'm m te? 'm m m :Ci*; v .*-■; ->AU m ïM a ie r a fc -- W m m m -p fiR H ffii m S m & m w m m k ia P d ¡pMK m Ü8H EatabMCad 1909 V«l 53, N o.,103 r M & u W m Ê Ê K tm m SK Sm —* :• a¿#aâ8‘«¿¿PwkvrtHHKIKaftíwsHP* *■"ti7tíS% & Æ I l S p «wM* *"»1'1'*';«ifia r> ■£:,«x4nBNKM-¡/ÆtsJtiimwX-1-m f a i i s y '5"m^í-y:;fMV3í<*^>-*ú There1 \ ray aching feet. I hot I'Ve walked ten nrftas today! _ id nlhir ilaiflar arrlamatimw .Ttrrr t~ ~ --- • « » 'teire. 7 | l | tea l facts and figures h ere new hare m ade available. « i«g a reap r e sa w n aad a targe aeaie r a a » « ftto eare- ' t v . , ftobert Trejaaek, reatot o t la a isrsa e Manner, deter» »• .red the shortest sldiw a j i dteteacre »a e a a y a i. - > President-; Eight' representative distances were selected and the scale w heel of the" map m easure w as run ever the sidewalk plan. W ayne P ro f Urges T a Attend From Brody to Berkey Hall, te e distance ia 5 ,0 » feet, or alm ost a mjfte. Women in Case with classes in Berkey have 4,500 feet to Handicapped Care Funeral travel. ’ % ~ !— By M ANE KERNS Lee said that the U gtolitore WASHINGTON (ft — From The dlstaaee hetweea E ast l aadaa aad the EdacaUen Building is M M feet by tee shertest n o te Of the State New* Staff J w ill determ ine fteraf there Americans ta all walks of life tutions. programs and a Proposals for revising the con­ would be adm inistered. there cam e an outpteiring of Men in Brody with dates in the Phillips, Abbot area b are the longest walk of all, 6,400 feet, which to over a m ile. stitutional article on charitable eulogies Friday for speaker of “I believe «very d tta re The distance between Shaw and- te e Men’s Intramural institutions and tor p raervin g would end sw e thin propreffl a s toe House Sam Rayburn a t sm all school districts A the a constitutional ra p isB tre af Texas. Building to 3 ,5 » fe e t . ' ,__ _ „ Distances to the Union from Shaw or Brody are about the state oante before Con Con’s state pride red a s a means e f The President, the three for­ sam e. From Shaw It’s 4.000 feet, while from Brady the distance com m ittee on education Wed­ defining public policy and re­ m er presidents, governors. to i » 0 fe e t Both are about three-fourths o f a m ile. nesday at K ellogg Conte*. sponsibility,” be said. Section 15, Art. XI of ti e pres­ L ee said that M ichigan holds Congress m em bers, cabinet of­ And from the m ain door of Campbell to the side door of ficers and others of high and ent constitution states that in­ an enviable position in the scope the Union, ft’s 3 » feet. low rank gave voice to the There are 53 m iles Of sidewalk on cam pus, Trojanek said, stitutions' t a tiw deaf, dumb, of its charitable ________ taatilnfiara, mourning. and about 2 m iles o f bicycle paths. _________• / " biind, fr e ^ m ta d e d » * [ rating hack to 114* w h eu tei* r e n e te t e be festered and sup-! ^ ^ «raM tohed Like a tidal w ave, the expres­ sions of grief and tribute spread State’s Role Prominent John J. L ie, dtotinguisht * ItPoatiac w as also proposed that te e li roi eaaor and chairman of the word “dumb” be detected from across the nation when the news ef Rayburn's death cam e, washing aw ay all political dif­ At Land Grant Convention Department e f Special Educa­ the ae'jtion and replaced with tion and Vocational Rehabili­ more com prehensive term inol­ tation a t Wayne State U niversi­ ogy sccfa aa physically, m ental­ ferences t a the tim e being in a cotmpon loss. Michigan State w ill play a riculture’s evaluation session ty, said that this section o f the President Kennedy said Ray­ prominent role at the 75th An­ Dr. ft. M. Swenson, assistant constitution needs to be brought ly and socially handicapped. DEMflidK^P THROUGH THE YEARS-Rep. Sam Rayburn, D-Texas, burn, who died in Bonham. nual Convention and Centen- dean of agriculture and direc­ up to date. Lee said that it to important U ra iim strare hi Ms Wag potttieal career. From left, as a Texas Congressman to revise tins section of the con­ Tex., Thursday morning, “ was nial Convocation of the Amer­ tor Of resident instruction, w ill Lee subm itted t a j h e com mit­ stitutions to com ply with cur­ ta 18»; w fd d ta f tito gavel M Speaker ta H88, and «6 Ms 78th birthday party a loyal counselor and friend ican Association of Lsnd-Grant r é H i iH lag tir iTfir " i r — r —A F Wtoepheto________________________________ _ .o f presidents of both parties on speak at the resident instruc­ tee’s consideration, the follow­ rent professional knewiedgr Colleges and State U niversities ing proposal/ the g r e e t m atters which affect­ in Kansas City, Mo. tion m eeting. " Mrs. JoAnne Holtx, represent' “ Institutions, program s and tag the Community School ed our national interests and Six faculty m em bers will Dr. Milton E . Muckier, vice participate in the programs president for research develop­ m ent,, education and rehabili­ sorvteos for the care, treat­ Board, s p o ta r e the preserva­ Goal is $10,000 aecurttyr- ‘This country has tost a de­ and there w ill be an exhibit of m ent « p i d e n o f the school tation of those inhabitants who tion of the state’s sm all school books by the MSU Press. for advanced graduate studies, are physically, m entally, and districts. Heading the speakers w ill be w ill be a discussant at a ses­ socially handicapped shall al­ districts win be very harm ful,” Provost Paul A M iller who sion on the evaluation o f the ways be fostered aad support- “Forcing K-12 on som e 7 " sm all Campui Chest Drive voted Servant and the citizens of this country an unflinching friend," the P resident said. The White House flag was w ill address the division of ag- social sciences. ~ Two representatives of the iM l a d /’ • i~ (SfeS Mrs. Holtx explained that the Dean sm all districts offer varied te e said. Penny Night To Aid More Students raised aad towered to half staff as the President’s statem ent wag issued. Kennedy already Block S tag m aearch, w ill tik e part in courses by spreading cut their ita ff. — f ~.. One teacher m ay teach Ida Dance Friday Ry BALLY WARD tif » e s t a r é New« 8 te * ride r e t e cam pus y ear dear to deer asBd tatiens a a t a f lr r iw that these r a i w as r e route to to e w est coast w ere begun. This preetice » » be fottowed again tbis year Another group vrtach receiv­ on a speaking trip, II is expected » » M l itiner­ To Honor the m eeting e f the extension dtergarten in the morning add section. M iss Jeanette Lee, as­ a rt, m usic, physical education sistant dean of home econom­ and sim ilar courses in the af­ In Brody gate af $»JBM w ill gire in peat years te e a * & m * ed «' major part of the fend is ary w ill h e rearranged to per­ s t o in i orgam xiteoos te e op­ tir e has sponsored a canterai the NrikMMI Scholarship ser­ mit the President to «tired fu­ portunity f i r tareriW aid. ta order to ralee fends. vice rad Fluid for N egip Stu­ WBHi it is imposteMe to de- dents. Last year tfady received neral services hi Bonham Sat­ Fathers 7 ; ics, win speak a t the home eco­ ternoon. nom ics sessions. ~ B y not providing so-called h i past toad drives, the ste- The Peony Night dance, orig­ _ jn fs have kuaretod tite r teraatoe w hat distribution w ill The convocation to the first fringe benefits, Mrs. Holtz said inally to be-held in the judging hesitatire to cretrih iae w as b e­ b e m ade this year, last year’s - This agency gives scholar 1720. - ' urday afternoon. Rayburn w as r e alm ost-can- Dad’s Day to the them e of major form al event of the it costs less to educate each in­ pavteon, w ill b e to k i in Brody cause they te d e t h are any say y « i gives an tadicatiotL didate at least a half a dozen ships and counseling to Neg­ the final Block A presentation Land-Grant Centennial, being dividual student. Hall from 8 p.m . to 1 a r e . Fri­ ta d d r iW h g toads, Chuck fe t t » the World University roes in colleges and eneour tim es. - . - r at the Northwestern game this observed during the 1961-42 “If you add to the constitu day evening. D alla vo. d r e n a r e arid. Service received $800 from the ages capable Negro students to “The tragedy isth e t tbe great Saturday. academ ic year to com memor­ tion a provision that says each Students buying tickets h r This year, a r e one student feM fo $2408 total. seek higher education. and good wire man v u not The Men’s H ells Association ate the signing of the Federal district must ’ n ave a high Penny N ight w ill bo admitted win be ahfle to suggest e group elected President o f the United This service, supported by -T hroe other groups benefit with the aid of Women’s Inter- —— Land-Grant, - - or _ .Morrill — » , Act, by school, you win be doing away free to the donee. Music w in Be r é ré c rire aid. States,” Johnson ta d re ap­ the National Student Associa­ from the fend. Dorm Council has filled the P£e8ldent Abraham Lincoln In with the free cho ce of the sm all .furnished by the Spmtane*. The suggestion w ffl be ta- timi is aa toternattoaal or- The Spartan Nursery and the preciation luncheon for Ray­ block this season with 1,008 par 1862. 1district,” she sr 1 vestigated by the toad organi­ gaulzatim which givre stu­ MSU Scholarship fund both re­ burn in 1959. Penny N ig S h as h ere spon­ ticiprats arrayed in Spartan M ichigan State, founded in 1 Sm all childre -nay'also have sored to earn money for tee zation who wiB determ ine its dents ia foreign countries ceived 8360 la st year. The “ I was born in the wrong sec­ green and white during the 1858, set the pattern for the to start ridiRg i bus several United Community chest grant u re of the country and a t the Campus Chest Fund. A coed scB slanhips, b o o k s red gam e with a cord display at tand-grant system of higher hours a day *' the sm all dis­ m ay have a 2 a r e perm ission P S “Penny Night” is egripreret when they have last year was 1160. wrong tim e ever to Become each half. education. Today there are 68 tricts are * irporated, she for » cents. _ part of the attentat to road» everything I waffled,” Rayburn added. BiirVolm ar. Cleveland Hlghts, land-grant institutions, at least t e e asar goal, which is t o said. “H ell, I’d rather be speak­ Ohio sophomore and chairman one in each state and in Puerto Tickets m ay be purchased in proxim ateiy » eea ts per sta- i 318 Student Services from 1 to Pre-enrollment Schedi er titan 10 senators. I never bad of Block S, com m ented, “Great spirit and good work has made the Block the best it has ever Rico. Weather i 5 p.m . -Friday aad a t the Union T ickets, whicb ailow coeds ] ticket office. Tickets w ill ate» erm nsian te stay out unte 2 Set for Winter Term the slightest ambition to be a senator or governor. I love the House.” been. This work and support Form er Spartan C O U J B t be sold Friday by repreaeata- _um„ are r e arie today at 818 tives in afi dorm itories aad so­ iBlmlret Services and in dnnri- Students registering in the tors and seniors, Nov. 28; etoe John W. McCormack, the can only be accom plished by rorities. colleges listed below should pre- trical engineering juniors and man m ost likely to succeed the student body.” Talks On Muslims] .. • :* f t oríes and amuritiee. M are tendente are r a t aware enroQ according to the follow­ -seniors, Nov. 38; afl sopho­ House, is a rough and tough Sam Rayburn as Speaker of the Due to the poor condition of ing schedule: , mores except electrical engi- a f what Campus Chete is, what the equipment, financial'-sup­ port as weti as student partici­ pation is badly needed for to e on “The Black M uslims — A ball J . C. W illiams, a former foot- player at MSU, w ill apeak Trustees Go d fuertioni are and what dte- tribution is reade e f thè money 8 . Agriculture — Nov. 201®D ec. retiring, Nov. 21; electrical en­ politician from the “wrong’’ see academ ic adviser. gineering sophomores, Nov. 28. side of the Breton railroad Horae Econom ics — Nov. 2 1 tracks. continuation of the Block he Threat to American Democra­ sakL cy?” at the Channing-Murrey To Gull Lake ree esved. Cantare chete is fea only tato m g teia fin n wfech tare m B u tta ta and Public Service check ent. with m ajor depart­ through a d v iser.. fin als, see academ ic An “ old pro” ta the field of . ■ . . . . . i 1. / politics, McCormack is now Organization and plans for The Board e f Trateros wffl Communication Arts — Nov. Science and Arte — N ev. V House Dem ocratic leader. He" the » fall soaren are to be tRs- Fellowship Sunday at 7 p.m . in travel to the University’* Kel­ te e power to a a id t money r e 27 to D ec. 1 , ratea appointment to Dec. 8,-see academ ic adviser has to r e ta public life la t a than cussed throughout the Winter the Art room logg B iological station at GuB U niversity College (no prof » years and has Included Lake t a da Novem ber mret- During tt’s m ajor d rive, wtat- with academ ic adviser by tele- aad Spring term s by the for­ W illiams has worked with the er te n a , u m a a t d i w i wiB phontag major department. erenee) — No-preference stu­ among his temporary antagon­ Today’s Friday. mation of oom pvtteos. Petitions M uslims over a year as a so­ for worfetaf on these commit­ tees w ill Be circulated at the a ril wtady with cia l experiment and thus has m m (tarries diaitahhtag hy ties near Battle Creek after the a em bers w ill tour the facili­ place c M ieterà tai dw m dorire red #— wffl dntribnte envetopes ^MMatew^Breniràiri^rii in Engineering — pre-enrolUng dents who a re remaining to no­ ists from tim e to tim e his fel­ the evening, mechanical ra­ preference m ay pre-enroll with low Bostonian—from toe rigb F ’— iling juniors « t i seniors, their academ ic advisers at any side of the tracks—President begtantel d Winter term and been te le to gain inside experi­ abrid, m eeting to the Manor Brere a t John F . Kennedy. the station. LAST YEAR w as the first g ; o v fl too«. . :. -v,.. c are s q m I f * § Jtod rate ence. i fFTv& FF.v i n g h to tea arid » ’s. ¡I I I m w. is »88 p reare W S & M tibe W hat la il?. S eeP . 6 Salili : -\v k Essay Contest If e n p Constructive Ideas (o F ro sh -S op h C ou n cil I m r a f a t d n • n ew v en tu re e v id e n tly aim ed at g en er­ a tin g p rid e fat MSIT. I t to sp o n so rin g a “W h a t M ak es S ta te G reat" e ssa y c o n te st with dB tha tr im ­ m in g s: F a c u lty ju d g e s, daatiHaaa, p r ise s an d even h o n o ra b le m estio w ei T h e g en er a l p n fp o ee i s Taadebkr. T h e co u n cil w a n ts to in c r e a se s f n t i f t a w a re­ n ess o f th e e x c e lle n c e a f M S U . H o we ve r . it is d o u b tfu l i f it h a s ch osen th a b e st m ea n s to reach th is cad, f t e iu id have a cco m p lish ed th e saaaa o b je c tiv e hi a m uch b etter m ea n er. Switch o a ROTC The students here wpirnt a good mswy years agitating for release from ROTC AMbeugh formal com plaints w ere lodged agatnto eaus- pulsory training, more than a few staflwds were bitterly against any form at mMury training. ____ •— We won our battle but it seem s teat saw tecr cam paign is bring waged at aa east «east school. Only this one is differ e a t An editorial in th e Mount St. M asy’s fFnr- mitsburg. Md. i Mountain E cho recestiy ques- tioned why the school did net have aa ROTC program. “ Mount Saint Mary’«.”- th e editorial arid, “ with its proxim ity to the natkw’s defame centers of_Washington aad BfflBmara awl I s acres of fallow fields is capable ef aoqririag either an Air Force o r Army ROTC program " Well, we wish them hick to their undertak­ ing. It’s refreshing, at le a s t to-knew there is another side. Letters to the Editor Compulsory Dorm Dues U nfair Educational Lag T e the Editor: Orchids to-M rs. Sally Magid for her courage of conviction regarding the currently discuss­ ed “educational lag" of student w ives. H ers w ill not ba~a pop­ ular letter, but certainly it pin­ points the problem. Education is a life-long process and does not require c liis attendance. What It does require of the in­ dividual m ight b e schem atized: E for Effort D for D iligence A U for Understanding C for Concentration A far Action T for Tenacity I for la te r e * 0 for Organization N for Need , When aU th ese factors are part e f g personality, toe edu­ Published hy the student,i e f M khfgws S tale Cr iw n k y . fi r «4 cational process w in becom e a on cla ss d ays Monday through F riday. O n q fo e faB. w inter add reality babysitters o r a» spring quarters. Issued tw ice w eekly du n * tee summer to m . babysitters. Second darn postage paid a t Earn Lenafog. M g u T n Mr*. B a n a a H alhraei Editorial and hu rinses affioaa to 3 0 Itodw et Services hniM Inf M IC Spertaa V illage Michigan StateU niversity. E ast Laariug. Sfchtew a, Mail su b sc r ip tio n sl^ W e m S S t e ^ S T t a m O : for two term s. Sf; for three term s, 95. Member of the Associated P ress, lafcwd Q rity Fum e Aamctettar and the College press. ■ v -w '«— «a ’ an x "'tetarito fafoer Aaruu Cuady - T "J' «atom £Mar __.Ctoi RuadeO 1 * s » i B p i □ O '» 3 1311 112Q 'j □ o a ? jn a a 3 r a i 2 9 « l i a J T 3 .1 w i t h other m en'jr^sngm g 0 3 3 u aa s a y js group*, i » * b p A m g those b i n a u o iia a a t a j y a i A u i- ( u - i . __1____ ti *l a f r_; □ i iQ t s a n n ’s a m vnM SU M U B lV C n R IM w 46. Carpenter's m s tt jr 'â f w efaigak Wayne corduroys Ä o e i^ S p 3 P H 3 GR3 Öa ¡hmh 90. Chink ; 7J o d i a o a la ip o State university, C olgale Mat* MlDiittOÌ f s | o sn p o c ty a sa n a van ity and Toronto a d versity. ,18. Dissertati« is length: Eng. aapQsas aaiaa Tickets lor the con cert-art ito. Man’s nickname «■wiling *■' y Boiled a< |p taaniaaa raniaa available now Cor $LM e t the MSU Union Ticket O ffice, n u t a g i mpWTY SHOP ,21. Through fa. T ata r é n im w m , 99. Ancient Asi­ win be s o ld a t the door on tin SS ABBOTT RD. E.LANS. 24. Vegetable atic region evening of the performance. a Tennis •0 Dress the IP iû e T n a ÿ 17. Drop kett stroke feathers 1 sut*- abbr. ? ; w htiy JLTewortt : t. Tree ».O ne of Car* ■ persistently (31. Narrow Ct. Closest . 63. Coaraa ?. 8trongslka- line solutions oline Wands Know a good dirty joke? grew j j g g g 13 Preewnu , openings -V’ 34. Sarince>. 64. Medium, uzed totes Newly mar- ried women stone Don’t tell it in LO U IS a Wapiti ¡36. Quean of ■ the fairies ' nom 6. Cereal seed 10. Accommo­ a loo.ooo ' .laundry, everything 38. Body Joint 1. Arrived dating rape« 39 Revolution of time 2. Experts 3. Deplores , IJLCeremony 12. One who » . Containing ore - is cleaned tnere. 4 Oil of roses performs a Deprived ^ of wind a . School of whaleg__.—— h Æ S m a Pipe fitting 53. Coterie 35. Everything 37. Hindair Workshop Set aNeiU. " playwright 42. Scotch cap For Theater $3. Injure 47. Vitalpert 48. Poisonous snakes 4L Telegraph : SI. Enclosures ’ 63. Woody perennial $4. Increase in prices SS. Consumes 57. Princess Margaret SI. Scotch river 62. By ' ' :T 1 m p u C le ve la n d O rc h e s tra G ive n O v a tio n i Don’t miss this outstanding series of historical The final piece, the overture By JACKIE KORONA plays by William Shakespeare, it’s a National Edu- Of the State News Staff to “Tannhauser,” by Richard cationnL T »vt«: -i hiphlioht — brought to you by W agner, w as without a doubt Lecture-Concert Series fol- HUMSIE C ’L D E FIN IN G COMPANY iw ers put up with inadequate the Orchestra’s m ost impres­ Am .rica’s l ea . 3 Energy Company. (te c o ) Auditorium acoustics and oc­ sive work. casional “tinny” sounds from Depth and richness of tone the Cleveland O rchestra string conveyed to listeners the idea FRIDAYS AT 11:30 A.M. section as the group appeared o t that even the m usicians Oue Block Webt of Brody REPEATET SUNDAY - 2 :3 0 P.M on cam pus W ednesday evening. them selves were enjoying this D espite th ese- distractions WMSB - CHANNEL 10 som e m em bers of the audience selection. One young man in the On Michigan Avenue audience w as lulled to sleep by rose to their feet in a standing the .beautiful m usic. - ovation as conductor George .Special note should be made Szell bowed to them for the last of the work of conductor George tim e. Szell. H is com plete control of The Orchestra’s program con* what cam e from the m usicians sisted of four p ieces, the first of w as facinating to watch. Each F rid a y S to re H ours which w as the overature to “La m ovem ent of the baton elicited Gazza Ladra.” Using drums as perfect response from them . 9 :3 0 a-m . to 5 :3 0 p.m. an undertone throughout the se­ The audience saw- a m aster at lection, the Orchestra put a work. ' 'V* great deal of m ilitaristic feel­ ing into their redition o f Ros­ sini’s com position. Then cam e the alternate calm and m ajesty of Tchai­ kovsky’s “Patbetique.” Here there seem ed to be a m etallic ring to som e of the-yiolins, but the energy of the conductor combined with th e M usicians’ strenuous activity brought forth a burst of spontaneous applause as the third movem ent con­ cluded. - . — The more contemporary work of Hindemith op en «! the sec­ ond half o f the perform ance. In som e minds, tins “Concert Mu­ sic for String Orchestra and B rass Instrum ents proved the lea st effective selection. In contrast to previous pieces, the m usic did not prove basis for bead nodding* or program tappings. It seem ed to lack a feeling which could reach the audience. On Reading. TONIGHT - 8 -12 P.M - On reading in the State News W orld’s W ildest Band . . . that the annual fund drive CAPACITY 20M is underway: SIGM A A L PH A EPSILO N I wish Maidenform would m ake a sm all behest. 131 B ogue S treet We’d say Maidenform supports the Campus Chest. SUPER SM O O TH Sportswear SHAVE New "w etter-than-w ftat* action m elts b e a rd ’s tough- n e s s —In sec o n d s. Remarkable new “wetter-than-water” M O C O A T TH IS Y fA R , T H I CO TTO N S O B M C A ft CO AT action gives Old Spice Soper Smooth Shave Its scientific approximation to the fealfier-touch fed and the efficiency ot w ith its ow n built-in M a t e r .« . th eiig h tw eig h t, com fortab le barber shop shave«. Melts your beard’s toughness like hot towels and massage—in second*. sh erp a p ile fining th at ex ten d s from th e wiocf*defyfctg a t­ S h av es th a t a re so eom fortefcie you barely feel th e Convenient Have your h ied» A unique combination of anti-evaporation agents tach ed h o o d , to turnback cu ffs, to the full % -inch len gth o f City Parking Tkmdtegimng makes Super Smooth Shave a tiy moist and firm . No ou r «nw m m cM p a c e setter. I .«■' ’ and Entrance re-lathering, no dry »pots. Richer aad eream ier...gives you Dinner the most ta tB ffm g »have. . . lastest, cleanest-and most in Hear wUh ms comfortable. Regular or mentholated, LOO. *■ A n telop e, w illow g reen , brown im ported su ed ecloth . 8 te It eixee. — aam 204 N. Washington • Across from Gladmer Theatre • Open till 2 a.m W m m m to tp o f t & à the freshman wh* a ffi becom e future Spartan Highlighting the show will be tours. the return of the fam ous “whistling m idgets.” The pro­ gram , contototog o f sevea acts, cesters a r o u n d Sherlock H olm es total D r. W atsao search- tag for answers to a m ystery. Other acts include com edy and serious diving and “Watson and toe M onster.” Tweedy m em bers of the fraternity and a few giris from Green Splash w ill perform. „ The porpoise Fraternity is a national honorary swim m ing all record and a 2-3 B ig IS mark fraternity whose purpose is to into the fray. promote swim m ing throughout The Spartans carry a 5-2 over­ the United States. O fficers in­ all record and a 9-2 Big to clude, Dick B rackett, presi­ mark. - dent; _ Dan Jam ieson, vice president Carl Shuar, secre­ The first Dad’s Day la tary; and Juergen M att, trea­ a boot to years « 1 he ob­ surer. served Saturday. Admission to the show iaoaly FRANDOR 25 cents. About 50 fathers of Sperteo football players are expected to com e to the cam pus to w -t sponse to a letter o f krritafiae from Athletic Director B iggie Munn. They will be eoiertataed at at MUFFLERS — TAIL POPES — EXHAUST PIPES luncheon to the Student Union SPARTAN IRON'MAN—They cafl Mm J . B. hat U s real prior to the jgam e and wiD tot] ■aim Is Jim Bshhitt, the starttag left ta d le . H e to n e d POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES in a group at thei gam e with) to a ragged job this « essa i for D aagheriy’s charges 1 - COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES their son’s jersey number dto- played on them . aa a ffa n e while ip to flig effectively ob defease. £ H IL L E L F O U N D A T IO N They w ill be tatrodoced to the; crowd at halftim e. Friday November 17. 7:30 Sabbath S erv ices sitd O neg Shabbat p .m . Munn said h e hoped that foe event w ill eventually becom e an all-U niversity P a im t’s Day. Gal Tankers Make COMPUTE SPRING SERVICE AUTO GLASS Saturday, November 18, 10:00 a.m Splash With Wins Par Can. Tracks. TnWan Kxacrthr M U M Who* I n Watt Sabbath S ervices and Kiddtish Sunday, November 19, 6 :0 0 p.ni AUTO H ot M eat D inner Served TARTS 1 p>ii-mal Folk S in g in g , and D ancing Led By G u itarists Chuck E llis. Delta Sigma Pi. V L E ven ts A re A t~H lltei Ho« t had the -h ighest individual series in Fraternity Bowling 800 E. KALAM AZOO ST. PH O N E IV 4-1S35 ,;H F,D 2-1916 E veryone Wt during 1960-61. He bowled a 636 series. Emmons H all won the Dorm­ itory Intramural Basketball Championship in 196061. ★ ♦ ♦ Lambda Chi Alpha won the Fraternity Intramural Basket­ ball Championship to 1960-61. to to to Pisakdi Varaml&ra won the 196061 Intramural Badminton singles tournament. . « E ast Grand R iver . . . irnu 3055 E ast M ichigan — Ju st w est o f Frandor j Friday is the last day to ¡sign-up for the MSU Intra- - mural Foil Fencing. Rosters DISCOUNT PRICES may be turned into the Intra­ mural office before 5 p a s. ON I ALL IRICORDS SUE IP TO 202 06 *4 1 * STEREO B l i g h t f u t u r e s in d ir t * t r a n s m i s s i o n a t W . E NEW Michigan Slate Band LP 1 Regular $4.98 - NOW - $4.19 New engineers with initiative who can meet We «eoe! high-caliber, forward-tliinfeing en- Western Electric’s high standards are offered gincers now to lielp us transform theso ph"t NEW DaveBrubeck “ Time Further Out” many n o tin g corset opportunities with our into rralities or to work with us in apores c i company m data processing development work other key commumcations arsa*. Yoor fatare, Regular $3.98 • NOW * $2.98 as it relates to communications. thè future v i Western Electrio, « to thè fatare For example, Western’s engineers-working af America* communkations-oould « c B d a NOW RCA Victor Qaasical Selection % closely with BeOTelephoneLaboratorics-have pend on your first career connection. solved clodopsoent and manufacturing prob­ Regular $4.98 - NOW . $3.98 lems connected with the Bel) System s new DATA-PHONE Data act (made by Western NEW Westminiater Releases • Regular Electric). DATA-TOONE service lets business machines, such as computers, “speak“ to each $4.98 & $5.98 - NOW - $3.49 & $4.49 other to a language of numbers and symboisover masting t d t f t a t t communication networks. NEW Verdi Requiem (2 Records) $3.76 This represents a tramepdous.bomi to business; aito consequently, it is estimated that someday ALL- Chriatmaa LPs Discounted - $1*98 there may be more machine talc than people talk using telephone lines. & UP Of course, data iTWrnmii ations is only one GUARANTEED DIAMOND NEE3)L£S of many rewarding career areas that await yea at Wester* Electric. Hem are fast a few AO types $3.95_(B ring your old one) of the others: electronic switching . . . solid u /* * t* rn E lte trtc . artan RECORDING TAPE 1200 ft. $1.98 state electronic; devices . . . microwave radio relay .. computer-programmed production lines 1800 ft. $2.98, 60 0 ft. $ L 4 9 . solar d h . . . optical masera . . .futuristic telephones. Corner Ann & MAC disc shopt E u t 1tanning . OPEN EVSRIIfiS 7 R . 0 P H mI m W m m I— In In f «i V I ii»i IM Schedule A lla y , N w w k r R , M B (P ractice Field) 1:40 D.T.D. p l.-T .D . Chi. pL 7:30 (w ianar^ef Roza*—Dol­ lar SO)—(winner ef Evans Scholars) 8:10 (winner of L.C.A.—Ptu D elta Theta>—(winner ai Z.B.T.^-D.T.D.) 8:50 (winner of B ailey 3-Bur­ gess )— -è* . EAST LANSING As pretty ss .a jewel box with all the glitter and glean of your most precious gems . . . that’s the feeling the great artist, Silvestri, created for you in Knapp’s, East Lansing. A veritable Jewel Box so beautiful and lovely that, you’ll .want to lift the lid and look Inside. Let’s take a peek! Ah, yes, the mischievous antics of those colorful harlequins expressing thè joy and gaiety of the season. It's the time for happiness» the time for giving . * .. with a jewel box filled to the top with file tovetfset gems . . . the most wonderful gifts for every name on your list. Lift the lid higher , . . look» look deeper « . . you’ll "oh”, and you’ll “ah”! Every cornar, every tier (floor) of this elegant boat Is filled with gifts . . . a joy to behold. There’s so much in store for you in Knapp’s, East Lansing's most wonderful gift center with everything new for Christinas IM I. You’ll Uke this magie Wonderland with its friendly people .and their eagerness te be Helpful . . . serving you in the Knapp manner to make this your best Christmas ever. Come see the Christinas Jews! Bax . . We think you’ll like w befs inside! A C H R I S T M A S J E W E L B O X , D E D I C A T E D T O Y O U R S H O P P I N G P L E A S U R E ^ .K N A P P ’S, E A S T L A N S I N G Safety Sabbath WeekMd wiO is growing for this stale-wide fan « iatard ay aad Sunday. observance. TMs annual inter-faith safe­ ty program, developed b y a reali»*!! state-wide com m ittee of Catho­ lic, Protestant, and Jewish clergy, Ú " ' intended to focus at­ needHtocaHctoperatioh and an tention on th é moral responsi­ umtferataitting that eptntual bility of the individual driver. serenity and » brotherhood at* According to Jam es If. Hare, Chairman of th e Staffe Safety ^Commission, strong lay inpport T H IS EARTH IS •"a p a rsi Exchudve Showing IwTsfoj j j g Adult Entertainment NOVEMBER 17 8.30 P.M. CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER 3 First |o n Adctlt Pfctuie» -HÉR 1W0RLD USA T he A rab Club a n d the Indi-^ Fo r That GroapGift a n S tudent Assn. a re holding a jo in t m eeting in the UN L o tm g e ^ m td a y : a t 4 p.m . ~ See The Completely M usic, film s. a n d speeches a r e being sponsored by both L inda L otrid ge and K ennard W eaver organizations. ★ ★ ★ lew unabridged g a g Seniors of the Week M o re te sts f o r - t h e P e a c e C orns wiQ be held in th e Union bn ' >*» on N ov.^30 and Dec. t. ileiTiiiBi-WcbsterlEMi Ap \r ons a n d m o re in form a­ Lotridge and W eaver tion obtained in 335 S tu ­ den t $ -es o r by calling 355- m The P e ace C orps re cru itin g for love? Are Both Active in A U S G co m m ittee has em phasized th at people of all backgrounds and «ta le n ts a re needed. A ll-U piversity Student Gov­ ★ ★ ★ for fame? e rn m e n t c a p tu re s th e in te re st j R ep resen tativ es of C am pus or just of th e se Seniors of th e W eek. I C hest in conjunction w ith Senior 1 his is th e English language as it is spoken and for kicks? L inda L.^ L o tridge, Owosso, Council will sell sh a k e rs a t/th e w ritten today — a personal key to knowledge, enjoy­ is v ic e c h a irm a n of th e student N o rth w estern g am e S atu rd ay . m ent, and success for you and your family. T his new rig h ts co m m ittee in ' C ongress, P ro ce ed s of th e sale will go dictionary brings you 100,000 new wends or nçw an d K e n n ard R . .W eaver, Mt. to C am pus Chest. meanings never before included in the unabridged P le a s a n t, i s stu d en t govern­ M erriam -W ebster. E very definition is given in a ' m e n t tre a s u re r. single flashing phrase of precise meaning. 2(XMX)0 ¿ J& e l - M iss L otridge, a jo u rn alism m a jo r, h a s b een a ctiv e in other Fellowship Plans usage exam ples dem onstrate w ord m eaning for. full, clear understanding. O ver 4 5 0 .0 0 0 entries; magnifi­ a c tiv ities, p a rtic u la rly th e S tate New s. She s ta r te d a s a b e a t r e ­ Party, Reading ~ cent colo r illustrations. Here is the final language authority of our time. Only $47.50. Let us show p o rte r h e r fre sh m a n y e a r. The The A m erican B a p tist F e l­ y o ira copy of this rem arkable book today. n e x t y e a r sh e w as appointed low ship is sponsoring a football fe a tu re e d ito r, a n d la s t y e a r p a rty S aturday a t the B aptist w as new s ed ito r. S tudent -C e n te r following the Co m e B ro w se In The T h is y e a r she h as a colum n football g am e. o f h e r own. In it she h a s de­ scrib ed th e in tric a c ie s of “ peo­ ple -w a tc h in g ,” especially a t A dm issions is .20. Hot dogs an d cocoa will be served. T uesday evening A BF will Spartan Bookstore dinner tim e . On a n o th e r occa­ p re se n t a d ra m a read in g a t the sion she told of h e r h a b it of stu d en t c e n te r a t 7:30. C C orner Ann & MAC BV CW ÂflÊCS J WUNDT c la s s ify in g people into a n im al The cast "wHl be selected East Lansing gro u p s, such a s d o g s .'c a ts , a n d . from the fellowship group. ' T H E SIN' O F MONA K E N T ” Shown Once At 9:11 fishes. She also h a s com e out ag a in st th e reg im e n ta tio n and GLADME conform ity In 4 h e dorm itory. TODAY & SATURDAY As se c re ta ry of K ap p a Alpha AT 1:99 - $ - 5 * 7:18 • 9:39 M u, photo-journalism honorary, she h a s th e distinction of being th e only fem ale m em b er. The dorm h a s k ep t M iss L ot­ STARTS SUNDAY • rid g e busy too. She w as sports a s that c h a irm a n fo r tw o y e a rs, and is now on th e sta n d a rd s b oard. S U P ER B A R G A IN D A Y delighful darling, She w as public relatio n s H O LLY G O U G H TLY ALL D A Y PR E V U E • TWO FE A T U R E S m m ; Agriculture Club TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Chose Executive C om plete 2 F eatu re Show at' 9:00 p.m . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ip a p M U n til 5 :3 0 p.m . 60c E rn e s t H este r, G ard en City, N .Y ., senior, w as ele cte d p re si­ | H 1 ^ I S ^ I E ve & Sunday 90c den t of th e A g ric u ltu ra l M e­ K id d ie s ch an ics Club T uesday. A lfred D eB oer, L ansing ju n ­ . A rio tu s rom antic com edy h it! ior, w as chosen a s vice-presi­ YpU'LLRtD£ THE d e n t, R oger G odfrey, Jonesville H it N o. 1 Show n 3 :0 0 • 6 :5 0 -1 0 :5 0 junior, a s se c re ta ry a n d D avid ■CREST or THE Lietzke, D eW itt senior, tr e a s ­ WAVE ONTO THE u re r. •- ; - ‘ £ MOST BEAUTIFUL ANOREA BAYARD | PARADISE ELIZABETHHOWARD Fttrn e é 62 Plants Excel t ON EARTH/ ■ V ic to f I f o r ió o w • J o h n H e rb e rt é l f » 'o r jf t'c « j • ATLANTA WPL-Members of EASTMANDKM the men’s garden club in Atlan­ ta, 250 strong and the largest such club in the cmmtry, enter­ ed so many excellent specim ens G IR L IN ROOM 13” Shown Once At 10:32 in their annual- show that 62 prizes were awarded. TECHNICOLOR* PRE5LEÏ INT HEMO$T M an a« 4 itw g M M R K iw iM -iiam « M M H K n BE AUTIFU LM U SICAL MOVIEO FT H EY EA R/ FRI.» SAT., SUN, 2nd GREAT-CO LOR HIT! E X C L U SIV E FIR ST Show n T oday a t 1:16 - 5 :0 0 - 9 :6 0 ÊÀÎ&f i SHOW ING M O W . H A M F O S S im P H U ..A S IO V t O N C E H A D I w W H M i in/tnt. to eons aaoesr- HIT NO. (3) AT 1 9 :« fu.ua> A m rue WOVOffiS c r WA1KMI HOT RODS AND cmawtcw HOT TEMPERS CAMf i n in E * *t m a n C O L O R || — B »09.1— f t — II te n ta m i A CfTATlON H U H M il AM i t M N E X T ATTRACTION ☆ ADMISSION «T 75c • Shirley Mec Laine — Laurence Harvey S o n q s ^ C£ * S I N Q S j f l n l s Children under 12 FRÈSE * “T W 0 L O V E S” w ^ S H E 5 5 3 K 5 S rW O blimi r /S s E E J H b ig Th a n k s g iv in g Plus Jim Hutton aad PM la Preutisc JOAN BLACKMAN •ANGELA LANS8URY•HANCYWALTERS M08iMaìiÌM06 dO^-PMIAWSDIi»ÄSSSST1^_ SHOW STARTS NEXT (Staea ef “Where The B eyt Are” ) - THURS.- NOV. tJ rtt in “TH E HONEYM OON M ACHINE” F ea tu re T im e’Sunday : “ H AW AII ”1 :Í5 -5 :05 - 9 :0 0 - “ B R E A K F A S T ’ 3 - 9 : 6 0 -1 0 :4 0 mSÊÊSSSm sas g p p ip g s i fm H w s SS «sa** ¡ B E H m n M ' Novem ber I I I9 6 I É i É pi il S i É ^ M § « Com3 VM£!ALL m mm M m m m m m M B an d W ill Feature Ls*-3PÇfc Éí 'r >HfÉ|^ Ì|f ¿§Í -* eme Sat. r mm Bn Mm flw « Mítan clashes B V O IV t I M I C O B C i f l I w l f l M l l O o tte are game show are the v if ® i t Z J ß mmtefaftf from this Satur­ fir the preisntatlsw of the MSU fight s o n g , “Crasy day's State-Northwestern foot­ tettd's spedai arrangement ef Rhythm and “Go You Nortb- ■AY I SUMEST YW H3E OUPM ball Stem, the pre-game “MatepMMt.” N tA un* shows wU! fiwt an­ The percussion section wiQ westarn”. Following the gsdw, tte M sflta s «m u t a t e s t t a « “KtaptikT* Wemeu“ al OLASSmEDS FW TK KST REMITS? other contest in COB. swing. be ftewned in tit# The U èIverstty a te N o r t h - [«tew. They willR play UM I ti0 Northwostern Band will he guests at a reception given by nds will be trying to American te ta r lad march utt University tend. D o lis , v ils a n d Phone 355-8255 o r 3 S 5 4 2 5 6 outplay and out-maneuver ventate of I Could Have The two bands will practice H e a v e n ly P la y t h in g s 1 each otter with the 1 « Spar­ Danced All Night”. at Lateen Field bstweea > a.m. ^ Deadline: 1.00 Pailla tan Man «1 Brass, directed by Other number* included ta and noon Saturday. (Use a classified display ad for-— Leonard Falcone, dean of Big Ten tend dlncton, marching even greater readership) agatast the MS piece North­ western Band, tinder the direc­ tion eTJohn Paynter. for Wives The U niversity band's them e th is w eek is “ K ahteoacope.” The m aneuvers am designed Topic of Meeting A U TO M O TIV E A U TO M O TIV E PER SO N A L to evolve fat a kaleidoscope An open m eeting l o t all stu­ es (men to w ives exclusively; m eaner of cb an gbif patterns. 1954 Jaguar roadster. M ust teff! E lC O W ide-bond oscilloscope. J U D Y R O T H •*<*., W A I T J O H N dent w ives w ill be h eid Tues- whether w ives want college For their half-tim e perform ­ credit, the two-year certificate W W , radio, heater, new interior, 484- Highest bidder. "ED 7-7116 after 5 Brand new. Save $35. C a ll 337-OSC3. p liis c com« to tHe State Ncw f ance, the te n d w ill play “An­ day, Novem ber 28, at 7:30 p.m . 6 ? 5?, 37 p.m. ' S 37 31 office, Room 3 4 ? Student Services program or courses for interest Sfd$a for two free posses to the Crest other Opening-Another S tow ,” in the auditorium of K ellogg sak e: and also t t e type of sub­ i f ÌR h i R ig h t • 4 u ^ l I , , y , J as-ea.----- J s *- 1958 C H E V R O L E T le i A i»7 2-door, I960 SPRITE: Like new. soft and hard- T R A IL E R S Dftve*ln. w ~r~— ft “ Always True to You” and center. ject m atter preferred . t il McnH n0lyw9W MS M il well above average, V-8, automatic, s s a a â â s â s K S S E K S S B B a e s a B a E & B B equipped (radio, etc.) Red and white X* 'r t e F O R O L I N l . M obile H o m e ^ 3 0 j F Q R TH | FIN E ST in dance music “ Lullaby of Broadway.” At this m eeting tte student 75 ytvs fatti* « 11» Mm feet Excellent I f , ' Jack Braun, Bobby Stevens. Ron The new half-tim e format, w ife w ill have the opportunity finish. H o rijst. Extra sharp. Low mile­ age. ED 2-1917 after 5:30 p.m. or EM PLO YM EN T 63SS Park Lake Read. N A 7-2470 days, £ , h N A 7*2995 nights; ,UJ o jW Phcme created by W illiam M offit, as­ to express her view s on educa­ Patrolman’s Life ' t i film it fir tiw «Mb se r é n i Saturday. "" 37- I Bud-Mer Agency. IV 2-0624. sistan t ten d director, divides tion for women and to Indicate Y O U N G M E N , 21 or over, to repre­ 1955 C H E V R O L E T . 2 door, hardtop, sent G reat W e st Life in sales. IV 4- 1956 S T R E A M L IN E . 1x41. Clean, M O T H E R , I’m driving home for carpeted, living room, spacious bed- { Thanksgiving. M y car's insurad with join at the center of the field. the band into four Mocks which those areas in which she has Threatened In an interest te d which would fas V-8, 3-2’s, stick, noted and decked lowered, also floor shift adaptor and 1339 or IV 2-9778. B A B Y SIT T IN G . Mature woman to 37 room, bethrodm, kitchen. Small down Bubolz. ED 2-8671. O v e r Jacobson's. 39 These M od » revolve and split payment.. O n lot. 3 S S -3 II4 . 41 j stim ulating and practical to Rodriguez Death lee't tall lights for sale. 332-6845. J7 care ,for a I year old girl and light into patterns a id com binations her. to continue the kaleidoscope The departm ent of public 1954 C H E V R O L E T . Excellent condi­ housework. C all ED 2-6668, 'a fte r 5:30 R E A L E ST A T E Provost Paid M iller w ill open F O R RB4T them e. safety reported Thursday it had tion, radio, heater. 1923 Harding, Lan­ pun. — 39 the m eeting with a brief talk G R O S E 8 E C K A R E A . By owner. 3 - For the band’s final num ber, received several threat* on the sing, after 5:30 p.m. " 37 DENTAL H Y G E N IS T . M u st Have on the responsibility of the Uni­ bedroom colonial, fireplace, family the “ patterns in m otion” w ill life of patrolman Harold Kent. 1955 F O R D V-8. 2-door, clean, good Michigan license. Ingham C oun ty R E L IA B L E fam ily or grad student to room, recreation, room, low terms, versity to provide educational Kent s attem pt to resuce Ru- rubber. $350. ED 7-0120. 37 Health Department. IV 2-1281, 37 rent furnished 'E a st ' 8'Ookf;eld house W -7=3282=-, - - 37 opportunities for student w ives, lpho Rodriguez from the Red 1957 FO R D . 6 stick, good condition. $500. 355-2918. W O M A N program director. Full t me 'from Jan. I to Jun«. ED 2-2368. 40 work with 12-17 year olds. Including supervision of volunteer leadership. A P A R T M E N T S 39 EA ST L A N S I N G . , 1812 Melrose. 3 bedroom ranch, priced for immediate To .Sponsor A panei discussion w ill fol­ low M iller’i speech. P artici­ pants fas this panel w ill be: Dr. Cedar R iver Sunday night fail­ ed. T te 17-year-old Lansing- 1952 F O R D Coupe. Immaculate. 2 Established -private agency, Lansing. tone green, white wall tires, radio, 485-15209. heater, good mileage. 332-5205. 37 r-"- F E M A L E R O O M M A T E wanted for 17 winter term. Unapproved apartment Close to campus. C a ll Barb at 337. sale. $ 15 300. Low down payment, ED 2-2433. - ' L E A S E O P T IO N . East Lansing. M L 38 Faculty Tea Stanley J. Idzerda, director of the Honors College, moderator; area youth» who had been steal­ ing from curs parked behind the library, drowned w hileH ee- H | A L T H - E D U C A T IO N Program D i­ 911?, days or 332-6009. nights. 37 Spartan Hi-Wagon, sponsor­ Dr. Ruth H. U seem , research ing from Kent. _ , Vernon- St. H ouse now vacant. See this I960 O L D S 88 Holiday, pow er equip­ rector. Full time, pool, physical fitness, sharp 2 bedroom with attached gar* ed by S p a r t a n Women’* consultant, sociology a te an­ Kent said he warned the ped. $21 50. Excellent condition. ED 2- supervision alt ages. Lansing. 485-5209. U N F U R N IS H E D with garage, i Mock e. C lo se to schools. C a ll F. L. Ram- L eague, w ifi bold a tea for all thropology; Dr. E lisabeth M. •9«- jroutii, who jumped into the 8033 or 355-3515, M iss Burns, 38 37 from campus. Air-conditioned. I ro u p ’e M A N T O SELL the new Automatic 2782 after 7 p.m. or J or 2 female staff members. ED 2- be IV 9-1665 or ED 2-6595. W a h c r Natter Co. Realtors. " 37 new faculty member* on Nov. D rew s, associate professor, ed­ ucation; Dr. Loratae V. Shep­ river directly south of the elec­ THE KINO MEN IK E 40 30. from OrlO p.m „ In the Stu­ trical engineering building, not ..h u t s ê U o m m a rry ! Electrolux Cleaner. N o investment re­ dent S ervices Lounge. ard, professor, education; Mrs. to attem pt swim m ing the river. quired. Full or part time. A real oppor­ EA ST L A N S IN G , 4 room apartment. SERVICE Student representatives from Lou R itchie, adviser to Spartan Rodriguez continued to try to tunity for better than average earnings. Block to campus. Available soen. $82.50. For personal inlfjyicw apply: Electrolux C a n deep 4. H e a t and water furnished. TV and R A D I O sannca. S p a d a i lew canuiitt organisations and oth­ W ives. reach the south bank. BOLD! SENSITIVE! Participants .in this panel Corporation, 515 E. M ichigan Avenue, C all Mwsselmen Realty, E D 2-3563. Res. ratas to students. New and used TV er faculty m em bers w ill also Kent, who w as exhausted af­ Lansing, Michigan. 37 ED 2-5638. 38 sets end antennas. Free lube checking, attend t t e tea. have an understanding of the ter the ch ase and had attem pt­ Adult Gnemafare b a a parking 8 e.m. t o 9 p.m. daily, Spartan Hi-Wagon w as es­ problem s involved and a strong ed to rescus Rodriguez, said he UPPER. A va ila b le -D e c . I. 4 targe desire to do som ething to help FO R SA LE rooms end bath, 2 closets. Private, TV Technicians Co., 3022 E; M ic h iga n tablished to promote better stu- lost his bold on the youth near PLUS - AT 8:16 ONLY closed stairway. Utilities peid. Parking. IV 7-5558. -371 dent-faculty relationships. T te the student w ife. the sooth bank because his fin­ H E A D SK IIS, standards, 7 ft! 355- N o children. 355-8256. 38 C O N T E M P O R A R Y music for dancing 22 students on the Board of Re­ Dr. Clair L. Taylor, origina­ gers w ere numbed by the cold 8959, leave message. , 38 and entertainment. M usic b y the Bach­ presentatives v isit new faculty tor of the idea of education for ROOMS water. It's that "0 0 ” Rrf elors. ED 2-0447-or IV 2 3503. 40 m em bers and w elcom e them to Spartan w ives, said that the M E W $20 Plaid- perker, size 40. 20 W A N T E D . Girl to share large bed­ "M easures are being taken to M U S T G O S P E C IA L S ~ H percent off. All wool, acrylic lining. room. A ll home privileges. ED 2-597?. B A B Y S IT T IN G . Registered and li­ the cam pus. main purpose of the m eeting prevent the threats against fa) a new triumph! 1961 IM P A L A convertible red, white 355-8844 after 6 pjn.. 39 39 censed. Excellent facilities and environ­ Babysitters for the tea w ill Novem ber 28, is to arouse a Kent from being carried out, a top. Fully equipped. 7800 mile, beauty ment. References available. ED 2-1129. be provided by Angel F ligh t, needed interest. — departm ent spokesman said. 1961 IM P A L A hardtop. Sparkling r b 38 national Arnold Air Society U tt Taylor, Director of Evening A coroner’s inquest w ill be ony, fully equipped. 9000 mile gem. LAYAW AY LO S T end F O U N D auxiliary. College, who feels the dem ands C A R O N 1961 G A L A X IE Starllner. Immaculate. I T Y P IN G . General, term papers, and held Friday at 9:30 a.m . in the Anyone desiring further in­ m ust com e through tt e w ives Ivory, finish, red interior. Automatic, j NOW FO R LO ST. Raleigh G a n d Prix Racing theses. TU 2-1*64. 40 form ation should call Sylvia Education building to publicly T » DOCTORS DRlMM power steering, etc. bieyela. ten speed, grey, drop handle­ and not the U niversity, wants review the circum stances ~of uiarmoooLOR • ------------ B A B Y S IT T IN G in my University Vil­ Coon a t ED 2-6547. 1961 6 A L A X U L 4-door h a rd to p Vic- i bars, fact straps. Stolen from Emmons lage .apartm ent License applied for. to find out why w ives aren’t this case. toria.. Brilliant d iam o n d blue. Electric I CH R ISTM A S Sunday. Reward, $20. 355-2572. 42 taking advantage of the educa­ ED 2-4416. 37 Convention Elects seats! windows, e tc . j tional opportunities, he said. 1987-1919 LO ST. G o ld diam ond shaped pin T Y P IN G , Experienced theses typist -Cljpose from s p o rt convertibles hard- WILLIAM H. THOMPSON •with letters G C on front. Reward. ED-7- with varied scientific background. Pre­ The m eeting w ill be geared T O N IG H T! tops,« sed an s and pick o ut your power optical in V-8's or sturdy 6's. 9706, April. LOST. Green cordotoy jacket nr 6048. 37 cision work at reasonable rates. E D 2- " 37 Board Member - to such topics as: a general discussion on opinions; the type C om m unity C ircle P layers 1987 BEL A IR 4-door HT. 2 to n e blue JEWELER of program interested in, cla ss­ I9S7/BEL A IR 4-door HT, c o p p e r Brody dining hell, W e d nesday noon. T Y R IN G , m anuscript papers. Dr. Clair Taylor, Dean of - p resen ts Reward. 3 55-i 327. 41 E vening College, haa_ been I95B D E L R A Y 2-door, royal blue etc. C a ll ED 2*0570. - 39 by A nton C hekhov FRANDOR, MALL COURT I9S8 BEL A IR 4-door, silver, blue, and ivory LOST. Brown wallet. Ncar_Fairchild, Friday evening. - Desperately need ID. T Y P IN G on electric typewriter English major. E D 2*887?. by tf elected to the board of direc­ tors of th e Association of Even­ ” W ill Glow UNCLE VANYA” I 9 M IM P A L A convertible so lid , ivory ing C olleges. 1951. F A IR L A N E w hite, black to p 500 convertible, LADIES’ W h ite g o ld d ia m o n d soli­ taire ring. Three fourths carat. $80. Call etc. Reward. 355-9063. LO ST. Elgin Ladies, black band in 39 . T Y P IN G D O N E including term p a ­ The election was held a t a On Saturday Night NOVEMBER 17 AND 18 Circle Playhouse l9 S 9 _ IIS C A y N E 2-door, gleam ing black IV 5-7539, a fte r six. - 37 women’s Intramural Building. If found pers end theses. 482-68137 42 recent convention of the Curtate 8 :M Y .m. 1129 Sherldaa Street A L W A Y S A G O O D SELECTION IN call 355-6302._____________ 39 sociatioo in Cleveland, The Union Board is sponsor­ Phone IV 5-664# 5k CARAT em erald cut diam ond with L O W C O S T copies of d e ss notes, ing a dance. "Moonglow” Satur­ Located 2 blocks north L O W C O S T T R A N S P O R T A T IO N AT b a q c tte s , white gold setting, size 5%. rbugK drafts a n d printed material. Some 180 universities are m em ­ General Admisión • $2.90 and 2 Mocks en d of Penn, .S P A R T A N M O T O R S bers of the association. This day from 9 p.m . to m idnight in 1954 P A C K A R D - “C tip p er'' 4-door se­ C all 355-3064. 37 P ER SO N A L W on ch G raphic Service. 1720 E. M ic h i­ the U nite Ballroom. Studiate wtth I.D . - $1.80 ate Saginaw Street S3SSS533BSSSX BB 3CC 3S3 gan, Lansing. "Phone 484*7786. -tf y ear's convention centered d a n . Completely e q u ip p e d with auto­ „ E L E C T R IC T R A IN S end accessories. matic. power an ten n a, pow er brakes, G IV E P H O T O S for Christmas. C h il­ T Y P IN G j n Sp a d an Village apart­ •round the problem s o f coun­ The m usic is recorded and Complete set C hild Craft, pair skiis. dren's portraits In your home. Reason­ adm ission is 75 cents _ per e tc . Excellent condition a n d com pletely ment.. Electric typewriter. C a ll 355- seling and. guidance for even­ w interized. A l o t of car for $198. ED 2-3250. .____ 37 able pices. ED -7.1204. Evenings and 3012. tf ing colleges. couple. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-M7 T H IS C H R IS T M A S - invest in your weekends. 37 TYPIST A N N B R O W N . E D 2-8384. SPARTAN MOTORS children’s education. G ive Childcraft, E V E N " A D O L P H H IT L E R " is gom g W orld Book, and Cyclo-Teachet; For to the Free A ll-G r e e k Twist, Sigm a Electric typewriter. Term papers and Program taf«nM ttaurV24M K 340» E . M ichigan " E D 2-8604 "Assured Motoring Satisfaction demonstration, call IV 2-9245 after S A lp ha Epsilon house, Friday. Novem ber theses, also general-typing. p.m. 40 17, 1*12 p.m. 37 ST U D E N T D IS C O U N T , self washr tf starts T O D A Y ■ M il ’ I I E . * with "S e a l of A pproval" C a is." CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS $ .75 Lube job, -1.00. Student parking, $ 1.50. Free quart o f oil with every pit SUPER VBB«te!DEBE!IDB9DBBDBRDi AN INNOCENT GIRL?. . . E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E £0. 2- 781 4 change. Com plete tuneup. O p e n 24 hours. D o ve 's Pure O iL 1010 E. G rand B A R G A IN A LONELY PLACE. . . HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS River. - tf A MOMENT OF LU ST... EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING PENNY N IG H T TO N IG H T EXPERT T H E S E S and general typing. DAY A STORY OF SHOCK AND FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS Me ORDER YO U R Electric typewriter. Eighteen years ex­ TWO FEATURES VIOLENCE USE THE perience. O n e block from Brody. ED 2- 5S45. - ft tf AM S t lJ S iV p n r v ir p r SCREEN HAS NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! ENTIRE NEW SHOW TONIGHT Girls, AVO ID LATE MINUTES. C H R IS T M A S CARDS P E R S O N A L D A T A forni», theses and general typing. O ffset printing, plastic binding and typesetting. W o n ch Grafie Service, 1720 East Michigan, Lansmg. For sixty cents you can buy two Phone 484*7786. ~ tf T Y P IN G I N M Y H O M E . By woman with 10 years secretarial experience, o'clock par's. Local movías and TU 2-673«. tf T Y P IN G , terra papers, theses, gen. •fwounclng...r\ — SHOWN AT restaurants are staying open * The eral. Fast accurate service. Pick-up and delivery. IV 9*7983.________________ -43 7:11 D is t in g u is h e d AND TR AN SPO R TATIO N c . E ! 9:21 eP- late,* and thara will be a dance v e n t Card Shop R ID E W A N H D , H * R to fc. Lansing and retam. M o n d a y s and Thursdays. in Brody Heil from 9:00 to 1:00 ED 7 - II6 & >7 W A N T f O . Rid« to C h u j s . F»«d«v Across From or Ssturdty. Novem ber 17 Or IS , C i V e.m. Dence to die music of the Joyce, 35S-4S52. ~ 37 W A N T E D . 3 » «»seof ers. Hertford, Home Economics Bldg. S p r m f M d oreo. Leevin j M o n d a y after- "Spertones". Proceeds wiB go to C a ll Tsai. Room 45. E D 2-2573 ID 3*4711 ^ 37 Campus Chest. Tickets ere on W AN TED PH D C^oÍDATÍE d«»^ ^n"íhed sale in the girls dorms. The Union Kmm Dec. IS w Jm . 1 to JoaxrtS* No- far Red Ceder eme. Heve 2 fMs I hoy. w so v m s |R m n n 9 - , Ovar SS'AHtuma eterna«tary afe. Excellent ear« »meted. References fumeSed if desired. 355- 6134 after 4 p-m. ]7 cum » P JL M lifim lm ln lll To Choose From “Pity” at i> n ,7:«s* enee ■ Ticket O ffic e end in Room 3 IB, TWO JUNIORS desire neat, ap- later. Bat. 1, $:•$, 1:11, 7:19 " ■ ¡¡« ■ à proecd, supervised apartment. Cookinf facilities. Winter end sprwtj terms. Cent 1:3# p.K. _ Student Services Building. f*«»!»tt«*. Winter end tpnne lermt. Cent ' “Devfl” at !<«•„ «:«, i - tjÉ ¡V K S K k no ebfect Contact Jetf. IO 24S52. 38 NEED A HAIRCUT? Tam’s Barber RIEASc TRADE «ne «venin«. "M*. M l» * « . ... ’ 'I . Sbop. >002 Vine St, West df Saw* m 4o T ticket far my tom matinee. 355- .. ■M llil t ÜÍÉ¡Ü «tftMP Í— ||tgJ—| y WWW jpp» W m I T M W H Ä » « t TÊ m m Q SK F ' ’ÉÉt ' 16AfllAtMflMBH M m m » fca* Fraudar. W 8 1688. 42 WI6l ■ JCF y¡ M i l l i ü i IM k m M tk Kim berly Downs East Lansing Eastminster University Church o f Christ Trinity Church Presbyterian Methodist Church Church . ISIS AS haft Rd. £ ••( U » l» | « ta lè tf r Rav. R a barf la W avrelnnd Ml WllkrMat Drive, K.I.. MMl| rhoar I KD 7-»1*S SI SIDAV PROGRAM ItM a . Ma. C h a rrh V k w tl. w tfk N i m r r . a a d A dult a t a d |, a fa d ra ta laaladad. M iM a.m. Wnmfclo, w i l l m a n n a ­ ia * C k arrii Sahoal fa r K ln d rr * a r- tia aad r w w r r . — ÜirrmoB ' "THIS FA T H E R I S O H IS SONISI” STU BUNTS WBLCOME Call KD I-M M (o r « raaap o rfailaa Peoples Church A ll Saints East Lansing S t Johns Student East Lansing Episcopal Unity Center Parish _ Church la tr r d r a a m la a tla a a l F r . R. K n a n a f k M t W . G ran d H lv a a -a t M lrh taaa P r. T . MoDovtM m R.A.C. D r. W allarv R ab v rfaaa. P aafo r ST. J O H S 'I SUNDAY „■ _ a i t s P.M. FORUM Sunday Dr. P . M arina Slmma , B»v. R oy