Serving MSU lor 52 years Established 1909 Voi 53, No. 93 Friday Morning, November 3 , 1961 S e c o n d C l u i P o .tM f« P a id a t E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h . 10 Pages Cents C o m m itte e U r g e s B a n O f D is c r im in a t io n R u le s J . T h u r b e r ! Coeds Baffled D ie s A f t e r Racial Glauses Members of the Faculty Com m ittee on Student. Affairs O p e r a t io n 11 A n t s a recommended to President John A, Hannah Thursday that all members of the Greek system remove racial discrimi­ With the Spartans ranked as the top college football team -NEW YORK (ft—James Thur­ in the nation, the coeds are learning about thisconfusing nation clauses by Sept., 1. ber. 66. whose amusing writings game They are picking up new vocabulary words such as Dr. Eldon Nonnaniaker of the dean of students office and drawings made him one lateral pass, strong righjL, wing T. belly series, split T, and explained the proposal at the Student Congress m eeting of the nation's greatest humor­ unbalanced line. Wednesday. AUSG recommehded an end to discrimination ists. died yesterday. Burt Smith, Spartan administrative assistant and fresh­ clauses last spring. ' Pneumonia and" respiratory man coach, explained the gridiron tactics and football The proposal includes the following recom m endations: complications claimed him a fundamentals frequently misunderstood by coeds in the ——— -— ; ; r* If the discriminatory clauses month after he collapsed of ' a second lecture on “Football Straight From the Bench" a * 1are not removed by the stipu- stroke. He. had shown inter­ Wednesday. ^ I V l l* r n n / i / l n M time, the fraternity's mittent periods of improve- Here are some of the questions the coeds asked Smith: f 1 / f i University recognition would i ment since an operation to re one of our players land on top of him? _ he withdrawn, the committee j move a blod clot from-his brain. JOURNALISM DAY PLANS—William Haight, Chairman; Marcia Van Ness, State News Editor and William 'McHrath, Director of Student Publications, prepare for an estimated 800 high school journalists who will gather in the Union Thurber s sense of humor stayed with him in his finalill- one o four players land on top of him? ' What is a DJ5.? (She meant T.D ) ^ Why do the ends change so often'1 Do they bring in news Hard Hit i said.' No extensions will be grant- Ied except by President John, A. Saturday. ness, as it had in a previous j crisis in his life—when he went | blind a few years ago. In his from the coach? Is it unusual to have the end carry the ball? How do you know so much about. whaU the other, teams _ By Hattie I Hannah and this will be done only if he feels that the pro­ visions will be complied with at Hast month of life, he had oc­ ¡the end of such an extension, are doing? ' Journalism Day casionally hummed little tunes to amuse nurses, although the If someone is in the wrong part of the field at the wrong GUATEMALA ijt—Hurricane the resolution stated Hattie, with a sweep of winds The fraternities on campus stroke bad left him with speech time, does the other team get 2 points? (up to 200 M P H ' and tidal still retaining the discrimina­ High School Journalisis difficulties The writer and cartoon art­ ist long, was associated with ( ’an you pass laterally to anyone? How are the Rose Bowl teams picked? After the lecture, one coed remarked^" I really learned a lot—but what is offense and defense?" •’ ? _ i waves, .killed dozens—perhaps tory clause are Sigma Nu. Al­ (scores—of people in Central pha "Tau Omega Interfraternity America Wednesday. President L a r r y Osternick Here For Workshops the New Yorker Magazine, la a story he wrote last sum­ mer for the Associated Press, be said the greatest period of For Provost’s Office British Honduras officially said. reported Thursday night bodies of 38 victims had been-counted rority on campus shall be al- so far in that colony and other lower to re-establish racial — No existing fraternity or so­ More than 800 high school Sperling Jr., midwest bureau j Arts, will preside at the con­ his fife “ might well be the reports indicated the death discrimination clauses in their journalists and advisers from chief of the Christian Science vocation. throughout Michigan will gath­ Monitor. He will speak on time that began when 1 sold Afternoon clinics will cover my first piece to the New er in Ahe, Union Saturday for “America’s M o r a l Fiber- I advertising, photog r a p h y , Yorker magazine, to which -the annual Journalism Day Principles, Payola and the [sports, careers and printing: Hannah total was mounting toward 701constitutions under penalty of there and in the neighboring | immediate [R epublics-of Honduras and reso|ution stipulated. :Guatemala. suspension, the Miss -Mabel Petersen, assis­ I am stilt contributing after programs. Students will participate in Press.” _ William Haight, assistant 34 years ” Dr. Fred S. Siebert, dean of professor of advertising, is workshop, clinics and round the College of Communication I program chairman. tnbka o a newspaper and year« William Shawn, editor of the ___ Recommendations Winds and waves ruined or tant director of women’s divi­ hadlv damaged most of the sion, said that no sororities on British llondurau capital, campus have discriminatory New Yorker, said of Thurber** By SHAAON COADY decisions,” Miller said* No ac­ Belize, the hardest hit city. clauses in their constitutions. book reporting, photography, death. Of the State News Staff tion is expected from him or “ I think this 1 | aa indica­ business management, adver­ r ‘ Thurber was ' one of - the President John Hannah has the other university until Sun­ Thé governor of British Hon­ tion of the growing responsi­ tising, editing and printing. Registration will begin at 8:30 a .m rin the second floor Greek Smokers great American writers of our asked faculty lime, and one of the few great in recommendations for the "of­ members to turn day or possibly Monday. duras advised the Colonial Of­ bility which the administration Hannah Monday asked the fice in London of wide areas of has entreated ta Student Con­ humorist in all literary his­ fice of provost in case Paul deans of the various colleges Honduras laid waste. concourse of the Union. From ti« nr n i , g r e s s , ” Dale Warner, speaker 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. high school yearbooks, newspapers, journ­ alism books, printing processes Begin Saturday tory He was also a master .Miller does leave the office. among comic artists. By the Miller reportedly has receiv­ to ask their faculties to recom­ mend candidates. Each dean ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a time he died, his writings and ed an offer from another uni­ was to handle the situatioif in AtnofG-antL drawings were loved by mit-, versity. Contrary to published his own way, Hannah said. He reported 25 killed in the 0f Congress, said. In other action Wednesday. ¡Congress passed a btil tosend and photography exhibits will A m e ric a n s D a l e j six students to the Campus Open rusb-smokers begin this In this manner, all fraterni­ lions of people throughout the reports, he has not yet resign­ Most of the deans simply be set up in the concourse. weekend for all first term fresh­ ties will be covered to aid the world At The New Yorker ed. WEST HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (A) Î?nite?, ^ ali®ns in feren ce in “There have been- no format. announced Wednesday that —A priest who is an amateur I ^ Nov. 10-12. Sessions on newspaper and men and transfeFstudents par­ new students in making their magazine, which wasjiis home, Hannah was seeking recom­ radio' operator in British Hon- . , ® decisions. all of us who were his col­ . was amended twice yearbook makeup and photo­ ticipating in deferred rush mendations. Faculty mem­ duras told a Florida “ham” j before being passed by Con- graphy will be held from sponsored by the IFC. Any student planning to rush leagues'; feel a deep sense of bers individually could write Thursday that all American £ress- "Students attending will 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Advertis­ loss.” "~ 2 0 0 C o l l e g e Hannah. ■ personnel at hurricane-wrecked Fraternity-representatives, in next term and failing to par­ with Prime Minister ing, management, reporting Thurber collapsed in a hotel In some cases, the recom­ Belize-were safe t Nehru of India and students and yearbook planning and co-operation with-tbe Inter-Fra­ ticipate in the tours will be re­ room Oct 4. The night before, mendations went through a The Rev. Philip Pick. S.J., of from universities across the na-. design meetings will be held ternity Council, will conduct quired to visit one-half of the he had attended the opening of E d u c a t o r s college’s two representatives to the Jesuits’ Missouri Province, lion. ■ from 10:40 to 1:45 a.m. tours on Saturday and Sunuay houses on campus the same the Noel Coward musical, Ihe Academic Council. This reported to Orv Smail he was Barrie Armstrong, Bloom - term If a student fails to com­ ' Sail Away.” and had address­ was only a communication pro­ T h e gênerai convocation to the various fraternities for ed the cast at a party after­ O n C a m in Belize Tuesday'whe'n' Hu"rL fleJd, was ap- from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the 20-minute visits at each nouse. plete the tours, be will have to p u s cess though, Hannah said, cane Hattie devastated thg Brit-1 p0ln,ed fi,rth* vacancy on ballroom—will have as the ward since all recommendations will the student insurance commit­ New students living in Shaw visit one-half of the houses lie wind up at his desk anyway. ish Honduran capital featured speaker Godfrey Following, brain surgery, tee _ Dormitory and wanting to take missed during the, tours. Two hundred educators from Hannah called this an un­ “A school house in Caye The committee will be hold- be overcame a series of crises Caulker collapsed, part in the tours, should be in — Beginning next term, during at Doctors hospital before he colleges and universities across usual move. U1. . . killing .. „ „ 14 t ing open hearings on insurance the country will meet today at Extra Day front of their dorm at 1^:30 rush, an IFC sign-up.sheet will p.m. Saturday and at 2 p.m. be placed in all fraternities in lapsed into a coma about 4 a Kellogg Center conference to Very often,” he said. Sunday. Students in the Brody order group should meet at the same rushees. to keep a check on the p.m. yesterday. He died 15 discuss the status and future minutes later. “We don’t select provosts rirt fh wi ‘vw! re i* The Board of Trustees will craft along the British flondu- nounced of general education at Ameri­ make the final appointment if ras waterfront were destroy­ A bill to promote bettor fa- ^ companies in the near future Kathy Ryan, chairman, am - For Rush times in front of Brody. The tours will last approxi­ gram by the IFC will benefit With him . when he died were can colleges and universities. Miller should leave. The Board ed ” It is hoped that this new pro­ his second .wife, the former The National Conference on usually confirms Hannah’s re­ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I General Education, which will commendations although it is culty-student relations was passed by Congress. The bill, ign-up mately . three to four hours the new student by giving him Helen Wismer, and his agent last through Sunday, is spons­ not bound to his choice. each day and will take nlacir a more complete-picture of the this weekend and the next. Greek system. and The longtime family friend. planned John Glide. to re­ ored jointly by, MSU, Wayne turn him to lus Ohio birthplace State University and other col­ board in June. 1959. Before bean -sea 15 miles northeast of mitories. devasted capital and 13-more brought out by the finance Miller was appointed by the on Cay Corker: a coconut- faculty meals in various dor­ growing island in the Carib­ committee, allotted money for Pan Hellenic Council has an­ leges and universities, that he worked with the Michi­ for burial James Gibson, chairman of j Current programs in general gan Cooperltive Extension Ser­ .Belize nounced that one additional Rescue workers in Honduras the committee, said that pro- day of sorority ' rush sign-up | education, as contrasted with vice. serving as its director and Guatemala reported at j fessors will eat with groups .of ! those in more familiar voca­ from .1955 to 1959 will be held from 9 a m to 5 M p.m. Monday in 13A Student Services. Freshmen and upperclassmen M o t h e r s O v e r U . S . Truman tional and professional educa-1 Hon, will be evaluated The conference will consider Bryan Hears Call least six persons killed in their j students iTT the dorms in order areas ..• The Guatemalan government i culty. contacts, to establish closer student-fa- who are interested in rushing a r c h F o r P e a c e Winter term must register at A dozen women, including hom'd talks by three Protest- j this time and must attend Fall two carrying infants in their ant ministers and a Catholic! Still Gives | many aspects of this total und- er graduate area. - Topics for discussions in- Of Wild Goose said five persons were killed j Congress passed another bill in Guatemala’s jungle province j brought out by the finance of Peten, adjoining British [committee to charter buses to open houses. arms, staged a walk through priest at the War Memorial j Coeds who do not register downtown Cincinnati, Ohio Auditorium, then marched sev-T now will not be able to rush with homemade signs protest­ en blocks to GOP headquart-; ’E m Hell | elude the present condition of A full grown, wild Canadian tionduras. Most of the houses ¡send foreign students to Green- ! general education, a platform goose was found Thursday at the village of Mencos on the ¡field Village.-—— j (or the 1960’s general educa­ morning in a bath tub on the border were swept aw ay by j Gibson said that other trips | w ind and floods and scarcely a | are being planned for the fu* \ \ ASH1NGTON (jP—Harry S. tion and the national Interest, ¡ second floor of Bryan Hall Winter term ing nuclear tests. ers There were small de­ Truman accused former Presi­ and rising enrollments and It was removed to the Uni­ | house in the province was left Jhire under the supervision of Rush convocations will be Mrs. Pauline Brokaw of monstrations i n Syracuse. conservation o f institutional versity poultry plant by the ! with a roof the International Cooperation held on Monday and Tuesday Cincinnati, who led the demon­ Ithaca, Albany, Schenectady! dent Dwight D. Eisenhower resources. department of public safety. See “HATTIÊ” page 1# Office of AUSG directed by in the Union ballroom. Thursday of doing “the wrong stration, said the march was and Auburn, things'* on Cuba and of hold­ Shirley McIntyre.; not organized and had no A throng of demonstrators, ing the country back by other sponsor. announced in advance as Harv-1 “wrmig and unwise policies” Last Day Weather She said the marchers dis­ ard and Brandeis university I T h e blunt-spoken Demo­ tributed pamphlets urging “ail students, marched on the. Wat-1cratic former President un­ Three Get COLDER ¡C > o governments oh behalf of all ertown, Mass., arsenal the world’s children . . . for an end to the nuclear arms race.” The marchers from bridge and Waltham converg­ Cam leashed his barrage of critic­ ism in a freewheeling speech at the National Press Club Munn Appeals f o il Donors Nobel Prize About 58 women' gathered ed en Watertown carrying ■which was remindful- of the By JESS MAXWELL except for administration. STOCKHOLM (AN-Three sci­ Cross unit was added for the entists working separately tn at Cleveland’» public square placards reading: “ Ban the 1"give 'em bell” technique that Of The State News Staff “It is unfortunate that the drive tfiis^ fall, but so far it California were awarded nobel Thursday carrying placards bomb,” “ Let’s not Imitate won him a second term in the Athletic Director “ Biggie" blood drive was eoedected at has not been needed. and passing out pamphlets, the Soviets,” “ Everyone is White House in 1948 prizes i n physics and chemis- protesting against nuclear hurt by the bomb.” (Tub officers had invited him Munn. chairman of the Ingham a tim e when students were "People in hospitals are de­ [try Thursday for using new tests. to celebrate the 13th annivers­ County blood program, has is­ taking mid-terms,” he said, pending on MSU students for j tools of the atomic age to un­ More than 2.500 demonstrat­ ary of that upset victory oyer sued an appeal for blood dona­ “bat if the students can help us blood." he said, "and we can- cover secrets of life and mat­ Among the demonstrators ors raised their voices in and Thomas E Dewey Truman tions' for the last day of the oat, there wffl be many who I not let them down ” ter. was Mrs. Cyrus Eaton, wife of around Los Angeles, Sacra- Jobliged by pouring it on” the [drive. will be gratefnl.” The only living unit to reach The 1961 prize fbr physics the multimillionaire industr­ mento and S a n -Francisco. IRepublican opposition with a ” We need help from our stu- This fall’s blood drive goal 100% donation is Delta Uptilon was shared by Dr Robert ialist, who has conferred, fre­ Calif h h ___„• zest that belied his 77 years | dents and we can’t afford to is 1,805 pints^ At 5 p.m Thursday. 130 Hofstadter, 46. of Stanford Um- quently with Soviet Premier Some 75 women, a tew .with He didn't mention Eisenhow­ ¡fall on our face.” Munn said “ If .the present rate of do­ j pints had been donated to | versity, who opened new pros* Today, ekwdy. wlady and Nikita Khrushchev. babies in their arms, crowd­ er by name But he said the “The regional blood center lo­ nation continues, we will bring the total to 650 pints, peels for harnessing nuclear raider with shawm taming In upstate New York, about ed into the Governor's office man who succeeded him as cated in Lansing serve* 57 hardly break' 1,000, ’ said CUlf with one day remaining, energy,. and Dr. Rudolf L. ta saaw. Mach cablar tonight. 300 participated in demonstra­ in St. Paul, Minn., to support President headed up .a Re­ hospitals and there »* abso­ Rice, Birmingham s e n i o r , The drive is open from 9 Moessbauer, 32, of Munich, Sat., partly dandy add windy. tions in ate cities. An estunat- their theme: “ End the arms publican administration that lutely no charge for the Mood chairman. m l 4 p.m Friday. Germany, new to the Cali- Temperature in high M’s. ,ed 200 women In Rochester race, not the human race.” See TRUMAN page 1« that is given to the patient. Rico said that an extra Red Dee R lrio n page I See NOBEL pace 9 4 ! Michigan State News, East fam ing, Michigan EDITORIAL Friday Morning, November 3 , 1961 Prese CuttingsUtWMHMtUtWttttM tlHtliWlitu i11!IllHimiltHtillIII11 Approved “ I f Y o u Don’t W ant T h e K id H arm ed, Come T o C em etery HIM, A n d More Men in L» Jaehnig Area Too Small * (This is the third in a series of editorials on i f I f th is is tru e, we see no reason fo r th e We did it again! practical nurses and 4 nurses First a campus poll condetu­ aides, the clinic treats between rning us as mmature, and now two and three hundred patients the housing policies of MSU.) cu rre n t boundaries. S tudents would still a poll from Olin Health Service each day during the eight hour One of th e prim e reasons th a t students re g iste r th e ir address i f th e boundaries which shows that campus men -working day. w ere wider. Those under 21 would atill spend more time at the clinic Nearly one third of the cases h av e^ difficulty in finding off-campus per man than the coeds. treated by the clinic aré in­ housing is th a t the approved area, is rel­ live in approved housing— if th e U niver­ sity throw s o u t th e p resent archaic laws That could mean one of two juries. Abrasions, cuts, sprain­ atively restricted. things. Either the Spartan men ed ankles, etc.. happen fre­ C urrently th e boundaries a re E ast w hich stip u late w here individuals up to are braver than the coeds or quently and usually require im­ Mount Hope on the south. N orth Okemos 25 years o f age m ust live. they’re sicker. mediate treatment. road on th e east, Saginaw on th e n orth In fact, if this is th e only reasoning .be­ ACCORDING to the report, a RESPIRATORY dis e a s c s. jiiid Pennsylvania on th e west. A few jogs hind boundaries, one wonders a t th e ir State male enters Olin Health such as the common cold, make "complicate the actual map of approved very existence. O th er m e a su re r ju s t as service once every two Service iwu min mui-iupup another ouu fifth of the com- ¡housing but this is th e general outline. effectively cover the problem of communi­ utes. Every six minutes-a State | plaints. cation. .' ; ~ — ,1— coed .— enters. [ j without the accident-prone Housing au th o rities say th is area in­ processes 74.8791 students on campus'and the The problem seems to be tran slated into The clinic cludes enough rooms and ap artm en ts to cases each year. Of this, 89,007 [ year-long fight witb the cold take care o f th e average demand by stu ­ term s of control. Perhaps w h at officials are students. Seventy-seven peri bug, Olin could settle down to dents. They assert enough home owners actually mean is th a t it is easier to con­ I cent, or 52.988 of these out-pa- a relatively normal routine. apply each year to house students within trol students when they live w ithin given i tients áre man. Many of the cases come from this boundary, hence wider boundaries are boundaries. The wicked use o f alcohol The males also return to the men participating in college not needed. - and dangerous p arties a re stopped m ore I hospital more often than the; or intramural athletics. Other, easily in sm aller areas. <£ .. " I I coeds, nearly four rettinTVisits I cases also comeTrom-Ag stu- However, this year housing vacancies !on the average per male to ! dents, science majors and so w ithin th is areaW ere filled by" September,. ALTHOUGH we as students resen t this [ j two return visits for the coeds, ¡'on. 23. Several students who had no dormi­ a ttitu d e of peering over th e shoulder, it is ! The hospital handles 3.009 ini These are cases that do not tory-arrangem ents were forced to live understandable to a certain , extent. The :patients or bed cases during : cause any appreciable amount elsewhere. As an emergency measure, the U niversity is su b ject to much pressure La typical year. The men also | 6f injuries to the coeds due to housing office approved apartm ents and j outdo the coeds here, spendingj the lack of any great number from p arents and th e general public to | I an average of 3.1 days per man of coeds in the programs. rooms beyohd the East Lansing frontiers. keep watch over its fledglings. MSU, can i j in the hospital to 2.6 days for! —------------------ su ffer severely if one of its students goes j !the women. T if you critize "the wealthy THIS CERTAINLY "indicates not only astray . THE STANDARD 126 bed these days, you may be accus- that present boundaries are inadequate Accordingly, th e U niversity, m u st have I hospital, on demand.jean han­ ed of being anti-labor. but that there is no good reason for en­ methods by which it can keep w atch over j dle 205 in-patients, but to date —Minneapolis (Minn.) Argus. forcing them if they can be so easily its students. One of its best policies is the highest number of bed waived. | requiring th a t freshm en live in dorm itor- j cases in the-hospital at one While you're telling your son' Contrary to'U n iversity claiitts, enough ies. They need th e experience of co m m u-! time was 170 during the 1957 about the birds and bees, he's apartm ents and voofns do not exist - in nity living and a y ear of closer guidance. | flu epidemic, continues-the re- probably thinking about the port. cars and the keys. — Rexburg East Lansing. Only three homes with P aren ts o f stu d en ts under 21 a re m o s t: Presently the hospital has (Ida.) Journal, cooking facilities are approved for women likely to ex ert pressure on th e U niversity"; approximately 60 in-students,} in the present area. Ten, homes offer in behalf o f th e ir children’s welfare. So not a bad ratio for the «number The only ones you should try rooms for women. Thus the m ajority of th e U niversity' is sensible in dem anding j of cases it treats every day. {to get even with are those who women are forced back into th e dorm s th a t ail stu d en ts u n d er 21 live in approved cm fwr.<*>' Working with only seven j have helped" you Blakesburg if they do not sign u p -by May fo r Sep­ housing w ith supervision while students’s, 29 registered nurses, 7} (la.) Excelsior. tember, - over- 21 should be allowed to live w here j fa lte r s to the Editor A wealth of suitable housing-exists on th e y please. Guerrillas Reflect Society in U. S. the other side of Pennsylvania in down­ „ More stu d en ts under 21 could find bet- \ town Lansing. t e r facilities if they were allowed to live j Officials have admitted th a t th e re is no in o th e r areas of Lansing. In th is m odem j specific reason for establfshing p resen t ag e o f th e telephone and th e U-. S. Postal ( border.-7 They were presum ably s e t as service, it is possible fo r th e U niversity arbitrary lim its’ tw o years ago because to com m unicate w ith them there, too. To the Editor: homework load over one more | Some of the truth that is still■ en was that the editor did not no one knew where, else to p u t lim its. David Jaehnig, in his "Press evening. We cannot catch up, Cuttings” deplores -the "bar-j write term papers or in other | is the following. As of-October T .. ! too strong for most Americans More Letters have time to read all the let­ .. ters. This could not have been barism" of the California WHAT IS the reasoning behind bounda­ Now we have the pipèless pipe organ. That, ways make use of the Christ- j 15, 1961, the atomic powers had1 the real reason because some­ says Grandpappy Jenkins, should be the ideal "Guerrillas" who are organiz-1 mas vacation. The term is j exploded more than 250 mega- I'm an old student (1 was one had to read the Irrelevant ries? The U niversity offers one m ain ex- ing to defend their homes andjlover, grades are in. Too bad. I tons: Russia 75, U.S-156. Uni-! here long before Coral Gables; material that was put on the musical instrument for non-smokers. -planation: It is a m eans by which th e -Houghton Daily Mining Gazette. lands against the possible in•1 ___ MSU _< is trying tou upgrade r the i . . ... j ted Kingdom 21, «. .. France 4. « : burned r » ii r n f l / l iI and and Il remember r o m n r n h n r twhen u n o n Ij editorial page. University can keep in communication — ■> ---------- ! vasion bv refugees evacuating! f , 1 • 6 T ! , * MSC and later MSU had two with the students. Knowing w here each Some products have their brief period of j the nation’s cities to escape nu- ¡tu d « is to . Dr - PauhnS' now recitizen- jpretty good student publications If letters are not being re- th„n w hut; popularity . then pass from the scene, but clear attack. But why pick p e t h r i these letters will not all. Who else but a nation of! ---------------------- i remember it n® eaiiea b .orcbe iu s . “m oa nl dh ins. u/fiioh. <: ParXlCipdllOII, slongci . T. Hflfancd s r d Vö.eiiuai s J S i ! ring* generation, oH,er dls“ 5, » 'I ^ W w Sr w Charles E. Kerman m _ . . 160,000 children of back issues. massive defense machine which l year with school activities So the Editor Says Lri 11111 u i ti i (i 1111 n 11111 li rm 111111111111111 ri 111111111 u 111 h 111 n 11111111 h n 111 it 11111 could in reality annihilate all !planned neo withwm, the UIC B VHUCHW in students , will..... ....................... be born mentally ............ orr physic-1 ,M . I also remember well _ I* when! of mankind? And every argu , jnd d _ Saturday morning j ally defective. Carbon *4, whichj-the State News used to print j I O W d * L h l l t i e S merit which we use on a na-1 - i<-- has a- half-life of -6.000 ------- years,1 I letters»-to*u« the editors— on — mttroi FIVE) » v v .m n v u Iclasses. Orchids to Ole Miss tional scale to justify our own stockpile of nuclear weapons may be equally well applied by j _ _ _ the California country dwellers} E c l l O C S ts Henry Kuska will cause two million deaths} 15) days a week. Thus one'To the Editor: • fl over a few thousand years. Dr would see what the' vocal nii-j As* a student of MSU. I feel Pauling further estimates ainority on campus thought in! that one of the most distinctive rise proportionally with the i some detail, even though they Iand beautiful symbols of our to justify- their rifle brigades ® megatonnage of explosion. might not happen to be editors. campus i s Beaumont Tower 11111111111111111n 11111111111h1111111u 11111111111111n ((i11rr1111111n 1111n 111111111111111111 Marcia Van Ness —after all. what is anybody do- To the Editor: It may be that due to popular ing but trying to defend their j Congratulations to Tod En- ignorance all these predictions Marcia Van Ness's reply to ¡are inseparable from it. As In specific reference to Miss ■and. of course, the chimes that Rare, indeed, is the friendly letter front used the picture to illustrate our No. 1} way of life? sign and his aptly-worded ref- coiild happen sooner and fast- Mr. Kerman’s, letter, pleasp' each day passes, though, my "the c/»liege editor of a rival football power. rating. The next war will inevitably erence to Mr. Jaehnig’s col- 1 er; in that case we will insti­ explain how you can have so) disappointment increases be- be a war of "brother against umn I would like to add a But strurtive crowds. Many of the Your policy of editing letters ment, or in many instances the advanced much after all. That Tlie count in micro-mtcro-»people ot this meeting express- u not a good one in my opin­ is irrefutable. curies, the present scale cf ed the opinion that the campus >on I fully realize that you most facetious -statement. Wo - Trudie Barreras measuring tallout, at that time police were a strong factor in cannot print libel and profan- are sure if such a poll wero IM VVt I S T h e State N ew s | 1409A Spartan Village was well over the now publi­ nreventina preventing such sucn an an unfortunate unfortunate ityrand ^ tQ ^I would )t ^ not, anddo not 1 ,nresult 9 ??<*would «cur a n s dormitory ToPAY'i TAÜTffct'f cized danger point of 100. The result. I f !similar Published by the students of 1 pear pEvpgrf rate then went as high as 500 Regarding his suggestion Src^ ^ nhimS^ H r arther0tferm 8! pn oi West~ Yakel«y* extend our We along with the other wom- Michigan State University. Is- J sued on class days Monday Calendar Bad to 800. but where was the-truth? We as a nation were lied to. that i««« Grand . River i w, tit »„.jmwasa/iMich- 5 iii« then the . entire letter « - should be I sincere apologies and assure We were purposely not told th e, igan Avenuet through Friday, during the fall, To the Editor : p be renamed____ tne- ______ you this was an unfair repre­ 1 think it is As skuliui is your sentation of the feelings of the winter and spring quarters. Is­ Friday's editorial states that scope or effects of those > t s time he realized that Eart Un-1 M S * may have made you sued twice weekly during the majority. summer term. .Second class homecoming should be a Big ¡ or tbe many that followed sing,is not part of the campus in the- deletion of the super­ 75 Women of West Weekend. __ However, | ___the_____ MSU And ‘ now look at us Russia As students, we enjoy a great fluous; this in most cases can- postage paid at East Lansing. calendar is too unrealistic to j explodes her horrible bombs deal of freedom w h i l e w e r e - f g { » £ * • Yakeley Hall Michigan. Jf alkm this. Midterms an d ien d the free American press main on campus. "Out in the !the 1#tter' 1 *m ^ * « * 4 in homecoming at the same time [reacts as any dictatorially con- the author’s view, not the edi- E d itor Marcia Van Ness —real sm art'planning. Many j trolled news media by pulling world." however, such fh*“gs :tor ’s as stopping '.raffle and rocking A real supersalesman is a Managing Editor Ben Burns i are forced to cram on the ! out the stops that before might cars are not going to go unpun­ This past year and the pre­ fellow who can se|l American Business Mgr „ Larry Pontius lia s w f t W ? ¿ to s & & ,■ weekend to make up for the i have made us look bad vious spring account for about transistor radios in Japan. Circulation Mgr Bill Marshall study tima lost during the week Now with the increasing re­ ished. one-fifth of my time at MSU. Greencastle (Ind.) Graphic. City Editor Bill Cote dua to float building. alization of the kind of terror I Chink the demonstrations During the other four-fifths News Editor:___.. Jay BUssick This is only one example of j we are playing with we are still were a heartening display of there were letters to the editor Running a newspaper is ona "Editorial Editor.. Sharon Coady tbe deficiencies of the MSU1not being told the complete spirit tempered with common fiVe days a week. Letters were place where yqu cannot get Feature Editor..._ Curt RundeU I______ framework. mWe_____ start several I storv—else why J H would ( H I anyone . ___ sense. I sincerelv hope that any sharply curtailed tn the spring lost because we've got half of Women's Editor.- Sally Ward weeks later thani many schools, s< waste money on a bomb sbei- t further demonstrations are as of i960 during the ROTC con- l our subscribers telling ug Sports Editor Jerry Fischer We do net bave Mvurwjr dais-i ter, instead of working for well-ordered. Saturday ciast-1 troversy.» At tust j troversy that time tuns sou and j¡where wnsrs to go.—-Inwood (la.) Photo Editor .. .Dave Jaehnig « which would spread out timi peace. Boh Bewardj again iaat yaar the toaaoo giv'i Herald. ers supper, and program. information College House. M a n D u e R e s p e c t ; E b y Sigma Theta Epsfloa — Sun­ day, 5 p.m. Wesley Founda­ t o d a y o n c a m p u s tion. “Man is a child of God and ipinacle of creation,” Eby said. because of this he demands One of our scandals is the Lutheran Student Assn. — Sun­ respect,” said Dr. Kirmit Eby, [fact that students drop out of Lutheran Student Assn. — Fri­ has been cancelled. day,' 5:39 p.m. Supper and a 'University of Chicago pro­ ! school at 16. Many of our po- day, 4:10 p.m. Study hour, Veterans Assn. — Saturday, 2 program. University Luther­ fessor. , Itentjal college material are University Lutheran Church. p.m. Members will meet to an Church. Eby, the “ rebel professor” , : dropping ¡out of school because Catholic Student Organization— watch game, in the- Coral Gamma Delia — Sunday, 6-8 spoke Wednesday afternoon in ¡they want a job. Friday, 8:30 p.m. Movie: Gables Ballroom.. * p.m. Cost Supper and Busi­ the Kiva. . 1 Eby suggests a partial work “The Glenn Miller Story,” Hillel Foundation — Saturday, ness Meeting, Martin Luthef “We are in the midst of a i program to give the drop-out a Catholic Student Center, 327 8:39 p.m. Married Students Chapel. social revolution that is dis­ j job skill. M.A.C. get-together a t Rabbi Ze- Chanalag-Marray Fellowship— placing men,” Eby said. { Eby said he believes in the HUM Foundation — Friday, mach’s home, 519 Harrison. Sunday, 7 p.m. Business Man is being replaced by 1 right of a person to express 7:30 p.m. Sabbath Services, Christian Student Foundation— meeting and discussion, Art technology. There is an over­ ' himself in a socially' useful Hillel House. _ Sunday, 9:30 a.m. University Room, Union. flow of people looking for 1job. Christian Student Foundation— Forum, College House. Lutheran Student Assn. —>Sun­ 4 jobs on the labor market. There are problems in our Friday and Saturday. Fall Christian Student Foundation— day, 8:15 p.m. Vesper Ser­ By. 1970, 26 million people j economy and education. But Retreat, W e s l e y Woods Sunday, 5 p.m. Campus Vesp- vice, Martin Luther Chapel. will need! jobs. they can be solved if man takes Camp. Dr. Eby said he feels that a ! the time to understand man. Catholic Student Organization— job right has a greater claim Begin with what you believe Saturday, 9-12 a.m. Dance at than a property right. “My bias is that man is the ! there, Eby said. about man and go on from the Catholic Student Center, 327 M.A.C. CMC CENTER SATURDAY, NOV. 4 Hillel Foundation — Saturday, 51H Ia Jh l] o_ w F UL 10 a.m. Sabbath Services and Lansing, Michigan 8 :1 5 p.m. Crossword Puzzle p] O M t i T A I A_ P_ 5 t U] NiPjR C_c] E_0 N. T CD Kiddush, at Hillel House. Gamma Delta — Saturday. 1 MlEltlOl N R Ç T_ p.m. Board Meeting a t the ACROSS 34. Harem civic ■ A e OU A S room _ Martin Luther Chapel. .1. Errand boy 35. Scheme — BXJ o M s T_IA L_ E Pre-Vet Hub — Saturday, 1:40 S. Olden PO 1 T R RA L I times: poet. 36. Todo A C cf R_ ■EH r 1 s • ^ Pete Kakela and Jenny Green p.m .' Tour of Dairy Barns 8. Box 37. Slinute SU LI A a A E S DS Despite his outside activities 12.'Indiso plant 13. Creek 14. Sheet of {lass _ particle 38. Declaim wildly 39. Forgive -*- 41. Pronoun P p s 0 L_ 1 C tq o |hj P S I H r N s 1 v" E ÄJ L J . E p e A s. O o N E_Nj D OS, T_ A_ T I Green, Kakela Chosen he has maintained a 2.6 av­ erage. “The m o st. important and © P f l j b A m e r ic a 's Hap/M*? 15. Wire 17. Dry 18. Barrel part 19. Lasso 43] Anoint 46.’Aftersong , 50. Entrance 52. Reduced to Solution of Yesterday’« Puzzi* DOWN 7. Matron Seniors of the Week hardest thing for students to do is budget their time.” he said. At Toledo Libbey High he re­ T H E S H O W F O R E V E R Y O N E a mean The Army ROTC has asked gree in either counseling and ceived All-State and All-Ameri­ 21. Danish 54. Moham­ i. Strokes 8. Freshet Senior class secretary Jenny county 23. Charge medan prince gently . 2. Dillseed 3. Large 9. Geometric curve 10. Keel-billed Green, East Lansing, and Vice- her to serve for a second year guidance or sociology. In-the president Pete Kakela, Toledo, as their sponsor. fall she will begin teaching in can honorable mention honors as a tackle. He was also a ACompany Of 60 faopla 26. Flap. 55. Recently Ohio, have been chosen Sen­ She is scholarship chairman thè -upper elementary grades member of the national honor assails acquired lizard- cuckoo iors of the Week. • ’ ' of her sorority, Alpha Chi O- Kakela is known by most society, junior class president _ Main Floor ..... $5.40 $4.30 29. Oriental 56. Peruse 4. Lift 11. Scarlet staple 57. Diplomacy - 5. Stray t 16. Muffin Both have contributed much mega, and was president of her students as a star defensive a member of the student council M ezzanine _____ .... $3.75 32, Native 58. Sooner from truth 20. American to the university during the pledge class, r tackle,for the Spartan football for four years, and president of metal than 6. Prevarica­ humorist 22. Jog past four years. A graduate of East Lansing team. a literary society. A rena ........... $2.65 $1.55 59. Uncanny tor 33. Solicitude 24. Persia Miss Green was a member1 High, Miss Green was sec re* He has won two letters, and He feels that sports have ... A Tax included / i.*» Y " 7~ 6 r- r~ T~ TT 25. Canvas of AWS Activities Board for tary of both her senior and is. a member of the Varsity taught him a philosophy of life y//M shelter two years, serving, as their sophomore classes. She has a Club and Lambda Chi Alpha —to toy to excel. He plans to Box Office Open Mon. - Sat. 11 - 6 p.m. 12 H /4 26. .Cicatrix corresponding " secretary and twin sister, Penny, who is also fraternity. work on a masters degree in tm m ■m\ 27. Take on ' A geography major, he be­ physical geography, and then 16 tf. cargo ¿j dorm coordinator of the I960 active on, campus. Her philos­ Block of 50 or more $1 discount on main floor seats winter term blood drive. Other ophy of life is what has con­ longs to Gamma Thêta Upsi­ either teach in college or work A 28. Fragrant in the field. ' IB '9 ¡6 30. Artificial activities include 1960 Spinster tributed most to making her an lon, professional fraternity. P ■ language Spin decorations chairman, active student. ~ H è/ 22 i's 31. Eccentric Spartan Women’s league mem­ WfíI à mmm, - pieces ' ‘Life is what you make it,” HUNGRY? 26 27 zô 29 30 V 32 35. Make ready bership chairman, and Spartan she said. “ You get back from 9 I .37. Devoured Hi-Wagon. it what you put into it. You 3Í 34 jS 40. Lifeless 42. Of that An Honors College student gain by giving. The broader 3¿ n jà woman and—member of Phi Kappa your interests, the more ex­ ‘//fi/s 4/ m t 44. Highway Phi, she has maintained a citing life Is for you.” 19 44 42 ■division 3.65 average in elementary Once a Resident Assistant in 'yy/Z/y m 4Ê m 45. Always 94 45 Mà 46 47 *s 49 47. S-shaped education. Last spring she North Campbell hall, Miss molding was tapped for Mortar Board. Green has held several part- W fi il 53 .48. Precious Miss Green is also a member time jobs on campus at the ad­ 49. Whirlpool of Alpha Lambda Delta, Tow­ missions office, the registrar’s S* ' ffîk ss % ss 50. Secure e r Guard, and Kappa Delta office, and the Union cafeteria. ÂSw/, i» 51. Wine vessel S7 S9 53. Female Pi, national education honor­ This summer she plans to sheep ary. start work on_Jier masters de- THE BELL TELEPHONE C O M PA N IE S SALUTE: LOREN G ER G EN S C A L L I V . 2 - 1 2 4 8 I S s p ? Three years ago he was an economics m ajor in college. om m ending advanced Beil System products a n d services. T odayJie is a salesman introducing Beil System 'products and services to business executives. Loren Gergens and Loren Gergens of M ountain States Telephone & Tele­ grap h Company, -and the other young men like-him in COMPLETE DINNERS PREPARED IN THE FREE DELIVERY his sales staff have improved the com m unications efficiency Bell Telephone Companies throughout the country, help to your ~ of many firms b y analyzing their operations and rec* m ake your com m unications service the finest in the world. EXCLUSIVE CHICKEN DELIGHT METHOD A partm ent — Dorm F ra te rn ity — Sorority BELL TELEPHO NE C O M P A N IE S i/ CHICKEN SHRIMP — FISH ..... RIBS — A COMPUTE HOT CHICKEN A COMPLETE HOT SHRIMP A COMPLETE HOT FISH A COMPLETE HOT RIB DINNER CONSISTING OF: DINNER CONSISTING OF: DINNER CONSISTING OF: ».CHICKEN DELIGHT 9 JUMBO GULF SHRIMP DINNER CONSISTING OF: 2 PIECES OF FILET SPECIAL GROWN CHICKEN GENEROUS SERVING OF GENEROUS SERVING OF A GENEROUS PORTION OF GENEROUS SERVING OF FRENCH FRIED POTATOES FRENCH FRIED POTATOES BAR-8.Q RIBS FRENCH FRIED POTATOES TANGY COCKTAIL SAUCE MUFFIN — TARTAR SAUCE GENEROUS SERVING OF KRAFT'S FANCY MUFFIN FRENCH FRIED POTATOES CRANBERRY SAUCE INDIVIDUAL PACKAGE OF INDIVIDUAL PACKAGfOF HOT SAUCE — MUFFINS MUFFINS MINTS MINTS $1.45 $1.45 $1.05 $1.75 ■"CHICKEN SNACK«. — SHRIMP SNACK m *, PIZZA PERCH — - ii CHICKEN DELIGHT 5 JUMBO GULF SHRIMP A COMPLETE HOT PERCH SPECIAL GROWN CHICKEN FRENCH FRIED POTATOES PLAIN OR-PEPPERONI DINNER CONSISTING OF: FRENCH FRIED POTATOES- TANGY COCKTAIL SAUCE 4 PljCES OF FILET _. KRAFT’S TANGY MUFFIN ’ — $1.10 GENEROUS SERVING OF CRANBERRY SAUCE INDIVIDUAL PACKAGE OF FRENCH FRIED POTATOES MUFFIN MINTS TARTAR SAUCE — MUFFINS 95c - 12" - $1.65 i . 95c 1 95c Rib Snack B u c k e t O ' C h i c k e n Same as regular 4 Pieces I Vi Chicken Except Smaller Portions $ 1 .1 0 16 pieces serves 5 $3.96 20 pieces serves 7 $4.95 F or the football game, fall outings 24 pieces serves 8 $5.94 or family get together» take a Bucket O’ Chicken along. Ju st 28 pieces serves 9 $6.93 open and feast! 36 pieces' serves 12 $8.91 Open BUCKET 11:00 A.M. Parking in SHRIMP 10:45 P.M. Back of Store I QT. FRENCHFRIES 45c 2 lb $3.99 Here is o«r compiete men - place ia year phoae book far aasp refaraaaa FOR PICKUP ORFREE BEUVERY a C A L L I V . 2 - 1 2 4 8 South Logan at Mu Hope ;an State News, East Lansing, Michigan ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT Friday Morning, November 3, 1961 K in g s t o n T r i o O p e n s One of the biggest attractions at the same time as the Trio a t in show business today—the j San Francisco’s Purple Onion Whan Meredith Willson,, the He has remembered the The memory of the cornets, young, people-pleasing King­ and has since made 'several affable author-com poser-lyri- first billiard parlor in town and flutes and horns that filled the ston Trio—will appear ia a! concert tours with them. the cries of Horrified parents summer Iowa nights with mu­ single show at The Civic Center j of “The Music Man," one who thought it smacked of the sic stayed close to him as he at 8:15 pan. Wednesday. ^ j the biggest musical hits devil’s work; he has remem­ studied with flutist George t a r The Kingstons come fresh ever to sweep across the Ameri­ bered the town library, where can theatre scene. Is asked he spent hours lost in toe book rere in New York, as he m a r^ i-T ^ m a whole new series of ed with the band of John Philip spectacularly successful road Fast Yet be left his home Mate of magic of far-away places; he Sousa across the United States appearances — indicating that! has remembered the Saturday and Europe, and as he wrote the sound and youthful enthu-| Iowa, be replies: ‘‘Well, to tell you the truth, night concerts by the brass and conducted music in such siasm of the Trio have remain­ Complete band in toe town squate way stations as the Seattle ed intact despite a shift in man­ I’ve never left Iowa, and 1 It was toe brass band he re­ Symphony, a San Francisco power. don’t ever expect that I will." membered most after he went radio station, the NBC he use John Stewart, former leader That simple statement^ ex­ to seek fame and fortune. orchestra in Hollywood. of the Cumberland Three and plains in great p art toe impact longtime composer-arranger r the Kingston Trio, has re-i which Willson has brought to aced the departed Dave j the Broadway stage and to Liard, who left Bob Shane and! toe stage of any theatre where ick Reynolds early this year.j his musical brainchild plays. Augmenting the show—as if Theatergoers hereabouts will need any—wilUbe comedian: Frandor Shopping Center have a chance to view for them­ onnie Schell, who has been MON. THRILFRI. TILL 9 selves just how big a splash aking the current nationwide Willson made with his first ur with the Kingston Trio SAT. TILL 7 - contribution to the theatre, be- A"close friend of the King-, ! cause “The Music Man" is ons, Schell began his career coming to town. IT WILL PLAY here with t~music swelling from its seventy ' six trombones, half-a-hundred [ actors, dozens of singers and D O IN GITTH EH (GETTING RID OF DANDRUFF, THAT IS!) ARDW A Yby% dancers, on the stage of the Lansing Civic Aud. on Nov. 4th, 8:liLp.m. _ True, Meredith Willson did pack his bag and roam far and wide since the day he grad­ uated from the Mason City, Iowa, high school at the age of COLORFUL FOLK SONGS and dances of Poland, performed by MS y o u g stagers sixteen. and dancers of the “ Mazowsze,” Poland’s premier dance company, will fill the r Tucking his trusty flute (that MSU Auditorium on Monday, Nov. 6, when the group appears in the University ’s__ was his instrument in the Ma­ Lecture-Concert Series A at 8:15 p.m. ^ son City high school band) un­ derneath his arm. he has seen almost all the faji corners of Polish Baliei To Open Here the world, and his wanderings have made him a habitue of the splashiest restaurants of Broadway. P an s and Holly- “A blazing and colorful ex- ( in age from 16 to 25. with more tour of North America. It w ill , wood, where he' o n s a home hibition of songs and folk than 1,000 costumes. T h e perform in 25 cities and also overlooking a canyon that dances” is a frequent descrip­ troupe also has sym-1 have a run on Broadway. stretches out to the ocean, but easier 3-minutewayfor men:-FITCH tion of Poland’s premier dance phony orchestra. The dance company won the deep down, he. is stiti a boy Men, get rid of embarrassing dandruff easy as 1-2-3 with company, “Mazowsze, ” which A presentation in Series A of | coveted Gold Medal—aL_ the ; off the Iowa farm. - FITCHI In just 3 minutes (one rubbing, one lathering, one will perform at 8.15 p.m. Mon­ MSU’s Lecture-Concert pro­ Brussels World Fair. After onej He speaks in the idiom.of a rinsing), every trace of dandruff, grime, gummy old hair day in the auditorium at the grams. ‘^Mazowsze” will re­ of its first appearances in this boy who has watched corn tonic goes right down the drain! Your hair looks hand- university; peat the songs and dances that country, a Philadelphia report­ grow as high as an elephant’s 1» somer, healthier. Your scalp tingles, feels so refrcsherLUse Taking its name from the created a recent sensation in er termed it "the most con- j eye. to borrow a phrase from central region of Poland. “Maz- London. sistently appealing of any of the several e t h n i c dance another gifted man of the the­ F IT C H FITCH Dandruff Remover SHAMPOO every week for owsze” (pronounced MAH- THE .COMPANY, under the ¡troupes that have come from atre, Oscar Hammerstein. LCAOIN6 MAN’S positive dandruff cdhtrol. THE MUSIC MAN—Six year old Scott Bloom as Winthrop Keep your hair and scalp ZOFF-SHUH) i n pXuM e s 108-‘sponsorship of famed impres-• across y£e s e a s ” singers and dancers, ranging sario S. Hurok, is on jts first HE SQUINTS through his The performers are a highly tortoise-shelled glasses with the Pareo shares a happy moment with Professor Harold Hill (Harry Hlekex) in “The Music Man." SHAM POO really dean, dandruff-free! j select group. The directors etching of a crow’s feetfaround [ m a d e "“extensive ' journeys his deep-set eyes that tell of j throughout . central Poland, longhours in the burning sun. !auditioning some 5.000 young- “The Music Man" is filled i l E 1 D Yoar M E L K Car !j « with the warmth of his boyhood i choose the singers and dancers j nMnjoriM in Iowa rieht after DEFERRED who would form the basis of alter the troupe. _ „ the turn of the century. R e b u ilt M o to rs a m i T r a n s m is s i o n s j The artists are housed in a i great country bouse called i 4 N S T A L L E Ï) i Karolin some 25 miles from J ! Warsaw. There they get a com-] Curt Rundell, editor, Linda M u f f le r s — T a il P ip e s — E x h a u s t P ijw s iplete education including math- , | ematics and history as well--as j „ asst, editor, Jackie | F R E E IN S T A L L A T IO N intensive courses in music and Korona, staff writer, Ute Auld, the dance. staff writer, Ken Peck," film I C o m p le te S h o p S e rv ic e IN ITS NATIVE land. “Maz- reviewer, Rusty Schuster, a rtj IDISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY owsze” . has danced before writer. — more than 3 million people since its founding in 1948. _ KAMIN’S AUTOPARTS Commenting on the perform­ ances. the London Daily Mail called the company's reper­ 526 N. LARCH tory "some of the most excit­ ing dances London has seen for IV44598 years.” while the Daily'Mirror Mon. - F ri. S aturday Sunday critics wrote. “This company is magnificent.” Tickets - may be purchased j from the Union Ticket Office Final Week! 8 -6 - 8 -5 8 -1 j or the Paramount Newshop in : Lansing. L P . R e c o rd H undred to chose from Values to A 98 Saturday, Nov. 4, 12:30 pm. Sunday, Nov. 5, 2:00p.m. * . ',vW* *, • * I don’t know what the name of W U y the course is, but I've repeated it (Ss% n CA M PU S for three years!” J ssh k B o o k S t o r e M E E T IN G a t S H A W and BRO D Y 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 2 0 W O N D ERFU L SM O K ES! Across From The 7 AGED MILD. BLENDED MILD - NOT FILTERED MILD-THEY SATISFY l'aio* Baildiag Friday Morning, November 3 , 1961 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan J l basic reference books in his Blood Bade Course field. Forest Fires “The student who invests his 4Continued from Page t) > The drive is sponsored by Summaries money in basic reference books Lecture Topic G O , S T A T E ... G O ! Alpha Phi Omega, Spartan in his field has made a lifetime mvestment,” he said Womens* League, and the American Red Cross. Opposed Several aspects of forest fires will be one of the topics Percentages of the living discussed in a series of lectures units are as follows: Religious Groups Paperback summaries of the first term hades are being sold Grad Dies next week in the Forestry building and the Forestry for the find time here, but cabin. Bethel 25% have met opposition from de­ Of Leukemia B E A T M in n e s o t a ! Lutheran House 10% Dr. William E. Reifsnyder. partments heads. associate professor of forest YMCA 0% The summaries are reviews Co-ops Mrs. Barbara E. DuByne, metecrology at Yale Univer­ or condensations of the read­ Chicago grad student, died sity is the scheduled speaker. Hedrick House 30% ings in each course and are Evan’s Scholars 21% Tuesday night in University He be speaking under the sold separately f o r each Medical Center, Ann Arbor. Bower House 20% course. auspices of the visiting scient­ Elsworth House 15% She had been ill for two weeks ist program of the National Hugh Headick and Robert with leukemia, • Motts House 10% Baker, Oakland, Calif, juniors, Science Foundation in coopera­ Beal House 5% are selling) the books for a Services will be held at 11 tion with the Society of Ameri­ Howland House 0% California publishing company. a.m. Saturday in All-Saints can Foresters. Ulrey House r~ 0% Episcopal Church, East Lan­ “ On November 6, from 10-12 Fratemities Summaries for the ether sing. with .th e Rev. William a.m. in room 19 of the Forestry Delta Upsilon terms ef the basics have Barks Jr. of St. Margaret’s building, he will discuss “ For­ Farmhouse 95% been ordered, and summar­ Episcopal Church officiating. est Environment” . This will Sigma Chi 45% ies for ether courses may She was graduated from here be a talk on the forest and it’s Alpha Gamma Rho 40% „ evea be sold. Seme univer­ with a degree in elementary ed­ atmospheric environment. Phi Kappa Sigma 30% sities new sell them for most ucation in 1960. She taught in On November 7, from 3:30-5 Pi Kappa Phi 25% ef their courses they said. Wülidmston last year and then p.m . in room 27 of the Forestry Alpha Epsilon Phi 20% The University College gen­ taught in Grand Ledge. She building he will discuss Fores­ Phi Sigma Kappa 20% erally views the summaries was studying art education try participation in the 10th Alpha Sigma Phi 19% with disfavor. here. Pacific S c i e n c e Congress^ Lambda Chi Alpha 14% “ Reading the summaries is She is survived by her hus­ which is a scientific meeting Phi Mu Alpha ~ 12% like reading a condensed vers­ band, Robert. 1574A Spartan taking in all forestry activities Phi Kappa Tau 10% ion of a good book,” said one Village and her parents. Mr. in the far east. Kappa Sigma 10% University College instructor. and Mrs. Charles Beel of Chi­ From 7:30-9 p.m. on Novem­ Delta Chi 10% Harry H. Kimber. head of cago. ber 7 in the Forestry Cabin the Sigma Alpha Mu J0% the department of humanities, Donations to theT a n c ar So­ topic of the discussion will be Alpha Chi Sigma .5% said a student would find it ciety in lieu of flowers have “ Current Trends In Forest Sigma Nu .5% more beneficial to purchase been requested. Fire Research.” Theta Chi .5% Sigma Alpha Epsilon .3% Psi Upsilon .3% Alpha Kappa Psi „ 0% Sigma Phi Epsilon 0% Phi Delta Theta 0% Phi Gamma Delta 0% Phi Kappa Psi 0% Beta Theta Phi 0% Delta Tau Delta 0% Triangle 0% Zeta Beta Tau . 0% Sororities Phi M u " " 45% Gamma Phi Beta 33% Alpha Xi Delta 30% Delta Zeta 21%~ Kappa Delta 20% Delta Gamma 20% Alpha Chi Omega 12% Alpha Omicron Pi 10% Alpha Delta Pi .2% Alpha Gamma Delta .2% Chi Omega .2% Delta Delta Delta .2% Kappa Kappa Gamma .2% Zeta Tau Alpha .2% Sigma Kappa .2% Pi Beta Phi .2%' Alpha Phi 0% Alpha Epsilon Phi 0% Kappa Alpha Theta 0% M enVDorms West Shaw 4% East Shaw 3% Bryan 2.2% Armstrong 2.1% Rather 2% - Emmons 2% Bailey 2% Butterfield .2% Women’s Dorms Van Hoosea 20% Campbell 12% Landen 5% Williams 5% Phillips 4% Mayo 3% T h e timeless travel coat Borrowed from the boys Yakely 3% Snyder 2.5% Gilchrist 2% Abbot Mason Casa 1.5% 1% .5% by Weatherbee Oxford Shirts *25 3.98 The incomparable Chesterfield spans the glove, The smart oxford shirt with Bermuda collar, plans a round-the-year itinerary. Expertly barrel cuffed sleeves, Ivy League manner and interpreted in superb combed cotton twill and also available in button-down or collariess styles. The trim , n o-p lea t look fo r Zelan treated. Custom-detailed,“ with multi-stripe coordinated lining. In green, natural or black. The easy-care fabric is 100% combed cotton in a host of pretty colors in sizes 9 to 15 KNAPP’S COATS — STREET LEVEL KNAPP’S BLOUSES - STREET LEVEL 9 N Alad 6 flm» « i * M l m en’s campus or casual wear! MOWTW SdRsd tor 9B iO S b UM P olished Cotton Slacks ¡P P " » K Knapp’s “Wonder-Value” sa ssE U m * SUm . . . trim . . . sleek, 109% polished cotton slacks SPECIAL! b r f t d i t l l iarirt— 9tM seeds no ironing. Two top colors . r . Suntan im m m n m m u and OUve ta plain front tapered model . . . with or S e a m le s s N y lo n H o s ie r y withent belt loops. A special purchase at a special price for class or leisure wear. 3 .9 8 Give you’more wear per pair I r l n l is i d W UM t y r i r i s# Owd J M h g • Seamless dress sheers STORE FOR MEN — STREET LEVEL 3 PRS. 4 Seamless mesh sheers Pal Bslsd hylVmlh i Wsi • Seamless stretch-sheers *1 2.85 These m i many mere aa the-™. Knapp’s maintain the highest quality you can find in nylons. PAPERBOUND ROOM Fashion, styling and hosiery tones to complement any outfit ^ (Basement) you w e a r . Three wonderful shades to select from in rosetone. taupetone and rhumba. Proportioned to assure perfect fit. Sizes CAMPUS SVt to 11, short, medium or long. You save by purchasing these nylons by the box. BOOK STORE Aerees From The FKIDAY STORE HOURS ARE 9:30 TO 5:30 KNAPP'S HOSIERY — STREET LEVEL Union Building « 6 Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Friday Morning, November 3 , 1961 Saturday’s p ig One’ Is Spartans’ Key to a Cha A, ★ 'k'—~ I Mason with 14 points each. G o o d ’ 0 1 G o p h e r s , Abbot Cops Swim Meet | Karen Ludtke from Kappa Kap- i pa Gamma scored 1214, and S p a r t a n s Maggie Snavely from Snyder ! The second meet for Block II were Bonnie Blackport from — B u t N o t T o o G o o d j was won by Abbot Hall with 50 Abbot, and Diane Kircher from had 11 points. j points on Tues. Oct. 31. Second R e m e m b e r By JERRY FISCHER | place was taken by Kappa Kap- I L E D A D O G ’S L I F E Sports Editor i pa Gamma With 3614 points The Spartan football team could have been asking itself j and third was Case Hall with U N T IL I H A D ’ 5 8 R o m p Friday Just how big a big game can get. - i 33 point». If ever the charges of Coach Duffy Daugherty have look a These three teams will Join MY B O W S CLEANED The Spartan football team re­ key game in the kickoff, Saturday figures to'Be itr? West Mayo, Kappa Alpha Theta On the clash with the vaunted Minnesota Gophers at Minne­ and Off Campus, in the final A T L O U IS . news its rivalry with the Minne­ apolis rests three Spartan Hopes. The No. 1 college team in the meet Tues., Nov. 7. _ sota Gophers Saturday in a land would like to:' • ( Individual hjgh point scorers mood for revenge. L) Pot itself la the role of a strong Big 10 challenger by The last time the two squats winning its fourth straight game. met, the Gophers trounced 2.) P at itself tii an even * be the key to the Spartan IM Schedule Coach Duffy Daugherty’s team, stronger position far a trip hopes. Since Minnesota and 1M Schedule '39-12 jn 1958. to yea knew where for you State are the only two teams Friday, November 3 The two £»ub* haven’t faced know-what-bowl game on playing s e v e n conference Pledge Touch, Football each other since that time. yon-know-wbat-day. games, this could give the win­ (Practice Field) HELP RESERVE STRENGTH—Don Stewart, left, and ner Saturday a decided edge. S P E C IA L C O M P L IM E N T A R Y O F F E R The overall ser'es with Min­ Mitch Newman are a pair of senior halfbacks who are aH- 3. Win Its ltth game in a 6:40 D.T.D pi - Phi Delt pi. The Spartans went through (Touch Field) FOR COLLEGE MEN V nesota favors Michigan State, around handymen. Stewart may see seme service oa row, 4-3. The Spartans won in 195«. final drills Thursday in prep­ 6:40 Sig. Ep. pi - D.U. pi 53, 55. and 57. The last State offense as well as defepse this week while the hastliag Newman also bolsters Coach Daffy Daugherty's backfleid But all these objectives may aration for the game. Half­ not be enough if the Spartans back Gary Ballman is pearly (Jenison Field) _ 0:40 Phi K. Sig pi - L.C.A. pi Learn the Pleasures victory was a -42-13 romp. if revenge wasn’t enough in- i strength. _ don’t turn in some of their best fully recovered from his mus­ football of the season Saturday. cle pull. The entry deadline for the M.S.U. Intramural Handball of Fine Tobacco. . . ccntive for Daughertyls team.j Daugherty figures the Min­ Tournament is 5 p.m. Friday. it might consider its winning j Streak, Harriers Hold nesota and Purdue games to Halfback Herman Johnson was still hobbled by his sprained ankle. He has not The entry deadline for the IM archery tournament is also . 5 p.m. Friday. Enjoy the Original Extra-Mild Cavendish in the Handy "Poly" Pocket Pouch The Spartans won their last Spartan three games last season arid have boosted the win string to j eight games'by winning their! Home Spotlight Sport Shorts participated in* contact work this week. The team will leave Lansing The winner of the MSU intra­ mural football pass contest was Stu McMillin, senior from Grosse Pointe. By DICK ROBINSON [ lowing weekend and will com­ airport for Minneapolis at about He scored a total of 17 points UtmMI. Hdl.nWhr Doow. f,b*rt. 1*1*1fmHri— first five this year Bryan Hall won the All- 9:30 a.m. Friday, arriving out of a possible 25. State News Sports Writer pete in the Big Ten Meet, IC4A AMPHORA, 1» cool, even-burning, long-looting. He The longest winning streak j — and the NCAA. Dormitory Intramural Sports about two hours later. Runner-up was Lucky Stein- ever compiled by Daugherty | The Spartan cross country captain Jerry Young. Big Championship in 1960-61. In the They will hold afternoon hart with 15 points. Lucky is a able swoking qualities have won loyal friendi-H aatoHteaU was 12. from the third game of team provides the only home Ten champion, will lead the respective Sportsr Bryan had sophomore from Fairlawn, New —“ other tobaccos in He class! If workouts F r i £fa y in Min­ you haven't tried AMPHORA, the 1955 season through tn e |ip ^ rts attraction Saturday as! spartan victory hopes, backed 5 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds^ neapolis. Jersey. fourth game of 1956. the harriers host the Air Force | up by Roger Humbarger, Pat l-4th., & l-5th, for a total of be our guest Simply 611 in the Academy squad at 11 a.m on ~ ------ » — " —*•------ ■ Stevens, Don' Castle and Dick 812. points. coupon below and mail it. You Daughertv can tie that the Forest Akers Golf course. string by winning the four re­ maining games. State’s distance men take a Gyde. it it ir Other Spartans expected to Michigan State soccer star LARGEST HAMBURGERHI MICHIGAN will receive • complimentary full 2-ounce pouch. 3-1 record into the four-mile start are At Duncan, Bob Ful­ Ken Graham is a former cap ­ ONE H ALF POUND OF MEAT ON A BUN Saturday's game will get the race and end their dual meets cher, Bill Stewart, Ron Berby, tain of the U.S. Armed Forces ■OMICK'S INTERNATIONALTOBACCO CO. regional television treatmeutrfthis season, MSU’s only loss Thom McCue, Ron Homing and All-Star soccer team. 11918Vom atrsst, North Hollywood. California- _ ......... »,— has come from Wisconsin. . Bob Ochs. _ ★ ★ ★ Oontlaman:Maaaaaand ma a eomplim.ntary WI*ouaeePowww being sent back to Michigan. 7 5 AMPHORA. I enctom 10* ooln to covar coat of handling ana mn»m» The Spartans have defeated "We should defeat the Air " The first appropriation by OLiunm oamwtj Force if we fttn right,” said Michigan State for - school at Johnny Pingel. former Mic h- Ohio University_and Ohio State NAME. igan State All-American foct- in a triangular meet, Penn Coach Fran Dittrich. "We’re athletics was $250 for gymnas­ coming along at the exact pace tics equipment back in 1890. STREET. ball plaver. punted 99 times State and Notre Dame. After for 4,138 yardsin 1938 to set the Saturday's ineet-thc outfit may we want, and so far the season ★ ★ ★ is coming out better than ex­ Every field goal kicked by sibiey* PANCAKE PALACE, CITY, zone; state. national collegiate records for enter the Michigan AAU the fol- UNIVERSITY most punts and most yardage pected.” 4 3 0 0 N . E a s t S t. ( U S 2 7 ) O n ly o n o o f f e r p e r p e rs o n . N o t ito o d a f t e r Dad. II, 1#®1 Michigan State end Art Brand- Last year State rfarrowly beat statter punted in a single season. the Falcons by. a score of 26 to season during the 1961 football Booters At sets a new Spartan 29 and six of the Air Force career record. He held the re­ runners have returned this cord with six going into the ORER YOUR Ohio U. year. The AFA’s top runners 1961 season. - are seniors John Fer and Aust­ PLANNED TRAINING PROGRAMS to s ta r t your career ir it it MSU RING Saturday in Wedemeyer. NOW! Michigan State's soccer team hits the road Friday with one of The Air Force Academy has The 1961 Michigan State- defeated UCLA, Western Mich­ Notre Dame football game igan and Nebraska State. South­ drew 76,132 fans at E ast Lan­ ern Methodist and Kansas sing for the largest home ... in one of the nation’s fastest growingintetrin its regulars a doubtful starter for Saturday’s game with Ohio State Teachers. They placed crowd in MSU history. second to Oklahoma University offered by Public Service Electric and Gas Company University at Athens, Ohio. and competed in the Rocky Dutch Kemeling, an All- American center halfback, pull* Mountain AAU last Saturday. . .. 3 rdin revenues among m % ed a muscle in his leg against Purdue last week and it won’t P o la c h e k 's investor-owned-electric and p s utilities! SUPPORT YOUR be knoWn until game time whether he will be able to play. REDCROSS ■ lì à If Kemling has to sit the game F a b r ic s E* I Traditional Medium $29.00 out, then~the Spartans will be forced to alter their starting BLOOD line-up for the first time this PROGRA M 427 E. GRAND ItyVER Traditional Heavy 34.00 season. _ Traditional Extra Heavy G o o d th in g s h a p p e n 39.00 Coach Gene Kenney said PHONE ED 2*0361 Sd, m the changes would involve vc I ■ s moving Safia Donnelly to Bob learns about the operation of no Plus Kemeling’s position and in­ plant production facilities nf fu,! hùtw State and 10% Federal Tax stall Junior Jerry Papachrisfc Greek Letters Encrusted ou in Donnelly’s normal right See the Mcme. . • UpufSt'OHon« _ On Stone ... $2 Each halfback slot. Gil ProducingEquipment .... ..•••••• 9 Cm Ptanping Eou>pmsat 1 "II we lose a man of Dutch’s CmCsn*t>0Af*| EqaipmGflt...T..I talent it's bound to hurt,’* Ken­ “Glenn Miller Story” leder Plant Equipe.......... Contro! taro Opermri— GmMumf..... •to* X. t ney said. UhorttoryOperation -. ...........••••••# I W. Mm ¿Ti -- -y - RANNEY But even if Kemeling does play, the Spartans aren’t ex­ Friday« November 3« 8 :30 p.m. JMtintsfiMK*of PlMtEquipment,..«••••••••• • OfficesadStverooMiProcedures..,1 t* Spoetai Atsifneiisti Ptont•**••«»•***•»**•• 9 Jew eler» pecting its Ohio opponents to 24 [tgrrtlfUO tamotastotj be a soft touch. Catholic Student Center "Ohio has good over-all bal­ ittMSTWBjminii ance and their goalkeeper is AMBKWtwsggm outstanding,” Kenney said. 25c Members — 35c Non-members tpitsflriionofMetersendAppìcanc«SefYkujg . It District Office Opersifor. ............... . 4 "We can't afford to over-look Ovitaf) OfficeOperations 3 this team. They are capable of Special Assignments—0v«*on 2 ÌÀT #>1 Next to State Theater giving us a good game.” i Directing construction projects in the East Lansing Ohio University’s season rec­ inf urinetofGrtotnf «».mmmooomm.2 ord is five wins and two losses. field gives Bob on thè-job expertenter' CosM M GrcnfGffsritftasittgsrtoost District Commerciai Office ...... t CommercialOperation*Onffr fmentCoarse— C0. I V««PrtMtOMtmdCoftrritori •»garrnot ... t W k T H a id W pudmmnAm—urti Network Aralfttt .......•••••*• I UtikratioRUh*»—V7^^*— ..... HOW DOES Milk and Ice Cream Utter Repair Offer*«* Affffhonce School *r? Street OtffriiptfiL-Schail ............ 2 CHRISTIANSCIENCE HE GmOisffllttwrf 0pnr»t«ns-Ueter Sfittane..• I tnetmmont ingtaier .................... I Cash & Carry FirmingCsfter UndergroundP«ffw*Prahchta Corrsuon Control . 2d*yt " CrreMM Jhyl Oishtantias Design fnfwr ....... 4 tm m k (toe VKSB Immm CttWw Some*Dfnff.iMtowmHWM« 3i É lÌii - r 5 SffMdl hM«SM«tl ............mmmm 2. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE DISCOVERY OF THE l/l Gal Plain Homogenized VdCHhB .... 2 HEALING CHRIST.” He assists Ki solving pipeline network de­ Ttttl ...TT.'........................... 71 sign problems using the analog computer. by Gelth PUmmer, C. 8. ef London, England Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientists, 39* You way obtain a copy in Boston, Massachusetts of our brochure, “Train* See our representative big Coonoi for CoBog* 3:15 P.M., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th Ice Cream 101,1 -11 fl,vo" Gradual«*" a t your when he visits your college on ~~ East Lansing Senior High School SGI Burcham Dr. Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientists, East Lansing 96* 1201 E ast Grand River • . . and Testing one of the more than 200.000 gas me writing fo Public Sorw- ico. Room 2152a, GO Bark Hoc*, Nowork ’ » jfRco or by JA N U A R Y 16 ters repaired at the Meter Shop durmg 1959 3055 E ast Michigan — Ju st west of Frandor M B i n n D W r H.V « b ly M f la tC M in fKTwa. wfc mg mkm $myaas marnosi mat AMi LANSMGFIRMPRODUCT? PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY Newark, NewJersey iü Friday M orning, November 3 , 1961 Michigan Stale New* East Lam ing, Michigan .s which time some of th«r march­ attends this rehearsal and M a r k 'T i m e :'v ing charts are distributed and reads through the script as he rehearsed. Wednesday and will do from the prese boa on Thursday the band rehearses Saturday. ¿be remaining charts. Saturday noon the band re­ ‘T i m e O u t ’ F o r B a n d Friday is polish day, when hearses in full uniform; this the entire show is run through rehearsal somewhat simulates By J. B. FRY that is necessary for a spark-. for individual instructions to for continuity. The announcer. See TIME OUT page M Of the State News Staff ling performance. ' be written out for nearly every About 1,610 man hours have “The extra hours,” Falcon«* member of the band when mov­ gone into the preparation of said, add an estimated 499 ing into the letters of a school. CORAL GABLES’ ~ Saturday’s half-time show for hours to the previous total With 140 persons in the band, ILFORNO the regionally televised State- —and this is all done volun­ this, too turns out to be a time Minnesota football game ,says tarily.” consumer.” Leopard Falcone, University A typical assignment may Besides all the time spent look like this: band director. during fall term, the band Fancy right; march to the The Spartan men of brass members report a week before next line, picking up D6-9-10 as The Name th a t Made Pizza Famous in Lansing -® i# and their directors spend about the fail term begins for a rug­ you go; pinwheel left on 8th 1,210 man hours on each foot- ball show. Individual sections ged period of conditioning. William Moffit, assistant step; cross step eight; march NOW OPEN AT 1140 A. N. forward 16, right spin on 16th hold voluntary rehearsals on band director, and Falcone'are step; mark time; kick down on Serving Snacks - Sandwiches • Luncheons - Dinners their own time and often the the machinery behind the band. Also C atering to # **«4 entire band reports an hour They plan,- organize, diagram, halt. “Every term means some P rivate P arties - Banquets - Meetings early to put in the extra time drill, arrange and coordinate well-learned maneuver to the the weekly football game band band member,” Falcone said. Visit Our Rathskeller shows. “ For the convenience „ Before the band starts prac­ band, the field charts are di­ of the Open .5 p.m. Daily if*' ijg Placement ticing, the directors will spend many hours preparing the mu­ vided sic and routines. „ equal into dotted blocks which four "Everything marching-size the band steps. does *Phone ED 7-1311 Complete Take-Out Service Planning begins with a decis­ ■m, - Bureau ion of-what the ‘theme” of the must show will be. After the them® block to it has be«n chosen, Moffit begins pearance on be -done according to the pattern. Strict adherance gives a smooth flowing ap­ • V* the field when-the Interviewing at the Place­ diagraming the show and the 1 patterns which will evolve on patterns move and change ” ment Bureau Wednesday. Addi­ CURTAIN GOING UP—The dumb blond, (he reporter, and the junk king of “ Born tional information in the Place­ the field. While the marching charts Yesterday” put finishing touches on make-up just before the'perform ance. ment Bureau Bulletin for the “ Every routine is pictured on are being completed, the mu­ Barbara Messing, Nicholas Howey, and Ray Shermeyer are the principles in week of Nov. 6 to"10 field charts, most of them be­ sical arrangements ' o f' the this University Theatre Production. —State News photo by Mike Fayne. ing a complete page for every week’s tunes are also being the Monsanto Chemical Co. inter­ viewing chemical, mechanical, eight steps of a maneuver^’ completed. He said H gener­ electrical engineers, chemistry- Falcone said. It is easy to see ally takes about 10 hours to that one tune might consist of complete each arrangement. S lin k y E x -C h o ru s G irl major s. Parke, Davis & Co interview­ ing accounting, biology and upwards of__ 16 diagrammed pages. AH this must be completed before the band members re­ best chemistry majorsr chemical, The diagramming done for port on Monday. thesis L ea rn s F a c ts o f C u ltu r e mechanical engineers. -Chem­ istry, zoology, and bacteriology each routine is a' time con­ The music is distributed on suming procedure, but neces­ Monday and rehearsed in the By JACKIE KORONA lows the deeds and misdeeds Billie’s basic character is real­ majors. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation sary for an exciting show. music building. Tuesday begins “Sometimes it is~ necessary th& rehearsals-on the field, at tjyping - Of the State News Staff ,of a dumb ex-chorus girl, a ly in evidence. interviewing civil, mechanical A junkman and a be­ millionaire junkman, and an A particularly amusing se­ and electrical'engineers. / and spectacled magazine reporter enterprising young journalist, quence in the second act is the Burroughs Corp. interview­ successfully assisted in the re­ with laughs and crime closely- visit of a senator and his wife ing electrical, mechanical en­ birth of a 29-year-old blond at interwoven. Fairchild Theatre Wednesday night. As the doll who lias been to Harry’s apartment. Billie’s boredom with such company couldn’t be more obvious. gineers; physics, math, -busi­ ness & public service, commu­ FOREIGN CAR OWNERS printing content with her two mink Ray Shermeyer, Braddock, nication arts & science and Before the eyes of a delight­ coats and Harry for the past arts Dec and March grads only. ed audience, Billie Dawn came eight years, Barbara Mess­ Penn, doctoral candidate Baxter Laboratories, Inc. in­ New Equipment Has Just Been Installed out of her incubator of life ing, Brooklyn (N.Y.) junior, with domineering Harry Brock is most convincing. and discovered newspapers, turns in a professional perform­ ance as the greedy, tempera­ mental, and at times tender, terviewing chemistry, biology, Business & Public Service, Sci­ To Accommodate Your Car At W0NCH GRÀTIC/ISERVICE democracy, and reporter Paul Billie is quite alive, as she Harry Brock. InJact, Shermey­ ence 8c Arts and Communica-1 tion Arts, mechanical egineers 1720 E. Michigi Vertal, in t h e University slinks around the fancy hotel er resembles movie actor Ed­ and production administration' Theatre’s hit production of room in a purple, then a black ward G. Robinson in stature, Lansing 484-7786 “ Born Yesterday.” sheath. And when she changes facial expressions, and voice. majors. _ General Mills, Inc. interview­ - Frandor A u to W ash This Carson Kanin comedy, to startling orange slacks, even Without a doubt, Harry ing 'chemical and agricultural set in Washington, D.C., lol- though they are a bit baggy, Brock’s portrayal c o u l d engineers, food „technology, F randor Shopping Center — Daily 8 -6 , Sun. 8 :30-2 make or break this show, packaging technology, chemis­ and-at Fairchild Theatre (he try and biochemistry, market­ junkman is a king. ing, economics and home ec- ☆ LAR6 EST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ☆ Whether in a suit with a big cigar hanging from one corner onomics majors. Vickers Inc. interviewing me­ of his mouth, or in a bright red chanical. electrical engineers M UFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES smoking jacket, Shermeyer is - Dec. March and June-grads. POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES Sec SLINKY page 9 M atlrmajors • Dec., March and June grads.-Production admin­ COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES istration majors • Dec. anjj Jazz March grads. International Tel. & Telegraph COMF1.ETE AUTO New & Rebuilt Sale Corp. interviewing electrical engineers - Dec. and March SPRING • S ta rte rs • G en erato rs E n tire Stock grads. SERVICE GLASS _ The Eagle-Picher Co. inter­ • Fuel Ptiiuns R egular & Stereo F or Cars. E x p ertin Installed • Water Pumps viewing chemical, mechanical % ______ T rucks. T ractors While You W ait • Clutch Plates engineers and cnem istry.jna- Sava jors - Dec. March and June grads. M c D o n a l d 's Dollars General Motors Corp. Chev- W - A U T O rolet-Flint Mfg. interviewing Spedai "Prices _ mechanical, metallurgical and K R A M E R P A R T S One Week Only electrical engineers and pro­ m duction administration. International Business Ma­ MACHINE SHOP SERVICE disc sh o p chines Corp. interviewing ail majors of the Colleges jot En­ 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-1335 gineering Dec., March and June OPEN 9 TO 9 grads; Business & Public Serv­ m. » ifs » Try The "All American ice, Communication Arts. Sci­ ## ence & Arts, Dec. and March grads -only. Chrysler Corp. interviewing P i mechanical, electrical, metal­ lurgical and chemical engi­ I V I O W ! 1 1.0 0 . 1.1 u* neers accounting and financial administration, Business & Pub­ lic Service • Dec. and March A Delicious Hamburger O ld S p ic e q u a lity in a new h a ir to n ic M i grads. • K eeps h a ir h a n d s o m e ly g ro o m e d — a ll Golden Brown Fries d a y • F ig h ts d a n d r u f f • M o is tu r iz e s —p r e ­ v e n ts d ry n e s s • G u a ra n te e d n o n -g re a sy Triple Thick Shakes W e : H A IR T O N I C va s te m S h u lto n HAI* TÜNK YOU II Ænrir jnSffiH ALL THREE TODD’S mi I UMfl, UiOflf | a n d Skin Tight FOR ONLY Y O U R S A T . . ■ E M I »I® i t ■¡i e f > * “ SKINS THE DRIVE-IN WITH THE ARCHES ■A Todd t i c k w e f • • . M o w ■ U fa fl» «or aa—Im iipjMNiHiGl . . . km tor too I Ttop so km*, loset ond N Kht « M m n Ü M cM fs W i n *, t h o t * t t i o h i . *’SÄINS" Dt-luw on ft* hifM. Dees ikD id M pock«*. Ho*» iwfiilH QMioHprfW—. 6" Pf THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Hü • ONE BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS STOP IN TODAY ON EAST GRAND RIVER OPEN TILL 1 A.M. , • 2120 N. LARCH ON US 27 FRI. * SAT. M m h Ml EAST GRAND RIVER • 4700 S. CED A R ON US 127 EAST LANSING T o M ichigan State Newa, East Lansing, M ichigan SCIENCE Friday M orning, Novem ber 3 , 1 9 6 1 “ It is very possible to destroy invaluable does to the origin ÂY1Lectures Combines Harvest *1 M e n a c e F r o m of the universe anA efTiie it­ self, which may be within the Feature Michigan pulpwood m a y ] I d the United States combine tion. We have considerable ! lunar strata and under the at- ] mospheres of strange planets. "THE DEPOSIT of earth Prominent Men The Academic Year Institute j someday .be harvested by a !harvesting is likely to develop level land, mid' several tree mammoth combine that cu ts.! peels amT stacks the logs at j r __« l t ««.rtkwn h a v e to f„r species that seem adaptable to de­ combine harvest operations, S e e n A s members will hear lectures Ithe rate of two 14-inch trees velop o„ « t o « « . . ^ tenn ^ M „ [per - ’ b-ere*too® if? .this . have areato isae' to Skog thinks. This would include compete is pulpwood produc- pines, spruce and aspen. - i resinai surfaces could rend- j fields of science and mathe- j “ Such a combine,“’ says Roy er doubtful the subsequent | maties. ¡Skog, Michigan State Univer- Human life on earth could be heed scientists have warned. Lockheed Missiles and Space! PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E p 2-5*17 space-research results of aa J The AYI. now in its second i sity Extension forester of wiped out by strange new An intensive five-year pro­ Company. microbes from other planets, gram covering study of bio­ it Inwas a historical >comparison, j evolutionary a n d e v e n I year at MSU, is a program j Marquette, “is being field test- pointed out that the theological character.” ■whereby selected secondary j ed by a big paper company in unless an effective decontam­ logical decontamination tech­ ordinarily mild children's di­ | teachers of science and mathe- ■Canada. Its potential was dis- ination method is developed be­ niques'and building of ground sease of measles became a ______ Among the methods of ster 1maties are offered one year o f 1cussed at the recent meeting ilization and decontamination i specialized courses here to im- 6f the Society of American * M I mm * fore the first round-trip space and in-flight sterilization units rampaging killer when intro- vehicles are launched, Lock- is proposed by. a team from duced to th e South Sea I that should be investigated for plement their science back- Foresters and Canadian E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E E D .2 - 2 8 1 4 by Europeans during the «‘Uier earth 6r space opera- ground. Forestry 'institute at Min- NIGHTS * SUN. — ADULTS Me SAT. MAT. « c r tions, scientists noted are: \ Dr. Phillip Johnson, a visit- neapolis, Minnesota. Fri. Sal. ¡eighteenth century ultarsonic vibrations, radi- j *n8 professor, .will speak No- “Technical sessions on timb­ Because long-isolated Poly­ ation, dry heat, chemical dis- venl lL ? on feasibility er harvesting methods jevea! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARTS 7 P J L — FEATURE AT 7 :» AND 9:30 P.M. \ Sm . nesians did not possess the I infectants extreme cold, de-! stu«y- *i“is concerns science at ed that combine harvesting is immunity built up by Europ­ I hydration and m echanical dc- struction. I ^ r elementary school level. - Sydney Chapman will likely to have a great impact on forestry practices in the FIRST SHOW SAT. AND SUN. — 1:06 P.M. V L M é -n 3 Hits 3 eans over the centuries, al­ When manned space explora- Solar Phenomenon on (years ahead, Skog says. THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS TH EA TR E most the entire native popu­ ________IAdm.75e lations of some Pacific zation tion takes place, the sterili­ November 21. j One type of self-propelled procedures will extend Chapman is associated with i pulpwood combine is now be- ■h.làs, You'll • V* ídntfoteiereWhentheTûnSk islands die of measles. snace to space suit exteriors and the the Geo-Physical College of] ing field-tested in eastern These could be a 20th century! afeas between the^ space ve- Alaska, thd High Altitude ob- j Canada. This combine can aae parallel that could ¡hide cabin and the outside en- ^rvatory J n Colorado, take an entire tree up- to 14; •_ , V I* " 4 ir h . » « ¿ t tt e S ^ l n S . I S S l v i r c m m e n t , Sterile procedures I when spacecraft return to must be devised for astronauts I - ”f S '« " « « “ I inches in diameter and process ! hnology at the University it into peeled stacked -pulp- earth after initial landings on re-entering the space vehicle [ ™rlc - 1wood in one operation, a t s The AYI has already heard rate of about two trees per CÚRK Mars and Venus—perhaps with­ in 10 years. and maintaining a sterile j_ lock period to retrieval opera­ air­ several lectures this term. J minute. The machine is design- CMÖBUB Lockheed scientists noted that tions on earth. Dr. Armond Yanders, Associ-1 ed for large commercial pro- ate Professor of Zoology, has duction and fairly level ter- it*..-áÉk *.. not only living biological mat- However, scientists repeat, lectured to the group on the ¡rain. ' s m u Iter from other planets can only when the sterilization subject of genetics. From the standpoint of forest house bacteria but also every procedures, are entirely ef­ M K K Dr. Claude A. Welch, As- management, future use of extraterrestrial specimen of fective c a n 1man explore his sistant professor of Natural j combines is expected to result rock, soil and atmosphere is solar system' without the Science, spoke to the group on j in the growing of pulpwood in w m n è suspect of-carrying infectious danger of destroying his the work of the Biological sci-. relatively large blocks of even- | material that may be detri­ home -civilization. ence Study Group. 1aged timber in which' trees are h e mental to man, animals and WW plants. I EQUALLY DANGEROUS | could be tbe introduction of -1^ -j- First FromPacific m # all ready for. harvest at the ! same time. Following the har- i vest of a block, Skog says it is -j i quite likely that it will- be im- I jinknown forms of plant life IV l a h r Ii t i / x / T mediately replanted, probably 1 Pim m RELEASE j that might play havoc with 1 1 “ W A rX riy C O O L I Iwith geneicairy superior trees the established^ order of life — j that grow faster and will yield on earth. S u c h material I better quality wood. At present “ IT STARTED IN' NAPLES” TWICE AT 7:07 -—12:28 “RUNNING, JUMPING AND STANDING STILL” might be present on film and tape records and sampl­ ing instruments brought In D e s a ltin g W a ter j such trees are not available j for planting, but tree breed- | ing work now underway may COMING — “LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER” Stforn make them available in the not f k . FREDRIC MARCH bade from extraterrestrial SAN DIEGO, Calif.,—Pacific, we-hope to achieve perform- i y o a th ..* .’ surfaces. Ocean water sweetened to -at [ ance data vital to water-starv- tooHaw distant future. could combine harvest­ torn by * BEN GAZZARA least This material must be ster . . . _ .- ... 99.5 per ilized. handled asceptically. I 5131-1 flowing this month from cent purity will ed nations around the world.” The Federal government and ing affect the Upper Peninsula^ l a n s in c s S T A R LITE the State of California are shar­ Skog says this is hard to say. d esire - m DICKCLARK and if possiblejdecontarainated j 3 new^water desalting plant be- nf living-organisms, of Jists livinf»— ftctfanisms the state. thp scien sripn- built at Point Lotna, Calif. i n g the $1,600,000 cost of the “Data obtainedrherc could be ¡multistage flash distillation denser tubes where it becomes TMCATOC these are the young ~ INABAUN Sterilization could take place significant in the urgent solu- plant. This is one of five plants fresh water. This flashing ac-J, on the other planet or during tu rn 'd the world’s water pro- demonstrating „different pro- tion is repeated through .76 suc- FOLLOW W. ST. JOE--------------- ' Two Milos Southwest of Lansing* on M-78 doctors EDDIEALBERT flight back to earth, by means blems,” said Ben R. Scar---cesses of water desalting, j cessive stages of distillation. of remote control units, or on brough, project engineer for which Congress authorized uri lending the multistage name to FRI. * SâT. * SUN. • (3) BIG HITS earth itself in a pre-detertnined Westinghouse Electric Corp­ 1958. ¡the process. with sealed-off area. oration, which is building the' The plant consists of an op-1 After flashing, the waste facility for the U.S. Depart­ erations building and 10 eva-! brine containing twice the no m asks y O U N B SCIENTISTS emphasized ment of the Interior. porator vessels resembling a j normal solids present in sea HIT NO. (I) SHOWN AT 7:00 - 11:40 to hide that sterilization is a two- Samples of the first fresh j sidetracked platoon of Flattop water is piped back into tbe way street Space vehicles water in history to flow from railroad boxcars, each 60 feet ocean. behind! launched from earth should the Pacific for general con-! IonnJL Tteyfookfikekids- be completely clean antisrp- sumption_on dry land will be ‘THE YOUNG DOCTORS” SHOWN ONCE AT 9r® ticàHy to prevent contamina- analyzed at the plant. It will tillation process is a sophis­ The multistage flash dis­ bot they want tion of other planets and the be on a testing basis until next ticated version of the old ; Jazz love lie adults! THE MOST DECISIVE SATTLE M NAVAL _ moon by earth-born bacteria. January before, it is turned teakettle technique of boiling : o v e r'to the Office of Saline water to form steam and ; This would also preclude the Water, Department of the In­ then trapping the steam into ! Sale inadvertent seeding of other terior. *"5SW * celestial bodies, permitting sci­ ONE MILLION gallons of droplets of distilled water. Mr. Scarbrough explained : entific space explorers to find cooled, aerated and desalted the Point Loma System'of flash i R E n tire Stock egular & Stereo other life unchanged when man sea water will flow daily into distillation this way: ROBERTSON1 SCALA " m r r finally takes that first giant the regular water system Save -Sea water of 65 degrees ent-1 step into another planet. supplying San Diegans, who ers the plant from a 24-inch j “ BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA” ONCE AT 10:55 “Without proper steriliza­ consumes 75 times „ that concrete intake pipe entrench -1 Dollars tion,” a Lockeed scientist said, amount of water on an aver­ ed on the ocean floor. age day. The brine of_ concentrated j Special Prices “Two parallel circuits, each sea water, heated by steam ! One Week Only purifying a half million gallons j from a boiler, pours into the : CIVBC AUD. SA T N O V . of water a day, will permit ex- evaporator vessels where it en- j tensive experimental studies at Icounters subatmospheric pres- disc j Point Loma,” Mr. Scarbrough j sures and lower temperature's, j ■w e 1pointed out. “By using dtf- j This causes the brine to flash, i LANSING 8:15 P.M. ferent effects on the two lines i or vaporize, and the resulting! and by comparing the -results, j steam falls back onto cool con-1 OPEN 9 TO 9 m e G E N E R A T IO N * DIRECT FRO M 4 YEA R S O N B R O A D W A Y LUCON HELD O V E R *TO EXPLOSIVEGENERATION" WiUJtU SHATKHR PATTY HcCORIUCX A m e r ic a ’s h a p p i e s t m u s ic a l EAST LANSING • PHONt I P. 34444 3rd Week of Great Entertainment! HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 8:40 IT R O A R S W IT H F IE R C E E X C IT E M E N T ! IT R O C K S I HERErS IT S W I N G S I w ith a h o s t o f ¿ THE - ABVAT G R EA T ^ J SONGS I 7 BONUS f n ■ PICTURE with a way out” RFA TI look, Mkmc *MLyric* by MEREDITH WILLSON ‘" '" w X 1" MORTON DA COSTA HIT NO. (3J SHOWN ONCE AT 10:1 FEA TU RE SHOWN I T E C H N IC O L O R ] U ntil 5:30 p.m. 90c MAIN FLOOR 5.40-4^0 MEZZ. 3.75 ARENA 2.65 - 1.55 Today and S aturday 1:20 - 5:10 - 9:00 Evenings and All Day Sunday 1.25 S usday th ru W ednesday 1 :00 - 4:40 - 8:30 Children . 50c STUDENT GROUPS O F off OR MORE SAVE 1.00 ON MAIN FLOOR N EX T v John Gavin • S andra D e e • P eter Ustinov AND MEZZANINE SEATS ATT, r, “ ROMANOFF AND JU L IE T ” I Friday M orning, Novem ber 3 , 1 9 6 1 MSA ig — State Nana» Saat I airing» M ichigan 9 Tuesday in Parlor C of the Nobel Automation Union. SHOP I I To Be Discussed The seminar is jointly .spon­ M B A Announces ( O a f l m i frana pafe 1> sored by the departments of a m n ia a l ttatasto g y . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS His werfe ourjr M p make space By Economist economics and agricultural economics and the Money "Automation Theory” will be U arversty j f CaMonaa * w I M o v ie S c h e d u le Dr. M * h « C d v a , 88. of the ■ Workshop/ Phone 355*8235 or 3554256 the subject of a seminar de­ Bronfenbrenner was a mem­ Deadline: 1.00 P.M. »warded flic ctem n try prize, livered by Professor Martin ber of the department of fer lje r t — d i w itt plants The MHA has announced a cbairman fer MHA. explained economics here from 1987 to schedule of eleven movies for that the movies would con- Brenfenbrenner of the Univer­ Rates For 15 Words that may help to find the an­ 1959. He Is renowned for his swer te Ike question of how winter tern». tinu te be shewn as they are sity of Minnesota at 3:30 p.m. work as an economic theorist. life bCfM e i eerfh. The movies listed were “Bro­ now. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 day . 83c 4 days thers Karamazov," "Cimar­ 2 days 1.45 5 days HofsUdter ami Moetsbaucr j ron." "From the Terrace." evenings at the Brody group, and Thursday evenings at •4 * M » i wifi she*« Ike pfcync prise o f, "Les Girls/* "Marjorie Morn­ Shaw. % 2 1I N WASHlNClOM AD ULTS $1.0* 3 days 1J5. 10 days OPEN 258.080 Swwdik Crown* <$48.- ingstar," "Peyton Place,” 1:4$ D o w n t o w n s STUDENTS 7Sc 3W awarded by the Royel "Psycho," "Blackboard Jun- There are two showings each f Püntv« 441.7(161 t P ira * « frn w l Swedish Academy af scieace. gte," "Stalag 17,” "»1I1M lag 1. “ Vt M . j night Scholl explained that < I.D . c a rg a ) The t-kuwim y prim also is When It’s Over ” and ""W ill! Uiese movies are a non-profit HELD OVER worth , . Success Spoil Rock Hunter." for MHA although the [ A U T O M O T IV E F O R SALE PERSO N A L The three have been ®vrt*d Making up a full schedule for Brody group Is charging a ten •1 957 D K W 4Agt© r n i o n i 2-d r I ANT recürd ÏXxv ___________ Labll NANCY S C H U B R IN G -a« d S T E V ­ te c c rtm a h m Dec. 18 to* re­ the term. w ee W om . - - I nA M V n« 4 cent admission for their movies ! n » < n r ..« ,M CM»» S I . a l a m . 2 nd W E E K h a rd to p . B lack , prood c o n d itio n , j M o n a u ra l and S te re o . 8S-5o%,, oVl, ff E N MOST » le a se coroe to th e S ta te ceive the prize money from j to pay for the equipment. Shaw e x c e ll e n t tire* . H e a te r. $375. C all lis t! T h e U n iv e rs ity R e c o r t ^ P la r r S e » « o ffice . R oom 3+7 S tu d e n t King Gustaf VI along with the Marty Schol, spediti movie i does not charge. 3i*&»$299. 27 o ff e rs . M axim um d is c o u n ts . U n ­ S e rv ic e s B ldg., fo r tw o f r e e p a s s e s lim ite d se le c tio n . No p u rc h a s e o b ­ to th e C re s t D riv e -In . tf winners ef the literature and The audience capacity at! *1956 FORD. 4 if our. s ta n d a r d lig a tio n s , T ap e s. H i-F i e q u ip m e n t Medina* awards The peace wtiift. One o w n e r. 3 c y lin d e r. Cl> 2- foo See D orm -and F r a t e r n i t y Brody is. approximately 460 a 4|l 1. _J?7 wb oraite rd s f o r m o re In fo rm a tio n , ' o r FO R T H E F IN E S T in d a n c e m u ­ prize wiH be awarded in Oslo, U n iv e rs ity Re*’o.*d P fan. Box sic i t 's J a c k B ra u ttr B»Tbtn* S te v e n s, j h , p lu s m a n f o t h e r * ; Norway. Ok same day. S lin k y showing,^while at Shaw, it is) J9uG FO N T!A C 2 door, a m a z in g ­ i t . New' Y ork 8. New Y ork. O r j P h o n e Ethn eg lis R od B u d -M o r A gency. IV 2-1 j 350. Scholl said that the only ly c le an , ft) to p ahape. lb;i>' o ffe r you m ay in q u ire M iciiiga.i síta te I 062.(L “What aa awakemmg'" said | restriction placed on the audi- b e fo re N o v e m b er S. TU 2- 6K2»» o r N ew s. St tf| (Continued from Page 7) *4-V 4*3$$». t\ Hofstadfeer. head of the physics Gar son -Kanin’s power-hungry ! ence was that of no smoking. ST A N D A R D U.C. SM IT H C o ro n a A T T EN TIO N G re ek m en As o f 1 1037 PIMCA 2-d r A#dan. 3M9Ö ty p e w r ite r . E D 2-3366. 27 now . m an y of th e girl» . A lp h a C hi department a t Stanford, when hero. | This is required as a safety fac- iuili*$r C lean. M«H’batii»*;flly px »*p I* O m ega, A lp h a D e l ta P i, G a m m a P h f be beard the a m on a visit to The magazine reporter hired ! tor. 1•*t t t . No ruwt B est o ffe r. TV .'»* R E X A L L 1c »ale. N ow on a t B e ta , A lpha E p s ilo n P h i. a n d Al­ 1oTH. 17! M a rek R e s a li P r e s c r ip tio n r e n ­ p h a - K a p p a A lp h a s till n e e d f Royal Oak. Mich. "I couldn't to teach Billie culture, is por­ ter. N o rth w e st of S e a rs by F ra ti* d a te s fo r th e a n n u a l i F C P a n - i take it in lor a few minutes. I trayed by Nicholas Howey, E. 's s U T r P Í B A K K R « c y lin d e r, I dor. T h ro u g h N o v e m b er 1!. ra d io , b e a te r, good eco now v. Body j in p o o r com H tlon. Call, a f t e r tí! 3 Z H el O V E R 150 sc ien c e fic tio n p o c k e t- T e m p le /S i books. M ust he sold. 15c a p ie c e o r B uy ber B all to 10, 19*51 in be h e ld X ovem -1 a t th e d o w n to w n y o u r t ic k e ts n o w ' M aaonlc j still think I m dreaming It is ^Lansing senior. As the horn- L a a s io g , | the thing a sciefitut dreams for j rimmed young man whom Bil- •*»> you 2-CarAccident \ p.m . KD 2^$9$l. ~4ti57. T R IU M P H . H a rd to p , w ire wOieels, good c o n d itio n . M ust sell. 10 fo r $1.23. C all ED 2*4370. BABY B E D a n d m a ttr e s s . Tike F rie n d . 27 w o n 't m iss th e la r g e s t a ll-G re e k ), and hopes far and we never lie declares loves her for “ her e v e n t o f th e y e a r An . n t e r e s t e d ; get.” 2SI brain.” Howey demonstrates OnFarmLane; B R IC IT T E IV 0-03.79. -7 I new , G lrl* r~ a n d h o y 's c lo th in g . 6 m o n th s to 2 y e a rs. ED 2-2313, a f ­ t e r t5 p.m. 27 he V E T E R A N S A s sq c ia tio u m< r» m ay » « g a m e tn G a b le-ss B ro o m a t 2:00 p m . S a tu r d a>r v e m b e r 4. R e f r e s h m e n ts Will he I tron Bala ’I-- I-4 The aciSnsi> *5 citation said his fine acting ability and Tony Hofstadter ,v w the prize for Perkins-like voice. ; N«-l bis “pweeermg scathes of elec­ The menthol cigarette smok­ scattering» is atomic ing young Paul Verrai is es- Two Lansing women receiv-1 MinorInjuries ” B A# 0 R# D O T LA YAW AY se rv e d — auefcs and far h**-achieved dis- j pecially convincing in dimly lit ed minor injuries in an auto­ OAKTE. 505 to 5 0 1 , te ll th e G re a t covenes coacermag the stru c-; romantic scenes with Billie, NOW FOR P u m p k in t 'w a s lo ta o f fu n . Sign»«! mobile accident Monday. CHRISTMAS .1 I w om R uby. FRESHM EN AN D u p p frrlw u ! * tare Using of the socleons." Staafard's billion-volt J As Eddie Brock, cousin and Joey S. Hunter, 30, of 1206] "A better production h e r b r id a l , en. You m u st s ig n u p fo r fe ll f linear accelerator, be was able f "stave" to Harry, John C. Cavanaugh Rd. and Geralene j te a » Xa FU4kh w i n t e r te rm . E x - i te n d e d r u s h e ig n -u p , M onday, Nov, j to make zeearate measure­ 6. 9-5 Boom r i p . S tu d e n t S e rv ic e s j ments of t*© partie lei -of t he Allen Jr., Franklin P ark/nr., Dent, 20, of 2619 Clifton, refus­ sophomore, is a perfect orna ’And Ged : N IG H T ^ “WILLIAM H. THOMPSON I B u ild in g . B rin g $1 ru s h fee. 26 down-trodden relation as he ed medical treatment for mln-, Created ' F IN D IT H A R D to b u y P L A Y ­ atom's ancien», the neutron Woman’ " BOY In E a s t L a n s in g * F o r t h e ] and proton From this bé cited rushes about the stage pick- or neck Injuries they received ISMS MOHIN JEWELER sp e c ia l c o lle g e ratw j L p f $ m o n th s i fo r $3.50 o r 12 m o n th s fo r $5.9«U j evidence that the twg are only 1 Ing up after the other per­ when their car was struck -N.YNews JOURDAN • PRESLE s e n d y o u r c h e c k to MSf’ r?T*r*v N ew Y o rk through JJunday with a special poh.«e*sb»n 1391 B a y sh o re . F E 9- C ity fo r IT ’.- a.? % * ■».a H a v * ro o m matinee performance Satur­ 5:10• 7:20-0:25 9 S$-7^11 19$oS FORD 4 door, economy nix MODERN b ed ro o m tullen so u t ! of th e U n iv e rs ity , h om e 4 $679. ' -« « f o r ” 7 ,"’eno-4- "^"v T«*æ»r’g e re . B h a re day. THEATRE PHONE IV 2-9831 I exp en se» . *v’*'S"-a«r: C a p t L»pti. e x - 1959 CHEVROLET Brook wood M ore d e ta ils c all KD 7-7477, 27 KART LANS I.NO. «13 Btoddar*!. te n p to n a r tZPl o r e v e n in g * Netro-tìoldisynMayeri Sx ag o n , fuITy e q u ip p e d , u n m u rti- - *3a te 2 d o o r M ack Biseay-**e~eix FA CU LTY OR M A R R IE D s t u ­ T w o b e droom bungwH^W' e x p a n d ­ i F E I - I 3 Ä 28 d ent». Let. incom e fro m u p s t a ir s amb in le . F u ll tw o je o m p a r tm e n t b a s e - i STARTING 1961 F-$5 F n tla s r . “ A m erica s lu x - pay y o u r r e n t! 3—hedro«.»ro, fir> t 1 12.91*0. E D 7-0314. ustiry c o m p a c t.” flo o r, u n fu rn is h e d . IV 5-3346. 29 t. T w o o a r g a r a g e . T w o lot*. 1 R ÌD E FD9L : t© ar*d fro m C H c 3! C e n te r T rio ì 3 fik e Xt**»wrïÿ#* §. < K ! n f f to n 39 N ig h t S t a ff C a r r o ll B a k e r 19.,?-190! L a n s in g ’s la r g e s t selec , APARTMENTS Jt i o t> o f c h o ic e V W i a n d C or vet -OKF.MOb N E A R . A maamif4**ent I 2 a c re m ooded b u ild in g s ite , c o m -! F IR S T FLO O R a p a r tm e n t. F u r - p lc te jv fenced. $5,900. R o m a y n e j W ANTED Night Editor: Robert Neu­ SUNDAY ft®» i ni»lied fo r m a rrie d c o u p la w ith j H lc k e. B ro k e r. TV 9-4688 27 j mann, Photo Editor: David SPARTAN M OTORS | re fe re n c e s . C a ll E D 2-6$A4. # 27 I U N F U R N IS H E D W ith v a ra x * 1 L O K EM O S B e a u tif u l ra n c h hom e. d e stre » c M f e i t e « f s r ow n c h ild Jaehnig, Copy Editors: Isabel o v e ly g r o u n d s T re e s, r e c re a tio n F u ll r i m TV 2-9*1 T. i b lo ck fro m c a m p u s Id e a l fo r 1 o r | room . 2 fire p la c e s . R om a y a « H ick s. • Racki, Keun Youn. !SU PER: v re | T* fe m a le s t a f f m em b e rs, i n q u ir e i B ro k e r. TV 9-46$$ , a f t e r 7 p m E D 2-27S2 2$ j O w A o i R OW N hom e 10 m in - 27 j Program info. IY 2-300$ BARGAIN DAY 3400 Er Michigan | ROOMS - 1u te f fro m MSU. E x c e p tio n a l b q y on th is e x p a n d a b le 2 b ed ro o m I ROW S I O W I N B £Sun( ED ^-8604 j L .\R G IT *D O U B L E ro o m in a p - j prar no cx him aPteric j prove<|« u n s u p e rv i^ e d m en s ro o m - j te r m s F u llIK* b a$600 e d a t S16.W19 w ith a p - [ d o w n on FH A [ CscRkbhb F rani 1:00 P.M. < M IC H IG A N ALL DAY PREVIEW OF ‘ ‘C a re fu lly se lec te d P re -O w n e d r a r » ’ ; rig h o u se . ED 2-3727. V E R Y N I0 E sle e p in g xpom , by oc w 2$ a n d sto o l, tile ds ebm e n t w ith *h >w«r i a th on m a in flo o r. I e d a r c lo s e ts, a tt a c h e d g a ra g e . I THESE TWO FEATURES JAMES'SHIGETA >•JEBsa is R«m MEs-gnEunEisRaws day. w eek. L o ts of p a r k in g . 604 j m e d ia te p o sse s sio nr . CCalT n e r le a v in g fo a lifo rn ia . Tm- [ E v .i W .i- f rV D DRAMATIC W EEK ! .»■; G R E E N « l’olks'VMKoi» Nr w i SouFTi B a rn es, ISIason. O R 7-139130 b e k e E D 2-4112 o r W a lte r N e lle r I m u ffle r lettd panni E x c e lle n t ru n - C o . ReaUoxa» E D 2-$o95. 27 niiisr c o n d itio n . E D 2-60$2 a ftv r 1 p m- . *9 A P P R O V E D D O UBLE r 0 o n r~ fo r O U TSTA 1 m ale s tu d e n t. 3 m in u te * fro m r v fa rm . A d jo in s G ra n d FUvwr. N D lN R e rk ev . N o —s m o k in g $7 w e e k ly . P ric e in c lu d e s e q u ip m e n t, R o m a in G F R U IT a n d b a r- H E P B U R N EM PLO YM EN T I A v a ila b le fin m e d ia te ly . 221 H a s le t t H ic k s, b ro k e r. TV $-9246. S tre e t. 332-2315. 2$ 30 ÜDO YOU KNOW \V A N TED .. ''» j r r - t o r y T . r l , n l r h w J E A ST LANBTNO. 3 b o d ro a m r e d - j w ood c o n te m p o ra r y on w ooded Tot. I sp a rk le s lU ir/T to 7 ' Ä Â / C à ^ d I P T lH n « . rv >•593$. By o w n e r . $19.500* w ith low- dow n 27 pa/t m e r fr f H A c o m m ittm e n t. l l $ f I HOW IT FEÉLS a s th'af S u n d a y off. “NA 7-6733. 36 FO R W OM EN. A pproved, 4 v a ­ A rb o r D rive. - E D 2-2966. j c a n c ie s fo r w in te r a n d a p r in g W A N T K P : L IF E In s u r a n c e eal**#- te rm s. E D 2-215'*. delightful m an to se ll a t co m m issio n . Tin ric h A m erican L ife In s u ra n c e 29 S E R V IC E TO BE TH E darling, Co, t/o n tiic t- «IerroId S. A lb e rta L O S T a n d F O U N D Other Woman? L O W COST c o p ie s o f c la s s n o tes, G e n e ra l A gency, 140 W a te r St., B e n to n H a rb o r, M ichigan. W A liu» ro u g h d r a ft* a n d p r in te d m a te ria l. HOLLY GOUGHTLY 6-2342. „ λ LOST. 1 p a ir of b la c k rim m e d W o n ch G ra p h ic s e r v ic e . I7 Ì0 E g la s s e s o n c am p u s. W e d n e sd a y a f ­ M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g . P h o n e 484. M O TH ER LY WOMAN w a n te d to te rn o o n . N eed u r g e n tly . CaJl E D 2- 778S. tf ...S erv in g r a r e fo r o u r 2 y e a r old d a u g h te r 2573. room 14.- A ndy. 2-7- in o u r S outh Side h om e I block T Y PIN G , a ll k in d * . 3Qe p a r p a g e D orn b u s sto p . 7:30' a.m . to 1 p.m. T.OST. B RO W N l e a t h e r b rie fc a s e . C a ll IV 9-543$. » T o k n o w th a t wild o a ts, 5 d a y s w eek ly . Mua* f u r n is h ow n F r id a y night., c o r n e r D iv isio n a m i tr a n s p o r ta tio n . R e fe re n c e s r e ­ A lb e rt: C o n ta in s i r r e p l a e a b la re - C A M PU S T Y PIN G . E D 2-680S. 37 q u ire d . TV 7 -5730. 27 seaTPh n o tes. R e w a rd . E D S*5S5o. e ve r y p le a s u r e - cham pagne ?* lo wTV r aa te n d R A D IO se rv ic e . S p e c ia l e to s tu d e n ts . N ew a n d YOUNG M EN. p a r t tim e w ork. d ream s, W ill a r r a n g e h o u rs to fit schedule. LOST. I g old c h a rm b ra c e le t o f u se d TV e e te a n d a n te n a a a . f r e e m u s t b e s to le n $2.25 p e r h o u r C all IV 2-5622. tf re a t s e n tim e n ta l v a lu e , b e tw e e n tu b e c h e c k in g , fre e p a r k i n g t a.m . f AE h o u se a n d S n y d e r H alt. Gen* to 9 p.m . d a lly . TV T e c h n ic ia n s Co.. H E L P W A N TED . O rg a n teavbgi e ro u a re w a rd . R o n n a S te rn , 3»S- SPSS E M ic h ig a n , TV 7-5558. 35 . . . t o » h a re w arm k is s e s h eed ed . W e a r e lo o k in g fo r a p e r ­ B4US 27 a n d w onderful son w h o h a s b a d e x p e rie n c e In COMBO MUSIC f e r y o u r n e a t s tu d io a n d c la s s in s tr u c tio n on th e p a r ty . C la re n c e S c h m id t. IV 4-9141. y o u r lo v e e le c tro n ic o rg a n . S c h e d u le s can be P E R S O N A L 34 fun! a r ra n g e d a ro u n d y o u r c la ss e s . F o r in te r v ie w c a ll Mr. P re s c o tt IV 9* R A T RORERRON RAND n ew o n lv in « e c lT t? , , 1939. 27 a v a ita b le f e r d gneea. R a v e m ad e a p p e e r a a e e e e a W M SB -T V . C e ra l Lavtdiers G a b le* . H o lid e y I n a , f r a t e r a i t l e * F O R SA L E a n d e e r e r l t l e a P h o n * IV T - t j t l e r IV 5-43SI. A lso a v a lla b le f e r p la n e DISCOUN T S P E C IA L S . S tu d e n ts I Recognition t u n ln g a n d r a p a lr in g . MSU m e s ie g r a d q a ia . M e m b ar e r P l a a e T ac h - o n lv ! S g a llo n a q u a r iu m s fi-Sn, n tc la n s G u ild 14 r e g u la r ly So.93. to g a llo n $fi.S8 r e g u la r ly 110.05. P e t H e a d q u a rte rs , P in s E A T A T G E O R G E 'S . 197 C h a r , 10os E. M ic h ig a n . H o u ra 10-8 p.iii. l a s S tre e t. B a c k e f F u l l e r 'e S ta n d ­ a r d S ta tio n . — 39 MSU “ B e T s BOY'S p tcy c b rarr^ S Inch E n g ! F R E N C H T U T O R IN G . A ll le v a ta . Mnh, g e a r s h ift, h an d b ra k c e . $25 | • t inch b a llo n tire s, $15. E1X '■ E x p e rie n c e d In Ph.D . e x a m s. C aJl E D 3-191».. la n g u a g e -7 r e a k f a s t jp il. __________ G raduation T T P IN G In S p a r ta n V tlta g a l .P R E C O R D S, HOC ta p e s, 9nc. a p a r tm e h l. E le c t r i c t y p e w r it e r O th e r H i- F i a c c e s so rie s . P r iv a te Rings C a ll $45-3912 —. ff i r ty . See a t -* i* E v e rg re e n . E t s u r tn g __________________ -I T Y P IS T ANN B R O W N E D 3 - 1 -»-RU M M A G E SA LE. 7 OO-O.JU a t Di STO CK *384 E le c tr ic ty p e w r ite r . T e rm p a - t p a rs a n d th e s e s , a l t e g a n a ra ] t y p - i C a p ito l G ra n g e H a ll T u rn r i g h t o n T h r o w b rld g e R o ad In s' p a s t S ta te P o lic e P o s t on H a rris o n F rl* in g . feTU D E N T DIBCOUNT. a a lf w aah. tf! '¿SS* . . fla y . N o v e m b er S. -4 t $ .75 L y b )eh . 91.9*. S tn d e n t p a r k ­ in g . 3149. F r e e q u a r t o f 04$ evttb 7 T R O P IC A L ' F IS H , p la n ts , a n d e v a r v e ll c h a n g a . C o m p le ta t u n e ­ su p p lié s , CHbeon'e. 818 W. M iller R o a d T T U Î- I4 8 L 27 e n O peo 24 n o u rs. P a s a » P u r a O tL . 1019 E- G ra n d R tv e r. . tf 6E0R6E PEPRÄRD «■ MOVING TO H a w a ii, h a v e f u r . CANDY E X P E R T T R EN ES a n d g e n era l l+ S - i:N - * :W a lt u r e , s p o r ts e q u ip m e n t a n d o dds ty p in g E le c tr ic ty p e w r ite r . E ig h ­ 1 it !n i f t ' j a n d end# f o r sa le. E D 3*5101 .7 te e n r e a r a e * * e r íe b c e O ne b lo c k ¡ t f fren* B re d y E D 3-444* tf *■ AUCTION. S a tiird a y T N O r. 4, 7:80 M A IL E D A N Y W H E R E t m'. ' a t W o lv e rin e S a lee P a v illo n , P E R S O N A L D A T A temo, t h e s is m iles e a s t nf E L a n s in g on COM PLETE A SSO R TM EN T • a d g a ñ e ra ! ty p in g O ffs e t p r i n t- r S 1«. A lt b ra n d n ew m e rc h a n ­ in g . p la s tic b in d in g a n d t y p a a a t - l d i s e . P o w e r to o ls , c o o k w a re , h o u se . A V A IL A B L E AT tin s - w e n c h G ra fie S a rv te a , 1T>9 Ji.d d s p p lla n c e a . Je w e lry , to y s, a n d E a s t M ic h ig a n . L a n s in g Pbena ! '■ettany ts tb é r Item s. C.B S m ith . J r. 494-778*. -- REM IN G TO N P o r ta b le ty p e - The T T P IN G IN X T HOMR. B y « re m ­ e n w ith 10 y s a r s s e c r e t a r i a l e x ­ w r i t e r V i t h c a se J u s t c o m p le te lv p e rie n c e . T U 2-9718. tf ’o» e rh a u le d . N ew P la te n H e r-C a ll Jftfl.IS tT . ?7 Card Shop T T P IN G b y E n g lis h m a jo r. On e le c tr ic ty p e w r ite r . E D 3-8877. j; 2 N E W R O T A L D el u s p o rta b le t v p t w r l l e r w ith c a r r y in g c ase -N e v er need. M ust h a r e $79 m in i, - t u n a .355-9777. ?7 | Across From TU TO R- D O CTO RA L s tu d e n t. 2 d e g r e e s in S ee4 aj S tu d ie s , a v a ila b le f e r t u to r i n g Soc. a n d C re a tiv a tutor«**» W ritin g . I V A - M U . 38 -*5*2.. - .**!*. ¿ lUKEtMMOS'NMniJUKM * SO LD M O U S E E le c tric sto v r. h i a s ltin g m ach in e, w r i t in g deek. 'e t c . F e r ggla. P h o n e KD 3**344 «tap* p.m. 33 Home Economics Bldg LD t- T T P INO, E X P E R IE N C E D m a n u s c r ip t ty p is t. E n g lis h m a j s r r a i n s 1 p a p e r s th e a e a , a ta . E D 1-34*4. U* TRACY • FRANK SINATRA k "THE DEVIL AT 4 O’CLOCK" NEAL-EBSEN-BALSAM «ä k ä ,-------- M1CItti m j NEY- wm, ja B H p iiy M ' V a* w W M tekiya Sute K m , East Lim ing, Friday Morning» November 3 , 1 9 « ! 10 troika of former presidents?” lia t t iH T ru m a n “Troika’’ to a Russian word that to diplomatic language has University M in is t e r (Continued from Page 1> (Continued from page U came to moan three bonded : Christian A Tncn Airtiae« pttot, Capt. was “one of the more unfortun­ leadership. i Lutheran Ch 11 i s I A1 Jmd, wlm flew the first ate periods to the history of With a broad grin, Truman Student A sk s E n d piaaeewl ef lettee, described American government." replied .that he and Republi- and Student a eeena ef hnvee. He told This administration, he de­ ef e u l weeden hnflflage clared, held America hack by can ex-president Herbert Hoov- have already formed a form­ ^ Center Foundation To Buriat leveled I f the hurricane “wrong and unwise policies at winds and a crashing » f r i t the top." er president’s dub. “He’s (Hoover) toe president f «M rtl l d i Mr. A tta * H ire r A Protestant minister sug tidal wave that swept aver That was to his prepared and I ’m the secretary,” Tru- nt*i! Mm€* ft K*> gested recently that Christians the sea4evel city ef 11,1». speech. Then, in a question- man said, adding hu»b Su P a rte e . M a ta te s <3 H»*U |« A.H . « H IV B R S IT T »OHUM will their -bodies to medical Juul said casualties had been and-answer period that follow­ kept dogrn by toe fast evcua- ed, Truman jabbed at the GOP “The ether fellow (Eisen­ hower) hasn't been taken to schools to aid the living rather tion of residents to higher before an overflow audience. yet." l i Celle«# M aas# than provide for burial or cre­ ground, to -the airport seven When asked what he would tbmmmí* W. Mtr» mm* C-f KUte •trh, fM ttn TOPIC mation reported the Associated miles outside Belize and to have dene to prevent thé toss f s s i i a s W w t i f I Y»*4«, N i l «eOD'l PHWER A WORK schools and other solidly built of Cuba to Fidel Castro, he New Scholarships IH TH« WOHUP Press. 4:04, ffdS i tit structures. declared: An outstanding job of potato by R naaritafete tH aeasslea —The Rev. Howard M. Weaving The city was reported in — “f think the fellow to the terming by an upper peninsula said in a sermon at the Port desperate need'of supplies to previous administration who producer has resulted to a new ta ie I - CAMPCO VRBPHRB house and feed thousands of let the Communists move to 60 yr< tr»a. Schlyuer Presbyterian Church scholarship for U P. students. «ir» m n m rv jr tfOK M i p a s . W m Mr la H eC aae homeless, drugs to purify wat­ or 90 miles from our shores did Joseph Trepanier of Iron le t! ftttfM W ir t t in the Bronx that “the time is er and prevent epidemics, and toe wrong things ” Co»# t t «»ft CbapeC P eap tes Cfearrfe. long overdue for Christians to Mountain, winner of the Ford t l t t f t Slam*» l l t f t • a t e i s r e f c a* » a t ' 11¡80 RiSS « . a S ap p e r t a l W o r t * tents. He didn’t elaborate on this. Foundation's- efficiency award, bar- MUM a t C etlepe H aase examine their traditions in the Three U. S. Navy-ships that Someone asked, in one of the has announced that four schcl- ftA Staeaaat ea t L *be fbeaeei "4lrca of TV viewers. H r Ir it C lark — Or«aa!*« • RED CHINA— I ft AM T H E R E ” R ev. H e b e r t G a rd n e r Stati? Ciao«#« Monda? A f t rd Ur. W allaee l i t i w a a . r a ole r University” will be discussed said, “ A man in my position,” he a#«da? #*#«!«*• a t 7 »80 p.m. F r. G rrta t J r b a p l a l a t e M areleP P ta P e a ta “needs to keep current Atri tinted w llh C atty 8#k«M»l of 9 aad ay Ma«a#a I I»e. P. Mante a * ta ia is — by the Rev. Joseph Porter at with everyday thinking. If you -X krtottaalty» I*##’» «HammJt« M ia 7il5-A:8»-0:4ft IH Iftkl 11«15-12:8d , Her. Ret J. «efeta—w Nee. H e r. G nrrioa » ~ j I I ’RDAY SBRVICH» Jo aea, H e e le r a meeting of to« Campus Ves- are going to serve people today, P«rs. you have to know what they ‘D e a r ly B e lo v e d ’...? 1 «oor I.____________ • *R ab y atttlav a t A»80,9t|B A 7 ^ % 11 »18 Maaaoal D ally Maaa#a 4:45 a.m.» AiOO a.m.» I I P » j p f . H e ir C e fa a a a le a The meeting will begin with are thinking. To do this, I have 12(16» p.m., and 5HMI p.m. « n f l.N i» * r a i k e i papp u . M e ta la « P»ayfe»_ari H a ly a short worship service in Mc- employed two techniques, As the 180 wedding guests! had to be carried out of toe First Christian Nofurdoy M a u r a S i f t A tiititi «.■»• Cune Chapel of People’s Church study and travel." settled into their seats the or­ choir loft. Shaken, the vicar- “ REAWW * 30 A » FO R asnc* C e f f sa le a . P e ra a ta A C b a re b - at 5:30 in College House. He chose MSU because of its ganist’s hymns soared to the continued. Reformed I onfeM lons d aily a t 5»80 p.m. A atarday 4-5»30 At 7»80-9tOO p.m. Hillel Foundation will be the College of Education program top of the nave in Bourne­ But again: Not for long. \n% #na A#r% lees Dr. W alla«« HeOeetaaa P rb a e l guests of Canterbury Club at in pastoral counseling, which mouth’s 130-year-old Holden- The bridegroom, 20-year-old j Church - J l u r s . 5 »80 A 7 *.30 p.m . c-CompFtf# ond R#o#d!«*tioa Cbareb Seteeat I1 A P a.**. M e r a la p ' P r a y e r at 6 p.m. for an interfaith supper has attracted many clergymen. hurst church. Then came the Alan Farwell, suddenly turned] 240 M ar«hall ht. V jaM ag 7 «30 p.m. 9:3» u a A t l aJte. H a ly C e f f a a l e a , P e ra w a A at All Saints Episcopal Church. It is the only curriculum he wedding . march from Lohen­ pale, swayed momentarily, and H#%. .loh« M. H ofm an. Pootoor M«»%l# #%#ry F rid ay night a t At8# Crib reef ti l i a t i Mpb The Rev. - John Porter and could find, he said^which of­ grin and oh’s and ah's from the then collapsed to his knees. His M nrnlng te#r%ln# IO a.m. lat#rnotl«»ool Aapp#r. A atarday C b a re b P e b e e l Rabbi Zemach will speak on fered what he wanted. audience as the bride and bride-to-be, Gillian Seare, help­ ETk«oo# v rn ln c Nrrv4<*# 7 p.m. la o«rd of tra n sp w rta tlo a e ie n in g 4 »15 p.m. groom moved down the aisle D our# e te r v Aofurdoy atghl«* —CAMTBRBVRT CLUB “Judaism and Christianity." The 46-year-old Iowa-born ed him to his feet and held firm­ vlmir. Mr. Cwrúrllu« K o rk o rnAti# ro ll the rom pu« It et I* Ion* ot 9 - 12. I Frank Peters, president of minister has taken sociology and stood before ,red-carpeted ly to his arm until the moment»2 o r Mr. I lr n r y B im rl a t Pbnn# CD 7-077* D ie AW T e l . epate» » t ariewte PA P p a . P a a P a y the Lutheran Student Asiocia- courses at toe University of altar steps banked with chrys­ came when she was to receive KD 2-2228. tion will lead a discussion on anthemums and dahlias. her ring. At this point the | the “ Urban and Suburban The Rev. William Stedmond, bride’s father had to rummange First Church. Student Groups a pink-cheeked gentleman who through the pockets of the best « R rad ln a Tlmr» 45 «##o«d«l IM! TOI THINK R E I.IE FA First Church The program will begin at has married more than 1,400 man—still -prostrate — to re­ M IK E lIV IN fi D IF F K R E N T f First Church of Presbyterian 5:30. Sponsor Retreat couples in his 35 years as an trieve it. V«»u should know th a t t k r r r I nn#~M#thodl»t C k a rrh In 1.«n«luig The Rev. Robert Green will “God at Work in the World” Anglican clergyman, cleared This was too much for the] w k#r# people «nd m lnlot#m w ork Christ, Scientist of the Nazarene speak before toe Catholic Stu­ Is the theme of a fall retreat to his throat .—“ Dearly beloved,” bridesmaid, Joy Farwell. a. •orloaoly on tk# appH roltua dent Organization at 8:15 on be held Friday and Saturday at he began, “we are gathered to­ younger sister of the groom # ark scrw im . W eeaA tp l a e t a * ferii» A U P I I his experiences as a Mary,Knoll Wesley Woods Camp. gether here in the sight of. . She fainted, too, and had to be Yoa or# *~a«k#d to ron«ld#r B »i w n al la tte The vicar got little farther lugged into the vestry. Where­ o#rm«»n* and tk#«» atop «*_ tk#i 740 EAAT ftlfA N fl R tV E R C h are« RePeel - PAP ».**• missionary in China. His topic The retreat is co-sponsored than that. by the Christian Student Fel­ “ As if he had been poleaxed.” upon, four others in the audi­ Mft hot T h#a Ar# f t’# To Dof**« « wUl be “Calvary in China." #*lt and p*#k op y o o r ##epy of Kaot L a a iln g tup fp n u rr o r Memi«« «onMp « HAP *■**« - HAjr WHHteW ” Yewth G re a y - PAP p a . Father Green is also the au­ lowship and the. Presbyterian ence also fainted. Hot m f f it# «aaa#«tl4sno fo r tk# C b a rrb 8#r«ft#a 11 A.M. Da M aw . P i If rte te a K v aap eltetle Hate» — TAP PM - thor of a book entitled “Red Campus Fellowship. the best man, Geoffrey Far- “On humanitarian grounds app !t# atlo a of tk# o#rm oa. A anday A#bool 11 A.M« •ri» P-S C a te te O a k N areery F rarlrieri China, I was There.” The Rev. James Wharton, re­ well, dropped to the floor in a Vicar Stedmond omitted the Theme fo r kan day I«* £uaday~A#bo«1 f a r C * lt« n l( 7 H a rry T. R tealry. M lalaler Wesley Foundation will be source leader for the meeting faint, his head striking the al­ usual address to the wedding ••TIIK GOD WHO conducting the last in a senes will present two talks on the tar steps with a thud. couple and raced through to MOVF.9 ABOUT” A tod#ata 9»80 a.m. of three discussions. “ God and theme of the retreat. “ I was horrified.” the vicar rest of the ceremony. “ Some Hr. |.n rg e %%UI p r# ark a t both •rr% I«*#». .9:45 an d l l d t i . AabJ##t Man Relationship." “ Christian One of the highlights of the recounted last week, "but 1 wedding ceremonies do have S O U T H B A P T IS T C H U R C H Social Concerns-Campus Prob- two-day activities will be a li­ went right on.” He didn't go their troubles,” he said. “But Central •«ADAM AND FA L L E R MAY” f t rd E t« B la g M eeting 8 P M. lems.” and “Personal Commit turgical jazz . worship service on for long, though. I’ve_never known anything) Thinking that the best man like this one—the-church look­ E ti ti la g Ronm 151.8 S. W ASHINGTON LANSING ment" are the topics. conducted Saturday The program will begin at Discussion will follow pre- had fallen dead on 7 p.m. hfthe Methodist Student! sentation of toe highly contro­ young choirboy in a whit* sur­ (Reprinted from October 23, toe spot, a ed like a battlefield." Methodist 134 ft’ G r a t i R lv ar _ Moa. tb r a ftat. 8 a.m. • • p.m. Y O C R "CH IRCH -AW AY-FRO M -H O M E versial service. plice keeled over in a faint and 1M1 Newsweek. Center. Church Moa.( T o r o . Ib n m -, A f r i Trite* p.m. . 9 p.m. %rrss»o from tk# C apttnt 10:00 A.M. B IB L E SCHO OL HOUR All a ra w#l#om# to a tte a d C h o r tl Greek Lansing Central O ttaw a and C apitol A«#aa#o **Coff## pad € oa« rroatloo** l e n i r e * , «ad violi «nd a«« (Ite ••h o l t T s m m r * 11:00 A«M. “L IV IN G W IT H D EATH ” First Wesleyan Methodist Church Archdiosese Free Methodist #«#ry Aaoday a t t2 aoon fo r « fa d m ta t R f td la g Boom. C ir ito É g Series On Beak Of Genesis Orthodox Church Church W a a h te c te a a t Je fteraaa_ Mterth M a sa a lta i n . tet .R, Mtefctsaa :0 0 P.M. “G O D W IT H A T E A R IN Ha*. R. Rte*«te H te M a a a . J r . ». W a a h te c te a M F,. Btni He*. F r. Ce««a* K aaklafcla L a a a la c M a ra ta s W arah ly . — t l » .» . ED G EW O O D P EO P LES M attea• O iU A.M. SaaB ay School — 1* a.m. S u O a y Refeaa I J t e t e A.M. Voatfe B arrlee — Bitea » .» . H IS E Y E ” D irta a L ltv rc y lfetSfe A.M. B r a a ta c W arafely — Trite r-ai. ^ CHURCH 7:68 p.m. Special Evening Series In November on F a m ily B arrie« W . l , B r e a la c . r'\ ■ J ■ ♦ r' «R yaiaa la «reefe. S crem a la A Sedes: “Caa We K a ra God?” y;#« h a fe) F ar te a a a o e rte tle e 4 « ' MB N o rth Haararier« Hoari ' . «rata N IC , a w a t c t K en y a« '« a t H er. D. A. W eerie IB block« aortfe e f O r a t i H tv erl "THE HOLY SPIRIT” lSiOfe a.«k ' — 4 F a a te r — -‘ H er. T r a a m A. M o rrl.e a • R ay. Rofelaaea ft. M f f WaO. T.9* P.M. M a e th a r a f N I«»* F e r T ra e a y e rta tle a Call M ietet e ra F ru llo * P k t « I n t t k DOTA 8:30 P.M. A D U LT YÖUTH eaO C hair Mcatfear». IT S-BSfeT .4 eharefe te th a F r a ta a ta a t tra riltto a **mm«a t e th e m a 1e r rieaaari. ... . X ■ atina*, w hich aecha te ml a le la r te (fea searefeto», f l u a t l i « «»Irli. - D to r w iiw m i R efreshm ents Okemos Church East Lansing Bt'NDAT i M H C n Bilfe «ari ItteB ».m. __ M A R T IN LU TH ER C H APEL 4 cam » 1er. eharrfe acfeeel a l helfe feoara, .!■-- free b u s t r a n s p o r t a t io n of the Nazarene Friends Meeting rrlh re o m th ro a c h J r . H lch Leaving Shaw Hall 9:20 «JR. and 6:20 pjR . & STU D EN T C EN TER r"' « e rm .a , N orom fear • "ON ARMINO T H H R IG H T 4 I K I T I 0 4 F Follow mg F arm L u e , A uditorium Ruad» Physfoa r tm ÜMMÜtaa «I«. ( A a a h r r ij C# A. Brach« f i i w t S c . T ra m a * A. M orrteoa E . L. Woktt, Interim Paster t««4ay 8chi»l • Wift »■»• Road, D eriaitp ry ITwad OTwfttiag a t B a tM Ma­ M ectlag flop W a ta h lp ot C H ^ H I^ t B l’B TRANSPORTATION, A lte a « cb areb fey a .t e « ife» Chapel Telephone ED 2-6778 H n ra ln g W w ih lp Ititi» *.«*. W t f k r F o an d o tto a- 843 Furfc B Í f l l« — I Penyla« C hare fe fe«.. Una ar ferritele i I» Ute. Bfeaw f »a» i nor - DtrtotoB - MAC A re. « A kkaft Road - Delta Y«mm* I t r a tir a « itti I n t , limit i4K«o9ak ■t W eet Bfeaw H a ll, H ri* . a r e « a r a , flfeaw liu ta i tritili, K alla« * , > Harris®» R m d a t N k k i i u Avenue. C h a rrh «ar ala«» a*III fea fcaM «I «fe# Ate a t tri Mal a t i «I C i l l a i IM Aalt. re a la » , Wal« « a lra a e a , iriiAri, G raari H ire r a l A b b a i,, IriiM O ra ari , te n « i "MUSTaim m e i n r r landmarks** • K v m I» c i titr a i*» fititi M U t-w w h f r a n c W » i fttiti f A F o r t a fu ra m tloa* Pkoa« B lr« r a» « » * » ,. H as w ill r e t a r a «a afeare «Iacea f a lle n te » m o ra te * ] fttajatet« 8a # «e» P»««»te«a I I t e O «Ate.) ftO M IN • e r , 4c«. Call IV 2-9382 fur furtkar iaforaution • CO Cali no f - w o f ** li»» tira— — I WBLCOMBI