Serving MSU 1er 5 2 years Seelin'! CUas Port*** 5 Cents W ednesday M orning, O ctober 18» 1861 8 Pages PiM at Saat Lana!«. Mich. ■,y r ~iip j..[i — I ; . - . -■ ¡_ _ _ R e d s A n n o u n c e P la n T o T e s t S u p e r A -B o m b T h is M o n th aeaa&; Big Bomb AF Cadets To Climax Receive yaw p V Series Awards / MOSCOW OP) — P r e m i e r Khrushchev announced Tues­ day the Soviet Union is going Eight Air Force ROTC stu­ to explode a 50 megaton nuclear dents received aw ards Tuesday boml) a t the end of this month. for outstanding performance in A 50 megaton blast is equal to their summer training unit pro­ 50 million tons of TNT and gram s. about 2,500 times more power­ The awards were presented ful than fee first Atomic Bomb by Dem Hall by Col. Thomas exploded at Hiroshima. B arrett, professor of a i r sci­ He told the opening session ence. of the 22nd Soviet Communist Cadets receiving awards party congress the weapon will were Paul L. Vanston, Rad­ be triggered on Oct. 30 or 31 ford W. Jones, Paul H. Bur­ and Would be fee last of fee bage, David K. Isbister, L arry current test series, which be* E . Harvey, Raymond M. Fox, gan Sept'. 1. The series has in­ Michael L. Brickner and Char­ cluded a score of explosions, les H. Webber. fee largest previous ope about VANSTON WAS selected as 1 0 megatons. the outstanding cadet a t Lock- bourne Air Force Base, where Khrushchev’s announcement all of the above cadets attend­ closed out the possibility that ed. He was presented an award OUTSTANDING CADETS-Capt. Robert E . Swett, left and Col. P ® m «» *[• a 100 megaton bomb would be a t a separate ceremony Tues­ B arrett presented outstanding summer training unit awards to, left to right, tested at this time.- He de­ day. r L arry E . Harvey, Paul H. Burbage, David K. Isbister, Raymond M. Fox and clared: The Air Force Commenda­ ..‘iW eJjave a 100 million ton Charles H. Weber. T ___________ bomb, but we do not intend to MUST BE NICE TO BE A CHEERLEADER—Especially the way the tickets are tion Medal was awarded to moving a t Jenison Field Honse. S t least the cheerleaders will have a good view Capt. Edw ard L. Lench, an explode it.” — of Saturday’s Notre Dame game. All public seats, except the end zones, were Air Force officer attending the 1 “ IF WE HAPPEN to explode sold Tuesday afternoon in anticipation of the crucial game. Sophomore and university, a t the ceremony S p e a k s o n ‘N i g e r i a T o d a y ’ it in fee wrong place, we might Freshm an seats will be distributed Wednesday and Thursday. also. break our own windows,” he Focus on Problems Nigerian Envoy Visits Here explained to fee nearly 5,000 delegates at the party congress C o n -C o n in the Kremlin’s giant new aud­ itorium. - 8th Personnel Institute K ills T w o On Good-Will Lecture Tour He added, in a reference to fee diety in whom he says he has no belief: “ May God grant H ie Nigerian Ambassador to 1954 to 1959 and was secretary ment mission to th e World that we never have to explode Bank to 1958 and is a member the United States, Julius M. of fee Nigerian B ar Association Meets at Kellogg Center D e a d lin e s mr T B ASSOCIATED « E S * Thursday for a series of meet­ from 1955 to 1959. H e was chair­ ai the committee on the legal Udochi, will -visit the campus m an of fee federal non-govem- profession in Nigeria. such a bomb.’*- Khrushchev feus backed off from fee test of fee superbomb at which he hinted on Aug. 31 “ Personnel Planning for the , ed John R. Kinney, director of >mem bers on the University Two proposals dealing with ings and a public lecture. when he announced fee Soviet Defense Build-up” was the the Placem ent Bureau, who | staff include: topic of the eighth annual P e r­ spoke on Effective, Recruit­ timetables for the constitutional His ^address, “ Nigeria To­ DANIEL H. KRUGER, asso­ convention were tabled by the day,” a t 8:30 p.m. in Kellogg ciate to the director in charge rules and resolutions committee Margery Leaves;' Union was breaking the atomic powers’ moratorium on nuclear m ent and College Recruitment, Center Auditorium is open to testing. He said a t feat tim e sonnel Institute held at Kellogg Center, Oct. 10. and Edw ard L. Cushman, Vice of the Personnel Management Tuesday until the delegates g et Program Service, T he' Institute was sponsored President of "American" Motors Industrial Relations Center. Labor and a better picture of their work load. the public without charge. Is the first in a series of lec­ This Nigeria Calms Down Soviet scientists had “ worked out” projects for fee construc­ Dalton E. M cFarland, head, One of the proposals, filed by tures to be sponsored during tion of a 100 megaton bomb. by the American Society for Corp, Detroit, who addressed NIGERIA oe—Miss Margery Kennedy’s Peace Corps project Khrushchev’s announcement conference members on— “ The j Personnel and Production Ad- Henry L. Wooifenden, R-Bloom- the academic year by MSU’s has had “ a setback as -rude of fee forthcoming 50 megaton Personnel Administration, Re­ ministration field Hills, called for adjourn­ African Language and Area Michelmore, central figure of 1961 Auto Negotiations.” the Peace Corps postcard inci­ and sudden as feat which blast was made in a departure gion 11; Personnel Manage­ Speakers a t the conference Paul Moore, executive vice m ent of the convention by the Center. ment P ro g rim Service; Labor Tocused on problems of recruit­ president, ASPA, Continuing end of the year. The other, Ambassador Udochi will meet dent, telephoned her parents cropped u p over fee weekend.” from fee text of his six-hour. Tuesday she is flying home. The ang er' of students a t fee 20-minute speech. It was h e a rd - and Industrial Relations Cen­ ment, selection, compensation, Education Service. sponsored by Melvin Nord, D- a t 2 p.m. with 33 Peace Corps T h e 23-year-old volunteer University College of Ibadan, by western correspondents who ter; and the Continuing Educa­ training, and retraining -o f William Ozburn, Conference Detroit, suggested th at tenta­ volunteers who are undergoing where fee Americans are in were cleared from the hall for Consultant, Continuing Educa­ tive. timetables' be set up but eight weeks of training a t MSU from Foxboro, Mass., whose tion Service a t MSU. manpower. mislaid criticism of Nigerian training for teaching assign­ early parts of the proceedings Institute planning committee tion Service. that no rigid deadlines be for assignments at fee Univer­ living conditions brought stu­ ments, was described as na­ but admitted again w h e n The keynote address of the apopted. sity of Nigeria. conference, entitled “ Manpow­ Wooifenden told the rules dent demands for expulsion of tural and legitimate. But they Khrushchev began to speak. THE NIGERIAN university all 37 m em bers of th e corps in were urged not to take too e r M anagem ent— A L o o k Ahead,” was given by Dr. For­ rest H. Kirkpatrick, Assistant UAW, Chrysler Meet committee that he believéd th a t the early deadline would en­ sure th a t the new basic law was established government with by the the Nigerian coopera­ this planned Negro to nation, said she emotional a view. __ arrive in New York HOURS LATER, neither fee “ Every black fold has- its official Soviet news agency nor own white sheep,” the Post Moscow Radio had reported Thursday. to Chairman and President, document written by the con­ tion of Michigan State and the Wheeling Steel Corporation, Wheating, W. Va. On Final Contract vention would be voted on in University of London. Michigan A file-and-forget attitude was said, reversing black sheep to fee Russian people fee-stste- State’s participation is sponsor­ suggested by Lagos newspap­ sayings of the West. “A whole ment about fee 50 million ton DETROIT (*> — The United in meetings Monday and Tues­ April when it was fresh in the ed by fee International Coop­ ers in comment on fee case. project need not be stigmatized bomb. OTHER SPEAKERS includ- Auto Workers and Chrysler day, previously the UAW had peoples minds, rath er than eration Administration. There was even a defense of because just one member has This was fee first time fee Corp. Tuesday opened the last announced -it will not grant Waiting until the November -The distinguished visitor will M argery. acted rashly. Russians have given advance round of 1961 contract negotia­ Chrysler any special conces­ general élection. “ WE ARE pleased to note tions between the union and sions because of a lack of pro­ Woolfender said that if the be a dinner guest of President THE INDEPENDENT Daily See BIG BOMB, Page 3. - constitution appears on the John A. Hannah and will also Express referred to a saying fee other m em bers of fee N o S trik e s fee~big three. ~ fits so far this year. have informal sessions wife Nl that an am bassador is one sent Peace Corps do not share fee UAW President Walter P . Chrysler reported a net loss later ballot, it might be sub­ opinion of fee silly and irre­ gerian and other African stu­ A sked F o r Reuther m et with top-Chrysler of $15.7 million in the f ir s t six ject to oblique attacks from dents on campus. He will meet abroad to lie for fee good of sponsible girl. We are also U . S . W a r n s negotiators a t 2 p.m. after a months of 1961; the company's partisan candidates running for his country. Honors College students at 8 30 morning huddle with bis aides third quarter report this year office. Voters’ attention might a.m. Friday just prior to bis “ But if he chooses to tell the pleased to note she has apolo­ V ita l S h o p s on last minute strategy. - also is expected to be red. also be distracted from consti­ host to his face a few homely gized. R e d T ric k departure. truths,” it added, “ w e d that “ We would, therefore, re*- The union is seeking the Reuther has blamed the com­ tutional proposals by individual WASHINGTON (JV-Sccretary same basic economic conces­ pany’s financial loss on m an­ campaigns of political candi­ Ambassador Udochi has been upset fee house so much — quest Nigeria to overlook this UNITED NATIONS Gfl — The a" teacher, civil servant and especially when there ia much incident and to drop the m at­ of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg sions from Chrysler as it ob­ agement. ~ dates, be added. ter. By doing that Nigeria United States declared Tues­ reported Tuesday that after tained in previous negotiations He said the union will not But Nord said he felt it would legal practitioner and holds a evidence all around?” would have strengthened fee day that if fee UN General As­ tWo recent missile base labor with General Motors and Ford. subsidize what he called m an­ be a m istake for the conven­ University of London degree The Lagos Morning Post, or­ sembly calls for a new unin­ lands of the American, admin­ strikes he has obtained a re­ T H E CHRYSLER bargain­ agem ent’s “ incompetence in tion to aim for getting its pro- -H e served „in fee Nigerian gan of fee-federal government, istration in their fight against spected moratorium on nuclear newed no-strike pledge from ing team , headed by John D. depth.” See CON-CON, Page 3. House of R epresentatives from said it is unfortunate President the rather substantial residue bomb testing it will find that labor unions involved in base Leary, Vice President for Per- of color and racial prejudice t has been tricked r a d delud­ construction .work. _ -sonnel, hasn’t m et with Reuth­ a their country.” ed by the Soviet Union. Goldberg submitted a sum­ er since formal contract negot­ S e c o n d T a lk o n A u to m a tio n The West African pilot said U .S . delegate Arthur Dean m ary to President Kennedy iations began .3% months ago. it ia too early to assets the told the assembly’s 1 0 1 -nation sayingsth a t although work time Indications were Tuesday’s jarm to American prestige political committee that the and to Nigerian good will, but Russians had timed their cur­ lost to strikes has been vastly meeting would be lim ited to reduced to the four months preliminary maneuvering. since Kennedy established a Reuther, specifically was ex­ missile sites labor commission pected to ask Chrysler to F aunce To a t K iv a ’The Michelmore Affair Is bet­ rent series of tests in such a ter forgotten.” way that the end of the tests capped by a 50-megaton bomb THE GOVERNMENT had in­ Mast on Oct. 30 or 31 would the number of lost work hours match the GM-UAW agree­ More information and re* automation and the major Am ount of leisure an individual dicated it expects her to leave. coincide wife a new UN appeal is still too high . ment minus some of the “ frost­ will have a s th e re su lt of auto­ M i a s Michelmore stayed for a moratorium. “ It la too high in view of the ing” accorded to UAW by Ford aearch is needed to m eet the problems connected wife it. Faunce h a s written many a r­ m ation. tem porarily with the wife of This would mean, be said, critical importance to the na­ Reuther entered Tuesday’s growing problems of autom a­ Charles C. Killingsworth, La­ an American diplomat in La­ th at any such appeal would not ticles ort fee effete of automa- tion' of our missile ami our negotiations with a completed tion is tha opinion of Dr. Wil­ tion on leisure and on the auto­ bor and Industrial Relations gos. She has offered to resign space program ,” Goldberg contract a t GM. and tel but affect the Soviet Union, but liam Faunce, associate profes­ mobile industry. ' Centra, will present the third from fee Peace Corps. only the United States and said in a letter to the Presi­ complete agreem ents a t Ford sor, departm ent of sociology Wednesday Dr. Faunce will lecture in fee Provost series. H er postcard, to an Ameri­ Britain if they desire to make dent. ~ and American Motors Corp. rad anthropology, and Labor discuss fee effects automation He wffi deni prim arily with the can friend, was dropped near further tests. \ The latte r committee—made FORD AND the UAW vir­ and Industrial Relations Cra­ will have on the community, economic problems as related the c a m p « . up of representatives of labor, tually have wrapped up all ter. including employment effects, to automation. This will be A Nigerian student who m anagement and public — ia trouble spots left over from A busy working on a series of strike. The company said all five policy reports for submis­ its assembly plants were to There are going to be many and problems relating’ to the held Oct. 25. sociological, economic, and ' found it, instead of returning it to bra, gave it to student lead­ M-MSU Game sion to Kennedy. production with an estim ated 90,000 hourly employes on the psychological result o f auto problem* as a lation. Research Spartans No. 1 In National Poll ers for publication. Her father Hewatd Michel­ Shown on Films will have to answer these prob­ more, said after their Trans­ job. “ The only holdout is Local 430 lems before they become too gjodnmtoate. But O k Miss Not Far Behind atlantic phone talk Tuesday he Union Board will sponsor two is tend she is returning. color showings of films of last a t the Walton Hills stamping “1 believe that she has had Saturday’s MSU-Michigan foot­ W e a th e r plant nepr Cleveland, Ohio. An Faunce will speak Wednes The Spartan football team that a single ballot of the 48 done on bra," he said ball game tonight te 7:30 and day te 4 p.m. In the Kiva. His may be No. 1 -ia the nation for cate could have altered the i job extraded shutdown of the Ohio Last alght fair and windy. plant could cripple Ford pro­ lecture wUl deal with fee aodo- tha week, but not by much. mip’f f r r ’She put ; isn’t the kind of atri f:36 to the Union ballroom. Backfield coach BOI Yoeman ’Today partly cloudy, turning duction across the country logical problems as related to The team drew a total of 431 Mississippi tote: down 21 first to drop bra mall around. I be­ win cooler by noon with the high REUTHER and UAW bar­ automation. points while secoadjfiace Miss­ place votes while the Spartans lieve the incident had been pre­ scription give a play by play de­ te each te the admis- ¡ to the mid ITs. gainers mapped m ajor bar' His Isctnre wfil be tha sac issippi won 433. That means had 16. MSU drew stronger arranged and she was the vie tlm.” sion-free presentations. I gaining strategy for Chrysler WM. FAUNCE ood In a series ef lectures on that the voting was so dose overall support, however. "2 a Michigan State New% East Lansing, Michigan EOirORIAL Wednesday Morning, October 1 8 , 1 9 6 1 Affair* of State1 Campus 'UN ^ b lV a lU ^ e ‘‘Maybe We Gel Reinforcements From UmOld Frontier" C o lle g e C yc le To Become Rhetoric Contest Condy " The MSU United Nations began its third the United States met, bringing together year Oct. 6. At 8 p.m. the gavel pounded students from every continent and every Somsont to a momsnt of clairvoyance once way of life. This is an organization that clearly portrayed college clstsso. Freshman, the order and thestudonts from many countries anonymous writer said, are scared. Sophomores waited their chance to participate in the Michigan State University is proud of. * are cocky—they know the ropes. Juniors are world body of peace. The Campus UN 'is suave, sophisticated and thoroughly enjoying patterned after the United Nations in New THE SOVIET BLOC countries including college fife. Seniors, to complete the cycle, are York, except that here there is no security Russia are represented -here by American scared. ^ Council and the veto power was written out students, who try to maintain the position His print seems to be true. Even the most of those nations. Often, as in one of last academically devoted feel a few moments of of the constitution. MosT of the ninety-nine panic a t the thought of a new life on a college countries are reperesented. - year’s meetings, students reverse the posi­ campus. The strange surroundings, too intellec­ tion of the New York delegates and support tual rtta ta te , dormitory life, so much “free” The organization has grown and is mak­ tim e—all act to intimidate the entering freshmen the opposite side of the issue. and give them a bad case of stage fright. They ing a name for itself throughout this country However, a few people speak over and all tori a few tinges of doubt, wondering if they and in foreign lands. The United Nations can succeed, if they can find a (dace la toe swirl- itself has assisted the students in many over at these meetings. Too few participate liftg multitudes who seem to know exactly where ways. Delegates in New York have visited or and sometimes those few resemble the dra­ ""they belong. matic actor rather than the diplomat More Most students go through the cocky sophomore corresponded with students here at MSU to ‘delegates should prepare themselves so the stage, too. After all you a re a veteran, you’ve aid bur organization in constructive debate. UN is not dominated by a few. been through tbe horrors of registration, you In F e b ru a ry of la st y e a r th e MSU U nited kftow where the Dairy Building is, you know that Friday, confusion governed the scene. nobody says N atural Science when be moans N ations held th e ir f ir s t annual conference. The chairman who-is-in control supposedly, N at Sci. It’s a good feeling for tbe. women to sign -More th a n tw enty-five u n iv ersities from had little effectiveness in getting the issues up as big sisters under the AWS program and discussed because of a mix-up on parlia­ protectively take a lost freshm an in hand. mentary procedure. Several delegates had AUSG’s orientation leaders get quite a thrill in just read the constitution and procedure of proudly showing off campus landm arks on guided tours, School A id V ita l the MSU United Nations and were waiting the chance to reveal their knpwle<^re. The THE JUNIOR YEAR, as the m an said, perhaps President Kennedy has signed “ with extreme irony of the trouble was that four or five is tbe nicest. There is nothing to be frightened of. reluctance" the opportunistic school-aid bill Con­ students completely disagreed on the consti­ You know the pitfalls, the bed instructors, the tution. Those who had copies monopolized campus jargon, graduation Is still-a haxy day in gress passed after it had junked the Adminis­ seme distant June. Tbe cockiness is gone and tration’s program for meeting the real needs of the assembly for the time being. you’ve found your (dace in the busy university "education. We wish the President’s belated dec­ life. Your social circle is established. You afe laration of unhappiness had been accompanied SINCE IJ WAS the first' meeting and comfortable, secure and ready for a year of fun bv a clear announcement that he intended to since more than half were there for the and not-toe-taxing study. fight for his full program next year—and to firsttim e, the resolution and other pertinent give the fight the degree of personal Involve­ And it's true. Seniorr are scared. I ’ve reached m ent that was so conspicuously missing mis information was not in the hands of the that point and I know. Thirty-four credits no majority. It will be interesting to watch the longer mean the requirem ents to one division— year. ~ n e x t meeting _when everyone Will have had they mean the only barrier between me and — Secretary Ribicoff has made a start in taking an o p p o rtu n ity to g e t ac q u ain te d and ob­ graduation. Suddenly, th at word “graduation” the school issue to the people with a m ajor _ . «*s** -w e .j iK iiiiieB I few - ««■ takes on new meanings. It still m eans freedom ta in th e n ecessary m ate ria l. but seniors see that that is not all ft means. It al­ speech in San Francisco. He charged that the issue has not been brought into “ sharp focus” and that the nation has not “ made a firm com­ T he m ee tin g F rid a y had m om ents of h ig h Point of viewt'"1u,UiJ'imrHUrimHJ*'IIWTmmwutrnTIM1M*1M****M111*****nwM,m,w1,111M*1,110** so means responsibility. If it m eans no more hours for-women, no more study, no housing re­ school debate. To m any th e m ee tin g is , a mitment to the idea of education of the highest strictions, no drinking regulations, it also means quality." We agree. We are not. however, Convinced That Mr. Ribicoff has begun to focus on the real place fo r lau g h s and fu n in rh eto ric . Seve­ ral s tu d e n ts re p re s e n tin g th e S oviet Bloc co u n tries used th e in fa n tile tab le p ounding to express th e ir opposition. N o t v e ry o rig i­ U. S. Must Take Initiative »HtHIMMH4 It iti 14» lim i lilliMHW1 1 1 liMI l.l Hi IIIMII I»11I I»Iitil MM111111 i IM11 IM1HI III I S h C 8 jobs, rent, insurance, taxes. We laugh at white-haired professors who say we are sheltered and do not know about life. priorities. Although he points to the shortage While we may have w en a bit more lift than they of at least 142,000 classrooms and to the devas­ nal and o ften th e s tu d e n ts sounded a s if give us credit for, we still are sheltered. It will tating fact that “ the highest paid teacher in th ey hadn’t done /tn y th in k in g o f th e ir own. The underlying crisis-in the '“ It’s hard by the yard but a score m all corners of the be a fight after graduation—Mom and Dad won’t Mississippi is paid less than the lowest paid world today is one of coercion cinch by the inch.” globe. be there with an extra $50 to pay the rent. teacher in California,” he lays principal stress It seem s t h a t th e w orld body o f peace vs. choice. The announced de­ On all fronts their aggressive Die new boss in s large impersonal business on such proposals as college scholarships, aid should encourage new th o u g h ts , new m e­ term ination of Russia to im ­ A GOOD PLACE to start attitude keeps them on top. of isn’t going to 'ta k e you under his wing as the. to higher education and improvement of the th o d s and fre sh ideas. I t h as been said t h a t pose a world of coercion upon would be in Germany. The kindly enrollment officer did. The -university, th e s tu d e n ts a re , “ . . . th e f u tu r e leaders the situation. One would think curriculum. —' ^ - « those not already subjected^ that Russian leaders have a United States should remind MSU in particular, assumes a guardian role over of th e w orld.” T hen i t is up to the student*** contrasts sharply with the Russia, through the United students—an absentee parent. IBM does not. " American attitude th at the Master* Degrqa from the Brit- THE SECRETARY is confusing two issues. The to 'd e v e lo p new ways and as one delegate that self-deter minn- Most graduates win move into communities first is the need for broad general aid to the pub­ peoples of the world h i Allow­ on Wr The German State was, p u t it, ” . . . we should, r a th e r than build ed to use self determination in where everyone does not have his BA. They will lic schools, distributed In a way that will equal­ th e d iffe re n t blocs o f n a tio n s, b re a k dow n THIS SHOULD spell out a t the very least, tbe implicit be in 'intimate contact with parsons who scoff ize the basic inequalities among the states and their quest for effective and clearly to all what tbe United desire of the Yalta and Pots­ th o se blocs a n d c re a te a body in w hich ev e ry ju st government. States m ust do, if indeed it is dam Conferences. at college education and the values MSU taught. within the states. Such aid is designed to build a floor under public education and to wipe out co u n try can w ork closer to g e th e r and n o t In this game of all games, possible for a democracy. The The senior suddenly becomes aw are of these A deadline should then be set facts and they scare him. Win he get a job? Will the educational slums, whether they are in rural fro m estab lish ed set-u p s t h a t only slow down the Russians bold the “ ace in initiative m ust be taken fro m . for supervised free elections. Mississippi or in urban Manhattan. c o n stru c tiv e a rg u m e n ta tio n .” the hole.” Every once in a the Reds and assumed by us. If the East Germans want to he fit in a different society? The cockiness and while they pull the card from This requires the aggressive retain their present admin­ suave security is gone. And if that particular sen­ The second issue, the one Mr. Ribicoff prin­ th eir sleeve and lay it face up attitude which we seem so istration. and if they choose, to ior has any brains at all, be also realizes how cipally talks about, is quality. It includes, of W H E N T H E CH AIRM A N g e ts b e tte r co* on the table for all to aee. This hesitant to employ. But em­ become a separate country much an education means and bow much ho course, tbe question of talent lost through the operation fro m , th e d elegates, an d w hen particular “ ace” however, is ploy it we must or what’s left then so be it. If, along with learned in and out of books. InabiUtv to pay the cost of a college education th o se deleg ates a re in te re ste d in actu ally a moat effective weapon, and of freedom on earth will soon the West Germans they choose Scared freshmen, cocky sophomores, secure It is concerned with the need for better teachers, p rese n tin g c o n stru c tiv e deb ate, th is body is more often than not put to disappear altogether. juniors, scared seniors. The cycle is complete to unite their country and es­ better laboratory and library equipment and good use by the Russians " W a lte r Lippman, in his book tablished a democratic govern­ and it must go on after college. There is certain­ more research in the best ways of teaching and will ta k e one m ore s te p in th e r ig h t direction. while still “up their sleeve.” “ The Public Philosophy,” ex­ ment, then so be it also. ly no reason for it to be any different. learning. T h e s tu d e n ts w ho helped found t h is o r­ F o r IS years the wily dictat­ presses some doubt as to Both issues are vital. But in marshaling publie- The question will now be g an izatio n should be p roud of th e ir w ork. orship has m ade effective use whether a democracy can asked, “ what m easures shall support for Federal aid to education, the two of this weapon; one which our fight this kind o f'b attle . The we take if Russia^ ignores our m ust not be scram bled." _ Those who c a rry on th is w ork should ta k e Press p rid e in th e ir endeavors. I t should n o t be­ dem ocracy finds hard to de­ answer rests with you and me. deadline?” My only answer is Tbe machinery for the support of quality edu­ velop. 1 suggest th at this wea­ Are we willing to accept the this: What has Russia been cation now exists. The National Defense Edu­ com e a p latfo rm f o r w itty rh eto ric . pon, this “ ace hi the hole” , is risks involved In an aggressive doing for the past 15 years . . . cation Act offers wide opportunities for the improvement of teaching, guidance and special-' ized facilities, as well as college loans and grad­ It should encourage us to do som e th in k ­ in g o n o u r own. L e t us n o t echo cliches o f th a nothing more or less than INITIATIVE. policy? Remember they have set I feel we must accept the deadlines m a n y tim es without U n io n F o re v e r uate fellowships. p a s t. T h e w hole w orld needs o u r b e s t ideas, RUSSIA’S readiness a n d challenge. We must take the spelling out the consequences im im iim ifiU K ntim m H iH 'D ayjj ^ ability to lead the action ball from the Russians, and . . . and they’ve been winning. ideas t h a t harm onize th e m in d s o f m an IT WILL BE relatively easy to broaden and should be of much more con­ “ Here We Go! Round Again!” and b rin g us closer to th e problem t h a t perfect that measure, including establishment cern than their num bers of : * H T l l O l w l w U B l i la jT Hoffa was back in town last week crying faces us a ll: th e problem o f com m unicating. m ilitary weapons. of college scholarships. Indeed, this could have » r s iolH iolgiatam A iH ip “ Unite or I ’ll lose my pay check” to his errant been accomplished in the past session, except Their initiative takes m any r £H.Ìo ‘» ' e | Ì t | | t js Team sters. for the irresponsible attem pt to use the act as a form s. In Southeast Asia bat­ ACBOSS 33. Least let tles a re fought by proxy. Be­ —!. Wettern« Universal With the union again refused admittance to tbe vehicle to pass camouflaged parochial school aid. language a ¿ u l t 'T K \ B ik e L ane H e lp fu l fore long we find th a t these S. Strike J V,A ;JA Â ji_ D AFL-CIO, Hoffa is none too happy. And with But the improvement of quality and the strengthening of education at the summit of the pyramid will be hollow victories unless the foun­ The bicycle problem on the Brody bridge, which plagued the dorm residents there last seemingly insignificant skirm ­ ishes have led to the control of still another country by the gently S Provided with shoe# 38. Figure 38. Organic - portion ot ' soil P U A:M 3 » I C t r M K i i iciK s George Meany throwing cigars in New York, the government throw ing indictments for fraud in Florida, and the South defying organisation dations can be made to hold. The loss of talent Red Octopus. 11 Discern. by the union, he’s getting a tittle upset. year, has evidently been cleared up. nni 40. Bedstead begins in under-privileged elem entary schools. In Western Europe they lay support IC lA>T|g IftiOiXi I Ifc jA jL lk iV The schools of lowest quality cannot even reach Students new report that traffic is flowing free­ IS; Daughter AfCicMA I* t ♦ ■ o i n r i t HOFFA HAS BEEN spouting speeches long their cards down for all to see •I Cadmus 41. Swamp high ^enough to grasp the helping band of the ly across the bridge for both bicyclists and pedes­ —strong 'ultimatums are given 44. Dozes R l z i s H u l E I A i K i ^ c 'i V i g IS and loud for a good number of National Defense Education Act. 1«. Couple _ 43. Thorough­ Solution tt Yesterday's nuzzle trians. Last year no provisions were m ade for .to the free world. On tha other If. uncommon­ years now. During his Lansing bicycle riders who usually m ade their own pro­ bred Scholarships, some aid to colleges and boostT hand in Laos and North and ly 48. By visit he warned of the impend­ visions and rode acroes th e bridge anyway. South Viet Nam they pretend IS. Historic*! SO. King 2. Remise 30. Frames ing crisis labor will face -to in quality are needed now; but all of this will period 3. Ament of miad not meet the real-crisis unless the public schools an ignorance of events. But Arthur's , They were frequently greeted with a ticket 19. S atire 4. Cubic 21 Month of 1962, saying that legislation to get basic, straightforward Federal assistance from a plain clothes officer for th eir infraction of either means of operation is SI. Fabry the year congress will eliminate the too. traffic rules. governed by toe old addage; mCcectrected '52. Pronoun 3. Deep bole 22. Afternoon 32. Philippine 34. Having C Cuckoolike right to strike. He said th at Bicycle lanes have now been painted on the bird function labor is being “ subdued by the This should be the commitment. It is doubt­ bridge, allowing both riders and pedestrians to rounded 23. Mess, cep« ful that it can be fulfilled unless Secretary Ribi­ 33. Failure appendage* 7. Also pen.” use it. to win 34. Chemists S Chip of 24. Ünited coff, in addition to taking it to the people, can 38. Paced: . stone 24 Sweet persuade Mr. Kennedy that there is need for e pot It m ay be just a m inor point but it does m ake poetic St. Anoints t. Malm help solution According to Hoffa, the Team sters are spend­ personal and eloquent-campaign by the President. life a little easier for Brody residents who like jg Meairinal 35. Claws 10. Lubricete —The New York Times B eaum ont 11. Thirsty 27. Facing ing nearly $2 million a year trying to organise » oww It. Dei direction of the south. Maybe he'll realize Jeff Davis .couldn't SI. Wag glacier It. Seitua do it 100 years ago. N o te s 2f. Harden 30 Tree IS. Ward far HE IAS com pared organizing the south Voltaire defined history as a in 1001 with organizing Michigan to the 30'g. fable agreed upon. ^ r ir ir i ri 34. Melodious What this rosily means, Hoffa hasn’t bothered Published by the students of Michigan Stoto University. Issued Political party platforms . I l l ri 17. Hiatus to say, but if it infers th at tbe South doesn't should be defined fat the same 30. Angry w ant to be organized by Hoffa, than H urrah for o s class days Monday through Friday, during tbs fsS. winter and i l l l l l 41. Twining spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during tbs sum m er term . the South.” Second class postage paid a t E ast Lansing, Michigan. ■ 02. King eg Maybe the Southerners a re thinking a tittle Editorial and business offices a t 341 Student Services building, History courses have been re­ Bühln m ore than “ Big Daddy” Hoffa would like. Think­ Michigan State University, E ast Lansing, Michigan. numbered in the Columbia Uni­ ririri tt 43. Extreme ing men are always dangerous to unions run by 40. L ev* Mail subscriptions payable to advance tor one term , $3 ; for two versity School of International M m W rn I SWH SWh men like Hoffa. Look a t the awakening groups term s, $4; for three term s, $5. Affairs and Regional Institutes 47. Feminin« in the Chicago area that were riven separate Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily P ress Associatioc Bulletin. The catalogue fists nemo AFL-CIO charters after their rebelhen against and the College press. “ History GOOOlx-GOOly (form­ 48. Southern the controversial truck drivers organization. erly History 39*9881.” That’s ■ d ia If not small group of men can break away, M ito r ,-....^. M srcia Van N e n Editorial Editor Sharon Condy progress? ¡a d ii a • pounds Hoffa can’t ctop the other dissatisfied groups ïiM Irifl St. Domasti* from following. Nearly 100 of the 300 Teamsters Circulation M g r^ BUl Marshall Women’s Editor— Aally Ward Industrious: Doing one's ut­ m am Howl locals hove applied to quit Hoffa’s outfit and City Editor.. ....... - Eill Cota News Editor. . Jay BUssick Sports Editor Je rry Fischer Photo Editor .„„Dave Jaohnig most to do the m ost, no holds burred. Procrastination: Doing one’s utm ost to do the least, no bolds barred. ■■ ■ ■ an * j h IS. Aerial railways: come into the m ate labor federation. With any luck, Hoffa m ay be on his way out. Aad the m au fraud indictment by the VS. gover am ant could bring Hoffa 30 years to prison. Wednesday Morning, October 1 8 , 1 9 6 1 ' MM i y n State Newa, Dart LaiMMtig, ..M .i.-an 8 teferwmth- iw— nuiiniié ways smooth. A ttar t o t fin d m other attended the CleveUtod Khrushchev said the Soviet Big Bomb Union had bsso forced to re­ sume nuclear testing because Con-Con today « I r n m fm 1 ,0 0 0 B lin d , D e a , -•s', v . v,' ■ "VÇ' act, many «rider pe rson» moved to aeats closer to th e stage. prom tere of the play Monday ■Igte- Ha Mataaed for scanea tote hafi daacilh i d as Mgh- of international tensions, which Wilson moved to a balcony box HgW« « lik e when Helen Kal­ (continued from page 1 1 be said had been created by (Continued from the western powers in Ger­ duct on the April ballot, since notice of a nuclear tart, m f t b i many. page voter turnout in the spring 1) G re a t Splash — Wednesday, 7 p.m. (m em bers only). I p.m., opes meeting. ‘S e e ’, ‘H e a r ’ and a light was flashed on him. M rs. Ju an Ehlert, one of four te r acted like an adult,” he «Md. "Sbe put on her teacher’s ~ I „ 'v teachers accompanying t h e hat and piraded around. That official agencies perhaps wait usually is vary light. U-Bettes — Wednesday, 7 p,m.. CLEVELAND OR— R w asn't followed toe dialogue on stage children, told why they were was ftamy.” f |3 1 l ed to r guidance. “ It would be a sham e,” he Union Ballroom . This also was the first time a m ere play to tike 1.808_per- and to e scene developments such a n attentive audience, H ansen? said, “ if a small percentage of Frssh Study G roup- Wednes- soaa in the audience. They and settings. By touching their since the Russians began their the people adept o r reject some­ r <*«y. U >.m., University Luth­ shared toe spotlight with the sensitive n a g « * m a g a spec? laughing only rarely. current series th a t they have announced any testa a t all. thing te a t will last us a t least eran Church. SO years.” stark d ram a unfolding on stage fad to rsi page program printed “ They a re deeply involved in this, m uch more so than an SPECIAL To Le a d Circle H susrary — Wednesday, at the Hanna Theater Tuesday. in hrteBs, the story came into The U.S. atomic energy com* mission In Washington, how­ ever, has reported 20 such Nord contended th at the con­ 8 :3 Q p.m., N. Campbell rec­ Applause r in g eM with deep fOCUS. vention should examine with reation room. emotion. * Some of the blind—also p ar­ . adult, unhandicapped audience would be,” Mrs. E hlert said. “They a re deeply moved be­ PURCHASE S e m in a r % great care all the proposals PM ft— « N s — Wednesday, These people—blind, deaf or tially deaf—picked up the lines tests since Sew. 1. before i t cause they face the same prob­ WASH-JN-WEAR \ THE MOST powerful in the 7 p.m., A rt Room a t Union. mute, adults and children—sat through sensitive hearing aids. lems faced by Helen Keller.” series so far, according to J a ­ “ I lik e to think first and act Spartan Women's Leegee — through three hours of “The Others w ere accompanied by “ I liked It when the teaeher FLANNELS pan’s central meteorological The AUSG academic benefits second, rath e r than act first Wednesday, 7 p.m ., 33 Union. Miracle W orker.” I t was real s i g h t e d interpreters who taught the letters of the alpha­ agency, was on Oct. 6 when a committee sem inar Sunday and repent a t my leisure,” device of about 10 megatons night wiU be led by D r. R. G. Nord declared. “ I don’t want was shot off. Modeling agency representa­ to them . It Ml with shattering I “ read” by gently transm itting tive to lecture. to th in k o f a month and a half Alpha PM Omega — Wednes­ Hansen, professor of biochem­ and then repent tat the next im p a c t THIRTY school children in hand-to-hand sign language. bet to Helen,” said Shelley An­ derson, l l r of Euclid. “ D-O-L-L for doll.” ONLY ‘4” VARSITY SHOP AO the Soviet tests have been day, 7 p.m ., UN lounge. the audience saw. felt or heard THE DEAF “ watched” the Billy Pasco, a blind 9-year- istry. The sem inar wUl be held special performance through 221 ABBOTT HD. E . LANS. conducted in the atmosphere, SO years.” SM CM» —- Wednesday. 7:30 how the rem arkable Helen Kel­ old from Wickjiffe, said his and health authorities around in the Student Service building He said be didn’t believe the p.m ., 31 Union. ler solved her problems with, Dgvid Wilson of thd Cleveland the world have been reporting lounge a t 7:30 p.m. convention would need seven Union Board Publicity Commit the great help of her teacher, society for the deaf. He stood Students attending are asked and one-half months to com­ tee—W odnesday.4 pan., Oak Annie Sullivan. to one side of the stage. His a great increase in radioactive Room of Union. They ware- gripped with a hands and raincoat w ere treat­ A d o te to re m e m b e r falkuit. Although authorities in to read “TTwj Aims of Educa­ plete its work and predicted most countries have said the tion,” by Albert North White­ that it probably could wind R m i a a Club — Wednesday. 7; tense excitem ent. It was their j ed with flourescent m aterial to fallout is hot yet dangerous, head. The paperbound book is thing« up in four or five months, 35 Union. {day. make the sighs visible in the SUBJECT: DAI& many have expressed uneasi­ available In local book stores, Angel Flight r - Wednesday, 71 The children from suburban dark. Arthur T. Iverson, R-Detroit Communications were not al­ Euclid sa t in the balcony and ness. the committee said. indicated he regretted th at the convention could not m eet in p.m Union ., 38 B Union. eard Special Event« Caterpillar NOVEMBER secret sessions, citing the fact Committee — Wednesday; 4 .m., M ural Room of the Interviews SHOPPING For th at the federal constitution was writtdn behind closed doors.' The convention voted 6 Rifle nkm. Ctah — Wednesday, 4:30 p.m ., Dem Hall basem ent. SK I CLUB for I • 3 last week to hold open sessions Fisheries and Wildlife Club — except when a m ajority of the delegates-elect authorized ex Wednesday. 7:30 p.m ., F or­ estry Cabin. Engineers • ATLASES ecutive m eetings. PI Tan Sigma — Wednesday, 7 Committee Chairman Rich­ p.m ., U Olds Hall. ard Van Dusen, R-Birmingham. Prom enaders — Wednesday, 7 First Open Meeting • DICTIONARIES said that the chairm en of all p.m?; 34 Womens Intram ural. If you’re ab o u t to receive your B.S. o r M.S. e n g i­ • PAPERBOUNDS nine substantive convention Sne-Caps—Wednesday; 7 p.m .. committees plafined to get to­ 34 Union. D r. Lang will gether on the m atter of tim e­ speak. Wednesday 7:30 n eerin g d eg ree. C aterp illar T racto r C o. is in terested in you. tables and deadlines. Le« Gourmets — Wednesday, C aterp illar is th e W orld’s leading m an u factu rer of • CHILDREN’S, BOOKS The rules committee decided 7:30 p.m ., 101 Kellogg Cen­ to table the two proposals until ter. after the committee chairm en M artin L ather Chapel Choir — Room 31, Union »Z? VÊéâgm Siale News, East fa m in g , Michigan Wednesday Morning, October 1 8 , 1 9 6 1 ' Mental Research Booming State institutions three years ago had 300 emotionally dis­ turbed children compared to 200 children now on writing lists fin* institutional care, Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, director of Hawthorne, said Monday eve- rin g to a capacity crowd in the Kiva. Rabinovitch, who was intro­ duced by Dana Woodbridge an associate professor in American Thought and Language, gave advancements in bio-chemistry, increased availability of finds, and a growing sense of freedom to explore as reasons for in­ creased research. - Research concerning the emotionally disturbed child is going on in the areas of direct observation, lab studies, the BABY BOWMAN—Six year old use of drugs, longitudinal stud­ Jack White of Rivcrdale, Michi­ ies, epidemological studies and J-H o p P e titio n in g S ta rts clinical research. gan downed this yearling bock J-Hop petitioning begins | Petitions m ay ba picked up Rabinovitch summarized the with his bow and arrow while Wednesday for all juniors in- j a t all living units, Union m ain research program saying, “ It hunting with his father near terested in committee chair- desk and 317 Student Services is only through research that Reztou in Mackinaw County. manships. — Bldg. we will learn." Jack started archery as a' All students may work on } Interviews m ust he signed up The speech was sponsored three year old. . — committees "but chairm anships 1 for by Monday. by the Lansing Area Chapter of the Michigan Association for Emotionally Disturbed Children and the College of Education. B ie d e rm a n A d d re sse s P r o f to D is c u s s T R F C la s s C h ris tia n ity Les Biederman, president of Dr. Paul Leroy Holmer, pro* the Michigan Association of fessor of historical theology a t Broadcasters, was guest speak­ Yale University, will be on e r a t the meeting of the TRF cam pus Thursday and Friday 485 (Radio and Television Sta­ as tne guest of the University tio n M anagement) class Mon­ Lutheran Church. day. Leo M artin u head of the Form er professor of philoso­ departm ent r i television, radio phy a t the University of Minne­ and film. sota, D r. Holmer will m eet M artin said Biederman. who with the Lutheran faculty is also president and general m em bers Thursday night after m anager of WTMC, Traverse a talk on “ Christian Confession City, and the P aul Bunyan Net­ and the Academic Profession." work, discussed station finan­ Students and other faculty ces. He said'B iederm an was m em bers will have a d u n c e to the first of eight guest broad­ m eet D r. Holmer a t a luncheon casting m anagers to visit the Friday a t 12:10 p.m . B e will class this term . discuss the topic, “ What la Christianity?" N e w a n d s m a rt! A g S tu d e n ts In c re a se SPECIALISTS B o rro w e d fr o m th e boysl Enrollment in Michigan IN STUDENT TRAVE! State University’s College of Agriculture showed an increase in the fall of 1961, according to i M M f t r Tripe" are our *po-’ - cialty. U. L Canada, Europe, O xford Cloth Shirts Dr. Richard M. Swenson, as* Mexico. Top HineraHotj expert sistant dean. leaden; modest prices. May Final figures will not be we led you mare about them?, available until short course «ernia registration is completed in O n ly 3 . 9 8 ’ late October, but pre-enroll­ m ent figures indicate a big gain la this program pi . Undergraduate enrollment The sm art borrowed-from-the-boyu shirt with Bermuda cellar, barrel cuffed was up from 1,212 to 1,237 stu­ COLLEGE sleeves, Ivy League m anners and also available In button-down or collarless dents and graduate enrollment increased from 397 to 426. TRAVEL OFFICE styles. The easy-care fabric Is 100% combed cotton . . . in a n oxford batiste Short cour se num bers a re ex­ 130 W. Grand River pected to Increase from 335 in weave. Sims 9 to 15 in white, light blue and green, maize pink or red. E ast Lansing 1960 to «30 in 1961. This total increase of 140 (Just East r i Peeples Church) sludenta r epresents a n in­ MEMBER: American Society ~ _ SPORTSWEAR - STREET LEVEL _ crease of about eight p er cent. of Travel Agents The t,r n o -p le a t lo o k f o r im Academic Publishing Co. SALE! Bonnie Doon m e n ’s cam pus o r c a s u a l w e a r! presents for CREW SOCKS Polished Cotton Slacks M.S.U. 90% wool, 10% nylon A favorite on every cam ­ pus . . . Bonnie Doon crew SUm . . . trim . . . sleek, !••% polished cottoa slacks SPECIAL! CAMPUS SUMMARIES socks now priced a t special savings. Nylon reinforced 3 th at seeds no Ironing.. Two top colors , , . Suntan heel and toe with shrink aad Ottve In plain front tapered model . . . with or Without belt loops. A special purchase at -a special price for class or leisure wear. 3 .9 8 For AU First-Term Basics Theae study guides havt been prepared to enable the utndcnt to obtain the maximum understanding resistance. In w rite only, sizes 9 to 11. STREET LEVEL STORE FOR MEN— STREET LEVEL of the materials presented In the baric courses with n minimum amount of wasted effort. They • haVe been designed specifically for students at HBU, and «sad properly will be of great benefit. ìb ié ì II V "U \ ■ ' In q u ire i l l i Downstairs In The Inkpot (Mtmduy « Friday E2 to 5) SHOP WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. .. ~ m East Grand River SHOP WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Fear Separation Granger On WKAR 9 WKAR and WKAR-FM will broadcast the address of Wil­ liam J . Brake, m aster of the M jrtdgan State G ranfe, Wed­ nesday a t U a.m ., according to 28 AMMt Read CAP«: TOWN, South Africa Uves. The Dutch liner Tßsa- L arry T. F ry m ire, generai E ast L earing, Mich. <*>—Tbe refute« islanders of dane picked them up from m anager of the E ast Lansing Tristan Da Cunha, linked; fegr neighboring Nightingale 1s- ACROSS FROM THE STATE THEATRE generation« of intermarriage lend. station. and Wh century customs, got Men, Women and children The address will he broad­ a g ta M tit tha » »dam «add on arrival here Tuesday aboard gaaed wide-eyed at the . tall white bsBdhgi en the fore­ c a st from the Michigan State Grange Convention a t Coli- This Week Only! * Dutch liner. shore of Capetown’s Table Bay, They were impressed, but prrisusPy prefer the simple dock cranes, puffing freight trains, tefeviakm and newsreel water. Frym ire said Art Burroughs, PU RE IRISH LIN EN cameras. farm-radio editor of WKAR, life. ‘‘We a rrre a H y one big fam ­ Some of the women wept a s will provide daily coverage of 9» ily,” sa id one of the 280 forced homeland by volcanic erup­ they quakes told of the horrors of from their little South Atlantic mewing lava and the earth­ th at accompanied the NO LONGER BEARS SCARS OF BATtLE^-Tfce carrier Ciail iHi Am, marred by fire last Dee. 19, gleams anew In this stem view e f toe mighty stop a t Brooklyn Nevy Yafi in New Yerfc. Tbe 75 ,NO-toa ship is eebeMed to be eemmis- the convention through the WKAR mobile unit. He will make newscasts and Inter­ views participants in the con­ White, Beige, Brown Navy, m7 Black 1 yd. tions. “I hope nobody will ever eruption. p a rt us. We m ust stay together Except for clothing and per sieaed Oct. CT, only six mantos later than erigfaaUy planned. —AP Wtrephsti vention on tirò .dally five min­ ute news segments between 1 1 36” Wide whatever happens.” aonal effects, the only objects CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS a.m. and 12 noon oo Thursday. Regular 2.98 There are only seven sur­ they brought with them were LOW COST Friday and Saturday, accord­ names among the group. Many trace thdlMhe direct- four longboats, all painted with the red, white r to Scottish C H William Union Jack. However, the B rit­ and blue of the U. S. Does Most For _ HIGH READERSHIP ing to Frym ire. S lass, who stayed U h to d with ish frigate Leopard since has Ids wife and two children and salvaged seme other property kept the British flag flying aft­ This included an organ pre­ People, Ribicoff Says e r a British garriMU pulled sented to the islanders by S apsr R ig h t ocd of the 42-square-mile island Queen Elizabeth IL NEW YORK UA—Welfare Sec­ nation’s constant apologies for about 140 years ago. Ship­ The Leopard is to deliver the reta ry Abraham Ribicoff said our general welfare legislation m ean that we are not interest­ wrecked sailers helped to aug­ salvaged goods — end perhaps Ttieaday night t h e United ed in the welfare of our peo­ ment the population. five islanders who had stayed States does more in behalf of Only about a dozen of the behind—to the mailship Ster­ Its people th a ir perhaps any ple.” refugees had ever left the is­ ling Castle. Lavarelle ex­ other country in the world but of legislation to provide medi­ Ribicoff called for enactment Shask AP land before a long-dormant pol- pressed hope the transfer here m akes the m istake of apologiz­ cal care for the aged under the canO erupted last Mondsy and could be arranged before the ing t o P i t . Social Security Program . forced them to flee fo r their islanders sail for Britain F ri­ "Instead of telling — indeed a? P e d io s day. shouting— our American story, HE CALLED such a plan Chief Willie Repetto, 59-year- the story of our advances in "the conservative answer, the F h i S h o ts old Headman of Tristan, said and our concern for health, ed­ practical answer, the fair an ­ all the islanders had suffered a ucation myf welfare, we apolo- swer,” adding: • a* . •• M t L ! _____m tremendous shock. a giza for them ,” Ribicoff told "The alternative to health T o A rriv e “ I would go back t o T ristair to e 44th annual appes ¡al of tbe insurance th at have been sug­ T h is W e e k tomorrow if it were safe and Federation the others would do the sam e,” thropies. he declared. "We do not want H m of Jewish Philan­ gested a re not adequate, not fair to the elderly who need toe As a result, he said, tbe So­ care and not fair to the public S a p s r R ig h t SUIT PQTION A fresh shipm ent of influenza to leave our fishing, our farm ­ viet Union "is telling the world which pays for It. _ i t i l BaHwW a vaccine is expected by Olin ing and our island life.” it is tfie model for the state “ If the medical assistance FRANKS ALLMEAT SKINLESS 35 lb Health Center this week. Repetto said films and books which has to e greatest concern According to Dr. Jam es Feu- had not given the islanders a for the welfare of every m an.” panded to cover a m ajor share rig, director of Olin, consider­ clear idea of what the outside for the aged program enacted by Congress last year is ex­ TURKEYS THE UNITED STATES would of the costs, the drain on state able time is required for prep­ world was like. aration and purification of the be the model, he said, “ if we treasuries will be fantastic .'- "As we came past sea point started telling any showing vaccine and there are only six we were thunderstruck a t our others w hat we do.” “ If the issue is left to collec­ tive bargaining, the pressure P O R K S A L E - vaccine producers in the Unit­ first sight of Capetown and its Ribicoff said m any Ameri­ on employers to absorb the ed States. This year the demand is the buildings," he said. T he'-children were mostly ra l W elfare’ with W elfare total cost win be overwhelm­ cans "confuse tbe term ‘Gene­ ing." he said, adding: Rib END PORTION 33*u Loin 43aa T T.K. Woman Claims could tie another story for the down to business. can’t let down. Mbit D*a Irak MlanAflf«" T.K. M l* / 1 rab Bailor 4 Int. PACKARD .Spartan footballe s. They lace tough Notre Dame Saturday a t He shuffled the team s in and Not now, anyway. - wmnmß «a, Brraa a r.r. dhd Altitude M ark UMMU1 MR out as they hamm ered away For as long as they stay No. Nhaw t *h H a t Mhan I* T.K. Tâuon» f *•»*• Spartan Stadium in a renewal a t the red-sbirted substitutes. 1, it’ll be the same every week. Ballar 0 »«• BaHrr T Sta. CALIF. (Ji—Jacqueline Coch­ I A t «UMMHan., of the Old rivalry. • |M MmwIImk ran, who recently claimed six • OtH IMWHin N» DMAS. SKI I»**' "This series has drawn a MERMAN JOHNSON, who lot of national attention in the im pressed-m any early in the y NIMB­ speed and distance records for I In An N*. »IP* i ttw 0» M l AMOS» women pilots, said Tuesday she j • Camel Of C a tta « . past," Coach Duffy Daugherty Michigan game, w as back at S a im e s T ie s ta. Phi K. «I« Ou CM' ta . Phi llaM had set two world altitude j Carr. Deal *m i. tafani« Caa»aai«« ■ jCawi.laCaiii said Tuesday. "We've had a lot first string left halfback. T-8 D.T.O. la. A.T4. t ' of All-American j here since marks. Quarterbacks Pete Smith pnd for appointm ent we started playing Notre Dick Proebstle fired a pass or F o r S econd She flew a Northrop T38 Tal-i Dam e." on jet trainer to 56,071 feet: call E D 7-2709 After a long draught, the two despite the stiff wind which whipped the field. George Saimes, power driv Will Notre Dame Thursday, topping her own 8- or E D '7-1721 ing Spartan fullback, is tied year-old record for women of Irish appear to be back play­ ing typical Notref Dame foot­ Fullback Roger Lopes, the husky Hawaiian, was not at the for second piaceli) the Big Ten Pull a F ast One? 47,169 feet by 8,902 feet. ball this year. - They have opened with con­ practice session. The team spent some time all games football scoring lead with George Ferguson of Ohio You Bet, Says A P vincing victories and are rank- going over last week’s mis­ takes in the Michigan victory But that didn’t consume much Stato. Each has 24 points. Saimes scored two touch­ Notre - Dame, the nation's sixth ranked football power, will defeat No. 1 ranked Mich­ V a r s it y D riire In am pus time. As the score indicated, downs in State’s" opening win igan State 27 to 24, according 1227 E. GRAND RIVER oed not m any mistakes were made. against Wisconsih and then add­ to the Associated Press. ed one each in the next two IRISH GROUND THREAT—Angelo Dabiero, Notre Dame OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. bad), las heea rsasriag wfli hi the first Irish games this According to AP this could FEW ARE saying much, but games. His latest was a 17 the Spartans have plenty of in­ yard-sprint, against Michigan faH. The Spvfaas dtfranca, tough afl season, will try to be the most exciting MSU-No- DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. tre Dame contest since State centive to win Saturday. Saturday. .# pot a stop to fhnt Satarday. ' - i ■ ....... outlasted the Irish 36-33 in a 8 :3 0 P. M»- l* 3 0 A.M. Not only would they like to Jo e Williams of Iowa and Bill 1950 scorcher. keep that No. 1 ranking, but Swingle of Northwestern, both The real showdown will be ^ SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.flll, - HSO] A.M. Florence Andersen they have the Winning inomen turn and want to keep it. J" . In addition, the biggest corps Of press and radio personnel fullbacks^ share thè scoring lead with 30 points each. i State to ‘Show Off’ up front between an Irish line’ which smothered Southern Cal­ ifornia to a minus four yards ED 2 -6 5 1 7 Beauty Color — Tipping in recent history is expected to cover the Saturday c la s h ., F red Stabley, sports chief of Halfbacks AtCalvin campus information services, By MIKE SKINNER team m ates, is a junior from 2M Abbott Apt. said Tuesday that reservations State News Sparta W riter Racine, Wisconsin. ED 2-4314 from all over the country have To keep in shape during the been pouring in. Calvin College j r i i l face one past sum m er Kemeling play­ Above State Bank of the best halfback lines in ed for the am ature Milwaukee e r v o o r t ’s The attraction is obvious. The Irish, apparently Irish again, college soccer when it tangles Serbians. -r_ Holding down the left half­ 213 E. GRAND R IV E R with Michigan State in Grand Rapids today. back slot is another 1960 All- EA ST LA N SIN G The game, winch begins to Midwest first team selection Ken Graham . - Ph. ED 2-2114 MSU SHOE REPAIR 3:30 p.m ., aria be held to the Knights new KnoOcrest Playing Field. Graham , a 5’ 10” 185 pound junior from Flint, is a former Seles & Heels While You Wait Sam Dcnnefly. Dutch Kera- captain to the U.S. Armed Forces soccer team while he Show Your Colors A t Saturday’s Game! eling and Ken G raham com­ was serving in Europe. prise die Spartan halfback line CADETS — Pick up your BRASSO th a t State Coach Gene Keeney lik e his other halfback p a rt­ MICHIGAN STATE ners, Graham is a versatile has called "one of the best." player who can play almost for a spotless inspection. “They work together and anywhere. . . BLANKETS move the ball very w ett," Ken­ ney said. Carry your Spartan colors . . . be 225 E. Grand Hirer GEORGE SAIMES Donnelly, a S’ • " n p n s M » from Greenwich. G i p L l i N W into th e starting ’right- half­ GTHELA*AttCD•PHCNF M »VE* R9£ U 'w arm at the game! Big 62" x 84" blanket- of- wool in handsome back spot for the Spartans this fall. ■ Feature a t Spartan Green, set off with large He is regarded by Kenney as NOW 1:N • 3:05 10" white chenille “ S” . . CHECKED FOR THE SEA SO N AHEAD one to two top newcomers "to his 1961 team . 5:15 - 7:25 A good pU ym aker, Donnelly and 9:30 Smart deep chocks in sportcoats of The $ fine wool and wool-orlon blonds has been praised by his coach as a "v ery aggressive ball­ player witkAremendoas drive." in spirin g 12 95 tailored in throo-button flap Donnelly is capable to play­ story o f a pocket styling. See our ontiro ing on both the halfback or full­ back line bacause to his versa­ beautiful Michigan State foil collection of herringbones, tility , Coach Kenney said. g ir l... Both to DooneUr’s hne-jmates JA C K E T . - plaids, tone-on-tones, ond had good seasons last year. w ho left her Kemeling. the center half­ convent to give w ith genuine horsehtde le a th e r sleeves solid effects in ail the back, was aw arded a n All- h e r love to a American mention and also a Lots of warmth—and M.S.U. color, too— popular new shades. $ 3 5 first team berth on the All-Mid­ m an-anri h er west team in 1988. •ongB to the in this handsomely styled jacket. Body Solid worsted flannel sleeks, "H e’s mi excellent defensive world! of 24-oz. Spartan Green wool, sleeves of ballplayer who could also play pleated and plain front models (m the forw ard fine." Kenney genuine horsehide. Nylon lined. All sizes. In a wide choice of foshion- said. "H e has ane to the hardest fight colors. 14.98 ond 17«98 shots on the team ." Kemeling, who is character­ ized by his quickness, w as the top Spartan perform er during the "60" campaign. The 8 ’ 1" 175 pound Kemel- ing, called "D utch” by his r i u n ì M l IV M MICHIGAN ■ ¡ S Iw& i iaaai i N O W ... LASTS DAYS Feature a t 1:4k 4 : » . S:SI 9:38 P.M. Save! Ladies “ Renoim” TÈN N IS OXFORDS Exceptional! With new « Ä 5 V 5 ir. n u w MX tapered toe, featuring wash­ able white canvas uppers, cushioned arch and insole. «WOOD Sizes 4-16 in narrow, medium an dwide widths. WARgNBönyg $ 0 9 9 Pr< starla FRIDAY! R pr ih w the straager . Men » Convene Special! WILSON the péefc up . . . th e aavage reelalM t o Bfe a n i leve! Chuck Taylor All-Star« Tennis Sweater« ^ The king to basketball riioes. 10 TiM*t>88 ,I##S B t’tC K nyactal. S - d w , a p a r t m in t s hiritM . (ÜM eM jItlw M .S .U . and Spec* Administration an­ delayed. P% aü {¡Srwinetaa Ine., Tran* North Contrai Association Sub­ m anayi C * U T * m » t IV T-IU S * /- rdoms. ,TOiWTOWtfr T m Tli W T.," ,t bath. U tilities. I1#9 a month. nounced Tuesday that the test If all goes right on the Initial committee stator Products Division tatar* which sponsored on Television — ta> t p m. 1* 4#l O rava St. Rida entrance. M ar. 1**5 CH B V RO LST CouyartlW a, Had only. Apply *#« Division. ED N.A.A.C.P. bai bean delayed indefinitely flight, 7 Officials reported the dec»* altitudetheto Satarn will reach an viewing Cftoadcai and Electri­ snce since 1853. the confer* V-S, new tap. I M M T W l K l t 2-143». 7. U. ion waa based on Sato obtain into the Atlantic ocean 95 miles and plunge cal engineers and Mechanical Ibis subcommittee bas also I*«# C H IV K O W T Im psjs. Con­ ROOMS ad from tie-down firing tests of away right minutes 85 mOes end Metallurgical engineers vertible. f e t e « w ith WbHa top. after CbemteriudPhysiCT majors. published a review of poUdea standard shift, aseallant ooudluon. 1 M II FOR "R BRTl'WilTjsfulaiir another Saturn at the Marshall launctL lbls wifi be the first 10 Firestose Tire A Rabber Os. for triavialon adncatloo, a state TU :•»»(« a lta r I p.m._________ I# Close te cam pus. E D 2-lfT4. is General Busnesra Space Flight Cantar, BuatsvUJs. research and development fir Interviewtag Mechanical Elec­ us report ef television educa* t# l# CONSUL. 4 door. E xeallaut LA R O B ROOM. B eau tifu lly fu r . Ala. trical and Chemical engineers ttan, mid a booklet entitled condiiten. V a ry low » lla a r « . NA 7« nlshad, tw in bads, 3 desks, privat« entrance and bath. In lovely ranch A project spokesman said the tags leading to an operational December sod March grads till. — 7* home. Reasonable. E D S-#$Tt days Meeting refinements involve devices In booster ta BM. tM # FTAT, U ##. 4 door, bow or E D 3-05»# nighU . fir#*. V ary clean. M akss tin« s«c- , » the control system which sense Early missions of tbe opera­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED MOV ond c a r. «7»(. E D T-«H*. IT pitch and yew movements of tional Saturn will be to sand Electric C*. Inter­ 1*40 FIAT. Blandina. fS-W LO ST en d FO U N D th* vehicle, distortion and vi­ the three-man Apollo space­ viewing Metallurgical, Electri­ cal, Mechanical engineers and wi>t, Excellen t condition. E D 2- B L A C K EBONT Cameo broach. Thur., Oct. 19, 8 p.m* brations, He said the modifica­ craft Into earth orbits lasting 1852. »7 Leather hacked. Last in a rea of tions will make these detectors several weeks rand placing the Physics majors. Chemical en­ 1,53 FORD. V|8. cu sto m Una. Library. Fam ily plaoa. Desire re­ as sensitive as possible In order n^amwi craft JUs orbit around gineers and Math, Statistics, E xcellent C ondition. O verhauled. turn fa r aentlmental reasons. Call L ea vini hast affar. Call IV »-9431. IV 5-4*72 a fter « p.m. tf Room 311 the moon. and Applied Mechanics m ajors E AS T LAN5INC • PHONE EÜ.Î-28I4 FOUND. P a ir o f g irl'« glasses, | • General Motors Corp. inter­ MQ-TD. 1952. w hite, co n v ertib le. v ic in ity of lib ra ry . B row n fram es viewing Mechanical, Electrical HOME OF THE REST IN FOREIGN FILMS K atrine com p letely overhauled. w ith pen a tta c h e d to case. ï ê 'i - i ï l î . - - IR i P ro f B ack M etallurgical and Chemical en­ A round 179#. Mu*« *«11. *U9 L U niveralty V illa * '. 356-6151. là L -C T ic k e ts gineers. Math and Physics m a­ EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING I.ORT. P a tr o f b lac k (rained STUDENT SERVICES *♦5* FL T V O ’ T H H ardtop. P o w er glasse*. P o ssib ly b etw een S nyder F ro m M eet jors. ' Bell Telephone System inter­ s te e rln * and b rake*, radio: h r at er. a n d H em s E conom ies BuüUiu*. r i e d w o llt w all*. Knorr«' an d b' dv C all 35t-#3*3. I’ R eady N ow FIRST SHOW 7 F.M . - ADULTS 90c :1n*Hn# shape. BD 2-U438. 17 Paul L. Moore, "Associate viewing all m ajors of the Col­ t.O*T. Man’s n a v y b in s wool c a r- lege of Business k Public Serv­ 1955 R A M BLE R . 4 door, radio, digan sw eater, B etw een Music heater, rood tire*, naw battery. Building and W. Bhsw . t»5-»3l«. 17 BUILDING Professor of Continuing Edu­ A t U n io n ice - December and March LAST 2 • NIGHTS • WEDS. A THURS. cation, returned lest week KD 7-1 21» a lte r 4 p.m. 1# grads only. —----- ^ from Cleveland, Ohio, where Reserved seat tickets for the PERSON AL 1959 R A M B L E R American.—E x ­ cellent condition. Clean through­ out. **75. Call Jam es Vandeun. t v 1-114 4 . E x t. 2 11 1. station 1#«, SENSATIONAL folk sin g e r, Jo a n B aas, appearing Ann Ari A rbor H.S., ALL he attended the fall meeting of the Federation of Management Organizations. Roger W agner Chorale, Oct. 24, and for the Mazowsze MUMME (MB! » -f:i# p.m. 1,5 7 TRIUMPH hardtop. R aw aide curtains, w ir# wheels, excel­ len t condition. #120« far quick 1* Frid ay , Oetabar 27. |j*o p. m. T lck - ats available a t the Disc S LTNWB B E C K E R and OLEN Shop. tf interested students Moore represented the Amer­ ican Society for Personnel Ad* ministration at the conference. Dance Company’s presentation Nov. 6 are available nopr a t the Union’s second-floor c h e c k I Spartan \ Nounmxrs HOTTESTNEWSTAR in a titsHy tHfforraiit red! W R I H B d p la a sa come to th e S tate room in exchange for coupon B saie. 144# Lindbergh Driva, Lan «In*. "F R E T i H URT! C ollege men can d riv e w ith in su ra n c e from Bobniz IT N ew s office. Room 147 S tu d en t Sendee* B id *, fo r tw o t'toa p asses to th e C re s t D riv e-In . -tf are The conference agenda in­ cluded discussion of research projects and m erger possibili­ in student activity books. Students m ay choose one ot f Briefs j . Top of Jacohaon'». K P 2-»47tr 16 T H E KINGSTON TRIO com ing the two events as long"as tick­ W ednesday, N ovem ber 8. t p.m.. tie s .^ yp Canadian Students Club "will ets last. Civic C enter. T icket« $3-'«9. A2-59. and #4.59. R e se rv a tio n s n o w -b ein g invited Coupon B itself will not ad­ hold its first meeting Thursday - EM PLO YM EN T ta k e n a t th e D isc Shop. , I., I. L.J - = ^C == I O l'SO MEN. p arj_ tim e w ork. li i i . ALL U NIV ERSITY CALYPSO Davis To Address m it students to either produc­ tion but must be exchanged for evening a t 7:30 in 36 of the Union. Students who wish fur- I a rra n g e hour* to f it schedule. Night.. B am bouahay S teel b an d . ther Information should con­ > per hour. C all IV 2-5622. 17 O ctober 37, Union B allroom . # .75 end #1.25. ,# -12 . C asual. C arib b ean Education Group reserved seat tickets. ID’S m ust be presented a t the door tact Sue Campbell. 355-3610; M ALE C H A U F F E R with car. C lub. ' 7« R EA L ESTA TE June McDonald, 355*0442; or Psrt-tlm a. Call Raymond R obert­ “ A National Policy in Educa­ with tickets for admission to STARTING FRIDAY AT 7 P.M. son, piano tuner, Tv 7-3211. 21 W A NTED —3 ch ick s. W h ere a re LANSING'S F IN E S T S euthslde tional Exchange" will be dis­ either event. Jeannette Nachazel, 355-0437. th e 2 ch ick s w ho w ill d ig A rt sub-0 pound freezin g e o m p s it- A m erican Legion) from 4-» p.m. m rn t. L ike new. R easonable. Call COM PLETE ASSORTMENT A dm ission #1.00. 1. $1*100 a fte r 5 p.m.. IV 2-5007. A V A ILA B L E AT IN FA N T C A R E by reglstsred ANNIVERSARY » A t.* n u rse In S p b rta n VU}«*«, N ear « g . tra n c e . C all ED 3-006L M O R E H IA N IC THAN ANY STO R Y EV ER TOLD ! _ .25»; - 1i% DISCOUNT The - - , VO ICE Instruction». Qtl«llf|«d teacher—with M asters d o g ro a ^ jta - dio 3 block« from campus. ED Ji NeetE^we say more? 5877. 14 Card Shop - F L Y IN G SPA R TA N A P ly A t D avis Airport. N. Abbott ltd. Pbqnq W ILLIAM N. TH O XrSO S E D 2-0314. 3l JE W E L E R S Across From BUD 8P A N G L E R oroh«Mra M * available (or «ngagsm ant«. Call Home Economics Bldg IV 3-124«. 1S FRANDOR MALL -ED 8-6763 T Y P IN G In Spartan V ilU ga IV 5-074, apartmant. E lectric typew riter C all 365-3013. “tf FO R T H E FIN E ST In danoa mu­ sic It's Jaok Braun, Bobby Stevens, T T P tB T ANN BROWN. Vt> S rM IL fk S FOR SALI Ron E n gH sh ,. p lu s m any others. l i t 4. E lectric typew riter. Term pa­ 49 B C lir tJ t. s»00. S’. T#»T“bv I Phon« th« Bud-Mor Agency, IV 2- pers and th.»#». also g e n sra l ty p ­ Feet. Second bedroo-n m odified w ith 9634. - t f ing. 4, tf counter rtw »e h r o r a f i y i r t - I t a b l w r t r r i 1967 Chevrolet!, convertibles, hardtop# and wagons. d elivery m an ^plek-u p from C llS j 1636 Chevrolet#, Belair 4-deer, hardtop, automatic, radio sad heater, Biscaya* six-stick. TRANSPORTATION 1666 Chevrolet convertible, felly equipped. Lew, lew mileage NEW , Y O R K JE R S E Y for Thanks givin g! Group ehart«ring ehsrtertni ead immaculate. bus round trip Ï b_ Î l T. P o rt Au OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 1661 OMmraeMI* • 4 deer end 4-door hardtop, power'Jetway th o rlty Term inal, W ednesday, No vember 23 Contact A rt U pton. WINNER or 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! IV »-ISIS, between i- S pm . 3# aM M M tararaM M M M M M EHM ItataaraHM M tatal hydromatic, radle arad heater, driexe. 1656 Forte, priced te sett! 4 deer, six-stick tad 2-doer aatematte with power. —. isw w essev w v ••«#«• V«rW, STARTS TOMORROW! (Erast Lanaing Slow Only) •a xip h fiB i B U m to Bl&r la Binali combo. KD ) * t l l L A l i fo r Aar« PRICES "" SPARTAN MOTORS Until 5:30 p.m. • 96c 3466 E. MICHIGAN ED 24664 “ ' ’.*=*■ -to HIGH READERSHIP ...LOW COST.., LUCON JAiT UM SU» • »HONf ira. Eve. A Sunday • 11.25 CMMrna • 66c LANSING n ^ EAST LANSING FEATURE PRESENTED 325 SOUTH JR S ACROSS FROM BUYm i SELL widi CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS S u d e y tan» Tbersday I 16 6 - 4i46 • 6 :6 6 Friday end Satertfay 1:66 - 3:16 -9:99 WASHINGTON H O ® HOME E G ■' '■ BBS PI ■ H P Ì li Wii4 B P 8 HB ÌhS wI ì9 ? SH K P I .’ Vv #Sl' 3Hs ;TNìì ym Michigan State New», East Lansing, sciK y cg y * > * mæhL Öif ¡9 $ M B S * * New netarium MúdeLoa Bagwriffk Papers Given To Museum A u to m 1 By M U - I t M W M a tio n ALTOMAWC aaaemkiy is tbe Speed Record f§; I # s À c o n tra cte d model of the EDWARDS A I R F 0 R C 5 proposed Alumni Planetarium The personal papers of Pan! ' State News Sctemee Edtear i d n t of te n autmnattoa BASE, C a if. (B - The X l t w as recently received by the D. Bagwell, Republic»* candi­ From iuh r m alarial te finish- H P* university development fund date for gover a ar in UBS and b a fts j a d r a A o t a b e s t o n * " * * + * and will be on display for the U K , a re n M w acqritottoa of e d product wMteut ^ B jW n d te i a n hour Tuesday-— next few days a t the University Ike university museum. wMb dtaA apa dM m to keep ii Mupsumf r' " V y “M r. Bagwell’s papers are Simply over a B ute p t e g M M ia s te r. t It was contributed by the one a t the most significant col­ to BUM A ttagb teeae processes are Space M u r y b d Pilot J o e 'S planetarium designer, Ralph lections available in the field Qic p o m " W b r k m p v i c if fhdy can be W aver pushed tbe stahw inge* Caider, Detroit architect, who of Michigan political Watery,” takas the place a t bum aa to g n p» explorer almost t i l also designed th e Student Serv­ said D r. Marvin B . Cate, cur­ and control. ___ m alie cealrol of Mw*— faster than sound—tw ice ices Building and the Education ator of Watery a t the museum. Although usually treated TWs wffl take the product from the speed of s bullet—to w itte “Be was an active and popular m ateriato handBag through Building. candidate. As tim e goes by a single procesa, aotonaattoe to processing operations and final­ ia 115 m .pJi. of its designe» The purpose of the model is speed maximum of 4,000 m.p.C and scholars assess the politi­ more easily understood tf it’s ly tote quality control o r Ih- to assist people in visualizing broken dawn tote aepurate where the planetarium will be cal history of this era, the col­ parts. These can be Baled as ; spection. TWs to km wn » a and a greater flexibility mean. and what it will look like, ac­ lection willJ a k e on even great­ control engineering, cenmuuu- ckaed tosp control system and more variety to products. * cording to Robert Toll, direct­ e r importance.” or of Jhe development fund. Cataloging the X boxes The proposed structure will papers plus loose m aterial will sembly. take several months. In S of addi­ . . cation engineering, transfer processing and autdmatic 7 ~ ~ T L can provide a nnished product r;" 7 . . a bare minimum of human a of T THE PRESENT time the university to offering a series seminars dealing with auto­ adjoin the south side of the mu­ Aside from tbe sociologica] tion to political papers dealing CONTROL engineering is aspecto which a re constantly mation. These feature well seum facing Olds H a ll. I t will with Bagwell’s campaigns for known speakers who treat not greatly broaden University Col­ auditor general and governor, used chiefly hi the chemical in­ debated, automation provides only the mechanical aspects lege studies in N atural Science there is also information on his dustry’. It deals witb the mix­ many mechanical benefits. but the sociological implica­ and will be^open to the public activities as President of the ing, processing and other types Among them a re the detoga tions as well. and area schools for regularly U. S. Junior Chamber of Com­ of controlling wWch are so ttou af la te r and repetitive op- scheduled evening program s, m erce and his tenure a t the necessary to this very exacting e n tto a s to machines, an in- said Toll. industry. ! cream to production capacity CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS university, where he headed Of the 300 thousand dollars the D epartm ent of Communi­ Communication engineering f needed to finance the planet­ cation Skills in the University deals with the field af compu­ The proposed planetarium. arium , more than one third has College. •__ ters. It can refer to anything -ebeen raised, according to Toll. H ie papers are restricted: from a simple office digit m a­ Money has been sought by however, scholars and students chine to a giant computer like direct mailing, and a more per­ may use them if they obtain MIST1C here on campus. P o s s ib le C a n c e r C u r e in P u ffb a lls sonalized method, telephone so­ either Bagwell’s or Mrs. Bag­ Transfer processing deals liciting. \ ë _ well’s permission, Cain said. with the linking together of sev­ A research team at the Biology Research Center is w orking, medical value.” In a local Lansing effort with about 1,500 pounds of puffballs hoping to increase the I Calvacin was discovered which lasted for four nights eral manufacturing steps w hkh were formerly done separately . production of calvacin, a possible cancer cure. 1 eight years ago by the late Dr. with 41 people calling aiumni Since World War II the re­ It’s used mainly in the manu­ Dr. E verett S. Beneke, professor of botany and plant path- E H LyCas professor 0f horti- each night, nearly 1,000 pledges tail price of frying chickens facture of automobile, refriger­ ology^and five assistants, c o m p risin g th e te a m .a re endeavor- j culture and Richard U. Berry­ were taken for a total of 99,200. has decreased more than a ator and sim ilar parts which ing to find which variety of puffball will produce the roost Ufn professor 0f biochemistry Thé effort had TV, radio, and cent a pound a year because require ^ much molding and ma- calvacin and how well it can be produced in the laboratory. j and aRgj,fnnt provost. newspaper coverage, and about of farm ers use of research i ¿-hTi^g A puffball extract, calvacin^ with their research. Spores! The findings cam e as a re- four or five thousand calls were findings in feed and manage- - is a non-diffusible muco-pro- from different varieties of puff- j suit of Lucas’ studies of a mush- made, ToU said. ment. tein which has been found- to balls are placed in a synthetic room that grows in Bavaria, retard IS types of cancer in medium of salts with the addi- i The end resu lt was calvacin S c i e n c e I n t e r n a t i o n a l laboratory mice, rats and tion of yeast extract and pep-! extracted from Cahratia gian- ham psters. tone, a substance produced! tae, a puffball grown in Mic.ii- NEW YORK IB—The nation’s i If all 40 got back safely to The chemical has- not been from protein. gan.^ ^ ^M , . Aeronautics and Space Admin-1 Aransas, the known world pop- tried on humans, b a t w iU b e This composition is then The university, the National istrator gave an qptm tistlcre -1 uiay on 0f the whoopers would used a t the Sloan-Kettering ln- grown a t an 80 degree fahren- Institutes, of. Health, Armour port of the U.S. Project Mer- . . . , . . stitute for Cancer Research on heit tem perature for 14 to 28 and Co. and Sloan-Kettering In­ cury, designed to put a man 47- C h id e s six in cap- seriously ID cancer patients days. After the germination of stitute have been working with J-into orbit before the end o f ! tivity and a young one hatched within the next few months, the spores, the better strains calvacin since then. the year. - j a t the New Orleans zoo tics Beneke said. are selected that will produce Beneke and his assistants The deadline wiirbe met, said year. “ However, only carefully the most calvacin. Beneke said. have been able to m ake some Jam es E. Webb, “if all goes A ★ ♦ controlled clinical studies over Even if calvacin is not an breakthroughs that perm it wen .” WASHINGTON (B-Science a period of years will show inhibitor o f-cancer, the time more calvacin* to be grown in He told a news conference m ight find ways to m ake na- whether or not calvacin will be and money spent on the re ­ less tim e. Their work is being U.S., space scientists plan to tions behave rationally as a by­ effective against cancer. Hun­ search will have been worth- continued through grants from precede the shot with the orbit­ product of intensified research dreds of other promising sub­ while, Beneke indicated. the National Institutes of ing of a chimpanzee around the on m ental retardation. Presi­ ____ ____ ______ stances have failed clinical “ H ie knowledge gained and Health. > dent Kennedy announced. Sloan-Kettering and Armour earth. tests. In this sense the odds I the techniques devised,” he ex- Ar ★ ★ In urging an attack on the; are against calvacin,” Beneke plained, “ will be of value in hake been testing calvacin at AMMAN, Jordan (B—An arch­ problem, Kennedy said such | continued. the development of m u sh ro o m s their own expenses --- and both eological expedition near P et­ research might uncover the! In spite of the odds, Beneke and other related fungi that will try it on humans m tne ra, 180 miles south of Amman, secrets of life itself. and his crpw are going ahead I appear to be of potentiallyjfreati near future. has reported discovering the rem ains of four villages dating from about 6,700 B.C. '~ ★ Ar ★ WASHINGTON T B -T h e Na­ tional Aeronautics and Space Administration fired an instru­ ment-laden rocket 585 miles up and 817 miles out over the At­ lantic last week to gather data ONE W EEK ONLY about the upper atmosphere. SALE There was no effort to re ­ cover the 109 pounds of instru­ Ik ments it carried and which sent back their findings The mis­ sion was to determine density SECOND ANNUAL MACKINAC ISLAND i\ of electrically charged helium and hydrogen atoms in the up­ per ionosphere. - ★ sÄ " EAST LANSING - Tree* IMPORTED BRIILIAY cover over half of Michigan’s! K IT S M AM AS land and constitute the state’s [ SKIRTS most valuable crop. SPORT M A T S - “ About 73 million dollars FROM BRITAIN worth of wood is harvested an­ nually from 19 million acres,” $ 2 9 .9 6 •1 VALUES $25.00 estim ates Lester E. Bell, uni­ I i l i q ¡ÜI iS lr r if versity extension forester. “ D is-: tribution and manufacturing add another 600 million dollars to the wood value.” Now 810^1 Now *15°° Foresters estim ate that Amer­ icans already use about 5,000 item s-derived from wood in their daily lives. Bell says ex­ panding population and new products should a t least double MEN’S HANDKNIT IMPORTED KILTS Linda ~Lee has the present demand for wood by j ONE LOT OF the year 2000 . CREW NECK SWEATERS FROM SCOTLAND shirts cut out * * ★ SWEATERS FINE WORSTED OTTAWA Ifl — „Four young NAVY BLUE, BEIGE, Whooping Cranes are believed VALUES 819.95 for you. *. and flying southward toward the BROWN ORIGINALLY $35.00 wintering grounds a t the Ar­ M SAVINGS-PRICED ansas wildlife refuge on the NOW 81A M Texas coast, the Northern Af­ $25.00 1 U N o w , 1 7 50 •I 8 2 m . fairs D epartm ent said. Latest checks indicated a ll the young and their parents Crisp -as paper dolls— have begun the 2,600-mile flight our wonderful collection 200 LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS ONE LOT OF KNEE SOCKS T H IS W EEK O W LY FROM SCOTLAND of cotton shirts. Many styles, VALUES $4.00 in < VARIETY O F SEVEN COLORS many colors. Sizes 32-40. i i i i P R E -S E A S O N VALUES $14-95 NOW *1 0 ' off Also, a group of shirts priced at % Top Coat ENGLISH WORSTED COATS ONE EOT WOOL SLACKS TARTAN PLAIDS SIZE 18-16 VALUES $20.00 83 m . . S a le Vioff What 'better way m S ara * 1 0 °° ..a xh off to buy than a i r r* Linda Lee Charge Account ru inn if * 1 \t FROM REGULAR PRICE [■■■■ mi 1uMH I ' j t-'.P-!' (THESE PRICES ARE Vt 36 DAY : LlnUli L. w L to Km HcM ’* OFF ORIGINAL C08T) % n ts f CHARGE VARSITY S M P LAYAWAY 417 L «u m RIVER • M H E 8M KS "H * ABBOTT ROAD