Wmm. P 9 M H H ks a£&.ksP P k'ì ; i?£v a m i V" Serving MSU for 52 years ,.> S to m i Class Poat*«* e r e n (g 1909 VoL 53, N o. 82 T h u rsd ay M orning, O ctober 19, 1961 12 P a g ttM d at Cast l^nansTillah. a U . P la n T o R a is e S t u d e n t F e e s Legislators Peace, Greet Idea Mr. K. Says Warmly Bv THU ASSOCIATED TOSS* M O S C O W — Prem ier Officials of Wayne State Uni­ Khrushchev declared Wednes­ versity, pleading poverty for day tbe Soviet'Union m eans to their school, offered Tuesday to nave ah the necessary nuclear increase student fees it the leg­ and missile weapons of every islature would come across range to crush anyone “ chal- with matching money. ! teffigmg us to w ar.” Their proposal got a surpris­ But h e 's a id his m ain chal­ ingly warm reception lrom lenge t o . the capitalist world economy-minded member* of is the 20 -year program he laid the legislative appropriations before the applauding 22nd So- committees. The lawmakers | viet P a rty Congress Wednesday asked Wayne representatives | and “ it can be fulfilled success- to spell out their ideas 4n de­ j fully only in the conditions of tail a t a m eeting here Nov. 7. j peace." Khrushchev, who Tuesday Led-by Dr. Clarance Hilber- j spoke of exploding a 50-mega- ry, WSU president, the univer­ I ton bomb 2.500 tim es the size sity delegation proposed to [of—the first atomic bomb at raise the 1962 spring tuition for Hiroshima, promised as he has resident students from 8116 to before to “ disband our arm y ON TO BRODY4—Some of the 3,000 students who joined in toe Rose Bowl demon­ $155. T his,, they saidA would Sad sink our atomic bombs and stration last night. After passing the girl’s dormitories on Beal the crowd headed raise approximately 8217,000 A ll. GONE—Caryl Wflttamsoa looks vainly for another apple la toe Hortiealtore I missiles in the ocean.” for toe Brody group. —State News photo by Fred Bruflodt. or roughly the amount the leg­ display which was located in treat of toe Horticulture Building Wednesday. Tbe H u s promise was on the con islature reduced Wayne’s bud­ get this year.“ . display was set ap in celebration of National Apple Week. dition there is an agreem ent 0 0 general and complete dis arm am ent under strict inter­ ‘Power 3,000 Roar Their WSU OFFICIALS, including, members of the university Provost Urges Congress To national control on which west e ra disarm am ent negotiators never have been able to get a Grab’ At - Rose Bowl Hopes Board of Governors, asked the legislature- in turn to supple­ ment the budget by an equal satisfactory agreem en t amount for the 1961-62 fiscal Khrushchev, in a six hour year, which ends June 30. Help Build Image of MSU speech his second such in two day*—outlined a 20 -year pro­ gram which he said would give Con-Con " B y n u t ASSOCIATED PKKSS By E. MALCOLM FILSON Of toe State News Staff A crowd estim ated a t over numbers r i sorority girls join­ ed the chanting demonstrators who 3,000 students roared State’s out tonight.” sang, “ Won’t you come Wayne’* current state budget is 815,582,000. H ie university also proposed B y ¡SALLY DEBRICKSON ROTC and HPR requirem ents Experim entation with leara- i a three-year graduated budget have been lightened, t h i s ing devices such as teaching s S t S T A jurisdietioaal quarrel be­ hopes to go to the Rose Bowl . About this time police be­ increase, beginning with the Of toe State News Staff ^ ******* tween two constitutional con­ In a running demonstration 1 n cam e interested in proceedings course m ight provide an an­ switch from the semester to tbe Provost P aul A. Miller ap­ s w e r to the "lack of pride” macbmes and d s a s d a t a r i i h * »escribed it as a blueprint vention Committees flared up E ast-L ansing and around the and attem pted to break up the quarter system in the fall of pealed to m em bers of Student problem. H-.li . j . < far the inevitable downfall of Wednesday with one being ac­ entire MSU campus last night. crowd, which brought cries of 1962. Under th at, plan, student Spurred on by cries of “ We’re “ P arty pooperl” Congress Wednesday night to Miller offered a list of a few c l S v p e r i m ^ S ^ ^ * “ 1^ ! * ^ and the ¡ J umPh cused r i a “ power grab.” going to the Rose Bowl” and The mob then headed toward fees would increase 8600,000 help build up Michigan State g r o u p i l g l ^ m various cur- H ie charge cam e from Frank the first year and the legisla­ University in the eyes of its of the departm ents in which riculums and «-las» levels. An- , aireaay nas aammis- Millard, form er Republican a t­ “We’re number one,” jubilant the Union, ran through and ture, by continuing its present own students and faculty. MSU has top ratings^ chemis­ torney general from Flint, a students of both sexes ran stopped in front of Campbell other p a rt of this p ro g ram w ffl! tered a ^ defeat for ag&ess- 4-1 matching ration, would al­ Miller said th at the student try, microbiology, English, ag­ include holding classes m resi- KHRSHCHEV page 5 m em ber of the Con-Con legis­ through campus in ever-in­ H a ll.. More girls joined the locate $2.4 million.“ riculture, business, science and body’s lack of pride is the dif­ arts,"political science, social dence halls (planned far Case lative powers committee. creasing numbers. Seven stu­ Rose Bowl-happy crowd which- The plan also would provide ference between making it a science, the basic or univer- Hall next year) and the Wilson It was -levelled a t the com­ dents were arrested by E ast next, moved around to Landon a loan plan for part of the in­ “ g o o d ” university' and a sity college, and international t dorm, now in planning stages: m ittee. on miscellaneous pro­ Lansing police. All s e v e n Hall, Yakeley, Gilchrist, then crease, enabling students to '•great” one. Explaining the m u l t i p l e program s. I Decentralization at buildings He pointed out that MSU has Ia?(U 'f? s^ 's the benefits 24 Queen visions and schedule, headed pleaded guilty and were fined Williams. The crowd ran down by Claud R . Erickson, R-Lan- 010 and 83.30 costs. Michigan, blocking traffic for State police units all through blocks, chanting “Let’s go to defer repaym ent until a year after they discontinue full-time functions of the University, sing. attendance in college. Miller attempted to show cause o v er 200 faculty m em bers for several of the problems that serving „overseas, and has krih the sm all college and Discussing plans for Wilson draw criticism from faculty gained international fame with Hall, Miller said th at it w ould; ; Candidates Erickson's committee said this area stood by on alert. yesterday that as p a rt r i its Apparently the demonstra­ Brody.” They regrouped in front of preparation of sections of a tion started in the vicinity of a Butterfield Hall, circled Brody, “ This is a new approach and it sounds good,” said Sen. Clar­ ence Graebner, R-Saginaw. new constitution, it would look fraternity house on West Grand and by the time it had passed and students. “The American ' university its foreign program s. be equivalent to another coi- j “The happy or peaceful uni­ lege within „the U niversity.; today,” he said, “ is under-tre­ versity,” he said, “ is nonex­ housing students, and meted- j Announced into m atters dealing with corp­ River Ave. and then picked up the other five halls in the Bro­ orations, eminent domain, per­ momentum as the group head­ dy group it had tripled in size. "-We will be very happy to look into this,” said Sen. Elm er R. Porter, R-BIissfield. mendous pressure, both eco­ istent except in the public ing classrooms and faculty r i - 1 Here’s a list of the 24 coeds sonal property and homestead ed for “ sorority row” on Rather Hall looked like an ant­ “ I think it is very worthy nomically and population-wise. image. The price of ‘happi­ fiees. r i i i a to compete In toe final exemptions. He named subcom­ M.A.C. Ave. The crowd grew hill as men scurried down as it passed several fraternity stairways to join. that you are trying to help Society has placed multiple ness’ in a university is medioc­ He also went on record a s jr ig is g te r Homecoming queea mittees to sta rt the work. houses on the way. When they yourselves with our assist­ obligations .u p o n us, and we rity.” . _ and her court of nine. THE LEGISLATIVE powers Leaders yelled the inevitable being in favor of voluntary, not i ance," he added. “Maybe this have to m eet them .” Miller explained the Univer­ compulsory, class attendance The qaeen will be crowned committee, headed by T. Jef­ reached M.A.C. Ave. large “ Let’s go to Shaw” and 3,000 will be tbe beginning of some­ Miller suggested that a one- sity's conservatism by point­ He added, however, th a t he i s ; a t toe Homecoming dance O c t ferson Hoxie, R-St. Louis, took students ra n down the Brody thing that will stimulate more hour weekly series of classes ing out that blending the past also in favor of a stetMin i s ! 2 8 a fte r • * gam aiso m iayor or a step-up in ■ 8ae Delta m a;e, Jill a dim view of Eriekson’s move. shortcut. At Sparty an im­ cooperation between the legis­ m ight be offered to freshmen, and the future with the present work required of students. featuring lectures by “ our best is a tough job—but this is what — ha -fia-a t- -Y-akeley; xBaertwer, - G am M a rth a Hoxie brought th e subject up E n r o llm e n t I n promptu pep rally was held lature and the universities.” : B rin k , Alpha, P h i; P a tty Colem an, this morning a t a meeting of and energetic supporters people from on and off cam ­ it m ust do. I I k l u D e lta Del ta r M arilyn D u d u , pus“ to -explain the traditions - -T ' K a m K ap p a G am m a; Sua Deem, all m ajor committee chairmen A FRO TG Up climbed on the statue and led Miller listed several plans j Paper Is Topic t K appa K ap p a G am m a: D o tty D rey-' with Stephen S. Nisbet, con­ ser. fenjrder; P at-D ypold, N o rth W il- spirited cheers and fight songs. and history of MSU. Since both that the University is working' on now to help continue to im­ 4 | Uatnc. _ B r e a d , Field«, D e lta Z eta; Sue F rank Senger. associate pro- j F u rr y . Pi B e ta P h i; M a rth a H icks, vention president. Enrollment in Air Force Once The chairmen voted to ask ROTC has increased over last was heard and they headed in more “ Let’s go to Shaw” 225Hurt In prove our standing. Among fessor r i advertising, will ¡ A lpha CM Omesra: J a n H offineyer, each committee to present a year, said Capt. Robert Swett, that direction. Then t h e y E d in g e r these a re: ' _• Improvement of the under­ Press • , , ___ . n Association’s . - , , ___ I D elta G am m a: L o reli H oxie. K an - address the annual Michigan ■p» Alpha Theta; janaii jayn«*. statem ent i>n what sections of Detachment Public Informa­ changed their minds and went . . _A drertis- . ^ I K im • vN o rth ( am phell; graduate program by setting ing Conference Friday r i toelZtxiy x»n«r«rd. Alpha xi Delta; thought was in its field. ... the present constitution each tion Officer. around behind -the Man’s IM Chemical R e p o r ts Swett said 1178 freshmen, 771 building, over to Cash Hall. O n B e r lin up a list of agreem ents to gov­ Capital P ark Motor Hotel- pirations” of any curriculum ference o n “ The Newspaper J «udm an, Nisbet said th a t if any con­ sophomores, 37 juniors and 48 MOre girls joined the sortie, ern the “ spirit, hopes, and as­ - Seoger will Speak to the COO-; J«*»IW Sandow . A lpha P h i; Sue flicts developed, with more seniors are in the program. m o m - than one committee claiming G ilch rist; P en n y "Weaver, whieh continued toward Shaw. Apparently Shaw advisers Explosion Eight officers, seven airmen, CHICAGO Vft — A cosmetic within any college in the Uni­ Image and How To Work With 1» « t -T a k e te y ; D ùbbie W ilt In ms. the right to work on a certain and two civilians make up the had been forewarned and most Kama A lpha T h e ta an d M ary firm ’s chemical blending build­ A first-hand report on con­ versity; It.’ IM B aal May«. See CON-CON page 6 teaching staff of the program. See P E P RALLY page 2 ditions in Berlin and implica­ ing blew apart Wednesday tions r i the recent national elec­ with massive impact, injuring more than 225 persons and tions in West Germany will be -presented by Dr. Lewis J. Ed­ C o n f id e n c e , O p tiin is im . . . rocking a 10 -mile west side inger, professor of political sci­ area. - ence, a t 7 pan. Thursday in There were no fatalities de­ spite a great potential for loss _ 32 Union. of life. Damage estimates Edinger returned last week from a three-week visit to Ger­ P e a c e C o r p s S e r e n e ranged from $250,000 to $1 mil­ lion. many r i the invitation r i the The explosion destroyed a Bonn government. He was Pul- By MARY BASING David Schickeie, 23, New York help us see what our role will one-story reinforced concrete bright research profas«or a t Of the State News Staff City, said. be,” Mrs. Lorena Blount, 23, buiidihg used by Helene Curtis the F ree University r i Berlin Confidence, optimism and Joan Franklin, 23, Detroit, Allerton, Iowa, explained. Industries for mixing cbemL in 1950-60, and has written three definite ideas about the job to said she didn’t know whether “ The training should help us cals for the firm ’s cosmetic books and „numerous articles be done. V . being a Negro would help or adjust.” preparations. S on political and m ilitary prob­ That’s the attitude of at lebst hinder her in Nigeria. - “We expect (hat there will be Company, state and city in­ lems in post-war Germany. six Peace Corps m em bers train­ “ In some ways 1 m ay have difficulties," Rose well Blount vestigations studied the Mast isored by Del- The tour to sponsored ing on campus. ~ a harder tim e than tbe others, 25, Allerton, Iowa, said. site for sevkral hours; then ta Phi Etostioa, national pro- uk a group interview Tuesday regardless there will be cultu­ “ Perhaps we will be working they announced they were un­ tessional fraternityy for intierna- the Corpsmen told r i their ex­ ral problems,” she said. > under British teachers,” Miss able to determine tbe c a tu » o f Uonal trade and1 diplomacy, pectations as graduate assist­ H ie trainees said they ex-, Franklin added. the Mast! The investigation which will bold a rush smoker' ants a t the University of Ni­ p e c t to conform to a role while would continue, they arid. preceding E diager’ser’s rem arks geria in Nsukka. in Africa. “ We’ll have to prove our­ The exploding blending build­ for all m an students interested “ What does cultural shock “ P a rt r i this training is to selves as Americans and teach­ ing, set apart from to t other in careers la business abroad m ean?” George Eaton, 23, e rs, probably more as Ameri­ ria n t buildings occupied by or in international relations. Lawrence, Kan., asked ’when cans a t first,” Schickeie said. Curtis, shattered hundreds r i The organization will present the group was queried “ O h,. I think there will be windows a t Curtis and the Zen­ about equal emphasis on these a second rush sm oker and an evaluation r i Am erican activi­ their ideas concerning this point. W e a th e r two roles,” Miss Franklin said. ith Radio Corp. plant across the street. ties and problems in Ira n by “ WE’RE GOING to do a spe­ Increased cloudiness a n d “ Outwardly, w e ll be trying Windows also were blasted Dr. Edw ard B a m , Middle cific J o b ; not to soak up cul­ cooler Thursday. P artly cloudy to prove oprselves a s teachers; in by the force r i tbe explosion E astern specialist from the NVGSMA BOUND—Prepariag to leave far Africa Nreratoir «te, a n Peace t u r e / he added. and cooler Thursday n ig h t Inwardly, a s Americans,” Blo­ in some 200 homes and Mores American Univa rritiee H eld (tops members, left la right. Jan Fraaklta, David M jr tili, Fraak Dynes, “ Moot r i us a re confident Thursday's high will be in unt said. in tbe area, A mile away from Staff, next Thursday, also a t asseriate director af the training program, George Eaton, C M M a Creek, enough not to wotry about cul­ tbe upper 40’s. “ REALLY, THIS cannot be the Curtis ria n t a t 4401 W. T p m . in 33 union. la m a and Boswell Blnui, I y -; tu ra l a n d rac ial dffferencos,” ■ ,u ,iA iJ L a jta .a , See PEACE CORPS paga I S e t EXPLOSION p sg s l Thursday Morning, October 1 9 , 1 9 6 1 igan Sute Newa, Etat Laming, Michigán Editorial 1 1 6 S tu d e n t Petitioning Opens For AWS Phlts * ■" •* *'< * Positions a re open for chair­ division. Student Services and manships and committee mem­ at the Union Board desk. Un­ A p a r tm e n ts G ra d u a tio n C o m p le te d bers for AWS Winter Blood Drive committees. Petitions m ay be obtained by ion concourse, for foe following committees: publicity, corres­ pondence, arrangements, or­ F o r P e a c e C o rp s T h e 116 new C h a r y L ine women students in women's ganisations. apartm ents, originally ached T h e P e a c e C o rp s tra in e e s a t M SU leave th e E a s t uled for completion in August She will remember if L a n sin g c a m p u s F rid a y to co n tin u e th e ir w ork a t th e a re just now being finished, G ull L ake B iological Station.- Tom Dutch, director of housing don’t forget to T hey r e tu r n h e re Nov. 10 w hen th e p ro g ra m is con­ said Tuesday. Because of this, clu d ed w ith com m encem ent. T his g ra d u a tio n is d if f e r ­ most of the apartm ents will go »end her Red Roses e n t fro m th e av erag e college g r a d u a te ’s how ever. qnrsntad this term . T h e ir p o s t-g ra d u a te w ork will be ta k e n in a ro u g h This two-month delay was j from Barne» Floral caused by the state legislature's school. F o r tw o y e a rs th ey w ill live in N ig e ria , w orking belated approval of the funds th e re in v a rio u s jo b s f o r a p e r m o n th sa la ry . for the apartm ents, he said, j of Çast Lansing. ASID E FROM th e d iffe re n t living conditions, th ey will There is no hurry a t present a lso have to o rie n t th em selves to a d iff e re n t -eutture. to complete the apartm ents. T h e p itf a lls o f such ventures* w ere p a in fu lly illu s tr a ­ Dutch said, because the stu­ t e d th is week by th e d e m o n s tra tio n s at. th e U n iv e rsity dents who had applications in Specially Priced fo r Sw eetest Day for fall term h a v e found hous o f N ig eria in N sukka. S a tu rd a y , 'October 21 ing elsewhere. ''T h e s e p eo p le a re now going th ro u g h a n intensive There are only^62 applications tra in in g period so t h a t such episodes a re k e p t a t a m inim um an d do not reoccur. „ • T he g ro u p here keeps a ^ l 2 -h o u r d ay, sp e n t in le a rn ­ _ for two-bedroom apart irients at present, the housing office re ­ Red, Red Roses $ 3 5 0 D0Z. ports. Of this figure only 10 in g th e lan g u a g e Ibo, doing te rm p a p e rs an d e x p lo rin g applications are for this form. See o u r com plete selection o f: th e lib ra ry . T h e ir co u rses in clu d e stu d ie s on A fric a n , The re s t- are for later in the C E N T E R P IE C E S , CORSAGES, - THREE-WHEELED LAW ENFORCEMENT—Cpl. Ben Y arriagten tries out the school year. N igeria, U.S. a n d w o rld a ff a ir s , c u rre n t events, h e a lth PA RTY DECORATIONS Department of PabHc Safety’s three-wheeled motorcycle. The new police unit This addition wilt- increase a n d p hysical conditioning. ^ will help ease the traffic problems an campus. W e T elegraph Flow ers W orld-W ide L isted am o n g th is g ro u p a re th re e law y e rs, th re e \ the. num ber of housing units in m a rrie d couples a n d one w om an over 50._ M ost o f th e 17 m en a n d 1 0 w om en a re in th e ir tw e n tie s an d a ll a re college g ra d u a te s . ' Ohio Plant May Cause I Cherry Lane to 292. and in- [ erehse the total number of I m arried housing units to 2.240. Barnes Floral O F E A ST LANDING TH EY H A V E B E E N selected th ro u g h a series of — I When television goes com- te s ts given la s t s p rin g p lu s evidence of high g ra d e s, j pletely cultural, we suppose foe VISIT EAST LANSING’S NEWEST FLOWER SHOP le a d e rsh ip a b ility , em otional s ta b ility an d c h a ra c te r. •- T hey w ill need each of these a ttr ib u te s an d m ore if th e y hope to succeed in th e d iffic u lt w ork a h e a d of Shutdown of Ford Lines j youngsters will claim they i were le d into delinquency by 1 a panel discussion ofMichel* “ We are not proposing that j angelo or a Bach fugue. De- 215 ANN ED 2-0871 DETROIT (A> — Ford Motor national package of wages and th em . MSU, -proud to be a p a r t of such a p ro je c t, h a s Co. and the United Auto Work­ fringe benefits, but the UAW anyone’s pay be cut. Some of j troit News, p re p a re d them in j> a r t fo r th e n e x t tw o y e a rs b u t th e ers union broke off_ negotia­ authorized local units to con­ our employes a t the Cleveland fin al'S u ccess re sts w ith them . ““ ' tions Wednesday on an at-ttoe- tinue! strikes in support of at- stamping, plant are receiving N e ith e r M SU n o r th e P eace C o rp s w ilL g r a n t them plant working agreem ent for the-plant working Agreements pay in excess of rates negotiat­ th e ir g ra d u a te degreed. T he N ig e ria n p eo p le w ill a w a rd a key plant which could dose which supplement the national ed for the work they a re doing down Ford assembly lines in a contract. at Cleveland and for com par­ th o se. ' ___ _ matter of days if a strike there The union V international ex­ able work elsewhere in the is continued. * ecutive board has ordered all company. We have offered to cal lab assistant and as camp] - The plant is at Walton Hills, F o rd workers, except a t -Wal­ exem pt those employes pre­ P e a c e C o r p s counselor for crippled children. Ohio, just outside Cleveland. ton Hills, back Jto the job. sently misclassified but want Miss Franklin received her Jerry Wilse, president of to get back to the negotiated (Continued from page 1) B.A. and LL.B. in law from at Itwhich is the only one of 85. plants Ford had not issued Walton Hills local 420, said aH rate structure for those newly Wayne State university. She recall orders since the union issues except one have been assigned to such work in foe generalized: some students^illj spe^iaUzed in international re- future.” settled. He-said this was com­ want a good teacher, lotions, particularly, the Afri- against Ford last13-day called _ off a Sunday. strike pany insistance on cutting pay will see us as Americans,”Mrs. I ^ arga Ford and the UAW reached rates 5 to 15 cents.an hour for B!™? s.a.ld' .. r ... ; “ An English literature major, agreement last Thursday on a The University will_expe t ^hickele graduated from Swar- 435 jobs in the big stamping plant which employs 3,330. A lg e r ia n s us to be teachers, Blount said. He has worked among Ford denied it was attem pt­ .Why are they in the Peace 0ther things, as a free-lance Corps? J musician, carpenter and assist P e p R a lly ing to cut any wages now be­ R io t I n P a r is ing paid at Cleveland. The “It is hard in America to' ant-motionpict ne editor. statem ent said; PARIS (JB — Demonstrating (Continued from page 1 ) help people; this is a prosper-j CATHERINE Crook 1 Algerians swarmed ill the tive and concrete way to do ‘ n r- ’ of Shaw’s residents did not or streets again Wednesday, night something,” Schickele answer­ j a52.junior Washington, D.C., has heen- codld not come out. A few iiun- ed. -- ' - high schooj principal j dred had escaped beforehand. C a m e l's O u t and clashed with reinforced riot police. _ “The Peace Corps is an ef­ forShe the past 15 years. The mob finally ran for the A radio c a r policeman said graduated fective way to help others and from Smith College and rece-j cum laude 1girls’ dorms on the east end of I t ’s H o r s e s campus. about 1,500 m arching on the one way .to assert yourself,” rail station in suburban Nan- Miss Franklin said. ived t . her, ___M.A., , ___,, in math andj Still shouting, “We’re going Mrs. Blount Said she thought Physics from Cornell Un.ver- to the Rose Bowl,” the stu­ F o r H im terre battled wildly with police in a hail of gunshots. The po­ r e q u is ite there were many avenues—oft Sl^- dents stopped in front of Sny­ service in America. j -Miss Cook said she joined der and circled Abbott Hall.— JOHNSON CITY, Tex. liceman said two rioters were I the Corps because she believed By this time ail possibilities Riding a horse is like sitting killed and six suffered bullet ‘THE PEACE Corps, though, in d of getting a larger crowd had on a davenport, according to wounds. • — is one way to work for a solu­ “It’s a good way to help de­ -been exhausted so the group Bashir Ahmad, a Pakestani Club-swinging riot squads tion for international under­ veloping countries ^though 1 started running back and forth cam el driver. drove the dem onstrators away standing.” she said. don’t believe in forcing this on on Grand River Ave., blockings Bashir had his first taste of from the station and captured The trainees were not sure anyone, —she said. traffic. EasULansing police in­ Western riding a t the ranch of more, than 30 Algerians by the what they will do after the “My main reason for joining tervened and seven students , y jCg President Lyndon John- end of foe fighting. Peace Corps work. — is that »it’s a way to give of were arrested for disorderly]]SQn< where he is a guest, Insjde P aris more Algerians 100''«. virgin w ooL— 7 b u tto n fro n t “I guess we expect the two yourself.” conduct. i During a visit to Karachi staged demonstrations and top-draw er style. Y our choice of years to lielp us decide what Miss Crook taught college The mob dispersed into two early this year, Johnson sin­ thousands more headed in by cam el • blue o r dark olive c o lo rs- we will do afterwards,”' Sell- -math in Ghana from 1953 to 1groups. The second gradually gled Bashir' out of a crowd to road and train in defiance of! Tckele said. 1955 tinder a Fulbrigtitrgrant. j broke -up but the first contin­ shake hands and casually in­ foe reinforced police and a de­ - $17.95 Picked-at random from .he “I know from personal exper- ued in foe direction^ of Presi- vite him to visit foe United cision to deport them as trou­ 33 trainees here, the persons I jence the need for education in | dent Hannah’s house. They States. — o th e r card ig an s from 15.95 to 21.95 — blemakers. interviewed come from varied this area,” she said, ¡cheered in front of his house American businessmen made But as foe night wore on,4he I backgrounds. ~ All of the trainees leave Fri- | for a few minutes until Hannah the trip possible under the Peo- Nanterre battle was the only! The" Blounts .both -graduated | .:^ # # ' ; * $ £ gfgWfcV•» *>NSI $f(¡ t í “ X i“ W ' ^ ^ ^ ü ü P W P ^ /* ^*r>» $ fl|Ì|p l* s I W i d i j Horning, October 19, 1961 Michigan Slate New«, East ¡i........ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BEST WISHES TO THE P IT FROM: PIT FROM: H. IVAN McLEAN CO SCHAFERS BAKERYS 409 E. Shiawassee 2701 S. Logan PACKER PHOTOGRAPHY NEHI RC CROWN COLA CO, 205 M.A.C. A to 410 Kalamazoo Plaza LANSING ICE & FUEL CO, WASHINGTON PIES 911 CenterSt# • 210 N. Washington Le VAN DISPLAYS MID-CITY PRODUCE CO, 406 N. Grand Ave# 237 Pere Marquette Dr. PORTER HEATING & AIR QUARMBY’S CONDITIONING 2000 E. Michigan Ave, 605 E. Michigan Ave. F o o d w ith ; S tu d e n ts In M i n d •• • S p e c ia l L uncheon S e rv e d Completely Air-con ditioned Service Phone ED 2-0863 m mmêm ilp l mm w / W tUgm State K m , Im I Lanalng, M idilgan Thursday Morning, October 1 9 , 1 9 6 1 t o t f 1 jg a flH B S s rs s s s B S B S S ^ ra i Rush Sign-up Starts Monday Autumn Takes Over ALPHA B O X A P B Birm ingham sophomore «ad Kenneth Lyim Hodgson, Ce- D etta D elta Delta. Dick Jackson, Midland sen­ Sorority rush sign-up will be ior, to B arbara •»BaUeria, held next week M o n d a y by Catherine Mahoney coa Beach, H a ., sophomare , to PH I SIGMA KAPPA Northeastern College graduate. through Friday from 0 a.m. to Fraternities and sororities “ Hunter’s Holiday” will be Gayle Ann Hagga, G rand R ap­ Jim Custenre, Royal Oak John Oven, Ovid senior, -to 5 p.m. daily. a re back ia the party-swing the them e of Alpha Sigma ids sophomore. wooer, to Joanne Pollack, Lorna Most, Galien senior. Any coed interested in rush« this weekend after the absence Phi’s party Friday night with Barmiugham junior and Alpha Fred Fetters, Saginaw jun­ ing winter term and attending sqtu ,w,t decorations. Dress is ALPHA TAU 0SOCRON G am m a Delta. created by the Michigan game Colin Stafford, Bloomfield ior, to Janet Ruthing, Saginaw Fall Open Houses m ust sign-up with Autumn them e parties. tofarmal. / „ „ . p m UPSILON at this time. There will be no Triangle fraternity will trav­ A party open to ail Grades Hills senior, to Susie Aitkin. Dave Shelley, Grosse llle sophomore. ' extended sign-up. will be held aft the Alpha Epsi­ Bloomfield Hills jm dor and junior, to Chris Jam es, Univer­ Joel Heilman, Saginaw jun­ el outside the city for a hay* Rushees should bring 81 fee rid s foDewed by roasting hot* lon P i house Saturday a t 7:80 D etta Delta Delta. sity s i California a t Santa B ar­ ior, to Linda Broadbent, Lan- to 13A Student Services for p.m . Costumes appropriate for b ara freshm an and Delta Zeta. s i n 'g sophomore and Chi dogs and dancing E rd a y night DELTA TAU DELTA Omega. registration. a t Hie home of a m em ber. the “ 1920 Speakeasy” them e Bob Sharkey, Detroit junior. P I KAPPA P ffl The spring 4 erm pledges of will be in style. A band will to Anne M urray, Springfield, Donald Stephen, G r o s s e Zeta T au Alpha sorority o re provide the music and there Mass., sophomor e and Kappa Pointe jm dor, to Diane Ditt- ftmmiitf a hayride Friday for «HI be entertainment. Alpha Theta^ tan, Dea rbor n oopbomore. f i » actives and their dates aft a Dan Riley, Bloomfield Hills W O O L W O R T H ' S SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON farm near Laingsburg. Danc­ sophomore, to Lee GaUq, Uni­ Bob Harrington, Detroit sen­ ing will follow a t the house. A “ Playboy, P a r to " will be W ill G iv e versity of Colorado sophomore. ior, to Nancy Brubaker, De­ Dick Firth, Dearborn senior, tro it senior and Kappa Alpha CASUAL SHOES held aft the P hi Kappa Tau house Saturday night. Records R e c ita l I n to Sandy Onwefler, Flint Theta. sophomore. \ FOR CAMPUS WEAR SiGMA ALPHA MU will supply the music. Delta (Jpailon’s party Satur­ A u d ito r iu m DELTA UPSHJON Sanford Steiner, Oak P ark Dave Good, Buffalo, N.Y., junior, to Maxine Drexler, De­ IT A L IA N SU E D E SPO R T SH O ES day night will center around a troit junior and Phi Sigma Looks sm art aBd /fe e ls comfortable. Halloween them e complete Sonata No. 5 in E m in o r by junior, to Wendy Webb, Buffa­ Sigma. with a “ spook house” and an Antonio Vivaldi will be fea­ lo, N.Y. The perfect shoe for those informal omnious sounding ‘T om b.” tured a t a recital in the Music BIS Pearce, Saginaw junior, SIGMA P ffl EPSILON Bob Hoyt, Shaker H eight^ gatherings. Available ia brown and The. Theta Chi’s will honor Auditorium a t 4 p.m . Sunday. to Lori Brogman, Saginaw one qf their m em bers Saturday Louis Potter, J r . / associate freshm an. Ohio, senior, to Carol Harris, Mack. CASE HALL RESIDENTS find elevators a with mi informal dance. The professor of music and cellist Jack M onish, Flushing jun­ Twinsburg, Ohio, junior and - SIZES 4 -19 advantage over other residences on eampns. Another “ Task* Stomp” will feature and Joseph Evans, associate ior, to Nancy Cartoon, Whiting, Zeta Tau Alpha. decorations a ssociated '-w ith Ind., junior and Alpha Chi THETA C m WAS A 84.99 VALUE advantage is the adjoining baths, making each boo rooms professor of music and pianist into a suite. —State News Photo. Labs and laundry rooms will win present the program which Omega. Wayne White, Royal Oak sen­ NOW ONLY «III also include Sonata in G Don Schlit, Saginaw sopho­ ior, to Ja n Weber, Grosse be placed in the basem ent/ minor, Opera 5, No. 2 by Lud m ore, to Sue U sher, Delta Pointe senior and Detta Delta *2.99 Case Hall Offers THOUGH THE HALL Still needs a lot of work before it is completed, i t promises to be a great im provem ent over pre­ wig von Beethoven and Sonata Community College, Saginaw. Delta. in B flat m ajor, Opera 8 , in Norm Sewing, Clayton, Mo., Don Sender,. Toledo, Ohio, four parts by E rnst Dobnanyi. junior, to Susan Scharf, Beth- senior, to J u d y Kuehling, Buf­ esda, Md., junior mid Kappa falo, N.Y., junior and Kappa CASUAL SUPPER SHOE Modem Living sent housing conveniences. ‘‘I think the University has taken a tremendous step in this W arm o r Cool Delta. j F red W yatt, Hatboro, Pa., Detta. E a rl CMsa, Almont junior, There is no definite point junior, to Joyee Grubaugh. De­ to Bobte Jones, E v art sopho­ which divides w arm ' colors troit junior and Alpha Gamma m ore and Kappa Delta. WITH ITALIAN TOE type of facility,” said Jam es L. Is it a hotel or a residence | multipurpose rooms, which Andrews, Case dorm m anager. from the cool colors. However, Delta. DELTA DELTA DELTA hall? Coeds might , wonder j can be used for dances or when they see th e'n e w Case watching TV, also- Hall on south campus. The dorm living will be “ It’s wonderful the way ev­ erything h a s lie e n accepted by home economists a t Michigan Dennis Collette, W aterbary, Sandy Bozung, Lowell senior, State University note th at the Conn., junior, to C aroiynU ill, to John Haggai, U. S. Air m ore yellow a color contains, Valley F alls, N.Y., junior and Force. " *1.99 residents as a whole.” Available to wide oetocflsn of The 663 girls living there see turned into a carpeted fine a rts Tom Laske. Entertainm ent the w arm er it will be. The Alpha Xi Delta. ^ ZETA TAU ALPHA daily progress on plans for room with a piano and a r t dis- styles and colors. will be kept secret until the m ore blue contained in a color, F ra n Kinney. E a st Lansing more plush living quarters plays. KAPPA DELTAr sophomore to Bob Peck, Col­ party. the cooler it will be. PILGRIM - OXFORD - E Y E U T than in any ether undergradu­ EACH OF THE 12 precincts, C a r o l Foxen, Lakewood, gate University graduate stu­ ate dorm now on campus. called “ houses” ad Case, will Ohio, senior, to David Gaskin, dent s a d Tau Kappa Epsilon. Rooms have connecting baths have its own tiled lounge, _a University of Michigan and Judy Bnm dage, Big Rapids —an innovation for undergrad­ pressing room complete with uate dorms here—and private ironing facilities, sink and hair E n g a g e m e n ts A n n o u n c e d la m b d a CM Alpha. senior, to Tom Arcy, F erris In- P a t Peprans, D etroit sopho­ stitute. CORDUROY SNEAKERS phones, dryer, and an incinerator and m ore, to Clint Wellis, Law­ DELTA C m ALPHA OBOCRON P I Carol Pierson, Owmso soph­ rence Tech graduate an d ,A l­ GIRLS TAKE an elevator to ! storage room. _ Bonnie Blackstock, Sault Ste. omore, to Tim Throne, Owosso pha Gam m a Upsilon. Chuck Kiene, Yonkers, N,Y., Available In fall colors of their floor ra th e r than walk! The third flow coffee shop M arie senior, to Ja ck Brown, senior, to Kay Plum tree, Lath- black • gold - blue • green. up! ! will be for both women and DELTA DELTA DELTA U. S. Naval Academy midship­ Bev Nimeth, Birmingham KAPPA SIGMA rup Village sophomore and Chi And the long walk to Berkey j men who will be boused in th e m an firtt class. H arry Boettcher, Saginaw Omega. ■— Hall for classes in the basics | connecting dorm beginning in senior, to Neil Gerogi, MSU can be forgotten, because these Ja n u ary . classes will be held in the Other conveniences nearing ALPHA PHI Carol Crane, Ann Arbor sen­ ior, to F red Kitchens, Flint graduate and P hi Delta Theta. senior, to Lynne Stuerhof, Oke­ KAPPA ALPHA THETA mos senior and K appa Delta. Auxiliary Meets $ 1.99 building when it is completed completion include a gam e Joan Schuster, Chagrin Falls, LAMBDA CHI ALPHA _ senior and Sigma Nu. in January. room, conference room, vend­ To make maximum use of ing room, for snacks and 16 fac- Kay Clark, Vicksburg senior, Ohio, senior, to L arry Camp­ Bob Clark, Brighton sopho­ bell, M arshall senior and Psi m ore, to M aureen Callely, Pon- At Flower Shop to Dick M iller, Mfllersburg, space, classes will be held in j ulty offices. Upsilon. - «4 tia e junior and Zeta Tau Alpha. The first social meeting of P a., senior and P hi Kappa Psi. Diane Luchtman, Northville Joanne P eters, Grosse Pointe P m DELTA THETA the Women’s Auxiliary of the SHOP AT WOOLWORTHS LIEBERHAHN’S senior, to Bruce Bordman, Grosse Pointe, U. of M. sen ior junior, to N .-'C . Schrader, Northville junior. Bruce P a n « » , Lansing sen­ American Veterinary Medical Assn. will be held Thursday a t MON. - FRI. 0:8T- • P.M. SAT. 0 :8 0 -6 P M. and P hi D elta Theta. Sandy McNeil, Bay Village, ior, to May Carey, Ferndale • p.m. aft Jaekel-De Vries, 615 senior and Kappa Alpha Theta. Sue Phfamey, Monroe junior, • ■ ■ ■ • S l l l i l S. Washington, Lansing. NMtaiNUkfRlH 3 0 th A n n iv e r s a ry to Doug. Nelson, Okemos sen­ ior and Phi Delta Thete» ALPHA XI DELTA PINN1NGS AND ENGAGEMENTS P ffl KAPPA TAU John Bergin, Lowell gradu­ ate of MSU. to Sue Wisby. meeting. A flown* arrangem ent dis­ play will follow tee business w o o L w o c n rs. Laurie Gruenberg, Newaygo Whea turning to announce­ senior, to Bob Ebinger, Pal­ ments et pteetafi and ea- m yra senior. tectadei name, S A L E O F F IN E C H IN A Ann Weddell, Birmingham junior, to Tom Beuthien, Birm­ sorority er frater­ nity affiliations, and the class ingham junior and P i Kappa year Is schooL Phi. O h i o , sophomore, to Bob F rat Gives Party Keavy, Pontiac graduate: KAPPA DELTA For "Children Ginny Halsteinsburgh, S t. Louis, Mo., senior, to Craig A Halloween p arty for S t Van Seiver, Dearborn senior Vincent’s Bom s win be given and P h i D etta Theta. Wednesday by P hi Sigm a Kap­ P H I ALPHA CLUB p a fraternity. M ichael B. B erger, Grand The p arty for boys and girls Rapids junior, to B arbara between I to 13 years old will Sm aller, Detroit sophomore. be held a t the chapter house ZETA TAU ALPHA ( r a n 7 to 0:80 p m . Both Lym an, Dearborn sen­ The fraternity hopes to make ior, to Phil Lsgeschulte, B ar­ fiie party an annual affair. rington, HL, senior. Tho man to watch naan •RIDAI WHITE Tweeds “IMPROMPTU T1 1 withthe fine china T)y Iroquois Rugged Look Heautiful! Practical! So easy to use with any accessaries. And It carries (hr famous •‘rrplacc-if-it-breaks" Iriqouis Our as« tweeds srs warranty. This pure white china wilt solve Ml year tntorsS for you with problems for every day as well as spretai occasi—S. College Hsii's tradition*! Choose a sci new and save. - I! IfftlHJHVoH n M M d ir É la íi|i Nets Ito dstaUs... hooked ir> - i*i k < e; ser v u e for « cantar vent... flap pockets. TM» ia » variatila l ament to _ **• yea through plenty of action $ 95 39 inbum— as nel a*countrywaar Available msuits •VTareyton'* Dual RHar in duos partes divisa ts t! " says Sextos (Crazy Legs)Cato, Bacchus C up winner. “There ere lote-oLfilter cigarettes around.” says Crazy Legs, er sport jackets. (Price) YOU SAVE *20.00 “but e piuribus unutn stands out—Dual F itter T areyton. For fiie best teste of the beet tobacco*^try T a r e y to n -o n e filter ruse white OUT« HiTÖt cigarette that really ttofivers d e gustibus!” / D U AL n u r E R Laming 107 S. Washington East Lanfag to t E. Grand River 118 N. WASHINGTON AVE., Pndwä 4 T a reyto n it mr mjitf mm • LANSING, MICHIGAN m ÉjjfoXUìf**>-»* 4 71 Thursday Morning» October W , 1 9 6 1 H id d g n State Newa, E a t I j w b g Michigan 1 producto» per head o# popo* Khrushchev —Exceeding present U.S. ag­ Deadlock HoldsatUN (co u ttn ed from page t) ricultural production par heed (conttnaed from page 1 ) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JI £ The two were together from ive force* « h o idolize the hy­ of population by 90 par c e n t North Ave., store windows were —Soviet and U .S . chief dele­ about 3:45 to k K p.m. EDT in —Reaching the U.S. level of broken. drogen bom b." national income. gates reported conttnead dead­ • small UN conference-room , Forty million card-carrying The aecond set of objectives, Ten hoopilal« reported treat lock last night after conferring each with a few rides. I t was Communist* ta C7 nations aO to be reached by U N : rag 2 1 0 peraoaa for tacoratfon*, fo r a n hour and a quarter file sixth U.S.-Soviet meeting about the selection of a tem ­ since Secretary-General Dag over the world, he said, have —To h a v e the United States bruises and aback. Seventy re ­ porary UN. secretary-general. HammarskjoM (Bad in n plane m ade Communism the moot f a r behind in industrial and ag­ mained in the hospitals and the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis­ crash Sept. 19. ricultural per capita -predoc- « th a n were released. powerful force of oar tim e.' tion. te r Valerian A. Zorin told re­ Beforehand, Zorin was re ­ “ By hailing thé to r d f o f lib­ —To boost the economy of the Dr. Samuel Grant, r eaeareh porters, “we studied both our ported ready to m ake a m aim erty, the banner of socialism world socialist system until it director for Helene Curtis, said poeitione and did not agree on concession on the tim ing o f a anything a t yet.” promise from toe tem porary ana communism ever the world accounts for two-th irds of the w orkers in the 40-foot square U .S . Ambassador Adlai E. secretary-general to consult our party has glorified the t a b world’s industrial output chemical building were blend­ Stevenson said t h e r e w a i/ no with his m ain advisers. century as a century of fun­ Khrushchev envisaged these ing n high molecular weight agreem ent or, a s b* put it, “ No But afterw ard Zorin declined dam ental changes in the des­ additional goals in the n est 20 alcohol with other ingredients runs, no lrite and I c a n t say to comment on this report, and tinies of mankind,” declared years: , K hrushchev.' —Beat -free modern housing when the blast occurred. about toe errors.” See DEADLOCK Page U A L L TRANSISTORIZED-PORTABLE Tass, the official news agen­ —F re e communal services far tanks outside contained sul­ cy, said delegates leaving the every family. Three of the 3,000 gallon TA P E RECORDER ) furic mid hydrochloric add*/ —F ree sanitaria, medicines -and alcohol- A 20,000 gallon Kremlin felt as if "they bad m ade a thrilling trip to the and medical care. orbit of Communism that —75 to M per cent of the coot tank contained caustic soda. Attention. . . In d n J< S ss M icrophone ^ A u to m atic E ra se B uilt la S peaker E ar Phoa. would be realised In the near of keeping and educating child­ the Mending building Manhet~| futurev ren to be free. Pungent fumes from a d d s in —Free maintenance of dis­ ed the scene for hours after the Foreign Car Owners v1- S ta n d ard V* T ape F ully G uaranteed Western reporters noted, how­ explosion. Firem en d o se to the ever, th at many in the audience rather than betog thrilled nod­ goals ha promised: ded frequently, only to be abled workers. F or the shorter-range 10-year scene wore gas masks while playing w ater on the blending building. New Equipment Has Just Been Installed To Accomodate Your Car At 39.95 brought awake by waves of ap­ —The world’s shortest work­ Most of the injured were cut plause which seem ed to break ing day—« * hours, o r a 35 hour week for most workers and 90 by flying glass. Many women out a t about ten minute inter­ hours a week for the rest. among those removed to hos­ TAPE REC0RMNC INDUSTRIES vals. The “ orbit of communism“ including farm ers. —Paid vacations for workers, pitals were in shock. Four men in the blending building a t the Frandor Auto Wash 1101 E. Grand River _ ' East Lansing, -Michigan in the Tass story was a refer-j He called for construction of tim e of the blast were in ser­ F ra n d o r Shopping C en ter — D aily 8*4, Sun. 8:30-2 ED 2-0897 v 7 „ ~ ence. to Khrushchev's compar­ 190 mighty hydroelectric pow­ ious condition in St. Anne’s ing the new program , the third er stations and 460 other power hospital. in the Communist party’s his­ stations of up to 3 million kilo­ tory, as the third stage of a w atts each in the next SB years, rocket in which “ the Russian and huge new fuel, power and people's^hardship will be re­ metal producing c e n to s in warded a hundredfold.” eastern Siberia, Central Asia, PRICES » WE RESERVE These were the first goals the U rals, the Ukraine mid GOOD THROUGH THE RIGHT TO set for achievement by 1970: elsewhere. SUNDAY, —Making the Soviet Union the LIMIT _ The Soviet steel industry, he OCT. » , 1961 world’s leading industrial pow­ said, will have an annnal ca­ QUANTITIES er, winning preponderance pacity of 290 million tons, and over the United States in vol­ by 1970 will exceed the U.S. in­ ume of industrial output and dustry by t t million tons. nano ana an sa FOOD CENTER SHAHEEN’S COUPON F w sh o a cro ss 1. Article m il 23. Name □□□a n a a a a o a □ □ □ □ □ anasaaasa □on nasa aas sa n a aas ■ Lean L r F O U l l C l D C e t j t i DEAN’S DAIRY ^ gal 3 FOR 24. One who in □ a s □□□□a z a a M ILK of apparel - 4 . Sin bad’* continually taking □a aaaaaaa as 1 lb FR E E cartons $ bird 7. Diagram 12. Commotion modicino 29. L y ric 36. Exigency \ 3D C 3I3U □ a n a □□□ □□□□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ as with purchase of LO O 11. CotwlaHa- 36. American tloe caricaturist ' □□ a a a on With Coupon & 13.00 Or More Food Purchase 14. Strength 4 1. Jsvrtsh saaasaa n a a a a a (Offer Expire« October a n d )_______ 15. Dccotnpoat month □□□»□□ naannG 16. A ir 18. Corpulent X). Take the chief meal 31. G ave _42. Absolute 4 42. A gra—Ma social conduct ■ Solution at Y sstocdey’a Puzzle X Sun dried A Prod ten. LB FOR 1 .2 9 47. Anger brick ment: collo ^ temporarily 32. Ran away hastily 23. Rent 4g. Reception 46. Expire M l Conten* S. Pow erful ’ nslar ,4. Talk A The milkfUh 1A Convened Vets Dog Food 26 Article « f furniture 21. Fam iaiao St. K t e a f enthwdaUt- eally .3. Seaweed , 1U B a to n 17. Cravat iTZ, P O R K name 30. Verbally U Remnant DOWN A Source of light -V. Slondor 13. Compart- meat In n ■table 5 lb . b a g 49 c STEA K 3 9 e 3 1 Writing 22. Insect implement 1. Sing rods 23. Profitable LI 34 Bib. i r T~ AYs/,', r " r” r r character □ □ 23. Pahn fiber n n w ~ jr m W LJ IT L U 27. Harmon— to* U. S. No. 1 Michigan □ 1 23. About 20. A m er. Delicious *r fr M IT SfflËÊâ S £tdffí/>'4ÍUt.V1 W Indian 31. Tree SHAHEEN’S COUPON Macintosh Apples Cubette STEAK ir w . ¡HI 32. Legume ■ m i. J T n fir 34. Ridicule M m m 30 » - ■ a m r\ « 37. Corrode finch LIT T LE BOY B LU E rr w WÈ I 46. Cornered: Beef & Pork 4 lb Bag FR EE 79 - W COllOQ. 20 oz w 4 1. Presently Blend LB BREAD 2 25‘ n w x Æ □ 42. Em ployer loaves with purchase o f 5/ s r 42. Donkey fo r \Ê Ê È Ê Ê I □ 4 4 Sm ell r u f m « n 43. Sam uel's With Coupon & 23.M Or More Food Purchase W À teacher K0EGELES (Offer Expires October S a d i 4 39“ w M ” 4 3 Teutonia S H — _ — K J goddess #| l eg b eaba* lb . b a g f o r m m m m 0 E ¡ Ring Bologna 49 • i04% C LB BANQUET Golden Ripe Membership In SHAHEEN’S COUPON MEAT l n BANANAS Alpha Lambda Delta _. Swifts SWIETNING PIES 1 y ea National Honorary Tuna, Beef Chicken and Turkey 10 e U .. 3 U> c a n 49 Is Now Open To Wtth Coupon It IS.II Or More Food Purchase (Offer Expires October 22ad) P IZ Z A P I E Florida Seedless Eligible Sophomore Women SHAHEEN’S COUPON — Pink or White Rag of o Pkg. of 2 to r 8 9 C SWIFTS PREM Carnation Milk 7 m c *1.00 Grapefruit 49' Requirements: Girls must have earried a 3.3 all-university average for any 2 12 oa can -term s during freshman year. Miuimnm 3 for * 1 .0 0 S W IF T S Spaghetti4 MEAJ, “ Si 3 ’1.00 - credit load is 13. With Coupon It SAM tor More Food Purchase .. (Offer Expire» October «ad) TOMATOES 9 « 39' Nescafe Instant Coffee 6 oz Ja r 69c Tray Pack If you think that you are eligible for IF* Carry A Complete membership in Alpha lam bda Delta, Both Stores Open 9 to 9 Sunday & Weekdays Jutt Arrived line o f please contact Miss Joyce McNamara, SYRIAN & LEBANESE 521 E . GARAND RIVER A V E , EAST LANSING New Shipment o f Fpod 101 Student Services by Friday after- From India FOODS 1001 W. SAGINAW, LANSING noon, Oct. 20. X'X. ËMt Lansiiiff. HkhifRn Thursday Morning, October 19» 1 9 6 1 M M G ir l W e e p s C o n -C o n tiHtumwn wu mu u hiwmmubmwwbsuwíí N . C a r o lin a 340 MorrilL In te rested students a re invited. Nigerian (Continued from page 1) - Placement Bureau P ro fe sso r " WMte on cam pus,' Holmes Julius M. UdocM, am bassa­ wffi factura to three classes dor from toe Federation of Ni­ As She Leaves Nigeria subject, the committee cm mwmiw«^iitoiin»dlwan»issiiiiiihaiiiiWiaiwiin>nnM«wiiwisinti>Misiiii rales, and possibly eventually Interviewing a t the P lace-, engineers, December a n d T o R e tu r n about early literature and make a television tape on me­ geria, will he guest of honor a t dieval medicine for Michigan an Honors College coffee hour toe convention officers would m eat Bureau Tuesday. Addi- "March and June grade only. LAGOS, Nigeria (A—Her eyes brief statem ent saying she was decide which claim was valid. tional information in the Place­ AS m ajors « t th è colleges of State's educational station, a t 8:30 a.m . to the Kellogg Urban T. Holmes, J r . r for­ WMSB-TV. T Center Auditorium. filled with tears, M argery sorry to be leaving b i t had Michelmore left by a ir for nothing to add to the senti­ THIS APPEARED to be the m ent Bureau Bulletin for toe Business * Public Sendee, m er distinguished visiting pro­ week of Oct. 23 to 27: science and arts and commun­ fessor fat foreign languages, will Puerto Rico Wednesday night m ents she expressed to the situation. But in the middle of for a fresh sta rt in the V. S. the formal session Wednesday Flrestede Tire and Rqbber ication a rts, December and Peace C orps'after declaring in gover'” r-g« ” -1 *”d “ * ^ ¡ C t e r k F red C l* « read . list Co., mechanical electrical and M arch grads. return to campus next Monday Limy Says said D r. Stanley Townsend, a quivering voice: * 1 am very dents a t Ibadan, where submitted^fry Erickson indica­ sorry to be leaving N igeria.” rum pus began. She had ex- ting subcommittees he had a p ­ a n d March grads only. chemical engineer», December U .S . Army Ordmsaee inter­ viewing electrical, mechanical head of foreign languages. ‘NEED k PART Miss MJchelmore, who raised preseed regret to both. General Electric Co. inter­ engineers and physics and A Kenan profesSbT of Ro­ ro a itU T pointed, including some deal­ viewing m etallurgical electri­ m ath m ajors. mance physiology a t the Uni­ a storm with implied criticism When newsmen started to ing with the disputed sections. cal, mechanical engineers and of Nigerian living conditions on ask questions, an embassy of­ General Motors Coif*, m anu­ Hoxie held a meeting of bis physics m ajors. Chemical en­ facturing staff Interviewing me­ versity of North Carolina, Hol­ •OLDER GMT a postcard that went astray, ficial bustled her off to toe legislative powers com m itter chanical, m etaBurgcM e n d mes will be herb for a week as was whisked aboard a plane plane th at had been kept wait­ immediately after the general gineers and m ath, statistics, electrical engineers. consultant to the foreign lan­ for „London by U. S. embassy ing several minutes for her to session ended. He expressed and applied mechanics m ajors. General M eters Corp., T r ig , guage department. officials. General Motors Corp. inter­ board. displeasure with the way the viewing mechanical, electrical, tdalre division, Interviewing In addition, he will present Minutes later she left th e j Peace Corps director Sargent Erickson committee was pro­ country where she had been | Shriver announced in Washing­ ceeding. m etallurgical and chemical en­ physics, m ath and chemistry m ajors and mechanical and a public lecture, entitled “ The L IM C 0 A U T O P A R T S scheduled to teach English to ' ton that Miss Michelmore “ has gineers. Math and physics m a­ electrical engineers. Romance Languages," next 1332 N. LARCH ST. Millard seconded Hoxie’s jors. X i ' X ’.-.--J General M eters Corp. Chev­ Thursday a t 8 p.m. fat 33 Union. African children for two years. not resigned from the Peace He said that where the pres­ (LOOK FOR THE RED HOUSE) Holmes will place em phasis on She never held a class. Corps and we do not want h er ent constitution provides th at a 7 Bell Telephone System inter­ rolet Motor Division, interview­ the m iner aw l little known ro­ The quick farewell was a to.” He said she is going to certain thing bë don« by law, viewing all m ajors of the col­ ing all m ajors fat the colleges mance languages. ------. IV 2-1303 m arked contrast to the greet­ the perm anent Peace Corps it falls within the province of lege of business and public of business and public service, W e have good used 15 a n d 16 inch tire s ings Nigerian officials gave field training center in Puerto the legislative powers commit­ service, December and March science and arts and commun­ He also will be the guest of Miss Michelmore and 36 other Rico a t the Peace Corps’ re­ tee. r , i grade only. ication arts. honor a t an informal meeting SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS Peace Corps volunteers on quest. Centra l Intelligence inter­ for graduate and honor students their arrival 23 days ago; . — From there, he said, she Hoxie led a four-man sub­ viewing all m ajors in the col­ next Wednesday a t 4 p.m. to committee delegation to thé of­ lege of engineering, December Before going to the airport, may be reassigned to another fice' of President Nisbet to pro­ the Nigerian ^government an­ project. and March and June grade. All R e g is tr y R E M O D E L IN G S A L E ! test personally the Erickson m ajors in the colleges of busi­ nounced, M i s s Michelmore committee action^ , called on the governor-gene­ ness a n d ' public service, De­ Asked by newsmen if he was cem ber and March grads and E x te n d e d ral of this West African nation an d expressed regret a t her Segregationists worried about the situation science and arts, Dec. & March Hours for registering bicycles thoughtless act in writing the which one described as a “ fam ­ grads. qt the departm ent of imblic postcard. Win In S. Africa ily fight,” Nisbet said: Automatic Electric Co. inter­ safety have been extended from TAKE ADVARTAOE OF THESE TREMEHOOUS SAVINGS NOW Miss Michelmore was ac­ “ F a r ir o m it. . . I ’m happy viewing electrical and mechan­ 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday and F ri­ companied by the U. S. am ­ JOHANNESBURG, South Af­ to see how. anxious they all are ical engineers and jtoysics m a­ day. Normal hours, for bicycle bassador to Nigeria, Joseph rica Ofi—Initial returns from the to work.” jors. A Palm er II, on the courtesy call whites-only national elections registration are 1 1 a.m. to 1 In other action, the conven­ Mobil Chemical Co., research p.m. daily except home foot­ WHITER Rah Coal Special Group SPORT Wednesday indicated the domi­ to Arikiwe, who had expressed tion adopted a 62 milliorrbud- and development the desire lb m eet Miss Michel­ nant Nationalist party and its get proposed by the committee viewing chemical engineers division inter­ ball game Saturdays. - All bicycles m ust be register­ JACKETS Spadai SWEATERS SHIRTS more before her departure racial segregation policies and chem istry m ajors. V alues to $12.95 from "Nigeria. on administration. would win a fourth straight J Expenditures approved in- ed or reregistered for the 1961- Seventh Region U .S . Civil 62 school year, a department- Reg. $19.95 R eg. $3.95 Miss Michelmore expressed Victory in 13 years. her deep appreciation for the j eluded *101.950 for printing of Sendee— -U. S. Navy Dept, in­ spokesman said. One of the m oderate opposi­ the daily journal; 8114.200 for terviewing ¿ 1 1 m ajors in the — 20J IFF ORLY SI2.99 0HLY 86.99 H ow 2 far ST Complete enforcement of' bi­ governor general’s solicitude tion parties—the Progressive rental and lease of space in college of business & public cycle regulations will begin and wished Nigeria a very hap­ party—appeared in danger of Lansing’s Civic Center; $329,. service, science & a rts -and -next week. py and prosperous future. being eliminated from parli- 306 for salaries of convention communication arts, Decem­ TOP 80ATS C0R0UR0YS Tias . It said Azikiwe, the repre­ ment, the South African Press employes; and 877,012.40 for ber and March grads only. Reg. $65 a n d $55 R èg. $55 R eg. $8.95 value V alues to $2.50 sentative of Queen Elizabeth II Association reported. travel and subsistence for dele­ _ U. S. Dept, of Health, Edu­ C aution Indoors in N igeria, indicated his un­ No seats had changed hands gates and staff members. derstanding of the situation in the 15 contests announced by cation and Welfare interview-' tag all m ajors, December and Caution and good ventilation NOW $4 3 * 1 3 9 5 0 ROW 146 ONLY $646 ONLY M r and recalled his earlier state­ midnight but the voting showed H ie committee on legislative M arch grads. are needed when a charcoal ment welcoming President about a 17 per cent swing to­ organization, which wui tackle U. S. Army Engineer inter­ '■*•5,1 is used indoors. Anita 228 ABBOTT RD. Kennedy's derision to establish ward the Nationalist party of th è touchy problem of reappor­ viewing all civil engrs. the Peace Corps. He reiterat­ Prim e Minister Hendrik Ver- tionment, decided to listen to Seventh Region U. S. - Civil ialist" a t Michigan State Un- ed his continued support for woerd. foods and nutrition spec­ what a num ber of experts have Service Commission interview­ versity, says a charcoal fire bn Kosildnk's VARSITY SHOP “B uy now and sav e’ EA ST LA N SIN G ~ to say on th e subject. ing civil, electrical, mechani­ uses quite a bite of oxygen and the program and said he was convinced it will bring benefit Final results are not'expect­ I t also will—view a movie cal m etallurgical and chemical asphyxiation cotdd result. to Nigeria. ed until tomorrow owing to the called “ The- B eat M ajority,” T ears welled in the eyes xrf^ votin8 1° South West Africa, produced by Edw ard R. Mur- the 23-year-old Fox boro, Mass., I which usually reports late, row, which deals with thè m at­ girl as she stepped from' a car The Nationalists’ election cry ter. __ _ at the airport and was ringed was continued suprem acy for Chairman John A. Hannah, by reporters and photograph-1 the three million whites, out­ Michigan State University ers. j numbered four to one by Afri- president, said he would invite j Specially Selected, Young Tender In the light of the-car’s head- cans, m ulattoei and Asians. Up- Prof. Charles R . A drian and] lights. her voice trembling, she j wards of 1 .8 million whites are William Combs of the MSUI read with great difficulty a i entitled to vote. faeulty to speak. Poik Loin ROASTS ★ In t h e F r a n d o r C e n te r ★ S . C e d a r a t J e lly R d . Full 7-Rib Portion TO P FR O S T Tnndnrloin • Brussel Sprouts End Portion • Cauliflower O Broccoli Spoors ‘ 39* • Cut Green Beans £ £ M I C H I G A N —- W ith C o u p o n U.S. No. 1 Florida Ruby Red S e e d le s s Sugar G r a p e f r u i t 1c O F F LAB EL SALE! ALL-WEATHER 8 39 Je ll P riest effettive thre Seterday, Oct. 2 1 . We reserve the right te limit germfhiet. RAINCOATS mwt Sava many dollars on on outstand­ W ith f S h o r t e n in g Coupon ing array of ploid, strip«, paisley, floral and solid cojor sun and Enrichid, All-Purpose shower coots. An all-inclusive tolot selection in chesterfields and flares... beautifullydetailed by DOUBLE GOLD BELL STAMPS our two finest makers. Every Wednesday Ju n io r Sizes 7 - 1 5 M isses Sizes 8 - i f S p o rtsw ea r as® EM 85 i •- f . t u W $S$¥Ë Ë æS •“ ' ••> ;•: J l B R I S l * fJ W P ^ I « Thursday Morning, October 19 , 1 9 6 1 Stale News, East ^L”, t'tnPTOmt m*: ? ‘Stardust Offered B o y , 2 , M issin g 2 4 H o u r s , S a fe G irlsA t In fo rm a tio n Dane« ' d e sse s for children HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. WV-A from kindergarten through high two-year-old boy, m isting for had lost ail of his clothing ex­ j^ x ■ i i I f "♦■ 1 cept one tennis able. His doc­ uawt ■tiititwauwiaiiitiiMiaiiiiimiaaMititaiaMiiB Alpha Zeta—Thursday, 7 p.m., 102 Ag. Hall. M aaageneK C M ~ T tarsday, B and school wIK again be offered by the Departm ent of Health, nearly 34 hours in the cold and Physical Education and Recre­ dangerous back country near ation. Classes will begin F ri­ bare, rested easily h) a hospi­ tor s a i d he was “ pr etty scratched up” and “a d d a s a f*og.” But within hours, the blood. 7:30 p. 0 ^ , 34-35 Urion. “ Stardust” will be the fea­ Other numbers to be includ­ “Night Train,.” The hand w|B day, Oct. ® . Time periods ta l Tuesday, apparently none Mue-eyed husky child was rest­ P a Ok Management C l a b — ed hi the show are: “ It’s AH have been scheduled for 4-4:45 the worse off for his ordeal. ing easily. After a hardy m eal , ture concert number to be per­ also play "M uskrat Ram ble,” Thursday, 7 p.m., Forestry Right With Me,” “ Another and 5-5:45. - ' • • An arm y private, one of hun­ be dropped off to d e e p and bis Breach 146-Year-Old formed by Abe marching band “Notre Dame Victory M arch” Cabin, Informal Open House, during Saturday’t \ half-time Opening—Another Show,” “ Bo­ Children who pifcn to partici­ dreds of persons who combed body teinperature returned to Ruling-Riot Ensues refreshments. a*d finish with the MSU fight pate m ay register a t the begin­ the woods and underbrush in normal. Dr. J a n u s Dade said. show. ___ gin the Beguine,” “ Lullaby o f ’ ■ - Lutheran Student Assa.—Sen­ Each week the band plans to Broadway,” mid “ How High song and alm a m ater. ning of the selected tim e per­ seach fit the boy, found him ior Chqir, Thursday, 7:30 th e Moon.” The 130 marching members iod or m ay call the Women's laying face down in a patch of Somd people have a real faD CAMBRIDGE, England « end its half-time show by fea­ sometimes when they jum p to University Lutheran turing in concert arrmaqtyment ' The pre-game show will fea­ win move through the songs Intram ural Building. The clas­ mud early this morning, be A 146-year-oHl rule that only conclusions.—'The Sparta Isb- men can attend the debating“Lotkeraa* Student Assn. — Stu­ an outstanding musical num­ ture the trombone section fn with their “concept of patterns ses a re open to both boys and said. the Glenn Miller version of in motion.” girls. D ie hoy, Dm othy Adams, imaelite. sessions of the Cambridge Uni­ dent Study Group, Thursday, ber. versity union has been breach­ 4 p.m., University Lutheran ed^ ' % Church. With considerable finesse, Spartan Christian Fellowship— thfèe giri students forced their Thursday, 7 aqd 8:15 p.m.. way into the crowded debating Bethel Manor, 80k E. Grand hall Tuesday night. Ib e ir pres­ River. ence created more action than Canadian C l u b Meeting — any debate in recent history. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., 36 Un­ AFTER AN angry uproar, ion, everybody welcome. one of the girls, Jean Boulind, Pre-Vet Chib — Thursday, 7:30 19. either fainted, or was knock­ p.m., 146 Giltner Hall. ed unconscious. Either way, Martin Luther Chapel—Thurs- she was loaded into an ambu­!l l "day, 7:30, Lutheran Lectures. lance and hurried to the hos: G o m an Club—Thursday, 7:30 pital. At Addenbrooke hospital, p.m., Union Lounge., her condition Wednesday was Theta Sigma P h i— Thursday, said to be “comfortable.” No 7:30~ p.m., Journalism Li­ broken bones were discovered. brary. liÉ S  ÎÉ The two other girls, Jenny Daiches. 20, and Elizabeth Gunn, 19, were hustled out of the hall. . _ , C o n c e rt O n The question before the^ de­ bating society was: “THIS HOUSE has no con­ A ir S u n d a y fidence in her m ajesty’s gov­ A “ live” rem ote broadcast ernm ent.” Among the invited by the Boston Pops Symphony guests were Peter Thorney- Orchestra will be heard on croft, aviation minister in Brit­ WKAR-FM, Saturday a t 8.-30 ain’s present conservative gov­ p.m ., according to L arry T. ernm ent, and Richard Cross­ F rym ire, station general mam man, prominent labor member ager. _ of thé house of commons. The concert, which will be In the midst of proceedings, broadcast direct from Hill P eter Hancock, the union’s Auditorium in Ann Arbor, will president, held up his hand consist of Hanson’s “Elegy for and declared: Serge Koussevitzky;” the Saint- “THERE ARE strangers Saëns “ Cello Concerto,” fea­ present.” _ turing Samuel Mayes’ cello, B.S. Augenbraun, the union’s and Brahm ’s Symphony No. 1. secretary shouted to the girls: "You are trespassing on pri­ vate- property and subject- to Can ’ou Canoe? sanction.” th e girls—whose backers DU’s Can, Do! said they were protesting “the niggling, absurd and out-of-date Cars, buses, bikes are all rule’’—sat tight. At that mo­ popular m eans of transporta­ ment, someone opened a door tion on campus, but Larry An­ and about 1 0 0 'undergraduates« derson, Grosse Ille junior, has who had not been able to enter, added anotberr-a canoe! -jam m ed inside the hall. Larry and his Delta Upsilon Thomeycroft and Crossman fraternity brothers paddle to were escorted to an anteroom and, from class down the Red and bedlam broke looje. Cedar River. The canoe also carries them to football games. THE fjlR lit were undergrad­ And it’s a great way to spend uates of the university’s new­ a date. est women’s college, New Hall. Die canoe is kept at the fra­ They had a highly articulate ternity house when not in use group of male supporters, meim (which is seldom ).'- hers of what is known as the Cambridge union suffrage movement. — Y our Bow ling Supply Augenbraun, who figured in C enter the incident, is a 22 -year-old second year history student 40% O ff from New York. He is a for­ m er president of the Columbia University Debating Society. on some After the girls had gone, the debate on the motion went on B ags, Shoes and it was defeated, 484 votes to 405.1 and ’S h irts Door Direction Refrigerators are designed with doors opening to the right L A R R Y C U S H IO N or to the left. Home economists a t Michigan State University S P O R T IN G R O O D S suggest the homemaker choose 1020 Vine Street a refrigerator so that food can across from Frandor be taken from it and placed on 1 block North of the counter without-reaching Michigan Ave. - W. of Sears around the open door. Academic Publishing Co. presents for C o lo r M a tc h e d , S ty le d - R ig h t S h ir ts , S w e a te rs , S la c k s , J a c k e ts , V e s ts M SU a n d S o c k s T h a t L o o k G r e a t f o r C a m p u s W e a r o r L e is u r e H o u r s . W e a r A n y o f T h e m , in A n y C o m b in a tio n a n d Y o u L o o k P e r f e c t A. Foplin Jackets — E. B e llie s» S la c k s I. Ivy Styled Sport Shirt» LHopaaek Trim Shirts 0 Knit Sweater Shirt* CAMPUS SUMMARIES AH cotton, water repellent. Oyster and Olive colors with .Foulard p rin t under collar and V m K n wear cotton sateeh. Foulard print inner waistband. Beige, antelope, olive, black. All cotton. Foulard print in olive, taupe colors, ft ash and w ear. Banded_ co llaf, tails. All-cotton. (Contrasting cordu­ roy V-Bib. Beige, olive with antelope, olive trim .-. Small, All Orion* acrylic. Stripe front, solid color sleeves. Beige, olive, lo n g sleeves. Small, medium.- inside jacket. AH sizes...7 9 5 Waist sixes 28-33.......... ^,93 Small, medium, large ^93 medium, large sizes 39P large, extra large sises.. . .^ 9 5 For All First-Term Basics B. V-Neck Sweaters F. Ivy Style Slacks J. Villager Trim Shirt» M K n it Sweater Shirts P- Reversible Vest* Lamb’s wool, mohair, nylon. Cotton corduroy.. Antelope, All cotton. Washable. Pullover Short sleeves. Orlou* aery lie. Wool front, cotton Foulard T h ese s tu d y guides have been prepared to enable Olive, Beige, W hite w ith con­ _ olive, -black colors with Fou­ style. Solid color. Foulard trim. Pul lover--style. Beige, white, p rin t on reverse side. R e d / trasting stripes. Washable. Reg­ lard prin t belt. Precuffed. Beige, olive, black. Small, medi­ black, olive. Small, medium, olive, blaek/olive/beige/tanpe. Ah« s tu d e n t to o b tain th e m axim um u n d erstan d in g ular, extra large sizes., . .^ 9 5 Waist rises 2 8 - 3 8 . . . . . . . . C95 um, large sizes.. . . . . . . . • *-£98 large, extra large sixes.. Regular,-extra large sizes. ^ 9 3 o f th e m a te ria ls pr esen ted in th e basic courses ■C. Crew Neek Sweaters G. L a m in a te K n i t J a c k e ts K. Continental Trim Shirts N. B r a id T r i m K n i t S h irt» Q Colorful C re w Sox w ith a m inim um am o u n t o f w asted e ffo rt. T hey Ia m b ’s wool and Orion* acryl­ All nylon shell, rayon quilt All cotton. Tailored rollar with Orion* acrylic and wool jersey. Orion acrylic, stretch nylon. h a v e been designed specifically fo r .s tu d e n ts a i ic. Jacquard pattern, m ulti­ lining. Action sleeves. Wash­ Foulard print trim. Set-in welt - lo n g sleeves. Beige, black and One size fits sizes 10-13. Striped color combinations. Washable. able. Olive, oyster. Regular, pockets. B eige, olive colors. olive. Pullover. Small, medium, top. Tan, blade, olive andw nrte M SU, an d «ned p roperty will be o L g r e a t b e n e fit. Regular, extra large sixes. Q 95 and extra large sises.. . 1 A 9 5 Small, medium, larg e .'.. • T 98 large, extra large sizes. . . . ^ 9 8 w ith contrasting strip es.. O g e In q u ire _ D.Coat Neck Sweaters H. Cordnroy Jackets •DoPaotRss.TAL Lamb's weed, m ohair, dylon. - A ll cotton. Foulard prin t rayorn Ib a » Man. R Waan ta I R. M. Downstairs In H ie Inkpot Six button cardigan. Olive, quilted lining. Jum bo zipper Satisfaction guaran leed ( M o n d a y - F r id a y E2 to 5} Beige, Black. Wcs'iable. Regu­ lar, extra large -sues.. , . . CJ93 closure. Tan, black, olive. Reg­ ular, extra large sizes.. .1 1 9 5 or your money b a c k Frteas D* Wat InsM a Statt m m Taz SEARS Titea., W nk. » a ir 's A.M. t . » d a r . « , T h a n ., m • A.M. ta t P.M. 307 E a s t G rand R iver ®S3g i f c p P lp lp l (p M i ima BM BSBW ÏSFÎ il Is fl M tsßk â'-'“- '■■■” 'B 1 lls lì 1 1 Sÿ i v iiiii Pö k:;., if « 5m ^ I Mieygan State New», East Üg » i aifdtKNTKHTAIJÎMKPIT J r t« -* " P S P fö * D r . W e is in g e r Koestier’s Trial’ I s E d it o r • üd O f Jo u rn a l Satirical, By SHEILA S1MROD Guido to Political Neuroses,** D r. Herbert Weisinger, pro­ fessor of English and chair­ State News Staff Writer in which be equates politics Between the covers of a pur­ with thé psychopdthology of man of the Comparative Liter­ plish-red hardbound book en­ sex, a treatm ent of sail politics ature program, has contributed that is lucid and altogether un­ heavily to Hie 'field of litera­ titled, “The Trail of the Dino­ saur,” are the satirical and believable. ture. trenchant writings of the man Koestier’s essays ore not the Dr. Weisinger was bora inj who wrote “ Darkness at Noon,” kind that are symptomatic of Brooklyn and attended Brook-1 “ The Gladiators.” and the auto­ the angry young man, they are biographical works such as the mature " and philosophic lyn College, received his A.B. j writings of a mao. who has lived “ Scum of the E arth” and “ Dia- in 19%. He has been a m em ­ louge with Death.” This man through and studied empirical­ ber of the Institute for Ad­ is Arthus Koestler and his ly* the things he writes. vanced Study h r Princeton, theme in “ The T r a ill is the Recently joining the Ubrary Senior Research F elknt of the ~ -survival of free man. fiction department in another Wárburg Institute of the Uni­ The essays contained in “The purplish cover, but this time in­ versity of London, and a How­ Trail” range from “The Seven stead of red colorings, orange a rd Foundation Fellow; be Flirts”—a devastating expose' coloring. This however, is not joined the University Faculty of pseudo-intellectual' leftist the only difference between in 1912. shortly .'after getting dilettantes, to articles on Wit- thèse two works, The purplish- his doctorate from the Univer­ taker Chambers and George orange labor of love is Jack sity of Michigan^ Orwell. .P erhaps Koestier’s Kerouac’s “The Town and the , Weisinger is editor of the most biting and satirical essay City” his 1950 work that earn- “ Centennial Review?’ a jour­ in this collection is his “ A See BOOK REVIEW page 11 nal pubUshed by the College of Science- and Arts. The “ Re­ view,” however, is not limited to either the college or the uni­ versity. It is composed of con­ tributors and subscribers from all over the world. It is, in WEAR OUR short, “ a meeting ground for the liberal arts as a whole.” Weisinger has published pa­ ■¿mm pers in scholarly journals on such subjects as the history of the idea of the Renaissance, Shakespeare, and the myth and ritual approach to literature. A NEW BOSS LANSING—Following the m arriage of Jan He is co-editor of three text­ books, the most recent entitled “ The Laureate F raternity," an introduction to literature in Brougham, Gretehea Kaschwa was «elected Miss Lansing. Miss Brougham had won the title last spring, but her m arriage made it impassible to reign in her proper place. FRIENDSHIP RING general, co-edited by Dr. Jaffe. Miss Knschwa was the rnaner-ap in the earlier contest In 1954, he published a work entitled “Tragedy and the P a r­ adox of the Fortunate F all” which dealt with the origins of Pick New Miss Lansing tragedy from a religious and mythological viewpoint. A new Miss rinsing has been ■Mayor of Lansing at a Mili- S p a r ta n B o o k S to r e At present, Weisinger is crowned tary bail to be given in the writing a book on Shakespeare Miss Gretchen Ann Knschwa. spring.' WE SEWED THE SACKS, WE BROKE THE STONES—Michael Macliammore while teaching Renaissance a sophomore, has taken over She will make personal ap­ reads from (he “ Ballad of Reading Goal” . MacHammore will appear in the Audi­ and Shakespeare courses. He official duties following the pearances here and throughout Corner Ann & MAC - East Lansing torium Friday night in the one man show, “ The Importance i f Being Oscar” . lectures a t universities and m arriage of Ja n Brougham, the state as representative of scholarly organizations, and, form er title holder the city of Lansing. This show is a presentation of the Lecture-Concert series. Tickets may be obtained in his own words “ writes a In the judging' last spring. a t the ^door or used from the series’ season tickets. series of incomprehensible a r­ Gretchen was chosen as first 1 ticles” on the scholarly and runner-up when she im pressed, story. Important in dram atic critical arts in various jour- the judges with her poise.; Movie Review terms is that director Rouleau nais. has infused an appalling sense! Weissinger is m arried, and „ beauty and talent. She demonstrated her talent HOLDEN $ fiEID Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ pf truth into the grotesque hap- His family consists of two by writing and ¡performing a poodles and an Austin-Healey. satire monologue. Gretchen is, . , r , He refers to his hobby as “talk- a theatre m ajor, and a m em ber [ Montand plays the simple ¡ ¡jg » g e has traveled through- of Alpha XI Delta sorority, j STORE WIDE - 6th ANNIVERSARY SALE Shown-Here Monday Puritan farm er who yields to ¡out Europe and Mexico. On As p art of h e r duties spon­ the temptation of the girlishly Icampus^ he has employed cue sored by the Junior Chamber Now In Progress beautiful Mylene Demongeot. I H** newes* teaching tech- of Commerce, Gretchen will “The Crucible” written by Salem, Mass., in the y e ar. . . . . . . niques: that of teaching Shake­ preside over Michigan Week, Arthur Miller_ on the Salem 1692, is vividly recreated under | s^ o r e t! all ¡¡Sts of guilt ¿ rf speare on-televiskm. „ witch hunts is to be shown, in the direction of Raymond^ Reu-1 regrets invade hinv. and will be crowned by Hie; — Men’s Suits Sc Topcoats the University Auditorium Mon- leau. The story, based on fact, I As q means of striking re­ ~ ' 1 & 2 P a n ts day, Oct. 23, at 7:30 p.m. tells of a strange plague th a t>venge at Montand, th e 're- 360.00 to 75.00 V alues Formerly “The Witches of | visited that colonial conimun- buffed Mis? D e m o n g e o t , j Salem,” this striking drama ity. stars Simone Signoret and — ■ ¡through an_elaborate t scheme, j As though gripped by fever, | has he and his wife' accused I t ’s Oade's f o r NOW $49.95, 54.95 to 59.90 Yves Montand. j young girls stiffen, scream and i as witches. And presently the j OTHERS $80.00 to 155.00 AFTER ti» G AM E The story builds to „an over­ hurl themselves to the floor in | machinery of stupidity and re -! powered impact which comes a frenzy and proclaim them-1 tribution goes into gear, NOW $69.95, 89.95 to 129.95 to these shores. Miller’s play selves bewitched.^ . j The final rising of the people was adapted for the screen by The accusedmust confess or against their oppressors who I Jean-Paut Sartre. _ swift and stern punishment is work under the cloak of right-! Men’ Sport Coats The film ranks high among meted out. Naturally those j eousness is -a—motion picture $32.50 to 50.00 Values the imports and is one that will who care to may see a con- sequence of rare and unforget- have a drawing power. temporary application to the (table power. . NOW $24.95, 32.45 to 42.45 O th e rs 355.00 t o 390.00 ■—. ' • NOW $45.00 to 69.95 O u r P r ic e s P a r ty -T r e a ts Men’s Quality Slacks 313.95 to 22.95 , NOW $11.99, 14.99 to 19.99 Go D ow n O th e rs 329.50 to 39.50 NOW $24.99 to 34.99 •Regulars «Shorts R egulars -^S horts - Longs •Longs Famous make sw eaters priced at Don’t let th e final w histle of Sizes 28 to 54 •E xtra Longs •Stouts th e gam e end y o u r week-end W orsteds - Flannels - G abardines - M ixtures Sixes 34 to 54 high savings FUN! Men’s Jack ets & Car Coats Cardigan» and Pullovers " Oade’s h a s a fine selection of ju s t rig h t f o r p a rtie s Plain & Hooded Orion - #5.39 $20.00 to 55.00 V alues ■-— • Cold C a ts • B reads and B uns 9 plus m any m ore ~ Wool — $5.39 NOW $14.99, 19,99 to 44.95 p a rty tre a ts . - Fur Blend — $6.95 Oade’s also c a rrie s a com plete stock of beverages Men’s Furnishings & Spòrtswear Fall Transitional Coordinates 37.95 to 14.95 Sw eater» $5.99. 7.99 to 12.99 to re fre sh th e t h ir s t o f th e m ast avid sta d iu m fan . 2 0 % off regular, price 5.00 to 5.95 S p o rt S hirt» N 3 4 9 . 4.99 ; 5.00 to 12.95 K nit S h irts a 3.99, 4 4 9 to 9.99 •1 .5 9 . (2 fo r 3.00) Winter Coats; 25% off Come In and See Mitel»’» Predictions 2.50 Neck Tie» w 3.99 t p I9J99 5.00 to 25.00 Pajamas regular price of ___ $35.00 . $135.00 MSU ? NOTRE DAME ? Season’s Record Plus many other items % - Boy Coats — *• Predict Actual _ Fur Trim MSU vs Wise. 21-7 20-6 Dress Coats MSU vs Stanford 34-6 31-3 MSU vs U of M 28-7 284 s “Around The 30 - 60 - 90 Bend From W anda H an cock ■M OT ' - University Village” FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER “Famous Brand» for Dad 4k l>ad!” •. »■ Diy C harge Attiranti 226 ABBOTT rV 9-8540 2909 E. K afamaron STORE HOURS: » AM to 9 PM EVERY’B A Y .» SATURDAY TILL 6 PM 1 1 ¡¡§ ¡¡1 •ÊÆââSsii:., ä ÜÉ iSIS§è CENTRAL MICHIGAN'S SPORTS CAR CENTER AUSTIN HEALY TRIUMPH M CA r A/H SPRITE 1227 E. GRAND R frE R AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR SALES AND SERVICE OPEN EVERY DAY SsOO P.M. TIRES — ACCESSORIES — PARTS DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. 8 :3 0 P.M . • 1:3 0 A.M. SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. - 1 :3 0 A.M PA U L INC * 4 7 ED 2-6617 JUST WEST OF U A IS BETWEEN LANSING AND E. LANSING IV 44148 We r w tr w the right to limit quantities no dealer talas, please. with DISCOUNT PRICES and TOP VALUE STAMPS, too! FRESH WHOLE SWfFTS PREMIUM Swift's Premium Shoulder Cut Lamb Roast *49/ Swift's Premium Made Cut Lamb Chops 59/ WARM >4 SERVE DINNER PURE MICHIGAN R o lls BEET SUGAR jl SUGAR KROGER BUTTERMILK SPOTLIGHT INSTANT fwtii a $5 00 or mora purchase and coupon below) P1ULS8URY or GOLD MEDAL FRUIT PIES Swift's al-purpose Shortening SW IFTN IN G P&bury Frosting or SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY OFFER POR COiUNM MIN A gJJy L e a rn the P leasures L - . £} o f F a i e T o h a o o o ...^ M J ft|W *e Odgtml iatre-Mfld Gold Modal or PiHsbury CswweMlalhe U. S. NO. 1 WASHED V A L U A ti LE C O U P O N will e $5.00 or mere purchase ead this coupon m your Western Midi Kroger store thru Saturday, October 21, 194t LIMIT: one «epee per custoemr. While or Ruby Red Michigan Jonathan V AL U A O L E GRAPEFRUIT 4 <»3 9 / APPLES I 25 with EXTRA TV STAMPS this coupon and the purchase of one PWmt I| Freshlike Whole Kamel or Creem Style CORN 4 cans I 4 i/ .lb. ‘BUTTER DISH I Coupon good in your Westons Mkh. Kroger store thru Sat., Oct. | Freshtike French Style 0» Cut Green ^ # _ .’Pi 2h W41 UMtTi one coupon gee customer. • CARROTS BEANS 4°«“ Only one e tte r per peraen. N et *ood a fte r Dea. S i. t e s i ■ M M i l S fili C a m p u s C lassified * Y our K ey to B e t t e V a l u e $ Te a m s in D e fe n s e C om plete O ptical S ervice FRANDOR U N M erk I f j 1 , iu y I A n 1 Itym M t -Æ \ ■ 7 * Plen Offices of: Drs; J. Christie end H. lech' PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 45*17 E A S T L A N S I N G ' PHONE ED. Î - 28I4 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 7 P.M . — ADULTS Me L A W B R EN C E H A R V E Y IN T H E LONG A N D T H E SH ORT AND T H E TALL” (available only w ith coupon) “ T bl* J a i n a H f p lrta rr l> a fine klfaC n f la a rk la a alM pli. H i-Fi ^U o^ r l i ; and rare artlatry. d«wl- Dave Brubeck’s ( re g u la r $3.98) aated k , «be »Irtumw aerfora.- aa«*e of .Taaklra M lfaae la tbe IHIe rale A rra rrk la a portray­ al akuna Iat«-rcs4laff. b rlirv- ablr rb a ra e trr t f i f l a p a r a t . aa tb r dlaaaaad-la-tbr-raaab S tereo y v iw rlrkabaw aaaa tanaa f r o m a career o f k r a a l l a t Bad drunk. HERM JOHNSON (re g u la r $4.98) raaeaa to onr nf aeltteaa dc- rotlon ta a ratbrrlrda bar-” A N EBICA Jf J E W IS H '- t— ^ start produced a 27-8 victory coeM irrE B j CHICAGO W — Ohio State's | over Indiana. The Hawkeyes Pro*r»m Info. IV MNS N4-0 mauling of Illinois Sat. es- gained 330 yards, 195 by rush- tablished the Buckeyes as the ing and 135 by passing against (Continued from page 9) stoning P w M IC H IG A N Big Ten’s top team both on of- the Hoosiers. fense aod defense. Minnesota, opening with a Jan. 22, Minnesota hom e; Jan. j M C y TOSHIRO MIFUMK , . delicate, gentle, 27, Northwestern home. lowest record prices in Michigan — llm fr r g ttto U * S im » I " K n b tm r m " moving, ham ereas. It is In thatjone conference game 10-3 conquest of Northwestern, Feb. 3, Purdue away; Feb. 1» Tobotcopr m i tbr most thus far played by Ohio State,, 1s runnerup defensively with a 10, Wisconsin aw ay; Feb. 17, C om pare, prices a n d sav e _ Magnificent Color Photography understandable th at it T oday and F rid a y ! won the GeMea Lien ef the Bucks am assed 42? yards total yield o f 197 yards, 141 by Ohio State home; Feb. 19. Iowa tvtr to rtach the irr(to! “ Splendor In [ (30U rushing and 123 passing) rushing and 56 by passing, St. Mark aw ard.” _ away; Feb. 24, Indiana home; 2 0 7 M .Ä.C. —M im r-N ew s the Grass” while holding the lllini to 180 Feb. 28, Northwestern away. yards (129 rushing and 51 pass­ M arch 3, Minnesota away. i n n n i n n i i i i m n n n n n n n starring , Natalie Wood ing)- ■“ ' , Official league statistics Wed­ IM S c h e d u le nesday showed Michigan State, T b a n J a r , Or«, to , Toarb F a atb all Warren Beatty now- ranking favorite in the (P ractlra P lrU I Feature at 1:45, 4:20 Hitle chaser after conference I l N r .K . Ph| . A.K.P. triumphs over Wisconsin and Kti* T tK D .t. - Paraihaaaa 6:55, 9:30 p.m. n.n. n i - Z.B.T. Michigan, as the big ten’s AiM S. Na. - T . Cbl H m i s t h e T ra in in g S c h e d u le BrM S. Cbl - N.T. PI third best team offensively and i f a w k P trlS l fifth best defensively. starts F R ID A Y «HO T rla. • O. Chi T i» S .A .*. - Phi Urtt The Spartans’ two-game ave­ N il* A.A. P bl - Pbl bl«. K. f o r E le c tric C a d e t E n g in e e rs SUPER rage of 312.5 yards includes 280 IbiAft U C.A. . P bl Chi a, l N A.T.O. - K . M s by rushing but only 52.5’*by 4J r a laoa F ir Id I passings l i N P bl Pal - Pbl K . S is BARGAIN TlM D.T.D. - A.G.It. No. 2 team offensively Is Ail« Phi T a a - Pbl V ~ DAY! Iowa whose lone conference Atan AIS. B f - A .K. Pal Bt44l A ra, 1-4 SEE THESE TWO HITS . ... LAST 2 DAYS Feature T R A IN IN G SCHKHH J Testing UhcrnhMT ALL DAY PREVUE! 05c TO 5:30 G LADM ER Today At 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 Dndric fiemndN »epnrtM 7:21 - 9:30 Performance Department IT PROBES Boiler Operation , >MM. THE STRANGER,.r Bailer Maintenance Eiectrical Operation I THE PICK-UP... - Electrical Maintenance ♦. Turbine Operation......... I THE SAVAGE REALITIES Mechanical Maintenance Yard .................... I OF UFE AND LOVE! Office and Storaraaa*... inspection of Ccnpw yC Ifmd by PhUk Service EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! — — TOMORROW (FRIDAY) ÀT9P.M . •Ctdcaod 6» Company • SPECIAL PREVUE • ... 3rdm revenues O F A N IM PO R T A N T N E W PR O D U C TIO N among investor-owned Come a t anytime from 7 to f aadT see both the Special Prevue and “The Trapp Fam ily a t a a electric andgas utilities E x tra Cost! “ Trapp Fam ily a t 1 • J . I , 7 . 1 1 »iJTrEpkEa mmA asm DmmmfAate# . starting S A T U R D A Y !, S e e o u r r e p r e s e n ta ti v e General Office Lectures (botii dupwhmnh) 1 th e e w s t fia b e fic a i c la s s ic e f a fi t e l Cemmrtial Operatiees Departmat w h e n h e visits y o u r c o lle g e o n Commercial Operations Departmerri Cmril 0.0. t Customers Service Department, Sake Engineer — Industrial and Commercial— Architect JA N U A R Y 16 Builder and Dealer-Heating * d A* Cond^ ttoning Representatives.................... Z Electric Eaghmriag I npartmnt - Mechanical Engineering Dillfioa.... J EiectiicS Engineering OMskn.««*. J t e l e 1 — la » t e a l 2 1 3 2 * « 0 M « o c a , N ow w k 1 , N ew i f ~ y , Structural Engineering Dwisioa . Z Constructiva Dháaioa 2 ROBERT ROSSEN «NO CARROLt icEXl HOSSEN Qb*'•atXO&L F riday a t $ : « , m ■■■'■'&r man. the debate. StedMt foreign for each group;art irfcpilnlMl. languages Bast la arirtZtoa to fito stationary SHOP WITH ME IN MMtiEITRCMiV&ft60,W High Scboei wUr aooa have a laMuagt laboratory to help booths, fte Jchool has already purchased two portable record­ ( T S B * S lM r W ß H E .. make toeir rtosssmrk a little ing booths. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS easier. H e project was made possi­ ble because of the addition of THESE HAVE been placed la a separate glassed-ia room PHONE SSS-825S o r 355-8256 to he used by students who a new school ¿ring this sum­ need extra practice to Conver­ DEADLINE 1:0 0 PJW. mer, which left one of the old­ sation or grtunroar. er classrooms free. The sdBMi also have five IT FULL be equipped with 30 rooms now being used for in­ stationary recording booths struction in French, Spanish, A U T O M O T IV E F O R RENT and a teacher’s m onitof table: mid Latin. But the lad) Is view­ PERSO NAL Student* win be able to lis­ m i A JJS T m HKA.LEY. W ire APARTMENTS * ed by teachers a s a valuable v h M•la, b , vw i ti r t r h « , m w p o i a t, Tory o C A L ^ P ^ W g W 1" featuring DO MDÜ THIMCTWAT ten to recordings of the native aid for testing or practice. rlo an•T . MMijÿ M t M il. 317-0514. IT -r v m m M B a P à r t m e ì ìt * B am houehay Steel B and. Oct. 27. u n io n B allroom , , 8 .75 a n d # 1 . 25 . tiO ST im aA H SteE lW voice, and repeat it or answer r e a m a b » th -U tilitie s. 8100 a m onth. 8-12. C asual. C arfhbean C leh. 1« questions on the tapes. The “ IT FACILITATES the stu­ Midnight Weekdays - if f* n m c * ^ « P ^ l» L S-tfe«r, 406 O w t e St. S ide e n tra n c e . M ar- T & f w m nAL,so«3S3re? dents’ comprehension of the Open Till h a rd to p . Good condition. N m 4 H id only. A pply 604 D ivision. ED CUSTOM T A ILO R ED SHIRTS. teacher can tune in on any 1 PJL Week Ends m oney! C a ll Tom a t IV 7-S ltS a l ­ 2-6488. V It T abs, b u tto n d o w n s end oxfords. booth to help students correct language and to an excellent te r S p.m. IS M easu rem en ts to U Inch. Special- way for them to correct their m o C H EV RO LET Im p a li. Con­ ROOMS » r a g in ta p e re d a h lr ta Tom pronunciation or to ask ques­ vocabulary,” Mrs. Carson C. 1 block East of Campos v e rtib le . B lic k w ith w h tto to p , T B V I T l R W M 'a n j b earti fo r K rau se. B P 7-270» o r E D 7-172H-19 tions. s ta n d a rd e h tft. e x cellen t condition. g e n tle m e n . -E x o e lla a t food. Call Textbook lessons which have Hamilton, a French'teacher at TU 3-0986 a f t e r 6 p.m. It TV 6-0804. 1 W A NTED —2 chick*. W h ere a re the school, said. t h * ' * c h ic k s ★ ho w ill d ie A rt been taped by the author, and 19«0 CONSUL. 4 door. E x cellen t UNA PPRO VED 8 room cabin a t B lsk ey , F rid a y n ig h t a t th e M inor drills prepared by three lan­ This project has been con­ co n d itio n . V ery low m ileage. NA 7- T ak e L a n atn a f o r I o r 2 m ale etn - K ey w ith J.C. and K en. E D 2-80131 sidered almost since the school 553S. 19 dente. C om plete h o u eekeeplria I t - 16 guage teachers during the sum­ cIllH es w ith u tilitie s paid. ¿14 was opened in 1955, because of w eekly. KD 2-8922. 1-s m er will be used for the class­ R EA L ESTATE T . G . I. F. 1959 FIA T , 1200. 4 door, new the growing interest in Ian ! tire s . V ery clean. M akes fin e s e c ­ es. guages expressed by high i NOTAI ALU! ond e a r. $700. ED 7-0110. 17 L O S T a n d -F O U N D LANSING’S F IN E S T Bout held* COMPLETION OF the lab schools and colleges through- j . 1900 FIA T . B ianchina- 40-60 sub-rtivlslon. 10 m in u te s from M8U was' pvtHnised tor Nov- 1. The out the country. m o a. E x c e lle n t co n d itio n . E D '! - W I L U + tlE P E R f ï S ^ ^ ^ ^ S 1 y e a r old, 3 bedroom , b rick ranch. 1852. _ 17 th e FTanrllton w atch p lease c o n ­ C e n te r h all e n tra n c e w ith c a rp e t, booths are e sp ed e d to arrive It is being financed by the j this week, and wUl be put into FOR ALL PHEASANT gl t a c t Bob. R ew ard. $55-9095. 16 ed liv in g room In re a r. 119 bath* 1952 MO TD. Silver. Body, e n ­ w ith ceram ic tile a n d 'c o lo re d fix ­ E ast Lansing j>oard of educa­ gl«* ex cellen t. S h arp eet in tow n. BLACK EBONY C am eo broach tu re s. B u llt-ln a an d e a tin g a re a In use as soon as they are in­ tion and the National Defense M any e x tra « . E D 2-5176 a f t e r 8 L e a th e r backed. L o st in a r e a ol la rg e k itc h en , r u l l b is e m e n t. $18.- p.m. 18 L ib rary . F a m ily piece. D esire r e ­ tu rn fo r se n tim e n ta l reaso n s. Call 000. C all o w n er, TU 2-073S. 11 stalled. E ach of the - 8 classes that Education Act. HUNTERS! . PLYMOUTH. 1958. R a n d N. n a to - IV 6-4972 a f t e r 6 p.m. •m atto, ru a t free. E x c e lle n t m ech an ­ ically . M aks an o ffer. IV 4-8097. 80 . FOUND. P a ir o f g ir l’» gleese*. tf EAST LANSING, N ear. F o r e x ­ cep tio n al v alu e, Check th is. E x ­ p a n d a b le 2 bedroom ra n ch , llfc will use the lab ranges in size from 8 to 8 students: Two SEASON OPENS FR ID AY v ic in ity o f lib ra ry . B row n fram e* 1068 PLYMOUTH H ard to p , P o w e r w ith p e a a tta c h e d to oase. 855-5387. b ath s, fu ll b a sem en t, a tta c h e d g a r ­ ag e, #600 dow n on F H A term s. half-bour la b periods * week Language Clubs OCTOBER 26, 10:00 A M . s te e rin g a n d b ra k e e , rad io , h e a te r, 14 C an you q u alify fo r th la ? I f *o, jcood w h ite w a lla F.hurin# an d body call E va W abeke, E D 2-4111 o r Meet This Week In Mne ahape. E D 8-0489. 17 »d ig LOBT. Man’s n avy bln* woo! c a r­ ‘» »a nh ssw _ 1081 PONTIAC. 4 door, p a rtia lly B u ild in g a n d W. Shaw . 256-9216I. 1' •restored . E x cellen t ru n n in g non ■ditlon. C all OR 8-4488. w ewa tee rr., B 1» ’ FOUND. L adle* wr1*t w atch , n eetw iw ee eenn mi Music ED 2-6595, W a lte r N e lier Co., R e a l­ to rs. . HOME and INCOME. B rick ra n c h houae, b u ilt In 1964. 4 b e d ro o m s. 2 u Book Review 500 Enroll To Plan Agendas _ G al Y our - 1955 RAM BLER. 4 door, radio, tify . 85g-7000. h e a te r, good tire s , new b attery , E D 7-1288 a f t e r 4 p.m. 19 n e a r Ag. B u ild in g . C all a n d Iden­ PERSO NAL l* b a th s , o r S bed ro o m s p lu s 2 room a p a rtm e n t. L a rg * lo t, tree*. Oke- mo* su b -d lvision. ED T-7476. EAST LANSING. «12 S toddard 16 (Continued from P age 8 ) ed him a perm anant place on In Night Clubs sponsored by the- for- ■eiga language departm ent are beginning th e n e w school - * H in tin g L ic e n s e 2 bedroom b u n g alo w . E x p andable the list of most talked about * S h o lg a n S h e lls - A ll G u a g e s 1957 TR IU M PH h ard to p . New _*lde cu rtain * , w ire w heels, ex c e l­ le n t co ndition. ¿1209 fo r q u ick Baez. SE.YRATIÔWXt fotW sin g e r , Jo a n a p p e a rin g A nn A rb o r H.S., « ale. 1444 L in d b erg h D rive, L an- F rid a y . O ctober 27, 8:80 p.m. T lck - u p sta irs. F u ll 2 c o m p a rtm e n t b a se ­ writers. Although there are m en t. 2 c a r g a ra g e . 2 lo t a E D 7- those staunch defenders of me­ 0314. ij Courses year’s activities with organiza­ tional meetings this week. The German Club under ad­ • Hulling Bools onl Jackals ■eing. ^ 17 e te a v a ila b le a t th * D isc Shop. tf 16"".i ’ij_: -dity;al thought who feel that Approximately 500 students visers Mrs. Doreen Leonhardts . F E E T H URT! C ollege m en can MIL D R E D LA B E L L E a n d NOAH S E R V IC E the Song, ‘‘Hit the Road; Ja ck ,” are enrolled in non-credit night • S h o tg u n s To R ant Xlrlve w ith In su ran ce From Bohol* S P E E R plea«* com e to th e S la te was written specifically for and Mrs. Ruth Kilchenmaim, - Top of Ja co b so n ’*. E D 2-8671. 16 New* office, R oom 847 S tu d en t RAZOR SPECIAL. G e t y o u r elec- courses a t the Kellogg and will m eet Thursday in 36 Union Service* BIdg. f o r tw o fre e p asses trlc ra z o r lin ed , c le a n e d , oiled, Kerouac, there are a sizable Kresge Centers this term . The a t7 :3 0 p.m. The program will * C o n s e rv a tio n D e p t. D a ta to th e C re st D riv e-In . tf a d ju ste d . 90c p lu s p a rts . AU m akes. num ber of staunch defenders EM P LO Y M EN T O fficial fa c to ry se rv ic e c e n te r. All of all thought who ‘‘put Ker­ sessions run from eight to ten feature folk dancing. T H E KINGSTON T RIO com ing o rk g u a ra n te e d . Van H ow e L a n - weeks, depending on the re­ The Russian Club held its W ednesday, N ovem ber 8, 8 p.m., sin g C om ppany, an y . 3007 V ine S tre e t, ouac on the rack,” and find at YOUNG MEN, p a r t tim e w o rk . C iv ic -C e n te r. T ic k e ts 83.607 $2.50, w est o f F ra n d o r. quired teaching tim e. first meeting Wednesday night.- W ill a rr a n g e h o u rs to f it schedule. 1« him to be a w riter of consider­ and 81.50. R e se rv a tio n * now b ein g Courses are offered in draw ­ 92 25 p e r ho u r. C all IV 2-5022. 17 ta k e n a t t h e D!»c sh o p . ' G IV E YOUR p r* -school g ir l the able talent, even though that Advisers are Mrs. Nina An- MALE C H A U F F E R w ith car. P a rt-tim e . C all R aym ond R o b er­ d aKENNY son, p ian o tu n e r. IVL7-3281. 23 A m DAVIS p la y s e v e ry S u n ­ y a t th * M eadow brook (fo rm e r erican L e g io n ), fro m 4-9 p.m h a p p y ex p a rle n c * o f su p erv ised play. H ours, 8-S, M onday th ro u g h talent m ay be largely undevel­ F rid a y . S e v e ra l o p e a in g a K D 2 - oped. , 0131. 20 ing and design, ceram ics, Eng­ lish a s , a second language. French, G erm an,'Spanish, and dretz, Peter Krochta, and Vlad- imirs Danilous-Milkovskis. The first meeting of the Spartan Sports & Hobbies A—GLAMOROUS en d lu c ra tiv e A dm ission 81.00. 17 rapid and efficient reading. French Club will be next 22 ANN ST R E E T EAST LANSING lob w hile g o in g to school a s co s­ sicFOR T H E F IN E S T In dan ce m u ­ TYPING. T erm p ap ere, th eses, m etic c o n su lta n t fo r Jo a n J e w e tt Ronit'sE nJ agclish k B rau n , Bobby Stevens, g en e ra l. F a s t, a c c u ra te service. Classes are open to all who are Thursday, 36 Union, a t 7 p.m. C osm etics. C all Miss B ohnat, TV 2- P hone th * B u d -M or A gency, IV 2- 4308, If you a re 21 y ear* o r older. 0824. ■ ~ ________ ,_____________ ; 17 - , ptu* m an y o th ers. t f FV 9-7983. ' K ENNY DAVIS p ls y s e v ery Sun­ day a t th e M eadow brook (fo rm er 24 Deadlock interested. Fees vary with each course. A m erican L e g io n ) fro m 4-9 p m . (continued from page 5> In addition to these regularly F O R S ALE A dm ission S1.00._ - 17 Stevenson said there 'w as still offered classes, Spartan Wives APPLKS: Red Deli^lbue, J o n a ­ thon». M cfntoah. N o rth e rn Hpya and C ortland». F resh ap p le etdejC- .Snuash. Pie and I-falloween p u m p ­ M .S.U . IN FAN T C A R E b y re g iste re d n u rse in S p a rta n V illage. N ear e n ­ tra n c e . C all E D 2-0662. FLY IN G SPARTANS. F ly a t disagreem ent over- both the can participate in a Swedish tim ing of the statem ent and gym section and the wives of the num ber of the advisers. faculty's organization. Faculty The two men did not set a Folk, a re offered a “ keep fit” EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! kin«. F arm fresh eg g s. Also o th e r fru it» and v eg eta b le s a t re a s o n ­ N.A.A.C.Pe ^ D av is A irp o rt. N. A b b o tt Rd. P h o n e E D 2-0224.— 21 date for a further meeting, but program in physical education. ab le prices. R oadhlde F arm Mark-- a U. S. source emphasized that j Dr. Clem Taylor of the con­ M a g n ific e n t H u m a n D r a m a o f a L o v e so S tr o n g • t. 2 m iles e a st of -E ast L anaing TY PIN G in S p a rta n V illage on HS 16 a t O kemoa Road. tf a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r this did not meaft the negotia- tinuing education departm ent C all 355-3012. tf i t S p a r k e d th e R e v o lt th a t S h o o k th e W o r ld ! TRO Pi CAT» KISH, planta, and General Busness tions had been broken off. He \ said that driver education and supplies. G ibson’s, 515 W»~ M iller T Y PIST ANN BROWN. E D 2- also emphasized that the Unit- ( traffic engineering courses R oad. TIJ 2-1481* 27 8384. E le c tric ty p e w rite r. T erm p a ­ p e rs a n d th s se s, a lso g e n e ra l ty p ­ ed States was willing to con­ were dropped because regis­ AQUA KNTT.lSCTT. B lack c h if­ ing. tf fon d ress. Both size 12. Excellent, Meeting sult any tim e with anybody, tration did not m eet minimum condition. R easonable. ED 7-TV».*, T H E SIS TY PIN G , p rin tin g . Ad­ the Soviet Union included. class size. a f te r 5 (r.m. 17 vice o n fo rm a n d s ty le a t no c h a rg e . E d itin g S ervice. W onch HAND K N IT S candinavian c a r ­ GrafTc S ervice, 1720 E . M ichigan d ig an sw eater. W h ite b ack g ro u n d . A vs. L an sin g . P h . 484-7786. tf P A C K A R D Medium size. IV 4-6707. 17 Thur., Oct. 19, 8 p.m. K K -M U IflU S Addresses at UN STUDENT DISCOUNT, s e lf w ash. METAL DESK. 60\'.la"Hici)»’» w ith I .75. L ub job, 11.00. S tu d e n t p a r k ­ 9 3 mi set* I s tssmasw file d ra w e r. U p rig h t piano. Good ing. $1.50. F re e q u a rt of n il w ith « BimwMim. All American students partici­ condition. KD 7-085'h 17 e v ery oil ch an g e. C o m p lete tu n e - » Ovts M S f u w t rse BABY C ARRI AGE, T h ay er, and Room 311 up. Open 24 hours. D av e's P u rs Oil. 1010 E. .G rand R iv er. tf • mss . S*««i « « " » pating in the American Brother YA I r s t n 8m . •Sister program of the AUSti f t ro ller, Taylor-Tot,. C all ED 7- urn 0* sui The General The Senator alóla »101, 16 E X P E R T T H E S E S a n d g e n e ra l S Camci Os C siiss, will find the perm anent ad­ deaired her... aren her...and need her ty p in g . E le c tric ty p e w rite r, E ig h ­ Csss. See* im i BROWN o v eretu ffed la rg e chair. teen y ear* ex p erien ce. O ne block dresses of their respective for­ mora than ha wanted tor e cunning Blond desk. Small w h ite fo rm a t ISMSfMO C**»••«**—C***8-3* w ith Jacket. 1 floor, 1 ta b le lam p. STUDENT SERVICES from B rody. E D 3-5545. tf eign students available in the Sa pono— Rome! m ongol KD 2-20 8.4. 17 TYPTNG. T hese*, te rm paper*. f o r app o in tm en t UN lounge of the Union Build­ g e n e ra h -E Ie e trlc ty p e w rite r. D ally REKU1GKRATOR. Fervei, 10.77. d eliv ery an d p ick -u p fro m Cani- caU E D 7-2709 ing. 9 foot, .70 pound freezin g c o m p a rt­ PU*. OL 5-2490. ?2 A campus UN meeting is one m ent. ld k e new. R easonable. Call o r E D 7-1721 a f te r 5 p.m., IV 2*5007. 17 BUILDING suggested activity for brothers T R A N S P O R T A T IO N and sitters. - - A5T]VIVKR8ARr SA LS N EW YORK - JE R S E Y fo r Cannar need her. T h a n k sg iv in g ! G roup c h a rte rin g in hie power drive 25% - 75% DISCOUNT b u s ro u n d tr ip to N.Y. P o rt A u­ to booomo ruler th o r ity T e rm in a l, W ed n esd ay, No­ ALL of Romo! Need we say m ore? v em b er 33 C o n ta c t A rt L lpton. IV 0-1315, b e tw e en 5-8 p.m. 30 SPECIAL! The Slaver aoU R ID E R S W A NTED to D othan, ker~. tar a handful W ILLIAM If. THOMPSON interested students A labam a—-L eaving O ctober 34, In STEREO & at gold and betrayed JR W B L K R I rnornlrjj£i^_JKTDj-^S-lJs®2 i_«_________lZ on Empirai are W ANTED MONUARAL FRANDOR MALL K LEC TttlÖ GUITAR ' f»W *r*7 IV 5-074» sax ap h o n e p la y e r to p la y In sm all invited com bo. E D 2-3565. A sk fo r ja y . 19 _ SW E E T C ID ER . No prep ejrratlv e added. A pples, p u m pkins, g o rd a .B lossom O rch ard s, A lfred W ard-, H IGH SCHOOL g irl w ould like' to b a b y sit d u rin g MSU hom e g am es. C all-A nn. ED 2-1360. 16 R EC O R D S Vi o f f o w sk t and Sons, L eslie, Mich, W IR E MONEY, MOTHER! Bub­ ARMY G R E E N UNIFORM. Any NATIONALLY ADV. PRICES tulles so u th of M ason on U.S. 12 a ls w ill Insure my car. ED 2-8671. size. M ust be In good co ndition. 17 Top o f Ja c o b so n 'q . . f4 ED 2-1903. 14 FOOT Yellow J a c k e t w ith M ark 55. M a s te rc ra ft tr a ile r, tw in ta n k s , u p h o lstered . 2 p a irs-o f sk tls Reg. 3.98, Reg. 4.98. 0 O S Reg. 5.98 3 98 KIRKDOUBLAS-UUP.ENCE6UYIEI-1EANSIMMONS and r o p a P e rfe c t co ndition. ED 2- 2939. CORNET. KONN. V ic to r A. M an’s IT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY A L L D ot R ecords! A L L M ercury R ecords! CHARLESU M •PETERUSTINOV•JOINGAVIN K a rra c u tà ra in c o a t, sise 44. ED 2- An Agency Representative will interview candidates for 0 P at Boone • Break Benton 4071. r 18 - • Billy Vaughn • Dinah Washington W KBCO S-ROY AL ta p e recorder. positions with our organization on the dates of November • Lawrence Welk • David Carrol E x cellen t co ndition. 8100. C all ED 2-1440, a sk fo r D an M elottl. 17 24th through the 27th on Campus. Please consult the VERY F IN E , o ld Ita lia n v tettn Placem ent Bureau, Student. Services BuHdiag for intor- P e rfe c t co ndition. R easo n ab le A L L V erve R ecords! ALL Atlantic Records! price. C all IV 8 -ttS E IS m sttou concerning these positions and for the purpose ef • Shelley Berman • Ray Charles V E R Y R A R E P E T from Mexico, • Jonathan W itters Coltrane a K Ink Jeu. E xcellan t playm ate, sckeduliig an appointment. ' love* attention, sell in Pet store* • EBa Fitzgerald • tondoni Jazz Quartet fo r 8450. W ill w ll f a r 8200. C all ED 7-9784, aak fo r Bob Haaeltop. IS ifGMCOur-SUKR TECHNIRAJM*70 -UXSB iy mwmskn BOY'S 34 Inch b lk * with basket. A L L V a n g u a rd R ecords! ALL Time Records? Good condition. #11.00. C all KD ?- 4379. IT LAST DAYS FOR 'SENIOR PICTURES • Joan Baez • TV fluent records for Starts t v . Id|wi*{lnn»iiua a i d s g a d e n C of fu r n ttu r e ,. o th e r Item s. Skun* an iiu iiee, som e J u n R a See a t . 8287 I » » l i t on Rd.. O kem oa— I960 VOLLEN 8 A X 1 speed ta p e .17 THURS. - FRI. » - 5 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY SAT. f - t t • U. ef M. Band EXTRA LP RECOkD SAVINGS! the Stereo emwoisneiir LUCON «Ait tM itm * * Miosu in . ¡ TODAY! *i rd e r w ith c a rr y in g case, foot rd al, m lc ro n h o n a 81815. C a ll a fte r ROOMS a - 8 UNION All Somerset p.m. 488-4*41. 17 Q Q e AH Stereo 13 FEATURE SHOWN U n til 5:30 p.m . 90c LAST CHANCE TO HAVE PICTURE . LP Records 0 7 Fidelity Records- X TRAIUAS for sale . 49 ftà W V lÆ $ M . I I " Î**t" by 8 IN 1962 WOLVERINE E vening & S unday $1.25 feet. Second bedroom modified w tth Smbday thru Thursday 1:00 - 4:40 -8:30 r cum m er and boeksnervex. Id eal NO COST OR OBLIGATION fo r * tu d * n t couple. L ocated 30 m in ­ GRINNELL’S — FreM erOpenM oa^Thur^FrUtet Friday A Saturday 1:20-5:10-9:00 . C h ild rea 50c ute* from o a m p u a Cnil TU 1-779* a fte r a - ü f ~ - it mm B PB S lË » ® 5!» *T handiy Moraina, ( ( B * of Europeans estimated la Mtfü 1¿M mamad attacking Algériens and sack­ ing aid taming shops aad 7 th Y e a r PARIS UP—Police fired Tues- man was reported shot and Imposed «a Algerians hi the wake of iacnuMtiig incidents of cars. Unofficial sat es aatd day night on great c ra w * of wounded. tour Algerians vtsra lynched A lg e r ia * » demonstrating t i e demonstreflmis and violence between Algerians In C o m a against a new curfew, killing dasheo resa»ed fro«n a call by ani Europeans. and XTiidmruAhi * clashes following toe tonerai of a Eur­ PRICHARD. AM. Ub—A two, wounding at least lour, NLF (NatfenalXIJber^ 011 theAcross the Mediter r anean hi Algerian seaport of Oran, opean stain by Algerians. and arresting!«». One police- Front) to protest the curfew yekr-old Prichard m an is ohmtne l * seventh year of un- t nu»i imiiaMi Tuesday—one of the longest known periods of unconsciousness. \ Richard L. Havens has been hi a eo»na with his hands clenched «SgM^r «t his side stoe* the predawn hours of O c t IS, 1955, when the c a r he was driving went out of con­ trol and overt urned in a ditch. IN A U O U * S T O K E S 21 S P fC T A C U tA R X mm S A V IN G S A companion w a rk illed . ~ A N N I V E R S A R Y " S A L E ! Doctors said he received ir- reversable brain dam age, and he can stay in his present con­ dition indefinitely, they have no hope, however, of any re­ covery to consciousness. Havens’ parents, M r. and J■Y - ja b.,- g :»•* . , n!U.< aa BW»wiaMwswwwwMw»w.. »— " • p■ " - -- - M rs. Joseph Havens, have c ar­ FOR THE BIRDS—This Observation deck is saw of several new facilities wader ed for him a t their home since eonstntctiM at the KeOegg BWSenetnary of MSU. The glass taeboéd and Vh months after the acddept. heated bnfldtag Is located on Wintergreen Lake near Hickory Corners, Mich. His father" is a construction worker. Aboet 3.eeo,000 persons have visited the Sawetaary since W. K. Kellogg gave It Havens is fed intravaneous- ■to MSU 31 years »go. ~ . / ;,:V '• : "7 :7 ly. He cannot move, speak, hear or see. A f r ic a n s i niH+ttmmw spartan m a»»w nni! Officers _ Spartan Hall famous name M e e t in ' N .Y . BRIEFS ! t tfimiiuHommnnmBimnmmnroH Elected at Is Available dresses Six members of the African The Michigan Nut Growers For Meetings Language add Area Center, in­ Assn. will bold th eir first fall cluding thè director, Eugene meeting Sunday a t the Kellogg Case Hall Spartan HaU is available for specially priced H. Jacobson, will arrive IB ird Sanctuary a t Gull Lake. meetings to any group of stu­ Carole Lum, a Honolulu, Ha­ New York City Friday for a t ^ * * * waii junior, was elected presi­ dents in m arried housing, Ray Green and white shakers will three-day annual - meeting of the African Studies Assn. Interested mem bers of col­ Saturday. be dent of North Case Hall In their Lamphere, director of m arried m sale a t the gam e This elections recently. Sixty-four housing, announced Tuesday. women ra n for the 14 open of­ Located behind the m arried for leges, the press, government Members of the Senior Coun­ hottsing office in the old Co-op fices. — * store, Spartan HaU is equipped and priv ate research will a t­ c il will be stationed near the Other officers elected were tend the conference. Some 50 stadium selling them for 35 Cathie Mann; Detroit freshman, with a refrigerator, stove this event African leaders in government cents each î Vice Vi ave *President; Judy Kauf- tables, chairs, and lounge furn­ a V^axav-isw* «/ iture for the use of the groups and politics also have been in- « *■■« * ★ r - J*L « ,i /-hair Í mann, Mt. Clemens junior, Sec- Interested groups are asked vited. Petitions for Generé¡ cig L retarv ; and Monty Montgom- After the New York meeting, man of the Greek Week l» Z | Royal O a k freshman, to contact the m arried housing several of the center s ta ffe rs .— can be M picked up a t Student Treasurer. J office for reservations in ad _ d— line is Oct. 27. here will continue on to Boston; Services. Dea To h e lp - organize activities vance. for the Eighth National Con-1 „* . within the haU the following ference of the U .S . N ational 1 Blue Key petitioning « now girls were elected: B arbara Commission for UNESCO, Sun­ open. Petitions m ay be picked JCox, Danville, HI., junior, elec- Michigan State athletic team s the greatest dress special in at the Union desk were nicknamed the “ Spar- day through Thursday. -TMCY MTtSFV am~liDìiMr