-day tour,** said ion. looks good the first thpo a- grade level, war! much higher j m r iW M t e r f t lt a d M » * than where they belonged at fee a minute, aadt no ^ ^ one Interviewing at the Place- Board-sponsored European trip Etoyle White, Union Board ad­ Membership is open to any bnbly m h a long way Sack. round. That's tha halo offnet te student who desires te team experimentation—b o t h t h e end of the year. typed than M I ' Uawecfie ment Bureau Friday. Addition­ will ha available beginning viser. Tha price h o a o t 1» J u t a warns. Am recollection. minute al information to the Placement Nov. 1, to fe e board’s office on more abote file Caribbean area Well, classrooms change and teacher aad file students try Why the Foarfe? But « c* p t for the bright Bureau Bulletin for fee week fee aacoite Soar af fee Unk». caused by fee “tourist rush” during June and July. and its people. bore's what they're doing in at harder the first time»” ssid Dr. Dr. Carrillo chose the fourth paintings, the classroom looked ef O ct 16-99. • least one fourth grade now- Lawrence Carrillo, reading grade bedRuas students at that According to Unton Board consultant and associate pro­ age nataOSBr know printing to this reporter like an office UafeaT Carbide Consumer im president John' Forsyth, the days. staffed by smafierfiuuHiMal Products Co. chemical, me­ the Voted baa rmervid 173 summer European program af­ Last school year. IS nine year oMs teemed typing mod fessor of education at son Francisco State. "But fids aad handwriting already, so there would he loss chance fete workers. The childish nadgn rad g f g f were absent. Every­ chanical rad electrical engi­ seats on two ntrplanes for in­ fords students fee toast ex­ neers aad chemistry major». , terested students, faculty, «Ml pensive mean« at orerssM MICHIGAN wrote all their lessons on blue looks so good we fete we’ve theyX would become little ro­ portable electric typewriters. got something.” bot». one clacked away seriously- The Lm Angeles County, dvtl staff. «raw . N O W ...6 5 c to I f i » These fourth graders at Fred­ Dr. Jack Yuen typing con­ ~']Ifce children learned to use Dewey Chambers, the fourth engineers and all major* in so­ Both flight«, aboard the Brit­ “This is not a Unton Board grade teacher, explained that cial work. ish Overseas Airways Corp. Feature at 1:39» 4:15, êJÊ, eric Burk Elementary School sultant and project co-ordina­ ttie typewriters in 10 hours, fee youngsters had just finish­ (BOAC) jet-prop Britannia, jbom f • making p r o j e c t , ' * 9:39 pan. also put out a aewmaper (writ- tor, said that the children were during Shffllnute sessions, five like Monsanto Chemical Ce. will tearaN ew York on Juno ■tateoad Forsyth, “ft’s trace days a week. ed a science study trip to the chemistry, physics wad micro­ 30. ly n service; we don’t maka n tea a longhand by the fifth tested te toe beginning and end bench and were writing up graders). of fee school year, rad that a They spent the first few ses­ biology majors and chemical ONE GROUP win rotara cen t” KAZMrS PRODUCT» €F sions learning how their type­ filter impressions ef life. engineers. This year another class will comparison of the tests showed L ater, looking ever fee chil­ from either Paris or Amster­ write aO its school work oo that most ef fee youngsters writers worked. The Shell OQ Ce. - Explora­ dam on July 18. The other will “We didn’t bother teaching dren’s papers, Cham bers prin t­ typewriters. “grew several yuan la the ed oat th at in m ost cases there tion Department, electrical en­ ration on Aug. 24, completing The Burk School is port of the city public school system. It is staffed by the faculty of language area.” One fourth grader. Dr. Yuen said, tested out te the end of them term s lik e ’shift’ and carriage, ” D r. Y ura « p la in ­ ed. “They just examined the were two drafts, one in pencil, the other typewritten. “ That’s gineers and physics, geophysics n longer, 66-day tour. and math majors. “Although fee c m month The Shell OU Ce. • Production tour is shorter, it wfil be more LUCON machines and asked ques- because they learned band- San Fnrateeo Stale College. the year as „being la the fifth writing first,” he said. Department, mra-hantrai, elec­ expensive, in the long ran. Utefi 1:19 pjn. 99e Eve. 99e F our faculty members guided month of fee sophomore year turns, The papers were neat for file trical and chemical engineers. Feature 1:15 the youugsiers ea a project de­ hi high school. The importance of typing speed was played down during m ost part, with few spelling The M itre Corp. electrical 3:15- 5:39-7:25 signed to find out if use of a * “ She was bright before but mistakes. “ I usually donT have engineers and phyries and m ath 9:59 typew riter could contribute to not that bright*, he comment- fee classes „ because learning R a d im e rs k i to tell them to look in the dic­ m ajors. learning a t an early age. ed. He added th at several language and how to use it was tionary,” Chambers s a i d . The Employers Mteual of “ They have discovered that Wausau, all m ajors of the col­ A w a r d e d SHOP WITH ME IN the dictionary is as im portant to their writing as the pencil or the typew riter.” - ~ leges of Business and Public Service, science and arts, com F e l l o w s h i p m unication arts and all other CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Even ’iUthmetic L ast y ear file children be­ cam e proficient a t doing m ath Interested m ajors. Dr. George Radimerski, for­ The Michigan State Highway eign language professor, b a r l i s i t u i t i IS sill PHONE 355-8255 or 355-8256 problems on the typewriter. Dept., civil engineers. been selected a life follow of IsaMtMateNSK- And simple algebraic concepts The Saga Food Service Inc., the International Institute of cewpasied to in toult. DEADLINE 1:00 P.M. were introduced, .such a s “ 9 hotel, restaurant a n d ' Institu­ Arts and Letters, located in tional management. Kreuziingen, Switzerland. A U T O M O T IV E F O R SA LE plus n equals 1 1 —what is n?” . Chambers feels the exper­ iment is a success. He said: “ They’re m ore aware that The United States General Membership is by,invitation Accounting Office, accounting only and includes representa­ m ajors. tives from all over the world. Eni «noCOLOt waTfapum »WTE-fefH 1 MAUÍW00D Éuraeiras im m HUMULI TCCMNCQLC fefARM«» WOS A 713! AVFTTN H EALEY W ire KAY ELEC TRIC GUITAR. ED awareness is the first normal The Shawtoigan Resins Corp. The purpose of the Institute V «ARTI l U S t o - l S S T * ' / hi*«!*, o v r r d r lr t, ®ewr p ain t, rsrry ] 7-1351.__________ 13 -«SÉraM»- _ ma ,m------— •»an. Mti*t «ell. JS *-E 1* IT ] step in education. chem istry m ajors and chemical is to cultivate and promote, the plus Latest News starts FRIDAY ' EXCYCLOPEDIA B rit* n n I c a. ’M l A t’hTf.V H EA LEY S prite. I W orld Atla*. 6 la n g u a g e d ictio n ary and mechanical ra g n e e rs. arts, literature, and sciences; Paul NEWMAN I'n p ln tr w ith w tw dal'lrld I sn d yearbook. M u tt sell. ED Î-234S by international cooperation, Tern & Je rry Cartoon («iher* t h d tow neau cov«r. Only I a fte r 9 p.m. - 14 - The Air Redaction Company, he said. to H«* mile*. Prl<** J115«. C all j s j m r C rip p t, E D 7- ! U ! II j . BABY CARRIAGE, T h ay ar. and D r . M ille r Inc., chemical engineers and Dr. Radimerski is the author r — THURS. N ----- “The HUSTLER” stro lle r. T ay lo r-T o t. C all ED 2- chem istry m ajors and electrical of various textbooks, one which wife 1*4* B riC K Special rdi4»p. flood éóiidHIoB. \> f d 2-door, 3I0Î. Id E le c te d - engineers, physics m ajors. is used a t State, and of re­ ‘SPA RTA C U S’ Jackie GLEASON ofity! C ali Tuir. a t IV TO 1 11 a f BROWN o v e rs ta ffe d la rg e r lu lr . The Associates „.Investm ent search articles. He has dealt 1« Blond desk. Sm all w h ite fDjmr.il Co., all m ajors to the colleges particularly with the eleventh IM # CHEV RO LET ia. ('on* *i w ith ja«‘ket. 1 floor, 1 ta b le lam p, ED 2-25»84. 17 P re s id e n t rtib le Tn**-Ik w it! ItJ? of Business and Public Service -and twelfth century mysticism m riard n ) i t i . mili R EFR IG E R A T O R . Fervei, 1Ö57. Science and Arts and Commu­ of Hildegrad Fon Bingn. Michigan State University * :-!>*< a f t e r 5 p i 1« j f foot. SO pound freez in g com pftit- Dr. Herbert E. Miller, pro­ nication Arts - December ami He is now Investigating the FOREIGN FILM SERIES DOPflE. 4 *4**or. radili», b ra t» I! m ent. L ike new. R easonable. Call a f te r I p.m., IV 2-5007.. IT fessor of accounting, was elect­ M arch graduates only. m agical healing charm s in ear­ . a u to m a tif. fSqvlty and presents »he o v er pa rm * it Y*- C all SW-1 ed president of the national ac- ___ ___ Telephone Co ly medieval literature. The General 14 .ONE OF THE FEW GREAT M O. counting honorary, Beta Alpha t« f Michigan, all ’m ajors to the F «IMI new ANNIVERSARY SALE Phi, t t o f fall college of Businesa and Public TION PICTURES OF OUR TIME ■m. V err IMPORTANT M EETING IT 23% - 75% DISCOUNT^ In September, Dr. Miller was Service, December graduates N e w P l a n s û mr. f?* elected to the board o f nomlna- only. . . . to be seen* studied an d di­ rO R D . V-4. c«ftt.‘»n line, TUESDAY NIGHT m c lie n t C ondltloo O verha .¡led. Need we say m ore? g ested by ail w ho ta k e th eir iv m t he ft! o f f e r . Ca U IV F o u rth F lo o r _ F o r C a rn y m ovies se rio u sly /' 1%II. LI AM H. THOMPSON U nion T o w er R oom -ArcA* NT. M ” *■>* KORD. C onvertible. 27» HP, *'•»; v ette angin e, 3 speed o v e rd h » »-, iK W K l.K R » Law P rofessor ~ Planners of the 1962 Water "Ingmar Bergman,"a poet with the -ft ■*.- sh ift, tra c tio n m as ter*".' ED 7- ¡ ■ ■m a m is <*'zæm Carnival have announced early ; _ 14 KRAN DOR MALL ACTIVITY BOOKS To Speak A t plans designed to put new j camera, gets some grand, open M»;-TD 1fi*ï. are-ite. evftftveri punch into fee annual* sp rin g ! sensitive images...brilliant scenes' K- 4:-.- rom ^tett^O Irí IIled A IT**. M*iwt «el*. t r»Derail y YUSafr. !. IV 5-07(9 f o r gam e F lin t Conference event. J e rry Blanke, Detroit senior and beautifuHy touching mo­ A B Dr. Hendrik Zwarehsteyn, and carnival chairm an, said it ments.” —8oW»yCrewtfcer, NT, Tine* r ¿»«fi««, I F O R RENT FOR T H E FIN EST in dan ce m u­ professor of business law, will will be reduced to two dates, { “Brilliant, unforgettable drama* lM« ED 7- sic ItV*9ack B raun, Bobby Stevens, speak Friday a t Flint Com­ May 18 and 19, instead of the Ron E nsH sh, p lu s m any o th ers. -■j.ii* Zirnter, Cva '•5 OleDiv ? do»r GARAGE. W eetern section of P hone th e B ud-M or A gency, IV 2- munity College t o . the annual traditional three nights. The p o tte r i**’i E nst («ntK'hi;?. IS p e r m onth. Phone 0621. if ED T-fiffi after «; fr.*n. E ll 7-M782. -15 Conference and Legislative As­ change was made to avoid con­ >9 RAMBLER AtfT*»» * * *> W IR E MONEY. MOTHER! Btth- sembly of fee Michigan Asso-, flict wife final exams a n d ' TTMSMTS ! ol* will Infiurp rnv car. E D 2>fi*71. Memorial Day, he said. n t ctett4Hkm- d e a n tarsAur.:» T°P of -fa i’mburnt* w. _______ I* ciation of Junior Colleges.. **75. F a ll J i m r i VftndtHn F i' KNIhH l.'IJ “ APARTM ENT? 3 Zwarensteyn will deal with ! In addition, fee water c a ra iv -! ;.t!H „ Kxt. Jfil, statioh 1 ‘ 1 room». h ath. U tilities. $100 a m onth. 5# f»TO. Ï 405 G rove Si. Side en tra n c e . M ar. I REA L~ESTA TE= = = fee subject of teaching busi­ aL will be planned to coincide , A •*»:.7 T R IU M PH . h a rd to p V rtr 2-3136. vied ynlv. A pply 504 Division. ED ness law in junior colleges. He I with several other weekend] I"2 i l\ Iv S(. . -- --- ~ t.f. BY OW NER. O w ner 4ranaferr«6. events. _i • — Plus — side citrtAiPk. w ire w'»#*el«C ai* f i ­ «dll. 4 rtionnr and b ath . Iarr?-* ED J-W -fc-P: -•I EO 2-e59iK-niirhtr. low. g as h eat. I t i c d r g a ra g e . In 1$ ex cellen t condition. IV 8-5«!4, ev e­ committee chairmanships. F airch ild T h r a tr e ning» E D 2-4441. M artin Agency! tions for fee Ohio State Univer­ (continued from page 3) EMPLOYMENT R ealto rs. <5 sity Hall of Fam e. A dm ission: 50c LO ST an d FO U N D Periodically this organiza­ of Oscar Wilde.—Instead, he y i r n g MEN. r » n W it) arm ngÇ T soor* to R ED CEDAR AREA. W a lk in g d ista n ce to cam pus. . 5 bedroom s, tion elects individuals through­ comments on Wilde’s life and BRACK EBONY C am eo broach. double lo t, ! b ath s, n ew ly c a rp e t­ Senior Deadline I.' 23 p er {tour. C all IV : E e a lh e r backed. - Ixtst in a re a Of ed 30 foot liv in g room , firep lace, out the world, who have made works, selecting sections from Deadline for submitting peti­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED M I17 i L ib rary . F am ily piece. D esire r e ­ a tta c h e d g a ra g e . C all E D 2-A4T8 his prose and poetry. tions for Senior of the Week is MAÎ.K C H A U F F E R w ith tu rn fo r se n tim e n tal reasons. Call o r 855-1781. 14 outstanding contributions to MacLíammóir traces the Wednesday. They may be I*art-rim #. C all R aym ond R i IV 5-4872 a fte r 6 p.m. tf the field of accounting. sort, piano tun er. IV HOME an d INCOME. B rick ran ch FOUND. P a ir of g ir l’s -priasses, house, b u ilt In 18S4. 4 bedroom s, 1 D r. Miller has co-authored three most significant phases picked up a t the Union desk or vicin ity of lib ra ry . B row n fra m e s b a th s, o r t- bedroom s p lu s 2 room three texts on accounting wife of Wilde’s development as an from presidents of living units. F O R SA LE w ith pen a tta c h e d to case. . 1 5 a p a rtm e n t, L a rg o lot, treo a. O k*- artist and a human being. It m os sub-diVinton. ED 7-7478. 16 Professor H arry A. Finney, » w I I E ft Jona^ j LOST ON CAMPUS. P in k - coin well known accountant and begins with fee youthful aee-f thons. M ein t—ah. N o rth ern .KÉ PHONY IV. 2 98 i< E A S T L A N 5 I N C - P H O N E E D .M 8 I 4 kins. F arm fre sh eggs. Aleo o th e r j m e n e S o a r g a ra g e . } lo ta E D 7- HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS fru it* an d v eg e ta b le s et reason-1 PERSON AL *414. ___ j* to show WUde the “Dandy,” NOW! POORS OPEN 13:45 able price*. R oadside F arm M ark- i • t. 2 m îtes e a s t e f F.ae* L ansing i on US |C a t Okettn?* It -sd tf ! - SENSATIONAL folk sin g e r, Ju an Baer., a p p e a rin g Ann A rbor h.S:, S E R V IC E Night Staff man-about-town in the glitter­ ing world of the opulent late- T h a t happy “Sound -ef Victorian era, a brilliant, suc­ Music” family will sing EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING M AX'S B1CTCEE. Envi-* ■. black. F rid ay . O ctober 27,-8:30 p.m. T ick ­ I n f a n t c A r e b y re g iste re d S sr-ar D u n e lt in ex cellen t condi­ e ts av a ila b le a t th e D isc Shop. Lt n u rs e -lp S p a rta n V illage. N e ar en ­ Night staff: a s s t, news edit­ cessful playwright and w it It their „w ay right into your FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS Me tion. KO 7-8875 evening* only. <3 or, Mary .Basing; copy editors: p a s s « from “ a moment of M ADELINE CRA W FO RD and tra n c e . C all ED I-4M X heart!! t RIB. H l g l i r f t f Bleeping bn*, I D Oi’OLAS NORW ICK p lease come tent;~ can v a s bed. C all ED i - n i i j to - th e S ta te N ews office. Room te aVOICE In stru c tlo a . Q u alified Jackie Korona, Denis Gosselto, fam e to an eternity of infam y’’ m w LAST 3 NIGHTS c h e r w ith M a sters deg ree. S tu ­ Bob Neumann and At Royce; e l WUde becomes fin most ev en in g s. . 13 I 147 S tn d e tït-S ervices Bldg.- fo r tw o dio 3 b lo ck s from cam pus. E D 2- « photo editor: David Jaehnig. celebrated °f outcasts. f rae pasase to th e C re s t D riv e-In . ROOAX TURNTABLE Model BIO “ tf SÍ7T.' Speed ra n g e l4-»d rpm C o n tac f SHOWN AT Kuuck at E D 8-6MWI a f t . r « p.m 14 T H E KINGSTON T RIO co m in g V LFLTIN G SPARTANA F ly a t 7:39 AND W edheeday, N ovem ber 8. 8 "p.m., 'D a v is A irp o rt, N. A b b o tt Rd. P h o n e C D 2-62844. 81 9:59 TRO PICA L F IS H , p la n ts, and C ivic C enter. T ick et* S3.SO, S3.50, supptie*. G ibson'*, 415 VT. MiUer and St.50. R e se rv a tio n s now b eing It- ad. TL* i- I4 * t. 27 ta k e n a t th e Dlec Shop: -BUD SPANGLER o rc h e s tra now E xclusive E ng AmpM*W a v a ila b le fo r en g a g e m e n ts. Call Will not be shown In any other te a » IV t-1,240. . IS theatre in tMe a re a this eeaaon. S*er»~ VICTORY VALUES-^ T Y PIN G In S p a rta n a p a r tm e n t E le c tric V illa*» ty p e w rite r C all 355-3012. tf r a u M UMM AT , WINNER OF T Y PIST ANN BROWN. ED 2- 8884. E le c tric ty p e w rite r. T erm p a ­ H TREIT .. SPARTAN MOTORS p e rs an d th e se s, a lso g e n e ra l ty p ­ ing. tf ACADEM Y ESm M M V ER * Ceteral M icUfu’s largest sotoctiaa of used KENNY DAVIS Call E D 3-1477. ORCHESTRA. 15 4 ^ . 'A W A R D S Of UZTXVUffi COnettes aad Vrikswagras. THEBW TYPING, p rin tin g . A d­ w iB n a iir vice on form a n a sty le _ ^ a t no Itel. Ill«, 1999 Carvettes. I aad 4 speed ! Charge- E d itin g Service. W ouch G raffe S ervice, 1720 E. M ichigan ’’EXCELLENT! 199», ltte , W > Vrikswagees, Sonroefs aad Hard tops. Ave. L ansing, p h . 484-TTft. - tf 1999 M M MW I n t o , priced to aril. T Y F tN Q DONE in m y hem*. C ell SPECIAL MERIT AiARDr IV 7-4146. 1» 1957 tlo trtea ft, t su i i iUMts, harftays aad wagtas. STUDENT DISCOUNT, e e lf wash. I .75. L ub jo b , 41.66. 8 to 6 « n t p a rk - 1999 Chevralets, Brimtr I i aar, hardtop, automatic, radia aad n i , 83-86. F re e q u e rt » L o l l w ith e v ery e il c h en g e. Complete tuwr- haater. Bteeayna stx-teick. op. O pen 84 honnl. D eve’# D ure Oil. 1* 14 E. OranU R iver. tf 1991 Chevrteet t a u u f t l t , faflhr equipped. Law, law mileage E X P E R T T H E S E S end «onerai typing. E le c tric ty p e w rtt.r, K i*h - STA R TIN G TH URSDA Y 1911 OMnaahfie - I d aa r aad 4-doar hardtop, power Jetw ay 8 a Feature At hydruuaatlc. rates and beater, defoxe. « PRICES Iste -3:99-1:15 - 7 : » -9:39 TYPIN G. Thee**, term papera, EXTRA gen eraL ‘te e e trle typew riter. D aily 1991 FatdO, priced to sefl! 4-deer, six-stick aad Z-dowr automatic J e l lv .r y end pick-up Dom Com- Until 1:39 p.m. tec CARTOON wlth pawer. . _ - ft««. OL 8-2464. 1* COMING SATURDAY!! NOVELTY E ra s, k Sunday f U f T R A N S P O R T A T IO N EDGAR ALLAN FOBS Ckfiirwi lie SPARTAN MOTORS NEW YO RK - JE R S E Y fo r FEATURE SHOWN — THEl j W lH R iffh a m m w m n m w m u m ^ > lite E. MICHIGAN Then ke«4 t i n * .’ Greup c h .rte rin * ftus r e n a l f f t o t e ST. P o rt Au­ Suaday Hura Thanduy 1:99 . 4:49 - lito -, ED th o r ity T erm in a l, Wedneedtur, Ne- FrisiayA Saturday 1:39-5:1«-9:M FR ID A Y — “T H E R 1 KISHA-M AN” IN COLOR ÄllläK Tsesday Morning, October 1 7 » 1 9 6 1 RtolrfgM» Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan 6 Personnel Administrators Judiciary , mJmjg ••w M . g ® J S i ■ Petitioning to fill tha three is f in ite ti tir handle student sophomore vacancies on the disciplinary problems and ap- Meet in Kellogg Center All-University Student Judici­ f o a l * ..'i;;/.. . ary Boirti will be open Tues­ day through Thursday. Peti­ TRY OCR VERIFAX not lim ited our confidence ia college campuses two-to-three tion boxes will be set op in the PERSONAL PLAN FOR D EF Union coocourse and lion'a DL Edw ard L. Cushman, vice the soundness of the agreem ent tim es a year as a p a r t of Its p C o p y S e rv ie s ViSiOn. -. r j ' ' 5* president of American Motors or of its eventual successful recruiting program . The Judiciary Board to the INSTANT'COPIER OF Corp., predicted recently that outcome,” Cushman said. “ While on the campuses chief function ef the judiciary IMPORTANT PAPERS AMC’s profit sharing contract “We a re confident' that a th e s e " representatives should branch ef the student govern­ DOCUMENTS will be approved in a second fuller explanation of the con­ visit the various business de­ ment and Its 11 members ode SPARTAN vote by a now rejecting Ken­ tra c t and a larger turnout of partm ents and its faculty.’’ BOOK STORE osha (Wis.) local. voters will lead to ratification Kinney advised th a t a better Michigan State's 1961 soccer 223 ANN STREET Cushman spoke before the by a significant m ajority,” he sum m er employment program captain io goalie Ted Saunders eighth annual Personnel Insti­ said, should be set up for business of Kingfton, Jam aica. tute in Kellogg Center. , Local 72 a t the Kenosha main students. d~ . “The Kenosha setback has plant rejected th e AMC con­ “ More jobs that would en­ tra c t in a surprise move. able business students to learn Cushman, along with 5Q oth more about their field should e r top personnel adm inistrators be available,” be said. U -B e tte s - from throughout the Midwckt* William C. Plant, J r., col­ m et to discuss the manpower lege recruiter for the General T o H o ld problems which A m ericantT ire it Rubber Company in m anagem ent m ust cope wife. Akron. Ohio, disagreed wife A u d itio n s Conference was sponsored by Kinney. the MSU Labor and Industrial “ Business shouldn’t do any Relations Center. . recruiting unless it’s absolutely The U-Bettes, MSU’s answer Speaking on college recruit­ necessary,” Plant said. to the Radio City Rockettes, “ Know your own employees are holding auditions Wednes­ m ent during fee morning ses­ sion, John R, Kinney, director and first look a t your own o r day a t 7 to 9 p.m. in the Union ballroom. of MSU placement bureau, ganization,” he said. ' . IM « pinplsetiees. . . Interested coeds will do a said: "" “ Then if it’s necessary to ir shawl MOM* heaps yse short routine to a record of “ Business’s should send its recruit do it — but be sure it’s _________ »wet s ood olart seMyl their own choice. They will be best representatives to visit ' the right man. If you sometimes find studying soporific (and wjwfdoesn't?), the word judged oh appearance, dancing to remember is N«Dox.* NoDoz perks you up in minutes, with the ability, and the originality of Ia ir ìk□ M ol Iso Ia agra,lóTsl aame safe awakener found in coffee or fea. Yet NoDo* Club Honors Advisor on 6 1st Birthday routine, said U-Bettes leaders. Crossword Puzzle a n t a a a a a □□□□□ □□a a u s a a s it faster, handier, more reliable.Abeolutely non-habit-forming, NoDor ia sold □ 3 0 3 3 0 0 0313 32. Succulent □na oaoa aaaa everywhere without prescription. So, ^ Dr. Lawrence ‘Reborn’; across GOP Success 1. Fish polos fruit 33J0rju . an □onao ansi ; to keep perspicacious exams—end while driving, too— during study and 5. Trudge □ □ □ 3 3 3 E 3a330O R ests On Con-Con 0. Condensed 34. Metsl \ , fastener □ □ □ 3 3 3 0 S 3 always keep NoDor in proximity. ’ilippw Gets New Korean Name “ The Republican m ajority in the Constitutional Convention will m ake fee people of Michi­ 12. moisture, 12. Death notice „ Not 35. Young , sheep 37. Chill EQ3 0E 33 3 3 3 □a anna □□□ U s nanas □BGinoaa IL -L -L . f r r " mmrdnn. Aastas, Has **»4aet ef Wavs Lsksrstsrtss. By KEUN YOUN . and JUher»l Arts College in name in Korea and ‘You’ gan identify fee new constitu­ matched: 36. African aisa oaa „ Of the State News Staff Seoul Natiohal University dur­ means elm which slightly de­ tion wife the GOP,” George Scotch river notes the meaning of Law­ Van Peursem , chairm an of the 14. Anger 40. Laps Sotutisn ef Yesterday's Fusale Dr. Elwood P. Lawrence, pro­ ing fee academic year of 1959- rence’s first name Elwood.’? 42. Room with fessor of English, recentljrw as 60 as an exchange professor. given a “ new” Korean name— “ I can write names in Han­ long,” Dr. Lou You said after also available in Chinese char­ gul,” Dr. Lawrence said proud­ he was given fee m ost surpris­ cently. state Van party, said a “ I feel like I’ve lived too of the Young Republicans., re ­ Peursem said t a meeting the 19. Misappre­ hend 15. Shut 10. Periods 20. Cultivates 44. Fragrance 46 U nconai- —tionally SO. Expert DOWN 1. Gypsy husband 7. Stray truth S. Meat from pi* Ohta p * M k M hur (Author of “I Wot a Teen-aae Dwarf', "The Meay acter—on his 61st birthday. ly, “ but in Chinese character, .51. God of war 2 . Tap. sash 9. Irreconcil­ ing birthday present in his life fortunes of fee GOP will rise 22. Unit of ably — Leen ef Dobie Gillie", eU.) His new Korean name is Dr. well. I practice enough but 1 on his 61st birthday. force 52. Merriment 3. Differen­ lb. Irish lake Lou You, which is pronounced couldn’t pick it up.” — or fall depending on whether 23. Silkworm 53. Thing, tiates fee new institution is accept­ inlaw 4. An adit 11. Marries exactly fee same way in Han­ “ There are exactly 6 slants, 24. Turkish 10 . Olfactory able to fee people. official " 54. Unintandad 5. Covers gul (Korean alphabet), con­ 8 straight lines, 1 1 horizontal 27. Heating escape of with turf organ He said the Republican dele- 17. Moth sists of two Chinese main char­ lines, and 4 dots in two fairly device a liquid g. Woody S A IL O N , S A IL O N ! complicated Chinese characters P r o f e s s o r ] gates impressed him wife their 55. Scans planF 20. Flowerlese acters. _ realization of fee responsibili­ 30. Edges plant *- The name was 'carefully se­ —‘Lou’ and ‘You’,” Dr. Rhee, 21. Elaborate I suppose October 12 is just mother dev to you. You get up in lected among several choices fee creator of the name said, ty of their m ajority. - solo (continued from page 5) “ The party’s future is tied to the ordinary way and do all the ordinary things you ordinarily and presented by Dr. Rhee “ and it is a rather taborous job is a past president of fee Amer­ {he convention, and wife - 22. Apothe­ do. You have your breakfast, you walk your ocelot, you go to Jeung, who received^ Ph.D. for hinr to write his name in caries’ ican Business Law Assn. „ Republican optimism of fee weight classes, you write home for money, you burn the dean in effigy, in education last sum m er- Chinese character.” Zwartensteyn was born in convention’s success,*’ he said. 25. Work you watch Howdy-Doody, and- you go to lied. And do you give AT THE REGULAR meeting IN MOST OF fee Oriental Tuban, Jav a, in Indonesia, and animal one little thought to the fact that October 12 is Cohunbua attended Leiden University, 26. Yellow of the campus Korean Club last countries, the last name comes bugle Day? No, you do not. — — spring, fee m em bers reached first, the first name last and where he received two de­ State News Still 21. Slight cut Nobody; thinks-a bout Columbus these day». Let u*, there­ an agreem ent feat some re­ no middle name. Therefore grees. One was the doctor of 30. Fruit drinks fore, pause for a moment and retell hia ever-glorioua, endlessly m arkable gift rath er than a “ Lou” is equivalent to Law­ laws. 31. Thie piece m aterial commodity wouldn’t rence and “ You” to Elwood. He cam e to fee,University in Printing L etters 3«. Political stirring saga. ' group be a bad idea for their faculty “ 1 tried to make it a simple 1954—leaving a practice of the 30. According law which was mixed wife an State News policy has not adviser on his birthday last as possible,” Dr. Rhee said, changed-regarding letters to to law July. “ and fee name m ust be easy active interest in business. the editor. We are still printing -41. Statue. In the Korean tradition, fee to call, yet it has such harm o­ F o r four years Dr. Zwaren- ,42. Cicatrix 61st birthday is the most sig­ nious tone. _ steyn was an attorney -in the all those which arrive in our 43. Horse's gait Netherlands Supreme Court. office signed. To date few peo­ 44. Region nificant occasion in human life. “ ‘Lou’ is the most common ple have taken this opportunity 45. Peril When a m an reaches the ag e He was managing director of 47. Metallif­ the Netherlands Chamber of to express their views in public. erous rock of 61, he is considered to be We encourage students and born again. Life ends a t 60. A F R O T C Commerce for fee Benelux 4t. Shelter countries for five years. faculty m em bers to write on „40. Affirmative The Hangap (61st birthday) a n y ' subject. We ask only that m arks the end of his first part they be in good taste, under of life and fee next day he will T o P re se n t IFC Needs Man 500 words and signed with name live in his second portion of and address. Upon request we life. This strange custom is in­ herited from the Confucianism A w a rd s Eight Air Force ROTC ca­ For Publicity -»ill occasionally withhold a name in print if there are suf­ Inter-Fraternity Council is ficient reasons V a r s i t y D r iv e In which taught the spiritual rein­ dets will receive awards at holding rush. We reserve the right to edit 1 2 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER carnation and mystical quality noon Tuesday for outstanding Any fraternity m an interest­ any letter. —' * of humal life. performance in their summer ed in becoming IFC public re ­ OPEN EVERY DAY 5:0 0 P.M. THE HANGAP is the biggest training unit classes. lations chairm an should go to birthday party of all. Col. Thomas J. Barrett, pro­ 309 Student Services Tuesday DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. ChriatopherColumbua was bom in Genoa on August 25,1451. “ It «is an enormous feast. fessor of a ir science, will pre­ or Wednesday, from 3 to 5 p.m . Theta Sigs Meet 8 :3 0 P .M ;- 1 :3 0 A.M. Hi* father, Ralph T. Columbus, was in the three-minute aute wash game. Hia-mother, Eleanor (Swifty) Columbus, was a .. People eat a lot and drink a sent fee awards under fee flag­ to be interviewed. Members of Theta Sigma Phl. sprinter. Christopher was an only child, except for hia four lo t,” Dr. Lawrence said. pole near Demonstration Hall. national fraternity for women SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P .M .- 1 : 3 0 A.M. ' brothers and eight sisters. With his^father busy all day at the Dr. Lawrence, now the fac- j Seventeen of MSU’s 35 junier- Michigan State in 1898 held in journalism , will meet Thurs­ ulty adviseruto the campus Ko­ AFROTC cadets finished in fee its first indoor tra c k meet—a day a t 7.30 p.m. in the f E D 2 -8 6 I 7 — auto wash and his mother constantly away at track meets, rean Club, taught English lit­ upper third of their summ er 10-10 deadlock against Lansing Journalism Bldg. library. young Columbus was left pretty much to his own devices. erature a t fee graduate school training unit classes. High School. However, the lad did uot sulk or brood. He was an avid reader and spent alChis waking hours imtnersed in a book. Unfortu­ nately, there was only one book in Genoa at the time—Core of Chem Engineers the Hone by Aristrtfte -and after several years of rending Cars H ear Dow Head Academic Publishing Co. LOOK of the Home, Columbus grew restless. fk> when rumor reached him that there was another book in Barcelona, off be ran aa fast as his fat little legs would carry him. The American Institute of I The rumor, alas, proved false. The only book in Barcelona Chemical Engineers will hold i its first "meeting of the year Tuesday a t 7 p.m. in 31 Union. | presents for to the was Cvidar vn Caballo by Aristotle, which proved to be nothing mors than a Hpanish translation of ('are of the Home. Bitterly disappointed, Columbró began to dream of going Dr. William Codings, president to India where, according to legend, (here were thouaanda of of fee Dow Corning Corpora­ books. But the only way to go to India was on horseback, and M.S.U. tion will speak about the Na­ after so many years of, reading Care of the Hone, Columbus tional American -Institute of Chemical Engineers. State News never wanted to dap «yes on a horse again. Then a new thought struck him: perhaps it was possible to get to India by sea! ~ Fired with his revolutionary new idea, Columbus raced to the court of Ferdinand and Isabella on bis little fai legs (Colum- Worsted Wool FlanneiS C lassifieds - Isis, though six feet tall, was plagued with little fat legs all hi« life) and pleaded his eajfe with such fervor that the rulers were Now... PERMANENTLY CAMPUS SUMMARIES For Help In persuaded. On October 12, 1492, Columbus set foot on the New World. The following yenr he returned to Spain with a cargo of wonders— CREASED Selling Y our never before seen in Europe—spices and metal» aad plants and For All First-Term Basics Unwanted» flowers and—moat wondrous of all—tobacco! Oh, what a sensa­ tion tobacco caused in Europe! The Site» had long since been invanted (by Aristotle, curiously enough) but nobody knew T hese stu d y guides h av e been p rep a re d to enable what to do with. it. Now Columbus, the Grant Discoverer, ONLY or made still another great discovery: he took a fiher, put tobacco th e s tu d e n t to o b tain th e m axim um u n d e rsta n d in g in front of Ü, and invented the world’s l i f t liter cigarette! 12M Buying Y our Through the centuriea filters have been steadily improved of th e m a te ria ls p rese n ted in th e basic courses * and so has tobacco, until today we have achieved the ultimata in the filter cigarette—Marlboro, of counet Oh, what a piece AVAILABLE AT w ith a m inim um a m o u n t o f w asted e ffo rt. T h ey Wanteds of work In Marlboro! Great tobacco, great filter, greet smoke! h a v e been designed specifically tor s tu d e n ts a t And so, p, ad friends, when next you enjoy • in*. Marlboro Under these headings: Cigarette, give a thought to the plucky Owaaw, Christopher I f lK f iS I T O K r * MSU, and used properly w ill be o f g r e a t b en efit. 1 day-1 5 words ' • AUTOMOTIVE • REAL ESTATE Columbus, whom visión and psnaveraaos made (he whole lovely thing possible. —. siiu m i . osm . VARSITY nor In q u ire L" only 85c •EM PLOYM • FOR RENT ENT •LOST FOUND AND 228 Abbati Rd Downstairs In The Inkpot I 5 days—15 worth —$2.50 And thank Cotumbue toe tar the king atoa FhiUp Marris E ast Lansing • FOR SALE •PERSONAL Commander. U imtUteead el$ar*tton ara ram chotea, pan’ll f M onday • F rid a y E2 to 5) Und Commander tha r i sk s at thè unMHarad, • HOUSING FOR •SERVICE 307 East Grand River —. ubaard, mm - -■'f.ÿ’iT . Pay More! W M fo r i Call 355-8255 or 56 RENT -V •WANTED