¡M m us ~N ibese ■ 1 9 0 9 ’ V oL 5 3 , N o . 1 0 0 T W d ^ J f c — ii- f r W i w « » i l 4 . t e a . mm * * ¿ W & 2 * íÜ S g % ^ 6 Pagan 5 Cent* tpw igi ';!)»1«').! B H E ife¿ m ÊHÊÊSmm t ó U r g e anion ■ e ld By AL ROYCE M;: Of the State News Staff ; A youth who drowned in tee Red Cedar Rivar Sunday night, engineering building a f t e r shedding two cools. v 'V-i Kent saM ho warned the yeatk net to attempt swim­ er tea chase and attempted roaeae, was helped from the I h w l f f l i a m Colosky, Vas- sar freshman, about 8:15 p.m. To ÉesuHÉe ming the river. Imi Rodri­ Braee Cohen, East Lansing has been identified as Rudolfo Rodrigue*. Be is about IS years old and from the Lansing guez continued to try to reach the south shore. graduate student, called the department of public safety for assistance on Real’s, ’spatrol car Not Much .An* Kent started beck to the pa­ R e d A d e p t a t i m n g | Police said they are still seeking positive information on trol car for a rope, but re­ turned to tee r im when be radio. . Kent was taken to (ten ¡¡I Hope Reds -\,*hls age and address. saw Radiques go under the Health Center and treated By SHARON CDADY _ Be txcused Ms uetisa’s re­ of view' on inspection proce- “The troika woultt represent He spent little time on dis­ ern and the neutral philoso­ W ill Meet Rodrigues’s companion, 18- water, he said. far shock and exhaustion. His Of the Stole Newt Staff ti» UN res­ dures. all three idealogiéa, ours. West­ year-old Colby Gencreaux of After removing his gun belt, csettfea was l i s t e d as ts end 3179 Smith Rd., Lansing, sur­ uniform Mouse and shoes, Kent “good” Monday by health The Soviet deputy director cf taris. A large armament, dealing primarily phies,” he said. “Since world rendered to police early Mon­ dove into the river and at­ center efttetols. ~.- international organizations cap­ riHffestod the reso- with a vindication of Russia's power is shifting to the East, WASHINGTON Iff - T h e day morning. He was charged tempted to poll the youth from tivated students in New York totiin til the Cenerai Assent- atmospheric nuclear tests. the United Strias win value this United .States and Britain urged with larceny from a. vehicle in the water. Kent pulled Rodri­ State police skin divers re­ Friday with his ability to trans­ Mjr, i wavering The students tried to puncture representation ip the future the Soviet Untan Monday to re­ a warrant issued by Chief As­ guez almost to the south bank, covered Rodriguez’s body in late any question tote Commu­ Afro-. the man’s complete control when it no longer has a ma­ turn to the Geneva conference sistant Prosecutor Don Reisig. but then lost his hold on the about eight feet of water about nist terms. during ti» question and an­ jority.” table and resun» the nuclear 10 p.m. Sunday. Hie body was Usachev claimed the resolu­ outh because of numb fingers, Usachev spoke at the Colleg­ swer period but he always had The Soviet official took sev­ test but talks which ran Genereaux was arraigned Monday afternoon la Lansing £ie said. takim to tee Gorsline-Runci- man funeral home jfe Lansing. iate Council for the United Na­ tion ted not end the war threat and Toaaovo the cauaes which re explanation which was logi­ eral slaps at the Western press. aground nearly two months ago. Kent, who was exhausted aft- tions conference. led to the tests. He aba gently cal and historically Accurate— His repeated statements of “we There was little, if any, hope Township Justice C o u r t , Cormier Dorwin Hoffmeyer His actual speech ran only waived OTamtatfien and was stabbed the Western powers for as far as it went have been misrepresented in that Moscow will accept the said an autopsy would be per­ about 20 mfamtos but questions When needled on the Hungar­ the local press” usually brought invitation. That the chances are bound over to eircait court. formed. from the UBO students jammed their part to defeating an He is being held in Ingham County jail at Masea for AUSG Several coats and other stol­ en items were found behind the into the Hotel Gammadare’s Windsor Ballroom kept-lim re amendment which would have rondemaed ail nuclear explo- ian revolt, be.admitted a few chuckles from the audience. slim was indicated last week government mistakes b u t He used this means to excuse by Valerian Zorin, chief Sovi­ placed the most Marne on “im­ Russia’s non-support of the UN et delegate to the United Na­ failare to pari a ft,M l bond. library and along the youth’s hour later. He lingered another Rodriguez and Genereaux were spotted among the cars T oD iscuss path to th e river. One of the coats was identified by a coed half hour after the meeting In talk with about 20 students who One atndant fot n load round pudence, and attempts to insti­ force in the Congo. of appinueo wben he aaked the gate insurrection from abroad.” tions, who said a test ban “We de suppert the JN,” treaty must be worked out with­ delégate why ti» Rundan peo- He dismissed the Soviet action he said. “But rer aid is mis­ in the framework of general parked behind the library Sun­ day night by department of public safety officer Harold All-U Radio as the one she bad left in her date’s car behind the library. Rodriguez was wearing one kept firing questions at him. The students had no mercy on the Soviet delegate, askmg him pie had aot baen toht of ti» nu­ during titp short-lived revolu­ represented and used wrong. disarmament. clear teste. Usachev stumbied slightly be­ tion by sayingthe Hungarian We want it ased to develop question did not exist. nations economically.” tite The three-year-long tripar­ talks were recessed Sept. Kent while on his routine pa^ An open hearing on the pro­ of the coats when he jumped frank questions on disarma­ The question was quickly re­ 9 to give the UJf. General As­ troL- Kent called to the youths ment, the Russian nuclear tests. fare answering faut he did have 7 He uaed the same technique posed all-Univenrity student ra­ into the river, authorities said. phrased to leave out such econ: Who fled on foot. dio will be held at4;15 p.m. Hungary, non-support for the a. réason. _______ He .«tañed ___ _ the ^ #. to explain Rassiaa domination omic loopholes but Usachev sembly a chance to discuss ti» - Kent left his patrol car and to the Balkan areas. A stu­ issue. Tuesday in the AUSG cham­ Congo operation and the emoar- pursued the pair on foot from bers, 328 Student Services. n h » r^i, rassing Albanian situation. mier Khrushchev. The students dent had asked him why Res- still found an escape. The U.S. note said the world behind the library, past - the mechanical engineering foun­ dry, towards the electrical en­ The hearing is sponsored .by the finance committee of AUSG Red China Usachev explained Russia’s atmospheric tests which broke on his answer tie’s interest there was net and femaadsd to know why also regarded as crianialhm. “We rid not vote for the UN force,” he said, evoking laugh­ the dangini of fallout were not “We are trying to build,na­ ter from the crowd. “Aid we do olution coifing for resamptiea organization has completed its debate hy adopting a res­ the three year moratoriem by not support the Congo policy. gineering building. Genereaux escaped behind the building and Rodriguez be­ to discuss ways of combining the Brody and Shaw dormitor­ ies radios into one covering the Wins Seat saying they were for self-de­ fense. — ’ " “Our country was fareed to aannunced. Usachev was forced to m o rt tions economically,” he said. Belgium started war against a of the talks. Therefore, the to a BOI UN pamphlet report its.” ' not trying-to gain prof­ constitutionally-elected govern­ note— “We are went on, the United — University from the Union, said ment and the UN supports that States propase» thri the dis- gan wading into the river di­ rectly south of the electrical Joch McNeil, Lincoln Park sophomore, special chairman. -at Albion take seme step to defend enr- selves,” he said. .The West’s refusal to sign n to answer this. Usachev only corrected him­ war.” “Raariaa aderiteti demand­ self once during the hour and a '- Usiehev also attacked the starting Nov. 28, or on toy ed gtol Bn dangers of fall- half session—tills during the wress ter its role to the East other date agreeable to the enssioes „ should esnttooe A bill was introduced at last est be toefesfed la flris report discussion on colonialism. peace treaty with East Ger­ Soviets. Recom m ends week’s Student Government Red China was admitted to session to loan 12,875 for the the UN this weekend in place many and “end a 16 year war” red Mwas priHiihed throagh- German refugee problem. He listed a series of countries “These people were seduced station. The two present 'sta­ of Nationalist China! and the aggressive actions of H t the Soviet Unire,” be where Russia had no troops; to the West by lures of better The Geneva talks became said. Be IH a ri expíala why Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Al­ jobs,” he said. “But you cannot stalled when the Russians re­ W a r n in g o n tions also would pool their West Germany forced the Rus­ us fedonaattre riaee tbea had bania. The students’ roar of find news of the refugee Bow sumed testing in the Atmos­ funds for the new operation, to However, the UN it was ad­ sians to resume tests, he said. here- riven tito Randan pee- laughter at Albania forced from West to East. It docs ex­ phere on Sept. L be located on the fourth Door mitted to w is the Intercol­ Western troops in Bertia and E v i l s o f F ix in g of the Union. legiate Model United Nations, the threat of war to earn of a Ite- Usachev to retreat. ist.” On Sept 5, President Ken­ Commercial advertising would sponsored by the Michigan separate peace treaty with B ari As B the other «p—k—* at "I can’t say for sure,” be He was given a standing ova­ nedy ordered the resumption of WASHINGTON (A—Pre-sea­ «table the University station to Methodist Mo»smart ■> AINon Germany marie nuclear testing the uiMMuKe did, Usachev aefetqnickty an II the Camp*ChestFund. wifi frite* the taflu 8 m riÆÆÆktSM ¡èSs ÊÊiÉ E9HSSS iWÊ >1» Chemical Attack Against Lampreys Now Complete The U.S. Barano of Com­ mercial Fisheries reports thri Rs Chemical attack against Ry RUSTY preparing a r i n e «re likely to lampreys in East Bay r i Grand Of fee State Ri' fagliai pro- S koum«» triflars, tin» pri- Marais, Alger (founty. was Whitney Mas- ting the print on up over paint­ completed this week, but re­ Now on exhtfatt a* the Kresge ia New York, Art Critic ing r i tiro outset. sulti ef tiro highiy-potent treat­ Art Center is “American Prints John Canaday arid: The exhibition covers a wide ment a rt not yet fully known. ; Today,” an ratstendtng groan “F rtrt Invera .IH» to range ai subject matter aad in­ Some of the lamprey larvae of 6g graphic wrifcf argraioei that OgMmariraa artist terpretations hy 9 American were still alive this week to by the Print Council of AnMpF d a y » wver-all a better arteria. All prtrts » the ex­ test cages set out in the bay. A lea. The azMMtip will be m ■mker tiro» he it a hibit were selected for show­ relatively small number oft view from now until Nev. 9 . They have a strong case. The ing by a jury of five members game fish was kilted by the The exhibition includes etcb- technical disciplines of etching of the Print Council of Amer­ treatment. Between 9 rad 9 engravings, woodcuts, a plate or cutting a block or ica. , •' * . rainbow trout, a low number jraphs apd serigraphs. It of northern pike, and some is .offered as a repreaentativo perch were killed., Mortality cross-section of the best work was highest among suckers done in these fields in the years 1956 through 9 9 . The exhibition is on a na­ A lg a e M ay G i v e and minnows. Federal fisheries men-Betted tionwide tear ander the spen- the bay prior jo treatment to an effort to salvage as many aorship ef the Smlthseetaa InstitetioD Traveling ExhlM- tiea Service. in S p a ce. game fish as possible. Samples of the boy’s bottom This highly praised exhibi­ soil will be taken to help deter­ The need to interest univer­ —how caa a continuous har­ mine how hard lamprey larvae tion had a most unusual begin­ sity people in the problems of vest of algae be maintained? ning. It was first presented to were hit in the bay and its con­ survival in space, especially in A difficulty connected with necting channel by a concen­ the public in eight simultane­ tiro areas of research, was em­ the algae is that after repeat trated solution of toxaphene ous exhibitions in eight differ­ phasised by Dr. R. D. Gafford ed cycling, the ratio of oxygen ent cities. , which was pumped into the wa­ hi a speech Wednesday, t to tiro other gases changes, he ters during the last two weeks. This was possible because a said, and there is an accumu­ Good cleaning sad tapid cosila* at* two **aooto” ia mporiaf * . DR. ROLF HOSEMANZ .. print, being a work of graphic Gafford, who was a research froaMy-kiliod door for the toodctost, tastiest rssuits. Let’s biologist for the Air Force un­ lation of toxic gases formed. suppose yos’t t just begged your first wMwssil. Ybot S tef German Student» Rough 11 art, is created in multiple orig­ inals, as distinct from a paint­ ing, which is a single original. til 198, and is now Chief of the Life Sciences Section of the Mice, however, have lived for four months on dry algae, with no ill effects, be said. Aeeuasiag poo* doe*4t dead, first put roer rifio back oa ’SAFE óad e track the wetal teal. Cut «pea the entire body carity, war­ ing (tow between the hind legs elisosi to the base of the oeck (1). Holiday - L iv in g C o n d itio n s The object at this experimental presentation was to stimulate interest in prints generally and Space Flight Laboratories, pointed out some of the prob­ lems connected with the use of For mice, the ratio of the oxygen consumed to the carbon dioxide produced^ is not the lasen the baile with the cutting edge UP and use your first sad oocood fiacers to bold the skia sod anecias UP away boas tho innards. Neat, rewore tho innards, working down f m a t rock to » a tail. Tom tho dost belly .down aad lot it dsaio^ AftOtuMsde, Permanent? to create recognition as well photosynthesis for the regene­ ration of Uro atmosphere. same as it is for man, Gafford tie tho fore logs hotwooa the «adate at beside the hood (2) so it Make Your for the fine graphic art being said, and this is one problem will bo easier to drag the door to ctnp. to cowp, prop tho carcasa B e tte r In A m e r ic a produced in America today. -Photosynthesis is the name given to the process by which green plants take in carbon in using mice in tiro experi­ ments. opeo-O) aad protect it-frow sua, mio, «od flies ia wans weather, lith e weather ia womdsk (ohevo 35 degroos), hood foe o lachar pleat at your bowe (recaer. For tho trip home, carry the caccoso Appointment At By ROBERTA HLTFMASTER gradaste assistants la tiro A n ta r c tic a _. / 7 Of the Stale Neva Staff j week»." . . j There is more informality dioxide and riva off oxygen when exposed to sunlight. The size of tiro apparatus needed to keep men aHyo ia «top your cor or aeraos dm trunk (4). Many a renieon diaper has hot« overheated aad spoiled oo ike (root frodar of a cor. Florence The most predominate differ-, the professors and the G e ts N u c le a r cnee between the German and s tu n ts in America, be said, American universities is the ^ m ^ fieW o{ research This process Is an ra-,. preach to toe problem of carrying enough oxygen ea a self-contained system like ■a space ship is »111 aa obsta­ cle, he said. — L a k e T r o u t P la n te d Anderson’s better living cowhttom m there seems to be the same re- P o w e r P la n t Dr. Gafford outlined Uro crit­ manned space flights. eria for the design of an ideal Some 9 ,0 9 lake trout are Glen, Crystal, and Walloon Beauty Shop Amenca, according to Dr. tatiooships in both countries. Blue-green algae have been culture chamber. It must have, being planted in eight lakes of Lakes in recent years to pro­ Rolf Hosemann. professor of The professor spoke here The first nuclear power plant the main plants used in his ex­ U) a high ratio of laminated the northern lower peninsula vide a source of supply for 201 Abbott Apt. Physics at the Technological Thursday, as a part of a tec- for Antarctica is now on its periments. area to the volume, (2) a high plantings in the upper Great Institute. in West Berlin ^ 1taring tour he is now taking. way. It has been shipped from this fall, the Conservation De­ ED 2-4314 In order to obtain tiro, oxy­ rate of exchange between the partment reports. Lakes. None of the lakes were The German university os- The tour will cover the north- Davisville, R.I., on the USS gas and liquid phases, (j) ease ually doesn’t provide bousing, east part of the country. He Arneb, and is scheduled to ar­ gen from thé system, the algae of sterilization, and <4) opera­ The plantings, made up of tapped for eggs this year.— and the ^student has to live has spent six weeks at the rive at McMurdo Sound, Ant­ are placed te a water medium two-year-olds averaging' seven and altowad to circulate tion free from gravitation. where ever be can find a Chemistry and Research Cen­ arctica, about Dec. 15. room, Hosemann said. There, are also up |to m ter. Inc., at Durham, N.C. He McMurdo Sound is tiro princi­ 1.008 t f planning on returning to Ger- pal support base far all U.S. through transparent glass con­ tainers exposed to the sun. inches in length, total 10,000 in Higgins Lake, Roscommon County; 5,09 each in Elk and Cleanest Clothes On students in a lecture session J many in the middle of Decem- scientific activities in Antarc­ G r e a t D r e a m "They are run ‘a la Cinerama.’ ! ber. tica by the National Science although they are now intro-! la Raleigh, N.C., he *P*ke Foundation. Naval construc­ during televised classes.” he' t e a group abart the altaa- tion “Seabees” are preparing a Be mentioned three prob­ lems tin t research areas Uke those on a campus are H as Fa d e d Torch Lakes, Antrim County: Walloon L a k e , Charlevoix. County; and Duck Lake, Grand Traverse County; 4,09 in Glen Campus site for the plant on the side 'equipped to solve; said. tioa In Berlin. “Although the —what Is the basic mechan­ Lake, Leelanau County: and people had road of the crisis, of Observation Hill overlooking Hosemaaa. wbs baa de- they still wanted to bear McMurdo Sound, approximate­ ism ef algae sticking to S a y s Z u c k e r t trim 2,59 each in Lake Bellaire, An­ veloped new ¿.alprt R from someone who ly 2J00B feet from tiro, base. smooth enrfaees, not allow­ County; and Lake Avalon, CHICAGO (ff — Eugene M. Montmorency County. Cleaatr lad techaiqaes to aaityir *1»? x- had hero there.'” ing it to circulate hack Tiro $timt win be powered by ray data froaa Ids stady sf He then pulled a box of a light water-cooled aad water- through the filters? how can the cultures at Zuckert, present Air Force sec­ Crystal Lake, Benz'e Coun­ retary and former Atomic En­ ty, received .15,09 Tahe trout SMrt Laiidry the properties sf crystals. tildes out of his briefcase. moderated reactor of the pres­ algae be preserved ia the ergy . Commission member, early this year and will be sakTthat the aew tedbntqaes “Here’s a picture of your surized water type fueled with terbnleri flew of tiro sys­ said that “The great dream of stocked with another 5,°00 next were nat riffk ah I® vice president, Lyndon John- enriched uranium. The facil­ tem? .A ‘Atoms For Peace’ has faded spring under the department’s “Y®aag people leona K i son, and Willie Brandt togeth­ ity is designed for a 20-year into the realities of power, eco­ 1962 planting program. fast. 1 te re taught it ta er. when Johnson was in Ber- life and will provide 1,500 net | tin in August.” kilowatts of electricity for the “Tins is one of General L. McMurdo Sound base. BritishReviewing nomics, ancTworld politics.” Lake trout eggs were collect­ Zuckert, who was a member ed from Elk, Higgins, Torch, ThanksgivingHousewares State Parks ; Clay and Willie Brandt.” Operation of the nuclear “Tins is a picture of the act­ power plant will reduce con­ EvacuationPolicy ual. wall the communists put siderably the need for fuel oil LONDON (ff—British experts at the Nuclear Society-Atomic" of the AEC from 1952 to 1964. expressed his views in an ad­ dress prepared for a meeting Self Reliant Enamel Ron*tero — 79c *~2.39 HEPHZ1BAH, Ga. iff - A May Serve up." and wtil simplify logistical are carrying out a comprehen­ Industrial Forum. ! “And this is my son talking problems associated with ‘sup­ sive review of policy on evac­ He recalled that nine years determined woodpecker has: : to oat of the American soldiers plying remote polar locations uation of civilians from danger ago he had spoken in Chicago pecked his way to freedom, but1 Roasting Racks — 11.98 since the reactor will require it took him 9 hours.. As Shelters while the convey waited to ea- ; ter tiro city. refueling only every two yean. attack areas in the event of nuclear on The outlook for atomic pow­ er production and of the prob­ The woodpecker fell inside a! i He said that the only people The cost of fuel oil in the Ant­ Dr. Charles Hill/Minister of lems. Some of the original 38-foot wooden column on the. Pyrex Baster — 49c Michigan’s state parks, popu­ i who have left West Berlin arctic is very high due to the Housing and Local Govern­ problems remain and new ones front porch of Randolph Dun-! Cooking Thermometers — 98c « 2.98 lar public playgrounds for mil­ 1since the beginning of the cris- great distances involved in ment, announced this Monday have been added, Zuckert said. bar’s home. Some time later lions each year, could serve as j is are the businessmen who left transporting the fuel, adverse in reply to à parliamentary Discovery of oil in the Sa­ the Dunbars heard a big racket emergency housing areas in I because of economic reasons, weather conditions and the question by a Laborite mem­ hara Desert has not improved going on inside the column. the event of a nuclear attack, but most of toe people are go- problems of off-loading on the ber. The member asked what the prospect for selling nuclear Finally a small hole appear­ according to Arthur C. Elmer, ! mg to stay. ice shelf. arrangements had been made power plants in western Eur­ ed, and it gradually grew larger J o h n H le k s A c e H a r d w a r e chief of the Conservation De­ for evacuation of civilians and ope, Zuckert commented, and until the bird squeezed through < partment’s parks aad recrea­ for tiroir accommodation in re­ added: and flew off. He had tunneled { 201 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE tion division. - H u m a n T u m o r B a n k S e t U p ceiving areas. “Neither was the path at through more than two inches' Elmer, president of the Na­ The Ministry’s Parliament­ borne smoothed for American of wood. tional Conference on State j S to r e s T is s u e s , B lo o d S e r u m ary Secretary, Geoffrey Rip- industry by the needless in­ Parks, cites Texas’ use ef state t pon, in reply to another ques­ volvement of the developmen­ parks as rescue centers when! worthy of preser­ ment said tion, emergency equip­ tal problem of nuclear power Hurricane Caria was on the) A human turnon "bank," tiro considered has been stockpiled for with the political problem of rampage to point ap what j first such bank in the country, vation. carrying water rad measures public versus private power—a aright ho done ia tins state. is being set up to store malig­ These specimens will then be have bran taken to obtain addi- clumsy entanglement not to be either slowly frozen if tiro cells tional sources at water in event unraveled at the laboratory An estimated 38.69 people! nant tissues and blood serum are found refuge in tiro southern! state’s-parks during a d after ; from a cancers. wide _ variety of human frozen The bank, located at Roswell to be preserved. to be kept alive, or quick ff the specimen is just of nuclear attach- bench.” Youare encouragedtogo tiro hurricane. ' “While there is a lot of dil foresee between a terricaw j - N Y Park Memorial Institute in Tiro tumor bank will also col­ will make avail- lect and store blood serum and a nuclear attack, s p e c i f i c - caretnllyreloctod »peri- from pntieris With malignant A FTER TH E G A M E ... See the children’s books, Jl any radioactive fallout aad mens to qualified researd large-ocaie contamination, tiro ia this country and abroad who including are studying cancer. diseases for study. The oank staff will total about 15 people statisticians who will Ondisplayall this week, Texas plan shows the potential T R EA T Y O U R S ELF of state parks in helping peo­ ple farced from their homes The over-all bank wifl direction he of under a during tones of disaster,” El­ gist whs wfll work in c lose co­ out tiro patholo­ accumulate tients whose data about the pa­ tissues are stored. Copies of this d ita will be sent At the EducationBuilding mer .stresses. “Here hi Michigan, there are more than g.89 state park, . operation department bank , with program __ ef is _ g. m the Institute’s pathology. especially The de­ each time frozen tissue te shipped. The tissue sampte will be TO STEAK MichiganState University. sites which will accommodate agnedarto collect -' 1 As­ sUnped to the sealed vial to upwards of 48,89 people r i eoo j ****-. v<*to*u r ----- t f tone,” Elmer heports. “Mere — conditions which will under aflow which it was frozen. Aa insu­ lated container which will maintain the heeded tow tem­ Satisfy your hungry appetite after the Thereyoumil see the than half at these campsites their me for virus experimen­ perature will keep the tissue in are hooked up with electricity. Itation. £ ' aU have box er flush-type toft- j The hank will receive speci­ its eta and drinking water, and mens frraw stake until the in­ from any surgically re­ vestigator receives it aad is game at Cara Nova With a sizzling Worldswardwinnerstogether many of the pania have hath-1 house laundry boUdtogs.” ha • adds. " moved malignant tissue th ri is ready to bagto Ms study. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP • steak . . . nerved with golden french fries. - a tossed salad, aad! a freah roil. A meal in Withthepotential winners. None aS Michigan's parks] frotara fallout shelters and itself far U 9 at Casa Nova. Bring ia the there are aa plane afoot ia the] Department to add them. to Us prnldmt*! address r i \ R E T U R N Senior P ro o fs ^ white gang. Ate recent ananal mnrttng ef] the National _. Conference en ¡ Stria Parka. Eimer arged oth­ Ml A er states to adapt ton Texas Deadline E x t e i m ü i not eniy as **a meant r i j Featuring Book» for Children ■ comfort • .jü". %tf. « 7_. *7'’:7!'Vs777 "V- ■ ■ to toe temporarily hat atea as a menas r i h » the adaptability ef to t Until Wednesday, November15 iast Ianrasa *f Oita si 7 tm . 2 • juX a è ," C o rn e r A b b A M .A .C . f a s t f^«i«lrag parks and toa vorsrtifity of, their ttrtfo.” - I lili are WS Ü K j m Is u n s \ ¡ « h p j | ¡ P lilt ® 3J® 1 I ¡S 3 9 » * » 8 irifeSSsB 111 m ■W='* Tickets Available U n c le M o n ey b a g s Fo r Mikado and F all Unemployment Im ages C r a c k in g M o za rt O p e ra Reserved aari tickets will be Figures Decrease The image af a benevolent power and resources to toe aveBaMe r i 9 e j e .Ten r i y fo r federal gBvormmrt with a bot- Federal government. Mozart’s operetta, “(tool Fan p % ngv% r¡P ' v i't*- tomless pome to cracking, a Tiro «amber «I Michigan’s tiro the figures fluctuate flurtnrin and an t a t “Rising costs of Federal Trite,” (Women A ra Like unemployed l a b o r market vary much, be arid. Mid. representative af tiro National government cannot be Mamed th ri) rad for Gilbert and Sulli- dropped during the months of The national figures figura forjb n Association of Manufacturers on national defense,” Mrs. said here Wednesday. vra’s “The Mikado.” gurandnr and October from pest past month shew show 41 Bushnell said. “In the tost the There wffl be two showings i l l percaat to d m t 7J per- people jobless and eat M t ef (Ids Speaking before the Michi­ years, tor example, govern­ cent of fee total available wort numberntimhmr 79,000 780,000 w wero en ddeclared gan Farm Bureau, Mrs. Louise ment revenue rose 9 9 billioa, of the "Mikado.” at 3 :9 p.m EKi work force. * "h art core” by Ewan ¡Ctagtro, “hard Bushnell of Neto York, Director but only 9 billion of thri went and 8:15 p.m., Nev. 3L Curtain commissioner .of of labor of tiro NAM’» Women’s Depart­ to defense — less-than a third. time to 8:15 pm ., Nev. 9 , for The drop was attributed to commissioner labor statis­ ment, arid to ri Americans are The re» went into expanding “Cori F ra Trite.” the massive recall of workers ties tics in an interview to « Mtemew i U.S, News and World Report maga­ now beriming to see “the reel our civilian programs and set­ Coupon D to activity books to jib s at the state’s three **4 Repori picture — that of crafty poll* ting up new ones. may be exchanged for tickets m tomoblte manufacturer’s by »zine. _ _ • I ! tidons with their heads to tiro “As tiro farming people of to either «pen to the Union Fredrick H a a s e s , Lansing Ciague said tiro the “ban “hard core” citizens’ pockets.” manager of the Michigan Un­ were people out of work six “The mo» important cost America well know, these fed* second floor checkroom. employment Securities Com- weeks or more. Oral programs we bear is that of govern­ more control over mean more and mission. The Michigan Unemploy­ our lives. It LIST BACK TO TffiE CAVES?—Conversion sf a huge Baratone qearry tote a commu­ ment,” Mrs. Bushnell said.'“It isNtime to turn the tide — to “Tho start of the new models ment Securities Commission Is nity bomb shelter Is being studied hr Chicago authorities, II was diadraed costs ui more than food, rent, return to the tradition of in­ OF OVER by the auto industry has caus­ the »ate branch of the U.S. Nov. H l la this view are three openings off the floor sf the qnariy wfcich hear or any other budget item. 9 ORGANIZED ed this tremendous drop, in Employment Service and its dividual freedom that made MUSICAL GROUPS Michigan’s unemployment.” mate office is located in De­ a. resemblenee to cliff dwellers’ eaves. A group of osen stand near opeatog at “Gradaafly we are realiz­ America great.” 1 to 20 pieces he sold. “The Lansing area’s troit. left. Qearry Is located about three miles southwest ef Chicago’s downtown ing that we eerid do mere business district. —AP Photo. * — —, fer. less tax money if we took writeror-ftome care ef ear local problems Street’« a Speedway figures me now only about C, V. “Bol” T rie r, Secy. three percent of the total and Laasbur Fédération of these ere what thoy call tiro W K A R T a p e s to ear local communities. OSHKOSH, Wis. iff-Six Osh Gradually we are realising koah residents have petitioned Mosteten* “herd core” or chronic unem- 527 S. Washington, Lansing ployed.” Peace C o rp s Committee Attempts Revisions that a so-called Federal tiro City Council to change the ‘grant’ to nothing mere than name of their street to Webster. IV 2-5814 In August, 711,91 people money Unde Sara has just They claim motorists are tak­ (Clip this Ad fer fatare ose) were unemployed in Michi­ taken away from as. gan. This is 11.1 percent ef P re s e n ta tio n " E x e c u tiv e B r a u c h G ets ing too literally R e present “UVE MUSIC IS BEST” “Gradually we are realizing name: Speedway Avenue. •I tiro total labor force, and to that we could do more for our­ September it fell to 29,09 The WKAR News Center will selves than the government er about 7J percent. produce a 15-minute taped pro­ gram on tiro Peace Corps for * The total figures aren’t all the Voice of America Organi­ ‘G o in g O v e r ’ F ro m C o n -C o n does if only we could keep that part of our incomes that the government. takes from us to STU D EN T T R A V E L . . . 40 IT IN E R A R I» featuring: to yet for the month of October, zation. Western AEastern Europe but to Detroit, an unemploy­ The VOA program, which The establishment of clear- group will include experts from s t e e p l y graduated in the order to ‘aid’ us.” - 'S T U D E N T S ' Scandinavia • Africa " ment trouble spot, only 9 per­ win be produced and narrated cut lines of authority and re­ our own universities.” " „ world,” he says. “If we’re go­ Pointing out that every Fed­ CAN South America • Japan cent are unemployed. This is by Jack Hogan, WKAR news eral subsidy and grant is ac­ round-the-world sponsibility in the exeCUtiye The committee will wind up ing to impose another income companied by controls, Mrs. a f f o r d : a dicp of three percent for the director, will include discus­ its hearing of witnesses in ear­ tax onthe Michigan resident, Bushnell urged the farm group 54-80 days from $600 month. sions on the Peace Corps with arm of our government is the ly or middle December, mid let’s make it a straight-across- to campaign again» “Central­ . In other areas of heavy un­ President John A. Hannah, chief goal of the Con-Con com­ T R A V E L -S T U D Y SPRING VACATION employment, the figures are al­ Glen Taggert, dean of the de­ mittee on the executive branch^ will then start discussing the the-board tax.” - ism” — the concentration at H U PS P R O G R A M S so showing a marked improve­ partment of international pro­ This will rid the executive of drafting of proposals. It hopes w ork camp & hoateling Bermuda • Puerto Rico ment. In Flint and Grand grams: U. S. Senator Phillip A. to have its work completed by program s also available Hawaii Rapids, only four percent are Hart, and two Peace Corps the inefficiencies which result Aprü 1. Flowers are a tradition from $195 unemployed. Ann Arbor has 4.1 trainees. from its present complicated Martin says he is greatly im­ 40-70 days from 8600. pressed by the spirit and in­ Service is our custom percent and Saginaw and Jack­ Hogan will also produce a and chaotic structure, says at STUDENT TRAVEL PUBLICATIONS son have 9.3 and 5.5. The total taped program of the full grad­ John D. Martin (Rep.-Grand dustry of tho convention and I n te r n a tio n a l S tu d e n t ID Card .....St-Qd for the entire upper peninsula uation ceremonies held iir Kel­ Rapids), committee' chairman.- its committees^ to only 9 percent. logg Center Friday at 4 p.m. “If you list- the people in Barnes Floral Hostel* S Restaurant! Handbook W ork, Study, T rav el A broad — ISO —....... 1.00 Hanses went on to say that “All the proposals we draft Michigan who know most about of East Lansing this was usual for this time of will print to this end,” Mar­ local government, you will find WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE U.S. NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION year and the upswing should information imil 111111itti11111tun tin says. “There must be a the greater share of them E d u catio n al T ravel. Ino., D o p t on level off this month. sharply-defined line of auth­ here,” he says. Open Sunday and Evenings SO W eat 3 8 th S troet, Now Y o rk 18, Now Y o rk Glena Stockton, assistant TO DAY ON CAM PUS top ority going down from the Both the Democratic and OXford B-5070 of the department and a the Republican delegates show 215 ANN ED 2-0871 manager el the Lansing of­ similar One of responsibility a high sense of responsibility. “ U S K S A i« a non-i»rojtt o r g a n iz a tio n ¿ m i n o IA*A m e r ic a » ti u d c n t m m m m n H V * fice, pointed eat that tbis going up from the bottom.” Evidence of this Is the fact should taper off to totter Wesley Foundation —Tuesday, December aad start down to 7 p.m., choir and conversa­ The committee-is presently that they do not greet every­ January with the annual lay­ tion - “Quadrennial slide deliberating the length of term thing that comes up as a parti­ » show,” 1118 S. Harrison. san political question.” _ offs. of the governor. Members have Women’s Auxiliary to the Stu­ Martin himself has had his “In January this year, there dent Chapter of the American almost reached unanimous share of political experience- .were 324,000 people out of work Veterinary Medical Assn.— agreement on the four-year He is a national Republican And the total continued to Tuesday, 8 p.m.,' business term, according to Martin. climb reaching a peak of 422,- meeting and educational mo­ 00 people in March,” Stockton vie, 101 GUtner. “To aid us in our considera­ tion of the subject matter we committeeman from Michi­ gan, a former state senator, and served two terms as G ir l W a t c h e r s said. “This was 14.2 percent of Baptist Student Fellowship — will be dealing with during the toe work force.” course of our committee meet­ state auditor general. P r e s e n te d b y P a ll M all F a m o u s C i g a r e t t e s Tuesday, 7 :9 p.m., Rev. Ray The remainder of the months Lindland, congo missionary, ings, we will call on two types He recently created a stir by of witnesses,” Martin says. proposing that tiro clause for­ speaker, 332 Oakhill. “We will hear testimony bidding the enactment of a Alpha Delta Theta — Tuesday, from the practitioners of gov­ graduated income tax to Mich­ G O P Has 8 p.m., 7:15 for actives and ernment, including the former igan be retained to the Consti­ initiates, 41 Union. governors and state adminis­ M a jo r ity a n d Spanish Club—Tuesday, 8 p.m., trative board members of tution. He further proposed that the clause be made more U.N. Lounge. - Michigan. We have also ex­ specific. _ R e s p o n s ib ility Sailing Chib — Tuesday, 7 :9 tended invitations to gover­ Martin says his reason for p.m., 32 Union. nors Rockefeller, of New York, making these proposals is that Republicans a r e unhappy Lutheran Student Assn.— Wed­ and Meyner, of New Jersey. the accumulated burden of two with their majority in Con-Con, nesday, 7 a.m., Communion Both of these states have re­ graduated income taxes would PautMahinski, Con-Con dele­ and light breakfa». Univer­ cently redrawn their constitu­ bear too heavily on the tax­ gate from the 18th senatorial sity Lutheran Church. tions. payer. district of Wayne County, said Promenaders — Tuesday, 7 “We shall also call on the “We already have a federal at a meeting of the Young p.m.. Exec. Board and dance students of government. This income tax which is the most Democrats last week. practice session following, "They are unhappy, Mahinski Women’s Intramural. saM, because their overwhelm­ Accounting aad Finance Club— ing 2 to 1 majority will result Wednesday, 7 p.m., 31 Union. S p o r t i C a r E n th u s ia s ts mthdfr receiving full credit or Women’s Inter-Resktence Conn­ blama for the results of the ell — Tuesday,'7 p.m., N. The Spartan Sports Car Club invites .all sprats, convention. Williams. “Uro two main Republican Graduate Intervarsity Christian imported, and compact car owners to participate goals,” be said, “are to do as Fellowship — Tuesday,- 7 :9 to the LAST CHANCE RALLYE to be held in tho Utile as possible with re-ap­ p.m., seminar room Owen Jackson area on Nov. 19 a t 12:15 pan. Tho RaDya portionment and to keep the Hall. will begin a t the Jackson Cascades and end a t * legislature as it is.” Sigma Lambda Chi — Tuesday, food and drink establishment north of Jackson. By keeping the legislature 7 p.m., 25 B-4. as it is, Republicans hope to Lutheran Student Assn. — Tues­ The roads are 98 per cent black-top with a lot o f retain minority control, Me day, 4:10 p.m., study hour, curves. E ntry fees are $2 for club members; $2.50 htoski felt. University Lutheran Church. non dub members. Trophies for 1st, 2nd,.3rd place Mahinski said he supports Sigma Alpha Eta — Tuesday, will be awarded. Also dash plaque fra all. the phtioeophy that a consti­ 7 p.m., art room, Union. tution should lay down the Homer D. Higbee, assistant rules under which a govern­ dean of International pro­ ment operates rather than grams — Tuesday, 7 p.m F O S T E R am i P A U L I N C merely setting up the restric­ talk, Tower Room, Union, tions upon governmental oper­ (B*Class Spirit Committee — CENTRAL MICHIGAN’S SPORT CAR CENTER ation. Tuesday, 7 p.m., S3 Union. fotlllfUIWIWtl IW UWKtlWMIWli|iM»W1 Placem ent M S U <3 ° W h y m en w a tc h g ir ls Men watch girls for various reasons. Personally, we need that he formerly had been a flower watcher. Then one Bureau Y0ÜNC REPUBLIC ANS no better reason than the reason men climb mountains. They ore ih ere.W t h aw heard old men say they watch day a Speckle-Breasted Jackdaw happened to b a d in his gardien as he was watching a calb tUy and he noticed girts because it makes th a n feel younger and young . (hat the bird moved. He switched to birds on the spot. Interviewing at tiro Place­ Girl watchers have discovered that girls enjoy this same men became k makes diem feel older (see-above). While ment Bureau Friday. Addi- tional information in the Place­ _ PRESENT investigating the reasons why men watch girls we picked advantage (movement) over catto lilies. (Speakingof ad*’ ment B um » Bulletin for too up a due from, o f all things, a bird watcher. He told us vantages, how about Pall Mall’s natural miklneM!) _r week of NIT. 13 to 21: S NatieaaT Carbea Co. inter­ viewing cbamtrtl, civil, elec­ TH E H O N. ED W AR D H U T C H IN S O N trical, mechanical, metallurgi­ cal engineers, chemistry, phys­ WHY BE AN AMATEUR? P a ll M a ll’s ics, math majors. - V IC E C H A IR M A N O F T H E CO N STITU TIO N A L JOIN TH E AMERICAN SOCIETY l i e fo filN Gas,. Light aad OF GIRL WATCHERS NOW I natural m ildness CO NVENTIO N W HO W IL L D ISC U SS Cake Co. interviewing mechan­ ical, civil aad electrical engi- is so good to yo u r taste! IgflMfHRMB. ¿BHppi H HQfiCI* Son" interviewing all riemeo- M IC H IG A N : H E R PRO BLEM S - H E R FU TU RE' triy ta d all secondary majors, So smooth, ao satisfying, ÉiXtofc a r t March grads. so downright smokeab le! Itoft Public T O N IG H T y ¿. Schools fliow Yrilt) Interview- .T iÉ e B elementary and second- U N IO N B U ILD IN G "R O O M 31 8:30 P.M. •o u >St .<(■—»* —XAam-it «■* H lr a Ntojer*. Dee, grads. B lip ■ ■ ®r\ ¡ B ig i s l i l ars 55BS w o rn Iptfeíís ' . ■■yrt'i mm ./-•■ ft m Mm ■AíÉéi |||§p B a ia ¡Ü 4 «fe C h ild r e n A r e J C h ip 5.-’ i 0 ( 1 C n .'V n ö 0 3 3 * ó ü à íjkijiúiD P » ; ïrüT7! S f M I lf ■tí e r \ L o r js jàiT L j ; n : * a q r a n Ò fl th e lO ld B lo c k ’ jQ j r v j o x tî r o c o a i o 0 0 ■ ■ ¿XPXS.-V-3, m said only anca evestyslR yearn* à 4 3 3 * 4 '..o r . a n ra Intinto litirewin tim ■««*— ■««* j j * i o ïjli a s a r i to se balky that it ir expearive S a y s P s y c h o lo g is t «i. ^ ü aaLi-i a a sT u iK in a n n :.4n*A te mova. ' A r a w chto fe Irtfe P fo rto e d 14 . O n t e I ItoWl Manufacturen said too, that Hostility in • boy stems from Winder saM. Tho c h i l d «.Bring u* líte te la K O f JQ Ü .toe. desigli the martítoriy the way his parents treat him, •braid 'be beard tota be ü l( AS^^^AJrara- jidl4biInraudbiula sayrD r. ClarenCe L. Winder, shows signs af traaMe be­ doesn't inierfedriitiicckaágN - Tiara lo t ' TTsimia111uin ornU asrt ralaila 'rattt win very oflnn. director of the psychological cause affection aad warmth Mi clinic here. dell rail sc too character of DQHP RbRIHHHHhHb Wm I n ACrafeetira 10. Ssctrifisd The effects of parental atti­ too chlkl. rign language department. ISe* 3A m ' A Placed > particle tudes on the social reputations “If either parent Is victim- nora Zidis Stewart, n r i a i r e « 'r-R rà Ê-vBMÊÊÊÊtK/f■'ffir.•«•■ 11. f e te ad tor M IC H IG A N ST A T E U N IV I ilT Y of adolescent sons eras the title of Winder's speech g i v e n zed by the other this will teacher and native ef Salvador, mt a Canee U f e , TSttaüust« dry in* 17.Meul Mi Thursday in the library audi­ bring a reaction on the part of Brazil, will be ad tin iy with Donald Stewart in the gensral 1t T u rin s ■• sto»:®/.. [Xtm rat i 0. Cubie U. Un­ OIMSTUN * V':. '*• ' SOERGE• OMUMBATNM • . •* torium. the son,” Winder said. “If a 1 • •. Portion of f principled .- .. ♦. mother is victimized by the communication arts depart- «tnaetori, i.; person Winder said that “research father then she’ll take it out on , / real «state 33. Sorrowful on this,, project was an out­ her son. Studies have been m ad assisting. Meeting Place; 34 - 35 Union growth of interest to schizo­ done at various age levels and “Anyone with an interest In n i m i ï I" ir rr 33. scraped linen ■\' . ?. P“ phrenia." “Experience shows to general, results are reason­ that people with schizophrenia ably'consistent.” Brazil is welcome,” Stewart said. “You don’t have to speak HT 24. R e m n a n ts 38. Discbari« Meeting Timer T p.m. Tuesday H » ïltttttt were deviant as youngsters, Portuguese to belong — just 38. first man even to elementary school.“ What was" actually done by bring a curiosity about Brazil.” ■ 27. Accomplish 28. Remuner­ ALL ARE WELCOME these tests was to measure the Using four variables, ag­ verbalizations of c h i l d r e n gression, depesdjeacy, with­ about each other on one side He added that Brazilians and students studying Portuguese also were invited and any oth­ u nm M theaea- ate 31. Arm of m drawal, and depresston Win­ and measure parental attitudes der showed how a boy's reac­ and practices on the other. Ag­ tion to life conies from toe gression toward child brings ers tolerated to Brazil. I The first meeting win be held Miàmmm mimu w 31 Of the side K to a v ln i animal way bis parents treat him. aggression in child, Winder at 7:30 pm ., Tuesday, Nov. 21. 35.0.1, bed Winder said that variables to said. Taped Brazilian music win be 37. Buddhist A K o d a k V e r ífa x E x c lu s iv e ! played tor an hour, beginning pillar each child were calculated Many children who are so­ fronr a prepared booklet to cially deviant have parents ,0BN6S,AIOIU>1*«DWBXU&Ê at 6:30 p.m. . Wimm 33. Winter vehicles which bays rated each other with a slightly lower educa­ URGE ID PUNTI; Dr. Charles Schuller, head of m es; as to.O nthe 7 and from observed games. tion, Winder said. Lower class the audio-visual center, will briny deep' speak about Michigan State’s 41. R oue Parents were questioned di­ parents have similar ideas audio-visual eerier to S a o 42.protection rectly Winder said although he eration recommended observing them about child raising from gen­ to generation. Paulo, Brazil. He will also show slides of Brazil. M m m * 43. L a irs 44. Blue p m EXTRA when they were unaware of the Better educated parents go back and forth, according to -}-Head Ghana. . ~ books, among them “Political Free University of Berlin, fol­ Yu sivt ior of child.’!. — —-* partment of American thought He said those arrested be­ Man,” “Labor sod Trade Un­ low to the Center for Advanced and language. The public is i ip to 50% ia If parents are strict the welcome." longed to the United Patty ions,” “Prejudice and Society,” Studies to the Behavorial Sci­ child is withdrawn at home In addition to writing poetry, P r o fe s s o r and to the ruling convention' (with Earl Raab,) and “Social ences, and fellow to the Social •fffetcfeytot and btgh to aggression and Snow has a distinguished ca­ People’s Party, bat that the Mobility ip Industrial Society,” Science Research Council. e n d «H is dependency with his peers, reer as a teacher and public T o D is c u s s - with the queen’s security. He arrests had nothing to de Kodak YorifnCo^OT lecturer. A graduate of Bow- doin College and Wesleyan Un­ S p a c e T r a v e l claimed that to Kumasi alone there were 2Si arrests and Mark Twain Movie To Be Shown indtfeVorifix T e s t .B a n t iversity, Snow has taught in five colleges and universities. mere are expected after the “Energy for Space Travel” queen’s departure. The Fisheries and WtyJUfo, flood control, and navigation, Club will shew Dr. Alfred fit­ and the effect of the Corps of Vorifix Baotioi Cipitr Model a “MoficMririr (Continued from Page 1) He has also traveled as a -will be the subject of a talk ter's new film, “Mark Twain Engineers program on the riv­ the United States will resume lecturer on American Life and given by Dr. L. J. Giacoletto Dombo, 38, said defiantly Country,” Wednesday at 7:30 er. • e tg g s o testing in the. atmosphere. Culture for the U. S. Depart­ Wednesday at 4 p.m. in 404 that Nkrumah’s opposition is p.m. to the Forestry Cabin. ment of State in 20 countries of Electrical Engineering Build­ net going underground. “As Etter, assistant professor in Europe, Asia, and the Near ing. soon as party officials are ar­ the dept, of fisheries and wild­ C a ll fo r f r e e d e m o n s tr a tio n East. Snow taught poetry for Giacoletto, a professor of en­ rested they will be replaced,” life, over 20 years as a professor of he asserted. has produced the film for JFast Modern Poetry at Wesleyan gineering here, will discuss In Accra, government and use on the National Audubon V in y o o r o w n o f f ic e The, words “carefully cir­ University in Middleton, Conn. various possible methods of police officials claimed ignor­ Society’s Screen Tour Lecture cumscribed,” mean, these of­ storing energy for the space ance over reports of mass ar­ Program. Ù Yet Snow has^ been a close ficials said, that even if the friend of Frost for many years travel purposes. — This film will bring to life United States follows, how* and devotes a generous portion Giacoletto received his M.S. rests. the setting of some of Ameri­ Efficient ever reluctantly, toe Soviet at Iowa State University in ca’s most famous books. It example w i t h exploding electrical engineering and his CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — toudies also on the inter-rela­ Ph.D. at the University of bombs to the atmosphere, thir will be done with utmost "School Dropouts’ Michigan also to electrical en­ • LOW COST • tionships of water use, wildlife, gineering. Up to the year 1960, caution to reduce toe danger of nuclear fallout. To'Be Discussed Giacoletto was manager. Elec­ Fla. Tops In Radioactivity tronics Department, Scientific « m e t « n o rm s Kennedy, talking about the. Thursday Noon Laboratory, Ford Motor Com­ The Public Heath Service reported are not cause for un­ . Soviet tests at "his news confer­ pany in Dearborn. said Jacksonville, Fla., had the due public concern. ence Nov. 8, used strong terms j Dr. Harold J. Dillon, profes­ Professor Dr. Donald Mont­ highest level of radioactivity to In Alaska, a high of 5.37 Frandor Shopping Center H — « « lb r in f l( S f e t t in accusing Moscow of bad ; sor in the College of Education^ gomery, Department ef Phys­ micromkrocuries was report­ sie 3. mam m am ' a faith. He said: will participate to a panel dis­ ics, will be the presiding chair­ the air reported to this country ed at Kodiak yesterday. MON.THRUFfU. TILL» “The Soviet Union tested cussion on “School Dropouta” man of the meeting. Tne pub- yesterday — 10.7 micromicro­ Kodiak Is a new sampling while'we were at the'taWe-ne­ during a special luncheon lie is invited to attend. curies per cubic meter of air. station. Delayed reports show­ SAT. TILL 7 ' gotiating with them. If they The reading at Jacksonville ed readings there were 2.75 fooled us once, it is their fault, meeting of the Community Tuesday was 18.6. and if they fool us twice, it is Services Council at n o o n our fault.” Thursday at the YWCA. Officer Elections, Montgomery, Ale., had a Ttieeday and 1.2f Monday. Other new Alaska sampling M O W ! measurement of 15 yesterday, stations reporting-for yester­ These words mean, officials The meeting is open to the explained, that the United public, and students in educa­ Südes, Featured down from Tuesday’s 25 which day were Barrow with 1.7 and 1 .0 0 flus tag was high for the nation. Nome with L08. Cold Bay, also States is determined not to ac­ cept any further moratorium tion are invited to attend the By Russian Club The Health Service has con­ new, came to with a delayed without an agreed' inspection The Russian Club will meet sistently said the levels bring report of 3.8 for Tuesday. Old Spice quality in a new hair tonic feel it system. militarily necessary.” ! tions for the luncheon at noon, Wednesday at 7 p.m. in 36 Un­ “We would* not test_ for poli­| also open to the public, may ion to elect the officers for this •Keeps hair handsomely groomed— all The tical President’s or psychological reference reasons,”i be made by calling IV 4-1357. academic year. All Russian lan­ to political aad psychological day • Fights dandruff • Moisturizes-pre­ Kennedy added, “unless we program at. 12:45.' Reserva- guage and area studies stu­ reasons was expanded by toe State . Department Monday jFirst • Year Hugs when it said toe Soviets broke dents are requested to attend. Following the business meet- TODD’S vents dryness • Guaranteed non-greasy the* 3-year test moratorium ST. PAUL (ff—Students at I tog, a talk, illustrated by slides, Long, Lean ^ “to intimidate and terrorize Hamline University gave will be riven by Mr. Alexei the world.” ! Klimoff on Iconography, a Rus­ and Sfim grinning -reception to signs sian art form. By sending a note. Russia and; around the campus proclaiming Coffee and recorded Russian Requesting another round of j HUGS. No embracing involved, popular songs by the world fa­ tolks, the United States and j they learned—just an abbrevia- mous Russian tenor, Ivan Koz­ Bntain followed up their own ;tion of ^ Hamline University lovsky will follow the presen­ “ZIPPS” resolutioni, acceptedJn theU N . Guide Service for freshmen tation of the tildes. They’re long, lean and slim aad fit like General Assembly by an o v er- l whelming vote, and urging a a second skin. Ia fact, “Ztypt” ere lest ban treaty. Washington, officials added, is aware that CORAL GABLES’ tapered se slim we had to pat a zipper the Soviets not only voted at the bottom . • • phis a 4 inch vent. ILFORNO against this resolution but de-i clared emphatically that they; Uaasiial heilzeatil front pockets. Colors would talk about t test him only in the frame work of the! ef black, olive, (tost. much broader and infinitely more complicated issue of gen-i The Name that Made Pizza Famous in T-anaing oral disarmament. This is a po­ ■ v } *9n sition the West has refused to NOW OPEN AT 11 do A M , accept. Serving Snacks • Sandwiches • Luncheons - Dinners Also Catering to Private Partial - Banquets - Meetings _ . ¡N ig h t S t a ff Assistant News Editor, Mary Visit Our Rathskeller Basing; Wire Editor, Bob Neu-| Open 5 p.m. Daily mann; Copy Editors, Jackie 'Phone ED 7-1311 211 EAST GRAND RIVER Korona, Al Royce, Denis Gos­ selin; Photo Editor, David - Complete Take-Out Service OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Jaehnig...--- iSÉÉ i M ■ sp* WVA W i*.. S® m IPffc ■M ¡¡¡1 Sfi$ iü I li * « » H Wm dtjßS. M '.p p * p w f * |ïf w r | ■œB P IS IU S S IF 1 IIS «w W l ik iïS »"4»sü 2* «or Iw&v S s *W ' on Mental Healtti ^BmWíá@>0^aiaB.'Í8H. &Mmx&!Ìk- NIB$H ■ New aveawM i§ tetisft efl1' tep Mfcftlgsa figures te men girato» boeottals and ■clinics th e dtaMse that holds down a -tel heatth to eschadjgt petetB throughout Michigan and mem­ SCI0BBC8g bers ef the University faculty. D e M U p t' 1 .0 0 f A A fifclm* ef btood is being StwUUtiT W ÊL A j l t o ' —» ef view a d dtecass tbeered* i&äSi beds than any cel issees la flair iie p ecflvs , Speakers iaejude Dr. Amedeo S si rrtsa ilad betwoea too rRjBji f THweday to ftl Jslftft fteatejg-eB the g n d - S. M arrani director ef lia t f r f t f U T m* T HWpL..- LiMteR JSBiB NN A A fatten ef m b w tthoas. Vetemos Administration re­ hod to Paeriac, N J. ' u fe search laboratorio* in neuro ­ of dteaaee is mental liines*. Participating will be psydda- psychiatry. B r­ ' RetNrtDaLareaso, Baft fWL ica. OtedrtEli tBCBBUy re- trists, psychologists, sociolo­ turned fto s the BspoMM- te others on the program are tenon, HJ.f junior, has asked t i e Isflrtb aaneal Mantel gists, biochemists, aid physio­ Ur. James G. Milter director students to contribute Mood far PteUNHl m m be conducted t Health Research Cadetene« logists from"the Michigan De­ iMStecft project « no oi Pnne* provides as f iiiitW y 1er of the U of M Mental Health ftfo sertoosly-ifl grandmother, partment of Mental Health, Research Institute, Dr. Marion mnrian studeoU. Mrs. M b Boob, of Passaic. J. Levy of Princeton University supported institution in the Ur. C. West Churchman ef the AUTOMOTIVE FO RSA U ■ M Sbo ftos on intestinal aflment W orking Their Way north Georgia hills. of California and Ur. which requires The English Utemry EHscus- 1752 FOKD■cMp«. b " Immoeulet«. 2 fosteBs, ho said, but blood bi sioa Group wifi analyze Wfi* WALESKA, Ga. Ml — The jM fla t half the 286 students Richard S. Redner of , the de­ torte frse», «Attt wall tir«, ratita, good condition, 10 2-1037. 35 Now Jersey cotes $15 a pint ham Congreve’s “The W«y of president of Reinhardt College, are working their way through partment of pfafloeophy. heat«», f at! milaag«. 332-5205. H The Lansing district Bod d ees the Wsted,’* n humorous rstew* James Rowland Burgess DEER HUNTERS: Mutt mS 74 WM Reinhardt this year, cooking fr»« raiJrtcr. Must mUI chaster 30-30. Ute new. |SS including blood beak tarnishes Wood free atton period drama, Tuesday says he fails that “any good Pregnun te fe . IV M M Highest E0 7.711* aitar S ammo. Call J.L Schoneman. ED 2* -to hospitals through Its Stood at • p.m. in the fourth floor student who’s willing to werk waiting on table, acting as sec­ ——I B for Ms education** should be retaries and wielding dustpans P"». 37 27*7- 34 e-*—*n—w ^ra^rarara—ararara^ a etmpag lection oeded tost Friday V lA m J I «PQti cot- kmnge of the hhrary. able to attend the fththedkt- « 4 mops after M IC H IG A N 954 OCDS Sopar M. brdra matie, TRA&Stt KM IAJLI '$¿1' A A A goad traerpartaUoo. nm IA< ««»• See DeLoreaso said ftlood cm be N O W ...6 5 e to SîSQ bajara > pjfc, 120 Ubtft. Uw*). 3S 1791 FORDUNE mobile home. 30 deflated i t the law ftE Bed Miss Karen Amm Kundatrup, LAST 2 DAYS! Feteera to I : » , h ü , SiSS, aaaPH PB H PM H M nanp^B feet. Excellent home for I or 2 students Cress office oad designated for Ensign, USNR, *81 spring grad­ Until 5:30 pan. 60c 8:35 P JL EMPLOYMENT *335 Park Late Road. NA 7-2470, days, NA 7-2775, evenings. 34 Mrs. Boon in New Jersey. The uate, has been assigned to the Evenings A Sunday m—r i.. -p. . -ran, a RedjCross office wifi be open Intelligence Office at Eighth 00c mlCnCEQgprffminMSKMHB WOMAN program director. Full ima for donations Monday from District Headquarters, New Or­ wo* with 12*17 year oidi. Including FOR RENT noon to $ pm . and Wednesday leans, La. «Í The GeesOfNhomad! •upervttion pl volunteer fcadgnhip. from $ to t p.m. V Feature Shown 1$15-3 :2 0 -5 :2 5 -7 :3 0 -0 :3 0 Established privata agency, Lenting. HOUSES A A A ♦85-7201. . 37 The proper bloOd type for Any University students in­ -- The Gay Roaumtic Comedy H it! RELIABLE family to rent furnished Mrs. Boon will be credited in terested in forming a local HEAlTH-EOUCATlON Program 0i- East Brookfield house-from Jan. I to New Jersey regardless of the broadcasting society may con­ rector. Full time, pool, physical fitness, June. ED 2-23*8. 38 supervision all ages. Lansing. 48S-720L. important meeting type donated here. j: _ tact Harry Bowes at 140 Has- K H I «S IM M 37 BEAUTIFUL house for family. 3 lett St. (ED 2-0844) by postcard large bedrooms, spacious living and , BABYSITTER for week of November dming room, modern kitchen, garage. TUESDAY NIGHT or telephone. ^ SAMIRA DEE 27.»See Mrs. Barron at the Card Shoo, *15 Albert St. $125 monthly unfurnished A A A 307 E. Grand River. 35 Call evenings ED 2-S323: 35 7:30 Have Yo u The Lansing Crafts and Hob­ JOHN GAVIN CHARLES .KENT REAVER Co., Dia­ APARTMENTS by Guild wifi hold its annual cmvmmhm' mond Merchant*, desire mature, ca­ show in The Lansing Civic Cen­ MOM TAMROFF pable MSU student to act as campus FEMALE ROOM MATE wanted for UNION BALLROOM ter on Thursday, Friday and representative. For interview, call IV 7* 4171. 3* winter term. Unapproved apartment Close to campus. Call Barb at 337- T r ie d ? 7 Saturday. 7112, days or 132-4007. nights. 37 SOCIAL SCOOP AND fftrhihita will be open from Starts Tlnm day COUPLE or lady to supervise student noon until 10 p.m.' on Thursday house. Apartment in «change. Call WANTED. I mala student to share Fraador Atfo Wash and Friday, and from noon un­ R o c k H u d s o n - GiIII na W m m Kane ED 7-7547. 34 $50 apartment Cad Prank. ID 2-1037 til 6 p m. on Saturday. _ days, 4854742 evenings. 35 BRING ACTIVITY BOOKS WE NEED YOU! (If you're a bus* Frandor Shopping Center S a n d r a D ee B o b b y Da r i . UNFURNISHED with garage. ’ blgck A A A —> boy) Call Bullet Bob, ED 2-0866. 34 FOR DUCK SECTION Professor O. L. Chavarria from campus. Aif-conditioneo. ' couo'e or I or 2 female staff members. ED 2* Aguilar of the Department of WANTED: Laboratory technician in doctor's building Grand Ledge. Hours 2782 after 7 p.m. 40 Near Eastern Studies of the WSoptambor v 7 to 6 doily. Saturday and Sunday off. NA 7 * 7 2 3 . ______ 3» ROOMS REAL ESTATE FOR SHOW TIME University of Michigan wUl speak at the Linguistic Society DIAL ED 2*511? meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, 2nd G reat A ttraction! VAN TO SELL the new Automatic VERY COMFORTABLE warm room EAST LANSING. 1812 McUosc. 3 Electrolux Cleaner. No investment re* in quiet home. Fine location, garage. bedroom ranch, priced for immediate in the second floor lounge of qy|ted. Full or part time. A real oppor­ IV 5-0384. 35 tale. $15,300. low down payment the Pbysics-Math Building. tunity for better than average earnings. ED 2-2433. 38 .bTM Ti ( A-'kt iA*i5Ífd;C PH-0*4*. He will speak on “The Prep­ "For_penona! interview apply: Electrolux Corporation, -515 E. Michigan Avenue. LOST *nd FOUND SERVICE aration of Basic Language Larging, Michigan. 37 Teaching Materials.”^ _ * f l! W LOST. Gold lady's Gruen- watch. NOW SHOWING Sunday night, vicinity campus Of Kew- TYPING DONÉ including term FOR SALE pee i. 355-7365. 35 pert end theses. 482-6813. USED ROYAL Electric -typewriter. PERSONAL LOW COST copin of class notes, Adults ISc M S U J u d g in g . , iü» ___ bmoeut (ESfe| "In good condition. With stand. rough drafts end printed material. The Best In leaBiaaaautnana n o n amwujm -h erb ó se $150. Call IV7-4220 alter 5:30 p.m. IS SANDl NELLIS and CHARLIE AD- Wonch Graphic Service. 1720 E. Michi­ AMS please come to the State Newt gan, Lansing.,Phone 484-7786. 'tf Foreign FHms T e a m P la c e s STAMP-COtN Collections. Lowest office, Room 347 Student Services p.-ites anywhere! Mints, face value! C.&A. Money. U.S. Coins. IV 4-7738. Bldg.. for two free passes te the Crest TUTORING. Spanish. 5 years exper­ Drive-In. tf ience, Spanish minor ft MSU. $2 FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. 3I r d a‘ n d 5 th I 3* hourly. James Chase, 337-713*. 35 VERY FINE, old Ration violin. Par* FOR THE FINEST in dance music f t Jack Braun, Bobby Stevens, Ron COMBO MUSIC for your next party. The Michigan State Univer­ sity livestock Judging team An invitation to shape you r own future.« feit condition, Reasonable price. Call placed third and fifth in over­ IV 5-3178. IS English, plus many others. Phone the Clarence Bud-Mor Agency. IV 2-0*24. af Schmidt. IV 4-0141. ' 34 ( b n ï'W who wins all judging this weekend in two the zaniest election intercollegiate contests. LAYAWAY NEED A HAIRÇUT? Tom’s Barber TYPING on electric typewriter The team members are James Shop. .3002 Vine St., West of Scars English major. ED.2-8877. ofthejear... - Cramer, East Lansing senior; across from Frandor. IV 44844. 42 NOW FOR ' RAY ROBERSON BAND now avail- Lloyd Grau, Chelsea senior; MOTHER, I'm driving' home for sblc for dances. Hove made appear- Fritz Lutz, Grosse Point Woods CHRISTMAS Thanksgiving. My car's insured with •nces on WMSB-TV. Coral Gables. '% senior; Duane Heisler, Spring- Bubofz. ED 24*71. Over Jacobson's. 37 Holiday Inn, fraternities and sororities. porteenior; James Becker, St. Phone IV 7.3211 or IV 5-4381. Also EVEN "Mighty Joe Young" is going svaHable for piano tuning and repair­ THOMPSON to The Free All Greek' Twist, Sigma ing. MSU music graduate. Member ’ /. John's senior, and Dale Sbtet- rown, West Branch senior. - WILLIAM Alpha Epsilon house, Friday, November of Prone Technicians Guild. 34 Harlan Ritchie and Robert JEWELER 17. 8-12 pun. 37 Hines, of the animal husbandry DEAR SENIOR COUNCIL, The Jun. ment. TYPING in- Spartan Village apart- Apartment, are the coaches. Electric typewríter. . Call 355- The third place win came at FRANDOR, MALL COURT ior Council will have to think it over. We don't went to ploy just any old 3012. tf the Pennsylvania livestock Ex­ teem. _ 34 position Thursday. Individual TYPIST ANN BROWN. ED 24384. STROLLER. $7: Baby bath, $6: I THE MEN end women oi-the Sen­ Electric typewriter. Term papers and honors w ait to Frits Lutz, who eight-draper tebietep washer, $7.50. ior Council challenge the boys and theses, also general typing. tf took first {dace in swine judg­ wm. Cell 3$6-8187 after 3:30. AU excellent girls of the Junior Council to o touch ing and seventh In overall judg­ condition. 35 football game. $4 SfUOENT DISCOUNT, self' wash. ing, and James Cramer, fourth $ .75 Lube job.--l.00. Student porting-, place winner in sheep judging CAkPUS CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP $150. Free quart of oil with every oil and seventh in the over-all-jadg change. Complete tunfu'p. Open 24 hours. Dave s Pure Oil, 1010 E. Grand R iG lag. _ The team finished fifth at the River. tf Eastern National intercollegiate EXPERTTHESES and general typing. contest at Baltimore, Sunday, Electric typewriter. Eighteen years ex* Lutz placed seventh, fourth and ARE YOU AWARE OF pcriancc. One block from Brody. ED 2* in swine, sheep and ov­ 554*. tf and erall divisions, respectively. PERSONAL DATA forms, the«« and Date Shettrown won second and jcooral typing. Offset printing, plastic sixth places in the sheep and binding god typesetting. Wonch Grafie. over-all judging divisions. Discriminatory Practicas Service.' 1720 East Michigan, Lansing. Phone 4*4-778*. tf TYPING IN MY HOME. By woman with 10 years secretarial experience. G L A D M E R in Univarsity Housing TU 247SB. tf NOW! 2ND W E ttI TYPING, term papers, theses, gen­ Feature At im eral. Post accurate service Pick-up and 1:M - 3:11. S:IS - 7 :tf - to ll d e li^ ^ J M ¡7 7 t|^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 í " t i n QRfWtt coflhhdy a t M .S.U . ■mffogm———^ mm TRANSPORTATION jMOHywooo IbGB RK-JERSEY for Thenksgiv- M O t o d u p tm y m n r hrf! Grasp chartering but round trip General Tdepbone is the fastest-growing com­ sibilities te rïturn for the opportunity to groom to N.V. tort Authority Terminal Wed* nesdoy, November 22. Contact Art L IF E pany in one of the highest-ranking growth themselves for management positions, General M.S.U. NAACP MEETING Upton, IV 7-1215, between 5-1 p.m, 37 industries —communications. Opportunities for Telephone offers unusual opportunities for per­ RIDE WANTED. Holt to E. Lansing personal growth within our organization are sonal advancement. . . and invites you to explore and return, Mnndeys and Thursdays. M M an eslitteai satire. . . therefore exceptionally promising. the possibilities. - General Telephone has tripled its size in the last Your PticemeiuUtfector can supply you with a - W ANTED ttortfg IANCARWCHAEL as flat deiigbMdatofi 10 years—expects to double its size again in the copy of our brochure outlining the management NOVEMBER 16. m i ALASTNRSM HOU.YGOUOHTLY' next decade. Such expansion within an explosive careers open to gradates* majoring in Engineer­ hem* Ooc. l i er Jen. I to June f5. Pre­ PATMCiAMEBM industry necessitates an increasingly competent ing, Mathematics, Physics, Business Administra­ fer Rad Cedar area. Have 2 girts I boy, RtCHAAOWATTS management team. elementary age. Excellent car« assured. tion, the Liberal Arts or the Social Sciences. Ask ROOM 34 — UNION Referent« furnished If desired. 355* EMCMMB For graduates ready to assume immediate respoo- him for a copy of the brochure today. *13* «fiar 4 pan. ~ < 37 SKATING ¡«tractor d«t'es tingle EXTRA—W. C FIELDS roora near campus. CaH 355-23*0. 3* S.-00 P.M. EDUCATKW majen to werk with Girt Scout mop, Dorath» ting. TU 2- *«*. t 17 FUN FESTIVAL G EN ER A L TWO JtlNKMtS desire Mat, ep proved, suporvwed apartment. Cooking 8TAIMING FRIDAY RUSSIAN DRAMA T E LE P H O N E A—ertco'x toreara rarara— —■ “O T H E L U T SAT. ELVIS PRESLEY fffjjPI C L A S S IF IE D S m “taLUK HAW Air* i»*»0»iif—♦IteplMM SyMM — ---4^ Two weeks age the Spartan football team topped tne Asso­ ciated Press poU for the second straight week and shared the Big M lead with s perfect X record................. -. Now, jost 14 days later, they are rated nteth in the APpoll and thus out of the Big 10 race. 80 now you’re asking, “What main factors. They are; ; - The sudden collapse of the Spartans can be attributed to four 1. Attitude 1 Schedajing 2. Injuries 4. Desire s&f^j Football is a mere mesial than physical game, proving WjM why team attttade is be important to victory. Attitude has pPtIIÊ played aa Important part la the Spartaa stomp. The Spartaas wasted te wia the Minnesota game hadly. They were fired, b d Minnesota was (bed even mere. When Minnesota blanked them hi apparent worklesr fasitoa, the Spartans’ confidence took aaevero Jolt. 1 As CoachDuffy Daugherty said, when you lose one, it’s always easy to lose two. It’s tough to get “up” and the Spartans faced this situation Saturday at Purdue. They were ready nearly physically, but perhaps not modally. And injuries have hit Daugherty’s squad this fall in njounting PREPARING FOR SATURDAY’S encounter is BID INDIVIDUAL BUSHING Bushes Gain Lois Net Ave. Swingle, < sophomore fullback from Northwestern. George Saimes 10 37 0 37 3:70 Swingle has beai foe Wildcats top ground gainer. ___ Pete Smith ‘r 5 31 0 31 6.20 Dewey Lincoln 8 33 -4 29 3.87 Roger Lopes 7 19 0 -10 2.71 Sherman Lewis 6 17 -2 15 2.50 Rofin Rubick 4— 7 0 7 1.75 Cart Charon >_ 2 7 0 7 3.50 Garry Ballman 1 3 0 3 3.00 Ron Hatcher 1 1 ® 1 *-®® Herman Johnson _ _ 1 1 0 1 1.00 Dick Proebstle 1 0 -10 -10 -10.00 proportions. Much of the depth that was professed earlier in the year was false. A team with five sophomores among its first eight backs can’t really be called deep. But sophomores, as talented as this year’s crew appears to be, are often prone to mistakes. This is natural and expected. Even the Spartan’s schedattng was deceiving. They opened with a Wisconsin team professed te be a tide darkhorse. They weren’t and the Spartans proved it. - Then came Stanford, aa easier patsy. Michigan and Notre Dame came along next and then t£e Spartans began to look like they really had title stuff. - They turned in a sparkling game (both halves, even) against the Wolverines for a decisive'win and turned back stubborn Notre Dame with a second half burst. Perhaps these victories over their two toughest rivals on consecutive Saturdays made the Spartans let down. What ever The case, they muddled past Indiana the following Saturday in another second half show. ^ W But you can't play Indiana every week. Minnesota and Pardne aren’t thekind ef teams that are beaten In one half. Beth are solid nnits and play 60 min­ utes of football. Not even the Spartaas could expect to score mere In half the time. Northwestern and Illinois remain on the Spartan schedule. Sheer Elegance Even the dormant Dlini team might be tough'if there isn't a turnabout in Spartanland. TRY OURVERIFAX Oh, well. Watch out next year. Hanes Seamless Copy Service INSTANT COPIES OF IMPORTANT PAPERS In A Bouquet O f New Hues DOCUMENTS SPARTAN - BOOK STORE Hanes. ; . the color-conscious stocking 223 ANN STREET no woman can live without, wispy sheers ranging from pale tones barely hinting of color to brightrand daring fashion hues. Allpurpose sheer, micro mesh, and knee high styles. 1.50 Demi-toe^ or seamless s t r e t c h stockings. 1.65 All-sheer sandal foot, heel and toe. 1.95 1 BLO C K E A ST O F CAM PUS OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FRI. & SAT. Game Schedule SiT „ ALSO AT ~ „ AD dormitory football teams 2126 N. LARCH US 27 & 4766 S. CEDAR US 127 should check daily with the IM Office for game schedules. LO O K Y O U R B EST WITH A PERSONALIZED HAIR S T Y L E FROM THE A CHARMING W A Y TO U N IV E R S IT Y B E A U T Y S A L O N S A Y "G O O D M O R N IN G " . . I N A M A N ’S W O R L D ’’’ WITH in o fitted hostess gown ★ Permanent W aving _ ’ ;( - of quilled cotton. Rosebud S IR W A L T E R patterned, our cherry cover-up ★ Personalized H air Styling , ★ Spécialiste in Coloring R A L E IG H by “ Loungees" features push-up sleeves, front ★ Specialists in Silver Blonding and Tipping Pipe smokers appreciate Sir Walter ~~ zipper. Blue or gold Raleighs choke Kentucky Burley —extra aged for flavor and mild­ r print. 10 -2 0 sizes. ness. Now kept 44% fresher in the M M pouch pack. So relax and get away from your cares with Sir Waiter IUdeh$ ~~the qm & y tobacco! (E o o t L ansin g '9 M o tt M oda m Sa le a ) 2 D o o r s E a s t o f L u c o n T h e a tre . E D 2-1116