iWm* % * £ . ■•( W i l l i * '1 E Ê ï9 ^ te »,y -,,*»■’■¿ r J B g j tï 1 1 I ¡ v rìr M te fe * « » « I >A.i?” isvn«. . 1 0 5P aGge»n i i ^¿K HMâW8WBBBBKHÈm / * > ' ....................................................... ten.V .T) fÊ È È à m m ‘ v.- .*•••' Vr h- ê% Fallout To Creative Students Reach U.S. Get New Grants | Thursday ‘"’W " By j o d y Ho w a r d ~ LONDON A ground swell Of the M ate Newt Staff of anger and fear of radio-ac- A new type of financial aid called Scholarships for the Crea­ tive fallout surged around the tive has been offered to talented high school students by MSU northern hemisphere aad poop tfis , year according to„Director of Admissions and S ctatan h tee trOted to southern nations Gordon A. Sabine. Tuesday in toe wake of the So­ . These scholarships are aimed a t attracting students who viet superbomb Mast. exoel in the arts, creative writing, music composition and The shock over the explosion, theatre fields, although their overall academ ic records might generally estimated as having not meet the requirem ents of standard scholarships. ;. ~ the force of about 38 megatons, or equal to about 30 million APPLICANTS WILL be judg* sculptors m ust submit samples tons to TNT. was heightened ed on their talent by staff n u m ­ of their a rt work- The samples by f e a t to an even bigger blast bers of the departm ent in­ will be judged by the a r t de­ to come P rem ier Khrushchev volved. Standard test results partm ent staff a t a special has said Russia wifi test a 50- will be ignored,. Sabine said, nigh school exhibit here. megaton bomb Oct 36 o r 31. although applicants, m ust meet Candidates for the creative From Norway's North Cape regular admission require­ writing Scholarships m ust sub­ to the Italian Boot, the reac­ ments. _ mit original short narratives, tion in western Europe was the Applicant* for the music poems, or essays fo r judgment sam e: KIM LARLEE composition scholarship are 1981 Homecoming Queen See CREATIVE page 3 “ CRIMES against humanity’’ asked to submit an original musical score and a tape re­ and "w ar to peacetime upon cording of their composition if the infants of the world.” fóm L a r le e N a m e d they wish. The compositions and the ability of the aspiring composers will be judged by F lu S h o ts Initial fallout from Russia's superbomb test is moving in a c lo u d -100 to 150 mites wide, H o m e c o m in g Q u e e n mem bers of the music depart­ ment. In the field of theater acting, A v a ila b le and a t a speed of about 80 miles an hour, over parts of the Soviet Union, the U .-S . weather bureau estim ated Blonde, blue-eyed Kim Lar­ chosen from 24 candidates by scholarship lee, ML Clemens sophomore a panel of six judges of univer­ invited here for special audi­ candidates will be tions on prepared and im­ A t O lin Tuesday. If present atnoepberic wind and North Campbell nominee, sity and business men. In spife of an expected state­ patterns prevail, the first fall­ will reign over this weekend’s promptu scripts sometime in December. wide flu epidemic, health offic­ out should reach North Amer­ festivities as 1961 Homecom­ EACH MEMBER of t h e ica on Thursday or Friday. ing Queen. She is an elemen­ Queen’s court will represent ASPIRING ARTISTS a n d ials on cam pus a re not wor­ The radioactive debris to this ta ry education m ajor. one Big i s school during Sat­ ried. Dr. Jam es Feurig, direc­ tor 6 f Olin l l ea tth Center, says m O R A tV A HIT—R a g tr Wagner’s group to ringers ranged from medieval cloud is nrtbd ** constituting F irst runner-up Susie A tom s, urday's Indiana game. there is no sign to an epidemic buttato to modern folk ballads as they sparkled so stage Tuesday evening. The only a fraction, perhaps as lit­ Williamston sophomore, will serve as "Miss Indiana.” She was nominated by Gilchrist. Both the- Queen and her court the will game be and presented the Homecoming during Confront mi campus. The Michigan * D epartm ent to group, a lready weR-known across the country for their choral arrangem ents to the snogs to thé world, performed in University Auditorium before a capacity tle as a fraction of one per cent, of all the debris lowed ! by Monday's big explosion. audience. Miss Larlee and the nine dance Saturday from ' 8 to 12 Health warned last Thursday The larger component, lofted m em bers of her court were in the Auditorium. th at Michigan residents m ay into the stratosphere, won’t be­ Members of the court are: Marilyn K. Dolfin, Ann Ar­ expect an increase in flu cases this fall and winter. A m ajor Will Enforce gin to come down until next Wolverine bor sophomore; Sharon Rud- man, Detroit senior; Dotty Problem assault from Asian flu is ex­ pected. spring Dr Jam es Terrill of the U.S. Public Health Service said Appointments Dreyer, Birmingham senior; Judy Roff, Maplewood. -N .J., By The Associated Press At present less than half the The Constitutional Conven­ beds in Olin a re occopied, sophomore«- Ja n Hoffmeyer, tion sank its teeth Tuesday in­ mostly from common cold and c 10113 Monday before the announce­ ment to the Russian blast that Lansing sophomore; Lorelei to one of its m ajor problems— respiratory conditions. Feurig even with the detonation of a The following groups will 50 megaton bomb, he wouldn’t have their pictures taken Wed­ Hoxie, Armada sophomore; reapportionment. 1 says that this is considerably Complete enforcement of bi­ form a t departm ent headquar­ safety. AH improperly regís- nesday in the Tower Room of Marty Brink, Holland junior, The committee on legislative less Than last year. cycle regulations was begun ters and paying a $3 fee at the tered bikes impounded must be j ,SS? the Union for the Wolverine. and Mary Whiz, Chicago soph­ organization, headed by Dr. Monday by the departm ent of University business office. properly r e g i s K S S f o r e According to Feurig, the As­ Gilchrist Hall, 6 p.m .; Alpha omore. John A. Hannah, R-East Lan­ ian virus revolves in cyclic pat­ public safety. The bike will be released will be released. j 10 * oang^ P0 “ 11 Gamma Delta, 6:10 p.m.; Cir­ THE QUEEN contest was sing, President of Michigan tern, occurring about every AH bikes left unlocked, im­ when the lee receipt is return­ Owners of impounded bikes j FROM SUCH a bomb, though, cle Honorary, 6:25 p.m .; Theta sponsored jointly b y Kappa Stale University, began look­ four, years. This accounts for properly parked or that do not ed to the departm ent of public are notified by the departm ent.j Terrill said — and ostensibly Alpha Phi, 6:35 p jn .; Phillips Alpha Mu, photojournalism ing into, the respective merits the predicted~break-out to the' bear a 1961-62 University or Unclaimed bikes are retained i this would hold true for one in Hall, 6:50 p.m .; Business Staff- honorary, and the senior class. of one and two-house legisla­ Asian flu this y e a r. - E ast l-ansing license 'w ill he for-six months and then put up the category of 30 megatons— “w e do expect that the levels Wolverine, 7 p.m .; Editorial Staff-Wolverine, 7:10 p.m.; More than 22 JM0 alumni are tures. expected to arrive on campus Accounting and Finance Club, this weekend. The best protection is innoc- Almost simultaneously. Dr. ulation, m aintenance to a high Melvin Nord, D-DetroiL intro­ body resistance and a mild impounded by the departm ent Impounded bikes are taken to departm ent headquarters on Weather - for public auction. Under a reciprocating agree- Yfil b* substantially higher ment with East Lansing, both than they have been to some Last nighty was partly University and E ast Lansing ! portions of the United States, 7:25 p.m .; Alpha Delta Theta, Displays will be erected by duced a bill calling for pro­ winter, says Feurig. If this Birch Rd. cloudy and cool. 7:35 p.m .; Student Association 79 student living units and portionate representation in winter is mild, there is less Bikes must be locked and T o n y ’s expected high in trike licenses are valid on o rl" » d that we must be ready to of Landscape Architects. 8 judged Saturday morning. Win­ I the legislature To be added to chance to a flu epidemic. parked in the racks provided the high M’s, mostly cloudy off campus ' understand the actual exposure p.m .; Panhellenk Council, 8:35 ners will be announced at the the BUI of Rights section of the Free flu sh o ts'a re available near fesidenre halls and class-- with chance to brief showers. Off-campus students m a y (to people that occurs so that p.m .; Dairy Chib, 9:10 p.m.; game. ' new constitution. again at Olio Monday through rooras, or parked and locked register bicydes at the E ast i protect rvr m rasures, if neces- Thursday’s forecast: port­ sary, can be token Bower Coop House. 9:25 p m.; A pep rally is scheduled for Dr. Nord said hi# proposal, Friday during clinic hours, near a full rack. ly cloudy with little tempera- Lanstng police station only on The weather bureau’s fafi- Interfratarntty Council, 9:35 7 p.m. Friday on Old College taken from the Northwest Or- from 8 to 1 1 a.m . and 1:30 to Impounded bikes can be tw o change. Saturdays; but not on home p.m. Field. ' Bee CON-CON page 2 4:30 p.m. claimed by filling out a retease football game weekends See FALLOUT page 4 1 ' I’M QUACKERS jU tY ONE ?—Dock-watching pocMa m g a Bri *rato *** „ . __ n«■»— ú* 80 féMX tat B seems aha ha OaooJMttfc.^ « B B S L_a»____________ as B I S ÍÉÍl!ÉiÉÍÍÉii W Së Ä ilS H m «agwaii su m vow y The atate of Michigan law often h a « « victim of InoffidM t and awkward govern­ Hoi minrntf*^ actel bigotry Is h e ritab ly ra ractotad fin«SSI ment 5e’s p M with th* Mteriseipfa jttdgto who TUB GOVERNOR would tttun appoint a | p I M S Riders. Religious « « » M in s - The Coastitutioaal Convention now moot­ secretary of M M attorney general, «Into wes classically illustrated ia the ttt o «faction ing In Innatng has tow power to alter this treasurer, auditor general, highway oenemio. a«S mere dramatically in t t t ThM a « « a situation. Delegate Daisy 1» Elliott, a Demo­ fsea) points, « a aaay targets to strike a «M t.(> start— sad heads of aR other executive de­ crat from Detroit haa submitted a proposal portments. which would do much to atraaariino govern, The titles Ustad are now elected, making r s c s s sod reHfions. H s doe* not hide Ms tru e ment operation« and eliminate petty prob­ it possible to hs*» a Democratic governor feelings behind it good aaftired facade af cbeer- lems inherent in tow present system. with a Republican-dominated executive ful grins and casual irieadltoess. He fladnts p a n t -Her proposals ask that a governor and lieu­ branch. for tb s world to too — ho la a crusader for Ms tenant governor be elected at the state level warped commawhnents, a n ogre aad a s Ideatt-s The pitfalls in the present system are ftebfa as any face e a a wanted poster. obvious. If the people M et a governor with These men raw almost harm less. They a re loud no support „Drool his own party, it is next aad more publicised but everyone admits they Partisan Judges to impossible for him to accomplish any­ thing. are w rouf. Everyone knows you shouldn't go around publicly condemning too Negro aad re­ He ia bucking not only the legislature but citing too horror* of a Catholic convent These It seem s to us extremely unfortunate th at th e actions' maak you as a bigot and bigots just Kennedy administration has not m ade m are head­ his own departments. Tbe men who sup­ aren’t popular those days. way toward freeing federal courts from bondage posedly cany out hia policies are against to political p a tro n a g e . The fact is there has him. Even in the army with a direct chpin DANGER DOBS not even tts to the men who been no headway. hold violent, but silent, feelfags. The white m sn i Few realists, knowing how both parties have of command, it fa difficult to strictly enforce who quietly removes Ms daughter from dancing regarded judgeships prim arily as prizes on the order when a subordinate opposes it class when a Negro child enters is practicing partisan plum tree, expected m i even spUtting to JOf THE MORE*nebulous world of. politics, discrimination but it is openr Tbs arch Demo­ new- appointments. But so far, with more than c ra t who stayed a t homo rather than c a rt a bal- half to the posts filled, justice seems to be to­ it fa even hard« to enforce policies. 'Papers lot for a. Catholic is a bigot but his kind a re few tally a one-party affair. are mysteriously misplaced, aides are tempo­ compared to another deadlier type. The President retained three Republicans rarily busy, information fa unavailable—th? The discrimination and bigotry which strikes holding interim appointments from his. prede­ stall fa easy. a t the heart to so-called equality ia the brand cessor. But to 67 new appointees every single Even tiw political genius of Abraham Lin­ which perm eates a person’s thinking until ho one is a Democrat. This rem arkable una nimity coln was not ahtoya victorious over tote calmly aad rationally accepts it as one of tbe would appear less strange if we had not been facts to Ufa. It doss not excite him, it does not led to expect a beginning a t least to ^ move to scrambling factions in hfa own party. b e tte r him. lik e mosquitoes and tons, another take judges off the pium tree. Michigan now»; not only lacks the genius race, another religion a r t inferior and m ust be Mr. Kennedy had a very large num ber to but operates under a system which openly borne as oa to too sad facts to life. judgeships to dispose of, about 160- President encourages opposites in the executive office. Nowhere is this m ore graphically shown than Eisenhower bad offered to divide nominees Many totfaens purposely vote a Demo­ in the charity and service organisations which equally between tbe parties. Moreover In n fed­ cratic governor while supporting Republicans fill sbm B to w n across America. I a too coarse eral judiciary a happy position to vtrtpal bipar­ tor Secretary of State, lieutenant governor to m y sum m er work I interviewed on* such tisan balance bad been reached.,. group. Their fam e was county-wide for too work Most to all, when seeking office. President and other offices. ~~ they bad done for hospitals, shut-ins, burned out Kennedy had made a rem arkable unqualified THEY THEORIZE that the two forces win fam ilies and destitute people. ~ pledge to make a m an’s qualification», net his "Who,” X asked during toe interview, “ can party, tbe first consideration In appointing keep watch over each other, thus insuring join your organisation?” '. ~. judges. In faim ess it should ho noted th a t the honesty and fair play. However, the watch­ '•why, everybody,” the charitable ladies an­ partisan pressures in this situation o a potent dog theory, which operates well between swered. *You just have to have pure w h i t e and extreme. branches, only stifles action when used be­ blood.” The chairm an to the American B ar Assorts- tion’s judiciary committee says tiw adm inistra­ tween departments. Letters to the Editor out The next question was loaded but I tossed it I tis bad enough that the Michigan voters tion has m anaged to resist them fa a “ m ajority “ And w hat are the religious connections to of cases.” Tbe committee rates the S2 appointees. so far confirmed as follows: Nina “exceptionally well qualified” ; 27 “ watt qualified” ; 14 “ quali­ cannot elect a legislature and governor of the same party in'Order to carry out state business. It fa worse yet when they have the Post Card Stirs Students your group?” ■ “ Wo have none. It’s open to everyone — except Catholics, to course.” The women who-spent 1 5 fied” ; and two “ not qualified.” opportunity to stymie action further in the to 20 hours a week helping the sick never blinked Do we risk appearing ungracious tf we point executive offices. - a t this. To them “ everyone” and “everybody” out that the fine specifications la id down by the If the executive department heads were- simply did not include Negroes and Catholics. I President have not been fulfilled? With ail re ­ never ventured to ask them if Jews were allowed appointed by the governor, unity would to help them soothe the sick—toe answer seem ed spect to the legal brilliance to Dem ocrats tiw percentages a re against their capturing all exist in at least one branch of government too obvious. these judgeships—if qualifications were fa fact Such action would certainly-streamline operations in that branch and eliminate some THESE ARE lives dedicated to helping the made the first consideration. _ - less fortunate, to the relief to human suffering, —The Christian Science Monitor of the inefficiency now prevalent there. yet they blatantly and unfalteringly carry on a prejudice rooted in the threes to lu ftstlg fV slav­ ery, Auschwitz, exile, persecution. The dich- tomy here is striking because it is indicative of so Press Cuttings much hidden discrimination. The Know-Nothings have long since toed, the Ku Klux Klan only flickers occasionally, never Guerrilla Action Barbaric reaching tbe fiery destructiveness it did earlier. -Yet their legacy is with us in the million« to per­ sons who never preach their bigotry but unhesi- tantly support organizations and projects which 'IUJ111UI1111111111111111IIUUIMi11UIIII111II11111(IIIJU1UMJHHMHHIUilttUJWtiUttAititil J f i p h ll i g rejectjpeople on religious and racial grounds. It is not the hate-mongers who keep bigotry alive. It is the John Smith of Pleasantville who - The nuclear blast scare has become a jump­ With organizations such as these guerrillas placidly accepts anyone of another race or re­ ing off place for soap-box oratory, tight civil de­ operating throughout tiw country, the Russians ligion as his inferior. He, too, thinks the Missis­ fense policies and now guerrilla tactics. wouldn't have to set off a bomb. An air r a i d sippi judges are prejudiced but he won’t let a Small groups of men. calling themselves “ Min­ warning, a tornado or even mob riot could de­ Negro join his pet club. He is just as guilty and ute Men.” guerrillas or outstate defenders, are cim ate the population of a city. - infinitely more dangerous. currently training in California back-country to The absolute stupidity of such men who fall keep the city dwellers from swarming to t h e into the webs to communist propaganda, which country in a nuclear attack. comes to them under the guise to “protect your This “ point-your-gun-at-your-neigbbor” policy shown by the Californians was described by Gov. family and your hom e.” is an excellent example of just how potent enemy propaganda can be. Cold War Not Issue Edmond G. Brown as a “ reversion to caveman barbarism .” TWENTY-THREE of these units have met in IF CALIFORNIA has m anaged to organize 23 such hands, what is to stop o tte r sections to tiw county from organizing their own guerrilla bands In Black and White Santo B arbara to consolidate their forces, a n d —if they haven't already. Others may be plagued by doubts as they sur­ according to Gov. Brown, have threatened to This second “ brothers w ar” wouldn’t be any vey tbe confusion on the world scene—but not shoot down persons fleeing from cities under at­ sm aller that tiw first either. Sen. John Tower. Tbe Texas Republican has no tack. If the populations to Chicago. D etro it New doubts a t all. To him, the whole problem to war Brown said tbe state’s civil defense would be York, Cincinnati, Kansas City and Washington, and peace fa a simple problem that could be directed to protect the citizens against the guer­ D.C., sta rt a shooting w ar with their out-state cleared up readily with a simple solution. rilla bands. : • -r ■ brothers in an effort for survival, they would We should withdraw our recognition from all The guerrillas were organized in p art through m ake Bull Run or Gettysburg seem insignificant the Communist countries, “ branding them as advertisements in newspapers for trained rifle­ While admittedly one has to defend his ow n outlaws to civilization,” Senator Tower says. men. Now that they have been recruited, they family, protect them against fall-out and shelter- Then President Kennedy should “ develop a back­ have moved to the mountains and deserts to seeking strangers, th at sam e person will be w ast­ bone,” the senator goes on, “ draw a Une and train as a u n it * ing his tim e tf there isn’t enough left to tiw rest say (to the Russians) ‘if you step across it, Because of these groups to men, people trying tothe nation tohelp defend him from tiwaggres­ we will fight.’ ” to evacuate a city will now also have to be pre­ sor. pared to battle their way through tbe guerrillas Some people s ly they can justify such action IN THE TEXAS senator’s view, it is s s simple in order to reach safety. by the guerrilla bands as “ survival to tiw f itte s t” as that. Never mind ell the diplomatic palaver. AMERICANS vs. American brings a side feel­ “their duty to them selves,” and “ w hat else can Never mind the rights or interests to our allies ing to most citizens, and to many tt brings re­ they do,” out these sam e people would think dif­ or of other countries. (“ We a r t fools,” says the minders to the Civil War. They called that the ferently,-tf they were stopped J n their attem pt senator, “ if we fat our foreign policy be dictated “brothers’ war,” and this would havo to bo to flee a threatened city by a barrage to Ameri­ by some nebulous thing known as ‘foreign opin­ labeled the same. can gunfire. - ion.’ ” ) Instead to being able to evacuate the cities in Such action can only be term ed, stupid, bar­ Never mind the tangle to subsidiary issues or preparation for an atomic btart and settling baric and Inhuman. We m ay he using hydrogen the terror of the consequences. Just let tbe. good down to the dirty business to war with Russia, bombs instead to clubs hut tt seem s m an fa still guys stand up to tbe bad guys and blow them citizens would be fighting for survival amoog fa his cave. Civilization really h a sn 't advanced down, Senator Tower proposes. themselves. - much a fter alL This fa dangerous talk. It fa « attempt to project onto the world stage fa this eocletr age the fape to peacemaking justice meted out so efficiently by the sheriff’s six-shooter fa « Western thrill—. U fa» chüÜBlka oversimplifica­ tion fa whisk an enormously complex problem fa reduced to simple Mack and white. RUT THE URAL danger fa that many Ameri* can* era being persuaded to swallow this foolish­ ness Senator Tower was cheered to the rafters when be offered hfa proscription «4 g meeting to the M l Republican «Mentis« «atmittoe. He end etter» « m have aquaUy xUb answers for «8 the trytof pretdiafa ef p i p p are finding receptive l uwencef all «c— the land. Membra to tteAsradetad Press, inland Daily Pram Aaaaclottoa Usually if a well-known base­ The plate fact is that there fa no easy road to •M thé COQttfi ffttfe» ball pitcher throws .l a —. o r peace and as cheap solution to eur problems. Editor -..Marcia Yen Ness Editorial Editor ..Sharoe Coadv t h n e botis rttd s to th e plate Drawing a lfae fa the dust and warning tbe bully to stand dear mlgt* still be aa effective way Fnntuw Etttor—-Cart Randall to rattle a ichralbay argument fart Senator WenfatoaHdtoer^-iattr Ward fem r Is haitwfhkfag himself and fate Batooara CKy Editor. JBfU Gate Sport» Editer.— Jerry Ffacber tf he thinks any such simple solution fa appflk NoM Editer— Jay Hi—ick ’ Photo Editor Dave Jaehnig «$M*:,fa the nemos, fearful nuclear-armed world to today. • j, ■. j ppp g- fö m - a k «m p p u n a i w u w íiii m b Tuesday should contact Komar Iformai-taf M rediu B liensp ^&j ä s pk*; Pa « —, «ratono, — 3324716. proposal th a t tfov. 45 be the p p y fop introduction af -,a j ^ pUe fcftf o il. ccnveiitk» ht^> hmh!!pn—|—h^ h|R Ike concert, held ¡in Xanley Mom—ini Chapto, «Ut future College Manor meat issne—totha convention. p — u h by Mi» 144 dslwgtoea RwiriaaÉ— playing tin In* • treraaB BBfeawprgp " ■ P*41— ^— W # BEAUTY SALON MICHTGANNOW has » Vài Düsen ezptainedlhut the wiy 30p mmnu % •xw J^c%jiO|sik*,V;< home «tanqtoaad el 1— mem* delega—I w arn n o t being har­ proposed t t a t tjbe Mate take Baviihùkir'i tear of this 224 A bbott — ED 2-3113 bere elected primarily on a ried, bat th a t in —a interest e t a r a r tito eothre w d fa re lead of etn tty is being sponsored tar population bafts from dhtefcls an orderly convention, dele­ a county enee Us direct « l ie f Ü An Aerojet ¡general spokes- the Aste Society of Nm* York. which are redrawn every It gates should offer th eir pro­ crate bara) totaled one m itt ef a ra a Mdd tt was the f lr s ttir a e year«. The senate has 34 mem- posals allowing sufficient tim e I k e - a u n ty V ai—* equalised a liquifl-foel roçfcet bad been valuation. :p V ‘ file d from th e w ater. Previous tMÉB'feara been conducted wïtii DON HNSOWHliaad Ste- ¿m all rattd fo e r rodfctoP S Academic Pubfidmig Co aiaen Stopczynski, both Detroit D em oted»,.w ould writ« into Th« 17-fgot Aerobee 160 sound- (Dc iT iB q ItllviOP ( iMj* clDBCwOVW fag rocket, haBasted I s float in » *—Im >I— ■ M •w-^^aaMHHHOHae nfam alreadv fimranPs «ranraraum M^r - upright, shot A b u t »«itile high provided for in tbe statutae. It in ik u partial lead ef fato^Jben presents for would «MBwriae tile go ra r nor floated down by parachute. Ob­ to subm it plans for n o tg a a i- servers said tiw test, about re tira e f at—» agencies to the three m iles off tills headquar­ legislature^ with tbe e h a ttg r ters of the Pacific mUatla taking effect autom atically an*! range, was completely success­ less the legislature disapproves ful. by a m ajority vote. v Engineers said larger, more The sam e two delegates pro- expensive rockets could be re­ potad to repeal the constitu­ covered tbe sam e way and used tional provision requiting corp­ ag»fa* orations to dispose ef property Proponents of tide type of not need in their business with­ launching say it cttilhinates the in 10 years a fter it is acquired. need ter costly service towers, w hkh a re usually dam aged by the exhaust M ast o f ground- Farmers’ _z launched rockets. The water- launch concept, they easr, also Workshop would perm it larg e ,rockets to be e iie m hled In shipyards and T h e ra s tu d y g uides h av e been p rep a re d to enable th e s tu d e n t to o b tain th e m axim um u n d e rsta n d in g At Kellogg towed to sea fo r tiring fa r from populated a reas. WONCH GRIFI of 1 7 2 0 E. M ic h ig a n th e m a te ria ls p resen ted 'i n th e basic co u rses w ith a m inim um am o u n t o f w asted e ff o r t. T h e y Kellogg Center will be the scene of the National Work­ shop for Promotion o f F arm Creative L a n s in g 4 8 4 -7 7 8 6 h a r e been designed specifically f o r s tu d e n ts a t Products, to be held Thursday (Continued from page 1 ) and Friday. by the English department. MSU, an d used properly will be o f g r e a t b en efit. Delegates to the conference, The amount of aw ards m ay j sponsored by the U.S. Depart- v ary from $56 to $1,006, de­ ; m ent et Agriculture and the pending on the applicant’s Inquire .—■ j Michigan State College of Agri- financial need. jcutture, will h e a r D r. Thomas “ We a re butting for scholar­ ! K. Cowden. dean of the College ships,” said Sabine. “D or D ow nstairs In T he Inkpot of Agriculture, deliver tiw wel- j_coming address. scholarship budget has been cut 15 p er cent while tbe num­ IMPORTANT (M onday - F rid a y 2 to 5) By JESS MAXWELL Advertising and promotional ber of applications for-scholar- 307 E a s t G rand R iv er ' techniques for m arketing farm ships has Increased by 100 per Of the State News Staff MONTH - END REDUCTIONS Iproducts will be the m ain top- cent.” Eleven MSU Air Force ROTC i ics of discussion. “ WE HAVE pitifully little money to offer in these new cadets are now taking flight o n f a l l An d w in t e r : training as p a rt of tbe Flight scholarships,” said Sabine. Instruction Program ^offered to TELEPHONE LOCKS âVJULABLE LOCALLY “There are only two to a field Air Science cadets. FASHIONS a t present, a total of eight The program Is p a rt of a na­ scholarships. Already we have tional Air Force plan to de­ 200 very qualified applicants.” term ine if AFROTC cadets are Allows Incom ing Calls Sabine said he hoped the qualified and motivated to be­ scholarships would interest the come pilots. P R E V E N T S OUTGOING C A LLS patrons of~the art», and that tiw fund would grow rapidly. T H E CADET’S flight prog­ Dorm S tu d e n ts keep y o u r Telephone bills down, We hope that this new type ress is supervised b y - Maj. of scholarship will a ttrac t ta l­ Douglas D. Stewart, the De­ B uy y o u r T elephone L o d i to d ay . Low P riced ented students to Michigan tachm ent F IP coordinator. State, said Sabine. Previously I f the cadet completes the and easily s h a re d by 2 o r 3 ro o m m ates. there has been“ inadequate course and F ederal Aviation financial aid for talented stu­ Agency exam s, he will enter F R E E D E L IV E R Y dents who did not also excel in Air Force flight training after overall academ ic tests. graduation from the -Univer­ sity. -- - - Special Services, P . O. Box 44," E a s t I-aim ing Thirty fo rm e r Michigan State “ The Air Force feels that varsity letter winners hold ac­ O r Cali E D 7-0227 Today ademic and staff positions in flight training while attending school is an aid to determining D IM - FITTED, BOXED 15 different* departm ents a t his ability fo r la te r training,” MSU, a spokesman said. THE CADETS are given and ENSEMBLES; PLAIDS, flight instruction in Piper Colt a t Capital City Airport. Students receive 35 hours of TWEEDS, SOLIDS. ground school, including weath­ er, navigation, flight planning and civil a ir regulations, and SIZES 5 TO 15; 8 TO 10 36% hours of flight tim e. Cadets a re given flight checks by the FA A 'after completion of the course and, if successful, receive a private pilot’s li­ cense. v - Seniors presently participa­ ting in the program are: Paul J . Armour, Michael L. Brickner, Richard Bunting, Candidates for Bachelor's or Master's De­ Endicott, Kingston, Owego, Poughkaepsie, WOOLS, JERSEYS; ONE-PIECE grees are invited to diociise opportunities In: Vasta!. Yorktown, N. Y.; Burlington, Vermont: Trustees Name Lexington, Ky.; Sm Jose, Calli.; Bathasda, Miller Director and COSTUMES, PLAIDS, Engineering and Science Md.; and Rochester. Minn. Haadquarters le loested in New York City wtth sales and aero* This is e unique opportunity to find out «bout the many career opportunities at IBM.The tea offlcas in 180 mafor citias throughout thè Of MSU Institute TWEEDS and SOLIDS. United States. The appointment of Mason IBM representative can discus« with you typ­ ical jobs, various training programs, chances The Accent'is on thè Individuai: Nò mattar E .'M iljer as director of the In­ for advanced education, financial rewards, what type of work a peraon doas at IMI, ha stitute for Extension Person­ SIZES 5 TO 15; 8 TO 16 and company benefits—all important factors is given all (he rssponslMHty ha la able to nel Development was approved that affsct your future. handfe, and ad thè support ha naads to do Friday by the Board o t Trus- his job. Advancament Is by merìt tees. SOME FACTS ABOUT IMS Miller is now an assistant to An Unusual Growth Story: IBM has had one. The «mas In whkh IBM Is sngsgsd hava an the director cf agricultural sci­ of the exceptional growth ratas in industry, tt unlìmitad future. This le your opportunity to ences in Pullm an, Wash., and ALSO A SPECIAL GROUP OP a staff m em ber of Washington . j ' : • . has bean a planned growth, based an ideas find out what that futura has to offer you. All qusNfiad appticants wM ba considered ter State University. . .. and products having an almost infinite appli­ emptoymant without rsgard to raca, craad, He will assum e his new post COUTURIER DRESS FASHIONS AT cation in our modem economy. color or nattomd or—n. Dec. 1. ** Diverse and important Products: IBM devel­ ops, manufactures angmarfcstsa wide range SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED PRICES of products In the data processing ftrtd. IBM Yaur placamant affisar c m hafo yau to team moro abowt IBM. Ito cm «No you (iterature ChrMúui Science computers and allied products play a vital role in the operations of huiinasa. industry, dascrfbina tha tnany ramar flalds at IBM. Ha will arrange an appointment for you with tha Speaker to Talk science, and government. Across-the-Country Operations: Laboratory In Lansing and manufacturing facilities are located ia “ The Origin and Power of Tbougbt in Christian Science” will be tbe subject to a lectura to be dettvarad a Lansing Sat- urday by Arch( Bailey of Saft Francisco. ; Ha will sprak under tba aus- picea to F in * Church to Cfcrist, Scienttst, Ij^Mbig — West Jun­ OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ta r Htgh Schooi Auditorium at — t oKtraa u fianirgivy nIumm i w i a •C thaiSA n —ausc n n m V — ÉbtgnPw aOMnma •aattk— — p» 9dB p 9 iQ 9 p H n p 6:15 p.m. Bailey is curran—r oa aa extensive tour as a mem- NIGHT UNTIL NINE ber of theychristian Science “ Wag* Potter fa Sweden” fa .the topic of a speech to be jb* ea by Gosts Rehn, chief econ­ omist fa—tbe Ministry to Finance of Sweden a t t p.m. Thursday fa 2HL Physica-Matb Bldg. The speech is sponsored jointly by tbe Labor and In­ dustrial Rotations Center and •tbe Department to Economics. • Rehn has written numerous F o re v e r a articfaa fa professional eco­ nomic journals on wage poli­ cies, problems of full employ­ m ent and oa general economic policy. . , -t During his two-week s ta r fa th e United States Rehn will lec­ '■, 1 u t 1 SHOULD ■WMEKNOWN BETTER- ’ C lassic Crew Neck ture to several other unhrer- .sities and also consult with government, union and m an­ agem ent executives. He is a form er chief econo? •mist of the confederation of the Swedish Trade Unions. Wool THERE ARE7HRS r HAME liACNÊD NEVB2 TD DISCUSS WITH DU Holds PEOPLE...REU60N,ftJUBC$ AND THE 6CEAT PUMPKIN! TNew House Dedication „ ‘ f f i V r rtdtfi ^ ..... Delta. Upsilon fraternity will dedicate its new house Satur- '_______ " 100% wool crew neck cardigans . . . big news over skirts, d a y afternoon to homecoming i t ’* important that our daugh- festivitfas- The house will be ters be taught the proper skills, slacks or bermudas. A must f o r everveoed ia subtle colors dedicated ia honor of Donald They can always pick up cook- of brown, black nr oxford. Select one in every color for O. Buell, charter member, and fag, because the directions are y o u r casual w ear. Sizes 34 to 40. adviser of the fraternity. right on the box, but batqn- Buell, was a speech profes- twirling is something they must sor a t Michigan State prim 1 to learn early in life or not at SPORTSWEAR — STREET LEVEL his death fa the spring of 1959. all. Detroit News. A d a te to r e m e m b e r SUBJECT: Caterpillar Interviews for Engineers I f y o u 're -a b o u t to receive y o u r B .S . or M .S . engi­ neering degree, C a te rp illa r T ra c to r C o . is interested in y o u . ■ ~ '■ v T" C a te rp illa r is the W o r ld ’s lead ing m a n u fa ctu rer o f D iesel E n g in e s —T ra c to rs —E a rth m o v in g E q u ip m e n t. O u r produ cts are e ve ryw h e re . . t d o in g the w o rk o f the w o rld . . . g e ttin g b ig jobs done in b ig w a ys . A t C a te rp illa r y o u 'll be d o in g im p o rta n t and satis­ fy in g w o rk in R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E L O P M E N T - D E S I G N - S A L E S - S E R V I C E - a nd m a n y oth er fields. W h a t’s m o re, y o u ’-H be able to g ro w — solidly a n d steadily along w ith us. ~ Start th in k in g about C a te rp illa r n o w . V o u r Place­ m ent O ffice has m ore inform a tion a bo ut us. ^ V T h e p ic o t to p wk ' - . 1 C A T E R P IL L A R T R A C T O R CO. Peoria, Illinois *te lls th e le n g th We are an equal opportunities employer. A fa s h io n “ m u s t O fH A N E S P re s e n tin g th is y e a r Double Wool Kni Seamless Nylons You can tell y o u r le n g th b y th e c o l o r .. . The . I f • ■ ■ 9 T h e new h e ig h t o f fash io n in p o rta n c e ... double word k n its . D esigned to f i t y o u r blue fo r a b o rt, w h ite f o r m edium , green f o r long, tu rq u o ise f o r e x tr a long, pink New Sound . B IH ^ H mb SH w ay o f life w ith a poise recognized all o v er th e w orld. R eady to tra v e l a t a f o r slim . S ty le s in Dem i toe, 1.65, reinforced -heel and toe, 1.50, « ticro in _ second’s notice o r send you g rac e fu lly m esh reinforced heel. 1.50 and service . mlHe fo r an evening o u t. In black, ro y al o r s h e e r w ith reinforced heel a n d toe, y r i m st • « P it ^ J H M iH n w B S P o p u la r M u sic jfczm im g reen, sizes 7-13 ^ ___ 22.95 1.35. All in fash io n tones. DRESSES — STREET LEVEL HOSIERY - STREET LEVEL The Special Feature of the. .7. HIS V O I C E S AND < ORCHESTRA D ance Sends Delegate To Miami Beach also featuring r .. 1961 Homecoming Queen State New« city editor BUI Cote, Jackson senior, «$B be fa -an d her court Miami Ba t ch, ffau, Thursday through Saturday a s a delegate ■„.•¡y . ;• '■ • te the national convention to Anfiloritoii 8 - 1 2 Sigma m e » c m fflnrfftfijttn* 1 O nly... $160 per couple Saturday, O cL 28 jatiraallr tk aaeitoar. i f f f i l Hewas electedI delegate by «HRudeut w the ao> |A 8 t L A N 8 IN G W ED N ESD A Y STORE HOURS ARE 12 NOON TO t P. M. Union Ticket Office DOTS YARN NOOK . The danih el sénior JtaaGor- H M a n « N M B I J n j r Mut« MB MARYLAND AVENUE gtat’s tothar ntoudsd ’Dsssday’s ■eUBUn» MMEPHI^mM«tMIK3uR| practica session. He died while ad atoaaf Ä e counterfoils, n i* Between E. Greed River and E. Saginaw in Laming en a flahing trip. tot a n a l i «ad rea d T ^ S » A «beri mfle west o f Fraador , Gorgiat te a letterm an who John WW’s dog, I H Ip i saw 38 minutes of action last Mjr. Wils — A irisad of the y car. Ha has heea osad en de* Band FhsnRy ¿a-' leaked atar» to m a thia season. flan, a l - t w ^Batter draw II w as toa aacond daath of a agaia. Goooa’s my Mack La- aAmwrs father this aeason. brader. M aw wears dresaos.’ E artter, Quarterback R e t a Smith’s father died. THE IS A M w aab ack en the ‘RoseBowl Talk U p. Wan bleached wad ra> que«ted a second redraw. Mrs. Setoenm draw anca more and la a 'Shaken voice p red ic e field Tuesday looking Premature9-Duffy said: “MJr. John Will’s dog, Gama.**- >■ Mjr. Wills game up and ac* Redwood & Ross introduces opted toe dram. He said if he CHICAGO m- Coach Duffy 1,082 yards In 218 cnddst persuade Goona to tÊSÊÈk a very special all-season coat Daugherty, Michigan State’s game average ef wear ft perhaps he could find smiling Irishman, said Tuesday jsaaaeane who would. it wm a great feeling to be As be explained later, he was ranked No. 1 hi the AP foot­ supposed to peddle a book of 25 ball poS but it was premature tickets 1er toe lottery. to start talking about a chance He dkh*t get armad to sell* to go to the Hose Bowl. lag the tickets. So he bought "I feel good about our rating them and dhrided them among and so do the boys,” Daugherty tomarif, his wife and — and [vlyh atever the weather, Thunder- told the Chicago Football Writ­ lady Geena. Igfeqp cloud ¡a more than a raincoat — ers Association vie telephone from East Lansing, Mich. you’ll wear it any season! The zip- ‘'We’ll an fed better-if we Gem Disappears out Orion pile liner converts any sea­ can hold that rating. We have son to your comfort. The dark plaid five conference games remain­ ing (with Indiana this week, In Prison Play eutersheU fs a. bleed of 50% Dacron then Minnesota, Purdue, North­ Maybe you need time to de­ Polyester, 50% Cotton for everiasting western and IBinds) and any velop a sense of humor. Any­ shape retention. SCOTCHGARD one of them can knock you way, there seems to be a lot brand rein and stain finish assures down. ef s at Southern Michigan "Our goal is winning the Big Prison near Jackson. T he lasting water repellency through Ten championship. Rose' Bowl music department sit SMP is washing end dry cleaning. talk to premature. Our hope is nmfty to present toe comedy- to improve week by week. If melmtrami “ Panorama, ’ Olive or Charcoal, sizes 34 to 44 we stay on a plateau, no im­ Satarday. but a false diamond provement, then weTl start go­ nmd to the play disappeared. ing down. “We’ll gift another diamond,” arid Den R. Young, music di­ Regular —Long <“This season we are getting rector, “but this tone we’ll be fine performances from our mare careful. Sometimes we Short h Extra Long sophomores. This is. pretty fergri that we have thieves much true, however, through­ here.-' out the conference. An athlete who eventually becomes great must play as a sophomore. If a team doesn’t have any out­ standing sophomores, it is In Sport Shorts trouble. New York — Warzen Spahn 205 E u t Grand River “Six sophs have given us and Dick Donovan top their East Lansing added speed this year—Storm leagues in earned run aver­ Lewis, Dewey Lincoln, Earl ages ;third tone for Milwaukee Lattimer, Herat Johnson, Ron Rubick and Hog Lopes. They 1>N¡re*York — Alex Webster have more speod than ray soph­ omore group we've had and if they keep going they'll become the finest group in our history. “At Michigan State we don’t like to label units No. 1 end No. 2. We have 22 first string­ yHtoiDtf Student wive» • • • i f you're expecting ers. It’s god for morale this way. According to statistics re­ J SUPER J leased Tuesday, the Spartans F O O D MARKETS a little newcomer» plan to join our rank sixth In Hie nation in to- talyards gained tar rushing. : The Spartans have gained east su n m a at Hamilton road, okemos ■t i p # ' Free Baby Care Classes OPENDULYI Ai Ha TO0 P. H. ’(Closed Sunday) EVERY THURSDAY AT 2 P.M. NEW SEMES STARTS OCT. 26 ■ U .S .D .A . C h o ic e B e e f S te a k S a le ! • Demeastrntisa uri practice la handbag and droestog a new ben rely. Baby into daweaetra- ttea , . B ROUND STEAK u> 79 ^ ¡ f ~ • Makteg toe baby’s bed, balk toe bemiact and crib. Ltetsfheddtag n r seek • What to pack fir toe beepltel, plus visit to tbe ■ SWISS STEAK U, 79° | ^ «total l y flesr sfa keel fcssfttal H Sirloin Steak warn ef aew bane which eu y wervy aew parents. j B _f; B o n d e« Sirloin T ip Steaks B u y’s development tram birth to lint birthday • Breast er b a le feedteg. Egalpmsat needed far ilB tC Fresh Ground Steak, b ale feedteg, Ms nee and care. Tips ee m en B J Lean Boneless Beef Stew DELICATESSEN feeding DEPARTMENT • Tin baby’s laundry. Demonstration ef care to give M l U. S. D. A. CHOICE BEEF T MICHIGAN GRADE 1 baby diaper changes. Step by step can ef the Bsa's Home Made > diapers H BONELESS SKINLESS DATE NUT BREAD * AUDITORIUM — DOWNTOWN FIFTH FLOOR 3 ROLLED FR A N K S^ Freeh Baked m RUMP ROASTS MINCE PIES Contest Beach WM m m in i »■>i|li|ww»d^piiita suBBMfiiGawSPfibMll » » ¿ ttrn # 2# * a ÜÄwt Md already expressed an. D O X ep l l f l ' loteroet should do so bycalliag TkTniiV HP««nÄ.in m. - SB88BI «r ED H W . Boxers iiW r r u f n t i n ^ l «Hmlg k m toelr um» **? a a k M t. OhOOe « n m l o r an d The w ish « of boxing * ’ * " thuriasts have been satisfied. Mr. Brotxmann, coach of the Yboee taterested in partidpa- for ma r Michigan Mata boxing ting in a boxing program who team s, will handle the program. Homecoming Dance Party? THE CABRffiBEAN CLUB PRESENTS WE HAVE PAKTS FROM ★ CALYPSO NIGHT * OVER 600 WRECKED CARS / S fe a tu rin g T he W e rt Indies’ ALL M AKES^ND MODELS "Folkw ays R ecording A r tis ts : —— •' BamJboushay Steel Baud . • - SEE US .. . L im bo C o n to rt — P riz e : L .P . Record AND SAVE . (p o p u lar reco rd s will be played a t in te rm issio n s) F rid a y , O ct. 27 U nion B allroom 8 - 1 2 75c & $1.25 Ail Paris BaaraaltMl ■ • MOTORS . . $1640 ALL UNIVERSITY • TRANSMISSIONS . . $1040 • GENERATORS . . . SUN AND THEN WE have Mississippi—the rebels without a cause, While MSU students hold pep rallies, and the Puritans burn IASQUERADE DANCE • STARTERS . . . S4JS A rthur M iller a t the stake, Ole Miss students bum the Associ­ ated press in effigy. And now th at the U P I has seen the light • SPRINGS . . . $340 s*am and dropped the Rebels down to th e num ber two riot and moved MS.U. NJLA.C.P. • Aad Thoasaads of OHmt M s the Spartans in, they will undoubtedly set an effigy of the U PI up in flam es. Sturdy s h e e r s fo r s c h o o l And all this during National F ire Prevention Week. CMMren Friday, October 27th Installation i f Desired should not {day with m atches! _ Terms Available If the Rebels don’t like w here they a re ranked, why don’t s h e e r e s t s h e e r s l o r dotes,, they secede 'from the Union. Then they can set up their own Admission 50c athletic association (MCAA: Mississippi Coflaglato Athletic s l e e k lit f o r y o u A u to compos eye-cue colors Association). And they could hold th eir own polls based on the balloting of the board of coaches and student body of the Uni­ versity of Mississippi. - ^ ft# ; ' - Union Parlors A, B & C H E IG H T S Parts P h . IV 5-2276 This year, the Rebels play Houston, Chattanooga, Tulane, 8 to 12 the Women’s Christian Tem perance Union, the P aren ts' Tea­ chers’ Association of greater Baton Rouge and th eir a n t i riv a ls The Boston Pops Orchestra. NEXT YEAR too University la considering playing aome football team s. - \ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 9:40—Armstrong 8*7 (Practice Field) 6:40—Armstrong 6 - 0 (Jeniaon Field) 7:25—B urm a - Burnley 6:40—East Shaw 'S - 5 0:10—Burgess * Burgundy 7:25—Dollar 81 * Luther - 6 : K - R a d d if f . R afferty . 8:10—Big D*s • Stinkers 9:40—Rangoon • Randall -1 8:58 BaSey 1 - 1 9.40-Bailey S - 4 (Touch Field) 6 40-B ailey 5 • 7 BOW UNO - 7:25—Bailey 6 -4) (AD games 8 pm.) •:UMAnnstrong l • 3 T. Chi. 8. CW (14) 8:56—Armstrong I •4 Phi K. Mg • Phi Gam (84) D.TJX»D. Chi (84) S. Nu • A.T.O. (7-8) f o r t h e e n tir e s c h o o l y e a r w ith Sheaffer's^'i^fiTII^M M ^contest George Saimes* groat run­ ning splurge against Notre Here are-some oMhe thing* to keep fit D am s has catapulted the Mich­ igan State Junior fullback to mind when you're writing about - too top ,of two im portant Spar­ Sheaffor's all-now cartrfdga tan statistic«! columns. Wlaasrs (one u u sad The Junior from Canton, Ohio f o u n ta i n p n n ra n fo r MS yards in M carries and scored twice in Ids ram ­ • For smooth, easy writing, there's no sub­ page against toe Irish. This stitute for a Shssffar fountain pen. enabled him to move into the a Loads likes rids withleskproof csrtndces load In ground gaining and In of world famous Skrip writing fluid. total p o m s scored among all Spartans through the first four 25 SECORI PRIZES a Fills quick, class, a s sy ... just drop a gamos.- Skrip cartridge into barrel. Four-game totals show Sal* o f a n ew P h llco aF its easily iatoaafcirt pocket... comes is mes with 47 carries—more than tra n sisto r radio any efimr bock— «¡01 Hit net yards gained and an average of 8.7 yards per carry. Sa hat scored Ot least enos in each . SPECIAL I cortest to date and mW has u w n o r a m o n ly tallied stx ID’s for 38 paints. [V . Pen and 98c worth W of CartrMgerf REE J| S346Total Valuator “ G e e , h o n e y , y o u ’l l n e v e r p a s s y o u r p h y s ic s e x a m u n le s s .. y o u le a r n to lo o s e n u p r * i| liill § SP®* SW CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS M P I READERSHIP ‘ * ' ■•'1 ■ ■■ _ . i . %. Citfr'r I ■■'- %Dr. Sidney W. Pox, «he fitst ts -a tfhatrm si ef the1 division Assistant Newt Editor, Bracai introduced the concept m » of tdetoglenl chemistry ef toe Fabricant; wire adMsr, Beh Darwinian interpretation of the American Chemical Society. Neumann; copy edRars, fiev evolution e£ protein molecules, th e lecture Is sponsored by PrysQtah, Keun Youn, West will speakst • p.tn. Thursday American Chemical So- Wietsma; photo editor,' Dave tit 122 Kedrie. Hie topic will be the d e ty . f § l l 1 1 1 I p Jaehnif. “A Chemical Model ef Spon­ taneous Generation”. Fox has been Director ef Experimental closed d r a f t Cloaeti circuit TV is expected ference. They plan to have the Oeeanogrmphie institute, la d n L e c tu r e televiskn will hs installed in to shorten this conference from felt no loss of personal con­ chemistry professor at Florida several Kellogg Center con­ about four days to two days, tact in their meetings and that State University since 1959. ference rooms starting next Oct. 21 and Nov. 1. He was an associate editor ef Friday. they will use closed circuit TV Chemical Reviews and served Have LO U IS Launder The 250 to 400 county agri­ again," Dixon said. £ The ase of dosed circuit TV cultural agents, 4-H Club “Wen conduct -i survey ; F lo w Of Exeter College frill shorten conferences by agents and home economists after this conference to see No end toFearatag—Ftvo of Your Clothes* omitting stone general assemb­ attending the conference will how we can improve our ser­ Oxford Uoiv«rwty ly meetings and time lost bo>: ase 27 TV sets to their 16 room Michigan State's t e a All- vice. Well dsn find out how American Academic football tween various meetings. conference arcs tor Kellogg The first use of the tempor­ Center’s south wing. well received toe use of closed circuit TV is,” he added. players have beau ends. “Pre&ure Groups In ary system will be ly the an­ nual conference of the Con­ forFred Dixon, head engineer tinuing Education Service-Co­ the Audio-Visual Center, Britain And The U.Sj Y operative Extension Service. said that the 23-inch screen TV sets would come from the audio-visual center, radio and Thursday, October 26, 8 p.m. TV broadcasting department and local dealers. Kellogg Center Auditorium 1 1 T a k e “ Visual instruction m ater­ Faculty And Students Invited ials, displays and models can New' Equipment Has Just Been Installed be enlarged for better mass O x f o r d viewing on TV,” Dixon said. .To ^Accomodate Your Car At “The lecturer and the audi­ T u t o r i a l ence alike are annoyed by the audience’s inability to see ex­ Dr. Norman Hunt of Oxford planatory materials. TV will University is giving an Oxford- facilitate and the use of films, slide Frandor Auto Wash style tutorial course to 11 Hon­ changers to conjunction written materials with lectures,” F randor Shopping C enter — Daily 8-6, Son. 8:30-2 ors College students this term. he added. Hunt is the distinguished vis­ The technical crew, from the iting professor to the depart­ ment of humanities. He de­ audio-visual center, will be­ scribed the procedure of his gin setting up the equipment on the Friday before the con- class to the development of instaliation liberal democracy in the Brit­ day night complete by Mon­ — ish experience. Students attend an hour lec­ Dixon said that the low cost ture once a week, read on their industrial a n d educational own to areas pertaining to the equipment to be used can’t course and write ah essay on handle toe audio system re­ toe reading. Every two weeks, quired by this installation. Therefore a separate audio system must be installed. The total'cost of the equip­ ment will be about 99.000. Rent­ al and set up costs will “be about I960. The closed circuit TV instal­ fiovf. Inspected lation at Kellogg Center has been planned since March. Prior to this, Pennsylvania State College is the only school to have used closed Circuit'TV for conferences. Some technic­ a l, data was supplied to the FRYERS audio-visual center by Penn. P ii T i l l Midnight Weekdays State. e il Ai l l j p .m . Week Enos “Penn State is well satisfied — DR. HUNT j with the use of closed circuit 1 block East of Campus they report individually to | TV. They say that they have Hunt fOr an hourly tutorial. | BACON SALE THE TUTORIAL is a discus-1 sion between student and pro-1 Saper Right I lb pkg 69c fessor. Hunt said the inter­ change of the tutorial discus­ All Good I lb pkg 49c sion helps students to clarify their ideas, Racch Stylo 2 A pkg 91.09 ‘‘An important point of edu- cation is to teach people how | to think independently,” Hunt Michigan Re. I Fresh said. _ -7 J'T rick or Treat ” The tutorial method can en­ courage students to have well- sqc Cider j founded ideas, he said. ' A necessary goal of educa-1 Jonathon Apples 8 7-— California tion is to organize material and form opinions, he said. Michigan Hunt received his masters and doctoral degrees fromj Cambridge and was- a Com- i Carrots 1-LB CELLO BAG 2 m 7 <* Pascal Celery monwealth Fund Fellow at Princeton. _ Hot Hones Michigan WHERE POWER lies in Brit 1(v TOMATOES ain and the U. S. is the topic I of his afternoon talks and dis-1 cussionsjwith the Honors Col-: lege students. Yellow Onions 3 IB BAG . I T f Michigan Grads No. I Informal talks to the human- j ities department include Brit-j ish and American conservative j Pink Grapefruit *°« 4 - 391POTATOES traditions from Bolingbroke to Goldwater. Hunt will speak at 8 p.m .! Thursday in Kellogg Center La Cboy Hoodies 393 c m 2 far 29c A IR Auditorium on how pressure! Make A groups in Great Britain an d : the United States supplement' ChopSecy Vegetables 393 cm 2 for 49c Tarn £■£ 2 1 or distort the democratic pro- - Your Headquarters cess. Facial liâmes Regal So ft 499 d pkg 2 far 99c Historians and political sci- entists in Michigan colleges have been invited to the Thurs-j THOUSANDS OF REFERENCETEXTS For Halloween Chocolate Covered Franto' Feeds day night lecture, Dr. Harry ( H. Kimber, humanities depart-1 ORSALE AT FRAGTI9R GF THEIR 9RIRIRRL PRICE Trick Or Treat lee Cream Bars French Fried Potatoes^ 49c ment head, said.' HUNT APPEARS on two BOOKS ADDED DAILY Gan R IP , 2 h bag 49a Candy programs of the British Broad­ casting Company—The Gallery, Warn Fla k q e l - -All a . political program dealing with contemporary problems SPEC IA L LOT of British politics and govern­ ment and too Third Program. Hunt said he plans to look — - OF _ 7 - M ß i into the way political programs are doing here. 1000 POCKET BOOKS Be has written on Quakers and dissenting deputies and is 2 for 25c now finishing a book on pres­ s’’re groups to the U .S. gov- t •unent. H I LOAVES Hop Petitions -> e Wednesday Your A ft P Super Market AB p rim to tide Ad Effektive thru Saturday, J-Hop committee chairman­ October 28th to W ittam steu Store and AB Five Cerner of Hagadem and East Grand R iver Lawdtaf A S P Sap ir M arkets ship petitions are due at 5 p.m., Wednesday to 117 Student Serv­ E u t Langiug ices. Chairmen are bring sought Store Hours for decorations, tickets, favors, publicity, programs, conces­ \ 7 Monday thru Saturday sions and photography, gotote 9 a ju . to 9 p.m. and patrons, Miss MSU and public reletloni. IM P '^S^^S^^KSHwSS^Sk^^NiSRIr^ WASHINGTON UB-The gov­ ernment recently arise* more than a S e T e t i a * M r s to «legal P f M & destined for mm last jtm . Cuba, a m tam erca department I ‘ KEATING SAID ft didn't official paid Tuesday. He 1 » make aann» te him to aend ised to investigate reports ef Cuba deftnre which could he ether contraband flowing to need to purchase Soviet « a s . the F i d e l -Castro regime The COOMMSTCB GNpKtDMP | through Canada. official said Soviet purchase of Befarman said the United 110 mQBon worth of n w M e The official, Jack N. Behr- States h a s an hop-clad agree­ man, deputy assistant secre­ tailcw, need to nmktog to m ment with Canada barring « and animal feeds, accounted — Wednesday, f. p.m. O r. F. tary of commerce fo r interim- Canarian Mato. tional affairs, testified before for this. He voiced W b t ft M. Donahue wffi «tote sttdm ttom tow win trace the the senate internal security I t is pesatole, he said, the could be mod for making am­ an* tottore on ’T h e Orthodox growth of 'CtotonHBtor begin­ Cuban involved had already munition, a fear erpreeaed kg World.” 9445 Union, ning with the ; Holy tawd, subcommittee. It is looking to­ te U. S. trade with the Soviet been arrested as a number ef Keating. Dairy Ctah - Wednesday, ePaul’« journeys and the growth union and other communist stotBtoMweeecntioBS are m der- Bateman pr esented statistic« i:41 (MM-* 195 Anthony Hall. f the new religion to Greece countries. way. He asked for more de­ showing 1960 U. S. expert s to £ R tototar Ciob — Wednesday, >mid Asia Minor. tails' I g T r rj the Soviet Mac totaled 8193,- 7 p.m., A U a ia a . He will atoo shew slides on - An intensive drive is under­ ML Afhes, the Orthodox cooler way, he stated, to enforce the Shipments ef U. S. food and 377,000 with three-fourths of the Angel Flight — Wednesday, U. S. embargo that bans all ex­ medicine to Cube will total less total - 9143,090,000 - going to 7 p.m. Pledges and activefe ef iM ttaaimsm and the growth ports to Cute except food and than |3D mfiRon this year, he Poland a n d W M M M to Rus­ wear heels, 41 tfehm. * ; ' I and present coadfttoni of the medicine. continued, and are declining sia. Yugoslavia, which the Alpha PM Omega — Wed­ Orthodox Church to Russia. United States considers out­ nesday, 7 p.m., UN Lounge, A display ef Orthodox Icons, side the Soviet Moc, got 985,- Union. vestments and liturgical utet- 989,000. sils also will ho shown. ¿ V i* l Gä LäA äD M ä ESR r Rifle C kh — Wednesday, Donahue was a Fullbrigbt i» ’ ” 9:99 p nrv, basement of Drin professor a t the University of Hall. Athens to 1954. H e has visited THEGREATESTJERRORTRIEEVERTOLD! Kummage Yeung Socialists —JWednes* churches and monastaries in day, t p.m., 41 Union. Russia. Spanish Chib — Wednesday, Sale Tuesday 7 p.m., 38 Union. The lecture is being presen­ ted by the Pan-Orthodox Stu­ ¡Bjgar A B » Gamma D rita — Wednesday, dent’s Assn. JmpRFMDOUM By Nursery 11 pjai. Deadline for alumni banquet reservations, Martin The Spartan Nursery rum­ Lather Chapel. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS mage sale will be held next I p.m.. Retaffing Chib— Wednesday, LOW COST ' Tuesday from g:30 a.m. to 4:39 Lounge. — S ta rts S a tu rd a y . . . Leslie Caron a s “ FANNY* AruoW Alr Society - Wed­ p jn . in South End Community Center. 117 W. South Street, Union. 7:99 p m ., Art room, nesday, Lansing. The proceeds of this If you want to get RICH— 7 ^ sale supply the only source of PrrsM ag Rifles — Wednes­ CIVICCENTER SATUMAY, NOV. 4 income for toys and supplies day, 7:99 pan. Corps , sponsors win be selected a t this time 21 ; You’ll have to SELL! for the nursery. Start Plow at the State News :- L a n s i n g , M ic h ig a n 8 :1 5 p .m . If you have anything of value Union. Wesley Foundation to donate to this sale bring ft nesday, 7 a.m., Communion, - Wed­ to Spartan' Nursery. Martha Vredand, sale chairman, will 7:99 a.m., Breakfast, 7:90-10 supply transportation if it is a p.m.. Conversation — Linda problem. Cali ED 2-1278 tor Flesner, “The Angolan Con­ W e H ave |p||3|ll v m . W- l A F J or Y o u ! \ .r- ■■■—- a ride. flict,” and “The MSM UN»" H ere’s your chance to learn how in p ra d ic a l experience in advertising and The Spartan Nursery School lllS S. Harrison Rd. m erchandising—th e kind of experienceem ployers want— th e kind o f experi­ JfR **. 1941 C oncites. 3 2 female staff members. Inquire after 7 p.m. BP 3-3783. FURNIbHJSP APARTMBNT. 3 33 m u st s v in o r r i c s Owner leaving foe California im­ mediate possession. Vail Eva W i. hake. BD 2-4112 or W alter Nailer Crossword Puzzle □na □□□□□□□□» ancana anno aa EXCELLENT! tr in im iiè io m . joome, bath. Utilities. *100 amohttt. Co.. Realtors. BD 2-1*33. 23 □□□□ n a n a nncr SPECIAL MERIT AWAROr I960 Alfa-Romeo convertible 405 Grove St. Side entrance. Mar­ ried only. Apply 604 DtvlstoR J3D ACROSS t.ao«r««( ama aaaa nana A -«SEATS' MAGAZINE 2-3433. Lf. NOON WEDNESDAY S E R V IC E 16. Once □o n so a a a ia a 1 train □□33 2033 ROOMS 4 Formerly around - 1961 G a la x y 4 -d o o r h a r d to p . Im ­ GIVE TOUR pre-eoheel afri the r . Peeled □ ñ a m a □ □ □ » □□ happy experience of supervised m a c u la te , l o w ' m il c a s e c a r f u l l y SLEEPING ROOMS. Vefy ntch taita of parking. 004 Su. Barnes, play. Hour». I-I, Monday through «.Liat 11 Aha. 3«. Friand □□□a □□□ _ _ á o u tp p e d , in c lu d in g e le c t r ic s e a ts Mason. OR 7-1301. 25 Friday. Several openings. BD 1- Otti. 20 11 B rtak 40. Sprin* sowar osa anca □□□□ Technicolor & Techniram a of day 41 Myrtle □ a 0 3 3 3 n o ta n o and wlndopa. . LOST en d FO U N D TYPING- Term papery, theses, muerai. Fast, accurate service. 14. Arabi aa chieftain Hindu □□□□noansa ama LAèf at Stivali g a m e /T FajTe! V 9-7933. 34 ejaculation □□□□□□una aan Until 5:30 p.m. 90c J9*l Chevrolet Impala 3-doorJiartf 15. Made 44. Foot Butova watch. Please contact Judy praciouo M o tt at 316-3370 at 23* B* Leaden. F t TING • RTANS. FI: 4». Hardly •elution «6 Yesterday's Puxxla top, fully equipped. ■: -- 1*41 Oldsmobtle Sport sedan, fully LOST. MAROON Schaeffer pen ?D Devia Airport, BD 2-0324. Abbott 3UL 1 17. Unito 1 1 Word«C probable 50. Recorded LUCO N Eve. & Sun. $1.25 and pencil set. Last week on cam­ THESIS TTPINO. pHnttag. Ad­ cholea proceeding» S. Beckon 10. Pronf pus. 366-0498. small reward. 23 vice on farm and style at aa ll.Chartao 11. Clumay A ft U H tlR t l equipped. 51.0 odd WO 4. Persian charge. Editing Service. Wench with gas poet -boots — LOOT.- Glasses, keys in. small Grafie Service. 1730 X. Michigan « .G iri­ of diaconi Feature Son. thru Thurs. 1 :0 0 -4 :4 0 -3 :3 0 1957 Chevrolet convertible. Immae black purse. Between E. Maya and Ava, Lanalsg. Ph. 4S4-7TSS. tf 82. Trouble 5. And not _ 16. Dawn Peoplca Church, Sunday. 866-2430. lo. Thon* 53. Prophet »addle Shown Fri. ft Sat. 1:20 • 5:00 - 9:00 ulate. — - to TTPINO DONE In my home on 25. Intact «. Brin* into 20. Showery electric typewriter, by Bnglish 54. Volcano being 26 Konorari- 55. Jewel 21. Ultimate major. CD 8-3817. 2! 7. riniahar 59. 1930 Volkswagons. 2-doors DOWN I. Fall back 22. Pilaster TTPINO la Spartan V lllam 27. Edition 23. Plerca and sunroofs. New car condition. apartment. Electric typewriter. 31. Two- 1.Devoured intoaform or 34. Witness PERSONAL Call 3*6-3013. _ tf pointed tack 1 Gained the state M O R R IE R IC H M A N «. Exclude 26. Buoy 33.8coOS victory WINGED SPARTANS TTPTST ANN BROWN. BD 3 3334. Electric typewriter. Tona pa­ j« . Barter for p r« t« n ts pere and theses, aleo general typ money SPARTAN MOTORS „ ¥oM h e . _■- - *i 29. Russian mountains .7400 E . M i c h i g a n HavcwMTHltof MEETING TONIGHT STUDENT DISCOUNT. Self wash, « .75. Lub Job, ll.oo. Student park­ ing, 11.30. Free quart of oil with 30. Discover 32. In high ovary-all change. Complete tune- favor up. Open 2t heure. Deve» Pure Oq. 1610 B. Qr*pd River. tf 33. Doleful 33. Frequented place America's H°I “Lansing's largest selection of Old College Hall. Unie* ’ EXPERT THESES and general typing. Electric typewriter. Eigh­ teen years experience. One block from rowdy. BD 3-**4fc tf 3«. Monetary unit of Recording V Stars used Corvettes and Volkswagen*' Pakistan Open Moating TTPINO. Theses, term popera. Î eelivery serai. Elee trie typewriter. Daily 3«. Friend: Fr. 40. Wine _ > and ptek-up from Cam- vessels EM PLOYM ENT PUS- OL 6-3490. H 41. Speed -all student*, faculty employee* M part-tim e Work TTPINO dope la my heme. IV contest Wttl arrange hours to fit schedule, 6-433«. • tB 42. Morsel 32.26 per hour. Call W 2-642!. 21 interested la flying are welcome. BBAUTT INTENSIFIED. For 43. Mountain NrRkES. registered, full or part beautiful nadr. Orlande, Pope, and in Greece time. No rotation; Liberal person­ Phyltia operators. 333 W. main, 41Transgreo> nel .policy, batary commensurate tw®*»*- »-4S43. 23 cion with experience. Phone ED 2-0402. 47. Sack “ 23 T R A N S P O R T A T IO N 43. Untruth 4». Shade tree NEW r O R jC - J E R S K T for NOTICE! Thanksgiving! Groun chartering LABRADOR R ÏT R Ib V K r pup­ bus round trip to N T. P ert Au­ pies. Not registered.' Reasonable thority Termine!, Wednesday, No­ to good home. Phone ED Î -1 ~Hb 22 vember 22 Contact _ Art Upton, DELTA DELTA DELTA PLEDGES IV 3-1213, between 1-3 p.m. 3« GO-ROSE «OWL Send fl.OO for vovr bumpftr iK cktr to The actives are missing approx­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED $410 Sticker of the Month Club, 313 im ate ty 3« boyfriends, 3 flanees, btephooftoa Bldff., Detroit 2. Mich- t(BR. ?5 7 ponytail, sad a said. Please ro­ AUSTIN HEALET 100 engine W ANTS) end part*, preeto-ttte exy-aclej-- tu ra by Friday. lene torch, die makers tool bos, one third carat .diamond engage­ ment ring and wedding band. .313 E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D .2 - 1 8 1 4 Winchester rifle, Ruger 23 alngt* HALLOWEEN STRONG ROT w tth_a convert nix. IV 6-617». ~ 21 ile, a sans* of humor for t r k t u n JUDT MARPHATde G DAVE B U ­ writ. Sheila. 835-4386. 2! HOME OP TRE VEST IN FOREIGN FILMS ELECTRIC BOTTLE steriliser EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING scarcely used. ST. Good mouton CONTEMPORARY CARD ON pleas* cerne te the State News efftes. Room 347 Student Serrine» WANTED TO RENT far this coat m e 18. 118. All wool green Bldg., for »we free peases te tb# weekend from Friday noon to cost with» fu r collar, ilk* asw Sunday p.m. 2 motor scooter*. Will site 30 tall, «15. IV 4-434«. 26 Croat Drive-In. if arronge tarma. - 8*5-2073 or 313- FSR9T SHOW 9 P.M. - ADULTS Me FEATURE AT 7:M • •:$$ The Card Shop B M.O C.W.C. - «Hr Man Off CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS LOW COST “ As «rifiati, memorable and compelling film 76« DISCOUNT f U w ith Cary insure with Mt rtefcfr tef i i i l t M t t , visually t toaatog.” Need w e »ay more m E. Graad JUver ' ever Jarobron * - *D 3-3471 HIGH READERSHIP Aereas fren O hm Età». Mie- rWANDOE MALL 4 be»* returned from Mbit»»», e b w ifi«, and will be e* the IV 3 -d ttt ' »riml»t» YatPfor end Wednesday t* »»»apt and consider any «e# all C E N T R A L IN T E L L IG E N C E A C E N C Y Wed- Nov. 8, 8 PH . Aa hwms Repreaeatotlve wffl tstervtew raadldsto» for < ' ChricCeater pasMare with ew argartsatfoa m ths dates at Ocfole r Tleketa <$J8 - 2-59 - l.M . . . AH Se*ta Reserved ^ NOW ON SALE AT—- • The Disc Shep, E. Laastag 34th thrregh the 37th ee Campa«. Please cessait dw « Plaa**, Davatews ft PraEdar • Ctvte Ceater B n O t t n Rteek Tleketa Ob Safe Phree Youp Kejt te B etter Values ■ ' « a t r i N f l w g X ti T v p t i u T The BUD-MOR AGENCY - IV 24*24 ' C respili C iaw tfM a ttema u m i s c m i r a e r YtlfCST c" b y off . an | mickmr ZM serious genetic pepbtom «bonk! know bettor have said toot “tn • m atter ofweeks” and M IT I« may have to do ao to prevent W « D ^i A m T« ,i3 5 l5A2yli S i 5 % i^ ! ^ s £ u s s i from pulling! «¡•m i to iqe -arm s r a c e .f e e Dr John I S h w b f l t o to- ^ n r i O D Y ^ I O m efto Match Any OWr terview tost Thursday. . anything about nm etle nmta- head OP the Atomic Energy 225 E. Grand River “No m atter Bow Might the tiaortom pe that tfefo isn’t the “Y W CAN MAKE a good Commission said Tuesday. *- radiation.” said -O r, Rksv'a r,, case.” < guesiflmsed m varying to- * Dr. Gteon T. Seaberg, ABC -continued exposure is danger- ttfo m re a id that the effect ~ of radiation on reproductive tensities oéèo e period .of to n . Dr. Shaver to acting hand of cells Is «boost always deleter- This is the basis for determin­ euce he doe« not think the Iton- the dcMntment el zoology. kw*. hut that i t may he several ing the length «I time to re­ stent «re ahead yet, however. ‘T M N O T SAYING the M - generations before human de- main to a fallout shelter. ¿Ld At what level will fofteit He declined to say heir long out lerto ts dangerous right velopment to affected, (he United States could wait now,” he s a i l “ but ite addi- He went on to say that mas- radiation become aa hnmefo tive effects coukl be dangerous etve exposure can affect toe ate danger? before being forced to resume 12 2 7 E. Grand R iv e r “Wei/* he said, “that’s fbe atmospheric testing. to the future.” present generation by inducing Stiaver explained that the ef- cancer,.particularly leukemia, mb. “We itont know. Tht saf­ est thing to say to that aaqr ' ""Dr. Seaborg would not say rpfoès Imj Dar *' focts ef radiation are cunnda- “SOME OF the survivors a t tive: the longer the exposure, Hiroshima devCloped leukemia radiatimi to tee much.” where above-ground tests might beheld Dabrtrr Sanrha M “ s non AU UNMMT regardless of tnteesity, the which to cancer of the Mood, greater the danger of genetic mutations. "V “ We have to be very careful when we use radiation to fight DR. SHAVER, 44, «tome to Michigan State in 1995. P re­ vious to then, he had been do­ He stod there irn o reason for the United States to test a 50- J 8i30 p.m. - 1:3 0 * m Sunday 5:00 p.m. • 1:3 0 “This isn’t a lot of scare cancer.” he explained, “be- ing research in embryology at megaton device because the talk,” be said. " It’s a scien- cause It drastically affects the the California Institute of Tech­ necessary results, can be ob­ tifk fact. A lot of people who >blood count, and in h i g h nology. se tained with smaller blasts. CALIFORNIA CAMRRIOOI CHICAGO" COLUMBIA Faster Computer N A U O U R STO RES ' SPECTA CU LA R S A V IN G S CORNILI INDIANA To Be Installed An n iv e r s a r y sa l e : MINNKSOfA- NCBXASKA ' N.Y.U. NOTRt DAMI Dramatic OXFORD PRINCITON value WfSLIYAN WISCONSIN in our VALI 21st year 417 E ast Grand Rrver On Tfce& M pna tradition Spartan Bookstore Corner Ann & M.À.C. high fashion E ast Lanaing plus quality at low, low price»! Yfff d em ft aria BIG PRIZIS1 H y S for the U. S. Rubber Company and the Rubber Workers, 1952- 19». HE WAS a political economy instructor a t Johns Hopkins University, chief of the analy- ticaT studies unit of the Social Security Administration, and Dr. Charles Killingsworth, panel chairman, for the Na­ labor and industrial relations tional War Labor Board. department, will speak today Dr. Killingsworth bolds mem- in the Kiva on economic prob­ lems as they relate to automa­ tion. The talk, the third Provost Lecture of the term , will begin a t 4 p jn . - Killingsworth Was economics head from 1949-57. In 1955 he acted as coordinator of the Vietnam Technical Assistance program here and as director of the Labor and Industrial Re­ Nota citywideor lations Center, 1956-59. National Content AS A NATIONAL authority Pxizet to bo given on labor relations, he served as chairman of the Wage in...this otore Stabilisation Hoard from Dec. • 2 Columbia Bikes 1952 until the expiration of the • Electric Jake Bax WSB the following year. • Concert HaB Organ S o m e of Kulingsworth’s • Gilbert HO Train books are “ State Labor Rela­ • 4 -Speed Phonograph tions Acts” and “Trade Union Pubticatioos, 1850-1941.” o Transistor Radio Kit • Doll Carriage He was strike arbitrator for famous name dresses specially priced o Model Cetsaa Plane the Ford Motor Company in its contract between the UAW- DR. KILLINGSWORTH • Betsy McCaB Defl • Model V-8 Engine Kit O O . F or five years he was • 17 Jewel Watch permanent arbitrator for the bersfaips la various associa­ Bethlehem Steel Company and tions including membership in The g re a te st dress special in our g re a t history of values. All styles, the United Steelworkers, and the Industrial Relations Re­ solids, strip es, plaids and novelties hard-to-beat savings o n w inter coats search Association; American Economic Association; Ameri­ can Association of University hard-to-beat savings on winter coats' Professors; ^md American Ar­ bitration Association. He is atop a charter member of toe National Academy of Arbitra­ E very new silhoutte and color. Misses and petite sizes TUE I87MTM•.E., *O ■ ■J-.-i I :itfllfSlip F THESE TRBHBWIS SHIMS NOW SfX&Fl -, ivr»]>0 r,> tors. - -h ™ /v 3 .? • - Also, see our m agnificent far4 rim m ed conte from * C Q RÉI' Red jjfll i)ÉFfin>»é>-sfeiFOSTia sportswear lingerie MMvs y Shirts Ito «*- values to 2.88 Slips and Petticoats R w . 0 1 9 . M . - R .Y Ü R e t e s i i im n M | 7 tor I f f rag. 198 All.sizes $ 1 ea. values to 3.88 « M l ì g l l i i g t e B Panties S k irts and Sweaters spadai gronp' | {* reif. to 18.88 2.88 A 3.88 . . V fM j, Handbag« . . . AW teg. Box Hosiery Sals Choice of tko house, 1 Spedai group of Sweaters, 2 » ABBOTT RD. SUrto, Stocks . . . $ 1 Limit 3 boxes to a customer BAST LANSING