«ffyreaGg^ 1 •-íriinTiTiMí~n U M jä ^ ' l » ^.^-*»8^lí’ÍJl^-»¿ÓU'. »; M W ^r — !¡ n i M $ 8I 1 § h H pw :‘i ¡¡Rií|)| ■ N Í£ 8 $ m L » I wehln Serving #>>■ ? *'-o w fin g M «sewSU amr for m52 m jyear» « v f a ttb lh h e d l« X W ia V o L -S 3 . f to . 9 6 ' L 3 - ^ W « d n « d » y M o r n in , N o v em b er 8 , J 9 H L f U ; • 5 Centi ^ '"'T' --r ■j'-'- 7 ¿jp' jp? ^ Ißt . ISp J| P Jjjf ^w J 'T B S H II ☆ ☆ ☆ 1 ☆ $ ☆ But Won’t ■tjsgì M SäM P e a c e M a r c h e r s D is h e a r te n e d Stop* He r ¿aíKsíb Indicates- \mêà&œi& h ^ y ^ .§ - n 3 a rte rs MOSCOW (A) — P r e m i e r Khrushchev ackno w 1e d g e d Tuesday that nuclear tests in the atmosphere were harmful to the health of world’s people and that the Soviet Union is im 8 Joined; W e a th e r N e w L a w P la n n e d being criticized for them but “we will stop when the others stop.” Lasted Partly cloudy, windy and coM today w i t h possible chance, o f snow flurries. F r a t e r n i t y S ig n s V ia la t e The „Premier’s statement were made in a toast and to Temperatures will rem ila in newsmen at a huge reception . .i ■i s j l l i l i 45 Minutes the 39’s. E a s t L a n s in g O r d in a n c e in the Kremlin on the 44th an­ niversary of the Bolshevik rev­ By BEV PRYSTASH— COLD olution. The reception followed w-wrirsr -;y-..,’ Of the State News Staff the traditional Red Square pa­ >'B By DIANE CURNS cabins, John M. Patriarche, "I suggest talking to PTA rade, including a 21-minute Only a handful of students Of toe State News Staff City Manager, said: members about a safety patrol M»^ia a a ^ i3 jg s aiss showed up on the steps of the military show, Fraternities and sororities “I think we ought to re-ad- for the coming year until the Foreign^ attaches said they ••. .:■.: ' *■ p i j \ Union to demonstrate the re­ with signs in front of their vertise and try to sell the rest council- decides what to do •»;.^jí^‘-vÿ-;■'.j g-V'nÿ cent megaton explosions by noted only two new items in houses technically . could be of the cabins.” with Hagadorn Rd.” . Russia and the consequences of forced to remove them, re­ Patriarche also presented a Max R. Strother, however, the section given to weapons. atomic fallout. ported the East Lansing Plan­ skid resistance treatment re­ recommended that the City These included what appeared ig É illl - G e o r g e Demetrakopoulos. to be a short-range solid fuel ning Commission at the City port prepared by the State Manager investigate the liost Saginaw junior, organizer 'of Council meeting Monday night. Highway Dept, concerningsev- of relocating the Haslett traf­ rocket with a heavy undercar­ the protest, said that many stu­ A city ordinance restricts eral Grand River intersections. fic lights. riage, and an amphibious ve­ dents promised to show up, but any sign on a residential build­ Hie report calls for the re­ A recommendation on fall­ hicle slightly larger-than seen HEADLESS WONDERS—Mazowslte Dancer* brought their failed to do so. Hie demonstra­ ing to one square foot, accord­ surfacing of the intersections out shelters tabled from the here before. sparkling acrobatic* to the Uaiveroity Auditorium stage tion was limited to seven or ing to Mayor Gordon L. of U.S. 16 and M.A.C., Abbott. —last council meeting failed In his wide-ranging chgt with eight students. — newsmen, who pushed up to a Monday evening In a brilliant display at Eastern Eon* ptan folk dances. See additional pictures on pages 3 and t. Maay signs and placards H o lly w o o d ’ s Thomas. Haslett and Hagadom and to get off the table. “Thus,” he said, “a fratern­ that of Grand River and Har­ - Because of the attitude of barrier of tables separating Review on page I. —State News photo by Dave Jaehnig. were used in the demonstra­ ity or sorority could be made rison. the council, Thomas said: high-ranking guests from ¿he tion. One read, “A Christ­ W o r s t B la z e to remove their, signs. But this The Council failed to reach “I think it is foolish not to 4,000 persons in the top floor GraduateFriday mas Gift - 59 Megatons id Fallout, From Russia, With S t ill R a g in g LoveJ* Another sign had a isn’t likely.” a decision on this matter be­ discuss the matter. I think it The council instructed the cause of the .confusion in­ is negligent of the City Council cMy attorney, Raymond R. volving the road surfacing not to refer this matter to some Campbell, to draw itp an ordirn materials used on, U.S. 19. public group.” dining room of the new Krem­ lin auditorium, Khrushchev declared: drawing of a tombstone with LOS.ANGELES, Nov. 7 MB— “It is not good to push one this epitath, ’'Mankind, 0600 - Flames burned uncontrolled ance permitting the use of For experimental purposes The motion on the floor, how­ P e a c e C o rp s 199?, Tell the world that I over 10 miles of the-picture­ signs to front of houses. the. Highway If the ordinance Is passed, different materials on each Dept, is using ever, was killed. The council approved an ap­ another around” about Ber­ lin. He used the Russian word had the power to destroy my­ sque Santa Monica mountains “tolkat,” which has the sense self and I did.** fraternities lad sororities side of the road. plication from the Consumeis Tuesday threatening more will‘be to the saute class as The problem of school cross­ Power Co. to locate a regu­ of hurrying others along with­ Le a v e s N o v . 2 5 Other posters read, “We pro­ ruin to rich residential areas convalescent homes and hos­ ings to the Marble School dis­ lator pit for gas lines on the out at the same time involv­ ing too ranch antagonism. test the pollution of our vrlr,’’ already devastated. pitals with respect to the size trict caused some disagree­ southwest corner of Lake Lan­ ~ Appaoximately 30 p e a c e University jot Nigeria at Nsuk- "Hie trouble with your bad But winds calmed and au­ and location of signs. ^ ment among council members. sing and Hagadorn roads. ka. They will teach a variety of The Soviet Union, he said, corps workers will leave for breath Russia is, 41 lingers,” thorities said they hope for In other action the City Patriarche recommended re- It was also decided to re­ is not “superstitious;; about Nigeria Nov. 23 after complet­ academic and practical sub­ are many waw to containment during the night CtoPgfi discussed the Planning Inratto*: Mia fraffte light«, a t place three police -cars, two jects. Others tffl do r (march dates, whether the date is the ing an eight week training pro­ not uw atom, why must Ivan and eonttgR M M adayf’^ P l Commission’s- report On (he the Haslett-M-7*TttWSectlon to marked and one unmarked, to 13th or the 31st” bqt wifi not gram here and at die Gull Work. choose toe one to destroy man- The worst fire hi Southern purchaie and removal of nine alleviate the schtxn cresting Spend $8,564 to replace a rub­ wait iadeflnateiy for • solution. Lake extension center, near Dr. George If. Axinn. co­ kted?” California history has destroy­ log cabins to a local city park. problem. bish truck and $1,848 to replace Battle Creek. ordinator of the Nigeria pro­ ed at least 250 plush homes in One bid was received arid ap­ But since a reconstruction a dump truck. Khrushchev once' set Dec 31 The protest lasted about 45 the movie star-studded Bel- proved for the purchase of program for Hagadorn is slat­ In addition, the council ap­ for the signing of a German Part of the group, most of ject, said the training program minutes.-Demetrakopoulos said Air district whom are in their late 20's, includes an intensive study of and damaged un­ cabins two and three for $25 ed for the near future. Mrs. proved an estimate of $440,925 peace treaty but has since with­ that the proposed march to the counted others. Loss is estimat­ each.- drawn the deadline. will be graduate assistant in­ the geography, history and state capital was cancelled be­ Nan R. Darling made the tal­ for sewer lines to the White structors for two years at the politics of Africa and Nigeria. cause of the lack of student in­ edThousands at 915 million or more. In regards to the other seven lowing recommendation: Hills district. Khrushchev also denied re­ A good portion- of the terest and-participation. of men, including ports that three Soviet cosmo­ training time is spent in soldiers and trusted prisoners, nauts were killed in an abortive W agner studying the educational pro­ cess ami the differences be­ tween education in Nigeria He said be felt disheartened massed to combat new flare- when he thought of the huge ups in Bel-Air and a separate turnout for the spontaneous threat to its deluxe sister com­ J a c o b s o n T o D is c u s s Sputnik launching in October, or that launchings had been planned for the traditional ob­ pep rallies for the Notre munity, Pacific Palisades. servance Tuesday and (hiring W ins In and the United States, he -«aid. Dam* football game as com­ Two huge fires, which brbke pared to the low turnout for out about the same time yes­ P s y c h o lo g ic a l P r o b le m s the recent Soviet -Party Con­ gress. Trainees also study the Afri­ this demonstration. terday eight miles apart and “No matter how sure we are, N . Y . Vote can language Ibo, and receive training in health,-preventive ballooned overnight to more “There was some opposition! than 5,000 acres each, burned Dr. Eugene Jacobson, as­ In 1955, Jacobson joinéd the i-Arts and p r o f e s s o r of to the protest,’’ said Demetrak- j to within less than a mile of sistant^ dean of the College of staff as~ an associate professor psychology in March, 1960. certain risks arc involved, launching is not 100 per cent _ WASHINGTON tW-Demo- medicine and physical condi­ sure,” heoaid. “It would be too tioning. Axinn said. Many of opoulos. “it appeared to me each other. Science and Arts, will give the of psychology. From 1956 to In this position he serves as bad if we had to interrupt the crat Robert F. Wagner surged to an easy expected victory them have learned two of Ni­ that these students w e r e They threatened to join near final lecture to the Provost's 1960 he was a research associ­ assistant dean for internation­ Congress to go to a funeral.” geria's favorite sports—soccer agaftist disarmament, however! Pacific Palisades- and sweep Lectures. ate of the Labor and Industrial al programs and acting direct­ He added that there will be yesterday in New York City’s and tennis. this group dwindled within a down upon the small seaside He will speak Wednesday Relations Center. He took a or of the African language and vital mayoralty election. other launchings but none is Southward across the Hudson Dr. Donald L. Grummon, few moments.” community, w h i c h h a s afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Kiva leave of absence to serve as area center. He must also de­ planned in the immediate fu­ River, in New Jersey, the director ef to e MSU Univer­ Tuesday was tire anniversary hundreds of homes extending on psychological problems and chief of the division of applied velop international aspects of ture. political tide of battle swung sity of Nigeria Project and a of the Bolshevik Revolution in back into brushy canyons. how they relate to automation. social sciences of UNESCO in the program of the College of professor ef psychology, will Russia. Demektrakopoulos said Many in the Pacific Palisades Paris from 1957 to 1959. Science and Arts. _ When asked if the Soviet back 'and fourth between that the parades and speeches are ready* to move, and a few Union bad stopped its nuclear Democrat and Republican in spend a year With the peace Jacobson was an assistant He teaches industrial social the big gubernatorial show­ corps group in Nigeria. See MARCHERS page » had left, but there jwas no L e g is la tu r e program director in the sur­ psychology a n d research experiments, Khrushchev re- down-of 1W1. In charge of~the MSU train­ evacuation order. vey rtocarch center of the methods. See KHRUSHCHEV page f to prevent a repeat of yester­ N e e d s C h a n g e , at the Uuiveroity of Michigan author The main effort today was Institute for Social Research Wagner’s triumph over Re­ publican Loris J . Lefkowitz ing program is Dr. Eugene H. Jacobson. Other instructors N e h ru -JF K Jacobson has been editor and of numerous articles for day’s Bel-Air holocaust. There, and independent Lawrence E. Gcrosa was just what fel­ have participated in the train­ ing with government peace corps specialists. D is a g re e O n during a nightmarish six hours, C o n -C o n T o l d studied at the University ef “fire storms” roared down (1949-551. From 1952-53 he professional publications. He is editor of the first Inter­ Oslo. Norway on a FaUbright ' national Directory of Psycho­ Ec u a d o r low Democrats had predict­ brush-choked canyons lined N u c le a r B a n with homes, igniting them one A professor and a state scholarship. B y THF. ASSOCIATED P S K II ed. Still, Wagner captured his President John A. Hannah and U. S. Senator Philip A. Hart-will speak at the gradua­ by one. j labor leader agreed today that Jacobson earned the AB de­ logists (published in 1958 by the National Academy of Sciences, R e v o lt third four-year term by tion ceremony at 4 p.m. Fri­ WASHINGTON (91 — India’s | something is wrong with MichK gree at the University of National Research Council). nowhere near the KS.W vote margin he amassed in 1957. day in Kellogg Center. The ceremony is open to.toe public. Prime Minister Nehru and President Kennedy discussed major world problems Tuesday S m e lly F is h gan's legislature — and some­ California at Los Angelds in He is a member of the thing should be done about it. 1940. He received the MS de­ American Sociological society, Hie criticism was voiced be­ gree (1948) and the PhD de­ the American Psychological C ru s h e d A measure of Presidential Axinn said that Harvard and prestige rode on the outcdme. UCLA have also trained peace and were reported to have dis­ fore a constitutional conven­ gree (1951) at the University of Assn., the Society for the QUITO, Ecuador OB—Presi­ President Kennedy made a corps units tor work in Nigeria. agreed over how to achieve a ’ e re G u v ’ n o r ? tion committee studying the He became assistant dean of Psychological Study of Social dent Jose Maria Velasco Michigan. political sortie into New York nuclear test ban treaty and gen­ question of legislative organ­ Issues and Sigma Xi (science Ibarra, target of a mounting Groups from those universities the College of Science and research honorary». wave of antigovernment pro­ last week to give a friendly are teaching in Nigeria’s eral disarmament HULL, England U5—Four ization. The witnesses were hand -to Wagner. Former Informants said Nehru- held men bent over recently and Dr. James K. Pollock, a Uni­ tests and disorders, has aband­ secondary schools, he said. oned his office, informed President Harry S. Truman th at.* voluntary moratorium solemnly smelled each box of versity of Michigan political was on the firing line. too. on testing should be renewed fish landed by this port’s fleet science expert, and August A d e n a u e r E le c te d sources said last night. They said he has taken asylum in the The Republicans sent in their O/Wk A /K r ic a w o with the Soviet Union and that of trawlers. When it comes to Scholle, president of the Michi­ , Argentine embassy big political guns — former President Dwight D. Eisen­ O vU A C lV lS C T b this would not rule out an assessing the freshness of fish, gan AFL-CIO. ’ agreement on controls during it has been decided, automa­ Pollock, who is' a Republi­ B y 8 M a r g in V o le I The report followed an arm- , ed insurgent uprising smash­ hower and Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York.. A t t e n d T a lk s the moratorium period. tion is out—the nose knows can delegate at the convention, BONN, Germany GO—Konrad Adenauer’s only comment ed by government troops, us­ The United States view is best. told the committee that the Adenauer, at 85, was rejected was: “I am satisfied.” ing artillery under a decisive Rockefeller may claim some that a moratorium on testing “We smell fish," said team legislature wax • defective in­ Chancellor of West Germany It was his closest victory air co m ., and the arrest of comfort from Wagner’s trim­ O n G u id a n c e places restrain on open so­ leader Roy Spencer, “which strument of democratic govern­ Tuesday night by a margin so since be first became Chancel­ med down margin, as compar­ cieties sack as the 8ovtet Un­ range from the very fresh to ment which allowed too many small that ft bodes political lor by a single vote when West Ecuador’s rebellious vice presi­ dent, Carlos Arosemena. ed with four years ago, when Some 900 school counsel«« ion from preparing new tests. stinking. opportunities 1er selfish inter­ trouble ahead. 0 Germany was created a nation ed with four years ago, when he from throughout Michigan at­ Nuclear testing was one of “The sniffers you see in ac­ ests to operate. Informants said Velasco SchoHe told the committee Adenauer won his fourth in 1949. He is the only Chancel­ Ibarra informed Gen. Goa- sibtlitiesJor his reeiection next tended the annual conference the points of sharpest disagree­ tion will trato for three term in office when 258 of the lor the nation has known. zaio Villacisr director of toe year ana perhaps a bid for the of the Michigan Counselors As­ ment between India and the months. At the end. of that time that legislative reapportion­ 498 Bundestag (parliament) His small majority reflected National Military Academy, white House two years later. sociation, a department of the Uritod States before Nehru’s we hope that all wifi agree ment was by far the most im­ member* voted for him in a bud blood between the Christ­ Wagner Inched in front hi Michigan Education Associa­ arrival Monday on an official what a fish smells like when portant issue that will come secret hpltat. That meant he ian Democrats and the Con­ that he would submit Ms resigaatiea to Ms eubteet. the mot ntsona, then stead­ tion. held Tuesday* mid Wed­ visit, it is fresh, and what tt smells before the convention. had only eight votes to spare, servative Free Democrats ami The academy had sppialed ily buiM np A widening lend. nesday at Kellogg Center. Kennedy and Nehru confer­ Uke when it has passed its In answer to a question, be since a simple majority of 290 sonte apparent resentment to both toe prenMeat and By the time the eennt was The theme was “Guidance—A red 2Vi hours at the White prime." * declared that the AFL-CIO was' required to m et. Of the against him personally in both vice president leave office t o three-fourton ever, Lefke- Forward Look.” House during the morning. Pi­ The four smellers are on the would n si support any pro­ other Bundestag members. 209 parties. “for the feed of the coun­ wtts And Geres« had tossed Keynote speakers for the con­ erre Salinger, White House staff of the Humber Labora­ posed new csustitottou if it cast their bafiots against him. Hie vote is being interpreted try.” hi the towel. ference were: Dr. C. Gilbert pres* secretary, afterward said tory of the government's de­ neglected to after seme seiu- 29 abstained and 9 were absent. her« a« a sign real trouble may The informants' report cams Wrenn, professor of education­ they would hold an extra ses­ partment of scientific and in­ tien to the problem of fo- This meant Adenauer failed to lie ahead for the old Chancel­ after the-government-control­ - The count from 4334 of 4,765 al pathology. University of MS*- sion at 10 a.m. (ESTi Wed­ dustrial research. T$ta*y"ip»- apportlonnunt. get Si yrateo of th t SOS involved lor since he could be brought led Radio Nacional denied an election districts stood: nesota and ufT G, Hairrid Mc- nesday to continue the ex­ charged with seeing mat no Pollock, Whose strong views in ' the coaMtioo of his own down by t vote ef no-confid- earlier; report by a privately Wagner 1988870 CuUy, specialist la counseling change ef views. They had mUi fish sets oft from dockside to rinrimishr came as a shock to Christian Democratic Party ence if only a few more mem- owned station, that Velasco Lefkowitz 997625. — and guidance, Djyiskm of High- been scheduled to meet again retail market ft it it going to y- m the committee mem- and tbs minority Free Demo- bers of tim coalition went Ibarra would step down. Goman 290427. See ADVISORS page M until Thursday. aftak up the joint on arrival. See CON-CON page 19 «rata* See ECUADOR p « u * ÍÉÉ1 iiS S ü§ü SäT lis i’ 11».. I? aw mm ¡m V - .* n if ■mm it* i M mdk H nrtiU niversity Sharon Coatiy to half the man afoch a mao knows if he cannot Action Jp foaefotr hag. do. some good or mak* aome The resignation of Paul M iller leaves them as places fo r eating and sleeping This schaimriy observation by nae of that knowledge. ;. only. - i some unknown pttHosoptfer un ACTION DOES not aoopssar- a void in the University fchfeh is going to , canmly Mts the weak paint at ily mean physical results which be h ard to f i t In hto two short years as Classroom facilities in the halls, in­ maay of oar so-called inteiii- are visible to any » e . It can provost he has contributed much to the troduced late last year, is one of M iller’s , grati is Armed with a formid­ moan n bridge buBt fey an en­ ■development of MSU as a tru ly academic innovations. able « m y of facts and figures gineer, a patient saved by a and progressive university. .~ aad data sad ternies, they at­ doctor, a new food produced by THE RESIDENCE hall project is only tack tea world with their knowl­ a home economist. It caa mean He is a hard-headed id ealist He wants edge, parroting what the? have a teacher who pass» on the the best—not only fo r MSU and its stu­ one p art of the seven point program memorised and thinking they knowledge gained in the past dents b u t for higher education in general. which PreaMent-Mannah introduced last I are imprwriag the world. winter. M iller was one of the main form u- aad prepares young minds to Some da net even annoy oth­ think for themselves ip the fu­ He thinks not in term s of preparing a lators of the entire plan. ers with their knowledge; they ture. The» are obvious axam- student for a job but for life. The program was attacked by many | merely keep 11 hhldeo la some ples which occur to nearly ev­ educators throughout the United States foggy racé» of the mind, a file eryone as the result of an edu­ ~ “WE MUST develop the complete citi­ because it was too modern, too different cabinet for their own possible cation. " | ^ 7 .— zen,” he has said. from the traditional ideas of university future uae. _ ' But the results can be less Yet he approaches these lofty goals education. -1 THIS IS NOT what education black and white. They needn’t with ^dow n-to-earth practicality uncom­ M iller, however, is not tied to the past. to intended to do. A true educe be available for statisticians mon among real scholars. He lives in 1961 and has run the academic tioa is Intended to teach man and poll figures. They can be side- of the University to JH -«-,w ith the to think. It do» not teach man 1felt in a man who votes more His means of building an academic the solution, it teaches him how Intelligently because of his ft .community is rooted in reality. Instead of .Sixties. ' to solve a problem. It do» not knowledge. They can be seen in dream ing only of what might be, M iller “We must be adventuresome, experi- provide the example, it gives ( the couj^e who raise their chil- works for th at dream with what is actual­ mcntaL, fearless,” he has said. ! the principle. It teaches how to ]dren with more wisdom because ly before him.. _ think, not what to think about. j they put into action the infor­ Yet. we oftgn turn out per- they mation they have learned. And One of his favorite projects is creating, THIS WILLINGNESS to move for­ are felt in the man who ; sons who are content Jo bask a learning experience for students ward is one of the main reasons why Mil­ j in the sum total of their knowl­ produces theory. a new thought or 0 through better upe of residence halls. He ler is so popular with the student body. edge. One course plus one h as been working toward using the dorm­ He comes as close to being universally course equals x knowledge. The The total man must combine itories more completely, rather than using admired by students as any adminis­ j multiplier effect to unheard of. knowledge and action. Just as tra to r ever has. Ideally, four years of college the man who acts without thought or basis in fact is The students know th at this short man should produce men who regard worthless, with the fam iliar pipe is working for j a diploma » merely the tort boards his so is the man who C la u s e s - M p s t G o them—th a t their education is first and with which to garner a true ed­ not invest knowledge it in and does bettering his foremost in his mind. ucation. It has armed them with life. It do» no good to learn The Faculty Committee on Student Affairs the ability to collect other the names of the minor Rus­ has recommended to President Hannah that His intense .humility has kept this knowledge and information all members of the Greek system remove wisdom and g reat ability from turning which can benefit society. It sian man novelists. An educated roads them and applies discriminatory clauses by Sept. 1. to pompousnem and intellectual flag -j has given them the means with their lesson to his Hie. He does The move' is a step forward in the battle ^waving. He speaks quietly and ; which to put their knowledge not merely spout them in liter­ against bigotry. It represents one more group never quite believing he is as im portant into action. The action, then, "which is positively opposed to discrimination is the measure of a man’s ary conversations to impress as he really is. at a university where the emphasls is sup­ worth. It matters little how his intellectual friends. posedly on clearing one’s minds of such preju­ H is successor will have a hard time. dices.— The physical demands alone of being pro­ Those fraternities and sororities who fail to vost are enough to exhaust any man who is not completely dedicated to education. L e t te r s to th e E d i t o r comply will lose University recognition ac­ cording to the Committee’s recommendations. B ut the m an who follows M iller will have Only Hannah can grant an extension to tin to compete w ith his legacy of scholar­ time limit—and then only if he feels the Greek unit will remove the clauses in an acceptable ship and progressive thinking plus the likeable human qualities of the man him­ B ry a n H a ll M e n A n s w e r B a c k time. self. To the Editor:/ spect to our find band, but pus consider the MSU male and one closet, and to send let- setting and take no advantage AUSG HAD recommended a similar end to The men of Bryan Hall agree their erroneous assumption de­ student to be childish, imma- ■ters to students within com-! of the educational afnd cultural such clauses last spring. i with Miss Jackie and Miss tracts fromrthe-purpose of their tore and inconsiderate. After muting distance asking them j opportunities hare. Is it the _ If enacted, the proposal would have few ac­ C o m m u n is t G o a l I Pulick on the general idea ex­ letter. witnessing the display by stu- to live at home because of the \ class program, the money, the tual results since only a few fraternities have pressed in their letter to the In closing, let me offer some dents at the game, we think lack of space in the residence 1time, the age-gap, or what that discriminatory clauses. Miss Mabel Petersen, We would like to call attention to the follow­ i State News, i.e.. MSU has a worthy advice to these “girls” that a great nnmtw at the bails, it is time that the hous- j keeps wives from furthering assistant director of women’s division, said ing paragraphs excerpted from a speech to fine, hard-working marching —before one makes a public spectators now share that opin- ing policy be critically re- i their educations? If we know that no sororities have such provisions in their the United Nations General Assembly ' re­ band, and' tt ought to be ap­ i accusation, me should first ob­ ion. It’s up to you. men. Jf you evaluated _ the problem we could suggest constitutions. cently by British Foreign Secretary Lord preciated. However, we feel tain accurate and valid facts. want the title of a gentleman. However, this is more than , solutions . . . revamp the class These fraternities, if they do not withdraw Home; _ _ 7 that Bryan Hall has-been un­ William D Greer vou’ll have to earn it. But for a question of available facili-; program, cut the cost of class- “When one side advertises its intention to justly criticized in this article. ~ I the present 59 percent of the ties. Die basic issue is why the j es. schedule class» when bus- their clauses, will lose their charters at MSU, prohibiting them from fraternity status, rush­ ing and other advantages. It would effectively destroy the way of life of the other, then you cannot have true collective security.” Here is why: Thus j year the men of Bryan have far this Blames Irish women can’t be wrong. University has denied certain; bands could baby-sit, fit the Peggy Mossw rights to undergraduate wo-1 homework and speed of teach- men of 21 to 24 that they woukl ing to the wife’s time and keep kill a fraternity. “Let us suppose that each side puts 500 air­ used in the reason and good judgment To toe Editor display of the tremend- J#fc* °**y enjoy in any ordinary com- the classes exclusively open to Thus, the amount of actual good done by the planes into a bonfire and they are burned. {ous spirit that resides here. If Sportsmanship, as most ot # t _ i munity and in many other col-}wives. proposal is quite little. It affects at most two You can-inspect the bonfire but you cannot | you will recall the pep rally be- us' know, did not te w in any H iq c if ig r P r f i n p r leges’’ I resem^beingthougMi n 's Up yoU the wives, to fraternities and doesn’t actually stop any real inspect what is coming off thè supply lines Ltore the Stanford gamer you quantity at the Notre Dame].11“ 111» ofas irresponsible. This is the j ^ us amj the university know discrimination. It only makes it illegal to have from'the factory. How do you know that the | will remember that as soon as game. Hie worst display of this To the Editor only plausible basis I can think how you feel about further edu­ written laws prescribingjt. next day another 500 airplanes or even 1,000 i the shower of toilet paper was not. however, on the field Mary'Fisher advised the stu­ of for the approved housing 'C —■ airplanes are not going to replace those that started, the Bryan Hall banner during the four exciting quart­ dents of MSU to “grow up” be­ regulation. cation. If you think you’re in­ are burned?” ers^ I refer mainly to the fore making noise at movies Merrv Jo Gowdv terested or if you’d like to make OTHER C) AUSES exist in other- fraterni­ tcame down. Because of rumor­ ’spirited lads of Notre Dame Considering the quality of most it- easier for future student ties and sororities which are just as discrim­ “The nations ought to be able to combine to ed fights for the banner, it inatory but are hidden under subtle cloaks of respectability. ~ Some insist that every pledge be acceptable keep the peace. Why have they failed? Because stayed down! who ing the way of life of the other third, and .because game, I feel that there has ance. Certainly, we all admire poured a tunnel on the ami field ruining form one-third of the-world is dedicated to destroy Concerning the Notre Dame band’s woukl-be fine perform­ and in Europe, I feel more hiss-our -, gf ing the and movies booing is released very' much here in Wives Speak Up wives tion, Talk the to to improve their educa­ do something jbout it! your university, friends, write to come to our one-third of the world has elevated to the been a misunderstanding on a school’s spirit but couldn't order. To the Editor: -to all members throughout the country. The University s t u d e n t s are To set the record straight — meeting; and let’s get the ques­ southern chapters will naturally oppose Negro status of dogma the exploitation of civil strife the part of many people. Bryan the several dozen officers look- ____ _____ | _ __ tion out in the open. “What as a means to an end.” among the few groups in this Although some Hall men. wearing green cello- ing on have, at least, removed country who are uninhibited of our nucleus group of “wives does the University plan to do of the members pledges, eastern chapters will forbid Jewish pledges. „ “I didn’t invent that. Mr. President. It comes !phane hats, formed a tunnel this mass from the center of enough to assert an opinion for education" may be mem­ educationally for the student A clause similar to this is the one which- straight out of the published documents u f the jand welcomed the team onto the field? Even our most bitter demonstration Should bers of the organization. Spar­ wife?” - - caused the Phi Delta Theta chapter at Lake 81 Communist parties in the Moscow declara­ ]the field. This was done before rivals. U. of M., were quiet and through we try to stifle one of the few tan Wives, we are in no way Mrs. Leu Ritchie Forest College in Illinois to lose its national tion of last year. That is the threat to co­ the teams came on the field respectful while we joined in spontaneous, honest reactions connected with that group or standing. The group pledged a Jewish boy— and would not back down in the face of nation­ al opposition. existence — the exploitation wherever it is to be found. . . 7” of"civil strife for warm-up practice. This was singing our Alma Mater in Ann left in order that all may suf­ I the only time Bryan Hall men A lter the week before. fer through the boredom and We wish that Cyrus Eaton and others whose !or the Bryan Hall banner were Yes, thanks to those so call­ artificiality of an oftentime We are a few women - some x# ^ EdHor ST“ HusbandReplies Kow can a proposal to eliminate discrimi­ twisted thinking leads them to believe that on the field. (This includes ed “spirited lads,” the MSU tedious mode of entertainment? with college degrees and the we should yield to Khrushchev’s terms would half-time.) It was Notre Dame Marching Band was restricted 1 read, with fascination, your natory clauses erase this? ILcannot. The Fac­ who came on the field and and made to seem inadequate Martin Kreth others with 1 or 2 years of col­ article in the November 1, is­ ulty Committee on Student Affair’s proposal have these paragraphs framed and bung over B-414 EmnM« lege or high school diplomas — sue about will only get rid of clauses—not discrimination. their desks. Maybe . . . they would crate to spoiled Notre the Dame Alma ~ Mater. students Many were in front of a sell-out crowd. who want to see the university their lack ofSpartan culture wives and and. Intel-, realize that Khrushchev doesn’t want to live Those of us who support the * i • ; do something educationally lect. Hie.responsibilities of the peacefully with us . . . unless it serv» bis ALSO wearing green cello­ band know jusLhow good they A u liU S S lO IlS specifically geared to wives. university do not extend so far BUT THE PROPOSAL was needed and ne­ purpose;-he wants to destroy us. phane hats. It is my opinion are and the te e show they can In order for cessary. The committee had to makethis rec­ — Cleveland Plain Dealer that this confused many people, and do put on. My sympathies To the Editor: . _ the .. University ... ... . . into the home as to make, by ommendation just as Student Confess had and they thought that Bryan go to Dr. Falcone. Mr. Moffitt, Last week you published must be an interest to take any definite steps there attendance Hi a few buie to last spring. Similarly, President Hannah was involved in interrupting and Bli the band members. some questions from a Gerald among the wives. How can a ; tellectually cours». husband and wife in- must approve it If we hope to effectively fight j foe band show, Diane Radgin R. Margel about the admission group of approximately 10 equal, a n d culturally discrimination. j Bryan Hall has been instru­ of students to Michigan State women make their voices heard equal. Sciences announces that it has isolated the mental in support of Block We cannot condone organizations openly supporting discrimination. If we do, it appears that MSU itself supports such-an outrageous Ingredient of ragweed pollen which causes “S”, planned sneezing. We'could have told them all along— many other activities this year. it’s the tickle. pep rallies and Poll Correct To the Editor: University. Since Mr. Margel to S.M0? r How can these 10 Rate»er. the MSU wife, by apparently has no cotmectton arouse the Interest in and de­ foe correct use of a few hours with MSU and do» not have a sire for education in a number a week can find herself way These facts should indicate ahead of her husband in cul- policy. Chicago Daily News the men of Bryan have The conduct of the studerts listed your telephone, may I use large enough to influence action ture, columns for a reply’ ’ especially when he finds Thè committee’s recommendation, if ac­ plenty of spirit, and that they at the Indiana football game The questioner asked whether on the part of the University himself laden with special, nar- cepted by Hannah, will publicly make MSU an try to use good judgment in leads us to agree with those it is true that qualified Michi­ and Board of Trustees? row subjects. She would avoid open fighter against discrimination. The clause “I went on the wagon.” said the gentleman displaying tt. J#el . Heath coeds who question the.matur­ We don't know all the an­ tuition fees, regimented and will not eliminate discrimination here or any­ with the henna nose, “for a musical reason. h ity of MSU men. Several times admission gan residents have been denied swers but we’re trying to reach place else but it will show that one more pow­ I found out Tcouldn’t stay fit-« a fiddle by during the fame, the students never has been. to State. It is not. It the student wife and tell her untimely schedules, baby-sit­ erful force is fighting for the equal rights .getting tight as a drum.” — Grand Rapids of ail men. Press. Upholds Spirit ¡Ta the Editor at the south end of the field willing, it never The “stole the show” with their The questioner asked childish antics. TO the rest of er 47 per cent of the freshman will legislature of foe challenge awaiting her ting fees and text book costs. be. to force foe action of the Uni­ By. simply following tin basic wheth­ versity toward providing an courses as an outline, she could make use of the library's In a letter to the editor in the fans, tt was distracting and class is from the state of New educational program for the facilities, take home many jo u r November 1 issue, an er- disgusting. We wonder if those Vnpit it is nnt v.arK » iwr riudent wife. We shall be con- j otherwise-expensive books, per- roneous accusation was made students went to watch the York. It is not. Nearly » per her by letter to inform Juse them at her own IncUna- a corn­ ammM_ . nuhiu» i cent of the freshman clan is her of a proposed open discus­ tira and leisure and learn. attributing the cauif.of com­ motion daring halftime ei of. the sion with faculty rad univer- The point, thén. is selfstudy. Published-by the students of Michigan State University. Issued Notre Dame game to “the boys The matter at throwing toilet sity representatives. November j if discussion is necessary, the on class days Monday through Friday, during the fail, winter and of Bryan Hall.“ To th ej men” tissue has gone entirely toe far. “ from **** s,? _. . „ 28. 7 30 p.m. at Kellogg m Ceo-j i husband or friends may be spring quartan. Issued twice, weekly during the summer term. of Bryan Hall this accusation It’s te e to yell and cheer forj for ™ . lor ! glad to help and show off a c tll w-Faa^^Cwran % ^Ra j Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. was a discredit to the fine the team, bat when the stu­ At this meeting wre’re hoping little of their own knowl _ tradition of spirit which is dents must resort to to that that sort sòrti Adateèia» aad WrhslanMps to thresh eat the diffiatitiM too. If the husband is hot E<1!torirt business offices at 341 Student Services building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable In advance for one term, H; for two terms, |4; for three terms, $6. fast becoming synonymous of thing, it to time to question with Bryan HaS. —— their common sense and re­ We at Bryan are a “highly spect for others. We saw sev­ sev- Congratulations that the University represen-1 forested, why go ahead? He is tativ» may eee in ear planned ¡most likely best left in the program, gauge foe taterest of j specialty in which he Is lost Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Associate» spirited group” and conduct eral people who were struck striRk by To the Editor the wiv» from the number at- ^without you disturbing him and the Collage press. our emotions of spirit in a an indiscriminately thrown rol’ ""r. Congratulations on your ser­ tending aad their comments- with your prattling atm nag- proper manner. The actual of tissue. Perhaps if the ones ies of editorials on foe bousiag aad te d sot why foe present of-1 ging abut culture, intellect, E dit» Marcia Vaa Ne» Editorial Editor . Sharon Coady cause of the aforementioned responsible were on the receiv­ problem. ^The The second of the ser- ser­ ferhags of the regular Unives- broader horisras rad the like. Managing Editor. Ben te n s Feature E rti» ...Cart Ruadrtl commotion must be accredited ing rad of -time passes, they ies gives one of foe the most rea- sity work or night school Stay home, MSU wiv« and meat rea­ Business Mgr.. .Larry Pontius Women’s Editor Sally Ward to another dormitory in the would realize how painful and sonable discussions of the sub- sub­ doesn't serai ta he foe answer mothers! Cqre for the kids aad Circulation Mgr Bill Mantelli Brady group. annoying it to, sad stop their ject I have read hi a long time. to interest wiv« in education. keep your-fprt-tim* irti, Your City Editor,......™. Bill Cate Sports Editor Jerry Fischer The “girts” who wrote this foolish play. When the University to forced It’s a great waste if women: husband win most likely love News Editor....— Jay Ettwlcfc Photo Editor__ Davo Jasbaig letter were Justified in stadag A recent pod showed that the tit put throe girts m tiny third 4 years » sometimw you the more for it a^Jerilp atcoeds on tNto cam- Osar n a s i with aaa drsraar trapped la « Uaivantiyi Univentivi En Berma» Ezra sMÉlÉ Wednesday, Morning, November 8, 1961 ’•'7-a'i - . .. **>i.'■Wiw.'.A'jiiVt Auditorium of the M ule Build- YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS D a n c e r s P e r f o r m CollegeProblems Tba panel will include Dr. fflfflam Roe of MSU, mod­ FacingCon-Con erator; Alvin Bentley of Owos- son, chairman of foe constitu­ "Problems of Higher Educa­ tional convention education tion Facing foe Constitutional committee; Miss Adelaide Hart Convention” will be the topic of Detroit and Dr. Charles Aas- pach, President Emeritus of of a panel discussion of foe Central Michigan University, MSU district during foe meet­ vice chairman of the constitu­ ing of foe Michigan Association tional convention education far Higher Education. committee. Hie meeting will be held en AH faculty members are in­ Nov. 21 at 7:36 p.m. in the vited to attend. RETURN Senior Proofs Deadline Extended 1 BLOCK E A ST O F CAM PUS OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A M . F R I. & SAT. - ~ ALSO AT Until Friday, November 1 0 2120 N. LARCH US 27 A 4700 S. CEDAR US J27 ACROBATICS—Experience and the Polish zest for living was apparent when the Mazowsze Dancers thrilled the capacity audience at University Anditorinm Mon­ day evening. The dances ranged from flashing folk dances to accentuated versions of “Red River Valley” and “Bine Tall Fly.” Over UN costames from Eastern European villages brought thunderous applause from the appreciative audience. —State News photos by Dave Jaehnig. TV VIOLENCE? * Michigan Si ' lSL; In M arC jgw eating their way to the end of tbrir flocks. Telecast The third type, estimated at 4,000 of the 9.000 in Thakkhola See TRIBES page 6 In Classroom T r ib e s Fa c e H u n g e r ]- Tbe Sycamore Elementary leaders can see how the air' '">1 School in Holt will participate borne instructional system is Editor's Note—Here to a dis­ to bring food into Thakkola throe miles high and Within 15 in an open house Nov. for being used in the schools and patch Irani me of tbe mast re­ from the south to feed the miles of the Twetaa border. parents, teachers, school board what It offers American educa­ mote regteas la the towM. A Tibetan refugees. 8mm refugees brought lit­ members and others interested tion.” csnrespspdMd whe wants to Three categories of Tibetan«, tle with them. They i t M t in the Midwest Program on The “flying classroom,” an Bad sat what’s delag sa part can be seen camping around door to (ta r beggars. Airborne Television Instruction aircraft hovering at 23.Q6C feet •f the Tlbet-Nepal frontier Tukucha, Jomosom, Kacbeni, H md titore are nomads who (MPATI). over Montpelier, Ind., has bsen can’t drive in, fly to er even Muktinath and other villages look as prosperous as probably All schools in the, six-state transmitting 16 courses of In­ rida a horse. He mast ase feat of Thakkhola—an area up to they ever did in Tibet but who area participating in the “fly­ struction to schools in tbe Mid­ p a w a r . AP c« ing classroom” program have west for five bonis a day, Mon­ Henry S. Bradsber walked hi been requested to open- their day through Thursday, rince tin» area tor 16 days and than TV-equipped classrooms to the early September public for a special open-house The open-bouse pro) telecast from the aircraft see samples of the wifi arne les- brought this dispatch not to tta nearest cahtohand, at Katmaada, Nepal. MSU SHOE REPAIR SINCAPITALIF TK VEST? AVans bn din ramPASTOR HAILSSTRIPSHOWS, h i no­ transmitters from 8 p.m. to 9:351sons the children have been re* TUKUCHA, behind the Hima­ Shoes DYED & TINTED body blinked. In (act «ton p.m. TuesdayrNov. 14. j liv in g There will also be an mi Vacas was MM a town of layas in Nepil Uh—Chinese “ iTn. gta and din,” leca! Sycamore Elementary School "on-screen demonstration of how DOGGY WITH A SULKY—Greta, nine-year-old Dachshund, communists are draining food To Match Any boosters win overjoyed. 4» will hold its open house in the ¿¡¡e airborne lessons are util gets around with the aid of a contraption that looks like supplies from the high Hima­ Color Dress les Vejes reetiy as wild as school’s multipurpose room, re­ ized by the teacher in the class­ a sulky used in harness racing. The pet of Mr. and Mrs. layan valleys of Nepal, As a «My say? Read ”HowWicked ports Dr. James L. Page of room and a presentation of George C. Doherty of Jacksonville, Fla., was paralyzed result thousands of 111x 1011 New Heels & Soles feVejas?”latbisweek'sPast tbe Audio-Visual Center who is plans for continuing MPATI rwi in hind legs seven yean ago. —AP Wirephoto. refugees in Nepal face acute Take only a few minutes. *. coordinator of MPATI for the on a permanent basis. hunger tills winter. P O N T MSU are». . In the last year the Chinese While You Wait Dr. John E. Ivey, Jr., MPATI in Tibet have more than doub­ president, said, “This saay be Zeta Beta Tan won the 1980- the first of several aacarinns 61 Fraternity Intramural Bowl- S ta te A id s B r a z il led tiie prices they pay for wheat, clothes and grain from in which parents, teachers, toumament with a total of the Thakkhola area of Nepal. boards of education and civic pins. The- first business journal use of sound managerial prac­ As published in South America tices, method and techniques, ed ahere result, grain that is need­ is being carried north was recently Issued in Brazil as well as of relevant theor­ by the Sao Paulo School of ies; and encourage research on mules, yaks and goats. Business Administration with la and by business,” Reed There is no famine in Thak-j FOREIGN CAR OWNERS tbe help of a state professor. said. khola yet, - tion is becoming The Portuguese language The purpose of the new' for many of the 9,000 Tibetan but the food situa­ more critical journal is me of the results of quarterly is to provide an out­ refugees as winter snows be­ cooperation between MSU and let for business research gin to sweep in. New Equipment Has Just Been Installed Brazilian professors in estab­ studies by Brazilian and MSU Thakkhola is an area of lishing the Sao Paulo school. professors at tne Brazilian Nepal 125 miles northwest of To Accommodate Your Car At Dr. Vergil D. Reed, professor school. The journal will also Katmandu. It consists of the of marketing in the MSU grad­ publish articles by Brazilian upper reaches of tbe Kali uate school of Business Admin­ business and government lead­ Gandak River. The area runs istration, was technical con­ ers concerning business prob­ north from the world’s deep­ Frandor Auto Wash sultant for the journal, Revista lems. est river gorge,'Between the De Admlnistracao De Empres- Dr. Arthur E. Warner, direc­ Dhaulagiri ami Anapurna by - - - as. tor of doctoral programs in Mountains, to the Mastang Frandor Shopping Center — Daily 8-6, Sun. 8:30-2 “The journal should pro* Business Administration, said area of Nepal, projecting Into mote the understanding and that business, research is an western Tibet. entirely new business educa­ Thakkohla traditionally has tion concept in South America. been one of the main trade Warner, who aided in orga­ routes between Nepal and Tibet nizing and developing a re­ despite'the arduous approach search program at the Sao The gorge between the 26,000- S H E P A R D ’S . . Paulo school, said : — foot mountains can be travers­ _ “Publication of the journal ed only by humans. The trail XrA i reflects significant progress is too difficult even for the ' !i which has been made to aid sure-footed mountain mules -a new group the economy of Brazil through that carry freight in other parts the cooperative efforts of State of the Himalayas. In the gorge, men are the beasts of burden. Sheltie Mist classics International Cooperative Ad­ To the north, animals cross Invites You To ministration, the Getulio Var­ a 15,0(XFToot pass -into Tibet, in all these colors gas Foundation and the Bra­ making trade that way easier and giving Thakkhola a natural w a r m u p .w i t h zilian government,” orientation toward Che roof of the world: 7 .9 5 ► - alaskans NotedColumnist The nearest commercial air­ field is at Pkhara^ five days’ Flax J . White ToGiveTalk difficult trek away. The near­ est road is twice that far. Alice Blue On“Overkill” Little patches of agricul­ tural land, where glacial j water irrigates the crops, en­ Sunflower alaskans by The second In the series, able Thakkhola to feed Itself. "The Age of Overkill” will be It could feed the refugees al- | heard Over WKAR-FM Satur­ so If the produce was left I Marine Blue Apricot day at 7:30 p.m. here. Spring Green In the opinion of a Buddhist j Max Lerner, columnist for Lama in Tukucha, trade center Navy the New York Post and a na­ of the area, the Chinese are | ~Black O P CO U RSE tional syndicate, is the featur­ deliberately paying high prices ! ed commentator for the ser­ to create hardship for Tibetans who have fled here. Crops in ies. This Saturday he will dis­ Tibet reportedly have been j cuss “The Delicate Balance of adequate, although there i s 1 Matching Skirts Lansing Terror.” some hunger in the area of East Lansing from $8.95 up Lemer is also author of the Tibet eastT of here as the re­ book “Beyond the Power to sult of Chinese export of grain In Stock Colors central China. Principal—The Age of Over­ Whatever the reason, the In­ kill.” ternational Red Cross has had Black Glove, Otter Glove Logan Green Glove, Grey Shag HER SECRET® Olive Green Shag, Fawn Shag HEMNTS Is BULGING _~ Red Glove Al the Seams With FIGURE ADDITION with PARTS and Q New, high rounded profile in a fully padded bra th at gives a ACCESSORIES 0 beautiful natural plus to minus figures. Featherweight synthetic Joans p ad s—the lightest you've ever New & Used felt —add proportioned balance From Late Model Wrecked Cars. _ — to make the most of you. _ Over 600 Cars To Choose From. 0 stay There! knitted elastic back provides snug, secure fit and eliminates cutting, binding and ALL Makes, Models Q riding up. H er S e c re t Stay There! is in sparkling white broadcloth with See Vs and Save dainty shell edging. New stitch- O PEN TO N IG H T U N T IL 9 less self-fabric straps with ring MOTORS, TRANSMISSIONS, and slide for easy adjustment. REAR ENDS, Etc. Bra style 1623' White; A. B 32-36 3 .9 5 Dissents Ts All Uahrersity Personae! (East Lansing Store O nly) t LANSING EAST LOSING COME VISIT OUR NEW 325 SOUTH ACROSS ~ROM FOUNDATION DEPT. East Lansing WASHINGTON HOME EC LOIS COMSTOCK, MGR. \ ■H M W Ë Ê SB m PB» Me m i f , Norq abcr 8» 1961 State New«» Eaat Lansing, M i Proposes Parks Campus Classifieds M M U H U M ftU e n t B u re a u S e n a t o r H a r t B o o s ts Interviewing at the Place- duct*, lac. interviewing elect meat Bureau Monday. Addi- rical engineers »«h physics Lampbere Public Schools in­ M ic h ig a n V a c a t io n la n d s tiooal farferaatk o in the Piece- majors, meat to g a ? Jtotllrgn for the Brunswtek Brunswick Carp. lotervtew< terviewing for second, fourth grades, Interview­ High Girl’selementary music, Jr., Phys. Ed , Dec. *• ing accounting majors Dec., grads. BY PRANK LES8 ITER ment of plans ta preserve and creasing tourist and recreation MMvepeUtaa UN las. Ce. in* March and June grads; mark mark­ Of «he State News Staff protect the natural as features of income. tervtewtng all majors in the eting major»— majors-Dec. Dec. and March A vacation tour of Michigan its recreation advantages. the area, while capitalising on Rising p i M o n l income, more leisure time, and an ex* Coitegeg of Buttooig and Public grads; product Service, Science and Arts, and tion majors ion adzntidstra- production administra­ majoys — Dec. and March VeterinaryDept Don’t Looklike An unexcelled by that of no otber The Park Service plans to la* panding population, show toe 'state can be possible within the vest some MS million in capit­ nood for more recreation areas Communication Arts; Dec. and grads; mechanical and chem­ gratis. March grads. ical Engineers also. chem Presents Danish next ten years, said Senator al during die first five years. in the future, he mid. Philip A. Hart Saturday. Hart in f . He added that op­ Hurt said that Michigan can erating coats for the park are expect to face keen and tough U. | Secret Service inter­ - Union Carbide Chemicals Ce. viewing Police Administration; interviewing chemical, mech­ Dec. grads. anical, electrical and metal­ Professor’s Talk OldShoe. Let Louis "What ether state has the estimated at about $300,000 competition for the tourist dol­ potential of offering three per year. national shoreline recreation Hart said it has been esti lar m the future. Wisconsin has Just authoriz­ Warren Wends Public Schools lurgical engineers and chem­ A lecture on “Climatic En­ interviewing for S e c o n d ical majors, Grade; Dec. grads. vironment and Pig Perform­ The Bcndix Corp. interview­ ance” will be presented at 7:30 SpruceUpYour areas, . . . a national park at mated that approximately 1.2 ed a $90 million state resource Isle Royals, and a beautiful perk million persons would visit the development plan with emphas­ each year. This should state wilderness area at Por­ add about flM million to toe is oo recreation, ho said. Central Intelligence Agency ing electrical and mechanical Thursday in 11$ Physics-Math interviewing economics, eco­ engineers; physics, math and by Dr. Johannes Moustgaard. nomic history, economic Geo­ electronics majors. He is professor and director Clothes. cupine Mountains,” Hart asked. yearly income of the region, "To too north in Canada, the graphy, international trade, Westinghoese Electric Corp. of the department of physiol­ speed of development of pork financial administration, and interviewing electrical and ogy, Endocrinology and Blood Hart spoke to members of the he said. Michigan Hotel Association at No one has suggested that the and use camping facilities in agricultural economics maj­ mechanical engineers. Grouping of the Royal Veter­ [Great Lakes Steel Corp., di­ inary and Agriculture College.! Cleaner and ors; March and June grads. their annual meeting held at Sleeping Bear Dunes be de­ vides dramatic of Province Ontario pro­ The Durtron Ce., Inc. inter­ vision of national steel corp. Copenhagen. Denmark the Jack Tar Hotel in Lansing. veloped as a traditional na­ competition wo face,” heofsaid evidence the viewing metallurgical a n d interviewing chemical, elec­ The lecture will be presented Shirt Landry '‘What Michigan has to offer tional park, Hart said. I He said that in 1955, Ontario mechanical engineers trical, mechanical and metal­ | by the College of Veterinary runs the full list of outdoor re*| It is not proposed to bull- had six provincial parks, while Industrial Research Pro- lurgical engineers. \ Medicine. The public u invited: crestion drawing cards: beSUt-1 doze existing homes or turn today thera are 100. Estimates iful shorelines, fine hunting, j thi« area back into a wilder- have shown that the numb»’ excellent fishing, unexcelled j ness,” Hart said. ‘‘Hie objec- of persons using these parks vistas over inland lakes, andjtive is to keep its present ad- each year has increased by quiet and natural beauty un- vantages for future generate five million within the past Giant Size, Castoni Finished, fall Color excelled In this pa^t of the;ions.” three years, ho said. country,” he said. ) | ^ 77,00a acres in-toe Camping sites on the north­ He said these are assets to j proposed area, be said. Of this, ern shore of Lake Superior Michigan today, but may not; 75 per cent is in forest land and have more than doubled since be when our children and «♦«««» ■«.y and scores of others, including colorful that God is man’s Mind—his. buflteH prints Japanese prmts, many more only Mind—from which ema­ nates all the intelligence he needs, when and as he needs it. Science and Health, the text­ book of Christian Science, may be read or examined, together Welcome S T A T I O N E R Y S A L E with the Bible, in an atmos­ phere of quiet and peace, at any C hristian Science Reading Room. Information about Sci­ Farm Bureau CLEARA N CE on all “ ence and Health may also be ob­ Make The Union Year Nome Montag - Eatons tained on campus through the Away from Home — Enjoy all of our _ PAL C A R S IN S U R E D W IT H Christian Science fine facilities — We’re glad you’re here 5 0 % « f f ST A T E F A R M W O U L D R E A C H F R O M n e w Y o r k t o S in g a p o r e \ Organization at f T h it 'e 5 J4 m i l l i o n c e r e — e l l p r o t e c t e d b y S t a t e F a r m ' s " H o m o - " f t o w n S o r v ic # w h e r e v e r y o u d r iv e . " A n d y o u g e t t h is s e r v ic e a t • re c k -b e tto m ro te s , b e c a u s e S ta te F a rm tim e to in s u r e o n ly Michigan State University Y O U ’ L L F I N D I T A T T H E i c a r e f u l d r iv e r s . C a n y o u q u a lif y ? F o u r o u t o f f iv e d r iv e r s c a n . . [ A s k a b o u t it to d a y . _P. O. Box 144 STAN WILKINSON Elast Lansing WILLIAM MITCHELL 782 ABBOTT ROAD, EAST LANSING ED 2-4738 ED 24123 Meeting Time 7 p.m. Taesday U N IO N BOOK STO RE MÍSTATE FARM MUTUAL COMPANY AUTOMOtlLf insurance Meeting Place Now - Sell Your Used Books at th e UNION BOOK STORE - Anytime r HOMEOFFICE: B100MIK5T0N. ILLINOIS Rooms 34 - IS Latee filili pppl PPPI pp ÎÂ É p f IS HHHÍBIBIBíb ssfell .W ednesday M orning, Norntohrr 8 , 1961 JAF f H M ichigan S iale N ew y E f Laántng, r Stp Bs B f t but ttib Nepali government es­ I T r ib e s timate« 8,0» ♦J M » - 5 Lecture {CiÉMM ftW M I » pited wMfc a sarile, “Wc sta* (continued from page 4) and nearby valleys, a n well i t . T M k k b sJl a . i m 1| dfedTthat the w g to ad bet te tte M f» # «*~- - j i*t fud, well clothed aad obvious­ Problem s at i t e H On M l we R e ■ ¡¡¡gjl ly well financed Khampas — tribesmen of eastern Tibet who . almost Ua _ _ the Chtoese and the last year.. Khrushchev toM the party first raised the banner of re­ D iscussed congress on O ct 17 the current tests apparently would end ■ ; Tv) volt against the Chinese. They a n tough fighters but no evi­ At the head of the Thakkhola region on the Meek Tibetan By BILL STEINER the last «> October, hot several more bombs have hem ex­ S i dence of weapons is seen border the Chinese shot up a Nepali patrol in June 1M0,' Sefeace E U sr __t among those on the trails killing one man. The border ploded since then. hen. Lectures are the poorest Khrushchev said Russia does has been quiet since then and form of communication; con­ The Nepali government does a treaty defining it was signed not plan to shoot off any mere not recognize the Khampas versation the best, according 50-megaton bombs. a few weeks ago. to Df. Fremont-Smith. director and Nomads as refugees but He told the reporters that the Red Cross counts them. Re­ of the InterdiscipUnary Con­ what is to he done with former ference Program of the Ameri­ presentatives of the exiled foreign minister V.M. Molotov Dalai Lama in India say then can Institution of Biological Science/ Fremont-Smith, an expert In the field of communication as *— “is of no practical importance.** “We haven’t decided,’* he said. In his toast, Khrushchev ad­ a n 22,000 refugees in Nepal two American folk songs, “Red i River Valley” and “Skip To Polachek's well as medicine, was speaking Fabrics mitted the harm of nuclear My- Lu” was particularly ap­ at the third annual Yates lec­ tests in the atmosphere in these pealing for the audience. ture here Monday. words: AS ONE observer remarked,; He spoke chiefly of his work “Yes, science has found the whole performance was, in trying to improve communica­ tion at conferences. that they a n harmfml to Hi a word, “snappy.” 427 E. GRAND RIVER “One learns little in the health. Bat the use of nuclear “Mazowsze”, n d e r the actual conference lectures,’’ he weapons hi war is millions of sponsorship of S. Hurok, is on said. “Most knowledge Is gain­ times m an dangerous, not its first tour of North America. PHONE ED 2-0861 only to the health hut also to MAZOWSKE DAN< It will perform in 25 cities and ed during conversation in the —State News photo by Dave Jaehnig on Broadway. corridors, rooms and bar.” the very life of people. Aad Fremont-Smith said they are It is dear that these weapons trying to reverse this pro­ are produced aet to be stock- KINGSTON TRIO cedure. “We stop the speaker from Some leaders abroad,” he sounding like a lecturer by al said, “rebuke us that the So­ C h a rm F ills A u d lowing him a greater amount viet Union decided to hold nu The enchantment and charm Polish folk songs were com­ Kingston Trio Opens of time for his material,” he clear weapons tests.” of old Polish folk dances and plemented by the superb vocal said. “We also allow inter­ Complete and universal dis­ songs filled the auditorium air technique of the singers. ruptions whenever anyone armament is the answer, he Monday as Poland’s premiere The “Mazowsze’s,” own sym- dance company, “Mazowsze,” phany orchestra ably accom­ In Lansing Tonight wishes to make a comment.” declared. “This way 1 mood of con­ His statement to newsmen played a one-night stand be­ panied the performers and set versational interplay is set,” that the Soviet Union is ready fore an enthusiastic audience. many a foot tapping. to stop testing when others do Brilliant choreography was ALTHOUGH THE group fea­ By ÇURT RUNDKLL Lansing two ..par« aeo will * I continued. Fremont-Smith went on to was a repetition of the Krem­ certainly the watchword of the tured a few talented soloists, State News Feature Editor notice a difference in their ap- explain t h a t conversation lin’s argument that the West is evening. The dancers perform­ it' was the precisiotr of the Lovers of folk music are in! pearance. It has been revamp- works on a feedback concept. to blame for resumption of nu­ ed the difficult routines with whole company, performing as for a treat tonight as the King- j ed.~ One can tell by the reaction clear tests, even though the gqsto and spirit, stilJLmanaging one coordinated unit, that ston Trio opens for a one night Replacing the _talL blond and comments of his listener if torium Soviet Union broke the mora­ to look as if they were having charmed the nearly full house. he is getting his point across. Sept. I and is the only as much fun as the audience. The 1,000 colorful costumes stand at the Civic Center at 8 Dave Guard is John Stewart, country now conducting tests The musical ability of the brought by “Mazowsze” from p.m. '~- formerly with the Cumberland “This differs considerably from the lecture,” he said. :n the atmosphere. 100 young performers was also Warsaw highlighted the spark­ Those who saw the Trio in Three. Stewart is no, newcomer to “Here the speaker speaks at He defined nuclear tests in apparent in the vocal numbers. ling performance. his audience rather than to it.” the atmosphere in comparison The wisdom and gaiety of the The group’s adaptation of the Trio though. He is respon­ Fremont-Smith also com­ with underground tests such as B io p h y s ic s sible for two of their most pop­ mented on the introduction of those conducted by the United ular arrangements, “Molly what he called “free floating States. D e p a r t m e n t - Dee.” and “Green Grasses.” security” into a group. He ex­ Following that assignment, plained this meant the choos­ cheaper and better,” he said, “Atmospheric tests : are PLAYBOY he has done arrangements for ing the right approach coupled “we de not conduct under­ O r g a n iz e d The Dmelighters and Jimmy with the right words and ground tests la order to keep Special Student Rates Rodgers. phrases so as not to arouse them secret.” 3.50 for 8 months Michigan State is moving in-1 Nothing e]se about the Trio ¿¿^'prejudices or antagonistic Nothjng else American correspondents re­ to the increasingly important has changed, though. Re-¡feelings within the group, minded Mm that Russian and 5:00 for 12 months field of biophysics, reports Dr. maining Q{ ^je original group j “Using this approach along otter foreign 'Observers had Herman L. King, director o r are Bob Shane - -— and” Nick• -Rey- *¡ w i t h ’ t h e “ conversational been invited to *witness the Contact Your Campus Representative MSU’s Division of Biological nolds. | method,” he continued, "“not American tests. ~ Ray Olson • 428 Grove • E ast Lansing Sciences. Shane—has been -interested Qply can areas of agreement be “We were invited race and While at least 20 MSU staff in the entertainment world ever | reached, but more important, we turned it down. We are not " O r Call 332-4606 A fter 7;Q0 p.m. members representing 14 de­ since his high school days. It j are®* °f, disagreement are interested in underground tests, partments -and three cclleges was during this time that he clarified. anyway, there are no secrets.” have been doing biophysical met ex-trio member Guard and Fremont-Smith emphasized Returning lite r to the ques­ or closely related research, the the two-began toying with the the fact that more and more, tion of launching sputniks, university has not had an or­ idea of forming a group. _ effective communication is be­ Khrushchev said 'mere was a ganised program in this field, From this meeting, with the coming a problem. report that the Soviet Union he explained. addition of Reynolds, sprang “Not wily in this small planned to launch a sputnik However, effective Oct. 1,-the the foundation for the most pop­ area”, he said, “hut in every during the Congress, and that university will have the serv­ ular singing group in the coun­ area of human endeavor.” it planned to launch one to ices of Dr. Barnett Rosenberg, try. commemorate the revolution who has bedn actively engaged date Tuesday. He said there uOuophysics research for sev­ Reynolds met the two while L o w O n G o o d was no basis for these reports e r a l years. attending Menlo college, where No matter bow sure we are He will be joined July 1, 1962 he was studying hotel manage­ T e a c h e r s certain risks are involved,” by Dr. Leroy G. Augenstine. ment. From that time on the he said. “Launching is not 100 who has also been active in the Kingston Trio was a reality WASHINGTON UB— Dr. Ster per cent sure.” GRAND RIVER AT (MM.TQD ROAR, OKEMOS field. and not just a dream. He added with a grin, "we Contributing heavily to the ling McMurrin, U.S. Commiss­ Together they will make up ioner of Education, said recent­ had rockets during the con­ DAILY i A. M« TO 9 Pa Ma (Closed Sunday) die nucleus for an organized Trio’s success have been such ly that American schools do gress. The Congress itself was hits_as, “Molly Dee,” “They’re program in biophysics. Ro­ not have enough “topflight a rocket Why should we repeat senberg will be an associate Rioting In Africa,” “Green highly trained teachers.” one over another.” i r i a SCHMIDT’S DELICATESSEN DEPT. professor and Augenstine, a Grasses” and “Tom Dooley.*!. Of course there win be more professor and program di­ “I would not suggest for a launching«,” This is the second appear­ moment that we dqjqot have rector, in the Division of Bio­ ance the Trio has made in Lan­ a large number of teachers of “but we are not preparing any­ Khrushchev said, G ro u n d B e e t FAMOUS J ! ) QUALITY ^ FRESH BAKED APPLE PIES e a c h T / IQ c logical Sciences. sing. The last was so tremen­ the finest caliber,” he said, thing in the immediate future.” “ Biophysics, the use of the dously successful that they in­ but we do not have enough , Schmidt’s Pure Pork Sausage , 3 lbs $1.00 LEON’S HOMEMADE U /E f cluded the town on this trip and I think this is tiie largest DECKED-OUT BRIDEGROOM CRANBERRY A 41« principles and equipment and Farmer Feet’s Slab Baeon, any size piece lb 39c knowledge of the physicist to which has taken them to Detroit single shortcoming in Aroeri and Grand Rapids. _ SAN DIEGO, Cafif. (I* — A RELISH — n, 4 9 ' solve the problems of the bi­ can education.” group of Navy wives pooled Herrad’s A ll Beef Skinless Franks - 1 lb cello pkg 59c ologist, is growing rapidly and In Detroit they appeared at Providing these teachers. Me- money to buy n leather case has. already made » number of I the new Cobo Hall in a show Murrin said, “is the major which held 15 decks of playing Herrud’s Thick Sliced Large Bologna 1 lb pkg 59e . a I I ___1J t r : _— C k aA ai« « cards and scoreboards, to he scientific advances,” said King. that Included George Shearing, challenge that we face today M ild T o lb y Cheese lb 49c Among the biophysics re­ the jazz pianist. in American education.” used at their monthly card DEER HUNTER SPECIALS search projects already at the Appearing with the Trio is McMurrin spoke on a re­ party at Admiral Kidd Officers university is a new study "by Dave “Buck” Wheat, who corded radio program (CBS Chib. ARMOUR’S STAR READY-TO-EAT READ LIBBY’S BEEF STEW Dr. Donald J. Montgomery, plays the bass and is also an Whats This Issue?”) in a sa At one meeting, they found a LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI professor of physics, on the ef­ accomplished jazz guitarist. lute to National Education leather case full of men’s Full Shank AND MEAT BALLS fects of magnetism on biologi- He~has traveled with the Trio Week, Nov. M l. The program clothes. Seems an officer had cah processes. It is supported ever since he first met them is sponsored by the U.S. Cham left for his honeymoon—with H A M H alf ib 3 9 ‘ LIBBY’S CHIU CON CARNE by a National Institutes of at the Hungry^ i in San Fran­ her of Commerce. the wrong valice. Whole Hams 12 to 14 lb average lb 49c TO « Health grant scheduled to cisco where the Trio was first 24 me cans w * amount to $167,392. over three discovered. Butt Portion lb 49c years. — Also with them is Ronnie Center Ham Slices lb 79c Augenstine is now doing re­ Schell, Staleys Pancake Syrup search at Brookhaven National a new young comedian 24 oz 39c laboratory and serving as sci­ who also got his start at the ence coordinator fSr the De­ Hungry i. _ Famo Pancake Flour partment of Commerce for the The trio has received three $9,000,000 federal exposition at Golden records, the industry’s the 1962 World’s fair in Seattle. award for sale of over a mil- B G lflC 1 mm SA IE ! 5 lb bag 49c His research has dealt with bon copies of a single release application of information _ The three songs that did it theory and computers to bio­ for them are, “Tom Dooley,” TO DD’S Morgan’s AppleSauce NO. 3G3 CAN 10c ROYAL logical problems, and, for the their first and most popular past five years, with the effects recording, “Tiajuaqa Jail,” and E ach Mohair Libby’s Pumpkin ~ NO. 383 CAN 10c GELATIN of radiation on large molecules. “M.T.A.” th a t’s doubled Libby’s Pork&Beans 14 OZ CAN 10c ALL FLAVORS Telephone Locks and buttoned , big s i x . . . Campbell’s TomatoSoup CAN 10c Protect Your Private Phone th e newest in men’s wear in LIBBY’S SAUERKRAUT NO. 303 CAN 10e 6 pkgs 49‘ today’s moot wanted fabric . . . LIBBY’S CUT BEETS NO. 303 CAN 10c mohair in today’s moot wanted LIBBY’S PINEAPPLE JUICE ' 12 OZ CAN 10c From Public U$e F its In Dial Opening coior...black. Jacket is buttoned with rix pearl buttons, sleeves ape cuffed. Slacks are tapered Deter. BUTTERFIELD SLICED IRISH POTATOES NO 303 CAN DROMEDARY CORN MUFFIN MIX PKG 10c lOe MORTON’S FRO ZEN 1HNNBRS in continental manner. $60 CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS - 4 OZ PKG 10c To Stop Outgoing Calls CHICKEN, TURtET DERBY POTTED MEAT 3>/< OZ CAN 10 c r BEEF» BAM, FISH. - Only98c _ MORTON’S SALT CHARMIN WHITE NAPKINS 60 COUNT PKG 10c 10c SALISBURY STEAK brapetniit INDIAN RIVER w h ite o r p in k ft FOR 0 39c . each 3 9 c JOHN DICKS I K NMDWME 211 EAST GRAND RIYER S c h m i d t 9s Guarantee o f Q uality Always Protects You! 201 E ast Grand River EAST LANSING Michigan Slate Lanei»g, M M r ip i Wednesday Morning, November 8, 1961 I* AW * MDÜWÊRE fcttflT-.lT □ n a aacoa aaa O r g a n iz a t io n & i f youNe keen thinking of EZ1HMW WAS FASCINATES. Crosswoid Puzzle a n o 'anaaa aaa m u o tj a a a n ia a a la a a a P ic s T a k e n ear days « the Aspirin or □ a a a anaci even the Atomic Age, you're uaaaa aaaaaca behind tie times. Evidence V* I. First in vasti«? , ^7- a n a a u a a a a □□ F o r Y e a rh o o k mounting that we are living in S. Poor actor: □□sa s a a a a □ □ □ □□ a n a a n □□□□ The following groups will the Age of the Accounting.— coltoq. acoaaaa aaaaa have their organization picture Uncolnton (N. C.) Times. - S. S U trh 11 Unknit □aaa aaaa for the Wolverine taken Wed* 13. Caustic □□U J3 ja a n a a n IS. Related on □an □□□[•}□ a a s nesday night, in the Tower the mother's □□□ □ □ a a sa aaa Room, 4th floor, Union Build­ 11 Irrigated ing. 1?. Keep going Spartan Christian Fellow­ tlDoprooood —WIT ship*, 6:00; Career Carnival, SIProteeUoa 1. Before: 6:10; Sigma Alpha Mu, 6:25; fu .samiiisv gretta the tread 1 Operated “S p a r t a n Engineer", 6:35; HPoetliho Ü. • Title Wesley Foundation, 6:30; Wo­ I part 1 Marsh-elder llR r st men’s AA, 7:00; Motts House, 1X9. Son of Beth 4. Fusible «roman 7:10; Armstrong Hail, 7:25. 131.Breathing opaque 11. Marry . sound substance 11 Large drain East Shaw, 7:35; Green Hel­ RlBodont IChoe— IS. Singing voict met, 7:50; International Club, 8:00; Delta Psi Kappa, 3:10; B e g i n th e S o c ia l SO. Kind of Ash Les Gourmets, 1:25; HPER, St. Throw St Mr. 0:35; Blue Key, 8:50; Scab­ c. *—■ ’ '— . r Kofauver, bard & Blade, 9:00; Rather Senator Hall, 9:10; Senior Council, 9:15. S3. Moving pan 29. Serve food SI Straighten This is the last scheduled date for organization pictures. S e a so n w ith a L o v e ly 87. Is undecided If any group still wishes to SB Lucky make an appointment, it should 'aat year NCAA. Shewn te lito, 3:11» 5:15, ed to a runner who was lag­ 7:25, 9.35 P.M. in preparation for Saturday’s a b it if pride. ging behind and trying to cut aad that was to powerful Penn Dtttrich has seen two top clash with Purdue trying to [ Hie question now is whether corners at a practice session State, runners since he moved up to « « •tel forget last week. the sophomore predominated on Forest Akers Golf course. L This year the team seems bend coaching position. They A 13-0 loss to Minnesota team can pick itself up in a This was Fran Dtttrich, cross wed on Ms wav to give Ditlrich are curredt Capt. Jerry Young Susan Hayward week for the Purdue game. countryand track roach, speak-1 « .« « sfu l coaching and last yew’s captain' Billy crushed the Spartan’s hopes of an undefeated season and The Spartans are not out of ing while watching his unprov- ing Spartan harriers run' r * i ‘ ^ revenge revenge Reynolds. Reynolds made the John Gavin .CMOS' knocked them from the No. i the Rose Bowl picture just yet. through practice - on Fean State, IC4A titlehoider, All-American squad for the In the Ugh-adventare tradition of "The spot in both press service polls.' But they will have to rely on FRAN DfTTRICH For the fourth straight year hratiwt them by State’s closest third straight time last season, since Fran took over the head margin of the year, 27 to 28 while Young has made the hon­ Friday Gans of Jiavarone!" Coach Duffy Daugherty sent some upsets to get back in it. or team in his last two years. ib d m his charges through an exhaust­ Ohio State, the currently Big . . . success. . . coaching position in 1988, he is (few scene wins). ing two-hour drill and scrim­ mage Monday and was plan­ 19 co-leader along with Min­ »hoping he can guide his run­ Other victories have come . Dtttrich was a track star him­ ners to another successful sea­ ever Gfeno University, Ohio self at State In 1935 and 1936. son. rn rn m m State, Notre Dame and the Air In those years he was named ning more hard work for Tues­ nesota a f 44) marks, plays only day. six conference games. A loss or a tie either of their last-two Soccer Last year his guidance en-j Force, State’s record is only to the All-American track team a bled the Spartans to take the m aned fay a defeat fay Big in the broad jump and the hop, É U The Boilermakers, often step and jump. dubbed the Sptilermakers be­ cause of thetr habit of pulling the bigjnpset every year, can opponents would eliminate the bucks. Minnesota, meanwhile, fin­ Defense Big Ten championship, runner- Ten fee Wisconsin. JV While captaining -tfae 1936 Spartan team, Dtttrich com­ no longer be considered just ished with Wisconsin, Iowa Eyes Test G opher E nd I M S c h e d u le peted' in the hurdles, sprints, high jump, broad jump, and spoilers. and Purdue. They, too, most P ic k a s T o p FOOTBALL the Imp, step and jump. He won win all'three to be sore of (Practice field) three varsity letters in track. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 With a 2-1 Big 10 mark, they the title: are definite title contenders. By MIKE SKINNER A P L in e m a n 6:40 Phi Delt. pi. vs. L. C. A. As a graduate from Detroit And, in recent years, Spartan But the Rose- Bowi is a dif­ State News Spurts Writer Eastern High School, he won Tom Hall, Minnesota end, t ***• teams, have found it difficultferent situation. The-*Gophersr Michigan State will throw the was named lineman of the ¡7:25 — Plow Jockeys vs Ag. four letters in track and one in to win before the Layfayette, Ind., crowds. who went and lost last year, don’t figure to go again. j Panthers. strongest soccer defense its week Wednesday by the As­ 8:10 — Pistols vs. Wild Childs. cross country. ' A 9 I M I C * ever had at St. Louis Univer­ sociated Press for his role in !8:55 — Redskins vs. Palance E A 5 T L A N 5 ING * PHONE ED.2 - 2 8 1 4 Daugherty said Tuesday that 'h e wasn’t looking back to the And the Buckeyes, none too popular on the coast, would sity this Saturday. the Golden Gophers’ 134) up­ Boys LA S T D A Y! HOME FO THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Minnesota loss—especially the have to prove themselves by —The Spartan defense, whose set of Michigan State’s then ; 9:40 — E. L. Rodents vs. Fix­ illegal play that scored the Go­ far the best team in the con­ aggressive play forces its op­ top-ranked c o l l e g e football ers. EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING ponents to make mistakes, has team last Saturday. phers’ first touchdown. ference to rate the bid. . Minnesota officials also doubt­ If the Spartans can get by ed the legality of the play, Dau­ Purdue, Northwestern and Illi­ yielded a meager five goals in Hall operated as th e swing - eight games. man when Minnesota surpris­ ¡6:40 — This has been a main factor ed the Spartans with an unbal­ 7:25 — Rig D’s vs. Luther A.T.O. j (Tench field) pL vs. D.U. pi. LUC ON FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 89c Last 2 Nights Wed. & Thurs. gherty said. He questioned the Feature 1:19-4:45-8:3# nois in their last three games, play Sunday on his local tele­ in enabling State to shape an anced line, the first such at­ 8:10— Dollar 65 vs. Iotasheres. they still rate a took. impressive, 84), win-loss rec­ tack the Gophers had used in 8:55 — Armstrong 3-7. Until 6:39 p.m. 99c vision show. But they will have to rely on three years. Evenings 81.25 JOSEPHc uvm€prtNrii ord this season. 9:49 — Armstrong 4-5. The Spartans came through outside help. And that’s not al­ ways reliable. Three sophomores moved in­ He was a key figure in Min­ nesota’s first period drive for Children 59c Sophia Loren to the starting defensive unit .0? WINNER BEST ACTRESS AWARD\ at the start of the year and a touchdown, and set up the (JeaiM a field) & CANNES RUT FESTIVAL 1*0 1 & they have played with the poise ° ^ er a fumble recovery, .6:40 — Phi K. Sig. pi. vs. T.D. % FOR HER PERFORMANCE IN H ave Y ou | S a ile r s T h ir d of seasoned vétérans. He took passes of 15 and 10 j chi pL Two of these, Bill Onopa arp trans yards from Quarterback Sandy j 7 25 — Bailey 3 -6 . and ¡Stephens ¿ S e n s in" the tt e 71-yard H-vard drive. drive {8 W _ Bailey 2-8. TW O W O M EN I n O h io M e e t Stan Stelmashenko, are trans-¡Stephens 71yard a m ft 3 .5 5 _ Embassy-Empyriam. " T r ie d fer students. j and keyed the second by pounc- mooucct *r Car o Ponti- : The M.S.U. Sailing club took Onapa, a former goalie, was ing on a Michigan State fumblej 9 « ! third place in. the Ohip State switched to right fullback upon on the Spartan 40. ment. _ Emerald-Empower- HAVE YOU e r p y " or mone Vittorio DeSica 1 invitational regatta over the coming here from the Univer ! weekend. sity of Michigan: BOWLING SEEIi«*111»? An Embassy Pictures Release Recommended only for nature adulfot OWlT'State won the regatta T h o s e P o lls Alleys SHOWN 7:20 --9:30 ■ a H m a n s m n a n te | Eight schools participated. Stelmashenko, j while Notre Dame was second. Mad Russian’’ by his team­ called J/the mates, has filled the left full­ 1. Texas (35) (7-8) 1-2 D T.D. Ys. Phi Gam 473 3-4 S A M. vs. Sig. Ep. $AfcTACVj LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE’ Skippers for the Spartans back slot for the Spartans since 2. Alabama (8 ) (7-8) 418 5-6 Farmhouse vs. K. Sig. Technicolor FRIDAY WITH ALASTHIR SIM, Iwere seniors Dave Davies and transfering from Indiana Tech. 3. Ohio State (7) (5-6-1) 3*5 ; 7-6 Phi. K. Sig. vs. A.T.O. Ed Mulock. Crewing were The other sophomore, a firo Frandor Shopping Center Dave Weitzel and Jerry Walk- blazing hustler named Sam 4. Louisiana State (8-1) 317 5. Minnesota (5-1) 217 MON. THRU FRI. TILL 9 er' . . ,. , , I Donnelly, has taken ca care of SHOP AT JACOBSON’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL The club is looking forward < ^ halfback, 6. Michigan State (5-1) 392 to the eliminations for th e 1 „SAT. TUL 7 , Timme Ängsten Regatta next Sharing the other two spots 7. Mississippi (81) m with Doinnelly on th e ‘‘h a lf’ 8. Colorado (8-8 ) 173 weekend in Detroit. 164 line are two juniors who won 9. Georgia Tech (6-1) / fame for themselves last sea­ 19. Missouri (5-1-1) 19 son. ■ - Others receiving votes: Syra­ New In Paperbound Dutch Kemeling, a center cuse, Utah State, Iowa, Mary­ halfback who can boom a kick from the mid-field stripe dead land, Purdue, UCLA, Kansas. on the opponent^ net, was Arkansas, Northwestern, North named an All-American. - Carolina, Rutgers, Rice, Aa- A F R I C A - And bust ‘em’ up Ken Gra bura,'Michigan and Navy. ham w as an All-Midwest se­ lection. _ —— Holding down the goal area Understatement T h e P o litic s O f is Capt. Ted Sanders, a guy - g- f who is happiest when he is TROY, N.Y. W*-‘‘Il’s back scoring shutouts. to the fundamentals for us this I SK O A L ' In d e p e n d e n c e And he’s got scored four of week,” said Coach Ed Hoff­ them this season. Sanders will man, whose Rensselaer Ptey-| be aiming for another Satur­ technic football team lost its by day. 17th consecutive game Satur­ P U R C H A S EI day. 1 . Wallerstein $1 . 2 5 Charlie Brown, Michigan State’s fine soph football guard GTHEL.A*ARC:DpHCH Mt■tVE.Í R W IN T E R from Pontiac Central, played in the line for six games of his NOW! ...6 5 c to 5:30 Spartan Book Store COATS senior prep season and then finished the campaign a t full­ back. A U D R EY Corner Ann & M AC — East Lansing Michigan State’s 1961 football team has 14 married players. H EP B U R N *58 Choose from a group of fashion's favorite wool-interlined coats, Arrow priced I© save you many dollars right at tha ¿ ì É P T - ’t start a f the snowy, 0 / 1 / 1J o v t." P A R " ■ tw td to g h tU S w n ^ n n t— IT-. blowy season! Mfyhmmmiiíéma Mtfmdrtà Ima ___ Lefk Textvred wool <— h^.- - - - HBElKHgr T ftti p u llo v e r s h ir t ncedtopoint; puritan r . w it h n o h o n d ic a p r r colar, dart -tiaclrdetail. This new knitted shirt of 100% “ p m f t Blue, beige. Misses 10 -20 , Kghh Wool dimple fleece nylon is magnificently tailored to» conform to natutal~body fanes» with straight line elegance, Its comfortable good looks G B M im Spice, beige, light blue. and swing-free action brings out! Petites 6 -14 . the best in you at work or play.) Benton comes in 12 colors. Short sleeves 85.95 SSTAunüHièSII Long sleeves 86.95 nxnaaoR ’ •' ; ';«•• .:/1• y ■ .. • Fetente at • -A R R O W S 1:99 - 8:96 - 9:38 7:15-9:3» EA ST LANSING F ro m the '*Csm L a u d e C oO e ctu m * Next! ELVIS PRESLEY fai “BLUE HAWAII” (PaBBBp »Wê é M ▼ ■ i l W illy Morning, November 8 , . .-1 i... L x . •* L. - - - ■ - -— — —— ter or geiger counter iolo v » s r r o ^ - M would he fetal places for (continued from page 3) piatforms while la orbit or sx- Mobot bow depends on a ha* LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (It-A phnring the moon's surfaco maa operator at • control pan­ full-power test el the KIWI whoa these tasks become a el for instructioao. But the Hu­ B-1A reactor was postponed - reality,” Dr. Clark «aid: ghes company said in tbe fa- Tue ate j~ following A hydrogen The madBne caa ase almost tore a tape system will fat In­ “Acquisition As A Vehicle to gae explosion which wrecked Market and Production Diver­ - any tool, stack heavy lead stalled hi the machine mhkk sification” wttl be the topic of toe pffTtwhta metal shed used bricks or handle an egg without would five mobot a “superhu­ aa informai discussion to be to protect the reactor at Jack- breaking tt. ' man” memory and eafcfaas the beM by the members of the sue Fites, Nev. Five men were machine to repeat the recorded marketing CWk Wednesday at Mobot scoots aroufad on three tasks without outside help. 'T t a ñ e d o r itself was not to* wheels, two television camera# 7:15 p.m. . Guest speaker will be Mr. volved in the upkNrto© end mounted on arm-Uke booms was not damaged, according to carefully watch as tasks are *• His thoughts ware slow, hit E.V. Erickson senior vice-pres­ Los Alamos scientific labora­ performed. Microphones mount- wonts wer* few, aad aever ident of the Gardner-Dmvér tory which built the reactor. «0 on mowit’s wrists pick up formed to gHstenälM* he was Company. Grand Haven. Mr. sounds aad if temperature or a Joy to aU his M ends-you Erickson IF also a member te radiation readings are needed should have heard him totea. the Beard te Directors te Gard- mobot will carry,a thermome- -Blakesburg (la.) Excelsior. ner-Denver and the Wolverine Shoe CO., the makers of "Hash Puppies." He alee has served l i l t II as a member of the governor’s business advisory committee. é l I f O S GLASSIFIEBS The Marketing Clubs of Uni­ versity of Detroit, University of Phone 355-8255 or 355-8256 Michigan, Wayne State Univer­ sity, Central Michigan Univer­ Deadline: 1.00 P.M. sity, and Western Michigan University and the Lansing Rales For 15 V o rd * Sales Executive Club have been invited. 85c 4 days ................ A discussion of a field trip to either Gerber Co. or Owens Studisi» trstnii« la be Illinois Glass Co. will be held. 9 taadian atlMsSawta» Ibe public is cordially in­ • aetdnmic ability than vited. otiiar coUtga studants. Vat many af (bam |t an ta ba- coma licenaad twehars. Why AUTOMOTIVE PER SO N A L don’t taachart cattata*crack "BLÄ4ÜK c lie v y D e lray ROOMS S p e c ia l T V downanunfitrtudanh?You’M find out to this mafc’t tost. R a d io , h e a te r , w. w. tire«, D E A N p lea« « co m e to th e S ta te VKRV N IC E s le e p in g room it body. W IU »eil o r tra d e . d a y , w e e k . L o ts o f p a r k lux.. Bou th B a rn e s , Maeo»».—- 0 f t «•! New * o ffic e . R oom 847 S tu d e n t S e rv lc e a B id»., f o r tw o fre e p a ear* to Uie C re a t D f lv e - ln tf S h o w s S la te d »*58 PLYMOVTH Station 7 on. B odv i* r u s te d , b u t mpti good. IV 4-S98T. ■_ LO ST a n d FO U N D REAL ESTATE F o r U ttio n 1955 PO N T IA C . - do o r, a m N E A R E V E R E T T . A -s u m e 4 }y ( lea n . In to p a h a p e ., LOST, S a tu r d a y a fte rn o o n . G la s s ­ 0 . 1 m o r tg a g e . P a y m e n t« $77 4n- Students who do not have ac­ b e f o re N o v e m b e r 8. T l. : - ■ es in b e ig e c ase. P le a s e r e t u r n to e lu d in g ta x e a ^ a n d In s u ra n c e . N e w ­ W 4«88,>5. — T h i l l l p a o r c a ll 35.5-4981. _ 33 e r t b e d ro o m ra n c h . B y o w n e r. cess to a television set are in­ AI TO TOW BAP.. RaP-d- P h o n e T il 3-5983. r* . 82 vited to watch special programs LOST: L a d ie s w h ite x o ld M a rv e l1 h a in f i l i 'C it, <-»11 ED 7-1098. w a tc h . R e w a rd . 333-3494. S3 E AST. 9800 d o w n . C lose to col - on WMSB-TV Wednesday in the lev* a n d F ra n d o r. M odern, f b e d ­ L O hT . P r e s c r ip tio n su n g la ss* « , room . A p p ro x im a te ly S a c r e s o f w h ite fra m e s . B e tw ee n N at. Sci. la n d . T o ta l p ric e , $7,500. IV 5- 8160. a n d So. C am tuie O ri il. 355A619. 34 - 81 music room of the Union. The Forum Committee'of the Union Board will present se­ At RegularPrices! EM PLOYM ENT O K EM O S N E A R . A m a g n if ic e n t lected fine arts programs each PER SO N A L 3 a c re w o o d ed b u ild in g s ite ,- c o m ­ p le te ly fe n ce d . $9900. R o m a y n e week. Until 5:30 60c H I d e a r B ro k e r, IV 9-4888. 33 Programs that are offered Evening & Sunday 90c OKEM OS. B e a u tif u l r a n c h hom e. this week are: L o v ely g ro u n d * , tree * , re c r e a tio n ro o m . 3 fire p la c e « . R o m a y n e H ick « , Wednesday,-Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. Kiddies 25c B ro k e r. IV 9-4688. 32 “A Programme of Modern W IL L ST I D E N T w h o b o rro w e d KA.«T LANS I NO, 813 S to d d a rd Dance”-,- Choreographer and book - on D iet. M ayo B ro th e rs , p tca n e r e tu r n im m e d ia te ly to D r. T w o b e d ro o m b u n g a lo w e x p a n d ­ a b le . F u ll tw o c o m p a r tm e n t b a s e ­ hostess Maxine Hayden, for­ P ric e , O lin. 39 m e n t. T w o e a r 'g a r a g e . T w o 'J o t* . merly assistant Professor of 313,900. E D 7,0814. 31 Health, Physical Education and O U T S T A N D IN G F R U IT a n d b e r ­ recreation, demonstrates danCe ry fa rm . A d jo in « O ra n d RIV ar. P ric e In clude« e q u ip m e n t. R o m a ln movements based on ideas m a d fy -in lo v e H ic k a, b r o k e r . TV 5-9246: 80 w ith t h e l a s t EAfcT L A N SIN G . 3 b e d ro o m r e d ­ w ood c o n te m p o ra r y o n w o o d e d lo t. g q y in th e B y o w n e r. $19,500 w ith lo w d o w n p a y m e n t. F H A c o m m i t t m e n t 1138 ■ORME RKMM presents w d sh e YOUNG M EN, p e r t tim e W ill a r r a n g e h o u r* to f i t s e b 32.25 p e r h o u r. C a ll 1* A rb o r D riv e . E D 2-2966. G R O E 8B E C K H IL L S . A ttr a c tiv e 3 b e d ro o m b r ic k ra n c h . N y lo n c a r ­ p e tin g , d r a p e s a a d k itc h e n b u i l t - Ins. O w n e r le a v i n g s t a te . N e w o w n ­ *0 shouldhave e r m a y t a k a o v e r 4 a n d th fo n f o u r t h p e r c e n t Q I m o r tg a g e . I d e a l ­ ly s i t u a t e d t o b o th s h o p p in g a n d SfSSDAB^^rvewrTwr! M S f. P h o n e o w n e r. IV 3-7931. 32 KOOKY I c o n d itio n . IV 2-2237. 31 E A S T L A N SIN G . 1813 M alroao. 3 CUPID Ï-O U R T IC K E T S b e d ro o m ra n c h , p rlc a d f o r Im m e d i­ UKETHtS, M ic h ig a n S t a te gu a ta sa le . S I5,300. L o w d o w n p a y - m e n t / E D 2-3433. 3* HOWCAN y a r d fine. C a ll E B THESE WINGED SPARTANS LOVERS F U R CO A T. F u ll le n g th m u .k - G R O E S B E C K H IL L S . 5 m in u te * > * t. V ery g o o d c o n d itio n , f i» . fro m c a tn p u a . N e w 3 b e d ro o m MI8SÜ1 A C a ll H D 3-1398.___________ _ ra n c h . I l k b a th s , s p a c io u s k itc h e n , f a m ily a r e a , c a r p e ti n g . B y o w n e r. 3DICTCLE S A L E : T h u rs d a y . N<>- T a k e o v e r (V«% m o r tg a g e , no v fin h e r 30, 1961 a t 1:30 p.m . E A T . c lo s in g cost*. S119 p e r m o n th . a C S a iv a x e T a r d , F a rm L an e, M lclt- 11.150 d o w n . IV 4-5918.___________83 iSitu- S ta te U n iv e rs ity . c a m p u s . V p p ro x lm a te ly 75 btcy id ee w ill he sold a t a u c tio n . I n s p e c tio n m ay SERVICE !>• m ad e W e d n e sd a y . 'N o v . 29, 8 a.Wi, to 4:30 n.m . ¿and T h u re . Nov. A t . f e A a t IÓ N S u ^ r e p a î r i r C â n :;(t; 8 a.m . u n til a u c tio n lim e. IV 4-8626. 31 T O rm s: C ash . — *0 L O W COST c o n te a o f e la s a n o te s , T A P P A N GAS' R A N G E in g o o d ro u g h d r a f t s a n a p r i n te d m a te ria l. rfiid iti'o n . IV 4-9984. _ 32 W o n c h G ra p h ic S e rv ic e . 1720 E . M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g .* P h o n a 414- L arg e 4 7788. ' - tf a n tia n e c h e s t EM PLOTEES CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS HIGH READERSHIP "REX ALL 1c »ale. N ow NM rek R e x a ll P re s o rf p tio n tag. N o rth w e s t o f S e a rs b y dm*. T h ro u g h N o v e m b e r 11. En g a g e m e n t and w e d d in g IX, else 6. Y ello w g o ld . 35S-32H». T Y P IN G a p a r tm e n t. In S p a rta n E le c t r i c V illa g e ty p e w r ite r . Old Spice quality in a new hair tonic C a ll 355-301 S.- T Y P IS T A N N B R O W N . E D *• tf •Keeps hair handsomely groomed— all 8384. E le c tr le ty p e w r ite r . T e rm p a ­ p e ra a n d th e s o a , a ta o g e n e r a l t y p ­ in g . tl day • Fights dandruff • Moisturizes—pre­ KTITDENT DISCOUN T, s e lf w e ek , vents dryness • Guaranteed non-greasy C H R ISTM A S t .15. L u b jo b , $1.00. S tu d e n t p a r k ­ in g , 11.50. F r e e q u a r t o f o il w ith a v o ry o il c h a n g e . C o m p le te tu n e - WILLIAM H. THOMPSON up. 'O p e n 34 b o u rn . D av e'« P u r e O tt. 10 10 K. O r a n d R iv e r. tf © /¡d c § J )ic t I H A IR T O N IC E X P E R T T H E SE S an d g e n era l ty p in g . E le c t r i c ty p e w r ite r . E ig h ­ JEWELER te e n y e a r* e x p e rie n c e . O n e b lo c k fro m B ro d y . E D 2-5546. tf P E R S O N A L D A T A fo rm a , the»!* direct from S a n F r a n c i s c o ’s FRANDOR, MALL COURT O u r b o u se b n u g h t a n d - g e n e r a l ty p in g . O ff not p r i n t ­ in g , p la n ttc b in d in g a n d t y p e r e t - -tin g . W o o c b G ra flc B e rrlc e , 1720 h u n g ry i E a s t M ic h ig a n , L n n n ta g . P h o n e TfAllMS FO* SALI 484-7784.____________ tf the new comedy sensation " 5 * 5 5 F O R O L I N E minbU* borne, T TPTN G IN M T H O K E . B y w e m - j d feet. E x c e lle n t h om e fo r 1 o r a n w ith 1$ v e a ra a e c r e ta r la l e x ­ s l s t u d e n ta . I I I ! P a r k L a k e R * ad p e rie n c e . T O 3-4731. tf !A 1.247». d a y s , NA 7-2995. e v e- nfcg*., t D IE F E R E N T - F R E S H -U N U S U A L ~ T Y P IN G . E X P E R IE N C E D m a u n a c r lp t ty p is t. E n g lis h m a jo r. T e rm «1966 S K Y L IN E . 36x8, baiv u tiv p a p e r« th e s e « . e tc . ED 1-2444. 33 k ftc h e n . G r a d u a tin g , m u * t aell. W e h a d o v e r 55 C h r is tm a n c a r d s R » a a o n a b le . t i l t K. G ra n d I t . v er. Idi 3'M. EID 2-1*51 after Ai'-uv^^l TR A N SPO R T A T IO N PR O M W H IC H TO CH O O SE N E W T O R K - J e ra e y f o r T h a n k n - Iv ln g ! G ro u p c h a r t e r i n g b u a ro u n d rip t o K.Y. P o r t A u t n o t lt y T e r - ìin a l. W e d n e s d a y . N o v e m b e r 22. o n t a c t A n U p t o n , IV ^ - l t l L -be- T O N I G H T . N O V . 8 , 8 P .M * : \ T R A N IC E , fu m la lie d I h i d ­ 30# E. Grand River Across (ten W A N T ED D, C A N D ID A T E d e e lre n I houee D ecem ber 1 o r fn r- Jan - CivicCenter ~ r a ni h o m e f o r 4 «I u d e n te . E a s t o f I u n t il J u b a 15. P r e f e r R ed TIeketo $3.5t - !J5> 1.55 . . . All Seals Reserved ( S u n u a . A m ple p a r k in g . A v a ila b le a |[ o«ve. E P 1-423«. 31 I•UMry j g j i . H a v « a siri*. I a g a . E n ce lle n » boy. c ara NOW ON SALE AT — a The Dise Shop, E. Lansing Home Eees. BUg • Fisa’s, Downtown & F rasier • CMe Center Bex Office A*! MMSNTI ' S C R L k i U I t o r w i n t e r te rm , i b e d ro o m o o m p le te ly fu rn ia h e d ED 2-1753 S p a r ta n Y llla g a a p a r tm e n t C all. PLENTY OF GOOD 8EAT8 STILL AVAILABLE 355-3947. - ■ 14 COOKING» 3 m e n . A p p ro v e d , e u - R erv to ad . « lo se -ta . B D T-9546. 34 Campo» Classified» VT?* m u m ä f i§gm f»M if iIS » .?IWWt) « ---- I n w in f , mÜ ir mi N o v etrib er 1961; ÉAMH mi s v -S iiiÊ î:® ,::X iÄ iM S « ü g H É|Â4 nm és* a M » L ip s è t p D iÄ is s sA> iioieigrifrd i u^aa hh- o c r a tíc V a lu e s Hom e Head _ I-A - m i . '—¡M i vem ent > .1 « « m à ' Says W ill B e T o p ic ed the ite NEW YORK (ffWRto U.S.S. Constellation. innocent af bat­ An brim ntei—aifjluovn po­ Upset «111 answer questions pina­ Our country faces ti» most bava dona as well to these tle but educated in tragedy, litical sociologist:j p discuss from the audience following the to dlfficalt and crucial task it areas as tt could bava,” Fuzak brought homo ike dead aid labor patitili ¡»atta next Monday , at talk, Stinber said. to ttto W H i l rather than Bat 1» ever confronted befas fete. “We’re hoping that you, injured today from n fire that ¡ S í D r . . ; H « m '* " ' 41 pm* to Kellogg Castor And- national cohgreaa “f a obvious to demonstrate tiro values of as firiure leaders, will taka marred sea trials af tbe na­ American and British basic Hazard’s talk to also open to reames.” ■ ■<-•- democracy, John Fuzek, dean tiris responsibility. tion's mightiest aircraft car­ Seymour M. Upset, protes­ A large part at tbe congress of students, said Tuesday at 'Walni proud of you to at­ rier. It was the ascend fire tor of sociology at tiro Univer­ approaches to foreign policy tel interested students and tac has supported Arosemena to tito IFC honors breakfast to taining what you have achiev aboard the hard-luck ship sbiee sity of California to Berkeley, problems will be the subject of Pledges accented’ last week s feud with Velasco Ibarra. Kellogg Cariar. ed,” the Dean said. “We hope construction began. will speak at tbe Labor and In­ a talk by Ik- Norman Heat, dis­ by Delta PU Epsilon include Tbe Vice President was ar­ you continue to do this as you Two dviban workers sod two dustrial Relations center sixth tinguished visiting professor of Roger Benjamin, Leasing jun­ rested on Velasco Ibarra’s Addressing 35 fraternity go into the world to your jobs “ Navy men wore killed yester­ ««iimal lecture series. beaared far compiling day by oily, acrid smoke that Hie lector* is open to faculty, 1 humanities, at 7:30 p.m., on ior; Frank Beuvy, Dearborn orders. Tito president accused 3J averages or better late IFC Président Larry Oster- fined a huge boiler room after students and tbe public. Thursday, in 32 Union. junior ¡ Edward Bush. East his onetime close associate of term, Faask congratulated tok presented tbs plaque far Lansing fradate^ student; John being a communist and of at- them an tiroir achievements graduating senior w n tito a tiny, leaking spray of oil hit According to Jack Stieber. Hast, a British Mfifleal Clement, Iron Mountain junior tempting to assume dictatorial a 1,100-degree (fahrenheit) director te Labor and Industri­ scientist aad fellow of Exeter George Curry, Dearborn sen­ powers. 1I f tilp f 1 00 $ ¿mm and stressed tike importance1 highest tePülvprslty aver­ steam pipe. Ten others were in­ al center, Upset wifi discuss: their generation would play age to Larry Lang, du re jured, one critically. L Why the American labor Cefiege, Oxford, wffl compare ior; Tarry Heath, Owoaso jun­ Velasco Ibarra’s cabinet in America's fatare. scalar. Lang, a member te aad contrast the tare nations’ ior; Dick Holmes,, Laming mfnMrrr submitted their “I don’t know whether I movement' is tori socialistic Alpha Sigma PM Is m a ja - saw the oil first a the flames,” 2. Whythere is no Labor Par­ technique« in international graduate student; Ben Hourani resignations yesterday bat “The world remains to! a tag in aeesunting and baa a said affairs with an emphasis graduate Student from Leba­ tiro Infnnaate* saM tiro presi­ constate state of tension, and 3.68 average. Lawrence K. Costello of ty to the U.S. • f oa reactions to eommntest in­ non; Marvin Schraak, Mt. Ver­ dent apparently had tensed the/U.S. has assumed a place Flushing, Queens, a machinist 3. What we can expect in re­ itiatives. non, N.Y. junior; Stoakley of world leadership to spite of who has been a civilian, em­ gard to political activities of to accept them. ployee of the Navy for 18 labor movements in underde­ v \ 6 ITTIMETHAT1--------- Swanson, East Lansing grad­ itself,” Fuzak. said. The talk is open to all inter­ uate student; Stephen Webster Earlier a broadcast by tiro “Since cur beliefs and ways C o n -C o n years. veloped countries to Africa and MIS« Ws'w got tank vico ested students aad faculty Hinckley, Ohio senior; am independent station G r a n of life me under close scrutiny, Hitting the hot pipe, the Asia president* «ta come to gañ­ members, and is sponsored by James Wetzel, Owoeso senior. Colombiana said V e l a s c o (Continued from Page 1) erupting oil turned to hot il*, people with womm the MSU chapter Of the nation­ Ibarra had bowed to demands tea have to demonstrate the bers, criticized the American flames, which then began burn­ practicality of our values of who amnet their wives!" So ttys a In Vtnt tasines*- al professional fraternity far for his resignation by the democracy i n more than state legislature to general, to ing metal and cable on the international-trade and diplo­ A d v is e r s Military Academy, the general eluding Michigan's. walls. The smoke quickly fill­ N ig h t S ta ff men. Whsre do way drewjta line?InDüsweek’sPost,wu II macy, Delta Phi Epsilon. staff school and the school of w ads,” he added. ed the five-deck-high boiler rssdthestackingstory-T ' Tbe English scholar Is noted (Continued from Page 1) military engineer*. Fuzak mentioned several The legislature should be 1 room. Night Editor Robert Neuman; Wicked Is Vegas?” for his works on parliamentary er Education, U.S. Office of Moments later the govern­ constant problems which have full-time, continuous body, be Said chief boilerman J. G. Photo Editor David Jaehnig; T*.SawSa a—ntmt dissent and on pressure group Education. ment station, Radio National, to be solved: ( 1) mounting liv­ said, apportioned to a fair FJw* Jr., whose parents live in Copy Editors, Ben Burns, Yeun '» o x r Influences to Britain, snd ap­ The counselors participated came out with its denial. Gran ing costs, ateH 2) bow to bring manner, with prevision for Knoxville, Tenn.: / k ', pears frequently on tm British to grotto meetings to discuss tbe Colombiana then went off the social arrangements to con­ automatic reapportionm e n “Two or three breaths of Kuen. 1 . function of guidance and pupil air—presumably closed down nection wttb technological de­ that stuff would have been »Tl'ssssisSi'is'SliW W .ssV estossisk'Ssis'S 'SiisetslisSiskVVk*' Broadcasting Corp. comment­ after each decennial census. enough to' paralyze any man.” ing on contemporary political personnel services to Ameri­ hy authorities. - velopments. can education during tbe next “The greatest possibilities problems. Dr. John L. Hazard, profes­ two decades. If Velasco Ibarra —whose exist now to overcome these carrete r e i g n began 14 sor of marketing and transpor­ Donald D. Fink, pupil person months agG-reslgas or to problems. The future and wel f a lawmakers; revamping of Other Pollock proposals in­ cluded salaries of 812,666 WKARtoCarry Coiffures tation, will speaYon "The Role nel consultant, . Grand Rapids forced ate, It will toe tbe third fare of mankind is affected by committee procedures assur­ of International Business To­ board of education, and presi­ time to fm r times as. presi­ these pioneering challenge* to ing apen, prompt aad re­ day,” also under sponsorship dent of the Michigan Counsel dent that be has left office. human relationship,” Fuzak sponsible deliberation and HannahAddress of Delta Phi Epsilon,- on Nov. ors Association presided at the The revolt by tbe Chim­ said. WKAR-WKAR-FM wifi broad-, 16, at 7:3tf p.m., to 32 Union. conference Equality of Opportunity and decision; legislators to meet borazo engineer revolt ended -integrity of ethics shown in the to regular sessions, quarter­ nah’s welcoming address to the cast President John A. Han­ heleu barresy j after a seven-hour battle with attainment of goals, are the ly a annually. Michigan Farm Bureau Wed­ the better armed loyalist greatest challenges to the forces. . " In distributing, copies of Pol­ nesday at 10 a.m.- WKAR will also broadcast country, he said. everyJ>eauty aid and service for today’s coed The engineers had left their “My generation seems not to lock’s statement to the dele­ the welcome of Michigan Farm H gghokn barracks and taken up posi­ gates, Committee Chairman BUreau President Walter Wight- (Author 0/ *7 Wm a Tmn-ao* Dwarf’, “Tk$ Mamo tions on the southern flank of Quito shortly after Arose- TwoProfessors John A Hannah, president of man, following Hannah’s ad­ Michigan State University, dress. — _ 1045 E. Grand River, East Lansing of Dob**GiUû”,tU.) mena’s arrest. Velasco Ibarra bad accused the vice president, a onetime political crony, of AttendNational commented: Reports will be made by Art Borroughs, WKAR Farm Edit­ “It has been suggested that or, between noon and 1 p.m. on ED 7-1639 HUSBANDS, ANYONE? being a Communist and trying to set himself up as a dictator. Meetingof CPA Arosemena a n d several -Two University professas at­ er.” perhaps these should have Wednesday, Thursday, and-Fri- been printed bn asbestos pap­ day from the floor of the audi­ torium. two blocks East of'A bbott Hall w r ìiT iw r í f i i 'f I*. Vim been alleged that coede go to college for tbe sole purpose— other officials were taken to a tended the national meeting of of finding huabands. Thi* it«, of eourae, aninfamous canard, and military airbase outside the the American Institute of —I give fair warning that, small and spongy as I am, anybody capital. Unconfirmed reports Certified Public Accountants who says such a dastardly thing when I am around had better said they might be transferred which began on Oct. 29 to to Ecuador2* Galapagos' Is­ Chicago. be prepared for a sound thrashing! lands, 650 miles West of the Dr. James D. Edwards, head Girte go to college, for precisely the »»me reasons as men do: mainland to tbe Pacific. " to broaden their horizon*, to lengthen their vistas, to drink a t of tbe department of Account­ S M O K E D P I C N I C S the fount of wisdom. But, if, by pure chance, while a girl is Arosemena, who is alas ing and financial administra­ engaged in theeeTheritorious pursuits, a likely looking husband president of tbe senate, was tion, served as the chairman A A l l SPARTAN a 7 f l should pup into view, why, what’s wrong with that? Eh? What’s arrested, wttb "toe congress­ of the Committee on Members men when they emerged and Education. d k M - i d i i a|i % h r wrong with that? The question now arises, what should, a girt lodk far in a shortly after midnight from Dr. Herbert E. Miller, pro­ x i R f l l e l l N THICK A | H husband. A great deal has been written on this subject. Some the congress building that fessor of accounting, was a had been ringed with tanks, member ' of the Accounting w L l l l k l l D r l U v I l CUT LB PKB • * * say character is most important, some say background, some virtually sealing the legis­ Principles Board," which was say appearance, some say education. All are wrong. The meet important thing—bar none—in a husband is health. lators inside. declared the most significant The legislators have been at committee appointed by the CAMPBELL’S Though he be handsome as Apollo and rich as Midas, what good odds witn Velasco Ibarra on institute in several decades of is he if he just lays around all day accumulating bedsores? his economic measures and a it's history. The very first thing to do upon meeting a man is to make majority of them apparently The task of the principles T O M A T O S O U P sure he is sound of wind and limb. Before he has a chance to support Arosemena. But Arose­ committee was to restate and __ sweet-talk you, slap a thermometer in his mouthr roll back his mena offered no resistance redefine accounting principles eyelids, yank out his tongue, rap his patella, palpate his thorax, when "approached by Gonzalo and standards. Jacome, director jot national Two thousand CPA’s-repre­ DUTY MOORE ask hhn to straighten out a horseshoe «with his teeth. If he fails security, and informed him be sented 36,000 members of the D E LSE Y ' these simple tests, phone for an ambulance and go on to the institute at tbe convention next prospect. and the others were under ar­ rest. which lasted four days. If, however, he tu n a out to be physically fit, proceed to the see«»*! meet important requirement in a husband. I refer to a BEEF S T E W T O IL E T T IS S U E seme at humor. A man who «•n’t take a joke ia a man to be avoided. There aas several simple tests to find out whether your prospect can With 4Coupon rand'Foud olls 1 9 P urch ase 85 take a Join or not. You can, for example, slash his tiros. Or burn Limit r — Expires Saturday, November II M r " Mari'* comics. Or steal his switchblade. Or turn loose his pet raoaooau Or d a n his head. After each at them good-natured pranks, laugh gaily and about "April Fool! If be replies, “But this is February nine­ teenth,” or something equally churlish, cross him off your list and give thanks you found out in time. SWISS MISS FROZEN But if he laughs silveriy and calls you “Little Minx!” put M IC H IG A N G RA N U LA T ED him to (he next teat Find out whether he is kindly. 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CnB IV t-2774 for tei Appointment PRINCE'S H A U E R 'S DR. W. C. JENSEN, Registered Optometrist S h o p -R ite S h o p -R ite 555 E. GRAND RIVER IH» E. GRAND RIVER W A IL A C I O P T IC I A N S B M T lto fL (appalta Frandor) Pk. IV 6-2774 1916 W. SAGINAW 2519 S. CEDAR 2401 W. ST. JOSEPH 2301 E. GRAND RIVER ha- aim offica* éammtoam at 107 N. W«kagtmJk. IT 2-1175 r. J. R. Nixan, Registered Optonrotrists LOGAN a t JOLLY RD. 3636 S. CEDAR 4206 N. EAST ST. 2416 N. EAST ST.