Serving M SU for 52 years Sticond C l i i i Posta g« g s Cmmtm Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 9* ~y Monday Morning, November 6, 1961 T êiC I t E x t I s n s fn g . M id i. ^ ‘ P r e s i d e n t O f W e s t V i r g i n i a ¿J111It IIIIIII11min t IH i» HOSMMUtg P la n s T o R em a in f Campus f U n til F eb ru a ry - I Memos 35 OS Provost Paul A. Miller was named president of W est MONDAY V irginia U niversity-Sunday by F o rrest H. K irkpatrick, It a.m. — “ Food For Life,’ president of the university board of governors. Dean Cedarquist', WMSB. Miller’s appointm ent will be effective Jan. 1,4962, al­ 4 p.m. — Charles Maurice Ya though he will not leave MSU until e a rl/T e b ru a ry when tes, Lecture.'32 Union. th e “S eveifT oint Plan” project begun last spring Will be 8:15 p.m. — “ Mazowsze,” Po lish Dance Company, Audi n ear completion. -torium. A native of W est Virginia and a graduate of W est V ir­ 8:30 p.m. — “ Western Africai ginia U niversity, Miller has been a t MSU for 15 years. Art Forms,’—105 Kellogg Cen H e has been provost since 1959 and, before th a t, was vice ter. president. * TUESDAY Dr, Clyde L. Colson, dean of President John A. Hannah Distribution of tickets for Berlii the law school at West Virginia, said Sunday night that he had Philharmonic has been serving as acting pres­ received suggestion from the 4 p.m. — Con-Con Report ident since last January. At deans for the appointment of WKAR. that time, Dr. Elvis J. Stahr a new provost. The appoint­ 7 p.m. — “ Businessman As / J r., then president, went on ment will be discussed at the Hero,” WMSB-TV. leave to serve as Secretary of next Board of Trustees meet­ 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. — “ Poor Bu the Army- In June, Stahr re­ ing Nov. 17, although the final Beautiful” (Italian), Fair signed and the 'lioard started choice may be made later. chilcL___ -the"search for his successor.. “We view Provost Miller’s 8:15 p.lh. — Fine Arts Quartet Colson will continue to serve leaving with sincere regret,” Music Auditorium. as acting president untiTMiiler Hannah said. “He has given a WEDNESDAY takes over. great deal to MSU as provost 4 p.m. — Con-Con Report West Virginia University, and in other responsible po­ WKAR. Miller said, is a combination sitions he has held at the uni­ 5 p.m. — “The Philippines, Thi land grant and state^university versity.” Organized Under g r o u n d , ’ in ope. He said that the school WKAR-/ has many problems whicl^ he 7 p.m. — Maxine Hayden, chor­ PAU L A. MILLER SAD HOMECOMING—Spartan football teamsmen returning from Saturday’s 13-0 eographer, WMSB-TV. -7:15 p.m. — A1 Beutler Quartet, WMSB-TV. feels present a great challenge. “This was the most difficult decision, probably, of my life,” Money loss to Minnesota were mobbed by some 1,000 fans who gathered for «spontaneous airport pep rally. The spirit didn't spread, however, to these pensive players. Top to bottom, they are: Carl Charon, left halfback; Wayne Fontes, right half­ 8 p.m. — “ Right You Are! If You TWnk So,” Arena The­ atre, Auditorium. P ro v o s t M ille r : Miller said. “Our roots are deep after living here for 16 years. WeTi probably-never be Boost able to pull them all out. I back;" Gary Hallman, right halfback; Jim Arbury, manager; an unidentified team member and Ron Hatcher, fulHjaek. —State News photo Jby Mike Stoll. 9 p.m. —. Dr. Gene Bluestein, “Hootenany,” WKAR. THURSDAY G e n u in e S c h o l a r feel very bad about leaving.” - Asked The Board of Trustees has 12"noon — “ Folksongs,” Gene By SHARON COADY dent in rural sociology. He had J-H o p G o p h e rs ^ D ig In Bluestein, WMSB. 8 p.m. — “Right You Are! If Of the State News Staff graduated from West Virginia asked the legislature for a $8.6 million boost in current ap­ You Think So,” Arena The- The provost is the chief University in 1939 with ff B.S. C h a ir m e n propriations for the coming - atre, Auditorium. academic officer of the Univer­ degree in animal husbandry, year. FRIDAY — sity. He is responsible for the worked as an agricultural agent S e le c te d S p a r t a n s S t u m b l e {7 and 9 p.m. — “Cry Freedom” entire educational operation, in West. Virginia and served as - u T . In a message to Ira Polley, state controller, the board ask- (Philippines), Fairchild. Richte Reisberg, Long Beach, . . ... .... ' 8 p.m. — “Right You. _________ Are! If both on and off campus. an His Army Air Force officer N.Y., junior, and Janie Collins, ed for appropriations totaling By JERRY FISCHER mm ibund Spartan locker room, airport, the game was all they You Think So,” Arena The-| work includes plotting the cur- J from 1942 to 1945. I Greesburg, Ky., junior, have! $38.2 million. Income_ from Sports Editor _ “They are a good team — heard, atre, Auditorium. riculum, working with deans j He received his MS in 1D47 j b e e n selected as the general other sources would bring the MINNEAPOLIS — A mighty very good.” Daugherty said. Newspapers, radio and tele- SATURDAY and making academic decis-1 anamniic miiipatinn' education. 1I Other chairmen are Karen _ . the list m capital Stephens and an eager Min­ a possible RoseTJowl bid. Also word. ~ University as a community for for ofi-campus Midland iunior nro- Topping nesota line, 13-0. finished is an eight-game Spar- Stephens had a hapd-in both COLDER .scholars ” David Hess admin-* Miller said that one of his Baaaer- J vll®a”au JUj! orV.P outlay estimates -by the board 1 tan winning streak. Gopher touchdowns. He'slipped itrative assistant to the provost main objectives is to liberalize i¡ £rsirns,: 6 rams; . . Schmidt, Dear i.s a $6 million chemistry build­ It all began with Ahc toss of — j born junior, concessions and the coin. The Spartans won it It just wasn’t the Spartans’ an eight-yard option pitch to said. MSU’s offerings. ¡-photography; and Carol Cas- ing and a $3.5 million addition Halfback Bill Muncey for the -and chose to receive. In five day. When they got a drive first quarter score and hit the Miller was the principal “ We c a n 't j u s t p rep are a ' sidy. Grand Rapids - junior, to the Administration Bldg. victories this season, they had started, they stopped them- same Muncey with a 23-yard formulator of the seven-point student for a job,” he said. guests and patrons. “ MSU," the board said, “ is not received the opening kick- selves with a fumble or crucial pass in the- final period for a program and has contributed “ We m ust train him for the Ken Jesmore, Detroit junior poised to make significant ad­ off. _ mistake. much to-developing it further, world be will be living in. is chairman of the committee vances on several fronts in touchdown. They could not move on their Twice they moved inside the The Spartans won’t have he said. One hundred y ears ago, a stir- selecting Miss MSU and Mike higher education and this re­ first series, punted and the Gopher 10. Each time they time to lick their wounds and “He is a scholar in his own deirt needed m ain ly vocation­ Pasternak, Melrose Park, 111., quest is for sufficient funds to Gophers moved 71 yards in 1 1 stopped themselves. -- cry over the Minnesota loss. field and an educator in the al training—he had to develop junior, Karen Gaubis, Detroit move forward.” plays for a quick, and as it “ You can’t expect to win th e Purdue Boilermakers, best sense of the word — a a new nation. j junior, and Toni Beuche, Sag- Enrollment in the past-five turned out—the winning touch­ when vou miss-the chances we with a 2-1 Big 10 mark, host genuine educational scholar,” . , . .. ¡maw junior, are the publicity! years has increased by 20 per down. did,” Daugherty said. “When the Spartans next week, Hess said. Today, wemust develop the . and public relations co-chair-1 cent, the board said, while ap- Spartan Coach Duffy Daugh­ you can’t move in from the Michigan State still remem- Partly cloudy and cooler i trained voc« men Arlvn Greifendorf, Chic- j propriations have been upped erty didn’t sell the Minnesota five.” . . . and his voice trail- bers its 6-0 loss to Purdue a today with temperatures in “Miller has been provost since | uonayy out who a mind inat a g0 m junior, is the general i only 10 per cent. The board team short. But his tone was cd off. _ " few years back which ended a the 36’s and 40's. Forecast June 1,1959. His experience at aaaPt itseiu to tnecom plex.secretary. tasked that the money be al- one of disappointment as he From the moment the Spar- 28-game_winning streak, for Tuesday is fair and MSU dates to 1946_when he en- ? s *“ • wor ! The J-Hop will feature an j located in four separate items sat slumped in the corner of a tans arrived af Minneapolis See SPARTANS page 3 wanner. rolled here as a graduate stu- See MILLER, Page 6 i oriental theme. I instead of a lump sum. Junior journalists PHOTOJOURNALIST—Dennis Recia, Frankenmuth High School Staff Photographer took aa avid interest in the FEATORE SPEAKER—Godfrey Sperling, Jr., MBd-west Bureau Chief for the Christian Seienee Monit or , and Dr. STUDENT EDITORS—Vicki Gahrton and Jean Johnson, Ithaca High School student editors cast critical-qyes over Learn the Businéss photo equipment display which whs set np in the lobby for the Journalism Day program. Fred S. Sichert renew an eld acquaintanceship. Sperling was once a student of Ihr. Siebert. a few of the maay newspapers aad yearbooks from schools ail over Michigan. —State Hews photos by Dennis PaJoL I p « |i I I □ □ □ of Photosynthesis tor Atmos­ pheric Regeneration in Space Systems” a t a seminar spon­ SpartansStumble fice. eligible. There will be no future 16. C laim ed dow ntow n sored by the department of (Continued from Paco 1) Enrollment of eligible facul­ enrollment period for thoee IT. Condim ent 43. B righ t m s * mechanical engineering. More than 1,900 students now eligible who declinemem- 15. River: Sp. 48. Patron sain t greeted the team bock a t ty and staff members is now It. Patsageway 2. Seaw aed 1 1 . P a y one's Dr. Robert Bandurski, de­ at progress and is nearing the bership in the {dan, Kirk said. 30. Suspends of sailors 3. H ydrau lic share Ital City airport Saturday Capital An insurance committee, 4» O bject o f partment of botany and plant impOnad seventy-five per cent 33. Measure w orship pum p I S Southern pathology, a world-wide recog­ night. partteteatiau. .— consisting of C. A. Blackmail, o f wood SO. Not at homo 4. Conclusion constellation They greeted their fallen chairman, L. L. Boger, L. A. 33. Exchan ge 3. Prayerbook IS . B ranches nized authority in his field, will 3 1 . O vule be the acting chairman of the heroes with cries of “ One-Two, The plan, Ha be carried Haak and M. R. Pierson a r ­ prem ium 5. Spaw n o f learning 3S. D isputes 33. K in d o f o f flsh 30. M ale deer meeting, to ne held at 4 p.mH Boat Purdue.” with toe Tsachert lasnraece ranged with TIAA to offer the leg ally W iM 7. A nn ihila­ 3 1 . C h lllaan d The Boilermakers have often Aa—tty Assa., if desigaed to insurance after studying var­ 83. A siatic in 404 Electrical Engineering. been dubbed the “Spoilermak- 30. D ifficulty shrub tion fe v e r pay tor mator expenses ef ious other plans. The plan is 31. Fairways, 8. Close to " 32. Pen points He worked as a research bio- ers” in recent years because ■i tpitol and m a t i l care held by the group directly with greens, etc. 33 Shad e. ologist for the. Air Force until Wdmfi exceed the base cev- TIAA, no claims are channeled psnvMei by each through the University. 33. IQver island S. Too bad 10. Rouod body 34. A n effectual stroke 28. D ove 195$ when ho was employed by the Martin Company, lie is now of their habit: of scoring at least one big upset every year. But they won’t spoil anything you r future lo o k s ' present11medical in- site Iter Chief, Life Sciences Section, of tor the Spartans next Satur­ p a c t ke o said. —p— No doubt you heard about the 37. Dept, store the Space Flight Laboratories. day. ^ \ Premiums will be paid golfer who was in such a hurry through automatic payroll de­ be had time to play only two even t 2S. Row 29. P rop His talk will acquaint the audience with some aspects of The Minnesota Gophers have already done th a t Now there’s b righ t at..LaZM K duction!, and depend upon the boles—the 19th twice.—Grand ¡ 3 1 . Drag the life of human beings in not that much left to spoil.' amount of bote coverage pres- Rapids Press. 34. C am era stand 33. P u re : Sp. 37. B ed cover • in merchandising 1 G RAZD A N K A SIG N O R IN A 38. M alt TR O U B LE • in control, finance beverages 39. T erm inal yoor goal : M ADAM E point • in store operations i ■ SEÑO R SC H R IM A T H I 4S. C ity on tha T ib e r riv e r 4 1. P erfu m e W ITH - t h a n w o tc h • in restaurant mgt. G EN TLEM EN T i l HI 43. M r. V an y w riiH go • in personnel " i W inkle I W" 44. B u stle 48. P a rticle o f M ID -TER M S? u p , U p, UR rin publicity Kyrio Shri r~- w •d negation I EVERYONE ir ■tobo 48. B illia rd atick Y ea will soon be making a mamwntnni decision. Where Marat FROM worn m m m 47. Ja p . outcast O U R CO URSE do you go front here? How fast, bow far will you advance EVERYW HERE Pani in position, prestige, compensation? IS SU M M A R IES Consider merchandising. I t is beg, broad, varied. It offers I Pan ALWAYS Herr Placem ent Bureau OF TH E B A SIC CO LLEG E CO URSES • wealth of challenge, and vast opportunity to go up, Up, U P. Advancement cornea tost far young men and women WELCOME - mechanical engineers — Dec., ■ Ladies Kumari Interviewing a t the Place­ March and Juno grads; pro­ CAN H E LP YO U IN T H E FU TURE! who have initiative, ability, enthusiasm, and imagination. AT _ ment Bureau Thursday. Addi­ Consider Lazania, a nationally taoogniaad laader in tha ■ tional information in the Place­ duction administration, bus­ ■ RALPH’S K EW PEE fiaid of merchandising. Lazanm baa had 110 years of staady 9 Signore Mar ment Bureau Bulletin for the iness administration, Dec. and C A FETER IA . week of Nov. 6 to ID: March g r a d s ; journalism. INQUIRE DOWNSTAIRS growth, yet it to a young-thinking, forward looking com­ General Motors Corp. Chev- English, advertising; Dec. and pany. I t is rapidly expanding and eager to help you flow Monsieur Cakes Baked Aad Mesdames rolet-Flint Mfg. interviewing March g r a d s . Accounting A T TH E with & ' ‘* ' Decorated To Order mechanical, metallurgical elec­ majors — Dec., March and Whatever your interact, merchandising a t L e a n s offers trical engineers and produc­ June grads. Frauline Kyria tion administration. diversity end opportunity for Isadcwhip. ■ International Business Ma­ GroupsScheduled IN K P O T Contact your Placemen t OOce for more information w - garding our interviewing schedule. ■ ■ 2 SEÑ O RITA S M A D EM O ISELLE chines Corp. interviewing all majors of the Colleges of En­ gineering • Dec., March and June grads; Business and Pub­ ForPictures - The following groups are 307 G RA N D R IV E R fW ' will K»«a. November 15, 1961 LAZARUS Columbus 16, Ohio lic Service, Comjmmication scheduled for pictures for the A division of Federated Department Stone, Inc;1 S g RÁZDANEEN SEÑO RA Arts, Science and Arts — Dec. Wo]yerine Monday in the Tow­ C 1 2 -5 MON. - FRI. and March grads only. er Room of the Union: Chrysler Corp. interviewing Alpha Omicron Pi, C p.m.; mechanical, electrical, metal­ Theta Delta Chi, 6:10 p.m.; lurgical and chemical engi­ Kappa Kappa Gamma, 6:35 neers, accounting and financial p.m.; Sigma Chi, 6:35 p.m.; administration, business and Alpha Epsilon Phi, 6:50 p.m.; public service — Dec. and Butterfield Han, 7 p.m.; Can­ March grads. terbury Club, 7:10 p.m.; Alpha International Harvester Co. Kappa Alpha, 7:25 p.m.; Men’s Interviewing mechanical, elec­ Halls Assn, 7:35 p.m.; Phi Kap­ trical, chemical and agricul­ pa Tau, 7:50~p.m. tural engineers. Sigma Phi Delta, 8 p.m.; Psi Illegal Paper Corp. inter­ Upsilon, 8:10 p.m .; Delta Chi, viewing chemistry, physics, 8:25 p.m.; Baptist Student Fel­ m ath, statistics majors and lowship, 8:35 p.m.; Triangle, chemical engineers. 8:50 p.m .; Alpha Phi, 9 p jn .; Ptttsbnrgh Plate Glass Co., Alpha Sigma PM, 9:15 p.m.; chemical division interview­ Beta Alpha Psi, 9:35 p.m. ing inorganic, organic and Cats are notoriously silent ift their singularly feline way. But even the analytical chemistry majors. most stealthily treading tomcat could take lessons from the men at JUtation Touche, Ross, Bailey and Ford Motor Company whose job it -is to track down and suppress Smart interviewing accounting unwanted noise in vehicles. Sparlai Faas majors. F raternities • Sororlties Grand Rapids Board of Ed­ At our Ford Research end Engineering Center in Dearborn, engineers - Club» ucation interviewing element­ have created a unique room without echoes, virtually duplicating t h e . ary education, English, French, perfect stillness that exists miles above the earth’s surface. Lowest Airiine Fare» math, science and special Ed­ Toura A C harter» ucation — Dec. grads. The "Silent Room”, as we call it, is a chamber utilizing fiber-glass Wsmen’s Army Corps inter- wedges as sonic ‘‘blotters'’ to soak up noise emanating from subjects to undergoing developmental tests. In this, acoustically sterile environ* viewing all majors interested 1962 W in the Women’s Army Corps. ment, electronic instruments seek out tha source of vibrations, The B. F . Goodrich Co., in­ rattles, rumbles and squeaks so that they can be eliminated in Rom Bovi Sane terviewing chemical, mechan­ ical, chemistry, physics and production. -—- Save U rn e A Save Money math majors. ¡This scientific approach to silenca Is b u t a tiny facet of the many* Go by a lr fo r m aximum Youngstown Sheet A Tube sided program of pure and applied research which goes on daily at ~ttine a t all th a evento Co. interviewing mechanical, Ford Motor Company, tt is another example of ford's leadership in Pasadena electrical, metallurgical and through scientific research end engineering. chemical engineers. U. S. Naval Development Center interviewing electrical, mechanical engineers a n d physics majors. F a r Inform ation A Amphenol-Borg Electronics Corp. interviewing physics and Reservations Cai] W O 5 -0 8 2 0 chemistry majors, electrical engineers and mechanical en­ D etroit Collect gineers. The Trace Co. interviewing FRESHMEN AND UPPERCUSS WOMEN YOUMUSTSIGNUPNOWFOR 45% «ool45% Orion® Acrylic,., FALLTEASANDWINTERRUSH toiler«! beautifully by Hagger fat Ml oxtro-Wim. boltlow hy-Tourney n o d »I. Ttw*e »locki will (It m u par­ lacily .,, and you'd itoy comfortable, EXTENDEDRUSHSIGN-UP wad prowod end wrinkle-free. Wo l e v a your ilio in your favorito chock or plaid with W in raclitonf Syl-mar finith. OOufont MONDAY,NOVEMBER6 9-5 12 9 5 - ROOM13B STUDENTSERVICESBUILDING Lea Kositchek’s V A R SIT Y SH O P BRING$1 RUSHFEE m Abbott Reed East Lansing |p|«Mi WÊÊÊÊÊÊmPPsi P ii jfá¡-.& süa«w aaM IP® Ésiillll Jggn « W Ê •'.V--:-:' ■,■ ill W&§mm W ÊvW il P w i ib b b ft# * SPaB ü •gags .3*bpqr«H 1! Bi S! kW l> M ic h ig a n S ta te I W » , B a t U » l » * m c M g » S f H h f R T M M fla y M o r a l » * N o - r o b c r f t, 1 9 6 1 4 mmwut « ■ • • • a C o lts U p s e t I S S I ■1 S a tu r d a y ’ s S ta tis tic s S p a r ta k H a rriers Ü Ü e %«s.-*- o sY-»i9 H ó«Sfe*ï> m ér G re e n B a y INDIVIDUAL RUSHING * * Rushes Gaia Loss Net Avfe. BALTIMORE UB-Gambling D o w n A ir F o r c e ■ v i « « m m i f i i i a i i « p a u l s c h n itt John Unites and his Baltimore Colt offense came alive with a Sherman Lewis George Saimes 8 11 66 ^10 136 48 •2 46 7.00 4.11 I By DICK ROHNSON seventh and eighth respective­ The Wrath of the Gods Is my which further fflnstnten their mace and ripped through theme, that latal Wrath which human-like characteristics. te lk M a Bay Packers to the Ron Hatcher 9 « 0 31 3 J3 State News Sports Writer ly. Capt. Jerry Young k Co. Young was out to front of the in the fulfillment of the will of For thirty days the Spartaa tune of 4&21 in a National Foot­ Dewey Lincoln 4 ^ M 27. 0 27 6.25 brought the Spartans dual and pack all the way and took a Soonermdna - god of the grid- vessels drifted oa the ball league upset. 5 ■*t 22 -1 . 21 420 iron • brought the Spartans so dodging Neptune’s pitchfork, The Packers had given up Gary BaDman triangular cross country meets decisive lead between the two 6.00 to a climatic finish Saturday and three mite markers. much suffering, so much in­ etc. Than they spotted the ealy 66 points in aevan previous Carl Charon 3 18 6 18 as they pulled out a 25 to 30 “The ground was soft,” said jury, leaving their once great shoreline of MbuwiapoRs and of which they had won Earl Lattimer 2 5 0 5 2.50 victory over the Air Force Dittrioh, "and that was probab­ team as carrion for dogs and they knew the enemy was ■ H ip ly the reason for the slow passing birds. They anchored to wait until The '"Colts, gaining ample Roger Lopes — 1 2 0 2 MO Academy here. The remaining meets oa the times. But on the whole we ran And the Spartans wanted to morning to engage the foe on revenge t o a 45-7 shellacking Pete Smith 4 0 -37 -37 -9.25 schedule include such attrac­ well and 1 feel better that it’s to beat this foe. Why had not the field of battle. Actually by tin Packers a month, ago, tions as the Big Ten on Nov. 17 over.” . -i the gods come to their aid, they there were no fields In Greece. appeared to catch fire on a at Chicago, the IC4A on Nov. 20 The Air ,Force is one of the were to M a r ask. ~ There were just mountains. spectacular 36-yard touchdown in New York and the NCAA on top powers in the Rocky Mount­ That’s why the Greed; LET US BEGIN our story in states never were able to unite. city- run tor Lenny Moore just be­ Noy. 27 here. ain area. Last year State beat fore the half ended. Sparta, land of rod cedars and That’s why they, formed tiny It put the Colts ahead 21-14 Against the Air Force,, the the Falcons 26 to 29. pep rallies. Here dwelt the re­ independent city-states hard-running Young,- defend­ LOOKING AHEAD, Hum­ and they killed the Packers P o s itio n s w ith P o te n tia l doubtable Spartan nation coor For example, the authorities both on offense and defense in ing Big Ten winner, again barger, normally MSU’s second broke the finish line tape to finisher, said: sidered the greatest power in the Hellenic world according of the soutiM»irctty-itato, IDs- E x it M S U , the second half. Green Bay couldn’t get past the Colt 45 sissipius - land of rebete and ef defeat his nearest competitor, '“Our times were slow today, Falcon team captain John Fer. i but we had a good team effort to all the surveys taken by the figy burners - built such an in­ Oracles of Infallibility. O l e M is s until Jesse Wnittenton returned ENGINEERS • CHEMISTS • PHYSICISTS Young's time was 20.55.2 and | In the Big Ten, Iowa h a r four surmountable barrier around i-an intercepted pass 41 yards Now the mighty Spartan t o a Touchdown against Colt F er’s was 21:14, ; top men, but their fifth one forces were preparingto do bat­ their engage city-state that ho toe could them. Even when the The bubble of invincibility substitutes in the final couple C e r a m ic • C h e m ic a l • C i v il AIR FORCE senior Austin lags behind. We have guys that tle against the Inhabitants of burst Saturday t o Michigan of minutes. - ; Wedemeyer beat out MSU soph j wtil say up there.” Minneapolis, land of Golden citizens of Mississipius wanted to prove their strength, they State and Mississippi, throwing E le c t r ic a l • In d u s t r ia l[ • M e c h a n ic a l P at Stevens for the thiFd posi­ j State’s harriers have con- Gopbers. wide open the race t o the sea tion -by 10 seconds.- Stevens I sistantly improved this season, And the proud citizenry re­ were unable to overcome that barrier erected by the author son’s national college football M e t a llu r g ic a l was followed by teammate j They opened up their schedule joiced in gay festivities as a lties. (For story of Greek city- honors. GTHELA*AHE DPHONfM IVE2 R Roger Humbarger, who along with a double victory over Ohio gesture of faJrwell to their gal- Second-rated Mississippi with Stevens, waged an exciting i University and Ohio State, and land warriors. They celebrated states see Brinten, pp 115B- whose coach, Johnny Vaught, N o w ...6 5 c to 5:30 National Carbon Company, America’s leading manufac­ with offerings to Sooneronius, U6A.) said, "we were No. 1 t o a lew turer of carbon and graphite products, offers positions to race with sixth finisher R. C. ¡then loss to Wisconsin away *n M i9 >y*st Parker, a AFA veteran froth i after Young .had been out of Imperial Earthshaker of Mount That night, the fires burned bours”-:Hdropped a night game qualified B.S. and M.S. graduates in tha fields listed above. la st season. j practice most of the week. Olympus and to Flora, goddess on the decks of the Spartan’s to its old nemesis, Louisiana ships. Then all was quiet Our products include graphite anodes, electrodes, The* other Spartan runners Since then the distance man of flowers who dwelt in Pasa­ With the crackling of the first State, at Baton Rouge 10-7. who figured in the team scor­ j have toppled highly-touted dena, land of roses, sunshine rooster, th e two great forces It marked the third straight motor and generator brushes, arc carbons and special ing were sophs Dick Gyde and Penn State, IC4A champion; and fun. year the Bayou Tigers, who D p graphite shapes used in nuclear, missile, and s wide vari­ Bob Fulcher, who finished Notre dhme and the Air Force. The Spartan populace made met on the field of battle...rath­ gained momentiufr after drop­ wffh In years? ety of industrial applications. r- sacrifices of roast duck, roast e r they met on the mountains ping the opener to Rice, had We serve such key industries as aircraft, aluminum, cow, 300,000 bushels of McIn­ of battle since there were no spotted Mississippi's tod t o the U PC automotive, chemical, mining, motion pictures, nuclear, tosh Red apples and 2,000,000 fields And in Greece. as they promised, the unofficial national champion­ hard boiled eggs. (An epic Gods gave aid to the defenders ship. steel, transportation, and the electrical manufacturers. ‘M a r is a A lla sio . poem must include exaggera­ Out of the wreckage of the tion written in elevated style.) of Minneapolis, because the second straight, week of stag­ AUDREY Positions are available at 12 plants and laboratories the she anim al in , located in Ohio, New York, West Virginia and Tennessee P o o r B u t B e a u tifu l The inhabitants concluded Spartans had disgraced the gering from reversals, Texas H ffB U R N and also in our Marketing organization which coven the the festivities with a libation gods. and Alabama emerged as the as that Led by their gallant warrior new titans, closely followed by 48 states from nine key cities. _ flic k e r, to the gods. But perched atop defcghful daring, Beaumont Tower (For pictures Stephenes, the Gophers pushed once-tied Ohio State (5-O-i) HOU.YO OUQ HILY1 Interesting, rewarding careers are offered to research, of Spartan architecture^ see the courageous Spartans toward Louisiana State (6-1), Georgia BO Y ! Gombrich,. pp 34-42) was a the sea. The retreating Spar­ Tech (6-1), Colorado (60) and Spartan authority, Obnoxious. tans invoked the gods h u t to Minnesota (5-1). process ods and product development, production and meth­ engineering, product and process control, machine no avail. — The list of major unbeaten development, plant engineering, marketing, technical Seeing the development, Ob­ noxious called upon the fleet THEN SOONERONIUS, Cloud and united teams' wax reduced sales and technical service. ~ footed Obsequious to carry a compeller of the highest peak to four—Texas (70), Alabama A National Carbon representative will be on campus: message to the merrymakers of Olympus, sent a 75 megaton (70), Colorado and Rutgers FLEET FOOTED Obsequious thunderbolt into.the ranks of (60). was given the messages and the fleeing invaders. This is N O V EM BER 16 - 17 sped off to the celebration and enough to frighten even the announced to the people. greatest power of the Hellenic ' "Good citizens of our beloved world. city-state. We all wish our The Spartans bad no chance SPECIAL N A T IO N A L C A R B O N C O M P A N Y Division of Union Carbide Corporation brive warriors the best of luck against Stephenes and Sooner- PURCHASE -ifiB u ü r in. their mighty battle; but un onius. They returned to their Feature At a n e q u a l o p p o * t u n it v e m p l o y s * m e a s u re s 3 8 -2 3 = 3 8 !" - der no circumstances are yotrj ships and set sail for home 1:69 - 3:65 - SjfS - 7:15 - 9:39 ■oUty Crowth*. K V. UnM - to honor the gods with a liba­ And in the spot where the W ASH-N-W EAR tion of wine, beer or any other tide of battle tinned, the grate­ FLA N N ELS M a r is a A ll a s i o alcoholic beverage. If you do ful inhabitants of Minneapolis so you will be automatically erected a statue of Stephenes Ik t? expelled from land under our (For realistic and naturalistic jurisdiction.” portrayal of human emotions ONLY J4W VARSITY SHOP And so ended the merrymak­ see Statue of Stephenes, Gom- m ABBOTT RD. E. LANS. tuC ing on a sour note. The citizens were mad. The gods were in­ See WE LOST page 5 furiated. Turbulence pervaded the heavens that night. The Michigan S tate U niversity drink-offering to the gods had been excluded from the cele­ bration. Indeed, the gods had! FOREIGN FILM SERIES been disgraced and abased. The Council of the Gods went Fairchild T heatre _ Tuesday,„November 7 into session where all the hu­ Admission 50c 7 & 9 p.m. man like characteristics of the gods were manifested., (Human­ like characteristics: See An­ FORTHE N m m t t i a t M eoeacou company coca-coca wo o a i — ■ t m y t f tBMiMaoQD thropomorphic. Humanities Syl- labus, page one) WHEN THE council adjourn­ CLEANESTLAUNDRY ed, the gods had decided to punish the Spartans t o humili­ ating and disgracing them. ATTHEBEST Sooneronius, God of gods, sent a m essenger'- Dulles - to the land of the Golden Gophers and he told the populace that when PRICES-— the Spartans invaded Minneapo- lis, the gods would guarantee to the Gophers the aid of the SEE M .S .U . Special heavens. - So the Spartans set sail with Clssssr asd “ B utterm ilk” M ug D e s k B o o k R acks 46,001 stops (you got to have lots ships in an epic). Their fate had been sealed. Skirt Landry reg. $1.50 N O W 96c « g. 96« N O W 69c And . the gods watched glee­ fully in a revengeful spirit T h o u sa n d s o f R e fe r e n c e B o o k s BOORS ADDED DAILY at Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! B O O KSTO RE M M M u MtortQ« <« '-**J»» VB» f'o' MO W. GRAND RIVER n» cks-ms cms«« i rasing Md M— lh y M orning, Novem ber 6 , 1 9 6 1 M ichigan Stale Newa, East M ichigan libation to the «Bonari of We L ob! O h io F o l k (continued from page 4) Heaven that lod 6 the fall af In fo rm a tio n brich: page 88). a great city state from the ppaHaaBBBMBaMMaMaawMioi FOOTBALL 1 : 9 W A 4 -9 T o H o o te r s Aad so R waa the Wrath of ranks of the unbeaten. the Gods which the Spartans PJS. - How’a that for a latteo (PraettesFWd) S:9S Handom-Eangoon incurred for not making a attention of State’s loss! .Stwieats Off O n f w — Moo- day, I pjB., dance class. Us- 6:49 E.S. a - n - (feaiMB FleM) / In T im e U p - ¡on P in f P oof room. 7 :9 A na. 2 4 6:40 Empowcrment- By MIKE SKINNER Maifcotttg CM» — Monday, f 1 : 9 Bsl 1 4 State New* Sports Writer p.80Lt WMveriM Pletore*, Uo- 6:56 Banday Dorms Empyriam 1 BORRE NOM AR M•M i (RRUumbÌìMéb tkjuMM i l i w i r noom. I :« Br. 2 4 7 : 9 BodsHns Foaaorh Michigan State defeated Ohio L utteras Stadeot A**a. — Mon- (Tsaeh FMd) 8:10 E3. Rodents-Palace Boys Univentar, 4-1, Saturday at ,v> day, 4:10 p.m., study boor, 6:40 a — MyJ>ririlW 8 : 9 Plow Jockeys-Shot Guns Athena, Ohio, in the Spartana University Lutheran Church. 7 : 9 W S. 34 8:40 PistoteAg. Panthers final aoccer game hefore it meeta powerful NCAA champ- ionS L Louis University. S t Louis will be here this Slop II Saturday. The coming Billikens battle CAMPUS C L A S S IF IE D S will be the biggest game of the year for State, Spartan Phone 355-8255 or 355-8256 Conch Gone Kenney said. “The winner of the game will Deadline: 1.00 P.M. be the middle west’s represen­ tative to the 1961 NCAA chainp- Rates For 15 Words ionships,” be said. “ It will also decide which 1 day ^ 4 d a y s ____________ 2.23 team reigns as the Midwestern 2 days 5 d a y s ________ 2.50 Collegiate Soccer conference champion.” 3 d a ]« _____ „__ 1.95 10 d a y s ------------ 4.00 State has already won the western division title and St. Louis has won the division title in the east. JERRY YOUNG Is congratulated by Ms m etter, father A U T O M O T IV E F O R SALE PERSONAL KENNEY ADMITTED last week that he hoped his players aad sister after phtciag first in Michigan State’s cross ....» r « a n u u » >>• 4-d O O r . ZOO country victory over the Air Force Academy. ' _ c o n d itio n , g o o d tire * . 930. E D 7 "' A ' W W i f P W ' e e V 1"men'."IIE!llLloV bow , m a n y o f th e g ir ls . A lp h a won’t be so eager for the St. OCIS, e t t e r I p.m. 29 LAYAW AT 1 G a m m a D e lta , K a p p a A lp h a T h e ta , Louis game thattheyw ould dis­ D e lta G a m m a, K a p p a K a p p a G a m ­ miss Ohio University as a soft 1915 PO N T IA C . 3 d o o r, a m a z in g ­ ly c le a n . I n t o p sh a p e . Bee* o f f e r b e f o re N o v e m b e r 8. T U 2-6820 o r NOW FO R m a a n d A lp h a P h i s t u l n e ed d a te s f o r th o a n n u a l— IF C P a n - H e l B a ll t o h e held ? N o v e m ­ touch. Behrman Leads Program info. IV 2-3965 IV 4*3965. 83 S T U D E B A K E R . 6 c y lin d e r, 31 C H R IS T M A S ber 16 , 19*1 at th e T e m p le In d o w n to w n L a n s in g . B u y y o u r tic k e t* n o w so y o u M asonic But if the Spartans had a “ let down” Saturday it wasn’t State’s Tacklers M IC H IG A N ra d io , b e a te r , good econom y. Body ” 1 w o n 't m is s th e l a r g e s t a ll-G r e e k evident by their play. THt a t n f dhONF IV t 't in. In p o o r c o n d itio n . C a ll a f t e r 6 e v e n t o f t h e y e a r. A n In te re s te d (Unassisted or lead) p.m . E D 3-8961. . 28 WILLIAM H. THOMPSON F r ie n d . 35 State’s offensive peppered 43 N O W . . . 65c TO 5 :J0 Dave Behrman ....................7 FR ESH M EN AN D u p p e rc la s * shots' at its opponent’s^ goal, Bob Suci ...... ................. 6 Shown at 1:16,3:15, 5:15, " ^ JEWELER 7 :^ w o m e n . Y ou m u s t s ig n n p fo r fa ll while its defense limited Ohio 7:25, 9:35 p.m. te a # t o ru a h W in te r te rm . Ex» to four shots. George Saimes :r....... 6 te n d e d ru s h si gn - up, M o n d ay , Nov. 6, 9-5. B oom 12B. S tu d e n t S ervice* Each Spartan goal was scored Tony K um iega................... 5 FRANDOR, MALL COURT B u ild in g . B r in g $1 ru s h fe e . 38 by a different player. Carl Charon ..........................4 R E A L ESTA TE Center forward, Mab Ven­ Pete Kakela ........................... 4 tura, continuing to add to his Wayne Fontes .r. 3 F O R RENT N E A R E V E R E T + . A ssu m e 4 'j record for most goals scored in G.I. m o r tg a g e . P a y m e n ts 977 ' i n ­ Ernie Clark ......... ........... C A M PU S C L E A N E R S b e i l J i n r c lu d in g ta x e s a n d In s u ra n c e . N e w ­ one season, blazed his 22nd into E n ti r e e e c a n d flo o r. S u ita b le f >r e r 3 b e d ro o m ra n c h . By o w n e r. the Ohio net at 12:58 of the George Azar ................... P h o n e TIT 3-5962. ____ ( 33 h u ris e e a , o ffice « , o r e tu d e a t b o u e - ing-. KA 7-3688. !| opening period. Bob Szwast ............. H A S L E T T . B y o w n e r. M ust se ll q u a li t y b u i lt 3 b e d ro o m o p e n b e a m The goal, coming_on a pass Charlie Brown .................. FAHHIE HURST'S HOUSES T anch. 1>* b a th e , lo v e ly I n te r io r , from inside right Jean Lohri, Jim Bobbitt ................... moat compaaatonata F A C tX T T Ofe M A R R IE D .—S tu ­ c lo s e to sc h o o ls, M SP. Im m e d ia te Dave Manders .................. romantic äramal d e n t* . L e t in c o m e Iro n s u p a t* Ira p o ss e s sio n . 1311 B a y sh o re . F E 9- was the'gam e’s first score. p a y y o u r r e n t ! 3 b e d ro o m , f i r s t 5679. 29 It was also Ventura’s 36th Lonnie Sanders ................. BA LA N CE YOUR flo o r, u n f u r n is h e d IV 5-8344. 39 Ed Budde rr. i B U D G E T W IT H A E A ST L A N SIN G . 613 S to d d a rd . goal of his Spartan career, an­ S P A R T A N S P E C IA L APARTMENTS T w o b e d ro o m b u n g a lo w e x p a n d ­ other record which he holds, Earl- Lattimer ....... :.. 1 a b le . F u ll tw o c o m p a r tm e n t b a s e ­ U ttH 'R N I S H E D . W ith g a r a g e . 1 m e n t. "T w o c a r g a r a g e . T w o l o t a and keeps adding to each time 1957 T H U N D E R B IR D . O ne of b lo c k fro m c a m p u * id e a l fo r I o r 813,906. E D 7-0314. 31 '! A m e ric a ’s t r u e c la ss ic s, in m in t 3 fe m a le s t a f f m em b e r* . In q u ir e -he scores. L A S T . . . 3 DAYS! \ c o n d itio n , S olid ly o ry _ w tth m a tc h - a f t e r 7 p.m . E D 3-3733. . 28 O U TSTA N D IN G F R U IT a n d b e r ­ ’ J n g l e a t h e r In te rio r , e le c tr ic w in - ry fa rm . A d jo in s G ra n d R iv er. VENTURA is a junior. -,i d o w e. F ord-O -M aM r. ROOM S P ric e in c lu d e s e q u ip m e n t. R o m aln Skillful ballhandler, Rubens LUCON H ic k s , b r q k e r. IV 6-9246. 30 < 1961 M od el e - P r ice d to Go! G IR L TO S H A R E n ic e ly f u r ­ Filizola, an inside left, scored C o rv e tte s . G a la x ie . Im p a la . C u t ­ n ish e d , p r i v a t e e n tr a n c e , 3 b lo c k s E A S T LANSING; S’ b e d ro o m r e d ­ l a s s a n d D y n a m ic 88. Y o u 'll sa v e to U n io n . E D 3-5157. 20 w ood c o n te m p o ra ry on w in d e d lot. State’s second goal on a pen­ * h u n d r e d s o f d o lla r s a n d g a in th o u - B y o w n e r. 919,500 w ith lo w do w n "h a n d a o f tr o u b le f r e e m o to rin g L A R G E D O U B L E ro o m i n a p ­ p a y m e n t. F H A c o m m ittm e n t. 1138 alty shot at 2:i©^0t~ttie second m iles. p ro v e d , u n s u n e rv ie e d m e n ’s ro o m ­ A rb o r D rive. E D 3-2966- in g h o u se E D 3-3727. 21 56 period. Feature 1:46 - 4:45 • 8:30 — VI * » .1 9 5 7 . 1968 * 1959 C H E V R O L E T *. The game was still close mid­ Until 5:36 p.m. 90c CMKE3OMR «*6*966*11 « C o n v e r tib le s , b a r d to p s . 2 -d o o rs, V E R T N IC E a lo e p ln g ro o m , b y S E R V IC E way through ih * third period. Evenings $1.25 a w a g o n s. A ll c a r r y S p a r ta n M o to r’s « " S e a l o f A p p ro v a l” »' d a y , w o e k . L o t s —o f p a r k in g . 664 S o u th B a rn e s . M aso n . O R 7-1391. 36 L o w COS t c o p ie s o f c la s s n o te s, ro u g h d r a f t s a n d p r in ta d m a te ria l. Then at 13:12 Ventura’s pass open day-light for right winger Children 50c starts FRIDAY Wed., Nov. 8, 8 P .M . _ "* 1969 S p o rt» c a re . In c lu d in g MG-A W o n c h G ra p h ic S e rv ic e , 1730 E. Jefry Heron, and the Spartan 1600, p lu s A lfa -R o m e o . G u llle ta ” s p e c ia l. T h e s e c a r s c a r r y S p a r ta n * M o to r’* " S e a l" o f A p p ro v a l and A P P R O V E D D O U B L E ro o m fo r 1 m a le s tu d e n t. I m ln n te a fro m R e rk e v No sm o k in g . $7 w e e k ly . M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g . P h o n e 6*4- 7786. tf forward turned the opportunity - ' Civic Center w a r e o ff e re d a t s u b s ta n t ia l s e a s o n - A r e li a b l e Im m e d ia te ly . 331 U s s l e t t T T P IN G . a ll k in d s . 30e p e r p a g e . into a goal. 'WMNEMF S tr e e t. 332-2315. 38 C a ll TV 9-543«. a a l s a v in g s . * T R A N 8P 0R T A T T O X S P E C IA L S F O R W O M E N A p p ro v e d , 4 r a - T V a n d R A D IO se rv ic e . S p e c ia l 29 Less than two minutes later rugged right halfback Ken ACADEMY Tickets $3.50 -2.50 • 1.50 . . . All Seats Reserved NOW ON SALE AT — • The Disc Shop, E. Lansing 2 P R IC E D , T O L E A V E T H E LOT c a n rie * f o r w i n t e r a n d s p r in g T ow r a t e s to s tu d e n ts . N ew a n d ~ 1954 P A C K A R D C lip p e r. 4-door. te rm s . E D 2-2153- 39 u se d T V s e t s a n d a n te n n a s , ’’re e Graham clinched thè game by 'AWARDS • Pino’s, Downtown &_Frandor • Civic Center Box Office „ c o m p le te ly e q u ip p e d w ith u ltra -, tu b e c h e c k in g , fr e e p e r il i n g 5 a.m . scoring State’s fourth goal. Her­ . m a t i c , p o w e r a n te n n a , etc. a, 1954 F O R D s ta tio n w a g o n , F o rd - LOST «n d FO U N D P a i r o f g la s e e a . b l a c k to 9 p.m.' d a ily . TV T e c h n ic ia n * Co« 3622 E. M ic h ig a n , IV 7-6558. COM BO M UM C fo r y o u r n e x t 85 on picked up the assist. Late in the fourth period, HAVE ^ r r i f “ONEOf THE YOU PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE —O -M atte, e te ._ — h e a v y rim . I f fo u n d p le a s e c a ll, p a r ty - C la r e n c e S c h m id t. £ y 4-6141. Ohio, struggling to dent its own 49 - 1955 C K K V R O L K T B#1 A ir, ^ d o o r , p o w « r slid « , e tc. ; 3 3 7-3639.. 33 R A T R O B E R S O N BA N D n o 84 w scoreboard, averted a shutout by scoring on a scramble in S E E N « « 1» » ? I-OST. B R O W N l e a t h e r b rie fc a s e . a v a ila b le fo r d a n c e s. H a v a m a d e ~ T h « » « c a r* w ill g-*t you t h « r « , F r i d a y n ig h t, c o r n e r D iv isio n a n d a p p e a r a n c e s on W M 8B -T V , C o ra l front of State’s goal. m and back A lb e rt. C o n ta in s I r r e p l a c a b t a . r e ­ s e a rc h n o te s . H o w a r d . E D 2-5353. G a b les, H o lid a y In n , f r a t e r n i t i e s 28 a n d s o r o r itie s . P h o n e IV 7-3261 o r The win was the eighth of the year for the Spartans.' They ¿ M tX k U f Open All Day Monday IV 6^4381. A lso a v a ila b le fo r p ia n o t u n i n g a n d re p a lrlir a . M RlT m u sic have yet to be beaten this sea­ SPARTAN M O TO RS PERSO NA L g r a d u a te . M e m b e r o r P ia n o T e c h ­ n ic ia n s G u ild . 94 son. Starts Thurxlav 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Romantic Comedy H it! 3400 E. Michigan E A T A T G E O R G E ’S. 107 C h a r ­ le s S tre e t. B a c k o f F u lle r 's S ta n d ­ JOY, JOY, JOY a r d —S ta tio n . 29 ED 2-6604 *‘C a re fu lly se le c te d T Y P IN G a p a rtm e n t. in S p a rta n - V illa g e E le c tr ic t y p e w r it e r N ig h t S t a ff | fttar Stadia John C a ll 355-3013. tf | U&lNOV DEE*GAVIN P re -O w n e d c a r s ” Asst, news editor, Sally Der­ T Y P IS T AN N B R O W N . E D I - rick son; copy editors,-L ois 3384. E le c t r i c ty p e w r ite r . T e rm p a ­ ;R o m a * > o P P « ^ J u l i e t 56 G R E E N V o lk a w a c o n . N ew p e ra a n d - th e s e s , a ls o g e n e r a l t y p ­ Goode, Anne Mayer, Joyce L . , A t i M ’O M t n f r F r t»p — c o i o w i j !m u ffle r a n d p a in t. E x c e lle n T r t n - in g . tf Buchholz, Brandon Brown, Eric ,n in g c o n d itio n . E D 3-6632 a f t e r , 3 p.m . 39 STTTTMCNT D ISC O U N T, S elf w a sh , Filson. Job, tl.O O .JS t« d e n t p a r k - ► A U TO T O W BA R. R a te d 8,90S JFroe q u a r t o f o il w ith ‘ p o u n d s . $85. C a ll K P 7-1696. _ 86 . . . . . . . . c h a n g e . C o m p le te tu n e - u p . O p e n 34 h o u rs . D a v e ’s P u r e PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 ’ ' R O O F T O P l u g g a g e c a r r i e r fo r OtL 1616 E . G ra n d R iv e r. tf 1P e u g e o t. Im p o rte d , b o lts to f i t ­ t i n g s In to n . C a ll E D 7-1698. 16 E X P E R T T H E SE S a n d g e n era l ty p in g . E le c t r i c t y p e w r it e r . E ig h ­ te e n y e a r s e x p e rie n c e . O ne M ock EM PLOYM ENT fro m B ro d y . E D 3-5545. P E R S O N A L D A T A f o rm s , th e s is tf 4 O I P n I E A “ o p p o r tu n ity . P r e f e r w ife o f F r e s h - a n d g e n e r a l ty p in g . O f fs e t p r i n t - - m i n s tu d e n t. S t a l e q u a lif ic a tio n s ln $ , p l a s ti c -b in d in g a n d t y p e s e t ­ E A S T L A N S I N G - P H O N E E D .2 1 8 I 4 w in o w n h a n d w r i ti n g In c lu d in g a g e. t in g . W o n c h G ra fie S e rv ic e , 1736 a, e x p e rle n e « , s a l a r y e x p o cto d . 1641 O u r h o u se b o u g h t E a s t M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g . P h o n e HOME FO THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS -•A n d re w s , L a n s in g 17. 36 434-77M . tf • W A N T E D : L a b o r a to r y te c h n ic ia n T Y P IN G IN M T H O M E B y w o rn - EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING t h e i r C h r is tm a s c a r d s a n w i t h 16 y o a r n ~ a e c r e ta r la l e x ­ - I n d o c to r ’s b u ild in g G ra n d L edge. “ H o u r# 9 t o - * d a ily . S a tu r d a y a n d p e rie n c e . T U 2-4718. tf « S u n d a y o ff. MA 7-6733. 36 FIRST SHOW. 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c a t th e C a rd S hop T U T O R . D O C T O R A L s t u d e n t, * a W A N T E D : U F I In s u r a n c e s a l e s ­ d e g r e e s In S o c ia l S tu d ie s , a v a ila b le f o r t u t o r i n g 8oc. a n d C r e a tiv e m a n t o eoli a t 7*45 c o m m issio n . • Z u r ic h A m e ric a n 'L ife In a u ra n e * •U * . C o n ta c t J e r r o l d 8. A lb o ri* D IF F E R E N T -F R E S H -U .N U c U AL W r itin g . I V V S U L *5 Now Held Over Thru Thursday SPECIAL! **0*00*01 A d o n cy , 14* W a t e r S t- T Y P IN G , E X P E R IE N C E D m a n u W e h a d o v e r 55 C h r is tm a s c a r d a s co rni op rt s ty p is t. E n g l i s h .m a jo r. Yoim - “ B e n to n H a r b o r , M ic h ig a n , W A l n -Jt th e s e s , e tc. E D 2-3464. 83 Y O U R F A V O R IT E *6 -2 3 4 3 . 28 Sfifine YOUNG M E N , p a r t tim o w o rk . 1*111 a r r a n g e b o o r s to f i t sc h e d a le . 3.35 p e r h o u r. C a ll IV 3-5*33. t f FR O M W H IC H TO CH O O SE T R A N S P O R T A T IO N -Je rse y fo r T han SophiaLoren COTTON PAJAM AS rWHWtCIt BEST ACTRESSAWARD P O R SALE T h e C ard Shop g iv in g ! G ro u p c h s r t o r l n g b u e ro u n d t r i p to N.Y. P o r t A u th o r ity T e r ­ m in a l, W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 33. CANNO FUJI FESTIVAL 1961 ** W n n i H W i F T f c c t r l c stov«. C o n ta c t A r t U p t o n , IV 9-1315, be- tw e e n 5 -s p.m . 31 FOB NCR PERFORMANCE Nt a s h i n g m a c h in e , w r i t i n g d e sk . , r r S r sa l* . P h o n e E D 3-3344 MO E. Graad River - GOING TO v ic in ity Ne y Y o rk t o r • P-m. 23 C ity f o r T h a n k s g iv in g , H a v e ro o m f o r 3 ro u n d t r i p p a s s e n g e rs . S h a re Buy now of serving* . . . for yourself, to 2 B T P R IV A T E O W N E R . In s v ­ A« from e x p e n se*. C o n ta c t C s p t. L io n , e x ­ iare l l a n t c o n d ìtio n . r e a s o n a b le prie* * . ■sM en’s s p o r t eoa«» a n d s v i t a 46 M « a n d L . a n d g ir la w o o l s w e a te r » « ( H -4 6 » , w o o l S k lr ta fia -1 2 1 a n d Borne Ecoa. Btd£. te n s io n 3891 o r 3393 o r e v e n in g * F E 9-1686 H »MEN put away for Chritlmai gifting I —» u lta flS e lS » . A tao o t h e r m lucei- R ID E F O R 3 t o a n d fro m C iv ic C e n te r, N o v e m b e r 8. «K in g s t on Jean Paul Batw w Oe R tf Gingham plaid, multi-hoe stripe, or ■* la n e o u a c lo th ln g . C a li E D 7-1*46. T rio » M iko. 855-5544. ft ■m 29 ED 2-6753 —ibrotdertd soM top* aver solid ; E L E C T R IC T R A IN . *16, c o rn e r Y o rk fo r '■ 'C o m i zAvxmiM , b o o k s h e lf *«. w in g c h a ir . 96. JE D 7- trousers with adjustable waists. , 7~163 a f t e r 8 p.m . _______________2* » AN T RECORD-A.NY • M o n a u ra l a n d S te re o ! SS-5^% o f f I.A U K L • l i s t ! T h e U n iv e rs ity f t n o r i P la n V E T E R A N S A s s o c ia tio n . W o l­ v e rin e p ic tu r e # a t 8:56, T u e s d a y n ig h t. T o w e r R oom . U n io n . A n m e m b e rs w elco m e. B o a rd m e e tin g W ANT» "“'CarloPonti Choose from a rainbow of ‘ o ffd re : M a x im u m d is c o u n ts , • lim ite d s e le c tio n . No p u n h a s* o b - rlig a tiO fts , T a p e s. H I-F I e q u ip m e n t 't o o . doe D o rm a n d F r a t e r n i t y a t > I I T u es d a y . H oorn 4 L U n io n . DOROTHY HTM B a n d G EO R G E *9 " .n. . . u— r. - 1 _i m— . u—i _ c a re . M o th e r d e ci re * c o m p a n io n f o r o w n c h ild . F u l l time. I V 9 - Ì 9 1 7 . *9 —"VittorioDeSica •a twewwpmwwsmwe colors. Sizes 32 le 36. J h o a r d s f o r m e re i n f o r m a tio n , o r Y O R K p le s s o com # t o t h e S ta te « w r ite U n lr e ry ity R e .o d P la n . Box N ew « o ffic e , R oom 3*3 S tu d e n t P H .D . C A N D ID A T E d e s ir e s f n r. “ RUNNING rv-_ . »*7. N ew Y o rk 8, N ew Y ork O r O e rric e e B ldg.. P e r t w o f r e e p a s s e s n is h s d -bourn D e c e m b e r I o r J a n - JUMPING AND I » —" » y o u m a y In q u ire M tc h lg n a N i ’ e to t h e C rs o t D r iv e -In . t f n a r y 1 u n t i l J u n e 15. P r e f e r R ed • N ew s.. 36 C e d a r a r e a . H a v e 3- g irl* 1 boy. STANDING STILL” . F O R T H E F IN E S T in d a n e o m a ­ e le m e n ta r y a g e . E x c e lle n t ■ c e r e • R E X A LL Ic sole. Now on a t nie It a l a c k B ra u n . B obb y M o re n a . a s s u re d . R e fe re n c e * f u r n is h e d If I M nraJl R e x s ll P r e s o r l n t o u C en - R on B a g H sti. p i s a m a n y o th e r* . d e s ire d . 155-6136 a f t e r 4 p.m . - S3 : te r . 'N o r th w e s t of R e sra b y F rttn - P h o n e t h e B o d -M o r A g e n cy . IV 2- FRIDAY — “LEFT. RIGHT AND CENTRE* . d o r . T h r o u g h N o v e m b e r 11. 31 9*3*. ■ tf CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 1 Ä Ä I1 H S ir. ’ r ■ I H H - 3 B. R M I H H I joyed working with the faculty. This allows him little tone vost for Ms favorite pastime — rector, position. As extension di­ or tinea miles a for. he spent most of his His home ismrer er ia mile frani better hufoad and fMfair $ g can förcta tim teastons of my Get Tickets Now For Play Coupons M ü le r As a true scholar, he likes tas debates aad problems ha an* reading. ■ ’•« time outstate and travMtog the campes and ha walks bath tob white walktof homo,” Ä . h r said. . • 1 # ■ -'"ts (continued from page S) 7 Miller, a scholar first of all, throughout the nation. ways each day. Ha also makes Coupons for too University now be exchanged for tickets “We must prepare him to be counters to these people. triaa tp keep abreast la sociol­ Hi has spent asaeh time taJeast