n i x NUMBER THREE—This slop by WIN NUMBER TW O-Notre Dame was IRISH COLLAPSE—The Spartan bench TOO BAD JO E!—Notre Dame coach Joe WIN NUMBER THREE—Spartan cross­ In d ia n goal keeper was one of the few fast to cry for victory la the opening half went wild during State’s brilliant second Kuharich gets a pat on the hack from country track man, Jerry Young came in shots missed by Spartan hooters as the of Saturday’s Irish-Spartan football game half as the MSU offense finally got moving Duffy Daugherty as the two coaches leave first in the Penn State-MSU meet Saturday MSI' Soccer team defeated Indiana 10-0. as the South Bead team took an early and the defense tightened against the Irish. the field following the 17-7 Spartan victory. to help give State a triple victory last 7-0 lead. —State News photos by Doug Gilbert. weekend. —State News photo by Mike Stoll. Second C lass P o sta g e Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. »4 Monday Morning, October 23, 1961 PSld a t L a s t L ansing, Mloli. 6 Pages 5 C e n ts Services F o u r - F lo o r H i Today fo r C . B ro d y A d d itio n P r o p o s e d U n io n Services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday for Clark L. Brody, board of trustees m em ­ ber for* 38 years, who died F ri­ day in a Lansing hospital.^ To Have Mr. Brody, 82, also a leader C y c lo tr o n W ill G iv e Campus UN Says UN Style fo r 7 ears in the F arm Bureau, was chairm an of the board of M em os trustees for 16 years. H ie Brody group of dormitories 6No 9to Arab Plan Offices ~ was named in his horior. S ta te L e a d in S c ie n c e More than 1900,000 in two jtion of the instrum ent to be of Lansing have donated $250,- 4 p.m. MONDAY — Talbert Abrams By ARIEL MELCHIOR Of the State News Staff sentatives from the U.S., France and Turkey. By MARCIA VAN NESS Services will be in Estes-., Leadley Colonial Chapel. O f­ ficiating will be the Rev. N. A McCune, pastor emeritus of “ Aerial Photography is Ob- _"H e snid .th a t the proposed Editor-In-Chief gifts have been received by the 1completed by the end of 1963. 000 to the University toward —solete,” 404 E. E . "The proposal for enlarging change in the commission will Peoples Church. Burial will be Board of trustees toward the I ' It will be housed in a bujld-.. 7:30 p.m. - “The Crucible” the Palestine Conciliation Com­ enhance th e'settlem ent of the Prelim inary plans for a mil­ in Evergreen cemetery. the planetarium , which will construction of a campus bear their name. French film (One showing), mission was rejected by a 34 differences between Israel and lion-dollar International Center After Mr. Brody’s death planetarium and cyctotroQ. ; ing containing approximately to 30 vote with three nations the Arabs and it will help safe­ to be constructed—ax~an ad­ President John A. Hannah Auditorium. A grant of 1700,000 from the ¡28.000 square feet 'of floor Their gift, accepted Friday 8 p.m. — Prof. Ray Marshall, abstaining Friday at the cam ­ guard the properties of the dition to the Union were ap­ said: National Science Foundation j space which will be construct- by the Board, will enable the Louisiana S. U., “ Racial pus United Nations meeting in Arab refugees. „ proved by the board of trustees “ Mr. Brody has been a part will be used for the design and ed at a site still to be chosen. Board to proceed immediately Practices of Union and In­ the Union. - In contenting on the reasons Friday. of Michigan State University construction of a new 50-MEV The cyclotron shoots ions with plans for erecting the dustries” ; 103 Kellogg Cent­ The resolution also asked the why the Arabs are no longer The center, to be constructed so long—a s student, extension variable-energy. muRi-partk’ie and protons a t speeds up to building adjacent to th e * er. commission safeguard the pro­ in'Palestine, Qutub said: between the Union and the worker and board trustee and cyclotron, which is expected to 60,000 miles per second in a Museum. ~ be the nucleus for a scientific !thm beam. - - ■ —To be called the “ Talbert TUESDAY perty rights of the Palestine “ The Palestine A rabs' fled Home Economics buildings, board chairman—that it is dif- Its .purpose is to produce and Leota Abrams Planetar­ 4 p.m. — Dr. Norman Hunt, Arab refugees. <— their homes and homeland be­ will have four floors, one be­ research a re a to- be built up on South Campus. Iradioactive isotopes which can ium ,” it wilhbe located in what — “Power in G reat Britain and Ishaq Qutub of the delega­ cause of Zionist terro r and in­ low ground level, and will con­ H_G. Blosser. associate pro­ (be used in a wide range of is now the Museum parking lot the U. S.” ; Library, H. C. tion iro m Jordan, one of the timidation. They were expelled tain an assembly hall seating fessor of physics and astron­ j biological and other scientific* and paid for in part by con­ Lounge. sponsors of the resolution, ap­ by the Hagana, Irgun Svie 260 persons, patterned after the omy, will direct the project. | research. tributions to the Development 7 p.m. — John Dodds, “ Ameri­ pealed fruitlessly to the Lehumi and the Sternbands, United Nations General As­ The cyclotron, which is ex- Fund. _ can Memoir” , WMSB. General Assembly for passage the illegal parliam entary Jew­ sembly quarters. Included in the cyclotron will 8:15—p.m. — Roger Wagner ish organization, now incorpor­ It will be connected to the ■peeled to be 10 tim es better j be if giant piagnct weighing Abrams is chairm an of the of the m easure. Chorale, Auditorium. In his prepared speech he ated in the Israeli army Union, and house the Union in most applications than pre­ j 12 0 tons. It will be placed in a board of directors of the -WEDNESDAY sent nuclear accelerators of concrete vault behind concrete said- the commission, which Although Israel appeared to bocrtc store. Abrams Aerial Survey Corp. of 4 p.m. — Provost Lecture Ser­ was intrusted to implement all be in agreem ent on the ineffec­ ^Present Union bookstore the same size, was designed at walls from, three to five feet Lansing. He received an hon­ ies: Dr. C. C. Killingsworth, MSU, by Dr. Blosser and Dr. thick to shield researchers UN" resolutiohs, has been inef­ tiveness of the commission, space will be used to house orary Doctor of Engineering “ Economic Effects of Auto­ Morton M. Gordon i against harmful radiation. fective. — Gary Steinman of the Israeli food service facilities. Con­ degree from the University in mation!’, Kiva. ~ Officials expect the construe- I Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Abrams June. “ Therefore,” he continued, delegation had a different so­ struction of th e new store will 5 p.m. — “ Tactics of Commun­ “ we recommend the expansion lution to the problem. be paid for by Union funds. ism ’* wiH explain Communist of the membership of this body He said that because the j The new building, exected to expansion t h r o u g h war, to II states representing the commission has no function I cost approximately $1 , 100 ,000, WKAR. countries of Asia, Africa, Eu­ and never did. perhaps all the will be the headquarters for 7 p.m. — Joann Freem an, rope and South Am erica.” outdated agencies should be the Dean of International Pro­ “ Recital Hall’V WMSB. ' Presently the Palestine com­ consolidated (apparently those [ gram s. It will include office 8 p.m. — “ Concert Hall” , mission is made up of repre- See CAMPUS UN Page 3 space, counseling' rooms for WKAR. THURSDAY foreign students and Interna­ Noon—Prof. Urban T. Holmes, tional Lounge areas. -Jr., “ Life in the Middle A g e s’r WMSB. F a unce Discusses Accumulated funds from In­ ternational projects of the Uni­ versity will -finance the struc­ 7:30 p.m. — E. A. (Ned) CLARK L. BRODY _ Bayne, “ American Policy in Ira n ” , 32 Union. A u to m a tio n P ro b le m ture. In approving the plan, Trus­ ficult to think of MSU going 7:30 p.m. — Sigma Xi, “ Re­ tee Jan B. Vanderploeg of search in Physics at MSU” : Four groups oF people. will good they will not be hired North Muskegon said the cent­ along without him. 118 Physics-Math. B ldg,~ be greatly affected by autom a­ back. ^ er would make MSU a leader “ His record of service is well 8 p.m. — Prof. Sidney W. Fox, tion: Unskilled labor, the poor­ The four groups that will be in University International known, but^ the true value of “ A Chemical Model-for Spon­ ly educated, the elderly and most affected by automation. program s. his contributions is yet to be taneous Generation” : 112 Negroes, Faunce said, are those in an realized as a greater'university “This new building devoted Kedzie. That was the opinion of Dr. unskilled occupation, those who to world problems will place rises on the foundations he 8 p.m . — D r.-N orm an Hunt: William Faunce, associate pro­ lack adequate education, elder - 1 Michigan State first in the helped to put dowrt. Auditorium, Kellogg Center. fessor, departm ent otsociology ly people who have been laid country among schools active­ “ He will be remembered FRIDAY and anthropology, and labor off from one job and are try ­ ly involved in International af­ with respect and affection by 2:30 p m. — “ Lorentz of Film ” , and industrial relations center. ing to obtain another, and fairs,” he said. alLwho knew him as the quiet, WMSB. Faunce spoke to students Negros. . In other actions, the board: wise, courageous .gentleman he SATURDAY - and faculty in the Kiva on the There are two m ajor effects w as.” 10 p.m. — Soccer—Purdue vs. problems of automation in an of unemployment on the com­ Voted to establish an Insti- Mr. Brody was graduated MSU, Soccer Field. industrial society last week. He munity, Faunce said. tude of Water Research to from here in 1904 -with a 10 a .m .. — Watershow: Por­ emphasized three problems; “ There is a migration from study problems of irrigation, bachelor of agriculture degree poise Swimming Honorary: employment, occupational dis­ the ru ral to the urban. Many sanitation, industry and tranju- and after farming for 1 1 years Men’s IM Pool. tribution, and hours of work. communities* are dying and portotkm; was named to co-operative ex­ 1:30 p.m. — Homecoming There will be unemployment others are booming. This could Authorized the creation of a tension service. Game MSU vs. Indiana. as the result of autom ation, be prevented, he said, if there division for physical plant He was first appointed to the 8 p.m. — Homecoming Dance, Faunce said. was a rational allocation of planning and development, co­ board of trustees in 1921 and Auditorium. “ This won’t be direct dis­ industry.” ordinating the work now done then was elected to six straight SUNDAY placement where machines go There is now a direction of by the departm ents of site plan­ term s from 1923 to 1958. He 7:30 p.m. — AUGS Seminar, in «me door and the7 employees change in jobs toward profess­ ning and grounds maintenance, See BRODY Page 3 Dr. E rnest Melby. out the other” , he said. ’-‘The ional and technical employ­ University architect and de­ DAILY problem will be that people m ent resulting in a decrease partm ent of buildings and utili­ ART EXHIBIT - Staff Show, Kreage Art Center. won’t be hired la the first among factory operatives ami ties: . ■ unskilled labor. Named Prof. Harold Lautner , Small Fire at place.” This is an outstanding pro­ Faunce suggested people director of the division for blem when one realizes the re­ should develop skills for use of physical plant planning and Brody Hall cent growth in our labor force. their leisure tim e resulting development; Firemens were summoned to During the 80s there will be front automation in order to Made sum m er term a regu­ Brody dining halt Saturday to W e a th e r 28 million people in the labor lace t ’ emselves in the chang- la r quarter instead of a spec­ extinguish a small fire in a force. This is a 40 per emit in- community ial summ er session; trash container on the build­ P artly ctoady aad slightly cream over the labor force in Research m ust be used to Changed the nam e of the ing's rear loading dock. “ G* away, little a n a ! ” shouts Gary Ballmaa after grabbing pass tossed by w arm er thaa Sunday. Spartaa quarterback Pete Smith. George Sefcik didn't go away M i he forced the 50s. Faunce said. solve te e problems resulting Business Administration build­ Firem en were abte to extingu­ The Ugh today will be In During a recession m any from autom ation before they ing to M arshall hall and the ish the blaze with the water Ballm aa oat of boaads bat aat before the Detroit kakftaet had picked a p 23 the i t w l r s . people a re laid off from work, become too prevalent, be said, University College building to carried on the truck. The inci­ yards arid way tfcnagh the second quarter. —State News photo by A lt Wtelaad. m m m m m m m m m m.m i .he said. If th ere is a utomation lit the company, chances a re Eustace hall. dent occured about i p.m. I- Michigan State Newa, East Imming, Michigan Monday Morning, October 2 3 , 1 9 6 1 SnH ^M É P re ss — " in " 11,111 iirwnrif iiwnn in B rid g e on th e R iv e r R ed C edar D o u b le S ta n d a r d in B rid g e N e c e ssa ry A id -to -A th le te s P l a n m im m niis»iiai»ni w < f D , v i d The bridge on the River Kwai had nothing on ' the attem pts to bridge the Rod C edar a t Bogue L . J a e h n ig The Big Ten’s new aid-to-athletes pro­ The University’s scholastic requirements street. gram is supposedly geared to tighten echo* are stiffer than those proposed in the Big Bogue street, if you rem ember, is half of leatic requirements of Athletes. Under this Ten’s aid-to-athletes program but neither the boulevard that passes in front of Abbot and plan an athlete seeking ,a scholarship to a are worthy of a college which pretends to Snyder women's dormitories, and dead ends in conference school mast be able to show a any academic excellence at atf. the back yard of the Beta Theto house. “predicted” potential of a 1.7 grade point President Hannah has contacted the East Lan­ average. A DOUBLE STANDARD seems to exist sing city council by letter with a formal request in relation to athletes. Participants in foot­ to set up a meeting between the city and MSU Once admitted, he must have the 1.7 by to discuss the bridging of the Rod Cedar at Bogue the end of his freshman year. Continuing up ball, basketball, track and all other varsity street. - the ladder of scholarship he must have a sports are allowed a special dispensation 1.8 at the end of his sophomore year and a from the academic requirements of other ACCORDING TO Hannah, the bridge would 1.9 f t the end of his j unior year. students. relieve the traffic problems—both foot and auto U n d er MSU’s policy a football p lay e r can that are caused by the ever increasing flow of , The idea seems to be to move the stu­ ncrth-south traffic. dent softly along until he m anages a 2 com plete one iu lH rs rs ity season (th e equiva­ lent of th e end o f h is sophom ore y e a r) w ith This would not be strictly on East Lansing p o in t a t g rad u atio n property because half of the present boulevard a 1 point average. H e m u st, of course, b rin g is.on state property, therefore it requires a joint - T H U PR O PO SED rules a re aim ed a t fix- it up th e n e x t term o r leave, b u t th e dicho­ effort between the city and the college. , ing a d e fin ite av erag e fo r p a rticip a tin g tom y rem ains. __ The proposed bridge would connect Shaw Lane ath letes. P rio r to now. th e e n tire area h as W hy should he be allowed to p a rtic ip a te with Bogue street and take some of the traffic been hazy in conference policies. Most de­ in u n iv ersity -su p p o rted a c tiv itie s w hile off the Farm Lane bridge and Stadium bridge, cisions o f th is n a tu re have rested w ith the o th e r s tu d e n ts w ith th e sam e av erag e a re and therefore would also lessen the traffic jams “forbidden. encountered during rush hours at the Haslett individual colleges. street entrance and Abbott road. M ichigan S ta te for exam ple has a policy P re se n t rules dem and t h a t any all-univer«- The city council, after some comment to the s ta tin g t h a t an a th le te can p lay -a s long as sity office-holder m a in ta in ' th e equivalent effect that “ It’s not our responsibility; It’s up he has no F ’s on h is record.-T his m eans th e of th e all-u n iv ersity av erag e. T h is generally to the college to solve their own problems,*’ bolder of a 1 point can still m ake th e lineup. is in th e vicinity of a 2.25 -or h ig h er. proceeded to refer the letter to the city manager •The stip u latio n s tig h te n , how ever, since for investigation., l— t h a t sam e a th le te m u st have a 2 point when T H E C A PTA IN o f th e basketball, team need not m a in ta in th is a v e ra g e and his IT SEEMS A LITTLE strange that a town that he e n te rs upper school. is receiving the monies of 25,000 students, hun­ te a m m a te s m u st only keep a 1 point. If th e y do m ak e it to upper echooh, th e y still Letters to the Editor: dreds of professors and also hundreds of employ­ ees would be so swift to condemn the college for only need a s tr a ig h t 2 point. trying to improve safety and facilitate traffic T o m o rro w N ot A new philosophy is emerging among the D ead A th lete s a re no d iffe re n t breed th a n any o th e r stu d e n ts. Supposedly, th e y - come "to a u n iv ersity on th e sam e conditions and fo r U. .SNo Miracle Worker it make whether .»e-win or lose movement. The attitude that MSU is a state school—let the state pay for it is, to say the least, unbecoming To the Editor: — and his Uke there is nothing to a city that claims to be progressive in the young'people of the nation. th e sam e reasons. T hey a re no b e tte r and no After digesting Prophet Da­ but the iaint echoes of their the football games? area of .city growth. ^ “We are a generation of doomed people, -said w orse th a n th e a v e ra g e m an who can only vid Archibong’s article en­ own voices reflecting back The final clause of the short a coed, discussing the world situation with an­ titled “Wise Aid Needed, to De­ from an indifferent universe. paragraph under the picture The council is even planning on discussing break 1 0 0 a t bow ling and h as n ev er seen answers my question “ It pays fallout shelters for public buildings and residents other lovely. This statement is true when viewing velop Nations,” I was once It is difficult enough fo rth e th e under-side of 90 a t golf. at their November meeting. Perhaps they ought the world situation. again left with the assurance artist to convey emotions and to be prepared.” This is a de­ The-gloom seems to be generating from the T he Big Ten proposal only su p p o rts th is that the United States is the experiences; can’t we at least vastating admission Yes, it to start "with the safety-of the peacetime city complicated and nauseous Berlin crisis. At home, philosophy t h a t a th le te s a re in a d iffe re n t victim of a profound psycho­ h a v e reviewers sensitive pays in gate receipts to win before they worry about the effects of an atomic we have Attorney-General Robert Kennedy rat­ class. By a sk in g only sub-average g rad es logical impasse. And indeed he enough to perceive them? and one must hold “Prayers - Blast. And perhaps they should be a little more tling our nuclear arsenal on behalf of his brother, of players, th ey solidify th e g rounds fo r a is a prophet, for on Sunday, One d,oes not ask a chUd just for Victory” in order to win. concerned about the “student vs. auto” rat race while Nikita Khrushchev actually explodes them double sta n d a rd . — _ students in his country of Ni­ learning to read for an opinion What a travesty on both sports­ on Grand River before they worry about the during his testing spree. _ geria demanded the exodus of of Hemingway. Shouldn't we manship and religion: cmder-block shelters for those that survive the B u t th e re are no m oral o r logical groflnds the 37 Peace Corps volunteers, expect more from reviews In D a n M. Weedbridge traffic problem. AT THIS POINT, if there is no nuclear war Associate Professor over Berlin, there will be a great deal of nuclear fo r a double sta n d a rd . T h e re is only one branding them “agents of im­ our own university newspa­ It’s very nice to have one of the top-rated col­ perialism.” — per? _ Department of American leges In the world located in your city so that fall-out due to the Russian tests. What effect this sta n d a rd and if a u n iv ersity o f in te g rity Thought and Language Mr. Archibong reiterates that Ira Rohter ■ you can brag about it. We would like to brag radioactive fall-out will have on future genera­ is a t all concerned w ith th e values it propa­ “little thought has been given about East - Lansing and its cooperative spirit tions is not exactly known by the “experts.” g ates, it will elim inate th is duplicity. lately to the possible ways of with the college. National gloom continues, and more than likely helping these countries so anx­ it has been building from „the “Eisenhower Years" wrhen the United States took a beating ious to improve their lots.” I Bicycle Plan WITH FUTURE development plans of State realize that our 16-year-old for­ Brakes, Not Rules shifting the-educational center of the college from- from the Soviet Union in the game of propa­ eign policy is suffering acute To the Editor: _ ganda. The result is that no matter which way F re e d o m at C o lle g e adolescent^growing pains; but, To the Editor: In keeping with your pre­ the Grand River avenue area to the south side one turns, he cannot help but feel distressed. Dayid Jaehnig suggests that vious achievements in promot­ of the Red Cedar, the traffic problem is getting Communists and conservatives, are being my friend, the United States, worse. - Look "anywhere, and you'll see that this nation is along with the rest of the worht. bicycle riders observe “ a few ing that which is best for the on the defensive. barred from speaking at two of the city’s public is steeped in thought of possi­ driving, walking, and cycling University, and being cogniz- - The group exodus north and south between In our own nation we are trying to overcome colleges under circumstances that impair their ble methods of easing the trans­ rules.” ant of the increasing problem classes involves foot, bicycle and auto traffic, discrimination and prejudice while at the same standinge as citadels for the free exchange of ition of the “unfortunate, sub­ A better beginning step to­ we pedestrians are posing to and even now often results in squealing brakes, time trying to preserve the freedom of the people ideas. ~ _ jugated peoples.” We look for wards safety would be, a few the University's esteemed "bi­ frayed nerves and occasional accidents. in West Berlin. All of our own people do not have Queens College has nullified an invitation by direction from the Belgrade rules on the condition of bikes. cycle owners ! submit to you The addition of a third thoroughfare between the freedom we are trying-to extend abroad. the student Marxist Discussion Club for a campus Conference and come away No, we don’t have to compete the following program in hopes north and south campus would greatly alleviate The problems facing the United Nations seem speech by Benjamin J_. Davis, the Communist feeling somewhat unfortunate in races and have every han­ that it may help (?) solve this the~problem. But is MSU to build a bridge to grave indeed. Its entire future is at stake with party’s national secretary. Hunter College has and subjugated ourselves. dle-bar grip cleaned or each problem. This is hereafter to nowhere? the Russians asking for a three man secretariat refused to continue an old arrangement for We do not pretend to have a spoke polished. Just please get be known as "Mecca's 7 Point Campus-city traffic patterns have to be worked and the U.S. wanting to keep the present Jorm. renting its assembly hall to The National Review, panacea, but ff efforts to ac­ your brakes fixed, why don’t Program.” out. a traffic light will be necssary at Bogue Out of this eonflict may come a world without a publication far off to the right. complish grass-roots empathy you? Marjorie Yascoit 1. Post traffic guards' at in­ tersections of bike paths and -strect-Grand River corner. Bogue Street itself • U .N „ At Queens College, where the audience would through institutions like the will have to be improved and above all a better have been undergraduates, the authorities have Peace Corps are nipped in the sidewalks during rush hours. COMMUNIST CUBA being only 90 miles 2 . Install walk-don't walk feeling between the city and the college will have shown too little faith in the good .sense of their bud, it. follows that future at­ to be worked out. from Florida poses Red inroads of our once students. Freedom to listen, to discuss and. to tempts will meet-with frustra­ signals and or ringifig-flashing Latin-American friends. There is more gloom in make sound judgements is the essence of learn­ Victory P rayers devices in heavy traffic areas The college presently stands as the leader in Laos, Red China, the Congo, South Africa and. tion and possibly failure. public welfare. Is the City of East Lansing to ing. It was in this spirit that Dr. Buell G. Gal­ If freedom is of primary im­ te.g .7 in front of Nat. Sci. ad infinitum. lagher, during his presidency at City College,- portance, why do leaders such To the Editor: Building!. lag behind? Our only recent propoganda victory came when not only permitted a ranking Communist to as Kwame Nkrumah flirt with - I was interested in the pic­ 3. Form Driver Education the Russians resumed nuclear testing. But it was speak on the campus but publicly debated with what is actually a contempor­ ture ot-Coaeh Duffy Daugherty inform classes for bicycle operators to when the Russians did something, not when we him. ary brand of Imperialism char­ in an attitude of prayer which them of the basic p rin t-. acted in some way. The recent 5-to-4 decision of the Supreme Court acterized by its own “obvious appeared on the front page of ipies of safe bike riding. «Spe­ Point o f View 111Hl III!11H11111:11liiim m M M M This gloom is starting to be reflected in the at­ that the Communist party must register as an political implications.” last Friday’s Michigan State cific instruction area — black titude of students and the population in general. News. .The brief paragraph asphalt paths for bicycles, The students today want to live for today and not worry about tomorrow. All of the problems agency controlled .by a foreign power does not suppress the party or strip it of the right to- speak. Nevertheless, we are both aware of complacency and ex­ under the picture was even white cement walks for pedes­ ploitation; and both, for sure, more interesting. trians. NOT the other way J F K W ins Issue seem, to him, too great and the responsibility 'I f the party leaders make themselves outlaws would Uke to see an attitude of -The picture and the para­ around)— H U I lill II III I IIII II I 11U11I K I IIWtl I HWrHil Hilll too awesome. He discusses the problems to be by carrying out their threat not to register, the solicitude reciprocated be­ graph are very revealing. They 4. Develop bicycle opera­ sure, but he doesn't feel that his voice is going case will be different; but no one has the right tween the “have” and “have- are a sad commentary on the tors licenses, «Have both writ­ Let us give credit where credit is due. Presi­ to change anything. "Why fight it, just let me to impose sanctions in anticipation of such de­ not” nations. Events erupt too values of the athletic depart­ ten5. and (hiving tests.) . Have mandatory- state dent Kennedy’s strong stand on Berlin has helped live” may well be the philosophy. fiance. fast today to have it any other ment. It is 'most unfortunate the free world to avert a crisis . . . for at least At Hunter College the issue is one of letting way. Kirk Balcom that a “ sport” should be taken inspection for bikes over four A BREAKING DOWN of law and order, and so seriously that the head years old the time being. the decaying of morality is. the eventual result unpopular opinions reach the public, rather than Owosse Doubts on the part of western political thinkers coach finds a prayer before 6 . Develop a n d promote of such a philosophy. The tide must be turned students. Hie college contends^tbat its reputa- each game «to be appropriate. safety campaigns s u c h as that Premier Khrushchev would risk war-over before it becomes too late. It is not possible for tiqn is damaged by permitting William F. Buck­ One could understand, per­ “ Have your coaster brakes the Berlin issue have been substantiated. This is all of us to live for today and forget tomorrow, ley Jr. and his associates at The National Re­ haps, a coach praying that the checked every 1.000 miles ” clearly a victory for the Uqited States as leader unless we are also able to forget Che Revolution view to hire the assembly hall for a series of “ L a Dolce V ita” members of his team might 7. Erect, multi-story bike of the free world. that occurred in 1776. symposiums. play the best game they are racks— to alleviate parking The President answered Khrushchev’s chal­ A rededication to the principles of human dig­ —The authorities feel strongly enough on this Te the Editor: capable of playing. The film “ La Dolce Vita” ing a ritual of “Prayers for But mak­ problem. lenge with a derisiveness^and resourcefulness nity and freedom for all peoples is most neces­ point to warn that they may impose a blanket I have sincere hopes that I prohibition on rentals for concerts, plays and left me in a disturbed state; so Victory” not seen in many years from the office of the sary. Our country has the greatest story of all (the very words un­ -may someday waft the rights Chief Executive. Words of warning were sup­ to be told, and if we can ofity return to the prin­ all other outside gatherings if that is the only also was my reaction to your der the picture) before each eous path to higher education ciple set forty in the Declaration of Independence legal way to keep out the Buckley group. review. Why, 1 am curious, game ported by a partial mobilization of strategic is don’t you select reviewers be a sport and nothing corrupting what should with a clear mind, free from military units. _ "~ and our Constitution, there will be no need for Little as we admire political extremists of any all of our defensive footwork in the area of for­ sort, we hope the Board of Higher Education equal to the level of the films sport. Sportsmanship at but MSU a the fear of two-wbeéied hot The delicate decision was made to reinforce eign policy. wQl make clear its dedication to the principle they pass judgment on? Un­ is apparently synonymous-with rodders.~T * David Mecca our Berlin brigade with troops from West Ger­ Let's live for today, but at the same time con­ of freedom of ideas by opening both colleges to* doubtedly. your reviewers are winning. What difference does E m m a s Hail many through the 110 mile access route. „ tinue to remember our obligations of tomorrow. speakers of the radical left and the radical right, quite adequate to evaluate Had this decision caused on incident the Presi­ We are not doomed unless wre believe there is respectively. most American-made films. dent would have been strongly criticized from no tomorrow. —Temple University News —New York Times But when words' like Berg­ all directions. However, his ability to act in the man’s “Seventh Seal,” Fel­ Pi a m .is manneF he did is allowing the world to breathe lini’s “ La Dolce Vita” or Res­ W E ARt UXKVté nais’ “ Hiroshima, Mon Amour” 10 ctytoto OH HAU.0W FEV a little easier today. ~ - 7- appear, can’t reviewers be ï W W /fTH YW R F U L L The primary aim of -any foreign policy is Michigan State News found equal to the greater depth of tnese films? To illustrate: the reviewer I c A e d o P ff N A a Y tA R , security. Khrushchev will not risk the survival of his country on the question of the recognition _ of a E ast Germ an state. Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued states th at "La Dolce Vita” Ho has tried to cover up Ms retreat on Berlin on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and fails because it offers no “vis­ with the announcement of an explosion, in the spring quarters. Issued twice weekly- during the summer term . ible solution” to some problem near future, af a 90 megaton bomb. This might Second class postage paid at E ast Lansing. Michigan. he only superficially under­ be a sufficient explanation Tor the Ivans, but we Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building, stands! This criticism illus- should have more foresight. Michigan State University, E ast Lansing, Michigan. trates well a confusion of in-« m We m ust see that the Communists can be Mail subscriptions payable to advance for one term , $3 ; for two terpretation (?) which left me ueafen at their own patented game of “brinkman­ teFfhs, $4; for three term s, $5. ^ as helpless as poor Marcello. HÂVE iOV HÛTlŒD? ship.” Our country m q t to the brink this tim e Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily P ress Associatioc Besides being incorrect, — re­ ana our resoluteness called the antagonist’s and the College press. ligion is a “ solution” for some Muff. This is what we m ust understand. In the — tile comment is irrelevant end, this contest will be won by the side th at E d ito r M arcia Van Ness Editorial Editor Sharon Coady Perhaps that is exactly Fel­ has most consistently carried the ball. Managing Editor Ben, Burns Feature Editor Curt Rundell lini’s point: for many there is Business Mgr..« Larry Pontius , _ „. „ „ . no answer. Let us learn from this lesson that when the new C irw ila tfo iiW -B U I Marshall Women’s Editor Sally Ward F rtltai’s artistry lies precise­ brink i are established we do not have to fear City E ditor «.«. „. Bill Cote Sports Editor ..... Je rry Fischer ly in his ability to communi­ the consequences. Strong determined leader-. News Editor..« Jay Blissick Photo Editor .. Dave Jaehnig cate an awareness that some­ sMp. such as our vigorous President has exhi­ thing is wrong. For Marcello bited, will amply answ er the “call of the brUtk.** wmmmmmmmmm map to the- Arab-Israeli sltuatioa, • CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — HIGH READERSHIP C am pus U N Indian delegate I. C. Shaw call­ S ta f f Ü e e t s Placement (Coatiaued Bum P*f* l> Limmatug the Palestine ed for the “establishment of a federated Arab state with auto- nemoua Arab and Jewish re­ Staff M Ü frsm «avara! departments of Om University will attend the annual can* at a panel d a ta d a coocern- ing the rote of the goftmmwat in the me minorai minenu im i amarri m « de- cerned with natural romaicos. R has she technical commit­ tees. Land. Water, Wood. Wild­ Bureau uwriwMMiTn i tloo) into a new body, he proposed to be caDed taiwue East Resettlement Organisa­ gions in Palestine.” He also described the rights of the Arabs to their homeland 1er«oca off the Michigan Natur* velopment Peter Tack, f t A bead life, Recreatfen aad Mineral tion (NERO). ^ as indisputable F o r it is the of the dmaitawat of fisheries fis Resources. Interviewing a t the Place­ Steimaan suggested that the al Resouftas Canaca la Lan­ m ent Bureau Thursday. Ad­ functions of NERO would be natural tig h t of people, he said, sing Wednesday at the Jack and wildlife, will ha a panel to rem ain in possessioin of the Tar HoteL member In a discussion on coa- ditional infor m ation in the two-fold: Placem ent Bureau Bulletin for land of their birth r ig h t Hie topic ef thr conference latereats hi mineral J-H o p L To work out with partici­ The delegation of Denmark will be In» and Copper hi reaoarce development. the week of O c t 23-27: pating nations the conditions BeB Telephone System, all for resettlem ent of refugees. headed by Russel Hopkins, ask­ Michigan’s economy. The council acts as a service ed for the rejection of the reso­ B.. T. Sandefur, professor of agency to 37 Michigan organ­ P e titio n in g m ajors of the College of Busi­ 2. To coordinate the process lution because, he said, it geology, wffl be the moderator izations aad Institutions can- ness and Public Service, De­ of rehabilitation of integration cem ber and M arch grads. of these refugees as an effec­ would not contribute to a solu­ E x te n d e d Central Intelligence, all m aj­ tive asset to the labor forces tion to the refugee problem. “ Passing a resolution which ‘News’ Needs People Petitioning for chairm en of ors ia the College of Engineer­ the J-Hop executive commit­ tees has been extended to ing Juae December grads. and All m M arch ajors in and the of host countries. He assailed the Arab reso­ lution Laying th a t there can be both parties cannot agree on may serve to aggravate the trained for copy editing posi­ no solution to the problem situation by increasing already Stata N a w a la seeking Wednesday. The pétitions are colleges of Business & Public “ unless the A rab governments bitter feelings,” he'said, i tions. available in the Union and 317 Service December and March trainees fot several staff posi­ grads and Science & Arts De­ abandon their opposition to in­ The advertising departm ent Student Services. 'S' . tions. Freshm en aad sopho­ also has openings for students cember ft March grads. tegration of refugees into their Chairmanship positions open m ores a re fought for report­ ing, typing and office work. who havo had training in sales representative work o r are ea- an: Decorations, tickets, fav­ Ford Meter Co., mechanical, economic ors, publicity, program s, con­ electrical, chemical and m etal­ life." The Arab refugees are not Brody peciaUy interested in advertis- cessions Ha n d photography, lurgical engineers. Chemistry, allowed to return because they (continued from page 1 ) Juniors and seniors will be guests and patrons. Miss MSU, physics and m ath m ajors. Ac­ have no property tights, he was chairm an from 1924 and public relations. counting m ajors December, contended. They sold their Only juniors a re eligible for M arch and June grads. Fin­ lands to the Jewish people. through 1938 and from 1948 to chairm anship, however, all ance. statistics. & economics He added th at the reason 1957. Mr. Brody was in the Michi­ students m ay serve on any of ] m ajors December and March why they fled Palestine is be­ the committees. Open commit­ ' grads. All m ajors hi the College cause they were urged to do gan F arm B ureau from 1921 to 1950 and served as executive tee rush will h e N jv. 1 in the of Business ft Public Service so by promises from Arab in­ Union. I Decembe r and M arch grads. stigators th at they would inher­ secretary, .treasu rer, general Saginaw Steering G ear Div. it land after the « » q u e st. ^ m anager and vice president for of GMC, m echanical engineer*. Offering a “ wise solution” public affairs. ‘S a t . R e v i e w ’ Guide Lam p div. of GMC chemical, electrical and m ech­ anical engineers. E d ito r o n General M a t e r s Proving Those in the Know Grounds div. of GMC, applied W K A R a t 3 mechanics and physics m ajors. Always Go....... An address by Norman gineers. Electrical and m echanical en­ '“7 ^ ^ ~ P e r fe c t Cousins, well-known author Delco Radio div. of GMC, to the UNION BARBER SHOP and editor of the “Saturday m echanical, electrical, chem­ e x p ressio n UNION BUILDING Review,** will be presented ical and m etallurgical engi­ Monday a t 3 p.m T'onW K A R neers, and physics m ajors. o fth e rüg radio. OidameM e div. of GMC, The address w as recorded a t m echanical engineers. *N d t u r a l S h o u ld e r Detroit on Oct. 11 when Cou­ sins spoke before a P eace Race Central Staff div. of GMC, S u i t Thf restrained lines end Offensive Assembly. Cousins, accounting m ajors December, distinguished fabrics of tht Naturalairie is a vice president of the Com­ M arch and June grads. All m ittee far a Sane Nuclear Pol­ m ajors in Surinam ft Public identify the man who has arrived. icy which believes th a t world Service Decem ber and M arch Should ytutr next suit, say less of you? peace can only be gained grads. Finance, general busi­ through disarm am ent and stop­ ness, science f t a rts and com­ page of the nuclear arm s race. munication arts- December and 85.00 M arch grads. Anchor Hocking G lam Carp., R E M O D E L IN G S A L E ! techanical, chem ical, civil, t h t la b r i th a t wt a n » f i n e r e le X h in p =Central Mutual la s. Co., all WONCH . - . ■w — . y*" I TAIE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TREMENDOUS SAVM6S NOW { 1 7 2 0 E . M ic h ig i irto December and March rads. L a n s in g 4 8 4 -7 7 8 6 1 WINTER I Rail Gaat S p e d a i G ro u p 1 SPORT 1 Liak-Belt Co., m echanical. J ACKET S Ia *P*dsl SWEATERS I SHIRTS , Feed Machinery f t Chemical “ for the man who cares to w ear the very best!” ■ h u m ■« $ 1 9 .9 5 Values to $12.95 i Re*, e u s < 201 OFF 1 ONLY SI 2.99 ONLY S6J9 1 Now 2 for ST ' K o p p e r s Company, Inc., SUITS I TOP GOATS CORDUROYS I Tlaa - 1M. W. Kellogg Ca., mechan- Reg. $65 and $55 1 Reg. $55 Reg. $8.95 value ! V alues t o S2.50 ' &$39» I NOW $45 ONLY S5J5 1 ONLY 99c ' I .»high Portland Cement Co., II m ajors in business f t public FOOTBALL H 228 ABBO TT RD. ervice, science ft a rts and Len Kosifchek’s VARSITY SHO “ EAST LA N SIN G Dmmunication arts December and March grads. CONTEST Radio Corp. of America, “ Buy now and sav e” electrical and mechanical engi- ( F o r g a m e s p la y e d S a t u r d a y , O c t . 7 ) W o lve rin e 1 s t WILLIAM BRINDLE, Sociology m ajor, class of ’12' (photo a t P ic tu re Prize £ A A A a a left) walked away with Viceroy’s First Hundred bucks p r i» money. DENNIS BROWNRIDGE, Class of ’64 took Secead S c h e d u le ▼ 1UU CASH! — P r h e Money (ISO) and ANDREW TOTH got the Third Prize of g25. (Winners ef Contest No. 8 will be announced soon.) The following organizations will have pictures taken for the Wolverine Monday in the 2 0 P R I Z E S O P $ 10 E A C H W O N B Y T H E S E S T U D E N T S O N C A M P U S ! Union Tower room; Delta Upsilon, 6 p.m .; Delta JO liN BADACZEWRKI, B u t t e r f i e l d DAVID BARBER. S i f j H illsd ale; LAW RENCE BECK. W. Shaw ; JAM ES IV. COOK. A rm - Zeta, 6:15 p.m .; Sigma Alpha s tro n g ; K EN N E T H W. F A U P E U 110*-E. G rand R iv er; W AYNE COYLE. B ryan; TOM FLINCH, 62« C onley Ave.; KEN F R ID 8- MA, O w en; JE R R Y G ILLEN , 410 M arsh all; HARVEY ACKERMAN, 213 D. C h erry L an e; BARRY JOHNSON, 1207 G U nlvereity Epsilon, 6730 p.m .; Alpha X: V illage; F R E D EV IN E, 1124 B. M ain; D A N IEL S it’R PH Y , Em m ons; L E S L IE NIXON, W. S haw ; ORVAL NUTT, 40« D ivision; Delta, 6:45 p.m .; Theta Chi, 7 JOHN PLUM E, W. S haw ; TONY ROGALSKI, 212 K. G rand RTver; N E IL ROSEN, 420 A llen; JO HN SCHAUER, 5031 P a rk L ak e; • W ILLIAM YOUNG, 1412 S p a rta n V illage. p.m. Delta Sigma Phi, 7:15; Pi < fiu .f = A carton of V iceroys to all students who got all th$ winners right, regardless of scores! Beta Phi. 7:30; Phi Kappa Sig­ m a, 7:45: Alpha Kappa P ri, 8 p.m .; Delta Tau Delta, 8:15 (Attach Viceroy package or facsimile here) p.m . V ic e ro y „ C o lle g e F o o tb a ll Evans Scholars, 8:30; Alpha Tau Omega, 8:45; Beta Theta Pi, 9 p.m .; Bethel Manor Stu­ CO N TEST NO. 3 dent Center, 9:15; and Lambda Hera are my predictiotn'for next Saturday's games. Chi Alpha, 9:30 p.m-. Send my prize money to.: WENT WITH TELLER TO PUTMY CASH AWAY. NAMF CLASS BANK PEOPLE REAL FRIENDLY. ONE OFFERED DOOR JAMMED. HEAT INSIDE TERRIFIC. 5 YEARS' INTEREST IN ADVANCE. ANOTHER FORTUNATELY. MENNEN SPRAT DEODORANT ADQRESS OFFERED IO. FINALLY SETTLED FOR PEST FIGURE . . . 3 8 - IS HARD-WORKING AND LONG-LASTING. %STAYEDCALMANDCOOL. TELLER DIDN'T. THOMPSON’S WIN SCORI WIN SCORI JEWELRY •; H eri Are th e Contest Rules: •' . . .• \• □ U. ef Oetreft □ Army 1. day «teilet er faculty m,m*ir mi to* n p u miy eater enept empteieee et are«* I tWOeieeee. Its edeertMef epmeies. er menken [ I Weatere MUhlfee U. Q Kent I t ,- erranti lattoSite ternate». Ml eetrtee Utw e Mo »reaerty et jrewe > Ksspsaks MMameée—eeëe «HI fee retetnei. Ulneeri «SI fee mtWee eUtorlfet«« meta eSw WS eeeteS. MaNrV aeaM n«r fee peMiM4 le taie eetn- I I Mkhlpew □ »«*• teaer. Vee atet eater a* etlee et yee at*. ereeHei eerfe retry k teet f~] MWhlpee It. [~] Mleneeeta Diamoli Msgs liS eUefeSr. Cut«S w »i it te e» «i m tel natoti iei. fatue» me eeefü feae y Inttr l le feaNet fee* ee aeopea ae letv tkee tke I I leeton MlcklpewU. [3 Se. HHneie Weaneefay eadSpN fetore tue paw* are tof*fe ee4 recatale fer «ore filini ga mme eufe. T>eda>neSitMiW eeilit»m Ato«itatetoye4. JT1 Wayne St. U Weatere Reeerve Watch & Clock I. faute« met feetaeretotref» eue etto.Oe Ifeeeaaaee ta W* ed et «are aaeWfmy Staak'er «tare et eeeer et ito enee ehe eel tonet, □ ' .D w,,vv . m l la» SW« ■ » ! afta»eeeieeeHaeatoet end etteefeta. «taeew. Rapabiag Creta» «• reto! Vkanr »nasas sr • teeren»!« leeSWee S IkeVkerer MMee N«aasen ee Me paelnas Seat. HaBealrr ta Wcenr S to aie* O' □ t. M. U. I I »«retie □ Taxe» SHE STARTED SORTING OUT THE # 1 .0 0 0 TEUERTURNEPOUTTOBE m i E GRANpL a ttoefeVea tfee entry Mae*, et Step *« t o n i feeSefe Ceetat letter 8 IU » . SAID SHE LOVED TO COLLECT LADY0ANK RO & 08Í. GOT «EVÄRp TOR □ U. C L A , n Cetifernie PICTURES OFOROVK CLEVELAND. SOUNDED CAPTURE. SPENT ITON ANOTHER BOTTLE OF 223 M.A.C. Ave. 1. latrie* «WieJaS|edfey Ike feeafeee H. Oeemthy Cere , ea tke feuit el renta* id S m rerrrefey enSMM. Ito efel feefetefeeeee tfeefee« Conte»« Open ONLY TO STUDENTS ANO »AdJLTY ON THIS CAMPUSi UNE A R40NY NAME TO ME. .. 9 0 t MBWBN SPRWY. WBITeiACKTOOFFICE.IT WS SI teine $mtum:Deetoete Mns amr*eS la een ef-laS feet. SLUGG6 PT C R . FUU.QFCUEMTS. 6 NEAKED H0ME TO REST. Mail before midnight, Nov. I; to : Viceroy, Box 20-B Mt. Vernon 10, New York E a s t L ansing, Mich. 4. Wweett ere e»gfe«eter ear etti* te «»eweeeet tetolr. $ • - -•V ’Y * \S r« '^ B S S B S S B ß V B B S 1$ | jafil i ' BE? ■\ Michigan State Hews, East Isn ifo f, Michigan H w fc y W tifa t, j fe ls fa H 1961 1 Æ W h a t A D iffe re n c e A By JERRY FISCHER % both Spartan touchdowns and* swerdwl the game ball by toe Varsky Drive. In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER Sports Editor rolled up 142 yards rushing in ‘ 14 carries, received the game players. Foresters Get OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.Af. In praton* Saimes, Daugher­ DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. ty called toe Canton, Ohio Ju­ New Officers “Yes,” grimed Duffy Daugh­ ball. He abo received praise erty as he munched his usual from Daugherty.' post-game apple, “ ire made “ He’s such a wonderfully some changes at halftime.” Hail to Victor nior toe “complete football Dr. Terrill D. Stevens, head player." “ \ ef toe forestry department, was 8 :3 0 P.M. - 1 :3 0 A.M. SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P .M .- 1 :3 0 A.M. conditioned athlete. He must elected chairman of the Michi­ He didn’t elaborate. I■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PAUL SCHNITT The Spartan mentor said that gan He didn’t need to . - m,’ have been in there a t least 45 minutes. Wayne Footes did a “wonder­ tion State Board of Registra­ ED 2-6517 That second half Saturday “ We played him mostly on ‘Win Doctors 13 through 431 ed like the day of m ajority ful job" on defense. Footes board’sforfallForesters meeting at the in East established 90 minutes of foot­ please report to the southeast rule and democracy in Ameri­ was in 00 many tackles aad Lansing last week. ball history th a t won’t soon be defense in the first half be­ cause we needed him there. iectiodsof the stadium. There ca was over. made the key interception on U. J. Noblet, Houghton, was forgotten here. And the Notre State’s six yard line to end a elected vice chairman and Dr. Dame Irish won’t soon forget He’s our best all-asound play­ are some 17,000 Michigan State MEANWHILE hack in the e r.” £ 't drive with seconds left in toe Kenneth P. Davis, Ann Arbor, it either. After trailing 7-0 at halftime, the Spartans battled back with Daugherty also singled out Center Dave Behrman, Half­ students choking on four tons of toilet paper.’* Such were the words that Spartan locker room the team huddled. And the Associated first half that could have spell­ was re-elected ed doom for the hosts of that urr for 1962. secretary-treas- FOR KIDS ONLY! u 17 points in the second half to back ’Carl Charon and Line­ Press ticked away news that day. em anated from the public ad­ Poor dteact f* win win J h e game and preserve backer Wayne Fontes as game d r e s s ’ system a t the d o se of the oddsmakera had m ade sec­ Duffy admitted that "we were fighting for our hie most P a c k e r s W i n their~No. T ranking. “THE TEST of any team is standouts. He especially praised Behr­ m an, who changed not only his the startling first half Satur­ day th at had shocked, dismay­ ond-ranked Mississippi an 84 point favorite over Tulane in of the game." ’ '"M MINNEAPOLIS, St. Paul UK! BIÓ FRIZ whether they can come from ed and indeed frightened loyal a night gam e deep in the heart “I can’t remember a team — B art S tarr’s passing, Tom | behind,” Daugherty said. “Up offensive but his defensive Spartan rooters. And it led of boll wevil land. that hit as hard as Notre Dame Moore’s running and P a u l 1 until now, we’ve been the front position last week. them to glance so uneasily to­ “We m ade a lot of Mocking did against us.” Homung’s kicking overcame a runner. We haven’t had to “ It takes a real athlete to w ard toe scoreboard where the changes 'dining the half tim e,” (In tost big game- down tough Minnesota defense as the 2 come from behind. do th at,” Duffy said. 7-0 Notre Dame m a rtin was said Daugherty. South, Mississippi—an 127 point Green Bay Packers licked the 0 »1 “ We really came of age as a football team . This was the test as to whether we would be Dave M anders’ reinjury of a pinched shoulder nerve and Tom Jordan’s ankle sprain indifferently registered. DURING QUARTERS one And the Michigan State grid- ders were soon to m ake some changes on the scoreboard. favorite-just nipped Tulane, Vikings 33-7 and took over toe 41-O.r \ - W eston Division lead. fil. er t BO YS& r were the only Spartan injuries and two, toe chanting o f'“ Rose just a good team or an out­ Bowl, Rose BOwl” bad been On successive plays that 3 standing team .” reported, opened the third quarter, Gary ■ For a dee-licious frustrated and replaced by Ballman broke through the m s “THEY CAME to play,” he DAUGHERTY a l s o h a d cries of “ F irst down, F irst said. “They played us off our m assive Notre Dame line for Lunch Try praise for the individual Irish­ down—please, please, please!’’ feet for one half. They had no complex. They came to win. men. He called Co-Captain Nick Buoniconti, “the differ­ The forces of Duffy Daugher­ ty—ranked one in the n a tio n - 19 yards and George Saimes darted for 42 more. These two (T • & CONTEST “We did a great job to beat Michigan and Notre D am e’on ence when we were stopped in answered with four great big gains already gave State five tim es the yardage they were ■ i K E W P E E ’S O 5 » the first half.” * 0 consecutive Saturdays," Daug­ herty sa id ., “ After Michigan, Paul Costa, a 6-4, 230-pound halfback, also drew Daug­ first downs in that half, includ­ ing a dozen yards gained rush­ able to accum ulate in the en­ tire first half on die ground. ■ 52c — Special — 52c § n r .m Notre Dame is the team we want to beat most. “ If it had been just any team ~ herty’s applause. “ Where did they get him ing wMch is enough to lead any college athletic director to toe ultim ate decision of de-empha­ IT LOOKED like football would not be de-empbasized ■INCLUDES: ■ > £ Gi CD. we were playing, it would have (Costa),” Duffy joked. “ He’d sizing football. afer all<-" ~~x ...Salisbury Steak bw a be all right if he had a little But the drivé ended with an been different. But we knew more size." With 76,000 spectators on cn hand rooting the green and abortive field goal try by Art ■ . . . Hot Vegetable cn r we had to stay up for Notre Then he laughed. Dam e." white home save tor a few B randstatter. The E a st Lan­ 2 So did everyone else. sing senior did, however, boot . . , . Mashed Potatoes »85 _ Daugherty said he feared a When you’re the coach of the hundred Irish lobbyists belch­ S ’, n o a 2 0 y artier in the final period. letdown against Indiana next Saturday after the consecutive victories. - nation's No. 1 college football team , you can afford to laugh. ing out for their cause, it look- Off in the distance could be ■ heard the Associated P ress ticked away news th at Missis­ . . . Roll and Butler e s SL Sot a city wide or National Contest 2>4 - I “The fact that it’s our IM S c h e d u le Prizes to be given Homecoming g a m e should Michigan State and Tulsa sippi had now been installed as o 4) i o es I help some,” he s a id r will meet in basketball for the an 106 point choicé to dump in . . . this store VT•>mlny, October S3 Tulane. GREAT COFFEE e a GEORGE SA1MES, the Can­ first time during the 1961-62 Touch Football a. ton, Ohio, junior who scored Back cam e the G reen-and « 2 Columbia Bikes season. l ProcIIce Field) HOMEMADE PASTRY • i4® Weot Shaw 7-8 White sparked by Saimes who Electric Juke Box TitS Hryaa electrified the crowd (sparked? TELEVISION ROOM n Concert Hall Organ Hit* B ry a a M electrified? someone has Ms Gilbert HO Train « Attention. . . 8 ins B ry a a S-T • B ry a a M ITouch Field) wires crossed!) with a 24 yard touchdown gallop which min­ utes late r was duplicated to 3 4 -Speed Phonograph Transistor Radio Kit Doll Carriage _ - « fa Foreign Car Owners dtdS B aat S fcaerR o a TsSB B aa t M a w M S lid Weat ftba«* 4-R send the Irish back to South Bend with their first loss of the OPEN f A.M. — 1 2 P.M. 1:36 P.M. ON FRIDAY . SATURDAY Model Cessna Plane Betsy McCall Den OS 81BS Weat ShrfW *■* season and sixth straight a t Model V-8 Engine Kit • iW Weat 8 M,W a-18 the hands of the Spartans. ' ■ ► 1 17 Jewel Watch New Equipment Han Just Been Installed (Jealao a Field) CAKES BAKED AND DECORATED TO ORDER drM A n u tn a a W . SAIMES GAINED 142 yards I-# TtSB KaveahU l-Badem in 14 carriefC scored two touch­ To Accomodate Your Car At S il# BaTeam a-Baa.eer «■SB B eat Shaw 4-S downs and played an outstand­ StdS F a a t th a w 3 - a ing gam e on defense. He was mm mm• m■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ j, Frandor Auto Wash m J& f“ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ coupon . ' '¿ fjr F ra n d o r Shopping C en ter — D aily 8 -6 , S un. 8:30-2 ■ • —~ Clip and Save — ■ ■ •! 2 Record Special Good Mon., Tue. &Wed.J M E N ! ~ “Johnny’s Mood” ; (av ailab le only w ith coupon) 3SÊ Johnny Mathis by ~ *1.50 (with ihia aM^ ) ■ : Regular 8.98 in H i - F I Beetk>veri$ lowest record prices in Michigan like about 239,000 miles If you're pert of toe Comparo prlceo aad aavo scientific team at ford Motor Company’s Aeronutronic Division in Newport Beach, 2 07 M.A.C. ■ California. A leader in missile development, Aeronu­ tronic was assigned Jo build the U.S.'s first PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5*17 moon capsule for the NASA Ranger lunar, exploration program. This 300-pound instru­ mented package will be launched by a larger * 9 I M I C * spacecraft for impact on the moon's surface where if will transmit computer data to earth. E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D .2-2814 Meanwhile, back on this planet, men and ideas are in constant motion at Aeronutronic, NIGHTS ft SUN. — ADULTS N c SAT. MAT. 65c planning scientific break-throughs which ,v:il ADULT ENTERTAINMENT effectively iransfornrrnew concepts into poeti­ STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7:20 - 9:35 cal Drqducts for industry and defense. ENDS TONIGHT - “THE RIKISHA MAN” Aeronutronic has been awarded prime STARTING TOMORROW TUESDAY contracts for the Air FOrce "Blue Scout" rocket-space program; the development of “ Beauty aad excitement . . exqaisito, sharp . . . DECOYS in the Air Force ICSM program; immensely picturesque extremely prevecative.” SHILLELAGH surface-to-surface guided mis­ —N. Y. Times siles for the Army. Here’s deodorant protection m n M i iu à i» Ford Motor Company recognizes the vital cbMFtiiiNi ...it e m i relationship of science to national security^ Through our Aeronutronic .Division sup­ YOU CAN TRUST COMMSSIORA1 plemented by our scientific research and engineering facilities at Dearborn, Michigan, we actively support long-range basic research Old Spice Stick Deodorant... fatten, neatest way to «u- as an indispensable source of today's security day, ovary day protection I It’s the active deodorant for and tomorrow’s products. This is another active m m . . . absolutely dependable. Glides on smoothly, example of Ford's leadership through tp',edily~..dries in record time. Old Spice Stick Deodorant .^Mnlific research and engineering. . —most convenient, most economical deodorant money caa buy. 1.00 plus tax. S T IC K M M » TM M M » « M T « • MM TM *•« w ».*«» DEODORANT MOTOR COMRANV fWHTMC) The American Roetf.TJearbotn. Michigan S H U t T O N taw» «*MHUP«UM llÉ i» Michigan Stete M g»» E m tsnààg, Michigan SPORTS M tedajr Morning, October 2 3 , 1 9 6 1 5 Harriers Nip Penn State Booters Whip Indiana, 10-0 M y h r a ’s 3 -P o in te r C o lts 1 7 -1 4 W in O v e r l i o n s G iv e s : By DICK ROBINSON b y -th e position a runner fin­ ual Big Ten winner, led the By MIKE SKINNER The other, the m od bespat­ equaled in toe* S partaa racer* I Slate Nows Sports Writer ishes. peck a t toe one m ile m ark and State News Sports Writer tered Im hana netminder who book. DETROIT I*—Steve Myhra wise lackluster offensive dis­ _ Peon State won their first took a commanding lead after was perhaps the busiest player boated ft 45-yard fid d foal play- T w o players consistently on the field being called upon THE LAST two goals by h Captain Jerry Young led the two meets this season defeat­ two miles. Ventura Saturday came only Unites guided the Colts 69 caught the eyes of the spec­ to stop a tornado of Spartan with eight seconds left as the Spartan cross country team to ing P itt and Cornell b y convinc­ 25 seconds apart. ing scores, end a re expected M! didn’t have any special tators h i Michigan State’s 100 shots. Baltimore Colts cam e from be­ yards in eight plays and Lon­ 9 close 27 to 21 victory over With seve n spreads rem ain­ to be Stele’s top r i n k for strategy,” commented Young soccer win over Indiana Satur­ “ •We ate some kind of record hind in the fourth quarter and nie Moore barged in from the p reviously undefeated Penn while trying to .pet th e circula­ ing in the th ird period he «cor­ S ta te a t Forest Akers Golf IC4A and NCAA laurels later in day. for num ber of shots taken in ed on a pass from Ken defeated the Detroit lions 17- one wtth the tying touchdown. the season. tion beck into his ML after the a game, didn't we?” State The Lions had come from be­ 3 Cocurse Saturday. run. He had run the distance One was sprinting ace Mab G raham and then, B seconds M- p ** Young, a lanky senior from The Nittany Lions, defending Ventura of the Spartans who Coach Gene Kenney asked hind to teke a 14-7 lead en two barefooted on the wet, chiUy into the fourth period, he Johnny Unites, fighting the long touchdown passes from Berkley, crossed the finish line IC4A champs, defeated the broke one record and tied an­ several of Ú s players follow­ blasted home his final goal Spartans, last season’s tog morning. J ing the gam e’s end. d o c k a s he did i s Baltimore’» Jim NinowsU to Gail Cogdill in 20:22.4 with plenty to spare other with his four goals. after Dutch Kemeling had ‘over his nearest pursuers, F o ­ Ten titlebolders, 23 to 34. in ‘T took the lead after two booted the ban deep into championship days, marched in the third quarter. 1980. This year Young's win­ miles, and I was also trying to NO ONE was sure, but tiie Chits from their own 20 to rward Deardorff and Steve Preg i a» p d a IV M M everyone agreed th at Ventura Hoosier territory. •Moorhead of Penn State. ning tim e established a new- get the circulation back into Ventura’s first two goals both the Detroit 38 and ate op Four m em bers o f Michigan a four-mile~meet record between my f e e t I knew if we could had etched his name into the t ROGER HUMBAUGER, a M IC H IG A N Spartan record book with the cam e m the opening period. Myhra’s game-winning jla c a J sta te ’s 1961 tearing te a m grad­ the two schools since all pre­ split up their top four runners T Hf ATP f.. P *40 Nf IV 7 8-7 3 *» Other Spartan booters who uated from MSU s m scholastic junior from Godwin Heights, vious races were run on five- we could win the m eet, said performance be had given. kirk. placed fourth for MSU, Soph Near. . . 6$c to 5:30 accounted far the rest of the The Colts scored in the first honors. They were Big Tea sa* mile layouts. th at’s w hat we did. Ventura, a junior from Kings­ scoring were Ruben Ftinoia, P a t Stephens cam e in sixth Young, last season’s imfivid- Coach F r u Dittrich expres- Feature teerte te 1:36, 4:66, ton, Jam aica, brake the old two minutes of toe final quart­ bre champion Don J ohnson, followed by veteran Don Castle, MSU record of 31 goals scored three goals; Je rry Heron, Cec­ e r on one of their t o n e pro­ Chock Schmitter, Jr., Jim Clary 6:46 aad 0:31 pan. il’s brother, two goals; and who captured the seventh spot in a career, held jointly by A1 ductive m arches in an other- and Dick Lawless. B obF tucber, Hazel P ark soph­ Connerly Pulls It Out Sarria and Cecil Heron. Ted Seyfarth, a sophomore omore, edged out a Nittany NEW YORK 01-O id m an Cooerly, 49-year-old veteran from Mason, one m arker. Lion harrier for the all-impor­ Chuck Cooerly, shunted to the of 14 seasons of pro bafl, M ft neWMÄN S arria’s total extended over three seasons, 1956 through STATE LED ell the way and WhH DOUGLAS tant ninth place to become the bench recently by Y. A. Tittle, brought the Giants from behind “ 58,” while Heron collected his was in complete comm and in .WMBEIt OF Spartan’s fifth runner to finish. bounced back with two touch­ before a roaring crowd of 63,- record marte in just two years, downing Indiana. Displaying LAURENCE OLIVIER . Only th e first five runners of down passes in the last quarter 053 a t Yankee Stadium. A g g s n s 1959 ami “ 60.” - frne teamwork, the Spartans ¡iAN SIMMONS 4 ACADEMY ;each team Count 1 n the team and gave the New York Giants Giant 104 lead in the first half In one season and a half banged three goals home in the CHARLES LAUGHTON AWARDS '* • scoring, the winner being the school with the lowest score. Individual points are awarded a 24-14 comeback victory over Los Angeles in the National Football League. disappeared when the Ram s scored twice in the third period for a 14-10 edge.. SiPsilN Ventura has surpassed what opening and final periods, and took form er Spartan greats two goals in each of the middle I Sarria three, years, and Heron periods.. Unable to keep the ball out PETER USTINOV^ JOHN GAVIN % < starts FRIDAY two years to accomplish TONI CURTIS Ventura still has four regu- of its own ter ritory, Indiana j T ech n ico lo r & T e c h n ira m a SH O P W IT H ME IN The Searing Story (X í lar season games left plus an- could m uster only one shot on j A Borrowed Love! eligibility^ *- 1 other y ear’s eligibility -■AA i the State goal. to add ------ . . . -------- v? _ - j “ This t e a m i M ichigan State) U ntil 5 :30 p.m . ..90c CAMPUS CLA SSIFIED S - PHONE 355-8255 o r 355-8256 Utttll MKTS moti compeesionete toward his record pace. vmeetie drame The crafty Spartan c e n te r!doesn’t seem to have a weak- i forw ard also tied the record ness,” referee E d Clements | for most goals scored in one said. Eve. & Sun. C hildren $1.25 50c LUCON IAST lANSINO » fMOMl II NUTZT season held by Heron, who set “ I t’s the best team th at I’ve DEADLINE 1:0 0 P.M. his record 18 in the “ 59” seen them have up here.’’ X F e a tu re Show n 1 :00 • 4 :40 • 8:30 campaign. * $ Statistics seem to b ear h im ! Ventura will get two cracks «* • T h e Spartans record off] AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT REA L ESTATE this-week, once on Wednesday the year is five wins and no in an away game with Indiana defeats. M ichigan S t a t e 1 U n iv ersity 1959 In v ic ta C onvertible. APA RfM ENTS During that tim e they have K v c .n .n t condition. Open to offer«. 'B o jc k S f e e e t : Tech and again on Saturday FO R EIG N FILM SE R IE S ONE MAN to s h a re a p a rtm e n t su h .d tv iaio ,,. i t m in u te s fro m MSU C all IV Î-4845 a fte r 5 p.m. 1* h a lf block o ff c a m p u s 121 Beal i y e a r old, * bedroom , b ric k ranch. when Purdue is here; to break scored 30 goals while limiting p rese n ts 1965 CHEVY co n v ertib le V-8. S tre e t. 3*7-2134. — ,♦ ! n..ep. h a “ •■ trim «# w ith c a rp e t­ ed liv in g .ro o m In re a r. IK bathe this second of three Heron its opponents to a m eager one. N ew top. E x c e l l e n t condition. VERAMILESCM 9U5nmmm or records. R easonable. IV 4-3478. 19 KALAMAZOO, EAST. C l e a n , w arm , fu rn ish ed . 3 room d o w n ­ I960 CONSUL. 4 floor. JB xrvlleut sta ir* and^TRrrwge. S tu d e n ts or •condition. V ery -low m ileage. NA 7- em ployed. $85. IV.4-4SS6. 22 w ith ceram ic tile a n d colored flx- turga. B uilt-In* an d e a tin g a re a tn la rg e k itch en . F u ll b tsem cn t. S is.- 900, C all ow ner, TU 2-6718. _ j. Cecil’s six goals against Earl- M ichigan'State golf star C.A. ham a year ago still stands un- Smith won the 1961 Golf Assoc»- “ ONE O f THE YEAR’S RESTI” —ftotlry Crowtfcor, N. Y. a5S38. t» F U R N ISH ED APARTMENT. 3 k a r t l a n s i n g . 413 S toddard. ation of Michigan champion­ • PLYMOUTH. 1958. R an d N, aiito - room s, bath - U tilities. $100 a m onth. *m,aUe, ru st free. E xcellent m ech a n - 405 G rove St. Side e n tran cg . M ar­ I bedroom b u n g alo w . E x p an d ab le u p stair* . F u ll 2 co m p a rtm e n t b ase­ ship. “ SEX, SIN, V a lly . M ake an offer. IV-4-2097, 20 ried only. A pply 504 D ivision. KD m ent. 1 c a r g a ra g e . 'S lo ta ED 7- 2-3438. t.f. »614.. ft SEDUCTION - % 199« PONTIAC. 4 door, p a rtia lly re sto red . E x cellen t ru n n in g co n ­ Dr. John A. Fuzak, Michi- d ition. C all OR 6-4488. 18 LOST and FO U N D SERVICE j gan Sfate s faculty representa- AND S O R C E R Y U r f 1955 RAM BLER. 4 door, radio, LOST—KEY CHAIN. J k6y# on I G IV E YOUR p re-sch o o l g irl the ! five to the Big Ten. holds two j •beater, good Urea, new b a tte ry . gold m edallion. 355-2644, }j happy- experience of supervisé*! “ D i s t i n g u i s h e d Teacher 1 KD 7-1763 a fte r 6 p.m. - 19 EÎÜÎ* Tlow r*^8-T», M onday th ro u g h JEAN PAUL SARTRE’S adaptation ef ARTHUR MILLER'S '“ LOST)' * MONTH OLD red Irish r rld ay . S ev eral openings. ED 2- 0131, «0 Awards” in MSU’s College of EMPLOYMENT S e tte r, c h ild re n s' pet. W a n t back ! Education. ' b a d ly .. KB- 2-6226. 19 TYPTNQ. Term p ap ers, th eses, MÁt.É C H A U F F fTR wit!. CH. BLACK K BON Y C am eo broach. g en e ra l. F a st, a c c u ra te serv ice P a rt-tim e . Call R aym ond R o b er­ L e a th e r hacked. l*o»t In a r e a of IV $-7$K3. )4 son.. piano tu n e r, IV 7-32*1. "23 lîtb ra ry . F am ily piece. D f t i r t r e ­ tu rn fo r se n tim e n ta l reason«. Cell YOUNG MAN, p a rttim e w ork. IV 5-4972 a f te r 6 p.m. tf FLYING SPARTANS. F lv * f D jy ls A irp o rt. N. A bbott Rd. Phone G L A D M E R ••tHEAT « £ - PMCN6 IV M i l l Will a rra n c o h o u rs to fit. schedule. E D 2-0224. 3| 12.25 p e r hour. C all IV 2-5622. 22 FOUND. I.adlcs w ris t w at.-h, n e a r Ag. B uilding. C all a n d Id rn - T Y PIN G in S p » rt« n V illage NO W . . . 65c~t© 5:30 'earringSIMONE SIGNORE! YVES MQNTAND• MYLENE DEM0NGE0T ttfy . 355-7000. ' 18 a p a rtm e n t. E le c tric ty p e w rite r AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN — C all 355-5012.- tf F e i ia r t At AKingsley International Reteaw AMBITION AND D E S IR E to T TA U KgljLftN BROWN. E n J . 1:88 - 3:65 - 5:15 • 7:25 • 9:35 ON E N IG H T O N LY — PERSONAL lenrrt and ea rn are prim e req trial- tes. W e offe r good w ork in a co n ­ dition*. use of dem onxtriU or nnd a ttra c tiv e co m pensation plan. O ur SENSATIONAL folk sin g e r, .»«»an ing. Raea, appearing- Ann A rbor HR., 8384. E le c tric ty p e w rite r. T erm p a ­ p ers an d th e se s, a lso g e n e ra l ty p ­ ' tf thedabifcal classic! ‘ TO N IG H T” U N IV E R SIT Y AUDITORIUM line of - product* —• Lincoln t’or»- F rid ay . (V to h er 27, 6:30 p.m. T ic k ­ T H E SIS TYPING, p rin tin g . Ad­ tir e n ta l, M ercury an d »v>ni**t f»ro- et* av ailab le a t th e Disc Shop*-- tf vice on form a n d s ty le a t bo A dm ission: 50c vide a fine selection fo r all new c h arg e. E d itin g Service. W nneh c a r prospect*. Y our eff^r^a—a r e -SYLVIA;IA) and JACK HUTSON G rafic Service, 1720 E. M ichigan p u rp o rte d ' by ex ten siv e new*- I p lease come to th e S ta te News AVC. L a n sin g . Ph. 484-778«. tf paner, rad io an d TV atlverPU !«* office. Room 347 S tu d en t Service* program s. Bid sr.. fo r tw o free p a sse s to the STUDENT DISCOUNT, s e lf w ash. C rest Drivtv-Iri. t f 8 75. L ub job, $1.00. S tu d e n t p a r k ­ ing, SI.50, F re e , q u a rt of T*ll w ith M O R R IE R iC H M A N TF ’ IN T ER E STE D —In a-ood L a in - I 1n*r, e x rltln tr w ork and e^tahH sh­ in ir a c a re e r w ith p re stig e and T H E KINGSTON T R IO com ing every oil change. C o m plete tu n e- W ednesday. N ovem ber S. 9 p.m.. up. Open 24 ho u rs. D ave’s P u re presents h e 7-9714, aak fo r Bob H azelton. te c h n iq u e s such a s sp e c tro p h o to m e try , p o lg ro g rap h io t h e n e w co med y s e n s a t i o n FOR BAUS- I960 CITROEN w ith O ver 1Ò0 titles on th e follow ing subjects: h v d ro -p n eu m a tlc suspension. Am analyst*, etc. C o n ta c t Dr. F. I*. H ooper. M useum s forced to f 4ve u p «qui» y >ef-tt,000. E N « N IE « NO MUSIC T e k e over p ay m en ts. M inor r e ­ ANTHftOPOtOOY p a irs needed. M ust seU Im m edi­ A nnex. Ann A rbor, M ichigan. ■ APT EMOUSH PKJiOSORMY RsnnieScbu a tely . Cal! TÜ 1-6661 o r te a a t 1397 B u ffale R 4 ,. L an sin g . 26 BUSINESS GOVERNMENT PSYCHO. D«T HISTORY SCIENCE. V E R T r ifn c . old I ta Hon vlotln. MAMA ' SOOOtOGY P erfect condition. Reasonable ■CONOMlCS IA NOUAGES price. C all tV t-1191. It SPEECH EDUCATION * MATJMMAT1CS STUDY AIDS TRAILERS FOR SOLI 8 8P.M. • 49 BCHÍULT. *660. S3 feet by S feet. B scoad . pOdroom m odified w lt’i _caji«t«r and hem k s nel vc«. Ideal CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE, AGENCY Wed., Nov. , 'f u r student oouple. L ocated 20 m in ­ u te s from campus, •’“a ll TU 2-77** GET YOURS TODAY tf te r ft. . . . . I» An Agency Representative will interview candidate* far petitions with oar organization na toe dates of November ALL TITLES AT Civic Center FOR RENT 24th through the 27th on Campet. Please cernait toe Tiekete $3.58 - 2.58-1.18 . . . AO Seat! Reierved The STUDENT Bookstore : XAPPROVED 3 room CR-wn ut I :»k« LunwHiflr f w - 1 tM* j m a t e » tn ^ Placent eat Barena, Student Services Boilding for infor­ NOW ON SALE AT — • The Disc Shop. F . Unsing di nlR. Completi* • Pioe’ftj Downtown ft Frandor • Civic Center Bex Office w l’h H lilltle piiifL IH mation concerning these paaitiin t aad for the pirpooe of w ««kly. KLL> 2-«»22. n scheduling aa appointment. Bfeck Tickets On Sale Phene HIGH READERSHIP ~ ^ (ACROSS FROM BE^K£Y HALL) t h e BUD-MOR AGENCY - IV 24624 . . LOW COST . . . IM l H SE ■p T*1''*:'' l'ïA' f H Stote New«, E u t U hm«»¿, Michigan j§ Monday Morning, O ckAer 2 3 , 1 9 6 1 6 _____________ "7 tedsy eu «-«»p-« nHiwnuTiwm YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS □an f^nran o o a a N ig h t S ta ff Seminars Given by Crossword Puzzle 133 a a n a □□□□ □□□ 3B qq a a n s Information Assistant news editor, Sally aanna anon Derrick*«): copy editors, Anne Mayer, Al Monnier, Isabel Economic Adviser S. Potato >4. Intanai dislike ».«osât aaa 030 nnonaa .a a a n a n o a a n n a aao □□□ Wesley Fsundstien — Monday, . 7 p.m ., conversation with Racki, Brandon Brown, Lois E. A. Bayne, who has served . Australian □ a a a S a n a □□□ A f t Exécutive Board — Mon­ A w riter and political observ­ 1«. Otherwise bird day, 3 p.m .; Women’s SI. Icelandic Solutien e f Saturday’s Puaxle Lounge, Union. er, Bayne for nearly 21 years 17. Jap . outcast K S S i has been closely associated I t Happenias 53. Cable -with economic and social de­ » .C i t y In 1 Fatty fruit; , t . The Bmt Complete Optical velopment in Africa, A s a said Florida » . Tenais ap­ » R a il »Puppet 5«. First man X Desire wrongfully g. JudgM S. Inventor Focus on Lettuce Service Europe. Of interest to the public will purtenance » .P o e m ».Davü 57. Secondary 58. Pintail duck 4. Sharp 3. That r » . Met at bet II. Dumped in Boston At Short Course ly o be his lecture. “ American » Evergreen woman IxamitMO Policy in Ira n ," in 32 of the ».Move tress harbor ^ Tomatoes and lettuce receiv­ suddenly l.b n w h s 19, Carry Union at 7:39 p a t Thursday. ».Lariat - DOWN throws ■ ed special attention a t toe Classes 1 .Burdened stones 31. Piece» Greenhouse Vegetable Grow­ Fitted This talk wiH be sponsored by XL Ras 24. Arrow Delta Phi Epsilon, the profess­ » . Anthropoid ers Short Course held on camp­ UM Saara ional fra ternity for diplomacy sr u 27. Masculine us last week. Baay and foreign trade nickname , - The horticulture department, Paw H actw rr »Thong with the assistance of the short Plan “ Iran - and Its Powerful » N o t that Neighbor” will be k n topic i 21. Summit. course departm ent, planned Offices of: Drs. J. Christie end I t . ,Beckwith, Optometrists when be addresses the MSU ».American and directed the course which Men’s Club lunrh m n Tuesday humorist 50 students attended. rf in to e Union parlors. » A c t Of The latest developments in -shaving _ the comm ercial culture of m W the head vegetable crops in green­ Lecture i W H i e spartan inuniuuulH j n sr 1m F H Ü M JT □ □ □ »A fresh » Crowd houses was the main emphasis □ □ □ together Iof the course. Norman Hunt BRIEFS iiHiitnnmiiriiinmiiiutmtNHHUiiiitt m Ü r F n w W m m « u 40. Eng. tilF 42. Out of the way 43. Husk of Fellow O f E x e te r College - As outgoing president, a rt WHIST“ ü r ir w m m grata 44. Appears - For Expert O xford U n iv ersity *» IT rt an professor Howard Church will 44. Esau welcome delegates to the Mid­ 5" 43. Off “Pressure Groups In west College Art Conference , to be held a t the U e iw s ity at 1 c EL % w faiin)a » A b ate 50. Is possible 52. Beverage Dry Cleaning Britain And The U.S.A.” Illinois, U rbane, Thursday through Saturday. I' L ast y ear’s conference was paa THU 31 MM. held here. Conferences mem- Thursday, October 26, 8 p.m. j bers are drawn, from over 10 0 M o r t a r B o a rd Is O ffe rin g | schools. Kellogg Center Auditorium * * * F e llo w s h ip s f o r 1 9 6 2 -6 3 BETWEEN BITES. . . Faculty^ And Students Invited Petitions are still available j for chairm anships and commit­ The National Council of aw arded to an active member Frandor Shopping Center get that refreshing new feeling tee m em bers fo r th e ' AWS winter bicod drive, and may M ortar Board has announced be obtained a t toe Union the Katherine Wills Coleman or alumni presently working on an advanced degree. MON. THRU FR I. TILL 9 with authorityCoke! La Salle Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Additional information may Board, Union concourse or a t (fellowships for graduate work be obtained from Rosemary SAT. TILL 7 Ite CacaCala Caaoaajr fey Lansing the Women’s d m a o n . Student for 1962-63. E ach fellowship M A Y W E REMIND YOU!! Services. carries an aw ard of «500. Kuhn, ED 2-3964. One fellowship will be award- Ied to an active m em ber of the Your Exhaust System 11961-62 chapter of M ortar May Be In SAD SHAPE 215 Arrive for I Board who can qualify a s a ! candidate for an advanced de- '■f■ EVERY Farm Courses I gree and another will be BROOIE’S GUARANTEED MUEFLERS Two hundred and fifteen stu­ COLLEGE ADELAAR’S LACE LAVISHED dents from th e United' States, Steam s Lectures blouse of white dacron Tail Pipe« — Exhausts Installed FAST By Experts Canada, Mexico aad Sooth America arrive on cam pus Monday for the Young F arm er Foreign Students STUDENT cotton is our answer to the w hat - tops - every - separate The second, lecture dtscus- WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN: ~ short courses. The course is divided into i sion for new foreign students two term s: one held before {will be Thursday from 7:39 to heeds this question. . . bib fronted with a mandarin collar BRAKES — SHOCKS — SPRINGS — SEAT BELTS Christmas and one Sfter New j 9:30 p.m. in the MubIc Bldg. F R EE INSTALLATION Years. The courses a re design­ I auditorium. ed for young men who expect Dr. Troy Steariis, professor book DISCOUNTS TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY to become h o m ers, farm fore­ (of education, will discuss high- men. herdsmen or h u m man­ (er education goals in the United SCIENCE instates and in other countries. BRODIES MUFFLER CLINIC agers. HEALTH 13« W. IONIA IV 4-5015 J MONDAY • SATURDAY 8 • 5:39 Michigan leads all states in production of field beans, ta rt cherries, celery and m arket FeUowship tomatoes. Nominees This Year’s ...... For ’62-’63 to in c r e a .s e Homecoming Dance p re se n t» • Nominations are now being) taken for Woodrow Wilson lowships for the academ ic year 3 h i s a b i l i t y to 1962-1963. Dr. Russel Nye , di - 1 y The New Sound in rector of the division of lan- j guage and literature, _ an- j v T Popular Music nounced. le a r n . The Woodrow Wilson fellow-! ship Foundation offers 1,000 fel- 1 An understanding of the truth lowships for first year graduate c o n ta in e d in S cience a n d Also featuring. . . ■ _ work leading to college teach­ H ealth w ith Key to the Scrip­ 1961 Homecoming Queen and her court ing careers. It. prim arily | supports candidates in social tures by Alary Baker Eddy can $4.00 per couple — Saturday, Oct. 28 sciences and humanities, but remove the press pre which con­ In exceptional cases, considers cerns today’s college stu d e n t Auditorium 8 -1 2 candidates from the natural u p o n w hom in cre asin g d e ­ sciences. i m an d s are b e in g m ade for T ickets n o w on sale •— Union T icket O ffice A Fellow receives $1.500, p lu s: academic excellence. allowances for wife and chil-T. dren, and the Foundation pays j C hristian Science calms fear directly to the school the tui-j a n d gives to the studentthe full tion and fees. assurance he needs in order to The Listeners M u sic Library . ■. w Faculty m em bers may nomi­ learn easily a n d to evaluate nate candidates by giving the what, he has learned. It teaches names to Dr. Nye or Dr. Paul that God is m an’s M ind—his Vard. The deadline for nomi­ 9 The Story of Jazz nations is Oct. 31. only M ind—from which enia— nates all th e intelligence he • Stories of 100 Operas needs, when and as he needs it. Science and H ealth, the text­ • The Listener's Dictionary of Musical Terms T w o G et book of Christian Science, may be read o r examined, together “ t How Music Grew - ~ — T ic k e ts w ith th e Bible,* in an atmos* j pbere of quiet a n d peace, a t any 9 Anecdotes of Music and Musicians (In M is h a p s C h r is tia n S cience R e a d in g • The Story of American Folk Song Room. Inform ation about Sci- I Two traffic accidents .secur­ ed on campus Saturday, result­ encexnd H ealth may also be ob­ • The Joy in Listening ing in minor dam age to the tained on campus through the ( c a rs involved. • The Story of Orchestral Music and Its Time» Freddie M. Miller, Rt. 1, Lansing, was ticketed for fail- Christian Science S A L E ! • The Story of 100 Symphonic Favorites fin e to yield the right of way a t toe intersection of Physics- Organization at umbrellas v . $1.50 a piece | Math Road and Hastott.~MH- ; ler’s c a r struck the’ right front j fender of a c a r driven by An- M.S.U. P. O Box 144 ! thony Wayne B ttgg, 703 Cherry A d o w n p o u r o f savings p a g o d a , c a se d , a n d u n cased um- ¡ Lane, police said E ast Lansing brsK asi.af nylon o r ray o n in a g a ia x ie o f sizes a n d s h a p e s . . . j Douglas William Stanley, B S p a rta n B o o k S to re 409 R ather, was ticketed for ! improper sta rt from picked ! position reeu&ing in a collision Meeting Time 7 p.m. Tuesday Im ported a n d dom estic h an d les o f w o o d , b o n e , le a th e r ^ m etal o r color to n e d plastic. A lw ays a w elcom e gift a n d a n essential I with a c a r driven by Metvtn H. Corner Ann & M.A.C. >Moore, 561 N. Hagadorn. fo r your ow n use. The accident was oh West Meeting Place East Lansing, Michigan j C M e Dr. la front of Yakelcy 1 Hall. Roams 34 - 35 Unica