mìM^&rn&mà m mm, PW I m as* xg «e ras $ 1 0 0 I s Leaders in Latin Americar Fills Loot of 2 Gunmen Three Trunks S t o le n A t Indifferent to 6A lliance MASON, Mich. <1*—Ingham county authorities mopped up Sunday an an apparent long F r a t e r n it y trail of crime I n the careers of MIAMI BEACH, Fla.-M any “The leaders must make Small farmers, payment was gunmen John Rogers and Bill Latin American leaders are changes soon,” he said ,, “ or promised in government bonds Wioegar. r Several residence halls and paying only lip service to tb^ir countries will be feet to which proved worthless. fraternity and sorority houses President Kennedy’s Alliance communists or allied forces.” The sheriff’s office reported “ Castro promised the same, the discovery of an estimated reported Homecoming displays for Progress program for the Jorge -Zayas, former editor but didn’t even bother to print 860,000 loot, a s well as guns, burned or torn down over the Western hemisphere. of an Havana daily newspaper, up the bonds.” dynamite and ammunition, in weekend. That was the view of two. ex­ and now publishing an exile Zayas originally supported perienced newspaper editors hornet the two men maintained A display at South Campbell weekly edition here, “ it will the Castro revolution, but start­ at-no&rby Lansing. dormitory was reported burn­ and Latin American observers be very difficult to get some of ed to criticize it in his paper Thè loot, including rare coin ing a 12:30 a.m. Sunday, a dis­ at a panel discussion a t the the leaders to accept changes.” after it came to power. collections, jewelry and dia­ play at Snyder at 12:50 and an­ Sigma Delta Chi professional he said. “ I was forced to leave Cuba monds, filled three trucks, of­ other at Williams a t 2:40 a.m. journalistic society convention “Some of them see the alli­ ficers said. here Friday. when Castro made it impos­ The first-prize winning dis­ ance as a danger to their per­ sible to give any contrary Rogers, 39, alias Richard play made by Triangle frater­ John S. Knight, chief execu­ opinions or print unfavorable Williams, and Winegar, 34, tive of Knight Newspapers, sonal power and prosperity and nity was burned a t 1:15 a.m. resist it by inaction. Others do news,” he said. - alias Frank Young, bèth with Beta Theta Pi’s display was Inc., said that while the mas­ Zayas said another worry is Ohte criminal records, were sive alliance program is “one not rush to embrace it because burned at 1:40 a.m. Alpha Ep­ theyjremember the outcome of that the alliance plan is not do­ the armed desperadoes who silon Phi’s display was burned of the most imaginative and ing enough to - stop the im­ gave Michigan police a hard THE UMBRELLA PEOPLE—These Spartaa fans hiding from the rainy weather useful in years,’’ many of the other reform programs. For in­ Saturday were typical of the pigsklu enthusiasts attending the Indiana-State about 2:50 a.m. Saturday. stance, when land was taken mediate subversion and infil­ time for nearly 24 hours last Latin American leaders are tration of Castroites and other week before being seized. game. The southeast end of the stadium looked Uke carnival time whenever A witness reported observing more willing to just sit on it from large property owners in occupants of a blue and white some, counties and, given to See LEADERS page f See GUNMAN page t the rains came down. —State News photo by Art Wieland. ^ than to participate. 53 Mercury attempting to set fire to a display at the corner of Beech and M.A.C. about 3:30 a.m. Saturday. Sometime late Satu r d a y morning or during the game, pranksters pulled down a home; coming display on-the Union lawn set up by the Association Serving MSU lor 52 years of Off Campus Students. A rope Second c ia » Postage g p afr~ . e ra n t« and cement block were attach­ Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. S9 Monday M orning, October 30, 1961 Paid at Cast Lansing, Mich. ® P a g e s O L C n ts ed to the rear of the display, and when dropped caused the display’s back; drop to topple. A tape recorder, speakers, and other sound equipment for the display was disassembled and turned into the Union lost B D lo r iv o e d | Europe’s Common Market Presents Challenge to U. S. and found desk. The sound equipment was inside the build­ ing. Alsa a ten foot tank, the ma­ S t a r t s a t 1 1 jo r, part of the .display, was taken sometime Saturday night The fall blood drive, spon­ sored by Alpha Phi Omega, (Editor’s note: It’s not often He said the Great Kingdom will need an entirely new out­ speech as a feeler for such a or early Sunday morning. Ma­ that the jounudists who report —Common Market marriage look.” move. terials for the display, depict­ opens today on the fourth floor, Union Building. Faculty mem­ the news have a chance to make would be at least as important BRUNDY WOULD not come Thé security assistant also ing an army tank crushing a It themselves. They had the op­ to Europe itself as the post-war out and say the United States urged that NATO armed forces Hoosiet* player, were valued at bers are scheduled to give Mood from U a.m.-2 p.m. on portunity last week when sev­ Marshall plan. would or should join such a be given joint control and use several hundred dollars and eral hundred professional and “ I think we’ll meet the chal­ trade and economic union, but of atomic weapons. had been donated by various Monday. Students may donate Mood from 2-5 p.m. student members of Sigma Del­ lenge,” Brundy said, “but we many of the journalists took his Bundy cautioned the journal­ Lansing businesses. ta Chi, p ro fe sriw l journalistic ists to not “let large headlines Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity “ MSU is the world’s champ­ ion for Mood drives,” said society, gathered In Miami i n I tt > ! 11i « 11n i 11h I it ti i n I tu I tti 11l i t i 111ivi t n 1111vi ii i u iti i 1111it n ti 1111111n 11i 1111it obscure the larger hopes to See FLOAT page 8 Place — Sororities CUff Rice, blood drive chair* Bench, Fla. for the a— si con­ which that danger is related.” Late Per man. "More blood was donated by students J a s t spring than has been collected in a drive vention.) (State News city editor BUI Cote, Jackson senior, was the Campus Memos ‘While the Berlin situation is dangerous and deserves care­ ful attention, he explained, “we 179 Honored anywhere in the United States.” Michigan State chapter dele­ h ii i u i i h i 111111111111111i Imu I imi m 111111111ii i 1111111i 1111u n i 111m i l 1111m 11n i m i m must remember that not only. Petitioning Alpha Phi Omega, a national gate and covered major news MONDAY THURSDAY the rights of Berliners or the. Changed Sabine Speaks scouting fraternity, is being as­ sisted in the drive by. Spartan Woman’s League and Sno- Caps, a student nurse organiza­ from the convention for the State News. Look for other con­ vention stories with the Miami Beach dateline.) 7 p.m. — Convention Report. WMSB. TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. — Sigma Xi research meeting, 118 Physics-Mathe- matics. United States are involved but of all West Germany and the Atlantic community nations.” Bundy said the administra­ S p.m. — James Allen Whar­ Changes in petitioning by groups for 2 a.m. late pers have been made by AWS Ju­ To 4-Pointers tion. Framed certificates will be awarded to all living units By BILL COTE State News City Editor i p.m. — Dr. Myrtle Reul, “ Challenge of Marriage and Family Living,” WMSB. - ton, “Evangelism: Christian­ ity or Christian Imperial­ ism,” Lincoln room, Kellogg tion will not order resumption of nuclear tests in the amos- pherc until there • are sound diciary Board. By RON YOGMAN “MSU is growing from good­ reaching 100% donation. P er­ 3 p.m. — E. A. Bayne, speaker Center. military grounds and it will fur­ A group petitioning for a late Of the State News Staff ness to greatness through a centages will be published MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — The for Honors- College Coffee 8 p.m. — “Job Opportunities,” ther the security of the United per now sends a representative little extra effort.” daily in the 'State News. United .States is heading into a hour. Honors CoUege lounge. Dept, of Business Services, States. to the Judiciary Board meeting A glimpse at the “Anatomy “The greatest demands ever The blood drive schedule for new revolution and must meet 7 p.m. — Dr. John Dodds, of an Ace’e r” was provided by 110 Anthony. “ WE WONT start testing to explain and support the pe­ m ade on students are being the rest of the week: Tuesday, its challenge or faU back. “ American M e m o i r s , ’ ’ 8 p.m. — “ Born Yesterday,” again just for psychological tition. The representatives also Dr. Gordon A. Sabine, vice- made now,” he said. “ Making 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday, 2 The revolution and challenge "WMSB. president for special projects, Fairchild theater. reasons,” he said. “Our needs answer all questions the board an all-A record is harder than p.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 2 p.m.- will come from a fastly-form- WEDNESDAY FRIDAY at this moment are being met may have about the petition. Wednesday evening at a din­ ever before. It requires drive 8 pan.r Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ing “ United States of Europe.” ner given by President John "A. 12:85 — Warning siren test 8 p.m. — “ Bom Yesterday,” by safe underground explosions, -■ Previously a group sent in as well as that little bit of extra The goal has been set at 1,- said McGeorge Bundy, special (weather permitting),— ... Fairchild theater. but the situations have changed the petition without a repre­ Hannah in honor of those stu­ effort ao that the intellectual 805 pints, or an average of 361 assistant to the president for dents who achieved an all-A 18 a.m. — Prof. Kermit Eby, SATURDAY- because of the Russian resump­ sentative and the board voted horsepower is made to pn£ pints per -day. security affairs. speaker for Honors College 2:30 and 8 p.m. — “Born Yes­ tions and it will be carefully on it. ._ academic record for last spring duce.” or summer terms. Bunday said if Great Britain Coffee hour, Honors College terday,” Fairchild theater. studied.” _ The new method allows the group more opportunity to ex­ Dr. Sabine's opening remarks centered on a sign at the dress­ He warned, however, that “ achieving all_A!s is not the Weather joins with the Common Market nations and establishes other lounge. 4 p.m. — Prof. Kermit Eby, 11 a.m. — Cross Country, MSU vs. Air Force Academy, For­ The presidential assistant de­ nied charges that the adminis­ plain its- petition and to show end of the line, it is just the be­ Winds westerly W to 13 closer economic and political “ Men — Not Monuments,” est Akers Golf-course. tration had gagged military of­ sufficient need for' the extra ing room at Spartan Stadium ginning and it is bard work!” mpk. ties the “United States trade Kiva. SUNDAY ficers from making anti-com­ time given, said the board. which reads: “The difference Referring to the title of his Showers and scattered and life will be revolutionized 7 p.m. — Amedeo Modigliani, 7:30 p.m. — AUSG seminar, munist talks. IFC-Pan-Hei BallTs the~-first between good and great is a talk, (“Anatomy of an Ace’e r” ) thunder showers today. and we will have to consider WMSB. _ Student Services lounge. The role of a military man event to receive the late per un­ little extra effort.” he grinned, “ We’re talking of Showers and turning cool­ if we will go out~to it or if we • p.m. — “ Born Yesterday,” 8 p.m. — “Bom Yesterday:” in a democracy controlled by der the new'system. He then d rew 'th e analogy, See 4-POINTERS page 3 er tomorrow. will back away.” Fairchild Theater. Fairchild theater. See EUROPE page 8 TRIANGLE WEST SHAW NORTH WILLIAMS ■ First Place — Fraternities First Place - Men’s Demiteries F in i Place First Piace — Women's Dormitories —State News phetes by Bela Feber à ri 7■: • - -, - m m im Ê Ê m m « à ia Miduaam State News, Saie Im ék . IU cIééi Mnmdpy Morning, October 30, 1901 - - — ' •- -- - --■ -L —u..^mgtÁ^¿tí^ L Point of tes D ean Lau d ed Student in Vise H o u iin f policies a t th is U niversity one asp ect o f th e boosing problem. The successful attempt by the seeing the way the new Dean Dora of Students to channel a has acted (and this Is strictly have been scorned, ridiculed, bleated and THE G E N U IN E FROBLKM, th e one spontaneous student pep rally an assumption) that in his own attacked fo r years. H ost argum ents h a re which actually h a r ts i t a l a i t t m ost, is in mind he probably sees many of in the right direction is to be the faculty directives as a bit been leveled by students although a few relation to th e »Unhreraity** philosophy lauded. unrealistic. Unfortunately how­ faculty m em bers and adm inis tra to rs have w* o f housing students. joined th e fracas from tim e-to t o e . In the past years the Dean ever, too often “his is not to On th e one h e a d is th e philosophy en­ forced by th e Dean o f S tu d en ts office. of Students’ office has been reason why.” The usual level of criticism has rested This resu lts in th e r a k e a n d regulations thé focal point of much crit­ IT SEEMS proper, since on th e argum ent th a t th e students a re inconvenienced because of th e p resent which go vern undergraduates. icism. A lack of understand­ Dean Fuzak’s office is making rulings. Inconvenience, however. I s only ing and sympathy, phis author­ a definite attempt to cooperate U niversity o fficials claim th ey m ust itarianism, were common com- with us, that we should give stip u la te w here stu d e n ts live in o rd e r to ! plaints. This term, however, a him our cooperation on this h iv e a m eans o f com m unication w ith i new attitùde seems to be pre­ business of~ spontaneous de­ Neutralists and UN them . Accordingly, th e y dem and th a t aQ tin ­ v alen t. More than once the monstrations. I dean has been found WITH We are not entirely innocent.' students and not, as it has The number of students who I t has been a m onth since th e d eath of gle u ndergraduates u nder 25 live in ap­ I seemed jn the past, against step out of bounds is very Dr:r H am m arskjöld and th e U nited Na­ proved housing. T h is , constitute* any I them. small, but unfortunately the tions is still w ithout leadership. The Rus- hom e inspected b y th e U niversity fo r The Thursday evening dem- impression they leave lasts siana are taking advantage of th e h ealth an d sa fe ty fa c to rs. ! onstration prior to the Notre longer than that of the other opportunity to wreck th e United N ations'- SUPERVISION is required fo r all wo­ j Dame game is a fine example. 3,000. as an effective force fo r world peace. men a n d « ' 25 and men under 21. This I About 9 p.m. students gather- One good example took place Many oiiicials claim th a t th e Russians m eans e ith e r in a uhversity-ow ned resi­ led in Jettison Field House, during the particular rally we ag. ued on uam m arskjoki because they did where Dean Fuzak had arrang­ have been talking about. Some dence hall o r in a p riv ate home where ed to use a police car loud­ students, who must have given not believe he would take full advantage someone is clearly in charge. \ speaker to transmit messages their judgment a coffee break, of his high position. Actually, he surprised W ith miscellaneous exceptions fo r com­ from Biggie Munn and Rocky rapped on a car that bad a them and made th e S ecretary position a m uters, v eteran s and others, every un­ Ryan. weeping mother and three place of nominal influence^and power. d erg rad u ate is bound by these rules. M ost young children in it. Now th a t th e power potential o t th e '| of them a re housed in dorm itories b u t THE NEXT afternoon in-, stead of meeting administra­ By and large the demonstra­ secretary-general h as been realized, some m anage to find rooms off-cam pus. tion officials, the dean met for tions were a credit to, MSU. p a rtly w ith th e UN h an d lin g of th e Con­ Since so m any stu d en ts a re w ithhi th e two hours with student leaders. Faculty members must re­ go situ atio n , th e R ussians a re o u t to de­ age lim it fo r approved housing, available Once again we see an attempt member that young people rooms a re insufficient. T his y e a r off- to control the situation by work­ have pent-up energy that must stro y it. 1 ing with the students. be released in some manner. Certainly th is should be evident to the cam pus housing w as depleted by Sept. 23. so-called “n eu tralist” countries who con­ U niversity regulations say they m ust j He listened to their point of TO TlfOSE who are worried live in approved housing. S tu d en ts who ¡view and concurred with them about MSU’s image, 1 submit stantly demand settlem ent of the dead­ ; as far as he could, since his that an intelligent adult will lock, b u t refuse to commit themselves. cannot find room s o ff-cam p u s a re th u s Ihands are bound, to a great ex- not be alarmed by non-destruc­ These countries have tim e and again forced to tu rn to dorm itories w hether j tent, by conservative and un­ tive outburst from a commun­ voted th e ir fa ith in th e U nited N ations as thev w ant to o r not. . realistic faculty committees. ity of 20,000 college students— AT CROSS-PURPOSES w ith th is phil­ It is no secret that professors especially after its football a force fo r peace against im perialistic team has been named No. 1 o so p h y is 'the one advocated by th e busi­ ; who are members of the Fac­ advances. in the nation. ulty Senate believe that any If they are really sincere about estab­ lishing the United N ations, they would ness needs o f th e U n iversity. The men who m u st balance th e b udget I j J^terS tOth§ Editor represent th e belief th a t th e U niversity is 1 -------------------------------- ^ — activities outside of classes and study sessions are not neces­ This point of view gives its respect to those who yelled and speak out in favor of th e U nited S ta te ’s sary. To them nothing should cheered so long and so hard proposal fo r a single U nited N ations head. Then th e R ussians would have to back down. If they believe in the U nited under no legal obligation to provide hous­ ing fo r th e students. T h is h a s been borne out in history as m any g reat universities have left stu d en ts to th e ir own devices i To the Editor: Rallies Disturb Alumnus exist to distract the student for their team. It also hopes from his only legitimate goal that all students wiU accept the in college: Etudier. They would responsibility of seeing that umph for the Model UN, nor as they have here. I was-proud as soon abolish extra-auricular any type of destruction never N ations as a p rotector^ they will help activities as not. becomes a part of student en­ in finding shelter. - I Two occurrences in the last a victory to Israel. On the con-1 of their behavior, and proud to save th e w orld organization from becom­ From th is prem ise th e y argue th a t any j week have prompted me to trary this discussion was the I be a recipient of this pollte- When such faculty commit­ thusiasm here at MSU. landmark of the beginning of ness Perhaps the coeds don’t ^ ^ ___ ___ 1 ---------- J> ----- from the Policies coming ing a weak show place fo r the cold w ar. housing th e U niversity does provide, write you a note for your letter concentrated search for pursu-1 really know you, but don t give | tees raiiieS decide that spontaneous! shall not take place,: Dean of Students office have Or perhaos selfish personal interests should be offered on th e U niversity’s column. I am an alumnus of ing a new avenue leading to a i up, MSU men, because not all L. Michigan State, having gradu­ ^ nQt really leave much ¡been extremely cooperative in of which they er e always accusing "im ­ term s. The dorm itories a re business oper­ perialist nowers” are keening them , on ated in 1931, and naturally am solution to this complex issue, w us prefer horses and cattie.j ,jjscretion to the Dean of Stu-1 nature. Let’s give him every ations run as a special service to students. interested in the University. While the Israeli delegates • ~ ] dents. I would assume, after reasonto keep it that way. th* whole, uncommitted. T f students do n o t w ant to ,ta k e advantage I was at a conference at the spoke __ Of the inadequacy _ of ex-1 Resident Assistant, The “nen+ralM s.” mariv o f fi^m *w»>l of th e service, they m ay live elsewhere. University o f ' Michigan , oq. pending J& ttte North Case Hall M li1 1in hiwiiwwiHWHmiwiMtawiiwima countries who benefit jno«t from U nder th is philosophy, th e students Thursday, October 12 and w ai technically could live elsewhere. B ut th e very much disgusted with the the UN, the motives that «*»-1C h i l d i s h S t r d e i l t S r r C 8 S v U W l I I g S derline such rejection are, no no f l -a p ¡ C protective policy enforced by th e U niver­ students who came to the Uni­ ,i jn -Ml , 1—... v,#r 1both enfi^ ibe st iv forbids th is. THE STUDENT is caught squarely in versity of Michigan campus doubt, based on the intentions'To the Editor: and painted with blue paint of the Government of Israel to i The behavior of MSU stu- “ MSU” over 99 buildings. keep this problem unsolved so dents (?) at “The Crucible” Police A ct Wisely the middle. Presum ably he is not obligated Some of the individuals were that the way will be open | was positively repulsive—hoot- -Ohio S tate T ««♦mm to live in th e dorm because th e U niversity caught doing this and had to for its forces to expand beyond j ing and hollering like children inumitiiti inn11nw)*»*w»j11 mu hi him Jächflig Is not obligated to house him. B u t,U n i­ scrub the paint off with bricks the existing armistice lines i watching a cartoon, and smok- versity rules say he m u st live th ere his and sand. surrounding the state. To cover j ing irresponsibly in an ex- , Police across the nation are tions withoutnresorting to riot Then, on t h e night of up these motives, all sorts of! tremely crowded auditorium y*® i taking it on the chin as the col- squad tactics. No Antimissile Gap freshm an yean- The rales say he can October w move into approved, supervised housing j Michigan S t a t e ’ s campus, ed. 18 aa not took piece riot iook place on on rationalizations were present- (where such conduct ¡leges and universities began EVEN WHEN the police I bidden, anyway)! th*>ir annual „series of “.pep -We hope Soviet nuclear testing in the at­ a fte r th a t, but th e v acan cies'are few. If ¡which reached the headlines In order for the Model UN of If these children expect to ra|jjes ,” student demonstra- were within their legal rights, they earned the respect of the mosphere will bring renewed and effective no places a r e open th a t th e U niversity all over the United States. I can MSU to maintain a distinguish-1 attain any degree of 'success ! .. tions and panty raids student body, which is always pressures for a ban on tests. Meanwhile we approves, he is forced back to th e dorm. think of no worse thing to hap­ ing rtnk among other associa-; in this world today; I suggest ram nns especially trust American authorities will be giving re­ pen to the reputation of the tions on the campus and across they follow this simple advice: L Campus poii pec hard to obtain. ~ The two philosophies operate to g ether University than to have that the nation, the dVcisions which GROW UP! ¡have ^ / ‘«ht h o r^ s of college Of cuorse' students are fickle newed and effective attention to preventing an like two jaw s o f a vise, keeping th e stu ­ type of publicity. Perhaps the are made by the constituting . Mary- Fisher students and still maintam ---------------- con and it might be a temporary antimissile gap - stant patrol of huge university | thing. The next student demon- dent on _a yearly contract to th e dorm University has no control over participants should be based 8 There is much speculation that one prime stration might turn the tables object of the new. series of Russian tests— o r under th e U n iv ersity 's protective this. However, the student first on the basis of thorough! _ , campuses. back, and the Department of now up to 18— is to perfect a defense against missiles. The importance of such a defense thum b in approved housing. Only th e ra re body u n d e rg ra d u a te w ho reaches th e m agic in its Lriyw rity to grow up should --------—have - - . pride _enough _ Repulsive Acts Public Safety will turn into 1 and be individuals of stature. iliartty with the actual position j To the Editor: izations entrusted with the pro "kid - beaters,” “riot - squad,” has been too often overlooked in the talk about age of 25 is free fro m th is vise. “ fuzz” and other terms at­ These t w o instances of of the governments represent*I I think I have witnessed the tect,on oi P ^ lic safety, a “ missile gap.” r A university of th e size and s ta tu re of sophomoric activities disturb ed: and third, on the personal | most repulsive action of MSU | XHEHIGHLY specialized tached to police work. If there is such a gap today it is probably on- MSU should have only one philosophy. I t and distress we w h o are j convictions based on an objec-; students—even more repulsive j unjt SWunginto action At the present, however, the the Soviet side. The rockets Mr. Khrushchev twice should decide under which it wishes to alumni. ■ M I tive view. 'than the public displayof *f-_ during the . Notre unit can be proud of its work. has been rattling lately are mainly of medium operate. B ut it should not continue to Vic­ F. E. Ladwlg, M.D. Thus the Model UN will be j fection. I rallies” and -------- Dame proved .itself..a_“pep ■ • Ana cap- And to policemen uu: lO poucemeu this is a. range: estimates of his ICBM’s have recently v ... , rallies and proved itself a cap* | jnightv important thing been reduced by three-fourths. And growth of tim ize stu d en ts who are cau g h t between viewed as the center of intelli- j At t h e Auditorium the j aWe well-organized force. u n p o n ro **»» a th e conflicting ideas of a laissez-faire busi­ gent deliberations and investi-1French film “The Crucible”1” “TheCrucible” I Y- o s t e a d j’ of— ' immediately 1------ 1 Polaris-armed submarine strength is shifting the missile balance. ness e n te rp rise an d a protectlve-care Arab Refugees gations of the problems —— facing1 ------, , was _ _ shown. Anyway Anyway that that was was (breaking out riot sticks and get- l e t t e r P o lic y the world and challenging1 challenging! the thetitle title shown shown on onthe the screen screenUi ^g tough with the hundreds But among American defense experts there home. _ Te the Editor: peace and stability. : However, any blind person in | of high-spirited students, they Letters te the editor should is concern about a possible antimissle gap. In the Issue of the Michigan Ishaq Y. Qutub 1the „audience would have aa-j settled down to the business at be sent te the editor, Michigan Some are doubtful whether the Nike-Zeus State News of October 23. 1961, Chairman ' sumed this picture was a thrill- j hand, breaking up the demon- Stat* News, Student Services antimissile missile can_do the job. In any case - Archeologuts report they 're clearing away Melchior reported a brief cov­ delays in its development pose the possibility Delegation of Jordan!®* weatern or a picture o flStrators through effective road Bull Campus. the debris at the site of a temple of Aphrodite, erage of the proceedings of the i that nature. Throughout this j blocks and coordinated efforts We encourage students and that the United States might gain a big lead Greek goddess of love, in Anatolia. Giving Model United Nation with re­ fabulous, moving foreign filra,with the Dean Students faculty members to criticize, in missiles—even in types invulnerable to sur­ it a beauty treatment, as it were? gards to the Palestine-Arab ref­ ! students .(nif.irf. applauded, , ______ j Destruction of campus prop- praise and expound their views hissed, prise attack—and yet find itself at a danger­ —Houghton Daily Mining Gazette. ugee problem. i yelled, screamed, laughed and Crty was slight, and there were in the letters column. The col- ous net disadvantage. This could happen if the Soviet Union obtained an effective defense Although this resolution was defeateaM to SO with three ab­ For MSU Men I stamped. What was there left no injures to the participating uma will he as Mg as the read- We c a n t believe that there i r e more dogs I for them to do? They had students. The students were al- era wish to make it. against missiles while Washington still had stentions, it should not be in­ Ta the Editor: : thought of everything. lowed to expend their energies,1 We ask that no letter be ever none. ~ on the block now that school has taken up. terpreted and understood that May I disgree with the 59 This repulsive conduct re- but without harm to anyone I 5M words and that every letter We assume that following Moscow 's smash­ It must be that they’re easier- to see and the Palestine-Arab refugee per cent of interviewed women I minded me not only of high except for a bit of inconven- be signed. We willprist hear with the kids out of the way. no ing of the moratorium President Kennedy —Chicago Daily News ma. This prbM n is an old sad Invalid la­ expressing their views of MSU' school and grade school but ience to studying students and letter that to unsigned but we would not have so soon returned underground problem which was men? ; kindergarten, too. 1 thought in , harried , , . VU.V J faculty and administr-1will in exceptional eases leave testing, had not his advisers felt there was created by the United Nations During my last three years j college T would find mature atlon members urgent need to perfect such a defense and so Informed that a movie of the Normandy partition in November, 1947, as a MSU coed, I have been ¡adults. Instead I find infants.' The force can be commended: athere ion members. name sff the printed letter if maintain the nuclear stalemate. Dangerous as invasion is bring filmed, the ex-GI down the continues to be considered i s able to ottoi»* three Big Ten j The scene I witnessed was far on its prompt and effective! We are snfftcieut reasons, reserve the right to edit that balance may be, an imbalance that per­ block say sr “ I suppose they’ll have Rock one of the most serious prob­ Residence Hall conferences “-------- at worse than any behavior I enforcement of campus regula- • any letters. mitted Communist domination would be Hudson playing me.” lems threatening the Middle three Big Ten universities. have ever observed in high won«.—Christian Science Monitor. r _ _ — Chicago Dally Newt Bast. From these conferences, i school, grade school, or for The UN itself has been handi­ hava not only received educa­ that matter, in my mother’s HE'S 60T TO PICK TH* ONE! capped in its several attempts tional experiences, b u t'I have kindergarten. / cftEAT PUhftlN* HFS 60TTD! I DflN*T6 S HOW to seek adequate solution. The been able to compare our As I sat trying to watch this i RtSES CX/T0F THE AfWWNfWCHCANMdOCl Michigan StateNew? one million Palestinian Arab campus, our facilities and our picture only one question ran refugees who were forced to students with representatives through my mind. Why were flee their homes and homeland Jrom other Big Tea schools. these immature children, the fWKwiWCMMr 5¡NCER£ THAN THIS ONE! Published by the students of Michigan State Issued will continue to receive the In tny comparisons, I have so-called MSU students, ad­ to en cUus days Mondiy through Friday, during the faU. — — sendees of UNRWA and the found that MSU men arc not mitted to college? Maybe new spring quarters. Issued twice wee&iy during the sunum r term. monthly rations amounting to only , courteous but perfect requirements should be stated Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan. 7 cents par person per day un­ gentlemen. Who was the first for college entrance. Some­ at M l Student Services betiding, til a solution, based on justice to offer hto chair to a standing how and by some means this for Ml, Is in tight. ‘ Wisconsin lady? A MSU gentle­ impolite, ' inconsiderate rude­ term. 83: for two It is disappointing to realize man. Who were there to open ness should be and must be M0Ü O N UXXAa AROUND'S MCfmiN6 0UT SriCEOTV A6 R ¿ trms, w ; j w uiree fern», ss. that several delegations repre­ doors* help ladies oh with their corrected. Certainly t h e s e AND THßJE’5 NOT A 6I6N f: THE EVE CAMGEE! ito Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Associati« sented in the Model UN exhib­ seats, show their appreciation children do net deserve the OF jj and tb i College press. ited irrationality and lack of for the work involved in a con­ pleasure and privilege of at- E ditor Marcia Van Ness Editorial Editor Sharon Coady information and documented ference, give congratulations tending so fine a film as ’’The Mjmnyi«! Editor Ben Burns data on the subject. The reso­ to those who deserved it, be Crucible.” It to the duty of the .Business Mgr....... Larry Pontius Feature Editor Curt Ruadëil lution was simply an attempt the first to start a conversa­ student body here at MSU to Women’s Editor SaHy Ward te recommend a solution to this tion? TTie MSU mea. improve and correct this dis­ Circttlation Mgr BUI Marshall Sports Editor Jerry Fischer long standing problem. It would be too bad if MSU graceful immature rudeness. ‘ City M t o ^ . BUI Cote By no means this defeat; coeds have to go to other Big Linda Snyder Haw* Editor------- Jay Bitoak* Photo Dave J s t M f WflUams should he considered as a tri- Ten'Schools to appreciate what Ü Ä «pp* K: R pn §§|| M M S iM SPPSK i l s » # ^ ,, - , ;.,vv-,y y I 1 I M ... i ^ B ^ g g g a B ^ PÄ ;i?£: > | H If* ;» ( ■ ■1 T.|s I É S»áM #á •".: i » là ■, •- ;.'\^ mmËm &., ■'.. mi • « I l « H .... .W4'f‘V-W-., ..... i>*r;. >*Tl. * â M î BSi m Monday Morning, October 30,» 1961 Michigan State New», Eaal Uiwing, Michigan - ^ t iiiiiiwiimninwaowwwBnnwmwi be h d d the last week in Janu­ Sparta; Roger T. Berg, junior, 4-Pointers ary. Seated with the president and St. Gregory, fM regp, Illinois; Don M. Blakeslee. junior. Mid­ P la c e m e n t $ (Continued from Page 1) guest speaker were: Joint Fu- land; Tom Allen poton, senior, anatomy so let’s mention a few zak, Dean of Students; Paul Gates MUls, Ohio; Davkl H. •Á: figures:” Miller, Provost; ^ W i l l i a m Gibbs, junior, Ludtegton; Maur­ “There have been6,026 names Combs, dean of university serv­ ice Goudzwaard, senior, Cen­ B u r e a u tral, Grand Rapids; Donald W. on the all-A list since 1946 when ices, Milton E. M adder, dean the first honorary luncheon was of advanced graduate studies, Grinter, senior, Jackaon; Mary Interviewing at the Place­ given by Hannah. and the Rev. Robert Gardner of E. Hannah, senior, East Lan­ ment Bureau Thursday. Addi­ “The Acer’s compose merely All Saints Episcopal Church sing; Thomas B. Klrchner, V tional information in the Place­ a fraction of one per cent of the who delivered the invocation. junior, Clawson; Joseph A. ment Bureau Bulletin for the undergraduate body at State. Dinner was served prior to Mastro. junior, Yonkers, New week of Oct. 10 to Nov. S: _ - “27 per cent of the four point­ the introduction of the honored York: Lawrence G. Meyer, sen­ Uaioa Carted« Corp. inter­ ers have attended secondary guests and background music ior, Ottawa HUto, Grand Rap­ viewing chemical engineers schools outside Michigan, thus was furnished by the Estates ids; W illianvJ. P o rt« , send«, and cbemUtry, physics and illustrating the national and in­ Trio. Mason; Robert Quick, senior, biochemistry majora. ternational stature which MSU Here’s a list of the all-A stu­ Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Robert dents who were honored a t the P . Sparvero, junior, Pittsburgh. Caterpillar Tractor Co. In­ has gained. Penn.; Jean Helen Takacs, terviewing agriculture engi­ “Of the 100 men and 79 wom­ “ All^A” dinner last Wednesday. The students were honored for junior, tfendon; neers. Chemical, ctvfl, electric­ en honored this evening, only Robert B. Webb, senior, St. al, mechanical and metal­ 71 are being so honored for the their academic records Spring first time.” and Summer Terms. Johns; Karl G . Weiss, senior, lurgical nktgind^rs. Waldenburg, South ^Africa; KVP-SotherUuMl Paper Co. in­ “ More than SO per cent of AGRICULTURE Thomas G, Wilson, senior, Bed­ terviewing chemistry a n d the group Is here on scholar­ Timothy Fadayomi, Senior, ford, Detroit. packaging technology m ajors ships.” Ibadan, Nigeria; Alphonse H. and chemical engineers Dec., Sabine stressed the high cor­ Gilbert, Senior, Austin Catholic, COMMUNICATION ARTS M ardi and June grads. All relation between success in high Detroit; John L. Pehrson, jun­ Carol A. Johnson, junior, St. majors from the college of school and college. “ Almost, al­ ior, Scottville; Jack H. Stokes, Business and Public Service— ways those who perform better Senior, Sarnia, Ontoria; Claude Louis P ark , Minn.; Richard D. Powers, senior, Everett, Lan­ ORGANIZATION Dec. and M ardi grads. in high school will do better in R. Unrath, junior, Hartford. sing; Robert Sherwood, senior, General Electric Ce. inter­ college.” BUSINESS AND Owosao; Jam es I. Stepleton, viewing marketing majors: Lybrand, Ross Bros, and exceptions where students had However, he noted several PUBLIC SERVICE junior, Munice, Indiana. Contracts for the 1961 James R. Anderson, Senior, See ¿POINTERS page S Montgomery interviewing ac­ displayed only mediocre aca­ countant majors. demic potential previously and ArthorYoung and Co. inter­ had made such an about face WOLVERINE viewing accounting majors, -j that they were not present for P ittsb u rg P la te G lass J. L. Hudson interviewing dinner. “Look ahead towards raising p o l i c e administration and psychology majors. Dec. grads your horizons from good to —— Chemical Division — must he completed by only. great,” he urged. “„It may take Corning Glass Works inter­ extra effort, but dare any schol­ viewing mechanical, electrical, a r invest less?” Interviewing Tuesday, October 31 Friday, November 3 chemical and metallurgical Following Sabine’s speech, Opportunities available in’ six plants: Barberton, O., , engineers, applied -mechanics, Hannah said he hoped all those New Martinsville, W. Vs., Lake Charles, La., Corpus chemistry, physics'- and ac­ present would merit invitations Christie, Tex., Bartlett, Calif., and Beanhaneis, counting majors Dec., March, to the next honorary dinner, to and June majors. All majors Quebec, Canada. in Colleges of Science and Arts, R eietrch, analytical, plant problems, supervision, Communication Arts, Business German Club design, maintenance, plant teyoutr and standard C ontracts m ay be signed in th e Administration and Economics procedure opportunities open for men in these Dec. and March grads. _ General Electric Co. inter­ Will Sponsor categories: _ W olverine Office viewing all majors from the college of business and public Folk Dance BS, MS, PhD Chemists; BS, MS Chemical Engineers; BS, MS Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; BS Room 344, S tudent Services. Service. A German folk dance group Industrial Engineers. Allen Park Public Schools in­ is being sponsored by the Gen terviewing early and later- man Club, „ elementary majors Dec. grads. The new group will meet once a week, under the supervision of a native born German folk 2 Women Die dance instructor. Bavarian costumes are being ft In Car Crash sought, although dances will from all areas of Germany will A ppointm ents fo r group Two women were killed and a beAll included. interested students may man and two children seriously attend' the next German'Club photographs will be made a t th e injured in a head-on automo­ meeting, Thursday, in Parlor bile collision on U.S. 16 at tim e of contract signing. North Meridian Road yester­ C, Union. day afternoon. According to State Police a C ontract Rate»: car driven by Miss Janet Lee Guitar Player Holtzman, 19 years old, of Vi page $40 Royal Oak, started around two To Entertain „ cars which had slowed to make a left-hand turn and smashed into a car driven by Frank Spanish Club 1 page $80 Leale, 47, of Grand Rapids The Spanish Club will hold - 2 pages $160 Miss Holtzman whs dead when its first meeting of the year she was taken from the wreck Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the UN age and Mrs. Leale was dead Lounge, Union. Office H ours 1-5 p.m. Mon. • F ri. on arrival at Sparrow hospital Rathpn Espina, Flamenco Mr. Leale is in serious condi guitarist, will entertain with or 9 a.m. -1 2 noon Thurs. tion at the hospital as are his Flamenco and South American son, James, 10, who suffered songs. Also included in the pro­ head injuries, and his daughter, gram will be a short business Josephine, who suffered lace­ meeting and dancing. rations about the head, face Any interested student may and legs. attend. •f WHY IS INA THE COMPANY THAT MAY HAVE THE CAREER OPPORTUNITY YOU ARE LOOKING FOR? • A PROGRESSIVE, GROWING Art W uw . M w Ortrt The following organizations appeared in the 1961 Yearbook, but have not WORLD-WIDE ORGANIZATION. • JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF W h a t m a k e s A r tc a r v e d D ia m o n d s th e ABI LI TY AND I NTELLI GENCE, y et signed contracts to appear in the 1962 Wolverine: _ REGAROLES« OP f a y o r i t e o f A m e r i c a ’s C o lle g e Q u e e n s ! jl YOUR SPECIFIC GACIV3ROUND OR Actually there are many reasons. Artcarved diamond ring* TRAINING. • THE OPPORTUNITY must meet traditionally high standard« for color, cut, clarity FOR RAPI D P R O G R E S S TO and carat weight. Their award-winning styles are a delight Acrobats Club Arnold Air Society Kappa Alpha Psi MSU Ski Club POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY. to the eye. And, they take all of thè guesswork out of buying • GOOD STARTING SALARY, n diamond. Every Artcarved ring carries a written guarantee Amateur Radio Club Beta Alpha Psi Korean Chib Spanish tJlub WITH OPPORTUNITY FOR Tor quality* and permanent value that’s recognised and re­ REGULAR I NCREAS ES , spected by fine jewelers from coast to coast We think you’ll Agricultural Council Beta Alpha Sigma Les Gourmets _ Scabbard and Blade BASED ON MERI T. agree with America’s lovely College Queens. Agricultural Education Beta Gamma Sigma MSU Men’s Glee Club Sigma Delta Chi Stop in at your jeweler and be sure to see ell the exquisite Artcarved diamond rings—the rings you buy with confidence Ag. Econ. Club Chi Epsiloa MSU Women's Glee Club Sigma Phi Delta s ee your PLACEMENT OFFICjE t o t and wear with pride. AIEE-IRE Delta Phi Epsilon Amer. Guild of~Organisis Undergrad.. Social Work Chib • ASSIGNMENT IN NATIONALLY AOVERT1SEO IN Delta Psl Kappa Pershing Rifles Spartan Christian Fellowship AMERICA'S LOADING MAGAZINES Alpha Delta Sigma A MIO-WEST CITY Alpha Epsilon Rbo Forensks Union Phi Eta Sigma Spartan Wives Alpha PJd Omega Forestry Club Phi Gamma Nu Theta Sigma Phi Alpha P U Sigma HPR Beard Pi Mu Epsilon United Nations D IA M O N D A N D W E D D IN G R I N G S Amer. Marketing Assoc. Nat. Assn. Home Builders Pi Tau Sigma MSU Rifle Club _ INSURANCE BY NORTH AMERICA X R. Wood A Sons, loc., Dopt CP-21 Amer. See. Civfi Engrs. Indonesial Student Club The Pomoler Club 21« E. 4 M St., ISow York 17, N. V. Piene Mod Me more foet* «bout diamond rio«, «ad Amér. Foundrymens Soc. International Clab Russian Club STAN KAZUL, ’61 "Wedding Coido for Srido »nd Croo«." Also boom of oooroot (or boooctowa) Artcarvad Jeweler. I tm - Social Science Divisional i - 10Hto coror hoodtu« oad post*««. and Artrfcaa* CH« State 1962 WOLVERINE ; --------------------------------------------------- • . 4 Company representative will interview MONDAY; NOVEMBER 6, 1961 and “ Headquarter$ fo r Artcarved NOW ON SALE AT: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1961, Diamonds and W edding Rings* w ith a general Orientation meeting ta_ discuss IN A, LIVING UNITS C O -O• PS% GREEK HOUSES positions, t rate ing. and locations scheduled for Darnel’s Jewèlry TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7, s t 8:00 p.m. UNION BOARD DESK Room 36, Union Building. 207 South Washington IA ■ M ic h ig a n S t a t e H ew «» E t a t L a n s i n g , M ic h i g a n Monday Morning, October 30, 1961 (HMMM)! • • • O-O-O-OH! . . . WHEE-E-E-E! . . , touchdown drive a Spartan injury another touchdown You Can Get 20 large or 24 fold sheets MSU Stationery LITTLE MISS LIMBO—Sandy Gerndt, a junior from INDIANA FAN? — Roberto PORPOISE CLUB—Students and faculty met Saturday SPARTAN BOOKSTOJIE Neganaee, Mich., was the first Mace “limboiet” at the Sepnbrati from Northern Italy morning in a swim meet-water thaw as a part of the Corner Ann & MAC Bamlmaahay Steel B aaiFiaaee that kicked off the heme-^ didn’t quite understand the „^Homecoming weekend. "—State News photo by Dave coming weekend Friday night« —State news photo by American football game. Jackman. ' _____________ -.v, East Lansing Dave Jaefinig. ra w * » w ■ —t t rC K B FSFuC CAN Y O U -U S E A HUNDRED B U C K S? T h a t ’s w h a t y o u c a n w in i n e v e r y o n e o f AND AWAY WE-GO!—Left Halfback E art Lattimer on a reverse, picked up M yards oa this p b y daring the second quarter. —State News photos by Art Wieland ottarprimer &omd>. RUB a free cartaa of Viceroy! l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l lo (very contestant who names the tenwinning team»— ONE HEAPIN’ PLATE REGARDUSS OFTHE SCORES! ^ V ÎC E R O Y -S o m e th in g S p e c ia l E n d to E n d ... Special Filter! Specie! Blend! _ mOF SPAGHETTI AND 2 MEAT BALLS Only Viceroy*»got the I t t Filter. Viceroy*» Deep*Weave / / .W DINNER SPECIAL Filter to made of vegetable I if material that’» pure I S B te / WIN SCORS WIN SCORI aad ufe. 1 / INCLUDES: D k è - ....... » n A ra, - *to»Ú A N lnitOllla • SALAD D WxNni Michigan U. Q Kara U. _____ • ROLL AND BUTTER 0 MicMfan •_ f~l Dalia _____ • COFFEE 0 Michigan Si. .......... I I Miwwnaorn _____ 0»*• «MOMk D ilg .a n Me»* tra. »»«km rae*0m m.t O*mmm. w. Iwira. atm imtwOOHin <1*a O SacMra Michtfan U. — — □ So. Waafe ______ «ra Wn»,ii.il ara*«. O*mmn. 0 Wavaa S*. [~~| W.Wran taacrv» . . _____ I.M>»ra»vi».imM. »ra radi* «i tm vtcaw,ran. mKi. RALPH’S «a n m Vw Htttm hw i Mia «Hr. » ViuraralOMlet M toi Mw, tlHk □ Matra Daara _____ 0 Navy __ WONCH G B tF ld s a v i a KEW PEE C A F E T E R IA • *m * v w n , fora,« c * w u m tot a ir a a . X I r a i« » * « M M « T h . ( mOw a. 0 0 Minata 5. M. U. -------- __ 0 Q rwrCua Taaaa _____ _____ 1720 E. Michifiiv Í / - M Í L , OPEN A.M. - 12 P.M. m mmranra, ««km. rm>* M *•"«»«( c « , « IM M ul U mmtm «I tira». « a. « m ofwm rtattcM Crai«, 0 U. C L A* 0 CaWarala - . Lansing 484-77861 v ^ h f 1 :» P.M. ON FRIDAY - SATURDAY «ra man »•»«« ■ urn a »mi tra. Contest open ONLY TO STUMENTS AND FACULTY ON THIS CAMFUS. * «■«tram«»*«<«•ta m ma »ira. Mail before midnight, Nov. I. tei Viceroy, Box ,» .B Ml Vernon Ilk Now York 9 CAKES BAKED AND DECORATED TO ORDER # _ as » S S aPSRfri w m w zm Q IQ m k B B R Ï "BJSpNIii B BIIIIm M "—i !-•.' i:..:-.-."';.. 1 ■■i ■ i''1 Jpg» 1111 m:: «ro% Morafag, Orrabra 30, MM ' M «*» M ? 4M tarate«. MkUgro KWH im l '£#■m 5 V a r s it y D r iv e In 1327 E. Grand Hirer ' ^ ( p fwy Day *►*• Nhwy Ssnise 8:30 p.m. - 1:30 un. Sunday 5:00 :(IU pjb p.m.. • 1:30 a.m* E82-6517 THANKS to Knapp’s - X" for donating the IFC Homecoming trophies The Men of IFC (¿¿}.f(* ta J -<*•}* j«* . *(/u )‘ < ¿ ¿ 9 * 7 1 6 S eB B S S 5 ire@ ^ 0 FIRE TWO—Left halfback of the Spartan Soccer team, Sam Dnwaefly, hi white jersey, scored oa P nrdacdfF lird way, with his bead, la the first quarter oi the game Satur­ day moraiag. State romped to their seventh victory beattag Purdae U-2. —State News photo by Dave Jaehnig. C am pus C lassifieds Y our Key to B etter V alues M A Y W E REMIND YOU!! ' S t—“ Your Exhaust System May Be In SAD SHAPE BROOK’S GUARANTEEDMUFFLERS Tail Pipes - Exhausts Installed FAST By Experts WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN: BRAKES t- SHOCKS - SPRINGS - SEAT BELTS Y o u h a v e (o r w ill h a v e } y o u r P h .D . o r M a s te r ’ s D e g r e e - FREE INSTALLATION If you a n interested in the rewarding challenge of ast or engineer finds~hii way of work aad the DISCOUNTS TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY vital rematch aad devslopmoat work with a tender importance of his costtributioiis are fuMy respected. in the Spaee Ape sciences BROOK’S MUFFLERCLINIC H jvral II» nXHuug IW mmCOnpMBj WUCT'® UK I M « so ■ « SdCnr* Am« a « * « . If yon are experienced and/or intended in one of the many technical disciplines Mated below. 5FARKMR — Sharon Kaye I » W. IONIA IV 4-501$ Shwtty performed with two hatoas daring the Homecoming MONDAY - SATURDAY YOU M AY F IN D THAT A MOVE TO M A R T IN W IL L B E A M O V E U P IN Y O U R S • 5:30 pregame show. CAREER . . . A MOVE A H E A D TOW ARD S IG N IF IC A N T A C C O M P L IS H M E N T Urn* m r m s o t ¡m portint M rtm poabm a h r EN6Hi£EltS N O O ld S p ic e q u a lity in W a new ! h a ir to n ic 1 ..0 0 plus ta i R E S E A R C H D E P A R T M E N T - m i SOCNTtSTS withu to n ctd degm s: E L E C T R O N IC S D I V I S I O N - Opmiup in basic sad apdmd rassnrch far: R E S E A R C H * D E V E L O P M E N T •K eep s h a ir h a n d s o m e ly g r o o m e d — a ll SOLID STATE METALLURGISTS PHYSICAL CHEMISTS (For htgb-tctnpcrature cbaoMcxl reaction*. both SENIOR SCIENTISTS I mLECTRONICS E RESEARCHS M I d a y * E ig h ts d a n d r u f f • M o is tu riz e s —p re ­ in iba following anas: PLASMA PHYSICim t F i r i S l ^ S ^ L e w b . B . r w . „ « c HÖH TSMMÊATUM CUUMKS O MICWO-WaVS EUCT*OMCS AMO v e n ts d ry n e s s • G u a ra n te e d n o n -g re a sy background nscosmry). StMi-CoNoucToas o CnvottCMca o M atixials Eisa tarn fPbyuaai AERO-PHYSICISTS (Par rsssorcb with bypsrvoioaiy auMtmsEhamsnM). Cbsmiatry) o M assjli. La s o s o a Ornea O . : BLBCTR1CAL ENGINEERS ur : H A IR T O N IC L IF E S C IE N C E S CXMfÍ8MC8dí ftld/ttf ÉMMI8É M a p im and ana« oiatic controls. BIOPHYSICISTS PSYCHOLOGISTS (Ensrioweod in syslsmi analysis). BIO-CHEMISTS (WH bfeckgmMl M dbnittl lyotkiaét). P R O P U L S I O N S Y S T E M S INDUSTRIAL DESIGNERS AERO-PHYSICISTS Opcwiap for Asro-Phyuciaw with s misty of iscbaical discinti**»— iacliirH«t fluid sascbsaife, apptiad nuaisrical merhodt ai usad in f r ­ S T R U C T U R E S a M A T E R IA L S itti iigiinadal aquation aolwtiaaa, physical chaouatry ANALYTICAL AND Q0HCBPTUAL DESIGN . • in hightanparamm gas dynamisa.. !* Medwdsa Physic*. Mn M m iq , Aswanbcai Eapjnaer- PHYSICISTS . "*• ®r Cml Engineer!ag. Should bs experienced io structural study- Expaisoctd astUof hMarastsd Shìés lo i (kvfiopMBt 9Ì eUcfìi- “ *ad design ou bid trmpaiami s mwsSarss and ham background cal RISplk^SR ®yiÍ8SMI MMÉ8S8fgy MMPMfSiML elasticity, plasticity or dynamitai. ■ . . ” - . CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS MECHANICAL ENGtNfiERS Fhyaieal Chemist» rspm sacid in hid lampwolan react>00«. With snpsrianea and/nr iaisfssi in Ma CaMs of TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION prepuWan syMsnw, high lamp11stati bid voiocity **~ law smlysii» tHermodvnamies. hydradynamics, saalyticsl asm Experimental Phjwicfct with ««psrieoca in Staemmp)>. wnuj^ww^pwnM mma^HmmaRpapaii ummmam^yRHRiBBi^mwpa maaRwwu^^teHtUCMPnl ON-CAM PUS INTERVIEWS b O c t. 31 & N ov. 1 ito a w y d M f WsmKWg^P n H V R R R w V w M M » l^ p v ^ N S W s w IB Michigan Slate New», East Ian»ln» :|lteliigan Ifaaih y Morning, October 3 0 , 1961 a 19.- The contest will be i n ­ Tfiat-Second Half Again! ' U rn .i - % W JW f » ^ - IM News The contest will he held be­ ducted near the E ast M tin The Intramural f o o t b a l l entrance of the Intramural plscekick contest begins today. Building. Next Comes By PAUL 8CHN1TT LafayaBa, Indiana where Pur- To the lea leaders — now somewhat of a calm before the tween the hours of 11 a.m.-l continue through Friday, Nov. 61. Bryan Han won the Dortn- p.m. and 3 p.m.-S p.m. It will ship in Touch Football in 1960- State News Sports Writer d a r a n i thè rata dampened [reduced to triumvirate of storm which is slowly moving considerably thè hopes t i a Michigan State , Minnesota and tow inf the coasts of Mizmeajpo- Amidst the nostalgic aad Hawkeye Big Tea Champion. BDOt Ohioe State — Saturday proved lis and Columbus bringing with j lignant setting of Homecom- ...g displays, queen crowning it winds of hurricane velocity Badgers. Young took second whose impact may well be left Ghosts have their and returning alumnus, alum­ n a aad alummim* Michigan Harriers in that outing. as far west as the shoreline of { The Air Force Academy will Pasadena, California. sheets washed whiter State’s football team showed little sentimentality and hos­ invade Forest Akers Golf Course Saturday. The storm is expected to j at Louis. reach the coasts next Saturday pitality for the visitors from afternoon. Bloomington, Indiana, To the 55,361 fans present, Over Irish Floats The Buckeyes will engage a burning mad Iowa team bent; Usaasr ari the final outcome of the p n M provided as much suspense as (continued from page 1) reported the theft of about flOO on repeating last year’s per-1 formance when they destroyed i SMil Laariry a Perry Como musical specta­ By DICK ROBINSON from their house Saturday. OSU, »-12. * { cular. Or provided as mucb ex- State News Sports Writer Michigan State must enter citement as any 36 point under­ Fraternity officers said they Teaming up and taking seven the dark depths of the Min­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 24617 dog could furnish against the of the first 10 places, the Spar­ believed one of several un­ nesota Gopher hole to meet e nation's best. _ - known persons who were in the tan cross country runners de­ house during open house Sat­ team that has won its last four Once again it was that sec­ feated Notre D one, 23 to 36, urday probably made the theft. games and appears to be get­ ond half thrust that turned an at South Bead Friday. Other Homecoming events ting stronger. The 1960 nation­ outrageously close coolest into C ú ta la Jerry Young again were on a much brighter note, al champions rolled -up 410 the much expected runaway. A I 80®*% I rnme * led .th e Stale harriers to the A crowd of 95,361 watched as yards against a good Michigan E A S T LAN 5I NG * PHONE ED.2-2814 Perhaps Duffy Daugherty finish line, beating sophomore the Spartans rolled over Indi­ squad which- they beat on two pinpointed the origins of a Frank Carver who suffered hi* ana 35 to 0 and then cheered fourth quarter touchdowns, 23- HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS lethargic, sloppy and disap­ first hist while running for the performances of the State and 20. EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING pointing first half. Fighting Irish this year. Indiana bands and the introduc­ “I think we got the first Young’* time on the five-mile tion of Homecoming queen Kim FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. » ADULTS 90c touchdown too easy. After that course, the first time be has Larlee, Mt. Clemens junior. we seemed to let up.” competitively run that distance Honored earlier in a tradition­ GLADM ER I MEATRE •PHONE IV.¿<•9.8it ENDS TONIGHT — FEATURE 7:00 & 9:25 “Excuse me, Mr. Quinter, but I just can’t let you catch this year, was 24:49.4. al event, four well-known men NOW . . 65c TO 5:31 P.M. DAUGHERTY admitted the that pass,” apologizes Spartan defensive halfback Carl Carver, who had won the ND Spartans c o u l d have and Invitation a week before, cross­ were They chosen honorary alumni. were: Winston J. Schuler« •Feature i t “L’AVVENTURA” Charon to Indiana end Bill Qrinter as he knocks the ball should have scored two or ed the line approximately 150 1:3$- 4:10 - 6:55 • 9:30 harmlessly to the ground la the second quarter. State News three more times in the first ards and 21 seconds behind president of Schuler's Inc., STARTING TOMORROW TUESDAY Marshall; Paul A. Martin, re­ photo by Art Wieland. 30 minutes of play. ♦ Leading by one touchdown, ! ?bung. - tired editor and publisher of the Junior Rog Hombarger plac­ Lansing State Journal; Joseph ONE OF THE SEASON'S BIG HITS Duffy had a few appropriate ed fourth, 15 seconds behind a A. Childs, commissioner of the Program info. IV ¿3905 Eagles Win words to say to the team dur­ third-place Irish runner. P at Michigan State 'P olice; and ing the intermission. Stevens, Dick Gyde and Don Henry L. Caulkins, executive T JOtCrtMt LfvtNC»raoewto M ICH IG AN Over ’Skins TMf ATf»f PHDWf IV 2. 7 Vtl After the bands marched off Castle took the fifth, sixth and vice president of Hickman, Wil­ the field, the Spartans — rem­ seventh spots respectively. The liams and Co. of D etroit NOW!. . . 65c to 5:36 iniscent of General William T. latter two harriers were one The four were given the hon­ W A S H IN G T O N , UFl-The Sherman’s historical march to second a p a rt or by President John A. Han­ Feature at 1,1:16, 5:15, champion Philadelphia Eagles the sea — began their first of A1 Duncan, a soph from nah at the Alumni Club Presi­ m m 7:25, 9:49 P.M. marched 80 yards in four plays several forced marches down Hamilton, Ont., placed nineth, dent’s banquet Friday night in in the last minute of play to the field, laying waste every while teammate and sopho­ Kellogg Center. b M D i . red and white object that stood more Bob Fulcher grabbed the Official Homecoming activi­ snatch a 27-24 victory from the in the path. 10th finishing position. Al­ ties were topped off Saturday * JOSHUA 106AN PRODUCTION N TECHNICOLOR• WARNER MOL A U IjNR i m v o M R M e r Washington Redskins. It seemed as if it were mani­ though Duncan and Fulcher did night with the dance in the Aud­ NEXT ATTRACTION With 16 seconds remaining, fest destiny that the Spartans not receive any team points for itorium. Some 2,800 students I • CARROLL BAKER • Sonny Jurgensen tossed a 41- should cross' the great land their performances, they fin­ attended the dance, the largest' * IN yard pass to Tommy McDonald mass and extend their empire ished Before Notre Dame’s remembered crowd for the an­ “BRIDGE TO THE SUN’ for the winning touchdown. It from “goal to shining goal. fourth and fifth men. nual fling. was the Eagles sixth National And the agressive expansion­ The first five men in on each Football League victory against ism of State with the sanction team to Cross the finish line a single defeat. of “the Great Architect” could receive.the same number of For the Redskins, it was their not be stopped —- not by Mex-! team points as the order in seventh loss this year and 15th ico, not by the Apaches, not which they cross the Une. The by the Hoosters. low team score Wins the meet. over a two-season span. The runners áre progress­ It was, possibly, the most “ INDIANA had a lot of spir­ ing, and we have a good re- E N G I N E E R S frustrating^ defeat of all for the it, plenty of courage and never resentative team ” , said Coach luckless Redskins. Before Ju r­ gave up,” Daugherty said. an Dittrich. gensen and McDonald cut Michigan State bad a lot of He cited the following facts: S C I E N T I S T S loose, Washington had marched Pete Smith, plenty of Art Young ran-the first four miles 81 yards to what apparently Brandstatter and too much of the five-mile race in 19:52, was the winning score. Ron Hatcher. faster than any of his four- Carl Charon was awarded mile meets this year. Hum- Norman Snead, Rookie quar­ the game ball by his team­ barger had his fastest four- terback from Wake Forest, cli­ mates. Charon broke loose for mile time of the year—20:36. maxed tiie drive by tossing a a 48 yard “ march” that ended “ AH of our men were close seven-yard touchdown pass to in the Hoosier mid zone three a t the four mile mark,** said another rookie, fullback Jim minnf«« into the third quarter. Dittrich, “ but they spread out Cunningham, with 50 seconds I t was to be the first of four on the fifth mUe. Still we push­ still on the clock. touchdowns in the second half. ed Notre Dame’s men down in Vera Miles.™ ~ Taking the ball on their own The Boyne City senior also the scoring.” cuwawim-mssiawp-anuufMwn 30 after the next kickoff, the played a strong gam e on de­ Dittrich indicated that State L NEXT “DEVIL AT Eagles turned the cheers of the fense. He intercepted a pass to will have one of the strong all- 4 O'CLOCK*' 31,066 Redskin partisans to halt an Indiana drive which around team s in th e Big Ten moans la short order. had threatened to penetrate the Meet Nov. 17. Spartan 35 yard line—indeed The Notre Dame victory was an in su lt State’s third win of the season, A* ♦ i t add each tim a Young won the IOWA MAY WELL have met meet. MSU’s only defeat thus Its Waterloo Saturday a t fa r came from the Wisconsin U n n m t « IfP » M m m f tK B o W W I «J» uraunURC, popuuut cuLTURi, a m aocanrr I r l o » lim a to ri «fJff by CtaA WLI I m ito te I I I » AMD PBOMMk M M I» Ori MKRKMI une aito f —ffpf m h r CBBm B. (B arim i ft« » k r HBR7& Bfowiy NOMIMI AND THE g fjf IF T H E SH O E F IT S ... AND lori» ...then we probably have nothing to offer you now. W e like to fill our big- I r Pastara Wrisri, B4» and I r « to * m Wrifd. f l j . aad Arthur G. Madden *U » Asteas G. Motosa lili shoe jobs from within. S o if you’re looking for room to grow, try ua. Our SymMsf Orni Bmtinf Speetrmm Books senior engineers and executives of the future must come up.from the col­ Published by Prtntíce-HoU The Above aad Many More lege ranks of today. Many of our top men began their careers in our Paperbacks aad Study AMs. engineering departments-and not so long ago. Tima now for you to take that first step: sign up for an interview, with the men from General Canveateafly THephyeri Dynamics. S e a your placement officer or write Mr. H. T. Brooke, Manager a t the of Personnel Placement, General Dynamics, P.O. Box 2 6 7 2 , San Diego, BETW EEN C LA SSESM S 1 2 , Calif. An Equal Opportunity Employer g e t t h a t re fre s h in g n e w fe e lin g J1H 1 LaSalle Ceca-Cria Bottling Co. Q I N I ft A L D Y N A M IC S C O R P O R A T IO N w ith C o k e! leasing (Aerees From Berkéÿ H all) AtfMONAUnCS ANO CONVAi» DIVISION». SAN OltOO. CAUFONNIA fONONA DIVISION, POMON A .C A L If, f t . WORTH DIVISION/-FT* MONTH, HAAS G IIIIIIIID mmmmmfmimtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;Î-)V ' mm Mood*} Haraiaf, October 30, 1901 M fc M g » S to to M « w , E t » U a m g , M fa M y n , - saases University. Sig Ten Standings Booten Swamp Purdue MSU Social Role Other siou leaders vdB include staff members af the two extension ÎfffOBGAN STATE Ohio State S S t 3 • 0 a 13 •I II 21 21 i As Filizola, Lohri Star To Be Examined services. Many of the maitlngt win appear over daoad circuit tele­ lewa % 1 • 74 32 Michigan Mate University’s center for advanced study at vision to tie la Me remarks of "FOrdue 1 1 e 23 1« My MIKE SKINNER each hit the mark thrae times year Is now 7 wins mid no ride in today’s society will be the University of Wisconsin, the program people with those Nor thwestern 1 2 o Si 17 Mala Nava I parts Writer apiece. V'.r’V ' examined by members af the and Dr. MaJcobn Knowles, pro­ of the confer ence participants Michigan 1 2 0 31 •8 State’s passing attack, which They have wee 13 games University *«two extension serv­ fessor of education at Boston and tp H tl Ttr-lTT panda. Wisconsin 1 3 0 42 w Michigan State polled the kept Purdue « I the nm most without • loss, covering two ices on campus Monday through Indiana • 3 e 11 m trigger so its Howitzer tnissle# of the game, was razor sharp. seasons. Wednesday. Illinois 0 3 o 7 u s In the second half Saturday and “B e a u t i f u l teamwork,” State Jumped into a quick Over 500 man and woman of Hart's haw the tap ten teams la the Associated Press eaDegt smashed Purdue’s Boilerma­ beamed a happy Geoe Kenney, 24 lend within 10 minutes of the Cooperative Extension feetheS pefl farad Saturday.: kers, 13-2, in a soccer game the lin t period Saturday on Service and Continuing Educa­ here. State coach. “It was our beet FOREIGN CAR O W NERS L MICHIGAN STATE, heat Iadiaaa 334 passing display of the year.” goals by Filizola end Donnelly. tion Service win meet in Kel­ 2. Mississippi, heat Vanderbilt 47-4 The Spartans zeroed 14 goals But 24 seconds Into the se­ logg Center for Continuing Ed­ home ia the game’s final 44 With needle precision Spar­ cond quarter Purdue pulled a ucation in individual and Joint 1 Texas, heat Rlea S4-7 (alfht) minutes. - tans Filizola, Lohri, right 4. Alabama, beat Houston174 (night) 5. Iawa, last ta Purdne 44 Previous to that. State lead winger Jerry Heron and left counter-attack which netted a sessions. eu a close-in shot by Jim Uncovering opportunities for New Equipment Has Just Been Installed by a slim one goal, 3-2, margin halfback Sam Donnelly consis­ greater service to Michigan 4. OUe Mala, beat Wtseaasia 34-21 tently threaded the ball through To Accomodate Your Car At 7. Louisiana State, beat Florida 234 SPEARHEADING the Spar­ Purdue’s defense. MANS it 3*1 tor people is the goal of the con­ 1 Natra Danse, lost ta Northwestern 12-14 tan assault were center for­ State two minutes and 28 se­ ference. 4. Geargla Tech, best Talaae 3S4 ward Rubens Filizola and This group accounted for conds later on a Filixdla set-up. Included on the program are 14. Cstsrade, beat Oklabama 24-14 inside right Jean Lohri who eight of State’s 10 assists. Purdue's Tom Kohn closed President John A. Hannah; Dr. Right halfbeck Ken Graham moved up from his defensive the gap later in the period by JRobert C. Clark, dlxvKtor of na­ scormg the Boilermakers’ se­ tional agricultural extension Frandor Auto Wash poeitioo to land two scores in SHOP WITH ME IN the battered outpost of Pur­ cond goaL 7 K oto’s goal proved to be the Frandor Shopping Center — Daily 8-6, Sun. 8:30-2 due's goal. end of the Boilermaker's steam. Fall Graduates: CAMPUS CLA SSIFIED S MAB VENTURA, an inside State romped for four goals in Put in Your Order left, who already bolds the the third period. ~ PHONE 355-8255 or 355-8256 Spartan individual record for Lohri opened with a near- The Union Bookstore will most goals scored in one sea* miss, but he returned to the DEADLINE1x00 P.M. son, belted two more. .t Purdue end later to boom two take orders for commence­ ment announcements for fall He now has 21 this fall. goals past the Boilermaker netminder. fall term graduates until M Not to miss out on the as­ Ventura and Christie follow Wednesday. A U T O M O T IV E FOR SALE PERSO NA L sault, Donnelly and left winger Dave Christie also roamed in ed the Lohri advance and add Orders for the academic costume will be taken until M ust ed single goals of their own. ~ f b s i: 1,1a - "‘Tí l a V BTT to place one bulls-eye each Then came the devastating Saturday, Nav. IB. The price ■ «IL *«5 « . E D 2-2440. s u p p lie s . G ib s o n 's , 515 W, M ille r Children's portraits In your home, Road. T U 3-1431. 27 job application photos. Phone into the tattered Purdue net. fourth quarter in whach State for rental is |4. Seniors must ISO» B O R O W A R D TH . » u n ro o f. ED T - l t t r evenings, wssksnds. 21 W h i t * re d I n t e r io r . E x c e lle n t c o n ­ APPLES: Red Delicious, Jona- It was the first goal o fthe completed the rout with a six come to the store to be fitted. NOVEHBER I d it i o n . M u s t s e ll. E D 3*2232 a f t e r thona, McIntosh, Northern Hpys PICK UP Phi E ta Sigma pins year for them both. goal sjuee. 7 p .r o ._ and - 24 Cortland». Fresh appls eider. and certificates, t i l Naturati Sci­ S q u a s h . P is and Halloween p u m p ­ k in s . F a r m fresh eggs. Also other ane«. Wednesday. Friday and Mon­ Heron, rocketing in from the Ventura and Heron accounted LA ST . . . 3 DAYS! 1*57 F O R D . B lu e , 2 d o o r, ra d io , day, Oct. 21, 37, 1*. from 3*1* a.m. right flank, scored the other for the first two, Filizola the h e a te r , s ta n d a r d s h i f t . E x c e lle n t f r u i t s a n d vegetables' at reaeon- 22 r u n n in g c o n d itio n . 356-7947 a f t e r s bis p r ic e s . Roadside Farm Mark­ goal for State. middle two and Graham, the 1 p .m . It et, 2 miles east of B ait Lansing on US I t a t Okemos Road. tf final two goals. , New 1954— O L D S . . E U 7-2134. paint, 93 «scellent H o lid a y coups. condition. 21 ¥oU - PURDUE CHALLENGED the Spartans in the second period. L U C O N . i s : , 4 F O R D . 2 d o o r, e x c e lle n t. » m e c h a n ic a l c o n d itio n , stood t ir e s A N N IV E R S A R Y SALE H a ve W M T k i w They fired two shots and both dropped into the winner’s goal. IM Schedule Feature 1:14 .4:45-4:34 Until 5 :» p.m. 44c \ > a n d go od b o d y. T re m e n d o u s bu>. 25-4 - 75% D IS C O U N T But State’s^second half surge * E D 2-1912._______________ 24 damaged Purdue’s boiler and Entries are being accepted! Evenings *1.25 ‘ rnr.2 M Q - T D . N e w to p . T o n n e a u ,. N sed we say m o re ? the Boilermaker’s could boil this week for the Intramural Children 54c ; l i r j i k e * . G o o d c o n d itio n . C a ll E D 2- no more. Handball Doubles Tournament WILLIAM H. THOMPSON J L D fiM Michigan State’s record this and for the IM Archery Tour­ WINNER OF nament. — p o r t s t lo n . C a ll E D 2-3397 e v e n in g s and w eéksnds. 25 JEWELERS MONDAY. OCTOBER 20 ACADEMY 1*57 T R IU M P H . H a r d to p , w ir « w h e e ls , g o o d c o n d itio n . M u s t s e ll. IV * |-* 3 5 3 . 27 FRAXDOR MALL Leaders t:49 B.M.U. • Embers 7:25 Emerald - , Embassy 8:10 Emmtnenoe - Kmp.vilam ■AWARDS -X IV~S-0749 2:5 6 Empowsrment - Emporer Í OTHER’S N A M E n o t J ie e d e d (Continued from page 1) 9:4 0 Ravenna - Random .’ w h e n y o u In s u r e y o u r a u to ¿ w ith R o b o ts . On to p o fM s c o b s o n s. ED 2 - . 3*71. 24 U .S . D I V E R S lu n g a n d r e g u la t o r . $80. - C a ll R ic h a r d C h a r m , 355-2 404 element* which is essential be­ 1:10 EB fore any long-range p ro ject 8:5 7:2 5 E8 1 - 6 5 ES « 4— 10 X HAVEY0U C P P i l “one or the 9 :4 0 E S 7 9 a f 1er 9 :30 p .m . 35 can be effective. (Continued from page 1) 8r40 W S 1 7:2 6 W 8 1 4 3:1 0 W S « • 10 6 SEEN»««'™" t, «ARSON KANIN 6 ) ^ F O R R EN T In a speech to the journalists 8:5 5 W S 7 HOUSES Thursday, Florida’s governor, Farris Bryant, said the feder-_ Michigan State tackle Dave S tA W K M S SPO TLESSLY CLEAN, n is h e d h o u s e . 3 b e d ro o m s , l i v i n g r o o m a n d s e p a ra te d i n i n g ro o m . u n fu r­ al government was not doing Behrman of Dowagiac, Mich!, enough to help support and once an All-American prep Starts Thursday TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY FOR SPECIAL DEMAND MATINEE I b lo c k f r o n t B e r k e y H a ll. F o r NOVEMBER 4 2:34 P.M. f a c u l t y o n ly . $125 m o n t h ly . C a ll E D 3-3323. e v e n in g s . 2^ •educate the some. 100,000 Cub football.selection, finished run­ an. ,rqfuges which-, have fled ner-up in the U.S. wrestling Sandra John ADMISSION 61.» - MODERN m ile s s o u th 3 -b e d r o o m of th e hom e. 4 U n iv e r s it y . Castro in the past few years. tryout for the Pan- American } üGIÎNOV-DEE’GAVIN ALL EVENIVO PERFORMANCES ARI* *01.0 OIT M o re d e ta lle , c a ll E D 7-7477. 37 Bryant said the city of games, and played the entire TICKETS AVAILABLE AT-FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE Miami and the state of Florida 00 minutes of a college football ( R o m a n o f f » « J u l i e t MON. - FRI. 12:34 • 8:44 P.M. ALL SHAPES SIZES _ U N A P P R O V E D —f u r n is h e d c a b in I a t L a k e L a n s in g f o r ' l o r 2 m a le have carried the majority of game—all before he turned 19 'AKJMW4RPFF rtscsmcmmtoj PHONE 3S84148 u n d e n ts w i t h f u l l h o u s e k e e p in g "TO BUY the burden long enough. >Dun»towss)tomi CAREFULLY FITTED fa c ilitie s . )1 4 W e e k ly in c lu d in g “The federal government’s years of age. u t i l i t i e s . E D -3-8922 .'. . POCKETBOOK aid has so f i r been just a drop ABUTMENTS HALLOWEEN in the backet,“ he said. THAT IS. — F I R S T —F L O O R * a psTr tr n e n t. n ls h e d f * r m a r r ie d c o u p le F Gr - w ith On another Latin American Career Cues ¿ 9 5 9 -1 9 6 0 V W 'S M I T S u n r o o fs to o ! i re fe re n c e » . C a ll E D 3-8304. 27 CONTEMPORARY CARD issue, the Dominican Republic, F r o m $1295.00 S T U D IO APARTM ENT. M a le a prize-winning reporter and Processing, plastics, and electronics are a few examples. g r a d u a te s tu d e n t. U t i l i t i e s p a id , 25c commentator on Latin Amer- j 195!» C H E V R O L E T h ls c a y n e 2 -d o o r f u r n is h e d . $55 m o n t h ly . (1 5 w e e k ­ ly . P a r k in g . I V 1-0341 . 25 ica, Don Bonafede of the “ H itch y o u r w a g o n to Then pick the one you have a leaning toward, and get the names of the most progressive companies-in that V 8 w i t h a u t o m a t ic $1295.4)9 U N F U R N IS H E D . W i t h g a ra g e . 1 Miami-Herald, said the little „1955 P O N T IA C S u p e r : - d o o r 1l a r d ­ i i l u r k fro m ca m p u s. Id e a l fo r I o r 2 fe m a le s t a f f m e m b e rs . I n q u i r e The Card Shop island country will never have! self-government as long as a | a ‘g r o w th ’ i n d u s t r y - field. ~ One thing I’d like to point out from my own career is a f t e r 7 - p .m . E D 2-2782. 28 ■' t o p - u n u s ir a lly c le a n e a r $1(195. V0 member of fix hated Trujillo! . . . a growth industry may also be an old business that's F U R N IS H E D APARTM ENT. 3 344 E. Grand River family is in control. on the verge of new development. Shortly after leaving 2 -d r. S ix w ith ro o m » , b a tfi. U t i l i t i e s . $100 a m o n th , <54 C H E V R O L E T Rafael Trujillo, dictator of » t ic k $995.00 405 G r o v e S t. g ld s e n tra n c e . M a r ­ r ie d o n ly . A p p ly 504 D iv is io n . E D 2-8433. t.f. Acroii from the country, was assasinated arid g r o w w ith it ! ” college I found this situation in the Outdoor Advertising field. What my associates and I did was to employ color, S edan last spring and his son, Ram- action and motion to dramatically personify the product, 1955 C H E V R O L E T B e la lr ROOMS fis has ruled since. — . Douglas Leigh, President Y *9 a u t o m a t ic $195.09 R O O M a v a ila b le a f t e r T h a n k s - Home Ecra. Bldg. Bonafede said, however, that Douglas Leigh, Inc. brand or services being advertised. In doing so, are- d**. g i v i n g In a r e s o f- b e a u t i f u l h o m a s . F o r g r a d s tu d e n t o r p r o fa a a io n a l if the present Trujillo were veloped the modern type ‘Spectaculars’ that talked, blew 1958 P O N T IA C S ta r o h le f 2 d o o r ‘ h a r d to p a u to m a tic , p o w e r s te e r - m a n . 3S.V0 p e r w e e k . ED 2-1178.. ¡4 ED 247» ousted, immediately chaos “A growth industry is a new industry that is on the smoke rings, soap bubbles, etc.. . . signs that changed the > I n s $195.00 B O A R D A N D R O O M . M a la a tu - would run through the nation way up — moving quickly, expanding fast. When y o u ' face of Broadway and the famous Times Square area. d e n t. P a r k in g . T V - $-0891 . 23 as various raBMty officers join ja company in one of the growth fields you have * This is just one example. The really important thing SPA RTA N M O TO RS S L E E P IN G R O O M S . V e r y - n lc * . R E A L E S TA TE fought to set up another dicta­ something extra working for y o u . . . you grow up with it. to remember is this: When you set your tights on a career, Lots o f parking. (0 4 So. Barnes, torship. M a s o n . O R 7-1381. 33 To find out which industry is right for you, try this: Ask aim for an industrythat is going to-grow, so you can grow 3444 E. Michigan T M “ The question is not if 7 room nearly new tri level. GB someone in a good investment office to give you a list of with it. It’s the difference between a rocket that blasts L O S T cn