Serving Second C l u t Y m m i i Tuesday Morning, P k l l at B u t Lansing. M! 8 Pages 5 Cento Established R u s s ia 2 2 n d B last; I t ’s ‘B i g O n e ’ Kennedy City Plans Refuses New Bridge Comment Over Cedar PALISADES. N X (A — Co­ lumbia University’s Lamont The city of E ast Lansing is geological observatory report­ now studying the University’s ed Monday its- seismograph - proposal to discus's a bridge had recorded what probably across the Red Cedar a t Bogue was a nuclear blast originating street, City M anager Jonh P a t­ in Russia, but that its effects riarche said Monday. seemed only slightly larger The University last week than for tests recently ac­ asked the city to discuss the knowledged by the Soviets. possibility of a bridge there. A spokesman said it Was im ­ “ We must first study the possible to say whether a 50- possibilities and m erits of a megaton bomb were involved.^ bridge in that position,” P e ‘ because the observatory did riarche said. not know the size of atomic de­ He indicated it will probably vices exploded in earlier be December before the city weeks. council is ready to m eet with President Kennedy declined the University.' comment on reports that Rus­ The request-w as sent to the sia had set off a nuclear bomb Planning Commission and T raf­ of record force. fic Commission a t the city Andrew T. Hatcher, assist­ council meeting October -46. ant White House secretary, These groups will report back said Kennedy got word of the to the city council when .they reports from his naval aide, have completed their study. Commander Tazewell T. Shep­ “ We m ust find out if a bridge SHORT COURSE REGISTRATION—Dr. H. A. Henncman, director of short ard. there will serve our interests,” courses, enrolls several of the 215 students that arrived on the MSU campus for “ We have no comm ent,” P atriarche said. 8 Weeks of agricultural study. Hatcher told newsmen, A bridge a t Bogue street j Reporters however, were ad­ might affect traffic patterns - f vised — not for direct attribu­ throughout the entire city, he said. This would involve the Avoid Spontaneous Rallies tion for anyone—that the White House was highly skeptical state Highway Departm ent that-the bomb was of 50-mega­ since it controls Grand River. E a st Lansing m ayor Gordon Thomas said he thought the Dean Urges Self-Control ton force. Prem ier Nikita Khrushchev has said Russia will explode a bomb of this .bridge would probably be built someday. " * By HOWARD HOLMES tended and consequently only day and Thursday nights, power late this months “ I don't know how Inuch the Of the State News Staff two were budgeted for this fall, m ade no effort tb m a k e arrests JAPANESE a n d Swedish city will participate, though," Alice Bonomo, Spartan Spirit as long e s the assemblies re­ authorities, m easuring the in­ Irresponsible acts disguised chairm an, said. m ained orderly, he saidr he 6aid. as school spirit cannot be tole­ tensity of the explosion on the Only when portions of the basis of shock waves, said the One council m em ber had ex­ rated in -a university commun­ “ WE DIDN’T realize the en­ assembly attempted to cross STATIC SPARTAN—Oblivions to the charm s of MSU coeds Sue Schaefer, left, pressed disapproval last week ity, the Faculty Committee on. thusiasm was so great,” she Grand River Ave, wére a r­ explosion apparently t o o k and Renie Sinclair, this cigar store Indian is a new addition to the State museum. of any city involvement in the Student Affairs said in a notice said, referring to the dwo rests made for disorderly con­ place north of Novaya Zemlya It is located in -the main floor lobby. - project. ^ Saturday. spontaneous pep rallies held duct, be said. island in the Barents Seas. “ I think this is our business,” The biggest abnormal atm os­ “ Any sense of group anony­ last week following the Wolve­ An E ast Lansing ordinance pheric pressures on record Thomas said. mity does not absolve any stu­ rine' whiplashing and the Asso­ Student Congress Football The request for discussion was the first official move and accountability for his own as the num ber one foot­ code lists a disorderly conduct were reported a t several ob­ dent of direct responsibility ciated P ress’ announcement of as “ to collect or stand in servation stations in Japan be­ MSU crowds or arrange, encourage tw een 8 and 9 ,a.m. EST. - made by the university. P a tri­ Chalk-Talk arche said. Although m any dis­ behavior,” the statement con­ ball team in th e nation. tinued. or abet the collections of per­ The Japanese agency said Fuzak also added that Notre sons in' crowds for illegal or the vibration lasted 40 to 70 Approves Budget For Coeds cussions have been held in the past, none have been official, he said. “ Since the University will be “ We ask each student to ex­ Dam e’s publicized “ midweek mischieveous purposes; to loi­ minutes, with a maximum am- ercise self-control so that his rally” might have contributed ter on any street or sidewalk actions will not bring-discredit to the two held here. . . . so as to obstruct the free See BOMB page 7 Student Congress last Wed­ the present regulations govern­ Coeds no longer have an ex­ served by the bridge, it must upon himself, his parents or “ If more than two rallies and interrupted passage of thé the University.” will help dampen spontaneous public ; or to disturb the «pub­ nesday night approved tKe bud­ ing off-campus housing, w as re ­ cuse for their ignorance of foot­ initiate any action,” he said. get of All-University Govern­ ferred back to the Welfare ball tactics and fundamentals.. Committee because of techni­ p ep rallies and prevent possi­ lic peace and quiet by loud, THE NOTICE was not Issued ble property dam age,” Miss boisterous j t r vulgar conduct.” as a warning, John Fuzak, Bonomo said, “ I am sure FBI Man ment and dealt with bills in­ cal errors. It is to be revised Beginning Wednesday a t 7:30 Schedules Set Four students Wednesday volving the student insurance and will be voted on a t the p.m. in the Union ballroom, and housing program. meeting tomorrow. State defensive line coach Hen­ For Taking dean of students and chairm an AUSG will back us u p with of the faculty committee saidr funds.” but to emphasize that individ­ JL---- and 14 Thursday night were a r­ rested for disorderly conduct Discusses The fall-winter AUSG budget Twenty-seven new members ry Biillqugh will conduct a 30- Attending this Friday night’s by the E ast Lansing police. of Sf.242 includes large appro­ were sworn in at the meeting. minute explanation of football priations for academic bene­ There are still five vacancies: rules, followed by a question Yearbook Pictures uals will act differently in a crowd than when alone. ' rally will be Coach Duffy Daugherty and the squad, the Red Threat fits, such as the provost lecture Men’s dorms Butterfield and and answer period. series and _ AUSG-sponsored R ather each need one repre­ The following- organizations will have-pietures taken for the Entitled “ Football Straight Wolverine Tuesday in the Un­ . “ I t’s fine to have spirit and cheerleaders and a student en­ enthusiasm ,” he said, “ but it tertainm ent group. should be organized. Aid Drive “ We can m eet the challenge of communism!” sem inars. Director of the pro­ sentative; Lansing, one; and from the Bench,” the Union ion Tower room; gram is B arbara Rail, E ast m arried housing, one. - Lansing junior. Board sponsored clinic is alined Excalibur, 6:10 p.m .; Chi- In other action Congress ap­ at coeds who .have no concept Omega, 6:25 p.m .;-Asher Wom­ A parade m ay precede the “ We don’t know what direc­ rally with the cheerleaders, tion a spontaneous pep rally “ Spjarty,” and the Delta Upsi­ Officers Speaking a t the first pro­ g r a m of the 1961-1962 lecture- series of the Conservative Club, A committee of six was ap­ proved committee appoint­ of football other than one team en, 6:35 p.m .; E ast Landon, pointed to investigate the stu­ ments Paul Butler, Mt. Clem­ is trying to cross the opponent’s 6:50 p.m .; South Campbell, 7 can take. Innocent fun can lon “bell. easily turn into loaded destruc­ tion.” The pep rally held last F ri­ Elected - Dr. F ern C. Stukenbrocker, a special agent for the FBI, con­ day was planned to divert dent insurance program for th e ens junior, was nam ed chair­ goal line, Dan Riley, Union p.m .; West Mayo, 7:10 p.m.;- Tb avoid future spontaneous possible Donations from students are cluded th at “America has a 1962-63 school year. The group m an of the student rights com­ Board m em ber said. y Elsworth House,' 7:25 p.m .; future destructive assemblies a pep rally has riots into a planned assembly, given Once a year to seven superior way of life and we is headed by Kathy Ryan, St. mittee, and Linda Lotridge. This type of program , Bull- American Inst, of Chemical En­ been scheduled by the Sphrtan Fuzak said. needy organizations through m ust be optimistic, confident Clair Shores senior, and in­ Owosso senior, vice-chairman. ough said, has proved effective gineers, 7:35; AWS Judiciary Spirit board for 7 p.m . Friday the efforts of the Campus and willing to do our personal cludes Congress members John Kathy Ryan was named chair­ on other campuses and has Board, 7:50 p.m .; P i Sigma in Old College Field. -h__ THE DEPARTMENT of pub­ Chest, the only organization on share.” Robson, E ast Lansing sopho­ man of the business and organ­ boosted feminine Interest in Epsilon, 8 p.m .; and Catholic Tod m any pep rallies in pre­ lic safety, who conducted traf­ campus allowed to solicit stu­ The four dangers of commun­ more; Lee Bowen, -Baldwin, izations committee. football. Student Organization, 8:10 p.m. vious years were not well at- fic during the rallie s. Wednes­ dent funds. , ism that Stukenbrocker based N Y., junior, and John McNiel, The following students have his speech on were, “ the dan­ Lincoln P ark sophomore. Non­ .been elected to the board of di­ ger of Soviet espionage, com ­ m em bers serving on the com­ rectors to- supervise this pro­ munist fronts, the constant- mittee are Julie Bock, Norm Fischel. and Jim Barnes. The housing resolution, urg­ D ag A w a r d e d N o b e l P e a c e P riz e ject: Chuck Dallavo,- Royal communist propaganda and Oak junior, general chairm an; agitation campaign, and false, Jill Veenbuis, St. Joseph-Jun­ ideological appeals.” F urther explaining t h e s e ing the University to change ior, secretary; Margie Vaugn, OSLO, Germany (A — Nobel will go to Ham m arskjold’s bassador to the UN, was F our tim es after he took the same UN emergency force Salem, Ohio, junior, treasurer; points, Stukenbrocker s a i d peace prizes, were awarded estate. among those suggesting the over as secretary-general- in technique to bring some order Bob Benton, Grosse Pointe jun­ communists profess to stand Johansen Monday to Dag Ham marskjöld No specific effort of Ham­ peace {wise for Hammarskjöld. and Albert John Luthuli, a Ne­ m arskjöld was mentioned by Monday Stevenson said: 1953, Ham m arskjöld stepped to the Congo in 1960 when w ar­ ior, allocations. into explosive situations, acting ring political factions threat­ Solicitations chairmen in­ therefore, f o r legitim ate reform and attract youthful under instructions from the ened to rip the young nation clude: Joan Hatch, Detroit jun­ minds and n e w members Speaks On “ H am m arikjold gave his life gro leader in South A fric a - the committee, but it m ay'w ell to build a community of m an, two advocates of non-violence have been the work for peace where love and peace prevail UN. to shreds. ior, dorms; M ary Durrell, through such appeals as, “ ( 1 ) ; In Dècember of 1954 Ham­ Peace in the Congo rem ained Hamburg, N.Y., junior, frater­ infalable, (2) because Com­ Communism is scientific-hencc Future War in a violent world. in the Congo th a t' finally cost over the forces of hate. The 1961 aw ard went to the him his life. Observers noted Ham m arskjöld was the sec* m arskjöld flew to Peiping and an unfulfilled mission for Ham­ nities, sororities and co-ops; munism is scientific it is in­ arranged for the release of 1 1 m arskjöld. President Moise Judy Johnson, Lansing fresh­ evitable, (3) Communism rep­ nd UN official to win the U.S. airm en held by Red China Tshombe of Katanga declared m an, and Jim Wetzel, Owosso resents everything which is Rep. August E. Johansen, late UN secretary-general. The the committee broke with a rise. Undersecretary Ralph J . past tendency to avoid contro­ since the Korean W ar. Their his province independent and senior, off-campus; K a r e o noble, wonderful and good and Michigan m em ber of the House 1960 p r i-z e was belatedly versial candidates. H am m ar­ Bunche, an American, won it detention had caused danger­ refused to recognize the auth­ D raper, Millington junior, pub­ (4) Communism is a solution Committee on Un-American awarded to Luthuli for work­ skjöld had been under Com­ 1n 1950 for his efforts in restor­ ous friction in the F a r East. ority of the central government licity. ing to ease the effects of racial to the problems of life.” Activities, will speak on “ The discrimination in South Africa. m unist bloc attack for his Con­ ing peace in Palestine.' » H am m arskjöld m o v e d into i n Leopoldville. K atanga’s In addition, Stukenbrocker W ar We Are Waging” in a pub­ He is a Zulu Christian leader go policies. Bunche disclosed he had nominated Ham marskjöld for the tinderbox of the Middle E ast arm y resisted when UN forces said th at we as citizens need lic lecture sponsored by the who m il be unable to receive By organizing a UN force, the prize and added: “ No nom­ twice in 1988. In the spring, h r tried to c a rry out a UN m an­ Conservative Club in the Un­ the prise personally. The Nor­ Ham m arskjöld helped stem the ination, I am certain, has ever ion ballroom Thursday a t 8 wegian parliam entary commit­ chaos in the Congo after that been m ore natural or clear, for arranged a cease-fire th at a id ­ date to oust Tsbombe’s white ed a. series of border clashes m ercenaries. Ham marskjöld Weather to know m ore about the tactics of Communism, m ust be better able to articulate . our own tee which m akes the aw ards African natioi won independ­ M r. Ham m arskjöld has given between Israel and its Arab died onfa flight to see Tshombe Last sight's law was in the Am erican traditions and heri-' p .m .' spper Si's, putty dandy rad tage, m ust wage our fight by noted that he is forbidden by ence June 30, 1980. This work, neighbors. a id try to end the bloodshed. .As a m em ber of the HUAC, South Africa’s white suprem ­ however, cam e too late for the new m eaning andllim ension to Hammartkjoid hurried hack In the words of Nobel’s will, eaal with tuna rain. dem ocratic methods, m ust fe d dedication and effective contri­ Johansen participated in the acy government to leave his comm ittee to consider him in bution to the e ra se of peace to the Middle East hi tee sum­ the com m ittee chose H am m ar­ free to fiv e any known infor­ film “ Operation Abolition” village. 1960. mer of 1988 when Britain, skjöld a s the m an who had Taday’s expected high hi m ation to the' FBI, and m ust through brilliant statesm an­ which depicted student demon­ The UN secretary -general, Under rules governing peace ship, g re a t wisdom and ra re France and Israel attacked “done the most or host to fur­ tee add M’s, snray and easi­ f l^ tt our own todiflerence. strations in San Francisco, who perished Sept. 18 on a prizes provided from the state courage.” Egypt. He obtained a cease­ ther brotherhood among peo­ er. Following the speech, ques­ May, 1960. Since 1964 he has peace mission to the Congo, of Albert Nobel, inventor of One UN agency also has woo fire and organised a UN emer­ ples, to abolish or cut down the tions concerning the detection Wednesday’s forecast: son­ of communistic organizations was the .first to receive the dynamite, the list of candidates the peace prize—the UN office gency force of aentraLnatioa standing arm ies, ra d to create ny and mfld. served as an elected represen­ aw ard posthumously. The prize, d o ses each Feb. 1. V of the comm ittee for refugees soldiers to maintain the peace. or* further- the work of peace ¡and the Moral Re-arm am ent tative from the third district. worth 28M32 kroner (848,640) Adlai E. Stevenson, U. S. am- got it la 1954. The secretary-general need congresses." t movement were discussed. ^ ‘ Michigan Stale News, East I aw in g, Michigan Tuesday Morning, October 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 mmummmspartan nrnnunww Editorial ü MSU Assisting Project BRIEFS Y e a r La n g u a g e In University of Nigeria S tu d y N o t E n o u g h Interviews will bo boM today from 3:394 p.m. to 39V Student A f l,362,000 grant from the science, economic develop­ tioo to tbe new grant, h a t Service« for pOrapo interested International Cooperation Ad­ ment, sodai studies and engi­ m ade a separata and direct to becoming mombors of toe T he s io ^ y o f fo reign languages fs a valuable a sse t to ministration has b e e r m ade to neering. grant of St million to too Uni­ a n y college stu d e n t. I t not only aids him personally in his MSU to expand its technical versity of Nigeria i » * con­ Inter-fraternity Coencil pub­ The International Coopera­ tinuing education center. The c u rre n t-stu d ie s and f u tu r e , work, b u t it also c o n trib u tes advice and assistance project licity committee. with the University of Nigeria. tion Administration, in addi- center mUI be modeled after to th e n a tio n ’s diplom atic well-being*. Kellogg Center., The university, which was M ichigan S ta te s tu d e n ts have a p p a re n tly recognized opened shortly after Nigeria The University of Nigeria is Petitions - for Greek Week th is need to know a n o th e r lan g u ag e; enrollm ents, th is received its independence in a rapidly growing institution general chairm an are still fall in F re n ch , Spanish, G erm an, R ussian and o th e r languages a re h ig h e r th a n ev er before. October I960, was planned and is being developed by the Ni­ gerian government with the co- Placement and is incorporating many of tbe ideas of America’s land- grant college system, which available in the IFC offices a t Student Services. Some o f J :h e stu d e n ts, however, a re th e re fo r th re e \ operation of MSU, under an was pioneered here. te rm s only and see no fu rth e r th a n th a t, t h e y a re en­ rolled because g rad u atio n req u irem en ts say th ey m u st com plete one y e a r o f a foreign language. ! ICA contract. Acting principal of the Uni­ versity of Nigeria is Dr. Bureau Tbe University of Nigeria is also, due to receive additional Off-campus students may register bicycles a t tbe East GeOrge M. Johnson,, of the Col­ 11MHi 11111111HI 11tt:t!tl.ll4lltl Ultlill II11III assistance from a 33-member Lansing police station on Ab­ Such req u irem en ts a re practically w o rthless. A s tu d e n t lege of Education. He also, Peace Corps group which is bott Road Saturdays only. The Interviewing a t the Place­ undergoing training on campus. next registration date is Nov. 4. needs a t le a st tw o y e a rs o f a language to g a in a n y bene­ heads the 13-member advisory ment Bureau Friday. Addition­ fits . Five h o u rs a week fo r th re e te rm s m erely in tro d u ces group in Nigeria. al information in tbe Place­ him too th e subject. I t am ounts to 150 to ta l h o u rs plus Under term s of the new m ent'B ureau Bulletin’ for tbe stu d y tim e— h ardly enough to give a w orking knowledge. grant, the number of advisers will be increased to about 29, Week of Oct. 23 to 27: CORAL SABLES’ A language to be valuable m u st be used. I t does no good reports Dr. George H. Axinn. Bell Telephone System inter­ ILFORNO to be able to con ju g ate th e F re n ch verb “»avoir” if a coordinator of the Nigerian viewing all m ajors of the Col­ person Cannot recognize it in reading. project, -j lege of Business and Public One y e a r only gives th e stu d e n t th e ru d im en ts of a The grant also provides for Service, December and March language, a few gram m atical rules and th e basic p a t­ a continuing education pro­ grads. gram a t the University of Ni­ The N am e t h a t M ade Pizza F am ous in L ansing te rn s. I t does n o t build a vocabulary o r teach a person geria, an economic develop­ C e itra l Intelligence inter­ TAKES OATH—Billie. S. Farnum, former deputy Demo­ viewing ail m ajors in the Col­ to speak. X* if? ' I t does not p rep are an u n d e rg ra d u a te fo r g ra d u a te cratic state chairman, takes the oath of office as the new ment institute and _ establish­ ment of a university-wide re­ lege of Engineering, Decem­ NOW9frENÄT 11.901«. state auditor general, administeder by Gov. Swainson search program a t the new in­ ber and March and June grads. w ork w here he will need to read w o rk s in o th e r languages. Serving Snacks - Sandw iches - Luncheons - D inners The governor appointed him to the post Monday. Faraum stitution:— — All m ajors in the colleges of Sim ilarly, one y e a r will n o t allow a person to use th e succeeds Otis M. Smith, appointed a justice of the State Business and Public Service, Also C a te rin g to The grant further includes P riv a te P a rtie s - B anquets • M eetings language abroad. I t does n o t equip him to p a rle r w ith th e Supreme Court last week. Farnum ’s appointment to the five forward planning semi­ December and March grads elective post expires a t the end of 1 M2 . He is former nars at the University of Ni­ and science and arts, Decem­ F re n ch and h a b la r w ith th e Spanish. United Auto Workers international representative. —AP geria to develop the school’s ber and March grads. ____ Visit Our Rathskeller In f a c t, th e only value o f one y e a r of a language is Open 5 p.m . D aily Wlrephoto p r o g r a m s in agriculture, Central Staff Division of t h a t i t is excellent p rep a ra tio n fo r a second year— th e GMC - interviewing Physical . »Phon« E D 2-71811 y e a r t h a t can produce re s u lts ^ chemistry and chemistry m a­ Com plete T ake-O ut Service A y e a r o f a foreign language is j u s t 12 w asted c re d its ; Reach Agreement jors. Electrical, chemical, met­ tw o y e a rs a re th e foundation fo r a f u tu r e com p eten cy ; allurgical and mechanical en­ th re e o r ^nore y e a rs a re th e m ea t b e st th in g to living in a n o th e r co untry. - U.A.W. Reports Results gineers. i Lehigh Portland Cement Ce. | interviewing civil engineers. Africans Hurry Of Chrysler Negotiations The Beadix Corp. interview- ! mg accounting majors, j ! The Glidden Ce. interviewing OaCOqWwL. (Author of *7 f a « Turn am P m f , *Tla Men« accounting m ajors, December, To Bridge Gap DETROIT IÆ I — The United Auto Workèrs union said Mon­ day it had reached agreement with Chrysler Corp. at 41-local Reuther declines to be speci­ agreement on w a g~e s and March and June, grads. All fic. - Last Friday the union said it hoped to settle all local - fringe benefits. STRIKES erupted at both m ajors in business and public service, December and March Loom of DokUOm r, afa.) grads. Africa is a continent in a] ians lack capital to invest in bargaining units -a n d expects units during round the clock GM and Ford despite national THE TRUE AND h u rry .,. new industries for “we are not to have less than a dozen un­ weekend negotiations. Reuther economic agreements. Each Higbee Co. interviewing all “ If the A frican is to survive, J wealthy,” said Ambassador settled units left by tonight. called the 411 settlements sig­ company lost roughly two m ajors in business and public HARROWING FACTS ABOUT RUSHING he must bridge in a few years Udochi. UAW President Walter P. nificant propress and added weeks production before the service, science and arts and It ia well enougn to sit in one’s Morris chair and theorise abaafi an historic gap often m easur­ In Nigeria’s fast pace to Reuther reported results of jui that “ roughly 1 2 more are rel­ walkouts were settled. communication arts, Decem­ sorority rushing, but if one really wishes to know the fasti, one able in centuries,” said the Ni- bridge the “ historic gap,” the intensive weekend oLlocal ne­ atively close.” Reuther has said he hopes to ber and March grads. gotiations as he returned to wrap up the entire Chrysler J must leave one’s Morris chair and go out into the field. (My ' gerian Ambassador to the ambassador said: At Chrysler the union has re- package 'Morris chair, incidentally, was given to me by the Philip Morria United States, Julius M. Udo-; “ The leaders of Nigeria must top-level national talks with by 8 p.m. Friday | P eat, Marwick, Mitchell and versed th e bargaining tactics when the executive council of] Co. interviewing accounting Company, makers of Marlboro Cigarettes. They a n want- chi. —j match economic development Chrysler. it used a t General Motors and the international union is m ajors. Ambassador Udochi spoke on with social progress,, and see to ‘‘We would think th at by hearted folk, the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes, aa mittens rf F o rt and U • tt« m id il» 4 lk « ta C 'h edS S ‘r ‘^ 5 Uaivae Division of Sperry you know who have enjoyed their excellent cigarettes, Oaly “ Nigeria Today” in the Kellogg it that the fruits, of economic Tuesday morning a number of Ue local problems b efo re com- M nLTJTf h . «mu the key plants will be in line,” ins to eriDs wiin with aa national Asked Mond*y 11 he 51111 Raad Corp. interviewing chem­ from bountiful souls could come such mildneae, mah laser, - Center Auditorium Thursday as development are fairly shared mg ro grips national sidefed ^ possible, he 0011 re­ istry a n d physics_ majors. the first in a series of lectures among the various classes in Reuther told" newsmen. “By such filters, such pleasure, as you will find in Maribene! For sponsored by the African Lan­ the community.” then we should have 12 to 16 plied: “ We’re going to work Chemical, mechanical, electri­ those who prefer crush proof boxes, Marlboro ia to the board deadline. You can cal and civil engineers. guage and Area Center. more settled.” Norman Matthews, - UAW -* Firemen Answer get a lot settled when both crush proof boxes. For those who prefer soft pecks, “W e'have begun to have the | ~ Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. in­ is available in soft packs. For those who prefer In bny their lesson driven home to us that independence is by no means Recital vice president who heads the union’s Chrysler department, 2 Minor Calls sides are ready to bargain.” The union has set no strike terviewing mechanical, elec­ trical and civil engineers: All cigarette* in bulk, please contact Emmett R. Sigafooa, friendly manager of our factory in Richmond, Virginia.) an end in itself but a means to an end,” Ambassador Udochi! To Be Heard added that by tonight “there should be only eight or 1 0 key plants left.” _ .. „ The city and university based ,! deadline a t Chrysler so far. Reuther said that Leonard m ajors in business and public imits of the E ast Lansing fire Woodcock, a UAW vice presi- service, December and March But I digress. I was saying that in order to know the te n fact* about sorority rushing, one must go into the field and said. "We have come to grips w ith! the manifold problem of no- j - j On WKAR - THE UNION says it has 88 local bargaining units at Chry­ department each ' answered _ dent, will go to Kenosha, Wis., grads. cairM onday a t 2:19 p.m. today to aid in an educational investigate. Consequently, I went last week to the Indiana College of Spot Welding and Belles Lettrea and intarriawad tion building.” The sonata recital presented Nigeria, formerly a British ■Sunday by Lewis Potter,* J r., sler. The corporation figures there are 102. So far Chrysler has left local settlement an­ A pop cooler resting against campaign to sell the recently a door bell transform er shorted negotiated contract with Amer­ out the transform er at the Del­ ican Motors Corp. to workers. Night Staff several million coeds, among them a lovely lam named Gerund McKeever. (It is, incidentally, quite an interesting little alary about how she came to be named Gerund. It seems that bar colony, celebrated it’s first year t cellist, and Joseph 'Evans, ta Tau Delta fraternity house, The Kenosha local refused to Night staff: Assistant news of independence Oct. 4. J piafbist, will be broadcast over nouncements up to the union, father, Ralph T. McKeever, loved grammar better than any­ “We’ve got some real tough 139 Bailey St. ratify the contract when it vot­ editor, Mary Basing; wire edi­ thing in the world, and so he named all hie children after parts The ambassador said Niger- !WKAR-FM Tuesday a t 8 p.m. ia’s most urgent problem jn | The program includes the ones left,” Reuther admitted, At the same time, firemen ed two weeks ago. Sunday tor, Bob Neumann; copy edi­ of speech. In addition to Gerund, there were throe giris named “ nation building" is education, j Sonata No. 5 in E minor by An­ “ some key plants are quite extinguished a fire in a con­ AMC local 75 a t Milwaukee tors, Keun Youn, A1 Royce, Preposition, Adverb,and Pronoun, and one boy named Dative Previously the missionaries tonio Vivaldi: Sonata in G Min­ close, some are not.” struction air compressor being said it • wanted another vote Jackie Korona and Denis Gos- Case. The girls seemed not to he unduly depressed by their built schools to educate Niger­ or, Op. 5, No. 2, by Ludwig - It was believed th at few of used a t the construction site o f ! 100 T1**5 local voted in favor i selin; photo editor, David namee, hut Dative Case, alas, grew steedily more naoteaa and ians because ihey were con­ Van Beethoven; and Sonata in the vital production and main­ Wilson Hall on Shaw. Lane. \ oi the contract to e first time. I Jaehnig. was finally found one night dangling from a participle. After cerned about spreading the B flat Major, Op. 8 , by Ernst tenance units were included Wiring and accessories on the this tragic event, the father abandoned his practice of j word of God, the ambassador Dohnanyi. among those settled although compressor were damaged' matieal nomenclature, and whatever children wo This concert i s th e third in said.. Today the Regions, compar­ a series presented by the de­ able to our states, have as­ partm ent of music. Both par­ Crossword Puzzle p i l a Sam □□□ FORKIDS ONLY! u born to him—eight in afl—were named Everett.) sumed the missionaries zeal for ticipants are faculty members Fmt á n n ft w h of the department of music. ■ a n a a a n n a □□□ P ■M educating the Nigerians. “There is a healthy compe­ 1lit \ \ l 1> tition in education among the /jMDIHBLSAuyA í ON HALLOWEEN 1 ACROSS 1. O w ned 4. Decry 2*. Cargo 27. Grown girl 28. Cotton pod □□□□□ □□□□□ □□a 3 0 a a n a a n □ a a a a a a a a n f t BIGf BIZiS! s Regions,” said the ambassador. The first Nigerian university was built in the Eastern Re­ gion. and now the Northern and NI6KT.THE6REAT piwawAmARsy 13. Inf. country (estival 29. M asculine 30. Mild 14. Hereditary — 33. Lasa □ □ nana n n n a a a a a a a a n a n a □ n an s a m □□□ 7? U B Western Regions plan to follow suit, he added, 13. Covered with _ 33. Preposition 33. Resounded □ □ □ a n a a a a n a a □ □ □ F IS H S □ □ □ □ n a a a a san ai 2 o *7 SÖ S 10 B 0 Y5 & T raveling! Nigeria wants to explore the 17. Windmill 36. Detect o n a a n a a a a n a ! Eh fields of scientific knowledge aaiti 27. Metal as it * f t O and for this, education is need­ ed. 18. Football position: abbr. is mined 36. Winter peril 39. Coin •oltrtien of Yesterday's Puzzle a X GIRLS' s •SfJ *3 8 A 9 - The Nigerian economy is the 1«. Refusal to 40. Elaberate DOWN «. In finance, 4 •M M second problem in1 “ nation HE FUES TMR006H THE AR, sanction melody 1. Cuts in two rights cu m m AND0RW6STWSTOAU.THE ! 10. Land building,” he added. “There is no doubt that agri­ CHILDREN OF THE (tiORlD.1 1 culture will continue to be the 30. Assam Ulkworm 2A Bulgarian 41. Dutch: abbr. 42. Glen 43. Tbe Witch 2. Foreigners 3. Nicks 4. Period _ measure 11. Principal ore of lead CONTtST • pN z . U Uî O t fi Hut I digress. I w-s interviewing a lovely coed named Gerund McKeever. "Gerund,” I said, "were yon ruahed by a coin sorority?” backbone of our economy. But, 23. Spirit of - . oí right 12. Football O Nigeria wants to build cars and oi being 44. Capability 9. At home team “ Yea, mister,” she said, “I was rushed by a sorority.” ship«.” said the ambassador, i 33. Be vexed 47. Building «■Frightened 16. As (ar as (Z) ri S "Did they give you a high-pressure pitch?” I asked. “Did 34. Highway wing 7. The 30. Of an era z 5 they use the hard seH?” Agriculture should be im -: 0) proved, he explained, because' more food is needed for the j growing Nigerian population. Ê. division 23. Ocean linen' abbr. 41. Acrimoni­ ous 40. Xing: Sp. lapwing •.Totally oonfuaad 21. Limping 23. Crease 24. Lie gt ease 38. Drawn out u ‘ i ri 5 "No, mister," she replied. “It was all done with quiet dignity. They »imply talked to me about the chapter and the giris for about three minutes and then I pledged.” Yet. an economy based on ag­ p r r* 37. Precinct 22. Scourge Od 9 m "My goodnem!” I said. “ThroetnPtitn » not very long for riculture has an inherent weak­ 3». Colliery e sales talk"’ ness. said Ambassador Udochi. ÜT 38 Newly sräid l i PW* ’ "It is when they are holding you under water, mwMr,’* The weakness is that the food r married 9 mid Gerund. ~ prices are governed by forces outside the control of the coito- j w Il.Gep 32. Bering teet S o l a city wide or 4 "Well, Gerund,” I said, "bow do you like tbe house*” B “I like the house fine, mister,” she replied. “But I don’t hen try of production, be said. By B" 22. Brilliantly Salum ai Conical X Ï> there. Unfortunately, they pledged aeon girls than theykeve thieae “ forces” Ambassador ■ colored bird Udochi m eant the prices of food ET" 24. Weil-nigh © Prizea to be given 4) é room for, an they a n ridsping some of as in the M l tower.”! m 2« Thin ? ■ "Isn’t that rather noisy?” I mid. - on the world m arket. A young country such as Ni* 27. Sequence IX S in . . . this atore • 2 Columbia Bikes ßS Z e “Only on the qaartordwiir,” mid Gerund. f e ria th at is trying to indus­ “WoD, Gerund,” I mid, “it has certainly been a pleasure talk­ tria d le , said the ambassador, finds the world m arket compe­ tition créales “complex and dif­ 2«. Hindu deity: ver. 40. Artide 42. One «t Sevan n © • Electric Jake Box • Concert H a l Organ • Gilbert HO Train • 1 -Speed PhoMgraoh »X ing to you,” I said. “ Likewise;roister,'' she arid, and with many a laugh and ahwr we went our separate ways—aha to the nm peir^. I to the ficult problem»” because, it is a ; competing against more estab­ lished economies such as that Dwarfs 43. And so s • • Transistor Ratti«' Kit Doti Carriage u Morris chair. # mm n* M an.. in the United States. Tbe Nigerian economy needs forth: abbr. 45. Dram: abbr. 46. Nickel ft • • Mode) Cessna Plane Betsy McCall Doll 4 Th* Philip Murrio Compon^ mrnkoo, ür méátíion ImMorlhorm, ihm new unAltrrtd, klnf-oimo M H ß Morria Commmndmr— symbol • Model V4 Engine kit miniem (e karre, senftg omeuum eiru n d kg « new g esees» lé to be diversified to survive in the world auutot, the ambas­ PM niM W MM • 17 Jewel Watch ü u u b noii thét ÍMfl¿ Ih m m U aí í í m h u i sador pointed out. Yet, Niger- i uenuuy tiim diug, October 24, 1961 M M N , It is difficult to see how such a long movie can keep the aud­ ience on the edge of their seats By JA C K S KORONA o r toe A n te N e m staff Aetion Packed throughout the whtde perform - ance. Difficult th at is, until witnes­ Biood, buttonholes, and baos By CURT RUNDELL sing toe superb acting of Kirk; were a s mixed into a two and State News Feature Editor Douglas in the title role. ; ,. ■• ■ - p|g| | 'm a half hear, enounan show Fri­ day evening as Michbel Mac­ For those who « t t y an ac­ Líammóir, noted Irish actor- tion packed movie wito fine act­ author, jvesonted his interpre­ ing and a suspense tilled plot. tation of the life and works of “ Spartacus” ia a m u st Oscar Wilde. , The story of a slave uprising “The Importance of Being in Rome, led by gladiators O scar,” previously performed under “ Spartacus,” the movie in Dublin, London, and New employs a c a st of thousands York, traces the existence of thus giving toe impression of Wilde from his younger care­ bigness to n story toot gains free days through the high quality from i ti simplicity. points o f Iris career, and con­ The title role is played by cludes with the author's infa­ Kifjt Douglas whooe acting abil­ Juicy ste a k p rep ared j u s t th e w ay ity is added to by the fact that I . * mous activities and death. you like it « . r a r e o r well done . • • be actually looks like' a gladi­ Included among the writings ator. - ^ of Wilde, interwoven with the Ably assisting .Douglas in the served w ith golden fre n c h frie s , a words of MacLianunoir, were acting departm ent are; Jean excerpts from “The Picture of delicious tossed salad , and a fresh Simmons, P eter Ustinov. Char­ Dorian G ray,” “ The Ballad of les Laughton, Tony Curtis, and roil. A d inner in itse lf fo r 1.19 nt Reading Gaol,” and the lengthy Lawrence Oliver. ^ “ De Profondis.” Playing the role of Varinia, Casa Nova. T h e ,e v il doings of Dorian a slave girl “ Spartacus” meets Gray provided basis for a mov­ while a t gladiatorial school. ing and emotion packed por­ Miss Simmons turns in a fine Delivery Service tray al of one of Wilde’s m ore prominent works. MacLiam- m oir's voice and facial express­ performance as she effectively portrays the part of a concu­ bine for any student gladiator V a r s i t y D r iv e In ions presented the gory details to whom h e r m aster gives her 1227 E. GRAND RIVER as Gray stabbed to death a and, later, the p art of a dutiful painter friend, and watched his wife to “ Spartacus” and, final­ OPEN EVERY DAY 5:0 0 P.M. Mod clot darkly. Then wonder ly,' the p art of a good mother became a tone of voice as to his son: DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. G ray walked out onto the bal­ The result of her efforts is 8 :3 0 P - M . - l : 3 0 A.M. cony and found the star-studd­ that she does a fine job of por­ ed sky looking like a “ mon­ traying the woman of every SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P .M .- 1 :3 0 A.M. M ÎT lA N S íN fii O lK S T P I2 7 E U IA “ 311 AVA.C strous peacock’s ia il.” THE FORBIDDEN PHOTOGRAPH—Immediately after m an’s dream s, a combination When the curtain opened, the j this phot» was taken Michael MaeLiammoir, the tem per- wife, m istress and mother. ED 2-6517 audience seemed fascinated by { mental Irish actor banned photographers from their back­ Adding wit and houmor to the stage position. MacLiammoir's m anager had given Thornton Earned photographers permission to work baekstoge daring the show. —State News photo by Dave Jaehnig. Homecoming Rep Robert N. Thornton J r.. 627 | a spotlight shining on a vase moir's m anager to take back- Sunset Lane. East Lansing, has 1 of lilies As .MacLíammóir- I stage pictures during toe show. been named E ast Lansing rep­ | Wilde began rrr speak the stu-J_ The “ spell” was broken for resentative for late registra­ dents and adults were intrigued j a short while, but soon Mac- tions for ■» post-game dinner with his vocal expression and i Liarrtmoir returned to his orig- Saturday, Oct. 28, for alum*» j-especiaify with his amazing ! inal characterizations. of Indiana University to follow ; memory work " The second half of the show t h e Michigan State-Indiana i -All ,went well for the first dealt with the trials and death football game. - I few minutes. __ of Wilde. _ The dinner will be held in Then, suddenly tbe perform- j Expression and memory work the Tam arack Room of Dine's, er became nothing more than] again proved amazing to the 321 E ast Michigan Avenue, the m an as be turned to the j audience, even though an oe- Lansing. A' social hour wifi be stage wings and declared in an ] casional word escaped them be- held immediately after the audible voice, “ N'o pictures. !! cause of staging beyond micrp- game, followed by the dinner I can’t stand them .” After th e ; phone range. _ Speaker for the dinn erw ill performance it was learnedi T h e performance appropri- be Bill Orwig, director of ath­ that photographers had been I ately ended with Wilde’s last letics a t Indiana. given permission -by Mac Liam- j words before death. Adler SC’s are guar­ anteed not to shrink out of fit or your mon- •y back. Lamb'« wool, III m en 's an d w om en's sizes, la white end IS other colors. Just S t at fine stores. P R O P U L S I O N S Y S T E M S AEHO-FHYS1CI5TS ^^ ~ Openings for Aero-Physicists with i variety o f technical M d W h ^ including fluid mec hanic», applied numerical methods aa w ed ia par­ S T R U C T U R E S & M A T E R I A L S tial differential equation solutions, measurements, physical chswsalry in high-temperature gas dynamics. ANALYTICAL AMD CONCEPTUAL DESIGN In Applied Mechanics. Physics. Mathematics. Aeronautical Engineer­ PHYSICISTS " ing ar C M Engineering. Should be experienced Ja structural analy­ Experienced and/or interested ia design and dcmiopmmt at-«Show sis sad design an Mgh-tempereture structures and have background cal propulsion systems and mergg cooversion. ^ in etMtkàcy, plasticity or dynamics. ADLER SC's AVAILABLE IN WHITE AND C3L0RS AT c h em ic a ls An d m a t er ia l s MECHANICAir ENGINEERS " H tykal Onanists experienced in htgb-temperature reactions. With experience and/or mtartat in the fields of advanced g m m f t propulsion systems, high tra^prreturn—high velocity flaw analysis, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION _ thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, analytical and eoaceptwl dmiaa of proputsioa systems, had dynamics of nmlli phased gases. O IT-CA M PU S INTERVIEWS J.W. KNAPP TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3 1 SHEPARD’S SHOES s _ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 THE TOG SHOP LEN KOSITCHEK’S . ■w m— a n —a » v * N — - w - 1 ■*& » . ' • 'T * Æ M- , É Ü Mkhlgm State News, E u t lim a it» Tuesday Morning, October 24 * 1 9 6 Ï Students Like It N a t S c i T rie s N ew P r o g r a m Tbe entire natural science right answer the student is tell them if tbe method was ter at one time. Reinforcement, may be because it’s new, but course m ay take on a new look given another question and set c o rre c t If be was wrong the! is involved when he answers] we don’t think so,” he said, if an experim ent now in prog­ of answers. student must repeat the experi­ corrtctly and is told so imme- “ and averages ia exams for all ress 1 s successful. This allows the student to m en t diately. students have been higher for Changes in teaching methods know immediately w h etted or SLIDES and short movies “ So far students seem to en- those studying under the rein­ which would allow for m ore in­ not his answer, is correct. will also be available for indi-j joy the new method better, it! forcement method. dividual work by students and “ The reinforcement method vidual ^viewing, he said. enable instructors to teach allows students to learn a t a The '~clas4room pattern of i more students a t once a re now being tried. Chester "A. Lawson, head of faster rate. Work is individual and the student proceeds as fa s t as he wants,” Lawson said. reading and lectures will still} rem ain p art of the course, but Students’ Basic Ideas they will probably b e varied- the departm ent of natural sci­ ence, said a method of pre­ senting a small arount of in­ INSTRUCTORS will also be able to handle more students Lawson said. This new teaching system m ay even change the grading j AUSG Seminar Topic if the class is working individ­ form ation a t one tim e was in­ ually. he said. system for the course, accord­ What will college students students, along with their atti­ troduced in a section of the ing to Lawson. die for? tudes towards religion, politics If the experiment works this natu ral science book this term . year even "More changes may Conceivably a student could Dr. Ernest Melby, distin­ and sex.- “ THE METHOD is called re ­ Articles that Melby particu­ be made in the course. be graded on how much of the guished professor in education, larly wants to discuss with stu­ inforcement. A student reads m aterial he m asters, and he and a group of students will be a question and then is given a Labs will still be part of the dents are "The Next Thirty course, Lawson said. Students won’t be allowed to go on to a discussing this and other ques­ Years in' the Colleges,” “ The Marilyn Hruby and Robert Cantrell aeites of answers from which new section until he passes-an tions a t next Sunday night’s Young Negro Rebels,” "G odin to choose. With the answ er is wifi be instructed in the lab m anuals to work an .experiment exam on the previous one. AUSG academic sem inar at the Colleges,” a n d “ What the num ber of a page to which to find an answer. After they STUDENTS WHO finish the 7:30 p.m. in the Student Serv­ They’ll Die for in Houston.” Hruby, Cantrell Chosen he should tu rn to find out If he m ade the right selection. If the answ er is wrong the have finished their m anual will book or m aster the most ma­ ice building lounge. terial will be given the highest grades, he said. The sem inar’s sponsors said “ The College Scene," a sup­ they are pleased to have Dr. plement in the, October issue of .Melby to lead the discussion, Seniors of the Week student is told to turn back to the question. If he picked the East Berlin Lawson said that reinforce« H arper’s magazine.-is concern­ saying that they feel he has m ent will give students a small­ ed with what basic ideas are superior in sig h t'in to student The president and treasurer internship, possibly in San In the past he has been on Police Fire - e r amount of m aterial to m as­ most deeply held by college attitudes and campus affairs. e f tbe class of 1962 have been chosen aa this week’s Seniors of the Week. Francisco. She is also interest­ ed in doing post-graduatew ork in microbiology. She feels Tier Union Board and Frosh-Soph Council, and tre a su re r of his fraternity.'“ Tear Gas Pretty, blond Marilyn Hruby, activities have shown her how “ I feel MSU offers a wide BERLIN (A—E ast and West Cicero, 111., and Bob Cantrell, to tak e,b est advantage of her and varied activity program Berlin police fought a duel with Southfield, were selected be­ cause of their contributions over the last four years. Miss Hruby’s past activities initiative, which is so import­ ant in her career. Cantrell has a)so been active since high school, fie was which 1 s available to all who a re willing to w ork their way up,” Cantrell said. A Distinguished Military Stu­ Lear gas grenades, for nearly half an hour Monday night, West Police reported Monday. The West Police patrolling the Casually include being 1961 J-Hop gen­ e ra l chairm an, 1961 Water Carnival executive secretary, 1960 Spinster Spin general president of the student body at Elgin High in Illinois, and a m em ber of the state associa­ tion of student councils. dent, he is a m em ber of Scab­ bard and Blade, m ilitary hon­ orary, and Excalibur, senior men’s honorary. borders were issued subma­ chine guns and tea r gas gre­ nades for the first time Mon­ yours... day. — — rCN chairm kn, and 1960 Activities His other campus activities A student of financial ad­ I t w asn't long before the first ,y--\ The Authentic Arrow button-down Carnival program s chairman. include .serving as president of m inistration he said he feels use had been made of the tear She was also a m em ber of his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, the experience he has gained shirt has a perenniafappeal to gas. - Junior Council. and as a m em ber of IFC as a student adm inistrator will At Wollankstrasse, on the the discerning college man^Th^ Being active was a carry President’s Assembly. be invaluable. French Sector border, th e University Fashion favorite has\he over from high school. She was Communists tried to silence a famous Arrow oontour tailoring secretary of her senior class West loudspeaker van by toss­ for a slim, trim, tapered wajpflina. of 960, and their salutatorian. An Honors 1 College student, she has m aintained a 3.6 av­ G u a te m a la C e n te r ing five tear gas grenades at it. Only two detonated, but the In basket weave striped Oxford and solid colors of your choke. erage in medical technology, An Inter-American Center gin two years of study in Janu­ explosion of one of them and ia a m em ber of Alpha Del­ ary a t the University of San WHAT NEXT? Deaaa Edgin, See your Arrow Retailer. for the study of education may smashed the glass of a c ar in ta Theta, a professional soror­ Carlos. Both a re working in 22, ef Seattle, Wash., stretched the West. ity for m ajors in th at field. be established by MSU and the University of San Carlos in rehabilitation a n d special her bright to eight feet, five The West Police said they $5.00 and up — “ Students should w ait until education. ~ laches when she added ter threw back six grenades “ witn they have established them ­ Guatemala. He explained that the pur­ Space Needle hairdo. She’s good effect.” _ _ selves academ ically before Investigating the possibilities pose of his current trip is to made up for the Washington for the center is D r. John E . At another spot in the north, they engage in too many ac­ tivities. How ever,-all students should get into some activity in Order to feel m ore a p a r t of Jordan, a ssista n t professor of education, who left here this week for a six-week visit to investigate the possibility of State HaMrosser’s Assn. an­ setting up a continuing pro­ n u l showing la Seattle to re- gram with the University of temble the Seattle World’s San Carlos. Fair Space Needle (back­ near the Scboenholz elevated station West Berlin automobile owners drowned the words of an east loudspeaker by sound­ :ARROW -From the the cam pus life," Miss Hruby, Guatemala. - c . Although the proposed Inter- ground), a 600-foot structure ing their horns. "Cum Laude CollettiorP' said. — The development is being American Center would a t first wi t h revolving observation Police said the motorists kept I L ast year she was picked for sponsored by the State De­ concentrate on rehabilitation platform and restaurant atop. -the noise going for three-quar­ an Outstanding Junior Award, partm ent under a contract with and special education, Jordan (AP Wbrephoto) ters of an hour. and tapped for M ortar Board. State. Cooperating in the ac­ said i t could be extended to As a sophomore she w as a tivity here are the College of other fields of education if the m em ber of Tower Guard. She is secretary of her soror­ Education and International Program s. two universities felt it was de­ sirable. Campus Chest ity, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and has served a s their treasurer. Also a s p art of the contract, Jordan announced, two doctor­ A meeting involving other State officials will be held m Raises $48,000 f In the future Miss Hruby al candidates, Daniel C. Me- Guatemala next month to Dis­ The Campus Community plans to fulfill her 1 2 -month Alees and John Toth, will be­ cuss the proposed center. Chest has reached SO per cent of its qbeta of -089,961, Dr..-A. Westley Rowland, chairm an of LOOK YOUR BEST the cam paign, said Thursday. Leading all divisions was the secretary’s office with 171 per cent of its quota. Second high­ TOR THE est division was tbe university business office with 133 per cent HOM ECOM ING O tte r cam pus divisions who have m ade o r exceeded their quotas a re : College of Home Eteonomict, 115 p e r cent; build­ W EEKEND ings and utilities, 1 1 1 per cent; university services, 1 1 0 per cent WITH A PERSONATIZED In exact figures, the drive has raised $«,013. The drive ends Wednesday. HAIR STYLE FROM THE IFC-Pan Hel Ball UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON Peggy Lnndberg, Owner-Manager Set for Nov. 10 The them e for the 1961 IFC- PanHel bail is Cameiot, the land of everything perfect. Knight« and their ladies will k Permanent Waving dance to the music of Tracey Halsey’s orchestra Nov. 10, a t the Masonic Temple in Lan­ ★ Personalized,Hair Styling sing. ~ Tickets will be available in fraternity and sorority houses fo r th e semi-formal dance, ac­ ★ Specialists in Silver Blonding and Tipping cording to Robert Gill, Madi­ son. Wis.. senior, co-chairman of the event. k Specialists in Coloring Y o u r B ew U as Supply k Air Conditioned Dryers Center k Suntan Room His what« up front that counts by B runsw ick U n iv e rs ity B e a u ty S a lo n Up front is I F t l T E R - B L E N P and only Winston has it! U W G USHM Rich, g o ld en to b a c c o s specially selected an d specially (East Longing'§ M ott Modern Salon) w p m u processed for full flavor in filter smoking. m oV toe Street 2 Doors East of Lucon Theatre ED 2-1116 _ aerees,tram Fraadar ltieek N srih af ~ . M fcttf» Ave. • W. ef Sean W IN S T O N T A S T E S G O O D a. f. i m a Te>wi Qt . w ito -w h e . n i l s h o u ld W- i -• * . . ■*£. ■ / * " • > . •• •■ . *> V -iS , if c i l J . « ;'•* * Tuesday Morning, October 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 Michigan State î b n , East Lam ing, Michigan For More Food,. Clothing IP Hoffa Files Lawsuit Board Accepte for Pyojecte H o p e s Against AFL-CIO DETROIT (J)—A million dol­ bulk of the members of the Tito. Board of Trustees fti* Garber and P. A. Schroedar, uation from special census MOSCOW (0 —By the time more hard work,” was tb s up the battle and let the Com­ lar libel and slander suit was AFL-CIO OMBcil, governing [day accepted 3,512,515.40 la all of the Department of Phy­ data of chaagea that have tak­ 'brought by Jam es A. Hoffa body and policy-making group your baby |g la college, will the Soviet Union produce more comment of one Russian. Western diplomats say they m unists take over* The United States to pictured I and U s Team sters Union Mon­ ofCoospfcuoos the organization. fm gifts and tea. sics and Astronomy, received en place in agriculture and day against President George fry their absence Outstanding were National a 093,000 grant from the NSF niraThfe. •ted, mere teed, more clothing have found little oathuaiasm as the m ajor great obstacle to iere Walter P. Reuther, presi- Science Foundation grants for for research on electronic DR. JOHN A. KING, associ­ —sad mere- influence in the tot* the program among the the expansion of Communism. Meany and most of the AFL- were support of a Cyclotron soil of metals and al­ ate professor of zoology, has » world—then the United States? rank and file. Somehow, every­ Even the most ardent Soviet CIO top leadership. ; ent dent of the United .United Auto Work- | Hoffa, president of the Team- era, add the three other mem­ computer laboratory «span- loys. National Institutes w Health Part of It will be accom­ thing sounds so ffir away — 10 Communist concedes th at It is sion, and International Cooper­ D r. Chuan-Tseng Wei, asso­ graft of $23,000 to continue a plished. Much won’t. or 20 years — and still later going to be a long tim e before I sters, and his international ac* bers oftea 28-man council. ation Administration grafts ciate professor of metallurgi­ study of the development of There to so much' illusion “the subsequent parted,” often ho can really hope for anything j cused Meany and 24 AFL-CIO WIlXlAM E. Butelino, pres­ for written into the program that referred to in the program . like the ham m er and sickle on | executive council m em bers of. ident of Team ster Local 966 dia.projects in Nigeria and In­ c a l engineering, received a various organs in mice and Western readers may wonder A wholly A fferent picture to an American flagpole. But th a t making “ wicked . and m alic­ here and special counsel for 101,700 g rant from the NSF to their corresponding effects on why Russians fool themselves presented in the scores of par­ to the aim. E arlier targets arc ious" statem ents about the the plaintiffs, was asked about A large gift far a proposed study th e ' fundam ental princi­ behavior. Tfergrant was trans­ so. 7 _ ty and governmental newspap­ in Africa, Southeast Asia and ¡Team sters in a conspiracy to this. ■ anetarium was donated by ples which govern mechanical ferred(to MSU from tha Jack­ F o r Instance, the program ers throughout the country. Latin America. ¡ra id the Team sters’ ranks of “I t does not appear that and Mrs. Talbert Abrams twinning, a kind of defortna- son Memorial Laboratory, Bar draws this picture for capital­ One thing seems certain. : members. Reuther shares Meany’s views of Lansing. tio process th at occurs in zinc, Harbor, Me., where Dr. King ist countries such as the Unit­ Production in the Soviet Union THE MAJOR part of the pro­ j ' However, the suit said the on these m atters,” Bufalino THE N8F granted 1700,000 to uranium and other crystalline was formerly employed. ed States: “ The gulf between will increase—for it to already gram to concerned with the So­ I actual purpose of this was to said. -'v- .•— ^ the University for support of m aterials. A grant of $20,700 from the the haves and the have note is increasing faster than in the viet Union itself. High priority make a “ smoke screen” to The suit was based in part on construction of 50 million elec­ A 965,880jp r ant from .the Air NSF was accented for research widening and suffering and pri­ United States, which has much to given to getting more food, conceal what it called 'th e a statem ent attributed to tron volt cyclotron under the Force's Office of Aerospace by Dr. JohnT«. Lockwood, as­ vations of millions are growing of its development accom­ m ore and handsomer clothing, AFL-CIO’s “true condition as Meany after the Oct. 10 m eet­ direction of D r. Henry G. Blot­ Research will b e used by Dr. sociate professor of botany and worse ** r- • plished. ___ more steel, more electricity a tottering house of labor.” ing of the AFL-CIO council a t te r, professor of physics. The Donald J . Montgomery, profes­ plant pathology, on fungitoxic TO WESTERNERS, the pro­ and better "houses for Soviet The .AFL-CIO “ has all it can which a proposal to readm it cyclotron, which is expect­ sor of physics and engineering ity in natural soils. ACTUALLY there m e few if any countries in the West mises nevertheless seem ex­ citizens. do to keep its own ranks from the Team sters was overwhelm­ ed to be 10 tim es better than research, for investigations of A U. S. Department of State where that is true. cessive: “ In the current de­ P resent Soviet steel produc-, falling to pieces,” the suit said. ingly voted down. The AFL- present ones of the sam e rise, the interaction of infrared rad­ grant for $19,371 will be used tion is about 70 million tons. A When the program says So­ cade (1961-70) the Soviet Union, 500 per cent increase promised AT WASHINGTON Meany CIO long ago 'threw out the will take more than two years iation with crystal structures. by Dean Taggart and Dr. Clif­ viet “cultural and technical in creating the m aterial and Team sters on charges of cor to complete. - This work has possible applica­ ford E . Erickson, dean of edu­ standards will Improve sub­ technical basis of Communism, by 1981 would mit it over 350 brushed off the suit. He called ruption within the union. The NSF also granted $400,- tion in the development of sys­ cation, to explore the possibil­ million to n s ., That is three it “ very am using." That was stantially,” it cannot be denied. will surpass the strongest and tim es American norm al capac­ the extent of his immediate EMIL MAZEY, secretary- 000 to be applied tow ard the tem s for guiding rockets" by ity of establishing a Center for That to going on. I t m ay con­ richest capitalist country, the ity. Such a volume would ex­ comment. treasurer of the UAW, was purchase ana operation of • m eans of visible or invisible the study of education a t the tinue. But when it adds that U.S.A., in production per head ceed the needs of even the The suit, brought in federal present. He said Reuther was new electronic computer to re - light sources. University of San Carlos, Guat­ “ everyone will live in easy cir­ of population.” coiirt with Hoffa a n d his inter­ opposed to readm itting the p l a c e the present MI STIC Dr. Shosei Serata, assistant emala. cum stances” by 1971 that ap­ F o r tha world a t large there m ost exaggerated program . (Michigan State Integral Com­ professor of civil engineering. Also accepted by the Board pears, to Western «yes, , a fan­ is aJ$o a package. Soviet de­ - Khrushchev has indicated n a t i o n a l as co-plaintiffs, Teamsters. The UAW presi puter), which is becoming ob­ Will use a $45,000 NSF grant to were contributions for scholar­ the country to not going steel- charged that Meany and his dent has been one of the Team­ tasy. termination to increase pres­ solete and overloaded. Dr. investigate stresses ¡»resent in ships totaling $44,350, including T he p r o g r a m has been sure for establishment of Com­ m ad, and will taper off some­ co-defendants falsely tried to sters’ sharpest critics. Lawrence W. Von Tersch, Com­ various types of natural under­ $5,014 for MSU—Oakland. where short of such theoretical portray Hoffa as “ a perpetra­ The suit quoted Meany as launched with a big propa­ munist regimes in every na­ tor of a fraud” on American having said a t the Oct. 10 m eet­ puter Laboratory director, is ground. formations. U n d e r - gonto^ ganda campaign. It has to be? tion is clearly stated. The aim labor for the purpose o fe a u s- ing in New York th a t there was in charge. ground storage of radioactive Fam ily Vote — The hard fact is that while the is to do it without w ar or vio­ THE BIG problem is agricul­ ing ‘hatred’ of the vTeam sters “ every indication” th at the A $1,362,000 grant from the wastes and underground atom­ Pick a pet that fits the whole promises to the ordinary man lent revolution. If capitalist ture, and here the figures don’t and holding them up to “ public Team sters union was “ more,|IC A will be used by MSU to ic furnaces are potential appli­ family. Even though the six- in the Soviet Union are large, classes become too resistant, always track. F or t h e - past scorn, contempt, aversion, od­ than ever now under the in­ expand its tech n ical advice cations. year-old will be “ owner of the what he gets immediately, in then violent revolution is ap­ three years targets have not ium and ridicule.” fluence of crim inal and cor­ and assistance to the govern­ AT|2S,000 grant from the So- puppy, bird or cat, the whole the coming months, is small. proved — wad Soviet sym pathy been reached in crop produc­ Named defendants were the rupt elem ents.” m ent of the E astern Regkm of ciSl Science Research Council family will live with it and pro­ What is going to happen to and assistance are promised. tion. Y et the program lives or Nigeria in the planning of the went to Dr. Dale E. Hathaway, bably help care for i t Home the average Russian, the day Unrelenting pressure on all dies with agriculture. University of Nigeria. professor of agricultural eco­ economists a t Michigan State after the program is adopted? Nothing. — “ IT MEANS a long period of capitalist and semi-capitalistic states will continue in an ef­ fort to persuade them to give There a re no big independ­ ently owned farm s such as pro­ duce the m onster crops in the United States. Peasants spend Halloween Time The ICA also p a n te d $122,- nomics, and Dr. J. Allan Bec- University suggest tee choice 000 to be used by Bean Taggart gle, professor of sociology and of the pet should be a family and Dr. John D. Ryder, dean anthropology, to make an eval­ decision. of engineering, to continue aid Trustees Approve most of their tim e working on s ta te and cooperative farm s. Some big operations are suc­ Seen Dangerous to tile Indian government in the establishm ent of teacher- training program s in engineer- ing a t Guindy College of En Lecture cessful. Cotton production j>n F acuity Changes a m ass basis works in Uzbeki­ The Halloween season, a stan, although not as economi­ happy a n d care-free cally as in the United States. the year for so m any children creases,” H are said. “ Soaping Khrushchev’s tim e of quently wet pavements in Oct- gineering, M adras, and Poona ober~the driver’s problem in­ Engineering College, Poona. venturesome and adults, is also one of the or otherwise m arking up c ar $250,000 to the MSU develop­ T h e Abrams contributed Norman Hunt Fellow O f E x e te r College _ The Board of Trustees F ri­ istration to professor of ac­ attem pt to tu rn Siberian virgin most dangerous, says Jam es windows m akes visibility even m ent fund in support of the day approved four appoint­ counting and financial admin­ lands into the wheat bin of the M. Hare, secretary of state. proposed 200 -seat, planetarium "T O xford U niversity. ments, seven leaves, two pro­ istration and of economics, Soviet Union rem ains a prob­ Last y ear, during th e ' Jast more difficult to the peril of to be added to tee south side of j motions, six transfers, and eight personnel changes. Sept. 1; and Russell F. Finku from continuing education co­ ordinator in the University Col- lem atical scheme. Millions of ten dfab days of October 75 pedestrians, young and old.” the University museum. The acres of new land have been people died on Michigan high­ H are said the anger and re­ project, which is the subject of j “Pressure Groups In sown in Siberia and in some of ways. It was a worse ten-day sentm ent f e l t by the Hal- the current'D evelopm ent Fund New appointees a ré Mason lege to assistant dean of the E. 'Miller, director of the Insti­ University College for Caso tute .jfor Extension Personnel Hall program s, Jan . 1, 1962; the southern republics fronting period than th e final holidays loweened motorist, whose car campaign, is expected to cost on China and Afghanistan, not­ of the year when 71 people has been the object of prank­ about $350,000. ^ Britain And The U.S.A.” Development, Dec. 1; Jem es Terrence M. Allen and Abram ab ly Kazakhstan. The yield of were killed on the highways sters’ w ax and soap, increases A GRANT OF $132.700 from j K. Allen, instructor of health, M. Barch, associate professors, wheat has been a gamble. This from Christmas to New Y ear’s the danger of accidents. the NSF_will be, used by Dr. i Thursday, O ctober 2 6 , 6 p.m. physical education and recrea­ an d Theodore W. Forbes, pro­ year again—-thé third in a row Day. _ “ Kids should have fun during Joseph Ballam. professor of tion. Oct. 1; Jam es W. Butler, fessor, were transferred from —vast quantities are rotting in Hare, also state safety com­ this traditional trick or treat physics and astronomy for re - 1 Kellogg Center Auditorium professor of physics and astron­ psychology and continuing ed­ the fields. Spring comes too mission chairm an, said Hallo­ holiday," H are said, “ but they search on high energy in ter-! omy. Oct. 16. and .F ran cis L. ucation to full time in psychol­ late and fall too early. When ween Sunday last year was the m ust learn to understand the actions. - I Faculty And Students Invited McConkey, specialist in- the ogy, effective Sept. 1. rain is needed it won’t rain. At deadliest traffic accident Sun­ possible fatal consequences of Drs. Frank J . Blatt, Meyer Audio-Visual Center, Nov. 1. h arv est'tim e it pours. day of the entire year with 14 the thoughtless actions of the New assignments, transfers fatal accidents resulting in 24 few who fall to respect the Sabbatical leaves were ap­ and changes in status were ap­ proved for: Alexis J . Panshin, proved as follows: Roderick today on campus*Uiitiiiiiuiiiiii'l deaths. property, and indirectly life or professor and head of forest Rightmire, instructor in tele­ products, April 1, 1962 until vision and radio, from a tem ­ Information - In releasing the report Hare limb, of others.” said, “An unfortunate mixture of witches, goblins* wet leaves, QUITO, Ecuador (0—A flash A Perfect Way For You To Top Off June 30, 1962 for study and porary to a regular appoint­ travel in England, France and ment, Sept. 1; designation of iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iruififi'w i iniiii ni'ii r autum n drizzles, and e a rly j flood swept a bus off an Ec­ Scandinavian countries: Her­ A. J . Smith, head of m etallurg­ bert C. Rudman, associate'pro- ical engineering, as acting fessor of education. Aug. 1, head of chemical engineering. day, 4 p.m.. study hour, Uni­ more accidents of all kinds.” darkness which come a t this Lutheran Student Assn.—Tues­ tim e of th e year brings about uadorean mountain road into the Pastaza River Oct. 22, kill­ ing all 10 persons aboard. The The Homecoming Week-end! versity Lutheran Church. 1062 until Dec. 31, 1962. to com­ Nov. 1; Em m anuel Hackel Hare asked youngsters to re­ bus had stopped because of a plete a book; Richard S. Rud- from assistant to the dean to AWS Activities Board — Tues­ frain from one hazardous Hal­ landslide when the flood swept ncr, professor of philosophy. assistant dean of the Univer­ -Sept. 1. 1962 until Aug. 31, 1963 sity College, Nov. 1; Kermit day, 7 pjn., 328 Student Serv­ loween pastim e: soaping or across the road between Banos ices. Sailing Club — Tuesday, 7:30 waxing car and truck windows. and Puyo in Tungurahua prov- Enjoy Yourself At The for study and travel in Europe: Smith, registrar, given addi­ “ With early dusk and fre- ince. and Albert I. Rabin, professor tional title of professor of ad­ p.m., 32 Union. ' of psychology. Jan. 1 1962 un­ ministration, July L 1961; re ­ Baptist Student Fellowship —. til JuneJO . 1962 for study and instatem ent of Donald F. As- Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Speaker: researifllJPiEurope and Israel. chom as instructor in continu­ Rev. John Babian — “ The Challenge of Christian 'Voca­ OTHER LEAVES were grant­ ing education after assignment tions,” 332 OakhlU. ed to: vThomas A. Rand? in­ to the Vietnam Project; assign­ structor of health, physical ed­ ment of Donald L. Grummon, AWS Judiciary—Tuesday, 7:40 ucation and recreation and as­ director of the Counseling Cen­ 'p.m ., Union Tower. sistant basketball coacb, Sept. ter, to the Peace Corps Pro­ Campus 4-H — Tuesday, 7:30 1 , 1961 until June 30, 1962 for ject in Nigeria from Sept. 15 p.m., 312 Agriculture Hall. m ilitary service; Joseph Bal- until Dec. 31, 1962; assignment Wesley Foundation — Tuesday, lam , professor of physics and of Howard R._ Neville, director 7 p.m., choir practice, 7:30 astronomy, Sept. 1. 1961 until of continuing education to "the p.m ., speaker: George Jor- Aug. 31, 1962 for work a t Stan­ Nigeria program from Oct. 6 ford University; and Charles until Oct. 31; and assignment A. Rogers, associate professor ! of Charles A. Joiner, assistant of personnel and production Iprofessor of political science den, “ W h y Worship and How.” 118 S. Harrison Rd. Agricultural Engineering Stu­ dents and Faculty—Tuesday, D ance and the Labor and Industrial j and continuing education,^ to 6 p.m.. student-facuity dinner, Relations Center. Sept.-i, 1961 !the Vietnam Project, Sept. 25. until Dec. 31,4961. I Resignations and term ina­ 114 Agricultural Engineering Bldgr This Year P resenting... Promoted effective Nov. 1 tions were approved for: Jean Students Off-Campus Public were: R. M. Swenson, assist­ Louise Stebens, home econom­ Service Committee — Tues­ The New Sound In ~ ant dean of agriculture, from ics agent, Huron County, Oct. day, 7 p.m., 313 Student Ser­ associate professor to profes­ 31; John G. Hay green, assist­ vices. sor. and R. C. Nicholas, from ant professor of forest pro­ ~ Popular Music assistant professor (research) ducts, Dec. 31; C. Fred Gurn- LONDON (0—Three m asked to associate professor (re­ ham, professor and head of bandits kidnaped a London dia­ search) of food science. chemical engineering, Oct. 31; mond m erchant on a busy Transferred were: Maurice Donald R. G eiss,- specialist, street Oct. 23, ripped open his special bullet-proof vest and E . Voland, 4-H agent from Audio-Visual Center, Sept. 20; Kalamazoo County to Muske­ and Frederick A. Wagner, J r., escaped with gems worth thou­ Also F eatu rin g ... gon County. Nov. 1: Roland I. sands of pounds. Ansel Weiden- Robinson, from professor of ac­ traffic engineer, Bruce B, Mad­ garten, 74, was seized in the counting and financial admin- sen, assistant director, and center of the Hatton Garden 1961 Homecoming Queen Robert A. F a n n e r, adminis­ diamond trading district and bundled into a black truck. A trative assistant, all of the Chemistry Prof. half hour later he was found in and her court Highway Traffic Safety Cen­ ter, Sept. 20. the truck which had been aban­ doned in a nearby spuare. DICK DIAMOND i. * Given Grant for and the G E M S Tobacco Research Dr. Richard Byerrum, pro­ SPORTS C AR S GET MORE WITH FOUR 8^,00 Per Couple fessor of chemistry and assist­ ant provost, has been awarded a research grant by the To­ bacco Industry Research Cora- Fiae selection of Usod Sport Cars toctading 3 A/H SPRITES fro m ____ ’1050 ALL CARS 00 PIANO BASS ~ SAXES VIBES mittoe. This grant to a renewal for biosynthetic studies on nic­ otine. WE BUY AND PAY TOP PRICES FOR GOOD CLEAN SPORTS CARS 1 GUARANTEED DRUMS CLARINET Saturday, Qct 28 - Auditorium 8-12 Dr. Byerrum’« grant is one ^ CALL NOW! of 36 such grants awarded to independent scientists in H FOSTER and PAUL INC Ticket* now on »ale at the Union Ticket Office states tat studies relating to tohaoca «so and health. J«st Wool O NI»-» Between Lanstog Aad East Laming DICK DIAMOND - IV 2-3676 I P U g컫® No Word # Liston-Terrell Vie In Four-Rounder - On Ratings M rsssssrss CHICAGO (B—Haavyweight oontonder... Sonny was From AP s r j f t t ?% > £ s M n tm ta ^ O U O r ita i* V M I m riven m r s v t l yesterday bv the Illinois Athletic Commis- B oa t» box * four-round exhi­ At the Michigan SUde cam­ thoi®3ltest number of MSU bition with E rnest Terrell e l pus watts te t e a r ft She Spar­ freshmen grid prrapecto is Ma­ Chicago on Nov. $, a t the In­ tans are still rated ne. 1 in the lory go through their paces. ternational Amphitheater. nation, injuries have taken the The exhibition will be part front seat to attention. Bart Smith. amtabte fresh­ The gruelling going m the man coach, says of the 56 you®« «» a w H . a h & g a . 1^ *“ * *’• * • • » • “ * r * •« linos. i t s * oomtn. « d a * . E xoaftaut Ik Japan. Chief Cabinet Sec­ condition. V ory low mH***« NA ] ¿ ittA im à# o t salì» ... retary Masayoshi Ohirs said if n u r, - i *• it hCHlIL»/to ll. H fo«g"v n ***** ^ *****T,u’ ropoatf of the expiosien are 1P6T FORD. Blua, 1 » o r . rodio, fttét. i d i m b w o « m o4tfU 4 wUli ^ true, “the Japanese gnvera- heater, standard shift. Excellent eou b ttf *< k ii running condition. S»»-<94* a fte r for it u ft n t lo u U lt u^o* from cam pu*. C all TU l* 7 T lj E ar* t# t#U your er ou bits to., mcflt will file another strong S » .« . *-- ■ »« protest to the Soviet Union.” 1s t« 0 1 . 0 » St Holiday "coupe. - e r » B C h fT I r m O w frisa d a to l l u r a psychos** Taken Miki, Japan’s State Wow p a in t. a s s a ila n t condition. m Minister in charge of the BP 7-1134. . Science and Technology Agen­ PLTMOUTfcl ISIS. It a a d N, »u to - •ffiaTIc. r u s t frao. E x cellen t mocho,n- HOUSES — S afety v a lr a s f a r y e a r neurosas. cy and Atomic -Energy Com­ icaliy . MaRa an o ffe r. h r «-SSS7. 8« - frAftv i x mnui. i M g e f l TUF mission, urgently summoned a STAKTS SATURDAY!. . . Leslie Caroa as “FANNY* furniohod hom o in ovoouoet Md> special msiting of officials M E L ER . « door, radio, ghborhood. Most ochoola u d 4 M * NO M ESTINO a i tire* . now b a tte r» . nui. C all Mr«. Rico, ED 7-1*41 o r B P t-4«»*, HU lay, Inc. R a a lto ra . i t concerned with preparing safe­ BRINO A C T IV IT Y BOOKS ty measures for possible in­ APASTMWrt creases in radioactive fallout. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E D U H I EMPLOYMENT SUM T l O t I t a b a ra apartment Fallow roguaa who leva your-ains. Aiu abnormal amount of R alf block o f f cam pus. 1*1 B aal \T aT7k c h a u f F e r w ith car, Street. IÍ7-Í134. _ - « radio activity caused by the P B rt-tim a. CalL R aym ond R obar- non. p iano tu n a r, IV 7-32*1. *3 U N F U R N IS H E D W ith g a ra g e . 1 H aada w ith ayaa a n d fe a t, s o k idn ey VKTb O FFIC E Soviet test will be detected in b lo ck fro m cam pus. Id e a l fo r 1 o r Japan from rain and dust in FÉATURE TOI’NO MEN, p a rt-tim e w ork. t fem ale s ta f f m am bara. I nqui r e 81« STUDENT SERV IC ES BU X L four to six days, a Central WIH a rr a n g e h o u rs to fit schedule, a f te r 7 p.m. B P 3-3733. 33 B alls o f fu c?—a sm ad Lyd a a d bldnay. *2.26 p e r hou r. . C all IV 2-6622. 22 Meteorological Agency, spokes­ E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.2-2814- 7:00 - 0:25 KALAMAZOO, EAST. C l e a n , FO R DUCK SECTION man said. - w arm , fu rn ish e d , 3 roam d o w n ­ AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN sta ir« an d g a ra g e . St udent s o r The Swedish weather bureau HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS — NIGHTS said SUNDAY ADULTS 90c em ployed. 3*5* IV 4-4860. 22 MUST B E IN O FFIC E said the winds would make AMHITTON AND DEHIRE — to learn an d earn are prime requisi­ FURNIKHED .A PA R T M E N T . 3 tes. W « o ffer good working con­ room s, b ath . U tilitie s. 3100 a monthr- dition*. use. o ' iTcmonstrHtor end 406 O rova St. Side e n tran ce. M ar­ EXCLUSIVE LMSM SMWRMI - COME EARLY attractive cot ■> —nation plan. Our ried only. A pply 604 D ivision. ED line of prod; - Lincoln Con­ 2-3433. t.f. NOON W ED N ESD A Y Discuss Thoreau w« O M l— ftl, M * Q « > * U tinental, Men ;md »'umet pro­ vide a fine sc! (on fo r all a a s r Across from The English Literary Discus­ ca r prospects. Your efforts a r e ROOMS M f t C M M U W f F IL M a . . supported by extensive news­ sion Group will discuss Henry paper, radio and TV advertising David Thoreau’s "Civil Diso­ M C M LY C O M S P N t t T I , program s. I F IN T E R E S T E D — In good train ­ SERVICE bedience” Tuesday a t t p.m. in V H M U Y I f * — — a" ing, excitin g work~and establish ­ LOST and FOUND the fourth floor library audi­ ~ -NCWSWOK in g a career with prestige and ED 2-87H T Y P IN G In Spartan apartm ent. E lectric V illage typew riter torium . better earnings, pleas« eu olr in ^E3W!^KS^55S^TK?5ñefí5r^«n person. Ask fa r Mr. Bath at and pencil set. Laat week on cam­ Call 386-341*. tf “ B E A U T Y A N O - E X C IT E M E N T .. . E X Q U IS IT E , pus. 836-U4ÄS. Small reward. 22 T Y P IS T ANN BROWN. E D *• AL EDW ARDS CO. **14. E lectric typew riter. Term pa­ S H A B P ...I M M E N S & Y P IC T U R E S Q U E . . . 8123:15. SAGINAW ST. LOST. Olaesem- keys In small par# and thaaaa, also general typ­ (NORTH O F FRANDOR) black purse, Between K. Mayo and ing. _ « E X T R E M E L Y P R O V O C A T IV E ." PHONE IV *-4WUfcsris Peoples Church, Sunday. 836-1469. - N. Y. TIMES STUDEN T DISCOUNT, sa if wash, t a i l . Lub Jab, 31.00. student p ark ­ YO *T—tPfrrW lH A IN ,. S keys on ing, 3 1:1« .’ Free q u a f f a f oil with "A N I O M T M A H I S M M A S T B R M I C I • #*w t « l f medallion. 336-2444. 22 every alt change. Completa tu n e- FOR SALÉ- up. Open 24 hours. Dave's Pura _ - -m u tXJST: I MONTH OLD red Irish Ofi. 1416 E. Grand E lv e r. tf ' i* H i 'i o n B r a . m i Setter, childrens’ pat. W ant back ether Hi FI accettarle*, hadlv. KD 2-8226._______________ 19 -E X P E R T T H E S E S and gan afal “ A P R O FO U N D LY M EM O R A B LE W O RK party. ED 2-1*13. typing. Elactrte type Writer. E ig h ­ l'X)R YOU, your roommate, PERSONAL teen years m nananoa. On* black - ' O F C IN E M A T IC A R T .” from B redy. ED *-664*. tf your hauaa, —M agailnes — —— — — - H. Y. POST m agatine. ED 1-6717. A fter 4. JU D Y JA K K E R and TOM E A G LE TYPIN G. Thaaaa, term papers DON’T ~ general. E lectric typew riter. Dall; TROPICAL, FISH , plants, and please come to the State News delivery and pick-up from Cam supplies. Gibson’*, i l i W, Miller office. Room 847 Student Services púa. OI, 5-2490. 2! *5 ®® w r w i iw iaio amtomomts x Road, TU 1-14 8 1. 27 Bldg., fo r two freo paseen-to the THIS OR -y Crest D rln -tn . _- tf T Y P IN G don* In m y homo. IV OUR congratulation« to Mia* »-418». . _ 2» Ju d y Radaora an her unanimous SERVICE BEAU TY IN T E N SIFIE D . Fo r Tickets S3.58 • 2.58 - LSI victory in the "Mias P a rk Lake beautiful hair, Orlando, Pope, and All Seats Reserved j r M f c k R R oad” contest. Th* gentlemen of P h ytli* aparatara. 383 w . Main, 16» DISCOUNT l-ark L ake Read. it O IVE YOUR pra-sohool g ir l th* New On Sale At h appy experience e f supervisad Lansing. IV 2-4943. 23 Need w* say more FQR T H E F IN E S T In dancsTTtu- play. Hour*, 8-6, Monday through •»Dm Disc Shop crm Aovtmwt) sic It'a Ja c k Braun. Bobby Stavans, Frid ay. 8*varal openings. E D 2- • Pino’s Ron E nglish, plus many other*. 01 *1 . 20 TRANSPORTATION Ph on atb# Bu-I-Mor Agency, IV 2- TTPIN G. Term papers, thaaaa, • Civic Center Bex Office 0624. tl renerai. F ast, accu rst* service. T kNEW YO RK - JE R S E Y fa r B.M.O.C.W.C. . B ig Man O ff Cam­ 'V 6-7*33. - *4 buta around k a g m n g t Group ch arterin g trio to N.Y. P a rt Au­ pus With C ars Insure with Bubals- over Jacobson’s • K D 2-8471. 21 F L Y IN G SPARTANS. F ’ at th o rity Term inal, Wednesday. No­ FRANDOR MALL Davi* Airport, N. Abbott Rd. ’han* vem IV 9 ber 1 * Contact A rt U pton, - 11I I , hatwoan 6 -1 p.m. to CUSTOM' T A ILO R ED SH IR T S ED 3-6124. Tabs, button dawns, and oxforda. Measurements to 44 inch. Special­ ly, in* in tapsrad shirt*. ~ Tom K rau s*. E D 7-3766 or E D 7-1721. 10 August 11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY O u tsta n d in g S p e c ia l V a lu e ! AmAgency Representative will interview candidates for piitttoai with ear ergaateatfea ea toe dates ef October BIOCHEMIST U 24th threngh the 27th ea Campa«. Please cessait the Plscemeat Boreea, Student Services Bufidiag fer iafer- 66.1 1 1 . 13 t * *4,663.64 annually plu s a ll M ichigan C ivil M IN ’S A U - W E A T H t t IA IN C O A T matlea eesseeraing thee» peeitiess and for the purpose ef Servie# banaflts. T a fiU im m ediate vacancy ta the schedaUag-an appointaient. - g; In stitu t* f e r Flah arias R aaaarck a t Ann A rbor. Must W ITH H M U T H U l i M N O pc aa aaa a bachelor’* dag roe fam an aecaditad aallaga In a biological a pbyataal Mlaaaa wltk M l leas than THE SECOND MEETING OF oxpartanaa In the appüaatiaa af MmMMnI nr ban» MSU YOUNG REPUBLICANS tartotagteal taakaigaoa an# th# ability t* auporvis*. itmaly, framaadbu» buy! Our TUE8DAY — 1:18. P.M. plaa, parferai, and train atkaV 'amployaaa In laboratory water rapetlent» woshobie . ROOM» UNION BUILDING tachniqua*, such a s apootrephatoinatry, palaragraphts cotton gabordaw c o o t I analysts, ate. Contact Dr. P. P. Hooper, Museum* Wa a r* very fortunata la Jhaving a* Our guest speaker, M r.-John with o tming of colorful Annex, Ana Arbor, Michigan. r. Martin, Jr ., Rapublican National Commltteemaa tram Michigan. tottenal check« * * * p ta Mr. MwrMn la ala* a mam bar a f th* Michigan Ganatltutlanal Cenvan- onothor tip-»ft Nmng of Uan, and la th*_Cb*irman a f tha Commltta* on th* Exaeuttva Branch. pknb orton pibl Block H# Is #1*6 4 á m bar * f th* permanent Organisation Committee, and the v e ry important Rule* Committee. or imtural with split ihouWer, Hock pocket «ty&ng. w # Rad n vary fin# turn-out at th* ftrit masting- W* ara hoping t b ava returned from M adiata, w taeoaaln, and n il! ba an th* Six#« 36 Ip 46» regular; to oeatiau* having good moating a fa r you. premiosa Tuesday and W ednesday t * accept aad ooaaidsr any aad Ml and 36 to 42 long. a tta r» ■ ■ ■ ■ ..— Fo r thoaa e h * live o ff cam pus and rèealve your New# L atter TW» la » gaed laeatUa aad a vary oam fartsbte. maderataly prlead lata,. I -m ìa # *ly bag that they ara mellad in p lenty a t tlm*. Thera hon»*, aaaatattag af; t «lag ba»aau , large Often tddM with w aa na «acusa fa r the Raat Lanalng Peat O ffice's ta lla ra la po*tfa#rk fi replica, vestiboli autraaca, dagarata dining roam, «aedam kitchen them pra parly aad d elirar them on tlm*. Unfortunately they seem ta with dishwasher aad disposal, pandad raereatina room with Nreplace ba faltipetag iha exaunHe a t their bureaucratie tandera la W aablagtaa. Owner, TBD WALWORTH. Fhaa* msaaagsa taken I f M. Maars, Waat#’. : ' d .;,y: Broker, at IV 6-f4td. É iâ É iÉ K M : M B l k1 ÉMI!ÌI*&Ì : SPARTAN “Qoarrl rirriilt television meaning t o a t tf i e originating studio is connected with the re- ceiving rooms' Iqr cable - ¿ - to n o t new' on campus. The first STSlE courses were. ptoed to sbout Services 800 students to G utaer Hell and the auditorium In 1966. * Complete in * k -“ Atamet m n l t o t ef coaxtol Paperbacks cable installed , "by Michigan Bett Triephen t Co., during to e * Finest in Childrens past ram m er make every Books building en CAtopua a poten­ Packaging far Mailing tial receiving site,” according Hola PhncMncg * New Botes to J. D. urate, manager <>f closod-circu't television. Cutting Board * MSU Text Books new "Buildings to actnal dosed- and uesd circuit television use tots fall Gift Wrapping * Padded Papers __ include toe Education Building, Packing Cartons Bessey »fell, Abbott Hall, Wo­ * Art Supplies men’s Intram ural Building, Out of Print Bote Auditorium rgnd Giltner Hall. Servita * Special Orders The six t a f l t o f i provide 63 viewing rooms which can ac­ Free Use 0 f reference * MSU Sportswear^ commodate 4,700 students at -Books about Books * Stationery any enirbote'- r "A m odem studio recently com pleted' fit * to e Education Building provides mucb-nceded studio space fra ton stepped-up program . In aOfitton to com­ plete toondcnsU y pe facilities, It was just two years ago today that Dr. William Sur (left) of the Michigan State. space b ra b e » i* e v id e d for ob­ servers w ho,m ay riteb to learn University Music Department became the Spartan Book Store’s first customer. new techniques and methods of operation.” ' Since -then thousands more have joined him in being customers, .— G reatly increasing and broadening -the instructional resources of closed-drcuit television are film s and tape recordings, a d d Davis, who is a m em ber of the original com­ m ittee for the development of television a t MSU. "Videotape equipment now in use a t th e studios of MSU’s televirion broadcasting station „ WMSB, Channel 10, makes- it possible to store and reuse huge amounts of instructional m aterial,” he a d d . “ A lecture or demonstration televised to­ CORDIALLY day can be toped and used over and ev«r again, thus free­ ing the teach er- for o tte r duties.” INVITED tO Tape also perm its teachers to watch themselves ami o tte rs teach, thus improving their technique, Davis noted. COME BROWSE ' But what can television do that other conventional forms O F C O U R M O IV E B O O K S ! of teaching cannot to ? "The principal use of tele­ IN OUR BOOK vision, in my opinion, is to dis­ tribute and extend high-quality instruction on a tiniform basis to large numbers of students,” said D r. John Ruswinckel, a veteran teacher of accounting by television. "Television perm its one ex­ perienced' teacher to reach hundreds of students. I t is also the only medium which assures th at a large number of students get the same explanation, in­ terpretation and instruction — in effect, all students hear the same answers and explana­ tions to all questions.” ANNIVERSARY Dr, Waldo Keller, who teaches veterinary medicine, Tickets 13.50 - 2 50 - 1.56 finds the intimate and magni­ All Seats Reserved BOOKS FOR CHILDREN! fying powers of television cam ­ New On Sale At e ra lenses particularly suited • The Disc Shop to th e operating room. • Pine’s ‘v t is possible in this way to e Civic Center Bex Office project a picture of an area SPECIALS SPECIALS all week long * Some Books FREE Including CATALOGS A S u p e r m a r k e t F o r E d u c a tio n Children’s Books * “Growing np with Science F O B Y O U R K IT C H K N Q U E E N I Books” NO!! tkta it Mi a pletora ef Mra. Daffy Daugherty. This * “Growing up te a “Kitchen Queea Image” —Perhaps she «add Bka * Notebooks with Books” te have a eepy ef Mrs. “Daffy” Daugherty’* Cete Beek Paperbacks “GRIDIRON COOKERY”. A ceBecttra ef recipe* by * Padded Papers * “ Anew fall Cencías «tose Arem aB ever toe nation. 84.90 .. i*««* o f , * MSU Ip paperbound books in Stationery print I*.., Corner Ann A MAC East I Aiming ¡ f i l l