Efttabifabed 1909, Vii. 53, So. 88 SenoBtt Class P o t t t n Friday Morning, October 27,"1961 7 Paid a t East Lansing, Mx-h. 12 Pages 5 Cents ia tio n s B o o st J '....... 11 M SU Coeds Wonder Fallout I n c r e a s e d Are Quarterbacks Sneaks, Not Yet B u d g e t As Sneaky as They Sound? Serious F o r 1 9 6 2 University Officibls will ask S t M b ASSOCIATED FU SS WASHINGTON (B-Fallout on the coaching stafF, was Another coed confided after­ levels'from Russia’s nuclear the Board of Trustees to call "Is a touchdown really handed the assignment. wards she bad wanted to ask explosions thus far do not war­ io r an increase in state ap­ worth just six points—o r are "Rank has Its privileges,” about the naked reverse, but rant undue public concern or propriations for 1962-63 growled Coach Duffy Daugh­ didn’t dare. drastic action, â U. Sr Public The group will ask , the different kinds of touch­ downs?” asked the pretty red­ erty when he first heard of the THERE WERE four lonely Health Service statement said trustees -for a budget to sup­ head. class. Daugherty needn't be men in the session with the Thursday. port dynamic programs in the envious now. However, the statement add­ physical and biological sci­ Hank Bullough, defensive gals. Probably the most een- tine coach for Michigan State, Bullough drew diagrams on fused was Alex. Vinatzer of ed that present levels “do war­ ences and to upgrade the Uni­ top-rated football power in the the blackboard "He’s cute,” Ortisei, Italy, an exchange rant continuous, intensive sur­ versity’s total academic pro- nation, answered that a touch- giggled thè coeds. student who knows only soccer veillance by federal, state and gram. - HPR SPLIT—'Teaching 2,H i n r d i pkj»ir«l edsraUon is no problem for instruc* down really counted just six He invited questions. They and thought this was a p la c e lQSal governments and con- The board is expected to tor Anna Ganung. She jus* ases a vpHt image technique which teaches coeds in points. showered in. Like: Wbere he could learn about sijeration of protective^ mea meet within, the next week to Why would a team want to football. - sures which might be taken if act on the budget request various rooms through closed damai» television. —State News photo by Oarlock. "Then how do they get one they, should be found nece&r Jhe budget proposed for sub­ point or Two points or three make a field goal when a touch­ The other three men were a points?” the coed persisted down is worth more points? newsman, a photographer and sary.” mission to the legislature is a member of the Student Un­ Dr. Francis Weber, chief of expected to call -for a sub­ Many Activities Scheduled with female logic. “ I just don’t understand it.” — What is a first down? Which side of the white line' do they ion sponsoring toe event. the radiological health division stantially larger appropriation "The idea, said Bullough of the public health service, than the $23.6 million for this measure the first down from? BULLOUGH WENT through What is a quarterback sneak— somewhat glumly afterwards, told newsmen that while -In­ year. Expect 22,000 Alums the explanation of the conver­ sion. rthe two point conversion the safety and the field goal. The. coed still wasn’t satis­ fied and Bullough, who spent does it mean he’s sneaky? Bullough e x p l a i n e d all patiently and the answers prompted more questions. "Was to teach them the funda­ formation still is lacking about Operating budget for the mentals of football. We want fallout effects from Monday's university, including state ap­ to make fans out of them so big blast, any significant haz­ propriations and student fee they’ll come to the games when ard from the Russian test ser­ revenue, was $30.7 million this they become wives and moth­ ies probably would not develop year. B r LOIS WHITFIELD tickets for adjoining seats by After the'“ game, alumni three years as a line standout “ WHY DID THEY take the ers. Some of them asked very until next spring. Of the State News. Staff going to booth two in-toe up­ groups will meet around their with Michigan State and two ball away from Pete Smith intelligent questions. But may­ The public health service- Trustees said this ‘ austcrifv stairs W b r of Jettison Field An estimated 22.000 alumni House after 9 a m. on Friday class standards located on the more with the pro G rew Bay (MSU quarterback) last week be we better leave the answer­ statement saicT very little is budget "-h as cut back on , all will converge on campus this or Saturday field. Packers already was sweat- when he „was throwing it so ing up to the boy friends.” " known about the effects on non-teaching and service pro­ weekend for the university’s The attendance is estimated — HOMECOMING displayswill ing. well?” animals or humans of very grams. annual Homecoming. be erected by 79 student“units, He had to give it up ' on low but prolonged exposure, PHILIP J. MAY. board vice- | at jo.OOO for Saturday and good "I want, to know how—they such *as, from natural back­ president for business and fin­ organized into five divisions know which goal -to run to?” downs, Bullough explained. A long list o f ,homecoming I seats shmdd still be available competing for individual tro­ ground radiation, radioactive activities will begin with stu­ | that Hw rig g phies. . “ . asked a blonde. “ They keep One girl whispered to another R e v i s i o n o f industrial wastes, or from fall­ ance, said Thursday that “it is dent pep rally scheduled to S Students use their activity changing it.” that she never did understand false economy in this age of The five groups include* fra­ downs, but apparently they are out from distant nuclear tests. technology and science to cut start Triday at 0:30 p.m. A par- books s ta i r guests pay the Bullough explained again. Biit-it said: - - ternities, sororities,, women’s important. back the budgets for higher rade, starting at the Union and. price of a general admission dorms, men’s dorms, and a THE COEDS kept peppering ^ One-giri d are d to é sk about­ D i s t r i c t s - "The consensus of scientific education.’' continuing around the campus, | ticket. newcomer this year, the inde­ him with questions. : opinion is that the most pru­ i s she put it “ If you’ll excuse will touch off the event. Selected to m g n over the pendents. which includes the The idea was that one of the toe expression, the belly ser­ dent course is to assume there U.Assistant Byerrum. Provost, Richard said, “ If Michi­ At approximately 7 p.m.. the homecoming s p e c t a c l e is Association of Off-Campus Stu­ coaches should hold a class for ies.” M a in I s s u e is no level of radiation ex? parade will reach Old College : blonde* btae-eved Kim Lariee, gan’s universities cannot pro­ dents^ The Colony, (formerly coeds to educate them a -b it Bullough explained how the (B—Democratic and Repub­ posure below which one can be vide adequate facilities, the Field where the pep rally win I Ih-year-etd tamor from Mount known as AO,) Ashley Founda­ about the fundamentals of foot­ ball is tucked into the tummy absolutely certain that harm­ commence. Clemens ifiss Lariee and her tion for Men, Beth-El Manor, ball. Bullough, only single man by the carrier. lican proposals for revamping ful effects may not occur fo at communities and Michigan in­ On Pre program is the activi­ j court wiS be presented at the Hedrick, House, Motts House, legislative districts showed up least a few individuals when dustry as well as the univer­ ty band, the cheerleaders stadium shortly before the Evans Scholars, Alpha Kappa at the Constitutional Conven­ sufficiently large numbers of sities second” are going to come out best.” Coach Duffy Daugherty and game, and also at the hotne- Xi, and Pi Mu Alpha. tion Thursday. people are involved. "Nevertheless, if,fallout in­ - University officials a l s o ~ some of the football team mem­ | coming dance. See HOMECOMING page S B lo o d D r iv e B e g in s Senators and members of the bers, a short student skit, and If o u s e of Representatives creased substahtiaUy, or re- expressed concern for the presentation of the Homecom­ would get voting strength equal mained high for a long time, it sc*10°l s wage scale which ing Queen and her court. THE-BAMBOUSHAY Steel Band, also scheduled to play I Seniors See 50 Yd. M o n d a y I n U n io n to the number of votes cast would become far more im- 566,118 to be sliding in the in their districts under the plan ppctant as a potential health wronS direction. submitted by six Detroit area I hazard in this country and The fall blood drive, sponsor­ typed, and shiped to hospitals Democrats. _ ™ I throughout the world ” Byerrum said that MSU,’s av­ erage wage scale is gt best at the Union for "Calypso' Night," will play four selections, and include their special fea ture, the Fight Song. _ - Line Fade Away ed by Alpha Phi Omega and in the Ingham, CPunty region. the American Red Cross, opens Monday on the fourth floor, was successful, and we hope population. Legislative districts would be “The health authorities of I only midway compared with "Last fall term ’s blood drive reapportioned on the basis of the nation.” the statement other midwestern universities, said, "are giving careful con- "Even if we attract lop sci- A •’m b aatM ii of factors. Union Building. — students and faculty will again Weldon O. Yeager. R-De- sideration to th e - possible entists with such glamor For returning alumni, esti­ have biewARl this year to help j the zone regular day when end blocks are opened. A sen­ The- goal has been set at cooperate,” said Athletic di­ troit, called for a revision of ^situations under which various lures as-the cyclotron and the mated" at '22,000, there is an posh tqapervlassmea f urther j ior cannot 1.805 pints, according to Cliff rector Clarence "Biggie” Munn, House districts to reflect necessary. corrective actions might be i computer, (financed largely by obtain end zone Alumni Stag Smoker at the* away from those coveted 30- seals on the regular day for Rice, chairman. Ingham County Red Cross population more- accurately, n«>0cfi9rv ” federal grants) it is dlfficuit Jack Tar Hotel in Lansing | yard fane seats for home foot- j allocation of senior but proposed retention of area to-keep, them when we cannot Sponsored by the MSU Alumni j bait games tickets, "If we can make this goal, it chairman. ! {compete with salaries offered representation in the Senator Club of Ingham County, the With the resurgence oH a time,’’ Beardslee said. . "We only event will begin at 8 p.m. Fri­ Btock S uader the direction of j Beardslee said ticket de­ open one block at will be an all-time record for .Blood drive a fall term blood drive at the week is as follows: Monday: 11 schedule a.m. • 2 for p.m. the fac­ one Legislative reapportionmerit, of the main issues of the Weather by other universities and in­ dustry,” he said. day, University,” he said. - Today’s expected high in M esk Halts Asse and an ever- mands for Saturday’s game Living units will again com­ ulty only. 2-5 p.m. open to stu­ convention, is certain to touch the low 50’s low in the low Byerrum said that MSU is Also schedule«! Friday, night utcreasmg demand for 56-yard ] with Indiana are far below the already recognized as a nation­ is the Alumni President’s Ban-, line seal* by seniors and j peak hit -before last week's pete for trophies for toe highest dents. off sparks between Republi­ 30’s. percent donated. Tuesday* 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. can and Democratic delegates. al leader in toe biological sci­ quet at Kellogg Center, featur­ graduate students. the pro Noire Dame encounter: Saturday's forecast: fair Wednesday: 2 p.m. —8 p.m. Democrats have set reapport­ and cooler with little tem­ ences but will be unable to pro­ ing the announcement of Club Mem* «1 «biju&iag choice seats THE DONATED blood is Thursday: 2 p.m. - 8 pto. ionment as a major goal. gress-in this vital area because Awards. perature change. of a lack of funds. processed by the Red Cross, Friday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. See CON-CON page 10 Highlight oL homecoming 1are growing. _ I .- , 1 ¥ r* weekend will be the football en­ BkwfcSwiBocnipy 1J12 seats T O r C e t l IlllO counter in which the SpartansJ in sects©®* II and 11 Saturday. Yugoslav Author the number one team in the na- [ This vffl carve a sizeable tion, meet the Indiana Hoosiers chunk oat of junior allocations. Tesis: Reds at 1:30 "p.m. in Spartan Stadi-j " It is possible,’” said athletic Wi.;:i Nobel Prize urn. ticket manager Bill Beardslee, MOSCOW OP — P r e m i e r "for a senmr to sit on the 20- STOCKHOLM,- Sweden (JtV— yarii ftne if he doesn’t make Khrushchev Thursday told Ivo Andric, a Yugoslav author STUDENTS wishing to pur-* Ghana's President Nkrumah chase tickets for non-student j the line early.™ who wove the dark currents of that resumption of nuclear test­ modern -life into a powerful friends or parents may obtain) Beard&lee said that some stu­ ing was forced on the Soviet dents have arrived as early as Union by the Western powers. trilogy of novels drawn from 13:31 a.ot Monday to stand in his country's troubled past, Khruschev offered the ex­ Ernest- Melbv j | line for tickets.:. planation in a message reply­ I The ticket* are never given ing to a letter In which Nkru­ was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize for literature today. A prewar diplomat who was To Direct m t v s blocks of-, more than mah had deplored the Soviet eight onfiess cleared by the Union’s current series of nu- Yugoslavia’s last minister to Hitler’s Germany, Andric now Spartan Spoil Organization. I clear blasts. Seminar Beardslee s a l Moscow _ray MGM that he had been chos­ Honorary will present a water On Stone.... 82 Each ou r com plete line o f en to be a Member of a college show in the Men’s Intramural all-star band and to make a Pool, and the soccer team will jazz recording, which will he meet Purdue. Both events are D a r k - C o t t o n released later this winter. Hart has been playing trump­ at 10 a.m. RANNEY et since he was eight. * Jewelers M a t e r n i t y - Four Michigan State coaches Wash The Pot R irtlfirt Oi s i Im I A are members of the U.S. Olym­ _ It takes more than a quick KGISTTWDftW» T r a v e l e r pic committees for - their re­ rinse to clean the coffee pot. A iMDamcpisodn spective sports. They are Fcn- thorough washing with deter­ dley Collins in wrestling, Char-j gent and water will remove Next to State Theater F a s h i o n s i les McCaffree in swimming, stale coffee oils from the pot, John Kobs in baseball and spout and other parts of the East Lansing Charles Schmitter in fencing. appliance. 5 . 9 5 Visit our most complete depart­ ment of fashions for the lady In R E M O D E L IN G S A L E ! waiting. You’ll find fashions for any and every occasion, Including TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TREMENDOUS SAVM0S ROW underfashions of slips, panties, garter - belts, bras and girdles. Fabrics in drip-dry-cottons, cordu­ Whirling skirt and a gene­ WM1ER Rais Coat S p e c ia l Group SPORT roys, wools, acetates ¿nd brocades. Shop Knapp’s East Lansing- for rous fashioned collar make JACKETS R e gSpacial SWEATERS SHIRTS the finest in maternity wear. this dress ready for busy days, traveling, all occa­ . « 1 9 .9 5 Values to $12t95 lU f . $3.95 Tops and Blouses 3.08 to 14.95 sions. F a s h i o n e d by 202 OFF ONLY$12.99 ONLY80.00 No* 2 for $7 Shirts, Slacks, Bermudas 2.M to 10.95 Coquette in cotton-lawn prints of blue and teal, SUITS TOP COATS CORDUROYS Ties 1 and 2 Piece Dresses Underfashions 5.95 to $25 __ . $1 to 8.16 green and gold or orange and tan. Sizes 10 to 18. Reg. 865 and $55 I Reg. $55 Reg. $8.95 vain« V aiata to 92.50 now * > » I uw 145 39 ONLY SUI ONLY00a MATERNITY — GARDEN LEVEL COTTON DRESSES - STREET LEVEL 228 ABBOTT RD. te a N M A « VARSITY SHOP EAST LA N SIN G KNAPPS EAST LANSING STORE ... OPEN TODAY AND SATURDAY FROM 9:30 TO 5:30 'Buy now and save” e Michipm Stete ffaw«, En» U m b tf, Mickigm SCÍKK Bfttay Morning, O ttofer 2 7 , 1961'-1 “'I; 'm-m i i i J i m i Span lob Director Science To Speak Here ~p)£ Vehicle notion about an International oMite planet will he discussed WINTER, Wlr. IB—1There’s a warm welcome watting In Winter f o r - Dr. Elias T. BILL STEINER Problem I effects of the dipole technique the amount of material used in by Dr. Maurice L. Anthony, di­ rector of the Space Laboratory of Martin-Denver Co., Colo­ rado, next week. Scieaee Editor ion space activities or on any the experiment was Very Eyvindsson of Iceland. ^ !branch of science. Anthony, a t applied mathe­ That was the word from The needles fired into space small. There will be less than matician, will speak a t 4 p.m. State Medical Society head­ last week should have no ! DR. STOKLEY pointed out 1/500 of an ounce of material Wednesday in 4M Electrical quarters a t Madison which significant effect upon astrono­ that, according to the findings over each square mile under Engineering butUBng. helped bring_Winter and Ice­ mical observations, according of the President’s Science Ad­ the belt two months after He obtained M i education land together fo \ meet the to Dr. James Stokley, associate visory Committee, ^ it would launching. This is far less than from the Illinois Institute of Northern W i s c o n s i n com­ professor of journalism, lectur­ take at least 100,000 times as the amount of material normal­ Technology and is a well- munity’s need for e physician. er In physics and astronomy many dipoles to affect radio- known authority in orbit ballis­ Eyviadsson is expected to ar­ and former director of the Fels astronomy observations. ly found in space near the rive next month. He is giving Planetarium in Philadelphia. Also, visual, photographic or earth. tics. up the directorship of a 40- Dr. Stokley was commenting photoelectric observations from bed hospital in Neskaupstadur on Project West Ford, a com­ the ground will not be affected, to begin practice in Winter, n munications experiment de­ since, after two months, the Sawyer County resort of 400 >ns that triples its popu- ition during the summer tour­ signed to (dace about 75 pounds narrow belt will increase the of hair-like filaments, called brightness of even the darkest dipoles, into a short-lived belt part of the night sky by less FOREIGN CAR OWNERS ist season. than one per cent. Even then, Winter has been looking for around the earth. this additional brightness wilTf a doctor since 1950. Early this The purpose of the experi­ occur over only a very limit­ New Equipment Has Just Been Installed year Eyvindsson replied to an ment is to test the possibility ed portion of the sky at any of using the orbiting dipole one time. ad in a medical journal. belt as a means of reflecting _ To Accomodate Your Car At The doctor, a University of As to space flights, any Iceland Medical School greda- rifwais between large jnicro- space-craft, manned or un­ ate, should feel a t hom e. in wave transmitters end sensi­ manned, which is adequately tive receivers, and to test the protected Winter where temperatures sometimes dip to 40 below. particles against the small (micro meteorites) ^ Frandor Auto Wash Dr. John M. Mason, director of the Academic Year Institute program. ★ ★ ★ Saturn Launch which naturally exist around the earth, will also be protect­ Frandor Shopping Center — Daily 8-6, Sun. 8:30*2 NORTHWESTERN UNIVER­ ed against the West Ford fila­ Planned Soon Academic Year Institute SITY — Poor nutrition may be the cause of some bad grades in school, says Dr. George M. Cunnins, Jr. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - ments, no. matter what orbit the spacecraft uses. The Space Agency shifted at­ DR. STOKLEY said he felt Program Offered Here Bad eating habits can lead to hysical and emotional pro- lems that can impair scholas­ tic performance, he suggested. tention Wednesday to the up­ that scientists feared the es­ coming launch of the first Sa­ tablishment of a precedent for turn super-rocket following in­ this sort of thing rather than definite postponement of an the present experiment. Phi Eta Sigma MSU is one of a select num­ 826 for the 1961 AYI budget. life of the members, the wives attempt to fire a Ranger 2 However, it should be point­ ber of colleges add universities throughout the country chosen Of this,, each member re­ of group and instructors meet ceives a stipend of $3000, tuition with Mrs. Mason to plan ouch Crowded conditions in some school cafeterias often lead satellite deep into space. ed out that even this fear The Saturn launch, delayed should be unnecessary. Pres­ Pins and Certificates children to a lunch-time diet of by the National Science Foun fees in full, a book allowance things as Bohemian dinners, candy bars and doughnuts. last week so refinements could ent government policy states datlon to offer an Academic of $50 and $450 for each de­ dances, and other social affairs. Barring disease, the com­ be made in the flight cofflirbl that no further launchings of Year Institute program. The AYI, now in its second pendent, up to a maximum of “The students of this group four dependents. -—_ — are also urged to participate monest causes of bad nutrition are poor eating habits o r emo­ system, is expected within a orbiting dipoles will be planned, few days. until after the results of the Friday, October 27 successful year under the di­ “Of the 45 accepted partici­ in campus activities,” Mason tional problems. Symptoms Scientists are making exten­ West Ford experiment have rection of Dr. John M. Mason pants, 11 were Michigan resi­ said. most often are weakness, low­ sive checks of the towering The been analyzed and evaluated. of the Science-Math Teaching Center, was established here dents and 34 were from other He went on to say that in all states,” Mason said. the activities of the AYI mem­ er body Temperature, slow heart rate, even mentid and rocket’s thousands of complex foreign p arts.—. , findings and conclusions of and domestic scien­ and . In 1960. ... THESE PARTICIPANTS will bers, be it social or academic, emotional disturbances. The National Aeronautics ed in such,beanalysis tists will carefully consider­ and evalua­ Through this program, ’se­ be offered four courses and a a spirit of unity has always and Space Administration gave ★ ★ ★ tions. lected secondary teachers of general science and mathema­ seminar set up especially for 'been prevalent within the them. ----- group. - LANSING — Membdrs of the up any hope of getting Ranger A final safety factor was 2 off the ground in a critical planning the belt so that it Monday, October 30 tics are given one year of spec­ The courses and seminar are Michigan Natural Resources eight-day period which, ends. would be self-removing. This ialized courses at MSU to im­ acceptable as credit towards Council met Wednesday at the Friday. plement their training and ed­ the Masters of Arts for Teach­ means that, due to the orbit it ucation in the sciences. ers degree, or, in some cases, Careers Offered Jack T ar Hotel in Lansing. This years conference dealt There apparently is no trouble was placed In, there is rea­ with Ranger’s Atlas-Agena sonable assurance that sub­ 112NaturaiScience THE OBJECTIVES of the the Master of Science degree. For Engineers with the place of iron and cop­ booster. But a similar Agena stantially all the filaments will AYI are threefold, and are: ' These four course are: Bio­ per in Michigan’s economy. engine malfunctioned on a Dis­ have returned to earth within 1-To improve subject matter logical Science for Teachers, The foundry industry offers The p art these minerals and coverer satellite launch earlier four to eight years. 9-10 A.M. competence of participating Earth Science for Teachers, challenging careers for engi­ their development will play in this week and officials want to teachers. Mathematics for Teachers, and the future received special at­ find out why before committing HOWEVER, even if the di­ neering graduates, according to s tre n g th e n the capacity of Physical Science for Teachers. Donald Huizenga, plant super­ tention. Ranger to flight. poles were to remain in space, these teachers to motivate stu­ THE AYI MEMBER may se­ intendent of the Munice Div., ★ ★ h dents to consider careers in lect throe of these four courses, Albion Malleable Iron Co. science. in addition to taking .the Semi­ EDWARDS A I R FORCE Addressing the Michigan Re­ 3-Bring these teachers into nar on Recent Advances in Sci­ gional Foundry Conference in BASE, Calif. (H—A new escape personal contact with the high­ ences and Mathematics which Kellogg Center, Huizenga said capsule was rocketed from a ly productive scientists and Dr. Mason instructs. that foreign competition and B55 Hustler Bomber Wednes­ mathematicians who make up The group also meets regular­ missile age technical require­ day- the staff of the institute. ly to attend lectures by men ments are responsible for ever To be eligible, applicants prominent in the scientific field increasing demands on Ameri­ aerial test in a series using must be employed as secondary and view films of scientific can foundry engineers. — The ejection was the first life-size dummies. The goal is -G O teachers of general science, concern. (detection for fliers who bail must have had three years of Last year, Dr. Smith, the “ Competition in the foundry out a t supersonic speeds. teaching experience, and if ac­ Earth Science instructor, took industry is now world w ide,' The Air Force flight center cepted, must plan to return to the group for a-week-fong visit be said, “foreign .countries can said the steel cocoon was shot, teaching after the year at MSU. to Canadian uranium mines, ship castings into the United with two rockets, from the “ This year we have had 488 limestone quarries, and geo­ States and sell them at prices plane flying 431 miles per hour completed applications, and out logical points of interest. lower than those of our own a t 20,000 feet. Barometric pres­ of these, 45 people were accept­ Dr. Smith said that this year manufacturers. sure opened the main para­ ed into the AYI,” Mason said. she plans to make' a similar “Higher standards of precis­ chute a t 15.000 feet ana the trip with the new AYI group ion and quality are further capsule landed eight minutes THE NATIONAL Science sometime in July. challenging engineers in the later. Foundation has granted $268,- ASIDE FROM the academic casting industry,” Huizenga said. “To meet this challenge ★ f t ft engineering graduates with new CHICAGO — The stamina of -G O Herbarium , ideas areJbadly needed.” athletes can be increased and To attract capable graduates tenstoodBdnced indigestion and the casting industry must use nausea reportedly eliminated Everyones Three-fold Service a dynamic approach, accord­ by the tu e of a unique liquid ing to Huizenga. A crash re ­ pre-game meal. cruiting program m ust be The high calorie liquid meal, adopted. reposted by the Journal of the Plants, 180,000 of them, pro­ herbarium performs is in the NO. 1 TEAM American He said that foundries offer is called Sustagen. Msdical Association, vide-« three-fold service to the identification of plants. Any I t was used university. plant material the public sends the potential employee many in place of usual foods advantages^ includlng: variety for pre- H ie {duds m ake up the game feedbag by the 52-man botany department’s herbar­ in will be identified. This does of work, opportunity for origi­ ium. not have to be in the form of nal ideas, stability of employ­ University of Nebraska foot­ ball squad (hiring the 1900 sea­ The herbarium, n r plant li­ a whole plant but can be just ment and a choice of widely son and is being used by a brary as it could be called, is fragments of leaves or stems. varied company sizes and lo­ number of teams this year. located on the second and third The State Police often use the cations. floors in the west wing of the resources of the herbarium. Natural Science building. The Nebraska players were “At present the foundry In­ reported to have ho pre-game Another service provided by dustry is looking forward to a I n T h e N a t i o n vomiting, no complaint of mus­ EACH PLANT in the herbar­ the herbarium is in teaching bright future,” Huizenga said cular cramps; tneir strength ium is mounted separately on assistance. It is especially help­ “Regardless of technique, there and endurance were improv­ a large sheet of rag paper. The ful for those in advanced are better, cheaper and more ed; and no particular weight mounted specimens are kept botany courses. in large steel filing cases, in THE HERBARIUM is also efficient ways.” change was noted. Your Number 1 Spot For the cases, the plants are ar­ ranged according to evolu­ im portant in the area of re­ search. The specimens are us­ tionary order o f the family ed by faculty and graduate they belong to and each mem­ students. They can also be ber of the plant family is then loaned out to other qualified arranged alp h ab etical. ☆ LARGESTDISCOUNT■ TOWN☆ MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES M M e g a p h o n e s researchers. The principle service the The herbarium is actually Needles Gone divided into two parts. The second -floor herberia, known as the Beal-Darlington Her­ POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES COMPLETE LIN E OF ACCESSORIES s C o w B e lls beria, contains 126,000 speci­ —. S w e a t s h ir t s WASHINGTON OB—The Air mens and is devoted to plants Force can’t find the 350 million that reproduce by seed. The COMF1.ETI AUTO New ft Rabatt copper needles it thought it third floor berberia, called the SPRING o • t a r t a n __f • otaaratiw S o u v e n ir s had released into space from Cryptogamic Herberia, has 54,-! an orbiting satellite. 000 specimens dealing with 11 announced Wednesday plants that reproduce by other that its Lincoln Laboratories, means. SERVICE Far Can. Tracks. Tractor* GLASS b H t t i r laaMlaS WUla Toa Walt • Faci N a i a • Watar F a w n • Clateh Flau* a " Li h in charge of “Project West According to Dr. J. H. Bea­ Ford,” reported th at no radar man, r curator of the Beal- contort has yet been establish­ Darlington Herbaria, the her­ KRAMER AUTO CAMPUS BOOK STORE ed with the mass of minute barium was formally, opened needles, called dipoles. in 1889, but there were already While this may be discourag­ 16,000 specimens there at that PARTS ing to those conducting the time. test, it was happy news for as­ The herbarium ranks 26th in tronomers and others who had size in the U. S., Dr. Beaman MUHME HOP SERVICE pretested that t h e orbiting said. In it are one of the larg­ blanket of hair-like needles est Michigan collections and 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4*1235 might interfere with their stud­ also important collections from ies. the western U. S. and Mexico. Across From The Union Building - ED 2-0877 ¡ïïWgsgB Michigan State Newi, E m* tttttrfwg, HOMECOMING SPECIAL The Book 'H is to ry o f M ichigan S ta te ' P u b lis h e d at *5.00 H o m e c o m in g S p e c ia l * 1 . T 5 ICE-BREAKER—Students and faculty of the Agriculture College fot together Wednesday evening at their annual dinner. The dinner is In aHew faculty and Spartan Book Store students to become better acquainted. —State News phtoo by Bdn Feher. Frauder Shopping Center Corner Ann & M.A.C. MON. THRU FRI. TILL I East Lansing, Michigan - Expert Says College Helps SAT. TUL 7 Super Markets Need More Competent Managers Education pays in dollars' 40 percent felt college educa­ training will we be able to ef­ and cents, according to Law­ tions were unnecessary- fectively compete with other rence Silverman, special re­ “ A college education is im­ forms of retailing.” search assistant in the depart­ portant and we must begin Silverman expressed hope ment of Marketing and Trans­ now to do what should have that the food chain organiza­ portation. been done yesterday,” he said. tions would remedy the situa­ At the yearly meeting of the “Only through education and tion soon. SF E C I A L National Association of Food Chains in Chicago last week, Silverman said that the heart of the food industry, the super­ market store operation, needs competent, educated managers. ‘“n ie position of store man­ ager must be enhancedin the IFC areas of prestige, status, re­ sponsibility and authority, if we expect to keep goodmen at the store level,” Silverman said. PanHel Ball He compared two groups of students An the field of food distribution. NOV. 10, 1961 P o e group ^eludes those who have company sponsorship, while they attend a special one- vear non-degree program in Music by Tracy Hakey foed distribution. Another group includes those who iiave an-under-graduate degree or a M.A. in business Purchase your tickets from administration, with food dis­ tribution as a major field. Silverman said thatm em bers your House Representative of neither of the student groups show desire to become career store managers. "Sixty percent of store man­ agers who were questioned about their own job opportu­ nities said that they felt their present positions were most satisfying and the best paying- MASONIC TEMPLE jobs they could hope to-atiain. Silverman said the remaining Better NAMBIIR6 ER. . . SHAKE. . . FRENCH FRIES Increased MCDONALD’S "ALL AMERICAN MEAL’ ONLY Conte in and get acquainted. T ry an “ All A m erican" a t \ f j ^ M c D o n a ld 's . . . 100% P u re B eef H am b u rg er, only 1 5 6 . .. rich; _ 4 5 Ç .7 .FOR A FAMILY OF FÍVE S 2 . 2 5 cream y, triple-thick M ilk Shakes, only 206 • - • crisps delicious F re n c h F ries, o n ly 106.. .a m eal fo r only 456. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Octane Gasolines I BLOCKEAST OF CAMPUS FRI. OPEN TILL A SAT. 1 A.M. EAST LANSING Octane Reg 2120 Ñ. LARCH (US 2 7 ) ) 101+ Octane i LANSING P re m iu m 4700 S. CEDAR (US 127) > At Your Local Stations 1«U East Michigan 3704 Aurelius Ruud at Marshall •t Irvtafteu a ■'• 1 -. r r. ■ SgflHINKnHi iw ^uw ^gial?' •MfcrtN. Berretta Kahab- Jothing specialist at Mkh- I p i UaiaaraMy , says asfir and waawa «Mlhaep I principles to mtod when T O N IG H T IS C A L Y P S O N IG H T I the Caribbean Club presents the - ★ BA M BOU SHA Y ST E E L BA ND * ‘Speedy’ Here • MAMBO • CHA CHA CHA • TWIST • MERENGUE • BOLERO • PACHANGA For Homecoming Limbo Contest — Prise: L.P. Record “ Speedy” of Alka-Seltzer (popular records will be played at intermissions) commercial fame arrived on campus Thursday. UNION BALLROOM 8 - 12 75c & $1.25 Richhrd L. Beals, former president of the MSU Alumni Club in Los Angeles, Calif., and the radio and TV voice of Representatives from Speedy Alka-Seltzer, is here for the homecoming weekend. CORAL CABLES’ Besides the game on Satur­ day, Beal’s main reason for NORAIR-NORTRONICS coming is to attend meetings of the-A lum ni Presidents’ win visit the campus Workshop this weekend. H E WAS INVITED, as were The N am e th a t Made Pizza Fam ous in Lansing. the presidents of all the other alumni clubs in the country, OCTOBER 31 by Starr Keesler, alumni re­ lations director, to take part in the homecoming festivities. Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons - Dinners to discuss career opportunities in the Also C atering to Beals, one of some 1400 Uni­ P rivate P arties - Banquets - M eetings Los Angeles area. Visit the Engineering versity alumni in California, Placement Office immediately and sign an has been working on the Miles Visit O ur Rathskeller appointment sheet Laboratories commerc­ ials since 1952. Other com­ jO pen 5 p.m. D a ily - — mercials for which Beals has ♦Phone ED 2-71311 worked are: P eter Pan Peanut *0«rH*0PCO*FORATIOH,tCVCaiYHILLS, CALIFORNIA butter, Kraft Foods, and Kool- Complete Take-Out Service tmriSlCHSi NO*ant,-*ORTItONtCS#*AOiO*LA*lw 2t. Chagrin 22. Coverstbs a ittm i 2S. Wintar stormi 27. DestiiûM 30. Starchy foodstuff SI. Wiodflowor 33. Bor gaia H M lfom dagger 38. Walking sticks 37. Youngatar 38. Whirl 40. Liquidato 41. AProsi- dent’s Atomic Blast Effects Evaluated by S P E C IA L PURCHA SE 9 .9 0 O PERA PUM PS a wonderful footweor buy and the smartest way to complete a costume. In smooth medium heel ALT UNI VERSI TY MASQUERADE DANCE MJS.U. N.A.A.GP. Shop Jacobson’s F riday Friday, October 27th 9:30 a.m. te 5:30 p.m. Admission 50c Lnion Parlors A, B & C th e best thesis Casual Drames yping k end A KNACK FOR WIARINO KNITS printing •speeterity whan the style is casual an d the dress wonderfully fpons eccosiennl. t y Morie Phillips,♦ .strip ed , bloused Wa'ra simply imd about buttarfUag • • WONCH Ginn SERVICE jacket with bow of waist, solid skirt and dickey in sert. . especially when they grace Vanity Fair’spetti-slip and brief. 1720 E. Michigan all in cotton knit. Pastel In soft as ever nylon fricot. So bright and gay, you almost shades o f green o r grey. h a lt to cover them up. Blue 8ft* HoW-slip, XS,S,M sites. A M Lansing 4847786 — 5-15 sizes. I 4 . M Irief, 4,5,6 sizes. 2 .5 0 . What mental picture do you have when you think of eggs? The consumer’s image of various farm commodities was one topic for discussion Thurs­ ragulsrly $11.98 day, a t the National Workship oa Promotion of Farm Pro­ Buy new fo r C hristm as giving, ami nave $6.00 ducts held at Kellogg Center. salisfaetiea guaranteed — exclusively a t The Workshop is exploring techniques in planning, carry­ ing out, and evaluating prcT motional activities in the field of agricultural products, with OPEN EVENINGS emphasis on eggs, poultry and 323 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE meats, dairy products and fruit. Attending the conference are more than 100 representatives of producers and advertising ™f DOWNTOWN groups from 27 states around NEW * *u N* WASHINGTON the nation. The conference is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the MSU de­ partment- ^ agricultural eco­ nomics. Army ROTC Drill Team “ I’VE GOT IT”—These two youngsters were part of a group of pre-Halloween revelers at Phi Sigma Kappa’s Students PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-3817 Halloween party Wednesday evening. —State News photo by Dave Jackm ai, Score With Iwould be elected to four year Block S terms and the 110 house mem­ bers'to two year terms. Little E A S T L A N S I N G - P H O N E E D .1 - 2 S I 4 (Continued from page 1) change would be made in the NIGHTS & SUN. — ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65c The convention, meanwhile, Senate. — House representation' would ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -tabled a resolution to set up a Nov. 22 deadline for introduc­ tion of proposals and adjourned Tie changed considerably. The Upper PeoiosuU would lose two seats, the 27 Northern STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7 AND 9:25 P M BRIGITTE for another long weekend. They NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU BLUSH EASILY will reassemble Jdonday night counties of the Lower Penin­ sula would lose four seats, the BARD O T The revision would limit-pop- 12 Southern counties outside FIRST mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammm ulation variation in House dis­ Wayne would stay even, the SHOW “THE BEST PICTURE SINCE ‘HIROSHIMA tricts to 2,500 and those in Thumb area would lose one, SATURDAY MON AMOUR"’.—w.cocw,*^, esquire Senate districts to 4,000. Wayne county would lose one, SUNDAY Yeager proposed to divide Oakland county would gain 1 P.M. “PROFOUNDLY m em o ra ble w ork o f the state into 27 legislative four, Mpcomb three and Gene­ CINEMATIC ART.”—wuiSTEK post areas with each to have at see one. The Bay-Saginaw-Mid­ least one senator and-one re­ land county area would pick up MCHELANG&jO presentative. The 34 senators two. «NTOMOMS LOUIS MlCktUSE J0URDAN • PRESLE An(flit tiiteauf WITH MONICA VITTI • GABRIELE FKRZETTI THIS IS ONE OF-THE YEAR’S GREAT PICTURES SOPHISTICATED ADULT COMEDY COME EARLY FOR SEATS TUESDAY • SOPHIA LOREN IN “TWO WOMEN EXCLUSIVE SHOWING I 3 TOP FEATURES ADMISSION 90c Picture FRI., SAT., SUN. ADULTS ONLY - G LA D M ER Today At 1:40-3:40-5:40 7:40-9:40 THE PICTURE Saturday At 1:20 - 5:20 - 9:20 I you YOU NEVER Aimstraight for the mark in ¡EdgarAllan ¿ I love EXPECTED! Country Casuals ancient madder ■ me, » coton — VINCENT PRICE TO SEE i B a t u r a l '& i j o u i b e r e b C la * < ic * I its IIP © ¡R T S JACEEH I the Starting T o i ì l O I T O W ° ” ° " r Blg most SUPER-BARGAIN DAY PROGRAM honest All Day Shewing of These Two Features RETURNED BY POPULAR thing! DEMAND! . . . IF YOU MISSED IT BEFORE SEE IT NOW R eserve Y our D earest E m otions. . . Your Sw eetest Tears “ANNA« SIN" and Y our W arm est SHOW N ONCE S n U n fo r... AT 9:00 P.M. e n h a n c e th o s e • ... shoulders with which Nature has endowed~you. Dart in for your ancient madder sports jacket. You’ll have no cause to regret the impulse! 2ND FIRST RUN HIT 3RD GUEST FEATURE A CAUTION C CtÓWiKiìiSEà Imiat that your Nat- y s w nke u ra l-S h o u ld e re d C le * - iW ralShoukieFfld LOVER! ROVER! lie * h a * 0 lab e le d , fo r non* other ara the original and g e n u in e article. THE TEEN-AGE LOVERS K N A P P S COLOR EAST LANSING MW*TECHNICOLOR*taeWARNCA BROS. Ö is.r.v* ' ’’I •r •- « s a • «KosctniuMMCMi IWMM*Wa^UaWWtWWMWn«MWgMM>faaieMtaW«»MMH ' Feature M urday I* t M - 6:45 - 16:41 SHOWN TWICE AT 7:66 AND 12:8» Sunday 1:*»-4 :1 * .« :» - » :« • • Bex Offices doses 16 * . SM i# P ! ^ w i ÿiiiBÈSMBîêMïï&mwâ W mÈ; ! ^feaLi S s ¡Salí»! “ HP9jPSi g s ^ M B ^ t e & i i i W M B ^ t h ^t " i ^ T ? 1'i i l B P f f W ^ 11111 "'* 1 1 " '■ I H ^ M tó&tì r^gar-c-!if '¡Æ . F rid a y M o m i f , O c to b e r FT* 1 9 6 1 1 , ■yy;,*: iV--X -\>V~ mim Flower Lover MOXRtl RICHMAN SHOP WITH ME IN Placement Has Garden p r« s « b t* -O A M PÜ S CLA SSIFIED S Behind Olds PH O N E 3 3 5 -8 2 5 5 or 3SS42S6 B u re a u 'A faU' flower garden, plant­ D E A D L IN E liO O P .M . ed and cared for by a man Interviewing at tbe Place­ who loves flowers, has been ment Bureau Wednesday. Ad­ noticed by many people go­ mm ditional Information in tbe ing to and coming from foot­ Placement Bureau Bulletin for ball games. A U T O M O T IV E F O R SALE PERSO NA L tbe week of Oct. 30 to No­ Located behind Olds Hall, ^ •"■ sT T O s^ k ^ w ^ rrt LABRADOR RETRIEVER p u r­ BAM and BEX. Thanks to r vember 3. the garden was planted by Mil MM. S O M < M » ple* Rot rsglstorod. Reasonable to KOod home. Phone ED H I D . XI ? * r k ° L n k « ' P o q d c o m p le te M ic23a Kroger Co. interviewing all Stephen Hulks, who works in ■ DM FÓRO, 2-4r. V-8. soto- mstlc.- Body needs work. Run* BEAUTIFUL RED PIN O *o » n THE BILL HART OrcbMtl» tor l i a majors in the colleges of busi­ the Highway Research Labora­ \| y«rf*ct. ì w l offsr. IM-MH- i l and t«II. w orn only a taw boars. “Daace Maate with b a n “ Call ¡a£á¡N ¡ ness end Public Service, sci­ tory. I XT rORXX Blu*. 2 door, radio, 4 « 7 BD 2-5503. 22 ence and arts and communica­ “I'VE BEEN doing this for bester, standard shift Cxealtsnt tion Arts December and March about 10 years.” Hulks said ninnine condition. 1M-TM7 afl«r Opcnn CRUM.6T tv . tflea in KAREN KRUG Will Z e ro a c h ’’* » study s tu d y Fri F r id a y a t « a n ­ “ I use my own seeds and plant A p.m. n tonkins. sood tforkln*. Call KD T* do w C H a r ray r* Pktlko. grads. All majors from the •ITT avenías*. i #s College of Agriculture. _ three different kinds of mari­ > .1X4 OLDS. »4 Holiday roup*. gold? and some Zinnias. N#w M int excellent condition. LP RETORDS 75c. Tapes fl.to, ED 7-2134. J j ether H4P1 accessories. Privata Swift and Co. interviewing all “ I love flowers, and have al­ ■^’OLKMWAOOS. 195* sedan, sun roof, radio, hoatsr, n - Delux« party. ED M i l i . FOR TOC, your roommate, or K hbu majors from -the College of Agriculture. Civile mechanical, ways had a flower garden. One place where I lived didn't have ecllant condition Mast sail this your housa, —Magasines — any week. ca ll r s t - z t : z as magasin*. ED 2-4717. After A 22 HavtWMTHfM chemical engineers, chemist and Ag'. chemical research anyplace to grow them, so I 1944 FORD. v-». «Ik'S, n* TROPICAL FI8H. plants, and started planting them behind brake*, duals. $150 or offer. ED SÏ supplies. Otheona. i l i W. Miller majors December, March, and Olds Hall.” M IS a f t e r 4:00, I V 4-5015 a n y tim e R o a d . TC 2-14*1. 27 June grads. All majors in the Hulka lives at 307 N. Chest- APPLES: Rad Delicious. Jona­ College of Science and Arts nut,' Lansing,„and also has a 1*54 FORD. 2 door, excellent thons. McIntosh, Northern S p y * and communication arts, busi­ mechanical condition, pood tirea and Cortland*- Freeh apple eider. flower garden- there. and' sood b«4y. Tremendous buy. Squash. Pie and Halloween pump­ ness and economics. Hotel Wed.« Nov. 8* 8 p . m . ED 2-1919. 74 kin*. Farm fresh ess*- Also other Restaurant and Institutional fruits and vegetable« at reason­ « 1*54 ’ FORD convertible. Black able price*. Roadside Farm Mark­ Management majors. Decem­ Michigan State's Spartan Civic Center and « h ita T», automatic. ra«Ho et. 2 mtlos seat of East Lanatns ber and March graduates only. statue, symbol for MSU ath­ T ic kAe tl ls 9S«2aMts - R e3.50 - 3-SO and heater. $525. 855-8984. 22 on US 14 at Okemos Road. tf s e rv e d letic teams, weighs three tons N O W ON S A L E A T ' 1952 MO-TD New top. tonneau. The Martin C o .B a ltim o r e and is one of the largest tree- T h e D is c » h o p • P in o ’s Brakaa. Good condition. Can ED 2- Division interviewing electric­ standing ceramic figures In the fie sCeivr»icé tioC en as te Cr aBlle xI VO f3-0 t le t . . Ji>40. 21 A N N T . E R S A R .T S A L B 43$ DO IT YOURSELF—C»*e Hall coeds complete the preliml- al, mechanical, metallurgical world ^ 1*55 OLDSMOBILK Good trans- pnrtattonTCall ED 2-14*7 «venins» 25 % - 75% D IS C O U N T Rartes «1 their Homecoming display in anticipation of an engineers. Astronomy, physics, and wcphend*. ___________ 25 applied Mechanics, physical N e e d w e s a y m o ra ? tmpsrtsnt weekend. —State News photo by Bela Feber. 1X7 TRItTMPH. Hardtop, wire Chemistry and math majors. J h " ip aa -HA ■ ■ HBr* LANSINCS 1 wheels, (rood condition. Must **11. Internal Revenue Service in­ 1 11 I I I 1 ■ ■■ - l_0J7IV A fi.tr ST : IV 5-0359. 27 WILLIAM It. THOMPSON G 1» . g h 1 L I H r H H terviewing accounting, and po­ MOTHER'S 'RAM® not' n'eedotl when you Insure your auto with JEWELERS lice administration and all I .R m mH Itm P m o> tota* ta 1i^R1 %^ta L « 1 T H C O IfiC . ! Bohol*. On top of Jacobson’s. ED 2- •471. —— — 2d G r e e k s W i l l D a n c e other majors interested in field \ “ OIL0 W W. ST: JOE------ -^Tiy Ï *419S FRANDOR M ALL on-positions as revenue officer Two Miles Southwest of Lansing on M-7S and revenue agent. I V 5-074» I n ‘ C a m e lo t ’ S e t t in g U. S. Army Audit Agency — FRI. • SAT. • SUN. • Exclusive First Run GO-ROSE B O W L . S e n d *1 .0 0 f o r Detroit ^District interviewing HIT NO. (11 SHOWN AT 7:00 - 11:44 y o u r b u m p e r s tic k e r to B u m p e r accounting majors and those S t ic k e r o f th e M o n th C lu b , «13 The PanHel-IFC sponsored tinuing the theme introduced S te p h e n s o n Bids . D e t r o i t 2. M ic h ­ from the college of Business WHAT KINO OP ig a n . _____ 22 TO BUY A "Camelot” dance will be held by the comical knight who has and Public Service. TH1NUS! U S D IV E R S lu n e a n d r a s u le t o r . been the feature of the dance’s STNANOS * 1 * C a li R ic h a r d C h a r m . * 5 5 -2 4 * 4 at the MaSbnic Temple in CHILLS! UNEARTHLY a f t e r 9 :3 0 p-na. 25 i^Miwg on Friday, Nov. 10. publicity. ~ Cornell Aeronautical Labora­ HALLOWEEN tory, Inc. interviewing electric-, NEVER CREATURE FULL S E T S lin g e r la n d d r u m s . Tbe ten-piece band of Tracey Crests and shields will de­ SEEN Z t ld la n c y m b a l* , b lu e p e a r l. B e s t al, mechanical Engineers, WAR SHIT b id t a k e s t h e m a w a y . C a ll 387- CONTEMPORARY CAM) Halsey will provide music. corate The walls and project physics, ^ n d applied math and BEFORE! 2A65, 12 tbe feeling of a castle setting FRATERNITIES are in the applied mechanics majors. OPEPTUP A along with the knights and F O R RENT 25c process of planning faculty damsels of King Arthur's days. Sunstrand Corp. interview­ NEW WORLD HOUSES desserts before tbe dance as a Tickets are available in ing electrical, mechanical and means of bettering relations fraternity houses, and sorori­ OF MOTORING SPO TLESSLf CLEAN. n is h e d h o u s e , t b e d ro o m s , l i v i n g u n fu r- The Card Shop between students and faculty ties may obtain tickets by con­ metallurgical engineers. ro o m a n d s e p a ra te d i n i n g ro o m . y b lo c k f r o m B e r k e y H a ll. T o r members. tacting their representatives. American Oil Co. interview­ : PLEASURE _ ing chemical engineers and f a c u l t y o n ly . *1 2 5 m o n t h ly . C a ll E D 2-8523. e v e n in g s . 25 389 E. Grand River .intermission entertainment Additional tickets or in­ will include the University's formation may be obtained chemistry majors. »+ E A S T L A N S IN G - 3 b e d ro o m u n ­ fu r n is h e d h o m e In e x c e lle n t n e ta n - Across frwn own-U-Bettes chorus line, and from Tom Doonan at the Beta Union Carbide Corp. inter­ IX * . 1S4T C O R V E T T E S I and 4 b o rh o o d . n e a r a c h n o ls a n d c a m p u s Norm Duffy will play honky- Theta P i house, or Valerie viewing chemical engineers C a ll S irs . R ic e , E D 7-1441 -o r E D 2 - tonk piano. Smith at the Gamma Phi Beta 5 speed t r a n s m is s io n * — 4 * *2 . H l l i e y . In c ., R e a l t o r * 22 and chemistry, physics and Home E cml BMg. Refreshments will be served house.' biochemistry majors. s»**« MUL. F E R R E R • ELSA MARTI NELLI. (X * A L F A -R O M E O c o n v a r t lW * APARTM ENTS in a cabaret atmosphere. Coeds attending the dance S U B U R B A N c o m p le t e ly " p r l r g t a ED 24753 Decoratwos will portray the will be given 2 a.m. late per­ Caterpillar Tactor Co. inter­ ANNETTE VADIM • J A C Q U E S -R E N E CHAUFFARD d w e llin g . O w n d r iv e e n d y a r d . U n ­ t * $ l C H E V R O L E T I M P A L A 2 -d o o r fu r n is h e d , 2 b e d ro o m , e p a c lo u * festival era of Camelot, con- missions. viewing agriculture engineers, HIT NO. (2) SWOWN ONCE AT 9:40 h a r d to p fu lly e q u ip p e d C a rp e te d , n e w ly d e c o r a te d . a n d o w n u t i l i t i e s . E D 2-4 7 5 3 o r 345 chemical, civil, electrical, O L 5 -2 8 4 *. ' 22 Cam pus Classifieds mechanical and metallurgical MEW sMOMEY A MP m W AW l WT TOWTMg»! R E A L ESTA TE Y our Key to B etter Values ~ (9 * 1 O L D S M O B IL E tp o rt* sed an. S T U D IO APARTM ENT S fa te engineers. g r a d u a te s tu d e n t. U t i l i t i e s p a id , H A S L E T T . "B u y o f th e M o n th ." I f u lly # q o lp p * d f u r n is h e d 355 m o n t h ly . $15 w e e k ­ 7 ro o m n e a r ly n e w t r i l * » * l G E ly . P a r k in g . I V 9 -0341 . 25 k it c h e n . 2 b a th s . 2 fir e p la c e * Program Information Disi IV 2-3905 1957 C H EVR O LET c o n v e r tib le . O N E M A N t o s h a re a p a r t m e n t h a lf b lo c k o f f c a m p u s 121 B e a l b e a u t i f u l lo t , -O w n e r m u s t s a c r i ­ fic e . 11 ».500. C a ll M rs . B u r le t e b . Second Annual ■ im m a c u la te TV 3-722«. h o m e I V 5 - 4 X 2 P o r t e r . . . . , 7 , . v a i K 'e w a r t o v « - - d e i / r e i S tre e t. 337-2134.- U N F U R N IS H E D . W i t h g a r a g e , j 22 R e a lt y C o .. R e a lt o r * . H O M E a n d IN C O M E B r i c k r a c c h i 24 r Nurses Meeting A N starts TODAY.. 1*5», 1*60 V O L K S W A G O N S b lo o k f r o m c a m p u s . I d e a l f o r 1 o r - n d a u n r o o f * n o w c a r c o n d itio n J .¿ Wi i n ho u se , b u i l t la 1*54. 4 b * 4 r* » " s s * .( 2 b a th * , o r 3 b e d ro o m s p lu s 3 1 ro o m a p a r t m e n t L a r s * l o t . tre e s , f M IC HifïfW IG f \yj 2 7 VM School o f Nursing alumni wilLj hold their second annual meet­ O k e m o s s u b - d iv is io n . E D 7 -7 *7 4 . ’ F U R N IS H E D APARTM ENT. 3 ing this Saturday at_10:30 a.m., ro o m s , b a th . U t i l i t i e s . $100 a m o n th . in_room 3t Union Building. SPARTAN MOTORS 405 G ro v e S t. S id e e n tr a n c e - M a r . r ie d o n ly . A p p ly 504 D iv is io n . E D O W N Y O U R O W N b e ta * . 1 * t a in - ? u te s f r o m M S U . E x c e p t io n a l b a y o n 5 SUPER BARGAIN DAY! Professor Tlorence Kempf, 2-3438 t.f. t h i s e x p a n d a b le 2 W r r r a r a » - b i P r ic e d a t $19,590 v r i t h a p p r o x l - : THESE TWO director of the school of nurs­ 3400 E- Michigan ROOMS m a t e l v $ 4 0 0 d o w n o n F H A te r m s . FEATURES ing, will report the progress F u ll b a s e m e n t w it h r t o w e r - s n d i and changes of the past year. B O A R 6 A N D R O O M M a le * tu ~ s to o l, t i l e d b a th o n m a in f l o o r , j d e n t. P a r k i n g I V 5 -o s .ifc - 23 cedar c lo s e ts , a tta c h e d t$ rs (* { Alumni spokesman, Mrs. Jer­ ~ ED 2-8604 S L E E P IN G R O O M S V e r y n ic e * Ow n e r l e a v i n g f o r C a l i f o r n i a l w - ald McCarthy, said that about m e d ia te p o s s e s s io n . C a ll E v a W a - i ELAINEÖEVRY tafead byCDtfONO0SftKKandSTAM.Fr ONriRRttlWmOWW-ScNotftfcaMTtK-HrfyUBtS L o ts o f p a r k in g . 404 So. B a rn e s , M a s o n . O R 7-1391. 23 b e k e . E D 2-4112 o r W a i t e r S e l l e r i 40 graduates^ are expected to ‘ ’C a r e f u l l y » e le c te d Co . R e a lto r s . E D 2-4595 . 221 attend the meeting. P re -O w n e d c a r » '- LOST an d FO U N D S E R V IC E A total of 130 have graduated Fri. 9 Hit No. (3 ) (Second RunT at 10 :20 from the school of nursing L O S T . G la s s e s In M a c k b e a d e d case, o n c a m p u s . C a ll 335-3440. 23 ' E x p e r ie n c e d In Pfe-D. ah ter et*. la ttK n a g e < since the-first class of ten in Sat. “ The Amazing Colossal IVIan EM PLO YM EN T e x a m s C a ll E Ö 5-191». 27 < 1954. L O S T . M A R O O N S c h a e ffe r p e n There will be a luncheon af­ 1 N U R 8 E 8 , r e g is te r e d , f u l l o r p a r t a n d p e n c il se t. L a s t w e e k o n c a m ­ CAMPUS T Y P IN G ED 7 -4 4 » * ter the meeting for the nurses CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN WITH US p u s. 355-0498. S m a ll r e w a r d . 22 tim e . N o r o t a t i o n . - L i b e r a l p e r s o n ­ and their families. ~ n e l- p o lic y , s a l a r y c o m m e n s u ra te T Y P IN G . T e r m p a p e ra , th e s e s , I w i t h e x p e rie n c e . P h o n e E D 2-0803. PERSONAL g e n e r a l. F a s t, a c c u r a ta a w rr tc e . j r v 9 -7 9 *3 . 84 P A R T T I M E . 4 w e l l d re s s e d m e n BKT5’^7X?P^C!|li^?S?i*ETT!ft T Y P I N G D O N E i n nay ¡ s o a s ' t * bo d e liv e r f r e e a d v e r t is in g g i f t s L A N D R Y p le a s e c o ttte t o th e S ta te S i 3,00 p e r e v e n in g C a r n e c e s s a ry j N e w s o f f ic e . R o o m 34“ S tu d e n t e le c tr ic ty p e w rit e r, b y E n g lis h 1 .0 0 m a jo r . E D 3 -4 *7 7 . 221 pi«« tas Ç a ll I V 9 -1318 , 4-9 p .m . o n ly . 24 S e rv ic e s B ld g ., f o r t w o f r o e p a s s e s ! M O W ! t o th e C r e s t D r i v e - I n . tf T Y P IN G In S p a rta n V i ll a g e * N E E D H E L P In m y h o m e , 9 a p a rtm e n t. E le c tr ic t y p e w r it e r - , a m . t o 4 p .m . 5 d a y s p e r w e e k . F O R T H H F I N E S T in d a n c e m u ­ L i g h t h o u s e w o r k , w a tc h _ 1 c h ild . s ic I t 's J a c k B r a u n . B o b b y S te v e n s , C a ll 3 6 5-20 12. tf I Old Spice quality in a new hair_ tonic A B 5 -7 9 7 1 . 23 R o n E n g lis h , p lu s m a n y o th e rs . T Y P I S T A N N BROWN. ED 2- 1 Y O U N G M E N . p a r t- tim e w o r k P h o n e th e B u d - M o r A g e n c y , I V " - 0424. tf 8234 E l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r T e r m p a ­ p e rs and th e s e s , atan gaaaral t y p - S • Keeps hair handsomely groom ed-all W i l l a r r a n g e h o u r s to f i t s c h e d u le ing. tf I £2122_^*I_Jl£ÜX. 2-5*27' i~ P I C K U P P h i E t a S ig m a p in s a n d c e r t if ic a t e s . 112 N a t u r a l S c i­ S T U D E N T D IS C O U N T , s e l f w a a k . day • Fights dandruff • Moisturizes-pre­ ence. W e d n e s d a y . F r i d a y a n d M o n ­ FO RSA LE d a y . O c t. 25, 27, 30, f r o m 9 - io a m 23 $ .75. L u b Job. 31.00. 8 tw d * a t~ $ n irR - bigr, 31 5 0 F r e e q u a r t o f o i l w ttfe vents dryness • Guaranteed non-greasy e v e r y o i l c h a n g e . C o m p le te t a n « - M Y G O O D ra c o o n c o a t f o r t h * u p . O p e n 24 h o a r * D tts ’s P a r* ft> -it b a ll g a m e s - S la e 10-12- V e r y PHOTO C H R IS T M A S CARDS. O IL m o E . G r a n d R iv e r . « rY a s o n -'tb le . E D 2-4523. •_—r 24 C h ild r e n ’* p o r t r a i t * I n y o u r ho m e. Job a p p lic a t io n p h o to s . Phone EXPERT THESES and general — 7? C U B IC F O O T c h a r c o a l F r i g i ­ E D W i l l e v e n in g s , w e e k e n d s . 23 typing. E l e c t r i c typewrit er. E i g h ­ d e r * I m p e r ia l. S55-300 4. 26 te e n years e x p e r ie n c e . O n e M a c k TO B U B B LE S and A R T . W * re ­ f r o m Brody. E D 7 - S i l l . tf S T E V E N ’ S M O D E L $7. .22 a u to ­ c e iv e d y o u r g r a c io u s t h a n k y o u m a t ic r e p e a t in g r i f l e , w i t h scop e. b u t th e p le a s u r e w a s a l l o u rs . T Y P IN G » T h e s e * , t e r m p a p e r * . ! T u b u l a r m a g a z in e , w a ln u t f in is h . Y o u r P rin c e s s e s . 23 g e n e r a l. E l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r , t a l l y | L i k e n e w . 337-2194 a f t e r 4 p.m . 23 d e li v e r y a n d p i c k - u p frn n s C a m - ¡ ATTENTION RILL^ T- a n d P e te pus. OL 5-2490. 22 j R O T A L PORTABLE t v p*writer, L. Tf you are T a u t, we * 2 5 : p a in te d b o o k c a s e h e a d b o a rd , t h o u g h t y ó jL m a d e - y o u r “ W h o o p e e " BEAUTY IN T E N S IF IE D For to t w i n s iz e , $3: la r g e b u ll e t i n h o a rd . t h a t M ic h ig a n w e e k e n d . T h e P a r t y b e a u t i f u l h a ir . O r la n d o . P o p e , a n d Ì2. ED 2-270». 23 G ir l* . P h y llis o p e ra to r» $ 1 } W . M a in . I L a n s i n g T V 7-4948 33 STUDENT W IFE destrnn cere f o r c h i l d In b a r S p a r ta n Y i t l a g * COEDS A p a r t m e n t . R e fe re a c a e f a m i s h * d E D 2-29I2- 35 PERSONAL DATA to r m a , to s a to LANT CHANCE! and g e n e r a l t y p i n g Of t o a i p r i n t ­ ing. p l a s t ic b i n d i n g a n d t y p e s e t ­ ting. w e n c h G r a f ie Service. 1 7 9 * Eaat M ic h ig a n . 4 8 4 -7 7 *4 SO RO Rirr RUSH SIGN-UP T R A N S P O R T A T IO N TODAY » • > TO SEATTLE WBl pay all. Car availaMe. “ 32 Cal! IV 9-4447 ROOM ISA STUDENT SERVICE BLDG W AN TS) BRING $1 00 w ' RL8H FEE T5T t a t o I weekend from Friday wtmmi __t e Sunday p.m. 7 m eter monter», w m arrange tarma. II5-R 72 e r U i - 33 ’ BUYand SOI «ridi CAMPUS CLASSIfKI» P b a lv n h t a j I iH , M l , $ t M p M . âiiÉlliÉP tsaë mmm. iuuk sm llll «PRB WmWmmi m® m Ê s ms IS1 H Ì ■ ü I ¡ B Ü 1 mv. IB S i ' fS S S raffi mm «K§ SBN Wml lUBUM^BOraH&SS ■ p |! "mi » r ..... m BmbI j p ma MlAíg» State New»* Eta Lansing, Michigan Friday Morning, October 27, 196Î ¡ss 12 « X 0 University Christian P rof r m East Lansing St John • .. Student! - • qöfV'' I Lutheran Church Trinity Church • Parish ami Student Student Fr. R- Karaaaafth ,, , lw»ifteti»tMti«Ow l -Center Foundation ip w c w n V 138 SfaHti Avmm Pr. T. MaOarttt 337 K.A.C. , To Personal AatlwaaI IMknM CmhkíI n e t . R. EUGENE WILLIAMS I t. johx'* srvoAv p o t v i 1*8 W. O f * Sty«. (Metate* aw* A*a H rat. f t b Jawyk A. Paata*, malate» filte r 8.1B F.K. <7 # •s Mi»*» S « m at Bwktr Ban» WORSHIP SERVICES “YOI H POSS1BII.ITIKS * is aas-aara •as A.M. IIMVERSITT IVSIJH 11tm i.m _ AFTKK DEATH** “1 F». cippi* TT Bm i W V. Htri aa* C.T. Kite* topic : !2r -THE VNffltlNRI) noilK el*,' I*—«««■ By MaW KELLY > inga against authority may] use of Him when the occasion o p -n m w r snaday Ranaca - “SCRIPTCRR RELATED TO TtlLAiSMlidRiSlKbi 11:15-11»3S C aeaa W»it«»i Tarla »aa* REFORMATIO« »t)ND.tr tu rv B s irrr u r r Of tbd State News Sjpff manifest themselves in a re-t arises.” IiR p.m. «Baby dîTtln* at *i3», SidS db Itili Salarti »■aa, WiU aa* UiM a* . At Callas. Kaaaa ligious joke. Dr. Toch also mentioned ai •‘THE PHOHI.EH ••Air t ACERTAIS SOCAD" Why do students tell religious OF KKYIT Dally Rannen fi48 a.m., I d i a»ML* eaiaf d * Mrfsraark. C o tte», Daáshaht* A Raaa* TaMa jokes? Dr. Toch stated the principle research group that charts the ' popularity of topical jokes over ISiftl P.M ., a ad Ritta p.na. I ««aw Pm rbn, RankawWn The obvious reason would of “ smile when you say that” periods of time. OTHER SERI ICE* iatwry a m ' I, »tan*** a* all Dlwa*al»a- Satarday Ranaen kdidfiRada. seem to be to AretM&iaughter. when questioned abont why The group found that relig­ Si 45 •».»•, Kaitey StImhH C«»afeMiloaa dally at RiSS p.a», m s MHr.Dl l.R far 11ite >m- CAMPPS VESPERS But according to Dr. Tooh of people laugh at religious jokes. ious jokes remain fairly stable -tepi CIMirM laiBS, Bra*? 11:<**, fti* ».■.• WaraMa to. Mrt aa* 'lannrs for latverally 9tetem« SaturdayN«4— 5dH dl 7tS8 0itta y>a. »vena ‘Servier« Ca*e ll«a», Oaea tette. Shaw f hafrl Pewple. Chair«», the psychology department al­ “There is a very thin line over the years with the excep­ Trlaftty Ollefflite Feliawahlp Tùe«. Aita â j i » p.na. lliUk Saan flit», an* «friste« The Reverend James Wharton most every religious joke in­ between humor and insult,” tion of the past presidential al rharrb ahaal 1 1tSOa.m. Retara fttte ».at. Sapper aa* Prasraat N:45 p .m . Compitar and Renedfetioa ky aaai* tael*. Dr. Jamea Whartaa, farai fy a m - dicates a conscious or uncon­ said Toch. “ Humor depends campaign, 7ilMI^ p.m. Wftersday E%«MlM|f p.m. RKKORMATIOA StSU rB T*« her af Praahrtartea 8ea»laary, scious personal feeling. a great deal on how the joke Movte every Friday ntlfei at S«2S Rff«raatl«a Beaaeet—* t* y.m Aaafla, T.i.a, apoaher. Tapiei “ROD AT WORK IB THE Prayrr »oil HH»I» Stntljr Baala* M*C«e»a*h *»*aha aa tha PArVEHSITY” E x p e r t O n THE CYNICAL or ‘"sick” is told.” Fhone tbr Chwrrb «sifter, 327- Daaee every Satarday alfbl— •*»(*< “FREE TOR WHAT” 7IMM, for l*if«»r»»Mtl4*n rtiMriTnliig 0 - 12. tw ti 7s* Rheae Charrh far raa- mail**. T .Ktnyaw Wei«»»* joke may be a direct express­ Dr. Toch cited JaciHLeonard | Sunday the mmpuh b«M sohrdwlr. ' Phone ED 7-07TS s ' ~ X. ion of anti-religious feeling. The as an "example of a comedian i B ib le T o narrator is conscious of his who manages to irritate rathei -attitude and he may purposely than entertain because of his Forums University ; try to shook and disgust the attitude. First Church of Eastminister L e c t u r e group. Dr. Toch named the sectarian People laugh at incongruity, | Thejteverend Francis Zipple I human foibies, twists of cir of St. John’s parish in Albion j Kimberly Downs Methodist Die Reverend James Allen joke Os the most common type. cumstances portrayed -withoutj win discuss “ Your Possibilities! Christ, Scientist Presbyterian Wharton, assistant professor of All Catholic, Protestant and bitterness. ^Forgetting t h e after Death” at 8; 15 p.m. in Old Testament languages at Jewish jokes told by one about “smile” ift a religidus jpke of­ the lounge of St. John’s Stu-j Church of Christ Church Church -Austin Seminary in Texas, will the other fall into this group. fends, as it may seem preju­ dent Center. diced or even blasphemous. _ 7W» east GRAVO KIVER Kail t.aaaln* visit on campus as guest lec­ The humorist, sometimes un­ Hillel Foundation will pre-1 ItlS S. Harri*«*« H*. turer during the week of Oct. wittingly, is showing a bit of OFTEN A potentially objec­ sent “Gold of Naples” starring 1007 Hlmhorly Drive» Xfi»itsi«» rbnrrh S*nkt 11 A.M. ^ ISIS Ahfeott Rd. EMt U m Ibi Milana M. Teaaaat, MiaI. ter 29 to Nov. 4 Professor Wharton’s visit is prejudice by telling this joke. tionable statement comes According to Dr. Toch, a a religious figure within the gano at 7 p.m. in 31 Union.! from 2 Sophia Loren and Silvana Man-1 1 htiiek« W. of Fmvtlor 9lmpp Aanilay Sehaal It A.M. Chareh Serrleea. S, IS A Hilft Mlwinter being sponsored by the Presby­ person tells a joke pertaining joke. This placates or confuses Admission is free. laif (entrr on W» C«matl River> Auadar Sehaal fa* fj«l»«raltr Her. Hubert'X. Moreland "TEACH PS _TO PRAY" terian Campus Christian Fel­ to his own faith for many rea­ the listener and the incongruity Sabbath services begin at | Stadrat, Site .«.»• tv 0-7130 Ml'Walhrld*e DH»#, E. U Rer. Wllae« Tranmb. lowship as part of its ministry sons. > of the statement often amuses 7:30 p.m. on Friday and at 10] Sahl*et »talf Phoae: ED 7-0183 to the university. j Hf, MAy N0TLbe;ieve aU the him. The “ sick” religious joke4 a.m. Saturday. Both services^ YY1ntn«;er* Mtniiiter •‘EA''ERI.ASTIMO PIMIHVEST* Nancrr, erih rae» tar «II aerriee* are held at HHlel House, 319 Or*. E«*«la* Meetla* S 7.8. SUNDAY PROGRAM MR. WHARTON, an authority j precepts of his faith and un- ebcto iaughter because of its j HiUcrest at Grand River ave. SUNDAY SERVICE^ lite «.M. Charcb Sehool,. mill Chareh Sehaal on the Old Testament, has i consciously expresses h l s jbock^yalue. ^ RKVEREND James R*a*ta* Raw» NFFhorr7X*ad Aé«H study, «to- traveled in many foreign coiin- doubts through a joker Dr. Toch said that there] w^arton will speak on “ God at Moniti»* Wornblp 11itNI M-nt. 4r«t* IsflHlcd. ]»i»n a.m. All as** tries including Turkey, Syria, The joke teller. strives for hasn’t been extensive pscyho- j Work in the University” at a Bible Study 0:45 a.mi. 134 W. Graa* Rl.cr IStSB a-m. Worship, nltl coutil- »>0« a.». S, 3, 4 A 5 yr. at** Jordon, Lebanon, France and approval of his group and he logical research done on relig­ meeting of the Christian Stu­ Mail, thru Sat. # «•«»• - 3 »•»• «Ite Church Mmol (or Kilter- Germany. He has studied at may try to impress others by ious jokes. Freud’s “Wit and dent Foundation. The speech Evenirne Wurnblf 5:00 p.m. Karten a it y«ii«(pr. " WESLEY FOPXDATIOW Man.. Tara» Thar*.. * Fri. the University of Basel, Switz­ his broadmindedness. the Unconscious^ is one of the will follow a dinner at 5:30 fVrdrrntey «trutef Bible bt.ady Icrmoti Gaarwe I. Jarda» — erland and the University of He may just Tie poking fun few books on the subject. t.4W p.m. - S p.m. ••TAGET FOR ftOD't ARROW*9 p.m. in People’s Church. 7:30 p.m. Mlaiater Director Heidelberg and Gottingen in at himself. Many people treat University Forum will con­ All ar* «rie*»« «« *«•**» Char*h Prof, jRMca A* Whirtsi Germany. ■ _ - lightly what they really feel is FBEUD TOUCHES briefly on duct a discussion on “ Scrip­ For (raMnpurteliuii mil PL 9-Siim Arriieea. ««* *»*»1 *ud AMatIn Tbeoloateal teiililtf Sapper S p.». Fora» T p.». a religious humor, but he stress­ I1" (tirsf Pee.»eher Mr. Wharton will discuss most important. Ell 3-UHM» or ED 3-2434 STUDENTS WELCOME Far «Il alasi* A »arrié* at«*e«ta ture Related to University Life” Readln* Raam. Haly Communion, Sermaa A “Die false gods are obvious,” rieated of per own means.” turn Banquet as part of its stu- JliTMarnball VI. l.a«nlnK Crib room •hroaifh blah . said the Rev. Dr. Reinhold Nei- “THE FALSE gods of our age] qUe^ honoring ■ ■■ I dent group-activities. The ban- Hn. John M.- Hof mm». Pantor 12» A. Peaaajrlvaata buhr, of Union Theological are Scientism, Communism, | jjn Luther’s 95the pm .uu acboof ik« date of Mar- Mornlna oervlee 10 till Ine 1.tiara> *iS» a.m. 5:»M l p.m. Campun Venpem I Itnr*'!» Sehool ' Eve of All-Saints Seminary. “The primary one! Theses will he­ Evealna Servire Thone in need of trnnnaorftttlon 7 .m . ^ tin Eaallah) CASTERRI BY CI.CB ir nhvrifat nttwar and mm I and P01^ 31 democracy,” said | gin at 5.30 p.m. Sunday.- enll tbe eamoiiN Relíalo«« ^Ad- Far fraa.pwrfallaa call G*w*Sé Md'oic Cbapcl For ‘Unnatural iort - 1 Dr [ vl«or. M r. Carl F. H. Henry. editor ^ p a sto r Clyde McCormackof 4M*-,VC«2 or Mr. Henry Bonrb af Paa>Orlha*wr i oriteli um Knrhorn nt Mek.un IMI-M». - Slaileat Meellna# Cor "HU lulvernlty Stadeufa StOO p.m. Sunday t/ ust Northwestern University at ED 2-2223. alternale Wrilne.ilnja R. 34 I nit.a 1In u 1 most cases the church Iof clîrîstiani^ Toda!*• i i "j * " s« « man s warpedt passions to share F^vanston wilFHbe guest sooak- Originally inspired by serious scholar holars pointed generally to L narariispTn Parth ’ . ' er. “ Free for WhatT” ^ is the religious convictions, Hallow- men’s belief in their self-suf­ l'a paradise on earth. The Rev. Dr. Harold B iRendfna TMnes 45 nemadnb First First Church i een—All-Saints Eve—has be- ficiency—in their own skills I come progressively, lightened J and possessions—as the basic Kuhn, _ of . Asbury _ . . , I topic of Pastor McCormack’s Theological ¡'speech. DO YOI THINK BELIEFS MAKE LI AING DIFFERENT? Seminary, said today's “ most Tickets are available at the Vou nhonld - _Presbyterian and secularized. j The ancient Druids believed ! illusion to which they bow. tempting absolute is ‘our west-! church office, Know fhnf there 1 one MetbodtM Cb«rr«*b Hr Lnanltta grn way of life’ or ‘life itrth e p where prupb and minInter* nprk Ottawa and f bentuut ef the Nazarene ¡"that on this night the Lord of j BUT THE self-centered mod­ j the Dead assembled the souls ern ‘igods^ were described in free world,’ or ‘the best stands nerlounly on the applteattoin of eaeh -^»erm«»«. A%emblp Sert leca ItR A 11iOOa.m. Crnrare at Butler of all who had died during the the survey, taken by the Pro-1 ar(i year. test ant Journal, Christianity | £n0^ * or simply ‘our liber living man has ever Ex Zulu Chief Von are asked to eons»liter 4jbararey Provided> Charrh SrhooL - Pi4ft a.». Moralas warahlp - 11 :0« a.m, The Celts were supposed to i Today, its bearing ^various ties ” haveJiad. an intimate associa-j names, “ The most serious idol of Wins Nobel Prize aernfHa, and thru* atop af the emit and ptek tip your ropy of Inter-City Bible THE « HALLENLE OP CHANGE** Dr. Morrow, Preaching Yaath Group* - SitW p.m. Evaasellatle Haar —TKS p«u. tion with souls of the dead. ' ‘.‘The gods are many, but no today is tiie status q u o /’ said! p i e t ERMARI T Z B U R G , -What Then Are We To Dof^ Hat of five Raffgrntlon« for the - Church S«rwry Provided ¡Their devotion reached its cli­ matter, how they are called, the Rev. Dr. Warren C_Young, Africa (4V—Zulu ex-Chief applleattein of the aenooM. « m p.m. Calvin'Club __JdarrrT;_Staal*2j_JIJaj«t_ max on the “ Night of the Zeus or. atomic power, Venus of Northern Baptist Theologi-!AH>ert Luthuii. who won a 2827 K. Mtehlpaa Dead,” Halloween. or Libido, Mars or,w ar, they cal Seminary. i Nobel peace prize to the cha- Theme ••W HY for Nnnday fa: fsOOD PEOPLE FAI1 42 hloeka W«l of Fraadurb They believed that for 48 are natural powers and they “ Prestige, possession, power grin of the white supremacist Dr. Larae will preaeb at both hours souls were released from are always the same,” said and pleasures are the false I national government, got a •erv’teea» bits and 11sOO. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Purgatory and were free to re- Ttev. Gustave Weigel, a Rq- gods of modern m a n /’ said [boost here in lils home pro- -4 VLIIUCF.I %’orahlp visit their old homes. Every* man Catholic theologian, 1518 S. WASHINGTON LANSING thing possible was done to wel- ..They cannot sa Dean Merrill C. Tenney, »of vince of Natal. n o jn a t. Wheaton College graduate The provincial capital city - Central 11 a.m. A 7 p.ai. c9™e the returning souls ter in what era their aid is school. “ They represent a council adopted a resolution YOI R “CHURCH-A WA Y-FROM’HOME ♦» From these ancient beliefs] SOUpht ” ~ Halloween came to be known ‘ - _ tragic devotion to material gain “ acknowledging with pride and rather than to spiritual good, | pleasure the unique distinc- Methodist Bthle Sehool 0:45 a.m. instead as a night when all the L IN THE SURVEY, 25 tbeolo* to transient gratification rather | tion conferred upon ex-Chief unnatural creatures gather. >-gians. representing a wide than to eternal values.” I Luthuii.” Church Mid-Week Wed. 7(80 p.m* 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR - . — « tenwR from the Capiti»! Pantor Greek Lansing Central Ottawa and Capitol Avenue« Riekard S. Bmr*»m 11:00 A.M. “HOW GOD DIVIDES "HOI.V TRWrtV" “Coffee and Can vernation” For Trannportatloa Call TU 2-4050 — MEN” First Wesleyan Methodist Church Archdiosese Free Methodist every *«aday at 12 aoon. for atadenta! WELCOME STI DENTS Continuing Series On Book Of Genesis Nartli Bavella Avf. «4 K. MlrhlfRR Orthodox Church Church Oa^hlnitnyt St J«fffr«vil —' Ri»y. H* 9tCY«R <9r. I.»»Mins' WHAT?” ~ Sateay tebitol 0:45 a.m. », Waahlnaiaa 'at R. Rim R«r. Kr. Cnataa Kwwklahla Mtirning Worship — +1 ».m EDGEWOOD PEOPLES Matta.: IitS 4.M, teitey frhmil — 10 m.m 7:00 P.M. “GOD ON THE RUN” ManiiMO Warahtgi « lltOO a.m. •» »nni.r Srhoat Wit* A.M. Ypvtb S*rvte« ^ BtOO pp.m .m. Continuing A Series: “Can We Know God?” 9*LA»T WOHI?*w n tvia* u t i m r to too a. m . (Hrmaa la «*eah. S**«mmk la Worship —. 7*00 Family terrtr« Wfl. CHURCH Y««tb terflc« s—O:0O P.M., F.aal»,hi Par traaapariptkia 7*30 _ 650 North Masadora Road Kttalai Narrte« ■— f *00 P.M. fro» M»t:, »**t ai Kewpee** at . RfV. D. A. Wood# 15 block.» north of Grand Rlv-erl -■ QUESTION BOX HOUR - «FLAGSTONE* FOR FALTERING FEET* lOiiW a.m. We*. 7:30 P M. Mretlna «f Slama Ps«for For TteMpvrtaU«« Call Rev Tramaa A, Morrlnoa - Rev, Robfaaoa G. r*app Mlaftatera Rpallaa PM at M.S.ft. with GOV.A ________iv n « 7 _____ aa* Chair M*»h*ra. 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOtJTH A ebareb la thè Protentaat tradltloa eoaimoa to thè ma|or deaoml» aatloan, uhteh “ Singsptration” , _ «eeka »•-. ta atlafaler . r---s to thè. anarchia^« - ■ : «aentlas aptrlb J «mVDAY «FiRVlfRi MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Okemos Church 0:35 aad 11do a.a*. FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION Attend - - A complete ehareh aehool at hoth honr». of the Nazarene erlhrooaa throash dr. Hlsh Sermoa, Oefoher 201 . Leaving: Shaw HaU 9:20 a.m. awl 6:20 p-RL. & STUDENT CENTER 188» Hamilton R*. Some ••MODERN MAN IN SEARCH «F A Mt'L*v ^ Following Farm Lane, Auditorium Bond, Physics C. A. Orach, paatar Re». Tram«a A. Morrlaoa Road, Dorm itory. Road—Stopping a t Bethel Ma­ E . L. Woldt, Interim Pastor Sunday Sehaal lOtflb a.». Moral»« Worahtp 11«SOa.m. CHI Rf H BUS TRANSPORTATION: Attead ehareh hy ani«« tha Chapel Telephone ED 2-6778 nor • Division • MAC A a . • Abbott Bond - Della Yoaap People* Servle* SilS p.m. Church C4f co«»od Peoplen f hùrrh han. Ran «ehednlei 19:2.1, Skaw Lana Ch«**h aerrleaa »81 he hai* ai ih* 4 lamal H .a.rl.l Chapel at Went Shavr Halli I5t4#, tra dora»* skaw l*aae< Ititi« Hello** • Harrison Bond a t Michigan Avenue. - R**alaa Aerrle* TrO Oa.m, Ceater. mala eatraaéei ihtiu». bravi Rlver at Abbotti I#«50 Ormi Tapi*: "SSTAIS AWlRST USOSiSKi" Rlvor at Bo*ue. Baa vvlll retar* * a Ca»*a* Htelatr* te* Marria* aa* Stenla S«a*aata Call JOB 7-*307 far tea* traaapar- »•rvleci ._ . : -i tatiaa, . WKLCOMEt