Wm* ip v « H H fl i Iif RSI f p p p >■ F^vSvÆSSB^SB';:.- 8 '■*' ^><5 ^ ! re I * SarafiM iÄ jr* K lflM ^I Mw Ml S âSl r E oublM M d 1 9 0 9 V oL 5 3 , N o . 1 0 2 x g k § : *W im § w n u at » Ich. 1 0 P ag es 5 Cent* I $ T O Ü Ü Report N A A C P T o C h a r g e B io s mu Dr. Albert Karsoa, assistant AUSG Votes Against Report charging some cam­ Housing listed in the Univer­ pus agencies with discrimina­ tory activities will be 0ven by sity housing office sometimes does not apply to Negroes, professor of American Thought New Years Day Travel the NAACP Grievance Com­ mittee Thursday. whether It is approved, unap­ proved or married housing, ac­ and Language, sprite on sug­ gestions that the NAACP or such organizations con do or Asks U. & ¡Ppi||I|| ¡IIIH2'4V^O& By SALLY DERR1CKSCN ~ § • The meeting of the campus cording to Syfax. chapter of the NAACP is sched­ uled for 8 p.m. in 31 Union, and “This morning, I made three mere calls. One place might try. “The time is right tor some­ R estraint I Of the State N u n Staff Student Congress Wednesday night passed a bill urging the University to delay the beginning of winter term will be open to the public. was, filled,” Syfax Mid. thing to happen, not «sly hi the KANSAS CITY UH-A Niger­ registration until Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1962. Registration Joe Syfax, East Lansing country, but here on campus,” ian educator asked the United sophofnore apd NAACP presi­ “One lady, who wanted to Karaon arid. “If you want to is s t present scheduled to begin Jan. 2. dent, outlined areas where he rent a floor above where she strike while the iron is hot, States Wednesday to brip Afri­ it it •ft The bill states that the pres­ said the NAACP believes that lived, said after I told her I here are some ways that you can uriversitittr but with re­ ent date planned for registra­ discrimination occurs. The areas the organization was a Negro that her mother was coming back and she did­ can trice the good will In East Tj»n«iag u d direct I t” straint and respect for AfrkSm Aid Iran Students tion presents a transportation problem because of crowded goals. 'Xw is investigating include: M n’t thing her mother would like Re suggested that the NAA­ Ayo Ogunsheye of Univuilttf A tun throwing MSU support highway conditions, and main­ ■State News housing and em- to live with a Negro. CP wok with available cam­ College, Ibadan, Nigeria, said, behind a resolution passed by tains that a one-day delay will ployment advertising; housing “The other call was te a wo­ pus publications, make the “I do not want to see the tow the National Student Associa­ not seriously affect the aca-- offices; placement bureau; di­ man who said that she didn’t most of personal relationships, come when Africans say the tion deploring suppression of dcmic program of the Univer­ vision of student and women’s mind renting to a Negro but and work closer with faculty Americans have too manyfln- student rights in Inin was pass­ sity. The bill will be submitted affairs; athletic department; she thought that I would be un­ and administrative groups in gers in our pie.” , ed by Student Congress Wednes­ to the Academic Senate for rar- exchange dinners; and Panliel happy since it was a_white order to promote better under­ day night. ther action. rushing procedures. Ogunsheye spoke to mem­ Caagreas also passed, a bill neighborhood. standing of the organization^ bers of the American Associa­ “This is the first time AUSG “The State News ads on “I told her I had lived in a “You mint act as if you had has involved Itself ia a resolu­ Han he recom m ending that Berkey housing-and employment do not tion of Land Grant Colleges «pea until m idnight predominantly white neighbor­ faith far humanity.” he said. and State Universities. tion of international character, always apply to Negroes,*’ Sy- hood all my life, but she still “You have to assume there is said Lansing representative nights to attowm Sunday through Thursday Jax told about 40 persons who “By ail means, put your ex­ Dick Winters. “For the first stydy tim e. Thesto durts m ore attended last week’s meeting. said no.” good will on the part of the ad­ perience, wealth and wod will MS points out Syfax said Thursday’s meet­ ministration.” behind education in Africa, but time MSU students have begun that “th ese is no place “In a one-man survey, I an­ to realize the responsibility of eam pus for serious stedy on this swered 18 ads and though*right ing yill be devoted completely The NAACP decided to ex­ please do so with restraint," fa# past to reporting ami discussing the tend personal invitations to said, i- accepting a place as student# in still had housing available, an international context.” 18.39 p.m .” sipee the Henry, these people would not rent to areas of discrimination that be more faculty as well as stu­ for a ll practica l purpeecs, - Negroes. outlined. dents to attend its meetings. Ogunsbeye added, “The The bill urges the Iranian begins closing at that tim e. young people s ! N igeria, w ith government to restore political The group also approved a whom you are going to have and academic rights of students bill creating a Student Diocount U N Ready to Fig h t to d eal 18 and 38 years from bow thei r ambition is not to AIR FORCE SOLOISTS—Prefeeaer of Air Science Cel. involved in a demonstration at Service Board to seek price re­ Tehran University; to release ductions of goods' sold to stu­ he second rate Am ericans, Thomas Barrett presents the pilot’s wings Is Cadets David students who were imprisoned dents. The S.D.S. Board Is to Gizenga Leads 2,000 T roops R ussians, Frenchm en er on July 21, 1981, following the consist of seven students, in­ Sflteaea, Detroit sealer, Richard Bunting, B lissfieid sealer, Englishm en. They want to riots; and to revalidate the cluding a chairman and vice he A fricans, m aking contri­ and M ichael B rickaer, Haaahihi sealer. U passports of Messrs. Patemi chairman approved by Con­ butions to hum anity in their, and Ghotb, president and see gress. In East Congolese M utiny own right. The soft-spoken Nigerian «rid the land grant college is Doorknob Satellite - retary of the national Iranian A great deal of heated debate student organization. arose over the bill to grant^a Copies of the toll are to be temporary charter to the Hu­ LEOPOLDVILLE,. The Con­ refused to_ hand over 13 UN of AlbertvQle, the UN said ment go (A--A ifratiny of more than Italian airmen they had arrest­ about 100 Congolese troops en­ a glorious step in the develop­ of universities, and duct of American creative gen­ a pro­ 35th Diseoverei* sent to the Iranian government mane Societyr- and the U.S. Justice and State '■ One representative opposed Departments. . — 2.000 Congo government troops ed and beaten last Saturday. tered the city and within seven ius.” approval af the charter M the has broken out in the eastern “Several of the airmen were hours Congo, the UN announced Wed­ apparently unconscious as they possible” situation. nesday and diplomats said the were tossed into army trucks,” A Tuesday UN created spokesman an said “im­ the But he added, be transplanted in Africa. The land grant colleges, he it cannot Shot In to Space : Hossein Hosseinmardi, of the grounds that “AUSG would campus Iranian Student Or­ he promoting atheism ” if the ganization spoke to Congress. hffl Is passed.. defiance was under the per­ UN Spokesman George Ivan troops in Albertville arrested rose out of American VANDENBERG AIR FORCE Officiais reported that a “This Is a way," he said, “of “Attow theifumanists to ex­ sonal command of leftist lead­ Smith said. Europeans sod Africans, loot­ African universi­ BASE, C alif. U M U m 35th Dto- stream of signals lad beea-re- expressing sympathy for these ist/’ he said, “but don’t pro­ er Antoine Gisenga. The UN command gave the ed bouses, erected a roadblock ties must rise out of African covto%r rocket shot into orbit ceived within a law minutes of students who are 13,90b miles mote their beliefs.” - The United Nations M id the Gizengaist troops until this in the town and tried to extort .Wednesday for another toy at the tim e tha rocket lif t theifted. away. Tbe students in Iran Other COqcreas members rebellion will be put down by morning to release the prison­ money from paxsersby. “Do not set up U. S. have no voice.” 5? 5S1 pointed out that AUSG was force if necessary. ers or face “energetic action." charged The Katanga government has tfams in Africa,” Ogunsheye perfecting packages a way to recover from space. Riding “piggyback” Tues­ neither approving nor disap­ Diplomatic informants said Gen. Victor Lundula. Gizen- that the UN was as­ said, “but instead harness Two attempts within the lari day w as a doorknob shaped proving of tbe clubs’ ideas and Gizenga, the leftist heir of for­ ga’s former army chief, has sisting the takeover i t Albert­ American resources to the in­ month failed. Only eight cap­ satellite officially n a m e d mer Premier Patrice Lumum­ made a second trip to Kivu to ville. ^ ~ F er mouths Gizenga has to build. _ stitutions which African# wanj sules have been recovered in TRAAC—for transit research aad altitude centre). Its pur- Maeapagal purposes, but merely granting them a temporary charter. “In a democracy.” said one ba, was directing the revolt seek the fliers'- release - aft» the tbnee-yeiur aeries. Six were against central government having been forced to flee on a been building ap a youth authority in Kindu, the Kivu first toy. mov em ent around M e Congo. “The most useful contrlbu caught in the air by tion you could make is to help two were fished from the bgravttstioael planes;, pose w as to check the feasi­ ility of usteg the earth’s Leads in Vote representative arguing for pass­ age of the bill, “Both sides can provincial town north of the At the North Katanga town These youth groups are be­ us solve our difficulties in find­ ocean. field to stabil­ MANILA <*—Vice President be represented: Who is to say secessionist province of Ka­ ttered to he working with toe ize a satellite with Its face Dfosdado Maeapagal, talking -that other groups on campus soldiers at A lbertville, drum­ ing faculty members. Our most The Thor-Agena B combina­ printed like a winner, took an appar­ aren’t just as great a threat to tanga. m ing op an anti-white, anti- urgent heed is to turn out the tion roared skyward at 1:23 e a r th ./ perm aneatly a t the ently insurmountable lead in student mores?” The bill was Gizenga's open-defiance of scholars who will eventually P-M - the UN and the Congo’s cen­ W e a th e r UN bins. the decisive phase of the Phil­ If all goes right, about two ippine presidential election passed. tral government, of which be The UN sent orders to its In- man the faculty posts.” Plans call for the second A resolution introduced by nominally Is a vice premier, idian contingent at Albertville stage, eaee ia erbtt, to eject days after launch, .TRAAC’s yesterday. H is supporters Jack Shea to investigate the was reported three days be­ j H to intervene to halt “mutinous a capsule within the next lew spin rate will be lent than one- claimed victory was already drowning of a youth in the Red fore a scheduled Nov. 18 con­ and lawless acts” by force if Junior Council days. Hawaii-based planes hundredth of a revolution a assured. _ %: Cedar was tabled. ference to which Gizenga has negotiation proved fruitless. will try to aaag its parachate minute. Then, a ground signal iWe made it,” declared Mac- In other action, Congress re­ invited all “true nationalists Diplomatic sources said Gi­ W ill Conduct- on trapeze-like beams. If will be sent to activate electro­ apagal as late returns failed to of the Congo.” zenga set himself up in Kindu they fan, tarface vessels and magnets in the satellite and if give tbe expected boost to hi* ferred back to the Business and Organizations Committee a hill He has , summoned all left- last Saturday, leaving his for­ Committee Rush parachuting sBa divers wftt will start following the earth’s opponent. President Carlos P. wing leaders to set up a new mer stronghold at Stanleyville attempt to retrieve it. magnetic field like a compass. Garcia of the ruling Nacional­ to amend the elections proce­ Lumumbist national "party — in Oriental Province, a from Junior Council is holding In Washington, the Navy Six days later, another signal ista party. However the 51- dure. where he once claimed to rule open committee rush in Old called the launch a success. will Start a satellite motor year-old leader of the opposi­ * called the “Panalu” move­ ment. ~ the Congo as legal premier. éohege Hall at the Union to- The Defense Department an­ which will drive a whip-like tion Libera] party declined to Pay $13 Million The mutiny was disclosed For a time the Soviet Union night, TS p.m. _ nounced IS minutes a f t e r boom— in less than half an Inch make an official claim of vic­ diameter— 80 feet out of the tory until Garcia conceded. NEW YORK (ri—Tbe Metro­ one day after a UN Investigat­ and other Communist bloc Positions on two committees, launching that the second stage ing Commission said that in all countries gave 1dm open sup­ the Bureau of Polling and the had separated and ignited as typ of TRAAC. This Garcia refused to do. politan Museum of New York probability Lumumba and two Rain, fog, warmer port. Academic Affairs committee, planned. It was to burn for 285 In another eight days, a thin With unofficial returns from Wednesday night paid an ap­ of his aides were killed last windy today. The left-wing politician ap­ are open to any interested stu­ secoods. tben was to rind down coil spring with a five-pound more than 75 per cent of the parent record price af 82J mil­ January in the presence of Ka­ Low tonight near 48. parently made his defiance dent. Juniors may sign up for and coastrttrougli space for an­ weight on the «id will pop expected 7 million votes count­ lion for one of Rembrandt’s . tanga secessionist leader Moise High for today near St. final Tuesday when he forced the Special Projects commit­ other 30 minutes before firing from a Impound platform atop ed, the presidential raíce stood: greatest masterpieces, “Aris­ Tshombe. Friday’s outlook, cloudy and two of his former allies, Gen. tee, *83 Class Spirit, or the Pub­ a short 15-second burst to pro­ the boom aad add another 40 Maeapagal 3,000,891 totle Contemplating the Bust of Soldiers at Kindu Tuesday much crider. _ See GIZENGA, Paged. lic Relations committee. ject the satellite into erbit. to <0 feet to the length. Garda 2,383,402 Uimner.” m ss H S m ¡m m RETURNING BO NE tastitele 11 B a B a ttit 4M syaiHMh eicheati|MÉlll fÈÈfr. • • • standing MMkÉMB a t tiw F M I concert sIyene ’;•-; 1 ■%i«sagi»aaiJNa IRRMIIp HPHMR9I H i|W i> ' i w W W W W ^ ^ E - _. . V J l i l g t r g U f f S w S s j p S h 'i -■ —JR*.. ¡i ■H i ALPHA KAPPA PH Shorts senior, to Louise Alien, Darryl A m , Brighton jun- Fraaer sophomore. BT, to I tona Vo«, ‘ DELIA TAU DELTA kr, to Jerflyn Thompson. WH- liamston sophomore. ZM KB Cook, Trenton, N.J.. son-' veY o u r Marty Galasso, Laacaster, tor, to Pat Zriewka, Montclair B y C a th ie M . State CoUefe sophomore aad ALPHA SIGMA PHI ■ % N.Y., senior, to Jaso Match, Delta Theta PH. “Penny Night," sponsored by reraLfroups are taking ad- >will furnish the mnsie. Craig HolUUnder, F lint sec- Detrito junior «m PI Boto Phi. Lae Kahtor, Itorwhead, N.Y., Campus Chût, rifarsene« the vantageige of tonthe extended par- ] SAE is offering prim for the ior, to M arilyn W iner, Flint. John Giech, Detroit junior, junior, tb Predane* Page, ilia ifi to hnve a t non. per­ missions and have pianoed ■dance contest. Atrophy will go to I te g li Vaugha% Salem. Spenceport, N .Y ., sophomore mission without ■ss—mng g thrir social evnots A« Friday {to the first place winners. Sec- ALPHA TAU OMEGA Obli, jnator and Kappa teppa rad Delta Gamma, W functioa Friday. The s s v f end aad third priaw wffl be a Doug Balogfr, Dearborn soph­ Gamma. / “/* cent tickets are en sale in “The T w ist,” a dance fad ¡five dollar gift certificate to om ore, to M arttym e Brown, Jack Durilat, Hott graduato ■ ■ » ■ ■ ■ I I I ! Stt Student Servie« (rem 1 to popular to m any parts of th e : Tom’s Market, Dearborn sophomore and Sig­ student, to Pat Clever, Hott PINNINGS AND S p.m. and daily al the Union nation but just com ing to te! Tbe annual C oronatiojtB all, m a Kappa. ' senior and Detta Gamma. ENGAGEMENTS ticket office. On Friday? tick­ popularity to M ichigan, w ill sponsored by Cadet O fficer’s BETA THETA PI 4 Pattersoo, Jeffersonville. ets will be sold in dorm s and have its “official debut” an ;O nb, wfll tie held to tbe audi- When turning la anaauiee- cam pus Friday. > i torium from • to 12 p.m . Fri- BiU Alldredge, Port Huroa Ind., senior, to Pat KlcCarlhy, m eats of pinnings aad en- sororities. ' graduate student, to Barbara Chicago, Ili., junior, and Kap- A “ Penny N ight” dance will THE “ ALL GREEK TWIST” "day. A free 5x7 color picture gagem eats, t o y : nam e, Baldwin, T raverse City senior pa Kappa Gamma. bem stew a, sorer tty er frntor* ___________ be held 1 a.m wfll be sponsored by Sigm a A l-; wffl be taken of each couple at* from I_p.m . to ______ and D elta Gamma. Bob Aadringa, Wpyland jun­ to the judging pavffloa. S tu -! pba Epsilon to their chapter leading the sem i-form al dance, ■tty affiliations, sad the d a « dents w tth tick ets will be ad- bourn from 8 to 12 p.m . T b e' Gene H all's orchestra w ill play, « DELTA C lff V ior, to Sue D eem , Muncie. ind., year hi scheel. ' _ l: Delta Sigm a Phi w ill hold a junior, and Kappa Kappa Gam m itted free. Duo-Tones, a rock-’n ’-roB band. Allan R ichtm eyer, Brooklyn, ■ n u m ■ ■ ■ ■ costum e party Friday night. N .Y ., senior, to -Carole Schif- m a. "/>-/. __ _____ The FUntotones will play the ier. D etroit sophomore and Chi Omega. FARM HOUSE Vie Mader, Elm Grove, W is., Richard Unirath. Hartford sophom ore. toM arte Herm ann, junior, to Bonnie W eston, West- M ilwaukee. W is., sophom ore Engagements Announced tw ist and other popular dance m usk. DELTA SIGMA PHI ern M ichigan U niversity fresh- ALPHA DELTA PI L a k e,'IB ., junior and Sigm a A “ HAY RIDE” party, giv­ dim Strader. Pittsburgh. P a., man. PHI KAPPA TAU ~ Carolyn Arnold, Flint senior, Nu. en by Theta Chi pledges for th e . senior, to P at Morrow, Detroit Phil Friday, Hartford junior Bdb Josephson, / Elm hurst. to Gary T. Schnike. M ichigan Carol Frink, Detroit sopho­ actives and their dates, w ill sophom ore. • . to E llen Howe, Decatur fresh- 111., senior, w Susan K eene, State U niversity graduate. m ore, to Joseph FlimeB, U n it-: start from the Rowe Ranch graduate and PI B eta Phi. Saturday night at 9:30.' An in­ Art G arrett. Detroit junior, j m *n . D ave S ta a en , D etroit senior, Kathy Cummtog. Livonia ed States Air Force. form al party wiU follow at the to Suzanne Leonard, Rockford Peter Spike. M anchester jun­ sa ilo r, to Joe D e , Boskey. Carol Lotia. Owosso jun»». . . freshm an. "~: ior, to Jean Bird, Adrian Col­ to Diane Sovey, Y psilanti soph­ W ayne U niversity aad Delta to David Oyqrton, M k h ig « ¡«dMH a T S £ e setting wffl set leg e sophomore. omore and Kappa Alpha Theda. Dennis Lohrey. Wausau, .... Arthur UewerL B lissfield John Conover. Grand Ledge Chi. Uiuicnn »OOd fOT D elta Chl’f # is ., junior, to Sharon Me- senior, to Joan Liff, Toledo Un- junior, to Carol Bowen. Bloom- Christie Bogen. Kalamazoo »«r pledge party Saturday night. K am s, Northviile junior. i field H ills sophomore. junior, to Lawrence Quirm. Dan Kimball and his Martets Bernie Balinski, Kalamazoo ivT er. Larrv Hammons Ottawa ! Doug Watson, E lm hurst, IB;, M ichigan S t a t e graduate, VAN HOOSEN . « f i provide m usic for the “ Ski UCLA graduate student and Gail Lopucki. Royal Oak Weetumd.” Bob Omtvedt and roe senior and Alpha Omicron gU Wegt To)edo State U niversity junior. NO SNOW NEEDED—The indoor Ice-rink behind Demon- Lambda Chi Alpha. ' — senior, to Keftneth Winship. hi* “ Fake Kingston Trio” are p i. slrattoa Hall la o p « far skating Tuesday through Saturday . ALPHA GAMBIA DELTA Lawrence Institute of Technof- entertaining at interm ission. KAPPA SIGMA Aaron D aniels, R iga junior, from 8 te 19 p.m ., and Saturday aad Saaday a fternoons --------- I Larry Luke. Grosse Pointe John Kulikowski. B a to u ia .!£ C a r u I B im tin j^ Bronson Carol Ruck, W estchester. 111., ogy senior. sopbomore. to Shan David. from 8 to S aad skates are available for rental. Whether senior, to L arry-L oose, Mid­ Shirley M cIntyre. L incoln , t , N .Y .. senior, to Pat D illon. Wil- Sch°o1 m k T p p a p ih w teter arrives early or late, skating season is here. —State F erris Institute freshm an. m ette. III., sophomore ood Slg. I R W (. M^ , land graduate student and senior, to D ave R h«boftom . T M . f | p | f c M opt Ken Larson, Park Ridge, HU I m à~kappà News photo by Mike Fayne. LambdarChi Alpha. M ichigan State graduate a t j i n . junior, to Sue Osner, G rand’ ALPHA OMICRON PI Boston U niversity. j D e )u D elta D elto will hold LAMBDA O B ALPHA T k » Janice G ase. /S agin aw sen- m jn fo m a i get-together for all Haven junior. Ann Tem ple, Ovid junior, to lor, to Glenn M iller, U n iversity. meff,bers at the chapter house ! Ken Jessm ore. Grosse Pointe j SIGMA NU Bruce Barrow - J?*arborn junior, to Annet® Urso, Grosse - Do», Safreed Albion senior sophom ore, to Zelda Goldman, j P oin teju n ior and PI Beta Phi. lo K a r o n ^ u c e k E a s t L a n ' Iron Mountain freshm an. . j p u j GAMMA DELTA R tren urouceK. u u La» Flash Ski F ashions Aldon D. Balcam , St. Jolms. ALPHA XI DELTA Of M ichigan senior. MASON HALL Friday at 4 pan. Transfer students are wel- I F. Norm B lem aster. St. Clair Dick Bennett, Davison jun Phi. sing sophomore and PI Beta SIGMA PHI EPSILON For College Weekend Nadine Osborn, Trenton sen­ Connie RosS. Berklev fresh -; com e. E r'ertainm ent and re­ ior, to John Vanna. Harrison. man. to Bob Barker. Oakland. frestanent> w ill be provided. Penn?, graduate student and Elw ood Spec km an n. Cedar D elta Sigm a PhL Flowers are a tradition G rove, N .J., graduate student, A college sk i- weekend w ill The t h e m e w ill feature CHI OMEGA Service 4s our custom to Lorelei E . Jacobs. R iver­ be depicted Thursday, at 7:30 cloth es' for skiing, the lodge, Corky K aloesay, Birm ing­ - Lansing Graft ft M b y M M side, IB., senior. jp .m . in the Unkm Ballroom , and sw im m ing, including party at THETA CHI ~ j when tbe SkiG ub puts on its wear and sleep-w ear. ham senior, to Paul Hogan, Birm ingham senior and Phi A N N U AL SHOW . A M ) S A LE ' E arl C besa/ Almont junior, j annualfashion show, B a rn e s F lo r a l - to, “ This is not a straight fash­ Bobbi Jones, E vart s o p h o -----------------------------------------— ion show, but a play featuring Upsilon. o f E a st L an sin g SUe Johnson, St. G air Shores more and Kappa D elta ski cloth es,” said Judy Hoff­ WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE ALPHA DELTA PI For Cooks m an, Royal O ak, sophomore senior, to D ave W toterle, Mich­ November 16. 17 and 1&~ igan State graduate* and' Delta Karen Collin, M idland jun­ and general chairm an. Open Sunday and E v en in g s ~ ior, to Jerry Faloon, F erris In­ stitute junior and D elta Tau Bulletin Tells S “ Using a com plete week­ Sigm a Phi. DELTA GAMMA 12 noon to 10 p.m. -, 215 ANN ED 2-0Ö71 end them e gives « an oppor­ Epsilon. Sandra K larich, Lathrup Vil­ lage senior, to B ill Warnock. Venison Tips tunity to show bathing suits, cocktail d resses, tnRs, aad Mary Lou G ifford, E ast Lan­ sing junior, to Robert Cantrell. Southfield senior and B eta The; aV IC CENTER - FREE ADMISSION U niversity to M ichigan gradu­ Today, the second day of sleepw ear, a s w ell as p a rk « , to P i. ~ ate and Lambda Chi-Alpha. deer hunting to M ichigan, is sw eaters, stretch panto, and Cathie Vickerm an, Dowagiac SPEND A ALPHA OMICRON PI the day for w ives and dates to coats,” M l« Hoffman said. senior, to Larry Pontius, Jack- Carol Los «G ranger, Lake b egin investigating venison re* A ssisting to the production son graduate student and Beta Q m t Says wood, Ohio, ju n ior,.. to Keith | cipes. Theta P i. of the show are Carl Adair, L ee Ann Monroe, Lansing, H EED A P A R T SK I W EEK -EN D SSXSn8*"’.. Tgradw fte ^ .,*t“dc ? t ! A bulletin (No. 253) from the F lint senior; P atty McMahon, ¡UCLA and Lambda D elta Sig-^Extension s e r v ic e gives full H artford, Conn., junior; Jim *m a' c m n in w i ~ and factual inform ation on cut- F ry, Lansing sophom ore; Bob senior, to G e r y W illiams, Princeton junior. ' FOR THAT , I , OMEOA ting, cooking and perservtog Omtvedt, Birm ingham junior; DELTA 8 IGMA PHI «O LD ER D A R T with the ! Linda M ads«». Cleveland, the deer m eat. , Ohio, junior, to Bruce B ail, Un- ] and Alan D ailey, R ochester, B ill Carrothers, Muskegon senior, to Barb H odges. j iversity of M iami senior and The flavor of venison, N .Y ., sophomore. Harold Chappell. Birm ing­ TRY N ancy F lem ing, Montague ■ ¿ .U . S U O M ' Zeta Beta Tau. ~ | som etim es called a “wild Ruth Hankey. Petoskey jun- taste” shenid net be conceal* freshm an, w ill narrate the ham la iio r . to Barb B alls. and ! ior,' to Bob Brown, U niversity j ed, the bulletin states. shew and clothes w ill be mod­ NORTH CAMPBELL HALL : of M ichigan graduate studentj But if it is necessary to cut eled by Judie M eier, Saginaw and Alpha Tau Omega. | the taste, it can be done by sophom ore; D a n a Farden, junior, to Robert A. K illain. Doris L. De P ue. Burr Oak LIMCO AUTO PARTS GAMMA PHI BETA jtrim m ing aw ay the excess fat M assena, -N.Y., sophomore; M ichigan S t a t e U niversity 1332 N. LARCH ST. Nasty to s t F lm iig > M olly E ustis. Birm ingham i on the m eat, where the flavor Char Braden, Pontiac sopho­ graduate and D elta Upsilon. (LOOK FOR THE R E D HOUSE) senior, to Cr A -S m ith , Jackson is centered. more. EAST LANDON HALL senior and E vans Scholar. B ecause venison is a rather Bob Am es, Cortland, N .Y ., IV 2-1303 at the P I BETA PHI Ann L - Peterson. Jam es­ dry m eet addition of suet, btif- sophomore; Sally Fry, Lansing town, N .Y ., junior, to Douglas W e h a v e good u sed 15 a ad 16 inch tiro s Stevie Sumner, G rosse Pointe ter or other fat when using dry freshm an; Frank Buccieri, W. Slade. SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS - A58UAL 8 T Y IE SHOW sophom ore, to Dick K ost, Uni­ beat- methods is advised. versity of M ichigan senior and Park R idge, IB., freshm an; The standard methods of Karen K eating. Spring Lake more? to BiU E ssex, Crystal Katlue B eal, Adrian sopho­ D e lta Kappa E psilon. m eat cooking for beef an ti freshm an; Pam M att, Wil­ « Donna Hockaday, Livonia lam b are m ost successful for m ette, 111., freshm an; Jan TONNNT sophomore, to Jim W aterston. venison. Jurca, D etroit freshm an; John ! U niversity of M ichigan and Phi H owell, Birm ingham junior; D elta Theta. _ - ~ Tbe bulletin suggests the B ill Irwin, Grand Rapids soph­ Utios B a l Room EAST LANDON HALL u se to bacon, vegetables and om ore. -j jfc to b o & iftp ff ¡- S u e Schowalter, H astings fruit ju k es ia im part a bet­ Barbara S c h m i d t , Dear- j - SLACKS : junior, to Marty K leva, Eau ter taste to the tougher cuts born-junior; Judi P avel. - D e­ to-the m eat. Entertainm ent: NORM DUFFY - Claire graduate and Alpha Tau Two m ethods are suggested troit junior; Bob Joynt, Birm ­ i Omega. ingham freshm an; N a n c y MASON HALL for cooking th e m eat: Door Prises - Equipment — Refreshments { Lucinda 1. U se a dry heat (roasting) Brussow, Saginaw sophomore; McClaran, D etroit freshm an, to P ete M etcalf, Un­ for tender cu ts. Fred Curow, E . Lansing soph­ o u r o w n d e s ig n ...o u ts ta n d in g : values Free Admission Door Prises 2. Moist heat (braising) for om ore; Janie Collins, Greens- iversity to M ichigan sopbomore and S lgm r Nu. less tender cu ts. burg, Ky., junior; and Barbara flu e Worsted •• 4, '■ | . *_/" ' Square -Ply The bulletin also includes re- Finn, D etroit senior. (W ith new d p « for Uie several cuts to Clothes from Cam pbell's, PERMANENT Galey A Lend remark- m eat including m incem eat pie, Hurd’s, Jacobson’s, Larra* CREASE* * aMe mfedmam care venison m eat lo a f, soup, barbe­ b ee’s, L effler’s, R am sey’s, Oar finest imported filferie. A washable The,^ J cue and deerburgers Scotch House, Style Shop, and Tbe bulletin can be obtained VanDervoort’s w ill b e modeled a t the B ulletins office in Agri­ and gift certificates w fll be wanted wart fabric. The n aît popolar fa­ feiead of 19% Vyeroa Polyester aad 59% Caftea. AH- seasea bric in ama’s wear, culture H all. awarded as door p r is« . cbaracteriwd by Its PLAIN «right, sheds wrin­ Spartan^Book Store - COUPON • ■ ■ ■ ■ * • ! Clip and Save baci firisb aatf weave. Ia BaratOlive, CharcMl Blown, Ox­ daw FRONT kles . . . stayr atri, is Tas ani «tee. 7.95 ford aai Cambridgr R e c o r d Special6®«*1 «»■ m n » * w « u Grey. IS an 15.93 W ool Twist Walstbbad (a v a ila b le on ly w ith coupon) Cramerton Twill Flat It a ^ - a—a .. a-- Perraaial favorite— Raeford nflb. Ma­ OLD BOOK S H I ■ A ll Albana by Cramerton type Oat ehteo by Gaky aad Lord. One af tbe best Natural to the Taper M ile s D a v i s faferite af »I kind. WaateMe. to Tha aad T a b le s F u ll - a t o u h r 1 0 c ea* 3 fo r 2 5 c Reg. 13.98 Save S1.S0 $ Olive, 13.95 5.95 H u n d re d s M o re F ro m 11c U p ' SA LE P R IC E $ 1 4 7 CORDUROY W ayasm roy— a p rem iam ftm fity corduro y . O liv«, brow n, bw ff, FREE m ALTERATION S p a rta n B o a lf Store ACCOUNTS m ' ■ ch arcoal aad Bark stove. 1 day service AS USUAL * t M g t; fig li P fj ■ ■ : !B eéthoven’& ■ » 5 .5 9 1 », lo w m tf re c o rd p r ic e » Im M k M fm m 296 East Grand River Com er Ann & M JLC . 9 g fà iiio o & s R p f f Cm m v* p rin t n i m » E tel m m m ' • ■ ■ • I m.m m 2 07 MJLC. m m.m • i l « « « & m Sjjp ® G w Picture this: Her* is ■‘ •i f :; ^ * • ÍV5S man rtem; otar there is a twin bad; osar the window is • - 12 / AT THE MHHTM RJM si sturdy desk; in one corner are thedrsswrs. I Jjî:T;. ‘V' ;ÿ>Ç: 3: v ‘ - ■r Okay, tha dear Is opened Fiction, «tan d cenerai mag­ aad hers they come. Iks men azine reporting wUl be d£- / T M M IC , m i f iitd m r mareblnf into the cussed « .* tea Tuesday at 3 rw a. Yon can few the ten­ pja. atthe Union, Parlor C. th». Hlsteryfc bring made. Ask then what they’re doing aad they shout hr arisen: Marjorie Ferguson, college contests editor far Mademoi­ selle will tate with studenti The Gene Hall Orchestra “Records are made to be about the magazine*» teres broken! Records are m ade to be broken!” contests. TkMs AvaHakk At Ttw Door Tha tea 1s sponsored by AWS Certainly records are m ade Activities Board. to be broken. Ask Yankee slug­ ger R oger M aris. He’ll te ll you records are m ade to be broken. FÜTUtiE P O U CHOPS-Testkg for the fat r i o t M i s and gtar fana And indeed be did brim kDbbe animals before riaagliler is’Dick Gnaedlager, gradéate assistete te tee ateste Ruth's hom e run mark- Ishsrafory. —teste News pbste by1John Erskiae. Wb0im Íí/*- A te E lvis Presley! H e’ll tefl you every one of H i records w ere m ade to b e broken .- . . into MO p ieces and tossed down the Incinerator. Device Show s M eat But w hile MSU m en are breaking room jam m ing rec­ peeved method o f m easuring ords, MSU women have no d ates because there ju st are no m en avaUable. So what db and recording data b yem p k iy- ing a therm al conductivity cell. The c e ll m easures th e concen­ C o m b in e d G le e C lu b you do on Saturday or Friday nights? '_ The poor girls have to sit tration o f helium in the chant* ber t h r o u g h tem perature changes and electrical resist­ C o n c e rt back in their room s. B ut there ance. . ■'"X-:. are som e who refuse to stay in. their room on date night. They have one alternative. So they G naedinger’s I m p r o v e d methods obtain m ore accurate readings of tbe variables in­ NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY casually walk down by the Red volved; tem perature, hum idity Cedar. and breathing of the anim al in H ave you -ever dated a Mal­ the cham ber. A s a result, a lard duck? It’s /th e craziest m ore exact m easure of fh e fit^ thing in the world! ness and leanness of the living Those girls who thought i anim al can be calculated in a they w ere steeping down lew Imuch shorter tim e: te g e o et with an “im m ature” Saturday, November 18,1961 C o m p le t e O p t ic a l Curt RundeB, Editor; Linda ■■ 8:00 P .M . - Lotridge, A sst E ditor;- J eff S e r v ic e Howard, Copyeditor; Jackie Big Ten Room - K E L L O G G C E N T E R Korona, R eview s; R usty Schus­ ter, Art W riter; U te A rid, R e­ S I TICKETS AT UNION TICKET OFFICE view s. - F R A N D O R j^ ^ WS» t e w J W» A p lu | 6 . ,^ A A »ointment Permute V Sw ^f v - V # Nsessesiy rim ! k B R fr Offices af: Dn. J. Ckristis aad H. 8eckwiHi, Optometrists iN o w B U p en ; r On Reading Under New Managemen t By JOHN KLEMPNER State N ew s Staff W riter On reading Jh i the State Try HENRY’S O n c e ...Y o u Will Be Back Often . . . about the penny-a-min- ute deal this Friday night: Fallout Discussed One for a penny, The fa cts about fallout and Ten for n dim e, Why net spend two bits for the pros and cons of fallout a rCany good tim e. shelters w ill be discussed at a public m eeting, sponsored by the Lansing Com m ittee for a There’s dancing till one. SANE, nuclear policy, in the and after It’s done, assem bly room of the E ast For just She you’ve an Lansing Savings and Loan as­ hour of fun. sociation tonight a t 8 p.m . Four m em bers of tbe faculty G irls, give it nu pause, of M ichigan State U niversity aad tell not year m aws; and a student w ill present facts no m atter whal happens, about fallout from the view ­ it’s for a good canse. points of scien tific knowledge, civilian protection, and nation­ So do what yon w ill— a l and international im plica­ a nickel a thrill— tions of continued nuclear test­ and stay eat all righ t for ing and. nuclear weapons as an a fiv e dollar bfU. instrum ent of w arfare. CHEESEBURGER SHRIMP BOAT" 7 .72 DOUBLE BURGER CHICKEN BOAT -,1 .2 5 M Qk and Ice Cream DOUBLE^ {}/% chicken) ~ CHEESEBURGER COCA COLA .1 0 - a s HOT DOG ORANGE ~ — rlO -.1 5 GRILLED CHEESE ROOT BEER .1 0 -.1 5 T his ia the Bulky that understands fashion — our new "Garland Ruggleepun, ragged and husky but so ft and FISH SANDWICH COFFEE A TEA .1 0 -.1 5 flat-knit te r it e you the faahion details you love. Bars te FIUSffCH FRIES oar Ruggieupan version o f the imported ski-jacket style, y% Gal Plain Homogenized HOT CHOCOLATE .1 2 — 19 detailed for fu h fon beauty — contrasting border, Coin ONION RINGS battens anid o f course a front that rips up. In rich Garland (th e heat in town) MILK (white & choc.) .12 colon , and a t such a modest pries! S ises 34-40. FISH BOAT SHAKE 16 ox. .2 0 ¡ This Style / I /) ; i 1 Gal all flavors Skirts to Match M ake H e n r y ’s A H a b it 1201 East Grand R iv e . . . ami 3055 East Michigan — Just went of Frandor H E N R Y / sT / D R I V E - IN S W ANDA HANCOCK .W fAÉM ifi® ISt>ilS O n e B io d i W e st o r Michigan Avenue '& K§&àìÌti*tíiúij. H aSasaB i HB9 wsgsm g Ä w «P RH P s j j f p p p ig e * ^ -w n liPIL ■ w a a ss .s • w > * MMÉb BSb ì — nrniMM"iiTiiirinmirnuimi i |g n g M B jj M j By- PAUL SCHN1TT this would be the starting Une- year anil ii Ted bit. Of t t i State New* Staff Michigan R a le ’s head basket­ ball coach, Forddy l | l i n j i , T r; P ete Gent, at one forward; thè MW l i H I M P 1member of toe B ill tan testest 6’ 9”. : ^ ^ to .ttorlM K h i threatened by torn, iaifiaoaaad Wisconsin hi M H m c m not boast any Jerry Lu­ B a r r ie r D ick I . . a *’I<” IJun- Legato Sanders will bo . . . YOU EXPECT VA R IETY cases or Terry D ischtogers on tor at the other fenrord port able after tha Rose Bowl ‘ ' w - J a.m. ruu lu CMca- h is squad this season . tion; S ' 3” junior Jack Lamer* should Mtnnasofa Ohio PMk,tbe^>ar- YO V G B T ~ m Literally he can ’t because and I* 2" captain Art Schw ann and Purdue ditrltait toN__ win Jerry Lucas w ill not be trans­ a t the guard slo ts.“ Past dens. if any J f tha throe mm,vwMU| u tiea so CUPPERT STREET ACROSS FROM ferring to M ichigan State from H ail w as the starting forward schopto mo invited aad accopt i what aooears to be for Monday**í Ohio State. And Terry D uchia- la st season and the highest then Loads wfli begin basket- ^ tq u g h e rt lto ttle rtu c e 1963 o f ® a ‘ " FRANDOR ger refuses to quit Purdue. scorer for the Spartans. But he ball practice foQswiig the Ifc Ite-yM W 'llS a-ftop tty four Amateur A tontas o f Figuratively speaking, Coach m issed the first two w eeks of nois game. pointo over namer-up Iowa "■M UÉ* Anderson feels that the Spar­ practice with a pulled thigh Imrar whidi took second in t t S lp t aftair. bnters toe meet tan basketball team is not going m uscle. to h a v r any standouts to the ex­ “ He is recovering slow ly and tent of the Boilerm aker or is quite a bit behind at this IM Schedule with a perfect dnal meet ree- iwnr siiMinni W«d m ord for torn saaaonr. Hie Hawk Buckeye - both all-Am ericans point.“ Forddy said. Football first-string .gsard la tts ' ab»< eyes are undefeated to dual Thursday, Nov. 1* sens* : w as also high point skipper in h tod lvision . tontRQKflB :: -\ Crewing for them were B rookfield, 111. sophomore D ave W etzel and Bloom field H ills senior, E d M ulock. - Bob Dixon ft T erry Brenner w are the w inners of the Mich­ igan State 1960-61 Intramural Handball doubles tournament. A Continental Holiday that YOU sas afferri. . . - sponsored by WSWM (9 9 .1 on your FM dinl) and College T ravel- • 17 days lit PARIS, MADRID, AMSTERDAM and PALMA r • leaving March 4 from New Y ork via KLM DC-7C • Transportation, hotels, sightseeing Included in ^ U, • McGREG0R‘Polar Brogue , Ptfco ' Bugged toofctot. rag ed wmriof! Brogue confumy w ovte by Coaa MiHs. . . in a cost that’s invincible «p»— icy wurther. Lined with “Polar Pha” of 100% pure sheeps’ wool t o t a l ONLY $ 4 9 7 7 ° with Monty cotton, this handsome mid-wale coedniay keep* you w ans without weighing you down. Maasive balky laid ($ 5 0 down, 2 4 montilo to pay) n tab ckauie collar, rich button bole detail. , . it goes aad goto Toroyton't Dual fNter in duas partes divisa atlP' through a hundred storma. The now law off s w a m excursion fares introdaced says veteran coach Romulus (Unde) Remus. “Ws have a ~ - POLAR BROGUE by KLM and special arrangements concluded with saying over at tha Coliseum -Tkreyton separates the gladia­ hotels and sightseeing compaines in Rvropc make tors from the gladioli’. It’s a real magnus smoke. Tike it S3M B S tbis trip a rsnl bargain. ~ from me, Ihrsyton delivers de guatibua-and the Dual FlRer doesitt** ' ■ Pick up nmro Safomsation about tbla once in a lifetime tonr to Europe at bargain rates at . HOLDEN $ REID D U A L F IL T E R FR A N D O R Store Hoars: * to I every day except Sat., Sat. M ISQ W. GRAND «V E R — BAST LANSING mm “ FAMOUS BRANDS FOR DAD AND LAD” (Jort Raptof PooptosChurch) m m k S B I h Thè junior cla ss unveiled a swaeptng npw reorganization in claaa government Thursday in- cerp an tin g a w ng look a t the 1 A portion of the coilecttea, fioa canto!« a colored piala by A ll D « t - 1 0 . . « . t o i lì fatare ^ a critical look at ■ t i d e d re la tia a r f a r t t e p » Koch said, contests of t i pUyi Prilftérpa. hand on the writings of o n - According to Koch, the first Ject thas far. MM* ■r~~ ’ ‘ n i E* Evenings •; Dick W aters, president of 91 volum es of “The Dickens­ “ But wo also want to bring /M ost of th e p la y s worn writ­ E lm B e g in n e t J Contort!, announced the new in fresh m aterial so th at w e ian” ara included to the coUec- pian to governm ent which fea­ ten without Dickens’ approval, ttoa. - r- have new ideas,” Winter* said. and he was exasperated a t The ttbrarjr obtained the' col­ tures intensified work toward - W inters’ plans are revolution­ law s which gave th e novelist analyste and im provem ent of aa protection. ~ lection from the library of ary to class governm ent H e com m unication between foreign Charles and Jam es Langstroth, has set out to prove th at even aad Am erican students. though the university ha* over Kadi ahs said the Mhrasy who specialised to collecting la clpided to the plaa is the 20,000 students, there’s still received an extra MuitieM books by and about D ickens, ertaM tehmeat of a bureau plenty of room for the individ­ •dtttenaf Mark Dlektas Mag- Koch said. of petite», «St up to give the ual. todlvhtosl student à greater Individuality Is much o f the veéee te studsut governm ent. reason for the bureau of polling, established t o t th e first tim e “We feel that both United this year under the teaderehip States and foreign students are of the cla ss a t 1063. here for g common academ ic purpose,” W inters said. The polling bureau w ill gath­ er the opinions o f a represen­ “ In a university of 700 for­ eign students where there is tative cross-section of individ­ uals on various aspects of col­ a definite international outlook lege life. i - T, m any are 'not receiving the benefits that can and should be “The organizations aad g tv - received by an exchange of eram eats here eaaM be cteser knowledge between foreign and to the students If they w ere United States students,” he i a outgrowth of stadent opin­ said. ion,” Win te n said. In short, the plan is what am ounts to a P eace Corps at The polling bureau has been established on the prem ise that hom e, be said. — students do have opinions and The J-Council has hopes and that their opinions can aid to plans to achieve com m unica­ student governm ent T ie ideas tion through the use of discus­ sions and lectures on interna­ tional affairs father t h a n also give the claas a stronger voice for the students to m at­ ters that are referred to the with DISCOUNT PRICES and TOP VALUE STAMPS, til ! through social gatherings. all-U niversity governm ent. “ B ecause of this eommon The J-Council took a long academ ic ground, this Is the kind of area to which- we can look at the work o f past cla sses this year and decided their con­ MÖRRELL SMOKED U. S. GOVT. INSPECTED OVEN-READY foster advantageous relations tributions to be practically val­ Between United States and for­ ueless. W inters is aim ing to eign students,” Winters said. give students a voice through H a m s T u r k e y s ^ Shank Portion long-leg Is p e r fe c t fo r v p u Butt Portion Center Slices 79/ 10-16 Lb. Sizes *. 35/* * t A G \ h BeÎsvilles 3« Sodbam Star Pasckkas KING SIZE FRANKS BOOTH’S SHRIMP «— *2.19 MICHIGAN PURE BEET S U G A R (with a $540 or niora purdwsa and coupon at right) » Crushed, Chunk, Tidbit ft. tm-SSSUU DM* WAIST cant wrinkle, m il, bind I X. nnMKMLASTIC" TWCR I T I t o P a re WOVEN INTO 3<-*1 DOLE PINEAPPLE 49< vtth a $5.00 or more purchase and this coupon la your Wactora Mich. Kroger store thru Sat, Nov. th e stretch fabric! Fertf/tee control —tummy, bipa, der- Ftwon PJL - r- _ . Us "1941 LIMIT: ana coupon par cmtoanr. rie re : eliminates girdle weight, b u l k l n e s s , rigidity! to. A I M T W P M TU I1LAY overcomes perspiration preb- CAKE MIXES 3<-*1 SQUASH _ p»,10< tem of other girdles -.cooler, more comfortable! 4 . LMMT AS A M K B I More control per ounce than' an y othe r girdle! CALIFORNIA PASCAL JUMBQ STALK Napoo, no bulky panels! « s NKLAX-WXAVK t* t sttwtNtebwtrM e eaaet T . TMMMI I HM r o to f to til « In b lack and w h ite — O nly CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA! VBST O U » NEW GIRDLE AND BRA DEPARTMENT J 'M E E T LOIS COMSTOCK, RUED WITR 9 -OZ. SPOTLIGHT ESTANT COFFEE Caupaw good ia your Western Midi Kroger rtero thro Sa»., Mpv. It. 1ML EXPERT FITTER &SKafc . LIMIT ana coupoa par curtomar ' W m m m M m the parking kgs helpe to w g d B lP v J P DAVE JABHNK2 : off car strippers sa g hub>c|p • ,'O f the State N e«ji «MR collectors. .... feeing a full-tim e public safe­ S Next a foot-patrol of the wom­ ty officer and a part-tim e stu- en's dormitory areas. Hera the ttent is nothing new to m en of corporaf pits Ms experience th e Departm ent o f Public Safe­ against the prowler and the ty window peeper In a job that la The departm ent is the only often cold and w et, and always p olice unit in M ichigan, and dangerous. one of the few In the country, 'T h e shift is alm ost over. I t * to demand a t lea st two years of midnight shift Is com ing on college from applicants to the duty. Tonight Corporal Yarr- fe r n . ington w ill get home in tim e,to _ The force Is com posed t i t 24 spend several hours studying m en. Ten of th ese men hare for tomorrow’s cla sses. Tomor­ earned their bachelor degrees. row night he m ight not get F ive of these, including the d i­ home at all. Above, all, be is A rector of the departm ent, Rich­ full-tim e policem an. ard 0 . B ernitt, are working on a m aster’s degree. ■>;' Tw elve other officers are working on degrees. But all tit this em phasis an academ ics does act detract from the efficiency of the de­ partm ent. The men are hired by the U niversity as faff-tim e I policem en and work a min­ imum of 41 hours a week. They are restricted by the departm ent to two courses a . term , taken during ¿Off-duty . hours. The cla sses are consid­ ered secondary. Many of the men are veter­ ans of other police and sheriff \ departm ents. One is a form er State policem an. The men resigned from their form er jobs in many cases in order to finish their education. Corporal Ben Yarrington is one of these men. A form er M idlaod, police­ NIGHT BEAT—Often cold and w et, alw ays dangerous. man he cam e to'M SU to fin­ Corporal Ben Yarrington, D ep t of Public Safety, radios ish working toward a degree ia an accident Caused by w et pavem ent —State N ew t in social work which be be­ photo by D ave Jadurig. gan ta Iowa. He would like to ^ ga Into probation or parole officer work. Union Board Rush He is 29-years-old, m arried and has three children. H is w ife Signup Is Extended is a reserve school teacher in of the shop for fosag gentlemen the Lansing public school The deadline for Union Board tq fam iliarize them w ith toe system . W eek signup has been extend- Union fa cilities. T his year’s He. goes to cla sses from U ed from Friday to W ednesday, dates are January 23 to Febru- each morning until one in the according to A1 Schram m , Buf- ary 3 and w ill be follow ed two afternoon, but there any resem ­ falo, New York, junior. ' w eeks la ter b y Unton Board blance to the average student Signup is open to m em bers Bu«h S ends. of a ll c la sse s and is being held At 3:30 in the afternoon, he at the Union Board desk in toe becom es Corporal Yarrington. first floor Union concourse, ^ The school books are put w ay and the uniform 4s. put on. A vailable to signers w ill be From now until at lea st mid­ work on planning com m ittees night, he is an on-duty police­ for the variety show, fashion m an, responsible for the pro­ show, publicity, program s and tection of persons and property tick ets, dance, and decorations. on the MSU cam pus. J a » show work w ill not be open to those enrolling for prep­ H is cerptraT s stripes m ake him a supervisor la the ab­ aration of the w eek's activities. Union Board Week is spon­ FrandorAlto Was! sen ce af a sergeant. If a sored once each year to better sergeant is net on duty, he acquaint students with the Un­ F randor S h op p in g C antor brief* the sh ift about to go ion Board and its activities, and on duty, explaining to them the happenings tit the day and relaying any m essages from the shift going off-duty. F r a n now until be goes off V arsity Drive In ■ duty anything can happen. U s­ 1227 E. Grand River u ally it happens when be least expects ft. - Opeo Every Bay ' ' One a t h is fellow officers de­ scribes police w eek a s “hour DoBooiy Sanrtoo upon hour o f boredom , pan- Pot Wor m*, Hatton»! Coll«o» Oman] touted with m om ents o f terror.” 8 :3 0 p.nu • 1*30 a .m . Perhaps one o f those m om ents Sunday 5 :0 0 m b * * 1 :3 0 «.nt«" W h a t d o e s t h i s l o v e l y C o lle g e Q u e e n w ill occur ton igh t The evening rittft hag m oved w a n t i p h e r d ia m o n d r i n g ? from too headquarters quonset Mies Pat Weaver.AmeHca’a National Collejge Queen, aw yealed her feminine taste as well as her practical eenee when asked about diamond rings. She selected as her favorite the lovely A«carved Evening Star—one of Artcarved’s award- winning designs. Why did toe choose it? Because of its H breathtaking beauty end guaranteed quality. You see, every S IC F L IC S Ártearved ring is guaranteed in w riting for all the years to come by America’s most respected ring maker. You buy it with confidence—wear it with pride. Ifitk your local Artcarred Jeweler and see why Artcarved diamond raga heve been the choice of millions for more i titan a century. Perhaps yen can «tart hinting for your« now! . NATIONALLY A D V ER TISED IN A M ERICA 'S LEADING M A GA ZINES D I A M O N D A N D W E D D IN G R IN G S J. R. Wood A Son», Inc, D o p C C P J t t i t t. 4tKh St, Now York 17, I*. Y. PIm*o arad a n atan fact* about diamond ring* aad "Wedding Cuida for Bride aad Groom." Alto n o n o f n**r> rt (or keawtewa) Artcirved Jeweler. I i n M in M a ttis w a s P layb oy’s P la ym a te o f th e m on th fo r N ovem ber 1960. Com o fat and Addtoea. m eet h er. R eceiv e an au tograp h ed p ictu re o f h er. .County or ¿ » A “Headquarter» for Artcarved W IN *75.00 IN PRIZES! Diamond* and Wedding Ring»' “Thanks, M nFrobish-but I still think NtMig la tofi aaiMag to «nits. Ant asm ia m i W rather have C H E S T E R F IE L D S !” ragistar. Ym nay to fea tenar af a vakaMa prim. D a n i e l ’s J e w e l r y 287 South Washington TOBACCOS nlUQS 20 WON] AOCP f llW P t P M ILD-NOT FILTERED im WTñ S fili mm 7 :! .7^ . J 7 “ m i of Mx real teU- > € m ñ m & 4 m m stita* to sea oneyell e through the teas of others, ted that a student’s academic per­ M K is m l only related to MKCHAS« '•:?* æ T » Cävil äj§| Sèi « much “intelligence" he actually tow, but to how intelli­ gent ho thinks he is. WASH-N-WEAR Data** jpt tr : ' ■ ,t - -Z-. FLANNELS itoitepM » ^ p a iM ft dffifcolt far By SUE ENGLE ttst,” j w ..... tel viewer to irate MBit to circulation of awlgnod ItoiteètitetoM . which to ac­ probably **rly Mat year of a h r e r e b ffiN r ite te a y te ti» t o * Of the state News ! Students with confidence to P J I P # ffiythteg The Michigan State career mark for y a n k gained passing Is held by All-Am erican Ear! OHtt *4” VARSITYBHOP W state J im Staff coaid he used to d ip t families their own ab ilities con receive M nrrall, who threw for 2,915 g» ABBOTT ED. E. LANS. so It's nst Hfesfy that it wffl.be counted fur tqr mhUeras,” h i to care af auctear attack. p | botter gradés than those who This is one o fth a masons it Turnatilas la to* library hare yards, in the 1963-34*81 seasons. stolen.” v--f*y% said. b i t e poor opinions of -themsel- is net uncommon to hear s bean wall received, «¡cording He Slid that the microfilm 4 Regularly, Ijm botes a ' A spokesman for the office girl shy she “can’t do":math” v es, according to findings of t i to Dr. Richard E. Chapin, di* would beauppiemeuted by ad­ week are checked sat to both tit Emergency Weaning said re­ recent study m ade by the edu­ or. a boy complain that he rector «: libraries. “ Although it'i toe early to ditional copies in print. featral and assigned nadtog circulation. The Installation of (bo turn­ Chapin s a i d w h a t e v e r stiles also aOows more time for System was asttetlBbed for ref­ cently that It tha test is sue- cessful the next step may be to cational research departm ent. Conducted b y D r. Wilbur Brookover, assistan t hi change “cant do English,” even though both fiwir potentials may be THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY tell tf the aw aher af theft* obtain congressional financing U v e b eta reduced, Bret to* diretto— are that both Bre­ vity aad etadeato have ac­ keeping the reading rooms in erence, an attempt would h r order, rtw p b said . made to have it meet the needs Shelf readtag; to put books of students. for setting upthe system oa a nationwide Halil. of rarearte and publication tor tha College o f Education, too study inm cstod that am ong m ' The attitude of 0 stageat to­ ward o particular subject has a direct influence on the amount SPiQAL creted them ,” he *aM. in order a s wall a t look for It tevotvao apodal equipm ent num ber o f students having tha of progress he can mghe, the “If we set hears tor refer­ to send the abate im pulse sam e IQ, those with file highest study' wettd. ;ffl: ■ RENT A DEER R IF L E “ I can te ll by the number m issing ones, to how com pleted ence help, Just «1 professors about every tire weeks where set office hears, aad the stu­ self-concepts w fil em u' oC~Complàints I receive,” said through norm al electrical cir- do better than those with low Another Hading Of the pre- Chapin. form erly it w as done perhaps dent is nst tele to meet that cuits—equipm ent that would joct was that people who are once a term . time, we wffl arrange it whea self-concepts. “significant” am important FO R THE REGULAR “ ‘When the checking system probably have to be purchased A-large num berof junior-high in the reading room* w as in­ Ha said-that coat of the turn­ he eaa," he said. w ith public fund*—and the buz­ school students who partici­ to toe student Can easily te- stiles had been offset by the Chapin said he thought oth­ fiueace his naif eaaccpl- itiated a couple of y e a n ago cost tit labor used to conduct ers of the sta ff wodM he w ill­ zer d evices, which each fam ily pated in the research project W EEKEND RATE 7 I »had people com ing with all dem onstrated that there Is a ff his parents or others close inspections in the individual ing to cooperate with this plan. would buy individually and sdita of com plaints. This year that hasn’t happened.” libraries. 7 H They a re p r etty dedicated and ¡dug into a suitable electrical tendency t a both men and women to feel inadequate in to 1dm constantly r a ta to him! as being “slow ,” “ rtupld,” orj RENT-A-RIFLE RATES ;He said that it w as too early “This week the library is go­ would com e a t odd hours if the connection in the hom e. The fields of study usually dom i­ a “ poor student,” be begins to] to ton whether or not the turn­ in g into its b iggest general cir­ students needed service then. buzzer to about the size of two culation of the torn, based on One hundred fu ll tim e staff nated by the other sex. evaluate him self in these term s 1 and perform s as if they were] W E E K E N D . . . . . . . . . . $ 740 stiles had reduced the number packages "of cigarettes and Social custom s of sex dif- 01 thefts, since a com plete in* statistics o f p ito reoratton,” m em bers, about h alf of them Chapin said. Ho attributes this professional librarians, a r e 'Should not cost m ore than $3 to W E E K L Y . . . . . . . . . . ;1«.00 vèntory had not been m ade. ?*We like to think of the turn- to the fact th at term papas be­ regularly em ployed at the li­ | 5 . the spokesm an said. SERVING YOUJ S EA S O N A L 15410 com e due about this tim e. brary, F ifty students also give A cityw ide test to Charlotte. stjles a s m erely a rem inder to “Last w eek war the high part-tim e help. WITH 4 BARBERS— ^ those who forget to check-out books,” Chapin said. M ich, la st year was a com plete su ccess, th e spokesm an said. Special Last Week Offered !“ We still have to rely on the Dohm's Barber Shop losolatod Hontiig Boole 10.88 basic honesty of a student.” •He said that those who are going to steal books find ways Leadership T op ic The Im pulse activated alarm d evices to schools, office build­ ings and other public struc­ td do it anyway, !“ And stealing or tearing pages out of printed m aterial A t B ig 10 M eeting tures. . No date for the statew ide test has b o o n announced, the B-18Fraadof Avsnue : (C on cou rse) Spartan Sports & Hobbies i* ridiculous when you can -spokesm an said, but funds were Tuesday —Saturday 8 :0 0 5:30T 222 Ann Street Emt I«wal«»y m ake a copy for five cents an Leaders should work, not just betw een leaders and follow ers,” exposure,” Chapin said, refer­ accept honors, R obert R ay, R ay said . Loaders m ust also appropriated tar ft by the last „ Frandor Shopping Center ED 2-6416 ' ring to the Xerox equipment be able to bounce back after session o f congress. dean of special services a t the failures, b e told the group. available for m aking duplica­ State U niversity of Iowa, told tions. r - The m eeting w as to review the. representative at the Big He said the m ost common plans for the spring B ig Ten Ten R esidence H all P resident's conference to be held at Indiana favorable com ment on the turn­ Conference tit their m eeting on U niversity, April 6 ; ? and 8 , and stiles was that now a student the Iowa cam pus recently. PUNNED TRAINING PROGRAMS can go anywhere in the library the 1962 fall m eeting to be held with m aterial from another Sharon R ies, Tecum seh sen­ at M innesota. Them e of the ior, president of Women’s In­ spring m eeting w ill be “ R esi­ room . ^ Turnstiles had been installed te (residence Council, and Ken dence H alls in International ntainly so that staffers would Applegate, Englishtown, N .J., A w areness.” hpve^piore tim e to give refer­ sen ior, president of Men’s H alls L ast spring’s conference at Asociation, attended the confer­ M SU ,-considered by many to en ce'service he said. ‘ “ As y et a definite pregram ence as representatives of MSU. be one of thé best student-run “Leadership candot work w ell conferences, was review ed at has not been developed, bat unless there is good harmony the m eeting. ...to start your career fre are coasideriag som ething Hke establishing r e g u l a r hoars when students can Come for reference help.” TO N IG H T! offered by PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY * ' — J C om m unity C ircle P layera *A part of the program w ill j be to increase ca lls for the pur-1 p resen ts chase of periodicals on’ m icro - 1 b y A n ton C hekhov fQm. Chapin said that Time Maga- “ UNCLE VANYA” ...3rd in reraises among zine had just been obtained in: this form and that the library Would begin to get other maga- ! November 16, 17, aad 18 Córtala 8:30 p.m . -C ir c le Playhouse 1121 Sheridan Street investor-owned electric and gas utilitiesI zines on m icrofilm heavily used ! Phoae IV 5-8040 Located 2 blocks aorth fir references. General Admisión - 82-66 and 2 blocks ea st e f Penn, ' / ‘T his w ill a ssu re th a t th e re ] Stadeats with I.D . • 81.00 and Saginaw Street i^ a lw a y s a copy a v a ila b le fo rt t h e F it Completely R e m o d e le d I n A n A ll N e w S o u th S e a Is la n d A tm o s p h e re H am b urger P a ttie w ith P írea S anea to P la n C h eese Servad On B un T R IE D T H E P IT B U R G E R So* Our repretentative PUBLIC SERVICE OPEN lliO O Â.M. DAILY when 1m visit* your college on ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY Pizzas & Delivery Service JANUARY 16 J U w irk , IIb * I i r s t i r Phone E D 2-0863 203 M A C . .. . . y - .i-.,-.»« . »-• l l B É8ÈI board. í^¡£, * whgn tha* flaw two UN planas Harry White w as elected gen* (continued from page 3) eral -Ihnfftr—***** a f aD e a a a É - said that if S t a W ar* «HB "A n d the MSU man have te st teca f o r tha Wjntertaad WhfrL alive they may be hdd as bost- jam m ed the m t il fellow into V eterans w bhtag la particípale agaa agstest a UN attempt to the room to break th e world re­ in any aspect e f th e Whirl cord. But that little guy h rlh a should contact W hite o r one a f corner Still h a s that bulb to the officers. unable to say axactly w hat Gi- his mouth. t t t zraga w as ttyteg to addava ' And do you know what? It's W ilbert Snow. New Ragland w ith h is drastic m ove. T he m il B larin g on and off. poet, w ill be guest of honor a t area of t i» CMgo h e has sa­ a coffee boor ia A a Honors Col­ laried a s h is weadqaartore, Kivu Province, is a s cu t off U n d e Tom’s Boys won the from entolde sources of aid a s Michigan Stria 1960-61 Intra-, leg e Lounge Friday a t 3 p.m . Snow, in addition to h is po­ etry , is a teacher and lecturer. W ir »1« w as his form er stronghold of m oral All-University Basketball Oriental Province . tournament-; - ,r £ He w ill present a talk Thursday evening of M week ratified ‘ Robert Frost, the Man and WOOLWORTHS his P oetry” id 3 p.m . hi the FRANDOR ^ auditorium of B essey Hall. W O OS t H W O t tS C T F R O M "TNI STBATFOea FSSTtVAl OF CANADA *4 SMASH SHOW!-A BOWtm SOCOSS! G IL B E R T a n d S U L L I V A N 'S It doesn’t matter how you get there ------- Just g o to LO U IS for cleaner clothes. CleaMr aad Skirt Laaadry TICKETS - 3.25, 2.75, 2.25, 1.50 All Seats Reserved T ick ets Now On Sale At The • Disc Shop. E a st L an sin g • P aram ount N ew s • C ivic C enter B ox O ffic i H. Kositchek & Bros GLADMER IN THE CO LLEG E NOW! LAST 3 DATS! a s that B R AN D R O U N D -U P defighful darin g HOLLYGOUGHTLY1 GRANITI 1st Prise — 1 PH1LCO 23” TV Sot . W o rs te d s in 2nd Prize — 1 PIHLCO 8 Transistor Radio | ~ S LA C K S th a t P rizes will be displayed at Campus Book Store. STARTING SUNDAY! 1st prise a f l be awarded to may group, fraternity, sorority or individual accunutlriteg the highest munber of points. M X? nur cfxsr or The WAVE! 2nd P rise w fl he iv w M T * any individual accumulating the highest number JOtN 1. Contort open to s i students. - 2. Each em pty package sa b a itted on Marlboro, Parliam ent, er Alpine w ill have a value o f S points. Kach em pty package sa b aitted on Philip M orris Regular or Commander will have a value a f 19 paints. 3. Ctestag d ale, tim e aad location where empty packages mnst be turned to wM he indicated ia year cam pus newspaper. - 1. Catrfcs « ■ aot be accepted after d otin g time. Empty packages mnst be H A W A I I aiimdtted to bandies of S9. Separate year 5 aad 19 point packages.. « Contest Closes Frid ay, November 17,1961 Fo r information call: . E . Hester B216 Bailey H all Phone 335-5676 Get On The Bandwagon . I f * Lots O f Fu n ! | ■ if ? ''. Save Yo u r Packs H . Kositchek «fe, ~ & Bros. 1 U N . W A SH IN G TO N % WSSm *ra»FWT*MST m m éducation*r spgH w d tfm m to tto y «od Beaton Harbor, the United States.” Sm ite, who has headed this The com m unity colleges ia office for five vears, cam e here M ichigan a r t M ealed in AK from Highland Park, where he Phone 3 5 5 4 2 5 5 o r S S 54 2 S 6 - ' p saa , Saginaw, F lint, Grand w as a public school suporin- Rapids, D etroit, Jackson, Bat- tradenti He is now an assist- S||jjj|, iM a d liH E H, ï-0 0 PJR. moot dynamic mov sm sa t h i od- tie Creek, U n sin g , M uskegon, en t to the p ro v e* aad also Port Huron, W arren, D aarhm a, teaches in the CoQege o f Edu- (U s e s c la w if ie d d is p la y ad fo r [«cotton today. ^ 0 $ fy§ ' Traverse City, Irqoweoa, Pe* cetten. even g r e a te r r e a d e r s h ip ) ' In MM some 2 7 ,« 0 students earaDsd to M ichigan’* IS ram- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E D U Ê tt m uaity junior twitofM This tafi, te e a w B a a d riim hed to EM PLO YM B'JT 84JM . in increase o f 8 per A U TO M O TIV E cent, according to Max S. S m ite, director of th e office of com m unity junior college co­ E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D . 2-7814 operation. HOME OP THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS 1 lia is o n betw een te e Uni varsity and th e IS com m unity EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING junior colleges. , UPPER. A t e i t S o t - I. 4 large FIRST «HOW 7 P.M . - ADULTS Me I P rp fesitoosl and technical room s . and U 2 «io«eb. ^Pm tee, assistan ce in adm inistrative or­ c io tte stoùnuap. SS® Sm s smid- PadjœSî H o uhilAaw . 4 g t S iS t ~ 'P i ganization, registration proce­ ENDS - “ LEFT, RIGHT W A N T E D : Lebeiratary technician m dures, curriculum develop­ doctor's building G ra n d Ledge. Hoof» m ent, educational objectives TONIGHT AND CENTRE” 9 to 6 daily. Saturday' and Sund ay off. sa d evaluation of the commun­ N A 74 72 3.________________ T6 ity junior colleges. fjS| STARTING FRIDAY 7 :0 0 P.M M A N T O SELL the new Automatic 3—A ssisting com m unities In Electrolux Ctiener. N o investment re­ plannlog for, and developing, a quired. Full or part time. A real oppor­ com munity junior college. I960 O L D S 88 Holiday, power equip- tunity lor better than avarage earnings. The whole com m unity Junior sn a x n iG iY H fE c n v r H ere Is a p ictu re aD pest $2150. Excellent condition. ED 2 For personal interview apply; Electrolux 8031 or 355*2515. M iss Burns. 3( Corporation, S IS E. Michigan Avenue. college m ovem ent is quite new students, ed u cators Lansing, Michigan. 37 on the Am erican educational sh ou ld S E E • T each ers • k 'k 'k 'k sh ou ld se e th a t th e ir A âM U $r* s tu d e a t a a tten d th is S T A M P - C O IN Collections. Lowest prices anywhere! Mints, face value! G reat M otion P ictu re. C . S A . M oney. -U.S. Coins. IV 4-9738. 30 T h ey C an L earn By S eein g . LAYAW AY How w ill d ie issu e of appor- NOW FO R tionm ent be solved In the pres­ BE .SEAT ED . . . . (941 IM P A L A convertible, red. white top«' Fully equipped. 7800 mile beauty. C H R IS T M A S ent Constitutional Convention? Edward H utchinson, vice- president o f the Convention, STARTS TODAY (941 IM P A L A hardtop. Sparkling eb­ ony, fully equipped. 9000 mile gem. ' WILLIAM H. THOMPSON expressed Ms view s in a speech before m em bers a t the Young fiR EA T 2 H IT SHOW ! ( 9 6 I . G A L A X I I StaHiner. Immaculate, Republican Club Tuesday. k-ory finish, red interior. Automatic, JEW ELER The population is not a ll that 5:30 p ju . ^ potker steering, -etc. r— 1961 G A L A X IE . 4-door hardtop Vic­ counts in apportionm ent, the toria. Brilliant diam ond blue. Electric FRANDOR, MALL COURT farm er senator said. 1i I E v en in g s * Q lew s, windows, etc. 1987.1959 E lection ef législative m em ­ Program {sform atim i C hoose from sportxonvertibles, hard­ bers on the b asis a t population IV 2-38*5 -L A D IE S ' W hite gold diarfiond soli­ top*, sedans and pick out your power taire ring. Three fourth's carat. $80. C all alone giv e a m ajority of votes H it N os 1 Show n 2 :2 0 - 3 :1 0 • 10:00 option in V-8*s or sturdy 6U, to h eavily populated areas of IV 5-7539, after six. 37 I9 W BEL A IR 4-door HT, 2 .tone blue the state. ~ M I C H I G A N 1 9 0 BEL A l t 4-door HT, copper F O R T H E "8 E S T quality turkeys order 1918 D E L t A Y 2-door, royal blue “ P eople from a ll the state f/om the Poultry Science C lub. 355- Id idso -B L U S H llK S S r 1 9 0 BEL A I R 4-door, silver, blue, and 8424. Toms 40c, hens 43c. 36 should have effective voice in Today and Friday! * ivory 1 9 0 IM P A L A 'convertible, solid ivory 1 9 0 F A IR L A N E "'50 0" convertible. 17 I N C H table model Adm iral TV and stand. IV 2-7276. 3j law m aking,” he said. H e said that the b est balanced Shown a t 1:35, 4:18, 8:58, 9:30 pan. • F ri. 1,4:55, mtsmogvemx * white, blade top - X C A R A T emerald cut diam ond with legislature would be one in 9:98 p .m ._ 7 »Hum SDKS THE 190 B IS C A Y N E 2-door, gleaming black w hich the House of Represen­ bagettas, white gold setting, thee 53k. A L W A Y S A G O O D S E L E C T IO N IN C all 355-3064. - 37 tatives be chosen on the basis Æ Êk ) J KEYHOLE LdttV C O S T T R A N S P O R T A T IO N A T of population and the Senate, I WAB ÆBSÊÊ^iwmED. ■ SPARTAN M O T O R S ~ M A N 'S Royal..Jjnglish bicycle. Very 190 P A C K A R D "C lip p e r" 4-door se­ good condition. ED 2-S039, 36 e f area. der». Completely equipped with auto­ E IC O W ide-bend -oscilloscope. How ever, Hutchinson said, mate. power antenna, power brakes, th is issu e Is not expected to Brand new. Save $35. Call 337-0503. eta» Excellent condition and completely 38 com e to the Convention floor in wiijerized. A lot of ear for $198. E L E C T R IC T R A IN S e n d accessories. the near future, and ideas w ill be hotty contested when appor­ SPARTAN MOTORS Com plete set C hild Craft, pair skiit. tionm ent com es before the 144 : 3 4 0 0 E . M ic h ig a n ED 2-3250.______________ 37 m em bers. , - , ► E D 2-8 6 0 4 T H IS C H R IS T M A S invest in your 3 ' Assured M e te ring Satisfaction children's education. G ive Childeraft. ow ntow nfâ fjth "S e a l o f A p p ro v a l" C a rs." .W orld Bood, and Cydo-Teeeher. For demonstration, call IV 2-9245 _efter 5 4954 Jaguar roadster. p.m. —- 40 Highest bidder, ED 7-7 B oxoffire q r a i tonight 1:45 P-Ok N ight Editor, Bob Nefimann. “ Kippltng*» Warnen” at Imagine tranf your J U Î’ *sr% 3 u rs and DAVE 7:98 — 9:55 1 'r6 .I ^n .fsse M UMA L A M IE picanr c a m * ä s the State ISsw s Copy E d ita s , E . M alcolm F il­ nweaway ww JJ60 SPRITE. Lika new, soft end herd- office, Racm 3 *7 Soudent Servies» ami, Firaidc L assiter, Monica turnedintos G A R A G E close in. Available Nov. B id * . Far tw o v a * c a a n a ta tha Crest D o lls, D e v ils a n d c^B ââsâsM B H aaasM B aE asaM B s 12. 219 Charles Street, E. -Lansing. 36 D onnelly, John W olcott, Bob : EM PLO YM ENT M cNam oe, Chris G allant. H e a v e n ly P la y th in g s ! houses teenage tourists..Twtwieyour Jm V Q U N G M E N , 21 or over, to repri­ R E L IA B L E family or grad student to ftP Ü N G Girt-of-the-Monthturn Mo ¿0%*$ s e ® Great W est Life iq_ idles. IV "4- rent furnished East Brookfield house S E R V IC E the DeepFissa if fluYear? 1339 or IV 2-9778. 37 from Jan. I to Jug^, ED 2-2368. 39 SEE THESE TWO T Y P IN G D O N E Including term pa Cental H y G E N IS T . M ust have pere and these*. 482-6813. 4Î FEATURES APARTM EN TS ^ . ALL-DAY PREVUE! Mhthlgan license. Ingham County H Q It h Department. IV 2-1281. 37 F E M A L E R O O M M A T E wanted for L O W C O S T copies o f class notes, —"sa............ .... "" ‘1,"im — -............... winter term. Unapproved apartment rough d ra fts and printed material. W O M A N program director. Full time 'C lo se to campus. Cell la rb at 337- W onch G rap hic Service, 1720 E. M ic h i­ wofi with 12*17 year olds. Including 9112, days or 332-4009, nights. 37 gan, Lansing. Phone 484-7786. tf supervision of volunteer leadership, Esflblished private agency, Lansing. U N F U R N IS H E D with garage, I. black T Y P IN G in Spartan V illage apart­ 486» 5209, ' V from campus. Air-conditioned, t ro u p ’e ment. Electric typewriter. C a ll 355- or I or' 2 female staff members. ED 2- 8012.____________________ tf CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 2782 after 7 p.m. 40 T Y P IST A N N B R O W N . E D 24 38 4. u ju u m i i u j w r° t* Electric typ ewriter. Term paper* -and if i i O M B ig h t .. . thsses, elsa general typing. tf M O T H E R , f a s p tiwnsg hom e far fit bashMHoRywood kis km Thankephmrg. I N e te b k o a t e - w*th ST U D E N T D IS C O U N T , self wash, 75 yaars |«ttiR ( up the miyb Buboit. ED 2-RiiYt--Onwr Janmhaein's. 89- 9 .75 Lube job, -IJ30. Student parking, W HAT CAN YOU DO TO 8 IJ 0 . Free quart o f a il with every oil ti Ba Itfir tin «Mi sbmr! change-. C am p iate tuneup. O p e n 24 hours. D ove’s Puss O i l 1010 I. G rand id A COLOR # fk Y M East LANSawG. wrr? mahaoe. 3 River. tf COM BAT D IS C R IM IN A T IO N bedroom ¡sm k, snfeasfi 4m m m telate EXPERT T H E S IS anal general typing. sale. S t S S O K Low dkawe p o ynserrt. Electric typewriter. Eighteen year* ex­ E P 2 -2 9 0 . _ 38 perience. O n e b ia d i from Brady. ED 2- S54S. tf L E A S E O P n O M . tm t Lansmg. M L IN E A S T L A N S I N G ? V cm ao S L H ooaa asaw sm epat Se e 8N t P E R S O N A L D A T A forms, these* and l onexal typing. O ffse t printing, plastic age. O o o a 9o sdhaadhwCtetV. L. Rom - b ind in g and typesetting, W onch G rafie W h o s e w a s t h e s il k e n . bo, IV V 4 M S m S D 2 4 S « S W etter Service, 1720 East M ichigan, Lansing. M ENACING VOICE IM T H E N IG H T., Heller C a , R eaMkuac ____________ 37 Phone 484-7716. tf t h a t c h a n g e d t h e p a tt e rn IF IN T E R E ST E D IN S O L U T IO N T Y P IN G IN M Y H O M E . By woman o f b a r lif e t r a m h o p p ln o m with 10 years secretarial experience. t o te rro r...o w o p t h e r f r o m TU 2 4 7 3 8 . tf t h e a n n a o f lo v e in t o t h e T Y P IN G , term papers, theses, gen- p f lf o g r ip o f ( o a r ...a n d t o ft h o e era!. Fast accurate service. Pick-up and ¿ ' M c l in g in g A p io t b e r a a o r e d g O ATTEND delivery. IV 9 .7 9 8 3 .________________ 48 g o f a o a it y ? TR A N SPO R TA TIO N R ID E W A N T E D . H olt to E. Lansing M SU NÀACP a n d return. M on d a ys end Thursdays. GO 7-1860. 37 'lA E r U T V W G . tiip -Q W ite a t e S- censsd. b e te b o t Bar MS i « a d owvisao W A N T E D . R id a to C hicago, Friday 8010! SENSITIVE! m enL Raferm aw * ow aAÉÉa. E D 8-4129. or Saturday. Novem ber 17 or IB . -Call) NOVEM BER 16 A duli Cinemafore b u f fim i ■ ■ ■ i. W AN TED house five . I S as to n . I to J u "e IS. Pas­ t o R a d C e d a r «reo. N o v e 2 girls .1 bey, • t o t e p y s e t . Excellent eery assured. M a aav trhrapb! l atore iiêoi fc mù h te if desired. 355- TO W ER R O O M *1 3 6 after 4 p.m. 37 S K A T IN G instructor desires single «•am near cam pus. CaH 355-2380. 36 U N IO N y t w o " jp h d a s; desi« «toL p p - prove d, supervised apartm ent. C ooking toe&tte*. W toiar o o d » r in g to m i. C eto y ju ti Pre-M ed Seefety - Thursday, SXUSM ilprippteO M ^ 323 3333 S-JJ3Q f ' T h e ' I a atvw s it y ; M as's •G lee g| XJ» Notffawtefera mea «Ul 7:3» p m ., 35 U nk*. v ' ' a u t □ 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 «toft w in tin g -“ A G ear Mid­ tíntete'c«mitote HfRPHRp$ áíR" pgRjBRPHTEto», Alpha Kota -m TNir«day. 7:10 34. AdjccUv* W S a n a a u a a sa n a p « ., 102 Ag. HaH night,” 0 com positkm o f Jam es ^ “ ÉouÜ w w ted M fls * a a a a sa a a sa a a C ird c flw H i w y — Thursday, S3. Canal 0 F . Nttdock, a t A Jotet concert Men" h y Rom berg, “Sang of u a a a a a s s u a I p.m . S3» Student Sorvteos. 34. A w vm im With th e N orthaultora G lee 01» Vagabonds” by F in a l, 38. Mournful M srtia Lather Chapel — Thurs­ 3t. Trench c i t e Saturday, 'Nov, til, a t » “Aura Lee” b y Poulton aad day, 3:45 p .m ., meditation*, 49 Occurrence I> l». in th e B ig Ten room o f th e “Lorena” by W ebster. • COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE 44. Soapstone 2. Southern t_B*t>y1. *od oi Martin Luther Chapel. France storm» K ellogg C enter. \ Q T he *“*“ ** of th e program • GLASS AND ROCKER PANELS INSTALLED 47. In the pait Mo t to Lather Chip e i — T hur» 44. Infuriated S. Sacred image S. Steep N ibieck, associate professor wifi be t e r i k m from the stir­ 4. Play a guitar 10. A liqueur • CAR PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY day, 3 :3 1 p .» ., Lutheran tan* 44. Bini *f prey carelessly — II. Small wig» in the m usic departm ent, has ring “Testam ent e f Freedom ” ta n ti, M o tta Luther Chapel. 30. Argue gained national recognition tor hy Rande! Thompson. The U ni­ • WELDING • BRAZING • SOLDERING ■' Thursday, 7 p m .', Beths! SI. Otherwise 1.1. Indian 16.T*»»e or SU C h ft-~ Thursday, 7:38 p.ra., M snor. weight heckle: h is com positions. versity G lee cm b w ill sing style »how. Union BOWK 4. Wading bird collo*. T. Iron casting IS. Bristle« ' - The 51 m en o f the U niversity “The God Who G ave U s U to " Ito to i B m f — Thursday, 4 1. Cuoid Stadea ti Off-Cam oos — Thurs- «..Hindu G lee c it e , under t e e direction then the Northern men w ill p .m ., S pedai E vents Commit- . day, 7 p.m ., 21 Union. x -r r m z m «*«*»*»!» of Gordon J t i Flood, director ef sing “We F igh t Not For G lory” “OVER 18 YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY tee, 36 Union. B tiHW 23. Equivalence th e Men’s G lee club, w ill also rad Urn com bined glee chibs M m m im m ü C ite —• Thursday, m ^ j j 24. Affectionate 8:38 p.m ., m ovie, 31 Union. L riherm ten d an t A s s n . — sing “ I Will L ift Up Mine w ill conclude w ith the dram a­ IN THE OKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA Thursday, 4:10 p m ., study 'v H a touch E yes” b y C lotey, “H ero to Thy tic “ 1 Shall N ot D ie Without WISH— Thursday, 7:45 p.m ., ™ 29. Run BUS. PHONE RES. PHONE ' ham shack. hour, U niversity Lutheran 2». Bonus Footstool” fay Crostoa .and a Hope-" : Church. ® S * “* 24. Not accurate “H oliday Song” by Schumann. T ickets for the concert are ED 2-8114 ED 24237 Spartan Women's . League — A 30. A signal to ' Thursday, 2 p.m ., pledges at D elta Phi Epaflaa — Thursday, D a v e G raves, Plym outh available a t M-38 r i the Union 1732 HAM ILTON ROAD • OKEM OS “ ““ begin freshm an, is the soloist for ticket office and w ill b e sold r i 4 p.m .. Student Sendees 7 p m ., pledges, 7:36 p m ., all St. Be able to Lounge. „ r I m em bers, 33 Union. ““ 33. Competition “ Shenandoah.” Featured in a the door "before the perform ­ . for »even calypso »um ber, “Marry a ance. ]IWCTWeai ses sssssnS»» rSSi »«i ses »»sstves «»»>*»WitHs si'iVftVffVV 36. Siberian Woman U glier Than You,” w ill ^ ■ j antelope b e soloist Thom as F . Clark, H i IF" 37. Call forth Lathrup V illage' junior, presi­ Jim Fink, L a m b d a Chi dent of th e G lee c it e , mid nauta w in form fite nucleus of jl C o i f f u r e s j |l 1 1 Attempt: Alpha, bad the highest Individ­ W ayne D ugger, Independence, M o., senior, on the, bongos. ual gom e in Fraternity Bowling ... M M 42. Seines The 4» m an Northwestern W 43. Woody L _ _ mmm _ _perennial G lee c ite , under the direction pT 4k. Land of D r. W illiam B allard, d fr r e I _ _ wmmmmm measure tor o f a ll choral a ctiv ities at ^ 46. Dutch Northw estern, w ill begin its commune part o f the program w ith a G IFT series o f N egro spirituals, “Old O N A L L RECO RDS, every beauty Ark’s nM ovm ,” “ Steal A w ay,” D IA M O N D N E E D L E S , for a Man Blue Key Placement “ L ittle Innocent Lamb” and “ Soon Ah WIB B e D one.” Joy E llyn H rishiger, the only RECO RDIN G T A P E 1045 E. Grand R iver, E a st L an sin g Initiates fem ale to accom pany t h e disc sh o p ED 7-1639 Bureau Northwestern G lee club, w ill be feature soloist in te e M iserere apes evaaiags tw o b lo ck s-E a st o f A b b ott HaO Ten Men Ten junior and senior men scene from “ U Trovatore” and -Broadway tunes from “K iss Interview ing i t the P lacem ent Me Kate. Bureau T uesday. Additional in- w ere Initiated into Blue K ey, form ation in the P lacem ent NEW ! N ational Honor Fraternity, Bureal B ulletin for th e w eek of Tuesday. after P rofessor of psychology Har­ old W aite spoke a t a banquet la the Union honoring the new N ov. 13 to 21: Corning G iass Works , inter­ view ing ch em istry and physics N O W IN S T O C K I shave m ajors. B ine K ey m em bers. T in new m em bers are: EH L illy ft Co. interview ing WQllani D eeraer, W ebster chem ical and m echanical en­ G revis.'M fc, Jaaier; George gineers; chem istry and bio­ E lehw ert, Lynhr e ik, N .Y ., chem istry, m arketing, econom ­ senior; D avid F oster, Kaa- ics, statistics, secretarial sci­ sas-CH y, M o., Junior; E n e r i ence, entom ology r botany, and G rosa, LBfle R ock, A ik ., sea- plant pathology m ajors. A ll tor; Edward H eett, E ast from tim C ollege of Agriculture. M eadow, N .Y ., senior. 7 The P rocter ft Gamble Co. W illiam Johnson, Okemos interview ing m echanical, chem ­ junior; P eter SeccM a, Dem a- ica l, electrical and c iv ir engi­ rest, f f J ., senior; John Schau- neers - D ec., M arch and June er, La Graaga Park, E , sen­ grads. Production adnd»istro* ior; , D aft W arner, Eaton Rap­ tion m ajors - D ec; aad March id s senior; R ew ard W eaver, g r a d s.-P a ck a gin g m ajors, M i. P leasan t senior. chem istry, m ath, applied m e- , • 8 ou nce '1 5 0 chanics and statistics m ajors. B lue K ay Is a national honor L otion __ w fraternity oriented around ser­ School district af the eity of ~ v ice to th e university. The Highland Park (D etroit) inter­ ft L o tio n 100 functions o f te e MSU chapter view ing early elem entary, e le ­ an d Powder Set v are to select M iss M SuThold m entary art, jr . high m ate, r (p lu s ta x ) bi-w eekly discussion m eetings and scien ce ft senior high voca­ end honor outstanding students tion, hom e econom ics. . . . la Redwood Gift Rax on cam pus. 7- G eneral Adjustm ent Bureau ~ Prospective B l e e Key inte rview ing all Interested re­ m iw alers p etitiin for m em ­ gardless o f m ajor for positions bership h i the fa ll aad te e a s A djuster T rainees. D oc. ~~ sprfag. The new »M atos grads on ly. . w ere seleetod hy the pceoer i Roadw ay E xpress, Inc. inter­ m em heni Cram 38 a k a peti­ view ing a ll m ajors in the Col­ tioned earlier la te e term . leg es o f_ B usiness ft Public They w ere selected on the Service, scien ce ft arts and b asis o f leadership and schol­ com m unication arts. D oc. and arship, a s determ ined hy the M arch m ads. petitions a n d b y personal Unioa B ag Camp Paper Corp. knowledge of the candidates. interview ing chem ical and m e- _r M l S. W ashington The petitions contained no pro­ chanical engineers, chem istry, vision for academ ic average, forestry, accounting « id p a n ­ however, f e aging m ajors. Rhrerview com munity school district (D etroit are«) inter­ view ing senior high m ath, jr. high art, sp ecial education A f t e r th e G a m e ’"type A ,” early elem entary, la ter elem entary and jr . high reading, D ec. grads. Chevrolet-Flint M anufacturing , f S ^ interview ing purchasing m a- S I jors and others from th e college fl B i t ’s O ade’s f o r ' e f B usiness ft Public Service, D ec. and March grads. M ead Carp, interviewing d e c - 1 1 m tr ie d , chem ical, m echanical e s - a gineera; accounting ft financial ™ adm inistration m ajors; chem ­ P o st G am e istry , p hysics, psychology and m ate and sta tistics m ajors; D a e., M arch and June grads. • T he-n ew est in stereo /h i-fi k its • E specially designed for beginner-buildcrs / Production Adm inistration; aU m ajors to th e college e f Bust* „ * In stru ction s th q w “ w hat” and “ h ow ” • N o technical experience needed neos f t Public Service; D ec. aad M arch grads. ■ ^ . > o E lectrical parts packed in order used • C h est-typ e box for storage d urin g con stru ction • A com p lete lin e o f m u sic com pon en ts • M ake up your ow n D on't let the final whistle of the game end “ cu stom ” stereo /h i-fi system • C h oo se you r m usic sou rce . . . records o r rad io O ur iu g u la r PARTY TREATS your week-end FUN ! At Qatoi you will find a compiti« selection at party ’ o C h o o se y ou r pow er . . . high o r m edium • C h oose stereo or m on op hon ic law p r i c e . .. foods and btvoragm to rofrooh tha moot avid stadium W A ll q uality com p on en ts fo r to p perform ance • A ll at m on ey-savin g k it p rices fan. ‘ . ■ \, « 1 Tka Day she lit Bloto a/MI-FIKS Lhso t a Ciu ip f t a >**» kwfod* • « tfa o SM-FM Timor • and Fli Tuner »snFM Stofao MuRiplax Adopter alao ovoioWo in wired form « a 4-spood Automat« Record Changer with Baae aod Diamond Stereo Cartridge • a TO Writ Integrated Stereo Ampfifier • a 36 Writ Integrated Stereo Amplifier » « 1 6 Watt Integrated Mono • Shuttle AmplMtor • and a 2-Way W fl SpoMtor Syatem rith factory a«»emMad end finrehed wMnut cabinet • Como in and aeethornaNnowt 'V .V ... “Around The Bend Fwm University Villagen TAPE RECO RD IN G IN DU STRIES * n 28817 I V .M S 4 0 1181 E m I 8ras4 Bvar East L a s à g , H d f |