wSmÊëmI ■I M W ^Êtwm m í^K'rÁíSl?’' mm ÉlilliP m * V w:mE inÉP H im P inyfifl gflPïîjfi S a Bêi*mû ClâM PMUft 8 P ages 5 C enia E atablfo bed 1 9 0 9 V oL 5 3 , N o . 9 7 f i l i l i Statt Landa*, MlPh e m e n o n Swainson J F K C o n fe r e n c e : B U L L E T IN Fear Civil Addresses M o v e fo r D e fe n s e RICHMOND, V a . (Ft—A Southbound Imperial AirUnes plane wife 82 persons nfaoard Liberties 78 Army recruits snd s crew te Farmers WASHINGTON UB-President At Ms harne at Gettysburg, five—crushed in a ravine and Kennedy said Wednesday tbat Pa., Eiseahawer voiced gnti- horned jute south te Richmond Affected '’ _ y . : “We are going to ask for ad­ ficatioa at fee aaaaacenroat Wednesday night Police said By MARY BASING Governor John B. Swainson ditional funds tot defense next aad stei he wenhl he delight­ apparently only two persons Of fee Style News Staff wig kick off the Thursday ses­ y ear/' even though he considers ed if be can further the pro­ survived. sion te tbe 42nd annual meeting the United States second to no gram. . Should tiro .University be in te tbe Michigan Farm Bureau other country in military pow­ Russia has fired into the air Ronald Conway, TO, te West the business of criminal in­ here at 9 a.m. in fee Andjfcnv er.- ; É p l¡ i|¡ about 170 megatons of nuclear Hollywood, Fla-, raptaia te vestigation? ium. He will give tbe call to Quoting himself, Kennedy devices—the equivalent of 170 the aircraft aad one te tiro “The time is overdue for a d e r and an address to the said that on the basis te pres­ million tons te TNT—while the survivors, said tbe men aboard faculty to take a long, cote look some 2,090 members. § ent assessments and intelli- United States and Britain to­ the plane were recruits from te the role te polk« in this On tbe Thursday program te igence, “We, in my words, gether have totalled about 125 Newark, N.J.; Wilkes-Barre, University,” Dr. R i c h a r d the Bureau are considerations would not trade Tdaces wife megatons and France less than Pa,; and Baltimore, Md. Tlie Rudner, associate professor te te resolutions dealing with anyone in the world.” But he one megaton. Kennedy added Mane was carrying them south philosophy, said Tuesday night adoption te n state income tax, said there will be a continuing that: to F t Jscksos, S. C- at a meeting of the American " OH-OH!—Railroad crews blocked traffic ea Harriaea Read Wednesday aflcrnaaa real estate tax relief aad other review te U.S. capabilities and “What is significant in this Wltnesses said fee plane Association of University Pro­ while they maneuvered this derailed btaear back on the tracks. Railroad officials issues dealing with local gov­ those te “Our adversaries” and area of course is the amount loomed ever. Byrd Field, just fessors. ’ blamed the derailment te tbe car oh dirt in fee track channels at tte crossing. ernment. a request tor more money for of megatons pot into the air este te Richmond, shortly be­ Arthur F. Brandstatter, pro­ The car was being shunted onto a siding for MSU stores. —State -News photo The afternoon business will and the condition under which fore 9:21 pua. at atn attitude te fessor and director te police by Tom Crockett. W% feature nominations for direct­ defense. The administration already is the bombs may be exploded aboet 719 to 888 feet and seem administration, disputed that ors. * stepping up" defense spending as it might affect fallout. I ed te be trying for an emerg­ such a “look” is necessary. The afternoon business will "by and now estimates don’t think there is any doubt ency landing. U n ite d F u n d i ors, feature nominations tor direct the billions, v This and several other issues T r a ffic T ie d U p b y total for the present year tbe Soviet Union is first in that delegates and directors te ending June SO, at $46,850,000, very dubious category.” ; districts. Evening meetings will 000. were members dicussed by about 56 te tbe AAUP during Over Top : Russia has accused the the organization’s first fall D e r a ile d B o x c a r $ 8 3 ,6 5 6 .7 6 fbe spotlighted by the presents Defense was'ene of tbe wide United I tion of awards for county mem range te subjects covered in a more megatons te explosions bership, cooperator te the year States news conference than tbe Soviet Union. te touching off Uniformity j meeting. The meeting was primarily '7 - and community Farm Bureau. presidential to set up issues with which tbe Traffic was blocked for two; siding for tbe "MSU stores hours Wednesday on Harrison R.D. Harrington, track and Action Friday, the last day Seme te the other high­ The 1961 United Community of the meeting, will crater lights te what tbe chief ex­ said before, necessary for the “It is, as Kennedy has United States tp matotoln its In Control ¡ AAUP will concern itself dur­ ing the year. Road near Spartan Village "Train foreman, said tbat dirt Chest Drive went over the top around election te directors and ecutive had fe say: /TT in the track channels at tbe by-making 104 percent te itsj final while rgllroad crews pulled a crossing was responsible for derailed freight car back on the derailment. _ quota, it was announced today adoption te resolutions. --------- - — Former President Dwight lead to unclear weapons and D. Eisenhower has aeread to lids country still fat making head a law , privately taan- preparottons to resume at­ Of Crime *‘8# many people ea camp­ us think there Is something" wrong with fee police, this the tracks. The car was pulled back onto by Dr. A. Westley Rowland, -» j -mr p . g * ■ |I9 - mospheric totes if needed, to There is a clear trend among hi itself is seriras,” Herbert The car went off the track the tracks by a locomotive after ehainnan of the campaign. j £v|# X• t i f t l ì l T A l contacts bc- keep from being fooled often nations toward a uniformity of Wtesfamer, president te fee about 1 a.m. Wednesday when thick wooden blocks were With a campaign quota te; * j feroen citisens te fee United by fee Russians. Kennedy principles and policies in tiro loeat chapter _pf the AAUP it. was being shunted onto a placed in front te Its wheels. 190,561, the faculty and staff! A f l f l ■ f r f l l j M V IBUm and pedple of other said fea Raanall propsrod control and prevention te and professor sf English, Mfefi hr every way poasiMe.” See CONFERENCE page 5 crime. said when he M n m c n raised $»,656.78.-, T ST ^*' * “After the war, criminal Rudner. Flint JC Lifts Ban on Leading all divisions te the; r ^ lf lT l M C F f f C T University was the Secretary’s] - Office with 171 per cent te its; NEW YORK UR-Ttw Pen- ® Where’s That Book? justice in the Western civilized “Is not the University in countries faced many and some similar problems' in tiro' con­ police legal peril because of its goal. Other divisions which ex- :nsylvania and New York Cen- trol of crime and delinquency,” Because the Rudner force?’’ asked. Student Expression coded their ,« * « with thtìr « ' percentages are. College of, world’s mightiest rail system. Student Librarians said Col. E. S. Kanellakis, a are both Ingham County deputy graduate student from Greece sheriffs and an arm te the Uni­ majoring in corrections ad­ versity, Rudner said be felt campus police The ban cm political actions] nesday that she did not regard Home Economics, 169 per cent; of student organizations at the removal of the ban as a University Services, 152 per j facing deficits tar 1961, said The two giant carriers, both Tested on Efficièncy ministration. Kanellakis spoke on the com­ some parative aspects of criminal Students feat students might forego, of their civil liberties. Flint Junior College was lifted! personal victory. cent ; university business office, !teheir aim was financial re- I feel that the removal of 144 per cent; special division, i What is the “Human Relations Area File”? justice in the United States and tions from might tbe fear sanc­ University to Wednesday. f f ** Continental countries at tbe situations, where they would The moratorium was placed the moratorium is a better 136 ^P ^ ^entV; , ithreat te a slide into govern- Where is tt? Alpha Phi Sigma meeting Tues­ otherwise exercise their legal on all student actions concern­ atmosphere to work under to bons, 134 per cent;versity dean rala-i ment om,ership. of stn-j The agreement was announc- What are its uses? day night. ed with social and political is­ develop policy,” she said. dents, 124 per cent; admisswns jojntjy by James M. Symes, These# questions appeared on the first te the weekly tests - A changing society and mor­ power to ignore the police, he sues by Acting Dean Searle F “Lthtak our whole staff feels and scholarships, registrar, 116 p»„n«y Ahnirmon, and "Alfred to be given to student librarians in the humanities division te al values coupled with tiro rise said.- Charles. that the action- of removal was per cent; buildings and utilities, the library. -, *■. of materialistic philosophy and amount “There is extremely small ‘‘Since there was- consider­ wisely taken and it is much ap- 115 per-cent; College of Com­ E. Perlman, President of tbe ... >'■ of public information able misunderstanding concern­ i predated.” Central, following coordinated The tests were initiated by Austin J. McLean, librarian la an increasingly modern life concerning police budget mat­ ing the moratorium I want to { At MSU, the American Assn. College munication Arts, 107 per cent; meetings of their respective the hnmaaities division, to train the stadent assistants. have helped develop new ters,” Rudner added. stress the fact that it was not of Veterinary Medicine. boards in Philadelphia and Each test eeateias two sets te questions: one an location crimes rad forms of delin­ In order to prepare bis dis­ set forth as punishment to any University Professors pdss 104 per cent; dormitories a n d iiq ^ York te materials, aad one aa library procedure. quency, be said. * .. — ____ nrl ed aa fACAHtltAn resolution T iia o A««* n iftS i Tuesday night food services, 101 per cent They said competitive eon- McLean designs tiro teats te encourage knowledge te the “Grime and delinquency af­ cussion of tbe role of the po­ lice, Rudner said be talked to one person or group,” Dr. Char­ fecta all groups, agencies and les said in a statement lifting to write a letter to the FJC’s If any faculty or staff man-! ditioas had “worsened ap­ whole library and te encourage more interest ia the libra­ the whole community, and Richard O. Berhitt, director te the ban. f— - student government supporting ber has been overlooked, con­ preciably” slice the earlier, the department of puhlic position calling for the tributions may be sent to Dr. IB-feted merger attempt was rians, awn area, he said^ criminal justice through the The moratorium was a re­ their abolishment of the House Com­ A. Westley Rowland, Univer-j launchrd, and that “time . . . Although each division has its own training-am! orientation means of the police, prosecu­ “Bemitt said the department safety. sult of a controversy in toe mittee on Un-American Ac- sity Editor’s Office, B .Wells j is naming an t” ' " program, McLean said, formal training is difficult because tion, courts and corrections, as Flint area centering around Hall. See MERGER page 2 of the personnel change every term. unseparable links te each pen­ doesn’t have the funds to print up a brochure reporting the de­ the anti-house Un-American ' es al system, is a crucial means partment’s Activities Committee legisla­ of controlling crime a n d said. activities,” Rudner tion passed by FJC’s student » delinquency.” government Oct. IS and sup­ ported editorially by toe weekly student newspaper, tbe College Clamor. The initial inaction to the ban came from the Clamor. Defense T h e two legal systems, “He said that an annual re- Anglo-American, and Roman- prat goes to the president and Continental, have common his­ that he, Bemitt, considered it torical, cultural and legal not fra* public consumption.” roots, he said. “If this is really a com­ The Anglo-American sys­ munity, which R is, it would In its Nov. 3 issue, the news­ tem is more liberal aad larg­ behoove t ir o University te paper published blank spaces er, aad stresses protection te retain central ever a regula­ where it! editorials usually ap­ A - W a r : H o w imttvidoal rights in the state, tory organization,” Brand­ pear vttth a notice reading: while tiro Roman Continental statter said during a discos- “Editorials which were to TV gaf have appeared in this week’^ i H U I IlU l F o r F u tu re system Is considered dog­ sta r after Rndaer’s com­ matic and rather aafeorita- ments. issue . . . were not printed be­ tive. cause te the controversy pres­ S h e lte rs D is a s te rs Brandstatter said he thought ently being raised over toe role la ' a long-balance struggle there was validity In tbe AAUP that a college newspaper should between individual rights and By RENEE GERBER M uuf«« state |g taking tbe rigbts of society, tbe rights Idea of developing communica­ play in the community. Of tbe State News Staff otepo to protect its 2S,IM stu- of tbe individuel are of more tion with the department of "The point in question in­ Our problems concerning dente nad faculty an campus coacern today. be said. putrite safety. volves how and to what degree nuclear warfare cannot b a in dai. avast al unclear at­ He continued that it had the college press should con­ solved b y determining the Kanellakis bas recently been never been his experience feat that cern itself with political, social morality of fallout shelters or tack. director te the Directorate of Associated Presa writer Laws, préparation aad plan- an aura te mystery surround­ surround- or reUrious issues.” even by the need for feDout lam Mattine, fenaer Mate nhtg for the Royal Heltenic air ed the police. In his statement repealing1shelters themselves, according Neara staffer teBa ia this story farce in Atheas, Greece. "AU Information iBjour files tiro moratorium, Charles said: to various campus religious lrowMSU is reodytag a sp a- that baa been involved in a “A serin te event» on aad leaders. tat O hoa r coarse h i prepare particular prteAma has been off campus was occuitog lead­ Survival from as atomic at­ tte people to t i t s c a n at opened to the faculty and deans ing to tensions which did not tack goes much deeper than relate directly to the basic is­ tiro mere need or morality te themselves la case af sack W e a th e r J involved.” he sala. Tbe department te putrite ■ana» MtWIU mJfimraftr \ «tie*-*<*• iTYv' Vw.RV -1 ' ’ sues originally involved. a fallout' shelter, said tbe Rev. Parity dandy with temp- safety i r doing a fine job, - “The moratorium hod as Hr George Jordan, te the Wesley V-- Ry MM MASTINO . eratares ia the add IT t. Fri­ Brandstatter said. basic intent tiro breaking of Foundation, the Rev. Charles Associated Press Staff Writer day’s ferente: Partly «toady ”lb o caliber te pcraonnel has this type te inner action.” Klinksick, te the University Students here soon will have aad a Ittie wanaer. .: >' .. improved immensely since I “I tis has occurred.” Lutheran Church, and Rabbi “We all believe tiro students Abraham Zemaek, te tiro B’nai need the opportunity to study, B'rith Hillel Foundation. a chance to take an «iMtttonet optional course that may save their Hves eat day. jy OLOUDY started here about 14 yw rs ago,” be added. analyse, evaluate and express “We just must not let atomic I t a l deal wife tfafi defense “A group te Ota (acuity their ideas concerning social, war happen,” Mr. Jordan said. ■ W m i 'àé m WM Ì ntaV mmémWW ÉIK |pr vnNNllfiN operations la case of cncauy i*u- flfels c a ira M MfiAflMlr. economic and political issues,” Money and energy should be ctnhr attack. Charica continued. giro» to fee Congressional dis­ The I tte n r course-ito be "The student newspaper add “Our task is the immediate armament agency, be «aid. taught by state elafi detanae of­ others hcve mad* «A nts a week* attend to to analyse the “If we were to attack fee ficers from T aring wfit wo- Urget ■ I brat possible means for stu­ hanger praMonn, ia th e *^5» ' CD> (criminal - in­ dents to express their convic­ af faady, seat, aad vestigation department) fan- tions.” we ceted AML” Mr. plication is dei d ear to mpy |. Sue Heginbottom, Clamor ed­ Jordan said, **6111 hanger. the University polke depart- itor, h i the State News Wed- - See A-WAR page 4 RI su s ■ ;,.^ 1 fc 1 I Pifit mmm W m S ÜÜH N f? fp g g iy m WM^wm 1 1 Ä I1 me » m eS WÊm » ÈW ËËâè if Mm W B m k« W IBaBMfe iS B F ® 9 8 b iiiS f tii » iWmwWÊÊm Wm H Æ^SÊWK^Ê^^^xM^K^8SBSUB^.ms^fB^^emnlmmkji^ : '¿iÆ&Wÿ-. i-jbs •*' •'i-T^ ;Ì ' p i « Thursday Morning, November 9, 1961 Michigan Stale, New^ Ea*t Lan««g, Michigan ^ ] ! -K. H{“'.'j; . v--"-; à- ìlllS Horticulturist Advii nard, a zoologist-chemist, has sects, this la turn might re­ analysed over 000 dead birds sult in the use of more DDT, S. American Lands collected since 1989. efc. Dr. Martin J. Bukevac if The Atamic Energy Agency WtBace died cases where the horticulture department Is « w g ratin ila rarifrad ta WdUace revealed that Ber­ h is b e « selected to serve as hdp M Mfinai caurarina In Um nard’s analysis show DDT aahnw lacked her aatoral cheeks, such as Me Dutch « advisor to aovural South M itd * um ef «forale energy, potkmiqg to all campus, E. etas disease itself, Me tot re­ Am erica countries. haatorts I m tiifong art— i t s Lansing? and Lansing robins < Tito Atomic Energy Agency in their i mpartira JWMs rad collected through W . Three daction ef the lap ran ? Bee­ has selected five scientists to asks them for their n r a w . robins, obtained im p a rural rabbit 4a Australia. tle in this country, sad the serve as advisors in the use of Bukevac win halravfog this area never sprayed for the elm radioactive isotopes. week. disease, showed no trace of Predatory birds, such as The croup of scientists will __ DDT. hawks and owls, have been ob­ assemble in Vienna. Aurtna j ^ “Ttou new WageUeur lo r Many of the robins were still served dying with the symp­ for instructions as to Vbat the! is a spectacular j d R h a a the •Uve when found but none re­ researchers toms of DDT poisoning. State program will consist of and Jungle ef w p d d n y covered. The telltale symptoms Have experiment­ what their exact duties will be. ! Mat is stowlychafctog progress of DDT posiontng were de­ ed with hawks by feeding them They will then visit Ecuador, j in every fid* fiem iw w d s scribed by Wallace as a trem- postoned birds. Although the Argentina, Chile and O lum -ito rochela. —Hocus (Nra.f. oring of the extremities, notab­ .predatory birds have shown Ma 1JournaHtightar . ly the wfiigs and tail; gasping; strong recuperative . powers, mid convulsions. two sparrow hawks died after The Dutch elm disease being fed poisoned sparrows. came to the United States from the Netherlands la 1M0 ble for mammals to absorb and by 109* had reached DDT, although factors of size, Wallace said that it is possi­ Open GEORGE J. WALLACE Michiraa. metabolism, and diet make it In 1947, DDT was used in less- likely for. lethal doses to Research by university omi- New Jersey to control the bark accumulate. He said that t' » ' • ”* ■«o"'-*- In the East, Middle West and | PL ^ generations, he added. - . be­ ficials. For this reason, the r e X did « 1 * l* ij m‘ n • l*vl,e<1 fc»1,to “ one d«l)Mï Eastern Canada, 1 *— fore" **-- toe “ goetic * chages be- Federal Radiation Council has lay they really ticket and fine of *the 5* The Berlin orchestra is noted not be possible to make a firm b e a estabUshed to advise toe Thev’ve thrilled every fonter clty s red flfl* hoxt* . for its remarkable esprit de come evident, and then it may president and government and aaphmnare ami frosh. A At .» corner oL Main and corps which is in no small part not be possible to make a firm agencies regarding the radia­ A fter th e G a big kada and thanks to the Te-. Chestnut due, to the fact that is has only differentiation between those tion hazard. _ Ush Marowsze. ~ red box and tried to slip the four musical directors in it? 79- 1ticket and money in the box That dance group from Poland, rushed to the scene with wail* Allfourth. Moments later, fire trucks year history, von Krajan being the ~ three composers repre- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THIS SPECIAL BUYÎ I t ’sO a d e ’s fo r we rarely applauded ing sirens. The lady had b e a sented on the MSU program I’ve rarely bee* moved as that grow from abroad did, monkeying with a fire larm have made appearances with bat teat girt in the 2fth row box. '— i. ' 'toe orchestra. TRVLY wkk a eeSifi - she GREAT Post Gam e detracted a Mt from the Polish Maaawste.* VALUE *Yaa really eaat say H unless VM*T? N p 0|^ I hat this aee’s tee etesert. Plus PARTY TR EA TS mteux tans parole«. DonH let the final whktle af the gaone end Your Bowling Supply your week-end FUN! —- . ' .. ? C a te r Our regular At Oade*« you wiR find a complete mfortten of party low p rice. . . foods and beverage« to refresh the raral avl* d a f i w fa . Model 210 Changer $44.50 M ilk Tin f ir a T# 8 » Is... - . .J t L Osde's Share M7D DUmwd Cartridge “ A rou xd total $44.51 39* Bernd F rom UÊÊÊtmÊÊÊM University Village** T A P E W R p kitegaL tu fo h n n 8M0E9V MM Vtoe gbrbet BHBN0B'ÊÊÊÊÊWwWÊÊ&ÊR* IN D U S T R IE ' IV 9-8S40 2909 £. K ii— ir a wHMSra«yWHWEi M W U9I E. G rad River (East U fo h g ) ED 24097 MkMgMAm m » H U B i n i -..V.'' -,/ M ïZiÿsfiLJ O p e n House S ta rts T o d a y A t S o r o r itie s Sorority tan Opaa Home be­ gins today at 7 p.m. Visiting wttl continue Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Coeds who want to rush winter term can visit sororities during the Open House. This “preview” enables rusbees to learn about houses they might want to visit again when in­ vited bnek during winter rush. The 1700 coeds Who register­ ed for the Open Houses are divided into groups, each head­ ed, by a Pan-Hei rush counsel­ or. The groups spend 20 minutes at each house talking with sorority members. Winter rush Is held at the beginning of the term, ¡ p i New Equipment Has Just Been InstaBod To Accommodate Your Car At | (continued from page 1) . The Symes-Periman state- [ ment vowed formulation of a »concrete proposal “as rapidly {as possible,” and to present: it : Frandor A u to W ash j promptly to the interstate ] Commerce Commission, federal Frandor Shopping Center — Daily H Sun. 8:3041 trail regulatory agency. } There w ar no. attempt to i spell out terms, or even to in* j dicate broadly what they might - be. The railroad heads, unac- cessible today, said they would Swimmers Plan Tryouts, Spring Show throw more light on the com­ plex subject in a new confer­ GREEN ^ ence later on, probably in swimming sorority are bow planning for tryouts Nev. » «m Sg'totm shew. Far this term’s wurk (he swh— ers f about two weeks. # at f p.m. at the Women’s latramttrai bufldtog pari. Girls write routines for the Aprfl shew and wteter term w d I Their merger designs once again dramatically underscor­ Interested in tryouts mast have a senior Hfesavtog badge fiad them practising each Wedaesday night for (fee rer­ ed the financial plight of and a 2.1 all-college grade print average. Applicants will farmaace. _ “■ . Eastern railroads. - which op­ erated |122 million in' the red CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS for the first eight months of . 1961. HIGH READERSHIP New Spring Styles Avoid Tight Skirts LEA TH ER C LU TC H BAGS tokeepyouorganized FUnvers are our business Serving you is our- pleasure OF EAST LANSING VISIT EAST LANSING’S NEWEST FLOWER SHOP 215 ANN E D 241871 WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE N u r s e s G la s s j SM ART P IP O T ft A new clinical approach, la featured in the muring curric­ ulum for students who entered Chubby CO W H IDE the fall of 1911. Director of Nursing Florence j Kempf said the School of Nurs-i Checker’s IN WATCHES ITS A tA A f Z U m A / tog now requires practical; Bold, bright styling, Fomod accuracy* training at Sparrow Hospital "A Hamilton has too look and too fool an* supplemented by required study on the university campus. The program replaces a New Twist Release dependability of a leader. It’s one mark of . distinction you can wear ad toe time, not Jnf special occasions. At Hamilton Jswslerajmyri portion ef toe aid method ef trafariag which sent students to hsipttals and health agen­ IT SWINGS -------- $ 3 .3 9 Baronet's little leather .clutches keep your cies located away from toe belongings organized^ in such little space. See naivefrity tor five cut of their l a r i six terms.. DIAMOND NEEDLE tips . . . the Album Clutch ..... and other styles Junior«' will' devote twenty i Single er Par t ie Tip hours each week to actual pa-j to fit your needsr* _ _ tient c a n at Sparrow Hospital. nrnfeafertiM The new curriculum pattern includes requirements for prac­ FREE GOLD MONOGRAM tical training to medical, sur­ gical, obstetrical, child and psychiatry nursing at Sparrow! GrinnriTs - Frandor rad other hospitals whose fa- Opes Mam, Then* U m s* FM. t i l to il pun, dlities a n being utilized. The first two years ef toe program wffl require work only ea toe college campus, moiaiy in the bade eettege courses, aad these courses Lansing East Lansing wkfck will provide a founda­ 1V7 S. Washington 2M E. Grand River tion for too professional eearses t sacudratsd to toe tori two years. Graduates of the program win be prepared to practice under supervision to any beginning nursing position. _ N O V EM B ER 1 0 , 19 6 1 Editor . Assistant Editor Sally Ward Cathie Mahoney Music by Tracy Halsey Reporters Linda Godfrey Barb Padulo, Sue Engle. Sue Laftoee Purchase your tickets from your home representative 9 - 1 a.m . Convenient _ _ Fine Facilities La te Permissieas G ranted 2 inKRear5 ' THE EAGLE ^Upstairs M a so n ic T e m p le Downtown, w o o l w o s t it s 204 N. W idunglon - Across from Gladmer Theatre » Open till 2 a.m. (FRANDOR) Thursday Morning, November 9, 196 f jw thinking about the wboln situa- “We «M ttur morals hk war­ Tbs prybtom should ba hand! itta t” fare anyway,” he seid. “Look­ td by M l oampatoat In ton | af BAT, Klinksk* «Red the « • ing at shelters in this light, fiek!, be said. '■te* ample of the hospital at too they ere not imaaoral.” Moratity depends u p o n 'mL loot of toe hill. :m / -k:>v,.I ' Who is to decide who lives wfaet would da toe naost food aad~dteria war, he added. for toe most people,” be said to» feet ol a hill, became sa M “The whole mees to wrong,” concerning to t shelters. r . KUnksick said. : a a a y v . aMtiMto secured I « U t Rev. rather Robert f cant say If they should he totovttwf er cmnmbwI— am*. n s M L - tm .p m KwatMpgh. ee W. M s It Is fop to to* government. uisie Is ut«Msuti, aftontloi Cbarok sal Student Center, Father K avn au p saW. was brought to too road W sali toad he felt that toe “Can’t quarrel with the to t M trp a to e u i. it w aa* ^ • h a l t e r s were net toe right to protect one’s own fam­ wMRM. «arvy read, ae it business. ily.” ha said. “If eon wauls to was ttrslgktierf sad mad»«, Chareh’s “ 1 wQl follow the lead of the build a shelter and to* govern­ safer. The result was f f u r fovenuneid and stay in my ment isn’t doing it, oat has the ■ accidents. right.”™ ‘"The same must be dme* own field/* he said. with atomic survival. We mUst try to prevent ouch a war, be­ fore we put so much attention mcm fixed me on the shelters. We must start €0ME PANCAKES at the source.” ,, We must deal more with In* ternational relations, he said. “People should use time and money aid energy la ■>*Mf friends la other countries, rather than fallout shelters,” Mr. Klfhksteh con­ tinued. We need personal contact be* tween people and nations, too Aw THAT DRIPPW6 6 VRÜPÍ minister said. OF THE BAß? -- "Shelters a rt such a Small method of meeting the prob­ lem,” he said. Concerning toe morality of the shelter, key. Mr. Klinkslck said that war was immoral. ¡ a ta n c o □ □ □ s u a Crossword Puzzle □ □ □ tu a □ □ □ □ □ □ s □□□□a saauuaE 34. Over and □ aa mes above uaaauao uaaaa □ a s am aa a n a a 35. Sign of the zodiac □□a BHnaa gaia 36. Pikelike □ □ a s • a a a a cju h MATERNITY SHOP am □a au n aaaanaD >7. Jap. □m a n a s soldier's pay □ □ □ □ □ an a n n a a 36. Takes □ a a a n a a obbeq offense at ■a u n a a n a a a a a 41. Mountain defile Sotutten of Ycctecday’s Puzzli 44. Cuttlefish Fall Graduate fluid 43. Sly look 1 49. Matured DOWN 1. Ridicule S. Armed conflict *“ Applications Due 51. Poorer 52. Pother 93. Epoch \ 54. Aacaad . 2. Persia 3. Edible tubar 4. Puff up r 9. Cleansing agent _ IOlMargin U.BUsatul Coiffures Friday is the last day pros­ pective fall term graduates will 55. However v ( A Steep abode 56. By means of 6. Banish 17. Carries be allowed to submit applica­ 57. Precipitous 7. Wear away 19. Headliner tions for diplomas in the Sen­ 22. Running ior office, US Administration. -knot 23. Ward off 24. Chalice 23. Pronoun 26. Black bird 29. Brownie every beauty aid and service tor today’s coed Set wM It, man! 30. Poem 31. Chen pieces Yea lateas la 33. Succinct 34. Financial 1045 E. Grand River, East Lansing costaffiporary inatituUon 3ASa*c ED 7-1639 - 39. Belaaguer. meat P IP E R 40. Fun 4L Beseech two blocks East of Abbott Hall 42. Military aasistant 49. Discolored place A sst Nows Editor: Bruce 46. City in Pa. Fabricant; Copy Editors: E. 47. Actual Malcolm Fltoon, Chris Gallant, being 48. Retain Frank Lassiter, Wes Wletsma, 90. Pile John Wolcott, Bob Menarne, 91. Existed Tom Wirrton. C Y P R ES S O L IY E -B L U E Spedai LuncheonsDaily,. ServingCompleteDinners Wke» aaa yee M e'powef slock« that fit rasi tight IA» a sesead stia? Catyl S«e ywiuK in titvci-siwi pipan, the best thing that ever happened te o geyt Thty ride down low on ynwr hips, trih or« .out and bobs era newhera bidden «ido tabs do tho holdup fob. In a host of wonderful, wothoblt fabric«'■$4.fl to $6.75—ot Vior Yi FriedChicken camp«* «tara« thot ara "with It", Dinnermehrdespotatoes, salad Regulars - Shorts «Longs • Extra bmgg • Stouts roll &butter, beverage&dessert B ET W EEN H A L V E S ..« get that refreshizigittdwLfeeling O PEN U iO O A J I. D A IL Y HOLDEN f i l REID withCoke! Pizzas &DeliveryService F RANDOM— Store Hours: 9 to 9 every day except Sat., Sat. M ioMMuaenartiwmar LaSalle Ceca-Cala Bottling Os. PhoneED2-08» - >2031 “FAMOUS BRANDS FOR DAD AND LAD” BUM & E u r o p e T ic k e ts ments oi Jtooisfl© |L . SD B uK1M olvvs« mni. firitfiMNsife fte 9RRB sodi • teor a , bRPBH Pw Sp b & I n t m U n io n R S U C C ES S FU L ' te fTOrfflrKi U R I filili y JPUDSSmm Science, Berksy, Student Serv­ Champs Elysses, and Aceh ef STB lENTS ice«, Anthony « 4 the Agrfcal- Triumph before returning to tur«-Engineering building. New York w July 18. Hie safety director said a» Arriving in Loodoa on June iincom taaeaatw av attempt yet has has« onda to 98. the second group wiH begin aak toe aaiurettj for aa in­ its more extaarive 8-day tear lins epeoio«« far « crease in the safety budget to ef Europe. This longer pro­ provide far civil defense. gram will allow more time fur “We have to de toe best {172 reserved peats, wfll tnms» unscheduled sightseeing and we eaa with what we’ve fri,” will add several more cities 'uHMIP ^ p i t o r tP - wnstw ■and tourist attractions to the U S m jW m vacation schedule. -O uejreup will rsturnto New Special attractions added to York from ’Parte ad Jaty to this program will be Windsor after a 30-day tour of European Castle, Eton College, a folk cities. This travel program will day “Grand Holland Tour,” a spotlight , a Swiss “Yodel visit to toe Hague, three days Night” in Lucerne, featuring a in Brussels, a tour of toe Fondu dinner, dances^,-and Palace of toe League ef Na- music. Also included in this shorter tour win he London’s Bucking­ ham Palace Md Scotland FENDER-BENDER-Tlds Is Ae resell ef live o'clock Yard, the old and famous Uni­ traffic at toe comer ef East Circle Drive and Haslett versity of Heidelberg with its Students’ Prison and Students' I T 'S T IM E mad. The two ears collided dartag toe p ert rash hoar to Inn, Venice, the Vatican Mus­ campus traffic, both can betag hit to toe right treat eum of Italy, Monaco, and fender. H ere were ae injuries. —State News photo by M ate Carlo. Paris, the “ City of Light,” BetoFeher. will terminate the trip, as the PEER SEASO N R E N T -A -R S T I - A ll Calibers, Low Seasonal, Weekly a n d Weekend Rates • DEER UGEHSE • HAND WASHERS • AMMITNa SPECIAL , INSULATED RUBBER BOOTS S18-S8 Friday Store Hours Yellow or White ?; “ Jasoo, you dottf You know I use only ’ - r j w toM you that Shin Bracer Gold WMermen Skirt Bracer after-shave lotion. coois rather than burns. ||§ i . ■■ ■“ et course, sir. And this../’ . Because tt'4 made with M a th o M e e .§ ||^ i W&■“Sesites. that Cftejk iong lastmg Bracer^^>- aroma has a fantastic effect on Choice of Stone 'Mae THE OUTERCOAT Beautifully crafted M, S. U. Clast Rtog featariag the date ef sradaattoa, toe M. S. V. Seal, Beaumont Tower, and year degree ea the outside. Three takials ea the Inside. Warm yet lightweight, smartly styled yet The M. 8 . U. Class Rtog is iii ■ masculine . . . these throe winterized casuals priced as low ae $28.80 pias ‘But sir. this is Skin Bracer. Theyv* tax. if: ***•«* iustfchangatftee botti«: from our collection of weother-resistont outer -A symbolic, lasting reminder nertaW h'Briter. rm going to ef toe climax ef year formal ¿Sp'tgki that coats. Sizes 36-46 regular; mid 38-46 long. education A. Dacron-cotton poplin 38-inch cor coot with orton pile fining, and a convertible zip- off hood. Putty or ofivo green. 3 S .0 0 8 . Camel color 36-inch suburban coot of ¡1 | Ì #BgBaiè6r|sP wool ond cashmero Wend, a season-spanning Your HeedquaiTSrs (N Hf e ll tieËf He »i classic with zip-out timma p9o fining. 3 9 .9 8 For MSU R in g s ... C Blade wool four-pocket, 36-inch suburban coot with set-in sleeves; handsome black or- Ion p3e cotow, rod orton p ie lining. I S M Men’s Shop — 219 Abbott Road —>East Leasing Across from the MSU U rtm U T S W. Mayo Is r Swim Leader t m e s 1 NEW YORK Ufi—College foot- 1 b>B teams we Kke a yo-yo -r if up a d down—and the trick la I" ta guess Ohm one is hitting % am bottom of the String. Min­ nesota, up lari week, should suffer a letdown and Iowa, SERVING YOU p after two losses, should be on the rebound. WITH-4 BARBERS Pitt b always up for Notife ; Dame and MJehiga State pro- ¡¡- haMy will be in the doldrums against Purdm. That’s the way tt goea but not always. Iowa IS, Minneaota 16: Coach B-16 Frandor Av m m L Murray Warmath is whistling i _ (Concourse) past toe graveyard when be L says MsGophers are still high Tuesday — Saturday SjéO * 5 :30 for this one. .w py -Purdue 22, M ichiga State Frattdor Shopping Center [, 14: It s going to be tough to get much fight out of the Spar- TODAY aadFEUDAY! I tans this week. Pittsburgh 21, Notre Dame [ 8 : Jim Traficant tosses'more MICHIGAN vinegar into the Fighting I — Irish a open wuutHUa v. Sfarts I Navy 17, Duke 14: Greg » Mather’s errorless field goal TO M O RRO W ! IT’S ONLY A GAME—F asftel may be eoly a game, bat kicking may cook the Blue Fallback George S to a t takes t plenty seriously. His Devils oyster in toe oyster . . . ALL-DAY PREVUE l:lf, 2:15,5:15,1:281, »531 eager and figMtag play turn earned Mm a berth among bowl. . THESE TWO FEATURES Friday 1,5, tp O . the am taew for toe AB-Am orim team. Ohio State 28, Indiana 0: If - r Iowa c a t stop-tbe great Bob Needs ’Em Saturday - 1 Ferguson, what makes the Hoosiers think they cm? S U PER B A R G A IN . M Y ! m i l l e li!cat h iîili-iu K cn tu a • COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE K e y t o S u c c e ss: IM S c h e d u le THUR8DAY, NOVEMBER • ot 1ite ivridue ( )n \ ite Ri\c (Practice Field) _ and 1 h e ( i ù u s ( )f N a v a i o u • GLASS AND ROCKER PANELS INSTALLED • CAR PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY • WELDING ♦ BRAZING * SOLDERING Is Purdue SGiveixa coachGa offense o a ls a G am e that Mn e remains undaunted. 6:40 Lard Lakers — C.S.O. 7:25 D .TD.-Sig Ep. 8:10 PM Tau—A.K. Psi Worried? averages over six goals a After aB, they’ve toned toe game and hell be a happy habit, art ef eeortag goals into a ' and this kabtt they to- 0:55 A.G.R.—Psi U. 9:40 Z.B.T.—T. CM (Touch Field) man. “OVER If YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY IN THE OKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA You Bet tead to keep a Saturday. And that’s just the case with Mab Ventura, a dirt churning M ichiga »ate soccer coach little speedster who plays^in- 6:40 L.C.A.—PM Psi 7:25 Trie.—PM K. Sig. 8:10 PM Gam-D. CM The Purdue Boilermakers Gene Kenney. side left, leads the sharp-eyed are trying not to look ahead His hooters have poured 52 S p arta goal scorers with 22. 8:55 D. S. Phi-S. Chi BUS. PHONE RES. PHONE goals into its opponents net in There is double trouble a 9:40 S. Nu—B.T. Pi - ED 24111 ED 24231 to their tough finishing games as they prepare this week for right games this sqaon brewin’ when Ventura knocks (Jenison Field) 1732 HAMILTON HOAD • OKEMOS the invasion of the M ichiga But like any great maring a a goalie’s door because he 6:40 Ev. Sch. U—Tree State Spartans. club, R never wants to rest cm score with either foot. Dwellers “We c a ’t worry about Min­ a Its tanrds but ratte r to 'Ventura’s two-footed antics 7:25 S.A.E.—Farmhouse nesota and Indiana right now, get eri there and seme amre often start a goalie to shaking, 8:10 K. Sig—Phi Delt although they’ll give as plenty goals. And toe ypsrtans want but jo * to make sure the goalie 8:56'P . K. PM -D. U. GLADMER worry about when the time comes,” says Coach Jack Mol- mare garis. __ j stays that way, Rubens Fllizola They have their sights set cruises in to give Ventura a 0:40 S. A. M. — PM Sig. K. T h e Intramural Archery lenkopf. “Michigan State would hand. Tournament win continue un­ worry anybody. It will require . Starting from his center til Friday, Nov. 10 at 5 p.m. o r best game of the season if forward spot, Ftabria fakes we are-to make a y impress­ o k way aad dribbles toe The Football placekick con­ boD the other ntU he’s w av­ tinues until Friday, Nov. 10. rgi^AUDREY ion. We’ll have to be a lot sharper thin we were against Illinois.” ed Ms wsy through a mam r i defenders aad steads pret­ The hours are 11 to 1 and 3 to 5 in front of the Mens’ Intra­ i f f \ HEPBURN as that funny , sad .. “MiChiga State has the best team that we’ve played so erite at tte goalie’s thres­ hold. - Then, with a last bit of trick- mural building. extraordinary glittering far,” reported Jim Shea, as­ Michigan State sophomore sistant freshman coach who ery, he zeros in a Ms target halfback Ron RuMck. scored HOUYQOUQHTVr Ten times he’s scored direct serving wonderful faQ-bl Uis b e a scouting the Spar­ 184 prints Ms senior year at tans. “Duffy D agherty h a ex­ hits. Manistique (Mich.) High School ceptional depth with alternat­ J e a Lohri, a powerful lad to rank second among the all- ing offensive a d defensive who plays inside right also time M ichiga prep football platoons and a brilliant full­ h a ta k a a liking to scoring scorers. back la George Salm a." direct hits. A good playmaker, Lohri The once-beaten Spartans, h a ta k a time off from Ms who still retain Big Ten title setup duties to record eight tapes, have tom te a a a to be g a ls of.Ms own this season. wary ef toe uaierdeg Boiler­ Sometimes a opponent makers. Twice ta toe p o t win pnB 8 s defeases ta tight right years Purdue h a pro­ to stop States’s three Mg vided tte lone Mots on other- scorers. wise perfect BOddga State Then S p arta w ingm a Jer­ Next* Elvis Prorieyta “Btoe Hawaii f a 1:30 pJD. Saturday when ry H era and -Dave Christie On the other hand, M ichiga St. Loris University will be ova. - State has'hdd the upper band bere ta thè final regolar sca­ Both ore good ballhandlers s a game far thè Spaitans. aad each has a strong accur­ M tte pari two years to e v a St. Loris hrings a nasty ate shot. tte all-time sm ia count at reputatimi rito 8 . Besides be- After they’ve peppered a few 7-7-L Two years ago tte visit­ y o u r fu tu r e lo o k s ors M ated tte Boilermakers. lag NCAA champa two yem» ta shots from the whig positions, and they’ve peppered six goals ISA while In lari year’s game betw ea them, their opponents hare toe Spartans bounced defense lessens up again. tach after trriUSg 13-3 to win, b r ig h t a t . .L a z i » ! » 17-13. And when it loosens up, the Ventura-Filizoia-Lohri c o m - Tte BeOermater defease to bination goes beck to work teand to he cancenied with for the Spartans. attempting to atop firitondk in merchandising George Saimes, wte sparked lari year’s lota f ia r lliw in control, finança drive wtea te carried eigM ttaros far 61 yards. Thrsprod in store operations ri toe State tegherH , Gary in restaurant mgt. m a m u d in personnel inpublicity The aggrearive Boìlermaker tMBS'andIceCream forwar d wafi, briR around tte écttag c o o p ta ta , End Jack You will t o a be making a raomsntnua decision. Where Etnea and Guani S ta Sa* Cash & G a rry They go for it In California. urek, wffl te eutwrighed nine They won't go without it In do you go Mom hero? Horn fast, hour far will you advance pounds per m a , wntìe Pur- in position, proetige, oompanrotia? aue’s stortine backfleld wffl te Maine. And tbo story to the Consider merchandising.J t is big, broad, varied. It offers eompoasd t t te e sophomoros, a wealth ri challenge and vast opportunity to go up, Ufe Quarterback Ron DiGravio aad same oa every eam pa between. taft Halfback Tom Bloom, aad */2 Gal Plain Homogenized UP. Advancement oocaea fori for young awn and wcaaa a pair of junior«, righi half­ Classic corduroy, carefully who have initiative, ability, anthuataam. aad taiaginat i a . back Dave Miller and fu&tack Consider Lazarus, a nationally noopiesi leader in tta Roy Walter. tailored, meant for aemaetero field r i merctendlring. L oan* tea had 110 years r i elandy. of aau rt wear. la a choice growth, yet it la a young-thinking» lo m rf tanking oan> p ay . D ie rapidly expanding and eager lotahs you gram of shades. •1 C with it. t ’ '■ t I Gal aU flavors Whatever your interest, merchandising r i Laaarus offers - rti m ity and nppratnnitj fns lemteeriilji Contact your Ptaceeaant Price far aaoro tafonnatom so» garding cor interviewing schedule. TJTITrP|HTBCntiTlVC Will , November 16, 1961 ,, ,B»»aaiweaae«eeaesiaiaTiaaa— -C O R D U R O Y S Regular 18.15 Vatae HKositchek LAZARUS Columbus 16, Ohio / A division of Federated Department Stores, Inc. &Bros. VARSITY SHOP ■■ U t N. WASHINGTON S» ABBOTT RD. E. LANS. * P f i P g*Éf H ü ïj- .’ ■ 9 M epr » uvvir^'-1' -• « ■»ME i f ü 5a * --f |-. S11K TO »a?. BP U M M ■ ■m » •'“'r.Ç/'ifi.-w.'lr , •. . Tï9î-: ■•■‘feS; iaw'-öStf'i '., ’•/ iiiÄvfs'Si - ..'---■ '. tasaSsl' ■•-^ M rm * E B B B p '» m TT n w èy Moramg, November t , 1961 V -v j auM üH Ü Ew * Ä |H S |ç ? § | iM ¿ ¿s iBMsas: information1 it t P II V to d a y ü n c a m p u s U I M t 01A88IFIEIS Pre-Vet Club Thursday, 7:30 Packaging Wives Society - 355-8255 or 3554236 m tth produces * resilti ~Da* pies," said a Vietnamese en­ seting with the pjn , joint meeting Thursday, • p.m., flower 2 A.V.MA, Ml Giltner Hall. demonsfratioh, 615 S. Wash­ Desdiioes 1 .0 0 M L Irisenallmsl CMMB Wy *■4|B■ -rear" Us« he left Berkeley Springs gineer. "Because I am an Spartan Christian frsBswrilp miolgtrktiaa dCA) wilt m Indonesian petroleum en- engineer, 1 felt I must stress ington. semuwn 00 _ gttmar had a plan firmly hi only fim technical aspects ef Thursday, 7 p.m. mod 8:15 Christian Stadent Foeadatisn— K ates F a r 1 5 W a rd « p.m., Bethel Manor. ^ w M rttd o ttti frtNU nw rt n f i n g : - ■■ ' * ' • ^ .1' a problem a n t 1 never talked Thursday, 7 p.m., married than W v w m Airing the next “I have to go slowly aad set ith my employees an any Wesley Fsntobdisn—Thursday, student forum, Christian Stu­ « lay s „.... ___ 2 4 5 « other level. Tms mSde me very 7 p.m., "The Christian said v«tr k m . ikz'rL :4 -v* ■W^^m yr^k all my ideas down in dent Foundation. I l a y s __ — , 1M Since lMS wh«i state Isllttlh he sahL “But I most not boast unpopular in my department. thé Fallout Shelter," 118 Har­ Tri Bete — Thursday, 7 p.m. I t lay s — —MWM-« 4.00 ed tbs asioiaarB, 5,000 ICA and tell people what I am go­ New I know how to talk to rison. Delta PM Bsaflen*■Thursday, 4:90 Natural Science. trainees f tw 74 countries have ing to do as a -reauR of my people; quently to gather my man fre­ in conférences; let 7:50 p.m.7 52 Union. Martin Lather ChapM-r Thurs­ •tteiiM the sessions. : time hi the United States. We day, 0:45 pun., meditations. have had; bad axparinaca wtth them speak out on their own Letheraa Student Asm.—Thurs- To 'lain M week-iong sem- returned participants wba brag- problems, and to solve the pro­ |? day; 4:10 p.m., study hour. Martin Luther ChapeL A U TO M O TIV E r o t S A IE « al r a w * iners have P H i accord­ gid Marita Lather Chapel — Thurs­ Oka that. blems with the cooperation of University Lutheran Church. 1554 A U ST IN H « * l.y . Im m a e w TRAILERS PO S SALE ing to Dr. Huber W. EUings- "My plan is quietly to put M L" WSSH — Thursday, 7:45 p.ra„ day, 7:30 p.m., Lutheran Lec­ latr. rw K M Wt good rubber T w o a a d ra a m worth, Goanral Commuidca- into practice whatever 1 can, A by-product of the seminars ham shack. tures, Martin Luther ChapeL n n a s n p K B f m o b ile hoaM . abb». P u l l ta r a c o m p o rtm a n t b a a»" a n d m ill. M f e a t E x e M lo a t h om e f a r I o r m e n t T ir a o a r Arts professor who di- and never mention what I am on cemmmdcatkm is a greater Chavy nalray- 1 a tu d e n t a M U P a r k L a k e R oad. 111144. S D T e d•! f i T * TW# **% «Bs for 60 more bo- Aaiqg mjai I have soma plan understanding of people from IM S ' t U C K MA T-94fT. d a y a , N A ? . » » , e r a - C oupa. R a d io , h a a tar. *.*■ ------. - tiraa. O R O B 9B S C K MI U A At t r a d i r . n e ts the eemlnars. The new in wor'Jng order. Then I can other TWIST, anyone? — . w • x e o llo n t body, W ill m U o r tra d « a ia g s . «4 . b a d ra e ja b rto k ra n c h . N ylon e a r - contract calls lor f t more be* countries. One par­ IU.4I». (I l l . l I K T U N E . M a t. a a tim r, d r a a a a a n d Irtte h e a b a rn * #ay t my boss, 'See what I ticipant, a chemist frtm Brazil, k itc h e n . G r a d u a tin g , m u s““ t •a r te a . o w n e r 1e a r i n g a la t e . N e w o w n . tween now aad July 1, IMS. - I t « « FAUCON- 4-d 4-door, o o r, i t w d l r t R a aa o n ab la . STj S T M SS. J A . ra»»■ n d■ R »T iv w e r,. o r m a y l a k e o r a r 4 a n d th r e e Although organised mid ad­ can am t ling. If you like it,, we sunimed up his experience s h if t. » « A H « a tu a l m il»« E x c e lle n t t o n d ltlo n . s u M I S I . lo t M l. BD M m tl *« a f t e r I p u a . i f f o u r t h p e rc e n t O t m o rtg a g e . I d e a l- ly A i t u it e d to b a t h i t o i ^ ministered by state, seminar reread the information this way: „ (Social Chairmen, Clip This Ad) w m r r w o o D t r a i l b r . i m «, t M8U. P h o n « o w n e r, IV 2-742Ì i s sessions have boon conducted arov'd to others.’ ” "I was one of 54 participants 1*51 FL T M O U T H B ta tlo o W a a - ‘ ru.tad. but matar » be d ro o m lik e a e w , l i t i , c a r p e tin g , The seminars also give par­ from some 30 countries. We got NEW PO PU LAR M U SIC SEN SA TIO N a ir - c a n d itia a ln g . a e a u a tic a l o a il- G R O E 9B E C K H ILLA. | m in u te « tw professors from more than tw w & a r tiu r. e te re a , a w t tt a g a a d a to m g a ticipants new Insights that will along so harmoniously that we h euae. P r ic e d to e el t. C al! E D T . fro m cam rre«. M ew > b e d ro o m r a n c h . I t s b a th « , a p a c lo u a k itc h e n , 40 coHegM end universities. help them h* better admin­ even agreed that were it not the fabulous „~ 1*51 F0WTÏAC. » door. amaalff* 1881. M u m t y a r e a , a a r a e l i a g . B y e w a e r . Otbar^froupe. eoch as Michi­ for politicians, we could live in istrators. ly c le a n . In t o , A b«»a. B aa; a « « » I,«for« N o v e m b er A T U IV 4-2»*«. or SI F O R REMT T a k e e r e r *V«% m o r tg a c e . n o c lo s in g coat«, i l l « p e r m o n th . gan Bmi Telephone Company, *1,1*0 d o w n . I V « -M l* . 1— i t the American Hospital As­ "I had a superiority Com- peace forever." ☆ SPARTONES ☆ TG IFS or what hayg you? B A S T UA N 9IN O . N e a r i t . T h o m - sociation, Consumer's JPower HOUSES a a n d B a ile y b c b o o la C a p e C od, 4 Company and the Detroit City ^ BOOK NOW! bed ro o m « , d m , f g a l l b a th s , la r g e ■ W Ë Â Ü ÎT P PT h o u s e f e r lem liy ! S PlariR S a tetSMHSPBSSMMgappSL b edroom «, ep ao lo u e liv in g a n d d i a l a * ro o m , m o d e rn k ito h e a , g a ra g e . I f1* * A lb e rt tit. * t. 9123 9125 m cm o n th th-' m odem k itc h e n , e e m i-fln U h e d Planning Commission, r e c r e a tio n ro o m . | » , i 4 4 . O w n e r also loaned instructors from w itl e e ll on c o n tr a c t. *1* C e llin g - lod D riv e. B D l-»4»5._________X | tbeir staffs. have N a tio n a l Issu e s Call ED 2-5383 • 3565 Alaa Cooper ly. fu rn is h e d . C a ll e vreenn tn in g as, E D *-«»2*. - IS The seminar is one of . the PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 FUL.LT f u r n is h e d 4 ro o m a p a r t - m e a t 1 b lo c k fro m c a m p u s , f o r m a rrie d c o u p le . 9 » m o n th ly p lu s last stops for ICA~participants a a d R A D IO se rv ic e , s p e c ia l who come to The United States G iv e n o n W M SB lo w r a t e s t o e tu d e s tA M ew a n d to learn new techniques and *1« o t Hit le a 21* Loirl», E D 2-25T4. u s o d 'T V s e ta a a d a n te n n a s . F r e e College students will (Move these panels of students re­ - »1 t a t « c h e c k in g , f r e e p a r k in g • a.m . methods which can be applied their interest concerning world­ presenting various colleges and E X T R A N IC E , f u r n is h e d 2 b e d ­ t o » p.m . d a lly . T V T e c h n io fa a a Co., to their Jobs at home, Dr. El- W M B . M ic h ig a n . IV 7 -»H *. ti î wide and national issues oxt universities throughout the * O I I E * room ho m e f o r « s tu d e n te . E a s t o f IbtgsworthjMid. ea r ly or late - ra m p a « . A m p ia a a r k l a g . A v ad teb te A L T E R A T IO N S a a d r e p a i r s . C a ll the Peabody Award winning world will include - Attorney E A 5 T L A N S I N G - P H O N E ED. 2- 28 14 MODELS . . . M o m o , B D T -»Ï2S. _ II IT 4-M M ._______________ 31 ICA programs last from six series, “College News Con­ General Robert Kennedy, Sena­ A9ARTMENTS L O W COST c o p ie s o f c lo ts no te* weeks to three years depend­ ference,” presented o v e r tor Barry Coldwster, and NIGHTS A SUN. - ADULTS 80c SAT. MAT. 69c 15*1 F y l l 43UTLA8*. " A m a r lc i 'i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT I.u x u ry « o m p a e t” J u a t o ff «bow ■ U h ¿ B A B B f o r w i n t e r te rm , li r o u g h d n t f t s a n d a r tn to d m a te ria l, ing on the nature of the train­ WMSB, Channel 10, every USIA Director Edward R. Mur- 100m flo o r c o n d itio n a n d lo a d a d . b e d ro o m c o m p le te ly f u r n is h e d w o n c h G ra p h ic s e rv ic e , 1720 E. M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g . P h o n e 4*4- ing. A wide range of fields and Thursday at 12:30 p.m._ ami row, THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS 12455.------ S p a r ta n V illa g e a p a r tm e n t. C a ll t f professional categories are re­ repeated on Saturday* at noon. ***•*047. M 77 * 1 As a part of the series’ new T V a n d R A D IO se rv ie s . S p e c ia l presented by the trainees. Guests to be interviewed by format, programs this year 1561 GALAXTW. 4 -d o o r h a rd to p a p o r ts se d a n . F o rd 's f i n e s t.- c o m - CO O K IN G , 2 m en . A p p ro v e d , a u - plot« w ith c ru la a -m a rle . e le c tric lo w r a t e s to s tu d o n ts . N ow a n d There are nuclear physicists, will often originate from-cities LAST TIMES TONIGHT p e rv la e d , cl—The space expert General Bernard A vailab le fo r d sn o e a . H a v o m ad e pino public health technician, profundity of reading by col Schriever and students from ow ner.' b la c k b e a u ty . T h e M o st f o r s t a f f m e m b e rs. E D 3-37*3 a f t e r a p p e a r a n c e s o n W M 8B -T V , C o ra l' STA RTIN G TO M O RRO W F R ID A Y th e M oney, 91195. 7 p.m . 4« . M Bwr l a Colombian air traffic technic­ lege graduates "is one degree fiie Denver area. 195* PO N T IA C . 2 - d o e r h a rd to p . a n d s o r o r ltls s . P h o n e IV 7-2211 o r ian. a secondary school teach­ above the comprehension of an P o s tt t v a l r t h e s h a r p e s t 9 u p e r C h ie f IV 5-4311. A lso a v a ila b le f o r p ta n n Ruth Hagy, producer and In t e w a l ( 1 19. a a d w o r th It! L O S T iim J FO U N D t u n i n g a n d re p a ir in g . MSU m u sic er from Liberia and an Indian orangutan," the dean of Prov­ moderator of "College News g r a d u a ta . M e m b er o f P la n o T ec h - n tc ia n s G uild. 24 mining engineer. idence College said recently. Conference” said “I have been youJl howl when S ^ an d |W ^eS collide hestaU 1951 C H E V R O L E T *- 4-door Bel LOST. S a tu r d a y a fte rn o o n - O le a i ­ A ir h a rd to p . I » ? * 1* c o n v e rtib le , t a la b e lg e - c a s e . P le n a « r a t u r a to “If the training ICA p a r­ "Sad to say, even the college delighted with the cooperation uti R a y « tic * . Pram, 9*9*. P h illip s o r c n il IM -4 M 1 . 92 T T P IN G la S p a rtan a p o r tr a e n t. - E le c tr ic V illa g e t y p e w r lte r ticipants receive here is to be graduate, if we are tiTbelieve of National Educational Tele­ C afl 255-3M 2. ■ t f of any value in their home recent surveys, does not have 1**1 PL T W O U T H B - -a iv a d ePr. m 4- LOST. L a d le s w h l t e g o ld H a rv e ! vision and am very -pleased d o o r h a r d t o p C o m p le te ly ««LUW ^i in In "'S c lu d in e p o w .o c ^ y te a rin g S p a r ta na s i t r i i r u n e q u a le d a n y w tta flt f o r e « t* * J 9«**. ..T a t a r a w a tc h . R s w a rd . , I Ì 2- » O Ì . LOUT. S a t u r d a r n i g h t n e a r F a i r ­ c h ild T h e a tre . B ro w n l e a t h e r b i ll . >2 T T P IS T a MM-' B R O W N . B D s“ countries, the knowledge they comes to a question of what is that NET will give us the op­ 2**4. E le c tr ic ty p o w r ite r . T e rjn p a ­ n e ra a n d th e se « , a is e g u a o r a * ty p - have acquired must be passed sensitive discernment when it portunity to take our cameras SFr - fo td r I m p o r ta n t p a p e rs . R e w a rd . i a g. y •. 'g-,’. .•vvf~ t f on to colleagues in government, file most worthwhile reading to the people and events mak­ ‘ g (T U I» M f P Î B C q W T , dcM-Wash! Industry and education,'‘ said material," said the Rev. Joseph ing the news; I have long felt *1959-196! "LAUsslnfr*« l a r g e s t aa- le e tto n o f c h o ic e T w ’i And c o r* v itta # .” SPARTAN M OTORS _ C a ll 255-2879. PER SO N A L 32 « .T i. L u b Job, tl.OO. g t n d e a t p a r k ­ Dr. Ellingsworth. in g , «1.50. F re e q u a r t o f i»8 w tth e v e ry o ll c h a n g e . C o m p le t« t u n e - ^*A participant’s ability to up. O p en 34 n o u rs . D a v e ’s P u r e transmit the information he session of the Rhode Island Li­ L. Lennon, O.P. that television should be doing He spoke i t the opening fall more of this sort of thing." and RiGiïT has gained is a critical factor brary Association at Providence berThe first program, Novem­ OÏL J 9 1 9 E . Q ra n d R iv e r. tf 3409 E. Michigan sic It’s J a c k B ra u n . B o b b y S te v e n a , R on E n g lis h , p lu e m a n y e th e r s . E X P E R T T H E S E S And g o b e ra i in the success of the -entire 16 will be the study of the P h e n e t h e B u d -M o r A g e n cy , TV 2- ty p in g . ME le t ec tr ic MMty p e w■r ite r--, Wi College. Peace Con» hi action in ED 2-8804 0*34. tf te e n y e a r s e xtnpeeirie n c e É O u o b lo c k home country-ICA program. Father Lennon said :, high Colombia. Included -will be fro m B ro d y . E D 3-554«. it B A R B A R A E D W A R D S A JO H N The seminar tries to help him school students are net made films of corps members in “ T * e B a a ta a C e a a a O B R IG p le a s« c o m a to th e h ta te P E R S O N A L D A T A fo rm a , th e s is see ways to pass on the new to read enough. MN 8M3M0VUfli las f U N M tc b lg a » " N ew s office, R oom 347 S tu d e n t a n d g e n e ra l ty p in g . O ffs e t p r i n t ­ training in the United States S e rv ic e s B ld g , f o r tw o f r e e p a s s e s in g , p la s tic b in d in g snld t y p e s e t ­ ideas without causing friction “Consequently, many of them and in Colombia as well as in­ ALASTAfltS» EMCIAMB tin g . W o n ch G ra fie B erv lo o r 1729 with those who are still doing 19*1 R E N A U L T . S u n -ro U , ra d io , w to t h s C re s t D riv e -In . swmu——is—w—to—wi«mwi— —«wmsm—gg* tf E a s t M ic h ig a n , L a n s in g . P h o n e come to college Inadequately terviews of members, by out- w .w r, m e e t e e c rtfle « . T a e e o 'e r 414-77««. t f filings the old way. prepared to cope with the great, landing Colombian students, p a y m e n ts , 95* m o n th ly , äia-44« it rW L e s t a t e “The week-long seminar at amount of reading they will — 4-9(21. oveBlUga. B rw EM PLOYM ENT w n ss? * !? G.L m o rtg a g e . P a y m e n ts «77 I n ­ c lu d in g ta x e s a n d In s u ra n c e . N e w ­ e r 2 b e d ro o m ra n c h . B y e w n o r, a n w ith 10 y e a r s s s c rs ta M n i s x - Cacapon State Park, Berkeley face," he said. "Not having p srle n c e . T U 2-4731. t f Springs, W. Va., or Boyne T T P IN G . E X P E R IE N C E D M ann- Mountain Lodge, Boyne Falls, oped little ability to distinguish s c r i p t t n i s t . E n g lis h m a jo r. T erm read widely, they have devel­ Starts TODAY! Daily uatil 5:30 p.m. 60c Küßten m a n T O 9 E L L t h è n e w A u to ­ m a tic E ie c tro lu x C le a n e r. No in - r# w tm « n l w h i Im C " F u » or_ { i r t P h o n e T U 8-3*42.___________ E A ST . I5 M dow n. C lo se t o c o l­ 23 p a p e ro the««», otc. E D 3-241*. M Mich., leads them into an analy­ the shoddy from the worth­ sis of their home situations. while." L U C O N Evenings ft Sunday 90c 25c tim o . A «uni o p p o r tu n ity f a r b a t­ le g e a n d F r s n d o r . M odern. 3 b e d ­ room . A p p ro x im a te ly 2 a c r e s - o f TR A N SPO R TA TIO N For the first time, many par­ J A IT iAMSIl T-«1f r.HIl JTHrlYn t e r t h a n a v e r a g e e a r n l n g j. r o r p e re n n a i In tp r v ie w a p p ly ; UlSCt«*- la n d . T o a d p rie s , «7w*0. IV *-41 CO. ticipants begin to see the out­ tn x C o r p o r a tio n . I l * E . M ich ig an «1 N E W T O R K -J o ro o y f o r T h a n k s ­ lines of communications net­ Feature Today 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 • 7:20 • 9:30 t r i p to J J .T . P o r t A u t h o r i ty T e r ­ works in their own offices or T i g h t V o t e A v » u > , l 4 B r tR i . M lo h lf> a . tT g iv in g ! G ro u p c h a r t e r i n g b u a ro u n d O K EM O S N E A R m a g n if Iro n t W ANTW tX G ir! to w # rk f « r t ag sit«,com - fe n ce d . ***00. R o m ay n e m in a l, W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 22. factories and to think about m i n a n d % otrd. F l i t w n t t u r - C o n ta c t A r t L ip to n , IV t-1215, b e - r«tttidi»«R . KDRr M ic h L rtg A v«na* Beks, B ro k e r, IV »-««>». »3 how to suggest changes based r tilf - f f tlt Ml I 8HI. » on their American experi­ ANADARKO, Okla. (W - I f hu» tr%a»fHRrt»tion. C * n IV i ; »97*. - «> OKEM OS. B e a u tif u l ra n c h Homo. L o v e ly g ro u n d s , tre e s , r e c r e a tio n room , 2 fire p la c e s . R o m ay n e H ic k s. W A N TED ences.’* took two members of the city "YOUR, HEART P A R T T IM E . « w *H d re e e e d m e a Professors and participants council and a rusty knife to pry t e d e llv e r f r e e a d v e r tis in g g ifl* . «15 p e r e v e n in g . C n r a e c o sa a ry . B r o k e r. IV 9-44*4. 15A9T LANSING. 1113 M elrose, t S3 W b. M g d«»lre? 9 f r - n le h e d h o u se D o e o m b o r 2 o r J a n ­ liva together and discussions off the lid of a bucket contain­ "WILLSIGH» IV 9-131». »-> p.m . o n ly . *1 b e d ro o m ra n o h , p ric e d f o r lm m ed i u a r y 1 u n til J u n a 15. P r o fs * H od begun hi formal class sessions ing votes on the issue of keep­ C e d a r a r s a . H a v e 1 g irls . 1 boy, e le m e n ta r y a g o , E x c e lle n t « a ra often continue until late at ing or getting rid of parking C H A R L E S K E N T l U e v e r Ce.. a te ante. «15,240. L ow d o w n p a y ­ D ia m o n d M e ro h an t» . d e s tr e m a tu ro , m e n t. E D 3-3432. c a p a b le MBU e tu d e n t t o a o t a e it i f rnight A week Is a short time maters. -The council showed and S C R E A M CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ~ a the intensive training pro* council pigeonholed the matter. LOW COST w anted, i m o C o rv e tti to . H h rd[top to fo r I K I ­ C aU E D i y « g f a f t e r W IT H W A ilT M D : L a b o m t o r y te c h n lc la n In doetoe*s v n l l f i n g G ra n d , Ledge^ HIGH READERSHIP H SBjru * to » a l l e y o f t K i 7-471« S u tu rte y in * *« LA U G H T E R TOUWO M S N . s o r t ris«« F » f k . »~wh«n the world’s *KO O KIEST C U P ID takes • F O K S  lÊ i H e hand in her affaire! R Ö T A L STA N D A RD . T > « « w rite r. S M e U w l oouOlUem. IV t-22S 7. SI ACADEMY F O U R T IC K E T * f o r P u rS u o - M lc h tm n R isto g su io . s h o u t 2« f s r S Wos. C u ll K O 2 - i n s . St M .S.U . N A A C P AWARD SCA PPAN G A S KANON 1« «OOd c o n ù ltle n . IV 4-99 94- SS WINNER! L A R G E 4 < r * « w so lid C h s rry c n tlq u o c h e s t. ( B u r s s u l N I . E D 2- ' f economics and pi^sident passed. speaking guide. of the local chapter of the Meyer was directed to gath­ Tickets for the airplane American Civil liberties Un­ er further information and flight and arrangements for ion, said he saw a clear-cut form a committee, gather the tear are beiag made on class of values. . -— further information and see a separate basis. Students “I think that Brandstatter is Dean of Students John . are net obligated to partake proud of the job he did with Fuzak. la th e vacation program the campus police,” Larrowe when they purchase the added. He asked that an amendment ‘Clock-Setting’ round trip plane ticket. to invite Director Bernltt be made to a resolution made by Is TimelyTask Harold T. Walsh, assistant pro- lessor of philosophy. This resolution called for a ForCollector AAUP meeting devoted ex­ MOUNT PULASKI, 111. cSV- clusively to discussing the role Think you had trouble adjust- O a y ,500-a ytar job in the U. S. J O ora Pese»CorpsjabioAfrica! of-the police at the University. ing- the two or three clocks in The AAUP passed this. your house Sunday with the re­ “University regulation of turn to standard time? student life at MSU is charact­ Consider the task of Walter erized by a paternalistic-spirit A. Schafer. 9 Are ßreek-letter f-\ > © Do men expect their symbolized by the assumption He has more than 200 clock* that the University must stand in his bbuse and basement. sororities and fraternities daks to famish their in loco parentis,” Alfred G. With him, tinkering with Meyer, professor of political timepieces is a labor of love. good for American Colleges orra cigarettes? science, said. He has been collecting clocks Meyer commented on regula­ since 1924. tion of student life outside the They include six grandfath­ —classroom-. er clocks, eight cuckoo clocks, “We cannot expectour stu­ and a banjo clock that, he said, dents to become mature as once coin’s hung in Abraham Lto- law office in Springfield. long as we treat them as Schafer is a retired id business busto children,” be said. .man. Thus, he has plenty of Seme of the consequences of i time bn his hands. & % ■ ■ ■ ■ i t o t o t o * COUPON ■ to to to to to to to ■ to ■ — Clip and Save ■ — I ■ R e c o rd S p e c ia l Good Thurs. Fri. & Sal* * ■ ■ . . '. ... ■ □ YES D NO ■ - - . ■ m (available only with coupon) ' ^ ~ ■ Here’s how 1029 students at 100 colleges voted! ! A1Hirt &Pete Fountain I : “ B lock Bustin D ix ie * ’ Expect m ore... •ofouM ct mm /fora/ a r t •rn sjm -*oq * 4P»t getmore from Reg. $4.98; Save$2.00 %a- u m S A L E - P R IC E $ 2 .9 8 L*M The rich flavor lari among ■ ■ • ■ßeethoven’s lowest record prices ln Hßickigm you mera body to Ih» Hand . . . m eratU voftottwwnolw . . . moretwt.through toe W br.£jiototoam l lb t «»**•***•f e t o t a * a to Compare p rie « aad rave Try besitasti to 2 0 7 M .A .C M