Wm.Sia a ts I « ss saw? » » ¡il IS K ¡ V -i Mi » ?4iw| » » OT- ■f! ííispspi I se« I m m i «S»»?ss*» m U m for 52 Jtmn ^ KS8$iHFigW HH»aiwre ■ r ntB Ìijlih rd 1909 Voi No. 9 9 Morning, November 13, 1961 By SHARON COADY m art the same plea he few w r t M i p aald. “The wertdts S NEW YORK—Prime Minister bee* giving at all after richer aad the truth more hke- Nehru of India wm greeted with apeeebet during this visit ly to appear if there la variety.” open adoration at toe Collegiate “We CSBBMt win n ondear He safttf we moat kmp ftto * * dr Council for the United Nations w ar/' he said. “We can only be g rito # y e building Conference Saturday. — destreyad by I t < ft i l i PPM ..— „ «HI Students The Itedertt gathered there Nchra said he realized that The Indian leader, who does far the w w tw l eeafirrarr instant or unilateral disarma- not lfta to be called aWftdlg Russian bln gave Mm three d a d h d t» * ment was impossible but that reaffirmed his country's posi- tloai during Us ahart talk. we could not continue to think tion as non-aligned This means, Actions-1!» ... y ' •j Convene The students began'clapping to terms of military solutions to he said, ftatin d ia has no mili even before be entered the for­ tha world's problems. mal Windsor Ballroom of the Nehru hit at WBttary alH- no Hoe. tary affiances and belongs to He foresaw the UN as a Denounced In NYC Hotel Commodore. There were aaces, claiming fta t they de By SHARON COADY no cheers or whistles wMcbus- definite harm. The stanata world authority on inter- (Of the State News Staff) ually dominate a political as­ interrupted him with appi*«* tional affairs, leaving internal UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. sembly but rather a respectful when he made this inference affairs to the member nations. Uh—Prime Minister Nehru of NEW YORK—More thafi 1300 ovation for the leader of the to NATO. * “Bnt we must have peace India said Sunday the Russ­ college students,. Including non-aligned nations. Most of his specific comments first,’ ha said. ians “behaved in n brutal man­ eight from MSU, heard Prime Only 1,308 students were reg­ on current events came during Hdjaid college students could ner in Hungary.” „ J: Minister Jawaharal Nehru of istered for tbe conference but the question and answer per- best huild this peace through He m U Communist domin­ India and various United Na­ nearly 2U)00 crowded tip ball- iod. During Us speech be con clear ation of Eastern Earepe tions delegates call for total room and'-adjoiniag smaller centrated on the philosophical “Jib goad can come ant af sometimes “la even w arto' disarmament at the Collegiate, rapm*, borrowed from other aspect of modern problems, minds camMHaned by hotrod from the bnman peint ef Council for the United Nations conventions, to hear Nehru. “We have advanced to a high and violence. This prevents view" than old-style coloa- conference this weekend. They filled the chairs, fined technical degree but our minds a nation’s growth a a i st ands Nehru requested the meeting the walls two and three deep have dot caught up,” he said, infoe way af peace,” he said. IBs references to commun­ n month ago when he asked to and soma even sat on the floor. “We- face the technological The students listened attim- ism and to Soviet «oppression meet with U.S. college students Newsmen from papers and tele- world of today with thinking of tivdy to Nehru’s talk, many of of the 1966 Hungarian uprising during his visit beg*. vision took the front ef the a past age.” them scribbling frantically as came in a television interview The conference titles was room, prababty giving more Raising our thinking to 20th he spoke in bis clear, precise with Ambassador Adlai E, “1961: Year of Crisis,” but the ~ coverage to this student meet­ century needs is one ef the En Stevenson, U. S. chief delegate speakers from India, Ireland, ing than any previous one. _ problems we must overcame Tbe students had greeted the to the United Nations. the Soviet Union, tbe U.S., Ni­ The Prime Minister talked If we hope Ip have total dis­ Prime Minister wtth a deeply Stevenson asked Nehru if geria and the Philippines philosophically for half an hour, armament ami peace, Nehru respectful applause but the at­ people in Eastern Europe dwelled almost exclusively on then answered six questions se­ said. mosphere was lightened at the should not have “an equal op­ disarmament. lected earlier by CCUN offi­ The soft-spoken Prime Minis­ end when tbe audience sang portunity for self-determina­ Each said total disarms- i cers. ter chided Americans for judg­ Happy Birthday to him tion” with those of Africa. meat is necessary If the I Nehru’s main polnt-was his ing others by their yardstick. Nehru will celebrate bis 72nd “That would be an Ideal world hopes,to evade com­ plea far complete disarma- “There must be variety in the birthday Tuesday. thing,” Nehru replied. But he plete destruction. added that what Eastern Sen. Hart Tells Graduates Europe had was not .old-style colonialism but “the domina­ t e of a certain group or party Local delegates left early Friday morning and returned Saturday night. They were" Larry Campbell, AUSG presi­ aided by outride elements G r e a t E x p e c ta tio n s F a c e from another country" — and that was sometimes “even dent; Jim Anderson, AUSG ad­ ministrative vice president; Barbara Rail, AUSG academic worse” than colonialism. BERLINER’S ON_TOUR—Dr. Karl Boehm conducta the Bertoi Phîlhariweafc benefits chairman; Nirmal P e a c e C o rp s m i r ia See RUSSIAN page 3 Orchestra dnriag Sunday afte» noon’s performance at tile University Auditorium. -S tate News phots fey Bela Feher. Singh, Campus UN secretary- general; "Jack Shea, Student Congress m e m b e r } Susan Hogg, Saginaw sophomore; Bill By JOANNE ALESSANDRONI terial goods still have ideals, vteee them ft is not nuclear Of the State News Staff he said. power that “I know America wifi ba the In his commencement greet­ to impartia l ” Campus II M a n in O r b i t .H o p e s F a d e Barnett, East Lansing junior aad Sharon Coady, forte News Each generation of man better because of you,” the sen­ ings, Frortdaat John A. Han­ editorial page editor. thinks it lives at the highpoint ator said. “Our values will win nah said the 33 graduate will of crisis. in that Child Continent because go forth as reinforcements Memos D e l a y C h i m p F l i g h t Over 1,300 students from 43 states and 350 colleges crowd­ ed into the Hotel Commodore “I think especially your gen­ of your presence.” ■>*» from MSU for colleagues al­ MONDAY eration can claim to be living A few years ago the Senator ready at the University of Ni­ S p.m.—Film, “The Vibrating for thfr two-day conference. in the most fateful decade in said he thought mere was noth­ geria. Larynx” and “High Speed CCUN field representative human history,” Senator Philip ing nicer than a Senate seat. You go forth as effective "f Motion Pictures of Vocal CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. UP. Kennedy’s announced goal of ¡within the capsule, the space Jed Johnson said the confer­ A. Hart told the Peace Corps But, to be a voluntary member spokesmen for the philosophy Chords”, Music Aud. —Hopes of putting a man intoj placing an American Astro- j vehicle will nave to be dis­ ence planners, who began work volunteers in his - commence­ of the Peace Corps is a most that nothtog is as important as 7 aad • p.m.—“The Last Ten earth orbit this year faded al-1 nant in srhit before the end i mounted and given a complete only four weeks ago, expected ment address Friday. human welfare, Hannah said. most Days” (German film), Fair­ the indefinite completely Sunday with! ef 1181. _ checkout. about 250 people. The last- dramatic job today, be said. postponement of Cause of the postponement The original plan called far minute surge of reservations Each generation assumes “You are going to n deep­ With Hannah’s best wishes. child Theater. that America will always be ly spiritual people,” Senator Senate Hart’s wishes for ful­ 8 p.m.—Dr. Seymour Martin a planned orbital "flight by a; was attributed by informed capsule the atlas to hurl the twe-tea created an overflow crowd in bigger and stronger, hut all ot Hart told the graduates. “Af­ fillment, happiness, and God­ Lipset, “Labor in Politics”, chimpanzee. ; sources to. a leak in the hydro- tote an orbit rang­ all the conference rooms. a sudden our survival, our suc­ ter thirty days ia Africa you speed, and a “Bon Voyage,” “ Kellogg C. Aud. The U.S. man in orbit efforti gen peroxide system which ing- from 1M to ISO mile« Johnson called the strong _ cess Is not guaranteed today. will have new vision, new in­ the first MSU Peace Corps • p.m.—Prof. C. West Church­ depended wholly upon the suc­ controls tbe position of the above the earth at a speed student Interest a “fantastic ef 17,488 mile« an hoar. Hart said. - telligence, and you will coa- training program ended. man, “Science as a Decision originally cess ot the projected ape shot, capsule in flight. tribute to Prime Minister ‘This is useful because it planned for Tuesday. The leak was discovered dur­ After three trips around the Nehru and the American System”, P.M. Conf. rm. _ In a brief loach table en­ ing a routine test Sunday. Be­ earth lasting 4% hours, the yanth.” makes us rediscover our sense TUESDAY counter, Walter Williams, cause hydrogen peroxide -is dump carrying craft was to be “It shows that American stu­ of values,” he said. _ 3 p.m.—Student Coffee Hour— Project Mercury operations very toxic and could have af-1 returned to earth by para- dents After a two-week vacation, are not apathetic toward the 33 graduates will leave for the University of Nigeria where M SU G rad E n d s Dr. Seymour Martin Lipset director, admitted only that iected other electrical systems, [chute. —H.C. Lounge, Library. 4 p.m.—“Metroplex” WMSB tbe launching had “some international The politics,” he said. conference drew con­ they will assist in research preMeme.” gratulatory telegrams from 7 p.m.—Dr. Homer Higbee, This was as far as Williams work and teaching. — Hart, Who recently returned ‘C o r p s’ T r a in in g “American and Foreign Stu­ woulcT go. Lt. Col. John Pow­ dents” , Union. ers, spokesman for tbe Nation­ 4 H o u r s o f D e b a te President John F. and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Both commended the CCUN for Kennedy from a month’s visit ia Afri- 7:38— p.m.—Music Films—see al Aeronautics and Space Ad- its work in developing public ear said the Africans are con­ By JOANNE ALESSANDRONI justing to the cultural differ Monday, Musk Aud. - vinced there Is “ream ia the ana” far them, and that Afri­ Of the State News Staff John P. Kaechele is the first ence between America and Ni­ 7:38 p.m.—Prof. O. L. Char- casually advising newsmen geria will be difficult for him aria-Agutiar, “Hie Prepara­ ministration, meanwhile was that the launching bad been de­ P r e c e d e U N V o te support for the UN. The program included Her­ man W. Steinkraus, president ca Is no place for nuclear MSU .graduate to complete “The Nigerian people love tion of Basic Language layed » week to 10 days. . By ARIEL MELCHIOR JR. i of.the Assembly—by India and of the American Association arms. MSU’s first Peace Corps train­ music, and I 'love m ask, for Teaching Material”, 2nd FI. Powers said there would be Of the State Newt Staff yAfghanistan — th e proposal lot The United Nations; Sean Since the post card in early ing program. one thing,” he said. Lounge, P.M. — no NASA announcement of the After four hours of debating'caused so much confusion thpt G. Ronan of the Irish mission October in which a Peace Corps Kaechele, one of the 33 vol­ Previously, Kaechele went to WEDNESDAY delay because the agency had the campus United Nations Fri- delegates of the Dominicaa Re- to the UN; H. E. Ngileruma of volunteer criticized the Africans unteer Peace Corps _ ... members Africa as n member of Cross­ 4 p.m.—Dr. S. M. Lipset, “Gi* never—announced a. specific day finally passed an African! public, Haiti, Spain and South the Nigerian mission; Fran- as being barbaric, Senator that graduated Friday, will be roads, Africa, a private organ­ - mate for > Democracy”, launching date, except that it sponsored proposal deploring; Africa stormed out of the As- See NEHRU page 3 ~ Hart said he repeatedly noticed! doing research work or teach- ization that 1s the forerunner - Kiva. would not be before Nov» 14. the un fair treatment of colonies i semttiy room the same African reaction: mg at the University of Ni­ of Hhe Peace Corps. — I 7 p.m.—Samuel Parher’s, “So­ Kaechele baa studied two nata for piano”, WMSB-TV or a powerful blew to President The postponement came as by Portugal. j After hearing the Indian spon-, “You are wanted in Africa in geria. Twice amended on the floor! sored amendment, Tom Rosso a way that has never before When asked why he joined Nigerian dialects — Uroba for Musk Rm. Unton. been wanted.” the Peace Corps, Kaechele one year and Ibo for 8 weeks, • p.m.—Dr. F. W. Billm*yer.r ---------------i~ -------------- —— of the Dominican delegation ! told tile president that such an Boy, 10 “What shall be expected of said: ■ -- - polke and securities; Stu Bar­ “Recent Advances in Deter- you la much,” the senator warn­ “ I really believe in the Peace nett, Huntington Woods sopho­ b milting Polymer Molecular ed the graduates. “You will Corps. It’s a wonderful Idea to more, staging and layout; and weight*”» 122 Kedzie. P aren ts’ Weekend i amendment was illegal. He : then walked out, followed by • delegates of the other nations. Drowns in be measured against extra­ do something for world peace.” Pete Lederer. Chicago, HI., 8:18 p.m.—Cleveland Orches­ ordinary hopes.” ' The Africans view the Peace Kaechele does not think ad­ sophomore, lighting and sound tra, And. 8 p.m.—Gene Blnestein—Folk Rescheduled —- [ Upon suggestion from Dick Winters, the organization’s new- j ly elected liiiltoinatiailsii I.C. ■. Red Cedar, i Corps as a demonstration that Musk. Froeh-Soph Council has re-tHance. Okemos senior,- com- j Shah, of India reinstated Us An unidentified boy about 16- we Americans with all our ma- Algerians-French THURSDAY scheduled its annual Parents’ {munications; and Al Sdwam, ! amendment to read “. . . that Naan Prof. Urban T. Holmes Weekend to coincide with th e‘Buffalo, N.Y., junior, pro-! Portugal should bring to speedy years old was drowned in the! Jr., “Life in the Middle dates ef Water Carnival and :grains. independence all of her colo­ Red Cedar River behind tha» Engineering building 8:15 p.m.' W e a th e r Oppose Negotiations Ages”, W M SB;^ the Lambda Chi Alpha -Junior * Also included are Jerry , nics.” 12 p.m.—“College NewsConf.”, 500. Jerry Blanke, Detroit sen- Myers. Flint senior, purchas- j The other amendment pro- WM&B pE&f? jr tor and Water Carnival gener- ing; Jill Veenhuis,-St. Joseph!posed fay Afghanistan deplored Pefieeman Harold Kent jump­ Sunday while campus police. running from PARIS UB—A parliamentary against the rebellion since its 8 pan*— pjn.—IWibert Snow, “Robert al chairman, announced.. | junior, awards; Pete Seedna, (suppression measures carried ed In ifter the boy but was investigating committee Sunday start” aeyen years ago. AH 32 Frert: The Man and His Po- Among tim changes al­ >Demarert, N.J , senior, judges; M Portugal in ber colonies. forced to letgo because of ex­ denounced prison conditions for were charged with, plotting etrÿ*. Add. Bessey. ready nude ia a shift la the 1 Pam Rowland, Charlotte jun- [ . DEBATE page « hundreds of Algerian National­ against the state. FRIDAY dates a t Water Carnival to i ior. tickets; Sue Saakard, Chic-! haustion. The officer was taken ists in French hands. The Al­ 7 aad 8 p.m. — “Blackmail,” Friday aad Saturday nights, 4 age, HU, senior. Toni Beuche, to Gin Health Center by a pas- gerian rebel leadership de­ The French investigating Anthony H. May 18 aad clared at tbe same time there committee said Its study of •»ft p.m. — “Concert Hall,” the conflict ef the Carnival vto, St. Louis. Mo.^juntor, art » . To eliminate | Saginaw junior, and Pat Gir- DisneySnbFleet awmr-Fp Kent ^ was patrolling near the will be no peace talks with prison conditions indicated that Franc* while the foge of the “the manner in whkh the raps- WKAR. SATURDAY wtth Memorial final examinations. prisoners remains unchanged. lems are being detained evi­ • p m. — Combined Glee Gub, Committee ’ chairmen and vffle toiler, a a i Jack Fase. Day aad with ; and design directors.' Steadman, Harrit- WorldThreat? library, he said, when he saw two boys In the parking lot be­ hind the library. One appeared Prime Minister Nehru of In­ to be about 10 and the other IS. The prtosqt lane, «teat an dently, lo ts not respect human t Big p.m. Ten Rm., HaBagg* - John Craig, “Under _ subchrinnen for the 1962 Water Carnival hove been an­ Haven »eater, are the dia visited Disneyland Sunday Kart called to the boys to French nnftarttiea announced chairmen. the a m st of 18 mere peneos ifigntty.” the Caribbean Sea,” And. nounced by Jerry Blanke, 'gen- M P I j and commented on an underwa- stop He said he ¿boated, “You ¿ r SUNDAY eral chairman, —torlading 18 gapayaw s— In Tunis, fee rebel leader­ T i t | m : M ittal Marceau. tain, Peoria, DL, junior, execn- Bod» Gilbert. Buffalo, N.Y., and Nan Hor- Sub-committee chairmen are I ter cm se he took on n subma­ don’t have to ran,” but the rine there. “Tbto to very fasci­ older boy continued running and described as top members af ship’s declaration against peace renowned pantomine artist, tive secretory. sophomore, programs copy and nating, this submarine,” he the younger one jumped in the sophomore, the llgifiaa rebel fooScal- talks c a M k M . i previously WMSB-TV or Muriè Rm.. Un­ Executive committee choir layout; Al Barms, Brown CS» said after his underwater river. The younger hoy started lectiag network operating In announced “no conditions” pol­ ion. men are Paul Rothenburg, Oak senior, tlties and regulations, cruise. Aad be chadded broadly yelling for help, and Kent jump­ F raan, icy regarding nafrtlnttons. It 4 pjn. — University Orchestra, P a ft junior, productions; Sue Al Uppttt, Chicago, ID., seotor, when Disney told Mm tbe ed in after Mm. Interior Minister Racer Frey wat issued as rebel rÉod» ■ Kornbinm, New York, N. Y„ band; Dorn Sforwkk, White eight Dtoaeyland subs were the Lansing Skin diven from the East called the art* an without prisoned by tnnPhriMh 7:J8siwn. — AUSG Seminar— senior, them* and eoitim rt»; Plains, M m, aotdwmore. mis­ Pz eighth largest subma- State Police Port m doubt til* -hardest blow' yst In poor atom and Dr. Garry Blowers, Westbury, cellaneous; arid) Erato Green, fort after covered the body after an bout •track In matrapnilfn Franc*’ J i n HMfoy hunger strike. N.Y., junior, publicity; Ken See PARENTS page 8 Turkey's. aad a half search, , v . fi M à â m à llii Nehru IU ogical% ,JJML**JBBBBgBBBBBBBfl . S 3 Bp EBBJttBK 3DW " Secratary ef Stala has ta to tt as about the event* The raappertfoanMOt iasoe is bound to m eat but interdependent entities aT Harlan Cleveland retorted Sri na! value of conristori com* i result in * to rti Arid bitterly fought con­ though the hurt century of increasing ototiy te tee tento any ef whte premisa. « flict before tto C *w tttutto* l Convention federal aetivitton and control have blttrrod ha to ta l the “tacenualtted“ BASIC DIFFERENCES hi f: this concept aoararihnt. [ "4^%"' e ato rite af Aril asti Africa 1a Msolagy between the DX. and draws to a dosa. react to M t i a i t e d tra­ Bastia do not allow osto make Opponents of m pporltom iedt in Michi­ Opponents s f M p p s f t t a n a N i 8 pop* sloas by urging tee V iti te nss of the narirris* rseaoHadri gan have two basic arguments to support ulation basis to th is sta ts argtt* th a t the eompNtosA k eto n e t h e y tion ef compromise with any national government form Is to s t a t the know tea ta atett wsajSL^ ' degree of confidanco aapocial- their atamL This seenu to be very clear­ ly when by compromise tea F irst they argue th a t the United States state tovil also stat» ft works to protect V _ ly the petition ef Prime Min- Boritalo mana, "freo i* ? ..** minorities and gfcro Urn population dis­ f te m af tedia, atea is ta c a n - tea Rnsrisss won’t.” is constitutionally organised to fiv e popu­ lation and areas equal representative tric ts “rightful” a n a roprnaentation. te n ------- i prassatiy making ** Nohra should i s t amtatail These people forgot th a t a «Into is not visit to ear power in order to protect minorities. a federal govurnmaat I t 1s, or should to T' ' ...-*1 teat ws agreed te a Nahm Is hero to aras tee Unit­ ium la Sto, «ti# to tea tt according te Bovohittonnry W ar concepts, ed 8tates to jote Russia te a violated f i y - M l A i Octo- WOULD 1T bo fair, they argue, to bar a roprooontattvo democracy. h ._____ h His trip Nevada's representation in tha Sanata? This would be true if both congressional -’ ___ •« ly a visit to late September where a houses w ars ejected on A population basis. THE STATB senatorial districts ta r in­ plea to Khrushchev to refrain Nevada could not be barred, however, das stance were not th e original sorarrign (• "• *' 1‘ ' ** from testing fall an deaf oars. to the very essence of our form of national entities granting certain j — i and an» TUs Is a perfect example of governmrat. thority to a central « o W —t —j retain I L •_ Mr. Cleveland's point. Nairn , tag other pvwoni themselves. They are aiong with many other The U S. wherein is the federal form am granted to i t arb itrary areas created by the y * ir * ef uncommitted nations, feri­ ¡see that one of the o f Michigan to elect senators who qualities in a democracy is that and states. Tha am retata«! I f t t a aro not merely npm M ttt thasa arena. fT of compromise. He sees that Theee senatorial districts are only crea­ a dictatorship can sup- istrative of ( to na il— 1 1 tures o f tho sta te aad a r t aubaar f isn t to CT * J h J internal rival political tea ruling elite In It by virtue o f th eir oatnbHstanont most be sensitive to e j Lruntdinau coafiicitiiic attitudes expressed E d u c a tio n U n p la n n e d The national federal government, how­ by influential pressure groups. ever, ia a creature e f th a a te tss and there­ ¡§i THIS POINT of view sees Ona can dismiss Mr. Ribtcoffs attack upon fore subservient to them in the tendril ef U gtar education in the United in stan ces. :^ Prime Minister Nehru’s visit States as an expression of disappointment by here as an attempt to exploit a man wboss pet-educational panacea bad I t is not logical to orxmntae th e S tate of these conflicting attitudes ra- been rejected ty congress. Michigan sim ilarly to tho United S tates fmnKng the resumption of nu­ PREMIER NEHRU Mr. Rttdcoff believes in federal aid. Ha be­ on tho argum ent th a t te a U. S. govern­ clear tests to a point where • ^ . M 'i ' ■ i lieves that the heads of American colleges and the President will find it im ber. As Mr. Spivak put tt, would m ent is tho host form ta r tho states and possible to command their re­ universities should havo backed the Kennedy and therefore tho hast tarns of government newal. Nehru, if ha were President of program more strongly. However, while mon­ within tho state. tee United States with the ey—whether Federal, state or private gift—is In line with this, Nehru’s security of the free world rest­ hardly irrelevant to tha American educational first public statement came on ing on his shoulders, be inclin­ dilemma, lade of It to certainly net tha moot _ THE TWO are not Intrinsically the the Sunday afternoon forum: ed to accept another unrestrict­ important shortcoming of tha corporate body Meet the Press. In his opening ed nuclear test ban with n of American educators. MUCH MORE to the point is the criticism same and the establishm ent of power is reversed. Letters totheEditor remarks he called on both maj­ country that had just finished or powers to put an immediate end to all nuclear testing by tearing In his up the first one. talks this week wtth made by the new president of the American The second apparent argum ent th a t declaring an indefinite mora­ the Indian Prime Minister, Council of Education. “Our collective endeav­ or,“ bo told that organisation, which repre­ sents more than 1,800 collages and 145 edu­ reapportionment opponents advance!* th at m inority rights will h i violated. R u le s E n fo r c e d U n e q u a lly torium. President Kennedy must point Nehru was hard pressed by out that we gave the morator­ newsman Writer Spivak to ex­ ium plan our foil cooperation. cational organisations, “is bring confused and Two assumptions m ust ba made when Ts tea Editor: out paying tuition or having to afforded me by tbe University, plain why India has been Russia, however, In an attempt weakened by vestod-interest group pressures, making this statem ent. There has to ba Your current aeries of arti­ obtain tha services of a baby without any financial assistance equating the United State's to terrorize the world into sub­ splinter movements and fragmented ap­ a m inority to have its rights violated and cles concerning the University sitter. on my part. I know whata n uaderground testing I ____ of devices mission, rendered it useless by proaches.“ it m ust be possible to violate its rights. housing rales'nave been very Every type of academic honor it is to beaide to seesuch:the°smali kilitonTrange With tbe unprecedented explosion of Even more, tbe American system (if that ts interesting and should pose course is being offered during an event. Being a member af i Russia's atmospheric testing of giant bombs in the atmosphere. not n misnomer) of higher education is grow­ The minority in question is obviously some awkward . questions for the evening sessions at MSU. the New York metropolitan bombs in the 50 megeton class, Since 1958 the U.S. has not ing painlstriy to response to the increasing rural people. It is hard to picture these the- administration. Especially If none of these interest the area, I know the value of such, j He could only halting» answ- exploded one bomb in the at- pressure upon its facilities. people as a- separate interest group on n interesting was the one which housewife, the Lansing “Y” of­ many It is truly unfortunate that so; er that any kind of testing-»!*: mosphere In the past five New colleges are springing up; older ones fers a wide assortment of students. throughout ♦the*“> bad and must be stopped. weeks Russia has exploded state level at the present state of develop­ discussed tee discrimination of campus don’t taka advantage R’s very likely that the bombs equal to almost 100 a rt P restige institutions are jack­ unmarried students. * r classes geared specifically to ing up intellectual requirements, some others ment in this count»». her interests and the cost of tho Lecture-Concert series. Prime Minister's plea found megatons. These are the facts, Although the Univarsity hous­ amounts to pennies pm* session. I personally feel that they are many receptive if not enthusi­ Mr. Nehru. Please pass teem are just letting the flood of applicants wash ing rules do not apply to me through their nails. quite foolish or maybe not well astic ears. But even those of on to your ambassador in the MANY FARM ERS hold jobs in urban since I am a graduate student, notThe same people who cam informed find the time for education, about these programs. us who do not think that our U. N. with a memo to enroll in THE-VALUE, in educational terms, of an areas during various parts of the year. I, too, am concerned about this no doubt DO find tbe time What’s wrong? R’s free, lt just country should resume tests, a logic course at Columbia A.B. degree fluctuates wildly from college Almost all controls on farmers come from differential treatment Aa was available for movies over the seems odd that, on the one must never forget what history University. to college—like the value of dollars In the days discussed in the article, there the federal government—not tho state. are many ways this discrimina­ weekend or n game of bridge hand students are pressed for whan they could be issued by wildcat banks. State projects that benefit immediate tion is shown. -ji J once m week. If such a spark money and on the other hand, Diversity of educational opportunity in a areas rather than immediate populations of learning bums, wives, don’t they don’t lake advantage of Press Cuttings wumntiwmn11111¡Misaniim»imiiiiiimiiiiuhiiimhb free society to extremely useful. Regimenta­ One which was not mentioned drown it in a coffee cup — or this free series. are controlled mostly on an administrative Iis the drinking rule. The use or tion—oven of educational standards—might be worse still — hundreds of them If you are not sure about, fatal. But surely there .could be greater co­ operation among Institutions that profess com­ mon rims; surely there could be some way of level rather than a legislative one and~top possession of alcoholic beve­ each day. Get a library book, acquiring tickets, call up the, administrative control is popularly elected rages is strictly prohibited in listen to Alan Watts on Zen desk at the Union. Better y atj or appointed. the dormitories, fraternities, so- Weekly, f o r m a discussion go to tee Union desk yourself Adults Come Late m i»««! the weaker brethem in the education­ | rorities and in all other bous- group—do anything, but stop and inquire about tbe series. al community and reducing the pressures upon Interests of the urban and rural groups ! ing for single students. This is complaining. Get out (or stay Remember, the only way to get uniiMwwmmmm ran ramiimi11m .iim11it David L. Jaehnig the stronger. on a state level are gradually being blend­ fine. in)out team how to enjoy life help is by asking. Speak un. i I w islr to convey my sympa- j It has become the accepted -With the increasing import­ At tbe very last there should be broad col­ ed together.- Therefore, it is becoming However, f-would like to know and get satisfaction without a thies to the manymuguided custom at Lecture Coocert Ser­ ance of the Lecture-Concert laboration to make known the opportunities harder to pass legislation that will be in ! how many married students teacher and n report card. Mrs. Sri» Magid who lost out on a thrilling cra­ ies to arrive Jate for tee per­ Series, and the ever improving available at lesser-known colleges to the stu­ the special interest of one group alone have been suspended for pos­ sessing or drinking -alcoholic ning of the Mazowsze Dancers. formance. degree of talent presented to dent who has bruised his knuckles on the un- Spartan Village University audiences, the lack receptive doors of the well-known. Even the .without benefiting the other group also. beverages in Spartan Village, Alexander Ryshkewiteh Fortunately, the majority of best universities a n suffering under the im­ University Village or Chen» the students do have the cour­ of politeness on the part of such pact. —New York Herald Tribune one Some-legislation, naturally, will favor group or another—just aa it favors Lane apartments. The same rule applies to these housing labor or management, home-owners or units as to,the single housing. BadScheduling Bike Paths tesy East to arrive Lansing on and time, Lansing but the resi­ adults who consider themselves sufficiently cultured to enjoy dents have become notorious the performance is appalling. home-renters. But tbe rural elements are T am certain that a check To the Editor: Te tee Editor: for their late arrivals. THE -ADULTS are always ..pot entitled to special interest representa­ would show that a large som­ I wish to thank and praise As a minor casualty, may I During the Roger Wagner quick to criticise the University T w i s t o n th e T w is t tion any more than any. other. ber of married students do in te r great «Hi high administra­ Chorale concert,L tee the perform- students for their lack of man­ fact possess and consume al­ tive official or officials who trails threading the campus !. I *®ee «** interrupted -- tour, times - ners. but here the students are The twist is a dance which Lewis Caroll The only fair democracy on a state level coholic beverages in their Uni­ decided that the second term would bo loss of ftW-tJTil'by late comers, the high per­ regular» outshining the adults. might have said should be taught in a school is s truly representative one according to versity bousing. Administration, should begin on January 2, course if the wood trails on centage of them older residents. Perhaps the test solution 1962, tt must have, taken them of reeling and writhing and rhythmatic. Some population. It it were possible, this would if we are going to havo n rule afl of two minutes. _ either edge could be removed THE NIGHT of the Mazov sze would be to let tho curtain go authorities on the dance, such as those who be the ideal Con Con decision. aad if It is to be enforced as once the trails are firm. up, lock the latecomers out of run the Roseland dance center in New York, strictly as the drinking rule is, There will be over 23,090 stu­ Dancers, tte curtain was again the vestibule so tte noise will _r Fran Marray held to permit the late comers not disturb the thousands that disapprove ef it so much that they have barred the married student should not dents going home for Christ­ East its performance, « be exempt If the married stu­ mas. By tee decision of these to reach jfieir seats. do manage to arrive on time PRACTICAL politics, however, will not wise (?) men, these students, They may have something in arguing that f allow this. The rand interest has n strong dent to allowed the privilege of ami their families in most tt can te argued that the and let tte tears fall where they drinking hi his university con-, lt, . , ____, . ___ parking situation for Auditori­ it isn’t a dance at all but anyone who has seen voice at Con Con and will not stand by and trolled apartment, then the sin- p.**—’ «*** be foreed to be on There are m a n y wrong um performances is bad. If this may. Perhaps then these perpetual It performed realizes that it is a valuable see its votes given to tbe under-repre­ gle student should be rilewtd ***• on Now Year a Day things a citizen can say to a is tte case, then m people should latecomers would realise that contribution to tbe nation’s program for de­ T sented areas. the same privilege. one of tho moat dangerous ot traffic policeman and. “Why allow for tte needed needed time ti to *the Lecture-Concert Series is veloping physical fitness ia the ysunger gene­ the year. I realize that tte don’t you go solve a murder?1’ find parking room instead of not geared to their convenience, ration. — Larry Ballard But the present condition cannot con­ school to over-crowded, but is the worst.-—Chicago Drily complaining ritout tte lack ofi but to the entertainment of ~~ __ —Des Moines Register this seems a poor way to get News. - tinue. A compromise must be reached. tt- — . j thousands. _ International friendship, trade and so on The beat one would be! to reapportion the House according to population, red istrk t Learnat Hoirie rid of students. It seems to this lowly fresh­ man that if they could have prevalent on levtokm. television tt ad It can also be argued that the! tt might not even be a ted Cartoons are increasing» theatre patrons become hunch idea to forewarn tte perform­ to tte lobby, but again, tt ers not to bother perfo arriving iving iuntil Is a two-way street, the professor explains TS tee Editor: postponed the beginning of the can also be pointed out that aa later in order to let tte wander­ to his students, but it’s over tfarir heads. Mori the Senate in n more equitable fashion and As tbe wife of a student, a second term if tbe Spartans comes ever closer— the day people under 88 have never seen a two-way make provisions for regular redistricting part time student myself, a went to the Rose Bowl, then whan the world can got along early arrival would solve this ing patrons find their way info full th at teacher and mother they ran sure» postpone tt one . just----- as wfQ problem. ~ - 4he Auditorium. street.—Chicago Daily News. in the future. noU„without people.— of two, might I add to what dav hi the interest of safety. ’ D y ^ has already been said by E va Then, those who do not want to Berman ia hit letter. There is drive on New Year’s Day will ■ B ■ m m m mm■ ■ M ich igan S ta te N e w s -no aeod for a wife to lag be­ not have to. I realize that to hind her husband intellectual­ some instance«, Jan. 1 wiH be ly unless she is looking for an tee on» day whan parents are excuse to justify ber doing so. off work andI can bring teck LetterPoUey Letters to tito editor are Published by tea students of Michigan State University. Issued Course« need not te taken to Tte students. This TUs is not true is always welcome. However on class days Monday through Friday, during tea faO. winter and advance la learning. The only ril cases, however. Some stu­ wo must knew Rm author of spring quarters. Issued twice week» during the summer term. yield they give for many is a dents win te very thankful that «vary lattar tatara II cm te Second etnas postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. letter grade and a feeling of they don’t have to te on the printed. Na tettar wfll te ran Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building, having changed sc oory ter a road oa this day. ratea» tte writer’s name to Michigan State Urivarsity, East Lapsing, Michigan. couple af nours. This, of ' David Grimm Mau subscriptions payable in advance far eao tons, 88; tor two cam s, to not learning. terms, f t: tor three u™ *, 88. - 7 Instead of being drowned in Member of tho Associated Press, Inland Drily Press Aseodrttos aad the CoQegs press. tte litaai of cofiee braaka wite neighbors where tee dtera—tea usual» revolves around tte IJkesL-CSeries ta wards Is leagtk. We wta wtthkrid a Editor. .Marcia Van Nam Editorial E ritar.Jtearua Candy laundry and the coming (Saner f tte Statar: " ft sastatai Managing Editor. Dan Barns Feature Editar-— Curt RnadeU menu, why net spend time dto I want te mate nato ot tte e ta lra to___ Business Mgr..v—Larry Pontius Women’s Editor.— Jafiy Ward cussing the latest novel* you've fact that I was oae of tbe fortu­ is ttt mudgsad. Ctrcutatisai Mgr Bill MarthaJI lead er the atoratteral TV pro- nato brihrhtaita «a bara tesa City Editor • BUI Cote Sports Editor— Jerry Fleeter grams yea'*» seen. There a n able to set thè Maaowapa Donc- WS reserve Ite r i^ t te stal News Editor Jay Btertch Photo Editor. _ JD ava Jaahrig as SMtar «ays to t e n up wtth «n. t personaSy feri gratiflod ¡M times and fori informed witfa- r i tevtog tari w s oppertuaity ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ a: » mm m achinesM ayM ake M E A A ir e d N e h ru (Contiaued Ira n Page I) O h W KAR Night Edtfor, Robert Non- ÏS (Caattrand from Page D cisco Delgado of the Philippine IDs frank awwan eaphired the studenU. Many questions He said this development of Easters Europe resulted part­ ly from tin last war aad part­ M a n F e ^ ^ r im ¥ Stephen A. Nesbitt, president ran: Photo U ttar, David tehalg; Copy Editors, Anne nyer, Joyce Buchbolz, and lis in a ; WaBaroTlrwin of the ly from four of future w n . . of Michigan's Constitutional w an d rrff* * te pat Mm on “See what happened _ f t “The displacement of a work- Thera la more complete con* Convention, will ha n guast on U.S. mission; Senator Josef* S T q l T K W r a « « * to- g. Clark, rhairmaa af tha Sra-. sues « Hungary and nra-tup- Huagrary — a - terrible er by a machine is not as great trol over employees because ot the Michigan Education As­ Room also struck a Mow at thing happened hi Hwtfary,” writ first appeared to bo, said automation, J acobean said. . sociation’s p r o g r a m over ate sub-remmltiee «a Interna- port of the Congo Operation. WKAR, WKAR-FM, Monday at D irai Organization Affairs; Usacbev, however, parried ev­ colonialism by demanding self- Nehra sraL Ani yet I ttoink Dr. Eugene Jacobson hi a More rad more people are and deputy Usacbev of inter­ ery question wtth an expert determination for all nations. that probably a Treaso n fo r speech in the Kiva Wednesday, working tor complex ergasdza- 4 pan. — that was the fear tori that , Jacobson, assistant dean of tk m sra a a t organizations are Nesbitt and Mrs. George national organizations for the command of tha Englite langu­ Delgado fisted disarmament was gaiag te lead te a werld the CaUege of Science and » to t more machines. Hancin, program hostess, will Ihviet Unira. age and an «canny ability to as the main issue on the UN’s war.“ discuss ' The Con-Con and Ed­ recall Mack ILS. deeds to bal­ Arts, presented the fiaaljaet- Because ef this we are mov- r Uraehev was the high peiat 98 item agenda, but said tbe With the French and British lire in the Provost Series on tag «way from stressing the ucation.” ance the Soviet sins. Nesbitt brings to the pro­ Renan, NgBeruma and Del­ Soviet Union was a stumbling invading Egypt, he explained, automation. He spoke on the importance of the complex gram a background in both in* “the Russians n r a y have psychological problems stem- organ, meat, rlohiring the Soviet gado reported on foe rate of Mock, thought, ‘we are going to take ming from automation. dustry rad education. He is a An Individual is getting few- Dates was forced tete the rations in the UN and all called for total disarma­ “They want the cart before j no chances in Hungary.* You Many of today’s modern er and fewer chance for con- former high school and college N ew the horse,” he said. “They see, the Instinct of self-preser­ machines demand attention, trol over n proems. He must instructor and is è formar ment. :-i£ Ul— want disarmament before an vation came in . . . the Soviets' The worker must be there answer to w machine. member of the State Board of a n o th e r Rowan of Ireland called the instinct . .. . and they behaved Education, which is the govern­ small nations tte “watchdogs effective control system is in n brutal manner ia Hung­ when it is in use to make sure ■ ... -..... ing board of all state supported f a s h io n worked out.” nothing goes wrong, th e work- W i l l T tta tiiia e schools. He is also a former ex­ ary.” v — — : . er may soon feet the machine ™ IU D I H U 8 8 W h e n Producer Arnold ecutive vice-presidrat of the k f in ti. Ngfieruma of Nigeria got a Michelis Varsity Drive: In said Americans felt is his master. mixed reactira from tee stu­ Nehru had not spoken out “Because of automation the L B U U r U l r w u u w 1 oKsis» m P f i l j t i p f i , dents wtth Ms recital af non- forcefully enough on Hungary, "Chances for employees to in* Seymour M. Lipset, professor alignment policies, attheagh Nehru replied that he had first tegrate with each other has be- ofsoetology at the University Gerber Food Company. Bryan Hall won tbe Dorm­ 1227 E. Grand River tee crowd was eatensiastic. waited to get tbe facts and then come limited,” Jacobson' said, of California, will discuss itory Intramural Team Paddle- Ia some plants, efforts havo “Labor in Politics,” Monday at ball tournament in 1960-61. r h n Ew i to He said the two greatest “expressed my opinion clearly been made to make it possible t p.m. in the Kellogg Center forces weakening the UN ware- enough.”Nehru said the1Chinese Com­ for workers to communicate as auditorium, Mhary Service M” “ • members' who do not comply munists should be in the United tbejrhad before extensive auto- Tha speech is sponsored by A SPiC IM 8:30 p.m. - li3 0 a.m. with UN regulations, an ob­ Nations “even as a hostile ele­. motion had been employed. The machine has interfered tho Labor and Industrial Re- lations center in its sixth an* %MAicm '(iclltinp vious reference to the Soviet ment” because “that is better, with the employee-supervisor nual lecture series, Sunday 5 KK) p.m. • 1:30 a.m. refusal to pay their share of than keeping them out to go on relationship. The supervisor’s Tho lecture is open to facul- SBA V IC I.... with their hostility and trying the Congo operation, and those to upset our plans.” role has become weakened. ty, students and the public. members who have stronger Men , mm« W l • New SWV- allegiances to sub-organs. ICE . » • , aaeMro with ut. W. fit you parfecrfy In« Ngileruma specifically listed which if aigned would com­ store iiock of firn clothIn® NATO nations in this last class­ mit tee major powers to total ification. disarmament dtscauians. He called the great powers armamentClark said he thought dis­ disappointments to the smaller was more possible nations. His solution for the now than ever before. “The Russian people are present “insanity" was com­ looking for peace. In addition, See plete disarmament. the time to disarm is when m u m ps guaranteed mufflers Sen Clark, D-Pa., in the people-are scared, not when Tail Pipe« - Exhaust» closing address Saturday after­ they feel secure,” he said. Tied up with Insurance Le s Stanton noon, discussed the real pos­ The conference also include« sibilities of disarmament. Most three panel discussions Satur­ Problems For Thai Installed FAST By Expert« of the other speakers, includ­ day afternoon on non-aligned ing Nehru, only called for It nations, African development hard to gel BRAKE REUME fron $9J5 ; without presenting the practic­ and Chinese representation m al problems involved. Clark asked the students to the UN. The delegates JLoured the CarInsurance hundred pattern, and calar* . . . 12 different batic mod.lt . . . . pfe* «M tha Ipotici -detail* you dictate. Never befere mb tbernleg lines. . . awba preetoeHeeti feel«*. Aiti toaWt,OM22-)eml help close the political gap United Nations building Saturn Flnntt «tykwfr Inyo—Afe *•*- Hamiiten "MeUellletT e w e» BRAKES — SHOCKS — SPRINGS *• SEAT BELTS which makes disarmament day morning and dined at We Finance loring. perfect fit et»ur»d. FREE INSTALLATION improbable at the present. Longchamps Friday night. No other otanutacturcr M Students came from as far Local And Out America can offer yea thi* DISCOUNTS TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY “We cannot negotiate for as California and Washington, incomparable rarvir, . . . . A. OUWtOUS Too tie . disarmament when the people leaving Tuesday or Wednesday. oT State Students •xclutiv. with v* ia mande ht MK «M b fold are preparing for war. We Many from the New York area BRODE MUFFLER CLMLO mustJhink in terms of peace, came in after classes Friday not war,” he said. He asked afternoon. Premium Payments 12» W. IONIA IV 4-5015 the students to help inform the public of the necessity of dis­ MONDAY - SATURDAY armament. Clark said he liked one plan for disarmament which pro­ Individual Les StantonAgency Len KositchekV TH O M PSO N 'S V A R SIT Y SH O P vides for a territorial division. A geographic region, not a tingle nation, would disarm. Attention 1500 E rat Michigan Avenue, Lansing 221/Abbett Road JEW ELRY m m ac. College Graduates Tbe other side would determine in which order these territories IV 2-0689 East Lansing EAST LANSING were to disarm. _ •_ Another plan for world peace TrainingPrograms LeadingTo which Clark said he favors is a UN Peace Force. This would be n genuine UN army, com­ posed of individual enlistees, InterestingCareerPortions not regiments from certain na­ tions. ___ Fraudar Shipping Center ÆCEROY“ No. He alsa encouraged the MON. THRU FRL TILL 9 offeredby weak ef the UJ . Disarma­ ment Agency headed by Wflttam Feeler. This agency Is presently drafting a treaty, SAT. TILL 7 % _TheState of Michigan (For gamesplayed Saturday, Oct. 21) Starting Annual Salaries — $5,282 & $5,474 John SobeU, History major, Clara of *63 (photo a t left), 1s t walked away with Viceroy's first hundred backs prise AREAS: Land Appraisal Liferaty Science \ Prize money by getting nil the winners right, and hitting four out of ten score« on the nose! Carl L. BueteL Clara of *62, took second prize money <650), and M._H. Adatiaisbrative Analyst Chentitiry Mathematics Pareto n i Probities $ 10 0 ë s Woon, Graduate Student, got the third prize of $25. (Winners of Contests No. 3 and 4 will he announced Bewrarie Research Pernaacl Metheds irapliyram t Craasdiag C A S H ! soon.) — - Peroranti Technical Fereatry Prseaasteg Game and FWb Bielegy Phjties - Gaatogy - Property Appraisal 2 0 P R IZ E S O P $10 E A C H W O N B Y T H E S E S T U D E N T S O N C A M P U S ! Highway Plamdag ' Psychiatric Social We lastihrtteaal Management Psychology _ ra t up. ■ mom a, n t« n « « 11* “O " M» ttB aao* ST. “W C. OvocMoa* Right ef Way Buying «. row* T. Ttetk «. ( i n i M. X Kira SX W h M N — __ a a Dteaara 1Ï. “K" J. U h * SX Veoak. R. IMMh h ST I -rora J «ZT *•»*. x e n . ~ -ax row r. Tra*., ra a a X *08* X O n * * *X *OS* A. S llll.r SSt f e t i . X . M e j i f _ >«• " • * X M aar. A carton ofV i; oyo to all students who got all the winners right, rogardlosa of scores! (Attach Viceroy package er facsimile here) ¡2 * v V i c e r o y C o l l e g e F o o t b a l l IN T E R C O N T E S T 5 / C O N T E ST N O . 4 yr Here are my prediction* for next Saturitiy's game*. Scad my prize m o n e y to : H O ’4 ’ .U ytO U J _________ ________ —CLASS______ Uuam niarr nma* ) ADDRESS. Write far appBcatioat far m ratentlau belare DRCEM- BER 4, IMI to tec MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, LANSING IS, MICHIGAN. Benefits Available To State Employees: Pay rateala Ira wtth tease af ether employees t»ttpttd$f 90p j Q t.iv . -— ;— Q M M M tti* --------- Uberai animal and sick leave provistoss. (Payment af | q S*qaf*r4 . - — — D Wwbfeti*« N. I K af earned stek leave ra rctirs rasoi or death. No fin* 00 sick leave accrual.) I O Mom Doom - — - Q » y am —— —■ tEaaaRttri retirement plan Inrtndtog sodai seeorlty n of chp« VW, and Corvetti UNFURNISHED Witl TYPING In Spartan Village apart­ from campus. Air-condl ment. Electric typewriter. Call 355- A SK FO R O NR SPARTAN M OTORS or I at ? female staff 3012. tf 2782 after 7 p.m. - SMB E. Michigan JIOOMS TYPIST ANN BROWN. ED 24384.1 102 STUDENT DISCOUNT Monday Store Hours Electric typewriter. Term papers and ED 2-8604 VERY COMFORTAB: theses, also general typing. tf in quiet Home. Fine 9:30 a.m. to 6:80 p.m IV S-0384. STUDENT DISCOUNT.1 salf wash, "Atsurtd Motoring Satisfattion I .75 Lube job, -1.00. Student parking,, COLLEGE UNBR BEAUTY SHOP with "Seal af Apgravai'' Cart.” LOST and FOUND |i $150. Free quad: of oil with every ait change. Complete tuneup. Open 24 224 ABBOTT ROAD hours. Dave s Pure Oil.—1010 E. Grand MRLOYMENT LÖST. Red pago stick. Imperative River. . - _ tf CALL BARBARA BOX — ED 2-3113 that it be returned at pace. Need fa’ transportation. Reward. CaB Pat. 155- EXPERT THESES and general typing. EVENINGS BV APPOINTMENT COUPLE or lady to supervise student 1991. " 33- fBectrie typewriter. Eighteen year* ex- house. Apartment in exchange. Call ] per-ence. One block- from Brody. ED' 2- E0,7-7547.____________ 14 PERSONAL 5S4S. tf WE NEEO YOU! (If you're a bus- PERSONAL DATA forms, theses and PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-581? bay! -Cell Bullet Bob. ED 2-0866. 34 I general typing. Offset printing, plastic Ibinding end typesetting, Wonch Grafic WANTED: Laboratory technician m 1Service. 1720 East Michigan, Lansing, doctor's building Grand Ledge. Hours 9 to 6 daily. Saturday and Sunday oft j Phone 484-7786.__ _____ - .t~ tf kimlisnns NA 7-5721. 36 TYPING IN MY HOME. By woman I with 10 year* secretarial experience. MAN TO SSIL tH#- new Automatic TU 2-6738. _____ __________ E A S T LA N SI NG PHONE ED,2 - 3 8 1 4 Fiectfqfi* Cieinef. No tnveitment re* quttffil» Fyil or port time. A reo! ooocr- TYPING, experienced manuscript typ­ HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Sportswear tuB'ftr for bett«r tH®« 0ve*«3« CB.rn«rfO>. ist. English major. Term paper* theses, For persono) »ntererow apply; Fiect'ohi« EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Corcoration. SIS E. MicHifon Avenu-' Lonitftf, MicHi^on. 3? TRANSPORTATION FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 88c new y