T o B la s t B om b U n io n ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Radiation Alert Over-Organized, Dead Driver Hits R it e s S e t - ' Halloween Crowd To Fill Network ‘Rebel Prof* Says ANOKA, Minn. (JV-A car with a dying man at the T h u r s d a y BULLETIN living a religion of brother­ wheel slammed into the end F o r U t le y WASHINGTON iff! - The So­ .... By JUDITH PEASLEE Of the State News Staff hood. There can be no force in religion, no compulsion, be “ America is over-organized; writes. of a huge children’s Hallo­ ween parade late Tuesday. T w o elderly spectators Funeral services will be held Fallout viet Union fired two more au- clear blasts Tuesday, Nos. 27 and 28 among those announced Thursday at 1:30 p.m. for we have given up ideals of in­ “It is more important to win dividuality and inner-direction the man that the argument,” in favor of the group.” says he asserts. “Brethem will not were killed and at least a. dozen other persons, Includ­ ing several youngsters, were Harold M.'Utley, 54, publisher of The Lansing State Journal, CloudMay by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission since toe Russian tests began SepC 1. injured as the car plowed in­ Kermit Eby, “rebel professor” go to law/ will not take oaths, at the University of Chicago are pacifists and stewards of who will speak in the Kiva life.” to the parade from the rear. Eight of the Injured were hospitalized, several in crit­ who died Monday night of a heart attack/at Flint. Services will be held a t the Skip U. S. An AEC announcement late in the day said: “The Soviet Union conduct Wednesday at 4 p.m. ed two atmospheric nuclear Eby has organized students, ical condition. Flint First Presbyterian WASHINGTON UP) - T h u Eby will speak on the. hum an "religious activities, and teach­ The driver also was found detonations earty Tuesday in aspect of automation in this ers. He has spent six years on Church, with Dr. David E. .mighty cloud of radioactive „ de- the vicinity of Novaya Zemlya. fourth lecture in the Provost the staff of the National CIO. dead of u heart attack after the rampaging car finally M -»— . ■»— . “The first had a yield of STUDYING FOR MID-TERMS—Linda Trilefsoo, fresh­ series on automation. He has been fired by a Board stopped. He was Otto Erick­ Burial will be in Bristol ceme­ States, ex ce p ttp r Alaska, on several megatons mid the sec­ Eby’s book, “ Protest of an of Education and by a union. son, 71, Of Anoka. tery in Genesee County. ond was ia the intermediate to man, (Math), Ludington. Mich, nses an empty room to its first trip around the north­ high yield range, probably be», catch a few minutes of concentrated study between classes. Ex-Organization M an,” is being He now teaches courses in or Mr. Utley had been publisher ern hemisphere — if the wind released today. ganization at the University of ■'■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ low a megaton.” of The State Journal only since patterns don't change. ~ We are over-organized in re­ Chicago. lliis was the cautious pre­ Oct. 1. WASHINGTON iffv-The Voice Political Control ligion, labor, and education, Eby writer in his book. “ MAN. FOR ME, is He. admits to Jaias. In fact, ter,” Eby says. “Never a sta­ he insists on explaining his bias tistic, never a number to be the cen Previously he had worked at diction by the weather bureau Tuesday as it calculated that of America will mass 52 trans­ his desk in Lansing Monday the wind-bonne cloud was mov­ mitters Sunday—all its effective facilities—for an eight hour and bad driven to his home in ing leisurely—a t about 50 miles bombardment of th e Soviet Un­ Threat to Colleges at the beginning. Eby Is a Men- manipulated.” nonite-Brethern minister, dedi­ In his book, “ Protests of an R e a d e r s cated not to theology but to Ex-Organization Man,” Eby discusses the over-organization Flint in toe evening. He and Mrs. Utley had been shopping an hour Siberia. — southeastward over ion with the story of Russian If the present wind patterns nuclear testing and pollution of and were returning home, when continue, the experts expect the atmosphere. v By SALLY WARD discouragement of teachers and impersonality and profit-seek­ W in O K he complained of pains in the the cloud to curve eastward to­ The VOA said toe transmis­ Of the State News Staff mediocrity in instruction. ing in the churches, the labor sion power involved, 4,331.000 Hannah emphasized the im­ movement and the universtty TWIN LAKES, Wis. (JV-In a chest and arms. He died short­ day and reach Russia’s Kam­ watts, will be “the -greatest chatka peninsula tonight. Then A real concern of education portance of maintaining the D U s L e a d He doesn’t dwell on the bureau­ m ove to ease the McGuffey ly after Mrs; Utley brought on Thursday, it should travel concentration ever achieved centered on where control will Constitutional status for the cracy of business, government Reader controversy, Mato Sup­ him jto_a hospital. rest, members of the Consti­ Board of Regents, Board of erintendent Angus Rothweil over the Aleutian Islands and for the Iron Curtain area ” ami suburia. In the month since he had possibly reach the Western tutional Convention educational Trustees and Board of Govern­ I n B lo o d Tuesday told toe Twin Lakes committee were told Tuesday. ors in order that the universi­ Speakers were Michigan State ties under their control might He says self-seeking that leaders motives have with in­ school board it could use toe ancient renders for selected as come had to begun Lansing, active Mr. Utley participation edge of Alaska. The Least HeCouldDo President John A. Hannah and be permitted to function In a D r i v e filtrated some of the most in­ signments. He aleo said he had in many local affairs. The THE BUREAU’S fallout mon­ NEW YORK IffV—A 34-year- R a c e dividualistic and idealistic in no intention of withdrawing itors at six- stations will "be Rosco O. Bonisteel, a former manner expected of all uni­ Lansing.^ Chamber of Com­ busy a s the cloud moves across old clerk tossed a brick member of the University of versities seeking and teaching stttutions in our societv. Eby state financial aid if that con­ merce was planning a recep­ Alaska and then beads over through a window ef toe Donations for the second day Michigan Board of Regents. truth regardless of their popu­ of the Alpha Phi Omega Mood has reform proposals for this dition t l met. Cañado on Friday. headquarters sf toe Soviet situation. tion Wednesday night for Mr. "The suggestion of one board larity. _ drive were- below last year’s “ My greatest fear for free Rothweil informed Dennis and Mrs. Utley who were to On its next trip around the delegation to the United Na­ for all institutions would run earth, the weather experts tions Tuesday. The brick bead on against the achieved ‘‘Whetg. universities are sub­ level, said Cliff Rice, Birming­ institutions,” he said fit the Beula, director of the hoard of have been the guests" of honor. hazarded a rough guess that was painted white with toe ham senior, chairman. t h e Lakewood Elementary ends of the university ’s endeav­ ject to legislative control they book, “comes at the point of Only 175 pints were donated contact with ever-increasing School, by letter that toe Mr. Utley was * vice presi­ t o r cloud might come over following inscription: ors*” Boinsteel said. , are subject to criticism and in­ areas further south. By that “S4 megatons,” “ for my board’s, agreement not to re­ He compared this .type of hibition,” he said. -yesterday. members of ’kept men* — men quest teachers to use the 1879 dent of Booth Newspapers, time, it should be less radioac­ unborn,” and a skull and “We are disappointed In the governing to absentee landlord­ Hannah quoted from a re drive so far, but still hope to who are the prisoners either edition McGuffey. readers for Inc., prior to coming to the tive. — crossbones. ism and said that it might ré­ port that had inquired into the reach our goal of 1,805 pints. of an ideology, an institution basic reading skills has. “satis­ Journal. He began his news­ U. S. fallout experts indicat­ Police identified the man unit in government by clerk, problems of the University of Rice said. or an organization. Theirs, factorily resolved” the dispute paper career in Flint with The ed that if American calcula­ as Lothar Wnerslin of Man­ Michigan in 1840 that pointed when they speak, is not a free with the state department. Flint Journal in 1928 as a dis­ hattan. They said he ap­ out that the university should and self-determined opinion play^ advertising salesman. In tions are correct, the super­ proached the Russian build­ DELTA UPSILON is the only bomb -exploded over Novaya West Fights. be placed in the hands of a living unit to reach the 100% theirs instead is the apology will The department, he said, 1953 he became manager of not ask the board to limit Zemlya in the Soviet Arctic ing with the brick in a brown board of control made up of level. Farmhouse is next with for policy external to themsel -its selection of materials to any The Flint Journal and in 1959 can be a “dirty bomb”—pro­ paper bag and tossed the he was appointed vice presi­ For Principle outstanding citizens who would 55% and 'Sigma n a l f . t i m A c n /tu ? t h a t t n a c t u n a n t FRESHM EN undoubtedly gain from a A t th e sam e tirife it w ould elim inate ed a t for the same reason. — - tion, never extend beyond their have the audacity to misin­ body should be proud of Stu­ this matter. I have heard that y e a r’s experience in a residence hall. They th e ridiculous situ atio n s created by th e How must this struggle own little sphere, cannot comp­ terpret the yearnings and de­ dents on this campus do not 47 percent of the freshmen are on th e ir own b u t still have someone p resen t head-in-the-sand policy. Men and against unfounded prejudices rehend that universality of tal­ sires of these University stu­ realize that it takes skill for class is from the state of New to help them make the a d ju stm e n t to women o f 22 and 23 and 24 y e a r a n f age be overcome? One solution is ents which Is sometimes observ­ dents? Do the Nigerians live band members to both play an [ York college life. are n o t children. for us to stop suppressing our able to one person (opera­ in the streets, cook to the instrument and to march in Gerald R- Marge) feelings and openly express tion).” streets and go to bathrooms in j intricate patterns, neverthe- 125 Fern them. Another is education. Sandra Laageland the streets as was described j Education and prejudices have Resident Assistant by the young tody, Sleep, B a b y, Sleep a reciprocal relationship. As North Case Hall If these statements were tru e.) education increases, prejudices then there is no need for the PrCSS Cuttings DttMMwiwbtitttHtitittuiMiimHttiito decrease. I have met toteUigent men who have held bitter preju­ Supports Duffy students and some of our poli­ ticians to protest. It seems in­ dices. I bave met a few edu-i To the Editor: - eated men who have had bitter j Perhaps Professor Wood- things she said. Her exact credible to believe some of the prejudices. I bave never m e t[ bridge should have given his wording was that everyone ex­ an intelligent and educated commentsmore“thought” be- cept us lives in the streets. The Curve Raisers man who holds strong preju- foreputting them into“ton­ This is. of course, false! 1 dices. guage.” He should bave been can’t recollect having seen David L Jaehnig Wc ask ourselves the ques- j more critical of the editorial such conditions in our cities. The campus is talking of the ¡faculty member has made an tion, “ W1U bigotry ever com­ staff of this newspaper for a There is no doubt that the wonder roses, the soon- open report at a faculty meet­ pletely disappear?” Probably poor job of reporting and cap­ emerging nations of the world to-arriveof the skiing season at ing. and efforts have been n o t Progress has been made tioning than of Duffy Daugher­ are- still not—as civilized as northern resorts and the re- ; made to crack down oo the cf- to tba South and within the ty. Those of us who know any- America. Many of the ex­ sutts of those well-known mid- fenders next ten years segregation will thing about Duffy know he is patriates that bave been to The other colleges certainly be history. But this cannot; most certainly not one to pray Africa used to comment on the Terras are also concerned. But the at­ change • m an’s toner feelings. for victory, but rather he does low standard of living. Why is The mid-terms bring their titude maintained by some of T h e n has been less program ! regularly pray “that the mem It that they were not criticized own special set of worries and the faculty that an hooer sys- towards dissolving religious! bers of his team might play the by the citizens? Of all the tact comments. and ■ judging —p m from.... prejudices to the South as was best game they ere capable of books docks 1I have nave rean read on /urica i on Africa ®f the ' reactions across ¡ fo® wiR work and that stu T S ttS L S T S m v ^rthor the campus, a large number of «fonts should turn to th e ire rr- evidenced to the 1996 election. playing.” The fact stands that wher­ I would suggest that both the ¡¡¡¡¡¡ggg -i*- u- «.li« «--<« <°«* or or dean is out in the illus­ ever there are people, there is newspaper staff and Professor in the streets. I hope that next time to buckle down and trious “left-field-” ignorance; wherever there is Woodbridge think a little more time each and everyone of us change the emphasis of their ignorance, there are preju often before they speak, so they must try and know the fad s j from athletics to scholas­ IF ONE COLLEGE is hav ing as w o n t be shown up to be the before commenting on such tics ' V V / , p difficulties controlling the pro­ Tom Selliv a i ¡ poorest sportsmen of them all delicate issues as this One of the largest and most blem. such as the University Bryan Hall t— Kenneth D. Welch In the past, this continent important complaints from College, certainly the same students is the frequency of j problem exists in the other col- switched biuebooks during es- leges If one faculty member Irrational »<» vvt I s IMft'lüteiÜPJ lTJÜ6TCA*A6mi&nO.>£ HAUAdSNidl APPEAR®INA VERVóiNCSít say tests, the memorized let- j admits that be has to be a j ter-list in multiple guess tests.) “watchdog” during exams T* (k , H t t r , w m joü/m eyi PUMftäN fWCH OtüNED and the number code to true- then certainly other classes I ’ve just finished rending the t f y i S r t lC UAJtfft flpCCJAAAl false exams. need a watchdog « tid e ; “H*p, Two Three, I f tt ttÛ N I J IN MSU JBRSSYÍ TO THE SERIOUS students, ministration A0 of the urging from ad­ Fear” in the October 31 State and focuhy that eu ft is the fault of the professor, the student bas the duty to pro­ News, appearing under the more than that of their fellow “Arts end Entertainment” sec­ students, that cribbing goes on. tect himself from the “ curve- tion I must stonft that I hardly Sitting to a claw of 60 to 7b raisers," still has not produced think of the entetto an a work a working svstem of stool- students, the appearance of pidgeons T yf arti-nor da I particularly ap- crib-sheets and the switch of natural advarv precinto tfee entertainment the ion to tattle ? held by .most blue books Is quite obvious. But tba tunung-m ter pi letter provided. Instead, the students fo. tetter left me with a OH.fKXT PUSttM. j to the professor chocking pap­ of dass-mat. seat-mates aod ers at e desk to the front of pang of mental anguish. ftrfe fiO M V M IV E the room, many things go by :Tbus the police duty returns room-mates. — The letter tried te “expos«" ME CRAZVÜÍ unnoticed whet the author behaved to be to. tbe instruct«, whether be University College bas been feels it is his job o r not. And rsgtoitH I procadnra» begin­ ning to tito residence M b . ft worried about the problem for if be feels incapable or on- is my opinion that a lmddeat some time. Demi Edward Car­ desirous of matetatatog such adviser certainly has mere im­ lin bas received faculty r e ­ high-standards of honesty, per* portant things to do then to talk ports on tbe techniques and baps it is be es wen as the stu- a s a s f e ¡ to n group of ungrateful, unrr- prevalence of these illegal i dents who needs to be educab I sponsible and naive ptopta. a f,atdo4o«ea»A.” At least one Sad. today « T a M f i < Information ff lit 111111Cl n t llt lill U lf f f f f B IM II i! I! I U ! I Green Splash Wednesday, ? Recette H alf Wings p.m.,'Women’s H I Bldg. _ Need a student wife fall be­ much of the basics, but one can i The half wings of a cadet pilots, and said that this costly Canadian d a b — Wednesday, hind her husband intellectually even see expectant mothers in student pilot were presented to instruction presented a chal­ 7:30 pjn.„ 35 Union. and culturally? the lectures on reproduction in five senior Army ROTC cadets lenge to them. Capt Thomas E. Fitzpatrick, -V Naturah Science. No, say a growing group of Monday by Col. Jam es F. officer in charge* of the flight Student Assn. at Landscape student wives who feel it Is time The university should offer Skells, professor of military training program said that the Architects—Wednesday, 7:30 the university became aware of a curriculum-with classes gear­ science. Instruction costs the Army p.m., 38 BMg. A-l. its responsibilities toward them. ed to the wive’s needs. They The cadets are engaged In about 1650 per man. feel these should be open to the army ROTC flight program Spartan Women’s League — Because of marriage, the them exclusively, keeping in Senior cadets who received Wednesday, 7 p.m., Union. wife often finds it necessary to mind that the student wife is conducted by Spartan Aviation their half wings were Lawrence Wolverine pictures will be quit college, either to help her probably more mature than the at the Capitol City Airport. H. Walker, Hollywood, Fla., taken. husband or because a child is average college coed. They wtil receive private pilot’s Joffre W. Filion II, East Lan­ expected. licenses upon completion of the sing; Ronald C. Rutkowski. Weeley Foundation — Wednes­ The first in a series of meet­ program. - < Jackson; Karl R. Hosford, Lan­ day, 7 a.m., Communion; EVENTUALLY she fears the ings will be held Nov. 28 at Kel­ intellectual gap will widen be­ logg Center, with a special Skells told the cadets of the sing; and Norman M. Mills, 7:30 a.m., breakfast; 7:30 opportunities open to Army Hillsdale. p.m., Christian instruction; tween she and her husband, guest speaker to be announced. 8:30 to. 10 p.m., conversation and she will find she cannot YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS with Qeorge Jordan. converse'with him intelligently MSU wives comprise a stag­ nor help him with his academic gering total of five thousand, Fisheries aad Wildlife Club - problems. Also she may faO a spokesman said. “ If we can Wednesday, 7:30 p .m .rF o r- estry cabin. behind him culturally. For the brave wives who re- ^ unite into an interested, active Academic Publishing Co. all working for this Rifle Club — Wednesday, 6 30 turn to classes, it is yery sliffi- j »ro™ p.m., Dem Hall basement. cult and often embarassing. cause, we have the potential to Union Board Special Events Not only have they forgotten1bring about dramatic results.’ X presents for Committee — Wednesday, 4 p.m., Mural Rm., Union. Martin Luther Chapel — Wed­ nesday, 7 p.m., Choir Re­ PATH OF FALLOUT FROM SOVIET SUPERBOMB—The fallout cloud was hearsal. J r. PanHellenic — Wednesday, moving across the north Atlantic Tuesday, south of Iceland and Greenland. Its leading edge is expected to approach the British Isles and northern Europe M S U . 8:15 p.m., 38 Student Serv- Wednesday.—AP Wlrephoto Map. ~ ___ ices. Ag Ed Club — Wednesday^ Color can affect cost and time ! minority languages: Ukrainian, 7:30 p.m., 237 Education spent for “ upkeep” of a man’s j Georgian; Armenian, Lithuan- CAM PUS SUM M ARIES Bldg., Initiation night, speak­ suit. Eleanor Mullikin, cloth­ V o i c e I ian. Estonian, and Latvian. er from Kansas City trip. ing ' instructor at Michigan (Continued from page I) Ij Most of the broadcasts will Student Education Assn.—Wed­ are better thanuplain colors for Stae University, says mixtures nuclear experiments and the be on shortwave, but the VOA world's reaction to them. million watt medium wave For All First Term Basics nesday, 7 p.m., 252 Educa­ low-cost care. _ • transmitter at Munich will also tion Bldg. Beginning at 9 a.m. EST be used. Regular VOA pro­ (1400 GMT), the VOA said the* grams will be dropped for the These study guides have been prepared to enable broadcasts will report: “The day, mounting world revulsion to the th e student to obtain the maximum understanding Soviet nuclear testing; the per­ ùh fidy of the U.S.S.R. during ne­ Greek Scholars of th e m aterials presented in the basic courses Jig Shobnn gotiations to achieve a ban on testing; the chronology and Will Be Honored w ith a minimum am ount of wasted effort. They (Author of ‘7 Was a Teen not Dwarf’. “Tht Many magnitude of recent Soviet have been designed specifically for students a t Lom of DobieQiihs”, He.) testing; qs well as the effect . . . fallout from the tests will At IFC Breakfast MSU, and used properly will be of great benefit. - have on the listeners and their The IFC will hold~its honors children.” _ breakfast a t 7:30 a.m. on Tues­ The Soviet Union has s e f off day. Nov. 7. John Fuzak, Dean Inquire THE DATING SEASON at least 28 nuclear blasts in a of Students, will give the main I have recently returned from a tour of 9.50,000 American col­ test series that began Sept. 1. address. including two superbombs be- *~. Greek men, who_ demon­ ~ Downstairs In The Inkpot leges where I made a survey of undergraduate dating customs lived to be about 25 and 50 meg­ strated outstanding academic (Monday - F rid a y -12 to 5) and sold mechanical dogs, and I have tabulated my findings atons each. ability by obtaining a 3.5 or and I am now prepared to tell you the simple secret of successful Edward R. Murrow, director better spring term , will be rec- 307 E ast G rand River dating. . ~ ' of the U.S. Information Agency, ognized and a plaque will be The simple secret is simply this: adatéis successful when the- said'JUsteners behind the iron given to the graduating senior jnan knows howto treat the girt. _ ’ curtain are now being fold the with the highest all-university And how does a girl like to be treated? If yod want to know, special broadcast is coming -up [ average. read and remember these four cardinal rules of dating: Sunday. . He said this was being done g r r .." T T 1. A girl like» to be treated with respect. because only three “ relatively Veterinary Prof When you call for your giri, do not drive up in front of the unjammed” minutes can be sorority house and yell, “Hey, fat lady!” Get out of ygyr car. gained with a surprise move. “Since at best, jamming is Speaks at Illinois Walk respectfully to the door. Knock respectfully. When your girl comes out, tug your forelock ánd say respectfully, “Good never completely successful Dr. Lloyd S. Goyings Of the SU PER J evening; your honor.” Then offer her a Marlboro, for what despite the Communists’ 2,000 veterinary pathology depart­ greater respect can you show your girt than to offer Marlboro interference trans m i 11 e r s,” ment spoke last week on “The Murrow said, “the advantages Relationship of Hypothyroid­ FOOD m a r k e t s with its fine flavor and exclusive selectrate filter? It will in­ dicate immediately that you respect her taste, respect her dis­ of ¿lerting the prospective-aud­ ism to Skin Disease.” __________ w___|__________u the advantage Goyings spoke at the Uni- cernment, respect her intelligence. So, good buddies, before going out on a date, always remember to buy some Marlbores, ience outweighed of a minutes possible of the few unjammed j versity of Illinois, where he programs. participated in a symposium EAST GRANDRIVERAT HAMILTONROAD, 0KEM0S available in soft pack or flip-top box in all 50 of the United States and also Cleveland. Thè transmissions will in­ volve one hour programs in About Dogs.” on "“The Newer Knowledge OPEN DAILY9 A. M. TO0 P. M. (CWd Sunday) Russian and English and half More than 300 attended the hour programs in these Soviet conference. Look What Your $ Buyslr Libby’s Frozen POT PIES APPIAN WAY PIZZA PIE MIX Chicken • Turkey • Beef BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIX 10 VARIETIES DAINTY LUNCH JELLIES 6 - * 1 .0 0 20 OUNCE HAWAIIAN PUNCH 46 OUNCE LIQUID CORAL DETERGENT 22 OUNCE Morton Pies Peach - Apple - Cherry fa íim w S. A -girl likes a good listener. 3 » « 1 . 0 0 Pum pkin - Coconut - C ustard Do not monopolize the conversation. le t her talk while you listen attentively. Make sure, however, that she is not herself a good listener. I recollect a date I had once with a coed named Puff’s Facial Tissue 460 Count 4 $1.00 3 «* *1.00 Greensleeves Sigafoos, a lovely girl, but unfortunately a listener, not a talker. I too was a listener so we just sat all night long, Purity Oleo 1 lb pkgs 6 $1.00 each with his hand cupped over his ear, straining to catch a word, not talking hour after hour until finally a policeman came Delmonte Catsup 14 Ounce 6 for $1.00 HEATHERWOOD by and arrested us both for vagrancy. I did a year and a day. She. got by with a suspended sentence because she was the sole Look your beat, ICE CREAM support of her aged housemother. Franco-Aerican Spaghetti 3. A girl like» to be taken to nice place*. By “nice” places I do not mean expensive places. A girl doe* See your beat Campbell’s Pork & Beans 15 Ounce SCOTCH-PAK - - Vi GAL 4>9' not demand luxury. All she asks is a place that is pleasant and with 16 Ounce , ALL-STAR Vi gal 59c gracious. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, for example.' Or Mount Rushmore. Or the Taj Mahal. Or the Bureau of Weights Wallace Contact Lenses Purity, Evaporated Milk Tall Cans FRENCH LIN E Vi gal 89c and Measures. Find places tike these to take your girl. In no circumstances must you take her to an oil-cracking plant 4. A girt like» a man to be well-informed. Come prepared with a few interesting facts that you can drop casually-into the conversation. Like this: “Did you know, Contact lenses have proven successful - with many of our customers. The tiny plastic lenses fit directly over the cornea 8 »« $t O O U .S ^N O . 1 IDAHO POTATOES Fhookiepuss, that when cattle, sheep, camels, goats, antelopes, and offer complete natural vision. You’ll 1 lb and bther members of the cud-chewing family get up, they al­ see your best, look your best . -. come Libby’s Red Alaskan Salmon Can 79c 10 lbs 59c ways get up hind legs first?*1Or timr^Are you aware, Hotiips, that com grows faster at night?” Or this; "By the way, Lover- in for the complete story. * " T - ,.. head, Oslo did not become the capital of Norway till July 11, 1934.” Call IV 9-2774 fo r a a A ppointm ent TurkeyParisSal« SM OKED H A M S U. S. Ne. 1 Freeh If you can slip enough of these nuggets into the conversation DR. W. C. JENSEN, Registered Optometrist BREASTS ....___ .: lb 59c THIGHS______ lb 48c Boneless Roiled Cranberries lb 23c Wore dinner, your date will grow too torpid to eat. Some men sate up to a half million dollars a year this way. LEGS________ lb 39c Any Size Piece • IMt Mu --- WINGS _ lb 29c ,1b Only U. S. No. 1 W A L L A C E O P T IC IA N S NECKS 4 BACKS .lb 19c LIVERS 4 Boneless Center H un Slices lb 79e Vine St. (apparite Frandor) Ph. IV 9-2774 GIZZARDS _.___ lb 39e Boneless Pork B vtt Ronsts lb 49c '"'‘“‘ Yams lb 10c To the tut of thing» giri» Uh», odd tho king-size. unaltered Swift’s Premium Sliced Bacon lb 59c Philip Monte Commander. Ghìe, men ln foet eeergkodg alto office» downtown at 197 N. Washington, Ph. TV 3-1173 with» toete bud in Me heod like*mild, naturel Commander, co-sponsors with Marlboro of thi* column. Dr. R. C. Jeaes and Dr. J . R. Nixoe, Registered Optometrists S c h m i d t ’s G uarantee o f Q u a lity A lw a ys Protect* Y o u ! M OTS — i l ü n > I » ■ H H H I m Ww&m Michigan Suie New», EaaI Ltaaîng^ Michigan Wednesday Morning, November 1, 1961 "N As A Coarse Principle In S ò u lh A frica '^jàm I F C D e f e r r e d B u s h Discusses Apartheid English Offèred (Oeatinued from Page 1) sition again immediately af­ W terward. i l l B e g in T o n ig h t By, JUDY MARUCCO V I much of the purchasing power arrangement. But at the same time they neglect to bring out For Foreigners In the past, the Americans have agreed to submit to IFC rush convocations for deferred rush wili ha held Wed­ checks by Russian officers on nesday and Thursday nights at Details of this weekend’s open smokers will be explained. New students will be divided into 14 groups, with four representa­ Of the Suite Newt Staff Ioff the market. _ ... ... . . I "The corapartmentalization, the fact that most of the tribal' . A center teaching English as to 14 students. Seventeen in­ entering East Berlin. The Rus­ 7 p.m. fur all first term frtsh- tives from various fraternities sians Thursday refused to send men and transfer students. South Africa will have major ^ people into separate areas i chiefs were put into power by a foreign language opened this structors are teaching to Quon- an officer to the checkpoint The Wednesday night convo­ to each group. economic and political prob- j ^¡n not only inhibit urban i the Nationalist partjHAna par- fall under the English depart­ set A-6, the temporary class­ where Americans were held up. cation will take place in the Representatives will conduct lems If the present ^apartheid | growth, but will also bring ty supporting the white race ment. - rooms, Erasmus said; . 1M . j Thus they kept out of the lower lounge of Shaw Hall. tours to every fraternity house policy of segregation contin-! about a lopsided concentration 1supremacy.” ? ? . students proficient A Thursday night, the convoca­ for a 20 minute stop during two ues. ’ of agriculture and problems of AFRiKANNERS even have The English program is part to Imake in maintained *>ut at the same time. their own point that tion will be held in the Brody weekends. Tours this weekend This is the opinion of Dr. j over-population, ’ he said. an answer for the immoral im- of the new American Langua­ English as soon as possible be­ the. Communist East Germans multi-purpose rooms. Off-cam­ will be from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Sat­ Harm J. DeBlij, professor of;, T ttB H E. OPPRESSED segregation. De­ ges Educational Center (AM- n p p R K ssfm racial Ij plications of segregation, fore ha undertakes his program have avsovereign claim to East pus students may attend either urday and 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. of interest. convocation. Sunday. geography. !groups realize their economic BlUsaid. 0 ,,. LEC) under continuing educa­ Berlin. Slides of the Greek system The tours this weekend will Ant e*Pfrt « ■ - - .................... ^ | plight, he said, but at the mo- * "They believe that the Bible tion service. “Emphasis is on developing supports segregation,” he ex­ and maintaining proficient Eng­ will be shown and a question begin to front of Shaw and Bro­ MBUJ * j l { 3 university /him! j g f f pUnCh “ * “ y plained. ‘‘Both the church and AMLEC has three purposes: lish for the foreign student and answer period will foDow. dy dorms where fraternity rep­ faculty this fall. He studied at j ‘T he recent strike- against the state are in agreement 1. To enable foreign students planning to continue work at B lo o d Former Dean of Students Tom resentative will leave with their groups. - the Witwatersrand University 'the republic was a dismal fail- about .the elitism of the whit? lacking proficiency in English the University,” he said. (continued from page 1) King will be a guest speaker. in Johannesburg, South Africa, | ure,” DeBlij said. “They seem race. They believe that no mat­ But individuals studying Eng­ and received a doctoral degree to learn it through intensive lish at the Center also include only 5%. West Shaw leads the ter how much schooling a from Northwestern University. ^ e a h w ^ h e ^ ’p o W black may have he will never study; those sent by the government men’s dorms with 3%. 2. To provide lectures, semi­ for instruction, he said, to jater The Ingham County chapter! APARTHEID is a policy of Isomething is bound to break.” really be civilized.” of the American Red Cross SK I CLUB Af ¡’ aimers to confine the var- j If the buffer zone countries— Aside from the immoral im­ nars and field trips for students attend another institute. ious black races to their own I Mozambique. Angola^ and the plications of segregation, De­ to assist them in understanding Other sources of students at said that blood is urgently need­ separate reservations. : Central African Federation Blij pointed out that the- Afri- j X m ^can" culture': and the Center are family members ed by many local people to By doing- this, Dr DcBtT] i should become involved in any kanners actually have done a 3. To serve as a clearing­ of a forign person sent to the hang on to life. - said, the-Afrikanners hope to | of the hostilities between the "tremendous amount” for the house for individuals wishing to Center and immigrant planning “Blood drives are the only I •i establish an authoritarian sys-1 independent black North 'and black races. to remain permanently in the way we have to supply this tern over the black races. | the white dominated South, the “The whites have spent study in European Language U.S., Eraztnus said. blood,” it said. »Dr. DeBlij. who spent about professor said, the southern enormous sums of money to and Educational Centers. 10 years in South Africa, said : blacks might suddenly be educate the black races.” ha The acculturation and ex­ he believes the separation of | strengthened in their resist- said. “They are Jiow estab­ change programs are under lishing universities on several Fred Mortimore, while the Epg- black from white will cause a ; enee to white rule, definite fragmentation of the ‘‘But thè Afrikanners seem of the racial reservations.” liah center’s program is direct­ F a s h io n Show market. _ j to have an answer for every- Dr. DeBlij said that he ed by Edward Erasmus of the HOW D O ES I “The market was just begin- ¡thing,” he said. “They -ore would like to see the U.S. State English department. ning to succeed through racial naive enough to believe that Department take a more stern cooperation,” ' he said. ‘‘The the oppressed groups really attitude towards African ^af­ dents are enrolled in the Eng­ FIFTY-THREE foreign stu­ CHBSIUN SCIENCE H E A L ? blacks were actually beginning want to be separated. They fairs. — to develop a middle class. The support their arguments by "While it is no business of lish center’s program this term, removal of this middle class stating that the tribal chiefs affairs ours to meddle in the domestic Erasmus said. into separate areas will take say they are happy with the said, “we'Can of South Africa,” he Incoming forelgif students Ancnd ton f A i l Ibqmm strongly express are tested on English profic­ our disapproval of the auprem- iency by the Center. If test re­ ist attitude of the governing sults show some proficiency, “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE DISCOVERY OF THE section of the white popula­ the students are placed into a HEALING CHRIST.” rv SHEPARD’S.. tion. part-time English stu<)y and This attitude should include can take other university the serious suggestion that courses. by Gelth PUmmer, C. S. of London, England Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, South Africa is- not really a STUDENTS SHOWING poor The First Church of Christ, Scientists, in Boston, Massachusetts WED. NOV. 1st 8:00 P.M. presents moral ally of the U. S., and that cessation of diplomatic proficiency are enrolled in an recognition could be a real pos­ intensive three-month course, - 3:15 P.M., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th sibility,” said DeBlij. Erasmus said. They attend class 25 hours a week, five of East Lansing Senior High School 509 Burcham Dr. PARLORv C-UNION which are spent to the language Classes Started laboratory. — Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientists, In Scuba Diving “ The basis of the program is to teach functional oral com­ East Lansing MEN and WOMEN munication,” he said. “The Classes in skin and scuba students are very eager to diving are being held in Jenl- learn ^English. This helps to son this term. Class instructor speed the process.” _ Jerome C. Weber said this is (Bring A Jacket) th e 'first time such-classes Students have no textbooks, have been offered at MSU. but practice speaking and writ­ Weber said the department ing English in the classroom. decided to add a course like, The students in 'the intensive this because scuba diving is course also audit or visit lec­ becoming a tremendous partic­ tures in their fields of interest ipation sport. to become acquainted with the Safety will be stressed, he language. Because individual attention T O N I G H T said, because so many of the accidents that occur are due la necessary, the classes are not to equipment failure but to small, varying to size from 3 lack of diving experience and knowledge in using equipment. At present, there are only two class sections, both for Marine Corps To men only, with two sections to be offered again winter and Interview in Union spring terms, Weber said. CapL Walter Hauck, Marino TTie department plans to Corps officer selection officer, make the course coeducational will be to the Union Concourse either in the spring or next fall, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 6, he said. 7 and 8 to interview students Weber said the coursa begins interested in obtaining a Mar­ Freshm en with skin diving and runs into ine Corps commission. scuba diving later in the term. Vacancies exist for both While there are no course ground end aviation training. prerequisites, students have to ‘ - The platoon leaders class pro­ pass a swimming test a t the gram is available for freshmen, beginning of the term, he said. sophomores and juniors, while Students are expected to pro­ seniors may participate in the vide their own mask, fins, and aviation o f f i c e r candidate snorkel, he said. The depart­ course or the officer candidate ment provides tank, regulator, course. and all scuba equipment. - RU SH CO NVO CATIO N Marine officer training is ar­ 'M ichigan State fencer Char­ ranged so as not to interfere les Schmitter J r. won the 1961 with college work. All students CLASSIC CORDOVANS John A. Hannah Award as the are required to receive their hr Spartans’ outstanding senior college degree before being as- athlete-scholar. signd to active duty. fo r a ll BATHS IFC “S i ipper-Frtt 9 W * Yoar Foot Bends'* Tour traditional favorite* in Genuine Horween Shell Cordovan, brought up to d a te with bates' exclusive Prestoflex construction for PanHel Ball SH A W R e s id e n t s supple flexibility. Full pony skin linings, ventilated for coolness, storm welted, w ith'overw eight soles, a n d leather heels with long« • t _ r - w earing nylon inserts. University-endorsed Phi Bates styling by Bates — fomous for fine shoemaking for 73 years! — an d featured November 10,1961 ot 7 - 7:45 P.M. DPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 M usic b y Tracy H a lsey (East Lansing Store (July) Purchase your tickets from your house representative 9 — 1 a.m. LOWER LOUNGE r late Permissions Granted __ • . LAPSING EAST LANSING 325 SOUTH L \ V ie p o r i s ACROSS FROM M a s o n ic T e m p le ( R e q u ir e d t o P le d g e W in t e r T e r m ) WASHINGTON “ON / H (p E » HOME EC Downtown, Lansing W«Îi*«m!*t Morning, Hovember 1, 1961 M irliigm Sinte New«, E m lo w in g , Michigan 1 - . {{ ad from the «ran, perhaps in­ Use barbecue sauce an meet Fallout creasing fanout on that part of SOC Shows Travelogue with e light hand, say home acenom hts a t Michigan State Russia. (Continued from page I) Students Off-Campus organi­ mous tourist sites in the Neth­ University. It i t difficult to im­ This cloud is taking a more prove the rich, natural flavor this from Monday’s explosion northerly direction than the zation featured a travelogue of erlands, Barbour went to the of meat, and a highly-reason­ and from the other two docen one released^ by Russia’s Oct. the Netherlands >md Israel by Middle East and spent the ma­ ed sauce often masks this set off in the atmosphere by 23 explosion of 23 megatons. It Mike Barbour, executive vic*- jority of time in Israel. flavor. A little butter and salt Russia in the past two months traveled across the northern president at their meeting Mon­ and pepper added just before is expected to be deposited United States and is expected The photographs of farms, day night. ^ serving may be all that is next spring, mostly hi the to complete its first circuit of known as “Kibbutzim.” pointed needed. : northern hemisphere, v v the earth, aooo. It was roughly '-Barbour spent tart summer touring the Netherlands and out the tremendous growth of | As the great radioactive over Finland Tuesday and is cloud moves across Siberia, expected 4ir the Moscow area Middle East with other stu­ Israel. Refugee camps were al­ dents. After photographing fa­ \ rain and showers wens report* today. so photographed by Barbour. Individual C am pus C lassifieds Your Key to B etter Values Attention FOREIGN CAR OW NERS M S II S H O E R E P A IR New Equipment Has Just Been Installed We repair-all leather goods To Accommodate Your Car At rJ& nk Put your best foot J fX SZ D C K forward with... New Soles & Heels Frandor Auto Wash Franger Stepping Center MON. THRU FRI. TILL • While You Wait _ Frandor Shopping Center — Daily 8-6, Sun. 8:30-2 - SAT. TILL 7 P a y INo w -F I y I ¿iter MICHIGAN STATE HAS TOP ICE CREAM JUDGING TEAM—Professor J. M. Jensen, left, coach of the dairy products judging team of Michigan State Univer­ sity, holds the Ice Cream Cap which his team has won for proficiency in ice cream judging in the Collegiate Students’ International Contest in Judging Dairy Products. Team members are Forest A. Kenworthy, Robert B. Neal, Jr., and Jerald E, Stewartson. Award was presented in Washington, D. C., October 24,1861. Space Expert Urges ‘Will’ Two Deluxe Summer Tours To Put Man on the Moon New York To Loudon MIAMI B E A C H , Fla - The rendezvous m e t h o d like the Saturn and the fail' “ America must have a nation­ would use Saturns to place-a ures. al will if it is to succeed in the largest technological endeavor rocket and a spaceship in separate orbits 300 miles “We must avoid the ‘failure pit’ in presenting the picture,” .!%*. Amsterdam To New York Return in its history,"” says one of the high. The two would join in he told them^ “ We have tested nation’s top civilian space space and the rocket would 22 vehicles in the Mercury pro­ bosses. _ ~ boost the ship to the moon. gram so far and not all have Robert R. Gilruth, director In the vacuum of space, the been fully successful, but have of the Space Task Force -of the National Aeronautics a n d Space Administration,'outlined the necessary ingredients for the space Program before orbiting rocket would not re­ quire the immense power of ground-launched v e h i c l e s which must plow through the earth’s heavy atmosphere. . contributed to our experience and skill.’’- ~ The space chief also said the United.. States urgently needs “dynamic and solid manage­ BOAC Prop Jet Liners members of Sigma Delta Chi, Gilruth said the active sup­ ment” to organize ami operate professional joumaliatic~secie- the upcoming massive projects ^ 6 5 Round Trip port -of the American people ty, meeting in Miami Beach was crucial in the space race and must also broaden nation­ last week. and he urged the professional a l research and development. Gilruth said the United and student journalists to take For instance, Gilruth said he States goal is to land-a man on the responsibility of “raising felt the Mercury astronaut the moon in this decade. _ the public’s space IQ” and of phase of the program should He said in his speech Thurs­ fully -explaining the signific­ be expanded to gain more ex­ day that a successful launch­ ance of both space successes perience before attempting ing of- the 162-foot Saturn rock­ et was a vital part of the pro­ project Apollo, a plan to send, three men in a flight around j. Tour No. 1 - 4 weeks June 20 July 18 gram. Within 24 hours after he spoke, the huge vehicle did in­ Newcomers Club the moon by 1966 using an ad-j vanced-Satiirn booster. deed complete a highly-suc- cessful 200-mile first test hop To Tour Campus He said the Apollo project has been under study and re­ Tour No. 2 -10 weeks June 20 Aug. 27 over the Atlantic. Members of the Newcomers’ search for nearly two years ~ rM • Jubilant scientists said the Club of Faculty Folk will take and that nine companies are performance is expected to a tour of the campus Thurs­ bidding for the contract to de­ lead to U. S. pursuit of “orbit­ day at 1:30 p.m. The bus will sign and build the spacecraft al rendezvous” with Saturn leave from Quonset 75. on Wil­ vehicles instead of directrfllght as a m eanrof quickening man­ ned landings on the moon. low Lane, east of Harrison Rd. between Shaw Lane and Kala­ mazoo St. The contractor will be selected by the first of the year, he said. Among the engineering pro-! blems yet to be solved i n ! A U N IO N B O A R D Dr. William Finney, associ­ space science. Gilroy cited per­ ate director of admissions, will formance reliability and im -; Business Professors— -i act'as guide for the tour. Two stops are being scheduled, one at Fairchild Theater where the group w i l l learn firsthand proved guidance equipment, j While those difficulties are being licked, Gilroy said a pool of trained space pilots is form­ Activity Planned for Y O U about the theater program for ing to fly the future craft. Write Book the coming year, and the other Some of the Mercury astro­ at the dairy store where re­ Drs. John L. O’Donnell and freshments will be served. nauts will form the nucleus of the force, he said, but others See Miss White - Union Student Activities Director For Details Milton S. Goldberg of the grad­ The bus will return to the will be selected and trained uate school of business admin­ quonset shortly after 3 p.m. soon. _ *(Round Trip Plane Fare) istration, have written a book, . “ Elements of Financial Ad­ ministration,” designed for use D ID YOU K N O W bykén 44 by both graduate students and financial executives. It will be released in Decem­ Let’s Swing” ber by Charles B. Merrill Books, Inc. „ The book is a collection of es­ says dealing with short, inter­ N O T I C E Union Board Dance mediate and long-term control problems in financial adminis­ V Twist Contest v tration. Order Your Senior O’Donnell, senior editor, is known for his economic studies V Live Music In many Michigan cities and metropolitan areas. Graduation Announcements Time-9 to 12 P.m. Co-editor Goldberg^ is a mem­ ber of the American Academy of Social and-Political Science Saturday, Nov. 4th Is The Place ^2nd Floor Union as well as consultant to the U.S. Department of Health, Educa­ tion and Welfare. Date-Saturday, Nov. 4 Last Day To Order Rave A Real Swingin’ Ball!! Civic Center ( o ) n e o u t o p e v e r y s ix c a r s o n T H E R O A D W IL L E N D U P IN A B O D Y Scene of Lansing R E P A IR S H O P T H IS Y E A R / Guild Exhibition The Lansing Crafts and Hob­ by Guild will hold its annual show in the Lansing Civic Cen­ Over nine mill!#» cars are doomed to~ekpensive body re­ pairs because of accidents. Damage to your car can cost big money, unless you are adequately insured. Check with your State Farm agent . . . find out how you can get top-, YOU’LL FIND IT AT THE ter on Nov. 16, 17 and 18. The .notch protection with State Farm. Contact me todayv exhibits can be seen from noon STAN WILKINSON until 10 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and from 10 a.m. until WILLIAM MITCHELL 7 p.m. en Saturday. There will be about 50 booths at the show. Several of them will feature demonstrations 792 ABBOTT ROAD, EAST LANSING If ATI IAAAI ED 2-4739 ED 2-9123 B O OI 1K ST O R E such as glassblowing, sculptur­ ing and a puppet show. The STATE FARM MUTUAL Now - Sell Your Used Books at the UNION BOOK STORE - Anytime Michigan State Police and the INSÚAANCI AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Lansing Public Library will rioni»OfftCKBloomington, Illinois $«-41 prêtent special exhibits. G M i c h i g a n S t a t e N e w a , E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic h i g a n mamHHmimmMmmMmnamarammanHmanamaHamMamMaMmnMmtoMMadamramammMmMmmalMamMmrammrammHBammomm SPO R TS W e d n e s d a y M o rn in g , N o v e m b e r 1 , 1 9 6 1 this week. IM Schedule Work Northwestern 21, Indiana 7— It’s Homecoming at Northwest- Ih e independent badminton tournament will be in Wednes­ day. Call the Intramural office AP Choice — er»r7 Michigan 17, Duke 14—The Wolverines are only experi­ for further information. CHICAGO IB —'Associated menting now. Coach Duffy Daugherty call­ are senior right half Gary Ball- quarterback Sandy Stephens Wednesday’s schedule: . Press picks for Saturday’s Big Notee Dame 24. Navy 13 — ed a rare mid-week scrimmage man and sophomore sensation hand been named back of the FOOTBALL Ten games: After two straight losses, this Tuesday for his No. 1 rated Herman Johnson, left halfback. week. Michigan S a te 17. Minnesota is the week for the Irish to hit In Gopherland, they have a (Practice field) (- footballers. Ballman turned in one of his jingle about Stephens. It goes, 6:40—Shaw (W) 6-8 14—The Spartans will overcome the clover. It was a brief 15 minute ses­ best halves of football against “Wien Sandy starts to shake, 7:25—Shaw (W) 7-10 Sandy Stephens. sion, held under sunny sides Indiana Saturday before a pull­ anything can happen.” 8:10-Shaw (E) 1-3 - Iowa 14, Ohio State 13—The Michigan State first baseman and with chill breezes. But Dau­ ed leg muscle forced him out. The Spartans would like to 8:55—Stinkers - Iotaspheres Hawks may chill Ohio State's Bill Schudiich from Detroit gherty is hoping that it will He spent Monday night and hold him to a mere wiggling 9:40—Big D’s • Dollar 65 Big Ten hopes in a hurry. was named the Spartan’s sharpen his charges for the Sat­ most of Tuesday trotting around Saturday. Purdue 27, Illinois 13—Pur­ ’’Most Valuable” baseball play­ urday duel with Minnesota at the practice field, favoring the -_ < (Touch field) due won’t have to pul! an upset er in 1961. Minneapolis. leg. - ' m 6:40-4Shaw (W) 1-3 Daugherty seldom calls a Johnson has an ankle sprain m 7:25—Shaw (W) 2-5 PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5617 mid-week tackling session, pre- and was still favoring the in- | 8:10—D.T.D. pl. - Phi K Sig pi. ferine instead to have the first ■?T A T E * jury Tuesday. It is hoped that 8:55—Sig. Ep. pir- A.T)0. pi. ~ and second offensive teams run 9:40—D.U. pi. - Phi. Dtelt. pi. signal drills against reserve holding dummies. both Ballman and Johnson will be ready for action Saturday. K The last time Daugherty call­ On the brighter side of the ijenison field) « H m sick list, Captain Ed (Rocky) 8:40—Emypriam • Emporer É tó T L A N 5 I N G * PHONE ED.2-j814 ed a scrimmage at mid-week, his charges raked Michigan 28- Ryan is expected to be able to 7:25—Armstrong 2-4 NIGHTS ft SUN. — ADULTS 96c SAT. MAT. <5c 0 the following Saturday. see some service- Saturday 8:10—Bailey 1-2 against the Gophers. 8:55—Burma - Burgandv ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Don Stewart, the Muskegon STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7:29 AND 9:31 P Ü . senior, was back at right half­ He will play with a special 9:40—Ramsey - Random back Tuesday. Stewart may shoulder harness which pre­ Love becomes lu s t. . . innocence becomes shame • ■» as have to fill the gap Saturday vents him from moving his in­ - BOWUNG two women are trapped by violent passion aad unforget­ if the Spartan backfield injuries jured arm upward. (All games 8 p.m.) table terror! don’t /is s vcome u u ic aaround. iu u u u . Daugherty wasn’t — - —surprised — *---------— Alleys - — Currently on the crippled list to hear that the Gopher’s star 1-2 T. Chi vs. Si. Chi 3-T Phi K. Sig. vs. Phi Gam. SophiaLoren J WINNER REST ACTRESS AWARD^ Gophers’ Stephens GARY BALLMAN JUDGMENT PLA Y-Jndge Dickson, Minnesota’s hard- 5-6 D.T.D. vs. D. Chi 74 S. Nu vs. A.T.O. % CANNES nUN FESTIVAL 198t % FOR HER PERFORMANCE IN Back-of-the-Week m È m running fallback, made eight yards on this run against Michigan last Satarday. Dickson, along with sophomore “ find” Jim Cairns, lead the Gopher rushing attack. The S ta te H a d O n ly D is p la y — The only educational exhibit by a school at the fifth annual m WOMEN BV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS j since its opening day loss to Spartans mast stop both Saturday a t Minneapolis. Sandy Stephens, who has Missouri—and Stephens has National Retail Lumber Deal­ —AP photo ers Asso. in Chicago on Nov. - J a m P a u l B e lm o n d o R a f V aH o n o been applying thatjjoldeff wiiF1 been the key. 4-7 will be sponsored by the 2- D a a n o ra B ro w n ning touch for Minnesota’s aoau-vw mm m MJIRTO MOMMA Stephens exploded .on a 63- by-4 club of MSU. Golden Gophers, was selected Michigan State is the only knwmywCOMI 2AVATT1M the college football back of the yard scoring rim and passed for week Tuesday in the Associ­ the two-point conversion in'the ated Press poll. second quarter Saturday. Fischiti9 school attending the exhibition that has had an exhibit year lifter year. WWMCW #» CarloPonti The 215-pound quarterback, Defensively, Stephens made The^ display area- i s given to »IBCtSB rr VittorioDeSica a rugged and versatile Big Ten a last split-second deflection of star, was chosen for his clutch a Michigan pass late in the final all-round play in Minnesota’s quarter that would have meant 23-20 victory over Michigan a wolverine touchdown and al­ Around the club by the association to inform lumbermen from all over the country of the mer­ chandising program here. This A n E m b a ssy P ic tu r e s R e le a s e Peter Sellers in Saturday. so made nan interception. has been a factor in the past “ Running, Jumping Minnesota, last year’s Na­ Stephens will try to continue By JERRY FISCHER that has influenced students to and Standing Still” tional champion and co-champ­ to lead his team to victory Sat­ Sports Editor come here. ion of the Big Ten, has surged urday when the Gophers host Nobody is immune. The New York Times, the most respected back for four straight victories top-ranked Michigan State. HERMAN JOHNSON _ newspaper in the business, credited “ Dave Saimes” with lead­ ing the Spartans to victory over Notre Dame . . . And virile, we’re on the subject of that unstoppable Mr. Saimes, it should V a r s ity D r iv e In Syracuse HB be noted that several national magazines have featured him 1 2 2 7 E . G r a n d R iv e r Rejoins Team recently . . . Personal opinion: Michigan State has the best marching band in the nation. - e r v o o r ts Open Every Day 5pm SYRACUSE, N.Y. « I-S y ra cuse’s veteran backfield was That wasn’t a picture of Duffy Daugherty leading the team 213 E . GRAND RIV ER - Delivery Service M on' Sat‘ reunited Tuesday, with the re­ turn of co-captain Dick East­ in prayer you saw in the State News. Duffy was merely ges­ turing. He does not lead the team in prayer a t any time. He EAST LANSING H i 8 : 3 0 p .m . - 1 : 3 0 a .m . erly at right half. Ph. ED 2-2114 Easterly, a-senior, was ex­ only asks for silence. The players can do what they want with it. - S u n d a y 5 : 0 0 p .m . - 1 : 3 0 a .m . pected to be in the starting Vi Nichols of Cohtwater, Kan., hasn’t played golf long enough - ED2-6517 lineup for the P itt football game here Saturday. Doctors removed a cast from to score, any birdies. But she has tallied-a bunny. Her tee shot caught the cottontail right between the ey es. . . Marty Richwine, PRE-SEASON Easterly’s hand, broken in the scat back on Wake Forest's football team, came to the school Maryland game three weeks SK I as a cheerleader . . . For those who follow the nags, here’s a GLADM ER HE A T AC * P H O N E IV 1-9831 ago, and reported it had heal M. _ - bit of reality. The biggest daily double in New York’s history Easterly worked out with was $4,313.90 in 1945. We would have liked a $2 ticket on that Feature at 1:2« - 4:10 - 6:55 • 0:30 seniors Ernie Davis, at left half; Dave Sarette, quarter­ one. .- ' . A SURE-FIRE DELIGHT! Reserve your deepest emotions . . . your sweetest tears and your back, and Gary Fallon, full­ back. Remember Enos Slaughter, the ageless baseball player? He batted 475 in the Class B Carolina League during the past season as a player-manager . . . Danny Murtaugh had more speaking-engagements than, be could accept after the Pirates SALE warmest smiles Tor . . . — 15 Teams won the Series in 1960. After a sixth place finish this year, he has three. - . 4 Days Only In Gator Fight Sour grapes from the South Bend Tribune. A clipping came across our desk suggesting that the Spartans had substituted LESLIE CARON.MAURICECHEVALIER JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (M — Illegally in downing the Irish. We always thought the Irish were CHARLES BOYER-HORST BUCHHOLZ Hie Gator Bowl selection com­ mittee continued to list 15 good sports about losing. They’ve had lot of practice during the SK IS T E C H N IC O L O R * » « W A R N E R B R O S . teams ^Tuesday on its list of last few seasons. prospects for the Dec. 30 foot­ 4 pr. CORTINA An unsigned letter to our desk has proposed a solution to ball game but a spokesman SAT.! CARROLL BAKER in MBRIDGE TO TH E SUN" said the list will trim itself football penalties. For every 15-yard penalty a team receives, says the observer, five points would be deducted from the score. ” 89 * - 6 4 * this craning weekend. For every penattYtwer 15 yards, eight points would he deducted. Nearly all of the schools will 3 pr. NORTHLAND We don't like to be a killjoy, but there are no football penalties be observed in action by a rep­ resentative of the Gator Bowl of over 15 yards. * r”. 4 5 09 - 34!* Association. On the list are: Mississippi, Louisiana State, Georgia Tech, Alabama, Au­ 5 pr. NORTHLAND PEERLESS burn, Penn State, Maryland, Syracuse, Texas, Arkansas, H E L D O V E R reg. 2 ^ 95 - — Colorado, Missouri, Miami, Duke and Texas A and M. — 3rd Smash Week! 11 pr. VOSTRA SKIS NOVEMBER 1 • 5 In 1867 Michigan State lost Exclusive Engagement! r«. 32,S —1795 its original athletic team, a WIN not bo shown in any othor FAIRCHILD baseball squad, when the mem­ theatre in this aras this season. 5 pr. NORTHLAND ARISTOCRATS THEATRE bers graduated and the team special ........ 2 9 * i disbanded. WINNER OF 15 pr. NORTHLAND SUPREME If you are ACADEMY ..«* 21* 15* dreaming AWARDS 8 pr. SOHLER SKIS o f the ’E X C E L L E N T ! 3 4 “ - ~ 2 5 40 - ROSE BOWL SPECIAL MERIT AMARO!' LOUIS can SKI BOOTS get your Entire stack famous Addidas ski boots Technicolor sTSuper Techniram a German imports. traveling « PRICES: wCARSON KANIN w-v. • clothe* in A I . # 1 i i ^ m Dally aatfl 1:31 S8c Evenings aad AH Day reduced 30% Saaday 1.25 IMPORTED LA DOLIMITE SKI ROOTS order NOW, l A t t lAMSitift • W*OMI *ts.t**§* Children 50c TICKKTS ARB AVAILABLE OBLY VOR reduced SPECIAL DEMAND MAflNEE ' ___ FEATURE SHOWN Sunday thru Thursday 1:88 - 4:48-1:30 “ ~i W O O L SW EA TERS 20% NOVEMBER 4 2:30 P.M. - ADMISSION $ U 8 Friday ft Sataiday 1:29 -1:10 • 9:80 v -, Haadsoine Style« for Men and ALL liV E N IB « rBRrORMAMCBS ARE SOLD Ot’T Women. 4-day Savings! S andra Doe • John Gavia Sava to TICKETS AVAILABLE AT FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE MON. - FRI. 12:3« - 8:0« P.M. NEXT R O M A N O FF AND JU L IE T ’ 25% shop tonight ’Ü19 A T T .! PHONE 3554146 m W e d n e sd a y M o rn in g , N o v e m b e r 1 , 1 9 6 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan •p i ( . , * > .T History Prof To Lecture E v e r M e e t Poor Molotov General Heads Coronation Prof. Robert E. Brown of the] on the U.S Constitution at Bos- history department «IB deliver ton University this week. Red Bunch Knifes Book Collection Ball Nov. 17 A S t u p o - The Coronation Ball will *be the Gaspar G. Bacon lectures The Bacon Lectureship was held Nov. 17, general chairman SUPPORT YOUR RED C R O S S established in 1927 by Mrs. Ro­ bert Bacon in honor of her son, then secretary of the BU Board O r a V o p o ? Ex-Top Banana A retired brigadier general will be to charge of a special book collection at the library Braize Star, Legion of Merit, Commendation Ribbon and Belgian Croix de Guerre. Fred Kitchens, Flint senior, announced Tuesday. The annual dance will be held in the Auditorium and will of Trustees and later a Massa­ a n d photographers k—ping to be opened later this fall After retiring, he get his mas­ chusetts lieutenant governor. BERLIN (A—Do you know VIENNA IB—Form er Soviet begin at 8 p.m. The Hall Or­ Brig. Gen. John L. Whitelaw, ter’s degree in library science BLOOD PRO GRA M Brown’s broad theme for the lectures will be “Reinterprete- tion of the-Formation of the the difference between a Stupo and a Vopo? What does a Kripo do? Foreign Minister V. M. Molo­ tov has be— holed up like a hermit in an apartment in downtown Vienna while Soviet watch in front of the bouse. There has been speculation that Molotov has returned to who retired from the Army in 1955, will organize and make available to the public rare at the University of Michigan. . “The best thing I ever did for MSU was sending Gerry chestra will provide music. All coeds have received extended late permission until 2a.m. This year’s dance is sponsor­ American Constitution.” Russia because he has not been and unusual books, Planutis here,” Whitelaw said. Goodthing*happan A faculty member here since \ Where would you find i Trepo? Premier Khrushchev and other top Communists denounce him seen in the last few days. But The Ubnuy buys many of HE MET Planutis while serv­ ed by the Cadet Officers Club of the Army ROTC unit and whenyougive 1947, Brown was one of six pro­ fessors to win Distinguished Faculty Awards last April. No, this is not a new word g*me. „ , at the Moscow party congress. Molotov, 71, has not left his Austrian police and Soviet of­ ficials say be is in his apart­ ment. these books tor lot from private collections, Whitelaw said. I t ing in Trieste and convinced him to come to the University. tickets may be purchased from any Army cadet. modest apartment since last has collections on Lincoln, Planutis played fullback on the These are short nicknames Thursday. Apparently he wants Unconfirmed reports said French monarchies, 'and Com­ varsity football team fra three his son both w ent to summer Program In fe rm a ti— Dial IV M M given by Germans to police to avoid the crowd of newsmen that Molotov left the house munism. years. schobl here. His two daughters briefly Monday morning to go All of Whitelaw’s family has NOW! C uM t from 1 eOs5:91pJaJMICHIGAN forces in both East and West to the Russian embassy, but a WHITELAW CAME to the attended the University. He and and all his wife’s family grad­ uated from here. Feature at 1:10,3:15, 5:15,7:25,1:35 p.m. section of this heavily policed country. Football spokesman a t the embassy said be knew nothing about it. university in 1966 to start the nation’s first highway traffic Newsmen keeping a watch also safety library. rummurs Almost everybody remembers the Gestapo, the dread secret pohca of the Nazis. Made Easy did not see Molotov depart. However, Molotov coukl have “Books are like people in the army,” he said. “ You have to Its official title was Geheime Staats Polizei—secret state po­ For Coeds sneaked out through a side exit. get them, train them, organ­ ize them and use thejji.” _ SUSAN HAYWARD lice. By faking the first letters of each word the Germans “Football Straight From the Some observers believe the old Stalinist will remain in Whitelaw graduated from West Point in 1919. He later Bench,” a chalk talk for coeds, Vienna completely unmolested. taught English there for six JOHN GAVIN made it Gestapo for .short. The same system applies to­ will make its encore appear­ Others think he will be dragged years, ance at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday back to Moscow to stand trial His 37 year infantry career day. in the art room on the third included two tours of duty in es “ S a ck. The ordinary cop on the beat belongs to the Schütz Polizei. floor of the Union- f o r alleged opposition to Khrushchev’s policies. Panama. v -'v COLOR 'So he’s known as a Schupo. The Extreme interest at l a s t The possibility that Molotov HE TRAINED paratroopers Volks Polizei (people’s police) week’s lecture and insufficient would defect to neutral Austria before the second world war, VERANILES G M U S DSME * VWGSNA GREY REGINALD GAROWE* a — — m — an al of Communist East Germany are "called Vtrpos—-but not to time for questioning by the audience prompted the un­ also has been mentioned, but most experts rule that out. and during the war he was with the 17th Airborne Infantry SOON! Spencer Tracy “The Devil A t 4 O’clock” their faces, because they don’t scheduled repeat of the Union Division. like it. Board-coaching staff sponsored Whitelaw was in charge of program. The controlled press of East Germany refers to West Berlin This type of program, ac­ Dism antling the rear troops at the Rhine j and BuTge crossing engage- j CIVICCENTER. SATURDAY, NOV. poUce as Stupos, because the police chief’s name is Stumm. cording to Bloomfield Hills sophomore, Dan Riley, is airb­ Sawmill _ ments. After the war, Whitelaw was ■ j Thefe’s another police force ed at clearing up the coed’s commandant and professor of ; L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n 8 :1 5 p .m . in East Germany that wouldn’t win any popularity contest. somewhat misguided concept of gridiron tactics and funda­ mentals. Here military science at MSU. He decided he would like to come They are the black-uniformed back here after his retirement. ! transport poUce who played a One of the largest sawmills- He served as Chief of Staff: big role in stopping the refugee in the state, located here ou of TRUST in Trieste, and as as­ flood by patrolling railroad campus, is being partially dis­ sistant commander of 10th Di-, stations. They are knows as mantled .and sold. vision Fort Reilly, Kansas. R a y b u r n Just off of Farm Lane, it is Trapos. PRIOR TO HIS retirement, A m e r ic a s - used chiefly during spring term by students of forestry Whitelaw served with the Far M o v e d T o and forest products for saw­ East Command as Inspector; H a p p ie s t M u s ic a li SOC Slates mill courses. In it are three electrically General of, Japan, Okinawa, and Korea. THE SHOW FO everyone Dance Glass H o m e t o w n powered saws, a circular saw, a gang saw and a, large band Whitelaw has been awarded a Silver Star, Purple Heart,) BONHAM, Tex. IB — House saw. The mill ip capable of Students Off-Campus has an­ Speaker Sam Rayburn, ill with cutting 24,000 board feet per ACompany Of 60 People nounced that Jack Curran, a professional dance instructor, will be conducting a class in all incurable cancer, was carried on a stretcher into Risser Hos­ day. • . - The largest, the band saw, pital in his hometown of Bon­ has a blade in belt form 40 feet Main Floor ..... $1.95 $4.30- dances, from the tw ist to the cha-cha-cha. ham Tuesday. Only the lower portion of long. The blade, powered by a Check your opinions against LM’s Campus Opinion Poll *9 Mezzanine ............. $3.75 100 horsepower motor, moves Lessons will begin at 8 p.m. Raybum’s„face could be seen at a speed of 10,000 feet pec Arena $2.65 $1.55 in the ping-pong room on the beneath a white towel. minute. Not used to a wide ex­ fourth floor. Union Building. , A light tan blanket covered tent Here, it is .used extensive­ Tax included The class is open to, all stu­ his body. Box Office Open Mon. - Sat. 1 1 - 6 p.m. dents living off campus. Persons desiring further in­ He was carried through the side entrance of the two-story ly in the western states on very large trees. The circular ^aw is next in o Has the Berlin crisis increased formation should contact the brown brick hospital near the sizer It has a blade that is six Block of 50 or more $1 discount on main floor seats Off-Campus office, 313 Student Serviced center of this north Texas town. The black ambulance carry­ feet in diameter and turned at a rate of 10,000 feet per minute. The presence of these and the likelihood of military service for you? ing Rayburn f r o m Dallas other large saws is explained passed about 1,000 yard& from by the fact that there were Special Announcement his home on the western out­ skirts of Bonham. After a 60- mile trip from Dallas... As the ambulance passed the plans to evaluate the use pf certain 'types-of blade design and power consumption, ac­ cording to Ivan Borton, one of house, two women came to the the men at the mill. porch from inside. The women However, now it lies idle for were thought to be his sisters. most of the year. It has never Mrs. S. E. Bartley and Mrs. been run to its full capacity. A N O T H E R C H A P T E R IN T H E W. A. Thomas. Most of the equipment is to Mrs. Bartley, a widow, lives be sold and has been adver­ SCW E N G L A N D L IF E - M IC H IG A N S T A T E in the house. Mrs. Thomas tised in national magazines. lives in Dallas. However, the circular saw and Rayburn, 79, has been under its accessories will be kept for SU CCESS S T O R Y * - treatment in Dallas since Oct. continued use by the forestry 2. students. „The part of the building that Michigan State soccer star will be vacated by the sold Rubens Fllizola played with the equipment-will be used for test­ ONO' Four New England Life sale executives will be on the campus November St. Andrew's Scots in the 1959 ing purposes and storage“ oy National Amateur Cup champ­ the forest products depart­ 2nd through November 3rd. They will conduct interviews for both salaried ionship match. ment. © How long have and commissioned positions in the individual and group insurance field on Friday, November 3rd at the Placem ent Bureau. In a m eeting open to you been smoking all students on the evening o f Novem ber 2nd Mr."*Ken Mac W hinney, Director of A gen cies.'w ill talk on "A Career in the L ife Insurance The Kingston Trio your present brand? Business". C o m in g W e d n e s d a y , N o v . 8 8 :0 0 p .m . Also inlertieicing for administrative positions wm y, » wmMÍmí On November 3rd at the Placem ent Bureau, Mr.Tjohn Curtis, will U ír v « ;- ' " • interview those interested in the many and various administrative oppor­ tunities at the home office in Boston. For example, the mathematics m ajor will want to consider actuarial work. On the other hand, there mSy be no direct relation to your course of study and work in our underwriting de­ partment. Or you may wish to enter our Career Orientation Program. □ orkeepi bt|dit»ind Jett)«forC? o te ttim i mw» O less ito» 1year O aveffilRlyar A fter a six-m onth period of indoctrination you may become an adm inistra­ tive assistant, a business coorinator, an assistant operations analyst,.to mention a few recent assignments. ~ __ Here’s how 1029 students at 10.0 colleges voted! *In recent y e a n a remarkable num ber of Michigan S tate men have become sales r epr esentatives of New England Life. Fourteen already ludd m anage­ m ent pwiikNK. Others have preferred to concentrate on their personal Expect more... ’»yoa/9 op mfif X/pnj oi/m fdood Poj off9Jwßjo jot/// riientcL At various vantage points. New England Life has helped them get more from. •It Jo W d establish a firm foandatiea in a challenging and lucrative business. P —, m diom nm ^ ’"■ A{ragten A m LANSINGCI«» CENTER The Hob to w teaf among M » "IUUOUI [ U t f t S U l %or a NEW ENGLAND LAM's chokce tobaccos gives you mote body in the Mend ...ItvwstUvorlp ted smoke SÒI Apms ” Uutud LIFE Inmrtmco Company Tickets 3.50 - 1.50 — AH Seats Reserved . . . mire tew* through the filter. Get lots more—L4Mi •osrow , nasaAcnvsnTTk TMK « «»MFAVY t s i r HU MJKII Wt’TCAI. I.IPK fSSrMAXCK* IV «MKRtTI 1H3S Now on sale a t the • Disc Shop • Civic Center Try b e s t ta s tin g L&M to d ay in p a c k o r box Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Mmradiig, November 1, 1961 1) » ÉL*. ...._-i- .JL f □ □ □ a EJ0 O B -'*~r■ I Crossword Puzzle 3033 aana □ □ a aaasaa SHOP KNAPP*# IN EAST LANSING FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASUREt □a □ana A C B O tl 43. Grab □□□ a a a a a o a J. Abrades 45. Belonging a s h e a n u a a □□ 5. Dandy ’ to him S. Winnows 47. Exclama­ usa aaaaa aaa 12. Passive tion of □a a a a a a □□□a 14. Charles surprise saaaaaa ana ? w Lamb •> SO.Exlsted m a ra i □□□□□□ A IBM 15. Confusing 52. Small □□□□a □□□□□□a 17. Central cylinder engine 56. Showing SOOT □□□a □□□ in stems feelings MlAlSIE nana aaa 18. Youth openly. 19. Charge Solution of Yesterday's P u u le 59. Depict 20 Perod of 60. Flavored light i 61. Reasonable 1 5. Trifling'"; 21. Deviate 22. Harsh 62. Possess amount, from the alkali > f 63. Ancient course 24. Male sheep stringed 6 Egg-shaped 7. Disciplinary 23. Dawn 27. Shooting instrument goddess marble 8 Turkish cap 24. Corded 3 29. Faithful DOWN 1. Disencum­ S Arabic fabric 33. Shield letter 25. Past 35. Soft mass bers 2«. Wire S A L E ! B a c k - Z ip 37. Rescue 2. Smallest 10. Baseball whole team measure 38. Sea £ ... 28. Wit anemone number 11. Wise man 40. Roam about 3. Foundation' 13. Entertain 30. Tibetan ox 4 Chide - 16. Pastoral 31. Salutation 42. Small 32. Side of barrel severely poem . a triangle S H O E B O O T S 34. With: 1, 2 J 4 ’m ■ 7 ” * T - 9 tO 11T T _ prefix maJ 36. Burmese n r wm z . . 13 m m ■ i f JË TT TT" - in i w \ 1 dagger 39. Chess piece 41. Thief crucified with Jesus'- 44. Lowest 8.90 a 'M IT " zP I voice ^É É É É i H I M l B B P P 46. Yucca-like 3i 25 i t 1ST |7 51 p la n t Scotch Gard* pigskins with warm fleece Ip B 47. Excess of lining and foam cushion soles. Waiter and soil 33 H TT TT chances ' ¡ É || 48 Jupiter's resistant. In green, brown or grey pigskin. Ü "ST 10 4t ?T" wife Black leather can be made water repellent. iP 1 49. Sultanate f* ir fi in S. E. Sizes 4 to 10. ^ < * P IP IP R « W P Æ. Arabia i-/ 1 51. Fret * Registered Trademark s 53. Very small TT 54. Finished — 55. Interpret KNAPP'S SHOES - GARDEN LEVEL JT ST 57. Be under §1 obligation IT w 7T 58. Norse ses H 8 goddess P la c e m e n t B u r e a u nun Interviewing a t the Place­ physies, statistics m a j o r s , chemical, electrical, mechani­ SPECIAL SALE! Beautiful ment Bureau Monday. Addition­ al information in the Placement cal and metallurgical engi­ JJureau Bulletin for the week of neers. November 6 to 10: ^ U.S. Peace Corps interview­ Texaco, Inc. interviewing ing education, agriculture, sci­ 'chemical and.mechanical eng­ ences, home ec., nursing, engi­ L o a f e r s ineers chemistry, mathematics neering, mechanical & Applied ' and statistics majors, E. L duPont De Nemours & Co., Inc. interviewing physics majors. Midland Public Schools inter­ arts, vet. medicine- Insurance by North America interviewing all majoTs in col­ leges of Business & Public Service*. Science & Arts,, Com­ have “Gone Square” Patterned Wool Slacks viewing early & later elemen­ munication Arts, and Engineer­ tary. industrial arts, math Dec. ing • Dec. and March grads. grads. Hamilton Standard Division - 7 .9 9 U.S. Dept, of Justice Immi­ of United Aircraft Corp. inter­ Our junior Slacks are wild about color! Plaids and stripes in gration & Naturalization ^erv.. viewing mechanical, electrical pretty, soft pastels, and dark tones in soft 160*e wool. The interviewing all majors. Dec. engineers; physics, physical and March grads. chemistry majors; financial ad- price is so low that you’ll want to buy several pair to top 5 .8 8 ministratfonr and general busi­ This season, the newest brown has been U.S. Steel Corp. interviewing with blouses and sweaters. AU in the slim tapered style business & public service, ac­ ness • Dec. and March grads burnished to a mellow bronze that goes with only. the newest fashions. The style has squared that's so popular with the coed. Shop tonight for worthwhile counting, financial administra­ tion, marketing and economics. toe and vamp. In antique bronze, (dive savings! - Dec. and March grads. waxhide. Popular sizes. Procter & Gamble Co. inter­ viewing marketing, economics, McGuffey m KNAPP’S SHOES - GARDEN LEVEL KNAPP'S SPORTSWEAR - STREET FLOOR and advertising. Dec. and March 'grads. (Continued from Page 11 Arthur Andersen & Co. inter­ moval of four members who viewing accounting, engineer­ had voted to retain the McGuf­ ing and math majors*. fey readers. The suit charged Research Analysis Corp. in­ the four with “inefficiency and terviewing physics, electrical, chemical engineers. Surface Combustion Division, neglect of duty” for adopting textbooks containing sectarian religious passages, risking Pretty Petti-Pants Stay T here” withdrawal of state financial Midland-Ross Corp. interview­ aid, defacing public property ing mechanical, chemical, civil, electrical and metallurgical en­ gineers. Union Carbide Nuclear Co. and imposing their own politi­ cal beliefs on the school. ~A hearing in the case has by Van Raalte Bra and girdle been set for Nov. 20 before Cir­ interviewing chemistry, math, cuit Judge M. E. Baker. . E asy-core nylon tricot The light figure touch C E N T R A L M I C H IG A N ’S with dainty lace trim by Hollywood Vassarette S P O R T S C A R CENTER •/ F R A N C H IS E D T R IU M P H DEALER 3.95 3.95 1962 Thp prettiest things are going under action Top a bit shy . , . choose Her Secret Stay STOCK fashions . . . action-loving divided Petti-Pants There bra padded with -light synthetic foam. Soft elastic knit back for a snug, secure T R - 3 REDUCTION are the greatest. This is the lingerie that clings to the carves of a leg, that leaps up feeling, never slips or bind. In white cottons. A, B 32-38. Pamper yourself with in a cheer, propels a bike, hops a bus, dances this Stay There pantie girdle that weighs, a sock-hop beat. Pictured only one from our mere ounces. Elastic knit molds and collection. Select from black, white, beige, controls, panel- front flattens tommy. Seamfree legs never slip or binds. In white, S A L E 5-7. ' LINGERIE • GARDEN LEVEL ' S-M-L. ' -U .' 15 Brand New TR-3’s —- Equipped w ith H eater FOUNDATIONS - STREET FLOOR Tonneau Cover, W hite Wall Tires, A V ariety of Colors — Will Go On Sale Today -November 1 a t K N A P P ’S E A S T H fl INCLUDING $ ww ALL TAXES 2 6 0 8 L A N S IN G STO RE S A L E E N D S - N O V E M B E R ”3 0 IS O P E N PRICE RETURNS TO 13032.00 M W ED NESD AY FOSTER and PAUL INC. 2CCC EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUtf FROM 12 TO 9 Between Lansing and East Lansing on US-1C ^ N nw ifay Morning* H w adw * ï> 1961 MMrigna Storte U m , ta * ì — h g , Michigan m m - , . Carfa rifle m rirhea held to Ft. Record Number Apply Fór Custer to Battle Creek. He canto heme with a new Nye, Duffey AAS Reps and specially manufactured Two representatives from the director of tbe division of ton* M l caliber rifle* and a desk English departmen t will attend guage and literature, and Dr. Frosh-Soph Council Posts ^ statuette a s Ms awards. Sgt. Watson, who lives at 1SZ1 Leoore St., Lansing, won 0 regional meeting of Ameri­ can Association) Studies Friday mid Saturday. Bernard Duffey, associate pro­ fessor to Engfisfe. Duffey will be commentator ’-A record number of 349 in­ « b n *. A U a a f n h i I r a n M a y n a rd . 1 t a t a a w a i . S .T .* C ja t M a ( a r t - the aattonal match course tor They are Dr. Russel Nya. on a paper, "Midwest Little F c r e d a le , IB l t k e r d R a n *. C a n *» b . r t e e a , C a a t L e w a ta g , C a ia t M - M-l caliber JO rifle with 358 terview« were conducted to ae* tla R e k ty . B lr a k c ta a i aaa p a n F aat l a n t a k r t S a a i . h a Magazines," which will be reed t k a a W a r , H a l * ] l U u h t t k » e llt v a e . : H a m i t a r n H »*m «a . W r a a L W a . of a possible 400 points. i n i m i l i l i i i t ii s p a r t a a h u h t o m u i u • t tile meeting tor AAS Mich- lejct this year's Frosh • Soph Council. S a w S w t n i B r i * W l ig e e d . O u a - j A la * I a r a la * K n » **, Xl«a#ca 3 a r »e a, T e ta d a . M b « «haar A ia a iti la addition, he took the first D D ir r c ig*n. Ohio and Indiana mem­ •“We were delighted a t the in­ terest shown in Frosh * Soph H a ta t a r a a f ( k a a a u t r fa » tH a t e * lU H u . . P raaklr a. a a k ü eW r » e m m lt t . » a ra » Jaaaaa Makaaaaaa.. L a a a b a i D taaar Watt- p u n r . C a d illa c . i 'b a l r u a a i B aafcr r t e . a a a lfc M a W t S i a » S.V.i Ja a al» iw frra k . prize in the rapid fire masters class with 107 points out of 200. D iU L r S bers. ■>.j:,'-" ' Tbe meeting will be concern­ " B la n k . R l r a l x k a a . a n d J a e W k H - Eaat C r e a d B a a M a i K ar Kanam*. He is the first active army ‘Li 11111111 I I I l i l f tH T tB H H T IR tlU M H I I I I 11 ed with American cultural and Council, and of the very high t a r l i . O b * a t t a , a a fa al al i a a « a .c h e t a - M n a a c h a a i M w * H a n * , M M » shooter to win this match. Rush for all J-Hep commit­ national history. a ta a i I t a l a S r a a lk a a t , L a a s i a n i C ra a k » C arai Aaa »aalt*. «Saat U a* caliber of students applying for I b b Jfaas f h a e n m n . C t a r k e t r e , a la * . > . tees will, be held Wednesday membership," Jamie Blanch- J e b e C h id r a t a r . r a t * H a r a a i P a n ­ T W »aea e m ta r t a a t H r * ta a a a * . n a r C ta a r n n e tU . C M e a p a ñ a . U L i a a a t< a l i B a r b a r a C a r r a b i l i . B a r a i evening uom 7 to 9 p.m. in ata sopborocre class president, raid. Other sophomore class offi­ ^ S u * C a t a r , G m a d B a p K a i L a u ta O a k . m e l a t a , B tr a r in g h a m » b e a a a P r r . P a I r a t * i « W a t A m a ra , H n é e h ta * . A la « . X a a a r B a i a* a p « a a . d n a * S O I P a a p a a a ie . C l t r r C b a a a . B i t - C a *« a . ------ No ^Accord Parlors A and B of the Union. Committees included in this Oklahoma City rush are decorations, tickets, cer« are: Frank Thompson, To­ ledo, Ohio, vice-presidont; lt a a M a i O a rr S a lir K n k a b i. H a rta r. P a ta «a la i P r I r aI t i J n e ttb P a ra b a H » a a r a a t a r . P a .* O a * M P l a b a r l P an t a r a r b . P a M a a r P a a b . In Chrysler, favors, programs, concessions Now Bigger L i aaar eaaa . B a a t 1 t a r l a p i B a rb a i n . » P ia b a r i W t a r l a . P aa aa a P a r . and photography, guests and Npncy Lewis, Detroit, secre­ t a L a u « , m * b l a a 4 i P a m l a P a r ­ b a r» P a t t a P k l » a a * a* a . F i m b » Area Than LA tary; and Kay Plumtree, South* field, treasurer. t í a . O a t r a t t i R a g e a * P a r tlw a a a , tu a » S b a lla M a t a r a . Or a t e P a p ie r» P r l i a il» M a . P i l l a . I r a a M a . O U a i B n l t r ' S b a l a r . P l a a u * U i e J im P a r i a n , d a r a i O a k » P a t i t a la P t i t a T r a a a ta r . P a ri H tlla » lu ta ta * » UAW Dispute patrons. Miss MSU, and pub­ licity and public relations. OKLAHOMA CITY, UB—With S m W n # f tk * n lt a r a l and K aa e a P a r l i t i . M * t a a u » J a a k P a r l a r . S a a r y W c e r ta I f r a b a t e a n + it it' tbe annexation of 42.75 square H a rW ri P ififc k P a ri . DETROIT UP) - The waiting eap»!«* • ■■■liiw m i l«4f H»rf- O r a t e R a r *4a. - 1 Air force ROTC Cadet Jerry miles of land Tuesday, Okla­ m an. K a ra ! O ak, r t a l r a w i M .» tld r e d g * . N n R v n i J a r k A n a - C e r a la S a b a ffa r. P a t i r * *» B a i b a r a tM e e d , C u t L e a v in g i o r b a t a a ra » R a b a t t R a b b , P e l» é * l t C a ra V ra P a r e a r . L a m b e r t - v ili» , B ia b a r * Wins Two Firsts game continued Tuesday in contract negotiation* between Robinson received his wings homa City became tbe largest Tuesday for soloing a light air­ city to area- in tbe United ■ a r k , 1 » C U / i G l a a r C m » M t , T U I n t r a u . C r a aO R a p id a , C I f f f a r * C la r a ! O a k » a a r a m - j * H a n n a h , V a M a , M e n a ta l e . H a w a ii» S a n a a B a a * G r a n a R a p id * t S a lta J a w m a t- W a r n e r . K a la u a n n n i P a a r . W a t . In Rifle Matches Chrysler Corp and the United Auto Workers Union. craft as part of the Flight In- States. struction Program. The Oklahoma City area now • 4 C h a t* a n a K e n t.» L a r a J a h a n a a , I n a * . B l a * l . l a e d . IH . ° W R a a l« a . .Ofkats a rat K ar U m rta i* . Ctil- a f» B a b P T a a , l a a l a a w . a b a l a u t a i *aata . I I I . i, L e v y A » t.a a a n n r , ( »• W r a l l a P a la . P t . P a t i r . S J . i R a x T h e a r a la ! f e m m i n a * t a aal at a MSgt. Charles L. Watson, of Tbe UAW was waiting for an the Anny ROTC 'detachment, answer to a surprise secret The award was presented at totals 475.55 square miles com­ Dem Hall by Col. T. J. Barrett, pared with Los Angeles’ 457.95 }so lit t le to GIVE t u a b la C i t y , l a i . I O r la r « - B a u . bit«, W re a d e tte , T e r r jr P a r m a . won two first places to the VI economic proposal it made professor of air science. % square miles. Monday night " The company was waiting to announce its decision pending Sapw Right _ ^ SHOP Hi a thorough review of the re­ portedly intricate proposition. The international executive CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS board of tbe union waa waiting for a special' session, set for SEM I - B O N E L E SS P h o n e 3 5 5 -8 2 S 5 o r 3 5 5 -8 2 5 6 Tuesday night. On the board’s — t D e a d lin e : R a te s F o r 1 .0 0 ~ P .M . 15 W o rd s agenda is a strike call against Chrysler, only one of the four Detroit-based auto companies which has not settled with tbe union ~ AP 1 day . 85c 4 days 2.25 Last Friday night the board 2 days 1.45 5 days 2.5© delayed a strike call, saying it ; wanted to give both sides more 3 days 1.95 10d a y s ............... 4.00 1bargaining time. But it warned i such a call would be fortbeom- ling if ih> settlement were in i sight by last night. A strike call issued Tuesday AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT PERSONAL I would be effective Thursday scsm s night a t tbe earliest since the .1951 A U S T IN HEALEY, M ust HOUSES fin d i t h a r d to b.»v p l a t - ! two sides have been negotiat- r a il. $«50. E D 2 - 214 ». _ FACI LTV OR MARRIED it' " I tog under an extension of the Oat Up °n ^ r t * i " r o u * i * « » "» ’ “ £ ’ 1957 D K W ( A u t o U n io n » ? - d r d e n ts . L e t, in c o m e f r o m u p s t a ir s t o r »3 so ° r j 2 months f o r « 5 .* o .) 0 } ( j contract and agreed to give h ft r d to p B la c k , e o o d * S ' * l l * n l tir e s . H e a te r I 3 Î 5, t a l l 340-8299. c o n d lH o n . "7 p a y y o u r r e n t ! 3 b e d ro o m , f i r s t f lo o r , u n f u r n is h e d . - f V 5-334«. 29 s*ni^Ext. 256. 25 LOST and FOUND L o v e ly g r o u n d s T re e # , r e c r e a t io n ro o m . 2 fS r e p !* - e * . R o r a a y n * H i c k * . B r o k e r . I V » -4 6 *3 - 27 California Bolden Ripe - L O S T . B R O W N le a t h e r b rte fca .e e . O W N T O U R O W N h e m e 19 m in ­ -a T O V N O M E N . p a r t tim e w o r k . F r i d a y n ig h t , c o r n e r D i v i s i o n a n d j u ted' f r o m M S U . E x c e p t t o n a l b u y " W ill a rra jig re h o u rs to f i t pm’ Iit ^ i u I*». $ I 25 p e r h o u r. C a ll I V 2*5622 tf A lb e r t . C o n t a in s i r r e p la c a b le r e ­ o n s e a rc h n o te s R e w a r d th is e x p a n d a b le E D 2-3255. ra n c h . P r ic e d a t $14,5«a w i t h a p ­ 28 p r o x i m a t e l y $ 6 6 * d o w n o n F H A 2 b e d ro o m BROCCOLI LARGE BUNCH 2 9 * '* BANANAS . . IS ' Ik R E L IA B L E c o u p l e . B a b y s it 2 , , .i ¡-TT ,. _ te r m e . F i i l l b a * e m « n t w i t h * h - x t r c h ild r e n f o r 10 d a y s in ¥jT> 2-6012 H E L P W A N T E P O r g a n tot«*h er m y ho m f- 26 L O S T . L a d ie s w h it e g o ld O m e g a a n d „ t o o k tU e d b a th o n m a in f l o o r , w a tc h in ^ W o m e n s 1M B u ild in g , c e d a r c lo s e t * , R e w a rd . , ~ . 353-7186 . " a tt a c h e d 2 6 1 o w n e r le a v in g f o r C a l i f o r n i a T m - i m e d ia te p o s s e s s io n . C a ll E v a W a - g a ra g e . Brapafnrif Fresh n e *d » d W e a r e - lo o k in g f o r a p e r ­ L O S T . 1 g o ld C h a rtp b r a c e le t o f i b e k e E D 2-4112 o r W a l t e r N e U e r son w h o h a s H ad e x p e rie n c e In g r e a t s e n t im e n t a l v a lu e , b e tw e e n *•«, P « » i t o r * r n • . « . * s tu d io a n d c la p s tn p tru c tfrT n o n th e e le c t r o n ic o r g a n S c h e d u le s c a n be a f ra n g e d a r o u n d y o u r cla sse s. F o r ,«A E h o u s e e n d .« n y d e r H e l l G e n . e r o tis r e w a r d 949* B o n n a S ta ra * 886- — 27 — !■ SERVICE * D uncan's and Pink 4 FOR 39*^CIDER gaL jug 59* in t e r v i e w r a i l M r P re s c o tt. I V 9- !r< b j|fe 0 1 ,k ^ b l f o r y b tjr n e x t 4sL PERSONAL p a r t y C la r e n c e S c h m id t . I V 4-9141. FOR SALE h a ri-o a l ^ rig » K A R E N W EN PLAN D D W a N E O 'C O N N O R p le a s e c o m e end RAT ROBERSON BAND a v a ila b le f o r d a n c e * H a v e m a d e now 34 Fron« Foods Poptielit or F$d(ttiel$t 2pkp o(6 49c t o th e P la te N e w s o f f ic e . R o o m d k ra Im p e r ia l 351 .3004 . ap peam nces on W M S B -T V , C o ra l I D IS C O U N T S P E C IA L S . S tu d e n ts o p ly ! 5 g a llo n a q u a r iu m s 32.99, 26 347 S tu d e n t S e rv ic e s B l d g f o r t w o fr e e p a sse s t o th e C r e s t D r t v e - l n tf G a b le * . H o l i d a y In n , f r a t e r n i t i e s a n d s o r o r it ie s P h o n e TV 7 -3 .8 1 e r I V 5-4381 A ls o a v a ila b le f o r p s a s o Ai P StriNb6iTi»8 $ IO 0Z PKGS 8 9 e r e g u l a r l y $5.95. 10 g a llo n $6 5* r e g u l a r l y $ lo 95 P e i H e a d q u a r te r s ! F O R - T H B F I N E S T in d a n c e m u ­ s ic i t 's J a c k B r a u n , B o b b y S te v e n s . t u n in g a n d r e p a ir in g 34 6had4Mil Bbtato Spread 2 ib pkg 79c 1*08 E M ic h ig a n H o u r s 19-8 p .m . i :__________________ _ _ £ ! J IM P O R T E D V I O L I N , n e v e r use d. R o n E n g lis h , p lu s m a n y o th e r s P h o n e th e B u d - M o r A g e n c y . I V 2- »624. -. 2)*- E A T A T G E O R G E 'S . 1 * 7 C h a r ­ le * S tr e e t B a c k o f F u l l e r a S ta n d - r d S ta tio n .. 29 AIP SkMbmidi-3 1« OZ PKGS. 1 .0 0 1 j» r k g r e e n , w le fc c r c h a ir , a n d F R E N C H T U T O R IN G . A l l le v ó la Yellow o r White r p e k e r , C r e t o n c u th io n s . I V 2-7565. H E Y P A U L . I t '» n o t t o d " l a t e t see th é g r e a t —p n f t - k ln n n n . 2 E x p e r ie n c e d in e x a m * : C a ll E D 2-19ÎW . T Y P IN G in P h_D . la n g u a g e S p a r ta a VHIaga 27 Gokl ~ Libby’s Sqvish 2 IO 0Z PKGS 25e . Boh Piccapplc • C O A T S F O R S A L E . B r o w n tw e e d O h e s te r f ie ld . g re e n c a r c o a ts , s iz e Luvoliers a p a rtm e n t. E l e c t r ic ty p e w r ite r c a PI C a ll 355-9364. ■ ■ * 2 B O Y ’ S B ic y c le » ,—24 in c h E n g ­ 25 Recognition C a ll 3 5 5 -3 * 1 2 TYPIST ANN BROWN ED 2- . tf m . AI P Unas FordBabyHookor 2 LB-PKG 59* 6bmk<6nMbcdcfTidbH4Re.2ll cm 89c lis h . g e a r s h i f t , h a n d b r a k e s , .$25. 8386. Electric typewriter. Term pa­ pera and thaees. alno general ty p ­ d “54 In c h b a llo n " t i r e * . $15. . E D 2- va n SUl 27 ing. - tf Pina 1 • L P R JECO RDP. 60c. u p * * . 50c STUDENT DISCOUNT, self wash, B t h e r H i - F i a c c e s s o rie * p a rt» ' See a t $2 4 E v e r g r e e n . E ta n n in g P r iv a t a 27 MSU $ .75. L u b Job. $1,6». S t u d s a t p a r k ­ in g . $1.5». Free q u a r t of o d w i t h evory oil change Co aspi—te tun—- O p e s 2 * heure, t a m 'i P u re : Jacc Parker Bakery Featares ' p l M M AGE SALE 7 « 0 -9 30 e_t O ip ■ IL É uno E- G r a n d R iv e r tf % C a p it o l G r a n g e H a l l . T u r n . r i g h t Graduation m an T h r o w b r t a g e R o a d tu e t p a s t S ta te P o lic * P fts t o n H a r r is o n F r i - EXPERT T H E S E S and general typing. E l e c t r i c typewriter. Eigh­ te e n years experience One bieck Choice of i Stone APPLE PIE 8 “ 39- m . W t B read 2 1-LB LOAVES 35* d a y , N o v e m b e r 3. 27 Rings f r o m Brody. ED 14341. tf • T R O P IC A L F IS H . p la n ts , a n d S u p p li t i . G l beo n '* . S' S W . M i l l e r R o a d . T U Î-1 4 8 1 . ' P O R T A B L E R O Y A L ty p e w r ite r , t i k e n e w «75.«0. C a ll M I 5 -0202 : 26 IN STOCK STUDENT W IFE d e s ir e s t o ear* f o r c h ild in h e r S p a r ta n v n i a g * A p a r t m e n t . R e fe r e n c e s f u r n is h e d . E D 2-2 9 3 2 25 BeaatifBlly crafted M. S. U J Class Rtog featartog the date Orange Chiffon (ako 4P P o ta i» (M s s 1-LB BOX 59* "PERSONAL DATA form*.' thesis af frBdartl— , the M. S. U.'j B IC Y C L E - S A L E T h u r m la y , N o - •nd general typtag. Offset p rin t­ ▼ em b er 8». 1961 a t 1 8 » p .m . E S T ' ing, plastic, binding and typeset­ f e u , B e u n o it T w e r , aad{ Iona At S a lv a g e Y a rd . F a rm Léne. ting W-nch Grade N r l c * . 172» y*«r degree da the outride. S ilv e r T o w n M ic h ig a n S t s t a U n i v e r s i t y , C a m . p u « A p p r o x im a t e ly 75 b ic y c le s w i l l B m s o ld a t a u c tio n . In s p e c tio n m a y CANDY East Mvhlgan. Lansieg Phone **4-775« tf Throe teftials « tin toride. The M. S. U. Cl»»« Rtog It Fig Bara 2 lb (h 39c $ * m a d e W e d n e s d a y . . N o v . 29. * a m’ " t o * 3» p m K n v 3». C a m a n d . T iiu r s d n y . u n t i l a u c tio n t im e . TYPING IST MT HOME By wom­ an with 16 years secretarial ex­ perience TU 2»6TÍ5 . tf pricad as tow ae IM.BB plus tax. Paachat Sliced or Halves 29 as C u s 99a T e rm s ' cash A i ' rn i p ............................................ - , i 2* MAILED ANYWHERE TYPING by English major, Ox A r o r i r i k , Ucttog raariadar A P NEW t v p s w r l t e rr ROYAL w ith f. f e vr s r u s e d M u s t b a v a i . » m i n i - m u m . 365-9771 P a lu » c a r r y i n g .c a re . p o r t a b le 27 COMPLETE ASSORTMERT AVAILABLE AT electric trp e w flt-r ED M U ' • T U T O R DOCTORAL student i » f r e e * la Social Stud»**, avada avail able a f the cthnax • I yaw i n e a l I y ip M j « |M 2 49 ax can 41a a ft P Saaat PaMaaa 2 IS i t Caw 49a 191 tuterlag ag Soc. a ad CrestAlee 25 . •so. a re D IV E R S lu n g a n d r e g u la t o r , C a ll R le b a r d c h a r m . $55.2494 f t a r $ j l ^ ______ 7$ The W r itin g |Y * -» U 2 TYPING, EXPERIENCED mane- Briar Raa Far A * P ^ Dal M aata San Cream Style J lft ox Cana 79a script typist. English major Term fiat Braca ftaparagw 2 14Vi oi mm Keroal FOR RENT ■ ■ ta M B M a * a = s m m CAM PUJ CLEANERS b u il d i n g Card Shop m a a a e a jS i TRANSPORTATION BMitow BeRvery E n t i r e e e e o n d f l o o r . B u t t * h ie f o r w u a in o a a , o f f ic e * , o r a tu d e u t h o u * - Acrow From NEW YORK-Jersey f e r Tbmake- AH prices in -4Mb Ad Effective th ro Saturday. J n g . N A 7 .5 0 8 8 7» glvtag! Group ehart-rtaar bus round Yarn Headquarters trip te N.T. P ert A etnertty Ter­ Your A ft P Soper Market •HOUSIS Home Economic« Bldg nsInal. Wednesday. Nerember 22- November 4th in Wilttamstan Store and All Fiva — . ED 2.6713 Centact Art Upton. IV 6-121A be­ F a r MSU R i a g s , . . Cornar of Hagadoca and E ast Grand River Leasing A ft P Super M arkets ? B P O fO U ^ L Ÿ M . f c À V . ~ ' ü n f ü r '. tween 5-5 p.m. $2 t ilt h * * bouse 3 b e d ro o m » , l i v i n g MTAiui.. .cam tam ■toons aand Toons g d iM p s r a t * d i n i n g ro o m E ast Lanainç _ 5 bio«» « g fr< fr o m B e rk o y H a ll. F o r ATTENTION Greek men. Aa df W ANTS) jfaculty onl: p n ly . $125 m o a t h ly . C a ll now. many af U « tarla. Alpha ÏED 3-5128. •▼ a n tn g a . S ta ra Hour® • MODERN I-bedroom boma 4 «mile» Mutk of the University. 2$ ma Chi O œ îg ^ V fV e ta Kit. and Sigma Kappa at IB need dates f«r the annual IFC-PanHel Bfil ta be RIDE TO CA2KPUS for d t s m Mondar. Wadhteeday. and Ih46»» 6 te 12. Tuender and T h u r s d a y , I CAMPUS Monday th ru Saturday •Mofé detail*, call BD 7.7*1?. 27 hold November 16, 1961 at the Má­ to } . Corner e t Ml Hop* sed 'Ce- ^"^rjRADUAT» student*. 2 bedroom b o rn a , nicely furnished for A Hoar senle Tempi» In down town Lan­ sing. Buy your tickets new ae yen dar. CaU IV :-4»: j a fte r t «0« 2 BOOK STORE • Imb . to 9 pan. campas. ED 7-422*. 27 »i’t mine the largest a ll- G r e e k WOB’f ITg M C the paar. A» latawwl^ INFANT AND child car*. Mother ava A lto dNnHifRMRtfeiMBUÜtaftni g l g i Eg»» B II p P H ____ sü 'g P H ggl H R fp ii m m v- * ■ iaar-fi!ftt'.j.. ¿ M S N &!S$*Ü > ■ I . : M k h l g ^ S m e m # « ,. E x V w H n e J e y M o ra ln f, N o re m b e r ï , 1961* io IKM! Launch Postponed New Developnjentpbimd Don’t Drink Sfitt R idarImproved G a s e s , E l e c t r i c i t y *CAPE CANAVERAL, T in . S i OTTAWA