__ k:^.v>/< ■ .ÆmlÊNtiËaBBËè I . | j& - TSyH E a U b lia b c d 1 9 0 7 V o l. 5 3 , N a . 1 0 1 5 Cent» ^ » r * * r p o p e r a t o r S a y s , È É T r u s t e e s * l * o w e r ’ C oroner Williams A l l - U R a d io S ta tio n T o Q uest Testifies B oy’s D eath A coroner's inquest into the C o s t S e e n a s $ 5 ,6 2 5 AtCon-CoD death el Rudolpho Rodriquez By TOM DEWITT -was ordered Tnesday by In­ By LINDA LOTRIDGE all men’s and women’s dorms. foe dorms will support the Of the Stele News Staff gham County Prosecuting At­ mi:*' Ol the State News A transmitter will be placed station which is to be housed torney Leo A. Fgrhat. rent-free ea the fourth fleer Former Gov. G. Mennen Will-' Representatives from Brody in each group residence halls: ef the Union. iams said Tuesday that a pro­ The 17-year-old Lansing youth and Shaw radio stations said Shaw, Brody, east women’s, drowned Sunday night in the .Tuesday that an all-university west women’s mid Case. Brody, A variety of music, several vision limiting the power of Rad Cedar River while fleeing radio station could be set up and Shaw will keep their newscasts and a minimum of the governing boards of the from police. ~ ^ within fix weeks if necessary present transmitters. T h e advertising are to constitute State included Universities, should be in the new state con­ “After- conferring Monday funds were acquired and the cost for the remaining three the station’s programming, the stitution. . j with Richard Bernitt, director University gave Its approval. dorms ja estimated'sg Si,000. representatives said. of public safety for Michigan * A Mil to loan the station Additional cables and instal­ The station will be controlled ernor to testify beforethird Williams was the the gov­ Con- State University, we felt it ad­ $2,STS has been brought art ter lation were estimated at $1,800 by a hoard of directors and a visable under the circumstances Student Congress. If passed, by the Building and Utilities faculty advisor and a business ¡•stitutional tecLon the Convention commit- executive article. to order this inquest to permit the loan to to be paid back ter Department. advisor. Students will bo in “Here, now yea eaa stay ont all rtgkt far the rest ef toe term,” says O ndi He said that under the pres­ Dallavo to Karen Draper, dmck is sefiiag tickets to "Penny Night” which is a public review el toe events June 1, 1963. Total cost for the station, in {charge and of the advertising, however ent system of constitutional winch tod to this tragedy. “The committee must finish eluding office supplies, records boards .of control, MicMgan this Friday night. Farhat , said. , .. , .investigating the proposed sta- and a control board, adds up If tiie radio station proves higher education had prosper­ successful in the dorms, ft may to approximately 95,625, the be made available to Greek ed, but coordination between to view tiw scene—the library out for a Congressional vote, representatives said. E d u c a to r s T e s t ify ; parking tot, Rodriquez’s path John McNeil, chairman of the houses and off-campus, stu­ the boards >was needed. and the river—because of the sub-committee on the radio, Advertising and rent from dents, the representatives said. “I would suggest considera­ distances covered in this case, said. tion ef a constitutional pro­ W a n t S ta te S c h o o l H e a d Farhat, said. The inquest will be held Fri­ members day at 2:30 a.m. in 252 Educa­ other Congressmen The nine representatives told A f r ic a D e n u c le a riz e d of the committee and vision requiring submission of a mutually agreed upon that the budget aid ef senti-umuiol timi Building. AH witnesses will station would so re all dormi­ meetings ef ati the beards O u t o f P o litic a l A r e n a be subpoenaed by Coroner Dor- tories. win Hoffmeyer. Hoffmeyer has asked the In- U N B o a r d A sk s B a n with Die governor with mu­ tual power ef recommenda­ The Brody dorms have tion but not ef decision,” he The State Superintendent of ity college to include a voca­ fined without_regard to town­ gham County prpiecuter’s of­ agreed te contribute their .sate. Public Instruction should be tional program to train those ship or county lines and that fice to assist in the inquest. appointed either by the State who have dropped out of high a district should be large present radio equipment te Hoffmeyer ruled Rodriquez’s the new station. Shaw radio O n W e a p o n T e s ts He also advocated the ap­ Board of Education or by the school was suggested by enough to provide an ade­ death as “asphyxiation due to to expected te ta n their pointment of the State Superin­ governor, to take him out of Campbell. quate educational program accidental drowning” after an equipment over te the sta­ UNITED NATIONS (Jft-The to all nuclear weapons testing tendent of Public Instruction by the political arena. for children from kindergar­ autopsy held late iftonday af­ tion also, the representatives main UN political committee in Africa, but urged all coun­ the governor. “As automation That was the opinion ex­ the number of jobs for the un­ increases, ten through high school. ternoon -by Dr. Charles Black, -said. | Tuesday brushed aside opposi tries to refrain from transport­ : TMs was in keeping with his pressed by five educators be­ trained decreases,” he said. licensed pathologist. tion of the Western nuclear ing or storing hydrogen or plea for a stronger state ex­ Meyers fore the education committee “Ten years ago you could get a small school to support the used the example of T h e women’s dormitories powers and called for recogni­ atomic bombs on African terri­ ecutive. He said this was es­ of the constitutional convention a job in Flint so the Roe. Now will be charged 50 certs per tion of Africa as a denuclear­ tory. Si , sential te a strong state govern­ resident if they decide to util­ ized zone. „ The United States and France ment. Tuesday. you almost can't "do this,” high school of 11)0 cannot IfI'.kJ '."41,'oJHpi 1 ize the station. However, ap- The vote on the African-spon­ voted against two key provi­ - “I beheye strongly in the the­ Speakers were Dr. Clyde Meyers said. set up s-gifted child program,’ ly five dollars tor in­ sored 'resolution was 57-0 with sions of the resolution In para* ory of balance o f powers,” he „Campbell, executive secretary Campbell said that vocation­ he said. “Only 2 to 10 per cent stallation and f i v e dollars 42 abstaining. of the Michigan Association of al facilities could be used by of the students toil into the E xecu ted , l graph-by-paragraph v U t i n g , said. “But I believe the way to monthly rent will be charged It not only called for a halt but mi the resolution as a whole meet this challenge (weak or School Administrators, a n d the community college and the gifted category which would they abstained along with Brit­ strong governor), particularly, four Michigan superintendents of schools, A. B. Haist, Negau- high schools. not be a sufficient number to UN- Says ain, a substantial number of today when the states must nee; Robert Hall, St. Charles; He also noted that drop-outs small school.” Df. Spencer W. Meyers, Flint; could receive free technical sustain such a program in a UNITED NATIONS Uh - A He said that facilities are al­ UN investigating body express­ Commie Intervention Western European * countries remain active to maintain their and some Latin American dele­ rightful place in the federal sys­ gates. and William Shunck, Water­ training at CCC or military so available for retarded chil­ ed belief Tuesday former Con­ tem, is to create the strongest ford Township. „ Expansion of the state Board training camps. dren, but the group between go Premier Patrice Lumumba The educators said they 80 and 105 IQ is the problem was murdered last January Taken Up by OAS the The Soviet majority bloc for the voted with resolution. possible executive and balance ft with tiw strongest possible legislature.” of Education was advocated by felt districts should be de- area. with' high Katanga officials as The Western powers ob­ He said MicMgan could thus HaU and Meyers. eyewitnesses. But it declared WASHINGTON WV-The small sador Vincente Sanchez Gavito jected te having such restric­ benefit from two strong branch­ also that the Central Congo nations of Latin America join­ told a packed council chamber tions voted for only one part According to Hall’s sug­ government could not escape ed the United States Tuesday that his country could not sup­ ef the world. The move M . es of government rather than gestion, toe board should contain nine members, three - to be elected at each bi-an­ R e u th e r H its U n io n responsibility for the death. A four-man commission said for to keep alive a Colombian plan port the Colombian initiative. directly at France, wMdrfcas two weak ones. diplomatic action against Without mention of Cnba a nuclear testing base in the Wilttams said he felt the.most detrimental feature in our Communist flirt probably among the eye­ hemisphere through Cuba. intervention in this by name, dr nee of the word Sahara. nual election from among Communism, Colombia re­ present system was the spring candidates selected at party conventions. O n In te r -D isp u te witnesses was Moise Tshombe, Other major American pow­ quested the mintoteriel meet­ premier uT secessionist Katan­ ers—notably Brazil and Mex- ing ga province. te consider possible ed The committee also approv­ election. He said it comes in the an Asian-African proposal odd year in the middle of the Meyers suggested a board of WASHINGTON ifv— Walter! been years of keen disappomt- It added that there to a ico — tried unsuccessfully to threats te the peace ef the dectaring the use of nuclear long and more important Leg­ seven or nine appointed alter­ Reuther reported bitterly Tues-J ment,” Reuther and Carey strong suspicion that a Belgian bury the proposal by means of hemisphere ceased fty the in­ weapons in war a violation of islative session. nately by each party each year day that the AFL-CIO has fail- j said. “Inter-union disputes have army captain was the actual indefinite postponement. - tervention ef “ertra conti­ the UN charter and a crime " li e spring election diverts to make party control ineffec­ cd to solve its internal prob­ not abated. They have in­ perpetrator ef the crime. Brazil and Mexico, with nental powers Bert ea de­ against mankind. The resolu­ public officials from the main tive. Argeatine backing, objected stroying the solidarity of the tion called on the acting UN job at hand and the people’s lems and the six-year-old creased. _ : • ~v The commission described te setting a date for voting on Americas.” Secretary-General to explore Mstaess to htadered or, pre­ th e question of raising the rnillage ceiling from 15 to 20 is merged labor movement is “Jurisdictional conflicts as “staged” the accsuit re­ a Colombian call for a hem­ The debate, however, pin­ the possibility of convening an vented,” he said. not a problem of legislation, “united in name only.” persist. AFL-CIO anhms still leased list Feb. IS by Katan­ isphere foreign ministers’ pointed the target. Reuther, President of the boycott the products ef ether ga authorities saying Lum­ meeting te consider tee issue. international conference to out­ Meyers said. Sanchez Gavito criticized Co­ law the use of nuclear weapons He submitted an eight point Auto Workers Union, made u AFL-CIO The problem is the way it clear in a new survey of AFL- raid eaeh ether. One depart- mdeas. Affiliates umba and foe associates -Rut the council of the Organ­ lombia for bringing up what he in war. program that he fett would operates, he said. With schools, CIO were, killed jty tribesmen ea ization of American States called a hypothetical situation This was approved by a vote strengthen the legislature and counties, and townships vying been problems that it has only meat ef the federation contin­ the day hstspe. because of Ml. preoccupa­ ues to cempete organization­ (OAS) agreed to take up the involving no immediate or di­ of 60-16 with 25 abstaining. The lead to, the development of the for tax monies, a way to ear­ tion with auto industry contract ally against affiliated anions Colombian proposal Dec. 4. rect threat to either Colombia United States, Britain and strongest executive. On the contrary, the commis­ The United States and El Sal­ or to any other nation in the France were among those-vot­ 1. fa ir and equal apportion­ mark school funds should be negotiations this slimmer and determined so that one group fall that there has been a res­ and unethical organizational sion accepted as substantially vador insisted tiie Colombian hemisphere. ing against the resolution. The ment of the legislature would not be “cutting the pite in open feuding between literature stffl provides ceat- true evidence indicating the initiative must not be buried He said that ,in the past the Soviet bloc voted for it. 2. A legislative council for throats of the others.” Meyers rival wings of the federation. fort for the aatf-aaion employ­ fiery Congo leader and Ms as­ through an indefinite postpone­ question of immediacy has The vote came after the com­ better control of the business to er.’^ .? —- • sociates were killed almost a ment. They were supported by been the major consideration mittee had rejected a series ef be done. said. Reuther as President of the The industrial unions’ partic­ month before Ur a villa not far Venezuela and Uruguay. “Education is an invest­ AFL-CIO’s for calling for collective action Italian- amendments w h i c h 3. Special recognition of leg­ ment. hot an expense,” he said. partment, toIndustrial Union De­ ular gripe is that a decision been Elisabethvilie, the Ka- Before- the squabble over under the inter-American trea­ would have made the proposal islative leaders. “You have toss crime and few­ old CIO unions which most of the made by the AFL-CIO conven­ See LUMUMBA Rage 4 postponement, Mexican ambas­ ty of reciprocal assistance. See UN BOARD page 4 4. Adequate and decent sal­ er people on welfare.” are affiliated, tion at San Francisco two years aries for legislators. and James B. Carey, the. de­ ago, to submit inter-union jar- 5. Better office and informa­ Expansion of the commun­ partment’s secretary-treasurer, idictional rivalries to a system made public a report that will of binding arbitration, has not In P ow d er P u ff B ow l tion facilities. 6. Senate right to approve, be submitted to the depart' been put into effect. -— ft gubernatorial appointments. T h e t a S ig s ment’s biennial convention here A committee bended by Pres­ 7. Legislative right to call a T o H o ld Thursday and Friday. ident A1 Hays of the machinists The report pslatod up aer-~ union has been working to es­ ious policy differences be­ tablish ground rales for such T o C la s h special session. See WILLIAMS paged tween the industrial aaisus an arbitration system ted hasn't By DIANA HANNA ' I n *, bead eeadk; Tam Osier, ing for the past two weeks. One of the Gamma Phi Of tike State News Staff P -R C lin ic and tike craft nutons, most of been able to win an agreement Hair anti hobby pins wiU fly Pertiac s e a l e r , defease Only minor injuries have been coaches said he had believed ceach; airi Daa MeNeai, reported so far by both coach­ that questiona asked by coeds which formerly were with from the rival industrial and at 10 a.m. Saturday when Stephens«» sealer, offease es. of .Hank BuUough, varsity do- W eather Want to learn more about the old APL» H e craft group« craft union camps. members of the so-called weak­ earth. The coed teams have en- tensive lino coach, had bon publicity and news opportuni­ tiou will hold their owa wen s - er «ex clash in tiie annual fW - Butzen announced the so rt­ dergeae nigged tratatag, hot planted at fot recent football § A IR later ties for your chib or„organtea- D a mnil KT>> this meatb at MEtemi der Puff Bowl football gam ert ing line-up for the Gamma they differ at one point from clinics held in the Union. tion? The rival group« are buil&ng A FR O TC Old College Field. 23*2 »- Pars with Lynn Cartier rt teft grift Ifm m . These "I’m sorry I thong» tee AND Reservations are being ac­ up for a clash of forces at the Thiswm be the S0th annual end; Jane Stevens, center; players lyerf watch their calorie er Isessionif t by. cepted for m Publicity Clinic AFL-CIO convection to bo held scheduled for Sunday at 2:30 at Miami Beach in early De­ C om m ander meeting between the Gamma Peggy Aylesvrorth, guard. PM Betas and the Delta Gam­ Also Sheila Sanders, right “Besides having good over­ intake. 9PHMHH|. W After cmcUü M idi m* W ARM ER m a. „ „ e ft; Del Escfawei, quarter all afaitity on the team, the ter foe wsshs, I knew Me p.m. in Parlors A and B of toe cember. v. Union. It will to sponsored by The Reuther-Caroy report O n C am pus The Gamma Phis a rt coach­ bade: Sandy Prittte, halfback: girls have shewn unyielding de- epesMens were on the level.” Theta Sigma Fid, national fra­ said that industrial unions “are The Midwestern are» com­ ed by the Beta Theta Pi frater­ and Val Smith, fallback. sire te rua over the Gamma The MgMlght ef hriftime will ternity for women in journal­ faced with the realization that mander ef Air Force ROTC nity with Mart Butzen, Valhalla Tba tentative starting line-up Phis,” said Ostar, D.G. coach. be the crowning of M b IU p ism. ■ I ..V there has been an almost total Paric. Calif., nrninrf head h r tiw D.Gs was named hr “If tifts spirit continues aa Ihigh der Puff, who will be ctaem units, Col. Arthur C. Stone, to ceacfc; Da*» Kart, S t Ignace Burke. Bev Barich, quarter­ ■a H has been fttaring ! ■ this 1first from the cartHdftes of ondi of Representatives from state lack ef progress in rig those ea campus WedMoftaar to in- senior, dafoitc coach; Mike back; Jufty WifliMM, toft half­ weelr of pnietiee^ practice, there’s New», the Wolverine, and Infor­ areas that watt rerognizsd aa meet the MSU AFROTC unit. H tea 33 fraternity house« on mation Services are expected ‘probtems* when the AFL and Col. Stone, deputy command, nKHwf StaJmCtafcu M ens aoubo- back; Mara Jo Burt, right CKXffoMI fSQWCIlisHKI h N jh iw k ; “ ICajty Camitbers, the D.Gs at the bowl.” campo«. injuries and net bo­ The men wUt bo dressed In to attend. A $1 registration lee CIO united, prebtems that de­ ant ef AFROTC, controls sid e- Dave Lamte, Oradefl, JU ., center; Ctoni Leo S a n d e , teK te■ ■practice last week- everything from bathing suits wfil he collected from each rep­ manded early sehitton If the laehmnris to five state». m wrnXtO tX A Snyhfm Sm m ■ SeiHggHli • frtsri; Kathy Fanmnt, end, we are optimistic and to ta li n m . Theunteveitert resentative with reaetvations merger was to prove mea ning- White on campus, CM. Stone The Stonaa Chfs ern eeaeb- «taf; and Linore Hobbs, testing for our iourtn straight one wiil be chosen by tiw tette fourth made ter mail or la person at tel.” ^ will inspect clasnroert, driK w. victery over the D.Gs,” said « n ef fot sanier coed foottwfl tel Student Service*. “ The past two and cadet wing operation. The teams have hem praetie- Brtzcu, Gamma PM coach. players to reign over the event m u — t r m . i i tijn i «EHKsœ mmi_jpjiiii. _ ulinj. l i ju i u i» ^faiinninii ihm sj -■ ■■■ 5 V . ■ ¿ '^ ’■'- ; * r í s g ;■■ r* 1961 S i m A O * , o f S u it1 M e n s Revere Nehru 'Sfcarea Coadjr The purpose of an honorary should be It may not he true that every* Kearty aO were liberáis—in- to reeopiwe excellence. thing happens in New York, but jteat en keeptag ritos at prac- Y et there jaw no upperclass men’s te a newcomer it certainly ticaBy auy csoL honomriee a t MSU which recognise aca­ seams that way. demic excellence in their selection of mem­ The hurtle of the city, tiw IDEALS decidedly were net CAKBtDATW disliked by several of awe of standing hi the United obesa! no «me dtepiayed any bers. the members for personal reasons had a Nations General AsaemMy avid interest in Uviag under Blue Key, the junior-senior men’s hon­ "relatively slim chance of being voted in, room whore world decisions me communiun. bot neltber djd orary, requires th at its prospective mem­ even though they were highly deserving. actually made, Betwdng te anyene seem ahsessod to over­ bers have an avenge only as high as the Prime Minister Nehru, hearing eóme it. all-men’s average. The scholastic require-, The entire selection meeting seemed un­ over fiva members of UN mis­ Tbey were interested in stay- ment for ExcaHbur, the senior men's hon­ fair to some members present. They asked sions speak—it gives one tin ing J alive Disarmament _ was for a second meeting to reconsider several impression that a good share of! the main topic. Every ether orary, is a two point. the world is wrapped up in one j topic from Red CtriM te Berlin WE 0 0 NOTJFEEL that grades alone of the petitions. Jim Anderson, Blue Key president, can­ dty. I eventually drifted to this. .should determine membership in these Eight Michigan State students The students did not approve honorarics. Certainly character, service to celled the second meeting. attended toe Collegiate Coun­ of the warlike tones which the University and, depth of activities ’1 realize that the way we handled th e cil for the United Nations con­ they agreed seemed to .be sat- should rate high consideration. But grades . first meeting was wrong," said Anderson. ference last weekend ia that urrttag the country. But they shoo id not bo ignored either in the con­ “But I thought th at if we rehashed the fabulous city. were all caught in this senti- petitions it would cause some hard feelings R was exciting for all of us; ment as they showed their fear sideration of candidates or in the mero- but as a journalist I was espec- over aud ever again. They ap- Jbership requirements. in the group, and might even split the ially impressed at seeing so, pumded most of the speakers The University should have at least one ~ group in half. , much news compressed into who recognised tiw brink ef upperclass men’s honorary which recog­ “BESIDES, it would be awkward for the one city and two sho t days, j destruction we stand on and nizes academic achievement. candidates who were considered last,” he Those are my reactions to the; «rhe were pledged to avert this The general procedure for selecting various events of the confer­ tragedy. continued. “They would feel funny know­ ence. Ptw students' had the cosy members for these honoraries leaves,much in g th at they were second eKoice. I would ] view that everything would be to be desired. rather w ait and let them re-petition winter The students’ reaction to! all right if we stand firm and The method th a t Blue Key has adopted term. Prime Minister Nehru was a let the Soviets knew we would for considering th e petitions of aspiring “The main thing we did wrong,” said phenomenon in itself. rather be “dead than Red.” members often -does not give fail o r fair Anderson, “w m not to have any prelim­ The speech was scheduled to They plainly aee the oaty hope consideration to th e very d eserving. start at 11:30 a.m. but at 10:45 hi disarmament. inary meeting for hashing over the pe­ a.m. the 1,000 capacity room AT THE LAST Blue Key membership titions." selection mooting; several members wore was filled to overflowing. Stu­ The purpose of Blue Key supposedly is dents were already lining the Soviet Deputy Usaehev was absent and several others came late. walls, perched on window sills undoubtedly tiw meet interest­ This w m tiw firs t tim e th a t m ost of the to recognize deserving nfen. It is not a ing speaker ef tiw wftete confer­ social fraternity. Personality considera­ and sitting on the floor. members had teen the petitions. There ence. Nehru was dramatic but tions, unless they reflect highly on the A COED from New Rochelle Usaehev was stimulating and was no prelim inary discussion of the pe­ summed up everyone’s feelings. challenging. titions, no check as to the validity of I wouldn’t have missed this And a little frightening." stated qualifiations. the world,’’ she said as she UNTIL YOU have heard a Academic averages were not even in­ cluded on m ost of the petitions. such sloppy methods of selecting cultivation and effort for better do carry out “childish, imma to no » 2 . < ¿,“ ¿ * » -1 2 T S ? J “ ? “ op“ living Communist stand in front members hardly deserves the title “hon- student housing must come tore and inconsiderate acts lotions stole only that a bike " " The « students and press mem-; of you and spiel forth these A prime basis for selection, other than nrarv ” - — » from the students, I also feel that the greatest in- must be parked near the rack bers buzzed as any crowd does>outrageous interpretations of a cursory scanning of tiie petitions, was orary. . Robert Heeigmas justice of'all is that we were t if it is Tull. At present nothing but about five minutes before {history and current events, you the opinions of members on the pros­ Either it should begin to recognize the | Graduate ntudrat branded as “childish, imma­ is said as to the necessity of Nehru’s arrival things began to •do not really believe the force pects. Several of th e members were ab­ most im portant qualities constituting ex-j ture and inconsiderate” by co­ having a chain. I parked as quiet. His arrival was greeted! you are fighting, sent, and all tiie candidates were n o t ade­ cellence in a university or it should a ban- A flS W C rS L e t t e r eds who themselves show ques- near therack as possible and by long, respectful applause.[ Usaehev was a Communist. tionable maturity through their | my bike, though locked, was He was treated in an almost His ability te tie up some of the quately spoken for. don its respected title. own childlike and inconsiderate i impounded^ | j | |gg Editor: rets. | My object in this letter is to: tually semi-divine manner and it ac- j best minds among American This is in reply to the letters | seemed as though his; youth does not bid well for GereM H. ManukaI l. See if it might be possible words were being taken as law. t Americans. te tte r s to th e E ditor of Mr. Heath and Mr. Greer.j We regret that we mistater-j Associate Professor to put more bike racks at cam- Not even President Kennedy 1 N * one student adud him a Accounting and pus locations where acute con­ preted the disrespectful actions Financial Administration gestion occurs, such as at both elicits such respect from Amer- questiouthat be could not find D e c is io n s N o t F a c u l t y ’s of the hoys on the field at half- time during the Notre Dame game. The common impression O ffe r s H e lp sides of toe main entrance of Besiey. ican youth „ IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE to talk __ _________ 8 topbole in, Net one question left him without an explanation. 2. To clarify the bike regu with all the delegates but even' FIT every fo l­ sentment which leads to casti- .an immature freshman unable made on us and many others, . , To the Editor: we’re sure, was that the boys Te tiw Editor: iations andinclude theorder those we did meet were more: ®fnt ® human exgeneneo into Ptesse be assured that the gating toe campus police fori to come with -adult responsibili- that“takes must be CHAINED) impressed with Nehru's person ™* communist philosophy ana, small group of chronic dissi­ doing the job they are supposed! ties fits only a minority of the were The from Bryan Hall. main point of our Nov. 1 Arriving at the scene of Sun- to toe rack,” so we cannot bet than his message. eras! of au, make it sound logi- dents, who in the AAUP meet* to' do, i.e., to keep tide campus • student body and for the ma- , day night's accident, 1 ques- accused of violating rules which 'They did not discuss what he C8i . _ . . tag worried about alleged but t docent, orderly piaos for jority this monolithic structure letter was the fact that nm^Y-taloned a girl who had observed are not stated. said—only that he said it. One trembles to think how unspecified student dvil-lib- those ef us who do respect rules is inadequate. of tiw students do not appreci- ^ replied that a policeman well an American diplomat erty infringements, do not and laws Yet it would be-a mistake to the ate the efforts of tiw band at ^ chased a little boy to the 3. To see if perhaps impound Not toomany people seem«! could withstand a similar bar­ speak for the whole faculty or The only persons who need j imagine that for most students pre-game and half-time jted-Gedar banks. The boy, try- fees could be taken care of in! to notice the inaccuracies and rage of loaded questions from even for a majority. fear “infringement of civil lib- beyond tiie freshman level, off- shows as shown by the previous |ng to evade tiw policeman, one step. At present, you must! impractical thinking in Nehru's a gathering ef Commutest stu­ actions. get a Deposit Receipt Cafd at address. If they did, they tod dents. Only one faculty organization, erties” are punks who cannot campus housing provides an In closing are a few words jumped in the river the quonset. walk to the Admin-j-not talk about it. the Senate, has authority to discipline themselves to follow adequate -answer. , Inflated of fact. The “boys” of Bryan The officer demanded toat istration Building to pay thef The Prime Minister's address Perhaps the meet frightening speak for the faculty as a .reasonable and decent rules prices, excessive distances have a strong reputation for he come out but realizing the fine, and then back to the quon- was fun of lovely platitudes aspect of all is that Usaehev whole. No other group — the of community living who insist from campus and campus so­ high spirit, so therefore, we boy was drowning, he jumped tr i to give them the receipt and i which we. too. would like to be­ actually believed what he was John Birch Society, the AAUP, on getting themselves into sit­ cial life, inadequate food sup­ hope you continue in a respect­ in and pulled toe boy to the ta pick up the bike. Perhaps the! lieve We want peace We want preaching. He _ _is _aet_ a_ dupe _ or the Teachers’ Union, the Web­ uations where campus raps are plies are only some of the prob­ ful manner at the games when bank. Due to exhaustion, be receipt cards could be picked disarmament. We want to be a comsvmp. H e isa sta Shrub- ster Quimley Society or any necessary. They need not sym­ lems which would have to be cheering our team to victory. released the child. The boy dis­ up at the A dm inistration !8We to control the afom—not j j • position to . grule g de*' other — has either authority to pathy, but diagnosis. faced. For a few who are appeared under tiw water. The Building, thus eliminating one j controlled by it. potkally. Jeaa Jackie speak for the faculty or Its ac­ I submit that the steam used adults this is an answer, but Charlotte Pullck petrified girl safcL “Why don’t sten I" It was somewhat disturbing_ .He's „ , just, a . Communist—-com- quiescence in making pro­ up in stewing at the campus not for most. they do something. They were Perhaps qualified officers that so many students could ^* 5 ^ 2 nouncements about what “the cops might better be employed What can be done? looking on tiw wrong side of should at least supervise pick- worship a philosophy that does***"?** because of ita own faculty” is going to do about in straightening out the knuck­ Well, make food policies more C o e d s Im m a tu r e too river.” ~ tag up bikes so that the record !n°t recognize the realities of wonjl ____________ the campus police or anything leheads who make it necessary flexible—perhsps leave week-1 To the Editor: The police had the situation may remain clear as to the j ^ uiodern world else. for us to have campus cops. ends free. Implement coed A recent poll showed that the well organized: Red torches, circumstances resulting in the; ------ - Our alma mater, the school I personally resent the in-; Gardner M. Jones, housing concepts in existing fa­ majority of coeds on this cam spot lights, police cars, loud impounding. that doesn’t pay its pfoysrs, ference In the headline that toei Associate Professor cilities. Build more single stu­ pus consider the MSU male stu­ speakers. They kept everyone, The personality of the student is overwhelmed in overwiwtawd In the tiw first Accounting and John Rummel crowd assembled at this con­ I game of the year. There's no-, faculty in general and by indi­ Financial Administratfoa dent apartment housing or b e t dent to be childish, immature except photographers, off the East Shaw _ ; vention was one of the most in-!¡thing like getting _ your «mate- rection each of us individually fer still (and this is my favo­ and inconsiderate.’ With these bridge. concurs in the unsupported as­ rite) sublease University land venomous words by Peggy Mos- A group of young male “spec­ tcresting features of the whotej urism documented tarty —fill sertions reported by the State H o u s in g D if f ic u lt to private developers as is done son and John Okay, in toe Nov. tators” were making sarcastic ‘S e ll’ E d u c a tio n ? event. _ > cage Daily News. News as having come from in urban development programs t issue, war was. declared. comments and laughing. Turn­ these gentlemen. To tiw Editor: so that within a year or so a The first question that comes ing to toon, I asked if they Te the Editor: 0 0 3 3 JU D O J O ii Their concern is misplaced. I read with pleasure your thriving community of under­ to my mind is that how many could swim. Dumbfounded, they In the rears that I have been Crossword Puzzle □ 3 0 3 e s u l i JC U This is Indeed a community, current series of. articles on graduate student apartments of this 59 per cart of toe coeds responded “yes” but they «fid at this University, I have bun :a n o 3 u K u n c jD Q j with 10,000 and more semi-tran­ student housing and felt I could could be established on South are the vain and frivolous not mink fiw police would per­ aware of certain aspects of ad­ ministrative policy that should acaoas. □ □ □ □ 333 uns sient residents. It is inevitable contribute some more to the Campus. phony blondes and “Jackie Ken­ mit their help. 2 0 3 □ 13113 1 be criticized. A major fault of I. Street ¡ 3 0 3 33 □□□ n an that in a community of such discussion. A lot ofthingc could be done. nedy’s” that are so plentiful I approached a poised officer the present administration is urchia □ 3 3 3 FJ3 3 .0 ^ size, there will be a few tocor- Nothing is more pathetic than The real question is why are around the campus? How about and stated that we, being good its commercial outlook. Avery S. Jumbled □ □ 3 □ □ □ aanüü, rigfbles and lesser miscreants to See tiw vast institutionalized none of these things being dis­ the eyebrowtess, overly made- swimmers, wanted to search concerted effort is made to a u a 3 3 a a r jy whs create the necessity ef hotels known as dormitories cussed? up, over-dressed or underdress­ for the boy. The policeman re­ “sell” their various products. S. Man's 3 3 3 □ 3 U JJL 1 3 maintaining a police force. and realize there are some II,- The answer unfortunately is ed “drili ’ that are seen every­ sponded saying that there were Thorstein Veblen ta nia book, nickname ZT.Speil U. Meritar- M. liver m a D 3 U 3 3 D 3 OODfll Concern for what these few un- 000 students living here. that most students don’t seem where—even in public. Are they toe many sticks under the wa­ “T h o Higher Learning in □ □ o a m rin j a a n a citisenly citizens might bring . One wonders, ¿ th is where a to know or care how seriously mature enough Jo adjudge ter and tawides, “the «fivers America,” ‘criticizes this atti­ raneea Thailand island to Stactro- □ □ □ y t t a n w lìh u upon themselves must not let human being is to spend four inadequate their housing is. someone rise as immature? 1 should be hare soon.” tude as degrading and diare- 13. Roman ■etlce torce m _ * — * i ------ us disregard the more Import­ years of his or her fife, shep­ Only a few of too most.mature should hope not “The. boy will bo doad within 1 to education, genaralead ant right of the other 10.44 per herded through three meals a students have shown enough in­ I am personally from toe old a couple ef minutes, we m ation should be pursued renani «1.1 cent te a lawful local society day and sleeping at night in n terest to at least publicly ask school and believe in chivalry do somsthtag'now.” To this the for its own sake; and proper IS 14. Baine away 43.>rt* and a peaceful pursuit of the cell no different from the one (in this current series of edit­ and actively practice i t Hold­ officer replied that it was prob­ respect for education precludes Pursuit ot a 45. Jeha: confidence Scatto Messrs. Rudner, Larrowe, Mey­ next door, or down the hall or orials) to be allowed to five in ing doors open for coeds is the ably too late to do anything. any attempt at sates promo­ anea: siens 46.« X Treat ento M.TWB er, ot al. to abuses of authority. all 15,900 for that matter? housing of their choice, unsu- most readily applied chivalric Walking homo that evening, tion. It is certainly beyond 1?. Saak up Ik Vow Aa another faculty member, And then from This cocoon pervised off-campus. duty to -campus, life. I bold I found mysrif wondering how doubt that if the opportunities 15. Prato water ■to IM to HM toé etfo ora%| mub BlsV IS. 1 am chagrined at tiw possible suddenly emerges a foil grown Until th r ftet of the student doses open several times a «lay differently times policemen and for education at this institution ».Ship- fish St. Avtfaaaa ULtke U. C imputation, even remotely, to adult one day? body begins to awake and taka and intend to continue doing “spectators” weuld have acted of learning are aa good as MSU shaped eleto to. Beri t. Restar ZLSalty me and my colleagues, ef their The truth is, of course, that a serious interest in their bous­ to even though I am thanked tf tiw drowning boy had been advertising men say they are, 31. Very*fr. 97. SUly S That ist »4. Aider apparently incurable Ingrained this system, based as it is on ing, little wfll be done. If, as only about 10 per cent ef the their son or brother. 23. ItaHaa coins Let. «aWriOM then these opportunities would 39. Burmese to. Wave 7 Urfi te Sekhris resentment ef authority, a re- the concept of the student as students may claim, housing time. By my own count, I I per Abb Corner not need to be advertised; they ar to.Saee» .cent of the coeds themselves — Vaa Hesses Hall would sell themselves. Per­ S.I are not considerate snmrgh to haps, than, educational oppor- say thank yon for a simple act. tunity is not alT it is crackod Yet, it is toe men around lwre B ik e T r o u b le . ? up to be. um m m mm m * that an the inconsiderate ones, , It is certainly bad enough iif o f o f o f o according to a poll taken aft To toe Eitter: that the University promotes these very same reeds. I waa late, and the take recks itself; it is far worse that it □ ■ ■ ■ f o r t i Pitobsbod by the students of Michigan State University. Issued As tor toe contact ef MSU at Betsey w on foil; so I park­ promotes the products and phil­ ead aas days Monday through Friday,-durfog the fall, winter and males at football games cm - ed my bike directly bridad the osophy of “private firms in re- m m m ü ia r t m bw summer term. tainty the boys indulat te rack and locked H. When I rectum for gratuities. Perhaps in­ □ ■ fo rt s if o f o r t r t f o d i ______ ^ _ building, play at hatf-time and any other turned latcr, my Mke was fono tercollegiate athletics and the MfcMaaa State University, East Lautag, Michigan. time or place that they have m Witti ao ether concerà, ! began marching band a rt the most d i d d i i d r tw . subecrtatieat payable in advance for one term. S3; for two chance. Unfortunately* these footing far R in tta rari», obvious offenders ta this re­ r m for tonfo terms, is. boys are miofneitnwd as tiw which «ora pnriteafly «anp- gard, although they are by no d the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Assodatine typical MSU male. Some ef the ty. No n srits. Alter acfivtag I the worst * When the S fo r t f o il ami the College press. MSU men sit la tiw and aaae 15 minutai late ter my aext Utevenity engages ta this in r block 296310 strong cheer­ tifote. I toaraed t o a t t h e ^ m - type of activity it gives m s h M íík y iB W a n in i ¿ i m Editar — M ania Van Nets Editorial Editor Shared Coady ing for tiw greea and white. We pus poiice w att barine “Bike part of its tadependsmm of fret r t f o il r t f o f o r t r t f o f o [Editor. Baa Burns Feature Ertter .....Cart Rundell never■ throw H . misefles, | _ capture ^ p jie tio a Day.” Sa I went eut expression, which, ef itself, .Larry Pontius kids and pass tiwm arop ri «r j e thè pofice qaoaeet and found constitutes a toreri to ■ ■ ■ fo rt rtfo fo if f o f o M v . Bill Marshall Women’s Editor Salty Ward -«n out oo to tiw flrid ef play, thev had it. ! demie freedom este impose» a City Bdfior„_ — „ .u p Cote S e rti Editor .- Jerry Fischer We just yril, ring òor beffo and TttoteQov hatini te r «forila severe restriction ea educa­ if f o f o f o f o r t f o r tfo fo B i News Edlfor—— J«y Bhsrick Photo Editor ... Dave Jaehnig i pass our baeaer everhead enee i stadeat and ari ri* «fficer ot tional opportunity. Id IM lÉ lS d lH B B idurtag hriftime. a i, steHod gfoefofly and trid J* 'te f o r tK Riashaw Î; . i H mPstillP M i m m am m IpP■¡ÉfeÉ Ü* m as m S® m « Wm»a «¡ps mm » S P i Ent W ediM ^iiLrf N o v e m b e r 1«>, 1 9 6 1 e-sm«*9SÉÉÉi» T r i h ir i e ^ T f l k i r t g T o i l L eads S p r i g s in B ig lO Friday ; ; ? * fi«» ü a o p w ê n H o p e By JERRY FISCHER atnit ttüs seaaoa. Deachertv’s oaf tor «msat setts tor to t ■ i rti Editar , yM tosa the first thae tob asaase Monday. a repot# Hr DICK ROBINSON who took seventh in the 1960 tote aaaaert six-mile nation­ Duffy Daugherty, the once- tins aa a n aritef t e n . Whoa Northwestern brings a AO: State News Spots W rite aftarir. al Canadian champion, wffi smtityg Irishman, in s still ¿ to 'too Spartan won their A w record to the clash and may Capt Jerry Yopng is the Spar­ Charles Umbarger, Indiana’s team ta lead tiw Wolverines partial to g rv • bit Tuesday as he talk­ games, fa n miss toe servtaas of sah tiw conference affair. AI Kimbrough, who Is tans’ main contender to win sophomore sensation, beads the ed to a delegation of midwest hsgrtuta cry Rosa foawi toe tog Ten championship meet Hoosier’s distance men. His Spartan runners who will be football writers at Kellogg Cen- “When we get off ta that teal by an injured ankle. tér. The Wildcat#, with six of Friday. However, he wtil face performance this season has making the tarty are Refer Daugherty told the writers good start*.! began to hope their first eleven starter* soph­ stiff competition from other made his team a title contend­ Humbarger, 13th last season; omores, he was again looking at a char­ too," Daugherty said. “But my games to Minnesota, Wiscon­have lost coaforeaca conference harriers. er. Indiana took third last year. sophs Pat Stevens, Dick Gyde Team captain Russell Lash, acteristic-common to his pro­ disappointment is tb it we are sin and Ohio State this Defending last year’s individ­ sixth in 1960 and Charles Har­ and Bob Fulcher ; Don Castle, fession. i eliminated from the Big 10 ual B ig'10 title. Young is one ris, 10th, are other strong con- 25th in 1960; and soph AI Dun- can Sophomores Boa D ® niy “When you win, it’s because championship race. That was är ners. — #£y itoiurr f of the top favorites in this sea­ and Them McCue are alter- of exceptional talent,” be said, our goal. "When you lose, it’s because of “Purdtte deserved to win Sat­ F etzer B uys ED BUDDE GEORGE AZAR son’s event on Chicago’s Wash­ Michigan’s Chris Marray, nates. poor coaching. I think It should urday. The score was a ington Park course. An All- be that way. But I expect to indication of toe game, T iger S tock American runner, the Berkley j senior has lost only one race MSU SHOE REPAIR win every week. If I ever go one of the hardest hitting games out ont he field expecting to any of my teams have played. DETROIT (Jfi->John E. Fet­ j in fira meets this year, lose, I think I had barter quit The Injury lists of both teams zer said Tuesday he has bought coaching.” tells th a t" up the final one-third interest IM S c h e d u le j That lone defeat came «gainst Wisconsin when he placed dec- “So what about that versatile Daugherty Is right there. Two in tiie Detroit Tigers and is IM Football „ 9:41 Empower usent vs. loser of Aii Expert) Repair Ser vice attack you suddenly haven’t Spartan standouts, Guard Ed now sole owner of the Ameri­ Practice Field W estShaw3vt/7 using only die best materials can League baseball club. got,” a writer quizzed. Budde and defensive back Way­ Fetzer said J e purchased the 6:40 East Shaw 1 vs. winner ot destano Field West Shaw 4 vs. 10 Put your best “I dea’t think we’re not ne Fontes are doubtful of action one-third interest held by the 7:25 Armstrong 7 vs. loser of' 6:49 TJD.C. pL vs. L.C.A. pi. versatile,” Daagherty said. Saturday. - Knorr Broadcasting Co. 7:25 Bryan 2 vs. Ramsey West Shaw 4 vs. 10 S:55 Motts v s . Dollar 65 foot forward „with. • • He preceded to name several George Azar and George Sai- Fred A. Knorr, who died last MO Ar mstrong 4 vs. winner -of formations that the Spartans mes are both hobbled by injur­ December, was one of Fetzer’s Eást Shaw 3 vs. 9 t:49 L.CLA. vs. S.A.E. New Soles & Heels use to prove a point. ies but shoud see action against partners in th e syndicate 8:55 Bailey 2 vs. Burrley W hile You Walt thé Wildcats. which bought the Tigers from 9:40 Cherry Pickers v* Ev. Sch “We’re not balanced between the W. 0. Briggs estate in 1956. S n a rta n s A P running and passing,” he said. ' The Spartans, because ef His widow is president of " ' Touch field “We run about 90 per cent of the maay injuries, werked Knorr Broadcasting. 8:40 A.T.O.pl. vs. Phi Deh pi P ic k b y 6 the time and pass only ten. Fetzer gained two-thirds 7:25 Radcliff vs. winner ef East Teams are gambling on us, fig­ control of the club in October Shaw 3 vs. 7 »T m ASSOCIATED PRESS Barb Baldwin uring if They stop our running of last year and became pres­ 8:10 Armstrong 5 vs. Bailey 8 Associated Press picks tor 4hey stop us. More, More... ident of the club. Saturday’s tog IS games. “Minnesota gambled that 6:55 Burgandy vs. loser of East Michigan State 20, Northwest­ Fetzer, who is in Tucson, Shaw 3 vs. 9 T ra v e rse C ity , S e n io r way, and so did Purdue. North­ IM officials said Tuesday Ariz., said in a statement that ern 14—The Spartans will pull western probably will too.” that bikinis would be banned the deal was made to guaran­ a qnck change act Statistics bear out'Daugherty for co-ed swimming night at tee continued smooth opera­ Minnesota 17. Purdue 14—The D e lt a G a m m a , on his point. The Spartans have the Men’s intramural peel. tions at Tiger Sstadium. P a ir V ic t o r s Gophers are in top shape for .452 plays this year and only 09 The Men’s IM pool is epeu Price paid for the Knorr I n I M C o n te sts this ooe. ' 1—- of them have been passes. for coed swimming on Friday stock was not given. J Michigan 18. Iowa 14—The Worse than that, only 35 have from 1:30 to 9 p.m., and Sun­ Stewart McMillin, Grosse Wolverines will give another JERRY YOUNG Wearing been completed. day from 1 to 9 p.m. Pointe'senior, won the Intra­ woe to the Hawks. ond ln 20 minutes and 12 sec­ Many Spartan fans were • were deceived by the fast L.C.A. Tops Field Shelters mural football pass erntest by Wisconsin 27, Illinois 13 — onds. Still that early season scoring 17 of 25 possible points. More problems t e the niini. run produced Young’s fastest Stuart “Lucky” Steinhart, Fair- Indiana 19, West Virginia 13 duel meet time this season. A Villager Hopsacking dress with Chinese neck Lambda Chi Alpha was the lawn, N.J. sophomore, took sec­ —A hrsnftwr for the Homders. Young covered the double- and includes a rope beK. LSU V etoes recent winner of the fraternity badminton matches this Ja il. ond place with 15 tor 2S. Total Ohio State 21, Oregon 7 — loop, four-mile course in a participation in the event w astrhe Bodes will look ahead to record time of 19:35.3 in I960. 402. — The Drees comes in both For the third consecutive year, Sugár B id Larry Loose and f8u McMillin The football placekick con­ Michigan but still win. The year previous he placed fifth. gold and ocean blue^ won the doubles champion­ test was won by Dick Campbell, - BATON ROUGE, La. UPI - ship. Tom Tecteart was the sin­ Evans Scholars won the AH- lowers Jim Tucker, who Louisiana State University’s gles player. — Four members of the faculty who booted 10-10 at 26 yards. latiepsndfBt Sports Champion­ placed second last year, 20 -football team Tuesday refused of ' Michigan State University Keith VonQualen, Dwight, nt will present facts about fallotit freshman, was runner-up with ship la 799961. They collected the Hawkeye’s yards behind Young, should be an invitation to the Sugar Bowl main threat N o t« . • . game in New Orleans on New and the pros and cons of fall­ 9-10 at 20 yards and 6-19 at 25 2 firsts, 4 seconds, and 3 thirds, In lo S h e e ts D u e Tucker out shelters at a public meet­ yards. Total participation was tor a total ef 547 points in their meet seasons, including a win la unbeaten in two dual Year’s Day. Roger Van • S puree LSU, the Nation’s No. 4 team F o r O r g a n iz a tio n s ing sponsored by the T■»"«<"g 192. ir espective sports. over Rolf Nielson of Wisconsin in this week’s Associated Press Committee for a SANE Nuclear who Young lost to this year.' „ which comes fat both poll, is high on the list of Sugar Ernie Green, AUSG director Policy in the assembly room of Wisconsin’s individual hopes the East Lansing Savings and suede and leather. Students Bowl possibilities; if not at the of organizations, Tuesday re- rest on Nielson, a transfer from very top. „ - IH U ! Loan Assn. Thursday at 8 p.m. that all organizations Richard Byerrum, professor _, and Capt. Don Dooley, But reports said that the L S trpu of biochemistry and assistant team, sporting a 7-1 record with submit him the information provost of the University, whose two games left, finds little al­ sheets before Wednesday, so experiments with raidoacttvity P u rd u e S ta rs lure in a trip to the New Or­ that the 1961-1962 directory can in plant life have attracted na­ leans game with the players in­ be sent to publication. tional attention, will discuss See S t ill A ilin g | dicating they would rather visit to_anotner bowl game. Any one who has any ques­ fallout and its effects as seen CHICAGO (*—'Two of Pur­ by the biochemist. L e s S ta n to n due’s top stars, Fullback Roy, LSU beat Clemson 7-0 in the tions can contact Green in 320 Exclusive at the Sugar BowJ in 1959 add lost to Student Services Bldg. or at Lester F. Wolterink, profes­ Walker and End Jack Elwell, Mississippi 21-0 in 1960. sor of physiology and a bio­ F o p T h a t are injured and doubtful for the ! 355-8280. game at Minnesota Saturday,! physicist, will, preseat toe h a rd tage t Boilermaker football coach knowledge ef faBoat from toe stand of a scientist who has investigated radioactive ma­ C a r In s u r a n c e JadTMollenkopf said Tuesday.! Mollenkopf told the Chicago # r o tr h H n u B * - R ET U R N S e n io r P r o o f s terials Jo r more than a dec- football writers via telephone: ade. „ from Lafayette, Did., that Walk-I Across From Campus Leon H. Weaver, professor of — We Finance er baa a severe charleyborse and Elwell’8 hand and wrist Layaway Charge police administration, formerly D e a d lin e E x t e n d e d of the Office of Civil and De­ Load and Oort are in a cast 1 fense Mobilization, will discuss protection ot individuals and o f State Student famines against fallout by means of shelters. Premium Payments NEVER BEFORE OFFERED U n t il T o d a y W e d n e sd a y , N o v . 15 Thomas H. Greer, professor of humanities, wiU discuss the at this national and international im­ Call T oday , . • SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE plications of fallout, with par­ ticular reference to two diverg­ ent aspects (tf foreign policy: L e s S ta n to n A g e n c y m um Continued bomb testing versos ta w r n o the “Peace Race" proposed by 1500 E ast Michigan A rcane, Lansing m ess tofo* President Kennedy In Ms re­ BH Bf M cent address to toe United Na­ I f M lf o ODDBALL H U M O R O U S j tions. The student view wfll be represented by to n Andersen, vice president ef AB Urtver- H / IA R / 0 U S ! G< Student Government. The meeting will be Chaired by Lewis K. Zerby, professor of philosophy. ‘This meeting offers all of us in the community an oppor­ FUNNy.l£V CO N TEM PO RARY CARDS tunity to learn toe scientific 100 MIXED TYPES AND DESIGNS facts about fallout as the sci­ entists now see them,” said Colorful — High, Quality — Complete Mrs. Roger lino, chairman of with Malting Envelopes. ^ the Lansing SANE Committee. Retail Value 25c each — a $25.60 Vaiut for the 166 cards. - The Old Brass Spittoon, grid­ iron trophy up for grabs each Now, for a limited time only, OF CARS COST IS IN year when Michigan State and (less than 1/5 ef retail vatae) Indiana pfcty, has wound up in FRÖNT AND BACK WINDOWS ' the Spartan trophy case 10 ef $308 is the coat of just the windshield and Tear window In on# the first 11 times offered. Or fifty mixed cards foroniy of our major ear makes. Expensive items to ropiaco—unlosa Mail This Randy Coupee To: - ' you’re covered by adequate car insurance. State Farm pro­ Dept. G, JAYMAR CORPORATION vides top-notch protection at rock-bottom rates, because wa aim to insure only careful drivers. Ask about R today! SPECIAL Johnson City, New York STAN WILKINSON „WILLIAM MITCHELL PURCHASE WONCH «SUFI —P iene send me my spedai bargain after of tauaarani greeting carte. 762 ABBOTT ROAD, EAST LANSING CO RD U RO YS 1720 E . Michigan Enclosed is $4J6 far MS eatte Reg—i r IMS V-feM Enclosed is $RJi for f i en te ED 3-4796 ED 3-6123 Lansing 484-7786 1 S T A T E FARM M U T U A L ® “ ONLYVARSITY SHOP *5” noms orwefc bfcOOMiNOTéw. nxdvors 326 ABBOTT BD. KLANS. m sm wm m rara a » M mm mm p m Wm ill? R H « Sa n V M b e id ay Morning, Novem ber-IS* 1961 M M YOUR BEST BUY» «AMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Lum um ba P r o f H it? S tu d e n t •^(continued from page I) tanga capital. R fixed the day ACADEMIC ALLY Dr. Maiwlra Crane, professor at Harvard1students are often deats’ public sendee cenad* of Hamenitlfs. spoke before only half-literate when grad­ Students Off Campus Monday uated. Crane and other faculty B E S W R l'F t f f n as Jan. 17, There tiere unconfirmed riH Dr. N. P. Ralston, ttm eM rofl vdoping the forestry industry, ports three days after the Ka­ Btfbt on the need far students Ji Students will only get out Of members will be leading a dis­ tbai Cooperative Extension twrfom «ad other community tanga announcement that Lu­ "T O II CAM : to owwwM their Illiteracy. cussion based on the NBgos he said- “This means raising Kazaritzakis is $ modern novel, “The interpretation LMt Crane potafod out that even college what they put into it,” Temptation of Christ,” which ni meeting of the American of » teM delegates to tito accelerated changing economy.” by Association of Land-Qrant Col­ Loag range plans Include captain. a rap mumba were and his two associates kjlled bfr a Belgian army k MAKEMOKT the horizons of their minds Christ’s life, this Sunday at 7 leges and Universities at Kan­ creation of county planning AT COLLEGEI" UN B oard through stimulating literature p.m., Student Services Lounge. sas City, Mo., that MSU is de­ inminfsilnns and the formation The commission, singled out Pronto»montymrrtot (mmSWtrt. tuition, Moki, t m , CtotfcM, WWSW (Coottaned from Page 1) and lectures.” veloping a unique rural develop­ pt economic development ¡dans Godefroid Munongo, Katanga te • tftini i tu >«* - H He said that the Provost Lec­ ment program in the Upper for the entire peninsula. minister of the interior, for IBM tm H te MnwttHH «tevt ttew. acceptable to the Western pow­ Peninsula. $ f |l special blame. It said its find­ , it i niy for m joojte osatiti ture Series has cost a tremen­ - ~ S jM h * tote*te»Ite*toKg.«*** ers. Both tide aad toe proposal top dous amount of money and has to d—w lnrhe Africa were littlespeakers, butTias aroused W illiams as He described this program “organisational manage­ A m atulttoa ea area prob­ ing “bristles with evidence in­ ità » wfll have deee liasea dicative of the extension role” ta ter tte tktoti . ACAOIMT I0CAS tea Ite W t l W y » ate te*.vw,jtjoo to aitra aiti incarni t«t (ite alia tenrQ • » 4 __ interest on the part of ment” to assist people hi solv­ with aa active State Rural played by Munongo in the Acidamy tdaa a% ara «tortili*« w c**U cauataian, la tte »10,000 « a «e bracket - ind ina non rum T astnrod fiaal approval by toe {Continued from Page 1) ing individual, family and com­ Areas Devefopmeat commit­ deaths. - | S 1f nnn — tU caa tecawo ite * tten. . . M general assembly to view of students. You rettivi up to 2S% r i G t iMlfllG Udì IWJT e m t ri* " kJ 5 r H 8. Legislative selection of the munity problems hi the U P. tee appelated by the govern- The commission said that the cat It in «all Via »tf-toail **« nl|M W»tca. TaaMI grt a toe sdbetaattal majorities " Amid a number of humor­ auditor general. cantali» wa-toitao nillnt ind eitjutto n»c?«ltF Iti*» ¡Sg?#* Director Ralston challenged er. •imt profit sfcartnf ttcufity -.. thetf tdii HWfy . »■ «to *IhaerGwr they received. ous Jibes, Dr. Crane also com­ In commenting on executive land-grant leaders to b rag Our extension director con­ it from going to toeprevented Conga government imTa"atealtba lamdote ataa -tomtoccato eaa te- wra te* g ? g Wat a»tba aart. at al Acadamy Mate. The Western powers insisted mended Campos Chest, which powers, he said that toe lieuten­ their vast resources to bear cluded that while toe more tra­ the crime to carry outscene its of in­ writa to baytoteW. Prtiioant Acteimy OotMtac, tento, Florida —tor MI totornmtototte ■nato tentiti that any ben on the use of nu­ is "attempting to widen sto- ant governor should be voted on new and emerging probtems invast yovr a*ara latim*tiwa toyawpraaaat and»aar clear weapons should be taken for with the governor, just like of people. He said these educa­ ditional concerns of the land- vestigations. .^r j up as part of the UN debate on the president and vice presi­ tional institutions had a vital grant institutions in extension ; It expressed hope its findings work were far from obsolete could serve as a basis for fur­ k a ik ) n g l d m k e . general disarmament This de­ bate was scheduled to follow C leveland dent. _ role to play,in the nation’s new other educational resources ther investigation in the Congo,, He agreed with his speaking Rural Areas Development pro should also assume major ed­ and “alsorin judicial proceed­ MAaurr Milana, a«ma. immedfotely after the nuclear predecessors, Governor Jeha gram. debate in the political commit­ O rchestra Swainsoa and Wilber Brack- The repact included aa es­ ucational leadership in assist­ ings which, to its view, should ing people—a basic premise of be Instituted as aoon as possi­ tee. er, on the four-year term for timate of progress for an ex­ toe original Morrill Act. ble.” H Soviet delegate Semyen K? Tssrapkta said the Western F eatured the executive. He also favor­ perimental program w hin ed a governor’s mansion. powers were opposed to the T h e nationally renowned “All the executive power] has been under way hi the proposals because of what he Cleveland Orchestra will ap­ should be clearly in the govern­ la thisforarea, called the aggressive plans of pear in ' a one-night concert or alone; and the constitution Extension Service the North Atlantic' alliance. Wednesday at 8:15 p.nv in the should specify his duty to see Continuing Educationand U P. foe past five years, the Cooperative the Service Super Right Italian delegate Gaetano that all the laws are faithfully have joined forces in a hold Martino asked-why the Rus­ Auditorium. executed,” he said. '*“ - sians had tried to make an Under the baton of George He also advocated the right of new many program that draws oa university resources. east-west issue of the proposal Szell, the group will present a varied program including the 'subpoena for the attorney gen­ Field staffs of both groups aimed at outlawing the use of S M O K E D nuclear weapons in war. overture to Rossini’s “La Gaz- eral and periodic grand Junes. have worked closely with other In the executive’s relation to “Do you really believe,” he 2* L a d r a ; ” Tchaikovsky’s toe legislature, Williams sug state and federal agencies as asked, “that the Soviet Union “Pathétique,” SymphonjrNo. 6¡ well as other educational in­ nuclear Ito B minor; Concert music for gested toe abolishment of the stitutions in the area to amal­ intends not to use pocket veto and allotment of gamate a unified program weapons in time of war? Or string orchestra and brass in­ 90 days to decide on bills. that toe United States and Bri­ struments by Hindemith, and He said there was also a “The results have been most tain, by voting against this res­ the overture to Wagner’s need for executive re-organiza­ encouraging,” Ralston said. olution, intend to~~use nuclear “ Tannhauser? tion. He advocated a cut back weapons? The Soviet Union The presentation is another of state offices from 40 to 20. tomy is no longer the basis for “The farm, non-farm dicho­ an extension education pro­ STEAK SALE P O R K C O A S T B o s t o n S t y le 3 9 * Ik has no intention of abiding by in toe University Lecture-Con­ “AU our agencies could be gram in the U.P.,” Ralston this resolution.” cert Series. included in a rational manner said. “In a new role, our county Varsity Drive In and we would get a more ef* staffs are working closely to de* ficient government as a re­ sult,” he said. In his concluding remarks, Williams called for inclusion R o HaveYou SirloinSteak 89*lb PorkSteak 49*lb u n d S te a k 7 9 * l b 1227 E. Grand River of the president of toe senate is *- OfMi Every Day Delivtry Service to be-next to toe speaker of the house in the gubernatorial suc- ession. — Also, be suggested the term of toe governor begin 90 days Tried? PorterHoaseSteak99*lb Rolled Rump or Rôtisserie Roast 8:30 p*m. - 1:30 a.m. before toe legislature convenes. Frasdor Ash Wash Sunday 5:00 p.mr - 1:30 a7m. “I still favor January first as the inaugural date and a legis­ ' EO2-6517 lative session starting In Feb­ Frandor Shopping Center FLORIDA CITRUS FRUIT SALE ruary," he said. Cranberries 1-LB CELLO BAG Oraages 5 lb bag Your Marsh S u i t s« Grapefruit Choice M /N o w Is th e ^ m e to let your parents know H ow to y o urself a g e t Potatoes 10-LB BAG Ruby Rad Rrapsfrsit 5 lb Bag - 49 t Yam s. ■ ■ w h a t you need for Christmas! And we'll help su p erb niew you convince them you should have a Remingtons 5 lb Bag MONARCH portable typewriter to take th e work M O N A R C H * of your school work. . . and make homework fun! JUfyoudois fill outand mail the coupon below. Then p o rtab le ty p e w rite r by Frssh Cleaned wewritea letterto you rTolks outlining the reaso n s¿ whya Remington MONARCH portable can help you get better grades. (Incidentally, the MONARCH portable comes com plete with carrying case plus * for 10-LB CELLO BAG 19e»ExcelPeanutHalvesi>i*G 39‘ a terrific self-teaching touch-typing course th a t's C H R IS T M A S ! 41 pushover to m aster!) Ask to see th e rugged; RaRahle Dal Brees aad^Wn Beees 16*4 o z s .... fnodem, compact MONARCH portable a t g a IfOutfiOPtgO store oryour.Remington d e a le r!/ / A | p .Oars Whole Kenrai or Cream Style 17 ozs SaRasa Tomatoes 16 ozs f } cansfor95 Reliable Peas ÏS ezs Ass Fags A &P Cake Hixos 4 i | 20 oz pkgs W hite, Yellow, Honey Spice, Devil’s 51.00 Applesauce 2 U Rdsdwl Food * 16 OZ CANS H O A Ocsh Spray Crouborrio Seuoo strained Whofunpr , - 43,Puapkin . . T _ 29 OZ CANS 3«*49* Jaso Parker Bakery Feahres Cherry Pis 8 is 38e Asgel Food Cake 39s Brown and Serve ■ and Boasts pkg of 12 33e Tuta Rolls pkg of 12 23c CHfCk THESCSUPERB “EXTKAFEATURES”: 1. Single key instantly sets or ctears columns *nd indent*! 2. Touch rtgutstor Frezas Basasti Pits ^ adjusts to your indMdual 3. Variable line spacer lets you type “tight on toe line»” Of ruled paper! 4» Adjustable paper A i P Frozoa Strawkonies 3 I f oz pkgs IAO edos fuWe lets you Insert paper precisely every time! S. Calibrated scale on paper bell lets you center your Headings faster! C. Numerals and calibrations on paper table simplify margin settings«*positively! 7« Erasure table on cylinder simplifies Ufcky’t Frezee S»eash 2 12 oz pkg 26c 2 il sz pkgs DRs making corrections! S. Card and writing Una scale lets you type mom precisely! to Btineuable top cover makes ribbon chang­ Chicken, Ham, Salisbury Steak, Beef and Turkey ing and rfienlfifl easier! l a Carriage cantering device locks macHno tight for safer carrying!^1L .Two-color.ribbon and contrail I t Lighter weight without e hint of flimsiness or “creep” while you typo! All prices in this -Ad Effective thru Saturday, Your A ft P Super M arket C Mr. WMtirnMeet, Advertising Manager YOUR NAME. November 18th hi WiUiamston Store and ABT Five HGinlngttn fgftiM t Typtwrltif Olv. . Corner ef Hagadorn and Bast Grand River Lansing A A P Super M arkets ADDRESS_ •f Sperry Rand Corp. B ast Lansing SIS Nark Avenue Seutt^ N.Y.10, N. Y. .STATE, - VP' Yes, my parents couM use a little convince PARENTS NAME. S tere Honet ing. . . and I can happily use the monarch ADDRESS_____ Monday th ru Saturday portable to take toe workout of homework? -STATE. F R IE N D L Y COURTEOUS SE R V IC E FOR JO U R TO D A Y O N CAM PUS Luther«* Student Aim . — Wed­ nesday, f ajn ., Holy Com» munion followed by break* fast, University Lutheran Church. Martia Lather Chapel Choir **~ Wednesday, 7 a.m., rehear* Catholic Stadeat Center—Wed* nesday, 7:30 p.m., publicity committee meeting, St. Jo­ seph Room, 327 M.A.C. Accounting and Finance Club— » E x c lu s iv e « Wednesday, 7 p.m., 321 Un­ What e*gM invite more compli­ ion. — T H E A U T H E N T IC S I D R Y ments than the silken glow of PaaHeBeak—Wednesday, 8:15 •oft silk fafflo? Gently sfcupad, p.m., Student Services Bldg. O F P R E S ID E N T K E N N E D Y S Green Splash — Wednesday, 7 flattering breadth sf neckline p.m., practice for tryouts, W A R T IM E A D V E N T U R E S and drapad dccoBataga. la Mack Women s Pool. or myM...ieaignai fardaylight, Premenaders — Wednesday, 7- twilight or atarilgM. Sites 18-1». 8:15 p.m., open dance, 34 W.I. Bldg, Ag-Ed. d ab —Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., 237 Education Bldg. Fisheries and Wildlife dob - Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., For­ estry Cabin. Rifle d a b — Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., basement, Demonstra­ tion Hall. Suo-Capa—’Wednesday, 7 p.m., 34 Union. Alpha Phi Omega — Wednes­ d r esses day, 7:30 p.m., UN Lounge. str eet LEVEL M e x ic a n C o lle g e T o B e D isc u ss e d W e d n e sd a y Holiday Brocade All students planning to at­ tend Mexico City College in Mexico City during winter quarter of 1982 are invited to in B lack & W hite This week The Saturday Evening Post publishes the attend a meeting Wednesday first authentic account of Lieutenant Kennedy at at 7:30 p.m. in the Art Room, third floor of the Union. The purpose of the meeting war. To get this story, writer Robert Donovan traveled halfway around, the world. He got eyewit­ 1 7 .9 5 is to bring together the stu­ ness reports from every survivor of the Kennedy dents to discuss problems aris­ crew. He even interviewed the Japanese com­ mander whose destroyer sank Kennedy’s PT boat Holiday enchantment . . . la brocade cocktail ing in changing schools for a costume. Cardigan chanel jacket with short term .' Tourist cards, vaccina- This is a story of heroism, humor and heartbreak. ¿ions, draftboard status, trans­ You willJoUow John Kennedy’s adventures from sleeves, sleeveless scoop aeck dress with wide portation, courses transferable, the moment his ship went down—right up to his Mack self belt, rose flower trim and impressed housing facilities, and other dramatic rescue from a desert islana. Read “PT pleated skirt. Jacket and dress skirt in black with jnutual problems will be dis­ cussed. 109: The Adventure That Made a President.” white bodice oa dress. Sines 7 to 13. AU - Weather DRESSES - STREET LEVEL CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . . LOW COST. . . Wool Jerseys by w NAVY • WHITE |L Weatherbee • BROW e r u o o r t ’s • OXFORD • BLACK 213 E. GRAND RIVER • CAMEL v EAST LANSING- Ph. ED 2-2114 special pre-season Recommended for fashion aad all- weather wear a_o o all weyl jersey coat T he F avorite W ool with smart four packet styling. lined with fine Milium satin aad has a durable water repellent finish that N O RTH LAN D Crew N eck Cardigan retains its effectiveness when dry SU PR EM E S K IS regular 1995 cleaned. In rpyal, red, Mack or M IL L E R vicuna-brown, sizes 8 to 18. V O ST R A S K IS re* uUr 24 95 COATS — STREET LEVEL CO RTIN A S K IS . -— regular 84.85 Forever favorite . . . 189% wool crew neck LA D O LO M IT E cardigans. A mast for evefy coed la subtle colors of hrewu, Mack or oxford. Select one fas every S K I BO O TS regular 39.95 color for your casual wear. Sixes 34 to 4». SPORTSWEAR - STREET LEVEL Famous B R R ER C R A FT ER S WEDNESDAY STORE Plan ahead ., . HOURS IN OUR EAST S K I T O P C A R R IE R S complete"' LANSING STORE 8election of $ki equipment ARE 12 NOON TO available. ED 24905 sh o p V a n 's to n ig h t ’t i r 9:00 an W m m s r tm R llll P*- R paga i 5H Rmh RR n ' tl H R ¡9 if;/-’//;;'- |g § fg . :- ; « -*=| ¡ ¡ ¡ g ■ ■-■"-■ Jm m m mI ■WCHUsQMHTy > ■- - * - | is, lM ■ m ;J' ''VV'r ‘ mm MHPVN W seminars for itofetoTdp ffi f ^ . » n t a in lw iQ r ¡ D r. W eidner I The library, under tito ■- h eral direction to tl P a r tic ip a tes/ m beseim pm atittoi will include such events as9 | On k tts á m u n e s íir a in In stitu te S ee AUSG ! Provost’s Lectori Scries aad I tm ACOTBBBC m m m w b m H y |ra B Although there are as many cmventokto than have Amer­ aaatoto fcdllMh County Circtot Tto time to attend that im­ n áTapes rik ^ will I» available fari Iritteb m m i about hear to deal ican Baders, m Dr. Edward W. Weidner. pact to Lmmtog Town- Coart FrifUy. * ’ portant lactam? Soviet communism as Indeed, Onto said, Churchill. chairman of the Political Sci­ toto Justice CStot «■ a larceny loan, to *ny campus organila-1 m Britons, the major- Eden, and MtocmUlim afl lane A I .seeing teenager was ar­ Need aifi«r more hours to tbe tion. ence Department, is owe of 12 charge and wan released an AUSG said it invites sugges-j H i [ 1 *sg- “dared net face nslleaal elec­ Motor scholars who have par­ » » band. ' rested Friday aad charged day?' / , •/" ' All-University Student Gov­ tions for the tape library and] from those o f toast tions without summit meetings Aiasricaas. according to Dr. This is an electoral asset in ticipated to the East-West Cen­ atoh etonpto larceny. ; ernment to trying to taw the also needs persons to record] Goidea was «Tested ■ J U p a i Hunt, Oxf< ^ Britain, although the reverse ter’s Institute of Advanced •:2 i pm . while at- WURam a Seely, 1«, of 1325 time pniMcm with a taped li­ the ernment events using student gov­ equipment. would probably be true ia Prefects program to Honolulu, » break info a lock­ E. Sngtoaw, Lanstog, was ar­ brary to campus toctures and ' Sf humanities to America.” -r • ■ HowtoL er m thè b e h » room of the CAMPUS CUtsSlFlEDS - HIGH READERSHIP tide term. The British believe tbdr own rested by the department of While Americans and Bue- attitude is “more balanced, The Center's Institute of Ad­ Idea’s te tri a e ra i buiMing. He was ¡wrested by tbe depart­ pabhc safety as he attempted sians both iestit their differ­ more reasonable, and less emo­ vanced Projects brings togeth­ ment public safety «ad to steal a wallet to a locker ences ate i struggle to ideol­ tional” than American unwill­ er the mtods and talents of sen­ chargedto wÉh larceny n eat a room to M m FtoMhouee. - Impress the at home ogy, tor the British toe picture ingness to talk with toe com­ ior scholars and leaders of dis­ bcDkfing. on Thanksgiving. Is eae of plain power politics munists. Hunt also said the tinguished intellectual and cre­ • Seely piatirti guilty Friday British feel toe Russians are ative ability for tbe exchange Golden vtoertterily aflewed n: afternoon to Towing Township Louis Laundry Cleaned Clothes Instead, Hunt told a campus audience, under sponsorship of certainly not wholly to fault for and development ac knowledge, search to M r raían in Rather Justice Court. He was fined toe national fraternity for di­ current tensf&ns. the exploration of new ideas.. HaD aad lataad mm money. |6 i «ad H30 costs. impart sophistication. “Britons believe the Ameri­ and the discussion and clarifi- ( jewelry, aB total- Robert D. Reason, Jackson plomacy a n d international to trade, Delta Phi Epsilon. _ cans are too indiaed to view cation of significant cultural, j “*2 to* senior, was arrested Sunday The British majority áre the East-West clash to terms of social, and scientific problems! He to tor arraign* for driving on a revoked li­ neither pacificists or “unilat* good and evil,” be s a id . r and issues. - \ --------- cense. IH m m t a r t eralists,” he said, defining the In particular. Hunt said Brit­ Weidner’s research, some of have develop- He pleaded guilty in Lansing Intter as those calling for im­ ons are concerned about the widch.wiDl he done in India, in­ B R n Q O II Township Justice Court and Skirl Landry mediate British renunciation of danger that American refusal volves comparison and con­ with wHch have was fined 935, 94.30 costs and the manufacture or use of nu­ to negotiate will force Russia trast of regional areas which two days to jail. clear weapons. ,— to abandon the concept of r A substantial body of British peaceful coexistence and to fol­ opinion, however, does favor low the harder Stated* doc­ more serious negotiation of out­ trines of Mainland China. standing issues between East­ ern and Western blocs. Hunt emphasised that toe Britons feel mere strongly British like i immaaloni aa than Americans that' there mere- than do A m ttosas. a r e igal possibilities lor Prime Minister Maeari&aa East-West deals, aad that ex­ recently stated that the gstf isting differences are negoti- between Britain and Rastoa aMe, Hato said. tom aever bees wider toaa to For example, he said/this present Bto toe British btoe British body of „opinion has fee! that America aad Rastoe “pushed” British leaders into have tar mere la meeting Russian leaders more ttum either realties frequently for negotiation and mits. O n C a m p o s ¿fexShokan (Author tf *7 Wat a Tttn-aee D w arf",4 Tkt M any Latt i of Dobie Otilia", tit.) _ ' POVERTY CAN BE FUN It i* nodisgrace to bepoor. I t umnerror, but it is nodisgrace. So if your purse is empty, do not skulk and brood and hide your head in shame. Stand tall. Admit your poverty. Admit it freely and frankly and si! kinds of good things will happen to you. Take, for instance, the case of Blossom Sigafoos. Blossom, an impecunious freshman a t an Eastern girls’ college, was smart as a whip and round as a dumpling, and . scarcely a day went by when sire didn't get invited to a party weekend at one of the nearby men’s schools. But Blossom never accepted. She did not have the rail fare; she did not hare the clothcs. Weekend after weekend, while her classmates went frolicking, Blossom sat alone, saved from utter despair only by her pack of Mariboroe, for eveirao exchequer as shm as Blossom’s can afford the joys of Marlboro—joys far beyond their paltry price: rich, mellow tobaccos, lovingly cured and __ carefully- packed, and an exclusive sdectrate filter. Croesus T AKE YOUR FA M ILY ' himself could not buy a better cigarette! However, Marlboro’s most passionate adm irers—among - whose number I am paid to count myself—would not claim that Marlboro can entirely replace love and romance, and Bkaaom grew steadily moroser. (OR GIRL - OR FRIEND) (EVEN YOUR CHEM PROF) o m ; n o Then one day reme a phone call from an intelligent sopho­ more named Tom O’Shanter at a nearby men’s college. “Bloe- IM O eom,” said Tom, ’T want you to come down next week for the barley festival, and I won’t take no for an answer.” ~ “ No,” said Blossom. The Food Is Great - Prices- Low - Service Fast “ Foolish girl,” said Tom gently. “ I know why you refuse roe. I t is beoause, you aro poor, isn’t it?” “Yes,” said Blossom. — TH E R ESU LTS ARE T E R R IF IC !! “I will send you a railroad ticket,” said Tom. “Also a hard- case you get hungry on the train.” nothing to wear,” said Blossom. “I will send you one suit of reshmere, two gowns «slacks of velvet, four shoes of calf, five socks of nvlou, and a partridge in a pear tree.” - B R A N D N E W !! ST U D E N T BRODY ~~ “T hat is most kind,” said Bkxwam, “b at I fear I cannot dance aad enjoy myself while back home my poor lame brother E X C LU SIV E LY A T T H E U N IO N D IR E C T O R IE S Tiny Tire lire abed.” “*• “Send him to Mayo Brothers and put it on my Uto,” said Tom. “You are terribly decent,” said Blossom, “bu t I cannot come to your party because all the other gbia a t the parto A N EW LP R ECO RD | A R E IN Dante Atl will be from rich, distinguished families, and my father ia bu t a humble woodcutter.” M SU Djr O ar Ocra fkto Band S T E R E O -R E G U L A R G ET YO U RS NOW - ' ' R S ® “ I will buy him Yoremite,” said Tom. “ You have a great heart,” said Blossom. “ Hold the phene while I arir our wise mid kindly old Dean of Women whether it BAND 9 - 1 is proper for me to accept all these gifts.” ^ . She went forthwith arid asked the Dean of Women, and top A T T H E U N IO N BO O K ST O R E - N ATU RA LLY Dean of Women hid her wise and kindly old hand on Blossom s ehiek and said, ‘‘Child, let not false pride rob you of happiness. Accept these gifts from Tom.” .* “Oh.' btess yob, ’Wise and Kindly,” breathed Blneenaa, end teB Tom.” • ; . < ;... inktoato dropping pateful th u s into the Dean’s reticule. *T must tun “Yes, run, A fiá,” said the Dean, a smile wrinkling: her who and kindly"oíd «yes. “And him got an older brother.” ( m lh iM w Y O U ’L L a M N D i ■* i m i f » s H i AT THE iB N fG N • •• • 9. .’• H r mahare of Alter-tip Marikam, mha M g paw 3IS«2380. 36 UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL C ra n b e rrie s ” * N* - 1 ^ 2 n k " #' 3 9 c SPINACH E D U C A T IO N m*for» te wort wrth ARTICHBKHS J for 25c - RIB LETTUCE ~ lb 39c L Pk«» 7 0 « G id Sta a t Treat. Dam thy Ling. TU 2- t ? tR tC H t a t i* «sedei A dtaifoî TV — - .......... — mete i.i « ■■ •pmmmmmmem■ AR9R Wf PERSIMMONS2 for 25c LEAF LETTUCE lb 29c a d d r A I Y T to i >9 S U S A N H O G G and K E IT H J O H N - 'T T ,,,. , g „ ■--------------------— J L S O N please com a ta tbe Stata New t T W O J U N IO R S desire neat, ao- affsce, Raern 147 t U d ant Services proved, sugerviead apartm ent C ooking S c h m id t’* Guarantee o f Quality Always Protects You! K d g ^ fa r tw a fraa pa»»* « ta tha O a « t facilities. W inter and spring terms. C ast tMva-fo. ■yaasw pi^E Ipp• |f ** abject. CoMmCMI. CD IJ tot. VM §S éH W ÈÈ è W à iì I Alfred Hitchcock's “Btock- mail” will ha shown Friday at m j J B a h : . i _ 7 and 9 pJU. in Anthony Hall Auditorium, §g§ «thoie posten* ( p 3 v W H n M w o i ing University Theater season coupon books. The movie was the first Brit­ ish “talkie” tu be produced, TOMOBHOW! E and appeared in 1929. ' A t O L O ia r * . • A typical Hitchcock thriller, "Blackmail” was first a silent 427 E- GRAND RIVER F A M O U S : {detare. Just as the show was completed, sound was intro­ PHONE ED 2-0841 A S T W O R D S duced to the motion picture in­ dustry, so the entire^film eras ^ % 1 |Ï R I N 6 T PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED MSI? 1 ON THE I 5 t w ) y j GIRLS! I Pregram information dial IV MISS N ow . . . Last 8 Days R rjPTfjSH V ] students looking oat over Taka glacier •Sc te I:» p.m. M IC H IG A N E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE E 0 .2 -2 8 I 4 In the high-adventure tradition helicopters chartered oat of. of "the Gobs Of Navarone” ! Juneau. HOME OF THE BEST. IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCUJMVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Helpful assistance for the pro. gram is given by various agen­ FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS Me cies in Juneau, including the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Federal Lost 2 Nights Wed. & Thurs. and State Fish and Wildlife Departments, the State Muse­ um, and the U.S. Weather vou’ll howl when S^andPdVcS collide head-on! Bureau. Heavenly Playthings .j Financing for the instruction­ al part of the program in 1961 starting F R I D A Y I . was provided by a number of agencies. The University, the SHQWN^ The story of what lew man.did ta. a girl Gulf Oil Corporation, the Read­ the town did to them! ers Digest Foundation, and pri­ 7:40 -10 :0 0 P .M . vate sources. - * x '- This past summer impport for the research activities was re­ ceived from the National Geo­ graphic Society, the American Philosophical Society, the U.S. staring \ | J * N |D f X PATRICIA BRUM ' Air Force, Polaris Industries, IAN CARMICHAEL RiCHARO WATHS to e. Others were the Bendix Avia­ ALASTAIR SIM \ / ERICBARKER A pm* h j j i i j iUi iiHtim m l/a SCO «Umm* PLUS SECOND FEATURE tion Corporation and the Ab­ rams Aerial Survey Corpora­ EXTRA • W. C. FIELDS FESTIVAL tion of Lansing. S H E P A R D ’S The program is unique as this is the only university in STARTING FRIDAY — WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S the world which has a Glacio- “ OTHELLO” logical Field Institute. /or those fun weekends FOLLOWING THE BEAT Ed ‘‘Rocky” Ryan,. Michigan State’s 1961 football captain and a police administration major, DEL MONTE is the son bf Joseph Ryan, a Whole Kernel or Cream Chicago policeman. CORN Gold Medal DEL MONTE fash io n H P? ' s i- M C U STA R D P U M P K IN PET I 2 5 $1 With Coupon and Purchase of IS or More Limit 1 . . . Expires Sat., November INh M IL K C U ,A ° ■« fla tte rin g ^ eyew ear ^ DEL MONTE KRAFTS DRESSING fro m W a l l a c e ’s In Stock Colors Year eyeglesses are such an F R U IT C O C K T A IL 5^*1 Black & Brown important park of year fesMen costume. Wallace’s eutstandiag DEL MONTE PINT JAR IT selection ef custom * inspired With Coupon and Purchase of $5 or More Ankle high boots of soft glove leathers, fully lined wrth frames allows yen to cheese smart eyewear 'to ratt year TOM ATO C A T S U P ... 6 - s1 Limit 1 . , . Expires Sat, November 19th costume, year meod, your per­ DEL MONTE genuine shearling lambskin for fireside comfb/t in winter cold. sonality. Step hi either location. BgIM*poftvtted Floater constructionmokes these the lightest, tod P EA S ' - Shop-Rite emdertafato boots you'ro ««er wem. and the Safstrod solé is sturdy ond long-wearing, lacked by the reputation of Bates — moksrs of fina mon'*shots for over 75 yaced Featured byi ¡¿ g 0 5 X s| DEL MONTE ALASKA ALCOA OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 With Coupon and Perchas* of 15 or More Until 1 . , , Expires Sat., November 18th (East Lansing Store Only) «pe exa m inatio n*by HAUER’S • D r ji^ C . JESSES. S h o p -R ite LANSING UM E. GRAND RIV3R 555 E. GRAND RIVER SB SOUTH EAST LANSING ACROSS FROM WALLACE OPTICIANS 2401 W* ST. JOSEPH 2801 E. GRAND RIVER 1110 W. SAGINAW 2519 & CEDAR WASHINGTON HOME EC * P h . I T M 77« fc. TV 9-1179 ,¡g LOOAN a t JOLLY RD. 3680 8. CEDAR 4200 N , EAST ST. 241« N . EAST ST.