' r" ' - 1 i Serving MSU for 52 yetf* Sacrari C lan Poeto«« Established 1909 Voi. 55, No. 85 Frklay Morning, October 20, 1961 P u d a l l u t La nain*. Mtofc. Trustees Spartans Approval Set for Doubtful The Irish MSU probably will not follow Wayne State University’s lead in proposing to raise tuition and put legislative appropria­ tions on a formula basis, uni­ versity o f fi c i a 1 s indicated Thursday. \ .— Wayne officials proposed Tuesday to increase student fees $15 a term if the legislature would come across with funds matching the increase. They also proposed a three-year graduated budget increase, in which student fees would be raised and the legislature would, match the total fees in a general four to one ratio. The proposal received ar warm reaction from the state legislature. Under the present system, CANDIDATES for the 1962 Harvest Ball m et in Anthony appropriations to Michiganjini- Hall Wednesday evening to pick the Harvest Ball Queen . *‘QUEEN OF. MAJORETTES”—Sharon Kaye Shutty of versities are at the legisla­ Announcement of the queen wHI be made a t the ball Oak Pak, a MSU sophomore, will perform to “Begin the ture's discretion^ and are sup­ Saturday evening. The dance will be held in the Ballroom Beguine” during the half-time program at this Saturday’s posedly based on year-to-year of the Union Building. The candidates are: top row, left State-Notre Dame game. —State News photo by Doug need. » - to right, Sharon Reis, Betty Jo Vim Middlesworth, Sally Gilbert. MSU Treasurer Phillip J. Lucas, Olivia Crus, Susan Henderson and Carol Edgar; May said he couldn’t predict bottom row, Grace Villwock, M arcia Matero, Karen how MSU will react to the WSU proposal. Assistant to the president Spike and Judy Leiphart. - Letter Is Disturbing James Denison said that any change in tuition or request for a change in the method of Udochi Says To Con-CoilDelegates appropriation would have to be passed by the Board of Trustees. _ “There Is no possibility of Anti-Corps Image second-guessing the board's reaction to such a proposal,” said Denison, “ although Presi­ By BILL COTE State News City Editor dent Hannah and the Trustees For the second night in a Of Students False have always opposed to tuition row, a mass of students, yell* ' By MARY BASING trainee- Margery Michelmore, raises.” Of the State News Staff who left Nigeria Wednesday The Trustees will meet to­ night after describing Nigeria's day, but it is'unlikely that they- A pep rally will be held in The anti-Peace Corps feeling living conditions as primitive will even consider the Wayne Jenison Field house at 7:30 demonstrated b y University -in a postcard that went astray, See TUITION HIKE page 3 p.m. Friday. College-students at Ibadan is the ambassador said: University officials a n d not shared by the mass - of people in Nigeria, according to “THIS GIRL _ exaggerated students leaders set up the what she saw, but this should Nigerian Ambassador Julius Hansen To Lead rally after Thursday night’s impromptu session. ~ M. Udochi. not disqualify her from con­ tinuing in the Peace Corps in Udochi, 47, flew in from ÄUSG Seminar ■ ■ ■ ing “Go State, beat Notre Washington Thursday for a day and night on campus. Nigeria. ' “We can expecT'a little mis­ Dr. R. G. Hansen, professor Dame,” surged through camp­ “They seem to be making understanding in an operation oi biochemistry, will lead a dis- us and ran from dorm to dorm, too much out of a small Thing,” like this, but we should try to cussioirof Albert North White­ picking up reinforcements for Udochi said in an interview put it in its proper perspec­ head's “The Aims' of Educa­ a hastily-organized pep rally. after he descended from a Vis­ tive.” tion” at Sunday's AUSG semi­ Fourteen students, including count Turbojet at Capitol City Speaking with a clipped nar in the Student Service four coeds, were' arrested by Airport at 10:24 a.m. British accent, London-educat- building lounge at 7:3Qp.m. See PEP RALLY page 8 Concerning P e a c e Corps See PEACE CORPS page 3 N ig e r ia n A m b a s s a d o r A r r iv e s O n C a m p u s SSISSÏ1 mm ARRIVING AMBASSADOR—Nigerian Ambassador to the MSU WELCOMING COMMITTEE—Donald Grumman, ON-CAMPUS AMBASSADOR—Arriving at the MSU cam- PEACE CORPS PROJECT—Thirty three members ef the United Staten, Julius M. Udochi arrive« at the Capite! Connciliiig Center head u d Peace Corps Director, and pan. Ambassador Udochi settled down fer a long day ef Peace Carps met with Amhansader Udochi Wednesday at 11:14 Tharedaj mandat far a visit te the George H. Axfan, MSU Ces*Üiaaler for tbs University «I TTTitligi aad lecture before the variane Interested groups afternoon ta anthaRetina oI their asilgmneat« In Nigeria» Nigerian project, greets! tmhemadirUdpchlatthoetrpsrL. —State News phetes by Jeha Erakiae. m v. Mfafcipm State New«, East I ansing, Michigan E B lT flR IA Ii Friday Morning, October 20» 1 9 6 1 ,r 111 n,.L|. """ ' 1 \ 1 | * ■- ÜL •. Í ' ;■ ' • 34 Ulfl EJlfiii “If You Don’t Like This Situation, Yòu Can Cast Your Twentieth Of A Vote Against It", U ’ M N o t C o rd ia l 11 n » MdjfCMI V®D N©8 § Not th at we’d expect Ann Arbor football fans to around Michigan Stadium chanting “ Vic-to-ry for MSU” or anything, but last week­ Odor from the sewage treatment plant according to Edgar Sneiders, plant suptr- end's reception to that city was something less and the pollution of the Red Cedar have intendent. . tban cordial. — - Z been a source of constant complaint« and This unit should relieve the problem Spartans who invaded the city Friday evening discussion, both in the State News and which has become acute because of the tor pre-game parties found themselves forced among campus citizens. overloaded conditions of tbe plant. to avoid non-Green and White fans. T he only way some State supporters could get Information about both problems was T h is p la n t, w hich w a s b u ilt in 1939 a n d to on the action was by posing as Wolverine vig- gathered- by the science editor in order to d o u b led in 1948, is se rv in g E a s t L a n sin g , ilanties guarding Michigan landmarks. check th e progress being made on solutions th e u n iv e rs ity a n d M e rid ia n T o w n sh ip , a n d That was before Saturday. - o f th e problems. Something is being done w a s designed to service 3.5 to 4 m illio n g a l­ AFTERWARD, there was more of a run-for- lons o f sew age p e r d ay . T h e present load your-Ufo scene as thousands of Spartan fans to rec tify th e situation in both cases. darted past angry threats from tbe losers. how ever, is 4 to 4.5 m illio n g a llo n s. S tu d e n ts read la s t y e a r o f th e d a n g e r of A new p la n t, w hich is p ro p o se d f o r a Dejected Brian MacCTowry, Michigan Daily sw im m ing o r canoeing on th e Red C edar sports columnist summed up his post-game feel­ location n o rth o f th e C a n d O ra ilro a d ings m ost vividly: due to “ a h ig h b a c te ria l count.” A ccording tra c k s j u s t e a st o f th e R ed C e d a r, i s being to Dr. W alter M ailman, p ro fe sso r o f m icro­ "Now 1 know how the Romans felt when Rome designed by H ubble, R oth a n d C la rk , con­ fell,” he wrote Sunday, “ Sort of stunned, sort biology and public h ealth , th is d a n g e r w as s u ltin g e n g in e e rs o f B irm in g h a m . T h e de­ of sick a n d e o rt of unbelieving.” over-em phasized to th e p o in t o f ridiculous­ sig n in g sh o u ld ta k e a b o u t a y e a r, a c c o rd in g MacClowry said he c an 't look a cow to the eye ness. <£ to Jo h n M. P a tria rc h e , E a s t L a n s in g o f­ anymore ana that somehow he feels Inferior: “ LAST WEEK the University of Michigan foot­ FIR ST , M ALLM ANN said th e pollution ficial. ball team defeats the United States Army . on th e Red C e d a r is only betw een 6,000 to T H E N E W P L A N T will be designed to this weekJt/cquldn’t even whip the Future Farm ­ 2 0 ,0 0 0 c o u n ts o f th e o rg an ism , w hich is c o n tro l 8 m illion g a llo n s p e r d ay , a c c o rd in g ers of America,” h e said. so m ew h at below th e n o rm al level fo r “ q u a r­ to P a tria rc h e . - And he continued: ' >. a n tin in g '' a riv e r T h e p r e s e n t p la n t, he s a id , is an a c tiv a te d . “L a s t Friday night the fraternity pledges were guarding the big M bn the diag from, possible “ O f course, an y riv e r p a ssin g th ro u g h an s lu d g e p ro ce ss ty p e w ith th e w a ste so lid s assault by Michigan State fans. Last night they u rb a n a re a is considered p o te n tia lly d a n ­ being used f o r fe rtiliz e r. T h e e fflu e n t, o r were guarding Burton- Tower from possible de­ gerous,” he said, b u t h e m e n tio n e d t h a t th e fin is h e d liq u id , is c h lo rin a te d to c o n tro l scent by Michigan alumni. I won't say the alumni Red C e d a r is n ot any m ore d a n g e ro u s th a n b a c te ria a n d o th e r h a r m f u l- o rg a n is m s are disturbed, but when I asked one what he a n y o th e r p a ssin g th ro u g h a s im ila r area«* d o w n riv er. thought of tbe game, he ran away screaming.” S a n ita tio n know ledge is rapidly grow ing “ I understand after the first half ABC-TV T he stu d ies on th e G re a t L akes, f o r ex­ wanted to call it a TKO and show Shirley Temple am ple, provide a sta n d a rd fo r pollution b u t th e re a l problem lies in th e m oney end Storybook instead,” he wrote. w hen th e co u n t rea c h e s th e 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 m a rk . o f b e tte r fac ilitie s, not in th e-tec h n ica l end. As' f a r as M allm an n know s, th e R ed C e d a r If and w hen th e th re e g o v ern m en t u n its decide to release th e m oney a n d go ah ead PEACE CORPS volunteers training on this h a s seldom a p p ro a c h e d th is high. campus for assignment to Nigeria had a peek w ith th e c o n stru ctio n o f a new p lan t, a this week a t w hat-dangers can befall them to A s fo r the sew age tr e a tm e n t p la n t o d o r rela tiv e ly s h o rt tim e would be needed f o r problem , several fa c ts m ay e n th u se th e s tu ­ their new assignments,. th e actu al construction. Little did M argery Michelmore dream that her d e n t w ith th é ed u cated n o se : So w ith th e hope of relief th ro u g h th e candid viewj of the African country expressed A N E W A E R A T IO N u n it, a m echanism a ddition o f th e new a e ra tio n equipm ent, Letters to the Editor to a postcard could piean the dissolution of the a n d th o u g h ts of a hew p la n t fo r relief o f corps Jn that area. w hich fo rces a ir in to a liq u id , h a s been a d d ­ ed to th e e q u ip m e n t a t th e p la n t a n d w ill p ro b ab ly be in f u ll o p e ra tio n th is w eek, f u tu r e problem s, s tu d e n ts should be relieved o f th e bothersom e odors. Article Offends Free Speech But Nigerians refused to treat her comments kindly. Whether or not thepostcard was the sole cause, companies to the Philippines, of the uprising, it still contributed to unrest to To the Editor: pheral oppositions of yours to a country skeptical of American methods. And Newspapers GServe , Your almost excusable arti­ places and people such as cle, “ P ress C uttings/’ de­ Greenwich Village itself, which serves m erit insofar as it coun­ LfoePrelatively sure you have ter-balances the fulcrum of studied with as much thorough­ dams for electricity and i r r i - , gation, the giving of education­ al opportunities- to Japan to , Philippine students, and so on. it couldn’t happen at a worse time. Repetitions of such incidents could contribute to the eventual downfall of a corps dedicated by Freedom in Democracies To newspapermen, however, it always-seem s theoretical democracy; that ness as I see you presented tenet being the voicing of open your article. This preparatory opinion, i.e. free speech. opinion was most l i k e l y Also the gentleman said that thé Philippines is the only democratic nation to the F ar E ast which is resisting the ad­ leaders and participants to bring understanding instead of criticism to foreign nations. What’s happening on campus? Quite a bit, (EDITORS NOTE: J; Edward M urray is manag­ To look for further m erits abridged from partially-read ing editor of The Arizona Republic and president that the newspaper is front and center on free­ would be alm ost as grave an im m ature paperbacks disclos­ vance of Communism. we're finding. Especially on days like Tuesday, of The Associated P ress Managing Editors Asso- dom’s defense line. _ insult to intelligence as the de­ ing scenes of the place and its What are we Japanese and when everything on page 1 of this paper was of iation.) Ideally — and National Newspaper Week is a meritorious points you, unfor­ people. the o ther people of India, Pak­ local origin or local significance. tim e to reflect on the ideal — ideally, the news­ tunately, are guilty of making. istan, Nationalist China, Indo­ By J . EDWARD MURRAY IN MEMORIAM this reader china and South Korea? Are For National Newspaper Week let me retell paper guards and serves freedom in many ways. As you give no perceivable finds nearly excusable solace F irst and foremost, it pgovides all the import­ constructive thought Ul 'your for you in the Iparadoxical, we Socialist or Communist? 1 minimi it hi in nil i munii minim one of the great news stories w hidi probably don’t hesitate to emphasize P ress-C u ttin gs didn’t get much coverage as it happened. ant news, that tf! the information necessary for half (as a maximum) knowl- _ I refer to tire birth of freedom. intelligent free choices by .free men. . edgable argument, this source isn’t it?) title ofW ilock’s arti­ th a t we are Democratic people is led to draw several inescap­ cle, “ The Village Square.” as much as tbe people of the This occurred a long tim e ago when evolution took an important turn. Somehow, man. the best developed of the animals, began to act partly "TH IS IS A tremendous order. The news must be fair and im partial. This re­ quires basic honesty. garnet from poorly informed to Had I not read this title I able inferences which run the wouldn’t even have found m er­ Philippines. As far as I know, most for­ La d ie s F ir e B a c k from free choice. The news must be complete. This- requires ex­ grossly unintelligent “wise- it for your viewpoint as anoth- eign students wIk » re to the 'iiimittirmimiiiiiiiiiiiiíim We don’t know why, unless we accept the ex­ pensive coverage and newsprint. Advertisers hot cracks.” e r side of the public voice, and USA are makirag a tremendous David L. Jaehnig therefore would not h a v e effort to increase friendships planation of the second chapter of-Genesis which, only help pay the high costs, but in their own WE START at the prime thought of the democratic ideal between their countries and the Watch out. Men! _ 'says that God breathed into man a soul. way. they provide news im portant to intelligent source, at which you m ake' of you representing your argu­ your first masochistic incision. United States of America. It We’re imm ature, anti-social, Inconsiderate, BUT WE DO know how man first began to use buying decisions in a free m arket. - m ent in this village (or cam ­ is evident that we are repre­ “ Pushing a button of their stuck-up. shy and “ Ish!” (That’s that undeftoable free choice. He began To sculpt, to make Images The news must also reflect a free people to pus) square. sentatives of democracy. yet very descriptive term used by college girls of gods, to draw and to paint. He chose these themselves — their religion, education, art, sci­ own—the panic button—“ I as­ sume you are referring to the - One must also be careful I sincerely hope that the peo­ -To describe undesirable college men.) new activities even though they were useless ence. sport, and much else — so they can guide ple who saw tne film, “ The manifestations under the old evolutionary _by their own reflection. This requires taste and issue of excitement over nu­ here too, as your sarcastic im­ Who says so? - clear testing; and if so refer plication of sentiment against Philippines,” don’t think that Fifty-nine percent of the girls of Phillips. Case scheme. That is, they did not help to sustain or judgment. Sometimes it also calls for resistance the Philippines is the only dem­ defend life. The break with the animal past had to the temptation to give the readers as much you to such organizations as communism could really be a and Yakeley Hall. the Society Against .Nuclear cover for lack of information- ocratic nation to the F a r East. THEY DIDN’T individually say all those nasty been made. crim e, sex and phony glamor as they want. There are many other coun­ The new activities represented at least tempo­ Secondly, a newspaper guards freedom by com­ Explosion, the President of the -and thereby; understanding of things to one breath, but in a dorm-wide poll o f' United States and Co., the the word itself. tries to the F a r E ast other than rary escape from the animat prison of physical menting forcefully on the news, giving .wise guid­ M elvyirS. Bucholtz the Philippines which a re dem ­ each of these women’s dormitories, tbe unfavor­ appetite and instinct. ance on the one hand, and on the other, the salu- Kremlin and (taking the liber­ ocratic and wish to resist the able comments concerning Spartan men out­ Freedom had been bom. Evolution had forked. - tary example of th a t independent, informed and ty of casting a generalization) advance of communism. num bered tbe favorable comments 59 percent of The old animal branch leveled off. Progress, _ vigorous advocacy which the citizen himself m u s t' intelligently informed people Defends Japan Shejiro Sugiyama the tim e. _ who know the horrors and ir­ henceforth, would be along the new fork, along exhibit to be a good citizen. This requires char­ reconcilable wrong involved in West Sbaw Hall In case you men are wondering where your the rough road of free choice which was to lead acter. failings are. here is a break down of the com­ to dignity of man. ------- . THESE ARE the newspaper’s prim e services the destructive usage of nu­ ToPlease the Editor: clear weapons and are aware allow me to introduce ments received fromjthe girls: Freedom, the new engine of. evolution, built to freedom : news and comment. Because they are so importaflC anything less _ myself. I am a Japanese stu­ of their closeness to the panic dent who has been to the Unit- Critical of Policy -23 per cent of thé'g irls think State men aré rapidly. “ nice.” Conscience appeared, and with it m an’s moral, than complete integrity in their performance in b u tto n .'' To the Editor: ethical, religious and spiritual quality. a free society seems a despicable thing, a per­ -Following you spread the - ed States of A m erica for two Your editorial note to “ Com­ 18 per cent even go so far as to say the men wound by sarcastically oppos­ years. are “ teriffic” and “ polite and friendly.” Language appeared, aiding the development version of one of freedom’s foundations. I would like to comment on plaint” to Oct. 13 issue is a But after that, the roof fails in, _ of esthetic and intellectual powers. There are other ways of judging a newspaper’s ing “ —The general world-wide re a L sharp piece of foggy strike proposed for next E as­ the World Travel Series film, 15 per cent consider Spartan men to be too Tradition appeared, embodying the best of service to freedom. “ The Philippines,” which was thinking. If one works under im m ature . . , ' w hat had been learned. This could now be passed How does it treat tradition^ that great ally of te r.” By inference I again can the assumption that a m an is only envision your rationale to shown- last Saturday in the 12 per cent say State men are inconsiderate . . . from one generation to the next by speech and freedom on the new fork of evolutionary prog­ innocent until proven guilty, 11 per cent claim MSU men are anti-social and ress? Does the newspaper help preserve and be th at perhaps some of youc Auditorium. just who is being protected, writing, thus incredibly speeding evolution. Since I cam e To Michigan stuck-up . . . - transm it the best that m an has learned? friends might be attracted to and on what grounds? The So, the foundation was laid for progress up the tills intelligent appeal, thereby State University, I have had 11 per cent say they get too many “ big Unas” . . new spiritual Incline toward free expression, in How does the newspaper portray freedom’s man who was arrested wasn’t 10 per cent consider the menToo shy, too hard goals on the new spiritual incline. Tbe m oral, leaving you to wave your ban­ many wonderful opportunities protected, and the people who religion. In art, in literature, in music, tn science, ner all alone in places like F t. to learn about the people of the to handle and “ Ish.” in play. the' esthetic, the intellectual? five on campus aren’t being Lauderdale over vacation. I United States and many other protected; if the m an subse­ SOME OF THE actual comments received by BUT THERE WAS one difficult rule to r pro­ Ideally, again, the good newspaper serves both have sympathy for your unin­ countries—not only by talking gress along the new road. tradition end these spiritual goals. quently is proven innocent, all our re p ^ té rs make even better reading if you formed naivety. with tbe people of different na­ that has occurred is not pro­ want to spend the next few days hiding under , Each m an had to choose by and for himself FINALLY, how does the newspaper tre a t free­ At this point the festering- tions but also through the to climb the new incline. dom’s great enemies: the lawbreaker, the official tection, but finger-pointing of y o u r bed- . * _ - wound is aggravated with salt World Travel Series since I an extrem ely crude sort. If the “ Personally. I prefer the horses and cattle.” The choice was always painful, because it who hides government information which the . as you commit yourself to the found that it was extremely m eant that the individual had to renounce the in- people need, the public servants who are other- paper has already pre-judged “ On the whole they a re imm ature and ¿ r e ­ strongest expression of ignor­ beneficial for my better un­ the man, why fine! Let’s have sponsible.” stinctual-physical-sensual habits of millions of _w ise dishonest, the dictator whose first enemy ance “ —makes one wonder derstanding of other lands. years, his old animal habits from the other fork. is the free press, and the communist who has not it to the editorial column, not -“ They all play the “ role” too much.” which side of the iron curtain I have learned m any Things sneaked to the back door as a Along freedom’s fork, only the freely inflicted even understood that the new fork of progress is they actually belong on (these which I did not know about “The men are great. Just where do you find pain of self-discipline would yield .growth and along the road of tbe free individual making free „piece of “ news.” # them ?” young 'cultured m inds').” foreign countries before a t­ Or does suicide vindicate the progress. choices?." ... ^ .Vi; 5 ,, ' •——" ^ “ They are boys playing m en to a college set­ I N T E R P R E T I N G your tending the series and have editor? — ting." - _ * Besides, there was also The suffering resulting IDEALLY, the good newspaper frilied-Iace handkerchief ef been very gratafo) to the peo­ from had choices, for man did not always choose — exposes th* law breaker: Donald Reynolds “ Freshmen «re Imm ature.” verbage one m ust first distin­ ple who ware working for tb e University Village peace, tolerance, temperance, respect for his fel­ defends the people’s right to knew all public guish (so th a t you could be­ program . - “ Think tbey’ni real big men.” lows. th fact, ha often chose their opposites business: come introduced to the process However, I was very disap­ “ Drink too much.” through ignorance, indifference or a disposition to evU. These bad choices slowed or even re­ — seeks out end publicizes the dishonest of­ ficial: of knowledge and understand- pointed with the movie. “ Tbe ing) what it is th a t you are Phtttoptoss.” The reason for Echoes Sentiment “ Men??” “ Horned-rimmed nuts." . - versed progress. — opposes the first sign ef dictatorial centre! “To* childish.” So freedom wasn’t any easier in the beginning a g a in s t. . . or for . . . or what­ this is th at tbe gentleman who Ta toe Editor: “ Very inconsiderate ’’ of the preas; ~ .. ever. presented tbe film spoke only . In regard to your defense of than it is new. ButttwafandtetbaksjytaaU ■ —fights communism a s the main enemy el Again by the meager and of the friendship between the the article tbe News printed And the classic ef the group: “I’m going buck that 1» human in man’» nature, the key to man’s freedom- perhaps unjust method of to­ United States and th# Philip­ concerning • member ef the borne to my Southern gentlemen to Virginia!” place at the boad of tbe grand evolutionary sys­ In the context ef this essay, which has hinted lerate«, toward which yeu pines. — faculty arrested for “fro*# in­ Wall, st least they know wt’ra «round. tem, tbe key to hfo progress, the key to Ms spirit­ at the fundamental nature ef freedom tn the Ufa farce this reader to resort, yeu For tostonea, be mentioned decency,” I would much rather ual goats as an Individual, as a nation and as-a of men. It is easy to see why communism is both •toad against (I) communism. so man; times that the Japan­ be protected by the poHea in race. __ the symbol end essence el nen-fredom, and (2) young “cultured minds,” ese destroyed a lot of historic such matters than by your ALL OF THIS is part of what it moans to say hence ef non-value. (2) movements stimulating buildings and killed many peo- newspaper. Perhaps this man Michigan State News that Freedom is sacrad. —It glorifies th* physical, material and sensual; any Involvements of students to the PbiUpptoa* during might not have taken his own My purpose in reviewing the fundamental im­ denies God; fosters $ctstoria) government which and intelligence; and stand for fork! War H: however, be did life bad be not have barn ex­ Published by the students of Michigan sta portance ef freedom in connection with National sharply Umtts individual participation: perverts (1) nuclear tasting (ergo mass not say anything about the posed publicly. University. Issued on class days Monday throu Newspaper Week ia to emphasise once again the and falsifies both Mriorf and tradition; and de­ destruetfou), (2) casting of peaceful relationship which tbe The courte should determine Friday, wring the fall, winter and spring qua importance of the newspaper’s basic purpose in liberately usee Immoral means to gain its ends opinion without a d e q u a t e Philippines, and Japan have whether or not a man ia guilty tors. Issued twice weekly during tne sumnv a democratic society. That purpose is to serve — all actions antithetical to freedom and its new knowledge of the topic, and bad since tbe war. "In these cases and whether er term. Fecund class postage paid at East Laasin as one of the guardians of freedom. spiritual goals for man. - (2) a non-interested. non-in- We Japanese people have not he needs help or imprison­ Michigan. Other guardian* are the church, the school, Even to fighting freedom's greet enemies, volvod, attitude of “cultured done our best to increase ment. Editorial and business office* at 341. Stud# the law and the courts, the government in some amrapapers.de not always perform Meetly. minds” to world affairs. friendship between tbe two na­ ; Gaylord Test g Jew b u fid tog^ ^ S igan State Uaivaptt of Its functions, and many private groupt. But readers expect them to. « 1 have Ml ant such pert’ tion* by ooostructfoe ef steel East Lansing n p I?> ' . SSS? . o-l flSSS® IjWA^ra -■.- .-'.' -'• ' -■: _. j £aa¿S^waP!ffJ3^ ilp p ip . g .'-a ^ h - v Vfc', H ËSU i IIS 1# ¡ p ip IT : -.- T-^-.',- ';./ '. ■; "_ -■■,■ • 'V--- .•■• —V.. Í4MT&¿&-''^ < - -- ■■•- -_ Ü III? m WrËîM Michigan State Nette» East lamafag, Michigan Friday Morning» October 2 0 , 1 9 6 1 3 Z _ _ mmm —L T — pp"-'>4 Only tin tuition of The Wayne a tr ia p r epeeal, T u itio n H ik e T ~1 .ate studenti baa gone op as a result of the budget c a t unclear aa to details, M a aa a a that th e legislature wfB m »' percent* df tiia* total get, accartSng to May. Thus Michigan State student Peace Corps Image (continued from page I) Form erly out-of-state stu­ tim e to auocate funds hi a four-to-one ratio h r student fora account for m ore than the (Continued from page 1) bom , so I was actually cele­ SUte proposal, according to dents awra charged feds on f *— — — V' >- four to one ration assumed by ed Udochi culled ex-Gov. G. brating two'occasions. Denison. ftuuwg n d p n e n scale. E ach t€C8 > 'S|§g| Udochi has two other child­ After the cut in requested ap­ student’s fees were e f o r i té At preeent MSU student fees A plan tor which the legisla­ Mermen Williams a great ren: a girl, t and boy, 1 propriations last raring, Han­ what bis jbome rial» university account for f a r m ore than I I tu re would appropriate four- friend. charged Michigan lesidsntf. percent e l t i n total budget. ™ The Tne Ambassador Ambassador’ss nome home ss ia nah and tbe Trustees made flfths of the total budget would , 2 ? * * ? The mwrimnm fee for out-of- The a d v e rsity received about m tbe western reglen to Ni- draatic across the board cuts result in an im m em rie in- -t - -- L*BSini’ geriaT He r a t i he has no im- in expenses, but refused to state students was 1750 and the 6,950,000 in student fees and crease to MSU’s bud g et Ap- Udochi Udochi added added. . . . . ___•__ .____ •___ raise tuition f a r Michigan minimum was |946. about $23,650,000 fat legislative m ediate plans to return. propriations would be raised Tbe am bassador cam e to “ I MAY get a leave when I students. I t seems very un­ This year all out-of-state stu­ appropriations this year. Sub­ so th a t the amount students Washington, D. C. last Decem­ have completed m y second likely, therefore, th a t Wayne's dents a re charged |750 tuition. tracting the appropriations paid would be reduced to 20 ber. proposed tuition increase will Ih is has resulted in an in­ th at went ; to such things a s y eer In Washington,” he ex­ percent rath e r than the pre­ “ It was different from what plained. have any effect on the policies crease in average student outside research and the ex- sent 20 J pe rc e n t feet. tention program , student fees I expected: the m ere size of In Nigeria, Udochi has bad of MSU. B ut such a move could have tbe United States is really experience a s a teacher, lawy­ long-reaching affects which something,” he said. er, and civil servant. could be fa r from beneficial. He was a m em ber of the Ni­ Denison looked unfavorably *4, HAVE fodhd people very gerian House of Representa­ upon any proposal to put MSU friendly, w arm and hospit­ tives between 1954-59, secre­ B e tte r appropriations on cut and dry able.” basis. had Udochi said he had traveled tary of tbe Nigerian B ar Assn., 'It ia not to anyone’s advant­ in several western states and m ent Mission to the World once before been in Michi­ chairm an of the Non-Govern­ age to have a b ird and fast Rank in 1959 and a m em ber of form ula,” he said. “ Appropria­ gan to speak in Albion. tbe Committee on th e Legal tions for MSU have always Dressed in the colorful Bow­ Profession in Independent Ni­ been sought on the basis of ing robes of his people, the geria. - demonstrated need.” Ambassador told about the re­ Ambassador U d o c h i was In some years tbe university cent addition to, his family v scheduled to m eet Governor “ You know, Oct. 4 was In cre a se d needs m ore money than in other y e a n , explained Deni­ Nigerian Independence Day John B. Swainson, attend a 1720 E. Michigi and because it was Sunday I luncheon given by President son. No institution, for ex­ ample, likes l t per capita ap­ thought I would celebrate the John A. Hannah, m eet Niger­ ian and other African students Lansing 484-7786' M ile a g e propriation. next day. “ Cut and dry formulas for “ About 11:30 that night my and the 33 Peace Corps determining appropriations can wife was busy fixing the things trainees and speak on “ Nigeria Today” Thursday evening a t a result in inequities,” said Deni­ for the celebration when the public lecture in Kellogg son. . • baby started to come. “ A university’s appropriat­ “ About 2:25 a baby boy was Center. -— io n s should be determined on YO U TOO W ILL CHEER tbe basis of need.” » Denison arid that WSU’a pro­ Highest Octane Gasolines posed tuition increase is pro­ bably a concession to the legis­ lature. It fits their particular immediate situation, he ex­ plained. Wayne is more des­ perate for appropriations than 94+ Octane Reg. ^ 101+- JOctane Preminm\ J “*r. Michigan State, since i t lost money in last V year’s ap­ K A M IN S A U T O P A R T S propriations. 528 N . LARCH Debut Saturday Buy Bay And Save F o r Porpoises ■The Michigan State Porpoise IV 4 4 5 9 6 ' I Fraternity will present its first I water show of the season DISCOUNTS TO MSU STU D EN TS AND FACU LTY -Saturday morning Oct. 21 a t At Your Local Stations 10:30 i n the Men’s Intram ural Pool. CO M PLETE SHOP SE R V IC E . Admission to the program is | 25c. The show will last about M U FFLE R S AND T A IL P IP E S lone hour. B ill B a r r Peel B re a se H o w a rd S c o tt Adlai Stevenson will do a IN STA LLED 1621 E ast Michigan 3704 Aurelius Road 2516 E ast Kalamazoo TV series on his United Na­ at-Marshall at Irvington' a t Mifflin tions job. Proposed title: “ Have D A IL Y 8 - 6 SUNDAY 9- 1 pun. Will tra v e l/1 Detroit Free Press. Sibley’s P A L A C E BO M OF PAUL BUNYAN PANCAKES • Serving B IR D FA R M Whole H og Pure Pork Sausage - • Whipped Butter - ~ - j f c i * Six Flavors o f Syrup ~ • 27 V arieties o f Pancakes ~ • Open 24 Hours A Day - ~ L A N S I N G 'S F IR S T PA N C A KE PALACE N O W O FFERS FO R YO UR TA STE T H R IL L ANO THER L A N S IN G F IR S T 9 9 9' " • r —- ' . G R A N T 'S B O N E L E S S F R IE D C H I C K E N NOW YOU CAN E N JO Y DELICIO US TEN D ER, GOLDEN F R IE D CH ICKEN WITHOUT BONES! ON A P L A T T E R $1.40 — ON A SANDWICH 60c .. “ I T S TH E B E ST THING TH A T'S H A PPEN ED TO A CH ICKEN IN A G ES” Sibley’s 4300 N. East Street (US 27) 2Vi Miles North of US 16 and US 27 Junction yüíi Michigan Slate News, East Lam ing, Michigan s a m Friday Morning, October 2 0 , 1 0 6 1 "" —— For 3 Credits .i - • CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP • CORAL GABLES’ • E x is te n tia lis m C o u rse ILFORNO O ffe r e d o n Te le vis io n T he N am e th a t Made P i n a F am ous in L ansing The University of the Air is pertinent, is instructor for presenting during fall term a the program, the flret in • mr- NOW N C R A T l l t t A .■ . c u ria entitled “ Existentialism- las of television courses to he S erving Snacks * Sandw iches - L uncheons - D inners Philoeophy 323.” presented on 20 th century Also C a te rin g to Presented daily from 2 to thought. P riv a te P a rtie s - B an q u ets - M eetings 1:30 p.m. ever WJlM-TV, Television students will earn Channel 0, the course began three credit hours for the Visit Our Rathskeller Oct. 1, and will continue for course standards required of the rest of the term . . resident students. Open 5 p.m. D aily Dr. Harold Walsh, assistant The program will include the •P h o n e E D 2-71311 professor in the philosophy de- study of John Paul Sartre, C om plete T ake-O ut Service French philosopher who was chiefly responsible for the de­ BEAUTY ON BOTH SIDES—The aew Mb« Greater Lea­ Foresters velopment of existentialism. The University of the Air sing inspects trchids being grewa ia the university green­ houses. ^ ... '"¡Ti — " Invade plans to offer several other television courses during the winter and spring term s, said Campus Dr. Lawrence E. McKune, in Tropical Plants charge of the program . Last year the University of Foresters from the University the Air presented telecourses of Michigan will invade cam ­ on Spanish, Shakespeare and Flourish at MSU pus Saturday, a t 7:30 p.m. for African culture. the annual Foresters banquet a t Kellogg Center. A liars contest will be held _ Cacti ranging in size from an old. Fossils of this plant show inch to several feet are among it has not changed shape in between thea best liar of the MSU Forestry Club and a rep­ F ir e C o n tr o l the many interesting plants thousands of years. resentative from the U. of M. Take it to Louis. found in greenhouses hero" on -, SOME OF THE plants raised campus. there are so sensitive that a Charcoal produces an even The winner will be given a ro­ heat, but it fakes a little—skill The greenhouses are used by touch of the finger wilt cause tating trophy which has been to keep the fire burning. Anita students in the study of plant them to fold their leaves for awarded to winders of the con­ Dean, foods and nutrition He’ll get it clean. j sciences and have many inter* protection. Others are deadly test since 1940. The trophy is specialist a t Michigan State esting varieties of plant life. posionous. a small wooden replica of the University, says t h een *n United' j globe have taken him to 89 States for only six weeks but j countries. He is a w orld'auth- has already had intensive train­ ! ority in h is field and holds nu- ing from the Army, Air Force. Weather Bureau, University of If you’re a b o u t to receive your B.S. or M B , engi­ j merous patents and distinc­ tio n s , including . an honorary Wisconsin, Ohio State Univer­ neering degree, C aterp illar T racto r Co. is interested Doctor’s degree from Michigan sity and the National Science Foundation. in you. - — HIGH OR MID-HIGH I State University. He will have additional train­ C aterp illar is th e'W o rld ’s leading m anufacturer of The Departm ent of Mechani- Ical Engineering is sponsoring ing a t the University of Michi­ HEELS IN SATIN OR SILK the meeting. Dean of Engineer­ gan and at Wisconsin before D iesel E n gines—T ra cto rs—E a r th r ,'" f'ig E quipm ent. ing, John Ryder will be pre­ he goes back to Chile a t the O u r products are everyw here . '% th e work — Tinted free! Your choice - siding chairman, end of thisjmonth. In December of 140 'different colors. - df J K jlk he will-go to the Antarctic for of the w orld . . . gettin g big-jobs . n big ways. j The public is invited to Very appropriate for the I)J* I attend, announced Petra Fre- a year with the University of A f C a te rp illa r y ou’ll be doing im portant and satis­ party season. In sizes 4 I v ro ! ers, departm ent secretary. Chile party. to 10 . — Venegas, who will be conduct­ fying w ork in R E SE A R C H A N D D E V E L O P M E N T ing gladological investigations, - D E S IG N - SALES - SER V IC E - and m any other SHOE SALON - GARDEN LEVEL, EAST LANSING has been training here under N ew R e le a s e - Dr. Maynard M. Miller, asso­ fields. W h at’s m ore, you 11 be able to grow — solidly ciate professor of geology and a prominent authority on gla-l and steadily along w ith us. oa P a rlia m e n t L P S p e c ia l! G iu s e p p e V e r d i ’s ciers. — The Chilean scientist’s train­ ing is sponsored bv the Nation­ Start thinking a b o u t C aterpillar now: Your Place­ m ent Office has m ore inform ation about us. al Science Foundation, w hich: administers U.S., scientific ac­ WOOL HEAD- tivities in the Antarctic. A num­ C A T E R P IL L A R T R A C T O R CO. ber of countries are cooperating Poorks, Illinois SC A RV ES - 1.99 REQUIEM in exploration of the polar'con­ tinent. We are an equal opportunities employer. fut P r is e — IPM IM O i r TV Ret J Complete on two LP’s s ■— n * ■ * Prise f-PH IM <* I« Translator Kadis Imported from Scotland. PRIZES: 100 '- wool head scarves. Ideal NORTHROP IS COMING to wear this winter. Keeps l*t Prise s i l l Re aw srdrd to s s y snm p, fr s terwlty. aom rlty er lottivi«!nsi atwuMN* your bead warm, yet in h lltig Ih r Rts:Rest sa w h rr of insist«. fashion. Select from white, 2*d Prlue talli Re a s a rd rd is nay àstila M m- IMMtMMe. ■* srraaiM tflllig tRe h ü best l u s h r r of black or red at a very special wan wm i price. ~ ’ Representatives from STREET LEVEL I. t q .IrM i , , f m I . .1 1 ataSratft. - -■ K .r b r M .t r . a r k a . r a .b n l i l r t aa Marl- EAST LANSING Igor Markov itch Vara. ParllaM rat. ar %I . la r w ill b a t . a ta la r a f f i t r .•la in . t:a«-ti r a a .tr I n .b a tr . . b a l t t r f « . P b lll. Marrta R r .u la r a r NORAIR- nortronics f M b m * .trr « m bat r a ta la r a f 10 . ata t a. conducting X ISatrlra trill aa* br * n r . t M a ft r r ri aa» The Moocow Philharmonic la * tlmr. K M .tr . . i - k r i H afaat br at|b- MIt tra t . fcaaOta. a f aa. I n a n i a ra a r O ' - will visit the campus and State Academic Chorus trail I . .<>lnt M - b a f n . with Ort. aa. I Mil 4 Inara V at. 17. IM I Vishnevskaya, Soprano Isakova, Mezzo-Soprano OCTOBER 31 Ivanovsky, Tenor it’s Rtssf fsal K .r l . r . r n . t l n — T lw H r.fr r | i ( | Hal- M r Hall 41 Petrov, Bass SA V E VOI It PACK« to d isc u ss ca re e r o p p o rtu n itie s in th e Satisfaction Guaranteed at L o s Angeles area. V isit th e Eng inee ring Placem ent O ffice imm ediately and sign an _ appointm ent sheet. disc shop j K N A P P S •p m VTHBKI I NORTjHRQP mostwsc» co—a—ftgir. ftfvtaiv m u, e*u*b**»tA 1 « 1 jNvtSkW* MBSMiflfeMHtraeNtcs» tsmoeutft* OFODüRSEfT BOTHERSMB R u sh ees M O O iw frrB orH B fW iP W? Placement Bureau T o S ig n f U p 7 im ocm em ienm M sesaaanm m aw ^m H M auaB m aaaam aaM m M Interviewing a t the Place­ viewing chemical, electrical, r-!N ext W e e k LP Records m ent Bureau Wednesday. Ad­ mechanical and sanitary engi­ ditional information in the neers and accounting m ajors. Placem ent Bureau Bulletin for die week of Oct. 23 to 27: Northern IBInsfs Gas Cam- paay interviewing mechanica l, Sorority rush sign-up win be held from Monday to next F ri­ day from 1 a .m . to S p jn . daily. Vs off! NoHcnoby edrartlMd prices Bell T tlty h —e System inter­ electrical, chemical, civil e n g i­ This wfll be the only tim e that ( JUST 60 (* POniM!J i ---------------- ------------- viewing all m ajors of the Col­ neers ana m ath m ajors. girls who a re interested in rush­ ALL KAIP RECORDS! Roger Williams’ ALL UNITED ARTIST RECORDS! Sowed lege of Business and Public Aacbor Hacking Glass Cera, ing wjn be able to sign up. ’Yeltow Bird end ’Songs of the Soaring vack of "N ever on S unday: ’G re a t Mo- Service. December and March interviewing production ad­ Ruriwes can register in ISA 60V Original cest recording of ’ Donny- tion p;d g r t Thames,’ many other favorites! grads. ministration m ajors and all Student Services. t brook,’ many Others! Central Intelligence inter­ m ajors hi the colleges of busi­ viewing all m ajors in the Col­ ness and Public Service, Sci­ F a ll rush convocations will Reg- 3*8.2.65 Reg. 4^8.3.32 .R eg. 5.98,3.98 be held on Nov. 6 and Nov. 7. lege of Engineering. December, ence and Arts and Communica­ Rushees will m eet their rush M arch 'a n d June grads. All tion a rts December, March E X T R A S A V IN G S O N 'C O M M A N D R E C O R D S ' counselors a t the convocations majors in the colleges of Bus­ grads only. iness and Public Service. De­ Ford Motor Company inter­ and will obtain all the neces- Reg. 5.98 Sterra olbum For the Stereo FenrNew 35 mm film record-, cem ber and March grads^and viewing mechanical, electrical, science and a rts —• December chemical and m etallurgical kary information. ings; unusual Stereo records; also introduc­ k 3” and M arch grads. engineers. Chemistry, physics ing the new Command classical recordings! Monaural «tra avaiiobi* ☆ LAMEST DISCOUNT M TOWN ☆ Geoeral Motors Corp. — -and m ath m ajors. Accounting Abbot Elected Central S t u f f interviewing m ajors December, M arch and G r in n e ll’s, mechanical, electrical, m etal­ June grads, Finance, statistics, . O.L. Abbott, associate profes­ MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES sor of F ortign Languages, was lurgical and chemical engi­ and economics m ajors De­ POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES neers; m ath and physics cem ber and M arch grads. .All re-elected secretary-treasurer FRANDOR • Open Thurs., Fri., Mon. to 9:1 • TV 5 - 7 2 1 7 m ajors. m ajors in the college of busi of the Poetry Society of . Michi­ COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES Chevrolet Engineering Center ness and Public Service De­ gan a t its fall meeting in Ar­ gentine. Division of GMC — W arren in­ cem ber and M arch grads only. terviewing mechanical and New & Rebuilt electrical engineers. COMTtSTS AUTO • a tartan Chevrolet Manufacturing Di­ SPRING • Generators GLASS • r«*i r i a i t vision of GMC — Flint inter­ SERVICE viewing mechanical electrical Ksecrtly lu ta li*« • Water Puaapa ' r * f Car*. and m etallurgical engineers. Whil* T ra Watt • Clatch Piate* Track*. Tracter» Chevr olet Manufacturing Di­ vision of GMC — Detroit inter­ viewing mechanical, electrical A U T O and m etallurgical engineers. KRAM ER P A R T S Chevrolet Manufacturing Di­ vision of GMC — Saginaw-Bay City interviewing mechanical, electrical and m etallurgical en­ MADRINE SHOP SERVICE gineers. Delee-Remy Division of GMC interviewing electrical, 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. P H O N E IV 4-1335 mechanical, chem ical and m etallurgical engineers. Gulf Oil Corp. — Domestic Services Dept, interviewing mechanical engineers Decem­ ber, M arch and June grads. All m ajors in the College of Business and Public Service December* March and June grads. ~ Gulf Oil Corp. — Gulf Re­ search an ¿Development Co. in­ terviewing chemical and elec­ _ IN THE trical engineers, physics, chem­ istry and m ath m ajors. Federal-Mogul-Bower Bear­ ings, Inc. interviewing mechan­ ical and m etallurgical engi­ neers and accounting m ajors. N A T IO N Seidman & Seidman inter­ viewing accounting m ajors. Inland Steel Company inter- S T U N S e lls 360 B ooks T h is T e r m im STUN sold $1200 in used L e t ’s S t a y T h e re books for students this term , said Sally Smith, Milan sopho­ more and chairm an. Over 400 books were taken in by STUN and 360 sold this term . Many m ore could have been sold of they had been available. Miss Smith said. STUN (Student Texus Used and New) is sponsored by AWS Activities Board to help stu­ dents buy and sell books direct­ ly from other students. Prices are set by the stu­ B e A S p a rta n B o o s te r mm—L. WMOOQOSMVO << ----- dent and the money is sent to him when the books have been •e s p e c te d d d sold. ’’ . ' Any student wishing to buy M O o o fg e c o u ld or sell books should go to the STUN (Student Texas Used CBfrahnmnart flpgml And if I vices Building during the first and last weeks of each term . Students whor sold books - P e n n a n ts through STUN this term should Why not enjoy ^ A ia R iU a •tdt It cn incred­ receive their money within the next week. - B e lls a snack or a meal ibly fioe import* ed trailing tail­ ored by Don P e w te r T a n k a rd w ith S - B la n k e ts at the UNION Cafeteria or Grill MSU S E A L Richards with infinite skill end daring. -T ies; u A swell place to meet There’« a saucy fillip in the waistooet and coat Let nt clap spurs to horse that 1 may Obtain a similar garment for myself, minia- - B o o s te r P in s before and after fiira gkn jilniilnrl in dulcet I 1 H ilajr and olhm tinrtaT $69.50 The Game _ w ith seal w ith o u t se al $ 1 0 .0 0 $ 9.00 FIND RANNEY KNAPP'S STORE FOR MEN Jetoder» K w H flrt (ftraratoetill IttGGTTOJESUal U N IO N B O O K S T O R E EAST LANSING m an » «M agri Now - Sell Your Used Books at the UNION BOOK STORE - Anytime Next to State Theater E ast Lansing 0 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Friday Morning, October 2 0 , 1 9 6 1 Irish Helped Boost Spartans to Fame Penn State story oi an Arab who be­ friended a camdl has a modern Arab agreed. Soon the head and neck of the camel were in too, then the front legs and An­ would not be the football giant exception a 20-19 edging by the it is today or have the present Irish ia 1954. 78,5&capacity stadium except The worst defeat the great Harriers parallel in the history of the football relationship' between Michigan ' State and Notre Dame. ally the entire camel. And the Arab was tuihbled out in th e cold. for Notre Dame—a friend in Frank Leahy ever suffered as need during the building years a t MSU. To Invade MICHIGAN .STATE top-rank­ Undefeated P o m State will The tale relates that one cold Just after World War II, night in the desert, a certain ed football team in the nation, MSU President John A. Han­ be trying to spoil the Spartans’ Arab curled up in his Warm is favored here Saturday nah had ambitions of building home cross country debut ( tent and left his camel outside. against a Notre Dame outfit the Spartans, then an inde­ Saturday when the two team s - The cam el begged that he oe fighting to regain the glories of pendent, into a m ajor football m eet 11 a.m . Saturday a t For­ allowed to put his nose inside the, past. power. est Akers Golf Course. the tent to keep it warm. The Ironically, - Michigan State He hired Biggie Munn in The Nittany Lions, who have 1947 to produce the team s. He defeated their first two op­ also needed to enlarge the then ponents this season, P itt <17- 26,000-capacity stadium. A 42) and Cornell (22-33), figure She will remember if sure-fire drawing card was to have a strong squad again needed to attract crowds to this season, reported MSU you don’t forget to pay for the new seats, Coach F ra n Dittrich. HANNAH conferred with top States’ harriers, last year’s »end her Red Roses level people at Notre Dame. Big Ten cham ps and runner-up The Irish agreed to a long in the nationals, carry a 1 - 1 from Barnes Floral rangé football pact on the record into the mefet. promise of a ' bigger stadium MSU will sta rt 10 or 11 run­ of East Lansing. and first rate competition. ners said Dittrich. They in­ The first game of the mod­ clude J e rry Young, captain and ern series—First since 1921— Big Ten cham p; Roger Hum- was played in '1948. Spartan barger, num ber two m an on stadium capacity was Jumped the squad; P a t Stevens, sopho­ Specially Priced fo r S w eetest Day that sam e year from 26,000 to more from Lansing; Richard S a tu rd a y , O ctober 21 51,000. IRISH LEADER—Co-Captata Cyde, Hazel P arq sophomore; Nick Buoniconti of Notre Dame and letterm an Don Castle, The camel had its nose in from Utica. the tent. —.... has been a sta r to the Use all Other Spartan harriers ex­ Red, Red Roses # 3 5° D0Z- Notre Dame won 26-7 in 1948 season. H e ll throw all his pected to run i r e sophs A1 and 34-21 in 1949. Then Munn’s 2 16 -poundt agntost Michigan Duncan, BobT Fulcher, Ron „ See our com plete selection -of : 1950 team beat the Irish 36-33 State Saturday. Berby, Bill Stewart, Thom Me- C E N T E R P IE C E S , CORSAGES, in 1950. Cue and senior Bob Bond. Michigan StateJias won eight Notre Dam e-coach was a 35-0 PA RTY DECORATIONS shutout by Michigan State in Penn State has four top run­ of nine games since 1950—the ners in Je rry Norman, Howard We T elegraph F low ers W orld-W ide 1951. - |Q H Every game in the series Deardorff, Steve Moorhead, and Mika Miller, according to B a rn e s F lo r a l IM S c h e d u le IM.EIMiR F O O T *A IX since 1948 has been a sellout. " The Irish will appear again Saturday in the stadium they Dittrich. In addition to the above harriers, Penn State will OF EA ST LA N SIN G , lA II gam ra a( fit Ml) helped buildr The Arab wants run three or four more VISIT EAST LANSING'S NEWEST FLOWER SHOP- TOI CH F IF I.D to get back into the te n t distance men. I). T, I). %m. PM. K . Mlg. P R A C T IC E F IE L D 215 ANN ED 2-0871 StR. E ». va. g. A .E . C A TH IE VICK ERM A N A N D LA RRY PO N TIU S JfCSISOM F IE L D Lecture II. V. V*. Phi. M L " In The Spartan Spirit With Their Norman Hunt MICHIGAN STA TE SW EATSH IRTS - Fellow Of Extra College ~ For all ages $1.50 a n d u p Oxford University - “Pressure Groups In S p a rta n B o o k S to re Britain And The U.S.A.” You Can Pick Up Your _ Thursday, October 26, 8 p.m. M.S.U. Souvenirs Too Aslf Tray», Pennants, Penn, Pajama Bags Kellogg Center Auditorium Corner Ann & M.A.C. Avenue - ' - Faculty And Students Invited East Lansing, Michigan 7 3 m 'HHfH+w++H+’ YO U TOO W ILL GO FOR THOUSANDS OF REFERENCE TEXTS ALL “ ON SALE AT FRACTION OF THEIR 0RNMAL FRIGE A M ER IC A N BOOKS ADDED DAILY SPECLAL LOT - A HAM BURGER OF - - TH IC K M A L T 1000 POCKET BOOKS - G O L D IN FR YS 2 for 25c A ll T h r e e F o r BOOKSTORE ■ M s CORNER EVEMREER AND W. ORANO RIVER OPEN TILL 1 A.M. FRI. & SAT. -w**, .vp-j» y ‘ , V ' ;• ‘' ;r- : v V'' . Michigan State Newa, Saat Lam ing, 4Michigan SPORTS Friday Morning, October 2 0 , 1 0 6 1 Notre Dame, Spartans Both W. Mayo Top Swimmers West Mayo was victorious in butterfly with a time of 14.4 “NAVIGATION IS Have ‘Une’ on Good Backs the women’s swimming intra- murals ef Black I held Tues­ seconds. Judy Miller ef Gilchrist set OUR J 3US1NESS” day, Oct. 17. - a ne# mark in the 23 yard CHICAGE m -A bristling m ay c arry the lead for the a group of sportswrfters who breast Stoke being clocked la made a pre-season plane tour In accumulating 66 points, 17.7 seconds. Miller was the battle of front lines probably winning team . West May« defeated second second high point getter with will hold the key to' the classic football meeting between top- ranked Michigan State and Sshoos, 0 Junior from Can­ ton, Ohio, weighs OOly 116 pounds, but he is Michigan State’s bread-and-butter back, of Big Tea comps. ^ During a picture-taking ses­ sion a t a plush motel, Daugh­ erty told the writers 'good' íj¡ place Phillips Hill with 36 points sad third place Kappa 17. Michigan State Múdente In AC SPARK PLUG uIso-unbeaten Notre Dame in E a st T-amrfBg Saturday. A crisp blocker and a fine de­ fensive man. Saimes last sum­ coadtiag can make a sta r 4t any good-sized kid-” Alpha Theta with 31H patate. Joan Jalbert if FhUHpe whs 1666 attempted to promote cricket as the school'! second The Electronics Division the individual high peiat win­ This higb-vottaged tangle will be an acid test for five linemen certlfled Thursday by m er got into condition by wear­ ing five-pound “ spats” on each _ To demonstrate, he summon­ ed a white-coated lad who a p ­ ner with 20 points. Jalbert broke the record in the 25 yard sport, fotioWihg baseball organ­ ized in 1865. of General Motors the AF’s midwest lelecttsa peared to be a w riter a t the Our currtnt H U » d*fahp»t«« O d pate*»«* d ***** Dabtero, a senior, has flitted motel. After the boy said he M m » i t MO TITAN H, TOM 4*4 * A t i board as ranking AO-America •Im Mm Syrian, lnt.fl.otio« Manaflav far Ik* * »diA*d M I C » SMk- candidates. 310 yards in 32 carriers for a had only sandlot football ex­ tnf NtVfaoW*» Syrian. fa tk* cam— rd«t laid, AC for <«utl»p*d a t e The group includes 253-pound Tackle Dave Behrman, 243- rem arkable 9.7-yard gain per tty . Despite his lim ited size, Dabiero also is a bearcat on perience, Daugherty threw a football at him from 26 yards away.' FORKIDS ONLY! h mm ymMwfafl • MM « abil» rodiotalaphone. fatoarth MAI dwtfari «M l ptflfaMM' falfaMI navigation »yriam« far moWM IClM* Ipac* «flhbfat. HfotMob ahrtrte «iS oceangoing v*M*k. pound Guard Ed Budde, and 206-pound find Ernie Clark of deftmse. * The “ w aiter” caught the ball y i a d a t i ti wu AC b tatti»! flririltted tifai»»»" «nd phytWMrfa M pbriMMt folk In Notre Dame’s three suc­ one-handed. Daiigherty threw DEFENSIVE ACE—Tony Ku- Hm« fa MlwMkMtfeWfatt *«4 U t Af b *. Tm may y Sfa far « fa fa y Michigan State, and Notre Dam e’s 210-pound Center Tom HecomOvich and 2 10 -pound G uard Nick Buoniconti. cessive victories over Okla­ homa, Purdue and Southern California, Hecomovich led the a half dozen more erran t pass­ miega, senior, has starred on es. Each tim e, the boy snagged the mack wanted Sparten de­ the boll one-handed. fense this season. Kumiega n et m funsi «Mut H f w U t* • S ! *r Ml digito fa th d ita l ■MA «b* or* cetepfatinfl tbwr dpcteratM «Kh «ptioBi t b « fa Mvifl«- Hm •«4 r»lot*4 M A . N AM prinfl ar Phyric*. Adrantod Atrittto» «r» «bè avaUtbb far In ' the words of board mem­ ber Dick Odium of the Min­ Irish defensively with 27 tack­ les, followed for co-captain The grinning Daugherty then can take mach ef the credit identified the lod as his foot­ for the feet that the MSU goal ball rogular, Clark. W T» prttvid* « tronwtion from «cod*«U kn r*fa| fa practical MrMr 4fav*fapia»W t AO-eSera-tfo falfawinf traini«! proSniim; neapolis Tribune, Michigan Buoniconti with 16. BM ts yet te he crewed. 2 I State Fallback George Saimes The hugh-handed Clark, * mainstay of Michigan State’s “ To n o w you how sm art n r coaching staff is,” quipped G P9] M I IW A U K I I Carttr Aaatlrration Artflrata «- A lM*i»*.«a«fa praflraat Mffa farmalitaS or Notre Dame’s elusive 160- pound halfback Angelo Dabtero could itnal the spotlight Satur­ defensive u n i t , played a “ straight m an” to Coach Duffy Duffy, “this guy Is on our de­ fensive team ?' Hooters 3 ri et BOYS s cfaliraMl («»traction ffaaa fa canprMtion with rotati«! jab W fa iM fa fa Menefatturinfl, ffaRoMtifa and InfinMri«!. Ceart*» fathtSti day, but the lineman actually Daugherty in a joke played on * «rifatte and Cfait* Minifa IM « trinciplot flf Iaortiti So GIRLS1 " - laboratory latria»» OhldèOrt -AFTER THE N.D. GAME Spartans To Face e Adranctd ItryfltMdwMim* Principia, «f Airhortta Sfattol Camptriar» lami «andactar Tacbnafagy NbfM fa M d jM lriia Zhifaatpby *1 RalabWty (continued from page 1 ) Hoosiers Ï CONTEST Fiald Sarvica Fraflram —Two- M four «tufa ctaMraom and lobaratary traini«! on inorttal ! trida«CO tyitamt or bibbi«! Mvfaatian lyitartti. Domattic and forafan Ottifrimanti faifa# camplatían «I program. A LL G R E E K Thursday and the brisk Tall air * OPEN HOUSE- | kept It running. ' It was almost too cold to By MIKE SKINNER State News Sperta Writer n \m •OITON Advanced Concept, *»iaarch and Oavafapmant Ondha-Jab Trafnittfl Profrom — AC'i lenta« laboratory h angoflid fa d*v»l»p1« ! > !> •» « * practice signal (frills, but Daugherty was* intent as he After whipping Calvin Col­ lege 4*6 in a rock ’ttm ’ sock Ô» 2 et intrifal guidowea »qvipmant primarily far applicati«« fa Itith *>»«< vthicln. watched his team rounding ‘um ’ game Wednesday, Michi­ V3 CD IOS A N O U tl F e a tu rin g Norm D af fy a t th e P iano at th^ info shape. - He was pleased with the run­ ning turned in by fullback Ron x ._ gan State’s soccer team now is preparing for the Indiana in­ vasion Saturday. ** *» Gl O et Adva«c*d Cancapti Ratoorch and Ptvaiépmtnt On-tha-Jab Traini«! Program — AC'i la» Anflaia» laboratory b occvpi.d with flüroMad vi • 3 guida«»* tWMrtk far ipflta tflhbfa* M S btttlttb «bttfab Sfai bfa V Hatcher. The 2 10 -pound bull­ Game time fo rjth e Indiana) 2 vanead tfataitk fa fatS i l parpatO dozer ripped through the line clash Is 16 a.m . a t the soccer fe («• MS* uHu S_ p6fl666l — —! Kappa Delta House with his old abandon Thursday. Also shining through The field located on the east side of Case dormitory. IT 3 Not a city ttide or oom ywWt bfandow «rifa a * ftoonl Mttari rad AC fefaMMRMfam workout w ai the work of Gary This is the Spartans second N *e CAMPUS INTWVIIWÎ 528 MAC Ballman, the 190-pound senior home encounter of the season. Nmtionsl Contest Everyone Welcome Tight halfback. Both Ballman and Hatcher will be in the starting backfield They hol'd a 44) record. Indiana sports a 1-3 season m ark but in the words of Spar­ ?! O 3 PHtes to be given Iti. . . this store FRIDAY, OCTOBER 37, 1961 If vnaht» ta *ppff M'gStM ttotS rttumt fa ri*. f: RtMc*. OirCctof ef IctantfR» and n tfa m ru l tnirimyMWH, Stiri. S I I , atea m » friut* Hàwttt, AWwfltMt X Witcarwin. — Saturday along with lanky tan coach Gene Kenney the w 2 Columbia Bikes sophomore Herman Johnson at Hoosiers are “capable of giv­ Electric Ja k e Box Alt Eqtrarf Opportunity Employée left halfback and Junior Pete ing anybody a good ballgame.” f t Concert Hall Organ Smith a t quarterback. Kenney was pleased that his Gilbert HO Train „ Sophomore guard Charley Brown was a minor casualty in Thursday’s workout. He lost forces didn’t suffer any serious ; injuries against the Knights of ! Calvin who played as if they | O 3 4 -Speed Phonograph Transistor Radio Kit Doll Carriage AC SPARK PLUG Tiw I k r t r m k t OtvWbR t f Okiii n l M tM ri m »7H a ù i his helmet in a blocking as­ signment and reopened a gash on his nose. — h ad their arm orer). “ That was a rough gam e," Kenney said. “ Calvin had a et Model Cessna Plane Betsy McCall Doll _ Model V 4 Engine Kli • ~ MILWAUKEE • IM ANOCUS • SOSTON AChitvtr fnorttaI Siridama Svitami far Titan It, Thar and Mriat. IW U y _ Milk and Ice Cream -Senior Carl Charon will move to the defensive back- fighting ballclub, they wanted! that game badly.” n IT Jewel Watch Navtpattart Svitanti far tha I 4 K S 0 and M r , ACW tfrfarit ribttfa Sediate/epfiena Iviteme. field to take up the slack for Tricky Mab Ventura, center I Cash & Carry the loss of Captain E d (Rocky) Tty an who was hurt in last week’s win over—Michigan. forward, spearheaded the Spar- ; tan attack and personally dis- ! a rm ed -th e Calvin goalkeeper: mwgr«i Many are predicting the with (Tblitz of four goals. ** */2 Gal Plain Homogenized game to be so close Saturday that an extra point may decide it. T - But with the presence of Art This brought Ventura’s goals scored total of the year to 1 2 . He had 14 last fall. Three-of his goals cam e in i M .S .U . S T U D E N T S Brandstatter, the team 's extra the last nine minutes of t h e , point ace, Daugherty isn’t wor­ ried. B randstatter is 9 for 10 this season, missing one in the mud against Wisconsin. battle, Including his last which j came with only three seconds left. “ Mab’s last two scores were ; Support. 1 Gal all flavors A capacity crowd-of 75.000 j picture goals,” Kenney said. will jam every corner of the “ They were fine shots.” stadium Saturday. _ State had entered the final j Early Thursday afternoon, period with only a slim J -0 the ticket agency reported that j-coming on V entura’s second- only about 100 tickets were still period goal. on sale. _ In contrast to the Spartans j whose squad is predominately Okla Johnson, Michigan comprised of American citi­ State’s 115-pound Big T e n zens, "Calvin had only one wrestling champion, was only American citizen on its team . _ 13 years old when he won the first of four straight state high school mat titles. ZBT Victorious In R ing Pong - SPA C E , M IS S IL E & JE T P R O JE C T S Zeta Beta Tau defeated | Sigma Nu In the finals of the : 1961 fraternity table tennis AT D O U G L A S tournam ent Wednesday night have created, outstanding _ i to win the fraternity champ- | ionship fo r th tr second year In career opportunities for a row. Ira Scharafa from Z.B.T. split his two singles matches, i He won his-first contest from S C IE N T IS T S a n d E N G I N E E R S ! the Phi Delts while losing the with or-working on advanced degrees singles final to Dave Stone of Alpha Epsilon Pi. 1 In the decicfiita matches of j Assignments include th e following areas: j the tournament, Gary Adelman r l e a t T ra n afw r—re la tin g to m is­ S tru ctu res- r e la tin g t o cy elio i and Mel Sapefsteta ef Eeta | sile a n d space vehicle stru c tu re s loads, tem perature effects, and th e Beta Tau team ed to captured S w rv o -M o a h a n lsm s—relating to all types of controlproblem * E le ctro n ic S y s te m s - r e la tin g to in v e s tig a tio n of new m a te ria ls , m ethods, products, etc. A e r o d y n a m ic s —relating to wind the doubles championship, win- j ning all six of their contests. I Adelman and _Saperstein de-i W ith S p e c i a l . . . t u n n e l, re s e a rc h , s ta b ility and_ i feated representatives from i a ll ty p es of guidance, d e te c tio n , A. E. Pi, the Phi Delts, and control and com m unications c o n tro l Lambda Chi in the ieiill-flnals j " P r o p v l s i w n —r e la tin g to fluid« m e c h a n ic s , t h e r m o d y n a m ic s , dynam ics, in te rn a l aero d y n am ics S m o lid S t a t e P h y s ic s - re la tin g to etal surfaces an d fatigue Spaa# veh icle and w eapon i match. M COW BELLS E n v iro n m e n t a l —rotating to a ir system studias—o f a l l t y p e s , Fur Expert co n d itio n in g , p ro aonrim tinn a n d oxygen system s Get full Information a t involving a vast range of scientific a n d engineering i ' . Dry Cleaning .S _ and That's Hard ON CAMPUS P E R S O N A L M ONDAY, OCTOBER 23 IN 7 C R V IE W S To Beat , Try U M EG A PH O N ES ft. Wo urge you to m ake a n tm e n t to m eet o u r representative th ro u g h y o u r placem ent C A M P O S BOOK STO RE I f you c an n o t do so, please w rite to . Si Aaa e s t e y t j StaffAssistant toVPEngineering D O U G L A S A IR C R A F T C O M P A N Y , IN C , Fraador ffltappt f Center 3 0 0 0 O cean Park Blvd., Santa M onica, California A n equal opportu n ity employer MON. THRU FRI. TILL 6 8AT. TILL 7 Across From The Union Building ~ ED 2-0877 mm fi Mr Michigan Slate News, East I m in y , Michigan W Frid ayM oin in g* October 2 0 , 1 9 6 1 O Nab 14 in Pe p Hall, Case, Brody, and the Un­ uM ion and then doubled back to­ iBi—wni «pastan mammmm S o m e E d C lu b b e rs A n tic ip a te W orksh op w ard Beaumont Tower when efforts to cross Grand River a t HasJett and Bogue w ere sty­ BRIEFS Five home Economics Club toe panel presented by the five m em bers wffl travel to an all girls. L. Dbut, E . Lansing sophomore, j shop will be discussion groups Becfcy A GffibertTsnyd^, N.Y., ^ relation rtf aging, inter- (Continued from page 1 ) } each and released. The other m ied bjCpolice of E ast Lansing day workshop a t Western Mich­ E ast Lansing police when they j eight cases will be tried Monday and the University. ' The demonstrations against igan University a t Kalamazoo Headed Joyce A. Entires, f f i S S A*Cg S : , « « A » * tried to cross Grand River Ave. i morning in municipal court. the Pence Corps occured on the E ast Lansing police said the University College in Ibadan, Saturday. \ M arine City sophomore, mem­ Dansville junior. cruitment and communications into the business district. The demonstration began a t Included in the all-day work-1 to the college clubs. students arrested were ones "O ur call for action” will be bers participating win be Ana Officials said the crowd about 6:30 p.m . and lasted which ran onto Grand River Nigeria, not a t the University numbered some 1 ,000 . students. about three hours. of Nigeria in Nsukka as stated Six men were arraigned and The “ rally” began in the blocking traffic, some of them in Thursday’s editorial, [urging others on with cheers pleaded guilty to disorderly Mason-Phillips dormitory area dr ★ * conduct and were fined 113.30 and spread quickly to Shaw | and motions. Petitions for chairmanship THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES M ichigan S ta te U n iv ersity circled back to After much of the m ass had and sulxhairm anship openings the Berkey- for the 1982 W ater Carnival are Student Services area, admin- due Friday. They can be pick­ SALUTE: BILL PIGOT ¿ FO R EIG N FIL M S E R IE S istratidn officials set up a pep ed up and returned a t the Un­ p re se n is ; rally in Jenison fieldhouse. But ion concourse. j by the tim e the crowd reached Six years ago Bill Pigot graduated from college with an Bill Pigot af Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, ★ ★ ★ and the other young engineers like him in Bell Telephone “ONI OFTHEYEAR’SBEST!” —Botley CrowtFm, N. Y. Tim«« Jenison, the doors had some­ Written examinations will be how accidentally closed and given on campus Saturday, by the disgruntled students head­ the Oakland, Calif., Police De­ ed to Brody and then ihto the partm ent to screen candidates engineering degree. Today he is responsible 'for the performance of 1 2 microwave relay stations, numerous communications"cables, Slid other equipment. He also Companies throughout the country, help bring the finest comnYunscatiana. service in the world to the homes and supervises the work of some sixty transmission specialists. businesses of a growing America. “ SEX. SIN, Harrison Rd.-Michigan Ave. in­ for their recruiting program . tersection. * About 10 graduates a re in SEDUCTION By that tim e the doors of responsible positions with the BELL T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N IE S Jenison were opened and most Oakhmd Police Departm ent as AND SORCERY! of the mob flowed back for a a result of two earlier recruit­ •Cm MsgeiMs rally. Athletic director Biggie ing trips. . , Munn and Dean of Students ★ ★ ★ .— ItM-PAUL SARTRE'S Maptatiss af ARTHUR MILLER'S John Fuzak spoke to the stu­ President and M rs. John A. dents and told them State Hannah officially welcomed would beat Notre Dame “ if we new women staff m em bers and keep up this kind of Spirit.” new housemothers in an in­ Most of the students broke formal reception in Cowles up and drifted away in small House Thursday night. The r e ­ groups after the rally, but one ception was the first activity itoringSIMONE SIGNORET• YVES MONTAND-MYLENE DEMONGEOT band m arched to Union and of the Newcomers' Club of Fac­ • — AKapfcy Manutionsl Rete« tried one «»ore drive toward ulty Folk. Grand River. A Departm ent of ★ ★ ★ — ONE N IG H T ONLY * — Public Safety loudspeaker sta­ - ■ Dr. Sam Baskett. associate M onday, O ctober 23 - 7:30 p.m . tion wagon told the students professor of English, will as­ I » ¡ I n H U N IV ER SITY AUDITORIUM there th a t any further assem b­ sist a t the m eeting of the Mich­ .A d m issio n : 50c ly was unlawful and anyone re­ igan College English Associa­ maining in the crowd would be tion, In Detroit Saturday. arrested. Theme of the meeting, to be The bunch prom ptly broke held on th e M ercy College cam ­ up except for three students Fri. * Sal. * Ssa. pus, will be the teaching of who were picked up by campus English a t the freshm an level. officers but later released Mon. • Tue. without charge. — The new program for teach­ ing freshm an English here also IMT U M iH Exclusive Showing " I t was the pep rally that finally broke up the crowd," will be discussed. said Lt. Allen H. Andrews of NO AD VA NCE IN A D M ISSIO N. R E G . ADM . 75c TO P P IC T U R E O F T H E Y E A R the D epartm ent of Public Safe­ ty. Andrews said th at the de­ Lambda Chi Alpha m onstrating students were fairly orderly as long as they Elects Officers rem ained on campus and his Lam bda Chi Alpha officers departm ent had no violence or for toe coming y ear are Tom r ru M U H M v , destruction of property reports. Cummings, St. Albans, CVt., ITS SNEEX ITSTEXUt Both police organizations senior, president, Larry Walk­ said there was no trouble until er, Hollywood, F la. senior, vice sm all groups tried to cross president, T o m Zawadzki, Grand River. Cleveland, Ohio, junior, secre O R IG IN A L Andrews and the E ast Lan­ tary and G ary Ruthruff, Lan­ sing police said the reports of sing-junior, treasurer. THREE' violence and unruly mobs in the R ay Straffon, P o rt Huron, senior, was elected as toe 1962 M H i H first rally Wednesday were STO O G ES simply not true. junior 500 chairm an, an event - I "A t no tim e did the crowds Lam bda Chi sponsors each I * ifi become malicious or destruc­ Spring. tive,” Andrews said. "In fact, they didn’t even bother traffic signs and construction barri­ cades along the m arch route.” Andrews said the Blast Lan­ SPECIAL -fl sing police had a different prob­ lem since they had to prevent PURCHASE destruction of property in the I business district and had to WASH-N-WEÁR m i keep the busy Grand River Ave. FLANNELS ^ Ü K i « * ¡S p ¡ m i » ¡¡M J a 1- j state highway free from stu­ dents. S4 9 5 “We both had jobs to do in a different way and there didn’t ONLY - .m iu H - m s ta a f ! VARSITY SHOP ‘«lit!JERRYIttHMYaUnuatLEinoaflj seem to be any hostility from 228 ABBOTT RD. E . LANS. ^ m i m s a w MPfPMI students toward either jdepart- m ent.” -omcajoiBoiTOii.- [CMIiWtWWMBpn E a st Lansing police said they _ I OX ROAST. In g h am C ounty F a ir EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING TROPIC Al. USUI. plaiH* and G rounds. S atu rd a y . O ctober 21, tion.” Mipplles. G'lbxon’e, »1¿ IV. M iller 5:30 • 8 p.m. P roceeds w ill go to ­ TRANSPORTATION Iluad. TU 2-1481. — 27 w ard Mexico Ooodwlll T rip Fund. The colloquia series presents' Admission $1.50, u n d er 12, $1. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS Me AQUA KNIT SUIT. Black eli if- Sponsored by In g h a m C ounty 4-H f N EW YORK - JE R S E Y fo r research projects recently i •mi dree*. Both siz.- Kxc ul lent i Service Club. 17 T h an k eg lv in g ! Growp c h a rte rin g l'ondi tiou. Reaeonuhle ED -Í455, completed or in progress in [ a f t e r S p. m. 1* bus round | CUSTOM T A ILO R ED SH IRTlv. th o r ity T erm in al. W adneaday. N o­ tr ip to N.Y. P o rt A u­ ENTIRE NEWS SHOW TONIGHT various areas which comprise 1 . . , _ .. - I T abs, b u tto n dow ns, and oxfords. vem ber 22 C o n tact A rt U p to n , HAND i t NIT _Scainilnav lan car* ( M easu rem en ts to 4 inch. S peelal- IV $5.1215, betw een 5-1 p.m. 20 educational research. d |g a o s w e a te r. TM.lieb a c k g ro u n d ] u tn g In ta p e r e d sh irts. Tom Medium »tee. 15 4-6 i 9 i ._________ 17 , K rause. ED 7-2709 or E D T -1.721. 19 It ¡6 glowing m poignant.:. R ID E R S W A N T E D -to D othan. A labam a. L eav in g O ctober 24, in Masterfully a t tad dt d im ta d METAL DESK. 6 « \3 , -inches w ith | m orning. E D 2-1862. 17 l. A. EXAMINE* file d raw er. U p rig h t piano Good ; condition.. ED 7-0859. 17 ] REAL ESTATE A unique event C h a irm e n W ANTED I . A. TIMES LARGE COLLECTION (3 .) of LANSING’S FIN E ST South Hide sopbtB ticated men s m ag azin es- • aub-dlvlalon. 16 m in u te s from MfiU It has d ig n ity ... humor...and N am ed U layboj, Eacapade, N ugget. Dude, j , y e e r old, 3 bedroom , brf.-k ran ch , ELECTRIC GUITAR F U j .r a , genuine feeling.„universel in etc. $.,. —27 H am ilton, Oketnos. ti j ¿’e n te r h a ll e n tra n c e w ith c a rp e t- xaxuphon* p la y e r to p la y in (tr.all ed H vio* room In roar. IVj b a th s c o m b o rE Ò 2-3365. Ask fo r Ja y . 19 iu unadorned appeal MKT Ala SINGLE IW-D w ith mat* tress. Like new . $20. Call 355-S037. w ith ceram ic tile an d colored fix N. Y. TIMES F o r J-H o p 17 , tu res. B uU t-lns an d eaHrii? a re a In la r* e kitchen. F u ll b isen ren t. $1 ARMY G R E E N UNTFOUM. Any size. M ust be In good condition. ! 900, Call ow ner. Tf* i ;* F.n 2-1962. 17 **H ROME PIN K T T E SET, baby Richard Reisberg, L o n g atid to d d le r's clothes, piay pen,— Beach, N.Y., and Jane Collins.: n u nierous o th e r Item s'A n d neces- Amrédltm starring TMHMO UNTONE si tics. ED 7-1 IPS. IT Ceidm U rn 4 —OeferamsMs Stas #f Greensburg, Ky., have been BROWN oversttiffed largre-ehair. St. M m i t i * * Vtmm - --------- named co-chairmen of the 1962 Blond 4**k. Small "-'white fo rn ril NmtntmL Shown At J-Hop. yn ith jack e t. 1 floor, 1_ ta b le lamp. E D 2-29X4. ,17 In Takeerede md tb* m art 7:20 and 9:35 ~ They are asking for commit­ B IO C H E M IS T 11 Mqgmpesor C m * fbmrngrrnpky tee chairm anship petitions foi mt* fa nmh tk* tntm! Starts Sat,.and Sun: ir p.m. R E F R IG E R ATOR. Serve). 19,*,:. 9 foot, 50 pound fre e z ln a com pa 1 1 * | Decorations, Tickets, Favors, n ic n t,'t/Ik e new. R easonable. Call a f te r ft p.m., IV 2-5007. :7 $5,512.32 t o “36,953.94 a n n u a lly p lu s a ll M ichigan c u r t Publicity, Program s, Conces­ sions and Photography. Guests Feature Time Saturday S ervice benefit*. To fill Im m ediate v acan cy In th e STARTS and Patrons, Miss MSU “and PIT k PENDULUM at ANNIVERN %RY 9.1LE In s titu te (or F is h e rie s R esearch a t Ann A rb o r. M ust TUESDAY “L’AVVENTURA” Public Relations. 1:00 • 4:15 • 7:3* • 10:50 “ THE TRAP FAMILY” at 2:25 - 5:45 - 9:05 2*% • 75r* DISCOUNT Petitions should- be returuea _ (Bex Office Closes 10 p.m.) — possess a b a c h e lo r's deg ree fom an a c c td ite d college Program U fa . IV 3-3965 to 317 Student Services by 5 Need we say m ore? Sun.: “ P it k Peaduhun” atT:00 - 3i 10 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:35 in a b io lo g ical o p hysical science“ w ith n o t leas th e n starts TODAY. . . p.m. Monday. Interviews will continue through Tuesday. m m iM h. tm m p f to x SUPER BARGAIN M IC H IG A N a m inor in c h em istry and have one y s a r o f-p ro fasslo n a l THf AT iir PHONE IV ? I 4“ JEWKI.EVI5 DAY! — SEE TWO experience In th e a p p licatio n o f b io eh em iea!- o r b a c ­ FRANDOR MALL terio lo g ical tech n iq u es an d th e a b ility to su p erv ise, features : I T R O A R S W IT H F I E R C E E X C IT E M E N T I IV 5-0749 plan, p erform , and tra in o th a r employee* la la b o ra to ry >1VKKT CIDER. No prcserv-attvc tech n iq u es, such as sp e c tro p h o to m e try , p o la ro g ra p h te added. Apple*, pum pkins, gorii*.. Bloesoni O rchard*. A lfred Ward* a n aly sts, etc. -C ontact Dr. F. F. H oopor, M useum s ow nki and Son* ^Leslie, M idi. 7 mile* south of Mason on L'78. 127: 17 A nnex, Ann A rbor, M ichigan. 14 FOOT Yellow J a c k e t “w ith M ark 55. M aetercraft tra ile r, tw in tank*, upholstered. 2 pair* o r.ekil* a n d rope. P e rfe c t condition. ED 2* 2639. 17 A motion picture CORNET. KONN. Vlc»«sr A Man s that probes B a rra o u ta rain co at, size 44. ED 2- the stranger . . . 4671, II CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE a AGENCY the pick-up . . . W EBCOR ROYAL tap e recorder. why a m an hustles E x cellen t co ndition. 9160. C all KD 2*1446. a sk for Dan 'M elottl— 17 tor n buck or a An Agency Representative will interview eandMatos tor V ER T F IN E , old Ita lia n violin. I place in the P e rfe c t condition. R easo n ab le- positions with our organization on the dates of November sun! price. C all IV 5-3198. 18 I 24th through the 27th on Campus. Please consult tho V ERY R A R E P E T from “5Te*tco. a K lnkjou. E x ce lle n t p laym ate, Placem ent Bureau, Student Services Budding tor infor­ loves a tte n tio n , sell In pet sto res to r $456. W tu sell fo r $260: Call mation concerning these positions and far A t purpssa of ED 7-9734, a sk fo r Bob H azsltou. 13 scheduling an appointm ent . ROT'S' $4 Inch b tk a w ith b a sk et. Good condition. $13.0«. Cell EH ?» 637» 17 TV.~>fi*cell*ne*u* odds an d ends o f fu rn itu re , o th e r Items.. Som» an tiq u es, som e JU N K E sea a t 2227 H am ilto n Rd . Okemoe. ~T J 7 1960 W ..<- t-LENSAK 2 speed ta p e _ « ÍM S fM Í 0 ÍS.. re c o rd e r w ith c a rry in g case, foot LA ST DAYS FO R S E N IO R P IC T U R E S pedal, sslerephene. »128. C all a fte r 6 p m. i l M W l . -_______ IT THURS. *FRI* 8*5 SAT* » -12 1 TECH NICOLO R.] TRAflfftS 3 0 « S A ll' 49 s a w iw : M o * '« /e e t'V k NO APPOINTMENTNECEÜURY feet. Second bedroom m odified w ith c n tm ter an d bookanelv,-*. td .a l f o r s tu d e n t couple. L ocated 26 m in ­ ROOMS 42 - O UNION “SPLENDOR p to * NOW! u te s from cam pus. Call W 2-7791 LAST CHANCE TO HAVE PICTURE IN THE GRASS’* PRICES a f t e r 4. 19 IN H88 WOLVERINE Natalie Wood Uatfl 5:30 pJBl. o Me HIGH READERSHIP NO COST OR OBLIGATION o Warren l enity LU C O N g Ere. A CmuAay • $L2S LOW COST. . . Taday et 1 :N, 5:28, ChOdrta • Sie •:48 p.m. H I T IAMSINO • FHONI ID « « !• Today at 1:11,7:2$ A ance FEATURE PRESENTED BUY and SELL w id CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS uder. Ban Office cloaca Friday aad Saturday 1:20-5:10 • 9:01 Suaday thru Tlaroday 1:00-4:00-8:30 18 H k U f n Siala N am , Eart lam dagi M ifhigaa Friday Morning, October 2 0 , 1 0 6 1 10 O * . J '■ ■ . _ A SL John Student University Lutheran Church Christian S tu d e n ts ’ P h ilo s o p h # Forum ^ East Lansing Parish Student Trinity Church Trinity Christian Fellowship and Student Center Foundation D is c u s s e d b y P a s t o r will hoM * discussion concern­ ing problems of Scriptural in­ terpretation r i 6:46 p.m. Sun­ day in E a st Lansing Trinity laterdeaaartaattaaal Ida Spartaa Area«« Be*. K4 X tSdSB WILIJAMS /----- Pr. R. Ks*aaaa«k Fr. V. HeOerltt dPT M.A.C. ST. JOHVS Sl’MDAT «PORUM VM taaal W t e w a f n e e d I 140 W. Graad Rhat _ i “THIS IS an exciting age in to overcome file barriers is Church, 120 Spartan Ave. Paetwr •ltd P.M. n it la lM » I Ama « n a l , AI» IS k la riu Venti a f B at*» » ri«»» Joaepk A. Porta» Mlahrtrr Christian. Ethics•*- ! which we live," continued Har­ t .rison. "b u t many find it in- t h r o n g love—not legalism. A THE REVEREND E. Eu­ VfflHMP SERVICES •ÌR ORE CHURCH AS «OOD code of ethics does not induce gene Williams, pastor of East lit«« a.at. AS AROTHERf" w i n n ar sa-arr* Faetorei IiM A.M. B S I T E tim KIRIM TOPIC Irrelevant Says ¡credibly dull/ Tbis dullness is any sort of love, only a sense Um ring Trinity Church will -THE PEIIfLK WHO Pr. Kaeaasacfc ! directly traceable to the teach­ of personal involvement can. m oderate the discussion. HI H.T THE WALL* Saaday Maaara DanM W. Hart a a l C.T. Kita« ■lek. ta rta n •'»(RIPT1RB RELATED TO university ump Rev. Harrison ings 'Of tbe^ secular ordeV. "We can wily have freedom "Rum or Clinic” will be the in community, freedom is im­ topic r i a speech by Dr. Ro­ T>3d y.m. ttis-sids-didB i Hiatal »in v ia ¡U (Rafcy t tfla* «I Si»#, didkrt llitS Haaatal t arn*«« Wartart Tÿrla “ There are no new horizons / _ ‘h bvorrioRd o r ■’T*r At Callasa Horma possible where community is be«! Anderson r i the education SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP" Dall* Manata di43 ata., iStld ta l l ’S M T WOR9HIF Jto w relevant are CltrU tlan 1 “ “ Harriaoe. fractured.” Coffa«, Daa« koala A Haaad Takt* ‘It supports no heroism be- departm ent a t E astern Michi­ »■SS pta. •iM. MdI aad UtaP M b OTHER SERVICES Dlaasaala s. ' ‘ ‘Ï Ï L Î t c ' Â f S S S à a ! « » * « k « t a f about gan University. Untai dai Menare didd ta dtad"a.«K. A •'PO LITTLE AMO THES iXZSLli ta r tk K kE W . All Saints* Episcopal Church Si4A a.m. SaadaV Sekwal Cwafi aalaaa dally «t dtad pta. assistants recently, the Rever­ -provides easy answers to liffng P p o Ip Tc p t i r p c CAMPUS VESPERO so mvcu" is sponsoring the speech at 7 Claaaea far Ualreralty Made«»* datarday 4-dtdd ta Ttad-didd pta. w h a t we don’t know today * C i* lC 1 A d i i C O p.m. Reeeaa der*!««« S anarr aan fa irarH al at all Tatara «Hass! W M at C.IA. end Jack Harrison, Presby­ Trialty Calle*la«e retlawaktp Tara. Sta» ta ftaS p a . Stadrata tr am alt Battami ata will be known tomorrow. SidS p.m.' •rrvirtHk terian m inister concluded that, Compiine aad Rea«diet»aa i n acnKDViR fw u*oo tavttad ta ka srmota af CAL. "Christian Ethics are irreftv- i Thomas .“We a re still caught in the F r o m R e lig io n UNIVERSITY L u t h e r a n TiM p.m. Wedaraday Eveala* 7«da P-m. Irrt «llefcrbrt MM. Brwdy Hirt», for dtaaor aad p a s ta s . Tfclo Jefferson idea of the Church will present “ Music of Mo, le e*ery Friday al*bt at V Cam tliMi Oara ISsia, Mtw •rest will kosta art I M p-m. aad ant. They don’t help the aver­ perfectability of m an,” Har­ the Church moderated by Prayer and Blkle Stady II ill, Maaaaa ttd k aal arriatas rosrlado at TAS p s t . ;—-1 age student to make decisions F re e d o m F ig h t Mary Fisher, senior in educa­ Pfcaae Ike Ckarek afflee. 337 Dane* e»ery Satarday al*k«— •• akairt akaat IliK» ■•“*. Hartara rison observed. TUaS, far lafaranrtlva raaeerala* d - «3- kr aaaac rnntr. a t school, and a t most these tion r i 5:30 Sunday. tke rampaa fcaa aefcedale. Pkaar ED 7*4771 st udrai Pracraa 8 ta« p.m. E ra rp a sa Wal eama ethics just induce guilt pro­ “GREAT IDEAS come when The Rev. Dr. Norman Vin­ W esley'Foundation will con­ blems man turns himself out. When cent Peale says it was a "h ar­ REVEREND Harrison based Greek culture was spreading duct a series r i discussion rowing experience" to be ac­ groups a t 7 p.m. Students may his decision partially on results I it was g r e a t When turned of surveys taken in 101 Re- mward, the culture collapsed." cused of bigotry in the 1960 choose the group in which they First Church of Eastm inister University ligion, in which he is a lectur- ■Similarly, "When it was the presidental campaign and as a result h e is forsaking the cause are most interested and par­ Kim berly Downs ticipate in the discussion. er, and partially upon his e x - ! mission of America to settle of religious freedom reported The groups will be "Person­ Christ, Scientist Presbyterian Methodist penence with students in !the frontier, we had an ideal 1beyond ourselves. Now we feel the Associated Press. al Committment,” "Methodist Church o f Christ ehurfch activities. Peale tells in a new boric, Theology,” and “ Social Con­ In conducting the first sur ! we have arrived and the next 7dd EAST UR«YO HIVER Church Church vey in 1957-58, Harrison asked j step » refinement—moving up “ The Tough-Minded Optimist,” the circum stances surrounding cern.” , Kant l.tta.ln* 1118 A Hariloas Rd. his-students to write for five to quality his attendance a t a Protestant THE REVEREND Robert fHO? Kitttlirrlv Orlar, Vnnving minutes on “My Idea of God.” Most people are not bother­ i bnrrh Ser,lee II A.M. ISIKAkkott RI. Wllaos M. Tessas«, Mialate* ed by any sense of impending m inisters’ meeting that touch­ Kavanaugtr-vrill discuss, "Is (2 blsirkn U . of Fm»4ssr Vhopp' “ With but one exception, ed off a furor. One Church as Good a s Anoth­ "aaday Sekaal II A.M. East Laaalac - Cksrrk PorrIm«, 9, IS A llilS they did not connect Christ to doom. Some, such as the e r? ” a t 8:15 Sunday evening in Ink L’rntrr om W. GroBé-RIvirA ■ paaday Sekwal for l elvernlly Mlateter -V the discussion in any signifi- “ beats." have a great fear of THE MEETING, held while St. John’s Student Center. Rc«. Robert L. Morrland « ro u Me t youh l ie b ». cant way, although 95 percent this doom, but it does not pro­ John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, 1 % R-71.10 atadeafa Si3d a.m. Hijlel Foundation will pre­ Mt Walt>rider Drive. E. U Rot. Wllaaa Tasaaat of the class professed Christ- v*de an^ basis for action, and Richard M. Nixon, a pro- sent Michigan’s Deputy At­ a«b)rr, Study Pkonrt ED 7-0183 ianity in one form or another.” HARRISON FEELS that the testant, were vying for the torney General, Leon S. Co­ Ori l<> inliiKrr* Mlni«trr "PHOHITIOt AFTER DEATH" Naraery, erlfc room far all scrrlcea A SIMILIAR survey conduct- only basis for action today is White House, reached a con­ han in a discussion on “ You SUNDAY VKRUI ES »ed. E-reale* Meet!«* 8 P.SL 8 UNDAT PROGRAM ed in 1958-59 on "State the R e -' a sense of community or per- clusion that a Catholic presi­ and Civil Rights,” Sunday at Si.'IO a.m. Ckarrh Sekaal, r*lth. Ckarefc Rekool lationship between Jesus andisonal involvement. dent would face “extreme pres­ 6 p.m. Itradio* Room Mwrnla* » «n»klp 11 wie a.m. Nuraery. and Ada» aludr. ata« Our lives are vertical. We sure” from the church hier­ deala laeladad. A m a.au All a«ra God," the students performed The discussion will be pre- Rlble Study WilS a.m 134 » ’. (.rand Hirer 10 >3# a.aa. Wnreklp. wltk matta­ IM a.aa. L L I A I r t olda little better. are not bound by any sense of archy. ceeded by a kosher spaghetti Mo«, thru s«4. d ata. - 8 S-m. tila* Ckarvfc Irkaal for Kladur- There were two categories of j covenant. Living in such situa- Commenting- that he had and m eat ball dinner at Hillei Evealaa ^» wrahly diria p »>. ■artea aad yoaasrr. WBSLKY~ POCSDATIOS answers on these surveys. One tions leads to fracturedness be- fought all his life against House, 319 Hillcrest ave. M»a.. Taea.,X Tfcatao * F * Wedreaday «ral«« Rlble Stady Aermou Geevpa L Jorda« was a nebulous idea of God or tween God and m an." bigotry, Peale w rote: Cost of the supper is 50 cents 7ri>« p.m. - 9 |M». idea of goodness, while the How to recapture this sense “ From my harrowing experi­ for Hillei members and 75 TtSO p.m. All are aelewme la «»lead Cfcurek ‘•»MICH AHE ÏOUt” Mlalatrr Director r»r treM»p.irlMtlt.ii eatl I E S-8 IIM second category comprised of community is a problem ence it became crystal clear cents for non-members. Ser*tree, aad vfcrtt «dd aaa «ka ATtlDEST« WELCOME •oppor A-p.m. Peram T p.m. what Harrison refers to as " a which is bring studied by that it is no longer possible in ED Z-HltMl ur EU *=2134 I all ED 1*WM for tran»portatl#u \ r e r all atasla A married rr.« atadcata legalistic code of irrelevant many social science disciplines. this country to discuss the Readia* Raw«*- — ethics.” The 10 Command­ REMARKING THAT it was great principle of religious ments formed the basis of (his possible to a tta in this sense of freedom, however dispassion­ L u t h e r ’s L ife . latter group. „ community, Harrison said, "If ately and objectively. „ All Saints Students were also asked the doctrine is tru e th at Christ “ AS FAR as I am personal­ D e p i c t e d In E ast Lansing East Lansing Peoples Church Episcopal r about their sense of personal died for all men, it m eans all. involvement with God or with It was an act of Grace on the ly concerned I shall never Christ. „ _ p art of God which in fact again be Involved in any con­ sideration of religious free­ F e a t u r e F ilm Unity Center Friends Meeting - East Lansing - Q iurdi - “ T ie Church is the-people of ¡unites all men into common dom whatsoever, for I realize 42ft W. GrinfTRItrr _ IRnakera) God called to the task of Gpd l humanity and places all men that to do so is to court the "M artin Luther,” a feature Hssqfte ft. Miller, F«»lor SM Akkott Read—ED 1-1313 # This is no cookie-pushing pro-¡in the image of Adam, made danger of bring accused of length film depicting the life Nutidn.v W«r»li|p - 11 mt »«an. Meefta* far »nrablp at latrrdraomlaatloaal — gram , it requires real cour- in the image of God. r i th e famous religinus reform ­ “OHfciDltfM K TO DIVINK R«r. J aks P, Porfö r. Chaplsla bigotry. 9»»4»f IfliiK»! - 11*HH ».*•». Wealer Faaadatlaa. 343 Fark age . . . yet 70-80 percent off “The wall which separates “ Though, I love religious er, will be shown Friday at 0 «>nnl«l rirrlr — JMolssImt ^ - I.aae. Eaat I.aaala* inn W. Grand llltar at Mlekl*aa Rar, Hakata Gardarr the students have no concrete j nation from nation and man H«l«a Clark — Or#»nl*« Idt43 A.M. Dr, » allure Rokortaoa, Parlor freedom, I b rie bigotry m ore.” 7:30 p.m. in 31 Union. Ntndy n«M«« Mnndaj 41 W>4 Far laformatlwa. Pbeae Chaplain ♦« Msrtaod Stsdoata basis for life in relation to i from m an are man-made, not P e a k said he had no p art in. The film is r sponsored by nesduy fitaftiff* at TiM |bM. Da. P. Mar.oeTMmnt« AfflllafH nltli l aity Srktsssf af ED I- 1 MM Rat. Rot J. lahramm Rar, Gerda« J ene«. Rortor ’ God. Secularism has become i God-made writing the statem ent drawn up m em bers r i Gam ma Delta, a thrlMlinlty. 1 am*'* ftanalt. Sila- I "The only way we can hope •anrl. ________________ ^ RM * Rat. laaapk Porter the new religion. by the m inisters a t the Wash­ Lutheran organization. . ■riVDAT SERVICES ington session but had seen it Members r i the Lutheran Paator Eatorftoa and thought it " a tem perate Student Association will be the •■ss A.M- Msir Eamms sl as S t Andrews ^ Dr. !». A- M«C»«a WORSHIP* SERVICES IiM A II a.aa. 1*THB I DOI. OP THE SiSO s.au Manilas Prarrr of M«l7 Communion.' Saasa«« A Ckarek Palestine Groups and reasoned discussion of special guests r i Gamma Delta some problem s'that were cbn- during and after the film. sidered im portant' by many Admission is free: . F irst Christian Reform ed Eastern thoughtful people.” CLASSROOM" Dr. Wall nor faoberInoa Ckarek Sefcaal •■90 a.ab A 11 a.at. — trkoaL 11tM A.M. Moratas Prayer a* Holy Cemmaatea, Sarmas A r To Air Problems HE ALSO took issue with re­ ferences to those attending as “the,P eale group.” He said he F l u S h o ts Church 210 Maraball 8*. I.aaala* J Orthodox - •i« Crib roam ftraack kl*k The campus United Nations ■ Mike Kreke, first vice-presi- Rev. Juba M. Holman. Paatwi aefcoal aca organization holds its second I dent will be chairm an in the had nothing to do with prepar­ Mwrnln* Servlee - id a.m DMlar Mtarajr *»2 il •*«» Ckaph Sekool ing the meeting and that it R e a d y fo r Evealtt* her. Ire 7 P-*H Sin# p.m. Campa* Vraprra fall meeting Friday at 8 p m . absence of Walid Kahadduri, •fhwae la aeed nf traaapwelittl«« tfa ENfflhhl — CAHTMMBUHT CLUB in parlors A, B, and C of the i president, who will be repre- was alm ost by chance that he v rail the—eamptt* tteliictoaa Ad« Far fra a««N»rta(laB rail Graf®# MtCaa* Cfcaprl attended a t all. , Itmr. Me. Caraellaa' Kwrbwra at Mrkfiaa 4W*< R. 24 Libia Scheduled to be heard is a Great Lakes Conference in Co- tour of Europe and the Holy resolution drawn up by the del- j hunbus, Ohio, Land when he received an in­ A fresh -shipment of influenza egations of Jordan and Moroc- vitation to attend the meeting, vaccine is_ ready for distribution; First co, calling for the enlargement ! . . ... which was called to consider at Olin Health Center. Central First Church of the Palestine Conciliation] I n t e r n a t i o n a l N i g h t the question of separation of Olin urges all students w h o ; Presbyterian- Commission. I Presented by CFS church and state. did not receive the vaccine at Methodist The A rab delegations want to ‘^Looking back, I am amazed registration to do so immediate- j Ottawa aad Ckoataat — of the Nazarene include in the commission rep-| Foreign students will be a t my own lack-of perceptive- ly. According to Dr. Jam es! Worablp lartteaa 0»30A ll At l.a* resentatives from Western i tn*ests of honor a t a meeting of i the Christian Student Founds- ness relative to such a gather­ Feurig, director of Olin, there ) Church B as ta ta a t M k r countries. ing a a this, especially at such are 2,130 shots ready to be dis­ _ _, . . . _____ , , kion a t 5 p.m . Sunday in Mc- a tim e.” . f Narerey Prorld#d> “CAM GOOD COME Ckarek Sefcaal « OHS' sa b . Marala* werektp • 1 1 ita a.at, The resolution also is a s k i n g Ch K, p e l 0r Peoples for the property rights of the Church. He sail he should have real­ pensed free to all students. Students wishing to receive I Rendine Timei 43 aeennd«1 DO VOI Til INK BELIEFS Inter-City Bible OUT OP *VILt" Ror. Sfcaata. Prcachla* Tastk Oras «« « IM ras, Evaaseltette Haar — Tita MB, Palestine Arabs refugees to be safeguarded. The International Night ac­ ized that reporters "w ere go­ innoculation should check with ing to pounce on anything that the Olin Pharm acy during reg­ MAKE LIVING DIFFERENT» Yatf akonld kaorr that there In Church Wnieary Piall i l i . tivities will consist of a din- could possibly be related to ular clinic hours. It will not be oar Met bodlet Church In S.aaalna •iM p.m. Ostata d a k Hileen Polakof, head of the j ner—free to foreign students— „here people and mlatetrra week 2MT E. Mleb.*aa Harrr T. Stanley, Mietet** politics.” necessary to see a doctor. Israeli delegation is expected Iand a program directed a t the aerlaaalr aa Ibe application al .3 Mweka Weal af Fraaderl to comment on the enlargem ent unity of the world. The voices «•ark «rrinoM. Church G a s s e s Meet | in “ Contemporary Rivals of SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH of the commission. ^ I of Love, F ear, Tolerance, Pre- She said in a release th at This judice, Hope and Faith will is not the answer to the prob -1 give an resum e of the situation ' . ■ . 4 the Christian Faith,” instruct- *s sP°nsnr- ed by Dr. Wallace Robertson, Vom arr a«tkr«l lo raa«t«lrr_ dermoR. slid tkra. *f«»a at fkr r%I« nnd |»l«*k np ypur rsspy mt VI orwklp SERVICES mg a series of classes on relig- . , ,lT . .. 1518 S. W ASHINGTON LANSING lem a n d that the com m ission! in the g e rld today ion to be held consecutively A th,rd cl**s on Letter t0 the "What Tkra Are Wr Ta D«r. a II i.ia. 41 Î p.m. has not been effective because | Decorations will consist in lint af fits «huxpnIIohh far fkr every Sunday night for four Ephesians” is instructed by Dr. mppilvmtlon af fkr «rrmoa. its duties m ust be re-defined. part r i a m ap r i the world weeks a t 6:30. Julius Fishbach. Blklr ftrkssal YOUR "mURCH-A WA Y-FKOM-HOME” The meeting is scheduled to >which will be pinpointed with In addition to Dr. Simms’ I Ur. Shoa Lee will assist with Tkrmr far hNNjif 1*** A MIW4- • :ATs m.m, begin with a report by the j the nationality r i each foreign course on / ‘Basic Beliefs of instruction on Buddhism and ( |,K t.KKITKII THAN H FtlJM .. Dr. ^TraWr will prrark at kafk 214-Wrrk Secretary General. i student present. Protestantism ,” there is a class I Mohammendanism. »rrrlrr«, H»4ft aad lltfHL Wr4. 7i20 p.m. 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR %rra«« from fkr f 'a»it*l TAmmtmm 11:00 A.M. “LIGHT IN MAN’S - Greek Lansins: Central Ottawa aa4 Caylfol Avraara -■ "f otter mml — Vaatk tata1!«« «a, IM E.H. Katlaat tits A.M. *water trkaal ISiM A.M. Dtvta# Liter*y l«iM A.M. Yoaiib F.traln« Worship — 7166 p. ms. Family Vanir« R># Rvtalac T tM ^ CHURCH —# * fWtaaaa la Break, derate« la 4SS Norrb H««adora Read Etariac lata Ita — VMS PM. Ea*ltak) Rot. Ca R. Hops — «A block* north af Graad RlrerI - QUESTION BOX HOUR - • r u a m s c i r o n r a l t e r i* s r s r r WML Tita P.M. Meetta* af dlaraia Kppflal 9p«ak«r Re*. Trum ir A. Marrlaaa « Re*. Raklaaaa ft. Lapp ■Cpetlea PM at wltk CMMTA For Tra»»«mortalIss» f nil M.ala«era aad Ckakr Ntaakera. tv i-asgiT * 8 :3 0 P.M. ADULT YOUTH A church la «be Frateetaat traditine r ia m a ta tke a«a| «r deeeml« aa tinea, vtkleh aeeka fa mlakrter ta tke at at 1 « tea aaeatla* aplrlf. Presenting Slides And A Message en El Salvador, CJL «4 NO AT SF.RVfCKS MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Okemos Church SiSS aad II>Se a ta FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION Attend~ A campiere ekaeek «ebani at bath kaara. of the Nazarene rrthrown. thr»a«b it. Hft*b ____ - L eaving Shaw H all 9:20 man. an d 6:20 pjm. Follow ing F a rm L ane, A uditorium R oad, Physic* & STUDENT CENTER tdta Hpartite« Rd. Some Sermaa ky l Rev. Tram«« A. Marrlaaa _ E . L. WsMt, Interim P u t e r C, A. Bratta, pa atar Rev. f n t a n A. Hattaaaa Road, D orm itory Road— S topping a t B ethel Ma» das day drkaal IPtdS a.m. Chapel Tekpfesoe ED u m * - Barala* Warafcl« 1 1ita a.m. CHURCH BUS TRANSFORTATIONi Attend ekaeek ky an.a* «ka n o r - Division « MAC A v e .. A bbott R oad - D elta Tea«* St a t a Srtalra S>IS y-m. Church E4*e»aad Traplea Ckarek ka«. Ran aekedalei IddML Skate I.aae • H arrison Road a t M ichigan Avenue. t a s t a r Waaekta H M . U d ì arts. i a t U lli p.m. at »eat Ikan Hall« IStda, new derm, skai* Itaaei IStAA. Rolla«* Ntanart A »'li raaata I r a r t Errala* 1 »rrtar fidd ».a. . «eater, mala eatraaeet IIM . Grand River af Akkatli lata# Graad Sta d t « «« da s pa i E i a « « « ■« t a • S tah l Mld-meek Srayet Wad, fdH) a-a*. -Every Sunday Rive* al Rapar. Baa «NI trtir a «« aka «a pkkaaa lallawlap morata« Call IV 2*9382 for further Information Call BD T-ddPT Sta «Ma «IttRIM sarefcta. ., > - -^ y W ELCO m